wr.;:;::tfIiy ofJfntPUBLISHED BY. THEALUMNI COUNCIL \Vol. IX No.5 March, 1917.The Alumni Council of the University of.ChicagoChairman, SCOTT 'BROWN,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE CoUNCIL for 1916-17 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MRS. MARTHA L.:,'l'HOMPSON, �RS. GEO. B. McKIBBIN,]Olut FRYER 'MOULDS" .A,LEERTW. SHERER, ALICE GREENACRE, �AROLD H. SWIFl', RUDYMATrHEWS, i FRANK McNAIR, GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOtT BROWN, LAw­RENCE WHITING, JOHN P. MENTZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN.From 'he Association of Doctors ,of' Philosophy, SAMUEL MACCUNTOCK, HENRY C.'CoWLES, HERBERT, E. SLAUGHr. .From the Divinity Alumni Association, WALTER RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GooDSPEED, WARRENP. BEHAN. '. '. .From the Law School Alumni Association, MARCUS HIRSCHL, EDWARD FELSENTHAL, MARYBRON4UGH. .From the Chicago Alumni 'club, HOWELL MURRAY, ARTHUR GoES, D. W. FERGUSQN.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, ETHEL PRESTON, KATE B. MIU.ER •.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:rHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPnrident, SCOTT BROWN, 208 S. La' Salle St.SIcretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF nOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK, 2550 S. Michigan A.ve.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, University of Chicago.'DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresidentl JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, W�LTER P. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident, WM. P, MACCRACKEN, 959 The Rookery Building.S ecrttary" R E. �CHREIBER, 1620 Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­·ing subscriptions to, the UNIVERSITY OF CHIcAGO MAGAZINE, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00- per y���._,tlCbt Wnibtrtiitp of ((bitago maga;intEditor, JA¥,ES W. LINN, '97. Business Manaaer, JOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, LAWRENCE J. MACGREGOR, '16.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July, inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity Qf' Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. U The subscription price is $1,.5:0 per' year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. � Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedState'S, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands; PhilippineIslands, GUam, Samoan Islands; Shanghai. � Postage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single 'copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total, $1.77), on single' copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).� Remittances should he made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago oi New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local ch eck is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for inissing numbers should be made with in the .month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing .numbe rs free only when they have been lost in transit,All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty 'Exchan�e" :1:he Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, .under- the: Act ofMarch 3, 1879. : 'VOL. IX. CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 1917� No .. 5.FRONTISPIECE: The Newly Presented Bust of Colonel Francis Parker,EVENTS AND DISCUSSION -0 0 0 ••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• '0 ••• , � •• +'87""'�'RUSH- MEDICAL COLLEGE (from The' Record) , 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 194THE' CAMPUS AT NIGHT IN WINTER (two pictures) 198COLLEGE 'WOMEN IN MAGAZINE WORK, by Myra Reed, 1911 � . � •.. \� 200ALUMNI AND PROFESSORS' SALARIES;' ...•. 0 .•• � 0 •••••. 0 ••• � •••••••••• 0 • 0 ••.••••• �' •• � !. • � � '•• \ .,20.2ON THE QUAP�ANGLES, by F. R Kuh, '17.0 •• 0 •••••.•••••.. � ••••••• 0 •• 0 •• 0 ••• 00, •• ' .• �:.- ••, •• "0 204FRATERNITlES AND, SCHOLARSHIP - .• , .. � '.. 00 ••••••••••••••••• 0 . • ••• 206THE UNIVERSITY RECORD. 0 � � •••••.••••• 0 •••••••••••••• :. • 0 ••••••• � ••• � • 0 0 • 0 •••• � •• '•••••••• " 207MOSES DWIGHT McINTYRE, '98 (with picture) '; ' '.. � '. 209SOME RECENT ALUMNI CLUB DINNERS 0 • � •• '•• '•• '••••• 0 � •••••• 0 0 •••• " 209ALUMNI AFFAIRS 0" ••••• 0 •• 0 ••••••••••••••..••• 0 0 0 •••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••• 0 " 212Report of the Executive Committee of the Council; Addresses Wanted; the Team Sub­scription Contest ; News of the Classes; Marriages, Births, Deaths; The Association ofDoctors; More "Personals" Wanted; The Ayes Have It; the Law School Association.ATHI.ETI€S .............•••.•...........• , ....•• '.. 0 •• � • '•••••••••••••••••••• ,' ••••••••••••••• 219Courtesy of the University Record.The Newly Presented Bust of Colonel Francis ParkerThe University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME IX MARCH, 1917 NUMBER 5Events and DiscussionWhat shall be done about AlumniClubs? The present organizations'seem ., to varygreatly in effect­iveness. N ear 1 y .all suffer from thelack of definite purpose. N of that anypurpose is theoretically necessary, savethe purpose of good fellowship; but,practically 'all organization which aimsat nothing' in, particular hits exactlythat. Too' many of our clubs meetonce a year: at a dinner, the arrange­ments for which fall upon one or two,usually the same one' or two; the at­tendance at which, though large assuch things go; is by no means madeup of those who 'have actually at­tended the university for a period longenough to develop their personal inter­est, but includes one-quarter students,wives or husbands of former 'students,and even individually, invited guests,The interests,' moreover,' even of 'thosewho have actually been in residence .atthe university for a year or more, aredivided. The man who. has taken hisA. B. at Missouri, his M. A. at Chi­cago, his Ph. Di.at Columbia, and whois teaching at the University of Iowa,has no special common ground uponwhich to, meet the "regular" graduatewho is in the furniture business. Theyhave no common fund of reminiscenceupon which to draw;' their accounts ofAlumniClubs memory are in different banks. Whenthey meet once a year they hardlyknow what to say to each other.Surely the remedy is not never tomeet. But 'it is, recognizing the facts,to organize. differ­ent groups which,individually meet-, ing oftener, may allcome together once in a while. Thosewho, have undergraduate. 'memories,those whose recollections, no less vivid,are of the graduate life and work, willin such a fashion rapidly become uni­fied; and once such units are' framed,they can' be organized into" a singleforce' for the general common good bythe university. To be specific, by wayof starting the matter' all those whohave been regular undergraduates atChicago, and, who. find themselves to­gether in .any locality, ought to form alunch club; 'and at least -once.a month;on an understood � day :ancL'hour, gettogether.' Any former"'student whoseunderqraduate work has been done else­where than at Chicago, but who. never­theless has a real personal interest inthe University, would be enthusiastic­ally welcome at those lunches; but thegroup would be a group of former un­dergraduates. Former' undergraduatemen, or former undergraduate tuomen,too, if you wish to go so. far. There isWhat toDo.188 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE,a lot of nonsense in the idea that be­cause Chicago is co-educational all heralumni organizations .should be on theco-educational basis. 'One might aswell insist that because marriage is co­educational husband and wife shouldnever go anywhere unless they go to­gether. The. general organizations willalways remain co-educational in theirinterests and direction; the separategroups need not, and many men andmore women believe will accomplishmore if they do not.' But that is adigression, The essential thing isgroup organization on ,the basis ofcommon memories, coming togetherfor larger work on the basis of common 'interest in the welfare of Chicago.Form such groups and they will soonfind something to do. It may be a verysmall thing. "Spike" Shull, '16, speak­ing at the recentdinner of the DesM 0 i n e s AlumniClub, called atten­tion to the fact that all the relay teamsfrom other institutions-like Michigan,Illinois, Wisconsin=-who were 'at theDrake, University games last April,were entertained by the alumni of theirrespective institutions, but the Chicagomen were not entertained at all. Thestatement surprised and - shocked someof those present. It should not havesurprised them. The organization ofthe" Des Moines Club has practicallydepended on the enthusiasm and hardwork of one person, who has given lotsof time and effort to the work.. Thatperson isawoman, a B. A. of the Uni­versity of Nebraska. She holds adoc­tor's 'degree from. Chicago, and, likemost of our doctors, cares enormouslyfortheadvancement .of the university.But how could her present interest be'in', .relay, teams? The' former urider­graduates in Des Moines should haveundertaken and carried through thatentertainment, and they would haveenjoyed themselves if they had. ,Sup-.:,:. '. ,To WhatEnd? pose such a group to pick out a youngman or a young 'woman of the localityand pay chis or her tuition at Chicagofor four yea.rs; will they not find at theend of" that time their interest in Chi­cago increased? Suppose they workout a scheme for a. "club gift," like theclass gifts, to the university-will itnot bind them to each other and totheir alma mater? Life is a stupid thingwithout group interests, Individual­ism carries' a man so' far, and thendumps him in the mud. But the groupinterest must be real. It cannot beforced. Put fifty' or a hundred peopleof all ages, ambitions, and training· ona desert island and keep them there fora' year, and you will have amalgamatedthem-or killed them off; but put themtogether at a dinner once a year, andunless there are "nuclei of association,"· you will accomplish nothing, not even"a good time had by all."The Cor n e 11Alumni Newssaid in late De­cember:"The 'new subscriptions amounting totwenty thousand dollars a year, just ob­tained in New York City, bring up to atleast fifty thousand dollars the amount nowcontributed annually by alumni for the gen­eral support of Cornell University. Theresult, with respect to the University's in­come, is the same as if some' wealthy personhad added a million dollars to the endow­ment. But there is another benefit to beexpected from this Alumni Fund such ascould not be expected to accompany theIacceptance of an equivalent gift from awealthy 'patron. That benefit .is the senseof responsibility which some thousands ofCornellians are learning to feel toward theiruniversity when they give money for - its.� support, sometimes at the cost of self-sacri-'fice-responsibility not only for the uni­versity's welfare hut for its service. Wouldnot the University today be renderinggreater service if it had not been allowedto grow so fast ? Was its ten. million dollarendowment given ·it for the service of un­dergraduate students alone, some of themcaring little for what it gives them? Asthe trustees of this wealth, how can it ren­der the greatest service? To a great de-.gree we alumni determine the University'spolicy. W � are more likely to ask our­selves such questions as the above if . weTwo Plansto NoteEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONare going into our own pockets to supportthe policies which we have encouraged."In January the Harvard Bulletin an­nounced the launching of a project toraise among Harvard alumni ten mil­lion dollars for the endowment of theuniversity-this in addition to the$100,000 which each class gives on itstwenty-fifth anniversary. These twoannouncements are here mentioned asnews, not as suggestions. But theyare significant. As time goes. on,alumni first perhaps demand, thenreally feel, then welcome responsi­bility. How many of us have got be­;:ond the first stage?What is to be the relation of thealumni of Rush Medical College to theUniversity of Chicago? Of course, inrecent years, manyof the Rushalumni have alsothe B. S. degreefrom the University, so that no prob­lem is involved in their case. But ofthe nearly 5,000 living Rush alumniinany have no Chicago affiliations.Will these men care to identify them­selves with the alumni associations ofChicago? A somewhat similar problemwas met when the Board of Trusteesof the University in the beginningvoted to re-enact all degrees from theOld University on application of theholders. But the problem is onlysomewhat similar; it is a long wayfrom being identicai, and cannot besimilarly solved. The Rush alumnihave absolutely no idea of terminatingtheir association. The question is onlyto what extent the two associationsshall walk together. For instance, hereis a small but typical matter. The RushAssociation publishes a monthly Bul­letin . (edited by Morris Fishbein, Chi­cago, '11). It contains not only articlesof specifically medical interest, but per­sonal news. It hardly seems likelyeither that such personal news couldbe transferred to the MAGAZINE (whichRush Alumniand Chicago 189would involve a double subscriptionby Rush men) or that the MAGAZINEcould carry the medical articles. Andyet of course as time goes on the U ni­versity Alumni Association will becontinually more anxious to keep intouch with her graduates who are inmedicine. All that can be said at pres­ent is that in all respects the UniversityAssociation is determined to go morethan half way if necessary to meet thewishes of the doctors, past as well asto come. It is pleasant to know, bythe way, that the president of theRush Association is Dr. John E.·Rhodes, Chicago, '76.Meanwhile thefollowing sta te­ment by Dr. E.Fletcher Ingals,reprinted from the January Rush Bul­letin, will be of great interest:"I have been asked by a number of theAlumni what influence the Medical Schoolof the University of Chicago will have uponRush Medical College and the Alumni As­sociation. The details have not yet beenworked out and will not be until the organicunion has been effected. This union willdoubtless be accomplished within a fewweeks, and during the coming year the Uni­versity will assume th-e whole responsibilityfor the medical school, though it is alto­gether probable that practically all of thepresent teachers will be reappointed."I cannot speak with authority, but I havebeen closely associated with the trustees ofRush college and with many of the trusteesof the University of Chicago, and with thePresident of the University for the last 18years, and I feel that I know them well, andthat they are all men to be trusted. Thefuture of medicine has often been discussedand I feel confident that we may safelyleave it with the trustees of the Universityand the medical faculty that they will ap-point. ."One man said to me, 'So you are goingto close up Rush Medical College.' I an­swered, 'No, we are just opening it'; andthat is my feeling. The foundations thatwe have been building for three-quartersof a century are so substantial that it iscertain they will be appreciated by thosewho are to build up this great school ofmedical science. The present understandingis that there will be a school upon the Mid­way for undergraduates and that at thepresent site of Rush college, graduate workwill be carried on, and probably graduateDr. Ingals'Comment190 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEing theCorps.The training to be given will consistof two two-year courses. The first, orbasic, course is' intended to give theraw recruit the, military science neces-They are celebrating at Minnesota sary for an officer's commission, Thenext year the golden jubilee of the second, or advanced, course will. giveuniversity, which was established as the men an opportunity to train' thea teaching insti- novices and put into practice the in­tution in 1868. In formation they have acquired. Thepreparation the work of each course will be' nearlyalumni are choos- equally divided into so-called practicaling "five men and a woman" qf the and theoretical training.graduates, who have "specially dis- The practical training of the basictinguished themselves in their chosen course will begin with drill. This willfields," Among the twenty-four men be studied and practiced individually,so far nominated we note Theodore G. in squads, companies and battalions.Soares, Ph.D., 1894, Chicago, now Both close order 'and extended forma­Professor of Homiletics, at ' Chicago; tions will ,be employed, Use and care.John Paul Goode, Associate Professor of the rifle will be carefully .gone into.of Geography at Chicago; and Otto This will mean both outdoor and in­Folin, Ph.D., 1898, Chicago, LL.D., door target practice with standard 30-1916, of whom a sketch appeared in caliber rifles that will be furnished thethe July issue of the Magazine. Whom