GEORGE EDGAR VINCENTPRESIDEi'iT OF THE UKIVERSlTY OF MIKi'iESOTAFORMERLY DEAN OF THE FACULTIES OF ARTS, LITERATURE, AND SCIENCE IN THEUNlVERSITY OF CHICAGOFrom a painting by Louis Betts. to be placed in Hutchinson Hall. the gift of members of thefaculties, alumni, and other friendsThe University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME III APRIL, 191 I NUMBER 5RECOLLECTIONS OF GEORGE EDGARVINCENTBY JAMES WEBER LINN, '97Assistant Professor of English; Dean in the Junior Colleges" GEV" is gone to Minnesota, and the present generation of under-graduates remarks sadly, "What a pity!" But those of uswho have grown up under him use stronger language. The handwritinghas been visible on the wall for years, but we have deluded ourselvesinto the belief that our eyes deceived us. He is gone, however; thegreat Northwest has got him.One's undergraduate recollections of Mr. Vincent are of three sorts­as teacher, speaker, and social organizer. His administrative workcame later, I think; my chronology may be at fault, but I do not recol­lect as an undergraduate ever consulting him about university affairs.As a teacher he was popular from the first. For one thing he wasextraordinarily systematic and definite in the presentation of material.He articulated the body of his facts with the greatest care. An outlineof anyone of his lectures was as easy to make as an outline of one ofMacaulay's essays. He let us wander into by-paths whenever he sawone that looked interesting, but he never lost his bearings; he alwaysreturned presently to the straight highroad, just where he had left it.It was perhaps this combination of a perfect willingness to be interruptedat any time, with a perfect certainty of being able to go on withoutdelay when the interruption was over with the development of the sub­ject he had originally intended, that impressed us most. In part thispower was innate. One of his stenographers told me once that if Mr.Vincent was called away in the middle of dictation, when he returned,hours later, he could pick up the dictation, without losing a word, where217218 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhe had left off. But it is true, nevertheless, that Mr. Vincent very care­fully prepared for his classroom work. I doubt if he ever carried on a_/""class without having elaborated notes before him. When, in May oflast year, I took over his course in the "Organization and Developmentof the Press," he left with me beautiful outlines of each lecture as hehad intended to deliver it; nor were they the outlines of the lectureshe had delivered the year previous. For my further enlightenment hegave me a mass of material-notes, clippings, illustrations, pamphlets­which he had collected in the previous few months, and which "hethought, on account of its recent publication, might be new to me." Itwas.Another element of his popularity in the classroom was of coursehis humor. Of any display of this he was more or less afraid; likeHolmes, "he did not dare to be as funny as he could"; but anything liketotal suppression of it was out of the question. It played lambentlyover the surface of his remarks; generally it illumined only, but nowand then he employed it to scorch. A student with him seldom at­tempted twice to recite without preparation. Lured by a friendly andalas! misleading smile, such a student stumbled confidently forwardonce for three minutes. "Thank you for your agreeable entertainment,"said Mr. Vincent. "And now will someone give us the facts?" "Thevariety of your misinformation," I remember he said on another similaroccasion, "is almost an excuse for its being." And again, "I thinkperhaps, Mr. Smith, that you have produced the wrong recitation.Your remarks are admirably worded; but this is the class in sociology,not in public speaking."Besides this clarity and humor, one remembers particularly the inge­nuity of his schemes for keeping a class interested in definite work. Hisdevices ranged from sociological "field trips" to all sorts of places­Pullman, the Ghetto, newspaper offices, the council chamber, settle­ments, Goose Island-to the bringing out, one day in each' year, of theAurora Beacon exclusively by members of the class on "The Organizationand Development of the Press." When we discussed" American Cities,"we subscribed to one or more newspapers from each city, and collectedinformation daily in connection with our study of municipal develop­ment and defects. When we wrote papers, they must be based alwaysnot on our reading alone but on first-hand investigation in connectionwith our reading. Wherever we went, too, we found our way madeeasy by the extraordinary extent of his own personal acquaintance.Mayors and managing editors, congressmen and labor leaders, allRECOLLECTIONS OF GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT 2I9seemed to know him and to be glad to oblige him in the furtherance ofour callow but enthusiastic inquiries.The ingenuity of his mind was not directed solely to his classroomwork. I remember going to him last autumn with my troubles abouttwo entertainments-the Alumni Club dinner and the Christmas revelsof the Quadrangle Club. I could think of nothing to diversify themonotony of either. As we sat at luncheon he poured out suggestionsas rapidly almost as I could note them down, and we subsequentlyembodied two-thirds of them in successful action. A parody on theMaroon by way of a menu card at dinner; a hypnotic performance, anillustrated lecture on university celebrities, a revival of old heroismsupon the vaudeville stage-no one suggestion remarkable, but all fea­sible, and in the upshot effective; and each developed in a rapid half­dozen sentences which set the whole thing before me with the definitenessof a page from the Scientific American. I could have thanked him withtears, but he was too busy; he went away to his office, there to exercise,however, in larger matters the same readiness, the same foresight, thesame knowledge of detail, that he had put at my disposal in the littleaffairs.As a public speaker he is of course widely known-as widely known,no doubt, as any man of his profession in the country. Probably, infifteen years, he has made of one sort or another three thousand publicaddresses-lectures and after-dinner talks from Maine to Texas. Hismanner of utterance is also well known, therefore-a rapidity thatdefies the stenographer. Invariably his first sentence bursts upon theaudience like a catapult, and the rest follow with no diminution orslacking of speed. At a recent dinner in Philadelphia he spoke forty-twohundred words in twenty minutes-over two hundred to the minute.The Yale Alumni Review, in an account of the dinner at Pittsburg in19IO of the Associated Yale Clubs, at which he was toastmaster, said"it is impossible to conceive of a performance more brilliant in effect."Because he never either memorizes or uses notes, the impression of hisspeeches is one of complete spontaneity.. But it is no betrayal to saythat all of his speeches are the result of the most careful preparation ..Mrs. Vincent said to me once, "Really, twenty-four hours before aspeech he's like a bear with a sore head." On the occasion of a HarvardClub dinner, some years ago, at which he was to represent Yale, and soknew that he could expect no mercy from the toastmaster, he was readywith six different openings to accord with any possible introduction.Harvard men still remember that occasion, and the obliteration of a very220 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEable toastmaster. Mr. Vincent has given up public lecturing now, hesays; but nine addresses in five days at Minneapolis in April seem toindicate that he still "could, an if he would." Are there among thealumni who read this, any, I wonder, who do not recall, if they werepresent, a mass meeting at Rosalie Hall, at which Scott Bond presided,and among others GEV addressed us? That was a night to be remem­bered. Phil Allen spoke also.As a social organizer, a planner of social welfare among the under­graduates, he was as nearly successful as any man could be. If he failedto do what he attempted, stubborn circumstance, and not his method,was to blame. One thinks with tenderness of the many times when heand Mrs. Vincent threw their house open to us, and their best energiesinto the effort to make us acquainted with each other and" the faculty";of the "teas" for the old colleges; of the Thanksgiving-eve parties forthe football teams, and for the girls so carefully chosen; of the comicoperas, settlement benefits-the Blackfriars today do well, but are theyacquainted with the splendor of a three-thousand dollar house, em­blazoned with the diamond tiaras of our very best people? If the col­leges would not solidify, and the undergraduates would establish them­selves in cliques, it was not the fault of GEV. He dared do all that wouldbecome a man, nor was the character of Lady Macbeth wholly absent.In view of the fact that Mr. Vincent is still very much alive, it isnot possible to make this little sketch other than trivial in the matter ofits analysis or its reminiscences. When we come to write his epitaph,if any of us outlive him-which seems unlikely in view of his really appal­ling vitality-we can say what we think. Meanwhile we recollect withmournful delight kaleidoscopic moments-GEV in a cab disappearingaround the corner of Divinity, dictating a last word to a stenographer inhot pursuit of him; GEV in his office consulting the railroad guide; GEVin faculty meeting (at least some of us so recollect him), grimly urbane.I met him in Cobb one broiling hot day in the summer of 1909."My family write me," said I, "that I must buy some oar-locks. Wherewould you go for oar-locks?""Why not," he suggested, "try Orr & Lockett's?" We shoppedtogether and I told him my troubles+T cannot now recollect what theywere-and finally we entered the University Club, and walked alongthe cool, high, cloistered lobby. "I wonder," he said as he lookedabout, "whether as University men we are growing more comfortablyat home among conditions as they are, less eager for the social millen­nium? If education ever develops materialism? If I thought so, Iwould go to ditch-digging tomorrow."THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR THEYEAR 1909-10IN April there was issued from the University of Chicago Press thePresident's Report for the year 1909-10. The volume of 240 pagesis opened by the personal report of President Harry Pratt Judson (24pages), in which are considered the following subjects: Under the headof "Finance": end of deficits, the budget, the Press and journals, theCommons, University College, gifts, and needs; under" The Faculties":publications and research, research and teaching, appointments andpromotions, and losses by death; under "The Students": attendanceand geographical distribution, honors for scholarships, marshals andaides, and athletics. The fourth division of the report is given up togeneral subjects, which include the Harper Memorial Library and "TheCollege Problem." As a matter of record there is attached to thereport a list of contributors to the Faculty Fund of the William RaineyHarper Memorial Library Fund, and also a list of gifts paid in duringthe fiscal year ending June 30, 1910.The report of the Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, andScience is presented under the following heads: "Attendance," "Legis­lation," "Departments,"" Instruction," "Scholarships," "Administra­tion," and" Appointments to Fellowships." Under "Legislation" areconsidered curriculum limitation, modification of degrees, the markingsystem, and honors. Under" Instruction" are discussed the size ofclasses, interest in undergraduate instruction, the marking system, andsupervision of work; under" Scholarships," the budget, officers' vouch­ers, University service for scholarship aid, and the academic work ofscholars; and under" Administration," the Recorder's Office, studentservice, routine registration and correspondence, and the employmentof a statistical clerk. The report of nine pages concludes with a list ofUniversity and Divinity fellows appointed for the year 1909-10.The reports of the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Litera­ture and of the Dean of the Ogden Graduate School of Science arefollowed by the statistics of the Graduate Schools, which show the insti­tutions from which the students have entered the Schools, the attendance,the higher degrees, by states and countries, and the total higher degreesin the Graduate Schools.22I222 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe reports of the Deans of the Divinity School, the Law School,Medical Students, the School of Education (including the College ofEducation, the University High School, and the University ElementarySchool), the Senior Colleges, University College, the Junior Colleges,Unclassified Students, and the Dean of Women cover about fifty pages.The University Extension Division contains reports from the Secre­taries of the Lecture Study and Correspondence Study Departments;and there are other reports from the Associate Librarian, the Directorof Haskell Oriental Museum, and the Director of the University Press.University Relations, Physical Culture and Athletics, which includesalso the reports of the University Physician and of the Women's Depart­ment, the Religious Agencies of the University, University Houses, theBoard of Recommendations, and the Housing Bureau are likewiserepresented in the Report.Reports of Research in Progress include those from twenty-fourdepartments and cover nineteen pages.The reports of other officials include those of the Counsel and Busi­ness Manager, the Registrar, and the Auditor, the report of the last­mentioned containing twelve tables and covering eighteen pages.The volume concludes with a list of the publications by members ofthe Faculties during the year July I, 1909, to July I, 1910, which coverstwenty-seven pages."WORLD LITERATURE"UNDER the title given above the Macmillan Company has justpublished a volume by Richard Green Moulton, Professor ofLiterary Theory and Interpretation and Head of the Department of Gen­eral Literature. The volume, of over 500 pages, contains an introduc­tion of fifty pages, twelve chapters on a survey of world literature, aconclusion on "The Place of World Literature in Education," a syl­labus, a list of books, and a general index of eight pages.In the introduction are discussed "The Unity of Literature and theConception of World Literature," "Literary Pedigree of the English­speaking Peoples," and "World Literature from the English Point ofView." "The Five Literary Bibles" are considered in the first fivechapters-The Holy Bible, Classical Epic and Tragedy, Shakespeare,Dante, and Milton: The Epics of Mediaeval CatholicismandRenaissanceProtestantism, and versions of the story of Faust. In the remainingchapters are discussed" Collateral Studies in World Literature," "Com­parative Reading," "Literary Organs of Personality: Essays andLyrics," "Strategic Points in Literature," and "World Literature theAutobiography of Civilization."In the preface the author says:To the general reader the book suggests a rational scheme of connection suchas should be at the back of every attempt to make choice of "the best books." Forthe student it illustrates a treatment of the subject unhampered by divisions betweenparticular literatures in different languages, divisions which make the weakness ofliterary study in our academic systems.My life has been entirely occupied with the study and the teaching of literature.I have sought in the present work to embody the main results of my experience, sofar as these bear upon the field of literature and the general interest on the subject.I propose, at no distant date, to follow up this work with another, which will be amore formal introduction to literary theory and interpretation.Other volumes by the same author are Shakespeare as a DramaticArtist, Shakespeare as a Dramatic Thinker, and The Modern Reader'sBible, the last-mentioned being a presentation of the Scriptures in mod­ern literary form with an introduction and notes.223A NEW TEXTBOOK IN PHYSI­OGRAPHYHENRY HOLT & CO. of New York have recently issued a textbookentitled Elementary Physiography, by Professor Rollin D. Salisbury,Head of the Department of Geography and Dean of the Ogden GraduateSchool of Science. The volume of 370 pages discusses in four partsThe Lithosphere, Earth Relations, The Atmosphere, and The Ocean.Under Part I are considered "Relief Features," "The Work of theAtmosphere," "Ground-Water," "The Work of Running Water,""The Work of Snow and Ice," "Lakes and Shores," "Vulcanism,""Crustal Movements," and "Terrestrial Magnetism." In Part II arediscussed the form of the earth, motions, latitude, and longitude; inPart III, the" General Conception of the Atmosphere," "Constitutionof the Atmosphere," "Temperature of the Air," "The Moisture of theAir," " Atmospheric Pressure," " General Circulation of the Atmosphere,""Weather Maps," and "Climate"; and in Part IV is considered theocean as a whole-+composition, temperature, and movements of sea­water, and life of the sea.In the preface the author quotes from his Physiography for HighSchools to show that the purpose of this briefer text is the same as in thelarger volume:This book has been prepared with the purpose of letting the beginner into themethod of the science with which the book deals, as well as with the purpose of con­veying information to him. It has been prepared with the conviction that the childlikes to reason and to follow reasoning, and that reasoning and following reasoningcontribute more to his mental growth than the accumulation of great numbers offacts. It has been written with the conviction that the growth of the pupil is moreimportant than facts about physical geography.The volume is abundantly illustrated, with forty-eight plates andtwo hundred and seventy-six figures, and has an index of seven pages.Professor Salisbury is the author of two other books on physiography,as well as of four volumes on geology in collaboration with ProfessorThomas C. Chamberlin, Head of the Department of Geology, all ofwhich are included in the American Science Series.224THE UNIVERSITY RECORDNEW PORTRAITS FOR THE UNIVERSITYThe portrait of George Edgar Vincent, formerly Dean of the Facul­ties of Arts, Literature, and Science, now president of the Universityof Minnesota, has recently been completed by the Chicago painter,Mr. Louis Betts, and will be placed in Hutchinson Hall. It is the giftof members of the Faculties, alumni, and other friends of Mr. Vincent.A reproduction of it appears as the frontispiece of this issue of theMagazine. The portrait is regarded as highly successful and a greataddition to the collection already in the Hall.The portrait, by the same artist, of Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson,donor of Hutchinson Hall and treasurer of the University Board ofTrustees, is also finished and will soon be hung in the same hall. Theportrait is life-size and full-length, and represents Mr. Hutchinson incollege gown. This portrait has long been desired for the University,which has received so much at the generous hands of Mr. Hutchinson.In this hall also has recently been placed the new portrait of Mr.Adolphus C. Bartlett, a member of the Board of Trustees and donor ofthe Frank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium, the artist being Mr. RalphClarkson of Chicago. Mr. Clarkson is also the painter of the portraitof Judge Daniel L. Shorey, which now hangs in the library of HitchcockHall. judge Shorey, who was the father of Professor Paul Shorey, Headof the Department of Greek, was for many years a trustee of the Uni­versity, and as chairman of the committee on buildings and grounds wasdeeply interested in the earlier development of the institution.The portrait of Dr. Frank Wakeley Gunsaulus, president of theArmour Institute of Technology, the work of Mr. Louis Betts, is alsoamong the recent additions to the paintings in Hutchinson Hall. Presi­dent Gunsaulus has been the Convocation orator and Universitypreacher, has recently made gifts to the University, and was an intimatefriend of President William Rainey Harper.A RECENT CONTRIBUTION FROM THE RYERSONPHYSICAL LABORA TOR YThe following statement of the research work in the isolation of ionscarried on by Professor Robert A. Millikan, of the Department of Phys­ics, with the assistance of Mr. Harvey Fletcher, Fellow in the Depart­ment, was recently given out by the Laboratory:225226 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"In the report which Professor Millikan made last spring of thework which he and Mr. Fletcher had been doing on the isolation ofatmospheric ions, it was shown that all electrical charges are built upof elementary atoms of electricity and the value of this ultimate elec­trical atom was accurately determined."The method consisted in catching atmospheric ions upon minute oildrops floating in the air and measuring the electrical charge which thedrops thus acquired. This year the following extensions of this workhave been made:"1. The act of ionization itself is now being studied, each of the twoelectrical fragments into which a neutral molecule breaks up beingcaught upon oil drops at the instant of formation. This study hasshown that the act of ionization of a neutral air molecule always consistsin the detachment from it of one single elementary charge rather thanof two or three such charges."2. By suspending these minute oil drops in rarified gases instead ofin air at atmospheric pressure, the authors have been able to make theseoil drops partake of the motions of agitation of the molecules to such anextent that they can be seen by any observer to dance violently underthe bombardment which they receive from the flying air molecules.By measuring accurately the amount of the motion of agitation of theoil drops and comparing it with the motions which they assume underthe influence of an electrical field because of the charge which they carry,the authors have been able to make an exact and certain identification,with the aid of computations made by Mr. Fletcher, of the electricalcharge carried by an atmospheric ion (and measured in their precedingwork), with the electrical charge carried by univalent ions in solution."This work not only furnishes complete proof of the correctness ofthe atomic theory of electricity, but gives a much more satisfactorydemonstration than had before been found of the perpetual dance ofthe molecules of matter."The methods of experimentation were seen and approved by delegatesto the meeting of the International Union for Solar Research, held lastautumn at Mount Wilson Observatory, California.NEWLY APPOINTED DEANSAt its meeting on April 18, I9II, two new deans were appointed bythe University Board of Trustees-Mr. James Rowland Angell to beDean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science, to succeedGeorge Edgar Vincent, now president of the University of Minnesota,, THE UNIVERSITY RECORDand Mr. Leon Carroll Marshall to be Dean of the Senior Colleges, tosucceed Mr. Angell, who has served in that position for three years.Mr. Angell was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1890,and received the Master's degree from the same institution the fol­lowing year. After pursuing graduate studies for a year at Harvard hespent the year 1892-93 at the universities of Berlin and Halle, andthen became an instructor in experimental psychology at the Universityof Minnesota. His first position at the University of Chicago was thatof Assistant Professor of Experimental Psychology, which he held forseven years, being made