Vol. VIII. CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY, l!HG. No.4.FRONTISPIECE: William Rainey Harper.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION '. . . . . . . .. 131FROM THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY, by T. W. Goodspeed '.' 134THE BOARD OF RECOMMENDATIONS, by Mary O. Hoyt 137ACCESSIONS TO THE FACULTY ... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 142SOME CARTOONS ON THE UNIVERSITY, by E. ]. Goodspeed, '90 145AFTER TEN YEARS, by Francis W. Shepardson : 150CHICAGO WINS BOTH DEBATE� , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 154THE SHAKESPEARE CELEBRATION . 155THE LETTER-Box (Intramural Athletics, by D. B. Reed) " 156THE UNIVERSITY RECORD '" , .. " . 160THE MONTH AT THE UNIVERSITY '" " . 161ATHLETICS . , . 162ALUMNI AFFAIRS (Dramatic Club Reunion, Alumni, Personals, Engagements, Marriages,Births, Deaths) 164WILLIAM RAINEY HARPERFirst President of the UniversityDied January 10, 1906The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME VIII NUMBER 4FEBRUARY, 1916Events .andThe General Committee on the Quar­ter-Centennial Celebration of the Uni­versity held its first meeting on Decem-ber 17. The com­mittee chose as itschairman Dean J. R.Angell, and as its sec­retary, Mr. J. Spen-cer Dickerson. Afterfull discussion of the program, the de­tails of which have a-lready appeared inthe Magaine, it was voted to appointvarious subcommittees to undertake thetasks set forth in the adopted program.The following fifteen subcommitteeswere appointed:1. Executive Committee-The President ofthe University, the Chairman of the GeneralCommittee, Mr. Swift, Mr. Bestor, Mr. Bur­ton, Mr. Hall, Mr. Shepardson, Mr. Robertson,Secretary.2. Finance-Mr. Felsenthal, Mr. W. A.Smith, Mr. Grey, Mr. Scott, Mr. Ryerson, Mr.Hutchinson, Mr. Swift, all members of theBoard of Trustees.3. Invitations - President Judson, Mr.Hutchinson, Mr. Tufts, Mr. Felsenthal, MissTalbot.4. The Reception--As», Breasted, Mr. Rob­ert L. Scott, Mrs. Flint, Mr. Robertson.5. Dilmer-Mr. Salisbury, Mr. Shepardson,Mr. W. A. Smith.6. Departmental Conferences-Mr. Coulter,Mr. Slaught, Mr. Cutting.7. Exhibits-Mr. Burton, Mr. Dickerson,-Mr. Murdock. .8. Divinity School Celebration-Mr. Math­ews, Mr. Grey.9. Dedication of Ida Noyes Hall-MissTalbot, Mrs. Flint, Miss Sunny.10. Bibliography-Mr. Stieglitz, Mr. Laing,Mr. Judd.11. Catalogue of Matriculants-Mr. Moulds,Mr. Stieglitz.12'. Subsidy Fund-Mr. Laing, Mr. Breasted.13. A thletics-Mr. Stagg, Mr. Brown.14. Alumni Participation-Mr. Bestor, Mr.Brown, Mr. Moulds, Mr. Sherer, Mr. Slaught,Miss Sunny.TheQuarter­CentennialCelebration Discussion15. Student Participation-Mr. Murdock,Mr. Parker.As was provided in the adoption ofthe general program, these subcommit­tees have added to their memb-ership.The lists of these added members havenot as yet been reported to the secretaryof the General Committee. The workof these committees is not yet far enoughadvanced for reporting, but will be dealtwith in the next issue.Will Alumni outside of Chicago, whomean to attend the Quarter-Centennial,send the MAGAZINE their names? Ifenough respond toLet Us Know the invitation wehope to print a listfrom month to month. Drop us a postcard, with a statement of where you areand what you are doing at present; or,when you renew your subscription, addthe statement that you are coming backin June.On page 155 of this issue is an ac­count of four dramatic performances,which will be put on the stage of Man­del on_ FebruaryThe Old Plays 25, under the gen-eral direction ofthe Department of English. These plays,given on the occasion of the three hun­dredth anniversary of the death-year ofShakespeare, will be not only unusualbut interesting. Played and coached byamateurs, they may nevertheless becounted upon for real finish in presenta­tion. The music of the Sponsus is ex­traordinarily interesting: it will be sungby thirty-five choir boys from theChurch of Our Lady of Sorrows, whohave been drilled to high efficiency. The132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEincidental music of the other plays willalso be very fine. The staging and cos­tuming will be both accurate and rich,and the whole performance is attractingwide attention. As the plays will begiven only on the one evening, seats arelikely to be difficult to get if applicationis delayed. Announcement of the sys­tem of securing tickets has not yet beenmade, but alumni who will send to theMagazine before February 15 the num­ber they wish and a check to cover thecost at two dollars each, will be takencare of.The Magazine is not an employmentagency. The editor received, however,in January a letter from a very largeChi c ago firm,Good Business which warrants atemporary assump­tion of the agency role. Briefly, thisfirm wants a half-dozen or so recentgraduates (very recent graduates y, tolearn the business. These men will bepaid fifteen dollars a week to start, andthis rate of pay will be guaranteed forthe first year. As part of their regularwork the men will be expected to spenda certain time each week in a "businessclass," which is under the direction of aChicago alumnus, and in which they willbe taught the general details of manu­facture, administration, and distribution,being moved from department to de­partment as they familiarize themselveswith each. As they show capacity theywill be placed in administrative positions,and, of course, paid higher salaries. Thefirst "class" of sixteen, formed less thana year ago, now retains only six mem­bers, the others having all been moved up,and the firm wants more good men. Anyalumni who are interested may write theeditor for further particulars, but onlysuch men as the university, which seemsto mean at present the editor, will rec­ommend, can be accepted by the firm.The advantages of the plan seem too ob­vious to need amplification.The storm around intercollegiate ath- letics is raging more furiously than ever.Every alumnus magazine that comes tothe desk· contains articles and sugges-tions. There aremany, like Presi­dent \IV. T. Fosterof Reed College,who desire intercollegiate athletics abol­ished at once. Others, like Dr. AlbionSmall, in his article in December, anarticle widely quoted from, find ath­letics "on trial." Others, like the Univer­sity of Virginia Ahtmni News, suggestthe abolition of "the gate"-i. e., ad­mission fees. But most of the paperscontinue to lament the scarcity of goodathletes! Michigan, Iowa, Dartmouth,all in the same month, occupy the wail­ing place. Michigan! Dartmouth! Wil­liam Heston, himself an athlete of prom­inence, declared, before the annualMichigan Football Smoker at Detroit:"Michigan has no scholarships to offer ath­letes. * * * As long as such conditionsexist, Michigan will not have the great foot­ball teams she once had. Other colleges lookat the matter differently from Michigan. :I< * *When I was in college (1901-1904) the alumnistudents and head of the Athletic Associationmade a much greater effort to get athletes tocome to Michigan. These bodies at everyother big institution still make the same effortsMichigan once made, but in Ann Arbor senti­t?ent has changed." rNo, not every other big institution. ADartmouth man cries mournfully, whatis to be done? Shall we induce ath­letes to come here as everyone else does,or shall we accept our virtue as its ownreward? The Iowa Alumnus is grief­stricken over the men from the state ofIowa who actually go out of the stateto play collegiate football. Minnesotahad four of them, it says, Northwesternthree, and Chicago three. Again, whatis to be done? "Continued co-operationby alumni," is the answer. "Iowa of­fers no special inducements"-(Hestonmust have been wrong!) "other thanthose sanctioned by the stricter inter­collegiate rules." But "the Alumni mustget together on this proposition." Thesame issue of the magazine remarks:IntercollegiateAthletics'EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 133"The fact that the (baseball) question isnot of the same gravity at the various institu­tions of the Conference is well known andunder the circumstances a reasonable solutionof the difficulty would be to allow each insti­tution to haridle its own problem."In other words, let us do away withthe Conference, except as perhaps aclearing-house for the scheduling ofgames?.The fact is, of course, that every bIgcollege gets a fair share of athletes pro­portioned to its size. Some smaller col­leges, under less strict supervision, andwith their affairs less vividly in the pub­lic eye get a larger share in proportion.Furth�rmore, where scholarship regula­tions are 'strictly enforced, athletics aresadly handicapped; where regulationsare lax the athlete blooms more vividly.And p;ecisely because everybody wa�tsto win the moment he loses he beginsto cry louder lest peradventure his godsare asleep. Intercollegiate athletics are. on trial, and may even be said to be cor:­victed; but their fathers, who are theirjudges, are no descendants of Brutus.Of various letters about the MAGA­ZINE we mighthave printed thismonth we offertwo only, bothConcerning theMagazinefrom distant points:"I at one time took occasion to criticize theplan under which the Alumni Magazine wasPUblished. I have noted the changes whichhave been made since the reorganization, andwish to express my hearty approval of thesuccess you are making. Every graduate ?rex-student who took an actrve mterest 111undergraduate affairs at the University willfind the' contents of the MAGAZINE interestingreading from cover to cover. Here's successto Johnny Moulds in trailing to his lair every'Captain of Industry' among the alumni, andextorting from each of them a lucrative adver­tising contract.""The January number of the U. of C. MAGA­ZINE was so interesting and valuable that Ihave reconsidered my previous notice to dis­continue my subscription, and enclose here­with a check for renewal of subscription anddues for 1916."This month we have ten pages of ad­vertising, twice as much as in. the J an­uary issue. It begins to look as if thenext serious campaign should be to in- crease the subscription list, not to in­crease it five hundred or a thousand,but' five thousand. The editor predictsthat within two years some approach atleast to this situation will have beenmade.Our plans for the rest of this spaceinclude among other things a series ofarticles from the forthcoming officialhistory of the University, edited by Dr.T. W. ·Goodspeed. Supplemented byProf. Shepardson's reminiscences thisseries will constitute a review which al­umni who are interested, will find in­valuable. We shall include also a sec­tion of reviews of books and articleswritten by alumni; reviews which weshall try to make as sound as they willbe brief. We shall run a day-by-day ac­count of university activities, generaland undergraduate: We shall largely in­crease the number of our items of per­sonal interest. Our present object is,franklv to interest the alumni. Our rea]intention is if possible to make the MAGA­ZINE what it has never been, and is notnow-an organ of university thoughtand alumni opinion, as well as a chron­icle. If we succeed, the job will beworth having done; if we fail, the fail­ure will be personal and not permanent,and the next man will succeed, for suc­cess is bound to come.Articles in this issue to which the at-­tention of the alumni may be particu­larly called are the first selection fromDr. Goodspeed'sIn This. Issue forthcoming His-tory of the Uni­versity; Professor Shepardson's accountof the influence of President Harper,who died ten years ago, January 10; Ed­gar J. Goodspeed's review of some Uni­versity cartoons; Dr. Hoyt's account ofthe Bureau of Recommendations; andDr. Reed's statement concerning intra­mural athletics and physical culture ingeneral at Chicago. Time was whenanyone of the five would have featuredan issue.134 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrom the History of the University[The MAGAZINE has the pleasure, in this and sue­ceeding issues, cf presenting selections from theofficial History of the University of Chicago, whichhas been prepared from original documents by Dr.Thomas Wakefield Goodspeed, formerly secretary ofthe Board of Trustees of the University. The history,which has been completed after the labor of threeyears, will be published by the University Press inJune of this year. It will be a volume of 175,000words, and may be considered authoritative. Everyletter, printed record or document of any kind con­cerning the University, which is in the possession ofeither the University or its founder, Mr. Rockefellerhas been accessible to Dr. Goodspeed, and his fact�are as final as a historian's can be. Dr. Goodspeedhas given his manuscript to the MAGAZINE for usewithout reservation. The selections printed in thisis s ue are from Chapter I, The Preparing of theWay.]The history of the University of Chi­cago cannot be made fully intelligiblewithout a review of some of the earliermovements in Chicago and elsewherewhich prepared the way for it and ledto its establishment. It grewout of a soil made rich and productive byearlier institutions. Not leastamong the institutions was the first Uni­versity of Chicago. There was such 'aninstitution, quite distinct from and ante­dating by thirty-four years the presentUniversity. It was established under thesame religious auspices, it bore the samename, and it created, throughout a wideconstituency, an inextinguishable desireand purpose that that name and all itstood for should not perish.The first University originated in agrant, by . Senator Stephen A. Douglas,in 1856,' of ten acres of land" for a sitefor a University in the City of Chicago."This site was on the west side of Cot­tage Grove Avenue, a little north ofThirty-fifth Street. The site was firstoffered to the Presbyterians', but failedto awaken interest among them. TheRev. John C. Burroughs, D. D., was atthe time pastor of the First BaptistChurch, Chicago, and while consideringa call to the presidency of Shurtleff Col­lege, Upper Alton, 111., he learned ofthis proffer to the Presbyterians and oftheir apparent indifference to it. He atonce conceived the purpose of securingthe proffer for his own denomination.This he accomplished, and in 1856 Mr.Douglas conveyed the site to a board of trustees. The first meeting of thetrustees was held July 14, 1856.As the donor of the site required theimmediate erection of a building to costone hundred thousand dollars, a sub­scription was at once started. In 'lessthan three months a hundred thousanddollars were subscribed, and within twoyears the subscriptions aggregated twohundred thousand dollars. In January,1857, the institution was incorporated asThe University of Chicago, receiving acharter by act of the State legislature.The corner stone of the building was laidon the fourth of July of the same year.Then came the panic of 1857. Mostof the subscriptions, given in good faith,became worthless and work on the build-ing was discontinued.' 'The project, however, was not aban­doned. Dr. J. C. Burroughs was electedpresident ·July 3, 1857. Declining toaccept this first election, on September8, 1858, he was re-elected. He thensought to persuade the trustees to electa professor in Brown University. Theydeclined and reaffirmed their choice ofhim. He then prevailed on them to offerthe presidency to Dr. Francis Wayland,who had recently retired from that posi­tion in Brown University. In the mean­time Dr. Burroughs accepted the positionof vice-president. Dr. Wayland, how­ever, declined the position and on July22, 1859, Dr. Burroughs was againelected president and consented toserve.On July 15, 1858, the trustees votedto resume work on the building, but toerect the south wing only. Work pro­ceeded so rapidly that the building, after­ward known as Jones Hall, in recognitionof the generous interest of William Jonesin the University, was completed in Feb­ruary, 1859.The institution opened its doors tostudents in the autumn of 1858 in St.Paul's Universalist Church, which thenFROM THE HISTORY OF ,THE UNIVERSITY 135stood on the corner of Wabash Avenueand Van Buren Street. In addition toDr. Burroughs there were two pro­fessors, LeRoy Satterlee and A. H.Mixer, the 'latter of whom, an accom­plished scholar and an inspiring teacher,remained with the University for eightyears. There was a small freshman classand a preparatory department. Soonafter the completion of Jones Hall, thework of instruction was transferred toits lecture rooms and the students beganto occupy the spacious and well-furnisheddormitory rooms. The building wasdedicated July 21, 1859, Senator JamesR. Doolittle of Wisconsin delivering thededicatory address.On September 19, 1859, the new Uni­versity opened its first full year in thenew building with sophomore and fresh­man classes and a preparatory depart­ment.In the autumn of 1859 a School ofLaw was established, under the presi­dency of Henry Booth, assisted by theHon. John M. Wilson and Judge GrantGoodrich.From this time forward the educa­tional work of the University was car­ried on with wisdom and success. Theprofessors were superior teachers, someof them of wide reputation. The fore­most citizens of Chicago were membersof the board of trustees and many of themdeeply interested in the welfare of theinstitution. The city began to feel apride in it. The best families sent theirsons into its classes. The first catalogueof the University was issued in thesummer of 1860. It showed that in thecollege there had been two classes, andthat the sophomore class numbered eightand the freshman class twelve. The pre­paratory department had .one hundredand ten pupils and the law school at­tendance had been forty-eight, a totalof one hundred and seventy-eight. ThefOllowing year the number increased totwo hundred and twenty-five. Thencame the War of the Rebellion. More than one hundred students enlisted.Nevertheless, in 1861-2 there were onehundred and eighty-four students, and in1864-5 the attendance reached twohundred and one, and in 1866-7 twohundred and ninety-one. At this timethe faculty comprised fourteen members.On the death of Senator Douglas inthe spring of 1861, the trustees deter­mined to make the main building amemorial of him as the founder of theUniversity, and to take measures for itserection. In 1863, through the agencyof Thomas Hoyne, the Chicago Astro­nomical Society, formed December 24,1862, secured the largest telescope whichhad been produced up to that time, andMr. J. Y. Scammon, offering to buildan observatory in which it might bemounted in connection with DouglasHall, the trustees voted on July 7, 1863,"that steps be immediately taken for thecompletion of the main building of theUniversity, the erection of which has be­come indispensable to the proposedobseruatory" The observatory wasbuilt by Mr. Scammon at a cost of aboutthirty thousand dollars, the telescope,dome, etc., costing about eighteen thous­and five hundred dollars, the contribu­tion