MACVEAGHSecretary or the TreasuryConvocation Orator, June n, 1912University of ChicagoMagazineVolume IV JULY, 1912 NumbersEVENTS AND DISCUSSIONUnexpectedly we issue another number of the Magazine. It hadoriginally been the intention of the Editors to conclude the year withthe June issue ; but so much both interesting and impor-«, "! tant was said at the various exercises in connection withNumber . ._-#: . .the dedication of the Library and at Convocation, that ithas seemed best to give it in full in a special number. This will, it ishoped, afford some of the alumni, who were unable to be present inperson, a sense of those spiritual relations which were abroad uponAlumni Day.At the President's reception on the evening of June 10, between fourand five thousand were estimated to be present.* The reception lineincluded: President Judson and Mrs. Judson; the specialThe Dedication guest of honor, Mrs. William R. Harper; the Convocation• ,j-h orator, Secretary MacVeagh; Mr. and Mrs. Martin A.Ryerson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, Mr. CharlesL. Hutchinson, Professor and Mrs. Ernest D. Burton, Mr. Charles A.Coolidge, of Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, architects of the Library,Dean James R. Angell and Mrs. Angell, and Dean Marion Talbot.Nearly two hundred and fifty guides, carefully badged and instructed,showed the guests about the Library and quadrangles. Of formermarshals and aides about 60 reported during the evening; forty of thepresent marshals and aides were on hand. Everybody commented uponthe efficiency and courtesy of the guides, whose work was both hard andmonotonous. During the evening all former head marshals who hadnot received a baton were presented with this staff of office. The new2QITHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEform of baton is a twelve-inch shaft of mahogany finished to suggestmaroon. The mountings are of silver. On the cap is engraved theUniversity coat-of-arms; around about appears the name of the marshaland the date of his service. The following received this emblem fromthe hands of President Judson: Lee Wilder Maxwell, '05; Hugo MorrisFriend, '06; John Fryer Moulds, '07; Alvin Frederick Kramer, '10;Cyrus Leroy Baldridge, 'n ; Robert Witt Baird, '12. Winston PatrickHenry, '10, for whom a baton waits, could not be present.In spite of its newness and the crowd, the Library was impressivewithin; and without, its facades massive in the starlight loomed all theMESSRS. COOLIDGE, HENDERSON, BURTON, RYERSON, MAC VEAGH, AND JUDSONCROSSING WALK INTO HARPER COURTmore magnificent for the absence of detail. During the evening musicwas provided in Harper Court by the University Band, and Glee Club;in Harper reading-room by nine members of the Thomas Orchestra;in the Law reading-room by the Mandolin Club, and in Mitchell Towerby Roy B. Nelson on the chimes.Tuesday morning, June n, was brilliantly clear but not hot. Theprocession for the dedicatory ceremonies formed in the Tower Group andHutchinson quadrangle snortly before ten, and moved across Hutchinsonquadrangle to the south entrance to Hull Court, and thence across tothe north door of the Library, before which and facing Harper Court theplatform had been erected. The guests of the occasion were upon theleft, the faculty upon the right, and the speakers in the center. AnAND DISCUSSION 293audience of four thousand was accommodated within easy hearing distance of all the speakers except one or two. The direct sun at that hourwas cut off from the platform and from most of the audience, but beforethe end of the exercises it was in the face of many. The platform, however, remained in shade; and considering everything there can be nodoubt that Harper Court is the most desirable spot yet discovered andaccessible for June convocations.The exercises, after the opening prayer by Dr. Henderson, werebegun by the historical statement concerning the Library, given byPresident Judson. Dean Albion Woodbury Small followed with amemorial address, printed elsewhere in this number. Donald R. Richberg, '01, president of the Chicago Alumni Club, gave the address onbehalf of the alumni. The address, which is also to be found in thisnumber, reads well; but as he gave it, furiously in earnest, yet speakingslowly, sentence by sentence, each word carrying to the most distant ofhis auditors, it seemed still finer, and was greeted by prolonged applause.Then came the poem, "The House of the Word," by Dr. E. H. Lewis,'94, printed in the June issue. Tall, still, bearded and gowned like anancient prophet, Dr. Lewis stood at the extreme edge of the platformwhere a glint of sun just caught him now and then, and without a gesture,one arm at his side, the other folded across his breast, recited the intricate, impressive lines. His words, like Dr. Small's and Mr. Richberg's,the most distant could easily hear; and as the poem rolled out, ornate,decorative, human and yet splendidly academic, there could have beenfew who listened without thrilling to the dramatic fitness of it all.Other addresses followed of a more formal kind — "The Interrelations ofChicago Libraries," by Mr. Henry Edward Legler, librarian of theChicago public library, and "The Educational Significance of UniversityArchitecture," by Mr. Charles A. Coolidge, of Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge. Then appeared President- Emeritus James B. Angell of the University of Michigan. He had not walked in the procession, but hadbeen brought from within the Library to the platform by his son DeanJ. R. Angell. White haired, frail, he stood up to speak on "Literatureand Life." Partly as the representative of great things and a greatuniversity, more perhaps for his own sake, for the power of a man overeighty-three years of age, only a few months over a dangerous illness, whocould still make himself heard to an outdoor audience of four thousandpeople, Dr. Angell received perhaps the greatest applause of any of thespeakers.Following the addresses came the formal presentation of the keys ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe new building. In their presentation, Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, president of the Board of Trustees, said :Mr. President, Members and Friends of the University of Chicago:We have not met today for the sole purpose of dedicating another worthy addition to our group of University buildings. That alone might well justify our presence,for while it is true that too much significance may be attached to the material manifestations of a university's growth and that those who have not the opportunity orthe interest to look deeply into its life may find in a well-ordered campus and an imposing architectural array a deceptive assurance of well-rounded and efficient educationalservice, on the other hand it is becoming the value and dignity of a prominent educational institution that the housing of its activities should do honor to their importance.PRESIDENT RYERSON PRESENTS THE KEYS TO PRESIDENT JUDSONFurthermore, the mission of the University to elevate aesthetically as well as morallyand intellectually demands a worthy setting to the environment in which the studentis to spend so many impressionable years and to which the public must look for modelsand inspiration.We might rest upon these considerations alone the significance of the occasionwhich brings us together and claim that the satisfaction with which we view the completion of this admirable structure is justified by a fitting as well as a notable achievement.But there is uppermost in our minds another purpose in this dedication, affordinganother reason for our having sought and, we hope, attained here architectural dignityand beauty as well as utilitarian sufficiency. This building is dedicated to the memoryof a man whose career is worthy of being commemorated in the most notable manner.The importance of his services to our University and to the cause of education in generalcannot be too fully recognized and the magnitude of his monument is still far withinthe measure of our estimate of his life-work. We have wrought as largely and asAND DISCUSSION 295beautifully as we could in order to express, not only our appreciation of this work, butalso the affection and esteem in which his memory is held by the members of this University and by the thousands who have contributed to the fund devoted to the erectionof his monument. In our task we have not lacked able and devoted co-operation:our architects, Mr. Charles A. Coolidge and his associates in the firm of Shepley,Rutan & Coolidge; our builders, the Wells Brothers Company; the Director ofPRESIDENT JUDSON PRESENTS THE KEYS TODIRECTOR BURTONLibraries, Dr. Burton; the Library staff, and our other faculty advisers have laboredwith a zeal inspired by the same motives.The Trustees of the University know full well, however, that in weighing the significance of the dedication of this monument they should keep in mind the fact thatwhile it is permitted us to contemplate with pride its completion and devotion to itsimportant function, what we have here after all is but an opportunity and a promise ofgreat usefulness. It remains for the Faculty, Trustees, and friends of the Universityto see that this opportunity is not lost, that this promise is fulfilled, and that thisLibrary shall indeed in its intellectual influence as well as in its material formTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE ■perpetuate the memory of William Rainey Harper in a manner worthy of his greatlearning and of the great work which he accomplished.With confidence that to this end we shall all strive I now, Mr. President, on behalfof the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago, present to you the keys of theWilliam Rainey Harper Memorial Library.In his acceptance of the keys, which were huge and symbolic, President Judson replied:Mr. President:I accept these keys as a symbol that this noble building now becomes a permanentpart of the equipment of the University; and to the end that its beneficence mayimmediately be realized, I hereby transfer the custody of the Harper Memorial LibraryHEAD MARSHALS FIELD, BAIRD, AND BELL AND THE PROCESSIONto the Director of University Libraries, in the full assurance that by its use, to employthe words of the University motto, "Knowledge will increase, and life be ennobled andenriched."Director Burton's acceptance was in the following words:Greatly rejoicing in the fulfilment by the completion of this noble building ofhopes long cherished by the whole University, but sobered by a deep sense of theresponsibility which is symbolized by these keys, I accept them at your hands; andspeaking for myself and all my colleagues of the Library staff, I pledge you, Sir, thatthis building shall be used and that the Libraries of the University shall be administered in the interest of the departments of research and instruction, and for the promotion of culture, knowledge, and scholarship. When all those who are present todayin positions of responsibility shall have long ago laid down the insignia and duties ofoffice, may this beautiful building still stand to commemorate the life of him whoseAND DISCUSSION 297name it bears, and may it continue to be sacredly used for the promotion of those highpurposes to which you, Mr. President, have by your words dedicated it today. Crescatscientia; vita excolatur.The benediction concluded the exercises.The delegates to the dedication of the Library numbered in all sixty.Among those to attract the greatest attention was the representativeof Tuskegee Normal, Principal Booker T. Washington. Arriving late,he was the only man on the platform without a gown. This deficiencyhe supplied in the afternoon, however, without seeming to lessen theinterest of the onlookers in his presence.DEAN HENRY GORDON GALEThe Convocation procession was twenty minutes late in forming,principally on account of the various luncheons, to distinguished guestsand others. Except that it was larger, it greatly resembledThe Eighty- ^e procession of the forenoon. In all 174 titles and cer-*rA. tifkates, and 377 degrees were conferred, the greatestConvocation ° ' '.number in the history of the University. The degree