PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILREMEMBER SETTLEIVIENT DANCE ON DECEMBE:R 9t 'VOl.· • IX,- ·No. 2 DECEMBER,\ 1916The Alumni Council of the University of. Chicago .Chairman, SCOTT BROWN,-, ISecretary- Treasurer, . JOHN FRYER MOULDS .•'. .THE .C�UNCIL for 1916-i 7 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, MRS. MARTHA L. THOMPSON, HELEN T. SUNNY, JOHN/FRYER MOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, ALICE GREEN ACRE, HAROLD H. SWIFT, RUDYMATTHEWS, FRAN� McNAIR, GRACE COULTER, HEN�Y SULCER, SCOTT BROWN, LAW-RENCE WH.ITING, JOHN P. M�NTZER,"WILLIAM H. LYMAN._( From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK, HENRY C.COWLES, HERBERT E. SLAUGHT. .From the Divinity Alumni Association, WALTER RUNYAN, EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, WARRENP. BEHA�' .From the Law Sc'hool Alumni Association, MARCUS HIRSCHL, EDWA�D' FELSENTHAL, MARYBRONAUGH. -.From the Chicago Alumni Clab, HOWELL M.URRAY,, ARTHUR GoES, D •. �: FERGUSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, .MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, ETHEL PRESTON., KATE B. MILLER.From the University, JAMES R. ANG�L.Alutn,ni Associations Represented in the Alumni Council: ,fHE .COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSQCIATION,President, SCOTT BR9WN, 208 S. La Salle St. 'Secretary, JOHN F. MOULDS, University of Chicago.ASSOCIA.TION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK, 2550 S. Michigan Ave.Secretary, llERBERT E. SLA UGHT, University of Chicago, .DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident, JOHN L. JACI�SON, First Baptist Church, Bloomington, Ill.Secretary, WALTER P. RUNYAN, 5742 Maryland Ave.�AW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATIO�'President, WM. P. MACCRA�kkN, 9'59 .The ,:R9._QJ��ry .. Building, . ., ..Secretary, R. E. SCHREIBER.,' 1620 OtIs' Bulldlng:"·-" --_ --' . , ... - .. - - .....All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to theAlumni Council, Faculty Exchange, University of' Chicago.' .The dues for Membership in either one of the first three Associations named above, includ subscriptions to the UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGo MAGAZINE, are $1.50 Prer year. In the LawAssociation the dues; including subscription to the Magazine, are $2.00', per year.Editor, JAMES VV. LINN,. '97. Business Monaqer, JOHN F .. MOULDS, '07.Advertising Manager, LAWRENCE J. MACGREGOR, '16.The Magazine is published monthly f.rom November to July inclusive, by The Alumni Council' of TheUniversity. of . Chicago, 68th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicag,o, rn, , The, subscription price is $1.50 per year.the price of single copies is 20 cents. , Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the U nitedSta. tes, Mexico, Cuba; PortQ Rico, Panam. a. Canal Z�ne, Re.PUblic of .Pa,nama. Hawaii,p Islands.· PllilippineIllands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. (Postage is charged' extra as follows: For Canada, '18 centson annual sUbscnptions (total· '1.68), on ,single copies, 2 cents (totil 22 cents); for all other countries intile Postal Union, 87 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cent. (total 23 cenu).I Remittances Iho�ld be made payable to The Alumni Council and should tie in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express' money order.' If l�cal' check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claiml for missin, numbers should be made within the month followin, the r�lUlar month of pubiica­tion. The pubIllhers expect to &upply missin, numbers free only ·when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be' addressed, to 'The. Alumni Co��ci1, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer-Jity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. -Entered as second-class matter. December 10, 1914, at the Postoftice at �icaeo. Illinois, under the, Act ofMarch I, 1879.VOL. IX� CONTENTS FOR DECEMBER, 1916. No.2.FRONTISPIECE: Professor Salisbury (from a recent portrait).E\TENTS AND DISCUSSION c••• ',' •••••••• " •• ' ••••••• � �" ••• '. 0 '••••• 0" •••••••••••••••• ',' �: • _ •MEDICINE AND SUR9ERY AT CHIC{\GO ......•........ ; '." ' � .•......... " .. � .1;'UE CONFERENCE MEDAL (with pictures) . '9 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, •••• � "'THE LETTERS OF A SUBS�ITUTE; by :po R Richberg, '01. " .., '.. : ,THE SETTLEMENT DANCE (with pictures) � .. ', � ; .. '. � .. To ';HE DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY, by J�:' Laurence 'Loughlin.- '"" " , .THE FIRS)' YEAR, by A. K. Parker �: , � .. , '.. : , ',.: .., ON THE QUADRANGLES,., by F. R. Kuh,. 'fT., , " .. � " .- .: .SOM'E HOLDERS O:F ,SCHOLARS,HIPS '" " '.' ' , , ., '.THE UNIVERSITY ,RECORD , .•...•........• _ .. , � �. � .; ., , . .' : .THE LETTER' Box, '""" '., �., ',' .. ,." .. , � : .RALPH WALDO 'WEBSTER, 1895 (with picture) .. , ,- ', .. , , ...."\.LU·]\tINI AFFAIRS , .. _.' �.' ' '," .•..•....... � '.. ', -,. � .. .;' .A Membership. Campaign; The Chicago Alumni :Clt.ih Dinner; .Concerning Professor Hoxie;Tulsa Alumni; Alumni at Kansas ;. News of the Classes ; Engagements" Marriages, Births,Deaths.; The Association of Doctors; The Law School Aiumni Association.THE 1916 FOOTBAT .. L SQUAD (picture). � ., \, � ....••." '.' , � '. ; � .. , 88ATIlLET-ICS :. A. Review of the Football Season-c-The Cross-Country Team, by 'T.,. L Otis, ''19 .. 89 )5155585962646�757778798182PROFESSOR SALISBURY.(From a painting by Ralph Clarkson.)The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME IX, DECEM'BER, 1916 NUMBER ,2. Events and Discussion 11Said the JYl agazine in the' N overnberissue : "No discussion based on' fact ofthe outlook f�r: oppo;tunitles, .in medical, training at the' Univer�,Opportunities , sity 'is possible 'at thein Medicine - .present tim.e,' for, thereare' no facts, to 'go:upon." On November 1l"ten:days.1ater".the Chicago papers announced that to-,ward newiplans for medical work herethe' Rockefeller foundation. had agreedto give one million dollars and the Gen­eral Education' 'Hoard' one' million, pro­vided' a total -sum o f five, million threehundred thousand- 'were raised ; ,thatseven :hundred . thousand more 'towardthis sum had beep 'already pledged; andthat plans' were on foot for raising theremainder at once. On N ovember 13a further announcement' was made' of agift of hali �.' millioll by Mr� and MntJulius Rosenwald, who had gone down'to New York to investigate. The tele­gram ·announ�ing the latter gift was as,follows :New., York, Nov.' B.-Harry'Pratt Judson, president Of the Uni­versity of Chicago: Fully, convincedthat the greatest service that canbe rendered at this moment by the, 'University of Chicago to the peopleof Chicago arid the country at Iargeinvolves the' establishment of' theproposed medical department 'of the , University of· Chicago, .we subscribe$500,000 to' the, medical school fund,�R. AND' MRS. JULIUS RbsENW ALD... On November 23, Mr .. 'F. H. Rawson,gave $300,00Q. ,There .remained to, besecured one, million, eight hundred thou­sand dollars, .. A committee of the Board- 9f.Trustees is .already .at work on theproblem of 'raising this 'sum; and; to quotefrom an irrtervjew with M,�. RosenwaJd,a member -of the committee, "there is, notthe . least doubtthat the remainder of-the_fund will be obtained. rapidly." '; .. The plans of the. University are out-:Iined in full in a,' statement from' thePresident's ,office, given on page SS ofthis' issue. There areWhat 'It " in. the United States atMeans present 't w 0 distinct, ' . types of institution de-voted to the study of'medicine. One isthe .Rockefeller Institute in New, Y ork,which provides, facilities for trained in­vestigators only. No "students," i�\ thesense of imen learning the technique ofinvestigation, are to .h�. fOUn9 there, andthe work. is largely, in .preventive medi­cine. - Prominent example�. of the second-, type are . johns. 'Hopkins and Howard.These .are medicaJ, "?c1:1O_o1s,'" de, [acto.practical, .giYipg. regular courses .in 'ther­apeutic medicine, and, practically, little52 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEelse. Investigation goes on constantly,but the training of students in investiga­tion is slight. In the western schools,like Rush, such training is even slighter,indeed, almost non-existent. These"schools" exist for the worthy and abso­lutely essential end of turning out practi­tioners. A man may, however, andscores do, graduate from such schoolsknowing little more about the facts ofsuch remarkable work in experimentationas has been going on in the last fifteenyears, than a clubwoman could get inthree weeks reading for a "paper." He haslearned something practical about path­ology, something practical about surgery,but he has laid no foundation for generalscientific social service. N ow part ofthe work at Chicago will not differ inkind from that which is done at theRockefeller Institute, and the rest of itwill not differ in kind from that whichis done at Rush. But the opportunitiesafforded by the combination of the twowill give an almost unlimited chance fordevelopment. The trained investigatorwill initiate the -young men in processesof research; and no man will graduateuntouched by the interest of the med­ical detective. One more center will becrea ted, not for accrediting practitionersonly but for the study of medicine.In the November issue the Magazinestated that only two members of thefaculty of the-University of Chicago wereat Plattsburg this sum­mer. The attention ofthe Magazine has beencalled to the fact thatProfessor A. P. Mathews of the Depart­merit of Physiology was also at Platts­burg. In connection with the attitudeor lack of attitude of the members of theUniversity to the work at Plattsburg, itmight be interesting to note the follow­ing from a letter to the Maroon, writtenby Assistant Professor Altrocchi :"Twice this fall I ran over to the gym­nasium grounds on Tuesday and ThursdayPreparednessAgain afternoons and found undergraduates beingtaught the elements of military drill underthe leadership of Sergeant Von N oe. Thefirst time I saw eight men; the second, eleven,including two Chinese students. I am toldthat two or three were absent. Taking twelveor fifteen as the top figures, then, I reachthe gloomy but blatantly correct conclusionthat among our undergraduates (not countingthe girls), less than half of one per centshow any interest whatever in patriotic pre­paredness. For, of course, military drill is forus the best, if not the only pratical manifesta­tion of preparedness. My conclusions mustgo no further, for certainly I should not wantto generalize about undergraduate patriotismon such grounds. I believe the boys here arejust as staunchly patriotic as any college boysin the land, and therefore the trouble mustbe sought in the fact that they realize neitherthe value of military drill nor their opportuni­ties here."The latter are exceptional. Here is a finefield at the disposal of the students, a sched­ule that permits most men to use easily three.or four hours a week to so good a purpose,and a fine instructor in Professor Von N oe,a man who has had lots of, experience, whoknows the business thoroughly, who puts hiswhole heart in the work, and gives freely ofhis valuable time. I hear rumors that wemay even secure later an army officer, as hasbeen done at Harvard, where there is a whole'regiment, and at. other universities. I knownothing about the plans of the authorities,but obviously, how can one ask an .officer tocome all the way here to teach a force ofthirteen men?"In a letter to a friend written by Pro­fessor Robert Herrick, who has recentlysailed for France to assist in Red Crosswork, he says: "Canyou do anything at theUniversity of Chicagoto get drivers 'for theAmerican ambulance cars? Chicago hasnot sent a man or a car. Harvard hassent 140."The statement that Chicago "has notsent a man" is no longer true. HerbertS. Foreman, '04, sailed for France Octo­ber 14 for field service. From Whitehall,Illinois, Mr. Foreman did two' years'work at the University of Illinois, andthen came to Chicago for his degree.The demand for workers in connectionwith the American Ambulance Hospitalwas never greater than it is at present.Service inFranceEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONDrivers are needed for the Paris service,WHich is comparatively simple, as well asfor the field service, which is more seri­ous business. The New Y ork office(headquarters American Ambulance, 14Wall street, New York City) will notonly pay for board and lodging for menin the service, but defray the passagemoney. New York to' Paris and return,for those who cannot afford tOo pay it.Application blanks for the service maybe obtained from the N ew York head­quarters.President Judson has been notified byAlan R. Hawley, President of the AeroClub of' America, 'that, the club js offer­ing three medals ofAeronautics merit to each of fiftyleading universities tobe awarded to the three students in eachuniversity who. write the best essays byMarch 15,. 1917, on (1) Military Aero­nautics, (2) Mechanics of the Aeroplaneand Possible Technical Development inAeronautics, (3) Possible Application ofAircraft for Utilitarian Purposes. Deci­sion upon the essays is left to be passedupon 'either by the members of thefaculty of the - University or by ex­perts ,to be designated by the AeroClub. The essays are not limited inlength, and anyone student may com­pete for all 'three' medals. Mr. Hawleypoints out that in the past summer twelveYale men formed the Volunteer AerialCoast Patrol Unit No.1, and that twenty­four Harvard students learned to fly dur­ing the summer, and declares that menin at least fifty other colleges are knownto. have taken .up the problems of aero­nautics in the past few months.Charles Evans Hughes, trustee of theUniversity, has been, defeated for thePresidency of the' United .States .. A wild,chorus of explanationsMr. Hughes ' is ri'sing' to the skies.,, Mr. Hughes was a dis­appointing campaigner '; he was deceived ' 53and tricked by the conservatives in Cali ...fornia; his campaign was mishandled bythe conservatives in the east; the tempor­ary prosperity of the last two years wasan argument for 'Wilson too strong tobe overcome' in an unthinking nation;and so on. But in' all this confusion ofvoices, as throughout the campaign, itis to be noted that not one word hasever been said against Mr. Hughes .as'an individual; neither against his hon­esty or against his' efficiency. Thatsilent tribute is magnificent. Think ofthe issue that could have been raisedof "the Supreme Court. cin politics."Why was it not raised? Because, theDemocratic, party did not dare. Thecountry is so profoundly convinced ofthe idealism and honor of Mr. Bughesthat any .attack upon him must havereacted disastrously; it would havebeen like calling General Robert E. Leea: traitor; when' Mr. Hughes does athing, the act, by the purity of his mo­tives; becomes ennobled. The presentwriter, after long hesitation, voted forWilson; but as an alumnus of Chicagohe is prouder than ever that on theboard of our Trustees 'sits CharlesEvans Hughes.During the past academic year theDepartment of Education of the Uni­versity has had charge of two' surveysof school, systems, .one atSchool Grand Rapids, Mich.j andSurveys' one at St. Louis, Mo. Inaddition several members ofthe Department have been engaged 111other surveys not directly under 'itscontrol, 'Professor Judd and J. Frank-'lin Bobbitt, Associate Profes-sor ofSchool Administration, participated inthe survey of the schools of Denver,Colo. Professor Otis W. Caldwell,with" a number of the advanced stu­dents in the Department of Education,-'participated' in '·the survey at' Gary,tnd.' ,In both of. the cities in which the De-54 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpartment directed the survey, completestudies were made of all departmentsof the school system. Tests have beengiven in such subjects as reading, arith­metic, and penmanship. The recordsof the school system with regard tonon-promotions iuthe grades and fail­ures in various departments of the highschool were worked out in detail; thequalifications of teachers and the termsof experience were fully canvassed; andthe courses of study, the hygienic con­ditions of the buildings, p_nd the finan­cial operations of the system were alsosubjects of full reports.In general, the methods of a schoolsurvey are methods of complete de­scription by comparison. One city iscompared with another and one schoolbuilding is compared in its work withothers within the system. In somecases this comparison is carried farenough to make possible a study of theachievements in successive gradeswithin the same building. The school­survey movement thus serves to bringtogether the school systems of differentparts of the country. Heretofore, eachcity has been conducting its work with­out definite knowledge of how its workcompares with that of other schoolsystems. By means of the surveys it isnow coming to be possible for anyschool system to check its work againstthe work of a neighboring city. In thisway standards are being set up forschool work which are derived from acareful study of the actual experiencesof schools rather than through anyarbitrary notion imposed upon theschools from above as to the achieve­ments that ought to be expected in, thedifferent grades.The laboratory schools of the Uni­versity of Chicago Care the -sources ofmany. of these studies. Some of thework which has been done in readingwill shortly be published in rnono­graphs that are being prepared by vari­ous members of the Department of Education. The members of the De­partinent who have participated. inthese educational surveys include thefollowing:Associate Professor J. Franklin Bob­bitt, elementary curriculum, buildingsand general administration; Dr. HaroldO. Rugg, finance and supplies; Assist­ant Professor Frank N. Freeman, writ­ing; Dr. 