Vol. VfIl CONTENTS FOR MARCH, 10Hi No. !).FRONTISPIECE: The Quadrangles by Arc-Light.E\'ENTS AND DTSCUSSION 1'81On Ii. POETTCA L . PROTAGONIST, by F. .1\1. Webster '1..J. ..................••...FIW\[ THE HISTORY OF THE UNI\'ERSlTY, by T. \N. Goodspeed 180CHIC:\GO, 1801-101G, by Helen S. Hughes, ']0 . '.' ..... 10:2THE COMING OF THE GHEEKS, by Francis W. Shepardson ......................... 19:3A $200,000 GIFT : 197ErE I� THE GARDEN, by Elizabeth Messick H)Uk, '07 . . 198\VH!'T HAPPENED TN BEAUMONT, by Harry Ha isen, '00 . . �W1THE UNIVERSITY AND FREE SPEECH 207THE LETTER-Box 208THE U Nl\'ERSITY RECORD '209Two VIE\VS OF BARTLETT GYMNASIUM (pictures) 211THE :\IONTH AT THE UNIVEHSITY �212.: \THLETICS ..................................................................... 2]4THE ASSOCIA TTON OF DOCTOHS AND THE QUARTER-CENTENNIAL 216ALl.! M N1 AFFAIRS �217 2:10Ralph Hobart, 'D5; "Old University" Reunion; l\' otices to Alumnae and Alumni; SomeAlumni Groups; News of the Classes; Association of Doctors; Law School Alumni Asso­ciation; Engagements, Marriages, Births, Deaths.Photograph by P. Rounsevelle, '18. The Quadrangles By Arc-LightThe University of ChicagoMagazineMARCH, 1916 NUMBER 5VOLUME VIIIEvents and DiscussionThe outstanding fact about the quar­ter-centennial to be noted first byalumni is the change of date. The cele-bration will take placeThe Quarter- one week earlier thanCentennial previously announced.Celebration The dates now decidedon permanently areFriday, June 2, to Tuesday, June 6.The change was due to the fact thatthe Republican and Progressive na­tional conventions are to be held inChicago on June 7, and hotel reserva­tions would have been difficult. The·general plans for the celebration arenow in charge of a large number ofsub-committees and although they arewell under way, they are still in a statewhich makes reporting difficult. Butthe plans for Alumni Day, on Saturday,June 3, are substantially outlined.The day may be said to begin withthe night before; when alumni will takedinner at the Commons and at the fra­ternity houses, and the University Singwill be given. .On Saturday there will be a generalluncheon for alumnre, under the aus­pices of the Chicago Alumni Club, at12 : 3 O. Immediatelyafter luncheon the un­dergraduates will en­tertain with a "circus"on Stagg Field. To the circus thealumni will proceed in costume, withbands, floats and daylight fireworks.Sections of the grandstand will be re­served and entrance thereto will beAlumniDay from the field. Following the circuswill come the "international" baseballgame with Waseda University ofJapan, which is returning this year thevisit of the University of Chicago team.After the game comes the annual busi­ness meeting of the Alumni Associa­tion in Mandel Hall. Tea follows atthe Reynolds Club, and at half-past sixthe University dinner, either in Hutch­inson or Bartlett, and the class din­ners. The evening will be given upto an entertainment to be worked outin conjunction with the Blackfriars andthe Undergraduate Council and con­sisting of selections of scenes andchoruses from Blackfriar operas andfrom the two "University Operas" ofthe past. "The Deceitful Dean" and"The Academic Alchemist." In stat­ing this program, the Alumni Com­mittee adds: "When in connectionwith this there is taken into accountthe general events of the celebrationand the emphasis by the University onthe alumni, city and state significanceof the celebration, it is not too muchto hope that this will be for the alumnithe greatest occasion in the history ofthe University."Among these "general events" willbe the dedication of Ida Noyes Hall,and the occasion will be joyful to many.To some it might seemWomen and an opportunity for seri­Responsibility ous reflection. Let usnot offer comparisonsbetween alumni and nae : but let us182 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEadmit that the fire of loyalty to theUniversity has burnt with at least equalbrightness in the hearts of the women.The Chicago Alumni Club is an or­ganization to which the editor is proudto belong. It has more than two hun­dred members; it meets at delightfuldinners twice a year. The' ChicagoAlumnae Club has almost twice as manymembers and meets more than twice asoften. The Chicago Alumni Club lastyear began the establishment of a loanfund; the Alumnae Club has for yearscarried on by subscription active edu­cational work in Chicago where it wasmost needed. A recent paper by anundergraduate called attention, casu­ally, to the fact that of the nine girls'clubs in the University, three at leastare contributing regularly to "scholar­ship funds," which are to be put at theservice of the University, and twoothers are regularly engaged as clubs)in charitable work of the most respon­sible and permanent sort. One won­ders how many fraternities can say asmuch. It is a truism to remark that"the scholarship of the women under­graduates surpasses that of the men."Is it not equally true that the actualnumber of undergraduate women at­tending "University events," even ath­letic events, surpasses that of the men?At least it is true that the women havean Athletic Association and managetheir ·own competitions, while the mendepend on "cup races," "interfraternityrivalry" and intercollegiate display. Inshort, wherever one turns, does it notseem as if the women have acceptedtheir share of responsibility, offeringtheir share of support with a steadi­ness and complete lack of horn-blow­ing that, is rather fine? The MAGAZINEhopes that when Ida Noyes is dedicatedthe horns will blow loud and long. It'sabout time. On January 1, 1916, Professor CharlesChandler retired from the active work ofteaching, thus terminating a career oftwenty-four years inthe University of Chi­cago and forty-fiveProfessorChandlerRetires years as one entireperiod of his profes­sional work. Graduating from the Uni­versity of Michigan in 1871, he spentthe next three years as a teacher oflanguages in the Pontiac, Michigan,High School. The seventeen yearsfrom 1874 to 1891 were given to Deni­son University, where many Chicago­ans, both in and out of our own Uni­versity, were under his instruction inLatin. Duringhis life at Gran­ville (DenisonUniversity) hewas a friendand fellowteacher, as wellas fellow stu­dent in someprivate studiesof \Villiam R.Harper, after­wards to be the pioneer president ofthe University of Chicago. Throughthis friendship came the call to Pro­fessor Chandler to membership inPresident Harper's first faculty at Chi­cago.Aside from his immediate activitiesin his profession, Professor Chandlerhas had a wide range of interests. Hehas been an omnivorous reader and hasacquired more than a dilettante's knowl­edge of many subjects. In English lit­erature he has been especially inter­ested in Shakespeare. He is an expertchess player and a high degree Mason.Preeminently he is a man who lovesthe quiet life of home, where to thosewho know him familiarly he exempli­fies the well-read man of letters, thecharming conversationalist, the Chris­tian gentleman.'EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe Daily Maroon says in a recenteditorial: "In a letter received fromthe assistant director of Education inthe Philippine islands,the following paragraphappears:'I managed to seeonly one of the Maroon games. TheMaroon team is altogether too muchfor our local players. Mr. Magee (thefirst assistant director of Education)states that in one of his trips to La­guma, he found "maroon" teams scat­tered throughout the province.'"To the many who have consideredthe baseball team's recent. journeymerely in the light of a 'joy ride,' thesefew words should bring a significantmessage. Laguma is a province notfar distant from Manila toward the in­terior of the island; it is, indeed, acause for satisfaction that the Varsity'sachievements on foreign soil shouldhave permeated the innermost regionsof the Pacific islands. The brief state­ments quoted above testify to the serv­ice which Coach Page and his men haverendered the University."Sweetnessand LightNine students registered in the Au­tumn quarter completed three or moremajors each with the maximum num­ber of grade points(grade of A in eachcourse), as comparedwith twelve in the Au­tumn quarter of 1914.The list is headed by Margaret Parker,who completed four courses with atotal of twenty-four grade points. Theother students obtaining the highestpossible grades were Edward Blanken­stein, Myr on Brightfield, Samuel ] a­cobson and Helen Koch from the ] u­unior colleges; and Arthur Hanisch,Vina Knowles, Anna Otto and RuthProsser in the Senior colleges. Thetotal number of students obtaining anaverage grade of A minus or better onOn theAlpineHeights 183three or more courses was 143, as com­pared with 123 in the correspondingquarter of 1914. Of these, seventeel�were carrying more than the normalamount of work, three majors.Professor ]. Laurence LauzhlinI::> •Ph. D., head of the' Department of Polit-ical Economy in the University, willbe the Convocation ora­Prof. Laughlin tor at the ninety-eighthConvocation Convocation, on M�rchOrator 21, 1916. The subjectof his address will be".Ec_on01�nic Liberty." Professor Laugh­Iin IS WIdely known through his bookson political economy and as an author­it!' on ban�ing and finance. AmonghIS more Important publications arethe History of Bimetallism in the UnitedSt�te�, Elements of Political Economy,Principles of 1M oney, Reciprocity, Indus­trial A meric a, and Latter-Day Problems;For two years Professor Laughlin wasthe chairman of the executive commit­tee of the National Citizens' Leaguefor the Promotion of a Sound BankingSystem,. and in that capacity was in­fluential in shaping important currencylegislation by Congress. ProfessorLaughlin, who has been head of theDepartment of Political Economy atthe University since its founding, wasExchange Professor in Berlin in 1906,and the same year received from theUniversity of Giessen, at its 300th ju­bilee, the degree of Doctor honoriscausa.On the evening of February 12 theDramatic Club gave Bernard Shaw's"Arms and the Man" in Mandel Hallbefore probably thelargest audience thathas ever witnessed aDramatic Club per­formance at the University. The playhad been coached by Mme. BorgnyHammer, the well known Norwegian"Arms andthe ·Man"184 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEactress. To her and to the astonish­ingly fine work of Leon P. Gendron,'18, as Bluntschli, the club membersare inclined to give the chief creditfor a performance which, like the audi­ence, broke all records. The remain­der of the cast, however, was wellabove the average. It included Kath­erine Colpitts, '17 as Raina, SigmundCohen, '17, as Major Petkoff, DorothyCollins, '16, as Mrs. Petkoff, LawrenceSalisbury, '16, as Sergius, Ruth Parker,'18, as Louka, and George Dorsey, '16,as Nicola. The photograph repro­duced on page 200 is of Bluntschli andRaina in act 1.Professor Walter Wheeler Cook, ofthe Law School, was elected presidentof the Association of the American LawSchools, which re­cently held its fif­teenth annual meet­ing in Chicago.Professor Cook had previously been thesecretary-treasurer of the association,which is composed of forty-seven of theleading law schools of the United States,including Columbia, Cornell, Harvard,Leland Stanford, Michigan, Pennsyl­vania, the University of the Philippines,Texas, Wisconsin, Yale, and the Univer­sity of Chicago. At the meeting of theAmerican Association for the Advance­ment of Science, held at Columbus,Ohio, Professor Robert Andrews Milli­kan, of the Department of Physics, waselected president of the American Phys­ical Society. Professor Rollin D. Salis­bury, head of the Department of Geog­raphy, was elected a vice-president ofthe Association, and made chairman ofthe section on geology and geography forthe present year. At the annual meet­ing in N eyv York of the National Col­legiate Athletic Association ProfessorJames Rowland Angell was elected vice­president.Honors tothe' Faculty The MAGAZINE has now more than2,000 regular subscribers. The nextthing is to make it five thousand. Acertain exercise of theimagination is neces­sary, you think? Andyet four thousand canbe had by. the simplest of all possiblemethods-the securing of one newsubscriber by each of those at presenton the list. The Publicity and Mem­bership Committees of the CollegeAlumni Association are centeringtheir efforts at present on this method.Here's the committee: Harold H.Swift, '07, chairman; Scott Brown, '97;Grace A. Coulter, '99; Frank McNair,'03; Effie M. Hewitt, '13; George E.Kuh, '13; Francis T. Ward, '15. Aletter has been sent out to every sub­scriber, with details. This commentis merely to the effect that the letterwas sent to you, and you are the personwhose plain duty it is to get anothersubscriber.Only, of course, if you are interestedin the Alumni Association and in theMAGAZINE. The editor takes no stockin the idea that you should appeal tosomebody else to do something whichit bores you to do. If you subscribeyourself only because you think youought; if, so far as you are concerned,the Association can go hang and theMAGAZINE unread, then we're still veryglad to have you on the list becausewe need your help, and hope to gainyour interest some day, but we don'tinsist that you ought to do violence toyour judgment. But the great bulk ofthe subscribers will not buy a goldbrick in the open. They know whatthey are getting, and think the bargaina fair one, and such subscribers oughtto help a fair bargain in itself, withthe knowledge that in the end it meansreal help to the University. It is yourplain duty to push. Y o-heave-ho.A PlainDutyOUR POETICAL PROTAGONIST 185OUf Poetical ProtagonistPoets nowadays sing of Spoon River,of New England "North of Boston," ofSpringfield, and leave their readers toapply the local-measure to universallife. A pocket volume of locality,called by a somewhat frayed title, ('ALittle Book of Local Verse," whichappeared· at La Crosse, \iVisconsin,last summer, should be of interest tous here at Chicago, for the maker ofthe verses is Howard Mumford Jones,an Assistant in the Department ofEnglish at the University.Howard M umford JonesThose who know the northern Mis­sissippi valley or those who are merelyacquainted with it from the observa­tion car of a train or the decks of theold "St. Paul" will readily admit itspoetic possibilities. There is the broad,gray-brown river with suggestions ofdeparted glory; there are beds of yel- low lotus; there are paint less towns;red-gold cliffs; green coulees, andabove all, a slumbrous calm, disturbednow and then by the rattle of a freighttrain or the mellowed shriek of a pass­ing engine. Jones has seen all of thisnatural beauty and human ugliness, buthe has felt, too, something of its spiritualsignificance as he has gone through thecountry. In "An Abandoned Ceme­tery" he has found an old but at leasta sure immortality:"This is th e ir : immortality-to lieAmon a these fields of ripening corn and rye,Here ;'here the tangled shadows of oldtreesStain the rank grass, and nodding down thebreeze.Huge growths of fireweed swarm aroundthe graves.God whom they called Eternal-He is gone,And grief has dried between the night anddawn,That seemed eternal. Only transient grass,The brooklet never still, brown birds thatpass. .Like winged moods across the b lo wi nggrain,Shadows and clouds and sunlight-these re­mall1Where all things else, imagined withoutchangeOf spirit or flesh have vanished.Is it strangeThese tombstones sag above the graves, orlieHeavy with fruitless immortality?Look here: "Beloved ... wife ... JEt. . . Rest with God."And here-"sister ... peace ... her soul... " The sodIs sunken wh er e they rest, and in the moonsThe crickets sing among the grass.Our boonsCome strangely to us. It is better so,Better to sleep as they do, and lie lowBeneath the ragged shadows and the rain.N ow they are spared the infinite slow painOf stirring life above them. the loud bell,The quavering hymns, the words of heavenand hell:Them shalt no trampling feet disturb, norcriesOf children playing make them lift their.eyes,Vexed that the living take so little careTo keep the fret of life away from there.And most of all, the futile trick of flowersLaid on their breasts to wither with thehoursAnd force the dead remember and awaken186 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrom their slow sleep-this trouble, too,. istaken.N ow beyond GO'd or man, they only haveTo keep the secure quiet of the grave,J-! ere where the rain falls and the tangledleavesO£ birch and elm trees shade them.Past the sheavesBeyond the road the distant reapers whir,A grosbeak startles up, a grasshopperSings from a headstone-sounds that likethe streamAre drowsier than voices in a dream ....Over them, wild flowers springing in theweedsWher e vernal winds have sown the randomseeds,Fir cweed and golden-rod, and one slowstarLar g« in the vesper east, show where theyare.J ones has seen on the highway thesmall town through which the auto­mobiles move too fast and the inhabit­ants too slowly to catch glimpses ofthe face of God. .Certain Reflections at MidwayAt Midway town, at Midway townThe dust-white road goes up and down,And flashing past and to and froAll summer long the autos go.They seldom stop at Midway town-r­The place is small and dead and brown,A store, a station and a hall,A dozen houses-that is all.'Tis true, the meadows are as fairAt Midway town as anywhere,And overhead in August skiesThe clouds careen like argosies.The black-eyed Susans by the wayCurtsey and dance there every day,And from the wheatfields joyouslyI heard the blackbird mock at me.Surely at Midway one can feelAt night the cruising planet reel,And see in heaven the milky wakeOf star-dust its propellers make.And yet-and yet-at Midway townThe silver road goes up and down,And flashing past and to and froAll summer long the autos go.And the poet has felt in himselfa healthy reaction toward man-madethings-and has got himself preachedabout in· a local church.SundayYour Hell and Heaven, what are they?I tramp the yellow road to-day, And deep among the grass I seeThe harebells' fairy blasphemy.They blow on Sunday as they blowOn any day in all the row.Your Hell and Heaven, what are they?I tramp the yellow road to-day.But he has not been too busy withthe meaning of things to paint picturesof real life and fairy life. If he drawsa moral from the movies, he finds asigh in a red leaf; if he sees childvisions from a street car, he finds awhimsey in the stars, and now andthen he enjoys a sheer debauch ofdancing words:Rain on the RiverRain 011 the river! And dance, dance,danceAnd bobbing and trippingAnd sliding and slipping,One little leg dippingInto the stream where a drop of rainWith a circular strainMelts on the river, the elf-men prance!One elf to a dropOne drop to an elf­Will he never stopTo recover himself!Nay!Plop-plop-plopIn the early mornThe quick rain rattles and patters away!Who could stopWith such an orchestra to get to playMusic riddlesAnd fugues that chaseFrom top to bottom and back againAt a most impossible pace!If you don't believe me, listen then­To the hundred drumsAs small as your thumbsHid just under the river's top,Invisible fiddles,A tiny horn,And a great big bullfrog bass!And look out there on the ballroom floorWhere every eddy has twenty scoreOf fairy dancersAnd goblin prancers!Each little elf-man whirls like a top,In a mad, mad dance they jostle and prance,And skip and flopAnd slip and dropAnd never stopFor rest or breath or a change at allIn this incredible carnival,This maddest,GladdestKind of a ball!