Vol. VIII CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1916. Ko.3.FRONTISPIECE: Leon Carroll Marshall, Dean.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83THE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND ADMINISTRATION, by Ruth Reticker, '12 85THE UNIHRSITY AND RESEARCH, by John M. Coulter 93AROUND THE COUNCIL BOARD, by Francis W. Shepardson 95FIVE WO:lIEN OF THE FACULTY (with photographs) 99l\1rLITARY DRILL IN THE UNIVERSITY, by A. C. Von Noe 102BASEBALL-AND INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS 103SOME WELL-KNOWN UNDERGRADUATES (with photographs) .: 106THE MAKING OF A HALF-MILE CHAMPION (Leroy Campbell, '15), by Alumnus ......••...... 108Two PLAYS BY DEAN WALLACE 111THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 112THE LETTER-Box 113ALUMNI AFFAIRS .' 116H. T. Clarke, '96 (with picture); Philadelphia Alumni Club; News of the Classes,Engagements, Marriages, Births, Association of Doctors of Philosophy, The Law SchoolAlumni Association.ATHLETICS .'. .'122Leon Carroll Marshall, Dean of College of Commerce and AdministrationThe University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME VIII NUMBER 3JANUARY, 1916Events and DiscussionThis New Year number of the MAG­AZINE will show to the observing eyecertain changes. For one thing, note thesize-forty-eight pages.If you have kept thefile of your MAGAZINEImprovements for the. past two and ahalf years, it might in­terest you to observe how the amountof printed matter you are getting foryour money has been on the increase.About the quality, let us commune to­gether further on. For a second point,observe the advertisements, which runto five pages in this issue, and everyone either concerning an alumnus ac­tivity or directly secured by alumni ef­forts. Patronize our advertisers. Finally,note the committees now in charge ofthe MAGAZINE. They do not in anyway attempt to influence the editor orthe editorial policy. They busy them­selves solely with the effort to makethe financial wheels run more easily.But the alumni- in general, if theycould attend the various meetings ofthese committees and note the timeand effort which the members have putin and are putting in to' the one endof service to the Association, wouldrejoice, for they, too, would know howrapidly results may be expected.As to quality, also, a word aboutthe development of the MAGAZINE maybe added. In· the last month morethan fifty letters havebee n received com­mending . in variousterms the material of the Novemberand December issues. N ext monthsome of these commendations will beAlterationsandContents. printed if there is space. For whatrejoices the heart of the editor is thatthe space is crowded. When he re­flects upon the time, none so distant,when he painfully wrote about halfthe MAGAZINE himself, in perfect reali­zation of the suffering of the subscrib­ers, he finds this new day sunshiny.In this issue the article on the "Col­lege of Commerce and Administration"is, for its history so far, complete. Itis a history as vigorous as brief; everyChicagoan will be proud of it. Pro­fessor Coulter's discussion of the U ni­versity and research is likely to stirup consideration in a good manyminds. Professor Shepardson contin­ues his historical sketches, whichwould alone make the MAGAZINE worthwhile. If there are more vivid side­lights on the war than Harry Hansen,'09, is throwing, one wonders wherethey are to be found. In the next is­sue there will be further contributionsto the problem of research; an analysisof the work of the Bureau of Recom­mendations, which directly affects abouta thousand graduates annually, and a"History of the University in Cari­cature," with reproductions which willrouse many a sleeping memory.This is frankly an advertisement.What is the good of a magazine whichdoes not. reach readers ? We havenearly two thousand subscribers now.We should have at least twice as many.As for you who already subscribe andare reading this, will you try to realizethe importance of renewing promptly?A single issue. dropped out now meansa real loss.84 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA general committee of arrange­ments for the coming quarter-centen-The Quarter- nial, to be held fromCentennial Friday, June 9, toCelebration Tuesday, June 13, hasbeen appointed, as fol-lows:Ex-officio: The president of the Boardof Trustees, Martin A. Ryerson; the presi­dent of the University, Harry Pratt Judson;the president of the Alumni Council, AlbertW. Sherer, '06; the secretary of the Boardof Trustees, ]. Spencer Dickerson; the sec­retary to the president, David A. Robert­son, '01; the secretary of the Alumni Coun­cil, John F. Moulds, '07.From the Board of Trustees: E. B. Fel­senthal, M. C. Grey, C. L. Hutchinson, R.L. Scott, Willard A. Smith, H. H. Swift, '0'7.From the Faculty: J. R. Angell, J. H.Breasted, E. D. Burton, J. M. Coulter, S.W. Cutting, Mrs. E;dith F. Flint, '97, J. P.Hall, C. H. Judd, C. J. Laing, ShailerMathews, R. D. Salisbury, F. W. Shepard­son, Marion Talbot, A. A. Stagg, JuliusStieglitz, J. H. Tufts.From the Alumni: Arthur E. Bestor, 01,W m. Scott Bond, '09, Scott Brown, '97, H. E.Slaught, Ph. D., '9S, Helen T. Sunny, 'os.Students in Residence: James OliverMurdock, '16, Leslie M. Parker, Law.Of this committee, Dean J. R. An-gell has been elected chairman and J.S. Dickerson, secretary. Sub-commit­tees are to be appointed, to be com­posed of members of this committee,the number of members of each suchcommittee to be left to the authorityappointing them, but not, in general,to exceed five. These committees areto have power to add to their member­ship persons not members of the Gen­eral Committee. These sub-commit­tees are to be on :1. Finance-To this committee, con­sisting of the six trustees appointed bythe Board of Trustees, all financialmatters are committed.Invitation.The Reception.Departmental Conferences.Divinity School Celebration-Thiscommittee will have charge of the cele­bration of the 50th anniversary of theestablishment of the Chicago BaptistTheological Institute, of which the Divin­ity School is the successor, and 'also of allreligious exercises, other than the Con­vocation Religious Service, connected with the Quarter-Centennial Celebration.Athletic exercises.Alumni Participation-This committeewill represent the General Committee ofArrangements in Conference with theAlumni Council, which has charge ofalumni participation in the celebration.University dinner.Dedication of Ida Noyes Hall.Catalogue of Matriculants.Bibliography.Subsidy fund for book publication.Entertainment.Exhibits.Student Participation-This committeetogether with the Councils of Studentsin residence, will have charge of studentparticipation in the celebration.The appointment of the various sub­�on:mittee� whose membership is notindicated m the foregoing is left to acommittee consisting of President J ud­son Dean Angell and three others, to bechosen by them. Finally, there is stillto be appointed a General ExecutiveCommittee, to be the Committee onProgram. 'The foregoing, then, is the machin­ery which is to start work on the cele­bration. The sub-committees, it wasthought just before Christmas whenthis article was written, would prob­ably be appointed and perhaps evenconvened during the holidays. Monthby month in the future, therefore, thealumni may expect to have more andmore specific information concerningplans. It will be observed that of thegeneral committee of thirty-five, tenare alumni and two are students nowin residence.As usual, the annual report of theBureau of Student Employment of theUniversity is a surprising document.In summary, from JulyStudent 1, 1914, to July 1, 1915,Employment the bureau filled 1,128different positions, em­ploying 1,420 students (1,192 men and228 women). The total amount earnedCOLLEGE OF COMMERCEby resident students was $148,518.90,an average of $104.59 per student. Inaddition, the bureau placed 74 studentsin permanent positions (61 men, 13women), the earnings of whom aver­aged $820.73, an average rate permonth of $73.52. The grand totalearned by students placed by the bu­reau in this one year was $209,253.40.Tuition and other fees for the sameperiod amounted to approximately$700,000, and scholarships and fellow­ships of a value of approximately$115,000 were distributed; so that theUniversity either gave back to thestudents or put them in a position toearn between forty and fifty per centof all it charged them for education.It is doubtful if any other largely en­dowed institution in the country couldoffer any showing to compare at allwith this.Students were placed as athletic of­ficials, bookkeepers, cashiers andclerks, chauffeurs, companions, ex­pressmen, guards and motormen, 85houseworkers and cooks, janitors, of­fice representatives, messengers, mod­els, musicians, newspaper distributors,collectors and solicitors, political work­ers, salesmen, comrmssion solicitors,settlement workers, showcard writers,stenographers and typists, stereopti­con operators, telephone workers, the­atrical workers, carpenters, paper hang­res, plumbers, barbers, translators, in­tepreters, proofreaders, tutors and gov­enesses, ushers, waiters, and odd job­bers in vacation time. Of these, thewaiters earned by far the largestamount, $23,333; the clerks and cash­iers the next largest, $16,792.91; house­workers and cooks next, $14,970.15,and companions the next, $12,512.07.The highest rate of pay was to the 26tutors and governesses, $1.28 per hour,musicians running them a close secondwith $1.15 per hour. The lowest wasthat of the single guard on an L train,who received 23 cents per hour; closeto him were the 156 waiters, who aver­aged 27 cents.The College of Commerce and AdministrationThe College of Commerce and Admin­istration which made its bow to theUniversity public in the autumn of 1912after its reorganization under the direc­tion of Dean Leon Carroll Marshall, isgoing about its business of developingcertain types of professional training forcollege students. It is in no position­and no mood-to announce the resultsof its experimentations. In response,however, to the demands of the alumniwho want to know what is going on"behind the scenes" in the inventive headof the Dean and in the new office of thesecond floor of Cobb (familiarly remem­bered as the Classics Library or a Ger­man class room) this article proposes toreport the developments in the Collegesince the statement of the editor of theMagazine in the January, 1913, issue.·It will be remembered that the College was reorganized as a professional schooloffering undergraduate and graduatework in the following divisions:1. The Trade and Industry Division, forthose expecting to engage in the variousbusiness pursuits such as accountancy,banking, brokerage, foreign trade, insur­ance, etc.II. The Secretarial Division, for those expect­ing to engage in secretarial work.III. The Commercial Teaching Division, forthose expecting to teach commercial sub­jects in either secondary schools or col­leges.IV. The Philanthropic Service Division, forthose expecting to serve in charitable or­ganizations, playground work, settlementwork, child-welfare agencies, civic organ­izations, social research, etc.V. The Public Service Division, for thoseexpecting to serve as staff members inbureaus of labor, in tax commissions, inpublic utility commissions; as statisticians;as workers in efficiency bureaus; as in­vestigators for special inquiries underfederal, state, municipal, or private au­thority, etc.86 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEShortly afterwards the College of Re­ligious and Social Science, a smallundergraduate division of the DivinitySchool, with aims similar to those of thephilanthropic service division of this col­lege was incorporated as the Religiousservice division of the College of Corn­merce and Administration, for thoseexpecting to serve as Young Men'sChristian Association and YoungWomen's Christian Association secre­taries, lay church workers, directors ofreligious work in colleges and universi­ties, etc.Work in the college was at first limitedto students having nine or more majors,but the tendency has been to push backto the beginning of the course the pro­fessional attitude and the supervision ofthe Dean. Before the end of the firstyear, freshmen were permitted to trans­fer to the College, and beginning with theautumn of 1913, freshmen matriculatedin the College. That year there were 44Commerce and Administration fresh­men; in 1914, 54; and this present quar­ter there are 72.The total registration in the collegeafter the reorganization was 73.* Inthe autumn of 1913, this number had in­creased, by entering students and trans­Iers+ from other divisions of the Univer­sity, to 159, and in another year to 199,in spite of the efforts of the Dean tomake the requirements so strict as to keep down numbers during these years of ex­perimentation. Nineteen of these stu­dents in 1914 were graduate students, sixof them taking only part time work. Thispresent year there are 17 graduate stu­dents, three of them doing part timework. The total registration this pres­ent quarter is as follows (see table be­low) :Since the great majority of the stu­dents are in the first three divisions(trade and industry, secretarial work andcommercial teaching) the discussion tofollow will concern itself mainly withwhat may be called the business groupof students.Presumably the question of first inter­tst to the alumni is "Wherein is the situa­tion of these students different from thatof students in the old College of Com­merce and Administration and in thepresent colleges of Arts, Literature andScience?" The difference may be sum­marized under four heads: (1) the Com­merce and Administration students fol­low a coherent, vocational curriculum;(2) they are held to professional stand­ards ; (3) they receive additional admin­istrative attention; and (4) they areexposed to contact with practical affairs.In the courses they take and in thesupervision of their schedules the Com­merce and Administration students area group apart. The talk is not of se­quences and electives, but of vocationalJUNIOR COLLEGEPhilan-Trade and Secretarial Commercial Public thropic ReligiousIndustry Work Teaching Service Service Service TotalM · .. , .............................. 91 2 1 1 1 4 100W •••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 21 2 0 10 1 36T .............................. 93 23 3 1 11 5 136SENIOR COLLEGEM ............................. 29 1 1 2 1 3 37W ............................. 1 10 1 0 3 0 15T · . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 11 2 2 4 3 52UNCLASSIFIEDM · ............................ 7 0 2 0 0 0 4W ............................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0T ............................. 2 0 2 0 0 0 4GRADUATEM ............................. 0 4 0 0 0 11W ............................. 0 2 1 0 3 0 6T ............................. 7 2 5 0 3 0 17TOTALM ......................... 130 3 8 3 2 7 152W ......................... 3 33 4 0 16 1 57T ......................... 133 36 12 3 18 8 209*One hundred forty students had been registered inthe so-called College of Commerce and Administra­tion, but when the work was put on a professionalbasis, half of these transferred to other divisions ofthe University tStudents who enter with advanced standing, orwho transfer late in their course, are often requiredto take more than thirty-six majors for the degree,in order to secure adequate preparation for the chosenvocation.COLLEGE OF COMMERCE 87requiremerits. It is true that "the stu­dents have access to the resources of theentire University" (circular of the Col­lege, p. 27), but they cannot browse atwill. The Dean is their guide, and hisrules are that (1) in general the teach­nical or professional work should restupon a broad foundation of work in Eng­lish. composition, modern language,history, geography; political science, so­ciology, psychology, biology, governmentand law; and (2) in particular, eachstudent's course should be fitted to hisindividual needs and powers. How theseindividual needs and powers are determ­ined will appear later. Assuming thatthey have been determined, each student'scourse is arranged. from quarter to quar­ter as soon as the time schedule is issued,and a suggested registration slip is senthim. I f he wishes a different program,he must talk the matter over with theDean, and mustjustify his sojourn in anyother field in relation to his present bag­gage and his final goal.What are the courses that he will take?The days of explaining that the Collegeof Commerce and Administrationdoes not preclude cultural coursesare past. From the old line courses,the Commerce and Administrationstudent takes English 1 and 3, andEnglish 4, given with emphasis onthe organization of material; modernlanguage, history, mathematics and sci­ence, as they are needed to supplementhis high school training and lay the broadfoundation mentioned above;* and asthey are needed to fit him for his specificvocational needs+ elementary courses inpolitical science, sociology, psychology,geography (Commercial Geography andGeography of North America) andpolitical economy; and then intermediateand advanced courses from these samedepartments correlated to meet his needs.. *This is technically called "meeting the distribu­tion requirements," that total (high school +credit in each of the following groups equals fourmajors or two units: I. Philosophy, History androcial Science; II. Language other than English;II. Mathematics, IV. Science.. tFor example, Spanish for a man going into for­eflgn trade, and Physics for one going into the manu­acturing end of business. In all these courses, he will often be inspecial Commerce and Administrationsections, partly that the content of thecourses may be pointed to meet his spe­cial needs, but more that through theassociation with his fellow students hemay catch the esprit de corps of the stu­dent of a professional school. Then hewill take what will meet his individualneeds from the specialized businesscourses which are being developed by thenew Commerce and Administration in­structors: Busindss Organization, Mr.Marshall; Commercial Organization, Mr.C. S. Duncan; Industrial Organization;Mr. F. M. Simons; Business Law, Mr.H. E. Oliphant; Psychology of Businessprocedure, Mr. H. D. Kitson; theCourses in Accounting, Mr. J. Dunne;Insurance, Mr. ]. B. Canning. The idealof the whole curriculum is made clearin the following quotation from the cir­cular of the college:The first year's work aims to supplementthe student's high-school training and to givehim a well-rounded cultural foundation in themain divisions of human knowledge. Thesecond year's work completes this basic prep­aration and undertakes a broad survey of thesocial sciences. It is significant that in thesesocial-science-survey courses the future socialworker sits side by side with the future busi­ness man, the future teacher and investigatorin the social science departments, and the fu­ture civil servant, and all are led to appreciatethe relationships of their future specializedtasks to the operations of the rest of organizedsociety. Even after he has completed the so­cial science survey, the student is preventedfrom narrow specialization. Throughout histhird year he takes basic semi-cultural, semi­professional courses, designed to give him aclearer appreciation of the organization ofmodern society than was possible in the socialscience survey. It is only in the fourth yearand