!�-tm.tW I'�·@>1�\ /\ \_ \D. B. BUTLERHEKR Y C. MABIE H. A. GARDNERE. O. TAYLORE. P. SAVAGEA GROUP OF FRESHMEN IN 1864 C. E MUELLERC. A. At;STI;'\The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME V FEBRUARY 1913 NUMBER 4EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe group which make up the frontispiece of this issue weregraduated from the academy in connection with the old University ofChicago, in 1864, and entered the University that fall.Austin did not graduate. The others received the A.B.Frontispiece in 1868, and Mabie, Savage, and Taylor subsequently re-ceived the B.D. also. Digby Bell Butler is in the real estate and lumberbusiness in Frankfort, Mich. Henry Alansin Gardner died in 1911after an honorable career as a lawyer. His daughter, Mary Gardner,married William France Anderson, '99. Henry Clay Mabie is a ministerin Boston. Charles Emil Richard Mueller became a teacher of music;his address is at present unknown to the Alumni secretary. EdwardPayson Savage is director of the Children's Homefinding Association,Minneapolis. Elbert Ozial Taylor is a minister and lecturer in Boston.The picture was very kindly lent the Magazine by Rev. Mr. Savage.TheA summary of the President's annual Report, just issued, heads the"University Record" in this issue. Two or three matters in it may callfor special comment. The total receipts of the Uni-The President's . .R t F· versity for 19II-12 were $1,535,045.67, an mcreaseepor: manceof $72,386. 72 over the year previous. The surplus was$3,220.40. The fees of all sorts from students amount to 42.8 per centof the total; in other words, a student who pays full tuition pays forabout two-fifths of what he gets. The Hebrew Institute, on the WestSide, may be used for comparison. It is frequently referred to �s a"noble charity," but it is 33 per cent self-supporting; in other words, thestudent at the Hebrew Institute pays for one-third of what he gets. Ifone is a charity, why not the other P Gifts paid in to the UniversityI07108 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsince the foundation amount to $33,784,523.81. In regard to thefinancial policy of the University, the statement of President Judson isas follows:It is the established policy of the Board of Trustees to incur no financial obligationfor which res-ources are not in hand, or which will not be certainly available by the timeexpenditures must be made. This of course is for the purpose of insuring the close ofthe financial year without a deficit. It is of course well understood as a distinct policyof some educational institutions to spend what is necessary regardless of resources,depending upon alumni and friends of the institution to provide the resulting deficit.It is not the belief of the University of Chicago that deficit financing is safe from anypoint of view. If expansion is needed in any line, the funds to provide for that shouldbe obtained before the expansion is authorized. The administration of the Universityis carried on strictly in accordance with these views of the Board.The report calls attention to the fact that much if not all of theFreshman work in college is of the same elementary nature as the workTh POd t' in high school. This the president believes to be a seriouse res! en sReport: Rela- mistake, principally because as things are at present,tion of Schooland CollegeWork when a student-a young man or woman seventeen or eighteen yearsold-enters college he finds that there is not a more intellectualatmosphere; he finds himself doing the same sort of things in essentially the same sort of way, perhaps in fact not quite so well, as was the case in the schoolfrom which he comes. How can we expect under these circumstances that the studentshall get lny new intellectual eagerness? .... How can we expect that he shouldnot find far more interest and value in the multiform activities which beset the studenton his entering college?The work now done in the Freshman year could be as well taught in thehigh schools; and, this section of the Report concludes,The best thing to do with the Freshman year is to abolish it.In this connection an article by Dean Angell in the January SchoolReview is of great interest. Called "The Duplication of School Work byDean Angell the College," it declares that such. duplication exists inon the many subjects, of which modern languages, includingSame Subject English, are singled out for special discussion. "Toget rid of this burden of teaching this rudimentary material to classafter class of college students would be a boon which every collegedepartment of modern languages would appreciate to the full." Butthis duplication of work Dean Angell deplores not chiefly because ithampers the college, but because it involves so much waste of the energiesof the student. "The history of the child who was confronted with thebeauties of 'Evangeline' at six different points in his school and collegetraining .is typical of the kind of mal-co-ordination which still, to aconsiderable extent, characterizes the relations of our English instructionEVENTS AND DISCUSSION 109in the schools and colleges." A similar condition of affairs exists, itis said, in history, political economy, civics, commercial geography,physiography, zoology, botany, physiology. "The college accepts thehigh-school credentials in these topics as valid for en trance and thenpermits or requires the student to start at the beginning once again if hewishes to pursue these subjects in college." "It appears," Dean Angell'sarticle concludes, "to be reasonably certain that the college could employto better advantage for all concerned some of its resources which arenow devoted to teaching subjects that can unquestionably be best presented in the high school."The coincidence of the remarks on this topic in the President's Reportand by Dean Angell is not indicative of anything except the harmony oftheir scholastic ideals, but it is profoundly interesting.Professor Slaught's report, as secretary of the Board of Recommendations, shows that 733 applied for positions or service in the school yearTh P id t' 19II-12, and S57 were appointed as teachers, 487 directlye rest en sReport: Board through the University and 70 through teachers' agencies.of �ecom.men- There were also 50 appointments for private instruction,dations and 27 to business positions. The calls for men exceededthe number registered, the number of women registered exceeded thecalls. Men who can coach the athletic teams are in the greatest demandin the high schools. For men who can combine coaching with the teaching of history or science, there are on an average fifteen calls for everycandidate. The average of all salaries for the SS7 appointed was $1,008;the 248 men appointed averaged $1,158, the 309 women averaged $883.The highest average salary, in both high school and college, and for bothmen and women, was for teachers of geology. Apparently the connectionbetween asking for bread and giving a stone is as close now as it was inNew Testament days.The financial statement concerning athletics for the year 19II-12shows that the division of physical culture and athletics went from aThe President's deficit of $3,795· SI on June 30, 19II, to a surplus ofReport: $641.83 on June 30, 1912. The receipts were $67,026,Athletics of which football furnished no less than 86 per cent!University football brought $52,3°4.38, and high-school football(including the receipts of games played on the field), $5,677. 6S. Thefootball expenditures were $25,346.33 for university football, and$4,73°.36 for high-school football. Other leading sports were financedas" follows: track receipts $1,065.78, expenditures $3,274.46; base-lIO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEball receipts $2,737.5°, expenditures $3,289.22; basket-ball receipts$2,744.40, expenditures $3,268.57. From this it would appear that,financially speaking, basket-ball ranks as a major sport next to football.The 1912 Inter-scholastic brought in $544.25 and cost $1,477.53, a netcost of $933.28. Thirty-six former University of Chicago athletes werecoaching in 1911-12, of whom many were giving instruction also in otherlines.As might be inferred from one statement in the foregoing report,basket-ball is flourishing at Chicago. Two defeats so far mar our record,one at the hands of Wisconsin, which has not lost a gamein two years-but have patience, Badgers, we hope toaccommodate you in the return game in Bartlett onMarch 7, to which all alumni in Chicago who like hard, clean, friendly,scientific sport are urged to come. The track men are limbering up, andthe baseball men will soon hear the call, though there is nothing to reportas yet. The best thing in athletics this winter has been the successfuleffort of the Department to interest more men in the games. The interclass-and-department basket-ball series has been admirable, the gamesvigorous and well attended. The series of mile and two-mile races too,for the different gymnasium classes, have done a good deal to stir up theapparently sluggish blood of our long-distance possibilities.As for the Conference, rumors are abroad that something startling isto be done this spring, but no information has leaked out. Michiganundergraduates seem inclined to seek a return. Captain Thomson ofthe football team, addressing a smoker in Detroit, concluded, "UntilMichigan rejoins the Western Conference, Michigan football, baseball,and track teams will be a minus quantity-both in the East and West."On the other hand the Michigan Athletic Association has taken no stepstoward a return. There can be no doubt that warm as the feeling ofthe Conference colleges has been for Michigan, it is heartier now thanit has ever been. It is not that the members of the Conference needmore games or harder competition. Illinois undoubtedly would enjoy anannual series of baseball games with such a worthy foe as Michigan hasalways been; Chicago men look back with pleasure to the old struggleswith Michigan, such as no series of the present day perhaps quite gives;and the Conference track meet without Michigan has lost a little of itssavor. But these things are really immaterial. There are fightersenough born every year so that Achilles, sulking in his tent, may bedispensed with as a combatant. It is as an associate that we especiallydesire the old warrior. We want him out in the open, with the sunAthletics inGeneralEVENTS AND DISCUSSION IIIshining on his armor as it used to shine, for our admiration; not lurkingin the shadow, pretending to an anger over that lost Briseis, thetraining-table, which he no longer feels.Meanwhile one A. A. Stagg continues to play astonishing golf inFlorida, qualifying in first flights. As one correspondent put it: "IfMr. Stagg is sick, as they say, then I have myself been dead for someyears."Following a petition signed by 1,100 business men of the SeventhWard, Professor Charles E. Merriam recently announced himself as anindependent candidate for alderman from that ward.Politics It is not believed he will have any serious opposition.The movement for non-partisanship in municipal electionsis rapidly increasing in strength in Chicago, and Professor Merriam'scandidacy is sure to strengthen it still further. Two alumni of theUniversity who have taken a prominent part in progressive (with andwithout the