ABRAM WINEGARDNER HARRIS, SC.D., LL.D.PRESIDENT OF NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYConvocation Orator. December 20, 19I3The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME VI JANUARY 1914EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe Directory is out, and already in the hands of over two thousandal�mni-nearly 30 per cent of all those holding any degree from Chicago.It contains in its 420 octavo pages statistics of all acces-The Alumni sible graduates from the founding of the Old UniversityDirectory in 1861 to June 30, 1913. These 7,094 graduates are dis ...tributed over every state of the Union and 29 foreign countries. Theteachers number 3,287; the ministry has attracted 618; crime (andcivil suits) is represented by 584 lawyers; and in order follow mercan­tile pursuits 455, medicine 348, literature r 14, science 107, finance 76,manufacturing 53, agriculture 49, art 49, government 44, engineering38, and transportation II. In the case of 1,263 no occupation is speci­fied. Even supposing most of these latter are "in business," this is anextraordinary division. Probably no other institution in the countryexcept Johns Hopkins would show anything like it. It seems to showthat the University is recognized as a training-school for teachers; thata large proportion of the undergraduates, as well as most of the gradu­ate students, have been here in preparation for the teaching profession.The number of those who have actually had teaching experience beforethey enter Chicago as undergraduates is very large. If these factsrepresent not. only the past but also the present situation, do they notpresent an argument for more and more rigid insistence on accuratescholarship? If most of those who come here come to learn that theymay teach, is it not our business to see that what they learn they learnwith unusual thoroughness? One hears at times complaints of therigidity with which scholastic requirements are here enforced. Last63THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEyear the Magazine published two.or three letters to this point from well­known alumni. Is it not fair to accept this table of occupations in thenew Directory as very strong evidence that Chicago in her insistenceupon steady and thorough work is in the line of her right development?Aut disciplina aut nihil.It is to be Michigan and not Chicago which cavorts in the HarvardStadium on Saturday, October 31, 1914. The challenge so courteouslyoffered by Harvard, Chicago had to refuse. As the�busThe Harvard driver said when Carlyle refused the peerage: "Quite rightof the Queen to arsk 'im, quite right of 'im to stay by usas he belongs with." Intersectional games between champions are tre­mendously interesting, -but there are two reasons why Chicago shouldnot schedule them when she has a chance. One is that football alreadyfocuses too much public interest on a minor activity and a small group.Athletics needs no further encouragement. Anybody would think, toread the Chicago sporting editors on, for instance, the Yale captain's(Ketcham's) remarks concerning numbered players, that the wholeobject 'of football was to amuse the general public: butchery to makea Board of Trade holiday. The sporting editors cannot be blamed.What can they think when they see two hundred thousand dollarsinvested in stone stands? But they are wrong for all that, if the U�i­versity's reiteration of its ideals is not buncombe. The limelight shinesbrightly enough already; no need to intensify it. But the second reasonagainst a Chicago-Harvard game is this: it is not altogether fair to theConference. Chicago's position, in a great city, makes a game herefinancially profitable to the institutions in smaller places. The Con­ference motto, like that of the four musketeers, is "One for all and allfor one." For Chicago at the first big opportunity to give the go-byto one of its regular opponents would be to deny this motto, and wouldseem self-seeking in a high degree. Michigan is bound by no suchresponsibilities, and could fairly accept the challenge. May she windecisively! Those of us who remember with delight her past prowessbelieve in our hearts she will. Meanwhile, observe the symmetry, .com­pactness, and promise of Chicago's schedule for next fall:GameOctober 3-Indiana.October r o+-Northwestern.October I7-Iowa.October 24-Purdue. October 3I-Wisconsin at Madison.November I4-Illinois at Urbana.November ar+-Minnesota.EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe marks for the Autumn Quarter show thirty-five students dis­missed, nearly all Freshmen, and over a hundred new students on pro­bation. If the criteria of other years are to be accepted,Man com1eth this showing indicates that more than 20 per cent of theUp as a F ower . .Freshman class will be dropped durmg or at the end oftheir first year. They are an acid test, these first three quarters. Thenumber of those dropped who were admitted on probation-i.e., whohad their high-schol diploma but had not received on an averagegrades 25 per cent higher than the minimum necessary for graduation­the number of this class who failed is so large as to show conclusivelythat Chicago is a quicksand for those who barely passed in high school.Undergraduate senfiment against dishonesty in college work cen­tered in the Autumn Quarter about the formation of an "honor com­mission." This commission is a committee to investigateThe Honor instances of cheating, and to recommend to the facultyCommission penalties for those found guilty. On December I6 ques-tions were submitted to all undergraduate classes, as follows:I. Should there be an honor commisssion at the University? Yes, 903; no,278; doubtful, 46.2. Would you report to the commission a person you saw cheating? Yes, 156;no, 892; doubtful, 179.3. If you would not report, would you speak to a person you saw cheating? Yes,723; no, 281; doubtful, 223. .4. Would you favor a temporary commission appointed by the UndergraduateCouncil, to act until the Council election in February, when a referendum will betaken? Yes,972; no, 239; doubtful, 16.As only nine votes were lacking of a three-quarters majority in favorof the last proposition, it was decided to appoint such a commission, andthe following were named: Seniors, Lane Rehm, Letitia Fyffe, HelenePollak, Harvey Harris; juniors, Cowan Stephenson, Katherine Big­gins, Irene Tufts; Sophomores, Lawrence MacGregor, Ruth Manierre;Freshman, Buell A. Patterson. All cases reported by students to thiscommission must have the testimony of two witnesses to be considered;a three-fourths vote is necessary for conviction; and all proceedings aresecret. Whether anything definite can be accomplished by the com­mission seems to be considered doubtful; but that sentiment againstdishonesty is rapidly growing, thanks to the efforts of the practical ideal­ists on the Council, hardly anyone would be found to deny.66 THE UNIVERS/TY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWhatever the outcome of this effort, it is interesting as further evi­dence of the intelligence and vigor with which the present generation ofundergraduates are asserting themselves in UniversityUndergraduate. .Lo alty affairs, Nothmg could be more healthy than the under-Y graduate spirit at Chicago is at present. It shows itselfin athletics. Practically every man available for football, even slightlyavailable, was on the squad this fall, and remained faithful to the end.When the eleven departed for Minneapolis, to play Minnesota, theywere dragged in a tally-ho down Fifty-seventh Street and cheered byat least 1,200 students, fully two-thirds of the undergradute body. Atthe same time that spirit shows itself in honest application to study.With a championship to distract them, the marks show that the upperclassmen did, on an average, better work in their studies than in anyAutumn Quarter for a long time previous. That spirit shows itself incollege politics. The best-known man in the Senior class, on the occa­sion of the class elections, failed to be even nominated for president, socompletely had he kept free of entangling alliances; and the result wasthat the next day he was nominated by petition, and later elected bya large majority. When complaint was made to the Dean of Womenthat the "new" dances were demoralizing, she left the matter to anundergraduate committee. Arrangements were made in accordancewith which Miss Mary Hinman, a highly qualified expert, demonstratedthe virtues and defects of the recent styles of dancing; a" common-sensecensorship" by undergraduates was established, and not a word of ob­jection has been raised since. It is fair to say that the present under­graduate tendency is to honor and support in all ways the known idealsof the University.An innovation of the Autumn Quarter was the establishment of acourse in "personal hygiene," meeting once a week, and required of allentering students. The lectures were delivered to themen by Dr. Dudley B. Reed, and to the women by Dr.Josephine Young, both of the Department of PhysicalCulture and Athletics; an examination was held at the close of theQuarter; and though no credit was given for the course, those who failedto pass the examination must take the course again. For the benefitof those who have not had the advantages of the present .generation,the men's examination is here reproduced:Lectures onHygiene1. What points in diet are of importance in the treatment of constipation? Whatexercises are helpful?EVENTS AND DISCUSSION2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of meat as an article of diet?3. How would you distinguish between apoplexy and sunstroke, and what wouldbe your immediate treatment in each?4. Name one simple remedy for each of the following conditions: "nosebleed";sleeplessness; "gym. itch"; laryngitis; bronchitis.5. Mention five of the most common contagious diseases and discuss briefly theprevalence, mode of infection, and method of prevention in one of them.A NotableOmission There are no University of Chicago alumni on ourBoard of Trustees.It was particularly fitting to have President Harris, of Northwest­ern, as Convocation orator; and his address is unusually good readingThe friendliness of it, the directness, and the suggestionThe Convoca- of its idealism are unusual. To include it in the M aga­tion Address zine is a privilege.The NewSong BookThe Undergraduate Council has almost finished compiling the newUniversity Song Book, which will go to the printer about February 5.The book is for every-day use; no intricate part-songsare included. The "Alma Mater," football songs, selec­tions from the Blackfriar and W. A. A. shows, and