University of ChicagoMagazineVolume IV MARCH, IQI2 Number 4EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONTo the editors of the Magazine the most striking feature oflife at present is the emptiness of the void into which each issue of thepublication has disappeared. Criticism they expected,Into the Void comment they hoped for; but two numbers have failed toarouse so much as an echo. This last statement is exaggerated. To W. A. McDermid, '06, Milton E. Robinson, Jr., '11, andVallee Appel, 'n, they return heartfelt thanks. Diplomacy would advisethe deferment of these remarks until the cautious members of the alumnibody have had an opportunity of making up their minds. But self-preservation, stronger than diplomacy, suggests that unless renewalsand subscriptions begin to show themselves, the chance to ask for themwill pass altogether. There is no evidence that Shelley's impassionedcall to the West Wind brought any answer. Probably he discoveredthat winds, both west and east, blow where they list.Twenty-four hours after the foregoing was written came the highlyinteresting account of the dinner of the Eastern Alumni Association atNew York, and many details of alumni in that section,.. . all of which will be found in their place in this issue. ToAlumni cAssociation &' &• Young, '02, of New York, for this information, thereaders of the Magazine are indebted. If one wishes totalk of Chicago spirit, by the way, one might well turn to the list of thosewho attended the New York dinner, and observe the comparative numberof women and men who were present.123THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECounty and state politics will at the primaries this spring engage theattention of University men to an unusual degree. President Judson isa vice-president of the Republican "Committee of One. _ .. . Hundred," which has undertaken specifically to oppose thedoctrine and practice of Mr. Lorimer, to support theinitiative and referendum, to force the defeat of Bartzen, and generally,to rehabilitate the county Republican organization. The Committeeof One Hundred are supporting Mr. Deneen for the gubernatorialnomination. On the other hand Professor Merriam is activelyurging the candidacy of Mr. Walter Clyde Jones, and has had a hand insuggesting that Hoffman, Vail, Kinsella, and other nominees who are onthe Republican slate might better be erased. It is not a long jump fromthe platform of the Committee of One Hundred to that of ProfessorMerriam and his allies ; in their theories, the members of the Universitywho are best versed in political science would seem to agree. They differonly in their associates. Perhaps they may be said to agree in politicalscience, but to have divergent views upon the science of politics.Meanwhile this Magazine would do its utmost to enlist the support,at the primaries, of every Republican voter among the students, faculty,and alumni, regardless of faction, for one candidate forRichberg for ^te1* attorney— Donald R. Richberg, '01 . " None knewAttorney *"m ^ut to ^ove *"m-" He ^as ideals, he has common-sense; he is a first-rate lawyer, a good fighter, and a betterfriend. He has varied interests, but only one determination — to be ofservice. Wherever in smaller fields he has been called upon he hasresponded effectively. If this larger opportunity comes to him he will,as he always has, make the most of it. The primaries are to be held onApril 9.An article in this issue attempts to put the athletic situation beforethe alumni body, and asks for information. A similar request forinformation was made by an elaborate questionnaireThe Alumni addressed to every man who had won a "C." Theand Athletics ,. \ ^ ^ ^ . r ■, ^ <■findings were presented to the meeting of the Conferenceon January 27. They are now in the hands of Mr. Stagg atPinehurst. The Magazine hopes to publish them in the April issue.The athletes were, it is understood, strongly in favor of retaining therigid rules of amateurism up to this year in force. Another discussion ofAND DISCUSSION 125the situation took place at a luncheon on February 15 which broughttogether sixteen well-known Chicago alumni, former athletes and non-athletes. The results were put before the Board of Physical Cultureand Athletics on February 17. They have not been given out by thatbody, but it is said their most salient aspect was their unanimity. Thesituation as far as Chicago is concerned is so far as follows :1. A general feeling on the part of the administration that rigidamateur rules are desirable.2. Recommendation to the Senate, by the Board of Physical Cultureand Athletics, that Chicago should vote against the "compromise" ofJanuary 27 as a whole; with one suggestion, however, that the cases ofstudents who before entering a college have been guilty of merely technicalviolations of the rules may be considered and the students declaredeligible by the governing body of the college they are attending.3. Participation in a call for a meeting of college presidents, in March,to consider the whole matter.It must be remembered that Chicago's vote against the compromisedoes not in any way clear up the matter. The "compromise" will passthe Conference. At this writing Wisconsin has already agreed to it.The problem is, what next ? The alumni need hardly be urged to payno attention to newspaper rumors.The Convocation speaker on March 19 will be George Edgar Vincent,president of the University of Minnesota. What he has to say will bep . of value, and the sight of him will as always be a pleasure.Vincent ^s many alumni and alumnae as possible should hear andsee him. For the President's reception, in HutchinsonHall on the evening of March 18, no invitation is required by alumni, ofwhom it is hoped that many will be present.In this connection some facts may be given about the portrait ofPresident Vincent subscribed for last year by students, faculty, andalumni, painted by Louis Betts, and placed in Hutchinson Hall. Therewere 282 separate contributors; the largest amount subscribed was $25,the smallest 25 cents. Of the total subscribed, about one-twentieth wascontributed by students (who were not permitted to subscribe more thanfifty cents apiece), one-third by the alumni, and the remainder by thefaculty. The books of the subscription are (in Mr. Robertson's absence)in the hands of the Editorial Committee of the Magazine, who will beglad to give information in detail to any subscriber,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDean Thomas A. Clark of the University of Illinois a short time sincepublished in the Alumni Quarterly of the University of Illinois a statisticalreview of the comparative scholarship of different groups^ Sf tihlT" °f students at Illinois— the men and the women, fra-Fraternities ternity men and non-fraternity men, and in particular thegroups engaged in the various university activities, hiisconclusion was that the average grade of those who take part in ' collegeaffairs" at Illinois is on the whole higher than the grade of those who donot take part. No such full or interesting tables as this are yet availableat Chicago, more's the pity; but certain comparisons may neverthelesssbe made on the basis of the scholarship reports issued to the seventeenfraternities concerning their work, first for the year 1910-11, and secondfor the Autumn Quarter, 191 1. The average grade of each fraternity isgiven, and the fraternities are placed in the order of their scholasticstanding.The average grade of all students, and the average grade of the non-fraternity students, are not available. It may be noted, however, thatlast year only two fraternities averaged B minus ; and that in the AutumnQuarter seven fraternities actually averaged below the C which is theminimum necessary for the attainment of a degree. On the scale of 100,B minus is equivalent to 81-85, C 76-80, C— 71-75, and D 61-70. AtIllinois the average grade of fraternity men for the same year was 79 . 4°-YEAR iqio-iiFraternityDelta Sigma Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon .Phi Gamma DeltaAlpha Tau Omega . . .Phi Kappa Sigma. . . .Chi Psi Delta Tau Delta Psi Upsilon Delta Upsilon Phi Delta Theta Sigma Chi Alpha Delta Phi Sigma Nu Phi Kappa Psi Delta Kappa Epsilon.Belta Theta Pi Kappa Sigma Autumn1341615II17 RankSpiing Rank torYear47 161013 1410 516 317 1114 1215 17476i513981314T51617 AverageGradesB-C + +C + +C+ +c+c+c+c+c+c+c+c+cccc-AND DISCUSSION 127AUTUMN QUARTER, 191 11. Delta Tau Delta C Lacks 5 Grade Points to B-2. Sigma Nu C " 7 " " " B-3 • Delta Sigma Phi C " 8.5 " " " B-4- Sigma Chi C " 10 " " " B-5 • Phi Delta Theta C " 10.5 " " " B-6 . Alpha Tau Omega C " 12.5 " " " B-7 • Phi Gamma Delta C " 17.5 " " " B-8 . Kappa Sigma C " 21.5 " " " B —9- Sigma Alpha Epsilon C " 27 " " " B —10. Beta Theta Pi C " 27.5 " " " B-n. Chi Psi C- " 4-5 " " "C12. Phi Kappa Sigma C- " 8 " " "C13- Delta Upsilon C- " 9 " " "C14- Alpha Delta Phi C- " 17 " " "C15- Psi Upsilon "C- " 21 " " "C16. Delta Kappa Epsilon D " 1.5 " " " C-17- Phi Kappa Psi D " 2.5 " " " C-These figures would seem not very far apart. The scholarship of theChicago fraternity men in the Autumn Quarter however dropped awaybelow the Chicago average for the same quarter of the precedingyear.An article on "The Possibility "of a University Newspaper," in theIndependent for February 15, by Edwin E. Slosson, '03, president of theEastern Alumni Association, advocates "a universityN y periodical devoted to current events, in short, a newspaperPossible? ^or ^e general reader, but more comprehensive andauthoritative than the ordinary newspaper can be." Hepoints out the advantages to such a paper of a university connection —"several hundred specialists, conversant with all branches of humanknowledge and trained in the arts of discovery and exposition, and alsoseveral thousand men and women under training in these arts andanxious for the practice. No newspaper office could afford to maintainsuch a corps of assistants for its occasional service." That such a newspaper might survive and even pay for itself he deduces from the experience of the University Missourian, formerly issued by the School ofJournalism of the University of Missouri, though recently, on accountof legislative action, taken over by a separate corporation of students.That such a periodical, though endowed, would necessarily or evenprobably be timid in expressing opinion, he does not believe; and hecites at length the case of the University of Chicago Press.