··�of·Jfnt·PUBLISHBD BY THEALUMNI COUNCIL}Vol. IX No� 6 11,. April; 19PEditor, JAMES vV. LINN, '97. Business Manager, JOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, LAW�ENCE J. MACGREGOR: 'H�.The Magazine is published monthly from Novembe( to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of; Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. U The subscription price is $1.50 per. year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. � Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all, .orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslimds� Guam, Samoan: Islands; Shanghai., tJ Postage is charged extra' as:: follows: lor Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 2,7 cents on annual subscriptions, (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents) �� R�mittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should: be i� Chicago or NevJ Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local ch eck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made withjn, the month following .the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing' numbers 'free only when' they have 'been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at. Chicago, Illinois, under the Act ofMarch 3, 1879.VOL. IX.' CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1917 No.6FRONTISPIECE: Professor Richard Green Moulton.EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONS '0' •••••••••• '. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 229MILITARY TRAINING AT CHICAGO, by i Major O. W. ,'Bell 233SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE (Part I), by Herbert W. Foreman, '02 236THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 241THE DISILLUSIONMENTS OF COLLEGE LIFE, by Carl H. Grabo, '03 '. . . . . . . . . . . .. 247ON T�E. QUADRANGLES, by F. R. Kuh, '17 ',l •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_ •• 252THE UNIVERSITY RECORD .... 255ALUMNI AFFAIRS ..... .-................................................................. 256Class Organization Committee Meeting; The Tokyo Dinner; The Kansas City Dinner;Chicago Alumnae Club.ATHLETICS 257ALUMNI PERSONALS 260The Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoSecretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.Chairmen, SCOTT BROWN,THE CoUNCIL for 1916-17 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MRS. MARTHA L. THOMPSON, MRS. GEO. B. MCKmBINJOHN FRYER MOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, ALICE GREENACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFr, Run;MATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR, GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTT BROWN, LAw ..RENCE WHITING, JOHN P. MENTZER, Wn.LIAM H. LYMAN.Prom the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, SAMUEL MACCUNTOCK, HENRY C.CoWLES, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT.From the Divinity Alumni Association, W ALT:t:R RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GooDSPEED, WARREN. P. BEHAN.From the Law School Alumni Association, MARCUS HIRSCHL, EDWARD FELSENTHAL, MARYBRONAUGH.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HOWELL MURRAY, ARTHUR GoES, D. W. FERGUSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, ETHEL PRESTON, KATE B. MILLER.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:rHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPf'esident, SCOTT BROWN, 208 S. La Salle St.Secretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, SAMUEL MACCUNTOCK, 2550 S. Michigan Ave.Secretary, HERBERT E. -SLAUGHT, University of Chicago.DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, WALTER P. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, WM. P. MACCRACKEN, 959 The Rookery Building.S e crt tary , R. E. SCHREIBER, 1620 Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for. Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­ing SUbscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.About OurselvesIn addifjol1 to 'th� : custb'thary '14rg� . num­ber of r�pe'wals, prompt and, otherwise';. wehave thismonth .incurred the following newmembers .. We welcome them to the largecircle of particular people who already readthis magazine: L. E. Bauman, 85 Java St,Brooklyn, N. Y., '11; Phil C. Baird, FirstPresbyterian Church, Oklahoma City, Okla.,'98; Orville H. Brown, Phoenix Arizona, '05;Mildred Faville; 210 Noble St., La Porte,Ind., '05; Isadore Glenner, 1418 W. 13th St.,Chicago, '17; Irma O. Schultz, 3248 Frank­lin Blvd., Chicago, '17; Florence O. Austin,6213 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, .'17; AcenithV. Stafford, 532 N. Washington St., Janes­ville, Wis., '17; Harriet M. Messelheiser, 734Oakdale Ave., Chicago, '17; Alexander F.North, 329 35th St., Milwaukee, Wis., '17;James K. Senior, Rockefeller Inst., 66th St.and Ave. A., N. Y. C; '17; Ada H. Arlitt,5633 Kenwood Ave., Chicago, '17; CharlesF. Allen, 2210 Summit Ave., Little Rock,Ark., '17; Edward Jennings, Corvallis, Ore.,'12; Clarence W. Rainey, 128 S. Union Ave.,Pueblo, Colo., '17; S. A. Sobul, 1353 E. 9thSt., Cleveland, Ohio, '15; Samuel Seligman,2739 Augusta St., Chicago, '17; Mrs. VivienM. Willard, 1535 E. 60th St., Chicago, '17;Oscar J. Elsesser, 5 Elk St., Freeport, 111.,'14; John P. McGalloway, Ruh Bldg., Fonddu Lac, Wis., '15; G. E. Bailey, 9728 S.Figueroa St., Los Angeles, Cal, '74; OttoFolin, 133 Buckrninster Rd., Brookline, �".'Mass., >"'98; : Gertrude O'Meara, 211 S. Lakes-, Aurora, 111., '15; Robert H. Stanton,5555 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, '17; MyraReynolds, Univ. of Chicago, '95; S. Kusama,2330 Calumet Ave., Chicago, '16; Anne :H.Raynor, Presbyterian College, Due West,S. C; '17; Eleanor Hawkins, Chicago His­torical Society, Chicago, '17; Alan' C. W.Menzies, Princeton U niver sity, Princeton,N. J., '10; Bernice Allen, Sch. of Ed., Univ.of Chicago, '09; Mrs. Paul N. Leech, 5718Kenwood Ave., Chicago, '15."The Magazine is fine. It's the only oneI take that I read as soon as it arrives" andI want you to believe that I appreciate yourefforts. (Salt Lake City.) ."I am enjoying the Magazine very muchthis year. (Arkansas.)"The magazine is a splendid success andI want it."-(Tangchow, China.)The First National Bank, whose adver­tisement appears in this issue, has as oneof its vice-presidents John F. Hagey, '98.Mr. Hagey is in charge of Division F�Herbert L. Markham, of the class of '05,is general manager of the Federal SignSystem (Electric). Under his direction thecompany has signed up a lot of businessduring the past few years.We have one copy of the Historyof the University of Chicago forevery seventeen subscribers tothe Magazine. When those fewcopies have been sold, the Historycan be obtained only at the reg-ular price, $3.00. ' /////I. One copy of the History of The University of Chfcago, . /-$3.00 One year's subscription to the Alumni Magazine. One /. membership in any Association (Law Association SOc oi \extra.) Present members and subscribers may have / 0·' � '\expiration date carried forward one year. / \,,�60 �fjb ,,�, �U. Present subscribers whose orders have een / . ,,�\ ��$1.50 entered since November 1, 1916, may have/ o'\}��i °tJ�iiltJ.,one copy of the History for $1.50. / \ () tJi'\�� \'\._j\,<" \�. tJfI' tJi -". iiliiI"/ '!\.'\}"9�-r- �o":1 o� �tJ' �itJ/ � ��, \Oi +� ��One for everyseventeen-.:.'Professor Richard Green MoultonThe University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME IX NUMBER 6APRIL, 1917March 16, 1917.To the Editor:In the March magazine you suggest that the Quarter-Centennial Cele­bra tion has thrown its long shadow over the 1917 reunion. If the shadow islong, it is evidently not very wide, for from what I have heard and seen theJune, 1917, reunion promises to be quite as effective as any of the reunionsof preceding years.Your statement that there is and can be no such bond as marks classesof colleges of the ordinary type is also open to criticism, in my opinion,particularly in regard to your doubts as to possible organization in the future.It is not to be expected that the first three or four classes of the Universitywould be as well organized as those of 1914-1916, for example. Yourexperience with class secretaries does not prove the weakness of class organ ...izations-it is merely an experience common to anyone who tries to getinformation of any sort by correspondence ..In the past week I have seen a letter from a man who spent only twoyears with his class here at the University, in which was enclosed a checkfor the class fund. I have also seen a letter from a Chicago graduate whotook practically all of her work in summer quarters. She said she would bewilling and glad to come back to any class reunions.Permanent standardized organization of any sort can be effected onlyafter a considerable length of time, and rather than admit that last year'scelebration is reacting unfavorably on this year's reunion, it would seem thatit established more firmly than ever a self-consciousness among our alumni,and that alumni work of every sort is more advanced and advancing fasterthan ever before.e--Alumnus.Events and DiscussionAccording to newspaper reportsHarvard has already determined toclose if war is declared, an issue whichwill probably beThe University - settled b y theand Preparedness, time this issue ofthe Magazine ap-'pears. Yale and Princeton have de­cided in the event of war to cancelall intercollegiate athletics. Othersmaller eastern colleges have reacheda high temperature in the war fever.The interest at Chicago, on the sur­face, seems to. be largely confined tothe faculty. 'Major Bell's article inthis issue shows considerable response from the students to the invitation to .military training, 350 men having reg­istered for the course. I t should notbe forgotten, however, that this train­ing gives both credit for physical cul­ture, and credit toward a degree, thelatter apparently with no very greatamount of labor; and as, in spite ofthese facts, less than fifteen per centof the male students have taken it up,no very. valiant impulse to leap to' thestandard seems to be- exhibited. Ifwar is actually declared, the situationwill, of course, alter. The faculty, onthe other hand, has. been active. Theactual drill squad, it is true, is very230 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsmall, twenty-two being the largestnumber present '-on any one day. Butat two' meetings, one held March 15and one March 21, great enthusiasmwas shown. At the first meeting,attended. by one hundred and twenty­five, a resolution approving of univer­sal military service was passed, re­considered, and then voted down by aheavy majority. A resolution to or­ganize the resources of the universityfor the aid of the government waspassed unanimously, and a committeeappointed, with Professor Stieglitz aschairman to undertake such organiza­tion. The possibility of training ad­vanced students in the chemistry of.explosives, others in special bacteri­ology for hospital service, and othersin map-making and survey work wasemphasized; it was pointed out, forexample, that in England alone thereare now 22,000 men engaged in in­structing workmen in munition fac­tories. A report of the preliminarywork of this committee will appear inthe next issue; as will also the outlineof a very interesting new course forthose students who wish to becomemembers. of the Reserve Officers Train­ing Course. At the second meeting,on March 21, a memorial resolution toPresident Wilson was adopted as fol-lc-ws: '"We express our conviction that, inthe present state of the world, the se­curity and defense of the countrywould be best assured by an adequatesystem of universal military training,combined with universal preparationfor citizenship and for military, indus­trial or scientific service in case ofwar."We also express our convictionthat the United States of America canbest further the cause of world-peace,international justice and- fre� develop­ment of peoples, if it speaks as a_ coun­try in a state of complete preparednessfor defense.'" ,The memorial was signed by Presi- dent 'judson, Dean Angell, and 153other members of the faculties and of­ficers of administration, including fourwomen. The comparatively smallnumber of signers is thought to havebeen due to the short time given forcirculation of the resolution. It is true,however, that a number of prominentmembers of the faculty declined to signit.Meanwhile, how far are the alumniinterested? The Yale Alumni Weeklyof March 16, practically a "war num­ber," contains onthe cover the reso ..lutions passed onMarch 9 by ameeting of the N ew York Yale alum­ni, which begin, "Whereas, the Ger­man Emperor and his subjects havecommitted and are daily committing,acts of war against the United States,"a,nd go on fiercely to "recognize and as­sert that the present war is one forcedupon France, England, and their allies,and waged by them for the vindica­tion and support of civilization, free­dom, and law against the attacks ofdespotic militarism," and call "forth­with for compulsory universal militaryservice," etc. The Magazine has notreceived one letter on this subject, norhas it heard any demand for action onthe part of the alumni, though it haskept its ear to the ground. What adifference a thousand miles of distaricefrom the sea-coast seems to - make inthe attitude toward "civilization, free­dom and law"!Alumni andPreparednessA circular letter will have alreadyreached many of the alumni, signedby the editor, asking for contributionstoward an ambu­For the Ambulance lance designed forService the' French ser-vice. Sixteen hun­dred dollars is needed, $1010 hasalready been subscribed by facultyand 'students, and the total of such· EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 231subscriptions will 'reach $1100.' That in the university on Wednesday, Marchleaves a minimum of $500 to be raised Zth, and the following days. This. in­by the alumni. Subscriptions from $5 spection revealed one .case of scarletup will 'be welcomed, but it is hoped fever which had existed two weeks.there will be many of $25, each and We hope the vacation will make amore. As was pointed out last . month, break in the progress of the disease,"other colleges are doing much mo�e. In 'addition to the scarlet fever aLeland- Stanford, 'for instance, in the few cases of German measles havefar west, has raised $3,200 for two been - reported. , They landed shiningsuch ambulances and maintenance for ' marks, prostrating at the time. of thea year, Checks may be sent either to Conference' Championships, Capt.the editor, or to Paul Harper, treas- Franklyn Meine of the swimmingurer, Faculty Exchange, the University, team and Glenn Tenney, '19, the bestof Chicago. '. miler in the university, �s well as Capt.Lindauer and C. Clark, '19, of the ten­nis team.From the middle of December tothe beginning of the spring vacationtwenty-four cases of scarlet fever de- The fact that President Judson andveloped in the uni- Trustee Julius Rosenwald are trustees,versity, all except and George E. yin cent is president oftwo among the the Rockefellermen, 'and all mild ,The Rockefeller ,Foundation, asexcept three, which were moderately Foundation. well as the fur-severe. The Phi Gamma Delta house ther fact of Mr.has been' quarantined twice, the Delta Rockefeller's connection with the uni­Tau Delta house -twice, the Alpha Del- versity, make the annual statement ofta Phi house twice, and the Delta Up- the Foundation of particuJ��/._jnterestsiIon and Sigma, Chi houses once to us at Chicago. .' ".( .each. There were .. the usual rumors The appropriations made during the.among the undergraduates that the' fiscal year' ending December 31, -1916,university was to be closed; it may be amount to $8,249,088.96. . The largeststated 'authoritatively that no. such appropriations of the year were foridea existed, among the authorities at war relief, amounting to $2,590,000.any time. The various quarantines es- The total amount- appropriated for wartablished,: only two students are known relief since the beginning of the warto have broken. Of the succession of is $4,181,952.64.. To the Internationalcases Dr. Dudley Reed, -health officer � Health Board, a subsidiary organiza­of the university, writes as follows: tion, the Foundation during the year"In only .two 'have we been "able to approp-riated $611;557.16. The' worktrace a connection with one ,of our. of this, Board consists chiefly in demon­former' cases ,;. the . others. : have been stration, in co-operation with -the gov­scattered and without apparent rela-· ernmental health authoritiesIn south­tion, which leaves it-probable that we. ern states, in several Latin-Americanhave .had ,a .number of mild unrecog- countries" and .in manyof the' Britishnized cases .going' about the university colonies: of methods for the relief. andand: exposing consi<;lerable. numbers. control of hookworm .Q.isease. ' TheOur Health Committee has cbeen in Board has also made a survey of theconstant touch, with the City Health principal endemic fad of yellow .feverDepartment and all precautions which with a view to measures for the com­they could suggest, have .: been taken, plete 'eradication of \ the disease. Ex­including an · inspection of all the men periments -in economical methods' forScarletFever,232, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe control of malaria are also beingcarried on. The China Medical Board,another subsidiary, has received fromthe Foundation during the year $1,068,-147.17. This Board is devoted to thepromotion of medical education inChina. It has assisted some of thebest of medical schools established un­der American auspices in China - andis formulating plans for the buildingup of medical schools of the first rankin Shanghai and Peking in co-opera­tion with various boards. Among thelargest of the single contributions ofthe Foundation to e outside agencieswas the gift of $1,000,000 to the NewYork Palisades Interstate Park Com­mission,The summary of appropriationsmade is as follows:To unaffiliated organizations ...•.•...•. $1,836,803.72To affiliated organizations :InternationalHealth Board •..•...•. $ 611,557.16China Medical Board .••• 1,068,147.17War Relief .•••.. '. • . . . .. 2,590,000.00Industrial Relations..... 20,000.00Scientific Studies of Gov-ernmental Problems... 24,000.00Grand Chenier Tract-Taxes and Expenses.. 2,526.68Administration Rockefel-ler Foundation........ 