PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILVOL. IX, No. 3 JANUARY, 191'1The Alumni Council of the University ofChicagoCha-irman, SCOTT BROWN,__ Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE COUNCIL for 1916-17' is composed; of the' following delegates;From. the College Alumni; Association, MRS� MARTH2\ L. THOMPSON, I.f:ELEN'i 'TI. SUNNY" JOHNFRYER MOULDS, ALBER'l;' W. S:S;;ERER, ALICE GREENACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, RUDYMATTHEWS, FRANK MC�rAIR, GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTT BROWN, LAw­RENCE WHITING, JOHN P. MEN!ZER, WILLIAM H. LYMAN.'From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, S,AMUEL MACCLINTOCK, HENRY C.COWLES, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT.From the Divinity Alumni Association, WALTER RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, WARRENP. BEHAN.From the Law School Alumni Association, MARCUS HmSCHL" EDWARD FELSENTHAL, MARYBRONAUGH •. From the Chicago: Alumni Club, �OWELL. M�UR�Y, A,RTH:URi' GoES, D. W. FERGUSON.From 'the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS .. MARCUS' HIRSCHL, ETHEL PRESTON, KATE B. MILLER.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.Alumni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council:\ rHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, SCOTT BROWN;. 208 So. La Salle St.Secretary, JOHN F. Mourns; University of Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK� 2'550 S. Michigan Ave.Secretary, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT,. University of Chicago.DIVINITY .ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACKSON, First Baptist Church; Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, WALTER P. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.LAW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSODATIONPresident, WM. P. MACCRACKEN, 959 The Rookery Building.Secretary, R. E. SCHREIBER, 1620 ·Otis Building.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago.The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ­ing subscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, are $1.50 per year. In the LawAssociation the dues, including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00 per year.Editor, JAMES W. LiNN, "97. Business' Manager, JOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, LAWRENCE J. MACGREGOR, '16'.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUDiv�r8ity of Chicago, 68th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill.. , The subscription price' is, $1.50 per 'year.the price of single copies is 20 cents. 1 !.'ostage is prepaid by the publishers o� all orders from the Unitedstates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal: Zone" Republic of Panam�, Hawaiian 'Islands, PhilippiVeI�lands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. IP�stage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cent.on annual lubs�iiptions (total - ,1.G8), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27. cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single .copies, 3 cents, (t()tal ''23 cents).I Remittances should be made payable to Th� Alumni Council and should tie in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. 'If lo'cal check is used, 10, cents <must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month, of publica­tion. The publishers· expect to supply missing. numbers free only when they have been .lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council,' Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer·Jit7 of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. . .,Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois. under the ,Aet otMarch I. 1870. -VOL. IX. CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1917. No.3.FRONTISPIECE: THE BAND IN 1899.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION·., .. .- .,... � ' :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99THE MILITARY BAND OF THE UNIVERSITY" by Fredric Mason Blanchard (with pictures). 105DR. WELLS OlBJECTS" by H. Gideon Wells '. � . " ' � .......•... ; 112PROFESSOR HOXIE AND THE.C;0MMUNITY, by George H. Mead -,, ; .. 114Roy DEE KEEHN, 1902 (with picture) ., � 117SOME HOLDERS OF SCHOLARSHIPS , � ;. 118A DOCTOR ON WAR SERVICE" 'by Kellogg Speed, 19�1 � � .' 11.9ON THE QUADRANGLES_,. by F� R. .Kuh, '17 ......•... � ' .. �. . 123A TRIBUTE TO PiESIDENT, JUDSON .- .....•... .s- •••••••••••• " •••••• 125THE U N-IVERSITY REC<?'RD...................... . ' . � '- -- 126THE LETTER-Box (Paul O'Donnell, '08, Herbert Foreman, 'O�, W.; A .. Warriner, '12) ; 127ATHLETI,CS (with pictures)�, � ', : : •................ : 130T:a'E PRESENT TENSE: A FABLE, by MacEsop, '16 131ALUMNI AF�IRS .- '; �.' � ' � .. ' .. � � '� � .. : .. ;. ......•. 133Eastern Alumni Association; Minnesota Alumni Club; Des Moines Alumni Club ; Chicago, Alumnae Club; Notes of the Classes; Engagement, Marriages, Births, Deaths ; ,The LawSchool Alumni Association.The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME IX JANUARY, 1917 NUMBER 3,·Events .and DiscussionSeventy-six degrees and ninety-eight Wellington Koo, Chinese minister to. thetitles and certificates' were conferred at United States. His address was on thethe December Convocation, 'held in Man- subject, "China and thedel Hall on December' 19. The United States." Dr. KooThe lOist Ninety-three undergradu- Convocation is the' youngest ministerConvocation ates received -the title of Orator 'ever accredited to ourAssociate, five the two- governmefit� He is notyear certificate of the College of Educa- yet ,thirty years of age. Dr. Koo,' whotion, and fifty-one the Bachelor's degree wa? one of the first students sent by the(two in C. and A., ten in Education, Chinese government to this country forthirty-nine in the College of Arts, Litera- an education, was graduated from Co­ture and Science). In the Divinity lumbia University in 1909, where he alsoSchool six students received the degree received his Master's degree the follow­of Master of Arts and one of Bachelor ing year. He later was given his Doctor'sof Divinity. In the Graduate School degree for work in administrative law.eight received the degree of Master of Dr. Koo is. the author of a volume pub­Arts, two of Master of Science, and eight lished in ,the series of "Studies in His­of Doctor of Philosophy. Of the 174 tory, Economics, and Public' Law,'" bycandidates, 115 were from Illinois. The Columbia University under the title ofothers were, two' from Connecticut, six The Status of Aliens in Chi11,(};,. He hasfrom Indiana, six' from Iowa, two from been English secretary to the presidentKansas, two from Louisiana, one from 'of China, and has �ad diplomatic experi­Massachusetts, two from Michigan, three' ence abroad and in the home office. Hisfrom Minnesota, six' from Missouri, four most recent appointment before becomingfrom Nebraska, -two from- .:New 'York, Chinese minister to the United States wassix from Ohio, one. from Oklahoma, one t44t of minister to Peru, Mexico andfrom Oregon, one from Pennsylvania,' '-:'C'tf'ba,' a position that was especiallyone from South Dakota, two from Ten- created .for him. Dr. Koo was the sec­nessee, one from Texas, one -from Utah, ond Chinese to give a Convocation ad­and two from Wisconsin. Austria, Af- dress ·at the University of Chicago, therica, China.iHawaii and Japan were also first being Mr. Wu Ting-fang, now therepresented. 'new minister for foreign affairs' in theChinese Republic, who was the 'Convo­cation orator at the spring ConvocationThe Convocation orator was Dr. V. K.100 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof 1901. Mr. Wu spoke on the subject . Mr. F. H. Rawson is a graduate ofof "Chinese Civilization." Yale. For ten years he has been presi-The first Chinese student to enter the dent of the' Union Trust Company ofUniversity was John Yiu-bong Lee, who Chicago. His father was greatly inter­registered in the Morgan Park Acad- ested in the Presbyterian Hospital, andemy in 1898, when it was a part of the Mr. Rawson's gift is due in part to hisUniversity's system. During his first desire to carry out what he believesyear in the University he won a scholar- would have been his father's wish. Theship by his high grades, and continued to gift will be used in the construction of ado this during his whole course. When laboratory in connection with the hos­he graduated in 1907 he had already been pital, of which Mr. Rawson himself iselected to Phi Beta Kappa. He was an also a director, and which will be a partassistant in the Department of Physics at of the new medical school. This is notthe University until he received his doc-. Mr. Rawson's first gift to Chicago. Intor's degree in 1915. Three Chinese stu- 1914 he contributed $5,000 for the build­dents received degrees in December. . ing of the squash courts in the stands onStagg field ..Mr. Ryerson, as president of the Boardof Trustees since 1892, needs no intro­duction to Chicago. alumni. For Ryer­son Physical Laboratory, Ryerson Annexand their equipment, he has already giventhe University $577,000. His recent giftwill provide for the endowment of oneof the half dozen medical chairs in -thenew School.The Convocation preacher was Presi­dent Henry Churchill King, D. D., LL.D., S. T. D.� of Oberlin College. Presi­dent King has been thehead of Oberlin for .. four-ThePreacherConvocation teen years. He is a trusteeof the Carnegie Founda-tion for the Advancement of Teaching,and has been president of the ReligiousEducation Association of America. Heis also the author of numerous books andhas received many academic honors, in­cluding honorary degrees from - Oberlin,Western Reserve,' Yale, The Universityof Illinois, Miami and Columbia.In the last issue were announced notonly the new plans for medical work, butthe gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosen-wald of half a million,Another Half- and of Mr. F. H. Raw-Million for son of three hundredMedicine thousand. Since thattime the trustees havemade public the news of a quarter 'of amillion from Mr. Martin Ryerson, andanother quarter of a million from an un­named donor; and it is understood,though' not announced, that other similar Jgifts have already been tendered. Ofthe total sum of $5,300,000 to be raised,all but $1,300,000 has already been pub­licly subscribed. The recent gifts to the University havebeen almost staggering. The half-millionof Mr. La Verne W. Noyes for IdaNoyes Hall, the three hun­What Part dred thousand of Mr.Shall We Rosenwald for ROosenwaldPlay?' Hall, the two. million ofMr. Hobart Williams forCommerce and Administration, and inthe last, two months the millions upon mil­lions for the- .medical school leave themind almost a blank. Mr. Ryerson's con­tribution of a quarter of a million wasnoted in six lines on - an inside page ofthe Chicago Tribune; the anonymous,$250,000 of December 21st the editorcould find no newspaper mention of atall. 'Under cover of this curtain fire ofgenerosity are not our young alumnijustified in assuming that as the trenchesof ignorance cannot fail to be taken, wemay as well curl up and go to sleep?No point of view could be more surelyEVENTS'AND DISCUSSIONfatal-not iri its effect upon the Uni­versity, but in its effect upon US�It is, still, more blessed to give than toreceive. It is still true that what one,does and not what one gets determinescharacter. FortunatelyStand Up and our alumni are not blindBe Counted to this fact. The recentgift of James VincentNash, '15, of $1,000 for the ReynoldsClub Library did the morale of thealumni more good than any' million evergiven us. J. Elmer Thomas, '14, has justoffered $150 to pay the tuition of a stu ...dent for one year in the Department of-Geology. That gift is fine ! Thomasspecialized in geology, and his feeling isthat he' got something -of so much value'he ·111A.tst help to _pass it on. Recently amember of one of the early classes, whohad been a high-school principal for manyyears, died after' a short illness. Beforehe died he told his wife that he hopedsome arrangement could be made. where­by, when she died, some part at least oftheir savings could go to. Chicago, Shecommunicated with 'the Alumni 'Cquncil;R plan was worked out, and a bequestfor an endowed scholarship was writteninto her will. That gift is fine. It is theoutgrowth of belief and sacrifice. As theyears go on, there will be scores and hun­dreds of such gifts as these latter; giftswhich honor the' giver and humanizetheUniversity, gifts which, woven into fabric of the institution, in' the tru­est sense of the word make it rich .. The Loan Fund of the Chicago AlumniClub now amounts to', more than twothousand dollars, The Loan Fund ofthe Class of 1914 hadGroup Plans November 1 reached atotal of $952.12. The first. -loan was made in October,1914� and since that time thirty-one loanshave been made, aggregating $1,355.Sixteen have been repaid; the fifteen out-o standing . amount to $650.17, of which' 101only $30 is said to be "probably uncol­lectible." Ata rneeting of the women ofthe Eastern Alumni Association in No­vember plans were undertaken to providea scholarship, and if possible mainte­nance, for a Mexican woman. The sec­retary of that meeting, Anne (FIoyd)Gilson, writes:"This seems to me to be a most signifi­cant thing to do. Not only would it be anevidence of our faith in our University(which is almost virtue enough for oneact) but it would also be an evidence offriendship and interest in our nearestneighbor on the south. It would be in line.with the sort of preparedness that weshould, as a people, have undertaken yearsago. It is especially significant. in beingfor a woman of Mexico. The upper classmen of Mexico enjoy every educational ad-o vantage of Europe and the United States,but the women almost never go beyond theconvent. Just think what even one lonewoman might do after' a course in theSchool of Education. Our chief expecta­tions of a practical nature, however, wouldoe that other university and college alumnimight follow this lead and thus aid thecause of popular education in our sister re­public.". She adds:"If the editor could urge those of theEastern Alumni Association who have notsent in their names to me to do so, withthe amount they. are willing to subscribe,it would be a help."The importance of this action 'by theEastern- Association is obvious. Thefoundation by different alumni centers oflocal scholarships is one of the best pos­sible - methods both of centering the in­terest of members and of broadening theinfluence of the University. The Maga­zine will have more to say about thismatter next month.Do you know about.the "Rushing com­mittee" of the Chicago Alumni Club?'The committee's work is to inform prom-The ising young men of the"Rushing' opportunities for an edu-Committee" cation at Chicago. In N 0-. vember letters were sentto seniors in 28 preparatory schools inthe middle west, from whom so far morethan 150. replies have been received. Thefirst· letter, - in which a stamped, self-102 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEaddressed envelope is enclosed for reply,merely asks what sort of a course incollege the boy wishes to take. On re­ply, printed matter dealing with thatbranch of education, and a booklet de­scribing Chicago, and, in particular herathletic history, is sent. The almost un­equaled chances to earn one's way in partor altogether at Chicago .are outlined, andfurther correspondence is invited. Somefour hundred alumni have been asked orare being asked to' send in to the com­mittee the names of good men they mayknow of. By January the work will haveincluded various alumni clubs in differentsections,. the members of which will beasked to send in names, and to see themen whose names will be sent them.Alumni who are "on the road" as sales­men have also been asked to 'see menwho live in the towns. on their routes, andtalk Chicago. The editor has seen theletters and literature, and can testify thatthe necessity of scholarship, and the abso­lute lack of "soft" jobs is emphasized.No boy can get on at Chicago who doesnot know how to study, and no boy look­ing for an "athletic scholarship," or "gleeclub assistance," need apply. But so farthere has not been a single reply from a.preparatory student, athlete or not, whichhas hinted at such help. There are hun­dreds of fine young men, of all-roundability, who do not know where they wishto go to college, or even that college ispossible for them. If you know of anyyoung fellow you would like to. see atChicago, and you think he can stand tipunder pressure, send in his name. Re­member that to get in he must have apreparatory school average of from fiveto seven points higher than the minimumhis school requires for graduation. Butremember also. what Chicago. has to offer.She is looking only for the men withstuff in them. But to. them she .can givetraining hard' to equal. _ Address all cor­respondence for the Rushing Commit­tee to James D. Lightbody, chairman,900· The Rookery, Chicago. This committee was' originally pro­posed as an "athletic" committee, and assuch was strenuously objected to, for theclub felt that to devote its _ energies togetting athletes as such was to. com­promise the ideals of the institution. Thepresent committee has no such narrow. limitation. Athletes, if they are goodmen, are welcomed, yes, and sought out;but athletes as sttch will find Chicago toohard a row to hoe, and alumni will benefiteverybody concerned if they will recog­nize this and be honest about it. Mean­while, if you know a good man, we re­peat, notify J. D. Lightbody, 900 TheRookery, Chicago.The Chicago Alumni Club has under­taken a plan to present to the Universitya portrait of .Amos Alonzo Stagg. Acommittee of thirty-two"The Old has issued a circular, ask­Man" in Oil ing for individual contri-butions of not more thanten nor less than two dollars, toward afund of seventeen hundred. Checksshould be made payable to the order ofWm. SLott Hond, Treasurer, at 2S NorthDearborn street. The value of the por­trait to. both the University and to Mr.Stagg will of course increase with thenumber 'of individual contributions. Thepresent time is selected because Mr. Staggis now completing the twenty-fifth yearof his service to the University. He camein 1892, at the urgent request of Presi­dent Harper, as Associate Professor andDirector of the Department of PhysicalCulture. Except that for years he hasranked as a professor, his position is un­changed. He has been, of course, aleader' in western and national intercol­legiate athletics. For twelve years he hasbeen a member of the National FootballRules Committee. He was a member ofthe American Committee for the Olymp-. .ian games at Athens in 1906, at Londonin 1908, and at Stockholm in 1912: Hehas been president of the Society ofDirectors of Physical Education. But' hisEVENTS AND DISCUSSJ9N 103identification with Chicago. is, none the p"raduate attendance. With Yost andless complete. Chicago has never had any Williams, and Zuppke probably, andother director of athletics. Her athletic Withington possibly, in charge offield, is named for him-s-a testimonial squads of eighty or ninety men each,unique among the colleges. The place what football teams competition ought tohe occupies in popular esteem is surely produce=-semi-finals and finals for thealso singular. An alumnus of many "championship" every year, with the col­years standing and very: definite views on leges having smaller undergraduate at­intercollegiate athletics said to the editor ten dance occasionally nipping in, butthe other' day, "Mi. Stagg has- been a' generally content to watch the giantsgreat handicap to the University." "Why struggle! Every sporting editor west ofso?" "Because Chicago should long ago the Alleghenies must rub his hands at thehave pulled out of intercollegiate ath- prospect.letics, at any rate out of football; and' But now