'William S. Gray, reading; Mr.John B. Cragun, music; and ProfessorJ udd, high schools and non-promo­tions.The National Association Of AlumniSecretaries met this year, Oct. 26-28,with Vanderbilt University, at Nashville,'Tennessee. Wilfrid B.A Meeting of S haw, of Michigan,Secretaries was president, and. among the forty insti-tutions represented were Iowa, Minne­sota and Wisconsin ; but not the Uni­versity of Chicago. Such topics were dis­cussed as "The Ideals of Alumni as TheyAffect or Are Affected by Athletics,""Educational Standards," -' "UniversityPolicies," "Methods of Raising Fundsand Inviting Alumni Support," and "The­Practical Application of Results ofAlumni Organization." The next meet­ing will be held at Ann Arbor in 1918.John Moulds, or whoever may be carry­ing the flag in 1918, must certainly go toAnn Arbor.Announcement was made at the re­cent Quarter-Centennial that thealumni of the two Departments ofGeology and Geog­Prof. Salisbury's raphy would pre­Portrait sent to the Univer-si ty a portrai t ofProfessor Rollin D. Salisbury, head ofthe Department of Geography anddean of the Ogden Graduate School ofScience, in recognition of his long andvaluable service for the University andin scientific fields. -EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe portrait, recently finished by Porto Rico and South America. He isRalph Clarkson, the Chicago painter, a member of numerous scientific socie­is reproduced in this issue. It is now ties, including -the Geological Societyhung in the new exhibition of Arneri- of America, the Association of Ameri­�an painters at the Art Institute. At can Geographers, the American Asso­the end of the Chicago exhibition, the ciation for the Advancement of, Sci­painting will go to the Corcoran Art ence, and the Washington Academy ofGallery in Washington. Later it will Sciences. He is the author Of widelyhave .a permanent place in Julius used textbooks on geology and geog­Rosenwald Hall. raphy, including an advanced course'Dean Salisbury has been connected on Physiography in the "American Sci­with the University since its founding ence Series;" and for over twenty yearsin 1892. During that tim� he has been he has been one of the editors of theProfessor of -Geogr?phic Geology, for Journal of. Geology. Has any teachertwo years, Dean of the University Col- " of geology in these United SUlt�s moreleges, and since 1899 Dean of the Og- friends who are admirers and more ad­den Graduate School of Scienc-e. In mirers who are friends? Necessarily1903 he was made head_ of the Depart- not! Necessarily hot!ment of Geography. For twelve yearsalso Professor Salisbury was assistantUnited States geologist in the glacialdivision, becoming geologist in 1894.For fifteen years he has been the geol­ogist in charge of Pleistocene geologyin the. state of New Jersey. His fieldwork with graduate students has takenhim into many parts of the UnitedStates and he has also made special in­vestigations in Germany, Greenland, 55This issue has been delayed two daysbecause the football season could nototherwise have been re­About This viewed till January, whichIssue" .seemed late. There hasalso been a postponementof the article on the Psi Upsilon. house,for reasons' connected with photography.Merry Christmas'! ,.A Plan for Establishing" Departments of. Medi­cine and Surgery in the University .of ChicagoI. What, the 'University Is NowD,oing1. · The University of Chicago now of-·fers laboratory instruction comprisingthe first two years of the four years'medical ,course on a thoroughly modern. basis. Thi s covers such departments asAnatomy, Physiology, - Pathology, Bac­teriology, Physiological Chemistry', andthe fundamental 'work in the Depart­ments of Physics and Chemistry. It hasbeen possible' to organize' and conductthese two years on an adequate basis bythe" admirable, facilities afforded in the Hull Biological Laboratories. The in­come- on approximately two. million dol­lars of University endowment is devotedto these .two years of medical work.2. Students who have completed thetwo years above noted may 'then obtaintheir clinical work at Rush MedicalCollege, under the. arrangement of affilia­tion now in force 'betwe'en that collegeand the University of Chicago. RushMedical College conducts,' its work in, connection with the Presbyterian Hos­pital, with which it has a contract bywhich the Hospital material is used for56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe various medical school clinics. TheM. D. degree is given by. the Rush Med­ical College, and not by the University ofChicago.II. What the University Now Pro­poses to Do1. It is now proposed to complete theDepartments of Medicine and Surgery atthe University. by establishing the lasttwo years=-the so-called clinical years­on precisely the same basis, .and with thesame scientific methods, as those underwhich the first two years are now con­ducted. This will provide in the quad- .rangles of the 'University a completemedical school, leading to the degree ofDoctor of Medicine, to be given by theUniversity of Chicago. To this end aUniversity hospital, of approximately250 beds, with laboratories adapted toteaching and research, will have to bebuilt on the Midway. A clinical staff,giving their entire time to hospital' work,teaching and research, will be organizedby the University, in order to completethe medical staff of the new school.There' will thus be created on the present�ite of the ·University a high-grade med­ical school, with standards of admissionand of graduation as exacting as anY,: inthe country, and with a hospital devotedwholly. to purposes of medical educationand research. In order to make this planpossible there must be an endowmentprovided sufficient to make it unnecessaryfor the staff of the medical school to di­vert their time to private practice, andsufficient also. to free' the 'hospital fromthe necessity of depending on payingpatients.It is not intended or desired that theschool should be a large one. It is notbelieved to be the primary function ofthe University to provide the medicalprofession annually with a large numberof new practitioners. What is desired isto select by the most rigid tests suchnumber of students from those who ap�ply for admission as can receive the best possible training' with facilities whichwill be provided. The number of' stu­dents contemplated in this plan will beapproximately 350.'.. .2. In addition to the need whichwould be met by the institution just de­scribed, there is a very strong demand inthis country for adequate and efficientgraduate instruction. Physicians inactive practice who desire to procureopportunities to develop along speciallines, or to bring their training and ex�perience up to date, have been obliged toresort to Europe, because none of thegreat American universities make properprovision for them. In order to me:tthis situation it is proposed that the Uni­versity of Chicago take over the presentcontract between Rush Medical Collegeand the Presbyterian Hospital, and thatthe Presbyterian Hospital thereafter beused for. graduate instruction and re­search. To this end it will be necessaryto provide adequate laboratory space andproper equipment, an.d a paid laborat�rystaff; in connection with the PresbyterianHospital. .This involves of course anadequate endowment fo.r t�ese purpos:s,together with the substitution of a suit­able laboratory building for the presentinadequate building of Rush MedicalCollege.� As, preliminary to carrying out thisplan, the Board of Trustees of. RushMedical College and the Board of Man­agers of the Presbyterian Hospital· haveagreed that when the proper funds areprovided the contract.between thos.� t�obodies will be transferred, so that It WIllrun between the University of Chicagoarid the Presbyterian Hospital. TheTrustees of Rush Medical College willthen turn over to the University of Ch�­cago, so far as compatible with legal obli­gations, their property. The terms ofappointment of the faculty of. RushMedical College will thereby immediatelycease and determine, and the Board ofTrustees of the University of Chicagowill be"'- free to organize the staff of theEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONSgraduate "medical school in connectionwith the Presbyterian Hospital for itsnew work. '3. Medical research involving scien­tific study of the causes of disease, themethods of copingwith various forms ofdisease, and especially the methods ofprevention, is becoming increasinglyvitally important. Such research willnaturally center in the quadrangles of theUniversity, in connection with the newmedical school in the quadrangles on theMidway. Of course, also, it should 'becarried on in the graduate school, in con­nection with its laboratories, and with thePresbyterian Hospital. The Universitywill hope to be provided with funds of itsown from' time to. time for carrying onsuch investigations. Meanwhile it is pro­posed to form contractual relations withtheTrustees of funds which have alreadybeen devoted to such purposes. TheTrustees of" the Sprague Memorial Insti­tute have already voted their approval ofthe general plan, and their willingness tomake, a suitable contract with the Uni­versity in order to carry out the purposeof ' medical research under. the University,auspices ..III. What the Plan Means, to the Cityof ChicagoWhen this entire project is carriedout Chicago will have what nO. other cityin the United States, nnw possesses,namely, both. a high-grade universitymedical ,school and a properly organizedand equipped school for the further train­ing of physicians . already in the field.Medical research and medical educationwill thus exist in Chicago on the mostfavorable basis possible. The Universitywill have effectual educational control ofall these facilities. At the same time it is,noted that the plan contemplates a sortof federal union with, existing organiza­tions. It is made possible by the large­minded and generous action of the Boardof Managers of the Presbyterian Hos­'pital and of the Board of Trustees of 57Rush Medical College and of the SpragueMemorial Institute. It is expected thatother such organizations will be effected,as the University welcomes co-operationtoward these common ends. At the sametime it is noted, as has been said above,that in all such arrangements the Univer­sity will have effective educational direc-tion of all the facilities.,It is hardly necessary to dwell on theiinportance of this undertaking. Bycreating a medical school of the higheststandard in an important city like Chi­cago, the resources of the medical pro­fession _in the fields of education andresearch will be greatly increased, and astimulus it is believed will be given toprogress' in the reorganization �nd im­provement of medical education through-out the country. '- IV. Finances,'For initiating the execution of thisgreat plan the following .financial esti-mate is made:,1. Provision Already- M ade. Theplant and equipment of the PresbyterianHospital are estimated at $3,000,000.The plant. and equipment of Rush Med­ieal College are estimated at $250,000.The endowment of the University. ofChicago, whose income is now used formedical instruction, is estimated at$2,000,000. The land provided by theUniversity for the hospital may be esti­mated at $500,000. The endowment ofthe Sprague Memorial Institute" whoseincome will be used primarily' for med-.ical research, is estimated now at ap­proximately $1,000,000, and it is expectedwill be increased to approximately$2,000,000. This will total a fund of$7,750,000, which is' already provided.. 2. New Funds, Needed. 'In order toinitiate these plans 'adequately there �i1lbe n�eded, in the first place, a hospital onthe Midway, with its provision of equip­ment, including laboratories and lecturerooms, $1,000,000; in the second place, a­laboratory to be used in connection with58 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Presbyterian Hospital, which with itsequipment it is estimated will cost $300,-000; and endowment to start the entireplan properly to the amount of $4,000,-000, making a total of $5,300,000 to beobtained.Of this total sum of $5,300,000, theGeneral Education Board offers $1,000,-000, and the Rockefeller Foundation,$1,000,000. These funds of ·course areconditioned on carrying out the general plan above outlined, and on securing theentire fund of $5,300,000. Contributionshave further been made by friends Of thecause, whose names are not yet madepublic, to the amount of $700,000, andMr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald of Chi­cago have contributed $500,000. Thismakes the total amount thus far con­ing to be obtained at this time, therefore,tributed $3,200,000, and the fund remain­is $2,100,000.The Conference MedalTHE CONFERENCE MEDALReaders of the Magazine will remem­ber the announcement about a year and ahalf ago that the Undergraduate Confer­ence Athletic Association had decidedto give to each of the conference uni­versities medals, to be known as TheConference Medal, and one to be awardedeach year to the senior who, in fouryears, had the highest degree of achieve­ment in his athletic and in his scholasticwork. The recipient of the medal wasto be named in each case by the Presi­dent, and the award was to be madeafter giving equal consideration to schol­arship and athletics. The medals, al­though awarded both in 1915 and 1916, have only just been completed. Theobverse and reverse are shown in theaccompanying illustrations. the medalwas designed by Dr. R. Tait McKenzie,who is the director of Physical Educationin the University of Pennsylvania. Dr.McKenzie is a sculptor of high standingand has done particularly interestingwork in the studies of men in variousstages of fatigue. He has just returnedafter a leave of absence of a year anda half spent with the hospital service ofthe British army. He was in charge ofone of the large concentration campsnear Manchester, and it was there thatthe medal was designed. Copies of themedal have been presented to the Art 1n-LETTERS OF A SELF-MAD,E SUBSTITUTEstitute of Chicago, and the N-umismaticSociety of Chicago for their collections.Large" plaster casts of the obverse andreverse of the medal are also to be sentto the various conference universities.From the funds of the Conference Ath­letic Association money' has been setaside to meet the annual cost of themedals perpetually, and it is hoped thatthe medal may stimulate to wholesome 59competition, with the result that moregood athletes may be good scholars, andmore good scholars' may be led to an in­terest in physical development.The medal was awarded at the Uni­versity of Chicago in 1915 to Francis T.Ward, B. S., captain of the track team,and in 19_16 to Paul S. Russell, Ph. B.,captain ·of the football team.The Letters of a Self- Made Substitute toHis Father[At the Alumni Dinner on November 15, Don�ld "too proud to fight." 1. don't mean theyR. Richberg, '01, read the first four of the following ,letters.. The fifth was added later. They' constitute were' afraid to 'fight,' father;' because as aa "review of the season" which is both- unique and ' "bvaluable.-Ed.] 'matter of fact 'they" were far too rave.October 9, 1916. 'It takes a lot 'more. courage to charge theDear Father : You have doubtless line standing up,' with' your stomach anaread about the Carleton game in the' vital organs unprotected, than. to ducknewspapers and will be glad to hear that 'your head and' hit the • line Iike. a scaredI had no part in it, although I had played buJl.. 'But the scared bull method isso many positions .in practice that I' felt better football.almost sure I would be used. . I haye Another trouble was that most- everybeen working with the third- eleven and fellow, has .sorne beautiful dame' irr theplayed quarter back, half, back, end; grand stand who, he thinks, is 'watch­tackle and guard, and I heard one of the ing him, and him alone.vso he wants hercoaches say last week that he thought I to see just who is carrying the ball orwas just about as much good wherever making that nice hole in the line. Thethey put me.. I did think I would get dames in the grand stand sawall right inin the last half of the Carleton game be- the Carleton game, but what they sawcause Mr. - Stagg said in his illustrated can't have made them very proud .:lecture between halves' that the worst N ext week we play Indiana and I'llscrub on the field had played better in write you a more cheerful letter. r ex­practice than the best man on the team pect to get into the game. then and I'mwas playing, and he looked at me very sure Chicago will do better.significantly. If you have an 'extra twenty-five youThe trouble with the team, father, has would like to put to work it would beall been a matter of politics-they are .appreciated bysimply disorganized over the presidential Your hardworking son Joe.election-and spend all their time on and October 23, 1916. 'off the field fighting about Wilson and Dear Father: Indiana and N orthwest-Hughes. Mr. Stagg has found out now 'ern have happened since I wrote last.his fatal blunder in the Carleton game. The reason I haven't played and haven'tHe picked a democratic i lineup that written is all on account of the silly sys .. 'didn't believe in preparedness and was' tern of marking class work in Chicago60 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI became ineligible through a technicality,although I was really doing well in allmy courses. So I have had to sit uplate nights doing extra work and sit onthe side lines; although I would surelyhave been used in one of the many posi­tions which I still play in practice.Luckily we managed to get by with In­diana. As one of our wags put it-therewas Stiehm behind their team, but notmuch in it. Chicago played a nice gen­tlemanly game with them and still man­aged to win, so we all cheered up andcalled the Carleton game just a fluke un­til Northwestern hit us. It was reallyunfair for Northwestern to. beat us be­cause it has become a custom for theMethodists to come down quietly everyyear and accept what was handed tothem, and if it was less than 30 to 0 theywent back and built a fireless bonfire inEvanston and had a victory celebration.But Northwestern had been completelyrenovated in the last few years' andopened up under new management. Theyhave a new gym, a new field and newdormitories-s-and, by the way, those newdormitories are wonderful-they don't'look like any other dormitories that wereever built or ever will be. They've got anew football coach, too, and a new team.I have heard that they were included inthe contractor's extras when they builtthe new buildings. That team disap­pointed our men from the start. Theydidn't play like a Northwestern team atall. Our fellows had been coachedto play a Bible class. But this was atough bunch, that swore and spit on theirhands and acted real rowdly-like. Ourfellows kept looking over to the sidelines reproachful-like-as if they wereasking Stagg what he meant by lettingsuch a bunch loose at 'em. And whileour boys were doing this Northwesternscored-and except for an awful longdrop kick that's about all there was tothat game.By the way, did you forget the extra twenty-five? I have so many books tobuy.Your overworked son Joe.October 30, 1916.Dear .Father : 'There isn't much towrite about the Wisconsin game. Wewent up without much hope, but we cameback feeling better, knowing that if wehad had just a little better luck we wouldhave won, if Wisconsin hadn't scoredquite so often. The feeling between thedemocrats and republicans on the teamis now so bitter that Stagg says if hecould only transform it into footballenergy we could make Harvard look likea prep school team. The Old Man isexperimenting with this and often heshifts a Wilson majority to. a Hughesmajority on the team just to see if theywon't fight better. Then when theHughes bunch gets too reactionary hegoes back to the "Watchful Waiting"crowd. That's why he sometimes sendsin .four or five men at o.nce-just tochange the political complexion of theeleven. He says that the team must get"pep" somehow, and if their main in­terest is politics maybe he can get it byplaying politics on them. Lots .of poorscrubs get a chance. to. play through thissystem, but it's been awfully hard on me,because early rn the season I decided tokeep out of team politics and so as to beneutral I said I was for .Benson-s-so I' I don't get a chance to play all year.Thanks for the five. Will yousend theother twenty later?- y �ur unlucky son Joe.November 6, 1916.Dear' Father: . Well, we beat Purdue,didn't we? Stagg certainly is a wizard.He worked out that political combinationin a grand 'way. You see, just beforeelection politics was extra hot. It gotso that the main interest of the playersin a· scrimmage was to make trouble for'those of the other party, That's why ourinterference was always getting in theway of itself. While signals were beinggiven some Wilson man would think ofLETTERS OF A SELF-MADE SUBSTITUTEa nasty retort to make to the nearestHughes man and when the ball wassnapped he would naturally start in thatdirection and get the play all muddledup. Or it might happen some Hughesman would .get the idea, it would be agreat pleasure to kick a Wilson man onthe shins and call him a boob-so he'd goafter his own man' in scrimmage, for­getting all about the other fellow. SQStagg figured out a line-up that wasdemocratic on one side of the center 'andrepublican on the other. This made eachside crazy to outplay the other. .Then,too, - their only' chance to' get at eachother was through Purdue, and' theywere in such a hurry to charge that theykept getting the -jump on Purdue for-.wards=-and in their surprise at this un­expected feat they suddenly began to playfootball, .. and there was no more poll­tics heard until after the battle, whenthe final- betting began in the lockerrooms.,1 didn't get in the game, but there'sIllinois and Minnesota still coming, so Ihaven't lost hope; and as for the team Ifeel sure it's .going to end the seasonin a blaze of glory. You see, electioncomes next Tuesday and then the teamhas a whole week to get over the sorenessof those who lose and the swell headsof those who win ... ' By the time we meetIllinois I think we'll be out of politicsand playing. good old Chicago football,so. if you don;t' send me that twenty Ihope you bet it on Chicago. and dividethe winnings with me, because this is agood straight tip, from your disappointedbut still hard working son, Joe.November 20; 1916.Dear Father: Oh Illinois! oi, Illi­nois I Nobody yet knows just what hap­pened-s-but I can give you a little insidedope. Saturday morning Captain jack­san dropped a hand mirror and broke it�11 to pieces; Red Graham stepped on thetail of a black cat; Hanisch found thir­teen pieces of egg shell in his ·scrambledeggs; Higgins walked under a ladder and 61Stagg spilt a salt-cellar on the break­fast table. Under these "favorable aus­pices" the team went forth to battle withthe fierce Illini. It wasn't a sweet-tern­pered crowd, father; but charity for theerring brother who smites thee is not afootball virtue..The previous Wednesday night we allwent to the Alumni dinner at the Uni­versity Club and- listened to some veryheartless criticism. by a lot of fat andbaldheaded men, some of whom are has­beens and some of whom .never were.It's awfully easy to talk football fightafter a big dinner and coffee and cigars,and those grads. certainly had an easytime. It made 'some of the boys prettymad.One. maD: read my early letters to you,but he changed the signature, so I haveescaped suspicion .. Most of the regularswere looking for that scrub " Joe" allduring Thursday practice and they actedfiercer than I've ever seen them before.Well, father, you saw what we ·did to. Illinois, but' I certainly can't tell justhow We did it. The paper said -the Illi­nois crowd was dazed. by our, victory,but they had nothing on us there. .Wetried. to figure it out all. the way horne.Of course, we had a lot of luck, but thatdoesn't tell the. story .. Luck helped usto score, but it didn't stop Illinois, andit -didn't account for all .the yards weplowed and wriggled through the Illinoisteam. I think maybe our scholars'brains got connected up with their angrypassions, because they certainly playedlike demons.I'm. sure I would have been .in thegame, 'father, but there were hardly ariysubstitutions. Every fellow was fightingso hard, he didn't know when he washurt. Perhaps that's why we won. DocI Hamill thinks so anyway. 