HAROLD HIGGINS SWIFT, 1907First Alumnus Trustee of The University of Chicago486739The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME VII NOVEMBER 1914 NUMBER 1NEW PLANSChanges of very decided importance for the MAGAZINE have..preceded thisissue. In fact, the delay in its appearance has been caused by prolonged consideration of these changes. They are, in brief, the following:The MAGAZINE is no longer even semi-officially connected with the administration of the university. It will not in future print the convocation addresses, northe material which has been included formally under the head, The UniversityRecord. The university by removing all conditions from its grant to ,the MAGAZINE has made it possible for it to continue, and yet to b� wholly master of itsown space. This will allow room for much more material of direct interest toalumni, and at the same time it will throw the MAGAZINE more entirely on its ownresponsibility. The university has been extremely generous, and it is for thealumni to profit to the fullest extent by this generosity.Our present plans do not contemplate any immediate change in the editorialconduct of the MAGAZINE, and certainly none in its policy. A change of formthere is, as may be noticed; and the change is altogether for the purpose of increasing space and giving the readers more for their money. There has been achange in management also. Mr. Dignan has found it impossible to devote anyof his time to the duties of secretary-treasurer of the association and businessimanager of the MAGAZINE; and the managerial duties will be assumed by Mr�'John Fryer Moulds, 1907. Mr. Moulds is one of the most active of the alumniof the past ten years, has had an extensive business' training, and has 1?·¢�!.1 Gon"7cerned in every big alumni project for years. He will do more for the 'increaseof the circulation of the MAGAZINE than anyone else could. Under th� drr�ctibhof Mr. Dignan in 'eighteen months the circulation tripled. With more .;�.om toturn in Mr. Moulds will-what? Wait and see. . 'The writer has directed the editorial fortunes of the MAGA2iINE for .a little.less than three years. During all that time he has looked forward to the : timewhen the university would be able to do what it has now done-e-give us a . freehand. It has now done its part-done all, and more than all, that anyone couldexpect. Let's go forward. In two years, let us (have twice as big- a magazine..and a circulation to support it; in three years, let us have a weekly instead of amonthly, and g�t the real netos of what is going on along the midway, instead ofa mere' summary. JAMES WEBER LINN" '97, Editor.1155�34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEVENTS and DISCUSSIONThe University this fall keeps up itstradition of growth. The total gain inall departments over the autumn quarter of 1913 is 89. The enAttendance tering class is eight largerthan last year; studentsentering with two years or more ofadvanced standing, and unclassifiedstudents are fewer; the graduatesschool is larger by 116. The schoolsof Law and Medicine both show slightgains. The total attendance for theautumn quarter, in all departments, isexactly 3,000, of whom 1,733 are menand 1,267 women. Six women areregistered in the law school, and 19each in the schools of medicine anddivinity. Only 17 men, on the otherhand, are registered in the College Q,�Education. .Ground was broken on July 15th forRicketts Hall, and it is now completedand occupied. This building is tohouse the departmentsRicketts Hal) of Hygiene and Bac-teriology and Pathology.For some years the work in thesebranches has been greatly cramped forspace, and the new laboratory will afford much-needed relief. The buildingis one story in height and will face easton Ellis avenue, extending north of thePsychology Laboratory for about 180feet, with wings running back nearlyto the power-house on the north andsouth ends. The design is of the simplest, as the building is intended as aworking scientific laboratory ratherthan an architectural adornment. Itis considered by the trustees a temporary structure. There will be provision for about 120 students in thegeneral laboratories and there willalso be good facilities for advancedand research work in various lines.Some rooms will be especially equippedfor chemical work in pathology andbacteriology. Some space in the pa- thology wing will be used by researchworkers connected with the SpragueMemorial Institute for Medical Research. In the court between the twowings will be placed the animalhouses. A lecture room intended for150 also projects into this court fromthe main building. Altogether thenew laboratory will afford greatly improved facilities for instruction and investigation in lines of work which arenot only of great importance in medicine, but also bear close rela tions tomany other University interests. It isa source of particular gra tifica tion toall workers in the fields representedthat the trustees have decided to namethe building Ricketts Hall in memoryof Dr. Howard T. Ricketts, who waslong actively engaged in the work ofthese departments, and who lost hislife as the result of investigations hewas carrying on in Mexico upontyphus fever.It will be remembered that lastspring the class of 1914 established asits class gift a loan fund, of which$500 was paid in cash,The 1914 mostly by five-dollar subLoan Fund scriptions, and $300 morewas subscribed, due J anuary 1. The money was turned over toa committee, consisting of W. H. Lyman for the class, and Dean Angell forthe University. Applications for loansare made in duplicate, on blanks procurable at Dean Angell's office. If theapplication is granted, the studentmakes out a note for the amountgiven him, with interest at 4 per cent,the time of the loan being generallyone year-which allows the studentthe summer quarter in which to earnmoney for payment. No collateral, ofcourse, is asked, and so far, no suretyhas been asked, either. Up to datethree men and three women have beengranted loans, averaging $50 each. Atthe end of the year Mr. Lyman is toEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONmake a full report. The plan has beencorisidered., .since 1914 adopted it, byWisconsin 'and .other western universities, and is likely to have wide adoption.Early in October a letter was published in the daily papers purportingto be from Major Clarence Wiener, analumnus of Harvard UniHarvard and versity, objecting vio-.Free Speech lently to the pro-Germanutterances of Hugo Miinsterberg, professor of psychology atHarvard, and stating that unless theuniversity severed Prof. Miinsterberg'sconnection with Harvard, he (Maj.Wiener) would be reluctantly compelled to revoke a will in which he hadleft a huge sum to Harvard. Theamount was declared by gossip to beten million dollars.' That MajorWiener had ever intended to leaveHarvard ten million dollars is hardlycredible. It is even doubtful whetherthe letter attributed to him was everwritten outside of a newspaper office.Such things have happened. But Prof.Miinsterberg seized the opportunityand offered his resignation; whichHarvard of course declined to accept.The whole incident served as text formany editorials, all well-meaning. Thefact is of course that nobody can moresurely fasten himself on a large university nowadays than by wild talk ongeneral subjects. The more prominentinstitutions are so fearful of being considered tyrannical in matters of thoughtthat they lean over backward. It is safeto say that outside of a few denominational colleges, nobody has been beheaded for free speech in Americancolleges in this century; nor is anyonelikely to be. Of course attack on one'sown institution, or specific chargesagainst another, is likely to provokecensure; but it is true, though no compliment to the college professor, to saythat he can with greater impunity beindiscreet in print than can a followerof any other profession or business. It 5is also fair to state that what he is saidto have said in most cases bears noparticular resemblance to what he didsay; though this excuse cannot beoffered for Prof. Miinsterberg.In this connection it is interesting toobserve that, with a single exception,the instructors of the University havesplendidly maintained theThe War neutrality of attitude askedfor by President Wilson. Sofar as is known, only one member ofthe faculty is actually on the firingline-Mr. Schoell, instructor in French,a native Frenchman of twenty-five whohas been for weeks in the trenchessomewhere along the Aisne, and whowrites that "he is amazed to be stillalive." Many of the faculty wereabroad when the war broke out; anumber, like Mr. Harvey of the department of history, remained quietlywhere they were until the middle ofSeptember, and then found no troublein getting home. Those who were inGermany in August, or who are ofGerman blood, are mostly pro-German;but their attitude, as evidenced in various interviews in the Maroon, is admirably fair. Perhaps the best singlestatement of the German position thathas appeared in America was Prof.Schevill's pamphlet (No. 1 of the Germanic Society's publications) on Germany and the Present .War. Of thispamphlet it is said that a quarter of amillion copies have been circulated.Elsewhere in this issue are printed twointerestingly contrasted views, by students, written from "the front," or asnear the front as most correspondentsget.Edwin E. Slosson, Ph. D. '02, discussed in The Independent of Augustthird "The College Atmosphere," onthe whole an arraignmentFraternity of college activities asScholarship "sideshows which 'swallow up the circus." ;� ��emphasizes particularly the evil effect6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof fraternities on scholarship, quotingfigures from Michigan, Kansas, Stanford, Cornell and Chicago as representative universities. His figures areinteresting. One comes to believe moreand more, however, that fraternitieshave not a bad effect on scholarship.On the whole they seem to have a goodeffect, just as athletics have a goodeffect. The trouble is that so many ofthe men who enter fraternities areeasy-going loafers who take theirstudies as the thorn in the rose of college life; just as so many athletesstudy in order to be eligible. One mayfairly shift the argument to the following issue: are such young men tolerable in college? But one can hardlydoubt that, once in college, their membership in a fraternity, or their desireto shine on track and field, on thewhole improves their scholastic standmg.A review of the football season willas usual be published in the Decemberissue. At the time the present comment is written, Chicago. hasFootball won four games-Indiana34-0, Northwestern 28-0,Iowa 7-0, and Purdue 7--"O-and hastied one,- Wisconsin, 0-0. The crucialgame with Illinois is yet to be played,Few believe that Chicago can win, butby the time the Magazine is printed themiraculous may have happened. Theteam has shown a very fine defenseagainst line plays, less effectivelyagainst end runs and forward passes,and no offense to amount to much.The injuries to Gray and Flood haveslowed up the offense, undoubtedly;but even with them in there has beena noticeable lack of concerted action.As for Chicago's forward passes, theysimply have not worked at all. Huntington and Sparks handle them badly,and Whiting little better. Up to thetime of the Wisconsin game, on October 31, the condition of the men wassplendid. Time had been taken out for Chicago only once in four games.In the Wisconsin game, which was avery hard one, this condition was lessapparent. On the whole, however, itremains true as in the past, that Chicago teams can be counted on for better work in the last five minutes thanthe opposing team is likely to' show.Meanwhile the sympathy of everyformer student who ever knew Mr.Stagg or cared to watch a game willgo out to "The Old Man"Mr. Sta.gg's in his miserable health ofIllness the present season. Foralmost two weeks of theearly season he was kept indoors altogether; since then he has been at practice every day, but only in the sidechair of a motor-tricycle, in which hesits for hours, watching his men froma distance. The handicap to the teamis of course great> but the distress andactual pain of Mr. Stagg are of coursea far worse matter. The trouble is aneuritis in his leg, closely akin tosciatica. It was brought on by exposure in the rain before the seasonbegan, and his coaching is not responsible for