capital) politics, are H. L. Ickes, '98, who is county chairmanof the Progressive party, and Donald R. Richberg, '01, who is counsel forthe state legislative committee of the Progressives.In consequence of the unreliability of the information published inthe daily papers relative to the recent outbreak of scarlet fever in GreenScarlet Fever wood Hall, Assistant Professor Harris, secretary of thein Greenwood Committee on Sanitation and Hygiene in the University,Hall has, at the request of the editor, made the following succinct report on the situation:Only two cases of scarlet fever developed in Greenwood Hall; the one, that of astudent, Miss Mabel De La Mater, on January IS; the other, that of a maid, on the22d. Prompt measures of isolation and quarantine were undertaken by the Department of Health of the City of Chicago with the co-operation of the physicians in attendance and the University authorities; and what at first threatened to become a serioussituation was quickly and thoroughly checkmated. In neither instance of the diseasecould the source of infection be positively ascertained, inasmuch as scarlet fever waswidespread in the city at the time, and the points of contact were doubtless many.It is gratifying and important to note the lessened case-incidence in the Universitycommunity (including the pupils of the High and Elementary schools who are at themost susceptible age), as compared with that of either Wards 6 or 7, in which theUniversity community is most largely domiciled, and that of the whole population ofChicago.For the week ending January 17: University, I in 3,330; Ward 6, I in 1,015;Ward 7, I in 2,102; City, I in 1,387. For the week ending January 24: University,I in 1,665; Ward 6, 1 in 988; Ward 7, I in 1,7°6; City, I in 1,232.Seven students were quarantined in the Hall for one week; theII2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEothers were allowed to go home. Arrangements were made by the Deanfor making up the lost c1asswork, and all students, except Miss De LaMater, were back at work before the end of January.The Magazine was honored last month by editorial or news commentin the Daily Maroon on many of the points the Magazine had discussed.The Daily Ma- The Maroon in general was kindly, but on "snap" coursesroon on "Snap it differed so sharply that its words deserve reprintingCourses" here. They were:It is seldom that the Daily Maroon prints editorial opinion in a news column.It does so in the present instance only because it is felt that at the time the foregoingeditorial is reviewed, it is just that some answer should be made to the opinions voicedby the writer. It is to be hoped that no student will think the less of the splendid influ ..ence and work of the instructor to whom most pointed inferences are directed. Nostudent who ever had work with him will be influenced in the least, by the disparagingtone of the references made to him. Students are as good judges of men as anyonecould be. They are quick, almost intuitively, to recognize sincerity. In answer tothe statement that students leave" strict disciplinarians who believe in study for itsown sake" to "retreat to the haven prepared by the friendly soul who 'stimulates,'"let it be said that four years of high school give any young man all the disciplininghe needs, and that he is ready for stimulation. Furthermore, the" study for study'ssake" palm might better be given to the "culture" course instructor who is too interested in his subject to waste time bickering over marks and administering puerilerebukes and chastisements. It is certainly to be deplored that courses on the University curriculum should be held up to scorn in the pages of a public magazine published at the University. But the occasion is a happy one in the sense that it allowsthe student daily to give what the editors know to be the opinion of the average undergraduate-that he gets many good things from the "culture" courses, not the smallestof them being association with such inspiring (" stimulating," if you will) men as theone who teaches "knowledge of the institutions of the Low Countries" and the onewho is "better than vaudeville."It might be said that the Maroon seems unwilling to distinguishbetween "snap" courses and "culture" courses. Certainly to preferan instructor who really stimulates to intellectual striving, over aninstructor who "wastes time administering puerile rebukes and chastisements," is desirable. But the Magazine cannot see that this distinctionhas any more to do with its remarks on "snap" courses than-let us say-a comparison of the personal pulchritude of instructors would have.A "snap" course is one for which the student registers that he may loaf;if in it he is also amused, well and good. A "culture" course is one forwhich he registers that he may be aroused 'to ideals and fine feelings.Such a course may be, for instance, in political economy, and require thehardest kind of intelligent work; or it may be in the fine arts, andrequire the closest kind of intelligent observation; or it may be inEVENTS AND DISCUSSION II3sociology, and require the widest range of social speculation. But ifthe student has to exercise in it his faculties and employ his judgment, itis not a "snap" course; and if he does not, it is a "snap" course. Andthe Magazine is sure that the Maroon editor, who is a high-stand student,agrees perfectly with this view.To strengthen the connection between the University and thesecondary schools affiliated with it, a faculty committee composed ofStrengthening Dean Angell, Mr. Payne, the University Examiner, andthe Bond of Professors Butler, Miller, Slaught, and Tufts was recentlyAffiliation appointed. Four hundred high schools and academiesthroughout the country hold such affiliation. The graduates of thoseschools are accepted without entrance examinations; the teachers areprivileged to receive instruction in the Summer Quarter for half theregular tuition; and the schools may be represented in the annual jointconference held at the University. Three hundred letters have sofar been sent out asking whether the schools wish actively to continuethis co-operation, to which 250 have already replied in the affirmative.Few occasions could show more clearly the value to an alumni groupof individual effort, than the dinner at Minneapolis on January 18.Twin City An account of it is published elsewhere; but that accountAlumni Club modestly leaves out the chief figure, H. B. Fuller, Jr., '08.Dinner To secure an attendance of 86 out of not more than 120eligible in the whole state of Minnesota may be regarded as a feat. The86 were rewarded by the brilliance of the toastmaster, President Vincentbeing in his best vein, and by the happy reminiscence and suggestions ofPresident Judson. The other speakers did their best to support the twopresidents, and may be said to have succeeded amply. The group whichwent up from Chicago hugely enjoyed itself, both at the dinner (all themen spoke) and before and after, when they were entertained by President and Mrs. Vincent. It seems to this editor extremely doubtfulwhether a better organized, heartier Chicago alumni dinner has everbeen carried through than that at Minneapolis. It may be interestingto note, in this connection, that not only are the President and the Deanof the Faculties of the University of Chicago former professors at Minnesota, and the president of Minnesota the holder of a degree and formerlya professor here; but also that there are at present, at the University ofMinnesota, 30 people connected with the faculty, who have either studiedor taught here. The bond between Chicago and Minnesota, it wouldseem, ought to be fairly firm.DEBATING IN THE UNIVERSITYBY H. G. MOULTONInstructor in Political EconomyA triple tie was the outcome of this year's contests in the CentralDebating League, the affirmative team winning in each case. Thisresult was somewhat unexpected, as the negative seemed to be the betterside of the question, the Aldrich banking plan. Chicago scored adecisive victory over Northwestern in Mandel Hall on January 17,excelling from every standpoint. The team work of our men wasextremely good; at no time was the result of the contest in doubt. Thework of Mr. Arnold Baar, who opened the debate for Chicago, was mostsatisfactory; he handled a technical dry-as-dust banking question in away that could be understood by everyone Mr. Lorin Peters succeededalmost as well, and made "elasticity of the currency" a very simpleproposition. Mr. D. G. Hunt, however, was the star of the evening.When he had finished, Northwestern was without a leg to stand on.Mr. Hunt cleverly showed that her first and. third speakers had flatlycontradicted each other.At Michigan, according to the report of Mr. J. W. Hoover, '09, whoaccompanied the Chicago team, the contest was extremely close. Onejudge afterward said that he did not know which was the better team;his final markings showed Michigan with 280 points and Chicago with279. One judge said that Mr. Wilbur Hamman was the most finishedspeaker of the six; another, that Mr. Conrad did the best all-aroundwork of any man on either team. Mr. Cook, the only Sophomore tomake our team since the organization of the Central League, acquittedhimself with great credit. Chicago evidently excelled Michigan in presentation, something quite unusual. All the judges agreed that it wasnot until the final rebuttal that the tide was turned in favor of Michigan.Chicago's history in debating, although not what it might be, is verycreditable in view of the handicaps under which we have always labored.For several years Chicago was a member of a debating league composedof Michigan, Northwestern, Minnesota, and Chicago. Under thisarrangement the first debate each year was held in January. At thistime two schools were eliminated; and the victorious teams then met inApril to debate a new question for the championship. Under this schemeeach school had but one team, and these three men, if successful, had toII4ARNOLD P. BAAR,1. D. G. HUNT, '13 LORIN PETERS,!.AFFIRl\fATIVE TEAM, NORTHWESTERNHAROLD G. MOULTON, CoachKING COOK, 'IS SHERMAN CONRAD, d.NEGATIVE TEAM, MICHIGAN WILBUR HAMMAN,!.u6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEspend about seven months of the year working on debates. They wereamply rewarded, however, each member receiving a year's tuition, $50in cash, and a medal-gold for the championship, silver for second place,bronze in case of defeat. This league was dissolved in I906; at thistime Chicago held the championship. The following year a triangularleague was formed, which left Minnesota out. Each school in the newleague chooses an affirmative and a negative team. The first year theChicago affirmative team met Northwestern's negative team at Chicago;the Northwestern affirmative team met Michigan's negative team atEvanston; and the Michigan affirmative team met Chicago's negativeat Ann Arbor. The affirmative teams always remain at home, meetingthe opposing schools in alternate years. Thus three debates are heldsimultaneously. To win, a school must gain the decision on both sidesof the question. The scholarships at Chicago were now reduced to twoquarters' tuition; no cash prizes or medals were given. In the sevenyears since the organization was formed Chicago has won four and lostthree debates with Northwestern, and won two and lost five withMichigan. Twice we have lost both debates; once we have won both;and four times there has been a triple tie. Our record, therefore, iscreditable; our chief regret lies in our failure to defeat Michigan morefrequently.It has long been a matter of common knowledge that there is littleinterest in debating at Chicago. A mere handful of undergraduates isall that ever attends a debate; the largest total attendance recorded isunder 300. Very few of the faculty find time to be present, and thebulk of the audience usually comes from off the campus. While athousand students will attend-»a football mass meeting to hear theirclassmates tell how they hope" to bring back the bacon," a bare scorewill attend the one debate of the year. This is really a reflection on theideals of the University. While we pat ourselves on the back over thehigh standards we are setting tip at Chicago, congratulating one anotheron the fact that this is not an institution for loafers, but one that trainsfor citizenship, the.one activity that comes nearest to the problems of theday and to . citizenship, at least economic and political citizenship, isalmost ignored by faculty and students. The test political polls takenon the campus during the past year recorded a surprising amount ofProgressivism here. A large part of the faculty and student bodyevidently believes in the initiative, referendum, and recall and in theability of the people to decide wisely the great and complicated questionsof the day. The equal suffrage movement is also strong here, and theY<?llng women believe that they should help to settlethe vexing problems'/';J .. �: >- .