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThis institution [Chicago] was the first to establish, twenty years ago, a department of journalism as a distinct and essential part of its educational work IThe University d° n0t find in itS cataIo§ue any of Professor Herrick's popular novels,press hut, on the other hand, I see the Morphology of the Gymnosperm, andthe Book of Thekla in Ethiopic, for which there was doubtless noimperative demand from the public. That is to say, the policy of the University ofChicago Press is to print books and periodicals of educational value without regard towhether they will pay or not The University of Chicago publishes moreperiodicals than any other university, and more than any commercial publishinghouse, with the exception of one or two. The twelve leading journals cost $40,253 .36for the fiscal year ending June 30, 191 1, and of this amount the University contributed$20,000 It would doubtless be impossible without subsidies to issue suchperiodicals as Classical Philology The editors of city dailies lie in wait for everyissue of [these] periodicals as a cat watches a mousehole There are very fewmagazines supported by the subscriber and advertiser which would dare publishwithout disclaimer some of the criticism of established institutions, customs, and beliefswhich has appeared in the Biblical World, or the American Journals of Theology,Sociology, and Political Economy. In the matter of freedom of speech and progressivethought on such vital topics the endowed journals have often shown themselvessuperior to the self-supporting.When the voice of the turtle is heard again in the land, most of uswill rejoice. Leap year has so far shown a cruel aspect. ' Fifteen belowLeap Year zero' two blizzards in one week, transportation a tragicfarce, and the distance from building to building multipliedindefinitely by the factor of the cold: such is the story. The frontispiece shows the quadrangle on February 29, that "rare day" of whichthe poet sings. The spring comes slowly up this way.BOARD OF RECOMMENDATIONSHISTORICAL SKETCHTHE graduate school at the University of Chicago from the veryoutset attracted large numbers of students who were preparingto teach, and in due time requests for the recommendation of teachersbegan to come from schools, colleges, and universities in all parts of thecountry. At first the correspondence concerning teachers was conducted through the President's office, but by 1899 this correspondencehad become so voluminous that a separate office was organized underthe direction of Professor R. M. Lovett, who remained in charge forthe next two years, doing pioneer work with meager facilities.In 1 90 1 the work of recommending teachers was given official standing by the organization of an Administrative Board to direct its policy,the appointment of a paid secretary to conduct its operation, and theprovision of better facilities and more adequate clerical assistance. Thework had previously been done in one corner of the office of the SeniorDean in Haskell. It was at this time transferred to Cobb Hall, wherethe office space has been increased from time to time until now a largegeneral office and reception room and a private consultation room arenone too commodious for the transaction of the constantly increasingbusiness with students who are seeking positions, and school authoritieswho are seeking teachers.METHOD OF OPERATIONThe recommendation of teachers is directed by the secretary of theBoard in direct co-operation with an official representative of eachdepartment. In the case of minor positions the secretary makes nominations from lists of approved candidates registered in the office, but forany important vacancy he acts only after conference with the officialrepresentative of the department in question. A member of the facultydoes not make nominations when appealed to by either a school or acandidate, but refers all such questions to the official representativeof his department, whose duty it is to determine the departmental consensus of opinion and to make whatever recommendation seems best,either through the secretary of the Board or directly to the school,in the latter case always reporting his action to the secretary for recordin the office. In this way only is it possible to avoid embarrassing129THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEduplication of effort and so to concentrate departmental energy in thematter of recommendations as to secure a maximum of appointments.Each member of the faculty has, however, one important duty inconnection with the work, without which the machinery of recommendations cannot operate successfully. If this duty is performed carefullyand conscientiously the cause of education is in so far promoted by helping to adjust the right candidate to the right place; but if this duty ishastily and carelessly performed great harm may be done to the schoolsand great injustice to the candidates. This duty of each faculty memberconsists in preparing a confidential statement for the use of the secretaryconcerning the scholarship and personal qualifications of each studentin his course who is preparing to teach. Having once furnished thesecretary with such a confidential statement the instructor thereafterrefers all inquiries which he may receive from schools or agencies concerning the candidate to the office for reply.The candidate also has certain important parts to perform in orderto become eligible for recommendation. In the first place, there musthave been a sufficient period of residence, usually not less than threequarters, in order to insure adequate acquaintance with the membersof the faculty in the departments concerned and to merit such confidential statements from them as will warrant the secretary in placing thecandidate on the approved list. This being done, full details as toprevious training and experience are furnished by each candidate,together with references to those persons not in the University who canspeak of his previous record. Confidential statements are then securedby the secretary directly from such persons, and these statements,together with those from the faculty, and a condensed outline of thecandidate 's training and experience, are then manifolded and made readyfor instant use whenever opportunity arises.With the foregoing preliminaries fulfilled, the duties of the secretarybegin. His mail is heavy at all times of the year. It is voluminousfrom March to June. It is prodigious from July to October. When hereceives a call for a teacher he looks over his list of candidates arrangedby departments, selects two or three who seem to fit the case mostnearly, confers with the departmental representative if necessary, notifies the prospective candidates to call and confer about the place, andfinally makes a nomination, sending a personal letter together with anofficially bound set of the nominee 's confidential papers and photograph,accompanied by an addressed and stamped envelope for their returnto the office when the place is filled. The candidate also usually writesBOARD OF RECOMMENDATIONS 131a letter and adds any further details of information or asks questionswhich need further explanation.When a superintendent or college president calls in person at theoffice, as happens daily and sometimes hourly in the rush season, allavailable information concerning candidates is placed at his disposaland personal interviews are arranged as quickly as candidates can besummoned. In all cases when a candidacy is becoming favorable, thedepartmental representative or any faculty member who may haveofficial information or influence is called upon to write a personal letterin support of the nominee or to confer with the school representativeif he is at the University.Aside from the direct calls from schools mentioned above, manycandidates have personal information of vacancies through friends, orteachers' agencies and in all such cases, of course, use the Board asreference. As soon as the secretary has evidence that a candidate isunder consideration by a school, he forwards the confidential papers,always stating whether they have been asked for by the school or whetherthey are sent on the request of the candidate.Moreover, the commercial agencies receive many calls for teacherswhich never come directly to the University, and oftentimes they appealto the Board for candidates. In such cases students registered with theBoard are given opportunity to make application through the agencyand, of course, are entitled to assistance through the use of their confidential papers, the same as they would be if the call came directlyfrom the school.Another important phase of this work grows out of the demand forteachers of experience; and when such are demanded the secretary isalways in a position to nominate former graduates who are already inthe field and have shown themselves worthy of promotion. For thispurpose a list is made each year of those who are ready to be moved upthe line, and from this list nominations are made of experienced candidates.SOME RESULTSThe existence of all this machinery and the expense to the University in operating it can be justified only on. the ground of the resultsproduced. There are now on file in this office more than 3,500 sets ofconfidential papers, all of which are subject to instant use in behalf ofcandidates for promotion. Each year about 300 of these come up forconsideration in connection with positions demanding experience. Eachyear, also, there are added to the list about 400 newly registered can-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdidates, many of whom are without experience, while others are alreadyteachers of experience who are here for advanced degrees or