VOL. VIII CONTENTS FOR APRIL, 1916 No.6FRONTISPIECE: James Parker Hall, Dean of the Law School.THE "MIDNIGHT SPECIAL," by the- Class of HH2 . 287EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 242FROM THE PRESIDENT)S QUARTERLY STATEMENT 246WORLD)S FAIR DAYS) .by Joseph Leiser, '95 247FORMS AND CEREMONIES) by Francis W. Shepardson ......................................• 248THE ENGLISH PLAY REVIVAL) by Percy H. Boynton (with pictures) 251FROM THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY) by T. W. Goodspeed 254SMALL GIFTS) by H. P. Judson 258A PHILOSOPHER IN THE ORIENT) by Nathaniel Pfeffer, '11 259WHAT Is COLLEGE FClR? by Robert F. Hoxie 262DEGREES AND HONORS, 98th Convocation 266THE MONTH AT THE UNIVERSITY ' : 267THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 270THE LETTER-Box 271.A.LUMNI AFFAIRS " 273-282The Minnesota Alumni Dinner; Chicago Alumni Club Annual Meeting; Alumni at : Penn­sylvania State College; Engagements, Marriages, Births, Deaths; News of the Classes;Association of Doctors of Philosophy; Law School Association.ATHLETICS '........ . 283School at Centralia, Illinois, and studying music inSt. Louis. She is also engaged to Eugene Kidd ofChicago.Arnold Baal' is engaged-wants to know if thatisn't enough, but fails to state the lady's name.Mere detail! Luckily we recall that she was withus at the picnic; her name, Mary Hoyt .Robert Baird -was married this summer to MissTaylor, and is living at Mtsso ula,. Montana. He iswith the Morin Lumber Co. His team played theVarsity when the latter passed through Missoulaen route to Japan.E. Dazey Baskets is now a real, live pr lnc lpa.l,of the Jefferson School in Henderson, Kentucky.Combining this with work in the ,playgrounds andin the charitable organizations is enough for anyone person, even if she be a member of "1912."Ralph Benzies, of all classes from '10 to '13, in­clusive, is circulation manager of the PhotoplayMagazine and appeared in "Soldiers," one of MissWallace's Twelfth Night Plays, and made a deepimpression.:il'Iiriam Am·elia Besley, who received the Master'sdegree in Education, is in charge of the, Depart­ment of Education at the State Normal Sch ool , SanDiego, Cal. She has been engaged to teach i1;1 ourDepartment of Kindergarten-Primary Educationduring the coming Summer. Quarter.\Villiam Bickle is working for the Geo. P. BentPiano Company in Chicago. .Benjamdn Bills, National Life· Building, pleadslaw in the day time, teaches Public Speaking atnight to Y. M. C. A. classes, and has found how towin Ber-yl Gilbert over to the idea that he wouldmake some husband.The war has robbed Main Bocher, ex '12, of hischance to make a big name for himself in Europeanart. Main is' at present In New York.John Boyle is with Paul 'Steinbrecher & Co., realestate agents, Chicago. John captained a team ofwestern college men who defeated a team of east­ern college men this summer. Address, 5605 Uni­versity Avenue.R. ,0. Buck is' rising rapidly. He is now one ofthe executive officers of a wholesale grocery, sup­ply, etc., company in Chicago.Grace Burns, 832 West Garfield Boulevard, is amember of the small 1912 contingent connectedwith various offices on the Campus. Grace is inthe Bureau of Records.Eleanor Byrne is. teaching domestic science inChicago.Anne Genevieve Cannell is still with the FreeportHigh School. She was at the "U" this summer.Helen Oaa-ter is a private secretary-so privatethat we wist not where!Mary E. Chaney is still teaching Home Economicsat Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia.Ralph Chaney is teaching in the Francis ParkerSchool, where he is training the "youth of theland" to be scientists. He is seen now and thenClara Allen Rahill visited for the United Char- in the library at the University, and says that hekt��s l��s ssoe�g�dc��C!�O t�e�o�a;��d �rtr:if� ��a�rd expects to come back next year to the Alma MaterNew York, enjoys the life of the idle rich, looks it to continue his studies in Geology. Address, 6046and w a nt s. to open a "Matrimonial Bureau" so that Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago.the whole class can chant in chorus with "Married Lydia Keene Chapman, 4208 Greenwood Avenue,life is the only life." But how would the world Chicago, has discovered that mediocrity has nobe educated without the teachers of 1912? As we place in the ranks of successful people, and she ishurry to press we are rej oiced with the news that dete>rmined to belong to the successful class. GoClara now has a fine young son. . to it!Larned Van Patten Allen is practicing mediCine Barrett Clark, our prolific writer, has just pub-in Davenport, Iowa. His address is 11 Oak Lane. lished two new volumes, "British and AmericanDonald AdmJira.I is teaching in high school at Drama of Today" and "Contemporary FrenchThe Dalles, Oregon, and is developing a small fruit Dramatists." He doesn't need to join the Matri-ranch on the side. He married Alice Groman, monial Bureau-she is safely selected.Chicago, '11, in September, 1913. They have a small F'lorence Clark is with theAmerican Library As-daughter. sociation in th.:! Public Library, Chicago. Her homeElmer L. Anderson and E. B. Caron have g ra.d.u- is in Whiting', Indiana, and she travelS across theated from Northwestern University Law School. st a te lin", twice a day.Gertrude Anthony' is teaching mathematics in Elva Nichols Class-still. bringing up "niecy."Highland Park, Illinois, and is a member of the Any of the class needing information on training ofChicago College Club. When our interviewer Im- children apply 315 Oxford Avenue, Eau Claire, Wis.portunately pleaded for more information, she said Loraine Cleary, 216 South Scoville Avenue, Oakshe wasn't proud and didn't want notoriety. Park, Illinois, has been working. hard upon oilElizabeth Ayres is teaching Latin in the High painting and el ng ln g. As evidence of her success inRemember the Twelvers' Tent!)Iotto :-"Our Knoclcer Is Brass."EDITORIAL STAFF.Raymond J. Daly-Editor-in-Chief.Pearl Barker. Paul MacClintockEllen MacN eish Dymond Ruth Reticker• Ja.mes Dymond Orno Roberts\Villiam P. Harms Ralph RosenthalAljce Lee Herrick Margaret SullivanIsabel Jarvis'I'h Is issue of "The Midnight Special" isdedicated to Frank Alonzo Gilbert, who onaccount of despondency over his ill healthcommitted suicide in Chicago, January 26,1916,' Frank was one of the main "stand­bys" of the class-faithful, hard-working,and a ge n t Ierna.n in every sense.The annual 1912 re-union picnic at Jim and Mrs.Ellen Ma.c Ne ish Dymond's "grand old farm" atLake Zurich has been abandoned"The 'I'welvers' this year. Its place will be takenTent." by a class re-union on the campusat the time of Quarter-Centennialcelebration.The headquarters of the class during the celebra­tion will be the Twef ver-s' Tent, situated in thelarge circle in the middle of the campus. "Skee"Sauer has already decided to abandon the farmfor a week and has accepted the invitation to de­l iv er the opening address. 'Ph.e flour mills of Em­poria, Kansas, will shut down while Dick Teich­graeber absents himself to aid us in keeping openhouse. From distant Texas we hear reports that'n'ight Houghland and Harold Ray ton will leaveoil and advertiSing alone long enough to presenttheir complirnents. AI. Heath has promised us tor..r�ake the old "C" bench and to deliver his m es­s·lg-e to the class at the Twelvers' Tent.Not that we wish to be understood that this tentis for men only. T'h e women are always welcome.but doubly so in this instance, as they will havecharge of the refreshments. We need not addthat 'Villianl Pyr-aernus Harms 'will assist in pour­ing.'\"e'll see you at the 'I'welvers' Tent!The class of 1912 begs to announce the engage­ment of its fairest daughter, "The MidnightSpecial," to "The University of Chi­"Engagenlents, ca.g o Magazine," that bold, st al­l\iarriages, etc." wart and fearless son of theAlumni CounCil."The Reverend" James Weber. Linn will officiatea t the ceremony.Presents from the relatives and friends of thebride-to-be eagerly solicited.238 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe former line she has produced many pictures ofmerit (in fact has had many offers to buy them).Zella Corbett, 160 North Forest Avenue, Downer'sGrove, Illinois, is g-etting away from 1912's profes­sion by rusticating in summer and traveling afterthis year. Her hobby is horseback riding.Isabella W. Coutts is teaching Household Art inThornton Township High School at Harvey, Illinois.Charlie Cushing is doing society-playing bridgeat the Urrlv er sf ty Club, dancing on the North Side,and selling bonds.Winifred Cutting is with the Little Theatre, Chi­cago, which has done some splendid work this sea­son.Raynwnd J. Daly continues to be one of the ris­ing young lawyer, with offices at 53 W. JacksonBlvd., Chicago. In his spare moments he plays golf.Ruth Dean is landscape gardening successfully,and has a .st ud io next door to Elsie De Wol fe inNew York City. According to Ernestine Evans,Ruth is " a risinger and risinger young landscapearchitect, with an office of her own and an officeboy with the manners of a Louis XIII courtier,-hisname, Sebastian."Albert Decker and Rose Marie Moore Decker havetwo children, Albert Orno and Elizabeth. Both arefine looking youngsters. Address 10.709 South LaSalle Street, Chicago. "Mina de Vries is now the wife of Clifford Wat­kins, a former U. of C. medical student. They willlive in Sioux City, where Dr. Watkins will practice.The University of Illinois Library-particularly theAgricultural Library-has added to its list of as­sistants George A. Deveneau, 808 West IllinoisStreet, Urbana, who, while assisting, is completinghis library course in the University of Illinois Li­brary School.Emma Dickerson insisted upon graduating, andstopped teaching to do it. At present she is loafingand still Camp Firing.Scott Donahue is one of the promoters of the So­ciety for Applied Psychology, and has secured anumber of 1912 men to join. He is the proud fatherof a fine son.James Dymond, the class agriculturist, who withhis wife, (Ellen MacNeish Dymond) gave the Classof 1912 the great picnic at La.ke Zurich, is farmingin the summer and taking graduate work at theUniversity in the winter. Hats off to Ellen and Jim!Helen Earle is spending a great deal of time �eOtW��efrt����q�a���;o��mittee of the UniversityGertrude Emerson is back in Japan again, writingfor the newspapers.THE CLASS PICNICApproximately forty "Twelvers" attended the firstannual class picnic at Jim and Mrs. Ellen MacNeishD�mond's farm on the banks of Lake Zur-ich, Lll i­n ors, Jane 26th. The latter part of the trip outwas made in an open box car with planks for seats.Bill Harms, in his usual mysterious way had aqueer looking suit case with him, and it l�ter de­veloped that it contained an entire outfit of white.Thus the party was a success from the beginning.No one knows who won the tree guessing contest.Some say Ellen herself did, as she knew the fortyvarieties of trees on her farm.In the bride and groom's race each team wasgiven a closed suit case with a complete outfit init. The object was for each bride and groom toopen the suit case on the word go, dress them­selves, run down the farm to a tent and returnput the clothes in the suit case and lock it up:Radenmacher and Eleanor Byrne won out in thefinals from "Pete" Daly and' Edith Sexton' when"Pete" discovered his hat was on after his suitcase was locked.Orno Robert's team almost won the indoor base­ball game, but, inside dissension in his ranks brokehis 'morale and defeat came 27-21. '.Jim, had" a large' number of boats and canoeshandy' and the remainder of the afternoon wastaken up, on the lake.After one of the "grandest little suppers you eversaw" the "crowd piled into- two large h a.yr-a.ck s for aseveri-m ite ride to Barrington. And the moon wasfulL· "" , '--Ernestine'Evans writes: "Since I've been home(from -Rusaia ) I have .beon . a nice combinatior. ofa. galley al a.ve- and an editor,' a reporter and a copyboy, as assistant to the Women's andSunday Ed i­tors' on this metropolitan joui'nal (New York Trib-une).". ". 'Gertrude Fish, 1728 Wightman Street, Pittsburgh.Pennsvlvanta,' has been managing her father's houseand .sh e says; a.f ter-ith e motto, "crescat scientia vitaexcola.tur." .since receiving this note from her, welearn that Gertrude 'has been serious ill with pneu--Photo by Pearl Barker.AT THE PICNIC.Reading from left to right, beginning with the top row: Jimmie Dymond, Rademacher, NatalieGillette, Mable W'illiard, Marjorie Prescott, Campbell Marvin, Arnold Barr, Bill Harms, Harriet Ham­ilton, Kara Stevens, F'a.It h Carroll, Isabel Jarvis, Gertrude Fish, Eleanor Byrne, Edith' Sexton, Doro­thy Hinman, Raymond Daly, Hazel Hoff Keefer, Christena McIntyre, Mabel West, Ella Moynihan,Harriet Murphy, Annette Hampsher, Mary Hoyt, Miss Ott, Ellen MacNeish Dymond, Florence Clark,Barbara West, Margaret Magrady, Charlotte O'Brien, Ruth Reticker, Orno Roberts.((MIDNIGHT SPECIAL'Jmonia. We are hoping for news of an early recov­ery.Franklin Fisher is a lawyer and alderman inLewiston, Maine. Further he is engaged. As aparting word, Lewiston, he says, will remain wet.Robert V. Fonger, our husky little full-back,has been busy, until very recently, working on thedevelopment of his father's invention, a street­car and auto truck fender. At present Bob is work­ing for Arthur Young & Co., public accountants, andwaiting for the enror cemen t of a fender law forauto trucks in Chicago.\Valter J. Foute was recently married. He isworking with Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago.Alice Garnet is secretary of a teachers' agency inBoise, Idaho.Paul Gavin is farming at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin,and is thoroughly progressive except in one thing­he's a good scrapper, but is mighty expert on thepeace party's movement.C. B. Gentry, 1060 East Harrison Street, Spring­field, Missouri, is now the head of the departmentof agriculture in the Fourth District Normal School.The one month vacation that he gets must be spentrather strenuously to manage those two big farms.He is now married and has a small son.Mr. and Mrs. Dymondl\Iey.er Goldstein, 4810 Ashland Avenue, Chicago,says he is "still at the same old game. Ready tofurnish any classmate furniture necessary to mar­ried life. Cash or credit. Don't delay-use whilepaying." He is still single, but his hobby is "girlsand shows." What's the use in getting married?John Francis Gonnelly is connected with the De­partment of Education at the University, and isworking toward his doctor's degree in Education.a.nd Psychology.Alonzo C. (Chuck) Goodrich is still as handsomeas ever. He is selling bonds and manufacturinga patented' golf stick.Emada Griswold is teaching in Ottawa, Illinois.H. Philip Grossman is "lawyering" in Chicagowith Silber, Isaacs and Silber. He left Major Funk­houser's office a few months ago.Harriet Hamilton, 1443 East 53rd Street, is teach­ing first grade in one of our city schools, and asksabout another reunion. We are all agreed thatthese class reunions are necessities, and are goingto make them sunshine spots in our busy lives.Chester Haanmdfl was recently married to RhodaPfeiffer, Chicago, '14, and is doing geological workfor the Roxanna Oil Company at Tulsa, Oklahoma.See you at' the 239Annette Hampsher is teaching stenography in theTilden Technical High Sch oo l, Chicago.Helen Hannon is teaching in the Palatine, Illinois,High School.Bena K. Hanson (Miss)-Excuse us, but whenone signs his. name B. K. wouldn't you take chanceson its being a man? . Bena is teaching in the Hum­boldt State Normal SchOOl, Arcata, California.Bill Haems appeared at the picnic in' a whiteduck suit, looking like a hero out of a popularnovel. In ordinary prosaic life Bill raises cash torun the Y. M. C. A. at South Chicago.Albert Heath is the same old "cut up" that healways was on the "C" bench. Al is quite a so­ciety man, now. He is working in the seed andplant business with Vaughan's.Frank Hecht is still with Ahrens and Ott Mfg.Co., Chicago, and seems to be doing nicely, althoughhis last report shows him married.Nellie Henry sends stamps "to the extent oftwenty-five cents worth, and none of th ern Cana­dian." She is teaching Zoology in the We s t por tHigh School, Kansas City, Missouri, is making goodat her work, and is "in it to stay." As a "booster"for Kansas City, athletics and missions she seemsto have enough interests to keep her from becom­ing downhearted over the big "NO" she wrotein answer to the question, "Engaged?"Richard Ffeetwood Herndon, after a great deal ofserious illness, received his M. D. from Rush Medi­'cal College, and is now an interne in Cook CountyHospital.Alice Lee Herrick is teaching in the Ghetto, help­ing get out the Midnight SpeCial, visiting her sisterin Toronto, and is engaged to Richard Myers, '12,although he rightfully belongs in '11.J\lartha Hildebrandt, Bellewood, Illinois, looksforward to teaching at Proviso Township HighSoh oo l, Maywood, Illinois.Dorothy Hinman, Crete, Illinois, was at the Uni­versity last summer, and is again spreading thetorch of learning., .Sam Hirsch has left Mayer, Mayer, Austrian andPlatt, and has started a firm of his own with twoother lawyers. Inside dope tells us Sam is makingmoney.Hazel Hoff Keefer continues to be "much mar­ried" and living in a "cozy little apartment" at5539 Ingleside avenue.Leo Hoffman is practicing law in Chicago.Fred H,olme.s is workin&; in Lafayette, Indiana,but doesn t thmk much of Purdue. He is still oneof the rapidly dwindling number of the unmarried.F'r e d says he Ls working' awfully hard which wethink is a bad sign for any young man.' 'C. Wright Houghland has left the Ch ica.g o Trib­une and is now prospecting for, oil, with his brotherin. Oklahoma and Texas. Good luck,. old top!.Martha L. Houston, of Box 26, Columbus, Georgiaat any rate is interested enough in her old class t�send in' the' 25c and her address. We hope thatnext 'year she will send also some informationabout herself. .Beth' Hurd has been making toys and' expenses.She talks more rapidly than ever, and is just assmall. .Edith Jackson, now Mrs. Samuel D. O'Neal, is stillliving in Vanchise, Virginia. She has a young son,named "Jack."Isabel Jarvis 'says that her vocation is alumniwork, and that on the side she is working in Har­per Library, up on the sixth floor of the doomedtower.Edward Jennings is now in Hamilton,' Montana.He grubs in pastoral haunts and is considered anexpert on ,anything. He can occasionally .. raise amule foot hog which, has to be shod like a horse.He has been developing a reverse jaw movement forcows which he discovered one time when .wo r k i n gup one of his debates before a bunch of cattle.(Orno Roberts' write-up.)Clyde Joice is assistant advertising .manager ofthe Fair, Chicago. 'Harold Kay ton, 320 Madison street, San Ari t.o n io,Texas, has during the past year built a' Class AAposter, advertising plant. He passed, through Chi­cago on, July 7" and, spent a 'cold morning on thecampus. Tells, us. that Alan. Loth married a San'Antonio girl, Miss Hilda Seckerls. "Met JakeCuppy on the streets of New York; also accidentallymet a sweet little U. of C. co-ed in a New Yorktheater, but seeing that we visited Churchills, nonames will be mentioned." His hobby at presentis polo.Elizabeth Keenan, living at 312 Fourth avenuesouth, Hurley, Wisconsin, has been teaching in theHigh School during the last year. She is versatileenough to teach Latin, history and algebra. Sheexpects to "teach forever."Lydia Lee has no kick against teaching, as sheTwelvers' ,Tent!240 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdraws full pay for teaching English two days aweek at West Pullman, Chicago.Kenneth Lindsay is married and living in Mt.Vernon, Iowa. He is manager of the Power andLight Company for six towns in eastern Iowa. Hesays Ira N. Davenport -is in Dubuque. This storyis the only word we have heard from "Davvy."Gertrude Longenecker, who has been connectedwith the State Normal School at San Diego, Cali­fornia, recently married Mr. Henry 1. Randall, aconsulting engineer, and is living in Berkeley, Cali­fornia.Faun 1\1. Lorenz is at home, 5621 Woodlawnavenue.John Garfield Lucas, last heard of from Revel­stoke, British Columbia, has not responded to anyinquiries as to his whereabouts. We are wonder­ing if he has gone to the "front." If so, the goodwishes of the class of 1912 go with him.Bjarne Lunde, 811 Rees street, Chicago, recentlymarried Miss Dorothy Wood, of Park Ridge, andsays that he worked hard getting a home readyfor this new venture. Their honeymoon was spentin the southwest, California and Colorado. Bjarnekept up his good practice of sending in a dollar.Paul l\'IacClintock says he is "working" in thevarsity toward his Ph. D., which he hopes to getwithin the next three years or so. This summerhe "worked" on the terraces of the lower partof the Wisconsin river. He has a new ukalele andis desperately trying to learn to play "I've BeenWorking on the Railroad." All he lacks is a unionbutton.Davis l\'IcCa,rn, after almost a year's absence, re­turned to Chicago and is getting along nicely inthe advertising business.Christena l\'IcIntyre is now principal of the HighSchool at Wilmington, Illinois. Incidentally, sheis engaged to Robert Hughes, the principal of ayear ago. Wh o says there's no romance in t.each­ing?Edwin P. l\'IcLe,an is engaged with his father inthe practice of medicine at Maroa, Illinois._ Campbelf l\farvin is a rising real estate man inthe University neighborhood- under the title of"Campbell, Marvin & Co." With the expert aid ofRaymond J. Daly, he has been victorious in allhis lawsuits.Austin l\'Ienaul is still with Swift & Co. He islocated in Chicago now; lives at 6647 Kenwood ave­nue. He does not a.d m I t- being engaged-but there��� Pt� sifo��fi����� A� 1��? fact that he did not,Fenimore 1\Ierrill, once advertised as "Billy," isliving in New York City, at 46 Washington SquareSouth, famous for atmosphere, writing plays andhacking accosionally.\Viinifred Monroe is teaching in Chicago, afterattending the Chicago Normal School.Hazel L. Mor-se is teaching Physiography in theEast Salt Lake High School. When asked if mar­ried, says s . "No such luck!'Benny Moyer, the proud father of a son anddaughter, is back in Chicago, a salesman for theMitchell automobile. The "bandits" drove him outof Texas.Harriet l\'Iurphy is putting on rubbers and muf­flers and playing games, and doing all the othergood things kindergarden godmothers do, at theFulton School, Hermitage avenue and 53rd street.She lives at 5256 Indiana avenue.Lorraine Northrup (5747 University avenue) isleading the quiet life of a married business manwith the Chicago Tribune. We have no "dope"on' his recent activities.Arthur D'. O'Neill has left N. W. Harris & Co.,and is now selling bonds on his own hook, andmaking more money. One of the editors has seenArt with the same young lady three times recently.Is it possible that he is about to "declare his mit?"Marjorie Preston, we hear, is teaching, too, andin visiting a high school at Clyde, Florida, recently,found Lois Kennedy there.Charles 1\'[. Rademacher is director and graduatemanager of the Department of Athletics at theUniversity of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. "Raddy" iscontinuing his own education by taking up thescientific study of checkers and typewriting. Check­ers is. coming along quite famously, but "Raddy"has turned down the "touch" system of typewritingfor the "hunt-and-peck" system, and says that nowhe is making better progress. He was at our LakeZurich picnic.Ruth Ransom is now "batching" it, though shemay have designs, and is instructing mothers inhousekeeping over near Hull House. It soundssuspicious.Ruth Reticker is running the College of Com­merce and Administration. She says she has brokenin four stenogs, one office boy and nineteen studenthelpers dur-ing the last year. Glenn Roberts is a very successful city salesmanfor the Remington Typewriter Company. His six­months-old' youngster, Glenn, Jr., is a husky ath­lete, and is promised for the 1936 football team.Orno Roberts told his boss that the reason hewasn't married was that his salary wasn't largeenough. Now that the boss has .raised his salary,Orno is looking around for the girl. He is with theDiamond Rubber Corn pa ny.W. Curtis Rogers 1346 East 49th street, Chicago,is too modest to say much about himself. Hishobby is a horse. However, he sent 38 cents instamps. We have learned that he spends most ofhis tome in Salem and Boston, Massachusetts.Ralph Rosenthal, 4404 Michigan avenue, Chicago,is married, settled down, settled up. Ralph is withLord & Thomas Advertising. He asked us not toprint the following, but we know he wanted itprinted. He says, "Earl Hutton was in town fromWichita recently, and he is some cousin! Almostsold him the Masonic Temple."Ruth Russell is still doing fine work as city editorof the New World.Ruth O. Russell is teaching Botany and Chem­istry at the De Kalb, Illinois, State Normal. Ruthwas back on the campus last summer."Sl{ee" Sauer was here all fall helping the "oldman" with the football team. It looked mightygood to see "Skee's" form among the maroon-cladmen again. He is managing his farm a short dis­tance from Chicago, but he manages to get intoCampbell Marvin, Esq.town every week-end and frequently is seen aboutthe neighborhood.Junius Schofield, 7225 Jeffrey avenue, Chicago,received the degree of LL.B. from NorthwesternUniversity Law School in June, 1915, and expectsto practice law in Chicago. "June" says he is"strong for the Special," and that the editors de­serve a vote of thanks from the class. "Thanks,June; we wish there were more like you."