it; though one questionswhether his being out in all weatherson the field has helped it. Fortunatelymost of the days have been fine andnot very cold. As soon as the seasonis over he will go away for treatment,which it is most sincerely hoped willrelieve the difficulty for good.In these circumstances the action ofthe Board of Trustees in officially designating the athletic grounds "StaggField" is particularly timeSta.gg Field ly. No man, not even Wal-ter Camp at Yale, has everso closely identified himself with, andsymbolized, athletic welfare at a university as Mr. Stagg has. On thispain t it is not necessary to enlarge.Now, whether Mr. Stagg remains hereten years more or twenty, the field willremain indefinitely, an appropriate andvital testimony to what he is and does.EVENTS ANI! DISCUSSION 7The Bureau of Student Employment.issued early in OctoberEarning ·'fits. annual report, for'Their Wa.y 191J�14, showing the following:Number of positions se-cured by Bureau .Number filled : .Number of students em-played .Men .Women .Total amount earned onpart-time positions byresident students $152,172.68Average amount earned perstudent .Total amount earned inpermanent positions � 57,885.00Grand total $210,057.68This, as usual, is a showing equallycreditable to the Bureau and to thestudents. It emphasizes the fact thatit is harder for women to secure positions than for men, and the furtherfact that of the men in residence here,in all departments, at least one in everythree is working to put himselfthrough. The proportion among theundergraduates is much higher; probably fifty per cent of the latter are tosome degree self-supporting. Theywork as chauffeurs, motormen, janitors, freight handlers, messengers,stereopticon operators, carpenters,paper-hangers, barbers, and models,besides the more "regular" professionsof tutor, companion, salesmen, and thelike. The lowest rate per hour was25c, for the "elevated guard"; thehighest, for "tutors and governesses,"an average of $1.26.A booklet recently published "by theJapanese students in the University ofChicago, in commemoration of thetenth anniversary of theThe japan- Japanese Club of the uniese Club versity, June 1, 1914," isof great interest. Editedby R. Hoashi, the first part is written1,0849811,023886137147.77 in English, the second part in J apanese. The English section containsActing Vice-President Angell's message, two poems by the editor, and fivearticles, of which the longest, and avery significant article, is on "J apaneseAmerican Friendship," by Dr. Toyokichi I yenaga. There is also an ac-count of the Japanese Club, which theMagazine purposes later to reprint. TheJapanese section also contains fivearticles, of which one by Dr. ShiroTashiro, on "Our Professors," hasroused speculation on the facultywhat does it say? The book is illus-trated, and admirably got up. .Chicago has ten representatives onthe faculty of Leland Stanford JuniorUniversity. They are ProAlumni at fessors Bingham, BurlinStanford game, Espinosa, Huston,Krehbiel, E. W. Martin,Stuart, Tolman, West and Wildman.Of these, Professors Bingham, Huston,Martin and West took their Bachelorsas well as their advanced degrees at Chicago. Professor and Mrs. Binghamhave been spending their sabbatical leavein Europe visiting Italy, Austria, Germany, France and England. Mr. Bingham has found time, however, to publish during the year some articles onlegal topics which have aroused muchfavorable comment. Professor and Mrs.Stuart have also spent their sabbaticalyear in Europe. Professor Stuart ishead of the department of philosophy inStanford. Professors Espinosa and Huston taught in the University of Chicago during the Summer Quarter. . Professor Krehbiel gave courses in historyin the summer session of ColumbiaUniversity. Professor Martin, of thedepartment of Greek, has recently published a monograph on "Birds in theLatin Poets." Professor West has beenactive in the organization of the PacificCoast Political Science Society and discussed the congressional caucus at thefirst meeting of the association. Professor Wildman, head of the department8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1vIAGAZINEof political economy, has taken an important part in the discussions of currency and banking legislation before theCommonwealth and Economic Clubs ofSan Francisco. The department of eco- nomics has had a very substantial growthunder his administration. He has justadded another Chicago man, Mr. Garver, to his faculty as assistant professorof political economy.The Alumnus TrusteeThe Board of Trustees, at a meetingon October 27, 1914, chose Harold H.Swift, 1907, as a member.In this simple statement of fact thousands of alumni and alumnae have takenthe greatest pleasure. By its action theboard did much to increase and unifythe loyalty of the alumni body to theuniversity. There has never been anyquestion among the alumni that theaffairs of the university were in wisehands. But so far, for one reason andanother, recognition of the growing bodyof intelligence and zeal called alumnihad never been made directly by theboard. N ow it has been found possibleto grant that recognition. There will bemany other alumni trustees; probablyat some distant date all the trustees willbe alumni, or alumnae even; but none ofus will ever forget this first alumni member.Harold Swift is still a very youngman, not yet quite thirty. He was bornand has lived all his life in Chicago.Entering the university from Hyde ParkHigh School in 1903, he became a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon; was on theBlackfriars, the Dramatic Club and theSenior College Council; University marshal; Owl and Serpent, and president ofthe senior class. Since graduation he hasworked with Swift and Company in theUnion Stockyards. At present he is assistant to his brother, Charles H. Swift, one of the vice-presidents. His chiefwork is in looking after distributingagencies (branch houses) and directingthe buying of livestock. His interest inthe university has been shown in a greatmany ways. One of the most interesting, if minor, was his establishment ofan annual prize of $300 for a scholarshipin Political Science, this prize to berestricted to freshmen candidates. Hisidea was that undergraduates did notearly enough get into the habit of serious study, and that such a scholarship,valuable and restricted to the freshmanclass, would be stimulating. He chosePolitical Science as the field, partly torouse interest in that study, but largelybecause so many freshmen take it thata large number would be sure to be eligible to compete. His plan has workedwell.But it was just spoken of as a minormanifestation of Swift's interest in theuniversity, because the major manifestation has not been financial, but of ahigher order-steady, clear-headed working all the while to help individual students to better general conditions, to dowhat his hand found to do. N ow hewill have more opportunity, that is all.He was selected to fill the place leftvacant by Mr. F. A. Delano, who goesto Washington, with the good wishes ofall university men and women who knowhim, as a member of the new FederalReserve Board..Notes of President Judson's TripAround the W orIdThe. Rockefeller Foundation of NewYork was chartered upwards of a yearago by the legislature of that state. Thecharter authorizes the use of its fundsfor the benefit of humanity anywhere inthe world. The attention of the Trustees of the Foundation was called at anearly date to the many needs in Chinaat the present time. After careful consideration of various suggestions it wasthe opinion of the Foundation thatshould anything be attempted in Chinait would be advisable to have it in theline of medical work, involving publichealth and hospitals. In order to clearthe ground and obtain an adequate basisof knowledge the Foundation in February last decided to send 'a Commissionto China to' investigate and report on theactual situation. Of this Commissionthe President of the University of Chicago, who is a Trustee of the Foundation, was appointed Chairman, the othertwo members being Mr. Roger S.Greene, Consul-General of the UnitedStates at Hankow, and Mr. Francis W.Peabody, of the staff of the Peter BentBrigham Hospital, Boston. Mr. GeorgeB. McKibbin, a graduate of the LawSchool of the University of Chicago in1913, was appointed Secretary. TheCommission sailed from N ew YorkMarch 21, 1914, in the "Imperator," andreached Peking, by way of the TransSiberian Railway, April 18th.In the succeeding four months theCommission visited many places in Chinaand studied the medical situation in detail. Altogether eleven of the eighteenprovinces were visited, and all the important towns in North, Central andSouth China. The Commission did notgo to Western China. Peking, Tsinanfu,Tsingtau, Shanghai, Hangchow, Nanking, Kiukiang, Nanchang, Hankow,Wuchang, Changsha, HOl1g Kong and Canton were the principal cities 11)spected. Meanwhile, however, manyother places were seen. Altogether visits were made to some seventeen medical schools and about one hundred hospitals. The Commission received everycourtesy from the Chinese Government,both central and local, from the American Legation at Peking, American consulates in various cities, missionaries,and European and Chinese businessmen. The President of the Republic,Yuan Shiah K'ai, received the Commission in audience at his residence in theold imperial palace at Peking, and afterwards invited the members to one of hisreceptions. The latter was very interesting. We gathered in the ancient hallsof the emperors, and wandered throughthe strange Chinese gardens and alongthe shores of the lotus-covered lakenear the walls of the Forbidden City.At this reception there were exhibitedthe portraits of many of the Chineseemperors, going back to periods beforethe Christian era. These portraits hadnever been seen by Europeans before.The Vice-President of the Republic, LiYuan Hung, entertained the Commission at dinner. His residence was thatpart of the old imperial palace situatedon the island in the lake, and was theabode of the late Emperor during thelast ten years, of his life, following thecoup dJ etat of the Empress Dowager.In other parts of the empire the Commission were received by the Governorsof the provinces, and by their officialaction were aided in every way in thework. The principal medical work ofvalue in China is done by medical missionaries, who have established hospitals in various parts of the Republic,and who have attempted to teach medicine, so far as their resources and circumstances allow. The report of the10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZTNECommission to the Foundation is, ofcourse, confidential. I can only say herethat the need of medical training andof the development of hospitals is something beyond words. The health conditions of China are peculiarly distressing. The old Chinese medical profession is untrained in modern science, andpractically helpless to cope with the situation. At best they only profess to dosome things in medicine, admitting thatthey know nothing whatever of surgery.In all China there are less than sixtyChinese who have been trained in western methods, and there are not abovefive hundred European medical men inthe Republic. Considering that the population is estimated at about four hundred millions, one can see at a glancethe amount of sickness, suffering anddeath, preventable in character, whichprevails.After finishing the inspection of thesituation in China the Commission spentsome ten days in Manila. The American government of the Islands has anadmirable hospital, by far the best thatwas seen in the East, and an excellentmedical school. The Commission thenproceeded to. Japan, and spent about amonth in the old capital of Kyoto engaged in preparation of the report. Visits were made to N ara, Yokohama,Nikko and Tokyo, and many courtesieswere received.The Prime Minister, Count Okuma,Baron Shibusawa and the Presidents ofthe Imperial University at Tokyo, of theWaseda University, of the Women'sUniversity at Tokyo and of the Doshisha University at Kyoto especially dideverything .in their power to make ourvisit to Japan charming.The work of the Commission wasrather strenuous, but very interesting,and I think has yielded results of value.I was very much interested to find graduates and former students of the- University all over the East. Among ourfirst callers in Peking were two formerstudents of the Law School, Mr. Siih and Mr. Hu, who are now Judges onthe Supreme Court of China. A luncheon was given to us by Chicago graduates in Nanking and dinners in Manilaand in Tokyo. On the night of ourarrival in Peking, April 18th, there wasa large dinner of American college graduates at which I was a guest and oneof the speakers. It was interesting tohear the cheers of various American colleges, and among them the "Chicago rChicago 1" given with great vim; and asthe songs were sung at the differenttables one of them was the strains ofour Alma Mater. Chicago graduatesAmericans, Chinese, Filipinoes and J apanese-we found engaged in active workeverywhere, and with a warm sense ofloyalty to the University.Mrs. Judson and Miss Naomi Donnelley, sister of Mr. T. E. Donnelley ofthe Board of Trustees, accompaniedthe Commission. When Chicago wasreached October 19th we were extremelygratified to be met by a delegation fromthe University and to find at the housea large gathering of students with a cordial welcome. The trip through the FarEast and around the world, coveringsome 32,000 miles of distance, was filledwith interest and was in every waymemorable, but the most charming spotwe found in the entire circle of theglobe was in the quadrangles of' theUniversity and in the meeting with oldfriends and students here.HARRY PRATT JUDSON.At various luncheons and dinners recently given to President Judson on histrip the following Alumni were present:University of Chicago luncheon atNanking, Tuesday, June 2, 1914, atthe home of Mr. arid Mrs. Guy Sarvis.Present: Dr. W. W. Peter, Rush;Mrs. Eleanor Peter, Rush; Mr. andMrs. Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Hummell,Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sarvis, Presidentand Mrs. Judson, Mr. George B. McKibbin.A Chinese feast in honor of Presi-PRESIDENT JUDSONJS ,TRIP AROUND THE WORLD 11dent and Mrs. Judson, at Shanghai,Sunday, Ma,y 31, 1914, by Mr. andMrs. Alfred,oSw�ti. Mr. Swan, Chi-cago, '12, is n6� physical director ofthe Shanghai Y. M. C. A. Present;President and Mrs. Judson, the MissesJohnson, of Tsinaufu, Mr. and Mrs.Swan, George B. McKibbin.University of Chicago Alumni Clubdinner, Tokyo, Japan, September 19,1914: G . Yoshioka, '07; K. N akaga wa,'07; Gilbert Bowles, '00; Minnie P.Bowles, Katashi Takahashi, '08; Naotaro Otsuka, '05; Takahiko Tomoyeda, '11; M. Agnes Hathaway, '02;Fuji Koga, '0'6; Anna Laura White,'06; Ernest W. Clement, '80; SakaeShioya, '03; Shigeo Yamanouchi, '07;Eijo Asada, �93; George B. McKibbin,'13; Marie J. McCoy, R. D. McCoy,'1-3· Wm. H. Erskine, '0'2 and '12; D.C. 'Holtom, '07; President Judson.University of Chicago luncheon,Manila Hotel, P. 1., July 15, 1914:Conrado Benitez, Ph. B., 1910, M.A. 1911, Political Science and Economics; now teaching in the University of the Philippines, Departmentof Economics.Timoteo bar Juan, 1907-10, Chemistry; Chemistry Bureau of Science.Leandro Fermandez, Ph. B. 1912,A. M. 1913, History; now Professorof History, University of the Philippines.Schuyler Townsend, 1905-06, Psychology and Neurology.O. F. Smith, 1909, not graduate, Department of Physics.Leon B. Walker, 1908-11, not graduate; teaching Physics, Manila HighSchool.George G. Davis, A. B. 1901, M.- D.190'4; Associate Professor Surgery,Rush; temporarily teaching surgery,Philippine General Hospital, Manila.J oee del Rosario, 1906, M. A. 1908,Chemistry; Professor of Chemistry,University of Santa Tomas. Robert R. Williams, 1907, M. A.19'08; Chemist, Bureau of Science.George Stroebe, Ph. B. 1901; Hydraulic Engineer, Bureau of PublicWorks.James Wright, Ph. D. 1911; Professor of Physics, University of thePhilippines. ..Dr. B. L. Miller, 1897 at University;�892-1902, Bureau of Science, Museumof Ethnology; leaving Manila soon.A. L. Day, S. B. 190,5; Professor ofZoology, University of the Philippines.R. A. Rowley, S. B. 1906; Department of Zoology, University of thePhilippines.E. H. Rudiguer, Rush, �903; Pathology and Bacteriology, Bureau ofScience.Charles H. Storms, B. D. 1905; Department of Publications, Bureau ofEducation.George B. McKibbin, J. D. �913.President Judson.The brief stay of President Judsonin California on his return from theOrient was the occasion of a verypleasant luncheon, tendered to thePresidential party by the ChicagoAlumni of the University of California.President and Mrs. Wheeler, of theUniversity of California; ProfessorsPrescott and Dickson, of the University of Chicago, and such of the Chicago Alumni of Stanford Universityfaculty as could attend, were alsoguests of the Berkeley Alumni. Theluncheon was held in the new diningroom of the California Faculty Club.Professor Henry Rand Hatfield presided. President Judson was the onlyspeaker of the occasion, He commented interestingly on his Orientaltrip, and spoke a few words of verycordial greeting to the Alumni, andof the pleasure he felt at being homeagain under the Stars and Stripes.Effort had been made to arrange adinner in San Francisco, at which all12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Alumni of the Bay region couldhave been present, but the delay inthe arrival of the President's steamerand the very brief stay possible forhim because of Eastern engagements,defeated these plans. The local Alumnihad made a very cordial response tothe suggestion of the impromptu committee, and it is believed that the timehas arrived for some centrally locatedorganization to be effected, by meansof which Chicago people in NorthernCalifornia can get together on Chicago anniversaries and can entertainrepresentatives of the University whomay be visiting the coast.THE CHICAGO ALUMNICLUB DINNERThe Chicago. Alumni Club held itsannual fall dinner on November 18,at the University Club. Between 150and 200 were present, including abouttwenty Seniors. Mr. Stagg, CoachesPage, Canning and Paine, and thefootball squad were guests, and DeanP. H. Boynton, Amherst, '97, spoke forthe faculty; in the absence of PresidentJudson. The dinner was in particularcelebration of the election of HaroldH. Swift, '07, to the Board of Trustees, as well as of the official announcement of the naming of the athletic field Stagg Field. The followingletter was read from President Judson:Chicago, November 11, 1914.G. R. Schaeffer,President Chicago Alumni Club.My Dear Mr. Schaeffer:Your favor of the 10th inst. is received. I thank you very much forthe invitation on behalf of the AlumniClub for the dinner on the 18th inst.Unfortunately, I am giving a dinnermyself at my house that evening, inhonor of former President WilliamHoward Taft, and therefore greatlyregret that I cannot be at the FootballDinner. Please give my cordial con� gratulations to the club, with my verybest wishes for the meeting and itspurposes. The Board of Trustees ingranting the petition signed by manyalumni with regard to' the name of theathletic field did so on account of theirdesire to meet the wishes of thealumni and contrary to the settled �policy of the University in certain respects. The work and character ofour Director of Physical Culture andAthletics warrant any and all exceptions of the kind. I hope he may longbe with us. .I am also especially gra tified thatwe have a recent graduate from theColleges of the University on theBoard of Trustees. This is a matterwhich I have long had at heart, andI am sure that we shall all wish thenew Trustee all success in the important duties of membership on thatBoard. May I take this occasion tosay that the University of Chicago hasbeen from the beginning especiallyfavored in the quality and the loyaltyof the men who form its governingboard? The standard of qualificationsis exceptionally high, and the faithfuland intelligent devotion to duty on thepart of these gentlemen has been andis of .enormous value to the progress ofthe University.With best wishes; I am,Very truly yours,HARRY PRATT JUDSON.Dean Boynton spoke of the value ofathletics as a nucleus for enthusiasm;taking his text from Emerson: "Logicians may reason of abstractions,but the mind of man is moved byimages." J. '.IV. Linn, '97, presentedthe case of the MAGAZINE, pointing outthe necessity of united support fromthe Alumni in view of the generosityof the University. Pictures of thefootball teams from 1892 to 1913 werethrown on the screen, and 0 Mr. Linngave a running comment, mostly consisting of personalities. Among thosepresent were thirty-odd players, including John Lamay, of the 1892PRESIDENT JUDSONJS TRIP AROUND THE WORLDeleven. Coach Page hoped for victoryin. the Min,IJfsota game, but did notprophesy it�'· "!\f Minn�sota," said he,"the Swedes have vanished, and theIrish have succeeded." Mr. Stagg, thefinal speaker, expressed his appreciation of the honor of the naming ofStagg Field, and said:"I would rather have taken the teamto Illinois in good shape than have received the honor. The boys haveworked hard, and it was my greatestwish for them to come out victorious.They are a brave lot and have sand,as they proved."Football is a game of ups anddowns. Men can't be supreme all thetime. The human element must enter into it. In the last part of the sec-ond quarter, Saturday, our teamlacked drive and fierceness, but it wasdifferent in the third quarter, and Ifelt sure we would win."Then came a lateral pass and a freerun brought the ball to our four-yardline. We held three times. Thenthey tried a trick play. Huntingtonnailed his man and Coutchie was righton top of him. His progress wasstopped and the ball should havegone over. But the referee .did not sodecide and the score was tied."The men were not discouraged, butsome were hurt. According to instructions, Russell did not run withthe ball in the first quarter. On fourplays in the second and third quartershe made big gains. Just as he wasready for work, he was crippled. Hecould not run or throw forwardpasses, and two-thirds of our offensewas gone. We had five special forward passes for this game that wewere unable to use."The whole dinner was in a finespirit. The singing was unusuallygood, and so was the cheering, led byRudy Matthews, '13. (Where wasBill McCracken?) The Buffoon madeits appearance, with a pungent editorial. But to the mind of the writer, 13the feature of the evening was thewelcome given Harold Swift, our newtrustee. He made a short speech,merely reiterating his desire to servethe Alumni and the University. Nobody who heard him could doubt eitherhis loyalty or his a bili ty.Those present were:Abbott, Donald P.Ahrens, Ed. H.Anderson, Norman K.Anderson, W m. France.Arnold, Oswald J.Axelson, C. F.Axelson, G. W.Axelson, H. R.Bachelle, C. V.Baldwin, Norman L.Baldwin, Theodore W.Barnes, Clifford W.Barrett, C. R.Baumgartner, S. F.Blair, Clyde A.Bond, Wm. Scott.Boone, W. J.Brooks, WillardBurns, 'Will:am M.Byerly, Frederick M.Coleman, Melville E.Coleman, Wm, Ogden, Jr.Dickerson, J. D.Dickerson, J. S.Eaton, Chas. Scribner.Eddy, Alfred K.Enoch. A. B.Evans, Franklin B.Ferguson, Daniel W.Ford, Theodore E.Friend, Hugo M.Gale, Burton P.Garnett, Cyrus L.Gar riot, J. C., Jr.Gifford, Harold C.Gilbert, Frank A.Glore, Charles F.Goes, Arthur A.Goettler, Harold E.Goodrich, A. C., Jr.Gridley, L. A.Hack, Frederick C.Hagey, John F.Hair, ThQmas J.Hales, Earl C.Hall, Edward B., Jr.Hamill, Ralph C.Harper, Floyd E.Harper, Paul V.Harper, Samuel N.Hatfield, Fred'k D.Heath, Albert G.Helmer, Frank A.Herschberger, C. B.Hickey, James V.Hirsch, David E.Hosely, Matt E.Ickes, Harold L.j ahn, Adolph.Jennison, Clark S.Kassulker, W. S.Kelly, Alfred C., Jr.Kennedy, Chas, F. Kimball, F. W.Kuh, George E.Kuh, William H.Lake, Arthur C.LeMay, John.Liebenstein, Sigmund.Lingle, Samuel E.Linn, James Weber.Lollesgard, Harold A.Lowe, . Elmo C.Lyman, George S.Lyman, Wm. H.MacCracken, Wm. P. Jr.Manning, Ralph C.Markham, Herbert I.Matthews, Rudy D.McKey, Frank M.McLeish, Bruce M.Mc Williams, Donald S.Miller, Albert G.Mock, Harry E.Mosser, Stacey C.Moulds, John F.Murray, Howell W.Paine, Norman C.Parker, Francis W., Jr.Pegues, J. J.Pollak, M. A.O'Hara, Frank H.QuantrelI, E. KRansom, James B.Rhodes, John Edwin.Rich, Edward P.Richberg, Doriald R.Rogerson, Everett E.