let the editor speak person­she would, too, if she had ever known, . ally, 'and without committing a singleany of the practical evils of the game as other alumnus. He hopes it won't hap':'the other colleges know them-the evils pen. For Michigan he 'has the highestthat follow in the train of a coach who respect. In the honesty and decency ofhas to win to hold his job. With Stagg Michigan athletics he heartily the head of _ things, the obvious theo- Some of the men who are most closelyretical idiocy of intercollegiate athletics is. identified with Michigan athletics arecounterbalanced by practical morality and among his best friends. But the Con­good sportsmanship, and so Chicago ference is, as an institution, merely asticks around where she has no business necessary evil. It . was established' to'to be." There is a point of view for you. check other growing' evils, and it haspartially succeeded. But in itself itWhich reminds us of the recent .news- actually increased, one -fancies, at least itpaper talk about the return of Michigan has done nothing to lessen, the very worstto; the Conference. The University of evil of all: the undergraduate bitternessMichigan Club of Detroit and scorn that is engendered by athleticMichigan is reported to have sent competition. You should hear what the.and theConference out hundreds of cards ask- Northwestern sophomore, or senior, hasing: "What is the matter to say about, the Chicago or Illinois un­with athletics at Michigan?" Interest in dergraduates (whom he has never seenMichigan .football is saidfo be decreas_- .. or spoken to }: what the decent, good­ing, other sports are not self-supporting, hearted Illinois student honestly believesand SD on. It's a sad story. -The only about conditions at Chicago and' N orth­difficulty is in believing it. Of -course western ; what rot the Chicago boy willMichigan alumni in Chicago· would like listen, to concerning' Northwestern orto have Michigan back in the Conference, IllinQis practices and ideals. Why do'and they are numerous and influential. they believe these things? Because ofEqually, of course, everybody. who likes intercollegiate competition in athletics.spectacular competition would like to The victors are "big guns," and despisesee the U. of M. again in the harness, the vanqu-ished; and the vanquished areWith apologies to-H. O. Page, '10" that "small fry," and believe the victorswould make four "big" universities crooked. It is all ridiculous, but it leaves(Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and an indelible impression. And whatIllinois) in the Conference-big, that is, chance have the Chicago graduatefrom, the athletics point of view, which schools, the law school, the medicalmeans having a larg� accessible under- school, to get the strong men of the other104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEConference colleges where such an atti­tude prevails? The Michigan men andwomen, on the other hand, are beginningto come in. The old belief at Ann Arborthat Chicago men had horns and a tail isdying out. But just as surely as Michi­gan comes back into the Conference, thatbelief will revive under competition; andthe memory of a famous touchdown willhave to be substituted for the chance todo good to. a good man. That is the wayit seems to this editor; and' he hopes,therefore. that Michigan will live long,and prosper, and lick Pennsylvania-andstay out of the Conference. .Three letters' in this issue, P. M.O'Donnell's on the Chicago men at theborder; W. A. Warriner's on the Uni­versal Military TrainingLeague, and HerbertForeman's on the Ameri-War, andthe Warcan Ambulance Service,bring home the various aspects of war tothe alumni. There can be little doubtthat compared with her sisters, the Stateuniversities, Chicago. has been unaffectedby the conflict now raging or by the pros­pect of war in America in the future.Individuals have served splendidly, orare violently exercised, but as a body wehave remained quiescent. Whether' thismeans that we are selfish or sane, who.shall say? On the human side, at least,we can all take pride in our do-ers.Meanwhile, in the editor's judgment,Paul O'Donnell's letter is one of the mostreadable contributions the Magazine hasprinted for a long time, and you are alladvi sed to peruse it.At least, too, we have helped in onehumanitarian cause. The movement atthe University to secureThe Prisoner funds for the humanita­War Fund rian work at the prisoner­of-war camps 'in Europewas given impetus by the co-operation oftwo hundred students, both men and women, in soliciting contributions .at theMinnesota game. This special co.llectionamounted to over $1,300, and approxi­mately $1,200 had already been raisedamong the student body and faculty,making the total subscriptions to dateabout $2,500. This work has been incharge of the student Christian Associa­tions of the University-The YoungMen's Christian Association and theYoung Women's Christian League­and they have worked through a generaluniversity committee headed by Pro­fessor Edgar Johnson Goodspeed, of theDepartment of New Testament and EarlyChristian Literature. Separate commit­tees have been organized for every sec­tion of the University, including specialcommittees for the faculty and thealumni. Four University men are nowserving in this war work-Eo T. Hiller,who is at the prison camp' in NovaScotia ; William E. Bartz, who is now inAustria; T. H. Clark, in Mesopotamia;and Ralph C. Ostergren, in Egypt. Sevenother University men have applied foropportunity to work in the prison camps,and their fitness for the service is nowbeing considered by the general commit­tee in N ew York City.George Edgar Vincent, Ph. D., 1896,has resigned the presidency of. the Uni­versity of Minnesota and accepted the.headship 0 f theMinnesota Loses; Rockefeller Founda­New York Gains' tiona It is a hardblow to Minnesota,and to western state universities in gen­eral, for G. E. V. has a nature so com­pounded of efficiency and idealism thatwherever he is he radiates power and in­spiration. . When he left Chicago wespared him with bitterness; so will Min­nesota. But the Rockefeller FoundationJ is a terrific engine, and nobody canhelpbeing glad that such a driver is to be atthe steering-wheel. Let us take its finan­cial statement for the year ended Decem­ber 31,1915:THE MILITARY BAND, OF, THE UNIVERSITf 105Funds and reserve $101,751,749.78Disbursements: 'Expend�d' by 'Foundation $1,360,890.39,ApPfopriated to other or-organizations . '. . . . . . . $3,354,773.61There is' power! And its purpose is"to promote the well-being of mankindthroughout the world.':' It has estab­lished the International Health Boardandrthe China' Medical Board; createda Department for the Investigation ofIndustrial Relations; formed. the WarRelief Commission. It contributes to: theRockefeller Institute for Med,ic�l Re­search, and in 1915 contributed also to. eleven other objects, such as the assist­ance of·the New York committee to con­trol infantile paralysis, the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor,and the support of the American Acad­emy in Rome .. It has just given Chicagotwo million dollars for medicine. It al­most reminds one of James's definition ofhabit, "the. fly-wheel of society." Thewhole. country will thank the membersof the Foundation for putting GeorgeVincent ,in charge, of a, force like that.. The editor apologizes for the lengthof the "discussion" in this issue. Hisonly excuse 'is that evenA New Year's so, he held oyer severalResolution . things which he wouldlike to have presented .He hereby records his resolution to con-trol his pen. 'The Military Band of the UniversityThe University of Chicago Military leader observed the unusual lad, andBand had ,its inception in 'the many-sided spoke to him.' An acquaintance ripenedmind and life of William Rainey Harper, fast, and very soon young Harper hadfirst president of the University. And, in a, mounted high up the ladder of his ambi­very strange and interesting way, the Uni- ·t1Qn, and was playing a march with theversity was the outcome _of Dr. Harper's circus band. The leader was captivated.absorbing love of a 'military band. He sent the .boy home with a propositionWilliam Harper, the boy, was a that young William should join the cir­prodigy at study, work; or play. 'What- cus, and continue with the band as itsever he undertook he did with amazing 'hoy wonder and. leader. Fortunately forefficiency. - He handled his .lessons,' as us and the world, father Harper quietlymost lads play marbles; in his father's remarked, "No, William, I, think youstore he could be janitor or superintend- 'would better go on with your school."ent ; and ,in his leisure.hours he mastered And -so, at the age of ten, instead ofthe organ and the cornet. No brass band taking the road-with a circus, our comingever struck New Concord, Ohio, in those president entered the Freshman class ofdays without finding the future President, Muskingum College in his home town. InWilliam Rainey Harper" Ph. D.,. LL. D�, the next four years he: did most remark­'D. ,D., then aged somewhere between able work as a student, yet he found time'eight and ten, standing at some vantage to keep up his music and his fervor for apoint and watching for the parade of. the band. Together with his brothers "Sam"band. -and "Jim," and his cousin "Lyle," he can­A pIg circus once 'came to New' Con- � vassed every student, clerk, butcher, orcoiq. for a day's .stand, ' Young : Harper ' baker in New Concord, and corralled all,: .spent his last fiftyeents for a seat in 'the whom he suspected of any ability to blowb�g: tent, right' under 'the baton of the 'a reed or.toot a horn, He then assembledband leader" There he drank in the bril- _ his aggregation, and organized, taught,Ii�n,',t, mnS,i, c ti11:',h, e,,' w��s" ,0, ,n, . fire with de,sin,�' and .developed one - of the 'best countryto\ become a professional band-man. The bandsin the state of Ohio.106 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE""' MILITARY BAND OF THE UNIVERSITYAfter graduation from college at theaze of fourteen, young Harper spentthree years at home in business and inprivate study; but he kept up his intenseinterest in -his band, and in the spring of1873 he secured an engagement to fur­nish the music for the commencement atDenison University. 'It was a happy dayfor him. when he drum-majored his musi­cians. to the' Denison 'ca111pus� and cap­tured town, students; faculty, presidentand all. Those people remembered youngHarper through the following four yearsof his graduate work at Yale. University,and then called him back ·to 'Denison asan instructor.While at Denison,· Dr. Harper becamea Baptist, and also developed a greatpassion for the teaching' of Hebrew'. andgeneral religious education. That openedthe way for his call to a' professorshipinthe Theological Seminary at MorganPark, where he made the acquaintance M, the great circle of influential Baptists allover the country.. Although. he' went'from Morgan Park tOo Yale University,he was never 'out of the sight of Mr.'ROockefeller and other influential Baptistswho were thinking of a .great universityfor the .central west. ' IIi' a few yearsthese men had perfectedtheir plans, and"they then made � it .impossible for Dr.Harper to refuse to become the firstpresident of. the University of Chicago,Thus,' I trust, the discerning may see howthroughthe love 'of a cornet and.aband,Dr. Harper was led' from his boyhoodhome' straight to Denison University,where he found '. the golden ,key. .thatunlocked his ·passage· .to Chicago. and .g�ve the world 'our' particular -type ofuniversity.The- University of Chicago .MilitaryBand was born :in the autumn of 1898,when, after six years spent .in. the organi­zation and, 'harmonization of - a .. faculty-. made up of 'presidents, heads, 'and direc­tors taken from .other universities.. Dr.Harperyearned to have near. him once 107more the comforting influence of a brassband. So he called in counsel his versa-,tile secretary, Dr. Francis W. Shepard­son, who in company. with a half dozenother men .had come to Chicago becausethey had known Dr. Harper at Denison."Shepardson," said he, "we must have aband. I must have some music here.Talk .with Chamberlain, ',Hobbs, Blanch.,.ard and any other playersyou ca.n .11eCl,r'about, and see what y�u can.get together.Tell them that I'll play if they will. I be­lieve we can .make it go.", The .prospectof 'being; in a band with the. president wassufficiently alluring in itself. All re­sponded to. a man; so that in' a few daysthere were mustered into service about'twenty experienced perfomiers, repre­senting a fairly good instrumentation,'Uniforms and hew instruments were pur­chased out of the president's flexible "en­tertainment fund" and from the "fundfor .convocation expenses," with the: un­derstanding that the newly organizedband should furnish music' for all publicoccasions at the University. Dr. GlennMoody Hobbs, then instructor in physics,was' appointed leader" and the band pro­ceeded to business, As a' matter of fact,the 'president was much too busy to take. any responsible the band; he oftencarne out of his office, cornet-in hand, andsat down with othersfor a practice justoutside his office door in Haskell; but thetelephone would soon demand his atten­tion, and he would reluctantly go back to,his, desk. One' evening, when he was outfor rehearsal, the ,bas,$ drummer failed toappear; whereupon Dr, :F!arper took thestick, and .showed 'the men how the bandwould sound if' they could 'only affordthe services of.areal.bass drummer. :1n'many such jitt�e' 'w�ys he, added to. ·the.. spirit, 'Q£ good-fellowship, ., . .. The first public .appearance 9£ the handwas - iri .'l�¢nt Theatre;: onthe . evening ofDecember 1p, 1�9��: -.c The. occasion .wasthat Q{; :.Senior Firi�i�� .. <Th� generalpublicdid not knowrrffhe existence .of­the 'band. A· surprise seemed in order,108 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOf these first members, Shepardson,Chamberlain and Blanchard are still withthe University; Guyer is professor ofzoology at the University of Wisconsin;Howard is professor of Economics andfinance at Northwestern University;I Garcelon is a prominent attorney ; Elli­ott, Phillips and Viets are Baptist min­isters; Stewart is. associated with theNational City Bank in New York City;Irons is a prominent Chicago. physician;W oodhead is professor of sociology atthe University of Pittsburgh; and LeaderHobbs is secretary of the AmericanSchool of Correspondence. The remain­ing members have done splendid servicein similar lines, but their present locationis not known to. the writer. JOf this very first organization nophotograph was made. It had not thenbecome the custom to take pictures at the"D." The accompanying' reproduction(see frontispiece) is from a photographof the second band made in 1899. Thispicture shows most of the faces o,f thefirst organization together with those of anumber of new members. In the frontrank may be seen 'President Harper withhis cornet. Leader Hobbs is also shown.In dose proximity to the bass drum onemay note the presence of Bobby Johnson,the then distinguished chief factotum ofRyerson Hall. Bobby was head toter ofbass drum, and always appeared in asolid maroon uniform of which he wasexceedingly proud. On the match, Bobbywas the most impressive figure in theband.The players came early, and took up theirpositions in the southwest corner of theroom, secreting their instruments behindchairs and under overcoats. The aud�­ence assembled and sat down, in front.Dr. Harper opened the meeting with afew remarks concerning modern oratory;and then, with a significant nod towardthe southwest, asked if we might nothave a little music. Then a crashing blastof trumpets introduced to an astonishedaudience the University of Chicago Mili­tary Band. There were only twenty ofthem, but to those seated down in frontthere was the sound of a band of a thou­sand men.The program of that first appearancewas made up of a little music and a greatdeal of oratory, as follows:March The BandOration, "Living Thoughts" .· Samuel Hope ThompsonOration, "American Statesmanship" ............. " Lawrence Merton JacobsCornet Solo Mr. BlanchardOration, "The Supremacy of tHe Spirit-ual" � Charles Francis YoderOration, "Science and Poetry" .· Thomas Amiss StampBrass Quartette Messrs.Blanchard, Hobbs. Fuller and ChamberlainOration, "National Expansion" .· , George Balderston WatsonOration, "Art in the University" ..... � ..· Marjorie Benton CookeMarch The BandThe following named members of theUniversity constituted the personnel ofthe first band:Honorary member, William RaineyHarper; leader, Glenn Moody Hobbs;secretary, V. S. Phillips; piccolo, P. D.Merrell; clarinets, A. F. Naylor, O. In its eighteen years of existence theHallingby, E. E. Irons; cornets, F. V .. band has bad three leaders. Glenn MoodyShepardson, C. M. Hobbs, F. M. Blanch- Hobbs, to whose genial personality andard, C. E. Elliott, E. D. Howard, A. T. competent musicianship the 'band owedStewart, H. M. Shouse; altos, W. H. most of its early success, continued toFuller, ,0. G. Fisher, G. L. White, H. direct until 1901, when pressure of otherWoodhead: tenors, P. Rhoades, H. E. P. work . compelled him to tum over the'Thomas; trombones, A. B. Garcelon, M. baton' to his solo cornetist, ThomasF. Guyer, V. S. Phillips; euphonium, C. '. Weston Thompson, who in turn tookJ. Chamberlain; basses, L. E. Viets, A. charge of the 'band with marked successB., Fogle; drums, C. M. Gallup� R. B. until the autumn of 1903, when he fin­Davidson'. ished his studies at Rush Medical CollegeTHE MiLITARY BAND OF THE UNIVERSITYand commenced the practice of medicine.President Harper then invited FredricMason Blanchard, the writer of this littlenarrative, to assume the burden andF. W. Blanchard, Leader,. 1903pleasure of managing the band. Thatarrangement has continued up to thepresent time. During the thirteen yearsof this experience the writer has beenresponsible for much music-good, bad,and indifferent; he has known intimatelymany fine young men whom he will cher­ish as. personal friends; and he does notnow recall a single unpleasant experiencein all thattime. The association has alsokept fresh in memory the days when thewriter himself, as a student, earned tui­tion, board, lodging and clothes by theuse of his cornet.The first band did service out of pureloyalty. They could afford to do .so; forthe members were mostly faculty or fel­lows in the University. As the percentageof student members increased, however, 109it was deemed wise to give some sort ofcompensation. Accordingly band schol­arships and tuition vouchers came intouse. This continued to be the order un­til the autumn of 1904, when the bandwent to a cash basis. From that date tothe present time each member has beenpaid some amount in cash, and has inturn paid his bills in cash. The firstmoney came from a small appropriationmade by the Board of Trustees. Thenfrom time to time generous sums wereadded from the Athletic fund, throughthe gracious favor of Mr. Stagg. Thus-the band increased year by year to amembership of thirty in 1905.It was President Harper's desire tohave a band of forty pieces; and even inthe days of his last illness he held thisdesire in mind. One pleasant day inNovember he asked that the band cometo his house and play for him. When theplaying had ceased he asked to see thedirector, and expressed his pleasure andgratitude. He then spoke of a mostearnest wish to have the band increasedto forty men, and suggested that thewriter draw up a plan for such a band.Before night of that day a plan was sub­mitted, and the following reply was re­ceived next morning:Chicago, Nov. 10, 1905.My Dear Mr. Blanchard:I am very much obliged to you for thefull statement you were good enough tomake concerning a band of forty. I shalltake up the study of the case with greatinterest, and I am particularly pleased thatyour interest in the band continues.Yours very truly,William R. Harper.Thus to the very end of his earthly lifePresident Harper's interest in the bandcontinued. Some will remember that athis most urgent request the band playedthe funeral marches at his obsequies, andfollowed his body to its final resting placea�kwood.