professionaltraining. Each year there are approximately 50 new Doctors of Philosophy and about the same number of Masters, most of whom arecandidates for teaching positions. The School of Education is fasttaking rank as a professional school for the training of teachers, underthe directorship of Professor Judd, and from this source there is a steadilyincreasing number of candidates not only for teaching positions in allgrades but for supervising and executive positions and for departmentsof education in normal schools and colleges.Yet with these increasing numbers of candidates there are neverenough thoroughly trained and qualified to meet the demand, especiallyin certain, lines, notwithstanding that there are many more calls thancandidates. The number of vacancies reported to the Universitydirectly from the schools is now over 1 ,000 annually, and through agenciessomething less than 200. The number of appointments in 191 1 reached487 direct and 70 through agencies, making a total of 557. Duringthe preceding five years the number of appointments has ranged from313 in 1905 to 479 in 1910. The details in regard to vacancies andappointments are set out in the President's Report each year. Thesehave not been published for 191 1, but the following items from reportsof earlier years are of interest. In 1910 the calls came from 53 differentstates, territories, and foreign countries, and the appointments weredistributed over an equally wide range. In each case, of course, theMiddle West predominates, with Illinois strongly in the lead. Amongthe appointments that year 122 men and 35 women received college oruniversity positions, 54 men and 139 women received positions in secondary schools, 15 men and 13 women in normal schools, 23 men and 5women in executive positions. Of these appointments, 62 were inEnglish, 29 in history, 37 in classics, 46 in mathematics, 27 in modernlanguages, 15 in chemistry, 16 in physics, 25 in general science, 20 inbiology, 11 in philosophy and education, and 17 in domestic science.In 1909 an estimate of salaries was made. These ranged from $450to $2,600 with an average of $966, making a total of over $450,000 forthe 479 appointees of that year. Of those for whom the exact figureswere known then, three were appointed at salaries of $2,500 or over,four at $2,000 to $2,500, 31 at $1,500 to $2,000, 59 at $1,200 to $1,500,52 at $1,000 to $1,200, 20 at $800 to $i,coo, 72 at $600 to $800, and 44at $450 to $600.The average salaries by departments in 1909 is shown as follows:BOARD OF RECOMMENDATIONS *33In mathematics 50 appointees at an average of $1,006, in history 31 atan average of $980, in classics 30 at $880, in modern languages 27 at$813, in English 43 at $812, in chemistry 13 in colleges at $1,440 and 9in secondary schools at $1,027, with 7 in technical positions at $1,023,in physics 9 in college positions at $1,600 and 8 in secondary schools at$900, in philosophy 10 at $1,062, in education 4 at $1,362, in biology 13in college positions at $1,377 and in secondary schools at $900, in politicalscience 4 at $1,400, in domestic science 16 at $679, in manual training3 at $1,200, in the grades 24 at $690, and in executive positions 15 at$1,267.This will suffice to illustrate the kind of items which are publishedin the annual reports and will give the graduates of the University someidea of the magnitude of this work.CONCLUSIONGreat advance has been made in the past decade by most of thelarger colleges and universities, and by many of the smaller ones, inplacing the recommendation of teachers on a business basis. No lessthan fifty sets of the blank forms used at Chicago have been sent outas samples on the request of other institutions. It is now practicallythe universal custom to furnish no general testimonials to candidatesand to use only strictly confidential statements in making recommendations. There is a growing feeling that there should be friendly cooperation among the colleges and universities with respect to supplyingcandidates, and that the schools should find it possible to get theirteachers direct from the training centers rather than through the teachers ' agencies.It is also generally recognized that the responsibility of the University does not end with the training of the candidate but that it is underobligations to assist in adjusting him to the position which he is qualifiedto fill, both for the sake of its own reputation and for the promotion ofthe cause of education. Yet even from the selfish standpoint, it is clearthat no equal expenditure in any other line is likely to be more .productive of valuable returns to the University both in the perennialreplenishing of its student body, especially in the graduate school, andin the guaranty of lasting gratitude and loyalty to the Alma Mater,whose care has extended to her individual sons and daughters after theyhave left her walls. The fact that no fees whatever are charged forthis service at once lifts the work out of the realm of competition withcommercial agencies and places it upon a purely educational basis,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwhich is an assurance of frankness and sincerity appreciated both bycandidates and school authorities. The mere fact that this office conducts a volume of correspondence amounting to several thousands ofletters annually on behalf of candidates at once places the Board ofRecommendations in a position of prime importance as a medium ofcommunication between the University and its graduates.Herbert E. Slaught, Ph.D., '98Secretary of the BoardSHALL WE DO ABOUT INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS?SUDDENLY the foregoing question, forgotten by many of us,thought to have been answered by the organization of the Conference, becomes again a vital issue. The suddenness of its reappearanceis indeed to the ordinary alumnus the most striking thing about it.Last year, everything peaceful; now, all turbulence and confusion.What has so stirred matters to the bottom ?On November 14, 191 1, the daily papers announced that EarlPickering, captain of the University of Minnesota football team, hadbeen protested as a professional by the authorities of the Universityof Wisconsin — four days before the Wisconsin-Minnesota game. Pickering was charged with having played baseball in the preceding summerunder an assumed name and on a team other members of which werepaid for their services. Pickering admitted the truth of the charge,and was disqualified from intercollegiate competition.This incident did not bring about the present situation. But in adramatic way it called attention to conditions; and it determined theathletic authorities at Minnesota to demand a change. Their demandwas made at the meeting of the Conference December 7. It was basedon a belief and accompanied by statements that require the most seriousconsideration by all who are interested in college affairs.This belief is, to put it bluntly but fairly, that the principle of amateurism in college sports is one impossible to define and impossible toadhere to; and as a corollary, that it should be abandoned, and for itshould be substituted regulations concerning residence and scholarship.These regulations include one year of residence with full work, andpassable grades, before a man may represent a college in any sport.To put the case concretely, if Mordecai Brown or Ed Walsh registeredat any college and remained there in good standing for a year he should,by this contention, be allowed to compete on any college team. Theaccompanying statements put forward in evidence were to the effectthat in the past, in all the colleges, the sworn declarations of athletesthat they had never received money, or otherwise violated the amateurrules supposed to be in force, have been not only perjuries, but pardonable perjuries; "the rules were a joke." Instances were alleged from13sTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEall the conference colleges of men who had thus perjured themselves.These instances were said by Mr. Huff of Illinois (as previously quotedin this Magazine) to be so common that any college authorities whodenied them were either "stupid or self-deceived."As a result of the discussion, the Conference, on January 26 and 27,1 91 2, determined to submit to its various members a compromise agreement. By it, all past violations of the rules were to be considered nulland void; and in the future, although men who received money forcompetition in sport, or who played baseball in any organized leaguewere upon proof to be disqualified, any man might without penaltycompete upon a team other members of which received pay for theirservices. The argument in behalf of this compromise is obvious. Outside of the schools and the small boys, America has practically no strictlyamateur baseball teams. A college baseball player was therefore, underthe old rules, automatically barred from playing baseball anywhere else ;in the summer, the real season of the sport, he must lose any opportunityto indulge in his favorite recreation. The compromise permits him thisopportunity.The Magazine has already pointed out the probable futility of sucha compromise. But the real question is far more fundamental. It isthe issue between those who believe in amateurism in college sport, andthose who do not.The argument of those who do not may be summarized. On thetheoretical side: In a democratic state equality of opportunity is thefirst principle. One college student in good standing has the same rightsas another. These rights include the right of representing the institution in athletic sports. On the practical side: Public opinion will notlend support to rules which attempt to define and insist upon amateurism, and without the moral backing of public opinion such rulescannot be enforced.The argument of those who do believe in amateurism may also besummarized. On the theoretical side: College sports should be thespontaneous expression of a delight in life. Already it has drifted fromthis ideal. To introduce the element of professionalism is to confirmthis drift and openly to deny the ideal. On the practical