of the Astronomical Society. Dear­born Observatory was made the name ofthe building in honor of Mr. Scammon'sdeceased wife. The main Universitybuilding, Douglas Hall, had required theexpenditure of one hundred and twenty­two thousand dollars. When work on itwas suspended it was estimated that itwould cost above thirty thousand dollarsto complete the building. It was built,not to accommodate increasing numbersof students, the attendance for 1862-3showing a falling off from that of thepreceding year of more than fifteen percent, but because it was "indispensable tothe Observatory," which, telescope andall, cost a little more than one-third asmuch. A subscription of ninety-twothousand dollars was raised for DouglasHall, not all of which was collected. so136 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthat it probably added above forty thous­and dollars to the indebtedness. It wasa large and imposing structure with alofty tower in front and the Observatory,in the rear. On July 1, 1864, the lia­bilities of the University were reportedto be sixty-four thousand eight hundreddollars, on July 1, 1865, ninety-two thous­and dollars, and September 1, 1869, theywere reported at one hundred and thirty­five thousand three hundred and forty­five dollars.Most determined efforts were madeto raise funds and considerable progresswas made with a, subscription condi­tioned on a sufficient amount being sub­scribed to provide for the indebtedness.Just when everything indicated theultimate success of these efforts, thegreat fire of 1871 destroyed the businessdistrict and a large part of the residencesection of Chicago. This disaster wasfollowed by the fire of 1874. These twogreat conflagrations were peculiarly dis­astrous to the University. They destroyedall hope of carrying forward the condi­tional subscription for the payment ofthe debts. They rendered worthless alarge proportion of the SUbscriptionswhich had been secured without condi­tions. They so dissipated the resourcesof some of the ablest of the trustees as.to deprive the University of a hundredthousand dollars of endowments whichhad been pledged by them. This workof financial ruin was completed by a suc­cession of dissens.ions within the boardof trustees which continued through tenyears and resulted in alienating a largepart of the friends and supporters of theinstitution and depriving it of the sym­pathy and support of the general public.The site and buildings had been mort­gaged to the Union Mutual Life Insur­ance Co. of Maine for one hundred andfifty thousand dollars. With accruedinterest added, the amount due the In­surance Company at the beginning of1878 was one hundred and seventy-fourthot�sand dollars. The company agreedto accept one hundred thousand dollars as a discharge of the whole debt, givingone year as the time in which to raise it,the interest to be at four per cent.Should further time be needed, sixmonths additional were to be allowed forwhat might remain unpaid at the end ofthe year. Although strenuous effortswere made to take advantage of thisextraordinary opportunity, they failed,and with this failure all real hope ofsaving the institution and perpetuatingits work ended.The mortgage was foreclosed at thebeginning of 1885 and the property bidin at the sale by the Insurance Companyfor two hundred and ninety-one thous­and dollars. One more plan' was devisedin 1886 by a board of hopeful men, aplan more ambitious than any that hadpreceded it. It contemplated the raisingof two hundred and ninety thousand dol­lars for redeeming the property, tenthousand dollars for current expenses,fifty thousand dollars for repairs, appa­ratus, etc., and one hundred and fiftythousand dollars as the foundation of anendowment fund-five hundred thous­and dollars in all. It being found, how­ever, that the paltry sum of ten thousandfor current expenses could not be raised,it was decided to bring the educationalwork of the University to an end, andthe commencement of July 16, 1886,closed the work begun with so much hopetwenty-eight years before.Although the University always hadgood teachers, owing to its poverty, lackof libraries and apparatus, and narrowrange of instruction, it failed to attractthe attendance of students it would havecommanded had it been able to offergreater advantages. Counting law.. col­lege and preparatory students, it enrolledin 1869-70 three hundred and forty-sixstudents. The high-water mark of thecollege attendance, excluding the law andpreparatory departments, was reachedin the year of President Abernethy'sadministration, 1877-8, one hundred andfourteen, and the first year of PresidentAnderson's, one hundred and nineteen,BOARD OF RECOMMENDATION 137III 1878-9. Student life and studentactivities were as interesting, varied andenergetic in the University as in anycollege in the land. When in 1873 thetrustees opened the college classes towomen, its variety and interest were notdiminished. Student societies abounded.Student publications were issued, notablythe V olante, the students' monthly,which, beginning in 1871, continued tobe sustained with great interest to theend.The University graduated from itscollege classes during the twenty-eightyears of its educational history three hundred and twelve students. Fromamong them rose capitalists, bankers,editors, ministers, missionaries, lawyers,professors, judges, presidents of colleges,men successful, some of them eminent,in all the activities of life.On the organization of the board oftrustees of the New University of Chi­cago, the alumni of the Old Universitywere made alumni of the new, theirdegrees being re-enacted, and they en­tered cordially into the new relation.But they still retained their loyalty to thefirst University and for many years heldannual reunions in its honor.The Board of Recommendationsin compliance with a request fromthe editor for a statement concerning theactivities of the Board of Recommenda­tions, I take pleasure in offering the fol­lowing report, which is taken from thecontribution to the forthcoming presi­dent's report. The information embod­ied therein concerns the vacancies andappointments for the year 1914-15, sinceit is impossible to secure adequate re­turns for the year 1915-16 within sixor eight months after the close of theoffice year, September 30th.Registration with the Board of Recom­mendations is available for all studentswho have been in residence for three ormore quarters. Students may file papersimmediately after entering upon theirthird full quarter's. work and completethem later in the quarter. In this waystudents from other institutions enter­ing the University in the fall may, have sufficient data on file so that they maybe recommended for positions reportedduring the Spring Quarter. These pa­pers are preserved for a minimum periodof ten years, and information concern­ing the candidates' experience is addedto them from time to time.However, the actual time during whicha candidate's name remains on the listof those available for positions is untilthe first of October following his regis­tration. In September blanks are sentto all registrants on this list, on whichthey are requested to furnish informa­tion concerning their positions for thecurrent school year and to indicatewhether they desire to have their names.on the list of candidates available forpositions the following year. Thus duringany year the list of candidates consistsof (a) those who have registered duringthat year, and (b) those registered informer years who have expressed a de-138 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESIre to change their locations. The fol­lowing table shows the increase 111 registrations and reregistrations duringthe past four years:r-- 1910·19J 1 � c- - 1911-1912 � r-- 1912-1913 -.... r-- 1913-1914 �Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women TotalRegistrations 122 236 358 152 286 �38 128 240 368 163 240 403Reregistrations 113 224 337 104 206 310 112 184 296 253 423 676Total '" 235 460 695 256VacanciesVacancies are reported to the Board 0 fRecommendations in three ways: ( 1)By school authorities communicatingwith the Board or with some officer ofthe University who transmits the in­formation to the board; (2) by Teach­ers' Agencies asking for recommenda­tions for specific positions; (3) by can­didates who have obtained knowledge of :l9� 424 416 663 1.079748 240 664vacancies either from Teachers' Agen­cies or by direct application to schoolauthorities.For vacancies reported under (1) and(2) definite recommendations are madeby the secretary or by the officer of theUniversity reporting the vacancy. Thenumbers of such vacancies during thepast four years are as follows:1910-1911Vacancies reported by school authorities........................... 1,098Specific vacancies reported by agencies '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . 178Total .......................................•............... 1,276 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-19141,277 1,438 1,364122 166 116A record is kept of all papers sent outin connection with vacancies reportedunder (3) but no data are collected con-­cerning these vacancies. The numbersof sets of papers thus sent out duringUniversity College+Men _ " 132 114Women 22 63Either 5 33Total 159 210The calls came from all sections of thecountry, New Hampshire being the onlystate which did not approach the Uni­versity for teachers during the year1913-14. 1,399 1,604 1,480the past four years are as follows:1910-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914*1,729 2,580 2,607 2,268The following table shows the dis­tribution of vacancies reported by schoolauthorities according to grade of school:Business,Unclas- Secretar-Normal High Grade sified ial, etc. Total39 164 8 92 10 55954 200 86 89 6 52010 210 0 26 1 285103 574 94 207 17 1,364SalariesThe salaries pertaining to these posi­tions were stated in only about two-thirdsof the cases. The following table showsthe maximum, minimum and averagesalaries offered by each class of institu­tions:,-- University -------" ,---College-----., r--Normal--------" r-----High-------, rr": Grade_,Men Women Either Men Women Either Men Women Either Men Women Either Men WomenMaximum _ 2,500 1,500 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,800 3,000 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,400 1,800 1,200 2,500Minirnum . 700 800 750 600 750 675 (J60 800 1,000 700 550 570 750 400Average .. 1,632 1,097 1,167 1,251 1,138 1.108 1,540 1,139 1,238 1,045As might be expected, the range ofsubjects is greatest and the number of*The diminution in the number of sets of paperssent out during the year 1913-1914 is due to the en:forcement of a regulation of long standing to the effectthat students must have definite information concern­ing a vacancv, and be in actual communication withschool author-ities before their papers are sent out. 795 990 1,002 743subjects to be taught by one person ISleast in the Universities and decreases 111+The increased demand for men teachers is wellshown by these facts: While 8 Y, % of these positionswere in co lleges for -neri, 21)% in colleges for wemen,and 71 Y, % in coeducational institutions, 54+ % ofthe calls were for men, 30% for women, and 15+ %for either men or women.BOARD OF RECOMMENDATION 139the one case and increases in the otherthrough College, Normal and HighSchool. Of the calls, 97,� % from Uni­versities, 81 % from Colleges, and 74%from Normal Schools demanded theteaching of only one subject or of twoallied subj ects, as two Romanic lan­guages, English and Public Speaking,Psychology and Education. From theHigh Schools 470 % of the calls de­manded the teaching of only one sub­ject, or one subject combined with ath­letics or music. 28% of the High Schoolpositions demanded the teaching of twor-----·Physics---� academic subjects. In almost all casespositions requiring the teaching of onlyone subject demanded experienced teach­ers. The following table shows the rela­tive demand for men and women in theteaching of single subjects 111 HighSchools:Com-Eng.Men .... SWomen .24Either .' .20 Phys- mer-Hist. Math. Lat. Germ. ics Chem. cial13 In 3 1 9 2 516 8 7 7 0 0 37 17 3 3 2 1 18Tobl .56 se 41 13 11 11 26Some of the combinations of subjectsdemanded are shown in the followingtable:r----*Chernistry-------, r-- Mathematics -------,and Phvs.and and an d and and -Chern. Chern. Phys. Phys. Chern.and and and ar.d and and and andMath. Bot. Total Chern. Phys. Math. Math. Total Math. Chern. Ath. Ath, Total9 1 36 2 17 0 9 Q8 16 9 6 10 416 0 9 0 3 1 6 10 8 6 0 0 143 2 11 1 4 0 3 8 17 3 1 0 21andP'hys. Chern.Men 9 17Women 0 3Either 2 4Total 11 18 5624 3 24 41 7 761018 46 18�---German-------.andPub. and andEng. Speak. Hist. Lat. Total Lat.Men 8 3 2 0 13 3Women 24 4 3 13 44 7Either 20 2 3 2 27 8,..------English---------, r---- Latin -----,andGer. andand and otherGer. Eng. Subj. Total Ger.0014215 13 3 38 75 2 4 14 3 and and andLat. French Eng. Total021 515 4 3 295 2 2 12Total 52 8 15 84 13 20 15 56 20 4612r-------*Bntany--------, Home Economics andBioI. . ,-----History----,r----- Household Art ------..,with one with one H. A.science or more and and House-not sci- and and and Home and acado acado holdZool. BioI. ence Total Hist. Eng. Ger. Math. Total Econ. H. A. subj. subj. Art1 3 3 7 13 2 1 0 16 0 0 0 0 0o 1 1 2 16 3 3 3 25 1 26 5 2 13 3 2 8 7 3 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0Bot.Men 0Women 0Either 0Total 0 4 17 36 51 26 5"Fifty-three calls were for teachers of "science" alone or combined with other subjects. Science thus usedgenerally includes Physics and Chemistry and possibly Botany, Zoology, or Physiography, sometimes all three.As it was impossible in all cases to secure a statement of what sciences were desired, the classification of�hese positions is difficult.AppointmentsIt is extremely difficult to secure re­turns from all candidates on the activelist. The information secured for thisyear has been unusually full, and is con­tained in the following statements andtables:Of the 1,079 whose names were on thelist of available candidates during theyear 1914-1915,11 were removed from the list bymarriage and 3 by death before the closeof the appointment season.105 continued their studies in some educational institution. These may beclassed in the following groups: (1)Those who, having planned to interrupttheir studies in order to replenish theirfunds, unexpectedly found means forcontinuing in school; (2) those who,having resigned their positions in orderto continue their studies, were never­theless willing to consider exceptionallydesirable offers; (3) those who, livingin Chicago and unable to accept positionsoutside the city, entered the ChicagoNormal School in order to obtain posi­tions in the city system; and (4) those140 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwho, unsuccessful in securing such posi­tions as they desired, returned to schoolin preference to taking an undesirableposition or remaining idle.298 returned to their former positions,having been unsuccessful in securingpositions offering professional or finan­cial advancement.76 reported that they were not teach­ing; some of these had decided afterregistering to take a year of rest; somewere obliged to remain at home forfamily reasons; some had registered inthe hope of securing certain very desira­ble positions and did not care to considerothers.667 obtained school, business or socialservice positions.Appointments are secured throughfour. different channels-( 1) On the direct nomination and sup­port of the University in response torequests from school authorities. (2) On nomination of teachers' agen­cies in cases where the schools have notapplied to the University directly orwhere the candidates have received noticeof vacancies prior to being notified ofthe same vacancies by the Board and areconsequently financially obligated to theagencies although the Board was a deter­mining factor in securing the appoint­ment.(4) On the application of the candi­date (3) in places where he is knownpersonally; (b) after he has success­fully passed a city or civil service exam­ination; (c) after having completed therequired course in a city Normal. Inthese cases the influence of the Uni­versity is not an important factor insecuring the appointment.The distribution of appointments ac­cording to grade of school is shown inthe following tables, appointments under( 1) and (2) being classed together:APPOINTMENTS 1914-19]5.H. S. Grade Bus. andUn iv, ColI. Nor. H. S. Pr in , Grades Prin. Supt. Social TotalDirectly through University- 52 12 ]3 3 7 11 213j\f. . ................... 71 33 11 97 1 42 0 0 3 202W. .................... 23 15 21149 13 :\;) H 415Total .............. 94 48 32Through Teachers' Agencies- Fi 2 1 50M. • ,0 ••••••••••••••••• 9 14 3 43 0 0 75W. ..................... 2 8 1159 125Total .............. 11 22 14Own Efforts- 6 3 2 2 8 37M. .................... 5 1 30 2 25 0 21 90v«. 0.··0 •.•••..• ·· ••. ·• 7 436 27 29 127Total ••••••• 0 •••••• 3 12Total-I\L .................... 82 52 15 '/ J 19 15 16 20 300VI. .. , ................. 26 30 ;ol6 lIO 6 73 0 26 367Total . . , .. "....... , .108 82 51 244 25 88 16 46 667In some subjects the number ofappointments made is limited by thenumber of available candidates; forexample, the supply of men to teachEnglish never equals the demand. Thesame is true of men to teach Chemistryor Mathematics in College, Chemistry andPhysics, or Mathematics and Science, orMathematics and Athletics 111 HighSchool.In addition to these tabulated appoint- ments, 7 men have received appointmentsto positions in law schools; 4 men and3 women have gone into business; 2 menand 9 women have accepted secretarialor clerical positions; 5 men and 7 womenhave undertaken social work.As an illustration of the variety ofcombinations of subjects taught, the sub­jects combined with History are enumer­ated:College : M-Pol. Sci. --BOARD OF RECOMMENDATION- 141High School: M-Eng., Civics, Ger.,Physics, Econ., Math., Man'l Tr., Ath­letics. W-Eng., Civics, Ger., Physics,Lat., Hist. of Art, Biol., 0eog., Athletics.Normal: .M -Ci vies, Economics. W­In six of these cases, three or moresubjects were taught.Comparative SalariesThe average salaries paid to men andwomen are shown in the following table:Univ. Coli. Norm. H. S. Grade.M. . $1,3DO $1,293 $1,535 $1,127 .W, . 