The University of ChicagoMagazine'VOLU�m VII NUMBER 4FEBRUARY 1915EVENTS and COMMENTThe total attendance for the winterquarter, up to January 23, shows again of 104 over the registration on thesame date last year, theAttendance figures being: last year,2,776; this year, 2,880.This gain is principally in the Gradu­ate School, wherein there are 583 stu­dents, as compared with 489 a yearago. The Junior Colleges also showa slight increase, there being 1,001now, compared to 979 in 1914. Thetotal registration in the undergradu­a te colleges is 1,626; there are also', 98unclassified. In the graduate and pro­fessional schools (including Divinity,Law, Medicine arid the College ofEducation) there are 798� As usual,there is a slight falling off in the regis­tration for the winter as comparedwith the autumn quarter.A committee of three, consisting ofProf. Bensley of the Department ofAnatomy, Prof. Wells, assistant deanof medical work,Pre-requisites for and Associate Prof.Medical Work Carlson of the De-partment of Physi­ology, has been appointed to considerthe advisability of raising the require­ments for entrance to Rush from twoyears of regular college work to three.The matter has not yet been broughtbefore the Rush faculty for serious dis­cussion, nor is it likely that any actionwill be taken for some time. Dr. Bil­lings has expressed himself as opposedto the idea, on the ground that if pos­sible, men should be "enabled to gradu­ate from the medical school at an earlier age. And yet, in" the presentsituation, it may be pointed out, thepre-medical student has practically nochance to get exactly that breadth ofpreparation which would seem to bethe reason for his goirig to college atall. He works almost exclusively inscience (chemistry, physics, physi­ology, perhaps botany) and languages-and in the languages seldom if evergoes beyond the bare necessities ofthe slenderest reading knowledge. InEnglish he must take 1 and 3;: beyondthat he cannot generally go. A pr�­medical student in English 3 in theautumn, a man of a turn for scientificinvestigation and a considerable na­tive power of expression, but possessed.of obvious faults, was urged by his in­,structor to take another course in com­position; he would find it trernen­dously helpful training in writing uphis investigational results for publica­tion. "I should like to- very much,"was the answer, "but I can't squeezeit in.'; Political economy, political sci­ence, geology, literature in any lan­guage, American history, these are notfor the pre-medic. The commercialargument is all against the suggestedchange, but one wonders whetherthere is not a real educational �rgu­ment in its favor. What does thatprotagonist' of scientific study, Huxley,give' as his "essentials" of a real edu­cation? Drawing, ethics, politicaleconomy, sociology, the history ofone's own country, English literatureand translations from the classics,composrtion, if possible, music orpainting, and the natural sciences."With that outfit, an Englishman * * *100 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEis fitted to go anywhere, to occupy thehighest positions, to fill the highestoffices of the state, and to become dis ....tinguished in practical pursuits, inscience, or in art. * * * Beyond these,the essential and the eminently desir­able elements .. of all education, leteach man take up his special line."But without thai outfit?The report of the China MedicalCommission of the Rockefeller Foun­dation, of which President Judson isthe chairman,The China has just beenMedical Commission made pub 1 i c.The volume, ofone hundred and twenty pages, withthirteen plates and a map of China,was printed by The University of Chi­cago Press.President Judson was given leave ofabsence from the University for sevenmonths for the prosecution of the in­quiry, the results of which are incor­porated in this report on Medicine inChina.Six sections of the report includediscussion of "Health Conditions inChina," "Chinese Native Medicine andSurgery," "Western Medicine inChina," "Standards of Medical Educa­tion Under Missionary Auspices.Teaching in Chinese or in English,""Dissection and Autopsies," and "TheAttitude of the Chinese Toward Mod­ern Medicine." The final section givesthe recommendations of the Commis­sion, chief of which are that the Rocke­feller Foundation should undertakemedical work in China, for which thereis the most urgent need and great op­portunity; that the Foundation shouldco-operate with missionary institutionsalready existing, and that the medicalinstruction in which the Foundationis concerned should be of the highestpracticable standard. Various specificrecommendations are also made, suchas provision for medical schools, hos­pitals, fellowships, scholarships, train- ing of nurses, and expert lecturersfrom other countries.In the course of their investigationsthe members of the Commissionvisited seventeen medical schools andninety-seven hospitals in China andManila, and visits were also made. tovarious universities and secondaryschools, both missionary and govern­mental. It is believed by the Com­mission that the schools and hospitalsseen comprise the most important andon the whole those which are typical.Professor Myra Reynolds, of the De­partment of English in the University,will give the address at the Ninety­fourth Convo­Miss Reynolds, cation on MarchConvocation Speaker 16. Miss Rey-nolds, who is agraduate of Vassar College, was fortwo years an instructor in English atWells College a nd for seven years atVassar. With the opening of the Uni­versity of Chicago in 1892 she becamea fellow in English and in 1895 re­ceived her Doctor's degree. In thisyear also she was made an instructorin English literature and was laterpromoted successively to an assistantprofessorship, an associate professor­ship/ and a full professorship. She hasalso been for many years head of Fos­ter Hall. In 1910 she gave the PhiBeta Kappa address at Vassar Col­lege, being the first woman to give anaddress of that character at Vassar.She has been for a number of yearsone of the trustees of that institution.She is the third woman to be chosenas Convocation orator at the Univer­sity, the first being Her Excellency,the Countess of Aberdeen, and the sec­and Miss Jane Addams of Hull House.In evidence of the character of thestudent body of the University, thefollowing data may be of interest,though they offer proofA Freshman of nothing. The twenty­Section seven Freshmen com­posing one section ofEVENTS AND COMMENTEnglish 1. were asked the date andplace of their birth, whether theywere self-supporting, and what theymeant to work at when they had fin­ished their university careers. Theirages were twenty-three (2), twenty­two (3), twenty (6), nineteen (3),eighteen (3), seventeen (4), sixteen(1) ; five did not answer. Their placesof birth were: United States (21),Austria (1), Bohemia (1), China (1),Germany (1), Philippines (1), Rus­ria (1). Born in Illinois 12, Kansas 2,Massachusetts 1, New York 1, Penn­sylvania 1, Indiana 1, Iowa 1, SouthDakota 1; one did not answer. Fourwere wholly self-supporting; thirteenwere in part self-supporting; one wassupported by his home government(China) ; six were not self-supporting;and three did not answer. Six meantto go into medicine; five into. law;five into teaching (mathematics 1,astronomy 1, history 1, economics 1,uncertain 1); one meant to take upfarming, one music, one mechanicalengineering, one was uncertain, sevendid not answer. J ournalisrn was thesecond choice of two.In these figures, taken from a whollyrandom group, four things are particu­larly interesting: (1) the wide varia­tion in age; (2) the large number bornin other countries, and the compara­tively small number born in statesother than Illinois; (3) the huge per­centage of self-supporting students;(4) the equally huge percentage ofthose meaning to go into a profession-law, medicine or teaching.The play selected by the Blackfriarsfor performance this spring is "ANight of Knights," by Walter Poague,'14. The first actThe' Blackfriars portrays the dress­Show rehearsal of a Black­friar play on thebare stage of }.:1 andel; the second islaid in the "Blackfriars Monastery 101near Statesbury, in Whartonshire,England," whither the author is car­ried in a dream. Seven plays weresubmitted. The committee on choiceof play, including Mr. Lovett and Mr.Boynton, of the U niversity faculty;Mr. Collins, dramatic critic of the Chi­cago Evening Post; Ralph Benzies,'1O� and Coach Hamilton Coleman, re­ported unanimously in favor of "ANight of Knights." The author haswritten a number of one-act playswhich have been produced by the Dra­matic Club and in vaudeville. He isa member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, andis now studying in the Law School.The Blackfriar performances thisyear will take place in Mandel, on Fri­day and Saturday evenings, April' 30and May 1, 7 and 8.Chicago defeated Northwestern inthe annual debate, held in Mandel, onJanuary 15, but lost to Michigan atAnn Arbor. N orthwest-Debating ern defeated Michigan atEvanston, so that honorswere even all round. The questionwas: "Resolved, that the Monroe Doc­trine, as developed and applied by theUnited States, should be abandonedas part of our foreign policy." Allthree affirmative teams won-rather ablow for the Monroe Doctrine! Chi­cago's winning team included JohnMcDonald, Harry Rosenberg andMaurice Van Hecke. The team whichjourneyed to Ann Arbor was composedof Clifford Browder, Homer Hoyt andRoy Weaver. The attendance at Man­del was the largest in the history ofdebating here. .The annual Washington promenadewill be held on February 19, in Bart­lett Gymnasium. Cowan general chairman andThe Senior F ran k F. Selfridge,Promenade chairman of the Com­mittee on Arrangements.Stephenson is from Centerville,Tenn., and is a member of the Senior102 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO J.1JAGAZINEclass, of the Undergraduate council,and of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Hehas held the position of librarian ofthe Reynolds Club and has served onvarious class committees. Selfridgealso is a Senior, and lives in Chicago.He is vice-president of the ReynoldsClub and a member of the Delta KappaEpsilon, and Owl and Serpent. Theleaders of the Proms are chosen bythe Senior and Junior class representa­tives in the council.Elsewhere in this issue is printed atable giving the scholastic record ofthe fraternities for the autumn quarter.In connection with thatSome record certain other rec­Scholarship ords might be compared.Records Eighteen grade pointsis the highest possiblenumber that can be secured in threecourses. Twelve students received eighteengrade points in three majors in theirlast quarter's work ; twenty receivedseventeen grade points, and thirty­eight received sixteen grade points.Isadore Glenner, taking four majorswork, gained twenty-three gradepoints. Other grades received by stu­dents taking four majors are: Twenty­two grade points, George Pogue;twenty grade points, Margaret O'Con­nor; nineteen grade points, Axel Olsonand William Inlow. Katherine Wick­ham received nineteen grade points forthree and a half majors' work. Thosewho gained eighteen grade points forregular work were Harriet Curry,Annie Gardner, Martha Kramer,Lorna Lavery, Margaret Parker., LyleSellers, Jennie Ten Cate, Israel Bar­nett, Joseph Fisher, Grace Hotchkiss,Mary Kelly, and Alice Waits.The Alumni CouncilThe Alumni Council is the active bodyfor the promotion of general alumni in­terests. The present constitution pro­vides for four separate alumni associa­tions-the College Alumni Association,of which Agnes Wayman, '03, is presi­dent and John Fryer Moulds, '07, secre­tary-treasurer; the Association of Doc­tors of Philosophy) of which Daniel P.MacMillan, '99, is president and HerbertE. Slaught, '98, is secretary-treasurer;the Divinity Alumni Association, ofwhich W. P. Behan, '97, is president andP. G. Mode, '14, secretary-treasurer;and · the Law School Association, ofwhich Albert L. Hopkins, '09, is presi­dent and R. E. Schreiber, '06, is secre­tary-treasurer. The constitution pro­vides also for alumni and alumna- clubs)which are local, as for example theEastern Club, or the Sioux City Club.Any holder of a degree from the Uni­versity is eligible to membership in oneof the associations, those holding the M. A. being considered members of theCollege Alumni; anyone who has hadthree quarters residence and gained ninemajors credit as an undergraduate or tenmajors credit as a