theAlma Maters of the schools of the Conference form the bulk of the con-tents. A committee of faculty members, alumni, and undergraduateshave, after great deliberation, selected about seventy-five of these songs.The book will have a cloth cover, upon which will be stamped theUniversity coat-of-arms. All alumni who desire copies should at oncesend $I.OO per copy to John A. Greene, Business Manager, 42 Hitch­cock Hall, since only a limited number of copies will be printed in excessof the actual number subscribed for before February 20.THE OLD ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONSAND NEW PLANSRealizing that the general body of the_alumni know little of the workwhich is being done by the various alumni organizations, and by theAlumni Council, I thought it might be well to begin the new year with astatement of what has been done up to date this year and what we areplanning; also to lay before the alumni some of the problems with whichwe are wrestling, hoping for suggestions from you. This article willdeal merely with the work of the Alumni Council and the College AlumniAssociation. Hereafter the Magazine will contain reports of all regularmeetings and their business.Because there seems much confusion existing in the minds of mostin regard to the difference between the various associations, the alumniclubs, and the Alumni Council, perhaps a word of explanation would notbe amiss. Those of us who graduated from the University with bachelordegrees are apt to think of ourselves as the only body of alumni, for­getting that the Law School has its alumni, the Divinity School, its, andthe Doctors of Philosophy, theirs (in time, there will probably be others),all of which are a part of the University, And so, at present, there arefour alumni associations each with its own machinery. In addition, inmost large cities there are the alumni clubs, some highly organized andsupporting definite interests, as in the case of the Chicago Alumnae Club,and some with no organization, getting together at times for some specialfunction. Chicago alone, I believe, boasts of both an alumni and analumnae club. Attendance at the University at some time or other, forno definite length of time, is the only stepping-stone to membership ina club, while at present, in the College Association at least, membershipis limited to graduates. One may be a member of just a club, or of justthe Association, or of both, but, as yet, membership In the one does notinclude membership in the other, and this is what has caused most of theconfusion. One of the problems we are working 'on is a simplifying ofthis scheme. Many a student at graduation, or later, joins a club,thinking that he is also joining the Association, and then wonders whyhe does not receive the Magazine.The Alumni Council, meeting once a month, is the clearing-house forall the associations. It is composed of two representatives from eachassociation (the president and secretary), one each from the Chicago68THE OLD ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONS AND NEW PLANS 69Alumni and Alumnae clubs, and one from the University at large. IfyoU will consult the back cover of the Magazine you can see whatthe personnel of the Council is at present. In addition, there are :fivestanding committees, the chairmen of which were elected by the Council,the other members being appointed by the chairman of the Council,These committees are as follows:I. Committee on Publications: Mr. Albert Sherer, chairman; MissMargaret Burton, Miss Helen Sunny, Mr. Charles We Collins, MroGeorge O. Fairweather. The present editorial committee of the Maga­zine unanimously re-elected its chairman, Mr. Linn, but he was notincluded in the committee because it is the policy of the Council thisyear to keep as many as possible actively interested, and to have as manypoints of contact as possible with the outside world. It realizes thatMr. Linn is doing all that he can possibly do, so the work of this com­mittee was made complementary to his,IL Committee on Alumni Clubs: Mr. Arthur Bestor, chairman;Mrs. Irvin McDowell, Mr. Earl Hostetter. This committee is to fosterand develop as well as to help start clubs.III. Committee on Alumni Meetings: Mr. L. Brent Vaughan,chairman; Miss Alice Greenacre, Mrs. C. S. Eaton, Mr. John Voight,Mr. Alvin Kramer, Mr. Harold Swift. This committee has generalsupervision of all alumni meetings, and especially plans for alumni workin the spring, The College Association, not wishing a repetition of theconfusion of last spring, has already mapped out plans for that week, andwith Mr. Vaughan at the helm, success is assured.IV. Committee on Athletics: Mr .. Hugo Friend, chairman; MissMarie Ortmayer, Mr. Charles Winston. The athletic committee is tokeep in touch with all university athletic activities and athletic boards,and to make such suggestions as will tend to promote the athletic inter­ests of the University. You will notice the presence of a woman on thiscommittee-this year is to be writ large in the annals of the women ofthis University.V. Committee on Finance: Mr. Herbert E. Slaught, Mr. F. WoDignan, Mr. John F. Moulds. With this body of alumni at work withthe Council, and just as wide-awake a body managing the affairs of theCollege Association, this should be a banner year in alumni circles.One of the duties of the Council is to publish the Directory. Thatwill be speaking for itself by the time this is published. Another dutyis the publishing of the Magazine. Although the Magazine is gotten outunder difficulties at times, allow me to cheer you up by remarking, not70 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwithout authority, that there may be graver ones ahead. That is aproblem to which the Council is at present applying itself. Last yearit cost $2,500 to publish the Magazine, all of which was advanced by theUniversity and $300 of which was repaid. Of course it is true that theUniversity Press prints the Magazine and so the subsidy returns to itssource, but that does not alter the fact that we are not standing on ourown feet and that we should soon be walking alone. This year, accord­ing to contract, the University will again subsidize us, and we shallrefund to the University 25 cents on each subscription to the Magazine.The Magazine itself is not enough of a reflection of alumni affairs and itis partly the fault of the alumni. What we want, and what the editorwants, is more contributions from you, more class notes, more personalitems. Please consider yourselves, each of you, a committee of one toscout for news items and send them in to the editor. Give him a chanceto reject a few instead of having to go out into the highways and bywaysfor them.The Executive Committee of the College Alumni Association met forthe first time in October and started out with enthusiasm on its .year'swork. It has met each month since with more than a majority present,and so great is the interest that the sessions sometimes sound like acorner in the Board of Trade. The following Standing Committee wasappointed early in the fall: M,r. William MacCracken, Jr., chairman;Miss Alice Greenacre, Miss Agnes R. Wayman, Mr. Alvin Kramer,Mr. Earl Hostetter, Mr. Le Roy Baldridge. This committee, meetingbetween times, attempted to thresh out most of the problems, but theExecutive Committee, having such a strong mind of its own, has madethat difficult. One of the problems which has sorely taxed the oratoricalas well as the argumentative powers of several members is the problemof the "Ex's"-the students who attended the University but nevergraduated. We wish to admit them on some basis to the Association.It has been finally agreed to admit them as associate members; butwhether the basis of eligibility shall be six months in residence or oneyear has not yet been agreed upon. We should be grateful for sug­gestions on the subject. Of course, this would mean a change in theconstitution and could not be definitely decided until voted upon by .theAssociation itself. We should like as rapidly as possible to obtain theaddresses of "Ex's," and you can assist us by mailing all you can obtainto F. W. Dignan, Alumni secretary.We are also discussing and planning schemes for more definite classorganization, past, present, and future. We are discussing our presentTHE OLD ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONS AND -NEW PLAN,S 7Isystem of class reunions, the five-year scheme, and investigating theDix system now in vogue at Michigan; and finally, we are working on aplan for a complete reorganization of the entire alumni machinery. Itmay require merely readjustment, and it may require more. We feelthat there is not the general interest that there should be; that too oftenthe loyalty is toward the alumni clubs and not toward the Association.Some classes are putting too much emphasis on the segregation idea, andinstead of all the members of those classes pulling together with the goodof the Association at heart, they are deliberately pulling apart.And now, just a word about the program which we are planning fornext spring. This scheme was drawn up by the Standing Committee ofthe college association, passed by the Executive Committee, accepted bythe Alumni Council, and accepted by the University committee ap­pointed by President Judson to draw up plans for Convocation week.This committee was composed of Mr. Robertson, Mr. Boynton, Mr.Stagg, Miss Talbot, Miss Dudley, and Miss Wayman. The plan nowawaits the sanction of the Administrative Board. As far as the alumniare concerned, the details have not yet been marked out; that will haveto be done by the various associations and the classes which are to holdreunions, and will be finally in charge of Mr. Vaughan and his Committeeon Alumni Meetings. This is the plan in brief:Thursday night, June 4: Class reunion dinners and departmental dinners.Friday night, June 5: Fraternity dinners and reunions, followed by a big Uni­versity sing in which will be represented as many different kinds of organizations aspossible, including classes, alumni, fraternities, glee clubs, the band, the orchestra,etc., to be followed by a reception, probably on the campus with booths for head­quarters. There is a possibility of an informal dance.Saturday, June 6: Alumni Day.A.M. Business meetings.12 : 00 M. Alumnae breakfast followed by program.I : 00 P.M. Conference meet on Stagg Field.6: 00 P.M. Alumni Smoker or banquet followed by program.This gives us what we have long wanted-the Saturday precedingConvocation for Alumni Day. If the plan of the University committeeis accepted, Friday, June 5, will no longer be Junior College Day, butMonday, June 