Vol. VIII CONTENTS FOR JUNE, 1916 No.8FRONTISPIECE: Main Hall and Stairway of Ida Noyes Hall.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 365IDA NOYES HALL (with -pictures ) , , .. ,' ,372THE MANAGEMENT OF. IDA NOYES HALL, 'by Marion Talbot",,"', ..• ,""""',.,"""" ,373THE SPIRIT OF IDA NOYES HALL, by Mrs, George S, Goodspeed,., .. ,""""",.,',.,"" .374THE LEAGUE ROOM, by Helen Johnston ,"" .. , , ,:"."., .. ".,',., .. ,',., .. 375TtIE GIFT (with pictures) , , , , , . , , , , , , . , , . , . ; , .. , . , , , . , , , . , . , . , , , , .... ; , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , ,377ON A SCHOOL ANTHOLOGY, by Howard Mumford Jones, .. ,., ... ,.".,.,." .. " .. " ,," ,380THE END OF AN ERA, by Francis W. Shepardson , , . , , . , ...........•...... , 381NOTES OF THE CELEBRATION., , , , . '.' . ". " .. , .. " '.' ' ; . , e• :3'83FROM THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY, .by Thomas W, Goodspeed " :384THE UNIVERSITY RECORD (with picture)"".,., , .. , .. "."., .. , .. ,." ,.,.,., '.' ,39?THE MONTH AT THE . UNIVERSITY " .. ,., , ',., ",. >&��;.J'IHE LETTER-Box", " '.' , .. ,. ", ,'., , ".. ".,:,�.��'ALUMNI AFFAIRS. '". ' .. '. ' ',' ""':i�!��8Annual Spring Meeting of. Chicago Alumni Club; The Eastern Alumni Association Dinner'),News of the Classes; The Association of Doctors; The Law School Alumni Association ..ATHLETICS " ' '.' .••.• '0 • 0 ; ••••••• , ••••••••••• 411THE MAIN HALL AND STAIRWAYEntrance to the Office of the Building and the Common RoomThe University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME YIn NUMBER 8JUNE, 1916Events' and DiscussionBy the time this issue of the M a:gazineis in the hands of the readers 'the cam­paign of publicity for the Quarter: Cen­tennial will' be ' practi-Are You cally over. AlthoughComing? that campaign was latein beginning' it hasbeen efficient. The official" program,, which was sent out with the invitation toall the alumni 'wh&se� correct ,'addressesare upon the books.is-a ,thing of beautyand a joy forever. Or'the minor fea­tures of this publicity campaign',the'mostinteresting is that which' connects .itselfwith the effort to organize the returningalumni by classes. Of . course, with thegraduates of the last five or six years thisis comparatively' easy, 'and, it ' will cori­tinue to be easier and easier as the timegoes on, in view of the'constantly moreefficient class organization. Und:er thegeneral chairmanship of Earl D'. 'Hostet­ter, '07, however, and with the co-opera­tion of a committeeman from each Class,definite progress' has been made in' rioti­fying and' bringing' together the - membersof the older classes as well, and, from '94down to 1915 everyman and woman whoreturns may be 'sure .offinding represent­atives and places' of' meeting, with com­rades of his: own year.�, Ithas -been an-'nounced that the generai 'committee willfurnish all classes with colored paperhats, parasols, banners and balloons forthe parade. Each class has been' asked to provide in 'addition' some, distinctivefeature of its own. A number of theclasses will arrange floats and many, ifriot all, will be provided - with bands.'From the, alumni point of view the sue­cess or failure of the day, must dependhow altogether on the response whichthe alumni give to the invitation' and tothe, general publicity. , -The celebration, is'arranged down' to. the last detail. Nowcome.The general committee in charge of thealumni features of the, celebration is madeup of the following ':, , , 'Arthur E. Bester, �01, General Chairman;John' B. Whidden, '07" 'Chairman PublicityCommittee; Henry ·D. Sulcer, '06, ChairmanSing' Committee; Earl D. Hostetter, '07, J. D.'09, Chairman Procession and Circus 'Commit­tee; Grace A. Coulter, '99, Choirmon DinnerC ommittee ; Walter L. Gregory,' '05,' ChairmanDinner.Entertainment Committee; Ruth Agar,'14; Edgar A. Buzzell, '86; Mollie R. Carroll,'11; Scott, Brown, '97; Homer J. Carr, '79;Mrs. Geraldine Brown Gilkey, '12';' Edgar J.Goodspeed, D.B., '97, Ph.D., '98; Wrs; JessieHeckman Hirschl, '10 ; James , Weber, Linn;'97; Samuel MacClintock, '96, Ph.D.; '98; Mrs.Mary Remick McDowell, '02 ; John F. M6tiMs,',07; Ernest E. Quantrell, '07; David A., Rob­ertson, '02; Herbert E. SIaught, Ph.D.,' '98 ;Helen T. Sunny, '08; Harold H. Swift, '07;Agnes R. Wayman, '03; Herbert P. Zimmer­man, '01.Those specifically in charge of the sep-arate reunions are:Old University-Edgar A. Buzzell, '86, Hart­ford Building., Doctors of Philosophy-Herbert E. Slaught,Ph.D., '98, University of Chicago.Divinit'J,l School-Po G. Mode, Ph.D., '14,University of Chicago.366 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELaw School-R: E. Schreiber, '04, J.D., '06,Otis building ..1894 Horace G. Lozier, Insurance Exchangebuilding. .1895 Thomas A. Moran, 208 South La Sallestreet.1896 Raymond C. Dudley, Railway Exchange.building.1897 Donald S. Trumbull, 134 South LaSallestreet.1898 John F. Hagey, First National Bank1899 Willoughby Walling, Hubbard Woods,Illinois.1900 Charles S. Eaton, 35 North Dearbornstreet.1901 Frederick Sass, 105 West Monroestreet.1902 Herbert E. Fleming, 105 North Clarkstreet.1903 Thomas J. Hair, 5423 Greenwood ave-nue.1904 Shirley Farr, 5757 University avenue.1905 Elizabeth Robertson, 3129 Fulton street.1906 Burton P. Gale, 6111. Kimbark avenue.1907 Harold H. Swift, Union Stock Yards.1908 Helen T. Sunny, 4933 Woodlawn ave-nue.1909 William P. McCracken, Jr., 209 SouthLa£alle street.1910 Harry ·0. Latham, 306 South Canal�reet.,1911 S. E. Earle, 633 Plymouth court.1912 R. ]. Daly, Monadnock building.1913 Lawrence Whiting, 6029 Kimbark ave­nue.1914 Harvey Harris, 5000 Ellis avenue.1915 Helen Ricketts; 438 West·· Marquetteroad.The members of the College AlumniAssociation received some time ago thepost-card ballots for next year's officers.A sample. ballot is,The Officers however, reprinted onfor Next Year page 409 of this issue.If you neglected tovote on the post card, will you do so now,and return the slip to the alumni officeby Friday morning, June 2? The voteis important, not only because we musthave efficient management next year.There are no names on that ballot whichare deadwood. But it. is also importantbecause a small vote is discouraging. Ifyou aren't interested, don't vote. We arenot anxious to .be self-deceived. But ifyou .. are interested, don't let anythinginterfere with your voting. Let us knowyou care. If you have no personal ac­quaintance with the candidates, neverheard of them, cannot' decide among them, at all events sign your name andreturn the ballot. Don't put it off. Don'tsay, "Well, I've mislaid the card, so Ican't uote:" Mail in today the slip inthis issue. It will cost you two centsinstead of one, which is a small fine forputting off so important a matter. Vote!In the May issue O'f the Magazine anaccount was given of the EmploymentBureau at the University. That Employ­ment Bureau is now,and has been for along time, run mosteffectively, but onematter in connectionwith it seems definitely to need develop­ment. That is, its relation to the Alumniof the University, particularly those whoare in business in or near Chicago. TheAlumni of Harvard and Yale living inChicago both maintain regular employ­ment bureaus for graduates of their re­spective institutions who come to the city.How much more should such an organi­zation exist among the Alumni of Chi­cago for the mutual benefit of them­selves and of the graduates! The de­mand for promising young men, trainedand untrained, in nearly all fields of busi­ness is constant. Individual Alumni arealways calling up the editor of the M ag­azine to know whether he can supplythem with a young man for this positionor that, and he is almost always compelledto say that he can 110t. His inability doesnot arise from the fact that there are notplenty of such young men, 'but from thefact that no machinery exists for gettingimmediately in touch with them and put­ting them in turn in touch with employ­ers. There should be a central agencywith which. the Alumni could register andto which the graduating students couldapply. There seems to be no reason whythe Employment Bureau could notassume the functions of- such an agency,There should also, however, be a com­mittee, the smaller the better, appointedfrom among the Alumni in Chicago, whoshould work in conjunction with the em-Using theEmploymentBureauEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONployment agency and who should haveconstantly on hand all the most recentinformation concerning both positions tobe filled, and applicants. In this fashionthe direct service of the Alumni to grad­uates of the institution could be doubled,and more than that, the Alumni them­selves could be greatly served. The mat­ter is recommended to the ChicagoAlumni Club for action.A questionnaire issued to 1,356 under­graduates, men and women of both thejunior and senior colleges, at Chapel theweek of May 9th, inVocations which the studentswere requested to' setdown their choice of afuture occupation,revealed a number of interesting things.Of the 958 who announced a definitechoice, 294 were preparing for teaching,150 for law, 102 for business, includingfinance (bonds, banking, etc.),' 94 formedicine, 59 for journalism, 43 forchemistry, either industrial or research,21 for advertising, 16 for secretarialwork and 15 for the ministry. The restscattered through thirty or more differ­ent fields, 12 declaring for work in geol­ogy, 11 for engineering, 9 for music, 8for public service, 11 for manufacturing,4 for acting and so' on, i-ncluding 4 forinterior decorating, 1 for landscape gar­dening, 3 for dentistry, 1 for forestry, 6for agriculture, 6 for library work, 1 forpolitics, and 1 for "religion." Oddlyenough, only one man declared his inten­tion of going into physical education andone into efficiency work. It is to be notedthat the 358 who signified "no choiceyet," included all the students of the Col- .lege of Education who are, of course,preparing for teaching, and those of theCollege of Commerce and Administra­tion, who for some reason or anotherwere requested not to mark their choiceof occupation., From this examination, partial as it is,a number of interesting facts stand out.At first glance, it would seem that the 367University is pre-eminently an institutionwhich is preparing its students for theprofessions, Exclusive of the College ofEducation, the students intending toteach, preach or practice law or medicinenumbered 551, or about 47 per cent of thewhole number who answered the ques­tions asked. Adding in those in the Col­lege of Education, undoubtedly the pro­portion of those training themselves pro-'fessionally would rise above 50 per cent.Contrasted with this, the number intend­ing to go into all forms of business; in­cluding advertising, is only 146, or lessthan 15 per cent. Add in the students ofthe College of Commerce and Adminis­tration and the percentage will rise tosomewhere between 15 and 20 per cent ofthe whole. This proportion, if acurate,would be one which the University couldnot afford to ignore. It would mean thatthe undergraduate school, like the grad­uate, to meet the wishes of the majorityof its students, should be essentially pro­fessional in its' standards and training.But is it accurate? A large number ofstudents put down "teaching" with aquestion, mark. A large number ofothers. said definitelyVocational that they wished guid-Training ance. In fact, a pe-rusal of the actualrecord has led some, at least, to the be­lief that what is wanted at the universityis vocational guidance. Teaching is thevocation of the drifter. It should notbe so, but 'it is. Dr. Johnson would callit "the last refuge of the uninformed."Not uninformed in fact, but in thechances of life. What do the variousbusinesses, the various professions, needin quality and offer in return? This iswhat, it seems, the students would liketo know: failing this knowledge, theyare' likely to undertake a job of whichthe early rewards are high, the stand­ards uncertain, and the chances of steadyemployment good. That job, of course,is teaching. But is there no way of giv­ing them knowledge of other jobs?368 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThat 59 students declared their inten­tion of going into journalism, besides the21 who have chosen the field of advertis­'ing, is perhaps equallyA School of suggestive. For theJ oumalism? University makes atpresent no provisionfor direct training in journalistic work.Little fault is found with the methodsof teaching English composition, whichis an integral part of journalistic train­ing, and the courses in political sci­ence, in psychology, in sociology and ineconomics 'are numerous and valuable;and it is such courses as these whichprobably give the best all around train­ing, for the young man or woman whowishes to take up newspaper work. N ev­ertheless there is no formal organizationof work in journalism whatever. Noneof. the sequences even are planned toadapt themselves to that end, and in the,face of this fact that between five andten per cent of the entire student bodyshould announce its definite intention ofworking along these lines seems to makeit evident that the University ought seri­ously to consider the' question, of organ­izing work in journalism.Another matter of interest is the very'large number (54) who intend to go intothe work of social service, 'plus eightmore who declaredSocial for "public service,"Service which probably meansmuch the same thing.These 62, It IS to be noted, include nostudents of the College of Commerceand Administration, a considerable num­ber of whom are planning to enter thatsame field. On the other hand only 17at the outside expressed. a choice whichcould be interpreted as committing themspecifically to religious' work. Of thoseonly one announced her intention of be­coming a missionary. Evidently the Stu­dent Volunteer movement has of late hadno particular influence upon undergrad­mites at the University.It would be undesirable to lay much stress upon the results of such a ques­tionnaire as this, put before a studentbody suddenly; answered without timefor thought by men and women of allclasses, who consequently are likely inthe future to change their minds; andnecessarily incomplete. But the viewsof the Alumni on this general subjectwould be a very great interest.An account of the Chicago AlumniClub dinner on April 28th will be foundon page 398 of this issue of the M aqa­zine. As usual thedinner was not at­tended as largely asthose given in the fallare. It seemed to one who had been aregular attendant' of these dinners, how- ,ever, that its spirit was unusually high.The business was conducted rapidly butvigorously, discussion was unusually free,and the feeling of a steady progress inthe importance of the club was marked.This' was due partly, of course, to thefact that for the first time the club is nowa regularly organized body with a mem­bership which can be counted on, andwith various lines of service, such as theLoan Fund, which are being regularlypursued. One suggestion made byW. J.McDowell, '03, deserved more discus­sion than it received. It was that mem­bers of the Club who are "on the road"for one purpose or another should takeevery opportunity, especially in thesmaller cities, to get together and organ­ize the Alumni of those cities. In su.ch atown as New Orleans, for example, thereare a number of Alumni who, as always,'are perfectly ready to organize for theservice of themselves and the University,but who for one reason or another havelacked the spark of initiative. It has beennobody's business in particular to bringthem together, and so nobody has doneit. As time goes on and the Alumni areorganized with a permanent secretary,part of whose duties will consist in just�uch organization of local clubs, the mat-HelpOrganize!EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 369ter will be worked out more upon a busi­ness-like system. Until that time comes,however, individuals directly in touchwith the parent clubs and associationshere in Chicago can do much. TheAlumni office will be very glad to supplylists of those living in various towns orlocalities to anyone WhD asks for them,and with such a list in hand an Alumnuscan do much in a very short time. Thework is hard and not particularly agree­able, but it is SD eminently. worth doingthat it is to be hoped that many of thosewho have the chance to do it will under­take it.The following article from the NewYork Evening Post will be of interest toall alumni. It may be noted that Penn­sylvania is nearly twoAlumni Trustees hundred years old;at Pennsylvania also that 4,000 votes. are necessary for H­fect. Still, the facts are interesting. Onewonders if the case of Professor Near­ing had anything to do with the actiontaken:"Hereafter every vacancy tipon the board oftrustees of the University of Pennsylvania maybe filled from nominations made to theboard by the alumni. This decision wasannounced by the board of trustees at theUniversity at its meeting held on April 10.Heretofore the alumni have had the right,to nominate candidates to fill every thirdvacancy. The board consists of twenty­four members, who serve for life or untilthey resign voluntarily."Under the provisions of this new statute,whenever a vacancy occurs, the board of man­agers of the General Alumni Society will beasked to name not less than six persons, pref­erably alumni, from whom the board of trus­tees of the University is to select three, andelect to membership in the board, for thevacancy then existing, the person among thethree candidates who shall receive the highestnumber of votes cast, provided at least a totalnumber of 4,000 votes shall have been cast. Ifthe total number of votes cast does not num­ber 4,000, the board reserves the right to dis­regard the results of the election in filling thevacancy, and elect a person whose name maynot have been submitted to it by the alumni."The trustees also reserve the right to electmembers to the board without conferring withthe alumni, if the board' believes such actionto serve the best· interests of the University." On page 407 of this issue is an an­nouncement which will be of great inter­est to many of the readers of the M aqa­zine. Briefly, we haveTruth at made an arrangementa Bargain whereby you can geta copy of the forth­corning "History of the University," byDr. Goodspeed for half price. When webegan running extracts from the' newhistory in the Magazine we had no ideaof this arrangement. In fact, that wehave been able to make it is simply onemore evidence of the desire of the Uni­versity to meet the alumni half-way-s­exactly half-way, in this instance. Atfirst Dr. Goodspeed was more than a littledoubtful of the advisability of publishingby piecemeal. Since he consented, somany readers have shown a desire to ownthe book that the Council finally for­mulated the plan announced. The regu­lar price of the History is three dollars,but you may renew your subscription atthe regular rate, $1,50, and get the His­tory for $1.50 additional. Any new mem­ber (since January) of the Associationand subscriber for the Magazine mayalso purchase the History for $1.50. Andany former student who does not wish tojoin the Association or subscribe for theMagazine) may, through the Association,buy the History for $2.00. That is, untilour supply gives out.The History is a book of nearly twohundred thousand words, illustrated bymany new photogravures, vigorously andclearly written, and authoritative. Its ac­count of those first twenty-five years, theformative years as Professor Shepardsoncalled them, is final. It is based alto­gether on original documents and per­sonal experience. Nobody but Dr. Good­speed (quorum pars magna erat ) couldhave written it. Ever since he retiredfrom active service, three years ago, hehas been working on it, though the col­lection of the material was, of course,begun long before that. IHs not only anarrative, it is an encyclopsedia of facts.370 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAs the editor of the M aqaeine has poredover it, culling out such bits here andthere as we had space for, he has beenconscious of the injustice such clippinghas done the book; and now it is genu­inely a pleasure to have the chance toput in your hands a volume of so muchworth, as a record and a remembrance.As a piece of bookmaking it is worth itsfull price; to an alumnus it is worthmuch more than that; to you and to youonly and only to you through the M aga­sine it is offered at much less.'"A Rhenish Romance," produced bythe Blackfriars on the evenings of May5, 6, 12 and is, in Mandel's, was finan­cially very successful.The B1ackfriars' Opinions concerningShow , its artistic s u c c e s s"varied. The critic ofthe Maroon objected to the play, thesinging and much -of the acting, but de­dared the ensemble effective and thechorus-work the best in years. The same_ old difference in points of view emergedat once: Should a college comic operareflect college life" be concerned withcollege conditions, or should it imitate theperformances developed by downtowntheaters for the tired business man? "ARhenish Romance" was of the lattertype. Discussion seems futile. TheFriars are obviously willing to presenteither sort of "Play, and if the judges,choose now, one variety, now another,they are 'obviously influenced altogetherby the desire to select what is most likelyto "get over." Two things might, how­ever, be noted. First, the dramatic club,whose audiences used to be rather apathetic spectacle, is drawing bigger andbigger crowds while following. out itsconsistent, policy of staging "real" plays.Second, the first-night performance of theBlackfriars' show was' sold out, whichwould seem to indicate that the plays ofthe last, two had pleased popular taste;and they we�e .both definitely of the typeof "college for college's sake." On the whole the editor will continue, as an indi­vidual, to recommend the genus of the"Student Superior" rather than that ofthe "Rhenish - Romance" to the anxious­eyed dramatists who do him the honor ofconsulting him about the "right sort ofplay to do for the Blackfriars."The Cap and Gown) the UniversityAnnual, was issued on May 23rd. It isa volume of 575 pages; the managingeditors are JosephLevin, '17, and Don­ald D. Sells, '17; thebus i ness managersCharles Percy Dake, '17 and Paul Blazer,'17; the Art editor Corene Cowdery '17and the Literary editor Stellan S. Wind�row, '17. A number of features are new,including two striking four-color illus­trations, a number of vigorous character­izations, of individual members of the'faculty, and a large amount of space de­voted to Alumni interests. FrederickPercy Powers, '17, writes on the OldUniversity, Dr. Goodspeed on the stu­dents of the first year, and John FryerMoulds, '07; Cyrus Leroy Baldridge, '91,and Lawrence MacGregor, '16, headmarshals" discuss university life from1903 to the present day. Some of thelittle faculty sketches a,re' excellent."I should like to have seen Dr. T. C.,Chamberlain and Gladstone together; itwould have been impressive.""H. E. Slaught-an exceedingly conclu­sive demonstration, .to borrow from Steven­son, of the great Theorem of ,Liveablenessof Life. He is the only cause right nowthat makes me regret I did not study mathe­matics.""George Herbert' Mead-s-his lectures maysteam by fifteen feet above your head, buteven though you can get only the ands andifs, it is worth while to be in one of hisclasses, just to know that the human mindcan reach a poirit of development so farabove your own.". The information concerning Univer­sity activities. while diffuse, as usual, is.accurate, ,and the photographs are good.Alumni who care for a record of thequarter-centennial year should communi­cate with .the bl,1siness managers.The Capand GownEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe nine this spring has done poorlyin Conference games so far. Its develop­ment has been retarded by unusuallyadverse weather, andThe Baseball pitching has beenTeam poor. And yet thosewho have seen thegames have felt rewarded. The men fieldprettily, hit hard, run bases better thanusual, anci'seem to have plenty of fight.A jinx pursues them; who can oppose ajinx? Yet, when this comment is writ­ten there are still many more games toplay, and the prophecy is ventured thatthe jinx will be downed. The weakestfeature of the play, aside from the, pitch­ing, is the coaching of men on the base­lines. Instead of helping the runners,the coachers seem to hinder. In the sec­ond Iowa game Hart hit over the center­fielder's head. He reached third easily,and was, properly, stopped there. Buthow? By frantic gesticulation which hecould, only interpret as a command toslide. So he slid, hard; the bail not yethaving been thrown to the, base: For­tunately he was not hurt, but why washe forced to take the chance? Is thereno way of signaling which .can makereally clear to the runner what he oughtto do? This would be hypercritical if thecoachers had not been really criminal- inthe Ohio State game; one forbears· tocomment on their work in that contest outof pity. In general, ,however, the nineis a good one; and the drill which it hashad, both in games and practice, ought toresult, and indeed seems bound to result,creditably. 