law student is eligibleto the College Association or the LawAssociation respectively; and anyonewho has even attended the Universityis eligible for membership in a club (ex­cept in one or two special cases). TheCouncil is made up of specially chosendelegates from each association, andfrom every club which wishes to send arepresentative. Each association or clubwith a membership under five hundredis entitled to three delegates, and onemore for every further five hundred ofmembership. There is also provisionfor one member-at-large from the Uni­versity. The present Council is made upof twenty-four-eleven from the CollegeAlumni, three each from the Associationof Doctors of Philosophy, Divinity As­sociation, and Chicago Alumni Club, twoTHE ALUMNI COUNCIL 103from the Law School Association, threefrom the Chicago Alumnse Club, and themember-at-large; pfan Angell. It isobvious that the Law' School is entitledto one more delegate, and the Associa­tion should elect him at once.The Council meets once a quarter inthe alumni room in Ellis Hall, at theUniversity. Its duty is in every possibleway to stimulate alumni interest. Thatsounds vague; and precisely because itis vague the Council in the past has nevertaken itself with great seriousness. Andyet without a group of leaders no suchheterogeneous body as the University ofChicago alumni can possibly be organ­ized to effectiveness; and the Council ismore and more appreciating this fact.It is coming to study and accomplish itsends more and more through committeework. It has charge of finances, publi­cations, and all promotional work; andas it is at present composed of some ofthe most vigorous of all our Universitygraduates, with Wm. Scott Bond, '97,possibly the most generally popular alum­nus in Chicago, at its head, it may beexpected to find itself with rapidity. Themembers, with their activities since theyleft college, are given below. With theexception of the president and secretary­treasurer, they are given in the chron­ological order of their graduation.College Alumni AssociationWm. Scott Bond, Ph.B., '97,4025 DrexelBlvd. and 25 N. Dearborn St.; read lawin the office of Peck, Miller & Starr1897-1900, receiving his LL.B., fromKent 'College of Law in 1899; admittedto Illinois bar in 1900, and since thattime has been in the real estate business;is now a member of the firm of WilliamA. I�ond & Co. Is also real estate loanrepresentative of the Northwestern Mu­tual Life. Served 4 years as alumnirepresentative on the University Boardof Physical Culture and Athletics; alsofor the last 11�· years -as U. 0 f C. repre­sentative on the Conference Committee.Single. "Think that's all, Teddy." It was all, perhaps, that could be writtendown. His work with the UniversitySettlement; for municipal improvement;for clean politics; wherever, in short,there was hard work to be done for the"wages of going on," and mighty littleother reward, cannot 'be commented onhere. Bond is-Bond; not the least val­uable of Chicago's citizens, some think.John Fryer Moulds, Ph.B., '07. Fora year and a half business manager -ofthe Real Estate Laws; advertising man­ager one year of the Federal ElectricCompany of Chicago; in 1909 becameassistant registrar of the University �when Dr. Goodspeed resigned in 1913and office of registrar was abolished, be­came cashier, assuming duties of regis­trar. 'Married Miss Theo Rice 1908;two children, Dorothy Louise and JohnFryer, Jr�; lives at 5739 Kimbark Ave.Secretary-treasurer of Alumni Counciland business manager of the Magazine.Josephine T. Allin, A.B., '99. Oneyear in graduate work at Chicago andone year in Paris. Eleven years teacherof French in Englewood High School,and- since 1913, when office was created,dean of girls at Englewood. Officer ofDrama League of America and authorof "The Amateur Actor's Manual."Chairman of membership committee ofChicago Alumnre Club, and twice vice­president. 4805 Dorchester Avenue.Frederick D. Bramhall, Ph.B., '02.Graduate scholar in history 1902-3, fel ..low in political science 1903-5. In 1905"went to Albany as secretary of the In­dex Bureau. The Index Bureau tackledthe job of watching and analyzing 'forits subscribers (it was a private ven­ture) the action of all the state legisla­tures on any subject. It was a goodidea, but it needed more backing thanwe had, and it blew up. I was; however,appointed legislative reference librarianfor the State of N ew York, and thoughthe legislators did not tumble over them­selves to get my assistance, I had theopportunity to see a little of Governor104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHughes' administration from inside theCapitol, and that was worth while. In1908 became Instructor in PoliticalScience in the w. k. University of Chi­cago. Since then I have been trying tomake students believe politics a worthyinterest for human: beings, and I supposeI have had the opportunity to experi­ment upon more students than anybodyelse around; I hope so, anyway. I'd liketo see a statistical statement on that sub­ject. Meantime, I've done odd jobs ofresearch, most of them of a practicalturn. For the last two years I've beenhead of Snell, and Snell still stands."Mary Ethel Remick (Mrs. Irvin) Mc­Dowell, Ph.B., '02. A year and a halfabroad, ocean voyaging on a lumberboat; two years at University Settle­ment, girls' dub work, etc. Member ofChicago Woman's Club, College Club,Woman's Trade Union League, Con­sumer's League, Chicago Alumnee Club,Settlement Board, "and a bridge club."(I make it six c1uDs.-Ed.). Married,1907, and has one son. 6806 ConstanceAvenue.Agnes R. Wayman, A.B., '03. 1903 ..6, Instructor in Athletics at Universityof Chicago. 1905-6, Student and in­structor in Physical Education, YaleSummer School. 1906-10, Instructor inPhysical Education, New Jersey StateNormal and Model Schools. 1910-,Athletic Director, U. of C. Interestedin settlement and dramatic work, and co­author of musical comedy, "The Mid­way Local." President, 1913-, theCollege Alumni Association of the Uni­versity of Chicago (and "not a suffra­gette; haven't time." Great heavens!­Ed.). 7122 Normal Avenue.Charles F. Kennedy, Ph.R, '05. Ad­vertising business since leaving college;last six years with J. Walter ThompsonCompany. Started with older brother,two years ago, the Kennedy Manufac­turing Company, metal products, withfactory at Fort Wayrie and offices at 14E. Jackson Boulevard. N ow general manager and treasurer, and is not likelyto remain much longer in advertising.Married, 1907, Miss Lillian Stephenson,ex-'07, and has one son, two and a half"scheduled for quarterback on theMaroon championship team of 1930."(Only the realization that the Editorweighs 180 pounds wrenched any infor­mation from C. F. K. Facta non verbais his motto.-Ed.). .Hugo M. Friend, Ph.B., '06, J.D., '08.Practiced law in Chicago ever since leav­ing the campus; with Felsenthal, Fre­man & Beckwith, 1908-1912; since thenalone till December 1, 1914, when part­nership was formed with Isaac S. Roths­child, '07, and Arthur B. Schaffner, un­der firm name of Rothschild & Schaff­ner. During spare moments has devoted"considerable time to various charitableand philanthropic enterprises. For thepast three years has edited the AssociatedB ulletin, the official organ of the Asso­ciated Jewish Charities of Chicago; is aDirector of the Home for Aged Jews;last summer acted as chairman of a com­mittee that conducted. a Boys' SummerCamp at Long Lake, Illinois, which wasfinanced and managed by the YoungMen's Associated Jewish Charities ofthis city. Vice-president of the CollegeAlumni Association. "Still rooting forChicago." [Which has often rooted forHugo.-Ed.). Single. 5326 PrairieAvenue and 6 North Clark St.Albert W. Sherer, A.B., '06. Enteredemploy of the Sherer-Gillett Companyimmediately. Left this company in No­vember, 1907, to become advertisingmanager of the McCray RefrigeratorCompany, Kendallville, Ind. In· June,1910, left the McCray Company to be­come a part of the Western advertisingoffice of the Associated Sunday Maga­zines. "My work in this connection is torepresent the publishers of the Asso­ciated Sunday Magazines, which meansto sell the white' space therein." Mar­ried; lives at Wheaton, Illinois; office inHerald building.THE ALUMNI COUNCILCharles Frederic Axelson, Ph.R, '06.Part of one year in advertising work;two years in contracting for street clean­ing and street paving. Became associatedwith the Chicago general agency of theNorthwestern Mutual Life InsuranceCompany as special agent in 1910, andhas continued in same capacity. Presi­dent of Western Division and memberof Arch Chapter of Delta Tau Deltafraternity; chairman of Speakers' Com­mittee of Hyde Park Men's Club; secre­tary of Men's Bible Class of Hyde ParkBaptist Church. Secretary of ChicagoAlumni Club and third vice-president ofthe College Alumni Association. Servedon June Alumni Reunion committees in1912, 1913, and 1914.:_ George Raymond Schaeffer, Ph.B.,'06. One year with J ames HowardKehler, advertising agent; six years ad­vertising manager Tobey FurnitureCompany; one year vice-presidentCharles Daniel Frey Advertising Com­pany; now in charge of one of the Tobeymerchandise departments. PresidentChicago Alumni Club (and general fall­guy when any work is to be done by anyorganization he belongs to.-Ed.). Mar­ried; one daughter, 16 months old, "whois perfect to the best of my knowledgeand belief." Lives 5529 DorchesterAvenue.Harold H. Swift, Ph.B., '07. Startedto work with Swift & Company soonafter leaving college. Spent first coupleof years in live stock end of the business,buying; then two years in office, bankingand credit departments; then became as­sistant in vice-president's office, whichposition he still occupies, chief workbeing to look after distributing agenciesin the United States (branch houses)and directing live stock buying. MemberAdmissions Committee, University Club.Member Committee of Fifteen. Re­cently elected Trustee, University ofChicago. Single. 4848 Ellis Avenueand Union, Stock Yards.Alice Greenacre, A.B., '08, and J.D., 105'11. In 1911 admitted to Illinois bar,and has since practiced continuously inthe offices of 1. T. Greenacre, Otto F.Reich and Alice Greenacre. Most of thetime a member of the Executive Com­mittee and part of "the time an officer ofthe Chicago Alumnse Club; now secondvice-president of the College Alumni As .... sociation. Last year, with Miss Sopho­nisba Breckenridge as its editor, prepareda Voters' Manual for Illinois women.1154 W. 103rd- St. and 32 W. Washing­ton St.Helen T. Sunny, Ph.B., '08. Livingat home (4933 Woodlawn Avenue) sincegraduation. "N othing to add to the fol­lowing. I hear the February Magazinewill be out in February. To anyonewho has observed that Fra Linn andFra Elbertus have the same habit ofpublishing 'every once in' a while'-"( This would be news enough, MissSunny implies. She will not even per­mit us to add that she is a good alumnus.'she is, though.-Ed.)Alvin F. Kramer, Ph.B., '09. Oneyear in graduate study ( ?)-(Punctua­tion his own.-Ed.)-at the University;since spring of 1910 in bond business,with Harris Trust and Savings Bank,selling bonds in local department. Sin­gle, "and no .prospects, though my con­duct as well as my health is good."(Kramer's health was always good.�Ed.) One of the hardest workers forthe success of alumni affairs among therecent graduates. 6109 Kenwood ave ...nue.The Law School.Charles W. Paltzer, Ph.B., 'OS, J.D.,'09. Admitted to Illinois bar 1909; lawclerk 1909�1912, with Alden, Latham &Young; 1912-, practicing attorney,Merchants' Loan & Trust building, spe­cializing in corporation work. Ex-presi­dent Law School Association; chairmanTrust Committee of Blackfriars; direc­tor of Chase House (settlement). Mar­ried, September 9, 1914, Miss Elsie O.Martin; lives at 4427 N. Lincoln Street.106 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE(What C. W. P. says about the Maga­zine we can't repeat; business of blush­ing.