WALLACE WALTER ATWOOD, '97The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME V MARCH 1913 NUMBER 5EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThose who read the Magazine are aware that this autumn will bepublished a further edition of the Alumni Directory, containing the"" . names of all those who have received degrees from theLost Alumni ld Chi U·· d f h U· · fore ucago niversity, an rom t e niversity 0Chicago up to July I of this year. In preparation for this Directoryletters have been sent out to all alumnae and alumni whose addressesthe association has. Many of these addresses are incorrect; and in consequence man-y letters have been returned. The Magazine begins thepublication, in this issue, of the names of those whose correct address isnot in the possession of the secretary. Will the readers of the Magazinehelp out by sending in at once any information they may possess aboutanyone in the lists? The alumnae are in. one list and the alumni in theother. The married name of an alumna, when known, is added inparentheses after her own �ame. Please address all information toFrank W. Dignan, Secretary, the Alumni Office, University of Chicago.A letter from Dr. Henderson in this issue on the relation of the University to affairs in China seems to show that Chicago has contributed_ in a very definite fashion to the cause of progress in thatThe University .d Chl country. In the past the eastern colleges, particularlyan ma .Harvard, Yale, Amherst, and Dartmouth, have donemost in this country for the education of Chinese men of affairs. Is thisdistinction passing? The interest of Chinese students in this countryis to a considerable extent in technical education, engineering, forestry,and the like; and upon this field the University of Chicago d�es not enter.But that interest is largely also in pure science, economics, and sociology;and in these the University is particularly strong. The.group of Chinese139THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhere is always of some size and likewise of high quality. That we mayhave among our alumni in the future some forward-minded Li HungChang is not only possible but probable. One may with interest callattention to the increasing influence in public business of Dr. PanH. Lo, 'II.On February 28 and March I, the Dramatic Club gave in LeonMandel Assembly Hall performances of Rudolph Besier's Don, whichmarked certainly the highest attainment in the club's��matic Club career. Actors and actresses of promise and performancehave not been few in the past; one remembers MiltonSills, '03, now playing the lead in The Governor's Lady, and Miss VidaSutton, '03, best known for her work with the New Theater Company.But as well thought-out and well acted a show as Don has never beforebeen given by undergraduates here. The Blackfriars are a vigorous andvaluable company, but the real encouragement of the University shouldgo, it would seem, not to musical comedy, but to the furtherance ofsincere dramatic effort. Partly on account of that old handicap, thenear neighborhood of the downtown theaters, and partly from lack oftradition, the play this spring was not as largely attended as it shouldhave been. Another performance will, it is hoped, be staged in April,and if so the Chicago alumni may attend without fear that they needmake allowances for the youth of the actors.Two matters of interest to the fraternities are now up for discussion.The first concerns a possible refusal to admit to their membership anymen who have been members of fraternities in high schools.Concerning the. . .F terniti Action to this effect has already been taken by PhI Deltara erm esTheta, and Beta Theta Pi will take similar action this year.Not one college man in ten believes that membership even in a recognized high-school fraternity is productive of anything but harm-harmto the boy as an individual and harm to him in his relations with hiscollege fraternity. Inasmuch as membership at present in a fraternityin any of the Chicago high schools means deceit and defiance of regulations, it seems still more desirable for the University _to draw the lineagainst it.The second point concerns the pledging of any men whatever untilthey have actually been in attendance at the llniversity. At presentno rule exists in this matter. Two fraternities have for some yearspreserved a joint agreement to pledge no one until the end of his thirdweek of residence. The other fifteen pledge when they please, andmen in their second year in high school are in some instances alreadyEVENTS AND DISCUSSION 141pledged. The trend of opinion in the colleges is strongly against thispractice. The University of Wisconsin has this year adopted a regulation which forbids pledging until the end of the first semester. At thattime every fraternity which wishes to pledge a man sends him, in careof the director of fraternities, a letter containing the bid. The directortakes these letters (in some cases there may be four or five for onestudent) and reincloses them to the man concerned, who is then supposedto accept or decline within twenty-four hours. How the plan will workcannot yet be told, as it has only this winter gone into effect.Whether so radical an innovation would find favor here, witheither faculty or fraternities, is an unsettled question. But a plan whichforbade pledging at least until the various fraternities had an opportunityto view a man in residence would seem possible. The objection has beenoffered that fraternities might pledge in secret. But secret pledgingcannot be made to hold, and would moreover result in the discreditingof a fraternity that practiced it.A note to the Magazine calls attention to the Christian ScienceSociety, organized in the autumn of 19II, and similar to the societies in.. Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Smith, Minnesota, Illinois,The Christian K C liforni d M· hi .. . ThS· . S . t ansas, a 1 orma, an IC igan universities, ecience ocie y meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of eachmonth and one lecture -a year is given by a member of the ChristianScience Board of Lectureship of Boston, Mass. Both graduates andundergraduates are eligible as members of this society and the secretary, Miss Marcia Wilbur, 5757 Woodlawn Ave., will be glad to communicate with graduate students who would care to become members.Elsewhere in this issue is printed t4e introduction to Miss McDowell'sannual report of the University of Chicago Settlement. Miss Mc-Dowell's interest is perhaps chiefly in what the Settlement"Back of thecan do for the people who surround it. What it does forthe University man and woman is hardly of less importance. Year by year the number grows of those who take an activeinterest in furthering the Settlement's work. Boys from the Settlement classes become University undergraduates; many a Universitygraduate takes up his h�me at the Settlement, not with the idea of"doing good," but because, understanding the vigorous and eager ifuninformed people who live in that section, he enjoys living among them.The spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood is the true spirit of culture;and perhaps the Settlement is the truest" culture course" offered in theUniversity, though it be not a "snap."Yards"WALLACE WALTER ATWOODWallace Walter Atwood, B.S. '97, Ph.D. '03, has accepted theposition of professor of physiography at Harvard, to succeed ProfessorWilliam M. Davis, retired. Professor Atwood was instructor at LewisInstitute from 1891 to 1899; at Chicago Institute (with Col. Francis W.Parker) from 1899 to 1900, and Director In Geology in 1900; connectedwith the University of Chicago successively as assistant, associate,instructor, and assistant professor from 1900 to 1910; and associateprofessor since 1910. From 1901 to 1909 he was also assistant geologistwith the U.S. Geological Survey, and since 1909, geologist. Since 1908he has been secretary of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, and since 191 Iin charge of the Museum of the Academy.As an undergraduate Atwood was a member of the dramatic club, onthe staff of the University of Chicago Weekly, and business manager of the1896 Cap and Gown. He is a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Hisfirst interest after leaving college was, under the influence of Dr. JohnDewey and Col. Parker, in the pedagogy of geology and physiography,and he has written various articles on this subject. But .his principalinterest has been in, and therefore his principal publications haveconnected themselves with, the general problems of geological research.As U.S. geologist he has for several years spent many months in Alaska,sometimes in the most distant and nearly inaccessible regions, exploring,mapping, and mineralogizing. The Geology and Mineral Resources of theAlaska Peninsula, and The Coal Resources in Parts 4 Alaska are thefruits of years of hard and interesting work. It is not too much to saythat Atwood is the highest authority on that question of tremendoussocial and political interest, Alaskan resources and their conservation.Other publications-"The Glaciation of the Wasatch and Uinta Mountains"; "The Geographic Study of the Mesa Verde"; "PhysiographicStudies in the San Juan Mountains"; "Evidence of Three GlacialEpochs in the San Nan Mountains of Colorado" (with K. F. Mather);and "The Physical Geography of the Devil's Lake Region, Wisconsin"(with Professor Salisbury)-show the extent and variety of his explorations. Atwood's" Summer Classes "-in Wisconsin, in Colorado, andelsewhere-have been equally the joy and the inspiration of the undergraduates lucky enough to get a place in them. As young as theyoungest, Atwood always led the party as well as directed it.I42WALLACE WALTER ATWOOD 143Of late years he has been particularly interested in the developmentof the Academy of Sciences. He has carried out plans for "museumextension," particularly to the public schools, arranged for loan collections, loan exhibitions, lantern-slide exhibitions, and free illustratedlectures, all directly connected with the nature-study work iIi theschools. The Museum itself, in Lincoln Park, has been developed underhis direction as a museum of local natural history. The material at thedoors of Chicago has been installed in habitat groups-exhibits of theinsects, the birds, the mammals, the flora, and the geology of the Chicagoregion. A special feature of the museum which is soon to be on view tothe public is a large sphere in which the observer may s�e the fixed stars,the sun, the moon, and the planets represented. The sphere is soconstructed that each of the heavenly bodies is placed with great accuracyin its appropriate position, and by electrical control the sphere, which isindependent of the observer's platform, may be rotated so that theapparerit motion of the stars is shown. It is also possible to set thesphere so that the stars appear just as they do in the latitude of Chicagoat any hour on a given night.' On this unique device Atwood hasreceived a basic patent. It is partly to complete work which he hasplanned for the Academy of Sciences that Atwood intends to remainin Chicago until February 1, 1914, not until which time does he take uphis work at Harvard.He leaves the University with the warmest good wishes of bothfaculty and students. Rigorous but kindly, accurate .but interesting, he has had crowded classes always, and the members of his owndepartment are his warmest personal friends; his oldest son is named forProfessor Salisbury. "It is with great regret," he said in an interview inthe Daily Maroon, "that I leave Chicago and the University. I have fullconfidence in the continuation of the remarkable growth which hascharacterized this University, and I have the most cordial feeling forall associated with Chicago. I shall look with pride and unusual interestupon all that is accomplished here. I look forward to an intimateprofessional fellowship with members of this University while I amworking at another institution."CHANGES IN THE PRESS BUILDINGWhen the building originally intended for housing the University ofChicago Press was completed in 1903, it was found necessary, throughlack of other suitable quarters, to devote a large portion of its space tothe General Library. The reading-room and offices were placed on thesecond floor, which they occupied almost entirely, and a considerableportion of the third floor was taken up with library stacks. At the sametime, a number of the business offices