'N ow we are looking forward to Min­·nesota. There are two ways to figurethe dape.Wisconsin 30-Chicago 7; Minnesota54-Wisconsin 0; or Chicago 20-Illinols7; Illinois 14-M�nnesota 9 ..CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES FOR THE SETTLEMENT DANCE.Dunlap Clark, '17; Robert Dunlap, '17; Marjorie Coonley, '17;- Nadine Hall, '17; John Guerin,'18; Joseph Levin, '17; Margaret Monroe, '17.THE SETTLEMENT DANCE 63Looking through Wisconsin, Minne­sota will beat us at least 77-7-or pos­sibly about 243-0.Looking through Illinois, we will beatMinnesota 27-9-or possibly 42-3.It doesn't look to me like a good bet­ting proposition, father. I suppose youwon about $40 on my $20, if you bet onChicago as I advised-and I look anx­iously for your n'ext letter remitting me my share. Fifty-fifty 1S all right withme, father.Your hard working son,Joe.P. S.-I hope to get a chance to playagainst Minnesota. It's usually a roughgame and I'm sure Stagg will give me achance if enough men get hurt. Here'shoping!The Settlement DanceThe tenth annual settlement dancewill occupy the floor of Bartlett gym­nasium on the night of Saturday, De­cember 9. A decade ago, the Under­graduate council of the university con­ceived the idea of giving a benefit affairfor the University of Chicago Settlement,which is located at Forty-seventh streetand Gross avenue. The first dancenetted $340; and since then, the returnshave swelled appreciably year 'by yearuntil a mark of $1,326 was set last year.The dance committee members this yearare out to break that record, and aretrying to boost the net receipts to $1,500,the present deficit of the Settlement.Last year the alumni responded onlymeagerly to the call for support to thedance. Perhaps this was due to thetardiness of the committee's notice to thealumni, perhaps .to a feeling that the Set­tlement dance is an undergraduate affairexclusively. At any rate, the 1916 com­mittee, after an analysis of last year's re­port, finds itself dependent to a consid­erable extent on' the SUPP9rt of thealumni for the achievement of the diffi­cult task which it has set before itself."Fifteen hundred or blow a cylinder!"is the committee's motto, and its .membersare hoping that the alumni will preventthe blowout. The undergraduates re­sponded splendidly last year, and it seemsrather unreasonable to expect much morefrom them this year. But the alumni were slack in their support, and it is inthe hope of stirring them to action thatthis appeal is made.The Settlement dance is not by anymeans exclusively an undergraduate af­fair. It is a University of Chicagoaffair for the University Settlement, andas such its results are results of everypart of the University of Chicago, alumniand undergraduate bodies alike. Thisyear, the committee hopes to. make thedance a sort of reunion for alumni, a get­together affair for Chicago graduatescertainly.According to precedent, the dance willnot be an invitation affair, and thegreater number of women will come un­escorted. The reception committee isgoing to be huge and efficient. Manynovel entertainment features are planned,including a wild man, a fortune teller, abally-hoo man, a bucket of blood, thefamily skeleton, folk dancers and othersabout whom there are merely mysteriousrumors. There will be plenty of danc­ing to good music, besides, and a grandchance to meet a great many people allover again.The committee is depending on theloyalty of Chicago graduates to produceof its own accord the results which willmean success to its enterprise.Will it be fifteen hundred?THE COMMITTEE.In behalf of the Undergraduate Counciland the Y. M. C. A.64 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEProfessor Laughlin to the Doctors of Philosophy *I ing of intellect�al fibre to be obtainedPerhaps it will be allowed me to dis- only under good teaching in the second-'cuss with you for a few minutes some hproblems" of the young scholar in the ary sc 001 and the college. I doubt ifthe teaching function can ever be muchUnited States; for the problems of theDoctor are practically those of the reduced in the university. It is the con-h I I h id dition precedent to final achievement insc 0 are n t e WI est sense, they raisethe old questions of idealism versus ma- research; for the inspiration to the possi-terialism: to vow one's self to scholarship ble student investigator usually comesmeans renouncing "the world, the flesh through the medium of highly successfuland the devil," a dedication unto the teaching. This opinion of mine may nothopeful, but often disappointing search be in accord with that which. decriesfor the unknown. On' the shining brow teaching because it hinders investigation.of the young scientist there should be the And yet I fully believe research to be notsame glow as that which transfigured the only the .most important, but indeed theface of Sir Galahad when he set out up- highest function of the university-thelifted in heart and purpose, to search for brightest jewel in its crown.the Holy Grail. ' It i.s a question as to what we mean byWhatever the elevation of purpose, teaching. In the development of investi­however, we· must face the matter of .gators some men, who are not themselvespreparation. In scholarship, as in war' effective producers, are very successfulhe who is prepared is favored by the in sending out men who are producers.Gods. How are scholars made? The If by teaching w� mean guidance to theonly factories are our universities. This nascent investigator, then teaching is di­inevitably brings us face to face with reedy necessary to research. In the" usualopinions as to. what the University la�ent, that the drudgery of teachingshould be. In these days the mobiliza- stifles research, reference is undoubtedlytio? of �du�ational resources in any great had to the heavy work of introductoryuniversity involves such questions of ad- . teaching and the time-consuming reading�inistrati.on .that executive ability of a of students' papers and reports. Here is�llgh quality IS as essential in a faculty as one of the serious problems of the youngm the departments of a great business scholar. The fabric of the educationalconcern. Men must, therefore be found system that leads up to the heights of re­in our membership who are not distin- search and discovery necessarily -requiresguished .as scholars; land such men may much teaching of a fundamental charac­not even be good teachers. Again, in this ter. It is preparation of the student forcountry, it goes without saying that the the final achievements of scholarship. Toteaching function of the college cannot many a trustee a university should beb.e .�holly separated from the higher ac- created for the professors" and success istivities of the University. Men never measured by the numbers of students' tocan �e fitted for research, the highest many a professor a university should' befunction of "the university, without first created for the professors and success ispassing through the systematic accumula- often measured 'by the. leisure allowed fortion of knowledge and getting a season- study .. To others, a university is a placeconsciously organized so that by constant*Given at the meeting of the Association tests gradation and 1 ti fof Doctors of Philosophy in connection with' se ec ion, a ewthe Quarter Centennial Celebration June 6 chosen persons may ,be evolved compe-1916. ' 't t t h hien 0 carry I on t . e ighest tasks of re-PROF. LAUGHLIN TO DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY 65search and discovery. In short, therecipe for stimulating investigation isfirst catch your carp; first find the mancapable of investigation. To some asplendid laboratory seems to give theman a sense of importance; but the realman of research gives the laboratory im­portance. Big thinking may go on in avery small room.IIPerhaps my only qualifications forspeaking to you today are that I am oldenough-or young enough-to bridgewith my memory the whole doctoral his­tory in this country. It seems to be wellestablished that I was part and parcel ofthe first seminar work in our universities,and among the first Ph.D.'s. BeforeJohns Hopkins University was estab­lished in 1876, three of us-of whom onewas the present Senator Lodge of Massa­chusetts-had been engaged in researchunder Henry Adams, the Historian, andwe were made doctors at Harvard in1876. The light literature which resultedfrom our investigations was contained ina volume of "Anglo-Saxon Law."With you have I trod the typical pathof all doctors, �ho had to begin with asalary less than a policeman's. I wonderhow many of us feellike describing thatwearisome path from five hundred dol­lars a year to an assistant professorshipin these words of Milton:"Long is the way"And hard, that out of hell leads up tolight."A president who was able to' raise thesalaries of learned young doctors was avery Jehovah on a golden throne, whoselocks glowed like a thousand searchlights-before whom we stood, wistful acolytesof learning, with the dust of libraries onour brows.Certainly one thing came prominentlyforth from my doctoral training. Neverafterwards could I balk at work becauseit was hard. The lesson of persistence ingetting materials at no matter what cost of time or labor was learned, never to beforgotten. In a study of the origins ofEnglish law and institutions, I was neversupposed to. whimper at rereading thewhole body of Anglo-Saxon laws sixtimes in a sea.rch for procedural methodsfrom feud to jury; or to pore overtwenty-five thousand pages of capit­ularies in rnedireval Latin. Never sincehas any task seemed impossible ..We young doctors must have been in­teresting to onlookers. Vve supposedthat the whole world was watching us.We were distinguished in most cases bya big pipe in our mouths, a large sense ofcondescension to the non-doctoral uni­verse, and by the air of great candorwhich obliged us, solely in the interestsof truth, to indicate that we were in theline of direct descent from Minerva. Wemight well have .been admonished to"Tarry at Jericho until our beards aregrown."There was the sort fresh from Germanknipes, greatly respected,"For he by geometric scaleCould take the size of pots of ale."But how many of us, having gone forthwith the morning dew on our shiningarmor, have come back after long dayswith the cup? What a lot of rusty,dinted old harness is scattered along thedoctoral highway!If many of us have fallen short of ourearly promise, it is probably due to a lossof our inspiring vision. There are twopossible reasons for such failures: First,in our egotism we thought we were in­vestigators, when really we were not.For the advance of research there isnothing so deadly as conceit, and nothingso productive as humility. Learning isan essential to a teacher whose functionit is to impart knowledge; but, as we allagree, education is not information. Tocollect the learning of others may im­press the ignorant; but it is not research.To succeed in research one must haveextended the boundaries of human66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEknowledge, discovered a new principle, living. That duty every man must face.conquered the unknown. Sometimes the But not infrequently a young idealist,investigator comes with awe into the full of his vision, feels that the worldpresence of a new truth. One day a owes him a living, in spite of the burdensyoung man came out of his laboratory, a he himself has voluntarily assumed innew and strange expression on his face, order that he may be free to hunt in theand said, "Today I have just seen some- unknown fields of knowledge. :,3 itterlything that no. man has ever s�en before." __:_but quite .naturally-c-he is inclined toColumbus on the deck of his' ship, when assail his University as unappreciative ofthe dim coast line of America rose over the' investigator; and his heart growsthe sea; could not have had a nobler heavy.thrill of discovery, Indeed, the un- It will not, I hope, be regarded ascharted seas of science today offer' as brutal to say plainly that if the. will tomany prizes of discovery as ever before produce' is in us no power in heaven orin history. earth can keep it down. NO' drudgery ofIt is a well-recognized fact that many teaching kept Moody from expressingpersons seek and often obtain the doc- himself; nor Ricketts from penetratingtorate merely for the purpose of increas- 'to' the secrets of disease. And as toing their revenue as teachers. These Shorey, no drudgery �of teaching couldnever had the vision, and never will be prevent him, on receipt' of a telegram,discoverers of truth. Our real interest is from packing his valise and in twenty­in the picked few. It remains true in re- -'fotlr hours beginning a course of twelvesearch, as in the church, that "Many are lectures in Boston on the "Efflorescencecalled, but few are chosen." of the Diastole in the Poems of Pausa­nias." If the divine fire burns within us,it must come forth somewhere, somehow,When one says life is too distracting, toonoisy, for the serious work of produc­tion, he is publishing his own inadequacy.Was it 'not Chesterton who, said, in refer­ence to this .mattet:' when men complainedof an unsympathetic environment, thatBacon, and Shakespeare turned out theirproducts as naturally and easily as weperspire' ? If a young 'scholar feels theinner surge to produce, let him somehowgive' a sample product by which he maybe rated. It has been said of JacquesLoeb that ifhe were cast away on a coralreef with only a shoestring and a collarbutton', he would' probably soon be pr0�ducing sea urchins, or frogs, byparthenogenesis. .IIIFailures, however, are more oftenascribable, in the 'second place, to whatmay be called economic reasons. Beforehe has fairly mounted on his journey, theyoung doctor has added unto himselfthe burdens of a family. If never before,he must now exert himself to the utmostto be a bread-winner. Then comes thesituation which has become so familiar tous all-and I suppose, to every Univer­sity president. The would-be scholarfinds himself of. necessity taking onroutine teaching as a means of income;while the less gifted soon give up thehope of research, and the gifted fewchafe against the bars of repressivedrudgery, constantly hoping to find outa way of research while still earning aliving.. In short, even with the flower ofyoung scholars, the problem is to earn aliving and yet t9 cling to the ideals of re- .search. It. must be frankly .admittedthat, if he has had obligations thrustupon him, it is his first duty to earn a , IV'There is, to be sure, another and eco­nomic side to this matter. The price of ascholar' is not difficult to explain. Ifscholars of the productive type arescarce, they. "come high" ; they occupy aPROF. LAUGHLIN TO DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY 67monopoly position as truly as the success­ful captain of industry. Moreover, theinsight into truth is often the heresy oftoday. The scholar who penetrates intothe unknown must be content to belonely; not infrequently he is obliged togo without a publisher. To be unappre­ciated, if riot to be unpopular, is the partof the scholar who finds himself in an­tagonism to some illogical, but acceptedopinion of the day. Hence it may besaid that"Learning hath gained most by thosebooks by which the printers, havelost."Not only are men of research scarce,but their value to the University is infi­nite. The productive scholar is the oneevery University. is seeking. At thetime when President Jordan was, gath­eririg his faculty at Stanford, he wroteme on hearing of my corning to Chicago:"If a few more universities are estab­lished the position of a professor willsoon become respectable, even in the eyesof the richest trustees." But, if scholarsare in such demand, why is there anycomplaint as to their economic condi-tions? .\ The truth is that a would-be teacher-'like a horse-is not' always what heseems. To 'inyest in a professor is, asmuch a gamble as to buy a horse. Afterbeing permanently corralled he is apt tolose speed,. and to develop unexpectedpeculiarities. A university should haveto be as experienced as a Kentuckybreeder in picking promising, colts.When a scholar has arrived, it is easyenough for an institution to know that heis a desirable man to have.We come to see, then, that a youngscholar cannot expect to. be discovereduntil he has somehow indicated his qual­ity; but that, on the other hand, a verygreat responsibility rests upon the univer­sity to be keen in recognizing the pro­,ductive quality early in life, to nourishand feed it, and be proud to give it that environment which will encourage pro­duction and thereby greatly honor theUniversity. For, after all, the institu­tion that is putting forth new growth ofresearch at the top is the only institutionthat is really alive. If it is content toteach merely the accumulated learningand results of others, and itself to put outno new growth, it is really dead.Therefore, if productive scholars are'not easy to· find, and 'yet are absolutelyessential to a live university, I may bepermitted to, suggest some practicalmeans for mending the ills we now en­dure. Many men of promise have beencrushed by untoward conditions of pov­erty. There are some trees that risesplendidly to. heaven because they areplanted in good soil and are favored bysun and rain; others of the same speciesare stunted a.nd knarled by an evilenvironment. . So it is with scholars­most sensitive of all plants to kindlyinfluence. What can be done by the uni­versity to find the stock true to speciesand give it its full growth?Without doubt" endowment fundsshould be set "aside for the purpose offreeing men capable of research from the. drudgery Of elementary teaching. But­keeping in mind the frailties of humannature-these funds should be trans­ferred from one man to another, and notgiven permanently to one. If a promis­ing investigation were disclosed, such aman could be encouraged; if the promisefailed of fulfillment, the man was not theone to be encouraged. Thus could bedevised a practica.l means 0 f discoveringwhich of the many aspirants for researchwere fit for further trial. By some suchmethod as this, without doubt, the uni­versity could gradually build up a corps• 'of effective producers. Then, certainly,if the' producer is found, the duty-andthe ambition-i-of the University is clear.An investment in productive men is thehighest possible use of the University'sfunds. The creation of a permanent68 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M4GAZINEfund to be devoted to the encouragementof research, gradually accumulated or en­larged by, gift, is the one clear sign bywhich an enlightened and progressive,university may be known. To such aninstitution will come the pick of ambi­tious graduate students from everywhere.Doubly rich in investigators .and in stu­dents of ability who are worthy of atten­tion, then indeed will science grow frommore to more in that place of learning.VIn these past twenty-five years muchhas been done; more remains to' be done.In many directions encouragement hasbeen given tq research; but, while em­phasis has been put upon good teachirig-s­and teaching should aim to· develop char­acter and good form as well as the mind-would we not make even more progressin the future if greater emphasis vyereplaced on the methods of· trying butpromising producers, and making .possi- ble to the gifted few the highest univer­sity distinctions?We are turning but increasing numbersof mediocre doctors. They are too oftengiven a degree for the careful collectionof the learning of others. Very soon thedegree of Ph.D. will have-s-as it mayalready have-gained the connotation ofthe, routine A. M. degree. Some meansshould be found for separating collectorsof learning from the productive investi­gators.To some of us who have nearlyreached the end of an academic career,there is much of inspiration and cheer onan occasion like this. About to leave thest�e and turn our faces to the sunset,we pause here a moment to look back tothe sunrise; and out of- the morning isseen the long line of young scholarssweeping on to the present hour, aflameto take up the tasks of scholarship we areleaving, and to carry forward the work ofresearch far beyond our own expectation.