recruits. Regular service ammunitionwould such a list of our own distin- will be given to the men. Use of fieldguished alumni (bachelors only to be equipment, such as ,the army knap­included) be made .up from? R, F. sack and dog-tent, will be taught. ThisHoxie, '94 ; H. Parker Willis, '94; training, all of which embodies. theRalph Webster, '95; Maude Radford physical aspect of soldier life, will oc­Warren, '95 ; Van Rensselaer Lan- cupy about half of the time allotted tosingh, '96; Henry G. Gale, '96; J. E. ' . the corps. ,'I_'he theoretical aspect ofwork will also be carried on in several ofthe institutions already affiliated with Rushcollege, but all of this will be under theUniversity of Chicago. Here we expect tooffer every facility for physicians to equipthemselves for special work or to brush' upin the general subjects of medicine andsurgery and we hope many of our alumnifrom year to year may _ take advantage ofthese opportunities."As to the alumni, since the first class in1843, 7,512 students have been graduatedand there are today some 4,600 living alumniof whom a large number are enrolled in theAlumni Association. I believe that theAlumni Association is just in its infancyand that it will grow stronger and moreefficient year by year and'that it may havea large influence in the molding of medicalthought and in the development of medicaleducation in this ideal organization. I amconvinced that we' have accomplished thegreatest ambition that the Alumni couldever have entertained and that- the workwe have founded will be carried on withmore vigor and 'with the most far reachingresults for medicine and humanity. I sayfor humanity, because there is nothing thattouches humanity at so many points as athoroughly educated medical profession."I have emphasized my belief in the futureof the Alumni Association by having myselfenrolled as a Life Member."DistinguishedAlumni Raycroft, '96 ; Walter W. Atwood,'97; Edith Foster Flint, '97; EnglishWalling, '97 -these would certainlyhave a right to consideration. Let uscome no farther down the list. As in"Who's Who," the business manstands no chance with the professional. man; unlike the ostrich, he hideseverything etccept his head; but a lotof our alumni in' business are keepingthat part working.Major Ola Bell, U. S. A., stationedat the University by the Federal WarDepartment, with his assistant, Ser­geant Armstrong,is now conferringwith students in­terested in join-Reserve Officers TrainingMilitaryTrainingEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONthe first two years' work will be taken.up in study, both lecture and classroom work, or the mechanics and prin­ciples of modern warfare. ' The theoryof rifle fire, map making and reading,command and management of a com­pany, the theory of trench and minewarfare, and rules' for the constructionof camps and maintenance of supplystations: will. be explained.. The ele­mentary principles of signalling andmessage sending, as well as problemsin removing obstacles, will be included.methods of safeguarding the health ofSand tables will be used in map work.Administration of companies and,the troops will also be included in thiscourse.The practical work of the advancedcourse will consist of the training ofthe men just beginning, and further in­structions in the use of the rifle andfield equipment. .On the theoreticalside the training will discuss militarysketching; map maneuvers, manage­ment of the quartermaster's depart­ment, and the elements of internationallaw. Cavalry, tactics and artilleryproblems will be presented. In short,advanced military and strategy will beexplained to the men. I,_This service in the training corpswill not put a man under obligationsto. the government. He will not haveto enter the army or serve all the fouryears, should he not desire' to. do SQ.There will be no expense; uniformsand ammunition will be furnished free.Gymnasium credit will be given, and'courses will be given morning, after­noon, and possibly evening, so thateveryone can' find a 'period open tohim. It is possible that mounted... workwill be offered' if a sufficient numberof men' desire it. 'The' first drill was, given m Bartletton February' 26.Five Chicago undergraduates havegone and more are going to' France todrive for the American Field· Service, ,191and a movement is on foot at the Uni­versity to' pur­The American chase a car-totalAmbulance Service cos t, equipped,.$1,600. A recentletter to the Magazine from the head­quarters of the Field Service Fund inBoston says in part:"Recent developments have, caused nochange whatever in our plans. Our workin the field service is going ahead with evenmore fervor than before-if that is possible-and I am confident you will be interestedto know something about what is takingplace in some of the colleges, large andsmall, throughout the country. At Cali­fornia a 'Friends of France' Society hasbeen organized, made' up mostly of SanFrancisco and the trans bay people, and thissociety has taken upon itself the financingof units from Leland Stanford Universityand the University of' California. A unitof twenty 'men .has already sailed fromStanford and the University of Californiawill send its unit on May 5. I have justreturned from Providence, where BrownUniversity is getting up a unit to sail injune. . The business men of Providencehave pledged themselves to back all menwho need and are deserving of financial aid.Among the other colleges which are takingup the work of organizing units to sail inMayor June are the Washington and Jef­ferson of . Washington, Pa.; Davis and El­kins, Elkins, W. Va.; Harvard sent a unitof twenty-eight men a week ago and isstill recruiting for another unit; .Yale iswaking up, we having had several inquiriesof late. She has heretofore .. sent a fewscattered men. Bowdoin and Williams aresending' men in smaller numbers, etc .. Wehave had in the service to date an enroll­ment of 540 men, of which 300 are nowdoing active service in the field; we also. have over 200 ambulances in: the service.Since the beginning of the war we havecarried over 400,000 wounded and of thisnumber over 200,000 have been saved bythe quickness with which our small lightcars, which can go so near the trenches,get the wounded to a .place for first surgicalaid. A man who goes to France and givessix months of service with us carries onan average about 1,500 men. Of these 700are saved. It costs a man $37.5 to go fromChicago to Paris and back, serving sixmonths. If such a man does an averageman's work this is buying human lives atthe rate. of 50 cents. apiece."A misleading but complimentarystatement, which fortunately the Chi­cago daily papers did not get hold of,has appeared in various college maga­zines to the effect that two units (fifty192 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmen) from the University of Chicago,will soon sail. These units are reallymade up of men from many colleges,but who live in Chicago. The presentneed is quite as much for cars as formen, and all alumni interested areasked to get into touch immedia.telywith Paul Harper, who is on the com­mittee.Appropriately enough, on Washing­ton's birthday the Michigan board ofathletic control voted to request theregents to applyfor readmission tothe Conference.Washington couldnot tell a lie and neither could theboard of athletic control: Michiganwants to play in our yard. WalterKennedy, '00, captain of the "Great"Chicago eleven of '99, now proprietorof a paper in Albion, Michigan, wrotethe editor recently: "You have theviewpoint of a university official,guardian of the students, while I lookat the situation from the point of viewof one who enjoys keen rivalry in col­lege athletics. It seems to me youhave a tendency toward that emascu­lated .forrn of college athletics calledintramural. My goodness! (Ken'swriting is hard to read; perhaps thisphrase has been incorrectly deciph­ered.) Let the boys have a good time.Think how much fun we should have'missed if we in our time had been onthe outside looking in, as Michigan isnow." We venture to say that EditorKennedy expresses the view of 99.99per cent of all the athletes who haverepresented Chicago. On February 23the Michigan Board of Regents met,but on account of a press of other busi­ness did not act on the request of theboard of athletic control. The regentsmeet next on March 30. If they voteto apply for readmission to the Con­ference the application will be granted,and in all probability the Michigantrack team will be seen on Stagg FieldMichigan Votesto Return on June 3rd at the Intercollegiate. Allfootball schedules for next fall have,however, been already arranged.Meanwhile a special meeting of theConference Committee was held inFebruary to consider the matter ofMichigan's a p -pearance at theI 11 i n 0 i s relayraces on March17. Illinois in good faith had invitedthe Michigan men among the rest tocompete, and Michigan had accepted;the invitation and acceptance bothbased on the fact that at the Drakeand Pennsylvania relays Michigan hadin the past competed against Confer­ence teams. But there is a Confer­ence rule to the effect that no uni­versity once a member of the Confer­ence may compete in athletics heldunder the management of any Confer­ence College. After consideration, andacknowledgment of error on the partof Illinois, it was decided that in this'case the conference would overlook theviolation of the rule" with the under­standing that no similar violationwould in the future be permitted.The IllinoisRelay SituationAt the meeting of the National Col­legiate Athletic Association in NewYork in December Mr. Stagg intro­duced, at the sug­gestion of GeorgeHuff of Illinois, aresolution that theRockefeller, the Carnegie, or the SageFoundation be asked to finance an in­vestigation of college athletics, with aa view to determining the conditions inaccordance with which athletes de­cided to attend this· college or that.Everybody .knows that such athletesare frequently financed .by individualalumni, or by business men of thetowns which certain institutions adorn ;that in effect such athletes are con­tracted' for like professional baseballplayers. The editor has seen a letterInvestigationof Athletics?EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONfrom a former freshman at Chicago,": perhaps even of character if younow playing at a 'small college, in please, but .a game-well, about aswhich the young man remarks that he much so as that which Spartacuswould have liked to return to Chicago, played upon the .bloody sands. Andand indeed hopes to come back to get as we in the colleges, all except thehis. degree, but that five hundred dol- men who play it, keep insisting thatlars was too big an offer to. turn down, it is a game, we hate to see the gar­To what extent does this. go on? No- ment of our illusions ripped and torn.body knows; many guess wildly. Areany of the colleges implicated as insti­tutions? Nobody knows; many guesswidely. Will -investigation do. anygood? In the editor's opinion, mightylittle. As long as you have a big gate,you will have scandal. But some goodit may do. Mr. Stagg and Mr. Huffare two men who are' neither willingto violate the spirit of rules themselvesnor to wink at violations; they havethe courage of their convictions; andif they back such an investigation thereis probably something in it.Partly in connection with the fore­going, consider this. Talk has beenfrequent lately, and particularly .Iierein Chicago, ofprofessional foot­ball on a largescale - a· league,indeed, recruited, of course, from thecolleges. Every alumni magazine thiseditor has seen has fulminated againstit. For heaven's sake, why? If foot­ball is a good game for amateurs, whynot for professionals? If skill is good,why is not more skill better? If fromHarvard's fine team of 1915, four menwent into professional football; if thecaptains of the Illinois team and theMinnesota team of 1916 caught trains. to play; a professional game before the.smell of their last. amateur contest wasout' of their uniforms, what was theharm?-' This,' o{ course: that "profes­sional" football immediately reducesthe game to the absurdity it is not seenby everybody to be while amateurs areplaying it. It becomes something likeprize-fighting, to ,be regulated by strictlaw; it is seen to be a splendid test ofstamina, of strength, of speed, of skill,ProfessionalFootball 193Last year's quarter-centennial hasapparently thrown its long shadowover the June reunion of 1917. Wehear little talk ofit. These thingsmitigate againstthe type of re_'union at Chicago which 'characterizes, .other universities. One is the factthat we graduate our students fourtimes a year instead of bunching them.Another is the fact that Chicago thecity is so large, and has living in it somany of our former students that aspecial time for reunion is not as nec­essary as elsewhere. Third is the con­fusion of our' class systems. In thefirst ten years class 'organization wasvery loosely managed, Even sincethat time, although the classes as suchhave been far more firmly bound to-­gether, there is and 'can be no suchbond as marks the classes of colleges. of the ,ordinary type. The Miiqasinesent out in January 'letters to all iden­tifia ble class. secretaries asking themto "send us' each month some news ofthe members of your class. If," it wasadded, "any member of your class isdoing work of an unusualsort, or withunusual success,' please make a specialcomment on that fact to_ the editor,and he w-ill try to arrange for -a sepa­rate article.'.' Well, our postman hasnot been ·o.verwhel�ed. -1909 alwaysresponds ; . memory does not at themoment provide us with the. .year ofany other class about which we regu­larly get news. In spite of this lackof organiz.ation "reunions will continueto be held. This is particularly theyear for 1897, 1902, 1907, 1912, 1914. and 1916. The Magazine will be glad\The JuneReunion194 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto publish details of all arrangementsthat are being made, especially of 1897and 190i. Scott Brown, '97, is presi­dent of the Alumni Association, andJ ohn Moulds, '07, is secretary. Comeall ye!Reproduced in this issue are twophotographs af night and winter onthe quadranglesthat seem to. usv e r y delectable.One, is the westThe Campusat Night gate of Hull Court; 'the other the south­east corner of Kent. They are thework of P. Rounsevelle, ex-'18, officialphotographer last year far the M aqa­sine, and 'were taken early in February.G. K. Chesterton says that trees inwinter are more beautiful than insummer. That in the center of thesecond photagraph may not be beau­tiful, but is undoubtedly human. Noathlete who, had just received his sec­ond warning could more unmistak­ably express anguish and contrition.