96,054.23Set aside for Mr. Johri D.Rockefeller's de-signations $4,412,285.242,000,000.00$8,249,088.96Richard Green Moulton, Professorand Head of the department of generalliterature, was the orator at the 102dConvocation, heldon Mar c h 20th.His subject was"The Stu d y ofLiterature and the Integration ofKnowledge." Professor Moulton has, been twenty-five years in the service ofthe university. He came to America in1890, to give lectures on the English"University Movement," with which hehad ben closely connected. He 'says:"So . little thought had I of anythingfurther than this that in the first, fewweeks of my visit I declined to. enter-The ConvocationOrator tain some attractive overtures fromAmerican universities on the expressground that I could not leave my workin England. But about Christmas timeI encountered President Harper inWashington, and had a .long conversa­tion with him about the new Univer­sity of Chicago. I found him the mostopen minded man I had ever met. Hewas already enthusiastic on the sub­ject of university extension; but morethan this, he showed a most sympa­thetic insight into what I consideredthe new ideas on the educational treat­ment of literature, ideas to which mostacademic bodies seemed hostile. Theoutcome of+this conversation was thatI undertook a year's work in the riewuniversity. I .was to give extensioncourses; but also in the regular courses,of the university to develop the newtreatment of literature-all that I havesubsequently formulated under thename of "World' Literature." Thesingle year of connection with the Uni­versity of Chicago has extended totwenty-five years. And I am bound tosay that all that was held out to mein the way of opportunity has beenamply fulfilled, and indeed brought toa climax by the establishment of theDepartment of General' Literature."The frontispiece presents the mostrecent photograph of Professor Moul­ton. The official register of. the uni­versity presents' his career as follows:A. B., London University 1869; Cam­bridge, A. B. 1874, A. -M. 1877; Cam­bridge University Extension Lecturer,1874-1890; Ph. D., Pennsylvania, 1891;Lecturer to the London Society for theExtension of' University Teaching,1891-1892; Professor of, Literature (inEnglish), University of Chicago, 1892-1901 ; Professor of Literary Theory andInterpretation and Head of the De":partment of General Literature, 1901-1917.. MILITARY TRAINING AT CHICAGOThe 102nd Convocation of the Uni­versity was held in Mandel on March20�h. Seventy-four received the titleof Associate, seventyThe l02nd the Bachelor's degree,Convocation ten the Master's de-gree, ten were gradu­ated from the Law School, and four-were given the Doctor's degree, a· totalof 168, representing 27 states and sixforeign countries. Ninety-eight werefrom Illinois; including 84 from Chi­cago. The Doctor's degree was con­ferred upon Ada Hart Arlitt, in Psy-chology and Neurology; on EstherCrane in Philosophy and Education;on James Kuhn. Senior ,in Chemistryand, Physics, and on Ralph .KemptonStrong in the same departments.Those receiving the J. D. were DonaldDelany, '15; Joseph Hirsch, '15; TageJ oranson, paul Moser, '10 (cum laude) ;Sidney Pedott, '15 (cum laude), andThomas F. Ryan, '15 (cum laude).Among the well-known undergradu­ates to receive the Bachelor's degreewere Ernest Coavin, J r., H� B. Dis- 233mond, Ezra Dyer, and C. B. Pavlicek,Jr. The following students were an ...nounced as elected to Sigma Chi onnomination by the Departments of Sci­ence for evidence of ability in researchwork in Science: Harry RaymondBasinger, Albert Willjam " Bellomy,Charles Aaron Cary, Ralph WorksChaney, Emory Hill, Edwin' PowellHubble, George Everett Marsh, Sieg­fried Maurer, Harold Tupper Mead,William Raymond Meeker, Leonard. Marion Peairs, Levi Stephen Shively,Thomas McNider Simpson, Jr., ChiChe Wang, Clyde Franklin Watts,Benjamin Harrison Willier.The following were 'announcedelected to Phi Beta Kappa, on nomi­nation by the University for especialdistinction in general scholarship inthe. University: .Donald PritchettBean, Catherine Dormer Chamberlain,Samuel Chutkow, Robert Henry Dun­lap, Louise Bulger Jordan, Helen LoisKoch, Abba 'Lipman, Eleanor j anePellet, Cecil Lewis .Rew; Lydia JaneRoberts.Military Training at Chicago[The following article was prepared for the Mag� He joined the regiment at Fort Clark, Texas, insine, at the editor's request, by Major O. W. Bell, in August, 1912, and in September went to -Fort Riley,charge. Major Bell was graduated from West Point, Kan., as a student of the Mounted Service School.June, 1896, and assigned as 2d Lieut., 3d Cavalry, Graduating in June, 1913, he .returned to' Fort -Clark,at Jefferson Barracks., Mo. He 'served with Bd Texas, serving as Regimental Quartermaster at thatCavalry during Spanish-American war and in 1899 station and Del Rio, Texas, as Quartermaster andaccompanied the regiment to Philippines. He served Adjutant of patrol district. IIi August, 1914, he wasin the Philippines three years during insurrection, detailed to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., as student offirst with Gen. Young's Provisional Brigade during Army School of the Line. Graduating in June, 1915,the campaign in Northern. Luzon and later at various he joined the 14th. Cavalry at Laredo, Texas. Hestations in west coast of Northern Luzon. He served served on border" patrol work in command of variousalso as Captain of the Port, Inspector of Customs camps until October, 1916, when he was detailed asand later as Distributing Quartermaster of Port of Professor of Military Science and Tactics at StateSan Fernando de la Union. " College, Pennsylvania. In February, 1917, he wasHe returned to U. S.' as 1st Lieut., Bd Cavalry, in transferred from Pennsylvania State to the UniversityAugust, 1902. and was_ promoted to Captain, 7th of Chicago.] .Cavalry, at Chickamauga Park, Ga.' He commanded Some time, agq, ' based -up on the re-Troop C, until July, 1904, when he was appointedRegimental Quartermaster. que t f th t d t bodvv an aonliIn April, 1905, he was detailed in the Quarter- � SO. e s u en 0 y, an app rca-master's Department for four years,' assigned duties tion was made by the. faculty for theas Quartermaster of the' transport Sumner, and later.served as Assistant at NewYork Depot, Constructing establishment 'by the War DepartmentQuartermaster in charge of construction work·· at ·1.Forts Terry, Mich.ie, Wright and Mansfield at the of mi itary instruction at the Univer-eastern entrance of Long Island Sound; . He was . t 'at' Philadelphia Depot Quartermaster's Department, Sl y. .in 1906, and in April, 1907, was transferred as con- Th ·D· fAt f J 3d 1917struction Quartermaster to J efferson Barracks', Mo., e e �nse c 0 une , .,and later to St. Louis Depot.. Q. M. D. provides for military training inOctober, 1909, he joined the 14th Cavalry andaccompanied the regiment to the Philippines, 'serving schools, colleges and universities in a;with it during its tour of foreign service. On the -return of the regiment in '1912, he took leave of more comprehensive manner than. has��s:ri�� R�l�e;;.rned via Japan, China and the T'rans-. hitherto been the case. It provides. for234 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMajor Ola W. Bell, U. S. A.officers and non-commissioned officersas instructors and authorizes the sup­ply of arms, equipment and uniforms.I t also provides for the commission inthe Officers Reserve Corps of such stu­dents as complete the full course andwho make application for same.Schools, etc., are listed in two classes,VIZ:(a) Those requiring four years ofcollegiate study for a degree, the ag­ricultural and mechanical colleges,where military training is compulsoryand certain schools essentially of amilitary character.(b) All other schools, either pub­lic or private, which do not confer adegree. .The military organization at eachinstitution is known as the ReserveOfficers Training Corps. This is di­vided into two divisions, senior andjunior.Senior divisions are authorized at in­stitutions of class (a). Junior divisions at institutions ofclass (b).Both senior and junior divisions arefurther subdivided into infantry, cav­alry, artillery, signal, engineer or sani­tary units. . That a unit may be es­tablished it is required that not lessthan 100 physically fit male studentsabove the age of fourteen years beenrolled. They must agree to take themilitary work for two years devotingan average of three hours per week toit. With the senior unit and likewisewith the junior unit this is essentialto graduation or to promotion to thenext year's collegiate course.At the close of two years' work thestudent may sign anew for the remain­ing two years' work, which is of amore advanced nature and upon thecompletion of which he is eligible forcommission in the Officers ReserveCorps without examination. A com­mission in this corps is not obligatory.It is optional with the student. Anapplication for commission is the onlyrequirement. The student is at notime bound by any obligation to thegovernment other than to completethe work he has undertaken. To thosetaking the last two years' work com­mutation of subsistence is furnished,which is about $100.00 per year. Thefirst two years require three hours perweek and the last two years five hoursper week devoted to military instruc­tion.An infantry unit of the senior di­vision is being established at the Uni­versity. Other units may be. estab­lished at the opening of the fall quar­ter. Students are now enrolling forthe spring quarter. I have not yet alist of the enrollments, but from thefact that some 300 have already beenmeasured for uniforms, I assume \heenrollment will be about 350 or more.Uniforms will be requisitioned as soonas the measurements are completed.Arms and equipment have already beenrequisitioned. It is contemplated toMILITARY TRAINING AT CHICAGOestablish a suitable gallery range. Gal­lery instruction and practice will beheld during the spring quarter, buttarget practice at the Fort Sheridanrange probably not until the fallquarter.During the spring quarter the pro-gram will be as follows: -Monday-Lecture at 4 :35 -po m.Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday-Drill at 10:45 a. m., 1 :30 p. m. and �4:00 p. m.Friday-Lecture, at 4 :35 p. m.The Monday lectures will be on thesubject of Military Organization, Ser­vice of Security and Information, Mili­tary History and Policy 'and other sup­jects,(Friday lectur_es will cover the' sub­jects of personal hygiene, camp sani­tation and camping 'expedients.Drills will include the school of thesoldier, squad platoon, company andbattalion, both in close and extendedorder. Instruction in signalling, aim­ing and sighting' drills and gallerypractice will also be conducted.A considerable number of the stu­dents enrolling have already had fromone to four years previous training inother schools and .with the approvalof the War Department it is proposedto place some of these students in the­advanced or last two .years' work.A collegiate course 'is in course ofpreparation to be offered students be­ginning the fall. quarter, -the purpose, ofwhich is to fit those who elect this­course, .either for members of the Of­ficers Reserve Corps or: for a commis­sion in the, Regular Service: Thosewho finish this course should have nodifficulty in passing an examination forcommission in the Regular' Service. Ido not know of any other: institutionwhich has -established such a coursein connection with the -Reserve OfficersTraining Corps.The purpose of the Reserve OfficersTraining Corps is to' train, as large anumber of college students as possible 235in the duties of. officers. It is appar­ently a War Department plan and Ithink a good one. While it is true itdoes not make finished officers it doesgive them the rudimentary knowledgenecessary to assume such duties.We· are sadly lacking in the matterof a reserve of trained officers. Werewe to raise an army of millions who-would officer them? From the Euro­pean fronts in the early stages of thewar after the first line troops had beenlargely wiped, out carne the cry fortrained, officers, and more trained of­ficers to instr_uct the new levies. _ Theproblem there has unquestionably beensolved before this time, but it con­fronts us. The college, and universitygraduate possesses the general educa­tion, that an officer requires. The .stu­dent may acquire a fair amount of pr�;_liminary military education _during his/ college course with .little expenditure:of time or trouble. Naturally he' mustdo some work, for nothing is acquiredwithout at!- expenditure of energy. But itinterferes little with his 'collegiatecourse. If �e takes four years of mili­tary instruction he has, not only theadvantage of this' training as -a per­sonal asset but, 'oecome� an asset tothe government. In an -em'ergency ifhe offers his services to the country hecan offer them 'as an officer instead ofas a private, an advantage to both indi­vidual and countr,?,.-The young men of the country areliable to military service, first, in caseof war. Every young man should thentrv to fit himself for 'such event bv be­ing able to render service of the maxi­mum efficiency. The college man shouldlead and not be led.·While in college the government of­fers' the student an opportunity notenjoyed by the average young man.I t provides officers and non-commis­sioned officers to train him, furnishesequipment and uniforms free of costand offers him the, opportunity of fit­ting himself to render a, higher grade236 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof service than can be rendered bythe average man, service of a more con­genial character and likewise betterpaid. In return it asks no pledge ofservice whatever. Can the college stu­dent afford to ignore it in the presentdisturbed condition of international af­fairs? Not only should the studentconsider this training with referenceto the personal benefits to' be derivedfrom it but he should likewise considerit from the standpoint of patriotism andobligation to his country. Who willdefend his country in case of war?What chance to. win would untrainedman have if opposed by the presentveterans o.f Europe?The faculty and student body bothhave been most earnest in their ef­forts to establish this military instruc­tion in the University. More cordialsupport could not be hoped for. Frommy present limited acquaintance withthe institution I think the response ofthe undergraduate body has been mostsatisfactory. It appears that abouthalf at least of those available have al­ready enrolled for military work. Somemembers of the alumni have also re­sponded and likewise a good sizedbody of the faculty. I should like toinvite the attention of the members ofthe alumni to the opportunity now of­fered of becoming members of theOfficers Reserve Corps. Officers areneeded badly. This corps will be thebody first drawn upon for officers inthe event of war. Examinations areheld frequently in the Federal Build­'ing. Major P. B. Malone, Infantry, U. S. A., room 509, will be glad to givefurther details. I am also authorizedto examine applicants. I will be gladto answer any queries either by letter,'phone or otherwise. The military ser­vice of an applicant need not have beenextensive. College graduates withoutany previous training are eligible. Ifthe college graduate has no militarytraining he at least has the educationrequired, for the quick development ofan officer. I hope the alumni will re­spond to this opportunity, As a greatmany officers must be secured who willnot have had either military trainingor the general education of the collegeman, the latter should dismiss his hesi­tation of military ignorance and feelthat he is that much better equippedthan his less educated companion.Vacancies also exist in the grade ofsecond lieutenant in the regular army,in all branches. More will exist July1st, when an additional increment of,so.me ten regiments as provided by theDefense Act, is added. Examinationsare held on April 23d and July 23d.This offers an excellent, opportunityfor young graduates to become officersof the regular service. Informationcan be secured about this matter ofthe adjutant general, U. S. A., at theheadquarters central department, Fed­eral Building, or at my office,It is especially desired that collegeor university graduates take these ex­aminations. The army offers a careerfor those who. have not already estab­lished themselves in other professions.O. W. BELL, M ajar.Somewhere In France[Herbert S. Foreman, 1902, was the first graduateof the University to, undertake ambulance service inFrance. The following is a series of extracts fromhis letters home, written usually in lead pencil onany paper handy, and not "revised for publication."But as they stand they constitute an article that everyalumnus will be glad to read. It will be run in twoparts.e=En.]Your package reached. me the 10thof this month, and how glad I _was to.get it! From the selection of neces- saries you sent me one could wellimagine that you had both been towar, for you included just ,the thingsa fellow needs in this life. The glOovesand socks I distributed to some poilufriends in your name and they weregratefully received. The chewing gum,too--..I gave some to the poilus and hadSOMEWHERE IN FRANCE 237lots of fun watching them get away poses. On every entrance to a housewith it. Gum is almost unknown 'in or barn is a sign showing how manyFrance and they invariably swallowed men or horses can be accommodated.it unless given proper instructions, The number of civilians in a town de­When we reached this village' a couple pends upon its distance from the front.of days ago I let a little fellow of In many of these villages conditionseleven ride with me (he gleefully told appear very unsanitary, but I don'tme it was the "premier fois"). It think they have any bad cooks inseems that American - chewing gum France. NO' matter what sort of ahad in some or way or other become looking kitchen it comes out of, every­known to him, -'so he' immediately thing seems clean and well cooked.wanted to know if I "had any. For- Imagine, by the way, a French villagetunately I had four sticks left.iwhich I without its stream'! I couldn't, andgave him this afternoon and thereby always, along these streams, are builtI am sure made him the happiest little public wash places where the womenboy in france. come and wash their soiled linen. 'TheSpeaking . of French boys, I' find French are a fine people; they are sothem just about as full oj. the deyil as brave and kind and- gentle. As withthe average American boy. This after- us there are good and bad. But asnoon some of us had our cars down to to their racial characteristics I thinkwash at a little stream which runs", they are decidedly good. The Frenchthrough the village, and a number soldiers are the finest gentlemen inof boys gathered .around. In true Torn the: world. The French army at theSawyer style we let them pump for front is provided with numerous co­us. We repaid them by letting them operative stores where the soldierssquirt water on all the dogs and catsmay buy knick-knacks and variousthat came within range .. Even thoughthere is, a little' snow on the ground things to eat. In the little cafes inthey wore the customary short stock- the villages they congregate in theings, with the leg bare halfway up to evenings and drink cheap wine or cof­the knee. " fee, generally coffee with a little rumThe other day '1 met a poor little in it. I say cheap wine because usu­lonely" youngster �.f thirteen, whose . ally they don't have the price for' anyfather had been killed early' in the war. other kind. And they drink and sing.Positively he was the sweetest young- Every poilu is a singer and nearlyster I ever met, refined and speaking everyone sings a solo without accom­with a beautiful accent. I asked him paniment. Their songs are often aboutif he didn't want to go.to America with the war. These cafes' are closedme, and he was enthusiastic about it. promptly at eight o'clock and all lightsI wish we could. adopt him at home. are put out.If you know -of any people who would I * * *-send me some clothes or money for Our. work recently took us along ahim, get them to do it. � So many road just back of the trenches throughpeople in America have undertaken to a town which is shot to pieces. Allaid three or four .soldiers or children 0;£ these places were in German handswith clothing and a _little money now a few months. ago; it was here theand then, that I wish I could do like- . French advanced, and here some- ofthe most terrific fighting of the war. took place. You 'would readily be­lieve it if you could see the landscape.There used to be large woods, in thisWIse..*. * * .All the towns and villages just be­hind the front are utilized for war pur-238 o THE UNIVERSITY 'OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEregion, but nothing remains now but hundred tens or two hundred seventy­stumps of trees. Shell holes several fives-shells about ten inches acrossfeet deep jut up against shell 'holes and two and a half feet long. The firstover acres and acres. Trenches 'and one landed right in front of our can­abris (bomb proofs), built by the Ger- tonnement, directly· across the street,mans, are now utilized by the French wrecking the building, killing one sol­and here and there are still Gentian ier and wounding several. I startedsigns and notices posted. down on a run to see the effects, andI happened, 'with a couple of others, when I was just 75 yards from ourto be 'stationed afew nights ago where cantonnement the second shell fell rightthe Boches were particularly vicious in the center 'of the court. Hearing itin shelling our batteries and our road. explode, I jumped' under the eaves ofWe stayed in our abris mostly while a building to shield myself from thethe shells fell close enough. I had the falling eclat, that is, earth, rock, andsatisfaction of watching our batteries pieces of shell. The thing made a holereply. I had a �call soon and while on in the earth about five feet deep, com­the Toad which the Germans were pletely blew to pieces three of ourshelling, I was stopped while a pass- cars, injured a fourth and woundedage was cleared. Two soldiers and two my engineer friend slightly in thehorses had just been killed. But scalp. At the time, there were five or"C'est la guerre." In such work, of six of our men' in the yard of our can­course, we always wear' helmets and tonnernent, yet only the one was in thecarry gas masks. I have not been leastinjured. The shell landed in softthrough a gas attack but while sta- earth' and . the eclat mostly wenttioned at --- we carried the helmets straight up; otherwise all of the menwith us always for gas is frequent in near would have been killed. Thethat locality. bombardment kept up for about a half--- is always full of troops, 'and hour, during which a number of shellsof course the Germans know that. We landed in the village. Several sol­had a cantonnement there modeled diers were killed, twenty-five woundedafter most of them in France. We slept and one civilian killed. Immediatelyand ate in one long room and in the a call came in for an ambulance andcourt in front had our cars stationed.' I began hauling in wounded, two ofAn 'engineer in New York, who came whom died- after I got them to theover with me and who is in this sec- .hospital. In one place I saw sevention, had been having some trouble dead.with his car and in the morning I was The other day I left that locationhelping him -with it. My work that and moved to _' -. - for a few days.day was just around the corner at a 'While there another fellow and I wentlittle evacuation hospital in a tent. My on some special work for two days tocar had been standing next to his, and There � stayed at the houselater I drove it around to the hospital. of a good old lady who did my wash­In about fifteen minutes I heard a tre- ing, sewed on my buttons and let memendous explosion. Poilus rushed out have a bath. From there we movedeverywhere thinking that an aeroplane with our section back this way. Thewas - dropping bombs, and everybody first night I slept in a barn on thelooked skyward. In a minute we knew . straw just as the poilus do. The nextthat it was not an 'aeroplane but a two nights I - slept in my ambulance.bombardment by big cannon. The I find that my ambulance, dosed, isGermans were bombarding us from a warmer place to sleep' in