- Sammis, C. R.Schaeffer, G. R.Schommer, John J.Schott, Chas.'Seyfarth, A. C.Sherer, Albert W.Sherwin, Francis J.Speed, Kellog,. Speer, H. D.Stevens, Delmar A.Stevers, Martin O.Sunderland, W. J.Swift, Harold H.Trude, Daniel P.Trumbull, Donald S.Vail, Arthur H.Vaughan, Franklin E.Vaughn, L. B.Wahlgren, Oscar G.Ward, Francis T.Webb, Daniel C.Whidden, J. B.Whiting, Lawrence H.Wilkins, H. E.Williams, Harris F.Winston, Charles S.Woodruff, Harvey T.Zimmerman, Herbert P.14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO }vIAGAZ!J.VBWAR LETTERSA number of University of Chicagostudents, alumni and undergraduatesare active as correspondents in Europe.Letters from two, interesting in contrast, are printed below. The first isfrom Henry C. A. Mead, '15, who isassistant manager for the Chicago DailyNews at Berlin. The letter is reprintedfrom, and by the kindness of, the Chiccqo Literary Monthly) of, which Meadwas editor-in-chief:Berlin, September 19, 1914.. With President Wilson I praythat this war may soon be over, but Ifail to see how that can come about.Soldiers are marching by on the Linden- I must stop to take a look, althoughsoldiers are more common than civilians nowadays. It was only the "Wache"marching past from the BrandenburgerTor to shift with the guard at the place.The Kaiser and all six of hissons are in the field, as well as his sonin-law, and the Kaiserin is away lookingafter the various Red Crosses that areunder her protection. The soldiers herehave completely changed complexionsince the days before the war-they areno longer just the young ones who aredoing their service-they are all olderor very young. Men with great beardsand moustaches alternate with boys whohave never even dreamed of the Gillette. Just the other day there appearedon the pillar posts a "Bekanntmachung"calling all the youngsters from the agesof 16 to 20 to. report to be drilled andto learn the gentle art of war. Theywill be given "Bruckewachen" to carefor, probably, while the older men whohave held down these posts until thepresent moment are being sent into thefield. I am not by any means surewhether this is more than a call forvolunteers. I don't believe that it isa call compelling them to come out.I hope for the sake of Germany andthe world at large that it is not any more than a call for volunteers, although Heaven knows they have enoughof them in this country-a million twoor three thousand I believe are thefigures. And that the men here meanit is evident. I asked the chauffeurof my taxi the other night if he hadbeen called out to the Landsturmyet. He said no, that he had not served.I asked him if he wanted to go to thefront. His eyes opened so wistfully-swould he like to go? "Aber befriedigt."Germany is in this war for good and forall and down to the last man. For thesake of decency and uprighteousness Ihope they win, although the principlethat will make them win-that will sendthe Prussian eagles to victory-is a principle that I hope will be extinguished.How to. make the two coincide? I don'tsee. I want to see Russia whipped, butshe can't be. I want to see Englandwhipped=-she may be; and I want tosee both France and Germany victorious�and now, I pray you, tell me how thatis all going to come about. . . . Theregoes an extra-perhaps it is the news ofthe great battle of the Marne which, ifI may say it, will decide the fate of"Germany and the world, I think" . . .The other letters are from an undergraduate who, for various reasons, weprefer not to name:Grand Hotel de Londres,Anvers, le 1 October, 1914.Dear Mr.I am sending you some war posterscharacteristic of the sort peddled in thestreets below here now. Effusive patriotism has taken a grim, sombre look, thepeople are nervous and panicky fromlong uncertainty, and the glamour ofwar has given place to small detachments of dust-covered, begrimed soldiers.They are coming in increased numbersafter noble efforts to restrain superiornumbers of Germans whose heavy gunsare gradually approaching the mainforts. The rumble of their heavy artillery is increasingly loud, and their how-WAR LETTERSI'itzers may begin to drop shells here atany time.W e-a friend carrying Embassy documents and myself-e-were the only twoof some fifty passengers to be permittedto enter the city, and that by boat. because all train connections with Holland are broken.My work has taken me out to thelines, and before long perhaps I will beas inured as the rest to- shrapnel,wounded, water-filled trenches, and therest. Our experiences have been rathermelodramatic and apparently are becoming more so. There are interesting political developments which press censorship would probably bar out if I mentioned. X--, whom I am with, is aman of extensive experience, excellentletters and business which makes it possible to get details unobtainable to correspondents, most of whom, by the way,have been obliged to leave the vicinity.Am becoming frankly anti-Prussian.Such needless destruction would drive aTurk to the opposition. You will hearfrom me again from another center ofaction soon. Cordially,(Signed) Y--.Have the good fortune to be definitely with the Second Belgian Divisionwith every facility to observe how thewar is being carried on. For three daysnow I have been near the advance lines,with the artillery at Contich, and willstay as long as there is work for meto do. I have myself seen villagesburned by Germans, atrocities-no exaggeration-at first hand. As long as Ican be of the least bit of use it is aprivilege to work beside a little peoplewho have done what the Belgians aredoing to defend their homes. Y. 15Dear Mr. ---:The enclosed scrawl was to have beenmailed from Antwerp. The night of the6th I left for the trenches and was inthe battle before Hove, Contich, Duffel,Lierre, and the defense and retreat fromAntwerp. I attempted to enter the citywith dispatches even after the fall, butdecided it was more discreet to withdraw than to stay under the shower ofshrapnel and shell the Germans werehurling across the Escaut after the retreating Belgians and English.On the return, Uhlans had cut offmost of the road. But it was my goodfortune to be enough in the advance tosee that a German army had occupiedMoerbeke and to hurry back and warnthe Belgian division of a possible ambuscade.I have just run into France from Belgium on one of the new armored trains,mounted with heavy guns and heavyrapid-firers. I saw them in actionagainst the Germans, and they apparently did excellent work. After my smallmission to Paris is over I go back tojoin the Second Division of the Belgian army, which will probably be fighting here in France then. My officialstatus is such that I have the rank ofan officer, am' in touch with the generalstaff and have every facility for studying the situation. I am still wonderirighow it all happened. I hope to bringback some ripping pictures of the war.As an "Auslander" my opportunity forstudying the situation is, as far as Iknow, unique. Cordially-y--.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE SCHOLASTICSTANDING OF THEFRATERNITIESAs usual in the autumn the Magazineprints the comparative scholastic standings of the various fraternities represented by chapters in the University.Fifteen fraternities averaged better thana flat C as compared with fourteen theprevious year. Alpha Tau Omega hasstood first, and Phi Kappa Psi next tolast for two years in succession. ChiPsi rose from last to fourth, and BetaTheta Pi sank from second to eleventh;the other changes were somewhat lessviolent. The figures have reference tograde points per major taken, which arecalculated A === 6, B === 4, C === 2, D == 0,E == 1 and F == 2.STANDINGS OF FRATERNITIES AND HOUSES,1913-14, IN TERMS OF GRADE POINTSPER MAJOR.d cU .S ;ja :.... oil t.ll.Fraternity. V roV� .B � S :.... :....'U �cQc 5. co ��co � � V CUM� -< u: � �0 ��1. Aloha TauOmega .... 2.77 2.84 2 82 2.81 Cc+) 12 Delta Upsilon.275 2.53 276 2.68 Cc+) 33. P' hi K a p p aSigma ..... 2.06 2 78 3.10 2.64 Cc+) 64. Chi Psi ....... 2.41 2.45 2.79 2 55 CC+) 175. Delta S i g rn aPhi ....... 2.54 252 2.44 2.50 CC+) 76. Alpha Del t aPhi ....... 2.51 2.39 2.46 2.45 C 47. Beta Phi ...... 1.82 2.64 2.70 2.38 C New8. Sigma Nu ..... 2.37 2 26 2.447 2.359 C 139. Sigma Chi .... 1.65 2.30 3.107 2.352 C10. Sigma AlphaEpsilon .... 2.04 2.15 2 65 2.28 C11. Beta Theta Pi. 2.102 2.58 2.05 2.24 C 212. Kappa Sigma.219 211 2.36 2 22 C 1513. Del t a KappaEpsilon ... 2.104 2.29 2.17 2.188 C 1414. Psi Upsilon ... 2.16 2.21 2.16 2.176 C 1015. Phi GammaDelta ..... 2.02 225 2.11 2.12 C 1216. Phi Del t aTheta ..... 1.83 1.42 2.25 1 83 C-C+) 917. Phi Kappa P'si.1.38 1.75 1.76 1.63 C-C+) 1618. Del t a TauDelta ..... 110 1.81 1.68 1.53 C-C+) 11Lincoln House. 3.18 3.15 3.26 3.196 B-WashingtonHouse .... 2.73 3.19 3.57 3.16 E- FOOTBALL ETHICS[N aTE: The following correspondence explains itself, but the circumstances it details have never beenexplained -Ed.]Chicago, April 30, 1914.MR. ALAN J. McBEAN}University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, Minnesota.Dear Mr. McBean: Our Alumni seemto be quite ambitious in regard to theirentertainment during "Home ComingWeek," and have informed me that yonwould like to get both films of which Ispoke to you the other day. If you havethe address of the company which madethe pictures of our game last fall, willyou send it to me, so that I may give itto the Alumni. Mr. Orner of Northwestern tells me that the pictures taken therewere not of an actual game and so far asI know very few pictures of conferencecontests have been made. If you happento have any record of successful attemptsto get pictures of football games, it willbe a great favor if you will let me knowof it. Yours very truly,DAVID� S. MERRIAM)Bartlett Gymnasium.THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAATHLETIC ASSOCIATION.Minneapolis, Minn., May 6, 1914.MR. DAVID S. MERRIAM}University of Chicago,Chicago, Ill.Dear Mr. Merriam : Your letter ofthe 30th at hand. In reply will say thatI have located the films of the ChicagoMinnesota game, but after consultationwith our coaches have come to agreewith them that it would be poor policyto part with them.No doubt at first glance our attitudewill seem very selfish. I, myself, saw noobjection to your having the films, atfirst. On thinking the matter over carefully I have come to a different conclusion, and think perhaps you may agreewith me. If you will put yourself in theposition of a coach, whose plays are hiscapital, you can probably see why weFOOTBALL ETHICSwould hesitate to send complete diagrams of ,�pose plays into the camp ofhis keenest rivals, however much hemay trust that+rival, It is only naturalthat a coach should guard his secretsclosely, and should feel uneasy when diagrams of them are wandering about thecountry, I realize that this applies toChicago as well as to Minnesota coaches,and for that reason intend to see thatthese films be destroyed, lest anyone beuneasy for fear someone else is exarnining them picture by picture.A check will be satisfactory for theguarantee� I will see that your ownguarantee goes through very soon.Very truly yours,ALAN J. McBEAN.G{)PHER FILMProduced by Gopher Film Mfg. Co.,Incorporated.James V. Bryson, President.MINNEAPOLIS) U. S. A.May 9, 1914.Dear Sir: In. reply to your letter ofrecent date w�-1'regret very much OUfinability to, accommodate you with theChicago-Minnesota football film. However, as agreed at the time of taking thispicture it has been turned over to .Dr.Williams, the Minnesota coach; and it isnow in his possession. Doubtless if youcall on him some arrangements can bemade. Yours very truly,GOPHER FILM MFG. co, INC.)J. V. Bryson, Pres.To MR. A. C. KELLY) JR.)Manager Employment Bureau,University of Chicago,Chicago, Ill.THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.May 11, 1914.PRESIDENT GEORGE E. VINCENT)University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, Minn.Dear Mr. Vincent: In connection withour annual Alumni reunion and homecoming we are planning to have this year 17a three-day celebration during the �Wstweek of June. As one feature we haveexpected to give on the evening of Friday, June 5th, a picture show consistingof stereopticon views of events and persons of interest to the Alumni, and togive as a special feature a few movingpictures. Our committee was informedthat a film' had been made of the Chicago-Minnesota football game held atMinneapolis last fall. We seemed tohave some difficulty in locating the company that made this film, and I suggestedto Mr. Merriam of the Athletic Department that he communicate with Mr. McBean of your university to see if Mr.McBean could not possibly be of someassistance to us toward securing the film.In reply Mr. Merriam received a rathersurprising letter from Mr. McBean, acopy of which I am enclosing herewith.Of course, it is not absolutely vital tothe success of our entertainment for theAlumni that we have this film, but wehad hoped very much to be able to produce it, inasmuch as the Chicago-Minnesota game seems to be the only footballgame played in the West last year ofwhich there is a successful film. I amsure I need not assure you that Mr. Stagghas not the slightest interest either inour securing the film, or where or whenit be exhibited. We could, if it seemednecessary, arrange to have our doorkeeper refuse admission to Mr. Staggwhile the pictures were being exhibitedin Mandel Hall. The logic of Mr. MeBean's letter is very curious, especiallyin view of the fact that Dr. WilHams hashad possession of thefilm for some timeand has had ample opportunity to analyze and diagram the Chicago plays tohis heart's content. The members of ourAlumni Committee do not believe thatyou will concur in Dr. Williams' attitudeconcerning the use of the film, and haveasked me to present the matter for yourconsideration. Yours. very truly,JOHN F. MOULDS)Chairman of Alumni Meetings Committee.