-Ed.)Jose Ward Hoover, Ph.B., '08, J.D.,'11. Practicing law, office, 801 City HallSquare bulding. "The law is a great'game,' and it takes a great gamester topractice it successfully. Some daythere'll come along a man who'll dare tocry out from some house-top that law isfrequently a farce, and sometimes afraud,-some man who'll have enoughvision to set the whole thing right. I'veplayed a little politics-v-rnaybe t09 muchto be compatible with a painstaking,careful and studious pursuit of the law,-but Merriam, in my humble judgment,has reduced politics to a real and sub­stantial science. He is a scientific poli­tician in the best sense; and I have con­sidered it a p-rivilege and pleasure to havemixed in every fight he waged in ourward and city. We've beaten the"bunch" in the ward and hope to cleanup in the city in due time. From 190�to 1912 I served as the 'privatest kindof a private' in Troop F of the 1st Cav­alry, Illinois National Guard-alongwith Paul O'Donnell, Hugo Friend,'Nate' Krueger, et al. I refused to re­enlist and accepted an honorable dis­charge on the theory that the best wayto stop wars is to quit soldiering. It maybe we need soldier-policemen, but I'mfor peace and object to anything exceptword-battles." (At which he is a won­der; helped to train him myself.�Ed.)The Divinity Association.Edgar J. Goodspeed, B.D., '97, Ph.D.,'98. Student University of Berlin, 1898-99; teacher in University of Chicagosince 1899, and Associate Professor (ofEarly Christian Literature) since 1910;acting Dean of Divinity School in ab­sence of Dean Mathews. Has publishedhere and abroad ten books on patrieticsand Greek - papyri, among them theTebtunis papyri, Part Two (1907),Edited jointly with Profs. Grenfell andHunt of Oxford; also many articles. Married in 1901 Miss Elfrida Bond, andlives at 5706 Woodlawn Avenue.Walter L. Runyan, B.D., '07. Grad­uate of Wabash College; former alumnieditor of "The Wabash:'; one winter'swork raising money for Wabash endow­ment; former manager of ChicagoAlumni Club of Wabash. ("I add theseby way of showing what I have done,which may be considered preparation foruseful work on the Council.") FormerPrincipal of School for Homeless Boysat - Allendale, Illinois; traveling repre­sentative for the American Institute ofSacred Literature; now on staff of Uni­versity Libraries, in Divinity Schoolgroup.P. G. Mode, B.D., '14. Instructor inHistory, U. of C. (History a la Mode.-Ed.)Association of Doctors.Herbert E. Slaught, Colgate '83;Ph.D. (Mathematics) Chicago '98.Teacher at Chicago ever since; Professorsince 1913. Secretary Board of Recom­mendations, 1901-1913; Editor AmericanMathematical Monthlv since 1907. Au­thor various textbooks on mathematics.Secretary of Doctors Association andchairman finance committee of the Coun­cil. Married, and lives at 5548 KenwoodAvenue. (The right hand of everyalumni effort on the quadrangles.-Ed.)Daniel P. MacMillan, Acadia, '95.Ph.D. (Philosophy), Chicago, '99. As­sistant in the Department of Child Studyand Educational Research, ChicagoBoard of Education, 1899-1902; Direc­tor of department since 1902. Directorof Physical Examinations of Teachers,Board of Education, since 1902. Ex­tension Instructor, U. of C. Correspond­ence School, since 1901. Fellow Ameri­can Association for Advancement ofScience. President, 1914-15, AlumniAssociations of Doctors of Philosophy.Married, - and lives at 5553 KenwoodAvenue.Robert ]. Bonner, Toronto, '90. Ph.D.FRATERNITIES AND SCHOLARSHIP(Greek) Chicago, '04. Teacher SIncethen at Chicago, and professor since1913. Member 'Board of Editors, Clas­sical Philology." ""Whatever success thedoctors' association has had-and I thinkit has not been small-is due mainly toSlaught's efforts, seconded by a - fewothers, among whom I .number myself,who count it a pleasure to help him."Married, and lives at 5412 WoodlawnAvenue. 107Member from the UniversityJames Rowland Angell, Michigan, '90.Dean of the Faculties of the University;Professor and head of the Departmentof Psychology; Director of the Psycho­logical Laboratory. [His occupation isdeclining college presidencies; for recre­ation he is author, scholar and admin­istrator, and in all his activities, like anearlier Roland, sans peur et sans re­proche. (That ought to hold him.)-Ed.]Fraternities and Scholarship in the AutumnQuarterThe table published herewith givesthe comparative scholastic rank of theeighteen chapters of fraternities at theUniversity in the Autumn quarter, andof Washington and Jefferson Houses(local clubs), which are added by wayof comparison. Inasmuch as the newrules for "rushing" and pledging wentinto effect in the Fall, and were adoptedpartly for their effect on scholarship,the figures are particularly interesting.They could not well be less conclu­sive. Thirteen chapters averaged C orbetter in the Autumn of 1913, and thesame number (but not the same thir­teen) in the autumn of 1914. Ninechapters improved their records of theautumn previous, and nine failed to doas well. The; grand average for allchapters in the autumn of 1913 was2.09 grade points; for the autumn of1914, 2.11 grade points. (It may beadded that for the autumn of 1912 itsplit the difference, standing at 2.10grade points.) No fraternity in 1914rose so high as Alpha Tau Omega andagain, none sank so low as Delta TauDelta Upsilon the year before (2.77and 2.75 points, respectively); butDelta in 1913 (LlO grade points).What the inference should be is diffi­cult to say. At least the rules have notinjured scholarship, apparently. Certain things about the presenttable are interesting in detail. In six­teen out of eighteen chapters the oldermen averaged better than the pledges;this was most notable in the case ofPhi Kappa Sigma, whose eight mem­bers averaged 3.25 (better than B-),and whose sixteen pledges averaged1.54 (much less than C.) In fact, thepledges of twelve out of eighteen chap­ters averaged below C, while the mem­bers of only three chapters fell belowthat mark. Of individual chapter.s,Sigma Alpha Epsilon rose from thir­teenth to first, Phi Kappa Psi fromseventeenth to, sixth, and Delta KappaEpsilon from tenth to fourth. AlphaTau Omega dropped from first to fifth,Delta Upsilon from second to thir­teenth, Delta Sigma Phi from third totwelfth, and Chi Psi from fifth to fif­teenth. Phi Delta Theta and DeltaTau Delta remained close to the bot­tom both year? In fact, it is two yearssince Delta Tau Delta has averaged ashigh as C in any quarter.It may be noted that of the fourlargest chapters in the University, in­eluding (in membership and pledges)Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 24; Alpha DeltaPhi, 24; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 25, andPsi Upsilon 36, three were in the first108 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfour in rank, and 'all were in the upperhalf. It may be further noted that theaverage of all pledged men (1.68 gradepoints) was lower than that of thefifty-one pledged to the 3/4 Club (1.92 grade points), and m all probabilitylower than that of any group m theUniversity which could be statisticallyconsidered.The- table follows:UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGORecord of the Fraternities, Autumn Quarter, 1914Fraternity- Grade Points per Mj, Taken.Sigma Alpha Epsilon .... 13Alpha Delta Phi......... 4Beta Phi 6Delta Kappa Epsilon 10Alpha Tau Omega....... 1Phi Kappa Psi 17Beta Theta Pi 11Sigma Nu 7Psi Upsilon............. 9Phi Kappa Sigma 12Phi Gamma Delta 14Delta Sigma Phi. 3Delta Upsilon 2Sigma Chi. 16Chi Psi 5Delta Tau Delta 18Phi Delta Theta 15Kappa Sigma............ 8All Fraternities .Washington House....... 2Lincoln House.......... 1 1 -234567891011121314 -1516171812 C (+)ccccccCCCCCCc- C+)c- C+)c- C+)C- C+)c-CC C+)c C+) �.792.212.392.442.662.592.352.852. 2.192.77 5744*84*963*4*6*2*41433*77*312.612.442.392.382.2392.2372. . 171681912111582781110147131378224916 i,61111611-9165981031239144412.161.761.941.831.691.811.542.061.921.0211.881.092.44.731.681.23"Some pledges not eligible on the record of this quarter had previous records which made up the deficiency.GENERAL UNIVERSITY NEWSFrank Louis Schoell, former in­structor in Romance Languages andnow a lieutenant in the French army,has been captured by the Germans, ac­cording to a letter received recentlyfrom Prof. Parrot of Princeton byProf. Manly, head of the English De­partment.Because of the meager substance ofthe letter, much of the case is notknown. Mr. Schoell was woundedand then taken prisoner by the Germanforces.Mr. Schoell has been an instructorin the Romance Department at theUniversity since 1913. Last year, afterthe Summer quarter, he answered thecall of his country and hastened toFrance. He entered the army and wassoon advanced. After a short time, hewas made a lieutenant. Immediate successes pursued the ef­forts of his soldiers, and his battalionbecame noted for its brilliant sorties.As lieutenant of such a battalion, Mr.Schoell stood in line for higher posi­tion, when he was cut off by beingwounded and then captured by Ger­man troops. Extrication from hispresent status is doubtful, exceptthrough the medium of exchange.Mr. Schoell received his early uni­versity training in the colleges of hisfatherland. He attended the EcoleN ormale Superieure, of Paris, from1907 to 1909. He was given the de­gree of Licencie des lettres by that in­stitution. Then he went to Englandand was entered as an advanced stu­dent in Caius college, Cambridge, in1910. He received the degree. ofGENERAL UNIVERSITY NEWS 109Diplome d'etudes superieures in 1911and the degree of Agrege in 1912. Hecame from England to America andaccepted a position as an instructor atthe University of Chicago.Dean Shailer Mathews of the Di­vinity School College is now in Japanas the representative of the FederalCouncil of the Churches of Christ inAmerica, of which organization he isthe president. He has been grantedleave of absence by the UniversityBoard of Trustees during the WinterQuarter and will give a series of ad­dresses at the chief centers of Christ­ian activity in Japan, including the uni­versities.The general purpose of these ad­dresses will- be to give the JapaneseChristians an idea of Christianity inAmerica, particularly along undenomi­national lines with reference to the de­velopment of Christian scholarship andsocial service, and thus in some meas­ure to express the cordial attitude ofAmerican citizens toward Japan as anation. As a trustee of the recentlyestablished Church Peace Union DeanMathews is also especially interestedin the promotion of better interna­tional relations.Two members of the University ofChicago faculty have just been ap­pointed to important commissions inChicago by Mayor Harrison-Profes­sor Emil G. Hirsch, of the Depart­ment of Semitic Languages and Lit­eratures, to the Morals Commission,and Professor Charles R. Hendersonto the Industrial Commission, whichwill give especial attention to thepresent problem of unemployment inthe city. Professor Henderson isalready president of the United Chari­ties and of the Chicago Society of So­cial Hygiene.Professor John Merle Coulter, head of the Department of Botany, has beenelected president of the ChicagoAcademy of Sciences, to succeed Pro­fessor T. C. Chamberlin, head of theDepartment of Geology, who held theoffice for eighteen years.Professor Coulter has been presi­dent of the Illinois Academy of Sci­ences and also of the American Botan­ical Society, and is widely known bothas editor of the Botanical Gazette andas author of numerous works on bo­tanical science. His latest book, TheEvolution of Sex in Plants, has justbeen published by The University ofChicago Press as the initial volume inthe new "University of Chicago Sci­ence Series."At the recent meeting in Chicago ofthe American Political Science Asso­ciation Professor Ernest Freund, ofthe Law School, was elected presidentof the association for the year 1915.Dr. Freund has been for twelveyears Professor of Jurisprudence andPublic Law in the University, and hasbeen connected with the Departmentof Political Science or the Law Schoolsince 1894. He has been Commis­sioner of Uniform State Laws for Illi­nois and a member of the AmericanAssociation for Labor Legislation, andamong his published works are vol­umes on the Legal Nature of Corpora­tions, and the Police Power.Henry W. Prescott, Professor ofClassical Philology, is spending sixmonths at the University of Californiaas the Sather Professor of ClassicalLiterature. He is giving a series ofpublic lectures, known as the Satherlectures, on the general subject of"The Classical Epic," the purpose ofthe. course being to show how thefolk epic of Greece grew into the lit­erary epic of Rome. The lectures sofar have been concerned with Virgil'sAeneid and the legend of Aeneas, and110 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwith the epic tradition of Homer'sIliad.At present Professor Prescott is dis­cussing the epic tradition of the Odys­sey, the romantic epics of later Greece,the attitude of Virgil toward epic, andthe story of Dido.Professor Prescott was formerly amember of the faculty