than theabout ten miles with big cannon-s-two quarters we ordinarily have, so I haveSOMEWHERE IN FRANCE 239lights, for the road runs near the Ger­man lines-some places within twohundred yards. On dark -nirrhts onthis 'part of the road we have no lightsexcept the occasional fusees sent upby the soldiers so they caD: see whatthe enemy is doing. The Germans areconstantly _ shelling the' roads to hin­der the bringing up' of supplies- to the* * * trenches, and if they have the range. ,When I have time f am going to of a particular 'section or cornet ofwrite a book about "Barnyards 9f road we always hurry along' in pass­France." I shall devote chapters to" ing. It is interesting to' hear our shells"French Barns I Have ,Slept in," whizzing overhead. After one leaves"Duck Ponds I Have Waded in,'" the gun you can hear it, I should say,"French Mud vs.' .Illinois Mud,", and .for thirty seconds.so forth. We try to get up to the post at theI find the only way to keep dry feet trenches by ten o'clock and if thereis to wear wooden sabots. You know are blesses (wounded) we immediatelywhat they are.. There -is a sort of return with them to the other post,leather arrangement which you slip where they are sorted out and' dis­on first,' before putting in the sabot. tributed among the various hospitalsWhen I first landed in Paris several outside the firing line. We' stay up'of us bought the socks thinking they there until almost day 'light, but notwould be good to sleep in .. The laugh quite. As it was very stuffy down inis on us. the post, I left my comrade there andThe winters in this part of France set up a stretcher in my ambulanceare the worst I ever saw. The ther- and lay for awhile trying to sleep tomometer hovers around the' freezing the accompaniment of whizzing shells.point-generally just above it. And When the guns of the nearest batterythe mud, mud, mud l The roofs of the' would go off just back of the post, ithouses are covered with moss and, would shake the machine violently. Iferns and the atmosphere is. saturated got to wondering what would happenwith water. It rains a good deal and if it should become daylight suddenlythe sun never shines. The worst I before I awoke. The next night I tookcan say about this winter climate is a load of malades (sick) 'to a hospitalthat if has characteristics of March . at' eleven and again at 1 :30, when itweather in Illinois and winter along was snowing. I came pack, took myPuget Sound in Washington.: This is blankets and 'a stretcher inside thenot .a complaint-merely a description. post and with my clothes' and over­When you think of us here just re- coat on, slept an hour and a half. Sol­member .that we are. not always dodg- diers, stretcher bearers and others con­ing shells-worse ·than�, that, we are nected with the post were lying, on thewading, in mud. floor of -the dimly lighted room' all* * * about me. .When I awoke a pup be-In a village about twelve miles from' longing to the soldiers- had crept underwhere we have been stationed, is our my' blankets and gone to sleep.post secours from which we operate * * *each night to two other posts secours, . Travel at night is often difficult. TheWhen we get within about six miles. soldiers enter and leave, the trenchesof the posts we have to, put out our at . night, and in places the roads arebeen sleeping in mine a good deal. Theother day I took a doctor out to pro­cure samples of water from differentwells in neighboring, 'towns to be ana­lyzed and just as we got back my rearaxle broke. It is fixed now, but sincethen I have been sleeping in, a barnin the straw with some, poilus. It iswarmer.240 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfilled with column after column ofthem, going and coming, so that I haveto toot my horn constantly to keepfrom running over them. The othernight I had a call to a post not farfrom a well known fortress; it wasdark, rainyand chilly, S0' dark I couldscarcely see to drive; the only lightwas an occasional fusee (star shell)and I had to pass great numbers ofsoldiers, cameons (big trucks) , ma­chine guns, horses, artillery, kitchens,cannon and more cannon, what not, allin the dark. I -have been caught in ajam when it has taken me half an hourto go a mile. Recently, when' I wasshut in with cannon on one side andcavalry in front and behind, a horsetook fright, threw its rider and jumpeddown ,a high embankment; such thingsare common.When I got downIn a little hollow,where my blesse � was, of course therewas not a ray of light in the shell­ridden village. Finally up out of theearth came the stretcher bearers withmy man. When I got back to the mainpost there were two more blessescouchers (lying down cases) waitingfor me. Three couchers are all I cantake with me, sO' with these and oneassize. (sitting case), in front with me,I drove several miles to a hospital fur­ther back from the trenches. When Istopped at the hospital I helped thestretcher bearers to lift one of themen out and we set him on his stretcherin the mud, until we could adjust the.straps preparatory to carrying him up ,the hill to the hospital. A group ofsoldiers were plodding along in themud and dark. Seeing by my lanternlight, the blesse on the ground, one ofthem recognized him as his corporal,whereupon he spoke to him and theyshook hands. The French never for­get their manners.* * *It is nearly ten o'clock p. m., and Iam covered' up with my blankets in my car, trying to write to you by the lightof my lantern. We turned out thismorning at five o'clock and started "enconvoy" to a new location. Our carsare lined up in one of the streets anda few of us are sleeping in them whilethe remainder are in a cantonnernent.This town has a population' of severalthousand, and is on the Marne.Later : It is now about 12 :30 p. m.I am sitting in a little abris about tenby fifteen feet; next to. me are sixpoilus around a little fire, playing"nonnie", which is a French edition ofpoker. My present 10cati0'n was oncea little village. I say "once" because itis no more-only walls standing hereand there. The village was located0'n a high hill which overlooks a littlevalley and beyond which are otherhills, pretty well wooded. In fact thisis ,the roughest country I have been inhere, and on .account of its forest, iswell known. This abris is one of sev­eral built into the side of the hill. Itis as if a big semi-circular bite hadbeen taken out of the hill, and theseabris were the tooth-holes, This littlenook was probably the place of thevillage before the war. On one sideof this semi-circular excavation, andon top, stands the front wall of thechurch. Back of the church is theusual little cemetery, and in cornershere and there �r� graves of soldierswho fell here-the wooden cross says,"on the field of honor" .or "died forFrance." I came out here' this morn­ing, mine being one of seven cars tobe stationed at different points in thissection. The roads in this region arefine but very hilly, in some places evenmountainous. This morning as wepassed one spot, of which the Ger­mans have a view, we drove two hun­dred yards apart, so that if they blewup one car they wouldn't get several.THE MIDNrGHT SPECIAL 241Motto: "Our Knock�r is Brass."EDITORIAL STAFFP�ul MacClintock, E'ditor'-in-ChiefEva Pearl Barker Campbell- MarvinRaymond J. Daly Charles M. RademacherAlice Lee Herrick Arthur J. O'NeillIsabel Jarvis Winifred' VernooyHazel Hoff Kee-fer "OUR PIVE,·YEAB BEl1!fIOHJune will bring our first big reunion __ ourfive-year reunion. The Class Committee wantsto make this a rousing success. 'Will you helpus? We want everyone who "came back"last year and two years ago to "come backagain" and bring another "12-er" with him.Remember the grand and glorious time wehad at Dymond's Farm? Remember the funwe had. in our+ Midntgh t Special Train; at ourclass dmner, at the vaudeville, at our bonfire,and at the dedication of the 1912 gates lastJune?� Well,. we're going to' have a better time,this June. As yet the details have not beenworked ou t, nor have the commi ttees 'beenappointed. (But that is all in the mirid's eyeof the Executive Committee.) Let it suffice,however, to say that we are planning to havea 1912 dance Friday night, .J'une 8th, after theUniversity "Sing"; on Saturday we shall allbe on hand for the general doings of AlumniDay, and on Sunday, June 10th,' we're 'goingto have another P-I-C-N,-I�C! Doesn't thatsound good? Those of us- who are planning-afl these things are ever' so en th ustaattc, andwe hope we can pass' on enough enthusiasmto make you all interested and keen about .it.Think about it, .and when you get notices' beready to send word back that you'll be there.We'll say to the girls that the' ArrangementsCommittee will see to it that each and everyone has a bully time and has a handsome andefficient escort home. '•Gertrude, Anthony is still teaching geom­etry -and algebra in the Highland Park HighSchool. "No,t a nope in the world," says she,"but still I'm having a good time." In an­swer to ner request "to help make this thebiggest reunion ever!" we sugge�t that sheraise a regiment of Twelver, friends to be in-a state of preparedness for the big dotngs inJune. ,-'Arnold Baar had his' hopes realized lastAugust when he married Mary Hoyt, formerlya cataloguer in the University Libraries. He isa prosperous lawyer in Chicago, with the firmof Mayer and Meyer. For recreation he teachesoccasionally in the John Marshall night school."Bob" Ba,ird is still in the wilderness. GreatFalls, Mont., claims him now-1626 Second ave­nue North. Must be a real city! Bob thinksso, anyway. "I don't find any trouble at allto keep busy in the best .town In the West, butyou must count me out of the June celebra­tion, although I hate like sixty to say it.Summer is no vacation time for lumbermen.Regards to the bunch!" Sorry we're not goingto see you, Bib!Ella. Spiering Ballard is living in Sparta,Mich., still. She has had the pleasure of nurs­ing two nephews through an attack of measles.Spartan stqff!.Eva, Pearl Barker is "still, secretarying inthe Dean's :office at the School of Ed.," butmore lmportan t; she is preparing plans for usin'·June. :Ralph Benzies, after, a winter in the movingpicture business, in California, has gone toCleveland to be an interior decorator.' He isalso doing some theatricals.,"Ben" Bills is 'still sticking 'round thecampus and gives 1374 East 57th street as hishome address. Getting tired of Public Speak­ing, Ben switched over to Law and PoliticalScience. We'll bank on Ben, even if he takesup Mathematics! Yes, he's married-BerylGilbert Bills. .John Boyle j s in the real estate business,908 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, Ill., and wemight call him a "de luxe salesman," for heonly handles property which would be suitablefor millionaires. Modestly he states that heis not married, but, says that hope Hspringseternal," so here's hoping that John finds hishope.After the name Robert Buck we can onlywri te "lost, strayed or stolen." Let's hearfrom you, and do show up in J'une.Gra.ce C. Bums is living at 832 W. GarfieldBoulevard, and says her occupation is "justthe same." In other words, she is still con­nected with the Bureau of Records in dear oldCobb.We have been trying to get a line, on .A.nlle G.Cannell, but two or three adresses have failedto reach her. The latest is 431 Washingtonstreet, Hibbing, Minn., but- we have had noreturns from her,Helen E. ,Carter ("now and probably ever shallbe") says she tried her own business last sum­mer, but decided it was easier to get cashevery Saturday. ,Advice furnished free at alltimes about "How to be- an advertising man.", She invites us all to stop in and see her at1203 Lytton building. "About the reunionlet's have a good one whatev�r we do. I getweary hearing from my '14 friends what a liveclass they have."Ralph Chaney is now teaching in the FrancisParker High School on the north side of Chi­cago and a t the same time going to the Uni­versity and taking graduate work in Geology.He is at present, he tells us, working like thedickens on his thesis, which is on the fossilplan ts of the Cascade Range in Oregon. Hisaddress, is Rosenwald Hall. He is engaged toMiss Marguerite ,Seeley. Ralph is, a regularold cynic, being down' on Pa triotism, the Al­lied Bazaar' and Class Reunions. Better cometo the picnic in June; Ralph, and bring' heralong. We'll have you both on the next ClassCommittee.Lydia. -Keene Cha.pman, 4208 Greenwood ave­nue. "The main th.ing i I have done ,this last.year is to catch on to a · new religion whichis gratifying and so satis,fying that life goesby like a, song. Don't -imagine that I havebecome pious. God forbid. 'As for. what I amdotng, know. that things are coming' my waywith the .help of New Thought. As for whatI hope to do, I no longer hope to do anything.I have changed .all my hopes to intentions andI am confident that I shall, be able to do every­thing I want and intend to do. This is not afairy story. It is the truth." ,'Irmg-ard Schultz Christmas is busv house­wifing in Kemmerer, Wyoming. Merry-butno, we can not do it. Please make us happierby subscribing .. Barrett Cla.rk, i9-20 ,Lohrtng Place, .New YorkCity, was married last September and is nowwriting, translating plays, and, reading ,forSamuel French. He has put out three books242 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin the last year of wide and important circula­tion.Florence Clark, 339 LaPorte avenue, Whit­ing, Indiana. "I have a studentship at theChicago School of Civics and Philanthropy,and in tend to finish the year there. Afterthat-well, I suppose I will take what thefates hand out, but I want an investigatingor research position. Let's have another pic­nic as good as the last."Elva Nichols Class is still bringing up herniece at 820 South Barstow street, Eau Claire,Wisconsin.Lorraine Clea,ry, 216 S. Scoville avenue, OakPark, is still singing and painting, but in ad­di tion is doing all kinds of things around townlike the Allied Bazaar and learning to drive aFord to go to France in the ambulance corps.Winifred Winnie Conkling is now living inTulsa, Okla., as wife of one of the well knownoil geologists, of the state. She is also widelyknown and more widely liked. 'Kilda lVIiller Coon is living at 1401 SouthDuluth avenue, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, oc­cupied in the "practice of matrimonial house­hold chemistry." She confesses that in No­vember, 1915, she was married to Mr. J. D.Coon, who took his J. D. (hence the initials,we presume) at the University of Chicago LawSchool. Her hearty greetings to the Class of1912 are included with a snapshot or two ofthe palisades of the Sioux River.This is a "hopeless" class. Isabella Couttsis another whose "hopes" are non-existent andyet she is a good cook! She is teaching House­hold Art in the Thornton Township HighSchool of Harvey, Illinois.Charles Cushing, one of the best bond sales­men, is with A. B. Leach & Co. Charlie wasone of the stars in the Society Movies lastyear.Thurber W. ("Ted") Cushing, since the fall of1916, has been vice-president and sales direc­tor of the Maibohm Motors Company of Ra­cine, Wis. His address is 413 St. James place,Chicago. Hargrave Long tells us that "Ted's"salary is fabulous, and, like Henry Ford, hedoesn't know how much he makes. And asfor marriage, well, we'll not say what Har­grave said abou t that.Winifred Cutting, 1228 East 56th street, is atpresen t studying agriculture and acting in theLittle Workshop theater on 57th street. Sheis looking forward to living on a farm or in agreenhouse somewhere and we shall expect tosee her soon among the "bloomin' plants."Raymond J. Daly, 6116 Kenwood avenue,Chicago, Ill. Masterful, pleasing and radiantas he is, it is with no amazement at all thatwe find he has a most important position withthe Motor Car Transportation Company, whichpromises to revolutionize the shipment of auto­mobiles all over the country. However, weare somewhat amazed at the' fact that he stillholds up his hand and states that he is notmarried. Still the same old Pete. .Ira Davenport has charge of a steel mill inDubuque, Ia. "Davey" was in Chicago lastfall and has taken on about forty pounds sincehe stopped doing tlle quarter in "49 flat."George Adams Deveneau is librarian for theCollege of Agriculture at the University of Illi­nois. He is not married, but as for hopes heinvites us to take a trip down to the campusand .Look over the prospects.Scott Donahue, 116 South Michigan avenue,has developed into quite a power in the busi­ness world' and besides the business has aflourishing family.Albert G. Duncan, 144 South 'Francisco ave­nue, is hopeless about the marriage situation.Is that why he contemplates a European tripor was last summer in Brownsville with thecavalry pleasantly masculine ? At present heis practicing law.Marie Aloysia Dunne is living at 6547 Green- wood avenue and is principal of the NobelSchool. Since graduating from the U. of C.she has received her Master's degree at DePaul University.'James Dymond, Picnic Grounds. Jimmy andEllen have been wintering in Florida. Won­der if their ears have been burning. Every1912'er wants another picnic. How about it,Jim?Helen Earle is still in Chicago and just asbusy as ever.Another person who finds New York prefer­able to Chicago is Gertrude Emerson. She iseditorial assistant on the new periodical"Asia." She has also been writing articlesfor various magazines about Japan.Ernestine Evans gives her latest address asthe U. S. Consulate at Moscow, Russia. Thiswinter she has been working for the New YorkEvening Post.Gertrude Fish says her home is in Pitts­burgh, but she is wintering in Aiken, S. C.She promises to be at the reunion -unless "wego to war." Better come to the picnic insteadof the war, Gertrude; we can't get along with­out you.Franklin Fisher is another one who is busyclimbing the ladder of fame-Assistant Attor­ney General of Maine, with headquarters atthe State House,' Augusta, Me. He says thathe will be tempted to come all the way toChicago in June if we have a real, live re­union. All right! Come on! We'll try tomake you feel like saying "paid in full."Bobby F'onger is now in the accountingbusiness. He must be awfully busy, for hehasn't written us. Come 'round in June!lVIa,ry French spends her week-ends in Chi­cago, for she is teaching only a few milesaway from the campus, at Chicago Heights.Emma Dickerson F.uller writes that her new­found happy occupation is that of house­keeper, and that she is living at 758 Lincolnavenue, St. Paul, Minn. Emma says that St.Paul is a great place, and that it would makea fine place for a winter 1912 reunion-deepsnow; temperature about 30 below zero; andeveryone skating, skiing, tobogganing, and areal, sure enough ice palace.Pauline Gleason has risen to be vice-princi­pal of Water-man Hall. As we may yet besending our daughters to her to be educatedwe recommend the "Midnight Special" as anadvertising' medium. .Meyer Goldstein is engaged to wed MissJeanette Freeman of Cleveland, Ohio. As heis manager of a furniture store in Chicagohe writes: "Will gladly furnish the homes ofthose entering the realm of connubial bliss­cash or credit. L'rn not particular. Neverexpected to get married, but somehow I gotinveigled! Well, I'm satisfied."-Adv.A. "Chuck" Goodrich is selling bonds in Chi­cago. In his spare moments, during this pastwinter, he did a lot of fancy skating.Emada Avery GriSWOld is teachtng Frenchand Spanish in the Deerfield High School atHighland Park. Her home is 6723 Chappelavenue, Chicago.H. Phillips Grossman is now with the lawfirm of Silver, Isaacs & Silver, Chicago. Wecan't see why such a big man as our H. Phil­lip doesn't get in on that name, too. We as­sume he isn't married yet.Miriam Cole Hall; 97 Kenmore Place, Brook­lyn, N. Y. "Busy taking care of two livelyyoung daughters, ages three and a half and oneyear.",Harriet Hamilton is teaching at the Sher':'man School in Chicago. She has hopes ofteaching in the high schools some time later.Beth Kurd is now Mrs. Hamilton and livesat 222 Forest Ave., Oak Park.Chester A. Hammill is a geologist for theRoxana Petroleum Company. He is marriedTHE MIDNIGHT SPECIALand he claims his wife is of ,great service tohim. as a valuable field assistant. He sendsus $1.00, so no doubt he feels he is indebted �to the class for -something. His wife wasformerly Rhoda Pfeiffer.Annette Hampsher is teaching commercialsubjects at the Tilden High School."Bill" Harms is still doing Y. M. C. A.work at the South Chicago Branch, and is liv­ing at 2346 East 70th place. He seemed quite"insul ted" when asked if he was married. "In­deed, yes," says Bill, "and I have a dandydaughter-Marjorie Ellen." Congratulationsfrom all of us! .Frederick 1\1. Harris, lVl. D., is director ofthe· State Cooperative Laboratory of PublicHygiene. in Fond du Lac, Wis. He is alsofull-time health commissioner of the town, andall in all, he is a pretty busy man. 'Albert Green Heath at the present .ttme isin Washington advising the' president /on thebest method of taking care -'of \the submarinecrtsts. With his experience in the seed busi-·ness, his advice has been of great serviceto the government. To protect our shores hehas advised the government to plant "shoot­ing elms" along our seaboard. (This tree wasdiscovered by Roosevel t.)