Associate Professor in 1901. In 1904 he becamefull Professor and Director of the Psychological Laboratory, and Headof the Department of Psychology in 1905. In 1906 he was president ofthe American Psychological Association, Professor Angell's text­book on Psychology has already gone to a fourth edition. Mr. Angellis editor of the monographs of the Psychological Review.The successor of Mr. Angell in the deanship of the Senior Collegesis Professor Leon C. Marshall, of the Department of Political Economy,who has been for two years Dean of the College of Commerce andAdministration and who also served as Dean of the Senior Colleges inthe absence of Dean Angell during the Spring Quarter, 1910. Mr.Marshall's alma mater is the Ohio Wesleyan University, where hereceived a Bachelor's degree in 1900. He received the same degreealso from Harvard University the following year, and the Master'sdegree in 1902. After holding the Henry Lee Memorial Fellowship inEconomics at Harvard and also an assistantship he was called to OhioWesleyan University as professor of economics in 1903. He came tothe University of Chicago in 1907 as Assistant Professor of PoliticalEconomy, and was promoted to an associate-professorship the nextyear. A full professorship has just been given him with the deanshipof the Senior Colleges. Mr. Marshall is one of the editors of the J our­nal of Political Economy.UNIVERSITY LECTURERS IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDSAssociate Professor Francis W. Shepardson, of the Department ofHistory, and Associate Professor J. Paul Goode, of the Department ofGeography, are giving courses of lectures during the months of Apriland May at the Teachers' Vacation Assembly in Boguio, PhilippineIslands. They went at the invitation of the Bureau of Education ofthe Islands, their services being generously donated by the Universityof Chicago through President Harry Pratt Judson. They sailed from228 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESan Francisco March 21 and will return in September by way of Indiaand Europe.The Assembly was first held in 1908, and the University at thattime was represented by Professor William D. MacClintock, of theDepartment of English, and Associate Professor Frederick Starr, ofthe Department of Sociology and Anthropology. It is an annualconvention of the American teachers in the Islands, with a combinationof features for a teachers' institute, a Chautauqua assembly, and asummer session of a university. There are systematic class lectures,general popular lectures, conferences, field trips, excursions, and recita­tions. The Assembly lasts about a month and is free to all who wishto attend.The meeting is held in a camp of permanent buildings and tents atthe mountain city of Boguio, the summer capital of the Islands. It isISO miles north of Manila on a plateau 5,000 feet above the sea, and isof great importance as a health resort for Americans living in the lowertropical regions.The Assembly is regarded by the authorities as valuable for bring­ing together teachers living far apart and in an alien environment, forsocial and intellectual intercourse and stimulation. The teachersgreatly appreciate the presence of university professors from America.Professor Shepardson will give courses on "Great Moments inAmerican History" and "Great Americans." Professor Goode'scourses are "Geography in Education" and "Topics in the Relation ofGeography and Commerce."INSTRUCTORS FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS FOR THESUMMER QUARTER, I9IIAn unusual number of instructors from other institutions have beenengaged, in addition to the regular Faculty, for the work of the SummerQuarter of I9II, such work in value and credit being recognized by theUniversity as the equivalent of that in the other quarters.In Philosophy, Professor Boyd H. Bode, Ph.D., of the University ofIllinois, will give courses in Ethics; in Psychology, Professor John B.Watson, Ph.D., of Johns Hopkins University, will give courses in"Theoretical Comparative Psychology"; and in Education the UnitedStates Commissioner of Education, Elmer Ellsworth Brown, Ph.D.,LL.D., will give courses on "Selected Topics in Educational Administra­tion" and "Educational Institutions, Their Place and Function inOrganized Society." Other courses in Education will be given byTHE UNIVERSITY RECORD 229Professor Edward C. Elliott, Ph.D., of the University of Wisconsin;and President David Felmley, A.B., LL.D., of the Illinois State NormalUniversity.In Political Economy, Assistant Professor Thomas W. Mitchell,Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota, will give a course on Insuranceand, in conjunction with the University Auditor, Mr. Trevor Arnett,a course on Accounting. In History, courses will be offered by Pro­fessor Albert B. White, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota; Profes­sor Frank H. Hodder, Ph.M., of the University of Kansas; AssistantProfessor Carleton H. Hayes, Ph.D., of Columbia University; and Dr.Robert H. Lord, of Harvard University. In Sociology, Professor ThomasJ. Riley, Ph.D., of Washington University, is among the instructors.In Greek, courses will be given by Professor Wesley P. Clark, ofWashburn College, and Dean Geneva Misener, Ph.D., of KenwoodInstitute, Chicago. In Latin, courses on "The Life and Works ofVirgil" and "Historical Latin Grammar" will be given by ProfessorEdwin W. Fay, Ph.D., of the University of Texas.In Romance, Associate Professor Milton A. Buchanan, Ph.D., ofthe University of Toronto, will give courses in elementary Spanish andin modern Spanish literature. In German, Professor Karl D. Jessen,Ph.D., of Bryn Mawr College, will offer a course on "The GermanEssay"; and in English, courses are announced to be given by Pro­fessor Carleton F. Brown, Ph.D., of Bryn Mawr College; Dr. PercyW. Long, of Harvard University; and Mr. George W. Sherburn, ofBeloit College.In Mathematics, Professor John W. Young, Ph.D., of the Universityof Kansas, and Associate Professor Hans F. Blichfeldt, Ph.D., of LelandStanford Jr. University, are among those offering courses.In Zoology, Professor Henry H. Lane, of the University of Oklahoma,is announced for courses on Invertebrate and Vertebrate Zoology. InAnatomy, Assistant Professor Robert Retzer, M.D., of the University ofMinnesota, and in Physiology, Assistant Professor Frank C. Becht,Ph.D., of the University of Illinois, are among the instructors.In the Divinity School, the following have been engaged for instruc­tion during the Summer Quarter: Professor George A. Barton, Ph.D.,of Bryn Mawr College; Professor George Cross, Ph.D., of NewtonTheological Institution; Professor Lewis B. Paton, Ph.D., of HartfordTheological Seminary; Professor Herbert A. Youtz, Ph.D., of AuburnTheological Seminary; and Professor George E. Dawson, Ph.D., ofthe Hartford School of Religious Pedagogy.230 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn the Law School, the instructors from other institutions are thefollowing: Professor William R. Vance, Ph.D., of Yale University;Professor Arthur M. Cathcart, of Leland Stanford Jr. University;Professor Chester G. Vernier, J.D., of Indiana University; and Pro­fessor Julien C. Monnet, Dean of the Law School of the University ofOklahoma.Besides those mentioned under the Department of Education,the instructors especially engaged for the Summer Quarter in the Schoolof Education are: Professor Henry E. Bourne, of Western ReserveUniversity; Mr. William A. White, Director of the School of Music,Northwestern University; and Miss Mable B. Soper, Head of the ArtDepartment in the Bridgewater, Mass., Normal School.During each of the Summer Quarters of 1908, I909, and 1910 therewere more than three thousand students in residence at the Universityof Chicago, an especially large representation coming from the South.THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRAL ASSOCIATIONWith the concert given in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall onTuesday, April 4, the University Orchestral Association concluded itssecond season, during which time six concerts have been given by theTheodore Thomas Orchestra, a song recital by Madame Schumann­Heink, and a piano recital by Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler.Tha t the Association in presenting concerts of this character is meet­ing a demand of the University community is evident from the fact thatat different times during the season the seating capacity of the hall hasbeen insufficient to accommodate the applicants for admission.Though the majority of the seats in the hall were reserved by seasonsubscribers, there has been an increasing demand for single admissiontickets. On the occasions of the two artist recitals many applicantsfor admission were accommodated with chairs arranged on the platform.While the attendance from the student body is large and very gratifying,the managers of the Association feel that even a much wider apprecia­tion of great masterpieces of music among the student body is desirable.During the season the Orchestra has appeared at its best, and theaudiences have been not only responsive but enthusiastic.Each orchestral concert has included a symphony, an overture, andother numbers, many of which were played in response to requests madethrough the program committee. The symphonies presented have beenBeethoven NO.5 and NO.3, Tschaikowsky NO.4, Brahms No. I, FranckD Minor, and Schubert No. 10. The composers represented in theTHE UNIVERSITY RECORD 23Iovertures have been Georg Schumann, Mendelssohn, Beethoven,D'Albert, Goldmark, and Wagner. Among other compositions presentedby the Orchestra have been the Bach Suite NO.2, the Grieg Peer GyntSuite, Wagner's Magic Fire Scene from "Die Walktire," Smetana'ssymphonic poems "Vysehrad" and "The Moldau," Glazounow'sScenes de Ballet, Liszt's symphonic poem "Les Preludes," Massenet'sMeditation from "Thais," Tschaikowsky's Marche, Slave, and theFestival March composed by the conductor of the orchestra, Mr. Fred­erick Stock, in commemoration of the opening of the twentieth seasonof the Theodore Thomas Orchestra.In the song recital on February 9 by Madame Schumann-Heink,and in the piano recital on March I4 by Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler,these artists appeared at their best and were recalled again and again,both responding generously with encores.The program for the afternoon of April 4 was as follows:Overture, "In Spring Time" GoldmarkSymphony No. 10, C Major SchubertMeditation from "Thais" MassenetMarche, Slave TschaikowskyThe annual meeting of the Association to receive the report of theofficers, elect new officers, and outline the policy of the Association fornext year was held early in April. The report showed a balance ofnearly $900 in the treasury, of which $569 is net gain. Of I,I4I seatsin the hall I,073 were sold for the season, as compared with 99I in theyear I909-IO. The officers for this year were re-elected. It is probablethat nine or ten concerts will be given during the season of I9II-I2, theTheodore Thomas Orchestra giving six or seven concerts, and the othersbeing recitals by well-known artists.THE FACULTIESPresident Harry Pratt Judson gave an address at the University ofCincinnati on April 22.Associate Professor S. H. Clark, of the Department of Public Speak­ing, gave in March a series of interpretative readings in Washington, D.C.Among the instructors for the coming summer session of the Uni­versityof Wisconsin is James Westfall Thompson, Associate Professor ofEuropean History."American Folk-Songs" was the subject of a contribution in theDial of April I, 19II, by Associate Professor Albert H. Tolman, of theDepartment of English.232 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"Present Tendencies of Philosophic Thought in Germany" was thesubject of a university public lecture in the Law Building on April 5,by Dr. GUnther Jacoby, of Greifswald.Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff, the German ambassador tothe United States, will be the Convocation orator at the Seventy-ninthConvocation of the University on June 13.Dean James Parker Hall, of the Law School, will be a member ofthe faculty of the University of Wisconsin Law School during the summersession, which opens June 26 and closes September I."Roman Prayer and Its Relation to Ethics" is the subject of acontribution in the April issue of Classical Philology by AssociateProfessor Gordon J. Laing, of the Department of Latin.In the April number of the Botanical Gazette is a brief contributionon "A Convenient Microtome Knife," with five figures, by AssociateProfessor Charles J. Chamberlain, of the Department of Botany.Among the contributors to the new eleventh edition of the Encyclo­paedia Britannica were Professor William E. Dodd, of the Departmentof History; and Professor John M. Manly, Head of the Department ofEnglish."The Teaching of German Literature in High Schools and Academies"is the subject of the opening contribution in the April issue of the SchoolReview, by Professor Starr Willard Cutting, Head of the Departmentof German."Recent Reform Legislation in England" was the subject of auniversity public lecture in Cobb Lecture Hall on April 28, the speakerbeing Professor L. T. Hobhouse, Director of the London School ofEconomics.In the April number of the American Journal of Semitic Languagesand Literatures the closing contribution is by Dr. Daniel D. Luckenbill,of the Department of Semitics, the subject being "Benhadad andHadadezer.""Victorian London" is the subject of an illustrated contributionin the April issue of the Chautauquan magazine, by Assistant ProfessorPercy H. Boynton, of the Department of English. The article hastwelve illustrations.Assistant Professor Henri C. E. David, of the Department of Ro­mance Languages and Literatures, gave an address on April 8 in theFine Arts Building at the causerie of the French Library of the AllianceFrancaise, his subject being "Henri de Regnier."THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 233World Literature is the title of a new book announced by The Mac­millan Company, the author being Professor Richard Green Moulton,Head of the Department of General Literature. A general noticeof the volume appears elsewhere in the Magazine.An illustrated lecture on the Mesa Verde National Park was givenbefore the Geographic Society of Chicago on April 10 by AssociateProfessor Wallace W. Atwood, of the Department of Geology. It wasa geographic study of the home of the cliff dwellers.The opening article in the March number of the Elementary SchoolTeacher is a third contribution on the subject of "A Graded Coursein Schoolroom Gymnastics," by Dr. Julia A. Norris, Instructor inHygiene and Physical Education in the School of Education.The one hundred and forty-third contribution from the Hull Botani­cal Laboratory appears as the opening article in the March number ofthe Botanical Gazette, on "The Causes of Vegetative Cycles," by Assist­ant Professor Henry C. Cowles, of the Department of Botany.Two Thousand Miles up the Nile is the subject of a volume to bepublished by Charles Scribner's Sons in the autumn, the author beingJames Henry Breasted, Professor of Egyptology and Oriental Historyand Director of the Haskell Oriental Museum. The book will be veryfully illustrated."Photographing the Heavens" was the subject of an illustrateduniversity public lecture in Kent Theater on April 20, by ProfessorGeorge W. Ritchey, of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory in Cali­fornia. Mr. Ritchey was formerly connected with the Yerkes Observa­tory at Williams Bay, Wis."Refunding the Foreign Debt of Honduras" is the subject of acontribution in the March number of the Journal of Political Economy, byMr. Samuel MacClintock, who received the degree of doctor of philoso­phy from the University of Chicago in 1908. Mr. MacClintock gradu­ated from the University in r896."Reciprocity: The Canadian Attitude" was the subject of theopening contribution in the February number of the Journal of PoliticalEconomy, by Oscar D. Skelton, professor of political economy in Queen'sUniversity, Canada. Mr. Skelton received the degree of doctor ofphilosophy from the University of Chicago in 1908." A Champion of the Championless" was the subject of an apprecia­tion, in the April issue of the World To-Day, of the work of Miss Sopho­nisba P. Breckinridge, Assistant Professor of Social Economy in the234 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDepartment of Household Administration. A full-page portrait ofMiss Breckinridge appears also in the same number.At the recent annual election of the Union League Club of ChicagoMr. Percy B. Eckhart, Lecturer in the Law School on Public ServiceCompanies and Carriers, was elected a member for three years of theCommittee on Political Action. Mr. Eckhart was graduated from theUniversity of Chicago in 1899, and from the Harvard Law School in19°2.Associate Director J. C. M. Hanson of the University of ChicagoLibraries, formerly chief of the catalogue division of the Library ofCongress, gave an address before the Chicago Library Club on April13 in the Chicago Public Library, on the subject" Organization of theCatalogue Division of the Library of Congress in 1897, and Its Subse­quent Development."Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, president of the Interparliamen­tary Union and one of the most conspicuous advocates of internationalarbitration, gave an address on "The Peace Movement" in Leon Man­del Assembly Hall on May I. The President of the University presidedand introduced the speaker. A luncheon in honor of Baron d'Estour­nelles was given the same day by President Judson.Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, the famous medical missionary who hasdone so remarkable a work for the Labrador fishermen, gave an illus­trated address in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall on April 27, thesubject being "The Far North: Labrador and Newfoundland." Theaddress attracted a large audience. A luncheon in honor of Dr. Gren­fell and his wife was given by President and Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson.President Harry Pratt Judson was a guest of Chicago alumni atOxford, Ohio, on April 21, and also visited the Western College forWomen on the invitation of alumni who are members of the faculty ofthat institution. He was also the guest of honor at the UniversityClub in Cincinnati at a banquet given by Chicago alumni, and on April22 in Indianapolis he was entertained by the alumni club recentlyorganized in that city." Circulation in the Solar Atmosphere as Indicated by Prominences"is the subject of a contribution in the March number of the Astro­physical Journal, by Dr. Frederick Slocum, of the Yerkes Observatory.The contribution is illustrated by two plates and a diagram. In thesame number is a contribution by Dr. J. Harry Clo, of the Departmentof Physics, on the subject of "The Effect of Temperature on the Ioniza-THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 235tion of a Gas." The article is illustrated by a description of the appara­tus used in the experiment.Among the thirty members of the Chicago Vice Commission whichsubmitted to the City Council on April 5, 19II, a report of nine months'investigation of the vice conditions in Chicago, were Professor WilliamI. Thomas, of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, ProfessorCharles R. Henderson, Head of the Department of Ecclesiastical Soci­ology, and Associate Professor Herbert L. Willett, of the Department ofSemitics. Other members of the commission were President Frank W.Gunsaulus of the Armour Institute, Mr. Julius Rosenwald, presidentof Sears, Roebuck & Co., President Abram W. Harris, of NorthwesternUniversity, and Dr. William A. Evans, Commissioner of Health.The result of the official canvass of the votes cast in the Chicagomayoralty election on April 4, 19II, was 177, 997 for Carter H. Harrison,and 160,672 for Associate Professor Charles E. Merriam, of the Depart­ment of Political Science, the plurality for Mr. Harrison being somethingover 17,000 votes. The total vote for mayor was 366,791, which is arecord vote for a municipal election in Chicago. While the result wasdisappointing to many members and students of the University and thegreat progressive element of the city, so large a vote for Mr. Merriamwas especially gratifying and significant, and was a great tribute to thestrength and courage of his campaign and the ideas he advocated.Professor Alexander Smith, Director of General and Physical Chem­istry and Dean in the Junior Colleges, has recently accepted the headshipof the department of chemistry in Columbia University. Mr. Smithis a graduate of the University of Edinburgh and took his doctor'sdegree at the University of Munich in 1889. In the following year hewas assistant in chemistry at Edinburgh, and from 1890 to 1894 wasprofessor of chemistry and mineralogy in Wabash College, Indiana.In 1894 he was called to an Assistant Professorship of Chemistry in theUniversity of Chicago, and was promoted to an Associate Professorshipin 1898. He was made full Professor and Director of General andPhysical Chemistry in 1903. He has served as a dean in the JuniorColleges for eleven years. Professor Smith's new work begins on JulyI, 19II."A University's Contribution to Religion" was the general subjectof discussion at three sessions of the Christian Union Conference heldin the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall from April 16 to 18. At the firstsession the President of the University presided, and the speakers includedTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAssociate Professor Gerald B. Smith, of the Department of SystematicTheology; Professor John M. Coulter, Head of the Department ofBotany; and Professor James H. Tufts, Head of the Department ofPhilosophy. At the second session Dean Leon C. Marshall, of theCollege of Commerce and Administration, presided, the speakers beingAssociate Professor Herbert E. Slaught, of the Department of Mathe­mathics; Professor Andrew C. McLaughlin, Head of the Department ofHistory; and Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, Head of the Departmentof Political Economy. Dean Shailer Mathews, of the Divinity School,presided at the closing session, and the speakers were Assistant Pro­fessor Edward S. Ames, of the Department of Philosophy, and Pro­fessor Albion W. Small, Head of the Department of Sociology andAnthropology.Professor James R. Jewett, of the Department of Semitic Languagesand Literatures, was recently appointed professor of Arabic at HarvardUniversity and will take up his new work there in the autumn. Mr.Jewett is an alumnus of Harvard, where he graduated in I884, andfollowing his graduation he was for three years a student in Assyria andEgypt as holder of a Harvard fellowship. For the next year he was aninstructor in Semitic languages at Harvard University, and receivedthe degree of doctor of philosophy from the University of Strassburgin 1890, later becoming associate professor of oriental languages andSemitic history in Brown University. In 1895 he was called to theprofessorship of Semitic languages and history in the University ofMinnesota, and in I902 he came to the University of Chicago as Pro­fessor of the Arabic Language and Literature. Mr. Jewett has beenDirector of the Oriental Exploration for Syria since 1903.ACCESSIONS TO THE LIBRARIESDURING THE WINTERQUARTER, 1911During the Winter Quarter, 19II, therewas added to the libraries of the U niver­sity a total number of 5,750 volumes,from the following sources:BOOKS ADDED BY PURCHASEBooks added by purchase, 3,41 I volumes,distributed as follows: Anatomy, 50; An­thropology, 16; Astronomy (Ryerson), 17;Astronomy (Yerkes), 21; Bacteriology, 53;Biology, I; Botany, 178; Chemistry, 27;Church History, 30; Commerce and Adminis­tration, 14; Comparative Religion, !O;Embryology, I; English, 187; English, German, and Romance, 5; English andRomance, 2; General Library, 355; GeneralLiterature, 27; Geography, 24; Geology,30; German, 35; Greek, 442; HaskellLibraryy o ; History, 249; History of Art, 9;Household Administration, I; Latin, 195;Latin and Greek, 20; Latin; Greek, andSanskrit and Comparative Philology, I;Latin, N ew Testament, and Church History,2; Law School, 162; Mathematics, 40;New Testament, 26; Pathology, 20; Philos­ophy, 22; Physical Culture, 3; Physics,158; Physiology, 27; Political Economy, 58;Political Science, 33; Practical Theology,15; Psychology, 34; Public Speaking, 6;Romance Languages, 135; Sanskrit andComparative Philology, 34; ScandinavianSeminary, 7; School of Education, 503;Semitics, 44; Semitics and New Testament,THE UNIVERSITY RECORD4; Sociology, 18; Sociology (Divinity), 7;Systematic Theology, 37; Zoology, 7;BY GIFTBooks added by gift, 1,715 volumes, dis­tributed as follows: Anatomyv j ; Anthropol­ogy, I; Astronomy (Ryerson), 3; Biology,35; Botany, 9; Chemistry, 4; ChurchHistory, 57; Comparative Religion, I;Embryology, I; English, 25; GeneralLibrary, 1,140; Geography, II; Geology,40; German, I; Greek, 7; Haskell Library,5; History, 30; History of Art, I; Latin, 8;Law School, II; Mathematics, 7; NewTestament, 8; Pathology, I; Philosophy,2; Physics, 7; Physiology, 3; PoliticalEconomy, 29; Political Science, 2; PracticalTheology, 20; Psychology, I; RomanceLanguages, 5; Sanskrit and ComparativePhilology, 12; School of Education, 193;Semitics, 6; Sociology, 2; Sociology (Divin­ity) , 8; Systematic Theology, 15; Zoology.Y,BY EXCHANGEBooks added by exchange for Universitypublications, 624 volumes, distributed asfollows: Anatomy, I; Astronomy (Yerkes),2; Biology, 2; Botany, 6; Chemistry, I;Church History, 22; Comparative Religion,3; English, I I 2; General Library, 205;Geography, 3; Geology, 20; Greek, 37;Haskell Library, I; History, 7; History ofArt, 3; Latin, 33; Latin and Greek, 13; 237Law School, I; Mathematics, 23; NewTestament, 19; Philosophy, 12; Physics, 3;Political Economy, 9; Political Science, I;Practical Theology, 3; Psychology, I ;Romance Languages, 20; Sanskrit andComparative Philology, 3; School of Educa­tion, 3; Semitics, 36; Sociology, 6; System­atic Theology, 13.SPECIAL GIFTSZelIa A. Dixson, miscellaneous-256 vo­lumes and 336 pamphlets.James A. Field, miscellaneous-46 volumesand 181 pamphlets.Horace S. Fiske, miscellaneous-I6 volumesand 100 pamphlets.Heiji Hishinuma, Japanese educationaltextbooks-e-r rg volumes.J. Pierpont Morgan, Golden Latin Gospelsin the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan, editedby H. C. Hoskier-I volume.John T. Richards, "By the King's RoyalLicense a new system of universal geography,ancient and modem, by Thomas B. Banks,E. w. Bla�e, and A. Cook, with engravings,maps, etc. London, 1790 ?