at the Uni­versity of California, but for the lastsix years has been connected with theclassical departments of the U niver­sity of Chicago.Masaharu Anesaki, Professor of thePhilosophy of Religion in the Im­perial University of Tokyo, gave, earlyin February, the Haskell Lectures atthe University of Chicago, the generalsubject of the series being "Buddhismand Its Influence on Japanese Thoughtand Life." Professor Anesaki is him­"elf a Buddhist and has been the pastyear exchange professor at HarvardT J niversity.This is the eighteenth series of Has­kell Lectures on Comparative Religionto be given' at the University of Chi­cago,The first University Preacher at theUniversity of Chicago in Februarywas Dr. Nehemiah Boynton, of theClinton Avenue Church, New YorkCity, who spoke on February 7. OnFebruary 14 President Ozora S. Davis,of the Chicago Theological Seminary,which has recently been affiliated withthe University of Chicago, was thespeaker. On February 2'1 ProfessorHugh Black, of Union TheologicalSeminary, speaks. Rev. George W.Truett, of the First Baptist Church,Dallas, Texas, speaks on the last Sun­day in February.'The first two Sundays in March thepreacher will be Rev. Cornelius W oelf­kin, of the Calvary Baptist Church,New York City. March 14 is Convo­cation Sunday. The editors of the Cap and Gownhave voted to dedicate the volume for1915 to Mr. La Verne Noyes, of Chi­cago, whose recent gift to the Uni­versity has made possible the newwoman's gymnasium - and club house.Official announcement is just madethat the laying of the cornerstone ofIda Noyes Hall will take place on Con­vocation day, March 16, instead of inFebruary, as originally planned.Miss Talbot has been elected a mem­ber of the National Institute of SocialSciences in recognition 0 f her services inbehalf of education. The Institute hasbeen recently organized to reward serv­ices rendered to humanity through thesocial sciences, and is co-ordinate withthe National Institute of Arts and Let­terseOnly one case of a contagious dis­ease among the men of the Universityis the record of the Autumn quarter.This number is below the average ofcases of this kind during the preced­ing quarters, according to MedicalDirector Reed. One case of appendi­citis in which an operation was neces­sary was reported to the Physical Cul-­ture department, while several othercases of less severe attacks have beenrecorded.Appendicitis, tonsilitis, and ordinarycolds seem to be the prevailing ail­ments for which students have beenexcused from work in the PhysicalCulture department. Only six menwere excused from gymnasium alto­gether because of physical ailment,while sixteen were given special light·work to do. The average number ofdaily exercises was about ten, the ma­jority of which were due to colds.Records given out by the Athleticdepartment of the University for theWinter quarter show the largest regis­tered attendance in Physical Cultureclasses in the history of the institution.THE LETTER BOX 111Seven hundred and thirty-two men'have reported for daily classes sincethe beginning qf the year. The pre­vious record was made during theWinter quarter of last year, when theattendance was six hundred andseventy-two.Graded gymnastics show the largestenrollment, having a total of 219.Swimming is next, with an attendanceof 158 men. The remainder of the menare divided as follows: Track (Varsityand freshmen), 69; basketball (Var­sity and freshmen), 33; class basket­ball, 33; advanced gymnastics, 30;wrestling, 38; handba.ll, 65; baseball(Varsity and freshmen), 22; fencing,20; golf, 3 ; special work, 35.The busiest hout in the day in Bart­lett is from 5 to 6 in the afternoon,when nearly 225 men are working outat swimming, basketball, graded gym­nastics and wrestling. The next largestnumber exercise at noon, 117 men tak­ing graded gymnastics and swimming.Work at Bartlett is started at 10 -inthe morning with a graded gymnasticclass and the day's work is wound upafter Coach Hoffer's gymnasts finishtheir practice in the evening.Among the features of RosenwaldHall, in which regular class work isnow being carried on, are the_ meteor­ological tower, the seismographic ar­rangements, and the special laborato­ries. The' tower not only is to havethe complete equipment necessary forthe usual observations of a meteoro­logical station, but is so arranged asto accommodate additional appliancesfor special in vestiga tions as occasionmay arise. The more conspicuous in­struments are the anemometers andwind vane and the devices for measur­ing temperature, pressure, and moist ..ure of the atmosphere. All of these areprovided with automatic registerswhich keep a continuous record of theatmospheric changes, The platform for the seismograph issupported by a cement pier extendingdown to the solid rock about sixty feetbelow the campus surface. During theyear two or three seismographs will beinstalled, for the reason that separateinstruments are required to record theeast-west, north-south, and verticaltremors that pass through the earth.Professor Michelson has invented theessentials of a seismograph of a newtype, and it is probable that this typewill be perfected and installed insteadof those already in use.A special laboratory has been pro­vided for experiments in the formationof minerals and ores under exception­ally high terperatures and pressures.As a precaution to minimize possibleaccidents, this laboratory has beenplaced, not under ·the building, but inthe space between Rosenwald Hall andWalker Museum. Another laboratoryprovides for experiments in dynamicgeology in which artificial strata areformed and crushed under pressure todetermine the laws of fracturing andfolding in rocks. A series of experi­ments of this kind has been in progressfor some time.Facilities for preserving and hand­ling a library of about 75,000 volumeshave been provided, with reading­room accommodation in close connec­tion. Rosenwald Hall will be dedi­cated at the Spring Convocation,March 16.THE LETTER BOX'Minneapolis, Minn.,Jan. 25, 1915.Mr. James Weber Linn,Editor of THE UNIVERSITY OF CHI­CAGO MAGAZINE,Chicago, Illinois.Dear Sir:My attention has been called to thearticle on Football Ethics in your No-112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZL"lEvember number. I cannot but regrettha t this was pu blished without firstinvestigating to see whether the mat­ter presented was really as it appearedon the surface.At the close of the quoted corre­spondence in the article above referredto; there is a paragraph by Mr. J. F.Moulds under date of October 1, 1914,as follows:"Having received no response to mytelegram sent Wednesday, I tele­phoned to Dr. Williams. He assuredme that the film had been sent as soonas he received my telegram, and thatit was addressed to me. He promisedto find out the name of the expresscompany by which it had been sentand wire me the information immedi­ately, so that I could trace it at theexpress office. The telegram has neverbeen received; neither has the film."During the summer I wrote a longletter to Mr. Stagg, explaining thewhole matter in detail and expressingsincere regret that through a combina­tion of unfortunate circumstances thefilm had never reached Chicago.You seem not to have been awareof this fact. I shall therefore recapitu­late:At the time Mr. Bryson, of theGopher Film Mfg. Co. was given per­mission to take. the moving picturesof the Chicago-Minnesota game of1913, he promised me a set of films.After the pictures were taken, I sawthe films run off-once at his estab­lishment before they were made pub­lic, once at a local moving picturehouse, and once at a dinner given inhonor of the football team. Therewas nothing in them that would havegiven information of any value to anopposing team. I at no time made anystudy or analysis of the plays asshown in the pictures, nor did anyoneconnected with Minnesota.In the spring of 1914, in fulfillmentof his promise, Mr. Bryson called me up on the 'phone and told me that hehad the set of the films ready for meat his office; that they were on hisdesk, and r should consider 'them ashaving been turned over to me and asmy personal property. He said thathe would hold them subject to' myorder until I called for them. As amatter of fact, I never did call forthem; they have never been in myhands and are still in the keeping ofthe Film Company. .The first recollection I have of hear­ing anything about the desire of theUniversity of Chicago to use the filmswas, when the letter written by Mr.J. F. Moulds on May 11th to Presi­dent Vincent W3:S sent to me.(In looking over the correspondencewhich you published, I note that inthe letter of May 9th, from Mr. Bry­son of the Film Company, to Mr. A. C.Kelly, Jr., of the University of Chi­cago, relative to the films, he stated,"as agreed :at the time of taking thispicture, it has been turned over to Dr.Williams, the Minnesota footballcoach, and is now in his possession.Doubtless if you call on him, somearrangements can be made." It seemsa little peculiar therefore that Mr.Moulds did not write to me and re­quest the use of the film, but insteadwrote to the President of the Univer­sity. In this letter to President Vin­cent, which contained an inclosure ofthe letter from Mr. McBean, both ofwhich you published in the article on"Football Ethics," is shown the samespirit of a desire to show some oneup and place them in a bad light-thatthis article on "Football Ethics" itselfshows.)When I saw the letter to PresidentVincent, I learned for the first timethat the films were wanted for the Chi­cago Alumni and at once said that wewould be pleased to let them havethem, and wrote Mr. Moulds on May15th to that effect and offered to sendTHE LETTER BOXthem if he would be personally re­sponsible for: their safe and immediatereturn. Thi's'letter was quoted in yourarticle. Mr. McBean's letter does nothave my indorsement-it was wellmeant but over-zealous. On meetingMr. McBean a few days later, I askedhim why he had not consulted me be­fore writing it. He said that he hadcalled me up on the 'phone and toldme that Chicago wanted to borrow thefilm and asked me if he should haveit sent and that I had told him "no."I had no recollection of this, and Icertainly could not have understoodthe situation at the time, for as soonas I learned the facts r at once offeredthe use of the films.It, was 13 days after I wrote thisletter before Mr. Moulds replied-thisletter reached me on the 30th. Onreceipt of, .it I called up the Film Com­pany on the 'phone two different times,but received' no reply. Being verybusy, it slipped my mind until on June3rd I received a telegram from Mr.Moulds saying, "Must have films im­mediately if we are to use them Fri­day." I at once called up the FilmCompany and was answered by oneof the workmen. I explained to himwhat was wanted and asked him toforward the films immediately to Mr.Moulds by express, and gave Mr.Moulds' address. He promised, to tendto this and send them at once.On the following day about noon, Ireceived a long distance telephone callfrom Mr. Moulds, in which he inquiredabout the films, which had not arrived.Supposing, of course, that the filmshad been sent the previous day by ex­press, as, the man with whom I talkedat the Film Company had promised,I assured him that the films hadbeen sent immediately on the arrivalof his telegram, that they were on theirway to him, and that I would look upthe name of the express company andwire him immediatelyso that he could -113trace it. I then broke my long dis­tance connection with Mr. Moulds andcalled up the Film Company in Min­neapolis to get the desired informa­tion. The same man whom I hadgiven the order to the previous dayanswered the 'phone. He then in­formed me that the films had not beensent; that they were on the desk inMr. Bryson's private office; that Mr.Bryson was out of the city on a tripand had been for some days, and thatMr. Bryson had the only key to theoffice, and for that reason he had beenunable to get the films and carry outthe order.I at once saw what an embarrassingposition this placed me in, and think­ing that this explanation would comemuch better from the Film Companythan from me, I asked him to immedi­ately wire Mr. Moulds the same ex ..planation that he had made me. Theman expressed regret and promised totelegraph Mr. Moulds immediately.Through the article on "FootballEthics" I learned that this telegramnever reached Mr. Moulds.About the 10th of June I 'recei_ved� aletter from President Vincent writtenafter his visit at the Chicago