-:-Let them rest if they possibly can,They've danced on the river' since day be­gan!OUR POETICAL PROTAGONIST 187But lanes belongs to us as well asto the upper reaches of the Missis­sippi. My introduction to him camelast year through a loose and heteroge­neous mass of manuscript handed tome by a friend, with the comment:"See what you think of this chap. Hecomes from LaCrosse by way of theUniversity of Wisconsin to do gradu­ate work at Chicago." I was not en­thusiastic, but I fished out the most.reputable looking manuscript, a sonnetsequence called "Love Divided," whichI read through twice. And I confessto Iones and to the world at large thatI have never performed the same featwith any other such sequence. It wasnot that I felt that "The House ofLife" or "Modern Love" had been out­done, for it is in this sequence thatthe main faults of I ones' poetry-acertain unweeded fullness of emotionand luxuriance of poetic growth­stand most barely revealed, but therewere lines like-"\i\1herefor we wandered in far fields andstrangeAnd tasted alien grapes frorn Eschol's vine."which I liked to roll under my tongue.There were whole sonnets which Ienjoyed, others which I admired, andsome which I understood. Moreover,I had a vague feeling that the mythical"campus poet," whose existence Idoubted, had been made manifest. Ilearned also that Iones was born inSaginaw, Mich., of honest parents, thathe had red hair, miscellaneous teeth,an illuminating smile, a voice thatmade reading lyric, and that above allhe was a "regular fellow."A part of the manuscript which Isaw went into the "Little Book ofLocal Verse," and the sonnets ap­peared in the September, 1915, issue of"The Midland." Now I have anothersheaf from which I should like to quotemany things, for it seems to me thatJ ones is just finding himself, andthat the best things which he has done are the latest. There are the poems ofthe Dunes, five of them: "First Im­pressions," "At Miller's," "Night,""Dawn," "November," of which the in­spiration is recent and local. Onlythose who have strayed from theircampfires alone and sensed the awfulnegation as they watched night slipover the dunes will feel the truth ofthe third of these poems, which Iquote:NightAnd now the utter lonelinessIs more than man can bear:The waves are sadder than distress,The dunes are like despair.The lake is blank and pallid goldWhere only sea-gulls dwell,Spirits by God left unenrolledIn heaven and earth and hell.Hard on the brown and fading sandsThe teeth of crumbled wavesBite out their stories of old Ian dsAnd peoples in their graves;Above the sun is dead, belowGod and the world are dead,And only the leaden waters goAcross their leaden bed.And slowly from the ashen airShudders the paling light,And slowly up the sky doth fareThe stark and naked night,Night of the mad and staring stars,Night beyond time or space,Void, vacant, black as prison bars,Night, without form or face.There are the University Sketches,soon to be published in "Poetry," oflibrarians, of professors, of chapelhour, of Aphrodite in Cobb. I shouldlike especially to quote the lines called"Phonology," for they are a sort ofbattle song for the graduate student,just as the translation of Heine's"N ordsee" submitted by I ones in lieuof a Master's thesis seems a prophecyof creative graduate study. jones hasjust completed too a "Convocation Ode,"written at the request of the Universityto be read at the Quarter Centennial cele­bration.But the best of Jones' work is notyet completed. Its subj.ect takes usback to the Mississippi valley, which188 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEis the poet's home and his enthusiasm.The "Tales of the Great River" areset in a frame story of four campingfriends slowly chugging down streamand beguiling the time with"Some Indian storyOr legend goryOf Enzland and France."Strange�' tales of the river,Quaint as a dream,Old as a quiverOf starlight a-shiverOr the dead in the stream."Three of the tales have been com­pleted-there are to be six or eight­"The Last Conquistadore," "TheGolden Land of Mathieu Sagean," and"The Black Robe," the first thetragedy of De Soto, the second the. glorious romancing of the imaginativeSagean, the third the triumphantly pa­thetic death of Father Marquette.There is skillful narration in thesepoems, wide variety of versification,and a spirit of sincerity and self-for­getfulness which is rare. I can quoteonly from the last of these tales, inwhich the chanting of the monks inthe convent on the hillside mixes withthe words of the dying Marquette:" 'I can not tell just how many daysVve wandered through the wilderness' waysOf stream and swamp and wood and portagetrack.You know, Pierre. And Jaques . . . onyour backYou often took my load.I can not speak.I am an old, worn man . . . Mary!So weak!Lift me, Pierre. . .Tu bonus [ac beniqneN e p erenni-s-Jacques! ... ,"=-cremer iqne."Speechless, supported by the kind, rougharmMarquette lies back, his eyelids closed,scarce warn1 .With living blood, and over him the twoBow as men bid the dead a last adieu,And over all the shifting snow comes in,Making them marble, and the water's dinIn hoarse; barbaric gusts of rage doth ringIn savage thunder like an iron thing. Then suddenly the Jesuit stirs, his eyesBurning and deep and wide with wild sur­prise,And puts them from him-"See, see, 0 see!It is the river, broad and fair and free,That we sailed down those many months,and thenTurning, as many leagues toiled up again!Look, Jacques, look! ...June lies upon the streamLike benediction whispered in a dream.o miracle � The very river I'BeLeld that night in France!. Upon the skyWhen Mary spake, these hills magnificent,That massive, mighty channel came andwent .About, about. and in and out the starsAs here it twists amid its golden bars!Let us give thanks to God! . . .Joliet-see, see!It is the same! . . . This river unto thee,o Mary, who hast guided us, I hereDo consecrate, through every happy yearHereafter to be thine. Now in ex celsisGloriaf-Why, these are tears!Come-'l'olul�tatis-Yes, of good will, good will; N ow-te lauda­musBenedictimus, te adoramus !' "I haven't tried to classify jones. Idon't believe in' classifications. Whenyou sort and tabulate violets you getbotany, when you label the stars you.get astronomy, when. you analyze acanyon you get geology, and when youclassify a poet you get a graduatecourse in English. If you like j ones'poetry you will like it whether he fitsin. any niche or not. If you must havehis philosophy of life-though there isnothing which will sooner wreck apleasant friendship than a completeunderstanding of that fickle phantasm-here it is in his own words, spokenby j ones the man:The only message I haveIs an old and tr.te one:Fear God,Love beautiful things,And lastly, mind your own business.These things comprise, as I take it,"The whole duty of man.FRANK M. WEBSTER; '14.FRO�M THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY 189From the History of the University[In Chapter II of the history Dr. Goodspeed ex­plains the course of events which resulted in a prom­ise from Mr. John D. Rockefeller to give $600,000to the founding of a university in Chicago if theAmerican Baptist Education Society would raise $400,-000 more. Mr. Rockefeller's promise was given ina letter dated May 15, 1889, and the time allowedfor the raising of the $400,000 was until June 1, 1890.Chapter II tells also of the immense interest andthe hard work spent in the early stages of the planby Dr. William R. Harper, then of Yale, and Rev.Frederick T. Gates, then secretary of the EducationSociety. Chapter III is an account of the success­ful effort to raise the $400,000-an effort full ofdramatic interest. The selections in the installmentcf the history printed below are from Chapter III.-Ed.]Ma tters had reached this stagewhen, on December 4th, 1889, a callwas made on Marshall Field. Sometime had already been spent in in­specting possible sites for the newinstitution. The site of the old uni­versity had been considered, but itbeing found that the building andground could not be secured for lessthan four hundred and forty-twothousand dollars, a price which wasprohibitive, the desire to locate onthis historic site was regretfully givenup. Finally unoccupied ground wasfound fronting on the Midway Plais­ance between Washington and J ack­son Parks. It was recognized at onceas the ideal site. Learning that it be­longed to Mr. Field, it was determinedto ask him to donate ten acres for thepurpose. He received the requestwith hospitality, but said the firm wasabout to make the annual inventoryand learn the results of the year's busi­ness. He asked his visitors thereforeto come and see him six weeks later.The secretaries next called on Mr.Field j anuary 15, 1890. The details ofthe interview are preserved in a letterwritten four days later to the writer'ssons at College. ·The first thing Mr.Field said was this: "I have not yetmade up my mind about giving youthat ten acres. But I have decided onething. If I give it to you, I shall wishyou to make up the four hundredthousand dollars independently of thisdonation." The secretaries assured him that this they could and would do.Re then had his maps brought andindicated the tract he had it in mindto give, lying on the Southeast cornerof Ellis avenue and Fifty-sixth street.The secretaries thought they saw thatMr. Field had really decided in his ownmind to make the donation, and there­fore felt that they might safely urgehim to do so. They asked if Mr. Gatesmight not telegraph Mr. Rockefellerthat he had decided to give the site.He repeated that he was not quiteready to go so far as this. The secre­taries then said: "Mr. Field, our workis really waiting for your decision. Weare anxious to push it rapidly-indeedwe must do so-and if we can say thatyou have given us the site, it will helpus immensely with every man we ap­proach." After a moment's reflection,Mr. Field answered: "Well, I supposeI might as well decide it now as at anytime. If the conditions are satisfac­tory, you may say that I will give thisten acres as the site." He pronouncedthe points made in the letter sent tohim satisfactory, and the secretariesaccepted the conditions named by him,viz., that they should go on and securethe full four hundred thousand dollarsindependently of his donation. Hethen requested them to write thesepoints out in a form to be submittedto his attorneys, and stated that hewould give them a contract for a deed,the deed to be made when the condi­tions were fulfilled. These details wereeasily arranged and the original site often acres was secured. It had a Westfront of six hundred feet on Ellis ave­nue and North and South fronts ofabout six hundred and sixty-six feeton Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seventh streets.A week later, Mr. Gates, in the nameof the Education Society, secured fromMr. Field an option on the ten acres190 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEimmediately South of the tract do­nated. This option to purchase ex­tended to June 1, 1890.The matter of the donation of thesite finally took the following form:Mr. Field gave to the Education So­ciety for the new institution one anda half blocks and sold to it for onehundred and thirty-two thousand fivehundred dollars another block and ahalf, the three blocks beginning at theMidway Plaisance and running Northalong the East side of Ellis avenue twoblocks to Fifty-seventh street and Eastalong the South side of Fifty-seventhstreet two blocks to University (thenLexington) avenue. These three blocksconstituted the site afterwards trans­ferred by the Education Society to theUniversity. This is the story of thesecuring of the site. I t was univer­sally recognized as an ideal location.Early in 1890 two independent, aux­iliary movements were launched, thatcontributed greatly to the final suc­cess. The first of these was under­taken by the Alumni of the Old Uni­versity. From the first they had beenprofoundly interested in the efforts toreconstruct the educational fabricwhich had been wrecked, or, if neces­sary, to construct a new one. On the28th of June, 1889, less than a monthafter the campaign for the 'Four Hun­dred Thousand Dollar Fund began,the class of '86, the last class to gradu­ate from the Old University, held ameeting and inaugurated the move­ment for raising an Alumni Fund forthe new institution, everyone presentmaking a subscription. The day Iol­lowing the meeting the members of theclass found the officers of the AlumniAssociation and arranged for the call­ing of a general meeting of the Alumni.This meeting was held on the eveningof July 6 at the Grand Pacific Hotel.There were forty or more present, in­cluding Dr. J. c. Burroughs, the firstpresident of the Old University. Ad- dresses were made by Mr. Gates,Judge F. A. Smith, '66, afterward atrustee of the new institution, JacobNewman, '73, Professor A. J. Howe,who had been for over twenty yearshead of the department of Mathe­matics, E. F. Stearns, '69, and Dr. Bur­roughs, all voicing the heartiest en­thusiasm for the New University.Ferd. W. Peck, '68, F. A. Smith, '66,O. B. Clark, '72, George C. Ingham,'73, and Jacob N ewrnan, '73, were madea committee to cooperate with the sec­retaries in raising funds among thealumni for the New University. Earlyin 1890 the movement took the formof endowing a chair in the Universityas a memorial of their fellow alumnus,Edward Olson of the class of 1873, latepresident of the University of Dakota,who lost his life in the burning of theTribune Building in Minneapolis, No­vember 30, 1889.A very considerable sum was sub­scribed for this purpose, and one ofthe chairs in the department of Greekin the University of Chicago com­memorate's this subscription, its occu­pant's name being followed by thewords, "on the Edward Olson Foun­dation." Not all the alumni subscrip­tions, however, were made for the me­morial . professorshi p. Some had beenmade before this movement began.Some came from pastors and laymenin church subscriptions, and otherswere found in the course of the appealto the business men. The committeeappointed for that purpose cooperatedloyally with the secretaries, and therewere received from the alumni aggre­gate pledges of thirty thousand dollars.The sons of the first University ofChicago, by their interest and liber­ality, fairly won the title of alumni ofthe New University, and one of thevery first acts of its trustees was tore-enact their degrees and formallyrecognize them as its first alumni.The other auxiliary movement, con-FR01\;1 THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITYnected with the appeal to the businesspublic, was that of the Jews. On thetwentieth of February, 1890, the secre­taries called on B. Loewenthal, a J ew­ish banker, who expressed great in­terest, and promised to undertake toinaugurate- a movement among hispeople. Rabbi Hirsch and E. B. Fel­sent hal entered heartily into theundertaking, as did -others who wereconsulted, 'and on April 8th the Stand­ard Club, composed of four hundred ofthe leading Jews of the city, on themotion of Morris Selz, unanimouslyand enthusiastically voted to raisetwenty-five thousand dollars for thenew institution. A committee of tenwas appointed, which pushed the workwith energy through the succeedingmonths. The committee assumed theentire labor of securing the subscrip­tions, wholly relieving the secretaries;from any responsibility or effort. Thelatter had secured fifteen hundred dol­lars from Jews who were alumni ofthe old University before this move­ment began. The Committee of Tenfinally turned in subscriptions aggre­gating twenty-five thousand five hun­dred dollars, making the total pledgesreceived from the Jews twenty-seventhousand dollars. This generous co­operation was one of the essential fac­tors in the final success achieved. Thefact that the Standard Club and theJews generally were making this vol­unteer contribution for the new insti­tution did much to invite public atten­tion.The first trustees were chosen inthe following manner: Secretary Gateswell understood that, as the executiveofficer of the Education Society, it be­longed to him to find men who couldbe properly named to the ExecutiveBoard for consideration as trustees.Throughout the whole of the year inwhich the SUbscriptions were beingsought he was constantly on the look­out for good trustee material. Here 191and there men were found who werenot satisfied to make liberal subscrip­tions only, but exhibited so deep andintelligent an interest, making in­quiries, offering suggestions, proffer­ing services, seeking to interest others,furthering in every way they couldthe work of the secretaries, that theirultimate appointment as trustees fol­lowed naturally, almost inevitably"their living and enlightened interestin, and unselfish and voluntary serv­ices to the enterprise. Often on leav­ing an office where there had been aninterview with a man of this sort, Mr.Gates would say, "There is a man whowill make a trustee." A list of gen­tlemen was thus prepared before theend of the year came. The nameswere submitted to Mr. Rockefeller andMr. Field and to the rest of the prin­cipal subscribers and were by them ap­proved to the Executive Board of theEducation Society for appointment.Their names were submitted as thenominees of the subscribers to the"fund," and as such were approved bythe Executive Board as the first Boardof Trustees of the projected institu­tion. The following were the menthus chosen: Joseph M. Bailey, amember of the State Supreme Court,and later Chief Justice; E. NelsonBlake, twice president of the ChicagoBoard of Trade, and first president ofthe University Board; Charles C.Bowen, a business man of Detroit,Michigan; Elmer L. Corthell, a civilengineer; Eli B. Felsenthal, a lawyerand an alumnus of the first Universityof Chicago of the class of 1878; Ed­ward Goodman, one of the proprietorsof the Standard; Dr. William R. Har­per, later President of the University;Francis E. Hinckley, a business man;Charles L. Hutchinson, president ofthe Corn Exchange Bank and the ArtInstitute, first Treasurer of the Uni­versity; Herman H. Kohlsaat, news­paper proprietor and editor; Andrew192 IHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMacLeish, merchant, long Vice-Presi­dent of the Board ; John W. Midgley,railroad expert; C. W. Needham, law­yer; Dr. Alonzo K. Parker, pastor ofthe Centennial Baptist Church; Ferdi­nand W. Peck, a capitalist and analumnus of the first University of theclass of 1868; George A. Pillsbury,business man of Minneapolis, Minn.;Henry A. Rust, business man, laterBusiness Manager of the University;Martin A. Ryerson, capitalist, longPresident of the Board of Trustees;Daniel L. Shorey, a retired lawyer;Frederick A. Smith, lawyer, alumnusof the first University of the class of1866, later Judge in the Chicago courtsand Second Vice-President of theBoard; and George C. Walker, capi­talist.The first meeting of the Trusteeswas held in the Grand Pacific Hotelon July 9, 1890. Although not yetlegally incorporated, the Board ap­pointed committees and elected offi­cers. The officers of the first yearwere: E. Nelson Blake, president;Martin A. Ryerson, vice-president;Charles L. Hutchinson, treasurer;Thomas W. Goodspeed, secretary.On September 8, 1890, the Trusteesof the first University of Chicago for­mally changed the name of that insti­tution to "The Old University," andtwo days later the Secretary of Stateissued the certificate of incorporationof ·the new University'. The secondmeeting of .the Board of Trustees washeld September 18, 1890, when allaction previously taken was "approved,ratified and re-enacted," and Dr. JustinA. Smith, editor of the Standard, wasmade Recording Secretary, in whichposition he served for several months.This meeting was chiefly memorablebecause it witnessed the unanimouselection of Dr. Harper to the presi­dency.At the' end of the first fiscal year ofthe University, June 30, 1891, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars ofthe subscriptions to the four hundredthousand dollar fund had been col­lected. The block and a half of groundpurchased from Mr. Field being paidfor, the Education Society conveyedthe entire site of three blocks to theUniversity on August 24, 1891.Thus the Society, in accordance withthe policy adopted in the beginning,"to exercise no control over the finan­cial affairs of the institution beyondthe time when, in the judgment of theBoard, the institution. is solidlyfounded," now withdrew and left thenew University it had done so muchto originate to the sole care of its ownTrustees.CHICAGO: 1891-1916Midway it lies between the East andw-«,Midway it stands between the oldand new;Linking the regions of toll to the re­gions of rest,Binding the visions that failed tothe dreams that come true;Blending the art of the Goths and thelore of the Greeks,Joining old wisdom to truths that thefuture shall know,Hearing the word the laboring cityspeaks,Seeing the light the silent cloistersshow.The sage and the stripling, Germanand Jap and Jew,Bred of thy spirit though born ofalien race,Women and men, equally yoked anew,To bear truth's burden in desert andmarket-place:Alma Mater) we bring from the ends ofthe earth today,Reverent love to thee and thy truth­lit way.Helen Sard Ihlghes) '10.THE COMING OF THE GREEKS 193The Coming of the GreeksThere were six Greek-letter frater­nities established in the "old Univer­sity of Chicago." In the order of theirappearance these were, Zeta Psi, 1864;Phi Kappa Psi, 1865; Phi Delta Theta,1865; Beta Theta Pi, 1868; Psi Upsi­lon, 1869, and Delta Kappa Epsilon,1871. The story of fraternity experi­ences upon the old campus is one ofmuch interest, but it is aside from thepurpose of the present narrative. Thechapter of Phi Delta Theta lived onlyfive years, although it was started withgreat enthusiasm. What is said tohave been the first Phi Delta Thetafraternity song was written for andused at the formal installation of thischapter. The Beta Theta Pi chapternever had a fair start. The late Dr.Charles R. Henderson worked hard forit, but the unexpected organization oftwo other chapters restricted the num­ber of available fraternity men in theinstitution and the charter was givenup. Some of the mernber s joined PsiUpsilon, some D. K. E., the result be­ing some double memberships, then notat all uncommon. It is worthy of notethat, at a time when most westernchapters rented halls for meeting pur­poses, Psi Upsilon displayed a gooddeal of energy in supporting a chapterhouse, a building with a mansardtower, still standing on Cottage Groveavenue, across the street from the