1.135 927 1,120 846 $779In comparison with corresponding fig­ures for salaries during the year 1911-1912 this indicates a decided gain. Inthe report made concerning the. year1911-1912, University, College andNormal salaries are averaged together,the statement being that in Normal andCollege positions the salaries of 109 menaverage $1,229, and of 79 women, $903;in High School positions the salaries of83 men average $1,105 and of 190women, $834. By a correspondinggrouping for the year 1913-1914 theaverage University-College-N orrnal sal­ary for men is $1,346; for women,$1,082; showing an average gain for menof $117 and for women of $179. In theHigh Schools there is an average gainof $22 for men and $12 for women. Inthe grades there is a gain of $169 in theaverage paid to women. The adminis­trative positions show an even greatergain, the average for superintendentshaving increased $142; for men princi­pals, $217, and for, women principals,$119.General RemarksThere is an ever-increasing demandfor teachers of experience. Even the·small schools paying meager salarieshesitate to employ inexperienced teach­ers. This may be interpreted as meaningthat at some time these schools have hadas teachers recent college graduates whowere not successful. To obviate thisdifficulty as far as possible, the Boardhas been advising its candidates to takethree majors of Education, which should include courses 111 the teaching oftheir chosen subjects. This covers theamount of education usually required byState boards for granting teachers' cer­tificates. The ruling recently made bythe North Central Association of Schoolsand Colleges, that all teachers in its ter­ritory must have received 11 semesterhours' training in Education, is an effortin the same direction. This training, to­gether with the observation and practiceteaching in the University High andElementary Schools, should do muchtoward increasing the efficiency of theyoung men and women entering theteaching profession.With its present organization it ispossible for the Board of Recommenda­tions to keep in touch with a larger num­ber of its experienced teachers' and thusbe able to assist them to better positionsand at the same time meet the needs ofthe best High Schools which will con­sider only teachers of established suc­cess. This is a service which will begreatly appreciated by the .schools as wellas by the teachers and which, it is be­lieved, will reduce the number ofAgency appointments. While the rela­tions of the Bureau .wjth reputable com­mercial agencies remain cordial, we lookforward to a time when a sufficient num­ber of positions is reported to the Boardso that it will not be advisable for ourstudents to register with commercialagencies. Under existing conditions itis manifestly unfair for our students tobe under financial obligations to anagency for positions which in reality aresecured through University influence, butof which an agency.has been able tonotify them perhaps five minutes beforethe Board could reach" them.It will' be seen from a comparison oftables I and II that the registration has.increased more rapidly than the numberof vacancies reported. This suggests theadvisability of making some effort tosecure closer relations with the schoolsto the end that positions may be reported142 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto the Board before the commercialagencies are consulted. Several meansof accomplishing this are under consid­eration, which it is hoped may be put inoperation in the near future.The secretary takes pleasure in ac­knowledging the cordial and efficient co­operation of the Dean of the Faculties ofArts, Literature and Science, theDirector of the School of Education, andthe departmental representatives.I take this opportunity of communi­cating with those of the alumni engagedin teaching. We strongly urge those ofyou who have registered to keep us in­formed of any changes in position andany graduate study undertaken. Becauseyou have done this once and have re­ceived no benefit from it, do not bediscouraged. Any information whichyou furnish us is recorded on yourpapers, and in addition to keeping thesepapers up to date serves to keep us moreclosely in touch with you. Just such a' .. position as each person desires and isfitted for is not available every year.Weare now endeavoring to compile alist of unusually successful teachers, fromwhich we may make recommendationsfor especially desirable positions. More­over, we are assuring school authoritiesthat we are in a position to put them intouch with experienced teachers, and aresuggesting to them the desirability ofconsulting us before reporting their needsto the commercial agencies. Other plansfor extending the activities of the Boardof Recommendations are under consid­eration, and information concerning themwill be given later.To those of you with whom I have nota personal acquaintance I wish to extenda cordial invitation to meet me at anytime when you are passing through thecity. We are interested in you, yourproblems, and your success, and shallbe very glad to help in any way possible.MARY O. HOYT) Secretary.Accessions to the 'FacultyW ALTER F. DODD) Associate Professorof Political Science) received his A. B.degree from Florida State College in1898 'and his Ph. D. degree from Chi­cago in 1905. For three years he wasassistant in charge of foreign law in theLibrary of Congress and for the nexttwo years he held a research appoint­ment and taught at the Johns HopkinsUniversity. During the past five yearshe has been a member of the PoliticalScience Department of the University ofIllinois. Mr. Dodd lives at 5744 Black­stone avenue.JOHN MAURICE CLARK) AssociateProfessor of Economics) received hisA. B. degree from Amherst College in1905. At Amherst he was a member ofDelta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Beta Kappa. From 1905 to 1908 he was agraduate student at Columbia Univer­sity, receiving his A. M. degree in 1906and his Ph. D. degree in 1910 afterserving as University Fellow in Econom­ics and Instructor in Economics in Colo­rado College. For the next five years hewas Associate Professor of Economicsat Amherst College. Mr. Clark is un­married, and is living at North Hall.RUDOLPH ALTROCCHI) Assistant Pro­fessor of Romance Languages, receivedfrom Harvard his A. B. degree in 1908,his A. M. degree in 1909 and his Ph. D.degree in 1914. The subject of his the­sis was Taoo Old Italian Versions of theLegend of Saint Alexius. After grad­uation he attended the University atFlorence for two years and spent someACCESSIONS TO THE FACULTY 143Harry D. KitsonJohn B. Canning John Maurice Clark Rudolph AltrocchiF. M. Simons, Jr.144 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtime in Paris. In 1910-1911 he was In­structor in Romance Languages at .Co­lumbia University and in the followingyear held a similar position at the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania. For the nextthree years he was an instructor at Har­vard. During the Summer Quarter of1915 he was Instructor at Chicago, andreceived his present appointment inAugust. Mr. Altrocchi is unmarried,and lives at 5756 Blackstone avenue.FRANCIS H. ABBOT) Instructor in Ro­monee Languages) received his A. B. andA. M. degrees .frorn the University ofVirginia in 189K For two years hestudied in Germany at Gottingen andLeipzig. For one year he taught at theUniversity of Virginia, for two years atthe Virginia Polytechnic Institute andfor four years at the Gilman CountySchool (near Baltimore). At JohnsHopkins University he studied for oneyear in the Romance Department andtaught one class. Mr. Abbott is un­married, and lives in Hitchcock Hall.HARRY D. KITSON) Instructor in Psy­chology) received his A. B. degree fromHiram College in 1909. At the Univer­sity of Minnesota he was Assistant inPsychology and received his A. M. de­gree in 1913. Since then he has been atChicago, first as Fellow and then as As­sociate in Psychology, receiving his doc­tor's degree in 1915. He is a memberof Phi Delta Kappa and Sigma Xi. Forsome time Mr. Kitson was engaged inmanufacturing and the bond business.He planned and conducts the psycholog­ical tests for the College of Commerceand Administration, about which he .haswritten a book to be published in thenear future, called "The Scientific Studyof the College Student." Mr. Kitsonlives at 5639 Cottage Grove avenue.JOHN B. CANNING) Instructor inPolitical Economy: received his Ph. B.degree from Chicago in 1913. He wonhis "C" in football and was Senior Col­lege scholar in Political Economy in hissenior year. The next year he was elected Graduate Scholar in PoliticalEconomy and since then he has held spe­cial and regular assistantships in the De­partment of Political Economy. Me.Canning married on December 23, 191.5�Dorothy Helen Plumb, '15, and will live,after February 15, at 1421 East Sixtiethstreet.B. WARREN BROWN) Instructor in So­cioloqy, received his A. B. degree fromBeloit College in 1907 at Beloit. Hewas a member of Sigma Chi and DeltaSigma Rho. For two years he taughtin the Beloit High School, and for thenext five years at Fargo College (Fargo,N. D.), where he was successively in­structor in Economics and Public Speak­ing, Professor of Economics and Deanof the College. During a leave of ab­sence in 1914-15 he completed his resi­dence work at Chicago for the doctor'sdegree in sociology, acting also as as­sistant to Dr. Henderson, and researchassistant for the International PrisonCommission, of which Dr. Hendersonwas Commissioner for the United States.Mr. Brown married in 1914 MarjorieWaterman Gregory, and lives at 1154East Fifty-sixth street.FREDERICK M. SIMONS) JR.} Instruc­tor in Political Economy) received hisA. B. degree from Swarthmore Collegein 1909. For two years he was in activebusiness and received his master's de­gree in economics from Swarthmore in1912. The following year he was An­drew D. White Fellow in Economics atCornell University. During the summerof 1913 he studied at Tilly Institute,Berlin, and for the next two years wasAssistant in the Department of PoliticalEconomy at Chicago. Mr. Simons mar­ried in 1915 L. Dorothy Lister (now aFellow in the Department of Romanceat Chicago), and lives at 955 East Fifty­third street.EDITH ABBOTT) Instructor in So­ciology) received her A. B. degreefrom the University of Nebraska in1901. For two years she taught in theSOAIE CARTOONS ON .THE UNIVERSITY 145Lincoln, Nebraska, High School and didgraduate work in the University of N e­braska. The following two years shewas Fellow in Political Economy at Chi­cago, receiving her Ph. D. in 1905. Forone year she was engaged ,in ResearchWork for the Carnegie Institution ofWashington (Department of Economicsand Sociology), the next year she wasat the London School of Economics andUniversity College (University of Lon­don) on the Foreign Fellowship of theAssociation of Collegiate Alurnnre andthe next she was Instructor in Econom­ics at Wellesley College. Since 1908she has been Associate Director of theChicago School of Civics and Philan­thropy. Miss Abbott has spent much time in practical social work, has lived atDenison House (the Boston College Set­tlement), at the Cheltenham CollegeSettlement in East London, and has beena resident of Hull House for the pastseven years. She was for some time sec­retary of the Boston Branch of theWomen's Trade Union League. She haswritten a book on "Women in Industry:A Study in American History," was jointauthor with Miss Breckinridge of. "TheDelinquent Child and the Home: AStudy of the Chicago , Juvenile Court,"and has written pamphlets and maga­zine articles, the latter published chieflyin the I ournal of Political Economy andthe American Iournal of Sociology.Some Cartoons on the UniversityA history of the University might bemade of the cartoons that its develop­ment has called forth. The circum­stances of its establishment and its lo­cation in the city of Chicago go far toexplain this. From the outset certainstriking personalities such as cartoonistsdelight to honor were associatedwith the University. Chief amongthese were, of course, Mr. Rocke­feller and Dr. Harper. Their rela­tions too, real or supposed, were ofa nature to appeal to the public interestand the public sense of humor. Dr. Har­per.. it seemed, was getting Mr. Rocke­feller's money away from him. Thisis the feature of a News cartoon, whichappeared in February, 1900. The mil­lions Mr. Rockefeller drops in his flightare evidently the three millions that hepromised in 1895 on certain conditions,the last of which were met in the winterof 1900, when the cartoon appeared.These conditions had stipulated that twofurther millions should be secured fromother friends of the University, so that the cartoon really marks a very notableforward step in the history of the Uni­versity by which it more than doubledits material assets.No policy ever adopted by the U niver­sity occasioned more heated discussionthan segregation. The artist has per­haps hardly done justice to the prettycoeds, but everyone should notice theidealized figure of the sentinel professorsurmounting the palisade. Chicago'sleading cartoonist, Mr. McCutcheon,dealt with this inviting topic in his usualkeen but kindly style, in the Record­Herald, in October, 1902. PresidentHarper dealt with it more fully in six­teen pages of his Decennial Report.Spirited alumni and alumnae shook offtheir diffidence and handled the subjectwithout gloves, in open letters. Segrega­tion has however melted into the routineof the University with less dire conse­quences than some once feared.Among the striking personalities ofthe early days was Mr. Stagg. The car­toonists early discovered him. As the146 IRE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDAYS WITH PEOPLE-MR. ROCKEFELLER.ro ESCAPfi PURSVIT ·PEOPLE TALI< OF'THE 'lOll! RICH:·lOWARD.5 EVENINGA CLEVER STRAT�GI!MENABU!5 HIMSOME CARTOONS ON .THE UNIVERSITYembodiment of Chicago athletics the OldMan has figured in many a cartoon .. Thiswas no new experience for him, for in hisundergraduate career I believe the artistsof the Harvard Lampoon had done theirworst with him. Taylor's cartoon in theNews represents Mr. Stagg in variouscapacities, finally peering into the futurefor light on the Northwestern game. Ifhis dream book was accurate it told him 147Chicago would win 12-0 on October 18,1902.It is the settled conviction of news­paper men that football coaches give outthe most lugubrious reports as to the con­dition of their men, with the transparentdesign of leading the enemy to under­estimate their strength. This idea re­ceived really classic treatment from Mr.McCutcheon in November, 1902, in a car-WHERE IS THE SOCIETY FOR PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO CO-EDS?148 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO' MAGAZINETHE CHICAGO FOOTBALL TEAM-·_AS STAGG DES'"\.,RIBES TIlE CONDITION OF THE TEAM BEFORE THE GAME--/IAS THE TEAM REALL . ' .. -' 'Y WILL Bm DURING TEm GAME.SOME CARTOONS ON THE UNIVERSITY 149.STAGG EXPLAINING THINGS TO HIS MAROONS.� Y_f_S�Tf_R_DA_Y__W_A_S_M_'N_N�E_S�OT_A_D_�_'Y_/�N�C_H_'C_A�G_O �lJames J. Hill, the aposcle ot the northwest, was eniertaiued at the Auditorium.And tne . Minnesota football team was entertaine(1 a.t Mal'shtlll l1ald.150 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtoon which is still remembered by localfollowers of foot ball. Chicago had justwon easily from Indiana 39-0, and it wasnatural to discount Chicago bear stories.But Mr. Stagg's fears were fully justi­fied, for we suffered our worst Michigandefeat three days after the cartoon ap­peared.McCutcheon's optimism about the Ma­roons in 1902, was perhaps due to anexperience of his in 1900 when by hiscartoon "Marooned," in the Record, heconsigned our unfortunate eleven to asomewhat premature oblivion, fromwhich they escaped ten days later byhandily defeating Michigan 16-6. Thecartoon represented the Chicago squadhuddled together on a small island, fly­ing as a signal of distress a sweater in­scribed with the season's scores.The cartoonist's dope was undoubtedlygood, and few imagined that even thewizard of football could with the ma­terial he had, produce a winning team byThanksgiving Day. As it was, the vic­tory over Michigan virtually redeemed the season and went down in Maroonannals as one of Chicago's greatestgames. The following week it was an­nounced that Coach Lea would notreturn to Ann Arbor, and the next sea­son saw Mr. Yost in charge of theMichigan squad. McCutcheon's cartoon"Marooned" may therefore be said tomark a turning point in western foot­ball, Ior if the team of 1900 had not beenso lamentably unsuccessful Michiganwould not have taken its defeat by it sohard.Another McCutcheon cartoon recallsone of the wettest games in Chicago his­tory, the Minnesota game of 1906. Thatrain was no joke either, for it was Eckie'slast big game and Chicago wanted a dry,fast field. As it was, Chicago lost 2-4,but was sufficiently resuscitated to beatIllinois 63-0 a week later. The Maroonswound up that season by beating N e­braska 38-5, whereas Minnesota had wonfrom that team by 13-0. No wonder oldtimers feel that that rainy day beat usout of a championship.EDGAR J. GOODSPEED) D. B. '90.After Ten YearsPresident Harper died on January 10,1906. The hurrying yeats have comeand gone until a decade in the historyof the University has been completed,since, not quite fifty years of age, heclosed his earthly ministrations. Thegreat institution of which he was thespiritual founder has gone steadily for­ward with quiet development. Its en­dowment and physical equipment havedoubled. On the 30th of June, 1905,the entire .assets of the University, en­dowment, buildings and' equipment, werevalued at $18,114,466.33. On the 30thof June,. 