ofBachelor in Arts, Science, Philosophy, or Education was received by 273,of whom only 24, or less than 9 per cent were in Arts. In the graduateschools 5 received the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and 29 of Doctor ofLaw; 38 of Master of Arts; and 21 of Doctor of Philosophy. Three students were elected to membership in Sigma Xi, and 23 to membership inPhi Beta Kappa. These latter included Chester S. Bell, head-marshal-elect (chosen at the end of his Junior year) and Miss Frances Meigs, aTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUniversity aide who has been largely responsible for the recent spread ofhonor-sentiment movement. The audience at Convocation was evenlarger than at the exercises in the morning. The speaker was the Hon.Franklin MacVeagh, secretary of the treasury, and member of the Boardof Trustees of the University. His address, on "Education and theVoter," will be found elsewhere in this number. Following the addresscame the President's Convocation statement, also printed in full elsewhere. While Mr. MacVeagh was speaking, clouds had gathered, andrain promised, so that the audience seemed uneasy. As President Judson began, a few drops fell, and among the crowd a score of umbrellaswere raised. Then came the announcement of the new gymnasium forwomen. The clapping was prolonged as at a political convention;those who held umbrellas tossed them aside to applaud; presently theclouds drifted away, out came the sun again, and Convocation ended inglory. Will any venture to say this was not symbolic ? One does notknow exactly what of, perhaps the new splendor of the position of woman,perhaps the coming delights of their physical education.After Convocation, which did not end until half-past five, the alumniprepared for dinner, the sing, and the vaudeville. Not so many hadreturned as had been hoped; yet over five hundred satdown to the two dinners, the men in the Commons, andthe women at the Quadrangle Club, a little less than 10 per cent of ourtotal. We need more alumni; we also need, howrever, a longer program,more machinery, and a steadier pull to attract them back once a year.At the men's dinner there was no speaking except (by special request) aword from President Judson. The account of the women's dinner bythe secretary, Miss Thyrza Barton, will be found elsewhere in theMagazine.As it began to grow dark the crowds gathered in Hutchinson Quadrangle for the sing. As last year, the fraternities, in the order of theirestablishment at the university, marched into the quadrangles one byone and sang. All but two were represented, and most creditably.The stars were out before they finished; then came more general singingby the crowd, till a thousand voices ended with the "Alma Mater." Itwas all, some thought, even more beautifully done than the June before,when it had been made a special feature. After the "Alma Mater,"Mandel was filled for the vaudeville — jammed, rather; some could notget in at all. Under the direction of Miss Agnes Wayman, '03, and R. E.Matthews, '07, old stars twinkled freshly, amid tremendous and inspiringapplause. Here, in the sing and the vaudeville, are two things, acciden-AND DISCUSSION 299tally hit upon, which we would not willingly let die. Let us keep them,let us develop them, let us add to them. From the outset, next year,the Magazine will preach the desirability of more organized reunion ofthe alumni, and more open recognition by the University of the value ofsuch reunion.The announcement of officers of the Alumni Association for thecoming year, following a post-card election, was as follows: President,Ralph Hamill, '99; First Vice-President, Charles R._ _f ew Henderson, '70; Second Vice-President, KatharineOfficers . . .Slaught, 09; Third Vice-President, Earl Hostetter, '07;Secretary, Frank W. Dignan, '97. Executive Committee to serve threeyears: Edith Foster Flint, '97; Helen Gunsaulus, '08; Alvin Kramer,'10.Professor Paul Shorey, it was announced by the trustees of Columbia University on June 3, has been appointed to the Roosevelt professorship at the University of Berlin for the academic yearHonors to 1 913-14. He will succeed as Roosevelt professor Williamxi- -c i±_ M. Sloane, of Columbia. Leave of absence from Chicagothe Faculty ' bhas been granted Professor Shorey for the year abroad.Professor Amos Alonzo Stagg was given the degree of Master of PhysicalEducation at the Commencement of the International Young Men'sChristian College, at Springfield, Mass., June 12. Mr. Stagg was oncean instructor at the college, then known as the Springfield TrainingSchool. At the Commencement of Yale University on June 19, Associate Professor Harry G. Wells, Yale '95, dean in the medical work,was given the honorary degree of Master of Arts. From Oberlin Collegeon the same day Professor Ernest D. Burton received the degree ofDoctor of Divinity.The pictures of the dedication ceremonies which are reproduced in. „. this issue were taken by M. E. Robinson, 'n, and bySnapshots . J .' Jhim very kindly contributed to the Magazine.AND THE VOTER1BY FRANKLIN MacVEAGH, A.B., LL.B., LL.D.Secretary of the TreasuryAS WE all know, when we happen to think of it, political governmentis one of the most vital of our interests. To get on without it andremain civilized is inconceivable, except to the philosophy of a nihilist.When civilization started political government started. Both havegrown along together. And it is quite impossible for organized society— which is an expression of civilization — to live without political government, or without its progress and development. It is an essential partof the framework of social evolution; and of all those great purposes ofProvidence which constitute the meaning of human existence.It is not only because political government performs indispensabledaily functions for society which cannot otherwise be performed that it isa great and vital human interest; it is not only because it carries on itsshoulders large fractions of the work and burden of society; but it isalso because it provides an environment within which all the othernecessary activities and instruments of society can go forward. It isnot only itself a great instrument in progress, but it provides a shelter forall the other instrumentalities which go to make a growing civilization.It relates itself to everything and everybody. It is as an atmosphere,in which human activity of the higher order lives and breathes while itworks. The air we breathe to live at all and the government whichmakes it possible to live a civilized life are equally indispensable.It is because of the vital character of political government, bothas to its form and development and as to its administration, that thepolitical duties and obligations of citizens and voters are so profound,inalienable and constant. It is because the form, progress, and conductof political government are so inexpressibly important to happiness,usefulness, and civilization that citizenship, upon which they absolutelydepend, is such a vital part of us. We have other great and inalienableobligations ; but there is nothing more fundamental or more inalienablethan the obligations of citizenship. So that, without diminishing theimportance of the various other human duties and obligations, we maydelivered on the occasion of the Eighty-third Convocation of the University,held in Harper Court, June n, 1912.300AND THE VOTER 301magnify almost without limit the importance of citizenship. If we coulddo it, we ought to burn into the mind of the citizen an unfailing consciousness of his exalted duty.I have said the form of government is vital. It is not true, of course,that all nations need the same form of government. There is undoubtedly, throughout the world, a trend toward democracy; but democracymay have various governmental forms. And though governments willbecome more and more democratic they are unlikely ever to take exactlythe same system of institutions. The mighty progress of democracymay, in the end, choose not uniformity but infinite and wonderfulvariety. Nevertheless, the form of government of any individual nationis a matter of extraordinary importance.In the case of our own nation, its present republican government isindispensable to it. Sometime in the long future some still more perfectform of democratic government may be achieved by us; some still moreperfect system of institutions and some still more appropriate politicalideas may be slowly evolved. But at present, and so far as we can lookahead, there is nothing for us but our nobly established republicanrepresentative system.We are at last, by reason of the patient evolution of the ages, ademocracy. We are built upon the ideas and ideals of self-government— so long preparing for a new greatness of the world. There weredemocracies before ours; but no other, in the whole experience of theworld, has been so democratic. And none has been so firmly andundoubtedly established. No other democratic government has beenable to look so confidently into the long future as ours because none hasever been so adapted to the progressive life of the people. All of whichis because of the marvelous invention of the fathers of the Republic,and the marvelous fidelity and intelligence of those who have come afterthem. We have a tried and true democracy because we have given it awise and wonderful republican and representative form of government.We have the most advanced of governments. Our people's centuryand a half which preceded the formation of the Republic, and the century and a quarter which have followed, have been inspired. Whereverhuman inspiration comes from or wherever it vanishes to, it is as much afact as are the facts of material life. This Republic of ours is the childof inspiration. The men who made it are a political people set apart;for while the very teaching of their precept and example is that allforms of government must develop and move forward, they laid theirfoundations for almost more than time. And it is well always toTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEremember that there is no American spirit that can transcend the spiritof the fathers.There are other great governments now, and there were great governments in the past; but ours is the greatest result of the political evolutionof mankind. Its roots are in the beginnings of the Aryan race; and itis the political flower of all that has been produced by that race, so giftedin social organization. Every great political movement of Aryan peoplesand of all peoples is represented in the forms of the American government.And what the fathers formulated and the wise statesmen, judges,and citizens since the fathers have preserved and developed, is a treasurewe are bound by every conceivable obligation to maintain; and sanelyand patiently to develop with the combined wisdom of statesmanship andcitizenship. We have had great inspirations, and we have made greatsacrifices, to establish a practicable form of governmental democracy.And our great Republic, which is the best expression of democracy yetconceived, guarded and guided as it is by our representative form ofgovernment, is part of us and almost seems part of nature itself. Nothingwithin our charge is more precious, or more essential to the progress ofour nation, or more important to the world at large.The Republic must be preserved. We once said that the Unionmust be preserved; and the Union, which was then saved at suchappalling cost to every part of the nation, was the Republic.What are the present alternatives ? A monarchy we cannot goback to. Our commitment is to popular control, and a back track cannot be taken. What of anarchy or socialism ? Anarchy is the impossible negation of formal government. Socialism is the impossibleelaboration of formal government. The importance of anarchy andsocialism lies, not in their systems, but in their philosophies and ideas.Their only useful role is to furnish, as they can, ideas that are helpfulin government and society. Socialism will contribute of its ideas andis contributing; but as a system it cannot prevail. And anarchy withits philosophy will, in the long run, probably contribute to moderate theexcesses of governmental machinery, and help