371In April the swimming team of YaleUniversity appeared in the west, andamong other feats won a relay race, offour men each, swim­ming one hundredyards. Northwesternwas second and 'Chi­cago third. That Northwestern beat Chi­cago makes it possible for the Magazineto comment without hesitation on thecurious ethics of Yale. One of theirswimmers, R. Mayer, is a freshman, andswam .last year for Andover Academy.The inquisitive may see his name andpicure on page 112 of the 1916 SwimmingGuide, as a representative of Andover;Yale is not allowed to use her freshmenin intercollegiate swimming contests inthe east. Conference colleges are ofcourse not allowed to use their freshmeneither.. Yet the Yale management thrusta freshman into an east-west intercolle­giate championship contest, accepted thetitle that went with victory, and took thecup. "If such a course of conduct is char­acteristic of Yale, one wonders no longerat the views of the Yale baseball captainwho had his men play semi-professionalball last year, or at the views of the coachwho defended the action on the groundthat college men who played baseballought to be kept as constantly amongball players as possible, the year round,lest their interest in the sport should flag.Yale's use of Mayer was not preciselyswindling; there is no law against It, ex­cept the law of honor; which, however,prevails among gentlemen. The title andcup belong, of course, to Northwestern.Will Yale renounce the one and returnthe other?IntercollegiateFairness372 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIda Noyes HallIda Noyes Hall is the gift of' Mr. LaVerne Noyes. The building, 'Or rather group'Of buildings-for it comprises the functions'performed for the men by the Frank Dick­inson Bartlett Gymnasium, the ReynoldsClub, and Hutchinson Commons-is moredomestic in feeling than some of the formalEnglish Gothic buildings of the University,and will, it is- hoped, give the general effectof a large Tudor house. feet by 44 feet and 18 feet high, will seat300 persons. At the left of the entranceis the main stairway, the office of the build­ing, and a checking-room. To the west ofthe main hall, and up a few steps, is thecommon room with a tea alcove and akitchenette adjoining. Beyond the commonroom is the library with doors so placedas to afford free circulation in case of alarge social gathering. .Ida Noyes Memorial RoomAt Head of Main Stairway, Trophy Room Beyond'The main portion of the building has afrontage of 240 feet on Fifty-ninth 'Stree,t,between Woodlawn and Kimbark Avenues.. Space enough is ,left at each end for anaddition, or for a connecting building, asneed may suggest. From the middle of themain structure, the gymnasium extends 110feet back to the north, making the totaldepth of the building 160 feet. To thenorth end of the gymnasium is the swim­ming-pool, which has a skylight and win­dows opening into the cloister garden.Another extension, from the north side ofthe east wing, will be used for offices, stor­age, and service in connection with theCommons. The refectory 'itself, a room 89 In the basement are lockers, dressing­rooms, showers, a small suite of rooms formen, a large game room, and two bowlingalleys. .On the 'second floor are offices and alarge room for the corrective gymnasticwork of the Department of Physical Cul­ture. To the east are social rooms withconveniences for the serving of refresh­ments. In the center is a memorial hallwith an adjoining trophy gallery, fromwhich doors lead to the spectators' galleryin the .gymnasium.The third floor is devoted to an assemblyroom with stage' and dressing-rooms and alarge foyer, to a sun parlor overlooking theIDA NOYES HALL 373Midway Plaisance, and to a large office tobe used as headquarters for women's or­ganizations.The gift of Mr. Noyes was announced tothe Board of Trustees June 4, 1913, and tothe public at the convocation in HutchinsonCourt, June 10, 1913. The next day a com­mittee appointed by the President of theUniversity met in the President's office.Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, appointed archi­tects October 27, 1913, submitted plans andspecifications embodying the suggestions ofthe committee and others January 29, 1914.The plans were accepted by the Board ofTrustees February 14, 1914. The contractwas let to Wells Brothers Company De­cember 18, 1914. November 19, 1914, groundwas broken .. Nine days later the first workwas done in laying the foandations. Ac­cording .. to contract, the foundations .werecompleted' and ready for cut-stone workJanuary 15, 1915. The building will be com­pleted and turned over to the UniversityJune 1, 1916.'/ . 'THE MANAGEMENT OF IDANOYES HALLAll, Ida Noyes, Hall is' divided intothree parts-:-so reads the .proclamation ofthe Board of Trustees. To be more ex­act and perhaps 'more, respectful the fol­lowing statement should be made, since itwas the exact wording of the action takenby the Board of Trustees at its meetingon March 14, 1916.Graduate and Alumnae Room"The administration or those parts ofthe building used for physical culture willbe under the management of the Depart­ment of Physical Culture."The refectory and kitchens, will beunder the management of the Directorof the University Commons. "The remainder, or clubhouse part, ofthe building will be under the manage­ment of a head, to be appointed by theBoard of Trustees, with a secretary andsuitable assistance. Further, there willbe an Advisory Administrative Council,of which the head will be Chairman; thisAdvisory Council will be representative,The Libraryof the women in the Faculty' families,and of women students." ,In spite of this official recognition ofthe different types of activity which. areto go on in the building, there is. everyreason to believe that essential unitywillcharacterize the life within it.' , The' pro­visions made by the Trustees forits useare most generous,' as the' following. offi-cial statement shows:,"There will be no club organizationwith dues,', but the privileges of the club,will be open to all women members of the'University under regulations to be estab­lished by the Head and the AdvisoryCouncil, with the approval of the GeneralAdministrative Board."The necessary expense of administra­tion will be provided by the Board ofTrustees."The management of the clubhouse hasbeen entrusted to Mrs. George S. Good-, speed, whose husband was formerly anhonored and beloved member of the Fac-'ulty, and her return from residence inCalifornia, with her son has been gladlywelcomed by a large circle of friends.374 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIt is the intention of all who have anyvoice in determining the administrativepolicies to proceed slowly in- reaching de­cisions and to use the utmost intelligenceand open-mindedness in experimentingwith the resources of the building so thatThe Dining Roomthey may prove most useful and enjoy­able to the largest possible number ofmembers of the University.The building contains halls, socialrooms and. offices of different sizes sothat many kinds of activities can go on atthe same time. No space. has been re­served for the exclusive use of anyorgan­ization, except a ·large room and an office'for the . Young Women's' ChristianLeag-ue. A possible exception to this isa charming room on the second floor,which will be called ·the Alumna- Roomand will be the headquarters for theAlumnse. Occasionally the room may beheeded for other purposes, but on theother hand the Alumnre will not be re­stricted to this room, but will have theright to share in all the commodious quar­ters of the building. The Alumnae havegenerously agreed to let the residentgraduate students. share their headquar­ters. The convenience' of this arrange­ment will meet a long felt need and willundoubtedly draw the graduate womentogether. in an effective and enjoyablemanner.The business office, in which each or­ganization of a general and permanent character will have a desk and accommo­dations for papers and property, will begreatly appreciated. -In fact, there is hardly a group in theUniversity which will not feel itselfstrengthened and inspired by this mostsplendid gift.MARION TALBOT.The SPIRIT of IDA NOYES HALLThe Uni-versity of Chicago is annuallyattended by many hundreds of women,not one-fourth of whom live in the wom­en's halls. The others live at their homesin or near the city or in rented rooms inthe neighborhood of the University. Forthis great majority of the Universitywomen Ida Noyes Hall offers a head­quarters where they can spend the timebetween their and other engagements, incongenial fellowships and attractive sur­roundings. It is destined to meet a defi­nite and practical everyday need of allwomen living off the quadrangles and itis hoped that every woman in the Univer­sity will make' Ida Noyes Hall' her club,and find it useful in her college life, aThe Sun Parlorplace in which to have luncheon, to swim,to rest, to read, or to visit.Individually the Hall may thus servea very practical purpose, but socially itwill if its builder's hope is realized, do afar higher service. I t opens before allthe women of the University for the firstIDA NOYES HALL 375time adequately a great social. fellowship.In its beautiful and inviting halls and cloi­sters all the women of the Universitymay come to know each other and to cre­ate a broad, generous, gracious social lifeand spirit, which shall become one of theThe Swimming Poolchief factors in the education the Univer�sity gives. A great part of our educationis sympathetic and social. It is more andmore felt that the universities do not somuch educate their students as the stu­dents educate one another. It is for thisspecial part of University education thatIda Noyes Hall is the laboratory and lee­ture hall, and it is here that 'the women ofChicago are to develop and perfect theircontribution to the spirit of the Univer-sity. .The several parts of the building pro­vide for a variety of needs, physical, so­cial and religious. A magnificent refec­tory gives an opportunity for daily mealsas well as for large dinners or classluncheons. Here the Alumnae have theirown room, where they can serve tea totheir daughters and their friends, enter­taining them with stories of the earlydays, those pioneer days of the Beatriceand the north end of the first Gymna­sium. The graduate student from otheruniversities and the wives of the gradu­ate students find here a place for all theirsocial activities. From the spacious en­trance hall to the charming sun-parlor onthe third floor, where a student can bring her own luncheon and make for herselfa cup of tea, one is impressed not only bythe great dignity of the building, but byits welcoming hospitality.Every woman in the University,whether she lives on or .off the quad­rangles, can gain something to help increating a spirit and atmosphere that mayprove the finest and the most beautifulthing in the life of the University. 'THE LEAGUE ROOMIn your tour of Ida Noyes Hall youwill doubtless wonder what activities areto center around the beautiful room onthe second floor at the east end of thebuilding. This room, with the attractiveoffice adjoining, is the headquarters ofthe Young Women's Christian League.As the final.plans for the furnishings ofthese rooms have not yet come from thecommittee, it will be impossible to go intogreat detail. You will find, however, asyou step into the League Rooms the sameexquisite and satisfying taste in everydetail as is displayed in the rest of thiswonderful building. The large, comfort-A Corner of the Gymable couches before the fireplace weremore than inviting and the prevailingspirit of good fellowship, friendship, hardwork and jolly times which has been somuch a part of the League Room ill old,Lexington will take on new vigor underthese ideal surroundings and the newregime.376 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMiss Agnes Hall is to succeed thepresent general secretary, beginning herwork with the League in the fall. MissHall has been secretary at the Universityof Wisconsin and is at present cornplet­ing a year's course at the National Train­ing School 0'£ the Young Women's Chris­tian Associations in New York City, sothat she comes to the University pecul­iarly well equipped to further the workof the League. Many of our alumna- willbe interested in following some of ourformer secretaries who have contributedso much to the development and growthof the League in the past years. HelenHendricks has recently returned fromChina, where she has been doing valu-The League Roomable work at the head of the MusicalDepartment in one of the Chinese schools.Margaret Burton has continued in YoungWomen's Christian Association workvery successfully and is now the NationalSecretary for the foreign work amongthe foreign women students of our Col­leges arid Universities. Besides givingmuch through her personality to the stu­dent movement, she has contributedthrough her books to the wo'rk of thewhole mission field.Margery Melcher, while not one ofour own alumnae, always called' Chi­cago her foster Alma Mater and, wasvery much a part of the life here duringher secretaryship. She went to Indiain 1913, ,first to Calcutta, then to Madras, and as the women of the University havegiven a large amount toward the sup­port of her splendid work there, we stillfeel that she belongs to us. GeraldineGunsaulus Brown, now Mrs. Charles W.Gilkey, has continued to occupy a largeThe Stageplace in the life of the University com­munity not only in her work with th�Hyde Park Baptist Church, but alsothrough her loyal interest and valuablecontribution ts>', the many phases of ourwork. She is now a member of the Ad­visory Board of the League.At this time of great celebration andreview of the past, it is interesting toThe Cloister: Landscapingnote the astonishing increase in the mem­bership and activities of the Leaguesince its founding in 1892. At that timethere were about two hundred membersas against six hundred today. To gointo the history of the multiplication andTHE GIFT 377growth of the new departments were avolume in itself. To cite an example ofthe expansion of our work; some of thealumnae can look back upon . the timewhen Freshmen began their year with­out an Upper Class Counsellor, perhapsthere were fifty or seventy-five at theFreshmen Frolic Dinner with the playgiven in Kent. Last Fall 770 Univer­sity women sat down to dinner togetherand Mandel Hall was well filled for theplay. And now we look for greater progress"expansion and development than everbefore. The League takes this occasionto' express the deepest appreciation andgratitude to the University in the privi­lege of permanent quarters in our beau­tiful new Women's building and it .shallbe with glad, honest effort and true spiritthat we shall contribute the very best wehave to the life of the women of ourAlma Mater. HELEN JOHNSTON)General Secretary.[NoTE.-The pictures illustrating these' articles on Ida Noyes Hall are the first that have beentaken of the interior of the building. The arrangement of the furniture was made especially for thepurpose, and is necessarily both limited and tentative. The pictures for both these and the followingarticle were made by Philip Rounsevelle, '18.-Ed.] ,The GiftThe Masque, entitled "The Gift,"which is to be given by the women ofthe University on Monday afternoon,June 5, just preceding the dedication ofIda Noyes Hall, will be' one of the mostimportant single features of the QuarterCentennial celebration. The Masquewas organized by and is under the direc­tion of Lucine Finch, '06, who sinceleaving the University has been not onlywell known for her work in recital andas a coach of plays, particularly of theannual Whittier Hall plays of the Teach­ers' College of, N ew York, but has alsorecently staged three Masques of generalhistorical interest at Lake Erie College,Painesville, and at Ossining-on-Hud­son in New York, and at Winthrop Col­lege, Rockhill, South Carolina. TheMasque will be presented on the lawnstretching eastward from the Law build­ing toward the women's halls. It willrequire no stage. Box seats will be pro­vided for invited guests, and bleachers'for 3,000, to which admission may behad by ticket, obtainable at the office ofthe Dean of Women.The performers in the Masque will in­clude between 250 and 300 people, amongthem 20 children from the School of Education and a number of childrenfrom the Home Farm of Mrs. Frank R.LilEe at Wheeling, Ill. These childrenA Persian Romance: The Prince andPrincessElizabeth McClintock Helen Johnston,378 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMargaret Conley as The Lakehave been trained by Miss CordeliaKingman.As an introduction to the Masque thewhole cast enters in a pageant. Firstcomes the Spirit of Gothic Architecture,who recites an ode and summons theGothic spirits. They enter, and in a slowdance form themselves into Gothic fig­ures in symbolic representation of the background against which the Masqueis set. They group themselves thenaround the throne of Alma Mater.The plan of the Masque ·proper has.been set forth as follows: "In comesYouth, joyous in unawakened power. Toher the past is but a voice long stilled,the present a possession, the future aplace where her dreams may fly. GuidedTHE GIFT 379by her angels she comes to Alma Mater,seated on her Gothic throne surroundedby the perfections of nature-the lake,the pageant of the sky, the low-lyingfields with their wholesome workers.Youth throws herself at Alma Mater'sfeet, eager for a test of her youngstrength. And so Alma Mater sum­mons her ideals as a challenge to Youth'sspirit. In answer come in their turn theOlympic Games for the perfection of herbody's growth, and that she may learn on Youth and gift of Service."The performers include Professor W.G. Hale as, the Spirit of Gothic Archi­tecture; the sixteen, Gothic characters;Nadine Hall, '17, as Youth; Edith Fos­ter Flint, '97, as Alma Mater; MargaretConley, '17, as .the Lake; Cordelia King­man, '14, as Cloud, and seven chil­dren from the School of Education asRain; Waldine Schneider, '15, as theSun, and Elizabeth Bell, '19, WinifredOwens and Marjorie Mahurin, '18, asA Persian Romance: Tile Four Guardsmen Pauline Callen, Blanche Firth,Katherine Howe, Dorothy Mullento take. victory simply and defeat withcourage; the Romance of Literature, thather imagination may be stirred and heryoung dreams take form; the Spirit ofWorship, that this earth-loving child maylift her eyes to the enduring sky. ThenKnowledge coming, places her lamp inYouth's hands, and 110W is Youth indeedrich with gifts. Then comes the City,asking aid from Alma Mater, and thewise mother, knowing that her childmust spend her strength for others be­fore it shall be thoroughly hers, bestows the horses of the Sun's chariot; Dorothy:Dorsey, '16, as the Moon; fifty-two dan­cers in the groups of Harvesters andGrape- Treaders; thirty girls in the Olym­pic Games with Miss Gertrude Dudleydirecting; thirty characters in the Per­sian play; Dorothy Spink, '19, and Rose­mary Carr, '18, as Spirits of Worship;Mrs. Ferdinand Schevill as Knowledge;Elizabeth Wallace, with attendants, asthe City; and the children from Mrs.Lillie's Home Farm as the Endless Cycleof Youth.380 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlmost the whole performance is indance pantomime. The costumes are be­ing made under the direction of MissLillian Cushman, with the exception ofthose of the Persian play, which havebeen designed and executed by Mrs.Helen C. Reed of New York City andwhich are extraordinarily rich in color.The Spirit of Gothic Architecture andthe Gothic characters will be in grey toharmonize with the architecture of theQuadrangles, Y outh in pale sprmg greens, the Spirit of the Lake in blueand grey, Clouds' and Rain in grey andsilver, the Sun in yellows, the Moon insilver, the Harvesters in brown and theGrape Treaders in deep purple, the con­testants in the Olympic Games in Greekcostumes historically accurate, with ageneral color scheme of white and gold.Alma Mater, on her Gothic throne, willbe in white.The Masque will begin promptly athalf past five on Monday, June 5th.On a School AnthologyThe publishers send for reviewingJohn Manly's new text-book (con-densed)-"Two volumes in one."-I'm renewingOld friendships with poets forgot,Brushing up on my dates and what not;The critic must watch what he's doing-J ohn Manly must not be incensed!"A book of selections"-most pleasant!We survey the authors and booksFrom century twelve to the present.Here's Ascham and Sackville and Fox­Here's Butler-a page of John Locke's­With something from Burke the inces-sant,And nothing of Hooker's or Tooke's.Here's Chatterton=-what do the notessay?John Manly, I think you are hard!Forget what the scholarly throats say!"His spelling was all a mistake-"A singular doe is a fake"-Old Skeat is the fellow he quotes, eh?What of it? The lad was a bard!Tom Warton has got in a sonnet-That's proper. Fourpoems by Moore­A column of Hunt-and upon itDe Quincey comes crowding. Ah, well!The book's very good and will sell;John needs not my critical bonnet,Whatever he edits will score.The volume knocks other books under,And yet, as I lay it aside,I lean back and ruefully worider To think of the dreams that were vain,The struggles of poets, the painOf lovers whom time put asunder,These eight hundred years that havedied!Here's some of the fever and passion,And more of it 'gone-who knowswhere?For poets like hats lose their fashion!We students can't stop on our wayFor Dyer and T. Beddoes and Gay.Robert Blair-did the muse lay her lashonLord Byron less fiercely than Blair?Poor Drayton, cut down to' three pages.Still brokenly moans of his wrong;"Come, kiss me and part"-and forwages-Well, Manly remarks he achievedLess fame than Will Shakespeare be­lieved!He's richer than Campion-the agesReduce him to only one song!And we-? In our grandchildren's nextbQookWe, too, shall be mummified thusWhen another J ohn making his vexedbookJams us in behind Swinburne andWilde-God grant if we puzzle the child,That he shut us all up in his textbook,And wonder no more about us'!