Com­mencement, in which he said that hehad heard unfavorable criticism whilein Chicago in regard to the non-ar­rival of the films of the football game.He said that he assured them that itmust have been through some accidentas he knew that it was the intentionof the Minnesota management to sendthem.. On receipt of this letter I wrotePresident Vincent a full explanationof how it had come about, togetherwith my personal regrets .. To this hereplied and suggested that if I wroteMr. Stagg and explained the matterto him, he was sure it would be en­tirely satisfactory.A little later in the summer I wroteMr. Stagg a letter going at length intodetailed explanation as to how it hap-114 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpened that the films never reachedChicago, and expressing my sincereregrets. To this he replied in effect"that the matter had been in Mr.Moulds' hands and that he did notknow much about it, but that every­thing would be all right."Now comes the article entitled"Football Ethics" in the Novembernumber of THE UNIVERSITY OF CHI­CAGO MAGAZINE.Yours truly,HENRY L. WILLIAMS.Tan. 30, 1915.Pres. Geo. E. Vincent,University of Minnesota,City.My Dear Sir:I understand that Dr. Williams hasbeen placed in an embarrassing posi­tion regarding the recent handling ofa motion picture film which my com­pany made of the 1913 Minnesota­Chicago football game. The unpleas­ant complications which have arisenare the fault of the employes of myoffice entirely.For your information, let me statethat when permission was given tohave the pictures taken, I promised togive Dr. Williams a set of the films.In fulfillment of this promise, early inthe spring I called up Dr. Williamsand told him that the film was readyfor him, that it was upon my desk, andthat he could call for it at any timethat he wished; in the meantime heshould consider the film as havingbeen delivered to him arid as his per­sonal property, subject to his order,Dr. Williams did not call.During the latter part of May, Iaccompanied the Minneapolis Civic &Commerce Trade Tour train, and be­fore leaving took the film and had itlocked in my private safe, of which noone but myself held the combination.It seems that during my absence, Dr. Williams called up and asked for thefilm. My men, not knowing anythingconcerning the matter, did not give Dr.Williams the information and atten­tion that he should have received. Iunderstand that even a telegram tosome Chicago party which Dr. Wil­liams requested sent, was not for­warded.. I can truthfully state that the delayin Dr. Williams' receiving this reel offilm on time was the fault of this officealone. The matter should not bebrought up to you and Dr. Williams.Should any of the above statementsneed verification, I will be glad indeedto give same.Very respectfully yours.JAMES V. BRYSON.President.[The foregoing letters are self-ex­planatory. They were not received intime to allow for communication withMr. Stagg, but the reference to a let­ter from him does not, of course, needverification. The MAGAZINE regretsthat Mr. Stagg did not let the Alumniknow of Dr. Williams' explanation;but doubtless he assumed that ofcourse a similar statement had beensent to Mr. Moulds, who was chairmanof the June reunion, and as such theone most inconvenienced by the ab­sence of the films. Had such an ex­planation heen received the corre­spondence would not have been pub­lished. The letter from Manager Me­Bean herein referred to, and contain­ing statements denied by Dr. Wil­liams, made the inference of nr. Wil­liams' unwillingness to let the filmsappear before a Chicago audience ap­pear inevitable. There would seem tobe a question of veracity involved be­tween Dr. Williams and Manager Mc­Bean. It is pleasant to know, however,even so long after, that all responsi­bility can be honorably shifted to theshoulders of the office boy.-Ed.] ,January 16, 1915.THE LETTER BOX 115To THE EDITOR:The Daily Maroon of the 8th con­tained the announcement of the fra­ternity freshmen "scholarship," whichrenewed my interest in the rushingrules that we so carefully framed lastyear. It is true that I do not feel avery great sense of responsibility atthis distance, but the results do cer­tainly interest nne.The statistics prove beyond a doubtthat our little code has not met withsuccess in one particular corner. W ecan hardly say that the results thisyear will warn the next incoming classand thereby have its effect. I t ispretty hard to impress anything on anew class in one or two months. Butthe eligibility rule should have its ef­fect on the upper classes of the fra­ternities. They must realize that thisfirst result means an absolute necessityfor concerted action on their freshmenin order to initiate a class. And theymust continue to initiate a freshmanclass each year if they are to. continueto exist. Although there will probablybe the usual demand for a change inrules again this year, I hope that nomatter what changes are made, theeligibility rule and those rules elimi­nating rushing expense will be re­tained.Yours very truly,THOMAS E. COLEMAN, '14.Dayton, Ohio.To THE EDITOR:l\/ly request with regard to theMAGAZINE was merely a personal ex­pression of my feeling. As a matterof fact, I have some German blood inmy own ancestry. Neutrality one ap­precia tes, or a seasoned defense ofviews on either side, but your corre­spondent singled out England with thewish to see her beaten, regardless ofthe issues at stake.If I may be permitted to express an opinion, the issues of the war arebroader than any nation or any race,for it will decide for centuries to comewhether treaties are worth the paperthey are written on, and whether thedoctrines of the military party in Ger­many (not of the German people),based on a false reading of Darwinism,are to become the background andbasis of civilization in this 20th cen­tury.The last time I was in Germany(two or three years ago) I visited thegreat botanist Strasburger, at Bonn, afew months before his death. And youmay be interested to know that muchof his conversation on that occasionwas devoted to a eulogy of Englandand the English people. Incidentally,he deprecated with great feeling thehostile attitude towards Englandadopted even then by some classes ofhis countrymen.Yours very truly,R. RUGGLES GATES.To THE EDITOR:There is, as I understand, a vast sys­tem of scholarships in operation atthis, as well as at other universities.The scholarship system is nothingmore than a gigantic graft, involving,as it does, the questionable ethics ofreceiving something for nothing. Be­sides the degrading and pauperizingeffect upon the recipient, the scholar­ship system works a hardship uponthe self-respecting student who desiresto pay his own way. Does not someone have to earn the alms that aregiven to the beggar? In other words,if there were no free scholarships,would it not be possible for the uni­versity materially to lower the priceof tuition? Does not the travelingpublic have m-fxeimburse the railroadsfor the de·a�dheads riding on freepasses? Do not the honest customers'have to make good to the butcher orbaker the losses which he.jsustains at116 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe hands of dead beats who will notpay their just debts?If I am correctly informed, hundredsof whole or partial scholarships areawarded each year. These again areof two kinds: those bestowed for sup­posed proficiency in studies, and out­right charity to those who are willingto confess that they are poverty­stricken and unable to assist them­selves.N ow, taking up, if you please, thefirst class: If a student makes A orB grade in his studies, does that neces­sarily imply that he is deserving ofreward? Other things being equal;may it not simply mean that studentX has a better inherited intellectualcapacity than student Y, who was ableto secure a grade of only C, eventhough he may have burned the pro­verbial midnight oil and reduced hisconstitution to a wreck in a frantic ef­fort to attain scholastic honor? Inthis instance, we have assumed thatthe two students were the same ineconomic status, but different in in­tellectual endowments. Now let usconsider two other hypothetical stu­dents, the same in intellectual endow­ment, but different in economic status.Student M belongs to a wealthy familyand has never earned a dollar in hiswhole life. Student N, through familyfinancial reverses, has been obliged togo to work at an early age to supporthimself-yes, and others-and to fit him­self for college he attended an eveninghigh school for a number of years. Heis now going through the universityand paying his expenses by means ofwork downtown which demands thecream of his energies, Student Nandstudent M are of about the same men­tal caliber, but which is the greaterachievement-student M's grade of A,or student N's grade of B? Yet if stu­dent M and student N were competingfor a scholarship, the cards of bothwould be sent for from the Bureau of Records, and the cold, emotionless sta­tistics would award the scholarship toM. This is no fanciful picture. I knowpersonally of just such students, sonsof wealthy parents, who have, withoutthe slightest compunction, applied forvarious scholarships of this class,which are awarded solely on evidenceof high grades, and who were success­ful in securing them. N ay', more, theyboast of the "honor"! As though abeggar should exhibit with pride hiscrust of bread earned by the sweat ofhis fellow being!Even going further, and assumingthat the endowments of all are abso­lutely equal, in intellectual caliber, aswell as in economic status, and that allare actuated by an equally ardent am­bition. Why should the fact that onemakes A, while another makes only Centitle the former to this subsidy, this"graft," if you please, called a scholar­ship? How has the A grade studentearned this money? What has hegiven in exchange for it? The factthat he has made A grade merelymeans that he has received more valuefrom the university than the C grademan: His investment has yielded hima bigger dividend. .;-Ie owes more tothe university. Suppose that the sameintellectual keenness which enabledhim to get A in a course, in later lifeenables him to corner the market inwheat. Here again he is getting moreout of his investment. Why rewardhim for it by a subsidy?' Is he not re­warded already? Why not, then, lethigh grades in college be rewards inthemselves, and why not let each stu­dent stand on his own feet and elimi­nate the sorry spectacle of a largenumber of students carried on thebacks of their fellows? The passengerwho rides on a free pass and the stu­dent who goes through college on ascholarship are in the same class. Theyare receiving something for nothing.Yours very truly,JAMES VINCENT NASH, '15.ATHLETICS 117FOR ALDERMAN HUGOFRI�ND, 1906Hugo Friend, '06 and Law '08, is acandidate for the Republican nomina­tion for Alderman of the 6th (the U ni­versity) Ward. Friend in the Univer­sity was on the Cap and Gown Board, amember of the Student Council, andin his Senior year, captain of the trackteam, member of Owl and Serpent, theSenior Honor Society, and studentHead Marshal. As a member of thetrack team he competed in the highhurdles and the broad jump, and hestill holds the University record in thelatter, ·23 feet :r.4 inch. In 1906 he wason the American Olympic team thatcompeted at Athens.. Since graduationFriend has been a member of the Col­lege Alumni Association, of which he is now vice-president, and has servedon various committees of the ChicagoAlumni Club. A sketch of his careerappears elsewhere in this issue as apart .of the article on the Alumni Coun­cil. He has lived in the Sixth Wardfor twelve years. If he is nominatedand elected, he will be the first Alum­nus of the University to sit in the CityCouncil.Among Alumni living in the SixthWard who are active in Hugo M.Friend's campaign for alderman areMiss Agnes Wayman, E. E. Quantrell,Samuel MacClintock, J. F. Moulds,and C. F. Axelsen.The campaign of the Progressivecandidate for alderman in the ward,Mr. A. A. McCormick, it is interestingto note, is in charge of another alum­nus, Donald R. Richberg, '00.ATHLETICSThe schedule of the remainingathletic events 'for the winter quarteris as follows:At HOlmeFeb. 16 Basketball, Northwestern.Feb, 26 Basketball, Minnesota.March 6 Basketball, Illinois.March 12 Basketball, Wisconsin.March 13 Swimming, Wisconsin.March 13 Gymnastics, Wisconsin.AwayFeb. 