-Iturus Salutai.The First Year: October 1; 1892, toOctober 1, 1893[The following sections are reprinted from an arti­de by Dr. Alonzo K. Parker, published in the mostrecent issue of The University Record. They so'supplement and illuminate Dr. Goodspeed's Historythat we feel the alumni in general ought not to missthem. The MAGAZINE greatly regrets that it has notthe, space to reprint the article in full. Dr. Parkerwas a member of the' Board of Trustees from 1891",to 1901, and Recorder from 1901 to 1913, and wasclosely associated with Dr. Goodspeed in ,the prepa­ration of materials for The History�-Ed.]The carefully framed and explicitregulations under which the UniversityExtension Division worked were setforth in Official Bulletin No.6. It wasthere specified that students who havedone by correspondence half the amountof undergraduate work required for adegree, in accordance with the conditionslaid down. for the choice of courses inan undergraduate college, and have passed the entrance examinations, will beconsidered as full matriculants, and willb� accorded the privileges of Universitystudents, with the privilege of completingthe course for the Bachelor's degree atsuch time or times as they may elect.To not a few conservative thinkersthese proposals were not merely novel�.they were revolutionary. The suggestionthat under any conceivable safeguardscredit toward a college degree might be• given for any, even the 'smallest amountof work done by correspondence, was ab­horrent. And some of them said so' inplain language; , Who but a charlatanwould have the effrontery to claim, thata weekly letter could be a satisfactoryFIRST YEAR: OCT. I) 1892) TO OCT. I) 1893substitute for the "learned presence?"Plainly, the scheme was the sensationalclaptrap that might be expected to. issuefrom Chicago. It was nothing other thana clever advertising bid on behalf of auni versity yet in its swaddling clothes;it threatened to degrade that sacrosanctthing, a college degree, below the leveleven of a Chautauqua "seal." Thesewere hard words, to be sure, but theybroke no bones. And critics in generalwere less hasty in their judgments uponthis new departure in education, andmore reasonable. They admitted, cau­tiously and with reservations, that therewas much to be said for this bold pro­posal to give credit toward a degree forwork done by correspondence. Carefullyguarded against misuse and strength­ened at certain weak points, it might beadmitted to trial. It contained possi­bilities of good results.It must be said in extenuation of whatnow appears to have been a hasty andcaptious criticism that, although upon acareful study of the scheme UniversityExtension by correspondence was onething and University Extension by publiclectures plainly quite another thing, thetwo extension methods were not alwaysclearly distinguished from each other,and condemnation and eulogy were lav­ished without intelligent discriminationupon the new Chicago idea of learningmade easy. It was in fact the, lecturemethod, in which there was little thoughtof gaining "credit," but chiefly of usingthe opportunity of studying a particularsubject for three months under univer­sity direction by the help of recorn­mended books, and a consecutive courseof weekly lectures, which excited so.much attention and was received with somuch popular favor. For University Ex­tension in this form the press was fairlylyrical in its commendations. Thus theChicago Herald sees in it "the overthrowof the traditions of caste and the break­ing down of the barriers which haveheretofore kept the common people out 69of the higher pursuits of culture." "Itis not walls and palings," it urges fur­ther, "that make a university. It is thecoming together of human beings, someto teach, others to be taught." In a simi­lar exalted vein the Providence J ournalof January 1, 1891, hails the UniversityExtension idea, "since it emphasizes theattitude of the university toward labor­ing men and women, and offers them op­portunity for self-culture which the oldsystem would never present. . . . Letus be glad that there is a better disposi­tion on the part of the universities to. seekout men and women of limited opportuni­ties and arrange for them the privilegesof self-improvement, rather than to sit instate, wrapped with traditions and prece­dents, and wait for these men and womento come to them handicapped by rulesand regulations." Reading these prema­ture congratulations on its disposition tobe all things to all men, the ExtensionDivision faculty may well have prayed tobe delivered from its friends. And thatthis tall talk, for which, of course, theUniversity was in no way responsible,wrought mischief in kindling extravagantexpectations nf the rewards that mightawait the reading of a few books andthe writing of a few letters is plain inthe President's correspondence of thefirst year. A business man, who has notime to attend lectures or "generalcourses" at the University, asks for "ageneral course of reading which will per­mit me to take the degree of Ph. D. uponpassing a satisfactory examination." Awoman wishes "a non-resident course ofwork whose successful completion wouldgive me a degree." A minister asks,"Have you yet mapped out the Ph. and could I do the work hereand report at Chicago occasionally?"* * * * * * * * *But the sensational feature of the plan,its boldest innovation, its most audaciousflouting of immemorial academic tradi­tion, makes its unheralded appearance asNo. 1 of General Regulations. "The70 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEyear shall be divided into four quarters,beginning respectively on the first da yof October, January, April and July, andcontinuing twelve weeks each, thus leav­ing a week between the close of onequarter and the beginning of the next.Each quarter shall be divided into twoequal terms of six weeks each." Todaythe Four-Quarter System, is as familiar toall who are or have been members of theUniversity as the alphabet or the multi­plication table. We have had long ex­perience of "its every possible advantageand disadvantage. We have listened toand debated every objection that can con­ceivably be urged against it. We haveamended the calendar in relatively unini­portant particulars. This is not sa yingthat everyone is entirely satisfied withit. There are instructors who, after con­siderable experience with the Four-Quat- .ter System 'and its major or minor cred­its, still long for the well-beaten pathsofthe' familiar semester. But it may fairlybe said 'that it receives from the largemajority, both of students and instruct­ors, a cordial acceptance.' Today in theUniversity of Chicago it is taken forgranted; it is a part of the' establishedorder. It/ could hardly be cast out with­out a rending and dislocation of the en­tire fabric.'But in the beginning, of course, it wasan upsetting novelty' and urgently re­quired explanation and justification. .Tnthe unpublished first annual report\ 1890-91) President Harper foresees ob­j ection and elaborates the defense."There seems to be no good reason whyduring so large a portion of the year thebuildings of the University should beempty, and the advantage it offers shouldbe denied many who desire them. Thesmall. number of hours required of pro­fessors makes it possible for investiga­tion' to be carried on all the time, andin . the (tlimate of Chicago there IS noseason which upon the whole is moresuitable for work than the summer."Needless to say the President's exposi- tion wrought conviction at once upon thepractical business" man the country over.The proposition might. be novel, but itwas eminently sensible., No objectioncould stand for a moment against therunning - your - plant-all-the-year-roundconsideration. There was, of course,much besides this to be said for the con­tinuous session. The President enumer­ates seven other advantages. For ex­ample: . "It will permit the admissionof students to the University severaltimes during ,the year rather than at orie-time-only." "It will enable students whohave lost time because 0 f illness to makeup the lost work without furthe-r injuryto their health or 'detriment to the sub­ject studied." But why pursue fartherthis well-beaten track? .The press, East and West, had littlebut applause for, the Four-Quarter Sys­tem. An' occasional cry of distress, it istrue, was raised over the ruthless aboli­tion of the college "class," glorified andenshrined in the affections of everyalumnus. And it did seem a pity thatthe Harper' educational innovations, ad­mirable as they were, taken one by one,should come in suddenly 'as a flood,sweeping away customs sanctioned byimmeniorial tradition' and . robbing thestudent career of its rowdiest joys. "IfI understand your plan," said once ananxious inquirer to the President, "therewill be -110 clearly marked division of thestudents of the University of Chicagointo classes, Freshman, Sophomore,Junior, Senior, as we have them at Yale,for example, or at Amherst?'" "No.""And in that case," pursued the inquirerwith deepening anxiety, "there will be noopportunity for class scrimmages,' no'encouragement for 'the hazing. of Fresh­men, no' college spirit, in short?" "Ihave thought of that,': said the ,President.And it must be' said for Dr. Harper thathe did not love innovations that offended,'that in offering his Four-Quarter Schemehe 'was not insensible to 'the real valueof the class 'organization in' the promo-tion among undergraduates of "collegespirit" and of loyalty to Alma Materamong alumni, - He deplored sincerelythe necessary sacrifice 0 f -somethingworth preserving to what he conceived tobe a higher good, and he was continuallydevising means, not always successfullyto be sure, to furnish a satisfactory sub­stitute for the" henceforth impossible"class." He had even been heard to sayof hazing, that bete noir of college presi­dents, that he regarded it as in theory anadmirable and wholesome institution, al­though in practice it appeared alwaysand altogether detestable and vicious. -In reading the multifarious contempo­rary comment upon the Plan, one ques­tions whether the Summer Quarter,which bulked so largely in it, was alwaysclearly distinguished by its critics fromthe summer school just then coming intofavor the country' over. Along with cer­tain superficial points of likeness therewere marked and serious differences be­tw�en the two. To this day, it may beadded; members of the University of Chi­cago do not receive kindly, inquiries re­garding "your Summer School." Themistake is more easily excused, however,when one reflects that summer schools ateevery year approximating more closely tothe: unique "Summer Quarter" of Chi­cago. But it must' have been the hastyand pardonable assumption in '1891 and1892 that the one was in fact merely theequivalent, under a pretentious name, ofthe other that explains the malicious jestregarding the "Chautauqua annex" at theUniversity of Chicago, once so popularin educational circles in the more highlycultured East. It cannot be chargedagainst The N ation, however, that it didnot take the Summer Quarter seriously.In an article upon the University in itsissue of October 6; 1892, it offers thesediverting objections to it:* * * * -*This innovation will be serviceable to buttwo classes of students, the very poor andthe very ambitious. Those students who 71have to work their way through college andwho �an best earn the funds they need byteaching schools in winter will be able toteach through the winter and study throughthe summer. But since provision is made"for non-resident work, the Summer Quarterdoes _not seem necessary to meet the wants0% this class of students. . � . These longcourses. m short terms, the attempt to keepthe. University under full steam throuzh themoist heat of .a Chicago summer, the en�couragemenr grven to the student to com­press four years' work into three years­the whole scheme breathes that nervousrestless haste which is one of" the mo�tdeplorable features of American life. And�hen o,lfr univer sities come to forget that. school means leisure, and that high think­mg cannot be hurried, one of the last safe­guards agamst the national' vice' of over-- pressure will be lost. _.In the pride of its early renown, its, l�rge resources, and its larger expecta­- tions, the University was not unmindfulof its obligations to its, ill-fated prede­�essor. It was not merely generous, hut)ust, that this obligation should be for­l11ally recog�ized. The Old University,too,. though Its losses were heavy and ir­retrievable, possessed stilI considerablean(� valuable assets of alumni loyaltywh.lch must, if possible, be transferred�o Its successor. It was a keenly relishedJest with' our conservative eastern criticsthat the University of CpiCago hadsprung full-fledged 'from the head ofMinerva, equipped not only with Grad­uate and Divinity schools, but with abody of alumni, the, orphans of the OldUniversity, and a professor emeritus.James Robinson Boise, Ph.D., LL.D.,S.T.D., upon whom 'this honor was be­stowed, then in his -. _' year, was a dis­tingu�shed Greek scholar who had givenlaborious .years of instruction to the Oldyniversi�y 'and to the Bap�ist Theol�g-,-leal Seminary at Morgan Park. Neverwere academic honors more worthily be­stowed. As early as February 2, 1891the secretary of the Board of Trusteeshad addressed the -following letter to thealumni of the Old University: ._ It is made my. duty,' as it is also a pleas­ure! to commut?-Icate to you the followingact�on 0'£ the Board of Trustees of the newUniversity which was taken February 2,72 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1891. Resolved, that in view of the relationof the new University of Chicago to theinstitution that formerly bore that name,we hereby confirm and re-enact the degreesof B. A. and B. S. conferred by the formerUniversity of Chicago, and we invite .thegraduates to consider themselves alumni ofthis University and to co-operate with usin building it into greatness.The Old' University graduated, in its25 classes, 311 men and women. At thetime thi� letter was written there were282 living alumni. Dr. Galusha Ander­son President of the Old University( 1878-85) , became head: professor ofHomiletics in the Divinity School of theUniversity of Chicago. Nathaniel But­ler, professor of English in the Old Uni­versity (1884-86), was director of theUniversity Extension Division in the newUniversity. The alumni of the Old Uni­versitv were represented on the facultyof the-new by Charles Richmond Hender­son, class of '70 ; Robert Francis Harper,class 0 f '83 ; Elizabeth C. Cooley, class of'83; David Judson Lingle, class of '85�Theodore Morelle Hammond, class of'85, was the University Steward in thefirst year. Three members of the Boardof Trustees were alumni of the Old Uni­versity-Frederick A. Smith, class of'65 ; Ferdinand W. Peck, class of '68, andEli B. Felsenthal, .class of '78.That this adoption of the alumni of theOld University was taken seriously byboth parties is shown by the action of theUniuersity Weeki», which began at once.the publication of "Alumni Notes." Inthe last issue of the academic year, June19, 1893" the Weekly publishes this edi­torial note:All the visible connecting link betweenthe old and the new Universities of Chicagois the old alumni. We thought it thereforefittinz in this, our goodby number, to grveattention to this part of the University ....Fortunately, we are able to present to ourreaders engravings of the last class of. theold, and the, first class of the new Univer­sity, and we trust that these .classes mayclasp hands across the m tervenm� SIX yearsand so make continuous the history andinterest of the old .institution. We trust,moreover that the alumni will apprec-iatethat the Weekly is their organ as well as thestudents', and that it has, ever since the first number, given a considerable attention totheir interests. It is the only student pub­lication of the University, it has made ar­rangements to appear again next year, andwill continue to be the official organ of thealumni. '* *' * * * * *' * *The importance attached by the stu­dents themselves to the Graduate Schoolis shown in the attention given it by theUniversity News. In the first month ofthe first quarter the News publishes aclassification of the graduate students bydepartments, by which it app�ars thatPolitical Economy leads with 22, English,Classics and History J 5 each, andSemitics 11, and a table showing the col­leges and universities (62 in all) fromwhich these students have received de­grees. Later appears Cl:n editorial b�gin­ning, "The University has definitely an­nounced that its policy is to emphasizethe work of the Graduate SchooL" InNovember the News publishes in full anaddress by Professor Hale before theBaptist Social Union on "The GraduateSchool. Its Place in the University andthe Problems Presented by It," and com­ments editorially and with approval uponthese words: "We must make it evidentthat the' undergraduate body, with itsproblems of fraternities, of organiza­tions, of debating societies, of athleticvictories and defeats, interesting as these, things are, is not the heart of the Uni­versity. 'We must magnify the name ofthe Graduate School."