>DEBATING IN THE UNIVERSITY lI7of the time. It is interesting, therefore, to observe how consistently allthese avoid the debates in which such questions are discussed. Thewriter talked with a considerable number of Progressives during the pastfall, urging them to help stimulate interest in debating in the University,at least by attending the contest on January 17. When told that thequestion was the reform of our banking system, these individuals innearly every case replied that they found such questions uninteresting;that they could not understand the debate if they went; and that, consequently they preferred to go to a dance or a basket-ball game, or tostay at home. Now, if progressive principles triumph, the direct voteof the people will solve most of our great problems, at least so far as theirlarger aspects are concerned. If it really be true that a Universityaudience cannot understand the banking, the tariff, or the trust problems,the recall of judicial decisions, or the commission form of governmentfor cities when these questions are discussed by men who have workedfor months on the preparation of speeches which must be presented asclearly and logically as possible, then it seems to me that our faith in thepopular saying that" the cure for democracy is more democracy" issadly misplaced indeed.The ray of hope in the situation lies in the fact that the lack ofinterest in debating is not due to especial shallowness on the part ofChicago students. Students who enter Chicago are not made of poorerstuff than those of other institutions. The relative lack of interest indebating here is largely due to conditions on the campus. To commandthe support of any student body, an activity must be made to appearrelatively important, and this can be done only by persistent organization and publicity. In schools where the debaters are equal in importance with the football heroes, fifty or sixty men will try for places on theteams. The writer has known this to be true where the total studentbody numbered less than 400. Out of our several thousand studentswe had eleven candidates for the teams this year. At the Universityof Iowa 600 students will attend a debating mass meeting. We hadsixteen, most of whom had peculiarly personal reasons for being present.The institutions that make a success of debating build from the groundup. Is it possible for Chicago to do this?About five years ago a systematic plan of campaign was organizedby our chapter of the national debating fraternity, Delta Sigma Rho.The first step was to bring debaters to the University. Delta SigmaRho undertook to furnish from its membership judges for the debatesheld each year in the high schools of Chicago and vicinity, and to interestthe high-school debaters in coming to the University. This part of theII8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEprogram has been excellently carried out and it has actually borne fruitin the bringing of many good debaters to Chicago.The second step was to give Freshmen a chance to debate. ThePow-wow Debating Club was accordingly started, and it has done somefairly good work. Two debates for Freshmen were provided for: onewith the Sophomore class and a second with the Freshmen of Northwestern. Thus up to the Sophomore year the plan may be said to haveworked, but beyond that it has been a failure. Not one of the debatersbrought through the Freshman year has ever represented us on the University teams. For several reasons they lose interest after the first year.In the first place, there are here no literary societies worthy of thename. Chicago is almost unique in this respect. At most institutionsthe debaters are developed in the debating and literary societies. Yearafter year most of Michigan's representatives have come up out of herliterary societies, experienced men who have participated in scores of serious contests. We have tried to establish debating societies at Chicago,but without much success. The Pow-wow, as stated, does fair work;but the Fencibles has never been much more than an honorary society,its chief function being to add another item to the members' honorlist in the Cap and Gown. The Stump, organized in 1905, as a Seniorcollege and graduate society, accomplished a little for about two years,then died for lack of members.The great handicap to literary societies seems to be the fact thatso many of our students live in the city and go home at night. ThePow-wow has to hold its meetings in the afternoon. They last not overan hour and a half, and comparatively little society spirit is generated.To be successful, literary societies must devote evenings to their meetings. In the second place, there are no society rooms available, and theclubs have to meet in classrooms. At institutions where literarysocieties are important, they have permanent clubrooms which fostera sort of fraternal spirit. In the third place, there are many counterattractions in connection with a metropolitan university. Friday andSaturday nights, set aside in so many places for literary societies, arehere the time for theater, opera, and social functions on and off thecampus. These factors combined seem to make effective literary societiesimpossible. As a result, if interest in debating is to be maintained afterthe Freshman year, it must be by other agencies than the debatingsocieties.One Sophomore debate is held each year-that with the Freshmen;but there is no intercollegiate Sophomore contest, the only kind thatDEBATING IN THE UNIVERSITY II9brings incentive to work. Sophomores are indeed eligible to the University teams, but inasmuch as they have to meet here the competitionof the graduate and law schools, the chance of making the team seemsso slight that few try for places. They settle down to wait until theyare Seniors or until they enter the law school. But in the meantimethey lose their zeal. In the whirl of student activities during the Sophomore and Junior years, debating is lost sight of. A large majority ofthose entering college with the hope of participating in forensics, afteracquiring Sophomoric or Senior college wisdom, know that debating isnot worth while. They prefer to participate in the things that countin college life. Dramatics give them adequate outlet for their histrionicpropensities, and the rigor of the new curriculum furnishes the necessarymental pabulum. If there chances to be now and then a student whodoes not lose his perspective, who still cherishes the idea that he wouldlike to debate during his undergraduate days, he deplores his choice ofan Alma Mater and possibly pulls up stakes and goes to more promisingpastures. Last year a fine fellow, an unusually able debater, decided togo to Michigan for the rest of his course because Chicago offered solittle incentive to debating.Graduate and law school competition has much to do with this lackof interest on the part of the undergraduates. The Junior or theSenior would still try for the debating teams if his classmates shouldhonor his achievement in representing the University in this field. Buthe sees that they do not attend debates and apparently do not care whorepresents Chicago on the platform. The reasons for this have alreadybeen indicated in part, but it is probable that' this apathy is to someextent due to the fact that the members of the teams are almost unknownto the undergraduate body. Seldom more than one and often none ofour six representatives is an undergraduate, the other five being in thelaw or divinity schools. Of these five, one perhaps is an alumnus ofChicago, while the other four were undergraduates elsewhere and arein reality representatives of other schools where they debated beforecoming here. Debating, therefore, does not appeal to our students asreally one of their activities. If our six representatives were all wellknown Seniors the various undergraduate organizations would bringpressure to bear to get out a crowd. The" right thing to do" wouldbe to go to the debate and support the team. It is a serious questionwhether we ought not to make debating a strictly undergraduateactivity, or at least to differentiate and have distinct undergraduateteams and professional school teams.THE FRATERNITIES ANDSCHOLARSHIPIn the March, 1912, issue of the Magazine was published an analysisof the scholarship of the seventeen fraternities in the University for theAutumn Quarter, 1911. Figures are now available for the AutumnQuarter, 1912, and are published herewith. The rank of the variousfraternities for the same quarter the year before is added for the purposeof comparison.FRATERNITIES IN THE ORDER OF THEIR RANK IN SCHOLARSHIP,AUTUMN QUARTER, 1912(The grand totals on which the rank is based include all the undergraduate mem ..bers of each chapter in the Autumn Quarter, and all the men pledged.)Percent- Percent- Percent- PledgesRank. age of age of age of No·1 No. EligibleRank Autumn Fraternity Mem- �:�- Pledges at End19II Grade bers Pledges ofPoints Only Only Quarter-- --- --- --- --- ---I 10 Beta Theta Pi ........... 3· 15 2.85 3·53 12 9 all2 6 Alpha Tau Omega ........ 2.70 2.88 2.46 10 8 73 13 Delta Upsilon ........... 2·49 2·74 2.00 16 8 64 15 Psi Upsilon .............. 2.48 2.03 2.90 II 13 125 12 Phi Kappa Sigma ........ 2.40 2.50 2.26 7 5 46 4 Sigma Chi .............. 2.38 2.89 1.87 8 8 67 9 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ..... 2.30 2·53 1.93 17 10 68 14 Alpha Delta Phi ......... 2.25 2.07 2.81 22 7 all9 I Delta Tau Delta ........ 2.00 2.08 1.93 10 10 610 3 Delta Sigma Phi ......... 1.99 2·73 �·44 9 12 9II 7 Phi Gamma Delta ........ 1.98 1.90 2.09 14 II 712 5 Phi Delta Theta ......... 1.90 1.46 1.96 3 8 513 16 Delta Kappa Epsilon ..... 