-H oward Mumford] ones.AT THE END OF AN ERA 381At the End of An EraHere is an old picture, uncovered in.the search for material suitable for ex­hibit in connection with the quarter-cen­tennial celebration! It has no special at­tractiveness in itself. But it furnishesa suggestive illustration of change. Itis that of a professor's house on Wood­lawn avenue, one of the first constructedin the University community. The vineswhich now soften its lines are missing.It stands out stark against the sky. But,on its north side, the old picture showsthe whole of the "Delta" at 5622 Ellisavenue, that "home for many a studentin the early days where "I ane Eding­ton" practiced the culinary art she nowpreaches. There is no intervening ob­ject except a barbed-wire fence post ortwo, Dr some thistles. On the other sideof the house the picture shows, clearlydefined, the south end of the old brickcombination gymnasium-library-power­house, again with nothing to break theview from Woodlawn avenue.The picture is both reminiscent andsuggestive, at the end of an era, of thechanging panorama of University life.Old things have passed away. Old faceshave disappeared. New buildings, al­tered environment, softer tones mark thephysical features. New faces are foundin unfamiliar halls. By such processesthe University has worked out its de­velopment.One great gray building after anotherhas found place within the quadrang1es.The steadily enriching architecture be­gins to furnish material for much studyto him who loves to note the atmospherictoning, the grinning gargoyles, the many­shaped 'towers and turrets, the suspendedbridges over student thoroughfares, thered roofs, always pleasing to the eye and,under some skies, rich in their attractive­ness above the gray-blue halls. Thereare many spots now where the walls androofs and towers pile up before the vi- sion. The grooved floors and the longstairway of the law building seem likea bit of the old world. In a moment onemay leave the noise and confusion infront of the Cobb bulletin boards andfind himself within the shelter of thegraduate quadrangle, where the recedingdoors of the Classics building seem to in­vite' even coax, the student into quietcloisters. The steady beauty of Ryer­son, the graceful lines of the great northwindow of Ida Noyes hall, the insistentcharm of the garden-like enclosure ofHull court: these are things of Univer­sity life whose influence none can escape.That it has all come within a quarter ofa century seems impossible; but thereare many who have seen it unfold.N or has the physical alone shifted.Human' life, too, has witnessed itsmarked changes. Many of the old facesare gone. The procession is long ofthose who have died in service. The firstpresident, the recorder, the chaplain, thehead-professor, along with many of lessprominence and lower official rank, havemoved to the pale realms of shade. Amuch larger number have come and gone,some finding wider opportunity in otherinstitutions; others falling out in theprocess of constant sifting by which afaculty is created. Only forty, perhaps,of those who saw the beginning still re­main on the teaching force. Some ofthese are leaving the service with retir­ing allowances; others, a quarter of acentury older, show gray hair where theblack predominated in 1892. And thereare those who, knowing and rightly in­terpreting the spirit of the University,find in the development and the accom­plishment of the teaching force the samequiet satisfaction and pride which comesfrom contemplation of the architecturalglories of "Chicago."There is another side, too. The stu­dent life has its own settled tone after382 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtwenty-five years. Phi Beta Kappa andSigma Xi reward those who have heldhigh rank in scholarship. Nearly a scoreof fraternities, some of them owning at­tractive houses, furnish homes and socialadvantages to' their members and make astrong tie which binds the alumnus tohis Alma Mater. The class clubs, con­tinue their sifting with a score of yearsbehind them. The newspaper, the liter­ary magazine, the dramatic and musicalclubs, are parts of a definite life. Theactivities of Stagg Field, in varying sea­sons, afford an outlet for the expressionof a "Chicago" spirit, which is as. rea]and as characteristic as are the Bedfordpiles and the achievements which findrecord in "Who's Who." The dormitorylife has played ton small. a part rela­tively to' be counted a great feature sofar as men students are concerned, al­though it has enriched the history of thewomen in their relationship with theUniversity. VVith the spacious Rey­nolds Club for men and the remarkablybeautiful Ida Noyes HaJ,} for women, thesocial needs of the student body seemwell provided for. Those two buildingsand the Quadrangle Club, soon to' finditself in a. new home, indicate the settledcharacter of "Chicago" university lifeafter two and a half decades.But something else shows in 'the pic­ture of the University as it appears atthe end of an era. It is the reflection. from the mirror of life outside. TheJ udson mission to' study medicine in theOrient, the Haskell lectures up in India,the Breasted and Harper expeditions to'explore the antiquities of Egypt or ofMesopotamia, the Burton-Chamberlin in­quiry in China, the Ireland survey ofcolonial administration in the Far East,the Laughlin-Shorey exchange profes­sorships, the summer lectureships beforethe American teachers on the Bagniomountain in the Philippines, the extendedradiations of the correspondence-studydepartment to' the ends of the earth-aUthese have had their part in helping tocreate the true spirit of the University. Even more important have been theachievements of "Chicago" alumni. Theirwork has .encircled the globe. As teach­ers and missionaries they are serving farfrom home. Some, within the sound ofthe Alice Palmer chimes, are bringing"Chicago" glory. The long list ofalumni activities is as astonishing as itis pleasing. "Chicago" men and womenare making their mark.' Physicians andlawyers and business men, editors andpublishers and special correspondents,ministersI and social service workers,teachers and investigators and authors,they are playing a good part in theworld's work, so good indeed, as to' makecomparison most pleasing with the show­ing of graduates of any other univer­sity for twenty-five years past. NO' oneever runs over the lengthening list of"Chicago" alumni without feeling the pe­culiar pride which comes with a con­sciousness of things accomplished. TheUniversity may well rejoice in the qual­ity of the output, by which, like a tree,it must be judged.At the end of an era, then, the Univer­sity of Chicago is something more thanbuildings, grounds, physical equipment,,gathered treasures of books, teachers andtaught. The barrenness and desolationof 1892 are gone. The newness has dis­appeared. There is a University witha spirit and a soul. Some have essayedto tell the story of their development.There are "Maroon Tales," and thereare words set to' music which reflect thechanging scenes. Two men, notably,have found verse the best form of ex­pression of their ideals of the institu­tion. Dr. Goodspeed's "History" pre­serves the details of University growth.And yet no written record can tell it all.For the University of Chicago meansdevelopment, service, human influence..Its soul is the life of its teachers andits students during a quarter of a cen­tury, life incapable of measurement be­cause immortal in its widening power.Its spirit finds expression in the solid,settled community which has grown up,NOTES ON THE CELEBRATION 383as its "battlemented towers" have risen;in the quiet charm of its architecturalglory; in the ambitions and achieve­ments of its professors; in the accom­plishments of its alumni; in the charac­ter of its ever-changing student body.If, in some respects, it has been limitedby its environment as part of a greatcommercial city, one who has watched itgrow and has learned to love it withever increasing pride finds no difficultyin discovering both 'Soul and spirit clearlymanifest in the University of Chicago. The first quarter century is ended, butit is too short a time for judging the realvalue of an institution. The just pridein the past finds its strongest support insure faith in the future. What that fu­ture shall be in endowment,· in equip­ment, in accomplishment, no one knows ..But the University motto indicates theanimating spirit, "Let know ledge growfrom more to more and so shall humanlife be enriched."FRANCIS Wi\. YLAND SHEPARDSON.Notes on the CelebrationTwenty thousand invitations and advanceprograms for the Quarter-Centennial havebeen mailed from the President's office.Invitations have beeri sent to ') ohn D.Rockefeller, Jr., Governor Dunne, MayorThompson and other men eminent in na­tional, state and municipal affairs. Fivethousand citizens of Chicago and as manyalumni of the University are among therecipients. The invitations are printed inOld Caslon type on Italian hand-made pa­per. The authorities were compelled tocorner the market in hand-made papers inorder to secure the necessary stock forprinting. The programs mailed with theinvitations were of the same size and con­tained sixteen pages. The coat of armsof the University was lithographed in coloron the cover, and embossed on the coverof the invitations. Both invitations and pro­grams measure 70 by 100 inches. In viewof the fact that these programs have beensent to all alumni who are members of theAssociation, the Magazine does not in thisissue give the program in full.Forty of the formal speeches that willbe delivered at the meetings, conferencesand exercises to be held in connection withthe Quarter-Centennial celebration, will begiven by Alumni of the University who arecoming back for the anniversary. Thespeech . at convocation which is to beespecially representative' of the CollegeAlumni will be delivered by William ScottBond, '97, an ex-president both of theAlumni Association and the Alumni Coun­cil.Twenty fraternities and houses will par­ticipate in the University sing, to be heldFriday night, June 2, at 8 o'clock, in Hutchin­son Court. Henry D. Sulcer, '06, is. Chair­man of the Alumni Committee in charge ofthe sing. The method of arranging the programthis year has been changed. Formerly thefraternities appeared on the program in thereverse order of their founding at the U n i­versity. This year the representatives ofthe fraternities in the Interfraternity Coun­cil drew for their respective positions.Twenty numbers appear on the program.The program follows:1, Lincoln House;' 2, WashingtonHouse ; 3, Sigma Chi; 4, Alpha Delta Phi;5, Delta Tau Delta; 6, Beta Theta Pi; 7,Delta Chi; 8, Delta Sigma Phi; 9, PhiGamma Sigma; 11, Chi Psi; 12, Phi KappaPsi; 13, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; 14, AlphaTau Omega; 15, Kappa Sigma; 16, Psi Upsi­lon; 17, Delta Upsilon; 18, Sigma Nu: 19,Phi Delta Theta; 20, Delta Kappa Epsilon.Each fraternity will be allowed six min­utes in which to march to the center ofthe sunken garden, present the fraternitysong and withdraw from the garden. Alarge electric sign will be erected on theBotany Building giving a complete outlineof the program. Several colored calciumlights will be directed on the court fromthe neighboring buildings.The program of fraternity and house sing­ing will be interrupted between the twelfthand thirteenth numbers for the singing ofChicago songs by the entire assembly. TheUniversity band will accompany the Chicagosongs .. The band will also play at the open­ing and closing of the program. No specialfeatures will be permitted in the fraternitypresen ta tions.The general plan of decorations will beon the Japanese style. Lanterns will behung across the court. The W. A. A. boothwill fit in with the general decorations.Bleachers seating several thousand peoplewill be placed on three sides of the court.The stands will be left standing for the384 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEConvocation exercises the following Tues­day.A feature of the entertainment of AlumniDay, June 3, which is new at the University,will be the undergraduate circus. Afterthe parade by classes in costume, in whichthe men will leave Bartlett Gymnasium athalf-past one, and which the women willjoin at the corner of Fifty-ninth Street and. Lexington Avenue, all proceeding togetheracross the Quadrangles through the 1912gate on Fifty-seventh Street, into StaggField, the Alumni will take their variousreserved sections in the grand stand; at tenminutes past two the circus will begin.A fusillade of bombs will, open the per­formance, and immediately following fiftyclowns will vie with each other in mirthupon the field. Simultaneously three troops of boy scouts will give a display of drilling,scaling walls, pyramid building and tentraising, and the gymnasium team will offera series of spectacular events of tumbling.An automobile race will follow, and afterthe race will begin the fraternity stunts, twoat a time, and the pairs following eachother ,in rapid succession. At 2 :35 o'clockcomes a chariot race, the Score Club versusSkull and Crescent. More of the fraternitystunts follow; and the circus concludes withfireworks, ending with a patriotic exhibitionof the flag in fire. Two cups will beawarded, one to the fraternity whose per­formance is adjudged most effective, andthe other to the best clowns. Arrangementsfor the circus have been in charge of Har­old T. Moore, '16, who has been assistedby subcommittees to the number of fifty.From the History of the University[The following extracts, from Chapter Nine of Dr.Goodspeed's History, deal with the activities of thefirst year of its organization. It seems particularlyfitting- that this account should conclude the senes.of articles taken from the History, and should appearcoincidentally with the celebration of the quarter-cen­tennial of its existence.-Ed.]The first day of October, 1892, that greatday, so long anticipated, in preparation forwhich so many plans had been made andso many labors performed, the day on whichthe doors of the University were to beopened for receiving students and begin­ning that work of investigation and instruc­tion which it was hoped would end onlywith the end of time-this great day wasdrawing near.President Judson, writing of that day,says: "The night before I spent- workingwith Dr. Harper on the details of the open­ing until about midnight at his house. Whenwe had finished he threw himself back onthe sofa and said, 'I wonder if there will bea single student there tomorrow?' Of coursewe had been having interviews with stu­dents for weeks; still he. didn't feel surethat anybody would appear." The last itemin the work of preparation for the 'openingday had been done, and the President couldnot but be anxious as to the outcome.Much thought had been given to the ques­tion of the opening exercises, but finally asunpretentious an opening as possible wasdecided on. In speaking of those days Pres­ident Judson writes: "We were anxious tohave the opening day so planned in advancethat everything would move as if the Uni­versity had been in session ten years. Thatactually is what occurred. At half pasteight the bells sounded, the professors werein their class rooms, notices of the classeshad been posted on the bulletin boards, theclasses were in their places) and the exer- cises proceeded smoothly throughout themorning. The recitation building, CobbHall, was not fully completed and studentspassed under scaffolding to enter the classrooms. Workmen still lingered in the build­ing on finishing jobs. There was somenoise, but the work of the various classesproceeded as if all that were a matter ofcourse. There was one exercise of a some­what public nature, and that was the firstchapel assembly."The chapel was a room occupying thenorthern portion of the first floor of CobbHall. It would seat several hundred. Inthis room after the morning classes at 12 :30o'clock, members of the University Facul­ties, Trustees, students, with 'some friends,assembled.With a fine perception of what was ap­propriate and what alone could adequatelyexpress the emotions of many present,President Harper opened the exercises bysaying: "We will sing the doxology,­'Praise God from Whom All BlessingsFlow.''' He then led the assembly in theLord's prayer, and announced the hymn,­"Nearer, My God, to Thee." Following thehymn, the president still leading, part ofthe Ninety-fifth Psalm was read respon­sively, "0 come let us sing unto the Lord,"and the hymn, "0 Could I Speak theMatchless Worth," was sung.Dean Judson then read the followingpassages of Scripture: Parts of the firstchapter of Genesis and of the first chapterof John, and verses 4 to 8 of the fourthchapter of Philippians.Prayer was offered by. Professor GalushaAnderson, formerly president of the oldUniversity .. "Hail to the Lord's Anointed"was sung, a notice or two given, and theFROM THE HISTORY OF ,THE UNIVERSITY 385benediction was pronounced by Dean Hul­bert of the Divinity School.Thus simple were the exercises of thatreally great occasion. No addresses, nospeaking of any sort,-a few selections ofScripture, hymns and prayers,-this was all.At the October - opening of every year forthe quarter-century covered by this volumethe same program, in all its simplicity, wasrepeated. It was known as the Commemo­rative Chapel Assembly.On the opening day Mr. Rockefeller sentthe following telegram to President Harper:"I have much pleasure in congratulatingyou and your associates on the auspiciousopening of the Chicago University this day.I greatly appreciate all that you and ourmany friends have done and I hope andbelieve that our highest ideals of usefulnessfor the University will be fully realized.I regret not to do myself the honor of beingpresent on this occasion."The two men on the ground who hadbeen most deeply concerned in the prelimi­nary work, culminating on the opening day,naturally wrote to their co-laborer, Mr.Gates, and their views and feelings may beof interest. President Harper wrote: "TheUniversity has at last opened. The recita­tions began at 8 :30 Saturday morning. Onaccount of the number of students it wasnecessary to continue matriculation untilSaturday at 5 o'clock. At 12 :30 the firstchapel exercises were held. There sat uponthe platform with myself Drs. Hulbert andAnderson, Mrs. Palmer and Professor J ud­son. . . . All pronounced the service avery impressive one. The hall was morethan crowded. The professors sat in a por­tion of the room set apart for them andmade a magnificent showing. A large num­ber of the Board of Trustees 'were present.At the close of the exercises the Board ofTrustees lunched in the University Com­mons, and held a Board meeting in theafternoon of two hours. At 4 :30 the firstmeeting of the University faculty was held.. . . ,Today (Sunday) the first public lec­ture was given in the University chapel bymyself on the book of Job, and tonight wehave opened the University Extension Workby beginning a course on the literary studyof the Bible by Moulton. The number- ofmatriculants at 5 o'clock yesterday was fivehundred and forty. Of this number aboutone hundred and thirty-eight were graduatestudents. This certainly is as satisfactoryas anything which could be wished. Thenumber of men admitted to the undergradu­ate department is at present over two hun­dred and fifty. Everybody seems in goodspirits. . The regular grind beginstomorrow. The days of dreaming arepassed and now real action begins."The first of the University ruling bodi�sto meet was the Council, which held its firstmeeting in the Faculty room in Cobb 'Hallat 12 m. Monday, September 26, five daysbefore the University opened. The next was the Faculty of Arts, Literature andScience, which met on the opening day.At the close of this meeting the Presidentexpressed the hope that the time wouldcome when the Junior (then called theAcademic) college work would be trans­ferred to some other place, and "the higherwork be given all our strength on this cam­pus." This was from the beginning a fa­vorite idea with President Harper. It waswith this hope in view that in the educa­tional plan he had divided the four-yearcollege course, not into four classes butinto two colleges, now known as the J�niorand Senior colleges. - For the first quarter­century the hope of the President was notrealized. The Junior college received asmuch attention and "strength" as the Seniorand the two flourished together. The stu�dents on their part always showed a strongtendency to revert to the time-honorednomenclature and called themselves fresh­men, sophomores, juniors, and seniors andhad their class organizations and clas� offi­cers.There were in the Faculty of the firstyear one hundred and twenty members. Ofthese thirteen were Head Professors oneof them, Mr. Michelson, spending the' yearabroad.There were twenty-one Professors oneof them, ]. R. Boise, emeritus, and 'threenon-resident, these latter being expected todeliver one or more courses of lectures. C.R. Van Hise, later President of the Uni­versity of Wisconsin, was a non-residentProfessor of Geology. Of Associate Pro­fessors there were sixteen and of AssistantProfessors twenty-seven. There were fif­teen instructors, nine tutors, four assistants,seven readers, and nine docents. Omittingthe Professor emeritus, there were one hun­dred and twenty active members of thestaff. And in addition there were sevenu: niversity Extension lecturers, engaged togive one or more courses of lectures.There were sixty-one "fellows," some ofwhom gave more or less instruction. Nearlya score of these first year "fellows" laterreceived appointments on the faculty sev­eral of them reaching the rank of �'Pro­fessor."The total number of University studentsthe first quarter was five hundred andninety-four, excluding duplicates. Therew�r� . one hundred and eighty-two in theDivinity School, one hundred and sixty-sixin the Graduate Schools, and two hundredand seventy-six in the undergraduate de­partments. In the Academy at Mor zanPark there were ninety-nine boys and g�ls.Thus began the work of the University ofChicago, having, perhaps, greater resources,a more numerous faculty, and a greaterbody of students than any similar institu­tion ever began with before. 'Everythino­was new and everything was incomplete. I:>The site had received much attention fromDaniel L. Shorey, one of the Trustees, but386 IHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin large part was still in its natural state.The western side of it was fiat, but dryand covered with young oaks. The south­east quarter was like it. But these twosides were separated by low ground whichwas a morass in the spring, being lowestjust east of where Haskell later stood, andhere there was standing water for much ofthe year. There were a few board walks,but only a few. There was no gymnasiumfor Mr. Stagg's athletes and no building forwhat was already a great library. Fortu­nately, the departmental libraries in connec­tion with the group of lecture rooms ofeach department compensated in somemeasure for the lack of a general library.A gymnasium and library building, tempo­rary in construction, was under way andbecame available' at the end of the firstquarter. This building, poor and unsightlyas it was, was an invaluable addition tothe facilities of. the institution. Half adozen other buildings, the Kent ChemicalLaboratory, the Walker Museum, Foster,Kelly, Beecher, and Snell dormitories, werebeing constructed and the. campus was cov­ered with piles of earth, and with brick,stone, iron, lumber, every kind of buildingmaterial, and swarming with workmen aswell as with young men and women goingto and from their recitations. The Pro­fessors made their way about as well asthey could, dodging teams, avoiding der­ricks, but rejoicing in the promise of in­creased facilities. They. needed. these badly.The scientific departments had none what­ever on the campus. A four-story brickbuilding on the southwest corner of Fifty­fifth Street and University Avenue, dividedinto storerooms below and apartments forfiat dwellers above, had been rented forthem, and into these narrow quarters theBiological departments and Physics, Chem­istry and Geology were crowded, and herethey tried to do their work through thewhole of the first year. As one at the Pro­fessors said at the laying of the corner­stones of the four biological laboratories:"Our earlier days in the University were·spent in the garrets and kitchens of atenement house." But somehow the depart­ments were housed and the great enterprisewas got under way.The Faculty room in the south end ofCobb Hall was also the President's office.Here the various Faculties, the Council andthe Senate held their meetings, of whichthere were fifty-three during the first year,which was a short year, having no summerquarter.The opening released, at once, activitiesof every sort. The intellectual life of theUniversity in all its departments began im­mediately to assume definite form. Duringthe first quarter departmental clubs beganto be established, and before the end of theyear' there were fifteen or more. ThePresident had led these departmental clubsto join together and form the University' Union, which was expected to hold a publicmeeting about the middle of each quarter.The President expected the students,through the University Union, "to comeinto relation with the outside world." Thedepartmental clubs developed naturally outof the needs of the graduate' departmentsand endured. The University Union wasartificial, met no real need, and soon dis­appeared.In the first convocation address, PresidentHarper said: "The religious life has like­wise shaped itself and the Christian Unoinopen to every member of the University,whatever his faith or creed, has begun itswork." The, progress of the ChristianUnion was an ambitious one, including "aSunday afternoon course of Bible study, aSunday evening service of worship, phil­anthropic work, such as can be conductedby students, and still other forms of reli­gious activity, each under the charge of aseparate committee." The Christian Unionsurvived, but not as originally organized.It was superimposed upon the student lifefrom above, instead of springing up spon­tarieously from the student body, and thereligious life of the students never expresseditself through the Christian Union. It wastoo inclusive to permit this. But, in origi­nating and sustaining the University Set­tlement and in other ways, it served highpurposes.The Professors also organized during thefirst year the Philological Society. All per­sons giving instruction in the University,in any of the languages, were eligible tomembership. This Society also survived.Social life began for the Professors early.The Gentlemen's Social Union of the HydePark Presbyterian Church held a Uriiver­sity evening on the 11th of. October, andall the members