8, will be a University holiday, and will be celebrated bySenior class exercises, possibly Junior class exercises, and a big festival.Please remember that this is the plan but that it has not yet been passedupon by the Administrative Board. We hope to see it tried and wehope that it will meet with your approval.This brings the work up to date. If any friend has suggestions ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEany kind to offer at any time we shall be more than glad to receive them,for our sole idea and aim is to strengthen the Alumni Association for thehonor and glory of the Old Maroon. You can help us by falling intoline; join the Association, go after members, send material into theMagazine, send us suggestions, and-above all-begin right now to planto be on hand for that week of celebration next spring-June 4 to June 9.AGNES R. WAYMANPresident College Alumni AssociationCOLLEGE DA YSIBY ABRAM WINE9-ARDNER HARRIS, SC.D., LL.D.President of Northwestern UniversityIt so happens that I h!lve never �eard it so well put that there is nothing lefta convocation address, either at Chicago for me to say.or elsewhere and I have little from which I have selected, then, a safe topic,to draw an' under,standing of what you "College Days," without intending towill expect of me, but I ass�me that con- hold myself to an exact interpretationvocation speeches are very like the many of it, but to use it as it is so often used,commencement addresses I have heard. to recall some of the sentiments, impres­What I recall of them-and I confess it sions, and enthusiasms the graduateis not much-puts them into two groups: carries with him from college halls.those that had to do with politics and Some college songs and some college tunesthose that treated of education. The that I once sang I never hear againformer were, some of them, given by men without a stirring of emotion that isof public experience, and others by can- not without a large element of sacredness;didates for degrees, men of public enthu- and for a little while I wish to talk withsiasm. The older men were conservative, you about the feelings, ideals, and affec­and it was the burden of their thought tions that college years have begotten.that things are not so bad after all. The On such occasions, my chief interest islatter were unsparing in their disapproval not professional but personal, and centersof evil, and buoyant in their suggestions about the graduate.of cure. Surely they selected worthy The main purpose of the college andtopics, but I have no mind to follow their of the university is intellectual achieve­example. ment; and scholarship is the legiti-The educational addresses were also mate goal. This truth I recognize, andof two types; those based upon some nothing I say or leave unsaid is meanteducational or psychological principle, to detract one whit from my profoundold of course, but sometimes novel in its belief that the greatest of our resourcesapplication. Many of them invested a is the mysterious mentality that setsfamiliar and rather simple truth with a off man from all the rest of creation; thatcomplexity of statement that commanded there is no equipment for the service ofmore of my wonder than of my admira- commerce or culture that the universitytion. Not a few of them seemed to ought to put ahead of the power to thinkdeserve Emerson's criticisms that edu- in a straight line arid without prejudice.cational addresses are woefully dry. The But these lessons have had years in theirother type was full of lament and criticism teaching, and on this occasion-one ofand tended to leave the impression that those rare opportunities when well-wornour educational methods and systems words gain new force-I prefer to takeare breaking down. They asserted- another advantage.and sometimes seemed to prove-that Some things, most deep-seated in ourcollege graduates cannot spell, do not life and determination, we do not exhibitstudy, and are lacking in serious purpose, easily except in some unusual light. Inand the like. Such criticisms have their the early nineties, there were those whouse, but gradually I have approached lamented that patriotism was dead, andthe conclusion that we have had quite that the sons had forgotten the high self­enough of such criticisms and admoni- sacrifice of their brothers of a generationtions, for a time, and so I feel little in the before. But when I saw a body of youngmood to attempt anything of either kind. men, college students, suddenly soberedOf education and its methods, you have by the call of war, I learned the old, oldbeen hearing a great deal, and have heard lesson, that in the major virtues one ageI Delivered on the occasion of the Eighty-ninth Convocation of the University theld in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall, December 20, 1913.7374 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEis not better than another. I was one ofa great throng in an eastern town thatwatched through clouded eyes a little fileof boys in dust-brown clothes marchaway to give themselves if need be, totheir country's cause. And then, Isaw that the spirit of the old time stilllived. It is common to belabor ourfellow-men for their selfishness and theirsordid worship of gain. And so, it is afine thing, when occasion opens the eyes,to realize that not only is there a "di­vinity that shapes our ends, " but that inevery man there is something divine torespond to the supreme call.It is a peculiarity of the Americancollege-and a gracious one-that it hasa quickening power upon the enthusiasm,the affections, and the emotions of itsstudents. This is true in degrees of otherschools and of other lands, but so far asmy little experience justifies an opinion,the English university has this power onlyin a lessened form, the German universityvery little of it, our public schools haveit hardly at all. The English publicschool furnishes the nearest parallel.Some of you will remember, perhaps,how in the dreadful days of the SouthAfrican conflict, a Rugby boy fell dying,with the name of his school on his lips;and that tells great things of Rugby.One of the finest tributes to the Englishschool is that moving scene at the end ofThackeray's N ewcomes, when the Colonel,in his old age a pensioner in the halls theboy trod long before as a student, an­swered in his last breath to some mys­terious call, Adsum, "Here am I," in thecustom of his school days. The affec­tion the American college graduate holdsfor Alma Mater is full of significance.If a virtue by exaggeration tends tobecome a vice, we must confess that thelove of Alma Mater is not without un­fortunate manifestations. Sometimes itmakes him an unlovely partisan, narrow­ing his sympathies so that he sees littlegood in other schools, and making himan alien in the place of his home. Some­times it makes him supercilious andunkindly critical; and in other cases itsours and turns him into an apologist,ashamed of his loyalty. Such a man isnot worthy of his degree. Let us hopethat every graduate of this great Uni­versity will be the helpful friend ofworthy effort wherever he finds it, andthe active supporter of education in theplace in which fortune puts him; that he will cultivate open sympathy as well asthe open mind, and pay back his collegedebt by service where it is most needed.By so doing he will best honor AlmaMater.Whence comes this lasting grip thecollege has upon its students? If thiscompulsion were only a pleasant andpleasing affection, it would be easy toanswer. But it is more, much more,than that; it is often a compelling moralearnestness, centering about the collegeas the immediate representative of thecountry and world the young man iseager to serve, and the memory and loveof college days are throughout life aquickening tonic for honor and devotion.The days spent within college walls havea very real content of spiritual and moralpower.The spiritual content of the Americancollege is not a new thing, but a heritagefrom the past. Through all its historythe American college has been related tothe church; in many cases so closelyrelated that it is difficult to find the lineof distinction. In the motherland, wherethe church and state were one, educationwas recognized distinctly as in the careof the church, and to this day the greatEnglish universities maintain the oldconnection, the old forms, and many ofthe old church studies. The pioneersof New England, which may claim amongits many distinctions that of furnishingfor the whole country the patterns onwhich American educational systems havebeen based, were quite as firm in theirpurpose to connect religion and educationas was the English church against whichthey had rebelled. Yale began its workin the study of a Congregational parson,and long prospered under the dominatinggovernment of the dominies of Connecti­cut. Harvard adopted as its mottoChristo et Ecclesia. In the early days ofthe United States, the institutions werevery few that did not at their founda­tion make formal acknowledgment of asimilar loyalty. In these days the churchrelationship is sharply challenged as outof time, and it is out of time if there beany attempt to make it mean in thisgeneration just what is meant in preced­ing generations. In my own lifetime,the word "sectarian" was without theoffensive meaning it carries today;and indeed those colleges that could notclearly line themselves with some denomi­nation were put upon the defensive asCOLLEGE DAYS"godless and dangerous." Today wetake such charges lightly, and it is ourindulgent fashion to think of the fatherswith tolerance, but as narrow and bigoted.Their religion seems a religion of form,opinion, and doctrine ra�her than one ofthe spirit. But education must neverrepudiate the debt it owes the church.The churches maintained colleges whenthere were no others able or interestedto do so. When the state was either toopoor to pay the cost of �igh.er training,or failed to understand Its Importance,the churches assumed the duty, and ifthey instilled their theology and theirtenets into their teaching, that was be­cause they counted them of vital impor­tance-as very likely they were in theirtime. We may well be slow in criticizingthem, for the great consideration is notthat they taught their tenets in theircolleges, but that they maintained col­leges at all. And the churches-have beenwell repaid, for if they have come intobroader opinion, larger sympathy, andwider purpose, they have done so underthe leadership of the students the col­leges trained. The colleges have beenthe chief liberalizing influence in thechurch; and, as I see it, they havebeen a mighty spiritualizing