1.80 1.35 2·53 16 10 914 '2 Sigma Nu ............... 1.78 2·35 1.11 10 8 415 17 Phi Kappa Psi ........... 1.52 1.52 1.52 10 7 316 II Chi Psi. ................ 1.48 1.47 1.50 II 6 317 8 Kappa Sigma ............ 1.23 1. 25 1.20 9 7 4(NoTE.-The figures of this table are changed from those which were sent out tothe various chapters late in January, and the ranks have shifted accordingly. Theranks at that time were based on the standing of the men in the fraternity only; andthere were, moreover, certain errors in the calculation of percentages which havesince been corrected.)The grand total averages are, for all, 2.10 grade points; for members,2.15 grade points; for pledges, 2.06 grade points. There were 194members, 146 pledges, of whom 40, or nearly 30 per cent, gained less120THE FRATERNITIES AND SCHOLARSHIP 121than 'three majors and three grade points, and so were ineligible forinitiation.Analyzing these figures a little, what do we find? In the autumnquarter, the fraternity men averaged one-tenth of a grade point aboveC. What is C ? The minimum grade which permits of regular progresstoward a degree. Counting members and pledges together eightchapters actually averaged below this minimum; the members of sixchapters averaged below it, and the pledges of nine! Nearly 30 per centof the pledges were ineligible for initiation, and of those eligible, morethan 25 per cent were so low in standing that their chances of remainingin the University more than a quarter or two are very poor. That sortof thing is what smashes a fraternity. Of course the autumn quarter isthe worst for scholarship among the fraternity men. "Rushing" playshavoc with study. But how long will it be before various chaptersrealize that their present course is simply suicide?It need not be so. Take the case of Beta Theta Pi. In the year1910-1I, Beta Theta Pi ranked fourteenth in scholarship. In the autumnof 1912 she rose to tenth. Last autumn she came out first, with a grandaverage of better than B-, and with an average among her nine pledgesof close to B. There was no accident about it; the :nembers made uptheir minds to work, as well as take �n interest in: general activities. Itmay be put down almost��s .an axiom that a chapter whose pledgesaverage below C, or which pledges men 25 per cent of whom are ineligiblefor initiation at the end of three months, is losing the respect of itsalumni, and failing in its duty to itself.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe President's Annual Report.-Thenew President's Report, showing the condition and progress of the University forthe year ending June 30, r9I2, is a volumeof nearly 250 pages. It opens with thepersonal report of President Harry PrattJudson, covering the subjects of finance,immediate needs of the University, college problems, the University libraries,Ryerson Physical Laboratory, the degreeof doctor of philosophy, and the University's coat-of-arms. Under "Finance"are included the budget, the Press, andjournals, University College, and gifts;and under "College Problems" are discussed the subject of shortening schooland college curricula and the subject ofstudent social life.The Auditor's report, which follows,covers twenty-one pages and includesthirteen statistical tables ..The report of the Dean of the Facultiesof Arts, Literature, and Science is presented under the following heads: Attendance, Legislation, Instruction, Administration, and Scholarship. Under"Legislation" reference is made to theadvance in entrance requirements for theJunior Colleges whereby entering students must have sustained an average intheir high-school course materially abovethe passing mark. Under" Instruction"attention is called to the report of theDean of the College of Commerce andAdministration and the systematic effortto develop effective curricula in thesecourses; under "Administration" isnoted the wisdom of assigning to theExaminer's office a man free from instructional duties, and the advantage ofinviting teachers from co-operatingschools to visit the classes of the U niversity; and under "Scholarship" is considered the administration of scholarshipsin connection with the Library ..The report of the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature discusses the present value and significanceof the Master's degree and commentsfavorably on the situation with regard tothe Doctor's degree.In the report of the Dean of the Divinity School a detailed vocational curricu- lum is included. The reports of the Deanof the Law School, the Dean of the Medical Courses, and the Director of theSchool of Education (including the College and High School), the Deans of theSenior Colleges, the College of Commerceand Administration, University College,the Junior Colleges, and of the Dean ofWomen cover eighteen pages of theReport.The Secretary of the CorrespondenceStudy Department, the Director of Cooperation with Secondary Schools, theUniversity Examiner, the Directors of theLibraries, the Press, and of Physical Culture and Athletics make contributions tothe Report, and the work of the Board ofRecommendations for the year and of theReligious Agencies is described. Tenpages are given to the reports of theCounsel and Business Manager and theRegistrar.Reports of Research in Progress includethose from twenty-four departments andcover eighteen pages. The list of publications by members of the Facultiescovers twenty-three pages and includesthe titles of forty-two books issued duringthe year. The volume concludes withfifty-three pages of statistical tables giving summaries for the University, theSchools and Colleges of Arts, Literature,and Science, the Professional Schools, theCorrespondence-Study Department, andthe work of the University Examiner.The twentieth anniversary of the firstConvocation.-On the twentieth anniversary of the first Convocation, which washeld on January 7, r893, five hundredstudents and alumni of the Universityand 86 members of the faculty attendeda dinner in Hutchinson Hall for the purpose of promoting closer social relations.President Harry Pratt Judson, ProfessorJames R. Angell, Dean of the Faculties,Dr. Thomas W .. Goodspeed, Secretary ofthe Board of Trustees, Professor Frank B.Tarbell, of the Department of the Historyof Art, and Associate Professor FrancisW. Shepardson, of the Department ofHistory, spoke for the faculty, Mr.Donald Richberg, 'or, spoke for the122THE UNIVERSITY RECORDalumni, and Mr. Chester Bell representedthe student body. Mr. Norman Paine,president of the Undergraduate Council,was the toastmaster. Tables were reserved according to departments. Themusic for the occasion was furnished bythe University Band and the UniversityGlee Club.The American Philological Associationand related societies.- Professor WilliamGardner Hale, head of the Department ofLatin, Professor Elmer T. Merrill, Associate Professor Gordon J. Laing, and Dr.Susan H. Ballou, of the same department;Professor Ira M. Price, of the Departmentof Semitics, and Associate Professor EdgarJ. Goodspeed, of the Department of Biblical and Patristic Greek, were representatives of the University at the joint sessions of the Archaeological Institute ofAmerica, the American Philological Association, and the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, held in Washington,D.C., at the end of December. Messrs.Hale, Merrill, Laing, and Goodspeed presented papers, and Professor Carl D.Buck, head of the Department of Sanskrit and Indo-European ComparativePhilology, was elected a vice-president ofthe American Philological Association.Eugene Y saye at the University.- Thegreat Belgian violinist gave a recital inthe Leon 'Mandel Assembly Hall on theafternoon of January 2I before an audience that occupied even the stage. Theclassic program was drawn from Brahms,Viotti, Vitali, and Vieuxtemps, and theartist played two of his own compositions,"Reve d'enfant" and "Old Mute." Theaudience was especially impressed by theinterpretation of Vitali's" Chaconne," inwhich were strikingly illustrated theartist's remarkable technique and beautyof tone. The audience was enthusiasticthroughout the program, and at the closethe artist gave an encore from theMeistersinger. His accompanist wasCamille Decrus, whose playing. wascharmingly in sympathy with that of theviolinist.On February 4 the Theodore ThomasOrchestra, under the direction of FrederickStock, gave a concert made up of compositions from Beethoven, Schubert,Weingartner, MacDowell, and Dvorak,and the Orchestra will also play on February 25 and April 8. On March IIAlice Nielsen will give a song recital. I23The whole series is proving to be the mostsuccessful given at the University.New relations between the Universities ofChicago and Cambridge.- The arrangement between the University of Chicagoand the University of Cambridge, bywhich the latter is given the exclusiveagency in the British Empire for theformer's publications, is now being supplemented by a reciprocal agreement, theChicago institution taking over theAmerican agency for a number of theCambridge publications. An arrangement has already been concluded for theCambridge journals, and the followingperiodicals in the future will be issued inAmerica under joint imprint: Biometrika;Parasitology; Journal of Genetics; TheJournal of Hygiene; The Modern Language Review; The British Journal ojPsychology, The Journal of AgriculturalScience.Several new books from the Cambridgelist are also to be taken over at once andpublished in this country under jointauspices. The list includes The Life andLetters of Lord Hardwicke, by M. PhilipChesney Yorke; The Duab of Turkestan,by W. Rickmer Rickmers; The History ofRomanesque and Byzantine Architecture,by Thomas Graham Jackson; and TheGenus Iris, by William Rickatson Dykes.The publications selected all embody theresults of research. This movementtoward a closer co-operation between thetwo universities is a matter of specialinterest to all who are concerned with theadvancement of scientific and scholarlyresearch and the preservation of itsresults. The difficulties involved in thepublication of such material are tooobvious to need comment, and it is hopedthat an arrangement that promises somuch aid in this direction may be furtherextended.The University Preachers.-Dr. SamuelMcChord Crothers, D.D., Litt.D., thewidely known essayist and contributor tothe A tlantic Monthly, was the U ni versi tyPreacher on February 9 and r6. Dr:Crothers has previously served in thesame capacity at the University. He isminister of the First Parish Church inCambridge, Mass. Dr. William C.Bitting, of St. Louis, is to be the University Preacher on the last Sunday in February and the first Sunday in March, andon March 9 and 16 (Convocation Sun-I24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEday) Dr. Charles Reynolds Brown, Deanof the Yale Divinity School, is to be thePreacher.The Florentine Fete.