of the Faculty were invited.On N overnber 1 the Baptist Social Uniongave a reception to the Professors in theGrand Pacific Hotel and greeted them witha great attendance .. On the 13th of N ovem­ber the Trustees entertained the Faculty illCobb Hall. Commenting on the affair, theUniversity of Chicago Weekly said: "Thefeature of the occasion was the costume ofthe Professors and fellows. They wore theCap -and gown. Some of the solid citizensdidn't know what to make of the rig. . . .But there is no denying that the generalimpression given by the Oxford outfits wasvery good. The reception lasted until eleveno'dock. The arriving and departing guestscould not have failed to notice the brilliantappearance of Cobb Hall and the dormi­tories. Eight hundred and eighty-eight win­dows were ablaze with light and not ashade was down. It is impossible to give adetailed list of those present, but they cer­tainly were a representative body of thelearning and culture and wealth of Chicagoand the West."The student activities of the first yearmay perhaps be said to have begun withFROM THE HISTORY OF ,THE· UNIVERSITYtheir registration and matriculation. De­siring to �nter the University, the studentfirst registered an application card with theExaminer. He then, if he had the money inhis pocket, sought the Registrar's office,and paying five dollars received a matricula­tion card. Application cards began to befiled in August and a good many were madeout before the opening day. The first ma­triculation cards, however, showing. that thestudent had paid the .Iee and was a memberof the University, were not issued untilMonday, October 3, two days after theopening. The application cards and thematriculation cards were then arbitrarilynumbered to agree with each other. It thushappens that the question as to who was thefirst student to enter the University of Chi­cago can never be settled. According toF. J. Gurney, the Assistant Recorder formany years, the most that can be said isthat the first twenty matriculation numbersassigned in the University were as follows:No. Name Classification1. Theodore Elias De Butts Graduate2. Joseph Leiser College3. William Bishop Owen Graduate4. George Gerard Tune11 Graduate5. George Eustice Robertson .. Unclassified6. Charles William Cabeen Graduate7. Frederick I ves Carpenter Graduate8. Elkanah Hu11ey Graduate9. James Wallace Cabeen Divinity10. Wi11iam Edgar Taylor Graduate11. Napoleon Bonaparte He11er Graduate12. George A. Sorrick Graduate13. Herbert B. Hutchins Graduate14. Paul Oskar Kern Graduate15. Theodore Geraldo Soares Graduate16. Frank Ha11 Colyer College17. Elias W. Kelly Graduate18. Henry C. Mix · College19. Hester Jane Coddington College20. James Westfall Thompson GraduateIt will be noted that fourteen of thesewere graduate students. Five of the four­teen became Professors in the University­Messrs. Owen, Carpenter, Kern, Soares, andThompson. The first student to reach thecampus and occupy a room was AbrahamBowers.But almost or quite as early as this stu­dent activity, displayed in finding entrance,was that of the University newspaper men.They began to confer with the Presidentlong before the opening and found that theestablishment of a college paper was one ofhis cherished plans. Negotiations, there­fore, were easy, and the first of the collegepapers appeared, some days before the open­ing, though dated October 1, 1892 - the"University of Chicago . Weekly," a mostcreditable paper, with E. M. Foster aseditor and W. F. Durno, business manager.But should the new University have onlya weekly paper? Should its public be with­out University news six days in the week?Perish the thought! This would never do, 387and on October 17 appeared the initialnumber of the University. News, a four­page daily, with Howard Roosa, John C.Fryer and Gertrude L. Cobb as editors.The ground for a daily and a weekly wasthus occupied early, but the door for amonthly was still wide open. This opendoor was entered in December, 1892, bythe Arena. The University was now fullyequipped with student publications. But,alas, there were neither advertisers norreaders' enough to sustain three publica­tions. The Arena appeared but twice. TheUniversity News continued until April 19,1893, when it suspended publication. TheWeekly held on its way, triumphantly. H.L. Burr and H. C. Murphy became the edi­tors and C. H. Gallion, business manager,and at the end of the year in June theywere able to say: "Since the present edi­tors took control the paper has been en­larged twice and the subscription list hasbeen more than doubled." When the U ni­versity News suspended the Weekly paidit a generous tribute and moved into itsoffice in Cobb Ha11! While these papersserved the University well during the firstyear, it must be confessed that they beganthe carelessness about proofreading whichcharacterized also their journalistic succes­sors.The year being one of beginnings, some­one was all the time starting something.In addition to the departmental clubs therewere more than twenty societies, clubs, as­sociations, bands, choruses, and companiesorganized. The first month saw the birthof the Volunteer Mission Band, the Mis­sionary Society, the Dilettante Club, theliterary club of men and women instructorsand students, the Glee Club and the Uni�versity Chorus. In November the U niver­sity College Association, the FreshmanClass; the Sophomore Class, the Students'Express Company, the Young Men's andthe Young Women's Christian Associationsentered the arena. In the same month theworrien graduate students, with a propheticvision of the new opportunities and dutiesthe still distant "votes for women" wouldopen to them, organized the ParliamentaryLaw Club, "to familiarize its members withthe proper mode of procedure in publicmeetings." In December the freshmen andsophomores thought better of it, or worse,and merged into the Academic College As­sociation. And so the good work went on,graduates of co11eges forming alumni clubs,lovers of games uniting in chess and checkerclubs, those ambitious to speak well organ­izing the Oratorical Society, and the under­graduates ambitious to write well, theAthenaeum Literary Society. On an aver­age, at least one new club or society wasorganized each week, as fifteen departmentalclubs must be added to the twenty or moreof other sorts.There were other activities in bewilderingvariety. Mr. Stagg got his work underway the week after the University opened.388 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Athletic work was organized under thefollowing familiar terms: football, baseball,track athletics, tennis and basket ball.Football practice began on the day theUniversity opened. Mr. Stagg called hisprospective warriors together in Washing­ton Park and began to teach them the game.A week later the team played Hyde ParkHigh School and won, 12-0. During thesucceeding two weeks it won five moregames from high school and Y. M. C. A.teams.There were only fourteen' players, andMr. Stagg himself was compelled to playto keep his squad full. October 22 theteam' ventured to tackle someone its ownsize, and the first college game was playedwith Northwestern. It was a tie game.N either team scored. Eleven days laterthe two teams met again. Feeling ranhigh. In those primitive days guying theopposing players was somewhat freely in­dulged in. Northwestern had a giant, who,ploughing through Chicago's line for dan­gerous gains, became very obnoxious to theMidway fans. On his making an especiallylong run, therefore, someone called out, "0,well, he can't read, but he's in the Schoolof Oratory." This, however, did not stophim, arid Northwestern won, 6-4. Fivemore college games were played. LakeForest was tied, 18-18. Michigan won, 18-10.Purdue overwhelmed Chicago, 38-0. OnNovember 15 the team won its first, and forthat year, its only 'college victory, winningfrom Illinois, 10-4, but on ThanksgivingDay Illinois avenged itself by a victory,28-12.Football was a new game to many in theWest in 1892. The University had no field.Notwithstanding all the drawbacks footballcommanded instant favor and at once awak­ened the interest and enthusiasm of thestudents and Faculty and the public. Butfootball could not be played without acollege yell with which to cheer the team.A general invitation to the University fora "yell" brought out more than one, butthe one that fairly earned the title of theChicago yell was proposed at the very out­set, and most happily, by Stagg himself:Chi-ca-go, Chi-ca-go,Chi-ca-go Go!Go Chi-Ca, Go Chi-ca,Go Chi-ca-go.Like other college yells, this was sooncarried round the world. During this yearMr. Field gave the use of ground north ofFifty-seventh Street and east of Ellis Ave­nue for the University games, and it becamefamous as Marshall Field.Football preceded tennis by a few day'sonly. The tennis players got out early andthe first tournament was held in October.This was followed by indoor games in thegymnasium during the winter, two tourna­ments being held to decide the champion-. ship of the University. Although there were no courts on the campus, the follow­ers of the sport got out early in the spring,doing their playing where they could.Four courts were begun, however, by theauthorities and the Tennis Association wasorganized in June, 1893, to maintain andmanage them.The temporary gymnasium was finishedin December, 1892, and eager candidates forbasket ball began to appear. The first teamwas organized in March and the gamesawakened great interest.In April the first track team got together,though there had already been track prac­tice and contests on the new running trackof the gymnasium.It was -to-be expected, from Stagg's fameas a pitcher, that the boys would be eagerfor baseball under his leadership. The ninewas organized in April and played fourteengames, ten of them with college teams. Ofthese ten Chicago won seven. In the dis­organized state of western college athletics,no objection was made to the playing ofStagg. It was understood that the newUniversity was just beginning its athletics.The conditions prevailing were describedin an early song by Steigmeyer, '97, called"1893.""Then Stagg was catcher, pitcher, coach,shortstop, and halfback, too;For in those days of 'Auld lang syne' ourgood athletes were few."The final baseball game was played inJune, during convocation week, and wasespecially noteworthy because it marked thededication of the new athletic field, a vic­tory of 8-3 over the University of Virginiaand the triumphant close of the first base­ball season. In those days bicycle raceswere a recognized part of intercollegiatecontests, and in January of the first yearthe University Cycling Club was organizedand developed some champion cyclists­"For the glory of the U. of c."When the author of "1893," quoted above,perpetuated the following verse, he not onlyuttered a gross libel but falsified history:"Oh, the girls were mostly twenty-eight,and after Ph.Di's ;They took four hours in those old days;there were no extra fees,And the men were mostly married, whichproved a great hoo-dooTo all society events. What could thepoor girls do?"It is true that a little more than halfthe students were theologues and graduates,but they were a very human, genial, socialcrowd. Receptions abounded from the verybeginning, receptions in Cobb, in the Presi­dent's house, which was then on Washing­ton (now Blackstone) Avenue, in the Beat­rice. There were receptions for the college'classes, from the freshmen up; for thegraduates, for the theologues, for the Pro-FROM THE HIS,TORY OF UNIVERSITYfessors, for the wives of the Professorsand students. There, were parties andsleigh rides. Every meeting of the fortyclubs was a social event. The great meetingof the University Union closed with apromenade concert in Cobb assembly roomwhen the whole University gathered. Afew days later came Washington's birth­day. A great audience heard Dr. F. W.Gunsaulus in the morning in the gymna­sium. In the afternoon was held theWashington Seminar. It was one of themost interesting social. events of the year.To most of the graduate students theSeminar which the Professors had broughtwith them from the Universities which hadimported it from Europe, was a somewhatnew institution, and it seemed to offer afine subject for humorous treatment., Thiswas not so apparent to President Harper,but he was himself not without a sense ofhumor, and gave the frolicsome graduatespermission to work their will on the fa­vorite device for advanced research, theSeminar. The graduate students felt theresponsibility resting upon them and roseto the occasion. The Washington Seminarwas under the guidance' of Mr. Stagg, who,loaded down with scholastic degrees, repre­sented the experienced scholar and took offmost successfully some of the foibles andpeculiarities of the leading professors. Theprincipal paper was presented by Myra Rey­nolds, later herself a Professor. In a mostmasterly way she proved that Washingtonwas a sun myth. There was an interesting,humorous and learned discussion, closed byan eloquent argument for the Washingtonof our childhood from T. G. Soares, in lateryears also a Professor. A banquet in CobbHall in the evening gave a festive endingto a great day.The World's Fair was opened in thespring of 1893, and the famous Ferris wheelwent round just over the fence from thenew women's dormitories. The resourcethe fair and the wheel became in the lifeof the University before its first year wasover brought moving remembrances to theauthor of "1893."Oh, there were more profs than students,- But then we didn't care;They spent their days in research work,Their evenings at the Fair.And life upon the campus wasOne continuous swing;We watched the Ferris Wheel go round,And didn't do a thing.On January 1, '1893, evening and Saturdayclasses were opened, in the three divisionsof the city, for teachers and any otherswho wished to pursue college studies, butwhose callings made attendance at the Uni­versity impossible. This very importantstep led directly to the establishment ofwhat became known as University College,enrolling annually hundreds of students.The employment bureau for students wasestablished and became a permanent andhighly useful institution. . 389Affiliation was established with a numberof schools and colleges.The work of the University Extensionwas carried on with tremendous energy andsuccess. At the January convocation thePresident said: "In many respects the re­sults accomplished have exceeded all expec­tation. The number of centers organized,the number of those who attended the lec­ture studies, and the general interest mani­fested have been almost phenomenal. . . .Up to this time one hundred and twenty­two courses have been given, and thesecourses have been attended by nearly twentythousand people."Through many difficulties the UniversityPress was got under way. The University,not having funds to expend in establishingthe Press, made arrangements with outsideparties to set it in motion, later taking itover and conducting it as a regular part ·ofits work. As a part of it the bookstorewas started, and though there were com­plaints of high prices in its early history,it became a more and more important partof the University life.Under authorization of the trustees thePress began, during the first year, thepublication of several journals. The issuingof departmental journals edited and con­ducted by the departments, was from thebeginning greatly desired and stronglyurged by President Harper. The trustees,in the state of the finances, were reluctantand hard to convince. Under the Presi­dent's urgency, however, they did consentto the policy, and the publication of jour­nals was begun in less than three monthsafter the University opened.The system of University Houses was de­vised and adopted the first year, a Housebeing a group of members of the Universityentitled to continuous residence in a par­ticular hall. Each House was to have aHead appointed by the President, a Coun­selor chosen from the Faculty by the House,a House committee and a Secretary andTreasurer. The first House organized was"Graduate," occupying the first dormitorysouth of Cobb, and composed of graduatestudents and young instructors. DeanSmall became the first Head and, to signify. his appreciation of the dignity, presentedthe House with a tea set. Delightful teadrinkings followed. It was a time of tradi­tion making, and Mr. Soares relates that atone of these meetings "the suggestion wasmade that any person desiring to establisha tradition should present the same in writ­ing, and, after lying on the table for twoweeks, it could be established by a two­thirds vote-so hungry were we for tradi­tions in those days." But traditions, inthe University as elsewhere, were of slowgrowth.Such were some of the educational, ath­letic, social; religious and literary aspectsand incidents of the first year of the Uni­versity's life.390 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University RecordSeven hundred and thirty-nine degrees,titles and certificates will be conferred atthe Ninety-ninth Convocation of the Uni­versity, to be held Tuesday, June 6. The. convocation exercises will be held Tuesdayafternoon at 4 o'clock in Hutchinson Court.The title of associate will be conferred on218 in the Junior colleges and the two-yearcertificate on 38 students of the School ofEducation. In the Senior colleges of Arts,Literature and Science and Commerce andAdministration there will be 265 for thebachelor's degree. In the School of Edu­cation there will be 44 candidates for thedegree of bachelor in education. Thirty­seven students of the Law School will re­ceive degrees, some of them receiving blankdiplomas, inasmuch as the work for gradua­tion cannot be accomplished in time for theearly convocation this year. There will be6 candidates for the degree of bachelor oflaw and 35 for the degree of doctor of law.In the Divinity School, 43 students willreceive degrees. There are 34 candidatesfor the degree of master of arts, 8 for thatof bachelor of divinity and one for that ofdoctor of philosophy. Ninety-four stu­dents in all will receive degrees for workin the Graduate Schools. Fifty-five degreesof master of arts or of science and 39 ofthe degree of doctor of philosophy will beconferred.The total number of degrees to be con­ferred, not including titles and certificates,is 483. In addition, the University willalso confer fourteen honorary degrees upona notable group of men distinguished invarious fields of work and achievement.Among the new appointments just an­nounced by the Board of Trustees is that ofGeorges Van Biesbroeck, Adjunct Astrono­mer .of the Royal Observatory of Belgium,as Professor of Practical Astronomy atYerkes Observatory.The latest promotions include the fol-lowing: ..To Professorships: Ernest Hatch Wil­kins, of the Department of Romance Lan­guages and Literatures, and Henry GordonGale, of the Department of Physics.To Associate Professorships: HarveyCarr, of the Department of Psychology;Marcus W. J erriegan, of the Department ofHistory; Scott E. W. Bedford, of the De­partment of Sociology; Charles Goettsch, ofthe Department of Germanic Languages andLiteratures; Preston Kyes, of the Depart­ment of Anatomy; Gertrude Dudley, of theDepartment of Physical Culture. and Ath­letics; and John Franklin Bobbitt, of theDepartment of Education, School of Edu­cation.To Assistant Professor ships.r Joseph W.Hayes, of the Department of Psychology; Ralph E. House, of the Department of Ro­mance Languages and Literatures; andWellington D. Jones, of the Department ofGeography .Professor. Paul Shorey, h�ad of the De­partment of Greek, gave in May the Nor­man W. Harris lectures for 1916 at North­western University. The general subject ofthe series was "The Development of Ethicaland Spiritual Religion in Greek Literature."Following the first lecture, which was intro­ductory, the subjects discussed by ProfessorShorey were: "Religion in Greek Poetry";"The Religion of Philosophy"; "Skepticismand the Spirit That Denies"; "The Gospelof Socrates"; and "The Religion of Julian."Professor Shorey recently gave theLowell Institute lectures in Boston on "As­pects of Platonism in European Literature,"and has been the Turnbull lecturer in poetryat Johns Hopkins University and the Roose­velt Exchange Professor at the Universityof Berlin.Dr. Shorey gave, on April 24, in theClassics Building at the University of Chi­cago, an address on "The Service of Art,"the occasion being the organization of theRenaissance Society.Dean J. R. Angell has been elected presi­dent of the Renaissance Society, which hasbeen newly organized. Other officers are:Vice-Presidents, Frank Bigelow Tarbell, ofthe Department of the History of Art, andAlbert A. Michelson, head of the Depart­ment of Physics; Secretary, David AllanRobertson, of the Department of English;Treasurer, Charles L. Hutchinson, of theBoard of Trustees; Directors, James HenryBreasted, Chairman of the Department ofOriental Languages and Literatures; EdgarJohnson Goodspeed, Professor of Biblicaland Patristic Greek; J. Spencer Dickerson,Secretary of the Board of Trustees; WalterSargent, Professor of Fine and IndustrialArt in Relation to Education, and ErnestH. Wilkins, of the Department of RomanceLanguages and Literatures.The Society has been organized in thegeneral interests of art at the University.For the promotion of these ends exhibitionswill be held of such art objects as the U ni­versity possesses and loans will be arrangedof manuscripts, books, paintings and otherthings of artistic interest. The Society alsointends to encourage gifts to the school forthe purchase of works of art and to arrangefor lectures and publications on the subject.Dean Angell addressed the New York PhiBeta Kappa Society at the Hotel Savoy,New York City, on May 5, on "Effects ofthe War Upon the Structure of HumanSociety." .THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 391Following a report by the Committee onBuildings and Grounds, the following actionwas taken recently by the Board of Trus­tees: "In the future no portraits of mem­bers of the Faculty wi11 be accepted to behung in Hutchinson Hall during the life­time of the person depicted, excepting thoseof the presidents of the University. TheCommittee on Buildings and Grounds isgiven power to accept portraits of membersof the Faculty during their lifetime to behung in the various buildings of the Univer­sity other than the hall. The Committee isfurther given power to hang such portraitsin the ha11 after the death of the subject ofany portrait thus accepted."The fo11owing portraits are now on thewalls of Hutchinson: John DavidsonRockefe11er, founder of the University ofChicago, painted in 1894 by Eastman J ohn­son; Martin Antoine Ryerson, President ofthe Board of Trustees, painted in 1904 byLawton Parker; Wi11iam Rainey Harper,first President of the University of Chicago,1891-1906, pairtted in 1902 by Gari Melchers;Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed, Correspond­ing Secretary of the Board of Trustees,painted in 1909 by Louis Betts; AdolphusClay Bartlett, member of Board of Trus­tees, painted in 1900 by Ralph Clarkson;Harry Pratt Judson, second President ofthe University of Chicago, painted in 1906by Lawton Parker; Marron Talbot, Deanof Women, painted in'1913 by Walter D.Goldmark; George Edgar Vincent, former'Dean -of the Faculties of Arts, Literature,and Science, painted in 1911 by Louis Betts;Silas B. Cobb, donor of Cobb Lecture Ha11,painted by Ralph Clarkson; George C. Wal­ker, donor of Walker Museum, painted byE. J. Timmons; Galusha Anderson, Pro­fessor Emeritus of Homiletics, painted in1906 by Frederic Porter Vinton; JohnDavidson Rockefe11er, founder of the U ni­versity of Chicago, bronze bust by Will iarnCouper; Leon Mandel, donor of Leon Man­del Assembly Ha11, painted in 1912 by RalphClarkson; Frank Wakeley Gunsaulus, Pro­fessorial Lecturer on Practical Theology,painted in 1907 by Louis Betts; HermannEduard Von Holst, head of the Departmentof History, painted in 1911 by John C. J 0-hansen: Charles L. Hutchinson, Treasurerof Board of Trustees, donor of HutchinsonHa11, painted in 1911 by Louis Betts.During the Quarter Centennial two otherportraits wi11 be presented to the U niver­sity, one of John Ulric N ef, late head. ofthe Department of Chemistry, which wi11 behung in Hutchinson Ha11; and the otherof Ro11in D. Salisbury, head of the Depart­ment of Geography, which wil l hang inRosenwald. 