influenceas well.It seems reasonable, then, to believethat the church has bequeathed to thecollege her own high moral purpose, herconsecration to unselfish service, and arobust confidence in the invincibility ofvirtue. And after all, it may well bequestioned whether in purpose and idealsthe church and education are even now sofar apart as some think. The principlesof right are unchanging though theirapplications are as new and as variousas the generations. We hear the lamentthat the church is losing its hold upon thepeople and that we have fallen upon anage in which religion is dying out. Ithink not. Such criticisms, I suspect,have sprung up in every age. The ma­chinery and organization of religion arealways slower to change than its problemsand methods. Organization tends tocrystallize; progress is always in flux.Why is it, then, that the colleges, onceproud of their ecclesiastical relations, nowresen t the term "sectarian"? Are theyashamed of their beginnings? I shouldbe unhappy to think them so unworthy.Is it not rather because some of thereligious problems of this time are not 75those of even the near past? One of thetwenty-three articles of religion held bymy church is a protest against works ofsupererogation-an article inherited fromthe mother-church of England. It wasdrafted probably in the early days ofthe Protestant revolution and, I haveno doubt, was then a vital article offaith. About it men could quarrel, andfor it they could make real sacrifices.Now, it may well be asked whether manyof the members of my church know whatworks of supererogation are. But theprotest our fathers made against themwas no more vigorous than the presentinterest in the ten-hour as against theeight-hour day. There are new works ofsupererogation and these touch men'sfeelings. If we are less bitter and lessinsistent than our fathers about churchtenets, we are so because the need for thesetenets no longer exists or is less important.The interesting problems of religion haveceased to be those of philosophy ortheology. These problems have beenlargely worked out, and the conclusionsare accepted generally; but this genera­tion finds ample opportunity for religionin the solution of great questions relatingto the rights of men in masses. Thesquare deal may be just as religious anissue as that· between Calvinism andArminianism. But such matters arenot yet recognized as religious. It isvery seldom that one generation under­stands another. We are likely to countourselves better than our fathers, whereasin fact the grandsons are not very unliketheir grandfathers, and could we be trans­ported back to the times into which ourgrandfathers were born, we should doubt­less find ourselves very like them. To theboy, his parents and his teachers seem tohave been born grown up. Every school­boy is astonished by his teacher's readi­ness in detecting offenses, and neverdreams that the teacher is only detectinghimself. Tested by the religion of today,the college is an intensely religious place.All men of robust fiber are religious, andthe affection of the graduate for the col­lege comes largely of the religious impulse.Is not the great popularity of courses inpolitics, and sociology, and economics­quite a new interest since my studentdays-a witness to a living interest inthe large moral and spiritual causes ofour time?To the strenuous and uncloaked moralearnestness of the past, the college is aTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgreat debtor; a debtor for its own earnestspirit which is the greatest element in itspower and prowess. In the sense offellowship with the past, there is a steady­ing influence, there is courage, and there isfaith. When one recites the words fromthe Twenty-fourth Psalm, "The earth isthe Lord's and the fulness thereof," andremembers how they were written bythe Israelitish king; how they have beenrepeated by the human fellowship inall centuries since, he finds it easier tobelieve that even yet the earth is theLord's, and we that dwell therein. If aman finds the span of human life veryshort for the doing of what comes to hishands, it gives him courage to rememberthat the struggle between capital andlabor, the regulation of industries, and all'the multitudinous tasks allotted to usimpose no heavier burden than those ourfathers lifted bravely and carried offmanfully. When I was born, Americawas a land of slavery-slavery enjoyingthe protection of the law and sometimessanctified by the approval of the church,but already millions of young men andyoung women are in wonderment, beingunable to comprehend how at any timethis land could have held three millionhuman beings in bondage. To the pres­ent, slavery seems like the barbarism of theDark Ages, and yet only a little more thana half-century ago men saw no remedy.Out of the knowledge of the past, weinherit courage for our duties. Whatmen have done, other men may doagain.The college engenders moral earnest­ness, zeal, and courage, because it keepsits touch with the great past, becauseit deals ·with men in the emotional andconstructive period of youth, and becauseit is in sympathy with its own time andsets its face stoutly toward the future.As our country ripens and develops astable population, it will more and morecome to conserve the beauty there is inthe reverence for a family past. Ameri­cans will not always be ignorant of thenames of their great-grandfathers, butwill seek some way of gratifying thefamily consciousness that in . Englandgathers about the ancestral home. Forsuch a home there is little opportunitywhen the grandfather lies amidst themountains of Vermont, when the fatherlives on the Mississippi prairies, and theson, perchance, in the sunny valleys ofCalifornia. Perhaps our best substitute will be the family succession in the college.It will be a beautiful thing when everyalumni catalogue is crossed and recrossedwith family lines; when boys find it theirgreatest pride to live the same student lifetheir fathers lived.Have I made it clear that my chiefpurpose is to awaken and stir in these can­didates for degrees, and in all of us, thoseemotions that are so solidly built into theAmerican college, hoping that in sodoing I may help to associate them withthe day? I would associa te collegespirit-all that is good of it-with thecollege commission these candidates areto receive. I would have them realizethe debt they owe the fathers, and theirobligation to pay that debt in full to thefuture. A college is no learning-shop inwhich men buy tools and armor withwhich to win their own sole benefit andease. It is rather a brotherhood ofburden-bearers who have received apriceless inheritance, to use it, to increaseit, and to transmit it to their sons. Fortoday prophets have dreamed, singershave sung, workers have delved, and menhave even died; and for tomorrow, todaymust give itself. 'IIAnd surely you of the University ofChicago have a great strength in the justpride you may treasure for the Universitythat sends you forth. It has broughtyou into touch with this wonder-workingcity of youth-Chicago-unkempt, crude,crowded, but a vital home for young menof purpose. Its faith, its numberlessgenerosities, its courage, its comradeshipput manhood into the veins. IAnd the U ni versi ty is worthy of thecity. Who can walk its campus andbelieve that a quarter-century has doneso much! I read a little time ago howthe first President and his helpers hurriedthe preparations for the opening day­so near our time that many of thosehelpers are in this very hall now lookingnot much older than then. The dynamicleader dreamed dreams, and we see theirunsubstantial substance converted intosolid stone. And these are only the outerand less real part of the University.Here has been organized a noble group ofteachers and world-renowned scholars.For their use, libraries have been 'col­lected, and laboratories created, and allthese on a scale so noble that it seems asif Harper had possessed the Aladdin'slamp of modern times. Here has beenset forth an example of world-inspiringCOLLEGE DAYSbenevolence-of benevolence in givingnot greater than in doing.I represent the nearest neighbor of thisUniversity and its faults-whatev.erthey may 'be-I might be supposed toknow: but I embrace this opportunityto pay my tribute to its worth-a greaterworth than its wealth of buildings and ofbonds-and without stint or reservation,to join with the fathers and the sons inthe praise of Old Chicago; fit to standunabashed in the presence of the worth­iest of American universities-true inscholarship, true in public devotion, truein spirit. -It is an unusual circumstance that weare so near the two leaders in all that hasbeen done. We cannot forget the in­domitable Harper who drew the plans,who laid the foundations, and forwardedthe superstructure, and in a little spacewon a place among the most command­ing figures in American education. Hehad daring, courage, and vision; he wasa worthy representative of the youthfulvigor of this city.To the second President, the courteousgentleman and wise administrator, theUniversity of Chicago owes a debt whichit is hard to estimate properly-a debt theyears will magnify. His has been thedifficult duty of co-ordinating projects hereceived uncompleted, and of perfectinga work well under way, of fitting hisendea vors to established conditions. Tohave brought a great organization intonice adjustment, to have maintained and 77increased public repute, to have won gen­eral good-will constitute sufficient workfor a strong man. President Judsonhas proved himself a perfect complementof his predecessor.I t is inspiring to stand so near thebeginning of a great institution, and itinvolves an unusual responsibility to beamong those who have your rare chanceto influence the character of a greatbeneficence. It is a privilege to be a partof an institution whose youth is so patentthat it is only in affection you find anyjustification for referring to your AlmaMater as "Old Chicago."Years ago I had an experience I hesitateto recount because its power sometimesreveals itself in my voice. In 1880, Ireceived my degree from a little collegein the hills of New England. One yearlater, I went back to the commencement,traveling by steamer up the Connecticut. River, from New York City. I expectedto arrive at about five 0' dock in themorning and was out early, eager tocatch the first glimpse of the familiarbuildings in which I spent four greatyears. Just as we passed . around arocky promontory and I caught sight ofthe old brown walls, there came over me awave of emotion that taught me, as Ihad never known before, how much affec­tion Alma Mater had gathered for itself.For these, and for all alumni of this Uni­versity, I profoundly wish a similar experi­ence, when they see these spreading build­ings and stately towers of "Old Chicago."THE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe Eighty-ninth Convocation.