-I volume.Martin A. Ryerson, publications of theCarnegie Institution of Washington-8volumes.City of St. Paul, reports-e-re volumes.Marion Talbot, miscellaneous-e-rr; volumesand 178 pamphlets.United States government, documents andreports-135 volumes and 1,374 pamphlets.APPOINTMENTS TO FELLOWSHIPSFOR THE YEAR 1911-12MORE than one hundred appointments to fellowships have recentlybeen made by the University of Chicago for the year 19II-12,as given below. The wide distribution of fellowships is shown in thefact that sixty-three educational institutions are represented. Of thetotal number of new Fellows sixteen are women. The fellowships rangein value from $120 to $520.Ronald Castledine AllenHarriet May AllynLeon ArdzrooniKenneth Noel AtkinsFred Carleton AyerWilliam Bode A.B. Exeter College, Oxford, Old TestamentA.13. Mount Holyoke College, ZoologyA.B. Leland Stanford Jr. University, PoliticalEconomyPh.B. and A.M. Wesleyan University, Bacte­riologyS.B. Upper Iowa University; S.M. GeorgetownUniversity, EducationA.B. and A.M. Penn College; A.B. HaverfordCollege; D.B. University of Chicago,Old TestamentS.B. University of Chicago, PhysicsA.B. Albion College, GeologyA.B. Miami University, ZoologyA.B. Kingfisher College, SociologyA.B. and A.M. University of Toronto, GeologyA.B. Maryville College, BotanyA.B. and A.M. McMaster University, PhilosophyPh.B. De Pauw University, GermanPh.B. Franklin College, EducationA.M. University of Missouri, MathematicsA.B. Oberlin College; A.M. University of Chicago,SociologyA.B. and A.M. Lawrence University, SanskritA.B. and A.M. University of Toronto, GeologyA.B. Campbell College; A.M. University ofKansas, EducationEdmund Vincent Cowdry A.B. University of Toronto, AnatomyHarold Eugene Culver Ph.B. University of Wisconsin, GeologyGeorge Oliver Curme, Jr. S.B. Northwestern University, ChemistryJohn Eustace Davis A.B. William Jewell College, PhysicsWilliam John Alexander Donald A.B. McMaster University, Political EconomyJames Thomas Charles Doryland S.B. and S.M. Kansas State Agricultural College,Bacteriology238Jesse La Mar BrennemanJ. Harlen BretzJoseph Kunsler BreitenbeckerErnest Watson BurgessEdward Moore BurwashJoseph Stuart CaldwellAndrew Graham CampbellCharles Boyle CampbellRalph Emerson CarterEdward Wilson ChittendenRobert Fry ClarkCarlos Everett ConantHarold Caswell CookeAlfred B. CopeAPPOINTMENTS TO FELLOWSHIPS FOR I9II-I2 239Alice May DurandCarl Robert EnglundEphraim Edward EricksenIra Belle ErnsbergerShirley FarrArthur Earl FathCharles Albert FischerEarle Broadus FowlerLaura GanoFritz Wilhelm GeesCurwin Henry GingrichJohn William Edward GlattfeldThornton Shirley GravesMason DeWitt GrayFoster Erwin GuyerGrace Elvina HadleyWilmer Carlyle HarrisHenry HaxoHeber Michael HaysCleo HearonOscar Fred HedenburgGladys Rowena HenryHerbert Waldo HinesArthur Henry HirschHoward Archibald HubbardWalter Samuel HunterLibbie Henrietta HymanRobert Christian KisslingManuel LarkinLeopold Joseph LassalleOliver Justin LeeMaria Rose LoganFrederick William LeuhringJohn Nathan MartinHeinrich Herman MauverAdele Byrdene MeWCharles Adam MohrAlfred Raymond MorganElton James Moulton A.B. Oberlin College, SociologyS.B. University of South Dakota, PhysicsA.B. Brigham Young College, Political EconomyA.B. Ohio State University, MathematicsPh.B. University of Chicago, HistoryA.B. and A.M. Oberlin College, GeologyA.B. Wheaton College, MathematicsA.B. Wake Forest College, EnglishS.B. University of Chicago, BotanyA.B. Lehrerseminar, Detmold, Old TestamentA.M. Dickinson College, AstronomyS.B. and S.M. Dartmouth College, ChemistryPh.B. University of Chicago, EnglishA.B. and A.M. University of Rochester, LatinA.B. and A.M. Dartmouth College, Romance 'A.B. Mount Holyoke College; A.M. Universityof Chicago, GreekPh.B. University of Chicago, HistoryA.B. Le�and Stanford Jr. University, RomanceA.B. Mount Morris College, GreekPh.B. and Ph.M. University of Chicago, HistoryA.B. Wesleyan University, ChemistryS.B. University of Nebraska, PathologyA.B. and A.M. Harvard University, Old Testa­mentA.B. and A.M. Cornell University; D.B. Uni­versity of Chicago, Church HistoryA.B. and A.M. Ohio Wesleyan University, Politi-cal EconomyA.B. University of Texas, PsychologyS.B. University of Chicago, ZoologyConcordia College, GreekPh.M. University of Chicago, Political EconomyS.B. Louisiana State University, PhysicsA.B. University of Minnesota, AstronomyA.B. Goucher College; Ph.M. University ofChicago, SociologyPh.B. and Ph.M. University of Chicago, PoliticalEconomyA.B. Indiana University, BotanyA.B. and A.M. University of Wisconsin, History;A.M. University of Chicago.A.B. Washburn College, GreekA.B. Franklin and Marshall College; D.B.Union Theological Seminary, SystematicTheologyA.B. University of California, Church HistoryS.B. University of Chicago, MathematicsNelle Nesbitt THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERoberts Bishop OwenClarence Edward ParmenterErnest William ParsonsFleming Allen Clay PerrinHenry PetersonNorma Etta PfeifferChessley Justin PoseyPaul David PotterKeith PrestonWilliam Alexander RaeHomer Blosser ReedJ ens Madsen RysgaardMildred Leonora SandersonBernard Henry SchockelGertrude Ruth SchottenfelsD. R. ScottLester Whyland SharpCharles SheardRupert Raymond SimpkinsWarren Brownell SmithJoseph Clark StephensonJesse Floyd StinardEdwin Hardin SutherlandJulia J essie TaftShiro TashiroArthur Lawrie TatumArchibald Wellington TaylorClare Chrissman ToddClean the VassardakisNorman Joseph WareMelicent Eda WaterhouseLeroy WatermanArthur Clinton WatsonSamuel Roy WeaverHerrick East WilsonEdward James WoodhouseArthur Heath WoodworthMarie Zimmerman A.B. and S.B. University of Missouri, HouseholdAdministrationA.B. University of Chicago, PhilosophyPh.B. University of Chicago, RomanceA.B., Th.B., A.M., D.B. McMaster University,New TestamentPh.B. University of Chicago, PsychologyPh.B. University of Chicago; A.M. HarvardUniversity, EducationS.B. University of Chicago, BotanyS.B. University of Illinois; S.M. University ofChicago, GeographyA.B. and A.M. University of Wisconsin, Chem­istryPh.B. University of Chicago; A.M. IndianaUniversity, LatinA.B. University College, Toronto, LatinA.B. and A.M. Indiana University, PhilosophyA.B. University of North Dakota, MathematicsA.B. Mount Holyoke College, MathematicsPh.B. University of Chicago, GeographyPh.B. University of Chicago, EnglishA.B. University of Missouri, Political EconomyS.B. Alma College, BotanyA.B. St. Lawrence University; A.M. DartmouthCollege, PhysicsA.B. and A.M. Indiana University, EducationPh.B. University of Chicago, HistoryS.B. University of Chicago, ZoologyA.B. and A.M. Brown University, GermanA.B. Grand Island College, SociologyPh.B. University of Chicago, PhilosophyS.B. University of Chicago, Physiological Chem-istryS.B. Penn College, PhysiologyA.B. Doane College, Political EconomyS.B. Washington State College, ChemistryUniversity of Athens; University of Genoa, Politi-cal EconomyA.B. McMaster University, SociologyA.B. Oberlin College, PhilosophyA.B. and B.D. Hillsdale College, Old TestamentA.B. McMaster University, Systematic TheologyA.B. McMaster University, Political EconomyA.B. Oberlin College, PaleontologyA.B. Randolph-Macon College, HistoryA.B. Fayette College; A.M. University of Chi­cago, SociologyA.B. University of Michigan, GermanSTUDENT LIFE IN THE SMALL COL­LEGE AND THE UNIVERSITYBY FREDERICK WHITSLAR CARR IIN the years of 1905 to 1908, when I used to run across the Midwayto arrive at 8: 30 classes on time, the chief topics of discussion atthe University were college spirit, and the difference between the smallcollege and the university. Strange to relate, the next year I found asimilar discussion going on at Kenyon College, in Gambier, Ohio, thetwo subjects being the difference between the small college and theuniversity, and compulsory chapel attendance. In fact, the comparisonof wholesale and retail alma maters seems a subject for perpetual debateby undergraduates, and only during the summer vacations does theinterest wane. At Chicago as elsewhere it is still a topic to ponder over.Each entering Freshman class breathes new life into the pulseless formwhich the graduating class of a few months before has cast aside. Theprofessors are interested in it as a part of their daily life. Occasionallyan old alumnus theorizes on the advantages of small classes and personalinstruction. As interest in the question is so general I also ask theprivilege of a hearing, my excuse being that I have attended both typesof institution as an undergraduate.It is one o'clock and the hungry students are swarming out of CobbHall. The chimes in Mitchell Tower strike the hour. Big limousinesand smaller electrics move up the cement driveway. Students formlittle groups here and there near the "C" bench. An upper classmanon the way to Ryerson stops another and draws out a notebook. "Bill,"he says, "aren't you going to give me a dance at the Reynolds Club thisafternoon? ""Nope, I'm shooting rabbits today," Bill replies. "Cut the danceand we'll go down the river in my canoe and maybe catch a few rockbass besides."An imaginary conversation like this may serve to emphasize thedifference between the life of the students at the two institutions. Ken­yon is country, the University of Chicago is city. The differencebetween the small college and the university is the difference betweenI Mr. Carr was a founder of the Pen Club and later its president. In 1908 hewas president of the Junior Class.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcountry and city. At the end of yonder village street, not twentyminutes away by walking time, lie the great hills, or wheat fields, invari­ably prominent in the surroundings of the small college. True, manyuniversities are similarly placed. Yet the difference remains: the smallcollege is what its environment makes it, suburban; the university is ofitself the city. So the difference in student life is exactly the differencebetween life in the quiet village and life in the buzzing metropolis.From another standpoint the contrast may be crystallized into this:The small college stands for fellowship, the university stands for accom­plishment, with fellowship present or absent. The concentration ofmen and events in the small college creates fellowship. At the universityinterest is scattered over a great area, dissipated in college and citysociallif e.. In Hitchcock Hall and Snell the man rooming on the third floor inall probability does not know half of the men on the first floor. InKenyon everyone has to know everyone else. In Chicago there is aconstant supply of entertainment. In Gambier the men constitutetheir own source of entertainment. Theaters are farther away thanSheridan at the start of his famous ride. Dances are almost as frequentas legal holidays, but handsomely done when they do take place. Thelimited number of events brings men together at Kenyon. The mostincompatible couple on earth, if cast on a desert isle, would, I imagine,find themselves good company. A man cannot keep to himself atKenyon. In Chicago's Middle Divinity a man might starve to deathwithout the next corridor knowing anything about it."What are we going to do Saturday night?" is the burning questionasked by students of the small college. Take note that this questionmeans fellowship. Not being able to go to places to be entertained thesmall college man must entertain himself. The result is wonderful.Farmer boys, who miss milking the cows upon entering college, in twoyears feel as much at home in their dress suits at the Junior prom as ifthey had been born in them. In externals, in dress and speech, menchange more in one year at the small college than in four years at theuniversity. Many graduates of a university leave in appearance thesame as when they entered.Under these small-college conditions it is hard for the student tobecome an isolated scholar. At Chicago a man may become a grindwith not a soul to hinder him, if he be so inclined. At Kenyon, to becomea grind is indeed an accomplishment. For the grind is compelled to beagreeable. If he fails to be sociable the friction that he encountersSTUDENT LIFE IN SMALL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY 243may cause him to seek a transfer to some other institution, where hecan be as lonely as he wants. The intimacies which he makes at thesmall college also bring him many advisers. The criticisms, causticbut well meant, about his hair, clothes, and general behavior come asfreely from the general student body as from his nearest relatives.This makes of the student a good fellow, in the best sense of theterm. Entering college self-centered he leaves with a wholesome inter­est in others. He drops his selfish attitude and finds in other peoplemuch that is worth cultivating. Herein the small college does aservice for all the students which the college fraternity, in a large uni­versity, does for the few. The small college and the fraternity are bigbrother and little brother.In the development of the social qualities the small college performsits greatest service. Herein also lies a dereliction of duty on the part ofthe large university. If we ask of the small college that it turn out mendeveloped socially as well as intellectually, we may surely also ask it ofthe university. Because of its size alone the university cannot accom­plish results as well as the small college. Take the instance of our ownUniversity. While the Reynolds Club fills a need left unsupplied inmany other institutions it cannot take the place of dormitories for thosewho are forced to seek homes off the campus. Boarding-houses, nomatter how good, are the bane of the university. The man who livesin one misses one of the most precious gifts of college life.We cannot claim for the university that it enlarges the minds of itsstudents so markedly that it can be said to develop men intellectually,in contradistinction to the contention that the small college developsthem socially. Rather I would explain the university's influence as anawakening to the necessity of taking an active part in life, often for thebenefit of others. The University Settlement, I am sure, exerts aninfluence for good on every member of the University of Chicago. Butwhile the university may not give the student greater intellectual devel­opment than the small college, nevertheless it furnishes more oppor­tunity for intellectual development. Many Chicago men are forced tocarry datebooks. Hurry, hurry, hurry is the cry in the corridors ofCobb Hall. Not all of these activities are intellectual; often the betterthings which come with a reasonable amount of student activitiesare crowded out. But the Chicago hurry means that there are more thingsto do at Chicago. The more things to do, the greater the opportunityfor development. In the small college there is no such opportunity.Tell me of any small college where you do not have to go hunting for it.244 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn a school of three hundred, where is the Daily Maroon, the CommercialClub, the Pen Club, the French and German Clubs, the Pre-Legal Club,and the double score of organizations that every day whiten the bulletinsin front of Cobb with their notices?I have known several university men who, by dint of hard work alone,attained the highest positions in student life. These men belonged tono fraternity, and possessed few of the social qualities that lead toadvancement. But they worked, and, what is more important, theyhad a field to work in. In a small college these men might have gradu­ated in possession of little more prestige than when they entered asFreshmen. I am convinced that many a man who graduates from asmall college unhonored and forgotten by the student world might havebeen an influential member of the larger university community, wherehe would have had a ladder to climb.Directly into the discussion of opportunities also comes the questionraised by the poor boy. The small college, it goes without saying, hasnothing for him. There are fewer means for making money, and whathe makes he has to work harder for. I know of university men whohave been reduced to beating rugs and singing in the nickelodeums.But when has a university man ever been forced to amuse a baby attwenty cents an hour, while its mother enjoyed an afternoon of bridge?Kenyon and Chicago gave me many happy days. I trust that inusing them for my examples I have not misrepresented either by anexaggerated statement or a false conclusion.DISCUSSION AND COMMENT"THE GLORY OF GOING ON"Speaking at the annual dinner of the Chicago Alumni Club onApril 26, in the University Club, L. Brent Vaughan, '97, said:We are told that the gift which came from our generous Founder this Christmasis to be his last; if so, it is time for us, the alumni, to take a hand. Do any of youhere tonight think for a moment that the University has reached her growth; thatshe is now at her highest point of development, to go no further? Do you supposeshe is going to stand still-standing still means going backward-and these times arenot standing still; they are pushing on and on. No indeed, our University shallprogress with the times; she shall be a leader always; the generosity of her Foundershall be coupled with the gratitude of her children, and it is our fervent hope thatwhen we gather on the campus on June I7 for the first great home-coming of Chicagomen we shall lay the foundations for a movement which shall insure all the helpand protection that the University will need.Welcome indeed is the hope that Mr. Vaughan may have spoken aprophecy. Alumni activity, east and west, points the way to a greaterand stronger interest in the University. Effective co-operation withthe University on the part of the central alumni body and the variousalumni clubs bids fair to become an established fact. Nearly twentyyears ago, on July I, 1891, William Rainey Harper took his desk for thefirst time as the president of the University. In 1893 diplomas wereawarded to the first graduates; in 1896 to the first four-year class. Inless than two decades, therefore, the graduates who hold the baccalaureatedegree have come prepared to shoulder responsibilities which are as­sumed on every hand by the graduates of the older Universities. Alumniinterest in the University is no longer a fanciful theme; to workerswithin alumni ranks it is a very real, purposeful thing, ready to be crystal­lized into an active force by a movement of exceptional importance, likethe Alumni Reunion of June 17.While closer relations are being established between the Universityand alumni who have been graduated for a large number of years, itwill likewise be necessary to bring about better relations between thealumni and the Seniors who are soon to receive degrees. Althoughclasses annually present gifts to the University, none of these gifts is asrepresentative as it should be. Experience proves that frequently mem­bers of a class neglect to contribute their share of the general classassessment, delaying the matter until after convocation, and then245THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEforgetting it entirely. The lack of permanency in a class organization;the fact that gifts are voluntary and that payment of an assessment isnever urged; and also the want of any strong spirit of competition inthe making of class gifts are reasons why graduating classes give so littlethought to the usefulness of an adequate class gift. In this connectionmention might be made of the responsibilities assumed by graduatingclasses at other universities. In the Cornell Alumni News for April 19we read:An active personal canvass has been started by the Senior Pledge Committeeto raise the contribution of the Class of 19II to the Alumni Fund. The plan this yearis to have each member of the class subscribe $roo or more upon which sum he agreesto pay yearly interest at the rate of 5 per cent until the principal is paid. Unless theclass raises $25,000 none of the subscriptions is to be valid. The committee is to seeevery member of the class and make a personal appeal. Chairman A. W. Hawkes,Jr., says that the committee hopes to have the total subscriptions reach $50,000. Thefirst payment on the subscriptions is to be due on May 1,1912.The recent successful alumni meetings in the University Club, atwhich Seniors were present, have already done much to bring the alumniand Seniors closer together. In the end the alumni organization mayprove itself useful in emphasizing the value of a permanent class organi­zation and the need for keeping in touch with the University. Experi­ence in the Alumni Office shows that the graduates who are hardest tolocate, and who are least