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEG,ERush Medical College, named forDr. Benjamin Rush, an American phy­sician, and signer af the Declaration ofIndependence, was founded by Dr.Daniel Brainerd, a practicing physicianaf Chicago, who. befare the incorpora­tion of the city itself secured, far RushMedical College in 1837 the first char­ter issued to. an educational institutionin the State of Illinois. The first ses­sion of the new' medical school beganan December 4, 1843. Hard times hadprecluded an earlier apening. Twenty­twa students, of wham three were ulti­mately graduates, pursued' the sixteenweeks' course conducted by Dr. Brain­erd in a room adjoining his office inClark street near Randolph street andin a shed at the rear of the lot, whichserved as a dissecting room: The firstcourse was taught by four men. Eachcandidate far the degree of Doctor ofMedicine was required to study with a"respectable" physician far three yearsand to. pursue two courses of lectures,far one af which he might substitutetwa years of practice.From the date af admission of thefirst class in 1843 and from the timewhen dissecting was optional, althoughstudents were strangly recommendedto. dissect 'at least one part during theircourse, and when according to the -sarneannouncement, .that of 1845, the col- lege passes sed a fine microscope ofsufficient power to exhibit the bloodglobules, until the present time withits clinical work based upon twa yearsaf college work, the development of,the curriculum of Rush Medical Cal­lege must be considered against thebackground of American medical edu­cation as traced, 'for instance, in Dr.Abraham Flexner's report to the Car­negie Foundation for the Advancementof Teaching: "Medical Education inthe United States and Canada" (NewYark, 1910).In the history of American medicalschools the curriculum and especiallythe entrance and graduation require­ments have had a very close relation­ship to. finance. Far income most ofthe American medical schools have re­lied upon the fees of students. "Largereceipts mean in. most instances lawstandards. Rush," says Dr. Flexner(p. 136, footnote 2), -"is the only ex­ception." The comptroller's estimatesof receipts and expenditures and therecord of actual income and disburse­ments gives same idea of the loyaltyof the faculty and of the financial prob­lems they were obliged to meet .. RushMedical College has had no endow-ment. .The material history of the schoolmay be imperfectly noted in its build-RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE 195ings. ,The first one, erected at Indiana was largely responsible for the removalstreet and Dearborn avenue in 1844, of the Cook County Hospital to Har­cost $3,500. In '1855 a new building rison and Wood streets. In 1875 thewas provided for by issuing bonds for hospital was erected and immedi­$15,000. Most of them were bought ately the clinical building of Rushby members of the faculty. In 1866 a Medical College was erected on thenew college building was erected. In diagonally opposite corner. ,In 1883I8n the plant was destroyed in the Dr. Ross was a leader in the movementChicago fire.. Classes were held then to ,erect a hospital just north of thein an amphitheater of the County Hos- clinical building. Indeed, his namepital at Eighteenth and Arnold streets was given to the original portion ofand dissection continued at the Chi- the resultant Presbyterian Hospital.cago Medical College (later North- One of the leaders in raising thewestern Medical School). Then a standard of medical education at Rushcrude building was erected on the cor- and throughout 'the United States isner of the County Hospital lot .and the man who in 1898 became professorfor four years this served. In' �875, of Medicine in Rush Medical College,when the County" Hospital was moved in 1900 Dean of the Faculty, in 1905to Harrison and Wood streets, a c1in- Professor of Medicine in the Universityical b-uilding was erected by Rush Med- of Chicago, Dr. Frank Billings, who isical College' on the corner diagonally now a very effective member of theopposite to the hospital. . In 1883 the committee to raise funds for the newtrustees began erecting a hospital, medical school.which, as explained below, was trans- All .through the history of Rushferred to the managers of the Presby- Medical College there apparently runsterian Hospital, for which the ,Rush a belief that some University connec­Medical Faculty, according to the 'tion was desirable. At an early periodterms of the agreement, were to be negotiations were entered into forthe medical staff. In 1893 a laboratory union with a projected Catholic Uni­and recitation building was built just versity .. In 1874 the college nominallyacross the street from the main build- became part of the Old· University ofing. The cost-$l00,OOO-was pro- Chicago. In 1887 it. joined Lake For­vided by members of ·the "Executive : est University. In 1898 it was affiliatedFaculty," who then constituted the ( with the University of Chicago, al­Board of Trustees. In 1901 the Senn though in 1894 the trustees of the Uni­Memorial was erected at a cost of versity of Chicago had refused to re ....$135,000. Dr. Nicholas Senn gave $50,- .ceive Rush as the medical school of the000 for this structure. The rest was University of Chicago.provided' from the surplus carefully In "A History of the University ofaccumulated and by gifts from six' pro- Chicago," Dr. T. W. Goodspeed tellsfessors: Dr. F. Bitlirigs, $10,000; $5,000 of the affiliation or Rush:each from Drs. Bevan, Coolidge, "Perhaps nothing was nearer toBr:ower, Ingals, and Favill. President Harper's heart than the de-To speak of all the persons who have sire to develop a medical school in con­contributed to the upbuilding of the nectioh with the University. In manyreputation of Rush Medical College is of his Convocation statements he urgedof course impossible in this cshort the establishment of a great School ofarticle. Mention is made of only two Medicine for instruction and research.leaders.' Dr. J. P: Ross, who, in 1868, ' He was never more urgent than whenwas appointed Professor of Clinical.' speaking on this subject. A singleMedicine and Diseases of the Chest; quotation only is made. It is taken196 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfrom the eighteenth Convocation state­ment, April 1, 1897:"'What is the greatest single pieceof work which still remains to be donefor the cause of education in the Cityof Chicago and in connection with theUniversity? A School ofMedicine in the City of Chicago, withan endowment large enough to. pro­vide instruction of as high an order asany that may be found in Europeancities, with an endowment large enoughto provide the facilities of investiga­tion and research which may be usedby those who would devote their timeto' the study Df methods of preventionof disease as well as of the cure· of dis ...ease; an endowment for medicinewhich would make it unnecessary formen to seek lands beyond the sea forthe sake of doing work which ought tobe done her.e at home; such an endow­ment, I assert, for medical education,is the greatest piece of work whichstill remains to be done for the causeof education in the City of Chicago.',(Given in full by Dr. Good­speed, p. 330.)"This statement is quoted here to in­dicate how near to. President Harper'sheart was the cfesire to' see a medicalinstitution of the highest order estab­lished in connection with the Uni­versity. It was only one among themany pleas he made for such an insti­tution. But it was perhaps the mostextended. It IS given thus fully also.as a message from him to men andwomen of wealth in our·count(y. '"By a strange coincidence this .greatsubject was also, at the time thesewords were spoken, very much in thethoughts and purposes of Mr. Rocke­feller. He was thinking of a great in­stitution for medical research. Hisplans had not matured and 'PresidentHarper had no knowledge of 'them.The latter was anxious that the Uni­versity should have some connectionwith medical education. The' receiv­ing of Rush Medical College as the Medical School of the U niversity hadbeen considered in 1�4, but decidednegatively. . When an affiliation wasproposed some years later it was re­ceived with favor. President Harperwished to make some sort of a begin­ning in medicine, and in 189.8 the pro­posed affiliation was made. It was atthis time that the first intimation, if itwas an' intimation, was received ofwhat was beginning to' take shape inMr. Rockefeller's mind as to medicalresearch. This came in a letter fromMr. Gates to Secretary Goodspeed re­gretting that the University had takenaction committing itself prematurelyin regard to medical work. Mr. Gatesprofessed to be speaking only for him­self when he referred to "that farhigher and better conception, whichhas been one of the dreams of my owrimind at least, of a medical college inthis country, conducted by the Uni­versity of Chicago, magnificently en­dowed, devoted primarily to investiga­tion, making practice itself an incidentof investigation, and taking as its- stu­dents only the' choicest spirits, quiteirrespective of the question of funds.Against that ideal and possibility a tre­mendous, if not fatal" current' has beenturned.',"This meant that he felt it to be amistake for the University to 'connectitself with any existing institution of. medicine, and that it should delay en­_ tering the medical field until measurescould be, matured. for realizing his'dream.' At the first meeting of the,trustees after the reception of Mr.Gates's letter the secretary. was in-I structed to assure Mr. Gates that theaffiliation entered into 'is the ordinaryaffiliation entered into with other in­stitutions and recorded in the. printedterms 'of affiliation and that the Trus­tees have not contemplated that therelation shall go further than. the ordi­nary affiliation.'"The President, however, was soanx­ious to make a beginning in medicalRUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEeducation that when, in April, 190L theTrustees of Rush Medical College re.,.quested the Trustees 'of the Universityto .receive the two lower classes ofRush as students of the 'University,doing the work of these, two years inits laboratories, the' University Trus­tees agreed to' take this important stepif fifty thousand dollars could be se­cured 'with which to provide for initialexpenses necessarily connected with"such work.' For this sum, needed forthe new medical' work, application was'made to Mr. Rockefeller, who con­sented that the 'sum required shouldbe taken from his 1895 subscription.'In writing to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,Mr. MacLeish, the vice-president ofthe Board, said that the President esti­mated ,that in taking the step proposedtl).e annual expenses" would be increasedby the sum of forty-four thousand dol­lars, and that' the attendance of stu­dents would be increased by threehundred, fullyproviding through theirfees for the increase in expenses. "Itwill be seen from these estimates howgreat a step in', expansion was takenin assuming the instruction ,of theclasses of the first two years of themedical course. The new work beganOctober 1, t901, and was carried on 'successfully, 'The number of studentswas not large at the outset., It wasfive years before it reached three hun­dred, and ir averaged about that num­ber' during the following eight years. 197When. one remembers the uninter­rupted growth of the University, hewonders why the attendance in themedical department did not show the, same increase. It should be said inexplanation that through a series ofyears the standard for admission wasraised annually, every successive stepin the process cutting off an additionalnumber of candidates for "entrance."The expenditure's of the first. yearin the new department, in addition' tothe fifty thousand dollars for the initialequipment, amounted to forty-onethousand dollars, but soon increasedto above fifty thousand dollars a year.This was the limit of expansion inmedicine during the first quarter-cen­tury. In President Harper's DecennialReport, 1901-2, he made a somewhatfull statement of the order ol proced­-ure he hoped to see followed in thedevelopment of the medical work. Itincluded the erection ofnew buildings,the establishment of new chairs, theprovision of great hospitals for Medi­Cine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Children'sDiseases, and. Contagious Diseases, theorganization of a School 'qf Dentistryand aNurses' Training School, and theextension of the work. of the MedicalSchool to the three sides of the City.At" the end of the first quarter-centurythe great givers who would enable theUniversity to take these advancedsteps were still hoped for and ex ...pected."198 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe South Gate of Hull CourtTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 199A Corner of Kent Laboratory200 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECollege Women in Magazine Work[So many girls apply to this editor forinformation about the qualifications neces­sary for editorial work on magazines thathe wrote finally for information to anauthority, Myra Reed, '11, who in five yearsafter leaving college became editor of Me­Call's Magazine, in New York. Her replyis printed herewith.-Ed.]In the editorialfield, for eve r yone position opento women, thereare ten for men­a condition thatwill change, how­ever, as womendemonstrate theirfitness and theirinterest-but de­spite this apparently discouraging situa­tion, the difficulty the individual oftenmeets in securing a position lies not somuch in the lack of opportunity as in herlack of knowledgeof the field and of thequalities she should stress to get herposition.The magazine field proper is probablythe 1\'I eeca of most editorial aspirants;but, usually, in order to get into that,several intermediate steps, of which thenewspapers, trade and class journals,and the book publishers form the prin­cipal ones, are necessary. With theexception -of the newspapers, all the pub­lishers demand practically the samequalifications in their workers, so thatthe ability to hold a position with onepublisher guarantees one's capacity foranother periodical, even though of an en­tirely different type. Even as the edi­torial workers climb the ladder to thehigh-class literary periodical, the equip­ment which makes it possible for themremains the same in essentials as whenthey held their first position; the onlychange is in their own quality-a surertouch, a sounder judgment, a wider ex­perience of crises and their solution, abigger and deeper acquaintance withpeople, a quicker perception of values.At first hand, of course, I don't know the peculiar needs of the whole periodicalfield, since m)' work has lain in only afew of the several possible channels; but,after all, a woman's magazine with alarge circulation meets the sameproblems and does the same work alongbroad lines as any other magazine, sothat the qualities essential in one of myeditorial assistants would be equally es­sential in any other editorial office. Allmagazines have what seems like a verysmall staff. Outside of my office force,and my stenographers and secretary, andthe various sub-editors who handle indi­vidual departments, such as the cookingdepartment, the baby welfare depart­ment, etc., I have only two assistanteditors who are in the office every dayin the week for the full quota of hours..One of them is responsible for the frontof the book-that is, for the book as farback as the advertising-and the secondone for the pages of editorial matterwhich run along beside the advertisingcolumns. Between them, they read andreport to me on all the manuscripts thatcome in, they edit and rewrite the manu­scripts that are accepted, pick out thecaptions in them for illustration, markthe pictures to be made into cuts whenthe pictures come in from the artists, andfinally read proof on the articles whenthey are set up. They go out of the of­fice to secure additional informationwhen some particular article is not fullenough, and, in addition, they see all thepeople who come to the office-usuallywriters and illustrators-whom I don'thave time for; and that means ten ortwelve a day.When I pick out a young woman forone of these positions, I want her tohave had enough magazine experienceso that she can read proof and will knowall the mechanical peculiarities. I wanther to have the poise to meet and handlepeople, and this means either newspaperwork, good social training, or what isCOLLEGE WOMEN IN MAGAZINE WORK 201more unusual; a natural gift; and, finally, 'them then to make a list, from the pub­I want her to have a college. education. lishers' directory in the public library orSOo far as inherent qualities go, I want from the classified telephone directory,-girls, first' of all, to be good-tempered 'of every publishing house in the city andand to have the self-control to' work to go to them in the. order .in which theyeasily in the close association of an of:- appeal most. I advise them. to' spendfice-s-I have discovered that people with 'eight hours a day at this and in everytemperament usually do more harm than case to snatch up any bit of free lancegood in an office. I want them to be able work that is offered them, no. matter howto write easily and clearly; I want them .insignificant or how, 'badly paid, sinceto be as accurate as human beings can every bit of experience adds just thatbe, since mistake.s are costly . in. a maga- much to one's value later. When theyzine; and I want them to be the sort that apply, I advise them to state their experi­have ideas. Conceivably, of course, I ence, if any, their education, and, whatcould use a beginner as an editorial as- they want to. do, letting the editor judgesistant, and. take the time to train her, of the capacity in which he or she couldbut, since I have not time enough now use them. I tell them to learn to type­to go 'round, it is more economical to write well and to read proof, But, out­p�y .a higher salary and get an experi- side' of that, I don't think, there is anyenced person. special training they can give themselvesLarge numbers of young women come that would be sure to. interest the editor.to me through the year seeking posi- That some people have achieved theirtions, so that the' suggestions 1. have present editorial positions via stenogra­'given them . have 'become stereotyped . phy does not mean necessarily that thatthrough long use. I advise them to de-. is the .royal road. In fact, my personal'cide on .the magazine they want to be- opinion is that 'it is a ve-ry roundaboutcome a part of and then study it monthly way of getting to the' goal. The timefrom cover to cover so that they can sub- spent in proving one's self a goodmit to it, from time to time,' manuscripts stenographer and so a possibility for. thethat are similar in tone and treatment. bottom rung 'of the editorial ladder isIn time, theeditor, out of mere inertia, if wasted. It might much better have beennothing else, will be forced to. know the spent in the editorial work itself. It iscapabilities of