- Albert says he doesnot know whether or not the trees will shoot,but he claims their 'bark will advise us atonce of the presence . of the enemy. On hisreturn he will take up farming on. his 10,000-acre ranch at Sterling, Michigan.Nellie C.' Henry Is still teaching, and givesher address as 3116 Forest avenue, KansasCity, Mo. She wants our reunion about June9, and we will surely try to accommodate her.We're sorry we can give her no more informa­tion about Avis Rauch. So far as we know,Avis Is- still at 3100 Fifth avenue., Chicago.When you visit the campus next time, don'tneglect to go to the deligh tf'ul. .Gargoyle TeaRoom .at 5725 Kenwood avenue; for it is run byour illustrious classmate, Alice. Lee Herrick,and her sister, Prances lIe�ck.Dorothy Hinman is at Pontiac, Ill. Not, how­ever, in the state hospital, only within the fourwalls of a schoolroom for five hours a day.Samuel E. Hirsch; living at 3612 Grand boule­vard, informs us that his occupation is thatof a lawyer. He is not married,' and deniesany' hopes "for the present." We're glad tosee that he isn't as yet a confirmej. bachelor.Fre4 llolme,s, Duncan Manufacturing Com­pany, Lafayette,. Ind., is now one of . the highmucky mucks of the company that manufac­tures, he says, all sorts of electrical' machinery.But his most important recent achievement ishis success' in winning the hand of GertrudeBrainfuall of California.Edward E. Jennings certainly makes us yearnfor' his life. We have his photograph, takenas he and his wife were climbing one of theBitter Root. mountains. He says he' is livinghappy ever since his' marriage, and we are notsurprised, for" in addition to ha ving a verybeautiful: wife, he is the proud manager andpart "owner- of a herd of Holatein cattle and 'aranch.The University Libraries claim Isabel Jarvis,our' former secretary and general. stand-by.She says: "I took a, trip to Toronto last falland fell in love with two handsome lieutenants,but they didn't fall in love with me!" Isabelputs in some of her spare time secretaryingfor the Chicago Alumnae Club. [She tries totell tales on some illustrious member of 1912,but fortunately ye Ed. can be both editor andcensor.] Address, 5346 Drexel avenue.To Carrie :Nicholson Jordan, 620 Reaganstreet, Fayetteville, 'Ark., the w. k. h. c. of 1. isthe problem. She. is, keeping out of mischiefhousekeeping, looking aft�r a winsome 17-months-old baby girl. We know, for we 'sawher prcture-i-secretarvtng for the Music Cluband directing the destinies of the public.library. 243We hear that Clyde Joice is still in theadvertising department of The Fair. His let­ter, if sent, was probably lost on the Deutsch­land in .J'ackson. Park.Michael J. Kane (formerly Cohn), accordingto the Alumni office, is teaching in St. John's.Military Academy at Delafield, Wis."Zuk" Kassulker is agairi practicing law at1006 The American Trust building. Is itCleveland ? He fails to say. Zuk was one ofthose fortunate enough to go to the border_ last �ummer. He says "The little snaps I havehad In the past were shot away in my Ii ttlesojourn to the sandy, southern border withmy troops during the past. seven months."Still unmarried-but, then, Zuk always was asbashful as he was beautiful., .',Harold Kay ton, 535- West Magnolia avenue,San Antonio, Texas. We must quote Haroldin full, even though paper is high. "Am nowa nattonal director of the Poster AdvertisingAssociation of the United States and Canada,and am just leaving wrth my wife for adirectors' meeting in' Palm Beach, then on toHavana. Am champion dishwasher in Texas."(,A modest assertion for Harold; he might havesaid . .in the United States.) He closes by in­viting us all down, and challenging JimmieDymond to the above mentioned boast.Hazel Hoff Keefer urges all the women of1912 to join the Chicago Alumnae Club, duesin which are $LOO per year. Application maybe made to her at : 5539 Ingleside avenue,Chicago. She. calls a.ttention also to thealumnae classes in basketball and swimmingevery Tuesday afternoon and evening, in thebeautiful new Ida Noyes Hall.We understand that Clifton M. Keeler isgeologist and field superintendent for' the Ca­rfbbean Development Company in the Perijadistrict. His, address is 'care of CaribbeanDevelopment Company, Maracaibo, Venezuela,South America. In regard to any hopes which"Cliff" migh t have, Chester Hammill says:"Hanged if I can tell. He was wearing -amustache when last was seen."A .school teacher at Saranac, Mich., is Eliza­beth Anna Frances Keenan.' That must be a. nice place, if it takes after its namesake inthe Adirondacks. Her home address is 739West Fifty-fourth place, Chicago.Lois Kennedy, . .332 Maple avenue, Berwyn, Ill.Lois says she is not married, but is alwayshopeful. In the meantime, she is teachingEnglish and commercial geography in theCicero Stickney township high school.Eiiz'abeth Ayres became Mrs. Albert E. ltiddon December 14. Perhaps some of you saw herpicture in the paper at that time; for she com­posed her own wedding, march, declaring thatMendelssohn's was '!t�ite." She expects to bea famous composer some day. She and Frank-­lin . Fisher may yet tie for the· place of "The'Famous One" of our illustrious class.Lillian E. Kurtz is still a near neighbor ofthe University, for she is living at 6040 Ellisavenue. She spends her time teaching theyouthful mind. . '. .', ; ,That our class. must make its five-year re­union a great success is the idea foremost inthe mind of Lydia Morton Lee, who' says' alsothat there's nobody more anxious. to work ear-'nestly for that success than is she. (Fine,Lydia, and . may all your classma tes have tnesame spirit!) She is living at 5603 'Dorchester'avenue, and is head of the English department. in the Pullman Free School of Manual Train­·ing.. Kenneth Lindsay is In Mount Vernon, Iowa,and-cis "manager of the light and power com­pany. He is married and claims he is a"power" in his community, but even this givesus little "light" on the. subject. He. has just'won va prize of $2.00 for writing an articlecalled "A Barber Shop Ad." We do not knowwhether his clean-cut young face was theadvertisement or the company felt sorry forhim and sent him the $2.00 to get a shave.244 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMrs. lVIayme L,. Logsdo'n... Hastings College,Hastings, Neb., is teaching mathematics toher heart's content. She is not only professorof mathematics, but also dean orwomen, which'should prove interesting in a live westerntown of 15,000. We wonder how the percent­ages run out there.Bjarne H. Lunde, 811 Rees street, Chicago,who prints his name for efficiency's sake, is apiano hardware manufacturer and the fatherof a little girl, born- December 15, 1916. Heenclosed a dollar, as usual, oh, noble B. H.Kargra,ve' A. -Long" lives at 1409 Greenleafavenue, Rogers Park, Chicago, and is withthe law firm of Castle, Williams, Long & Castleat 29 South La Salle street, Chicago. He wasmarried August 19, 1916, to Miss Marion ThOorn­ton of Ohicago, who will graduate this Junefrom Northwestern University, where she' is amember of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Hargravesubscribes for the magazine and, what is more,reads it. Having celebrated the fifth anniver­sary of the eleven class last June, he hopes tobe sufficiently recovered to partake in the simi­lar cele,bration' of .the twelve class this year.Insists he is one of those fish that live in bothsal t and fresh wa.ter=-eca.Ils the eleven class"old satts" and the twelveites "somewhatfresher." Enclosed 50 cents' "for the printer'sdevil," saying that proves twelve was a "--­of a class." Since graduation has lived inCleveland, Boston and North Raymond, Maine,but has settled down in Chicago. .Campbell _arvin, 5830 Blackstone avenue,Chicago, Ill. Campbell Marvin, too, is in thereal estate .bustness, having as' his clientelemany of the millionaires of the North Shore.In addition to these activities, he spent hissummer vacation in the past year on the' Mexi­can border with one of the Chicago batteries,so his interests have been quite varted. AJ,-Ithough he still says that he has no hopes ofbeing marrted, judging. from his activities atthe various social arratrs lately we look for­ward with anticipation to know who she is."Aus" lVJ:ena,ul, is still with Swift &, Companyin Chicago. . He is as modest as ever, and"sees no hope for -the future." We're expect­ing Austin to "fall hard" some of these days.Although he has been out of college five years,he can still do 5'10" in the high jump. Someclass!Alice Heald Mendenhall is homekeeping alsoin South English, Iowa. We wonder if shespeaks ·cockney now.Penimore - Merrill, otherwise our old "Billy"of Blackfriar fame, is -in New York City. He­is living at 46 Washington Square, South,with Hilm.ar Baukhage, '11, and is writingmoving picture scenarios.Elizabeth. Blanche. Merry is pr-incipal of theKentland High School in Kentland, Ind."Benny" Moyer, when last heard f'rom, wasselling Mitchell cars in Chicago. We'll signourselves next year "Prospective Buyer." Thatget's 'em.Winifred Munroe is teaching at the DoolittleGrammar School in Chicago.' For recreation,she is studying dancing.Harriet L. Murphy, 5256 Indiana avenue. "Iam willing to help in any way to make thefive-year reunion a success. Most ways seemtame in comparison with last year and theyear spent on Dymond's farm."Paul _acClintock is still a s'tuderrt at theUniversity, doing also some teaching in geol­ogy. We have had an idea for a long timethat he graduated with us. It seems now,however, that this was a mistake. He failedin his final examina tion in swimming and willhave to make this up before- he can get hisdegree. As Paul says he is afraid o·f water,the task seems' hopeless. . ,Clifford P. Mc·Cnllough is still house physi­sian at the Congress Hotel. Indeed, his nameis still on the class roll of 1912, and- so' longas he continues to send dollars when only halves are asked for, his name will stay onthe roll. Here's hoping we see you!Gertrude E. Nelson, 427 Hopkins street, Cin­cinnati, is a kindergarten director, workingwith Spanish Jews and others toward Ameri­canization. Some .sweet, day she hopes toreune with us.John P. Nuner, South Bend, Ind. John F.Nuner is superintendent of one of the SouthBend, Ind., schools, and no doubt is very­efficient in more than one respect, for hereports that he is married and is a subscriberto the University Magazine.Pred B. Niohols, 313 West Forty-third street,Chicago, is prmcipal of the Hendricks School.He says: "I seldom get to any of the 'doings'of my step-mother, the U. of C. Really, Ibelong to the class of '88, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, as regards my youth­ful enthustasm. I neglected to graduate there,however, and turned to Chicago for that privi­lege." Come 'round in June and we'll let youknow that we're glad to have you with us.Lorrie Northrup" 1370 East Fifty-third street,is making a name in the advertising world.So much so that he and Charlotte have a mostsociable little flat and an even more sociablelittle car for. week-end trips of all sorts.Arthur D. O'Neill is in Chicago and is busymaking and selling talking machines. Thisshould come easy to Arthur, as he broke allrecords while in the University as a publicspeaker. He is going to have records madeof some of his best speeches and set them tomusic. These will be run off at the timeof our reunion. He is highly successful andis faithfully on the job' hunting a wife. Heinvites correspondence with any of the ladiesin our class.Bess Peacock is another loyal twel ver whois coming across the continent to take par t 'in our reunion. This year- she is teaching artwork in the Laurel School of Cleveland, Ohio.Elizabeth Ida, Perrin, of 4 Ann street, GrandRapids, Mich., is "teaching in the same goodplace, doing the same good work among thesame good people as she was in September,1912." That ];)roves she is successful in thatgood work.Katherine L,. Powel, instructor in SimmonsCollege, Boston, and living at 224 Aspinwallavenue, Brookline, scoffs at the idea of mar­riage, since she wails that there are ten womento each hunted man in New England.Marjorie B. Preston, 639% Cass avenue, S. E.,Grand Rapids, Mich., is still teaching in JuniorHigh, School there, The money' she sent usreceived a cordial reception, but it is lonesome.Charles l'Y.t. :RademacheX', 5558 Ellis .avenue,Chicago, Ill. Rady has 'had an unusual experi­ence coaching athletes and selling automobiles,and is better looking than ever" We think thathe should be a wonderful auto salesman, withcharming personality. Always on the jqb forthe class of 1912. He says he is going to beat everyone of our spring festivities to makeup for last year, in spite of the fact that hehas been away from the University for fouryears. Let us hope that more of· us takeRady's attitude and come back for the grand.reunion. 'Clara, Allen Kahil! has not answered ourletter,. bu t undoubtedly Clara is still in NewYork, and very much married. She was backin Chicago last year, and we were mighty gladto see her.By the time this paper appears before thepublic, Ruth :Ransom .will have become Mrs.Renville Stevens Rankin. . She says she ex­pects to live in Chicago, so she will be here'for the reunion in. June. Ruth gives her pres-ent address as 1414 East Fiftieth street. .Mary G. :Reed is a critic teacher at the StateNormal School" and is living at 427 Fifth � ave­nue" N. W., Minot, N. D. Like so many of us,she is not married. She hopes to do someTHE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 245more work at the. University some day, andwishes she might be with us in June. So do we.Ruth Beticker, 6057 Drexel avenue, anotherof our old stand-bys, is still .associated withthe School·· of Commerce and Administration.Instead of just secretarying and facultying,Ruth is' planning to do some special .researchwork for Dean Marshall, Which she hopes tofind very, very interesting. We're proud ofRuth and wish her �yery success.Glen Boberts has been selling Remingtontypewriters' for a year and a half, .. and pre- �dicts a great year ahead of him. Glen has ayoung son whom he hopes to have in the"U" some day� He (Glen) is so busy thesedays that he doesn't even have time to pitchball against our summer teams. 'Orno B. Boberts has written to us that tothe, best of his. knowledge he is a salesman.What he. sells 'we have no idea. 'He claims'that the' "B" in. his name stands for "Bull."If this is" so, he should b.e a great success.He claims he is not married, but has plenty ofhone. . Orno always was optimistic.Louise C. Robinson, 429 East Forty-e·ighthstreet.. "Physical director, Ferry Hall for girls,Lake Forest, Ill. Our five-year reunion soundsgood. I could not get .In town for the 'get­together time' Iast year. I am ready to jo-inin anything that the rest want to do."Wil.l.iam Curtis Bogers has been in SouthAmerica for the last eight months for Swift.&. Company. He sent "Pete" Daly a. pictureof a wi-ld Indian's head on a pole which he/ said he had "gotten" before 'breakfast thatmorning." He is now back in Chicago.RaJph J. BosenthaJ., 4404 Michigan avenue,is "very much married," and is still earninghis Irvtng in : the advertising field. Comeacross with more about yourself next time,Ralph.Caecelia Bussell says she "has nothing tosay," but we're' sure she has, if she wouldonly say it. Bhe is just staying at home at0411 Blackstone avenue.Ruth "Bussell is still one of the editors onthe New World and enjoying .her .work asmuch as ever. Her address, too, continues tobe 5411 <Blackstone avenue."Skee" Sauer is still farming in Dana, Ill.,and making a big success. of it. We sawquite a bit of him around the campus duringthe football season. And the boys at" theDelt ·House: say they. see him quite a bitduring the rest of the year. 'Junius SCOfield, 7225' Jeffrey avenue, Chicago,is practicing law downtown with Elmer Ander­son, a graduate of Northwestern UniversityLaw School. "Almost engaged!" he says. "Her'name is Mildred Heusing, . and she has been,antil recently, a student in Milwaukee-DownerCollege. She is a Milwaukee West'Side girl,and is the-well, I guess you all know what1 think of her."Edith sexton is still in Chicago and at homeat 1439, North La Salle· street. Edith con­-ttnues to do "society stunts" as well as thingsinteresting. We hope to see her again in June.Buth Sherw-ood is still doing wonderfulthings in the field of art. She had three ex­hibits in the Chicago Artists' Exhibition.Ruth is living at 3146 Lake Park avenue.Ma.ynard Simond is getting to - be one of. ourdtgnifled financiers, now being the secretary ofthe new bond house in Chicago, Bullard, Heth­erington & Co. He and' Esther. have thedandiest little apartment you ever saw.We hear that Margaret lIrIaclear Spraker hasrecently graduated from the Chicago NormalCollege: and that she is now practicing teach­ing in the. Chicago, schools,Dusty. Sta.pp came through town the otherday on bis way' to Detroit to go into a firmof architects. " He is still married and hap'pyand has almost as much hair on his bean ashe used to have. " The latest report from Kana S. stevens saysthat she has no occupation except that ofItving' in Nqw York City. One can make thatquite an occupation if she tries.Charles Vernon. stewart is still in Chicagoand unmarried. He is working for the Chi';'cago Telephone Company. With all the tele­phone girls there are in Chicago, we shouldthink he could find someone to take care ofhim in his declining' years,' but, then, I don'tsuppose 'you can "tell a 'phone" man anything.Grace E. Storm is living at 6017 Kenwood ave­nue, and. is still teaching the VB graders inthe University Elementary School.One of' our aspiring. young M. D.'s, isWilliam :0:. Stutsman, who is still in Chicagoand offlcmg in the People's Gas building.The University Recorder's office in Cobbclaims Margaret Sullivan as! its secretary., Margaret is living at 7420 Paxton avenue.The call of .the campus was, too great forHelen Taggart, who for two years was assist­ant Itbrartan in the Library of Iowa StateTeachers' College. She is now in the libraryin Rosenwald Hall, and as she says, "it seemsgood to be back." She gives as her address645 Oakdale avenue."Dick" lIJ!eichg'raber is manager of the CityMill and lmevator Company, Emporia, Kan.Dick says 'he isn't married. Can you imagineit? Notice the star near his name? Dicksays '�The Special . is worth a. dollar or moreto me, hence I remit accordingly.", Thanksmany' times! (And Dick has· companv, too,for there are others . .:.......,..Ed.)A recent arrest for. 