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHENRY L. WILLIAMS} M. D.)MINNEAPOLIS) MINN.May 15, 1914.MR. ]. F. MOULDS.Dear Sir: I knew nothing whatsoever of the desire of the Chicago Alumnito reproduce the films of the MinnesotaChicago game of last fall, at its reunionbanquet, until after your letter to President Vincent had arrived here.The films were presented to me as asouvenir by the film company, after theyhad used them as much as they wished;and I take pleasure in loaning them tothe Chicago Alumni for use on the occasion specified in your letter.I should not wish to have Mr. Stagg,or any of the Chicago assistant coaches,excluded while the films are being run,as you suggest.The only stipulation I would like tomake is that they should not be used atany time except on the occasion specifiedand that you will yourself assume personal responsibility in this matter andsee that they are returned to me on theday following the Alumni reunion.Yours very truly,HENRY L. WILLIAMS.THE ALUMNI COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.Secretary's Office.May 28, 1914.DR. HENRY L. WILLIAMS)The Collins Building,327 14th Ave. S. E.,Minneapolis, Minn.Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of May 15th, offering to loan thefilms of the Minnesota-Chicago footballgame of last fall to our Alumni Association for use on Friday, June 5th. Weshall want the films only for that oneday and will arrange to return them toyou on the following day. I find that ifwe are to exhibit the films it will be neeessary for us to have them a few days inadvance in order to make sure that wecan get a machine of the proper size toshow them on. I shall, therefore, appre- ciate it very much if you will be goodenough to forward the films to me atonce. I assure you that they will becarefully guarded and not made use ofin any way that could be objectionableto you. Very truly yours,JOHN F. MOULDS.WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM.June 3, 1914.To DR. H. L. WILLIAMS.,327 14th Ave. S. E.,Minneapolis, Minn.Must have film immediately if we areto use it Friday.]. F. MOULDS.Oct. 1, 1914.Having received no response to mytelegram sent Wednesday I telephonedto Dr. Williams. He assured me thatthe film had been sent as soon as hereceived my telegram and that it wasaddressed to me. He promised to findout the name of the express company bywhich it had been sent and wire me theinformation immediately, so that I couldtrace it at the express office.The telegram has never been received,neither has the film.J. F. M.THE LETTER BOXTo THE EDITOR:For the benefit of students who expect to teach and who will no doubtendeavor to get positions through theBoard of Recommendations, I would liketo relate my experience with that sameboard. Like most inexperienced people,my ideas were inflated, so that I placedboth the sort of job I wanted and salaryentirely too high in my registrationblank. Then when I went in with mypapers to obtain the personal interviewwhich I was led to believe amounted toso much they were glanced over quicklyand I received a curt "All right," andthat was the extent of the personal inter-THE LETTER BOXview. Following the printed advice ofthe board J, did not "relapse into a stateof idle ejtpecJancy," although I hadenough confidehce in the board to notregister elsewhere. My hopes began todecrease, however, as the weeks rolledalong, and, as I had not had a singlechance by the latter part of July I wrotea letter to the board asking why I hadhad no chance, and then I received at lasta letter with the advice that I shouldhave had when I registered in February,Of course, by that late time vacancies ofthe sort, I could fill had doubtless beenfilled, and up to date I have had nochance yet.At the last moment I registered witha reliable teachers' agency, and sincethen have had four chances, all at excellent salaries. That these places were ofsuch a nature that I could not fill themwas not the fault of the agency, and ofcourse so many chances were highlyencouraging. The main point is, however, that if I had registered with theagency at the same time I did with theboard I would not in all probability beforced to remain idle for a whole year.I would not advise students to ignorethe board entirely, but by no meansplace the confidence in it that I did, andregister also with a good agency. Theboard says that one is justified in registering with a reliable agency, with all ofwhich I heartily agree, and wish to addfurther that registration with a goodagency may be imperative if one wishesa place. Obviously it is to the interestof the agency to place its applicants,while there is no reason why the boardshould care, and in my experience it doesnot care.In conclusion, it is well to rememberthat something which costs nothing isgenerally worth it. An analogy to theboard is Huck Finn's preacher, whonever charged anything for his preaching, and it was worth it, too.Very truly yours, (EDWIN D. HULL) '14.6024 El_iis Ave., 'october 23, 1914. 19[The foregoing letter was submittedto the Bureau of Recommendations, andthe reply of Miss Hoyt, the secretary,is appended.]The Board of Recommendations now,as in the past, seeks to be of the greatest possible assistance to the studentsregistered with it and to the schools andcolleges applying to it for teachers. Itis not a commercial agency, either, in itsaims or methods. When a school authority asks it to recommend an experiencedteacher of English at a salary of $1,000a year, it does not suggest an inexperienced teacher of English who thinks heis worth that amount, nor a student whohas specialized in biology and feels himself entirely capable of teaching Englishbecause that is his mother tongue. Itsbusiness would be greatly simplified if itshould notify every applicant on its listof every position reported to it. In ashort time its business would be so simplified as to be nil, for school authoritiesdo not wish to be bothered with promiscuous applications.On the sheet of instructions whicheach student receives with his registration blanks it is distinctly stated that"the University assumes no responsibility in regard to securing positions." Inspite of every effort on the part of theBoard, the end of each year finds somestudents without positions. This is dueto several reasons: Some years there .isa scarcity of positions in one subj ectwhen in the same year there may be anunusually large number of students prepared to teach that subject; some yearsthe demand for experienced teachers isvery insistent and there is great difficulty in persuading school authorities togive a recent graduate a trial; some students who have done good work in theclass-room do not impress their instructors as giving promise of making goodteachers; some students have done suchpoor work as to receive only lukewarmstatements from their instructors, andsome are so lacking in personality thatit is impossible to interest in them peo-20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINHpIe offering such positions as they covet.In replying somewhat in detail to MLHull's letter, it may be said that the personal interview which he considered sobrief was long enough so that the Secretary had a very distinct impression ofhim, and could have called him by namehad he interviewed her a second time;that if he went out from this interviewwithout being told that his aspirationswere too high for immediate realization,his was an exceptional case, as many ofthe members of 1914 can testify; thatthe fact that vacancies were not reportedto him is no evidence of inactivity ofthe Board. The Secretary remembersseveral cases where his papers were submitted to school authorities. The effortsof the "reliable teacher's agency" withwhich he registered seem to have beenno more successful than those of theBoard of Recommendati�ns. The Boardof Recommendations does consider thereporting t0' students positions "of sucha nature that they cannot fill them" its"fault." It is our aim to suggest forpositions only such candidates as givepromise of being able to fulfill the statedrequirements.The Board of Recommendations welcomes every criticism which may makeit possible to render more effective service. Its work grows rapidly as do itsopportunities. Its system has developedwith its growth, and each step in thedevelopment has been carefully considered. At the request of nearly one hundred sister colleges and universities, theBoard has sent sets of its blanks to assist them in undertaking similar work.A number of institutions have adoptedthese forms without change; others haveutilized such portions as were suited totheir smaller institutions. During theyear 1912-1913 over sixteen hundredvacancies were reported to the Boardby school authorities and agencies.N early five hundred students were located solely through the influence ofthis Board, and more than one hundredwere located in positions where the in- fluence of the Board of Recommendations was the determining factor.The Board of Recommendations takesthis opportunity of reminding formerstudents of the University who haveregistered with it that their papers arepreserved for a period of ten years;that it is anxious to keep these papersup to date and is glad to use them intheir behalf at any time, and of urgingupon them the advisability of calling atthe office when they are in the city, inorder to make personal acquaintancewith the Secretary.MARY O'HORN HOYT,S ecretary, B oard of Recommendations.To THE EDITOR:I have been encouraged again to bringto the attention of the University theduty of planting trees around StaggField. The South Park ImprovementAssocia tion has taken an active part inthe planting of trees along all the streetseast of the University to the IllinoisCentral Railroad, and on 57th and 58thstreets west of the University. It seemsto us very desirable that the work ofplanting trees should be continued onall the streets in the district on whichthe University owns property, particularly around, Stagg Field.We realize that if placed outside thefence on 56th and 57th street they wouldbe doomed to certain destruction. If,however, locust or acacia trees likethose in the rows north of the HarperLibrary were to be planted at intervalsfor forty feet along the inside of thefence about four feet back they wouldnot substantially interfere with the usefulness of the field and would, from thevery beginning, and even more afterthey had overtopped the fence, addgreatly to the beauty of the grounds. Arow of these same trees, or of Carotina poplars in Ellis avenue west of thegrand stand, would also help.To those of us who are interested inthe planting of trees in the district itseems strange that the University shouldTHE LETTER BOXplant so many elm trees on the campusand delay year after year filling the gapsin ·the broken row of elms on the northside of 59th�: street. Is it not possiblefor the authorities to take this matterup and supply the fifteen or twentyelms needed to complete this row?My memories of the campus go backto the day in the Christmas vacation of1889-90 when my brother and I accompanied Mr. F. T. Gates and my fatheron a scouting expedition to the sandypasture where the University now is,and afterward to the day in 1891 whenwe showed Mr. Stagg the site of thefuture University with which Dr. Harper had just invited him to throw in hislot, and no 'one appreciates more than Ido the wonderful progress that has beenmade in the creation of the present beautiful campus, but none the less it seemsregrettable that the little money andtrouble required should not be devotedto the preparation and carrying out ofan intelligent and suitable scheme ofstreet tree planting around the Univer-sity properties. Yours truly,C. T. B. GoODSPEED.To THE EDITOR:Referring to an article on page 206 ofyour last issue regarding questions: (1)Do students actua11y duplicate in collegesome of their high school work, as inEnglish composition, literature, history,political science, geography, etc., andhow far is this duplication reasonable?