further to release thewholesome spirit of the individual. But neither anarchy nor socialismis a possible substitute for our republican representative form of democratic government. For this government there is no living substitute.The danger to our Republic lies not in anarchy or socialism but in theway we may possibly handle the development of its own institutions,ideas, and principles. For wThile our Republic with its representativeAND THE VOTER 3°3form of democracy is permanent, it is of its essence that it shall develop ;and that the democracy which it was created to express and maintainshall be progressive to the end. Our republican form of governmenthas never stood still, and cannot stand still. It will continue to developits institutions and its administration; and will borrow as it can fromother forms of government different from itself, and from such alienprojects as anarchy and socialism.But this development is the most delicate task of our statesmanshipand citizenship. And herein will continue to lie, as it lies now and haslain from the beginning, the greatest risk of the Republic. Progresswe must have — all forms of national progress — and political and socialprogress eminently and especially. And we can have no patience withany men or women who are indifferent to political progress. We needconservatism mixed with progressiveness; we need the conservation ofthe old mixed with the adoption of the new; but we do not need eitherreaction or insensibility.On the other hand, progress does not always produce great changes;and changes, great or small, do not always produce progress. And,above all, progress needs caution and patience and knowledge; forhaste makes waste and ignorance makes what is even worse. Moreover,it is of tremendous importance to remember always that our republicanform of government is not impregnable. We act and muse as thoughit were impervious to all danger whether open or insidious; but it canbe in danger. It has been direfully in danger more than once. It canbe in danger again, and even through its own characteristic principles .We can overdo a good thing and in that way do a bad thing — and evena fatal thing. We can overemphasize some idea or principle or form ofour wonderful government — and so throw the whole delicate and balanced machine clear out of gear.For example, it is fundamental in our form of government that thepeople shall rule. It is, however, equally fundamental that we shallrule by representation. Now, if we allow either of these principles —the principles of the people's rule or the principle of government byrepresentation — to destroy or weaken the other we shall end by destroying or weakening the Republic. In the one case, if we should destroyrepresentative government, we should be relegated to some new government that no one has yet even attempted to formulate or foresee; for,of course, the old forms of direct democracy — of unrepresented democracy — would not under our circumstances answer at all. In the othercase, if we allow political practices, under cover of the principle ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErepresentation, to defeat to all intents and purposes the people's control,then a remedy must unquestionably be found. But the remedy mustnot destroy our representative system or it will destroy the Republic.The need of caution, coolness, knowledge, and wisdom in dealingwith the development of our political institutions is manifestly imperativesince matters grave enough to affect the very character or even the lifeof the Republic may, at any time, be involved. Our people have sofar been equal to all political emergencies, and able to keep their headsand save the government and its wholesome and righteous progress.But we cannot deny the possibility of danger to the Republic, for somuch depends, in any democracy, upon the action of the moment. Wetherefore should trust in the permanence of our institutions, but keepour powder dry.And hence arises what I now wish especially to emphasize: theperfect need of universal political training. It is through ourselves, thecitizens and voters, that we must deal with the concerns of the Republicand of the social life. We have no other resource. In our form ofgovernment we have committed every decision unreservedly to a majority, however small, of the restricted number who vote. We have noking, no emperor, and no oligarchy. We, through our voters, governourselves; and upon their wisdom and competency wye must depend.If they fail the Republic cannot be rescued.For the first time in history the political fortunes of a nation werecommitted on a grand scale to the wisdom and knowledge of voters.We chose at the same time a representative form of government, becausewe believed the only wise expression for democracy in a large moderngovernment is through representative forms. But the power, theabsolute control, was reserved to the voters. Can we then exaggeratethe importance of the fullest political competence of our electorate ?Would it be possible to overstate our dependence upon that competence ?Grave concerns are committed to it — the gravest political concerns andthe gravest social concerns that ever were committed to any authority,king or people. It is, indeed, a surpassing responsibility to which theAmerican nation has been called; for even the civilization of the worldis largely involved in what we may stand for and accomplish. And,therefore, the electorate must be as trained and competent as it canpossibly be made. Our voters must excel all other voters, for theyhave greater things in their keeping than ever before were reposed inany body of citizens. We are making history in a new era of democracy;and we must not lose our heads even for a moment. There must resideAND THE VOTER 305in our electorate a capacity equal to the great calling of the nation; forneither the progress of American society nor the progress of Americanpolitics should be made, even for a day, the plaything of popular excitement. We must be taught to be ever more and more responsible, to beever less and less excitable, to be ever more and more patriotic, and tobe ever less and less personal and self-seeking. It is a trusteeship we arecharged with; and this trusteeship is a veritable gift of the gods. Andthe only trustees are the voters.It is this exclusive dependence upon our voters that makes universalpolitical education a supreme necessity. And I should like if I couldto impress an added sense of this necessity upon the men and womenof this great University.Since such very great matters rest upon the competence of our voterswhy isn't it imperative to raise the political equipment of the voters byevery means within our power? And certainly political education isone of the means.Education, it must be admitted, is not the only training forcitizenship or for competent voting. It is not the only resource of theRepublic. All does not depend upon education. The air, happily, is fullof influences which make for good citizenship and make for competentvoting. There is also inherent in us an astonishing natural capacity forself-government or else the democracy toward which all the ages havebeen advancing would have been a mere dream. But neverthelessit is impossible to exaggerate the necessity for political education —because we need all the help that is available, and education is thegreatest help of all.Constantly, in all periods of our history, we have been confrontedwith political problems that have challenged the utmost wisdom of thevoters. And some of these questions have gone to. the vitals of theRepublic itself — to the essence of its institutions and to the hazard ofits permanency. These serious questions have been coming before thepeople ever since the Constitution was adopted and before it was adopted— in point of fact, at every period of our colonial and federal existence.And now that we are becoming so very large, and our citizens so veryvaried, and the progress of society so vitalized and insistent, theseserious problems and questions are increasing in number and complexity.So that I am more than justified in taking advantage of this opportunityto press upon the attention of this gathering of men and women interestedin education the importance of making all education conscious of theduties and obligations of citizenship and of the grave responsibilities ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe voters. There is no time in the life of an American from childhoodonward when the nation can afford to have his or her training and studiesleft unconscious of the obligations of citizenship.Especially, since we must face the truth that the strains upon ourelectorate are unprecedented. We, in the first place, have come to havean immensely increased number of first voters every year. And thenwe welcome, and will continue to welcome, into our population yearby year a million alien people who have to be assimilated and moldedinto the American life and spirit. Many of these are from the remoteness of races and languages unrelated to ours; and from the remotenessof habits, customs, ideals, and ideas unrelated to ours, and which havebeen ingrained for more than a thousand years. And to the men — andpartly to the women — of these migrations the franchise becomes open.There can be no doubt of the advantages of this mingling of the races.There can be no doubt of the variety of national quality and interestthat will come from these additions to the national populations. Theyare part of the basis of that ultimate cosmopolitanism which mustbecome, in the end, it seems to me, the most interesting and commandingcharacteristic of the American nation. But meanwhile the need ofpolitical training and education is both increased and made still moreevident and convincing.And so again I believe in the political education of the voter — in hiseducation for his grave and delicate and patriotic responsibilities —and in his education to the point of absolute competency.By political education I mean, first, the reasonable direct teachingof the history and elements of politics; and, secondly, the training ofmind for right thinking — for that right thinking which is the mostneeded and the scarcest great asset this or any nation has. Everythingin the career of our Republic depends, in the end, on right thinking.The main thing, however, in direct political education is not specialcourses of study; but the introduction into the educational habit of aconsciousness that the students, whether very young or not, must sooneror later come into the responsibilities of citizenship, and that upon themand others like them will rest the political and social interests of thenation. What is especially important is that there shall be running, asa continuous thread, throughout all education the consciousness thatwe are training the student, not only to make a living or a fortune, notonly to get happiness, not only to be useful in daily occupation, not onlyto produce art or literature or to forward science, but also to take part,as a trustee and representative, in governing the nation.AND THE VOTER 307And in the general education of the intellect, in the purely disciplinarystudy — in the study which is purely an effort to discipline the intellectand make it equal to right thinking, and which indirectly so profoundlyaffects political fitness — it is important to be conscious always that thiscompetency of the intellect is to enable us, along with our other capacitiesto see that no harm comes to the Republic.I should be sorry to be thought ignorant of the great amount ofpolitical equipment that is provided by our educational system or of itseminent devotion to the idea of intellectual training. No one can excelme in respect for the great educational work that is going on all about usin every grade of our national educational system. I only am impressed— and impressed more and more as the years go by — with the increasingimmeasurable importance of all education, and especially of politicaleducation, to the highest interests of government "by the people, of thepeople, and for the people " ; and, therefore, I am only anxious that American education shall become more and more habitually conscious of itsduty to produce citizens and voters and thereby to protect the Republic.I am eager to see political education take its place at the head of theline of vocational education, though with its own less strenuous methodsand its own more catholic inspirations. For it is vocational educationof the highest order; and association with it would be good for all othereducation for vocations. Other vocational education, with all itsadmitted claims, will unduly incline to the bread-and-butter side of liferather than to the higher and spiritual sides, unless it is always given itsproper touch and interlacing with the higher, nobler, and more disinterested things of education and personal training.Apart from what is due to non- vocational education, and to educationin the high vocation of citizenship, it is due to so-called vocational education itself that it shall not too much absorb the thought of the studentor the thought of the educator. For there is danger of narrowing lifeand general efficiency by excessive division of education, just as by excessive division of labor. " Man shall not live by bread alone but by everyword that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Therefore, one of thegreat problems of the nation is to make permanent the normal association between bread-and-butter education and the education of a man asman, of a woman as woman, and of a citizen as citizen.And now for our high comfort and satisfaction let us remind ourselvesthat all these problems, perplexities, and imperious duties of our publiclife lift themselves to a most distinguished plane by reason of theirassociation with the wide interests of the world.