* * * * * * * * *Here, then, in the midsummer of 1891,is the University fairly launched, with aCharter, a Board of Trustees, an endow­ment, a Plan of Organization, a Presi­dent, two or three members of a faculty,a site, and a long list of inquiring stu­dents. To this enumeration of assetsmight be added a reputation. The fameof the University has gone abroad.Newspapers the country over are occu­pied with it, exclaiming, explaining,criticizing, commending. ' One, wondersFIRST YEAR: OCT. IJ I892, TO OCT. I, I893 73that, with the Columban Exposition ontheir minds, they could have given somuch space to the "Rockefeller Schoolon the Midway." There was, to be sure,very' much more commendation thancriticism. The Chicago press, in par­ticular, was most generous in space andin adjectives. It was an exceptionallyill-natured New England newspaper(the New H aoen N ezos, September 7,1890) that regarded as shocking the sug­gestion that a university could live "inthe midst of the pork factories andvulgar splendor of Chicago." "Schoolsof learning, it can be proved from his­tory," it continues, "flourish in retiredand quiet places," like New Haven andCambridge, it may be supposed. Butwhen another eastern journal commentedon the Plan of Organization in thesewords: "To sum up the new project, itproposes to treat education simply as acommodity kept on sale at the Univer­sity," it appears to have intended highpraise for the "new project," which itregarded as one "perfectly squared withthe demands of the age."The urgent concern of Dr. Harperfrom 1890 to 1892 was the very difficultand responsible task of the selection of afaculty. The necessary correspondenceinvolved in the choice and engagementof men and' women was enormous, and itwas made infinitely more laborious bythe obligation to give courteous attentionto the many self-advertising men andwomen for whose intellectual wares theincredibly rich "Chicago University"­pretty nearly everybody said "ChicagoUniversity" in those days-seemed likelyto offer a market. Here, in illustration,are two modest propositions taken atrandom from the President's correspond­ence. "I am prepared," says a sup­posedly - learned but as yet obscurescholar, "to teach all the' Latin that willprobably be required in your University,and, with some reviewing, all the mathe­matics or Greek." "I hereby make ap­plication," says another, not ignorant of his own worth, "for the position of In­structor in Mathematics in the Prepara­tory Department of the new BaptistUniversity. My work in this, as in otherlines, has been 'extraordinarily success­ful. I can do' excellent work in otherlines if desirable. Among my most suc­cessful branches are civil government,political economy, and history." Butthese impossible offers, often made,nevertheless, with a disarming ingenuous­ness; were far. more easily declined thanthe many hardly less preposterous pro­posals which had the serious, even urgent,support of men who, it, was imperative,should not be lightly displeased andalienated. ,"I am beginning," wrote Dr.Harper to a friend in March, 1891, "tobecome worried on account of the im­mense pumber of applications that arecoming in, backed by leading men, appli­cations which I am in the bottom of mysoul confident are in ,most cases abso­lutely worthless. The assurance whichcharacterizes some of the applicants isamazing, and also the ground urged bythose who present the claims."The progress of this unique search fora faculty, marked by alternations ofgrievous disappointment and signal suc­cess, was daily recorded in, the news­papers with admonitory, sarcastic, con­gratulatory comments. The man whoreceived, or supposed that he hadreceived, a flattering offer and haddeclined it could hardly resist thetemptation to impart it, always underinjunctions of secrecy, to a few confi­dential friends. Acceptances, of course,must have publication as speedily aspossible. "The Chicago University,"says an astute eastern editor ( the NewHaven Pa�lad�um) March 19, 1891), "isthus far on paper, and it must be diffi­cult to persuade the leading instructorsof the country-s-and Professor Harperwishes no other-to share in the uncer­tain possibilities of the enterprise evenby the most tempting inducements. Theseerudite men are not mercenary. They74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhave no use for a great income." Butthe Chicago papers bubbled over dailywith joyful announcements of another"capture" and with laudatory biographiesaccompanied by disheartening woodcuts,of world-famed and distinguished schol­ars whom the University delighted tohonor. Sometimes, to be sure, thesecaptives escaped and left us wonderingby what malign perversion of the truththeir confidence in, us could have beenshaken.When it was discovered in the summerof 1891 that Dr. Harper was proposinga brief visit to Europe, the newspaperspromptly discovered a mare's nest. Itwent without saying that to the penetrat­ing mind of the purveyor of publicintelligence his true errand, whatever hisostensible purpose, was clearly nothingother than to "pick up" notabilities for:his University. "But what about theAlien Contract Labor Law?" the Presi­dent was asked by a reporter on the eveof his departure. And the candid andunsophisticated President, a contempor­ary account relates, was obliging enoughinstantly to confide to the citizens of theUnited States his ingenious scheme forsneaking around this embarrassing law.What could be simpler than to advise apromising candidate to arrive in Chicagoin the course of desultory world wan­derings and there happen to fall in . withthe Trustees of the University? Howgratifying to all parties concerned if itshould be then and there discovered thatthis incidental tourist was precisely theman from whom they were looking P Anabsurd hullabaloo was raised over thequestion of would-be University pro­fessors and the Alien Contract LaborLaw. In simple justice to one sensitiveconscience we must record the righteousprotest of a southern editor at this "slickscheme." "This Chicago University,"he cries, "is a religious institution. Niceexample, that, for. a layman to follow!"* * * * * * * * *It must not be forgotten in the most cursory survey of the President's labors- in this preparatory period that his mailbrought him day by day extraordinaryletters, containing sometimes impertinentadvice and remonstrance, sometimesgrotesquely impossible requests, which,nevertheless, could not be always ig­nored. There was the persistent andvoluminous correspondent in an easterncity, who, by wide scientific research,had satisfied himself that the French aredescended from that company of Jewsdeported by N ebuchadnezzar. Restingconfidently in this conclusion, he chal­lenged "one of the most foremost Biblescholars of the day" to refute his argu­ment. There was the platform oratorwho was composing a lecture entitled"The Birth of Intellect," based upon theinteresting assumption that "there is aperiod in the lives of all great thinkerswhen the mind by a leap, as it were,springs into ,the region of higherthought." Will President Harper kindlyaid in the establishment of this hypothe­sis? "May I ask if there was a period inyour life when intellect seemed to takea leap, when the mind seemed to lay holdwith firm grasp upon all knowledge?"There was the pastor who ardentlywished $1,000 with which to purchase a"vocalion" for his church. His unctuousScriptural appeal deserves to. ·be rescuedfrom oblivion:I have had the audacity and I almosttremble to think of it, brazen' cheek toconceive of Mr. Rockefeller as corning toour assistance. The more I think of hishelp the more the magnificence of the idealooms up before my imagination. I thinkof the precious ointment upon the head thatran down upon the beard, even Aaron'sbeard, that went down to the skirts of hisgarments. I am profane enough to likenthe storage of Mr. Rockefeller's wells andtanks and pipe lines to the precious oint­ment upon the head, oiling my hair and myclothes and the troubled waters in whichI am at present driven with the winds andtossed. Is there anyone who can mediatefor me like yourself? Be good as well asgreat and you will surely obtain a reward,There was the super-serviceableciergyman in New Zealand who wroteto furnish the names of several locallyON THE QUADRANGLES 7Seminent men upon whom the Universitymight with credit to itself bestow itshonorary degrees. Innumerable authorssent the President their productions forcandid criticism. He was asked to readand give his opinion upon. articles on"Woman's Status in God's Word," "DidJoseph Write the ,Book of Job ?" "Is theHigher Education Topheavy?" "A Replyto Huxley's Views on Noah's Flood."He was challenged to defend his view ofGenesis. He was entreated to. discontinuehis assaults upon the Faith.It was the President's habit to ac- knowledge every letter that appeared tohave been written in good faith, "althoughthe unfailing courtesy which . markedthese replies too often encouraged thecontinuation of annoying inquiry andcontroversy. Nevertheless, it was a dutydevolving upon him by the position inwhich he was placed, and a part of theday's inevitable drudgery to be cheerfullyand patiently accepted. To suffer foolsgladly according to the apostolic admoni­tion is a mysterious discipline which men.of wide reputation and large affairs canhardly expect to escape.On the QuadranglesIf the national balloting on November 7caused some slight ripple of interestthroughout the country, the undergraduateclass elections on November 9 caused awave of excitement in campus circles. The12,000,0.00 votes cast for the White Housecandidates were, temperamentally speaking,but a drop in the bucket compared withthe 739 ballots polled within the City Gray.The four class presidents are John Slifer,'17; Milton Coulter, '18; Harold Hanisch,'19, and James 'Nicely, '20. SliferIs a mem­ber of Chi Psi, the Order of the Iron Mask,and Score club; Coulter is a member ofPhi Kappa Sigma, the Order of the IronMask, and Skull and Crescent; Hanisch isa member of Sigma Chi and Skull andCrescent; Nicely is pledged to Psi Upsi­lon. The remaining officers are: Senior­Barbara Sells, vice-president: Elsa Free­man, secretary; Harry Swanson, treasurer.Junior - Florence Wood, vice-president;Madeline McManus, secretary; SigmundCohen, treasurer. Sophomore - .ArlineFalkenau, vice-president; Carol Mason, sec­retary; Morton Howard, treasurer. Fresh­man-Mildred Gordon, vice-president; MayCornwall, secretary; Carter Harman, treas­urer.The new requirement that every voterpay his class dues before he be granted thefranchise proved, according to the under­graduate council, a definite success, inas­much as the "ticket-first" system fills theclass treasuries at the outset of the year,and tends to diminish the wholesale can­vassing of votes' from students who aredisinterested in class affairs.The Senior class undertook the sponsor­ship of an author's r eading . by NicholasVachel Lindsay, the Springfield poet, whoappeared in Mandel hall on November' 28, assisted by Miss Eleanor Dougherty, '16.Miss Dougherty interpreted the poems indances.With the appointment of committees; the'Undergraduate council launched its cam­paign for an attendance of, fifteen hundredat the Settlement dance to be held on De­cember 8 in Bartlett. Robert' Dunlap, '17,was appointed general chairman, and JohnGuerin, '18, was named sub-chairman. Ifall the members of the ticket-selling teamsand committees patronize the dance, thecouncil will probably realize its "FifteenHundred or Blow a Cylinder" slogan. OnNovember 10 Mrs. Lyman Walton enter­tained the dance committee appointees ata tea.The Interfraternity council, after. an ex­tended period of dormancy, was stimulatedto an eruption by the movement for a re­formed Three Quarters 'club. "Less tree­climbing and more common sense" was the.substance of the committee's suggestions:The Council also drew up a schedule, forinterfraternity 'athletics, considered a re­vised code of rushing rules, and decided togive a Christmas smoker.Competition for the 1917 Blackfriars 'play, closed on November 1. Among the manu­scripts submitted there is the annual arrayof alliterative .appellations: "The HoodooHindu" "A Myth in Mandel" and "Kurninszof K�la.". Mr. Hamilton' Coleman willcoach the production' for the fourth suc­cessive year. The committee of j.udges iscomposed of Dean Robert' Morss Lovett,Dean Percy Holmes Boynton, Mr. Hamil­ton Coleman,' Mr. Richard Henry Little,and Howell Murray, '14. Sherman Cooper,'18, was appointed to manage the Friars;Cooper is a member of Psi Upsilon, theOrder of the Iron Mask, and Score club.76 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOther appointments are as fol lows :. Cos­tumes, Carleton Adams, '18; publicity, FrankBreckenridge, '19; properties, Stanley Black,'18; chorus master, Goodell Crawford, '19;score, George Martin, '19.From a field of over twenty aspirants,eleven new members were chosen to theDramatic club at the quarterly 'try·outs.Madame Borgny Hammer, who coached theclub's presentation of "Arms and the .Man"last season, has been re-engaged to stagethe three plays scheduled for December 8in the Reynolds club theater. In selecting'its trilogy of one-act performances, theclub decided upon "Behind the Yards," byKenneth Sawyer Goodman, "The Man inthe Stalls" by Alfred Sutro, and "IndianSummer" by Meilhac and Halevy.Benjamin Jaffe, Arthur Peterson and Ed­win Weisl were the three successful under­graduate .contestants in the Varsity debatetryouts on November 17; these men willsupport the affirmative of the inheritancetax question against Northwestern univer­sity on January 19.With the exception of a midnight rob­bery, in which fountain pens, last year'sannuals, and a picture of the retired busi­ness manager were filched, activities in theCap and Gown office remain in a more orless somnolent state. The Daily Marooncontinues its wonted policy, with the addi­tion of such features as Friday articles bythe Faculty, 'spasmodic book reviews, anddramatic criticisms by Charles Stern, '17,habitue of the parquet, theatrical pundit,and the only man on the campus who cantell a denouement from an intrigue. TheLiterary Magazine issued its second num­ber on November 21; the table of contentsincluded editorials, a short story, "Em­bers" and a poem "To William VaughnMoody," both by John Grimes, two poemsby 'Harold Van Kirk, an essay by Helen.Sard Hughes, a discussion of "The Super-man in Literature" by A. S. K., an anony­mous convent reminiscence, an impressionof Tagore by Wal ter Snyder, and an articleby Frederick Kuh. Erwin May was electedto conduct The Green Cap, the freshmanbi-monthly publication, whose first numberappeared on November 15, containingnumerous personals, and news of social andathletic activities of 1920.The movement in the American univer­sities to alleviate the terrible conditions ofthe prisoners in the European war camps,has been taken up at Chicago by the Y. M.C. A., which has enlisted for the cause theservices of a 'large number Of campus or­ganizations, students and facultymembers.Immediate and generous help is necessaryfor the five and one-half million prisonerswho are in need of almost everything im­aginable in order to make life livable.Money and men are needed at once. Atthe present writing, about nine hundred dol­lars have been raised, while five men, whose names are withheld, have volunteered' theirservices for European prison camp work.The W. A. A., active with meetings, par­ties, entertainments and sings, is busy fos­tering athletics among the campus women.I t started activities with a sing and a ukelelequartette on October 25, for the purpose ofencouraging Chicago spirit among thewomen. On November 9 it initiated tennew members into the organization. Onthe evening preceding the Minnesota game,it held its annual Chicago night. In con­nection with these activities, two hundredand sixty women, an unprecedented num­ber, have reported this fall for hockey.Class teams have been organized.Ida Noyes hall was formally opened onNovember 4 with an informal reception,at which Mr. LaVerne Noyes was the guestof honor. About eight hundred studentsand faculty members attended. Among thehostesses were Dean Talbot, Dean Wallace,Miss Dudley, and Mrs. Goodspeed. Mrs.Goodspeed, who is director of Ida Noyeshall, was appointed by President Juds,:m tothe chairmanship of the Advisory Commit­tee, which will have complete control ofthe clubhouse portion of the building. Otherofficials of the administration are Miss Ger­trude Dudley, who will have charge of thegymnasium, and Miss Cora C. Colburn. whowill supervise the, refectory. The Advisorycouncil has decided that the hall shall beopen on week days from 8 to 10, and thatmen may be taken through the building atany time and received as guests in the eve­ning and on Sunday afternoons. Statisticsread at a meeting of the council show thatthe dub has been used to a full capacity.The daily attendance in the lunch room hasaveraged 350, and in the gymnasium, 669.The club rooms are being constantly usedby the women for meetings, teas, dancing,and musicals. One immediate result of theopening of Ida Noyes hall is the disbandingof Spelman house, an eighteen-year-old or­ganization whose purpose was to providesocial life for some of the off-campuswomen. With this purpose more than rea­lized in the opening of the hall, the mem­bers of Spelman house deemed it advisableto disband.A joint concert was given by the Gleeclubs of the Universities of Minnesota andChicago on November 24 in Bartlett; theprogram included classical numbers, popu­lar melodies, and college songs. F ollow­ing the concert, the floor was cleared fordancing. The potpourri of campus dubs­pursued the even tenor of its way: devoteesof the Physics club held a chat and dis­cussed the .hydrogen molecule; the Menorahand the Christian Science societies heldmeetings-separately; the Spanish, Dames,Ukelele, and Hawkeye clubs dischargedtheir duties fittingly.Frederick R. Kuh, '17.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 77The University RecordThe. new 'Annual Register gives the an­nual enrollment of students since the found­ing of the University. In the openingyear (1892-93) there were 742 students en­rolled; in the fifth year (1896-97) therewere 1,880; in the tenth year (1901-2), 4,450;in the fifteenth year (1906-7), 5;0.70; in thetwentieth year (1911-12), 6,506; and in thetwenty-fourth year (1915-16), 8,510.In 1893, 31 students were graduated fromthe University; in 1897 there were 232; in1902, 357; in 1907, 538; in 1912, 641; and in1916, 867. Of those graduated during thehistory of the University, 6,514 were Bach­elors of Art, Philosophy or Science; 355were Bachelors of Divinity; 74, Bachelorsof Law; and 135, Bachelors of Education.Of those receiving the higher degrees, 1,489were Masters of Art, Philosophy or Sci­ence; 962 were Doctors of Philosophy; and479 were Doctors of Law O. D.). Onehundred degrees have been re-enacted. Thetotal number of different degrees conferredby the University up to the present timeis 10,280, and the total number of studentswho have matriculated in the Universityis 64,453.In his latest report as to attendance atUniversity College, the downtown classesof the University, Prof. Nathaniel Butlerreports an increase in the total number ofregistrations from 701 in the year 1910 to1,558 in the present quarter of 1916. In thesame time the total number of differentstudents has increased from 573 to 1,158.Of this latter number, 178 are graduatestudents.The total number of students enrolled inthe schools and colleges on the Universityquadrangles is now 3,718, and that of Uni­versity College is 1,158, making a grandtotal for the autumn quarter of 4,876."The eleve'nth conference of the WesternEconomic Society met at the University ofChicago on November 10 and 11. At thefirst morning session the general subjectfor discussion, "Undergraduate Courses inEconomics," was presented by Prof. Wal­ton H. Hamilton of Amherst College, for­merly of the department of political econ­omy at the University of Chicago.At the first afternoon session AssociateProfessor James A. Field of the departmentof political economy at the University, pre­sen ted a paper on "The Place of EconomicTheory in Graduate Work." At the ban­quet in the Quadrangle Club on the eve­ning of November 10., Dean Hall of theLaw School led in the discussion of "TheRelation of Law and Economics."At the morning session of November 11,at the Reynolds Club, Prof. L. C. Marshall, dean of the School of Commerce and Ad­ministration, spoke on "Commerce Workand Economics." A complimentary lunch­eon to visiting instructors by the U niver-.. sity followed.The president of the society is DeanShailer Mathews of the Divinity School,and the secretary is Assistant ProfessorHarold G. Moulton of the department ofpolitical economy.At the recent organization of the Na­tional Research Council in N e'w York City,Prof. J aIm M. Coulter, head' of the depart­ment of botany, and Professors Albert A.Michelson and Robert A. Millikan of thedepartment of physics, were made mem­bers.This new organization was establishedby the National Academy of Sciences atthe request of the President of the UnitedStates, and the members of the councilwere appointed by the president of theacademy after consultation with the presi­dents of leading national scientific bodies.Prof. Paul Shorey, head of the depart­men t of Greek, is giving a series of eve­ning lectures at the University of Califor­nia on the general subject of "AthenianLife and Literature."Professor Shorey, who is on leave ofabsence from the University of Chicagotill the opening of the winter- quarter, isspending the present semester at the U ni­versity of California as Sather professorof classical literature. Besides giving theSather lectures, Professor Shorey is con­ducting a seminar on Plato in the philo­sophical department, and also a course inGreek literature. Before leaving for Berke­ley during the summer Dr. Shorey gave aseries of lectures at Columbia U niversity �Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin, head ofth� department of history at the Univer­sity of Chicago, is to give the final addressin a series before the Union League Clubof Chicago on the general subject of therelations of the United States to foreigncountries. Professor McLaughlin's addresswill be given early in January, the otheraddresses being given in November andDecember by Prof. John H. Latane ofJohns Hopkins University and Prof. AlbertBushnell Hart of Harvard ..The University Orchestral Associationgave the first recital in its . series of tenconcerts on November .21 in Mandel. TheFlorizaley Quartet played. The second re­cital (January 16) is by Pablo Casals, vio­loncellist, and Madame Susan Metcalfe­Casals, soprano.' The third recital will be78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgiven by Mlle. Jenny Dufau, soprano, onMarch 13. The next concert by the Chi­cago Symphony Orchestra will be given ona Thursday instead of the regular Tuesdaydate, and will take place on -December 14.Professor Breasted, chairman of the de­partment of Oriental languages and litera­tures, and Assistant Professor Carl F.Huth, Jr., of the department of history,are the authors of a new series of ancient history maps. Sixteen maps, on a largescale, include the ancient Orient and Pales­,tine, Egypt and early Babylonia, the Orien­tal empires, and the Eastern Mediterra­nean; Greek and Phoenician colonization,Boeotia and Attica, Athens, a sequence mapof Greece and Alexander's empire; ancientItaly and the growth of Roman power inI taly, Rome, the conquest of the Mediter­ranean, Caesar's Gaul, and the Roman Em­pire.The Letter Box[The dissolution of Spelman house, referred to inthe November -Moaaeine, was announced to and ac- .knowledged by the University in the following letters,which it is thought will be of interest to alumnae. TheMagazine is particularly glad to print them, be­cause the phrasing of the statement last month seems'to have led a few people to the mistaken suppositionthat the dissolution was suggested by the University.