side: Publicopinion in the colleges may be cultivated in regard to professionalism,just as it has been cultivated in regard to other matters — graft in politics,for example.Between these two, where lies the real issue ? In the existence andpossible attainment of the ideal. Everything else is incidental. TakeATHLETICS 137the matter of the right of any man to compete on a college team. Oneside declares that anyone who is honestly in college for an educationshould have the chance to indulge in sports if he chooses. The other sidereplies that eager alumni (administrations are at present supposed tobe above reproach) will purchase the services of good athletes for theircolleges; that indeed if winning athletics are a good advertisement andprofessionalism is no disqualification, the colleges themselves will bidfor the services of distinguished players. One side declares that rulesof scholarship would make such a thing impossible; the other thatprivate tutors may be had for a consideration. One side alleges thatprofessionals are as good citizens, and therefore, as good material forcollege training as any other men; the other insists that the influenceof professional athletics in most cases is so bad that the college cannotafford to countenance them. It is all beside the mark. If intercollegiateathletics are justifiable as they now exist, the defenders of open professionalism must be conceded the better of the case; if the ideal of collegeathletics is spontaneous participation, and if that ideal is at all attainable, the defenders of professionalism have not a leg to stand on. Suddenly, overnight almost, this parting of the ways, so long descried butdimly, opens on us. Which shall we choose? or shall we not choose,but sit precariously on the fence ?In plain terms, what can the University of Chicago do ?1. She can vote against the compromise, but go with the Conference — which is to sit upon the fence. This, so far, she has done.2. She can vote for the compromise — which is to announce herdenial of amateurism as a principle.3. She can withdraw from the Conference, and either (a) competewith the teams of other institutions, if such there shall be found, whobelieve in the principle of amateurism, or (b) abolish all intercollegiateathletics, and attempt to turn her students' energy into intramuralchannels. Suggested variations of these courses are the abolition offootball, as at Columbia; the abolition of baseball, as the sport mostliable to the entrance of the professional element; and competitionwith all outside teams on their own terms, Chicago, however, rigidlyto enforce the rules of amateurism. But these are only variations;the first three are the lines of ultimate action.Obviously, then, her action depends on what she believes. If shebelieves heartily in the ideal, she will withdraw from general competition; if she disbelieves in the ideal she will accept the theories of theprofessionalists; if she does not know what she believes, she will sitTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEupon the fence. Those involved in this question of belief are thefaculty, the alumni, and the students. The faculty are practically aunit in their belief in the ideal. The students have a right to be heard;their voice is the voice of youth and impulse, but it ought to be considered. The alumni are a still more important factor. What do theybelieve ?Some of them, many of them, may lack information. They say,reserving their own judgment, What would follow acquiescence in theConference compromise? or complete acceptance of the theory thatamateurism is not a principle to be defended ? or insistence, even to thepoint of withdrawal from all participation in intercollegiate athletics,upon that principle ? For their benefit the situation may be canvassedin some detail.Acquiescence in the compromise is the simplest, easiest action. Itis quite possible that good results for a time might follow. Tempers,for one thing, might be smoothed into friendliness. Certain membersof the Conference have in the past had what they considered groundsof complaint against other members. Chicago has been accused, to bespecific, of conspiring with Wisconsin to "dominate" the organization.Mr. Stagg and Mr. Ehler (of Wisconsin) are the only Conference representatives who are directly interested in the conduct of athletics intheir respective universities; and this fact has given rise to the vaguebut heated inference at other institutions that "Stagg and Ehler aretrying to run the Conference." The representative from one collegesaid at the January meeting that he, and every other man who knewMr. Stagg personally, had lost all such feeling; but that he could notsuccessfully combat it at his own institution. If then Chicago shouldat this crisis allow herself to be swayed by the belief of others, a betterunderstanding might be brought about, and it is quite possible too thatfor a year or so cleaner athletics even might result; as a student whoought to be put on probation may sometimes be stirred to good behaviorby a friendly talk and the decision to overlook his past.Inevitably, however, acquiescence now means only postponement ofour decision. The new rule relies for enforcement, must rely, only ona highly enlightened, vigorous student opinion. It allows any studentto compete in college unless absolute proof is given that he has receivedmoney for competition elsewhere. Such proof is in 99 cases out of ahundred impossible to secure, and the one hundredth case would bethat of a man innocent in his intentions— a fool, not a crook. Willanybody seriously argue that student opinion is enlightened enough,ATHLETICS 139or vigorous enough, to accomplish without help in the face of the recentwhitewashing action of the Conference, an enforcement that has beendifficult or impossible in the past even by all the machinery of collegelaw ? Within three years, possibly two, we shall, if we acquiesce now,be in a state of general athletic chaos.Shall we then agree to deny that amateurism is a principle ? Thisis the frank position of the representatives of some of our sister institutions — Minnesota and Illinois perhaps the most prominent. Amateurism, they say, is a luxury, something for the rich. It is confinedto athletics; for instance, a man may teach for a year, and yet upon hisreturn to college represent his institution in debate; he may have beenupon a professional stage, and yet he may be a member in goodstanding of his college dramatic club. The evils in college athleticsin the past have been evils of concealment only. Throw overboardamateurism as a principle, and you lose the Jonah who has beenresponsible for all your misfortunes.The argument is unassailable if the present system of competitiveintercollegiate athletics is desirable and should be maintained and extended.Amateurism as a principle is not defensible in itself, as honor is, or chastity; it is only defensible as a bulwark against a worse state of affairs.Most of us agree that there is good in intercollegiate athletics; but mostof us agree also that the tendency is to overdo them, and that the collegesshould fight that tendency. The admission of professionalism would beto increase that tendency, to put the seal of our approval on it. Wehave too keen an interest taken by the public in college athletics now;the sense of proportion of our students is cut to pieces by it. Deny theprinciple of amateurism, raise the standard of competition still higher,and you turn your colleges into athletic clubs, and divert the attentionof your students hopelessly away from the ideals of scholarship andservice. The principle of amateurism is the outward assertion of ourinner conviction that pleasure and not the determination to win shouldbe the spirit of play. It might even be prophesied that to admitprofessionalism would be to reduce the condition of athletics to anabsurdity that must destroy itself. But doing evil that good maycome is said by high authority to be in the long run an unwiseprocedure.We come then to the third possibility, that of insisting on the maintenance in its most rigid form of the amateuristic principle. If Chicagodid so insist she must in all probability withdraw from the Conference,and possibly from all intercollegiate competition. For it may beTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtaken as settled that Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana do not believe inamateurism as a principle. The public of the great states that supportthem is naturally more interested in the spectacular than the theoretical;it wants winning teams. The individual members of the various faculties and alumni bodies do not so look at the matter, but the states asstates do. They have a right to their opinion, and for a time at leasttheir opinion will prevail. If now Chicago insisted on maintaining atheory of amateurism, and competed with these institutions, she wouldsuffer continual defeat. Not all Mr. Stagg 's genius could prevent it.The result would be dissatisfaction among students and alumni, heartburnings, and a rushing undercurrent of opinion against Chicago'srules. True, there might be other institutions also desirous of enforcingthe amateur principle: Wisconsin, Northwestern, Purdue, with whomwe might compete. But the chances seem against this; at most it isnot safe to count on. Wisconsin, for example, has already agreed tothe compromise. What then would be the effect of withdrawal fromall intercollegiate competition ?The idea that it would affect unfavorably the general health of theundergraduates may be dismissed with a grin— so far are athletics andreal " physical culture " apart ! It might have an effect on two things—the actual attendance at the University and the quality of the studentbody. It is argued that intercollegiate athletics are an advertisementwhich brings students. To take the argument seriously is hard— eventhough Dartmouth has often been cited as an example. The enormousgrowth of Columbia since football was abolished there might equallywell be cited on the other side. Massachusetts Institute of Technologyhas no baseball