18 Swimming, Hamilton Club.Feb. 20 Basketball, Ohio State.Feb. 23 Basketball, Illinois.Feb. 27 Swimming, Hliriois.March 5 Swimming, Northwestern.Mar. 19-20 Indoor Conference at Evans-ton.The basketball season so far hasbeen highly successful; somewhat tothe surprise of all concerned. 'Therecord stands: Games During HolidaysChicago, 24; Auburn Park M. E., 10.Chicago, 62 ; Englewood Pres., 3.Chicago, 10; Detroit "Y," 24 (at De-troit) .Chicago, 34; Buckeye Paints, 18 (atToledo).Chicago, 20; Dayton Gym Club, 17(at-Dayton).Detroit Y. M. C. A., the only teamto win from Chicago, was subse­quently defeated :jn Bartlett on janu­ary 24. ,:The record for January andthe first half of February was:Chicago, 32; Alumni, 15.Chicago, 3; Olivet Reds, 16.Chicago, 15; Northwestern, 11 (con-ference, at Evanston).Chicago, 47 ; Lombard, 19.Chicago, 30; Ohio State, 17 (confer­ence) .Chicago, 24; Wisconsin, 19 (confer­ence, at Madison):Chicago, 15 ; Detroit, 13.118 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChicago, 28 ; Purdue, 8 (conference).Chicago, 16; Minnesota, 15 (confer ...ence, at Minneapolis).Chicago, 20; Purdue, 9 (conference).Of the foregoing victories, the mostgratifying was at Wisconsin, whichhad lost only one game in three years,and had not been defeated on her homefloor in six years. The Ohio State andPurdue games were astonishingly easy.The regular line-up of the five has beenestablished with Capt. Stevenson andDes] ardien as forwards, Townley cen­ter, and George and Kixmiller guards;Stegeman and Schafer are first substi­tutes, but Bennett and Tharp havealso been used in conference games.Stevenson, Kixmiller, Stegeman andDes] ardien are seniors; George, Ben­nett and Tharp juniors, and Townleyand Schafer sophomores. The mate­rial, compared to the splendid groupof last spring, is mediocre, but the menare playing together far better. Theyhave perfected a short passing gamewhich surpasses anything seen inBartlett for years. Des] ardien' s injuryin football seems not to have slowedhim up in the least. He overruns hisman very often, however, and his eyefor the basket is not certain. Steven­son is the best basket shooter, and isplaying altogether better than everbefore. Townley is nervous and notphysically as powerful as the others,but his height and perfect willingnessto let somebody else try for the baskethelp him out. George is a very hardman to get away from; his guarding isas hard as it is sportsmanlike. Kix­miller is altogether the sensation of theyear in athletics. In baseball lastspring, again in football, and now oncemore in basketball, he shows himselffast, strong, and intelligent. If his ath­letic career were beginning instead ofending, he would take rank withNorgren and Des] ardien as the mostvaluable all-round athlete of late years.Stegeman has been injured, and is not up to last year's form by any means.The championship seems at present tolie between Chicago and Illinois, withMinnesota a strong contender, andWisconsin by no means out of therunning. The standing of the nineconference teams at present is:w. L.Chicago 6 0Illinois 6 °Wisconsin 4 3Northwestern �. 3 3Purdue 0 •••••• 2 4Minnesota 0 •••••• 0 0 1 2Iowa 00. 0 •••••••• 1 2Indiana � 0 1 6Ohio State 0 5 Pet.1,0001,000.571.500.333.333.333.143. .000It is worth noting that three of thefive regulars and two of the four sub­stitutes are members of one frater­nity, Delta Kappa Epsilon. One won­ders if a similar situation has ever beenwitnessed at a university of the ath­letic class of Chicago.The first intercollegiate track. meetof the season was won from Purdue atLafayette on February 13, too late forcomment in this number. But the teampromises well. In the sprints thereare Barancik, Knight and Agar; in thequarter, Dismond and Cornwell; inthe longer runs, Campbell, Stegeman,Stout, Goodwin and Powers; In thehurdles, Capt. Ward and Whiting; inthe high jump, Whiting and Gorgas :in the vault, Fischer and Bent; in theweights, Des] ardien. There are others,but all these men are likely to place inthe conference intercollegiate. Of thenew men Dismond, the quarter-miler,is the sensation. He has run 48-2 outof doors, beating Henderson of Illi­nois, who won in the conference meetlast June; and has bettered Daven­port's record in Bartlett. There seemsno reason to doubt that he is the bestman in the west, if not in the country.Fortunately for Chicago, he is a highstand student.ALUMNI CLUESThe first of a. series of in tram uralmile and two-mile races was held inBartlett on February 5. Seven classeswere arranged, - with cups for the firstthree men in each event, and morethan one hundred men competed. Therecords in the different classes were:Baseball, basketball and handballgroup, won by G. W. Chapman, 5 :18.Swimmers' group, won by A. Ten­inga, 5 :204/5.Gym. Classes, 11 and 12 o'clock, wonby H. C. Stine, 515.Gym. Classes, 10 and 5 o'clock, wonby S. Veazey, 5 :30.Wrestlers' group, won by Colwell,5 :21.Freshman track, won by R. N. An­gier, 4 :51.Varsity group, won by L A. Camp­bell, 4 :38.The second and final race of theseries will be held late in February.It has been a matter of regret thatno dual meet could be arranged withIllinois; but as the Illinois men go toCalifornia in April for a meet atBerkeley, they preferred to do all theirwinter practicing on an outdoor track.The swimming team is better thanfor years, but as the teams of otherALUMNI[Some time ago a letter was sentout by the MAGAZINE asking for infor­mation in regard to the status of thevarious Alumni Clubs. The state­ments that follow are gathered fromofficial responses.]The Chicago Alumni Club flour­ishes. It is an organization withouteither a constitution or dues, expres­sing itself publicly by two dinners ayear, spring and fall, and privately bya Committee of One Hundred, whichis an unofficial body of considerableactivity. The autumn dinner is givento the football team, generally in the 119colleges have also improved, there areno victories so far to record. TheHamilton Club won by 38-20 on J anu­ary 14, with Clement Browne, theirnew star, shining brightly. FourBartlett records were broken, all byHamilton Club men. Northwesternalso won on January 25, by a score of35-23. Four new conference recordswere established, two by J ohnson- ofNorthwestern, one by the Northwest­ern relay team, and one by Pavlicek ofChicago. Johnson swam forty yardsin 20 2-5 seconds, and 220 yards in2 :45 3-5; the relay team set a recordof 1 :26 2-5, Chicago also beating theold record; and Pavlicek put the 150-yard back stroke mark at 1 :58 4-5.For Chicago, Redmon won the plungein 39 2-5 seconds. Chicago won thewater basketball game by 4-3. A re­turn meet is scheduled; also meetswith the Hamilton Club, Wisconsin,and Illinois.Mr. Stagg will have' already returnedto Chicago by the time the Magazine ispublished. He spent six weeks' inFlorida, and feels much improved inhealth.Max Cornwell, '16, has been electedcheer-leader for the ensuing year.CLUBSweek preceding the final. game. Theattendance varies from 125 to 250. Thespring dinner, at which the election ofofficers takes place, is usually given up toa discussion of general University affairs.Every man who lives in or near Chi­cago and has ever attended the Uni­versity is automatically a member. Ofthese there are something over twenty­five hundred. Last year the spring din­ner was merged with the dinner of theAlumni Association. · This year it willbe held separately, probably on April19.The Chicago Club is a120 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmore active body than the AlumniClub, and better organized. It has aregular membership of 323 at present,of whom only 16 are non-holders of adegree. It has four general meetingsa year: in the fall as guests of DeanTalbot in Green Hall; in the winter onthe second Saturday in January, asguests of Mrs. Judson at a reception; inthe spring the annual business meetingfor the election of officers; and in Juneat the Alumnae Breakfast on AlumniDay. There are also frequent "shoppingluncheons" downtown; a very success­ful one held in Christmas week, wasattended by a number of members whoare at work outside of Chicago butwere at home for the holidays. Theclub maintains a resident at the Uni­versity Settlement, and is interested inthe Chicago Collegiate Bureau, havinggiven it $300 last year. The AlumnaeLoan Library at the University, organ­ized by the club, rents many volumesto students at almost a nominal rate.The club is growing steadily in mem­bers and influence. It is hoped that aroom may be set aside for it in IdaNoyes Hall. 'The Eastern Alumni Club confinesits public functions to an annual din­ner in N ew York City, at whichusually President Judson representsthe University. Like the ChicagoAlumni Club, it does not require dues;unlike it, both men and women areeligible for membership. The attend­ance at the annual dinner is betweenfifty and one hundred.The Minnesota Alumni Club was or­ganized in January of 1913, at a dinnerat which President Vincent was Toast­master, and the speakers includedPresident and Mrs. Judson. In Maythe club had an outdoor entertainmenton President Vincent's lawn. Lastyear, at the second annual dinner, heldin February, Dean Angell representedthe University. The club has no regu­lar time of meeting, but comes together on call from an active executive com­mittee. The club membership isdrawn principally from Minneapolisand St. Paul. There are no dues.The California Alumni Club, of LosAngeles, is active, Its last annual din­ner was held in December, at whichtime Dr. C. H. Judd and Miss Breck­inridge represented the University.The attendance at the annual dinnerhas been between fifty and seventy­five. The club will have a room at theExposition at San Francisco and ex­pects to institute a "Chicago Day" atwhich all former students or instruct­ors in the neighborhood will fore­gather. There is at present no formalalumni organization in San Francisco,but the alumni who are at the Univer­sity of California and at Leland Stan­ford meet occasionally in an informalfashion; such reunions were held inJuly and October of last year, in thelatter instance to greet President J ud­son on his return from the Orient.The Utah Alumni Club, with head­quarters in Salt Lake City, holds anannual dinner and meets irregularly atluncheon, genera]1y once a month. Themembership is made up of both gradu­ates and ex-students. At the last din­ner Prof. C. H. Judd, director of theCollege of Education, represented theUniversity.The Pittsburg Alumni Club has amembership of 135, mostly ex-students,and many students in the summeronly. The radius of its influence in­cludes Western Maryland and Penn­sylvania, West Virginia, and EasternOhio. Last year the club met twice,on both occasions in conjunction withgeneral meetings of the Western Con­ference. Luncheons are arranged in­formally and irregularly, on the pres­ence of some representative from theUniversity. There is no regular an­nual meeting, and there are no dues.The Philadelphia. Alumni Club hashad no meeting this year, partly on ac-ALUMNI CLUBScount of the absence, through illness,of President W. H. Elfreth. A meet­ing is planned �for the spring.The Chicago Alumni Club of theUniversity of North Dakota has beenrecently organized. It has no regu­larly scheduled annual meeting, butlast year convened informally fivetimes. Membership is confined to for­mer Chicago students on the faculty,of whom ·there are 12-three withbachelor's degrees, seven with higherdegrees, and two non-holders of Chi­cago degrees. At a dinner in 1914,Prof. Coulter was guest of honor; onJanuary 15, 1915, President Vincent ofthe University of Minnesota. Theclub has a formal organization anddues.,The Indianapolis Alumni - Club andThe Sioux City Alumni Club and TheRocky Mountain Alumni Club of Den­ver are active organizations, each witha regular constitution and an annualmeeting. The Sioux City Club reportsto the Magazine more frequently thanany other club outside of Chicago.Of the other clubs listed, the JapanAlumni Club and the Philippine Al­umni Club are active, but on accountof their distance from Chicago havenot yet responded to the letter sentout. The other clubs are all more orless of a type: brought together onsome particular occasion, they havesince failed to meet with any regular­ity, or at all, and may fairly be said tohave gone out of existence as organi­zations. In some cases some oneactive alumnus has left the city; inothers, the variety of membership hasmade permanent organization difficult.Letters from former secretaries ofthese dubs are very interesting."Y ou know there is very little