responsive to letters and solicitations formembership belong to the newest classes-to those who have been grad­uated within five years. This seems to point out that the proper timeto inculcate an alumni spirit is before the Senior class leaves the campus.It will soon be time to bring about a new tradition in the University­the tradition that the University may look to its Senior class and to itsgraduates for" the wages of going on-not to die."IN THE ALUMNI LIBRARYRecent books by alumni show a commendable activity in- every field on the partof graduates of the University. Two decades of history have already given theUniversity of Chicago a long list of writers. Once the alumni library may have beena five-foot bookshelf; now it is assuming proportions far beyond those earlier limits.It is gratifying to find that to a library so rich in treatises, texts, and reports of scien­tific investigation there are being added books of poetry and prose; it may be only amatter of a few years when the field of letters shall have equal representation withthat of science.The short-story writers of ten years ago are turning to fiction in bookform, and there is a new group of short-story writers, whose names may be foundin the pages of the magazines. Riley H. Allen, '05, has turned his experiences inHonolulu to good account and is using the rich, tropical setting of Hawaii for localDISCUSSION AND COMMENT 247color. Newton Fuessle,'o6, has published inany stories in the last year, and bids fairto become one of our most prolific authors. Delia Austrian, '98, writes entertaininglyof travel. R. Bruce Farson, ex-'o7, is a new but versatile writer for the popular maga-zines,"It is so dreary playing in the dark,With only little lamps of hope to lightThe mazes of the way."This quotation from Winnowings of the Wind, by Walter Flavius McCaleb, Ph.D.,'00, seems to epitomize the thought running through most of the poems. One wonderswhy many of the verses are so near akin, in thought and feeling, to those of A. E.Housman; why the theme is at times so full of quiet tragedy. There is not theabject despondency of the Housman verses, however. Through nearly all there isregret for a lost love, or a love that never was consummated, for one reads:She never knewMy day-star rose and set within her eyes;and ag�in: How drear and desolate are all the daysSince she sleeps yonder where the dark clouds lower.One cannot read without wondering whether the author has turned to poetry fora reason that seems disclosed in the poem" Consolation":To wake and see the undimming dawnAnd hear the lute of lightIn triumph at the daemons goneAdrift upon the night-To lure myself with languid verseThe lanes of life among;To lift myself beyond the curseOn the wide wings of song!There are over seventy songs in this booklet of 76 pages, a modest octavo volumebound in gray cloth. Not all deal with love, and the philosophy of lost love; thereare poems appreciative of nature like "The Daffodils I Knew," and "May"; poemsof places like "Dover at Dawn," "On the Mountains Overlooking Mexico," and"Palma"; and of people, like "Lafcadio Hearn." Like Stedman the author is abanker, being president of the West Texas Bank and Trust Co., of San Antonio. Hetook his degree in the Department of History , having previously secured an L.B.from the University of Texas.In The Girl Who Lised in the Woods Marjorie Benton Cooke, '99, has written astory which should appeal widely to Americans. The book is filled with the refreshingspirit of the woods and wholesome atmosphere of God's out-of-doors. The influencesgrowing out of this harvest of fresh air and whole-hearted living prove a panacea forthe marital troubles of at least one couple. Readers will like the struggle thatAnne Barrett makes to get her husband away from the artificialities of "life and socialluxuries; they will enjoy Bobby because he is a real boy; they will appreciate CeceliaCarne, the artist girl who loved and understood the great woods and the old house, andthey will respect and admire Judge Carteret and feel that he is deserving of the bestthat life affords. The Girl Who Lived in the Woods is a Chicago story, and Hillcrestis not so far away but that most of us may find it to be very real. It is a pleasure toknow that Miss Cooke's work has not ended with the Monologues, but that she hasTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEturned her gifts to fiction as well. The volume contains five illustrations in color bythe Kinneys, and bears the imprint of A. C. McClurg & Co.The Essentials of Character, a practical study of the aim of moral education,bears the name of Edward O. Sisson, '93, as author, and was published by the Mac­millan Co., a few months ago. The development of character in the young is a sub­ject that has long engrossed the attention of many writers and teachers. ProfessorSisson tells us that the book has been written in the belief that a clear comprehensionof what really makes up human character would be one of the first and best aids to theactual worker. He asserts that his ruling idea has been that character springs fromnative impulses and tendencies in the child, "which are full of power, of push andthrust, and make themselves felt; out of these original tendencies, by organizationand co-ordination, and by enlightenment, character arises. Moral education, then,must strive to make connection with these sources of power by directing the impulsesof nature into the service of human ideals."This book discusses native tendencies, disposition, habits, tastes, love of beauty,food, the personal ideal, conscience, the social ideal, religion as the essence of character,the parents' power in cultivating character, and like topics. It is less technicalthan most books on this subject and therefore should appeal more widely than bookswhich speak a language understood only by specialists in education.Of books in the field of education announced for publication this spring probablynone partakes of the importance of A Cyclopedia of Education, edited by Paul Monroe,Ph.D., '97, professor of the History of Education in Teachers College of ColumbiaUniversity. The work is to be in five volumes, of which the first, a book of 654 pages,has just been issued by the Macmillan Co. Even if Dr. Monroe were not the editorthe book would hold the interest of Chicago people, for in the list of contributors aremany familiar names. Professor Charles H. Judd has edited the department onpsychology, and separate articles have been written by George E. Vincent, Ph.D., '98,Professor James R. Angell, Professor Alexander Smith, Professor Walter Sargent,Professor John M. Coulter, and Associate Professor Otis W. Caldwell.The long list of books devoted to the study of the legends that gathered about theknights of King Arthur's Round Table receives a noteworthy addition in Sir Percevalof Galles by Reginald H. Griffith, Ph.D., 'II. Perceval is best known to modernreaders through Tennyson's Idylls of the King and Wagner's Parsifal, and is also thetitular hero in two of the best poems of the Middle Ages, Wolfram von Eschenbach'sParzival and Crestien de Troyes's Perceval, ou le Conte du Graal. The latter is aromance of the Holy Grail; and, so far as manuscript evidence shows, is the :first workthat ever made mention of that sacred and mysterious vessel. Two centuries afterthe birth of Crestien's poem, an English folk-singer, almost a contemporary of Chaucer,composed a short romance, Sir Perceval of Galles, in which he told much the same storyof Perceval as Crestien, but left no hint that he had ever heard of the Grail. Whetheror not he knew Crestien's poem has long been considered one of the most difficultproblems in mediaeval literature. Taking this problem as his point of departure, Pro­fessor Griffith compares thirty or more tales bearing on it, and uncovers a body ofevidence which proves that the English and the French poems descend independentlyfrom a common source in oral tradition. Going further, he shows how a simple. storygrew into the legend of Perceval, and attracted to itself the stories of the Grail and theSwan Knight. New light is thrown upon Wolfram's debt to Crestien, upon the birth­place of the Perceval legend, and upon numerous other points of interest.DISCUSSION AND COMMENT 249The Elementary Course in English, by James Fleming Hosie, 'or, Ph.M., '02, is apractical guide for teachers, supervisors, and parents. It presents in outline a workingtheory of elementary English, with selected references to the recent literature of thesubject. In this way the book is well fitted for individual study and for group discus­sions in normal schools, teachers' reading circles, teachers' institutes, and parents'associations. The author's long connection with the Department of English in theChicago Normal School and his experience as a teacher qualify him to speak withauthority. The work has been indorsed by the Course of Study, the official publica­tion of the Chicago Public Schools. Both this work and that of Professor Griffithare published by the University of Chicago Press.We are told by reviewers that Socialism, a book just published by the HoughtonMifflin Co., gives as fair and unbiased an account of the development of socialism inthe last one hundred years as any recent publication in that field. The author of thisnewest volume is Oscar D. Skelton, Ph.D., '08, who has recently contributed to theJournal of Political Economy a paper entitled "Canadian Reciprocity." The workwon the Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize. Dr. Skelton is professor of political scienceat Queen's University in Kingston. The book is characterized as "an estimate of themost significant contributions made to socialist theory and practice during the pastcentury."A new textbook in geology has just been published by Eliot Blackwelder, 'or, nowassociate professor of geology in the University of Wisconsin, and Harlan H. Barrows,associate professor of geology and geography in the University of Chicago. Elementsof Geology is described as "an introductory course in geology, complete enough forcollege classes, yet simple enough for high school pupils. It seeks to give the studentan understanding of the general principles and processes of the science, a few of itsfundamental facts, an interest in the subject, and especially training in clear thinking."Three-fifths of the book is devoted to physical geology, and the remainder to historicalgeology. There are 485 figures and 16 colored plates.A SUMMARY OF RECENT BOOKS BY ALUMNIThe Essentials of Character, by Edward O. Sisson, '93. 2I4 pages, octavo, cloth,$1.00 net. The Macmillan Co., New York.The Girl Who Lived in the Woods, by Marjorie Benton Cooke, '99. 430 pages,octavo, cloth, $r .50 net. A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago.Winnowings of the Wind, by Walter Flavius McCaleb, Ph.D., '00. 76 pages,octavo, cloth. Privately printed.The Elementary Course in English, by James Fleming Hosie, 'or, Ph.M., '02.152 pages, romo, cloth, 82 cents. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.Socialism, by Oscar D. Skelton, Ph.D., '08. 329 pages, r zmo, $1.50 net. Hough­ton Mifflin Co., Boston.Sir Perceval of Galles, by Reginald H. Griffith, Ph.D., 'II. 138 pages, royaloctavo, cloth, $1. 35. The University of Chicago Press.Elements of Geology, by Eliot Blackwelder, '01, and Harlan H. Barrows. 475pages, r zmo, cloth, $1. 40. American Book Co.The Psychology oj Religious Experience, by Edward S. Ames, Ph.D., '95. 400 pages,octavo, cloth. Houghton Mifflin Co.A Cyclopedia of Education, by Paul Monroe, Ph.D., '97. In five volumes: VolumeI, 654 pages, cloth, $5.00. The Macmillan Co.GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESSOLOMON T. CLANTON, '83In an address before the Y .M. C.A.of Selma University, at Selma, Ala.,Solomon T. Clanton, '83, dean of theTheological Department, gave a shortresume of the University's past develop­ment, and spoke of its present needs.The graduates total 450, over half ofwhom have finished within the pasteight years. Among the professionsrepresented are those of medicine,dentistry, the ministry, law, teaching,and journalism. Several are mission­aries, and the farmer and merchantclasses are represented. Over 600students are enrolled this year. TheUniversity is greatly in need of a theo­logical building, and it is hoped thatthe necessary $12,000 will soon be con­tributed by friends of Negro educationin the South.Mr. Clanton has long been a leaderin education at Selma.CHICAGO ALUMNAEThe members of the Dramatic Circleand Glee Club of the Chicago CollegeClub presented a play, The Chinese Lan­tern, by Lawrence Houseman, in theFine Arts theater, on the afternoon ofApril 29. The proceeds were placed inthe club endowment fund. The studioscene, costume, and action were char­acteristicallyoriental. Among those hav­ing speaking parts were Miss AgnesWayman, '03, as Mrs. Olougtsi, EleanorHall, '08, a student, and ElizabethRobertson, '09, as Tikipu. FrancisMontgomery, '07, chairman of the GleeClub, directed the musical program.EDWARD O. SISSON, '93At the convention of the ReligiousEducation Association at Providence,R.I., on February IS, Professor EdwardO. Sisson, '93, of the University of Wash­ington, delivered an address on the topic,"An Unusual Opportunity for Religionin the Public Schools."CHARLES A. HUSTON, '02Charles A. Huston, '02, has beenpromoted from associate professor to professor of law at Leland StanfordJunior University. The appointmentwas announced on March 13.AUGUSTUS R. HATTON,'07Augustus R. Hatton, Ph.D., '07, nowprofessor of political science in WesternReserve University, has been made amember of the executive committee of theMunicipal Association of Cleveland.Professor Hatton is chairman of thecommittee of the Chamber of Com­merce which recently urged, in a specialreport, an increase in Cleveland's policeforce.A NEW COLLEGE PRESIDENTDr. G. J. Nunn of Amarillo, Tex., hasaccepted the presidency of John TarletonCollege at Stephenville, Tex. Dr. Nunntook graduate work at the Universityin the summer of 1898, besides havinghad graduate work at the University ofTexas and at Leipzig. He has beenpresident of the Alexander CollegiateInstitute at Jacksonville, Tex., and of theDallas Female College and PolytechnicCollege at Fort Worth, Tex.ALUMNI IN FOREIGN WORKAmong a large company of missionariesof the Methodist Episcopal Church whosailed from San Francisco in Februarywere several University graduates. Inthe party were John H. Korns, M.D.,Mrs. Korns, and their daughter Mary, ofChicago, and Ernest M. Johnstone, M.D.,of San Dimas, Cal. Dr. and Mrs. Kornsare both natives of Ohio, graduates ofOhio Wesleyan University, and StudentVolunteers. Dr. Korns received thedegree of Master of Science from theUniversity in 1906, and the degree ofDoctor of Medicine from Rush MedicalCollege in 1909. Dr. Johnstone, a na­tive of Canada, received the degree ofDoctor of Medicine in 1909.THE ANNUAL REUNIONDetails of the plans for the reunion ofChicago men at the University on JuneIS, 16, and 17 were made public at theannual dinner of the Chicago AlumniGENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESClub on April 26. L. Brent Vaughan,'97, chairman of the Alumni Day Com­mittee, announced that graduates wereplanning to come to Chicago from manyparts of the United States for the reunion.On Thursday, June 15, the annualbanquet of the Order of the C will beheld. This organization is made up ofmen who have been awarded the "C"for athletic prowess and faithful workon the teams. The men who have beennewly elected to wear the " C " willreceive it at the hands of Director A. A.Stagg.On Friday, June 16, the seventeenfraternities will give reunion dinners intheir homes and then march to Hutchin­son Court on the campus of the Uni­versity for an interfraternity "sing."It is planned also to hold a reunion ofall former members of the Glee Club,the Tiger's Head, and the Blackfriars.The principal events will take placeon Saturday, June I7. The alumni willappear on the campus in costume appro­priate to their classes. Graduates of thefirst University of Chicago will wear thelong coats and high hats prevalent in thesixties and seventies of the last century.The newer classes are expected to appearin costumes depicting various phases inthe history of the city of Chicago and theUniversity. In the afternoon the alumniwill proceed in a body to Marshall Fieldto attend the final game in the seriesbetween the baseball teams of WasedaUniversity of Tokyo, Japan, and theUniversity of Chicago. At 6 o'clockall men will gather in the Frank Dickin­son Gymnasium for dinner. This isbelieved to be the only building largeenough to hold the crowd expected to bepresent. At the dinner the alumni will beentertained by vaudeville performanceson a stage built at one end of thegymnasium. In the evening all presentwill proceed to Marshall Field, wherethere will be a pyrotechnic displaypicturing historic scenes and emblemsof the University and showing portraitsin fire of men prominently connected withthe institution since its foundation.JOSEPH PEDOTT, '07The latest appreciation of the abilityand attainments along sociological linesof Joseph Pedott, '07, comes in the formof an appointment to the superintend- ency of the Chicago Hebrew Institute.The Chicago Israelite of January 28,19II, said:Dr. Pedott, who is only thirty years of age,although born in Russia, may be called a"Chicago product," having received his earlyschooling here, graduating from grammar andhigh schools in this city and graduating fromthe University of Chicago in 1907, with thedegree of Ph.B. From there he went toBerlin, specializing in economics, includingsociology and the allied subjects of finance,history, and philosophy. In addition he tooka course in the Theological Seminary atBerlin, and also received the degree of Ph.D.from the University of Berlin. Dr. Pedotttraveled quite a while through Germany,studying sociological conditions there withspecial reference to tenement housing,industrial insurance, etc.Paris was his next objective point, and therehe took a course at the Sorbonne. He hastraveled extensively, having studied socio­logical work in Austria, Switzerland, andEngland.Dr. Pedott organized the MaimonidesClub at the University, the aim of whichis to study the history of the Jews. Hehas been assistant superintendent of theUnited Hebrew Charities, manager of theUnited Hebrew Employment Bureau,and closely affiliated with many otherJewish societies.JACOB BILLIKOPF, '04Three years ago Jacob Billikopf wascalled to Kansas City to become super­intendent of the United Jewish Charities.Since that time he has established forhimself an enviable reputation as aworker and organizer for the publicgood. This is shown by the followingclipping from a Kansas City newspaper:In the three years that he has been in thecity Mr. Billikop£ has become an importantfactor in public affairs. Under his directionthe valuable Jewish educational work hasbeen provided with a . worthy permanenthome. It is largely due to his efforts thatnight schools have been opened. As a mem­ber of the Board of Public Welfare he hasbeen a resourceful worker for the commongood. That the way is open to such a careeras Mr. Billikopf's is a cause of congratulationto this democratic Western city. It wouldbe a great pity if the town should lose hisservices just at a time when they promise tobe of the most value.REUNION AT MOBILEAlumni and former students of theUniversity who attended the meetingTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof the Department of Superintendenceof the National Education Associationon February 23 and 24 in Mobile, Ala.,have formed an organization which willhold a reunion whenever this depart­ment meets. The alumni dinner atBattle House in Mobile was attended bythe following:William H. Allen (A.B. '98), 261 Broadway,New York.Bird T. Baldwin (Faculty 1909-10), StateUniversity, Austin, Tex.Mary Berry (Sum. '10), Pensacola, Fla.George Briggs (Sum. '07), Washington,D.C.M. L. Brittain (Sum. '98), Atlanta, Ga.J. Stanley Brown, Joliet, Ill.Jesse D. Burks (Ph.B. '93), Philadelphia,Pa.Gail Calmerton (S.B. '03), Fort Wayne,Ind.w. C. Campbell (Ph.M. '10), Niles, O.C. P. Cary (B.S. '99), Madison, Wis.William Stanmore Cawthorn (A.B '06),Pensacola, Fla.R. B. Daniel (Sum. '95, '98, '99, '00, '01),Columbus, Ga.B. M. Davis (Ph.D. '10), Oxford, O.W. F. Dearborn (Faculty), Chicago.C. E. Douglass (Ph.B. '99), Aurora, Ill.Frederick Eby (1895-97), Austin, Tex.Annie L. Fant (Sum. '96, '98, '06, '07),Columbus, Miss.George E. Fellows (Faculty 1895-'02).Winifred E. Garrison (B.D. and Ph.D. '97),Agricultural College, N.M.Frank P. Graves (1901-4), Columbus, O.S. L. Heeter (Ph.B. '04), St. Paul, Minn.W. R. Hornblower ('II), Chicago.Charles Hubbard Judd (Faculty), Chicago.Grant Karr, Los Angeles, Cal.Paul G. W. Keller (S.B. 