or football team, but it turns away many an applicantfor admission. It is in the main the thinkers of a community who goto college and who send their sons and daughters there, and the collegewhich trains the mind will continue to attract them. As for the graduateand professional schools, they would gain at once if Chicago should withdraw from intercollegiate athletic competition. The number of menfrom the University of Michigan now in attendance on our graduateand professional schools is more than double what it was before 1906,when our athletic relationships with Michigan were discontinued. Onthe other hand, the number of students from the Universities of Illinoisand Wisconsin is nothing like what it ought to be. Why ? —becausethe undergraduates of these institutions, educated on gridiron, anddiamond, and track, develop a spirit of rivalry, not of co-operation,with the University of Chicago. The evidence on this point is tooplain to be denied.ATHLETICS 141But what of the tone of the students we should get? Would theyshow a strong preponderance of women ? On this point it may beobserved, in passing, that in most cases a boy's parents, not the boyhimself, determine his choice of a college, and, as has just been said, theappeal of a college that trains the mind is, to parents, very strong. Theargument is a priori, but seems reasonable. We may, further, lookagain at the Institute of Technology. The men who go there go towork — hard. Athletics are incidental. Yet, tested by their crosscountry running, a form of sport which undoubtedly demands red blood,and by their subsequent success in life, it is hard to believe that Techmen are really molly-coddles. The fact is, so far as the writer's experience goes, the men who go to college for athletics are neither the bestelement there, nor the most successful later. The "great" athletes,the "reddest-blooded" of the alumni of the University are who? —Hamill, and Herschberger, and Nichols, and Henry Clark, and Kennedy,and Neel, at least of the writer's own day; and which of them came toChicago for athletics, or would have gone elsewhere if Chicago had fromthe first eschewed intercollegiate competition ? The number of undergraduate men might slightly decrease, but one is inclined to believe thequality would not. The proportion of women to men might increaseslightly, but if the argument in the previous paragraph be sound, thisproportionate increase would be very small.On the other hand, of course, a withdrawal from intercollegiateathletics would give time and opportunity for the development ofintramural athletics. This matter, highly theoretical, a short articlelike this cannot discuss. It may be stoutly argued that with the stimulus of intercollegiate competition absent, athletics of all sorts wouldfade and die. It may be argued on the contrary that with availablegrounds, skilled instruction, and the distribution of the best men throughvarious groups, instead of their present concentration in one singlegroup, intramural athletics would prosper. If they did not, the generalstudent body would be no worse off than now; if they did, it would b^considerably better.This, then, is the situation in its main outlines. Variations of thesethree possible actions have been suggested, perhaps the most interestingbeing the abolition of football. The statement is made that footballconcentrates in itself all the worst elements of intercollegiate competition;put it out of the way, and the strain is so much eased that a general returnto the amateur standard will be more easily possible. The real issueseems more fundamental; but it is conceivable that a wis* compromisemight be made on this point.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe final question is, as said before, what do we think? Thisarticle is written in ignorance of all but the published actions or beliefsof the University Board of Physical Culture and Athletics. That bodyis meeting frequently, and will deal wisely with the situation. But itshould have light. We should know what the alumni think.At the bottom of the page is a detachable coupon. Will everyalumnus and alumna who receives a copy of the Magazine fill out thecoupon, sign it, and inclose it to the Magazine ? Accompanying lettersexpressing individual opinion will be most welcome, and as many aspossible will be printed. The point at issue is to the University one ofparamount importance.I favori. Acquiescence in the present attitude of the Conference.2. Allowing free competition regulated only by scholarship andresidence restrictions.3. Strict enforcement of the principle of amateurism, but competition with institutions which do not enforce it.4. Withdrawal from intercollegiate competition in athletics.UNIVERSITY RECORDThe ''President's Report" for the Year1910-11. — In February there was issuedfrom the University of Chicago Press thePresident' s Report for the year 1910-11 —two months in advance of the usual timeof publication. The volume, of two hundred and forty pages, is opened by thepersonal report of President Harry PrattJudson (twenty-seven pages), in whichare included the following subjects:Under the heading of "Finance": TheFinal Gift from the Founder, Letter fromthe Founder of the University, Statementby the President of the Board of Trustees, Minute Adopted by the Board ofTrustees, Second Letter from the Founder, the Present Situation and Needs of theUniversity, the Budget, the Press andJournals, the Commons, UniversityCollege, and Gifts; under "The Schoolsand Colleges": The Graduate Schools,the School of Education, the CollegeProblem, University College, Appointments and Promotions; and under theheading of "The Students": Attendance, Honors for Scholarship, and Marshals and Aides. The fourth division ofthe President's own report includes therecords of the four Convocations for theyear 1910-11; and there is appended afull statement of gifts paid in during thefiscal year ending June 30, 191 1, including those for the American Institute ofSacred Literature._ The report of the Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science ispresented under the following heads:Attendance, Legislation, Instruction, Administration, Scholarships, and Appointments to Fellowships. Under "Legislation" references are made to the reportof the Committee on Instruction, theMarking System, and changes in entrance requirements and curriculum.Under "Instruction" is considered theurgent problem of providing adequateinstruction for the increasing numbersof undergraduates; under "Administration" reference is made to the satisfactory work of the Recorder's Office and tothe changes in the Examiner's Office;and under "Scholarships" is shown thedistribution of scholarship funds among the various divisions of the University,and the assignment of scholarship service to the Library is discussed. Thereport of nine pages is concluded withthe list of University and DivinityFellows appointed for the year 1910-11.The reports of the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature andof the Dean of the Ogden (Graduate)School of Science are followed by thestatistics of the Graduate Schools, whichshow the institutions from which thestudents have entered the Schools, theattendance, the higher degrees by statesand countries, and the total higherdegrees in the Graduate Schools.The reports of the Deans of the Divinity School, the Law School, and the Medical Students, of the Director of theSchool of Education (including theCollege, High School, and ElementarySchool), of the Deans of the SeniorColleges, College of Commerce and Administration, University College, theJunior Colleges, and of the Dean ofWomen cover about fifty pages.The two secretaries of the UniversityExtension Division make contributionsto the report, and there are also specialreports from the Directors of the Libraries, the Haskell Oriental Museum, theUniversity Press, and the Division ofPhysical Culture and Athletics. Reportson University Relations and the Religious Agencies of the University arelikewise included in the report.Reports of Research in Progress includethose from twenty-six departments andcover twenty pages.The reports of other officers includethose of the Counsel and Business Manager, the Registrar, and the Auditor, thereport of the last-mentioned containingtwelve tables and covering eighteen pages.The volume concludes with a list of thepublications by members of the Facultiesduring the year July 1, 19 10, to July 1,19 1 1, which covers twenty-eight pages.In this bibliography is included a list oftwenty-nine books published last year bymembers of the Faculties.The death of Waldemar Koch. — Walde-mar Koch, Associate Professor of Phar-143THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEnacology in the Department of Physiol->gy, died on February i, 191 2, at theLesley Hospital, Chicago. His illnesswas of only a few days' duration, andthe immediate cause of his death waspneumonia.Professor Koch was a graduate ofHarvard University, in the class of 1898,and received the degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy from the same institutiontwo years later. After serving as anassistant in physiology in the HarvardMedical School for a year he became anAssistant in Pharmacology at the University of Chicago in 1901. In 1903 hewas made an Assistant Professor ofPharmacology and Physiological Chemistry in the University of Missouri, wherehe remained three years, being elected toan assistant professorship of Physiological Chemistry in the University ofChicago in 1907. In 1908 he was promoted to an associate professorship inpharmacology, which he held at thetime of his death. Dr. Koch's specialfield of research was the chemistry ofthe brain.The funeral service was held in theLeon Mandel Assembly Hall on themorning of February 3. The Presidentof the University presided, and addresses of appreciation were given by Associate Professor Harry Gideon Wells,of the Department of Pathology andBacteriology, and Professor Albert P.Mathews, of the Department of Physiology, who was closely associated withProfessor Koch in his work.Contributors from the