(2) Should students of unusual capacitybe able to substitute in part high qualityof work for quantity and to secure theirdegrees in less time?I wish to state my views from thestandpoint of one who has been "throughthe mill" and observed and talked withothers as they were going through thesame experience.During my twelve years' absence fromthe university, I have had occasion tothink over my experiences many times.I should like to be there again for four 21years, and I know I would get much'more out of my college life than I did.As to question 1, I do believe that students will duplicate in college a largeamount of high school work in Englishcomposition, literature, Latin, French,German, physics, chemistry, geology,biology and American history, unlessthey are put on the right track whenentering college. In English composition, American history and the languagesperhaps some duplication would be helpful on the supposition that reviews arenecessary in some cases to fix the fundamentals more clearly in the minds ofyoung men and women of that age.In my own case I think too muchtime was spent in duplicating my highschool work in German, Latin, physicsand American history, because I was notproperly informed of what the coursecovered before registering for them. Itseems to me that the student should havean interview with his dean or instructorbefore registering for a course and havean understanding of exactly what thecourse covers as compared with his highschool work along the same line. Especially is this true of those entering college and during their first year.As to question 2, it seems to me thatstudents should be allowed to substitutein part high quality of work for quantity. After all is said and done, our aimin going to college is to make us betterprepared for later life-not only for, theenjoyment of life, but for the financialreturns we will derive from our work.We specialize when we get out of college, and frequently a man knows whenhe enters college, or during his first yearhe finds out, what his specialty is to be.A man, therefore, who shows a recordfor unusually high quality of work inany line ought to be allowed more creditthan the one who merely reaches thepassing mark. This high quality of workcertainly should be recognized in someway. High quality of work usuallymeans unusual capacity in some par-22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEticular line, and the sooner the martwith this capacity can get out into theworld or finish his schooling, the soonerthat ability will have its effect, not onlyupon the man, but upon his associates.I believe, therefore, that an excellent way to recognize this unusual capacitywould be to allow the �student to substitute any particular high quality of workfor quantity.Yours very truly,W. J. McDoWELL, '03.ALUMNIOra M. Cupp, '12, writes:I was requested by those Chicagostudents, who foregathered at California during the session just past, to senda notice of their meeting to the Alumnimagazine.The Chicago spirit still prevailsamong the Alumni no matter how greatthe distance from their Alma Mater.Twelve former students of Chicago, witha couple of students-in-law, held a reunion dinner at the Shattuck Hotel,Berkeley, Cal., on the evening of July30th, with Dr. Meyer Bloomfield ofHarvard as guest of honor.Following the usual satisfying repast,Dr. Bloomfield, in a much appreciatedtalk, paid a tribute to the Chicagoansand then departed in order to fill another engagement.The old U. C. students then drew theirchairs 'closer about the board and discussed former days and gossip thatwould have seemed stale or unfamiliarto a' '14 graduate. But it sounded likehome to the voluntary exiles on thewestern coast and it seemed good to beable to flaunt the maroon once moreafter years of absence and loyalty toCalifornia's blue and gold.Those present were: W. R. Bishop,Ph.B. '97; Mrs. W. R. Bishop; MissLucy A. Thomas, summer student, '06;Miss Faith Hunter Dodge, Ph.B. '07;J. J. Van Nostrand, A.B. 'OS; Mrs. J.J. Van Nostrand; Ed. I. Cook, Law '09-'11· Mrs. Cora Howerth, M.D. '97; MissNadine Crump, summer student, '97;Ira W. Howerth, A.M. '94; Ph.D. '98; AFFAIRSGeorge Henry Jensen, '09; Miss Thirmuthis Brookman, student, '09; D. N.Lehmer, Ph.D. '00; Miss Ora M. Cupp,Ph. B. '12.News of the ClassesProf. Charles R. Henderson, '70,D.D. '84, United States representativeon the international prison commission,was one of the speakers at the convention of the American Prison Associationwhich met in St. Paul; early in October.Jennette Kennedy, '96, is assistant inthe Central Library at Portland, Ore.Her address is 1112 Vaughn street,Willamette Heights, Portland.Arba John Marsh, D.B., '97, who hadthe degree of D.D. conferred upon himin June by Bates College, is pastor ofthe First Free Baptist Church of Portland, Me.Arthur Titber Jones, '99, is now livingin Northampton, Mass. He is teachingphysics in Smith College.Robert L. Henry, '02, Law '08, hasresigned his position as dean of the lawschool at the University of North Dakota to become a professor of the college of law at the University of Iowa.Mr. Henry was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford.Frank P. Barker, '02, and Mrs. Barker (Belle Halsted, Ex. '02), are livingat 317.0 West Williams street, FortWayne, Ind.William A. Averill, '03, has been appointed secretary to the President of theUniversity of the State of New York.with offices at Albany.ALUMNI AFFAIRS 23Annie Reynolds, '03, is an inspectorof grade work for the cities of Wisconsin. Her address is 116 East Johnsonstreet, Madison.Lee Wilder Maxwell, Ex. '05, andMrs. Maxwell ( Payne Wells, '05), liveat Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y.Isabel Simeral, '05, has received herM.A. from Columbia University, and haspassed her oral examination for Ph.D.She left N ew York in June for Pasadena, Cal., where she will enter vocational work for women.Alice M. Krackowizer, '06, is head ofthe department of elementary schooleducation at Rockford College, Rockford, Ill.Word has been received from Hull,England, of the birth of a daughter,Margaret Egbert, on July 7 to Mr. andMrs. Justus Egbert (Irene Engle, '06).Faith Hunter Dodge, '07, is instructor in Romanic languages at the University of California. Her address is 105California Hall, University of California, Berkeley, Cal.. Ivy Hunter Dodge, '08 (Mrs. PaulHenning Willis), has moved from Berkeley, Cal., to' Barbourville, W. Va. Mr.Willis is president of the Morris-Harvey College at Barboursville.Thurlow G. Essington, Law '08, andMrs. Essington (Davie Hendricks, '08),have moved to 604 East Broadway,Streator, Ill.Hugo Goodwin, '09, organist and director of the New England Congrega ....tional Church, Chicago, is concert organist for the Snow Concert and Choir)Bureau.Lee J. Levinger, '09, is rabbi of Temple Israel at Paducah, Ky. His addressis 810 Jefferson street.Mildred Scott, '09 (Mrs. Roy Dickinson Welch), has moved to Northampton,Mass.Clarence H. Hamilton, '10, has beenappointed to the chair of philosophy andpsychology at the University of Nanking, Nanking, China. H. G. Colpitts, '11, is principal of theCedar Valley Seminary, at Osage, Iowa.Frances Meigs, '12 (Mrs. Elisha N.Fales), is living at 1375 East 57th street.Ray D. Penney, '12, writes: "Agricultural journalism having 'gotten on mynerves,' I resigned as editor of FarmLife in July and came to Denver. I amnow collaborating with a Denver friendon a series of articles which will appearin one of the national magazines-probably the American Magazine,-about thefirst of the. year." Mr. Penney's addressis Box 14, Aurora, Colo.Ernestine B. Evans, '12, is on her wayto Moscow. Her address is U. S. Consulate, Moscow, Russia.Clarence W. Kemper, D.B., '12, president of the Divinity School Council in1912, is now a minister in Minneapolis.His church is active in social service witha fine gymnasium and club rooms asequipment. Headquarters for the BoyScouts of the district are in the church.Mabel West, '1�, is teaching mathematics at Creston, Iowa.Arthur J. Cauffield, '13, is head of thedepartment of geography in the StateNormal at Marysville, Mo.Merton W. Wilson, '13, is in chargeof the chemistry work at the State N ormal, Marysville, Mo.Unity Wilson, '13, has moved to 521Linden street, Ann Arbor, Mich.Effie Hewitt, '13, is secretary of theJournal of Infectious Diseases. Heroffice is at 629 South Wood street.Letitia Fyffe, '14, is serving as secretary-treasurer of the Red Cross organization in Portland, England.Clara Hanaford, '14, is teaching English in Elgin, Ill.George Alvin Peak, '14, is managerof the Des Moines agency for the Central Life Insurance Company.Ndneteen-hundred-Iourteen Alumni inbusiness' in Chicago meet on Wednesday each week at 12 :30 for luncheonat the Baltimore Inn, on Quincy street,just east of the postoffice.24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEW. L. Mackenzie King 'Ex. '96, exminister of labor for Canada, has beenchosen director of the Rockefeller Foundation for investigating the industrialrelations in various countries throughoutthe world. Mr. King was at one timean instructor in political economy atHarvard and resigned the position to organize a Canadian Department of Labor.Marion Tooker (Mrs. Luis Hernandez), Ex. '01) is living in Bou Saada,Algeria, where Dr. Hernandez is a practicing physician.Olive Warner (Mrs. Alexander VanR. Barnwell), Ex. '01, lives at Rye,N. Y. She is conducting a business ofinterior decorating at 6 West 40thstreet, New York City.Luther D. Fernald, Ex. '08, for thepast three years on the Western staff ofCollier's Weekly, has resigned to jointhe staff of the Leslie- Judge Companyas Eastern manager. He takes up hisnew work immediately. At the time ofthe purchase of the Housekeeper by Collier & Nast, Mr. Fernald was New Yorkmanager. He was assistant sales andadvertising manager for two years ofSelz, Schwab & Co., shoe manufacturers, Chicago.Irene Moore, Ex. '06 (Mrs. JamesH. Brady), lives at 2131 Massachusettsavenue, Washington, D. C.Mary H. Spencer, Ex. '06 (Mrs. Jospeh Andrew Whitlow), lives at 5837Plymouth avenue, St. Louis, Mo.Hooper Pegues, Ex. '07, has returnedfrom his ranch in British Columbia andis spending the month in Chicago.Karl McGinnis, Ex. '09, is head of thecommercial department in the highschool at Kewanee, Ill.Mabel M. Jones, Ex. '09, is teachingat Kewanee, Ill.J. F. Reddick, Ex. '10, formerly director of the Goodyear Tire & RubberCompany, Akron, Ohio, has been appointed advertising manager of theStromberg Motor Devices Company,Chicago. Ira Harkness, Ex. '11, has resignedthe pastorate of Waco Baptist Churchto engage in commercial work.J. J. Rumler, Ex, '12, is instructor inmineralogy at the State School of Mines,Sioux Falls, S. D.Merle Sebring, Ex. '14, has left Chicago to take charge of the Phi GammaDelta House at Columbia University.Among the Alumni and former students of the University who were inEurope at the outbreak of the war were:J ospehine Allin, Dorothy Clark, VeraFinerty, Irene Anthony Converse, Harriet Tuthill, Hazel Peek, Grace MayerFrank, Laetitia Fyffe, Geraldine Brown,Harriet Marston, Gwendolyn James,Mary Phister, Edith Terry Bremer,Genevieve Sullivan, 'Inca Stebbins, Margaret Green, Katherine Prindiville, Margaret Green, John Green, Donald Abbott, Maurice Pincoffs and RussellWilder.EngagementsThe engagement is announced ofGeorge T. McDermott, '08, Law '10.and Katharine Stewart of Winfield,Kan. Mr. McDermott is a member ofthe law firm of Stone & McDermott ofTopeka. The wedding will take placeduring the Christmas holidays.Byron Cole Howes, Ex. '13, and EdithCoonIey, '11.Florence Rothermel, '13, and HarryRichman James.Lillian Clemens Spohn, '13, and Herbert Knapp Whitmer of Buffalo. Mr.Whitmer is a graduate of Yale, '10.Charlotte Viall, '14, and William H.Weiser, Ex. '15, of Pottstown, Pa.Beryl Zoller, Ex. '13, and JacksonDana Comstock, Ex. '13. No date hasbeen set for the wedding.Charles VI. Townsler, Ex. '12, andAmalie Marx Metz.Wayland Wells Magee, 'OS, and Marian Edith Thomas, daughter of Mr. andMrs. J. W. Thomas, of Omaha, Neb.ALUMNI AFFAIRSMarriagesGeorge �; Edward Congdon, '99, toGrace Wlrder� on Wednesday, July 29,at Rutland, Vi. Mr. and Mrs. Congdonlive at Fairfax, Vt.Ruth Marion Kellogg, '00, to EdwardR. Mack, on September 2, at GeaugaLake, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Mack liveat 803 Washington street, Wilmington,Del.Helen Marr Collins, 'OS, to Harry Orrin Gillet, on July 6, at Springfield, Ill.Mr. Gillet is principal of the School ofEducation. Mrs. Gillet until her marriage also taught there. They --ar-@---athome at 6121 Evans avenue.Newman Fitzhenry, 'OS, to Eva Simpson, in August, at Eugene, Ore. Mrs.Fitzhenry is a graduate of the University of Oregon. They live in Eugene,Ore.James Sheldon Riley, 'OS, of Los Angeles, to Edith Powell of London, onSeptember 2, at the Little ChurchAround the Corner, N ew York.Charles Walter Paltzer, '06, Law, '09,to Elsie Alta Martin, on September 19;at Chicago.Hazel Dell Kelly, '08, to Earl LotanManville, on September 12, at Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. Manville will be at homeafter January 1 at 3243 Monroe street.S. Edwin Earle, '11, to Elsie Chatterton, on October 3, at Springfield, Ill.They live at 5438 University avenue,Chicago. While at -the University Mr.Earle won distinction as track athlete.Albert Dudley Brokaw, Ph.D., '13, toClara Bertha Spohn, on September 2, atPistakee Bay, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. 