'or), Appleton,Wis.C. N. Kendall (Faculty), Indianapolis, Ind.Rosa Belle Knox ('07-'09), Covington, Ga.Alfred Livingston (Sum. '95, '07, '08, '09,'10), Henderson, Ky.Frank A. Manny (' 96-' 97; Sum. '02),Kalamazoo, Mich.F. E. Matheny (Sum. '03, '04; Spr. '04,'oS, and Sum. '08), Berea, Ky.Newman Miller ('94-'98), Chicago.Paul Monroe (Ph.D. '97), New York City,N.Y.E. C. Moore (Ph.D. '98), New Haven,Conn.Walter Piety Morgan (Ph.M. '09), Chicago.J. F. Nuner ('00-'02, '09), Mishawaka, Ind.Susie V. Powell (Sum. '05; Sum. '06),Jackson, Miss.Samuel Chester Parker, Faculty, Chicago.James H. Risley (Ph.M. '10), Mt. VernonInd.Walter Sargent (Faculty), Chicago.J. H. Van Sickle (Faculty), Baltimore, Md. THE ALUMNI CLUBSNEW YORKA regular meeting of the EasternAlumni Club was held on April 29, inNew York City.SIOUX CITYA meeting of the Sioux City AlumniClub will be held the latter part of Mayor early in June. Arrangements are nowbeing made by Charles W. Britton, '01.MILWAUKEEThe annual business meeting andluncheon of the Milwaukee Alumni Clubwas held at Gimbel's Grill Room inMilwaukee on Saturday, May I3, atI2 :30 P.M.MARIAN L. SHOREY, '09SecretaryMilwaukee, April 27, I9IIDES MOINESAt the Drake relay carnival, held inDes Moines on April 22, the Des MoinesAlumni Club purchased a block of fiftyseats and organized a real Chicago"rooting club." After the race thevictorious Chicago team and DirectorStagg were entertained at an eveningreception.JAPANAssociate Professor Daniel P. MacMil­lan, Ph.D., '99, of the Department ofPsychology, is in receipt of a letter fromAlfred T. Howard, a correspondencestudent of the University, at Tokyo,Japan, telling of a meeting which theAlumni in Japan held the first week ofMarch, in Tokyo. An invitation wasextended to all who had been graduatedfrom the University or had matriculated.Those present at the reunion wereAlfred W. Place, Ph.B., '03, D.B., '02,and Mrs. Place, Ph.B., 'OI; Eija Asada,Ph.D., '93, the first man to get a doctor'sdegree from the University; HarryBenninghoff, Ed.B., '06, A.M., '08;Toru Satu, Ph.M., '07; Ernest w.Clement, A.B., '80; and Charles H. D.Fisher, A.B., '74, D.B., '77.GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESCHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUBThe Spring meeting of the AlumnaeAssociation of the University of Chicagowas held on Saturday afternoon, April 8,at Green Hall with Miss Marion Talbot.About seventy-five members were presentand enjoyed the talks by Miss Perry,Miss Wayman, and Mrs. MacClintock onthe advantages and possibilities in acombined gymnasium and club-house forwomen at the University. Miss Talbotserved tea at the close of the program.The next meeting will be held on theSaturday before Convocation in June,and will be the usual breakfast a t theQuadrangle Club. All women graduateswho live in Chicago are invited to themeeting, a special invitation being ex­tended to the Class of 1911. Acceptanceof the invitation signifies a desire to jointhe Association.HAZEL D. KELLY, '08SecretaryChicago, May 4, I9IIINDIANAPOLISPresident Harry Pratt Judson was theguest of the Indianapolis Alumni Clubat dinner on Saturday, April 22, in theDenison Hotel. This was the firstgeneral meeting of the alumni in Indian­apolis and we had a delightful evening.The temporary organization was madepermanent with the following officers:President-Emsley W. Johnson.Secretary-Harold R. Kingston.President Judson made an excellentaddress. Professor James B. Garner, ofWabash College was toastmaster. Presi­dent Robert Kelly, of Earlham College;President C. H. Hall, '72, of FranklinCollege; Professor R. B. Moore, of But­ler College, and several members of thefaculty of DePauw College; also severalmembers of the faculty of ShortridgeHigh School and the high schools fromcities surrounding Indianapolis werepresent.We believe that the foundation is laidfor an excellent alumni club in this cityand that from now on our meetings willbe successful. Mr. Kingston, our newsecretary, is with the Shortridge HighSchool.EMSLEY W. JOHNSONIndianapolis, April 26, I9 I I 253CINCINNATIThat members of a university facultyshould take part in politics and every otherform of endeavor which has to do with thegood of a community as a whole was astatement made by President HarryPratt Judson in his address to the Cin­cinnati Alumni Club on April 2 I. ThePresident spoke at a dinner at the Uni­versity Club, which preceded the organi­zation of the Southern Ohio AlumniAssociation of the University of Chicago.He drew a distinction between politicsas such and "factional politics," which,he asserted, were aimed "to get oneman in and another man out" of office.He urged those present to achieve"service" and declared that "not greatendowments or magnificent buildingsconstitute the glory of a university,"but that its success must be measured bythe number of " clean and honorablemen and women" whom it graduates.President Judson was welcomed byPresident Dabney of the University ofCincinnati, the Rev. Frank Miner, headof the University Settlement, and othersof the local alumni. The formal workof organizing the new club resulted in theRev. A. W. Fortune, '05, of Walnut Hillsbeing elected president. Thirty-twoformer students were present. The din­ner was arranged by the Rev. A. W.Fortune, '05, Jessie B. Strate, '09, andFred W. Carr, ex-too.MINNEAPOLISGeorge E. Vincent, Ph.D., '98, wasformally welcomed at Minneapolis byOric O. Whited, '05, president of theTwin City Alumni Club, on April I, theday he took office as president of theUniversity of Minnesota. The projectof a general greeting by University ofChicago alumni upon Mr. Vincent'sarrival was abandoned at the request ofthe graduates of Minnesota, who plannedto do the new president honor at somefuture time. Mr. Whited, however, feltthat the occasion demanded the presenceof a representative of the alumni cluband found himself the only person presentto greet Mr. Vincent. The St. PaulDispatch gives the following account ofthe incident:o. O. Whited, 1206 Fifth street southeast,Minneapolis, president of the Twin CityAlumni Association of the University of254 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEChicago, met Dr. and Mrs. Vincent at thestation at 8 o'clock this morning in an auto­mobile, decorated with the maroon banner ofthe institution from which the new executivecame. Mr. Whited took them to the Radis­son hotel for breakfast, and from there to theuniversity. At the president's office he askedDr. Northrop to join him and Dr. Vincent inthe machine, while a photograph was taken.Dr. Northrop drew back with ali expres­sion of mock horror:"What!" he cried, "would you try toalienate me from my own institution?Away!" and he strode back into the officethat was his no longer.Mr. Whited's greeting was as follows:"On behalf of the University of Chicago,its splendid president, and the alumni ofthe institution I deliver you into thetender mercies of the regents, and intothe rough arms and loyal hearts ofMinnesota's aggregation of football olies,and tender you a most hearty invitationto meet with your best friends, the TwinCity Alumni Club of the University ofChicago, at a banquet where the air shallresound with 'Chicago-Go!' "Mr. Whited has mailed the Secretarya photograph showing Mr. Vincent seatedin the automobile decorated with theChicago colors, and another of Mr.Vincent shaking hands with PresidentNorthrop, in a very characteristic way.Both photographs will be placed in theAlumni Room.THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THECHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBNearly 140 alumni, former students,and guests gathered in College Hall ofthe University Club on Wednesday,April 26, for the annual dinner of theChicago Alumni Club. The number wasconsiderably larger than the year beforeand the meeting was fully as enthusiastic.Guests of honor were Director A. AlonzoStagg and Professor Charles E. Merriam,and members of the track, basket-ball,and baseball teams. The increase inattendance at every meeting of the Club,the enthusiastic reception given to thespeakers, and the cordiality and goodfellowship expressed on every hand havebeen a source of extreme sa tisfactionto the officers and their co-workers, andhave resulted in a general a wakening oftrue alumni spirit in Chicago.Probably the most important eventof the evening was the address in which L. Brent Vaughan, '98, chairman of theAlumni Day Committee, gave the detailsof the joyous home-coming of Chicagomen, which will take place on theUniversity campus June IS, 16, and 17.Prolonged applause at the close of Mr.Vaughan's talk showed with what favorthe plans were regarded. No less en­thusiastic a reception was accorded Pro­fessor Merriam and Director Stagg, theformer relating anecedotes of the mayor­alty campaign, and the latter tellingbriefly of the work of the teams. Itwas still early in the evening when the'97 table sang this song, to the melodyof "Maryland, My Maryland":Oh, Merriam, Our Merriam,Merriam, Our Merriam,Oh Merriam, Our Merriam,Merriam, Our Merriam:What though the path be long and wide,What though you stay some time outside,Oh Merriam, Our Merriam-Full Professor Merriam!In accordance with club custom everyspeaker was made to stand on his chair.Director Stagg was the first man sohonored. Each member of the athleticteams was put up "for approval."Captains Sauer, Rogers, and Collingsspoke in behalf of their teams. WilliamFrance Anderson, '99, read a paperbringing the adventures of Mr. Dooleydown to date. Donald R. Richberg, '01,presented in humorous fashion theadventures of the alumni member of theBoard of Physical Culture and Athletics.At the business meeting which fol­lowed, the Club nominated DonaldRichberg, 'or, William France Anderson,'99, and Daniel Trude to represent thealumni on the Board of Physical Cultureand Athletics. The appointment ismade annually by the President of theUniversity.Secretary Paul Harper, '08, reportedthat the assets of the Club were $8. ISwhen he took office a year ago, and $12 . 20at the present time. The receipts dur­ing the year were $307.00; the expendi­tures, $294.80. Owing to the fact thathe may be out of the city during part ofnext year, Mr. Harper declined re-elec­tion, although renominated. The officerschosen were:President-William France Anderson, '99.Vice-President-Joseph J. Pegues, '10.Secretary-Treasurer-William J. Mc-Dowell, '02.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryProfessor Arthur W. Smith, of thedepartment of mathematics in ColgateUniversity, Hamilton, N.Y., was aboutto sail for Europe on a leave of absence,when the sudden death of Mrs. Smith inFebruary interrupted his plans. Hehas been at Colgate since taking hisdegree in 1904.Professor Edward A. Bechtel, '00, ofTulane University, New Orleans, isassistant director of the summer session.He was formerly instructor in Latinat the University of Chicago.George D. Birkhoff, '07, has recentlybeen promoted to a full professorshipin mathematics at Princeton University.At the recent meeting of the AmericanMathematical Society held in Chicago,the following doctors of the Universitytook part in the program: H. E. Bu­chanan, '09, instructor at the Universityof Wisconsin; R. L. Moore, '05, in­structor at Northwestern University;N. J. Lennes, '07, instructor at Colum­bia University, and W. D. MacMillan,'08, F. R. Moulton, '00, and L. E. Dick­son, '06, of the University of Chicago.Miss Isabelle Bronk, '00, is enjoying asabbatical year abroad studying inFrance and Spain. Dr. Bronk is pro­fessor of Romance languages at Swarth­more College.Frederick G. Henke, 'II, is professorof philosophy and psychology in theUniversity of Nanking, China.Clinton R. Stauffer, '09, has beenelected associate professor of geologyat "Western Reserve University, Cleve­land, Ohio. He was until recentlyassistant professor of geology at theSchool of Mining, Kingston, Ontario.Miss Mary Sinclair, '08, who is assist­ant professor of mathematics at OberlinCollege, was in Chicago attending themeetings of the American MathematicalSociety on April 28.Miss Laetitia M. Snow, '04, hasbeen promoted from an instructorshipto an assistant professorship of botanyat Wellesley College.Miss Katharine Blunt, '07, is instructorin chemistry at Vassar College, Pough­keepsie ,N.Y. Le Roy D. Harvey, 'oS, is professorof biology in the Western State NormalSchool at Kalamazoo, Mich.Miss Frances G. Smith, '06, hasbeen promoted from an instructorshipto an associate professorship of botanyat Smith College, Northampton, Mass.Elmer C. Griffin, '03, professor ofhistory and political science at WilliamJewell College, Liberty, Mo., is thesecretary-treasurer of the Missouri Bap­tist Historical Society.Amy E. Tanner, Philosophy, '98, ishead of the department of experimentalpedagogy in the Children's Institute ofClark University.George C. Sellery, History, '01, isnow full professor of history at the Uni­versi ty of Wisconsin.Russell B. Opitz, Physiology, 'oS, ishead of the department of physiologyin the College of Physicians and Surgeons,Columbia University, New York City.Herbert H. Bunzel, Physiology, '10,is in Washington, D.C., connected withthe Department of Agriculture as bio­chemical expert in the Bureau of PlantIndustries. Dr. Bunzel is an enthusi­astic believer in the Doctors' Association.The new Directory shows that there arefifteen other members of the Associationin the District of Columbia. This shouldbe a good place for the organization of aChicago Doctors' club.Gerald D. Heuver, New Testament,'00, is pastor of the South PresbyterianChurch at Galena, Ill.Ernest Talbert, Philosophy, '09, isnow Assistant in the Department ofPhilosophy in the University of Chicago.He is also conducting an investigationinto the effect of juvenile occupationsupon those boys and girls of the stock­yards district who leave school to go towork. An article entitled "Two ModernSocial Philosophies" was contributedby Dr. Talbert to the October (I9IO)number of The International Journal ofEthics.Ralph E. Sheldon, '08, is assistantprofessor of anatomy in the medicaldepartment of the University of Pitts­burgh.255THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONNEWS FROM THECLASSES1870Delevan DeWolf is correspondingsecretary of the New Jersey BaptistConvention, with offices at 825 BroadSt., Newark, N.J.1894Alfred S. Northrup is in the office ofthe solicitor of the Department ofAgriculture, Washington, D.C.Samuel D. Barnes now lives in Hono­lulu, Hawaii.1898Franklin D. Elmer, formerly of Win­sted, Conn., is now pastor of the FirstBaptist Church of Poughkeepsie, N.Y.1900Robert L. Hughes should be addressedat 1543 Sherwin Ave.Frank O. Horton has equipped aranch near Buffalo, Wyo., for guestswho may go there to hunt and fish andto enjoy horseback riding and camp lifethe year around. He has a hunting andfishing lodge in the Forest Reserve inthe Big Horn mountains. He expectsto entertain visitors from many partsof the country and will be glad to wel­come University alumni.1901Ralph H. Rice resides at 1007 Thir­teenth St., Willmette, Ill.Donald R. Richberg lives at 5819Washington Ave.Arthur E. Bestor should be addressedat 5704 Kimbark Ave.1902Laura T. Brayton resides at 2129Prairie Ave.Paul D. MacQuiston's address isP.O. Box 380, New Orleans, La.Harvey M. MacQuiston, formerlysuperintendent of labor at Sanborn,Vera Cruz, Mex., is now in Van Vleck,Texas.Arthur C. Jacobus resides at 2151Warren Ave.I904The address of Franklin C. Doneckeris now 4II4 West End Ave. Dr. Walter W. Hamburger has anoffice at ISO Michigan Ave.Maud E. Lavery lives at 533 EastThirty-sixth St.1905Caroline L. Judd lives at 3802 NorthForty-first Court, Irving Park.1906Louis M. Sears resides at 5610 MadisonAve.Frank M. Hultman has removed hisla w offices to the Mills Building, SanFrancisco, Cal.Howard L. Willett and Mrs. GraceWilliamson Willett, '07 , have movedfrom 4402 Vincennes Ave. to 207 EastChestnut St.I907Albert B. Houghton is a partner in thelaw firm of Houghton, Neelen & Hough­ton, with offices in the Germania build­ing, Milwaukee, Wis.Grace S. T. Barker should be addressedat the St. Agnes School, Albany, N.Y.Guy C. Crippen, pastor of the Baptistchurch at Wausau, Wis., pursues gradu­ate work in the University.William V. Lovitt, II7I Brooklyn Ave.,Detroit, Mich., is employed on a GrandRapids newspaper.1908Gustaf Petrus Lagergren has resignedhis position as teacher in the high schoolof St. Cloud, Minn., and is now residingat 2234 Fairfax Ave., .Morgan Park, IlLHugo Bezdek, who so successfullycoached the football team of the Uni­versity of Arkansas the past season, hastaken the initiative toward organizinga conference of the principal colleges inthe southwest.Katherine E. Forster no longer residesat Richmond, Ky. The secretary wishesto know her new address.Jose W. Hoover has opened law officesat No. 82, New York Life building,Chicago, Ill.1909Lee J. Levinger lives at 2362 SouthElm St., Cincinnati, O.Edith R. Hull resides in St. Louis,Mo., at 4261 Washington Blvd.William P. MacCracken, Jr., who isgathering statistics at the Illinois state256THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONcapital for use by Dean Hall in the pub­lication of a law book, may be addressedat 2ll E. Capitol St., Springfield.Alvin F. Kramer is employed in thebond department of the Harris TrustCompany.Fountain P. Leigh has resigned hisposition as musical director of the CentralUniversity of Iowa, Pella, la.1910Charles W. Collins lives at 904 WilsonAve.Elezear R. Bowie may be addressedin care of the Hahnemann MedicalCollege, Philadelphia, Pa.Bradford Gill has returned to Chicagofrom his ranching expedition to Arizona,and expects to remain here in business.Nova J. Beal, 2709 College Ave.,Berkeley, Cal., is taking post-graduatework in the University of California.Lucia E. Raymond resides at 7I West3d Street, Peru, Ind.Ralph Cleary and Joe Pegues, '10,both members of the baseball team whichtook the recent trip to Japan, havereturned to Chicago. Cleary attendedthe annual dinner of the New Yorkalumni.Anna T. A. Glerum is teaching in theLake Erie College at Painesville, O.Marcus D. Richards has moved from5828 to 5729 Woodlawn Ave.Jeanette E. Graham now resides atCarbondale, Ill.19IIHarper McKee is working for theMaster's degree in science.Albert Sabath, at present a studentin the Law. School, is the author of aplaylet, "Delsarte," presented by theDeborah Club.Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Fitzgibbonare at home at 6242 Washington Ave.,Chicago.ENGAGEMENTS'98. Allen T. Burns and Jessie G.Wadsworth of New York. Miss Wads­worth is president of Smith CollegeAlumnae Association.'09. On May 27, at the home of thebride's mother, 1230 East 47th St., MissMarguerite Proby will be married toJohn Hardy of London. Among thebridesmaids will be Miss MarjorieWolfenden and Miss Eva Leonard, bothof I909. The young women are membersof the Sigma Club. 257'r2. Thomas P. Hamm, Jr., ex, 4512Grand Boulevard, and Miss HarrietteHildreth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Harry Hildreth, Jr., 608 GrovelandPark, will be married at 8: 30 P.M., June7, in the Gold Room of the CongressHotel. Joseph Borden, ex-lr r , will bethe groomsman. They will be at homeafter September I, at 1229 East 53rd St.MARRIAGES'04. Charles Forest Leland, A.B.,son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leland of1437 East Sixty-sixth St., and AdelineE. Bouton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Charles L .Bouton of 6003 WoodlawnAve., at the Woodlawn Park PresbyterianChurch, on April 21. Kenneth B. Millerwas best man, and the ushers wereTheodore B. Hinckley, '04, and SamuelLeland, Jr. Frank A. Tuttle was masterof ceremonies. The bride is a graduateof the Hyde Park High School. Mr.Leland is a member of Delta Tau DeltaFraternity.'09. Heber Peart Hostetter, J.D., 'IO,and Florence Alma Scofield, ex, on April5 at Ancon, Canal Zone, Panama. Theywill be at home at 5463 Greenwood Ave.,after June I.'roo George C. Bliss, ex, and MaudeMartin, at the parsonage of the Washing­ton Park Congregational Church, onMarch 18. The ceremony was performedby the Rev. Frank Burtano. The groomwas a member of the University baseballteam in '07 and '08, playing second base.He is at present in the law office of RoyD. Keehn, '02, J.D., '04. They are athome at 5401 Prairie Ave.DEATHSCornelius McAuliff, first managingeditor of the Evening Post, and tillrecently managing editor of the RecordHerald, died April 10 at Michael Reesehospital. Mr. McAuliff was born inIreland in r850. He came here in I879and studied law in the old Universityof Chicago. He is survived by his wifeand one son, Dr. George McAuliff, agraduate of Rush Medical College.Professor John Charles Freeman diedApril roth, at the home of his son inTopeka, Kan. Since r879, ProfessorFreeman has been at the head of theDepartment of English at the Universityof Wisconsin. In 1868 he becameTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEassistant professor of Greek at the firstUniversity of Chicago, and in 1874 wasappointed professor of Latin..'05. Mrs. Josephine Gray Vincent,nee Thompson, died on April I I, after asevere illness, at her home at 6525Lafayette Ave.'14. Edith Gertrude McEwen died April II, at the home of her parents inCarpentersville, Ill. Miss McEwen wasin attendance at the University in theAutumn and Winter quarters, havingmatriculated in October, 19IO. Shewas taking work in the School of Educa­tion. Interment was made at Carpenters­ville.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONEDGAR J. GOODSPEED, D.B., '97, SecretaryCyrus Cornelius Adams, D.B., '76, aneditor, formerly living at I043 W. Boule­vard, may hereafter be reached at 134Claremont Ave., New York City.Orson P. Bestor, D.B., '77, has leftGalesburg, Mich., after recovering froma severe sickness, and returned to thepastorate of the Baptist church ofPrairieville, Mich.J. Q. A. Henry, D.B., '80, has justcompleted a year of evangelistic work inNew Zealand.Seymour E. Moon, D.B., '04, ofKimpese, Congo BeIge, returns to Amer­ica at the beginning of the summer.Guy C. Crippen, a member of theDivinity School in 1907-8, and sincepastor at Wausau, Wis., has been invitedto the pastorate of the Washington ParkBaptist Church, Chicago.R. L. Kelley, D.B., '08, pastor of theWashington Park Baptist Church, Chi­cago, has accepted the pastorate of theFirst Baptist Church of Pierre, S.D.,and begins his work there in May.Eddison Mosimon, a member of theDivinity School in 1909, has just pub- lished at the press of J. C. B. Mohr,Tiibingen, a work entitled, "Das Zungen­rede, geschichtlich und psychologischuntersucht."Thomas H. Cornish, a member of theDivinity School, 1909-IO, died at Men­tone, Cal., March 6, I9II.Clarence E. Campbell, D.B., 'IO,is to conduct a tour through Europethis spring and summer.Martin Sprengling, a member of theDivinity School, I907-IO, contributed tothe April Journal of Semitic Languages,pp. 233-66, an article entitled "Chrono­logical notes from the Aramaic Papyri."To the recent monograph of the Byzan­tine Research Fund on "The Church ofthe Nativity at Bethlehem," Mr. Spreng­ling contributed fresh texts of all theinscriptions in and about that ancientbasilica.The Baptist church of Moscow, Idaho,has secured as pastor Rev. David M.G. Hand, who received the degree of I909. After leaving college Mr.Hand became pastor at Anaconda,Mont. He was an active member of theAnaconda Alumni Club.UNDERGRADUATE LIFEATHLETICSAt a meeting of the captains of sixteenfraternity baseball teams, on April 26,divisions and schedules were drawn upfor the spring season. By the presentarrangement, a team must play and winthree games, to make the finals. FrankPaul has been elected to draw up rulesfor the league.The Chicago relay team, composed ofKuh, Timblin, Menaul, and Davenport,won the relay race at Omaha, Neb., onApril I, against the Michigan and N ebras­ka teams. Michigan pressed Chicagoin the early stretches, but the Chicagoteam, Davenport running last, finishedwith over thirty yards to spare. Sincethe trip was made primarily as a test ofteam strength for the Pennsylvaniarelay, no attempt was made to securepoints in the evening meet.With a different team, the Maroonsentered the Pennsylvania relay at Phila­delphia on April 29 and, after an apparentdefeat in the first two quarters, finishedin the lead, with the record time of 3 : 2 I �,within It seconds of the world's mark.A bad start by Menaul put Chicagoin the rear, Straube making up all butfive yards in the second sprint. Skinnersprang a surprise by overtaking andpassing Mercer, Penn's crack man, andfinishing five yards to the good. Daven­port ran away in the last quarter in 49}.Michigan was second and Cornell third.Tennis men are again active, with thereleveling of the courts, and fair playingweather. The return of Gifford andPaul Gardner, of last year's team, hasencouraged University followers. Green,Sellers, Sunderland, Hall, and Baldwin,all of last year's class teams, are at work,and will form a nucleus for a strongorganization.THE INTERSCHOLASTIC MEETAt a meeting of the UndergraduateCouncil on April 2 I, William P. Harmswas chosen general interscholastic chair­man. Harms will have charge of theentertainment, housing, reception, prizes,and all general committees. The detailwork of the interscholastic, which willbe held Saturday, June 10, is already wellunder way. THE SNELL HALL COOLERWith no miscarriage of present plans,the sixth annual Snell Hall Cooler will beoff the press in the early part of May.Edward Stein, editor-in-chief, and Frank­lin Fisher, assistant editor, promise toproduce a volume of more pages, illus­trations, and local hits than any pre­vious issue. The work has been handi­capped by the resignation of Lewis andSavidge, business managers, who haveleft the dormi tory. The book willcontain a history of the hall, and ahumorous roster of present occupants.THE COMMONWEALTH CLUBWith the purpose of giving studentsexperience in practical politics, the Com­monwealth Club was reorganized onApril 13. Jerome New Frank was electedpresident, Mitchell Dawson, secretary,and Milton E. Loomis, treasurer. Itwill be the policy of the new organiza­tion to follow and to assist in the workof the City Club, the Bureau of PublicEfficiency, and the Citizens' Association.It is planned to hold smokers and publicmeetings, at which men prominent inpolitics will speak. On April 2I, Mr.Herbert Sands, director of the Bureauof the Public Efficiency, spoke at thefirst smoker. The talk was mainly onthe work of his bureau, which is a con­tinuation of the Merriam Commission.HARES FOOT CLUBWith a company made up largelyof