University to the"Cyclopedia of American Government." — •The Cyclopedia is to deal with the formsand activities of American government —national, state, and local — and the mainevents in American constitutional history; organization and functions ofpolitical parties; international law, constitutional law, and political theory;elements of political economy and applied sociology. It will be published inthree volumes. It is under the editorialsupervision of Professor Andrew C. McLaughlin, of the University of Chicago,and Professor Albert Bushnell Hart, ofHarvard University. Among the contributors are the following members ofthe University of Chicago faculties:President Harry Pratt Judson, whowrites on "Classification of States" and"Constitutions, Classified"; ProfessorAlbion W. Small, on "Sociology"; Pro fessor Charles R. Henderson, on "Applied Sociology" and various articles onpenology; Professor James R. Angell,on the "Psychology of the Crowd";Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, on"Elasticity of the Currency" and"Money"; Prof essor Charles E. Merriam,on "Primaries" and "Direct Primaries";Professor Ernst Freund, on "PolicePower" and "Classification of Public-Officers"; Associate Professor J. PaulGoode, on "Harbor Systems"; Professor William E. Dodd, on "ConfederateStates," "Virginia," etc.; AssociateProfessor Francis W. Shepardson, on "Impeachments"; Professor Leon C. Marshall, on "Competition" and "Wages";Assistant Professor Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, on "Woman Suffrage," "Woman's Labor"; Dr. Marcus W. Jernegan,on "Colonial Unions," etc.; Mr. Frederick D. Bramhall, on "Bills," "PrivyCouncil in Great Britain," etc.; andProfessor Andrew C. McLaughlin, onthe "Federal Convention of 1787,""Doctrine of Sovereignty and Secession," and numerous other articles inthe field of constitutional history andconstitutional law. The Cyclopedia willbe published by D. Appleton & Co. ofNew York.President Harry Pratt Judson entertained at the President's house on February 16, Dr. J. Loudon, minister of theNetherlands to the United States, andMr. George Birkhoff, Jr., consul-generalfrom the same country. Other guestswere members of the Holland Societyof Chicago and members of the faculties especially interested in Europeanhistory. The Holland Society recentlyestablished a lectureship on Dutch institutions at the University, and Dr.Tiemen de Vries of Chicago has beenthe first lecturer. On February 15 adinner was given in honor of Dr. Loudonat the Union League Club, and amongthe speakers were President Judson andDr. de Vries.The French Ambassador to the UnitedStates, His Excellency Jean J. Jusserand,was the guest of honor at a receptiongiven on Friday afternoon, February 23,by President and Mrs. Judson. Theambassador was the orator on Washington's Birthday at the celebration givenby the Union League Club at the Auditorium. Count Francis Luetzow, ofBohemia, was also a guest of honor atUNIVERSITY RECORD 145the reception. Ambassador Jusserandwas the Convocation orator at theUniversity on December 19, 1905.The Maternal Instinct, a play writtenby Professor Robert Herrick of the Department of English in collaborationwith Mr. Harrison Rhodes, was presentedfor the first time on the afternoon ofFebruary 22 in the Lyric Theater,Chicago. The play was also given inthe evening, being very favorably received by the audience, who applaudedeach act and insisted on the appearanceof the authors. The play was presentedby the Drama Players under the auspicesof the Chicago Theatre Society — thefirst drama of American authorship intheir repertoire."Robert Herrick 's Chicago" was thesubject of a critical contribution in theFriday Literary Review of the ChicagoEvening Post on January 26 by the editor,Mr. Floyd Dell. This was a first paperon "Chicago in Fiction" and gavespecial attention to Mr. Herrick 's TheMemoirs of an American Citizen, The Webof Life, and The Common Lot.President Judson was the chairman ofthe committee on resolutions at the meeting of the Cook County Republican convention held in the Second RegimentArmory of Chicago on February 2.More than eleven hundred delegateswere in attendance at the convention.Under the auspices of the Woman'sUnion of the University Mrs. Forbes-Robertson Hale discussed before a largeaudience the question of "Suffrage andAnti-Suffrage Movements" in the LeonMandel Assembly Hall on February 19.Professor Marion Talbot, Dean ofWomen, presided, and Assistant Professor Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, ofthe Department of Household Administration, made the closing remarks.Mrs. Hale is the daughter-in-law ofProfessor William Gardner Hale, Headof the Department of Latin.The mayor of Chicago appointed onFebruary 19 a commission to investigatethe causes of unemployment in Chicagoand to suggest remedies for presentlabor conditions in the city. The commission was appointed at the suggestionof Professor Charles R. Henderson, Headof the Department of Practical Sociology,who is made secretary of the commission.The chairman of the commission, whichconsists of twenty^two members, isMr. Charles R. Crane, who supported for several years a Russian lectureshipin the University. It is said that morethan fifty thousand men are out ofemployment in Chicago.Count Francis Luetzow, Ph.D., Lit.D.,of the University of Prague, gave a University public lecture in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall on February 23, his subject being "Bohemian History and thePresent State of Bohemia's CulturalDevelopment." Count Luetzow hasrecently lectured at Columbia, Harvard,Yale, and Michigan, and will also giveaddresses at the Universities of Wisconsin and Minnesota, and at Cornell andPrinceton.At the fifth annual meeting of theIllinois Academy of Science held atBloomington on February 24, ProfessorEdwin O. Jordan, of the Department ofPathology and Bacteriology, contributedto a symposium on conservation, hisparticular subject being "Water Pollution." Associate Professor Henry C.Cowles, of the Department of Botany,discussed the question of the "Conservation of Our Fauna." Otis W. Caldwell,Associate Professor of Botany in theSchool of Education, took part in thediscussion of the report of the committeeappointed to investigate the relations ofpure and applied sciences in high schools.Dr. Caldwell's address was on the subject of "Textbooks of Agriculture Usedin High Schools.""Delphi and the Oracle of Apollo"was the subject of a University illustrated public lecture given under theauspices of the Chicago ArchaeologicalSociety in Cobb Hall on February 5, byProfessor Walter Miller, of the University of Wisconsin.At the Conference on the Regulationof Industrial Combinations held at theLa Salle Hotel, Chicago, under theauspices of the Western Economic Societyon March 1 and 2, Dean James P. Halland Professor Ernst Freund, of the LawSchool, and Assistant Professor ChesterW. Wright, of the Department of Political Economy, contributed to the program.Professor Shailer Mathews, Dean of theDivinity School, is president of theSociety, and Professor Leon C. Marshall,of the Department of Political Economy,is secretary. The society has alreadyheld two conferences, one on CanadianReciprocity, and one on Banking andCurrency Reform.Professor James R. Angell, Dean ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Faculties, was one of the speakersat the banquet of the Michigan Societyof Chicago held at the Congress Hotelon January 27. Mr. Angell's subjectwas "Michigan and Education." Thegovernor of Michigan was also one ofthe speakers.Under the auspices of the Departmentof English a University public lecturewas given in Haskell Assembly Room onFebruary 13 by Mr. Thomas WhitneySurette, of Concord, Mass., his subjectbeing "Beginnings of the RomanticMovement in Music." The lecture wasgiven with piano illustrations.In the discussion of the subject of"The Minimum Wage for Illinois," heldat the Fine Arts Building, Chicago, onJanuary 30, under the auspices of theWoman's Club, Professor Ernst Freund,of the Faculty of the Law School, pointedout the necessity of educating the publicand the courts with reference to legislation on the subject.At the annual election of the Immigrants' Protective League of ChicagoProfessor George H. Mead, of the Department of Philosophy, was elected vice-president of the organization, and Mr.Charles L. Hutchinson, of the UniversityBoard of Trustees, was elected treasurer.At the annual banquet of the WilliamsCollege alumni association of Chicagoheld at the University Club on February14, Assistant Professor Percy H. Boynton,of the Department of English, representedAmherst. President Harry A. Garfieldof Williams was also one of the speakersat the banquet.Carl H. Grabo, '03, of the Department of English, contributed to theFebruary issue of Everybody's Magazinea short story entitled "The Statue."At the celebration of the seventy-fifthanniversary of the founding of KnoxCollege, Professor John M. Coulter,Head of the Department of Botany,gave an address February 16 on thesubject of "The Mission of GeneralEducation." Professor James H. Tufts,Head of the Department of Philosophy,was also one of the speakers at the celebration.Recent contributions by members ofthe Faculties to the journals publishedby the University of Chicago Pressinclude :Allen, Associate Professor Philip S.:"Notes on Mediaeval Lyrics," ModernPhilology, January. Bobbitt, Dr. John F.: "The Elimination of Waste in Education," Elementary School Teacher, February.Bonner, Associate Professor Robert J.:' ' Administration of Justice in the Age ofHesiod," Classical Philology, January.Chamberlain, Associate ProfessorCharles J.: "Morphology of Ceratoza-mia," Botanical Gazette, January.Gale, Associate Professor Henry G.