1915, they stood, including the$5,000,000 still due from Mr. Rockefel­ler, at $38,766,847.52. The enrollment ofstudents for the year 1905-6 was 5,079.For the year closing last June it was 7,781. The faculty roster has been largelyincreased, many of the present teachersbeing men who never came under themagnetic influence of Dr. Harper. Onlya small part of the student body know ofPresident Harper except' as an honoredname.The University quadrangles have beentransformed. An addition to the Ryer­son Laboratory, Rosenwald Hall, theClassics Building, the Ricketts Labora­tory, the great concrete stand on StaggField, and the beautiful Ida Noyes Hall,testify to the development which hastaken place since President Judson's termof office began. The four towers of thesplendid Memorial Library mark thecenter of student life around the books,those gathered treasures of the yearsAFTER TEN YEARS 151which make the working-tools of teach­ers and taught, and represent the cultureof which Dr. Harper was a conspicuousexponent.A steady stream of alumni has flowedfrom the University, each graduate bear­ing a diploma signed by President J ud­son, until of the total of 9,501 up to J an- "What, then, is the place of President ..Harper in the University of Chicago,ten years after his death, as there is theforward look toward the celebration ofthe completion of the first quarter of acentury of institutional life?It is not difficult to see, now, that thefirst presidential administration was anFrancis Wayland Shepardsonuary 1, 1916, 6,275 have received de­grees in the second presidential admin­istration. These facts from the officialrecords of the University indicate clearlythat the history that is making is a his­tory of a period to which the name ofPresident Harper has not been attachedexcept as a cherished tradition. It is anentirely new era. A new generation hasappeared on the scene. era of beginnings, of foundation laying;and that the second has been a period ofsolidifying and strengthening. The Uni­versity of 1916 is the University of 1906grown greater and stronger. No newschools have been added to the institu­tional grouping. No new colleges havebeen established. No new departmentshave been created, except by natural sub­division. The marvelous growth has been152 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEintensive. Those things which haveproved their right to exist have beenkept, fostered, strengthened. Thosethings which have shown signs of fun­damental weakness have been cast aside.The decade has witnessed just the sortof administration of University affairsneeded to secure solidity after a series ofyears when the University idea at Chi­cago unfolded with a rapidity and avariety of forms of expression which,sometimes, were absolutely startling asthey pushed themselves forward for rec­ognition and consideration. If, there­fore, the value of the Harper regime tothe University is to be estimated cor­rectly, it is evident that the foundationsmust be studied carefully rather than thesuperstructure which has been built uponthem. .There was deep significance to a titlewhich appeared upon one of the prelim­inary official bulletins, that of April,1892, "The Graduate Schools of theUni­versity." The idea was clearly definedthen. It remains so yet. Primarily theUniversity of Chicago was to be an in­stitution for research, a place whereearnest seekers for advanced instructionmight find great teachers, libraries, labo­ratories, inspiration. Encouragementwas offered to the zealous in the formof fellowships and scholarships. Therewas provision for trying out abilitythrough readerships and docentships.There was the .reward of the doctorateto be won after three years of patientresearch under trained leaders. Thestandards were made high. The expec­tation was that the output would testifyto the fidelity with which the standardswere rigidly respected. The year 1916sees no change in ideals. The doctorateof the University of Chicago is recog­nized everywhere as a stamp of excel­lence. Among all workers in the greatdomain of education "Chicago" standsfor graduate work and not for under­graduate life. While there have beenseveral thousands of individuals who'have spent in the institution' only the four years of college grade, even theyhave recognized the real place of theUniversity and have found increasedpride in a baccalaureate degree bearingthe name of a great graduate school.Four of the graduate schools plannedback in 1892 have never been established,those of Civil Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, Electrical Engineering andMining Engineering. The reason for thisfailure is the same that has preventedthe opening of schools of Music, ofMedicine, of Art. The feeling has beena dominating, one that there was no needof duplicating the work done well byother institutions which provide instruc­tion along those several lines. If Chi­cago were to undertake anything of suchnature it must be in advanced, graduate,schools for the training of experts andfor the supplementing of instruction re­ceived elsewhere. The firmness withwhich the temptation' to increase num­bers of students by such schools or, de­partments has been resisted in itself tes­tifies to the strength of the fundamentalidea regarding the true relationship ofthe University of Chicago toward thesefields of instruction and investigation.The University and not the college wasoriginally and still remains the real pur­pose of the institution.The thought that the University had aduty toward those .who could not cometo it is another foundation which hasstood the test of a quarter of a century.If there were doubters who questionedwhether scholarly work- could be donethrough the medium of correspondenceinstruction they have been silenced. Dr.Harper believed it, because he had testedthe idea through his work in Hebrewand other languages. He had beenbrought into contact with many whosestimulated ambitions. had proved the pos­sibilities. He knew the men and thewomen whose lives were enriched andwhose usefulness to humanity was in­creased through such home study underdirection. One by one other institutionshave added this feature to their cur-AFTER TEN YEARSricula. The University has encouragedit year by year. The year of Dr. Har­per's death showed tuition fees for cor­respondence aggregating $20,291.36.The close of the current year next Junewill show a total of $43,000. But thoseare financial terms only. The real valuescan not be estimated in cash. They arepart of the life of the University of Chi­cago.A similar story might be told of Uni­versity College. It was the Class-StudyDepartment of University Extension atthe beginning, a title designed to differ­entiate it from the Lecture-Study De­partment of the same division. It, too,had its doubting opponents in the earlydays. No one questions it now. Withsatisfactory physical equipment in theshape of suitable recitation rooms, books,and larger teaching force in a conven­ient location in the downtown part ofChicago, the enrollment of 1,400 or 1,500students might easily be doubled ortrebled to the notable advantage of asteadily growing constituency of earnestworkers, whose residential attendancewithin the University quadrangles is im­'practicable, but whose sincere devotionto high ideals of education is beyonddoubt.And if, perchance, anyone has thethought that there was a weakening ofthe University extension foundationstone when the Lecture-Study Depart­ment was abandoned, a study of the pub­lications of the University Press is quiteapt to show the idea untenable. Fora remarkable series of high-grade period­icals, representing �many fields of re­search, has been established, often, in­deed, entirely apart from any consid­eration of financial independence, aseries which carries the results of Uni­versity investigation to interested stu­dents in every quarter of the globe.There are series of texts and suggestivestudies which supplement and enrich theperiodical output. The matured thoughtof library and laboratory has found ex­pression in many a volume recognized as 153a distinct contribution to the sum totalof the world's learning. Teachers inmany a special field have given willinglyof their time and their enthusiasm to allsorts of movements for the bettermentof humanity, as if they recognized this asa real and definite part of their serviceas members of a great University. Thisidea, counted by Dr. Harper as a mostimportant part of the University of Chi­cago, sees no diminution of its forcefulstrength as the gliding years have movedswiftly along since January, 1906.The summer quarter as an integra]part of the University year is a fixture,'its value more clearly perceived eachyear, its significance recognized in waysnot always noted when it was first an­nounced as a new feature of a' new in­stitution. The flexibility of the quartersystem as an aid to those who must se­cure their educational training underfinancial difficulties or to those whosestudies are interrupted by the accidentsof life which are a part of human affairsmust always remain to its credit. Butwhen its value in mental recreation andstimulus to the thousands of teacherswho have hailed its advantages with anenthusiasm impossible of clear expres­sion is considered, it is counted beyondany doubt as one of the most importantfeatures of the University, a feature tobe encouraged and strengthened throughthe years from decade to decade.President Harper was a dreamer, acreator, a builder. Other foundations ofthe University might be considered.Other claims upon the undying gratitudeof the University to him might be urged.He gathered a great store of materials.He found an army of friends for theinstitution. He stimulated the imagina­tion and fired the zeal of those who hadmoney, which, under his direction, theyinvested in land, in stone, in mortar, inbooks, in men. But his "battlementedtowers" will be lost in the lines of noblestructures which will grace the quad­rangles in days to come. His generousfriends will be but 'a small part of a154 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElarger company of patrons of tomorrow.His personal influence will become lessdistinct as those whom he stimulated andinspired follow him into the shadows.But the foundations he laid deep in theconcrete will abide. The University, thechild of his imaginative fancy, will bearhis stamp "through ages and through. centuries." If he is rightly called thespiritual founder of the University ofChicago his immortality must find ex­pression in the spiritual aspects of theinstitution rather than in the physical.And there can be no doubt in the mindof anyone who ever came into close. contact with his soul that that is the sortof immortality he would choose, werehe himself to make the selection.Investigation, human sen/ice, accessi­bility. These were the key words whichDean Small used once in appreciation ofDr. Harper's contribution to the Uni­versity of Chicago ideal. That was tenyears ago. The same ideals remain dom­inant today. There seems no reason tothink that they ever will change. Sowe go forward, recognizing the steadygrowth of the University in a decade ofwise administration, rejoicing in theprosperity and the power of what wenow see "beneath the hope-filled westernskies," confident of the unfolding future,but never forgetting the dreamer whovisualized his imaginations in stone, thebuilder who shaped the gathered mate­rials into fabrics of enduring strength,the spiritual founder who put his lifeinto the University of Chicago.FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON.CHICAGO WINS BOTH DEBATESThe affirmative debating team of theUniversity defeated the University ofMichigan and the negative team defeatedNorthwestern University in the annualcontests of the Central Debating League,held on January 22. The affirmative victory was won in Mandel by ThomasMcCullough, William Haynes and JosephAugustus, the Michigan representativesbeing Paul Ramsdell, William Goodwinand Nathan Pinney. The negative teamdebated in Swift Hall, Evanston; it wascomposed of Gaylord Ramsay, CliffordBrowder and Homer Hoyt, and defeatedVictor Pelz,. Clarence Stelle and VincentHiebach. The question in both debateswas, "Resolved, That Congress ShouldAdopt a Literacy Test for all EuropeanImmigration." The judges were, atMandel, Prof H. E. Griffith of KnoxCollege, Prof. J. W. Putnam of ButlerCollege, and Prof. W. A. Rawles of theUniversity of Indiana; at Evanston.Judge J. H. Gillette of Hammond, In­diana; Prof. W. L. Rawles of Knox andProf. Russell M. Storey of MonmouthCollege. The Chicago teams werecoached by H. G. Moulton, '07. Thedouble victory, of course, gives Chicagothe championship of the League.Of the Chicago debaters, McCulloughcomes from Alabama, where he de­claimed and debated both at the statenormal school and at the University ofAlabama. Haynes, who is a negro, pre­pared for college at Nashville, Tennes­see, and attended Morehouse College, atAtlanta, Georgia. Augustus prepared atEnglewood High School, where he wonboth the Cook County and the Illinoisinterscholastic oratorical championshipin 1910. At Chicago he has won threefirsts and one second in public speakingcontests in four years. Ramsay is alsofrom Illinois, preparing at ChillicotheHigh School, but attending Beloit Col­lege. Browder, of Indianapolis, attendedthe Shortridge High School and ButlerCollege; he was on the negative Chicagoteam which defeated Michigan last yearat Ann Arbor. Hoyt was on the sameteam. He prepared in the Kansas CityHigh School and attended the Universityof Kansas. Haynes is a senior; the otherfive are law-school men.THE SHAKESPEARE CELEBRATION 155THE SHAKESPEARE CELEBRA­TIONAs a celebration of the Shakespearetercentennial, the English Departmentof the University will stage at Mandelon the evening of February 25 four shortdramatic pieces representing the maineras and the important dramatic typesin the period of preparation for Shake­speare. A committee composed of Pro­fessors Baskervill, Lovett, Robertson,Boynton, MacClintock, Tolman andLinn will have charge of the celebra­tion.The S p onsus, written a little after1100 in central France, represents theearliest stage in the development of mod­ern drama-the liturgical play in Latinpresented in the church in connectionwith the mass. The Sponsus deals withthe parable of the Wise and Foolish Vir­gins, and is sung throughout chiefly bychoruses representing the two groups.Dr. J. Lewis Browne, with his trainedchoir from the church of Our Lady of. Sorrows, will produce this play. Theproduction should be a notable one onaccount of the rare artistic quality ofthe Gregorian music and its adequacy tothe poignancy and dignity of the literarytreatment.The Second Shepherds) Play of theTowneley or W akefield cycle of mysteryplays, probably written about 1450, willbe produced under the direction of Pro­fessor P. H. Boynton. It is a master­piece in the second great dramatic move­ment of the Middle Ages, the nation­alization and expansion of the liturgicalplay. Latin now gave place to the nativelanguage, the plays passed into the handsof laymen, and cycles of plays coveringmuch of the Bible story were developedto be produced by trade-guilds at thesummer festivals. The Second S hep­herds) P laJ! is the finest example of theuse of comic material in' the mysteryplays. Mak, the sheep-stealer, visitingthe shepherds in the fields, is forced tosleep between two of them for the safetyof the sheep. But Mak slips away while the others sleep, steals a sheep, which hedelivers to his wife, and returns to theshepherds to be found in his alloted placethe next morning. The suspicious shep­herds visit and search Mak's house, butMak and his wife, having swaddled thesheep and covered it over in the cradle,pass it off for a new-born child. Whenone of the shepherds, remorseful overtheir unjust suspicions of Mak, returnsto leave a piece of money as an offeringto the new-born child, the trick is dis­covered and Mak is tossed in a blanket.In the dramatic completeness of the comicplot and in the . characteristic medievalcontrast between the rugged satire andrough humor of the comic scenes andthe lofty" spirit of the annunciation ofChrist's birth by the angels and theadoration of the shepherds, the play isa gem.The third play is Nice Wonton, thefinest genuinely English specimen of themorality, though late enough, about 1550,to illustrate the transition from the oldmorality to the dramatic portrayal ofreal life. It is to be given under thedirection of Professor D. A. Robertson.The play tells the story of Xantippe's in­dulgent rearing of two of her children,Ismael and Dalila, whose tendencies toidleness and wickedness are uncontrolled,while Barnabas, the studious son, warnshis mother and the truant brother andsister in vain. Ismael and Dalila comeunder the spell of Iniquity, the Vice, andsome vivid scenes sketch the two chil­dren's career in evil. The second half ofthe play depicts with genuine power thetragic outcome. Dalila reappears dyingof loathsome disease. Ismael is tried for"burglary and murder" and is sentencedto be hanged. Worldly Shame bringsXantippe word of her children's fate andenforces the lesson of the mother's re­sponsibili ty.The final number of the program willbe an Elizabethan jig. The jig was thefavorite Elizabethan afterpiece, anw wasexpected by popular audiences even afterthe greatest tragedies of Shakespeare's156 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEage. I t was a wooing scene, a short storyof intrigue, or something of the kind,sung, danced, and acted dramatically atthe same time. The jig to be producedon February 25, "The Wooing of Nan,"probably belongs to the period 1590-1600.It is usually included in Marlowe's worksunder the title, "A Dialogue in Verse,"because Marlowe's name was writtenacross the manuscript in which the piecewas discovered. In this reconstructionof the lost art of the jig, the dialogue willbe sung to appropriate Elizabethan jigmusic that has survi ved, and the danceswill be at least similar in character tothose used in the jigs of olel. The dances will be under the direction of Miss Hin­man, and will be executed by her pupils,who are already trained in the old dancesteps.Much care is being taken in the matterof staging and costume in order that anartistic and historically correct reproduc­tion of the known conventions of the olddrama may be achieved. ProfessorRobertson, who has a special acquaint­ance with the various features of Eliza­bethan staging and costuming, with theaid of special committees is attemptingto make the total effect of the plays thatof a magnificent pageant of "ye oldentyme."The Letter BoxINTRAMURAL ATHLETICS AT THEUNIVERSITYTo the Editor:In the last number of the Alumni Maga­zine statements were made regarding theopportunities for intramural athletics herewhich were either untrue or, being partiallytrue, conveyed a false impression. Froma recent conversation with the editor Ijudge that these statements were due toignorance rather than to any intent to mis­lead, and I assume that the alumni wouldwelcome light on the subject of what thereal conditions are here.The first statement which gives a wrongimpression is that concerning soccer. Youstated that this is "the absolutely idealfall sport for active men," a dictum whichmight be questioned by some, but withwhich the department of Physical Cultureagrees sufficiently to have had 259 men play­ipg it three or four days a week during thegood weather of last autumn. Inasmuch. a s these men played for their Physical Cul­ture credit instead of doing calisthenics, thefact seems to me to argue the encourage­ment of soccer which you imply does notexist. You may feel that this method ofhandling soccer does not arouse the inter­est and enthusiasm which would be awak­ened by something like a soccer league.In that connection, it may be said, thatintercollegiate teams usually arouse moreenthusiasm than any others, and that wetried until three years ago to have an in­tercollegiate soccer team, providing a fieldand a coach. During the last two yearsof this attempt it was only by the utmosteffort that enough men could be found to form one team, to say nothing of a secondteam to practice against.Your second misstatement is that regard­ing the hand ball courts. You say thatthey are kept locked; but your informationevidently refers to the racquet court insteadof the hand ball courts since the latter wereunlocked all day during the autumn quarter.Your information comes,' I suppose, from afaculty man who, after having played tennis.up to that time, was considerably vexedthat the racquet court was not ready forhis immediate use on the first day when hewanted it, although there had been no.previous demand for the court during thatquarter. The