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe transcendent political achievements with which we Americansare charged, and wrhich place such interesting political responsibilitiesupon all education and make such an impressive demand for citizenshipof the highest order, are not for ourselves alone. The achievement of apermanent democratic government — powerful, able, helpful, and organically progressive — is not for the benefit of the American nation alone.The demonstration of the stability and sanity of representative, republican government is for the world at large — is for all humanity. And weare enlisted for this demonstration, because in a special sense we havebeen the trustees of democracy ever since, with our final aid, it becamean assured fruit of the centuries.I find it the most natural and simple thing in the world to stand heretoday and appeal to the broadest spirit of education to urge withoutreserve its most comprehensive responsibilities, and to encourage it totake up heavier and heavier burdens and labors; for today has beenreverently, affectionately, and with all honor dedicated to the dearmemory and the great work of President Harper. He set no bounds toeducation. He, indeed, burst all the bounds and bonds. He saw, andtaught us to see, new horizons. No phase of a man and his duties — orof a woman and her duties — was in his view too far away to be reachedby the outstretching hand of education as he wonderfully conceived it.And one might on a day dedicated as this is, and standing within theprotection of the great Harper's name and fame, urge any ideal of education, any ideal of citizenship, or any ideal of public life; for all thesewere within the compass not only of his dreams but of his plans. Indeedhis dreams and plans were one. His feet were planted firmly on theearth even while his mind was roaming the skies.UNIVERSITY RECORDDEDICATION OF THE WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER MEMORIAL LIBRARY*HISTORICAL STATEMENTBY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITYFrom the beginning of the Universitythe libraries have fallen into two groups,the general library and the departmentallibraries. The latter have formed animportant feature of the work of thevarious departments, and have been soplanned as to be in immediate connectionwith the buildings in which professorsare engaged. The general library, ofcourse, is related to all these departmental libraries, and the Director of theUniversity Libraries has general chargeof the whole. While provision more orless adequate has been made for thedepartmental libraries, from the outsetthe general library has always beeninadequately housed, and sufficient provision has not been made for its administration. The original library buildingwas a portion of the one-story brickstructure which stood at the corner ofLexington Avenue and Fifty-eighth Streeton the site of the present Tower Group.When the good fortune of the Universitymade it possible to destroy that structureand to erect a building for the conduct ofthe University Press the general librarywas transferred to fairly commodiousquarters in the Press Building. It is nowpossible to bring the general library toits final home, and at the same time tobring with it a number of departmentallibraries for which there is room in thegreat building, and which are closelyconnected with the great collection of thegeneral library itself.The general plan for the library housing and administration of the Universitywas made by a commission appointed bythe Board of Trustees in 1902. Thiscommission consisted of: the Presidentof the Board of Trustees, Mr. Martin A.Ryerson; the President of the University,Dr. William Rainey Harper; TrusteesFranklin MacVeagh and Frederick A.1 The following addresses were delivered atthe dedication on June n, 191 2, in HarperCourt. Smith ; and six members of the Faculties.Professors F. I. Carpenter, John M,Coulter, Albion W. Small, Harry PrattJudson, William Gardner Hale, andErnest D. Burton. This commissionrecommended that the libraries bearranged in a group, with the mainlibrary and flanking libraries of thedepartments of the Greek and Latinclassics, modern languages, and thesocial sciences, and connecting buildingsforming a quadrangle comprising theSemitic languages, theology, philosophy,and law. This would leave the speciallibraries of the scientific departments inthe laboratories. The building which weare dedicating today is the first fruitionof this extensive plan, and connected asit is with the Haskell library and theLaw library to the north forms onecontinuous series of libraries, with atotal capacity at present of 438,581volumes. At the same time it is provided that members of faculties andadvanced graduate students, with thevarious seminars, shall be provided forin the building itself, with convenientaccess to the books which are theirlaboratory. When the library group iscompleted it is expected that it willafford a capacity of 2,250,000 volumes,and at the same time in like mannerbring the workrooms of the studentswho use the library in all the buildingsvery near the collection of books.Soon after the death of the late President Harper the question of a suitablememorial for him on the Universitygrounds was taken into careful consideration. It was finally decided that thegeneral library was on the whole themost appropriate. Being as it will bethe heart of the intellectual life of theUniversity, it will bring great masses ofstudents into constant and daily connection with the building and its books,and therefore will carry down throughall the centuries during which the University may exist the name of the firstPresident, whom we wish permanentlyto honor. The total fund represented3°9THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEby the building, its equipment, and theendowment for its maintenance represents in round numbers one milliondollars. Of this some $200,000 areendowment, the remaining $800,000being put into the building and itsequipment. It may be added that thecost of the building was defrayed bygifts from more than two thousanddifferent donors, including the Founderof the University, trustees, members ofthe faculty, students, alumni, and otherfriends of the institution and of the latePresident. Plans submitted by thearchitects, Messrs. Shepley, Rutan &Coolidge, were duly adopted after longand careful study, and in accordancewith these plans the erection of thebuilding has proceeded. Ground wasbroken on the tenth of January, 1910.The cornerstone was laid at Convocation on the fourteenth day of June, 1910,and today we dedicate it as a completewhole to the cause of scholarship, to theuse of the University, and to the memoryof the name and fame of William RaineyHarper.ADDRESS ON BEHALF OF THE ALUMNIBY DONALD RANDALL RICHBERG, A.B.,'oi, LL.B.,PRESIDENT OF THE CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBIn this memorial to William RaineyHarper the alumni of the Universityhave been given and accepted their firstopportunity to contribute in a measureto the erection of a university building,and we wish to render thanks now tothose who gave us this opportunity. Itseems peculiarly fitting that, as President Harper's administration began thepermanent University of Chicago, sothe Harper Memorial Library marks thebeginning of the self-perpetuation of theUniversity through its alumni; and itgives them particular pleasure that thisbuilding in its name may represent faithfully that for which they believe theUniversity of Chicago should stand.For we, the alumni, shall become theUniversity, and in this library we havebeen permitted to aid in raising a monument both to President Harper and tothat which he created in us as the spiritof the University. Here is not only amemorial to one who has gone from us,but also a mighty tablet whereon thefuture may read the message which hegave to us and which we would reverentlypreserve. It is, therefore, proper that atthis dedication we should testify to the value of that which he wrought in usand to our hope that this memorial maybring unto distant generations of studentssomething of the ennobling grace of hismagnanimous spirit.We esteemed him as a scholar andcritic unhampered by fatigue or fear;as an administrator allured by the wideunknown and unappeased by narrowcertainties; as a leader, not to easy victories, but to the struggles with the unconquerable wherein only brave dreamersare drafted.We see in these two towers, that riseeach in its individual perfection, arecognition of his services in scholarship and in administration, differingactivities that for the greatness of theUniversity must ever he harmoniouslyunited.We revered him as one who dominatedthe lesser gods and bowed the knee onlyto Faith. Money and Caste and Precedent that came to patronize remainedto serve. When he raised the supplianteye he looked above the clay and beyondthe smoke-cloud.There was a mental kinship betweenour university builder and that generous,dominating imperialist who founded theRhodes scholarships, thatDreamer devout by vision ledBeyond our guess and reach.And so we, desiring the highest honorfor our Alma Mater, may express, in thewords of Kipling's tribute, our hope thatthe tradition of President Harper'spurposes may be jealously preserved andthat.... till the vision he foresawSplendid and whole arise,And unimagined Empires drawTo council 'neath his skies,The immense and brooding spirit stillShall quicken and control.We hope that oncoming generations,through this building and its inestimablecontents, may be impressed with thespirit of him whose name it bears — thatthey may wisely separate belief fromtrust; that they may distinguish factand assertion; that they may not mistake dulness for depth; that they maynever become too learned to learn;that they may ever apply to the writtenword the touchstone of humanism;that their minds may not broaden onlyinto shallow waters nor deepen onlyinto narrow channels; that they mayUNIVERSITY RECORD 311choose Faith as their guide and Serviceas their aim, in order that in the University of Chicago, ideals may not degenerate nor merely be preserved, butmay be ever carried onward for thegreater needs of greater civilization.May this library and the thought^ itshall breed become more and more witheach passing year a fitting memorialtohim whose life was lived with visionundimmed, with courage unchallenged,and with energy unchecked even by thesupreme cruelties that beset him at theGates of Death.. May it stand for that character andaspiration which it is good for all mento know, to love, and