(with W. S. Adams): "An Investigationof the Spectra of Iron and Titaniumunder Moderate Pressures," Astrophysical Journal, January.Henderson, Professor Charles R.:"Infant Welfare: Methods of Organization and Administration," II, AmericanJournal of Sociology, January.Hoben, Associate Professor Allan:"The Modern City and the NormalBoy," Biblical World, January.Judd, Professor Charles H: "Studiesin the Principles of Education," IV,Elementary School Teacher, January."Studies in the Principles of Education,"V, ibid., February.Laughlin, Professor J. Laurence: "ANational Reserve Association and theMovement of Cotton in the South,"Journal of Political Economy, February."The Economic Seminar," ibid.Leavitt, Associate Professor Frank M.:"The Reorganization of School Systems, "Elementary School Teacher, January.Mathews, Professor Shailer: "TheAmerican Institute of Sacred Literature:The Efficient Church," Biblical World,February.Nitze, Professor William A.: "TheSister's Son and the Conte del Graal,"Modern Philology, January.Parker, Associate Professor S. Chester:"Experimental Schools in Germany inthe Eighteenth Century," ElementarySchool Teacher, January.Pietsch, Professor Karl: "DuechoOnce More," Modern Philology, January.Prescott, Professor Henry W.: "ThePosition of 'Deferred' Nouns and Adjectives in Epic and Dramatic Verse,"Classical Philology, January.Williston, Professor Samuel W. : "ThePermo-Carboniferous of Northern NewMexico," Journal of Geology, January-February.Recent addresses by members of theFaculty include:Breckinridge, Assistant ProfessorSophonisba: "The Child and His Work,"Austin Women's Club, February 5.UNIVERSITY RECORD 147Burton, Professor Ernest D.: "TheScope of New Testament Study,"Haskell Assembly Room, February 5.Clark, Associate Professor S. H.:"The Municipal Theatre," Nike Club,on "Civic Day," February 19.David, Assistant Professor Henri C. E.:"The French Romantic Drama," ArcheClub, January 19. "Chateaubriand enAmerique," Alliance Francaise, Fuller-ton Hall, January 27.Dodson, John M.: "What the Stateof Illinois Is not Doing for Children,"Lincoln Center, February 1.Foster, George B.: "ComparativeReligion," Leon Mandel Assembly Hall,February 19.Hoben, Associate Professor Allan:"The Juvenile Protective Association,"Austin Women's Club, January 5.Mathews. Professor Shailer: Monthly Dinner of The Prosperity Club ofChicago, February 20.Moulton, Associate Professor Forest R. :"The Earth-like Planets: Mercury,Venus, and Mars," Hebrew Institute,February 16.Moulton, Professor R. G.: "TheBible as a Story-Book," Hebrew Institute, January 17.Salisbury, Professor Rollin D.:"Salient Points in the Earth's History,"Fullerton Hall, February 9.Starr, Associate Professor Frederick:"Whence Came the American Indian?"(illustrated), Chicago Historical Society,February 8.Willett, Professor Herbert L.: "TheYouth of the Twentieth Century,"Nineteenth Century Club, Oak Park,February 12.AFFAIRSTHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONDinner of the Eastern Alumni Association. — The annual dinner of the EasternAlumni Association was held at the ParkAvenue Hotel, New York, on January 27.President and Mrs. Judson were theguests of honor. Dr. E. C. Sage, president of the Eastern Association, wastoastmaster, and the program includedspeeches by President Judson; Mrs. Judson (who spoke twice) ; Edwin E. Slosson,Ph.D. '03; J. E. Raycroft, '96; H. G.Hopkins, '11, and Rev. Leslie WillisSprague. Miss Vida Sutton, '05, sangsome old English ballads, and MissLucine Finch, who explained carefullythat she had attended the Universityfor five years but had never taken adegree, gave original versions of Anthonyand Cleopatra and other Shakespereanplays which reduced the audience tohysterical tears. Alexander Smith, formerly dean in the Junior Colleges, nowhead of the department of chemistry atColumbia University, was forced to leavebefore the toastmaster reached him.President Judson gave a rapid sketchof the progress of the University, told ofthe Home-Coming last year, and urgedthe attendance of the alumni upon thetwenty-first anniversary celebration, inconnection with the dedication of theLibrary, next June. He told of hisrecent visit to Panama, and describedthe spirit of loyalty and co-operationwhich animates the workers there andhas made possible the accomplishmentof the great work. It was in this samespirit of loyalty and co-operation, hesaid, that the alumni of Chicago believed,and that they showed in increasingmeasure every year. Dr. Raycroft admitted that he had moments of homesickness; but Princeton, he admittedalso, was a great institution.The following officers and directors ofthe Association were elected for 191 2:President, Edwin E. Slosson, Ph.D. '03;Vice-President, Maudie L. Stone, '97;Secretaries, John Mills, '01 and Edith B.Terry, '07; Treasurer, H. R. Caraway,'95; members of the Executive Committee: E. C. Sage, '82, M. Morganthau, Jr., '99, G. A. Young, '02, Vida Sutton,'03, M. J. Davis, '03.Those present included the following:President and Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson,E. C. Sage, '82, and Airs. Sage, Mr. andMrs. Alexander Smith, J. E. Raycroft,'96, and Mrs. Raycroft (Elizabeth Butler,'96), H. R. Caraway, '95, and Mrs. Caraway (Glenrose Bell, '97), Frank B. Jewett,Ph.D. '02, and Mrs. Jewett, Mrs. E. E.Hart (Katherine Lee, '01), and Mr. Hart,W. C. Stephens, '02, and Mrs. Stephens,Charles V. Drew, '99, and Mrs. Drew,Edwin E. Slosson, Ph.D. '03, Miss LucineFinch, Miss Hazel Collins, Mrs. AlbertStiercke, Miss Klepetko, Rev. Leslie W.Sprague, Frida von Unwerth, '93, CarrB. Neel, '97, Maudie L. Stone, '97,Rudolph Binder, '97, Hester D. Jenkins,'98, C. O. Taylor, '99, Ellen Yale Stevens,'00, Anna Bodler, '01, G. A. A'oung, '02,Mary J. Averett, '02, W. H. Elfreth, '02,E. H. B. Watson, ex- '02, ElizabethWeirick, '03, Lynn J. Bevan, '03, Dudley H. Miles, '03, A. Evelyn Newman,'07, H. G. Hopkins, '11.About 350 names are at present onthe mailing list of the Eastern AlumniAssociation. Any former student,whether a graduate or not, and any former member of the faculty who desiresto become connected with the Association should send name and address tothe Secretary, John Mills, Care AmericanTelegraph and Telephone Co., 15 DeySt., New York City.News from the Classes. —1872William Winchester Hall has movedfrom 223 E. i22d St. to 2006 Fifth Ave.,New York.1876Cyrus Cornelius Adams gives hisaddress as 134 Claremont Ave., NewYork.188sElizabeth Foulkner presided at thetea table at the meeting of the ChicagoCollege Club on the afternoon of February 9.148AFFAIRS 149S. A. Perrine, 164 Elm St., Newark,NJ., pastor of the fifth Baptist Church,gives illustrated lectures on the Far East.For ten years he resided in the Orient.1893Frida von Unwerth lives at 527 W.121st St., New York.1897William R. Morrow announces achange of address from 5515 to 5519W. Harrison St.Maudie L. Stone, S.M. '03, is connected with the Brooklyn schools andlives at 525 Fifth St.Bowman C. Lingle, who is Managerof the bond department of the HarrisTrust and Savings Bank, was the guestand delivered a talk on "InvestmentBonds" at a meeting on the evening ofFebruary 7 of the Illinois Institute ofAccountants.Marilla Waite Freeman has removedfrom Newark to Memphis, where she isnow Librarian at Goodwyn Institute.1898Harry Atwood is living at the DelPrado Hotel.Lawrence DeGraff, judge of the NinthDistrict Court of Iowa, was the subjectof an article in the Sigma Chi Quarterlyfor November, 191 1. DeGraff was agraduate of Dixon College, Illinois;principal of the Apple River, Nora,Galena, and Dixon schools, successively;was admitted to the bar in 1896; aftergraduation from Chicago taught andpracticed law in Iowa. In 1904 he wasappointed assistant attorney-general ofIowa; on January 1, 19 10, appointeddistrict judge to fill a vacancy; and inNovember, 1910, elected for a full term.His decision ordering the Des MoinesStreet Railway Company to reinstatean employee, where discharge hadbrought about a strike, received nationalattention. DeGraff was one of theprominent figures at the Home-Cominglast June.Ida Mason Gardner lives at 14 LarchSt., Providence, R.I.M. E. Coleman was recently appointed,first night manager and then day manager, of the Chicago office of the AssociatedPress, with headquarters in the WesternUnion Building. This office has chargeof the Central District from Cincinnatito Denver.Hester D. Jenkins lives at 135 HenrySt., Brooklyn. 1899W. K. Wright, Ph.D. '07, may beaddressed Box 124, Bloomington, Ind.Allen G. Hoyt is now senior partnerin N. W. Halsey & Co., one of the largeWall Street bond houses.C. O. Taylor resides at 101 Quincy St.,Brooklyn.Charles Verner Drew holds a positionas mining engineer with the Cerro dePasco Mining Co., 15 Broad St., NewYork. He lives at 39 Clarement Ave.1900Ellen Yale Stevens is principal of theBrooklyn Heights Seminary at 18 Pierre-pont St., Brooklyn.Laura E. W. Benedict, A.M. '04, resides at 457 W. 123d St., New York.1901Arthur E. Bestor has moved from5704 Kimbark Ave. to 5701 Monroe Ave.Mrs. E. E. Hart (Katherine Lee),lives at 2143 Eighty- third St., Brooklyn.W. F. Eldridge now lives at 1716 S.Western Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.1902Harold B. Challis sang the principalrole in Lohengrin at the Royal Theaterin Madrid (Teatro Real) on January 10.Among the audience was David A.Robertson, '02, who is in Europe onleave of absence from the University.E. H. B. Watson, ex, is advertisingmanager for the People's Home Journal,23 City Hall Place, New York. He isunmarried, but calls the Hotel Gramatanhome.W. C. Stevens is married and lives at847 West End Ave., New York. Untilrecently he resided in Buffalo.W. H. Elfreth may be found at room1 1 15 — 205 Twelfth St., Philadelphia.Clarence C. Leffingwell is in the advertising business with George Batter & Co.,381 Fourth Ave., New York. Mrs.Leffingwell was formerly MargueriteCrofoot, '02.W. E. DeSombre is a captain in thecoast artillery corps, and at present onduty as a student at the Coast ArtillerySchool at Fortress Monroe, Va., wherehe expects to complete the regularcourse next June. Captain DeSombreis married.1903Mrs. N. A. Herring (Ella M. Parrette),is living at 347 Britain Ave., BentonHarbor, Mich.Dr. E. V. L. Brown has removed hisTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEoffices from ioo State St., to 122 Michigan Ave.Blanche G. Loveridge has publishedAppreciation of Art, a volume which aimsto give definite information about