of the University-those of theAuditor, Registrar, and Business Manager-were placed in the building.This resulted in a crowded condition throughout the building, which wasfelt by all the occupants, and the completion of the new Harper MemorialLibrary was looked forward to by all as promising a needed relief. Nowthe library has moved into its new quarters, and all who remained behindhave shared in the division of the additional space.The visitor who enters the building at the present time will find manychanges in the arrangement of offices and departments. The Universitycashier's office in the northeast corner, first floor, has been extended backto take in the whole north wing, and the University employment bureauhas been placed in the same room. The Department of Buildings andGrounds, with the Business Manager's local representatives, has beenbrought from the building at Ellis and Fifty-seventh Street, and these arenow in the room formerly occupied by the Press offices; in close connection is the University telephone switchboard, formerly in Cobb Hall.The front part of the second floor, formerly occupied by the Libraryreading-room, has been made into a single large office, jointly occupiedby the administrative departments of the Press and the UniversityAuditor, Small private offices for the Director of the Press and theAuditor have been partitioned off at the north end, but otherwise, theplace- is left as one large room extending across the entire front of thebuilding, and with retreating wings at the north and south ends, Onthis same floor are now placed the book stockroom and the shippingdepartment, in close proximity to the mailing department in the southwest corner of the building.Qn the third floor, two large rooms have been set aside for the useof Press employees as rest and recreation rooms, a need for which haslong been felt. The remainder of the space has been allotted to theI44GENERAL OFFICESCIRCULATION DEPARTMENTTHE UNIVERSITY PRESSJOB BINDERYPAMPHLET AND EDITION BINDERYTHE UNIVERSITY PRESSCHANGES IN THE PRESS BUILDING I47bindery, which has been more crowded than any other department inthe Press. Its capacity is now greatly increased by added equipmentand working-room.The removal of the shipping department and the book storeroomfrom the basement to the second floor has provided more space for thestorage of paper stock and relieved the congestion in the cylinder pressroom. It has also provided space for the storage of the back files of theUniversity journals, formerly kept in the basement of Cobb Hall.These changes have occupied several months and are only just completed. Only those familiar with the conditions that formerly prevailedin the Press building can realize how great is the advantage to all thedepartments housed therein. The steady growth of the University'sactivities is nowhere more evident than in the Press, and its constantlyincreasing business had rendered additional space an imperative necessity. The business offices of the University also will derive greatadvantage from their added facilities and from being housed togetherunder one roof.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOSETTLEMENTBY MARY E. McDOWELLHead Resident, University of Chicago SettlementOne who sees the Settlement life for a short time, who touches itsactivities only on the surface, or one who comes into the neighborhoodon an excursion, is likely to get a distorted or one-sided view of theSettlement's function. The occasional visitor who is searching for" thejungle " is disappointed, or the visitor with one special interest may feelthat the Settlement does not fill the great and paramount need as thespecialist sees it. There are times when even the residents are downcastover their inability to cover the needs as they present themselves, Nomatter how much a settlement does for boys, there appears much thatis left undone or that cannot be done. If the Settlement had persons andmoney, and had the power of the Piper to attract the children and theboys and girls into its house as the Piper did, it would still find that theBurgomeister and the Alderman must be dealt with if the children are tobe to the city an asset rather than a deficit. The Settlement finds thatit must serve the community if it is to serve the individual or a class ofindividuals. It cannot even consider the Twenty-ninth Ward as abailiwick apart from the municipality as a whole. It cannot have evenlittle children as its pets. It must make the city as a whole feel a senseof responsibility toward every little life.The Settlement is not an opportunity for anyone class of the community. It is for and with the whole community. It is not a woman'sclubhouse, though it has four organizations of women with a membershipof over 200. Neither is it a clubhouse alone for boys and girls, thoughit has over ISO girls and young women in eight groups, and about 225boys and young men in twelve organizations. Neither is it a kindergarten, as it was called in the early days, because it has 475 childrenunder fourteen years coming every week, including 40 little ones in thekindergarten under five years of age. During July and August a visitormight easily conclude that the Settlement was built and run in tMinterest of babies, when they hear that 27I sick babies were registeredat the tent in our little back yard.One might easily jump to the conclusion that it is worth whilecentering on the work of saving the lives of babies, when the effect of a148THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SETTLEMENT 149three years' co-operative effort reduced the death-rate of babies undertwo years of age from one out of three to one out of five. It is a sig ....nificant fact that of the thirty babies who died last summer all excepttwo were from outside of the immediate neighborhood covered by ourtwo nurses who had been giving instruction to the mothers for the entireyear. The death-rate of babies means a citizenship that is not sociallyconscious, and for that reason the city has a health department that hasnot been able to live up to its own standards, a sanitary departmentwithout power to stop the overcrowding in the tenements, and a buildingdepartment that either camiot or does not enforce its own code. Theobserver who stays long enough to know the meaning of this change inthe death-rate of babies in this district will be able to understand why itis valuable to have a group of persons who believe in serving the wholecommunity, and who have for years focused attention on the conditionsof the stockyards district until the authorities have begun to act, becausethe citizenship of the whole city has demanded a change. The death-rateof babies in the Twenty-ninth Ward means simply that the city ofChicago has not had the standards of cleanliness that are expected of arespectable individual, and that it has not been able to see itself as otherssee it. A city that for twenty years has permitted one ward to suffer asa relief to the others, that has permitted a great industry to pollute theair of the whole city, and never considered Bubbly Creek a disgrace untilthe city was talking about it, is surely a ,city without well-developedsense of civic pride or a sense of social obligation. But the Twentyninth Ward worm turned at last and aroused the city, and at present nogarbage is dumped into the clay hole. But, alas, refuse is allowed andis often part animal and vegetable stuff that does ferment. The dailyprocession of disgusting garbage wagons passes through the ward on theway to the reduction plant, showing that the worm must keep on turningfrom the Twenty-ninth Ward to the city as a whole, until the scientificsystem of caring for the city's waste is accomplished.This one illustration from the experience of the Settlement life showssimply that this group of people living in the University of ChicagoSettlement House expresses a modern method of neighborliness adaptedto the new and complex city conditions. This new kind of neighborgossips in statistics gathered by trained sociologists and uses as a basisfor helping the neighbors facts of wages and housing conditions. Oneof these neighbors who knows five hundred girls between fourteenand sixteen years of age who have conferred with her about going towork for wages has a basis for future helpfulness for such a conditionISO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthat no one outside can have. In a sense the Settlement was an oldfashioned neighbor when the sixty-four burned-out families were offeredhospitality, but became the modern neighbor when this experience wasmade an argument for an enlightened tenemerit house that would notonly set a new standard in the stockyards district, but would be a stimulusas well to the other industrial communities. When the Settlement Houseis hospitable to its neighbors who are trying by collective bargaining tohold on to an American standard of living, it is not far from the oldvillage neighborliness that collectively helped each other in time of need.New conditions demand new methods. When nearly 4,000 peoplelive in one precinct of two blocks, when there are 75 babies in one ofthese blocks, when the Twenty-ninth Ward doubles its population in tenyears and changes its nationality in fifteen years, neighbors cannotshow a really sympathetic interest in the human beings living close tothem, unless they are intelligent as well as warm hearted. This new kindof organized neighborliness must be personal and individual as well asgeneral. The residents, through personal friendship and as leaders ofclubs or teachers of classes, make the connection between the individualand the community. Canon Barnett, the founder of Toynbee Hall inEast London, has constantly warned American settlements not to restsatisfied because of their many activities, for fear that they may be but"deadly doings." I think that those who have lived for some time inthe centers of these many activities feel the danger of which this Fatherof Settlements warns us. It seems well for us to look backward at leastonce a year. The significant phrases heard in the earlier days were"sharing the life of the poor," "throwing in one's life with the community," "burning your bridges behind you," "getting the point of viewof those in need," and in America one heard that settlements were tryingto realize the ideals of our forefathers-an effort toward social democracy,"harking back to the people," etc.-all of these phrases seem to suggestthat there was a need of getting closer to the real life of those in thesordid struggle for existence, especially in the great cities, and that onlyin this way was there hope of getting at the facts for making up ourmoral judgments.The English settlements were a direct protest against the mechanicalcharities that had grown so powerful in England. They insisted thatthe poor were members of the same family, and could not be dealt within the mass by committees or by paid agents, but that what was neededwas hand-to-hand helpfulness, a new kind of neighborship. A socialsettlement is not a school or a handicraft shop. It is not a number- ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SETTLEMENT lSIboys' or girls' clubs or classes or sewing-schools. The public school orany organization may do all of these things better than a settlement.But no doings can supply what is given by a group of people living theirown lives in the neighborhood because they :find it interesting and inaccord with their faith-that all are brothers, and all are citizens, andthat the things that are common to all are stronger than the things thatare different in all. This seems to many of us a natural relationship,such as was common in the days of smaller communities. In this day ofinvestigation and research, when we are wanting to know all about ourneighbors in every part of the universe, is there not a danger that toomany of us may become statistical machines, forgetting that only bykeeping alive the consciousness of kinship can we be sure even of securingthe facts wanted?THE MIDWAY AT DAWNA sky that gleamsThrough latticed boughsI And close-set, quiet leaves;A pale gold lightThat filters through,Then spreads in shining leaves.A spire-a towerAtop the bulkOf massive piles of stone,Unreal and dimThrough drifting veilsOf mist like wind-blown foam.A silence deepMade musicalBy piping throats of birds,A-tilting highOn top-most boughAh, beauty not in words!