to revere.WILLIAM RAINEY HARPERBY ALBION WOODBURY SMALL, PH.D., LL.D., DEANOF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTSAND LITERATURENo more indomitably human personthan Dr. Harper could be found in thewhole miscellany of Chicago. To beamply human is to be one of the rankestgrowths in nature. To be strenuouslyhuman is to be exuberant and wilful andinconsistent and irrespressible. Dr. Harper was not set apart from our commonhumanity by any . deficiency of thesedemerits. Such raw human growths arethe stuff which experience turns intopower. Some of his strengths in thecrude were survivals of the untamed boy.Others were self-assertions of the un-conquered man. Work was his religion,but he could play like a truant. Everykey to his maturer character opened into a chamber of spiritual outlook andspiritual treasure; yet in time and placeno man could be more frankly material.He was simply standard human clayshot through with more than the typicalshare of physical resource, and morethan the ordinary allotment of moralenergy.At an age when most boys have notyet begun to take life seriously, he wasalready seeing a vision and foreseeinga mission. After the vision and themission had become distinct, his favoriteexpressions of them were in terms of theprophetic office of the University. Inhis mind the appointed prophecy of theUniversity was proclamation of spiritualized democracy.Dr. Harper believed himself to be ademocrat. He believed it fervently,proudly, militantly. When friends, not enemies, told him he was not a democrat,his indignation was deep and hot andpathetic. For democrat he surely wasnot, in the popular sense. He could notdrop into the route step of the multitudeand be content. He thought and actedin plans, and combinations, and conjunctions of forces, and movements ofmasses, and cavalry charges. He couldand did work splendidly with other men,but while most other men were enjoyingrest between labors, he was likely to bestill forging ahead, and occupyingadvanced positions and planting hisstandard at strategic points which othermen could later use as their base ofoperations.He was a convincing illustration of therule that no man highly endowed withimagination and organizing talent andthe magnetism of leadership can ever besimply a democrat of the vulgar sort.To be a democrat of a defensible type,such a man must be a super-democrat.He must be of his fellows, to be sure, buthe must be still more for them, and hemust operate through them in ways inwhich they are not yet ready to act bythemselves. The man who epitomizesmost of a people's promise and potencyis by so much more than a democrat inthe current acceptance of the term.Of tenest unfortunately on a lower plane,but sometimes on a higher, he is analtruistic autocrat, or an autocraticaltruist. Their career would have endedin climax instead of anticlimax if Dr.Harper had been the last of the "Benevolent Despots."It would offer range for the most daring fancy if we should propose thequestion: "How would the history ofEurope have been changed if WilliamR. Harper, instead of Maria Theresia,had been born to the Hapsburg throne,and if, instead of Turgot and Neckar,that other autocratic altruist, John D.Rockefeller, had been detailed of destinyto spend his powers upon the forlornhope of French finance?" There islarge provocation to speculate about theactual coincidence, or gravitation, orprovidence which formed that partnership in which one of these men furnishedmeans and stimulated many to furnishmeans to give body to the other's visionand reality to his mission. But we mustpass all that.What, more precisely, was the vision ?It was framed in a conception of anTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEinfinite and eternal purpose; and thepicture within the frame, which grewmore definite to Dr. Harper as heripened in experience, was the vocationof mankind to find itself in an illimitableprogression of achievement. He did notbisect the vision into religious and seculardivisions. It was his one interpretationof life. His undivided business andreligion was obedience to the vision.This obedience designated his mission.What then was the mission? It wasa part in the most fundamentally constructive work in human society — thefusing of men of good mind and goodwill into beneficent co-operation with oneanother in the line of the great vocation.In one of the latest days of his life Dr.Harper said: "It has always been myidea to find the best in everybody, andto do all I could to put as many peopleas possible in the way of doing theirbest." That expression of himself whichperhaps more of us remember than anyother, was time and again called out bythe sight of a man hesitating before histask, or staggering under his task, orfailing at his task. Such a case alwaysseemed for the time to displace everything else in his mind, and to substitutea perspective of the worth of that particular task, if it were done well. Thenhe would exclaim, often about a veryobscure and minor task, "How I wishI could drop everything else and putmyself into that!" To confer with himabout work was to go back to work astorage battery recharged. By word, byexample, by indefinable suggestion, hewas incessantly pressing the appeal,"What magnificent service you willrender to the world, if you will only dothe thing within your power with allyour power!" His mission grew morepositive to the very end. To the lasthe was leading a march toward the goal — •every man intrusted with somethingwhich the world needs to have done,and every man doing with his mightwhat his hand finds to do.Thus Dr. Harper was a much moreessential democrat than he claimed orknew; much more than our volatileadolescent democracy is willing to takeas its pattern. Perhaps the confessionis peculiarly in order from one whoseprofessional stress is on the group factorin human affairs. Governments, organizations, institutions, and more and better of them, we must always have, to savelife from abortion; but whatever thestructure and machineries of society, therecannot be relatively much democraticprogress unless individuals are sound inthe faith of loyalty to the whole.Today we Americans need more thanall else a saving sense of the obligationof each to do, for all it is worth, his ownpart of the world's work. All ourlegislatings, and sociologizings, and industrial arbitratings will be merelyplanning to build our house of masonrywithout mortar, until we have formedthe dependable individual building material of coherent democracy. This wasDr. Harper's instinct. This was hisprinciple. This was his program. Theimpulse, more than a theory of this insight, empowered his great and generousand germinal life. He felt, more thanhe formulated, the vacant unmorality ofthose conceptions of democracy whichbegin and continue and end with animpossible individualism of rights. Helived more than he defined the organicmorality which is slowly conquering theworld's conviction — socialized individuality of functions.Yet a few years and none will remainwho knew Dr. Harper as a friend. Hewill have passed into the impersonalspiritual capital of the nation. Maythis special memorial, within this expanding, containing memorial, always be theshrine of the holy fire which shall lightthe torch of other lives like his. Herelived, here lives, here shall live WilliamRainey Harper — -eager prophet; ardentpromoter, authentic prototype of thevital democracy that is to be!The President's Convocation Statement.1—The present convocation marks theclose of twenty consecutive years of worksince the doors of the LTniversity wereopened to students in the fall of 1892.The number of degrees and titles giventoday at the close of this Spring Quarteris rather more than the entire number ofstudents in all branches of the University in the first Autumn Quarter.The number of alumni at the present timeis 6,895, including those who receivetheir degrees today. Of this number,1 Presented on the occasion of the Eighty-third Convocation of the University, held inHarper Court, June 11, 191 2.UNIVERSITY RECORD 313692 have received the degree of Doctorof Philosophy. The Graduate Schoolshave from the first been an importantpart of the University, and those students who obtain the Doctor's degreerepresent the most advanced work ofinstruction which has been done by ourvarious departments. Those who havereceived the Bachelor's degree withinthese twenty years number 4,699. TheColleges have become firmly establishedas an essential part of the University,and while of course they at any time maybe, and ought to be, compelled to adaptthemselves to changed conditions insocial and educational life of the countryat large, at the same time the apprehensions which have been expressed annuallyin the last twenty years that the University may do away with the Collegesaltogether have no more likelihood ofbeing realized at the present time thanthey had at the outset. The University has no desire to have the largestcollege in the country. It is anxiousthat its college work should be of a highgrade, and that its benefits should beconfined to those who are capable ofavailing themselves of them. It is tothis end that the faculty has been sorigorous in eliminating students withinthe first year who have not come up tothe required standards, and it is to thesame end that a plan recently adoptedwill seek to eliminate those who are notlikely to reach those standards hereafterbefore they are admitted at all. Inshort, we are anxious for students whoare serious-minded and capable, andnot for great numbers.One of the interesting facts in thelast year in the development of researchis the gift of Mrs. Howard T. Ricketts asa memorial to her husband, the lateAssistant Professor Howard T. Ricketts,of the Department of Pathology. Thisgift, amounting to $5,000, is added toendowment, the income only to be used,and bestowed annually as a prize uponthe student who in the Departmentof Bacteriology and Pathology producesthe best piece of original research. Thebrilliant work of Professor Ricketts willmake his name long remembered in theannals of medical science and in thehistory of the medical departments ofthe University. The Howard T. RickettsPrize will bring his name and his idealsvividly before the minds of our students each year, and cannot fail to be a sourceof inspiration.Ground was broken for the HarperMemorial Library on the tenth day ofJanuary, 1910. The dedication todaycompletes a building enterprise, therefore, which has covered upward of twoyears, and which, taken together withthe extensive additions to the RyersonPhysical Laboratory, forms one of themost important constructive eras of theUniversity. For the next two years itis the intention of the Board of Trusteesto proceed with the construction of fourbuildings which are imperatively neededat the present time, and on which theBoard believes it necessary to proceedwithout delay. These buildings are:1. A gymnasium for women. Thepresent quarters, provided in 1903 as atemporary matter, with the full expectation that four or five years would see apermanent building ready, have outlived their usefulness. The splendidprovisions for men in the BartlettGymnasium, as well as in the ReynoldsClub and the Hutchinson Commons,are in marked contrast with the veryinadequate and wholly unaesthetic one-story group known as Lexington Hall.Our women deserve better, and the timehas now come when the existing situation must be ended.2. A building for the Departments ofGeology and Geography. These departments are crowded in the Walker Museum, which is unfitted for such a purposeand is at the same time prevented frombeing used for museum purposes. Manyboxes of valuable material which oughtto be in the cases are stored in the basement.3. The grandstands and walls forMarshall Field. The present standsare no longer possible to use, and thefence is an eyesore.4. The Classical Building, to beerected at the corner of Ellis Avenue andFifty-ninth Street, thus architecturallygiving a well-balanced finish to theMidway front of the main quadrangles,and at the same time affording neededquarters for the Departments of Greek,Latin, and Comparative Philology.The Kelly bequest with accumulatedinterest may be counted as practicallyproviding