oldcampus. The chapters of Zeta Psi,Phi Kappa Psi, Psi Upsilon and D. K.E. all died, as the end of the U ni­versity was seen to draw near.As soon as the plans for the newUniversity of Chicago were announced,local alumni of these six fraternitiesand of several others began to bestirthemselves. Some of the members ofthe Board of Trustees were alumni ofthe old institution and members of theformer chapters. They and other leaders in the new movement wereearly asked whether fraternities wereto be admitted. The question camebefore the trustees for the first timein an official way at the meeting ofSeptember 8, 1892, when it was votedthat-"The matter of secret societiesamong the students, and the relation­ship of the University to them be re­ferred to the Committee on Organiza­tion and Faculties."This committee, headed by Presi­dent Harper, included J. M. Bailey,Edward Goodman, Alonzo K. Parker,Ferdinand W. Peck and Frederick A.Smith. The last three were fraternitymen, Mr. Parker a Rochester AlphaDelta Phi, Mr. Peck a Chicago ZetaPsi, and; Mr. Smith a Chicago PhiDelta Theta.In the interval between this Septem­ber meeting and October first, fra­ternity men were active. Beta ThetaPi, recalling its unfortunate experiencein the old institution, was particularlyanxious to secure a group of novitiatesright at the start. Local alumni fromthe Northwestern and Michigan chap­ters took the initiative. They pledgedsix prospective students. Part of themcame from the Chicago high schools,part from a private preparatory schoolat Morgan Park which was being con­ducted as a fitting school for the newUniversity by William B. Owen, vVil­liam E. Castle and Ralph P. Smith,all members of the Denison chapter.Associated with them as a teacher wasEdgar O. Sisson, early selected as oneof the petitioners for a chapter. Thesesix students were initiated under theauspices of the Northwestern chapterat Evanston on the. evening of Septem­ber 30, 1892, so as to be ready for fra­ternity work the next morning whenthe University formally opened its194 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdoors. Alumni of Phi Kappa Psi andof D. K. E. had been alike active.October 1, 1892, was an importantdate in fraternity history at Chicago.The day was filled with interest frommany points of view. An observernoted in a contemporary letter of thatdate that members of the faculty andstudents had been seen within thequadrangles wearing the emblems ofAlpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, ChiPhi, Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,Delta Upsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, PhiKappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, PsiUpsilon and Sigma Chi. He reportedsixteen members of. Psi Upsilon in thefaculty, and a good many representa­tives of other fraternities. It seemedto him quite clear that the fraternitymovement would soon be in full swing.On that day, however, the Board ofTrustees held a meeting, considering,among many other matters, rh e reportof the Committee on Org-anization andFaculties on secret societies. Theofficial record of proceedings indicatesthe following action:"That the matter be deferred to thenext meeting; that the president berequested to inform the students thatno step taken in the meantime lookingto the organization of secret societieswill be sanctioned; and that the Fac­ulty be requested to communicatetheir views on the subject to theTrustees."The same day, at half-past four inthe afternoon, the first Faculty meet­ing of the University was held. Thefirst question considered was that offraternities. Mr. George C. Howland,a Psi Upsilon from Amherst, made amotion that, under restrictions an­nounced by the President, the secretsocieties be perinitted in the Uni­versity. On a motion by Mr. J. Lau­rence Laughlin, an outspoken opponentof fraternities, the subject was referredto a committee for consideration andreport. The President appointed as such committee, Mr. H. P. judson,Mr. W. G. Hale, Mr. A. W. Small,Mr. J. H. Tufts, and Mr. A. A. Stagg.Of these, Mr. Judson and Mr. Smallwere members of D. K. E., the formerfrom Williams, the latter from Colby;Mr. Hale was an opponent of the sys­tern; Mr. Tufts was a Beta Theta Pifrom Amherst; Mr. Stagg, a Psi U.from Yale.Two announcements made at this,first Faculty meeting had significance.The first was 'made by Mr. F. F. Ab­Bott, University Examiner, who re­ported that, up to the time of theFaculty meeting, there were 510 stu­dents registered in the U niversity-126 in the graduate schools, 85 in thethree upper classes, 85 in the Fresh­man class, 61 specials, and 153 in thedivinity school. This seemed to indi­cate that the University would be adesirable field for fraternities, if num­bers were to be considered. The otherannouncement looked in an entirelydifferent direction. It was made byPresident Harper, who expressed hishope that the time might soon comewhen the Academic, College (what isnow the Junior Colleges) might betransferred to some other place, and"the higher work be given all ourstrength on .this campus." 'That state­ment raised a doubt in the minds ofthe fraternity men whether Chicagowould be a satisfactory institution fortheir chapters, if there were to beno Freshmen or Sophomores for fra­ternity membership. It is to be notedthat this idea of the dominance of thegraduate schools was in the minds ofeveryone at the start, and it had animportant influence upon members ofthe Faculty committee and uponothers whose votes were to determinethe secret society question.In accordance with the vote of theTrustees, Dean Judson informed theinitiated Betas, the waiting Phi Psis,and the other organizations that theyTHE COMING OF THE GREEKS 195must not take further steps until the.matter at issue had been decided byFaculty and Trustees. President Har­per had graduated from a collegewhere there were no fraternities. Hehad had no experience with them ex­-cept at Yale, but had expected themto enter Chicago as a part of the sociallife of the new University. His brother,R. F. Harper, whose advice he soughtin certain matters, was a Chicago PsiU. The dean and some of the othermembers of the committee werefriendly to fraternities, but were in­fiuenced strongly by the idea of em­phasis on graduate work. They wishedto show due respect to the arguments'Of the opponents of the system, andthey were particularly impressed bythe attitude taken by Mr. Stagg, who,basing his opinion upon his observa­tion of Yale conditions, feared lest thesocieties might have an injurious ef­fect upon the democratic life whichhe, in common with all of the Faculty,was anxious to have established atChicago.Several heads of departments andothers in the Faculty were outspokenin their opposition, basing their argu­ments on the usual lines of criticismfollowed by anti-fraternity men. Theircitation of conditions at Harvard andat Cornell was not acceptable to theother side, which declared' that fra­ternity life in those institutions wasnot fairly typical. Others in the Fac­ulty were just as determined in th�iradvocacy of the fraternities. Manyothers, some of them fraternity mem­bers, some of them non-fraternity,were disposed to consider the proposi­tion fairly from every point of view.Under such conditions the Facultycommittee made its report to a meet­ing held on October 14, 1892. It rec­ommended :1. That on the whole it would bebetter if said fraternities should notestablish chapters here, provided, 2. That the wants which those fra­ternities are established to. meet couldbe better met in some other way, e. g.,the intellectual wants through variousclubs in connection with the Uni­versity work; the social wants in someadequate way.3. That it would not be wise for theTrustees to forbid the students to formsuch organizations.4. That it might be possible to dis­courage the formation of chapters bymoral means.5. That, if the Board of Trustees,while not prohibiting the fraternities,should decline to authorize them, suchaction might exert an important in­fluence toward discouraging the insti­tution of such organizations.6. That the moral means abovesuggested could be effective only ifthey met the approval of a large ma­jority of the Faculty.Two motions attended the receptionof this report. One favored its adop­tion. The other proposed that th eTrustees be advised to decline to grantpermission for secret societies in theUniversity. After considerable debate,the report was referred back to thecommittee, which was enlarged by theaddition of the President and Mr. T.C. Chamberlin, a non-fraternity man,who had been president of the Uni­versity of Wisconsin. For the guid­ance of the committee an expression ofopinion was taken informally on sev­eral propositions as follows: For pro­hibition, 21; for non-interference asbetter than prohibition, 7; for admit­ting the fraternities, 7; for allowingthem to come, regulated, 25; for non­interference or regulation as betterthan prohibition, 30.On October 24, 1892, the Facultycommittee made its report in the formof a letter to the Board of Trustees.This stated that:"The Faculty deems the establish­ment of secret societies in the Uni-196 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEversity of Chicago to be undesirable.In its judgment the ends sought bythese societies, so far as they are laud­able, may be secured by other means,which shall be free from the objectionsof secrecy, of rigid exclusiveness, andof antagonism to the democratic spiritwhich is inherent in the highest schol­arship and manhood and the most ex­alted citizenship, and it would bedeeply gratified if the high purposesand lofty feeling of the body of stu­dents should lead them to cooperatewith it by voluntarily excluding every­thing that makes against a broadly fra­ternal spirit and a primary concernwith the intellectual aims for whichthe University of Chicago was founded.The Faculty does not, however, deemthe necessary evil connected withsecret societies of a sufficiently gravenature to render it desirable to pro­ceed to the extreme measure of abso­lute prohibition, provided such socie­ties as shall seek to establish chaptershere shall submit such reasonable in­formation concerning their nature andpurpose as may be requested by theauthorities, and shall give assurancethat they will surrender their chartersand disband their chapters at any timewhen the Faculty shall deem theircontinuance materially harmful to theinterests of the University, and shallrequest them to do so."The recommendation was also addedthat no Freshman, Sophomore or spe­cial student of that grade should bepermitted or solicited to join a secretsociety until after a year's residence,and that no University College (i. e.,Senior College) student should havethe privilege until after one quarter'sresidence. As tentative organizationshad already been formed by some ofthe students, which expected to peti­tion fraternity conventions to be held in the current quarter, and as the ef­fect of the last paragraph would beto prevent the societies from organiz­ing for a year, unless an exception tothe rule were made, attention wascalled to this condition as deservingof consideration, although no recom­mendation was made about it.On November 8, 1892, the Commit­tee on Organization and Faculties ofthe Board of Trustees reported a rec­ommendation to that body that theorganization of secret societies shouldbe permitted in the University on thefollowing conditions:1. That house rules of the organi­zation must be submitted.2. That a representative must bechosen to act in case of desired con­sultation by the Faculty.3. That all Freshmen should bebarred from membership.4. That the ·right of the Universityto demand withdrawal of charters ifdeemed desirable should be recog­nized; and5. That the Faculty might add anyother rules not inconsistent. with theabove.This action of the Board of Trusteeswas reported to the Faculty at a meet­ing held on November 11, 1892, and itwas voted that the President shouldannounce to the student body the de­cision which had been reached in thematter. This the President did thatsame day, reading to the assembledstudents the substance of the Facultyletter to the Board of Trustees alreadyquoted. He then stated that, althoughthe Faculty strongly advised that fra­ternities should not be organized, yetthey would not prohibit them. If or­ganized they were to exist under theregulations as made by the Trustees.And so the Greeks came to Chicago.FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON.THE COMING OF THE GREEKS 197A Two Hundred Thousand Dollar GiftA gift of $200,000 to the Universitywas announced by the Board of Trus­tees at its last meeting, the purposeof the gift being the erection of a newbuilding for the Divinity School ofthe University. The donor's name wasnot announced.The gift comes in connection withthe approaching quarter-centennial ofthe University, which is also the semi­-centennial of the Divinity School. TheSchool is greatly in need of morespace and equipment, not only for itsown rapidly increasing registration,but also for the affiliated work of theChicago Theological Seminary, theDisciples' Divinity House, the Ryder(Universalist) Divinity House, andthe Norwegian Baptist Divinity House.The new Divinity Building will oc­cupy the site just north of HaskellOriental Museum and will completethe Harper Quadrangle, which has onthe south the William Rainey HarperMemorial Library, on the east the LawSchool and Julius Rosenwald Hall,and on the west the Haskell OrientalMuseum.The Divinity School has since 1892been an integral part of the University.Under the original organization of theUniversity, its Faculty was supple­mented by, members of the cognateFaculties of Semitic Languages. andLiteratures, Biblical Greek, and San­skrit, and of Comparative Religion inthe School of Arts and Literature.These and other instructors whosecourses were intended chiefly for Di­vinity School students constitute theso-called Divinity Conference, com­posed of about thirty members. Inaddition to these are the Faculty of theChicago Theological Seminary, nowaffiliated with the Divinity School, andvarious so-called Houses of other de- nominations. Thus the total group en­gaged in giving graduate instructionin the general field of religion is ap­proximately forty.At the present time plans are beingconsidered for the development of themore highly specialized work throughthe organization of instruction whichwould be related to the Graduate Di­vinity School as the Divinity Schoolis related to the college. A notablecharacteristic of the Divinity School isthe number of its graduates who arein other theological seminaries. Thenumber of teachers in other theologicalseminaries and Bible chairs who havereceived their education entirely or inpart in the University of Chicago runsinto the hundreds.The total attendance of the DivinitySchool per year is over 400, the Sum­mer Quarter being by far the largest.The total number of different studentsduring the rest of the .year would beapproximately 175. The student bodyis interdenominational, at times twenty­five or thirty church bodies being rep­resented. The Baptists are largest innumber,but the Methodists, Presby-"terians, Disciples, and Congregational­ists are well represented.How far the Divinity School is in­terested in scientific study of religionand morals is to be seen in the long listof titles of books produced by its Fac­ulty as well as in the fact that it pub­lishes three journals; the BiblicalWorld, the American Journal of The­ology, and the American Journal ofSemitic Languages and Literatures.But the Divinity School is also inter­ested in the popularizing of Bible­study, and under its auspices theAmerican Institute . conducts coursesenrolling several thousand each year.198 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEve In the Garden[Was Elizabeth Messick, '97 (Mrs. Elmer E. Houk)the first woman student to reach the university? Therecords do not show it, but tradition insists on it.At any rate, here are certain reminiscences which areworth reading. The author is not responsible for thetitle.-Ed.]I t is a far cry back to the fall of1892, when, the University of Chicagofirst-supposedly-opened its door tothe eager youth of this land. I say"supposedly," for when I arrived atthe portals of the "Beatrice," the girls'temporary dormitory, the 'doors werenot yet freed from the protecting scaf­folding and timbers of the builders,'and I had to seek shelter elsewhere.My family had put me on the train atMemphis, having wired one of the in­structors at the new university, whowas a friend of my brother's, to meetme at the Polk Street station in Chi­cago.This instructor had failed to reachChicago himself, and I alighted frommy coach to find myself in a strangecity "unmet." I had my tag on me,and showed the address to a police­man, who said he was new on the force,but would ask the cab driver wherethe University of Chicago as repre­sented by "The Beatrice" could befound. The cab dri�er said that theonly way for me to reach the Beatricewas by taking a cab. So we startedonward and outward, still outward,and southward, until I thought he hadmade a mistake and was taking meback to Memphis. Finally we arrivedat the Beatrice, with the before men­tioned results. Consternation seizedrile when I beheld the condition of theBeatrice, and sympathy smote theheart of the cab driver; it was aboutdusk, and I was eager to find the Uni­versity before it was too dark to locateit. The cab man' said he knew a drug­gist on the corner who might help usin our efforts, so we drove to the drugstore. The druggist said that a Mr. Harper lived just across the street, andthat Mr. Harper was "busy starting anew school out there;" maybe that wasthe school I was looking for. So thedruggist and cabman took me acrossthe street to what proved to be theWashington Avenue home of our be­loved President Harper. He wasgreatly interested in my story, andlooked upon me ever after as a curi­osity, the first girl student of the Uni­versity of Chicago who had personallyappeared before him. The druggistwithdrew, and Dr. Harper and Mr.Gross escorted me to the VendomeHotel, where the faculty of the newuniversity were temporarily encamped.The hotel was full to overflowing, butMiss Marion Talbot had a cot put inher room, and so I became her shadow,As I look back now and remember howI sat with her at the table with theheads of departments, and took partin the conversation of these. augustpersonages, I marvel at myself, buttheir kindness and simplicity has al­ways been my chief remembrance ofthe experience. To this day I "pointwith pride" to the fact that I wasallowed to come into personal contactwith such great minds.In a few days we moved to theBeatrice, and the wonderful AliceFreeman Palmer came to us. She satin our room amid" shavings, and un­packed trunks and ate of our self-pre­pared lunches, and told us stories andexperiences that inspired us all to ourbest endeavors, and lingered as an in­spiration during our after lives. En­trance examinations were' held inCobb Hall amidst the strokes of ham­mers and the hum of the builders; and"true to the ode of Mr. Lewis, "Wemoved in on the first" of' October,1892, and began our actual class work.We "walked the plank" for stairs, andEVE IN THE GARDENcould hear the gnawing saws andthrobbing hammers throughout tl)enight, but out of chaos came grandeur,and out of disorder came quiet dig­nity, and these things abide. From theBeatrice, the girls were removed toSnell Hall, and later to Kelly Hall,then Foster Hall took form, andBeecher was in existence before thesecond year was out, and we hadpassed. through the period of enjoy­ing the sights and sounds of the Mid­way Plaisance from the windows ofour dormitories. The Ferris wheelwas just over the fence from FosterHall, and its circle of lights was likea mighty illumination for our benefit.The monstrous drums of the "Streetsof Cairo," the shouts of the cameldriver, and the Musselman's call toprayer from his minaret were constantdiversions. and allurements to us, and'it is a wonder that we worked on, andmade even the grades we did make inour classes. But the "daily theme"was with us always, and- the ghost ofits imperativeness would not down.During our life at the Beatrice wewere somewhat inclined to be home­sick, and the faculty sympathized withus in our surroundings. Miss Talbotand Mrs. Palmer were our guidingstars, and Dr. Harry Pratt Judson,now the honored president, took pityon us, and invited all of the Beatricegirls to a dinner at the Windernere.I can still remember the luxuriousfeeling it gave us to be once moreseated at a dinner table with flowersann soft lights.This entertainment of the "strangerin the strange land" is one of the manybeautiful- things that made Dr. Judsonso worthy to fill the vacancy of thegreat-hearted vVilliam Rainey Harper.I remember, too, delightful dinnerparties at the homes of ProfessorLaughlin, Professor William DeanMcClintock, and evening parties at thehome of President Harper, where he 199would question us as to our ambitionsand suggest