the writer. In addition to merely useful in gaining one an entreethis means of getting notice, I advise into an editorial office, and that is' athem either to go in person or to write small' advantage.a letter to the editor of the magazine This is necessarily an extremely cur­every three months, at least, on the sory survey, but, at least, I can offer thechance that an opening has occurred in encouragement that I have. not knownthe meantime. In this case, 'ot course, lone young' woman yet who, if she hadam speaking of the magazine the appli- the courage to fight on, .did not get acant want to work for; while she is position in some editorial office, and that,waiting for this magazine to need her too, before she was in the "last stages of\ she must' hunt for the periodical that starvation.wants her immediate services, 1 advise MYRA G. REED, .1911.202 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni and Professors' SalariesThe following advertisement, fullpage display, appears in a recent num­ber of the Yale Alumni weekly. It isreprinted here because it seems as ef­fective a presentation of what alumnican do for their university as can befound anywhere:"The most democratic endowment ofany university-every day 12 Yalemen contribute.Last year 4,481 graduates contrib­uted to the Alumni Fund.Each day of the year 12' Yale alumnimade gifts to the university.In 26_ years such gifts have built upthe greatest of all Yale endowments­a fund that has provided the university$700,000 in income and holds nearly$1,000,000 as principal.The crises of the university areserved by this fund. Large endow­ments are given for specific purposesand may be used for nothing else. Thisfund constitutes a large part of thegeneral income of the university.Without it work which is vital toYale's growth could not' be startedand maintained until specific endow­ments could be secured to provide per­manently for it. Your gift, large orsmall, will help:Whatever your income, whateveryour necessities, add your name to thelist of Yale's loyal supporters in your,class.The whole level of ' Yale teachinghas been raised' by the increase insalaries brought about by this fund.It keeps at Yale men at the forefrontof their particular fields. PresidentHadley says: "Last year, due to theAlumni Fund, 40 assistant Professorstaught courses formerly entrusted toyoung instructors; 40 other seasonedmen were retained whose classes in other yeats would have passed to' in­experienced beginners."It furthers research work of inter­national importance.'It provides lectures by renownedvisitors.It furnishes equipment the lack ofwhich would seriously retard Yale'sprogress.Progressive departments, such as theBureau of Appointments and 'the De­partment of Health, have all beenmade possible by this fund."In this connection also we reprintfrom the Yale Alu,mni Weekly "SomeRemarks on Professors' Salaries," byGeorge E. Vincent, Ph. D., 1896, presi­dent of the University of Minnesotaand chairman-elect of the RockefellerFoundation:In the Republic, after Socrates hasdivided his citizens into three classes, thisquestion is asked: How make members ofthese groups contented with their lots? Tomeet this problem Socrates, proposes a"serviceable falsehood." Let them be tolda myth: they are all children of a commonmother, Earth, but into thernaking of themdifferent metals have entered., The guard­ians or philosophers have an element ofgold. To these leaders is assigned the taskof ruling the city. They are to live at com­mon tables, to forego luxuries, to hold noprivate property; and to devote themselvesunselfishly to the public welfare. When adoubter asks whether these philosopherswill be satisfied to serve- without the re­wards of wealth, Socrates replies : "Weshall tell them that they already have goldin their own characters, and hence have noneed of mere, sordid metal."The essential principles of human societydo not greatly change. We have been tell­ing our guardians "serviceable falsehoods."We stimulate our teachers and professorsby fine phrases; we depict the advantagesof training the youthful mind, and extol thesatisfaction of quiet, unobtrusive service tosociety. It is quite astonishing to note howwell this plan has succeeded. Even todaywe are paying college professors too largelyin the currency of compliment..ALUMNI AND PROFESSORSJ SALARIESNoone seriously believes that men ofhighest character 'can he bribed into anacademic career. ' In earlier days religiousand institutional loyalty had great influence.Men lived simply, and spent themselvesfreely for· the institutions to which theywere pledged. The intellectual satisfactionsof scholarship, escape from the competi­tion of commercial life, comradeship withcongenial colleagues, the sense of kindlingin other minds ideals of intellectual andspiritual progress, constitute the real re­wards which today appeal to leaders in thework of higher education.I t is one thing to recognize these leadingmotives; quite another to regard economic'considerations as negligible. If the menwho devote themselves to college and uni­versity teaching are to do their work well,they must be able to count upon incomeswhich will free them from sordid anxietiesand give them opportunities for growth.The college teacher's professional traininggrows more and more 'exacting. He mustdevote years to study before he becomes acandidate for the higher ranks of service.ThIS implies increased investment in him­self before he can hope. for satisfying re--turns. Unless men of real ability can lookforward with confidence to receiving ade­quate incomes, they are unlikely to enter theteaching profession. It is essential, there­fore, to the recruiting of university facul­ties that salaries be put upon a higher level.The college professor occupies in Amer­ican life a difficult position. By educationand tastes he is fitted to associate with peo-·ple who enjoy much larger incomes, andwhose standards of dress, entertainment andother expenditures are far beyond his reach.I t requires philosophy, humor, and thehighest breeding to play such a part withdignity and serenity. There is an economiclimit below, which the professor and hisfamily can hardly hope to achieve this diffi­cult taskThere are austere people who would pre­scribe for the professor, his wife and hischildren a regime of simplicity, self-denialand isolation from the world· and all itsworks. Unfortunately, if the professor isto be a human and genial influence in theclass-room, he needs contact wlth a wideenvironment, He must travel; he must es­cape a narrow provincialism. It is notenough that he be a. hig'hly-trairied special­ist. He should i-n -rhe best sense be also ai man of. the world. And this is not to beachieved on the average salary of a railwayengineer."The professional schools in our universi-'.fies have had to meet the competition ofextra-mural demands. Many professors oflaw are receiving salaries of $6,000. Therehave been recent appointments made at$7,500. The. full-time clinical salaries in.at least one. medical school have been set 203at $10,000. Professors of engineering arevery generally' permitted to receive feesfrom private practice. Thus, in one insti­tution a professor of engineering is paid asalary of $2,000 out of his total income of$25,000. Professors of languages, literature,history, mathematics, the pure sciences, can­not fail to resent the disparity between thesalary scale of liberal arts colleges, and therange of incomes in professional schools.There is a more or less justified feelingthat the law of supply and demand in thisfield ought to be modified by considerationsof public policy.The chief hope' of the academic profes­sion lies in the competition between uni­versities in their search for the best avail­able men. With increasing resources, thiscompetition has had a perceptible influ­ence in raising the general level of salaries.Ten years ago a professional salary of$5,000 was exceptional. Today in leadinginstitutions it \ is assumed as a desirableminimum for men of the first rank. Onebegins to hear of salaries even in arts col­leges of $5,500 and $6,000. Within a shorttime this new scale will be established, andthe institutions which ar,e not able to meetit will face the danger of losing their out­standing men.Again it is important to remember thatit is not merely the salary which influencesthe decision to leave one university for an­other. The larger salary is an index ofother things: of library resources, of op­portunities for research, of reasonable poursof teaching, of relief from mere routine, ofcongenial and stimulating comradeship ofall those elements which go to make agenuine university rather than em instruc­tion factory. No university can afford tohold its men by appeals of loyalty unlessthey have back of them as a pledge ofconfidence an adequate and dignified salary.- The Yale Alumni Fund has in the pastbeen of great value to Yale .Univer sity inenabling it to increase the scale of salaries.The time has come when the friends ofYale must respond with increasing gener­osity in order that Yale may retain heroutstanding scholars, and consistently addto their number by drawing from other col­lege-s and universities men of promise andaccomplishment, It - will not. do to relyupon a myth which seeks to beguile menby fine phrases and to exact of them sacri­fices which they have no right to, make.Yale advances steadily, adding to a finetradition new achievements in scholarship.Alma Mater summons her sons to her aid,reminding them - that not buildings andbooks and equipment make a universitygreat, but that men of scholarship, of im­agination, of contagious ideals, and of kin­dling' enthusiasm are the true sources ofinstitutional leadership and power.204 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOn the QuadranglesA month 6'£ social fulgence, includ­ing more than the wonted quota ofteas, dances, and receptions, reachedits climax in the Washington prome­nade, that annual performance whichThe Daily Maroon dithyrambicallycharacterized as "the University'smost cherished tradition." Previousrecords for attendance at the Promwere broken, when over 190 couplesgrand-marched, sang the -Alrna Mater,and tripped the axiomatic light fan­tastic. Bartlett gymnasium was orna­mented for the occasion by ferns,flowers, sparkling fountains, and othersylvan "props"; a fourteen-piece or­chestra supplied such symphonic con­tortions as "Honkey Tonkey," "OhYou Lovely Ladies," and "Pray forthe Lights to Go Out"; and the twopromenade wings were led by LyndonLesch and Nadine Hall, and PercyDake and Margaret MacDonald.The Women's Administrative Coun­cil supervised a reception earlier inthe month, at which men of the Lawschool, Snell hall, and Sophomoreclass were the guests. A vaudevilleand dance furnished the entertainmentat a 1917 party, given at the DeltaUpsilon house; and a one-act tragedy,"Uncle Tom's Cabin," was the prin­cipal attraction. at a Junior classsmoker on February 7. Of a more dig­nified nature was the reception ac­corded President Judson on February16 in Ida Noyes, which was held underthe auspices of a committee includingHelen .Wescon, Katherine Chamber­lain, Joseph Levin, Arthur Hanisch,Earl Bondy, Barbara Sells, Lucy Wil­liams, and Walter Krupke. The newspirit of "informality and democracy"drew an unusual crowd to the Presi­dent's reception; among the demo­cratic innovations were a saxaphonequartet and the opening of the IdaNoyes bowling alleys. Elections to the Undergraduatecouncil and Honor commission onFebruary 15 afforded ample interest tothose politically inclined on thecampus. The successful candidatesfor the council were Eva Richolson,Walter Bowers and Stanley Roth fromthe Junior class; Frank Breckenridgeand Loretta Lamb from the Sopho­more class; and John Stapler andEdith West from the Freshman class.Survivors in the balloting for theHonor commission were Eloise Smith,Agnes Murray, Sumner Veazey, andGarret Larkin from the "class of 1918;. Raymer Tiffany, Clarence Brown andHelen Driver from the class of 1919;and Brook Ballard, Helen Thompson,and Katherine Clark from the class of1920.Recen t activities of the council arethe inauguration of a song contest, tobe conducted by Helen Adams,' theabolition of the cheerleading system,and the introduction of reforms intothe Honor commission and Cap andGown. It was decided to enhance thecontinuity of the Commission by in­creasing the term of Junior membersto a year and a half, and of extendingthe Seniors' membership until June.The council also voted to send a dele­gate to the Students' Self-Government'convention at Purdue University.Nominations for offices in. the Rey­nolds club were made on February 20.The paucity of candidates portends adull season for campus .Kennas andCoughlins, and indications are that theresponsible positions in the club willbe filled by default. As a probable re­sult of student publications' attacks onthe inefficiency of club librarians, nonames appear on the ballot for thatoffice. Nominations to date are HansNorgren fo'r president; Otto Teich­graeber for vice-president; William, Henry 'and William Whyte for secre-ON THE QUADRANGLEStary, and j ohn" Seerley,' John Bannis­ter and Joseph pay for treasurer. Theretiring officers are 'William Temple­ton, president ; Lyndon' Lesch, vice­president ; Hans N orgren, secretary;Francis Townley, treasurer; and N or­man Cahn, librarian.Early in the evening of March 2, fac­ulty members furnished their peculiarspecies of entertainment at the Fac­ulty dinner in Hutchinson cafe; laterin the evening the students offered a. counter-irritant in the form of theCampus Follies, which were producedin Mandel.. President Judson andProfessor Andrew C. McLaughlinwere the 'speakers at the student-fac­ulty gathering': Helen Adams andJ ohn Guerin were in charge of theundergraduate share in the program..The Campus Follies of 1917, whichconsisted of a four-act variety bilI,were presented by the Women's Ath­letic association. The several num­bers offered were "The Little Review,"a medley of song and dance, by TheeGriffith; "La Revuette," by ElizabethBell and Ethel Bishop; "The SoldierMan," a play by Elizabeth Brown, and:"The Carnival," by Dorothy Mullenand Loretta Lamb. The cast for thedramatic sketch consisted of ElizabethGrimsley, Ruth Mount, MarionPalmer, Katherine FrQost,- Pauline Cal­len, Elizabeth MacClintock, BerniceHogue, Margaret Cook, Mildred Gor­don, and Marjorie Mahurin. Otheractivities of the W., A. A. include bas-, ketball, in' which Senior women areleading, and bowling, at which one ofthe contestants, Edith Niblack, rolledthe winning score of 144.A Founder's Day' celebration, atwhich faculty and . alumni were the. guests of honor, was held by theNeighborhood clubs on February 1.,This was followed a week later by a,V�lentine' party, of, which Jessie Todd,Helen MorreII, and Rose N ath werethe chairmen� At the club's elections 205Flor,ence Kilvary was chosen presi­dent; Nira Cowan, secretary, 'and Flor­ence Lamb, treasurer.Infantry drill for University menwas started on February 21, under theleadership of Major Ola BeII, recentlyassigned to the campus by the author­ities at Washington. Enlistment inthe class is optional, demands threehours' service per week" 'and will beaccorded credit toward required phys­ical culture. The campus contingentwill be considered as a unit of' theUnited States Reserve Officer Train­ing corps. Five, University men leftfor France to serve in the AmericanAmbulance department; eleven othershave signified their intention of follow­ing. The students who sailed. are HenryRubinkam, Thomas Cassady, RobertFraser, Francis Johnson and CarrollGates.The activities of ·the Dramatic clubcenter this month in the production ·ofthe big play of the year. ' This timethe choice has fallen on "The GreatAdventure," Arnold Bennett's dram­atization of his "Buried Alive," whichwill be presented in Mandel hall onMarch 10. Those who saw "Arms and,the Man" last year will recall that theclub in its winter play gives perform­ances that are not only exceIIent fromthe standpoint of acting and produc­tion, but that actually succeed in en­tertaining. Last" year they had, .ofcourse, onc . of the brightest comediesin the language. "The Great Adven­ture" is unknown to most people inthese parts; its authorship, however,arouses anticipation. IJ;}' addition,Mme. Borgny Hammer, who is to dothe coaching, says that '''this play isthe biggest thing that the dramaticclub has - ever attempted; comparedwith 'Arms and the Man' it is fat morebeautiful from an artistic standpoint."The leading part will be .played by; Leon Gendron, the president of theclub. Others m the cast are. Gordon206 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVan Kirk, Arthur Baer, Glen Millard,J ames Evans, Lehman Ettelson, LaelAbbott, Morton Howard, CharlesBreasted, J ames Hemphill, IsabelFink, Hertha' Baumgartner, and NellieBaumann.A chapter' of Tau Kappa Epsilonfraternity was installed at the Univer­sity on February 17; the petitioninglocal organization to receive the char­ter was Eta Tau Epsilon. The thir­teen undergraduates initiated areWilliam Appel, Jules Avner, DeanBurns, Lyman Cook, Neal Crawford,Ralph Doner, Ralph Evans, Carl Hel­geson, Arnold Hoffman, Rupert Lewis, Walter Oehmig, Horace Rogers, andEarl Thompson.The fates were unkind to the PhiGamma Delta and Sigma Chi membersduring February; after being victim­ized by thieves to the extent of over'$500, these two fraternities were quar­antined because of the outbreak ofscarlet fever among the "brethren."The Glee clubs of the University andArmour Institute gave a joint concerton February 10. Among other dis­asters of the month on the campus wasa small fire on Stagg field, whichcaused but slight damage..FREDERICK R. KUH, '17.Fraternities and ScholarshipThe quarterly report on fraternities andscholarship for the autumn was delayed by·the regulation providing for make-up ex­aminations on the fifth Saturday of thesucceeding quarter. As presented here­with, it shows the usual ups and downs.Beta Phi, which stands at the head, hadonly two members and no pledges and maypractically be disregarded. Delta Chi,which comes second, had only four under­graduate members and three undergradu­ate pledges, and is also, therefore, hardlyin the class of the others. The real leaderis Chi Psi, with eight pledges out of nineeligible, and a grand average very close toB. Phi Kappa Psi dropped a long wayfrom second to thirteenth; its sixteen mem-Fraternity- RankAut.1915 RankAut.19161234567891011121314151617181912 GradeAut.1916B­B­C(+)C(+)C(+)CCCCCCCCCCCCC-(+)c-(+)cB­C(+)Beta Phi �............ 