in graduate work that the student does dis­tinctly professional work and cultivates inten­sively his own particular field. The studentwho has traversed these stages should go outwith some idea of social needs, with some zealfor serving these needs, with some apprecia­tion of the rights, the privileges, and the obli­gations of other members of society, and withtraining which should enable him to do hiswork efficiently.Perhaps the most interesting of thenew courses is Mr. Marshall's BusinessOrganization, now being given for firstquarter freshmen. It is announced in88 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe circular with this meager description:"A general survey of modern businessorganization. The course is designed toserve as an introduction to the advancedcourses in the business field." As a mat­ter of fact, the course is to serve as anintroduction also to Mr. Marshall's ideaof business education. It takes the pointof view that the business manager mustbe a business philosopher. He must, ofcourse, look down into his business andmeet the problems' of internal manage­ment. At the same time, he needs tolook in the other direction, if such athing is possible, and observe the partthat his business plays in the drganiza­tion of society. Certainly he must knowhow society, through law, government,custom, and public opinion, lays downthe rules ofthe game of his business. Hemust know too the process of develop­ment which has brought about suchbusiness agencies as credit, insuranceand speculation.All these things the Commerce andAdministration student will learn in de­tail in courses he will ultimately take inhistory, philosophy, sociology, law, polit­ical science, finance, commercial organi­zation and industrial organization, but itis significant that at the outset of hiscourse, the business man's problem be sodefined and interpreted as to show himthe need of this broad training.This then is the burden of the coursein Business Organization. The first partdeals with the evolution of industrial so­ciety, taking England as an illustrativecase. The second attempts an analysisof modern industrial society and theforms of business organization. Thethird part constitutes a general surveyof the internal problems of business man­agement.The course is developed through aseries of problems-the method alreadyfamous in the elementary Economicscourses. To facilitate the reading of agreat amount of scattered material, Mr.Marshall has brought together in mimeo­graphed readings about one thousandpages of his most important material. The atmosphere of the college is, inkeeping with these business courses, thatof a professional school. In all theirwork, the Commerce and Administrationstudents are held to professional stand­ards. No student is admitted without adetailed conference with the Dean inwhich the student must demonstrate thathe has a serious professional purposewhich the college can serve. Vocationalguidance is not attempted, save as theDean can present information concerningrequirements, rewards and opportunitiesof certain occupations. Having chosenhis career, no student can continue in thework without demonstrating from quar­ter to quarter that he is progressingtoward that career to the best of hisability. Just meeting minimum require­ments whether for credit in courses orfor graduation or for public appearancewill not suffice if it can be established thatit is reasonable to expect more. Amongother efforts to urge students to higherstandards 'is the grade bulletin, sent tostudents and their parents at the end ofeach quarter, giving publicity to eachstudent's achievements in grades, and tothe scholarship standards of the entiregroup. Each year the scholarship im­proves from the autumn quarter to thespring quarter; last year the figures wereas follows:Autumn Winter Spring1914 1915 1915A- and above.............. 5.8% 5.4% 5.4%B to (but not including) A- 10.0% 14.9% 25.2%B- to (but not including) B 23.4% 2'8.4% 28.6%Total Honorable Mention .. 39.2% 48.7% 59.2%C to but not including B- 28.1% 27.0% 29.2%Below C 32.7% 24.3% 11.6%Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%This requirement of "From each ac­cording to his ability" and the insistenceupon a course for each student to fit hisprevious training, present aptitudes andcontemplated occupation have put uponthe college a responsibility to determinefairly accurately a student's capacity andbent. Therefore the Commerce and Ad­ministration student meets certain sup­plementary administrative requirementsand enjoys additional attention. EachCOLLEGE OF COMMERCEstudent, before registering* or imme­diately afterward, files a typewritten "lifehistory" of 200 to 250 words and a"personal record," including along withbusiness connections and personal datathe names of former teachers, employersand "others who know you best." Thesepersons are asked to furnish informationconcerning the student's strong and weakpoints and suggestions for the guidanceof their courses. The system is explainedto the parents in a personal letter, andtheir co-operation is urged. This presentyear, letters were written to the parentsof 82 new students, of whom 57 sent backfrank statements concerning their chil­dren, and 6 others worked the matterover in' conference. From quarter toquarter, the University instructors areasked to turn in criticism and suggestionsconcerning each Commerce and Adminis­tration student in their classes. Vacationemployers are also asked to make sug­gestions. Each time a student registers,he fills out a blank indicating the activ­ities and obligations which he carriesover and above his studies. The DailyMaroon is watched and record is madeof student activities.To supplement this information fur­nished by the students and their teachers,employers, and friends, the students aregiven a series of psychological tests underthe direction of n-. Harry D. Kitson.For three years he has given these teststo entering students, and a supplementaryexamination after one year in collegewas given the first group tested.In all cases, the students are calledtogether at a morning hour by a sum­mons which does not indicate the purposeof the meeting. For an hour and a halfthey are' given a series of psychologicaltests, largely of a standard type, such asmemory tests for material of variouskinds, both seen and heard, and tests de-."The circular of the college, sent to all students ad­mitted to the University during the summer, urgesstudents to begin correspondence with the Dean atonce, .if they wish to register in the College of Com­merce and Administration. By August and Septern­per, the Dean has considerable information concern­mg a considerable proportion of his freshman class. 89manding profuse aSSOCIatIOns, close andcontinuous concentration of attention,accuracy of judgments and rapidity of.forming them. Two weeks later theyare called together again, and are ex­amined for secondary memory. In themeantime the students are called into thelaboratory for individual conferences,during which their achievements in cer­tain other tests are measured with a stopwatch, and their reactions to instructionsand other stimuli come under the obser­vation of the psy.chologist.The results of the tests are carefullytabulated; a graph is made of the recordof each student, and the students in thegroup tested are compared. These re­sults when compared with academicrecords have shown a positive correla­tion, especially among the students ateither extreme of the group. That is,a student ranking in the first third of thetested group usually ranks in the firstthird of that group in grade point aver­age. I f he does not, the reason is prac­tically always found in outside work orstudent activities. Similarly students whorank very low in the psychological testsusually prove unable to carry theacademic burden of the Commerce and'Administration course.The value of these tests as an adminis­trative help must be obvious. Since theindividual records usually reveal factsconcerning a, student's power of concen­tration and quickness of association andthe comparative efficacy of two senseavenues in the memory processes, theyare useful in advising students how toremodel their methods of study. Andthey are the Dean's most convincing ar­gument in discipline. The knowledgethat objective measures of their mentalpowers is possible seems to have a salut­ary effect upon the students of consider­able ability, and "From each accordingto his ability" is a slogan of real meaningin the college. *• A full statement concerning these tests will' begiven in Mr. Kitson's book, "The Scientific Study ofthe College Student," soon to be published.90 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZLVETo each according to his ability is alsoinsisted upon. In keeping with the indi­vidualization of the curriculum is themovement to allow the good students togo faster. It is well known that thetendency of University administration isto give the greatest amount of attentionto the poor students. In the College ofCommerce and Administration, a con­scious effort is being made to counteractthis tendency. "The College is yours"says Mr. Marshall' in his letters to thestudents who make A. and B records,and this is one method he has devised tohave it serve them. This present yearthe students with good first year recordswere allowed to take Accounting in thesecond year, along with political economy1 and 2; the students with good secondyear records were put in Business Lawin the third year instead of the fourth.Arrangements are now being made tocarry on into political economy 1 and 2in the winter and spring quarters of thefreshman year the students who havedone well in Business Organization.Other experiments are being conductedalong the line of "invitation courses" forcertain specially qualified students, onboth a credit and a non-credit basis. Thisyear Mr. Marshall is giving a non-creditinvitation course for research in "Prob­lems of Business Practice." The effectof the whole movement is to push a goodstudent through the requirements earlier.It means that in four years a good stu­dent can get to a point which an averagestudent reaches in five years. Besides hesharpens his teeth and grows strong onmeat who would languish on gruel.Another service of the college-thisone to all the students-is through bul­letins and lectures. From time to timemimeographed bulletins are sent to stu­dents, explaining University regulations;announcing lectures, civil service exam­inations, or positions vacant; or furnish­ing information concerning the collegepersonnel. A special effort is made togive the freshmen information concern- ing the University and the College, andto help them meet the problems of ad­justment to their new environment. Tothis latter end, at the opening of thisquarter, Mr. Kitson gave a series oftwelve lectures on the "Psychology ofStudy," including such topics as "N ote­taking", "The Brain", "Habit", "FirstAids to Memory", "How to DevelopPower of Concentration", "How WeReason", Expression as an Aid to Learn­�ng", "Fatigue", "The Plateau of De­spend", "Bodily Conditions for Effective!Study", "How to Pass Examinations"and "Increasing Human Energy." As afurther aid to personal efficiency, the stu­dents were supplied with "standard daycards" suggesting methods of keeping arecord of their time for the purpose ofeliminating waste. No report on the useof these cards was requested, but theoffice has indirect evidence that some stu­dents have made good use of this toolwhich was offered them.Contact with practical affairs is at­tempted through the courses and theextra-curriculum requirements of thecollege. The advanced courses seek pro­fessional ana. practical methods for giv­ing training in principles. Use is madeof the case method of instruction, andclass work is supplemented with lecturesby experts on technical subjects, andwhere possible by class trips. Further­more, it is required that each studentspend the equivalent of three months (inpractice it often becomes six or twelvemonths) preceding or accompanying hisprofessional training in employmentwhich will give contact with the actualconditions and problems of the work heexpects to enter. This is designed toenable him to decide on the basis of ac­tual knowledge what specialized courseshe wishes to pursue. No supervision offield work is attempted as yet, but when­ever possible arrangements are made tosecure summer employment which willafford educational advantages. For ex­ample, last summer one of the juniorsCOLLEGE OF COMMERCEwas sent down to Mishawaka, Ind., totake time studies in a manufacturing con­cern. No formal credit is given for fieldwork, but no student can be graduatedand recommended for a position withoutit. In one instance, a student was gradu­ated without any experience, but was re­quired to take extra academic work.Contrary to popular expectation, students.are not encouraged to get their contactwith practical affairs in outside workduring their college courses. It is truethat a considerable number of the stu­dents in the college are under the neces­sity of contributing to their self support,and that many of them are carrying out­side work. The experience of three yearshas proved, however, that none but stu­dents of exceptional ability can properlycarry any considerable amount of out­side work while taking full time work inthe College, and so far as possible, stu­dents are encouraged to give their fulltime+ to their academic interests.The college assumes no responsibilityin finding positions for its students whenthey have been graduated, and has madeno extensive connections with business.All of the men who have been graduatedare placed, however, and many of themhave positions growing out of connec­tions of the college or its Dean. In manyother cases, the complete statements+*Students are cautioned against the "hermit's life,"however, and all those of ordinary ability or betterwhose records the quarterly "activity sheets" andthe Daily Maroon book) indicate no outside activityare urged to secure contact with human beingswhile they are pursuing their studies.tTheoe statements are compiled from all the docu­ments on file in the College office, already described.They contain data and place of birth; academic train­ing, including. the scope of college training in de­tail; personal appearance, habits and tastes; experi­ence; and judgments of high school and collegeteachers, employers and others. That these recom­mendations are a service appreciated by the em­seen from these two quotations from letters received'plover, and so one of value to the student, may beby the Dean last week. "Your method of sizing upyoung men, as shown on these information sheetsthat you so kindly sent in on two occasions, is alto­gether the most comprehensive thing of its kind thatI have seen, and certainly should be a decided helpto anyone looking up a young man's record. WhenI am looking for a young man for a future executiveposition in our organization, I always want just sucha thorough line-up of his past experience as is givenin the information you supplied, beginning with hishome and coming right down to as near the presenttime as possible." "I am enclosing the informationYOU sent me, and I wish to say that it is very satis­factory and unusually businesslike in its details. Iwas very much pleased with it." 91which the college has been able to furnishconcerning its graduates have secured forthem positions which they had located bytheir own personal connections and ini­tiative. It is to be said too that thecollege has been asked to fill several goodpositions for which it had no one torecommend from its lists of graduates.To date there are 75 graduates, dis­tributed through the divisions of thework as follows:MenTrade and Industry 42Secretarial 0Commercial teaching...... 2Philanthropic service...... 3Religious service .. . . . . . . .. 5 Women27194 Total4473129Total 52 23 75The matter of salaries of the graduatesis perhaps significant, and certainly inter­esting. Statistics are available concerningthe salaries of 35 of the 52 men gradu­ates.* These 35 include 2 commercialteachers, 3 men in philanthropic serviceand 30 in various business pursuits.] Atfirst glance, it would seem that $15.00per week is the most usual starting salary,and $100 per month' the most commonsalary of all at the present time. But'the averages by year of employmentshow up better than that. The initialsalaries of the whole group varied from$10.00 per week to $125.00 per month.twith an arithmetical average of $18.45per week or about $75.90 per month.The fifteen men who have worked oneyear show a range of salaries from $12.00or $15.00 per week (both these men are"working for father") to $150.00 per*The 17 others are accounted for as follows: Oneis in the Law School; three from the religious servicedivision are in the Divinity School, and the othertwo are abroad as missionaries; four of the businessgroup are foreign students who ha:,e· been lost fr?f!l'Our mailing list 2 Japanese, 1 Chinese and 1 Eili­pino) ; four others were not heard from; two reportedcommissions. and one did not mention his salary.tSee p. lIS (News of the Classes) for the particu­lar things they are doing.:tThe initial salaries seem in many CaSeS quite outor'proportion to the student's showing in college, orhis experience before entering college. One mannow serving an apprenticeship in foreign trade workat $50 per month was a traveling salesman receiving$6 per day before he entered college ; another studentwho earned $150 per month before he entered collegeis now getting $15 a week, while he "learns the busi­ness." All of this means, of course, that the stu­dents recognize that other elements than salaryenter into the value of the position.92 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmonth. The average is $23.50 per week,or almost $100.00 per month. There areonly nine who have worked two years;of these, one does not specify salary,and two are receiving commissions. Thesalaries of the other six range from$18.00 per week to $166.66 per monthwith an average of about $125.00 permonth.The situation among the women showsless settled conditions of employment'than for men, quite as would be expected.The experience of the women graduatesis as yet too limited to throw any con­siderable light on the interesting prob­lems of woman's work, but it would seemto indicate that here is a small group oftrained women who have little troublein securing satisfactory employment. Ofthe twenty-three women graduates, threeare married, though one of these is do­ing full time United Charities work.Two are in the Divinity School; two werenot heard from, and two recent gradu­ates, of the philanthropic service and thereligious service divisions, are lookingfor work, though both are gaining experi­ence in temporary employment. One hasgone into dancing, and one is writing forany market she can find. This leavesthirteen regularly employed in secretarialwork, business, commercial teaching andphilanthropic service at salaries nowranging' from $50.00 to $125.00 permonth, The initial salaries of this groupranged from $50.00 to $100.00, with anarithmetical average of $70.00. Thesalaries of the few who have been work­ing one year average $98.00. it shouldbe noted that these figures are not verydifferent from those of the men.Of course these salary figures for thewhole group of graduates are too slightto mean much in themselves, and figuresare not available for comparison with thegraduates of the College of Arts, Litera­ture and Science, or of other colleges ofcommerce. The impression seems to pre­vail, however, that the record of theseCommerce and Administration studentsis rather better than that of the usual re- cent college graduate, though these stu­dents are not, as a whole, considered su­perior scholastically or personally whilethey were in college. Nor are they olderor more mature than the average Uni­versity of Chicago graduates. *The testimony of the graduates shouldbe of some service in estimating the valueof the training of the college, though itmust be remembered here that thesegraduates of the pioneer days were onlymildly exposed to Commerce and Admin­istration requirements and ideals. Amonth or two ago, a questionaire was sentthe alumni asking "In what ways, if any,has your training in this college helpedin the positions you have held? In whatways' could it have been more useful?"The following quotations are typical ofthe answers: "My greatest handicap wasnot due to the college, but to the factthat my stay in it was so brief." "Ineeded more of everything I had, andsome of everything I didn't." "If I hadknown what I wanted to do. If I hadhad a little business experience beforegoing to the University." "Any criticismat all must be about myself, as I shouldhave taken four years at Chicago insteadof only one."These reports would make an interest­ing dissertation on the value of a collegeeducation to a business man, but it wouldbe too long a story to enumerate all theparticular courses which they found use­ful, and how, or the suggestions theymade for the improvement of the train­ing, for they were generous of praise, andfrank in their criticisms. Most of theirsuggestions are along the lines of the de­velopments already made since these stu­dents were graduated: for example, thedevelopment of specialized courses inCommercial Organization and IndustrialOrganization; the correlation of courses*The average age of all the graduates of the col­lege, excepting the nine religious service people, is24 years and 2 months (the average of the nine re­ligious service people is 37 years and 11 months, buttheir salaries were not considered) and the averagefor all graduates from the undergraduate divisions ofthe University in 1913-14 varied from 29.91 years inthe summer to 24.13 years in the spring.THE UNIVERSITY AND RESEARCH 93and the omission of duplicated material;additional requirements of English com­position; emphasis upon personal effi­ciency; and more extensive field workrequirements.