architecture, painting, sculpture, and music.The book is both historical and interpretative.Charles Van Vechten is musical criticon the staff of the New York Times.Mrs. J. L. Hempstead (Hester Ridlon),resides at 59 Magazine St., Cambridge,Mass.Harry C. Smith is Eastern representative of the Acme Steel Goods Co., 151Lafayette St., New York. He lives inBrooklyn.Lynn J. Bevan is with the engineeringfirm of Viele Blackwell & Buck at 49Wall St., New York.Claude C. Nuckols is with the Consolidated Car Heating Co., Albany, N.Y.Elizabeth S. Weirick is teaching in thePratt Institute, Brooklyn, and lives at250 Washington Ave.Vida Sutton is soon to have the pleasure of seeing her first play, The Fires ofLife, given a trial production by Mr.Frohman. Miss Sutton was until recently a member of the well-known stock company at the New Theater in New York.Previously she was associated with theDonald Robertson Players in Chicago.Amongst all her other activities she hastime to take a very prominent part inthe women's suffrage campaign. Shelives at 519 W. 121st St., New York. Columbus to become pathologist in theColumbus State hospital.Edith B. Terry lives at 125 E. 27th St.,New York.Mae B. Higgons resides at 241 W.i32d St., New York.LeRoy A. Van Patten is advertisingmanager for the automobile departmentof the American Locomotive Co., withan office at 1886 Broadway, New York.He is married and is the father of onechild.1908Hugh A. Owen announces a change ofaddress from Orosi to Exeter, Cal. Mr.Owen is principal of the Exeter UnionHigh School, his instruction being forthe most part in the Manual-TrainingDepartment.1909Komataro Katataye, D.B. '09, hasleft his Chicago address, 3338 VernonAve., and sailed for his home in Japan.He may be reached in care of Y.M.C.A.,Fuhero Molbi, Nagasaki, Japan.Walter S. Pond has moved from 5107Kimbark Ave. to 725 W. 47th St.Arch S. Loomer is vice-principal of theExeter Union High School, Exeter, Cal.,his particular line being the sciences.Mr. Loomer was formerly located inAnaconda, Mont.Helen Florence Zurawski will havecharge of the reading this coming summer in the State Normal at Bloomington.111. Miss Zurawski held the same position in the summer of 191 1.E. Helen Hannahs, Assistant Professorin Adelphi College, may be addressed291 Ryerson St., Brooklyn.Shirley Farr lives at 5757 LexingtonAve.F. R. Darling 's address is Walton, N.Y.1906Newton A. Fuessle is associate editorof The Mediator, a monthly magazine ofindustrial economy, published in Cleveland.1907Dr. Eugene F. McCampbell, Ph.D.'12, professor of bacteriology at theOhio State University, was recentlyelected secretary of the board of healthof that state. Dr. McCampbell, who is atpresent taking work in Rush Medical,is the author of books on bacteriology,and for a while was instructor in theUniversity of Wisconsin, when he came to Mabel Claire Stark will teach geography in the State Normal at Blooming-ton, 111., this coming summer. MissStark at present is on the faculty of theState Normal School at Emporia, Kan.Martha Grant has moved from Belvi-dere, III, to 303 Chambers St., Peoria,111.Charles F. Laner, who is now attending the Law School, lives at 5706 IndianaAve.Stella W. Morgan is an Assistant inEnglish in the University, and lives inBeecher Hall.Bertha Henderson resides in Whitewater, Wis.Emma S. Wreld has moved fromChicago to Red Lake Falls, Minn.1911Walter C. Eells may be addressed4812 N. 37th St., Tacoma, Wash.AFFAIRS 151Esmond R. Long resides at the BetaTheta Pi fraternity house, 5555 Woodlawn Ave.M. E. Robinson, Jr., is EditorialSecretary of the Sigma Chi Quarterly,and secretary and treasurer of the Chicago Alumni Chapter of the fraternity.Bronchial pneumonia interrupted theperformance of his duties in January,but he has since recovered.Robert T. Prichett, formerly located atHaymesville, La., is now in San Marcos,Tex., connected with the Coronal Institute.Herbert Groff Hopkins is in theadvertising business and resides at 34 W.44th St., New York.Benjamin Wilk is with the FairchildCo., publishers, 42 E. 21st, New York.Over thirty members of the class of191 1 attended the seventeenth annualSenior Promenade in Bartlett Gymnasium on February 19. Among thosepresent were: Elizabeth Burke, Geral-dine Brown, May Carey, Susie Chatfield,Edith Hemingway, Ethel Kawin, Florence Kelley, Margaret MacCracken,Ruth Newberry, Mary Phister, andNena Wilson; Roy Baldridge, LeroyBauman, Grover Baumgartner, FrankCoyle, William Crawley, Paul Davis, NedEarle, Frank Gilbert, Roy Harmon, LyleHarper, Herman Kern, William Kuh,Hargrave Long, Lander MacClintock,Dick Myers, Roberts Owen, EverettPatchen, Perry Trimble, Ben Wilk,and Floyd Willett.1912Matilda Fenburg has moved fromFindlay, O., to Monticella, Ind. Minn., and Caroline Dickey of Tulsa,Okla.'09. Daniel Webster Ferguson andAlice Heath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Charles A. Heath of Chicago. Mr.Ferguson has been living in Californiasince his graduation, and Miss Heath hasbeen attending school in Troy, N.Y.The ceremony will probably not takeplace until June, 1913.Marriages. —'06. Grace Medora Viall, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Roswell A. Viall, andCharles Gray on Wednesday, January24. Mr. Gray is a graduate of AmesCollege in Iowa.'07. Suzanne Haskell and Harvey N.Davis. Before her marriage Miss Haskellwas connected with the Manhattan TradeSchool for Girls in New York City. Thecouple reside at 8 Ash St. Place, Cambridge, Mass.'11. Harriet Furniss, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Frank B. Furniss, and LutherDana Fernald. They are at home at5334 Woodlawn Ave.Engagements. —'08. Harvey B. Fuller of St. Paul, Deaths. —'08. Mrs. N. J. Lennes (WinifredBurr) died suddenly at her home in NewYork City on Thursday, January 25,191 2. She was married three years agoto Dr. N. J. Lennes, A.M. '98; SM. '04;Ph.D. '07, who is a member of the facultyin the department of mathematics inColumbia University. Mrs. Lennes,who was a member of the Quadranglers,is mourned by a host of friends at theUniversity and at her home in Longwoodnear Chicago.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONJoel F. Wood, '97, has moved from LaVeta, Colo., to take up educational workat the Florida Baptist College, LakeCity, Fla.William R. Yard, '09, has become minister of the First Baptist Church atDelavan, Wis. His last point was at BigRock, 111.Herbert F. Rudd, '04, who has beenworking in Suifu, China, may be addressed at 5756 Madison Ave.H. C. Miller, '01, has left Fond duLac,Wis., for his new field at Highland Park,111. Philip Van Zandt has gone fromMerrill, Wis., to succeed H. C. Miller atFond du Lac.O. D. Briggs is secretary of the Institutional Boys' Work at Ardmore, Okla.All alumni who are breaking down onaccount of over-work and worry shouldsend posthaste to Dr. "Andy" Wyant ofNormal Park for a case of his strenuoussmile-tablets. The latest rules of application are found in the Chicago Journalof December 8, 191 1.Fred Merrifield, '01AFFAIRSATHLETICSBasket-ball. — The record of the teamsup to the beginning of March was asfollows :Jan. 13, Chicago, 38, Northwestern, 13.Jan. 20, Chicago, 22, Illinois, 21 (at Urbana).Jan. 27, Chicago, 15, Wisconsin, 18.Feb. 2, Chicago, 23, Purdue, 33 (at Lafayette).Feb. 3, Chicago, 20, Indiana, 16 (atBloomington).Feb. 10, Chicago, 27, Northwestern, n.Feb. 16, Chicago, 22, Purdue, 31.Feb. 22, Chicago, —, Minnesota, — (atMinneapolis) .Feb. 24, Chicago, 36, Indiana, 22.Mar. 2, Chicago, 24, Wisconsin, 34 (atMadison).Total, games won, 5; games lost, 5.One game, with Illinois at Chicago,remained at that time to be played.Wisconsin and Purdue lead the conference, each with nine games won and nonelost. Unfortunately these teams did notmeet. Chicago's season has been lesssuccessful than was hoped. Sauer's enforced retirement, accidents to Norgrenand Molander, and a general inability toimprove opportunities in basket-shootinghave been regrettable features. Thesteady playing of Bell throughout theseason, and Norgren's occasional flashes ofbrilliancy have been the principalmatters of individual interest. The teamwork has throughout been good. A striking point about the basket-ball team is theunusually high stand of the men in theirstudies. Bell, Paine, and Poliak have anexcellent chance for Phi Beta Kappa, andNorgren, Gocttler, and Molander are allwell above the average.Track. — Chicago lost to Illinois, atUrbana, on February 17, by 58 to 28, andwon from Purdue, at Chicago, by 48 to38. Davenport, Coyle, and Menaul, as expected, have been the striking performers. Against Illinois Davenportwon the quarter in 52* (a new trackrecord) and the half in 2:05!; Coyle thepole-vault with 11-9, and Menaul theshot-put with 42 ft. \\ in. Chandler,Scruby, Matthews, Stanley, and Bishopshowed well also. Bishop is an unusuallyable two-miler. Three laps from thefinish he had gained half a lap on theIllinois runners. At that - point hepulled a tendon, and limped in, getting asecond in 10: 11. He has been unable torun since, but is not permanently hurt,and will come very close to first place atthe Conference meet.Against Purdue, Davenport again wonthe quarter and the half, and was secondin the fifty-yard dash, which Matthewswon. Coyle won the vault, and Menaulthe shot (44 ft. 9 in.) besides tying withCox for first in the highjump (5 ft. 6 in.).Chandler, Scruby, Leisure, Norgren, andDickenson picked up points.Chicago faces her usual situation intrack-meets, with a few good men andlittle to help them out. And the resultis much as usual. Davenport has already,in both meets, run the half, the quarter,the dash, and the relay; and in bothrelays has started a third of a lap backand run himself out trying to make up thedistance. This policy is simply suicidal.If followed out persistently, it will leaveDavenport a wreck at the end of theseason. Every student in the University would rather see him break a recordthan win a meet; why does he not givehimself a chance ?The Freshmen, in a meet with Illinois,were defeated by 55 1 to 13-7 Thomas(a son of Professor W. I. Thomas) inthe pole-vault and DesJardien in thehigh-jump, showed promise.152