-(Ed.)Edith Sexton, 1439 North La Salle street, Chi­cago, visited the Fair at San Francisco; also theCanadian Rocktes and the Yellowstone. She ex­pects to take English 5 from Lovett at the Uni­versity. Edith was very prominent at the "So­ciety Circus" at Lake Bluff last summer.Ruth Sherwood is busy scu lp ln g, When she isn'tstudying modelling, she is teaching it to some fourhundred girls at Chautauqua. In the meantime, theDrama League awarded a play of hers second prizeand the Chicago artists accepted some of her statu­ettes for their exhibits. No wonder she fiippants"Nope" when we mention marriage.Myrtle Sholty and Grace E. Storm are on thefaculty of the University Elementary School, andlive at 6030 Kenwood avenue.Maynard Slmond is now happily married and liv­ing "out on the north side." He has a dandylittle flat and is still in the buying department ofN. W. Halsey.Hertha Smith, of Carlsbad, New Mexico, is teach­ing History, Spanish and Domestic Science. Aslong as it isn't Mexican Domestic Science, we ac­cept her quarter.Ada Belle Smith is teaching in the HarrisonTechnical High School, and hopes to remain there.Her hobby is her apartment at 1336 East 54thstreet, Chicago.Ella Spiering, now Mrs. Sherre L. Ballard, is stillliving at 11 Pleasant street, Sparta, Michigan. She"MIDNIGHT SPECIAVJ 241is putting forth every effort to help establish aCarnegie Library there.H. Russell stapp has given up the acetylene gasbusiness in Kokomo, Indiana, and has moved hisfamily to San Antonio, Texas, where he is an archi­tect. Dusty, the sly old dog, has been studyingarchitecture for three years.Kara stevens is teaching the blind to read in aninstitution in Chicago. We are proud to call herour classmate."Dick" Teichgraeber is now the "right handman" and most everything else in his father'sbig wheat mill in Emporia, Kansas. This plant isnot big enough for him, and he is trying to buyseveral others in the neighborhood. He got backto the varsity last fall to one of the big games.Dick is not yet married, or engaged, as far as weknow, but we expect to get the news pretty soon.Paul MacClintock says he saw Dick in Kansas Citylast spring. "He looked terribly prosperous andhandsome, and wanted to be remembered to all the1912 'boys.''' A case' of unjust discrimination,girls!Cornelius Teninga has made a bunch of m o ney inthe easiest way possible-by inheriting it; at least,that is what gossip says. For recreation he hastaken up real-estating."Bill" Thomas, 212 South Lincoln street, is nowfinishing up his medical training at the CookCounty' Hospital. He expects to work next, yearas an interne for Dr. Frank Billings. This Sep­tember he was married to Ruth Newberry, '11.Florence Thomas Jone,s is still living out onSheridan road. She has one small son.J. Elmer "I'hornas is now one of the consultingg eologf sta on oil and gas in Oklahoma. He is pros­pering splendidly,. both in "love and war," for hemarried Mary Sturges, '13, this fall.Margaret Tingley is teaching in Santa Fe, NewMexico. Margaret believes in seeing the country­some.jump from Paducah, Kentucky! Judging. fromthe good times she's ha.ving, it behooves us all tofollow Horace Greeley's advice.Caroline I. Townsend is a member of the facultyof the San Diego State Normal School,. and. ex­pects to teach in our College of Education thissummer.Jane·tta Vanderpoel, of 195 Washington street,Dundee, Illinois,' is remaining neutral by t ea ch in gat Republic, Michigan, and taking the MidnightSpecial for her hobby. '"Vinifred Ver Nooy is still in the University ofChicago Libraries, where she is' "working for herliving." She took the degree of B.L .. S. from theNew York State Library School.Arthur Vollmer graduated in law' from the Uni­versity of Iowa, and is practicing in Davenport.He has written several excellent briefs.Sloane Wallace says he's a rank outsider, but heis willing to risk a quarter to get "The MidnightSpecial." He is principal of Wiest High School,\Vaterloo, Iowa.William A. Warriner and his wife, Florence GrossWarriner, are living in De Kalb. Bill is makingmoney in the silo business, and Florence is takingcare of their husky young son, Willia.m. They werein Chicago this fall and attended the footballgames.Dorothea Watson, of Dresden, Germany, is nowteaching German in St. Mary's of the WOods, NewYork. Her fiance, a German officer, was killed inthe war in his first battle. '. Barbara West was High School Assistant in My s­tIC, Iowa. To earn said title she was compelled toteach Mathematics and History in a one-roomchurch to ninety girls and boys of all nationali­ties, the product of a coal mining town. She hasgiven all this up, however, to come back to gradu­ate work at the University, and we see her everyonce in a while at Lexington.:;Ua�el West has, during the past year, been in­st r uct tng the youth of Creston, Iowa her hometown, in the mysteries of Algebra and History. Totake the place of gym, she is "riding horsebackfour miles to and from school every day." Mabel Williard, a member of the 1912 "teachingcorps," has graduated from high school work andis now a member of' the Mathematics Departmentof the Eastern Illinois State Normal School atCharleston, Illinois. Mabel says normal school iseasy after high school-the girls work because theyare going to teach, and the boys, because-Winifred Winne Conkling is assisting(?) Mr.Conkling in geological field work at Tulsa, Okla­homa. "They" are with the Roxanna PetroleumCompany. Address Box 93, Tulsa, Oklahoma.TREASURER'S REPORT-CLASS 01" 1912Receipts123 Class Dues ($5.00 each) fully paid $615.004 Class Dues partially paid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.17Balance from Senior Promenade........ . . .. 66.51Total $690.68DisbursementsFall Quarter class expense $ 24.65Winter Quarter class expense. " . .. .. 44.45Spring Quarter class expense ,. 30.24Class Gift (to Trevor Arnett, in trust) " 500.00To Treasurer-balance " 91. 34Total $690.68Becelpts by QuartersAutumn Quarter , $ 63.67Winter Quarter 340.50Spring Quarter............................ 286.51'I'o t a.l $690.68All records turned over to Mr. "I'r'e vo r Arnett.W. C. ROGERS, Treasurer.TREASURER'S REPORT-CLASS OF 1912Balance on hand January 1, 1913..... $91.34"Midnight Special" (March-April,1913) ...................•.......... $20.95Balance '" " $70.39Interest. to January J., 1915 (13 mos.,at 31/2 %, not drawing interest untilDecember, 1913)................... 2.63"Midnight Special" (March, 1915) $19.1SBalance '" " $53.84Interest to July 1, 1915, at 3%... .80Senior Picnic and Reunion, June, 1915. $ 5.90Balance on hand to da,te......... $48.74W. C. ROGERS, Treasurer.October 1, 1915.T'h e following represents the Class of 1912 in themedical profession throughout the country:L. van P. Allen V. F. LongM. E. Barnes C. B. LuginbuhlA. G. Beyer E. P. McLeanL. L. Curry W. H. StutsmanO. L. Edmonds E. C. TroxellF. W,. Hannum E. R. Van CottF. M. Harris C. R. WatkinR. F. Herndon S. M. WellsH. R. HunterMy Dear Friends:I am so glad to have this opportunity to senda word of greeting to the splendid Class of 1912,and to tell you that I appreciate very much thehonor of being counted as the official chaperon. Ioften think of the wonderfully good times we havehad together, and especially I love to think of theafternoon and evening we spent with Mr. and Mrs.Dymond at Lake Zurich last summer. It is one ofthe bright spots in the life of 1912, not soon to beforgotten by those of us who were fortunate enoughto have been there.Best wishes to you, one and all.Affectionately yours,MINNIE C. OTT.IN MEMORIAMFrances Wilberding died March 25, 1915,at Lou is vl l le, Kentucky. Another faithfulmember of the class gone!The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME VIII NUMBER 6APRIL, 1916Events and DiscussionThis issue of the MAGAZINE sees thefirst result of an amalgamation whichit is hoped will be of value to both thealumni as a body andClass to its "class" units."Papers" "The. Midnight Spe-cial," the annual pub­lication of the class of 1912, is pub­lished as part of the MAGAZINE. Thepapers of 1913, 1914 and 1915 will bepublished in subsequent issues. Byarrangement, the extra expense to theMAGAZINE is borne by the classes.Copies of the special class issue will besent free of charge to all members ofthe class who are not subscribers tothe }\L\GAZINE. "Where the class paperhas already established a special format,as in the case of "The MidnightSpecial," that form will be followed.The material of the paper is compiledand edited wholly by the class organi­zation. The result to the members ofthe class will be, it is hoped, slightlylessened expense, the additional ma­terial of the MAGAZINE, and a concen­tration of interest upon general uni­versity interests, without any loss inthe individuality of the class publica­tions. The result to the general alumni,especially of recent years, will be a farwider knowledge of what those whomthey knew in college are doing, andan opportunity to compare achieve­ment and points· of view. The older alumni may, if they wish, skip theclass papers; but, especially in view ofthe awakening of interest in the Quar­ter-Centennial, and so in the productsof the University, one doubts if theywill. There will be, at all events, nodiminution in the size of the "regular"MAGAZINE, nor any change in its policy.So far as known, nothing like thisscheme has been tried elsewhere. 1912are pioneers. As such, here's wishingthem a warm welcome from the gen­eral alumni.'With the committees in charge ofthe Quarter-Centennial celebration fullyorganized and the plans definitelyoutlined, it is evidentThe Quarter tha t the reunion isCentennial going to be on a largescale. The change ofdate has produced one vitriolic pro­test, which will be found on anotherpage of this issue. But the protestseems unfounded, S0' far as the changeis concerned .. June 9-13 would havebeen as poor a date for the teachers asJune 2-6, and one of the tW0' was in­evitable. TW0' classes, 1911 and 1912,have already announced the establish­ment of special headquarters on thequadrangle during the celebration, andall the more recent classes are plan­ning for the same thing. The programfor Friday and Saturday, June 2 and 3,is announced in full. The fraternityEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONSreunion on Friday afternoon and eve­ning will bring back, it is announced,more than a thousand men, and thesing at 8 :30 will be notable. The busi­ness meeting of the Alumni Associationwill take place on Saturday afternoonat half-past five. The recent develop­ments in alumni activity make thismeeting a matter of the greatest im­portance to' every alumnus who be­lieves the association can be made ofservice and value to the University.General luncheons, one for the alumniand one for the alurnnre, wilt be heldat 12 :30, and immediately afterwardthe graduates will proceed in costumesto Stagg Field. The costumes will beprovided, without charge, at a specialbureau. The undergraduates will puton a "circus" for your edification. Ar­rangements are in charge of Harold T.Moore, '16, and a group of committeeshas been working for some time on thedetail s. Following the circus is theball game with Waseda, accompaniedby fireworks on a huge scale. Thencomes the business meeting, as stated,and at half-past six the University din­ner in Hutchinson, and the classdinners. A t half-past eight the Black­friars will take charge of an entertain­ment in Mandel, at which selectionsfrom most of the recent operas of theFriars will be given. A dance willfollow in the Reynolds club. Theannouncements for the general Uni­versity events on Monday and Tues­day have not been given out in detail,but the plans are fully formed, and thedays will be quite as full as those justoutlined.::\Iany of the alumni have read in thedaily papers recently of the "scarletfeyer scare" at the University. Therewas no scare. Dr. ReedScarlet wrote on March 20:Fever "·VVe have had eightcases of scarlet feverduring the last month and a half, allof them being among the girls, and six 243of them from Foster Hall. We donot know how the first Foster Hallgirl contracted the disease, but pre­sumably the other cases can be tracedto her. But one of the girls was seri­ously ill, and a recent report fromthose who are in the hospital indicatesthat they are all doing well. It hasnow been eleven days since the lastcase came down with the fever, andthe danger from it has doubtlesspassed. The University's health officerworked in conjunction with the cityhealth department, taking all the pre­cautions which the health departmentconsidered advisable, and some in ad­dition."The one case of serious illness re­sulted fatally, in the death of MargaretGreen, '17, president of the Young\N"" omen's Christian League, and oneof the best-known and most highlyconsidered undergraduates in the Uni­versity. Foster Hall, and subsequentlyGreen Hall, were quarantined for atime, which resulted, of course, in aninterruption of class-work for a num­ber of girls. Some few went home be­fore the end of the quarter in conse­quence, but arrangements were madein all cases to make up the work lostand to take the examinations later.The general course of University workwC).s not interrupted.The "Home Convocation," as the exer­cises each spring have been called forsome years, in view of the fact that theorator has been regularlychosen from among theUniversity faculty, wasaddressed this year byProfessor J. LawrenceLaughlin. head of the department ofEconomics. The subject of his ad­dress was "Economic Liberty." ThatProfessor Laughlin should be the speakerwas particularly appropriate in view ofthe fact that at the close of the presentyear he intends to retire. Although Pro­fessor Laughlin has by no means reachedThe 98thConvocationOrator244 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEan age when retirement would seem tosuggest itself, his long service 'as ateacher and executive at the Universityand his many outside interests combineto make his intention comprehensible.As may be seen by Dr. Goodspeed'sarticle in this issue of the M aqaeine,Professor Laughlin was not only one ofthe first men called by Dr. Harper to theservice of the new University, but wasinstrumental in suggesting one of, themost important elements of its govern­ment, the University senate. This is notthe place to write Professor Laughlin'sbiography, for he is still with us; noreven to try to indicate what his impor­tance to the Department of Economicshas been. It may be said, however, thatalthough by thought and training he isdistinctly conservative, he as much as anyman in the country has understood theparamount necessity of untrammeledthought and unlimited opportunities forinvestigation in economic affairs, has en­couraged free speech by every means inhis power, and has .built up a departmentwhich for the vigor of its ideas and thesolidarity of its fellowship is unsurpassedin this country. No such case as that ofProfessor Nearing could occur at Chi­cago for many reasons; but one greatreason would be Professor Laughlin.What is the matter with our basket ballteams? Last year,' with material thatcould fairly be described as extraordi­nary, Chicago could notBasketball win; this year, with atleast fair material, shewon only four games out of twelve. Thereal value of the game, it must beadmitted, is attained, for as an in­tramural sport it is admirably conducted;there are class teams, departmentteams, scratch teams, playing all thewhile, and the Department of PhysicalCulture does all that could possibly beasked to encourage the sport. In theface of this, it is perhaps ungrateful,hardly even decent, to complain about theintercollegiate angie of the game. Still, there is complaint. Nelson Norgren, '14,coached by one system, goes out to theUniversity of Utah, takes material fromwhich nothing extraordinary was ex­pected, and makes national A. A. U.champions of it. There would be noth­ing strange in that, but he coaches themin a system which, as he says in an inter­view, he observed Wisconsin using suc­cessfully while he was in college. Inother words, he does not follow the sys­tem he himself was trained in. To alayman who has watched all the homegames this year two things seem odd.First, not a man on the team knew howto dribble. They all kept the ball awayout in front of them and beat it like mendusting carpets, whereas, the N orthwest­ern, Illinois and particularly Wisconsinplayers cherished it neatly under theirbowed breasts, and ran through the Chi­cago defense as a rumor runs through asewing circle. Second, most of Chicago'sbaskets were made from ten feet or moredistant. Why? Because the men's lack ofknowledge of the short pass preventedthem from getting nearer with any con­sistency. Doubtless Chicago's team thiswinter was not made up of lightningthinkers, but on the other hand they heldthe ball like glue when it was passed tothem. Could no system be devised whichwould enable it to be passed to themoftener? This is, as was said, a layspeculation. But j ust to demonstrate itsfeebleness, will Coach Page please write?On April 26, at the Hotel La Salle,occurs the annual spring dinner and busi­ness meeting of the Chicago Alumni Club.Among - other things ofChicago interest, a matter of theAlumni most peculiar and in-Clu.b Meeting tense interest to Chicagoalumni will be taken up,which cannot be outlined here, but' whichyou will be extremely gladto know about.Barring Harold Swift's election as trus­tee, it must seem to alumni as alumni themost significant action yet taken by theUniversity. Come and give your views.EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONS 245See the announcement by the secretaryon page 273.Do you alumni golfers living in Chi­cago know the president of the newOlympia Fields Gold Club? Gentlemen,meet Mr. Amos AlonzoStagg. The propositionwhich the 0 1 y m piaFields Club is offering isvery attractive, particularly to youngmen; and Mr. Stagg will forgive us formentioning it here, because the Club isgoing to address directly a good many ofyou on the subject. If anybody inter­ested will communicate with Mr. Stagghe (the alumnus) will learn of somethingto his (still the alumnus') advantage.Announcement is made that the Boardof Trustees have approved a contractwith the United States Department ofAgriculture for the es­Studying the tablishment in JuliusWeather Rosenwald Hall at theUniversity of a meteor­ological observatory of the United StatesWeather Bureau. Instruments for ob­servation are to be placed upon the roofof the tower, and instruments for regis­tering seismic disturbances and for otherpurposes of the bureau are to be installedin the building. Rain gauges and a ther-­mometer shelter are to be placed on thecampus. By the terms of the contractthe faculty and students of the Univer­sity may have free access, within reason­able limits, to the records of observationsmade and of data gathered; and printedmatter containing the results of investi­gations based upon observations madein this observatory will show the co-op­eration of the University with the De­partment of Agriculture.At the general session of the twenty-OlympiaFields eighth educational conference of. the Uni­versity with Secondary Schools, to beheld on April 14 and 15,Director Judd, of theSchool of Education,will give the chief ad­dress, his subject being"The Qualitative Defini­tion of School Courses." The generaltopic for the departmental conferenceswill .be "Qualitative Standards in HighSchools and Colleges ;" and these con­ferences will include those on art, biologyand agriculture, commercial education,earth science, English, French, German,Greek and Latin, history, home eco­nomics, manual arts, mathematics, music,physics and chemistry, and physical edu­cation. Among the speakers from theUniversity before the conferences willbe Professor Coulter, on the subject of"The Biological-Basis for the Teachingof Agriculture in Secondary Schools;"Associate Professor Lyman, on "A Sur­vey of Measurements in English;" Asso­ciate Professor Cross, on "FundamentalValues in the Study of Literature;" andAssociate Professor Boynton, on "SiftingCollege Freshmen in English Literature."Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, of Chicago,who for twenty-five years has been thepresident of the Board of Trustees ofConferenceWithSecondarySchoolsHonoringMr. Ryerson the University, has justbeen elected to theBoard of Trustees of theRockefeller Foundationof New York. Mr. Ryerson is alreadya trustee of the Carnegie Institution ofWashington, vice-president of the Art In­stitute of Chicago and the Field Museumof Natural History, a trustee of the OthoS. A. Sprague Memorial Institute, anda member of the Orchestral Associationof the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.246 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrom the PresidentsThe quarter just closing has been full'of interest in many ways. The attend­ance of students, 3,240 in the quadranglesand 1,071 in University College, gives atotal of 4,311. This is again of 430 ascompared with the winter quarter ayear.ago. It must be borne in mind that theUniversity does little or nothing in theway of advertising, and that the attend­ance of students results from the normalknowledge of what the University hasto offer and from the normal desire ofstudents to obtain the advantages whichare obvious in Chicago. The gain hasbeen for several years past at the rate of8 or 10 per cent. We must observe thata 10 per cent gain, kept up annually, willmean in ten years a doubling of the totalnumber of students. This, wh'ile fromone point of view of course highly de­sirable and encouraging, at the same timeleads us to consider very carefully if theresources of the U niversity in buildings,equipment and endowment will be ade­quate to attend properly to the needs ofthat large number.A petition signed by several hundred'of our young men was laid before thefaculty during the current quarter, ask­ing for the organization of military in­struction. Our students share the generalfeeling throughout the country in theirdesire to take part in whatever may benecessary for the protection of the safety'of the nation. The petition will be con­si clered with care. The service whichmay be rendered by young men in institu­tions like the University of Chicago is'not comprehended merely by the ordinarytraining of infantry drill. Service inmodern defense is multifarious in kind,and every grade of intelligence will be.of use. The Curriculum Committee ofthe faculty is making a study of this ques­tion, and is aided by the experience of.sirnilar institutions in the east and -by the Quarterly Statementrecommendations of such distinguishedmilitary experts as Major-General Leon­ard VV ood. There is no doubt that thenext University year will find the Uni­versity of Chicago ready to share withother universities throughout the countryin this most important branch of univer­sity service.A quarter rarely passes without theUniversity being favored by some of itsfriends in one way or another.In January Mrs. H. W. Thomas gavethe University property valued at ap­proximately $2,500, which should be usedin founding lectures to be given in mem­ory of her husband, the late ReverendDr. Hiram W. Thomas of Chicago. Thefoundation will provide ultimately forannual lectures on the higher forms ofreligious thought.In February Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L.Rosenberger added to their previous giftof $5,000 for the Colver-RosenbergerFellowship Fund a further gift of $5,00,0for the general purpose, and still another'gift of $2,500 to establish the Colver­Rosenberger Scholarship Fund. Thesegenerous gifts make the total funds fromthese friends of the University $12,500.It may be added that Mr. and Mrs.Rosenberger were both students in theold University of Chicago.During the quarter, also, a gift of$2,500 was received from a friend, whosename must be withheld, for special geo­graphical research.Because of the pressure upon Uni­versity funds for modern books necessaryin research and instruction, the Univer­sity libraries have been unable to pur­chase manuscripts and early printedbooks. For such acquisitions the librarieshave been obliged to rely upon generousfriends. Again has Dr. Frank WakeleyGunsaulus proved himself to be such afriend and donor. In the month of Feb-FROM THE PRESIDENT'S QUARTERLY STATEMENT 247mary, having discovered the desirabilityof increasing the University collection ofearly printed books, he presented twenty­'One important incunabula. Such treas­ures add to the scholarly character anddignity of the libraries, and, togetherwith those early printed books alreadypossessed, make a notable collection.A very interesting and important giftis that of a collection relating to the timesof the Puritan Commonwealth in Eng­land, and especially to Oliver Cromwell,presented to the University by Mrs.George Morris Eckels as a memorial toher husband. The collection consists ofbooks, pamphlets, engravings and photo­graphs.' Mr. Eckels was interested formany years in gathering this material,and was himself a thorough scholar ofthe history of England during the period in question. So far as the books are con­cerned, it is probably the most completecollection in the United States. Many ofthese books also are very rare firsteditions, and many of them are choiceexhibitions of the book-binder's work.I t is especially gratifying to the manyfriends of the late Mr. Eckels to have hisname permanently connected with theUniversity. The collection will be kepttogether and known as "The GeorgeMorris Eckels Collection." It forms animportant addition to the resources of thelibrary and to, the material for scholar­ship in English history. It may be saidthat the money value is upwards of$10,000. The University is deeply grati­fied at receiving this very generous gi fton behalf of Mrs. Eckels and her family.World's Fair DaysOh, heart, heart, heart,And pangs of that nameless woe!How my soul yearns as memory turnsTo the days of the long ago:To those old days, the World's Fair days,With the Midway's heathen mirth,When we choice few, whom "Prexie"drewFrom the ends of the belted earth, Were gathered here, that 'World's Fairyear,We unsung pioneers,To blaze the way for the after dayAnd the hopeful later years!But the rollicking joys of healthy boys.Have spent their zest since then,The shade on the dial of life has moved"And we "college boys" are men!Joseph Leiser, '95.248 THE UNIVERSITY RECORDForms and CeremonialsFrom the beginning the University of very beginning