4Delta Chi tChi Psi 5Sigma Chi .. 8Kappa Sigma 3Delta Upsilon. 1Phi Gamma Delta 13Alpha. Tau Omega .. � 14Delta Sigma Phi........... 7Alpha Delta Phi........... 12Beta Theta Pi............. 10Delta Tau Delta........... 6Phi Kappa Psi............. 2Sigma Nu 18Psi Upsilon •.............. 9Delta Kappa Epsilon........ 11Phi Kappa Sigma.......... 17Sigma Alpha Epsilon 15Phi Delta Theta........... 16All Frat ernities .Washington House 2Lincoln House 1 bers averaged close to B-but of its four­teen pledges only six were eligible for in­itiation, and their grand average was onlya shade above C-. Sigma Alpha Epsilonpledged sixteen and had five eligible; DeltaUpsilon pledged eleven and had six eligible.Of the 186 pledges only 114, or ·61 per cent,were eligible, though it will be rememberedthat only five grade points are requiredfor eligibility. The grand average of themembers of -the Three-quarters Club, by theway. was less than C (1.855 points permajor taken), 'and out of 25. seven wer e. put on probation, one was warned, and onewas dismissed-that is to say, 36 per centfailed to maintain even a C average. Thepresident and treasurer were both ineligi­ble for fraternity initiation.Grade Points per Major TakenMembers Pledgesonly only All3.42 3.423.636 2.444 3.12.721 2.87 2.772.827 2.233 2.5742.666 2.446 2.5232.612 2.062 2.3882.409 2.223 2.3332.737 1.783 2.2982.879 1.222 2.2972.2 2.25 2.2162.164 2.101 2.1382.372 1.833 2.1152.72 1.297 2.0762.95 1.552 2.052·.044 2.058 2.0482.036 2.035 '2.0352.301 1.689 2.0082.43 1.627 1.9751.536 1.547 1.5422.454 1.926 2.2243.355 4.666 3.5092.949 3.14 2.959 No. No.members pledgesgraded graded241614 105 1016 1118 1312 1011 618 814 1014 1416 147 1322 1219 1011 1012 167 7238 1868 119 1 Pledgeseligi­ble3886697265116887554114*(1)*(1)NOTE.-The scale of grades is A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, E, F, with corresponding grade points 6, 5, 4,3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2. The + sign has, no place in the scale, but is used to indicate .5 or more of a point abovethe grade named."Fratcrnitv rules for eligibility do not apply.tNot listed.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 207The University RecordThe bust shown on the frontispiece ofColonel Francis Wayland Parker, formerhead of the' Chicago Normal School, andfirst director of the School of Education, of the University, was presented to the U ni­versity on December 9 by a group of theassociates, students and parents of studentsof Colonel Parker. The bust is the workof the late Charles J. Mulligan; and thespeakers at the presentation exercises wereLorado Taft on .behalf of Mr. Mulligan,Arthur J. Masau for the donors, Miss Kath­arine Stilwell on "Colonel Parker as I KnewHim," Director Charles H. Judd on "TheDevelopment of Colonel Parker's Idea," andPresident Judson for the University. Thebust stands in the central corridor of Em­mons Blaine Hall of the School of Edu­cation.The Magazine in the February issue an­nounced that Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, Ph. 0.,'94, had recently bee.n appointed Directorof. the experimental school which will beestablished by Teachers' College, ColumbiaUniversity, and supported by the GeneralEducational Board. The school is so interest­ing an experiment, and has been subj ectto so much criticism favorable and un­favorable, that a short statement of its pur­pose and plan will be in place here. This 'school has been designed for the purposeof an experiment in the reorganization ofthe curriculum of the elementary and sec­ondary school. It' is proposed to' determinewhether better educative results may be se­cured through training by use of materialsrelated more closely to the work and in­terests which occupy the time and atten­tion of persons in their regular occupations.The school will be equipped with the verybest facilities and teachers obtainable, sothat the experiment may be carried out un­der .. favorable conditions. I t is expectedthat any good results that come from theexpe-riment will be made available to schoolsgenerally, but it is clearly understood thatpublic schools will make use of any resultsfrom this school only as there is clear\ and practicable demonstration under' normalconditions. I t is planned to include in thecourse an increased amount of practical sci­ence, household and industrial arts, mod­ern languages - English, French, German,Spanish" Italian; to include more social. andindustrial history, music, art, and literature.The experiment' will include not only achange in the nature' of the materials of thecurriculum; but' also in the method of work,since constant, effort will be made to recog­nize the interests and needs of individualeducation. .The Administrative Board of the newschool includes the Dean of Teachers Col-:lege, Dr. J.' E. Rus'sell, .who' is the chairman;. the Director of the - school, Dr. Caldwell; Mr. V. Everit Macy, Mrs. Willard D.Straight, Mr. Felix M. Warburg, Mr. Arthur, Turnbull, Dr. George E. Vincent, Mr. Abra­ham Flexner, Dr. Wickliffe Rose and Mr.Charles P. Howland.Dr. Caldwell is an Indiana man by birth,was graduated from Franklin College in1894, and took the degree .of doctor ofphilosophy at Chicago in 1898... He hastaught in district schools, city schools, highschools, and a state normal school. Dur­ing the past ten years he has been a mem­ber of the faculty, of the University, partof the time Dean of University College.He is the author of numerous books .andmagazine articles dealing with science teach­ing. In the new position as a member ofthe Teachers' College Faculty, Dr. Caldwellwill continue his work upon questions re­lated to the use of science in' public edu­cation.I During .the Christmas holidays theAmerican Association for the Advance­ment of Science and a large number ofaffiliated societies held a first quadrennialconvocation meeting in New York City.Several thousand scientists' gathered there.The University was well represented at themeetings. Three of the twelve sctions ofthe American Association for the Advance­ment of Science were in charge 0.£ mem­bers of the University staff as vice-presi­dents of the Association, Professor Salis­bury presiding in the Section on Geologyand Geography, Professor Jordan in theSection on Physiology and ExperimentalMedicine, and Professor Steiglitz in theSection on Chemistry. Professor Moultonwas. active as secretary of the Section onMathematics and Astronomy. ProfessorMillikan . attended the meetings as presi­dent of the American Physical Society andgave a brilliant opening address in a sym­posium, of the Chemistry and Physics Sec­tions on "The Structure of Matter." Asretiring president of the Botanical Societyof America Professor Coulter gave an ad-r .dress on "Botany' as a National Asset,"which was the feature at the most generalmeeting of the many species, of botanists.Other faculty members who gave addressesor presented papers included ProfessorsLillie, Mathews, Carlson, Goode, Carr,Hayes, Kitson and Drs. Bartelmez, Bar­row and Bretz. Professor Harkins wasone of the chemistry speakers' in the sym­posium on the structure' of matter. Pro­fessor Herrick and Dr .: Swift attended themeetings of anatomists. Former membersof the faculty who took a conspicuous partin the programs included DrvIacques Loeb,of the Rockefeller Institute; Dr. H. H .. Donaldson, director of the 'Vi star : nsti-208 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtute, and Dr. Davenport, director of theStation on Experimental Evolution. Animpressive feature was the large part takenin many instances in the scientific pro­grams by Ph.D alumni- of the University.Of the entire program of the Section onPsychology, consisting of some forty-sixpapers, eleven papers were presented byten graduates of our department of psy­chology. Eight of the seventy-one papersread before the American Society of Zoolo­gists were by our graduates or students.About one-third of the papers before theSection of Geology and Geography werepresented by our department or its formerstudents, and in the Association of Ameri­can Geographers about one-fourth weregiven by members of our department or itsformer students. University of Chicagomen gave thirty of some three hundredpapers which the botanists had on theirprograms. Professor William McPherson,Ph.D., 1899, of the Ohio State University,as the retiring vice-president of the Chem­istry Section of the Association, gave themain address of one of its meetings on"Asymmetr-ic Synthesis and Vital Force";Professor George H. Shull, of PrincetonU niver sity, Ph.D., 1904, was elected presi­dent of the American Society of Natural­ists, and Professor Burton E. Livingston,of Johns Hopkins University, Ph.D�,1901, was elected vice-president (presidingofficer) of the Botany Section of the Asso­ciation. Dr. R. E. Buchanan, Ph.D,1908, was elected vice-president of the So­ciety of American Bacteriologists.The next quadrennial convocation willbe held in Chicago in 1920..The March convocation orator will beProfessor Richard Green Moulton, head ofthe Department of General Literature. Hewill speak at the spring convocation, inMandel, on March 20.Professor Moulton, who for a number ofvears was an extension lecturer for Cam­bridge University Jn England, came to thiscountry in 1890 to deliver 'a series of Uni­versity Extension lectures. Although hewas offered several tempting opportunitiesto remain permanently in this country, hedecided that he could not accept any. How­ever, in Christmas week, 1890, as the resultof a single conversation. with Dr. Harper,who was making plans for the new Uni­versity, Professor Moulton agreed to cometo the University for one year. That z.p­pointment resulted in a lifework at the Uni­versity of Chicago; and friends of Pro­fessor Moulton will regard his appearance'at the One Hundred and Second Convoca­tion as the quarter-centennial celebrationof his appointment to the University fac-ulties in February, 1892. .While widely known as a lecturer onliterature both in this country and in Eng­land, Dr. Moulton is even better known for his many books on literary subjects,including volumes on Shakespeare as aDramatic Artist, The Ancient ClassicalDrama, The Literary Study of the Bible,and Shakespeare as a Dramatic Thinker, aswell as World Literature and Its Place inGeneral Education and The Modern Studyof Literature.At the last meeting of the American Ori­ental Society a committee was appointedto organize a western branch, the chairmanof the committee being Director JamesHenry -Breasted, of the Haskell OrientalMuseum, who is also chairman of the De­partment of Oriental Languages and Lit­eratures.Already the committee has had somefifty acceptances for membership in the newsociety, which held its first meeting at theUniversity of Chicago on January 27. DeanAngell gave the address of welcome, andtwelve papers were presented by repre­sentatives of various western institutions,including the University of Illinois, the Uni­versity of Missouri, the McCormick Theo­logical Seminary, the Hebrew UnionCollege of Cincinnati, the Field Museum ofNatural History, the University of Wis­consin and the University of Chicago. Fromthe last-named institution the contributors. to the program were Martin Sprengling,Daniel David Luckenbill and J. M. PowisSmith, of the Department of Oriental Lan­guages and Literatures, and Walter EugeneClark, assistant professor of Sanskrit andIndo-European Comparative Philology. Aluncheon was given the visiting oriental­ists by the University at the QuadrangleClub, and at the dinner in the same placeRabbi Emil G.' Hirsch, Professor of Rab­binical Literature and Philosophy, pre­sided. An inspection of the Haskell Mu­seum collections was conducted by the di­rector, Professor Breasted, and later at thebusiness meeting of the new society hewas. elected president.Professor Forest Ray Moulton of theDepartment of Astronomy and Astro­physics, gave, in February, five lectures atWestern Reserve University on the Mac­Bride Foundation.Professor Moulton has just finished acomplete revision' of his Introduction toAstronomy, a well-known text for collegestudents. He is secretary of the mathe­matics and astronomy section in the Ameri­can Association for the Advancement ofScience, and has recently collaborated withProfessor T. C. Chamberlin, head of theDepartment of Geology at the Universityof Chicago, in the development of the newscientific theory known as the planetesimalhypothesis.RECENT ALUMNI CLUB DINNERSIf you will take off your hat to MosesDwight McIntyre, '98, he will show you abetter one; but he will not sell it to youunless you are hydra-headed, and so buywholesale. Note that purpose in his eye?He had it when he came to Chicago in thefall of '94, from Hyde Park High School.Mac was some little organizer. He taughtClarence Herschberger to play cribbagewhen they roomed together in Snell, sothat he could form a cribbage club; Herschiewas secretary, Mac, president and treasurer.He founded the Order of the Iron Mash;was an editor on the first Mar oon ; twoyears also on the Cap and Gown board;managing editor of the University of Chi­cago Weekly; a charter member of theOmega Chapter of Psi Upsilon; Owl andSerpent-oh, let it go at that; George wasn'theard of in those days, and we said "LetMac Do I t." He spent one year at HarvardLaw School and one at Northwestern LawSchool, and then he went into the whole­sale hat business. There he is yet-Macthe Square Hatter. After two years withTaylor & Parrotte, he was made treasurerin 1902. The concern was reorganized in1903-see? Mac remained treasurer till1915; then reorganization again, and a newfirm name-Parrotte, McIntyre & Co., Macstill treasurer, incidentally vice-president.Manufacturers and jobbers of hats, capsand straws. They cover the west. Macbelongs to the University Club and theUnion League, but he is no club man, ex­cept-except little Old Psi Upsilon. Theyknow him. When they asked him, "Whathave you to give in exchange for the honorof membership?" he took the question seri­ously. When it comes to getting thingsdone M. D. M. is a live wire and a flam- 209ing sword. But he is a conservative; greaton the down-in-black-and-white stuff. Whenhe signs his name, you can dismiss thecollector; and when you make a promise.Mac wants a specimen of your penman­ship. A quieter, busier, decenter citizennever went in for headwork. He married'in 1911 Miss Dorothy Tunnicliff of Macomb,Illinois, and lives at 5712 Dorchester avenue.Some Recent Alumni Club DinnersMinnesota Alumni Clubs='I'hat Minneap­olis and St. Paul constitute a thriving centerof alumni activities has been shown by thesuccessful annual banquets which have beenheld for the past four years. The Uni­versity of Chicago Alumni Club of Minne­sota enjoyed its last dinner meeting Satur­day evening, January 13, at the MinneapolisAthletic Club. There was an attendance offifty-five, most of whom had been under­graduates, post-graduates, or instructors atthe University. The occasion was madeespecially notable by the presence of Presi­dent Judson, who (came up especially forthis meeting. Accompanying President J ud­son were David Allan Robertson, '02, hissecretary, and John Fryer Moulds, '07, sec­retary of the Alumni Council.The after-dinner program was ably"toastmastered" by Donald F. Bridgman,the president of the Alumni Club. Presi- dent George Edgar Vincent, pli. D., '96,of the University of Minnesota, with char­acteristic wit, welcomed the guests fromthe quadrangles and said a few words offarewell (anent his withdrawal from Min­nesota to take up new duties in New York)."Prospective Alumni Activities" was thesubject of the talk delivered by Mr. Moulds,in which he explained the plans of theAlumni Council for putting new life intothe various Alumni Clubs about the coun­try, principally by having them adopt somedefinite program of usefulness. His sug­gestions were warmly received and actionin accordance therewith will be part ofthe Club's future development. PresidentJudson told in a very illuminating way theplans for the new Medical School at theUniversity. His account of the raising ofthe necessary funds was listened to withgreat interest, and the scheme of organiza-210 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtion, building and administration was ex­plained in the course of his talk.A most entertaining feature of the pro­gram was the presentation of the Quarter­Centennial motion pictures. The two reelsof "movies" were made more interestingbyMr. Robertson; who proved to be a verycapable "Burton Holmes."The I following officers were declaredelected for the ensuing year: Donald E.Bridgman, president; Dr. Ginrich, vice-pres­ident; William D. Reeve, secretary; HoraceB. Street, treasurer; Prof. C. J. Posey,Harry' G., Clemans, and Mable Trilling, ad­ditional members of the Executive Com-mittee. ,Among those present at the meeting werethe following: Pres. Harry Pratt Judson,President George E. Vincent, David AllanRobertson, John Fryer Moulds, Mr. andMrs. A. L. Underhill, Dr. and Mrs. GolderMcWhorter, Mr. and Mrs. Renslow P.Sherer, Paul Buhlig, Dr. F. A. Olson, H. F.Schoenning, Hugo Swan, A. F� Bliss, 1. H.Derby, J. F. Ebersole, Mr. and Mrs. C.Albert Carlson, Alice E. Treat, EstherMoran, Rev. G. A. Hagstrom, Mable C.Ostergren, John A. Swanson, C. M. J ack­son, Dr. H. B. Annis, C. J. V. Pettibone,Donald E. Bridgman, Mr. and Mrs. HarveyB. Fuller, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hall,Walter Henry Hull, Mr. and Mrs. SamuelN. Reep, William S. Cooper, Henry R.Halsey, William D. Reeve, Mable TriHing,Marion Weller, C. J. Posey, Mildred Weig­ley, Mr. and Mrs. N. E., Chapman, HelenA. Sanborn, Joseph Peterson, GertrudeJohnson, Dr. Richard N. Jones, Mr. andMrs. Carl Wilson, and Dr. P. J. Preston.Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., '07.Des Moines Alumni Club.-The annualmeeting of the Des Moines Alumni Clubwas held January 19, at Yonker's Tea Roomin Des Moines. Fifty-eight were present.The speakers included Prof. John W. Coul­ter and Secretary Moulds. The entertain­ing feature was �the scheme of decoration.Miss Richardson and a .cornmittee of womenhad prepared the long narrow table torepresent the Midway, with trees, buildingsof the University and "scenes in theparks," golfers with all paraphernalia, LakeMichigan and spooning couples, on thebenches, . the 'Quadrangle Club, squirrelhaunted (why the squirrels?), the divinityschool, the new medical school buildings,the football team 'at work-a most. intri­cate presentation. Dr. Coulter's speech,largely on .the relation of alumni to theUniversity, was enthusiastically received.Omaha Alumni Club.-Omaha Alumni ofthe University lunched together at theOmaha University Club on Saturday, Jan­uary 20. Dr. A. D. Dunn was toastmaster,and Alumni Secretary John Moulds wasthe guest of honor. The other speakerswere Principal Masters of the Omaha Cen­tral High School and Wayland Magee, '05. Twelve high school students were presentas guests. The quarter-centennial featureswere shown. The alumni attending were:Messrs. and Mesdames 1. G. Masters aridWayland'Magee; Mrs. Davies; Misses ElinYoungberg, Edith' Earle, Isabel McMillan,Juliette Griffin, Jennie H ul tman, JeanetteMcDonald, Susan Paxson, Lillian Cherniss,Theresa Tracy, Verda Williams, IrmaGross, Elsie Lundeen, Alice Barton, M. L.Carter; Messrs. Robert Savidge, GeorgeMcDougall, J. B. Williams, Eugene Blazer,Lloyd Neff, H. R. Meyer, Dr. A. D., Dunn,r». W. Y! Thompson, Dr. J. M. F. Heu­mann.. Eastern Alumni Association.- The annualmeeting and banquet of the Eastern AlumniAssociation, held in honor of President andMrs. Judson, took place at the quaint Peg­W offington Coffee House in New York onFriday, January 26.The chief speakers of the evening werePresident Judson, who spoke in detail ofthe new Medical School at the University,Mrs. Judson, who charmingly told of herpart in securing Ida Noyes Hall for theUniversity, and Prof. Alexander Smith, whogave an entertaining account of Chicagofaculty men now at Columbia. HonoraryPresident Ed win Slosson humorously de­scribed the historic sights of the great U ni­versity and Miss Vida Sutton contributeda dramatic character recitation.. The presi­dent and secretary made brief reports. Aplan for establishing a Publicity Bureaufor the University Of Chicago in New Yorkas suggested by Mr. Morgenthau, and a fundfor a Mexican scholarship at the Universitybrought up by Mrs. Gilson, were discussed.The speaking was followed by a seriesof excellent lantern slides kindly furnishedby the University, showing pictures' of therecent reunion, and Ida Noyes Hall andthe other new buildings, which were in­fornially explained by President and Mrs.Judson.-The following officers were elected forthe coming year! Honorary president, Ed­win E. Slosson; president, Milton' J. Davies;vice-president, Miss M. E. Stone; secretary,H. R. Bankhage; assistant. secretary, MissMyra :Reed; treasurer,' W. C. Stephens'.These' officers and the following membersform the Executive Committee for the com­ing year: Miss Elizabeth Weirick, MissEvelyn Newman, Miss Dorothy Buckley,Mr. Robert Barton, Mr.· LeRoy,. Baldridge,Mr. M� Morgenthau, and Mr. William Mc­Derrnid.H. ;R. Baukhage.: '11.[The following account of the Eastern AlumniClub 'dinner is from the joined hands of F., GregoryHartswick (ex-'ll?) and Robert' Barton, '16, bothmembers of the staff of the Leslie-]' udge PublishingCompany. As an account it .may have its defects,but as an article it, will be found admirable.s=Ed.]'There are ever and ever so many thingsthat one says about banquets of AlumniAssociations. Glancing at our list-we areRECENT ALUMNI CLUB DINNERSan editor-we find "great success," "gather­ing of wit and beauty," "among those whograced the festal board," "Mr: ----­then made a few clever remarks," and anumber of others, all kept in stock, waitingtill the Fourth Ward Amalgamated GoodTime and Chowder Association give a ban­quet in honor of their departing memberwho has just been elected to the" legisla­ture. These expressions and many otherscrowd into our cosmic consciousness andwill not down, so that if at any moment inthe future narrative of the Eastern AlumniAssociation's banquet at the Peg- Woffing­ton Coffee House, 11 East Forty-fourthstreet New Y ork City (advt.), there occurstereotypes in line with' the' above, we cryyour pardon. For the affair was not ex-actly stereotyped. .In the first place, there was an equalityof sexes. Wives, and .husbands consortedon the' same plane of freedom and' roastturkey. We have been going to banquetsfor ever so long, and have noticed that theonly chance the wives of the diners hadwas to sit gracefully' on a balcony andwatch the inspiring. sight of two hundred ofthe sterner sex, all ea ting at once, and toglare at the Grecian dancer who pops outof. the basket of flowers presented to the guestof honor. ' But at the quaint old �eg- Woffing­ton, all among the pier-glasses and thecolonially-attired waitresses and checking­girls, the women ate right with the men. Andthey spoke ! Yes, sir, they spoke. I know that.generations of hardened banqueters-banquet­eers-whatever it is-:-,-will rise and sendforth an unanimous howl at this. But Istick to my guns. They spoke. And what'smore; they eclipsed the speakers of theother sex. A woman may. not have thesame sense of humor as a man; but thekind providence that. ordained that it isnot good for man to live alone also ordainedthat at no time should a woman be ere'­minded" at the. mere mention of a name,of .the story of the traveling salesman, the .mule, and the Congregational minister.I suppose I should mention the speakers.But I've lost my list, and anyway, you knowpretty well who they were. I' would par­ticularly distinguish Miss Ida Hall.D'you know, I have never been· able todecide what is the most important featureof a banquet, For myself, I incline to thetheory that the 'most valuable feature ofbanquets is the enlivening of the get-to­gether spirit. ' It doesn't make the leastlittle difference in the wor ld who speaks,or what he talks about, as long as Jones,'12, arid Brown, '13, who haven't seen eachother 10 three years, srt 'at the 'same tableand swap lies about what they did in un- 211dergraduate days, and how the kid, hastwo teeth and talks like a streak. After all,what "else does matter? We listen to thespeakers, and laugh at the right time, andapplaud politely: and we watch the lanternslide-s (there were lantern slides at theEastern Alumni Association banquet), andpoint out the old familiar scenes. But itis the chance to tell the youngsters that theold place isn't what it was when, we werethere that calls us to the banquet; that, andthe opportunity to' find "out what the chapwho lived across the hall from you, andused to crib all his French translation fromyour room-mate, is doing; and who's mar­ried, and who's in South America on anexploring trip; yes, and to have someonesay: "Why, hadn't you heard? he-he diedlast year." And then to sober up a' bit,and think about the one who has goneahead-he always wore red neckties, youremember; though you hardly knew him­he wasn't in your' section.Somehow or' other, I don't seem to havetold you about the Eastern Alumni Asso­ciation banquet at all. But then, I'm a verypoor hand at stating facts about food ·andsuch. A reprint of the menu must supplyyou with the gustatory. details.If this account of the evening, seems toemphasize the hilarity of the gathering anddwell at too little length on the program,"'the author· is entitled to some indulgence,for, by giving thought to a careful prepara­tion for the evening he succeeded in castingabout himself. an aura in which he permittedthe evening's exercises to progress withunalloyed delight. In the report you win no­tice a brief account of the remarks by ourhonored alumna, Ida. Hall. Perhaps thewriter had in mind Ida Noyes Hall andthe interesting words of Mrs. Judson aboutthe beautiful new building; .Alumni in Arizona.-A dinner was given'by the University of Chicago alumni inTucson, Arizona, at the Santa Rita HotelJanuary 28th, in honor' of Professor HenryC .. Cowles of the Botany Department of -theUniversity of Chicago, and Mrs. Cowlesand Miss Harriet Cowles. ProfessorCowles is visiting the Desert Laboratory.Those present included Professor Cowles,.Mrs. Cowles, Miss Cowles, Dr. H. A.Spoehr, '06; Mrs. Spoehr, J._) G. Brown, M.A., '16; Clara Me.Neil. Brown, '16; EdithBellamy Shreve, '03; Forrest Shreve, Es­telle Lutrelle, '96; A. G. Waidelich, '16;Mrs. Waidelich, ex-'16; R. A. Burt, '16"and 'E. R. Long, '11. Professor Cowles sug­gested that the organization �be made per­manent under the' name' of the Cac­tus Alumni Club ofArizona,212 THE UNIVERSITY OF,CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni Affairs�EPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COM­MITTEE OF THE ALUMNICOUNCIL·The Executive Committee, organized atthe last meeting of the Alumni Council,reported to the Council on January 23,as follows:It was decided that the Executive Com­mittee of five, provided for in the Consti­tution, should be supplemented by the addi­tion of the chairmen of certain standingcommittees. Such action was taken, andthe new Executive Committee now consistsof twelve members. The purpose was tohave this serve as a clearing-house for allalumni activities, thus efficiently prornot­iJ}g alumni interests and avoiding duplica­tron of effort, The chairmen constitutingthe Executive Committee, not including itsex-officio members, now each represent aseparate field of activity, the fields whencombined covering all alumni work. Thus,each group may be continually active inits own field independently, at the sametime knowing through its chairman of theactivities of every other committee.It was found desirable, during the proc­�ss of development, to make a few changesIII the plan presented at the last meetingof the Council. The Executive Committee.however, has now been definitely organ­ized along the following lines, the defini­tions of the activity of each division ha v­ing been worked out and the' membershipof the various committees .Csubject, how­ever, to later additions) determined upon.They are as follows:Chairman, Scott Brown, '97, ex-officio aschairman of the Alumni' Council.Treasurer, John F. Moulds, '07; ex-officioas secretary-treasurer of the Alumni Coun­cil.Secretary, Lawrence MacGregor, '16, ex­officio as assistant secretary of the AlumniCouncil,Publications Committee-Albert vv.Sherer, chairman.(a) Business Committee-Dan W. Fer­guson, chairman; J. B. Whidden, J. F.Hagey, J. P. Mentzer, E. T. Gundlach, Her­bert Markham, E. H. Ahrens, G. R. Schaef­fer, Henry D. Sulcer, P. F. Buckley, Rob­ert Harris.(b) Editorial Committee-James W.Linn, chairman.(c) Undergraduate Publications Commit­tee-Albert W. Sherer, chairman; Dan W.Ferguson, ex-officio; J .. W. Linn, ScottBrown, John F. Moulds, Lawrence Mac­Gregor.Clubs Committee-Harold H. Swift,chairman; Frank McNair, C. F. Axelson,Mrs. Geo. B. McKibbin. 'Athletic Committee-Lawrence Whiting,chairman; Wm. France Anderson, Wm. Scott Bond, Merrill Meigs, Wm. T. Boone,Walter J. Steffen, James Weber Linn, RudyMath�ws, Paul Russell, H. O. Page, JamesD. LIghtbody, Roy D. Keehn, - Fred Ma­loney, Hugo Friend, H. G. Moulton. .Meetings Committee-Not yet appointed.Finance Committee-H. E. Slaught,chairman; Trevor Arnett, John F. Moulds.Harold H. Swift. .Special Funds and Gifts Committee-Ed­ward Felsentlial, chairman; Willard BrooksAlice Greenacre, Samuel MacClintock. 'Class Organizations Committee-Mrs.Geo. B. McKibbin, chairman; Josephine Al­lin, E. E. Quantrell, John A. Greene.Chicago Alumnae Club-Mrs. M. A.HirschI, ex-officio.Chicago Alumni Club-Arthur A. Goes,ex-officio. .The definitions of the activities of thevarious committees as adopted by the Exe­cutive Committee, subject to approval, areas follows:Publications Committee: "Known as theBoard of the Official Publications of theCounci1." Through an Editorial Commit­tee� of. which the e�itor of "The Universityof Chicago Magazine" shall be the chair­man and a Business Committee and suchother committees as from time to time maybe necessary, it shall have general super-"vision of all alumni publications' and ofsuch undergraduate publications as may bebrought under alumni influence.Clubs Committee: "To promote the es­tablishment of alumni clubs among thegraduates and former students of the Uni­versity, and maintain a close relationshipbetween such clubs and the University."I t shall have supervision over the work ofsecuring memberships in the various localorganiza tions._ Meetings Committee: "To' take char zeof all joint meetings of alumni and alumti�ein June, held under the direction of theCouncil,. unless a special committee shallbe appointed for the purpose." It is ex­pected that all other than special group orclass meetings will be held under the aus­pices of the "Chicago Alumni Club" if formen, and of the "Chicago Alumnae Club"if for women. 'Athletic Committee: "It shall keep in­formed of the athletic activities of the Uni­versity and the Athletic Board of Controland make such recommendations in rela­tion thereto as in their judgment will tendto promote athletic interests in the U niver­sity." Such recommendations shall he re­ported currently to the. Executive Commit­tee and where possible shall receive its ap­proval before transmission.