\_ S�ce 1906, under the administrationof President Harry Pratt Judson, theband has continued to receive most cor­dial appreciation and encouragement.Each year a few additional players have110 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGQ MAGAZINEbeen put into the ranks. In 1914 a newdeparture was made in the form of asummer band of twenty-five men to giveconcerts in the open air. The movementmet with immediate -and continued suc­cess. It is doubtless true that the presi­dent has often felt at a loss to .knowwhere to turn for the extra money withwhich to finance this growing institution;but it is apparent that his personal fundhas never failed him as a last resort. Lit­tle by little the ranks of the band havebeen extended and the quality of its workimproved.On the occasion of the twenty-fifth .anniversary of the founding of the Uni­versity., President Judson made it possi­ble for us to have a permanent band ofat least forty men. So great was thesuccess of this venture, that in the au­tumn of the same year there were aboutseventy candidates for places in. the neworganization. After choosing not merelyforty, but fifty, who were to be regularmembers receiving compensation forservice, there were ten more who beggedto be allowed to play for pleasure and ex­perience. Thus it was demonstrated thata large band of good quality will neverlack recruits and honorary members toany desirable number.During, the autumn season justclosedthe band had a marching complement ofsixty men. It may not be too much tosay that they marched well, looked welland played well, Chicago. was conserva- ,tively proud. of them. The band has thus"modestly played its part in the introduc­tion of ,the enlarged life of the secondquarter-century of .the. University. Themembers: of the 'present. band" togetherwith the instruments. played; are as fol­lows:Conductor, Fredric Mason BlanchardAssociate Conductor, J. .Beach Cragun, . Drum Major, James DonnCornets: Bell, Moe, Rosenbarger, Mo­ser; Fahringer, Loomis, Wiley" Rose,Trumpets: Johnson, Dawson" Thomp­soli, Cobley, T. Me'Donald.Clarinets: Cragun, Heatherington •. , Fling,Uhlhorn, Garlock, Price, _Groves, Solandt,Veach. Flute, Piccolo, Oboe ; Cannon, Avrier,Lawton.Basses, Baritones: Sellers, Shumway,White, Bassett, Ernst, Ward, Crawford.Trombones:' McDonald, H., Heiss,' Neff,Backer, Little, Laus, Mattill, Ingram,Pringle, Magor, Clough, Stappenbeck. -Horns: Leeming, Stringer, Bishop,Hoyt, Buchholtz. 'Saxophones: Charles, G. Dodson, Gray­bill, L. Dodson, . Weakly, Hickman; Erwin,Cane, Cook, Mc<;ready., 'Drums, etc.: Gualano, Black, Center,Forbes.Of' all these men it would be imprac-ticable to speak in detail. Suffice it tosay that they are all good musicians andfi�e fellows. In general they are excel- ,lent students: some of them .exceptional.Perhaps it will not appear invidious tocomment on those playing solo parts:Maurice Rosenbarger, as 'leading cor­netist, has developed almost all of his re­markable ability since corning to. the Uni­versity of Chicago, His first year withus he played s610 alto; but during thefollowing summer vacation he settleddown to practice and study, and when hereturned had no difficulty in achieving asolo cornet po.sition.,· Another year ofwork puthim in the first chair, where he'now sits with little danger of being soondisplaced. If he had abundant time todevote -to his cornet he might easily be-·come an extraordinary artist.Then there is our solo trombonist,Harry M. Mcfronald, who has traveledseveral' seasons with prominent bands,among which may be, mentioned theScotch Kitties Band. Last season' heperformed on the Chautauqua circuit: 'He-is also' a singer of unusual ability.Next let us mention Erwin F. Ernst,a most musical young man, playing bari­tone. A few- years ago his right handwas accidentally cut off in a machine;yet he was: not deterred from followingmusic as a profession. With his left armand hand he holds and fingers his bari­tone with much dexterity; and, still moreremarkable, by means of a mechanicaldevice invented by his father, who is alsoa violinist, young Ernst attaches a: vio-THE MILITARY BAND OF THE UNIVERSITYlin bow to the stump of his injured armand plays so as to make one forget thegreat misfortune. He is now making as­tonishing progress in his studies with oneof the best teachers of violin in Chicago.No account of the band would be com­plete without mention of Ovid R. Sellers,known to a few choice spirits as "Cato."Sellers first appeared in a Chicago bandin 1903. Since that date he has at dif­ferent times honored nearly every instru­ment in the brass section, as from yearto vear he has returned for further study.At present he is playing the big bass inhis moments of relaxation; but all hisserious thoughts are bent on a doctoratein theology.The celebrated Gualano family-allmusicians, from father and mother to thebaby-contributes a son, Fortunato Fran­cisco Gualano-familiarly known as"Garibaldi," on account of his nationality,character and ability. Gualano playsharp, trombone or drums with equalvirtuosity.Last autumn there came to us the ris­ing Quivira Saxophone Quintette, fresh 111from a season on the Chautauqua circuit.These men, when added to our formerexcellent saxophonists, give us a comple­ment of ten saxophones, which rendersour center impregnable.J ules A vner hails from Boston andMontreal, in which cities he studied withsome of the best artists. He plays fluteor piccolo remarkably well.Jean R. Heatherington, solo clarinetist,is a grandson of Mr. Lyle Harper, whowas a cousin of President Harper, anda member of Dr. Harper's first band atNew Concord, Ohio. Young Heather­ington is one of the best clarinetists everat the University. He has had severalyears of professional experience. He ishere for a medical course.Last, but not least, comes our new oboeplayer, Stanley Lawton, the first realoboe player we have ever had. He entersthe University for a long course of col­lege and professional work. He has hadmuch experience in both band and or­chestra.At times there has been a little doubtas to the wisdom of spending so muchThe Band Leading the Alumni Procession at the Quarter-Centennial(A clear day! Note the dome of the Field Columbian Memorial Building, a mile east)112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmoney for band service; but the recordsshow that practically all of our best play­ers have been induced to come to us bythe prospect of help through the band.Inasmuch as the money that they receiveis immediately turned back into the cof­fers of the University in the payment oftuition, it is clear that the 'band is oflittle actual expense. After a young manspends years and much money in the mas­tery of a musical instrument, he intendsto make it help to support him in college.If the University did not give him thisopportunity he would go elsewhere. .Inthe opinion of the writer it is worth whileto bring to' the University' all of thesetalented young men we can get. Theynot only help to make up our band, butthey sing in our choirs, glee clubs andother organizations, and add much to the life of, the University. But best of all,they are almost always men of brains andcharacter; men who later achieve honor,for themselves and for the University.Standing on the threshold of our sec­ond quarter-century, the future looksbright for the University and for theband. Necessary money will not failnow. More and more brilliant playerswill come to us. .Graduates will keeptheir uniforms and instruments, alwaysready to return to us for great occasions ;and so we shall go on toward the betterand the best; until some day in the notdistant future a band of a hundred menwill sweep out upon the campus, and senda thrill through our scholastic marrowthat will bring us to our feet with "AGood Chicago for the Band."FREDRIC MASON BLANCHARD.Dr. Wells ObjectsIn the editorial columns of the Decem­ber number of THE UNIVERSITY OF CHI­CAGO MAGAZINE appears the followingstatement: "J ohns Hopkins and Harv-.ard are medical 'schools,' de facto prac­tical, giving regular courses in thera­peutic medicine, and, practically, littleelse. Investigation goes on constantly,but the training of students in investi­gation is slight. In the western schools,like Rush, such training is even slighter,indeed, almost non-existent. These'schools' exist for the worthy and ab­solutely essential end of turning outpractitioners. A man may, however,'and scores do, graduate fr01'TI. suChschools knowing little more about thefacts of such remarkable work in experi­mentation as has been going on in thelast fifteen years, than a olub womancould get in three weeks reading for a'paper.' He has learned something prac­tical about pathology, something practicalabout surgery, but 4e has laid no founda­tion for general scientific social service."Nothing could be farther from the truth. Starting in at the University ofChicago, as most of the Rush studentsdo, they find from the start the emphasisof all their instruction being laid on the'importance of investigative work Al­though largely undergraduates, the at­mosphere of their class work is muchmore nearly that of the graduate schoolthan 'of the colleges. Every instructorthey meet is most intensely interested andengaged in investigation, and much moreconcerned with transmitting his interestsand enthusiasm to his students than withroutine exposition of facts and theories.Hitherto we have always been criticizedfor trying to make our students into in­vestigators rather than physicians.' Acharge of the reverse description, suchas that in the. M agaeine, carries balm,for perhaps we are doing something tomake doctors after all.In any event, the result of the effortsof our faculty is seen by the fact thatmost of our best students do undertakeserious investigative work while under­graduate students. Aided by the quar-DR. WELLS OBJECTSterly system, some freedom of election,fellowships and scholarships, nearly allthe men who will ever be able to dO'research work start' at it during theirfirst two years. Many of them spendfrom one to three additional years in thelaboratories on their investigative workbefore even starting their clinical work.At present there are some twenty-five tothirty undergraduate medical studentsengaged in original work in the biologicalsciences in the first two years alone, andmany more in the last two, Over thirtymedical students have taken the Ph. The stimulus obtained in thefirst two years is not lost when the menenter Rush, for we find them continuinginvestigative work during their clinicalyears. A large proportion of the physi­cians who give their time to the teach­ing of the clinical branches are them­selves carrying on investigative work,and every possible opportunity is givenfor such work by the students. To besure, the limited facilities available atpresent 'prevent this side of the work be­ing extended as much as the Rush desire, but the spirit is there.and much is done. The Memorial In­stitute for Infectious Diseases and theLaboratory of Clinical Research ,of theSprague Memorial Institute also give op­portunity for several men to do seriousinvestigative work, while the Departmentof Pathology has always been a hot bed.for advanced study by the undergradu­ates. If you 'will look through the jour­rials that deal with scientific medicine inAmerica for any of the last fifteen years,you will find that scores of' articles byRush undergraduates have been acceptedand" printed by the' leading scientific pub­Iications. There is no other medicalschool in America, I am well assured,that has had so much investigative workpublished by its undergraduate students.Scarcely a number of the Transactionsof the Chicago Pathological Society butcontains contributions by' from one tothree undergraduate students; the Amer- 113ican Journal of P Ifysiology, the Journalof 'Infectious Diseases} the J ournal ofthe 4pierican Medical Association. have'published many articles fr�� "the samesource. Even our newest scientific or­gan, the Journal of Cancer Research, didnot get through its first year withoutpublishing an article by a Rush under­graduate.Whatever the shortcomings of Rushare, they most distinctly are not on theside of investigation. That is our strong­est and most creditable feature. Ade­quate control of clinical material for theproper training of practicing physicianshas been the side most open to criticism,and, beirig helpless in that respect, wehave made up for it by developing- theresearch spirit in every possible respect,and with .noteworthy success. Withinthe year I have received a 'long letterfrom a member of the faculty of one ofthe largest and richest eastern' schoolsasking for an explanation of our successin inducing our-undergraduates to under­take research and in continuing our grad­uates at it. The facts were wanted forthe consideration of the faculty of thiseastern school, A few years ago 'a re­search student at the University of Penn­sylvania also made and published aninvestigation' of the opportunities for.undergraduate research in the medicalschools of the country which showed theenviable position of Rush students inthis respect, 'INo, Mr. 'Editor, there is no "club­woman" stuff about the work of theRush students. On the contrary, thefuture developments of medicine at theUniversity, from which we all ariticipateso much, are fortunate in- starting witha spirit of investigation and independent,work already firmly established andtraditional. No time will have to be 10s1in awakening this spirit. It is here.vigorous and enthusiastic, awaiting onlybetter opportunities to expand and de­velop its full possibilities.H. GIDEON WELLS,114 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEProfessor Hoxie and the Community[A meeting in memory of Professor R. F.Hoxie, who died in June, was held in Mandelon December 11. Speeches were given byAssociate Professor Field on Professor Hoxieas an economist, by Associate Professor Linnon Professor Hoxie as a teacher, and by Pro­fessor Mead. That of Professor Mead is re­printed here.-Ed.]The student of Profesor Hoxie'stwenty-two year adventure in economicdoctrine maps out a course beginningwith classical theory, passing throughmany phases, many winds of doctrine, to'his final study of Trades Unionism andScientific Management. There was oneconstant characteristic of all his changesof theory and shifts of standpoint. Theywere always moving away from what heconsidered irrelevant theory and de­scription toward the living economic ex­periences which became the goal of hisinterest. Perhaps his earliest test of thegenuineness of his economic doctrine wasfound in teaching. It was the pedagogictouch-stone. He was one of the pioneersin finding the materials of instruction indirect economic experiences, in attempt­ing to make the economic problem a fleshand blood reality within the horizon ofthe student's own living. What heearlier undertook to accomplish for thestudent, with laborious effort he finallysucceeded in doing for his own doctrine.To the student he said "The real problemmethod is in taking some one vital thingand working it out as a problem, draw­ing into it, and giving substance and ap­plication to all your body of knowledge."For the application of his own think­ing he found in the labor problem thesupreme question whose successful state­ment was to be its ultimate test, "the'storm center of the most universal andvital controversy in existence-the strug­gle for a living." And this relation oftheory to problem was one of method­ology as well. The great undertakingof his social science was to state this living problem as it is, as the result of"the totality of impinging environmentalconditions." The purpose of the sciencewas to enable him to analyze the situa­tion into its facts. He recognized thatthis was the most difficult 0 f undertak­ings, to realize them not as the illustra­tions of an economic theory, but as acomplex of all the elements of custom,prejudice, unthinking interpretation, selfand class assertion and struggle and pur­pose. It. was to state this problem inelements that could be verified and mustbe accepted that economic science cameto exist for him. Its function, for hisenterprise, was to state the problemrather than to solve it, in the sense of anintellectual explanation. He did not dealwith his problems in the historical man­ner. The solution of the questions withwhich he was dealing, if they were tobe solved, was to be found in the actionof the community when the communitycould comprehend and scientifically ap­praise the facts and their values.. Ofthis' solution he did not at bottom despair,but he felt, with a vividness that carnefrom his own struggle to comprehend,how enormous was the undertaking, thatof bringing our society to face and con­sider impartially, in a genuine scientificspirit, the data of the labor problem.His own attitude is revealed in a pass­age of a letter written last year about hisown effort. "I began working in thislabor field more than ten years ago;and even before then, when I was work­ing the field of theory, I could find littlethat had been done in a way that seemedto me scientific in the modern sense ofsocial science, or to be very much worthwhile practically. I felt that there wasneed for a new set of ideals, a new ap­proach, a new method of research, anda new method of teaching, and I set my­self to try to work this new thingPROFESSOR HOXIE AND THE COMMUNITYout, in connection with my 'Universitycourses. It was a long, hard task. Therewas nothing particular to go upon, Whathad been written did not fit in, and wasof little account. Every course 'had tobe really a piece of research. There wasa great deal of discouragement conncetedwith it all. Yet I am sure thisnew method is bound to prevail, and tohave tremendously beneficial influenceon all our academic and practical socialwork." His conception of the functionof his science appears in the followingquotation from one. of his lectures at apoint where he had been dealing 'withstrikes."It is evident that we are to. an extentstill not advanced beyond a period offeudalism. We allow, private warfare tothe detriment of society. ' I want todefine my position to you very brieflyonce more. I do believe that the publicshould take a hand in such matters;that this is an absolute necessity if weare ever to have these contests settled inthe interest of social welfare, for fifteenyears of first hand study have convincedme that mere fighting between employersand workers will never attain this end.I believe, however, if the publics to have.any valid influence it must act not afterthe struggle is on, but before, not pas­sionately as partisans of one side or theother, but calmly with constructive fore­sight. Otherwise it renders the contestmore bitter and gets no tangible result.I believe that to act wisely, it must havestandards of judgment, rules of the game,constructive machinery, to apply to thesecontests, 'which can only be secured bya clear understanding of the social factsand forces, and the closest study of thegroups concerned' and the facts of theirconditions and relations. I believe thatthis understanding and know ledge can besecured only by ,the closest first handstudy in '"'1the field. I have conse­quently for fifteen years, devoted mymain attention to this first-hand study inthe field and I have made this .field-work 115a special-point for the labor classes. Butexperience has shown that a certainamount of preliminary orientation isnecessary for an intelligent field study,otherwise students get into the same hel­ter-skelter passionate attitude of