-IDA CAROTHERS MERRIAM, '04WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY: POETAND DRAMATISTIn the early nineties a group of four young Harvard men, RobertHerrick, '90, Robert Morss Lovett, '92, William Vaughn Moody, '93,and Lindsay Todd Damon, '94, came to the l!e� University of Chicagoas teachers of English composition and literature. Trained in whatwere then known as the "Harvard methods" .in English composition,by Professor A. S. Hill, Barrett Wendell, and (later) George R. Carpen�er, they were called by President Harper to pioneer in the westernwilderness. One would search long to find any similar group of theirgeneration who have done more for the teaching of English, or forAmerican literature itself. Professor Damon is now head of the department of English in Brown University; Professor Herrick and ProfessorLovett, now Dean of the Junior Colleges, are still at the University ofChicago. As teachers, not only by the influence of their personality,but through their books, they have had the widest effect. Every highschool teacher is acquainted with Herrick and Damon's English Composition, and Moody and Lovett's English Literature. As writers they areequally well known. Mr. Herrick's reputation as a novelist needs nocomment. Although he has published nothing for some years, Mr.Lovett's Richard Gresham and A Winged Victory are read and re-readby lovers of fine work. And Mr. Moody, before his death in 1910, hadattained the front rank among American poets. Shall we who wereprivileged to study with those men in the years when they were findingthemselves ever forget the delight of that association? The crisp anddirect comment of Mr. Herrick, which never descended to sarcasm, andneeded not the aid of sarcasm to pierce through to the sensibility of themost pachydermatous? The gaily cynical, endlessly kind criticism, therocking, youthful, half-embarrassed figure of Mr. Lovett? The steady,systematic, constructive work required of every student by Mr. Damon?Or the dreamy aloofness, the habit of slow, impersonal, vivid epigramwhich we associated with ML Moody? Eight courses in all the writerhad with one or another of that group; nor is the memory of thesecourses one which he would readily relinquish.A short time ago the poems, poetic dramas, and prose plays of Mr.Moody were issued, complete in two volumes.' The first volume con-I The Poems and Plays of William Vaughn Moody, Houghton Mifflin Co.I52WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY: POET AND DRAMATIST 153tains also an introduction by Professor John M. Manly. As the volumeswere brought out, moreover, under the constant personal supervisionof Professor Ferdinand Schevill, they have an association, from everypoint of view, with members of the University which makes someextended notice of them particularly fitting in this Magazine, eventhough it is true that the connection of Mr. Moody with the Universityended in 19°3, seven years before his death. The ,volumes offer, to onewho has cared to read Moody, little that is new-only twelve new shortpoems, some of which have already seen publication in magazine form,and a fragment from an uncompleted drama in verse, The Death of Eve.But to have all Moody's work in this convenient form is much. Whenthe promised volume of his letters is added, we shall be still more grateful.William Vaughn (Stoy) Moody was born at Spencer, Ind., on July 8,1869. Two years later the family moved to New Albany, Ohio, andthere the mother died in 1884, and the father in 1886. After his father'sdeath Moody taught a country school till 1888, when he went to RiversideAcademy, New York, where he helped with the teaching to put himselfthrough. He entered Harvard in 1889, finished the course in threeyears, spent a year abroad tutoring, and took an A.B. in 1893. In 1894'he took a Master's degree and was made assistant in the department ofEnglish. The next year he came to the University of Chicago, wherehe remained until 1903. Unwilling longer to carry through the drudgeryof teaching, he resigned in 1903, to the great regret of Dr. Harper, andfrom that time on devoted himself to his writing. In 1909 he was struckdown by a sudden illness from which he never recovered; in October,1910, a little more than a year later, in Colorado, where he had beentaken in the struggle against his disease, he died.The interest In his work, for most readers, lies in his prose plays andin his lyric poetry. His dramas in verse, The Masque of Judgment, TheFire-Bringer, and the fragment The Death of Eve constitute an interestingtrilogy; had he lived to complete the third of the group, they might havetaken as a whole a high place in his work. Whether they would ever-have greatly appealed to the general reader, however, is doubtful. Theyare in large measure symbolic, not subject to the laws of dramatic speechand action. Their larger meaning is difficult to follow. Many lyricaland even dramatic passages in all three are of great beauty, but the formof the whole is too complicated to be understood without the closeststudy. One realizes that the same may be said with equal truth ofShelley's Prometheus Unbound, which these dramas in other ways suggest. And had Moodyleft uncultivated his purely lyric gift, the high154 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEquality of these longer poems must have made his reputation. But mostreaders find in his lyrics the same fineness and beauty of expression, thesame molten imagery, and, along with these, ideas far more easily comprehended, and to the lyrics therefore they turn for, their chief delightin Moody.A few words, however, about the two prose plays must precede comment upon the lyrics. Moody is probably the most widely read American poet of his generation. This is because a great public which otherwise never would have known of him had its attention called by his plays,or to speak more accurately his first play, The Great Divide. In thespring of 1905, with Dr. Schevill, Moody spent some time in Arizona, andwhile there planned a drama which he wrote out soon after his return,under the title of The Sabine Woman. He read it to Miss MargaretAnglin, who was playing at the Garrick in Chicago. She was so attractedby it that she interrupted the run of her own piece to put on three specialperformances of Mr. Moody's. Unfortunately she undertook to produceit without time enough for rehearsal, and how that first night lagged!For reasons variously exploited, the delay was so great between acts thatmidnight saw the loyal audience still in the theater. But no delay normakeshift scenery could conceal the attractiveness of the play. Contracts were signed that night; next season The Great Divide was thebiggest success in the country; and its popularity still endures. Thispopularity, without much question, is due to the rapid and thrillingaction of the first act, in which, as everybody knows, Ruth Jordan,attacked in her Arizona cabin, offers herself to half-drunken StephenGhent to save herself from ra�ishment by even worse men; he buys offone brute, shoots another, and carries her off into the desert. But thesecond and third acts, in which the situation works itself out to the finalcry of Ruth to Stephen, "You have taken the good of our life and grownstrong. I have taken the evil and grown weak, weak unto death.Teach me to live as you do!"-these are the acts which make the playunusual. About the accuracy of Mr. Moody's psychological analysisthere may be some question. In the first complete draft of the drama,one may note, Philip Jordan, Ruth's brother, was made to shoot Stephento avenge his sister. But about the interest of this analysis there canbe no two opinions. Ruth, in her ancestry and bringing up, is a Puritanof the Puritans. "Tell me," she cries, "you know that when, I tore downwith bleeding fingers the life you were trying to build for tis, I did itonly because I loved you! . • . . You found me a woman in whose earsrang night and day the cry of an angry Heaven to us both, 'CleanseWILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY: POET AND DRAMATIST 155yourselves!' And I went about doing it in the only way I knew-theonly way my fathers knew-by wretchedness, by self-torture, by tryingblindly to pierce your careless heart with pain. And all the while you-0, as I lay there and listened to you I realized it for the first time-youhad risen, in one hour, to a wholly new existence, which flooded thepresent and the future with brightness, yes, and reached back into ourpast, and made of it-made of all of it-something to cherish." In thisspeech of Ruth, we have perhaps some hint of struggle in the heart of thepoet and dramatist himself. "A pure pagan in his sensitiveness tobeauty of all kinds . . . . temperamentally a mystic . . . . he was bornand brought up a Puritan," so writes Professor Manly in his introduction. "His task, as poet, was either to reject one or more of these elements or to unify them; but he could not reject any of them, and hiswhole nature called for the unification of them __ . . . so he . . . .recharactered his God, as so many of us have done, and achieved a poeticsolution of the universe."The Faith Healer, in composition, followed The Great Divide, althoughit had been planned years before. It was not a popular success, nor mayone blame the audiences, for the story is very slender, and the outcomequite undramatic in effect. It has, however, many passages of greatbeauty; and as a reading play many prefer it to its predecessor.But it is to Mr. Moody's lyrics that one turns for his final word.Year after year it has been the privilege of some of us to read aloud tosuccessive classes of Freshmen and Sophomores "Gloucester Moors,""The Menagerie," "An Ode in Time of Hesitation," "On a SoldierFallen in the Philippines," "A Road-Hymn for the Start," "The RideBack"-how the names call up images of beauty++and the boys whoyawn over Wordsworth, and the girls who weary of exposition rise in amoment to the splendor of the lines, and listen with the eagerness of theheart of youth to the beating of the poet's heart.For the lines are splendid. No other American poet, dead or living,has ever achieved melody as Moody has achieved it. Or is "achieved"entirely the wrong word? Some of his lines, many perhaps, are beauti-fully but curiously wrought, worked out into their perfection: t"The doll-face, waxen-white,Flowered out a living dimness.""Another night like this would change my bloodTo human: the soft tumult of the seaUnder the moon, the panting of the stars,The notes of querulous love from pool and clod,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn earth and air the dreamy under-humOf hived hearts swarming-such another night,Would quite unsphere me from my angel-hood!"But many more seem to have sprung at once, unerring, to their loveliness:"Leave the forms of sons and fathers trudging throughthe misty ways,Leave the sounds of mothers taking up their sweetlaborious days.""The proud republic hath not stooped to cheatAnd scramble in 'the market place of war;Her forehead weareth yet its solemn �t�r.';,"To pluck the mountain laurel when she blowsSweet by the southern sea,And heart with crumbled heart climbs in the rose."r ""Give him his soldier's crown,The grists of trade can waitTheir grinding at the millBut he cannot wait for his honor, now thetrumpet has been blown,Wreathe pride now for his granite brow,lay love on his breast of stone."And their imagery equals their melody in charm. Occasionally itbecomes too much elaborated:"Soon the stars failed; the late moon fadedtoo:I think my heart had sucked their beams from themTo build more blue amid the murky nightIts own miraculous day."Indeed; little of his imagery may really be called simple. "Themarching sun and the talking sea," "Young incredibly, younger thanspring"-such phrases as these are comparatively rare. But for alltheir elaboration his :figur�s are stirring:" And through our hearts swept ghostly painTo see the shards of day sweep past,Broken, and none might mend, again.""When he rode past the pallid lakeThe withered yellow stems of flagsStood breast high for his horse to break;Lewd as the pallid lips of hagsThe petals in the moon did shake."Rightly to estimate the value of Moody's lyric verse by such fragments, however, would be quite impossible; for everyone of his poems,WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY: POET AND DRAMATIST 157long or short, involved or simple, is possessed of an astonishing unityof thought. One stanza leads to another, one figure to the next."Gloucester Moors" is direct, almost