-The "FlorentineCarnival," which was given on the evening of February I I for the benefit of theUniversity of Chicago Settlement, wasone of the most elaborate and artisticentertainments ever given at the University. The Frank Dickinson BartlettGymnasium where the fete was held wasdecorated to suggest a piazetta of Florence in the fifteenth century-an archedgateway, an arcade entirely surroundingthe court and heraldic shields and bannerspresenting a distinctly mediaeval effect.The participants in the carnival appearedin costume and masks and portrayedwell-known literary and historical characters native to the Italian Renaissance.The carnival was introduced by a masqueadapted from Milton's L' Allegro, whichwas effectively recited by Dr. EdwinHerbert Lewis, an alumnus of theUniversity. The cast of characters wascomposed of members of the University,and the successive parts of the poem weredistinguished by interpretive country andcourt dances. Serpentine, confetti, andcarnival souvenirs were sold in booths,and refreshments were served in thefaculty room of the gymnasium, whichwas transformed into the formal court ofan Italian palace. There was a greataudience, all the boxes being sold long inadvance. The carnival was given underthe auspices of the University of ChicagoSettlement League.President Harry Pratt Judson is namedamong the incorporators of the Rockefeller Foundation, a bill for the incorporation of which recently passed the Houseof Representatives at Washington. Thebill requires that the election of trusteesshall be subject to the approval of thepresidents, of Harvard, Yale, Columbia,Johns Hopkins, and the University ofChicago. President Judson attended themeeting of the General Education Boardin New York on January 24, and on theevening of January 25 he addressed theEastern Alumni Club on the progress ofthe University.Professor James Hayden Tufts, head ofthe Department of Philosophy, was recently made chairman of' the IllinoisCommittee on Social Legislation. Othermembers of the Committee, which has been incorporated, are Mrs. Arthur Aldis,president of the Visiting Nurse Association, Mr. Eugene T. Lies, general superintendent of the United Charities ofChicago, Miss Jane Addams, head ofHull House, and Mr. Rudolph Matz, ofthe Legal Aid Society. More thantwenty-five charitable and philanthropicorganizations are represented on thecommittee.Professor Albion W. Small, Dean of theGraduate School of Arts and Literature,was the University Preacher at HarvardUniversity on December 29. DeanSmall also gave the presidential addressas head of the American SociologicalSociety at its annual meeting in Boston,and made the opening address at a banquet to the visiting members of thatsociety and the American HistoricalAssociation.Assistant Professor Chester W. Wright,of the Department of Political Economy,resumed his work at the University withthe opening of the Winter Quarter. TheAutumn Quarter he spent in the East inthe investigation of the trust problem.Before returning Professor Wright gavebefore the American Economic Association at its annual meeting in Boston apaper discussing the question of "TheEconomics of Government Price Regulation."Professor Robert Herrick, of the Department of English, has just completeda new novel, to be published by the Macmillan Company under the title of OneWoman's Life.The History of Egypt (Scribner's), byJames Henry Breasted, Professor ofEgyptology and Oriental History, hasnow been translated into German,Italian, Russian, and Arabic, and aspecial edition has been made in Englandfor the use of the blind. His latest book,Development of Religion and Thought inAncient Egypt, by the same publishers,is soon to appear in a German edition.Dean Shailer Mathews, of the DivinitySchool, will give in March at the PacificTheological Seminary at Berkeley, Cal.,a series of six addresses on the generalsubject of "Social Aspects of ChristianDoctrine." Dean Mathews recently attended the meeting in New York of thegeneral committee of the Federal Councilof Churches of Christ in America, ofwhich he was elected president in December. While in the East he also spoke atVassar College and at the Hotel Astor inTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDN ew York before the meeting of themission boards of all denominations.Professor James R. Angell, Dean of theFaculties of Arts, Literature, and Science,represented the University at the twentyfirst annual banquet of the Amherst Clubheld at the University Club of Chicago,January 23, the subject of his addressbeing "The University and the College."Assistant Professor Percy H. Boynton, ofthe Department of English, who is agraduate of Amherst, was the toastmaster. President Meiklejohn, of Amherst, was the guest at luncheon of Professor Boynton and other members of thefaculty who are Amherst graduates.A joint session of the BibliographicalSociety of America and of the College andUniversity Librarians was held in theHarper Memorial Library early in January, the session being preceded by adinner given to the visiting members ofthe two organizations by the Universitylibrarians, Director Ernest D. Burton andAssociate Director J. C. M. Hanson.Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, headof the Department of Political Economy,appeared before the subcommittee of theHouse banking and currency committeeat Washington on January 8 to discussproposed features in banking and currency reform.Assistant Professor William J. G. Land,of the Department of Botany, returnedfor regular work in the University at theopening of the Winter Quarter after anabsence of four months in botanical investigations in Australia and the SamoanIslands. He spent two months in theisland of Tutuila in the collection andstudy of plants, and was especially impressed by the remarkable growth andvariety of the island ferns. Dr. Landalso made observations in and around theera ter of Kilauea in the Hawaiian Islands.He brought back a large amount ofmaterial for use by the Hull BotanicalLaboratory.William Pierce Gorsuch, of the Department of Public Speaking, has been electedpresident of the Chicago Dramatic Society, which has for its purpose the studyof the best English, American, and translated plays, and stage interpretations ofgood plays as a means of studying them.Assistant Professor Henri C. E. David,of the Department of Romance, has beenone of the lecturers before the society.The Bengal poet, Rabindranath Tagore, gave an address at the University on January 23, his subject being "Idealsof Indian Civilization." The address attracted a large audience of students andfaculty and was delivered with greateffect, part of which was due to thespeaker's remarkable mastery of English.A number of Dr. Tagore's poems haverecently been translated by himself intoEnglish and set to music of his own composition. A son of Dr. Tagore is a graduate student at the University of Illinois.Associate Professor S. Chester Parker,Dean of the College of Education, hasrecently completed an illustrated volumeof 500 pages under the title of History ofModern Elementary Education. The bookdeals primarily with typical movements,and outlines for the student the chief elementary school problems from the MiddleAges to the present time.At the meeting of the Sigma Xi Societyof the University, held in the QuadrangleClub on January 7, Dr. Aaron Aaronsohn,director of the Jewish agricultural experiment station at Haifa, Palestine, gave anaddress on the possibilities of increasingthe world's wheat supply by the introduction of wild wheat from Palestine,which is especially adapted to growth inarid regions. Mr. Julius Rosenwald, ofthe University Board of Trustees, is president of the experiment station, and Professor Julian W. Mack, of the La wSchool, is one of the trustees.The intercollegiate convention of theMenorah Society was held at the U niversity in January. The convention waswelcomed to the University by ProfessorJames R. Angell, Dean of the Faculties,at a dinner given by the society. Thepurposes of this society are largely cultural. Officers of the national association were elected, representing Harvard,Minnesota, Northwestern, and Pennsylvania.Associate Professor S. H. Clark, of theDepartment of Public Speaking, gaveduring this month a series of sevendramatic interpretations at ColoradoCollege, the repertoire including Ridersto the Sea and The Workhouse Ward,Galsworthy's Pigeon, Vanity Fair, andThe M eUing Pot.Professor William Gardner Hale, headof the Department of Latin, gave thesalutation at the formal opening of theThomas Arnold School in Chicago onJanuary 22. President Abram W. Harris, of Northwestern University, was alsoa speaker.126 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEProfessor T. Atkinson Jenkins, of theDepartment of Romance Languages andLiteratures, was elected chairman of theCentral Division of the Modern Language Association of America for theensuing year at its reeent meeting inIndianapolis.Associate Professor Henry ChandlerCowles, of the Department of Botany,who is president of the GeographicSociety of Chicago, made the presentation of the new gold medal of the societyto Captain Roald Amundsen in OrchestraHall, Chicago, on February 3, when thelatter lectured on his discovery of thesouth pole.Associate Professor Martin Schutze, ofthe Department of German, has preparedan annotated edition for college studentsof Grillparzer's drama, Des Meeres undder Liebe Wellen, a German version of theHero and Leander legend, and has alsowritten for the book a comprehensiveintroduction on Grillparzer's art as adramatist. Mr. Schiitze is the author ofan English verse tragedy on the sametheme as the German play. �Associate Professor Herbert E. Slaught,of the Department of Mathematics, hasgiven editorial supervision to a new textbook in mathematics entitled A SourceBook of Problems for Geometry, by MabelSykes, of the Bowen High School, Chicago. The book is based upon industrialdesign and architectural ornament.Recent contributions by the membersof the Faculties to the journals publishedby the U niversi ty of Chicago Press:Angell, Professor James R. : "TheDuplication of School Work by the College," School Review, January.Burton, Professor Ernest D.: "TheExpansion of Christianity in the Twentieth Century," I, Biblical World, February.Case, Assistant Professor Shirley J.:"The Nature of Primitive Christianity,"American Journal of Theology, January;"The Rehabilitation of Pharisaism,"Biblical World, February.Coulter, Professor John M.: "The Religion of a Scientist," Biblical World,February.Gates, Dr. Errett: . "Another Case ofDiscipline in the Prussian Church,"American Journal of Theology, January.Heinzelmann, Dr. Jacob H.: "Pope inGermany in the Eighteenth Century,"Modern Philology, January. . Hulbert, Dr. James R.: "Chaucer andthe Earl of Oxford," Modern Philology,January. .Johnson, Principal Franklin W.: "TheHillegas-Thorndike Scale for Measurement of Quality in English Compositionby Young People," School Review,January.Judd, Professor Charles H. : "TheMeaning of Secondary Education,"School Review, January.Marshall, Professor Leon C. : " Sequence in Economic Courses at the University of Chicago," Journal of PoliticalEconomy, January.Mathews, Professor Shailer: "TheNew Catholic Unity," Biblical World,January.Merrill, Professor Elmer T. : "OnCicero to Basilus (Fam. VI. IS)," Classical Philology, January.Parker, Associate Professor S. Chester:"Bibliographies, Briefs, and Oral Exposition in Normal Schools," ElementarySchool Teacher, January.Prescott, Professor Henry W.: "The4mphitruo of Plautus," Classical Philology, January.Small, Professor Albion W.: "ThePresent Outlook of Social Science,"American Journal of Sociology, January.Yamanouchi, Dr. Shigeo: "Hydrodictyon Africanum, a New Species" (contributions from the Hull BotanicalLaboratory 166), with six figures,Botanical Gazette, January.Recent addresses by members of theFaculties include:Boynton, Assistant Professor Percy H. :Address at the Franklin anniversary banquet of the Chicago Typothetae, January10.Breckinridge, Assistant ProfessorSophonisba P.: "The Woman's CityClub," Chicago College Club, January 4;"Child Labor," Kent Theater, Universityof Chicago, January 27.Butler, Professor Nathaniel: "Vocational Training," Leon Mandel AssemblyHall, University of Chicago, January IS;"The Relation of Business to Education,"Business Science Club, Winnipeg, Canada, January 17.Chamberlin, Dr. Rollin T.: "A Visit toBrazil" (illustrated), Geographic Societyof Chicago, Art Institute, January 24.Coulter, Professor John M.: "PlantRelations," Ridge Woman's Club, RidgePark, Ill., February 3.