'A chapter of the recently formed Ameri­can Association of University Professorshas been established at the University ofChicago. The objects of the association, asstated in the constitution, are "to facilitate amore effective co-operation among teachers and investigators in universities and collegesand in professional schools of similar gradefor the promotion of the interests of highereducation and research, and in general toincrease the usefulness and advance thestandards and ideals of the profession."The association has already entered uponthe consideration of questions of wide im­portance to the teaching profession, for ex­ample, academic freedom, the standardiza­tion of the requirements for the doctor'sdegree, and so on.The leading institutions of the country arerepresented in the association. The Uni­versity of California has 73 members, Co­lumbus h�s 80, Princeton 72, and JohnsHopkins 53. Chicago is represented on thero11 of officers by Professors Ange11, Dodd,Sma11 and Stieglitz. H. E. Slaught, Ph.D.,'98, is Chairman of the local chapter.Bibles printed in thirty languages anddialects were on exhibit at Haske11 Museumas part of the Centennial celebration ofthe American Bible Society, held in Mayin the leading universities of the UnitedStates. Many of the specimens belong tothe museum, although several are textsborrowed from foreign missionaries. Mostof the books on exhibition are translationsof familiar languages of central and south­ern European nations and American Irl­dians., Several Oriental dialects also arebeing shown. One who did hot know whatthe Vaudois language looks like, or thePushtoo, the. Roatongan, the Watjak, theN arrinvert, the Sheetswa, or the Tcher­missian, could discover from a pamphletof specimen verses from translations is­sued by the Bible Society. This work alsois being shown in connection with the Cen­tennial. Two hundred and fifty-six dialectsand languages were included as showingpart of the translation work of the society.Five hundred song books were publishedin May under the direction of the U nder­graduate Council. The edition is similarto that published two years ago, the only.changes being the addition of some of lastyear's Blackfriar songs and. the new songwritten last fa11 by J. Beach Cragun.After some weeks of preparation, a"mock convention" for the nomination ofPresident of the United States was held onMay 19th in Kent Theater, and on the thirdballot Senator Lawrence Y. Sherman, ofIllinois, won the nomination. Rooseveltand Root led in the first and second ballots,but the Sherman organization, headed byPaul Blazer, '17, finally stampeded the con­vention. The third ballot resulted: Sher­man, 502; Roosevelt, 24'8; Hughes, 76; Root,52; Ford, 32. Prof. Charles E. Merriam hadno opposition for vice-president.By a majority of 123 in a total refer­endum vote of 1,177, held in the third weekof May, it was decided that payment of392 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEclass dues must precede voting in class e1ec­,tions. The new plan is to go into effectin the autumn quarter. The vote by classeswas as follows: Seniors, 152 for, 101against; Juniors, 110 for, 116 against;Sophomores, 176 for, 132 aginst; fresh­men, 196 for, 167 against; unclassified, 16for, 11 against; total, 650 for, 527 against.Sixteen 'undergraduates appeared in thefour original plays presented by the Dra­matic Club on May 19 in the ReynoldsClub Theater. Laurence Salisbury, '16, theauthor of two of the plays, will take partin the performance.The two sketches by Salisbury are called"Vagaries." They were presented as "TheTrumpets" and "As a Man Thinks." Thethird play was "Cornelia," by Samuel Kap­lan, '14. It is a comedy built on the trialsof an inexperienced woman attorney withher first case. The program was completedby "Crossed Wires," a sketch by JamesDyrenforth, '16� It presents a farcical tele­phone situation. The casts of the plays in order of presenta­tion follow:"The Trumpets"The Girl Dorothy Dorsey, '16The Boy Laurence Salisbury, '16The Trumpeters ..... Cedric Strohm, '16; Cyrus Collins, '18"As a Man Thinks"The Author Lehman Ettelson, '19The Young Man Arthur Baer, '18One Esther Jaffe, '17Two Dorothy Fay '17Three Jean Barker, '17"Cornelia"Cornelia Wood Kathleen Colpitts, '16Frank Elliot Leon Gendron, '18Emily Rhett Elizabeth Bell, '17John Rhett James Evans, '17"Crossed Wires"Bill. J ames Dyrenforth, '16Grace Sally Ford, '16George Charles Breasted, '19A Rhenish Romance: Finale of First ActFour Early PlaysTHE Department of English of the University announcesthat in connection with the Quarter-Centennial, it willrepeat the production, first made in February, of four EarlyPlays.The Sponsus, a liturgical play of the twelfth century.The Second Shepherd's Play, a mystery play.Nice Wanton, a morality play of the sixteenth century.The W Doing of Nan, an Elizabethan jig.These plays will be given in Mandel Hall, onWednesday Evening, May 31, at 8:15Prices, Twenty-five Cents to One Dollar. Tickets may bepurchased from R. M. Lovett, Cobb 2A, University of Chicago,or at the box office.ALUMNI ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED�bt (!Cap nub �owu for 1916THE 'University Annual for 1916 is a volume of 575 pages,containing full and accurate information on every under­graduate activity of the year, and more than five hundred photo­graphs of people and events of interest. One large section atthe beginning is devoted to matters of special concern to Alumni.This record of the quarter-centennial year should be in the pos­session of every Alumnus who is interested not only in theUniversity as it was in his day, but also inThe University as It is' NoU)Price, Three Dollars Address CAP AND GOWN,The University of Chicago394 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Month at the UniversityDr. Martin Andre Rosanoff, Professor ofTheoretical Chemistry, Mellon Instituteof Industrial Research: "The Mechanismof Some Reactions of Organic Chem­istry, I."Judge Julian William Mack, of the UnitedStates Circuit Court, under the auspicesof the Menorah Society: "Legal Aspectsof Modern Jewish Problems."Professor Shorey: "The Service of Art."French Club, Student Volunteer Band,Church History Club, Semitic Club.April 25Baseball .......... Beloit 1; Chicago 12.Dr. Rosanoff: "The Mechanism of SomeReactions of Organic. Chemistry, II."April 26Dr; Charles Miles Gayley, Professor of Eng­lish Language and Literature, Universityof California: "William Shakespeare."Dr. Rosanoff: "The Mechanism of SomeReactions 'of Organic Chemistry, III."Mathematical Club, Graduate Women'sClub.April 27Dr. William Allen Neilson, Professor ofEnglish, Harvard University: "Shakes­peare and Religion."Dr. Rosanoff: "The Mechanism of SomeReactions of Organic Chemistry, IV."Dr. Max Leopold Margolis, Professor ofBiblical Philology, Dropsie College, underthe auspices of the Menorah Society:"Translating the Scriptures."Baseball-Chicago 3; Cornell College, Iowa,5; at Cedar Rapids.Interclass Baseball-c-Sophornor es 13; Fresh­men 6.University Rifle Club organized.The Disciples' Club.April 28Baseball-Iowa 1; Chicago 3; at 'Iowa City.Interclass Baseball-Juniors 20; Seniors 8.Tennis-Chicago wori both singles anddoubles from Denison.Dr. Rosanoff: "The Mechanism of SomeReactions of Organic Chemistry, V."Senior Class Tea, Phi Gamma Delta house.Reynolds Club Informal.April 29Tennis-Chicago won two out of threematches with Ohio State.Track-Chicago won second in the one-milemedley and the two-mile relays at Penn­sylvania.German Conversation Club presented theplay "J ugendliebe."April 30Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D., UnionTheological Seminary, New York City,University Preacher. May 1Y. W. C. L. guests of Y. M. C. A. at May­Day party.Student Volunteer Band, New Testamentand Systematic Theology Clubs, SemiticClub.May 2Concert by the choir of the Russian Ca­thedral of St. Nicholas, New York City.Renaissance Society organized; Dean An­gell elected president.Mr. George William Coleman, Director ofthe Ford -Hall Foundation, Boston, underthe auspices of the Divinity School: "TheOpen Forum."Baseball-N orthwestern 9; Chicago 6.Botanical Club, Women's Classical Club.May 3.Enos M. Barton, member of the Board ofTrustees, died at Biloxi, Miss.Conference on Science and Religion, Dr.Fosdick.Mr. Coleman: "Ministers and Money."Baseball-Western Electrics 1; Chicago 3.Interclass Baseball-Juniors 5; Sopho-mores 3. Freshmen 5; Seniors, 2.Junior Mathematical Club, Zoological Club.May 4Dr. Fosdick: "The Pastor and His People."Women's Tennis Tournament started.Interfraternity Tennis-Delta Kappa Epsi-lon defeated Phi Gamma Delta in singlesand doubles. Sigma Alpha Epsilon de-feated Sigma N u in singles and doubles.Interfraternity Baseball-Alpha Delta Phi,9; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 7. Beta ThetaPi, 6; Delta Tau Delta, O.May 5Blackfriars presented "A Rhenish Ro­mance." Mandel Hall.Dr. Fosdick: "The Pastor and ChurchProblems." .University. swimming championship won by. Walter Earle, '18.Baseball-Ohio State, 6; Chicago, 3.Freshmen dance, Reynolds Club.May 7Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, D.D., Uni­. versity Preacher.Senior Class tea, Phi Kappa Psi House.May 8Tennis-Northwestern, 0; Chicago, 3.Student Volunteer Band. Dr. Steiner:"American-Japanese Problems."May 9Baseball-Lake Forest, 3; Chicago, S.Tennis-Lake Forest, 0; Chicago, 3.THE MONTH AT THE UNIVERSITY 395Interfraternity Baseball-Alpha Tau Ome­ga, 10; Phi Delta Theta, 7. Sigma Chi, 15;Kappa Sigma, 3. Chi Psi, 5; Delta Epsi­lon, 4.Botanical Club, Graduate Women's Club,Romance Club, Men's Classical Club.May 10Women's. tennis tournament, first round.Forum, Mathematical Club.May 11Interfraternity tennis, second round.Physics Club, Disciples Club.May 12Track-Illinois, 90; Chicago 44.Interclass Baseball-Sophomores, 5; Sen­iors, 4. Freshmen, 1; Juniors, O."The History of Medicine, I. Epochs andPeriods of Medicine," Professor Dodson.Biological Club, Germanic Club.May 13University Dames, Annual Business Meet­ing.May 14Rev. George A. J. Ross, Union TheologicalSeminary, New York City, UniversityPreacher.May 15Church History Club, Student VolunteerBand.May 16Women's Baseball-Junior College, 19;Senior College, 11."The History of Medicine, II. Some Medi­cal Cases," Professor James Bryan Her­rick.Women's Classical Club, Botanical Club.May 17President Judson, before the Forum: "Sub­marine Warfare."Baseball-Iowa, 5; Chicago, 4.Referendum requiring payment of class duesbefore voting passed, 650 to 5'27.Interfraternity Baseball-Sigma Chi, 25;Sigma Nu, 4.Junior Mathematical Club.May 18Interclass Sing, Hutchinson Court.Mock Convention, Mandel Hall.Physics Club, Religious Education Club,Philosophical Club, History Club.May 19Mock Convention; Sherman nominated forPresident, Merriam for Vice-President.Dramatic Club presented four original pro­ductions, Reynolds Club Theater.Tennis-Wisconsin, 0; Chicago, 3.Professor George Coe: "The Theory ofIndirect Methods in Moral Education."Assistant Professor Noble Sproat Heaney:"The History of Medicine, III. The His­tory of Obstetrics as a Science."May 20Purdue Day. Baseball-Purdue, 1; Chicago,2. Track-Purdue, 43%; Chicago, 91%.Three Quarters Club dance, Reynolds Club. The Letter BoxThe United States Army has provided forthree military training camps at Fort Ben­jamin Harrison, near Indianapolis, where col­lege men will be taught some of the dutiesof the soldier, non-commissioned officer and. commissioned officer. The course lasts thirtydays, the cost is nominal and attendance at atraining camp does not add in the slightestdegree to the citizen's obligation to serve inthe army if called upon, but it does make himmore fit for service and increases his oppor­tunity for usefulness in time of need.These training camps have the endorsementof President Judson, Mr. Stagg, Professor A.C. Van Noe, and leading members of the Fac­ulty and the Alumni. So far as we are at pres­ent informed, the only Chicago men who haveenlisted are D, S. McWilliams '01, and Fran­cis W. Parker, Jr. '07. This is a very poorshowing when we consider the number of Chi­cago men in the middle west. Chicago oughtto be as well, or better represented at thesecamps than the other universities of the 'coun­try. No man who attends one of these campswill ever regret it. He will gain by it physi­cally, mentally and morally, and he will. bene­fit the country by his personal preparedness.These camps offer an unrivaled opportunity forChicago men to demonstrate in a concrete anduseful manner their patriotism and loyalty tothe University.Send application to, or ask for informationfrom Francis W. Parker, Jr., 1410 MarquetteBuilding; telephone Central 430'4 and let himknow if you are going so that we can keeptrack of all Chicago men who will be in thecamps.WM. SCOTT BOND, '97,HAROLD L., ICKES, '97,STACY MOSSER, '97,D. S. MCWILLIAMS, '01,H. P. ZIMMERMAN:.\" '01,lVl. C. CAHILL, 05,FRANCIS W. PARKER, JR., 07.396 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE(The following extracts are from a letterfrom San Francisco by J. G. Kasai, '13, toD. A. Robertson, '01:)"For several weeks past I have tried tonegotiate with different local baseball teamsfor possible games with the Waseda Uni­versity team, who came at the invitation ofour university. Four weeks ago I went toSeattle on a hurried trip, but upon my ar­rival there I was invited to speak at theSeattle Chamber of Commerce, the Univer-.sity of Washington and many other civicand political organizations to discuss inter­national relations between our two coun­tries. When I was about to leave there,again I received invitations from the Port­land Chamber of Commerce and the U ni­versity of' Oregon at Eugene. Therefore,I have been kept very busy in my visit tothe Northwest. I felt uneasy during mytrip, for I had been entrusted by the Wasedaalumni, who were in San Francisco, tomake arrangements for the games for theWaseda men."I returned here on Thursday, May 4.On the morning of Saturday, May 6, one ofthe Waseda alumni came to call upon meand we were discussing about the enter­tainment of our visitors. I read in the'Chronicle' that morning a dispatch fromChicago, telling that Fred Steinbrecher and'Skee' Sauer had left for San Francisco towelcome the Waseda men. I telephonedimmediately to the Western Pacific Rail­road agent and found that these two menhad just arrived in the city and were attheir office. At noon my friend, Mr. Ka­wakami; the author Mr. Suzuki, a Wasedagraduate, and our two Chicago representa­tives and myself went to an Italian restau­rant and had a very interesting chat to­gether. We enjoyed it immensely."On Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock the'Sonoma' of the Oceanic Steamship Com­pany arrived from .Honolulu, and we wentto the dock to meet our visitors. Therewere two reporters from the two Japanesedailies of' the city. They had interviewswith Professor Kono and his men andtook pictures on board. As the Wasedamen wanted to have a Japanese meal afterthe long trip, we thought it better to takethem to the Imperial Hotel. That nightthe Waseda men, two of their alumni,Sauer, Steinbrecher and myself had a J ap­anese . dinner at the Imperial Hotel, andafter supper the guests were taken to ashow by their alumni. The following after­noon Sauer and Steinbrecher took the Wa-.seda men to a public park where a practicegame was held. That evening, Tuesday,about a dozen Waseda alumni, togetherwith leading Japanese residents of the city,gave a Japanese banquet at the NipponClub for the visiting team and the two rep­resentatives of Chicago."I should like to tell you a little aboutthe banquet. There were a little over sixty people present, including our guests. Mr.Chiba, a graduate of Waseda, who for thelast ten years had been the editor of the'J apanese American News,' from which heresigned about a month ago, made a wel­come address 'in Japanese. Then he askedme to be toastmaster of the evening. Ispoke in English and related the historyof the Chicago-Waseda baseball games andits international significance. I told themhow the University of Chicago chose thebest students when it sent the team toJapan in 1910. I related to them what amagnificent ovation and royal welcome theUniversity of Chicago had given to thevisitors from Waseda in 1911, when I wasstill attending the University; that thoseWaseda men who came this time would bereceived with an equal amount of enthusi­asm and courtesy from the. Uuiversity ofChicago students and Faculty when theyarrived there. I also related to them thatthis year, being the twenty-fifth anniver­sary of the founding of our University, theWaseda boys would receive greater wel­come when they play on June the 3rd, thehome-coming day of the alumni. Then Iintroduced the Acting Consul-General, Mr.Yamasaki, who also dwelt upon the signifi­cance of international friendship betweenour two countries. Professor Ichihashi ofStanford University dwelt strongly uponthe significance of international sportsman­ship, which would tend to eradicate themisunderstandings existing between our twocountries. Mr. Kanzaki, the secretary ofthe Japanese Association, welcomed theteam in Japanese language. Then I intro­duced Steinbrecher, who made an able ad­dress of welcome and conveyed to the Wa­seda men the hearty welcome of theUniversity of Chicago. Professor Kono,representing the visiting team, responded,expressing the grateful feeling of the Wa­seda men and he led the boys in singing theWaseda song. This ended the banquet andeverybody who were present there felt itwas a very good gathering. I am happyindeed to have been able to convey to mycountrymen who were gathered there thekindness and good will of my alma mater tothe Japanese students and toward my coun­try. It was indeed a gathering of repre­sentative Japanese and the banquet was asuccess."The team left there yesterday morningfor Sacra:mento. In spite of my effort toarrange games with local teams, I could notfind any good team to play with the Wa­seda men. So they played with the all-starteam at Sacramento yesterday afternoonand won by 8 to 2. I understand that theyare to arrive in Chicago May 21. I knowthat the Waseda boys were very eager toreach Chicago just as soon as they could."I should like to come to Chicago for thereunion .of my class this year, but it is im­possible, as I am very busily engaged inTHE LETTER BOX 397writing articles on American affairs for thepress of Japan."Very faithfully yours,"JrUJI G. KASAI."To the Editor:Y ours of the 12th outlines a program thatwould attract to the reunion anyone whowas not bound by the fell clutch of circum­stance to be absent. I know you will allhave a "bully" time, in the words of one ofthe honored guests for whom I hope I shallnot have an opportunity to vote. Did youknow that George Vincent was in Salt Lakeon March 20 talking to the Bonneville Club,which is the organization par excellence ofthis Western country, and which exists sanpolitics, sans religion, and stands only forinterest in everything of interest to all?The club is men only and only the promi­nent men of the community belong, withmembership limited to 300. It will be nonews to you that the talk given by Mr. Vin­cent is still reverberating through the com­munity, and I hear praise of it every day.I had not heard' him talk for many years,and I am now wondering whether this wasgiven in his normal form, or whether underthe stimulus of several old friends in theaudience and the great attention and ap­plause he was inspired to an extra effort.I wouldn't care much to come back to hearRoosevelt and Hughes, but if it were pos­sible to get away you couldn't hold me backfrom hearing Vincent.Ever since you first wrote me asking meto stir up my recollections of early daysat the U. I have had this on my mind. Ifind that I have a visual rather th,an anauditory memory, because the things I thinkof all appear to be as pictures. I certainlyhave a 5,000-foot reel in my head, and it isall filled with "call-backs." The propermethod of presentation is to throw me onthe .screen "registering" recollection, andthen let these views slide by. They don'tfollow any chronological order, but theyare all very vivid, none of them doing anyfade-away.I remember walking into Cobb Hall,crossing a single 2x12 plank covered withmortar, in order to take some extranceexams, and after getting down to work onthe examination paper I can recall the feel­ing Of envy I had for the porter who wascleaning up the windows of the Chapel inthe north end of Cobb because I wouldhave liked to be as much a part of theUniversity as he already was. . . . Thevalue of organization is always presentedto me by the recollection that when I wasat Morgan Park doing some prep work withour good friend W. B. Owen, the class therewhich was expecting to enter the Universityin October, 1892, held a caucus and decidedto support Harry Stone for President of theFreshman Class. He did not have such avery large support, but it stuck together and he won. I remember I always thoughthim a very handsome man, and it was agreat shock to me to see that lately hisfine head of hair has become only amemory.Here comes a reel with only "flashes" ofincidents and with no philosophical reflec­tions attached. Do you remember watchingthe unhappy baseball candidates cringewhen Alonzo ordered out the canvas slid­ing mats? We never hated to pick upgrounders in the gym practice nor work inthe batting cage, but when we had to go tothe mat and burn the skin off our wristsdoing the head-first slide it took a degree ofmoral courage and physical "nerve" thatwas not dreamed of by the lookers-on. . ..Then (you won't recall it, but others will)when we were building the first board fencearound Marshall Field, in order to get itcompleted in time for a certain importantball game all the candidates turned in andcarried boards and nailed them on. Thecarpenters kicked at the "scab" help, but thejob had to be finished in order to get realcash out of the spectators, and so it wentthrough.I remember when Henry Gale got hisnose smashed in some indoor encounter inthe old gym. He went back to Peoria-orwas it Galesburg ?-to get over the rude ef­fects. When he left us he had a noseshaped like the "Before Treatment" cutsand when he came back he was the proudpossessor of the distinguished classic nosehe still uses. I honestly think Dean Galecan lay much of his success to the height­ening of his manly beauty acquired in thefield of physical endeavor-even more per­haps than to his physics.I remember how in the days of the quar­ter immediately preceding our graduationwe used to meet weekly with Dr. Harper­some weeks-and when he was giving thegraduating class those matutinal breakfasts.Harvey Peterson was really quite excited bythe prospect and for several meetings re­ferred earnestly to the "Match-chew-tie­nal," until one day Dr. Harper quietly cor­rected his pronunciation. At that time Inever looked to Professor Edith . FosterFlint to be so . prominent in English, be­cause she let Peterson go ahead in his madcareer-and I am still in doubt whether she.was being bluffed, as the rest of us were, byPeterson's assurance or whether her kindheart wouldn't hurt him.I see Winston and Jones dressed in their.ball suits, sitting on the locker benches inthe gym arguing which had the bettershaped leg, when the real point of thediscussion should have been 'what on eartheither leg was good for. I understood thelast time I was in Chicago that the discus­sion was still in progress and Harry Abellshas been appointed umpire in my absence.Here is one the editor will not publish be-·cause it would disturb his influence with the398 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpresent student body: We were all perchedon the wooden stand at the southwest endof the field watching an interfraternitytrack meet. The famous poet, "c. S. P. '96,"and the interesting Freshman, T. Linn, wereamong those present. Some discussion hav­ing heated them, the F. P .. landed a kickon the derby of the 1. F., which was goodfor a goal from the field any time, and im­mediately there was a real rough-house.Nothing barred, any hold, biting, kicking"gouging and choking allowed. If the editordoes print this you will think it an exag­geration, but I give you my word and I canassemble witnesses that it isn't.Can you see the big Washington birth­day celebration in Kent Theater, whenSteig meyer, dressed in a clown, makeup,rolled a circus-painted barrel into the spot­light and sang for the first time, "John D.Rockefeller, Wonderful Man Is He"? Itwas an instantaneous success, and you oughtto have it presented as originally given bythe original company at this anniversary.At the same event the master of cere­monies stepped forward with a telegram inhis hand and an anxious look on his face,and . asked if Mr. Raycroft were present.Ray arose with his famous expression ofdignity and his customary poise and signi­fied that he was with us. Then the mes­sage was handed him after the addresshad been read: "J. E. Raycroft, care ofKelly Hall." Ray afterward married thepart of Kelly Ha1l in which he was inter­ested, but at that particular moment therewasn't a madder man ever on the campus.They tell me J. E. Freeman, '9S, is nowsecretary of the sugar trust and is weigh­ing 250 pounds, due, it is thought, to tooheavy consumption of his own product. Ifthis is so no one who knows him now willbelieve that as a premier danseuse there hasnever been his equal for shape and beauty.This is a recollection with a philosophicalturn : We were giving the "Deceitful Dean"in the old gym, and I had just "done""When Casey Smashed the Ball" and wasrunning for a quick change into the dress­ing-rooms which were rigged on the run­ning track. I was going up the stairs fourat a jump, when dainty perfume stopped mejust in time to avoid a collision with theprettiest chorus girl I have ever seen. Iremember distinctly my gasping consterna­tion as I stood there wondering where inthunder they had dug up such a peach forthis show as she drifted past. It was TeddyFreeman, and. he was the easiest thing tolook at I have ever seen. I rememberthat I used this experience as a text for an'argument that one great difference in sex­expression was merely clothes. I havenever known what Small and Vincent wouldsay on this point, but if they don't agreewith me they are woefully wrong. I know.HENRY M. ADKINSON, '97. Alumni AffairsThe Chicago Alumni Club.