the same players who presented" Alpsburg" in 1910, the Haresfoot Clubof the University of Wisconsin presentedthe comic opera, "The Manicure Shop,"in Mandel Hall on April 28. TheodoreStempfel, Jr., and Herbert P. Stothart,who wrote the plot and music of "Alps­burg," also composed "The ManicureShop," after making a European tripfor material.DEBATING AND ORATORYIn the Freshmen-Sophomore debate,held in the court room of the Law Schoolon April 12, the Sophomore team, com­posed of Walter H. Smith of Whiting,Ind., Merl W. Reese of Davenport, la.,259260 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand Martin D. Stevens of Chicago,received the unanimous decision of thejudges. The question was, "Resolved,that a fourteen-foot waterway should beconstructed from Lake Michigan to theGulf of Mexico." The Sophomoresupheld the negative. The Freshmen­Oakley Morton, of Crown Point, Ind.,Earle A. Shilton of Kewanee, Ill., andChester F. Dunham of Chicago-lostthrough comparative inexperience anda loosely constructed case. The judgeswere Burt Brown Barker, '97, I. E.Ferguson, 'IO, and M. Markowitz.With a better constructed case, andthe same side of the question, the Fresh­men team debated the NorthwesternFreshmen at Evanston on April z r. Thedecision of the judges, unanimously infavor of Northwestern, was granted be­cause of the inability of the Chicagoteam to justify the fourteen-foot depth.In the fourth annual State oratoricalcontest of the International PeaceAssociation, held on March 3I, at North­western University, Hirsch Soble, aSophomore, won second place with theoration, "The Schools and the Uni­versal Peace." The winning oration, "War and the Man," was delivered byWayne Calhoun, of Illinois WesleyanUniversity. Prizes of $75 and $50,respectively, were a warded first andsecond places. Other participants werefrom the University of Illinois, LombardCollege, Eureka College, and the BradleyPolytechnic Institute. The winner willrepresent Illinois in the interstate contest,which will be held at Johns HopkinsUniversity in May.DRAMATICSByron Hartley was elected presidentof the University Dramatic club on April5, to succeed Hilmar Baukhage, whoseterm expired with the close of the WinterQuarter. Hartley was prominent in theaffairs of the club as business managerlast year, and took part in the play"You Never Can Tell," last quarter.The other new officers are Barrett H.Clark, business manager; Miss JosephineKern, secretary; D. L. Breed, librarian,and Miss Effie Hewitt and William F.Merrill, members of the executive com­mittee. The annual spring play, "DollyReforming Herself," by Henry ArthurJones, was performed April 2I.COUNT JOHANN HEINRICH VON BERNSTORFFIMPERIAL GERMAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED STATESConvocation Orator, June 13, 19IITHE PRESIDENT'S CONVOCATIONSTATEMENT IONE of the most interesting and important events in Chicago hasbeen the recent establishment of the Otho S. A. Sprague MemorialInstitute of this city. The great fund left by the beneficence of Mr.Sprague is to be used for the advancement of human welfare. Thedirectors have wisely decided to devote a large part of the income tomedical research. It is another evidence of sound judgment that thedirectors are planning not to use the funds to erect buildings, but toavail themselves of existing agencies for carrying out their importantpurposes. To this end the Board of Trustees of the University ofChicago has consented to the appointment of Associate Professor HarryGideon Wells, of the Department of Pathology, to the directorship ofthe medical work of the Institute. Dr. Wells will retain his position inthe University, and will carryon the work with the co-operation of theresources of the Presbyterian Hospital, of the Rush Medical College, ofthe University of Chicago, and of the Children's Memorial Hospital.This co-operation will certainly enable the funds of the Institute to beused to the largest advantage, and all will earnestly hope and sincerelybelieve that results may come for the benefit of humanity.2. Miss Helen Culver has presented the University with a bronzebust of Mr. Charles J. Hull, in whose name the fund was given for theHull Biological Laboratories. This bust will be a valued addition to theHull Group.3. By the will of the late Geheimrat A. B. Meyer, director of the RoyalZoological and Ethnological Museums in Dresden, Saxony, books fromhis library of which he was himself the author are given to the librariesof the University of Chicago. By the courtesy of Professor HugoMtinsterberg, director of the Amerika Institut in Berlin, this bequestis made available in some eighty-eight volumes which will be added toour collections. Director Meyer visited the University some yearsago, and this gift in his will is an instance of the great interest which hetook while here in the development of education and science in the newworld. It is another interesting link to bind German scholarship to thatof the United States.I Presented on the occasion of the Seventy-ninth Convocation of the University,held in Hutchinson Court June I3, I9II.273274 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE4. The members of the Holland Society in Chicago and others of theNetherlands nationality have long been desiring the establishment of achair of Dutch history, art, and institutions in the University of Chicago.To that end these gentlemen have raised a fund of $2,000 which shallbe used to establish a lectureship in Dutch institutions for the comingtwo years in the University. This gift has been accepted by the Boardof Trustees from the generous donors, and the lectureship will be estab­lished, beginning with the Autumn Quarter next. The University highlyappreciates the generosity of our Dutch fellow-citizens, and rejoices inthis beginning of what it is hoped will be a considerable addition to itsresources in this extremely interesting field.5. At the December Convocation I had the pleasure of announcingan important gift of Napoleana from Mrs. Erskine M. Phelps of this city,which was presented on behalf of Mrs. Phelps by the Rev. Dr. Frank W.Gunsaulus. I have now the pleasure of announcing a gift from Dr.Gunsaulus himself in the shape of his extraordinary and important col­lection of Japanese sword furnishings. These articles afford importantmaterial for the study of Japanese art and of Japanese history, and areaccompanied by a valuable collection of catalogues. The collectionwill be made available for the present in the Harper Memorial Library,where it is the desire of Dr. Gunsaulus that it should be kept for a time intoken of his friendship for the late President Harper. It is believed thatthis most interesting gift, whose value I shall not attempt to measure inthousands of dollars, but which is far greater in the devotion and thoroughscholarship which has brought it together, will be the foundation of anextensive Japanese museum, and will lead to a wider interest on the partof all our people in a thorough study of that great country. It may beadded that Miss Helen Gunsaulus, who has given untiring and scholarlyattention to the cataloguing of this collection, will herself be appointedCurator on behalf of the University. The University extends its cordialthanks to Dr. Gunsaulus for this generous gift, which is only one moreinstance of his unselfish interest in the advancement of art and science,and especially in the development of our University.NEW PLANS FOR ENTRANCE ANDGRADUATION AT THE UNIVER­SITY OF CHICAGOBY JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL, A.M.Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology; Dean of the Facultiesof Arts, Literature, and ScienceAs a result of two years of committee work the Faculty of theUniversity of Chicago has just adopted a new plan for entranceto the Colleges of the University, and has authorized certain fundamentalchanges in the curricula leading to its Bachelor's degrees.As far as concerns entrance the new program accords to the highschools a much larger degree of independence in the arrangement oftheir curricula than has hitherto been the case. The University willstill require fifteen units of entrance work, namely, four full years inan approved high school (from which students may enter by certificate),but it will allow much greater flexibility in the studies which the high­school students may pursue during their preparatory course.The University has been moved to make these changes largelybecause it appreciates and sympathizes with the increasing demandlaid upon high schools to meet the immediate needs of their own com­munities. In response to pressure of this kind the schools have foundit necessary to introduce a much larger amount of vocational workthan was formerly the case. The old academic subjects, rightly orwrongly, are not thought to subserve these community needs so effi­ciently as are subjects of a more practical character. In view of thismovement which is going forward in the high schools of the country,the University has come to feel that its previous entrance requirementsare out of harmony with the primary obligations of the schools in away which is undesirable for all concerned. The action which is nowtaken is not dictated by loss of numbers, for these have steadily increased.It is rather based upon a conviction that its previous practice is nolonger wise, and that the best interests of the schools and of theUniversity will be subserved by other arrangements.The University, therefore, proposes that one and only one subjectshall be hereafter specifically required of the school, namely, English,which must be pursued for at least three years. In addition to this,283THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin order to secure a desirable concentration of work, and to attain suchintellectual profit as arises from the continuous study of a single subject,it is required that a student shall pursue one topic for at least threeyears and another topic for at least two years. This is in addition tothe requirement of English. The subjects thus pursued must be selectedfrom among five groups of studies, to wit: (I) Ancient and ClassicalLanguages; (2) Modern Languages; (3) History, Economics, Civics;(4) Mathematics; (5) the Natural Sciences. Of the four entire yearsof work somewhat less than three must be devoted to work in thesegroups, together with English. The remainder of the student's timemay be devoted to any subjects which the school accepts for its owndiploma. This permits a large measure of freedom to the school tointroduce such vocational work as it may think wise, without therebyrendering it impossible for its students at the same time to prepare forcollege, and to reach a decision to go to college late in the school course.Formerly the University required a designated amount of work in aconsiderable number of subjects. It will be seen that as compared withsuch a plan the present one provides for a much larger degree of flexi­bility. The present plan does not designate the precise subjects in whichthe student must work, save in the case of English, but it does lay uponthe school the obligation to furnish a sufficient amount of solid trainingin some one of the several lines which the school or the student maydetermine, to enable the University to go on efficiently with this workas a foundation upon which its own superstructure can be firmly built.As an offset to this increased freedom the University expects hereafterto receive no students with conditions.It is no doubt understood that the University makes a carefulexamination of schools before putting them on its approved list with theprivilege of entering their students by certificate. The records made bystudents in college will be used to determine whether a school mayremain on the list.The importance of this provision can hardly be overestimated.It promises to give the University the only thoroughly satisfactoryindication of the work done by the schools, and inasmuch as it is intendedto furnish frequently to the authorities of each school a record of thestandings of the students sent by the school, it will be possible for theprincipals and teachers to be kept in the most intimate contact withthe facts in each case" Moreover, the University plans to enter upon afurther interesting experiment from which good results are anticipated.Heretofore the schools have been obliged to meet a test of personalENTRANCE AND GRADUATION AT THE UNIVERSITY 285inspection by an examining officer of the University. Hereafter repre­sentatives of the schools are to be invited to come to the University tovisit the classes in which work is done continuing that of the schools.It is hoped in this way to secure a far more helpful and intelligent co­operation between the schools and the University than has previouslybeen possible. The authorities of the schools thus far consulted haveexpressed themselves most cordially with reference to this project.The college requirements, while difficult to state with brevity intheir detail, are easily understood in the principles involved. In thefirst place a student is required to go on through the first year of hiscollege work with some subject which he has pursued extensively in theschool. He is required before the end of his second year in college tobe able satisfactorily to read some modern language other than his own.He is required to pursue, to the extent of at least three courses, the studyof his own language, both in its written and in its spoken form. Heis also obliged before the end of his second year to have pursued at leastfour courses in each of four great departments of knowledge, namely,the Languages, the Philosophical and Historical Sciences, Mathematics,or Natural Science. Before graduation he must in addition have com­pleted at least nine progressive and coherent courses in some one subjectand at least six such courses in another subject, thus affording a reason­able guaranty of concentrated work and a considerable mastery of atleast two fields of knowledge. The remainder of his work is entirelyat his own command. In practice this will generally amount to aboutone-third of his combined school and college course.It will be seen that this program contemplates obliging the studentto connect his college and high-school courses by continuing for at leastone year in the latter work begun in the former; that it obliges him todistribute his work to some extent over the more important fields ofknowledge; that it obligates him to master the rudiments of at leastone foreign language, and that it puts him under obligation to concen­trate a large amount of his work on one or more subjects before gradua­tion. It is hoped in this way to avoid, on the one hand, the dissipationof intellectual energy and interest characterizing a purely elective system,and, on the other hand, to provide for specialized work leading to theprofessions and to various vocations.Certain modifications of the plan as described are involved in thedetails (in the classical group for example), but these exceptions haveno bearing on the general principles and would be difficult and tediousto explain to one not interested in the minutiae of administration.THE EXHIBIT OF BIBLES IN HASKELLORIENTAL MUSEUMBY EDGAR JOHNSON GOODSPEED, PH.D. '97, D.B. '98,Associate Professor of Biblical and Patristic GreekIN co-operation with the Chicago Committee on the Tercentenary ofthe King James version, the University gave an exhibition of versions,editions, and manuscripts of the Bible, in the North Museum of Haskell,April 30 to May 10. The exhibit included New Testament manuscriptsof the fifth, sixth, eleventh, and fifteenth centuries, in Greek or Latin;photographic facsimiles of the principal Greek and Hebrew biblicalcodices, of the third to the tenth centuries, early printed editions ofthe Old Testament in Hebrew, the New Testament in Greek, and theBible in English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, and other languages.The ancient versions of the New Testament, Syriac, Coptic, Latin,Arabic, Gothic, etc., were fully represented, and a large number ofmodern missionary editions, chiefly in oriental tongues, were shown.In all 175 manuscripts, facsimiles, and printed books were exhibited.A very few of these were-loaned; the great majority were from thelibraries of the University, the American Bible Union Library, presentedto the Divinity School in 1886, being most largely represented.The place of honor in the exhibit was occupied by the King Jamesversion in the second issue of 161 I. All the leading English Biblesearlier than the King James were gathered in one case: Coverdale's,Matthew's, Taverner's, the Great Bible, the Geneva Bible, the Bishops'Bible. The large exhibit of facsimile editions of uncial manuscriptsshowed what a mass of ancient textual materials quite unknown to thetranslators of 1611 is now available for the correction of the biblical text.Among the incunabula exhibited were the Postillae of Nicholas de Lyra(1472), the Gtintherzainer German Bible- (1473-75), the Niedersach­sische Bibel (1482), and the Biblia Glossata (before 1483). Other booksexhibited were the Complutensian, Antwerp, London, and Paris Poly­glots, and the earliest New Testament editions of Erasmus (1516-22),Robert Estienne (1546, 1550), Beza, and Elzevir (1624, 1633). Amongthe missionary versions were shown four translations of Professors Stevensand Burton's Harmony of the Gospels in Chinese, Japanese, and Karendialects. More\"'than 1,500 people visited the exhibition, the largestattendance being on April 30, when 200 persons saw it.286THE UNIVERSITY RECORDEXERCISES CONNECTED WITH THE SEVENTY-NINTH CONVOCATIONCount Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff, Imperial German Ambassa­dor to the United States, was the Convocation orator on June 13, 19II,his address, which was given in Hutchinson Court, being entitled "TheFoundations of the German Empire." The address appears elsewherein full in this issue of the Magazine.The Convocation reception was held on the evening of June 12 inthe corridor leading from Mitchell Tower to the Leon Mandel AssemblyHall. In the receiving line were President Harry Pratt Judson; theguests of honor, Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff, the ImperialGerman Ambassador, and Mr. Harold F. McCormick, a member of theUniversity Board of Trustees, and Mrs. McCormick; the Dean of theFaculties of Arts, Literature, and Science, Professor James R. Angell,and Mrs. Angell; the Convocation Preacher, the Rev. John Clifford,D.D., President of the Baptist World Alliance, London, England; andthe Dean of Women, Professor Marion Talbot. It was one of thelargest and most successful receptions given by the University. Hutch­inson Court was especially illuminated for the occasion.DEGREES CONFERRED AT THE SEVENTY-NINTH CONVOCATIONAt the Seventy-ninth Convocation of the University held in Hutch­inson Court on June 13, 19II, fourteen students were elected to member­ship in Sigma Xi for evidence of ability in research work in science,and fourteen students were elected to membership in the Beta of Illinoischapter 01 Phi Beta Kappa for especial distinction in general scholarshipin the University.One hundred and sixteen students received the title of Associate;twenty-seven, the two years' certificate; fourteen, the degree of Bachelorof Philosophy in Education; one, the degree of Bachelor of Science inEducation; nineteen, the degree of Bachelor of Arts; one hundred andtwenty-eight, the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy; fifty-three, thedegree of Bachelor of Science; and one candidate received the re-enacteddegree of Bachelor of Philosophy.In the Divinity School four students received the certificate of theDano-Norwegian Theological Seminary, and seven students the cer­tificate of the Swedish Theological Seminary. Nine students received287288 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe degree of Master of Arts, three the degree of Bachelor of Divinity,and one the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.In the Law School eight students received the degree of Bachelor ofLaws, and seventeen the degree of Doctor of Law (J.D.).In the Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Science, thirty-onestudents were given the degree of Master of Arts; fourteen that ofMaster of Science, and eighteen that of Doctor of Philosophy-makinga total of three hundred and seventeen degrees (not including titles andcertificates) conferred by the University at the Seventy-ninth Con­vocation.HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRED AT THE SEVENTY-NINTHCONVOCATIONAt this Convocation also there were conferred honorary degreesupon two candidates, the Rev. John Clifford, M.A., D.D., LL.D.,president of the Baptist W orId Alliance, London, England, and CountJohann Heinrich von Bernstorff, Imperial German Ambassador to theUnited States, the former being presented by the Dean of the DivinitySchool, and the latter by the Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature,and Science.In conferring the honorary degree on Dr. Clifford the President ofthe University said:"JOHN CLIFFORD, minister of the gospel, faithful pastor, leader insocial betterment, and especially in the great cause of religious liberty,by authority of the Board of Trustees, on nomination of the UniversitySenate, I confer on you the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity ofthis University, with all the rights and privileges thereto appertaining;in token of which I give you this hood, and this diploma."In conferring the honorary degree on Count von Bernstorff thePresident said:"JOHANN HEINRICH VON BERNSTORFF, soldier, diplomat, author,worthily representing a friendly nation of kindred blood, by authorityof the Board of Trustees, on nomination of the University Senate, Iconfer on you the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws of this University,with all the rights and privileges thereto appertaining; in token ofwhich I give you this hood, and this diploma."UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVES IN THE WESTERN ECONOMIC SOCIETYThe Western Economic Society is a newly organized association forthe discussion of financial and other questions of national significance,and has for its officers for the year 19II-12 as president, ProfessorTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDShailer Mathews, Dean of the Divinity School; as vice-presidents, Hon.Franklin MacVeagh, Secretary of the Treasury and member of theUniversity Board of Trustees, and President George E. Vincent of theUniversity of Minnesota, formerly Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Litera­ture, and Science in the University of Chicago; as treasurer, Mr. CharlesL. Hutchinson, president of the Art Institute of Chicago and treasurerof the University of Chicago; and as secretary, Professor Leon C ..Marshall, Dean of the Senior Colleges and Dean of the College of Com­merce and Administration. Among the members of the board ofdirectors are Mr. A. C. Bartlett, of the University Board of Trustees;Professor Charles R. Henderson, Head of the Department of Ecclesi­astical Sociology; President Harry Pratt Judson; Professor J. LaurenceLaughlin, Head of the Department of Political Economy; ProfessorCharles E. Merriam, of the Department of Political Science; and Mr.Martin A. Ryerson, president of the University Board of Trustees.The first conference of the society was held at the Art Institute andat Orchestra Hall, Chicago. At its evening session at Orchestra Hallon June 3 the chief speaker was President William H. Taft, his subjectbeing" Reciprocity with Canada." President Taft was introduced bythe president of the society, Professor