our lines of work.The first four years of the life ofthe University were creative years, andit was our privilege to inaugurate theWashington Promenades. I rememberthe first one at the Del Prado, whenMr. Frank Justin Miller and I led the -grand march. Our class ivy was thefirst one planted; and our class estab­lished the custom of handing downgifts to the on-coming students. vVehad "sings" and plays, and oratoricaldebates. I remember the first playwas "The New Cosmogony," .a studentcaricature of the new university, leap­ing, like Minerva, full-grown from thehead of Jove. The student paper wasbeing published when the college doorsfirst opened, and the "Alma Mater"was prepared for us to sing at our firstgathering together.Girls' clubs were formed, and men'sfraternities, and the social life grew todignity and wholesomeness under thecareful guidance of Dean Talbot andthe other members of the faculty, whotook time to come to our receptionsand teas, and promenades, and Wh0'were then more closely associated withus than they can be now.And it may seem strange to say it,but I remember the classroom workwith as much pleasure as I rememberour college social life. I still tremblewith indignation when I hear Profes­sor Angell ask me to locate the soul.and feel as exultant as then, when Isilenced him by replying that he couldnot locate electricity in a live wire.r still feel numb over trying to trans­late Horace into English verse, or try­ing not to catch the der die oder das ofMr. Cutting's gatling-gun onslaught.I agonized over then, but wonder atnow, the confidence with which Mr.Miller would read us sight Latin forrapid translation, while we stood andtrembled. I can wander again to thethird floor, and hear my themes torn200 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEword from word by that elegant critic,whose seeming harshness always car­ried an element of spur to harder work,and 1 can see you, James Weber Linn,with your lock of hair over your eyes,sitting silent but out-writing us all thetime. If instructions could make greatwriters, 1 should have been anotherEliot, Bronte or Browning, for the carethat Mr. Herrick and the sunnyRobertLovett gave our themes deserved bet­ter results, and the inspiration fur­nished by Dean McClintock in thestudy of literature has led me in greenpastures all these years.1 could reminiscence for pages, tell- ing of our athletics, with AlonzoStagg as leader and the boyish Ray­croft as assistant, and the victories wewon; and 1 could tell of the wonder­ful glee and mandolin clubs; whosepictures still gladden my eyes, andwhose serenades still ring in memory,but it is past history, recorded in ourannals, and the faithful may turn backthe pages and read. 1 have onlywritten you a few of my personalmemories that did not slip into print.1 would be glad to see you some day,and have a long talk over Auld LangSyne.ELIZABETH MESSICK HOUK, '97.Photograph by P. RounsevelIe, '18.L. P. Gendron, '18 (Bluntschli), and Miss Katherine Colpitts, '17 (Raina), in "Arms andthe Man."WHAT HAPPENED IN BEAUMONT 201What Happened In BeaumontBeaumont (Pop., circa 1,000) 10 miles s. e.of Maubeuge on a spur of the Charleroiline; in district known as entre Sombre et;1;1 eus e, principally owned by house of Cara­man-Chirnay ; largely agricultural; hotels,none; pensions, doubtful; cafe, fair, dependson what you are used to; B. 2 francs; de­jeuner, 3f; D. 5f.That is the way Baedeker, or \7iJ ardand Locke might speak of Beaumont.I say might) for they don't. In fact,neither deigns to give space to Beau­mont. If you look up Beaumont inthe Encyclopaedia Britannica, you willfind it to be a town in Texas. Andalthough this self-effacement hascaused Beaumont to lose the patron­age of many travelers-perhaps you,dear reader, for one-it really com­mends the town to notice. For itmeans that it has no art gallery hungwith tourists. It has no church tovisit for its frescoes-only one to prayin. Its school was built primarily asa shelter against wind and rain. Al­together it is only a little place-we,with our worship of numbers, wouldcall it a milksop, at best-just dozingon the knoll of an ancient hill, dream­ing in the mellow August sunshine ofCharles Quint, of Louis Quatorze andof Napoleon.So I proceed to the subject of Beau­mont with some satisfaction, the moreso because it is an opportunity to ig­nore the obtrusive Fletcher. It wasthe terminus) as they say in Belgium,of my first trip into the war country.Likewise it marked the close of a cha p­ter for Irvin S. Cobb, John T. McCut­cheon, James O'Donnell Bennett andthe rest of our gallant crew. We cameto the town wholly of our own voli­tion, and we departed when the Ger­mans thought it worth while to run outa freight train full of prisoners. Wewere not prisoners; that is, not in amilitary sense. Even the general pointed out the difference. In fact, hewas so solicitous regarding our per­sons that he surrounded us with allthe proper precautions-eight of 'em­one of whom told me casually that hehad sent one bullet clean through twoFrenchmen.The rumble of the guns bombardingthe Maubeuge forts was still in ourears when we approached the historichill on which this town is built. Duskhad come and added a ghostly touch tothe speeding gray automobiles thatbore the black imperial eagle. A fewwierd notes blown on a trumpet an­nounced the approach of these cars­sounds as strange to' the ears of Ameri­cans as the rasping warning of ourown motor cars must be to Germans.A fluttering and squawking in an oldstraw barn proved that someone wasrouting out the hens, and severalbright fires near a farmhouse showedfor what fate they were destined. Thered light of the flames danced on thewhite plaster walls and flickered onthe panes in quaint dormer windows ..McCutcheon and Lewis rode ahead onbicycles; Cobb, Bennett and I followedin the little pony cart behind Bou­lotte, a name which, her former ownersaid, signified "plump gir1."In the short time that we had fol­lowed the German army afoot andahorse, we had progressed from thecompany of privates to that of generals.We had seen the gray line pushing theblue into France, and we were to seethe blue line push it back again. \1\1 ehad tramped over any number of bat­tlefields still wet with the gore of yes­terday, and if there were need we couldlay claim to some familiarity withthose other wars-Ramilies, Namur,Neerwinden, Waterloo, Malplaquet,and the spot where Caesar overcame202 THE UNIVERSITY OF C_f-IICAGO MAGAZINEthe Nervi, for all Belgium, from timesimmemorial, has been the world's bat­tleground."Let us drive up to the headquartersof the commanding general, tell himwe are in town, and then look for aplace to sleep," suggested one of ournumber, and so we did.The commanding general was vonEinem, of the seventh army corps. Hehad installed himself in the hotel de. ville} also the residential seat of thePrince. de Caraman-Chimay. We wereso satisfied with ourselves that wewalked right into the library, sat downon the leather chairs and began swat­ting the dust on our shoes.You may have pictured to yourselfthe general and his staff. You mayhave imagined these men as sittingaround a large table in the central hallof a feudal castle; pouring over maps.Maps, maps everywhere. The general,a silent, commanding figure, his aidesbustling in and out. Sentries at thedoor, saluting. Messengers speedinghere and there. You are right. Thatis exactly what it looks like. Holeshave been shot into nearly every men­tal picture that I drew in childhood,but here was one where reality backedup the imagination. The one moderntouch was a motion picture camera.General von Einem sent one of hisaides to find out what we wanted."Weare American newspaper corre­spondents," we told him, "and we havecome to present our respects.""Indeed!" he said, with a twinkle inhis eye. "We have three correspon­dents in jail already."Being Americans, we chuckled. Hecontinued: ."They are charged with grave of­fenses. One of them has been takingphotographs without permission. An­other was found driving a Red Crosscar. All of them had passes that en­titled them only to pass troops 111Brussels-'und umgebung.'" Our hearts fell. Those were exactlythe words on our own passes. One ofthe group plucked up courage to ask:"What are you going to do withthem ?""That we will find out when theirphotographs have been developed," hereplied. "Let me have your passports."He took our passports in to Generalvon Einem, and a short time later re­turned them to us ."vVe will be compelled to send youback to Brussels," he announced. "Youwill have to leave tomorrow morning.In the meantime you may find quarterswhere you will. Report to the hotel deville at 10 o'clock. You are not pris­oners, but guests. If you try to leavetown one of the outposts will shootyou."vVe. thanked the aide, who was anoble in his own right, and under thecircumstances determined to accept thegeneral's hospitality. General vonEinem then ordered a hauptmann tohelp us find shelter for the night.This we found to be no easy task.The German army had settled down inBeaumont bag and baggage, and theplace looked very much like circus dayin Keokuk. Not only were the housesfilled with soldiers, but the loft of everybarn was full, and every pile of haywe came to had several pairs of bootssticking out of it, with toes pointingskyward. The ha u ptmann knocked ona number of doors, but there weresimply no beds to be had. Finally wereached a house where a rotund littlemerchant held out hope."I have one bed," he said, "that thegentlemen may use.""Excellent!" said we."I t is occupied by qrandmere," hecontinued, "but she can sleep on thefloor."Grandmere was crouching back of thelow kitchen stove, a wistful look in hersunken eyes her stringy gray hair fall-WHAT HAPPENED IN BEAUMONTing over her temples. VVe gave onelook and turned away."N 0, thank you," we said, "leave thebed to qrandmere ."So we reached the schoolhouse, al­ready largely occupied by uhlans, whohad stabled their horses in the court­yard and in one of the recitation rooms.One wing, however, lay entirely de­serted, and this shelter we thoughtsufficient unto our needs. VVe stabledBoulotte in the courtyard, and becausewe had no halter we made an im­promptu bin out of some long desksthat stood in the yard, and on which,only a week before, the little boys andgirls of Beaumont probably had beenstudying their irregular verbs.Un the blackboard of the ecole moy­enne, some scholar had drawn a map ofBelgium and northern France, a mapshowing the Allemands still markingtime before Liege, and indicating thesweep of the French army up to meetthe invading host. That host had de­scended so quickly that even the littlescholar had no time to erase his map.McCutcheon picked up a bit of chalk,and as we stood there, he drew the fea­tures of members of our party withquick, nimble fingers-Bennett withhis migratory mustache .and his fore­head lost under the low English cap;Cobb's ample person enveloped in aninkeeper's jumper. Then he signedthe sketches and we left them, and onthat blackboard they may .be today->the work of an American master car­toonist.That evening we passed with the uh­lans in the mess-room of the school,sitting at long, black tables, listeningto their songs and exchanging cigars,chocolate and sandwiches, The pla­cards on the walls advertised the beau­ties of Aix-Ies-Bains, Savoy and otherattractions along the line of the "P­L-M." A little image on a crucifixlooked down on the revelry throughthe tobacco smoke. The men 'were full 203of enthusiasm, although friends oflong standing had been shot down attheir side. There may be such thingsas dejection, indifference and lack ofspirit among the soldiery, but in thecourse of my travels I did not meetwith it. Perhaps at this day, whenthey face a second winter in thetrenches, men's hearts are filled withmisgivings, but in the eleven monthsthat I passed in the war zone I foundeverywhere unbounded confidence inultimate victory. The remarkableunity and confidence of the Germannation has been the subject of muchcomment, but the men of the othernations were no less loyal to theirideals and their aims.Before leaving the schoolroom wherewe meant to sleep, I procured severalpiles of straw from a poor womanwhom I gave two francs out of sheerpity. Upon our return we found thatsomeone had removed the straw andwe were compelled to forage anew.Raindrops were falling like cold, sharpneedles and the air was anything butthat of midsummer. Finally a bed wasmade with hay we begged from the uh­lans. We lighted a lamp with a widebrass shade that swung in the centerof the room and it threw a murkylight and set shadows to dancing inthe far corners. Then we huddled to­gether on the stone floor the best wecould. In spite of the stone' bed, weslept well, all except Bennett, who wasup with the dawn complaining of achill that stuck in his bones for weeksafter.That morning we gave away Bou­lotte, with a string attached' to ourgift. No one would buy her, arid the'uhlans wanted to take her and thevehicle with them into France, whichwould have been a sad end for a faith­ful servant. So we found a young fel­low who had' a truck garden and to'him we bequeathed Boulotte. Wedrew up an elaborate 'contract 111204 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrench saying that in the event wecame that way again we might claimBoulotte, provided we paid for herkeep. He led Boulotte into the road,elated at his good fortune, shouting<out loud so that the townspeople cameto their doors. They refused to be­lieve him at first, and finally gazed at .us and tapped their heads significantly,and because Boulotte was a gi�t horsethey came up closer, felt her plumpsides and looked her in the month.Our bicycles we kept with us, atleast for another day, when they werestolen from in front of the cafe. Theremust have been fifty soldiers close bywhen it happened, but no one couldtell us what became of them. I spoketo the commander about it later, whenwe were restored to favor, and he de­clared the bicycles would either bereturned or their loss made good."Did you see our soldiers takethem? he asked."No, I did not," I replied."Then you have no claim for dam­age," he said, and chuckled.At 10 o'clock we walked to the hotelde ville) and arrived just in time to be­hold a notable gathering of men, withPrince August Wilhelm, third son ofthe kaiser, bowing and shaking hands,and generals, colonels, majors and aidesde camp grouped around him in a pic­turesque setting. It is hard to saywho was the greater attraction, PrinceAugust Wilhelm or Irvin S. Cobb, forno sooner had the men shaken handswith the former when they would turnto us and survey the latter, principallybecause Cobb's humorous remarksabout each and every thing he sawwere keeping the rest of us doubledup with laughter.History had been made before inthat little square of Beaumont, and his­tory was again in the making. Thehouses round about again echoed thetread of marching men, and the leaderswere preparing to be up and away. Such activity as we saw there musthave been enacted on the same groundnearly 100 years before, when Napo­leon halted there with the imperialguard. It must have been but a repe­tition of scenes attending the depart­ure of Charles V' on another memor­able day long since lost in the limbo ofhistory. But the past and the presentshowed strange contrasts. These menwere doing in days what it took theold campaigners weeks and months toaccomplish. The colorful uniforms ofthe Spanish musketeers were absent;the waving plumes and shakos of .theFrench had been replaced by simpleGerman helmets. And no gaily capari­soned horses were held in waiting forofficers of rank. Instead high pow­ered motor cars, as spick and span asany of the boulevards, stood ready inparallel lines of gray.From the time that General vonEinem left Beaumont, and the com­mand passed into the hands of Lieut.Mittendorfer, we began to be neg­lected. It was a case of "Wait here,please," and. "Wait there, please."After a number of successive waitswe observed with alarm that our pro­gress was in the direction of the officialjail. It was not one of these nice,comfortable jails that American com­munities build for their erring citizens.In -reality it was a building that hadbeen converted to the uses of a mili­tary prison. Straw had been placedon the ground floor, and here a num­ber of French prisoners were lodged.The windows had been torn out andhere stood the guards. Back of theguards stood groups of unemployedsoldiers, who entertained themselvesby calling the prisoners names. Partof the building was stored· high withshells.We did not know for a day or twothat an American artist and a corre­spondent were being kept prisonersthere with the French, forced to sleepWHAT HAPPENED IN BEAUMONT 205on the straw and getting little morethan a bite of black bread to eat. Thisknowledge came to us one morningwhen Lieut. Mittendorfer invited usinside the jail. Just what he had in hismind when he- did so did not occurto me at the time, but I think now thathe meant to find out whether we wouldrecognize Stevens, the artist fromBrussels, and Gerbeault, the corre­spondent. The third civilian in theprison was a photographer, hired byGerbeault, and now in dire distress.Lieut. Mittendorfer was responsible tohis superiors for us, and perhaps hethought the easiest way out of it wasto put us all in the jug, but I repre­sented to him that we would gladlygive him our word not to attempt anescape from Beaumont if he would al­low us to make our headquarters in alittle cafe close by. He agreed, andfor two days and nights we did notleave the place.Lieut. Mittendorfer was thorough toa fault. He was a splendidly built fel­low, with an ingratiating personality.He would come in occasionally andchat about America."I have a brother in Philadelphia,"said Mittendorfer once. "Perhaps youknow him. He has a large laundrybusiness there."Mittendorfer made quite a formalmatter of our word of honor. Hemade a little speech, asking us topledge ourselves not to escape, andwhen I had translated it, every manshook hands with him and gave hisindividual promise. Mittendorferthanked us, left the cafe and returnedwith eight men, who, he explained,would be our guards and see to it thatwe did not get out. Their guns wereloaded, he said. But they would notdisturb us with their presence, he as­sured us. As I said before, Mitten­dorfer was thorough.All available supplies in Beaumonthad been gathered for the army, and there was nothing to eat but blackbread. The villagers fared no better.But while we were short of substan­tial food, we had a most bountiful sup­ply of sparkling burgundy. It had nottaken the soldiers long to find theplentifully supplied wine cellars of thewealthy landlords, and since there wasmuch more than they could hope todrink, they gave it away freely.In spite of the innkeeper's protesta­tions, we suspected that food mightstill be secured in Beaumont, for un­doubtedly many of the frugal Frenchfamilies had hidden their larder. Onemorning we suggested that he go outamong his countrymen and return witha life-size meal for each one of us."Rien, Messieurs, rien," he kept re­peating, and no amount of argumentcould budge him.Just at that moment, as if by a pre­concerted arrangement, a cock crewlustily over a barnyard fence close by."Let's have the rooster for dinner,"some one suggested."Impossible!" said our innkeeper,that rooster belongs to a political en­emy of mine. N ever would I thinkof going to him for a favor."Imagine five hungry correspondentsallowing the political animosities of asmall frontier town to stand in theway of a good meal. We broached thesubject to a young non-commissionedofficer who had been practicing his­English _ on us."Wait!" he said, "It is verboten, butI will see what I can do."He returned shortly after with a finechicken and another supply of bur­gundy, and we had the sort of dinnerthat they charge real money for in thestates.