-With 60alumni present, the annual business meetingon April 26 was called to order at the HotelLa Salle by Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01,president of the club. He reviewed brieflythe activities and the accomplishments ofthe club during the past year. D. W. Fer­guson, '09, as chairman of the MembershipCommittee, reported that to date exactly200 members had joined and paid their duesand, requested that each member secure atleast another during the coming year. Thesecretary-treasurer read his ropert, whichwas accepted and placed on file. W. S. Bond,'97, reported on the work of the Loan FundCommittee. His report was accepted andordered placed on file. Rudy Matthews, '14,gave an informal report on the work of theCommittee on High School students. J.W. Linn, '97, reported a very successfulyear with the University of Chicago Maga­zine and gave an appreciation of the in­crease in general alumni enthusiasm andactivity. He reported hearty co-operationwith the alumni on the part of the Univer­sity. A. E. Bestor, '01, reported on the ar­rangements for the 25th Anniversary cel­ebration in June and the conspicuous partin it to be shared by the alumni. WalterGregory spoke about the entertainment tobe provided in connection with the alumnidinner at the celebration, J. B. Whidden,'0'7, spoke on behalf of the publicity com­mittee of the reunion.The president appointed a nominatingcommittee composed of Ralph Hamill, '99,Donald Richberg, '01, and Harvey L. Har­ris, '14. This committee recommended thefollowing nominations for the ensuing year:President-Arthur A. Goes; 'os,Vice-president-C. F. Axelson, '07.Secretary-treasurer-Lawrence H. Whit-ing, '13.Members of the executive committee­H. P. Zimmermann, '01; D. W. Ferguson,'09; Howell Murray, '15; Harvey L. Har­ris, '14.Recommended for member of UniversityBoard of Athletic Control-W. France An­derson, '99.By motion the secretary was' instructedto cast an unariimous ballot for the candi­dates recommended, after which they weredeclared elected.President-elect Goes took the chair anda general and informal discussion followed.Topics considered were (1) joint smokerwith Michigan or Wisconsin alumni (2)dinner for the trustees of the University;(3)' support to advertisers in the magazine;(4) assistance in organizing alumni clubs inother cities. No action was taken on anyof these matters, but all were by commonconsent left with the Executive Commiteeefor their consideration.The report of the secretary-treasurer forALUMNI AFFAIRSthe year ending April 26, 1916, is subjoined:Your secretary, during the past year, hasmade arrangements for the meetings of theclub and the executive committee andmailed notices of the same. The names ofmembers with their business and residenceaddresses have been indexed on cards, du­plicates of which have been forwarded to thebusiness manager of the University of Chi­cago Magazine and to the secretary-treas­urer of the Alumni Club Loan Fund. Mem­bership cards have been issued as soon asdues were received. All letters and in­quir ies have been answered promptly. Asthe activities of the club are covered inthe report of the president the same willnot be repeated here.One hundred and ninety-nine membershave joined the club during the year. Onehas been lost by death, leaving a member­ship of 198 at the present date. Of these,eight have their dues paid until May 1,1917.The finances of the club are summarizedas follows:Receipts:Dues $ 936.75Special contributions to Loan Fund 42.00Dinner tickets . 444.50Total : $1,423.25Expenditures:Deficit, April 29, 1915 $Subscriptions to U. of C. Magazine ..Loan Fund .Dinners and refreshments .Music and entertainment .Printing and mimeographing .Postage .Sign .Bond .Cap and gowns :.Miscellaneous . . .Balance, cash on hand . 5.96146.84328.50549.35118.0034.6565.1610.002.5031.251.55110.54Total . . $1,423.25C. F. AXELSON,Secretary- Treasurer.The meeting then adj ourned.The following were present: Wm. FranceAnderson, '99; Vallee O. Appell, '11; HarryF. Atwood, '97; C. F. Axelson, '07; H. R.Axelson, '12; Arthur E. Bestor, '01; HarryB. Bogg, Jr., '15; Wm. Scott Bond, '97;Potter Bowles, '09; Scott Brown, '97; Wm.Roy Carney, '12; Frank J. Coyle, '12; Ray­mond J. Daly, '12; Chas. Scribner Eaton,'00; George O. Fairweather, '06; D. W.Ferguson, '09; Bradford Gill, '10; Arthur A.Goes, '08; H. N. Gottlieb, '00; Thomas .T.Hair, '03; Ralph C. Hamill, '99; Harvey L.Harris, '14; Robert S. Harris, '09; Albert G.Heath, 12; W. P. Henneberry, Jr., '07; WilliamH. Kuh, '11; J as. D. Lightbody, '08; BowmanC. Lingle, '08; J. W. Linn, '97; E. H. Lunde,'14; Paul D. McQuiston, '01; Paul Mandeville,'99; Ralph C. Manning, '00; W. J. Mason,'19; Rudy D. Matthews, '14; W. J. McDow- 399ell, '03; Frank M. McKay, '03; Walker G.McLaury, '03; J. A. Menaul, '12; J. P.Mentzner, '98; Howell W. Murray, '14; BenF. Newman, '09; Francis F. Patton, '11;E. H. Powell, '11;· W. Lane Rhem, '14;Ernest R. Reichman, '14; Donald R. Rich-·berg, '01; Orno B. Roberts, '12; C. R. Sam­mis, '14; G. R. Schaefer, '14; John D. Scott,'11; Harold H. Swift, '07; Nathan E. Tarr­son, '11; Donald S. Trumbull, '97; . L. B.Vaughan, '97; J. B. Whidden, '07; LawrenceH. Whiting, '13; C. S. Winston, '96; Her­bert P. Zimmermann, '01.The representation by classes was: '96,2;· '97, 5; '98, 1; '99, 3; '00, 3; '01, 4; '03, 4;'06, 2; '07, 4; '08, 2; '09, 4; '10, 1; '11, 6; '12,7; '13, 1; '14, 8; '15, 1; '19, 1.The Eastern Alumni Association.- Theannual dinner of the Eastern Alumni As­sociation was held on Friday, May 12, atReisenweber's, 304 West Fifty-eighth street,in New York City. E. E. Slosson, editorof the Independent, the retiring president ofthe association, presided, and seventy-twowere present. The features of the evening. were the five-minute speeches by various ofthe Alumni and Alumnae who were calledon by President Slosson to talk on "What-ever they were most interested in." .H. R. Baukhage, '11, who was in gen­eral charge of the arrangements for thedinner, discussed the immediate prospect ofpeace in Europe. Baukhage, who; until hejoined the forces of the Leslie-Judge Com­pany of New York, had been for two yearsAssociated Press correspondent in Wash­ington, has kept in touch with Washingtonaffairs. He predicted. that within a veryfew months the warring nations wouldreach an agreement, saying that it was gen­erally under stood in Washington that theUnited States government was already deep­ly concerned with peace proposals. MissHelen Ranlett, who had recently returnedfrom France, where she had been for sometime giving her services as .nur se in varioushospitals, talked of the effect of the war inFrance and of her own experiences. EvelynNewman, who is head of the Studio Club ofNew York, spoke of the Women's PeaceCongress at The Hague, which she attended.Professor F. H. Pike, of the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons of New, York,spoke of his work, and Alexander Smith,now Professor of Chemistry at Columbia,and for many years Professor of Chemistryat the University of Chicago, discussed thesubject of chemistry from the point of viewof an after dinner speaker, in one of themost entertaining addresses of the evening.The representative ,of the University atthe dinner, the editor of the Magazine, gavean account of conditions of the U niver sityat present and talked of the plans for theQuarter-Centennial. Afterwards a set offresh pictures were thrown on the screenand commented on both by the represen­tatives of the University and by various ofthe Alumni as they recognized features en-400 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdeared to them by experience. The pictureswhich had been provided by the Universitywere extremely good, but the Alumni wereunanimous in desiring that the Universityshould provide for a moving picture bureauwhich would enable Alumni Associations allover the country to get a view of the actuallife at the University. It is a pleasure tobe able to record the fact that such abureau is in process of organization, andthat the events of the Quarter-Centennialare to be filmed for the purpose of justsuch a distribution.The officers elected for the next yearwere: Milton J. Davies, of the Institute ofArts and Sciences at Columbia University,president; Miss M. L. Stone, vice-president;H. R. Baukhage, '11, secretary; Miss MyraReed, editor of McCall's Magazine, assist­ant secretary, and W. C. Stephens, '02, 580St. Nicholas avenue, New York, treasurer.A plan was adopted and a committee,headed by Mrs. C. W. Gilson, was appointedto put into operation for uniting more close­ly the Alumnae of the University who areliving in and near New York. Luncheonswill be held at regular intervals and an or­ganization, it is expected, will be formed ofthe nature of the Alumnae Club of Chicago.It is probable also that a similar organiza­tion will be formed by the men to corr e­spend to the Chicago Alumni Club and toinclude, 01 course, not only holders of de­grees from the University, but all formerstudents. There are now on the books ofthe secretary the names of 272 graduatesand former students, with their correct ad­dresses, who live in or near New YorkCity.Those present included the following:J. O. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Ar­nett, Harriet F. Baker, H. R. Baukhage,Laura. Benedict, Effie Bendam, Mr. andMrs. Bilder, Dorothy Buckley, Clifford D.Carpenter, Winifred V. Cobb, Milton J.Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis, AliceDavis, Ruth Dean, Franc Delzell, Chas. V.Drew, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Epstein, Eliz­abeth J: Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fer­nald, Newton A. Fuessle, Ida Mason Gard­ner, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gilson, LuiseHaessler, Bernice Jenkins, Mable. E. Kings­land, Mathilde L. Koch, E. c.. Lavers, JuliaP. Leavens, Jessie MacDonald, W. A. Mc­Dermid, Paul Monroe, Nadine Moore, Mr.and Mrs. M. Morgenthau, Jr., Geo. E.Myers, Evelyn A. Newman, Robert B.Owen, E. H. Pike, Helen E. Purcell, H. A.Ranlett, Myra G. Read, Margaret Rhodes,Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Sage, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Slosson, Alexander Smith, AdelaideSpohn, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stephens, M. L.Stone, Mary C. Tinney, Elizabeth S.' Wei­rick, Catharine A. Weisner, Unity F. Wil­son, G. A. Young.Notes.. H. R. Baukhage, according to PresidentSlosson, was appointed before the dinner toa brand-new office, that of banqueteer, which, translated into ordinary English,according to said Baukhage, meant goat.The arrangements for the dinner, however,were of such a nature that Baukhage wasre-elected to the same office.Newton Fuessle, who is engaged in news­paper work in New York, left before theeditor's speech. He had no previous en­gagement but something told him that itwould be well to make one.Myra G. Read, the new assistant secre­tary, was two weeks before made editor ofMe Call's Magazine. The appointment com­ing as it did four years after her graduationfrom college, and at the end of only threeyears' experience on the magazine, is as sin­cere a compliment to efficiency as even amodern young woman could desire.Trevor Arnett, '98, University Auditor,was present at the dinner with Mrs. Arnett.He has been spending a great deal of timein New York this spring, principally in con­nection with his work investigating and re­organizing the systems of accounting usedin various American universities.Charles Verner Drew, '99, took an even­ing off from the pursuit of commerce andappeared at the dinner, to the great per­sonal delight of the editor, who had notseen him for more years than he cares tothink of. Drew was a pole vaulter while incollege and has been a steadily rising youngman ever since.The most recent graduate at the dinnerwas Margaret Rhodes, '15. Roderick Peattiesent on his regrets from Harvard, where heis studying geology under the general direc­tion of Wallace Atwood, '97.News of the ClassesDr. Joseph E. Raycroft, '96, has writtenan article on "The Educational Value ofAthletics in School and Colleges," whichappeared in School and Society, February26, 1916. President John Grier Hibben ofPrinceton University, in a talk with a rep­resentative of the Chicago Daily News, onMay 6, said Doctor Raycroft was respon­sible for a great increase of interest in ath­letics among the students of Princeton. "Dr.Raycroft has been active in introducing con­tests between groups inside the university,"said President Hibben. "He has organizeda large number of the minor sports and to­day almost every student in Princeton isinterested in some sport, not as a specta­tor, but as a contestant. Rowing, basketball, indoor ball, hockey, tennis, are amongthe sports that have received his attention.As a result fully 78 per cent of our studentsare now in competitive athletics."Such an article by one so capable of dis­cussing the question should be of particularinterest to those who are following the pres­ent discussion of athletics, which is beingcarried on all over the country.NEWS OF THE CLASSESMrs. Elmer E. Stoll (Harriet Agerter,'97), lives in Minneapolis. Mr. Stoll isprofessor of English at the University ofMinnesota.William France Anderson, '99, has movedhis law office to 1139 First National BankBuilding.Egbert Robertson, '02, is a member ofthe firm of Foreman, Rob-ertson and Blum­rosen, with offices at 1150 First NationalBank Building, Chicago.Charles M. Steele, '04, and Mrs. Steele,sailed on May 18 from Vancouver for afour months' trip in the Orient. They planto visit Japan, China, the Philipines andKorea."The Natural Law," by Charles W. Sum­mer, '08, a play that created rather a sen­sation when it was produced by John Cortin Boston last spring, has been "novel­ized," and is to be published in book formin June by the Macaulay Company of NewYork. The play was censored by the Bos­ton police and after a week's run was finallyordered withdrawn by the mayor of thatcity. It was then presented at the Republictheater, New York, and had a successfulrun there of fourteen weeks, later playingin all the large cities of the east. Contractshave been signed for the production of theplay in Paris at the Bouffes-Parisiens the­ater, under the direction of the famousFrench manager, Mr. Max Dearly. Thetranslation is being made by Williamson DeVisme, formerly of the Department ofFrench, at the University of Chicago, andnow a professor at the Sorbonne. This isone of the few instances on record of anAmerican dramatist having a serious workproduced in France. "The Natural Law"is his first effort at dramatic composition.The critics in the United States have fre­quently compared him with Brieux in hisstyle and in the daring of his theme.William F. Hewitt, '08, has' been appoint-:ed by President Wilson to be first lieuten­ant in the medical reserve corps 'of thearmy, subject to duty on call.Olive Davis, '11, writes from Boston aletter 'expressing her appreciation of theMagazine and her wrath (she says is muchtoo mild) at not being able to attend theQuarter-Centennial Celebration in June.L. T. Curry, '12, has gone to Waterloo,Iowa, where he will be associated with Drs.Alford and Bickley in the James BlackBuilding. After graduating from RushMedical College, Curry was for one yearresident physician in the German Hospitalof. Chicago, and for two years in the samecapacity in the Cook County Hospital.Arthur Vollmer, '13, writes from Daven­port, Iowa, under date of May 6: "I amnot one of the 'sinners' of your postscript inthe May number, but rather 'one of thosewho saw the light.' So, my refrain is abit different from that you ask of the for­mer (class, for I write to tell you how muchI enjoy the Magazine. If I had formulated 401any suggestions I'd 'spring' them, and whenI· do, I will. I am going to try to get offearly frorn a 'noncom' National Guard ar­tillery school at Sparta, Wisconsin, in or­der to get in on the Quarter-Centennial. Itdoesn't. require much urging, you know, be­cause my divided university ancestrydoesn't transfer a whit of my loyalty toand regard for Chicago (the business ofloyalty being, I take it, conveniently with­in the volition of the individual, and apartfrom circumstances). Hence, I hope to seeyou at the tent."Victor Hanson, '13, is teaching historyand economics in the Shanghai Baptist Col­lege, China.James Vincent Nash, '15, who has beenediting the Credit Men's Bulletin, the mag­azine of the Chicago Credit Men's Associa­tion, has gone to Buffalo, New York, asassistant to the president of the Sheldonschools, the well-known institution for thedevelopment of scientific management andefficiency in business.ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYThe events of chief interest to the Doctorsin the coming celebration occur on Mondayand Tuesday, June 15 and 16. The Depart­ment Conferences are arranged with specialreference to honoring them. In many casesthe programs are chiefly reports from Doc­tors of their scientific activities. The pro­gram of these conferences, so far as thedetails are completed, are as follows:At 2 p. m. on Monday, June 5, the following con­ferences take place:The Philosophical and Social Science Groups andthe Law School (including the Departments of Phi­losophy, Psychology, Education, Political Economy,Political Science, History, Sociology and Anthropol­ogy, and the_ Law School) in the Assembly Room,William Rainey Harper Memorial Library.General Subj ect: "Problems of National Progress";speakers, IRVING FISHER, Ph. D., Professor of Po­litical Economy, Yale University; ROSCOE POUND,Ph. D., _ LL. D., Carter Professor of General J uris­prudence and. Dean of the Law School, HarvardUniversity. . ... The Department of Household Administration inthe Assembly Room, Ida Noyes Hall. MRS. MARYWILCOX GLENN, New York City, former president ofthe National Conference of Charities and Corrections,will speak on "The Significance of the Home."The Philological Group (including the Departmentsof Greek, Latin, Romance, Germanic and EnglishLanguages and Literatures and General Literature) in­the Assembly Room, The Classics Building. "Jasonand Medea: A Psychological Study," KIRBY FLOWERS�nTH, Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Latin,' JohnsHopkins University; "Classicism and Romanticism,"IRVING BABBITT, A. M., Professor of French Litera­ture, Harvard University.The Departments of Mathematics, Astronomy andAstrophysics, and Physics, in Room 32, The RyersonPhysical Laboratory .. "The Problem of Astrophysics,"GEORGE ELLERY HALE, Ph. D., Sc. D., LL. D., DIrectorof the Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institutionof Washington, Mount Wilson, California; "The Re­lation of Pure Science to .Industrial. Research," JOHNJ. CARTY, Eng. D., Chief Engineer, The American­Telegraph & Telephone Company; "Current Tend­encies in Mathematical Research," EDWARD BURR VANVLECK, Ph. D., Professor of Mathematics, Universityof Wisconsin. .The Department of Chemistry, in Room 20, TheKent Chemical Laboratory. Presentation to the De­partment of a portrait of the late Professor John402 THE VNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUlric Nef, OSCAR FRED HEDENBURG, Ph. D. (Chicago,1915), Research Instructor in Chemistry, on behalfof the staff and resident students, and presentationof plans for a John Ulric Nef Memorial Volume,HERMAN AUGUSTUS SPOEHR, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1909),Chemist, Carnegie Institution, Desert Laboratory.Tucson, Arizona; "Research, Scientific and Technical,in the Coal-Tar Dye Industry," BERNHARD CONRADHESSE, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1896), Consulting Chemist,New York City; "The Theory of Valence in Termsof Electrons Applied to Certain Problems in OrganicChemistry," LAUDER VVILLIAM JONES, Ph. D. (Chi­cago, 1897), Professor of Chemistry, University ofCincinnati; "The Importance of Chemical Techniquein the Study of Metabolism Problems." OTTO KNUT,EFOLIN, Ph. D, (Chicago, 1898), Hamilton Kuhn Pro­fessor of Biological Chemistry, Harvard University;"The Influence of the Total Ion Concentration Uponthe Electromotive Tendencies of Electrolytes," EUGENEPAUL SCHOCH. Ph D. (Chicago, 1902), Professorof Physical Chemistry, University of Texas; "ThePreparation for Industrial Chemistry," WILLIAM DER­RICK RICHARDSON, Chief Chemist, Swift & Company,Chicago .. The Departments of Geology and Paleontology, andGeography, in the Assembly Room, J ulius RosenwaldHall. .Address: JOHN CASPER BRANNER, Ph. D., LL. D.,President Emeritus and formerly Professor of Geol­ogy, Leland Stanford Junior University; "Civic Idealsin Geology," JOHN MASON CLARKE, Ph. D., LL. D.,Sc. D., State Geologist and Paleontologist, and Direc­tor of. the State Museum and Science Department,University of the State of New York.The Biological Group (including the Departmentsof Zoology, Anatomy, Physiology, and Botany), inKent Theater. "Bergson's Philosophy of Instinct asViewed by an Entomolgist" (illustrated), WILLIAMl\10RTON WHEELER, Ph. D., Professor of EconomicEntomology and Dean of the Bussey Institution,Harvard UniversityAt 5 :30 p. m. the following conferences: TheExperimental Medicine Group (including the Depart­ments of Pathology, and Hygiene and Bacteriology),in Room 1, The Howard Taylor Ricketts Laboratory.Address: WILLIAM HENRY WELCH, M. D., LL. D.,Baxley Professor of Pathology, Johns Hopkins U ni­versity; "Recent Advances in the Application ofBacteriology to Medicine," ERNEST EDWARD IRONS,M. D., Ph. D. (Chicago, 1912), Assistant Professorof Medicine, Rush Medical College, Chicago; DAVIDJOHN DAVIS, M. D., Ph. D. (Chicago, 1905), Pro­fessor of Experimental Medicine, University ofIllinois.The Departme-nts of Geology and Paleontology, andGeography, in Room 2, Julius Rosenwald Hall .. Pre­sentation of a portrait of Professor Rolin D. Salis­bury, painted by Ralph Clarkson. General subjectof discussion, "Professorial Problems of Geology andGeography."The Departments of Z0010<1"v. Anato-nv, and Physi­ology, in Room 14, the Zoology Building. Demon­strations and papers by WILT,IAM ALBERT I ocv, Ph. D.(Chicago, 1895), Sc. D., Professor of Zoology andof Embryology, Northwestern Universitv ; MICHAELFREDERIC GUYER, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1900). Professorof Zoology , University of Winconsin; ROBERT KIRK­LAND NABOURS, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1911), Professorof Zoology, Kansas State Agricultural College, Man­hattan, Kansas.The Department of Botany, in Room 13,· The Bot­any Building. "Genetical 'Phenomena in Oenothera,"GEORGE HARRISON SHULL. Ph. D. (Chicago, 1904),Professor of Botany and Genetics, Princeton. Uni­versity; "A Quarter Century of Growth in PlantPhysiology," BURTON EDWARD LIVINGSTON, Ph. D.(Chicago, 1901), Professor of Plant Pathology, JohnsHopkins University; "The Problems of Plant Pathol­ogy," FRANK LINCOLN STEVENS, Ph. D. (Chicago,1900), Profesor of Plant Physiology and Directorof 'the Laboratory of Plant Physiology, University ofIllinois.At 1'0. a. m. on Tuesday, June 6, the following con­ferences will occur: The Department of HouseholdAdministration, in William Rainey Harper MemorialLibrary. General subject: "Problems of the De­partment."The Classical Group. in Rooms 20 and 21, TheClassics Building. "The Relation of the IndirectQuestion and the Relative Clause in Latin," ALICEFREDA BRAUNLICH. Ph. D. (Chicago, 1913), Instruc­tor in Latin and German, The Frances Shimer School, Mount Carroll, Illinois; "Ctesar 's Last Year andCicero's Correspondence for 45-44 B. C.," FREDERICKWILLIAM SHIPLEY, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1901), Professorof Latin, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri;"Horace on Satire," BERTHOLD LOUIS ULLMAN, Ph. D.