for the Classical Building. TheTrustees hope and confidently expectthat at an early date donors may beTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfound whose names may be given to theother three buildings.May I quote from the letter of theFounder of December 13, 1910?"In making an end to my gifts to theUniversity, as I now do, and in withdrawing from the Board of Trustees mypersonal representatives, whose resignations I enclose, I am acting on an earlyand permanent conviction that this greatinstitution, being the property of thepeople, should be controlled, conducted,and supported by the people, in whosegenerous efforts for its upbuilding I havebeen permitted simply to co-operate; andI could wish to consecrate anew to thegreat cause of education the funds whichI have given, if that were possible; topresent the institution a second time, in sofar as I have aided in founding it, to thepeople of Chicago and the West; and toexpress my hope that under their management and with their generous supportthe University may be an increasingblessing to them, to their children, andto future generations."Delegates to the dedication ceremonies. — ■The representatives of other institutionsat the dedication ceremonies of the Harper Memorial Library included the following :Armour Institute of Technology, ChicagoPresident F. W. GunsaulusAugustana College and Theological Seminary,Rock Island, 111.President Gustav AndreeBaker University, Baldwin, Kan.President Wilbur N. MasonBaylor University, Waco, Tex.Professor Wilby T. GoochBeloit College, Beloit, Wis.President Edward Dwight EatonBucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa.President John H. HarrisButler College, Indianapolis, Ind.President Thomas C. HoweCatholic University of America, Washington,D.C.Rev. John Webster MelodyCollege of the City of New York, New YorkCityPresident John C. FinleyCornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.George W. Harris, LibrarianDalhousie College, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Can.W. M. HepburnDartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.H. H. Hilton (Chicago)Denison University, Granville, OhioC. D. Coons (Chicago)Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa.Edward S. Ames (Chicago) Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.William C. Niblack (Chicago)Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.William T. Boyden (Chicago)Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.William E. Jenkins, LibrarianJohns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.F. B. Ball, RegistrarKenyon College, Gambier, OhioWilliam P. Elliott (Chicago)Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa.Sylvanus E. Lambert (Chicago)Leland Stanford Junior University, StanfordUniversity, Cal.Professor Charles A. EastonLoyola University, ChicagoRev. A. J. GarvyMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.Samuel U. Felton (Chicago)Miami University, Oxford, OhioS. J. Brandenburg, LibrarianMt. Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.Abigail May HuntMuskingum College, New Concord, OhioPresident J. Knox MontgomeryNorthwestern University, Evanston, 111.President A. W. Harris, Professor James T .HatfieldOberlin College, Oberlin, OhioMerritt Starr (Chicago)Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kan.Charles V. StansellPennsylvania State College, State College, Pa.Professor Paul U. PotterPrinceton University, Princeton, N.J.Professor Henry Crew (Northwestern University)Purdue University, LaFayette, Ind.Stanley Coulter, Dean of ScienceSwarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa.Professor Thomas A. Jenkins (Chicago)Trinity College, Durham, N.C.Professor Frank C. BrownTrinity College, Hartford, Conn.John H. S. QuickTufts College, Boston, Mass.Rev. R. A. WhiteTuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute,Tuskegee, Ala.Booker T. Washington, PrincipalUniversity of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.Henry A. E. ChandlerUniversity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.Professor H. G. KeppelUniversity of Illinois, Urbana, 111.Phineas L. Windsor, LibrarianUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.Theodore N. KochUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.James T. Gerould, LibrarianUniversity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.C. E. Baird (Chicago)University of Montana, Missoula, Mont.Mary Stewart, Dean of WomenUniversity of Nevada, Reno, Nev.Professor Herbert W. HillUNIVERSITY RECORD 315University of North Dakota, University, N.D.Dean M. A. BrannonUniversity of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind.President John W. CavanaughUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.William P. Martin (Chicago)University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.Chancellor S. B. McCormickUniversity of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.Professor Henry F. BurtonUniversity of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.Blewett LeeUniversity of Washington, Seattle, Wash.Dr. H. C. StevensUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.Walter M. SmithWashburn College, Topeka, Kan.CharlotteALr LeavittWesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.Professor W. A. HeidelWest Virginia University, Morgantown.W.Va.James E. Brown (Chicago)Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OhioDr. William Carver Williams (Chicago)Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.Charles S. Holt (Chicago)Yale University, New Haven, Conn.Thomas E. Donnelly (Chicago)Michigan State Board of Library CommissionsW. Millard PalmerDeath of Dean Belfield. — Henry HolmesBelfield, from 1903 to 1908 dean of thetechnological course of the UniversityHigh School, died at Ann Arbor, Mich.,on June 5. Mr. Belfield was born in1839. He was a graduate of Iowa College, which later conferred upon him alsothe Master's and the Doctor's degrees.His early work as teacher was interruptedby his service as an officer of the EighthIowa Cavalry in the Civil War. Fortwenty years Mr. Belfield was director ofthe Chicago Manual Training High Schoolwhich in 1903 became a part of the University High School. Henry HolmesBelfield Hall was named in his honor.The funeral service was held at the HydePark Presbyterian Church, Chicago,Dr. Henderson officiating. The following resolutions of respect and sympathywere adopted by the Faculty of the HighSchool:The members of the Faculty of the University High School desire to express their deepsorrow and sense of personal loss in the suddendeath of their friend and former leader, DoctorHenry Holmes Belfield.They wish to express their high regard forhis attainments as a scholar, their appreciation of his wise management of school affairs,and admiration for the high ideals he set forhimself and his fellow-workers. They wish to testify to the great power forgood his words and his life have always beenand will continue to be, in the lives of hispupils.They feel that the contributions he made tothe cause of education, especially those towardthe successful solution of the problem of thecombination of academic and manual work,will be increasingly recognized to be of thegreatest importance.We who have known him well can sharein some small degree the great sorrow andsense of personal loss felt by the members ofhis family; and we desire to extend to themour sympathy in their bereavement.William R. WickesCharles H. Van TuylArthur F. BarnaroCommitteeReligion and Thought in Ancient Egypt,a volume which embodies the results ofmodern research, is announced by CharlesScribner's Sons for publication duringthe summer. The author is James HenryBreasted, Professor of Egyptology andOriental History and Director of theHaskell Oriental Museum. The bookcontains in an expanded form the MorseLectures delivered in 1Q12 at the UnionTheological Seminary in New York, thepurpose of which was to give some account of the Pyramid, Texts, which haverecently appeared in an English version,and to fix them in their proper positionas influences in the rise of Egyptiancivilization.At the graduation exercises of theChicago School of Civics and Philanthropy on June 7 announcement wasmade, by the director, of the publicationof a new volume by Dr. Sophonisba P.Breckinridge, '01, and Dr. Edith Abbott,'05, on The Delinquent Child and theHome, which summarizes the results of atwo years' inquiry into Chicago's juveniledelinquency and the workings of theJuvenile Court. The investigation wasmade under the auspices of the RussellSage Fund. Miss Breckinridge is Assistant Dean of Women in the Universityand one of the officers of the School ofCivics.Professor Charles R. Henderson, headof the Department of Practical Sociology,opened the second session of the fifteenthannual convention of the AmericanNurses' Association which began at theAuditorium Hotel, June 5.Assistant Professor Sophonisba P.Breckinridge, of the Department ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHousehold Administration, has been appointed by the governor of Illinois as adelegate to represent the state in theNational Conference of Charities. MissBreckinridge is a member of the executive committee of the conference.Associate Professor Frederick Starr,of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, accompanied by Air. Campbell Marvin, who has just received fromthe University the degree of Bachelor ofScience, sailed on June 20 for researchwork in Africa, going by way of Moroccoand the Canary Islands to Liberia. Mr.Starr will return to his work in the University at the opening of the WinterQuarter of 1913. He has recently beenappointed a special commissioner for thePanama Exposition of 191 5.Among the members of the faculty ofthe University of Wisconsin for the summer session is Professor Walter W. Cook,of the Law School. Mr. Cook was professor of law for four years at the University of Wisconsin before coming to theUniversity of Chicago.Secretary of the Treasury FranklinMacVeagh, a trustee of the University,who was the Convocation orator on June11, received on June 19 from Yale University the honorary degree of Doctorof Laws.At the Charles Dickens centenary, tobe held in the Leon Mandel AssemblyHall from July 17 to 19, Professor RobertM. Lovett will speak on " Charles Dickensas Dramatist," Associate Professor JamesW. Linn will consider "Charles Dickensas Journalist," and Assistant ProfessorDavid A. Robertson will give an illustrated account of "Dickens and HisIllustrators." Professor Charles R.Henderson will discuss "The Influenceof Charles Dickens on Philanthropy"and Assistant Professor Fredric M.Blanchard, of the Department of PublicSpeaking, will give selections from Pickwick Papers. There will also be a Dickens exhibition in the Harper MemorialLibrary at which rare first editions, autograph letters, proof sheets, with manuscript changes, and famous illustrationsby Seymour, Browne, Cruikshank, andothers, will be shown.The Eleclra of Euripides (in GilbertMurray's translation), Percy Mackaye'sCanterbury Pilgrims, and The Taming ofthe Shrew, Twelfth Night, The Merchantof Venice, and As You Like It were in cluded in the repertoire of open-air playspresented by the Coburn Players inScammon Gardens early in July. Theygave a well-balanced and artistic interpretation, repeating their success oflast summer. A part of the proceedswent to the University Settlement forits work in the stockyards.Recent contributions by members ofthe faculties to the journals publishedby the University of Chicago Press:Bonner, Associate Professor Robert J. :' ' The Organization of the Ten Thousand, ' 'Classical Journal, June.Butler, Professor Nathaniel: "Reportof the Twenty-fourth Educational Conference of the Academies and HighSchools in Relations with the Universityof Chicago," School Review, June.Clark, Associate Professor S. H: "ANew Plan for a Contest in Public Speaking," School Review, June.Deutsch, Mr. Hermann: "A Study ofTargionia Hypophylla" (Contributionfrom the Hull Botanical Laboratory 156),with thirteen figures, Botanical Gazette,June.Fuller, Mr. George D.: "Soil Moisturein the Cottonwood Dune Association ofLake Michigan," Botanical Gazette, June.Freeman, Dr. Frank N.: "CurrentMethods of