* Some of the confessionsseem likely to make the Dean stricterthan ever in some of his unpopular re­quirements. For instance, a man whowould not take "Scientific Management"because he was going into advertising,and would "never need to know anythingabout factory organization," sighs "If*Several students, quite independently (a teacher,a reform school worker, and five men in variousbusiness pursuits) make a strong appeal for morefield work, more visits to institutions, more lecturesby business men, more rigid requirements concern­ing summer employment' One man comments, "Ifind in actual contact with men and machinery that only I had been forced to take ScientificManagement!" and a man whose in­structors labored with him unceasinglyabout his inaccuracies and carelessness,reports "If I had been drilled in habits of100 per cent accuracy and greater insist­ence on perfection of detail, I would havebeen spared an unpleasant readjustmentof habits on entering the business world."RUTH RETICKERJ '12Autumn Quarter, 1915.my eyes are opened to a mass of little details whichmodify and complicate the manufacturing problemvery much. To get a little of this insight whileyou have still a year or so in college would, in myjudgment, make a Commerce and Administrationstudent get more out of his last year or two."The University and Research[The following paper was read by Professor Coulterat the memorial exercises on November 30, in honorof Professor John Ulric N ef. I t is so remarkable astatement of "the case for research" that the editorof the Magazine hopes it will be given careful read­ing by alumni.]From the standpoint of the university,Dr. N ef represented its research func­tion. When he came to Chicago therewas transferred not merely a man' and asubject? but an atmosphere of researchand appreciation of things that are fun­damental in chemistry. This atmosphereand this appreciation have never changed,and they are a very real part, and per­haps the most important part of the in­heritance left to this university by ourcolleague.The research function of a universityis its greatest function. In biologicalterminology it may be said to representthe central nervous system of the univer­sity organism. It stimulates and dom­inates every other function. It makesthe atmosphere of a university, even inits undergraduate division, differ from that of a college. It affects the wholeattitude toward subjects and toward life.I t has been described as the "deliriousyet divine desire to know." This devo­tion, not merely to the acquisition ofknowledge, but chiefly to the advance­ment of knowledge for its own sake, isthe peculiar possession of universities.I t was certainly intended to be the dom­inant feature of this university, which,apart from this function, met no greatneed. It was for this reason that men ofthe type of our friend were selectedto establish the various departments.Insofar as other functions of the univer­sity encroach upon the opportunities forresearch, just so far is the Universitylosing sight of its most important mis­sion.This does not mean that teaching isnot also an important University func­tion; but it means rather that teachingis to be made most effective in an atmos­phere of research. The University in­vestigator not only lives on what may be94 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcalled the "firing line" of his subject,but he is training group after group ofrecruits to continue the conquest of theunknown. To extend the boundaries ofhuman knowledge, and to multiply one­self in generations of students is the highprivilege of the University investigator.It is a point of view that seems toseparate him from the ordinary interestsof men, but to separate oneself from thevast majority of one's fellows in denyingthe ordinary ambition for place or forwealth; to devote oneself to the research. for truth, with no expectation of recog­nition, except from a select coterie ofcolleagues, to spend one's energy uponinvestigations that will neither interestnor benefit mankind, except as theygradualy enlarge the boundaries ofknowledge, is a spirit distinctly fosteredby the University.In these days the demand that investi­gators shall be of practical service isswelling into a universal chorus. Thisdemand fails to recognize the fact thatto meet immediate need is relatively asuperficial problem; and that the morefundamental the problem, the wider areits possible applications. For thousandsof years the superficial problems ofplant-breeding were attacked, and agri­culture became a reasonably successfulpractice; but when such fundamentalproblems as evolution and heredity cameto be attacked, at) incidental result wasa revolution of practical plant-breeding.The study of anything that holds norelation to the needs or convenience ofmankind .is peculiarly difficult of com­prehension by the American public, andthe general sentiment is either opposedor at most indifferent to it. This feelingis emphasized by the development andrapid growth of technological schools, inconnection with which there has de­veloped one of our most serious prob­lems. It can hardly be denied that therigidity of the old American college indenying this form of special training itsproper place, and thus controlling its prerequisites, forced the establishmentof schools of applied science with no edu­cational basis. And now the universitiesare confronted with the problem of in­corporating this form of training intotheir organization without weakening it.There must be the pursuit of sciencefor its own sake, for it is the life-bloodof a university; and there must be theapplication of science, for this is thegenius of the age. Can these two existtogether.in the same university organiza­tion, and with mutual profit? The gravedanger is that the essential function ofa university may be given less oppor­tunity to develop than certain subsidiaryfunctions. The time has come, however,and our colleague's subject illustrates it,when the barrier between pure and ap­plied science is more artificial than real,when each is essential to the best de­velopment of the other. Applied scienceis becoming so grounded in pure sciencethat the former is only one of the nat­ural expressions of the latter; and ap­plied science has passed through itsempirical stage and can advance nowonly as it cultivates pure science. Theproblem, therefore, is not so much oneof grafting, as of cross-fertilization, thatthe strength of both may be combined ina single organization.Dr. Nef was an investigator, however,who attacked the fundamental problemsof his subject, the problems which under­lie a wide range of phenomena. Notonly was he unsparing of his time andstrength, but never have I seen an ab­sorbed investigator with so sanguine aspirit. Assured success seemed to bealways just in sight, and with the eager­ness of the hound on a trail did he presson toward it. I knew him in his firstacademic position in Purdue University,and he came into the meetings of theIndiana Academy as a revelation of ab­sorption in research, always more inter­ested in his subject than in his audience,sometimes forgetful that many could notfollow his rapid flight, but never failingAROUND THE COUNCIL BOARD 95to impress a group of young men, who inthose early days were making their firstamateurish attempts at investigation.Perhaps it is fitting when we are con­sidering the work of a great investigatorto sound a note of warning. In thesedays of efficiency, when university facul­ties are being checked up on the basis ofthe number of students and the numberof hours spent with them, there is gravedanger that efficiency of this type may besecured at the expense of investigation;in other words, that the teaching func­tion of the university may be exaltedabove its research function. This wouldbe disastrous, but it is certainly true that·the atmosphere of business efficiency isnot the atmosphere in which investiga­tion can flourish, for research knows nolimits of time and strength and numbersof students.The normal atmosphere of a universityis investigation; and the method of in­struction is through companionship ininvestigation. The appropriation of pre­vious knowledge is no longer the chiefpurpose, but is entirely subsidiary tothe discovery of additions to knowledge; and the ability to stimulate students toinvestigate becomes the chief problem ofteaching. This truth is so fundamentalthat without it there can be no univer­sities distinct from colleges, no matterhow prolonged the instruction might be.The distinction is one of controllingpur­pose; in the one case it is chiefly acquisi­tion; in the other case it is chiefly thedevelopment of initiative. In otherwords, we are equipped to teach throughinvestigation, at least in an atmosphereof investigation, and anything thatvitiates this atmosphere impairs ourteaching function as well.The loss of our colleague is irreparablein the sense that men of his researchspirit and power are very rare. Further­more, it is a loss in connection with ourchief function, so that it affects us in avital part. The great lesson of this lossshould be a renewed appreciation of theplace of research in the university, anda renewed determination to permit noother function to diminish its opportun­ity and to allow no method of adminis­tration to depress its spirit.JOHN M. COULTER.Around the Council BoardNoone who had the privilege of at­tending the first meetings of the facultyof the University will ever lose entirelythe impressions of those initial gather­ings. At the south end of the long hallon the first floor of Cobb, directly oppo­site the "Chapel," was the "FacultyRoom." This was a new institution tothe majority of instructors. Those whohad come with experience in other insti­tutions had been used to meetings in thepresident's office or in some convenientrecitation room. The common chairs ofdaily use were transformed for the timebeing into the "seats of the mighty." Theinsurance company's calendar upon theundecorated walls furnished the only variation from blank and bare cheerless­ness. The whole atmosphere was an in­vitation to hurry the business as rapidlyas possible and get away to more con­genial environment. Not so at Chicago.Here was a large room, attractive withcomfortable, leather-covered chairs, along center table, and restful rugs. Itwas a fit place for conference, for inti­mate counsel, for the formation of closefriendships. And when the presidenttook his place at the head of the table,everyone was interested, alert, and ex­pectant.It is easy to imagine the many ideasand theories in the minds of the membersof the first faculty. They were gath-96 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEered from all parts of the country. Someof them had been college presidentswhose problems had ranged from thoseof the small college to the more compre­hensive ones of the state university.Some of them were much older thanthe president and had had a wider rangeof experience. Some of them had beenaccustomed to lead, for which their spe­cial temperaments particularly fittedthem. Some of them were strong­minded and tenacious of their.' opinions.Each had his notions of what he hopedmight be accomplished in the new insti­tution. There was a chance for discordand confusion right at the start. Andthere was nothing more surprising about"Chicago" in those days than the unan­imity and enthusiasm with which they allfollowed the desires of the centralizingforce in the person of William RaineyHarper. -As he unfolded his well-matured plans,painted his roseate pictures of the possi­bilities, some of them near at hand andsome remote, and manifested his faithin the men who had been selected to helpin building the new University, the effectwas like that described by Tennyson in"The Coming of Arthur'";"But when he spake and cheered his TableRound,With large, divine and comfortable wordsBeyond my tongue to tell thee-I beheldFrom eye to eye thro' all their order flashA momentary likeness of the king."So, like Arthur, heCrowned on the dais, and his warriors cried,'Be thou the king, and we will work thy willWho love thee.'"From many a faculty meeting in thosefirst months the members went outbrimming with enthusiasm, keyed up t�the highest pitch, expectant of greatthings, determined to work with everyounce of strength for the upbuilding ofa University -"That was to be for love of God and man,And noble deeds, the flower of all the worldAnd each incited each to noble deeds." 'A critical alumnus, _reviewing his col-lege years, recently complained: . "In my unsophisticated way I had thoughtthat a University would seek most the mentalcooperation of its alumni, and had dreamed ofa time that might come when my Universitywould show me where I could make some men­tal contribution."That same dream came to those whoformulated the first plans for the admin­istration of the University of Chicago.These plans contemplated three powerfulbodies which should furnish the motivepower of the institution. One was theUniversity Senate, to be composed of theheads of department and to shape theeducational policy. A second was theUniversity Council.. to be composed ofthe deans and to direct administrativeaffairs. A third was the University Con­gregation, to be composed of all instruct­ors above a certain rank, of all heads ofacademies and affiliated institutions andor" elected representatives of the s:veraldivisions of the alumni. It was a splen­did scheme, but it did not work out. "TheSenate, after some years, lost its distinct­ive character by the widening of itsmembership so as to include every in­structor of professorial rank, whether hehad any interest or any obligation inregard to educational policy. Its powerand influence declined at once and itsoriginal idea was merged in that of anordinary faculty of miscellaneous char­acter.The University Council was to meetat least once a month. With the adrninis­trators of the University proper were tobe associated the deans and directors ofacademies and affiliated schools and oneselected faculty member from each,whose traveling expenses for at least onemeeting a year were to be paid by theUniversity, if the location of the institu­tion were at a distance. It was part ofthe idea that the schools thus associatedshould be bound to the University bycloser ties. It was equally a part- thatthe University administrators shouldhave the benefit of the observation andthe suggestions of those not immediatelyconnected with the administration ofaffairs within the quadrangles: ThisAROUND THE COUNCIL BOARD 97feature also failed in actual experienceand some of the hopes for the body werelost for the time, only to emerge aftera while upon the organization of theGeneral Education Board.But the greatest idea of all, perhaps,was thatof the University Congregation.The University, unfettered by traditionsat the start, was to be kept free fromnarrowing influences by keeping in closetouch with its graduates in the largerworld without-that world described byStevenson in his "Vailima Letters":"not the shoddy, sham world of cities, clubsand colleges, but the world where men stilllive a man's life."Seeing things with unacademic eyes,looking at the institution of their collegedays from the outside, they were tobring to the occasional meetings of theCongregation their impressions and theirsuggestions that" Alma Mater" might thebetter fulfill its great mission in whosesuccess each, had a personal, intimate,interest. The plan failed. It was aheadof its time. The pressing demands ofa rapidly growing institution crowdedout the consideration of dreams for thefuture. There were some meetings held,with irregular attendance from all divi­sions of the comprehensive membership,but there was evident an uncertaintyabout the real function of the body. Theinterest lagged, and the plan was aban­doned, the president and a few faithfulsupporters yielding reluctantly at last tothe inevitable. But here was the vision,of a University kept fresh, virile, young,through the mental contributions of thosewho had supplemented its training. withactual experience of affairs and problemsoutside. .The changes brought in these originalbodies through experience, under condi­tions of rapid and unusual growth in a�omparatively brief period, suggest themterest attaching to a study of the, firstplans of the University, to discover whatother features, sd forth in those sixpreliminary Bulletins of Information,were abandoned after some trial, or never tried at all, were left in the limboof doubtful values. The wonder re­mains, not that some plans proved un­workable, but that the little group ofearly counselors so marvelously forecastthe University which remains to see thecompletion of a quarter of a century.Here there properly might be consider­ation of the changes in the curricula, asdepartments have been enriched, divided,multiplied, as schools have been addedand the instructional force has been in­creased. Such a study would prove inter­esting