court is kept locked and keys."doled out like Victoria crosses" becausethe builders of the court insist that it beused for nothing but racquets, and it wiltbe used for hand ball and tennis if it isleft open. The department, therefore, triesto give keys only to those who wish to playracquets, and to preserve the court for itsproper use. I believe that the facultymember mentioned has had his wantspromptly and carefully attended to since hefiled his protest. You say that "no janitoris on duty half the time." I take it thatyou refer here to the night time, since therecords in the of-fice of the Superintendentof Buildings and Grounds show that a jan­itor was on duty there from 7 a. m. to 5·p. m., and there has been little demand forthe courts at night as yet. In addition tothe janitor the department had an attendanton duty under the stands from 4 :30 to 6 :30,p. m. to distribute towels and assist in otherways.We now come to the faculty exerciseroom in Bartlett, which you say is to beTHE LETTER BOXturned into a trophy room. It might bemore correct for you to say that the trophyroom would be used as a faculty exercise:oom no longer, since Mr. Stagg is author­ity. for the statement that the room wasdesigned as a trophy room. Two factsshould be added in this connection, the firstbeing that the use of this room by thefaculty has lessened steadily during the lastfour years un til in the autumn quarter 1915there were not more than two or threemen using it a day, the second being thatthe room was not asked for as a trophyroom until better quarters had been pre­pared for the faculty under the standswhere a good locker room is reserved andopportunities provided for three excellentfSames in place of the one which was playedin Bartlett.You then compare the excellent workbeing done at Princeton with that beingdone here, much to our disadvantage. With­out attempting to detract at all from thework at Princeton, which seems remark­ably goo.d, I do want to give you a fewfacts which show what is beinz done here"to accomplish an end which e�ery collegedecl;;.res to .be of high importance, namely,t�e iriterestmg of as many students as pos­SIble in some form of active exercise." ThisI can do with little danger of seeming dis­courteous or tactless since you realize as Ido, that Dr. Raycroft is much mor'e re­sponsible than his successor for what Iconsider to be good conditions here.At Princeton I believe that freshmen onlyare required to take physical exercise,whereas, at Chicago, a man is required totake some such exercise for ten out of histwelve quarters. This difference in require­ments lessens the need of a student athleticassociation to stimulate interest in such ac­tivities here. In the figures which I givebelow I consider our undergraduate menonly and there are no duplications. I givethe facts on recreational athletics merelyand not on regular gymnasium classes, ex:cept that the totals include all undergrad­uates doing regular work.Winter Quarter, 1915Undergraduate men registered........ 980Men taking regular physical work.. . .. 753Handball 63J nter-c1ass basketba.ll (9 teams)...... 80Fencing 17Water basketball (4 teams).......... 30Wrestling. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 45Golf '.. .. .. . . .. .. . . 11Spring Quarter, 1915Undergraduate' men registered....... 936Men taking regular physical work.. . .. 689Volley ball and track..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Baseball (not 'varsity or fresh)...... 22Tennis. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 205Golf........... .. 12Summer Quarter, 1915Undergraduate men registered 1,186Men taking regular physical work.... 512Tennis and handball.................. 184 157Basketball 42¥;�;bail' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.. .... .. .. . .......•.•.. ...•. ::l9Baseball 22Autumn Q������: ���� .U ndergraduate men registered 1,165Men taking regular physical work.. . .. 964Soccer , 259Handball 118Water basketball 30Cross country running (not team).... 30Wrestling 48The men who are not included in thebranches mentioned were engaged in themam. m �ra1ed gymnastics, swimming andpractice tor intercollegiate teams. It shouldb� mentioned that Mr. Stagg provides, inhIS track work especially, for a considerablenumber of men who are not eligible forteams or are not candidates for teams.but take that form of exercise because theylike it. .Let me call attention to two or threepoints in connection with the above figures.As I .und�rstand the Princeton report, andmy VIew 1S confirmed by a letter receivedtoday, a man would be counted in the totalnumber engaged in base ball, for instanceif he played twice during the season; a manwould be counted in tennis if he entered ina tournament and played but one or twomatches. The figures given above meantha.t . h.ere the. men listed engaged in theactrvrties mentioned four days a week foreleven weeks. Probably the most impor­tant kinds of athletics for a college man tobecome interested and expert in are thosewhich he is most likely to be able to con­tinue after he leaves college. Golf, tennisand hand ball are the ones most likely tobe so continued of those under discussion.In golf we are handicapped by having' nocourse available which we can control inany way. The men listed as playing golfdid so for credit, playing indoor golf inthe winter. In addition to these men wehave had a considerable number who playedgolf in the parks besides their exercise withus, but such playing should not be creditedto the university.In tennis we had 205 men in the springand 140 in the summer. In handball wehad 63 in the winter, 44 in the summer and118 in the autumn. In addition to the r.ienplaying four times a week for credit the fol­lowing are the numbers of other individualsassigned to courts for tennis during threequarters. These numbers include womenand duplications and show total assign­ments, it being possible that some individ­uals played every day. These numbers are:Spring 6,365, summer 13,619 and autumn1,877. Courts, nets and backstops are pro­vided by the department of Physical Cul­ture; the courts are kept in shape andadministered by the department. In baseball and other games requiring considerableroom, we are handicapped more than' are in­stitutions in smaller towns, but we have158 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICrlGO MAGAZINEhad two teams playing baseball for funmerely during each of the last two springquarters and have reason to expect thatthere will be four during the comingquarter.In general, I should be surprised if itwere not true that the number of hoursspent at helpful physical activities per thou­sand undergraduate men was greater at theUniversity of Chicago than at any othercollege in the country, with the exceptionof West Point and Annapolis.Thanking you for the opportunity to makethis statement, I am,Sincerely yours,Dudley B. Reed,Medical Examiner.Hastings, Neb., Jan. 9, 1916.To the Editor:Some very interesting communicationsappearing in the letter box of the Univer­sity of Chicago Magazine, coupled with thereading of Ernest Poole's "The Harbor,"and an article in the Outlook for July 28,1915, entitled "The Confessions of an Un­dergraduate," make me feel like expressingmyself on the subject. To judge from thesources mentioned, one would fairly con­clude that the great majority of teachers incollege and university are either unableor unwilling to take any real vital interestin their students and are out of touch withthe real world about them. Also, it wouldappear that only a very few students ac­tually study, that they regard serious studyas not worth while, even as a thing to besneered at. There are said to be only afew students who are not. wholly immersedin glee clubs, frats, socials, promenades andthe like. Students do not think, and it isnot expected that they shall do so. Infact, it is even rather dangerous to think.One man was seriously disappointed be­cause he came to college expecting it todo so much for him and it failed to do so.He hardly remembered any courses he tookor any inspiration he got from the pro­fessors. The one whom he remembers mostof all is the one he tried to "burn up" atbase ball practice. So far as intellectual orspiritual uplift is concerned, or any greatacquisition of knowledge or power, thewriters of these letters seem to have largelyfailed.N ow I do not, in any way, know thewriters of these letters, so there is no_ personal aninius in what I may say. ButI must confess that my experience at theUniversity of Chicago was vastly different.I spent there eight and one-half quartersas an undergraduate student and eight quar­ters as a graduate. I have associated withfreshmen just from high school, with gray­headed men and women working for theirdoctor's degrees, and with all the interme­diate stages. There are probably a fewnearly worthless instructors in the Uni­versity of Chicago, just as in nearly every school, but I found very few of them, afterworking with considerably more than thir­ty teachers.I wish to maintain three theses:The most important work that a univer­sity or college 'can do must be accomplishedin its libraries, class-rooms and laboratories.Athletics, glee clubs, frats, socials, prome­nades, and the Iike may be all very niceand a little of them is very necessary, butthey do not make a college course worthhaving, and no amount of them will com­pensate for the failure to take regular class­room courses and work faithfully on them.A man has got to put something into a col­lege course to get something out of it andthe men who complain that they spent threeor four years in college and got next tonothing out of it, probably got all they de­served. The school must furnish the neces­�ary equipment, and capable teachers, will­ing and able to serve, and the studentmust do the rest.From the first, I found the teachers withpractically no exceptions, ready to c�unselme, advise me as to my work, appreciativeof my efforts, and ready to tell me howto overcome my difficulties. They werefully as red-blooded, human, reasonable andable to understand the other fellow's sit­uation as any group of men outside of col­lege walls. Numbers of them gave metheir valuable time and counsel. I cherishsome very pleasant memories of my in­s�ructo�s, believe that in most cases theydid their best for me, and that their effortswere by no means fruitless. I found somany students from freshmen to graduateswho were there for business, knew whatthey wanted, and were willing to work forit, and who were able to talk on manythings besides their class-room work, thatI always found myself in congenial com­pany.When I think of my numerous class-matesand acquaintances who were studying andmaking good, and enjoying the process, ofthe times that I have heard other studentswarned and cautioned by teachers, of thecare that was taken to haul students whowere not making good before the dean, ofthe young fellow who came to Chicago with$25.00 and staid five years, making his liv­ing on the side, to graduate with honor andgo out to fill a good position, of the hun­dreds of students who made their way, inwhole or in part, it seems to me that anyperson who came to the University decentlyprepared, and desirous of a good education,could get it, with an abundance of seriousthinking thrown in, and he could find nu­merous friends who would sympathize withhim and not think him queer.N ow, a word as to the remedy. Theconditions mentioned do exist to some ex­tent and will always continue to do so.There will always be some people who willgo to college who are unfit to be there. Ifthey cannot adapt themselves at all to anUNIVERSITY RECORDatmosphere of work and study, and do notafter a reasonable length of time removethemselves, they should be gently but firm­ly eliminated. College should not be aplace to loaf, and people who will not workat any of the useful trades or professionsshould be invited to find their place. Teach­ers should be keenly appreciative of thedifficulties of students, and should spare noeffort to help a student get the most outof himself. But the social and businessworld is not at all ready to put up withindolence and sh illy-shal lyirig and theschool that permits a student to spend fourvears within its walls in that way, and thenworse, give him a degree for doing it, isnot conferring a benefit upon him, but 1Sdoing him a distinct injury.H. M. CUNNINGHAM,Ph. B., '11, A. M., '13.[Sam Harper, '02, otherwise assistant professor ofRussian, is just back from Russia, In answer toqueries he writes:]"The journey to Russia was uneventful; Ichose the safest route, taking a Norwegianboat which sailed direct to Bergen, thusavo idin a the Channel and the North Sea.It was ""a long and weary trip around theBaltic by way of Sweden and .N orway; wecrossed into Finland at a P0111t north of66 not many miles from the Ar tic Circle.;'It was my tenth trip to Russia. I hadonly nine weeks at 1�y disposal .and spentthe time looking up friends, e special ly thosewhom I knew to be engaged either in thearmy or in the various organizations work­ina for and supporting the army. Petrogradw:s the same official city, such as I hadknown it on previous trips. But now itwas the capital of a country at war; thestreets restaurants and theatres werecrowdcd with officers and soldiers. Groupsof wounded men conducted by the RedCross nurses were met at every turn. On111 the important squares the fresh re­cruits were drilling."But Moscow, I was told, had become thecentre of organization and work, and I wasurged by my friends to leave Petrogra d and0-0 there. I spent two weeks 111 Moscow,�atch111g my friends at work in th.e variouscommittees. I was able to get 111tO veryclose touch with all this "mobilization ofthe forces of the country." This had be­come the slogan after the reverses of last,summer and autumn.From Moscow I went to a small provin­cial town, again to friends whom I hadknown for many years. They were work­ers in the local provincial council of thedistrict. I was allowed to sit in at the com­mittee meetings and thus learn what wasbeing done down in the interior. I visitedseveral peasant villages and discussed thewar with the peasants. For everyone wastalking war, just as everyone was working,directly or indirectly, for the army. I sawthat the mobilization was a real fact andnot mere words. 159Finally I started for the army itself. Ihad been told that I must get the "feel" ofthe army to understand the note of con­fidence which I found among my friends.I had secured a pass to the Front andstarted for the Headquarters of the Gen­eral Staff. I did not go down as a news­paper man, but simply as a student of his­tory who had devoted a good many yearsto the study of Russia. It was compara­tively quiet at the Front at that moment,the officers had time to talk and show mearound. It was for me a new and mostremarkable experience. They were verycareful as they took me around-I over­heard instructions given to the young offi­cer who accompanied me that I was not tobe brought back wounded. An American. correspondent had picked up a bullet theweek before. 'I was allowed to visit the front trenches.There was no real fighting at the time,but I heard and saw firing. My first ex­perience at a battery in action was rathersevere, and the officers smiled as they re­marked that my "nerves were playing."After ten days in the army I understoodwhy my friends in the rear had not lostconfidence. I returned from the Front andstarted home immediately.The return trip was more eventful thanthe journey over. In Christiania I ran intothe Ford Peace Party. An American has tolisten to a great deal of criticism of hiscountry when he goes to Europe thesedays. The arrival of these hundred andfifty Americans did not .lessen the criticism.Mr. Ford returned on the boat by which Isailed for New York. We were stoppedby the English a few hours out from Ber­gen. It was Christmas Eve and perhapsthat is why they did not take us to Kirk­wall, to search us. But we lost one pas­senger-Mr. K. had evidently thought thathe was outside the military age. He hadregistered as a German subject. The Eng­lish officer took him off to the cruiser andlet us proceed on our journey. We hadbeen delayed, however, and were unable toreach New York for the last day of theyear. On New Year's Eve we all gatheredin the dining room, Scandinavians, Rus­sians, English and Americans, and sangsongs. The refrain of one song writtenby a fellow-passenger ran: "'Twas a peace­ul, neutral New Year."Samuel N. Harper, '02.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe reception to the President of theUniversity, held in the Reynolds Club onJanuary 14, was attended by more thanfive hundred of the students and faculty.In the receiving line, besides Mr. and Mrs.Judson, were Lawrence MacGregor, headmarshal; Margaret Green, president, andHelen J ohnston, secretary of the YoungWomen's Christian League; Martin Bick­ham, secretary of the Y. M. C. A.; Craig160 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERedmon, president of the senior class, andLeslie Parker, president of the ReynoldsClub.A petition was circulated in Januaryamong the members of the Women's Clubslooking toward the abolition of � those or­ganizations. The present list of clubs in­cluded Mortar. Board, Esoteric, Signa,Quandranglers, Wyverri, Phi Beta Delta,Chi Rho Sigma, Pi Delta Phi and Deltho.Few actions in recent years, have rousedmore discussion among the undergraduates.The basis of the petition is the lack ofdemocracy in the Club idea, and the lackof purpose among the Clubs. The feelingbehind the petition is said to be wide­spread, and a small number of well-knowngirls have already resigned their club mem­bership.Members of the Japanese Club have pub­lished a small volume called "The JapaneseStudents' Review," which contains articlesin English by the J apanese consul an d byOriental students and a special section de­voted to articles printed in Japanese. Inthe section in English, Consul SuburoKurusu contributes "The True U nderstand­in z of International Relationship." YoshioIshida writes on "Some Functions ofX-Ray" and Jitsutari Takatani has. an ar­ticle on "Historical and Methodological As­pects in the ?