'speeding in a Ford isthe latest dope we have on Cornelius Teninga"who is in the real estate business in.Chicago.Bill �omas, 21-0 South Lincoln street, isnow one of Dr. B.illings' "iIl:ternes at Presbyte­rian Hospital. He is having great exper-Iencesand before the next Midnight Special comesout will be in the" cold world as a real "Doe."We have an inside tip· that he is willing toform a partnership with any of the :J_912 peoplethat happen to be in the undertaking business.He ia now the proud. possessor of a littledaughter, "J. Elmer Thomas, 313 Daniel buildfng, Tulsa,Okla. ' Tommy is a geologist with the SinclairOil and Gas Company. The message Dr. BillThomas sent to Tommy Thomas, Dr., QA March1, 1917, was as." follows: "Eight-pound sonborn ten o'clock. Terribly ugly." .. ' And Tommysays the voungster is the image of his pa.Margaret Tingley, is having a '" grand." andglorious time in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sheis teaching English 'and history and is enjoy-ing it immensely. ..Tanetta Vanderpoel is teaching both collegeand secondary .subfects at Lane TechnicalHigh Sc:Q_ool, "Chicago, so we are told.Local 43 on the University of Chicago tele­phone will reach Winifred Ver .ooy,· who isstill connected with the· University Libraries,and" �,till. working hard for the "g'rand old.class. "One of our number to have returned fromthe border is. Arthur Vollmer, who is livingat 124 Hillcrest avenue, Davenport, Iowa. Heis practicing law.w. A.. W�rriner, e»; De Kalb, 111. Bill saysthat he is still married and we" do not wonderat all, for surely' happiness should bless hislife for a long, long time. He says that heis traveling in the middle' west at the presenttime as miss-ionary for the Universal Military'l'rainillg League, so we have no doubt at all.us to the success of the preparedness move ..mente -Lest we forget, Bill reports that he isa regular subscriber to the Universdtv of Chi­cago :\iagazine. It seema to us that he is set­ting a pace for most 'of us.Ceoelia K. Wertheimer says: "It's getting- rather embarrassing to" have to admit to nooccupation except housekeeping and reading246 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe University of Chicago Magazine." Justwait until she gets the April number! Somefine leading' she'll have!Mabel A. West is teaching mathematics inthe high school at Creston, Iowa. R. F. D. No.4 will reach her.Raymond T. Wilken, ex-'12, who has beenconnected with the System Magazine in theChicago office, has been recently transferredto New York City to take full charge of theNew Yor), office. Fine!THE FOURTH REUNIONOur tent stood on Vincent Field right acrossthe street from the Reynolds Club, and 'neathits cool and hospitable expanse of flag-bedeckedcanvas from morn till night clustered the clanof 1912. And 'twas here that there passedmany a tale of ancient deeds of college days.From the space be h irid this famous tent at3 o'clock on Saturday the "Midnight Special"issued into the awe-struck gaze of the multi­tude. It consisted, as you see,of a real engine, a real tender, and four ofthe most luxurious chair cars you ever saw.The whistle was blowing and the bell wasclanging, the tender was tendering, the bag­gage was bagging, and the "cheer cars" werecheering. As we took our place in the great parade, hats and scarfs and armbands ablazein the June sun, the crowd burst spontaneouslyand irrespressibly into tremendous applause.South through Woodlawn avenue, west alongthe Midway and north through the dear oldcampus grounds, 'twixt the sombre gray build­ings, now reverberating with shouts of joyand the music of drum and fife, went the galathrong. Through the triumphal arch we passedand our hearts filled with pride as we lookedup at "Our Gate." Out on the field at last!The train swung into the home stretch, thesemaphore was lowered and we steamed downpast the grandstand amid the cheers andclapping of the great audience.The games were over and the circus, too,when we gathered in Hutchinson Court at the1912 table and, under the swinging lanterns,partook of our fourth reunion banquet. Thecourt was full of merrymakers come togetherunder the wing of their alma mater.After the alumni vaudeville in Mandel wepiled high a blazing bonfire and danced inrenewed childhood around the funeral pyre ofthe "Midnight Special." Then, at the strokeof twelve, as the last vibrations from the bigbell in Mitchell tower died in the silent night,Bill Harms, the inspired orator of the occasion,broke the enchanted bottle in dedication againstthe iron-studded doors of "Our Gate."THE CAMPUS AND THE CLASS OF 1912The members of the class of 1912 may beinterested to know of the very close and inti­mate r ela.t ion sh ip between the various officesand departments on the campus and ourselves.Strange, isn't it, that when the Universitywants th in gs done right it calls on the GrandOld Class? Nevertheless it's true!F'r instance, Miss ott, our official chaperon,and Grace Burns run the Bureau of Records;Margaret Sullivan takes charge of things inthe Recorder's office; Ruth B.eticker has beenoperating the office of the School of Commerceand Administration, but from now on will beshowing Dean Marshall how research shouldbe carried on; Eva Pearl Barker has difficultyin con vincing Director .Judd and Dean Grayhow things should be done in the College of Education office, but nevertheless she does it;Grace Storm and Joseph Gonnelly are training"young hopefuls" in the way they ought to goin the Elementary School and in the Collegeof Education; Paul MacClintock, Ralph Chaneyarid Helen Taggart are putting the Departmentof Geology on a safe and firm footing; IsabelJarvis and Winifred Ver Nooy see that theUniversity Libraries are run properly; when­ever the "Old Man" wants able assistance inthe field of University Athletics he calls on"Rady," and now that the University wants theDepartment of Political Science to be a "real"department Ben Bills has been asked to teacha few of the courses.How's that for the class of 1912? We defyany other class to show such a representa­tion in affairs-in-the-making on the campusa-s we!3Jra If. 3Jobn�ton..:tfrance� .. ilberbinglfn .memoriamUalter Jf . ..:tf cute..:tfrank �lon?o �ilbertTlfE DISILLUSIONMENTS OF COLLEGE LIFE 247The Disillusionments of College' Life[This article is from "The Amateur Philosopher,"by Carl H. Grabe, '03, recently published by Scrib­ner's, and here reprinted by permission of theauthor. The whole volume will be found by alumnito be of extraordinary interest.e+En.]My five years of college seemed 'tome at the time, seems to me now, un­satisfactory in nearly every respect. Iwas unhappy because I could not findmy place in life, because I did notknow clearly my own intellectual needsnor any way of satisfying them. Ichanced indeed, upon a little trainingthat later proved valuable, and so. ac­quired some useful knowledge, moreby lucky accident than by design. 'Cer­tainly I was not guided by competenttutors to survey the fields' of human,knowledge, learn the relations of onesubject to another, and permitted finallyto select my own little garden plotfor intensive cultivation. Could allthis have been done for me, and itseems no impossible task, I shouldhave prospered, I could then havefound the work I liked and needed andhave entered into it, for I should haveunderstood its relation to other knowl­edge and to life. I needed guidanceto a survey of knowledge and philosoph­ical thought, which, if adequate onlyto. .my simple needs, was not so vastand impossible a task as it 'sounds. Butno such guidance was vouchsafed me.I blundered through a chaos of coursesarid emerged dissatisfied and incompe­tent, and, save for a desire to learn,uneducated.Colleges may have. impr.oved in thelast fifteen years, and with a clearerinsight into the student's needs mayhelp him find himself. I hope. it is so;yet I observe that the' attitude of thestudent to his college .has changedlittle, if at all, since my time. He en-.deavors tOo make' college a place ofromance by ignoring -in so far' as hecan, all its realities. As: an undergradu­ate he seeks to make its .tasks andpleasures conform to' a literary ideal which he has built upon magazine fie­tion and athletic stories for boys.Once he has been graduated he turnsto a business career with the feelingthat life is now to begin in earnest.Into his life-work he takes little savea memory of friendships. His fouryears of training have not prepared himto live. At the most he may have ac­quired some knowledge of 'use in busi­ness or in preparation for a .profession.I am' speaking, of course, of the aver­age student who enters college withno particular ambitions and with nogenuine intellectual curiosity. Yet in­tellectual interest is latent in everyone,and it should -be the task of the collegeto animate it and give it food forgrowth. Instead, the college of a fewyears ago, like the college of today, Ifear, forced the student to comply withcertain regulations, pass a prescribedseries of courses, and there left him.The student, little interested in thewhole process, was generally contentto be let alone, unaware of his depriva­tions, his intellectual possibilities un-- developed. A student once wrote:"When a man has graduated and hasforgotten the theories he has learnedin college, he is ·prepared to make asuccess of business." The sentenceimplies that what is learned at collegehas no relation to life and is an ob­stacle rather than an aid to achieve­ment. I believe this to be an opinionwidely held bycollege graduates. Whocan say that it is not largely justified?I belonged to the smaller class ofthose who do not accept �ithout crit­icism what the college offers, but whocompare what they receive with whatthey. desire. I wished to find myself,to learn 40w to think; to discover inbooks those ideas which would helpme to frame my little creed of- life and.so teach me how to live. Nothing wasdone- for me to this end. Nobody saw248 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmy problems or cared to solve them.The.college did nO't concern itself muchwith human conduct, for this involvesemotions, intuitions, philosophy andreligion. These are living things diffi­cult to analyze. Their place in thehistory of human society may, ofcourse, be assigned and explained, ortheir part in the psychology of the hu­man animal labeled and defined. Butthey must be treated a's facts, as deadthings, not as living forces. The youngman's hunger for knowledge is not pri­marily _ for facts. He is selfishly con-,cerned with his own problems ofconduct and belief. In the solution ofthese the college is of little assistance,for it recognizes truly but two partsof the human mechanism, memory andthe reason; reason, too, as narrowly re­stricted to .deductions from verifiablefacts. With those less certain factsof emotion, faith and conduct it has as.little to' do as possible. It cannot ig­nore them altogether, but it minimizesthem, because reason in its deductionsfrom them cannot be so exact as inthe laboratory and its conclusions' solittle open to' dispute. The spokesmanfor the college ideal implies, when hedoes not openly declare, that the reasonis all in all, and the intuitions and emo­tions only animal accessories which weshall shed as we climb higher in theevolutionary scale. The conventionalbelief that a college professor is a de­humanized, intellectual and unemo­tional person is usually untrue to fact.But it is, I believe, true of the collegeas a corporate person, for an institu­tion has a fatal power of expressingonly the les-s human characteristics ofthose who compose it. Could a collegebe personified it would resemble thecaricature of the college teacher whichis accepted by the man in the streetas a realistic likeness; it wDuld be a'creature mostly intellect, with onlyvestigial traces of emotions-a start­ling and repellent thing.I am deploring the lack of cultural ideals in the modern college, that offifteen years ago and today. I do notwish, by implication, to suggest a re-, turn to the .classical education of an­other time. This was, indeed moretruly cultural than the education of­fered the, but it can never be restoredto. its former place. Knowledge of thescience, literature and philosophy sub­sequent to the great days of Greeceand Rome must have its large share ina new cultural system, if we ever at­tain such. But in the higher educationof our college at the present time we.see only the old guard of classicistsclinging to' their dwindling preroga­tives and prestige, and arrayed againstthem all the forces of the scientist and. specialist, who make no pretense toany cultural ideal but seek only totrain other specialists, be the field sci­ence! philology, history, economics orliterature. Between these two forces,the classicists and specialists, human­ism, that seeks knowledge as an aid toa firier and more intelligent way oflife, finds no friends at all. -,I entered college hungering forknowledge which would aid me to seemy problems clearly, but with nomore definite aim. I had no desire tostudy any particular subject. I did not.wish to become a' mathematician, astudent of Greek,' a physicist nor aneconomist. Numbers of courses therewere, beautifully graduated and de­signed to fit the student for anyoneof these specialties. But I had no fu­ture vocation in mind. My desire wasboth less and more; I wished naivelyto get soine notion of' man's relationto' the world into which he is born.There was no course+or series ofcourses designed to give such .knowl­edge. In its stead there was a miscel­laneous course, a carryall course, fittedlike the telescope valise, to. hold any­thing from tinware to tracts. It re­quired a little English, a little history,a little French or German, a little phil­osophy and political economy - inTHE DISILLUSIONMENTS Of COLLEGE LIFEshort, it offered education on the cafe-teria plan., -I shall not speak individually of myinstructors, for to> do sO' would be in­vidious. Some were inspiring, others'stirred only a loathing for all knowl­edge. But though the instruction of­fered was uneven in quality, severalconditions were so widely true as tomake safe ground for generalization.First, among the younger men usuallyassigned to the elementary classes, andoften among the older men as well,there was little .culture, by which Imean little interest in knowledge otherthan that peculiar to a limited field. Inthis, our' instructors grubbed toil­somely -to acquire a vast amount ofdetailed information, and this wasoften valuable, I doubt not. • But theperspective of workers in minutiae isalmost inevitably distorted,' for onlya man with a large mind can safely. ac­quire much knowledge in a restrictedfield. They were unable to see themental condition of their students, un­able to guess the needs, not of futurescholars, but of citizens, of the Stateand persons of culture. Had the' stu­dents wished, more than the acquisi­tion of facts, to, know the relation of'these particular facts to the largerworld. of human experience, few of myinstructors would have guessed tneneed, and still fewer were qualified tomeet it.,How' can the issue be evaded? '"Thetraining 'of specialists may" fit them towork diligently and accurately withincertain limits, but how can it train:,them for broad generalizatiop, 'forphilosophizing; for teaching? A teach­.er should, it is true, know how to keephis specialty in its own particularpigeonhole of classified knowledge, buthe should also know the place of itscompartment on relation' to all othercompartments of knowledge.' He can­not even be a good worker in his ownfield unless he can' do 'this. If he mag­nifies the value of his work, conceives 249it to be the most important thing inlife, he becomes a pedant and, howevergreat his store 'Df facts, a scholasticrather than a scholar, The criticismdoes not apply to scientists only, in­deed is 'less applicable to. them than toother specialists in that the nature ofscientific knowledge and the means ofits advancement justify methods whichin other fields of work lead only tofatuity. The passion for scientificmethods inspired by the phenomenaladvances 'of natural science manifests.itself in odd fashion in fields of thoughtin which facts are of less importancethan the interpretation of facts. Theexaggerations of literary scholarshipare a case in point. Scholarship nolonger implies familiarity with ideas,but a mastery of details. In teachingthus inspired there can be no culturalappeal.It 'is obvious' that college disap­pointed me in that it gave me factsonly, .whereas I sought culture and-familiarity, with ideas. The lurkinguneasiness of my mind, due to an in­adequate religion, might have been, al­layed for a time had my collegetrain­ing given me the mental food I needed.The ' solution of ultimate problemswould only have been deferred, but inthe interim I should have enjoyed aperiod of mental growt� and satisfac ...tion. Instead, my' religious difficultiesreturned; the college courses could notdrive 'them away, Nor did my smallacquisitions of knowledge aid megreatly in the solution .of my doubtsand questionings. ,The influence" of my instructors uponme served at first only to -increase myscepticism and unbelief. The thoughtof the time was thoroughly impreg­nated with the evolutionary philosophyof natural science. Herbert Spericer,if not the accredited representative ofscientific philosophy, was certainly thethinker who was, both most widelyread and at the same time most in ac.;.,cord with the spirit ofthe age. In the250 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEevolutionary process, conduct, art, re­ligion and social institutions were tobe thought of as satellites thrown offby the evolving mass of animate mat­ter; they themselves evolved like thevarious life forms, and were merelybiological phenomena somewhat dis­guised. But even Spencer would havebeen taboo. to many science instructorsthen and now, on the sole ground thathe professed to be a philosopher, andall philosophy is thought by some tobe absurd and a waste of .effort. More­over, Spencer admitted a realm of theunknowable, and-many a young scien­tist of today will deny there is such.He will confess to a realm of the un­known, but not-of the unknowable. Itis strange that a "man professing tothink should not come soon to a real­ization of the inadequacy of the humanintellect to explain the universe. Thedifficulty is not with the amount ofknowledge our intellects can bring tous, but with the kind of knowledge.This is the foundation of philosophy,to discriminate between the realms ofthe intellect and of the intuitions.' Butapparently the distinction is not knownor is disregarded by the majority ofscientists and those who in other fieldsof knowledge consider scientific meth­ods of thought solely adequate to hu­man needs.Ignorance of philosophical and re­ligious thought did not, however, deterinstructors, scientists chiefly, from ridi­culing all but scientific methods ofseeking truth. Stories were current ofone professor who informed his classesthat before doing work with him theymust cease to' believe in God; of an­other Wh0' declared that religion haddone more harm than any other humansuperstition. These, though excep­tional instances by reason of theirpuerile bravado, were yet, I believe,fairly, representative of the ideas ofmany others reluctant to advertisetheir prejudices in so open or so violenta fashion. This childish hostility is - indeed not without some provocation,for science has suffered at the handsof ecclesiastical institutions. I twasonce a heresy and its professors weresubject to martyrdom; even in recentyears it has been vilified by religiousbigots, N or is it surprising, that sci­ence responds to. the narrow attacks ofpersons professedly religious withabuse equally indiscriminate and un­fair . .If it denies that its enemy has aplace in the world of thought, or theright to exist, it pursues the -methodsof human beings the world over. Ofintolerance is born _answering intoler­ance; the doubts of the young man,seeking what he may -hold to bethe truth are not, however clari­fied by such ill tempered controversy.He is almost sure to think thatone or the other of the disputantsis" entirely right and the otherequally wrong, rather than that bothare in part right. If he is born to thisgeneration he is most likely to sidewith the scientists and, if he does so,become contemptuous of religion.The scholarly life both fascinatesand repels a thoughtful young man.The normal impulse of youth is to seekthe bracing activities of life with theirw.ealth of spiritual and emotional ex­perience. To do S0' is natural and hu­man, but_ withal hazardous, for painmay come of it. Intellectual pursuitsafford an anodyne to the sharp pain oflife. The cultivated man, with his re­sources of intellectual diversion, is notso liable as is the ardent participant inthe activities of life to suffer from tak­ing the word too seriously. To himlife may indeed be less vivid than isthe passionate existence of those whodare to believe and to act, but it willseldom prove vapid. Disillusionment,too, will lose its sting if anticipated, orin itself may serve as a half-humoroustheme for refined cynicism and epi­gram. The academic philosophypreaches that if we would avoid painwe "should not live passionately, butTHE DISILLUSIONMENTS -OF COLLEGE LIFE 251dwell always in the realm of reason, cial "success" as the ideal and aim ofwherein every experience is as inter- the college education. This note ofesting as another. ' Thus, though life commercialism begins now to sound asmay bring no great joy, neither will it loudly as that of specialization orbring unendurable pain. academic pessimism; but in my collegeThose of. academic mind may. be days the commercial fad was new anddivided into two groups, the special- fighting for recognition. It had little. effect on me save to arouse my dis­ists, who ignore ultimate questions,'and those tormented with the riddle ' taste.A student is usually unprepared toof existence, who seek in irony and denionstrate the inadequacy of his in-pessimism a refuge. from the impor-tuniti 'f do bt Th . I hil structors, especially if this inadequacy. es 0 u. e SOCIa p 1 os- - is only a defect of range and theopher .argues that society repeats itself teacher is competent to the degree ofin unending cycles of barbarism, civil- his" understanding. Moreover, theization, decay and anarchy. The weight. of the institution, the alliedanthropologist explains the bestial powers of learning and tradition, shameorigins of individual and social mor- 'puny remonstrances and silence criti-tality .and traces their growth in evolv- cism. A college has a tremendous airing adaptation to environment The of infallibility and conviction, and it ispsychologist, shows that the emotionsan unusual youngster who can holdof love and pity, even religion itself, his own mind against its pressure. Aare by-products of matter, or, phenom-ena of matter in motion, like heat .. Or, degree of mental independence andagain, they are but. aberrations of the considerable courage are necessary tohuman machine, which confuse the the young man who would questionconventions widely held or attacksimple problems of science. These reverend institutions that bulk largeattitudes, expressed or -implied, 'are on his' horizon. I remember that Icharacteristic of the intellectual life. criticised my instructors freely in de­They lead to pessimism and passivity. tail, but I do not recollect, as a stu­They both allure and repel. dent, seriously criticising that impos-There are exceptions to the academic ing structure-college. This I ac­groups into' which I have divided the cepted, as perforce I must accept 'socollege staff. It has become fashion- great a thing, as a fact of nature .. Fromable 'for professors to take a hand, in it I assimilated a little pessimism, ofthe affairs of the community. With which I had already enough, a .Iittlesome this participation. in worldly af- knowledge and some desire for more,fairs is genuine and disinterested, a and a little fuel for my socialistic ardor.most wholesome pursuit and an augury I suspected some of my most stimulat­of a closer intimacy of the college with ing teachers of being socialists, asthe State. With others it implies only, probably they were; at any rate, theythe adoption of a .fad, such as "effi-. were 'not complacent advocates of ourciency" - this, academically inter- present society, upon which theypreted, the preparation of students for turned the