-" Col­lege Days" was the subject of the Con­vocation address given at the Universityon December 20 by President AbramW. Harris, of Northwestern University.Dr. Harris has been prominently identi­fied with the civic life of Chicago andwas formerly .president of the Universityof Maine. The address appears elsewherein this number of the Magazine.At this Convocation one hundred andfifty-two candidates received degrees,titles, and certificates; forty-five receiv­ing the degree of Bachelor of Arts,Philosophy, or Science, and five thedegrees of Bachelor of Philosophy orScience in Education. Two were Bache­lors of Divinity, nine Masters of Arts orScience, and ten Doctors of Philosophy.At the Convocation reception in Hutch­inson Han on the evening of DecemberI9 President Harry Pratt Judson andMrs. Judson received with Dr. Harris,Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, president of theUniversity Board of Trustees, and Mrs.Ryerson. Miss Talbot also assisted inreceiving.The new Ryerson Physical Laboratory.­The dedication at the Winter Convoca­tion of the new addition to the RyersonPhysical Laboratory marks a greatincrease in the research facilities of theUniversity in the field of physics. Thenew addition is connected with theoriginal building by corridors and con­sists of a basement and three floors. Itcontains the liquid air and refrigeratingplants, the dynamos and motors, themachine and instrument shops, and theswitchboard for distributing electriccurrents of all kinds to all parts of bothbuildings. It has besides two large stu­dent laboratories, a lecture-room, andfour research rooms. The old RyersonLaboratory has been renewed by theinstallation of a modern electric light andpower system of unusual completeness,by the insertion of new steel-concretefloors in all the ground-floor rooms, andby the remodeling of the entire basementinto a series of special research rooms,of great value where freedom from vibra­tion and constancy of temperature are required. Specially dried rooms havealso been provided. The new RyersonPhysical Laboratory, which containsabout twice the space of the- old andnearly trebles the accommodations forresearch, is now one of the best arrangedand best equipped physical laboratories inthe world. The cost of this addition andreconstruction, about $200,000, was metby the President of the University Boardof Trustees, Mr. Martin A. Ryerson.The new addition was open for inspec­tion on the evening of December I9during the Con vocation reception andalso on the morning of Convocation Day,December 20, when brief addresses weremade by the President of the University,the director of the laboratory, and thedonor of the building.Reception to Mr. Noyes.-Twelve hun­dred women participated in the recep­tion on December I to Mr. La VerneNoyes, of Chicago, the donor of the newwomen's gymnasium to the University.At the reception the marshals met Mr.Noyes and President Judson at thePresident's House and escorted themthrough the different rooms in LexingtonHall, where groups representing women'sorganizations explained their purposes.In the gymnasium there was a parade ofwomen representing the women's campusorganizations, and songs written for theoccasion were sung by the Glee Club.President Judson and Mr � Noyes re­turned to the President's House betweentwo lines of women drawn up in honorof the guests;Plans are being considered for the newbuilding, which will include a gymnasiumand clubhouse for the women of theUniversity, and will probably stand onthe Midway in the block bounded onthe east by Kimbark Avenue and on thewest by Woodlawn Avenue. The build­ing will be known as the Ida Noyes Hall,in memory of the wife of the donor.The new "Annual Register."-TheAnnual Register has just been issued bythe University Press. The volume, ofover seven hundred pages, shows manychanges in matter and arrangement,78THE UNIVERSITY RECORDamong which are a revised. and .extendedhistorical sketch of the U niversity and anew order for the academic records ofthe members of the Faculties-an alpha­betical one according to rank, which addsgreatly to the convenience of the book forreference. The U ni versity has now inits Faculties one hundred men and womenof professorial rank, fifty-two AssociateProfessors, fifty Assistant Professors,seventy-one Instructors, ten Associates,and forty-eight Assistants-a total ofthree hundred and thirty-one. To theseshould be added thirty-three from theFaculties of other universities who gaveinstruction during the Summer Quarter"of 1913. In the University High Schooland the U ni versity Elementary Schoolthe teaching force numbers sixty. Thetotal number of persons giving instructionin the University the past year was fourhundred and twenty-five.The summaries at the close of theRegister show that 6,802 different stu­dents were registered during the yearending with July 1,1913; that there were1,883 students in the Graduate Schools,and that the total number of graduatesfrom the University up to July I, 1913,was 7,55I.Holiday meetings of associations ofscholars.-The University was repre­sented interestingly at all the meetingsof the various associations for the ad­vancement of scholarship held duringthe recent holidays, and many of the ,\_offices of these associations were con­ferred upon members of the Universityfaculty. Professor James Hayden Tufts,who was president of the WesternPhilosophical Association in 1906, waselected president for 1914 of the AmericanPhilosophical Association. Professor A.C. McLaughlin, who has been firstvice-president of the American HistoricalAssociation, was elected president for1914; the association will meet thisyear at Chicago. The American PoliticalScience Association will also meet thisyear at Chicago; Professor C. E. Merriamwas chosen as its first vice-president.Professor C. D. Buck was re-electedvice-president of the American Philologi­cal Association. Professor Gordon J.Laing was elected vice-president of theArchaeological Institute of America.Among those who presented paperswere:The American Philosophical Associa- 79tion (at Yale): Professor James HaydenTufts, "Social Factors in the Judgment. of Value."The American Historical Association,(at Charleston and Columbia, SouthCarolina) : Assistant Professor MarcusW. J ernegan, "Christianity and Slaveryin the American Colonies."The Ameri can Sociological Society(at Minneapolis): Professor A. W. Small,retiring president, "A Vision of SocialEfficiency.' ,The American Political Science Asso­ciation (at Washington): ProfessorErnst Freund, "Constitutional Aspectsof Hour Legislation for Men."The American Philological Association(at Harvard): Professor Gordon J.Laing, "Tertulllan and the Pagan Cults";Professor C. D. Buck, "The Semasiologyof Words of Speaking and Saying";Professor W. G. Hale, the report ofthe Joint Committee on GrammaticalNomenclature.The Archaeological Institute of Ameri­ca: Professor Laing, " The ReligiousInscriptions of the City of Rome." �The Modern Language Association (atHarvard) : Associate Professor A. H.Tolman, "Is Shakespeare Aristocratic?"Assistant Professor C. R. Baskervill,"Extant Elizabethan Jigs." At theCentral Division of the Modern LanguageAssociation (at Cincinnati): ProfessorT. A. Jenkins, chairman of the division,"Scholarship and Public Spirit," andother addresses were given by ProfessorsS. W. Cutting and W. A. Nitze.The American Physical Society (atChicago, in Ryerson Physical Laboratory,November 28-29):. Professor R. A.Millikan, "Quantum Theory and Photo­electric Effect"; Professor A. A. Michel­son, "Experimental Determination ofthe Earth's Rigidity." At this meetinga larger number of educational institu­tions were represented than at any meet­ing previous; twenty-nine papers in anwere presented, including the foregoingand others by Professor Carl Kinsley,Dr. H. B. Lemon, and Mr. John Y.Lee.At the American Association for theAdvancement of Science (at Atlanta,Georgia): Professor F. R. Moulton;Associate Professors H. C. Cowles andW. L. Tower; Assistant ProfessorsW. J. G. Land and William Crocker;and Dr. Victor E. Shelford representedthe University.80 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECourses on Rabelais and Moliere bythe Exchange Professor from France.­Professor Abel Lefranc, of the College deFrance and Director in the Ecole pratiquedes hautes etudes (Sorbonne), who isspending three months at the Universityof Chicago as the new Exchange Professorfrom France, is giving two courses atthe University during the Winter Quarter,the first course, "Explication de Rabe­lais," on Tuesdays and Wednesdays inCobb Lecture Hall being for graduatestudents only. The second course,"Moliere et les grandes questions de sontemps," which is given on Mondays inthe Harper Memorial Library, is open tothe public. .Assyrian and Babylonian Letters.­The twelfth and thirteenth parts ofAssyrian and Babylonian Letters, editedby Professor Robert Francis Harper, ofthe Department of the Semitic Languagesand Literatures, have just been issuedby the University of Chicago Press, andrepresent Professor Harper's recent workin the Department of Egyptian andAssyrian Antiquities of the BritishMuseum. The twelfth volume containsthe texts of one hundred tablets and fourplates, while the thirteenth volume in­cludes the texts of ninety-seven tabletsand four plates. The difficulties ofreproducing the inscriptions are muchincreased by the fact that many of thetablets are broken and that there are asmany handwritings on the tablets asthere were scribes. Professor Harperannounces that he hopes to complete thepublication of all the texts in the nextthree volumes. In Part XVII it isplanned to give the results of a finalcollation of all the texts, and to suggestmany restorations which have not beenincluded in the texts themselves. Afterthe completion of the textual work, theauthor plans to. continue with trans­literations, translations, and philologicalnotes. When completed this will be amost valuable sourcebook for the historyof the Sargon period.The University Orchestral Association.­The Orchestral Association announces aseries of four concerts for the WinterQuarter at the University. The firstwas a highly successful song recital onJanuary I3 by Mme. Julia Culp; thesecond and third will be symphony con­certs on January 27 and February 24 by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra underthe direction of Frederick Stock, and thefourth a song recital on March IO byLeo Slezak. On the Monday precedingeach orchestral concert Mr. Robert W.Stevens, the University organist, willgive a lecture-recital in Leon MandelAssembly Hall on the program of thefollowing day, to which all patrons ofthe concerts are invited.The Association of Alumni Secre­taries.