literal; he who runs may read."The Brute" and "The Quarry" are complicated, wholly symbolic;they have left many a careless reader groping for their real meaning.But" Gloucester Moors" and" The Brute" are alike in this: no stanza,hardly a line, may be omitted from either without sensibly marring theorganization of the whole. This solidity of construction is rare inAmerican verse, which from Lowell the New Englander to Lanier theGeorgian has been in structure most casual. Moody has as sure a senseof form as Poe.No other poet of his generation, one thinks, had quite so intelligenta comprehension of his time as Moody. He writes occasionally uponincidental themes+-v How the Mead Slave W�s Set Free," "The RideBack," or, more broad in scope, "A Road-Hymn for: the Start." Butalmost always his subjects are identified with a larger life than theindividual. One wearies now and then of the brilliant subtlety ofBrowning, it remains so endlessly, eccentrically, personal. One weariesof Tennyson for an opposite reason: he relates his feelings to nationalthought with such elaborate and painful care. But the interpretationof social emotion was with Moody spontaneous. He is at his best whenhe is broadest. In" Good Friday Night" and "Second Coming" heutters that religious wonder, neither belief nor disbelief, nor surely thecolorless "faint trust" of Tennyson-a sense of wondering brotherhoodin accordance with which, as Mr. Manly says, so many of us haverecharactered our God. "Gloucester Moors" is as passionately socialas "The Cry of the Children" or "The Song of the Shirt," and how muchwider and finer! "An Ode in Time of Hesitation" is slow-moving,stately, beautiful; yet for all this, as a political protest it rings with themoral indignation of Whittier himself-these are not words but flames.And with the lines which end it let this sketch be closed.Oh, by the sweet blood and youngShed on the awful hill slope at San Juan,By the unforgotten names of eager boysWho might have tasted girl's love and been stungWith the old mystic joysAnd starry griefs, now the spring nights come on,But that the heart of youth is generous-We charge you, ye who lead us,Breathe on their chivalry no hint of stain!Turn not their new-world victories to gainl,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOne least leaf plucked for chaffer 'from the baysOf their dear praise,One jot of their pure conquest put to hireThe implacable republic will require;With clamor, in the glare and gaze of noon,Or subtly, coming as a thief at nightBut surely, very surely, slow or soon,That insult deep we deeply will requite!Tempt not our weakness, our cupidity,For save we let the island men go free,Those baffled and dislaureled ghostsWill curse us from the lamentable coastsWhere walk the frustrate dead.The cup of trembling shall be drained quite,Eaten the sour bread of astonishment,With ashes of the hearth shall be made whiteOur hair, and wailing shall be in the tent;Then on your guiltier headShall our intolerable self-disdainWreak suddenly its anger and its pain;For manifest in that disastrous lightWe shall discern the rightAnd do it tardily-O ye who read,Take heed! IBlindness we may forgive, but 'baseness we will smite.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe orator at the Eighty-sixth Convocation.-Jaines Hayden Tufts, Ph.D.,LL.D., head of the Department of Philosophy, will be the Convocation oratorat the Eighty-sixth Convocation of theUniversity on March 18, the subject ofhis address being "The University andthe Advance of Justice." ProfessorTufts has been connected with the Universityof Chicago for twenty-one years,having been promoted during that timefrom an assistant professorship' of philosophy to the headship of the departmentand having also been for six years Deanof the Senior Colleges. He is a graduateof Amherst College and the Yale DivinitySchool, and has received the degree ofDirector of Philosophy from the University of Freiburg. He has also receivedfrom his alma mater the honorary degreeof Doctor of Laws. He is the joint authorwith Professor John Dewey, of Columbia,of a widely known volume on Ethics,and is the translator of Windelbrand'sHistory of Philosophy. Professor Tuftshas been president of the WesternPhilosophical Association and is nowchairman of the Illinois Committee onSocial Legislation, which representstwenty-five charitable and philanthropicorganizations.A visit of inspection to the TuskegeeInstitute.-President Harry Pratt j'udsonand Professor James Rowland Angell,.Dean of the Faculties, were the guests ofMr. Julius Rosenwald, a trustee of theUniversity, on a visit of inspection to theTuskegee Institute, Alabama, duringthe week ending February 13. The partyincluded also Mrs. Ella Flagg Young,superintendent of the Chicago schools;Dean Thomas F. Holgate, of Northwestern University; several members of theChicago school board, and other citizensprominent in the educational and civiclife of Chicago. They were met atTuskegee by a party of well-known menand women from the East, includingSeth Low, former mayor of New York,who is chairman of the board of trusteesof the Institute. The results of thevocational training given the Negrostudents at Tuskegee-under the direction of Booker T. Washington, the head ofthe school, made a great impression onthe visitors, who regard it as one of themost practicable and successful attemptsto solve the Negro problem in the South.President Judson's views on degrees andcurricula.-In discussing the questionof degrees in his new annual reportPresident Judson says: "The questionarises whether it is not better to differentiate in some way between the doctorate of philosophy as a degree for thosewho are especially interested in researchand who are likely to make originalinvestigation a large function, on the onehand, and on the other hand, a suitabledegree for those who are studying tobecome primarily teachers, who have noparticular qualifications for research,and who are not likely to engage in suchinvestigations. This would increase thevalue of the doctorate as a researchdegree pure and simple, and would atthe same time make it possible to providea teaching degree which might perhapsbe of more value to those who are seekingthe teaching profession only."Professors from other institutions for theSummer Quarter.-Among the professorsfrom other institutions already engagedfor the Summer Quarter at the Universityare Henry A. Sill, Professor of AncientHistory in Cornell University; John B.Watson, Professor of Psychology inJohns Hopkins University; James F.McCurdy, Professor of Oriental Historyin the University of Toronto; John J. L.Borgerhoff, Professor of French inWestern Reserve University; John H.Latane, Professor of American Historyin Washington and Lee U niversi ty;and Oskar Bolza, Honorary Professorof Mathematics in the University ofFreiburg, who was for eighteen yearsactively associated with the Departmentof Mathematics in the University ofChicago and who is still Non-residentProfessor in that department.Lectures before the Divinity School byPresident Gunsaulus.-President FrankW. Gunsaulus, of the Armour Institute of159r60 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETechnology, who is Professional Lectureron Practical Theology in the University,ga ve this month before the Divinity Schoolthree lectures on the fine arts. Thefirst lecture (March 3) was on "Painting," illustrated by stereopticon viewsof Rembrandt's paintings; the secondlecture (March 10), on "Aesthetics andEthics," was illustrated by twelve songsby the Central Church quartet; and onMarch 17 the subject was "JapaneseGlyptic Work," illustrated by views of .sword furniture in the Harper MemorialLibrary collections.Return of the Barrows Lecturer fromIndia.-Professor Charles RichmondHenderson, head of the Department ofPractical Sociology, who has been lecturing for six months in the chief citiesof India, China, and Japan, will resuniehis usual work at the University nearthe opening of the Spring Quarter, hisclasses being conducted for the firstweek by Dean Shailer Mathews. Professor Henderson's lectures were on thesubject of" Social Programs of the West,"and they will be published soon by theUniversity of Chicago Press. The Barrows lectureship, which was establishedby Mrs. Caroline E. Haskell, providesfor a series of lectures in the Orient everythree years on the general subject of therelations of Christianity to other religions.Professor Henderson's lectures in Indiawere received with cordial appreciationand approval, and while in China hewas called into conference with Chineseofficials for his views on prison conditions in that country and suggestions fortheir improvement. Dr. Henderson wasthe United States commissioner on theInternational Prison Commission in 1909,and was president of the InternationalPrison Congress in 19 I o. He is theauthor of an In Introduction to a Studyof Dependent; Defective, and DelinquentClasses and also the editor of ModernPrison Systems. He was recently electedto membership in the Academy of theAmerican Institute . of Criminal La wCriminology.A ppointment to a national commission.-Professor Edwin Oakes Jordan, ofthe Department of Pathology and Bacteriology, accepted in February an invita tion from Secretary Franklin MacVeagh of the Treasury Department tobecome a member of the National Commission for the Determination of a Stand- ard of Purity for Drinking Water. Thiscommission has been formed in connection with the enforcement of regulationsrelative to pure drinking water, and itsobject is to establish a federal standardwhich shall be generally applicable.Professor Jordan presented before theIllinois Water Supply Association whichmet at the University ofIllinois on MarchII and 12 a paper on the subject of"Bacterial Examination of the ChicagoWater Supply"; and he also gave anaddress at the ninth conference of theAmerican Medical Association held inChicago on February 24 and 25, thesubject of his discussion being "Municipal Regulation of the Milk Supply."Dr. Jordan, with Dr. Ludvig Hektoen, iseditor of theJ ournal of Infectious Diseases.A prize contest for Jewish students.Members of the Menorah Society, anorganization of Jewish students at theUniversity, are preparing papers in aprize contest to be closed on March 26.The subjects include "The Jew in China,"" Advantages of Studying Hebrew,""Psychology of the Jew," and " Jewsand College Circles." Professor ErnstFreund, of the Law School faculty,recently addressed the club on the subjectof "J ews in America." On March 12,Dr. Paul H. Phillipson, of the Department of German, gave an address beforethe society, and on March 28, ProfessorAlbion W. Small, Dean of the GraduateSchool of Arts and Literature, will bethe speaker.Lectures on ancient oriental art.-Professor Karl Bezold, of the University ofHeidelberg, will lecture' before the University on April 17, 18, and 22. He isone of the leading orientalists of Germanyand well known to oriental scholars of theUnited States. He spent over ten yearsin London preparing his oriental catalogue of the famous Assyrian library inthe British Museum, which was publishedby the trustees of the museum. Professor Bezold speaks English as fluently ashis native language. The lectures beforethe University will be illustrated and willbear on ancient oriental art, especiallythe art of Egypt, Babylon, Assyria,Venetia, Judea, and Persia.The Western Economic Society. � TheWestern Economic Society, of whichDean Shailer Mathews of the DivinitySchool is president, held on March 14THE UNIVERSITY RECORDand 15 at the Hotel Sherman in Chicagoa conference on the subject of "ScientificManagement." Among the topics considered were "The Spirit of ScientificManagement," "Scientific Managementfrom the Manufacturer's Point of View,"" Scientific Management and the Laborer," and "The Taylor System." On thelast subject Mr. Frederick A. Taylor,the founder of the system, who - is a consuIting engineer and the author of ThePrinciples of Scientific Management, Conducted a summary and questionnaire.Recent conferences on Scientific Management have been .held by the EfficiencySociety of New York, . the AmericanSociety of M.echanical Engineers, andDartmouth College. 'At the- last men:tioned conference 400 business men ofNew York, Boston, and Philadelphiaattended all the sessions. Many prominent engineers and experts acceptedinvitations to present papers at the conference in Chicago, which proved to beone of special- significance. ProfessorLeon C. Marshall, Dean of the Collegeof Commerce and Administration, issecretary of the society. 