same batteries of ironicefficiency in business; and in this prep- criticism that they directed againstaration the college teacher himself as- traditional religion, If, at this time,sumes the business point' of view, my socialism, was not fanned to amingles with the manufacturers and _- flame, neither was it dampened.,bankers, laying aside all pretense to a College friendships I have not men-wider vision, and setting up commer- tioned. They were more valuable as252 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwell as more enjoyable than the courseof study. With my friends I discussedthe big questions of life and belief thatmy . college classes did not help me toanswer, although in the light of freshinformation old difficulties often ap�peared in a new guise, But needful asthis intercourse was, our minds weretoo much alike in many respects, be­cause the product of similar environ­ment and education, to aid to freshpoints of view. Rather were we con­firmed and strengthened in the mentalattitudes we had already assumed.Deeper emotional and spiritual experi­ences, not to be found in college, wereneeded to' break the casts into whichall our thoughts and habits were poured and moulded, This at any ratewas true of me.I think, then, it is apparent why mycollege years seem in retrospect S0' un­happy and unprofitable, Perhaps youthmust always be unhappy and collegesforever unsatisfactory. Yet I feel thatcollege life might have done more thanit did to' satisfy my need for guidance,as the religious instruction of my boy­hood might have taken me easily overmany difficulties which it evaded andmight have made my. spiritual growthmore easy and rapid. I came out ofcollege with my philosophy of life yetto make, though with' slightly bettermental resources for my task thanwhen I entered. CARL H. GRABO.On The QuadranglesTwo leading women's organizations bara Miller, recording secretary. Helenon the campus, the Y. W. C. L and Driver, as the official delegate of thethe W. A. A., at an election early in association at a conference in Madison,March, chose officers for the year 1917- read a paper on "Point System and1918. In the League, Julia Ricketts Awards." Miss Driver was accom­was named president; Sallie Rust, vice- partied on her trip by a menage of sixpresident; Agnes Murray, secretary, colleagues. The University of Chicagoand Grace Hennis, treasurer. Mem- was unanimously picked as the meet­bers of the first cabinet include Lois ing place of the 1918 conference. TheHostetter, Frances Roberts, Margaret W. A. A. held a series of championshipAllen, Dorothy Blouck, Harriet Curry, basketball games de luxe, each of whichLillian Richards, Agnes Prentice, Mary was followed by dancing and refresh­Knapp, Anna Gray, Rosemary Carr, ments. -Ruth Huey was the star ofand Martha Simonds. The new in- a swimming meet on March 15; Marycumbents were installed at a ceremo- Ingals captured the event entitled 20-nial conducted in Lexington. The yards-in-the-fewest-strokes ..week-end of -March 30 was devoted to Harold' Huls, '17, was sent to Pur­a house-party, at which the new cabi- due as delegate from the undergradu­net members accepted .their portfolios.. ate council to the annual studentThe League announced that the Mar- . government convention, and Williamgaret Green Memorial fund, inaugu- . Templeton, '17, represented the Uni­rated last spring, has reached a total versity at the Summer Military Train­of $720, which will be utilized in loans ing Camps conference in St. Louis onto women students. March 24. Dennett Bell was appointedPauline Callen was elected presi- cheer leader for the corning year, anddent of the Women's Athletic associa- William Henry, assistant�. In announc­tion at the balloting of March 13; ing social occurrences, the council setEsther Beller, vic-e-president; Helen .May 29 �as the tentative date for theDriver, secretary-treasurer, and Bar- Interclass hop, and June 8 for the In-ON THE QUADRANGLES 253ter-fraternity sing, which will De di­rected by Robert Dunlap, '17.The Senior class, in compiling itsprogram for the spring quarter, in­cludes a Go-to-Church Sunday affairon April 8-attractive for its noveltyas well as blasphemy. The social com­mittee, however, provided sufficientantidotes for this indulgence, in the.guise of a movie party and a shirt­sleeve dance.Blackfriars activities were featuredby the conclusion of both song andart contests. Ronald McLeod, ex-'19,submitted the winning poster, whichdepicts a scene from. this year's pro­duction. Iri the music competition, J.Beach Cragun, instructor of music inthe college of education, was the most­successful contestant,' with nine com­positions accepted. Other selectionsare by Milton Herzog, '17; MortonHoward, '19; Fortunato Gualano, '16;Earle Bowlby, '11; Raymond Smith,'19 ; James Hemphill, '19, and MilpGibbs, '16. The inevitable quota ofHonolulu and ukelele numbers will beoffered. Preliminary tryouts for castroles were held on March l5, and Ab­bot Dunlap Clark predicted that thechorus would augment the number ofparticipants in "A Myth in Mandel,"close to 100. r- •Dire misfortunes necessitated a post­ponement of the Dramatic' club play,Arnold Bennett's. "The Great Adven­ture," from March 10 to April 7. LeonGendron, president of the club and animportant dramatic 'persona, contract­ed scarlet fever, and the manager ofthe club, Charles Breasted, was precipi­tately rendered ineligible by the graceof University officials. The Under­graduate Classical club is rehearsingits spring play, "Dido," by ProfessorFrank]. Miller; the presentation is incharge of committees, the chairmen ofwhich are Annie Beck, Percival Gray,Mattie Slonaker, and Frances Painkin­sky.The Dramatic club was not the sole victim of' the severe epidemic whichhas swept the campus. Dances and. smokers were cancelled, the Delta TauDelta, Phi Delta Theta, Alpha DeltaPhi, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Chi,and Delta Upsilon fraternities werequarantined, and dormitories wereadorned with red placards.Results of the Reynolds club elec­tion were as follows: Hans Norgren,president; Otto Teichgraeber, vice­president; William Henry, secretary;John Bannister, treasurer, and WilliamBausch, librarian. Entertainment wassupplied for the quarterly smoker byGarrett Larkin, the Irish song-bird,and Taylor and Hemphill, advertisedas the "Harmony Babies." The clublibrary was closed for redecoration,and was presented with � color etchingby George Senseney, the artist; the li­brary now contains 1,381 ·books.The novelty of the Cap and Gown,which is said to have been locked inthe frame on March 17, is the Quarter­Centennial section, comprising morethan fifty views and descriptive pass­ages. The annual also offers a thou­sand campus scenes, and the customaryrecord of campus events and celebri­ties. 'Spasmodically, throughout themonth, The Daily Maroon communi­cation column was .occupied by anepistolary debate as to the legitimacyof the word "co-ed." The affirmativewas upheld by Richard Atwater, '11,and the negative by Assistant RecorderGurney; on the day when The Maroonpublished the first of these letters" Mr.Alexander Johnsen, of Philadelphia,lectured in Harper on "Feeble-Minded­ness," pertinently asseverating the :n­crease of that affliction.Student enrollment in the Universityunit of the U. S. Reserve Officers'Training corps attained the 200 mark.Three members of the corps, FletcherIngals, Robert Merrill,. and WalterLoehwing, qualified as expert riflemenat Fort Sheridan, and were the recipi­ents of gold medals. Capt. William254 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELand, instructor of the riflemen, urgedenlistment in these preparatory meas­ures for war, "guaranteeing that noone will get hurt"-a prize pearl forthe Masses. President Judson andMajor Malone addressed students ata military mass meeting on March 6.A campaign for funds to support aUniversity ambulance in France net­ted $1100, and a medical unit of ninetymen was organized on the quadranglesas an American .. ambulance company.John Slifer was chosen president ofthe Interfraternity council; HarrySwanson, vice-president; Arthur Han­isch, recording secretary; Albert Pick,corresponding" secretary, and WilliamBoal, treasurer. The council contin­ues to explain its rushing rules, denyits explanations, and explain its de­nials. In the finals of the inter-frater­nity bowling tournament, Alpha DeltaPhi defeated Delta Sigma Phi, 2,362to 2,200. Robert Willett rolled thehighest· score of the series, with acount of 258. Psi Upsilon, withouthaving solved the mystery of the dis­appearing owl, moved into :'!::, new chapter house, opposite Bartlett, at theclose of March.During the spring vacation, the Gleeclub. made a short concert tour throughIndiana. The University Musical clubwill perform three times, beginningApril 10 and continuing on succeedingTuesdays. Ralph Goldberg, LouisWirth, and Andrew Buchanan will de­bate for the freshman Varsity againstNorthwestern in April. David Hal­fant, an alternate on the 1920 forensicsquad, won the $40 scholarship in thefreshman extemporaneous speakingcontest. Among other undergraduateswho achieved notable distinction thismonth are the recently elected officersof the Menorah society: Harry Cohn,president; Susan Brandeis, vice-presi­dent; Pauline Vislick, recording secre­tary; Sylvia Meyer, corresponding sec­retary, and Robert Barker, treasurer.Florist William O'Carroll, a son ofErin, commemorated St. Patrick'sDay (we mention this by request) bysending shamrock plants to. PresidentWilson and Theodore Roosevelt.Frederick R. Kuh, '17.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 255The University RecordThe University Choirs will again givethree Spring Concerts, on Tuesdays inApril, at Leon Mandel Assembly Hall. OnTuesday evening, A"pril 10, the club willpresent the Musical Art Society, Mr. Her­bert M. Hyde, conductor. On Tuesday,April 17, at 4 P. M., Mr. P. C. Lutkin bringsthe A Cappella Choir. 01). Tuesday even­ing, April 24, the University Chorus will,under Director Stevens, give Liszt's Thir­teenth Psalm, with Mr. M. J. Brines as tenorsoloist and Professor Lunn and ProfessorKitson accompanying. On the same even-.ing the Chicago Lyric .Club of women'svoices, Mr. John Loring 'Cook, conductor,will assist in part songs. Reserved seats ateach concert will be fifty cents, the entirehouse, or one dollar for" the series. Boxes,seating six, will b� nine dollars and upperboxes, seating four, will be' five dollars forthe series. Checks and orders may be sentto Ellis T. Kipp, Treasurer, or simply "TheMusical Club," Box 114, University of Chi­cago. Alumni are urged to attend.Professor Julius Stieglitz, chairman ofthe Department of Chemistry, has recentlybeen elected president of the AmericanChemical Society. In addition to thishonor he has also been elected to .the presi­dency of the scientific honor 'society ofSigma Xi. Professor Stieglitz, Who hasbeen connected with the University of Chi­cago since its founding tw�� ty-five yearsago, is a member of the' Council on Chem­istry and Pharmacy of the American Med­ical Association, and also a member of theInternational Commission on AnnualTables of Constants. He has given theHitchcock lectures in science at the U ni­ver sity of California, and has just beenappointed a member of the Committee forthe . Encouragement of Research at theUniversity. .At the recent organization' of .the Ameri­c!tn Academy of Public Health, which hasamong its objects the promotion of the effi­ciency of public-health administration andthe stimulation of original work 311 public­health science, Professor Edwin Oakes J or­dan, chairman of the Department of Hy­giene and Bacteriology at the University;was made a member of the academy forthe first year. ,Qualifications for member­ship' are based upon achievements as pub­lic health workers and scholarship in pub­lic-health science.Mrs: Henry V. Freeman, of Chicago, 0has presented to the Law School thelibrary of Illinois Supreme Court and Ap­pellate Reports that belonged to her hus­band, the late Henry V. Freeman, Judgeof the Illinois, Appellate Court. Judge Freeman was for a number years speciallecturer on legal ethics in the law school.The gift includes more than three hundredvolumes, bound in morocco and containingJudge Freeman's book plate.Among the contributors to a new phil­sophical volume on Creative Intelligence areProfessor A. W. Moore, of the Departmentof Philosophy, who writes on "The Refor­mation of Logic"; Professor G. H. Mead,of the same department, who discusses"Scientific Method and the Individual'Thinker"; and Professor J. H. Tufts, headof the Department of Philosophy, who con­siders the subject of "The Moral Life andthe Construction of Values and Standards."o The opening chapter of the book is by Pro­fessor John Dewey, formerly of the U ni­versity of Chicago, now of ColumbiaUniversity. ,In a series of lectures given by membersof the University on "Studies in PresentInternational Relations," at the .AbrahamLincoln Center of the' University 'LectureAssociation in Chicago, the first speakerwas Prof. J. H. Tufts, head of the Depart­ment of Philosophy, on "The Ethics ofNations." On March 13 Dean ShailerMathews, of' the Divinity School; spoke on"Rational Preparedness." President, J ud­son, as Professor of International Law, dis­cussed on March 20 .the subject of "Inter­national' Law as Applied to ,the PresentSituation," and Professor A. C. McLaugh­lin, head of the Department of History;closed the series on March 27 with an ad-odress on "America 'and England, Then, andNow.". A series of lectures for the benefit of theUniversity of Chicago Settlement was givenduring late February and March in the FineArts building. ;The subject of the serieswas "The Awakening World," and its pur­pose was to show the effect of the war ondifferent aspects of life. Professor Coulterspoke. on February 27, from the point ofview of the biologist; Professor Boynton,on March' 6, concerning the relation of thewar to literature; Professor Michelson, onMarch 13; 'as a physicist; Prof, Freund, onMarch 20, as a lawyer, and Professor 'Read,on March 27, as a historian,Professor Gordon J. Laing, of the De­partment of Latin at the University of Chi­cago, is lecturing at the University of Cali­fornia on the special foundation known asthe Sather Professorship of' Classical Lit­erature. He is giving a series of lectureson the history of. Roman religion and alsoa course on the Greek drama.256 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumniThe first general meeting of class repre­sentatives held under the direction of theClass Organization Committee of theAlumni Council was held in Field's grillMarch 10; Mrs. Helen Sunny McKibbin,'08, presided. She stated the problem be­fore the committee and said that it hopedultimately to discover what classes werewell organized, what their form of organ­ization was and to assist the unorganizedclasses in strengthening their organization.The committee is working at the problemthrough its members, Miss ' Josephine Allin,Mr. Ernest Quantrell, Miss Charlotte Mer­rill, Mr. John' Greene and Dr. John E.Rhodes. To each of these members hasbeen assigned a number of classes, andreports will be made on the conditionsfound in the various groups by each meJJ?­ber.The general meeting was made up of twoor more representatives from each classwith the idea of outlining the general prob­lem to them, and letting them carry backto their own organization an idea of whatthe committee is trying to do. Mr. Mouldstold what the office could do to help theclasses in their work of organization. Hecommented on the fact that many of theearlier classes have not had definite organ­ization in the past and that the more recentclasses are better organized. The futurestrength of the College Association, in hisopinion, will lie in class organizations andnot in local clubs, which are too widelyscattered to be of immediate assistance.The classes may be counted on to supplymissing addresses and this year particularlyto insure the success of the June Reunion,Scott Brown, '97, Chairman of the Coun­cil, spoke of the need of a physical entitywhich alumni might recognize as their own. AffairsHe said that the Executive "Committee ofthe" Council is now considering a specificproject which will probably form the key­note of the June Reunion. Definite plansare being withheld until complete informa­tion can be given. He announced that RoyD. Keehn had consented to' act as GeneralChairman of the reunion, thereby insuringthe success of that occasion. He spoke fur­ther of the plan to unite in one large group,the classes graduated prior to 1900. Thisgroup under the direction of the class of'97, which this year is celebrating its twen­tieth reunion, is planning to build a replicaof the old shanty on 57th and Ellis avenue.Mr. Fleming and Mr. H. L. Willett madeseveral suggestions to the General Com­mittee and after the meeting had been ad ..journed, those present met in small groupsto consider specific problems connected withtheir own organizations.'There were present: Mrs. Joseph P. War­ren, '96; Susan W. Lewis, '95; Mrs. HenryG. Gale, '97; Charles S. Winston, Donald S.Trumbull, '97; Mrs. G. E. Shambaugh, '98;John F. Hagey; '98; Laura M. Wright, '98;Josephine T. Allin, '98; Scott Brown,'97; Ernest E. Quantrell, '05; Herbert E.Fleming,'02; Douglas Sutherland, '02; Mrs.James W. Thompson, '03; Mr. Bruce Mc­Leish, '03; Miss Shirley Farr, '04; Nelson L.Buck, '04; Charlotte Merrill, '10; H. L. Wil­lett, '04; John F. Moulds, '07; Ethel Terry,'07; Helen Gunsaulus, '08; Eloise Kellogg,'08; Bradford Gill, '11; Earl D. Hostetter,'07; Dr. John E. Rhodes, '76; Vallee Appel,'11; Florence Fanning, '11; Eva Barker, '12;George Kuh, '13; Cora Hinkins, '13 ; JohnA. Greene, '14; Harvey Harris, '14; GeorgeLyman, '15; Helen Ricketts, '15; MarianMortimer, '16; Lawrence Macfiregor, '16".Tokyo Dinner-Professor Frederick Starrwrites from Tokyo, Japan, FebruaryLa:"Last evening I attended' the annual din­ner of the U. of C. Alumni Club of Tokyo.We were twerrty-on e at the table. Presi­dent Judson, Prof. Mathews, Prof. Burton,(Prof. Henderson) and myself were electedhonorary members, all having at one timeor' another been guests of the club. Thequestion of whether to elect Prof. Hender­son arose and was decided affirmatively.I t is, of course, entirely in keeping withJapanese ideas."Kansas City Dinner-s-A dinner for teach­ers, former students in or connected with the College of Education, was held at Kan­sas City on February 27. Among the speak­ers, beside Dr. Otis W. Caldwell and DeanW. C. Gray of the College of Education,were representatives of three city publicschool systems, which have been surveyedby the Chicago Department of Educationin the past year. Two hundred and twen­ty-nine were present, just twice as many asat a similar dinner last year.Chicago Alumnae Club-The annual meet­ing of the Chicago Alumnae Club will beheld at luncheon on Saturday, April 14, atthe Chicago College Club, 16- N. Wabashavenue.fidently expected toget goo d places,were not in condi­tion to run. Thestar of the meetwas Captain J er­orne Fisher, '17,who won the vaultat 12 ft. 3 in .. andthe high jump at 5ft. ll)li in. BingaDismond, compet­ing for Chicago forthe last time brokequarter-mile in­door record, run­ning in 50 3-5seconds, and as­sisted in breakingthe t-mile relayrecord, which wasset at 3 :32 2-5.Other runners onthe relay teamwere Curtiss '19,Greene '19, andFeuerstein '18.Harold Clark '18finished second inthe half, but thewinner, VanAken of Purdue.was disqualifiedfor f 0 u lin g.C I ark's timewas 2:00 1-5 sec­onds: he had thesatisfaction 0 fbeating Spink ofIllinois, an oldhigh-school rival.Jones '19 wasthird and Swett'18 fourth in themile run, andGreene '19 andFeuerstein '18w ere fourth inthe half and the.quarter, respect­ively, Higgins '18won the shot-putat 43 ft. 5)1i in.,and Gorgas '19won fourth. Gra­ham '19 tied forsecond place inthe dash, h�rdles, or two-mile run; in every?ther eve_nt It placed. two men, except the highJump. Fisher and Dismond, seniors accountedfor fifteen points, besid�s Dismon�l's help inthe relay. Clark, Fuerstem and Swett juniorstook seven points, and Higgins, Graha�, J one;Green and Gorgas, sophomores, capturedeleven.The conference victory had been prophe-ATHLETICSAthleticsDismond Winning the Quarter-Mile in the Conference Meet, 1916.Time, 47 3-5 Seconds (Conference Record)Track.