(Chicago, 19G8), Professor of Latin' Language andLiterature, University of Pittsburgh; "lEschylus'Prometheus and the Greek Tradition of Egypt," WIL­LIAM ARTHUR HEIDEL, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1895), Pro­fessor of Greek, Wesleyan University, Middletown,Connecticut;. "Greek Epithalrnia," GEORGE NORLIN,Ph. D. (Chicago, 1900), Professor of Greek, Uni­versity of Colorado.The Department of Romance Languages and Litera­tures, in the Classics Building. Speakers: GEORGETYLER NORTHRUP, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1906), Professorof French, University of Toronto; ISABELLE BRONK,Ph. D. (Chicago, 1900), Susan W. Lippincott Pro­fessor of the French Language and Literature,Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania;EARLE BROWNELL BABCOCK, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1915),Professor and Head of the Department of the FrenchLanguage and Literature, New York University.The Department of Germanic Languages and Lit­eratures, in Room 8B, Cobb Lecture Hall. "Lingu­istic Medley in the Diction of Charles Sealsfield,"OTTO HELILER, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1900), Professor ofthe German Language and Literature, WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis. Missouri; "Physigunkes,"LEONARD BLOOMFIELD, Ph. D. (Chicago, 1909), As­sistant Professor of Comparative Philology and Ger­man, University of Illinois.The Departments of Mathematics, Astronomy andAstrophysics, and Physics, in Room 3:2, The RyersonPhysical Laboratory. Papers by Doctors of Philoso­phy of the Departments.The Department of Chemistry, in Room 20, TheKent Chemical Laboratory.The Doctors will have a special place inthe Convocation procession and will be rep­resented among the speakers on the Convo­cation program and at the great Universitydinner, Tuesday evening. They will be thehonored guests of the University at thetenth annual luncheon, to be given at theQuadrangle Club, Tuesday noon, when thespeakers will be President Harry PrattJudson and Professor J. Laurence Laughlin,both of whom have been members of theFaculty since the opening of the Universityin 1892. After the luncheon there will bethe annual meeting for the election of offi­cers and the transaction of other businessof the Association.If you cannot come, please send a mes­sage of greetings' and congratulation toPresident Judson and the University. Itwould bel a great tribute if everyone of the900 and more living Doctors were repre­sented in such messages, either in personor by mail. .Charles A. Ellwood, Ph.D., '99, Professorof Sociology in the University of Missouri,will teach at the University of Chicago thefirst term of this summer quarter, givingtwo courses in the Department of Sociology.Dr. Ellwood's recent book, "The SocialProblem," published by The MacmillanCompany, has recently been translated intoJapanese. His "Sociology in Its Psycholog­ical Aspects," a work published by Apple­ton's in 1912, has been translated intoFrench and included in the well-knownBibliotheque Sociologique Iriternationale,published by the International Institute ofSociology,Harold Adams, Ph.D., '15, is going toSquibb and Sons Research Biological Lab­oratory, New Brunswick, N. J.NEWS OF THE CLASSESHelen Thompson Woolley, Ph. D., '00, isdirector of the Bureau of Vocational Guid­ance in the Child Labor Division of thepublic schools of Cincinnati, Ohio.A note from some friend of Dr. N. J.Ware, Ph. D., '13, whose address is London,Canada, care of Dominion Express Com­pany, consists of these few very expressivewords: "Has gone to the war."Annie Marion MacLean, Ph. D., '00, hasbeen seriously ill during the past eightmonths. She is now in Biloxi, Mississippi,where it is hoped she may recover herhealth.Charles Herman Viol, '12, is Director ofthe Radium Research Laboratory for theStandard Chemical Company in Pittsburgh.Arthur G. Vestal, '15, is Instructor inBotany in the Eastern State Normal Schoolat Charleston, Illinois.Ira W. Hower th, '97, is Professor ofEducation and Director of the UniversityExtension Department of the University ofCalifornia.John W. Scott, Professor of Zoology inthe University of Wyoming, sends regretsthat he cannot attend the Quarter-Centen­nial celebration.W. J .. A. Donald, '14, is Lecturer in Eco­nomics and Sociology in McMaster U niver­sity, Toronto.Irving Hardesty '99, is Professor andhead of the Department of. Anatomy at Tu­lane University, New Orleans.The latest publication of Walter Van.Dyke Dingham, Professor of Psychology inCarnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, appeared inthe Journal of Educational Psychology thisyear, entitled, "Some Forms of DartmouthFreshmen."H. R. Kingston, '1.4, Professor of Mathe­matics in the University of Manitoba, whoexpected to spend the spring quarter andpart of the summer in research work in theUniversity of Chicago, is unable to do so onaccount of the sudden death of his father.He is at present in Picton, .Ontario.William H. Ross, '07, is Scientist for theBureau of Soils in the United States De­partment of Agriculture at Washington,D. C.George Albert Nicholson, '1.4, who tookhis degree in English, is now a speltermanufacturer. We are wondering why hedeserted the cause of English.Catherine C. Cleveland, '14, is living athome this year.Henry B. Carre, '1.3, is Professor ofBiblical Theology and English Exegesis inVanderbilt University.Charles T. Sullivan, '12, is Assistant Pro­fessor of Mathematics and Physics in Me­Gill University, Montreal. 'John W. Campbell, '1.5, is Lecturer inMathematics and Physics at Wesley Col­lege, Winnipeg. He will spend the summerat Field, B. C.A. c. Trowbridge, 'll, is Professor ofGeology in the State University of Iowa. 403J.- Converse Barnes, 'ri, is Dean andProfessor of Psychology.in Maryville Col­lege; Tennessee ..Wilfred C. Keirstead, '03, is Professor ofPhilosophy and Economics in the U niver­sity of New Brunswick, Frederickton, N. B.David P. Barrows, Professor ·of Educationin the University of California, who hasbeen in Europe with the Belgian ReliefCommission for the last six months on aleave of absence, is just returning to theUnited States and hopes to reach Chicagoin time for the Quarter-Centennial celebra­tion; but, as he says in his letter fromBrussels, dated March 4, "Travel is slowerthan normally and while I hope to reachNew York about June 1, it is quite probablethat· we shall be delayed." We wish him aspeedy voyage.Abbie Lyon Sharman, '06, has publisheda book of tales entitled, "Bamboo"-taleswhich the reviewer says are varied in bothintent and manner, but yet are distinctlyof the Orient. "They are all bamboo,whether carpentered or carved." Even thetable of contents seems to suggest the Ori­ent in which the writer spent her childhood:"A Little Daughter of the Gospel," "TheHome-made Flag," "Progress and theProdigy," "White Pants," "Orient-Born,""The Newly Built Chamber," "Dreamer-the­Giant." Paul Elder & Co. are the publish­ers.Emily H. Dutton, Ph. D., '14, president ofthe Tennessee Philological Association,gave an address on "Reflections on Reread­ing Virgil" at the tenth annual meeting inNashville last February.Olive Clio Hazlett, Ph. D., '1.5, who holdsthe intercollegiate alumnse fellowship and ispursuing research in mathematics, goes toBryn Mawr College next fall, as a memberof the mathematics faculty.George B. Rigg, Ph. D., '1.4, and TheodoreC. Frye, Ph. D., 'ia, are professors ofmorphology and physiology, respectively" inthe University of Washington, Seattle. Theyhave both published numerous research ar­ticles, several of which have been in collab­oration. These will be included with manyother publications of the doctors of philos­ophy in the exhibit at the coming quarter-centennial celebration. .Edwin E. Slosson, Ph. D., '02, well knownas the author of a series of articles in theIndependent a few years ago on "GreatAmerican Universities," has published manybooks, among which are "Major Prophets ofToday" and a translation of Bergson's"Dreams." Any bibliography of Dr. Slos­son's books would practically include a' fileof the Independent for the past twelveyears, during which time not less than4,200 articles, aside from book reviews, havecome from his facile pen.During the coming summer Howard S.Brode, Ph. D., '96, professor of biology inWhitman College, Walla Walla, Washing-404 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEton, will give a course on animal ecology atthe Puget Sound Marine Station, which islocated at Friday Harbor. At the last meet­ing of the American Microscopical Society,held in Columbus, Ohio, he was· elected amember of the executive committee.D. R. Anderson, Ph. D., '12, of the depart­ment of history and political science, Rich­mond College, Richmond, Virginia, has re­cently published a book, "William BranchGiles: a Study of the Politics of Virginia,1790-1830," which is an expansion of histhesis.Fred B. R. Hellems, Ph. D., '98, is deanof the college of liberal arts in the Univer­sity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.Madge Kay, '09. died on January 2, 1916.Miss Kay had been Professor of Mathe­matics in the College of St. Catherine, St.Paul, Minn..Horace G. Colpitts, '11, for the past threeyears principal of the Cedar Valley Semi­nary at Osage, Iowa, died recently of heartfailure at Swaledale, Iowa. The late Mr.Colpitts was the father of Kathleen Col­pitts, '16�The Law School Association.Charles V. Clark, '04, has become a mem­ber of the firm of Jeffrey & Campbell, 1444First N ational �ank Building, Chicago.Alice Greenacre, '08, is located at 822-70West Monroe street, Chicago.Leo W. Hoffman, '10, has formed a part­nership with Harry C. Levinson, Max Dan­iels and Eugene R. Cohn, '13, under thefirm name of Levinson & Hoffman, withoffices at 29 South La Salle Street, Chicago.Eugene R. Cohn, '13, is a member of thefirm of Levinson & Hoffman, 29 S. La Sallestreet, Chicago.Julius L. Eberle, '13, has offices at 1017West Broadway street, Butte, Mont ..Abram R. Miller, '15, is with Earl J.Walker, 139 North Clark street, Chicago.Carl H. Schwartz has offices at 124 SouthMain street, Akron, Ohio. .James P. Pope, J. D., '09, is City Attorneyand active politically in Boise, Idaho.Grant C. Armstrong, J. D., '11, of Pontiac,111., has been spending a considerableamount of his time in New Mexico in theinterests of an Illinois corporation. Hesays that it is a great place down there,and judging from the way he has put onflesh it must be.L' E. Ferguson, J. D., '12, is practicing lawin Powell, Wyo., and is also secretary ofthe Shoshone Water Users' Association;for whom he has recently prepared an, ex­tensive brief.Alfred Beck, J .. D., '12, has become amember of the firm of Adler, Lederer &Beck, 1301 Otis Building, Chicago.Lew McDonald, '13,' is located at Chero­kee, Iowa. Laurel E. Elam, J. D., '14, is with Sulli­van & Sullivan, Boise, Idaho.H. P. Roe, J. D. '16, and wife live at 57thStreet and Harper Avenue. "Shad" is do­ing some work for the Legal Aid andspends the rest of his time convincing peo­ple that he can have their houses fitted upwith electrical fixtures cheaper than any­one else.M. L. Heims, '16, is with Felsenthal &Wilson, 810 Title and Trust Building, Chi­cago.B. W. Vinissky, '16, is with Ryan, Condon& Livingston, 1600 First National BankBuilding, Chicago.W. W. Hammond, '16, is with CharleyLeRoy Brown, 928 Otis Building, Chicago.The Divinity School Association.Fred P. Haggard, D. B., '89, who has beenHome Secretary for the American BaptistForeign Missionary Society, has gone toRussia, where he will engage in Y. M. C.A. work.Frank L. Anderson, D. B. '00, is Superin­tendent of the Baptist Executive Counciland President of the B. Y. P. U. A.Engagements.Announcement has been made of the en­gagement of Hargrave Long, '12, to MarionThorton, a junior at Northwestern U ni­versity. Long is now studying at the KentCollege of Law. The date for the weddinghas not been named.Mr. and Mrs. James W. Johnston, ofMontclair, New Jersey, announce the en­gagement of their daughter, Helen, '14, toMr. Robert Stevens Hammond, son of Mr.and Mrs. Charles L. Hammond of Chicago.Miss Johnston is secretary of the YoungWomen's Christian league. Mr. Hammondis a graduate of the University of Michigan.Mr. J. Spencer Dickerson announces theengagement of his daughter, Emma GraceDickerson, '16, to Harvey B. Fuller, '08, ofSt. Paul, Minnesota. The wedding willtake place in September.Announcement is made of the engage­ment of George Curme, Jr., Ph.D., '13, toLillian Hale, of Louisville, Ky. The wed­ding will take place in Chicago in June.Marriages.Frederick Whistlar Carr, '09, and VirginiaChinn were married on May 1 at Frankfort,Ky. They will be at home after June 1 at46ih Lake Park avenue, Chicago.Marguerite Swawite, '13, and Ulysses S.Schwartz were married at Chicago on May3. Mr. Schwartz was recently elected al­derman from the Third Ward. After July1 they will be at home at 4840 Vincennesavenue, Chicago.405NEWS OF THE CLASSESBirths.Leonidas P. Payne, '13, and Mrs. Payneannounce the birth of twin daughters, Dor­othy Madison and Virginia Harlan, May 3.Oscar Hedenberg, Ph:D;, '15, and Mrs.Hedenberg announce the birth of a daugh­ter, Lucy, on March 29, 1916.Deaths.Enos M. Barton, member of the boardof trustees of the University since 1898,died May 3 at Biloxi, Miss. Mr. Bartonleft Chicago last fall because of ill health.The body was returned to Chicago forburial. The funeral was held May 5.Enos Barton was born Dec. 2, 1842, atLorraine, N. Y. He was educated in thepublic and private schools of his nativetown and at the University of Rochester.He came to Chicago in 1869 to secure em­ployment in the Western Electric company.In 1872 he became the secretary of thecompany. He was first vice-president andthen president of the firm from 1887 to1908. He has been chairman of the board.of directors since Oct. 30, 1908. Mr. Bartonwas also a director of the Merchants' Loanand Trust company. He was an associatemember of the American Institution ofElectrical Engineers. He belonged to theChicago Union League, Commercial, Quad­rangle and Hinsdale clubs. He resides inHinsdale.The "Enos M. Barton Scholarship" wasendowed by Mr. Barton several years ago.It provides for the tuition fees of a stu­dent for three quarters. It is awarded an­nually to an undergraduate student whosescholarship in preparatory school and collegereached an average of "B." . The appoint­ments have been made by Mr. Barton.Elmer L. Corthell, one of the originaltrustees of the University, died May 9.Mr. Corthell, who was in college when thecivil war broke out, joined the army androse to the rank of major. He afterwardsfinished college at Brown. He was one ofthe engineers under Eads in the deepeningof the Mississippi channel. .Mr. Corthell was connected with manyengineering projects, such as the construc­tion of the Merchants' bridge at St. Louis.He was at one time president of the West­ern Society of Engineers and was a mem­ber of many foreign engineering organiza-tions. 'Joshua Pike, '65, died at Jerseyville, Ill.,Thursday, January 14, 1915. He was a mem­ber of the A. F. and A. M. and the G. A. R. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ' ChicagoCapital . . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON,Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-PresidentB. C. SAMMONS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJ. EDWARD MAASS, CashierJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Ass't CashierLEWIS E. GRAY, Ass't CashierEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, .Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKER MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY J. BLAIREDWARD B. BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBEMJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLAIRCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable Transfers3% Paid on Savings DepositsHALE'S FIRST LATIN BOOKII. §I 1. It treats Latin as a living and .not as a dead language.2. It presents the material as a Roman teacher wouldpresent it.3. I t holds the students' interest to a remarkable degree.4. It deals with matters of daily life at home and in school.5. It makes sense, not nonsense, and the student is there­fore not led to think Latin a foolish and useless study.6. The student himself is set to make Latin words byparagraphs headed "Word-building".7. I ts plan of repetition and emphasis of new words isunique and most valuable.8. It puts the modern boy in the' Roman boy's place,which contributes greatly to the student's interestand enthusiasm.9. It prepares the student for Caesar more successfullythan other texts.10. It combines.ito an unusual degree, the.best of modernscholarship . iCorrespondence invited--®fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillIIllnlllllllllllllllll�111I1I1I11I111I11I11I111I11I11I111I11I11I111I11I1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I11I111UIIIIIlJllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllli©Atkinson, Mentzer & CompanyBOSTON NEW YORK ATLANTA DALLAS CHICAGOThe History of the University(HE Alumni Council, by special arrangement with the_ U. niversity of Chicago. Press, makes a special offer to-the Alumni and former students to secure a copy ofDr. Goodspeed's "History of the University" at a greatlyreduced price.The History contains a review of the interesting early-daystruggles of the University with which few of the students are familiar.The recent development and growth.arefully covered and shouldbe a source of satisfaction, and pride to everyone who has attendedthe University.Dr. Goodspeed has been with the University since the date ofestablishment, was closely associated with President Harper, andknows every phase of his subject intimately.SPECIAL OFFERSNumber One-$3.001 copy of the "History of the University."1 year's subscription to the Alumni Magazine.1 membership in any Association (except Law). (Membership in LawAssociation 50 cents additional.)Subscriptions of present subscribers to the magazine will be extended' Ione year from date of expiration (including membership) all for $3.00.Number Two-$1.50Subscribers whose orders have been entered since January 1, 1916. andwho are not desirous of renewing at once, may have a copy of the History for $1.50.·Number "Three-$2.00Graduates and former students of the University who do not wish tosubscribe to the Alumni Magazine may have the "History of the University" for'$2.00. This is a special price-the cost of the History alone to all others is�$3.00.Supply limited. Fill in the order blank below, lear off. and mail.r _THE ALUMNI COUNCIL,The University of Chicago.I desire to accept Special OHer No. � �:( 3.. check � $3.00.Enclosed find d lor $1.50.money-or er $2.00.Name, ........................................•........................ Address .The University of ChicagoH 0 M E in addition' to resident�ork, offers also instruc­tion by correspondence,STUDY For d�tailed in-fonnation address2Uh Year U. 0' C. (Div. 2 ) Chic:qo,llI.THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY623 S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.Established thirty years under present management, Volume of business doubled in the last five years.' "Yours is,the Agency that has produced satisfactory results," writes a well-known college professor who has secured histwo positions through. our Agency. Write for "Teaching as a Business," or better still, call at our officeMANAGERS: C. J. ALBERT, O. M. SEARLES, PAUL ALBERT, ELLA K. SMITH ..THE BREWER TEACHERS' �AG�NCYTEACHERSWANTED right nowto enroll in LEE E. AMIDON, Manager1303 Auditorium BuildingEstablished 1882 CHICAGOSCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.�for many good positions we have been requested to fill., Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Grade teacher especially wanted. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerShort contract. Free booklet tells how to apply forposition. 25th year.E. R. NICHOLS, Mgr., Railway Exchange Bldg.224 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.FISK TEACH'ERS'AGENCY28 East Jackson BoulevardChicagoOTHER OFFICES:-Boston, New�York, Washington.Denver. Portland, Berkeley, Los Angeles. Over 43,000 Positions Filled33rd YearWhen seeking a teaching position, or a teacher,come to headquarters-the LARGEST .andBEST EQUIPPED Teachers' Agency in theUnited States.Circular and Membership Formsent on application B. F. CLARK'TEACHERS AGENCYThe Agency With the ShortUnderstandable Contract.--27th Year-, -Chicago Steinway HallNew York Flatiron Bldg.Baltimore, Md. Munsey Bldg.Jacksonville, Fla. U. S. Trust Bldg.Knoxville, Tenn; Deaderick Bldg.Kansas City, Mo. New York Life Bldg.Spokane, Wash. Chamber of Commerce Bldg-Members of College Alumni AssociationIf you have not voted by post card, check below the candidatesyou prefer, sign the ballot, and mail at once to Alumni Office, TheUniversity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.'-��-----.-----.- .. -.- � .•...•...... � - � .....••.......F or President(2 year term). Vote for 1o SCOTT BROWN, '97 D WALKER G. McLAURY, '03Second Vice-President(2 year term). Vote for 1o ARTHUR E. BESTOR, '01 DALBERT W. SHERER, '06Executive Committee(2 year term). Vote for· 2DAVIDA HARPER EATON,'00HAROLD H. SWIFT, '07Delegates to Council(3 ·y�ar term). Vote for 5JOHN P. MENTZER, '98LEONA CANTERBURY.MANDEVILLE, '02'ALBERT W. SHERER, '06 .HAROLD H� SWIFT, '0.7 'ALICE :GREENACRE� ''08' ALICE GREENACRE, '08FRANCIS T. WARD, '15·ETHEL KAWIN, '11EFFIE· M .. HEWITT, '13WILLIAM H. LYMAN, '14ERNEST. P. REICHMANN,'14HELEN RICKETTS, '15Name.