'Brokaw live at 5304 Woodlawn avenue, Chicago.Charles W. Lobdell, Ex, '09, to RuthBush, Ex. '14, on October 28, at NewOrleans.Alice Louise N ourse, Ex. 'OS, to EarleTisdale Hobart, on June 29, at Tientsin,China. Helen Elizabeth Hendricks, '07,who is teaching in Wuchang, was aguest at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs.Hobart are living in N ewchwang. 25Emily Coombs, Ex. '11, to Allen Montague, on July 25, at Oak Park, Ill.J3:Y Austin Calvin, Ex. '12, to AgnesPortious McDowell, Ex. '14, on September 26) at Chicago.La Dusca Welling, Ex. '14, to EberleWilson, Ex. '14, on September 19, atChicago.Theodosia Haskell, Ex. '14, to Vittorio Falorsi, on September 2, at Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. Falorsi live at 1156 East56th street.William De Garmo Turner, '09, toAlice Nichols Tyler, on October 17, atChicago. Mr. Turner is a member ofthe library staff of Harper MemorialLibrary.Erwin W. Roessler, '01, to Nellie M.Lloyd, in September. Mrs. Roessler isa graduate of Western Reserve. Mr.Roessler took his Ph.D. degree at Columbia University last June. They liveat 411 West 11Sth street, New YorkCity.Cornelia S. Smith, '03, to James Michael Donovan, on October 12, at Helena, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan liveat 52 Farleigh Crescent, Hamilton, Ont.,where Mr. Donovan is connected withthe Long Lumber Company.Loraine R. Northrup, '12, to Charlotte Smith, on N overnber 7, at Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. Northrup will live at 1370East 53rd street.DeathsWilliam Ellis Everett, '08, died 011September 16 at Glasgow, Ky.Harry J. Butler, Law '14. died onAugust 16 at the Presbyterian Hospitalin Chicago.Esther Buttolph, '15, died September21 at Kenosha, Wis.Mildred Leonora Sanderson, who tookher Ph.D. in mathematics in June, 1913,died on October 15 of tuberculosis. Shetook her A.R at Mt. Holyoke in 1910;her M.A. at Chicago in 1911, and wentto an instructorship at the University ofWisconsin in the autumn of 1913 and26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEheld this post till the disease overtookher in February, 1914, when she returned to her home in Massachusetts.Miss Sanderson was one of the bestgraduate students in the department ofmathematics whom we have had. Shewas respected and honored for her rareabilities and for her fine traits of character, which were manifest to all whoknew her. Her death is a source ofpersonal grief to all her fellow studentsand to all the mathematical staff bothhere and at the University of Wiscon-sm. H. E. SLAUGHT.David Blair McLaughlin, '17, son ofProf. and Mrs. Andrew C. McLaughlin, and nephew of Dean Angell, diedat St. Luke's Hospital on October 17 ofinjuries received while diving in LakeMichigan a month before. McLaughlinwas an unusually able undergraduateand a boy (he was not quite nineteen)of strong and delightful personality.Alfred Raymond Morgan, A.M. andD.E. '12, was drowned in the Big Stoneriver, seven miles from Cumberland,British Columbia. At the time of hisdeath he was pastor of the First Baptist church of Saskatoon, B. C. Thearticle that follows is by Prof. Moncrief:Only those who knew Alfred Raymond Morgan long and intimately canform any true conception of what theeducational, social and religious worldhas lost in his untimely translation.It is easy enough to find a strong,well-trained, well-equipped intellect coldas ice. It is easy enough to find a bigheart consuming itself with zeal, butlacking adequate regulating power. Itis extremely difficult, however, to findall these essential qualities combined ina single person. Weare obliged to admit if we are perfectly honest with ourselves that nearly all of us are not muchmore than half men and women. ButMorgan was one of the notable exceptions. He was born and nurtured in anall-comprehensive plan. At the Univer- sity of California, while his chief interest was in history, he read widely inphilosophy and literature, and had amost kindly attitude towards the physical sciences ; at the University of Chicago he specialized in church history,but he took courses in systematic theology and practical theology, and kept asharp eye on about everything that wasgoing on in the entire Divinity School.While his range was so wide, he neverdid anything superficially, but it wasunderstood that whatever Morgan didwas brilliant and thorough.We had our eye on him for churchhistory, but in order to widen his experience a little further he thought heought to be in the pastorate a few years.He became pastor of the First BaptistChurch at Saskatoon. Without any conscious purpose he bounded to the frontrank in the religious, civic and industrialaffairs of the town. All classes lookedto him as a leader. Let one of the localpapers tell us about it."Rev. A. R. Morgan has had a careerof brilliant success due to his indefatigable energy, his deep enthusiasm, hisacute and fertile brain, his executiveability, and his sincere and kindly disposition. Although Mr. Morgan's influence was greatly felt amongthe members of his congregation, wholoved and respected their late pastor, another sphere in which Mr. Morgan effected a great deal of good work wasamong the working men. He was admitted as a delegate to the trades andlabor council, and was deeply interestedin their work, attending all their meetings as regularly as his pastoral dutieswould allow. In this council he washighly respected, and affectionatelylooked up to by all, and his influencein this circle was boundless.Everywhere he has shown the samegood qualities of disposition and ability which insured his success in Saskatoon, and the loss of such a faithful,beloved and esteemed citizen is the causeof much sorrow throughout the city."A REVIEW OF THE FOOTBALL SEASON 27THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORSOF ;I?FIILOSOPHY.David P. Barrows, '97, acting president of the University of California during the absence of President Wheeler,has been extremely active in educationalwork for the State of California thepast year.N. L. T. Netson, '99, has resigned hisposition at the Presbyterian College ofSouth Carolina, to become instructor inbotany and bacteriology at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.Theodore C. Frye, '02, professor ofbotany at the University of Washington, Seattle, has been appointed temporary dean of the College of Science.John R. Macarthur, '03, formerly deanof State College, New Mexico, was re-cently elected to the faculty as associate professor of English at KansasState Agricultural College, Manhattan,Kan. Benjamin Willard Robinson, '04, wasinaugurated as Iowa professor of NewTestament Literature and Interpretationof McCormick Theological Seminary onThursday evening October 1.Herbert Francis Evans, '09, has resigned his pastorate of the HighlandPark Baptist Church to become professor of Biblical literature and religiouspedagogy in Grinnell College, Grinnell,Iowa.Theodore Lindquist, '11, is head ofthe department of mathematics in theState Normal School at Emporia, Kan.Clarence D. Johns, '11, has accepted a,position as associate professor of history at Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C.H. W. Moody, '12, has resigned hisposition at Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., to become professor andhead of the department of physics inMississippi A. and M. College, at Agricultural College, Mississippi.A Review of the Football SeasonOctober 3-Chicago 34, Indiana O.October lO-Chicago 28, N orthwest-ern O.October 17-Cp.icago 7, Iowa O.October 24-Chicago 21, Purdue O.October 31-Chicago 0, Wisconsin O.November 14--Chicago 7, Illinois 21.November 21-Chicago 7, Minnesota13.Total games-Chicago won 4, tied1, lost 2. Total points-Chicago, 104;opponents, 34. Touchdowns-Chicago,15, with 12 goals kicked; opponents, 5,with 4 g�:>als kicked. Position in conference--"-tied for third, the teams rankingas follows: Illinois, Minnesota, Chicagoand Wisconsin, Iowa and Purdue, OhioState, Indiana, Northwestern.The foregoing, in brief, is the historyof one of the saddest seasons of footballever played at Chicago; sad, not by vir- tue of defeats, for, like other colleges,Chicago can take her defeats philosophically, but by virtue of persistent overwhelming bad luck.At the beginning of the season affairsseemed very bright. There was a squadof thirty-five good men, everyone ofthem with football in him; among themwere five of the very best from last year'steams, DesJ ardien, Russell, Gray, Huntington and Shull; three others who hadwon their C's, Coutchie, Sparks andStegeman; five from last year's goodsubstitutes, Acker, McConnell (F. B.),Redman, White and Whiting; two verypromising men who had played elsewhere, Berger at Wisconsin, and Flood(as freshman) at Cornell; and no lessthan eleven from the 1913 freshmangroup who seemed good, including Agar,Albert, Foster, Fisher, Gordon, Gouwens,28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHardinger, Jackson, Knipschild, Patterson and Schafer. With this nucleus, theuniversity confidently looked forward toanother championship. Illinois wasknown to be very strong, and Purduewas expected to do wonders; but nobodyhad much real doubt of the outcome.One blow fell the first day of practice,September 20. Mr. Stagg developed a badcase of sciatica, and was unable to appear. In fact, he could not come on thefield until the tenth day of practice,which meant that the team must enterthe Indiana game practically uncoachedby him. However, Page and JohnCanning, '12, were in charge, and theearly work went on effectively. The lineup developed early, in spite of the many(for Chicago) candidates. Capt DesJ ardien, center; Stegeman and Albert,guards; Shull and J ackson, tackles;Sparks and Huntington, ends; Russell,quarter-back; Gray and Schafer, halves,and Flood, full-back. This gave a lineaveraging 183 pounds, a back fieldaveraging 171, and a team-average of178�; and moreover, every man on itquick. Of the new men, Albert weighed210 pounds, was strong, fast and intelligent. Mr. Stagg said of him at theMinnesota mass meeting in Novemberthat "he had never had in his charge afiner piece of football material." Stegeman had been tried in 1913 at end, andhad done fairly well. He weighed only175 pounds, but was strong, and quickas a cat; except Russell, he was the fastest runner on the eleven. Jackson wasa sophomore, who had done brilliantly asa freshman, and had shown in springpractice that he was an exceptional man.He weighed only 167 pounds, but wasexpected to get heavier as the seasonadvanced. Sparks was heavy for anend, 175 pounds, not a brilliant player oreven a fast runner, but, as Mr. Staggremarked, "one of the most teachableboys I ever saw." Schafer weighed 168,was strong, a fine defensive player, butnot fast or a quick thinker on the field;he was the weakest spot