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDDodd, Professor William E.: " ShallLee Have a Biography?" Chicago chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy,January 20.Foster, Professor George B.: "TheFuture of Religion and the Religion of theFuture," Peoria, Ill., January 12; "TheIdea of Authority," Society of Anthropology, Chicago, February 2.Freund, Professor Ernst: " SocialLegislation," The Forum, Caxton Club,Chicago, January 5.Goode, Associate Professor J. Paul:Address before the Chicago Associationof Commerce, Congress Hotel, January30; "The Great Seaports of Europe,"Maywood, Ill., February I I.Hoben, Associate Professor Allan:"The Modern Menace to the Home,"Englewood Woman's Club, Chicago,January 6; "The Story and CharacterDevelopment," Chicago branch of theNational Story Tellers' League, HandelHall, February 4.Leavitt, Associate Professor Frank M.:"Vocational Training," Leon MandelAssembly Hall, University of Chicago,January IS.Linn, Associate Professor James W.:"Literature and Daily Life," IsaiahTemple, Chicago, February 5; "How toRead a Novel," February 5; "How to Read a Play," February 19, ChicagoHebrew Institute.Mead, Professor George H.: "Occupations Open to the College TrainedWoman," Chicago School of Civics andPhilanthropy, January 18.Millikan, Professor Robert A.: "TheElementary Electrical Charge and Extension of the Brownian Movement," meeting of Iowa college scientists, Iowa City,Iowa, January 25.Sargent, Professor Walter: "The Development of Landscape Painting inAmerica," Columbian Club, Dallas, Tex.,January 20.Small, Professor Albion W.: "PoliticalModernism," Chicago Woman's Club,January IS; "The Academic Factor inAmerican Life," seventeenth annual banquet of the Chicago Association of CreditMen, Hotel La Salle, January 27.Starr, Associate Professor Frederick �"Recent Travels in Africa," FortnightlyClub of Englewood, Chicago, January 14.Tufts, Professor James H.: "The Present Task of Ethical Theory," The Forum,Chicago, January 19.Wallace, Assistant Professor Elizabeth:"The Spanish Theater of Today," cu.cago College Club, Fine Arts Building,February 8.FROM THE LETTER-BOXTo the Editor:In connection with the coming of Dr.C. R. Henderson to Tokyo about the firstof March, we are hoping to hold a University of Chicago Club banquet. I trustthat the Magazine will get here in time forthat meeting. I would like also to receivesome of the latest circulars of the U niversity, including courses of study, announcements, illustrated folders, etc.; infact anything that will bring up happymemories or inform us as to the presentsituation will be welcome. As youknow, most of our members are Japanese,and have less opportunity than weforeigners of keeping in touch with theUniversity. We try to make our annualbanquet a time of instruction as well asfellowship, and if you would kindly helpus to make this year's affair a success bycomplying with the above request weshall all be greatly obliged.We are especially delighted to have theprivilege of having Dr. Henderson withus, and we hope that we shall be able toboom Chicago while he is here.H. B. BENNINGHOFFTOKYO, JAPANJanuary 10, 1913To the Editor:Alumni Clubs have shown some interest in the collection of slides in the President's office. About 60 slides areavailable for use at· alumni meetings.These are arranged so that beginningwith a view of the old University and amap of the present campus the alumnuswho acts as lecturer can proceed fromCobb Hall around the campus. Theslides are as follows:1. The Old University of Chicago.2. The Douglas Tablet.3. The New University.4. William Rainey Harper.5. Lake Michigan.6. Mr. D. H. Burnham's Sketch of theMidway.7. Bird's-Eye View of the UniversityToday from the Southwest.8. The North Campus from the Smokestack of the Power House. 9. The South Quadrangle from theSmokestack of the Power House.10. Cobb Hall and Divinity Dormi-tories from the Northeast.II. A View of the Campus in 1892.12. Ryerson Physical Laboratory.13. Kent Chemical Laboratory.14. Snell Hall and Charles HitchcockHall.IS. A View of Snell Hall Eastwardtoward the Tower.16. The Library of Hitchcock Hall.17. Ryerson Physical Laboratory fromHull Court.18. Ryerson from Hull Court.19. The Anatomy Building from HullCourt.20. Hull Court from Hull Gate.21. The Mitchell Tower and Hutchin-son Hall from Hull Court.22. Hull Court.23. The Interior of Hutchinson Hall.24. The Stairway in the Reynolds Club.25. The Billiard Room in the ReynoldsClub.26. The Reception Room in theReynolds Club.27. Interior of the Leon MandelAssembly Hall.28. Cast of a Comic Opera Producedby the Blackfriars.29. Miss King and Miss Baird as Celiaand Rosalind in As You Like It.30. Mr. W. J. Cuppy as "PremiereDanseuse" for a Comic Opera.3 I. The Cloister with Mandel Hall inthe Distance.32. The Tower Group from the North.33. Frank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium.34. Swimming Pool in the Gymnasium.35. Exercising in the Gymnasium,Showing the Ball Cage in Position.36. The Washington Promenade in theGymnasium.3 7. Marshall Field during a Big Game.38. A Cheer Leader.39. The Martyn Family, Including theDog.40. The Modern Discus Thrower.41. The Start of a Cross-Country Run.42. The Women's Halls from the128FROM THE LETTER-BOXMidway, Showing Foster, Green, andBeecher. Kelly Hall is Concealed byFoster.43. The Campus in April.44. Interior of the Nancy Foster Hall.45. Emmons Blaine Hall.46. The Law Building from theMidway.47. Stairway in the Law Building.48. Reading Room in the Law Building.49. Haskell Oriental Museum.50. Residence of Harry Pratt Judson.5I. The First Day of Spring at the"C" Bench.5 2. The Democracy of the" C" Bench.53. The Daily Maroon Office.54. The Beginning of Class Day I902-the Raising of the Class Flag.55. The Senior Flag.56. The Senior Bench.57. The Site of William Rainey HarperMemorial Library.58. The Campus in Winter.59. The Law Building at Night.60. The Mitchell Tower.To bring this collection up to date it isthe intention to secure, as soon as theweather is favorable, good photographs ofthe Marshall Field fence and new grand- stand as well as photographs of theHarper Memorial Library. Some alumnihave already suggested additional slides.Mr. E. E. Slosson, for instance, of theIndependent has suggested slides bearingthe" Alma Mater" and other Universitysongs. These willbe provided. Anotheraddition which will make the collectionmore interesting next winter will be aseries of moving-picture films. Forinstance the Convocation procession inJune, the conferring of. degrees inHutchinson Court, the Spring Festival,Marshall Field on the day of a big game,the Maypole Dance on Junior Collegeday-all these will lend themselves well tomoving-picture record. In bringing yourattention to the list of slides above andthe proposed moving-picture records I amseeking the co-operation of all alumniand students who possess negatives orprints of buildings or people interestingin the history of the University. Even ifalumni are unable to send photographs,they will greatly assist by sending sug ..gestions as to the kind of picture mostinteresting from their own point of viewand from the point of view of those likelyto become interested in the University.DAVID A. ROBERTSON, '03ALUMNI AFFAIRSTwin Cities Alumni Club.-"Why, I Robertson;" Alumni," Professor Albertdidn't realize there were so many Uni- E. Jenks; "Former Students," Superinversity of Chicago people around here!" tendent Milton C. Potter; "There's aThis expression of surprise was heard Reason," Harvey B. Fuller, Jr.; "Theon all sides at the Chicago Dinner held University," President Harry Prattat the Leamington Hotel, in Minneapolis, Judson; "Greetings," from PresidentSaturday, January 18. At this first Emeritus Cyrus Northrop; "The Oldgathering of alumni, former students, and Chicago University," Rev. E. P. Savage;one-time instructors of Chicago located in "Touche!" Dean James W. Linn.the Twin Cities there was a most gratify- Throughout the entire evening it wasing attendance, numbering 86, a good evident that the spirit of loyalty andproportion being women. To the pres- enthusiasm for the University, whichence of two university presidents was certainly had been cherished by eachdue a large measure of the success of the individual, was finding expression in ameeting. A delegation from the quad- "group spirit." The real purpose ofrangles headed by President Harry Pratt the gathering, aside from the pleasure theJudson went up especially for the occasion; evening afforded, was to crystallize thisand President George E. Vincent of Chicago spirit into definite, permanentMinnesota presided as toastmaster. form. A committee was appointed withThose accompanying Dr. Judson were power to adopt a constitution and electMrs. Judson, Mr. and Mrs. David Allan officers for a University of Chicago AlumniRobertson, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Heck- Club of Minnesota, the action of thisman, Miss Jessie Heckman, and Dean committee to be subject to ratification atJames Weber Linn. They reached Min- the next general meeting to be held durneapolis early on the r Sth, were met at the ing the spring quarter. It is proposeddepot by Dr. Vincent, and escorted to his that all alumni, former students, and onehome, where he and Mrs. Vincent were time instructors of Chicago residing inhosts at a delightful breakfast party. the state of Minnesota shall be eligibleIncluded among the breakfast guests were to membership. Communications inProfessor and Mrs. A. L. Underhill, regard to the organization of the Clubthe latter being a sister of Mrs. Judson should be addressed to Harvey B. Fuller,and Mr. Underhill a Chicago graduate. Jr., 186-go West Third St., St. Paul,The Judsons, the Robertsons, and Mr. Minn.Linn were guests of the Vincents over Those present at the dinner included,Sunday. besides the group from Chicago, theWhen President Vincent began the following: H. A. Abernethy, 'gg, L. K.after-dinner program with so many Adkins ,'12, Helen Bally, '07, Harold M.familiar faces before him, it was natural Barnes, EX-'04, W. H. Bussey, '04, N. E.that he should be inspired to say, Chapman, '85, Hardin Craig, S. N. Dein-"Backward, turn backward, 0 Time, in hard, 'oo, Emily E. Dobbin, '03, Agnesyour flight, Doherty, Ex-'07, J. F. Ebersole, '08, W.A d k D·· t f H. Emmons, Ph.D., '04, Florence A.n ma e me a ean agam JUS or Fonda, EX-'12, W. W. Frost, '02, Harveytonight." B. Fuller, Jr., '08,-C. H. Gingrich, Ph.D.Those who responded to toasts did so in a '12, Fred Hall, EX-'02, Bertha S. Iles,manner that conjured up much merri- Ex-'oo, Albert E. Jenks, '97, Howard S.ment as well as "local color" from the Johnson, Ex-'06, Charles B. Jordan, '08,quadrangle. Following is a list of the Arthur L. Keith, Ph.D. '10, Alfred E.topics from which the speakers diverged: Koenig, Ex-'06, Ernest W. Kohlsaat,"University Migration," Professor An- Jr., '02, Martha F. Laiblin, EX-'IO,thony L. Underhill; "New Buildings at Benjamin Lee, Ex-'g8, Lillian Lindholm,Chicago," Mr. Wallace Heckman; "The 'oS, Edward M. Lehnerts, Ex-'97, FloydPhoenix and the Book," Mr. David A. Lyle, EX-'10, Dr. A. J. Lynt, Victoria130ALUMNI AFFAIRSMcAlmon, '12, Roy W. Merrifield, '06,Leon Metzinger, '08, Belle K. Middlekauff, Ex-'07, Thomas W. Mitchell,Mary E. Mortenson, Ex-oo', Amy M.Mothershead, Ex-'9S, J. Anna Norris,Ex-'09, John J. O'Connor, Ex-'oS, LutherW. Parker, Ex-'07, Clarence N. Patterson,'79, Mrs. Eugene Patterson (ElizabethMcWilliams), '96, Chauncey J. V. Pettibone, '07, Earle V. Pierce, '94, EdwardR. Pope, Milton C. Potter, '04, N. J.Quickstad, EX-'09, Carl L. Rahn, '07,Ph.D. '12, S. N. Reep, 'II, H. C. Richardson, Ex-'04, E. V. Robinson, Edward P.Savage, '68, Theophilus H. Schroedel,Ex-'oS, Renslow P. Sherer, '09, Royal R.Shumway, Marion D. Shutter, '81,Edward T. Stoner, H. B. Street, '02,C. E. Tingley, Ex-'98, Anthony L. Underhill, Ph.D. '06, Victor N. Valgren, EX-'d4,Richard Wischkaemper, Ex-' 1 2, JeremiahS. Young, Ph.D. '02.H. B. FULLER, JR., SecretarySpelman House Scholarship.