�ychology of Religion." .TheJapanese d ivisi on has' ten articles .. J I�SU­taro Takatani is editor of the pub lication.A similar booklet was published last year.On January 5 the Japan base ball. tea?1was welcomed home at a big meetmg inKent Theater. Consul Kurusu, Mr. Stagg,Captain Gray and members of the teat?spoke and the Japanese Club of the U 111-versity presented a sword dance. On J anu­ary 19 President and Mrs. Judson enter­tained the team.February 18 is set by the W. A. A. for theannual circus, given by the member�. ofthe association in Lexington gymnasmm."A Rhenish Romance," by Richard Mey­ers '11 and Robert Tuttle, '13, was an­no�nced on January 19 as the 1916 ?lack­friar play. Meyers wrote the mUSIC _for"Capturing Calypso" an d "T�e "LYrIcalLiar." Tuttle was leading man m Pranksof Papr ika.": -The scene of "A Rhenish Romance" islaid in the Rhine country around the cityof Bretzendorf. An impoverished dukeseeks to marry his daughter to Antenborg,a wealthy neighbor. The plot thereafteris wound around the struggles of an Amer­ican to secure the princess from the dukeand Antenborg. The comedy of �he pro­duction is furnished by Sam Shine andTony Pratt, two stranded American actors,who try hard to inveigle others into givingthem food, drink and shelter. Members of the University faculties willgive a group of lectures on the general sub­ject of the war, beginning February 1. Thisdecision follows repeated requests since thesuccess of the series offered last year.Six lectures will be included in the series.They are to be given on successive Tues­days in the assembly room, tenth floor ofthe' Fine Arts building. The course willbe called "The Chicago Lectures," and themanagement will be in the hands of "TheChicago Lecture Association." The pro­ceeds will be given over to the Universityof Chicago Settlement League.Although the general trend of thespeeches will be like that of those given lastyear, particular attention-will be paid tothe economic and scientific phases of thewar. Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin, headof the department of history; Prof. JamesP. Hall, dean of the Law school, and SamuelN. Harper, an assistant professor of Rus-. sian Languages and Literature, are amongthose who will take part in the series.More than 5,500 people visited the roomsof the University Y. M. C. A. during 1915,according to the association report issuedby Secretary Martin Bickham. Over 1,300individuals were engaged in some form ofassociation service, and the secretary ofthe Y. M. C. A. held interviews with 2,444men during the year. The thirteen socialevents held by the association were at­tended by 3,389 people, while a total at­tendance of 5,192 was registered at theninety-one religious meetings conducted bythe University organization. Two hundredand sixty-one meetings of a non-religiouscharacter were attended by 7,961 people.The total number of Y. M. C. A. membersduring the year was approximately 700, and1,080 students were referred to churches bythe association in 1915. One hundred andfifty students were engaged in social serv­ice work at the various settlements, play­grounds, churches, etc.The statement of the financial conditionof the association shows a balance of $68.03on hand. The actual cash income for 1915was $8,148.08, and the actual cash expense$7,842.57. The balance of $305.51 on 1915operation less the 1914 deficit of $237.48 leftthe present cash balance.Albert Prescott Mathews, chairman ofthe department of Physiology, has publisheda textbook and manual for students underthe title of "Physiological Chemistry."The fire-escapes on Bartlett, work onwhich was begun during the Autumn quar­ter, have been completed and will be readyfor use as soon as the doors leading to theescapes have been swung. They are largeand elaborate steel stairways, which willrender altogether unlikely any danger incase of fire.THE MONTH AT THE UNIVERSITY 161The Month at the UniversityJanuary 3Winter Quarter opens; Registration.January 4Basket ball-Varsity, 28; Armour Institute, 11.January 5Dan Bro.wn chosen chairman of ArrangementsC?m�lttee. and leader of right wing ofWashmgton Prom., to be held Monday, Feb­ruary 21.Mass Meeting in Kent to welcome baseballteam on return from Orient.January 6Settlement League Twelfth Night Performanceat M�ndel. Two plays by Dean Wallace,"SoldIers" and "Culture C. O. D." precededby a dinner in Hutchinson Comm�ns.January 7George Benson chosen chairman of FinanceCommittee and leader of left wing of Wash­ington Prom.Settlement League plays repeated.Freshman baseball practice started.January 8Alfred Noyes, Litt. D., Visiting Professor atPrinceton University, on "Optintism in theFoetry of the Futu;re," under the auspicesof the Senior Class.January 9Reverend Bishop Francis John McConnell, Ph.D., D. D., .LL. D., Denver, Colorado, Uni­versity Preacher.Mr. Uesugi, Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Vespers.January 10Professor Mathew, before New Testament andSystematic Theology Club, "The PermanentMessage in Messianism."January 11Basket ball-Varsity, 35, Northwestern Col­lege, 17.Interfraternity Bowling-Beta Theta. Pi de­feated Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Psi defeatedDelta Upsilon.Dr. Ch a.r l e s Dwight Marsh, W. S. Dept. ofA.s;riculture, before the Botanical Club, on"Poisonous Plants."Prof. Case, before the Classical Club, "TheFate of the Roman Emperor According' toRev. 13:8-10." .January 12Marion Mortimer and Dorothy Vanderpoelchosen to lead the Prom.Mr. Horace J. Bridges of Chicago Ethical So­ciety before the Intercollegiate SocialistSociety, "The Socialist Ideal."Asst. Prof. Lunn, before the MathematicalClub, "Notes on the Theory of Relativity."January 13In terclass basket ball-Sophomores defeatedF're shmen second team.Baseball-Call for candidates for Varsity.Asst. Prof. Lunn, before the Physics' Club."The Motion of Light in a Moving Medium."January 14The President's Reception, Hutchinson Halland Reynolds Club. Under auspices of Y.W. C. L., Women's Administrative CounCil,Y. M. C. A. and Reynolds Club.SWimming-Water basket ball team defeatedUniversity High, 20 to O.Interclass basket call-Sophomores, 16, Sen­iors. 11.Mr. James Gregory Condon, "Jury Trials,"under the auspices of the Chicago Society ofAdvocates.January 15Ba.sket ball-First Confe.rence game- Varsitydefeated by Iowa, 19 to 18.Interfraternity bowling-Delta Kappa Epsilondefeated Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon forfeited to Delta Sigma Phi.January 16Bishop McConnell of Denver, Colorado, Uni­versity Preacher.Mr. Starrett, Y. M. C. A. Fellowship Vespers.January 17Dr. Frank Gunsaulus, "Manuscripts and theBook," illustrated with colored slides andcollections of Dr. Gunsaulus and Dr. B. L.Piese.Mr. Robert Loeb, before the Physics Club, "TheProblem of Complex Molecules."Mr. Ha.i Chen, before the Student VolunteerBand, "The Elements of· a World-Religionas Found in Confucianism."January 18Basket ball-Varsity defeats Alumni, 24 to 22.Interfraternity bowling-Beta Theta Pi de­feated Delta Sigma Phi; Phi Kappa Psi de­feated Delta Tau Delta; Chi Psi defeatedKappa Sigma; Psi Upsilon defeated AlphaDelta Phi.Mr. Fletcher Dobyns, of the Chicago bar, underthe auspices of the Chicago Society of advo­cates, on "Criminal Cases."Assoc. Prof. Newman, before the BiologicalClub, "Heredity and Organic Symmetry inArmadillo Quadruplets."Mr. Denny, before the Biological Club, "Lawsof the Permeability of Certain Plant Mem­branes to Water."Prof. Prescott, before the Women's ClassicalClub, "Vei-g+ls First Eclogue."January 19Committees selected for Faculty Dinner anddate set for March 3.Blackfriar play selected: "A Rhenish Romance,"by Hichard Meyers, '11, and Robert Tuttle,'13.Dramatic Club select" "Arms and the Man,"by Bernard Shaw, to be given February 12in Mandel.Senior Smoker-Alpha Delta Phi House.Basket ball-Varsity, 18; Y. M, C. A. College,12.Interfraternity bowling-Alpha Tau Omega de­feated Delta Upsilon.Interclass basket ball-Juniors, 20; Fresh­men, 6.Assoc. Prof. Dargan, before the PhilologicalSociety, "The Institution of Athenian Arbi­trators."January 20Wrestling squad won eight of nine bouts withGary High School squad.Interclass basket ball-Seniors, 12; FreshmenIII, 5.Interfraternity bowling-Phi Gamma Delta de­feated Sigma Chi; Sigma Nu forfeited toDel ta Kappa Epsilon.Mr. James Gregory Condon, of the Chicagobar, under the auspices of the Chicago So­ciety of Advocates, "Jury Trials."Prof. Laughlin, "How Long Can the War Con­tinue?"January 21Senior class meeting, Kent.Sophomore dance, Reynolds Club,Swimming-Chicago, 30; Hamilton Club, 36.Debate-"Resolved, That Congress ShouldAdollt a Literacv Test for All EuropeanImmigration.... Chicago team, afilrmative,won from Michigan, at Mandel. Chicagoteanl, negative,. won from Northwestern, atEvanston.January 22Basket ball-Varsity, 18; Northwestern, 28.January 23Rev. Burris A. Jenkins, Kansas City, Missouri.University Preacher.Mr. W. W. Bothmann. State Student Secretaryof IllinoiS, Y. M. C. A. Fellowship. Vespers.162 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEATHLETICSThe athletics schedule for the winterquarter is as follows:AT HOMEJanuary 15-Basketball, Iowa 19, Chicago 18.January 2l-Swimming, Hamilton Club; 36, Chicago,30.. January 22-Basketball, Northwestern 28, Chicago 18.January 29-Basketball, Wisconsin.February 5-\Nrestling, Purdue.February 9-Basketball, Illinois.February l2-Track, Northwestern.February 19-Wrestling, Indiana.February 26-Gymnastics, Illinois.February 26-Swimming, Northwestern.March I-Swimming, Illinois.March 3-BasketbaIl, Ohio State.March 4- Track, Ohio State.March ll-Basketball, Minnesota.AWAYJanuary 28-Track, Chicago 46,;/" Purdue 39Y;.January 28-Swim111ing, Chicago 27, N. W. 41.February 4-Swimming, C. A. A.February 5- Basketball, Minnesota.February 12-Basketball, Iowa.February 16-Basketball, Northwestern.February 19-BasketbaIl,. Ohio State.February 19-5wimming, Cincinnati.February 2l-Swimming, Annapolis.February 26-Basketball, Illinois.March 8�BasketbaIl, Wisconsin.March 10-Swimming, Wisconsin.March 11-Gym. Fenc. Wr., Wisconsin.M�ch l7-l8-Conference, at Evanston.Basketball.-At the time this article iswritten Chicago has played two games, both111 Bartlet, and has lost both, to Iowa 18-19,and to Northwestern 18-28. The Iowagame was anybody's up to the end. Thefirst half closed 8-8, and in the secondhalf Iowa won by a basket in the lastminute of play. Chicago lost throuzh in­ability to handle free throws, scorin; onlyfour in thirteen chances, while Iowa madeseven in nine tries. In field baskets Chi­cago led seven to six. Iowa played a roughgame, one man being put off for kickingParker, and another gomg out on fourpersonal fouls. Chicago's line-up includedParker and Schafer, forwards; Clark, center,and Capt. George and Rothermel, guards.Late in the game Townley, who had beenweakened by the grippe, was substituted forClark. Parker played brilliantly, and Georgewas steady, as usual. Clark was fair,Schafer and Rothermel not inpressive. Thegame with Northwestern was peculiar. Atthe end of ten minutes Chicago led 13-1.Three wild throws from the middle ofthe floor found the basket, and N orthwest­ern's short passes were being broken up.Then Northwestern took out time, con­sulted, and began to dribble. The halfended with Chicago leading 15-11, butN orthwestern very confident. The secondhalf was. for Chicago a sad exhibition.Chicago scored one basket on a long shot,and one free throw in five tries; Clark hurthis knee and had to go out, and Parkerwas dismissed for four personal fouls.Shull and Bent were substituted, Townleyhaving been called out of town by illnessin his family. Northwestern scored, on theother hand, seventeen points, including seven field baskets, and at the close werelaughing and loafing. Ellis was the star.For Chicago Clark played well at first andGeorge throughout; the others workedhard. Coach Page has been sick for a week,and the team work is feeble. Is there anyreason why Chicago teams should not betaught to dribble on occasion?Baseball.-Coach Page writes:"As in the fall of 1910, the varsity base­ball team has returned from a trip throughthe Far East, in which they were highlysuccessful. The leading teams of Hawaii,Japan and the Philippine Islands wereplayed, resulting in thirty-three victories,seven defeats and a no-score ten inninggame. The close scores show that thegames were hard fought and that the teamplayed better ball than they did in the con­ference last spring, when they made onlya mediocre showing."The batting of the team was particularlygood, aver aging .269 for the 41 gamesplayed, a decided improvement over thegroup of left-hand batters five years agowho averaged .257 in the Orient. 'Happy'Rudolph, playing his first year, was thebig surprise, leading with an average of.367. The only other men over .300 wereKixmiller and Cavin. The figures for thesquad follows:Name and Position. A.B. I-I. Av.A. H. Rudolph, 2b............... 139 51 .367E. F. Kixmiller, If, p 146 46 .315E. D. Cavin, 3b 152 46 .303H. O. Page, p, If................ 81 24 .296L. W. Gray, rf 130 36 .276R. H. George, Lb, p............. 87 23 .264F. A. Catron, cf................. 152 40 .283P. R. Desj ar dien , p., lb 110 29 .263R. N. McConnell, ss 133 30 .226D. Weidemann, lb............... 36 7 .194N. G. Hart, c................... 91 17 .187J. E. Cole, c, 2b................ 82 13 .159Team average for 41 games,' .269."The figures do not show a feature ofthe team's batting which distinguished themfrom the Orientals. This is the extra basehits, a number of which were made, whilethe Orientals' hits were confined to shorttops for single bases. The speed of theiropponents on the bases was characteristic,but they were equalled in this by McCon­nell, Kixmiller and Catron."The main stay of the defensive work wasDes Iard ien, the giant pitcher, who hada winning streak. He won nineteen gamesand pitched the no-score ten inning game.His most remarkable performance was inthe opening games where he beat WasedaUniversity 5 to 3, and repeated the nextday at Keio University, 4 to 1, winning hisown game with a home run. Because ofthe need of Kixmiller's hitting and Georgeat first base, these' men were not workedmuch in the pitching box. By request, Idid some pitching, which was probablymore effective than that I displayed in 1910."The rest of the team varied. In theATHLETICS111I1I111I1I1I1II1II1II1II11I1!lllIllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i ��t�t����k�f}� ii �;:����;;;;Z��u�t;� I_-i_-----= �:;��c�.LOI��s- ::����!�;ti�p��e����Sit���h����e:t !�� ��tc��isThe alumni, faculty and students of the University of Chicagoare especially invited to come here. If you will make your­self known, we'll try to give especially good service.�� 910"��f.,iek� eO.11-13 North Wabash Avenue11II1I1II11II1II11I111I11111I1111rI1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111!11111II11I111II1I1II1111111II11I IIIIIIIHIIIIII III IIoutfield Chicago was strong, Catron prov­mg to be the most valuable and with Kix­miller and Gray making a trio hard to beatin all round play. On the infield, Cavinat third base was the steadiest, McConnellat shortstop made the most brilliantplays, while Rudolph, Cole, George andWeideman were only fair. The catching ofHart and Cole was average."The fact that the Orientals did not wina game is due to their inability to hit andtheir lack of knowledge of the game. Theformer may have been due to the fact thatthey were facing real pitching. . It is pre­dicted that with the introduction of Amer­ican College athletic methods, the cominggenerations of Japan, China and the Phil­lipines will be our equals, with the possi­bility of the Chinese leading the others be­cause of their better physique."The men feel that such trips are a factorin promoting friendly international relations.Waseda University of Tokyo, the leading in­stitution of the Orient, will send a team tovisit our country in the spring as guests ofthe University of Chicago and we shallthen have an opportunity to extend to themour hospitality." ,Talking over the baseball prospects forthe spring, Page seems to feel that successdepends mostly on the development of goodhitting and battery work. Hart and Coleare only fair catchers; Capt. Shull is theonly hold-over pitcher. Marum is a possi- 163bility behind the bat, and Gerdes and Pop­pen are working hard in the box. Thereis a good fielding infield. F. B. McConnellat first is steadier than George. Rudolphat second is erratic, but improving. Me­Connell at short is an in-and-outer. Cavinat third is a certainty. Of the others Cahnand Chang in the outfield look best. "Theone question is," says Page, "can theyhit? Except Rudolph and Cavin, the wholebatting strength is gone in Des] ardien,Gray, Kixmiller, Catron and Flood."Swimming-Chicago has a fine team thiswinter, even with Captain Pavlicek ineli­gible until the midyear law exams. Againstthe Hamilton Club, ] anuary 21, Chicago wonfirst in the 40-yard (O'Connor), in the 200-yard breast stroke (Shirley), in the 150-yardback stroke (Earle), and in the fancy diving(Rubinkam). Browne, of the HamiltonClub, broke the Bartlett record in the 100-yard, time 5815 seconds, with O'Connor, ofChicago, right at his heels, and came withinfour-fifths of a second of the tank recordin the 220, time 2:33�, Earle, of Chicago,pushing him. Princell, of Hamilton, beatRedmon in the plunge, and the Hamiltonrelay team won the 160-yard relay by twofeet in record time, 1 :22�. A glance at the :schedule shows six more meets to come be­sides the Conference. On February 19 Chi­cago meets Cincinnati at Cincinnati, and onthe 21st the U. S. Naval Academy at Annap­olis.164 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDramatic Club Reunion.-A reunion ofall former members of the Dramatic Clubwill be held on Ferbruary 12, in connectionwith the presentation by the club of Shaw's"Arms. and the Man," at Mandel Hall.Alice Le.e Heick, '13, is in charge of the ar­rangements, and a letter of announcementis, being. sent to every former member ofthe Club; but any who may not receive itare asked to consider this notice a specialinvitation. The play, which is being pro­fessionally coached by Mme. Borgny Ham­mer, the Norwegian actress, will be pres­ented at 8 :15. A11 seats are reserved, atfifty cents; a special block of tickets isbeing held for old members.ALUMNI PERSONALSDr. John Edwin Rhodes, '76, is Professorof Diseases of the Chest and Larynxologyand Otology, and College Historian atRush Medical College. He has taught inthe College continuously since his gradua­tion in 1886, thirty years ago.E. M. Stephenson, '88, has been engagedto deliver a series of ten lectures on "TheResponsibility of the Pastor for StandardEfficiency in the School of the Church" atCrozer Seminary, Spring Term, 1916.. Thomas T. Hoyne, '97, writes under dateof January 10: "Just a few lines to letyou know I open with my play at Har­manus Bleecker Ha11, Albany, next Fr i- day evening. From there we go into theStar Theatre, Buffalo."I am confident that I have a real playand one that will make a sensation. Ihave a fine cast and an up-to-the-minuteproduction in every detail. After playingBuffalo, I expect to work westward andhit Chicago about the middle of February."Adelbert T. Stewart, '04, now with theNational City Bank, is living at 464 River­side Drive, New York.William H. Hatfield, Jr., '04, formerlyDistrict Attorney of New York County, hasresumed his law practice at 220 Broadway,suite 1601 of the St. Paul building.Paul Steinbrecher has been elected presi­dent of the Chicago Real Estate Board.Dudley M. Day, '05, is practicing medicinein Rockford, Illinois, where he is also gen­eral supervisor of hygiene in the ,publicschools. He is married and has three chil­dren, two sons and a daughter.H. Edward Wheeler, '06, is surgeon forthe Great Northern Railroad, Lecturer tothe nurses at Sacred Heart Hospital ofSpokane, and First Lieutenant in the Med­ical Reserve Corps of the United StatesArmy. He was married in 1914 to BuelahMadeline Smith has two children, Gwen­dolen and Hamilton, and is living at 2823Grand boulevard, Spokane, Washington .Robert Fry Clark, '06, is teaching So­ciology and Political Economy at LombardCollege, Galesburg, Ill.