'President Harry Pratt Juds.on presided at the tenth annual meeting of theReligious Education Association held inCleveland from March 10 to 14. Thegeneral subject of the meeting was"Religious Education and Civic Progress." President Judson gave an address before the American MedicalAssociation at its ninth annual conference in Chicago on February 24, hissubject being 'The Need of Readjustment of Preliminary and CollegiateEducation." On February 15, also, headdressed the Hamilton Club of Chicagoon "The Higher Education and Research."Samuel Wendell Williston, Professorof Paleontology, willattend as delegateat-large . of 'the American ZoologicalSociety, the Ninth, International Congress of Zoology to be held at Monaco,france, from March 25 to 29. ProfessorWilliston Will also represent the University of Chicago and will present apaper at the congress. Before returninghe will spend two months in variousmuseums in Germany, Belgium, andParis. Dr. Williston's assistants, Mr.Paul C. Miller and Mr. Maurice G. Mehl,will leave the latter part of March ona paleontological expedition to northernTexas. The University of Chicago will berepresented at the annual meeting ofthe Classical Association of the MiddleWest and South, to be held in. Indianapolis on April I I and 12, by ProfessorWilliam Gardner Hale, head of theDepartment of Latin, and AssociateProfessor Gordon J. Laing, of the samedepartment. The former will present a.paper on "The Participation of theStudent in the Study of Beginning Latin,"and the latter will give an illustratedaddress on "Recent Excavations in Romeand Pompeii." Professor Laing lectured during the last two weeks in January before the eastern societies of theArchaeological Institute of America, hissubject being "Roman Africa."Professor Ernst Freund, of the La wSchool, is a member of the Illinois division of the National Divorce Commissionand has recently drafted a bill containingnew provisions regarding the legal aspectsof marriage and divorce, for presentationto the Illinois legislature.Professor Shailer Mathews, Dean ofthe Divinity School, was one of thespeakers at a dinner given in LexingtonHall in February to raise funds for sending Miss Margery Melcher as a representative of the women of the Universityto the college women of Calcutta. Morethan four hundred dollars was contributed. Miss Anna Brown, travelingsecretary of the Student VolunteerMovement, was also one of the speakers.Professor Robert Francis Harper, ofthe Department of Semitics, has recentlycompleted Volume XII of his Assyrianand Babylonian Letters. It will be published soon by the University of ChicagoPress, and like other publications ofthat press will be handled in the BritishEmpire by the press of CambridgeUniversity. During the year ProfessorHarper has been assisted in his work inthe British Museum by Mr. Leroy Waterman, who received the Doctor's degreefrom the University in 1912. Dr.Waterman will contribute to the Aprilnumber of the American Journal ofSemitic Languages and Literatures anaccount of the research work being donein connection with the oriental inscriptions of the museum, and the account willbe illustrated by sixty plates. ProfessorHarper returns to his regular work inthe" University at the opening of theAutumn Quarter." Professor Paul Shorey, head of theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDepartment of Greek, has accepted aninvitation to deliver the Phi Beta Kappaaddress at the University of Missouri onJune 10.Rear Admiral Charles Herbert Stockton, of the United States Navy, retired,gave an address before the Faculty andstudents of the University on February27, his subject being "A Strong NavyEssential to the United States." Ad ..miral Stockton was elected president ofGeorge Washington University in 1911.Illustrative Examples of English Composition is the title of a new textbook,by Associate Professor James WeberLinn of the Department of English, whichis published by Charles Scribner's Sons.It is a companion volume to the author'sEssentials of English Composition and isintended to illustrate the four chiefliterary forms-exposition, argumentation, description, and narration. Manyof the selections in the new volume aredrawn from living writers, includingGalsworthy, Barrie, Bennett, John T.Fox, Jr., and Hamlin Garland.Associate Professor Herbert E. Slaught,of the Department of Mathematics, hasrecently become the managing editor ofthe American Mathematical Monthly-ajournal for teachers of mathematics inthe collegiate and advanced secondaryfields. The journal is under the controlof an editorial board representing eleveninstitutions, which include the Universities of Chicago, Michigan, and Illinois.The University' Dramatic Club successfully presented on the evenings ofFebruary 28 and March I RudolphBesier's three-act play entitled Don,with a cast of five women and four men.Special scenery for the play was securedfrom the Marlowe Theater of Chicago,and music for the performances wasfurnished by the University Orchestraunder the leadership of Director RobertW. Stevens. Through the generosityof the U ni versity a meeting place forthe Dramatic Club has been providedin the basement of Haskell Museum, theentrance being on Harper Court. Theclubroom will accommodate about 200people and will be equipped with a stageand scenery.Wallace W. Atwood, Associate Professor of Physiography and GeneralGeology, has accepted an appointmentto succeed William M. Davis, of HarvardUniversity, as Professor of Physiography.Dr. Atwood is a graduate of the Uni- versity or' Chicago, from which he alsoreceived the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1903. He has been associatedas geologist with both the IllinoisGeological Survey and the United StatesGeological Survey, in the latter capacitydoing special work for two seasons in thesurvey of the Alaska coal fields. He isalso secretary and director of the ChicagoAcademy of Sciences. Ori account ofwork already in progress at Chicago,Professor Atwood will probably not assume the duties of his new position untilthe second semester of the next academicyear.The annual competition for theHoward T. Ricketts prize concludes onApril IS. The prize is awarded to anystudent in the Department of Pathologyand Bacteriology who produces the bestpiece of original work. The prize is theincome from a gift of $5,000 presentedto the University by Mrs. Ricketts inmemory of her husband, who died inMexico in I9IO of typhus fever whileengaged in scientific investigation of thedisease.A member of the Board of Trustees ofthe University, Mr. Harold F. McCormick, has provided for the interior of thenew concrete' grandstand on MarshallField a racquets court, which will probably be ready for use by the SpringQuarter. The cost of the new court isestimated at about $8,000. The wallsare of triple thickness, the inner onebeing a fourteen-inch brick wall facedwith special concrete which is guaranteed against crackirig. Mr. McCormicklost the national championship contestat racquets, at Tuxedo Park, N.Y., inthe final round.The Lake Forest Players gave a benefit performance in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall for the Suffrage Leagueof the University on the evening ofMarch IS, when By-Products, by JosephMedill Patterson, The Second Story Man,by Upton Sinclair, and Pierret of theMinute, by Ernest Dowson, were successfully presented.At the meeting of the National Councilof Education in Philadelphia at the endof February, Director Charles H. Judd,of the School of Education, was made amember of a committee to decide uponstandards and tests of educationalefficiency. The committee consists offifteen members, Professor George D.Strayer, of Columbia University, beingTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDthe chairman. Professor Judd gavean address at the Philadelphia meetingon the subject of "Developing the Cooperation and the Initiative of Teachers"and also presented before the Societyof College Teachers of Education, whichmet with the Department of Superintendence, a paper on "Some Psychological Characteristics of the Intermediate Grades of the ElementarySchool." Among the reports of committees on 'education was one by Professor Judd on A Seven-Year ElementarySchool and Related Economies, and oneby Professor William Gardner Hale,head of the Department of Latin, onGrammatical Terminology. In connection with this meeting there was a dinnerof the former students and graduatesof the University of Chicago.Recent contributions by the membersof the Faculties to the journals publishedby the University of Chicago Press:Burton, Professor Ernest D. (withA. K. Parker): "The Expansion ofChristianity in the Twentieth Century,"II, Biblical World, March.Chamberlain, Associate ProfessorCharles J.: "Macrozamia Moorei, aConnecting Link between Li ving andFossil Cycads" (contributions from theHull Botanical Laboratory 168), withtwelve figures, Botanical Gazette, February.Hoben, Associate Professor Allan:"The Church and Child Protection,"Biblical World, March.Johannsen, Assistant Professor Albert:" An Accessory Lens for Observing Interference Figures of Small Mineral Grains,"Journal of Geology, January-February.Marshall, Professor Leon C.: " TheCollege of Commerce and Administration of the University of Chicago,"Journal of Political Economy, February.Officers of the School of Education:" A Seven-Year Elementary School,"Elementary School TeacJ�r, February.Parker, Dr. Alonzo K. (with E. D.Burton): "The Expansion of Christianity in the Twentieth Century,"II, Biblical World, March.Recent addresses by members of theFaculties include:Atwood, Associate Professor WallaceW.: "Chicago Academy of Sciences,An Educational Force in the Community" (illustrated), Illinois Academyof Science, Peoria, Ill., February 21. Barnard, Professor Edward E.: "SomeLate Results in Astronomical Photography" (illustrated), Illinois Academy ofScience, Peoria, Ill., February 21.Breasted, Professor James H.: "Campand Cara van in Ancient Ethiopia"(illustrated), University CongregationalChurch, Chicago, March 17.Butler, Professor Nathaniel: "TheBusiness Man and Education," LincolnDay dinner, Omaha, Neb., February I2;Address before Lake County Teachers'Association, Highland Park, Ill., F ebruary 2I.Clark, Associate Professor S. H.:Dramatic interpretation of Maeterlinck's Blue Bird, Oklahoma City, Okla.,February 8; Lohengrin, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, February 18.Coulter, Professor JohnM.: "Botany,"Illinois Academy of Science, Peoria, Ill.,February 21; "Some Lessons fromHeredity," Grand Rapids, Mich., February 25; "Civic Righteousness," Association of Commerce, ibid., February25; Address, Central High School,ibid., February 26; "Contributions ofScience to the Food Supply," Committeeof One Hundred, Association of Commerce, ibid., February 26; "Plant Relations," Ridge Woman's Club, RidgePark, Ill., March 3.Cutting, Professor Starr W.: "AnAmerican Estimate of Salient Featuresof Modern German Civilization," Germanistic Society, Fullerton Hall, ArtInstitute, Chicago, February 10.David, Assistant Professor H. C. E.:"Two Aspects of the French Contemporary Mind," Chicago South Side Club,February II; "Modern French Drama,"Chicago Dramatic Society, February 28.Downing, Assistant Professor ElliotR.: "The Disappearance of the Beaver,"Illinois Academy of Science, Peoria, Ill.,February 2I.Foster, Professor George B.: Addressat fiftieth anniversary of the emancipation of the slaves, Orchestra Hall,Chicago, February 12.Fuller, George D.: '''Reproduction byLayering in the Black Spruce," IllinoisAcademy of Science, Peoria, Ill., February 2 I; "Studies of Evaporation andSoil Moisture in the Prairie of Illinois"(with E. M. Harvey), ibid., February 21.Goode, Associate Professor J. Paul:"Japan," Highland Park Club, HighlandPark, Ill., February 18.Heinemann, Dr. Paul G.: "SanitaryTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAspect of Milk Supply," Illinois Academyof Science, Peoria, Ill., February 21.Hoben, Associate Professor Allan:"Chicago's Treatment of Her Children,"Juvenile Protective Association, WestEnd Woman's Club, Chicago, February15· ,Jordan, Professor Edwin 0.: "Causesand Remedies for Infant Mortality,"Illinois State Association of Nurses,Auditorium Hotel, Chicago, February12.. Judd, Professor Charles H.: "Changesin the Course of Study of the ElementarvSchool to Meet the rDemand for' VocationalTraining," City Club, St. Louis,February 