atChicago in the way of 'traditional per­formances,' so that there is no oppor­tunity to compare notes regarding theway a given event was conducted indifferent years. Very few know any 121common songs peculiar to Chicago,and finally the number who have re­ceived degrees, though- I do not knowthe proportion, is not large. To holdtogether any group of people who arenot working for a definite aim theremust be an emotional background, and­while I cannot speak for the under­graduates, for the graduate students Ibelieve the years spent at Chicagostand out as 3. period of keen intel­lectual interest, but not for human re­lationships.""We had one good meeting, at whiChwe organized, but that is all we haveever done. The man who acceptedthe presidency was never able to giveany time or effort to the work, andconsequently the idea died out.""Our president then moved from thecity, and with his departure the clubbreathed its last. We .have 40 nameson our list, half of whom are graduates.All we seem to lack is an enthusiasticleader to revive interest.""There is in reality no alumni clubhere now. The alumnae of the Uni­versity have been active as a. group,serving on a committee of the Collegi­ate Alumnae Association. This fall anumber of the alumnae have met regu­larly on Saturdays to sew for the RedCross. At these meetings there havebeen frequent expressions of a desirefor the reforming of the Alumni Club.In speaking with members of the fac­ulty of the High Schools here, I learnthat very few of the graduates go tothe University of Chicago. If it iswished to gain more students from-thispart of the country, I should thinksome special plan of procedure by anAlumni Club in co-operation with rep­resentatives from the University mightbe undertaken."The general impression one gainsfrom a review of the Alumni Clubs isof sincere belief i� the University onthe, part of many individuals handi­capped by the diversity of social inter­ests and a persistent lack of organiza ....122 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtion. An enthusiastic representativeof the University, a large part of whosetime at a certain season of the yearcould be devoted to going about andpresenting its situation and accom­plishments to groups of alumni, in ac- cordance with some scheme of datesarranged by a central authority, isgreatly needed. Lacking such a rep­resentative, the University and thealumni are both hampered in the- de­velopment of closer relations.AL UMNI AFFAIRSUniversity of North Dakota AlumniClub.-On: Friday evening, January 15,the U. N. D. Alumni held a dinner atthe University Commons. PresidentGeorge E. Vincent was the guest ofhonor. In spite of the newer relationsto which everybody present was loyal,Chicago was decidedly to the fore, andreminiscence, even to the World'sFair days, played a big role. TwentyChicagoans and their wives were pres­ent. The present members of the clubare Dean Vernon P. Squires, DeanElla Fulton, Dr. J. M. Gillette, Prof.G. E. Hult, Dr. George P. Jackson,Dr. H. A. Brush, Dean H. E. French,Prof. H. E. Simpson, Dr. Charles E.King, Mr. Albert T. Vollwiler, Mr.Coad and Miss Norma E. Pfeiffer.Dean French is president of the organ­ization.NORMA E. PFEIFFER, Secretary.The Alumnae of Mills College, Oak­land, California, have sent an an­nouncement extending a cordial invi­tation to college women and theirfriends to visit their headquarters, theWhite and Gold Room in the InsideInn, within the grounds of the Panama­Pacific International Exposition.News of the Classes1895S. D. Barnes, formerly president ofthe Northwest Alumni Club at Seattle,is now in Honolulu. He is presidentof the Hawaiian Society of the Sonsof the American Revolution.1898• John F. Hagey has been elected a vice-president of the First NationalBank of Chicago.1899E. A. Scrogin is president of theO-Zell Company, manufacturers ofsoft drinks, with factory and officesat 1301 W. 15th street, Chicago.1901Katherine Lahm, Ex. (Mrs. FrankParker) is living at 42 Avenue CharlesFloquet, Paris. She is serving as anauxiliary nurse in the ambulance -ofthe American Hospital, where thereare 400 wounded.1902.. Cecile B. Bowman is the extensionsecretary of the Y. W. C. A. atSchnectady, N. Yo1903W. E. Francis is manager of t�eDenver branch of Bradstreet's, withoffices in the Railway Exchange build-ing. 1904Mrs. and Mr. Alfred Chester Ells­worth, of Pittsburg, Kansas, an­nounce the birth of a daughter, No­vember 30. Mr. Ellsworth and hisbrother, Huber, are engaged in surfacecoal mining in Kansas and Colorado.Nelson L. Buck is superintendent offactories for the Wm. Wrigley, Jr.,Company. He has recently beenelected a director of the Central Manu­facturing District Bank, located at1112' West 35th street, Chicago.Jane B. Walker is lecturing on artand literature, and teaching lip-readingin the New York School for the Hard­of-Hearing.ALUMNI AFFAIRS - 1231905t Lilian ¥ilry Lane is instructor inEnglish, State Normal School, Buffalo,N. Y.1906Frances Carver (Mrs. Frank W.Smith) lives at 1619 Lister avenue,Kansas City, Mo._Evan Z. (Skeeter) Vogt, E�., writesfrom Ramah, N. M.: "Am fencing upa big pasture here and will move mycattle over here and make my homehere. Mail comes every other day anda farming community of irrigationfarmers makes good grub a certainty.Am building a log house, drilling awell, etc."1907Albert B. Enoch (J. D. '08) has beenpromoted to the position of AssistantGeneral Attorney of the C. R. 1. & P.,with offices in the La Salle Street Sta­tion, Chicago.Clark C. Steinbeck is a member ofthe staff of the Chicago Bureau ofPublic Efficiency, of which JuliusRosenwald is the president of theBoard of Trustees. This organization,financed by public-spirited citizens, iscompleting its fifth year of work onbehalf of the taxpayers of Chicago andCook County. It scrutinizes the ex­penditures of public money, makes in­tensive studies of the administration ofpublic offices, recommends improve­ment and changes, where necessary,and by means of printed reports dis­tributed without charge gives to thepeople exact information regardingsuch matters. It is engaged at pres­ent on a study of the water works sys­tem of the City of Chicago.Edith Terry (Mrs. Harry M.Bremer) is National Immigration Sec­retary of the National Board Y. W.C. A., with business address at 600Lexington Ave., New York City.Gordon Mabin, Ex., is farming nearFalcon, Miss., and serving as mayor ofthe city. H. M. Steele, Ex., is practicing lawin Danville, Ill.1908A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.Llewellyn Jones (Bertha May Hen­derson) on December 7. He has beennamed Edward Duane Jones.Flora Thomson Jones (Mrs. JamesH. Greene) is organist and director ofmusic in the First Presbyterian Churchof La Grange. She expects to spendthe summer of 1915 studying piano andorgan at the University.1909.. B. M. Ferguson, Ex. ("Football"Ferguson), is now head of the City ofChicago Gas Bureau.R. P. Sherer has been elected vice­president of the Northwestern TrustCompany of St. Paul. For four yearshe has been the Northwest represent­ative of the bond department of theHarris Trust & Savings Bank of Chi­cago. Mr. Sherer is the personal se­lection of L. W. Hill, chairman of theboard of directors of the NorthwesternTrust Company, and Otis Everett,president. He will be in charge of thebond and investment department ofthe trust company.1910Barrett H. Clark, Ex., has recentlyhad published several translations ofplays from French. In addition to this,he has prepared an outline for thestudy of the continental drama oftoday, which has been highly com­mended by the reviewers.The plays include one volumecontaining Lavedan's, "The Princed' Aurec," Lemaitre's "The Pardon,"and Donnay's "The Other Danger.'!In a second book are "The Fossils,'by de Curel; "The Serenade," by JeanJ ullien ; "Francoise' Luck," by Georgesde Porto-Riche, and "The Dupe," byGeorges Ancey. The preface to thisset of plays is by Brieux.Together with Lander McClintock,'10, he has translated "The Labyrinth,"124 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa play in five acts by Paul Hervieu.Another is "Patrie," in five acts, by Vic-torien Sardou. A series of amateurplays by celebrated authors has beenprepared under Clark's editorial su­pervision. A number of other trans­lations and essays on subjects con­cerned with the modern drama are inpreparation.1911Elizabeth Campbell' is teaching artin Detroit, Mich. Her address is 54Stimson Place.Fannie S. Johnston, Ex., is engagedin social work in Milwaukee.1912- Ruth B. Dean, Ex., is a garden andlandscape architect, with business ad­dress at 4 West 40th St., New YorkCity. 1913At the annual meeting of the Chi­cago Life Underwriters' Association,on February 16, Byron C. Howes, Ex.,of the Union Mutual, was re-electedsecretary and treasurer. C. F. Axel­son, '07, is a member of the ExecutiveCommittee.._. Bertha Warren is teaching in theWaukegan High School.1914», Edith D. Gwinn is teaching m thehigh school at Goshen, Ind.Rhoda 1. Pfeiffer is teaching at Sagi­naw, W. S., Mich. Her address is 403Waller St.Marcia Dodge Wilber is studyingmodeling. Her address is 5757 W ood­lawn Ave.EngagementsA. 'C. Hoffman, '10, and ZelmaDavidson, '09. Miss Davidson is socialhead of Hyde Park Center. Mr. Hoff­man, until a year ago, was athleticcoach at Tulane University, New Or­leans, La. He is now practicing lawin Chicago.Helen Delia Street, '14, and JohnPerlee, '�4. MarriagesWebster J. Lewis, '11, to HelenGross, '13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.H. H. Gross of 4863 Lake avenue, Chi­cago, on January 16. Lewis is a mem­ber of Delta Tau Delta andMrs, Lewisof the Sigma Club, They will live inChandler, Arizona. .Francisco Ventresca, '11, to Flor�ence Olson, on December 24, at Chi­cago. At home at 2111 18th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Mr. Ventrescais official translator in the Office ofNaval Intelligence at Washington.Markella White, '12, to Alva H. Mc­Master, on November "18, at GardenPrairie, Ill.Morris M. Wells, '12, to Edith L.Bradley, '13, on December 22. Mr.Wells will take his Ph. D. degree fromthe University of Illinois in June.George T. Colman, Ph. D., '14, toHarriett Louise Sager, '12, on Decem­ber 30, at Chicago. Dr. Colman is amember of the faculty of Hiram Col­lege, Hiram, O.DeathsLeonora Pound, '04, died January25, at her home in Terre Haute, Ind.Burton Simpson, A. B. '11, D. B. "'14,died on December 16, at River Falls,Wisconsin, and was buried at PrinceEdward's Island, Canada. At the timeof his death Mr. Simpson was pastorof the Baptist Church at River Falls.The Twentieth Anniversary of theQuadrangkrs was celebrated on Sat­urday, January 16th, by a luncheon atthe Chicago College Club and a tea atthe University at which the alumnaewere entertained by the members incollege. Alumnae present were:Edna Stanton, '98 (Mrs. Albert A. Michel­son); Theodosia Kane, '97 (Mrs. Merle F.Eshbaugh), Evanston; Anna Hull, Ex. '�9(Mrs. Raymond W. Stevens), Highland Park;,Josephine Allin, '99; Mary Winter, '98 (Mrs.Panl P. Bennett), Rockford; Edith Baxter,Ex: '99 (Mrs. Henry "F. Dickinson), Evans­ton; Katharine Barton, Ex. '60' (Mrs. RobertW. Childs), Hinsdale; Brieta Bobo, '02 (Mrs ..ALUMNI AFFAIRS 1?r-'"""JBurt T. Stanton); Leona Canterbury, '02(Mrs. Maurice Mandeville), Lake Bluff ;Esther Linn, Ex. !Q2 (Mrs. Charles Eri Hul­bert); Bertha Wiggs, E.x. '02 (Mrs. LinnaeusNeal Hines), Crawfordsville, Indiana; EdnaStevens, '0'2 (Mrs. James M. Sheldon), Glen­coe; Genevieve Tomlinson, Ex. '05 (Mrs.Louis Benezet), La Crosse, Wisconsin; LeilaAhrens, Ex. '06; Ethel Terry, '07; JennieBerry, Ex. '08 (Mrs. George M. Hough) ; Na­thalie Young, Ex. $08 .(Mrs. John GarfieldJordan); Phebe Bell, '08 (Mrs. Schuyler B.Terry); Margaret Scribner, Ex. '06 (Mrs.Harry L. Grant); Florence Cummings, Ex.'09 (Mrs. Thomas J. Hair) ; Emily Frake, '09;Eudora Smith, Ex. '09 (Mrs. Stanley Sale);Helen Tytler Sunny, '08; Elizabeth Thielens,'09 (Mrs. Thomas Scott Miller) ; Jessie Heck­man, '10 ; Margaret Bell, Ex. '10 ; EthelCoombs, Ex. '10, Oak Park; Florence Gerhard,Ex. '10; Grace Parrnly, Ex. '10 (Mr':). ThomasR. Collins), St. Louis, Missouri; Annie Tem­pleton, '08, N ew York; Charlotte Thearle, Ex.'10 (Mrs. Henry D. Sulcer) ; Fannie Johnston,Ex. '11; Flora Jones, '08 (Mrs. James H.Greene), La Grange, Indiana; Emily Coombs,Ex. '11 (Mrs. Allen Montague), Oak Park;Frances Meigs, '12 (Mrs. Elisha N. Fales);Jeannette Thielens, '14 (Mrs. Theodore C.Phillips); Edith Young, Ex. '11 (Mrs. RalphE. Lidster); Elizabeth Dickey, '13, Tulsa,Oklahoma; Clara Barton, Ex. '12, Hinsdale;Mary Embree, Ex. '12, Evanston; , Nancy Har­ris, Ex. '12; Effie Hewitt, '13; Lillian Spohn,'13, Elkhart, Indiana; Alma Ogden, '13,Charleston, West Virginia; Emma Canterbury,Ex. '13; Charlotte Foss, Ex. '13; Helen Sweet,'14; Ada Walker, '11 (Mrs. James D. Dicker­son); Unity Wilson, 'ia, Ann Arbor, Michi­gan; Ruth Wood, Ex. '16, Gary Indiana; Mar­cia Wilbur, '14; Lucile Ruckelshausen, Ex. '17,Oak Park; Mary Barrett, Ex. '07, Wilmette;Evelyn Morgan, Ex. '10 (Mrs. Fred W. Clift),Summit, New Jersey; Elizabeth Foss, Ex. 