of the University history,Chicago has been marked by forms and President Harper enunciated the prin­ceremonials. Many of these have become ciple, that what was to be done might asso familiar as to seem part of the struc- well be done in orderly fashion as in ature of the institution. The Quarterly haphazard way. There is no doubt thatConvocation is an instance. This is an he was always appealed to by somethingold story now. The first one was held of the spectacular. He liked the effect ofin January, 1893. The one at the close what some one has called the "millinery"of the Quarter just completed was ninety- of the procession, with its striking gowns,eighth in number. The routine of exer- showing different ranks, and its bright­cise is well established. In its general colored hoods, proclaiming the degree offeatures it may be considered a fixed the wearer and the source of the honor.form. But he also had a due sense of the fitnessBut a stranger, attending the closing of things. He did not like informalityexercises of a Quarter, is certain to ob- when dignity and order were needed.serve some things, which pass unnoticed Those who like to scramble for the doorby a member of the faculty who is ac- as soon as a meeting is finished found itcustomed to the routine. There is a Con- a little hard at first to heed the request,vocation procession in which all partici- "Those in the audience will please remainpants are clothed in Oxford cap and seated, until those who are on the plat­gown. This procession enters the hall for have retired." But the recession wasof assembly in one form and retires in as important in Dr. Harper's mind as theinverse order. The president of the procession. It was even more suggestiveUniversity and the Convocation orator of order. There is little reason for doubtare the last to enter. They are imme- that the Chicago Convocation processiondiately preceded by the president of the' , had a distinct influence upon similar cere­Board of Trustees and the Convocation monials in the Middle West, where therechaplain. They follow, in order, the had been, too commonly, a stragglingtrustees, the faculties, the candidates for irregularity that was anything except be­degrees, Each of these special divisions coming.of the processional body has an assign- The greatest credit for the perfectingment of seats, and for the orderly con- of the ceremonials must go to Dr. Josephduct of the programme these seats must E. Raycroft, long the Marshal of thebe occupied by the right individuals. University. Having a genius for organ­When the degrees are conferred, the ization and administration, he gave thecandidates of the several types arise in problem a large amount of study andturn, at a signal from the marshal. When profited by every mistake in actual ex­they pass before the president to receive perience. He trained the studenttheir diplomas, each individual is handed marshals systematically. He made dia­the parchment inscribed with his own grams, counted chairs, estimated floorname, even though there be several hun- space, things often necessary in thedred in line. It is all done so easily as earlier days when Kent Theater was theto seem automatic. largest available room and when the de-Yet all this detail was worked out with mands for seats often far exceeded theinfinite pains, with many a conference, possibilities of crowding a hall not easilyand with the aid of suggestions from emptied with rapidity in case of panicquite a number of individuals. At the or fire. He organized the steadily grow-FORMS; AND CEREMONIESmg groups of graduates with .militarypreCISIOn. And so, step by step, hebrought the Convocation arrangementsinto a system, now administered withcomparative ease and with a minimumof apparent friction. It was work whichbelongs to the unrecognized type, andyet, as the University looks backwardover a completed epoch, the ability andaccomplishments of Marshal Raycroftought to have their proper tribute, whenthe thought rests for a little while uponthe ceremony of Convocation.Mention of counting of chairs andmeasuring of floor space recalls one inci­dent in which I shared the agony withDr. Raycroft. I know that, at themoment, I felt so faint that I was readyto fall. I looked at 'Ray's' face and sawthat it was as white as a sheet. He toldme afterwards, "You might have knockedme down with a straw." It was on theoccasion of conferring the honorary de­gree of Doctor of Laws upon PresidentMcKinley. We made a record in crowd­ing Kent that day. My recollection isthat we had something like twelve hun­dred people inside the outer walls atleast. But our particular duty was asso­ciated with the 'platform', or, more prop­erly speaking, that part of the hall wherethe platform might have been. VVe hada certain number of seats available. W �checked and rechecked. VVe providedsix extra seats for certain silk-hatted,frock-coated gentlemen, who looked like"official guests of the university," to quotethe programme formula, but who, in re­ality, were secret service men guarding,the President. We squeezed in extrachairs for certain folks who came at theeleventh hour to demand our courtesies,trustees, donors, good friends of the in­stitution. And at last we had things justright, so that when President Harper andPresident McKinley, at the end of theprocession should reach their seats, thereshould be absolutely no confusion of anykind. We congratulated ourselves uponour triumph in working out the details 249so successfully. How many times eachof us hurried to thehall for another countto be sure of our seats, I can not tell, butthere was some lively movement that dayfor Marshal and for President's Secre­tary.We marched the great procession allover the grounds in a driving rain whichspoiled more than one pretty cap andgown and hood. Everybody was in line.VVe had invited the students from theaffiliated schools. The Culver Cadetsattracted special attention by their splen­did soldierly bearing. Incidentally wehad to provide good seats for the presi­dent, principal and dean of each of theseschools. At length, after the grand re­view in front of the President's house,the procession approached the doors ofKent. Then 'Ray' and I turned white.For, standing there, unheralded and un­announced to the two who had workedso hard over the seating, were six oreight members of the Korean embassy atWashington, clothed in the peculiar andstriking garb of that oriental land, whowere all ready and had full expectationof falling in just ahead of the two presi­dents, in order to see the ceremony.How it happened we never knew.Some of those who had had seats re­served for them must have dropped outto change their soaking garments, or theymust have dropped out of the processionafter it entered the building, for it turnedout that, even with this unexpected addi­tion to the list of guests to be providedfor, there were just exactly enough chairsto seat the company, so that PresidentHarper did not know until afterwardhow his two aids of the day had sweatblood for a few minutes of great anxiety.But now the deans all get the right seats,the trustees do not have to hunt forplaces, the faculty members are readilyaccommodated, and the machinery runssmoothly, largely because of the fidelityof Dr. Raycroft in days gone by and the250 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEequally careful study of his successor andother helpers in later years.The familiar heading:The University of Chicago,Founded by John D. Rockefeller.seems simple enough as it appears in allofficial invitations and announcements.The Board of Trustees had adopted thatform as the correct designation of theUniversity, but it did not come into usefor some time on official stationery ofthe President's office. When one triedto prepare a neat invitation, having dueregard to the length of . lines upon an en­graved form and to the inclusion of theproper personages as hosts and guests, 'there was much study given to the repeti­tion of the little word 'of' involved in thesentence, "The President 'of' the U ni­versity 'of' Chicago invites etc." Afterquite a number of invitations had beenengaged with irregular lines sometimesseparated by a line containing the singleshort word 'of' and always containingthe rather awkward "The University ofChicago" sandwiched in between thenames of the host and those of the guests,an inspiration came one day to put thestandardized form at the top of the invi­tation, making a proper heading, andwhen the line of exactly the right length"invite you to meet"was devised, all difficulties vanished, sothat now the formThe University of Chicago,Founded by John D. Rockefeller,The President and Mrs. Judsoninvite' you to meetis convenient for almost every occasion,makes an engraved card attractive, andis quite likely to remain as the standardtype for years to come. That is a littlething, perhaps, but it illustrates howforms have been worked out, with greatpains and much thought. .Still another variety of ceremonial maybe mentioned. "The Convocation PrayerService will serve as an illustration.There is something attractive in thethought of having as the last meeting of candidates for degrees with their instruc­tors, at least in an institution professedlyChristian, one in which the religious ele­ment should be predominant. In this,as in the case of other religious cere­monials, the influence of Dr. Charles R.Henderson abides. He was an excep­tionally fine ritualist, his gracious spiritand his skilled appreciation of what wasappropriate, making him peculiarly amaster in such formulation. He selectedthe scripture passages, wrote out theprayers, studied the hymns; the resultbeing the inspiring and impressive serv­ice so cherished by all who share it, asthey leave 'Chicago' halls for the last timebefore receiving their diplomas.The same thought might be worked outalso in connection with the physical ap­pearance of the various official publica­tions of the University, the methods ofrecitation, the general use of the title'Mr.' among the faculty members, ratherthan that of "Professor" or "Doctor,"the use at Convocation of a special read­ing desk and chair, these latter beingclass gifts. But enough has been said.The University has many forms and cere­rnonials. These are used with a natural­ness and ease which seem automatic now.But every one of them was developedafter much thought by someone, or afterfrequent conferences 'where the judg­ment of different people was obtained.My list may not be inclusive, but amongthe real builders of the quarter centurymust be placed President Harper, Presi­dent J u d son, Chaplain Henderson,Marshal Raycroft, the President's Secre­taries, the Recorders, Mr. Gurney, Pro­fessor Frank Abbott, Professor WilliamG. Hale, and all others, who by sugges­tion, by skilful phraseology, by experi­mentation, helped to devise and shape theforms and ceremonials by aid of whichthe University, with dignity and order,performs those functions which seldomfail to impress outsiders who witnessthem from time to time on official occa-sions. FRANCIS \V. SHEPARDSON.THE ENGLISH PL4Y REVIVAL 251The English Play RevivalSponsus (Circa 1125) a LiturgicalDrama, presented by the choir of St.Patrick's Church, under the direction ofDr. J. Lewis Browne.The Second Shepherds) Play (Circa1450), a Biblical, or mystery, play, pre­sented by a cast of University students,coached by Mr. Hamilton Coleman underthe direction of Professor Percy H.Boynton.Nice Wanton (Circa 1550), a moralityplay, presented by a cast of Universitystudents, coached by Mr. Hamilton Cole­man, under the direction of ProfessorDavid A. Robertson.The Wooing of Nan (Circa 1590), anElizabethan jig, presented by the SignetClub, coached by Miss Mary Wood Hin­man under the direction of ProfessorCharles R. Baskervill.It would hardly "do" for one of the committee who were responsible for therevival of English plays on February25th, to indulge in an avowed criticismof the program, but it is perhaps legiti­mate for one of them to attempt a chron­icle of the steps leading up to it. Theformal criticism of the evening was forthe most part kindly and just, and theresponse of the audience was completelysatisfying. Moreover, criticism fromone of the producers would depend somuch on his knowledge of the wholecampaign that the points appealing tohim would have to do with emergencymeasures that doubtless escaped theattention of the people before the curtain.The preparation for a play revival isalways a story of high hopes and quali­fied achievements, and always a historyof compromises. An exact historical re­production of any old play is both impos-The Second Shepherds' Play ; The Shepherds See the Child Jesus252 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsible and undesirable. The further backinto history one goes the greater are thenumber of complications, and the greaterthe number of concessions which mustbe made to the modern audience. A re­vival for a group of scholarly specialistswould be very different from one for anaudience of twentieth century theater­goers. It would be many times more ex­pensive and many times more interestingfor the scholars, but for present day peo­ple it would be unintelligible for the mostpart, and dull for most of the rest. Theplays of February 25th were deliberatelyprepared for an average twentieth cen­tury "high-brow" audience. �The first set of compromises had torise in connection with the texts and theiroral delivery. The first ecclesiasticalplay, given in Latin, was done into Eng­lish in the program for the benefit of theattentive. The morality and mysteryplays were both of them changed frommiddle English to modern. To have giventhem in the original would have been to baffle most of the audience, and withanything less than years of linguistictraining the divergences from historicalpronunciation would have been tryingto the experts. It is hard enough to getan American cast to present a modernEnglish play with any suggestion of Eng­lish English. For an early English playthe necessary combination of actingpower and linguistic skill would tax theresources of all the graduate schools inAmerica. With the Jig, the latest ofthe four, the approach to the original,especially as it was sung, was the closestof all.The problem in costuming introduceda further factor of expense. With $300available, history could hardly repeatitself for sixty-two characters. Fortu­nately the vestments for the liturgicalplay were the possession of the Choirof St. Patrick's and were secured, likethe singers, through the good offices ofDr. J. Lewis Browne. Mrs. Lyman A.Walton converted her home for someNice Wanton: Worldly Shame, Dalila, Bailey Errand, Ishmael, ViceTHE ENGLISH PLAY REVIVALthree weeks into a costumery and witha group of seamstresses and volunteerhelpers actually produced all of the cos­tumes for the Jig, for the Second Shep­herds Play, and for the women in theNice VVanton. Yet here the obstacleswere many, even with the help of the bestbooks and the best artistic advice avail­able. How reproduce the colors in theShepherd's Play when only vegetable­dyes were used? How approximate thecolor in the Virgin's robe to an ecclesias­tical painting, when the original effectswere secured not by mixing but by layingon of one color over another? Howequip the shepherds with the proper foot­gear? "How decide on the details of at­tire for the 212-pound angel? Five timesas much money and leisure could havecome closer to many of the details, yetonly the antiquarian could have appre­ciated the further refinements, for thecostuming was faithful in spirit andfinely harmonious in the mass effects.Still a larger problem rose in connec­tion with the setting and the properties.Four plays produced over a period of 253about 500 years had to be presented, butin two hours, on one stage, with one fire­proof equipment. At this point the at­tempt at realism was abandoned, and amodern setting devised by Mr. Robertsoncontributed extraordinarily to the totaleffect. It was made up of a simple cyclo­rama of asbestos drapery with a centralplatform and ten sheet iron screenunits, which looked like pillars, and whichwere capable of various" combinations.The whole idea was frankly conven­tional and suggestive, but the neutralcolors and rough surfaces of the screensand the back drop took the indirect light­ing with results that were at times start­ingly beautiful.Such lighting as was given was againunhistorical, but it was justified in itssheer beauty and simplicity. At anyrate the footlights and "spots" wereeliminated. The" tableau of the .mangerscene in the Shepherds Play, and theshifting effects in the Nice Wanton withthe steel blue" columns thrown into softrelief against the mellow draperies, dif­ferent as they were from the originalCast of "The Wooing of Nan"254 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEstage effects, took one out of the ordinarytheatergoer's state of mind, and so pro­duced a difference. in effect which wasbetter than going back to the past. Forthe old stage would have been so crudeand crowded as to have distracted theaudience, and even at best would havebeen an imitation of simplicity artfullyachieved.Finally, with respect to the details ofpresentation it 'can only be said that no­body knows how near the past was ap­proached. You could not see the Jigwithout feeling that Miss Hinman and Mr. Baskervill had taken us back threehundred years; you could not see theother three. units without realizing thatthe lapse of four, five, and eight centurieswas more than could be bridged. Butif you saw the performance from thefront you felt that you had been at some­thing carefully conceived and admirably. presented by the student casts, and ifyou saw and heard it from behind andbelow the stage, by the time the eveningwas over you were glad you had gonethrough the labor of it.PERCY H. BOYNTON.From the History of the University[In the fourth chapter of the history Dr. Good­speed discusses the educational plan. The followingarticle is made up of extracts from that chapter.The radical nature of some of Dr. Harper's ideas,the enforced modification of a few of them, but thesolidity with which on the whole they have stood thetest of time and their very great importance as con­tributions to educational theory in America, makethis chapter of unusual importance. The reader isreferred to Professor Shepardson's article on similarlines in the December i,ssue.-Ed.lIn the December, 1893, convocation state­ment, the President spoke of the Univer­sity as "an institution in wh ichia score ormore of new educational experiments' arebeing tried." The things that finally drewDr. Harper to Chicago were two: first/theopening of the way to create a. universityinstead of a college, and, second, and per­haps particularly, the opportunity to organ­ize the University of Chicago on a newplan.While returning to New Haven ·after hiselection in September, 1890, he began towork on the plan and before the end ofthe journey the broad outlines of it hadbeen fully drawn out. According to hisown statements, quoted elsewhere, it flashed"upon him, suddenly assumed shape,. andgave him immense satisfaction. The' firstpresentation of it was made to the trusteesat their fourth meeting, in December,' 1890,adopted by them and given to the public inwhat was called Official Bulletin No. 1.This was followed at brief intervals byfive other official bulletins, filling out andelaborating the plan under the followingheads-The Colleges, The Academies, The­Graduate Schools, The Divinity' School,The University Extension Division.It goes without saying that PresidentHarper's Educational Plan was not in allrespects new. A University was to be or- ganized, and it must necessarily resemblein many respects other universities. Themost that can be said of the EducationalPlan is that it possessed some novel fea­tures, while resembling in many particularsthe plan on which other universities areconducted. The differences, however, weremarked and important.The general organization included thesefive divisions:The University Proper;The University Extension;The University Press;The University Libraries, Laboratoriesand Museums;The University Affiliations.These five general divisions. may per-'haps be regarded as the foundation. uponwhich the University was to be built. Themost important element of the superstruc­ture would, of course, be the students, andthe institution was to be co-educational.Men and women were to be admitted to allits privileges on equal' terms. This hadbeen decided before the Educational Planhad been considered. The first publicpresentation of the plan was made by Pres­ident Harper before the American BaptistEducation Society at its annual meetingin Birmingham, Ala., in May, 1891. He­then said: "I would not be honest withyou were I to conceal the fact that all myfeelings have been opposed ·to co-education.My own work has been done thus far ininstitutions. open only to men. ..In .'� new iristitution, untrammeled by tra­ditions, and with the flexibility which it ishoped wUl characterizethe i "U niversity ofChicago, 'there seems to be' no possible'doubt that co-education will be practic­able. At all events, the matter has beenFROM THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITYdecided. The charter admits persons ofboth sexes on equal terms. The - desire ofthe founders and the requirements of thecharter will be carried out in the' letterand in the spirit."I t was a part of the plan that in theundergraduate department there should be,not the usual four classes, freshman, sopho­more, junior and senior, but two colleges,the Academic, covering the freshman andsophomore years, and the University, cov­ering the junior and senior years of otherinstitutions. Later, "Junior" and "Senior"were substituted for "Academic" and "Uni­versity." Thus a student was not a fresh­man or sophomore, but a member of theJunior College. He was not a, junior orsenior, but a member of the Senior College.As there were to be Colleges of LiberalArts, of Science, of Literature and of Prac­tical Arts, there would, according to theplan, be eight colleges, as the Junior Col­lege of Liberal Arts, the Senior College ofLiberal Arts, and so on through the list.In the original scheme there was to beone general body within the institution "toconsider matters which relate to the generalinterests of the University, or which havebeen designated by the Board of Trusteesas its proper work." This body was to bethe University Council. The UniversitySenate was not a part of the plan as firstconceived. Months before the Universityopened, however, it became a part of theplan, and the way in which this cameabout is an interesting story. It was givento the writer by Professor J. LaurenceLaughlin in a statement relating to thecircumstances connected with his comingto the University. In the closing weeks of1891 he had been elected Head Professor'Of Political Economy and Wi111iam Gard­ner Hale, Head Professor of Latin. Learn­ing of President Harper's purpose to allowgraduate students to do more work out ofresidence than they could approve theyurged. an interview. Mr. Laughlin speakswell within the truth when he says: "Theproposed plans struck us as possibly un­desirable from the point of view of the bestdevelopment of the University. Of course,opinions must differ. Professor Hale and Imight have been right or wrong. At anyrate, some differences arose between usand President Harper. He then came toIthaca at once, and we had long andserious conferences about the fundamental'Organization of the University. I can re­member distinctly when, sitting in Pro­fessor Hate's house with him and PresidentHarper, I said, 'We have been decidinghere very large questions of Universitypolicy, I t is not right that these far­reaching conclusions should be arrived aton the judgment of two or three professorsin consultation with the President. Thesematters ought to go properly to a bodycomposed of the heads of all the depart­ments of the University, and their opinions 255should be decisive in forming the U niver­sity organization with which we shouldbegin work.' I remember clearly how thePresident, sitting at the end of a sofa,looked at me and in a flash said, 'That'sright. It should be the Senate.' And theSenate was born. then and there." TheSenate was thus incorporated into the Pres­ident's plan. The Senate was to have pur­view of matters of education, the Councilof matters of administration. All actionsof the faculties relating to education wereto be "subject to review and reversal by theSenate, until the Board of Trustees decideotherwise." The rulings of the Councilin matters of administration were to be"binding in relation to any faculty, subjectto the final decision of the Trustees."The Senate was to be composed of thePresident, the University Recorder, whoacted as Secretary, all Head Professors andthe University Librarian. The Council con­sisted of the President, Examiner, Recorder,Registrar, all Deans and all Directors.There remain to be considered two ofthe most important and most interestingfeatures of President Harper's EducationalPlan. These two features were amongwhat he himself termed educational experi­ments.These were the Academic Year and theClassification of Courses. Of the first, hewrote as follows:"The work of the University has beenarranged to continue throughout the year.I t is divided into four quarters of twelveweeks each, with 'a recess of one week aftereach quarter. Each quarter is further di­vided into two terms of six weeks each.While instruction will thus be offered dur­ing forty-eight weeks of the year, a pro­fessor or teacher will be expected to lec­ture only thirty-six weeks. He may takeas his vacation anyone of the four quar­ters, according as it may be arranged, orhe may take two vacations' of six weekseach at different periods of the year. Allvacations, whether extra or regular, shallbe adiusted to the demands of the situation,in order that there may always be on handa working force."The student may take as his vacationanyone of the four quarters, or, if he de­sires, two terms of six weeks each in