-Thealumnae chapter of Spelman housewishes to announce a scholarship consisting of one year's free tuition in the University and $120 in cash, to be awardedto any graduate woman of the University who wishes to specialize in socialwork. Applicants should address AnneS. Davis, 6IIO Kimbark Ave.News from the classes.-1868Rev. E. P. Savage is manager of theChildren's Home Society, 31 Nourse St.,St. Anthony Park, St. Paul, Minn.1879Clarence N. Patterson is Minneapolismanager of the Union Central Life Insurance Co., of Cincinnati, 704 MetropolitanBldg.1896Elizabeth McWilliams (Mrs. EugeneL. Patterson) has moved to 744 OsceolaAve., St. Paul, Mimi.Harry A. Lipsky, who is general manager of the Daily Jewish Courier, is nowChairman of the Committee on Leases ofthe Board of Education of Chicago, towhich he was appointed in July, 19II.He is a member also of the committees onSchool Management, and Social Centers.1899Herbert A. Abernethy is a lawyer withoffice at 1601 Pioneer Building, St. Paul. Abernethy was the thinnest man in collegein his day, but his figure has improvedsince then.EX-1900Bertha S. lIes is teaching at StanleyHall, Minneapolis.1902Arthur L. Keith is an instructor inCarlton College, Northfield; Minnesota.EX-I902Fred Hall, the first man among thewestern colleges to run the two-mileunder ten minutes, is a member of TheBruce-Hall Company, 41 ScandinavianBank Building, St. Paul.1904An interesting experiment has recentlybeen undertaken by Murray Schloss.Mr. Schloss believes that the field is openfor what he calls "personal magazines,"magazines which shall reflect a particulartheory or personality; like, for instance,the "House Beautiful" or the "Philistine." He is now making arrangementsto permit the inexpensive publication ofsuch magazines by a central co-operatingplant, probably to be located in Chicago.Any alumni or alumnae who are interested may address him in care of theNational Arts Club, Gramercy Park,New York City. Mr. Schloss ran forCongress on the Third New Jersey District last November. As he was on theSocialist ticket, he failed of election, buthe received a vote proportionately about200 per cent greater than any other Socialist candidate in the state.EX-I 904Warren D. Foster has just publishedthrough Sturgis and Walton, "Heroinesof Modern Progress," devoted to thehistory of women of the roth centurycelebrated for scholarship and philanthropy.Harold M. Barnes is general advertising manager for the Russell-Miller MillingCompany of St. Paul.1905James E. Bell is a graduate student andassistant in chemistry at, the Universityof Illinois.Milton C. Potter is superintendent ofschools in St. Paul. His address is 482Ashland Ave.132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1906Martin E. Anderson is pastor of theMcKinley Memorial Church at UrbanaIllinois. The church was opened thi�year by the Presbyterian Synod of Illinoisand is for the benefit of those who are inChampaign and Urbana by reason of theUniversity's presence. Its membership,which is strictly affiliate, is intendedprimarily for Presbyterians but includesalso those who are not connected with anychurch in town. It is open only duringthe school year. The membership atpresent is near 200 and is very largelyinterdenominational. There is no othersimilarly organized church in Illinois.Mrs. Ralph W. Pool (Lillian Heckman) has recently moved to Bassano,Alberta, Canada.Roy Merrifield is doing social work atSt. Cloud, Minnesota, where his addressis 6II, 5th Avenue.EX-I906Howard S. Johnson is with the American Hoist and Derrick Company, St.Paul.19°7On December 28, Miss Faith Dodge,Professor of Romance Languages in Millikan University, addressed the modernlanguage teachers of the Arkansas StateTeachers' Association in Little Rock,Ark., on more efficient methods inmodern language teaching.Clyde Bainhas left Wyoming and isrunning a fruit ranch in Texas.Lee W. Maxwell has gone to New YorkCity as assistant general manager of theAssociated Sunday Magazines. It isreally hard to say whether Lee Maxwellis better as business man, golfer, orgeneral good fellow.Carl L. Rahn is an instructor in psychology in the University of Minnesota.R. Eddy Matthews is now engaged asnews editor of the Chicago Daily Press.His house address is 208 East 45th St.1908Harold G . Lawrence is head of thedepartment of English and dean of theCollege of Liberal Arts at Winona College, Winona Lake, Indiana.Renslow Sherer. is selling bonds forN. W. Harris & Co. His headquartersare the Hotel St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn.Charles B. Jordan's business addressis 200 Third Ave., North, Minneapolis,Minn. Leon Metzinger is an instructor atthe University of Minnesota.EX-I908J. Franklin Ebersole is an instructorat the University of Minnesota.1910, 1895S .. S. Vis�er,' 10 is the author of the partsdealmg WIth geography and biology ofSouth-Central South Dakota, and thecollaborator with the state geologistE. C. Perisho, '95, in the geological sectio�of the volume which is the .recently issuedBulletin 5 of the South Dakota Geologicaland Biological Survey.1910Arthur Hoffman has been re-engagedto coach the Tulane University eleven in1913.(Mrs.) Eleanor Karstens is Lecturerin the Library Schools and Secretary tothe Librarian at the University of Illinois.Her address is 906 W. California Ave.,Urbana.EX-I9IO. Floyd Lyle is secretary to PresidentVmcent of the University of Minnesota.1911, 1910Chung Hsuan Tang, 'II, is Directorof Schools and Colleges in the Provinceof Kwang-tung, the largest province ofChina. The China National Reoie»of July 30, 1912, has an elaborate articledealing with the progress of reform inK wang- tung province. Other graduates,or former students of the Universityassociated with the Kwang-tung administration are Chien Shih-fan, ex-irecommissioner of civil affairs, and Dr:Pan H. Lo, 'II, commissioner of foreignaffairs. Ching Tin-Tow, '10, formercommissioner of public works, has retiredfrom office.19IIWilliam A. Warriner, Jr., is with theCement Stave Silo Company, De Kalb,Ill.Olive Bickell (Mrs. C. N. Griffis) maybe addressed care of West Coast Publishing Co., Casilla 1265, Lima, Peru.1912Clarence A. Wood may be addressedcare of Court of Appeals, Albany, NewYork. 'Frank A. Gilbert, who is teaching atthe Chicago Latin School, will thisALUMNI AFFAIRSsummer take abroad a group of sixboys from Chicago preparatory schools.With similar groups from other citiesthey will visit the leading English preparatory schools, at the invitation of themasters of English schools.Faith Carroll is teaching in the Chicagopublic schools. Her address is 857 Belden Ave.Albert H. Dekker is with Reid,Murdock and Co., wholesale grocers.His address is 1063 S. Wabash Ave.Abigail McElroy is teaching biologyin the Topeka (Kan.) high school, heraddress being 1274 Garfield Ave.Joseph D. Oliver, Jr., is with the OliverChilled Plow Company at South Bend,Indiana.Harriet Hamilton, Annette Hampsher,Lucile Heskett, Margaret Magrady,Ella Monihan, and Winifred Munroe arestudying at the Chicago Normal School.Pearl McGimsie is teaching at Chisholm, Minnesota.Laone Lumbard is studying music ather home, Lombard, Illinois.Charlotte O'Brien is teaching at N orway, Michigan.Ella Spiering is teaching mathematicsand German in the Sparta (Mich.) highschool.Mabel and Barbara West are at home,Creston, Iowa.Anna J. Melka is teaching at Audubon,Iowa. - 133Kathrine Mayer is teaching physicsand chemistry at the college of St.Katherine, St. Paul, Minnesota.1912-LGustave A. Kramer, recently associated with Hebel & Haft, attorneys,Chicago, has taken a position as associate"lawyer with LeForge, Vail & Miller ofDecatur, Ill.EX-I9I2Charles G. MacArthur is instructor inPhysiological Chemistry at the University of Illinois, his address being 610Indiana Ave. , Urbana.Marriages.-'12, '13. Alice M. Schilling to Rev.Clifton N. Hurst, on September 4, 1912,at LaGrange Park, Ill. Mr. and Mrs.Hurst are now at Laurel, Montana.Ex-'05,'II. C. R. Lammert to MargaretAlice King, on December 17, 19I2,at Toledo, Ohio. They will live at 30York Terrace, New Brighton, StatenIsland, New York.'12. Adelaide E. Roe to George W.Polk, on December 28, 1912, at FortWorth, Texas. Miss Roe is a sister ofMary Roe, who last year married H. F.Scruby. She is a member of the Mortarboard.