15; Addresses, High SchoolBuilding, Wheeling, W.Va., February 21.Leavitt, Associate Professor Frank M.:"Manual Training," South Bend, Ind.,February 21.Linn, Associate Professor James W.:"Common Sense English," ChicagoPress Writers' Club, John Crerar Library,February 28.Mathews, Professor Shailer: "Abraham Lincoln," Hull House, Chicago,February 12; " Christianity and theIndustrial Problem," Grand Rapids,.Mich., February 16; "The SpiritualCrisis in Civilization," ibid., February16.Mead, Professor George H.: "Vocational Education," Chicago Associationof Commerce, February 19; �'Democracyand Equal Suffrage," Equal SuffrageAssociation, Galesburg, Ill., February 21.Moulton, Professor Forest R.: "Wonders of the Heavens" (illustrated) � Teach- ers' Federation, South Bend, Ind.,March 4.Read, Assistant Professor Conyers:"The Civil War in England," All SaintsSchool, Sioux Falls, S�D., February 15;"Oliver Cromwell," ibid., February 15.Salisbury, Professor Rollin D.: Presentation of Culver Medal to ProfessorWilliam M. Davis, Chicago GeographicSociety, February 19; "A Look intoSouth America ,/, (illustrated), FullertonHall, Art Institute, Chicago, March I.Schevill, Professor Ferdinand: "Relations of Italy and Austria," Lovers ofItaly, Chicago, February 26.Shepardson" Associate Professor Francis W.: "Lincoln," Men's League, CityClub, Chicago, February 12; Address,Chicago Hebrew Institute, February 12.Soares, Professor Theodore G.:" Necessary Adaptation of the SeminaryCurriculum," Religious Education Association, Cleveland, March 10.Starr, Associate. Professor Frederick:"Liberia and the West Coast of Africa,"Union League Club, Chicago, February13·Talbot, Professor Marion: "Housingin Relation to Health," Illinois Academyof Science, Peoria, Ill., February 21.Weller, Associate Professor Stuart:"The Stratigraphy of the ChesterGroup in Southern Illinois," IllinoisAcademy of Science, Peoria, Ill., February 21.- Wells, Associate Professor H. Gideon:"New Researches in Tuberculosis,"Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, CityClub, February II.FROM THE LETTER-BOXA LETTER FROM DR. HENDERSONHONGKONG, January I4, I913DEAR PRESIDENT JUDSON:Out of my numerous delightful experiences I must take time to recite what happened today during my visit in Canton.I had already given an address to thestudents of Canton Christian College andthen had met Mr. Chung Wong Kwong,commissioner of education of K wangtungProvince. Today several students of theUniversity of Chicago invited me to aluncheon in the Yamen (public offices)of the province, when I met Mr. WuHow-man, governor-general of the province; Mr. Peter Hing, A.M. (ColumbiaUniversity), chief justice of the province;Mr. Hin Wong, B.S., D.J., former studentin the universities of Missouri, Yale, andColumbia, now honorary inspector ofprisons and a journalist highly esteemed;Mr. Lin Bang, manager of the Bank ofVancouver; Mr. Frank W. Lee, C.C.,New York City University and Crozer;Mr. F. O. Leiser, of the U ni versity ofWisconsin and one quarter at the Universityof Chicago; and Mr. ChungWongKwon. The former students of our ownUniversity who gave me this delightfulChinese "tiffin" were: Mr. Peky T.Cheng, Ph.B. (class of I9IO), now commissioner of public works of K wang tungProvince; Mr. C. T. Tang, M.A. (I9II),president of the Provincial Normal College; Mr. P. H. Lo, A.M., J.D. (19II),commissioner of foreign affairs of theprovince; Mr. Chien Shu-fan (LawSchool, 19IO-I I), commissioner of theinterior of the province; Mr. Ching Yue,Ph.D., 1908, professor in the provincialnormal college.After a long interview with thesegentlemen I came away proud thatAmerican universities have already hadan honorable share in helping the newrepublic to start with educated modernleadership; and that our own Universityis so worthily represented in the inspiringmovement. These gentlemen are eager to move forward as rapidly as possibleand they are fully conscious of theimmensi ty of the task which lies beforethem; but they are self-possessed, theytreat the experienced men of the oldregime with respect, they give greatcredit to their predecessors in office,they intend to offend rooted nationalsentiment as little as possible. They area ware that even a good innovation cannotbe successfully introduced without atransformation of public opinion, andthey are putting forth all their energiesto promote popular intelligence. Whenpublic funds are scant, and while theyare reorganizing their financial system,they are making an appeal to generouscitizens for voluntary contributions, andlarge sums are being offered for thecause.It is true that a brief visit cannotenable one to go very far into so vast andcomplicated a problem; but this interview with a group of alert, earnest,patriotic, educated young leaders hasstirred the hope that our American influence is being felt and appreciated in thisvast country. No man can look far intothe future, but there are found in suchyoung men reasonable promises of abrighter future for this great people whoso sorely need economic, educational,sanitary, and spiritual progress. OurAmerican representatives are in sympathy with all that is best, and arethemselves quietly hopeful of successin the new path. Certainly we canassure them that in this effort they haveour best wishes for prosperity.They desired me to send their grateful remembrances to the President of theUniversity, to their instructors in theFaculty of Law, and others, and theyvoiced this request in such a sincere andheartfelt manner that I . send it forwardto you at once, while their greetings andhandclasps are fresh in my own thoughtand feeling.Yours sincerely,CHARLES R. HENDERSONALUMNI A.FFAIRSReunion of students of the old University.-The Annual Reunion and Washington Supper of the graduates andstudents of the old University of Chicagowas held on the evening of February 22 inthe banquet room of the Palmer House.Seventy-six of the old-time students,many accompanied by their wives,assembled in the parlors of the hotel, andat 6:45 o'clock grouped around the tablesin the banquet hall, and called to mindthe many similar gatherings they werewont to attend in the same hall awayback in the seventies and early eighties.Dr. Galusha Anderson, president of theold University in the last years of itsexistence, came from Boston, and withDr. Nathaniel Butler of the old Faculty,and representing the new University aswell, were the honored guests of theevening.Not the least prominent among thegroups gathered about the tables was theone made up of members of the oldestliving class, the class of '62, and otherclasses of the '60'S. At this table sat Rev.James Goodman, '62, who acted as toastmaster, in his usual happy vein, theyoungest of them all; with him wereGeorge W. Thomas, '62, remembered bymany as "Tute" Thomas, Judge Christian C. Kohlsaat, ex,..'62, of the UnitedStates Circuit Court, O. B. Taft, ex-'62,of the Pearson and Taft Land and LoanCo., George A. Gindele, ex-'62, presidentof the Geroge A. Gindele Building Co.,Judge Dorrance Dibell, ex-'65, of theCircuit Court of Will County, Joliet,Judge Frederick A. Smith, '66, of theAppellate Court, Rev. Henry C. First,'66, Rock Island, George B. Woodworth,'69, of the Engineering Department ofthe Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R.R.The principal address of the eveningwas by Dr. Anderson, and short talks,largely reminiscent of college days, werelistened to from Dr. Butler, FlorenceHolbrook, '79, Grace Reed, '84, ElizabethFaulkner, '85, Judges Kohlsaat andDibell, George, W. Thomas, John C.Hopkins, '82, and C. W. Naylor, ex-Br.Letters were read from Professor LewisStuart, now in Rome, Joshua Pike, '65,and others. The arrangements were in the hands ofa Committee, made up of A. J. Lichtstern, ex-'S2, Herbert E. Goodman,ex-'85, Frank J. Walsh, '86, William L.Burnap, '86, and E. A. Buzzell, '86. Inaddition to Dr. and Mrs. Anderson andDr. and. Mrs. Butler and those mentionedof the classes from '62 to '69 there werepresent: Mr. and Mrs. William L.Burnap, '86, E. A. Buzzell, '86, Dr. F. S.Cheney, ex-'8s-, J. M. Doud, ex-'88,James P. Gardner, '8r, O. D. Grover,ex-'8r, F. W. Jaros, ex-'89, A. J. Lichtstern, ex-'82, A. E. Mabie, ex-'87, J.Gorton Marsh, ex-'88, Dr. John Ridlon,'75, L. T. Sherman, ex-'84, W. G. Sherer,ex-'82, R. B. Twiss, '75, F. J. Walsh, 'S6,T. R. Weddell, '86; . Mesdames Ella F.Googins, '83, Daisy M. Ingalls, '85,Edson S. Bastin Hill, Ph.D., '09; MissesSusanBradley, Lydia A. Dexter Doud,' 84,Elizabeth Faulkner, '85, Fannie B. Hart,ex-'87, Florence Holbrook, '79, Laura B.Loomis, ex-'88, Grace Reed, 84; Messrs.Dr. Luther G. Bass, '77, John E. Cornell,ex-'83, Eli' H. Doud, ex-'86, John C�Everett, ex-'84, Charles Goodman, '97,George W. Hall, '8r, T. M. Hammond,'85, Frank G. Hanchett, '82, Frank A.Helmer, '78, John C. Hopkins, 'Sr, JamesLangland, '77, S. O. Levinson, ex-'87, C.W. Naylor, ex-'8r, Dr. John E. Rhodes,'76, Wandell Topping, ex-'S9, George W.Walsh, ex-'84, S. J. Winegar, '79, GeorgeR. Wright, ex-'82.News from the Classes>-1896John Hulsart has been appointedcashier of the Manasquan National Bank,Manasquan, N.J.1897Wilbur Bassett is practicing law in LosAngeles, with offices at 446 Title Insurance Building.Frances White is teaching . mathematics in the State Normal School atSan Marco, 1 ex.¥; illiam R. Bishop has left the IdahoState Normal School, and is now principalof the College Preparatory Departmentof the Portland, Ore., Y.M.C.A.166ALUMNI AFFAIRS1898Dr. Robert E. Graves has moved hisoffices to the Eagle Building, 737 Sheridan Road, Chicago.EX-I899Olive Warner (Mrs. Alec Barnwell) isliving in Rye, N.Y. She is in businesson 41St St., New York City.J900Mathilde Castro (Ph.D. '07) hasresigned as head of the department ofpsychology at Rockford College, to become head of the Phoebe Anna ThorneModel School for the Investigation ofMethods of Teaching. The school isconnected with Bryn Mawr College.Miss Castro has just left for Europe ona six months' visit of observation amongthe schools of France, Germany, and Italy.1905Fred Speik, for some years assistantto Dr. B. W. Sippy of Chicago, has goneto Pasadena, Cal., where he is. practicingmedicine, with an office in the TempleAuditorium Building, on 5th and Olivestreets, Los Angeles. \\I alter J. Schmahl,1901, who immediately preceded Speikas end on the football team, is also inbusiness in Los Angeles.1906B. G. Brawley is in his first year ofservice as dean of atlanta Baptist College. Mr. Brawley issues this month(March) through the Macmillan Comr'"'ny A Short History of the AmericanNegro. He was married last summer toMiss Hilda D._ Prowd, of Kingston,Jamaica, B.W.I.T907Harold L. Axtell and MrS. Axtell,(Gertrude Bouton, '07) are at Moscow,Idaho, where Mr. Axtell is professor ofclassical languages in the University ofIdaho.Suzanne C. Haskell (Mrs. HarveyDavis) is' living at 8 Ash St. Place,Cambridge, Mass.Ralph W. "Bailey, '07, and Mrs.Bailey (Katharine Sturges Simmons, '06)have moved from Racine to Waupaca,Wis.1908Mary O'Malley is living at 5�53 Lakewood Ave., Chicago.J. S. Abbott is now commissioner ofthe Food and Drug Department of the state of Texas, with his offices atAustin.1909Raymond D. Penny has resigned asinstructor in English in the MichiganAgricultural College, and is now, aftera brief experience as reporter on theChicago Morning World, the editor ofFarm Life and Agricultural Epitomist,issued at Spencer, Ind.Anna A. Chenot is living at 277 Crescent St., Northampton, Mass.Rev . John Bradford Pengelly, is rectorof St. Edmund's Episcopal Church,58th St. and Indiana Ave. William L.Chenery had a long article recently in theChicago Evening Post praising the socialand civic activities 01 the church underMr. Pengelly.1912Horace Whiteside has taken a positionas instructor in physics and director ofphysical training in the East High Schoolof Waterloo, Ia.William P. Harms has taken the position of general secretary of the InfantWelfare Society of Chicago. . The workof the society is both educative andpreventive. It holds conferences attwelve different stations to which mothersbring their children to be examined bythe physician in charge. At each stationa. nurse is employed who gives her entiretime to the work of the society. Mr.Harms's address is 5522 Madison Ave.EX-19J2Harold B. Graves disappeared fromthe home of his brother, in Boston, atthe end of January, and has not yet beenfound. It is feared that he may havebeen temporarily mentally deranged.Graves came to Chicago from CornellUniversity, where he had studied engineering. His father and mother live inMilwaukee.Engagements.EX-lg07The engagement is announced of MissFlorence Elizabeth Butler, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. J. F. Butler of Oak Park,Ill., to Martin Arthur Flavin, ex-'07, ofJoliet, Ill. Mr. Fla vin, is secretary ofthe Star-Peerless Wall Paper Mills ofJoliet. The marriage will take place inthe autumn of this year.The engagement is announced ofAlbert N. Butler to Miss Maida Eloise168 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESearles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Lawrence Searles of 1315 E. 52d St.Mr. Butler is a son of Professor NathanielButler of the University. He is a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Themarriage will take place on April 12.EX-J9IIThe engagement is announced ofWilbur Hattery, Jr., ex-ir r , to MissRuth Adolphus, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Wolff Adolphus of 5554 SheridanRoad. Miss Adolphus is a graduate ofSmith College. No date has been setfor the wedding.J9J2The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Burke, '12, daughter of Mrs.