----'-The Association of Alumni Secre­taries, a national organization, held itssecond annual convention on November2 I and 22 in Chicago. Three of thesessions were held at the Reynolds Club,and two at the University Club downtown. Forty-five men representing asmany colleges and universities werepresent. Mr. Frank W. Dignan, secretaryof the Alumni Council of the Universityof Chicago, had charge of the arrange­ments for the meetings on the campus.At the convention the papers and dis­cussions covered nearly every topic ofinterest to alumni secretaries, includingthe organization of alumni societies,the relation of alumni to the parentinstitution, the possibilities 'of benefitto either party concerned, alumni pub­lications, and the collection of alumnidues. The next meeting will be held inthe faU of I9I4 in New York City. Thefollowing officers were elected: President,Mr. E. B. Johnson, of the University ofMinnesota; first vice-president, 'Mr._ H.S. Warwick, of Ohio State University;second vice-president, Mr. E. R. Embree,of Yale University; secretary, Mr. W. B.Shaw, of the University of Michigan;treasurer, Mr. A. T. Prescott, ofLouisiana State University.The new Reynolds Club library.-Thecontributions to the fund for a clublibrary at the Reynolds Club have alreadyamounted to over five hundred dollars,and it is now confidently expected that athousand new books will be on the libraryshelves by the end of the Winter Quarter.Students and members of the Facultieshave shown great interest in the proposedlibrary, which will for the present bedevoted largely to the best modernfiction, drama, and essays, and recentbiography, travel, and sports. Thepresent membership of - the ReynoldsClub is over eight hundred-the largestin its history.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 8IA successful student orchestra.-A suc­cessful experiment in the giving of .orch�s­tral music by students at the Universitywas carried out on December 9, whenan orchestra composed of forty studentspresented a program from Schubert,Strauss, and Mendelssohn b�fore anaudience of three hundred In LeonMa11del Assembly Hall. The concertby the University Orchestra was givenunder the direction of J. Beach Cragun,a student in the Graduate Schools, whois also assistant director of the UniversityBand. Among the instruments in theorchestra are seventeen violins, as wellas three trombones, a bassoon, an oboe,tympani, and drums.Chicago men in Rhodes Scholarshipexaminations.- Announcement was re­cently made from Oxford that two stu­dents in the Senior Colleges of the Uni­versity of Chicago, Maurice E. Ottosenand H. Kurzin, passed the. RhodesScholarship examinations in mathematicsand Latin, which were held in Chicago,This successful examination made thesestudents eligible to appointment asRhodes Scholars, to begin work at theUniversity of Oxford in October, 1914.Ten students in Illinois were eligible forappointment, from whom was chosen inDecember Mr. Cyrus S. Gentry, a grad­uate of McKendree College, Illinois.The Student Volunteer Convention.­One hundred students from the Uni­versity of Chicago attended the sessionsof the Student Volunteer Conventionheld in Kansas City from December 31to January 4. They went by specialtrain from Chicago on December 30•Four thousand five hundred studentsfrom institutions of higher learning inthe United States were present at theconvention, which was the largest gather­ing of missionary students ever held.The purpose of the convention was toconsider the attitude of Christian workerstoward non-Christian countries. Pro­fessor Charles Richmond Henderson,head of the Department of PracticalSociology,. addressed the convention onthe subject of "The Social Task of theMissionary," and Dean Shailer Mathews,of the Divinity School, was also a speaker.Recent accessions to the Universitylibraries.-Accessions to the libraries ofthe University during the Spring, Sum- mer, and Autumn quarters of the yearjust closed were over 18,000 volumes.Of these, 10,419 were added by purchase,2,482 by exchange, and 5,347 by gift.Among the last-mentioned were forty­three volumes of the Publications of theCarnegie Institution of Washington,from Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson and Mr.Martin A. Ryerson; sixteen volumes� from the University of St. Petersburg,and five volumes from the Minister ofPublic Instruction in France.Professor Robert Morss Lovett, ofthe Department of English, has justhad produced a new play under the titleof Cowards. It was brought out by theChicago Theater Society in the Fine ArtsTheater on January 13. Professor Lovettis the author with William Vaughn Moodyof A History of English Literature and AFirst View of English Literature, and haswritten two novels. He has been con­nected for twenty years with the Englishdepartment of the University."Some Aspects of Actual EconomicConditions in Germany" was the subject'of a University public lecture on January7,. in the Harper Memorial Library, byProfessor Karl Rathgen, exchange pro­fessor in Columbia University, fromHamburg, Germany."America's Part in Making theChinese Republic" and "Child Life inChina" were the subjects of addressesbefore the Divinity School on January7 and 8, by Dr. Isaac T. Headland, ofPekin, China.The honorary scientific Society ofSigma Xi, of the University of Chi­cago, had as its speaker on the eveningof December I, at the Quadrangle Club,Professor Jacques Loeb, of the RockefellerInstitute for Medical Research. Profes­sor Loeb was formerly connected withthe Department of Physiology in theUniversity of Chicago.On December 29 and 30 the CollegeArt Association of America held itsannual meeting in the Harper MemorialLibrary. The organization of collegeart teachers, now in its third year,represents through its membership overfifty of the leading colleges and universi­ties of the United States.Dr. Katherine Bement Davis, whoreceived her Doctor's degree from theUniversity of Chicago in 1900 for workin the Department of Political Economy,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHIC�GO MAGAZINEhas been appointed by Mayor Mitchelof New York City to be the correctioncommissioner at a salary of $7,500. Inmaking the appointment the Mayor said:"Dr. Davis has been requested to comeinto the administration not because sheis a woman but because she has the train­ing, the experience, and point of viewthat I desire for the commissioner ofcorrection." This is thought to be themost responsible position ever given to awoman in administrative work in thiscountry outside of the field of education.Recent contributions by members ofthe Faculties to the journals publishedby the University of Chicago Pressincl ude the following:Bobbitt, Assistant Professor John F.(with A. C. Boyce and M. L. Perkins):"Literature in the Elementary Cur- riculum," Elementary School Teacher,December, 1913.Chamberlin, Professor Thomas C. :"Diastrophism and the FormativeProcess, IV, Rejuvenation of theContinents," Journal of Geology,November-December, 1913.Freeman, Assistant Professor Frank N.:" Some Practical Studies of Hand ...writing," Elementary School Teacher,December, 1913.Mathews, Professor Shailer: "TheStruggle between the Natural andthe Spiritual Order as Described inthe Gospel of John," IV, BiblicalWorld, December, 1913.Small, Professor Albion W.: "A Visionof Social Efficiency," American Journalof Sociology, January, I9I4.Williston, Professor Samuel W.: "TheSkulls of Araeoscelis and Casea, Per­mian Reptiles," Journal of Geology,November-December, 19I3.ALUMNISioux City Alumni Club.-The Univer­sity of Chicago Club of Sioux City, Iowa,held its annual banquet Saturday, No­vember 22, I9I3, at the West Hotel.Covers were laid for twenty-five. Theprogram of toasts was:"Old SouthD," Rev. E. C. Wolcott."First Impressions," D. W. Stewart;Miss Kate Hubbard."Coach Stagg and Athletics," H. W.Brackney."The Summer School," Miss AliceBlake.The president, A. C. McGill, acted astoastmaster.Officers for the year I9I3-I4 wereelected: President, Delos C. Shull; Vice­President, Miss Jessie Weston; Secretaryand Treasurer, Miss Caroline Nivlirig.The gathering closed by all joining in"Alma Mater."Those present were: Misses FanniePalmer, Jessie Weston, Isabella Sloan,Rose Solberg, Ella Guiney, Fannie Foster,Alice Blake, Myrtle Whitmore, KateHubbard, Mabel Murray, Caroline Niv­ling, Jessie Craig, Mrs. Clara Merrill,Mrs. Alice Philio, Messrs. H. W .. Brack­ney, A. C. McGill, Delos C. Shull, D. W.Stewart, W. E. Beck, E. C. Wolcott.Guests: Misses Alice Sloan, F. Jones,A. Lewis, A. Hallum, Mrs. W. E. Beck.W. E. BECKIndianapolis Alumni Club.-Successfulefforts are being made to knit togethermore firmly the organization of this so­ciety. Twenty-two were present at arecent dinner at the Claypool Hotel atwhich the following officers were elected:President, Mrs. Marion Milne Hall, '07,3840 N. Delaware. St.; Vice-President,Margaret Donnan, '02; Secretary-Treas­urer, Grace L. Clapp, 'II (Ph.D.).GRACE L. CLAPPEastern Alumni Association.-The an­nual dinner of the association will be heldon January 23, at the Park Hotel.Among the speakers will be PresidentHarry Pratt J uds?n.News from the classes.-[Will the alumni heed a cry for help?Our lack of class organization means a AFFAIRSlack of alumni news. That is inevitable.The three recent classes, 'II, '12, and 'I3,get out each, at least once a year, excel­lent little newspapers full of informationabout their own members; but to reprintthese items in the Magazine seems ratherfutile, as copies are sent to every memberof the classes involved. For other in­formation there are two sources: thenewspapers, which are carefully read, andMiss Helen Sunny, '08, who for monthshas never failed to send news of interest.The editor of the Magazine tried thescheme of asking well-known members offormer classes to act as secretaries, or atleast as channels of information. "Andall with one accord began to make ex­cuse"-except John F. Voight, '96, whoat the cost of some time and some moneyreally did collect an extraordinary budgetof news. What shall be tried next?Something fairly radical is stirring in theeditorial brain; but meanwhile we areopen to (that phrase expresses it feebly)suggestions.]r897Among the leaders of the Intercollegi­ate Socialist Society convention, held inNew York on December 29-3I, wereWilliam English Walling, and Robert W.Bruere, formerly a teacher of Englishat the University.19°0A. J. Gladstone Dowie has been or­dained an Episcopal clergyman as min­ister of St. Luke's Church, Evanston,Illinois.I902Elmer C. Griffith (Ph.D.) had an articleon "Public Discussion a Civic Duty" inthe October number of Civic Progress.1905F. B. ("Duke") Hutchinson is nowgeneral sales manager of the Kelly­Springfield Motor Truck Company, ofSpringfield, Ohio. He had been adver­tising manager of the company for sometime previous.I907Mabel W. Porter is general secretary ofthe associated charities of Omaha andSouth Omaha, Nebraska.83.