dif­ferent parts of the year. There seems to.be no good reason why" during a largeportion of the year, the University build­ings should be empty and the advantageswhich it offers denied many who desirethem."The small number of hours required ofprofessors" (eight to ten hours a week)"makes it possible for investigation to becarried on all the time, and in the climateof Chicago there is no season which, uponthe whole, is more suitable for work thanthe summer."This plan of a continuous session securescertain advantages which are denied in in-256 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEstitutions open only three-fourths of theyear."It will permit the admission of studentsto the University at several times duringthe course of the year, rather than at onetime only, the arrangement of courses hav­ing already been made with this object inview. It will enable students who havelost time because of illness to make upthe lost work without further injury to theirhealth or detriment to the subject studied.It will make it possible for the summermonths to be employed in study by thosewho are physically able to carryon intel­lectual work throughout the year, and whomay thus take the full college course inthree years. It will permit students to beabsent from the University during thoseportions of the year in which they can tobest advantage occupy themselves in pro­curing means with which to continue thecourse. It will make it possible for theUniversity to use, besides its own corps ofteachers, the best men of other institutions,both in this country and in Europe. Itwill permit greater freedom on the part ofboth students and instructors in the matterof vacations. It will provide an opportu­nity for professors in smaller institutions,teachers in academies and high schools,ministers and others, who, under the exist­ing .system cannot attend a college orUniversity, to avail themselves of the op­portunity of University residence. Theonly possible danger to be feared is thatyoung men and women not physically ableto pursue continuous work. will be temptedbeyond their strength, but this is a dangereasily avoided. The law has already beenestablished that a student will not be per­mitted to study in the University four con­secutive quarters without a physician's cer­tificate that he may do the work of thefour quarters without injury to his health."On the Classification of Courses thePresident wrote as follows:"Majors and Minors. It is conceded bymany instructors and students that the planwhich prevails in many institutions of pro­viding courses of instruction of one, twoand three hours a week, thus compellingthe student to pursue six, seven and eveneight different subjects at one time, is amistake. Whatever may be said in favorof symmetrical growth, no plan can per­manently commend itself which compels su­perficial work; and it goes without saying,that, a student who endeavors to carry sixor 'more subjects at the same time is com­pelled in spite of himself to do only sur­face work, unless, to be sure, some of themare utterly neglected and the time thussaved is devoted to the others.. •Hundreds of students and not a few pro­fessors have confirmed my own experienceas an instructor in reference to this matter.It has been my privilege during the lastten years to note the results of work inwhich the student was given an oppor- tunity to concentrate his attention upon asingle subject for eight or ten or twelvehours a week. I have seen results whichI would not have believed possible had Inot seen them for myself. In order to be­come deeply interested in the subject thestudent must concentrate his attention uponthat subject. Concentration on a singlesubject is impossible, if at the same timethe student is held responsible for workin five or more additional subjects."The plan of Majors and Minors, an­nounced in our bulletins and calendars, hasbeen arranged in order to meet this diffi­culty. The terms do not indicate that thesubject taken as a Major is more impor­tant than the subject taken as a Minor.It is entirely possible that the most impor­tant subjects should never be taken asMajors. The terms mean simply that, fora certain period of six weeks or twelveweeks, Mathematics, for example, is theMajor, that is. the subject to which specialattention is given, and that during anothersix or twelve weeks History is the Major.A subject taken as a Major requires eightor ten hours' class-room work or lecturework a week. This is sufficient to lead thestudent to become intensely interested inthe subject and to accomplish results soclear and definite as to encourage him withthe progress of his work. It permits thecarrying along of another subject entirelydifferent as a Minor, or, for the time being,less important subject. This gives theneeded variety, and the change from theone to the other furnishes what is alwavsconceded to be necessary, a relaxation ofthe mind. It has been suggested that acourse in Latin calling for eight or tenhours a week for six weeks, when com­pared with a similar course calling for twohours a week during thirty weeks, will bescrappy and fragmentary. This, as ex­perience shows, is a mistaken idea. . . .By the plan proposed, the student, when hefirst takes hold of a subject, gives thatamount. of time and attention to it whichwill enable him to grasp it and to becomeacquainted with it in its details. When theend of the course has been reached he hasacquired an interest in the subject, a knowl­edge of the subject, and, what is of stillmore value, he has learned how to takehold of a subject in the way in which,during his entire future life, he will be.able to take hold. of things which from timeto time present themselves.. ."I t has been a source of great encour­agement that the idea has appealed sostrongly to the leading educators in thiscountry and in Europe. Without a doubtmodifications of the plan will be foundnecessary with further experience, but noone can deny the correctness of the funda­mental principles which underlie it."It was a cor ollary of the plan that itmade a great change in the matter of theFROM THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITYgraduation of students. On this subjectPresident Harper had this to say:"The whole custom of the annual gradua­tion will, without doubt, gradually disap­pear. Many of the features of the old com­mencement day have already been givenup. It is only a rigid arrangenient whichtreats alike all students of whatever ca­pacity, which can secure an' annual gradua­tion day. The fact is that each individualstudent should be treated separately, and,when his course of study is completed heshould be given his diploma. From thispoint of view students will be graduatedfrom the University every quarter. Thestudent will receive his diploma, not be­cause a certain number of years havepassed and a certain day in June has ar­rived, but because his work is finished.Whether earlier or later than the ordinaryperiod of College education, it does notmatter. The College should not be a ma­chine .. Each year of a man's life is impor­tant. If he can finish his work in a periodof time shorter than that usually given bysix months or a year, let him have the satis­faction of entering upon his life work somuch sooner. If it requires six months ora year longer to finish the required amountof work, let him not be hurried throughand the work, though incomplete and un­satisfactory, be called finished."But it has been said that such a plan willdestroy entirely the class spirit. There isa certain kind of class spirit which oughtto be "destroyed. A class spirit which risessuperior' to the College spirit and to thespirit of scholarship deserves no existence.This plan will develop a spirit of scholar­ship and will in no way interfere with col­lege companionship. By other means thatmost valuable of all student acquisitions,­strong friendships,-will be cultivated. Itis not necessary that every man shouldleave the institution on the same day.Friendships are not limited to circum­stances so artificial, and no falling off ofthe true college spirit is anticipated in thecarrying out of this plan."In justification and further explanation ofhis Educational Plan President Harper hadthis additional to say in the unfinished Re­port: "It is expected by all who are inter­ested that the University idea is to be em­phasized. It is proposed to establish, not aCollege, but a University . . . A largenumber of the professors have been selectedwith the understanding that their work isto be exclusively in the Graduate Schools.The organization, as it has been perfected,would be from the College point of viewentirely a mistake. It has been the desireto establish an institution which shouldnot be a rival with the many colleges al­ready in existence, but an institution whichshould help these colleges. . . . Toassist these numerous colleges; to furnishthem instructors �who shall be able to dowork of the highest order; to accomplish 257this purpose, the main energies of the in­stitution have been directed toward grad­uate work. . . . It is only the manwho has made investigation who may teachothers to investigate. Without this spiritin the instructor and without his examplestudents will never be led to undertake thework. Moreover, if the instructor is loaded. down with lectures, he will have neithertime nor strength to pursue his investiga­tions. Freedom from care, time for workand liberty .of thought are prime requisitesin all such work. It is expected that pro­fessors and other instructors will, at in­tervals, be excused entirely for a periodfrom lecture work in order that they maythus be able to give their entire time to thework of investigation. Promotion ofyounger men in the departments will de­pend more largely upon the results of theirwork as investigators than upon the effi­ciency of their teaching, although the lat­ter will by no means be overlooked. Inother words, it is proposed in this institu­tion to make the work of investigation pri­mary, the work of giving instruction sec­ondary."Perhaps· the chief modification of theoriginal plan was that relating to Majorsand Minors. It was originally intended thateach student should take only two studies,to one -of which he would give eight or tenhours of class room work' a week, to theother half as many. One of the professorsstates, that, so far as he can recall, the rea­sons for giving up the system were two,"partly the difficulty of arranging schedulesso as to avoid conflicts, and partly the be­lief, that, in some subjects at any rate,longer time was requisite to give satisfac­tory results than was provided for in thesix weeks term originally planned. But wehave retained so much of the principle asrequires a student to take three subjects ashis normal number rather than a largernumber." The principle underlying the sys­·tem of Majors and Minors was concentra­tion. It was this principle which PresidentHarper had in mind in the major and minorcourses. The following is the strong state­ment of President Judson: "Another fea­ture which has essentially remained is thatof concentration of work. While it doesnot take quite the original form at the sametime, the normal work of the student inour colleges comprises three subjects ofstudy which are given from four to' fivehours a week each. As a mere matter ofnomenclature, a course which is offeredfour or five hours a week for a quarter iscalled a Major. The original organizationwas based not on the quarter system, buton the term system, each quarter being di­vided into two terms, and a student wassupposed to take in each term only twosubjects of study, one being a major andthe other a minor. The major was a sub­ject presented two hours- a day throughoutthe term. A subject presented two hours-258 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdaily throughout the entire quarter wascalled a double major, and a subject pre­sented one hour a day throughout the quar­ter was called a double minor. This planwas changed within the first two years tothe present system. The only remnant ofthe division of the quarter into terms isfound in the Summer Quarter, in which thetwo terms are still convenient, and in whicha minor subject of instruction is stillfound. Even with the present change itwill be noted that the student usually car­ries only three subjects." It appears there­fore that the great object President Har­per had in view, viz., concentration on afew subjects, was fully attained, and thatthe colleges into the Junior College andand terms and quarters were effected underhis own supervision. The system could notbe fully carried out in so great an institu­tion.That great innovation, the division ofthe colleges into the Junior College andthe Senior College instead of into fourclasses, freshman, sophomore, junior andsenior, remained without change. It wasPresident Harper's view that the first twoyears work of the ordinary college courseshould be done before the student enteredthe University. President Judson wrote onthis subject in 1915: "The third part of theorganization which has remained is that ofthe distinction between the Senior and J un­ior Colleges. The Junior Colleges coverwork which could be done and should bedone in the Secondary Schools. The orig­inal division has ,been retained at the end of the second year. Recent study makes itprobably advisable that this division pointshould fall earlier in the course, but thedivision remains, and the likelihood of be­ing able to slough off this Junior Collegework, which was one of the original inten­tions of the University, seems stronger to­day than it ever has been since the U ni­versity opened."President Harper's plan was made, notfor a college, but for a university. Theemphasis was to be placed on graduatework. Professors were to be encouragedin pursuing original investigation. Studentsin advanced courses were to be disciplinedand encouraged in research work. I twashoped that the university would be usefulin extending the boundaries of knowledge.On this part of the plan a professorwrites: "The emphasis upon research hadalready been embodied in the developmentof Johns Hopkins University and to aslight degree at Harvard and Columbia.But nowhere in this part of the countrywere research interests at all well repre­sented, and the "tremendous momentumgiven to the entire movement throughoutthe country by the emphasis of this workat the University of Chicago can hardly beexaggerated." This emphasis on advanceduniversity work, the provision for originalwork of investigation on the part of thefaculty in the words of President Judson,"has been maintained from the beginningand is permanently embodied in the Uni­versity life and work."Small Gifts[The following extract from the forthcoming presi­dent's report of the university is published, as itwas in part written, in response to a number ofletters received in the past year from alumni askingwhether sums smaller than the great gifts of thou­sands and hundreds of thousands which the univer­sity occasionally receives, would not be welcome;and if so, for what purposes such smaller gifts mightwisely be designated. Other universities make a greatpoint of these smaller gifts. Yale has published abooklet about them, and the editor of the Magazinehas read with interest a long and very interestingletter from President James of Illinois on the samesubj ect. President Judson's statement, therefore, IScommended to your general attention.-Ed.]The budget of the University is and al­ways will be crowded 'with the immediatenecessities of caring for research and in­struction, and for the grounds and buildingsalready provided. Numerous things couldbe done for the enlargement of the activi­ties in various departments with a varietyof gifts which might be made of very vary­ing magnitude.There is always need of the addition ofbooks' for -the libraries. Often opportu­nities occur for the purchase of important collections, large or small. A few yearsago the very interesting and valuable Dur­rett Collection for the Department of His­tory was a case in point. An expenditure atthat time of upward of $20,000 added verygreatly to the research possibilities in Amer­ican history. A very interesting gift hasbeen made in the form of autograph let­ters from Dr. Frank Wakeley Gunsaulusand from Mr. E. B. Butler of Chicago, ofinteresting manuscripts and of a rare col­lection of Japanese sword guards from Dr.Gunsaulus, and of a choice collection ofNapoleona from Mrs. Erskine M. Phelps.These are instances of special gifts verymuch valued by-the University and comingfrom various sources.Not infrequently the opportunity offersfor field trips, in the Department of Pale­ontology, Geology, Geography, for instance,which result in the addtion of very valuablematerial to the departmental museums, andto special and important pieces of research.Often a gift of $500 has resulted in secur-SMALL GIFTSing very rare paleontological material.Such possibilities are occurring constantly.Leon Mandel Assembly Hall, used con­tinually for a great variety of Universitypurposes, would he largely improved ifstained-glass windows could be substitutedfor the plain glass now in place. One suchwindow has been given by one of theclasses. In order that the windows maybe of a suitable character, worthy of thebuilding and of the University, they shouldcost from $2,000 to $2,500 each. There areseveral such possibilities in this building.Much has been done by the Universityand by some of its friends in order·· toaid students to secure their education.These appropriations take the form of fel­lowships, covering usually tuition fees anda few hundred dollars a year besides; schol­arships, usually covering tuition fees, andother scholarships which make possible pro­vision for something more than the tuition.The University would welcome a large ad­dition to its resources for this excellentpurpose, Scholarships are awarded only tostudents whose work is of a high characterand who give promise that their educationwill be distinctly a benefit, not only tothemselves, but to the community at large.Attention is called in this connection tothe large amount of service done by stu­dents and to the very considerable sumswhich they earn in that connection, foundin the report of the business manager.The most immediate need of the Univer­sity involving the development of new de­partments lies in the field of medicine. Atpresent the scientific departments w??sework is basal to that of clinical medicine 259'are properly organized and equipped. Theirwork is carried on in the Hull Laboratoriesand in the ne� Howard Taylor RickettsLaboratory for the Departments of Pathol­ogy, and Hygiene and Bacteriology. TheUniversity, however, has no complete med­ical school. It needs provision for clinicalmedicine on a considerable scale, and or­ganized on. the highest standards. Thiswill demand provision for hospitals underthe immediate control of the University,for laboratories in connection with them.and for an adequate endowment to make itpossible to provide properly for medicalinstruction and research.From the first the University has regardedthe research carried on by its various de­partments as one of its fundamental ideas,and the Bibliography of publications givessome indication of the character and pro­ductivity of this work. Often, however,particular forms of research are imprac­ticable, owing to lack of funds, A specialgift from time to time for such particularpieces of work would be very welcome, andcould be used to great advantage in anyone of a number of departments.In this connection an especially usefulform of gift would be intended for endow­ing special publications. The Universityfund for subsidizing work of this character'is very slender, and frequently it would bepossible to publish a work of large scientificvalue, but which obviously would have avery small sale, if o nly such gift or giftsmight be available. Almost any sums, largeor small, which might be given could bedevoted to such purposes.A Philosopher In the Orient[Nathaniel Pfeffer, '11, who was managing editorof the Maroon and subsequently worked on the Chi­cago Evening Post, left the United States more than ayear ago and after some time in Honolulu, workingon the Star-Bulletin, turned his steps toward China.Of his experiences there he has written at intervalsto William Kuh and Leroy Baldridge, who haveallowed the Magazine to make excerpts which areherewith presented. If Pfeffer doesn't make a bookout of his travels he will be foolish.-Ed.lMay 1.I got to Shanghai with exactly $5. Icame to work the second morning and theacting managing editor, who is an old Chi­cago newspaper man and who knows me,though he never saw me before, came overthe first thing and said:"Broke ?""Sure.""Want to draw?""Sure."I got $50 Mex. There is nothing in theworld like a newspaper office-China, Chi­cago or Colorado Springs.The next day I went to work. Gettingaround in a Chinese city is a grand job.The ricksha coolies-I ride around inrickshas all day-don't talk a word of Eng- lish and are used to being directed by anod of the head. Of course, . I don't knowmyself how to get where I want to go andwe have some grand times. There arefrenzied consultations in Chinese in themiddle of crossings.I wrote you, didn't I, about Benitez' fail­ure to come here? Well, it cost the Phil­ippines the Olympic meet. His absence lostthe swimming events and that cost themthe meet. I am glad. I wanted China towin. It is a great thing for it. With threeor four years' athletic training in a fewisolated spots, it can win the championshipof the Far East. And you ought to.. seethe spirit of the crowds. Old Chinese thatlook like bits of the tenth century beforeChrist have come out and cheered andwaved their little round skull-cap sort ofhats and cheered like the devil when a boywearing the new flag of the republic ofChina has come down the track in the lead.May 31.I asked how much a certain cigar was.Thirty cash. Thirty cash is three. coppers.Three coppers is about 1 penny U. S. I260 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsaid, "Wanchee more better cigar." Hesaid, "This Number One cigar." (NumberOne means best, biggest, greatest, boss,king, anything. They once asked a Chineseif he knew who Brockman, national Y. M.C. A. secretary was. He said, "1\1 asterBrockman, Number One Joss Pidjin he."Number One is head, joss means religion,pidgin is work-Brockman head religiousworker, savee?) Well, I bought the Num­ber One cigar-six for 20 cents, our money.Then we had a great conversation, the man­ager and I, about men and women and lifeand love-as two wise men will talk, youknow-he behind his counter in slovenChinese tunic, you know the shirt-like thingthey wear, or you don't know, and I in mynifty evening clothes, with my raincoatover my arm. While we were talking an­other Sikh came up who could talk Chinese.He asked the manager to ask J)1e if Ger­many and England were still fighting I Yousee, these Sikhs have no paper of theirown; they have heard vaguely there is warbetween Germany and England, and as theyare intensely patriotic for Great Britain,they ask. Two or three have asked me.Well, finally the manager and I parted,promising to meet again. We shall.There have been . some great dramasaround these parts in the last two weeks,with Great Britain and probably Americataking leading parts. A lot of destinytrembled for a long time. The inside storywould make the most fascinating storyever written, because China, unlike anyother part of the world, involves everygreat power. It is" amazing how little ofit ever gets to the Occident or how littlethe Occident understands the working ofthe forces. The next great war will be overChina. And it is more likely that Japan'snext great war will be with Great. Britainrather than America, unless Great Britain,with usual British righteousness, makesAmerica the goat and lets it do it, I speakonly from what I have been reading andhearing from long residents. I don't pr e-:tend to any inside knowledge myself.September 13.But as for the language-God help me 1The first month I was proud. of myself. Ithought it was easy. I used to go aboutwith Tsze Yu-shun, my teacher, to hisclubba (Tsze for club) and there patter­fancy pattering Chinese-simple heathensentences to the dashing clubmen theregathered. Well, I thought I was smart anda regular Chinese and I could almost smellmyself.Then the sentences became a little morecomplicated and 1 was disillusioned. Yousee, there are a limited number of soundsin the Mandarin language, as well as otherChinese languages, with the result that thesame sound has various meanings. I hes­itate to count up all the things that "Wang"means. Suffice to say that its general rangeis from "toward" to "king." And as for Hsien and Lie and Maa-O Billie! Andyoong and goong and ling. 0 Bill!Thus, one day I will get it firmly in mymind that yoong means public. I say it tomyself all day and repeat to myself varioussentences with yoong in them. At night Ishall be convinced that I have learned forall time the word JJoO'/'/'g. The next morn­ing Mr. Tsze comes. We go to the nextlesson. Th er e we have "lose, honest­yoong.""What the --," you say to Mr. Tsze;"I thought that thing meant public.""Belong this, too,". he says, grinning.Well, I get that down: yoong-public,lose, honest. And I say to him, "They be­long all-same sound?""No, no all-same, littee different."We go on. I get that down and by nightI know that. The next morning comesMr. Tsze. We go to the next lesson. Andthere we have "cheap, generous, to believe,to die-.