-The indoor track season endedwell for Chicago with an overwhelming vic­tory in the Conference indoor champion­ships at Evanston on March 24; Chicagowinning 38 points to 23 for Illinois and 20for Wisconsin, and this in spite of the factthat Glenn Tenney '19, sure of first in themile run, was down with measles, andGeorge Otis '19 and W. J. Snyder '18, con- 257258 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsied after the relay games at the Universityof Illinois on March 3, where Chicago wonwith 26% points, Illinois being second andWisconsin third, as at the Conference meet.Chicago took also at Illinois two relays, theone-mile and the four-mile, and. was second·in the two-mile, and Captain Fisher wonfrom nine other contestants the all-aroundchampionship with 4,968 points, Burke ofWisconsin being second with 4,862. In thiscompetition each man competed in sevenevents, the 75-yard dash, the 75-yard highhurdles, the half-mile run, the shot-put, thehigh-jump, the broad-jump and the vault.Fisher scored 940 out of a possible 1,000points in the vault and 868 in the high jump.Hinkarnp '19, Clark '18, Feuerstein '18 andDismond '17 won the mile relay, Otis '19,Tenney '19, Swett '18, and Powers '17 wonthe four-mile, and Jones '19, Greene '19,·Tenney '19 and Clark '18 were second in thetwo-mile, won by :N" otre Dame. In theregular events Fisher and Graham '19 tiedfor first in the vault at 12 ft. Fisher tiedfor first in the high jump at 6 ft. 1;4 in. andHiggins '19 was second in the shot put.The squad brought home three banners, tengold watches, the championship cup, andthree medals. Owing to poor transporta­tion facilities, they left the armory at U r-bana ..Swimming.c--The war, sickness, and atechnicality probably cost Chicago the Con-·ference swimming championship. Afterdefeating Illinois, Wisconsin and N orth­western in dual meets, the team lost atEvanston on March 23, Northwestern tak­ing the meet 44-26. Rubinkam '18, thediver, is driving an ambulance in France;Vacin '19, the best breast-strike swimmer inthe Conference, was declared ineligible -forhaving competed for the 1. A. C. iri onemeet in his freshman year; Collins '18 dis­located his knee two weeks ago, and Capt.Meine came down with measles four daysbefore the final meet, the combination cost­ing Chicago an easy victory in the relay.Walter Earle '18 was the star, winning the40-yard swim in 19 seconds, the 100-yard inone minute fiat, and the 220 in 2 :37· 2-5.Carlson '19 won the plunge. Prospects fornext year, even with Capt. Meine and Ru­binkarn out, are very good, Earle, Carlson,Crawford, Collins, Vacin, Bowers and Har­per forming a strong group.Basket-baI1.-Minnesota and Illinois tiedfor first in the Conference race, each havingten victories and two defeats. Chicago,with four victories and eight defeats, wassixth. The team loses the services of Capt.Townley and Rothermel, but the freshmangroup is unusually strong, and next yearshould be a pleasanter story. 'Twenty-two high-school and academyteams competed in the first annual prepara­tory-school championship, held in Bartlett March 16 and 17, and won by EvanstonHigh School from Freeport (Ill.) HighSchool. Next year, with experience toguide and the future to look forward to, thisevent should be very fine.'Football-No radical changes were madein the football code by the IntercollegiateRules Committee, which met in New Yorkin March. The principal alterations. are asfollows: .1. A substitute entering game must notspeak to any player until after ball is putin play. Penalty for violation is a loss offifteen yards.2. A goal from field can only be scoredfrom placement, with ball touching ground,or by dropkick. This rule is intended to'prevent the "multiple kick.". [This mul­tiple kick has never been used in the west.Two men hold the ball by the ends a fewinches from and parallel to the ground.]3. Artificial tee for kick-off is elimi­nated. [This does not refer to the littleheap of dirt on which the ball is 'placed inmost western games, but to an eastern prac­tice of putting the ball on a head guard.]4. Illegal interference with player re­ceiving forward pass is penalized by giv­ing of ball to the offended side at spotwhere foul is committed.5. Running into kicker penalized by lossof five yards.,6. Roughing the kicker. is penalized byloss of fifteen yards, and disqualification ofoffender.7. A new ball may be substituted for awet one at beginning of second half, at dis­cretion of the referee.DISMOND, QUARTER-MILERHenry Binga Dismond, the fastestquarter-miler who ever attended a westerncollege, received his B. S. at. the. Marchconvocation, and is now at work at Rush.When shall the Chicago undergraduates,eager attendants upon track meets, lookupon his like again? .Dismond is twenty-five years .old. Bornin Richmond, Va., in 1891, he entered Har­vard University Academy at Washington,D. c., in 1908. Three years later in Brook­lyn, he won the point trophy of the SmartSet meet, taking the 220 and the quarter.The next two years, while working inBrooklyn, he ran for the Laughlin Lyceum,and was the anchor man on the Lvceum re­lay team. In 1913 he was invited by hisuncle, Jesse Binga, a well-known banker inChicago, to come west and study medicine,and in the fall he matriculated at the Uni-. versity of. Chicago. .In his freshman year he won the CentralA. A. U. quarter-mile championship in 48%.(This record has not been accepted by theNational A. A. D.) As a sophomore hewon the same championship in 49 fiat, andthe' Conference quarter in 49%, one of hisATHLETICSmost spectacular races, as he slipped at thestart, was boxed, and on the first turn waslast, ten or twelve yards behind the leader.He went wide into the back-stretch, and lit­erally ran around the whole field. In Cali­fornia that summer he ran third in the na­tional championships to Meredith and Slo­man (straight-away, 47 flat. He offers agood alibi-HI wasn't fast enough.) OnWashington's Birthday, 1916, he spread­eagled his field ·in the suburban quarter in­vitation special (indoors), beating Mereditheight yards in 50}"5. In June, 1916, he wonthe Conference quarter at Evanston. in 47%,putting the western record where itwill stand for ten years in all probability.The race was around one turn. Dismondran the first 220 of that race in 23% sec­onds, and romped home about eight yardsahead of his nearest competitor, Williamsof Wisconsin, who also bettered the bestprevious Conference time.Dismond has never been beaten in an in­tercollegiate quarter, and has seldom failedto bring his team in first in an intercol­legiate one-mile relay. His best time forthe hundred yards is 10Y!i, for the two­twenty 22 flat, for the half 1 :57%, in a two­mile relay. In four races against TedMeredith, he has finished ahead of thatgreat runner three times, all indoors. Hisideal distance is probably four hundredyards; he fades. a trifle in the last forty.He has never had quite the sprinting speed0.£ Ira Davenport, the only Chicago quar­ter-miler of altogether his class, nor quiteDavenport's. endurance, but his record isbetter than "Davvy's." Tn his two and ahalf years of competition for Chicago, Dis­mond has made 85Y, points for Chicago illdual meets; 34Y, points in Conference meets,and 30Y, points in other meets, these in­cluding points in fifteen winning relays. Heis, as a student, considerably above theaverage, and as a sportsman without re­proach. Few great runners have sosteadily regarded their athletic prowess asincidental only, or have been more popularamong their competitors.Williston, SubmarineThe most extraordinary feat of endur­ance ever seen in Bartlett gymnasium oc­curred March 2, when Samuel H. Williston,a freshman, broke the world's record forunderwater swimming, by going lOS yards.The distance, which is five lengths of thetank and twenty-four feet over, was cov­ered in one minute and fifty-eight seconds.The previous record was made twelveyears ago, 106 yards, 2 feet, by Dr. E. P.Swatek, who as it chanced acted as starterfor young Williston's feat. Willistonswam until, completely unconscious, heturned over and began to sink. He wasdragged out, and in a few minutes was ableto walk to the dressing room. He sufferedno subsequent ill effects. 259Samuel Williston, '20Williston, who is a son of Professor S.W. Williston of the department of Pale­ontology, is only 17. He did his first under­water swimming for distance -about threeyears ago, being able at that time to coverforty yards. For two years and a half,living in New Mexico, he trained spe­cifically to increase his lung capacity. Lastfall, after entering the university, he be­gan steady practice for underwater swim­ming. Most of the time he spent on thesurface, developing a specially timedstroke, slow enough not to waste oxygenunduly and yet fast enough to cover dis­tance. Once a week he went from two tofour lengths (forty to eighty yards) underwater. The week before his final effort hecovered one hundred yards and was able toget out by himself; and on March 2d heset a record which is likely to stand formany years. If it does not, however, Wil­liston says whoever breaks it is welcometo it; he 'is through.TYPEWRITERS $10. UP260 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI PERSONALSHarry A. Lipsky, '96, hasn't done muchthis last year; just living at home. Still,as a member of the Board of Educationand chairman of the committee on Com­munity Centers, he has stirred about alittle. The committee, with an appropria­tion of $100,000, conducts over fifty schoolcenters and through a sub-committee allschool and community gardens, supervisesthe cultivation of about a thousand acres inall parts of the city. As a member of theeducation committee of the Advertising As­sociation of Chicago he started the firstHigh School Advertising Club in Chicagoat Medill, with 150 members. He is alsochairman of the National Conference onCommunity Centers and Related Problems,which will meet ill Chicago, April 17-21, atthe Auditorium.Waldo P. Breeden, '97, sends in word ofhalf a dozen alumni and inquiring after adozen others, including Charles W. (WarHorse) Allen, Maude Radford Warren,Horace (Thanks for the Day, Comrades)Butterworth, Phil Rand, (Yvette) GilbertBliss, Clifford McGillivray, Frank Hering,Horace and Ralph Dougherty, William(Eagle Bird) Gardner, Charles Roby,Harvey Peterson and George C. Sykes. Headds: "The only claim to distinction I haveis the inauguration of double-decker bedsin Snell; and the bulk of the old alumniprobably feel as I do, that their doingscannot be of much importance. The editorshares with a lot of others the obloquy ofbelonging to a moss-grown generation."Obloquy! It's a privilege. Judge Breedenis practicing law in Pittsburgh. As for theothers, seriatim, we don't know where WarHorse Allen is; Maude Radford Warrenhas just returned from some months inIreland, England and France, getting ma­terial for articles, and is re-established atthe Elms Hotel in Chicago, whence sheissues this very evening, March 20, to talkat the Quadrangle Club on her experiences;Horace Butterworth is said to be living inNewark, N. ]., but what he is doing theeditor knows not; Phil Rand went to Idahoyears ago, married, and lives at SalmonCity; Gilbert Bliss is professor of mathe­matics at the university, having servedterms previously at Missouri, Minnesotaand Princeton; Clifford McGilli vray diedlast year, a department manager .in theservice of Swift & Co., with which he hadbeen connected for nearly twenty years;Frank Hering is head of the Fraternal Or­der of Eagles, and grand editor of the EagleMagazine, headquarters at South Bend, Ind.;Horace Dougherty is practicing law in Ta­coma, Wash., and Ralph is in the same linein New York City; Billy Gardner is in thelumber business in Superior, Wis.: CharleyRoby is with Rothschild & Co., in Chi­cago; Dr. Harvey Peterson is professor of psychology at the Illinois State Normal, atNormal, Ill., and George Sykes is living inChicago and fighting the Thirt'-Twent'­Year street car franchise. Anything elseyou want to know, Waldo?Harry Foster Bain, Ph. D., '97, is nowliving at 46 Rue Massenet, Shanghai, China,where he is doing work as a mining engi­neer.Charles S. Pike, '97, is with the Paige­Detroit Automobile Company of Detroit,Mich., as publicity man, so Harvey Wood­ruff says, and it sounds real. WaldoBreeden says he is in Connecticut, but wedon't believe it.Franklin E. Vaughan, '98, is now partnerin the law firm of McGilvary, Ames &Vaughan, in the Chicago Title and TrustBuilding.]. T. Proctor, B. D., '98, has .r eturned tothe United States on furlough, from Shang­hai, where he has been teaching. His old­est son, Paul, enters the university nextfall. .Walter]. Cavanaugh, ex-'01, died at St.Vincents Hospital in Toledo, Ohio, at 6o'clock Sunday morning, March 4th, as aresult of injuries received early Saturdayevening, two miles east of Fremont, Ohio,when the automobile in which he was rid­ing skidded and crashed into a bridge. Hewas picked up terribly wounded and takento Fremont, and later hurried to Toledo ina special car.ALUMNI PERSONALSHe had_ left his home early Saturdaya:fternon to drive from Toledo to Cleve­land and meet friends there. He was alonein the car. As he neared the bridge heturned out, for an automobile coming fromthe east; _ he failed to get back in the roadin time to negotiate the bridge. The au­tomobile crashed into the side of the bridgeand Cavanaugh was thrown out, his headstriking the concrete portion of the bridge.When he was brought to Fremont he wasconscious, but unable to speak, both hisjaws being broken. His skull also wasfractured, and he had sustained internalinjuries.Walter James . Cavanaugh was born atStevens Point, Wis., August 28, 1878, aridwas the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. JamesCavanaugh of Kenosha, Wis. H'e was edu- -cated in the graded schools of Kenoshaand was graduated from the' UniversitySchool in the spring of 1896. 'The same year - he entered the Universityof Chicago and there gained early recogni­tion as an athlete. He joined the U niver­sity of Chicago football team in his fresh- .man year and for three years played center.Two years' he was named as a member ofthe All-Western Team and once "vas pickedby Walter Camp fOF his All-American Hon­orary Eleven.He gave up his college work at the endof his third year and returning to Kenoshahe entered the offices of the Laflin-RandPowder Company. Later he joined theforces of the Illinois Steel Corporation atthe .South Chicago Mill, where he was em­ployed for two years. -At this period heenlisted "in the regular army, but at the endofeix months of service at the army' basein San Francisco, he was honorably dis­charged on account of illness. Later hewas athletic trainer for. the Olympic Ath-letic Club of San Francisco. -'In 1905 he returned' to Kenosha, wherehe started his life work in earnest. Hewent into the foundry of the SimmonsManufacturing Company,' was soon- ad­vanced .to the position of assistant fore­man, and' later was taken into the office asmanager of the order department. Whenthe Simmons Company started the manu­facture of- automobile seats and cushionshe was given charge of this department.In the fall .of 1915 he was connected withJohn W. Willys of Cleveland in the organi­zation of a new company known as the To­ledo Coil Wire Products Company, whichtook' over .the business of the . SimmonsCompany in the line which Mr. Cavanaughhad superintended. He was in charge ofthe building of the new plant at Toledoand had been president and general man- �ager of the company since its formation.The company had been very successful inits business during the last year � 261During his college course Mr. Cavanaughwas a member of the Illinois Beta Chapterof the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. He wasalso a member of the "Three QuartersClub" and other social organizations in Chi­cago.He was for years an enthusiastic mem­ber of the Kenosha Country Ciub. He wasformer secretary of the Wisconsin StateGolf Association and was in charge of thetournament held on the Kenosha links in1�14. GEORGE'V'. TRAVER, '17.Concerning A. J. Gladstone Dowie, '00,J. D. '04, a grave and reverend professor,who shall be nameless, writes ; "Dowie' isrector of the Episcopal church of Mon­rovia, near LQS Angeles, Cal. In general,you might note, when you want informa­tion about Episcopal clergymen, that theLiving Church Annual will give it unless.theyare dead (in which case ask the Pope) orin hiding (in which case ask the police)."But what if you, don't know that a man isan Episcopalian clergyman? A. J. G. D.was a vegetarianvin college. 'Austin Young Hoy, '02, lost his motherand sister as a result of the sinking of theLaconia by a German subma.rine, on Feb­ruary -. The story of the Laconia and ofthe death of Mrs. Hoy and Miss Hoy hasbeen told in every newspaper in America.Austin Hoy, after graduation, entered theemploy of the Sullivan Machinery Com­pany in New York, as a salesman. Later,he was given charge of. the Spokane(Wash.) branch, and about five years ago,transferred to London and given charge ofall the English business. Since that timethe family had all lived in London, thoughretaining . their American citizenship. Hoysince that time has enlisted in the Britisharmy.George H. Garrey, '01, M. S.\'02, end onthe 1900 football team, is a mining geolo­gist and engineer at 501 Bullit Building,Philadelphia, Pa.CHICAGO ·COLLEGIATE-BUREAU OF OCCUPATIONSPositions Filled-Trained Women PlacedAre You f ���:�� Writera Institutional ManagerHousehold Economic ExpertDo You Ne' ed . Laboratory Assistant., Research WorkerRoom 1002 Stevens BId!:17 N. State Street Central 5336262 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPaul H. Davis & GompangWeare anxious to serve you inyour selection of high grade in ..vestments. We specialize in un­listed stocks and bonds-quo­tations on reque. t.PAUL H. DAVIS, '11.N. Y. Ue Bldg.- CHICAGO - Rand. 2281Carl H., Grabo, '03, instructor in Eng­lish at the university, has just published,through Scribner's, The Amateur Philosopher}a book of connected essays dealing with thedevelopment of a man's mind and spirit.Caroline Lucy Judd, '05, who formerlytaught, in the Jefferson High School in' Chi­cago, is now on the faculty of the SantaMonica High School, Santa Monica, Cal.Seth S. Walker, B. S. '0'7, M. S. "09, hasrecently resigned as assistant chemist atthe Board of Agriculture Department Sta­tion to become chemist for the FloridaFruit Products Company at Haines, Fla.Burton P. Gale, president of the class of'06, has severed his connection with Swift& Co. and accepted a position with GeneralVehicle Company, Inc., 1621 South Mich-igan avenue. ._ Shiro Tashiro, '09, Ph. D. '12, has just. published, in "The University of ChicagoScience Series," A Chemical Sign of Life.The volume presents a chemical method ofdistinguishing living from dead· tissue,' andof measuring the quantity of life. A longseries of experiments by Dr. Tashiro havethrown light upon the nature of the nerveimpulse, the' basis of anesthesia, and- thephysiology of the nervous system.George N. Simpson, '10, formerly with .the Goodwin Manufacturing Company,4844 South Halsted street, is now secretaryof the Wood Equipment Company, McCor­mick Building, Chicago.Neil M. Hokanson, '10, now with theState Bank of Chicago, writes: "As a sav­ings bank, this is. a pretty good alumni di­rectory. John Schommer is our most reg­ular alumnus. He comes in several timesa week to 'cash the checks he receives forrefereeing basketball games. Wallie Steffenis. almost equally regular, his purpose be­ing to talk to our floor policeman, who hap­pens to be a ward committeeman . and avote-getter. 1. M. Walker, assistant state's,attorney, and O. Gordon Erickson, direc­tor of the Sunday Evening Club choir, usedto be regular callers, but since the writer'syoung daughter, Mary Alan, arrived, they' have not been seen. Shan we attribute this'to jealousy? Ned Earle and Paul Davisusually leave their cards when they call,as do also a host of insurance and bondmen, whose names I shall not mention, asthey have previously received their fullshare of advertising in the MAGAZINE. AliceGreenacre will also recommend us. JohnJ. O'Connor, of the Central Red Cross,calls up occasionally, as does also A. H.Rhuda, who used to pitch for the baseball. team and now sells chickens for Swift &Co. Besides the above there are a num­ber of alumni whose names I cannot di­vulge, although honorable mention shouldbe given to Cy Baldridge, who mails us a'check regularly from New York. Oftenhe encloses a withdrawal for Nat Pfeffer inthe same envelope, from which we judgethat Roy makes the money and Nat spendsit. I think you would be able to get intouch with a number of your missingalumni if you had a checker in here for afew days. If you cannot find them here,try the Greenwood quick (and inexpen­sive) lunch club between j 2 and 1, anyday." [Is this an ad for the State Bankor for Long John, etc.?