�atherine Sheddan. �urke, 6235 Ingleside Avenue, to Philip Chapin Jones, agraduate of Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, and now interested in thebuilding of electric railways in Brazil.Miss Burke was twice the composer ofthe Woman's Athletic Association'sannual musical show, and has taken anactive part in the University Woman'sSuffrage Association. The marriage willprobably take place in June, and Mr. andMrs. Jones wllllive in Sao Paulo, Brazil.Marriages.-1902Clara Lillian Johnston, '02, on January9, 1913, married Franklin H. Hitt. Mr.and Mrs. Hitt are living at Elko, S.C.J907Florence p. Sheetz, '07, in January,1912, married Arthur Robert EitzenUniversity of Missouri, '04 and no�assistant bridge manager of the KansasCity Terminal Railroad Co. Mr. andMrs. �itzen live at 217 W. 37th St., Kansas CIty.1908Sarah Davie Hendricks, '08, and Therlow Ganet Essington, '08, were marriedon February 26, in Madisonville Ky.They will be at home in Streato;, Ill.,after May r.Deaths.-1873Edgar Levi Jayne, A.B., 1873, diedon July 20,1910, at his home, 5414 Madison St., Chicago.J897Clarence E. Fish, Ph.B., '97, died onJanuary I, 1913, at his home in Chicago. 1897Grace Darling died on February 16,1913. The following account of her andher work was written for the Mceazine:By the death of Grace Darling, onFebruary 16, 1913, the University haslost a graduate whose life could ill be�pared. She received the degree of Ph.B.m June, 1897, with Phi Beta Kappahonors and in 1902 took a Master'sdegree in English. She was an active member of Kelly House and later of GreenHouse and showed deep interest in themore vital social activities of student life.From September, J897, until a fewmonths before her death Miss Darlingwas a teacher in the James H. BowenHigh School in Chicago. Her workin this school led her to study the needsof the community in which it is situatedand in 1901 she decided to make herhome near the school. The home whichs�e est�blished soon became organizedwith neighborhood help as a social settlement and was known as South EndCenter. A woman's club a choralsociety, and evening club� for boysand girls were started. Within threeyears the settlement was moved to alarger building and a day nursery wasopened .. A visiting nurse, a school probation officer, and other social workersjoined the settlement household and theplace s0.o� became a center of wise charityand CIVIC betterment. Through itsea�ly years of poverty and struggle,MISS Darling was the guiding spirit oft�e settlement, giving unstintingly of hertime and strength and often assumingheavy financial responsibilities. Hercourage never faltered. In the sufferingand weakness of her last days it was anunfailing joy to her to know that SouthEnd Center is an established power forgood and that its usefulness will continuein ever-widening blessing to the residentsof South Chicago. It is a noble monument to Miss Darling's foresight andunselfish devotion.�iss Darling had a rare gift for friendship. To the thousands of pupils whoknew her in the Bowen High School shewas a steadfast and inspiring friend.Always generous in her judgment, shesought and received the best her studentshad to give. Her sweetness of dispositionnever failed under the cares and annoyances of the schoolroom. Her beliefin the young people with whom sheworked was expressed in the financialALUMNI AFFAIRSaid which enabled not a few of them tocomplete high-school, college, and professional courses of study.Miss Darling was a member of St.Paul's' Episcopal Church. Her religiouslife was deep and sincere. Her gospelwas one of devoted service and she askedfrom others only friendship. To thosewho knew her well, her memory is anabiding benediction.1901AdelIa Nelson Todd, S.M. 1901, diedin Leadville, Colo., on January 17, 1913.She had been for some years supervisorof the primary grades in the Leadvillepublic schools. 1903The death is announced of Rev. HenryMenke, D.B. '03, formerly pastor of theCongregational Church of Cassopolis, Mo.1905William Avery Butcher, Ph.B. '05,died on November 24, 19II. He was, atthe time of his death, assistant businessmanager of the Central Y.M.C.A. inChicago.1910Archer Clinton Bowen, S.B. '10, died onJanuary 19, 1912, at his home in NorthAdams, Mass., of cerebral meningitis.Mr. Bowen was a teacher in the StateNormal School.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYSo far as the facts are known those whohave taken the Doctorate within thelast four or five quarters are locatedas follows:Warder C. Allee, '12, instructor inbiology at the University of Illinois,Urbana, Ill.Harriett M. Allen, 'II, instructor inzoology at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie,N.Y.Dice R. Anderson. '12, professor ofhistory and political science at RichmondCollege, Virginia.Luther L. Barnard, 'IO, professorof history and social science, Universityof Florida, Gainesville, Fla.Ethel E. Beers, '12, teacher of ancienthistory at the Medill High School, Chicago, Ill.Frank A. Bernstorff, '11, instructor inGerman, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.Edwin S. Bishop, 'II, instructor inphysics, School of Education, Universityof Chicago.Emory S. Bogardus. 'II, assistant professor of sociology and economics, U niversity of Southern California, LosAngeles, Cal.Malvin A. Brannan, '12, professorof biology, University of North Dakota,Grand Forks, N.D.Caroline M. Breyfogle, '12, dean ofwomen, Ohio State University, Columbus,Ohio.Charles B. Campbell, '12, Arcola, 1]1.Harry J. Corper, 'I I, physician inSprague Memorial Institute, Chicago.Willis A., Chamberlin, '09, professor of German, Denison University, Granville, Ohio.Edward W. Chittendon, '12, instructorUrbana, Ill.Harold C. Cooke, '12, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.Edmund V. Cowdry, '12, researchwork, Department of Anatomy, University of Chicago.Sophia H. Eckerson, 'II, assistant inplant physiology, University of Chicago.James B. Eskridge, '12, president Oklahoma College for Women, Chickasha, Okla.Charles A. Fischer, '12, ColumbiaUniversity, N.Y.Laura C. Gano, '12, Richmond, Ind.Curvin H. Ginzrich, '12, associateprofessor of astronomy and mathematics,Carlton College, Northfield, Minn.Thornton S. Graves, '12, Universityof Washington, Seattle, Wash.Mason D. Gray, '12, head of classicaldepartment, East High School, Rochester, N.Y.Arthur J. Hall, 'II, teacher in education, Richardsville, Va.Joseph W. Hayes, 'II, instructor inpsychology, University of Chicago.Stella U. Hayne, '12, Urbana, Ill.Annette B. Hopkins, '12, Goucher College, Baltimore, Ohio.Julius T. House, '12, head of the Department of English and Sociology,Nebraska State Normal, Wayne, Neb.James R. Hulbert, '12, instructor inEnglish, University of Chicago.Walter S. Hunter, '12, instructor inphilosophy, University of Texas, Austin,Tex.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThomas A: Knott, 'I 2, assistant professor- ion English, University of Chicago.F. G. Koch, 'I2, I419 Garfield m-a.,Chicago, Ill. 'Harvey B. Lemon, '12, assistant,Department of Physics, University ofChicago.Arno B. Luckhardt, 'II, assistant inphysiology, University of Chicago.Robert A. MacLean, '12, Smith'sFalls, Ontario, Canada.Isaac G. Mathews, 'I 2, professor ofOld Testament language and literaturein McMaster University, Toronto, Canada.Alan W. Menzies, 'IO, professor ofchemistry, Oberlin College, Oberlin,Ohio. 'Howard W. Moody, '12, department ofphysics, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.Ernst W. Parsons, '12, I52 BartlettAve., Toronto, Canada.Paul H. Phillipson, '11, instructor inGerman, University of Chicago.Paul D. Potter, 'I2, 5731 Monroe Ave.,Chicago.Carl L. Rahn, 'I2, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.Homer B. Reed, 'I2, 878 Erie St., Hammond, Ind.Samuel N. Reep, 'II, assistant professor of sociology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.Frank E. Robbins, 'II, University ofChicago.Henry B. Robins, '12, professor inTheological Seminary, Berkeley, Cal.Draper T. Schoonover, '07, associateprofessor of Latin and Dean of MariettaCollege, Marietta, Ohio. Charles M. Sharpe, 'I 2, assistant professor of systematic theology, Universityof Chicago. ;Ralph E. Sheldon, '08, University ofPittsburgh, Medical School, Pittsburgh,Pa.Alonzo R. Stark, 'II, minister, Frankfort, Ind.Shiro Tashiro, '12, School of Education,University of Chicago.Schuyler B. Terry, '10, bond salesman,I464 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. .Guy A. Thompson, '1" 2, professor ofEnglish, University of Maine, Orono, Me.Benjamin W. Van Riper, '12, assistantprofessor of philosophy, Boston University, Boston, Mass.Charles H. Vail, '12, Department ofChemistry, University of Cincinnati,Cincinnati, Ohio.Leroy Waterman, 'I2, at work inBritish Museum with Professor R. F.Harper. .Leroy S. Weatherby, 'II, assistantprofessor of chemistry, University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles, Cal.Charles E. Whitter, 'I2, 614I BerlinAve., St. Louis, Mo.Dean R. Wickes, 'I2, Tung ChowCollege, Pekin, China.Russell M. Wilder, 'I2, 57I8 MonroeAve., Chicago, Ill.Albert H. Wilson, 'II, associate professor of mathematics at HaverfordCollege, Haverford, Pa.Carrie Wright, '12, social service, 562Oakwood Blvd., Chicago, Ill.James R. Wright, 'II, University ofthe Philippines, College of Liberal Arts,Manila, P.I.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONNewaddresses.-G. W. Chessman, Ottawa, Ill.Mr. Ilsley, Capital Hill, Denver, Colo.Mr. Martinsen, Marquette, Mich.Mr. G. Crippen, Flint, Mich.A. S. Cross, Oshkosh, Wis.J. H. McLean, Port Huron, Mich.Henry Barton Robison, J907, is nowDean of the Bible department and professor of New Testament interpretationin the Christian University at Canton,Mo.H. M. Gam, '08, is vice-president and professor of the old Testament also in'the above-mentioned university.John C. Granbery, '10, is pastor ofthe Southern M.E. church and principalof the Sandy Valley Seminary at Paintsville, Ky.Franklyn Cole Sherman, pastor ofthe Church of the Epiphany of Chicago,has been called to the pastorate of St.George's Episcopal Church of KansasCity. Rev. Dr. Cyrus Townsend Brady,the present pastor of St. George's church,has resigned.UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRSAthletics.-Basketball: The Conferencegames for the season were as follows:Jan. 17 Iowa 28- 8" 21 Northwestern 28-25 (at Evanston)" 25 Wisconsin 18-31 (at Madison)Feb. I Purdue 29-25:: 9 O�io State 20-2914 Minnesota. ..23- 9H 2 I Purdue.. . .19-28 (at Lafayette)" 22 Ohio State 21-24 (at Columbus)H 26 Illinois 19-12 (at Urbana)Mar. I Minnesota 20-16 (at Minne-apolis)7 Wisconsin 23-10" 15 Illinois 21-16The standing of the Conference teamsat that time was as follows:Won Lost Pctge'Wisconsin. .... . II I .916Northwestern.. . . 7 2 .777Chicago.. . . .. .. 8 4 . 667Purdue. . . .. ... 6 5 .545Ohio State. " . 4 4 .500Illinois 5 6 . 455Minnesota .. .. 7. 222Iowa. . . 4 .200Indiana. . . . . . . . . I 5 .167Much the most brilliant game of theseason was the victory over Wisconsin onMatch 7-the first defeat for Wisconsinin 28 straight games, running over threeseasons. The game was won largely byeffective guarding. In the first halfWisconsin had no shot at the basket fromnearer than thirty feet, the half ending13-1 in Chicago's favor. In the secondhalf Wisconsin's three goals were due to avery natural let-up on Chicago's part, thegame having been put out of danger.Baumgardner, of whom good things wereprophesied in the January issue, playedhis first full game, and better guardingthan his has seldom been seen. Molanderplayed the only really good game he hasput up this year. Des J ardiens, Vruwink, and Norgren as usual outplayedtheir opponents.Track.