§11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111IIIIIIIIIillllllllllllll!IIII;!IIlI:11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!111111111111111l111�� �TOBEY Polishcleans the finest varnished surfaceseasily and quickly, without slight­est injury, and keeps them in beau­tiful condition.The famous old shop formula ofThe Tobey Furniture Company(Chicago and New York); used for many years ontheir finest pieces. Perfect for fine furniture, woodwork, pianos, automobiles. --.�1l1111!1I1111111111l1l11l11l11l1l1l1ll11l1l1l1l11l1l1l1l1l1l1l111l1ll1ll1l1l1ll1l1l111l111l1II11111111J;i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIllIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll1II11l11111l1l111l1�'Bottles, 2Sc and SOc; quarts, $1; gallons, $3Recommended and .sold by leading, Hardware,Drug, Grocery, Paint and Auto Supply storesALUMNI PERSONALSEarl ]. Walker is practicing law and hasoffices in the City Hall Square building,Chicago.Ora T. Fell is attorney for the RepublicIron and Steel Company, of Youngstown,Ohio. He is married and has four children,Mary, Howard, Linda and John. He is ac­tive in local politics and was a candidate forrepresentative on the 1914 Progressiveticket.Ivor G. Clark is practicing Ophthalmologyin Columbus, Ohio, and has medical andhospital connections with the Medical De­partment of the Ohio State University, St.Francis Hospital and Mount Carmel Hos­pital.Harold H. Blodgett is captain in the med­ical corps of the United States Army. Heis married and has a seven-year old boy.. H. B. Annis is practicing medicine inMinneapolis. He is married and has oneson.Fred H. Kay, '07, has been AssistantState Geologist in Illinois since 1911. Hewas married in 1910 to Vivian Woodcock ofWashington, D. c., and is living in Urbana.Mary Fiske Heap, '08, is living at 836North Edgemont boulevard, Los Angeles,California.Louis Wilkins is a rancher at CoeurD'Alene, Idaho.George Swan is in Kobe, Japan, as Ad­visory Secretary to the Japanese Y. M.C. A. He is married and has two boys.Homer F. Moore is a physician at theMercy Hospital, Chicago.Waldo Walker, formerly of the publicitydepartment of the Oliver Morosco Com­pany studios in Los Angeles, has been madeassistant to Director Frank Lloyd. Walkerhe had a varied career. Starting out as anewspaper and magazine writer, he "brokeinto" the Century Magazine with his firststory while at Chicago, and subsequentlycontributed to various Eastern magazines,being perhaps best known for his GreenBook series of stories on "Sammy's," anoted Chicago theatrical cafe, which hewrote under the name of "Bailey Lane."William E. Wrather. '08, is Geologist forthe Gulf Production Company, with head­quarters at Witch ita Falls, Texas. He wasmarried in Ino to Alicia Darling and hasone son.Clara Allen Cahill is living at 508 West122nd street, New yark.Adelaide Spohn. S. B., '08, S. M., '14, isassistant under Clifford D. Carpenter, Ph.D., '75, in Teacher's College, Columbia Uni­versity.Paul P. Rohns, '09, has been with theClipper Belt Lacer Company since January1, and is now serving that company in thecapacity of the Director of Sales.Robert E. Terhune is farming his estateat Parkland, Illinois. He is married andhas one son.Earl 1. Stewart is living at Cushing, Iowa.VvT arren R. Rainey was married in 1912 N0 MATTE� w.here you liveyou can 81 t In your ownparlor andI0Io shop in Chicago '1'1This possibility is at your disposalright now, ideally presented in. Man­del's Magazine.·a n e 1-' sMagazineis a brilliant, authentic guide in mat­ters fashionable, and provides themost remarkable mail-order, metro­politan shopping service America everhas known.Entertaining s tor i e s - valuablehousehold information by notedwoman writers - splendid picturesand clear descriptions of smartestmodes-women's, misses' and chil­dren's outfittings - new fabrics -styles and novelties with which youcan be the best dressed woman inyour community, and for less moneytha.n you might pay for "just ordi­nary mail-order merchandise."Soon ready to mail 128-page issueof Mandel's Magazine - delightfulintroduction to Spring and Summermodes, the very same that Chicagowomen will select from the greatstocks now ready.Possible, this year, to send Mandel'sMagazine freeto 100,000 more American women.If you would be among that num­ber, send your name and address atonce-a-make sure, by directing it toDepartment c-Mandel BrothersChicago 165166 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESAXON "SIX"A big touring car for five peopleWith Detachable All-Season Top$935Closed car luxuryat!touring car costNow - to countless men and women-the doorswings open to enclosed car luxury-to its variedpleasures and privileges.The last barrier-that of cost-is swept away bythe coming ofthis all-season Saxon "Six" at $935.Among enclosed cars offine quality this marks therecord low-price. And itincludes the touring car topas well as the detachableall-season top.So-for but $150 more thanthe cost of the Saxon "Six"touring car - you reallyget three cars.With all-season top in, place youhave a cozy luxurious enclosedcar. With windows and sidesSaxon "Six"Touring car $785With Limousine top 935Saxon "Six"Roadster 785 removed you have a touring carwith permanent top - a type cfgrowing popularity. With all­season top removed and touringcar top substituted, you have anopen touring car.Thus-with this splendid Saxon"Six"-you are ready for everykind 01 weather; you are cer­tain of motoring comfort in everymonth of the year.Come see the new Saxon "Six"­with all-season top. Ride in it.Compare it. You'll pronounceit the best car at anywhere nearits price.Saxon "Four"Roadster $395With Coupe top 455Electric starter andlighting SOSaxon Motor Car CompanyDetroit, Mich.(287)ALUMNI PERSONALS 167111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1II1111!1I1I1I!1I1I1I1I1I1II1111I111I111I1I111I11111I11I111I1I1!111I111I111111!1!1111111!lllIlIlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil11111111111111111111!!�-Tohey- Made FurnitureIS made in our own shops and issold only by us. It is intended tobe the best furniture that can bepurchased at any price. We willtake great pleasure in showing youwhy we believe it fulfills these. .intentions.The Tobey Furniture CompanyWabash Avenue and Washington Street�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111.llllllllllllllllllllllli@and moved to Salem, Illinois, where he con­ducts the Salem Hospital.Richard E. Rundell is with the Pathete­phone Company of Chicago.Harry Hanson, '09, left on January 6 forthe Scandinavian countries, where he willact as official correspondent for the Chi­cago Daily News. He will visit Norway,Sweden and Denmark, and it has beenrumored that he will take a short tripto Berlin. He will return to Chicago inMarch. Another of Harry's articles on thewar: "What Happened at Beaumont," willappear in the March issue, and he will sendothers on his return.William C. Stephenson is selling bakeryand confectionery supplies for the Chap­man & Smith Company, and is living at17 South Madison street, La Grange.Samuel Emmons Brown is engaged inadvertising illustration and cartooning at110 Tremont street, Boston. He was mar­ried in June, 1912, and is living in Lexing­ton. Mass .. at 10 Oakland street.Parke Watkins, '10, is chief chemist forthe Wrigley Gum Company, and is re­sponsible for the wonderful lasting powersof the flavoring of their chief product­brightens the teeth, sweetens the breath,aids digestion; costs little by the packagebut less by the box. (We cheerfully addthe ad.-once.-Ed.)Fred W. Gaarde, '10, is a physician at thePresbyterian Hospital, Chicago. Jack Warder Nicholson is living at Ellis,Kansas. He is married and has two chil­dren, Betty and Jack, Jr.Golden L. McWhorter, '11, and Mrs. Mc­\Nhorter (Mary Louise Etten, '11) whosemarriage was announced in the last issueof the Magazine, are living at 519 Essexstreet, Minneapolis.Ralph Shannon is editor of "The Eve­ning Journal," Washington, Iowa. He ismarried and has one boy.E. Hill Leith is editor of "The DixonLeader," and manager of the Leader Pub­lishing Company in his home town, Dixon,Illinois.Arthur Dale O'Neill, '12, is in the bonddepartment of the Harris Trust and Sav­ings Bank.Pearl Margaret Daniels, '11, is teachingPhilosophy, Psychology and Education atOxford College for Women, Oxford, Ohio.Ralph D. Young is president of theYoung-Cassou Real Estate Company ofLos Angeles, California.Nellie Grace Bean, '11, is teaching Eng­lish in the High School at Waterloo, Iowa.Helen R. Hull, '12. is teaching English atBarnard College, Columbia University.Harry N. Irwin, A. M., '10, is instructorin Mathematics at the University HighSchool, Chicago.Gustavus S. Paine has a story, "Here HeIs!" in Collier's for December 19. Paine,after receiving his Ph. M. degree in 1909,168 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtaught English for some time at the Uni­versity of Nevada, at Reno; later he wentinto Christian Science work there.' Thestory is laid in Reno, but is vividly generalin its interest.Catherine E. Forster, Ph. B., '08, A. M.,'11, is dean of women and head of the Eng­lish department at the Tennessee Woman'sCollege, Murfreesboro, Tenn. .George R. Martin, formerly note-teller ofthe Seattle (Wash.) National Bank, has or­ganized an investment firm, the Martin-Sev­eryns Company, with offices in. the L. C.Smith building, in Seattle. He has beenprominently identified with the AmericanInstitute of Banking.The Woman's Presbyterian Board ofMissions of the Northwest is sending out aletter written by Florence Chaney, '08, toher friends in this country, from H waiY uen, Anhwei Province, China, where MissChaney is a teacher for the board. She hasbeen at Hwai Yuen since September 3,teaching the life of. Christ, English, arith­metic and physical culture, and, she says,enjoying her work tremendously.Carl J. Bevan, '05, is cashier of the Ex­change Bank of Genoa, Illinois. He hasbeen married since 1910 and has one son,Thomas Judson.Frank E. Hering, ex. '97, remembered byall old alumni, and Mary E. Titzel, cher­ished by all recent alumnae, are respectivelyeditor and assistant editor of The EagleMagazine, published at South Bend, Indiana.The magazine is the official organ of theFraternal Order of. Eagles. The magazineis in the market for special articles (notstories) of various kinds and pays well. Anyalumni interested should either send mate­rial direct to the offices of the magazine, or,better, write to Mary Titzel, 10108 AvenueL, Chicago.Isaac Newton Warner, '10, now teachingmathematics at the Platteville (Wis.) StateNormal, sends an editorial on the astonish­ing efficiency of the Pennsylvania Railroadand writes: "Alongside Ernestine Evans'article in the January issue, I should like toplace the accompanying editorial and ask,MUNICIPAL BONDSExclusivelyJ.R.SUTHERLIN eCO.COMMERCE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO.CALVIN o. SMITH, '11SALES MANAGERCIRCULARS MAILED ON REQUEST What are a few hundred of the thousandthings 'Germany has to teach us'? Is mili­tarism the first?"Mary Phister, '11, has gone on a pleasuretrio to China.W. P. Harms, '12, is executive, secretaryof the South Chicago Community Depart­ment of the Chicago Y. M. C. A., with head­quarters at 9113 Commercial avenue. Thedepartment was opened in December, 1913,with Harms at the head of it. He writes:Our goal is the same as the world over in the YoungMen's Christian Associations, but our method is adeparture from the prevailing type and in one senseit is a return to the older idea of the association,in that it is a movement more than just an institu­tion. The support for this work comes f rorn localindustries, merchants, professional and managerialgroups, parents and citizens. Some of our staff is putinto the schools. where the boys are organized indifferent play groups, which make fuller use of thegymnasiums after school. The better discipline andmorale of the boys has won the extremely cordialapproval of the school principals. Some of the menare delegated especially to the church groups of boys.Here they are promoting a fuller organization ofSunday school classes, etc.One of the biggest projects stimulated down herehas been the home gardens. This past summer o e er1,300 school children had gardens at home whichwere regularly visited, inspected and graded.We have cut out a big job down here and it isto bring together for greater effectiveness the variousconstructive agencies that function for community de­velopment. And in so doing we are getting at thebottom of things .that make for better boyhood.Moreover, within the last two" months the Univer­sity of Chicago Y. M .. C. A. and the South Chicagodepartment have effected a j oint relationship inorder to head up the volunteer service from theuniversity in a way that, would be mutually advan­��1����e/o the. cornmun ity and to the universityStewart Chandler, '12, is instructor inFrench at Lehigh University, Bethlehem,Pa.Mabel V. Willard, '12, is teaching mathe­matics in the Eastern Illinois State Norma!School at Charleston, Ill.The papers announce that Walter Steffen'12, is no longer a member of the city law'department and that he has resigned fromthe presidency of the William Hale Thomp­son Club of the Twenty-third Ward. Ac-'cording to the statements, it seems thatSteffer was too much interested in pure lawand not sufficiently active in politics. Can. this be true?CONGRESS HOTEL and ANNEXThe right place to Ito for university partie. and banquetsALUMNI PERSONALSJosephine Kerns, who is doing some verygood work in sculpture, has attractedmuch attention with her statue, "The GoodFairy," the figure of a child with smilingface uplifted and arms extended, expressingthe wholesome faith and disarming inno­cence of childhood.William R. Reinhardt is a student at theUniversity of Minnesota.Ora Belle Cole, Ph. B. '13, A. M. '15, isteaching history in the Monticello Semi­nary, Godfrey, Ill.Dundas Hunter is in the hardware busi­ness with his brother in Cando, South Da­kota.Laura H. Hyde, A. M. '14, is teachingGreek and Roman history in the NormalTraining High School at Indianapolis, Ind.Arthur J. Ross is a student at the Uni­versity of Nebraska.Albert C. Hodge, '14, is assistant profes­sor in economics at the University of Kan­sas, at Lawrence.Leonard B. Neighbour is with the Mar­seilles Company in East Moline, Ill.Fred W. Hiatt, S. B. '14, S. M. '15, is headof the department of geography at theNorthern Illinois State Normal School, DeKalb, Ill.O. L. Brace is a student at the Universityof Nebraska.Lillian Gray, '14, is teaching English inthe high school at Amarillo, Texas.Ferdinand M. Grimmer is an attorney atCrown Point, Ind.Florence 1. Foley, '14, is teaching mathe­matics and Latin in the township highschool at Farmer City, 111.H. J. Morgan, '14, is a chemist in theDepartment of Agriculture, Washington,D. C.Joel D. Eshleman, S. M. '14, is teachingmathematics at the University of Rochester,Rochester, N. Y.Roderick Peattie, '14, has a fellowship inzoology this year at Harvard University.Margaret Rhodes, '14, is attending theClarence White School of Artistic Photog­raphy in New York and will return to Chi­cago in June.Anna Paulina Eichhorn, '14, is teachingGerman in the high school at Kansas City,Kan.Myrtle Antoinette Davis, '14, is teachingmathematics in the high school at Long­mont, Colo.Helen M. Allen, '14-, is teaching in thekindergarten at Lynn Grove, Iowa.Edith O'Rear is teaching in Binning­ham. Ala. Her address is 1319 North Twen­ty-fourth street.J ames Rice Cowan, '14, is teaching physi­ology, commercial geography, geometry andcommercial arithmetic in the NortheastHigh School, Kansas City, Mo.Susanne Fisher, '14, Nancy Miller, '14,Lois Sutherland, Celia Gamble and Amy 169Henderson are all teaching in Miss Hock­aday's School for Girls, 1206 North Harkellavenue, Dallas, Texas.Margaret M. Belyeo, S. M. '14, is teach­ing botany and hygiene in the high schoolat Beloit, Wis.Association of DoctorsFrederic \V. Sanders, Ph. D. '95, and forsome time lecturer on social economics andEducation at Chicago, has published,through the Palmer Company, of Boston,"The Reorganization of Our Schools."Edison S. Bastion, Ph. D. '09, is in theservice of the United States GeologicalSurvey at Washington, D. C.Roscoe M. Ihrig, Ph. M. '10, Ph. D. '14,is assistant professor of modern languagesat the Carnegie Institute of Technology,Pittsburgh, Pa.Arthur J. Hall, Ph. D. '11, is head of thedepartment of philosophy, psychology andeducation at Baylor University, Waco, Tex.]. Leonard Hancock, A. B. '05, Ph. D. '13,is instructor in Latin and Greek at theUniversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville.Cleo C. Hearon, '09, Ph. D. '14,. is in­structor in history at Wellesley College,Wellesley, Mass.Andrew H. Hutchinson, Ph. D. '15, is as­sistant professor of botany at the Agricul­tural and Mechanical College, College Sta­tion, Texas.J. D. Hassler, Ph. D. '15, has been choseneditor of the department of mathematicalproblems of the School Science and Math­ematics Magazine.The Law School AssociationJoseph c. Ewing, '03, has offices at 200Park· Place building, Greeley, Colo.James M. Sheldon, '03, ]. D. '05, and Mrs.Sheldon (Edna Stevens, '02), are now livingat "Beechmont," New Rochelle, N. Y.Frank Bevan, ]. D. '10, is practicing lawwith his father in Atlanta, Ill.Paul Vincent Harper, J. D. '13, formerlywith Holt, Cutting & Sidley, has become amember of the law firm of Mechem &Bangs, which will hereafter be continuedunder the name of Mechem, Bangs & Har­per. .Th e senior member of the firm is theoldest son of Professor F. R. Mechem of thelaw school. Their offices are in the HarrisTrust building, Chicago.Charles F. Harding, Jr., '14, and Henry F.Tenney, '15, have become members of thefirm of Tenney, Harding & Sherman, 801-137 South LaSalle street, Chicago.W. P. Lambertson is in the Kansas legis­lature as senator from the First district.His office is at Fairview, Kan.Roy B. Marker, '15, is with Cherry & Ab­bott, Costello building, Sioux Falls, S. D.G. H. Aikins is practicing- at 221 McDer­mot avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, in thefirm of Aikins, Loftus & Aikins.170 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE. �pIANO lRiUIt\PHANT�111l . The artistic outgrow-thf�IIII�� of forty-five years of:. � constant improvement-111111 a piano conceived to·11·1111 better all that hasproven best in others.11I111111111 Or;o. P. Bt:NrORAND1111,III� I-.."