'ir(Mrs. Harry C. Brown, Jr.); Dorothy Zinn,Ex. '17, Riverside.And the honorary members: Mrs. WallaceHeckman, Mrs. Zoe Prindiville and Mrs. B. E.Sunny. HELEN T. SUNNY.The Association of Doctors, ofPhilosophyJames Westfall Thompson, '95, hasbeen recently elected president of theCaxton Club of Chicago for the thirdtime. Five years ago the club pub­lished in sumptuous form a limitededition of a work by him entitled TheFrankfort Book Fair. A copy of itwas exhibited at the great Leipzigbook fair during the past year.Cora L. Scofield, '98, formerly in­structor in history in Wellesley Col­lege, is living in Newton, Mass. She has been for several years at workupon a History of the Reign of Ed­ward IV. Much of her time has beenspent in research in the Record Officein London.Edgar Holmes MacNeal, '02, pro­fessor of history in Ohio State Univer­sity, read a paper at the meeting ofthe American Historical Association inChicago on December 30, upon "TheAttitude of the Feudal Noble Towardsthe Churches as Reflected in the Chan­sons de Gestes."John W. Bailey, '04, became presi­dent of Central College at Pella, Iowa,in July, 1914.Marcus W. Jernegan, '06, assistantprofessor in history in the Universityof Chicago, has nearly completed aHistory of Education in the AmericanColonies. It will appear in the earlyautumn.Oliver C. Clifford, '0'7, of ArmourInstitute, and E. J. Moore, '13, of Ober­lin College, will be giving courses inphysics at the University of Chicagoduring the Summer Quarter, 1915.R. Ruggles Gates, '08, who has beengiving a special course of lectures atOxford University, on cell structure inrelation to heredity, has returned toAmerica, and is making his headquar­ters at New York during the winter.He is prepared to give public lecturesto scientific audiences in the UnitedStates and Canada, in connection withuniversities or other public institu­tions. These lectures will embody thenew evolutionary points- of view result­ing from his investigations on muta­tions, cell structure and the nature ofgerminal changes.. Br, Gates has re­cently written a book on mutationswhich is now in -course of publication.Letters should be addressed, care, Brooklyn Bota!nic Garden, New York.Milo Milton Quaife, '08, formerlyprofessor of history in Lewis Institutein Chicago, has been made director ofthe Wisconsin Historical Library at126 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMadison, Wisconsin, to succeed thelate Dr. R. G. Thwaites.Alma G. Stokey, '08, head of the de­partment of botany at Mt. Holyoke,was at Woods Hole during the sum­mer doing research work.H. D. Arnold, 11, is directing someof the research work in the laboratoriesof the Western Electric Company.Harvey Fletcher, '11, professor ofphysics at Brigham Young University,and H. B. Lemon, '11, instructor ofphysics, University of Chicago, haverecently been elected to regular mem­bership in the American Physical So­ciety. Dr. Fletcher has a contributionin a recent number of the Physical Re­view to the Study of Brownian Move­ments.J. R. Wright, '11, is in charge of thephysics at the University of the Phil­ippines.Anna M. Stan, '11, of the Depart­ment of Botany, Mount Holyoke Col­lege, was abroad; she had no excitingexperiences as she was in Italy all thetime, where (among other things) shevisited the oldest botanical gardens inthe world.Dice R. Anderson, '12, is professorof history in Richmond College, Rich­mon, Va. He has recently published alife of William Giles, a Virginia states­man before the war.Cleo Hearon, '13, formerly professorof history in Mississippi Woman's Col­lege, has been called to a similar placein Richmond College, Richmond, Va.Heinrich Maurer, '13, formerly in­structor in history in the Universityof Missouri, has been called to a pro­fessorship in history in Tulane U niver­sity in New Orleans.Lachlan Gilchrist, '14, instructor inphysics at the University of Toronto,read a paper recently before the Arneri-.can Physical Society at its Philadel­phia meeting upon the Doppler Effectin X-ray Spectra and Applications tothe Kinetic Theory of Solids. Wilmer C. Harris, '14, formerly inIowa College, has been called to anassistant professorship in Ohio StateUniversity.Verne Swain, '14, is teaching atBradley Polytechnic Institute.A. C. Hennings, '14, is at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sas­katchewan.1. M. Rapp, )14, is at Ursinus Col­lege, Collegeville, Pa.P. G. Mode, '15, has been made in­structor in church history in the Uni­versity of Chicago. His doctoral dis­sertation was upon the influence of theBlack Death on the English monas­teries.Among the recent and forthcomingpublications of the University of Chi­cago Press, the following are by doc­tors of philosophy of the University:"Chicago and the Old Northwest,1673-1835." By Milo Milton Quaife,'08, Superintendent of the WisconsinState Historical Society. .It recounts the early history of Chi­cago, with the larger purpose of trac­ing the evolution of the frontier fromsavagery to civilization. From thepoint of view of Chicago and theNorthwest alone the work is local incharacter, although the locality con­cerned embraces five great states ofthe Union; in the larger sense its in­terest is as broad as America, for everyfoot of America has been at some timeon the frontier of civilization."Animal Communities in TemperateAmerica." (Bulletins of the Geo­graphic Society of Chicago.) ByVictor Ernest Shelford, AssistantProfessor of Zoology in the Uni­versity of Illinois.This volume by Dr. Shelford pre ...sents the principles of field ecology,illustrated by the more widely dis­tributed animal habitats of the easternhalf of temperate North America, andthe aquatic habitats of a much largerTHE LAW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONterritory. Six chapters deal with gen­eral principles. In several chaptersanimal cofnmunities .of lakes, streams,swamps, forests, prairies, and varioussoils and topographic situations areconsidered from the point of view ofmodern dynamic ecology. A featureof the book is the three hundred fig­ures of ,.widely distributed animalschosen to represent the chief types ofanimal communities and their charac­teristic modes of life."The Sunday-School Building and ItsEquipment." By Herbert FrancisEvans, Professor of Religious Edu­cation in Grinnell College.With the modern reorganization ofthe curriculum of th� Sunday schoolthere has come an urgent demand foradequate housing of the school, andthe author in this book answers thequestion as to how buildings shouldbe constructed for Sunday school use,and how old buildings may be :re­modeled at a moderate expense. It isthe most recent practical discussion ofSunday school architecture. 127"The Hildebrandslied." Translatedfrom the Old High German intoEnglish Alliterative V erse by Fran­cis A. Wood, Professor of GermanicPhilology in the University of Chi-, cago.In this booklet Professor Wood notonly has given a highly interesting andscholarly account of the various ver­sions of this famous song, but has alsocaught very successfully in his trans­lation the spirit of the original. Hehas succeeded also in reproducing theeffect of Germanic alliterative poetry,of Which this poem is so remarkable anexample. He includes in his essay afull discussion of the metrical form, aswell as a metrical translation of a lateMiddle High German version."A Study of Chicago's StockyardsCommunity." An Investigation Car­ried on under the Direction of theBoard of the University of ChicagoSettlement,1._ Opportunities in School and In­dustry for Children of the StockyardsDistrict. By Ernest L. Talbert.The Law School Alumni AssociationGeorge E. Allen is a member of thefirm of Oliver & Allen at Onawa, Iowa.Ralph S .. Bauer, '09, is professor oflaw at John B. Stetson University,Deland, Fla�Benjamin F. Bills, '14, is teaching inthe public speaking department of theUniversity of Chicago for the Winterquarter.Eugene N. Blazer, '13, is a memberof the firm of Sawtell & Blazer, OmahaNational Bank building, Omaha, Neb.James B. Blake, �07, has been madea member of the firm of Miller, Mack& Fairchild, 1504 First N ational Bankbuilding, Milwaukee, Wis.Henry P. Chandler, '06, is a memberof the firm of Tolman, Redfield & Sex- ton, 1310 Stock Exchange building,Chicago.Andrew D. Collins is located at 104South Michigan avenue, Chicago.Robert M. Davis, '08, has offices at728 Morgan building, Portland,. Ore.Albert G. Duncan, '14, is withRothschild & Shaffner, 1003, 6 NorthClark street, Chicago.Edgar N. Durfee, '08, Professor ofLaw in the University of Michigan,has just issued a case book on Mort­gages, published by Babbs-MerrillCompany, Indianapolis, Ind. .Hsi .Yun Feng, '13, is a judge of theSupreme Court of Cheli Province,China.Hugo M. Friend, '08, is a candidatefor the Republican nomination for128 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEalderman In the Sixth ward in Chi­cago.Rufus C. Fulbright, '09, has officesin the Union National Bank building,Houston, Texas, and is engagedlargely in railroad litigation.Earl Q. Gray: '13, has become amember of the firm of Potterf & Gray,Ardmore, Okla.Fred E. Heckel is located at Bow­bells, N. Dak.Phares G. Hess, '13, and Ira E.Johnstone, '14, have formed a partner­ship, with offices at 1313-19, 105 V'vT estMonroe street, Chicago.Showin Wetzen Hsu and WenfuYiko Bu, who were in the Law Schoolfrom June, 1906, to September, 1908,are now judges of the Supreme Courtof the Republic of China. The courtconsists of 18 judges, 15 of whom wereeducated in Japan, one in England, andtwo in the University of Chicago LawSchool.Herman G. J c:mes, '09, is Directorof the Bureau of Municipal Researchand Reference at the University ofTexas, as well as associate professorin the School of Government there.Eugene F. Kline, '11, and Joseph L.Lewinsohn, '07, have formed a part­nership, with offices at 904 Trust andSavings building) Los Angeles, Cal.Carl Lambach, '12, has been electedcity attorney of Davenport, Iowa.Joseph L. Lewinsohn, '07, has writ­ten an article upon "Liability of Stock­holders in Defectively InauguratedAssociations" in the Michigan LawReview, February, 1915.Leon P. Lewis, '05, is a member ofthe firm of Blakey, Quinn & Lewis,1406 Inter Southern building, Louis­ville, Ky.Pan Hui Lo, '11, is Commissioner ofForeign Affairs for the Republic ofChina at Canton.Jesse E. Marshall, '14, is a memberof the firm of Claybaugh & Marshall,Frankfort, Ind. Joseph W. Madden, '14, is Professorof Law in the University of OklahomaLaw School, Norman, Okla.Claude O. Netherton, '10, has beenmade a member of the firm of Butt­man, Cloyes, Carr & Netherton, 1518Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago.Harry H. Wheaton, -i i, is counselfor the United States Bureau of Edu­cation, Washington, D. C.Robert C. Woolsey, '13, has becomea member of the firm of Frank &Woolsey, 109 South Cherry street,Gales burg, Ill.John S. Wright, '07, has been madea member of the firm of Hadley,Cooper & N eel; of Kansas City, Mo.,of which ex-Governor Hadley of Mis­souri is the senior member.John Daniel Clancy has moved hisoffice to 1016, 111 W. Monroe street,Chicago.The new address of Sydney ArthurCryor, formerly with Winston, Payne,Strawn & Shaw, is Spokane, Wash.,c]o Title & Trust Co.James Vincent Hickey, '09, is -massistant state's attorney, with officesin the Criminal Court building, Chi-cago.Roy H. Hunter, '07, is now locatedat Cleveland, ()., Garfield building.William John Matthews,_'08, has be­come a member of the firm of Cullen,Lee & Matthews, with offices in Spo­kane, Wash.The present address of George Bald­win McKibbin, '09, is 76 VV. Monroestreet, clo Adams, Crews, Bobb &Westcott. Te1., Central 618.Claud Paul Tallmadge, '05, has be­come a member of the firm of Bulk­ley, More & Tallmadge, 518 Home In­surance building, Chicago.J ewett DeWitt Matthews, '12, for­merly of Moscow, Idaho, now has anoffice at 220 Tribune building. Hisresidence address is 6032 Kirnbarkavenue.