-Ed.]June 9, 1916.Miss Marion Talbot,Dean of Women,The University of Chicago.'My dear Miss Talbot:. After deliberation between the Activehouse and the Alumnae of Spelman houseas to the future of the organization, it wasunanimously voted by the members of theActive house, with the approval of theAlumnae, that Spelman house disband.The purpose for which Spelman housewas founded-to form a home on the cam­pus for off-campus girls-will now be rea­lized by Ida Noyes hall. Thus there is nonecessity for Spelman house remaining as ahouse organization.The other· alternative-to form a c1ub­was discussed, but the feeling against clubswas so strong among both the alumnae andthe undergraduates that this possibility wasrejected.We wish, therefore, to notify you thatSpelman house has disbanded, and to thankthe University for eighteen happy years, forto the interest of Dr. Harper and the U ni­versity we have owed our organization.Respectfully,(Signed) Mrs. Charles R. Henderson,Dr. 'Nathaniel Butler,Isabel Jarvis,All the members of theActive House.Th� news of the action recently taken bySpelman house will be received both withregret and with satisfaction by the gradu­ates of the University. The institutions,customs and traditions of the Universityare so few in number that there is reasonfor real regret when any which have sur­vived for a considerable period of time areabandoned. Moreover, the sentiment and affection which Spelman house has arousedis a real asset in university life not lightly,to be given up .. On the other hand, it hasbeen known for a long time that Spelmanhouse has found it impracticable to con­form strictly to the University regulationsgoverning houses, and has drifted graduallyto a type of organization. which has metwith rapidly increasing disfavor. The open­ing of Ida Noyes hall with its rich oppor­tunities for a generous social spirit provedthe occasion for an exhibit of the spirit ofSpelman house members___:'_a spirit which hasoften contributed to the large interests ofthe University women and which, I am con­fident, will persist in new form during theyears to come.Marion Talbot.[The following letter is self-explanatory. It wassent to the directors of athletics at Northwestern andChicago, and the Magazine prints it by consent of theYale University Athletic Association. Although thisaction completely confirms the point of view takenby the Maga�ine last spring, it is so unusual and sofine that the editor feels, frankly, regretful of thespirit in which he then wrote.e=En.IDear Sir: The Board of Control of theYale University Athletic Association, at itssecond meeting, held November 1st, di­rected its chairman to send to: the properofficials of Chicago University and N orth­western University the following statement:"The Board of Control of the Yale Uni­versity Athletic Association finds upon in­vestigation that the rules of eligibility laiddown for the Yale University' swimmingteam were violated by that team in its meetwith the University of Chicago and N orth­western University in April last. We areconvinced that the violation was commit­ted without bad faith on the part of thoseresponsible. We hold, however, that thisconviction does not in any way alter thefact that the Yale team violated its owneligibility rules and won thereby an illegalvictory. This fact we deeply regret, andin so far as it is possible to do so, we wishto make restitution for it. We thereforeoffer to the two universities with whom theteam was competing our apology for theTHE LETTER BOX 79violation. We are returning the trophieswon in the meet, to which we feel we haven.o title."Captairi Schlaet of the swimming teaminforms me that the trophies have been re­turned with the following letter of apology:"Dear Mr. Delaney:"In view of the fact that we violated theYale eligihility rules in the relay last springthe athletic committee here have decidedthat it is our duty to return the trophieswon. I am therefore sending under sepa­rate cover two of the medals-Rosener'sand mine. Ferguson's and Mayer's you willreceive from their homes."I believe you are sufficiently familiarwith the facts so that no further explana­tion is necessary."Yours truly,"Carl V. Schlaet."The Board, of Control and the swimmingteam are desirous of making all possiblereparation. for the mistake of last April.May I ask you to give such publicity asseems necessary to our attempt to showthat Yale means to play the game fairly inall of its athletic activities.Sincerely yours,Robert N. Corwin.Chairman Yale Board of Control.To the Editor:May a weary but eligible undergraduateathlete comment on the football situation atChicago? ·First of all we have to have athletes, andthe only way they can get in. is by escapingthe axe of the examiner's office. Did itever occur to you how strenuous the 'pro­ceedings a f this examiner's office are? Ifan athlete puts from two to four hours aday in training throughout his high schoolcourse, and consequently fails to maintain anaverage grade of 25 per cent higher thanthe passing mark he is excluded from enter­ing this institution.' But does this rule ful­fill its purpose, namely, to secure men ofbrains? 'It doesn't require any great j udg­ment on the part of the examiner to figureout whether. an entering student's average is81 per cent or 10'0. I should call this a mat­ter of sixth grade arithmetic. If, on theother hand, the· examiner were allowed touse his discretion as to whether or not aprospective student were going to be anasset to this institution in music, studies, de­bating, oratory, or athletics, I should say hisduties requited judgment. The point is thatmany a good athlete, who has been loyal tohis high school, is excluded and thus punishedfor having upheld the honor of his institution.The rule is aimed at th� loafer" .but hits thehard working athlete.What happens if he is lucky enough to runthe gauntlet of the examiner's office? He finds that most of the Faculty feel that thisUniversity is for purely intellectual pursuits.I believe this attitude is unjust, because theschool is not giving the student the best shehas to offer, or what the college boy wants.College is usually pictured and, I believeshould be as a conglomerate mass of intel­lectual, social and athletic activities. I do notquestion the right of any institution to deviatefrom type. I say that when it deviates fromthis accustomed type. it should inform thegeneral public of its attitude.I pass to another point. In school activitiesother than those purely scholastic, graduatesare a drug on the market. They -come hereto receive, not to give. Their attitude andpreparation only make courses hard for the'undergraduates wherever they invade under­graduate classes. Either idea, that of a grad­uate or of an undergraduate school is admir­able individually, but they do not mix well.The institution is going on half-heartedly andthe athlete has to suffer for the indecision ofhis Alma Mater.So much for the scholastic side. N ow letus see what happens alter a football player iseligible. We have a one coach system; thatis, the team is picked by one ruling' hand.We have a line coach, but as he has no' de­ciding voice in the matter of who shall enterthe fray, the players pay little attention tohim.At Wisconsin, this year, they have a fivecoach system. SoUCY, all' American end fromHarvard, decides who are the best ends.Buck, all American tackle from Wisconsin,has charge of the ta-ckles and guards; Doty,all . American Harvard quarter, instructs thequarter and center; King, all American halffrom Harvard, coaches the backs, and With­ington, all American linesman from Harvard,has charge of the team playas' a whole. Ibelieve the Wisconsin system is the best be­cause it means specialization, and specializa­tion is what counts now-a-days.The players at Chicago are overworked andunderfed. From 4 to 8 'p. ·m. is too long astretch to grind at football, The food thatthey can get after 8 o'clock is· probably coldand almost certainly of the wrong sort. Be­cause of these things the team is, slow, "pep­less" and passive. There is no conference ruleagainst the teams eating together and. havinga proper meal at the proper time.' They doeat together at Wisconsin.And, finally, the team on the field lacks"natural" fighters; men who would ratherfight than eat, and go crazy when fight is lack­ing in the team. All the men this year aregame individuals, and perfectly willing to takepunishment, but they don't cry for it. Weneed men who do cry for it, who have to haveit, like salt. Ask Page; he knows. A coupleof Irishmen this fall. would have helped im­mensely.. -� UNDERGRADUATE.80 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe subject of the accompanying pho­tograph is Ralph Waldo Webster, Ph. B.,1895, M. D. (Rush), 1898, Ph. D., 1901 ;which titles he interspersed with'studyabroad at various universities all overEurope. "Mere comes Web!" was thecry in those days, from London toVienna, and believe it or not, he madephysiological chemistry play dead andjump through a hoop in half the capitalsof Europe. From 1901 to 1904 he wasteaching at Chicago. In 1905 he becamethe director of the Chicago laboratories,now at 25 East Washington street. In1905, also, Webster was made patholog­ical chemist to the Cook County Hospital.He still occupies both positions, besidesbeing assistant professor of therapeuticsat Rush; but he devotes most of his time now to toxicological work. That meanshe is an authority on poisons around theseparts; in fact, he is the authority. IfCesar Borgia had known Ralph, Cesarwould have been a brighter and perhapsa more successful man.Web came to Chicago with some col­lege experience; 'nevertheless he joinedDelta Kappa Epsilon and still publiclywears the brand. He was also a member,and doesn't care who knows it now, ofTheta N u Epsilon. He was an athlete,playing baseball in 1894 and 1895, hisfavorite positions being third base andsubstitute; his athletic career did not,however, distract his attention whollyfrom the society of his day. He marriedMiss Grace Nye in 1903, and lives at4644 Lake Park avenue.ALUMNI AFFAIRSAlumniA campaign for members has been startedby the Alumni, office. Eight teams in dif­ferent parts of the country have been given100 names each, every person on everyteam being responsible for ten prospects.The captains are Lee W � Maxwell, '03, 011the East Coast; Harry W. Ford, ex-'05 inthe Ohio Valley; Renslow P. Sherer, '09,for Minnesota and Wisconsin; Wayland W.Magee, '05, in Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska;Winston P. Henry, '10, in Missouri, . Okla­homa and Texas; David C. Webb, '06, forKentucky, Tennessee and the Gulf States;Hugo Bezdek, '08 .. for the Pacific northwest,and Dr. Frederick A. Speik, '05, in SouthernCalifornia.. In order to save as much time as possiblefor the captains, all the letters to the teammembers and prospects were made up, ad­dressed and stamped in the Alumni office.By this arrangement all each captain hadto do was to sign ten letters to his teamand forward ten packages of ten letterseach. Needless to say, however, that is notall they are doing, and the Alumni Associa­tion will be larger by several members atthis time next month. A record will bekept of the new members obtained by eachteam, and the most successful group willbe announced in a later number of theMagazine.A letter from J. Elmer Thomas, in Tulsa,has just arrived. In closing he says: "Thecampaign for new members is well underway, as Wins Henry and I were signing upsubscriptions before the full details weredecided. You may announce that Okla­homa will win the contest."The Chicago Alumni Club Dinner.-Theannual football dinner of the ChicagoAlumni Club was scheduled for 7 o'clockon Wednesday evening, November 15,' andat 7 'everybody was seated. If anyone won­ders whether President Arthur Goes andSecretary Lawrence Whiting are executives,let him ponder that fact. The grill roomof the University Club was crowded, withthe nineteenth century men in the middle,the team along one side, and the rest asnature bade them. The speakers includedPresident Judson, Mr. Stagg, J. W. Linn,'97; Ralph Hamill, '99; France Anderson,'99, and Donald Richberg, '01, who read aseries of "letters from a self-made substi­tute," which are printed elsewhere in thisissue. Between the speeches a quartet of1917 men rendered vibrant selections, oneof which in particular was enthusiasticallyapproved of.President Judson spoke briefly of thenecessity of concentration if anything wereto be accomplished. Dr. Hamill's remarks, 81Affairsafter an appropriately Freudian introduc­tion, were to the effect that in the old daysone had to be killed before he would con­fess to being injured at all, and then, ofcourse, it was too late to complain: themoral was obvious. France Anderson'saddress, which was unpremeditated, was,perhaps, the speech of the evening. Rap­idly reviewing the past, he urged the teamagainst Illinois to "score in a hurry andlet the other fellows worry." How theteam took his words to heart was shownthree days later. Mr. Stagg spoke withthe directness and honesty of phrase whichalways make his talks at the "football din­ners" notable. He spoke of the fact thatnowadays, when there are skillful coacheseverywhere, any conference college islikely to be a very close match for anyother, and of the further fact that nearlyall the conference colleges whom Chicagoplays she has played for a long time, sothat the rivalry is very keen. Defeats,therefore, he thought, were increasinglylikely to occur. But the question of defeator victory was not one which especiallyconcerned him. He was, of course, he said,keen to win; but he was keener for otherthings than victory. He told the group ofenergetic young citizens what those "otherthings" were, which he had hoped and' triedto do at Chicago in his work in athletics.Written down they do not sound unusual­to play fair, to live clean, and to acceptresponsibility like men, so one might phrasethem-but as Mr. Stagg leaned forward andone by one dropped his slow sentences,it was interesting to see in the eyes of thealumni forgetfulness of Illinois, and recol­lections of the past twenty-five years, inwhich the intelligence of the coach has al­ways been matched by the character of theman. His speech was wildly cheered.When the team stood up to be introducedthe heartiest reception, after Capt. J ack­son's, went to Pershing, who, it was gen­erally felt, had been much too harshly'criticized for his work. After the team leftthe reunion moving pictures were exhibited,besides others not local. Two hundred andthirty-five were present.Alumni, Please Note.-The Novembernumber of the Journal of Political Economyis a special number, devoted to AssociateProfessor Robert F. Hoxie. An article byMr. Hoxie, a long and brilliant study ofhis economic theories by Walton Hamilton,a study from another angle by John P.Frey, and a tentative but very full bibliog­raphy of Mr. Hoxie's publications make upthe issue. Fifty extra copies have beenprinted, and any former student of Mr.Hoxie's who desires one may secure it82 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEeither from the University Press or bysending thirty-five cents to AssociateProfessor James A. Field, at the University.Tulsa Alumni.-N otices, signed by J.Elmer Thomas, were sent in November toal1 alumni in Tulsa of an exhibition onThanksgiving Day, November 30, at halfpast ten in the morning, of the twenty­fifth reunion moving pictures. The follow­ing is the list of the thirty-eight alumni towhom the notice was sent.W. P. Henry J .. M. HoughlandH. B. Henry C. W. HoughlandH. H. McKee Miss LoraineRichard Hughes LendenbergerMrs. Hughes E. E. OberholtzerBruce Martin F. P. RamseyH. C. Fitzpatrick Miss Frances ReubeltR. A. Conkling C. W. TomlinsonMrs.' Conkling E. C. UnverferthJohn Herald J. Elmer ThomasFrank Herald Mrs. ThomasL. -c. Snider L. A. ConnellyR. J. Riggs Lloyd WellsH. J. Peterson Louis RoarkH. M. Scott J. B. NewbyF. B. Plummer C. A. HamillMrs. Hugh King Mrs. HamillCharles R. Eckes Mrs. C. J. Cop manMiss Mildred S. Leroy B. GreenfieldHenderson Sam WellsThink of thirty-eight Chicago alumni inone Oklahoma city; even if that city haspaved streets and automobiles (see BruceMartin's letter).Alumni at Kansas U.-Among the ap­pointments to the faculty of the Universityof K-ansas this year are the following fromthe University of Chicago:Ole Olafson Stoland, Ph. D., 1913, pro­fessor of physiology.Walter S. Hunter, Ph. D., 1910, professorof psychology.Raymond C. Moore, Ph. D., 1916, assist­ant professor of geology.Emanuel Conrad Elmer, Ph. D., 1914,assistant professor of sociology.Earl Brenneman Wilder, A. M., 1916, in­structor in mathematics.News of the Classes.Roy D. Keehn, 190'2, J� D. 1904, has beenmade general manager for William Ran­dolph Hearst in Chicago, having editorial,political and general supervision of the Chi­cago Examiner and Chicago American. Healso remains as general counsel for Mr.Hearst in the west, and will remain in thegeneral practice of law with offices in theOtis Building.Henry D. Sulcer, 190'5, who has for someyears been conected with the advertisingdepartment of the Chicago 'Tribune, is nowa member of the firm of Vanderhoof, Con­dict :& Cornerie, Advertising Agents, at, 140South Dearborn Street.J. Dwight Dickerson, 190'6, J. D. 1908,and Chester S. Bell, 1913, J. D. 1916, are both with Holt, Cutting & Sidley, at 5North La Salle Street.Paul R. Gray, 190( a member of the190'7 Championship Tennis Team, is nowat Union Stock Yards, Chicago, with theCentral Live Stock Commission Company.Alvin R. Kramer, 190'7, who has been forsome time with A. B. Leach & Co., hasrecently taken a position with Elston Com­pany, Investment Bankers, in the New YorkLife Building. Where was Alvin on the, evening of the Alumni Club dinner?R. Eddy Matthews, 190'7, who has beenfor some years correspondent in Washington,D. C., for the Christian Science M onitor, hasgone to Tien-tsin, China, as representativeof the Dollar Steamship Company. - The B os­ton Transcript said on November 7: "Theloss 'of Mr. Matthews is one the Monitor willnot easily recoup, for Mr. Matthews was com­monly spoken of by his associates in the pressgallery as the best reporter in Washington.He was an indefatigable news gatherer, andthoroughly familiar with men and things atthe national capital. His departure will makea visible gap in the famous corps of Wash­ington correspondents." The Transcript addedalso that R. Eddy was a young man of thehighest personal character, but this is toowell known a-round the University of Chi-­cago to be news. Two of the old guard ofWashington correspondents, Leroy T. Vernon'98 of the Chicago Daily News, and Arthur S.Henning '99 of the Chicago Tribune, are stillleft at the old stand.1909.Albert S. Long writes: "Practically theonly news that I have of myself is the mostmomentous news of my approaching mar­riage." Hearty congratulations from yourclassmates of 1909!Mrs. J. J. R. Lawrence (Oma Moody) ismoving picture show critic on one of theChicago papers.. Marj orie Day is living at home in Wilmetteand has private French pupils to whom sheteaches the Knowles-Favard method.Walter S. Pond writes: "In addition tomy duties at the Cathedral (where he isDean) I am also the Chaplain of the EpiscopalChurch at twelve public institutions such asthe j ails, the Insane Asylum, the Poor House,etc. It is all, interesting work. But I amshocked to learn to what depths of troubleeducated men and women fall through un­willingness to curb sinful tendencies."The Englewood High School DramaticClub has paid a large royalty to Barrie forpermission to play "Quality Street," which isbeing put on - this year under the direction ofMary Courtenay.Rosemary Quinn has returned from the hos­pital and is recovering rapidly, but will not beable to resume her teaching at EnglewoodHigh School until January 1.Florence Cowan spent the summer in theEast traveling, visited many of the '09 girlswhile in Chicago and especially enj oyed herALUMNI AFFAIRS 83visit to Ida .Noyes Hall. She is again in SantaMonica, Cal., where she has quite a reputa­tion as a kindergarten teacher. But her en­thusiasm for Chicago is unbounded.William P. MacCracken, Jr., is Chairmanof the Building Committee of the new PsiUpsilon House, a member of the Board ofDirectors of the South Side Community Train­ing School (for Sunday School teachers andofficers), Superintendent of the KenwoodEvangelical Sunday School, very active inLaw School alumni affairs, and has recentlybeen appointed j oint-chairman of a committeeto solicit contributions from the Alumni forthe prison-camp work in Europe. This latterwork, it is hoped, will call forth a generousresponse from the members of the classof 1909.Zelma Davidson spent a pleasant summer,traveling most of the time North and throuzhthe East, She is now hard at work at theHyde Park Center,. where Lillian Bissell isassisting her. Fifteen University girls haveclasses and clubs at the Center; these volun­teers were secured by the Young Women'sChristian League.T. Arthur Johnson, who is practicing inDe Kalb, Ill., was one of the five successfulcandidates to pass the first examination givenby the National Board of Medical Examinersin Washington, D. c., from October 16-20.Leroy Baldridge, 1911, has gone to NewYork City, where he will open a studio. Hisaddress for the present will be 66 West 12thStreet, where he will dwell with Nat Pfeffer1911. Pfeffer has been doing some work fo;the New York Tribune and during the recentcampaign was active in the support of theSocialist candidate for senator.Harold E. Goettler, 1914, is with A. EdwinFrear, Real Estate Agent, at 4309 GrandBoulevard.I� October, Charlotte Viall, 1914, sailed forIndIa to marry W. H. 