from the viewpoint of the expertin education, but it would not be attrac­tive to the general reader who acceptsthe fact of expansion and change withoutany desire to know the details. At thesame time there must be recognition ofthe tremendous amount of labor on thepart of those who have met and foughtaround the council board through all theyears with the purpose of making thecurricula of the University of Chicagoconform to the best educational ideas ofa quarter-century of astonishing rapidityof changing thought. The visible exhibitis in the successive issues of the AnnualRegister and in the minute-books of theRecorder. The actual accomplishmentsare in the University as it exists today.There are some other volumes whichought to be recalled at this particularpoint. They were the small "red books"kept with such infinite detail by PresidentHarper. Where he gained the idea ofthese memorandum books, I do notknow. But no modern "system" everdevised anything more useful or moreeffective in administration. He had toomany details to watch to trust to hismemory. His daily custom led him to .use, more and more, a plan of reminderswhich became one of the characteristicfeatures of his office work. For everydepartment or division of the Universityhe had a special book or a special page.For each instructor he made provision,carefully noting under numbered headsthe points to be taken up in conference.At the opening of such a conference98 ,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe usual question was, "Well! howmany matters have you to take up to­day?" The instructor, administrator, ordepartment head quickly learned to gethis materials well in hand in anticipationof that familiar query. Not infrequentlyhe found himself chagrined or ashamedafter giving his answer, to find that thepresident had two, three or four timesas many items jotted down for consider­ation as he, the supposed administratorin that special field, had had in mind. Itwas a stimulating experience. Many anindividual left the council room deter­mined, next time, to present a longer list.But few ever found even their visionsequal to the possibilities for early or im­mediate consideration which the presi­dent brought forward.In those red books the University ofthe future had its existence. There werenoted the unrealized yet confidently ex­pected triumphs of the institution inmany fields. If some one were giftedwith the power of reproducing the vi­sions which came to the mind of themaster and were noted for considerationupon the pages of these vade mecums ofthe president's life, he might unfold atale of educational expansion and insti­tution building, unlike anything everknown. But that is impossible. The redbooks have passed into the realm ofmemory. Upon their silent pages theevidence is convincing of the labors ofa leader, who, to use lines recently de­dicated to a famous head-master of aneastern acaderny :"wrought with tireless hand throughcrowded days, like one who hastened, lest theeternal sleep should steal upon him ere hiswork was done."One year, while the Recorder wasabroad, I acted in that capacity. Noonewho has not tried it can realize thedrudgery involved in attending facultyand board meetings during a Saturdaymorning, with almost unbroken sessionsfrom eight until one. To listen to seem- ingly interminable debate, perhaps ac­panied by some display of temper, andquite sure to be attended by indefinitenessof knowledge on the part of somespeakers, is wearing business. To tryto catch and record faithfully the essen­tial points of business transacted is notalways easy. But as one looks backwardover the years it is perfectly plain thatonly through the long debates, the tire-ssome speeches, the detailed reports ofcommittees, was the light finally revealed.The history of the quarter-century:then, must pay full tribute to the' faith­ful workers in faculty meetings, in ses­sions of official administrative boards, inUniversity Council and University Sen­ate, under whose labors the real, intimateUniversity has developed around thecouncil board.FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON.The Law-Harper Archway.Miss TalbotFive Women on the FacultyMiss Marion Talbot, Professor ofHousehold Administration and Deanof Women, was graduated A. E., fromBoston University in 1880. A. M., in1882, and S. B. fr0111 M. 1. T. in 1888.She became assistant professor ofSanitary Science at Chicago, and afterpassing through the various grades,was made professor and dean in 1905.She received an LL. D. fr0111 CornellCollege (Iowa) in 1904. She lives atGreen Hall, being head of GreenHouse.Miss Myra Reynolds,. Professor ofEnglish Literature and head of FosterHouse, was graduated A. B., fromVassar in 1880, and received her doc­tor's degree in English from the Uni­versity of Chicago in 1895. She' hadcome to Chicago as a Fellow in 1892,after teaching at Wells and Vassar. In1895 she was made Instructor in Eng- lish Literature at Chicago, and in 1911Professor. She lives at Foster Hall.Miss Elizabeth Wallace, AssociateProfessor of French Literature andDean in the Junior Colleges, was grad­uated from Wellesley in 1886, and firstcame to the University as a Fellow inHistory in 1892. In 1895-6 she wasDean of Women at Knox College .. Shejoined the staff of the University asAssociate in 1897. In 1905 she wasmade Assistant Professor and Dean ofthe Junior College of Literature :(women), and in 1913 Associate Pro­fessor. For fourteen years in all shewas head of Beecher House, her con­nection ending in 1909. She lives at5751 University avenue.Mrs, Edith Foster Flint, AssociateProfessor of English (Edith BurnhamFoster), was grad ua ted from Chicago,Ph. B., in 1897, and taught at the Uni-Miss Reynolds�iss WallaceMrs FlintMiss Breckenridge102 THE UNIVERSI.TY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEversity as assistant and associate forthree years. In 1900 she married N ottWilliam Flint, '98, who later taughtEnglish in the University. Mr. Flintdied in 1906, and that year Mrs. Flintresumed her teaching at Chicago asinstructor. In 1914 she was made As­sociate Professor. She has one son,Richard Foster Flint, and lives at 5707Blackstone avenue.Miss Sophonisba Preston Brecken­ridge, Assistant Professor in the De- partment of Household Administra­tion, and Assistant Dean of Women,was graduated S. B. from Wellesley in1888; subsequently receiving from theUniversity of Chicago the degrees 'ofPh. M. in 1897, Ph. D. in 1901 (PoliticalScience), and J. D. in 1904. In 1904Miss Breckenridge was made Instruc­tor in Household Economy, and in1909 Assistant Professor. She lives atGreen Hall.Military Drill in the UniversityBartlett Gymnasium offered during thesecond half of the Autumn Quarter be­tween 10 :30 and 11 a. m., the spectacle ofa small company of recruits goingthrough the U. S. infantry drills. Attimes there were only ten, sometimestwenty men at drill. Altogether twenty­four students took part, and distributedtheir attendance over any four of thefive mornings, according to their days ofchapel attendance. It is expected thatthe 'Winter Quarter will see a largernumber of recruits and a correspondinglyhigher daily attendance. One evening aweek the students gather in room 11,Ellis Hall, to discuss military matters in­formally with the instructor and to re­ceive any advice they may need in theirstudy of the U. S. Infantry Drill Regu-lations..The men enjoyed. their work and tookgreat interest in the drills. Militarytraining always appeals to young men,and they find it good sport, withoutbothering their minds about weightyquestions of militarism or peace-at-all­price, leaving. these to the solons atWashington and to contributors of "ThePeople's Voice" columns ..The writer of these lines had the op­portunity to see the genuine interest and joy which men of different ages and oc­cupations displayed while at militarydrills. There was never a jollier crowdtogether than last fall in the camp of theFort Sheridan Training Battalion.If military work is enjoyable andwholesome for young and middle agedmen, we have a sufficiently good reasonfor having it introduced and well de­veloped at a University. It is just asgood for the boys as any other sport orgymnastic exercise, and there is stillanother very weighty reason why itshould be cultivated, and that is the pres­ent military situation in the United Statesof America.In case of war the United States wouldhave immediately available on Americansoil, about one hundred and twenty-fivethousand men of the National Guardsand thirty thousand men of the mobiletroops of the regular Army. The latterwould be increased to about one hundredthousand by the enlistment of green re­cruits, with a corresponding decrease ofefficiency, and of the National Guardsprobably eighty per cent would be ableto take the' field. Even these would notpossess great efficiency, on account oftheir limited training. The total' fieldforces of the United States would com-BASEBALL-AND INTRA-MURAL ATHLETICSprise about two hundred thousand menof all grades of efficiency and inefficiency,and would be at a hopeless disadvantageagainst any equal number of well trainedand highly organized enemy troops, onaccount of their deficient training and in­adequate equipment with artillery, ma­chine guns and ammunition.Behind this first line of defense alarge body of Volunteers would be or­ganized. Perhaps half a million or moremen would be enlisted and directed tobig concentration camps where theywould have to be transformed into effi­cient fighting organizations. Underpresent conditions these Volunteer regi­ments would be allowed as many regulararmy officers as could be spared andthere would also be available some of theformer national guardsmen, dischargedregular army soldiers, and graduatesfrom schools and colleges with militarytraining, to carry out this organizationwork. I f we consider the large massesof men and the small numbers of avail­able instructors, we must expect a mostunsatisfactory condition. Entire com­panies would be without a singleexperienced soldier, many of the highercommissions would be given to untrainedofficers and the utmost confusion andhelplessness would prevail in the first fewmonths after the drafting of volunteers.The outlook for $1 mobilization of thedefensive forces of the United States is 103extremely discouraging, but what can bedone to improve the situation? Appar­ently the most promising feature is thepossibility of very largely increasing thenumber of graduates from schools withmilitary training, by introducing thistraining into as many institutions as pos­sible. The officer should be an educatedman, because he alone has the founda­tions which are necessary for the masteryof even a limited amount of the profes­sional knowledge which an officer of ourtimes finds indispensable. There willalways be fine men in the ranks who willrise to higher positions, but they willbe the exception rather than the rule,and the highly educated man will be, onthe average, of more value for officerservice than the well intending but un­educated person.A four years service in the CadetCorps of a University should make a finelieutenant or captain for the Army re­serves and the country wi11need approxi­mately twenty to twenty-five thousand ofthem for a half million of volunteers. Ifthe University of Chicago would intro­duce compulsory cadet service and couldraise from a thousand to twelve hundredcadets, it would turn out from two tothree hundred cadet graduates every yearand the institution would have done its'proper share in strengthening the coun­try's defenses.A. C. VON NOEBaseball-and Intramural AthleticsThe action of the delegates to the De­cember meeting of the conference invoting to refer to their respective insti­tutions the question of the abolition ofbaseball as an intercollegiate sport hasaroused a great deal of. comment westand east, although it apparently does notmuch interest the alumni of the Univer­sity of Chicago, not a single communi­cation from any alumnus having been re- ceived by the MAGAZINE on the subject -.The action is of course not final. Thevarious institutions will vote 011 the mat­ter this spring, and even if a majorityvote for abolition, the 1916 schedule willbe played out. . Moreover, it is appar­ently not very likely that the majoritywill vote for abolition. Minnesota has sovoted already, and Illinois has alreadyvoted the other way. Northwestern and104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWisconsin are certainly opposed to abo­lition. Chicago is probably in favor ofit; the other four are uncommitted.The prime reason for the action wasapparently the difficulty of keeping can­didates for the nines from perjuringthemselves, Public opinion is unques­tionably in favor of allowing college ath­letes to play baseball professionallywhile still competing on college teams.Student opinion, as exhibited in the votetaken at seven of the nine Conferencecolleges in November, was strongly inthe same direction. Even faculty opin­ion is divided. In this situation, the col­lege man often feels justified in signinghis name to a lie when the affidavit thathe has never taken money for playingis put before him; detection. frequentlynot following, and exposure, if it comes,being accompanied by no very severepenalty as a rule. The conference dele­gates felt that to allow the situation tocontinue was disgraceful, to mend it by. the slow process of changing public opin­ion, or the more drastic system ofprompt expulsion of. any man caught inperjury was impossible, and that in thealternative of allowing "summer base­ball" or abolishing the sport altogetherfrom interconference competition, thesecond choice was preferable.It would be futile to go into the ques­tion of allowing college athletes to playprofessional ball, That has been arguedto the point of weariness, and the repre­sentatives of Chicago, at least, have madeup their minds to stand firmly against it.As for the present action, such men asMr. Stagg favor it, and such men as W.S. Bond, '97, alumni delegate on the Con­ference Committee for years, oppose it.It is frankly a confession that some ofour undergraduates here in the west arenot only liars, but incorrigible liars, andthat our western institutions are too fee­ble to cope with their lying habits. Thatseems rather pathetic. And yet, on theother hand, the good backbone, whichwill stiffen for a principle against any degree of public opinion, even at thesacrifice of an old and cherished tradi­tion, seems rather admirable.As for the effect of the action onathletes in general, Mr. Stagg has pub­lished some interesting, though not de­tailed, figures; indicating the small per­centage of baseball men who compete inother branches of athletics. The ratioat Chicago, going back ten years, is onlyone in seven, and that is the highest inthe conference, because of the muchsmaller number of men here who areeligible for intercollegiate competition atall. The table follows:College. Ratio.Chicago 1 in 7Northwestern 1 in 8.5Minnesota '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 in 14Wisconsin 0 • • • • • • • • • • •• 1 in 19.4Purdue 0 •• , 1 in 24.3Illinois 0 ••• 0 •••••••••••••••• 0 •• 1 in 4SProfessor Albion W. Small, in a let­ter published December 19, in the vari­ous Chicago Sunday newspapers, de­clared that intercollegiate athletics ingeneral were more clearly "on trial"than ever before; that the ideal athleticcompetrtion was wholly intramural.Concerning what is being done elsewhere(at Princeton, under the direction of Dr.]. E. Raycroft, '96) for the developmentof such intramural competition, readersare asked to refer to the extract fromDr. Raycroft's report, on page 105 ofthis issue of the MAGAZINE. Very inter­oesting plans have recently been under-taken by the Undergraduate Council hereat Chicago, looking in the same direction.An interclass athletic league has beenformed. The association will be gov­erned by a board consisting of the fourclass presidents, the four chairmen ofthe class athletic committees, and fourmanagers for each branch from the fourclasses.The managers for. the team will bechosen by the athletic committees of thedifferent classes. They will be appointedimmediately, and work for the comingquarter will be started at once. NoBASEBALL---.4ND INTRA-MURAL ATHLETICSscholastic requirements will be necessaryfor competition in the league and only"C" men will be barred from the games.The league will be strictly undergraduate,no graduate students being admitted. Incase the graduate students form a league,a championship series between the win­ners in the two divisions will be playedto determine the University champions.This is certainly "a step in the rightdirection." Yet, if the ideal of the Uni­versity is really intramural competition,how much remains to be done! Takethe simple case of the use of Stagg Field.What undergraduates, except those try­ing for intercollegiate teams, get anychance at it? Occupancy of the diamondfor two hours for the final game' of aseries of baseball games which has in­volved a hundred and twenty-five men ismade as a grudging concession! Theabsolutely ideal outdoor fall sport foractive men is soccer. It is played casu­ally at Chicago, but as for encourage­ment-well, let us ask the department ofPhysical Culture for a definition of theword. Take the handball courts in thenew stands-they are kept locked, nojanitor is on duty half the time, and evento the faculty keys are doled out likeVictoria crosses. Take the faculty ex­ercise room in Bartlett which is- to beturned now into a "trophy room." Whatis a "trophy room"? A room for the ex­hibition of prizes won at sports whichare "on trial"; and what is an exerciseroom?. One for the development of thekind of sport in the encouragement ofwhich the University is particularly in­terested. There would seem to be aslight inconsistency between attitude andpractive hovering somewhere about.The University of Chicago for all theyears of its existence has stood for cleanintercollegiate athletics. If any institu­tion could "point with pride" to its recordin this respect, Chicago can. But thewriter of this article is not so surethatintermural competition, the developmentof the average man, has been so much 105its first aim as has honesty and fairnessin the conduct of extramural games.The following extract is of a doubleinterest to University alumni. It is partof the annual report of Dr. ]. E. Ray­croft, '96, chairman of the departmentof Hygiene and Physical Education atPrinceton University, and it shows whatis going on at Princeton to accomplishan end which every college declares ofhigh importance, namely, the interestingof as many students as possible in someform of active exercise.Reference' has been made to the Intra-colle­giate Athletic Association. An inquiry madesome time ago to determine its age and his­tory revealed the fact that very few in theUniversity knew anything about the organiza­tion. It is of sufficient value and importanceto warrant a brief statement.There has seldom been difficulty in arousinginterest among the students in any institutionin any organization that promised trips out oftown and competition or contests of any sortwith representatives of other institutions;and there frequently spring up sporadic or­ganizations among clubs, fraternities, etc., forthe conduct of contests of one sort or another.Such a condition was characteristic of Prince­ton until about 1909-10. But I know of noother instance in which the undergraduates,acting on their own initiative, have organizedand kept alive an association with membership,dues, schedules, prizes, etc., for the purposeof providing opportunities for, and promotingathletic competition among those who werenot candidates for University teams. Be­ginning about 1907, a basketball tournamentwas conducted for the upper class champion­ship. In 1908 an upper class baseball serieswas run in addition to the basketball tourna­ment. In 1909 and 1910 these two series werecontinued and there were added club cham­pionships in' relay racing and bowling, and aconstitution and by-laws were adopted. Themembership contains representation for theupperclass clubs, the Commons, and recentlythe Sophomore and Freshman classes. Thework of the organization is delegated to anexecutive committee composed of the presi­dent, the secretary, and the treasurer, whowith the active cooperation and assistance ofthe members of the Department of Hygieneand Physical Education, have developed a ser­ies of contests in all branches of athletics, us­ing as units of organization every availablestudent group, from the classes and clubs torestaurant teams.106 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICA.GO MAGAZINEBranchof Sport. No. ofTeams.Baseball 38Basketball 38Cane Spree 2Canoe Races .... 