},oong.n I stare and stammer andstare."What the --?" I say again; "I thoughtthat meant public, lose, honest.""Belong this, too," he says, grinning.And I say to him, "They belong all-samesound ?""N 0, all different.""Well, what is public?""Yoong.n"Well, that is lose, honest.""No, that no lose, honest.""Well, what is lose, honest?""Yoong.n"Isn't that public?""No, that belong lose, honest.""Well, what is public?""Yoong.nAnd so on with "cheap, generous, to' be­lieve, to die," and I get red in the face,whereupon to pacify me he invites me to afeast at a singsong house. And the nextday we get "thief, blue, bread-Joong/'and I dash my brains out on the wall. Stickto English, Bin; it's a language, not a ham­burger steak.These are exciting days around theseparts because of the pro-Monarchy agita­tion. It looks as if Yuan Shih-k'ai, the oldscoundrel, will become monarch. The in­tricacies of Chinese politics make the tarifflook as sirnp le as lottoes. The chief phe­nomenon is a sudden death from acuteindigestion, superinduced by overindulgencein arsenic and similar Chinese confections.I t is a matter of coincidence that those soafflicted are always opposed to the govern­ment. Two nights ago our worthy contem­porary, the .Ya Sih Ya Pao, was blownup by a bomb and three were killed andthirteen wounded. The Ya Sih Ya Pao isthe pro-Monarchy organ, subsidized byYuan. It's a grand life to be the oppositionparty in China.November 2.You may be interested to know of myplans. I am leaving the middle of nextSMALL GIFTSweek-I was to have gone the first of this;ponth, but the office asked me to stay and(help out in a busy period-for Peking, Likethe German who wrote to a friend in NewYork, "Run over to Kansas City sorne Sun­clay afternoon and see my cousin Max,' youmay think that this is an afternoon's jaunt.My dear barbarian friend, Peking is twoclays' journey from here by rail. I shall gothere via Nanking, Pukow and Tientsin. Ishall stay in Peking about ten days or soand then go to Tokyo, also by rail. Thiswill be a fine trip, as I shall cross NorthChina, .South Manchuria and Korea-goingfrom the Korean coast to the west Japanesecoast by boat-and then cross Japan byrail. It will be four days and four nightson the train, but distinctly worth while, asI shall probably stop off at Mukden, Chang­ehun, and the ancient city of Seoul.I shall arrive in Tokyo the end of thismonth-dead broke. What I shall do thereI don't know. I may pick up some workon one of the two papers there-and I maynot. But they are building a number ofrailway extensions in Japan now and thereare good openings laying ties. And rice,you know, is cheap. If the fields of jour­nalism and tie-laying do not materialize Isuppose I shall come home-and join, Godhelp me, the Friday noon parties at Weegh­man's, where we shall exchange wittyshouts over the clatter of plates. Youheathen! 0 you heathen! As our greatMencius says, "Why throw the plates ifthey don't break?"I have eaten more, Chinese chow the lastweek than any 5,000,000 people in Americain all their lives. And that doesn't meanchop suey, either-which, I may say, is asChinese as lager beer.Have you ever carved a duck with chopsticks? Bear in mind that you can't takeone stick in one hand and the other in theother. No, sir, you hold both in the fingersof the right hand and manipulate the fowlapart that way. Try it. It's great sport.I finally succeeded, but I had a hard timegetting off anything but the skin. I gotbold of one end of the skin and pulled,thereby fleecing the poor duck from neckto tail. It was a sight. That made me madand I went back to work for meat. Per­severing, I succeeded, but there was duckin many parts of the rooms that I shouldhave had. You see, I was the first one atmy table who happened to want duck andnaturally had to cut it up to get some.Y au adjure me to take my local color inthrough the eyes and beware disease. Imay say that my not being dead of cholera,smallpox, etc., by this time is merely anaccident. Ail the places I've been in andhave eaten! I've been scrupulously carefulmost of the time, but every once in a whileI simply can't help letting down a bit-andthe rest I hate to tell you. I have eaten ina sing-song house. And in another sing-.song house I have sucked an an opium pipe 261that had just passed around five other Chi­nese, including Mr. Tsze. Only one puff;the stuff is nauseating. It would kill me.Shanghai, November 15.Well, old top, I'm off in a few hours.I'm still working, however. At 10:15 to­night I shall write the last paragraph. editthe last piece of copy, scurry through mydesk for my personal papers, put on myhat and go to the train, which leaves at 11.I have spent my idle hours the last threedays shopping for money. I am buyingfour different kinds of it and buying it insmall lots here and there to beat the ex­change. I arn getting very ingenious inbuying money. As it is, my money shrinksevery step I take. Shanghai' money is nogood in the north, of course, so I have tolose a discount of about four per cent forPeking money. Then I have to stop atTientsin and buy another ticket there, soI have to buy Tientsin money. Then Ihave to change to Japanese yen and I amalso buying some American gold, becausethe rate on it is cheap. I was proud ofmyself Saturday because I picked up $25worth of Peking money cheap-at par infact. It's great life as far as money goeshere. You ought to see me at exchangeshops haggling over the price of gold. Ibought one lot at $2.47, after beating themdown. from $2.49. Then I heard anotherguy got some for $2.48. There you are.I shall leave here with five different kindsof money in my pocket and damned Iittleof each.I saw the most dramatic trial in mv lifethis week. The military governor of Shang­hai, one of the leading Chinese militarymen, was assassinated, with his adjutant,by two rebels. I saw the rebels tried. It"vas like the incidents one reads in thenovels about the Nihilists. Those fellowskn ew they were going to death, and deathby torture it is in China, but in court theytalked proudly. defiantly, with heads up andthe eyes of fanatics with a single ideal.The look in their eyes and the way theytalked I shall never forget. They went outto what they knew was the beginning of along torture. proud and unconcerned. Icould not help thinking of the Masses.Peking, Nov. 20.On the train between Tientsin and Pe­king I had a curious meeting. While chang­ing trains in Tientsin I had bought a copyof the English paper printed there. I leftit on my seat and a young Chinese sittingnear me borrowed it. As we were pullinginto Peking I was wondering which of thetwo gates to get off at, and knowing thathe could read English I went over andasked him. He pulled out his watch totell me what time we would arrive and sus­pended from it there was-a Phi BetaKappa key.I spoke' to him about it and soon wehad dropped into the subject of politics asreadily as two men on an American train'262 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwould baseball. He was a bitter anti­monarchist and though guarded at firstspoke frankly later. Then we introducedourselves and I learned that he was oneof the three private secretaries of the vice­president, Li Yuan-hung. (Remember, thetrain between Tientsin and Peking, whichare only fifty miles or so apart, is a localone and the better class of Chinese travelsecond class on it.)Well, we had an interesting talk, but aswe left the train and were going throughthe gate-the gate, that is, the wall of Pe­king-I lost him. But I determined to findhim, though I had nothing but his name,and succeeded. Yesterday I had him overfor tiffin and after tiffin he took me to thevice-presiden t' s yamen. I t is a wonderfulplace and, incidentally, I am one of thefew foreigners who has been through. Likeeverything else in Peking, it is in a hu-tung,or alley, and is surrounded by a dilapidatedwall about twelve feet high. Externally itlooks like a brick yard. Once inside thewall and you see a beautiful estate severalacres in extent, with thirty or forty pavil­ions and summer houses, ponds, bridges,gardens, crooked little stone paths and alabyrinth of narrow roads-all laid out inthe picturesque, semi-grotesque Chinesefashion..And as we wandered did we discuss Con­fucius? We did not. We were crossingan arched bridge over a pretty little fishpond when Kuo turned to me suddenly andsaid:"O! by the way, who won the world'sseries?" I nearly jumped into the vice­presidential fish pond.· You see, he was astudent of Pennsylvania and while in Phil- adelphia became an Athletics fan. He madesome sage remark about Connie Mack and. then said:"Is MacInnis still playing?"I forgot I was in the vice-presidentialyarnen ; I forgot he was the vice-president'ssecretary."Who in Penn is MacInnis?" I said.Tokyo, December l.The trip from Peking to this fair citywas long, but very interesting. I had myThanksgiving dinner in the Yamato Hotel,Mukden, Manchuria. It was rotten, and asI had run out of both Chinese and Japanesemoney and had only American gold left itwas scanty.Incidentally, never speculate in gold. Ihad my fill. As I couldn't take Shanghaimoney to Peking and didn't want to changefor Peking money, then Japanese money, Idecided to buy American gold or Japaneseyen in Shanghai. Just as I was leaving Igot a chance to buy American gold cheap­$2.45. I decided to buy it and then changeit for yen when I got here, figuring that theAmerican gold rate was higher and wouldbe at a premium here.A week later in Peking I priced gold-s-andit was worth $2.35. Had I waited I could havegot 5 per cent more. Then through run­ning out of Chinese money and hav.ng torecash my gold twice, once for Chineseand once for yen at unfavorable rates, Ilost more, so that my little nest-egg. shrankabout 8 per cent in two weeks. It's theway in China. Buying and selling moneyis a business and some people make moneyjust speculating in it. But I took one flingand in that one week gold took the biggestdrop it has taken in a year.What Is College For?[Speech of Associate Professor Hoxie of the de­partment of political economy at the junior collegefinals.]Since the publication of Ernest Poole's"The Harbor," there has been a sharp re­vival of the time-worn criticism of collegelife and training as something which neitherserves the old ideal of culture nor yet in­spires the student to a keener interest inthe vital problems of life, nor fits him toplay a wiser and stronger part in the prac­tical struggle for existence and for humanbetterment.Poole, who spent his four scholastic yearsin an Eastern University of great repute,where a special effort has been made torevivify the educational process, picturescollege life as an arid waste, so far as thesethings are concerned. He went to collegefor this sort of inspiration and training,but he soon found that they were not tobe had, as a matter of course, and that toseek them seriously was only to "queer"himself. He was too. energetic indeed to bemade over into a mere, passive recipient of the "dull dronings" of the faculty, andhe soon turned from the academic aspect tothe more realistic affairs of college life."At all hours of the day and night" hetells us, "to. the almost entire neglect ofstudies, I went about college digging upnews-not the trivial news of the Faculty'sdull, puny plans for the development ofour minds, .but the real vital news of ourcollege life, news of the things we werehere for, the things by which men got on,news of all the athletic teams, of the glee,mandolin and banjo clubs, of 'proms,' ofclass and fraternity elections, mass meet­ings and parades" * * * "Together withmy companions, I .assurned a genial toler­ance toward all those poor dry devils knownto us as 'profs'" * * * "I remember theweary sighs of our old college president,as. he monotoned through his lectures onEthics to the tune of the cracking of pea­nuts." * * * "We were good to [thePhysics 'prof] because of his sense ofhumor-he used to stop talking now andWHAT IS COLLEGE FOR?then, and, with a quizzical, hopeless smile,he would look about the hall And wewould all smile broadly back, enjoying tothe full with him the droll farce of ourpresence here." * *. * "The Faculty, asa whole, appeared to me no less fatigued.Most of them lectured as though gettingtired, the others as tired out. There werea few lonely exceptions, but they had tofight against heavy odds." * * * "Whata desert of knowledge it was back there."* * * "The main idea in all the courseswas to do what you had to, but no more."* * * "At first, I honestly tried to 'pole'to find whether, after all, I could not breakthrough the hard dry crust of books andlectures down into what I called 'the realstuff.' But the deeper I dug, the dryer itgrew. Vaguely I felt that here was crustand only crust, and that for some reasonor other, it was meant that "this should beso, because in the fresh bubbling springsand deep blazing fires whose presence Icould feel below, there was something ir­ritating to the 'profs,' and disturbing tothose who paid them. These 'profs' I thoughtconfusedly had about as much to do withlife as had that little 'hero of God,' whohad cut such a pitiful figure when he cameclose to the Harbor. And more pitiful stillwere the 'polers,' the chaps who were work­ing for high marks." * * * "Theythrived on crust, those fellows, crammingthemselves with words and rules, with facts,dates, theorems and figures in order to be­come professors themselves, and teach thesame stuff to other 'polers.''' * * *"Then I found Joe Kramer" * * *"'We've been cheated, Bill,' he told me"* * * "'Do you know who is to blamefor this stuff' "? * * * "'It's not the'profs'" * * * "'No, it's us, because westand for their line of drool. If we gotright up on our hunkies and howled, allof us, for a real education, we'd get it bynext Saturday night.'''N ow I do not for a moment believethat this is a fair characterization of collegeteaching generally, and of the meaning ofcollege to the great body of students thecountry over. I knot» that it is not true ofour own institution, whose special missionfrom the beginning was to break throughthe crust, particularly through the crustof hampering collegiate conventions, andget down to the vital realities below, andwhose efforts to do so I have followed asstudent and teacher since its doors swungopen in '92. But the fact that Poole's pic­ture of college life has met with a quickand strong confirmatory response leavesno doubt that there is some truth in it as abroad generalization, and warns us of adanger to which we, as one member of thecollegiate body, inevitably influenced by itsideals and traditions, are exposed.It is fitting, therefore, that we shouldtake stock on an occasion of this kind, and 263ask ourselves: "What is college really for;are we putting into it, and getting out ofit all that we ought; if not, why not, andhow can we go about making the actualityconform more closely to the ideal"?What, then, is college for? There is onlyone answer possible if we are to voice thespirrt of the age. It is to train men andwomen for action in the world; to makethem conscious of the nature and the mean­ing of the varied and intricate problemsinvolved in the struggle for human bet­terment under the conditions of modernlife; to inspire them with a crusading spirit,and fit them, as far as possible, to take astrong and active part, to become leadersin fact, in the effort to solve, on the highest·plane, measured in terms of welfare andefficiency, the problems which they will haveto face in after years, whether as teachersscientists, business and professional me�and women, or in any other live occupation.The old idea that college is a thing apartfrom real life, that its purpose is merelycultural-to breed up a privileged class topolite accomplishments, stuffed with politebut useless or unusable information-c-is one,thank Heaven, that cannot long persist inthe modern atmosphere. Not that the mod­ern idea deprecates culture, whether in theform of knowledge and practice of socialamenities or scholarly information, but thatit demands much more than this from thosewho have the college privilege. It demandsthat ameliorative purpose and use shall bethe dominant note in the life of the col­lege-bred man.Do we then, as a matter of fact, liveup to this ideal-in .the scope and arrange­ment of our curriculum, in the spirit andmethod of our instruction, in. the selectionof studies which you, as students, make;in the manner in which you pursue thesestudies; in your general college activitiesoutside the regular college work?Have you felt yourself moving in anatmosphere which impels you to acquireknowledge and understanding for· the sakeof the definite ameliorative uses to whichit can be put? Have you felt yourselvessteadily growing in ideals, knowledge andpower, which should fit you .for action andleadership when you leave college? Hascollege been putting you into closer touchwith life, and giving you a more definiteunderstanding of the problems of living, anda deeper insight into the conditions andforces which must be met and overcome inthe practical solution of these problems?You alone can answer these questions, eachone for himself.Insofar as you cannot give clear and af­firmative answers, there must be somethingessentially lacking, either in us as individualteachers and students, or in our purposesand methods as a college body. If there issomething thus lacking, what is it, and howcan this want, if it exists, be overcome?264 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEErnest Poole and most of those whohave followed him in the criticism of thecharacter and results of college training,attribute the lack of training and vital effi­ciency which, they claim, exists, to a com­plex of forces, some of which run back tothe ideals and formative influences Of thehomes and home communities from whichthe students come. But with a good dealof unanimity, they tend to put the chiefblame upon the college itself-the idealswhich it fosters, and the way in which itdoes its work, and particularly, they placeresponsibility for the deficiencies which theypoint out on the members of the teachingstaff. Lack of virility, of worthwhileness inwhat the teacher brings to the attention ofthe student and in the teaching methodsthemselves is to them the vital college in­efficiency as measured by true educationalvalues.Suppose that we grant hypothetically thetruth of this diagnosis. What, then, is thereal nature of the college malady, and whatis its cure? Obviously, the real difficultylies in the fact that the attractions of thecollege sideshows--the athletic and socialfeatures-make a stronger appeal to the in­terest of the students than the attractionsof the main tent-the classroom. If thisbe true, the remedy is equally clear. It isnot to be found in any mere mechanical de­vices-systems of grading, or rules in re­gard to cuts, or amounts of collateralreading, rewards for "grinds," and punish­ments for the lazy, or for those who seek afuller draught of life than is afforded bythe regular college work. The real remedyis to make the instruction given by theteacher so vital and so virile that, withoutmechanical pressure upon the students, itcan compete successfully in their mindswith the spontaneous, unregulated interestsand influences of college life. That it cancompete successfully, not only for the in­terest of the "grinds," but for that of thevigorous, full-blooded, typical Americanman and woman, seeking and searching forexperience and action. Given this situation,and the teacher can be trusted to deal withany individuals who, in the minds of a wellknown efficiency expert, need a "punch."But is it possible to get a quality of teach-ing that can do this? If so, what kind ofteaching would it have to be? I believethat it is possible. If it were frankly ad­mitted by all of us that no course of studyis worth while, which, in its content and inits method, does not bring the student intocloser touch with real life, which does notgive him a grip on the problems which hewill have to face in his individual strugglewith the world, and as an effective citizen,and which cannot help him toward a prac­tical solution of these problems; if, at thebeginning of every course, it were franklyexamined from this viewpoint and the vitalproblems in whose iriterest it should be undertaken were clearly set forth, or theabsence of any connection with any vitalproblems were clearly recognized, and thecourse eliminated; if the student could bemade to understand t-hat mere facts in them­selves mean nothing apart from their in­terpretation, and that the purpose of aworth while course is not to cram themwith facts for facts' sake ad nauseam, but isthe vital interpretation of a vital body offacts; if at every step, in every course, thisinterpretation of facts were carried backtill it was linked up in an illuminating waywith the students' own questionings of lifeand with the part which he feels impelled toplay in it, and; if throughout, the effortof the teacher were directed toward stimu­lating inquiry, and calling out spontaneousand vigorous self-express ion-if all ourteaching could be done in this spirit and inthis way, I believe that it could and wouldcompete successfully with the other inter­ests of college life without external aids, andwe should hear no more of our failure tobreak through the crust down to the fresh,bubbling springs and deep blazing fireswhose presence we all feel below, or of thequestion: "What is college for"?.For a college curriculum made up of suchcourses could no.t fail, it seems to me, togrip the varied life interests of the studentsin the same. direct way that the courses inthe technical schools fasten upon the at­tention of their students, but with a morebroadening and enriching content. The fu­ture business man, for example, would findin such a course how and why as an in­dustrial and financial head he will be face toface with inexorable problems not only ofeconomics, but of ethics, politics, govern­ment, law, 'science, and how he will bebound, if he is to be an efficient citizen aswell as producer, to understand and dealwisely with his employes, concerning a hun­dred different matters, involving ideals andstandards of social welfare, growing outof existent conditions. He will find thatthe web of life is one intricate whole; thatone interest involves' all interests; that tounderstand completely one aspect of life,there is required an interpretation of the,whole; that the college years give him aninestimable opportunity to visualize lifefrom the standpoint of his most vital in­terest, to comprehend its import thus andits richness in possibilities of effective ac­tion for the man who does comprehend it.And what is true in this one case is truein any other. There is no human interestthat, if properly followed out, is not foundto be closely bound up with life and so­ciety. The right kind of teaching will bringthe study of ancient languages-as it wasactually brought by President Harper-intothe closest and most intimate touch with. our daily interests and make it bristle withinterpretation significant in terms of dailyliving.WHAT IS COLLEGE FOR?But can we get this kind of teaching uni­versally? Obviously to teach in, this wayand to make a success of it, so that thevigorous college men and women will findit competing successfully for their interestagainst extraneous affairs, is no easy task.The teacher must throw his whole life andsoul into the undertaking. He cannot de­pend much upon text-books, but must for­mulate the problem and organize the rawmaterial himself to meet the needs of hisparticular students. He cannot work outthe course once for a11, and give it thisway year after year, he must himself growin insight constantly and must base it anew,each time, on the latest vital discoveriesand on-going events. Every course whichhe gives thus becomes for him then a con­tinuous, never-ending research problem. Hecannot sit above the students, and dole outthe -, results of his thought" and readingmerely, but must call them into close co­operative action with him. He cannot dealwith the students as a man but must try tostudy and meet their needs as individuals.All this means almost entire devotion ofenergy and time to this one thing. TheCollege administration may lose thusmuch of the broader executive cooperationof the instructor, of which it stands con­stantly in need. The teacher himself ishampered in his so-called productive ac­tivities: he runs the risk of becomingknown, outside his instituton at least, asa "mere" teacher, a phrase which has cometo carrv with it the connotation of nar­rowriess, incompetence or dilettanteism.There 1S danger thus that those whohave started out with energy and high de­votion may come in time to think: "Whatassurance is there after all that this isworth while; does the increased efficiencywhich can be traced directly to such workcompensate for such increased effort;, whynot take the teaching as a necessary evilto be disposed of in the easiest way, anddevote the energy thus saved to morescholarly or to practical pursuits"?Clearly neither the administration northe teacher can afford these sacrifices with­out positive assurance of a great, off-settingcompensation in real educational results.But given this assurance, Chicago, at least,will not be found wanting, for its historycan be plainly read as a record of attemptsto discover more efficient methods of in­struction, and to dignify and reward teach­ing efficiency.The only thing then that is neded, here,at Chicago, at least, in order to universalizethe kind of teaching that will inspire menand women with the highest ideals of liv­ing and fit them for leadership in the worldof action, is some definite standard formeasuring teaching efficiency. How can weget such a standard? Here. is where you,as students, corne into the situation as theprime factor, for while we a11 desire the 265same end, it is through your cooperationalone that ,we can formulate and put intoeffect the definite standards by means ofwhich we can attain it, for you alone canknow the actual effectiveness of our teach­ing. This formulation of standards is bothyour privilege and your duty, for if youremain undiscriminating; passive, outwardlycontent with crust, if crust be offered, mak­ing no positive demand upon us when wefail to get down to the fresh bubblingsprings and the deep, blazing fires below,we, with the best of intentions, have nomeans of determining surely whether weare giving you bread or a stone.What we really need to discover stand­ards that the situation demands is moreand freer interaction between students andteachers. Our problem is to find the variedinterests, to discover the springs of action,to meet the complex needs of all. Wecan do this only if there is the closest per­sonal and freest intellectual exchange be­tween the teacher and all his students.This interaction should extend through yourcollege but it should not be confined merelyto the time of your college residence. Thebest alumnus is the one who, after testingthe results of his college work, in activelife, gives us the benefit of his maturer judg­ment-tells us frankly what did and. whatdid not justify itself in terms of insight,power and leadership, not in a general orvague way, but specifically and pointedly.I remember when I was a student that Icame into contact with one teacher whowas worth more to me in the way of in­spiration and enlightenment than all theothers together. Did I ever let anyoneknow how helpful his' work had been ? No.I t never occurred to me to do SO till yearsafterwards, when I had lost trace of him,and touch with the institution. He was100 per cent efficient when I knew him.Hundreds of his former students are doubt­less prime movers in life because of histeaching, but was he or the school ever ableto measure and know the worth of hiswork? Not if the students were all like me.So far as I know, he may have settled'downfor lack of a standard for measuring hisaccomplishment into one of Poole's "poordry devils known to us as 'profs.'''What is college for? I say again withouthestitation that it is primarily to inspirethe students with a crusading spirit and tofit them to go out as leaders in the effort tosolve on the highest plane, measured' interms of welfare and efficiency, the prob­lems which they will face in after years.How can it live up to this ideal? Only Ibelieve, by universalizing the kind of t.each­ing which I have tried to describe. Howcan this teaching be secured? The demandfor it must come from you, and must beaccompanied with the assurance of useful­ness commensurate with the sacrifice andeffort involved.ROBERT F. noxtt;266 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDEGREES AND HONORS AT THENINETY-EIGHTH CONVOCATION[The Magazine will from this time on present regu­larly the list of degrees and honors conferred atconvocations; Up to the present time these lists havebeen printed only on the convocation programs. Two 'changes are made from the program. Only thenames will be, listed here of those 'receiving thebachelor's, master's or doctor's degree (including the]. D.); and the list will be arranged geographically,for greater' convenience of consultation.