somereformers. After this preliminary -ori­entation, I believe that a main part of'the work in labor classes should be first­hand study of the groups and facts, theactual contact with men and things. Itis all a matter of doing our work in acalm, orderly, large-minded, farsighted,constructive and scientific manner."All who have been at all familiar withMr. Hoxie know how determinedly' hegave himself this instruction, which heattempted to give to his classes andthrough them and his writings and in­vestigations to the public.. He was' inimmediate personal relations with theleaders of all the labor .movements andparties, and with many of the rank and:file. He attended their conventions. Hetalked with them in patient questioning,and he listened as patiently. He cameto know their attitudes and presupposi­tions as well as' their pronouncements.He heard them at their gatherings andsaw and questioned them in their strikesand party-warfare. He came nearerknowing and being able to respond tothe minds of the class conscious and self­conscious labor groups. than perhaps anyman in the country, at least of those whohave approached th�ir problems with ascientific intent. And here again I maybe permitted to repeat, that for Mr.Hoxie science was a method of under­standing all the 'pertinent facts of aproblematic situation and- .formulatingthat problem. He was trying to un­derstand and he was determined to omitnothing that would help him understand.He knew there was no. fact that was anabstract economic fact, that all the in­definite. number of conscious and sub­conscious and unconscious human influ­ences that appear inhuman conduct mustbe comprehended if the economic prob-116 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElem was to be so realized that we canintelligently advance to its solution.Professor Hamilton in the current num­ber of the J ournal of P oliiical E conomy,has stated that Mr. Hoxie was not areformer. In the common acceptation ofthat word this is true. In a more pro­found sense it does not seem to me tobe true. He came indeed with no recipefor the healing of social ills. He wasin no sense a partisan in social struggles.He met and comprehended men on bothsides as he could not if he had comewith' a parti prise But his passionatedetermination to understand was born ofno intellectual curiosity or academic .am­bition. It sprang from the profound be­lief that scientific comprehension is theindispensable precondition of intelligentsolution of the' problems of the socialas well as of the physical sciences, andhis passion was for their solution, notmerely for their understanding. Mr.Frey, editor of the International M auld­ers' J ournal, in the same number of theJ ournal of Political Economy says thatMr. Hoxie had a marvellous psycholog­ical insight which enabled him to catchand understand the underlying motivesof men, which escaped others. Such apower was .due, in Mr. Hoxie as it is inothers, to a sympathetic response to thosewhom hoe understood. It was because hefelt the forces, the impulses, and thesubconscious valuations that lay backof the outer conduct and speech of thosein the struggle, that he 'could compre­hend them. He had an emotiorial real­ization of the issues that were at stake.And as long as these are essential ele­ments in the social problem, no man, forwhom these elements do not exist canscientifically state the problem" and theycannot exist for the man who does notfeel them. That is, the man who does .not bring an equipment of emotional re­sponse to the study of a social problemcannot get all that goes to make lip thatproblem. Mr. Hoxie had that rare com­bination of intellectual acumen, scien- tific' conscience, and emotional responsewhich made him able to make his own,the problem of labor, that central prob­lem of our industrial age. For compan­ion figures we must turn to Sidney andBeatrice Webb in England. And per­haps he brought a more simple, directand profound response to the humansituation involved in our labor strugglethan they have brought to the strugglein England. It may be due to this thathe did not attain the facility and easeof expression that is theirs. He wascontinually going deeper to get the realfacts. He was never satisfied with theformulations. He was almost over­whelmed with the infinite detail of innerand outer factors that go. to make 'upthe questions to be stated and answered.It is not a facile nor a happy endowmentwhich attunes a man to such struggles.They do not take a profound hold ofmost of us. We are in them, but theyare not our problems. It is an endow­ment that wears a man out arid rendershim a prey to nervous collapse. If Mr.Hoxie had been born with the equipmentof the artist instead of that of the sci­entist, I think he would have presented, this problem of our society as a poet, in­stead of as an economist. Beyond doubthe had the feeling for it which makesthe stuff for great poetic production.Those of us who have known his stu­dents know how great was the educativepower which he exercised, One of themsaid_ that "Graduate students and Soph­mores, the brilliant and the stupid, sooneror later felt the shock of his influenceand were never quite the same as theyhad been before. It was the nearest toa real conversion that I have everseen." To none who have been in hislabor classes will the industrial problembe a mere partisan contest, instead of thevast effort of struggling human spirits,nor will - economics be a dismal sciencethat abstractly depicts what- we dare notfeel. We have lost from the Universityone of' its great instructors who gave ofPROFESSOR HOXIE AND THE COMMUNITYhimself freely to his students, and whohad much to give. And these are carry­ing to the world �n i�sight and a com­prehension of which It great need.It is impossible to appraIse the loss tothe community of a man who had thegift of such tireless willingness to under­stand. He provided a medium in whichcould appear values that are apt to besuppressed or distorted by the complexesof our social consciousness. His emo­tional endowment under the control ofhis scientific conscience was a community 117asset. There were being wrought out inhis uneasy and always dissatisfied spirit,the ideas and the symbols in which toexpress one group of the community toanother where there have been and areonly the no-thorough-fares of class con­cepts, and deep and often unrecognizedgroup-hostilities. And the loss of thecommunity is the greater, because it hasas yet so imperfectly realized Hoxie'svalue.GEORGE H. MEAD.This dark spirit is Roy Dee Keehn, whomwe shall mention with respect for two rea­sons: first, he used to play football, and,second, he is now preparing a little trea­tise, "A Handbook on the Law of Libel forEditors," and we don't propose even to goclose to the edge of that law until we haveassimilated Roy's book. Brother Keehn,as they call him in Phi Kappa Psi, pre­pared for college at De Pauw, and enteredIndiana in 1895. There he was on the foot­ball and debating teams and was editor ofthe college paper. After dropping out toteach mathematics for a year or so, heentered the University of Chicago, tookthe Ph. B. in 1902 and the LL. D. in 1904-the first law class to do all its work at theUniversity of Chicago, and R. D. K. waspresident of it. He found time also to besecretary of the Reynolds Club, editor ofthe University of Chicago' Monthly Mag­azine, and a correspondent for the down- town papers. Soon after he began prac­ticirig law, he became attornev for theChicago Examiner. He was Assistant Corpo­ration Counsel when Edward F. Dunne wasMayor. He. later became general counseland attorney for all of William RandolphHearst's interests in the central west, in­cluding the Chicago Examiner and Chi­cago American, and for the past two yearshas been consulting director in these com­panies and personal attorney for Mr.Hearst. He has recently accepted the gen­eral management pf Mr. Hearst's interestsin the central west, and remains generalcounsel and attorney. This position giveshim direction of the political, editorial andnews policies of the Chicago Examiner andChicago Amercan, as well as the generalmanagement of the business policies. Hewill remain in the general practice of law,however.118 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESome Holders of ScholarshipsThe following is a list of the presentundergraduate holders of the two ·prin­cipal types of "honor" scholarships atthe University-i. e.) scholarships con­ferred, after entrance, for distinguishedwork either in all branches in the fresh­man year, or in some particular depart­ment later. The University gives "re­mission of tuition" in a number of casesbesides these: The first group below isof sophomores, and their "honors" <l:re for general work; the second group aremostly in their third year," and their"honors' are for departmental work.Any alumnus desiring to see what typeof work is necessary for scholarship re-ward may divide the number of 'grade.points by the number of majors taken.and remember that 6 points equal A; 5points equal A -, and 4 points equal B;also that only 72 'points are necessary forgraduation.Name- Preparatory School- Majors . Grade PointsJohn Morris Arthur: Paris, Illinois � 1 25 94Edward Blankenstein Thornton Township High, Schoo1. . . . . . . . . . . 18 96Letitia Chaffee Wendell Phillips High School.............. 18 89Samuel Chutkow La Junta, Colo., High School :..... 21� 117Bertha Corman Medill High School........................ 18 6.8Leslie Hellerman � Hammond, Ind., High School.............. 24 127Katherine ·S. Lentz � . Omaha High School.. � ; ' 18 81Cleona L�wis : � Danville, II 1. , High School.................. 28 . 1230Abba Lipman Englewood High .School , � . . .. 24 ' ;��23Elizabeth McPike Wendell Phillips High School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ., � 81Horace L. Olson. � Waller High School, 1909; Lane Techni-cal, 1912 30Gloria. Roeth Lake View High School.................... 18James M. �Sellers Wentworth Military Academy , :. 27�Charles, Stern McKinley . High School, '08-'10; University. High, Schaol, 191.4 ·26GENERAL HONOR SCHOLARSHIPS, 1916�17.N ame- Preparatory School-s- Maj orsMarie' Meta Andresen" .... Lake View' High School.................... 9George Andrew Barclay .. : John Marshall High School................ 11James Paul Bennett .•... .vNorth Park Academy 13Mildred C. Berleman Calumet High School 0 •• •• •••••••••• 13Clotilde M. Decelles Kankakee High School 0 •••••••••••• : • • •• 10Elizabeth M. Grimsely Springfield High School ' '. . . . . . .. 10Harold L. Hanisch Waupun High �chool...................... 9Alice Marion Holden Hyde Park High School.................... 15Leonard L. Johnson · Wendell Phillips 9Samuel Jacob Jacobsohn Englewood High School.................... 9Bernard N ath Wendelr Phillips .- .-. . . . . . . . . . . . 9Inez E. Ostberg Englewood High School. " . . . . 9Bennie Perk Manuel Training High School. 0 • • • • • • • • • 13Robert Redfield University High School.................... 14Dorothy Fielding Roberts .. Hyde Park High School. .... '. . . .... . . . . . . . 18Ernest Schein Schurz High School........................ 10Mary C. Taylor .; Springfield High School.. .' r ::: 9Maurice Wallk ...........• Medill High School........................ 9Helen E. Wood ; Los Angeles Polytechnic................... 9DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARSHIPS, 1916-17. Grade Points495354544848 "485848545048565606849474650126.:;'95' ,139_123A DOCTOR ON WAR SERVICE 119A Doctor on War ServiceI went to Eng­land to t a k echarge of the so­c a 11 e d ChicagoUnit, which con­sisted of thirty­fi v. e physiciansand seventy-fivenurses that hadleft here a yearbefore. Dr. Neff, who had charge ofthem, had become tired of his workand the opportunity came my way to go.Needless to say, I could not resist thetemptation. I had no other credentialsthan my American passports and thecablegrams that had passed between Chi­cago and the British War Office, but onsuch small grounds I started out.I went on a neutral boat and landed atFalmouth.I went up to London and reported thenext morning at the British War Office.'At the War Office I was very cordiallyreceived. My credentials proved amplysufficient. They were expecting me andset me to work immediately to get my. outfit. I may say that the Unit was inthe regular British service and we hadto go into the territory as British officers.It is impossible for civilians to get to thefront. On the streets of London therewere a great number of soldiers, men ofall classes, the most picturesque being theScottish soldiers in their regalia, beauti­ful plaid stockings with daggers stuckdown in one leg, and all the dash theyare inclined to have. There were also agreat number.of civilians. It was as­tonishing to � when I knew how verybadly England needed soldiers that therewere so many civilians running aroundall over the city. Many of these menwere engaged in munition work, but thegeneral impression made on a foreigneris that there are hundreds and thousandsof men in London who would make goodsoldiers who are not in the army. The theaters were open, twenty orthirty of them. The houses consistedlargely of men in uniform; there werefew civilians. Gasoline, while I was 'inLondon, was sixty-eight cents a gallon,but that did not interfere with the usualnumber of taxicabs and motor buses.The taxicab companies and others arelicensed for the amount of gasoline theyuse and receive only two-thirds of anormal supply. Motors cannot be oper­ated in England for pleasure or purelypersonal use. It is all under governmentsupervision and one can get a taxicabanywhere at pretty near the old rates.The cost of living in London has not beenraised. When I returned to London onmy way home I found they had reducedthe cost of tea at the Cecil to one shillingand sixpence, a reduction of one shilling.I was told by the War Office to getan officer's outfit for a lieutenant.colonel's rank when I was ready to�eave to report for duty. To a stranger111 London, securing an outfit is rather adifficult job and it took me about twodays to get measured and have theclothes started. As I said, it was im­possible to get across the Channel to thefront, where I was going, unless I wasproperly dressed. Clothes in Londoncome very high. An officer's outfit withonly absolutely necessary clothing for afew months cost me about one hundredand fi fty dollars. Shoes are as high asclothes.When I was ready to report, after ninedays, I appeared at the War Office, fromwhich I was to get my credentials, andwas ordered to leave London the nextmorning and proceed to my destination.I was given the proper information andorders such as all officers are given whenthey leave London. We left CharingCross and proceeded to Folkestone. Tbeboat was crowded with officers. Incrossing the Channel we were protectedJ20 THE UNIVERSITY 'OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEby two torpedo boat destroyers, one oneither beam of the transport. Arrivingin Boulogne I reported at the hospitallate that night and met some of my goodfriends. I saw that the officers' messW9-S a comfortable place to lounge. Thenext morning I had my first .look around.The hospital was situated on ratherrising ground, The soil was sandy anddrained beautifully, so that after theheavy rains, which were frequent" in tenor fifteen minutes there would be nowater on the ground. This site is one ofconsiderable historical interest, becauseNapoleon had his camp here at one timeand there still remains back of the hos­pital, the 23rd General, an old rampartbuilt by Caesar years ago at the time heintended to invade Britain. The hospitalis composed of buildings originally in­tended for barracks. There are a seriesof 36 of these buildings, which wouldhold thirty to forty men each. There arefour buildings used for serious cases,connected by a covered way with a suiteof operating rooms and x-ray rooms.The operating rooms were most com­plete, with all the necessary things thaty-ou would find in any hospital in Chi­cago. We had a complete x-ray outfitand all other things for hospital work.Our hospital orderly. force consisted oftwo hundred men. They were to' helpin the wards and perform other dutiesI shall presently mention. The officers'mess contained a piano, a victrola and allthe periodicals and daily papers fromLondon and Paris and everything thatone would expect in a modern clubroomalmost. The officers' individual quarterswere canvas tents on wooden frames,which were occupied by men singly, con­taining a' bed and other paraphernalia.The food, that we had, was very good.The supply of meat was more thansuffi­cient. We did not get as good food asthe soldiers who had been wounded.Their food was very much better thanone gets here in our charity hospitals.They had ample supplies of ale and stout and for the serious cases we had cham­pagne.The hospital of 'which I had chargehad been originally intended for 1,050beds. We had thirty-six wards or thirty­six huts with a capacity of thirty to fortymen each. During the stress of a heavybattle these wards could be increased insize about forty per cent by putting bedson 'the floors 'and other spots that wereordinarily occupied for other purposes.In addition to that we' had seventeentents which would hold fifty men each,so the 'total capacity was somewherearound 1,450. ", We lived in the heart of a large rein­forcement camp for the English army,We were within the zone of the armies,ab.out thirty-five or eight miles from theclose-fighting zones. We had in additionto that a camp in which there were fromone hundred to two hundred', thousandfighting men constantly passing fromEngland to the front. These men weretrained in nearby camps and their fight­ing, which was' done in mock trenches,was extremely annoying at first, but onefinally got used to it and paid no atten­tion to it.The convoys arrived in amb�lancetrains, which are the' acme of medicalprovision. , England has at this time .inFrance one hundred and sixty ambulancetrains with from eight, to twelve carsapiece. They are beautifully equipped,electric lighted, with operating rooms andwith every comfort for the wounded.These trains' were constantly passingfrom the front to the bases to Boulogneand other seaports for embarkation ofwounded and then back again to thefront. The number of men employed in,that branch of the service is very great.The convoys arrived in these ambulancetrains. There were also a number oftrains passing to the northwestern' partof France and it is no exaggeration tosay that trains of this character passed atthe rate of one in three minutes all thetime, night and day. It was a wonder" A DOCTOR ON WAR SERVICEthat the \right-o£-way stood upunder theenormous strain that was put. upon it.From the liospital trains men were takenoff in stretchers and put in ambulances.We got two types of cases-ambulatoryand stretcher cases. The ambulancecases were put four in each ambulanceand carried to the hospital, where theywere distributed in the wards. We hadin our camp about one, hundred and fortyof these ambulances. We had not onlyto carry men from the train to the hos­pital, but from the hospital to the train­those who were, going to England. Themen in charge of these ambulances reallydid very hard soldier's duty. They werevery well paid, drawing officer's pay' allthe time.,I arrived the' first day of June in thecamp and had a moderate amount ofwork in June and ·so got an opportunityto get thoroughly into the work before11)05t of our men left. About the twelfthor fourteenth of June most of the Amer­icans left. I had remaining six, one ortwo of whom I knew and 'in whom I hada great deal of confidence. The surgicalservice had primarily been divided intothree groups. Before I arrived it hadbeen divided into two groups. When Dr.Davis left I took' over the whole surgicalservice, consisting of six hundred totwelve hundred men all the time. Mostof