Shailer Mathews, who gave someaccount of the purposes of the organization. At the same sessionProfessor J. Laurence Laughlin, Head of the Department of PoliticalEconomy, gave an address on the subject of "The Economics of Recipro­city," and President Harry A. Wheeler, of the Chicago Association ofCommerce, also gave an address, his subject being "Reciprocity andCommerce."UNIVERSITY LECTURERS IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDSThe following message was contained in a cable received at the WarDepartment, Washington, D.C., from the Governor-General of thePhilippine Islands:President H. P. Judson,University of Chicago.Most successful session. Bureau of Education assembly, including directors,superintendents, and teachers greatly indebted to University for services distinguishedand able lecturers Shepardson and Goode.WHITE (Director of Education).Associate Professor Francis W. Shepardson, of the Department ofHistory, and Associate Professor J. Paul Goode, of the Department ofGeography, recently gave at Baguio, the summer capital of the Philip­pine Islands, courses of lectures before the Teachers' Vacation Assembly,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMr. Shepardson's courses being on the subjects of "Great Moments inAmerican History" and" Great Americans," and Mr. Goode's coursesdiscussing the subjects of "Geography and Education" and "Topicsin the Relations of Geography and Commerce."The Teachers' Assembly Herald, published at Baguio, PhilippineIslands, contains in its issue of May 10, 19II, an abstract of a lectureby Professor Shepardson on "American Ideas Regarding War andPeace" and also of a lecture on "Henry Clay." In other issues of thesame periodical are found abstracts of addresses by Mr. Shepardsonon "The Search for Human Freedom," "Abraham Lincoln: Master ofMen," "The Larger United States," and "Our Relations with Canada."Summaries of Professor Goode's lectures also appeared in the sameperiodical, including abstracts of his lectures on "The Rise of ScientificAgriculture," "The Social Significance of Wheat," "The Role of Capitaland Industry," and "The Institution of the Market."THE DANISH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' CHORAL UNIONOn March 22 a reception was given by the University to the DanishUniversity Students' Singing Society in the Reynolds Club, PresidentHarry Pratt Judson receiving with Associate Librarian J. C. M. Hanson,Dr. Winge, a graduate student in botany and an alumnus of the Uni­versity of Copenhagen, Assistant Professor Chester N. Gould, of theDepartment of German, and Assistant Professor David A. Robertson,of the Department of English. After the reception the program in theLeon Mandel Assembly Hall was as follows:Organ prelude-University organist.Welcome to the Danish students-President of the University.Music-Women's Glee Club.Reply on behalf of the Danish students-President of the Danish UniversityStudents' Choral Union, Mr. V. Christophersen.Music-Danish University Students' Choral Union.The response on behalf of the Danish students by Mr. Christophersenwas as follows:We Danish university students wish to express our most respectful thanks forhaving had the opportunity of making acquaintance with this world-famous Uni­versity.Our old alma mater, founded more than four hundred years ago, is the pride ofevery Danish student as the thinking and knowledge-making fountain that neverdries up.We student singers, even after finishing our studies at the university, keep con­stantly alive the connection with the university by contributing to every officialTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDsolemnity our musical performances. Each of us therefore takes a special interest ineverything concerning the intellectual progress of this country, that seems destinedto be the leading one in every department of human and social growth and develop­ment.I feel sure that I express the general opinion of all my comrade singers : Wonderand admiration of the extraordinary achievements of the American intelligence; andwe only regret that this visit is too short for getting a more intensive conception ofwhat is worth learning and imitating in this land of the future.In respectful admiration of that for which America is indebted to its universities,and with the wish that old Europe may receive more and more impulses from Americanscience, I beg you, comrades, to give to the President of this University a Danishstudent cheer. Health to the University of Chicago!The meeting was one of great enthusiasm and the singing by theDanish university students especially effective.THE ORGANIZATION OF THE OTHO S. A. SPRAGUE MEMORIALINSTITUTEThis institute was organized early in 19II, and is supported by afund donated by Mr. Otho S. A. Sprague, for many years a resident ofChicago, who died two years ago in California. The donor designatedhis brother, A. A. Sprague, his own son, A. A. Sprague, ad, and Messrs.A. C. Bartlett, J. P. Wilson, Charles L. Hutchinson, Byron L. Smith,Martin A. Ryerson, and Dr. Frank Billings as trustees of the fund.The directors have decided upon medical research as the chief objectfor which the income of the fund shall be expended, and have electedH. Gideon Wells, Associate Professor of Pathology in the University ofChicago and Rush Medical College, to direct the research in medicalproblems. The work will be done in co-operation with existing insti­tutions, namely, the University of Chicago, Rush Medical College, thePresbyterian Hospital, and the Childrens' Memorial Hospital of Chicago.The Institute will command a definite number of beds in the Presby­terian Hospital for the study of any disease under investigation.An advisory council has been appointed, consisting of Dr. FrankBillings, Professor E. R. Le Count, Professor Ludvig Hektoen, Head ofthe Department of Pathology and Bacteriology, Dr. James B. Herrick,Edwin O. Jordan, Professor of Bacteriology, Dr. Joseph Miller, andProfessor Julius Stieglitz, of the Department of Chemistry.Dr. Wells has already organized his force of workers, in the labora­tories of the University of Chicago and Rush Medical College, and workis already under way.Among those already appointed members of the research staff areDr. R. T. Woodyatt, Dr. Evarts Graham, Mr. H. J. Corper, and MissTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMaude Slye. At an early date also several fellowships will be awardedto provide for investigation in various problems concerning humanhealth and disease.OPEN-AIR PLAYS IN SCAMMON GARDENSOne of the features of the Summer Quarter to which many residentsof Chicago as well as members of the University have come to lookforward with pleasure is the annual series of open-air plays in .ScammonGardens.The Coburn Players, under the direction of Mr. Charles DouvilleCoburn, Were chosen for the series this year, which consisted of threeShaksperean plays, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, andMacbeth; Percy MacKaye's The Canterbury Pilgrims, and the Electraof Euripides, in Gilbert Murray's metrical translation. The programwas a more varied one than any previously presented at the University.A generous response may generally be expected to a creditableopen-air presentation of one of Shakspere's comedies. Performancesof other plays have been undertaken with some hesitancy. It wastherefore especially gratifying that the plays presented at the Uni­versity by the Coburn Company July 5-8 included creditable per­formances not only of Mr. MacKaye's rollicking comedy The Canter­bury Pilgrims, but of such classic tragedies as Macbeth and the Electraof Euripides.It is safe- to say that no more satisfactory presentations of plays inthe open air have ever been given at the University. The company wasa well-balanced one and appeared to equal advantage in comedy andtragedy. Particularly notable was the successful way in which therhythm of the blank verse was made effective by the players. Theweather was favorable and the audiences were large and enthusiastic.The plays were given under the auspices of the University Settle­ment League for the benefit of the University of Chicago Settlement,which will profit to the extent of several hundred dollars.LECTURES ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN HEREDITY AND EVOLUTIONA series of lectures designed to present the recent developments invariation, heredity, and evolution, and the application of this newknowledge to plant, animal, and human development and improvementwas given in Kent Theater from June 22 to July 27. The lectures wereillustrated by charts and lantern, and will later be issued in book formby the University of Chicago Press.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDProfessor John M. Coulter, Head of the Department of Botany, gavein the opening lecture a general introduction and survey of recentadvances. The second lecture, on "Variation, the Basic Factor inEvolution," was given by Associate Professor William L. Tower, of theDepartment of Zoology, who also gave the third lecture entitled "Varia­tion, Heredity, and Their Relation in the Production and Perfection ofNew Races." On July 5 Professor William E. Castle of the BusseyInstitution, Harvard University, gave a lecture on "Mendel's Law ofHeredity," and the following day a second lecture, on "Heredity,Selection, and Sex.""Inheritance and Evolution in Higher Plants" was the subject ofa lecture on July 12 by Edward M. East, Assistant Professor of Experi­mental Plant Morphology in Harvard University. His second lecturewas entitled "Plant Breeding and Improvement." On July 19 Professor.Coulter discussed the subject of "The Cytological Evidences of GermCell Constitution and Modification." Professor Tower also gaveanother lecture in the series, on "Experimental Evidences of the PhysicalConstitution and Changes in Germ Cells."Professor Charles B. Davenport, Director of the Station for Experi­mental Evolution, Carnegie Institution, gave the closing addresses, thefirst being on "Inheritance of Physical and Mental Traits in Man, andTheir Application to Eugenics," and the second being on "The EugenicSignificance of the Geography of Man. The Eugenics Movement."THE THACKERAY CENTENARYExercises in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary ofthe birth of William M. Thackeray were held in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall from July 18 to July 21. Professor Robert Herrick, ofthe Department of English, gave on the afternoon of July 18 an intro­ductory lecture on the subject of "William Makepeace Thackeray,"and on July 19 a second lecture, his subject being "The Art and Per­sonality of Thackeray."On July 20 Assistant Professor David A. Robertson, of the Depart­ment of English, gave an illustrated lecture on the subject of "Thack­eray's Drawings," in which were shown many .of Thackeray's sketchesfor Punch and illustrations for the various novels; and on the eveningof July 21 Mr. William P. Gorsuch, of the Department of PublicSpeaking, gave an interpretative reading from Vanity Fair.The exercises attracted very good audiences, and were of greatinterest and appropriateness.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE FACULTIESProfessor Shailer Mathews, Dean of the Divinity School, gave theannual Phi Beta Kappa oration at Northwestern University on June 13.Professor Robert A. Millikan, of the Department of Physics, receivedfrom Oberlin College on June 22 the honorary degree of Doctor ofScience. 'Associate Professor James Weber Linn, of the Department of Eng­lish, gave in June the commencement address at the Lake High School,Chicago.Professor Paul Shorey, Head of the Department of Greek, had in theNation of May II, 19II, a contribution on the subject of "AmericanScholarship. "The address at the class day exercises of the College of Educationon June 9 was given by Professor James H. Tufts, Head of the Depart­ment of Philosophy.President Harry Pratt Judson gave the commencement address atthe University of Michigan on June 29, his subject being "Educationand Social Progress."Professor A. A. Michelson, Head of the Department of Physics, hasbeen the exchange professor at the University of Gottingen during thesummer semester of 19II.The honorary degreee of Doctor of Science was conferred on AssociateProfessor Herbert E. Slaught of the Department of Mathematics, byColgate University, June 21, 191I.Professor Paul Shorey, Head of the Department of Greek, gave thebaccalaureate address at the University of Wisconsin on June 18, hissubject being "The Gospel of Labor."Associate Professor Gerald B. Smith, of the Department of Sys­tematic Theology, has been appointed Nathaniel William TaylorLecturer at the Yale Divinity School."Vanity Fair" was the subject of a lecture in Fullerton Hall of theArt Institute of Chicago on April 26, by Associate Professor S. H. Clark,of the Department of Public Speaking."The Scholar in a Commercial Age" was the subject of the com­mencement address at Ripon College, Wis., on June 14, by ProfessorShailer Mathews, Dean of the Divinity School."Mexico in Revolution" was the subject of a contribution in theJune issue of the World To-Day, by Associate Professor Frederick Starr,of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDProfessor John M. Coulter, Head of the Department of Botany, gaveon June I2 at the University of Illinois the annual address before thehonorary societies of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi.In the issue of May IS the Continent of Chicago had a contribution onthe subject of "Unity through Play," by Miss Mary E. McDowell,Head Resident of the University of Chicago Settlement.At the celebration of the ninety-eighth anniversary of the inde­pendence of Norway, held at Chicago on May I7, one of the speakerswas Professor Charles E. Merriam, of the Department of PoliticalScience.Director Edwin B. Frost, of the Yerkes Observatory, contributes tothe June number of the Astrophysical Journal" Observations of NovaLacertae at the Yerkes Observatory." The article is illustrated byone plate.At the meeting of the National Association of College Art Teachers,held at the University of Illinois on May 5, Professor Walter Sargent,of the School of Education, discussed the subject of "The Fine Arts inEducation.' ,Professor Ernest D. Burton, Head of the Department of Biblicaland Patristic Greek, was the chief speaker at a dinner given by the School­masters' Club of Lincoln, Neb., May I2, in honor of Chancellor E.Benjamin Andrews.The American Book Company of New York announces a Textbookof Botany for Colleges and Universities, by John M. Coulter, Charles R.Barnes, and Henry C. Cowles. Volume I includes the subjects ofmorphology and physiology.Associate Professor Edgar J. Goodspeed, of the Department of Bib­lical and Patristic Greek, delivered a series of lectures on "New Testa­ment Introduction" at the Baptist Missionary Training School, Chicago,on Mondays, April 24 to June 5.The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon PresidentHarry Pratt Judson by the University of Michigan at its commencementon June 29, I9II. At the same time the same degree was conferred uponGovernor Chase L. Osborn of Michigan.Professorial Lecturer John M. Dodson, Dean of Medical Students,gave an address in the Public Library Building of Chicago on April 29under the auspices of the Chicago Medical Society, the subject being"The Hygienic Function of the Home."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"The New World" was the subject of the commencement addressat Vanderbilt University on June 21, by President Harry Pratt Judson.On June 14 President Judson also gave the commencement address atIowa College, on the subject of "Truth.""The Lower South on the Eve of the Civil War" was the subjectof addresses by Professor William E. Dodd, of the Department ofHistory, on April 21 and 22 at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, andon April 24 and 25 at Richmond College, Richmond, Va.In the May, 19II, number of the American Journal of Sociologyappears a discussion of a "Report on Questionnaire of Committee onTeaching." Among those contributing to the discussion is ProfessorAlbion W. Small, Head of the Department of Sociology.Professor Charles E. Merriam, of the Department of Political Science,gave on June 13 in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall the annual Phi BetaKappa address before the Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.The address appears elsewhere in full in this issue of the Magazine.Judge Julian W. Mack, Professor of Law in the University of Chicagoand recently appointed a member of the new Interstate CommerceCourt by President Taft, was unanimously elected on june 12 in Bostonto the presidency of the national Conference of Charities and Corrections.Professor Ludvig Hektoen, Head of the Department of Pathologyand Bacteriology, gave an address on May 9 before the Indiana HealthOfficers at Indianapolis on the subject of "Infectious Carriers," and onthe evening of the same day he spoke on the subject of "Robert Koch."The fourth contribution on the subject of "A Graded Course inSchoolroom Gymnastics" by Dr. Julia A. Norris, of the School of Edu­cation, appears in the May number of the Elementary School Teacher,and in the June number of the same journal is a fifth contribution on thesame subject.Statesmen of the Old South is the title of a volume to be issued soonby the Macmillan Company of New York, the author being ProfessorWilliam E. Dodd, of the Department of History. The book, of twohundred and fifty pages, discusses the political leadership of Jefferson,Calhoun, and Jefferson Davis.The Chicago Association of Commerce gave, in honor of the Texasteachers attending the University of Chicago during the Summer Quar­ter, an excursion on Lake Michigan, July 7. The chairman of the ex­ecutive committee for the excursion was Professor Nathaniel Butler, ofthe Department of Education.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 297At a meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States heldat Princeton University- on April 21 and 22, I9II, Professor Frank J.Miller, of the Department of Latin, presented greetings from the ClassicalAssociation of the Middle West and South, and also read a paper onthe subject of "The Lyric Mood."At the meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association heldin Chicago on May 17, Professor William E. Dodd, of the Departmentof History, presented a paper on "Robert J. Walker, Imperialist."Professor Andrew C. McLaughlin, Head of the Department of History,is vice-president of the association.The honorary degree of Doctor of Literature was conferred uponMr. J. Spencer Dickerson, of the University Board of Trustees, byDenison University at its commencement in June, 1911. Mr.Dickerson has been for many years editor of the Standard, the leadingnewspaper of the Baptist denomination."Camp and Caravan in Ancient Ethiopia" was the subject of anillustrated open lecture giving an account of the University of ChicagoExpedition. on the Nile, by Professor James H. Breasted, of the Depart­ment of Semitics, Director of the Expedition. The lecture was givenin the Haskell Assembly Room on May 9.Associate Professor Gordon J. Laing, of the Department of Latin,who was recently honored by the Archaeological Institute of Americawith the appointment of Professor of Latin in the American School ofClassical Studies in Rome, sailed in July for Europe. His work at Romebegins in October, 19II, and continues for a year.Among those who appeared before the Illinois Legislature in theinterest of the bill for the woman's ten-hour day were Professor ErnstFreund, of the Faculty of the Law School, and Miss Mary E. McDowell,Head Resident of the University Settlement. The bill was signed byGovernor Deneen, and went into effect on the first of July.Professor Edwin D. Starbuck, of the State University of Iowa, gaveon May 18 in the Haskell Assembly Room two open lectures under theauspices of the Divinity School and the Religious Education Club, thesubject of the first being "The Sources of the Higher Truth of Revela­tion," and of the second, "An Interpretation of Adolescence."At the anniversary exercises of the Rochester Theological Seminaryon May 10 Associate Professor Edgar J. Goodspeed, of the Departmentof Biblical and Patristic Greek, gave an address on the subject of "TheTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGreek Papyri and the New Testament." Mr. Goodspeed was also oneof the committee on examinations in the English department.The first appointment to the faculty announced by President WilliamT. Foster, of the newly organized Reed College,of Portland, Ore., was thatof Professor Frank L. Griffin, a graduate of the University of Chicagoin the year 1903. Mr. Griffin received also from the University the de­grees of Master of Science in 1904 and of Doctor of Philosophy in 1906.Dr. Alonzo K. Parker, Recorder of the University and ProfessorialLecturer on Missions in the Divinity School, was recently elected atrustee of Vassar College. Dr. Parker is an alumnus of the Universityof Rochester and also of the Rochester Theological Seminary, and was amember of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago for tenyears.The opening contribution in the June issue of the School Reviewis entitled "The Harmonizing of Grammatical Nomenclature in High­School Study," by Professor William Gardner Hale, Head of theDepartment of Latin. The article gives the substance of a paperpresented before the meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Clubon April 3, 19II.At the last of a series of social meetings held by the Chicago Associa­tion of Commerce at the La Salle Hotel, Chicago, on May 29, ProfessorNathaniel Butler, of the Department of Education, was one of thespeakers. Nearly a thousand members of the association were present.Mr. Butler gave the commencement address at the La Salle High School,Peru, Ill., on June 14.On May 17 in Washington, D.C., at the meeting of the AmericanFederation of Art, Lorado Taft, Professorial Lecturer on the History ofArt, discussed the subject of "The Relations of Sculpture and Land­scape," and referred to the proposed decoration of the Midway Plaisanceat Chicago with ornamental bridges and terminal fountains representing" Creation" and "Time."The one hundred and forty-fourth contribution from the HullBotanical Laboratory, on "An American Lepidostrobus," is made in theJune, 19II, number of the Botanical Gazette by Professor John M.Coulter, Head of the Department of Botany, and Assistant ProfessorW. J. G. Land, of the same department. The contribution is illustratedby two plates and three figures.Among the new plays announced by the new Chicago Theater Societyto be given during the next season in Chicago, is one by Professor RobertTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDHerrick, of the Department of English, .entitled The Lady in the Glass.During the same season there will probably also be produced The FaithHealer, by William Vaughn Moody, formerly Assistant Professor ofEnglish Literature at the University of Chicago.At the annual election of officers of the Geographical Society ofChicago Associate Professor Otis W. Caldwell, of the Department ofBotany, was made corresponding secretary, and Associate ProfessorHenry C. Cowles, of the same department, was made recording secre­tary. Among the directors of the society is Professor Rollin D. Salis­bury, Head of the Department of Geography and Dean of the OgdenGraduate School of Science.To the April-May, 19II, number of the Journal of Geology ProfessorSamuel W. Williston, of the Department of Paleontology, makes acontribution entitled" A Restoration of