6Rowing 6Golf 4Gymnastics 4Handball........ 8Relay Racing .... 35Swimming andWater Polo . . .. 8Soccer 4Tennis .Track indoors andout) 16Wrestling 614 177 Competing for:Interclass Champion­ship of University.Freshman Champion­ship of University.Sophomore C h a m­pionship of Univer­sity.Up per cia s s ClubChampionship 0 fUniversity.Restaurant C h a m­pionship of Univer­sity.These records' donot take into accountthe very considerablenumber of pick-upteams. in baseball,basketball, . and hand­ball that can be ac­commodated wit hdifficulty or not at allwith our present fa­cilities. The needsare particularly greatin baseball, handballand tennis. No.Class. of Men.1915 154. 1916 1531917 2391918 226Qualifying. . . . .. 3'1Undistributed .. 34 Of these men, 458were engaged in onesport only, 191 wereengaged in two sports,96 in three sports, 55in four sports, 20 infive sports, 11 in sixsports, and 4 in sevensports.Total 837The success of the work is shown by thecrowds of men who frequent the gymnasium,the tennis courts, the lake, and the baseballfields, to take part in practice or the contestsfor the various championships.When one attempts to express the amountof participation in definite terms of numbersand percentages, difficulties begin to appear.The aim has been to keep organization, as such,at the lowest terms consistent with the propersupervision of the making and playing of thevarious schedules; in other words, to reduce"red tape" to a minimum and to preserve self­government among the groups. This plan hasworked admirably as regards the larger as­pects of the work, but has not lent itselfreadily to statistical methods. Last year, how­ever, Mr. Luehring* and the undergraduatecommittee made a special effort to get datathat would enable us to draw some conclu­sions as to the actual extent of the work andthe number of students involved.*F. W. Luehring, '11.Some Well-Known UndergraduatesMargaret Green, '17, is president of the Young Woman's Christian League.She is a Chicagoan, entering from Hyde Park High School, and is a member ofthe Mortar-Board.Dan H. Brown, '16, is Abbot of the Blackfriars, and a University Marshal. Heentered from Sioux' City (Nebraska) High School and received honorable mentionfor scholarship in the Junior Colleges. He is a member of Psi Upsilon.Frederick R. Kuh, '17, is Managing Editor of the Daily Maroon. He wasborn and has always lived in Chicago, entering from University High.Lawrence John McGregor, '16, is Head Marshal, Managing Editor of the Lit­erary Monthly, and President of the Honor Commission. He received honorablemention for scholarship in the Junior Colleges, and holds a Henry Strong Scholar­ship. He lives in' Evanston, entered from Evanston High School, and is a memberof Beta Theta Pi. .J. Oliver Murdoch, '16, is President of the Undergraduate Council. He livesin San Antonio, Texas, prepared for college at San Antonio High, and spent hisfreshman year at the University of Illinois. He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta.Murdoch is one of the two students in residence just appointed to the Quarter-Cen­tennial Committee.Leslie Monroe Parker, Law, is President of the Reynolds Club. He lives inChicago, prepared for college at University High and the Hotchkiss School (Lake­ville, Conn.) and spent his freshman year at Dartmouth, where he joined Phi DeltaTheta .. The next year he went to Harvard, and in 1912 entered the University ofChicago. He is the other student in residence appointed on the Quarter-CentennialCommittee.L. J. MacGregor, '16LawD. H. Brown, 'lS108 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE_The Making of a Half Mile ChampionThe winning of the Senior half-milechampionship at San Francisco by LeroyCampbell, '15, marked the crowningachievement of one of the most instruct­ive athletic careers of modern times.Campbell's sudden rise to national fameafter years of but mediocre performanceis almost if not quite without a parallel.Seven years ago a tall thin lad ofeighteen came up from North Carolinato attend the University High School inChicago and work his way "to an edu­cation." Dr.· Frew, the successful trackcoach of' the school, looked Campbellover and decided he had the makingsof at least a fair runner. The first yearhe developed into a creditable high schoolmiddle distance runner, and was re­garded as a "promising" track man. Thenext year he won both the quarter andhalf-mile races in the big University ofChicago Intercholastic Meet. He madevery good high school time, about 52.0and 2.02 respectively, for the quarterand the half. For his Senior high schoolyear he went east to Phillips Exeter,where he was 'not rated very highly, ow­ing in part to poor health.For his college course Campbell re­turned west to the University of Chi­cago. During his Freshman year he ranonly in the half-mile in the Freshmanmeets, and was consistently beaten byOsborne of Northwestern in mediocretime. His first year of Varsity cornpeti­tition was equally inglorious. He shiftedto the mile on the advice of the coachesand gave promise of becoming a star.He- ran a fast mile on the slow trackin the Chicago gymnasium, two secondsunder record in fact, but inasmuch as hewas beaten at the tape by Kraft ofNorthwestern there were few who tooknote of the performance. He was un­able to complete at all in the outdoorseason that year because of a sprainedfoot.In his Junior year he kept pluggingalong, doing well in the Cross-Country, but being beaten indoors in mediocretime in both the mile and the half. Heshowed improvement at the end of theseason, however, when he took secondin the mile in the indoor Conference increditable time.For the outdoor season he trained ex­traordinary hard in the mile, but couldnot win consistently, although he bet­tered his previous records decisively. Inthe big Conference Meet he won thirdplace in the mile in 4.25.Thus far it will be seen Campbell hadbeen running for six years as a second­rater. He himself remarked, "I reckonI've taken more beatings than any otherwestern runner, but I am coming backfor more." He began his training in theearly autumn with a definite goal inview, to win the outdoor Conferencemile in June, and to run it in 4.20. Heworked hard in the Cross-Country runsand with the usual "beatings" to show forit; but he was not discouraged, remark­ing, "evidently I've got to train harder."And training with Campbell was some­thing more than cutting out smoking andpastry and running each day until hewas out of breath. Campbell reducedtraining methods to a veritable science.He slept ten hours a night regularly.The writer saw him one evening duringthe Christmas vacation, six weeks beforethe first indoor meet. He was going toa dance, and he had it arranged with afriends to take care of his partner afterten o'clock in order that he might gethome and get his ten hours of rest. Heselected his food with the utmost care,and in accordance with the results ofyears of experimentation. He evenmeasured the quantities for each meal,his friends, smiling the while. In thegym he worked with the weights to de­velope his arm and back muscles. Heworked at gymnastics on the mat to.strengthen other muscles, and he ranboth morning and afternoon.Results began to show in February.THE MAKING OF A HALF-MILE CHAMPIONCampbell and his team-mate, Stout,hooked up in a mile race for the Univer­sity Championship one afternoon. Thegym record was 4 :402/5, very good timefor so slow a track. Campbell won fromStout by a foot in 4 :38. A month laterthey raced again, and this time Stout wonby a foot in the remarkable time of 4 :32,easily the equivalent of 4 :20 outdoors.In the indoor Conference late in March,Campbell reversed the tables on Stoutand won by a foot in 4 :29 on a fastertrack. It looked as though Campbell 109Then came the wonderful meet atPennsylvania. Campbell ran the lastlap for Chicago. Mackenzie of Prince­ton, Campbell's old team-mate at Philip'sExeter was given a four-yard lead forthe last relay, with Campbell second, andPoucher of Yale in third place, closeup. The Yale man soon took the . lead,but overshot his. pace and in the endhad to drop back. Campbell passedMackenzie on the first lap, but the latterpulled up even at the beginning of thehome stretch and the two runners cameCampbell Winning Conference Half-Mile, June 4, 1915might achieve his ambition at the outdoor down the finish neck and neck. At theConference. tape Mackenzie fell forward across theBut on the last Saturday in April the line on the ground while CampbellNational Relay Championships were to breasted the tape, the apparent winner.be held at the University of Pennsyl- The judges ruled, however, that Mac':'vania, and Chicago entered a two-mile kenzie had won by the proverbial hair.team. This necessitated Campbell's run- Campbell's time was given out asning the half-mile on this occasion. For 1 :55 4/5, and that of the Princetonseven years he had never been able to team as 7 :55 3/5, breaking the old inter­do better than shade 2 :01. But one af- collegiate record of 8.00 flat.ternoon in April the tide turned; Camp- As a result of this splendid show­bell ran a time trial in 1 :58 1/5 and fin- ing Campbell foreswore the mile forished strong. A few days later he did . good and determined to capture the half-1 :56 4/5. mile Conference record. And he began110 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHIcAGO MAGAZINEto train harder than ever. The wise onesfreely predicted that he would breakdown before the Conference; but CoachStagg and he knew his condition betterthan anyone else. His previous trainingin the mile and his physical condition hadgiven him the requisite endurance. Tocomplete his training he needed merelyto time himself so that he might knowhis pace for a certainty, and to continuehis systematic exercises and dieting.We would hear on a Monday that Camp­bell had run a half in 1 :56 2/5 andon Wednesday that he was timed for themile in 4 :24. In a dual meet in May hebroke the Conference half-mile recordof 1 :55 3/5, by a fifth of a second, al­though it was a cold day and he had nocompetition. A week later he again ranin 1 :55 2/5 after running the mile in4:22.Two weeks remained before the' Con­ference, and Campbell had overdone inrunning two races. 'He was almost sick,incipient boils started in numbers, hecouldn't sleep well, and he couldn't re­tain his food after eating. For nearlya week he ate six meals a day in orderto retain the required· three. He slowedup on his training and a few days beforethe Conference meet he came back toform, and won the half-mile by twenty­five yards in the phenomenal time of1 :53 3/5. The world's record is 1 :520,made by Meredith at the Olympic Gamesat Stockholm in 1912. For twentyyears 1 :53 3/5 had been the Americanrecord, but it was lowered a year agoone-fifth of a second by Caldwell ofCornell.Since the Conference Campbell hassuffered only one reverse. He went eastto an invitation meet, to race the Cham­pion Meredith and Higgins of Bostonin a special 660 event. Few thoughtCampbell would have much chance atthis distance, for his race is overrather than under a half, with the reversetrue of Meredith and Higgins. In thisrace Campbell went out in front andovershot his pace, running the quarter in 51 seconds, after which he fadedbadly and was beaten by twenty yards.But he remained unbeaten in the half,winning the A. A. U. Championship atChicago on July 4, establishing a newrecord of 1 :55 4/5; winning the tryoutsto the San Francisco games in 1 :54 1/5 ;and winning the National Championshipat the Coast against what has been calledthe fastest field of half-milers ever as­sembled, among them the redoubtableHiggins who has since beaten the cham­pion Meredith. Owing to bad weatherthe time was slow.Campbell was not a born runner. Hemade himself a champion by probablymore persistent and systematic trainingthan has ever been undergone by anyother' college track man. There havebeen scores of college runners in thiscountry with greater natural ability thanCampbell. They merely lacked his un­dying grit and determination and hisscientific methods of training. Campbellhimself believes that some' of these daysa half-rniler will be developed who willrun the distance in 1 :48. He believesthat Ira Davenport, his former team­mate, who was with Meredith and Shep­pard in a blanket finish at Stockholm in1 :520, had it in him to do 1 :48. Put­ting it in another way, if Campbell pos­sessed Davenport's wonderful naturalability, he might do 1 :48.There has been no little criticism inrecent years of distance running. It isbelieved by many that it overtaxes theheart and lungs, and results disastrouslyupon the cessation of training, oftenleading to premature breakdown. "Camp­bell's experience is suggestive in this con­nection. During all the years when he wasa mediocre runner he completely "shot hisbolt" in almost every hard race. He wouldhave to lie down for a time, exhausted,and he would "lose his lunch" either be­fore of after the race. But When he be­came a star, quite the reverse was true.After the Conference half, for instance,he waited to hear the time announced,then tossed his sweater in the air andTHE MAKING OF A HALF-MILE CHAMPIONjogged to the gym, to come back in anhour and run the first lap in the milerelay, in 50 1/5 seconds, the fastestquarter in his career. The secret of thislies in his training. Campbell did notrun his heart out and hang on to thefinish by sheer grit and determination.He was fit for his race and crossed thewinning line with power in reserve andwith a smile on his face. His physicalcondition was fundamentally sound andhe had no need in consequence to over- 111tax his powers. It is hard to believethat Campbell's training methods under­mine one's constitution. His one mis­take was running two hard races in oneafternoon. Premature breakdowns fromtrack athletics come either from runningtoo much in one day, or from runninghard when not in condition. . The storyof Leroy Campbell should prove an ob­ject lesson to the devotees of the cinderpath.Two Plays by Dean WallaceFor the benefit of the University Settlement, a Twelfth Night performancewill be given in Mandel on January 6, and repeated on January 7. The featureof the performance will be the presentation of two short plays by Miss ElizabethWallace, associate professor of French and dean in the junior colleges. One play,"Soldiers," is of a serious and, in fact tragic nature, centering around the sacri­fice of Sam, EmilYJ a young Englishman, who has been pronounced physically unfit toenlist, but who finds life at home, while others are fighting, more than he can bear.His brother Henry has left M aggieJ his wife, more or less in Sam's charge, butSam has been unable to' prevent her from an affair with another man. Henry,sent home on a furlough earned by conspicuous bravery, learns of the dishonor,and in a fury kills his wife. But when the police come in, Sam nat only insistsupon declaring himself the murderer, but succeeds in convincing the police;enry is left to go back to the trenches, where he has distinguislied himself, andSam, happy in saving a good soldier for his country though himself a weakling, isled away to sentence. The part of Sam Baily is played by Ralph Benzies, '11 ; theother characters are all taken either by undergraduates or recent graduates, andthe play is coached by Frank O'Hara, '15.The second play is a farce, "Culture.C, O. D.", centering around an agency forsupplying the newly-rich of Chicago with distinguished guests of a literary orscientific sort. The daughter of the owner of the agency is a very earnest-mindedyoung woman (fortunately also easy to look upon), who is aware of the agency, butnot of her father's interest in it. She, by a not unnatural misunderstanding, comesto believe that it is a11 office organized for a nefarious traffic in child labor, anddecides to have it raided by the police. At the moment the police come, her father iscombining business with generosity by helping to rehearse a little vaudeville chorus,the Seven Darling Darlings, for an old friend now temporarily out of an engage­ment. After considerable difficulty, the denouement is satisfactorily reached. Muchof the pleasure of "Culture, C. O. D." will come from the admirable interviewsbetween the culture-agent and the social climbers who consult him. Miss Wallace,herself, takes one of the parts, and Professor David another. The other parts aredistributed among members of the faculty and of the Women's Settlement Leagueof the University. The play is coached by Phebe Bell Terry, '10.Alumni are urged to attend these performances, for the sake of the UniversitySettlement. Tickets may be secured of Mrs. Edgar J. Goodspeed, 5706 WoodlawnAvenue, or at the door of Mandel.112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University RecordOne hundred and fifty-five degrees, titles,and certificates were conferred by the U ni­versity of Chicago at its Ninety-seventhConvocation on December 21. In the SeniorColleges of Arts, Literature, and Scienceand the College of Commerce and Adminis­tration thirty students received the Bache­lor's degree, and in the College of Educa-, tion ten the Bachelor's degree in Education.In the Law School the degree of Doctor ofLaw (J.D.) was conferred by the Universityon five students; in the Divinity School theMaster's degree on three students and theDoctor's degree on one; and in the Gradu­ate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Sciencethe degree of Master of Arts or of Sciencewas conferred on ten candidates, and thedegree of Doctor of Philosophy on seven.At the thirty-first annual meeting of theAmerican Historical Association held inWashington, D.C., from December 27 to 31,a number of the faculty and graduates of theUniversity of Chicago took part in the pro­gram. Prof. J. W. Thompson, discussedthe subject of "East German Colonization,"and Frances G. Davenport (Ph.D., '09), now.of the Carnegie Institution of Washington,the subject of "America and European Di­plomacy to 1648." The leader of the discus­sion on "Economic Causes of InternationalRivalries and Wars in Ancient Times" wasJ. H. Breasted. Milo M. Quaife (Ph.D., '08),..now superintendent of the Wisconsin StateHistorical Society, and