'Weiser, 1915, whohas been for the past year an instructorin Ewing College, Allabad. Miss Viall hasbeen acting as dean of women at the KansasState Normal College.Earle Shilton, 1914, is with Blackford &Huntoon, attorneys, Lewistown, Mont. Hewrot� recently to a friend in Chicago of hisastonishment at the cosmopolitanism of Lewis­town, and then he added the following, whichhe �ad. no idea w0l:1ld ever see the light ofpublication, but which the Magazine copiesnevertheless: "I want to try to recreate outhere the teachings and ideals of that greatmother on the Midway. I think of the uni­versity a great deal now; and all the imper­fections we saw so clearly there, the cruelharshness of the efficiency, of the very stonecorners' and gables and peaks of the build­ings, are mellowed and softened and sweetenedin the thought of the inspiration she gave. Itis a great thing to feel that one has takenaway a part of the spirit of an ideal, andmay possibly recreate it in a far place so thatthe whole spirit will thrive even if in a dif­ferent form. That is the way I feel about Chicago-a bigness, a fairness, a truthfulnessabout her that can be rebuilded out hereamongst a people who have not. been at allconcerned introspectively."L. E. Roberts, 1915, is attending the Uni­versity, andIs living at 15 Hitchcock Hall.Howard M. Jones, M. A., 1915, is AdjunctProfessor of English and Head of the Schoolof General Literature at the University ofTexas. . Jones is as generally literary a manas has been seen at Chicago in a number ofgenerations. His verse was reviewed in theMagazine last winter. He is young, red­headed and averse to tea, but that does notprevent him from being a poet and a scholar.Oscar F. Munson, A. M. 1915, is superin­tendent of city schools in Rock Springs, Wyo.1916.President-emeritus Craig Redmon an­nounces a box-social and Christmas cotillonWednesday, December 27, between 6 and l()p'. m., probably in Ida Noyes Hall, for theClass of 1916. Hon. Paul S. Russell and Hon.Lawrence J. MacGregor, recent graduates ofthe N orthwestern Astronomical College, witha large troop of assistants, are slated to be thechief auctioneers. A good time will be hadby all.Robert P. Vanderpoel is teaching in theAshtabula Harbor ( Ohio) High School· hisaddress is 4 Pennsylvania Avenue. 'B. W. Allen is located at 5050 Maple StreetSt. Louis, Mo. . 'Ethel F. Mullarkey has charge of the finearts department in the Missouri State NormalSchool, Cape Girardeau, Mo.Jack Lyons is in the office of A. B. Leach &Co., 105 South La. Salle Street." Bruce Martin, now in Tulsa, Okla., writes:In regard to those struggles you at the Uni­versity seem to .thi11-k are football games,every Saturday night I am forced to girdmyself for battle and go forth to the slaughterof alumni (or quitters) from the U niversi­ties. of. Kansas, Missouri, and other placeswhich m the good old days I used to silencewit� one breath of big league football talk.Craig Redmon tells me that each week he isforced to kill scores of the inhabitants ofIndiana, even though we did beat them up.Three members of 1916 have recently beenhere, .one of them. spending a month in myBeautiful and Thriving City and they willtestify that it. hCl:s paved st�eets and goodhomes, tall buildings and automobiles andthat n.o leisurely bl.anketed Indians, but onlycharming maidens in the latest and shortestskirts of fashion, ever stroll down our streets.". The University of ChicagoH 0 M E in a. ddition to �esidentwork. offers also mstrue«tiOn by correspondence._STUDY :;'�a�,:::�e:dr!�;__ .25th Year U. ofC.(DiY.. 2 )Chicago.lD. -84 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEngagements.The engagement is announced of MissElizabeth Channon Harris, 1911, to John S.Van Bergen, son of Mr. and' Mrs. W. F.Van Bergen of Oak Park. Miss Harris is amember of the Mortar, Board arid is nowpresident of the Mortar Board Alumnae. Nodate has been set for the wedding.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slutzker of Altoona,Pa., announce the engagement of their daugh­ter P earl to Robert J. Hart, '09. Hart wasprominent in university life, having playedtennis on the unrversrty team in '06 '07 and'08, winning with J. A. Ross the' Intercol­legiate in the last year. Since 1909 he hasbeen with the clothing manufacturers Hart,Schaffner & Marx. The marriage will takeplace December 26.The engagement is announced of AdeleFrankel, '16, and Harold D. Wile.Mrs. Helen Allan announces the engage­ment of her daughter Helen, '15, to DonaldColwell! '16: Miss Allan is teaching kinder­garten m Linn Grove, Ia., and Mr. Colwell isteaching in Geneva, Ill.Marriages.Helen T. Sunny, Ph. B. '08, and George B.McKibbin, J. D. '13, were married on Satur­day, November 11, at the home of the 'bride4933 Woodlawn Avenue. Dr. Frank W. Gun�saulus officiated at the ceremony, at whichonly the immediate fa:milies and a few friendswere present.The marriage is announced 0 f MargaretEunice Hubbard and Lyman L. Weld on Oc-tober 21 at Elgin, Ill..Mrs. J. S. Visher announces the marriageof her daughter, Dorothea '06, to JosephSlowber at Conner, Mont., October 1.Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Kellogg announce themarriage of their daughter Emma, '12, toWalter G. Stromquist, on November 16, atCincinnati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Strongquistwill be at home after December 1, at WalnutHills, Cincinnati.Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zacharias announcethe marriage of their daughter Myra '11 toJohn C. Siedenfuss on Saturday, Oct�ber' 25.Mr. and Mrs. Siedenfuss will be at home afterJanuary 1, at 242 New Street, Blue Island Ill.Elizabeth Ayres, '12, and Albert EugeneKidd, Jr., will be married Thursday evening,December 14, at the Hyde Park BaptistChurch. Mr. and Mrs. Kidd will be at homeafter January 15, 1916, at 816 E. 56th Street,Chicago. Pfanstiehl, on September 4, at HighlandPark, Ill.E. A. Henry, D. B. '07, and Mrs. Henryannounce the birth 0 f a son, J ohn Gordon,November 21, at 5527 Kenwood Avenue.Robert E. Clark, ex-'13, and Mrs. Clarkannounce the birth' of a daughter, DorothyEvelyn, October 26, 1916.George E. Fuller, '09, and Mrs. Fuller an­.nounce the birth of a son, George Elmer, Jr.,on November: 9, 1916.Donald H. Hollingsworth, '13, and Mrs.Hollingsworth (Dorothy Fox, '13) announcethe birth of a son, Donald Hopkins, June9, 1916.Mr. and Mrs. James F. Chaffee (Jean Comp­ton, '09) announce 'the birth of a daughter,June, on June 13, 1916.Deaths.Claude Stelle Tingley, M. S. 1908, died atDeland, Fla., on November 1. At the timeof his death he was professor of chemistry inJohn B. Stetson University. He had been inill health for some time, but had resumedhis teaching this fall. His wife survives him.Ruth Mathews, '15, died, August 26 at herhome, 900 Washington Street, Bu;lincrtonIowa, af�er three days' illness with app�ndi�citis, .MISS Mathews was a member of PhiBeta Kappa.Richard F. Winson, ex-'15, died October 21at his home, 2416 Spencer Str'eet Omaha'Ne� , ,THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYH. Foster Bain, Ph. D., 1897 has severedhis connections with: the Mining Magazine,London. After a VISIt to the Rand hepassed through Chicago recently on' hisway to China, where he will be engagedin professional work.T. T. Quirke, Ph. D., '15, and'Miss AnnieMc Ilraith of Grand Forks, N. D., weremarned September 23. They will 'maketheir home in Minneapolis.Capt. E. M. Burwash, .Ph. D., '15, hasgone, overseas as chaplain of the SixthBrigade, Canadian Light Artillery.L. C. Snider, Ph. D., '15, is attached tothe geological staff of the Cosden Oil &Gas Co., with headquarters at Tulsa, Okla.M. G. Mehl, Ph. D., '14, has been ap­pointed head of the Department of Geologyin the University of Oklahoma.Eliot Blackwelder, Ph. D., '14' has as-Births. sumed his duties as head of the D�partmentRobert Lyle Allison, 1911, and Mrs. Allison of Geology at the University of Illinois.announce the 'birth of a son, Robert Lyle, Jr., �. E. Carman, P�. D., '14, has been ap-on September 10, 1916, at Corning, N. Y. pointed to the chair of Geology at OhioDr. and Mrs. Anfin Egdahl announce the State University. ' ,-�rth of a son, William Anfin Egdahl, on R. C. Moore, Ph. D., '16, has been ap-ugust 16. Dr. and Mrs. Egdahl are at 103 pointed associate professor of geology atSecond Street, West, Menomonie, Wis. the University of Kansas. .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pfanstiehl (Caryl Cody, C. W. Tomlinson, Ph. D., '16 has been1915) announce the birth of a son, Cody appointed to the chair of Geology at theALUMNI AFFAIRSMississippi College of Agriculture and Me­chanical Arts.A. C. Trowbridge (Ph. D., '11) and Mrs.Trowbridge announce the birth of a son.J. H. Bretz, Ph. D., '14, spent the sum­mer studying the physiography and geol­ogy of the Cascade Mountains.R. T� Chamberlin, Ph. D., '07, made ashort trip to Florida the' latter part ofOctober to investigate the find of supposedPleistocene man.W. N. Logan, Ph. D., '00, has beenappointed to the chair of Economic Geol­ogy at the University of Indiana.W. D. Jones, Ph. D., '14, is in Japan aftera summer in China. He will return to theUniversity January 1.,A. E. Parkins, Ph. D., '14, has gone fromthe University of Missouri to the GeorgePeabody College for Teachers, at Nash­vi-lle, Tenn.C. D. Miller, Ph. D., '16, is now with theWestinghouse Electric & ManufacturingCompany in East Pittsburgh. as researchphysicist.Fred P. Upson, Ph. D., '10, and Mrs.Upson announce the birth of a son, Wes­cott Ames Upson, November 9, 1916.H. F. MacN eish, Ph. D., '09, has resignedan instructorship at Yale University to ac­cept a position in the department of math­ematics at the De Witt Clinton HighSchool, New York City.EDWIN SHERWOOD BISHOPEdwin Sherwood Bishop was a graduateof the University of Wisconsin and hadtaught physics in the high schools of Mil­waukee before he entered the graduateschool of the University of Chicago as acandidate for the doctor's degree in phys­ics.During his graduate course he taughtthe physics classes in the . University HighSchool with such conspicuous success thathe was induced to .remain in that workafter he took his Ph. D. degree in 1911.There. he made an exceptional reputationas a teacher. His peculiarly winning per­sonality not only drew his pupils to himas a' man, but he also knew how to stimu­late them to real scholarship, as scores ofparents who had boys in his classes willbear witness.It was my good fortune to be throwninto especially close contact with his sum­mer course for teachers, and I have sel­dom, if ever, seen a more magnetic teacheror a more skillful demonstrator. Thiscourse was crowded each year with matureand experienced teachers . who repeatedlytold me that they got more out of Dr.Bishop's work than out of any other coursewhich they had taken in the University.With him teaching was not a theory,nor even merely a science; it was an art.and an art of which he was himself amaster. He was too big a man and tooindependent a thinker to be caught by the 85latest passing fads in education, and edu­cation would be stronger today if therewere more judgments like his in it.But it was the magnificent courage withwhich he faced the inevitable-for he knewwhile he was still active that he had notlong to live-that made me glimpse in hima man of much larger stature than mostof us. Edwin. Sherwood Bishop died in hisearly thirties, but in his influence upon thelives of his pupils and his friends he lefta larger record than do most men of twicehis years and treble his opportunities.R. A. MILLIKAN.THE LAW SCHOOL ALUMNIASSOCIATIONFrank P. Abbott, '16, has formed a part­nership with R. G. Beck under the nameof Abbott &. Beck, with offices in theHawkes-Gortner Building, Goshen, Ind.J. T. Border, '16, is located at 1562, 10South La Salle street, Chicago.Joseph 1. Brody, '15, is a member of thefirm of Dunshee, Haines & Brody, 310Manhattan Building] Des Moines, Iowa.F. L. Boutell, '15, is located at 1610 Titleand Trust Building, Chicago.F. A. Catron, '16, is with Catron & Cat­ron, Santa Fe, N. M.Irwin Clawson, '16, is with Evans, Evans& Folland, 1021 Boston Building, Salt Lake,Utah.Edward J. Clark, '11, is "practicing law inToledo, Ore.Harry G. Clemens, '14, has offices at 915Merchants Bank Building, St. Paul, Minn.George T. Crossland, '11, is located at1924, 111 West Monroe street, Chicago.Horace S. Davis, '16, is with Charles W.Campbell, Big Timber, Mont.Henry W. Drucker, '14, is with Lyman,Adams & Bishop, Title & Trust Building,Chicago, Ill.Joseph Fekete, Jr., has offices at 915,11 South La Salle street, Chicago.Alice Greenacre, '11, is practicing at 822,70 West Monroe street, Chicago.R. W. Hale, '16, is located at 408 Hamil­ton Building, Akron" Ohio. _'_ Walter W. Hammond, '16, is a memberof the firm of Buckmaster & Hammond,172 Market street, Kenosha, Wis.Maurice L. Heims, '16, is located at 810Title & Trust Building, Chicago.Leo. H. Hoffman, '14, has offices at 1601.,14 East Jackson boulevard, Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Houghton, '09,are living at 36 Watson avenue, Wau­watosa, Wis.Charles A. Huston, '07, has been appoint­ed dean of the Stanford University LawSchool in place of Prof. Frederic C. Wood­ward, who has become a member of theUniversity of Chicago Law Faculty.Perry J. Long, '16,' is practicing law at913 Renkert Building, Canton, Ohio.Y. D. Mathes, '16, is located at 629 Com­mercial Bank Building, Houston, Tex.86 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERalph Merriam has removed to 1129, 19South La Salle street, Chicago.Jesse E. Marshall, '14, is a member ofthe firm of Marshall & Arnkens, 4� WestWashington \street, Frankfort, Ind.Arthur Mullins is at 1490 Clayton street,Denver, Colo.Otto A. Sinkie, '16, has offices at 312 BeeBuilding, Omaha, Neb.Hugo Swan, '16, is with Benton & Mor ...ley, 600 Security Building, Minneapolis,Minn.Chang Lok Tan, '16, can be addressedcare Wilber National Bank, Oneonta, N. Y.Harry S. Tressel, '16, is with Garnett &Garnett, 1538 Tribune Building, Chicago, Ill.George Wadsworth, '16, is superintendentof schools at Grangeville, Ida.Leo T. Wolford, '15, is located at Frank­lin, Ind.Herbert Bebb, '13, has opened an officefor the general practice. of law at 956, 29South La Salle street, Chicago.'Mary Bronaugh, '14, is .secretary forJudge Orrin N. Carter of the Illinois Su-preme Court. .E. E. Bruckner, '16, is living at 6128U nivers'ity avenue, Chicago.Wallace J. Black, '12, was elected state'sattorney of Marshall County, Illinois, onNovember 7th; by the largest majority evergiven in that county.S. D. HirschI, '06; M. A. HirschI, '10, andW. L. Brooks, '10, have formed a partner­ship under the name of Hirschl, Hirschl &Brooks, with offices at 79 West Monroestreet, Chicago.J. W. Lorenz, '14, has opened a law of­fice at 1433 Conway Building, Chicago.Ro bert R. Mix, '10, is practicing at 1020,105 West Monroe street, Chicago,John McIntosh, '16, is with Stocker &Foster, Old Line Bankers Life InsuranceBuilding, Lincoln, N eb.George M. Morris, '15, is with Dent, Dob­bins & Freeman, 549 The Rookery, Chicago.Paul M. O'Dea was elected prosecutingattorney of Greene County, Mo., at therecen t election. .E. S. Parnass, '16, is with D' Ancona &Pflaum, 1038, 30 North La Salle street,Chicago.Walter H. Smith, '15; is a member of thefirm of Gavit, Hall & Smith, Whiting, Ind.Robert H. Thompson, '16, is located. at136 West Forty-fourth street, New YorkCity.Carl E. Robinson, '15, was elected prose­cuting attorney for Morgan County, Illi­nois, on November 7th.Yarra E. Tyler, '16, is with William H.Pitzer, Nebraska City, Neb.TYPEWRITERS $10. UPUnderwoods, $25. Olivera, $19. Smiths, $13.Remingtons, $10. Write for cut rate list.FrooTrial. Everyone perfect.5yearsguaranty.1&2 rt.��:::'':''�-:'�t�ITE� C8HICAGO The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital • • $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON,Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. 'BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-PresidentB. C. SAMMONS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJ. EDWARD MA"ASS, CashierJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Ass't CashierLEWIS E. GRAY, Ass't CashierEDWARD F. SCHOENECK,. Ass't; CashierDIRECTORSCHAR.LES H. WACKER MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR 'EDWARD B. BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBEMJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLA;IR.CHARLES L. HUTCHi:NSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLF ol'eign Exchange Letters of CreditCable Transfers3% Paid on -Savings DepositsATHLETICS 87AthleticsA REVIEW OF THE FOOTBALLSEASONOct. 7-Chicago, 0; Carleton, 7.Oct. 14-Chicago, 22; Indiana, o.Oct. 21-Chicago, 0; Northwestern, 10.Oct. 28-Chicago, 7; Wisconsin, 29.Nov. 4-Chicago, 16; Purdue, 7.Nov. 18-Chicago, 20; Illinois, 7.Nov. 25-Chicago,'0; Minnesota, 49.Team WonOhio State '. . . . . . .. 