- Our experiences in the little cafehave been described at length by Cobbin his book, so that I will pass. to' thenight Mittendorfer told us we were tobe shipped back to Brussels. By thattime Gerbeault, Stevens and the Bel-206 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEglan photographer had been added toour number, and only Gerbeault'schauffeur, a negro who spoke six lan­guages fluently, was detained in thejail. The man innocent of any wrong­doing, but his facility in using so many.tongues and his knowledge of the auto­mobile disconcerted the Germans, whoconsidered him a dangerous characterand referred to him as "tler schsuar scSjnon:"Mittcrrdorfer came to the cafe atabout 6 o'clock and announced that wewere to travel with the prisoners."But you will go first class," he said,"and as a special favor I want to askyou to help guard the prisoners. Ihave only about fifty soldiers to watchSOO men. You will walk behind thesoldiers at the outside of the columnand if you see a prisoner drop out andtry to escape, yell out, and he will beshot at once."Mittendorfer had his own ideas onneutrality.Darkness had fallen by the time welined up on the old square of Beau­mont, and here and there a windowglowed with faint amber light. Lan­tern rays flashed in and out among theranks of the prisoners-French andEnglish-and threw long shadows oflegs in tuppees and legs in large,coarse marching boots. At one side ofthe square stood the black mass of theold brick church, its stunted, wedge­shaped belfry with old wooden shut­ters, pointing up into the dark.Lieut. Mittendorfer made an addressin German, in which he told the pris­oners that in the event anyone tried toescape, the guards would send a bulletafter him. He asked an Englishmanto translate his warning into Englishand it was received with a low gruntby the English prisoners. He called.for a Frenchman to put his words intohis native language.,A little man stepped out of the ranks.He wore the red pantaloons, the long, blue coat and the fiat cap with whichthe French entered the war. I hadbeen g'iving only desultory attention,but his first words stirred up memoriesin the back of my brain."Soldats francais r) he began, In aclear, commanding voice, and thenpaused.Out of the stories of long ago therecame the picture of a little undersizedman with a white waistcoat and a long,gray riding cloak falling from hisshoulders, his hands clasped behindhim', his feet apart, saying somethinglike this:"Soldats francais! Today you haveachieved another great victory forFrance and covered yourselves withglory. Ten royal standards, two hun­dred cannon, --"But it was 1914, not 1814, and thelittle Frenchman was warning hiscompatriots that they were prisoners,and that an attempt to escape meantdeath. And the French soldiers gavea bit of cheer to show that they under­stood and agreed.The prisoners formed a long column,marching about eight abreast. One ofthe French soldiers smiled affablywhen he saw us.«Ah) Bon soir !" he exclaimed, "noscom.ptumons de 'voyage l"As for Hi Ha wkis of Aldershot,boiling with rage, he turned to Cobband grumbled in an undertone:"J ust wait till England hears of this,the bloody cut-throats!"And perhaps I may be permitted torefer once more, and for the last time,to our handsome lieutenant. Just aswe began our tramp over the cobbledstreets to the train which was to bearus, in the course of two days and twonights, not to Brussels, as had beenpromised, but to Aix-la-Chapelle, assomebody higher up had decreed, hiseye fell upon us and he gave his sol­diers a final admonition:"Ein Aug) auf die reporters F)THE UNIVERSITY AND FREE SPEECH 207Yes, it was a wonderful experience.Here, in the calm, unmoved U. S. A.,one wonders whether it really hap­pened. Personally, I had a great dealrather tell you about Nervi. Nervi,clustered at the base of the Apennines,ill the light of the summer sun, withthe purple Mediterranean, like a greatvelvet carpet, at her feet, the emeraldslopes rising sheer against the sky,and the sweet smell of the mimosawafting to your mind the suggestion ofsleep. Up those slopes went a wind­ing road, and over it hung great shrubs,great bushes, great trees of roses. Youcould comprehend the outburst of joywith which J oaquin Miller told HamlinGarland, "I've got a mile of roses!"Trees weighted down with the soft,colorful petals, shedding them likechaff; roses carpeting the road, torn,crushed, bleeding beneath our horses'feet.But roses are no theme with whichto hold the multitude. Our readerswant stories that come direct from thebattlefields. They want tales of thedead and dying, of the crash of cannon,of men torn limb from limb. Theywant to be lulled to sleep by the opiateof personality. \lVe all hunger for thestory of a great catastrophe; for a visitwith a great personality. We are likethe little child in Beranger's song, lis­tening to the old grandmother's storyof Napoleon. We are sitting on thedoorstep, wide-eyed, hearing again atale that has been told before, and, likethe child, we exclaim when it is over:"II vous a parle, Grandmere!"II vous a parle !"HARRY HANSEN, '09.THE UNIVERSITY AND FREESPEECHThe statement made by Owen Wisterin his recently published book, The Pente­cost of Calamity, that "the University ofChicago stopped the mouth of a Belgianprofessor who was going to present Bel- gium's case," has been so widely discussedin university circles and is so unfair tothe University that Professor Angellsent the following protest to the LondonTiJ1lu?s:To the Editor of the London Times:In his recently published book entitled ThePentecost of Calamity, on page 135, Mr. OwenWister puts into the mouth of French andBelgian emissaries the words, "The Univer sityof Chicago stopped the mouth of a Belgianprofessor who was going to present Belgian'scase." This statement has been given suchwide publicity in the British and Canadianpublications, and it is so wholly unfounded infact, that it seems desirable to enter protestagainst its further circulation. The authorhas written to Mr. Wister asking for an ex­planation and has had no acknowledgment ofhis letter. Others of his colleagues have beenmore fortunate in securing some reply fromMr. Wister's secretary, but no adequate ex­planation, much less any retraction.Needless to say, under the organization com­mon to American institutions of higher learn­ing the university as such cannot align itselfon any issue of the kind represented by thepresent war. Meantime this institution was,so fat as I am aware, one of the first Americanuniversities to invite to a seat on its regularfaculty a member of the faculty of the Uni­versity of Louvain. The gentleman, ProfessorVan der Essen, came in October and waspresent as a lecturer at the University through­out the entire academic year of 1914-15. Hebore himself with the greatest dignity and self­control and was certainly never interferedwith in any way by the University in express­ing whatever views he chose regarding Bel­gium and its enemies. Moreover, the Uni­versity has in the present year appointed Dr.Georges Van Biesbroeck, of the Royal Ob­servatory of Belgium, to a professorship atYerkes Observatory, where he is at present atwork. A course of this character hardlyjustifies the implication that the University hasbeen indifferent to the case of Belgium, muchless that its attitude has been one of hostility.So far as the writer can discover, the onlyremote justification for Mr. Wister's statementmay reside in the objection expressed by Pro­fessor Van der Essen himself to having cer­tain extremists invited to present the Belgiancase to the University of Chicago audiences.But it is to be reiterated that the Universityof Chicago on no occasion has done anythingto justify the assertion to which Mr. Wisteris giving such undeserved publicity.JAMES R. ANGELL,Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literatureand Science.Professor Van cler Essen, of the Uni­versity of Louvain, who is referred to,208 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1VIAGAZINE,is now in Oxford, England, where hewent at the conclusion of his lectures onBelgium at the University of Chicago.His attention having been called to DeanAngell's protest, as published in theLondon Times, Professor Van der Essenwrote the following letter to the editor:To the Editor of the London Times:I have just read in the Times the protestissued by Professor James R. Angell, � of theUniversity of Chicago, against the assertionof Mr. Owen Wister that "the University ofChicago stopped the mouth of a Belgian pro­fessor who was going to present Belgian'scase." As my name is given in that letter, Ithink it is my duty to add some explanation tothe righteous protest of Professor Angell.As I was the only Belgian professor whowas giving lectures at the University of Chi­cago in 1914-15, one might imagine that Imyself complained to Mr. Owen Wister aboutthe fact that he alleges. Unfortunately, I donot know the sympathetic American friend ofthe Allies, I never met him, and certainlynever could have made' in his presence anycomplaint of the kind. Moreover, I neverstated anything of that sort. I have alwaystold, and shall continue to tell, that the U 111-versity of Chicago-with the exception, ofcourse, of some German professors-showedan unlimited sympathy to the Belgian causeand that the professors proved to be strongsupporters of the Allies. This is the morestriking, as Chicago is the center and meeting­place of all the German conspirators. All thetime' I was busy stating in many clubs andbefore many audiences the "case" of BelgiumI was never in the slig-htest way interferedwith by the authorities of the University.Many professors expressed to me their sincerejoy at "seeing me rebukinv the arguments andforgeries of the German propagandists."Finally, before leaving, I was asked by theUniversity of Chicago Press to write, for theAmerican public, a History of Belgium, whichis now ready to be circulated within a fewweeks. Better proofs of the University's attj­tude could hardly be g-iven. Therefore Iwrote, with complete liberty of judgment andaction, the tribute which appears in my article,"The Sufferings of Belvium and Public Opin­ion in America," contributed by me to theBook of Belgium's Gratitude, just published byLane. I am,Yours very truly,LEON VAN DER ESSEN,Professor in Louvain Univer.sity.6 Winchester-Road, OxfordDecember 20. THE LETTER BOXChester, Pa., January 26, 1916.To the Editor:It is a pleasure to read in the Januaryissue of the MAGAZINE, in the article by Dr.von No e, that "the outlook for a mobiliza­tion of the defensive forces of the UnitedStates is extremely discouraging." It isunwelcome to the same degree to read, alittle farther along, that, among the mostpromising features of a change in the situa­tion is "the possibility of very largely in­creasing the number of graduates fromschools with military training." One canonly hope that this aspect of the situationis far from as promising as Dr. von N o ethinks.The reasons for such an opinion are closeat hand. War is an' anachronism. Fewopenly advocate the continuance of war;they talk peace and urge "preparedness."I may assume that Dr.. von N oe himselfdoes not desire war. Also, as an educator,he knows that the young learn far morerapidly and certainly by practice than byprecept. This is as true in military mattersas in other fields. Those who are trainedin m ilitary life will readily follow it. Todrill young men for war is to invite war.It is really absurd, especially for an edu­cator, to express a desire for peace, and atthe same time advocate military education.If this is not universally true, though itprobably is, it certainly is correct for theUnited States, especially when even thosewho lead in the plea for "preparedness"argue at the same time that no nation de­sires to attack us. In the situation itselfalone there is no danger of war for ourcountry. If war does come, if we are drawninto the present war or into any other inthe measurable future, the responsibilityfor it will rest largely, even primarily, onPhotograph by P Rounsevelle, '18.Frost Effects on Hull GateTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDthe college and university men who havenot, respectfully but courageously andstrongly, advocated preparation for peacerather than preparation for war.As the militarists do not hesitate to speak,others must not.Frank Grant Lewis, Ph. D., 1907.Shanghai, January 6, 1915.To the Editor:I am writing you on some of my officialstationery to show you what a high guyI am. S. V. C. stands for Shanghai Volun­teer Corps. I joined this company threeyears ago, and because of my training indrilling around Hull Court and Cobb; andas a result of my study of commissary atHutchinson; and in consequence of thehigh aim I developed in English III, I roserapidly in rank to the position of second incommand. And now, since the Captain sawfit to resign a few weeks ago, I find my­self in command of a bunch of 75 of as fineAmericans as one would wish to meet any­where. We have among us graduates of someof our best colleges and technical schools, invarious lines of work here, in which the Stand­ard Oil Company leads.And let me tell you this is no quiet littlemilitia company with only pretty uniforms.\1\1 e have to keep in fighting trim all thetime. About two weeks ago I was rousedout of my warm and downy couch with thecheery order from the Commandant of thisCorps to mobilize the American Companyat once-and that was at 2 a. m. We did itall right and so did fourteen other units,and within an hour's time there were about1,100 men in uniform and under arms man­ning various strategic points around thissettlement. What was the trouble? Well,only a bunch of rebels who had the nightbefore pulled a coup de main on one of theChinese gunboats in the harbor, capturedit, steamed up the river and began pumpingshells into the Shanghai Arsenal. The boatwas recaptured by other gunboats but thebunch of rebels escaped. The next even­ing, the night we were called out, they con­gregated around the Chinese city, attackingpolice stations and jails. Then to maketheir work more interesting they enteredthe French Settlement, which lies just southof this international settlement, and beganshooting at the French police. Then ourcorps were called out to help the Frenchpolice. It happens that in the scheme ofdefense the American company is stationedon the north side of the settlement, so wehad nothing to do but patrol some bridgesand search pedestrians and rickshaws. At6 a. m. we had some impossible Englishcoffee. and at 7 :30. we were dismissed.During the second revolution in 1913 thecompany had several days' continuous serv­ice under arms, including the capture of arebel garrison without bloodshed but withgreat potentialities therefor. 209A good many of the belligerents of Eu­rope are represented in the corps, therebeing English, German, Austrian and J ap­anese units, and Italian. We neutrals haveto keep them friendly so that they will notshoot each other when we are called outas above. The feeling. is very strong andwe do not turn out together unless there issome emergency as above.As to the reunion, I am afraid I will haveto pass that up this time. I hope to be onthe campus by June, 1917, however, whenI expect to re-enter Rush and finish mymedical course. Have had a delightful fewmonths' association with Nat Pfeffer, whohas been here with the China Press. I feltas if I had lost a brother when he decidedto go back.Alfred H. Swan, Lieut.Lieutenant Commanding American Com­pany, S. V. C. (My official title!)THE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe registration for the Winter Quartershows an increase of 330 over that for thecorresponding quarter in 1915.In the Graduate Schools of Arts, Litera­ture and Science 404 men and 195 womenare enrolled, a total of 599. In the Seniorand Junior Colleges, including unclassifiedstudents, 1,119 men and 783 women are reg­istered, a total of 1,902. The total for allDepartments of Arts, Literature and Scienceis 2,501. In the Professional Schools thereare 175 men and 18 women registered inthe Divinity School, a total of 193; in theCourses in Medicine, 157 men and 13women, a total of 170; in the Law School,210 men and 6 women, a total of 216; andin the College of Education, 27 men and318 women, a total of 345. The total forall the Professional Schools is 924. Thetotal for the University, excluding duplica­tions, is 1,890 men and 1,320 women-agrand total of 3,210.Announcement is just made of a gift tothe University by Mrs. Van delia VarnumThomas, the widow of the late Dr. HiramW. Thomas of Chicago, who has recentlyconveyed to the University various proper­ties, the future income of which is to beused in maintaining a series of annual lec­tures in memory of Dr. Thomas. Dr.Thomas was for many years a widely knownpreacher in Chicago, of independent views.These lectures, when established, are to begiven, according to the letter of gift, "byrepresentatives of the larger faith and ex­press the ever-growing thought of the worldin religion and life." And they are to bemade accessible to people outside the Uni­versity as well as to the members of thestudent body.It is announced that on account of a con­flict in dates the Annual Conference of theUniversity with Secondary Schools will take210 THE UJ'l/VERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEplace April 14 and 15, a week earlier thanoriginally planned.The departmental conferences will be heldin two sections, the first on Friday after­noon, April 14, and the second on Saturdaymorning, April 15. The joint committeehas arranged that the general program ofthe session on Friday evening and the pro­grams of the departmentai sections shall,so far as possible, turn about the topic,"Qualitative Definition of College and High­School Units." Professor Nathaniel Butler,of the Department of Education, who isDirector of Co-operation. with SecondarySchools, is in general charge of the ar­rangements for the conference. ProfessorButler has just been elected chairman ofthe committee on education of the ChicagoAssociation of Commerce. Professor But­ler was for three years chairman of thesub-committee on Industrial Education andVocational Guidance of the Association ofCommerce. The latter committee maintainsa field secretary and works in direct co­operation with the Chicago Board of Edu­cation.The University Preachers for the WinterQuarter include the following:Bishop Francis J. McConnell, Denver,Colo., January 9 and 16.Dr. Burris A. Jenkins, Kansas City, Mo.,January 23.President W. H. P. Faunce, Brown Uni­versity, Providence, R. 1., January 30.Dean William Wallace Fenn, HarvardDivinity School, Cambridge, Mass., Febru­ary 6.Dr. George W. Truett, First BaptistChurch, Dallas, Tex., February 13 and 20.Professor Hugh Block, Union Theolog­ical Seminary, New York City, February27 and March 5.Dr. George Hansen, Erskine Church,Montreal, Can., March 12.John Franklin Bobbitt, Assistant Pro­fessor of School Administration, is the di­rector of the educational survey now beingmade of the school system of Denver, Colo.The survey is being conducted under theauspices of the city's board of educationand the Denver Taxpayers' League, andwill cost about $8,000. Dr. Bobbitt asdirector has mapped out the work of thespecial experts that were called in for va­rious phases of the survey. He has also re­cently completed educational surveys forthe cities of South Bend, Ind., and San An­tonio, Tex. The report of the Denver sur­vey will be issued in April. The University of Chicago Settlement re­cently received from the A. A. Spragueestate a gift of land adjoining the Settle­ment valued at about $15,000."How Long Will the War Last?" wasthe subject of the third address, given onFebruary 22, in the series of lectures beinggiven on "The Great War Today" in theFine Arts Building, Chicago, by membersof the University Faculty. The speakerwas Professor J. Laurence Laughlin.Dean Hall, of the University Law School,spoke on February 29, his subject being"International Law - Some Problems.". Dean Hall is the contributor to the Inter­national Journal of Ethics for January of anarticle on "The Force of Precedents in In­ternational Law."Professor A. C. McLaughlin, head of theDepartment of History, will discuss onMarch 7 the subject of "England-America,Then and Now," and on March 14 "Geo­graphic and Economic Foundations of theGreat War" will be presented by AssociateProfessor J. Paul Goode, of the Departmentof Geography.The Omega Chapter of Psi Upsilon hascompleted the subscription of a fund of$25,000 to build a chapter house on U ni­versity avenue, just north of Fifty-seventhstreet, where the chapter has owned landfor two years. This will be the first chapterhouse actually built for the purpose at theUniversity, though almost half of the fra­ternities nov.' own houses which they havebought, the list including Delta Kappa Ep­silan, Phi Kappa Psi, Beta Theta Pi, AlphaDelta Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Upsilon and SigmaAlpha Epsilon.The University of Chicago Forum wasorganized late in January. The club willstudy political questions of the day atweekly gatherings on Wednesdays at 3 :30.The forming of the club is the result of aplan formulated by Frederick D. Bramhall,instructor in Political Science. Louis Bal­sam, '1�, has beewelected president, CarlBre1os, '18, vice-president, and BereniceKlausner, '17, secretary. Membership isopen.In spite of the agitation 111 regard to thewomen's clubs, the largest number ofpledges ever announced, sixty-six, appearedin ribbons on February 1.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 211Bartlett at WorkPhotographs by Rounsevelle, '18. Bartlett Ready for the Prom212 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE MONTH AT THE UNIVERSITYJanuary 29Basketball-Wisconsin, 29; Chicago, 18.January 30President William H. P. Faunce BrownUniversity, University Preacher.'