Edward B. KrehbielI (Ph.D., '06), now of Leland Stanford JuniorUniversity, also participated in the program.Professor Freund, of the Law School, wasthe chairman of a joint session of the Amer­ican Political Science Association and theHistorical Association.Professor Albion W. Small, led at themeeting of the American Sociological Soci­ety at Washington; in the discussion of the.question "War and Militarism in Relation toGovernment and Politics," which was pre­sented from one point of view by WilliamEnglish Walling, '97.The Robert Francis Harper collection ofbooks on Semitic subjects has been formallypresented to the University libra:ries. Prof.Harper died in the summer of 1914. He wasa brother of former President Harper, anda professor of Semitic languages and Litera-. ture at the University. There are aboutsix hundred volumes in the collection. Thelist includes texts, commentaries, period­icals, theses and general works on Semitics.There is an exceptionally large line of doc­tors' theses on Semitic subjects which Prof.Harper had been collecting for a numberof years. The collection will be accessioried immediately and such volumes as the libra­ries do not already possess will be placedin the stacks. All duplicates will remainin the Assyrian seminar.Charles Chandler, professor of Latin, anda member of the faculty since the openingof the University in 1892, will retire fromactive work January 1, according to an an­nouncement by the board of Trustees. Hisson, Stewart Chandler, was graduated in1912. Prof. Chandler received his bachelor'sdegree in 1871 and his master's in 1874 fromthe University of Michigan. He was in­structor of Latin 1874-6 and professor ofLatin Language and Literature 1876-91 atDenison University.Besides the work on Ida Noyes Hall, anumber of comparatively minor changeswere made in the buildings and quadranglesof the University in the autumn. A newwarehouse, a temporary structure, 200 by 50feet, is nearing completion. Its locationincludes the site of the old frame ware­house at 58th street and Ingleside ave­nue, which has been torn down. Suppliesof every description will be housed in thisbuilding, answering the needs of all depart­ments of the University. Soap, towels, elec­tric light and plumber's fitting, paint, locks,tools and countless other articles are num­bered among the contents. Offices of thehead janitors will also be situated in thewarehouse. Fire-escapes have been placed onseveral of the University buildings. SnellHall, the Zoology building, the Anatomy build­ing, and Bartlett gymnasium have all beenequipped with one or more escapes. Thosebeing constructed on Bartlett are especiallyelaborate, as the stairs have a width of nine'.feet, and run all the way to the ground.Two escapes are located on the west walland one on the north wall, two stairwaysleading from the single opening in the northwall. All escapes were erected at the orderof the city authorities. An extension of58th street has been cut to the circle, re­placing the old road passing in front ofRosenwald, which was eliminated becauseof the disturbance due to passing traffic.All University tennis courts will be resur­faced with clay before the resumption ofplay in the spring. The clay used in thiswork is rather difficult to procure, as it isonly found at depths of from 50 to 80 feet.A· considerable quantity was obtained whenexcavations were made for the Rosenwaldseismograph column.$1130.63 went to the University Settle­ment as a result of the annual dance heldTHE LETTER BOXDecember 11. The total receipts from thesale of tickets were $906.50; the side showsnetted $83.49, the refreshments, $197.49 andthe check room $19.55. The total receiptswere $1,217.03 and the expenses $85.40.Dunlap Clark, '17, has been appointedmanager of the 1916 production of theBlackfriars. Francis Broomell, '17, willhandle the costumes and Harold Vogte1, '18,will be his assistant. Properties will bemanaged by Sherman Cooper, '18, with Stan­ley Banks, '18, assistant. Jud��n Tyley, '1.8,will have charge of the publicity. He WIllbe aided by Lyndon Lesch, '17. RobertWillett '17 has been named chorus-masterand Ch�un�ey Scott, '17, will be in charge ofthe score.Four interesting performances of pre­Shakesperian origin will be presented un1erthe auspices of the department of Englishin Mandel, late in February, m connectionwith the three hundredth anniversary of thedeath of Shakespere. The first will be aliturgical play, or "Sponsus", of the medi­eval period, written in Latin and OldFrench. The music will be given by Dr. J.Lewis Brown, organist of the Church of OurLady of Sorrows, and the participants willbe choir boys of the church. "The SecondShepherd's Play", a mystery, will form thesecond part of the program. Th.e thir� pla_ywill be "Nice Wanton", a morahty which ISa dramatization of the text, "Spare the rodand spoil the child". The program willbe concluded by an Elizabethan jig, withsong parts and dancing. Associate Profes­sor Boynton will be in general charge of"The Second 'Shepherd's Play"; AssociateProfessor Robertson of "Nice Wanton",and Associate Professor Baskervill of thejig, as well as general chairman for the de­partment. Except the Sponsus, all perform­ances will be given by undergraduates, menonly in accordance with the custom of thetimes of the plays.The Sponsus has never been produced inAmerica. "The Second Shepherd's Play"has been given by the Yale Dramatic Asso­ciation, and "Nice Wanton" by the NewTheater company.Alfred Noyes, the English poet and lec­turer will deliver a lecture Saturday, J an­uary 8, in Mandel, under the �uspices of t�eSenior class. Paul Russell, 16, ex-captainof the football team, is general chairman ofthe committee on arrangements.Mr. Noyes received his education at Ex­eter college, Oxford University. He wasthe recipient of an Hon. Litt. doctor'sdecree from Yale University in 1913, whenhe bzave the Lowell lectures in America.Am;ng his works are the "Enchanted Islandand Other Poems", "William Morris","Tales of the Mermaid Tavern", "The WinePress", and "Forty Singing Seamen". 113THE LETTER BOXTo the Editor:I note with great pleasure that the under­zraduate is beginning to read the signs ofthe age and meditate while there is yet timeupon the disadvantages of a college educa­tion. Perhaps it may not be too late forhim to save himself. I am not writing as anoracle but as a very recent undergraduate.I t is easy, so easy, to go to college, get acollege education and then go forth into theworld dragging this academic impedimentathat so often gets caught in the revolvingdoor of industry. However,.if I may bepermitted to venture an opinion, the wisefreshman, or even the wise sophomore (ifsuch there be) can avoid doing it.Personally, I rejoice in my college days.They have not hindered me nor have theyhindered most of my friends. But there's areason. Although, like many others, I man­asred to secure a degree from the. faculty atChicago and later even studied in· severalUniversities in Europe, I think I can honest­ly say that I never received a college educa­tion.I will admit that twice in my undergrad­uate days it seemed that I was about tohave one. One quarter-end I found myselfwith a grade perilously near B-. FearfullyI looked over my work of the past monthsbut, on careful analysis, I saw there was nocause for alarm. I found that I had hadthree interesting courses, at least two en­thusiastic instructors, and involuntarily andjoyously I had done the work. The profes­sors, careless of cause, had given me goodgrades thinking that I was a real student,or-thinking nothing at all, and merelydoing some mathematics with percentagemarks.Another time,-this was less serious-Iwas merely dissipating in ardent reform.I do not think my case is exceptional. Ihave one friend who recently stepped into ahighly specialized profession gayly flauntinga Phi Beta Kappa Key on his very correctwaistcoat. He has succeeded brilliantly,although he was valedictorian of his class.He made an excellent speech on class day,too they said· (which he wrote the nightbef�re, splitting three pints and four infini­tives the while). One of the cleverest finan­cial reporters I know is an M. E. but it hasnever hurt him once during his journa listic :career.It is most unfair to attack all college menjust because some fel lo ws have a collegeeducation. In my office there are only twomen who cannot run a typewriter, One hadto leave high school to go to work. Theother is a cum laude who admits that hehas a coIIege education and I understandthat he has been given a month to look for"something else."If you can't swim you oughtn't to get into114 .THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe water, but that is no reason to try to doaway with swimming. I am not in favor ofclosing the Universities just because somefellows don't know any better than to get acollege education-whatever that is!Sincerely,H. R. BAUKHAGE, '11.[Ernestine Evans, in Europe as corre­sporiden t for the N ew York Tribune, writesto a friend, who allows the Magazine ex,cerpts]:"Its too altogether like you to take yourAlumni duty seriously. 'Write me a letterabout Europe'; first when what little coher­ence, unity and mass I· ever had is sold offto service, and second when I am a humblelost person in the melle, getting more timidof opinion every day, which is a bit of a pitywhen you think of how I used to live byoptimistic generalization alone."Of University news, nothing much butthis: I've had three or four pleasant lettersfrom Anne Marie Wever, '14, and lunchwith her father, who used to be the ConsulGeneral in Chicago before he went to Basel.He has been one of the despatch censorsever since Italy came in. A. M. is a grad­uated doctor of Medicine, reprieved from theusual interned year, and practicing inMiinchen where she finished after having toleave Strassburg when the war broke out.She is ever so happy, and while her fatherwill probably not take real stock in an un­married daughter-its not the German way,as I come to find out after three long daysin the Reich stag at a conference on birthpolitics-he can't help boasting a little aboutthe record she has made."Charlotte Teller Hirsch, '99 or there­abouts, is here for the Hearst papers withReinhardt reading her play and a younginfant who takes heaps of time, so that I seevery little of her except on enforced jour­neys to inspect insane asylums or someother foreign office treat for alien journal­ists."My own work is not of consequence toChicago people-half and half its arrangingfor the mighty to write on their specialties-the vice-president of the Reichsbank onfinance, and Adele Schreiber on the stateservice of women, which all the papers andclubs and hearths discuss these days, andPrince Hatzfeld on the Red Cross and Medi­cal Research, Maximi11ian Harden and HansDelbruch, etc., etc. For myself, I go to allthe conferences pro and con about increas­ing the birth rate-I sometimes wish thatso very many men, however learned andhowever powerful, wouldn't be so scientificand legislative about the twelve childrenthat no German woman must hereinafter bewithout; and it has been great fun being inat the founding of all the new dressmakingventures. The leading artists are all makingfrocks, and none thinks of taking tea any­where that's smarter than Alfred Marie's up on Wilhelrnstrasse just across the street(kitty-corner) from the foreign office. ThenI'm responsible for food surveys and trans­lations of war cook-books-I'm thinking ofediting a series for American strikers dedi­cated to Prof.. Hoxie. I know more aboutputting pumpkin and carrots in the rasp­berry jam than any bondholding manufac­turer before the pure food laws; and justnow I'm working on currency problems inthe conquered provinces and following theServian campaign with a great deal of inter­est,-there's hardly a place that I don't re­member well, from those strange, mad dayslast spring when the typhus was so bad andI pelted over the country with that collec­tion of Servian officers, English journalistsand the two Johns Hopkins nurses."I am purposely not telling you any of thethings I feel-its too long and all repeated.Only now as ever, the country that has athousand things to teach us is Germany­and I am quite convinced that we shall paybitterly and hardly for the blindness wehave shown in the war."Every once in a while a rumble overheadcalls me to the balcony and I watch a hugeblack sausage in the sky-its a different sen­sation seeing a Zeppelin in Berlin or inLondon, but equally sad. Oh, well, as allthe men I know who come home on urlaubsay, 'Dying is the easiest thing in life, espe­cially dying in battle.' I am not half somuch appalled by the war as a dread of lifeafterward with everybody more afraid thanever to trust in dreams."Off Shanghai, Dec. 2, 1915.To the Editor:The baseball team did not succeed ingetting to Manila until it was too late tosend you any account of events there thatwould arrive before the end of the autumnquarter. While this, therefore, will notreach you until the team is back in Chicagoagain, it may serve to complete the recordof the trip and the men on the team canhelp to fill in the details.After leaving Japan on the "Chiyo Maru"we enjoyed a very comfortable trip downto Hongkong. The ship stopped for a dayat Shanghai giving. us an opportunity tosee the city and enjoy a luncheon tenderedby the University Club and the AmateurBaseball Club.At Hongkong we were held up for tenweary days on account of typhoons, andseveral delays in our boat's sailings, buteventually set forth in the diminutive "Chin­hua" across the China Sea to Manila. Be­tween the effects of the monsoon and thetail end of a typhoon breeze the voyagewas one that will linger long in the memo­ries of most of those present, howevermuch they may wish to forget it. If any­thing could have cast such memories intooblivion it was the royal way in which wewere all entertained in Manila.But first the ball games. By extendingTHE LETTER BOX 115our stay to two weeks the team was ableto play eight games in all. Of these gamesthe team 'won six: Two from the Univer­sity of the Philippines, 2 to 0 and 13 to 1; twofrom the Philippine Island team, 8 to 1 and3 to 1, and two from the Reach (American)team, 3 to 0 and 5 to 3. One game waslost to the Reach team; 2 to 3, and a ten­inning game with the Philippine Islandteam ended in a tie, 0 to o. For the wholetrip this makes a record of only sevengames lost and one tied, out of a total offorty-four games. This, I believe, beatsthe record made by the team which cameout five years ago, and is certainly a featof which Manager Page, the team andthe University may well feel proud.In the way of entertainment Manilashowed the true American spirit in settingout to beat all records. She won, handsdown. Between dances. dinners, sight-see­ing trips, etc., life was one dizzy whirl withbaseball games thrown in occasionally forthe sake of a rest. Among other thingsmay be mentioned a tea at the Governor­General's, a the dansant at the UniversityClub, a smoker at the Army and NavyClub, luncheon with the officers of theConstabulary, a visit to Aguinaldo, the for­mer insurrectionist leader, and several din­ners and dances. But, perhaps, the chiefevent was the two days' trip to PagsaujauGorge.Arriving at Pagsaujau village we wereentertained at a reception and dance, withthree Filipinos, all former Chicago menin charge. At 5 :00 a. m. the followingday we arose to get an early start up thegorge. It is probably just as well that "Tiny" Hart's pictures of the motley ar­ray that sallied forth in a composite bath­ing-suit-negligee-Filipino-hat costume werespoiled when "Tiny" took another invol­untary swim down the rapids on the re­turn, for the sight astonished the nativesthemselves. Events proved that a bathingsuit alone is the only appropriate garb, fornearly everybody was swamped or .upsetbefore the return. The gorge itself provedvery beautiful and afforded us, as well, afine glimpse of tropical vegetation, to saynothing of an exciting trip.As we were on the ball grounds at Ma­nila, with legs still wobbly, only an hourand a half after landing, so we made ourexit on Thanksgiving Day, sailing awaywithin an hour after the game ended.With' anxious forebodings of the morrow,what took the place of a Thanksgivingdinner was consumed with unwonted cau­.tion, and events proved it well justified.Though the "St. Albans" was twice the sizeof the "Chinhua" the monsoon seemed toblow just as hard. The second day broughta total disappearance of six of the party,only to reappear with a forced and haggardsmile when we were safe in Hongkong har­bor once more.After two days' waiting there we em­barked, Nov. 30th, on the "Tenyo Maru,"due to. arrive in San Francisco Dec. 27th.Thus, with the New Year, everybody cansettle down to the "simple life" of Chicagoonce more. But what a change that willmean only those who have participated inthe games, the entertainment, and thetravel of the last six months, can begin tounderstand. CHESTER W. VVRIGHT.Patronize our advertisersl Harry W. Ford, ex '05, is president of the Saxon MotorCompany. Luther D. Fernald, ex. '08, is general advertising manager of the Leslie­Judge Company, and the copy for the advertisement in this issue was written by Hil­mar Baukhage, '11. G. R. Schaeffer, '06, is in general charge of the distribution of theTobey Furniture Polish. Harold Swift, '07, is a member of Swift & Co.; and so itgoes. Every advertisement either concerns an alumnus activity, or was secured by directeffort on the part of an alumnus. These men advertise in the Magazine, both out of-loy­alty and with an eye to results. These advertisements, and these advertisements only,make it possible to enlarge the Magazine, to give more pictures, to widen our wholefield of influence. Will you help? How? As opportunity comes, patronize our advertisers!116 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI AFFAIRSHenry T. Clarke, Jr., 1896Henry Tefft Clarke, j r., the 1991st student to register here, came to the Universityof Chicago on October 9, 1894, hom Williams College, where he had spent two years, andpromptly became a prominent citizen. He pitched Chicago to many a victory for two years, be­ing captain of the nine in 1897 (graduates -could play in the olden days.). He played quarter-backalso on the football teams of '95 and '96. He was a Sigma Phi at Williams; at Chicago hewas one of the old Lion's Head group, but when that set of famous athletes became the Chi­cago Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi, "Ikey" stood aside. He took the three years' law course atAnn Arbor in two years, meanwhile pitching professionally in the National League, and in1900 was admitted to the Illinois bar. N ext year he returned to his old home in Oma­ha, Nebraska, and formed a law partnership with Frank Crawford, of Yale and theMichigan - Law School. That fall he married Miss Grace Allen of Omaha, and theyhave three sons, Allen, twelve, William, ten, and Henry T., Jr., seven, all of whom theirproud father expects to qualify for the varsity. In 1904 he went into politics. Says he:"I was endorsed for the nomination of representative in the state legislature by _ theFontanelle Club, an anti-machine organization, of which I was not a member. I wasnominated and elected, and participated in the session of 1905. The question of thetaxation of railroads in cities and villages was one of the measures which I introduced,but it failed to pass at this session. The Republicans made it a part of their platform inthe 1906 election, at which time I was again a candidate for the nomination, and wasnominated and elected to the 1907 session, at· which session, in my judgment, more re­form and constructive legislation was enacted into law than at any other session heldby any other legislature. The railroad taxation measure introduced by me was enactedinto law, and as a result of the work in that legislature, without solicitation or evenknowledge, on my part, that he was considering, it, Governor Sheldon tendered me theappointment to fill a vacancy on the newly constituted Railway Commission, which, indue time, I accepted. I was nominated at the primaries that fall and had no oppositionfrom the Democrats and was elected to fill the unexpired term. In 1910 I was againnominated and elected, and when my present time expires will have served approxi­mately ten years on the Commission. I have served as chairman for three years."Every now and then, at various institutions, they hold an election to determine the"most popular undergraduate." There was no need for that at Chicago in "Ikey's"day. Everybody knew what the result would have been-with or without woman's suf­frage!ALUMNI AFFAIRS 117Philadelphia Alumni Club.