the surgical work I did myself. Thefirst four days of July we received 1,542men. That was at the time of the Sommeadvance and· the fighting was verysevere, That experience that began latein June kept up nearly all through Julyand we received over five thousand menduring that month. .We had a numberof Australian, English and Scotch offi­cers who were 'detailed to us, but whoonly' stayed three b,r four days at a time, .nearly all of them being pushed up to thefront to fill the vacancies caused by thefighting. It was my duty as chief med­'ical officer to' receive every convoy,When the cases came. in it was my dutyto assign, them to a ward, after name, 121residence and other 'data were put on thecards by the clerks. This was 'hardenough work of itself. If you receivethree to six hundred cases a day, assign­ing them is a pretty hard job. Therewas kept a record of every case in thehospital, for instance, the number of menin the hospital, the number of men goingto England. By phone or telegraph weknew how many convoys we were toreceive sometimes three or four hours inadvance. During the" rush in July themen came in in such numbers that it wasa task to take care of receiving the men,to say nothing of looking after thewounded and doing the operative work,so I had to give up receiving the cases,turning them over to some of the othermen, so' that I could take care of theoperating. W e were frequently gettingthree hundred men at a time and wewould hardly finish one batch before thenext ones arrived, so that the nurses anddoctors would become very tired. Atone period early in July during the tushI operated consecutively for thirty-threehours. I would stop only for meals andto smoke a cigarette, perhaps. We didin one ordinary day, not during the rushperiod, as high as thirty-five differentoperations involving skull wounds andcases of that kind. One man of the serv­ice was always detailed as orderly officerand it was his place to be on call nightand day for twenty-four hours. He hadto sleep in a special room in the hospitaland answer any call for emergencies,hemorrhages, etc. For twenty-four hoursafter that he was practically out 'of CQfi1-mission, because, he did not get muchsleep. That took one of our six or eightmen away all the timer W ehad, in addi­tion, consulting men, well-known sur­geons in England, who would come alongat different intervals and look over� thecases, would advise or get statistics forthe general betterment of the whole serv­'ice. Our consulting surgeon was SirGeorge Mackin.The nurses 'work day 'and night. - The122 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdaynurses are waked up at night to bathemen brought in in the convoys. Thenight nurses are not expected to do that.The ambulatory cases go to the centralbaths. I cannot say enough for the workthat the Chicago nurses do in France.As far as supplies go, we had every­thing one could wish for, all sorts ofgauze, dressings, etc. We were knownaround the region as the hospital thathad the greatest splint supply. One nighta man came in to have a mastoid opera­tion. One of the men was sent to thesupply room for a Stacke's guide. Theman in charge asked him how many hewanted. He said he did not know. Sothe man suggested that he take two orthree, to be sure he would have enough.He said they were pretty small and hehad better take an extra one or two. Theresult was that he came ,ba·ck with threedozen Stacke guides to one mastoid oper­ation. Supplies were abundant in everyway. We had rubber gloves withoutnumber and they cost about $1.75 perpair, but the government was very lib­eral. We had all sorts of solutions. Wehada very complete drug room under thecare of a pharmacist who knew his busi­ness. It did not make any differencewhat you asked him for, he got it.The wounded soldiers were veryhappy. I believe we had only one manwho had any complaints to make. Hewas a young boy who had both legsshot off and suffered a good deal of pain.He got cross and cranky and used toscold the nurses. Otherwise, the menwere perfectly contented and happy andnever uttered any complaints. I neversaw such a contented spirit. If we hadsuch gratitude for our treatment of. sur­gical cases in Chicago, I <l:m sure wewould all be going around on air all thetime. From our hospital the men whowere convalescent or otherwise fitted towork were sent to different points. Thelight cases were sent to the base detailto be sent to the front again. Those werethe minor injuries. The next class where the injuries were more severe were sentto the convalescent camp, where they hadgood surgical attention. The rest of .themen were sent to England, carried overin the hospital ship across the channel.We had a special mode of distribution ofthe different types of cases sent to thedifferent hospitals. These were allmarked and tagged before they ever left.We received not only surgical casesbut also medical cases, the medical casesbeing of all sorts of varieties. Eight ornine per cent of the cases were medical,involving nephritis, bad hearts, sciaticaand other things that any general hos­pital gets. Every man who was woundedreceived an injection of ante-tetanicserum at the front. It did not matterhow severely he was injured. He wasmarked with an indelible pencil right inthe forehead to show that he had re­ceived the injection. It was not uncom­mon to find men with a large "T" in theforehead.The treatment by the British of theirprisoners _ was very good. During Au­gust while the Sornme advance was in'progress we got a great many prison­ers.· Naturally they did not care to putGermans into our hospital-they weresent to our next-door neighbor-but mytent was', perhaps, not thirty feet fromthe side track and very frequently I wentdown and talked to the German prison­ers. I found they were always pleasedto see some one who could talk German.Most of them were rather happy to. beout of the immediate fighting. On sev­eral occasions I questioned them aboutthe progress of the war. Without excep­tion they were all undesirous of finishingthe war unless they were victorious. Iremember one morning . the surgeon incharge of. the ambulance train went intoa car in which there were German pris­'oners and said to me afterT communi-cated with some of the prisoners, "I hope.the Germans will treat the English pris­oners as well as we treat them."KELLOGG SPEED.ON THE QUADRANGLES 123On the Quadrangles. The last month saw the campus in thethroes of charity. The student body'sexchequer, sadly emaciated by paymentsand subscriptions at the outset of theyear, was scarcely permitted to recuper­ate before the Settlement dance, Prison­er's Relief and Thanksgiving donationslaunched a relentless attack on under­graduate generosity. The campaign formoney to. be used in behalf of captives inforeign prison camps was brought to asuccessful climax when a collection atthe Chicago Minnesota football ga!lle in­creased the total fund' to $3,000.The settlement dance, led by JohnSlifer, '17, and Barbara. Sells, '17, washeld on December 8 in Bartlett; the pro­ceeds, which were devoted to the Uni­versity settlement, amourited to $1,180,the largest sum ever raised on this occa­sion. Members of energetic ticket-sellingteams were rewarded. by an invitation to"Rigoletto" by the Chicago Opera Com­pany; players in the dance orchestrawere appeased by tickets to the Palacetheater.The Y. W. C. L. was engrossed in thesupervision of a Christmas fete in IdaNoyes during the week of December 4.Tea sets, embroidered kimonos, purses,vases, perfumes' and powder were offeredfor sale and netted over $1 SO. VanitasVanitatum! Thanksgiving boxes of'candy and cookies were packed byLeague women, under the direction ofJulia Stebbins, and presented to resi­dents of the Horne for Incurables. Com­ment is superfluous.On December 7 members of the twelvewomen's captain ball teams held a ban­quet in Ida Noyes hall, at which Mr. LaVerne Noyes was the guest of honor ..During the dinner a continuous "cabaret"performance was billed, including a nov­elty dance by Bernice Hogue and Eliza­beth MacClintock, a monologue by Stell anWindrow, . and solos by Garrett Larkinand J ulian Worthington. Miss GertrudeDudley presented emblems to the women, team members. The W. A. A. formu­lated plans for its annual production, theCampus Follies," to be staged March 22in Mandel. Among those who will havecharge are Margaret Monroe, generalchairman; Ruth Sheehy, publicity man­ager; Dorothy Mullen, property andstage director, and Lucy W ells, prog�amchairman.Turkey and its inevitable concomitantswas served to 250 women at the Thanks­. giving Spread, given on November 29 bythe Neighborhood clubs. The feature. of the afternoon was a short play, "The. Trouble at Saterlee's," which wascoached by Miss Hertha Baumgartner.Elsa Lunde,. '15; Laura Walter, '15; ElsaJones, '15; Eva Richolson, Miriam Wen­ner and Florence Kilvary comprised thereception committee. Some guests wereclad in frigid ballet costumes, others -inmartial Rooky uniforms.Early in December a bulletin in Ellishall stated that Dr. D. H. Gress, repre­senting the Anti-Cigaret league, wouldlecture on the cigaret peril. Immediatelybeneath this poster was the announce­ment of the approaching Reynolds clubsmoker. Over 400 attended the club'sstudent-faculty smoker on December 6.The program of the evening was a med­ley of melodious tintinnabulations, in­cluding the Hungarian Rhapsody andBallin' the Jack. The first slice of theN ash library 'melon was invested by theclub in the purchase of eighty-three yol-. umes=-fifty-two are poetry and dra�a,sixteen deal with the European war,.seven are fiction and the remainingbooks are concerned with preparedness,biographies, politics and philosophy. TheUniversity's literati are represented byRobert Herrick and Katherine Keith.. The organization of an undergradu­ate poetry club stands 'out as the mostnoteworthy event in campus literary cir­cles. The seed of this group was plantedat a recent dinner at the home of Pro­fessor Robert Morss Lovett, and the124 .. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgrowth promises to be permanent. Thenew club will hold semi-monthly meet­ings, the first for the reading and criti­cism' of original work by the members,the 'second for the interpretation of themuse of distinguished modem poets.The charter members are Harold VanKirk, John Grimes, Robert Redfield, Jr.,Arthur Baer and Walter Snyder.Eleven reporters received appoint­ments to the staff of The Daily Maroonat the close of the Autumn quarter.They are: Leona Bachrach, GeorgeBarclay, Lewis Fisher, Albert Gavrt,Ruth Ge.nzberger, Roland Holloway,John Joseph, Royal Montgomery, Wil­liam Morgenstern, Helen Ravitch andHarold Stansbury. On December 16The ,Maroon published its Christmasissue, containing a twelve-page retrospec­tion of the quarter's happenings. TheDecember Literary M aqaeine, offeringstudent fiction, ,drama, essay and verse ofsubstantial quality and quantity, appearedduring the week of examinations. TheLit. has announced the election of threeadditional associate editors: Harold VanKirk, Arthur Baer and Robert Redfield,Jr. The second and third issues of TheGreen Cap were strewn about the campuson November 29 and December 15. Thecontents were cartoons, photographs, per­sonals and miscellaneous freshman classnews items.Physical examinations of men in theclass of '20 showed that there are thirty­eight freshmen with defective teeth,eighty-five 'with optics that need atten­tion and' six with. impeded hearing ..According to The Maroon) .Dr. Reed ex­pressed his gratification at this splendidrecord. IPhi Beta Kappa elected one senior andthree juniors to member-ship at its quar­terly meeting on December 15; they areStanley Udy, '17; Leslie Hellerman, '18;Harry 'Weinberg, '18; and Lucy Wil­liams, '18. The Order of the Iron Mask,Junior class : society, augmented its mem­bership by-initiating sixmen, JoJm Ban­nister, I William Boal, · Coleman Clark, Donald Harper, John N uveen and Stan­ley Roth. The three freshman clubs,Blue Bottle, Yellow Jacket and BlackBonnet, chose 395 women from the classof 1920. \The creative bodies of the campus, theDramatic club and Blackfriars, arose andmade their bow this month, the one pre­senting its fall bill of one-act plays, theother announcing the winner of the an­nual play contest. The three plays pre­sented were "Back of the Yards," byGoodman; "The Man in the Stalls," bySutro, and "Indian Summer," by Meilhacand Halevy. The club chose Mandel hallas the scene of its activities and wasrewarded with a larger, more apprecia­tive and less noisy audience than it hashitherto enjoyed on like occasions. Ofthe plays themselves, there was, as usual,much diversity of opirnon. FrankO'Hara, who, reviewed them in, TheDaily Maroon, was kind and indulgent.The Maroon, in an editorial, was, severe,and intolerant, while a Maroon corre­spondent, who described himself as arecent acquisition to the campus, was ingeneral incoherent. ,The concensus ofopinion seemed to, indicate that BartlettCormack is a valuable new member, thatLeon Gendron, the president, has an ex­cellent voice and a very easy stage pres­ence, that Charles Breasted can act whenhe doesn't try too hard and that ArthurBaer was more kissed against than kiss-ing. 'The Blackfriars announce "A Mythin Mandel," by Richard Atwater, as thewinning play in this year's contest. Likehis .two predecessors, the author is analumnus, having been graduated withthe class of 1911, and is at present aninstructor in Greek at the University.In structure the play is somewhat simi­lar to "A Night of Knights," the 1915production, and is, according to AbbotDunlap Clark, "decidedly of the localcolor type, full of academic humor thatcannot fail to appeal to a University audi- .ence." . , .'Of the other student activities thatON THE QUADRANGLESdeserve mention this month, the most im­portant is the election of officers of theInterfraternity council for the Winterquarter : John Slifer, president; HarrySwanson, vice-president; William Boal,treasurer; Arthur Hanisch, recordingsecretary, and Albert Pick, correspond­ing secretary. The Honor commission,in its report, cites .five cases of under­graduate dishonesty; two received penal­ties of expulsion;' two, loss of credit andsuspension, and the fifth was left unde­cided. The University Rifle club, a neworganization with William Templeton aspresident, has been dignified with a statecharter and honored with medals for 125marksmanship. The Forum, an under­graduate political body, re-elected ArchieSchimberg president. On December 6it heard the Rev. Mr. Myron Adams talkon "What Is the Matter .With th�Police ?"In the list of new class officers printedin this column last month, Milton Coulter,recently chosen president of the class of1918, was designated as belonging to thePhi Kappa Sigma fraternity. At Mr.Coulter's request we make the announce­ment that he is a member of Kappa Sig­ma and not Phi Kappa Sigma. PhiKappa Sigma please write.FREDERICK R. KUH" '17.A Tribute to President JudsonOn December 19, in Ida Noyes Hall, threehundred members of the faculties and theirwives gave a dinner in honor of PresidentJudson and the administrative foresight andlabor which have resulted in the new estab­lishment for medical work. The committee incharge included Professor Bensley, ProfessorJordan, and Associate Professor Keyes. Pro­fessor A. C. McLaughlin was toastmaster, andDean Angell, Professor Tufts, Doctor FrankBillings, and the President spoke. ProfessorBensley read a memorial resolution which isgiven herewith. This resolution has been en­grossed on parchment, with beautiful illumina­tory decorations, signed by the members offaculties individually, bound in a morocco vol­ume, and presented to Mr. Judson. His speechat the dinner was extraordinary in its promisefor the future, not only in medicine, but alongall lines of educational development. TheMAGAZINE hopes to' give it in a subsequentissue. The resolutions follow:"The recent announcement by you, Mr. Presi­dent, of matured plans for the organization ofmedical research and education under the aus­pices of the University has called out amongyour colleagues, the members of the Faculties,lively and general expressions of gratification.It has excited high anticipations of what theseplans must mean for the future of our Univer­sity and for its service to mankind. Weareprompted to bring to you our greetings andfelicitations in recognition of this significantaccomplishment, and to make the event an occa­sion not only for enj oying with you the happyoutcome of the thought and labor of manyyears, but especially for transmitting to. youformally but intimately our appreciation of theimportant part which you yourself have had inmaking this outcome possible. ."To appreciate the significance of this furtherdevelopment of the University's resources andactivities, it is not necessary to recall the inti­mate relations which in the past medicine has sustained to science and philosophy, or to referto the leading role of medicine in the originsof the medireval university to which all modernuniversities trace their lineage. Enough to re­mind ourselves that with the recent dis­coveries, and especially with the recent de­velopments of methods of investigation,medicine is now drawing from every depart­ment of science the resources for its great taskand is in turn beginning to conceive that taskitself in such larger scope as to kindle theimagination and suggest new possibilities forhuman life. '"Your appreciation of the breadth . of thisdevelopment and of the opportunities for fun­damental contribution by the academic institu­tion we feel is evidenced on the one hand byyour activities in connection with extramuralendowments 'operating to promote medicaladvance at distant points, and on the otherhand by the development for our own institu­tion of a program at once comprehensive andidealistic. ."As members of the Faculties we can butfeel highly gratified and honored that our Uni­versity is to' have the opportunity of doing sogreat a service. We realize that this is pos­sible because the plans for medical develop­ment in general have been conceived alongsuch broad and sound lines, and no lessbecause your administration of the affairs ofthe University has been such as to. commandthe confidence of those who. desire to' con­tribute the means for carrying on such anenterprise."Your colleagues know you well enough tofeel that it would be distasteful to you to uselanguage of compliment or to. say all' thatmight easily be said concerning the difficultyand delicacy of the task which you have per­formed. Instead we assure you of our heartycongratulations and of our satisfaction in thethought of a great work well done."126 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University RecordSir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, actor-man­ager, gave an address in Mandel on No­vember 28, his subject being, "Life, Humor,and Shakspere." Sir Herbert is the man­ager of His Majesty's Theater in London,where he founded the Academy of Dra­matic . Ad, and was knighted by KingEdward in 1909 for his distinguished workin the interpretation of dramatic literature.At the second annual convention of theNational Association of Academic Teach­ers of Public Speaking, held at the HotelAstor, New York City, on December 1 and2 Associate Professor S. H. Clark, of theD'epartment of Public Speaking, made areport as chairman of the Committee oninterpretation versus Impersonation. Theconvention was held at the same time asthe annual meeting of the National Councilof Teachers of English.The Press has recently made an impor­tant publishing arrangement with the CityClub of Chicago. The first book to be pub­lished under this arrangement is a selec­tion of twenty-seven plans from a largernumber submitted by architects, engineers,and landscape architects in a competitionrecently instituted by the City Club of.Chicago for laying