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGp MAGAZINEI909Maurice Pincoffs has been appointedassistant resident physician of the JohnsHopkins (Baltimore) Hospital.Robert W . Savidge has left the labora­tories of Swift & Co., in Omaha, and hasbeen made chemist in the city of Chicagola bora tories.Lola May Buckingham has gone intovaudeville work. She sang at the"Majestic" in Chicago during theautumn.Emily Frake is taking the one-yearcourse at the Chicago Normal School.I9IIHargrave F. Long writes, dating De­cember II: This morning's Boston Posthad three articles of interest to Chicagostudents. Two of them deal with theproposed Harvard-Chicago game. Cap­tain Storer's comments are particularlyinteresting, as they reflect the sportsman­like attitude characteristic of Harvardathletics this year. Personally I ammighty sorry that such a game should nothave been arranged, but" students sup­pose and faculty dispose." The thirdclipping tells of the presentation of a playwritten by a former Chicago undergradu­ate, Emmett Lewis Beach, Jr., ex-'I3, bythe Harvard Dramatic Club. "Rex," ashe was known at Chicago, was a Black­friar and had a prominent part in the 1910show. "Rex" specialized in dramatic artwhile in Harvard, graduated in 1913, andis back for P. G. work this year. I haveseen him a couple of times during the fall.He is living in the same dormitory withVallee Appel, Chicago, 'II.Another 'I I reunion of Chicago alumniwas held here at the time of the Yale­Harvard game, Vallee Appel, Cal. Smith,and myself participating. The particularcause for celebration was the winning ofthe football championship by Chicago,over which every Chicago alumnus in theEast has had ample reason to rejoice.Very truly yours,HARGRAVE F. LONG, 'IIThe Harvard Dramatic Club gave itsfirst performance of the winter season inBrattle Hall, Cambridge, December I I,1913, at 8 o'clock, when Let's Get Married,a three-act farce by Emmett L. Beach, aHarvard student from Saginaw, Michi­gan, was presented. 1912Marion Crosby is teaching in the Uni­versity School for Girls, I106 Lake ShoreDrive, Chicago.Eleanor Dement is teaching in LakeErie College, Painesville, Ohio.William F. Clark (A.M.) is now direc­tor of the model school of the NorthDakota State Normal, at Minot.1913Elsie M. Willsey is head of the depart­ment of Household Arts and Sciences inthe schools of Cerecibo, Porto Rico. Shewould welcome news from her classmatesat the University.Marjorie Oliver (A.M.) has taken aposition as assistant manager of theHome Delicacies Association of Chicago.(Mrs.) Mayme I. Logsdon is dean ofwomen and professor of mathematics inHastings College, Hastings, Nebraska.George H. Caldwell has resigned fromthe U niversity of North Dakota to takeup the practice of medicine in Twin Falls,Idaho.Anna Rosen, Ina Perrego, MadelineMacGrath, Marie Crane, Kathryn Nathand Miriam Dunbar are all taking th�one-year course at the Chicago NormalSchool.Laura Weber and Louise David areteaching domestic science in the Chicagopublic schools. .Elfrida Nerica, who is teaching Germanin the Dubuque high schools, has beenappointed to take charge of the Englishwork for foreigners in the city nightschool.Engagements--«Announcement has been made of theengagement of Mary Sturges, '14, to RexWyant, of New York, assistant editor ofthe Bookman.The engagement has been announcedof Kathryn Nath, '13, to Isador Green­blat .. The marriage will take place thismonth.Elizabeth Fogg, '10, is engaged tomarry Louis Upton, of St. Joseph, Michi­gan. Miss Fogg was a member of Mor­tar Board, of the Dramatic Club.Laura Wilder, 'II, is engaged to marryLawrence Simpson, of Lexington, Ken­tucky.Anouncemen t. has been made 0 f theengagement of Ruth Abigail Allen, 'I2,of Seattle, and John Gray, of Lexington,Kentucky.ALUMNI AFFAIRSHarriet Sager, '12, is engaged to marryGeorge C. Coleman, of Buffalo, N.Y.Marriages.-Donald Admiral, 'I2, and Alice Gor­mans 'ro, on September 20, 1913.Ja�es D. Lightbody and Mabel WilsonPayne, on November 8, at Rock Isl�nd,Illinois. They have been at home sinceJanuary I at 6156 Vincennes Avenue:Edwin D. Solenberger, '00, and EdithReeves were married on August 20, 1913,at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.and Mrs. Emerson Giles Reeves, at Ver­milion, South Dakota. Miss Reeves wasgraduated from Radcliffe College in 19°7,and has since then been engaged in socialand literary work in Boston and NewYork. Mr. Solenberger was previouslymarried to Miss Alice W-illard, daughterof the late Dr. Samuel Willard, of Chi­cago: She died in 1910, leaving twochildren, Gertrude, nine years of age, andWillard, who is seven. Mr. Solenbergeris general secretary of the Children's AidSociety of Pennsylvania, with head­quarters in Philadelphia.William E. Timblin, 'II, and FrancesRay Goldsworthy, '13, on November 22,at Windsor Park. Dr. Timblin was atrack athlete of prominence, winning thequarter and half. He was graduatedfrom Rush last June, and is an interne atthe Presbyterian Hospital.William F. Hewitt, '08, to Ada AliceMonroe, daughter of Mrs. Jay W. Mon­roe, at Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Aug­ust 13. Miss Monroe is of the Universityof Minnesota, '10, and a graduate of thePresbyterian Hospital Training School.Dr. Hewitt is a member of Beta ThetaPi, graduate of Rush Medical College,and on the house-staff of the PresbyterianHospital.Violet Elizabeth Higley, '08, to Dr.Ernest Marshall Johnstone, on Septem­ber 17, at Waukegan, Illinois.G. A. Kramer, 'I2 (law), to Ulta F.Shuey, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. H.Shuey, of Decatur, Illinois, on October 21.Mr. Kramer is practicing law in Decatur. Deaths.-Dr. Harry S. Spencer, '06, wasdrowned at Kankakee, Illinois, July 17,1913. He was graduated from the Mor­gan Park Academy in June, 1902; re­ceived the degree of Bachelor of Scienceat the University of Chicago in 1906; andwas graduated from Rush Medical Col­lege in 1908. He was a member of theSigma Chi fraternity. He became aninterne at St. Luke's Hospital. After ayear there, he became associated in prac ...tice in Kankakee with his father, Dr.O. B. Spencer. He was a very successfulphysician and surgeon. His tragic deathhas been mourned deeply by his parentsand friends.C. W. Eede, Bachelor of Divinity, '86,died at Ballston Spa, New York, on May5, 1913, after only five days' illness. Hewas sixty-six years old at the time of hisdeath.D. B. Butler, '68, died at Frankfort,Michigan, on September I6.Clark E. Ridpath, '93, died at Green­field, Indiana, on September 2, after aweary and discouraging illness of years.He was graduated A.B. from De Pauw inI89I, received the A.M. and LL.B. thefollowing year, and coming to Chicago,received the A.B. here in 1893. He wasthe only son of the well-known historian,John Clark Ridpath. His mother sur­vives him.W. H. Lamborn, '12, died at his homein Highland Park, Illinois, on June 17,1913.Edith (Abbott) Randall, '04, died inIndianapolis on October 25, after anoperation. She was the wife of Dr.James G. Randall, of Roanoke College,Salem, Virginia.Beatrice (Schaffner) Friedmann, wifeof Dr. Joseph C. Friedmann, I026 E.Forty-ninth St., died October 25 at theMichael Reese Hospital in Chicago. Adaughter had been born to her six weekspreviously, but she was thought to haverecovered her strength. She was herselfa daughter of Charles Schaffner, presidentof the Manhattan Brewing Company.THE LAW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONThe following changes in the constitu­tion and by-laws were adopted at the an­nual meeting in June, 1913:ARTICLE VIMEMBERSHIPAny person, no longer a student in theUniversity of Chicago Law School, who shall have been in residence at the Uni­versity of Chicago Law School for threequarters and any person who has beenor may hereafter become a regular officerof instruction or administration in theLaw School, shall be eligible to member­ship.86 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'each year. Any member failing to payhis dues shall be promptly notified by thesecretary, and if such member shall nothave paid the same on or before the An­nual Meeting, his membership shall cease.To be amended as follows:The fiscal year of the Association shallbegin July I. The annual dues of eachmember shall be One Dollar ($1.00) pay­able July I of each year in advance. Anymember failing to pay his dues shall bepromptly notified by the Secretary-BY-LAW 2 Treasurer, and if such member shall notThe annual dues of each member shall pay the same within thirty days afterbe fifty cents ($0.50) payable May I of such notice his membership shall cease.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONTo be amended as follows:Any person who has received a degreefrom the University of Chicago LawSchool, and any person, no longer astudent in the Law School, who shallhave obtained ten majors of law credit inresidence from the Law School, and anyperson who has been or may hereafter be­come a regular officer of instruction or ad­ministration in the Law School, shall beeligible to membership.Changes of Address.