Teaching Handwriting," II,Elementary School Teacher, June.Greenman, Assistant Professor Jesse M. :"Some Plants of Western America,"Botanical Gazette, June.Hoben, Associate Professor Allan:"The Church Boys' Club," BiblicalWorld, June.Slocum, Assistant Professor Frederick:"The Solar Prominence of June 19-20,191 1 " (with three plates), AstrophysicalJournal, June.Smith, Associate Professor J. M. P.:"A Note on Malachi 2:15a," AmericanJournal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, April.Wright, Assistant Professor ChesterW.: "The Trust Problem — Preventionversus Alleviation," Journal of PoliticalEconomy, June.Recent addresses by members of theFaculties include:Boynton, Assistant Professor PercyH. : Commencement address, Sioux City,la., High School, June 7.Coulter, Professor John M.: Phi BetaUNIVERSITY RECORD 317Kappa oration, "The New Equipment,"Beloit College commencement, June 18.Merriam, Professor Charles E.: Commencement address : "Citizenship,"University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.,June 13.Shepardson, Associate Professor Francis W.: Memorial Day address, "OurPioneers," before the chapter of theDaughters of the American Revolution,Granville, Ohio, May 30; address beforethe chapter of the Grand Army of theRepublic and address on Founder's Day at Shepardson College, Granville, Ohio,May 30.Shorey, Professor Paul : Address beforethe Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi societies, University of Illinois, June 10.Soares, Professor Theodore G.: Commencement address, "The Challenge ofOptimism," Rockford College, Rockford,111., June 13.Willett, Associate Professor HerbertL.: Commencement address, StarrettSchool for Girls, Chicago, June 10.AFFAIRSDinner of the Chicago Alumnae Club. — ■Two hundred and nineteen womenapplying for places at the Chicago Alumnae Club dinner June ii, and only 205fruit cocktails, constituted a mathematical problem too difficult for the secretary.It turned her hair gray and any discrepancies in this article may be traced to theresultant brain storm.Through the courtesy of the Quadrangle Club the alumnae found a warmwelcome on the campus, though even thegenial rooms and airy porch of theDoctors of Philosophy failed to accommodate comfortably the eleventh-hourguests. The meeting was the largest andin spite of crowding the most enthusiastic the Chicago alumnae have ever held.Rousing songs and speeches held theguests even when alluring strains fromSunken Gardens came through the openwindows.We were fortunate in having as ourguest of honor Miss Helen M. Bemmett,of the Chicago Record Herald, whose toast,"A Thing of Shreds and Patches," provoked much merriment. Miss Talbotgave her usual interesting account ofUniversity affairs and recommended thatthe Chicago Alumnae Club appoint anadvisory committee of seven to conferwith her on undergraduate matters bothsocial and academic. The graduatingclass, 1912, and the receiving class, 1907,were represented by Alice Lee Herrickand Grace Barker.Thyrza Barton, SecretaryDinner of the Alumni Association ofSouthern Ohio. — By all odds the most enjoyable meeting the Alumni of southernOhio have held in their two years ofunion took place the evening of June 6at the Hotel Elms at Cincinnati. Thiswas the second annual meeting of theAssociation. The first, organized withthe assistance of President Judson,brought out a larger number of thealumni and was altogether as succcessfula start as could have been wished for.The June meeting, however, was morehomelike because of the smallness of itsnumbers and perhaps therefore the moreenjoyable.Guests of honor were Miss Myra Reynolds, Professor of English, and Professor George Burman Foster. Miss Reynoldscame to Cincinnati to deliver the commencement address at Glendale Collegein the morning and graciously remainedover at the invitation of Aliss FrancesBowman, an alumna and director of thecollege. For the presence of ProfessorFoster, the Southern Ohio Associationwas indebted to the Alumni Associationof the University, and very grateful itfeels toward all concerned in bringingthese two visitors from the Midway toCincinnati that night.Intimate advances in University lifewere dwelt on by Aliss Reynolds in acharmingly informal talk. ProfessorFoster spoke of the trend of the ideal ofman, on the way alluding to the absorbingpolitical problem in such a way as to clearup the third-term problem for all of hishearers, at any rate who had voted.The meeting was so informal that itcould hardly be said to have had a toast-master, Rev. A. W. Fortune, however,sitting at the head of the table in hiscapacity as president of the association.The report of the secretary-treasurerwas read by Frederick W. Carr.The alumni heard with regret the announcement of Mr. Fortune that thiswas his last meeting because of hisremoval in the fall to Lexington, Ky.Dr. Paul S. Woolley, dean of the Ohio-Miami Medical College affiliated withthe University of Cincinnati, was electedpresident for the next year, Miss FrancesM. Bowman, vice-president, and Mr.Carr, secretary-treasurer. Because ofthe lateness of the meeting, a resolutionwas passed suggesting that the annualmeeting be held in November.The alumni present were: W. C. Sayrs,Lee J. Levinger, Pliny C. Johnston, JessieB. Strate, F. W. Carr, David Fichman,H. W. Cordell, Claire L. Waite, FrancesM. Bowman, E. Antoinette Ely, and theRev A. W. Fortune.F. W. Carr, '09Dinner of the Indiana Alumni Association. — The second annual banquetof the Indiana Alumni Association of theUniversity of Chicago was held at theY.M.C.A., Indianapolis, Wednesdayevening, May 29. Sixty people were inattendance, Professor S. H. Clark, of the318AFFAIRS 319department of Public Speaking of theUniversity was very happily introducedby the president and toastmaster, Mr.Emsley W. Johnson. Professor Clarkgave a very instructive and interestingaddress. This was followed by shortaddresses by the secretary, Mr. H. R.Kingston, Principal Milo H. Stuart,Rev. Dr. Gekeler, and Miss MarthaAllerdice.The annual meeting. — The eighth annual meeting of the Association of Doctorsof Philosophy was held on June 10, 191 2,at the Quadrangle Club, on which occasion about seventy members of the Association and invited guests enjoyed thecomplimentary luncheon tendered bythe University through President HarryPratt Judson. An important feature ofthe occasion was the welcoming of the newmembers of the association who havereceived their degrees during the year1911-12. These numbered fifty-seven,of whom twenty-four came up at theJune Convocation. About half of theentire number were present, but some whohad taken their degrees at earlier convocations in the year could not reach hereat this time.President Judson presented the greetings to the new Doctors, and welcomedall, both new and old to this, the one distinctive gathering of the year when theholders of the Doctor's degree are singledout for special attention. It is of interest to realize that the total number ofDoctors is now 693, of whom 677 areliving. The departments which haveturned out the largest numbers are:Chemistry 64, Botany 53, Mathematics46, Zoology 43. Of the total number,56 have come from the Departments ofthe Divinity School; 56 from the Departments of Philosophy, Psychology, andEducation; 106 from the HistoricalGroup, including Political Economy,Political Science, History, and Sociology;83 from Ancient Languages, includingSemitics; 76 from Modern Languages,including English; and 319 from theScience Departments.The election of officers resulted asfollows: president, Theodore C. Burgess,Greek, '98; vice-president, Thomas E.Doubt, Physics, '04; corresponding secretary, Edith E. Barnard, Chemistry, '07;secretary-treasurer, Herbert E. Slaught,Mathematics, '98; additional membersof the executive committee: Howard Before adjourning, Mr. E. E. Thompson, A.M., was elected president andMiss Grace Clapp, Ph.D., secretary, forthe coming year.I believe everyone went away with afeeling that the evening had been bothprofitable and instructive and with astronger love for, and loyalty to, theirAlma Mater.H. R. Kingston, SecretaryWoodhead, Sociology, '00; Ernest L.Talbert, Philosophy, '01.The most important item of businesswas the consideration of a letter addressedto the members by Professor R. C. Flick-inger, president of the association, withreference to the promotion of Doctors tohigher and better positions. This letter,together with numerous replies and suggestions on this subject, was informallydiscussed, and a committee of three wasappointed to consider ways and means forbest promoting the interests of Doctorsalong these lines. This document andthe report of this committee will constitute one of the topics for discussion at thenext annual meeting, and further information concerning the matter will be published in the Magazine during the comingyear.President Flickinger's letter is of general interest, and it is therefore includedherewith:COMMUNICATION FROM THE PRESIDENT OFTHE ASSOCIATIONFellow Doctors:_ I venture to suggest for your careful consideration the question whether the Doctorsof the University of Chicago may not be ofmaterial assistance to one another in the matter of promotion and betterment of position,a line of activity in which the alumni of acertain eastern institution have been preeminently successful. I wish, however, toguard against two or three possible misconceptions. I do not mean that we shouldstrive to place "lame ducks," merely becausethey are fellow-Doctors in positions beyondtheir powers; nor, in general, that we shouldurge Chicago Doctors, however poor, in preference to graduates of other universities,however excellent. This policy is faithfullypursued in some institutions, but in the longrun will work greater harm than good.Neither do I intend any reflection upon theactivities of our Board of Recommendations,but, from the nature of the case, this bureauis most serviceable to those who are justleaving the University and who must therefore start at the bottom of the ladder. Evenso, the officials in charge of the board woulddoubtless welcome a larger measure of cooperation than they have ever received fromTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Doctors who are holding positions ofinfluence.There are, however, not a few worthyteachers several years removed from • thedoctorate with whom the situation is inmany respects desperate. They have accepted instructorships, have proved theirmettle, and have been slowly advanced insalary, and even promoted to the assistantprofessorship, when suddenly they find themselves in a cut de sac. Owing to no faultof their own and to no lack of appreciation of their services but entirely to localconditions, they discover all possibility offurther advancement quite blocked. The University may have become to them a distantabstraction which, if it formerly had any emotions on the subject at all, would doubtlesscongratulate itself upon having initiallylocated these candidates so well and wouldnow be expecting them to look out for themselves. The one or two professors who hadbeen particularly interested in such a person'swork may have died, or have been called toanother institution, or may lack the happyfaculty of pulling wires for their pupils. Sucha Doctor hesitates to admit his plight to hisdepartmental associates in other institutions,and they are slow to realize it except upon hisinitiative, and are besides kept pretty busylooking out for themselves. The sole recourseis the teachers' agency, which necessitatescalling upon the local officials for testimonialsand thereby draws their attention to one'sdiscontent. Furthermore, if one has been sounlucky as to get an appointment where noteven promotion to an assistant professorshipis open to him, rumors soon gain currencythat he is incompetent or for some reason"won't do," and his case is then almost hopeless. Under such conditions it is not surprising if he teaches perfunctorily, loses interest in his subject, ceases to study and publish,and is presently down past recovery.On the other hand, the University is nowold enough so that many of its Doctors holddeanships and head professorships and thereby have a voice and influence in the choicenot merely of instructors under them in