out, for residential pur­poses, a typical quarter-section in the out­skirts of Chicago. The book 1S to be pub­lished tinder the title of "City ResidentialLand Development-Studies in Planning,"and is. edited by A. B. Yeomans, landscape:architect.Accompanying the plans, which are inhalftones and colors, are bird's-eye viewsand explanatory st�tements by: the authors.The report of the Jury and critical reviewsof the plan from social, economic, and aes­thetic points of view; by men of expert­judgment are also included in the volume.The 'book was published early in Decem­ber.Other volumes in the same series thathave already been published include Mer­riam's "Municipal Revenues of Chicago," areport from the City Club on "The ShortBallot in Illinois," "The Railway TerminalProblem of Chicago," and Hooker's"Through Routes" for Chicago's SteamRailroads." A new volume for the series isnow being prepared and wil l be issuedunder the title of "Studies for N eighbor­hood Centers."In this work of co-operating with greatcivic agencies devoted to the advancement-of community life the Press has alreadymade similar publishing arr.angements withthe Chicago Historical Society, the Geo­graphic Society of Chicago, and. the ArtI nstitute, Among the incorporators of the Na­tional Dune Park Associatiori, the purposeof.. which IS to influence the government toset aside the dune territory along theshores of Lake Michigan in northern Indi­ana as. a perpetual preserve, is ProfessorHenry Chandler Cowles, of the Depart­ment of Botany. At the recent hearing re­garding the project, in the Federal Build­ing, Chicago.' before representatives of theInterior Department, Professor Cowles wasone of the speakers, among whom werealso Mr. Julius Rosenwald and Professors 'r.c. Chamberlin, Rollin D. Salisbury, OtisW .. Caldwell, Zonia Baber, and Elliot R.Downing.Aside from the desirability of a greatnatural park near a great center of popu­lation, the speakers laid stress on the edu­cational value of the dunes, which for manyyears have served as the best region aboutChicago for university and school fieldclasses in botany, zoology, geology, geog­raphy; and nature study.Associate Professor Frederick Starr, ofthe department of Anthropology, left forthe Orient Dec. 27 to continue studiesbegun on previous trips to the East. Hewill be absent a full year, returning forservice in January, 1918. The itinerary ofthe trip includes Tokyo. Siam. Korea, Cam­bodia and the islands of Yazo, Shokuku andKysuhu.Photography will play an important partin the work of the expedition. Severalcameras are to ·be taken, and Mr. HambeMaebashi, of Tokyo, will accompany theentire expedition as official photographer.There was presented to the Univer'sitythrough the Board of Trustees and receivedat the meeting of the trustees held Decem­ber. 12, a gift of $5,00'0 from Mr. DayMcBirney as a memorial to his son, HughMcBirney, III, who died last August.Young McBirney was a student in the Uni­versity High School and this gift of hisfather's is intended to perpetuate his mem­ory. The income from the fund is to beused for a scholarship for a male studentin the University High' School. In trans­mitting the money, Mr. McBirney said:"In closing, I want again to express my high ap­preciation of the University High School in everyway and of its fine principal, Mr. Franklin W. J ohn­son. I feel that I have corne to know him well andI like and admire him greatly. You have the bestschool that I ever saw or heard 9.£.- And I want myson, who loved it devotedly, to have his name per­petuated in connection with it."THE LETTER BOX 127The Letter BoxDecember -7, 1916.To the Editor:On my return from Fort Sheridan, afterbeing mustered out of the Federal service,I find on my desk a copy of the Novemberissue of the Magazine 'containing Roy Bal­dridge's delightful article entitled "On theBorder." Since there were such a largenumber of men from the University in theregiment I am sure the article is appreciatedand proves interesting to your readers, andI am moved by the feeling that I may beable to add something to the article of in­terest to your readers; hence this letter.I am sure I will be pardoned if my nar­rative takes the color of my own viewpointas one of the officers of the regiment, and ifthe word "I" appears frequently in the nar­rative it will not be assumed that' I am act­-ing as my own press agent.I organized the Machine Gun Troop dur­ing the winter and spring immediately pre­ceding the call of the President. My troopwas therefore practically a rookie troop;with but two or three exceptions, none ofthe men had ever had a military trainingnor any experience in handling or ridinghorses, nor in handling a gun nor in takingcare of themselves in the field. I had anexceptionally fine, intelligent and willingpersonnel in the Machine Gun Troop. I willenumerate the men from the University andgive a little history of each of them, be­ginning with the order in which they ap­pear on the Troop's muster-rolls.I have belonged to the First Cavalry sinceI graduated from the Law School in 1909.My year in college was 1907. I held therank of First Lieutenant and was the activecommander of the Machine Gun Troop, al-'though Captain Walter A. Rosenfield, ofRock Island,. was, technically troop com­mander. Captain Rosenfield was assignedto other duties which kept him away fromthe troop the entire time of our service,except for about two weeks at Brownsvilleand a couple of weeks at Fort Sheridanduring muster out.He is an extremely capable man and hisabsence from the troop and the fact thatthe troop was practically a rookie troop andI a rookie troop commander, made my workvery arduous. To-make things more joyousfor me, a regimental order provided thatthere should .be at least one officer on dutyon the troop street all the time._ I was theonly officer' on duty with the troop. As apractical proposition I 'was busy fromreveille to taps and had no time to getaway, anyhow.I personally did 110t have a better timeor make more money than I would haveat home, and I believe that Baldridge iswrong when- he says that a great proportionof the officers were in that lucky class. Doubtless one or the other and, in somecase, both of the advantages did accrue to acertain small number of officers. In mytroop there was, I think, a large percentageof the. men who made as much money asthey did at home, due to the fact that theiremployers made up the difference betweentheir soldier's pay and their pay at homeand in one or two instances the men gottheir soldier's pay in addition to their salaryat home. At any rate, they all earned everycent. they got and considerably more ap­preciation than their fellow citizens andtheir government accorded -them on theirreturn. "Professor Adolph C. VonN oe left withthe troop .. I had appointed him corporal be­fore leaving and at Springfield I promotedhim to sergeant. Unfortunately he was re­jected on account. of his eyesight. I andthe men in the troop felt the loss quite, keenly.Troy L. Parker was, I believe, a studentat the University for some time; I knowall his brothers were. He left Chicago withthe rank of corporal, was promoted to ser­geant at : Springfield and later was madesupply sergeant. He was a very competentnon-commissioned officer and when not at ..tending to military duties took quite a largenumber of snapshots and has now a collec­tion of pictures. that are highly prized byhl111 and the troop. The fellow called him"What-Ho" from his- favorite remark. Hechose a chestnut horse with a bang tail anda terrible temper. He claimed that this ani­mal was the greatest horse in Texas. Ed­ward C. Park, another Chicago man, fellheir to him while Park was on leave of ab­sence for a while, and I suggest that thoseinterested ask Park.N ext on my list comes Fowler B. McCon­nell, "Big Bill," as he is called. He wasmade corporal at Springfield and later pro­moted to sergeant. He was quite a problemfor us for a while. We had great difficultyin getting breeches, blouses' and shoes bigenough for him and he had to ride hishorse with his legs in a cramped positionbecause no stirrup strap which we had onhand was long enough. Bill was alwaysable to handle his squad in any detail thatwas given to him. My top sergeant usedto say that he was ungodly slow, but whenI gave Bill a job to do I was able to dismissit frorn my mind and feel confident that itwould be done. After we got bur machineguns I put him in cominand of the thirdsection and he was accountable for one ma­chine' gun and all the equipment and mulesin his section, the property being worthprobably $4,000 or $5,00'0.-I did not know that Mayer Lipman was aChicago man until I read it in the Magazine.He was one of the troop buglers.128 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELehman S. Ettelson was promoted toprivate, first class, at my first opportunity,and was indeed an able man and fit to be anon-commissioned officer. He was later as­signed duty as the troop .farr ier, or vet­erinarian, and looked after the health andwell-being of the horses, and the Lordknows they needed someone to look afterthem, the poor old, fever-stricken plugs.The first night our troop was on guard, Et­tleson was lying on the ground sleeping un­derneath the trees during his time off. Igot up at 2 o'clock in the morning to visitthe outposts and sentries and mounted uponmy horse, Mary F., and in riding out, Marystepped on the prostrate form of the far­rier, who cursed me and Mary F. roundlyfor our failure to see him there in theshadows, all of which, of course, was anextremely impolite way for a gentleman tosneak to a lady like Mary F ....Allan Loeb was also made private, firstclass, at Brownsville, and was developinginto material for a non-commissioned offi­cer when he was detailed to recruiting dutyat Chicago, which took him away from sol­diering. V\T e never got him back. Allanbouzht a little Ford car while he was thereand,'""needless to say, was an extremely popu­lar soldier in the outfit, since there were buttwo street cars running from the camp toBrownsville, and these stopped a half milefrom the camp.Private Willam S. Gregg was, I believe,a Chicago man. He was a great friend ofBill McConnell, and I assumed from that thathe was from Chicago. He was our crackbaseball player and a good soldier exceptwhen he was sick. He was one of the fewmen in the outfit who caught everythingthat came along.Private Abba Lipman was a cheerful andwilling soldier. One of his special dutieswas to get his brother Mayer out in time toanswer reveille. Abba was requested to beput on permanent kitchen police at one timeand became very efficient. I am willing toclass butler. He later resigned this postgive him a character any time as a firstwhile his laurels were still fresh.Charles F. Mayer found a little joy inlife on the border by mimicking Sam Co­hen's mannerisms. He also made quite afinancial success of his trip to the border, atleast in some of the games he was finan­cially successful. Charlie could saddle ahorse as quick as any man in the troop butclaimed that he had no genius for digginglatrines and cleaning picket lines.Samuel Cohen was very handy with toolsand he was made a carpenter during theconstruction period, and bossed a bunch ofMexican carpenters. We called them'"Spicks." He later became ambitious tobecome a cook and saved the bunch fromstarvatiori at Fort Sheridan by his able workin that department when Cook Faunce gothis leg broken in an automobile accident.Sam was there at everything all right and even if he did whine at his hard lot, he didhis wor k well. "\1\1 e have a picture of Edward C. Parksomewhere in our collections, in his under­shirt and khaki breeches, his face smearedwith soot, his head crowned with a paste­board box, standing, rake in hand, firingthe incinerator. I t was indeed humorous tosee this graduate of the world's greatestUniversity, who, I believe, holds both adoctor's and master's decree, seeing to itthat the potato peelings and garbage was _properly burned. Park was the only otherman in the troop who could ride SergeantParker's horse without courting death. Isuppose it was because his name was so. similar to Parker that the animal, whenintroduced to hip}, thought he was his Lordand Master, "What-Ho" Parker.Frank Prete furnished the only civilizinginfluence in the troop. "Music hath powerto charm the savage breast," so Prete got amandolin and kept the savage non-corns("the inspired steno") soothed with sweetmusic.I believe that I have not missed any Chi­cago men in my troop. J olm Roser wasrejected at Springfield in the physical ex­amination, so there is not much history towrite for him.I want you to note that Lieutenant JewettMatthews was appointed judge advocate be­cause of his great legal ability, and thatLogan Fox was the popular troop clerk ofL. Troop.Sergeant Oren Johnson was assigned as­sistant to the Ordnance Officer.LeRoy Baldridge has written his ownhistory better than I could. I cannot see,though, how Roy can begrudge the hard­working officers the occasional party theyenjoyed at camp, for he had a comparativelyleisurely life, or could have had, since hewas a member of the staff of the Cavalry­men, all of whom were petted and coddled,dined and wined until they were spoiled. Ithink Roy- has the right idea so far as theofficers are concerned and non-commis­sion ed officers. They were in need of in­struction in their duties as much as the men.The officers were, for the most part, compe­tent to and did instruct their non-corns. Iknow that I did in my troop un'til my non­coms, almost mutinied, being kept in campevery night for instruction purposes. Theofficers) however, were not so fortunate inthe matter of getting 'proper instruction andthey, of course; needed it most, sincethrough them instruction had to be passedto the men. We had an officers' school forone hour a day, but the major portion ofthe time was taken up in the vain attemptof our instructor to teach us Spanish. Thehour would have been much better spent inteaching us the method of keeping accountof property, keeping troop records and'handling the administrative work of thetroops. We should have had a regulararmy officer assigned to each troop, -or atTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDleast one to each squadron, one to the regi- a great many lives that otherwise might bemental headquarters and one to the; supply lost by slower methods of locomotion. Theand Machine Gun troops. The trouble was; machines which we are using are Fords,however, that the regular army did not have and the work is very hard on them, so thatthe officers to spare. My conclusion of my they have to be replaced frequently. Theobservations there on the border is that we numerous trips our machines have to makeneed a very large number of trained officers every night over roads often torn up bysufficient to command volunteer troops in shell fire' use the machines up pretty rap­case of war and sufficient to instruct N a- idly, so that the service is in constant needtional Guard and other volunteer or com- of new cars as well as of men. 'To pur­pulsory military organizations in time of chase a Ford ambulance' and equip it';�fOrpeace. A man who knows how to shoot a six months' service costs 'about $1,10.0.rifle, take care of himself in the field and Some of these machines are given by peo­ride a horse, all of which can be taught him ple of Paris, and .many of them' are .do­in connection with his civilian life, can be nated from the United States,made into a good cavalry soldier in the I wonder if members of the Universitycourse of four or five months of intensive would feel inclined to donate and equip atraining, but, officers cannot be made no machine for this service. If they would, itmatter what native ability the individual would be gratefully received, arid the do­may have in less than a year or two. nors would know that the money givenI think that the experience we had on the wo'uld' in a11 probability save many livesborder was well worth while, but I. know among .French soldiers, by getting themthat every officer and man has paid in full quickly to hospitals and operating tables.for the experience and that they are under The members of the service are- workingno obligations to Uncle Sam for furnishing without pay and are cheerfully enduringthem the oportunity. We have served our hardships for the relief of the woundedtime on the border and don't care to keep soldiers in the French army. One of theup our training at that point. I believe compensations for the work is the appre­that most of the men, if there was an actual ciation frequently expressed by French au­war, would be glad to volunteer their serv- thorities, as well as by the soldiers them-ices and the experience they gained for_ selves. 'the benefit of their country. I do' not be- Further information may be obtained atlieve that many of them would volunteer to American Ambulance Hospital in Paris, 14:act' as policemen on the Rib Grande. Wall ,Street. New' York, or 21 rue Ray-Uncle Sam _ should loosen up and pay the nouard, Paris, France. 'regular soldier sufficient wages to' attract . Very truly yours,men to 'the army to do that work; He can 'Herbert S. Foreman, '03.ce'rtainlyafford to do it and it is unjust for s. S. U. 2. Convois Automobiles,a wealthy community to ask men to .serve P B C M P . F 'and stand ready to obey orders at any at..., arts, ranee.minute of the day or night for a wage thatan ignorant foreign laborer would laugh toscorn. ." ,We are, all of us, proud of the record thatthe First Cavalry made, and 'we, all of us,certainly 'sweat to 'make it. ,The University may as well feel proud ofits student soldiers and should honor themin some proper manner. I am an alumnusand do not come under the classification ofstudent soldier, so I can very well makethis suggestion.Cordially yours,.Paul O'Donnell, '07.With the Armies,Somewhere in France,. Nov. 19, 1916.To the Editor:You are' undoubtedly somewhat familiarwith the work of the American AmbulanceField Service with the French army .. Themembers, numbering several hundred, aremade 'up largely from graduates of col­leges in the United States, and they areengaged in the .very strenuous work of re­moving the wounded soldiers to the ' hos­pitalst In' this work. the emplovment ofmotor .arnbulances makes it possible .to save 129December 1.8, 1916.To the Editor:"The Universal Military Training Leagueis inaugurating a nation-wide campaignwhich has for its object the passage byCongress of a law enforcing military train­ing for all physically fit young men of thecountry. This movement is entirely non­partisan and is "backed by widely knownChicago and eastern men who believe thatnothing less, than universal training willsolve the problem of national defense,Our situation with respect to foreigncountries is not one of . supreme comfort.We have assumed insular obligationsacross the seas and a dictatorship over thedestinies of the Western Hemisphere thatwill eventually lead to international com­plications.The country at large realizes somethingof this situation: vide nreparedness pa­rades and patriotic associations formed innearly all cities. I t is admitted that de­fense is needed, but until every man bearshis burden of defense, as he does his taxes,real defense will not be secured, In a freegovernment each individual is assured hiscivil rights and protection. He-has an obli­gatio'?! to help insure these rights and pro­tection. ' ,130 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe present small mercenary army is anunjust, undemocratic institution. The vol­unteer system sacrifices the patriotic citi­zen for the slacker. Besides this, it nevermeets a national crisis and conscription isthe ultimate resort. To draft a man andforce him to fight without training is crim­inal negligence. The people have a rightto training.The system advocated by the UniversalMilitary Training League means six toeight months' training in the nineteenthyear and another month in the twentieth.After this the mart passes to the FederalReserve and is subject to call in a nationalneed, the youngest being called first. Thiswould produce annually about half a mil­lion trained men. Such. a citizenry wouldinsure peace. It is eminently fair and dem­ocratic. It would do more to build up men­tally, morally and physically and create aspirit of duty and patriotism and respectfor discipline in young American men thanany other institution. I t would tend toeliminate caste, would produce an exchangeof viewpoints between rich and poor andmake for democracy in every respect.A bill demanding this system will be en­tered in the present Congress, probably by Senator Chamberlain; but to insure itspassage public sentiment will have to bearoused to such a degree that the legis­lators will feel it.If any alumnus feels the necessity forthis thing and wants to help, let him writethe League headquarters, 1322 First N a­tiona1 Bank Building, Chicago, and he willbe given fuller data and suggestions.Sincerely yours,W. A.. Warriner, Jr., '12.To the Editor:I am interested in your record of thestanding of university fraternities, but dis­appointed that you did not include the av­erage grade of the non-fraternity studentsfor comparison. The poor barbarians have­had a hard enough time as it is and it seemsto me distinctly unfair that they shouldnot be given credit for the one thing in 'thewhole university in which they have aneven chance, that is in scholarship. If yourobject is to promote the scholarship of thefraternities, I can think of no better waythan to compare it with the students wholack their advantages.. · Very truly yours,Edwin E. Slosson.AthleticsGenera1.