� �� __ ----�----------�.Addre ....POLLS CLOSE FRIDAY, JUNE 2,;'."STRAWS!!!Whatever your personal style, whatever yourtastes or prejudices, there is a Capper hat to fit. _ .. � _ ��. _ .them.. - We_haye�everything. worthy "that -you.can find anywhere, and many things which mosthatters are not important enough to - obtainfor you.We have swept away the last lingering doubtabout style and quality in lower .pricedstraws withThe Capper & Capper $3 StrawWe are selling' this hat heavily every day tomen who don't have to consider a difference of.a few dollars in the cost of a hat. They preferit because they think it is better-not becauseit is cheaper.We have a line of foreign straws - Italian,French, English-which is bound to please you.Our Panamas, Bangkoks, Manilas, etc., offer awide selection with a wide range of price.Dont go any longer without your new summerstraw.Come in Today and Get Whatever You WantSIX STORESIFor Men, Young Men-and Women Who Shop for MenTWO CHICAGO STORES. MICHIGAN AVENUE. and HOTELAt the Corner of Monroe SHERMANLONDON, 29 Regent Street�M[NNEAPOLlS�MIL W AUKEK--'--DETROITATHLETICS 411AthleticsBaseball . .:._Chicago, 17; Wisconsin, 6;April 22, at Madison. Chicago, 3, Iowa, 1,April 28, at Iowa City. Chicago, 6, North­western, 9, May 2, at Evanston. Chicago,3, Ohio State, 6, May 6. Chicago, 4, Iowa,5, May 17. Chicago, 2, Purdue, 1,. May 20.So far, the schedule, at this writing hasbeen played out. The remaining games are:Northwestern, May 23; Wisconsin, May 24;Illinois, May 27; Purdue, May 31 (at Lafay­ette); Waseda, June 3 (Alumni day); OhioState, June 6 (at Columbus); Waseda, June9; Waseda, June 17.Raw and rainy weather had, up to May21, not only interfered with the develop­ment of the baseba11 team, but forced thepostponement of two games, one withNorthwestern, which was rescheduled forMay 23, and one with Illinois at Urbana,which wi11 probably not be played at all.The season began auspiciously with anoverwhelming victory over Wisconsin, 17-6.A week later Iowa was downed 3-1, in awe11-played contest on the only rea11y goodday the nine has been favored with for aconference contest this spring. Then camecatastrophe. Northwestern, the weak sis­ter of the colleges, gained, a totally unex­pected victory at Evanston, due to Shull'sineffective pitching and weak hitting in thepinches by Chicago. Ohio State, which hasa good team this season, also won; Chicago,in her first conference game at home, againhit feebly and ran bases like drunken sailors.A third blow came with the defeat by Iowa.Iowa got two runs in the first ininng on anerror and some hard hitting, and three inthe third on four bases on ba11s, a hit bats­man, and a single. After that George wassubstituted for Shull, and held Iowa withouta hit or a run for the remainder of thegame. But the damage had been done, andthough Chicago pounded the Iowa pitcherhard and repeatedly threatened to tie orwin, it never quite caught up. In the Pur­due game George pitched steadily a11 theway, allowing only six hits and no bases onba11s. Purdue scored one run on a wretchedplay by McConnell at first base, but 'Chi­cago's general game was exce11ent, and de­served to win.Of the men individua11y, Hart behind "thebat is catching and hitting a hundred percent better than last year, He has "the con­fidence of his experience; allows no passedba11s, throws sharply to bases, covers a lotof ground on fouls and seems to be on good'terms with the pitchers. There are no, bet­ter catchers this year in the conference.Shu11 has been wild as a hawk a11 season.He is essentia11y a hot weather pitcher andhas had only one chance, in the first gamewith Iowa, to show what he can do. Lar­kin is clever, but lacks strength. Georgehas ,exce11ent control and a good spit ba}�, and in the Iowa and Purdue games lookedlike a real pitcher. F. B. McConne11, onfirst, who has recovered from his injury ofthe early season, handles thrown ba11ssplendidly, but loses his head at criticalpoints and is far from shifty. He saved thePurdue game by ia brilliant jumping catch,after he had allowed the score to be tied byan amazing play. He fielded a bunt. Ru­dolph had not time to cover first; but Me­Conne11, after a moment of sweet, silentthought, threw to first anyway. It was agood shot, hitting the runner; however, (IPurdue man scored from second on theperformance. McConne11, a little later,evened up by slamming a single.Rudolph on second and Cavin on thirdare rea11y first rate players, fast, clean field­ers, good hitters and good base runners.Cole at short is not as good as either, butis doing very we11 nevertheless. R. N. Me­Conne11's injury has not yielded sufficientlyto treatment to a110w him to play. In theoutfield Cahn has been stationed regularlyat center. On the whole Cahn has not ful­fi11ed his promise. He is the fastest manin conference baseba11, and hit like a streakat the beginning of the season. ThroughoutMay his hitting fe11 off and his fielding wasunsteady. He plays as if he were eithernervous or careless; probably the spectatorsare too much in his thoughts. In the otherfields Houghton, Marum, Griffin andGeorge, when he is not pitching, are alter­nating. They are a11 fair players, but notremarkable either as fielders or hitters.Sti11, by and large, the nine has outfieldedand genera11y outplayed every conferenceteam it has met, and with good pitchingit will lose few if any more games.The averages of the leading hitters tip toMay 15 fo11ow:�layer_;_ ,AB. R. H. BB. Pct.Griffin 16 2 7 1 .437George . . 28 10 11 6 .392Rudolph . . .43 11, 14 13 .325Hart . . 27 6 7 13 .296McConne11 42 11 12 5 .284Cahn . . 36 10 10 13 .277Cavin .45 13 11 8 .244Track-The track team had engaged intwo dual meets up to May 21, losing to Il­linois on May 1$. and beating Purdue on.May 20 by 91Yz to 42Yz.. The dual meetwith Northwestern on May 27 will also beeasy for Chicago, as Northwestern is veryweak this year. Pershing had almost nopractice in sprinting before the Illinois meet,having been running the quarter mile onthe relay team. Against Illinois he pu11eda muscle in the hundred and will not runagain until the conference, if then. Dis­mond won the 220 from Hohman of I11i,..nois, and in the Purdue meet won both��h7G on fidcncc:In the purchase of every day com­modities, most people are more orless -expert in judging values in someone particular line.But all people are not experts injudging values in all lines.In the purchase of clothing few are able torely upon their own appreciation of worth.It is quality that has helped to make TheRichard W. Farmer Company what it is to­day-quality of merchandise at logical and fairprices. This is the factor that enables our patronsto make their every purchase here with the con­fidence of veritable experts.Weare - not coricerned with high-soundingwords of reliability and guarantee, but we areunswervingly devoted to the principle of servingour customers satisfactorily.Richard W. Farmer Co.Tailors16 West Jackson Blvd. CHICAGOATHLETICS220 and the hundred. Of course, he alsowon the quarter in both meets. His 220against Purdue was run in 22 1-5, in therain-fast time considering the conditions.Cornwell was beaten out in the Illinoismeet, but got second against Purdue, win­ning from Van Aken by inches in a cleverfinish. Clark was second to Stout in thehalf-mile at Urbana, in a friendly fashion;both beat Henderson of Illinois by eightyards. Clark also won the half fromCampbell of Purdue by a beautifully timedsprint, running in a cold rain on a tracksoftened by two hours downpour, in 1 :59 4-5.Captain Stout won the half-mile at Illinois,as stated, in 1 :59, and was second toMason of Illinois in the mile. Against Pur­due he ran the mile only, winning easily in4 :21 4-5, and breaking the University rec­ord. On a good day and track the per­formance would have been around 4 :18 ..The conference mile this spring, with Masonof J11inois, Wilson of California. Harvey' ofWisconsin, and Stout, all able to beat 4 :20,should be worth watching. In the two­mile against Illinois, Angier did not place;against Purdue he came in second, after asplendidly timed' sprint, his time being10 :08, the best he has ever done. Guerin,'18, won the high hurdles from Purdue in16 flat; against Illinois he was third, sep­arately timed in 16 1-:-5. Bent, '17, won: thelow hurdles from Purdue iri 26 feet, Guerinbeing second. Against Illinois Bent tookthird.In the field events, Fisher, '17, tied withan Illinois man for first in both the highjump and the vault at Urbana, and tied forfirst in both with other Chicago men againstPurdue. Chicago did not place in the broadjump against Illinois; Russell, '16, cut hishand very badly on his spikes in his firsttrial. Feuerstein, '18, jumped about 21 feet.Feuerstein won. the event against Purdue,other Chicago men taking second and third.Bre1os, '18, threw the hammer 133 feet atUrbana for a second place, and 136 feet10 inches against Purdue for a first. Con­ditions were very bad on both days. Brodie,'18, won the javelin throw at both meets,at Urbana beating Lansche of Illinois, whohad thrown 175 feet in practice. Sparks, '16,was third in the shot put at Illinois, butdid not place against Purdue. Traut, '17,took a third in the discus against Purdue.I t looks as if in the conference meet,which is held this year on June 3 (alumniday), at Evanston, Chicago had a chance toscore in the 220 and 440 with Disrnond, inthe half with Clark, in the mile with Stout,in the, vault with Fisher, in the high jump'with Fisher and Whiting, '16, in the ham­mer with Brelos, in the javelin with Brodie,and in the relay. The points figure any­where between twenty and thirty. Cali­fornia and Stanford, which are in the meetthis year, are quantities hard to calculate.The first six colleges should certainly be,in alphabetical order, California, Chicago, 413Illinois, Missouri, Stanford and Wisconsin.Beyond that, deponent. sayeth not.The interscholastic meet will be held onJune 10, larger and more imposing thanever. "Ted" Meredith of Pennsylvania hasbeen asked to run a special quarter mileagainst Dismond, but had not' accepted atthis writing. The event, if arranged, willbe the feature of the season, as both arebetter this spring than ever before.Tennis-The tennis team, up to May 21,had won dual matches from Denison andLake Forest, out of the conference, andfrom Ohio State, Northwestern, Illinois andWisconsin among the conference teams.The leading players are Albert Lindauer,'17; Coleman Clark, '18; Capt. Samuel Gross,'16, and Michel, '16. Both Lindauer andClark have been beaten, but never both atthe .same time, and in the doubles theirstring of victories is unbroken. LelandStanford, on May 23, with Hahn and J ohn­son, is expected to alter this state of af­fairs, however. The three best singles play­ers in the conference are Lindauer, Curranof Ohio State, who is the present champion,and Nelson of Wisconsin. Clark of Chicagoand James of Northwestern run them veryclose, and the winner may turn up in anyone of the five. Lindauer and Clark seemto have the best chance in the doubles.The conference championships will havebeen' held when this appears, occurring onMay 26 and 27 at Chicago.Notes . ....._Binga Dismond is finishing hislast season of competition for Chicago, ashe has taken four years' work in three. Dis­mond is running better this year thanever. At Philadelphia, in the medley relay,he was separately timed for a quarter in48 seconds. The next day he ran a halfin 1 :57. Against Purdue, in a cold rain,he ran the 220 in 22 1-5 and the 100 in10 2-5, in both without serious competition.He is almost certainly the best man in theworld today at from 350 to 400 yards, andin the winter he beat "Ted" Meredith byeight yards in the 440.Freshmen runners had tryouts on May20 in connection with the Purdue meet. Gor­don won the 100 in 10 3-5 and the 220 in24 flat; Jones the quarter in 53 4-5; andTenney the mile in 4 :34. Otis, perhaps thebest runner in the class, had been spikedand could not compete. No field eventswere held.Walter Earle, '18, led in total pointsscored by conference swimmers this year,getting 58 in conference competition. Earleled Johnson of Northwestern by five points,but failed to equal Johnson's record of 61points last year.Coach Tom Robinson, of Northwestern,in picking an All-American team, gave Chi­cago men five places. Earle was given. aplace on the relay team and in the 50-yardswim, Shirley in the 200-yard breast stroke,Redmon in the plunge and Pavlicek in the150-yard back stroke.�llIIlIlIIllIlIlIllIlIlIIlIllIIllIIlIIlIlIlIlIllIlIlIlIillIIlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIllIlIlIIlIllIlIlIllIllIllIl1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111l11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III III III 1111111 1111 1II1I1ill§;; , I �I !§ §I A Different Kind of a Book Store I-easy to get to, direct WabashAvenueentrance - a first floor book store -where every book published is ready ata moment's notice, or will be procuredwithout delay if still in print-the newbooks ready on day of. pu blication -ALL books - with a quick, intelligentbook service which includes many aprice advantage.CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO.The Yates-FisherTeachers' AgencyPAUL YATES, Manager624 �outh Michrgan AvenueCHICAGOYou will like our work. You willreceive our personal attention. Youwill find upon investigation that thisagency has the reputation of plac­ing its teachers. We make no wildclaims. Ask school men about us.I t makes no difference where youwish to locate.Also publishers of the Yates­. Fisher School Directories. The McCulloughTeachers' AgencyA Successful School andCollege BureauJ. F. McCULLOUGH GEO. T. PALMERI F you deserve promotion there is no betterway of securing it than by registering with us.We don't have dissatisfied candidates becausewe give them the service.Your enrollment receives individual atten­tion and your application our personal recom­mendation.RAILWAY EXCHANGEBUILDINGCHICAGO, ILLINOISgllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lIl1!!1I1111!III1IIII1I1I1IIII1II1III1II1I1II1II1I1HlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I11111111111111111111111llillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111�i Your new automobile! Do you want to keep its iI beautiful body surfaces properly conditioned, II clean and bright? Then use II TOBEY P.olish i .� . .-the perfect preparation for the careof all varnished and enameled finishes.Cleans, easily and perfectly; gives newlife and durability. The famous shopformula of The Tobey Furniture Co.e Chicago and N ew York). Bottles, 25cand 50c; quarts, $1.§ .Recommended and sold by leading Hardware, §I Drug, Grocery; Paint and Auto Supply stores I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III III III III II II IIl1ll111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllll 111111111111 1111111111 III III III 1111 III lillill III III 1111 III 1111 I II III 1111 III 1111 III 1111 1111111 III IIl1li Illi 111111 111111 1111111111111 1111111111 1111111111 III III 1111111"Buttt.-InSU'pe-riori'ty�'W e manufacture and retailMen's ShoesSuccess has followed diligent, honest and progressive endeavor.Both in our shoes and in the manner of our service we have symbolized quality."F. S. &. U. Golf Shoes Have Improved Many a Stroke".. Two Chicago Shops106 So. Michigan Avenue 15 So. Dearborn Street_�_.IIIIII,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA Favorite Design InEnglish EarthenwareThe Pheasant and �oral designs arereproduced in rich enameled color­ings that �re in perfect harmony.PRICE, SUGGESTIONSPlates 8 inchPlates 7 inch '. .'Plates 6 inchPlates 5 inch 'Plates 7 inch SoupSauce Dishes 4l inchTea Cups and SaucersBouillon. Cups and Saucers106 Piece Dinner Set $5.00 Doz.4.25 Doz.3.50 Doz., 3.00 Doz.4.25 Doz.­, 2.00 Doz.5.00 Doz., 6.50 Doz.. $42.70Open Stock pattern: Complete price list and samples sent on request.1II1111111111111111�11I11I1I1111II11I11II1I11111I1II11II1l\1I1111111111!1 . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111BreakfastFinds youWaitingFor theBell! Just tothink ofSwift's PremiumSliced Baconfor breakfastmakes your. ap- 'petite impatient.<II. Ask yourdealer today for"Swift's Premium"Sliced Bacon inOne Pound Cartons,11111111111111111111111111111111111111MELVIN H. SYKES, Photographer to University of Chicago Students andAlumni. SPECIAL ADVERTISING OFFER. Good Until September 15, 1916Melvin H. PhotographerThe StevensBuilding16-18-20 N. Wabash Ave.TelephoneCentral342SPECIAL ADVERTISING INDUCEMENT12 $10.00 STEEL ENGRAVED PANELS @ $5.0012 14.00 GAINSBORO ETCHINGS @ 6.5012 18.00 ART BUFF ETCHINGS @ 8.00Unless this coupon is presented at time of sitting you positively cannotobtain these photographs for less than my regular prices.Open Sundays 10 to 4 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERepresentatives. CUT OUT AND PRESENT THIS COUPON �! ST-gI>�9 .. " .. , rilllIlIlIlIllIllIllIllIllIllIlIlIlIIIllIllIlIlIlIllIllIIIlIlIliOIll�IIIDIUlUIUlUllllllmUiUIDIUlOIIIUlUI0101111111111110101111111111010111010111111111111111010111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III 11111 Iillil III 11111111111111111111111 III 11111111111 III !iTobey-Made FurnitureIS made in our own shops .and issold only by us. It is intended tobe the best furniture that can be� �'I' purchased at any price. We will II E�in:::::���::�rei!n ����lisn�6e�� Ii The Tobey Furniture Company i� Wahash Avenue and Washington Street a• =�1II11111l1l1l1ll1ll1ll1l1ll1ll1l1ll1l1l1l1ll1l1ll1ll1ll1l1l1l1ll1ll1ll1l1ll1ll1l1l1l11l1l1l11ll1ll11l11ll1l11ll11ll1l1l111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/i/iI/1I1/1II1I1I11I1I/1I�. - -� .--. -. ---Restaurants in principal cities of theUnited States and Canada arerenowned for Cleanliness,Pure Food and Good ServiceLook for the Pure Food Sign- -iillllllllllllill II 1IIIIIUlllllllllillIU 111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:JAMES WHITE. PAPER·CO.Dealers in -Book and: Cover Papers219 West Monroe StreetCHICAGOTrade-Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office"ANGLO-SAXON"Is Our Leading Line of Book Paperfor the Use of Schools andUniversitiesSEND FOR SAMPLES MUNICIP AL BONDSExclusivelyJ.R.SUTHERLIN & CO.COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO.CALVIN O. SMITH, '11SALES MANAGERCIRCULARS MAILED 0:"1 REQUESTCONGRESS HOTEL and ANNEXThe right place to go for universi:ty partie. and banquetsDiscriminating Motorists Everywhere UseRED CROWN GASOLINEStandard Oil Company - Chicago, U. S. A.(INDIANA) .It is dependable, clean, powerful, lively and uniform. A,gasoline made with special reference to the needs of theAutomobile Engine. Fill your tank with Red Crown, ad­just your carburetor and your engine trou bles are at an end.second, third places. And.the winner-bears on its radi­ator this name: "Saxon."THE HKGJHJER PRAiSENew SeriesSaxon 'Six" $815A big. roomy. llght­weight. I)-passengertouring car; yacht.Une design; lustrousflntsh of lasting new­ness; 112 In. wheel"base six c y lin d e rhigh-speed motor ofmarked POwer on·minimum gasol ineconsumption: 2U in.b-rre x 4,U -n , stroke'32 in. x 3U in, tires:two- unit electricstarting and ltehtlnl!'system: Tlmkfln axles,andfnIl Timken bear­ings throughout thechassis; helical bevelgears; linoleum cov­ered, a l u m t n u mb ou n d running'boa r d sand floorboards; and a scoremore of furt.her re­finements. 'New SeriesSaxon "Four" $395�o�����me�:�!s�:�;stream-line desrgn ,96In.wheelbase: 28ia.x stn. tires': 15 h. 'poL· h e ad. high-speedmotor of unusualpower, smoothness.quietness, fiexibHlb.operative economyand-coolness under allconditions; four��!��e���:sl:����� :2:1( in: bore x " In:stroke; 4,0 In. seat:three - speed slldlngro��; sta�d�;:?�����ster under ${OO withthree-speed transmts­. sion); Tlmken axles;Hyatt QUietbearlngs;honeycomb radiator:��;;fl�t:tj��U!fn�: 'shield; Signal lampsat side: adjustable,pedals; van a diu msteel cantileversprings: and fifteen 'additional Im provs.,ments. "It's a great car."Over storm-roughened, winterroads, a car forces its wayswiftly across the, plains,reaches the Continental Di­vide, climbs steadily andsurely up the ice-coated, eight­een-mile ascent, tops thebrow, then moves rapidlydownward to the town in thefoothills. ';A curious crowd gat her saround. Dimly on the sleet­encrusted radiator they makeout the trade-mark bearingthe name: "Saxon" ."It's a great car," they say,one to another.• • •Turn time back a short space.The' day of the famous hillclimb has come. ' The racefor premier honors begins.The crowd clustered at everypoint of vantage' is a-buzzwith excitement,Finally the last car finishesthe' arduous climb up thewinding mountain road.There's a consultation ofjudges, a comparison of times,then announcement of first � "It's a great car," says thecrowd.Time and again this phrase-­"It's a great car," -leapsfromthe lips of thousands uponthousands of owners... ' .The man who has driven onlycostly cars says it with a dis­tinct note of surprise in hisVOIce.The expert-from the depthsof his experience with manycars--repeats it with an em­phasis, which implies that hehas voiced the ultimate inpraise,"It's a great car."Thusthe world pays its trib­ute to the "Saxon."On the left you'll find listedthe specifications of both the,New Series Saxon "Six" andthe New Series Saxon "Four"-together with their prices .Write for interesting booklet SaxonCars. Address Dept. P. B.DetroitSaxon Motor Car Company,(362)�be mtnibersitp of C!Cbicago �aga?ineEditorJAMES WEBER LINN, '97.Assistant Editor, WILLIAM REID, '18.Publications Committee-Scott Brown, '97, 208 S. La Salle St., Chairman; Herbert E.Slaught, Ph. D. '99; Arthur E. Bestor, '01; Albert W. Sherer, '06; G. Raymond Schae-ffer, '06;John F. Moulds, '07; Harold Swift, '07.Business ManagerJOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Business C ommittee- J. F. H;agey, '98, Fir st National Bank, 38 South Dearborn St.; J.P. Mentzer, '98, 2210' South Park Ave.; E. T. Gundlach, ex '99, Gundlach Advertising Co.,Peoples Gas Bldg.; Willoughby G. Walling" '99, Winnetka, Ill.; F. G. Moloney, ex '02, But­terick Publishing Co., 5 South Wabash Ave.; Adolph J ahn, ex '03, 544 West Adams St.; BruceMacLeish, '03, Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., State and Madison Sts.; Chas. M. Steele, '04, CarlM. Green Company, Advertising Agents, Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich.; Herbert Markham,ex '05, Federal Sign System, Electric, 640 West Lake St.; E. H. Aherns, '06, Factory Magazine,5 North Wabash Ave.; G. R. Schaeffer, '06, Chairman, The Tobey Distributing Company, 33North Wabash Ave.; Henry D. Sulcer, '06, The Chicago Tribune; Barrett C. Andrews, ex'06, Every Week and Associated Sunday Magazines, New York City; Luther D. Fernald, ex'08, Leslie-Judge Co., New Yark City; Daniel W. Ferguson, '09, Every W �ek Corporation, 1101Garland Bldg.; P. F. Buckley, ex '10, Leslie's Magazine, Marquette Bldg.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. 'II The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. , Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. lIPostage is charged extra as follows: _ For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).I Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should De in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing' numbers should be made within the month following the regular month-of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free- only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer·lity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at - Chicago, Hlinois, under the Act otMarch I, 1879.THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOChairman, ALBERT W. SHERER,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE COUNCIL for 1915-16 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, AGNES R. WAYMAN, HELEN T. SUNNY, JOHN FRYERMOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, CHARLES F. KENNEDY, ALICE GREENACRE, HAROLD H.SWIFT, RUDY MATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR. GRACE COULTER. HENRY SULCER, SCOTTBROWN, LA.wRENCE WHITING.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK, THEODORE L. NEFF,HERBERT E. SLAUGHT.From the Divinity Alu�ni Association, PETER G. MODE, WALTER RUNYON, EDGAR J. GOOD­SPEED.From the Law School Alumni Association, ALBERT L. HOPKINS, S. D. HIRSCHL, J. W.HOOVER.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HERBERT P. ZIMMERMAN, HOWELL MURRAY, CHARLES F.AXELSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, RUTI-I RETICKER, EDITH OS­GOOD.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.DIRECTORY OF LOCAL ALUMNI CLUBSALL ALUMNI and former students of the University are eligible to membership in the local clubs.THE CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB, Charles F. Axelson, 900 The Rookery, Chicago.tHE CHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUB, Margaret Rhodes, 1358 E. 58th St., Chicago.THE EASTERN ALUMNI CLUB, H. R. Baukhage, Leslie-Judge Co., New York, N. Y.THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI CLUB, Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., 186 W. Third St., St. Paul, Minn.THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ALUMNI CLUB, H. D. Warner, 1734 Newport St., Denver, Colo.THE NORTHWEST ALUMNI CLUB, Milo ]. Loveless, 607 Oriental Blk., Seattle, Wash.THE UTAH ALUMNI CLUB, Jay H. Stockman 1010 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.THE PHILIPPINE ALUMNI CLUB, Manila, P. LTHE NORTHERN OHIO ALUMNI CLUB, John W. Perrin, Case Library, Cleveland, O.THE ,WASHINGTON (D. C.) ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur Minnick, Patent Office, Washington, D. C.THE PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI CLUB, Edwin D. Solenberger, 419 S. Fifteenth St., Phila., Pa.THE ROCK ISLAND ALUMNI CLUB, George G. Perrin, M. W. A. Bldg., Rock Island, Ill.THE ROCKFORD ALUMNI CLUB, Dudley W. Day, 503 Trust Bldg., Rockford, Ill.THE PITTSBURGH ALUMNI CLUB, Waldo P. Breeden, 722 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.THE MILWAUKEE ALUMNI CLUB, Marian Shorey, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee.THE JAPAN ALUMNI CLUB, Sakae Shioya, Higher Normal School, Tokyo.THE OREGON ALUMNI CLUB, Lakeview, Ore.THE KANSAS CITY ALUMNI CLUB, Kansas City, Mo.THE SIOUX CITY ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur McGill, 607 Iowa Bldg., Iowa City, Ia.'THE SPRINGFIELD ALUMNI CLUB, Harvey Solenberger, 507 Ferguson Bldg., Springfield, Ill.THE DES MOINES ALUMNI CLUB, Florence E. Richardson, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa.THE ANACONDA ALUMNI CLUB, Anaconda, Mont.'THE INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNI CLUB, Martha Allerdice, 12'24 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.THE SOUTHERN OHIO ALUMNI CLUB, Cincinnati, Ohio.THE MOUNT HOLYOKE CLUB OF CHICAGO ALUMNI, Helen M. Searles, South Hadley, Mass.THE ELGIN ALUMNI CLUB, Jessie, L Solomon, 320 Chicago St., Elgin, Ill.THE BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB, James R. Work, 139 Hoyt St., Buffalo, N. Y.THE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUB OF UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA, Norma E. Pfeiffer,University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D.THE CALIFORNIA ALUMNI CLUB, Myrtle Collier, 5330 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.THE HAWAIIAN CLUB, S. D. Barnes, 280 Beretania St., Honolulu, T. H.