-The Phila­delphia Alumni Club met at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Edwin D. Solenberger, Drexel Hill,Pa., on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 11, 1915. Theold University was represented by FredericPerry Powers, of the class of 1871, who isnow on the editorial staff of the PhiladelphiaRecord. The most recent graduates pres­ent were: Frances A. Rosenthal, Ph. B.,'15, now at Glen Mills School for Girls nearPhiladelphia; Arthur H. Hirsch, Ph. D.,'15, now on the faculty of Ursinus College,Collegeville, Pa., and Charles H. Maxson,Ph. D., '15, now on the faculty of the Whar­ton School, University of Pennsylvania.Others present were: Isabelle Bronk, Ph. B.,'00, head of the Department of RomanceLanguages at Swarthmore College; W.Henry Elfreth, Ph. B., '02, attorney in Phil­adelphia; Frank Grant Lewis, Ph. D., '07,librarian of the Crozier Theological Semi­nary, and also for the American BaptistHistorical Association; Cornelia M. Beale,Ph. B., '14, an officer at Glen Mills Schoolfor Girls; Edith Hall, S. B., '06 (Mrs. H.Walter Forster), Jenkintown, Pa.; Shin­kishi Hatai, Ph. D., '12, of the Wistar Insti­tute of Anatomy, University of Pennsyl­vania; John J. Van Nostrand, Jr., HistoryDepartment of University of Pennsylvania;Albert H. Wilson, Ph. D., '11, Departmentof Mathematics, Haverford College; alsoMrs. Powers, Mrs. Van Nostrand, Mrs.Maxson, Mrs. Elfreth and Mr. Forster.Twenty-five other members wrote ex­pressing their regrets that they were un­able to be present. Their names andaddresses have been recorded for futurereference. Any former students of the Un i­yersity who move to Philadelphia or vicin­rty, or who hear of anyone who has doneso, are urged to communicate with the Sec­retary of the local club, Edwin D. Solen­berger, 419 South Fifteenth street, Phila­delphia.The meeting was an informal social occasionfor the purpose of furthering acquaintanceand fellowship. among the members. Teawas served by Mrs. Solenberger, and AliceLewis, of .Philadelphia, sang Welsh folk­songs. It was planned to hold similar in­formal social meetings at intervals of afew months during the coming year at thehomes of the members. Invitations havea lrea.dy been extended by Mr. Elfreth, pres­ident of the club, and Mrs. Elfreth, by MissBronk, vice-president, and by Mr. and Mrs.powers.News of the ClassesDonald McGillivray, '93, is living at May­wood, Ill.. J oseph Jenkins, '98, is living at J ersey­vllle, Ill.Samuel D. Magers, '01, is in charge. ofthe department of biological sciences in theNorthern State Normal School, Marquette,Mich. Gertrude Caswell, '03 (now Mrs. W. F.Spaulding), is living at Greeley, Colorado.Paul L. Vogt, '04, has been made profes­sor of rural economics in Ohio State Uni­versity. He has taken post graduate workat Columbia University and the Universityof Pennsylvania, receiving the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy from the ,latter insti­tution, his thesis being "The Sugar RefiningIndustry in the United States." Later hewas special agent for the U. S. Bureau ofLabor and 'Corporations, and the professorof economics in Washington University.He resigned as professor of sociology atMiami University to accept the rural eco­nomics work at Ohio State University.Ethan A. Cross, '05, is professor of litera­ture and English in the State TeachersCollege at Greeley, Colo.Carl J. Bevan, '05, is living at Genoa, Ill.Edna F. Terry, ex '05 (now" Mrs. A. B.Applegate), is living at Atlanta, Ill.George A. Barker, '05, is professor ofgeology and geography in the State Teach­ers College at Greeley, Colo.Helen E. Jacoby, '09, has moved to 850 E.58th street, Indianapolis, Ind.Julius F. McDonald, '10, is teaching atAustin, Tex.Harriet Ericson, ex '10 (now Mrs. E. W.Thompson), is living at Cascade, Mont.Elizabeth Connor, '10, writes that she hasdecided to give up teaching and is nowstudying at the Library Training School inLos Angeles in preparation for librarywork, a field which she believes will in­terest her more.Gurnie M. Moss, '10, is teaching in thehigh school at Raynesford, Mont.Thomas M. Henley, '10, is living at 1016Fair Oaks avenue, South Pasadena, CatMattie L. Hatcher, '10, is teaching in theNormal School, at Bowling Green, Ky.Lucile Jarvis, '11 (now Mrs. R. E. Arne),is living at 115 Laurelhurst avenue, Port­land, Ore.Helen Hughes, '11, has accepted a posi­tion for the second half of the current col­lege year as teacher of English literature atGrinnell College, Iowa. Miss Hughes willreturn to Chicago to continue her work forthe doctorate next fall.Mrs. Rachel C. Eaton, '11, is professorof history at Lake Erie College, Painesville,Ohio.John S. Bridges, '11, is living at 618 Mar­vel avenue, Boulder, Colo.Garnett E. Trott, '11, is a student at Le­land Stanford, Jr., University.Stella Center, '12, is teaching in the NewYork City high schools.Margaret Twigley, '12, is teaching in thehigh school at Santa Fe, New Mexico .Juliette Griffin, '12, is teacher of historyand English at the South high school, Oma­ha, Neb.Isabel J. Wolfe, '12 (Mrs. A. F. Hemen­way). is living at 476 Rose street, Lexing­ton, Ky. Dr. Hemenway, Ph. D. '12, is pro-118 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfessor of biology and geology in Transyl-vania University. .Frank B. Meseke, '12, is living at 6047Ellis avenue, Chicago.Katherine Powel, '12, is teaching in Sim­mons College, Boston, Mass.Edward Miller, '13, is a copywriter forMotor Age.Alfred C. Kelly, Jr., '13, who was forsome years manager of the Bureau of Stud­ent Employment at the University, hasgone to Akron, Ohio, where he is employedby the Goodrich Rubber Company.John T. Lister, '13, and Mrs. Lister(Grace Sproull, '00), have moved from Gree­ley, Colo., and are living at 60'25 Ellis ave­nue, Chicago.Alma V. Ogden, '13, is teaching house­hold art in the Stout Institute, Menominee,Wis.Steven S. Stockwell, '13, is superintendentof the training school in the Northern StateNormal School, Marquette, Mich.Mae Kissuk, '14, is professor of House­hold Arts in the State Teachers College atGreeley, Colo.Lydia Lee, '14, who taught English inthe Centralia, 111., Township High Schoollast year, is now head of the English de­partment of the Pullman Free School ofManual Training, endowed by the lateGeorge M. Pullman.Harold H. Wright, '14, is employed byButler Brothers, Chicago.Isabel McMillan, '14, is teaching Englishin the Commercial High School at Omaha,Neb.Fannie Pendley, '14, is teaching in thehigh school at Knoxville, Tenn., and re­sides at 741 N. 4th avenue.Nettie T. Moore, '14, and Frances Gooch,'15, are on the faculty at Agnes Scott Col­lege, Decatur, Ga.Augustus K. Sykes, '15, is reporting forthe Chicago Daily News.Harold Allsopp, '15, has accepted a posi­tion in the accounting department of theChicago Telephone Company.Paul Des J ardien, '15, captain of the Var­sity football team of 1914, and now touringthe Orient with the University baseballteam, has been appointed an assistant coachat the University. The baseball team willreturn January 3, and Des J ardien will im­mediately .start work coaching the basket­ball squad. He will also assist Page withbaseball and track in the spring.Bernice Wettstein, '15, is teaching domes­tic science in the High School at Cleve­land, Okla.Irma H. Gross, '15, is teaching domesticscience in the Central High School, Oma­ha, Neb.T. W.· Oliver, '15, has been appointedsuperintendent of the Carbondale publicschools.Earl D. Huntington, '15, is now at MountPleasant, Mich.Rex Van Bornstein, '15, has moved to 17Kensington avenue, Northampton, Mass. Bernard C. Hendricks, '15, is at the headof the physics department of the NebraskaState Normal School at Peru.Charles J. Stout, '15, is living at 75 Luckiestreet, Atlanta, Ga_. _[The following notes all concern former studentsin The College of Commerce and Administration.]1913Ellsworth Bryce is Michigan sales rep­resentative of the Cudahy Packing Com­pany, working out of Detroit, Mich. Ad­dress, care Y. M. C. A.James A. Donovan is with A. H. Parker,1500 East 57th street, engaged in "renting,selling, management of property, insur­ance."E. E. Ford is a salesman for the RandCompany and the George B. Graff Com­pany of this city.. Walter J. Foute is now doing editorialwork for Rand-McNally & Co. Address, 539East 44th street.Culver Hand is teaching commercial sub­jects in the new Trier Township HighSchool at Kenilworth.Donald H. Hollingsworth is secretary­treasurer of the Photoplay Securities Cor­poration, with offices at 117 North Dearbornstreet. Home address, 6421 Harper avenue.Frederick Holmes is with the DuncanElectric Manufacturing Company of Lafay­ette, Ind.Clarence E. Jackson is with the Consoli­dated Water Power & Paper Company ofGrand Rapids, Wis.Lon P. Payne is statistician and salescorrespondent at the Marquette CementManufacturing Company. Home address,1638 East 68th street.Loyal G. Tillotson is teaching commer­cial subjects in the high school at Moline,Ill.1914Wm. B. Bosworth is secretary to Dr.Reed, and administrator and instructor inthe Athletic Department at the University.Other commerce and administrationgraduates working for the University areMartha F. Green, 1913, in the Examiner'soffice, Anne B. Grimes, 1914, doing researchsecretarial work for Dean L. C. Marshall;and Katherine Biggins, 1915, secretary toAssociate Professor Robertson in the presi­dent's office.Wm. H. Lvman is building manager forthe University in the city office at 189 WestMadison street. Home address, 5220 WestMadison street.Frank E. Burleson is district officer forthe Juvenile Protective Association. Mrs.Burleson (Anna Wood MacLaughlin, 1915),is in the central office of the United Chari­ties. Horne address, 350 West 77th street.A. Himmelblau is in the auditing depart­ment of the By-Products Coke Corpora­tion, 1115 Marquette building. Home ad­dress, 1309 South St. Louis avenue.ALUMNI AFFAIRSPaul M .. LaRose is first assistant in theChicago office of the Bureau of Foreign andDomestic Commerce, 504 Federal building.W. M. Leonard is with the Hubbard Ab­stract Company, First National Bank build­ing, Great Falls, Mont.Isadore Levin is doing correspondence,editorial work and advertising for the Bootand Shoe Recorder, 189 West Madisonstreet. Home address, 6415 Harvard ave­nue.Erling H. Lunde is with his father in theAmerican Industrial Company (rnanurac­turing piano hardware), 6625 Olvmpia ave­nue, Chicago. Already he has the title ofassistant superintendent.Lewis Mills Norton is with the Com­munity Motion Picture Bureau at Chautau­qua, N. Y.Sarah Reinwald is teaching commercialsubjects in the Forest City (Iowa) HighSchool.Arthur G. Rubovits is executive under­study to his father, Toby Rubovits, 5i7South Fifth avenue. He reports that fewprinters come out of the colleges. Homeaddress, 4439 Drexel boulevard.H. D. Schaeffer is incorporator, stock­holder and salesman of the Tobey Distrib­uting Company, 33 North Wabash avenue.Ralph W. Stansbury is credit man atMerrill Cox & Co., 76 West Monroe street.Home address, 6417 Harvard avenue.Alexander M. Squair is correspondentand inspector at Sears, Roebuck & Co.Home address, 553;0 South Park avenue.Robert Ewing Simond is assistant cashierat N. W. Halsey & Co. Home address,6026 Kenwood avenue.Charlotte Viall is Y. W. C. A. secretaryin the Kansas State Normal School at Em­poria.Otto Wander is in the Bureau of Statis­tics of the Chicago Board of Education.Home address, 5465 Harper avenue.Frank E. Weakly is director of the cor­poration school at Montgomery Ward &Co. Home address, 914 East 61st street.1915Harold L. Allsopp and Frank M. Thom­etz are in the auditing department of theChicago Telephone Company. Allsopplives at 6243 Woodlawn avenue, and Thorn­etz at 6234 Langley avenue.Alice E. Barton, Edith Mae Bell, A. S.Kusama and A. D. Masillamini, 1915, and]. E. Wolfe, 1914, are in the divinity school.Emma A. Clark, 5498 Cornell avenue, isstudying with Mary Wood Hinman.Roland B. Daley is in the office of the. C. H. Nold Lumber Company, 10'1 South17th street, St. Joseph, Mo.Kasson M. Dodson is working as a millhand in the Kimball Clark Company's pa­per mill at Neenah, Wis., "to obtain a thor­ough knowledge of the technical end of thebusiness before taking up the office end." 119Willard T. Goodwin is in the accountingdepartment of the Robert Dallas Company,San Francisco, Cal.Mrs. Thomas Hadley (Helen LillianHoughton) is living at 45 Wedgemere ave­nue, Winchester, Massachusetts.Leo C. Hupp is in the law school.Gladys J ones is learning to be a buyerat Marshall Field & Co; She has now beenpromoted from stock records to selling.Home address, 6034 Ingleside avenue.Richard A. Johnson is learning the pack­ing business with Swift & Co. He writesfrom Des Moines, Iowa, where he is study":ing the produce end of the business forthree or four months. Permanent address,6130 Greenwood avenue.Ralph D. Kellogg is training in the dif­ferent departments of the National CityBank of New York City, preparatory to be­ing sent to one of the Latin Americanbranches.Florence G. Knight is handling recordsand statistics in the Chicago office of theCurtis Publishing Company. Home ad­dress, 5652 Maryland avenue.Emma G. Low is a visitor for the Asso­ciated Charities of Milwaukee, Wis. Ad­dress, 681 Cass street, Milwaukee.Hazel Miller is teaching at the ChicagoHebrew Institute and "writing for any mag­azine that will accept work" She lives at2345 Thomas street.Orville D. Miller is office manager of theChicago office of the Toledo Scale Com­pany, 184 North Dearborn street.Ernest]. Morris is working for the U ni­versity department of the Metropolitan Y.M. C. A. He lives at 34 West 100th place.Merwyn M. Palmer is correspondent atMontgomery Ward & Co. He lives at 6218I ngleside avenue.Mrs. Carl Pfanstiehl (Caryl Cody) is liv­ing at Wood Path, Highland Park, Ill.Frances A. Rosenthal is working in thereform school at Sleighton Farm, Darling,Pa.Joshua Stevenson, Jr., is soliciting for theNorthern Bank Note Company, Clark andHarrison streets, Chicago. He lives at 652West 67th street.Carl W. Ullman is secretary of the Cham­ber of Commerce at Salem, Ohio.Helene R. Evans is at Va rick House, 11Dominick street, New York City.Marie Spalding is in the manager's officeat Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.William H. Weiser. is at Ewing Chris­tian College, Allahabad, India.EngagementsMr. and Mrs. Samuel Spiro of SouthBend, Ind., announce the engagement oftheir daughter, Ruth, to Erwin P. Seisler,'07, of 3256 Lake Park avenue, Chicago.Benjamin F. Bills, '12, and Beryl V. Gil­bert, '13.120 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEarle Shilton, '14, and Miriam Baldwin,'14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.� E. Bald.:.win of 4517 Michigan avenue, Chicago.Shilton is a member of the Sigma AlphaEpsilon.MarriagesWilliam C. Craver, '11, and Louise Woodof Greensboro, N. c., were married atGreensboro on September 1. They are liv­ing at Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C.Mary Louise Etten, '11, and Golder L.Mc Whorter, '11, were married in December.Their plans are uncertain because Mr.McWhorter is to be with Mayo Brothers atRochester for a year, but eventually theyexpect to settle in Minneapolis.Bjorne H. Lunde, '12, and Dorothy M.Wood, were married November 10, at theLa Salle hotel. Lunde was a member ofthe gymnastic and cross-country teams andpresident of the Undergraduate Council inhis senior year. He is a member of theAlpha Tau Omega fraternity. Miss Woodis a graduate of Lewis Institute and a mem­ber of the Mu Delta sorority. Their wed­ding trip included a visit to the coast ex­positions.Theodore vv.. Baldwin, ex., and Myrtle Sil­vers of 910 Oakwood boulevard, were mar­ried November 13.BirthsDonald S. Trumbull, '97, and Mrs. Trum­bull announce the birth of a son, WilliamMavor, on December 11, at Highland Park,Ill.Harry Hanson, '09, and Mrs. Hanson an­nounce the birth of a daughter, Ruth Elea­nor, on November 22. This is the chiefreason why H. H. deserted the arts of warfor the arts of peace.Harold L. Axtell, Ph. D. '06, and Mrs.Axtell . (Gertrude Bouton, '07) announcethe birth of a son, Richard William, July10, at Moscow, Idaho.