-Football, baseball and trackschedules for 1917 are as follows, all gamesbeing at Chicago unless otherwise noted:FootballOct. 6. Carleton.Oct. 13, Vanderbilt.Oct. 20, Purdue.Oct. 27, Northwestern at Evanston.Nov. 3, Illinois.Nov. 17, Minnesota at, Minneapolis.Nov. 24, Wisconsin.BaseballApril 14, Iowa.April 25,- Northwestern.April 28. Ohio State.May 1, Chicago at Northwestern.. May 5, Wisconsin.May 8, Iowa at Iowa.May 12, Illinois.May 19: Purdue.May 26. Chicago at Illinois.June .1., Chicago at Purdue.June 4; Chicago at Ohio State.TrackFeb. 3, Purdue at Purdue.March 16 or 17, Northwestern at Evan-:stoneApril 21, Drake games at Des Moines.April 28, Penn games at Philadelphia.May. 5, Northwestern at Evanston. .May 12, Illinois. 'May 19, Purdue .. June 2, Conference meet.The football schedule, it will be seen,drops Indiana and adds Vanderbilt; other­wise it is the same as in 1916. Carleton was retained for obvious reasons. Indianawas dropped partly because unless all signsfail Indiana's team next fall will be toofierce a proposition to tackle early in theseason: men froni all over the West wereattracted to Indiana last fall by the fameof Stiehm, and the freshman eleven is saidto have been better than the varsity. Van­derbilt, of Nashville, Tennessee,. is yearafter year one of the strongest southernteams; it is coached by Dan McGugin,famous at Michigan under Yost. Thebaseball and track schedules are much asusual. ,The track team will be strong, thebaseball team probably weak. .Basketball.-The Conference schedulefollows:Jan. 6, Iowa.Jan. 12, Purdue.Jan. 16, Illinois at Illinois.Jan. 20, Northwestern,Feb. 3, Illinois.Feb. 9, Iowa at Iowa.Feb. 13, Purdue at Purdue.Feb. 17, Minnesota.Feb. 22, Minnesota at Minnesota.Feb. 24, Indiana.Feb. 27, Northwestern at Northwestern.March 3, Wisconsin. .The team this winter is the· same as lastseason. except for the loss of Capt. Ro-'land George. I t is likely to be made' upof Parker, '18, and Schafer, '17, forwards;Gorgas, '19, center, and Rothermel, '17, andCapt. Townley, '17, guards; though - Nor­gren, '18, Roddy, '19, Bent, '17, Bondy, '17,Orr, '18, Gentles, '1.9, Goldstein, Jf18, Mc-ATHLETICSGaughey, '19, and C. Clark, '�8, if he is able toplay, are all' good men. The squad is smalland not brilliant, and if it wins half itsgames will do well. Townley was handi­capped last year by illness. He will playb'etter than he did. He is tall, persistent,and a quick thinker, but neither very strongnor very fast. Rothermel is a good, steadyguard, with years of experience. - Schaferis a fine basket-thrower, and very power­ful but not particularly fast or alert; Par­ke; would be a wonder if he could keephis head, and his football training may helphim there. Gorgas is big and strong, andplayed a lot in high school, but he is im­mortally slow. Nobody quite understandswhy Norgren. i-s not first class, but hedoesn't seem to be. He is tall, fast, sturdyarid determined; alert on the floor, and hasplayed a long time, but he doesn't seemquite to rank up. Roddy is red-headed,obstinate, and confident, has' had much ex­perience, and if h� can get to understandthe principles of team-play may be valu­able. None of the others are remarkable.Fleugel, '17, of whom great things werehoped, had an operation for appendicitisjust after the football season closed, barelyescaped with his life, and will 'not be inshape to play.Page, '10, will as usual coach, and asusual the MAGAZINE will clamor for theshort-passing game, and as usual H. O.will explain to us why, without brilliantplayers, it cannot be used. If there is any­body who knows more about practical bas­ketball than Colonel Page, let's have a lookat him; he's a rare bird. -So the writer ofthis article, who could not catch a basket­ball in a seine, should not comment fur­ther. But--. However, if the team wins50 per cent of its games, there will havebeen some splendid all-round work done;and if it does 'not, don't- blame the men orthe coach, for they will have worked theirheads off just the same.In the games played before the holidaysChicago beat the Hamlin Triangles, 2.7-18,split' even with Lake Forest, each side play­ing two teams, lost to Muscatine (Iowa),36-22, and beat the Peoria Tigers, 26-12,­and Augustana College, 37-17. The holi­day trip included 'games with organiza­tions in Detroit, Cleveland and Toledo.Tennis.-A fall. tournament, open to allmembers of the faculty and students, washeld in October. Thirty entered; the winner,as was expected, turned up in Capt. AlbertLindauer, '18, who' defeated in the finals Ber­nard N ath, '18, by 6-2, 6-1, 6-2. ColemanClark, '18, who with Lindauer representedChicago last spring in the Intercollegiates, didnot play. Promising freshmen appeared inJI. F. Vories, W. Kramer, and J. Nicely ofUniversity High, and Paul Rogers of Evans­ton Academy, all of whom have done goodwork earlier in interscholastics. The Present Tense:a FableTwo college men were talking to­gether of their campus days.· As 'one of the m d wei t up 0 nth ememories of his youth, a sadnessstole over him, and moisturedimmed his eyes.The other man, A CHICAGO,ALUMNUS, started up suddenly,seized his hat, and hurried ho"me.An Alumni Magazine in which hem.arked the address of ANOTHERCHICAGO ALUMNUS, newly cometo town, was lying in the middleof the library table. Seizing it, hecalled to his, wife, .and togetherthey stepped into their Saxon to­drive to the OTHER CHICAGOMAN'S home.Five minutes of pointed talk, andthe other fellow was signed up asa member of the local alumni cluband as a m�mber of the ALUMNI·ASSOCIATION. Then the threegot in the Saxon and drove down':"town, where they consulted theMagazine often, THA T THE YMIGHT BUY GOODS ADVER­TISED THEREIN.The new man's CHECK FOR $1.50accompanied a RENE,WAL throughthe mail that night, en route forBOX .9, FACULTY EXCHANGE,UNIVERSITY OF CHICA-GO.Moral: A CHECK IN TIMEBRINGS NINE.ONE CHECK IN THE MAILIS WORTH TWO TEARS INTHE EYES. 131132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHerewith are reproduced the likenessesof two captains, Francis Townley, '17, ofthe basketball team, and Frank Pershing,'18, of the football team. Both are gradu­ates of Hyde Park High School, and bothare men1bers of Delta Kappa Epsilon,whose chapter-house serves as a back­ground for the pictures. What the symbolon the window-sill means the editor doesnot know'. It looks like a-but no, it couldhardly be that. Townley is a marshal, andtreasurer. of the Reynolds Club, and Per­shing is on the undergraduate council. Bothare high-stand students. It is interesting tonote that in the last four seasons DeltaKappa Epsilon men have held three footballcaptaincies - Des J ardien, Russell, andPershing-and two basketball captaincies­George and Townley.Francis Townley, '17 Frank Pershing, .'18MUNICIPAL BONDSExclusively. J.R.SUTHERLIN e CO.COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO.CALVIN O. SMITH, '11SALES MANAGERCIRCULARS MAILED ON REQUESTTYPEWRITERS $10. UPALUMNI AFFAIRSAlumniEastern Alumni Association.-The East­ern Alumni Association relegates segrega­tion to the middle ages. The women posi­tively "will not desert Mr. Mica wber" evento the extent of having an afternoon teaparty by themselves. This was evinced onNovember 18 when the members werecalled together for tea at the Women's Uni­versity Club, New York City, by the com­mittee of 'women appointed at the dinnerlast May to "stir up interest." Everyoneseemed to appreciate the opportunity tovisit informally. There were eighteenclasses represented from William Winches­ter Hall, Old U. of C. '72, to Eugene Giard,�16. The chairman of the day plead ear­nestly that the Eastern Alumni provide ascholarship fund and it was her suggestionthat in view of the broader internationalismthat many feel to be imminent the fund beavailable to a Mexican woman. Miss Eve­lyn Newman, who attended the Pan-Ameri­can Women's Conference last summer andalso went on Miss Addams' peace party toTh e Hague, endorsed the idea, as also didDr. Edwin E. Slosson, editor of The Inde­pendent, wh o remarked that such a schol­arship would be in line with the Educa­tional Invasion of Mexico, planned bysome. An interesting letter was read fromProf. Frederick Starr and also one fromMiss Breckenridge, in which she offered tocontribute five dollars to the fund. With­out asking for subscriptions, several pres­ent volunteered to give five dollars. Somethought that maintenance ought to be in­cluded. Mr. Milton Davies, president ofthe E. A. A., suggested that calls for vol­untary subscriptions be sent out, and sothe matter "vas left. As there are between150 to 200 good, dependable members ofthe E. A. A., it seems very possible thata yearly scholarship of $150 at least can bemaintained.The committee in charge consisted ofMrs. Channing W. Gilson (Anne E. Floyd),chairman; Mrs. Luther D. Fernald (HarrietFurniss), Miss Dorothy S. Buckley, MissElizabeth \)Veirick and Miss Evelyn N ew­man.Minnesota Alumni Club.-The annualdinner "will be held on January 13: the placehas not yet been announced. Donald E.Bridgeman is president and H. B. Fuller,Jr., is secretary. President Judson will bethe guest of honor. and the quarter-centen­nial films will be shown.Des Moines Alumni Club.-There will bea special dinner and general gathering ofall alumni within the neighborhood, on Jan ..uary 19. Invitations have been sent to allalumni of neighboring towns whose ad­dresses are on file. Professor Glen W.Coulter and Secretary Wm, Moulds willbe guests, and the quarter-centennial films 133Affairswill be shown. Florence Richardson is sec­retary.Chicago Alumnae Club.-The club willhold its midwinter meeting at the home ofPresident and Mrs. Judson, on Saturday,January 6, from four to six o'clock.Notes of the ClassesAlexander Blackburn, D. B., 18,(3, is pas­tor of the Central Baptist Church, South ...bridge, Mass.Samuel Alden Perrine, 1885, is engagedin the delivery of the "Perrine Lectures,"studies of India and the Far East. illus­trated by pictures in color. Mr. Perrinegot his material by ten years' residence andtravel in the Orient. and his lectures arewidely popular. His address is 62 Franklinstreet, Bloomfield, N ew Jersey.Arthur S. Henning, '99, who is the Chi­cago Tribune correspondent at Washington,has been elected a member of the GridironClub. At the last annual dinner he imper­sonated Miss Jeannette Rankin, the newcongresswoman from Montana. It is saidhis impersonation has decided Miss Rankinto retire from politics. Leroy T. Vernon'98, the Dail'}/ News correspondent, is no�vice-president of the Gridiron.Jesse Harper, '05, who has been athleticdirector at Notre Dame University for fouryears, has renewed his contract for threeyears more. In completing- the negotia ..tioris President Cavanaugh said:"Not only am I completely satisfied with the workof Coach Harper in athletics, but I have the greatestadmiration for him and the greatest confidence in himas a man. His ideas of sport are the highest andhis record is the greatest in American athletics. Hisinfluence over the students is all that could be de­sired, and they have for him not only admirationas a leader, but respect for him as a man. I considerCoach Harper the finest figure in American athletics."Helen S. Loveland, '06, is teaching in 'theWashington Seminary, Washington, Pa.Arthur Bruce, '06, is now Chicago repre­sentative for E. L. Bruce Co., manufactur­ers of oak flooring at 175 W. Jackson blvd.,His home is at 539 N. Kenilworth avenue,Oak Park, Ill.G. Raymond Schaeffer, '06, of the TobeyDistributing Company, has changed hisbusiness address from 33 North Wabashavenue to room 1307 The Garland Build­ing, 58 East Washington street.R. Eddy Mathews, '07. writes: "WhenI moved into our bungalow at 114 Quincystreet, Chevy Chase, Md., a suburb ofWashington, I found two U. of C. alumniwe're our next door neighbors-Mr. andMrs. Henry D. Hubbard. After I hadrented the bungalow this week to a Mr.Wilson, when I had to leave the city, Ilearned that Mr. Wilson also was a U. ofC. alumnus who had specialized in paleon­tology in Walker soon after I left. He iswith the Smithsonian Institution."134 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWilliam A. McDermid, '0.7, now salesmanager and advertising man for the Men­nen Chemical Company, of Newark, N. J.,was elected a member of both the board ofdirectors and the executive committee ofthe Association of National Advertisers atits annual meeting in Boston the week ofDec. 4. This association is composed oftwo hundred and fifty leading advertisersof the country, representing in its mem­bership an annual expenditure for advertis­ing of about $85,0.0.0,000. While at the Uni­versity, Mr. McDermid was managing ed­itor of the Maroon.R. Ruggles Gates, Ph. D .. '08. is on hisway to England to take up military service.Norman Barker, 190.8, who will be remem­bered as a member of the University trackteam, and president of the class of '08, andwho has been residing at Filer, Idaho, forseveral years, was elected, at the recentelection, to the House of Representativesof the -State of Idaho, the only Republicanin the state to get in.J. 1. del Rosario, M.. S.. '08. writes toProfessor Stieglitz, from Manila (521, SanMarcelino) :"Our mutual friend Mariano Vivencio delRosario, '09, has been appointed Professorof Pharmacy and Director of the Schoolof Pharmacy, University of the Philip­pines; Dar Juan is Chief Analyst of theDivision of Inorganic Chemistry, Bureauof Science; and I have just been appointedAssistant Professor of Chemistry in theUniversity of the Philippines."Hugo Bezdek, ;0.8, who is director of phy­sical training for men in the University ofOregon, had a great football team this fall.They scored 176 points to 17 by opponents,did not lose a game, and their final victoryby 27-0. over the Oregon Aggies gave themthe championship of the coast, and theselection to play Pennsylvania on January1 at the annual "Tournament of Roses" atPasadena. Heretofore Gilmore Dohie'steam at the University of Washington hasbeen supreme in the Far West, but Hugohas amended that statute.Recently Hugo Goodwin, '0.9, organist ofthe New England Congregational Churchin Chicago, completed a record of 1,000organ pieces, played without repetition, ata concert given at the church he serves.The program was made up of numberswritten especially for the occasion by vari­ous composers, all the numbers except onebeing dedicated to Mr. Goodwin.Max Rohde, '10., who is practicing medi­cine in New York City, has changed hisoffice address to The Wyoming, Seventhavenue and Fifty-fifth street.Helen S. Hughes, '10., now studying forher doctor's degree in Enclish at the Uni­versity, had a long and (shades of re-' search 1) interesting article in the Octobernumber of the Journal of English and Ger­manic Philology, on "An Early RomanticNovel,' besides an elaborate review of"The French Revolution and the EnglishNovel," by Allene Gregory. Much of MissHughes' work has been in the history ofthe novel, a field in which she is rapidlybecoming an authority. (She will denythis, but it is a fact.)Esmond R. Long, '11, in Chicago to at­tend the wedding of his brother, droppedinto the office December 15. Es wouldhardly do much mile-running now, as heweighs around 180. After a year spent insearch of health, he went to Seattle, andis living at 1302 31st Avenue South. He hasestablished a private laboratory and isdoing some work in analysis for Seattlephysicians. His health is much improved,and he is as gay as a kitten. Any alumnuspassing through Seattle who does not lookhim up will disappoint him.J. G. Randall, Ph. D .. '11. is on leave ofabsence from Roanoke College and for thisyear· has been appointed Harrison Re­search Fellow in History at the Universityof Pennsylvania.Mary L. Fyffe, '14, is living at 60.21 Kim-bark avenue, Chicago. .Lloyd Le Due, '14, is connected with theBraden Copper Co., Raucagua, Chile, S. A.Oscar Worthwine, J. D. '12, who is prac­ticing law at Boise, Idaho, sends in a lotof information about alumni, mostly law­yers, and adds:"I trust that each of the above named istaking the alumni MAGAZINE, and if by anychance your subscription list does not con­tain the names of all these gentlemen,kindly send me subscription blanks and Iwill see that the circulation of the MAGA­ZINE is increased in the near future." .Sounds like a_ threat-any gun play leftin Boise? Fear not, O. W.-we'll bet onyou.Harold Kramer is a member of the KramerCoal Company of Columbus, Neb.' Haroldwrote in October to say that he had not re­ceived any copy of the Magazine since July,which seemed reasonable since there' had notbeen anv. Man of' the alumni would beexcusable in not knowing this fact, but Haroldused to work on the Magazine. One supposeshe has forgotten his past.. The University of Chic�goH 0 M E in add, ition t,o. �esid, ent,work. offers also Instruc:-tion by correspondence..S' ruDY,' For deta" i1,ed 10.formation address ;,. 25th Year U. of C. (DiY .. 2 )Cbicqo, QL ':ALUMNI AFFAIRS 1351915 Harriet Winifred Jones is secretary to theHelen R. Aiken is teaching Sewing and principal and substitute teacher of EnglishHousehold Management in the Proviso and Latin at Wayland Academy, BeaverTownship High School at Maywood, Ill. Dam, Wis.Anna M. Blake is instructor in Physiol- Clara Lucile Noles' and Frances E.' Peckogy and Botany in the Illinois State N or- are teaching in the Girls' High School ofmal University at Normal, Ill. Atlanta, Ga.Florence Bradley is Playground Super':' E G d H llid 'visor and Instructor in Physical Culture, . ertru e a I ay is living at 645Athletics and Hygiene in the public schools South College avenue, Fort Collins, Colo.of Kansas City, Mo. George Luther Kelly is teaching History,Thomas Smith Brewer is head of the de- Economics and Civics in the High Schoolpartment and teaching United States His- at Ottumwa, Iowa. Itory and Civics in the High School at Mary G. Kelty is fifth grade critic in theHuntingdon, W. Va. Normal School at Oshkosh, Wis._Beverly Paul Clayton is teaching History Lorene R. Kitch is teaching German, His-in the Central Baptist College at Conway, tory and Domestic Science in the HighArk. ' School at Cheyenne Wells, Colo.Mrs. Grace Ogg Coons is teaching Mathe- Helen Ann Knight is teaching Sewingmatics in the High School at Dallas, Texas. and 'Textiles in the University of MaineElmo A. Dearth is Assistant Principal Orono, Maine. 