theirown departments but also of professors inother departments. Of course, such a manhas a divided responsibility. Suitable graduates of the institution where he is employedor of the college where he spent his own undergraduate days may possibly claim first andsecond places in his thoughts. But when allsuch fail, as they inevitably often do fail,surely it is not too much to expect that in thethird place, at least, he will consider the possibility of obtaining an alumnus of the samegraduate school as he himself attended. Certainly one who has spent from one to threeor four years upon the Chicago campus hashad a chance to catch a glimpse of Chicagoideals, and has come to honor the Chicagospirit of service, of devotion to thoroughness,accuracy, and truth, of achieving great thingsand achieving them in a great manner — sucha one will surely desire to have as many of his associates as possible come from the greatUniversity where such teachings are inculcated. During the years since I myselfreceived the degree, I have known many Doctors from many graduate schools, and I cantruthfully say that I see no reason, either inthe type of the Doctors themselves or in theirtraining or in their success as teachers orinvestigators, why Chicago Doctors shouldtake an apologetic attitude in the presenceof others or be granted minor consideration infilling an appointment. In fact, in the departments where my personal information ismost intimate, my experience is precisely theopposite.The difficulty is that the Doctors do notand cannot know one another, because asgraduate students they knew and could knowscarcely anyone outside of their own departments and even there knew only those whowere in attendance during their own comparatively brief period of residence. Theproblem, then, is to bridge the chasm whichstretches between those who for any reasonfeel that they are not yet permanently locatedand those older Doctors who have the bestowal of such appointments within theirpower or influence.That this is a subject of practical importance to the Doctors ought to be self-evident.I trust that what I have written will indicatethat in my opinion it is not a matter simplyof enlightened self-interest but the far moreimportant matter of Chicago influence, ofChicago ideals, and of their widespread diffusion. The questions given below are intendedto elicit practical suggestions. If nothingmore, some tangible results ought to comemerely from calling attention to the situation.i. Is it generally known that the UniversityBoard of Recommendations welcomes furtherregistrations, even after one has obtained anappointment and left the campus ?2. Ought our Doctors to feel responsibilityin reporting vacancies to other Doctors andto the University, whether they may haveany part in filling the positions or not ?3. Can this matter be handled best throughthe agencies already existing at the University or can the Doctors themselves organizeany more effective scheme of co-operation ?4. Are there any other suggestions in thisconnection ?Please address your replies and suggestionsto the secretary, Dr. H. E. Slaught.Yours for the University,Roy C. Flickinger, '04, PresidentAssociate Professor of Classics, NorthwesternUniversity.The personal notes concerning changesof address and promotions will be gathered under the head of "News Notes" inthe first number of the Magazine in theautumn. In the meantime will membersplease notify the secretary of any furtherchanges or items of interest not yetreported.Herbert E. Slaught, '98, SecretaryINDEXUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMAGAZINEVolume IV. November, 19 n — July, 19 12GENERAL INDEX[Prepared by Gertrude Emerson, '12]PAGEAbbe Klein on the University — Edgar J. Goodspeed, '97 72Address on Behalf of the Alumni — Donald R. Richberg, '01 . . .310Alumni Activities, General (Department) 44Alumni Affairs (Department) 74,112,148,182,216,281,318Alumni as Trustees 56Alumni and Athletics, The 124Alumni Clubs —Chicago, 281; Elgin, 182; Harvard, 74, 75; Milwaukee, 281; RockyMountain, 75; Southern Ohio, 112, 318; Indiana, 318.Alumni Council, The '. 45,74,112,182Alumni Library 41Alumni, Recent Publications of . .32,43,86,144,180,200,214,277,315Alumni, To the 55Alumnus' Impressions of Dr. Vincent's Inauguration, An — Harvey B.Fuller, Jr., '08 39American Influences in the Far East — Inazo Nitobe, LL.D 103American Mathematical Society, Meeting of 212Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington Meeting 109Association of American Universities, Meeting of ....... 27Athletics —Baseball 118, 191, 223^87Basket-ball 81, 118, 152, 191Football . 58, 79Swimming 118Tennis 288Track 81,118,152,191,223,287Attendance at the University, General Statistics of 61Availability of Undergraduate Men at the University for IntercollegiateAthletics— Joseph E. Raycroft, '96 68Board of Recommendations, The — Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98 . . 129323THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPAGEBook Reviews and Notices —A Garden of Paris (Elizabeth Wallace), 24; Statesmen of the Old South(William E. Dodd), 25; The Shadow Men (Donald Richberg), 41; A Guidebook to Colorado (Eugene Parsons), 41; Great Love Stories of the Theater(Charles W. Collins), 42; The Twelfth Christmas, To Mother (MarjorieBenton Cooke), 42; Cases on Administrative Law (Ernst Freund), 37; Contributions from the University to the Cyclopedia of American Government,144; Outlines of Economics (Leon C. Marshall and James A. Field), 86;American Permian Vertebrates (Samuel Wendell Williston), 86; The Healer(Robert Herrick), 87; The Alaternal Instinct (Robert Herrick and HarrisonRhodes), 145; A New Volume on the "Historicity of Jesus" (Shirley J.Case), 180; Scientific Management in the Churches (Shailer Mathews), 180;Assyrian and Babylonian Letters Belonging to the Kouyunjik Collectionof the British Aluseum (edited by Robert Francis Harper), 87; Stover atYale (Owen Johnson), 200; Chapters from Modern Psychology (James R.Angell), 313; Education with Reference to Sex (Charles R. Henderson),180; Banking Reform (J. Lawrence Laughlin), 277; The Elements ofEnglish Composition (James W. Linn), 277; Elements of Geography (RollinD. Salisbury, Harlow H. Barrows, and Walter S. Tower), 277; Manly-Bailey Language Books (John AI. Manly and Elizabeth Bailey), 278; FirstPrinciples of Algebra (Herbert E. Slaught and Nels J. Lennes), 278;Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt (James H. Breasted), 315.Cap and Gown: The University of Chicago Annual, The — Percy II.Boynton 100Changes in Management of the University of Chicago Magazine . . . 155Changes in the Curriculum 236Chicago Alumnae Club 45,112,216Chicago Men at Nanking — Amara A. Bullock, S.M.,'09 44College Alumni Association, The (Department) 49,74,112,318Conference Actions 201Conference Compromise, The 91Convocations and Exercises —80th, September 1, 191 1 2681st, December 19, 191 1 10982d, March 19, 1912 17883d, June 11, 191 2 297Convocation Orations —The Liberation of Good Will — Henry Eldridge Bourne, D.B., L.H.D.,September 1, 191 1 1American Influences in the Far East — Inazo Nitobe, LL.D., December19, 1911 io3An Old Guide for New Times — George Edgar Vincent, Ph.D., LL.D.,March 19, 1912 161Education and the Voter — Franklin MacVeagh, Secretary of theTreasury, June 11, 1912 300INDEX 325PAGEDebating 81, 120Dedication of the Harper Memorial Library, The i57,3°9Dedication Poem: "House of the Word, The" — Edwin Herbert Lewis,Ph.D., '94 225Delegates to the Dedication Ceremonies 314Discussion and Comment (Department) 39Divinity Alumni Association, The (Department) . . 48, 117, 151, 188, 221Doctors of Philosophy, The Association of (Department)47,77,115,187,219,285,319Dramatics 81, 120, 191, 199, 224, 288Eastern Alumni Association, The 123,148Education and the Voter — Franklin MacVeagh, A.B., LL.D 300Election of Marshals and Aides for 191 2-13 233Eligibility of Our Baseball Squad, The — James R. Angell 202Events and Discussion (Department) . . .56, 91, 123, 155, 195, 232, 291Fellowships for 1912-13 212Flowers of Progress: A Pageant, The — Donald L. Breed, '13 . . . . 261Fraternity Scholarship 126,172,238French Requirement for Entrance to the University, The — William A.Nitze . 95From the Letter-Box (Department) 189, 222, 273Grades in English I 61Harper Memorial Library, The 249Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Prize 62Honor Sentiment Movement 160, 192Hutchinson Portrait, The 63Idea of Research, The — Harry Pratt Judson, A.M., LL.D 14Illustrations —Henry Eldridge Bourne, 1 ; A Midwinter View of the Frank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium and the Mitchell Tower, 91; Coat-of-Arms and Seal of theUniversity of Chicago, 225; Debating Team 1912, 119; Divinity in theSpringtime, 195; The Football Squad 1911, 80; Harper Memorial Library,as It Appeared December, 1910, and December, 191 1, 64; The Library fromthe Midway, 253; The Library Group from Harper Court, 250; Details ofthe Harper Memorial Library — The Screen at East End of Reading-Room,and Entrance to West Tower of Library, 255; Floor Plans of the HarperMemorial Library, 251, 252, 254; Floor Plans of the Library Group, 257,259, 260; Charles L. Hutchinson, 55; Inazo Nitobe, 104; The Quadrangleon February 29, Leap- Year Day, 123; George Edgar Vincent, 155; University Seals, 244, 245, 248; Sketches Made at the Alumni Reunion, 191 2,280; Franklin MacVeagh, 290; Messrs. Coolidge, Henderson, Burton,Ryerson, MacVeagh, and* Judson Crossing Walk into Harper Court, 292;President Ryerson Presents the Keys to President Judson, 294; PresidentJudson Presents the Keys to Director Burton, 295; Head Marshals Field,Baird, and Bell and the Procession, 296; Dean Henry Gordon Gale, 297.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPAGEImprisonment of Criminal Corporations, The — Donald R. Richberg, '01 65Inter-Fraternity Association, The 56Is a University Newspaper Possible ? 127Koch, Waldemar, The Death of 143La Farge Pictures, The 85Law School Association, The (Department) 48, 116Liberation of Good Will, The — Henry Eldridge Bourne, D.B., LH.D. . 1Mandel, Leon, Death of 3°Memorial Address — Albion W . Small 311Mississippi Valley Historical Association, The 277Modern Language Association of America, Meeting of 109New Schedule of Hours, The 238New System of Retiring Allowances, The 159New Tests in Modern Language, The 93New Trustees, Three 235Northern Indiana Teachers' Association 212Note on Professor Whitman's Unpublished Work, A — Oscar Riddle, Ph.D.,'07 208Old Guide for New Times, An — George Edgar Vincent, Ph.D., LL.D. . 161Pensions 159Permanent Building for the Women of the University, A 204Philippine Education — Francis Wayland Shepardson, Ph.D., LL.D. . . 19Phoenix and the Book, The — David Allan Robertson, '02 243Plan of Sequences, The 197Plans of Admission to College 60President Judson's Visit to Panama noPresident's Convocation Statement, The, March 19, 191 2 . . . 177President's Convocation Statement, The, June 11,1912 312President's Historical Statement 309"President's Report," for the year 1910-1 1, The 143Proposed New Entrance Requirement, A 196Representatives of the University at the Inauguration of President GeorgeEdgar Vincent 29Rhodes Scholarship Examination 240"Same Door Where in I Went, The" — Donald R. Richberg, '01 . . . 268Scholarship of "Advanced Standing" Students and of the Fraternities 172Scholarship of the Fraternities 126,172,238Scholarships —Rhodes 240Spelman Flouse 157Secondary-School Conference 213Some Additions to Walker Museum 84INDEX 327PAGESpelman House Scholarship, The r^7Statistics of Student Attendance at the University 61" Summer Baseball "— William Scott Bond,' 97 yoThree-Quarters Club, Question of the 57To the Alumni 55Undergraduate Affairs (Department) 79, 152, 191, 223, 287Undergraduate Calendar, The 82University in Politics, The 124University Lectures in the Philippine Islands 170University Orchestral Association, The 31, 85, 178University Record, The (Department) . .26, 84, 103, 143, 177, 212, 277, 309Western Philosophical and Psychological Associations 212What Shall We Do about Inter-Collegiate Athletics ? 135William Rainey Harper — Albion W. Small, Ph.D., LL.D 3nWomen as College Teachers .92