-Ed.]Stanley K. Faye, ex-'10, who is dramaticcritic for the Chicago Daily Netas, wascaught in the recent quarantine of the PhiGamma Delta house, where he has beenliving.Guy W. Sarvis, A. M. '10, and Mrs. Sar­vis gave a U. of C. party at their home inNanking, China, during the Christmas holi­days. William Hummell, '09, and Mrs.. Hummell, Clarence Hamilton, '10 (Ph. D.'14), and Mrs. Hamilton, Amasa A. Bul­lock, S. M. '09, and Mrs. Bullock, Mr. andMrs. Siler (Marion Pierce, '11), and GraceTaylor, ex, were present. Hummell, Ham­ilton and Bullock are all teaching in theUniversity of Nanking.Nat Pfeffer, '11, has gone back to China,as assistant managing editor of the ChinaPress. N ow there is an interesting thing.N at was on the Press two. years ago.He returned to the States and did news­paper work in Chicago and New York, buthe was restless. The East had him. Whenthe Press asked him to come back, he cal­culated both on his liking for China andon the fact that history is going to bemade there' in the' next few vears. . Wepredict that Nathaniel Pfeffer wi11� withinten years, publish an authoritative book onChinese politics, and will contribute as manyChinese studies to American magazinesas any other man. .Chester Slifer, '11, is chemist for thehealth department of the city of Chicagoand can be found in the city hall by .ambi­tious sleuths.Clarence A. Wood, '11, D. B. '12, hasbecome prominently identified with themovement to give academic credit for thestudy of the Bible in religious schools orALU�MNI PERSONALSgroups, including Sunday, weekday and va­cation Bible schools, parochial or otherprivate schools, or Y. M. C. A. or Y. W.C. A. classes. He read a paper before thepublic school section of the Religious Edu­cation Association at Boston, February 28,on "Recent Developments in the Correla­tion of Bible Study With the Work of thePublic Schools." _ A book by him, entitled"School and College Credit for OutsideBible Study," has just recently been pub­lished by the \i\T orld Book Company ofYonkers. Mr. Wood's address is 79 NorthAllen street, Albany, N. Y.Manuel C. Elmer,' Ph. D. '14, has justpublished the results of a social survey ofCouncil Grove,' Kan. Dr. Elmer is assist­ant professor of sociology at the Universityof Kansas, and has charge of the work inapplied sociology and social survey work inthat institution.Edward H. Miller, '13, writes copy forMotor Age downtown and is living at 6144Woodlawn avenue.Mrs. C. M. Slaughter (Madge Phillips,'13) and her husband. and small daughterare living in Jacksonville, Fla.W. Merle Sebring, ex '13, is an advertis­ing solicitor for Vogue, in New York City.The Great White vVay is a regular hauntof his.John Vruwink, ex '14, is now doing sur­gical work in Los, Angeles County Hos- MEN-WANTED!The Federal Sign System (Elec­tric) is looking for FOUR 1917 grad­uates to. enter its employ with theidea of starting a two years' studentcourse with pay.These men will be trained in alldepartments of our business with theultimate plan of .placing them in exe­cutive positions in its Branch Officesthroughout the country. Electricalor technical training is not a pre­requisite to the work.Apply in writing for an appoint-ment. AddressR. D. HUGHESDistrict Sales Mgr.Federal Sign System(Electric)Lake and Desplaines Sts.CHICAGOManufacturers and Distributors 263Tobey FurnitureF or Y our HomeFurniture, draperies, rugs and decorations at the lowest prices possible forgood materials and workmanship feature the Tobey service.Our skilled decorators will be pleased to assist in your planning and seledions-r-aservice for which there is no charge, whether you purchase here or not.The Tobey Furniture CompanyChicago: Wa�ash Avenue and Washington St.264 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�==== ====-Want to keep your car looking new andI bril?hht . forf. sevberdal seasfons? The? delal n a�dh ipo IS Its me 0 y sur aces occasrona y witTOBEY ,PolishUsed and endorsed by manyforemost makers and dealers.The old shop formula of TheTobey Furniture Company(Chicago and New York).Bottles, 25c and 50c;quarts, $1; gallons, $3;Recommended and sold by leading Hardware,Drug, Grocery, Paint and Auto Supply stores-01ll1lIlllllllllllllllllllll�III1I11I1I1I1I11!1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110. A Student's Breakfast should 'beappetizing and nourishing."Swift's Premium"Sliced Baconwill form the chief dish for such a meal. The secret ofits goodness lies in the mild "Swift's Premium" cure."Swift's Premium"Sliced Bacon is putup in sanitary onepound cartons-nottouched by hand inslicing or packing.Swift & Companyu.s. A.ALUMNI PERSONALSpital, Los Angeles, Cal. He married LauraOsman, of Wilmette, last summer.Harold H. Wright, '14, is associated withthe Sturgis & Burn Manufacturing Com­pany of Chicago.Everett L. Jones, '14, is stage managerfor and acting in the John E. Kellerd Com­pany, Shakespearean players. Last year hewas in the New York cast of "TreasureIsland." He is an optimist on small-townbanks and churches, but a howling pes­simist on theaters and hotels.A. E. Kanter, '15, is studying at RushMedical College and was graduated in thewinter quarter. His present address is 1641Flournoy street.Ada T. Huelster, '15, has left Muncie,Ind., and is now a member of the Englishfaculty of the Cleveland Heights HighSchool, Cleveland, Ohio.F. M. Gregg, A. M. '15, professor of edu­cation at the Peru State Normal, Peru,Neb., has issued a bulletin on "Courses ofStudy in Hygiene and Sanitation," underthe auspices of the Nebraska department ofpublic instruction. He includes a "proposedeighth grade hygiene test," which ought tohold the pupils. Among thirty questionsare, "Is he properly trained to turn theleaves of a book, affix postage stamps, andapply court-plaster?" and "Is he whole­some looking and inoffensive to smell ?"The bulletin as a whole is a model in defi­niteness and suggestion.George W. Cottingham, '15, sometimeeditor of the Maroon, is now a reporter onthe Chicago Evening Post. After learningthe game on the Houston (Tex.) Chronicle,George decided to forsake the provincialSouth. As a member of the staff of agreat metropolitan daily, he has made goodwith a loud bang. The first account of un­deniable brilliance, which he gave of him­self, was a story, with pictures, on "Katy­dids." The information was gathered fromsome university professor, so says A. K.Eddy, '15.Frank O'Hara, '15, has. been spendingthe winter in California, on a mysteriousmission, rumored to be connected with themotion picture business.Carl V. Fisher, ex '15, who graduated in1916 from the agricultural d.epartment 'ofthe University of Wisconsin, is raising hogsand potatoes on his large farm near GreatFalls, Mont.The Class of 1916 takes this occasion toremind its members that it is awaiting newsof each one, to be published in the classpaper. After the first of May, the editorswill take it upon themselves to describe infitting terms those who have not responded.Read this, and then run and write.(Signed) THE EDITORS, �916,6411 Kenwood Ave., Chicago. 2651916Unita Schaffner is now living at 61'0 Ful­lerton Parkway.Ruth M. Sandberg is teaching at Liberty­ville, Ill.Alma Parmele is teaching physical edu­cation at Maine Township High School,Des Plaines, 111.Agnes A. Sharp is teaching English andhistory in Washington, Ill. She is a mem­ber of the high school faculty.F. B. McConnell is attending the Chi­cago Kent College of Law at night, wherehe is a member of the freshman class.Other Chicago men in that college includeAllen T. Gilbert, ex '16, a junior, and J. S.Council, R. H� Harper, ex '17, and H. A.Long, '11, all seniors. Council, Gil bert andHarper are prominent in the publicationof the first year book to be produced bythe students of the college, Council beingthe managing editor.[The following news of former commerceand administration students is supplied byRuth Reticker, '12, following a recentquestionnaire sent out by the College.]1913Ellsworth Bryce has been transferredfrom the Detroit office of the Cudahy Pack­ing Company and is now western salesmanager (canned meat department), op­erating out of Seattle, Wash.Edwin Eisendrath is treasurer of theMonarch Leather Company, 1001 West Di­vision street.Theodore E. Ford is traveling salesmanfor the Sheffield Manufacturing Companyof Burr Oak, Mich. He gives La Grange,Ill., as his home address. but announcesthat he is "never at home."C. C. Han d is teaching commercial sub­jects at the John Marshall High School thisyear, and spending his spare time as in­structor at La Salle Extension Universityand lecturer for the Doil» News.Donald H. Hollingsworth is back fromthe border and working as employmentmanager and paymaster at the Belden Man­ufacturing Company, 2300 South Westernavenue.Frederick Holmes is an engineer withthe Duncan Manufacturing Company ofLafayete, Ind.Clarence Jackson has worked up with theConsolidated Water Power and Paper Com­pany of Grand Rapids, Wis., to the posi­tion of employment manager. He has stud­ied particularly matters of safety, and hasgiven talks on the subject at other papermills, and at the National Safety Councilin Detroit.L. P. Payne has left the employ of theB. F. Goodrich Company and has gone intobusiness for himself. He plans a chain ofretail shoe stores in Oklahoma towns, the. first one now started in Muskogee.266 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1914Harold S. Anderson, 6648 Newgard ave­nue, is bond buyer for P. VV. Chapman &Co., of 126 West Monroe street.Anne B. Grimes has been traveling muchin her capacity as assistant publicity direc­tor in the National Americanization Com­mittee and Frances Kellor's ('02) other in­terests. She was field organizer last sum­mer for the woman's committee of theHughes Alliance; and has just completed aFISKNew York to California trip in the inter­ests of the 1920 campaign.A. Himmelblau is cost accountant andassistant auditor at the Channel ChemicalCompany (O-Cedar), 1419-35 Carroll ave­nue, and is preparing for C. P. A. examina­tions and examinations for admission tothe American Institute of Accountants.P. M. La Rose has left the Bureau ofForeign and Domestic Commerce for pri­vate business, and is now in the order de-Register NowFor Spring and FallRoads to the best positions and thebest teachers radiate from this center­the largest and best equipped agency inthe United States.The Gateway to Opportunity-Fisk Teachers' Agency, 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill.TEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. .Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Nineteenth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ. ManagerKANSAS CITY. MO.FLATIRONBLD"ci. MUNSEY 8LD'G. N.Y. LIFE BLD'O.JACKSONVILLE, FLA. CHATTANOOGA,TENN. SPOKANE WASH,U. S. TRUST 8LD'Cl. TEMPLE COURT CIIAMIIEROFCoMMERCf 8Ll1G.__ . ... _�_� EXTRA CHARCEAND COLLEGESUCCESSFUL SCHOOLThe McCullough Teachers' AgencyBUREAUGEO. T. PALMER}. F. McCULLOUGH Gives discriminating service to employers needingteachers and to teachers seeking positionsRAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLINOISATHE ALBERTTEACHERS'AGENCYEstablished 1885623 South Wabash AvenueCHICAGO ILLINOISWestern Ollice: SPOKANE. WASHINGTON OUR BOOKLET"T eaching as a Business"with new chapters, suggestive letters,etc. Used as text in Schools of Edu­cation and Normal schools.FREE TO ANY ADDRESSTHURSTON TEACHERS' AGENCYShort Contract. Guaranteed Service. Write for ourFree Booklet How to Apply. 26th Year.E. R. NICHOLS, Mgr. 224 S. Mich. Ave. Chicago, III.ALUMNI PERSONALSpartment of the Wilder Tanning Companyof Waukegan, Ill.W. B. Leonard is an abstracter for theHubbard Abstract Company of Great Falls,Mont. (address care Y. M. C. A.), andwrites impressively of "abstracting as aprofession."Isadore Levin has left the B oat and ShoeRecorder and is back with Ames, Emerich& Co., this time as assistant to the adver­tising and general managers, and a profit­sharing member of the firm.Erling H. Lunde, assistant superintend­ent of the American Industrial Company of6625 Olympia avenue, is on "leave of ab­sence to obtain technical training" in engi­neering at Armour Institute.William H. Lyman continues his workas building manager for the University ofChicago.Lewis M. Norton has given up his workwith the Community Bureau of Chautauquaand is now junior accountant with Pogson,Peloubet & Co., of 42 Broadway, New York'City.Sarah Reinwald has been principal of theForest City High School this year, and isnow 'planning . to return to the universityfor graduate work.Robert Ewing Simond is in the munici­pal buying department of the Halsey-StuartCompany, with offices in the Rookery.Ralph W. Stansbury is assistant secre­tary of Merrill, Cox & Co., 76 West Mon­roe street, Chicago.A. M. Squair, '14, and Leon Cohen, '16,are with Sears, Roebuck & Co. Squair isan inspector of correspondence and Cohenis in the purchasing end of the. business.Loyal G. Tillotson is this year teachingcommercial subjects at the New Trier HighSchool in Kenilworth, Ill.Carl W. Ullman has just resigned as man­aging secretary of the Salem (Ohio) Cham­ber of Commerce to take a similar positionin Riverside, Cal. : He will be succeeded inSalem by Adrian R. MacFarland, who grad­uated" from the School of Commerce andAdmiriistration in March, 1917.Otto Wander is now parole officer of theChicago. and Cook County School for Boysat Riverside, Ill., and is still studying the"actual psychology of the ante-puberal andthe post-puberal boy."F. E. Weakly is manager of the efficiencydepartment at Montgomery Ward & Co.This department is concerned with install­ing scientific. management in the variousMontgomery Ward branches. He outlinesthe work as of three main kinds: (1) ex­perimental work in time and motion study,setting of bonuses, improving working con­ditions, etc.; (2) standardization and sys­tematization of the rules for the business,the dispatch system, etc., in the variousplants, and, (3) :"1educ�tion work to developexecutives.Other Commerce and Administrationalumni with Montgomery War d & Co. are The First National. ,Bank of ChicagoOrganized in 1863, was the eighthnational bank to receive the ap­proval of the Federal Government.During half a century its growthhas been coincident with that ofChicago and that vast area of whichit is the commercial center.THE bank's capital in 1863 was $205,-000; today the bank has capital.and surplus of $20,000,000. In 1863the first published statement showeddeposits of $273,000; deposits at theend of 1916 were $176,000,000.THE Bank's business is internationalin scope and under its divisionalorganization customers come intoclose personal contact with officersfamiliar with financial requirements' intheir specific lines.THE First National Bank of Chi-cago welcomes and appreciatesaccounts of responsible people, believ­ing that its extensive clientele, - de­veloped by consistent, considerateservice, is splendid endorsement ofthe agreeable and satisfactory facili­ties accorded to customers.Northwest Corner Dearbornand Monroe StreetsJames B. Forgan Fral1k O. Wetmore_. Chairman of. the Board 'President267268 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital • • $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-President.OWEN T. REEVES, JR., Vice-PresidentJ. EDWARD MAASS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, CashierLEWIS E. GARY, Assistant CashierEDW ARD F. SCHOENBECK_, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKER MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY B. BORLANDEDWARD B. BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBENJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRWATSON' F. BLAIR •-CHAJU.ES L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMItLJ. HARRY SELZ ROBERT J. THORNEF ol'eign Exchange Lettel's of, CreditCable TrAnsfel's3% Pa.id on Savings Deposits 'llieNEW EDISONYou Are Invitedto attend the daily concerts of Music'sRe-Creation-Mr. Edison's astonishingart-at our Recital Hall, 1.1 :30 A. M.to 5 P. M. ,JA No charge for seats.THE EDISON SHOP229 (��J';;rfV7;�SHPAV�NUEBet. AdalDs St. and Jackson Blvd.tllHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllflflIJmlln .... llll1l1lnnnmllllHnlllm'm ........... ..- ........E. BurnhamCoiffures 1917Beautiful and NovelEffectsHAIRDRESSINGSHAMPOOING which brings lustre and life to the hairMARCEL WAVING with most becomi�g "dips"MANICURING by dainty operators who know the -artCOMPLEXION BEAUTIFYING by expertsCHIROPODY for the comfort of the feetTURKISH BATHS l · .ELECTRIC LIGHT BA iHS 5 airY sUDshlDe rest roomsEverything for the comfort and beauty of ladies atmoderate pricesE. BURNHAM" -138-140 N. State St.ALUMNI PERSONALSH. L. Allsopp ('15) in the merchandisingaccount department; V. J. Winn, ex '17,doing cost analysis in the department ofefficiency; J .. R. Liemert, '17, in the engi­neering accounting department; HenryGetz, '16, who is going. through the "col­lege plan" of learning the work of all de-partrnents. . .1915Roland B. Daley is a bookkeeper withthe Hilgard Lumber Company, in the Mc­Cormick Building, Chicago.Richard A. Johnson is learning the pack­ing business with Swift & Co. He is nowmanager of their branch at Jefferson, Iowa.Another Commerce and Administration stu-,dent, Orville E. Droege, ex '15, is a cost ac­countant in the Chicago office:Kasson M. Dodson is learning the whole­sale paper business with the Kimberly­Clark Company of Neenah, Wis., the larg­est paper manufacturers in the country.H� has now progressed' from day laborer ,-in the mills to a salesman.Helen A. Carnes, 6119 Drexel avenue, ispart-time secretary to Rev. C. V\T. Gilkey,of the Hyde Park Baptist Church, and istaking some graduate work at the uni- ..versity.. Mrs. Samuel S. Hickox (Emma G. Low)lives' at 1615 Summit avenue, Madison, Wis.Gladys E. Jones has proved that a womancan get into business-buying and sellingbusiness. Last fall she left Marshall Field& Co., where she had been learning mer- ·269chandising methods in stock keeping andsales work, to' become manager of the Pit­ner Gas Irons Company of Des Moines,Iowa. Already she has a "man ... sized" sal­ary, and is advertising for summer' quarterhouse to house salesmen.Emma Clark is another entrepreneuramong Commerce and Administration wo­men. Her letterhead announces "class andindividual instruction in ballroom, folk andgymnastic dancing," and her .advertisementsin the Maroon proclaim her Saturday in­formals at Shotwell Hall, which she hasrefurnished and rehabilitated, with the aidof Charlotte Foss, '15. She' has opened astudio in the' Shotwell Building at Fifty­fifth street and Blackstone avenue, and con-.ducts a kindergarten, .several children'sclasses, a high school' class, a universityclass, and an adult class. Last summer shehad a very successful studio at the High­lands Hotel, Delavan Lake, 'Vis. She ad­mits that her week's receipts sometimesrun to three figures, and sometimes they.are nearer one, for she has been investing'in "advertising, experience and good will."Florence G. Knight is assistant to thepresiden t of the Engineering Agency, 1662Monadnock Block. Since she gets a shareof the profits of the firm, she would beglad to place any university graduates inengineering positions.Hazel Miller is teaching in the city even­ing schools and. writing "stories," and get­ting more than 50 per cent accepted.St. PaulMinneapolisto:"The Natural Route-It Follow.s the RiverPhone Bandolph 3117 -A. �. PURL, General Agent, Passenger Department141 So •. Clark St .. Cor. Adams270 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO JlfAGAZINEMr. and Mrs. Alonzo N. Carroll of 5536Ingleside avenue announce the engagementof their daughter, Mollie Ray Carroll, 1911,to the Rev. Dilworth R., Lupton, pastor ofthe Unitarian Church of the Messiah ofLouisville, Ky. Miss Carroll was vice­president of the class of 1911. For thelast year she has been assistant to theRev. Charles W. Gilkey, pastor of theHyde Park Baptist Church. Mr. Luptonis of Yale, 1905.Mrs. Lewis M. Norton announces theengagement of her daughter, Louise' Cha­brier, to Mr. George Warner Swain, whois a graduate of the Law School of theUniversity of Colorado and is now prac­ticing law in Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Worthen of Warsaw,111., announce the engagement of theirdaughter,. Eunice, to Arthur C. Brookleyof West Alexandria, Ohio.MARRIAGESThe marriage is announced, on October28, 1916, of Isabel Mae Murray, '16, to Mal­colm Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Andersonare living at 2037 E. 77th street, Cleveland.Ohio.' ,Roger David Long, ex '13, was marriedon February 17, 1917, to Miss ChristineMarie Foster of Malden, Mass. They areliving at 1677 East N inety-thir d street, Cleveland, Ohio, where he is agriculturalagent of Cuyahoga County. Long gradu-.ated in 1913 from the school of agricultureof the University of Maine, and. has beenin agricultural extension work in' NewHampshire, Maine and Ohio since thattime.BIRTHS'Milton Everett Robinson, Jr., '11, Law'13, and Mrs. Robinson (Wilhelmina Priddy,'13) announce the birth of a daughter, Ann.Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are living at 908East Fifty-third street, Chicago.Harry A. Lipsky, '96, and Mrs. Lipskyannounce the birth of a son, Ira Norman,on February 20, in Chicago.Rev. James H. Gagnier, '0'8, and Mrs.Gagnier (Cleora Emery Davis, '06) an­nounce the birth of a daughter, CleoraElizabeth, on February 1, 1917, at Ver­million, S. D.Chester J. Copmann and Mrs. Copmann(Elizabeth Dickey, '14) announce the birthof a daughter, Elizabeth, February 16, at.Tulsa, Okla. •J. Elmer Thomas, '12, and Mrs. Thomas(Mary Sturges, '15) announce the birth ofa son, Lee Sturges, March 1, in Chicago.Guy W. Sarvis, A. M. '10, and Mrs. Sar­vis announce the birth of a daughter, Ma­rion Elizabeth Evans, on January 26, atNanking, China.15 So. Dearborn St.FRENCH,SHRINER& URNERMen's Shoes ofthe Better Class106 So. Michigan Ave..THE UNIV�RSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 271Refinementof mind generally shows itself in refine­ment of dress. Many men unwittinglygive the world a wrong impression of· themselves through choosing the wrongtailor and wearing clothes that fail todo them justice, .One of the important features of ourservice is studying the requirements of. our patrons, which has met the approvalof the most discriminating. clientele inChicago.Richard W. Farmer Company.Merchant Tailors16 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago,272 THE UNIVERSITY OF 'CHICAGO MAGAZINEHere's cigarette-comfortFATIMA may never becomethe only cigarette smokedby keen, substantial men ofthis type. But Fatima has al­ready become more popularwith such men than almostany other cigarette.This is because men whosmoke wisely want a SEN­SIBLE cigarette-a cigarettethat is comfortable to thetongue and throat and thatleaves a man feeling "fit" andclear-headed even after smok­ing more often than usual.You should try Fatimas.