.Dr. Coulter, on "Student Influence." Y. M.C. A. Fellowship Vespers.January 31Interclass basketball-Juniors, 34; Fresh­men III, 2.Mr. James Gregory Condon of the ChicagoBar! under the auspices of the ChicagoSociety of Advocates, on "Jury Trials."Student Volunteer Band, CosmopolitanClub, the New Testament and SystematicTheology Clubs.February 1Jubilee Banquet, Fiftieth Anniversary of theY. W. C. A. in the United States.Speakers: President Judson, Mrs. EdgarJ. Goodspeed, Mrs. Charles W. Gilkey,Miss Maude Trego, Miss Margaret Bur­ton, Miss Helen Johnson.Interclass basketball-Law, 21; Seniors, 8.The Women's Classical Club.Mr. Harry Wild Jones, Architect, of Min­neapolis: "Church Architecture-Devo­tional."February 2Interclass basketball-Sophomores, 23;Freshmen II, 7.The Junior Mathematical Club, the Zoolog­ical Club.Mr. Harry Wild Jones: "Church Architec­ture-Practical."February 3Sophomore Class Smoker-Delta Tau DeltaHouse.Interclass basketball-Juniors, 22; Seniors,2.The Physics Club.February 4.Three Quarters' Club Smoker-e-Phi KappaPsi House.Interclass basketball-Sophomores, 20;Freshmen II, 14.The Graduate Women's Club-Womell ofthe Departments of Astronomy, Physicsand Mathematics, Hostesses.February 5Basketball (at Minneapolis)-Minnesota,25; Chicago, 27.Wrestling-Purdue, 8; Chicago, 9.February 6Dean William W. Fenn, Harvard DivinitySchool, University Preacher.Mr. A. David Massillamani on "The Massesin India." Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Ves­pers.February 7Interclass basketball-Law, 24; Sopho-mores, O.February 8Interclass basketball-Freshmen II, 28;Freshmen III, 11.The Biological Club, the Classical Club. February 9Senior Class Dinner, Hutchinson Cafe.Interclass basketball-Juniors, 16; Sopho­mores, 12.Basketball-Illinois, 30; Chicago, 17.The Mathematical Club, the French Clubthe Disciples' Club, the Forum. 'Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus, on "Two Here­tics, 1. Rembrandt."Dr. Jose Maria Galvez, Professor of Eng­lish, University of Chile: "Removing theBarrier of Language."Misses Fell and Schofield, of England:"Relief Work Among French Orphans."February 10Interclass basketball-Freshmen II de­feated Seniors.The Physics Club, the Philosophical Club,the Kent Chemical Society, the SociologyClub: Dr. Paul Nicholas Leech, of theAmerican Medical Association, "PatentMedicines and Medical Frauds."Dr. Gunsaulus on "Two Heretics. II,Origen."February 11Elections for Undergraduate Council andHonor Commission.Interclass basketball-Juniors, 34; Fresh­men III, 20.The German Conversation Club, the His­tory Club.Dr. Gunsaulus, on "Two Heretics. III,Origen."February 12Dramatic Club presented "Arms and theMan." Mandel Hall.Senior Class Valentine party and CotillionDance, Reynolds Club.Junior Class Valentine-vaudeville, DeltaUpsilon House.Basketball-Iowa, 16; Chicago, 15.Track-Northwestern, 13�;j; Chicago, 72%.Wrestling-Gary Y. M. C. A., 30; Chicago,29.February 13Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, Ph. D.,D. D., Harvard Divinity School, Univer-sity Preacher. ,Dr. Coulter, Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Ves­pers.February 14Interfraternity bowling-Beta Theta Pi de­feated Phi Kappa Sigma and won thechampionship.Judge Hugo Pam, of the State AppellateCourt, before the Menorah Society on"Charities."February 15Annual Cup Races, Half Mile.Interclass basketball-Freshmen II, 32;Freshmen III, 11.The Botanical Club, the Women's ClassicalClub.Rev. L. Ward Brigham, "The Business ofthe Ministry. I, The Minister as 'OfficeMan.'''THE UNIVERSITY RECORDProfessor Moore, under the auspices of theChicago Theological Seminary: "Westand East-the Expansion of Christendomand the Naturalization of Christianity inthe Orient. I, The Expansion of Europe,1750-1910."Professor Moritz J. Bonn, of the Universityof Munich: "Commercial Universities inGermany."February 16Basketball-N orthwestern, 28; Varsity, 20.Interclass basketball-Sophomores, 18;Seniors, 10.Dr. Brigham: "The Business of the Min­istry. II, The Minister as Executive."Professor Moore: "West and East-theExpansion of Christendom and the N at­uralization of Christianity in the Orient.II, The Christian Propaganda, 1750-1910."February 17Physics Club, French Club.Dr. Brigham: "The Business of the Min-istry. III, The Minister as 'Church-man.'''Professor Moore: "West and East-theExpansion of Christendom and the Nat­uralization of Christianity in the Orient.III, The Present Situation." 213February 18Medic Smoker, Hitchcock Hall.Graduate Club, Vaudeville and Dance, Rey­nolds Club.Orchestra and Women's Glee Club. JointConcert, Mandel Hall.German Conversation Club.Interclass basketball-Juniors, 49; Fresh­men II, O.Dr. Brigham: "The Business of the Min­istry. IV, The Minister as 'Field Man.'''Professor Moore: "West and East-theExpansion of Christendom and the N at­uralization of Christianity in the Orient.IV, The Present Situation."February 19Wrestling-Indiana, 8; Chicago, 7.Basketball-Ohio State, 13; Chicago, 25.Swimming-Cincinnati University, 9; Chi-cago, 52.February 20Professor Edward C. Moore, UniversityPreacher.Mr. John Nuveen, Y. M. C. A. FellowshipVespers.February 21Major-General Leonard Wood, U. S. A.,Commander of the Department of theEast. on "Military Obligations of Citizen­ship."Stagg Field in February214 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEATHLETICSTrack-The two indoor meets held sofar, one with Purdue at Lafayette on J an­uary 28, and the second with Northwesternat Bartlett on February 12, have shownthat Chicago has a better team than wasexpected. Purdue was beaten only 46Yz to39;;;;, but both Dismond and Captain Stoutwere out of it. Northwestern was crushed,72% to 13%, one of the most "decisive vic­tories" in the history of Chicago track ath­letics; and this although Fisher, Cornwelland Captain Stout could not compete.Northwestern, in Fisher's absence, tied forfirst in the pole-vault and won second inthe high jump, otherwise the achievementsof her athletes were limited to third places.of which they got 6%. The summaries ofthe two meets were:Chicago- Purdue40 yard dash-Pershing (C.), first; Cahn (C.),second; Agar (C.), third. Time, 0 :04 3-5.40 yard hurdles-Bancker (P.), .first ; Schienburg(P.), second; Guerin (C.), third. Time 0:05 2-5.440 yard dash-e-Cla rk (C.), first; Cornwell (C.),second; Landis (P.), third. Time, Q :54 4-5.880 yard dash-Van Aken (P.), first; Clark (C.),second; Campbell (P.), third. Time, 2:00 3-5. (NewPurdue record.)Mile run-F. F. Campbell (P.), first; Newman (P.),second; Large (P.), third. Time, 4:39 1-5.Two mile run-Atkins (P.), first; Angier (C.),second; Mather (C.), third. Time, 9: 58 4-5.High jump-Fisher and Whiting (C.), tied forfirst; Schumacher (P.), third. Height, 5 feet 8 inches.Pole vault-Fisher and Wagner (C.), tied for first;Moore (C.) and Benedict (P.), tied for third. Height,.11 feet.Shot put-v-Crowe (P.), first; Arbuckle (P.), sec­ond; 'Prins (P.), third. Distance, 40 feet lOY;; inches.Relay-Chicago, first; Purdue, second.Chicago-N orthwestern50 yard dash-Won by Pershing (C.); Agar (C.),second; Bradley (N.), third. Time, 0 :05 3-5.Mile run-Won by Swett (C.); Powers (C.), sec­ond; Bell eN.), third. Time, 4 :46.50 yard high hurdles-Won by Pershing (C.);Guerin (C.), second; 'Warner (N.), third. Time,0.06 4-5.Quarter mile-Won by Dismorid (C.), Feuerstein(C.), second; Standish (C.), third. Time, 0: 54 4-5.Shot put-Won by Windrow (C); Sparks (C.),second; Rerick (N.), third. Distance, 38 feet 3?imches,High jump-Won by Whiting (C.); James (N.)second; Strickler and Hill (N.) and Adams CC.),tied for third. Height, 5 feet 11 inches.Pole vault-Wagner (C.) and Warner (N.), tiedfor first; Moore (C.), third. Height, 11 feet.Half mile-Won by Clark (C.); Merrill (C.), sec­ond; Williams (N.), third. Time, 2:07 3-5.Two mile run-Won by Angier (C.); M'ather (C.),second; De Swart (N.), third. Time, 10:30.Relay race-- Won by Chicago (Feuerstein, Guerin,Merrill, Dismond).It is evident that, as usual, Chicago isgood in the short runs, middling in thelonger distances and the jumps, and weakin the weights. Of the old men Dismondseems to be in fine shape. Not only is therenobody in the west to push him in thequarter, but also he has been doing muchbetter in the half, having beaten in practicehis indoor record of last year by several seconds. Against Northwestern he camewithin a fifth of a second of equaling hisown record in the quarter, though heseemed to be running very easily. February22 he won the quarter in the New YorkCity indoor games, running in 51 seconds andbeating easily "Ted" Meredith of Penn­sylvania and Moore of Princeton. Fisherand Whiting are jumping better than ever.J ames, of Northwestern, when in form,seems to be the ,only man in the conferencequite in their class. Fisher is also vaultingwell. Cornwell in the quarter, Merrill inthe half, Powers in the mile and Matherin the two-mile, are all going steadily. Allare men dangerous in any dual meet. Ofthe sophomores Pershing and Clark seem tobe the stars. Pershing is not only beatingAgar regularly, and Agar is a very fast manat fifty yards, but he was too speedy forBradley of Northwestern, who has "coredin more than one conference meet, andwho, according to a11 Northwestern men,really won third in the hundred last June.Pershing is also a good hurdler, especiallyover the low sticks. Clark tied the Purduerecord in the quarter at Lafayette andpushed Van Aken of Purdue clear to thetape in the half mile in 2 :OO'Ys, a new rec­ord. In the half-mile trials in Bartlett onFebruary 13, Clark beat Stout by two yards,running in 2 :06. Unless the unexpectedhappens, as it generally does, Clark willbeat fifty seconds in the quarter and 1 :57 inthe half outdoors. Angier in the two-mileran in 10 :14 at Lafayette and is a far moredependable athlete than Goodwin was lastyear, though not so good yet as Goodwin athis best. Cahn in the dash, Guerin in thehurdles, Feuerstein and Standish in thequarter, Swett in the mile, Wagner in thepole vault, and Windrow in the shot, arealso valuable. The next meet, on March 4,with Ohio State, will show nothing, asOhio State is weak. The outlook for theindoor conference, however, on March 18at Evanston is by no means so dark as itwas. That Dismond, Pershing, Clark,Fisher and Whiting will score points inseven events seems possible, and Chicagoshould also make a strong bid for the relay.If Stout is eligible by that time somethingas unexpected as the football victory overWisconsin last fall might happen.Basketball-On Washington's birthday,when this article was written, the basket­ball team had won two games and lost six-not a very proud record. The standingof the conference teams at that time wasas follows: .w. L. Pct.Wisconsin '" 6 1 .857Northwestern. 7 2 .778Illinois . . . .. 4 2 .667Minnesota .. 3 2 .600Iowa •...... 2 3 0400 W. L. Pct.Ohio .. . . . .. 2 4 .333Chicago 2 6 .250Purdue 2 6 .250Indiana 1 3 .250ATHLETICS 215Wisconsin and Northwestern play mostlyat home for the remainder of the season,and Illinois plays mostly away from home,so that the two teams now leading seemto have the championship between them.Everybody in the conference except theWisconsin men is hoping for a Northwest­ern victory; the Purple players are hardarid fast workers, and it is time N orthwest­ern won something.The Chicago team has played hard; no­body can deny that. Iowa has won twiceby one point, and the games with North­western, Wisconsin and Illinois have allbeen fiercely fought. The Northwesternvictory over Illinois can be traced almostdirectly to the bad condition in which theIllinois players found themselves after thegame with Chicago. But the team has, asa rule, played very poor basket-ball. Bar­ring Capt. George, they are all slow think­ers on the floor. Plays which they havebeen coached to meet and break up theyforget all about. Parker gave a sad exhi­bition of that sort of forgetfulness in theIllinois game, and Rothermel another inthe Wisconsin game. They dribble morelike men playing hand-ball than basket­ball, and their basket-shooting is generallyfrom the 200-yard range. Their victoryover Minnesota at Minneapolis on Feb. 5was extremely creditable, but Ohio Stateon Feb. 19 was too weak to offer muchopposition. Schafer has settled into thesteadiest basket-tosser after fouls in theconference. The games so far follow:January 15-Iowa, 19; Chicago, 18.January 22-N orthwestern, 28; Chicago, 18.January 29- Wisconsin, 25; Chicago, 17. February 5 (At Minneapolis)-Minnesota, 25; Chi-cago, 27.February 9-IlIinois, 30; Chicago, 17.February 12-Iowa, 16; Chicago, 15.February 16 (At Evanston)-Northwestern, 28; Chi�cago, 20.February 19 (At Columbus)-Ohio State, 13; Chi­cago,25.Games to come (at this writing) are withIllinois at Urbana on February 26; OhioState at Bartlett on March 3; Wisconsinat Madison on March 8, and Minnesota atBartlett on March 11. The chances are fortwo victories and two defeats, and a finalpercentage of about .333. Rothermel willstick at guard; George is likely to playcenter, with Townley shifted back to guardand Schafer, Parker, Clark and Norgrenalternating at forward.Swimming-With Capt. Pavlicek againeligible, the swimming team set out on itseastern trip happily, and on February 19administered one of the worst defeats pos­sible to the University of Cincinnati, theOhioans getting only three second places,and those in events in which Chicago hadbut one entry. Chicago broke the state rec­ord in the relay, swimming 160 yards in1 :22%. Earle, Chicago, won first in thehundred and 220, O'Connor in the 40, Shir­ley in the 200-yard breast stroke, Pavlicekin the 150-yard back stroke, Redmon in theplunge and Rubinkam in the fancy diving­a wide division of honors, unusual in aswimming meet, where one star generallymakes a: sweep. All the records comparedmore than favorably with those of the Illi­nois- Wisconsin meet, held on the same eve­ning, except the plunge, in which McDon­ald of Illinois, the present conference cham­pion, broke his own record easily,216 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAssociation of Doctors of PhilosophyThe plans are fast maturing for the "home­coming of the Doctors" in connection with theQuarter-Centennial celebration of the Univer­sity, which is to take place from June 2 to 6,1916.In this celebration, the doctors are to oc­cupy an important position-probably the mostimportant from certain view noints. The cele­bratiori is to be a so-called "home affair," thatis, other institutions outside of Illinois are notto be asked to send delegates, but Chicago isto celebrate, as it were, in the bosom of theChicago family. Now from this point of view,the Doctors must be considered as the choicemembers of the family, those to whom muchhas been given and from whom much is ex­pected.So the plan is to hold ten or a dozen groupconferences which are intended to includeevery department in the graduate schools ofArts, Literature and Science (there will beseparate Divinity and Law conferences), andwhich are to be devoted solely to papers andreports by Doctors of the University who arenot now members of the Chicago faculty, theonly exception to this rule being in the caseof some one speaker of national prominencewho may be invited by each group conference.There will be two conference periods, one onMonday afternoon, June 5, and the other onTuesday morning, June 6, while the eveningof June 5th will be devoted to group dinnersand social intercourse, culminating in thePresident's reception later in the evening. Thetwelfth annual luncheon to the Doctors givenby the University will occur on Tuesday, June6th, following the morning conference. Onthis occasion a representative of the doctorsof national reputation will give an address,and the annual business meeting of the Asso­ciation will follow. The Convocation willcome at four o'clock on Tuesday, followed bya great University dinner to which all doctorswill be invited. The other features of thecelebration will be described elsewhere, butthese are the ones that center around thehome-coming of the Doctors.It is proposed that every department shallsend at least two personal letters to each ofits doctors, urging you to come back on thisoccasion and telling you of the special fea­tures of the group conferences to which yourdepartment will contribute, and, of course. youwill receive a hearty invitation from the Presi­dent and Secretary of the Association. YourExecutive Committee will do all in their power to forward the interests of the Doctors in con­nection with this occasion, and we feel confi­dent that you will do your part to contributeto its success.You may have wondered at some time inthe past what service the Association couldrender either to the University or to its ownmembers. You may have even questionedwhether we had any good reason for exist­ence. You may not have appreciated just thepoint of view in the numerous discussionswhich we have held through questionnaires orface to face at our annual meetings duringthe past twelve years, when we have tried toconsider our opportunities and responsibilitiesboth with respect to our own members andwith respect to the University. You may haveheld widely divergent opinions from thosewhich we have officially expressed from timeto time in our deliberations. But, at any rate,here are certain important facts now at hand:The University is about to complete its twenty­fifth year of corporate existence; it has turnedout 922 Doctors; it proposes to do honor tothis select : body of its Alumni, the highesthonor that those in charge have been ableto plan for this occasion; you are to be thevery center of this great celebration duringat least two days; your Association is rec­ognized as a prominent factor on one of thesetwo days. Here, then, is our opportunity toshow in return our loyalty and appreciation byour presence and co-operation in these im­portant ceremonies. Upon us large.ly d.ependsthe question of how great an occasion it shallbe. Shall we not rise to the occasion and re­move all doubt as to the verdict? Many ofus, we know, live far away from Chicago andwill find it difficult to arrange our plans so asto be here at the date of this celebration (itwas impossible to arrange any other date soas to better meet all the conditions involved) ;but all the more responsibility will rest uponthose of us who can make the arrangement,even if at considerable sacrifice; while t�who cannot come will still have their sharein the celebration, since provision is made forreports from all such to be sent in writing tothe meetings.May we, therefore, urge all to be on thelook-out for the departmental letters and toanswer them in the fullest spirit of co-op­eration whether or not it may be possible foryou to' come in person to the celebration.H. E. SLAUGHT,Secretary of Association of Doctors.ALUMNI AFFAIRS 217Alumni AffairsThe gentleman inadequately pictured above is Ralph Hastings Hobart, B. S., 1895, oneof the graduates of the university who was exposed for awhile, like the Spartan children, onthe mountainside of newspaper work, survived and became famous; or, if he objects to theword, notorious; at any rate, around the Rookery, where, at number 900" are now his offices,as general agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company in Chicago. He hasred hair, to which the picture does not do justice. He was born April 28, 1874, in Madison,Wis.; but from this burg he soon moved, doubtless recognizing that should he remain he mustenter the University of Wisconsin, After graduation from Beloit Academy, and two years atBeloit College, he entered the University of Chicago on September 27, 1893, matriculation num­ber 79.5, joined Beta Theta Phi, and burned the midnight oil. After graduation he spent somejoined Beta Theta Phi, and burned the midnight oil. After graduation he spent someyears, as remarked above, in newspaper work, began as a solicitor for the NorthwesternMutual in 1901, and ten years later was made general agent. He married, in 1908, MissHelen Hinsdale of Evanston, and in that su burb he resides. Born in Madison; lives inEvanston, but a good Chicago man for all th at.Reunion of "Old University" Alumni.­The annual reunion and Washington sup­per of the alumni and students of the OldUniversity of Chicago was held at the Sher­man House on Monday evening, February21. More than fifty attended and for fivehours revived memories of the college daysof the '60s, the '70s and the '80s. TheodoreM. Hammond, '85, presided. President J ud­son, bringing the greetings of the U niver­sity, and Prof. Lewis Stuart of the OldFaculty, were the guests of the evening. T.R. Weddell, '86; H. 1. Bosworth, '76 ; JacobNewman, '73, and Florence Holbrook, '79,responded to toasts. A letter from Dr.Galusha Anderson, president from 1878 to1885, was read and the greetings of the com­pany sent to the honored Doctor, now near- ing his 84th birthday. Those present were:Mr. and Mrs.: E. A. Buzzell, Frank H.Clark, George P. Englehard, J. P. Gardner,Frank G. Hanchett, T. M. Hammond, S. O.Levinson, A. J. Lichtenstern, W. G. Sherer,M. S. Sickle, Wandell Topping, E. F.Thompson, Geo. W. Walsh, T. R. Weddell;Misses: Elizabeth Faulkner, Florence Hol­brook, Myra Pollard, Fanny R. Smith,Augusta Stuart, Edna Stuart, FlorenceStuart; Messrs.: Henry 1. Bosworth, EliDoud, J. G. Elsdon, A. J. Fisher, JamesGoodman, George W. Hall, S. C. Johnston,E. L. Kelley, Judge C. C. Kohlsaat, HenryC. Morris, Jacob Newman, Dr. John Ed­win Rhodes, Maj. E. B. Tolman, L. H.Turner, F. J. Walsh, Geo. B. Woodworth.