-Illinois defeated Chicago inthe meet at Urbana on February 15, bythe huge score of 59 to 27. Campbellwas second in the mile, and but for anaccident would probably have won.Aside from this Illinois secured everypoint in all the runs from the 440 to thetwo-mile. She took also first and second in the 4o-yard dash and first in the 40-yard hurdles, and won the relay. Chicagodid better in the field events, winning firstand second in the high jump and theshotput, and second in the pole-vault.On February 28, Chicago won fromNorthwestern by almost as large a score,55 to 3 I. Chicago won all the places inthe 4o-yard dash, the shot-put, and thehigh jump; the relay; first and second inthe hurdles; first and third in the polevault; first in the 440; second in the mile;and third in the half.The team at present consists practicallyof Captain Kuh in the hurdles, Ward inthe hurdles and dash, Knight in the dash,Matthews in the dash and the 440,Campbell in the mile, Thomas in thevault, Norgren in the shot, and the highjump, Des J ardien in the high jump andshot, and Parker in the dash, high jump,and shot. Staines, Duncan, and Goodwinfill in. Matthews ran better againstNorthwestern than he has ever donebefore, and may do fairly well out-doors.Ward is a good man, quite as good asKuh, who ran out-doors in sixteen flatlast year. Campbell is good also; heshould run close to 4: 30 out-doors.Norgren is doing a little over forty feetwith the shot, Thomas about 11-6 in thevault and Cox 5-8 in the high jump.But the team as a whole is weak, and inthe distance runs, except for Campbell,it is very weak.Swimming.-Chicago has been twicedefeated in swimming this winter, byWisconsin, 45-13, on February IS, andby Northwestern on February 22. Ameet has been arranged with Yale onMarch 21. As Yale is the eastern intercollegiate champion, Chicago's chances ofwinning may be adequately expressed bythe minus sign. If the back and breaststroke events are included in the program,however, Chicago may make someshowing, as the Yale men lack practice inthose types of swimming.General.-Thirty-five members of theGlee Club with Director Stevens andHarold G. Moulton, instructor in politicaleconomy, left on March 14 for a trip toTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Pacific Coast. Examinations for thewinter quarter were given the men enroute. The club will return the daybefore the opening of the spring quarter.At the annual election of the ReynoldsClub, held on March 7, George D.Parkinson was elected president overWilliam H. Lyman, the vote being 379to 107. Parkinson opposed the plan toreduce dues to $1. oo a quarter, by makingthe dues a part of the university bills forall undergraduate men each quarter, andso practically making membership in theClub compulsory. This was the mostdefinite issue that has come before theClub in years, and the fight at electionwas very warm. Other officers chosenwere as follows:Vice-president, Milton MorseSecretary, Samuel E. WellsTreasurer, Robert MillerLibrarian, Cowan Stephenson The first issue of the Chicago LiteraryMonthly, the undergraduate literarymagazine, appeared on March r 5.Donald Breed, '13, is managing editor,Myra Reynolds, '13, Roderick Peattie,'14, and Frank O'Hara, '15, are assistantedi tors. The business manager isWilliam Hefferan, '14, and his assistantWilliam H. Lyman, '14. Contributors tothe first issue included Donald Breed,'13, Elizabeth Jenkins, '12, BarrettClark, '12, Myra Reynolds, '13, SamuelKaplan, '14, Stevens Tolman, '14, andSanford Griffith, '14. The magazine atpresent consists of 32 pages, and ispublished at Freeport, Ill.The annual play of the Women'sAthletic Association was given to apacked house in Mandel Hall on Saturday, March 8-Campus Follies. It wasa vaudeville of eight numbers, mostlyburlesques; as usual, written, acted, andmanaged entirely by women.ADDRESSES WANTEDInformation should be sent to Frank W. Dignan, Secretary. See page 139 ofthis issue.ALUMNI1866William W. Faris1867Henry W. Martin1868Charles Emil Richard MuellerWilliam E. ParsonsJoseph P. PhillipsJohn Fisher Wilson1869Charles S. Moss ALUMNAE1880Lucy Waite (Mrs. Byron Robinson)1882Alice Mary Northrup (Mrs. Benj. F.Simpson)1893Rizpah Margaret Gilbert (Mrs. R. M. G.Smith)Cyrus A. Barker 1894Mary Lucretia DanielsLulu McCaffertyElizabeth Porter1871Ellis S. Chesbrough1872Clarence Albert BeverlyHenry Franklin GilbertEdward F. Smith1873Cornelius Wm. GregoryOliver Clinton WellerNewton Calvin Wheeler1875 1895Lucy Celeste Daniles (Mrs. J. DavidThompson)1896Edith M. BraceEdith EarleMabel EarleFrances Inez Hopkins (Mrs. Jos. R.Downey)Mary Laura HubbardMary D. Maynard (Mrs. W. E. Chalmers)1886 1897Hannah Matilda AndersonAgnes May BrowneMarion Vernon Cosgrove (Mrs. Thos. E.Wilson)Vinnie Crandall (Mrs. Hervay B. Hicks)Marietta Josephine Edmand (Mrs.Fred'k P . Noble)Carolyn Ladd Moss (Mrs. J os. Reed)Alice Robson1898Etta Fulcomer Beach (Mrs. F. B.Winter)Louisa Carpenter De CewLillian Rosalin e GoldsmithMary Louise HannanMary Fiske HeapRose MacNealSarah Nicoll OsborneCatherine Dix Paddock (Mrs. Wm. FlintBaker)N elette Elida Pettet (Mrs. D. W.Howard)B. BogananJonathan Staley1877Perry Edw. BairdWilliam Wallace Cole, Jr.1878Cyrus Benj. Allen, Jr.John R. Windes1879William Harvey AdamsEdward Benj. Esher1882James Vincent CoombsAndrew MalmstenRobert Charles Roy1884Saum Song BoAugust G. AndersonLeonard R. BanksGeo. F. Holloway173I74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI-Continued1893Carl HasselbladJohn HedenOve Laurits HorenLouis Bogart J oralmanHerbert Manchester1894Philip Jackson DickersonGeorge HorneCharles Sproull Thompson1895John Benj. DormanHerbert Wright FoxThomas William MoranFrederich Oscar SchnelleJohn William Williams1896William Eugene BosworthArthur D. DunnRoy Cyrus GarverFrederick W. C. HayesAdrian Carr HonoreGustave Henry Lowenstein1897John Tyler CampbellJulius Curtis GreenbaumElmer Ellsworth HatchHerbert Ray JordanJohn Howard MooreFrederick Day NicholsJ ames Ed ward TuthillJohn Franklin Zimmerman1898Horace ButterworthKnight French FlandersCharles Albert FrederickFrank Henry HarmsCharles Leo HunleyIsaac Barney HymanJohn Harris KelleyHenry Lavergne McGeeIvan Calvin WaterburyHartwell William WebbCharles Alexander Young1899Abraham Alcon EttlesonOscar Geo. FischerWilliam Henry GlascockVictor E. HedbergHenry Ward HooverGordon Beverly MooreSidney Carleton NewsonVan Sumner PearceFrederick Bradley ThomasCharles Francis Yoder AL UMN AE---Continued1899Edna Bevans (Mrs. Fred R. Tracy)Roberta Ironie Bortherton (Mrs. R. M.Young)Helen Rowe ColmanCharlotte Aurie FarnhamJessamine Blanche Hutchinson (Mrs.Wm. C. Beer)Lillian Jane LeechMinnie Lester (Mrs. O. F. Braums)Cornelia Stewart OsborneMartha Binford Railsback (Mrs. J as. E.Warner)Mary Blanche Simmons1900Lillian Carroll BanksAnna Poole BeardsleyLucy Eleanor ChambersJosephine Catherine DoniatDora JohnsonSarah Frances LindsayMary Chapman Moore (Mrs. John PaulRitchey)Myra Hartshorn StrawnKatharine A. Waugh (Mrs. Cloyd Moore)Clara Morton Welch (Mrs. Wm. Green)190rHelen Emily AdamsNellie May Griggs (Mrs. W. D. VanVoorhis)Annebelle RossRuth Vail1902Mrs. _ _:_ AllenBijou Babb (Mrs. Fred T. Parker)Rae Casena BaldwinOla Bowman (Mrs. N. M. Raymond)Grace Jean Clifford (Mrs. -- Smith)Abigail Wells CowleyHilda Mildred French (Mrs.-- Herrick)Annie McIntosh HardieAurelia KochGenevieve Antoinnette MonschMildred Blanche Richardson (Mrs. --Beale)Edith Shaffer (Mrs. Frederick Lass)Marcia Olive SmithJosephine Frances StoneMary E. Tierney (Mrs. John Kinsey)1903Winifred Mayer AshbyEdith Ella Bickell (Mrs. --)Ella M. Donnely (Mrs. John T. Bunting,Jr.)Anne Elizabeth Floyd (Mrs. ChanningW. Gilson)Jennie E. Hall (Mrs. Harold M. Barnes)ALUMNI =-ConiinuedADDRESSES WANTED 1751900Lindley Willett AllenSamuel C. ClarkAaron CohnFrank Coburn DickeyCharles Henry HurdJohn Paul RitcheyCharles Byron Williams1901Frank Perkins BarkerHorace Vanden BogertJohn Raymond CarrForest Simpson CartwrightHenry John J okischEuphan Washington MacraeWard Magoon MillsArthur Hornbrook Reynolds1902Henry William BeifieldJoseph BeifusAlonzo Hertzel BrownNorman Moore ChiversCarl John Emil EckermanElbert Alpheus HarveyLewis Ransom MeadowsAubrey Percy NelsonCarl Dean ThompsonJ esse AndersonEmil Gideon BentallMaurice BuchsbaumGeorge CleaverDavid CorbinHarry Albert EvansWilliam Haines FieldingWalter Edw. FrancisWilliam Herman HaasFri thiof Vilhelm HedeenMatthew KarasekJohn Samuel KenyonJohn MaclearJ ohn Woods MarchildrenIra David SteeleEdwin Elbert ThompsonClinton Benj. Whitmoyer1904Lloyd Clark AyresErnest Everett BallJoseph Stuart CaldwellBenjamin Franklin CondrayEyer Absalom CorneliusAlbert Averell EnglishJohn Ross GargerEugene Lawrence HartiganWilliam Henry Hatfield, Jr.Frank Bradshawe Hitchinson, Jr.Gustave Adolph Johnson ALUMNAE-ContinuedJulia Elizabeth LoringNancy Marie MillerMary Mabel PainHarriet Gertrude PierceBeulah May ReedLauna Darnell Rice (Mrs.)Flounce Belle ShieldsHelen Gertrude Shields1904Margaret Reardon Bacon (Mrs.)Caroline Elizabeth Blanchard (Mrs.Lewis Fuldner)Mary Cornell BristolJessie Lincoln BrumseyCatharine CliffordFrancesca Beatrice Colby (Mrs. JohnLeMoyn Stafford)Fannie FischPearl Leroy FouchtMary Richards GrayEthel JaynesMary Patricia MclivoyWinifred McGuginHattie May PalmerEthel Claire RandallGenevieve SissonFrieda Viola SolomonJosette Eugenie SpinkMary Virginia Stanford (Mrs. G.Stanford)E thel Walmsley1905Florence N ettie Beers (Mrs. NormalPalmer)Rose Amelia BuhligBeulah Emeline ChurchEdwina Louella Dorland, (Mrs. EdmundPearsons Cobb)Evaline Pearl DowlingAbbie Naomi FletcherWilhelmine J oehnkeEdna Lisle Martin (Mrs. Thos. D.Coppenk)Cecile Morse PalmerBertha Eliz. PierceRosalie Stern1906Lucy Anne ArthurFlorence May Bush (Mrs. Walter GoreMitchell)Frances CarverEmily Bancroft CoxCarrie Pierpont Currens (Mrs. J . NapierWallace)Katherine Marie FennessyAlice Janet FrankGladys Eliz. GaylordLaura Evelyn GibbonsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI -ContinuedAlbert Lincoln JonesJ ames Garfield LemonWilliam Woodrow MartinThomas Jones MeekFred Paige PritchardLouis William RapeerHarry Fletcher Scott1905Joseph Bailey CampbellArthur Wesley CraneRobert Emmett DohertyLeonard Ephriam GyllenhaalHarry Booth HazenHerman Gustavus HeilErik J ohan HelstromI var Hatias HoklandFrederick HornsteinAllen Perry JohnstonCharles A. Kirtley �Shirley Stevens McDonaldCharles Morgan McKennaAdolph John OlsonAndrew Peter PetersonEdmund Lennon QuinnEdward Daniel RoseenDavid RosenbaumHenry Gerald Steans1906James Mace AndressBenj. Spafford BarnesRobert Fry ClarkRoy Francis Beaty DavisLouis Harry FrankAlfred William GarnerJohn Wesley HenningerMagnus Berntsen HolmesJohn Hamilton KornsLouis Friberg LevensonMeyer MitchnickAlbertus B. PopeEdw. Palmer PillansTheoron Torrance PhelpsWaldemar Edw. PaulsenRandall Adams RowleyOrlando Franke ScottOtto William StaibForbes Bagley WileyRollin Turner WoodyattLagene Lavassa WrightOrie Chris YoderJoachim Phineus Eeli tch Y ousephoff1907Henry Eastman BennettWilliam Edington BoydGeorge Rex ClarkeGeorge Bernard CohenGeorge Mellville Crabb ALUMNAE-ContinuedAda HawesEmily Belle JohnstonMarion Ruth KelloggCatherine Mary KellyMary Margaret LeeMary Luella LowreyClara Shaw Martin (Mrs.)Eliz. Watson McClureMeta MierswaJeannette Brown ObenchainMuriel Schenkenberg (Mrs. Frank W.Allen)Clara ShawEdith Mary Wilcox (Mrs. -- Spaulding)Maude Josephine WilcoxMargaret Hoyt Young1907Ruth BergmannEliz. Shelley BoganMary Madeline CarlockBessie Marie Carroll (Mrs. S. A. Winsor)Anna Lou ChamberlainMary Stevens Compton (Mrs.)Margaret Eliz. DurwardAnna FordJessica FosterMay Eliz. FralickBertha Heimer Gelders (Mrs. -_. VonMarle)Vernette Lois GibbonsClara Beatrice JophesJean Edith MacKellarMeta Clementine MannhardtHelen Dorothea MillerLenerl Pansie Morehouse (Mrs. Arthur D.Howard)Lila Kemble MorrisDaisy May MosherFrances Montgomery (Mrs. Geo. Thos.Shay)Katherine Alice NicholsTetta ScheftelCaroline Pauline Barbara SchochBeatrice ShaffnerEthel May ShandrewAlice Harriet SmithAgnes Rodatz Snitjer (Mrs, MichaelAlbertus Snitjer)Lilian Olive SpragueRosamond Mayo TowerAlice Eliz. VincentBernice May Warren1908Stella Austrip Anderson (Mrs. John H.Hill)Jessie Eliz. BlackMary Eleanor CarrBeatrice Cochrane