on the eleven, but was expected to improve. Floodweighed 180} was a powerful runner, andknew the game. The others were notonly veterans, but all-western selectionsthe year before, and Des] ardien andRussell were all-American.The Indiana game proved a farce.J. M. Sheldon, '01, had finally given uphis position as coach, and Child, a Yalelineman of three years back, had takenthe job. He had changed the Indianastyle so radically that the eleven maybe said to have had at the time of theChicago game 110 style at all. No slowerteam has ever been seen on the field.The center faced the backs when hepassed the ball, on certain plays-ascheme adopted altogether by Tufts thisyear, it is said; the halves appeared notto have heard of the signals; in fact, thewhole team acted like men who had neverbeen introduced to one another. On defense they showed their strength; buthaving no offense whatever, except thesort that the King attributes to himselfin Hamlet, they made a wretched showing. Chicago scored mostly by long endruns, Gray dashing about as he pleased,behind beautiful interference. TheChicago line was without the servicesof Des} ardien, who was lame. Albertplayed center very acceptably, and fouror five men were tried out at guard, including Redmon, the 285 candidate ofthe preceding season. The general conclusion drawn from the game was thatChicago was less powerful in the backfield, on both attack and defense, thanin 1913, and weaker at end, but fullyup to standard in the middle of the line.The Northwestern game came thisseason much earlier than ever before, theweakness of the Evanston eleven havingbeen anticipated. Northwestern had, asusual, a new coach-two, in fact-andthere were the usual newspaper predictions of her strength. For some yearsChicago had met Northwestern late inthe season, and had invariably chosen thegame to exhibit a slump in, so that thescores have been close. This fall theA REVIEW OF THE FOOTBALL SEASON 29game was a very easy one. Hightower, a Tartar than Iowa. The great joke ofthe N orthwestern captain, played well, the Chicago newspapers is that "Staggas usual; otherwise the afternoon was fears Purdue." Only the newspapersuninteresting. -Russell starred in one or see the joke, however; inasmuch as fortwo long runs, and Gray also showed some years Purdue has been knockingmuch power. Gordon, a sophomore, was at the door, and in 1913 was really onlyused at quarter-back for a while, as he defeated by good fortune. This year shehad been against Indiana, and showed had lost Oliphant, her great half-back,unusual speed ; in fact, he ran the team who has been playing for the Army; butfaster than did Russell, though possibly she had a big, strong, fighting team,with less judgment. which Wisconsin had barely beaten, andNow came two hard, though supposed- Mr. Stagg was by no means confident ofly minor, games-Iowa and Purdue. In the outcome. For some reason, how-1912 Iowa had been in the lead at one ever, the game was not a hard one. Thetime, in 1913 she had exhibited a "spread Purdue men declared they were batteredformation" which had gained ground and tired from the Wisconsin game.astonishingly, and though beaten, had Since then, however, dissensions in thehad her usual team-light, but very fast Lafayette athletic camp have been puband well coached, with a first-rate lished broadcast; and the chances arequarter-back, very fine ends and an ef- that even so early the team was affected.fective line. She tried the same forma- At any rate, the game was only goodtion as in ] 913 on attack, however, and practice. It gave Chicago men plentyof confidence, however.it resulted in absolute failure. Last year Up to this point everything had goneChicago's linemen did not know exactly well. The scores had been better thanwhere to go. This year they did. Chi- in the previous years; nobody exceptcago's full-back played on defense close Iowa had come anywhere near Chicago'sto the center, shifting to one side or the goal-line; and the men were all in goodother just as the ball was passed. His condition. Now, however, troubles bepresence stopped any straight plunge, and gan to come. Albert had been losingleft the guards free to move about. The weight steadily, now he grew worse, andIowa plays from the spread formation was kept out of practice entirely. Berger,actually lost more ground than they first substitute half, had played one yeargained; and as Iowa had no other form at Wisconsin, and for that reason hadof attack, she could do nothing with the asked not to be put in against her.ball in hand. On defense, however, her Flood's lameness grew worse, and Acker,ends entirely spoiled the wide end-runs substitute full-back, seemed unable tothat had worked so easily against Indiana fit into the attack. However, Wisconsinand Northwestern; and as for some rea- had barely managed to beat Ohio Stateson, probably Flood's lameness, Russell the week before,. and Chicago looked forchose not to" use linebucks more than a victory.few times, the going was hard. Chicago The game, played at Madison, wasscored one touchdown in the first quar- very hard-fought, and resulted in ater, and then failed to score again. It scoreless tie. Wisconsin's line was strong,was obvious, however, that the team was and their backfield, though not powerful"covering up" and could have done more on offense, was alert, and broke up Chiif more had been necessary. As in the cago's attempts at forward passing.other games, many substitutes were used, Gray was hurt in the first few minutes,and the policy was plain of giving as after some fine running, and there wasmany men practice as possible. ' no good man to take his place, thoughPurdue promised to be even more of Coutchie put up the best game of his30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcareer. Each team had one chance toscore, and failed; aside from that, theball was mostly in mid-field. DesJardiendid the punting for Chicago, but wasnot up to form, and lost ground to Bellows, the Wisconsin kicker. Flood, too,was badly battered, and failed to do himself justice.With the Illinois game two weeksaway, Chicago took account of stock.Gray had a bad ankle; Albert was permanently out of it; Flood was lame. Onthe other hand Berger was again available, and so was Gordon, who was nowshifted to half-back, and showed greatpromise. Illinois was known to bestrong, and the newspapers seemed toagree that Chicago had little chance;still, the game looked fairly even, andthree special trains took 3,000 Chicagoansto Champaign, mostly hopeful.Gray was hurt in the first rush, andwas soon .taken out. Gordon, however,played finely, and the Chicago linemen,except the ends, were too much for theiropponents. Moreover, in the first halfDesJ ardien kicked splendidly. In thefirst quarter Gordon was sent over for atouchdown, and the half ended 7-0 infavor of Chicago, with the Illinois spectators plunged in the profoundest gloom.What they did not know, what nobodyin fact knew except Russell, was thathe had torn a ligament in his should erand could hardly lift his arm.The second half began, and Gordonwas promptly kicked in the ribs andbadly hurt. He retired. Illinois renewed its attack with great energy, andprincipally by Pogue's runs worked theball down to Chicago's four-yard line, ona first down. Three attacks failed. Onthe fourth, the ball was given to Clark.the quarter-back, who ran back a stepor two and passed it laterally to Macomber, half-back. He took one step forward and was tackled by Huntingtonand Coutchie together. As he went downhe forward-passed to Pogue, who tookthe ball over for a touchdown. Twoobjections ha;e been raised to this play, first that Macomber passed the ball afterhe was downed, and second that 'hepassed it from a point not five yards backof the line of scrimmage. But thereferee, Mr. Hackett, one of the mostcompetent officials in the west, declaredthe play legal and it stood.When play started again Chicago'sbackfield was almost out of commission,with Gray and Gordon gone, Russellbadly hurt, and Flood too lame to be ofmuch use. After a time Chicago receivedthe ball, after a punt, on its 20-yard line,near the side. Des] ardien punted outof bounds at the 28�yard line. Illinoisgot the ball and marched for a touchdown, which, with the goal, made thescore 14-7 in her favor. The signal wasgiven for a short kick-off, and the menmassed at the side upon which it wasto go. The kicker-off misunderstood andkicked straight down the field to Clark,the Illinois quarterback. With nearly allthe Chicago men shut away from him,he ran for another touchdown. Russell,who might have got him, was unable totackle at all. That ended the scoringand gave Chicago her first defeat in twoyears, and her second in the last 23conference games played.But worse was to come. Minnesota,defeated by Illinois 21-7, the IllinoisChicago score, was apparently on eventerms with Chicago. But those whoknew the Chicago team knew that itsattack was gone. The game was, as itturned out, extremely close in score,Minnesota reversing the v-ery score oflast year and winning 13-7. But shehad the ball on Chicago's two-yard line,second down, when the whistle blew forthe first half, and on the one-foot line,fourth down, when the second halfended; and, moreover, she showed superiority all through. Chicago's bad luckheld to the very end, nevertheless; forCapt. Desjardien, after a punt, waskicked in the groin and seriously injured.He was taken at once to St. Luke's hos-, pita! and operated on, and is now in nodanger. Chicago's touchdown was madeA REVIEW OF THE FOOTBALL SEASONpossible by two pretty forward passes,all the more extraordinary in that�ussell, whoIwas, forced into the gamewhen Knipschild had been knocked out,threw them from his hip, being unableto lift his arm to the level of his shoulder. Minnesota made her gains by agood all-around slashing attack, butSolon, the full-back, was her leadingcard.Well, it's a sad story; high hopes wereblasted, not by poor playing, but solelyby injuries. Never in the history of football at Chicago have so many good menbeen put out at once. The remarksearlier in this issue on "condition" havebeen allowed to stand, principally to illustrate the irony of fate. Better luck nextyear, surely.Of the men individually, six haveplayed their time-Capt. Des} ardien,Gray, Huntington) Stegeman, Coutchieand White. Berger has another year ofeligibility, but it is possible that he canget his degree before next fall. Of theseniors, the first four are all fine players,and will be greatly missed. Desjardien,as usual, has been picked by all as Allwestern center. Gray has been hurt somuch that he has had little chance; inthe early games this looked like his bestyear. Stegeman has done finely at guardand has been picked on several allconference teams. Huntington has beenan effective end. Of those left the bestknown are Russell and Shull. Russellhas done very well in spite of injuries, 31and is still the best quarter-back in thewest. Shull had a splendid season; hehas now played every minute of everygame for two years, a record no one elseon the squad can approach, and he hasgrown better with each game. He is,moreover, a s.ort of Jack-of-all-trades.When DesJ ardien went .back to kick,Shull passed the ball; when Schafer wasout of the game, Shull kicked the goals.Jackson has been fiery and effective attackle, and for his weight a real wonder.Sparks improved in every game. Fisherand McConnell will be good men nextyear and Redmon will be again available;and, of course, A]bert� unless the samedemon of illness assails him. Of thebacks, Gordon, Schafer and Flood arean excellent nucleus, with possiblyBerger added. Agar, who has been hurtall this season, is a fast man when inshape. Scanlan, of the 1913 team, is incollege, but was ineligible; Marum andDodson, two other big, fast, experiencedmen, were also ineligible. The freshman squad offers Cahn, a sparklingback-field player; Parker, a first ratetackle from Morgan Park Academy;Pershing, a very good half-back fromHyde Park; Norgren, a brother of N. H.N orgren, '14; and the youngest son ofPresident W. R. Harper, Donald, whoplayed on the University High team.There are others, but these seem the best.Probably Fate has satiated herself thisyear; if so, next season may be satisfactory; if not--.[NOTE: This article was written two weeks afterthe comment "Football," on page 6. The differencesin statement are due, of course, to this fact.-Ed.]