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYE. E. Slosson, '02, of the editorialstaff of the Independent, has been appointed as a member of the faculty inthe School of Journalism of ColumbiaUniversity.John F. Norton, 'II, is director ofsanitary chemistry at .the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Boston, Massachusetts.A. H. Bernhard, '94, is professor ofscience at the La Crosse, Wisconsin,State Normal School.Frank L. West, 'II, is professor ofphysics and chemistry at the Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah.Reinhardt Thiessen, '07, is connectedwith the Bureau of Mines, and is locatedat Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.William P. Blair. who took his doctor'sdegree in the Department of Physicsand has been connected with the UnitedStates Weather Buteau, has recently been promoted to the position of Resident Director and Executive Officer,located at Mt. Weather, Virginia.Rev. Wm. C. Gordon, '99, is pastorof the First Presbyterian Church- ofAuburndale, Massachusetts.W. D. Ferguson, '06, is located atAlbany College, Albany, Oregon.Isabelle Bronk, '00, is professor ofFrench Language and Literature atSwarthmore College.Henry B. Kummel, '95, is State Geologist of New Jersey and is located atTrenton, New Jersey.H. F. Allen, '05, is professor of Greekat Washington and Jefferson University,Washington, Pennsylvania.L. Estelle Appleton, '09, is speciaJ lecturer in the Kindergarten Training Schoolat Grand Rapids, Michigan, her subjectsbeing Child Study, Psychology, Historyof Education, and Primary Methods.134 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAt the meeting of the Classical Association of the Northwest in November, I9I2,the following Chicago Doctors were onthe program: Evan T. Sage, '08, of theUniversity of Washington read a paperon the "Tribunate of Tiberius Gracchus."He was also re-elected secretary for theyear I9I2-I3. At the same meetingKelley Rees, '06, of Reed College, waschairman of the local committee.A t the meeting of the WashingtonState Philological Society in Seattle inDecember, I9I2, T. S. Graves, 'I2, of theUniversity of Washington, read a paperon "Night Scenes in the ElizabethanTheater," and Dr. Evan T. Sage presented a paper, "The Christian Attitudetoward Pagan Rhetoric: with Examplesfrom Ambrosius and Hieronymus."T. K. Sidey, '00, of the University ofWashington is on leave of absence thisyear and is working in Rome." Necessary and Sufficient Conditionsfor the Interchange of Limit and Summation in the Case of Sequences of InfiniteSeries of a Certain Type" is the title of apaper by T. H. Hildebrandt, '10, whichappeared in A nnals of Mathematicsfor December, 19I2.At some of the recent scientific meetings it has been the custom for Doctorsof the University of Chicago to gettogether at either a dinner or smoker.In some cases arrangements for such agathering have been made through somemember of the faculty in a given department who is also a Doctor of the University. Some of these meetings have beenmost enjoyable and successful, the resultbeing that Doctors whose work shouldnaturally draw them together aregetting better acquainted with each other.This feature has an important bearingon the report of the committee appointed at the last annual meeting concerningbetter methods for promoting the interests of the Doctors. This report willsoon be published through the UniversityMagazine, and a communication will besent to all Doctors concerning it.In connection with the desirabilityof attendance upon scientific meetings,if for no other reason than for the promotion of acquaintance and good fellowship, a recent action of Oberlin Collegeraises an interesting question whichmight well come up in any institution.The action referred to was the inclusionin the regular budget of a special appropriation to be used in defraying theexpenses of administrative officers, professors, and associate professors who wishto attend meetings of scientific societiesand other gatherings of a professionalnature. The faculty is divided into tengroups, and each has a proportionateshare in the general fund.The total number of Doctors includingthe December, 19I2, Convocation is now713, of whom about 700 are living. Recently some figures were compiled withrespect to 692 Doctors, including theJune, 1912, Convocation. Of this number 561 were engaged in teaching, 506being in colleges and universities, 26 innormal schools, and 29 in secondaryschools. Of the remaining Doctors I4were engaged in social research work, 28in government service, 25 in business,23 in the ministry, 14 are women who aremarried, 10 are engaged in social service,27 in miscellaneous activities, and 27unknown. These figures include I6that belong to more than one group; forinstance, some are in government serviceand also teaching and some women whoare married are also teaching.UNDERGRADUATE AFFAIRSGeneral.-At the Washington Promenade, to be held in Bartlett Gymnasiumon February 21, the general chairman willbe Hiram L. Kennicott, '13, and chairman of the Finance Committee, DonaldBreed, '13. Kennicott is editor of theDaily Maroon, and was one of the authorsof the Blackfriars play last year. He is amember of Chi Psi. Breed was presidentof the Junior class, managing editor ofthe Cap and Gown, and business managerof the Dramatic Club last year; he is oneof the authors of this year's Blackfriarsplay. He is a member of Alpha DeltaPhi. Other committee chairmen are:Arrangements, W. V. Bowers; Reception; Florence Rothermel; Decoration,Sanford Sellers, Jr.; and Printing, FredSteinbrecher.The first issue of the Chicago LiteraryMonthly, an undergraduate magazine,will appear, it is expected, some time inMarch. The editors are Donald Breed,'13, Myra Reynolds, '13, Roderick Peattie, '14, and Frank O'Hara, '15. Thebusiness staff includes William Hefferanas manager and William H. Lyman asassistant.Delta Sigma Phi, which has just completed its second year of existence atChicago, was on January 28 admitted tomembership in the Interfraternity Council. All of the 17 fraternities at Chicagoare now represented in the Council.Eight undergraduates were elected toassociate membership in the UniversityDramatic Club on January 28. Fullmembership will follow their appearancein a public performance. Those electedwere Lucile English, Marian Jarvis,Ellen Peterson, Margaret Rhodes, IrisSpohn, James Dyrenforth, J oseph Geary,and Charles Oppenheim.The Dramatic Club will give RudolphBesier's Don at Mandel Hall on February28 and March ,I. The cast has beenselected as follows:Canon Bonington Dudley DunnMrs. Bonington Martha GreenStephen Bonington, alias Don .. Donald BreedGeneral Sinclair Henry ShullMrs. Sinclair Emma ClarkAnn Sinclair Effie HewittAlbert Thompsett Ben GoodmanElizabeth Thompsett Bery I GilbertFanny Thompsett Harriet Tuthill Don was presented in Chicago by Mrs.Fiske four years ago.At the elections to the UniversityCouncil, held on February 14, MissRuth Hough, Roderick Peattie, andErling H. Lunde were chosen from theLower Seniors, Clyde Watkins and MissDorothy Llewellyn from the UpperJuniors, and Miss Dorothy Farwell fromthe Lower Juniors. There was a totalvote of 1,088,31 more than last year, andvery large considering that it representedonly three-fourths of the actual undergraduate body.A plan has been proposed, and willbe voted upon as an amendment to theReynolds Club constitution, wherebythe dues are reduced to one dollar aquarter, and are payable as part of theregular tuition bill of every undergraduate. In other words, membership in theReynolds Club becomes automatic. Thenew plan would increase the club'sincome about $100 a quarter, but wouldof �ourse increase the expenses also.If adopted it must secure the approvalof the university administration.The following musical numbers werepassed upon and accepted by the Blackfriars Committee for this year's play.In every case the words are by Breed andPeattie, the authors of the show.ACT IOverture Richard Meyers, 'I IOpening Chorus William AchiEntrance of Wilhelmina Lewis FuiksCrime, Crime, Crime Lewis FuiksIt' s Very, Very Funny . . . . . . .. Lewis FuiksFinale Richard Meyers, 'IIACT IIA Serenade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ., Lewis FuiksA Barcarolle. . . . . . .. . Henry BartonI'm Afraid of a Buccaneer Lewis FuiksWilhelmina Henry BosworthGrape Festival. John Rhodes, ex-iroGypsy Dance John Rhodes, ex-ireThe music for six other songs, includingthe finale of the second act, has not beendecided upon. It is probable that theplay will be called The Pranks of Paprika,but this too has not been definitelysettled.The bronze aluminum memorial tabletof the class of 191 I has been set in placein the floor of the lower corridor of135THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMitchell tower. The delay in placingthe tablet has been due to the fact thatthe official seal and motto of the U niversity had not been adopted at the timethe class voted the tablet.A series of clubs for Freshman womenhas been planned and partly organizedby members of Kalailu. The clubsalready in being are Dramatic andMusical, Athletic, and Modern Fiction.Arts and Crafts and Social ServiceClubs will be added. later. The objectof the clubs is to bring together in groupslike-minded young women who mightotherwise miss each other.The Fine Arts Theater has agreedto sell tickets to students of the University at a reduction of 20 per cent.Permission has been given by theBoard of Student Organizations for aGlee Club trip to the Pacific Coast, atthe end of March. The trip, which willoccupy two weeks, will be under themanagement of the Atchison, Topeka& Santa Fe Railroad. Musical DirectorStevens, and one other member of thefaculty, who has not yet been fixed upon,will accompany the club. The men leaveon Friday, March 2I. Examinations willbe given en route, under Mr. Stevens'supervision.An interesting departure from thegeneral run of questions for intercollegiatedebates is the one chosen for the Freshman debate between Chicago and Northwestern, to be held in Mandel Hall April18. The question, selected by Chicago,is "Resolved, that Conference baseballplayers should be permitted to play summer baseball for pay without forfeitingtheir eligibility for competition in Conference contests." Northwestern haschosen to defend the negative.Athletics.-The games of the basketball team so far have been:Jan. 14 Armour 53-1517 Iowa. . . . . . .. 28- 821 Northwestern. 28-25 (At Evanston)25 Wisconsin .... 18-31 (At Madison)Feb. I Purdue. . . . .. 39-254 Armour. . . . .. 30- 29 Ohio State. .. 20-2914 Minnesota .... 23- 9The games lost have been to Wisconsinand Ohio State. Against WisconsinChicago really never had a chance. TheOhio State game however was a hard pillto swallow. Individually the Chicagomen played well enough, except Vruwink,who exhibited an astonishing reversal of form. But as a team they showednothing. Ohio State had been strengthened by the addition of Cherry, a formerHyde Park High School star, and gradually growing confident as the game progressed, ended by playing rings aroundthe 'varsity. The Chicago tossing andguarding was about equally poor. Aweek later against Minnesota, the storywas reversed. Minnesota could notget near the basket, and Chicago couldnot be kept away from it.The standing of the leading teams onFebruary IS was as follows:.. Won Lost Per centWisconsin 7Illinois 4Chicago 4Northwestern. . . . . . . . . .. 3Ohio State 2 o 1.000.800.667.60023 ·400Wisconsin is very strong; Illinois,Northwestern, and Chicago are abouteven; Iowa, Indiana, and Purdue arerather weak. For Chicago, CaptainPaine has so far been able to play only afew minutes of the time, but his legcontinues to improve. In the Armourgame February 4 Vruwink was shiftedto center and Desjardien to guard. Theshift seemed to work, and was tried againwith Ohio State; after which it wasquickly discarded. Against MinnesotaDesJardien played beautifully at center.Chicago's game is one of long passes andlong tries for the basket. Against aquick-shooting, short-passing team, theeastern style, it often looks foolish; butCoach Page declares it is a better game inthe long run. So much of the scheduleis still to be played that prediction isdangerous.A most interesting development of thewinter has been the intramural basketball series. Seven teams are entered, andtwenty-one games were scheduled inJanuary, of which but two were postponed. The Sophomores had a cleanslate in January, their victories being asfollows:Sophomores-Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . .. 25-17Sophomores-Seniors " 33-27Sophomores-Laws. . . . . . . .. 23-10Sophomores-Juniors. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30-10Sophomores-Medics •.............. 26- 6The Seniors lost only to the Sophomores and Juniors, their other gamesresulting:Seniors-Laws 32-18Seniors-Freshmen 30-14Seniors-Divinity 62-29Seniors-Medics 22-18