(Signed) Edgar A. Buzzell, '86.218 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumnae Please Note!All Alumnae who would care to see thelast series of championship basket ball gamesto be played in "Old Lex" are urged to comeout on March 2, 14, and 16 at 4 p. m. "OldLex" is in the last throes and needs yoursupport. Come out and help make the raftersand posts ring. There will be a swimmingmeet for women at Bartlett March 6 at 4 p. m.Perhaps you would enjoy that and while youare on the campus, go over and take a lookat Ida Noyes Hall. Maybe you'll want tocome back.Alumni in the Kansas Agricultural College.'William H. Andrews, '01, is AssociateProfessor of Mathematics in the KansasAgricultural College, State High SchoolExaminer for the College, President of' theState Association of teachers of Mathe­matics, and Vice-President of the Manhat­tan Board of Education.John Orr Hamilton, '00, is Professor ofPhysics in the Kansas Agricultural College,Chairman of the Student Affairs Commit­tee and Chairman of the Athletic Board.Edward Donald Baker, '03, has resignedas Associate Professor of Rural Economicsin the Kansas Agricultural College to com­plete his graduate studies in the Universityof Chicago. .Albert Edward Shower, A. M., '12, hasresigned as Professor of Public Speakingin the Kansas Agricultural College' to re­sume studies in the University of Chicago.John C. Werner, A. M., '13, has resignedas Director of the Correspondence Work inthe Kansas Agricultural College to becomeProfessor of Rural Education in the StateNormal School, Albion, Idaho.Raymond Garfield Taylor, A. M., '15, isAssistant Professor of History in the Kan­sas Agricultural College, and is engaged inthe preparation of a Syllabus of the Historyof Kansas.John Robertson Macarthur. Ph. D., '03, isAssociate Professor of English Languagein the Kansas Agricultural College, Coachof the Debating Team and Adviser in Stu­dent Activities.Robert Kirkland Nabours, Ph. D., '11, isProfessor of Zoology and Experiment Sta­tion Zoologist in the Kansas AgricultureCollege, and is continuing studies of in­heritance in grasshoppers. He was inTurkestan at the outbreak of the war study­ing inheritance in sheep. A return tripfor further study and specimens will beundertaken as soon as war conditions per­mit.Arthur Erastus Holt, Ph. D., '04, is pastorfor the First Congregational Church inManhattan, Kansas, where his work islargely with College students and teachers.He is making a study of State educationand the Church, and is preparing a seriesof papers on this subject which will appearduring the. current year in. the BiblicalWorld. Alumni at University of Pittsburg.­Among the Alumni at the University ofPittsburg are the following: F. L. Bishop,·Ph. D. '05, Dean of the Engineering Schooland Professor of Physics; R. Clyde Brooks,Ph. D. '11, C. C. Guthrie, Ph. D. '07, and R.E. Sheldon, Ph. D. '08, in the School ofMedicine; Roswell H. Johnson, '00, In­structor in Geology; L. E. Roberts, '14, In­structor in Chemistry; H. J. Webster, Ph.M. '02, Instructor in History; R. F. Bacon,Ph. D. '04, Director of Mellon Institute ofResearch; J. B. Garner, Ph. D. '97, MellonInstitute; B. L. Ullman, '03, Ph. D. '08, Pro­fessor of Latin Language and Literature;E. T. Sage, A. M. '05, Ph. D. '08, Latin; G.O. Currne, Jr., Ph. D. '13; F. A. C. Perrin,'10, Ph. D., 13, Psychology; Frank C. J or­dan, Ph. D., '14, Assistant Professor at theAllegheny Observatory and Marie Bender,Computer; Miss Bender is now at Chicagoon leave of absence to complete her workfor her master's degree, which she expectsto receive at the Winter Convocation.Alumni in OklahomaAt a meeting of the geologists of Okla­homa and adjoining states, held at the Uni­versity of Oklahoma at Norman on January7 and 8, the following men who have hadgraduate work in the department of geol­ogy at Chicago were present: C. H. Tay­lor, S. M. '09; M. G. Mehl, '11, and R. \IV.Browne, of the University of Oklahoma;R. A. Conkling, J. M. Herald and C. A.Hammill, '13, of the Roxana PetroleumCompany, Tulsa; J. B. Newby and A. C.Dennis of the Gypsy Oil Company, Tulsa;C. R. Eckes, of the Producers Oil Company,Tulsa; H. Harper McKee, S. M. '12, Tulsa;A. E. Fath, U. S. Geological Survey; L. C.Snider, Ph. D. '15, of the Pierce Oil Cor­poration, Norman, and W. E. Wrather, '08,of the Gulf Production Company, WichitaFalls, Texas. The women were representedby Mrs. R. A. Conkling (Winifred Winne, .S. B. '12, S. M. '14) and Mrs. C. A. Hammill(Rhoda Pfeiffer, '14).Other Chicago men working in Oklahomaare F. B. Plummer, C. W. Hamilton and J.Elmer Thomas, '12, all of Tulsa.Alumni Please Note!The Chicago Alumni Club has announceda luncheon at the Hotel LaSalle at 1 p. m.Saturday, March. 4. Arthur E. Bestor, '02,will give his illustrated lecture on "DominantPersonalities in the European War." Col.Bestor is something of a dominant personalityhimself, and the lecture is worth going a longway to hear.Also the annual Business Meeting and Elec­tion of Officers of the Alumni Club will takeplace on Wednesday evening, April 26. Placeand full details in April- MAGAZINE.C. F. AXELSON, Secretary.NEWS OF THE CLASSESAmong the officers for 1916 elected at theannual meeting of the Quoin Club, the Na­tional Periodical Association, were, as sec­retary, Luther D. Fernald, advertising man­ager Leslie's Weekly and Judge; and as amember of the executive committee, GeorgeD. Buckley, advertising manager Woman'sHome Companion-both former students ofthe University of Chicago.1880Ernest Wilson Clement has publishedthrough the University of Chicago Press,"A Short History of Japan." He is pro­fessor in the First National College ofJapan and has prepared in collaborationwith Jitsumaro Okado, a number of Englishtextbooks for Middle Schools of Japan.1897Mrs. Elmer E. Houk (Elizabeth Messick)has secured the active interest of theWoman's Club of Chicago in a movementfor old age insurance, in an address on"Woman's Work," in which she outlinedthe present system in effect in Sweden.The Swedish plan provides for the paymentto the government on the birth of a child,of a deposit of $5, $10, or $15, which entitlesthe beneficiary to an allowance of $50, $100or $150, respectively, at the age of fifty-fivein case of the $5 deposit and at fifty in theother two cases. All of the money depos­ited is handled by the government and whenthe beneficiary reaches the required age, itis compulsory that he receive the monthlyallowance, thereby removing from the op­erations of the law the odium which somepeople attach to being the recipients ofcharity._ Charlotte Cipriani is writing for publica­tion in Chicago.1899Mrs. 'William Weber (Pearl Louise Hun­ter) who is instructor in French at the Mun­cie National Institute, Muncie Ind., writesthat she expects to come back in June forthe Quarter-Centennial celebration.1901Rowland H. Ritchie is Professor of theEnglish Language and Speech in the Ot­tawa University, Ottawa, Kans.1902Helen Brandeis is principal and teachingGerman, Latin, Mathematics and Historyin the High School at Nisland, So. Dak.John Reinmann Dexter is in the real es­tate loan business at 16 West Main street,Ardmore, Okla.1903Frederick M. Lowe is a practicing physi­cian in Kansas City, Mo.'1904Samuel J. Pease is Professor of ModernLanguages and Latin in the State ManualTraining Normal School at Pittsburg, Kans.Luther A. Egbert is teaching Latin in theHigh School at Iowa City, Iowa. N0 MATTE� �here you liveyou can Sl t i n your ownparlor andIt It shop in Chicago '1'1This possibility is at your disposalright now, ideally presented in Man­del's Magazine."'_'_'._'. __ �.,"_vw .·.··"'·Mandel'sMagazineis a brilliant, authentic guide in mat­ters fashionable, and provides themost remarkable mail-order, metro­poli tan shopping service America everhas known.Entertaining s tor i e s - valuablehousehold information by notedwoman writers - splendid picturesand clear descriptions of· smartestmodes-women's, misses' and chil­dren's outftttings - new fabrics­styles and novelties with which youcan be the .best dressed woman inyour community, and for less moneythan you might pay for "just ordi­nary mail-order merchandise."Soon ready to mail 128-page issueof . Mandel's Magazine - delightfulintroduction to Spring and Summermodes, the very same that Chicagowomen will select from the greatstocks now ready.Possible, this year, to send Mandel'sMagazine freeto 100,000 more American women.If you would be among that num­ber, send your name and address atonce-make sure, by directing it toDepartment C-Mandel BrothersChicagoWhen you buy of our advertisers, say "Magazine!" 219220 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1905Charles B. Newcomer is Professor ofModern Languages and Latin in the StateAgricultural College, State College, N. M.19061. W. B. Everhart is Superintendent ofSchools at Hastings, Neb.Ida A. Felt is teaching in the HumboldtState Normal School at Arcato, Calif.Robert E. Mac Kay is teaching Germanand French in Western Maryland College,Wesminster, Md.Gertrude H. Kuehne is teaching Englishin the High School at Racine, Wis.Carl N. Hitchcock is employed at Haw­thorne in the works of the Western ElectricCo. He is living at Austin.1907Mrs. Metta M. Libis is teaching in theChicago College Preparatory School, Chi­cago.. Miriam Gardner was graduated fromRush Medical College in 1906 and is nowliving at 1022 Maple avenue, Evanston, Ill.Elmer Harley was graduated from theUniversity of Colorado Medical School andis now a physician and surgeon at SanDiego, Calif.Wynne Armstrong was graduated fromPrinceton in 1907 and from the HarvardLaw School in 1910. - He is now practicingla w in the Security Trust building, Camden,N. J.Charles Edward Wells was graduatedfrom the University of Vermont MedicalCollege in 1908 and is now assistant super­intendent of the Massachusetts CharitableEye and Ear Infirmary. He is living at 233Charles street, Boston, Mass.Mrs. Jessie Groves Torrance is living at1306 Walnut street, Evansville, Ind.I. E. Levitas was graduated from RushMedical College in 1908 and is now a phy­sician and surgeon at 123 South Quincy St.,Green Bay, Wis.Haydn L. Fischer is a physician and sur­geon at 733 South Chestnut street, Ke­wanee, Ill.Fabian B. Dodds is practicing law at 1120Old National Bank building, Spokane,Wash.Mrs. F. Wells (B. Fern Emerson) 1S liv­ing at Sugar City, Colo.Mrs. Guy L. Shipps (Helen Rich) 1S liv­ing at 614 Chicago street, Elgin, Ill.Casey H. Brown is an officer in the U. S.Army at Cor oz al, Canal Zone.'Edward Weber Allen received his L. L.B. from the University of Washington in1909 and is now assistant attorney generalat Olympia, Wash., with offices in the Tem­ple of Justice.Frederick Dill Mabrey is teaching at Ben­nington, Vt.Mrs. Florence Plimpton Riddle is livingon a ranch near Cortey, Colo.R. P. Schuler is a physician at 1190 WestMulberry street, Kokomo, Ind. The Corn ExchangeNational Bankof C�icagoCapital . • $3,000,000Surplus and Profits, 7,000,000OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON .Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-PresidentB. C. SAMMONS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJ. EDWARD MAASS, CashierJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Ass't CashierLEWIS E. GRAY, Ass't CashierEDWARD F. SCHOENECK, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKER MARTIN A_ RYERSONCHAUNCEY J- BLAIREDWARD B. BUTLER CHARLES H. HULBURDBEMJAMIN CARPENTER CLYDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLAIRCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON EDWARD A. SHEDDERNEST A. HAMILLForeign Exchange Letters of CreditCable Transfers3% Paid on Savings DepositsSay it loud and clear!NEWS ot- THE CLASSESMelville A. ("Bubbles") Hill, 3846 Parkavenue, Chicago, writes in a friendly spirit:"The Magazine is the goods; it gives the·information that an alumnus who is out oftouch with University affairs wishes tohave, namely, what the 'other fellow' is do­ing. Enclosed find check. I trust you willbe successful in bringing the other slackersto the support of the Magazine. I am look­ing forward to the big doings next June."1908Martin Flavin is secretary of the Star­Peerless Wall Paper Mills at Joliet, Ill.My r tl e Farnham is supervisor of kinder­garten and primary grades in the publicschools of Racine, Wis. >Jane Merwin Haven is teaching Englishin the. High School at Fremont, Ohio.A. Beth Hostetter is teaching French andGerman in the Christian College, Columbus,Mo.Joseph c. Stephenson is instructor inEmbryology, Zoology and Biology in theUn iver sity of Cincinnati.1909Ida M. Knepper is head of the departmentof Mathematics in Galloway College,Searcy, Ark.1910Laura E. Mac Donald is sixth grade criticin the Normal School at Stevens Point,Wis.Lincoln K. Adkins is instructor in Mathe­matics in the University of Minnesota.Lillian M. Hankins is head of the Englishdepartment in the High School at NewCastle, Pa.1911Howard H. McKee is a field geologistwith headquarters at Tulsa, Okla.Morris H. Briggs is connected with thecatalogue department of Montgomery,Ward & Co., Chicago.Charles Calvin Steck has been advancedto the rank of associate professor of Mathe­matics in the New Hampshire College ofAgricultural and Mechanical Arts.Grover K. Baumgartner is teachingschool and ranching at Bridgeport, Nebr.He intends to move back to Frederick,Wyo., before spring.\V. L. Crowley is reported as having goneto Canada recently, following a suit for di­vorce filed by his wife.William Storrs Baldwin and N orman L.Baldwin have gone into partnership in thegeneral insurance business. Their head­quarters are with Conkling, Price & Webb,175 "Vest Jackson boulevard, Chicago.Mabel E. Wren is teaching General Sci­ence in the Junior High School at Butte,Mont.E. Olive Davis is teaching French in theNewton Classical High School, N ewton­ville, Mass.Edna M. Feltges is teaching Mathematics,English and Latin in the High School atKankakee, Ill. DETROIT"THE DYNAMIC"Detroit has 785,000 population.Detroit grew 80,000 in 1915,350,000 in last 10years. Statisticians predict a growth to onemillion by 1920.Detroit is 4th American city in building.Detroit is 4th American city in exports.Detroit offers best real estate opportunities in thecountry. 1,000 subdivision lots sold each week.A YOUNG MAN'S CITYWe will have openings for a few college graduatesin our real estate business. Men open to positionsnow or at graduation, who feel they have businessability are invited to correspond at once.WALTER C. PIPER400 Holden Bldg. Detroit, Mich.CONGRESS HOTEL and ANNEXThe right place to 110 for university parties and banquetsMUNICIPAL BONDSExclusivelyJ.R .. SUTHERLIN �CO.COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO.CALVIN O. SMITH, '11SALES MANAGERCIRCULARS MAILED O� REQUESTLet them know where you saw their ads! 221222 NEWS OF THE CLASSESM-; -S. Gardner is teaching Latin andSpanish in the South Park High School atBeaumont, Texas.1912Frank G. Parker is a member of Pav­Iowa's Ballet Russe.Mrs. W. C. Allee (Marjorie Hill) is nowliving at Lake Forest, where Mr. Allee, Ph.D. '12, is professor of biology. She writes:"I greatly enjoy talking over with Mrs.Clarence Herschberger (Grace Eberhart'99) the times, somewhat widely removedfrom each other, when we knew Mrs. Flint.Some day, I dare say, there will be an asso­ciation known as The Friends of EdithFoster Flint." Mrs. Allee is coming to theJune celebration.Henry H. Baily is instructor in Commer­cial Subjects in the High School at Mt.Vernon, Ill.Gertrude Emerson is in Japan, writing spe­:ial articles.Emada Griswold is teaching French andEnglish in the Township High School atOttawa, Ill.Ben K. Hansen is instructor in Educationand Teachers Training in the HumboldtSta te Normal School at Area to, Calif.Martha Hildebrandt is teaching Germanin the Proviso Town ship High School atMaywood, Ill.The McCulloughTeachers' AgencyA Successful School andCollege Bureau]. F. McCULLOUGH GEO. T. PALMERI F you deserve promotion there is no betterway of securing it than by registering with us.We don't have dissatisfied candidates becausewe give them the service.Your enrollment receives individual atten­tion and your application our personal recom­mendation.RAILWAY EXCHANGEBUILDINGCHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1913Victor P. Frank won the Toppan prizein Constitutional Law at Columbia lastJune. He is now with the firm of Mayer,Meyer, Austrian & Platt of Chicago.Helen F. Stephenson is Professor of Eng­lish in Hedding College, Abingdon. Ill.Olive J. Thomas is teaching Physiog­raphy, Physics and Botany in Milwaukee­Donner Seminarv at Milwaukee, WIS.Cecile Van Steeriberg is teaching Chem­istry and Domestic Science in St. ClareCollege, Sinsinawa, Wis.Lloyd E. Wells is Principal of the HighSchool at Marathon. Wis.Elsie Mae Willsey is Instructor in HomeEconomics, Iowa State College of Agri­culture, Ames, Iowa.1914Genevieve Kelty is Principal and teach­ing Latin and Geometry in the High Schoolat Stewartsville. Minn.. Mano Ketchan is teaching Latin, Englishand History in the High School at Man­teno, Ill.Hiram K. Loomis is teaching Mathemat­ics and Science in the High School atBlooming-ton, Ill.Ethel E. Newbecker is Professor of Eng­lish Acting Professor of German and Pre­ceptress of the Girls' Hall at Missouri- Wes­leyan University, Cameron, Mo.The Yates-FisherTeachers' AgencyPAUL YATES, Manager624 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGOYou will like our work . You willreceive our personal attention. Youwill find upon investigation that thisagency has the reputation of plac­ing its teachers. We make no wildclaims. Ask school men about us.I t makes no difference where youwish to locate.Also publishers of the Yates­Fisher School Directories.By your co-operation everybody profits!NEWS OF THE CLASSESSarah Reinwald is teaching English andCommercial Geography in the High Schoolat Forest City, Iowa.Inez Ledyard is teaching Latin and Ger­man in the High School at Poplar Bluff,Mo.1915Elmira Louise Blount is teaching Eng­lish and History in the Girls' High Schoolat Atlanta, Ga.Andrew P. J uhl is instructor in Mathe­matics and History in the High School atQuincy, Ill.Thomas H. Liggett is instructor in In­organic Chemistry in the Colorado StateAgricultural College at Fort Collins, Colo.William E. Pritchett is teaching Englishand Spanish in the High School at Whar­ton, Texas.Mabel C Wann is teaching English andExpression in the grammar grades at SanJose, Cal.Nathalie B. Southern is a chemist withthe Listman Mill Company, La Crosse, Wis.Lillian Carson is Supervisor of Cookingand Sewing in the public schools at NewCastle, Ind.Alonzo R. Finley is Principal and teach­ing History, Economics and Civics in theWestfield Township High School, West­field. Ill.Captain Frank Ward arid Leroy Camp- 223bell of the H115 track team were picked onthe "All-American College" track team bySecretary F. W. Rubien of the AmericanAthletic Union; Ward for the 220 andCampbell for the half mile. Campbell wasalso chosen over "Ted" Meredith and Hig­gins of Holy Cross for the "All-AmericanGeneral" team, the membership of whichincluded athletic club as well as collegestars.Albert C Hodge, who is now a memberof the Department of Economics of theUniversity of Kansas, writes that he ex­pects to attend the quarter-centennial cele­bration in June.John A. Miller, Ph. D., '99, is Vice-Presi­dent of Swarthmore College, Head of theDepartment of Mathematics and Astron­omy, and Director of Sproul Observatory.Charles Henry Gray, Ph. D., '04, is Pro­fessor of English in Tufts College.Samuel Mac Clintock, Ph. D., '08, Edu­cational Director of La Salle ExtensionUniversity, read before the Second Pan­American Scientific Congress, at Washing­'ton, D. C, on January 4, 1916, a paper on"University Extension Work for Men inBusiness."Eugene Franklin McCampbell, Ph. D.�'11, is a physician and Secretary of t�eState Board of Health at Columbus, Oh1O.He is living at 2034 Jaka avenue.Homer B. Reed, Ph. D., '12, is Assistanti'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111]!1II111111·I'lIIl11ll11l1ll1l1l1l1ll11l1l1l1l1l1l1ll1l1illlllllllllll1111111111111'111111'11111'1111111111111111"'1TOBEY Polish-cleans the finest varnished surfaceseasily and quickly, without slight­est injury, and keeps them in beau­tiful can dition.The famous old shop formula 0 fThe Tobey Furniture Compan y(Chicago and New York); used for many years ontheir finest pieces. Perfect for fine furniture, woodwork, pianos, automobiles."Bottles, 2Sc and SOc; quarts, $1; gallons, $3Recommended and sold by leading Hardware,Drug, Grocery;; Paint and Auto Supply stores�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIi IIWIIIIIIIIIII III 111111 1111 111 III 111111 111111111 111111 1111 111111 III 111111 1111111 111111 I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111J1IIIIIIII�Make the' Alumni· Association a buying force I224 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe LoungeCould anyone im­agine a more invitingspot than this exquis­itely appointed cozycorner, for youngmen?Not a salesroom, ifyou please -just a, 'homey" place down­town, with magazines,telephones, writingmaterial at hand -and a warm welcomeassured."THE LOUNCE"-CAPPER &. CAPPER STOREIT is quite natural for every youngman to want to dress becomingly, and in goodtaste. The young fellows are discriminating, partic­ular - which is very 'much to their credit; that's theway to get what one wants, and should have.We've studiously noted the" likesand dislikes" of the young men, and feel that Capper& Capper clothes for. spring will fully meet theirrequirements. Extraordinary exhibit of smart stylesat $25, ranging by easy stages.up to,$50. ., !!.MICHIGAN AVENUE ANDeMONROE STREET, CHICAGO. Other things �eing equal -. -.. :NEWS OF THE CLASSESProfessor of Philosophy and Psychology inthe University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.Eva Schley, Ph. D., '14, formerly.