-Ed.]AlabamaBeatrice-Mary Goode Stallworth (S. B..in Education). ,Crossville-Archie Rudolph Rucks (Ph, B.).Mobile-Miles Delmar Sutton (Ph. B. inEducation). 'ArkansasLittle Rock-Laird Thomas Hites (A. M.).ColoradoColorado Springs-Stephen Rapson Cur­tis (J. D.).IllinoisChicago-e-Morr is Aronson (Ph. B.); Mar­jorie Barr (Ph. B.); Augusta HenriettaBohlen (Ph. B.); Helen Marie Brownell(Ph. B.); Henrietta Petrea Christensen(S. B.); George Morris Eckels (S. B.); ElsieJane Erickson (Ph. B.); Harry John Flood,Jr. (S. B.); Harry Gauss (S. M.); BenjaminBerl Grichter (S. B.); David Gustafson(A. B.); Arthur Wing Haupt (S. B.);Blanche Horan (S. B. in Education); EdwinDillman Hull (S. M.); Emita McCormickJewett (Ph. B.); Beatrice, Eugenia Lee(Ph. B.) ; Richard Perry Matthews (Ph. B.);Nellie Angela Nolan (Ph. B.); Sarah Mc­Gaughey Oakley (A. B.); Sidney AlexanderPortis (S. B.); .Haskell Smith Rhett(Ph. B.); Ethel Frances Russell (Ph. B. inEducation) ; Sydney Lombard Sayre (Ph. B.) ;Arthur Garrett Scanlan (Ph. B.); DorotheaCharlotte Schmidt (Ph. B.); Arthur RichardSchweitzer (Ph. D.); Maurice James Sher­man (S. B.); Spencer Gordon Stoltz (S. B.);Harry Henry Strauch (S. B.); Arthur Te­ninga (S. B.); Ruth Van Buskirk Thomas(Ph. B.); Claire Votaw (Ph. B.); MarieAdelheid Heise Wahl (Ph. B.).Cicero-Regina Josephine Friant (Ph. B.in Education).Downers Grove-Ruth Marion Smart(A. B.).Harvey-Lynden Even Hoffman (Ph. B.).Ipava-Lois Diehl (Ph. B.).Walnut-Arthur Wakefield Slaten (Ph. D.).IndianaColumbia City-Arthur Budd Carter (S.B.).Indianapolis-Maurice Levinson HeimsG. D.).Monroe City-Slater Bartlow, Jr. (A. M.).IowaCedar Falls-Bertha S. Hansen (Ph. B.In Education).Centerville-Aravilla Meek Taylor (S.M.).Clinton-Clarissa Hart Schuyler (S. B.in Education). Mount Auburn-Harry Clyde Trimble(S. M.).Sumner-Robert Guy Buzzard (S. B.).Washington-John Walker Fisher (J.D.).KansasParsons-Edna Blanche Morrison (Ph.B.).MichiganAllegan-Edith Perrigo Abell (Ph. B. inEducation) .Bay City-Milton Almon Brown (J. D.)MissouriClarksville-Stephen Cornish (Ph. B.).Kansas City-Ethel Belle Mott (S. B.).NebraskaLincoln-George Konrad Karl Link (Ph.D.).Omaha-Paul McIlvaine (S. B.).New HampshireDover-Edith Adelaide Roberts (Ph. D.).New JerseyCamden-Marie Safford Bender (A. M.)New YorkCharlotte-Alice Post Tabor (Ph. D.).Troy-Edgar Charles Smith (A. M.).OhioMansfield-Mary Catherine Irwin (S. B.in Education).Newark-Jay Tudor Border (J. D.).PennsylvaniaMeadville-Donald Henry Matthaei (Ph.B.).Wayne-Esther Clarkson Mayer Steele(Ph. B.).York-Grace Frantz Balloch (Ph. B.).South DakotaCanton-Conrad Lun Kjerstad (A. M.).TennesseeKingsport-Clyde Coleman (Ph. D.).TexasDecatur-s-Embry Martin Gettys (A. M.).Muenster-William Albert Jackson (A.M.).UtahLogan-George Morgan Fister (S. B.).VirginiaClintwood-Walter Blaine Phipps (J. D.).Oceana-Ernest 'Lee Ackiss (A. M.).West VirginiaMorgantown-William Reynolds Thacher(A. M.) WisconsinBeloit-Walter Willis Hammond (J. D.).CanadaBrantford-Ernest Ernshal Sayles (D.B.).Elgin, Manitoba-James Ernest Moffat(A. M.).Mountain, Ontario-James Banford Me­Kendry (A. M.).ChinaSoochow-Hai An Chen (A. M.) .JapanShizuokaken-Seiichi Murakami (A. M.).The Bachelor's Degree was conferredwith Honors on the following students:Marjorie Barr; Augusta Henrietta Boh-THE MON.TH AT THE UNIVERSITYlen; Arthur Budd Carter; David Gustafson;Arthur Wing Haupt; Mary Catherine Ir­win; Beatrice Eugenia Lee; Mary GoodeStallworth; Esther Clarkson Mayer Steele;Ruth Van Buskirk Thomas; Claire Votaw;Marie Adelheid Heise Wahl.Honors for excellence in particular de­partments of the Senior Colleges were. awarded to the following students:Augusta Henrietta Bohlen, German; Ar­thur Budd Carter, Chemistry; Arthur WingHaupt, Botany; Mary Catherine Irwin,Home Economics and Household Art; Bea­trice Eugenia Lee, German; Mabelle AgnesPayton, General Literature and English;Mary Goode Stallworth, Education; EstherClarkson Mayer Steele, History; SpencerGordon Stoltz, Chemistry; Harry HenryStrauch, Chemistry.Members are elected to Sigma a Xi onnomination by the Departments of Sciencefor evidence of ability in research work inscience. The eelction of the fololwing stu­dents-was announced: 267Joseph Oliver Balcar; Ellinor HeleneBehre; Holly Reed Bennett; Josiah Bridge;James William Buchanan; William ErnestCary; Catherine Lines Chapin; HaroldHardesty Downing; Caroline Austin Duror;Emanuel Bernard Fink; Albert WilliamGiles; Robert Wood Keeton; Conrad LunKjer stad ; Karl Konrad Koessler; JamesEleazar Lebensohn; Flora Elizabeth LeStourgeon; Carl Vernon Lynch; Paul Mac­Clintock; Bertram Reid MacKay; Tada­chika Minoura; Louis David Moorhead;William Pinkerton Ott; Louis AugustusPechstein; Lloyd Kendrick Riggs; CurtRosenow; Margaret Calderwood Shields;John Claude Waller; Louie Winfield Webb.Members are elected to the Beta of Illi­nois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa on nom­ination by the University .for especial dis­tinction in general scholarship in the U ni­versity. The election of the following stud­ents was announced:J ames Greenleaf Brown; David Gustaf­son.The Month at the UniversityFebruary 21Washington Promenade, in Bartlett Gym.nasium.February 22Swimming team defeated the University ofPittsburgh, 37 to 31.February 23Mathematical Club.February 24George Sherwood Eddy, under the auspicesof the Y. M. C. A.Mr. Seymour Stedman, of the Chicago Bar,before the Intercollegiate Socialist So­ciety.Physics Club, Philosophical Club, ReligiousEducation Club, and History Club.February 25Interclass Basketball-Juniors defeat Soph­omores and win championship.Cup Races-Quarter mile-and Interclasstrack.Mr. L. O. Armstrong, of the Bureau ofCommercial Economics, Washington, D.c., on "The Canadian Prairies."Mr. Owen Reed Lovejoy, General Secre­tary of the National Child Labor Com.mission, on "Recent Progress in ChildLabor Legislation."February 26Cosmopolitan Club.Basketball-Illinois, 31; Chicago, 13.Swimming-Northwestern, 31; Chicago, 37. February 27Professor Hugh Black, D. D., Union Theo­logical Seminary, New York City, U ni­versity Preacher.Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Vespers.February 28Mr. Floyd E. Moody, of Isabella, Luzon,Philippine . Islands, before the StudentVolunteer Band.February 29Botanical Club, Women's Classical Club,Semi tics Club.March 1Hon. Francis Neilson, member of Parlia­ment, under the auspices of the Univer­sity of Chicago Branch of the Women'sPeace Party; "Towards Democracy."Junior Mathematical Club, Philological So­ciety, Forum.Swimming-Illinois, 19; Chicago, 49.March 2Women's Basketball- Juniors, 24; Se­niors, 9.Assistant Professor Harper: "Russia inWar Time."Annual Divinity School Dinner; Address.by Dr. Coulter.Physics Club, Kent Chemical Society.March 3Faculty-Student Dinner, Hutchinson Com.mons., President Judson, guest of honor;268 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDean Linn and Oliver Murdock, Presi­dent of Undergraduates' Council, speak­ers.Reynolds Club Election; W. M. Templeton,'17, President.Freshman Dance, Reynolds Club.Graduates Women's Club, Germanic Club.Basketball-Ohio State, 12; Chicago, 27.March 4Track-Ohio State', 30%; Chicago, 55Yz.March 5Professor Hugh Black, D. D., UniversityPreacher.Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Vespers.March 6Dr. E. J. Strick, Medical Missionary andUnited States Health Officer at Amoy,China, before the Student VolunteerBand.Cosmopolitan Club, Church History Club.March 7 �Mr. James E. West, National Executivefor the -Boy Scouts of America: "BoyScouts and National Pr epar edness."Graduate Classical Clubs.March 8President Judson appointed Committee onSanitation and Hygiene.Mathematical Club, Christian Science So­ciety, Forum.Basketball-Wisconsin, 24; Chicago, 12.March 9Glee Club Election.Physics Club,' French Club, PhilosophicalClub, History Club.March 10Cup Races, Mile, and Interclass Track.Swimming-Wisconsin" 16; Chicago, 52.Education Club.March 11Basketball-Minnesota, 14; Chicago, 20.Gymnastics-Wisconsin, 1250'.25; Chicago,1210.75.Wrestling-Wisconsin, 0; Chicago, 19.Fencing-Wisconsin, 6; Chicago, 15.March 12Rev. George Hanson, Erskine PresbyterianChurch, Montreal, Canada, Urriver sityPreacher.Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Vespers.March 13Student Volunteer Band, New Testamentand Systematic Theology Clubs.March 14Women's Basketball-Junior College, 18;Senior College, 12. Junior II, 7; One­thirty Class, O.Freshman Luncheon, Hutchinson Cafe.Mr. Frank B. \iVilliams, of the New York Bar: "City Planning 111 the UnitedStates. I. The Legal Aspect."Botanical Club, Religious Education Club,Biological Club.March 15Mr. Frank Williams: "City Planning inthe United States. II. The Public Fea­tures."Mr. Henry Berger, Jr., and Mr. Frank I vesJones: "The Columbia River Highwayand the Oregon Country." (Illustratedwith natural color photographs.)Forum, Junior Mathematical Club.March 16Women's Basketball-JunUors defeated Se­niors, 19 to 3, and 'won Championship.Mr. Frank Williams: "City Planning inthe United States. III. The Private Fea­tures."The Marquis and Marchioness of Aber­deen and Temair: "The Transformationof Rural Ireland." (Tllustrated.)Physics Club.March 17Junior Class Dance, Reynolds Club.Three-Quarters Club Smoker to Freshmen,Delta Tau Delta House.Quarterly Meeting of the Beta of IllinoisChapter of Phi Beta Kappa.Mr. Frank Williams: "City Planning inthe United States. IV. Administration."Senior Class reached decision to createScholarship Fund as class gift.Swimming-N orthwestern and Chicago tiedin Conference meet.March 18Indoor Conference Track Meet. (See "Ath­letics.")March 19Convocation. Sunday, Professor Gerald B.Smith, Convocation Preacher.Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Vespers.March 20Miss Ellinor Fell and Miss Florence Scho­field, under the auspices of the FrenchClub: "The Society for the Educationand Care of the Fatherless Children ofFrance." .The Convocation Reception, HutchinsonHall. Guest of Honor: Professor JamesLawrence Laughlin.March 21The Ninety-eighth Convocation. ProfessorJames Lawrence Laughlin, Ph. D., Headof the Department of Political Economy,Convocation Address: "Economic Lib­erty."March 22, 23, 24Examinations. rMarch 25 to AprilThe Spring Recess.Greeting To Our Oldand New SubscribersIn the last month we have added a great many new subscribersto the :MAGAZINE.\Ve hold out the hand of good-fellowship to you, new readers,and welcome you cordially. Our one desire is to be of some useand value to YCfU. Support and encourage us when you can; adviseus when you think we might do better.You older subscribers, many of whom have been with us foryears, we are particularly relying on you. Help us to make thisquarter-centennial year phenomenal.Don't forget to renew your own subscriptions promptly, andwith every renewal send along a new subscription for someone else.vVe are a big Association now; let's grow bigger all the timeand do big things. With co-operation on the part of all of us, wecan and will do so.Sincerely yours,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJ. W. LINN) Editor.J. F. MOULDS) Business Manager.'Jl!iF Within the last year and a half the MAGAZINE has been increasedfrom 24 pages to 56 pages. More articles of interest more cuts, morepersonal news items have been added. Every additional subscriptionreceived makes further improvement possible and contributes to the use­fulness of the MAGAZINE.270 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE UNIVERSITY RECORDTwo recent publications by members ofthe faculty will be of great interest toalumni. Dr. Ferdinand Schevill, Professorof History, has written The Making of Mod­ern Germany. The book, which is workedover from a series of lectures delivered lastyear under the auspices of the UniversityLecture Association, begins with the dis­integration of Germany in the middle agesand discusses the slow formation of thepresent German empire and .its place inEuropean history. Professor Robert Her­rick has published The World Decision, aselection from his articles on the war whichappeared in the Chicago Sunday Tribunethroughout 1915.Through the courtesy of Mr. Charles R.Crane the Russian Cathedral Choir willgive a concert in Mandel Hall at the Uni­versity on the afternoon of May. 2.Professor Paul Shorey, of the Departmentof Greek, has recently given the Lowell In­stitute Lectures in Boston, the general sub­ject of the series being "Aspects of Pla­tonism in European Literature." ProfessorShorey was the director of the AmericanSchool of Classical Studies at Athens in1901-2, Turnbull Lecturer in Poetry atJohns Hopkins University in 1912, Roose­velt Exchange Professor at the Universityof Berlin in 1913-14, and has been presidentof the American Philological Association.Frederick Starr, Associate Professor ofAnthropology, who has been on leave ofabsence from the University for six months,was recently the guest of honor at the an­nual dinner of the University of ChicagoAlumni Club in Tokyo, Japan. Twenty-onepersons, several of them Japanese, were atthe dinner, and Ernest Wilson Clement pre­sided as toastmaster. Professor Starr hasbeen spending the Autumn and WinterQuarters in Japan and Korea. but has re­turned to take up his work at the Universityin the Spring Quarter.The record of the fraternities in scholar­ship for the autumn quarter is given below,with a comparison for the preceding au­tumn quarter. On the whole, the fraternityscholarship is steadily, if very gradually,bettering. As usual, the ups and downs arevery marked. Perhaps the most notableadvance is made by Kappa Sigma, from18th to 3rd, though Delta Upsilon's risefrom 13th to 1st is noteworthy. However,Delta Upsilon has been at the top before, while- Kappa Sigma has for years been 111the "second division" or worse. Delta TauDelta also shows great improvement, andPhi Kappa Psi betters the high positionwon last year after some years near thebottom. The drop of Sigma Alpha Epsilonfrom 1st to 15th is somewhat astonishing;Alpha Delta Phi goes from 2nd to 12th, andSigma Nu, in dropping from 8th to 18th,turns in the worst record of any chapterin any quarter since the first compilation ofthese records. It may be added that theThree-quarters Club, this fall, averaged 2.26grade points per major taken-higher thanthe general average either of all pledges orof all pledges and members together. Thetable follows:Record of the Undergraduate Fraternities and Houses,Autumn Quarter, 1915.Grade Pointsper Mj. Taken.!c:�.!c:� <U�@ @ �C!< C!< �Delta Up-silon .13 1 C(+) 3.09 2.53 2.81 12 12Phi KappaPsi .. 6 2 C( +) 2.67 2.82 2.73 14 10K a p p aSigma.18Beta Phi 3Chi Psi .. 15Delta TauDelta .16Del t aSigmaPhi .. 12 7 C( +) 2.42 2.6 2.508 10 10Sigm aChi .. 14 8 CPsi Up-silon . 9 9 CBetaThetaFi .... 7 10 CD eo I t aKappaEpsilon 4 11 CA I p h aDel taPhi .. 2 12 CPhiGammaDelta .. 11 13 CAlphaTauOmega. 5 14 CSigmaAlphaEpsilon 1 15 C-(+) '1.8 1.25 1.55 15 12Phi DeltaTheta.17 16 C-( +) 2.32 1.09 1.528PhiKappaSigma.10 17 C­Sigrna Nu 8 18 D( +)All frater­nities ..LincolnHouse. 2 1 C(+) 2.75 2.83 2.76 12Was h-ingtonHouse. 1 2 C(+) 2.58� �00 00Frater- ,...; ,...;nity- � �3 C(+)4 C(+)5 C(+>6 C(+) 2.54 2,85 2.7012.529 3.666 2.72.85 2.24 2.532.236 2.866 2.514 86 76 19 10 416813 102.67 1.79 2.452.623 2.305 2.461 12 12242.5.8 2.252.38 2.384 2.382 142.14 2.221.71 2.38 2.021.74 2.293 22.14.43 .63 1.41.76 .582.12 2.22 219 181 107c 2.3 62.42 18 1713 112.17 20 12 612 10 911 1012107 962.58THE LETTER BOX 271.The Letter BoxTo the Editor:This is a protest you can publish, if it'sany use, but which in any case it relievesmy mind to write:Of all hollow mockeries, and solemnfarces, indicative of virulent indifference tothe very alumni loyalty which is beingmore or less mechanically cooked up, theworst is the changing of the date of theQuarter-Centennial Celebration: to a weekwhen every hard-working school teacherin the land, from country school to college,will be tied tightest to his post-save onlythe leisure class our alma mater fosters!What sort of a "Home Coming" can therebe in reality at that date for an alumni ofwhom 60 per cent-I suppose that's a mini­mum-are teachers? The Saturday so-called"Alumni Day" is but a poor sop to Cer­berus .. In examination week teachers fromIowa, Dakota and Kentucky cannot "runup for the week-end"! Nor will they.Yours in grievous disappointment andloyalty unrequited, 1910.Secunderabad, Deccan, India.18th November, 1915.To the Editor:In my college days the original magazinepublished by the students of the old Uni­versity was in existence, "The Index Uni­versitatis." It appeared annually and wasas heavy in matter as its name indicates.I t was so ponderous that the necessity fora magazine of a different type suggested it­self to the students. Several of these,Breckenridge of '70, and I think Barker,Burbank, who did not graduate, Babcockand Weston, all then members of '70, putout a magazine called "The College Times."That was a private venture, and I thinkdid not prove profitable. It failed to "filla long felt want" in the opinion of thestudent body. Another paper was estab­lished, which did represent the body of thestudents, called "The Volante." I remem­ber that there was some difficulty in decid­ing on a name, but the selection was made,and the evening that it was accomplishedthe editors and publishers, of whom I wasone, celebrated by adjourning to a nearbyrestaurant and filling up on ice cream. Fora bit of sport with the proprietor, who hadfilled up earlier on something stronger, wekept pouring the water he furnished intothe spittoons and calling for more. Whenwe were ready to leave the place he askedus five cents for each glass of water, andwe thought he had fairly beaten us and wepaid up. I think this paper was short lived.As I write to you about these modernmatters connected with the present institu­tion, these memories come back to me. . Whether any old files are in existence I donot know. Mine are probably lost longago. Frank H. Levering, '72.To the Editor:You are one of my dearest college memo­ries. You are the only man who ever ad­mired my way of playing ball. I see youas yesterday, in an old faded mackintosh,standing out on the muddy athletic field,watching with your mouth wide open, thesight of me being put through the paces.Your judgment of athletes was as rottenthen as it is now, for you thought that I.was the real thing. Again your curt sig­nature, "J. W. Linn," bears evidence oftime's ravages. I remember a day in Nick'sroom when I picked up one of your booksand read your signature, "James WeberLinn," and how promptly you called medown and informed me that it was "JamesWeber Linn," if I pleased. But anythingcan be forgiven the author of"Her eyes are blue, her eyes are blue,I say it twice for she has two."Speaking of Nick reminds me that noreminiscences of early undergraduate lifeare complete without the mention ofNichols, the god of the early nineties. Dearold Nick, catcher, pitcher, infielder, out­fielder, star half back and soloist on theglee club! It was always a question, whatwondrous feat will he next perform. Andhow the mighty Achilles did at times sulkin his tent! And who' can forget the daywhen he jumped from the grandstand tothe football field to save the day for Chi­cago?And Peter the Hermit and how to passsuccessfully History I (was it)? And whatwas that snap course some Docent gave inthe Fall of 1895? It seems to me that theypaid Docents by the number of students inthe class and that this one reaped a harvestby quietly giving out the word that therewere no flunks in his class.And Shades of ----'s English, a bas---'s English, a required course! I amjust beginning to understand what it wasall about. The way he made us study theramifications of English geography and thetwistings and turnings of London's streetin that literature course, must have been toprepare us for work in the German SecretService.And "suping" in the opera! Who canever forget how we got our first musicalinspiration in leading out a horse in Tann­hauser or carrying a loaf of bread acrossthe stage in Meistersinger. I never go to'opera without thinking of Adelaide Idestanding in the middle of the Auditorium272 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEstage, a simple peasant woman, followingthe principals with a libretto.Before the time of the "Shanty" therewas a crowd of town-fellows who broughtthier lunches from home and ate togetherin a room on the second floor of Cobb Hall.Henry Adkinson was ring-leader of thegroup, and his sardonic satellites, HaroldIckes and Percy Davis, also held forthdaily. If it weren't undignified I could tellof many a strenuous game of "hot-hand"that furnished us daily amusement andhelped to strengthen the foundations of ourknowledge.I mentioned the "Shanty." I think thatI together with two hundred and thirteenother fellows am the first man to buy anegg sandwich of Mrs. Ingham. And BillyIngham and the old gym and Robert J ohn­son and the "Broomology Department" inRyerson!Am I right? Wasn't there a tremendousnumber of mass meetings and such like be­fore Maroon was chosen as Varsity colorsand wasn't old man Stagg the one who putit over? And how about th-e entertainmentsome one gave in Kent on Washington'sbirthday, when Steigmeier brought out"J ohn D. Rockefeller, wonderful man ishe"? and A. Alonzo sang some Southernsongs with a glee club accompaniment?Who remembers Jimmy Angell's (par­don, Dean Angell's) psychology course?The most rapid fire instruction in theseparts. He did flit from thought to thoughtwith such speed that I sometimes wonderedwhether it was an experimental coursegiven to test the speed of human thought,just as Prof. Michelson was testing thewave length of light. He was going so fastone day, and I got so far behind him, thatwhen he suddenly asked me how I pro­nounced my name, I had to be told by thefellow sitting next to me.And the day after Herschie's leg beatMichigan and everybody but Prof. Salis­bury and a few old women felt, "Physiog­raphy be d---," when we tried to breakup his class and he threw the bunch of usout bodily-those were the days of the.heroes!I wonder who is giving English I dailythemes, etc., etc.? I hated that course. Theyoung Mr. Lovett gave it. One day he wasreading my theme to the class as a hor­rible example and one of the fellows de­fended it vigorously. . The man sitting nextto me remarked, "Isn't that fellow an ass?He not only writes as rotten a theme asthat, but has to tell everybody that he didit."My, how the years roll on. Can it beeighteen years since '97 left the U.?1897.To the Editor:I have long been grateful to you for thelarge share you have had in making the Alumni Magazine so attractive, and I wel­come your plan to publish recollections ofthe early days by some of the ancients.In response to your request for a letterabout some of the memories of those daysmost interesting to me, I want to give youan inkling· of the real genesis of ourAlumni Club.I am thinking of the many friends I meton the Campus in the years from '93 to'97, and came to like in a real friendly way.It is interesting to me to remember thatthey were of all classes and kinds, someevidently well endowed with this world'sgoods, some in comfortable circumstances,some living almost from day to day onwhat they could earn to make their waythrough college; that some were membersof fraternities, and many were not; thatsome were famous athletes, heroes in thepublic eye, and others were unheralded tofame, as yet unmarked by the favor of for­tune or endeavor. But it comes to me as apleasant thought that all mixed together inas democratic a spirit as could well befound