4Northwestern 4Minnesota 3Chicago 3Illinois 1Wisconsin 1Iowa 1Indiana 0Purdue· 0 TiedLosto1132223'4 111l'Such statistica11y is the resume of a sea­son which saw the most recent member ofthe Conference, Ohio State, undefeated; pro­duced the best footba11 team, at Minnesota,the West has seen in many years; andbrought to Chicago more beatings than vic­tories, and yet as the season progressed afeeling of satisfaction with the team of anintensity that rarely accompanies even so­ca11ed championships. The boys were longin getting together, but they got togetherfinally. Then, playing their best, they en­countered a remarkable team, were beatenby seven touchdowns, and yet at the endwere fighting with more cool courage, moreintelligent desperation, than they had shownat any time in the season. It was futile,but it was splendid. They played better'against Minnesota than against Illinois;and the chances are that the two best teamsin the Conference met on Stagg Field onNovember 25. Which goes to 'show howfar Minnesota outclassed' her opponentsthis year. She belonged in another league-if she could find the right one. If Min­nesota keeps approximately the same elevennext year the writer would like to suggestthat in fairness she be compelled to .playall her games on the same day ..Aside from the magnificence of Minne­sota the season was' marked by the greatsuccess of Ohio State and Northwestern.To a follower of the game offootball noth­ing could be more satisfactory than the ad­vance of these two teams. Both had com­paratively light elevens, i¥ith at least onefirst-rate heavy plunging back' and morethan one fast dodging ruriner to help him;both were beautifully drilled; both werealways on the alert; and the success of bothmeans the very best for the interest of thePet.,1.000.800.750.500.333.333.333.000�OOO game. N ext year, with Stiehm at Indiana,that institution too should' get up higher.The time has already come, as Mr. Staggsaid at the alumni club dinner, when everygame between Conference teams is a toss­up, and no "championship" can possiblybe decided.The story of Chicago's games may begiven briefly. Carleton came down hereon October 7, a seasoned, eleven, which hadpracticed more than a month together, andwhich was quite as heavy and fast as Chi­cago. The game was very close, but Chi-_ cago's lack of sustained attack was fatal.Two good chances to score were lost byChicago, and the one which Carleton hadshe improved. Indiana' was weak. AgainChicago, though scoring 22 points, showedlack of driving power as a team. Brilliantindividual runs turned the trick. TheNorthwestern game on October 21 was lostto a team which on that day at least wasbetter both offensively and defensively thanChicago. The newspapers gave all thecredit to Driscoll, Northwestern's captain,but the star of the game by' long odds wasKoehler, Northwestern's, fullback. His in­terference was amazingly effective, and hisbreaking up of Chicago's attack was un­canny. Again Chicago gained more yardsthan her' opponent, hut again she lackedthe punch when it was really needed.By this time it became evident that theteam was going to learn the game, if itfinally should learn it, slowly. The line­men were big and strong arid the backs fast,but they did not work. together. The line­men could not keep their proper spacing,and the backs could not shift without bump­ing each other. The Wisconsin game wastragic. For just about ten minutes, at the.beginning of the second half, the menplayed as a team. In those ten minutes theymarched in' fourteen plays seventy-fiveyards to a touchdown and then eigh ty_ yardsto the Wisconsin two-yard line, where theywere held. Aside from this, they a11 playedloosely and Wisconsin's victory was easy.The glaring faults of that. game were tosome extent repeated against Purdue. Theywere ,faults of intelligence as we11 as oflack of actual knowledge of the game. Aftera brilliant dash for a touchdown, Pershingwas taken out, and Graham ran the team,and ran" it badly. But Purdue was notstrong enough or keen enough to take ad­vantage of loose play, and Chicago wonvery easily. Then, in two weeks of hardpractice, the team found itself. Fluegel at,last woke up to a little self-confidence andplugged a big hole at guard; Brelos at endlearned when to dash in and when to stayout; and the two made a different matter ofTHE FOOTBALL SQUAD, 1916.Top row, left to right: Rademacher, '12 (assistant coach); Knipschild, '17; Stagg, Johnson (trainer),Page, '10 (freshman coach). -Photograph by Martyn.Second row: Lundy, '19; Mellon, '19; Levy, '19; Parker, '18; Day, '18; Hanisch, '19; Higgins,'!9; Agar, '17; Seerley, '19; Harper, '18.Third row: Hawk, '18; Brelos, '18; Smith, '19; Schafer, '17; Gordon, '17; Gentles, '19; Fluegel, '18; Gorgas, '19; Norgren, '18; O'Connor, '17.Bottom row: Whyte, '19; Sellers, '17; Setzer, '19; Marum, '17; Cahn, '18; Pershing, '18; Captain Jackson, '17; Bondzinski, '17; Graham, '19; McPherson,'18; Fisher, '17.ATHLETICS 89the line. The backfield was finally picked,and began _ to work together. And in theIllinois game the results showed.On the first play after the kick-off Graham,fumbled and Illinois got the ball of Chi­cago's thirty-yard line. - Failing to gain;they handed the ball over on downs,' andAgar kicked to Sternaman on Illinois' -etwenty-five-yard line. As Sternaman caughtthe punt, MacPherson hit him amidships;the ball flew into the air; Jackson caughtit on the fly; and J ackson, MacPherson,Bre1os, Pershing and Parker in a .maroon­colored crowd escorted it over the line.Illinois kicked off and Chicago marched.thirty yar-ds. The ball "was two feet fromthe sideline'. Pershing remembered that inprevious games Macomber of .Illinois 'hadshowed a tendency when his' opponentswere near the' -sideline to come up close;so he called for a forward pass. Grahamthrew it thirty-five yards straight down thesideline, and Pershing caught it brilliantlyon the Illinois nine-yard line, whence. itwas taken over. From that moment, 'withthe score '14-0, Chicago "covered up." Nota forward pass did: they try in the secondhalf. The ends played safe on every play.Illinois fought hard but futilely, and a teamwhich had quite - as much potential .povyeras Chicago was beaten by the applicationof intelligence.But the real proof of the gradual amal­gamation of the.. men: into: a team' wasshown against Minnesota. Nobody whosaw that galaxy 10 action could believethat the country possesses a better eleven,or one half as good, for that � Infive minutes their complete superiority wasevident. They scored two touchdowns everyquarter except the last. But-s-at first theyscored on straight football, arid presentlyChicago ·had that pretty well stopped. Thenthey threw the most wonderful. forward,passes the writer has ever seen, and afterawhile Chicago solved those. Then ,theytried tricks of all-sorts, and at length those,too, were .broken up; and !n the last t.enminutes of the game, fighting as steadilyas at the start Chicago finally upset allthe varieties of' their astounding play andkept the ball in the middle of the field. Itwas the worst defeat a .Chicago team. eversustained, and in some ways as satisfac­tory a game as a Chicago team e��r pl�ye�i.The following record 'of ground' gamed mvarious ways in the first six games of. theseason will be of interest. -Against Carleton on October 7, Chicag�gained 318 yards from scn�mage, and Carle-.ton 240. Running back kick-offs and punts"Chicago 143 yards, -Carleton .. 82. Forwardpasses, Chicago tried 16, of which 13 wer� m­complete, one was int�rc�t�d and �wo gained74' yards; Carleton tried' 9, of which 4 'Yereincomplete, 2 were intercepted, and 3 gained52 'yards. _ Chicago made 21 first-downs, andCarleton made 15. Against Indiana from 'scrimmage ,Chicago,gained 377, yards, and Indiana 47. Runningback kick-offs and punts, Chicago gained 146yards, Indiana 19. Forward passes, Chicagotried 8, of which 4 were incomplete, 3 wereintercepted, and one gained' 20, yards. In­diana tried 9, of which 5 were incomplete,one was intercepted, and 3 were successful.Chicago made 30 first-downs and Indiana 6.Against Northwestern October 21, Chicagofrom scrimmage gained 133 yards, Northwest­ern 174. Running back punts and kick-offs,Chicago gained- 141 yards, Northwestern 22.Chicago tried 10 forward passe's, of whichonly .1 was complete, 5 being intercepted, andN orthwestern tried 4, of which 2 were in­complete and 2, were successful. Chicago111ade 7 first-downs to 10 for Northwestern.Against Wisconsin, October 28, Chicagogained from scrimmage 178 yards, Wisconsin291 yards. Running back kick-offs and punts,Chicago gained 102 yards, Wisconsin 35 yards.Chicago made 19 forward passes, of which 7were .incomplete, 6 were intercepted, and 6were successful. Wisconsin tried 3, all in­complete. Chicago made 19 first-downs toWisconsin's 25.Against Purdue, November' 4, Chicagogained from scrimmage 319 yards and Purdue169; yards. Chicago gained running back kick­offs and punts, 133 yards, and Purdue '6� yards.Chicago tried 6 forward passes, of which 4were incomplete and 2 gained 40 yards. Pur­due tried 8, of which 4 were incomplete, 'onewas intercepted, and 3 gained 34 yards.Against Illinois Chicago made from scrim­mage 198 yards and, Illinois 177 yards. Chi­'cago lost from scrimmage 14 yards and Illi­nois 26 yards. Running back - kick-offs and/ punts, Chicago gained 104 yards and Illinois89 yards, Chicago tried 5 forward passes, ofwhich 2 were incomplete, one was intercepted,2 gained 53 yards. Illinois tried 25, of which9 were incomplete, - � .were intercepted, .and10 gained 141 yards. 'Chicago gained 154 yardsby running back, intercepted forward passes.Chicago made 14 first-downs and Illinois 16.It will be' seen that in these six games,although 'three were '- defeats, and althoughChicago scored . only 65 points to, her op­ponents' 60, she made many more first downs(Chicago 112, opponents 84) and· gained halfagain as much ground from scrimmage (Chi­cago. 1,575 yards, averaging 262� yards pergame} opponents 1,078 yards, averaging 183yards per game). On running back puntsand kick-offs Chicago gained 729 yards,' oran average of 121% per -game, and her op­ponents' 313 yards;' or an average of 52 yardsper game. ,. Chicago' tried 64 forward passes,of.. which 14, were, completed, 34 were incom­plete and 16 were' intercepted; opponents tried5'8, of which 21 were completed, 27 were in­complete, and only. 10 were intercepted. Itis obvious that Chicago gained ground, on thewhole, better than her opponents from scrim­mage, ran back punts and pick-offs far, bet­ter, and was weak on the forward pass, ,90 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG4ZlNEDiscrhninating Motorists Everywhere UseRED CROWN GASOLINEI t is dependable, clean, powerful, lively and uniform. . Agasoline made with special reference to the needs of theAutomobile Engine. Fill your tank with Red Crown, ad­just your carburetor and your engine trou bles are at an end.Standard Oil Company - Chicago, U. S. A.(INDIANA)ATHLETICSOf the individual players of the season,nobody stands out from the rest. A moreeven lot it would be hard to pick. Pershingis a fine quarterback, Agar and Grahamare admirable halfbacks. Brelos learned somuch football and put so much fury intohis tackling that at the close of the seasonhe looked like the best end, except Baston,in the west. Jackson and Fisher and Hig­gins and MacPherson are real linemen,Higgins, '19quite the equal of many stars of old. Letall the teams keep the same lot next year,and Chicago would, in the writer's judg­ment, go through everything in the west(except, of course, Minnesota) like firethrough straw.But that is not to be. Of the presentline, Jackson, Fisher, Fluegel, Bondzinskiand possibly MacPherson go. Gorgas,Gentles and Smith will know more foot- SIR LAUNFAL '11A CHICAGO MAN, busy as aone-armed cranberry picker, butfilled with the CHRISTMASS PI R IT, was approached oneday by a TIME-SAVING, JOY­GIVING IDEA. He immediatelysat him down and wrote thus:Alumni CouncilUniversity of ChicagoChicagoDear Sirs:Here is my check for sixteen times$1.50, which you will please consider asannual dues for the sixteen persons whosenames I enclose. Nov. 19,' 16I AM SENDING THE ALUMNIMAGAZINE TO MY FRIENDS FORCHRISTMAS, THUS PLEASINGFRIENDS, ALUMNI COUNCILAND MYSELF. It saves my lime, andmakes Christmas a year long for them.Can you think of anything simpleror better)A:W, Yours truly,M. D. Way.Does the Alumni Council approve ofthe idea?Do you approve or Christmas turkey,checks from home. higher wages?FORGET YOUR BOTHERS FILL OUT THE BLANK-----------------------Alumni Council. University of ChicagoSend the University of Chicago Magazine for_year_toMy order for__ dollars is enclosed,Gift subscription 91�JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIlllllllllllllillIIlllllllllIIIIIIllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�Anticipating YourChristmas PurchasesBusiness principals often ask us toselect gifts for an entire office or salesforce. Buying Capper things IS theeasiest way they know to get 'satisfactorygifts for a large number of men. Theyknow how; they have appreciated giftsreceived, In Capper boxes, and theycorrectly assume that others will have_ the same appreciation.In gift buying the line of least resist­ance leads to Capper's, and generally toCapper scarfs.If group giving IS a problem for you,why not .solve it in the easiest way?­seek us·-•FIVE STORESFor Men, Young Men-and Women Who Shop for Men'TWO CHICAGO STORESMICHIGAN AVENUE( and lHOTELAt the Corner of Monroe) 8HERMANMINNEAPOLIS DETROIT'iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1IIIiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiw.London, 29 Regent Street' IATHLETICSball than they did this season; Harper isnot a weakling, and Higgins, Parker, Brelosand Norgren are a pretty good nucleus oftried men ,to build on. ,Reber,' C. Jackson,Phelps and Kahn of the freshmen are allhe.avy and promising men, and of courseKimball is a wonder, if he is allowed toplay. And the back, field, if eligibility doesnot play havoc, which at present it does not�eem likely to do, will be first rate. Persh­mg, Graham and Hanisch 'Will all be back,and Myers, Rouse, Grusch, Elton and Hutch­mson are five fine players. N ext year'steam may WIn more gaines or lose morethan this year's, but if it shows the sameability a 'little sooner in the season, therewill be few complaints. .'The captain for next year will be electedprobably before this issue of the .ll.f aaaeineis out. The choice lies between Brelos andPershing. Brelos prepared at Oak ParkHigh. He played a little at half in hissophomore yearv.but pr incipally at end; thisyear at �nd and, on offense, at 'guard. Heweighs Just under 160 pounds, but is verypowerfully built; he throws the sixteen-'pound hammer over 140· feet. Pershingprepared at .Hyde 'Park, High. Last year heplayed halfback; this year quarter. LikeBrelos, he weighs between 155 and 160pounds. He has run the hundred severaltitles in ten seconds flat. Both men arehigh-stand students, Brelos especially beingclose, to if not quite on, the level .of PhiBeta Kappa, and both are thoughtful and.mature young men as well as good foot-ball, players. .. [Pershing was elected November 28, after theabove �as in type .. Three were balloted for, Nor­gren being the third; but the foregoing comment isallowed. to stand.-Ed.]·' 'It might be interesting to point out thatnot only has every man on the squad re­mained: eligible throughout the seasonwhich is a little unusual, but that the .aver�age grades of the' whole squad for thespring quarter were very close to B. Persh­ing, Brelos,' Hanisch, Sellers, Gorgas andHarper were above that mark, and fewwere- far below it. The, general under­graduate average of men cis probably belowB-, and of fraternity men is only a littleabove C , '..Cross-Country-c- Chicago's' 1916· cross­country team is probably the best the insti­tution has yet had. This -year, for the firsttime since the days of Jimmy Lightbody, theteam has been expected to be" among ·theleading contenders for the championship.And' not only has this year's team been avast improvement over past squads, but thefuture promises a still better team for 1917.The team consists of Captain Angier, 1918,Ex-captain Powers, 1917, Tenney, 1918, andSnyder, 1918,' and Jones and Otis, both 1919.Five runners of this year's team are ex­pected to report next .season, and with suchfreshmen as Baker' and Ryan, the Maroons ·93will bid high for the conference honors I'll1917.A considerable factor' in Chicago's workhas been the coaching of Tom Eck. CoachEck has installed weights in the trainingquarters and made use of the rubbing tablesboth before and after practice. The run­ners have: had the best of equipment andby careful attention have been rounded intothe best of condition, Credit must also begiven to Roy Campbell, 1915, who hashelped the squad in many ways, pacing themen in their time trials and aiding in thecoaching. Every candidate will testify thatCampbell has shown the true Chicago spirit.Official practice did not .start until collegeopened, but 'a few men worked out a weekbefore school began. . Coach Eck 'Was verycareful the first few weeks to keepthe run';'ner's legs from getting sore. For threeweeks no time trials were held,· thougheach man, during these first three weeks,ran about eighty miles. _The candidates ran through Washingtonand Jackson parks and along the Midway.For the time trials a mile track was laid inWashington park.' This track was used forthe first time on October 23, when Tenneywon' a three-mile time trial in 16 minutesfiat. Two days later, over the same track, Otiswon a half-mile trial in 2 :04. - The follow­ing Saturday the squad ran 'its first five-miletrial of the' 'season. 'Tenney covered thedistance in 26 :26, with Otis a few yardsback. Snyder, Jones, Powers and CaptainAngier followed in the order named. How­ever, as the track was a little short, due tothe tampering of small boys, the time madein the trial 'did not really show the speedof the squad. 'The next week a mile trial was won byOtis, who ran the distance in 4 :40. OnNovember 8th another three-mile trial was,won by Jones in ,15 :46, ,cutting off 14 sec­onds from the time made by Tenney threeweeks before. Each man at this time hadrun about 150 miles since starting to train.The first meet was with the Mystic A. c.,run over 'the track in Washington park onSaturday, November 11. Much interestwas shown in the, outcome of the meet.Director Stagg promised the team a trip toChampaign . if they beat the Mystic men.Evidently the men wanted to see the Chi­cago-Illinois game, because they easily beatthe Mystic dub, 26 to 53. Otis was the firstman .to cross the tape, his -time being26 :41115� He was closely followed by 'I'en­ney, who was less. than a second behind.Sydney Hatch of' the visiting team wasthird. Jones, .Powers and Snyder, all Chi­cago men, followed in order. Captain An­gier was eighth, just being beaten out forseventh place by Henkel of the Mystic club.Coach ;Eck had arrangedadualrneet withNorthwestern lor the' following' Tuesday,, but on account of the 'cold spell the racewas postponed until the 'next Friday. At94 ATHLETICS-this time Wisconsin had barely beaten Min­nesota in a dual meet, showing that boththese teams were in the running for thechampionship. Purdue runners had, metand easily beaten the Illinois squad andAmes had ruri away from Iowa.' It' wasbelieved, then, that the champion ship, layamong Chicago, Wisconsin, Purdue, Minne­sota and Ames. Chicago's chances wereraised still more when they met N orth­western in the postponed dual meet. Allsix men entered by Chicago finished wellover a minute before a Northwestern manappeared. Tenney led, Jones was second,with Otis, Snyder, Powers and CaptainAngier following· in very close order. Asthere :was no competition, there was no in­centive to run hard and the men consideredthe race a practice run.,The next week was spent in final prepa ..ration for the conference run to be held atPurdue · the coming Saturday. . As the Pur­due course is over hills, the Chicago menmade what use they could of the littleknolls in Washington park. For a weekthe students were aniused py watching, theteam run up and down these imagineryhills. Thursday night, the 23rd of, N ovem­ber, the men. finished their training for theseason, each man ' having run over: ,180miles. They were in fine condition whenthey left for Purdue, ready to .make theother teams fight for the championship.GEORGE OTIS, 1919. MUNICIPAL BONDSExclusivelyJ.R.SUTHERLIN 6 to.COMM�RCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO.CALVIN O. SMITH, '11- SALES MANAGERCIRCULARS MAILED ON REQUESTCHICAGO COLLEGIATEBUREAU OF OCCUPATIONSPositions; Filled-' Trained' Women PlacedAr e You � �d��:::�Y Writera Institutional Manager, Household Econoinic ExpertDo You Need, Laboratory Assistant, Research Worker. Roorn 1002 Stevens Bldg.- 17'N. State Street Central 5336S'U'pe-rio'ri�y:"Figure your sh 0 e bills by theyear, not by the, pair. Presentconditions make the best shoesobtainable 'a genuine. economyFRENCH, SHRINER & 'URNER106 S. Michigan Avenue . and 15 S. Dearborn Street11111111IIIlll11111Ullllllllllfllfllllllllllll'IlllllllIlllllllllllllllf!1 .1IIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111\\11111111111111111111\\111111111111BreakfastFinds youWaitingFor theBell! Just tothink ofSwift's PremiumSliced Bacon----�1111111111111111111!llllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIlillllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1l11111111111111111111111111111l11111111l111l1lltlllllllllll!llmlllliliIllililfor breakfastmakes your ap­petite impatient,<ll Ask yourdealer today for"Swift's Premium"Sliced Bacon inOne Pound CartonsThe Convenient Book Store-is successfully focusing its broad and helpfulservice just now on holiday gift needs-andthis, in addition to the filling of every otherbook want, with especially wide selections ofbooks pertaining to business, travel, music, art,gardening, fiction, current literature and worksby standard authors.Wabash Avenue EntranceSuch men want com­fort AFTER smokingIT'S NOTICEABLE thatmore and more substantialmen are choosing Fatimas fortheir steady smoke. There.must be some reason for it.Surely, these men wouldquickly pay a far higher pricefor another cigarette if it suit­ed them better.That is just it. No other ciga­rette can quite give what Fatimasgive.Some other cigarettes tastegood, yes. But Fatimas do more-they,are comfortable. Not onlyare they comfortable to the throatand tongt!e while you smoke them,but, much more important, theyleave a man feeling keen and "fit"AFTER smoking, even though hesmokes more than usual.