· Dr.Lingle's assistant in Physiology, has goneto Los Angeles with her invalid mother.Maurice G. Mehl, Ph. D., '14, is Profes­sor of Paleontology at the University ofOklahoma.Clinton C. Conrad, Ph. D., '14, is teach­ing Latin and History in the A to ZedPreparatory School at Berkeley, Cal.Iohn William Campbell, Ph. D., '15, isteaching Mathematics and Physics at Wes­ley College, Winnipeg, Ontario.Reginald C. McGrane, Ph. D., '15, is In­structor in History in the University ofCincinnati. .Olive C. Hazlett. Ph. D., '15. is an AliceFreeman Palmer Fellow in Mathematicsand is studying at Wellesley College.Rachael E. Hoppstadt, Ph. D., '15, is In­structor in Botany in the Milwaukee-Don­ner College. Milwaukee.Iol111 Yuibong Lee, Ph. D., '15, is livingat 520 Alice street, Oakland. California. Heexpects to start for China in the spring orearly summer.The Law School AssociationCharles V. Clark, '04, has become a mern­her of the firm of I effery & Campbell, 1444First National Bank building, Chicago. Harry D. Morgan, '06, is a member ofthe firm of McRoberts, Morgan & Zimmer­man, Central National Bank building,Peoria, Ill.j o h n I. Eshleman, '15, has opened anoffice in Wakarusa, Ind.Hirsch Soble, '15, is with the law firm ofMoses, Rosenthal and Kennedy.Ernest Luke Duck, '15, is with theCadillac Automobile Co., in Chicago.Adolph Radnitzer, '15, is practicing lawat his offices in the Unity building, Chicago.The Divinity Alumni AssociationS. T. Clar ton, '83, is dean of the Theo­logical School of Selma University, Selma,Ala.I ames O. Leath, '15, is teaching Latin inAustin College, Sherman, Texas.EngagementsWinston P. Henry, '10, and DorothyMadison, formerly of Miss Baldwin'sschool, New York and now of Tulsa, Okla­homa. The wedding will occur March 1on Magnolia Ranch, Terre Bonne parish,near New Orleans. Henry is now engagedin business at Tulsa. Okla.Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Szold announce theengagement of their daughter, Ruth, toLeonard Bloomfield Zeisler, I. D., '10, of5749 Woodlawn avenue, Chicago. 2251IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111I WANT A DESK? A fine one, Imahogany or oak, at a verylow price? Then come to this storeand choose from the largest andfinest display in the middle west.Ta b l e s, chairs and filing equip­ment to match, in immense variety.WANT A SECTIONAL BOOK­CASE? Then let us show you thefamous GLOBE-WERNICKE, in all styles and finishes, for homeand office. It's the best at its price, and it's the best at any price.The alumni, faculty and students of the University of Chicagoare especially invited to come here. If you will make your­self known, we'll try to give especially good service.---§l\11Il1I1I1I1I1II1I1I11II1II11I11I11I111I1I111I11I11I11I111I11I11I1I1I1I11I111I1I111I11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1II1I11I1I1I1I1I11IIl!lIlilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�11-13 North Wabash AvenueO. H. Bardwell, ManagerOur advertisers have a BIGHT to your trade.226 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEH 0 M E in addition to resident�ork. offers also instruc­tion by correspondence.STUDY For d�tailed in-fonnation address2Uh Year U. ofC.(Di". 2 )ChicBI'o,lll.The University of Chicago.THE ALBERT TEACHERS' AGENCY623 S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.Established thirty years under present management. Volume of business doubled in the last five years. "Yours isthe Agency that has produced satisfactory results," writes a well-known college professor who has secured histwo positions through our Agency. Write for "Teaching as a Business," or better still, call at our office.MANAGERS: C. J. ALBERT, O� M. SEARLES, PAUL ALBERT, ELLA K. SMITH.FISK TEACHERS'AGENCY OVER 43,000 POSITIONS FILLED. 33d YEARWhen seeking a teaching position, or ateacher, come to headquarters-theLARGEST and BEST EQUIPPEDTeachers' Agency in the United States ..... Circular and membership form senton application.28 EAST JACKSON BOULEVARD, CHICAGOOTHER OFFICES:-Boston. New York. Washington. Denver.Portland. Berkeley. Los Angeles.THE BREWER TEACHERS' AGENCY LEE E. AMIDON, Manager1303 Auditorium BuildingEstablished 1882 CHICAGOTEACHERSWANTED right nowto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Grade teacher especially wanted. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, ManagerShort contract. Free booklet tells how to apply forposition. 25th year.E. R. NICHOLS, Mgr., Railway Exchange Bldg.224 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.B. F. CLARK TEACHERS AGENOYChicago-:-414 -416 .Steinway Hall Baltimore, Md.-Munsey Bldg.New York, N. Y.-· Flatiron Bldg.Kansas City, Mo.-New York Life Bldg. Spokane, Wash. Chamber of Commerce Bldg.The Agency with the Short Understandable Contract 26th YearBut if you don't believeNEWS OF THE CLASSESMrs. Greenville Stratton, of 540'2 Wood­lawn avenue, announces the engagement ofher daughter, Carolyn Mabbatt Updike, toFletcher Catron, '14. Miss Updike is agraduate of the Hyde Park High School.Catron comes from Santa Fe, New Mexico,and is the son of Senator T. B. Catron ofthat state. He was with the baseball teamon its tour of the Orient and is now in theLaw School.Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Ford, of 5637 Black­stone avenue, announce the engagementof their daughter, Sally Louise, '16, to JohnSpink. They will probably be married thissummer, after Miss Ford's graduation inJune.Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Kilvary, of 6350' Ke,n­wood avenue, Chicago, announce the en­gagement of their daughter, Mary Love,'16, to Frank A. Anderson. Miss Kilvaryis a member of Phi Beta Kappa. The wed­ding will take place after her graduation inJune.MarriagesCharles Brooks Mathews, '0'4, and HelenM. Walton were· married at Cornelia, Ga.,on June 30', 1915. Miss Walton is thedaughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher Waltonof Augusta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Mathewsare now living at Griffin, Ga.Anna Burita, ex '0'8, and Rutherford H.Kramer, of Elgin, Il1., were married on February 9. Kramer is a graduate of theUniversity of Michigan.Harry Glenn Stibbs, ex '11, and Kather­ine Moore Stuart were married on N ovem­ber 17 at Pilgrim Congregational Church,Seattle, Washington.Dorothy C. Miller, '11, and Ben Parkin­son Wallace were married' on October 30',1915. They are living in Washington;Iowa, where Mr. Wallace is engaged in thelumber business.Mina DeVries, '12, and Clifford Ray Wat­kin, '12, were married on January 26 atParkersburg, Iowa. They are living atSioux City, Iowa, where Dr. Watkin ispracticing medicine.Dwight Lindley Hill, '13, and HelenClinite were married on January 20' at DesMoines, Iowa. Hill is a member of theAlpha Tau Owega fraternity. Mrs. Hill isa graduate of Iowa State College and amember of Zeta Beta Theta sorority. Theywill live at the Victoria, Des Moines.William Ogden Coleman, J r., '14, andRowena Kirby-Smith Buck were marriedFebruary 19, at the Church of the Re­deemer, Chicago.Helen Tredway, Ph. D., '15, and Dr.Evarts Ambrose Graham were married onJanuary 29, at Dubuque, Iowa. They willbe at home, after March 15, at Mason City,Iowa.PERSONAL SERVICE, sincerely seeking togratify. your wishes in every particular-"-exclusive smartness in style, but always withinthe bounds of refinement--fullest measure of quality, at moderate prices-These are the reasons upon whichWe ask. your interest and patronageM���T(Second Floor)Clothing and Haberdasheryfor Young Men .In loyalty. while shopping228 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�'B'\J, t 1 t -LnSU'pe-rio�ity"Men's ShoesF. S. & U. Shoes are built for those men who cannot be consoledfor lack of comfort and satisfaction by the thought of a triflingeconomy in first cost.French, Shriner & Urner106 So. Michigan Avenue15 S. Dearborn StreetCHICAGORestaurants in principal cities of theUnited States and Canada arerenowned for Cleanliness,Pure Food and Good ServiceLook for the Pure Food Sign;; 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 III 11111 11111 IEThen try thEml on our assuranceBirths m.ws OF TIm CLASSESI� rill'S t Eug'_' Ill' (111<l n t r c II, ex 'or;, an cl\1 r s. Oua n tr e l l a nn uu n ce the b ir th of ad;lllght'�r, j a n e, o n j a n uar y 1\)./\ lb e r t \;Villialll S h cr cr, 'O(i, all cl Mrs.Sherer a un o un ce the birth of a SOl1, AlbertWil liam, Jr.. Oil January IG. Sherer ispresident of the College Alumni Associa­tion. chairman of the Alumni Council anel amember of the Publications Committee. IfAlbert William, Jr., becomes as active anduseful a worker for the university, J a nu­ar y ] 6 will be a real red-letter day for Chi­cago.Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Br yan (Mildred Hat­ton, '07') announces the birth of a daughterOil December 17. 'Dean Madison Kennedy, '09, an d Mrs.Kennedy announce the birth of a claughter,Janet Ann', on January 25.J. P. Varkala. '0\), and Mrs. Varkala an­nounce the birth .of a daughter, JanetHelen, on August 13, 1\)];,), at Moscow, Rus­sia. The letter with the announcementarrived carefully unsealed and re-sealed bythe censor, with the official stamp promi­nently displayed. On the same clay arriveda note fr0111 A. H. Swan. '11. in Shanghai..'\ t least the MAC,!\ZTNE may claim world-wideci rcu la tion.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Rahill (ClaraAllen, '1:2) announce the birth of a SOILGerald D. DeathsJ\ubert J\. Willia11ls, I). I:., '/:1, D. U.( h () II 0 r a r.Y) '�:2, die d a L his 11 o III e in 1\ c d­lands, California, j an ua ry :2S, at the age ofscvc n ty-s ix. Dr. vVilliallls had served in anum her of pastorates, hut his chief workwas as a missionary in Jn cl ia. For sometwelve years he was president of the Bap­tist Theological Semiuary at Ramapatam.He also translated and wrote r e l ig iousbooks ill the language of the Telugus,among whom he labored. He is survivedby Mrs. Williams and five children, ofwhom three are alumni of the university:Robert R, j-, '07, Washington, D. c.,Henry M., '08, and Paul, '09, both ofEureka, Kansas. The others are Mr s. PaulLindslay, of Redlands, and Roger, of Hol­lister, California.Edwin Campbell Woolley, '98, died onJanuary 26, at the New York Hospital,New York City. He had been assistan tprofessor of English at the University ofWisconsin since 190\), was a member ofthe American Academy of Political andSocial Science and the author of "Hand­book of Composition," "The Mechanics ofWriting" and "Exercises in English."William H. Binns died in 1912. He hadjust been ordained for the ministry and heanel his wife were going West as mission­aries when he was taken with appendicitisand, after some weeks' illness, died.Discriminating Motorists Everywhere UseRED CROWN GASOLINEIt is dependable, clean, powerful, lively and uniform. Agasoline made with special reference to the needs of theAutomobile Engine. Fill your tank with Red Crown, ad­just your carburetor and your engine trou bles are at an end.Standard Oil Company(INDIANA) Chicago, U. S. A.That they are all reliable!230 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111IIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111ill'!I A Different Kind of a Book Store •I en��:��� :et �fi��r�l�:���s� ��;;ue Iwhere every book published is ready ata moment's notice, or will be procuredwithout delay if still in print-the newbooks ready on day of pu blication -ALL books - with a quick, intelligentbook service which includes many aprice advantage.CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO.�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;IIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIII!II!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111I1111I111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��llIlIillll;il:hll:I;:MIII:I:i:IIIII11I1F:I;I:i�:I::I:llllIillt''i--. .mtentions.The Tobey Fur.niture Company'Wabash A yen ue and "W" ashmgton Street--�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111ill�And particularly never forgetNEWS _OF H-IE CLASSESNational Badge& Pennant Co.( Incorporated)ADVERTISINGSPECIALTIESFancy Pillow TopsDen Skins, Posters .Banners and FlagsFraternity JewelryButtons, BadgesPins, Pennants, etc.TELEPHONECENTRAL 3399105 W. Madison StreetCHICAGO SEND FOR SAMPLES 231Now, take "Premium" Sliced Bacon, for In­stance-there's the breakfast to start off the day.You know it's the best, you eat it with zest.It just" hits the spot," as they say.All the slices of uniform thickness; a gener­ous streaking of lean; the "Premium" cure­you'll like it for sure; it's the best little mealthat you've seen.Buy a carton of "Swift's Premium" Bacon­look for the name" Swift" in blue. Jt's cleanand it's sweet ; it's a regular treat. "Swift'sPremium" 's the bacon for you.JAMES WHITEPAPER CO.Dealers in Book andCover Papers219 West Monroe StreetCHICAGOTrade-Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office"ANGLO-SAXON"Is Our Leading Line of Book Paperfor the Use of Schools andUniversitiesTo mentton the, "Magazine" when buying.===========================.P'ANO lRiUt<\PHANT�II� The artistic outgro"WthII �� of forty-five years of� III: constant Improvement-IIIIII a piano conceived toIIIIII better all that hasproven best in others.IIIIIIIIIIII G�o. P. BbNrORANDIIIIJ�III 'r. I -- Could you hut compare itwith all others. artistically itmust he your choice. Each• day proves this more true.Geo. P. Bent Grand. Style•• A "-a small Grand. builtfor the home-your home.Gfo.PBfNTCOMPANYManufacturers of Artistic PianosRetailers of Victrolas. 214 South Wahash Avenue. Chicago•iEbe mniber�it!' of C!Cbicago .maga?ineEditorJAMES WEBER LINN, '97.Assistant Editor, WILLIAM REID, '18.Publications Committee-Scott Brown, '97, 208 S. La Salle St., Chairman; Herbert E.Slaught, Ph. D. '09; Arthur E. Bestor, �01; Albert W. Sherer, '06; G. Raymond Schaeffer, '06:John F. Moulds, '07; Harold Swift, '07.Business MonaoerJOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Business Couuniuee=], F. Hagey, '98, First National Bank, 38 South Dearborn St.; ].P. Mentzer, '98, 2210 South Park Ave.; E. T. Gundlach, ex '99, Gundlach Advertising Co.,Peoples Gas Bldg.; Willoughby G. Walling, '99, Winnetka, Ill.; F. G. Moloney, ex '02, But­terick Publishing Co., 5 South Wabash Ave.; Adolph J ahn, ex '03, 544 West Adams St.; BruceMacLeish, '03, Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., State and Madison Sts.; Chas. M. Steele, '04, Carl'M. Green Company, Advertising Agents, Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich.; Herbert Markham,ex '05, Federal Sign System, Electric, 640 West Lake St.; E. H. Aherns, '06, Factory Magazine,5 North Wabash Ave.; G. R. Schaeffer, '06, Chairman, The Tobey Distributing Company, 33North Wabash Ave.; Henry D. Sulcer, '06, The Chicago Tribune; Barrett C. Andrews, ex'06, Every Week and Associated Sunday Magazines, N ew York City; Luther D. Fernald, ex'08, Leslie-Judge Co., N ew York City; Daniel W. Ferguson, '09, C. H. Foster Cadillac Co.,2�01 South Michigan Ave.; P. F. Buckley, ex '10, Leslie's Magazine, Marquette Bldg.Advertising RepresentatiueHARRY DORNBLASER, '18, 5747 University Ave.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July inclusive, by The/ Alumni Council of TheUniversity ·of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. 'V The subscription price is $1.50 per year:the price of single copies' is 20 cents. ., Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico. Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone. Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, PhilippineIslands, Guam," Samoan Islands, Shanghai. lIPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 cent!on annual subscriptions (total $1.68). on single copies. 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union. 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).I Remittances' should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange. postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only.when they have been lost in transit.All correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council, Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer·sity of Chicago. Chicago. Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act otMarch 3, 1879.THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF TH E UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOChairman, ALBERT W. SHERER,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN FRYER MOULDS.T HE COUNCIL for 1915-16 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, AGNES R. WAYMAN, HELEN T. SUNNY, JOHN FRYERMOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, CHARLES F. KENNEDY, ALICE GREEN ACRE, HAROLD H.SWIFT, RUDY MATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR. GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTTBROWN, LAWRENCE \VHITING.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK, THEODORE L. NEFF,HERBERT E. SLAUGHT.From the Divinity Alumni Association, PE l'ER G. MODE, WALTER RUNYON, EDGAR J. GOOD­SPEED.Prom the Law School A lumni Association, ALBERT L. HOPKINS, S. D. HIRSCHL, J. W.HOOVER.From the Chicago Alul1l1ii Club, HERBERT P. ZIMMERMAN, HOWELL MURRAY, CHARLES F.AXELSON.From the Chicago A lu mn ae Club, MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, RUTH RETICKER, EDITH Os­GOOD.Fro 111 the Uuiucrsit y, JAMES R. Al'\GELL.DIRECTORY OF LOCAL ALUMNI CLUBSALL ALUMNI and former students of the University are eligible to membership in the local clubs.THE CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB, Charles F. Axelson, 900 The Rookery, Chicago.THE CHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUB, l\largaret Rhodes, 1358 E. 58th St., Chicago.THE EASTERN ALUMNI CLUD, Frank _H. Pike, Columbia University, New York, N. Y.THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI CLUIl, Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., 186 W. Third St., St. Paul, Minn.THE ROCKY MOU�TAIN ALUMNI CLUB, H. D. Warner, 1734 Newport St., Denver, Colo.THE NORTHWEST ALUMNI CLUB, Milo J. Loveless, 607 Oriental Blk., Seattle, Wash.THE UTAH ALUMNI CLUB, Jay H. Stockman 1010 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.THE PHILIPPINE ALUMNI CLUB, Manila, P. I.THE NORTHERN OHIO ALUMNI CLUB, John W. Perrin, Case Library, Cleveland, O.THE WASHINGTON (D. C.) ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur Minnick, Patent Office, Washington, D. C.THE PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI CLUB, Edwin D. Solenberger, 419 S. Fifteenth St., Phila., Pa.THE ROCK ISLAND ALUMNI CLUB, George G. Perrin, M. W. A. Bldg., Rock Island, Ill.THE ROCKFORD ALUMNI CLUB, Dudley W. Day, 503 Trust Bldg., Rockford, Ill.THE PITTSBURGH ALUMNI CLUB, Waldo P. Breeden, 722 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.THE MILWAUKEE ALUMNI CLUB, Marian Shorey, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee.THE JAPAN ALUMNI CLUB, Sakae Shioya, Higher Normal School, Tokyo.THE OREGON ALUMNI CLUB, Lakeview, Ore.THE KANSAS CITY ALUMNI CLUB, Kansas City, Mo.THE SIOUX CITY ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur McGill, 607 Iowa Bldg., Iowa City, la.THE SPRINGFIELD ALUl\INI CLUB, Harvey Solenberger, 507 Ferguson Bldg., Springfield, 111.THE DES MOINES ALUMNI CLUB, Florence E. Richardson, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa'.THE ANACONDA ALUMNI CLUB, Anaconda, Mont.THE INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNI CLUB, Martha. Allerdice, 12'24 Park Ave., Indianapolis, IndTHE SOUTHERN OHIO ALU MNI CLUG, Cincinnati, Ohio.THE MOUNT HOLYOKE CLUB OF CHICAGO ALUMNI, Helen M. Searles, South Hadley, Mass.THE ELGIN ALUMNI CLUB, Jessie 1. Solomon, 320 Chicago St., Elgin, Ill.THE BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB, James R. Work, 139 Hoyt St., Buffalo, N. Y.THE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUB OF UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA, Norma E. Pfeiffer,University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D.THE CALIFORNIA ALUMNI CLUB, Myrtle Collier, 5330 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.THE HAWAIIAN CLUB, S. D. Barnes, 280 Beretania St., Honolulu, T. H.