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHY.The quarter-centennial celebration ofthe University takes place next June, and everydepartment of the University is expected totake some active part on this occasion. Allbranches of the Alumni are looking forwardto making this a red-letter occasion. Al­ready the Alumni Council is taking activesteps toward doing its part, and eachAlumni Association is expected to make itsspecial contribution. The Executive Com­mittee of the Doctor's Association has heldone meeting and has under considerationtwo or three propositions. Decision will bemade early in January as to what our sharein this. great occasion should be, and a cir­cular will be sent to all Doctors as S0011thereafter as possible, explaining all thedetails. Meanwhile, the most important item forall of us is to lay plans at once. for home­coming next June. In the nature of thecase, it is difficult ordinarily for many ofthe Doctors to be in Chicago at the time ofthe June Convocation, but this is an ex­traordinary occasion and it calls for un­usual effort, and even sacrifice if need be,to show our loyalty to the University whichstands in the unique relation to us which noother institution occupies, and which weare proud to say we should wish no otherto occupy. Chicago has been, is, and willcontinue to be THE University of Chicagoin our estimation, and there are now nearlyeight hundred of us who hold this opinionand cherish this institution as OUR AlmaMater in a far deeper sense than any mereundergraduate relationship could ever sig­nify to the college alumnus. Vie may havebeen isolated in some laboratory during oursojourn on the campus; we may never haveyelled our throats sore at a football game;we may never have even subscribed to theMaroon or bought the Cap and, Gown,':"_and yet, deep in our hearts, we know thatChicago is the one place in all this countrywhere our thoughts turn with sincere grati­tude for the opportunities that were un­folded to us during those years in whichit was our privilege to be counted as agraduate student of the Midway. Some ofus" possibly most of us, made great sacri­fices to secure this opportunity, but wehave blessed our lucky stars ever since that.we had wisdom enough to make this su­preme effort and pluck enough to carryout our plans; and now the time has comewhen, looking back through longer orshorter vistas, we realize in clearer fashionthan ever before what it all' means.Twenty-five years-a quarter of a cen­tury! Has Chicago really taken her placeamong the universities that are no longeryoung? Yes, the ivy is fast covering herwalls and the sandstone is growing darkwith age, but the beauties of her turretswill remain undimmed for many morequarter centuries, and the Chicago spirit,the free, the untrammeled-the spirit of theWest, shall ever remain young and buoyantand inspiring.Come home to Chicago in June, 1916, isthe watchword. Let every Doctor notewell the date. No other alumni organiza­tion has equaled us in its percentage ofsupport to the Magazine. Let no otherbody of Alumni be in our class on thishome-coming occasion.Dr. Harper said in 1906, when the firstinvitation was issued to the Doctors tocome home in June: "The Doctors' are theselected output of the University and wemust expect from them great things." Itis certain that, if he were now living to seethis selected body more than doubled sincethat time, he would feel that great thingshad been done and that still greater possi­bilities are rapidly rising before our vision.Come back in June, 1916.ALUMNI AFFAIRSH. Parker Willis, '94, Ph. D. '98, is nowsecretary of the Federal Reserve Boardin Washington, D. C. A former trustee ofthe University, Mr. Frederick A. Delano,is vice-governor of the Reserve Board. Dr.Willis, as secretary, has charge of the pub.lication of the Federal' Reserve BUlletin,which is issued each month from the gov­ernment printing office. He is also lecturerat Columbia University, has been expert ad­viser to ways and means and banking andcurrency committees in the House of Rep­resentatives and is the author of numerousworks on financial and economic subjects.Frank B. Jewett, Ph. D. '0'2, and HaroldD. Arnold, Ph. D. '11, have been given nosmall share of the credit in the recentachievements of wireless telephony, bywhich the Eiffel Tower and Honolulu wereeach reached from the United States bytelephone communications. Dr. Jewett isassistant chief engineer of the WesternElectric Company and has had immediatedirection under the chief engineer, Mr. J. J.Carty, of this remarkable enterprise of de­veloping transcontinental and transoceanicwireless telephony. Dr. Arnold is in chargeof one division of the research laboratoryof the Western Electric Company and hashad large responsibility for the develop­ment of the amplifying devices which madeit possible to transform the vibration ofspeech into powerful ether waves, whichmay be retransformed into speech on a re­ceiving telephone at any point within aradius of at least four thousand miles.Elmer C. Griffith, Ph. D. '0'2, has beenelected president of the Missouri Society ofTeachers of History and Government.William McCracken, '05, is head of thedepartment of physics and chemistry in theWestern State Normal School, Kalamazoo,Mich.William D. Ferguson, '0'6, is teaching inBerea College, Berea, Ky.A. Ruggles Gates, Ph. D. '08, is at theUniversity of California, acting as associateprofessor in the department of zoology, lec­turing on heredity, evolution, eugenics, etc.His recent book, "The Mutation Factor inEvolution;" was published by McMillan intheir Science Monograph Series and hasalready been extensively reviewed in theEnglish press and in scientific journals.Marion B. White, '10', is teaching in theMichigan State Normal College at Ypsi­lanti, Mich.Ernest '1\1. Burgess, '13, is assistant pro­fessor in the department of economics andsociology at the Ohio State University, Co­lumbus.Manuel C. Elmer, Ph. D. '14, has beenmade head of the Social Science Depart­ment of Fargo College, Fargo, N. D. Asa result of a social survey of Fargo, whichhe finished in June, 1915, the city now hasthree special policewomen, who inspect allplaces where food is prepared or sold; a 121new housing ordinance is being prepared;a special school nurse has been employed,and the Associated Charities reorganized.Prof. Elmer is now conducting a Labor andIndustrial Survey.Edwin G. Nourse, '15, has been appointedhead of the department of economics at theUniversity of Arkansas, Fayetteville.The Law School AssociationJohn F. Bowman is a member of the firmof Stewart, Bowman, Morris & Callister,80'3 McIntyre building, Salt Lake City,Utah.Jacob L. Fox, '13, and Leon L. Lewis, '13,have formed a partnership under the firmname of Lewis, Fox & Adelsdorf, withoffices at 1011, 111 West Monroe street, Chi­cago.Jerome N. Frank, '12, has offices at 1546,76 West Monroe street, Chicago.Leo H. Hoffman, '14, is located at 912Consumers building, State and Quincystreets, Chicago.William E. Jones, '13, Harlowton, Mont.,is prominently mentioned as a candidatefor state senator.Howard B. McLane, '15, is a member ofthe firm of McVey & McLane, 511 FirstNational Bank building, LaPorte, Ind.Ona J. Myers, '14, is with Story & Story,31 Story Block, Ouray, Colo.Cameron Latter is at 10 South La Sallestreet, Chicago.Abram R. Miller, '15, is with Soboroff &Newman, 513 Ashland Block, Chicago.Carl E. Robinson, '15, is practicing at 704Ayers building, Jacksonville, Ill.Harland C. Robbins, '11, is located at 1203rd street, Kenwood, Iowa.William McGinley, '07, and Henry H.Morey, '07, have offices at 204-205 CitizensTitle & Trust building, Decatur, Ill.Walter Steffen, '12, has been re-engagedto coach the team at Carnegie Institute ofTechnology, Pittsburgh, Pa., next season.At a recent annual meeting of the Ken­tucky Conference of Charities and Correc­tion, which was held at Lexington, CharlesStrul1, '10, was elected secretary.Charles W. Paltzer, A. B. '06, J. D. '09,and Paul O'Donnell, A. B. '08, J. D. '09,have formed a partnership with Julius A.J ohnson under the firm name of Johnson,Paltzer & O'Donnell, with offices in theMerchants Loan & Trust building, Chicago.D. B. AssociationJohn F. Mills, '93, is at the First BaptistChurch, Davenport, Iowa.Arthur E. Myer, '09, is pastor of the Bap­tist Church at Noblesville, Ind.122 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEATHLETICSBasketbal1.-Before the holidays the Uni­versity squad played five games, winningthree and losing two, as follows:December 8-Chicago, 39; First Presby­terian, 27.December 10-Chicago, 20; LaGrangeHigh, 17.December 13-Chicago, 24; EvanstonAcademy, 24.December 16-Chicago, 15; ShermanPark, 6.December 18-Chicago, 18; West SideBrowns, 21.LaGrange is coached by C. O. Molander,'14, captain two years ago. The EvanstonAcademy team has beaten Northwesternregularly in practice. The Browns are theproduct of the West Side Y. M. C. A. andhave played together a long time.The Chicago squad, which is coached byNorman Paine, '13, until the return in Jan­uary of Page and Des J ardien, consists ofTownley, '17, Schafer, '17, Bent, '17, Rother­mel, '17, Norgren, '17, Goldstone, '17, Clark,'18 and Gerdes, '18. Captain George rejoinshis men at the opening of the winter quarter,returning from Japan with the baseballteam. Marum, '17,· and Parker, '18, bothfine players, are expected to come out forbasketball at that time also. It is said thatex-Captain Russell of the football team willalso appear. Of the men out at present,Rothermel will undoubtedly play at guardand Townley at center. Captain Georgewill play the other guard. Schaefer, Clark(son of Prof. S. H. Clark), Bent and Gerdesseem to be in the lead for the forward posi­tions. The outlook is only fair unless moregood men appear. Illinois and Ohio Statelook very strong at present, and as long asDr. Meanwell coaches at Madison, Wiscon­sin, will continue to have good teams.Swimming.-The swimming team thisyear has an unusually good chance of win­ning the Conference Championship. Cap­tain Pavlicek is sure of first in the breaststroke provided he is able to compete, ofwhich there seems a doubt at present. Red­mon broke the world's record in the plungein December, going sixty feet in nineteenand one-fifth seconds. Earle, a sophomore,swims the hundred faster than any man whohas -ever worn the maroon, and Meine isgood in the forty-yard dash. The waterpolo squad is also a good one. The scheduleis:January 28-Northwestern at Evanston.February 4-Relay races at C. A. A.February 19.:__University of Cincinnati atCincinnati. February 26-Northwestern at Chicago.March 10-Wisconsin at Madison.March 18-Illinois at Chicago.March 23-24-Conference Championships.Footbal1.-Philbrick Jackson, '17, tackle,was in December chosen captain of the foot­ball team for 1916. Jackson prepared atEvanston Academy, where he played tacklefor three years. He has played throughevery game for Chicago for two seasons,although he weighs less than 175 pounds,Philbrick Jackson, 1917and last season entered the Minnesotagame weighing less than 160. He is a mem­ber of Psi Upsilon. The twenty men whoreceived their C's this fall voted in the elec­tion. They are as _follows:Captain Russell, Shull, Scanlon, McCon­nell, Flood, Sparks, Redmon, Whiting andFoster, all 1916: Gordon, Agar, Schafer,Fisher, Larson, Dobson, 1917; Brelos, Bro­die, Cahn, Norgren, Pershing, 1918. Amongthe others who will return next year are,ATHLETICSfrom the substitutes, Bondzinski, Harper,Hawk, O'Connor, Patterson and Townley,and from the freshmen, Berg, Byers, Gra­ham, Hanisch, Higgins, Levy, MacPherson,Maxwell, Smith and Thompson. HaroldHanisch, '19, of Waupun, Wisconsin, waselected captain of the freshman team at theclose of the season. He played halfbackthroughout the season, but on account ofhis height, weight and speed will probablybe tried at end next fall, a position he playedthroughout his high school career. Thewriter of these notes has made some foolishprophecies in his time. Take a look at thewildest of all, the eleven for next fall; Cen­ter, Fisher; guards, Brodie and MacPher­son; tackles, Jackson and Higgins; ends,Townley, . Bre1os, Hanisch; quarterback,Pershing; halves, Gordon, Agar, Graham,Norgren, Cahn and Berg; fullbacks, Dobsonand Parker. The schedule for 1916 is notyet announced, though it is sure to includethe same six Conference teams as in 1915,namely, Indiana, Purdue, Northwestern,Wisconsin, Illinois, and, to close the season,Minnesota. Negotiations have been underway with the University of Virginia for theseventh game. Virginia always has a goodteam, and in 1915 was very powerful, beat­ing Yale and losing to Harvard by a smallscore.Cross-Country.-Robert Angier, '18, hasbeen elected captain of the cross-countryteam. Angier is only a sophomore, but noseniors are on the team this year, and onlyone junior, ex-Captain Powers. Angierprepared at University High. The pros­pects for next year's team are excellent, asto ex-Captain Powers and Captain Angierwill be added among others, Clark, Ten­ney, and Otis, freshmen, all of whom aregood men. The following summary ofcross-country racing among the western col­leges since 1904, where it was begun(through the efforts of J. D. Lightbody,'05) is taken from an article' by Fred Carr,'09, in the Christian Science Monitor.Winners.1904-Nebraska, 24.1905-Chicago, 49.1906-Nebraska, 26.1907-Nebraska, 28.1908-N ebraska, 41.1909-Minnesota, 40.1910-Wisconsin, 33.1911-Ames, 32.1912-Wisconsin, 61.1913-Wisconsin, 72.1914-Minnesota, 45. 123Individual Champions.1904-James Havens, Neb., 22m. 23s.1905-J. D. Lightbody, Chicago, 25m, 17s.1906-James Havens, Neb., 26m. 4s.1907-W. M. Bertles, Wis., 28m, 40s.1908-Phillip Comstock, Chicago, 28m.12s.1909-Fred Tydeman, Minn., 27m; 8s.1910-E. J. Dohmen, Wis., 26m. 21s.1911-C. R. Cleveland, Wis., 24m. 43 1-5s.1912-I. A. White, Wis., 27m. 29s.1913-Fred Watson, Minn., 26m., 44 1-25.1914--Fred Watson, Minn., 26m. 25s.Basebal1.-The team returns from Japanon January 2, and winter practice will beginat once. Those eligible who have been tothe Orient include Hart, '17, catcher; R. N.McConnell, '16, and Rudolph, '18, infielders,and George, '16, and Wiedemann, '18, out­fielders. From last year's team also areCaptain Shull '16, pitcher; F. B. McConnell,'16, first baseman, and Flood, '16, and.Chang, '17, outfielders. Gerdes, '18 andCahn, '18, are good men. At least onemore infielder and one more pitcher need tobe developed; but the outlook is promising.The full schedule has not yet been an­nounced.Track.-The track prospects are only fair.The team is not well-rounded. CaptainStout, '16, is a good man in the half and themile, running around 1 :57 and 4:22 respec­tively. Dismond will not be defeated by anywestern quarter-miler. Fisher, '17, is able todo six feet in .the high jump and abouttwelve in the vault, and Whiting, '16, about5-11 in the high jump. In the dashes. Agar,'17 and Pershing, '18, with possibly Dismondin the 220, will give stout competition to any­body, but they are not quite fast enough forthe Conference. Flood, '16, and Sparks, '16,will put the shot from 38 to 40 feet, andHodges, '18, Clark, '18, Swett, '18, and. Mc­Vey, '18, are all fair middle distance men.Angier, '18, and Mather, '16, will run the two­mile. Angier is good for about ten minutes.Bent, '17, Pershing, '18, and Guerin, '18, willrun the hurdles, but none of them are any­where near the class of ex-Captain FranWard. If Russell, '16, tries the broad jumpthat event will probably be pretty well.looked after, though Russell has done nojumping since his freshman year. Bre1os,'18, will throw the hammer over 140 feetbefore the spring is over. Wisconsin, whosechampionship team lost only one man, andwho will have among others Phil Carter, '18,formerly of University High and probablythe fastest dash man in the west today, islikely to win the Conference both indoorsand out.124 THE UNIVERSI.TY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESAXON "SIX"A big touring car for five peopleWith Detachable All-Season Top$935No\V a six-cylinderenclosed car for $935Here-in the New Series all-season Saxon" Six"is answered the insistent demand for six-cylinderenclosed car luxury at a moderate price. Here,for the first time-a" Six" of the all-seasontype is offered at the Saxon price-$935.This New Series top qualitySaxon" Six" now brings theall-season "Six" out of thehigh priced class.Men have thought of theenclosed six-cylinder car asa luxury for the few. Menhave wanted enclosed carquality at touring car cost.This Saxon "Six" gives itto them.Here are other high classfeatures: 2 - unit electric starting and lighting sys­tem; Timken axles andbearings; linoleum coveredfloor boards and runningboards; silent helical beveldrive gears; high gradebody finish; yacht-linebody of greater roominess,and a score more of note­worthy features.VVe urge you to see yourdealer and convince your­self of the exceptional valuein this New Saxon.(237)Saxon "Six"Touring $785With Limousine top 935Saxon "Six"Roadster 785 Saxon "Four"Roadster $395With Coupe top 455Electric et ar t er andlights 50Saxon Motor Car CompanyDetroit, Mich.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 125She: What are you going to give me for my hirthday ?He : Judge for yourself.You can all read Judge, the happy medium, at the Reynolds' Club, or if you are"Iost in the wide, wide world", at some other club or reading table. But thatisn't very satisfactory. You ought to have Judge for yourself. Among otherreasons, a year of Judge means 156 color-pages and that means 156 frame­worthy pictures.Judge is the "happy medium" of expression for America's foremost humor- /��iists and America's best illustrators.<',<',<',<'<'.,',•• ,.<',/'// '"With the College Wits" in each number and the campus series,. "which started off with this view of Chicago, are two examples of Chicagojudge's community of tastes with every college man and every <,' Magazine:���la:::::� udge for three months, and if Judge comes for three ""//""/' '!ISJ�\�i"months you'll want him for the rest of the year. $""""'. ="""", EnclosedfindSl.OO. ($5.00) �"/ for which send me Judge �""", "for three months. (one year). �/J���"/�::�::�':: : : : : : : : : : : . : : :::: : : : : :: : :: : :: I""""'" No subac.ription renewed a.t this price. �.111111111111[1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"Pin a bill to the coupon and send it in.Judge, The Happy Medium225 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. C.Five dollars a year.126 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"Buitt-InSU'pe-riori�y"Men's ShoesFor wear in the warmer climates we are now receiving the newest expressions inmen's sport shoes.The models represent smart, exclusive designs of unusual distinctiveness.For either town or country wear we are now showing several new boots of tangrained leather.French, Shriner & Urner106 So. Michigan Avenue155. Dearborn StreetCHICAGOTOBEY Polishcleans the finest varnished surfaceseasily and quickly, without slight­est injury, and keeps them in beau-tiful condition.The famous old shop formula ofThe Tobey Furniture Company(Chicago and New York); used for many years ontheir finest pieces. Perfect for fine furniture, woodwork, pianos, automobiles.'Bo'ttles, 25c and SOc; quarts, $1; gallons, $3Recommended and sold by leading Hardware,Drug, Grocery; Paint and Auto Supply stores--�ilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II 111111 111111111111 III III 1111 1I1fF..THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 127PERSONAL SERVICE, sincerely seeking togratify your wishes in every particular--exclusive smartness in style, but always withinthe bounds of refinement--fullest measure of quality, at moderate prices-These are the reasons upon 'WhichWe ask your interest and patronage(Second Floor)Clothing and Haberdasheryfor Young Men .WANT A DESK? A fine one,. . mahogany or oak, at a verylow price? Then come to this storeand choose from the largest andfinest display in the middle west.Ta bles, chairs and filing equip­ment to rna tch, in immense variety.WANT A SECTIONAL BOOK­CASE? Then let us show you thefamous GLOBE-WERNICKE, in all styles and finishes, for homeand office. It's the best at its price, and it's the best at any price.The alumni, faculty and students of the University of Chicagoare especially invited to come here. If you will make your­self known, we'll try to ·give especially good service.m,� 91o\1��f.,iek¢ eO.11-13 North Wabash AvenueO. H. Bardwell, Manager�lIllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!lllilll!lllllIlllIllIllIlllIllllllllIlIllIIlIllIIllllIllIllll�128 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENational Badge& Pennant Co.(Incorporated)ADVERTISINGSPECIALTIESFancy Pillow TopsDen Skins, PostersBanners and FlagsFraternity JewelryButtons, BadgesPins, Pennants, etc.TELEPHONECENTRAL 3399105 W. Madison StreetCHICAGO SEND FOR SAMPLESNow, take "Premium" Sliced Bacon, for in­stance-· there's the breakfast to start off the day.You know it's the best, you eat it with zest.It just" hits the spot," as they say.All the slices of uniform thickness; a gener­ous streaking of lean; the "Premium" cure­you'll like it for sure; it's the best little mealthat 'you've seen.Buy a carton of "Swift's Premium" Bacon­look for the name" Swift" in blue. It's cleanand it's sweet; it's a regular treat. "Swift'sPremium" 's the bacon for you.JAMES WHITEPAPER CO.Dealers in Book andCover Papers219 West Monroe StreetCHICAGOTrade-Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office"ANGLO-SAlON"Is Our Leading Line of Book Paperfor the Use of Schools andUniversities