'and teaching Latin, German, English Com- Esther C. Livingston is teaching Cook­position in the High School at Leesburg, ing, Sewing and House Decoration in theOhio. Domestic Science High School at DownersClara Eunice Dietrich is teaching German Grove, Ill.and History in the High School at Groton, . Nichol�s T. Lowry is teaching EnglishS. D. m the HIgh School at Davenport, Iowa.Charles R. Edwards is instructor in His- James M. McConnell is teaching Euro-tory and English in the Township High pean History and Civics in the ManualSchool at Jerseyville, Ill. Training High School at Indianapolis, Ind.Annie Emily Eustace is teaching English Marion R. McDonough is assistant in theand History at Waterman Hall, Sycamore, Kindergarten of the' Hyde Park BaptistIll.' 'Church, Chicago. '. 'John Holmar .Fallwell is instructor in, Mirtie Mabee is seventh grade critic inHistory and Director of Athletics in the . the State Normal College at Kent, Ohio.Chatham Training School, Chatham, Va. Bessie 1. Masten is teaching History andThomas H. Finley is Superintendent of English in' the High School at Buckner,Schools at Petersburg, Ill. Mo.John C. Flaniken is teaching Latin and Ruth M. Mathews is teaching Latin inHistory in the High School at Mumford, the High School at Michigan City, Ind.Tenn. Horace G. Merten is assistant in EnglishMinnie C. Frost is teaching Biology and at the University of North Carolina, ChapelChemistry in the Crane Technical High" Hill, N. C.School and Junior College, Chicago, Ill. 'Osc'ar F. Munson is Superintendent ofIra J. Garner is Professor of Foreign Public Schools at Alamosa, Colo.Languages in the East Texas Normal Col- Clara L. Nolen is teaching English andlege, Commerce, Texas. History in the Girls' High School at Atlan-Ruth Marie Gartland is teaching the ta, Ga.fourth grade at Toledo, Ohio. Mary Louise Norton is teaching the sev-Evelyn Graham is teaching German, enth grade in the Birmingham School, EastLatin, History and Bookkeeping in the Toledo, Ohio.Township High School at Chillicothe, Ill. Leo Hardt is at Rush Medical College., Katharine Hattendorf is teaching the fifth Leroy Sloan is on the faculty at N orth-grade at Hibbing, Minn. western University.Hazel Hawkins is teaching English in the Harold Terwilliger is with Albert Pick &High School at Anderson, Ind. Company, Chicago. ,Ruth Jeannette H-olmes is teaching En- John Glass is in business at' Louisville,glish in the High School at Litchfield, Ill. Ky. He- has two daughters, Delta andHirsch Hootkins is teaching German, and Sigma.' ,Mathematics in the Central High School at Frank D. Jones has been appointed spe-Grand+Rapids, Mich. cial attorney and examiner to' ChairmanEdith Hoppe is teaching German and Joseph Doner, of the Federal Trade BoardFrench in the Harvard School, Chicago. at Washington. ': 'Everett Mills Hosman is Professor of Grace M. Palmer is teaching Drawing andEducation in Ellsworth College, Iowa Geometry in the La Salle-:Peru TownshipFalls, Iowa. 'High School at La Salle, Ill.Ada T, H uelster is teaching English and Mila Parke is teaching Domestic ScienceReading in the elementary schools of Mun- and Art in the West Side High' School atcie, Ind. Aurora, Ill.136 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINES. Josephine Pettis is Normal Trairiingteacher in the High School at Windom,Minn. .Velma Phillips is teaching Home Eco­nornics and Mathematics in Lenox College,Hopkinton, Iowa. .Ernestine Savage is teaching Mathemat­ics in the High School at Lanark, lll.Florence B. Scharpenstein is teachingLatin and German in the Township HighSchool at Bridgeport, Ill.Susie V. Shepherd is teaching PhysicalGeography, Agricuture, Physics and Alge­bra in the High School at Clintwood, Va.Charlotte J. Smith is assistant in theeighth grade in the public schools of Au­rora, 111.Ruth F. Stoney is teaching DomesticScience and Art in the Humboldt CountyHigh School, Lovelock, Nev.A. Elizabeth Todd is teaching DomesticScience and Household Art in the HighSchool at Attica, Ind.Irene Tufts, '15, is studvinz medicine atColumbia. James Tufts, '16, is teachingmathematics in the Mediapolis HighSchool, a suburb of Burlington, Iowa. No,dear reader, we have not got them mixed.The world wags, that's all.Nettie M. Willitts, '15, is living at 5824Ridge avenue, St. Louis, Mo.10hn Y. Lee, Ph. D., '15, secretary of theInternational Commission of the Y. M. C.A., is here for six months getting materialand data for science laboratory in Shang­hai, China, in connection with lecture bu­reau.Rhoda B. Warner is teaching Mathemat­ics, German and English in the HighSchool at Toulon, Ill.John F. Wellemever is Principal andteaching Pedagogy and Psychology in theHigh School at Oklahoma City, Okla.Charles O. Wilson is teaching Historyand Science in the High School at Salt LakeCity, Utah.Henry Guy Woodward is instructor inCalculus in the Extension Department ofColumbia University.Ethel 'Young is teaching History in theHigh School at Marquette, Mich.A University Club, composed entirely ofmembers of the class of 1916, fourteen ofthem, has been organized at the NormalTeachers' College. Normal Park. Chicago.It holds meetings once a month. Themembers are Marian Mortimer, who is alsosecretary of the Normal school class;Gracia Webster, Laura Walter, Ruth Swan,Anna McGuire, Margaret O'Connor, JoyMcCracken,' Ethel Jacobs, Helen O'Don­nell, Helen Hunt, who is president of theNormal school class ; Vera Lund, Jeannette Lee, Bernice Ladewick and Nellie Barrett.Laurens Shull, '16, has been elected vice­president and assistant cashier of the Farm­ers' Bank of Woodward. Iowa. Spike cameback' for the Minnesota game, and thoughan automobile almost ran over him whilehe was staring at the crowds in our busystreets, he finally got away in safety. Heand Halstead Carpenter, who is vice-presi­dent of the Bank of Monticello, Iowa, saythat there is nothing like practice at tackleto enable a man to throw down a customerand get his money away from him.'Frank Whiting, '16, is head of the "newbook" department of the "Automobile BlueBook" for the district west of Chicago. Hehas spent nearly all the time since his grad-Iuation on a motor trip, which started fromGlacier Park, Montana, and has includedYellowstone, Rocky Mountain and EstesParks and the Grand Canyon, and has cov­ered the states of Montana, - North andSouth Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Okla­homa, Texas and Louisiana. He left NewOrleans December 1st for Arizona, andwhen he gets back to Chicago (which hehoped to do by, Christmas) he will haveaveraged about 20.0. miles- a day and cov­ered. between fifteen and sixteen thousandmiles. Percy Wagner, '16, has' been driv­ing for him since September. The MAGAZINEexpects to print a story of this jaunt in anearly. issue.Elizabeth L. Drott, M .. A., '16, is in­structor of English at Grinnell College,Grinnell, Iowa.Arthur. W. Haupt, '16, is teaching in theTownship High School, Evanston, 111..J ehiel Davis, '16, is teacher of physics,Portsmouth High School. Portsmouth,Ohio. '.Carl Danforth Miller. Ph. D .. '16, is withthe .Westinghouse Ele.ctric and Manufac­turing Company as research physicist.Swimming.-Captain Meine, '18, has agood lot of men to work with. Redmon,holder of the Conference record in theplunge; Pavlicek, holder of the record in,the back stroke, and Shirley, a good manat the breast stroke, are gone. Carlson,'19, and Harper; '18, cannot :fill Redmon'splace, and it is very doubtful if Collins; '19,or Meine .can approach Pavlicek's work.But Vacin, '19, is better than Shirley was,arid Bowers, '18, is almost as good .. Earle,'18, is the fastest man in the- Conference upto a hundred yards.. Capt. Meine andO'Connor, '17, are excellent at all distances;Rubinkam, '18, as' good a diver as the west­ern colleges have, and Crawford, '19, ·a newman, a fine all-around swimmer. The relayteam, which will be Capt. Meine, 'Earle,O'Connor and Crawford, should be fastereven than last year's star group. Chicago'sonly real competitor will be Northwestern,which in four years has won three 'cham­pionships and tied. (last year) 'f9r· thefourth.ALUMNI AFFAIRSEngagement.Mrs. -Ida C. Dorsey, of 560!) Kenwoodavenue, announces the engagement of herdaughter, Dorothy Ann, '16, to MarstonCummi�gs, son of Mrs. R. F. Cummings of5135 Dorchester avenue.MarriagesMrs.' Howard N. Ogden announces themarriage of her daughter, Alma Virginia,'13, to Erwin F. Plumb, on November 22.Mr. and Mrs. Plumb will be at home afterJanuary, 15, 1917, at Streator, �11.Carolyn Updike, daughter of Mrs. Pen­ville Stratton, 5402 Woodlawn avenue, andFletcher Catron, '14, were married Satur­day, December 9.The marriage is announced of HerbertH. Albert and Iris H. Spohn, '15, on June28, at Elkhart,. Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Albertare living' at 20-7 Riverside Drive, Elkhart.Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Wood an­nounce the marriage of their daughterRuth, '17, to John C. Phelps, November 23,at the La Salle Hotel. 'BirthsMr. and Mrs. Morris Horner (Mary M.Lee, '06) announce the birth of a daugh­ter, . Margaret, on November 17, at Alexan-dria, Va.Clifford Watkins, '12, and Mrs. Watkins(Mina DeVries, '12) announce the. birth ofa daughter, Charlotte Louise, on Decem­ber 1, at Sioux City, Iowa.Hiram L. Kennicott, '13, and Mrs. Kenni­eott (Mary Ann Whiteley, '13,) announcethe birth of -a son, Hiram L., Jr., on No­vernber 4, at Chicago.DeathsHenry Cowles Smith, 1903, died in Chi­cago, July 23, 1916, after years of illness.FOor a long time he was New York man­ager for the Acme Steel Goods Company ofChicago. Two years ago he returned toChicago, remaining high in, the service ofthe company in spite of physical disabili­ties, which would have completely discour­aged nine men out of ten., In 'college hewas on the track team. He was a memberof Alpha Delta Phi.Mrs. Warren Fite (Esther Sturges, '99,)died October 2, 19116, in New York City.Paul A. Hi1debra�t, °191.1, died MC\y 26,1916. 137l BurnhamCoiffures 191 7Beautiful and NovelEffectsIIf (�HAIRDRESSINGSHAMPOOING which brings lustre and life to the hairMARCEL WAVING with most becoming "dips"MANICURING by dainty operators who [know the artCOMPLEXION BEAUTIFYING by expertsCHIROPODY for the comfort of the feetTURKISH BATHS l . .ELECTRIC LIGHT BATHS 5 auy sunshme rest roomsEverything for the comfort and beauty of ladies atmoderate pricesE. BURNHAM138-140 N. State St.,"'IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117!ie'NEWJEDISONY ou Are Invitedto attend the daily concerts of Music'sRe-Crea tion-Mr. Edison's astonishing, art-at our Recital Hall, 11 :30 A. 5 P. M. � No charge for seats.THE EDISON SHOP(The Phonograph Co., Props.)229 SOUTH ,WABASH. AVENUE� Bet. Adams St. an� Jackson Blvd. �°IIllIllIllIllIlIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"11111I1I"11""llllllInnlllllllllllnlllllrmIlUl�illnll1ii138 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Law School Alumni AssociationEvans P. Barnes, '0.9, is located at 317Idaho Bldg., Boise, Idaho, in the office ofthe prosecuting attorney for Ada County.Ross W. Bates, '09, was elected a Rep­resentative in the Idaho Legislature in N 0-vember. His address is 508 West Haysstreet, Boise, Idaho.Benjamin Blumberg, '14, is a member ofthe firm of Blumberg & Plost, 307 StarBuilding, Terre Haute, Indiana.T. L. Blakemore, '13, is a member 'of thefirm of Albertson & Blakemore, 520. Berry-hill Bldg., Sapulpa, Oklahoma.,Clifford H. Browder, '16, is with Guerin& Barrett, 7 South Dearborn street, Chi­cago.J. Louis Brown, '09, of Brown & Musser.1012 Newhouse Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah,was elected judge of the District Court forthe Third District of Utah in November.Stephen R. Curtis, '16, is with the law de­partment of the Illinois Life InsuranceCompany, Chicago.Benton Frederick Delano, J. D., 1912, isengaged in the practice of law in Boise,Idaho. He and his brother, E. S. Delano,J. D., Harvard, 1910, are in partnership.John H. Freeman is practicinz at theFirst National Bank Building, Houston .. Texas.Joseph 'Golde, '15, has opened offices at908, 105 West Monroe street, Chicago.Inghram, D. Hook is practicing by him- self at 402 Keith & Perry Bldg., KansasCity, Missouri.George B. Kerman, '16, has become amember of the firm, Flack & Kerman, Ma­comb, Illinois.Lionel 1. Leighton, '14, was elected pros­ecuting attorney of Davis County, Utah, inNovember. His address is Leighton, Utah.Lew McDonald, '12, has been electedcounty attorney of Cherokee County, Iowa.His office is in Cherokee.Philip L. Rice has opened an office forthe general practice of law at Lihue, Kauai,Hawaii.' .Roy B. Marker, '15, is with Cherry &Abbott, Costello Bldg., Sioux Falls, ,SouthDakota.McKeen F. Morrow, J. D., 1912, is en­gaged in the practice of law in Boise.Idaho, and is associated with the firm ofRichards & Haga. Morrow was on thestump for Hughes during the recent cam­paign. Julius Louis Eberle, Ph.B., 1912.J. D., 1914, is associated with the same firmas McKeen Morrow.James P. Pope, '09, is city attorney ofBoise, Idaho, serving under the second ad­ministration in power since his originalappointment.Charles P. Schwartz, '09, and Leonard B.Zeisler, '10, have formed a partnership withMessrs. Sigmund, Zeisler and Ulyses S.Schwartz, with offices at 6 North Clarkstreet, Chicago.)--------106 S. Michigan AvenueFRENCH, SHRINER & URNERand 15 S. Dearborn Street"Bu t l.t -InSupedority"Figure your sh 0 e bills by theyear, not by the pair. Presentconditions make the best shoesobtainable a genuine economyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 139," TheTobey Furniture Company.Furniture Curtains· Rugs .Interior DecoratingChicago New YorkTheBurlington Route'" isThe Natural Road..toSt. Paul-Minne�polisIt follows the river141 So. Clark St. � Randolph=3117A. J. PUHLGenl. Agt., Passenger Dept. /140 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . • $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON ,Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-PresidentB. C. SAMMONS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJ . EDWARD MAASS, CashierJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Ass't CashierLEWIS E. GRAY, Ass't CashierEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKER MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY J. BLAIREDWARD B. BUTLER ,CHARLES H. HULBURDBEMJ AMIN CARPENTER CL YDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLAIRCHARLES, L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable Transfers3% Paid on Savings Deposits ABOUT �DVERTISERSThe advertising committee of the Chi­cago Alumnze Club is to be thanked forthe appearance, in this issue, of the adver­tisement by E. Burnham & Co. We sug­gest that alumnae patronize Burnham'swhenever possible, and prove beyond doubtthat the advertising in the Magazine isprofitable.The Saxon Six is handled in Chicagoby Mr. Lake, 2257 S. Michigan avenue. Ifyou stop in' there some afternoon, just tellMr. Lake' that you are a University· ofChicago man, and he will be more thanglad to show you the car. Harry Ford,. president of the Saxon Corporation, was amember of the class of 1905.If you are buying books, by all meansgo to Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.' s storeduring January and take advantage of theunusual offers they make during thatmonth. Bruce McLeish is one of the offi­cials of the store.Have you been to French, Shriner &Urner's lately? Mr. Workman, at theMichigan avenue store, is very glad to givepersonal attention to Chicago alumni. Thehigh quality of F. S. U. shoes is too wellknown to need comment.Alumnae who are "just staying home"might find just the sort of thing they wantto do by visiting the office of the CollegiateBureau of Occupations. The work of theBureau, is very timely among college wo­men in Chicago.Owners of Edison machines and thosewho are thinking of buying machines willbe interested to know that the Edison ad­vertising is done under the direction of E.T. Gundlach, of the class of 1901.The magazine urges all Chicago gradu­ates who travel west and northwest to usethe' Burlington. Many alumni who makeweekly trips to the Twin Cities are nowusing the "Q." In addition to "On Time"service .you are very likely to have thecompany of a Chicago man. Write to A.J. Puhl, city ticket office, for schedules.Why not take a correspondence coursejust to brush up on the work you had incollege? .The Corn Exchange Bank is located veryconveniently for alumni on La Salle street.CHICAGO COLLEGIATE,BUREAU OF OCCUPATIONSPositions Filled-Trained Women PlacedAre You { �di�::�y WriterInstitutional Managera Household Economic ExpertDo You Need Laboratory AssistantResearch WorkerRoom 1002 Steveras Bldg.17 N. State Street Central 5336THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Convenient Book StoreThis is our constant endeavor:-to have all the books that are worth while; classified and groupedfor easy selection-tq give intelligent, pains-taking service by salespeople who knowbooks and their authors-to so direct our efforts that each transaction can be completedquickly and without trouble or discomfort.All books are on the .fiht floor; just insidethe Wabash Avenue entrance - the mostconvenie'ntly located book store in Chicago.CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO. 141142 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDiscrimina ting Motorists Everywhere UseRED CROWN GASOLINEIt is dependable, clean, powerful, lively and uniform, Agasoline made with special reference to the needs of theAutomobile Engine. Fill your tank with Red Crown, ad­just your carburetor and your engine troll bles are at an end,Standard Oil Company ... Chicago, U. S. A.(INDIANA)we"Swift's Premium" Sliced Bacon has anappetizing flavor and aroma on a coldwinter morning. The secret of its goodnesslies in the mild "Swift's Premium" cure."Swift's Premium"Sliced Baconis put up in one pound cartons andnot touched by hand in slicing or.packing. Try it.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA Sensible Cigarette delivers COMFORTIf you. think of Fa­timas as being in aclass by themselves, itmust be due to oneand only one reason-. Fatimas actuallydeliver a. service thatno other cigarette cangive.If -you are smokingFatimas you have dis­covered this. You havefound that their deli­cately balanced Turkishblend is comfortable.That is why Fat irnas leave you feeling fineand fit even after an un­usually ·long-smokingday.Surely-a comfortablesmoke must be a sen­sible smoke.FAT I·� .Sen,sible Ciqa,rette�,_. .• ,,' ."..- "4\ ..... ,.i( 143144 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�1I111111111ll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lI1Il1ll11111111111111111111111ll1I1ll11111111111111111111111111111111111111I1I111111I1I11II1I1I1I1I1l1l1II1111II1II1I�I ICORRECTI Evening Clothes IIi IiThere is an, intangible something aboutevening clothes. Perhaps it is their extreme con­ventionality that demands the most careful and== expert custom tailoring. ==Dress clothes' depend for correct smartnessupon the most careful consideration for the mostminute details, which should deftly reflect thepersonality of the wearer.W e place at. your disposal a staff of expertcutters, fitters arid workmen, schooled to success­fully serve the most discriminating and exactingclientele.Richard W.Farmer CompanyMerchant Tailors§ 16 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago §Ii .. i�\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\lmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111 1111""11 11111111111111 III III 1 1111 III III III 111111 III III III III 111111 1 III III II 1 1II III III II III 11111 111111111 1111111111111 1II1111111111111111111111l1ll1l"""""IlJIlJ