-Dr. Franklin Swift has left the pastor­ate of the Linden Avenue Baptist Church,Dayton, Ohio, to take up evangelisticwork.George E. Lockhart, First BaptistChurch, Beloit, Wisconsin.Henry Clay Miller, Marion Avenue Bap­tist Church, Aurora, Illinois, after severalyears spent at Highland Pa�k, Illinois ..Everett J. Parsons, FIrst BaptistChurch, Joliet, Illinois.Donald T. Grey, of the recently gradu­ated class of the Divinity School of theUniversity of Chicago, has accepted thecall of the church at Breckenridge, Min­nesota. A host of friends are interestedin this first pastorate of a young man wellprepared for his life work.Asher K. Mather, '13, is leaving thisJanuary to take up college work for theboys of. Tura, Assam.Roy W. Merrifield, from St. Cloud, Min­nesota, to Jeffersonville, Indiana, to actas chaplain in the Indiana Reformatory.Rev. John H. McLean, of Boston, tothe First Baptist Church, Port Huron,Michigan.Mr. Richard R. Perkins, from the sec­retaryship of the Portland, Oregon,Y.M.C.A., to the assistant-secretaryshipand religious work directorate of theY.M.C.A. at San Francisco.Rev. J. W. Johnson, from Spokane,Washington, to the chair of systematictheology in the Pacific Coast Seminary atBerkeley, California, succeeding Profes­sor Henry B. Robins, another Chicagoalumnus, who goes to Rochester Theo­logical Seminary.A number of the recent students of theDivinity School have received teachingappointments. Rev. D. E. Thomas has been appointed to .. the chair of Old Testa­ment language and literature in theMethodist College, Edmonton, .Alberta,Canada. He will also fill the chair ofsemitics in the provincial university in thesame city.Rev. LeRoy Waterman, Ph.D., hasbeen appointed to the chair of Old Testa­ment and history of religion in MeadvilleTheo] ogical Seminary. He fills the plac�recently vacated by Dr. Henry PreservedSmith.Dr. N. J. Ware, who has just taken hisdoctorate in sociology and church history,becomes head of Toronto UniversitySocial Settlement, Toronto, Canada.Rev. D. R. Sharp after serving as assist­ant pastor in the First Church, in Ed­monton, Alberta, has been called to theprincipalship of the newly establishedBaptist College, Calgary, Alberta.A. A. Holtz becomes assistant generalsecretary of the Religious EducationAssociation, Chicago.Rev. A. J. Saunders is under appoint­ment to teach in the American College,Modura, India.Rev. O. E. Baker, who received hisA.M. degree at the June Convocation,has been appointed to teach philosophyin Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, Illinois.Rev. R. M. Morphett has accepted thepastorate of the Marengo Church, andbegan his duties there July 6.Rev. H. H. Severn, fellow in the NewTestament Department, has accepted aprofessorship in biblical literature inHillsdale College, Michigan.Dr. Ernest W. Parsons, a graduate ofMcMaster University, '99, Theology, '01,ana. a Ph.D. of the University of Chicago,'12, has recently accepted an appointmentto the chair of New Testament interpre-UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRStation at the Pacific Coast TheologicalSeminary, Berkeley, California.Rev. John M. Linden, recently re­signed from First Church, Pueblo, Colo­rado, and formerly assistant to Evangel­ist W. A. Sunday, has received theappointment of state evangelist forPennsylvania. He may be reached at707 W. Johnson St., Madison, Wisconsin,or at I70I Chestnut St., Philadelphia,P ennsyl vania.There was a most enthusiastic meetingof University of Chicago men during thelast Baptist Convention, which was heldat Detroit. Something like one hundredand fifty persons, most of them graduatesof the Divinity School, took dinner to­gether. Rev. J. C. Hazen, of Wisconsin,presided. Addresses characterized bywit and good sense, by loyalty to theschool, affection for teachers, and grati­tude for training and discipline received,were made by C. D. Case, E. A. Hanley,O. J. Price, J. McGee, not to speak ofothers. Doctor Burton and DeanMathews were greeted with "yells" andother exuberant expressions of admira­tion when they spoke of the DivinitySchool, its achievements and ideals.Other similar and equally enthusiasticgatherings have been held at the autumnstate conventions in the Middle West,notably in Ohio and Wisconsin. On allhands "Chicago spirit" is decidedly inevidence.Eight thousand dollars has alreadybeen subscribed toward the Tokyo Taber­nacle Fund.' Aggressi ve plans are beinglaid for the early completion of the fund,as Mr. Axling and his co-workers aregreatly handicapped for lack of head­quarters. Everybody boost! This isone of the biggest ventures in the Orient.The Baptist Congress held its sessionsNovember II-I3 in the Fountain StreetBaptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michi­gan. A. W. Wishart is the wide-awakepastor of this thriving church.Danish and Norwegian alumni will be interested in the following news item:"Both the Danes and the Norwegians re­port considerable progress in their effortsto secure funds for the establishment oftheir respective divinity schools. Theformer have already raised over $r8,000of a $30,000 fund and the latter over$28,000 of a $60,000 fund. The DanishTheological School has been opened in con­nection with Des Moines College. TheNorwegian Divinity House will be in con­nection with the University of Chicago."How a " Chicago" alumnus directs thework of a large church in practical ways:"Rev. E. LeRoy Dakin of MemorialChurch extended the hand of fellowshipto fourteen new members on October I9.The week preceding was observed associal service week. The general subjectunder discussion was 'Vital Problems ofCivic Welfare.' The speakers were:Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House; Mr.Eugene T. Lies, superintendent UnitedCharities; Dr. Herbert L. Willett, Uni­versity of Chicago; Alderman Charles E.Merriam; Professor Charles R. Henderson, University of Chicago. The choir of- the church furnished special music eachevening. Doctor Willett, who has justreturned from a round-the-world tour, isgiving a series of lectures in the church,under the auspices of the junior brother­hood. The church is promoting a seriesof six concerts of a high order as a com­munity service. The newly inaugurateddaily kindergarten is proving a markedsuccess. The Fireside Guild for youngwomen, with classes in sewing, fancy­work, basket weaving, art, millinery,grammar, story telling, civics, and music,has opened with splendid promise."Professor Allan Hoben, of the Univer­sity of Chicago, was one of the speakersat the State Conference of Charities andCorrections held at La Crosse, Wiscon­sin, on November 5, the subject of hisaddress being "J uvenile Protection inCities."UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRSFRED MERRIFIELD , SecretaryThe outlook in athletics . -When thisnumber of the Magazine appears, thebasket-ball season will be in full swing.The outlook for Chicago is excellent.Last year the five ran second to Wiscon­sin, closing its season with a victoryover the champions-the first game Wis­consin had lost in two years. Of Chi- cago's players of last year, only Paineand Vruwink have been lost. There re­main Norgren, Des J ardien, Baumgard­ner, Stevenson, and Molander, who hasbeen elected captain in Vruwink's place.From the Freshman five, Shull, Stege­man, and George have been added;Gorgas, who was sick last season, is in88 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgood form; and Goettler, ineligible lastspring, is playing brilliantly. Here areten men, all or nearly all quite first rate;any combination of them would be hardto beat. Six of them are 'varsity foot­ball men, all of the six except Stegemanhaving played regularly through theseason. The chances are that DesJardien will play center, Norgren andStegeman forwards, and Molander andGoettler guards. As this arrangementwould crowd off the five, Baumgardnerand Stevenson, who played regularly lastyear, it can be seen what material isat Coach Page's command. The fiveplayed many practice games beforeChristmas, and in the holidays took atrip through Ohio and Michigan, winningthree games, and losing three by closescores, though �very game saw a differentlineup. On January 8 an alumni teamwas defeated by 27-I2, though the alumniincluded Page, Sauer, Falls, Hoffman,Vruwink, Kelly, Harris, and Goldberg,all stars. The conference schedule is asfollows:Jan. 14 -N orthwestern at EvanstonJan. I8-IowaJan. ac+-Illinois at UrbanaJan. 24-WisconsinJan. 30-PurdueFeb. 6-0hio StateFeb. I6-Iowa at Iowa CityFeb. zo-e-Purdue at LafayetteFeb. 2I-Ohio State at ColumbusFeb. 24-NorthwesternFeb. 27-IllinoisMar. 6-Wisconsin at MadisonThe chances for a good track team,indoors and out, are also good-muchbetter than last year. The loss ofCaptain Kuh and Parker, the sprinter,is a heavy one; but there are men totake, their places. Barancik has arecord of IO seconds in the roo-yds.;Ward, Boyd, and Knight are onlya shade slower. All four run the 220-yds. also; - Barancik is probably thebest. In the quarter Boyd is at hisbest; he will probably equal or better50 seconds outdoors. Ward did 16 flatlast year in the high hurdles, and isstronger now than a year ago. PaulRussell, the quarterback, will also runthe hurdles. Stegeman has beaten twominutes in the half. In the mile, besidesCampbell, who had a bad leg, all lastseason, there is Stout, who has run under4:40 indoors, and Goodwin, who isquite as promising as Stout, thoughhe has not yet shown his powers fully. He will probably be kept for the two-mile.In the field events Thomas in the vaultcan do 12 feet; Russell and Boyd in thebroad jump should better 22 feet; .andNorgren is good for about 4I feet in theshot. S. S. Windrow, a Sophomore, issaid to be good for I20 feet in the discus,and five men, including Gorgas, Cox,Goettler, Polakov, and Des J ardien, canjump 5 ft. 8 in., or better. Our teamlooks better than for the two previousseasons, and especially in dual meetsshould do well. The schedule follows:Jan. 3I-Northwestern ,Feb. I4-Purdue at LafayetteFeb. 28-'-IllinoisMar. n-N orthwestern at EvanstonMar. 2 r-e-Indoor Conference at EvanstonOf baseball it is too early to say much.From last year's champions were lostby graduation only Captain Catron,Scofield, and Carpenter. Catron was agood hitter and fast on the bases, buta poor fielder; Scofield was a trifle lesseffective all round; Carpenter was in onlytwo games. There remain Captain­elect Mann, catcher, and Baumgardner,pitcher; Norgren, first base; DesJardien,third base; and Gray, Stains, Harger,and Bohnen, outfielders. To this groupare added Libonati, ineligible last year,and McConnell, George, Stegeman, Shull,and Willard of the Freshman team; be­sides Leonard, who was a substitute lastspring; and Stephenson, who pitchedSigma Chi to their fraternity champion­ship. If McConnell is eligible he willundoubtedly play short-stop; he is quitefirst rate, far better than Catron was.Baumgardner will be the mainstay in thebox; he was good enough last year towin the championship practically unaidedand will probably be better still the com­ing season. Stephenson and Shull willhelp out in the box; probably Des J ardienwill be tried also. Of course Mann willcatch, with Stegeman as assistant, andNorgren will play first base. The restof the line-up will cost Coach Page manya sleepless night.The swimming and gymnastic teamsare better than last year. Pa vlicek, aSophomore, should beat one minute inthe roo-yd. swim. If he does, he willreverse aU previous Chicago form. Theschedule follows: ,Jan. 23-Chicago at Northwestern /Feb. I4-Northwestern at Chicago VFeb. 2I-Illinois at ChicagoMar. 7-Chicago at Wisconsin,Mar. 7-Conference meet at Northwestern