...__ Could you but compare itwith all others. artistically itmust be your choice. Each• •day proves this more true.Geo. P. Bent Grand. Style··A"-a small Grand. huiltfor the home-yo�r home.GIoPBfNTCOMPANYManufacturers of Artistic PianosRetailers of Victrolae214 South Wabash Avenue. Chicago·ALUMNI PERSONALS 171EngagementsCola Z. Parker, J. D. '12, and RamonaBorden. Miss Borden is the only daughterof Gail Borden, the condensed milk man­ufacturer. Parker is in the law firm ofDaniel W. Scanlan in the Chamber ofCommerce building. The wedding will takeplace in the spring.Mr. and Mrs. William Edwin Rothermel,of 5020 Blackstone avenue, announce theengagement of their daughter, Florence, '13,to Paul B. Heflin, '10, J. D. '12, of Streator,Illinois.Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Ayres announce theengagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, toAlbert Eugene Kidd, Jr., of Chicago. Miss·Ayres received her A. B. in '12 and her A.M. in '15, and is now teaching Latin in the, township high school at Centralia, 111., andstudying music in St. Louis under ErnestKroeger, the composer. Mr. Kidd is a grad­uate of the University of Illinois.Marguerite Swawite, '13, and Ulysses S.Schwartz.Dorothea Washburne, '15, and HermanStegeman, '15. Stegeman was a member ofthe Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and ledthe annual dance with Miss Washburne lastspring. He received nine major "C"'s infootball, basketball and track and is nowathletic coach at Beloit. Miss Washburne,who is teaching at Jacksonville (Ill.) Col­lege, is a niece of Mrs. Edith Flint, '97, as­sociate professor of English.Josephine Rogers, '16, and NormanWadsworth Harris, '16. The marriage willnot take place until they have finished theirUniversity work.MarriagesAnna Meany and Ernest de Koven Lef­fingwell were married January 12, at St.Luke's Church, Evanston. Leffingwell hasbeen in Washington since his final returnfrom his Arctic explorations north ofAlaska. Readers of the Magazine will re­member his article last year. He said thenthat he was done with the far north, and itlooks as if he had been telling the truth.Benjamin Robinson, Ph. D. '04, and EdnaHasbrouch, of Brooklyn, were married Jan­uary 7 at 234 Carleton avenue, Brooklyn.Mrs. Robinson is a graduate of Vassar Col-lege. ,Max Spencer Rohde, '08, and LucileLouise Pierce were married on January 6 at1514 Beacon street, Brookline, Mass. Theywill live at the Homewood Apartments,Baltimore, where Rohde is practicing medi­cine. Rohde is a member of Delta KappaEpsilon.Shiro Tashiro, S. B. '09, Ph. D. '12, andShizuka Kawasaki, of Honolulu, were mar­ried at Honolulu on December 9. They areliving at 5811 Maryland avenue, Chicago.Susan R. Albright, '13, and Clyde F. Smithwere married on January 1, at Detroit, Mich.They will live at Islington, Mass. Glenola Behling, '13, and Robert E. Rosewere married August 27, at Seattle, Wash.They are living at 4723 Thackeray place,Seattle.Earl D. Huntington, '15, and May Powerswere married December 27. Huntingtonplayed on the 'varsity football team forthree years and in 1914 won All-Westernand Conference berths. He has accepteda professorship at Michigan Normal Col­lege.Ernest Dana Wilson, '15, and AlvildaBrowning Moore, of Omaha, were marriedon December 29 at Omaha. Wilson wasrecently a member of the staff of KentChemical Laboratory, but is now at theMellon Institute of Industrial Research,Pittsburgh.Dorothy Helen Plumb, '15, and John B.Canning, '13, were married December 23 atOklahoma City. Canning has been ap­pointed instructor in the department of po­litical economy, as noted elsewhere in thisissue .. After February 15 they will be athome at 1421. East Sixtieth street.Mary Sullivant Sturges,' '15, and John El­mer Thomas, Tr., '12, were married on De­cember 29' at Elmhurst, Ill. They will liveat Tulsa, Okla. Thomas is a member ofPhi Gamma Delta and an alumnus of thesort that makes for liveliness.Edna Kantrowitz, '15, and Alfred Alex­ander were married on November 20. Theyare living at 5412 East View Park, Chicago.BirthsLynne J. Bevan, '03, and Mrs. Bevan an­nounce the birth of a son, John Alexander,on December 26.Dr. Charles Newberger, '07, and Mrs.Newberger announce the birth of a daugh­ter, Dawn Charlotte, on November 26, at3646 Douglas boulevard, Chicago.William Bosworth, '14, and Mrs. Bos­worth announce the birth of a son, William,jr., on January 14, at St. Luke's Hospital.DeathsGertrude Mavor Trumbull, wife of Don­ald S. Trumbull, '97, died at St. Luke's Hos­pital on December 28, of complications fol­lowing the birth of a son on December 11.Lorelei Ada Ashleman, '05, Ph. M. '08,died suddenly on the 6th of November, 1915,.at the home of her mother, 203 North' Groveavenue, Oak Park. Miss Ashleman hadbeen teaching in Detroit, but had beenobliged to return home on account of illhealth.Raymond D. Bohnen, '15, died December30, 1915, of pneumonia, at his home, 6848Merrill avenue, Chicago. Bohnen playedthird base and left field for two years andwas on the freshman track team and of the'varsity tennis team in his sophomore year.He was a member of Chi Psi.Hans Kirkevold, '15, died July 8 of acutetubercular meningitis.172 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe McCulloughTeachers' AgencyA Successful School andCollege Bureau]. F. McCULLOUGH GEO. T. PALMERI F you deserve promotion there is. no betterway of securing it than by registering with us.We don't have dissatisfied candidates becausewe give them the service.Your enrollment receives individual atten­tion and your application our personal recom­mendation.RAILWAY EXCHANGEBUILDINGCHICAGO, ILLINOIS The Yates-FisberIeechers' AgencyPAUL YATES, Manager624 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGOYou will like our work. You willreceive our personal attention. Youwill find upon investigation that thisagency has the reputation of plac­ing its teachers. We make no wildclaims. Ask school men about us.I t makes no difference where youwish to locate.Also publishers of the Yates­Fisher School Directories.AMBITIOUS YOUNG BUSINESS MENShould increase their efficiency andtheir incomes by studying .with theLA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITYPractical, well-organized courses in,Business Administralion Higher AccountancyLaw Business EnglishInterstate Commerce and Commercial SpanishRailway Traffic Banking and FinanceThese courses are prepared and conducted by experts. They arebeing taken by more than 28,000 adults in all walks of life and in everystate in the Union. Can we help you, too?To Teachers: Our textbooks on the above subjects are used fromColumbia to Leland Stanford. They are clear, concise and practical.Send for InformationDept. X-389LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITYCHICAGOTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEH 0 M E in addition to resident�ork, offers also instruc­bon by correspondence.STUDY For d!'ltailed in-formation address24tb Year U. of C.(Div. 2 )Chicqo.W.The University of ChicagoTHE ALBERT TEAC.HERS' AGENCY623 S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.Established thirty years under present management. Volume of business doubled in the last five. "Yours is theAgency that has produced satisfactory results," writes a well-known college professor who has secured his twopositions through our Agency. Write for "Teaching as a Business," or better still, call at our office.MANAGERS: C. J. ALBERT, O. M. SEARLES, PAUL ALBERT, ELLA K. SMITH.FISK OVER 43,000 POSITIONS FILLED. 33d YEARTEACHER'SAGENCY When seeking a teaching position, or ateacher, c o m'e to headq ua r t er s-c-t'h eLARGEST' an d best equipped Teachers'Agency in the United States ...- Circular and membership form senton application.28 EAST JACKSON BOULEVARD, CHICAGOOTHER OFFICES:-Boston, New York, Washington, Denver,Portland, Berkeley, Los Angeles.THE BREWER TEACHERS' AGENCY LEE E. AMIDON, Manager1303 Auditorium BuildingEstablished 1882 CHICAGOTEACHERSWANTED right nowto enroll in SCHOOL ANDCOLLEGE BUREAU21 E. VAN BUREN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL:for many good positions we have been requested to fill. Enroll with us and secure a better salary.Grade teacher e ipecially wanted. We personally recommend after careful investigation. H. E. KRATZ, Manager.THURSTONTEACHERS'AGENCY Short contract. Free booklet tells how to apply forposition 25th year.E. R. NICHOLS, Mgr., Railway Exchange Bldg.2' 4 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.U. S. Trust Bldg., Jacksonville, Fla. 173174 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENational Badge& Pennant Co.(Incorporated) �ADVERTISINGSPECIALTIESFancy Pillow TopsDen Skins, PostersBanners and FlagsFraternity JewelryButtons, BadgesPins, Pennants, etc.TELEPHONECENTRAL 3399105 W. Madison StreetCHICAGO SEND FOR SAMPLESNow, take "Premium" Sliced Bacon, for In­stance-there's the breakfast to start off the day.You know it's the best, you eat it with zest.It just" hits the spot," as they say.All the slices of uniform thickness; a gener­ous streaking of lean; the "Premium" cure - .you'll like it for sure; it's the best little mealthat you've seen.Buy a carton of "Swift's Premium" Bacon­look for the name" Swift" in blue. It's cleanand it's sweet; it's a regular treat. "Swift'sPremium" 's the bacon for you.JAMES WHITEPAPER CO.Dealers in Book andCover Papers219 West Monroe StreetCHICAGOTrade-Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office"ANGLO-SAXON"Is Our Leading Line of Book Paperfor the Use of Schools andUniversitiesTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllltllllili1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111HIIltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�The store of A. STARR BEST, Madison and Wabash, especiallydeserves the interest and patronage of the alumni, students and fac­ulty of the University of Chicago.First, because of the unusual and distinctive character of the mer­chandise offered. Most of it is different, and for one reason or another,more truly desirable than lines "commonly carried" by other stores.The styles are always a bit smarter and more attractive to persons ofgood taste. And yet the prices are always very moderate. Perhapsthe reason for these things is that practically all the goods are selectedby the proprietors of the store, all. three of whom are always on thefloors, at your service. .Second, because of the high class of service given by all the sales­people. I have studied carefully practically all of the loop stores, andI personally know that the service of this store is greatly above theaverage; in fact, it sets a standard from the standpoint of the customerof refinement who expects intelligent, interested, efficient! personalattention.Third, this store is co-operating enthusiastically with this maga­zine, through the use of advertising space.U. OF C. ALUMNUS.Two Departments; Store�1I1I1111I1I111I111I1I1II1I1I1I1I1I1I111I1I1I111I1I1I1111!l11111I11!111I111I1I11I111I11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIHliilllllli1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I11I111I11I1i111l1l111l11l1111l11l111l111l1ll1l1�A. STARR BEST, Madison and Wabash.for Young Men; Store for Children.Discriminating Motorists Everywhere UseRED CROWN GASOLINEIt is dependable, clean, powerful, lively and uniform. Agasoline made with special reference to the needs of theAutomobile Engine. Fill your tank with Red Crown, ad­just your carburetor and your engine trou bles are at an end.Standard Oil Company - Chicago, U. S. A.(INDIANA) 175176 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"'Bu i 1 t. -Ln\ .Supel:iority'"Men's ShoesFor wear in the warmer climates we are now receiving the newest expressions inmen's sport shoes.The models represent smart, exclusive designs of unusual distinctiveness.For either town or country wear we are now showing several new boots of tangrain ed leather.French, Shriner & Urner106 So. Michigan Avenue15 S. Dearborn StreetCHICAGO:!,.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 =- -- -- -� Restaurants in principal cities of the �- -§ United States and Canada are §- -- -� renowned for Cleanliness, �- -§ Pure Food and Good Service §- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -� Look for Pure Food Sign �- -- -;1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1I1II11I1Inll1"ftTHE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF TH E UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOChairman, ALBERT W. SHERER,Secretary-Treasurer, JOHN: FRYER MOULDS.Til E COUNCIL for H1l5-1G is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni Association, AGNES R. 'vV AYMAN, HELEN T. SUNNY, JOHN FRYERMOULDS, ALBERT W. SHERER, CHARLES F. KENNEDY, ALlCE GREENACRE, HAROLD H.SWIFT, RUDY MATTHEWS, FRANK McNAIR. GRACE COULTER, HENRY SULCER, SCOTTBROWN, LAWRENCE WHITING.From the Association of Doctors of Philosophy, SAMUEL MACCLINTOCK, THEODORE L. NEFF,HERBERT E. ·SLAUGHT.From the Divi1lity Alumni Association, PETER G. MODE, WALTER RUNYON, EDGAR J. GOOD­SPEED.From the Law School Alumni Association, ALBERT L. HOPKINS, S. D. I-hRSCHL, J. W.HOOVER.From the Chicago Alumni Club, HERBERT P. ZIMMERMAN, HOWELL MURRAY, CHARLES F.AXELSON.From the Chicago Alumnae Club, MRS. MARCUS HIRSCHL, RUTH RETICKFR, EDITH OS­GOOD.Prom the Uniuersit y, JAMES R. ANGELL.DIRECTORY OF LOCAL ALUMNI CLUBSALL ALUMNI and former students of the University are eligible to membership in the local clubs.THE CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB, Charles F. Axelson, 900 The Rookery, Chicago.THE CHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUB, Margaret Rhodes, 1358 E. 58th St., Chicago.THE EASTERN ALUMNI CLUB, Frank H. Pike, Columbia University, New York, N. Y.THE MINNESOTA ALUMNI CLUB, Harvey B. Fullet:', Jr., 186 \V. Third St., St. Paul, Minn.THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ALUMNI CLUB, H. D. Warner, 1734 Newport St., Denver, Colo.THE NORTHWEST ALUMNI CLUB, Milo J. Loveless, 607 Oriental Blk., Seattle, Wash.THE UTAH ALUMNI CLUB, Jay H. Stockman 1010 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.THE PHILIPPINE ALUMNI CLUB, Manila, P. 1.THE NORTHERN OHIO ALUMNI CLUB, John W. Perrin, Case Library, Cleveland, O.THE WASHINGTON (D. C.) ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur Minnick, Patent Office, Washington, D. C.THE PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI CLUB, Edwin D. Solenberger, 419 S. Fifteenth St., Phila., Pa.THE ROCK ISLAND ALUMNI CLUB, George G. Perrin, M. W. A. Bldg., Rock Island, Ill.THE ROCKFORD ALUMNI CLUB, Dudley W. Day, 503 Trust Bldg., Rockford, Ill.THE PITTSBURGH ALUMNI CLUB, Waldo P. Breeden, 722 Frick Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.THE MILWAUKEE ALUMNI CLUB, Marian Shorey, Milwaukee-Downer College, Milwaukee.THE JAPAN ALUMNI CLUB, Sakae Shioya, Higher Normal School, Tokyo.THE OREGON ALUMNI CLUB, Lakeview, Ore.THE KANSAS CITY ALUMNI CLUB, Kansas City, Mo.THE SIOUX CITY ALUMNI CLUB, Arthur McGill, 607 Iowa Bldg., Iowa City, Ia.THE SPRINGFIELD ALUMNI CLUB, Harvey Solenberger, 507 Ferguson Bldg., Springfield, Ill.THE DES MOINES ALUMNI CLUB, Florence E� Richardson, Drake Univ., Des Moines, Iowa.THE ANACONDA ALUMNI CLUB, Anaconda, Mont.THE INDIANAPOLIS ALUMNI CLUB, Martha Allerdice, 12'24 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.THE SOUTHERN OHIO ALUMNI CLUB, Cincinnati, Ohio.THE MOUNT HOLYOKE CLUB OF CHICAGO ALUMNI, Helen M. Searles, South Hadley, Mass.THE ELGIN ALUMNI CLUB, Jessie I. Solomon, 320 Chicago St., Elgin, Ill.THE BUFFALO ALUMNI CLUB, James R. Work, 13!) Hoyt St., Buffalo, N. Y.THE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CLUB OF UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA, Norma E. Pfeiffer,University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D.THE CALIFORNIA ALUMNI' CLUB, Myrtle Collier, 5330 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.THE HAWAIIAN CLUB, S. D. Barnes, 280 Beretania St., Honolulu, T. H.EditorjA:t-IES VVEBER LINN, '07.Assistant Editor, VVILLIAlVI REID, '18.Publications Committee-Scott Brown, '97, 208 S. La Salle St., Chairman; Herbert E.Slaught, Ph. D. '99; Arthur E. Bestor, '01; Albert W. Sherer, '06; G. Raymond Schaeffer, '06:john F. Moulds, '07; Harold Swift, '07.Business ManagerJOHN F. MOULDS, '07.Business Conimittce+), F. Hagey, 598 First National Bank, 38 South Dearborn St.; ].P. Mentzer, ex '98, 22'10 South Park Ave.; E. T. Gundlach, ex '99, Gundlach Advertising Co.,Peoples Gas Bldg.; Willoughby G. Walling, '99, Winnetka, Ill.; F. G. Moloney, ex '02, But­terick Publishing Co., 5 South Wabash Ave.; Adolph Jahn, ex '03, 544 West Adams St.; BruceMacl.eish, '03, Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., State and Madison Sts.; Chas. M. Steele, 'OJ, CarlM. Green Company, Advertising Agents, Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich.; Herbert Markham,ex '05, Federal Sign System, Electric, 640 West Lake St.; E. H. Aherns, '06, Factory Magazine,5 North Wabash Ave.; G. R. Schaeffer, '06, Chairman, The Tobey Distributing Company, 33North Wabash Ave.; Henry D. Sulcer, '06, The Chicago Tribune; Barrett C. Andrews, ex'06, Every Week and Associated Sunday Magazines, New York City; Luther D. Fernald, ex'08, Leslie-Judge Co., New York City; Daniel W. Ferguson, '09, C. H. Foster Cadillac Co.,2301 South Michigan Ave.; P. F. Buckley, ex '10, Leslie's Magazine, Marquette Bldg.Advertising RepresentativeHA[{[{Y DOHNBLASER, '18, 5747 University Ave.The Magazine is published monthly from November to July inclusive, by The Alumni Council of TheUniversity of Chicago, 58th St. and Ellis Ave." Chicago, Ill. ,. The subscription price is $1.50 per year;the price of single copies is 20 cents. 11 Postage is prepaid by the publishers on all orders from the UnitedStates, Mexico. Cuba, Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Republic of Panama, Hawaiian Islands, Philippineislands, Guam, Samoan Islands, Shanghai. UPostage is charged extra as follows: For Canada, 18 centson annual subscriptions (total $1.68), on single copies, 2 cents (total 22 cents); for all other countries inthe Postal Union, 27 cents on annual subscriptions (total $1.77), on single copies, 3 cents (total 23 cents).I Remittances should be made payable to The Alumni Council and should be in Chicago or New Yorkexchange. postal or express money order. If local check is used, 10 cents must be added for collection.Claims for missing numbers should be made within the month following the regular month of publica­tion. The publishers expect to supply missing numbers free only when they have been lost in transit.All 'correspondence should be addressed to The Alumni Council. Box 9, Faculty Exchange, The Univer­sity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.Entered as second-class matter December 10, 1914, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act 01March 3, 1879.