anywhere. This was helpful to me,for a friendly spirit was the biggest asset Ihad to offer to the common sociability ofthe Campus.Of course, I must have met many ofthose men in the classrooms, but, someway, when I gather the threads of memorytogether, I do not see them there, butrather I am with them, sitting or lyingabout on the pleasant green grass in frontof Cobb Hall, or, better still, eating lunchin a contented group on the slope underthe trees just this side of the hollow of theold tennis courts.Those lunch hours, with those old boys(young then, most of them), were free andeasy social events of the kind that appealedto me. They were a large factor in mak­ing my college life pleasant, interesting andhelpful. Talk flowed unrestrained, goodfellowship was freely given and as freelyreceived. There we came to know ourfriends, to appreciate their good qualitiesand overlook their faults, to see themchange and develop with that rapiditywhich is so characteristic of the college lifeof give and take, of rubbing of youthagainst youth in friendships and in com­petitive and friendly rivalry in a dozen dif­ferent ways, that college life of the inter­change of ideas and the quick adapting tonew standards of young men who seemedat first alien to their new surroundings, butwho quickly grew to be a part of the verygenius of Chicago.Some of the group were good talkers,some were quiet 'souls, some were witty,some were slow of wit and slow of speech.Their names and faces and individualitiescome back to me with the pleasantest ofmemories. I would like once more to lunchwith all of them out there under the trees.What an hour that would be!ALUMNI AFFAIRS 273I do not remember that I was a brilliantleader in the talk myself, but I was a goodlistener, and to that extent, at least, Ihelped to make the hour what it was andwhat it now lingers in our thoughts.Oh! those good old days, those good oldfriends-they were my college life!Though I did not so clearly realize it then,I am very sure of it now, and well contentto have it so.I believe that when we think back to those days of our early manhood on theCampus, consciously or unconsciously, wecredit those informal gatherings with avery large part of the real spirit and lifeand character of what old Chicago meansto us now, after, 10, these many years.Yours, in a spirit of reminiscence andgratitude for those good years, and forwhat they have been to me,Donald S. Trumbull, '97.P. S._:_Do you see why the Alumni Club?AlumniTo the Editor:The Minnesota Alumni Club of the Uni­versity of Chicago held its' third annualbanquet 011 February 26th in the new build­ing of the Minneapolis Athletic Club.There were 54 men and women present. Afew of this number attended by courtesy, as"wives, husbands or sweethearts." Theroom in which dinner was served was veryattractive in appointments, lighting andflower decorations.Immediately after dinner Prof. J. F. Eber­sole, University of Minnesota, president ofthe club, called the meeting to order for abrief business session. The principal mat­ter of business was the report of the nom­inating committee, which recommended theelection of the following officers: Presi­dent, Donald Bridgman; vice-president,Miss Mabel Trilling; secretary, Harvy B.Fuller, Jr.; treasurer, Prof. Robert A. Hall;other members of the executive committee:Miss Victoria McAlmon, Miss Alice V. Rob­bins, Rev. Earle V. Pierce, Prof. Horace B.Street and Prof. W. D. Reeves. The re­port of the nominating committee wasunanimously adopted, and the officers wereduly declared elected.The toastmaster for the after-dinner pro­gram, President George E. Vincent of theUniversity of Minnesota, was then intro­duced. Mr. Vincent "scintillated" in hiscustomary manner. A letter of greetingfrom President Harry Pratt Judson wasread. The chief speakers of the eveningwere Dean Leon Carroll Marshall, and Mr.James Spencer Dickerson. Mr. Marshalland Mr. Dickerson were appointed by Presi­dent Judson to represent the University atthis alumni gathering. The subject of. DeanMarshall's address was "The College ofCommerce and Administration at the Uni­versity of Chicago." In his capacity as sec­retary of the University Mr. Dickerson waswell qualified to present "local color" (ma­roon) from the Midway Quadrangles. Mr.Dickerson dwelt in an interesting way onthe present conditions at the University, de­scribing the recently added buildings, and Affairsspoke of future plans. He also spoke en­thusiastically about Chicago's forthcoming25th anniversary reunion next June. Thenext number on the program was the pres­entation of about forty stereopticon slides,illustrative of "The City Gray That Ne'erShall Die." The selection of slides werefrom the admirable collection assembled byMr. David Allen Robertson, and wereshown by Prof. Edward M. Lehnerts of theU niversity of Minnesota. The meeting wasconcluded with the singing of the AlmaMater.Among those present were the following:Miss Victoria Mc Almon.. Mrs. Florence G.Webster, Dr. and Mrs. G. L. McWhorter,Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McBride, Mr. and Mrs.E. J. Lund, Mr. C. N. Patterson, Mr. Theo.H. Schroedel, Mr. J. S. Young, Prof. E. M.Lehnerts, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hall, Mr.E. P. Lyon, Mr. H. R., Halsey, Miss Amy E.Krueger, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doty, Mr.Richard N. Jones, Miss Mabel Ostergren,Prof. A. L. Underhill, Miss Gertrude F.Murrell, Miss J. Anna Norris, Miss LoraLevens, Mr. Joseph Peterson, Mis s MabelB. Trilling, Mr. T. T. Quirke, Miss MarionWeller, Mr. J. F. Ebersole, Mr. and Mrs. G.Arvid Hagstrom, Miss Mildred Weigley,Mr. H. B. Street, President and Mrs. GeorgeE. Vincent, Mr. John A. Swaons, Mr. andMrs. Frederick D. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Stauffer, Mr. Harvey B. Fuller, J r., Mr.J ames Spencer Dickerson, Dean Leon Car­roll Marshall Mr. Floyd Lyle, Miss EstherOstergren, Miss Esther Moran, Miss Sy lla,Mr. and Mns. Stone, Mr. Donald Bridgman.HARVEY B. FULLER, JR.Secretary Minnesota Alumni Club,186-190 W. Third St., St. Paul, Minn.The Chicago Alumni Club-The annualbusiness meeting and election of officers ofthe University of Chicago Alumni Clubwill be held in the East Room of the HotelLa Salle on Wednesday evening, April 26,1916. Dinner at $1.50 per plate will beserved at 6 :30 o'clock promptly.The past year has been one of unusual274 THE UNIVERSrTY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEactivity among the alumni in Chicago anda review will be made of the efforts andaccomplishments of the club. There prom­ises to be a serious discussion on a numberof matters of vital interest to Chicago men.In recent years the alumni business meet­ings have become increasingly interesting.Each member will be privileged to bringone fellow alumnus who may become amember of the club.C. F. Axelson, '07,Secretary.The members of the faculty of the Penn­sylvania State College who were at onetime students in the University of Chicagoheld a dinner at the University Club, StateCollege, Pennsylvania, on February 25, 1916,and sent a greeting to President and Mrs.Judson. The names signed to the greet­ing are as follows: Edwin E. Sparks (His­tory), Ph. D., '00; J. Ben Hill (Botany),Ph. D., '14; Benj. W. Van Riper (Philoso­phy), Ph. D., '12; Katharine C. Sparks(French and German); 'William R. Ham(Physics), Ph. D., '09; E. S. Moore (Geol­ogy), Ph. D., '09; H. R. Kraybill (Botany),'15; Leo Joseph Lassalle (Physics), EthelC. Sparks (U. High), Albert A. Hansen(Botany), F. B. Clark (Political Science),Helen Daiss Hill (Botany), Elizabeth Ham,T. S. Sligh, Jr. (Physics), Asa E. Martin(History), Ruth H. Clark, Hugo Diemer(Economics), Arthur Llewellyn Eno (Eng­lish), Mabel N. Diemer.News of the Clases"'N. P. Lovett, formerly pastor of theWealthy Avenue Baptist Church of Lan­sing, Mich., and for the past few years con­nected with the editorial department of thePress, has resigned to accept a position aspublicity manager for the United Dry Fed­eration League. Mr. Lovett will assumehis new duties February 21 and will be abig factor in the whirlwind campaign the"drys" expect to make during the next fewmonths in order to place Michigan in theprohibition column.The campaign that is to be waged tomake Michigan! dry is already assumingform and more than $80,000 has beenpledged to fight the saloons in westernMichigan, and it is expected that beforethe N ovem ber election more. than $100,000will have been spent through publicity andother channels by the "drys."Laurence M. Jacobs, who for the pastsix years has been the London representa­tive of the National City Bank of NewYork, has been elected vice-president of theInternational Banking Corporation andpresident of the International Bank, 60 Wallstreet, New York City. Mr. Jacobs main­tains his connection with the National CityBank, being a member of the Branch BankCommittee. Ruth B. Dean, who is a landscape archi­tect and garden designer, with offices at 4West Fortieth street, New York, after acompetitive examination won the commis­sion of designing the grounds of the NewYork state building at the San Franciscoexposition. Alumni who attended the expo­sition may recall how very successful shewas in her design.Jane B. Walker is giving a series of lec­tures to the deaf at the Metropolitan M u­seum of Art. They are intended for lip­readers and are illustrated. The Museumhas never before offered lectures for thedeaf, although lectures for the blind havebeen given for. some time. The work istherefore experimental, but the two al­ready given, on Rembrandt and Sorolla,have been successful.W. F. Eldridge, '01, writes from the Pre­mier Ranch, Corona, Ca1., some of the mostagreeable compliments the editor has everreceived. Modesty compels us to omitthem, but they have kept the family warmthrough the chill of March. Billy adds:"I believe you have a brother with thesame postoffice address as my own, but todate have not had the good fortune to meethim. However, this is easily accountedfor, as his interests are citrus and mineare lacteal and I never did hear of lemonand milk mixing to any extent. And bythe way, if the aforesaid lacteal fluid con­tinues to :fl.ow with unabated vigor untilJune I expect to foregather with you allat that time. Please have a milk bath inreadiness."Mrs. F. W oldemar Weiss (Jane Lane, ex.'12) has moved from Toronto to New Ro­chelle.Phoebe Clover, '14, is teaching botany,zoology, physiology and physiography inthe high school at Dundee, Ill.Freda Marie Bright, '14, is teaching Ger­man and English in the high school atGuthrie, Okla.Charles E. Cosard is teaching Englishin the Technical High School at Indian­apolis, Ind.George W. Crossman is Superintendentof City Schools at Groton, S. D.Frances Myers Dixon is teaching Geog­raphy in the Junior High School at Butte,Mont.Dudley H. Grant is Junior Chemist in theU. S. Bureau of Chemistry, Department ofAgriculture, Washington, D. C.Alva Gwin is teaching Bacteriology in theSchool of Home Economics at Battle Creek,Mich.Gaylord R. Hesse is instructor in Chem­istry and Physics in the High School -atDurango, Colo.Bertram P. Holst is in business at Boone,Iowa.Mary Dorothy Philbrick is instructor inALUMNI AFFAIRSFrench at the North Carolina Normal Col­lege, Greensboro, N. C.1913Howard D. Billman is teaching in theHigh School at Oakland, Calif. .Mabel Elsie Bovell is principal and teach­ing Latin and German "in the High Schoolat Corning, Iowa. .Abe Clevering is in the loan, insuranceand real estate business at Marshall, Minn.Margaret Louise Coskery is teaching Eng­lish in the High School at Ames, Iowa.Esther Louise Derin is a supersivor andteaching German in the public schools atSouth Bend, Ind.Annie Louise Ford is teaching mathe­matics and English in the High School atAledo, Ill.Martha Gano is endorsement secretaryfor the Houston Foundation, Houston, Tex.W. Hardin Hughes is Acting AssistantProfessor of Psychology and- Education inPomona College, Claremont, Cal.Mary Bennie Jenkins is assistant teacherof biology in the John Richman HighSchool at New York City.Frederick B. Plummer is Chief Geologistfor the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company,Tulsa, Okla.Kate Mizelle is teaching in the Elemen­tary School at Princeton, ·Ill.Gertrude W. Caldwell is teaching mathe­matics in 'the .High School at Clarksville,Tenn.Ruth Margaret Renwick is teaching Artin the Thornton Township High School atHarvey, Ill.Louise Cherry Robb is head of the De­partment of English in the UniversitySchool at Cincinnati, Ohio.Otto Schnering and Kenath Sponsel arerespectively general manager and advertis­ing manager of the George P. Bent PianoCompany, Chicago.Paul Eliel is an investigator in the Effi­ciency Department in the City Hall at LosAngeles.Benedict K. Goodman is in charge of theloan department of the Fort DearbornBank.Russel M. Reedy is manager of the toydepartment in Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chi­cago.Jack Bleadon is head of the Bleadon­Dunn Company, who handle electric vi­brators and the Violetta Ray Machine. Heis living at 208 North Fifth avenue, Chi­cago.Harry Lathrop is head of the Depart­ment of Geography in the Normal Schoolat Flagstaff, Ariz.Paul 1. Pierson is substitute teacher ofAlgebra, Physics and Physiology in theChicago High Schools.Marjorie E. Nind is teaching FreehandDrawing, Art-metal and Pottery in theMuskegon High School, Muskegon. Mich.Ferol C. Gilles is teaching Civics andOnce more we call attentionMandel BrothersChicagoN0 MATTE� �here you liveyou can S1 t i n your ownparlor andIt It shop in Chicago "'hpossibility is at your disposanow, ideally presented in Man-MM •agazlneis a brilliant, authentic guide in mat­ters fashionable, and provides themost remarkable mail-order, metro­politan shopping service America everhas known.Entertaining s tor i e s - valuablehousehold information by notedwoman writers - splendid picturesand clear descriptions of smartestmodes-women's, misses' and chil­dren's outfittings - new fabrics­styles and novelties with which youcan be the best dressed woman inyour community, and for less moneythan you might pay for "just ordi­nary mail-order merchandise."Soon ready to mail 128-page issueof Manders Magazine - delightfulintroduction to Spring and Summermodes, the very same that Chicagowomen will select from the greats tocks now ready.POSSible, this year, to send Mandel'sMagazine freeto 100,000 more American women.If you would be among that num­ber, send your name and address atonce-make sure, by directing it toDepartment C- 275276 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEnglish in the Paul Hayne High School,Birmingham, Ala.E. Helen Dunbar is a shopper with Car­son, Pirie, Scott & Co., Chicago.Pierre G. Robinson is assistant in Mathe­matics in the Colorado State College, FortCollins, Colo.Augusta A.' Swawite is instructor in Gym­nastics.. Apparatus and Athletics in the Bat-tle Creek Normal School of Physical Edu-cation at Battle Creek, Mich.Ruth R. Watson is teaching Geography,Spelling, and Art in the Lafayette Elemen­tary School at Hammond, Ind.Eunice Helen Worthen is teaching Do­mestic Science in the Thornton TownshipHigh School at Haney, Ill.Lucile Babcock is teaching in the HighSchool at Sheffield, Iowa.Holly Reed Bennett is doing field workin the U. S. Geological Survey.Anna Harriet Blake is Instructor in Latinin the Kentucky College for Women atDanville, Ky. �Margaret S. Chaney is teaching in theChicago Elementary Schools.Merle E. Chapin is Professor of Englishand History in Lincoln College, Lincoln,Nebr.Harold D. Clayberg is Assistant in Bot­any in the University of Illinois.Nelson Norgren has resigned his positionas coach of the University of Utah athleticteams, on account, so it is said, of the lackof spirit on the part of the candidates forthe teams.Henry Hoyt Cox is at Rush Medical Col­lege.T. Cole Cawthorne, who is in the realestate business, intends to start business inArgentina, South America, during July ofthis year.Dorothy Llewellyn, '15, writes from Bloc­ton, Ala.:"A word from two fifteeners down in thesunny South. Nina O'Neill, '15 and I areplayground supervisors at Muscoda andBlocton, respectively, two of the miningtowns of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Com­pany, which maintains a school at each ofits camps for the children of the miners."There are seven camps which have rec­reation teachers, and most of the othersare Wisconsin girls. All the teachers ofthe company schools are college girls,mostly northern, and we are rented at anominal price furnished bungalows forcommunity housekeeping. The houses aresupposed to be models for the community,and are darling in every respect. We em­ploy a mammy to cook and have the bestsouthern meals, .shar e all expenses and en­joy it much more than we would boarding.There are from five to seven girls at eachcamp."We do welfare work after school hours,having Boy Scouts and Campfire Girlsgroups, evening parties and dances for theminers (though where I am we have to callTo those who advertise3% Paid on Savings DepositsThe Corn ExchangeNational Bankof ChicagoCapital . . $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON,Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-PresidentB. C. SAMMONS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJ. EDWARD MAASS, CashierJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Ass't CashierLEWIS E. GRAY, Ass't CashierEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKER MARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY]. BLAIREDWARD B. BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBEMJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLAIRCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable TransfersALUMNI AFFAIRSthem "folk games" because dancing is adiversion of the devil), and are socially theelite of the town. All the camps are closeto Birmingham, Ala., and we get into townalm?st every Saturday and have- collegefrolics with the girls from the other camps.I have met three girls here I took gym.work at the School of Civics with last sum­mer. There are Illinois, Wellesley, Wis­consin and Chicago girls. Helen Harrison,Chicago, '09, I believe, is at Johns."It is interesting to note that they pre­fer northern girls because as a rule theireducation is better, and then they will mixsocially with the miners where the southerngirls will not. We dance with them andlend them books and in general try to raisetheir standards. We replace the saloon andthe poolroom with the school clubroom andbaseball team. Each camp has a band. InMay there is to be a grand inter-campSpring Festival, with games, track meet,tennis tournament and pageant. The T. C.1. Company finances the whole business. Ibelieve it is the best-organized welfare de­partment of its kind in the country, and itcertainly is fun and good experience for theteachers."If anyone else is in the same line in an­other place, or wishes more information asto the work down here, I should be glad tocorrespond with them." .1916Omar E. Lowman is Superintendent ofPublic Schools at Shabbo-na, Ill.Carl O. Nybladh is teaching History andEconomics in the High School at Pana, Ill.Mabel R. O'Connor is teaching HomeEconomics and German in the High Schoolat Paris, Mo.- Ernest E. Piper is teaching History, Eco­nomics and Commercial. Geography in theHigh School at Waukesha, Wis.Luther T. Platt is Instructor in Educa-tion in the College of Wooster, Wooster,Ohio.Zelda M. Rice is teaching German andLatin in the High School at Chelsea, Okla.Ella May Shaw is teaching German andLatin in the High School at Paducah, Ky.Nell E. Stewart is teaching DomesticScience and Biology in the High School atTarpon Springs, Fla..Joseph Swanson is a master in KeewatinAcademy of Prairie du Chien, Wis., andSt. Augustine, Fla.Ray B. Weaver is Professor of PublicSpeaking and English in the College of Em­poria at Emporia, Kans.Delon A. Williams is teaching Zoology,Botany, Chemistry and Athletics in theHigh School at Burlington, Iowa.Florence Williams is Supervisor of Art,Drawing and Industrial Work in the publicschools of Paducah, Ky.Joseph P. Carey is teaching Physics andGeneral Science in the High School at BayCity, Mich.Merrill Dakin is teaching English andSee the Alumni MagazineThe Yates-FisherTeachers' AgencyPA UL Y ArES, Manager624 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGOYou will like our work. You willreceive our personal attention. Youwill find upon investigation that thisagency has the reputation of plac­ing its teachers . We make no wildclaims. Ask school men about us.I t makes no difference where youwish to locate.Also publishers of the Yates­Fisher School Directories.The McCulloughTeachers' I AgencyA Successful School andCollege BureauJ. F. McCULLOUGH GEO. T. PALMERI F you deserve promotion there is no betterway of securing it than by registering with us.I We don't have dissatisfied candidates becausewe give them the service.Your enrollment receives individual atten-tion and your applica.tion our personal recom­mendation.RAILWAY EXCHANGEBUILDINGCHICAGO, ILLINOIS 277278 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlgebra in the Pana Township HighSchool, Pana, Ill.J. Demming Ferguson is teaching in theHigh School at Franklin, Pa.Joseph Fishman is with the Martin-Se­nour wholesale paint company in Chicago.Vistor Russell is in business in Beaumont,Texas.Vernon P. Smith is farming his 150 acresnear Waupun, Wis.Joseph Fekete is practicing law, with of­fices in the Lumber Exchange building, Chi­cago.Joseph F. Geary is with Sears, Roebuck &Co.John F. Hallwachs is instructor in Clas­sics at Northwestern University.Agnes R. Riddell is Dean of Women andProfessor of French and Spanish in theCollege of Emporia, at Emporia, Kans.Sterner St. Paul Meek is Athletic Direc­tor and teaching Physics and Chemistry inthe Kirkley School, Greenville, Texas.Olive Gilbreath is instructor in English,University of Minnesota. .Dorothy Gildey is teaching English,Spanish, History and Domestic Science inthe Riverdale Joint Union High School,. Riverdale, Cal.W. Patton Graham is Professor of Frenchand German in Cumberland University, Le­banon, Tenn.D. R. Henry is Superintendent of PublicSchools, Jerseyville, Ill.National Badge& Pennant Co.(Incorporated)ADVERTISINGSPECIAL TIE SFancy Pillow TopsDen Skins, PostersBanners and FlagsFraternity JewelryButtons, BadgesPins, Pennants, etc.TELEPHONECENTRAL 3399105 W. Madison StreetCHICAGO John H. Lemmon is with the WatrousEstey Advertising Company of Chicago.Arthur W. Hayford is in the Standard OilChemical Laboratories at Whiting, Ind.Arthur H. Heusinkveld is instructor inEnglish and German at Hope College, Hol­land, Mich.Esther Nichol is Principal of the JuniorCollege at Lebanon, S. D.Leonard D. White is instructor in Gov­ernment and Debating in Clark College,Worcester, Mass. .Frank E. Alsup is Principal of the Mar­shall High School at Marshall, Mo. .Bert Emsley is Assistant in English atthe University of Wisconsin.Anne McCreary is teaching Latin in theEI Paso School for Girls, EI Paso, Texas.Robert L. Meriwether is tutoring ineighth grade subjects at Allendale, S. C.Amy E. Krueger is Assistant Secretaryof the Y. W. C. A. at St. Paul, Minn.Winnie K. Potter is teaching Latin andGerman in Window College, Montevideo,Minn.Guy T. Buswell is teaching History ofEducation, School Administration and Ele­mentary Chemistry in York College, York,Nebr.E. A. Churchill is managing a farm atCedar Rapids, Iowa.Faye L. Cleveland is teaching English inthe High School at Erie, Pa.Ellen M. Ferguson is Principal and teach-JAMES WHITEPAPER CO.Dealers in Book andCover Papers219 West Monroe StreetCHICAGOTrade-Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office"ANGLO-SAXON"Is Our LeadinQ.c Line of Book Paperfor the Use of Schools andUniversitiesSEND FOR SAMPLESThe purchaser is wiseALUMNI AFFAIRS 279ing English and German in the High Schoola t Gilman, Ill.Mabel C. Fertich is Assistant in Domes­tic Science and teaching Sewing and Cook­ing in the Elementary Schools at Craw­fordsville, Ind.I ulia E. Guerry is teaching English in theColigio Sonchez y Tiant, Havana, Cuba.Elda Ollick is instructor in English inthe College Department of the State Nor­mal School at Emporia, Kans.Charles M. Reinoehl is Assistant Directorof Rural Education and teaching' Psychol­ogy and Education in the State NormalSchool at Whitewater, Wis.Marion O'Neil is teaching at the BerkeleyHigh School.Blanche E. Chenoweth is teaching Sew­ing, Costume Designs and Textiles in theTeachers' College at Indianapolis, Ind.EngagementsMr. and Mrs. Edson Keith a'n;nounce theengagement of their daughter, Katherine,'16, to David Adler, j r., of Chicago.MarriagesWinston Patrick Henry, '10, and DorothyPayne Madison were married on March1 at New Orleans. They will be at home,1I11111111111111111�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIlllllllIIllIlIlIllllll!IBreakfastFinds youWaitingFor theBell! after May 1, at 1619 South Cheyenne ave­nue, Tulsa, Okla.Lester W. Sharp, Ph. D., '12, and MabelGunther of Carson City, Mich., were mar­ried on December 28, 1915.BirthsEdward Lyman Cornell, '07, and Mrs.Cornell announce the birth of a son, Ed­ward Lyman, Jr., on March 4, 1916.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allais (ElizabethSpence, '13) announce the birth of a daugh­ter, Margaret, on March 12, at St. Luke'sHospita1.DeathsWillis L. Black, '78, died at Elgin, Il1.,February 9, 1916. He was business man­ager and half owner of the Elgin Daily News,president of the First National Bank ofElgin, and for years prominent in Elginbusiness circles. He is survived by a widowand two children.Leandro E. Livermore, D. B., '79, diedJanuary 22, 1916.Roy B. Tabor, '99, died March 14, 1916,at his home at 100 East Chicago avenue,Chicago. He had been suffering from dia­betes for the last two years and just be­fore his death took a serious cold, whichdeveloped into pneumonia. He was born11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -Just tothink ofSwift's PremiumSliced Baconfor breakfastmakes your ap­petite impatient.