# Finance Committee': "It shall prepare andsubmit, at the October meeting, a budgetwhich will cover the principal and regularALUMNI AFFAIRSitems of expenditure for the year. All pay­ments made by the treasurer shall 'be uponthe order of the chairman of' the' FinanceCommittee, or in his absence, by some onewhom the Executive Committee may des­ignate to act ill his place."Special Funds and Gifts Committee: Itshall formulate and make recommendationsto the Executive Committee with referenceto the personal cooperation. It shall re­port on the methods employed by alumniof other universities' and supervise, whenso designated, the administration of spe­cial funds:Class Organization Committee: "It shallcarryon the work of effecting permanentorganizations among the different classesand assist them in successfully managingreunions.Chicago Alumnae Club: This club willbe expected to supervise all social gather­ings of alumnae which are held in or nearChicago and which are not meetings of aparticular class or group. .Chicago Alumni Club: This club will beexpected to supervise all social gather­ings of alumni for men which are, held inor near Chicago and which are not meet­in�s of a particular class or group.The secretary-treasurer reports cash inthe - bank, January ·1, 1917, $338.44. Thebudget items have been followed closely,and, judging from the three reports as ofOctober '31st, November 30th and Decem­ber 31st" the receipts and expenditures willprobably be within the limits marked outby the budget. The net paid circulation ofthe February Magazine will be 2,490. _. The Publications. Committee has beendivided into three sub-committees, namely:the Business, Editorial and UndergraduatePublications committees. The first has hadone general meeting and its members havebeen in . communication with the alumnioffice almost constarrtly. The EditorialCommittee is not 'yet fully organized, buthas already made 'several suggestions to the .editor of the Magazine. The third sub­committee has been formed, its member­ship consisting of the chairman of. thePublications Committee, the chairmen ofthe Editorial and Business committee's, andthe officers 'of the Council ex-officio, to con­sider undergraduate publications. Thechairman of the committee has directly orindirectly advised the managers of studentpublications. A meeting of the businessmanagers' of student publications � has beenheld' under the direction of the' Publica­tions Committee, and a report ihas beenformulated on the present condition of 'Un-dergraduate publications, .The Alumni Clubs Committee has heldone general meeting and letters asking for'information have been sent out to centerswhere local clubs formerly existed and toplaces where it seems likely that successful 213clubs may be established. The secretary-of the Council has been present at meet­ings at Minneapolis, Des Moines andOmaha, where he outlined the committee'splan of action. .The Finance Committee has counter­signed all checks made out by the alumnioffice, and thus supervised the expenditureof alumni clubs.The Special Funds Committee is nowformulating a plan of action with refer­ence to alumni gifts and donations.The Meetings Committee is at presentwithout a chairman, and has, therefore, nottaken any action since the last meeting of'the Council. \ .The Class Organizations Committee hasrecently been put under the direction of anew chairman, who is now outlining thework of the committee, with special regardto the classes which will hold reunions nextJune.The Athletic, Committee has cooperatedwith the Chicago Alumni Club in activitieslying in its field, the raising of a fund fora portrait of Mr. Stagg, and the "rushing"committee. of the club being the particular'phases of the work in which the commit­tee has been active.The Chicago Alumnae Club held a meet­ing at the opening of the year, another 'dur­ing the Christmas holidays, at which theQuarter Centennial slides were shown, wereentertained by the President and Mrs. Jud­son at tea on January 6th, and February-24th will be hostesses for members ofalumnae clubs of other .colleges at a re­ception in Ida Noyes hall.The Chicago Alumni Club held its an ..nual football dinner at the University Clubon November 15th, and held a luncheonand heard a lecture by Lieut. Col. Georg e'G. Davis,. '01, at the Hotel La Salle on, January 20th..The Executive. Committee recommendsthat the Alumni Council adopt the follow­ing ratification of the Executive Commit­tee's action with regard to its own organi­zation, as expressed in the following mo­tion: It is hereby moved that the AlumniCouncil accept the form of organization ofthis Executive Committee, as outlined inthe foregoing report, namely: that the com­mittee consist of' the chairman, the secre­tary-treasurer, and the assistant secretaryof the Council, ex-officio; the chairmen ofthe following committees: Publications,Clubs, Athletics, Finance, Special Funds,Class Organizations, Meetings (from thetime of his appointment until after the Junereunion), and the presidents of the ChicagoAlumnae and Alumni clubs. I t is 'under­stood that the various chairmen shall havesupervision of the work in their-respectivefields, as outlined in the definitions givenof each cornmitee's .duty,Respectfully submitted,EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF'. THE ALUMNI COUNCIL.214 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEAM CONTEST FOR NEWMEM!3ERSThe team contest for new members ofthe Alumni Association in different partsof the country dosed on February 15. Wins­ton Henry's team was successful in makinga perfect score, sending to the Alumni of­fice memberships for all the names on itslist except five whose correct addressescould not. be secured and in addition fivenot named .on the list. The names of thoseon the winning team were: .Calvin O. Smith, '11, Kansas City, Mo.Sandford 'Sellers, Jr., '13, Lexington, Mo.John S. Wright, '06, Kansas City, Mo.J. L. Hancock, '05, Fayetteville, Ark. .Bruce Martin, '16, Tulsa, Okla.Ingraham D. Hook, '06, Kansas City, 'Mo.W. F. Burns, '05, St. 'Louis, Mo.J. Elmer Thomas, '12, Tulsa, Okla.William E. Wrather, '08,'- Wichita Falls,Texas. .William Matthews, '06, Kansas City, Mo.The second place in the contest was wonby Harry Ford's team in spite of the factthat the Saxon Motor Car plant in Detroitwas burned down while the contest was inprogress.The contest was· carried, on under. thedirection of the Alumni Council. Therewere eight teams of ten Alumni each. Eightprominent Alumni in different parts of thecountry were given charge of the teamsand were furnished letters both to theirteam members and to the prospects. Thecaptains were as follows:Lee W. Maxwell, '05, N e,w 'v ork City.Harry W. Ford, '04, Detroit, Mich.R. P. Sherer, '09, St. Paul, Minn.Wavland W. Magee, '05, Bennington, Neb.Winston P. Henry, '10, Tulsa, Okla.Daniel O. Webb, '06, Knoxville, Tenn.Hugo Bezdek, '08, Eugene, Ore.Frederick Speik, '05, Los Angeles, Cal.All eight men who were asked to leadteams responded in a gratifyingly promptand enthusiastic manner. to the .request ofthe Alumni office to assist in carrying onthe campaign.While, of course, the campaign did notresult in the securing of all the prospectsgiven to each team, it was very successfulin stirring up enthusiasm among the Alumniin various sections and has added a largenumber of members to the Alumni Associa­tion. 'In addition to the Alumni whosememberships have already been secured,there are others who will undoubtedly sub­scribe after they have been followed up alittle more, and the final result will un­doubtedly be the establishment of severalwell defined Alumni centers, throughout thecountry. ADDRESSES WANTEDThe address list of members of NancyFoster House has been lost. A committeeis trying to reconstruct a list in order tomake plans for a home-coming at the twen­ty-fifth anniversary of Foster, in June. Willall Fosterites who are not sure that thecommittee already has their .addresses, 0'1'"who know of other house+members whoseaddresses we may not have, please sendthese as soon as possible to Helen E.Jacoby, 850 East Fifty-eighth street, In�dianapolis, Indiana?As was announced in the Magazine lastmonth, the swimming pool and gymnasiumof Ida Noyes Hall will be open to alumnaeevery Tuesday afternoon. ,On account ofthe great number of women who have at­tended the University, the Department ofPhysical Culture has "found it necessary torestrict this privilege to include only' thosewho ' hold degrees from the U niver sity orwho are members of the Chicago AlumnaeClub. Application for membership' in thatorganization should be made to Mrs. K. F.Keefer, 5539 Ingleside Avenue, Chicago.News of the 'Classes. R. H. Johnson, '96, manager of the Che­raw Box Company of Cheraw, South Caro­lina, has his main office at Richmond., Vir­ginia, 7th and Byrd streets. J ohnnie wassomething of a byrd himself while in Chi­cago. He is the only member from Chicagoin the recently established Richmond Uni­versity Club, and says "amongst all thesefellows from Virginia, V. M. 1., Washingtonand Lee, etc., I want to spread a littleenlightenment," so he has written on forpictures and dope. My, .but a word fromJohnnie was welcome to the ed.!Julian E., Yates, '00, is chaplain at FortWashington, Maryland.George Bernard Donlin, ex-'02, has beenappointed to the editorship of the Dial,. the critical magazine which has for so longinfluenced literature and education aroundChicago. .Carl Van Vechten, '03, has .published,through Alfred A. Knopf, "Music and BadManners," a book of comment on musicand musicians. Since graduation VanVechten 'has done newspaper work andgeneral musical criticism.Wayland Magee, '05, as many alumniknow; is farming on a big scale near Ben­nington, Nebraska, about twenty miles fromOmaha. Last December his cornpickerscleaned up from one field 1,438 bushels, anaverage of 52 bushels .to the acre, the pick­ers being able to average nearly 103 bushelsALUMNI·4FFAIRSa day apiece, which the "Twentieth Cen­tury Farmer" claims as, a record.. Warren D. Foster, '06, is leaving theYouth's Companion to devote all his timeto the management of the Community Mo­tion Picture Bureau, 142 Berkeley street,Boston.�Y4ia L. Smith (Woods), '06, of Dixon,Tllinois, spoke recently to the Ster linzWoman's Club on "The Art Collections ofNew York City."L. P. Starr, '08, has been on the borderwith the First Colorado Infantry stationedat Douglas, Arizona. 'Raymond T.. Wilken, ex�'09, who hasbeen Western representative of "System"has moved to New York to direct "Systen{"in the East. Edward H. Ahrens, '06, willalso go to N ew York as Eastern representa­tr�e of the A. W. Shaw publications, andRIchard P. Matthews, '16, who has beenworking with the Factory Magazine, willgo to Boston as the Shaw representativethere.Glen Waters, ex-'09, has just beenelected to a second term in the South Da­kota Senate.Calvin O. Smith, '11, who has been in thebond business in Kansas City, recentlyplunged into the oil business and causeda great splash. On his second effort hegot a 150-barrel well.Paul Davis, 'ri, has come home fromNew York and established the firm of PaulDavis & Company, bond dealers, 725 New,York Life Building, Chicago. Captain ofthe gym. team in his day, and leader ofthe Delta Upsilon chorus, Paul is as much .at home among the bond issues as he .usedto be upon the bats (parallel, not liquida­tory).Carl W. Toepfe, '11, is teaching Ger­ma� in t.he ,Waite High ,School, Toledo,Oh1O, which has recently got into. the pa­pers by engaging Johnny Maulbetsch ofMichigan as football coach.J. E. Thomas, '12, has recently been madehead geologist of the' Sinclair Oil Corpora­tion, and at a meeting held in Tulsa a fewdays ago of all the geologists in the South­west (over 150 being present) he was elect­ed president.Otto Y. Schnering, '13, William C. Bickle,ex, and Ed. Zeddies, ex, are now asso­ciated as the United Sales Company at 130North Fifth avenue. They will market sev-eral varieties of food products.' .;.Ruth R. Allen, '15, has gone to Washing­ton to -the Bureau of Food InvestigationStatistics Department to aid in the investi­gation of the high cost of living. She hasbeen granted a leave of absence of threemonths from the Research Department ofthe School of Civics and Philanthropy"where she was associated with Miss Breck­inridge.Fred Griffiths, '15, is now in the city afterhaving been with K. F .. Griffith & Co. in, 215New York City. He recently recoveredfrom a severe attack of, scarlet fever .Jack Agar, '16, is now in the EfficiencyDepartment of Wilson & Co., at the UnionStock Yards.Ralph V. Johanson, '16, is now with Hal­sey Stuart & Co., in the Rookery.MARRIAGESThe marriage is announced of John B.Parlee, '14, and Helen D Street '14 onSept��ber 14, 1916. Mr. �nd Mr�. P�rleeare Iiving at. 918 E. 65th street, Chicago.The marrrage is announced, of MissBertha May Wood Riley of the class of1913, to Dr. Helen Ellsworth Ewinsr (Ph.D.1911, Cornell University), on A�o-ust 71�16, . at Evanston, Illinois. Dr. E�ing i�.associate professor of Entomology at Iowa, State College, Ames, where Miss Riley had,been an Instructor III the Home EconomicsDepartment for three years since her gradu-atIon. 'The wedding is announced of Miss Mar­p-aret J. Essroger, '10" to Wells B. Lloyd,12. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd are now living at4524: N. Mozart street,.. Chicago.BIRTHSMr. a_nd �rs. Charles Gray (Grace Me­dora VIall, 06) announce the birth of ason, Charles, Jr., on January 22, in Chi­cago.Clarence Herschberger, '98 'and MrsHerschberger. (Grace Eberhatt,· '99) an��ounce the birth, on '] anuary . 30, of' RuthMargaret Herschberger, at Philipse Manor,New York, where Hersch is in char ze ofa school founded in accordance /with �od­ern _ideas of education by Frank A. Van­derlip,William Sweet, J. 0., '07, and Mrs. Sweet,announce the birth of a daughter, EllenJoce�yn, on Nov. 20, 1916, at Warsaw, Wis­consm, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Schoefield(Ruth. Porter, '08) announce the birth ofa daughter on November 24, 1916 at War-saw, Wisconsin. 'Thomas A. Miller, '09, and Mrs. Miller(Elizabeth Thielens, '09), announce the birthof a son, Martin Dole, on Feb. 7; 1917, at6711 Stewart avenue, Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. Leon R� Wertheimer (Ru'thSchloss, ex.-'14) announce the birth of adaughter, Leonore Ruth, on Feb. 16, 1917.'Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses S. Schwartz (Mar­guerite Swawite, '11) announce the birth ofa son, Richard Swawite, on Feb. 20, 1917,.at Chicago.DEATHS'. Franklin J ohnson, Professor of ChurchHistory and Homiletics, at Chicago from1892. to 1908, died in Brookline, Mass., on216 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOctober 9, 1916. Dr. Johnson was bornat Frankfort, Ohio, November 2, 1836;graduated from Colgate Theological Sem­inary in 1861; received the degree of D. D.from the University of J ena in 1869 and ofLL. D. in 1898 from Ottawa University, ofwhich he had been president from 1889 till1892. He was the author of ten books, pub­lished between 1873 and 1904, an extensivewriter for encyclopedias" and an effectiveteacher. In 1860 he represented the stateof Oregon in the Republican national con­vention which nominated Lincoln. He wastwice married, in 1863 to Mary Alma Bar­ton, who died in 1882, and in 1886 to PersisIsabel Swett, wh o survives him.Alfred Calvin Kaar, Ph. B., '04, died ofpneumonia at Colorado Springs, Colo., onFebruary 20, 1917. Mr. Kaar entered theUniversity from Princeton, 111., HighSchool and specialized in history. Hewon scholarship honors and was elected toPhi Beta Kappa. Previous to his last ill­ness he was employed in the credit de­partment of the American Steel & WireCompany.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYIn accordance with a long standing cus­tom the secretary of the Association has re­cently mailed to all the Doctors a mid-win­ter communication, the most importantphase of which is a list of various topics onwhich the members are requested to ex­press opinions and about which it is desiredthat they enter into discussion. These wereselected from a large number of sugges­tions which were handed in writing toPresident MacClintock, and upon which hereported informally at the last annual meet­ing.The topics now to be taken up are asfollows: .(1) The promotion of research througha combination of effort centralized in sucha way that assignment of definite pieces ofinvestigation could be made to individualdoctors and the results eventually corre­lated and published with due credit to allconcerned.(2) The stimulation of advanced studyby a loan fund endowed by the Doctors'Association and open to candidates for thedoctorate at the University of Chicago.- (3) The promotion of research throughprizes, honors or other awards, endowed bythe Doctors' Association and open to com­petition by all the Doctors of the U niver­sity.(4) The promotion of teaching by, theinauguration of a movement to establish ateaching doctorate co-ordinate with thedoctorate of philosophy, which latter mightthen be reserved for the field of pure re­search. (5) The enhancement of the Doctors'status by a movement for further co-opera­tion among the members of the associa­tion, whereby they may be kept more keenlyalive to the opportunities for the placingand promotion of Chicago Doctors.I t is hoped that all members will takeactive interest in one or more 'of these sub­jects and will volunteer to serve as con­tributing members of some standing com­mittee. Responses have already begun tocome in, showing that there is interestalong these lines, and the members willbe glad to give their services to the cause.There is no doubt but that the association.can do a large amount of effective work,not only in its own ·behalf, but for the gen­eral advancement of educational interestsaffected by or centering in the Doctors ofPhilosophy. It is hoped that a very largenumber of the members may take an activepart in these discussions and some reportsof progress will be ready to report at theannual meeting in 1917.One response, aside from the questionssuggested, indicates precisely the sort ofthing which should be reported by anymember of the association who may havesimilar experiences in mind.' The matterreferred' tot. involves special privileges atHarper Library for the Doctors of the U ni­versity whose researches may lead them toreturn to the campus. This particulargrievance has been reported direct to thelibrary and it is hoped that definite progresswith regard to such matters may be an­nounced to the association very soon."Women Workers and Society," by AnnieMarion MacLean (Ph'. D.), in the-NationalSocial Science Series published by Mc­Clurg, appeared in November" 1916. TheDoctors' Association congratulates the au­thor on this remarkable publication pro­duced under such trying circumstances.Dr. MacLean is now in Chicago, at theHotel St. George.Charles A. Ellwood, Ph. D., '99, Profes­sor of Sociology, at the University of Mis­souri, has just published, through D. Ap­pleton arid- Company, the textbook, "AnIntroduction. to Social Psychology," saidby the publisher s to embody novel andsigriificent views of social life .which arebuilt upon C). firm foundation �f scientificpsychology.Dr. Edith Abbott and Dr. SophinisbaBreckenridge have written a volume onTruancy and Non-attendance in Chicagowhich will shortly be issued by the press�H. B. Reed, Ph. D., 1912, Professor ofPsychology at the University of Idaho, hadan elaborate article in the Journal of Ex­perimental Psychology for last October on"The Existence and Functions of InnerSpeech in Thought Processes." In an ex­periment for testing the function of innerspeech, he says: "The essence of my meth­od was to have some subjects performadditions and read and write reviews ofALUMNI AFFAIRS 217newspaper articles while repeating aloudcontinuously and repeatedly the sentence'Jack and Jill ran down the hill'." Someof the results are extraordinarily interest­ing. He says, "In general, the Jack andJill distraction does not decrease the effi­ciency of thought for some of the sub­jects." The editor has fried it personallyand he may say that what it does to him issufficient.L. A. Pechstein, Ph. D., '16, is teach­ing in Rochester University. His addressis 138 N. Union, Rochester, N. Y.Dr. Raymond Cecil Moore, Ph. D., '16,has just been appointed head of the stategeological survey of Kansas. Dr. Moore,who has been engaged in geological surveywork in Missouri and Illinois and for theUnited States government, is now con­nected with the University of Kansas.THE AYES HAVE IT"The Magazine is certainly getting to thepoint where it can demand subscription andrenewal on merit alone instead of appealingto college spirit. (Illinois.)"Your over-zealous tactics in membershipcampaigns interest me greatly, for it ismy first knowledge that alumni' member­ship could be compulsory in any institu­tion. (Ohio.) [It isn't, but it ought to be.]"The Magazine means a great deal to usin West Texas."I wouldn't and couldn't do without the Magazine, for it is mighty good and itbrings our Chicago home to us who areout here on the Pacific coast. (Seattle.)"I cannot let this opportunity pass to tellyou how much I have appreciated the Mag­azine during the past year and how muchpleasure I anticipate during the comingyear from reading it. (Peoria, Illinois.)"It might interest you to know that forthe eighteen months before I left Turkeythe Alumni Magazine was the only thingthat was not on the mail censor's ta-boolist, and so 'it had to take the place of let­ters, newspapers and magazines. That wasan awful strain to keep up, but I foundmighty few kicks, and looked pretty eagerlyfor that one lone piece of mail."CHICAGO COLLEGIATEBUREAU OF OCCUPATIONSPositions Filled-Trained Women PlacedAre You � �d��::�Y Writer �Institutional Managera Household Economic ExpertDo You Need Laboratory Assistant, Research WorkerRoom 1002 Stevens Bldg.17 N. State Street Central 5336More "Personals" Wanted!The Magazine wants more news of the alumni! Where are you and whatare you doing ? We have tried sending postcards to local club secretaries,and appealing to class secretaries, and shouting in the editorial columns; andwhat happens? Echo only answers, and echo is a poor gossip. So now weshall keep this advertisement, or one like it, running every month, and seewhat that will do. You read the Magazine (see below) but you don't let usknow what you are doing. Do none of you ever marry, or change your busi­ness, or write a book, or see an old friend, or anything? If you ha vc a newson or daughter, let us .know. If you haven't seen your name in the Mcqasinefor a year, never mind if you ha veu't done a thing but go to the office or the.class-room for as far back as you can recollect, tell us just where you areand what you are doing. \;Vhy, good heavens, people are interested; they wantto know! Where are John Lemay, and Shorty Looney, and Henry Murphy(the editor owes him four dollars, and would pay it if he knew Murphy's ad­dress), and John Hueshart, and Charley Pike, and Harry 'Nales, and ClintonBeach, and Mayo Fesler, and Theodosia Kane, and Redda Michael_, and EdithSchwarz, and Mark Frutchey, and Mary Winter, and Abe Ettleson, and JuliusGauss" and Mary Pardee, and Jeanette Capps, and Vashti Chandler, and Alex­ander John Gladstone Dowie, and Caroline Paddock, and Edith Reidie, andPaul Walker, and Norman Baldwin, and Nadine Moore, and Hooper Pegues,J and Bobby Baird, and Helen Hull, and Earl Hutton, and Josephine Roney,and Dolly Gray? Where are these leaves of last year's tree? Rustle, youleaves, rustle!218 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONW. H. Antes has formed a partnershipwith W. J. Ainsworth under the name ofAinsworth & Antes, with offices in the Fay­ette County National Bank building, WestUnion, Iowa. .Irwin Clawson, '16, is practicing at 1022Boston building, Salt Lake City, Utah.Robert M. Davis, '07, is a professor oflaw in the recently organized law school ofthe University of Arizona.Hugo M. Friend, '08, with Arthur B.Schaffer, has formed the partnership of Schaffer & Friend, with offices at 6 NorthClark: street, Chicago.John I. Liver, '08, is vice-president andcashier of the St. Joseph Valley Bank atElkhart, Indiana.Morris A. Milkewitch, '13, has removedhis office to 1982, 208 South. La Salle street,Chicago.Kenneth C. Sears, '15, is practicing withCowherd, Ingraham & Durham, KansasCity, Missouri, after completing his termof office as Assistant Attorney-General ofMissouri. 'TEACHERSWANTED at onceto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREA U21 E. YAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.THE ALBERTTEACHERS'AGENCYEstablished 1885623 South Wabash AvenueCHICAGO ILLINOISWestern Office: SPOKANE, WASHINGTONfor many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Nineteenth year. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerCHICAGOSTEINWAVHALL FLATIRONBLEiG. MUN$EY 8LD� N.Y. LIFE BLD'G.JACKSONVILLE, FLA. CHATTANOOGA,TENN. SPOKANE WASH.u.s. TRUST BLD'O. TEMPLE CO.URT CHAMBEROFCoMMERCE'BLD'G.. '_ ... _�_Q EXTRA CHARCEThe McCullough Teachers' AgencyA SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL AND COLLEGE BUREAUJ. F. McCULLOUG,H Gives discriminating service to employers needing GEO. T. PALMERteachers and to teachers seeking positionsR A I L_ WAY EX C HAN G E B U I L' DIN G , CHI C A G 9 , ' ILL I If 0 I SOUR BOOKLET"T eaching as a -Business"with new chapters, suggestive letters,etc. Used as text in Schools of Edu­cation and N onnal schools.FREE TO ANY ADDRESSA JHJHO r TATer '£"MENT.. Our specialization in choice positions for su-.J. Y I Y � lJ J. Y I � I • perior instructors is bringing a surplus of callsfor strong candidates, with or without experience, capable of filling appointments in all typesof positions enco.untered in the field of education. If qualified ask for list of vacancies to befilled before SEPTEMBER 1, 1917.EDUCATORS AGENCY, INC.Y. M. c. A. Bldg., 19 South La Salle se., CHICAGOA. P. Goddard, Pres ••THURSTON TEACHERS' AGENCYShort Contract.' Guaranteed Service. Write for ourFree Booklet-How to Apply� 26th Year.E. R. NICHOLS, Mgr. 224 S. Mich. Ave. Chicago, III.ATHLETICS 219Athletics· .,Basketball.-Splash! That sound was thebasketball team falling into the drink inFebruary. The record for the month wasas follows:Feb. 3-Chicago, 16; Illinois (at Urbana),19.Feb. 9�Chicago, 17; .Lowa (at IowaCity), 24.Feb 13-Chicago, 13; Purdue (at Lafay­ette), 16.,Feb. i7-Chicago, 16; Minnesota, 18.. Feb. 22�Chicago, 12; Minnesota (at Min­neapolis), 19.Feb. 27-Chicago, 25; Northwestern (atEvanston), 22.. Five, defeats and one victory does notsound like much. Yet every game but one,the Iowa affair, was fiercely fought, andagainst Illinois, Purdue and Minnesota, inBartlett, a very little luck would haveturned' the scale against teams which areall made up, as a matter of fact, of muchbetter players than Chicago can boast of. �The men have ,played good basketball, butthe other fellows have played better. Onegame at this writing, remains, against Wis­consin, ,in Bartlett, on March 3. A victoryover Detroit Y. M. C. A�' on Feb. 25,' 14-13,is .to be chronicled.Track.-The track team has covered it­self with glory, beating Purdue and Ohio'State with ease in dual meets, and run­ning second to the C. A. A. in the- FirstRegimerit meet on Feb. 25. . The Purduemeet on Feb. 3, at Lafayette, was won,5'6-29. Chicago took seven firsts out often, losing the, dash, the hurdles. and thehalf-mile.' Local records' were broken byDismond in the quarter, 54 seconds; VanAken of Purdue in the half, 2 :n2; Tenney inthe mile, 4:28 2/5; Powers in the two-mile,9 :514/5, and Higgins in the shot, 42 ft. 8�inches. Feuerstein won his .heat in theforty-yard dash in 44/5, but was 'beaten / inthe finals.Ohio State was defeated still more over­whelmingly, 62-24, on Feb. ,16', though Dis­mond did not compete. "Chick" Harley ofOhio State won the fifty-yard, dash. byinches from Feuerstein in ,5%, but Chi­cago took all the other fi,rsts.' Guerin tookthe fifty-yard high hurdles in 7 seconds;Curtiss the quarter in 57; Clark the halfin', 2:04U; Tenney the mile in 4:340/&, andPowers the two-mile in 10:11%,. Brinkman,Greene, Curtiss 'and' Feuerstein rompedaway with the relay. Capt. Fisher jumpedsix feet and vaulted 11;.6, and Higgins putthe 'shot -43 feet, 11.% inches. '_ I,But, the most striking running of themonth was put OJl at the First Regiment'meet, where Tenney, from. twenty yardsgot second in the mile handicap, his actualtime for the', full, mile ,b,�ing., estimated at 4 :20tS, and Chicago (Clark, Curtiss, Feuer­stein and Dismond) won the mile relay in3:27. The national A. A. U. champion, IoieRay, now running better than ever, beforein his life, was at scratch in the mile. Bythe end of the second lap he and, Tenneywere on even terms .. , They (an through thebig field together till the eighth lap, Ray ayard ahead. Tenney there caught him,passed him and beat him home by twelve. yards, finishing a few. feet back of Mellorof the 1. A. c., who won with a hundredyards handicap, in 4 :16. That race stampsTenney as one of the three best milers inthe colleges today. The relay was a farce.r Clark, running in 51, beat Miller of the 1.' A .c., who three weeks before .had beaten TedMeredith'in a scratch quarter. Curtiss andFeuerstein both raced in about 52 seconds,.and Dismond loafed in, a third of a lapahead in almost 53 seconds. The four couldhave beaten 3 :25 with ease, and if. they donot win. the mile' relay at the Illinois gamesMardi 3 it will be because one of themfalls down. ,Prospects for the intercollegiate cham­pionship, to 'be contested: at EvanstonMarch 24, are fair. Powers, Snyder, if heisin shape,' and Otis, if he elects to run it,can all beat ten minutes in the two-mile.Tenney has the mile .safe and Jones hasa look-in, Clark will be ,tllere or there­abouts in the half, Dismond has alreadywon the. quarter, and the relay will beeasy. Fisher should win the high jump,and place in the vault;' which Graham canwin if his .knee is not knocked 'out. Hig­gins' should also place in the' shot, In thedash and the hurdles Chicago win not domuch. But a reasonable estimate of pointsis 30, which' will possibly win. 'Leroy Campbell, '15, ran an exhibitionhalf-mile in Bartlett the night of the \OhioState meet in 2 :010/&,' .breaking the trackrecord, and on Feb. 24 wori , the half atthe First Regiment games in 1.:58�.W ANTED-�ositions: in manufacturingfirm -by two Chicago men of recentclasses. For complete information addressAdv. Mgr., Univ. 'of' Chicago Magazine.TYPEWRITERS $10. UP220 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBurlin9tonRouteto St. Paul. MinneapolisThe Natural Route-. It Follows the RiverPhone Randolph 3117. A.. J. PUDL, General Agent, �assenger Department14-1 So. Clark St. Cor. AdamsFRENCH,SHRINER& URNERMen's Shoes ofthe Better Class106 So. Michigan Ave .. 15 So. Dearborn St.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 221:::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: "Swift's Premium' Sliced Bacon has an appe- ::::::tizing flavor and aroma on a cold winter morning.The secret of its goodness lies in the mild "Swift'sPremium." cure."Swift's Premium" Sliced Baconis put up in one pound cartonsand not touched by hand inslicing or packing. Try it.Swift & Companyu. s. A.limmmmmm�mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmfii:-�====-�- =====...bright for several seasons? Then clean 'andpolish its fine body surfaces occasionally withTOBEY.Polish-,. Used and endorsed by manyforemost makers and dealers.The old shop formula of TheTobey Furniture Company(C'h i ca g o .and New York).Bottles, 25c and 50c;quarts, $1; gallons, $3;Recommended and sold by leading Hardware,Drug, Grocery, Paint and Auto Supply stores-Ollllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1IIIIIIIIIIflIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110222 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON,Vic�-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-PresidentB. C. SAMMONS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJ. EDWARD MAASS, CashierJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Ass't CashierLEWIS E. GRAY, Ass't CashierEDWARD F. S,CHOENECK, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKER. MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY r. BLAIREDWARD B. ·BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBEMJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARR, WATSON F. BLAIRCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLForeign Exchange �etters of CreditCable Transfers3% Paid on Savings Deposits · E. BurnhamCoiffures 1917Beautiful and NovelEffectsHAIRDRESSINGSHAMPOOING which brings lustre and life to the hairMARCEL WAVING with most becoming "dips"MANICURING by dainty operators who know the artCOMPLEXION BEAUTIFYING by expertsCHIROPODY for the comfort of the feetTURKISH BATHS l . .ELECTRIC LIGHT BATHS 5 airy sunshine rest roomsEverything for the comfort and beauty of ladies atmoderate pricesE. BURNHAM138-140 N. State St.7!ieNEW EDISONYou Are Invitedto attend the dally concerts of Music'sRe-Crea tion-Mr. Edison's astonishingart-at our Recital Hall, 11 :30 A. M.to 5 P. M. $ No charge for seats.THE EDISON SHOP(The Phonograph Co., Props.) .229 SOUTH WABASH AVENUEBet. Adams St. and Jackson Blvd. =�IIHIIlIlIIIIlIIIUllllllllllllnIllIlIlIlIlJlIII,"lIRlIIlIIlIlln"fIIl""""IH",mlli1mI"",,,"._'N"-. �IRrtn;=i223224 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1"" 11111111 II II 1 111111 II III III III II III 1111 III III II II II IIIIjllllllllil II III II III II 1IIH11111 IIHlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 11111 jll II III 1 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 1111 II III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111� �I I I� �I CORRECT �. IEvening. ClothesThere is an. intangible something I aboutevening clothes. 'Perhaps it is their extreme con­ventionality that deinands the most careful andexpert custom tailoring.I IDress clothes depend for correct smartnessupon the most careful consideration for the mostminute details, which should' deftly reflect thepersonality 'of the wearer.W e place at your disposal a staff. of expertcutters, fitters and workmen, schooled to success- .fully serve the most discriminating and exactingclientele.Richard W. Farmer CompanyMerchant Tailors16 W. Jackson Blvd. ChicagoiTIUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnll1l !II II II II !II !II !II III 1111 111111 II II !II III 1I1111111111111111111U1I1I1I 11111 11111 11111 1111111111111111111111111 11111111 !IIf111111 III III II 1111111111111111 1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111"""""IllIl