<II. Ask yourdealer today for"Swift's Premium"Sliced Bacon inOne Pound CartonsWho without hesitation ,11111111111111111111111111111111111111280 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin: Lawrence, Kan., July 28, 1877, but movedto Chicago and was graduated from theEnglewood High School in 1895. Aftergraduation from the University he was em­ployed for two and a half years with theUnited States government exhibit at the ParisExposition. In 1901 he returned to Chicago,and with Robert White formed the realestate brokerage firm of White & Tabor,which partnership continued until his death.He was president of the Chicago Real Es­tate Board in 1911, a director of the Homefor Destitute Crippled Children, and wasa member of the Chicago Association ofCommerce, a member of local clubs andthe Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. He nevermarried and is survived by his mother, Mrs.R. E. Tabor, now in Los Angeles, and asister, Mrs. Raymond C. Hill, of Pomona,Cal.Walter]. Schmahl, '00, died February 26,1916, at Los Angeles, Cal. Walter Schmahlwas a member of Psi Upsilon, and promi­nent in athletics, playing end on the foot­ball team for two years and holding theChicago record for the high jump whilehe was in; college. He was employed byN. W. Harris & Co. after leaving college,but his health failing to some extent, hewent to Los Angeles in 1904, where he hadsince resided.Robert S. Starbird, '04, died March 1,1916, at Chicago, after a long illness. Star- bird was a member of the Delta UpsilonFraternity and at the time of his deathwas a member of the faculty of Washing­ton U niversity, St. Louis.Harry Ginsburg, '14, died March 9, 1916,after a short attack of meningitis. He wasto have been graduated from Rush in June.Ginsburg was a member of Alpha PhiSigma. He was generally regarded as themost brilliant man of his class at Rush,and a movement is on foot to establish amemorial fund in his honor.Goldie E. Thayer, '14, died on Monday,March 20, 1916.Margaret Green, '17, died on" March 3,1916, at the home of her parents, 6641Woodlawn; avenue. The cause of her deathwas meningitis, following an attack of scar­let fever contracted while residing in FosterHall. She was twenty years of age and agraduate of Hyde Park High School, whereshe was president of her class in 1912. Shewas actively engaged in League work dur­ing her entire college career, and at thetime of her death was president of theLeague and was its "representative on theboard of the Christian Union. She was amember of Mortar Board until a shorttime before her death, but resigned becauseshe did not feel that the women's clubs werefor the best interests of the University.Discriminating Motorists Everywhere UseRED CROWN GASOLINEIt is dependable, clean, powerful, lively and uniform. Agasoline made with special reference to the needs of theAutomobile Engine. Fill your tank with Red Crown, ad­just your carburetor and your engine trou bles are at an end.Standard Oil Company(INDIANA) Chicago, U. S. A.Decides to patronizeALUMNI AFFAIRS 281Association of Doctors of Philosophy"Those About Trench," the first novel otDr. Edwin Herbert Lewis, Ph. D., '94, thefirst to receive the Doctor's degre_e fromthe University in the department of Eng­lish, has just been published. Dr. Lewisis the author of Alma Mater. He. gave theConvocation ode, Mater Humanissima, incommemoration of the fifteenth anniver­sary of the founding of the University.The scene of "Those About Trench" islaid in Chicago, although some of the back­ground is in Serbia and the Orient.Frank L. Stevens, Ph. D., '00, has recentlyreturned from the Agricultural ExperimentStation at Porto Rico to become Professorof Plant Pathology at the University ofIllinois.Anstruther A. Lawson, Ph. D., '01, untilrecently at the University of Glasgow, hastaken a position as Professor of Botanyin the University of Sydney, Australia.John R. Macarthur, Ph. D., '(')3, has beenmade professor of the English language inthe Kansas State Agricultural College andwill head the department during the ab­sence of Professor J. W. Searson. Thenewspaper report says: "He is one ofthe most brilliant men on the college fac­ulty and has been highly successful as ateacher and debating coach."Harry N. Whitford, Ph. D., '03, who.was formerly government director of for-gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIg- -- -� Restaurants in principal cities of the �� United States and Canada are !§ renowned for Cleanliness, §'Pure Food and Good ServiceLook for the Pure Food Sign;; 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 UI 1 II II IIIEestry in Manila, is now engaged in forestservice at- Victoria, B. C.George H. Shull, Ph. D., '04, until recentlywith the Station for Experimental Evolu­tion at Cold Spring Harbor, has acceptedthe 'chair of botany at Princeton University.Laetitia M. Snow, Ph. D., '04, on the staffat Wellesley College, is in Chicago doingresearch work during a year's leave of ab­sence.Arthur Ranum, Ph. D., '06, has been ap­pointed Assistant Professor of Mathematicsin Cornell University.Eugene Franklin McCampbell, Ph. D.,'11, has been appointed dean of the collegeof Medicine at Ohio State University.Grace L. Clapp, Ph. D., '11, who has beenteaching in the Manual Training HighSchool, Indianapolis, is now Assistant Pro­fessor of Botany at Smith College.William S. Cooper, Ph. D., '11, has re­cently left Stanford University to join thebotanical staff of the University of Minne­sota.Eliot Blackwelder, '01, Ph. D., '14, untilrecently a professor at the University ofWisconsin, has been called to the head­ship of the Department of Geology at theUniversity of Illinois. Among ProfessorBlackwelder's publications is that on Ele­ments of Geology; which he wrote in col­laboration with Professor Barrows.Joseph S. Caldwell, Ph. D., '14, until r e-Those who enable us to grow282 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcently Professor of Botany in the AlabamaPolytechnic Institute, has just gone to asimilar position in the State AgriculturalCollege,· Pullman, Wash.Edward M. Harvey, Ph. D., '14, Patho­logical Physiologist to the government, hasgone for special field work to Watsonville,Cal.The Law School AssociationAs secretary of the University of ChicagoLaw School Association, I desire to obtain theaddresses of the following persons. Mail sentto them at the addresses which I have, is re­turned by the postoffice with the notation thatthe address is incorrect.A. Loth, St. Louis, Mo.A. Carter, 718 New House Bldg., Salt LakeCity, Utah.A. R. Colgrove, 946 13th Ave., S. E., Minne-apolis, Minn.S. G. Biggs, Bellingham, Wash.Lloyd. D. Heath, Rockford, Ill.A. E. Mahon, Birmingham, Ala. �R. C. Robbins, 120 3rd St., Kenwood, Iowa.M. D. Smith, Fish Springs, Tenn.E. Sims, Atlanta, Ga.W. P. Steffen, 826 Federal Bldg., Chicago,Ill.N. L. Taylor, Elizabethton, Tenn.]. L. Woodworth, Sioux Falls, S. D.R. E. SCHREIBER,Secretary. CONGRESS HOTEL and ANNEXThe right place to go for university parties and banquetsMUNICIPAL BONDSExclusivelyJ.R.SUTHERLIN &CO.COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO.CALVIN O. SMITH, '11SALES MANAGERCIRCULARS MAILED ON REQUESTPERSONAL SERVICE, sincerely. seeking togratify your wishes in every particular--exclusive smartness in style, but always withinthe bounds of refinement--fullest measure of quality, at moderate prices-These are the reasons upon tahicl:We ask your interest and patronageM���T(Second Floor)Clothing and Haberdasheryfor Young MenIn quality and sizeATHLETICS 283AthleticsTrack-Illinois won the indoor trackchampionship of the Conference, held atEvanston, March 18, with 41;;4 points. Wis­consin was second and Chicago, with 23points, third. The Illinois team did muchbetter than was expected, Wisconsin not sowell, Chicago about what had been thought.The outstanding performance of the meetwas Dismond's quarter in the relay race.At the end of the first three quarters, Hoh­man of Illinois was' given a lead of fortyyards. Dismond came round the last turnten yards behind, caught Hohman in theshort stretch, and beat him by two yards,running the quarter in 50 seconds flat. Dis­mond also won the quarter-mile race easily.Pershing of Chicago won the fifty-yarddash in 5%, equaling the conference record;Pershing was also third in 'the hurdles.Clark of Chicago was second in the half­mile. Fisher of Chicago tied for second inthe high jump, and with Wagner tied forthird and fourth in the pole vault. Disap­pointments were Cornwell's failure to qual­ify for the quarter, and Whiting's injuryin the high jump.Before another issue of the magazine therelay races will have be en run at DesMoines and at Philadelphia. Chicago willprobably enter the two-mile relay in bothcases, if Capt. Stout is eligible; if he is not,the one-mile relay. In the two-mile, Capt.Stout, Clark, Hodges, who will be eli­gible this spring, and Dismond, should easilyrun under eight minutes, which was the in­tercollegiate record till last year. In theone-mile a team which would include Dis­mond, Clark, Cornwell and either Hodges,Merrill, Guerin, Swett or Feuerstein, couldrun in about 3 :24, which would probablywin the Drake race, but get little at Phila­delphia.The hammer will be looked after thisspring by Ere1os, '18, who should do over140 feet, and the broad jump by "Pete" Rus­sell, '16, and Veazey, '18, who are goodenough to win many a point in dual meets.Something is expected also of Brodie, '18,in the javelin throw, a new event this yearin inter-collegiate athletics. Outdoors Wis­consin is still expected to reverse the in­door verdict; Illinois will run second andChicago third.Baseball-Only an optimist could expectmuch from Chicago's team this year. Ac­cording to the schedule given out late inMarch, Chicago opens her conference sea­son at Madison on April 22, and after threegames away from home plays her first gameat home, against Ohio State on May 6. Hartwill do most of the catching. He is not first­rate. The team has yet to find anotherpitcher to support Capt. Shull. The infieldwill be composed of good fielders and three pretty good hitters. The outfield looksmediocre. George, Cahn, Chang, .'Willard,Gerdes, Marum, Houghton and McGaugheyseem the most likely candidates. Theschedule follows:April 22-Chicago at Wisconsin.April 29-Chicago at Iowa.May 2-Chicago at Northwestern.May 6-0hio State at Chicago.May 12-Chicago at Illinois.May 13-Northwestern at Chicago.May 16-Iowa at Chicago.May 20-Purdue at Chicago.May 24-Wisconsin at Chicago.May 27-Illinois at Chicago.May 31-Chicago at Purdue.June 3-Waseda at Chicago.Basketball-As predicted in the magazinelast month, Chicago finished her season atbasketball with eight defeats and four vic­tories, sixth in rank by percentage, althoughshe beat Minnesota, which finished fourth,in both games. The fact was that threeteams, Wisconsin (which won the cham­pionship), Northwestern and Illinois, werevery good, and about on a par; and theother six were all mediocre. Chicago lostall her games to the three leaders, lost twoto Iowa by one point each, beat Minnesotatwice and Ohio State "twice, 'and did notplay either Purdue or Indiana. Only five"C's" were given out at the end of the sea­son, to Capt. George, Parker, Rothermel,Schafer, and Townley. Neither Clark norNorgren, who played in several games each,was honored, although last year Bennettand Schafer, playing only a few minuteseach, both received the C. Why Coach' Pagehas changed his policy has not been ex­plained. Francis Townley, '17, was electedcaptain for next year. Townley played cen­ter and guard; he is steady rather than bril­liant, but will make a good captain.On Monday evening, March 13th, a "post­season" game was played between teamscomposed of members of Delta Kappa Ep­silon and of Delta Tau Delta. The"Dekes," made up of Des J ardien, '15; Goet­tIer, '14; Stegeman, '15; George, '16, andTownley, 17, beat the "Delts" (Page, '10;Sauer, '14; Fred Walker, '09; Rothermel,'17, and Parker, '18), by a score not an­nounced. The game was by long odds themost valiant ever played in the gymnasium.Not a personal foul was called; at the closevictors and vanquished were carried onstretchers to the D. K. E. House, wherethey fed in amity. Three ex-captains, onecaptain, and one captain-elect participated.A pleasant event was the winning of theNati0nal A. A. U. championship in Chi­cago on March 17, by the team of the U ni­versity of Utah, coached by Nelson Norgren,'14. The team was entertained and given284 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpractice during its stay in Chicago by Chi;cago undergraduates, and two hundred ofthem formed a "cheering section" at thefinal game, in honor of "N org."Swimming-In what was practically adual meet, Chicago and Northwestern tiedfor championship honors in the conferenceat Evanston on March 17, each team scor­ing 44 points. Illinois was third with 9points, and Wisconsin last with 7. Fournew records were made by Chicago andtwo by Northwestern. Chicago won the re­lay in 1 :21%; Earle '18, won the 40-yardswim in 20 seconds; Pavlicek, '16, the 150-yard back stroke in 1 :52%, and Redmon,'16, the plunge in 19'% (60 feet). ForNorthwestern, Johnson won the 100 in 59_Ys,and the 220 in 2 :33')/s. Scoles of N orthwest­ern won the 200-yard breast stroke, Simon­sen of Northwestern the quarter-mile, andJohns of Illinois the fancy diving-the latterevent a great disappointment to Chicago,woo had counted on Rubinkam, '16, for first.Chicago and Northwestern each, won fourfirsts, three seconds, three thirds and threefourths. As Northwestern was second inthe relay, though the place did not countin the point score, and also won the water­basketball game 4-2, the honors of the sea­son would seem hers by a narrow margin.Both teams were the best in the history oftheir respective institutions. Another trip east had been planned forChicago in April, but arrangements couldnot be completed. On the February trip theteam won three victories and suffered nodefeats. .Prospects for next season are excellent.Capt. Pavlicek, Redmon and Shirley areheavy losses; but Earle, O'Connor andMeine are improving all the time, and Va­cin, '19, is a star of great magnitude.Announcement has been made of the win­ners of the gold medals awarded annuallyby the Intercollegiate Conference AthleticAssociation for the highest average excel­lence in scholarship and in athletics to onestudent from each of the conference col­leges. The winners are: F. T. Ward, U ni­versity of Chicago; Edward Allen Willi­ford, University of Illinois; Matthew Win­ters, University of Indiana; Herman L. VonLackum, University of Iowa; Boles AlbertRosenthal, University of Minnesota; How­ard Grinnell Osborn, Northwestern Univer­sity; Arthur S. Kiefer, Ohio State Univer­sity; Harry Benjamin Routh, PurdueUniversity, and Martin Thomas Kennedy,University of Wisconsin. Ward and Os­born were track men, and Williford cap­tain of the basketball team; the others wereall football men. '"Built-InSU'pel:iority�t'Men's ShoesF. s. & U. Shoes are built for those men who cannot be consoledfor lack of comfort and satisfaction by the thought of a triflingeconomy in first cost.French, Shriner & Urner106 So. Michigan Avenue15 S. Dearborn StreetCHICAGOSome are old friends, and some are new,1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i A Different Kind of a Book Store I--easy to get to, direct Wabash Avenueentrance - a first floor book store -where every book published is ready ata moment's notice, or will be procuredwithout delay if still in print-the newbooks ready on day of publication -ALL books - with a quick, intelligentbook service which i nel udes many aprice advantage.CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO.-�llllllillll!llllllllilllllilllllllllllliilllllllllill111111111111I111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllll1IIIIIlillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!III1111111IIl1l1l1l1l1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll1ll1l1ll1l1l11l1ll1l1l1l1ll1l!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!I!IIIIIII!!1I1i1i1lillllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll!!1�� Tobey-Made Furniture I-- IS made in our own shops and issold only by us. It is intended tobe the best furniture that can bepurchased at any price .. We willtake great pleasure in showing youwhy we believe it fulfills theseIThe Tobey Furniture Company I! W abash Avenue and Washington Street I�1111111nJl1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII�. .intentions.But everyone reliableThe University of ChicagoH 0 M E in addition to resident�ork. offers also instruc­tIon by correspondence.STUDY For detailed In-formation addressSUb Year U. of C.(Div. 2 )Chicqo.lU.THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY623 S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.Established thirty years under present management. Volume of business doubled in the last five years. "Yours isthe Agency that has produced satisfactory results," writes a well-known college professor who has secured histwo positions through our Agency. Write for "Teaching as a Business," or better still, call at our office.MANAGERS: C. J. ALBERT, O. M. SEARLES, PAUL ALBERT, ELLA K. SMITH.THE BREWER TEACHERS' AGENCY LEE E. AMIDON, Manager1303 Auditorium BuildingEstablished 1882 ' CHICAGOTEACHERSWANTED right nowto enroll in SCHOOL' ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with Us and secure a better salary.Grade teacher especially wanted. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerShort contract. Free booklet tells how to apply forposition. 25th year.E. R. NICHOLS, Mgr., Railway Exchange Bldg.224 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.28 East Jackson BoulevardChicagoOTHER OFFICES:-Boston, New York, Washington.Denver, Portland, Berkeley, Los AngelesOver 43,000 Positions Filled33rd YearWhen seeking a teaching position, or a teacher,come to headquarters-the LARGEST andBEST EQUIPPED Teachers' Agency in theUnited States.Circular and Membership Formsent on applicationTheir message, then, is meant for YOUFISK TEACHERS'AGENCY B. F. CLARKTEACHERS AGENCYThe .Agency With the -ShortUnderstandable Contract ..--27th Year--Chicago Steinway Ha'llNew York Flatiron Bldg.Baltimore, Md. Munsey Bldg.Jacksonville, Fla. U. S. Trust Bldg.Knoxville, Tenn. Deaderick Bldg.Kansas City, Mo. New York Life Bldg.Spokane, Wash. Chamber of Commerce Bldg-The LoungeCould anyone im­agine a more invitingspot than this exquis­itely appointed C02 ycorner, for youngmen?Not a salesroom, ifyou please -. just a, , homey" place down-town, with magazines,telephones, writingmaterial at hand­and a warm welcomeassured."THE LOUNCE"-CAPPER & CAPPER STOREIT is quite natural "for every youngman to want to dress becomingly, and in goodtaste. The young fellows are discriminating,' partic­ular-which is very much to their credit; that's theway to get what one wants, and should have.We've studiously noted the" likesand dislikes" of the young men, and feel that Capper& Capper clothes for spring will fully meet theirrequirements. Extraordinary exhibit of smart stylesat $25, ranging by easy stages up to $50.MICHIGAN AVENUE ANDMONROE STREET, CHICAGOA thing quite undeniable!Hotel Del PradoCHICAGO, ILLINOISSituated on the MIDWAY BOULEVARD and JacksonPark which overlooks Lake Michigan and adjoins the Univer­sity of Chicago on the east. The most elegantly appointed,beautifully arranged Hotel in Chicago -here the Tourists,Transients, and Permanent Guests may peacefully rest, freefrom the dirt and annoyance usually found in down town hotels.Transportation, the Illinois Central Railway. (Time down­town, 12 minutes.]The house has a frontage of 700 feet; has 400 roomswith access to private bath.A Most Excellent Hotel the Year RoundH. H. McLean, ManagerParticular attention paid to Banquets from theUniversity of Chicago. Fine Dance Hall to Rent.So, if by loyalty you're stirred�ue llnibersitp of C!Cuicago �aga?ineEditorJAMES WEBER LINN, '97.Assistant Editor, WILLIAM REID, '18.Publications Committee-Scott Brown, '97, 208 S. La Salle St., Chairman; Herbert E.Slaught, Ph. D. '99; Arthur E. Bestor, '01; Albert W. Sherer, '06; G. Raymond Schaeffer, '06;John F. Moulds, '07; Harold Swift, '07.Business ManagerJOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Business Committee=-], F. Hagey, '98, First National Bank, 38 South Dearborn St.; ].P. Mentzer, '98, 2210' South Park Ave.; E. T. Gundlach, ex '99, Gundlach Advertising Co.,Peoples Gas Bldg.; Willoughby c. Walling, '99, Winnetka, Ill.; F. G. Moloney, ex '02, But­terick Publishing Co" 5 South Wabash Ave.; Adolph j ahn, ex '03, 544 West Adams St.; BruceMacLeish, '03, Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., State and Madison Sts.; Chas. M. Steele, '04, CarlM. Green Company, Advertising Agents, Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich.; Herbert Markham,ex '05, Federal Sign System, Electric, 640 West Lake St.; E. H. Aherns, '06, Factory Magazine,5 North Wabash Ave.; G. R. Schaeffer, '06, Chairman, The Tobey Distributing Company, 33North Wabash Ave.; Henry D. Sulcer, '06, The Chicago Tribune; Barrett C. Andrews, ex'06, Every Week and Associated Sunday Magazines, New York City; Luther D. Fernald, ex'08, Leslie-Judge Co" New York City; Daniel W. Ferguson, '09, Every VI eek Corporation, 1101Garland Bldg.: P. F, Buckley, ex '10, Leslie's Magazine, Marquette Bldg.Advertising RepresentativeHARRY DORNBLASER, '18, 5747 University Ave.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July inclusive. by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago. 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1 The subscription price is $1.50 per year:the price of single copies is 20 cents. 'II Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico, Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. UPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cent.on annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).I Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange, postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month. of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council. Box 9. Faculty Exchange, The Unlver­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10. 1914. at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act otMarch 8, 1879.THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOChairman, ALBERT W. SHERER,S ecretary- Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.THE COUNCIL for 1915-16 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, AGNES R. WAYMAN, HELEN T. SUNNY, JOHN FRYERMOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, CHARLES F. KENNEDY, ALICE GREEN ACRE, HAROLD H.SWIFT, RUDY MATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR. GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTTBROWN, LAWRENCE WHITING.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, SAMUEL MACCUNTOCK, THEODORE L. NEFF,HERBERT E. SLAUGHT.From the Divinity Alumni Association, PETER G. MODE, WALTER RUNYON, EDGAR J. GOOD­SPEED.From the Law School Alumni Association, ALBERT L. HOPKINS, S. D. HIRSCHL, J. W.HOOVER.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HERBERT P. ZIMMERMAN, HOWELL MURRAY, CHARLES F.AXELSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, Rurn RETICKER, EDITH OS­GOOD.From the University, JAMES R. ANGELL.DIRECTORY OF LOCAL ALUMNI CLUBSALL ALUMNI and former students of the University are eligible to membership in the local clubs.THE CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB, Charles F. Axelson, 900 The Rookery, Chicago.THE CHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUB, Margaret Rhodes, 1358 E. 58th St., Chicago.THE EASTERN ALUMNI CLUB, Frank H. Pike, Columbia University, New York, N. Y.THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI .CLUB, Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., 186 W. Third St., St. Paul, Minn.THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ALUMNI CLUB, H. D. Warner, 1734 Newport St., Denver, Colo.THE NORTHWEST ALUMNI CLUB, Milo J. Loveless, 607 Oriental Blk., Seattle, Wash.THE UTAH ALUMNI CLUB, Jay H. Stockman 1010 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.THE PHILIPPINE ALUMNI CLUB, Manila, P. 1.THE NORTHERN OHIO ALUMNI CLUB, John W. Perrin, Case Library, Cleveland, 0 ..THE WASHiNGTON (D. C.) ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur Minnick, Patent Office, Washington, D. C.THE PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI CLUB, Edwin D. Solenberger, 419 S. Fifteenth St., Phila., Pa.THE ROCK ISLAND ALUMNI CLUB, George G. Perrin, M. W. A. Bldg., Rock Island, Ill.THE ROCKFORD ALUMNI CLUB, Dudley W. Day, 503 Trust Bldg., Rockford, Ill.THE PITTSBURGH ALUMNI CLUB, Waldo P. Breeden, 722 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.THE MILWAUKEE ALUMNI CLUB, Marian Shorey, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee.THE JAPAN ALUMNI CLUB, Sakae Shioya, Higher Normal School, Tokyo.THE OREGON ALUMNI CLUB, Lakeview, Ore.THE KANSAS CITY· ALUMNI CLUB, Kansas City, Mo.THE SIOUX CITY ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur McGill, 607 Iowa Bldg., Iowa City, la.THE SPRINGFIELD ALUMNI CLUB, Harvey Solenberger, 507 Ferguson Bldg., Springfield, Ill.THE DES MOINES ALUMNI CLUB, Florence E. Richardson, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa.THE ANACONDA ALUMNI CLUB, Anaconda, Mont.THE INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNI CLUB, Martha Allerdice, 12'24 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.THE SOUTHERN OHIO ALUMNI CLUB, Cincinnati, Ohio.THE MOUNT HOLYOKE CLUB OF CHICAGO ALUMNI, Helen M. Searles, South Hadley, Mass.THE ELGIN ALUMNI CLUB, Jessie I. Solomon, 320 Chicago St., Elgin, Ill.THE BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB, James R. Work, 139 Hoyt St., Buffalo, N. Y.THE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUB OF UNIVERSITY OF NORTJI DAKOTA, Norma E. Pfeiffer,University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D.THE CALIFORNIA ALUMNI CLUB, Myrtle Collier, 5330 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.THE HAWAIIAN CLUB, S. D. Barnes, 280 Beretania St., Honolulu, T. H.