Seymouria Baylorensis Broili:An American Cotylosaur." The article has one illustration. In theMay-June number appears a discussion by Assistant Professor AlbertJohannsen, of the Department of Geology, of the subject of "Petro­graphic Terms for Field Use."A new edition of A Laboratory Guide in Bacteriology, by Dr. Paul G.Heinemann, of the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology, is oneof the forthcoming books from the University of Chicago Press. Anotherbook soon to be issued by the Press is a Teacher' s Manual for First- YearMathematics, by Professor George W. Myers of the College of Education.The manual is intended to assist teachers of classes using the author'sFirst-Year Mathematics for Secondary Schools.Contributions to Medical Science by Howard Taylor Ricketts is the titleof a memorial volume by Professor Ludvig Hektoen, Head of the Depart­ment of Pathology and Bacteriology. It commemorates the scientificservices of a man who was for a number of years Assistant Professor ofPathology in the University of Chicago, and who gave up his life whileinvestigating typhoid in the City of Mexico. The volume, which isillustrated, is issued by the University of Chicago Press.In the Nation of June 8, 19II, Assistant Professor James A. Field,of the Department of Political Economy, has a contribution on the sub­ject ofthe "Western Economic Society," in which he gives an account ofthe purposes of the organization, and of the conference held June 3, inChicago, at which the chief speakers were Professor Shailer Mathews, Deanof the Divinity School; Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, Head of theDepartment of Political Economy; and President William H. Taft.300 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAt the Child Welfare Exhibit held in the Coliseum, Chicago, in May,there were among the speakers at the conferences Professor Frank R.Lillie, Chairman of the Department of Zoology, who discussed thesubject of the teaching of social hygiene; Dr. John M. Dodson, Deanof Medical Students, who discussed the subject "What We Do NotKnow about Children"; and Professor Thomas C. Chamberlin, Headof the Department of Geology, who discussed the possibilities in theuse of scientific museums.In Paris on June 29 Professor Charles R. Henderson, Head of theDepartment of Ecclesiastical Sociology, delivered an address at theopening of the first International Congress for the Extension of the Move­ment for Juvenile Courts. He explained the progress of the work inthe United States, and showed the necessity for the proper care of delin­quent children by confiding them to properly equipped institutions.Paul Deschanel presided over the congress, which was made up of dele­gates from many countries.Memorial services in honor of Dr. James Nevins Hyde, ProfessorialLecturer on Dermatology in the University of Chicago, were held atRush Medical College on June I2, and a memorial tablet was also un­veiled at the same time. The tablet was accepted on behalf of RushMedical College by Dean Frank Billings. Dr. Hyde was a memberof many scientific societies in the United States and other countries, theauthor of standard technical works, and for eight years ProfessorialLecturer at the University of Chicago."Is Jesus a Historical Character: Evidence for an AffirmativeOpinion" is the subject of a contribution in the April number of theAmerican Journal of Theology, by Assistant Professor Shirley J. Case, ofthe Department of New Testament Literature. In the same number ofthe journal is a critical note by Mr. Case on "Jesus' Historicity: AStatement of the Problem," and also a critical note by Associate Pro­fessor Edgar J. Goodspeed, of the Department of Biblical and Pa­tristic Greek, on the subject of "The Toronto Gospels."On May I3, at the banquet given to Professor Arrhenius of Stock­holm at which the Willard Gibbs gold medal was presented to the guest,the presentation speech was made by Professor Alexander Smith, ofthe Department of Chemistry, who has now become the administrativehead of the Department of Chemistry in Columbia University. Pro­fessor Smith gave an address before the scientific departments of theTHE UNIVERSITY RECORD 30rUniversity of Nebraska, May 27, on "The Balance Sheet of Science,"and also an address on May 6 at the University of Illinois on "Vaporand Dissociation Pressures."At the two hundred and tenth commencement of Yale Universityon June 21 President George Edgar Vincent ofthe University of Minne­sota, formerly Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science inthe University of Chicago, was given the honorary degree of Doctor ofLaws. President Vincent is an alumnus of Yale, of the class of 1885,and received his Doctor's degree from the University of Chicago in 1896.At the same time the same degree was conferred upon Joseph R. Lamarof Georgia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States,and Professor Josiah Royce, of the Department of Philosophy in HarvardUniversity.Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, Head of the Department of PoliticalEconomy, was in Washington early in July to urge the enactment of alaw at the next session of Congress remedying the evils of the existingmonetary system. Mr. Laughlin is chairman of the executive committeeof the National Citizens' League, recently organized among businessmen for the purpose of securing congressional action in this importantmovement. Mr. Laughlin gave on May 31 before the ways and meanscommittee of the Chicago Association of Commerce an address in whichhe opposed the idea of a central bank in the United States and asked forunion and co-operation with reference to the improvement of thepresent banking system of the country.In the April, 19II, issue of the Biblical World appears a contributionentitled "The Hebrew Text of the Old Testament" by Professor IraM. Price, of the Department of Semi tics. The article has one illustra­tion. In the same number is a contribution by Associate ProfessorEdgar J. Goodspeed, of the Department of Biblical and Paristic Greek,on the subject of "The New Testament of 16u, as a Translation."The May number of the same journal contains a professional andpopular bibliography of books for New Testament study, by AssociateProfessor Clyde W. Votaw, of the Department of New TestamentLiterature. This is the third edition of the list, which was first pub­lished in 1900. It is proposed to give a thorough revision of the listevery five years. In the June number is a contribution on "The Makingof the New Testament" by Associate Professor Edgar J. Goodspeed,and also a contribution on the "Influence of the Authorized Versionon English Literature" by Professorial Lecturer Benjamin A. Greene.302 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEACCESSIONS TO THE UNIVERSITYLIBRARIES DURING THE SPRINGQUARTER, 1911During the Spring Quarter, I911, therehas been added to the library of the U ni­versitya total number of 6,894 volumes,from the following sources:BOOKS ADDED BY PURCHASEBooks added by purchase, 4,289 volumes,distributed as follows: Anatomyy g r ; Anat­omy, Pathology, and Physiology, 3; Anthro­pology, 14; Astronomy (Ryer�on), 26;Astronomy (Yerkes), 39; Bactenology, 4;Biology, 92; Botany, 47; Chemistry, 18;Church History, 160; Church History andSystematic Theology, I; Co:nmerce. andAdministration, 4; Comparative Religion,17· Embryology, 2; English, 77; Englishand German, I; English, German, and Ro­mance, 4S; General Library, 1,426; GeneralLiterature, 2; Geography, 28; Geology, 80;German, 3S; Greek, 446; Haskell Library,30· History, 132; History of Art, S7; House­hoid Administration, 7; Latin, 193; Latinand Greek, 23; Latin, Greek, and Sanskritand Comparative Philology I; Law School,276; Lexington Hall, I; Mathematics, 37;New Testament, IS; Paleontology, I;Pathology, 2; Philosophy, 48; PhysicalCulture, I; Physics, 41; Physiology, 12;Political Economy, 21; Political Science,27; Practical Theo logy, I I; Psychology,32; Public Speaking, 4; Romance Languages,134; Sanskrit and Comparative Philology,70; Scandinavian Sell�.i�ary, 2; Sc�ool ofEducation, 380; Semitics, 37; SOCIOlogy,18; Sociology (Divinity), S; SystematicTheology, SI; Systematic Theology and Prac­tical Theology, 13; Zoology, 9.BY GIFTBooks added by gift, 2,126 volumes, dis­tributed as follows: Astronomy (Ryerson),I; Astronomy (Yerkes), 20; Bacteriology, I;Biology, 36; Botany, 16; Chemistry, 1;Church History, 124; Commerce and Ad­ministration; 3; Comparative Religion, S;English, 12; General Library, 1,020; Gen­eral Literature, II; Geographyy ro; Geology,43; German, 3; Greek, 2; Haskell Library, 30; History, IO; History of Art, I; Latin,3; Law School, 8; Mathematics, 7; NewTestament, 6; Pathology, 2; Philosophy, 2;Physical Culture, I; Physics, 7; Physiology,3; Political Economy, 16; Political Science,3; Practical Theology, 6; Psychology, 3;Romance Languages, 8; Sanskrit and Com­parative Philology, 2; School of Education,667; Semitics, II; Sociology, 8; SystematicTheology, S.BY EXCHANGEBooks added by exchange for universitypublications, 479 volumes, distributed asfollows: Anthropology. g ; Astronomy (Ryer­son), 2; Astronomy (Yerkes), 27; Biology,S; Botany, 8; Church History, 3; Com­parative Religion, 2; English, 18; Englishand German, I; English, German, and Ro­mance, I; General Library, 194; Geography,2; Geology, 2 I; Greek, 9; Haskell Library,4; History, I; History of Art, IO; Latin,4; Latin and Greek, 6; Mathematics, 17;New Testament, I; Philosophy, I; Physics,4; Political Economy, 4; Political Science,2; Psychology, I; Romance Languages, 80;Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, S;School of Education, 2S; Semitics, 7; Soci­ology, 7; Systematic Theology, 4.SPECIAL GIFTSCount Albert Apponyi, Lectures on thepeace problem and on the constitutionalgrowth of Hungary-pamphlets, ISO copies.Earl of Crawford, Bibliotheca Lindesiana,catalogue of printed books preserved atHaigh Hall, Wigan, England, Vol .. VII.Eben Lane and Fannie G. Lane, EbenezerLane Collection+-o.cco volumes.N ew York State, Department of Educa­tion, Hudson-Fulton Celebration+-a volumes.Alexander Smith, textbooks and mis­cellaneous publications=-rrig volumes andSO pamplets.United States government, documents andreports-+zca pamphlets and 166 volumes.United States government, Library ofCongress, foreign government publications-7,000 titles, miscellaneous, 488 volumes.Gaspard A. Zarandy, Les Szemere, descen­dants du conquerant Huba, un des sept duesfondateurs de la Hongrie en 899-1 volume.THE HOME-COMING OF CHICAGOMENBY HARRY ARTHUR HANSEN, '09Secretary of the Alumni CouncilALUMNI DAY, 19II, has come and gone, and the last greatillusion-that the University could not muster a body of menwith a strong vital alumni spirit-is dispelled. Some of the dreamerswho helped plan the details of the Home-Coming, like George E.Vincent, '96, who suggested it, and L. Brent Vaughan, '97, who worked itout, knew the spirit was there all the time; others, among them alumniwho never answered a call for a meeting nor mailed a "yes" on a replypostal, exclaimed with self-satisfaction on the Friday and Saturdaynights of the reunion: "We have started something, after all!" Whetherthey belonged to the old-timers who dominated everything with theirirresistible enthusiasm, or to the newer men who felt the invigoratingthrill imparted by '97 and '98, it is undeniable that those presentrealized that the many forces of alumni spirit were uniting at last tobuild up an effective organization for the good of the University.It was not thought remarkable by alumni workers that the NewEngland States and the Pacific Coast should seem better informed aboutthe Home-Coming than the business men of Chicago; that "Skeeter"Vogt of San Mateo, N.M., and Fred Steigmeyer, '97, of Salt Lake City,Utah, should register their names before ten of the city graduates hadasked for tickets. Later on, when men had come from East and West,the city responded loyally, and on the three days of the reunion manywhose names were not registered and whose time was not entirely theirown witnessed at least a part of the program. The attendance of123 "C" men at the annual dinner of their order on Thursday, June15, spoke well for the coming events; the award of the "C" button toErnest E. Perkins of Tacoma, Wash., for coming the longest distanceshowed how far away the call of Alma Mater had been heard and heeded.On Friday, June 16, over a thousand men gathered for the "sing" inHutchinson Court. Nearly 250 attended the annual dinner at 6 o'clockon Saturday evening and many more found the doors of Leon MandelAssembly Hall open to them for the vaudeville a few hours later. Whatgood the work of the Committee did among alumni who could notattend was demonstrated by the letters and remittances sent by alumni303THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfrom out of the city, who took this method of expresssing their heartyapproval of the Home-Coming.THE EIGHTH ANNUAL "e" DINNERThe eighth annual dinner of the Order of the 'C'" took place inHutchinson Hall on Thursday, June 15, being therefore the first eventin the Home-Coming series. In the customary manner the new "C"men were introduced to the old men of the Order and brief addresseswere made by visiting "C" men, the outgoing captains, and the newcaptains, It was the first occasion on which the" nineteenth-century"alumni who had come from a distance could give vent to their enthu­siasm. In this particular alone the dinner equaled, if it did not surpass,many of its predecessors. The following" Wearers of the 'C,'" werepresent:1893-R. E. Brenneman, H. G. Gale, C. S. Pike, J. E. Raycroft, H. D. Speer,A. A. Stagg, L. B. Vaughan, R. W. Webster, A. R. E. Wyant.1894-C. von Bachelle, G. A. Bliss, W. S. Bond, A. A. Ewing, J. LeMay, F. CoSherman, A. M. Wyant.1895-H. T. Clarke, S. C. Dickerson, To L. Neff, C. F. Roby, H. W. Stone, C. S.Winston.1896-P. S. Allen, F. H. Calhoun, M. G. Clarke, G. H. Sawyer, F. F. Steigmeyer.1897-C. Firth, J. F. Hagey, R. C. Hamill, W. S. Kennedy, V. W. Sincere, B. B.Smith.1898-N. K. Anderson, A. L. Barton, M. B. Parker, K. Speed.190o-H. F. Ahlswede, G. G. Davis, D. R. Richberg, J. M. Sheldon.1901-R. L. Henry, C. R. Howe, E. E. Perkins, Z. R. Pettet, A. B. Snider, P. A.Sunderland.1902-M. L. Cahill, P. M. Conrad, H. M. Friend, G. R. MacClyment, W. G.Mathews, L. W. Maxwell, E. E. Quantrell, W. A. Rooney, F. A. Speik.1903-G. E. Schnur, S. B. Terry.1904-E. R. Ferriss, C. F. Kennedy, V. S. Rice.1905-D. P. Abbott, Leo C. DeTray, B. P. Gale, F. D. Hatfield, W. P. Hogenson.1Go6-F. W. Gaarde, L. D. Scherer, W. P. Steffen.1907-J. E. Anderson, G. C. Bliss, P. R. Gray, W. F. Hewitt, T. Kelley.1908-M. R. Cleary, F. H. Falls, W. M. Georgen, R. S. Harris, A. C. Hoffman,O. W. Worthwine.1909-B. H. Badenoch, P. W. Charters, J. R. Clark, W. P. Comstock, 1. N.Davenport, S. E. Earle, M. A. Hirschi, W. S. Kassulker, A. C. Kelly, R. B. Rogers,H. J. Schott, A. H. Straube, W. J. Sunderland.191o-R. W. Baird, J. B. Boyle, P. E. Gardner, H. C. Gifford, E. R. Long, J. A.Menaul, C. M. Rademacher, G. S. Roberts, O. B. Roberts, C. G. Sauer, F. Stein­brecher.19II-N. L. Baldwin, C. S. Bell, H. M. Carpenter, F. A. Catron, F. J. Coyle,P. H. Davis, C. P. Freeman, F. Fulkerson, H. E. Goettler, M. Goldstein, A. H. Hruda,G. E. Kuh, N. C. Paine, G. S. Skinner, R. F. Teichgraeber, W. S. Timblin, H. E.Whitesides, L. H. Whiting, E. 1. Wilson.HOME-COMING OF CHICAGO MENTHE INTER-FRATERNITY SINGA new tradition, one deserving to be repeated every year in thefuture, was born at the University on the night of June I6, when theundergraduate men joined with the alumni in what was perhaps themost impressive spectacle of the alumni reunion-the inter-fraternity"sing" in Hutchinson Court. Many of the older men had dreamedof such an event as this; as recently as I908 Winston Henry, '09, hadattempted to inaugurate an annual song festival. The year I9II sawthe consummation of all plans in a big men's meeting. Members of theCommittee, who had labored at a disadvantage because they could notforecast definitely how large the gathering was going to be, saw theirfondest hopes fulfilled. At 8: 30 the bells in Mitchell Tower announcedthe beginning of the event; at 8:45 Hutchinson Court was throngedon all sides by a crowd which included many spectators. Old andyoung members of the fraternities had gathered; staid business menof the first decade marched to the melody of songs they had heard whenthey were pledged; members of the faculty stood in the ranks withFreshmen who had been their pupils. The Chinese lanterns strungunder the elms cast a rich, subdued glow of color over the Court.Delta Kappa Epsilon began the program with nearly fifty men inline. Clear and stirring came the marching song of Alpha Delta Phi,with almost the same number. Psi Upsilon, led by A. A. Stagg, formeda circle in the center of the Court and sang the three stanzas of itsimpressive toast, ending with:We love thee yet, we'll ne'er forgetThe days of auld lang syne.After its song each fraternity gave its yell, and" a good Chicago."All but four of the fraternities were represented in the program. Wash­ington House sent a large delegation with its song and yell. Thefraternities were called on by the chairman, L. Brent Vaughan, '97, inthe order of their organization at the University.When the songs were over Mr. Vaughan introduced Victor Sincere,, 97, of Cleveland, as the leader of the general sing and all present groupedthemselves on the terraces. With a will young and old alumni shoutedthe refrain of the good old songs which have an honored place in thesong book, beginning with" I893":o Chicago, 0 Chicago, how great you've grown to beSince first we cast our lot with thine, in 1893!Then followed "John D. Rockefeller," "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp,"the football songs of all the college generations, arid lastly, the "Alma306 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMater." A shower of rain sent the crowd scurrying into the shelterof the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall, which had been kept ready for sucha contingency. Once there the men of '97 organized a program whichwas the more effective because impromptu. Until II o'clock thealumni listened to addresses, talks, recitations, and songs.THE ALUMNI DINNER IN HUTCHINSON HALLA drizzling rain interfered with the attendance at the Waseda­Chicago baseball game on Marshall Field on the afternoon of Saturday,June 17, but failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the alumni. About250 men met in the Reynolds Club at 6 o'clock and proceeded to Hutch­inson Hall for the Alumni Dinner. President Harry Pratt Judson wasthe guest of honor and made the address of the evening, speaking inan intimate, personal way, and expressing the hope that the alumnimight become a strong factor in aiding the future development of theUniversity. In his welcome he brought up the names of a number ofthe alumni present, recalling their participation in student affairs inthe early days of the University.THE VAUDEVILLEWhat jollity, amiability, and good-fellowship marked the vaude­ville in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall, after the dinner! For twohours act followed act with a rapidity unequaled on the professionalstage. "Teddy" Linn, '97-no one thought of addressing him formally-was the deus ex machina who was responsible for it all. The applausehad hardly died down on one number when Linn, '97, was introducingthe next. Recitations which had been neglected since undergraduatedays were recalled and delivered without a break. Through it allresounded the snappy "Go, Chicago!" yell, and every now and thengroups of the younger alumni sang selections from recent Blackfriarplays while the older men cheered and applauded.Before the program was formally begun Wm. France Anderson, '99,president of the Chicago Alumni Club, welcomed the visiting alumni,and in a fifteen-minute address presented a plea for a wider recognitionof vocational training in the University curriculum."Ikey" Clark, '96, otherwise known as railway commissioner of thestate of Nebraska, recalled old-time smokers with a dialect recitation,entitled "Boomgarten." For an encore Clark delved into Irish dialectwith equal success. Henry M. Adkinson, '97, of Denver, "the manwith the Cecil Lean smile," recited" Casey at the Bat" with a vehemenceHOME-COMING OF CHICAGO MENunsurpassed by De Wolf Hopper himself. What probably pleased theold" C" men more than anything else was Director Stagg's participationin the program. "The feature number of this bill" announced thechairman, "is the incomparable romantic drama entitled The FairyGodmother, in which the entire cast will be played by Mr. Stagg." Thiswas followed by the recital of "Moriarity," and later Mr. Stagg led theassembly in "Hear dem Bells!" Charles S. Pike, '96, invoked the museof classic poetry; Vic Sincere, '97, sang the songs of the Glee Club ofhis day; Fred Steigmeyer, '97, led in the yells-as much a part of theperformance as the recitations. Undergraduate talent was contributedby Edward Hall, 'II, who sang "Enclosed Find Check" from CapturingCalypso. The performance of Strictly Business, a sketch by HilmarBaukhage, 'II, received the hearty approbation of the alumni. It wasplayed by Baukhage, Ralph Benzies, '12, WHliam F. Merrill, '12, andPaul Davis, 'II. In the course of the play Merrill sang "Honey Lou"and Benzies, "A Little Farther," both of which won encore after encore.It remained for the alumni likewise to secure three performances ofwhat has become the most popular Blackfriar dance number-theBacchanale from the second act of Capturing Calypso. Parker andRogers gave their dance in full costume. Although the hour was growinglate and the bombs at fifteen-minute intervals gave warning that it wastime for the fireworks the audience cheered and applauded enthusias­tically for a repetition of the dance.At the close of the program the stage was thrown into bright lightfor the conferring of the" C" blankets on the veterans of 1892-93 and1895-96. Director Stagg and Joseph E. Raycroft, '97, took chargeof the distribution. Each man stepped forward as his name was read,the blanket was draped over his shoulders and he then joined the lineof "Indians" at the rear of the stage. Mr. Stagg introduced each" C" man with a few words about his present occupation and residence,and an explanation of the stars placed around the "C" on the blanket,denoting years of service on the football, baseball, gymnastic, track,or basket-ball teams. When Clarence B. Herschberger, '98, the heroof the earliest football victories, appeared with his array of stars, themen who had watched him from the bleachers cheered as in the olddays. "Herschy" wore twelve stars; four white, four blue, five orange,and one black. Others who received blankets were: Henry M. Adkin­son, '97; Philip S. Allen, '97; Gilbert A. Bliss, '97; Harry V. Church,'94; Fred H. H. Calhoun, '98; Henry T. Clarke, Jr., '96; Maurice G.Clarke, '99; Scott Brown, '97; Henry G. Gale, '99; W. S. Kennedy;308 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERalph C. Hamill, '99; A. A. Ewing; Theodore L. Neff, '96; F. C. Sher­man; H. D. Speer; H. W. Stone; George R. Sikes; John LeMay, '95;G. H. Sawyer; Victor Sincere, '97; Fred F. Steigmeyer, '97; CharlesS. Pike, '96, and A. M. Wyant. C. Firth, of Breckenridge, Minn.,was given his blanket at the" C" banquet.THE FIREWORKS ON MARSHALL FIELDFor the alumni the pyrotechnical display on Marshall Field was afitting climax to a day full of surprises. How the band led the menaround the field until a giant "C" of flaming torches blazed on thatfamous gridiron; how the bursting bombs and rockets awoke Hyde Parkto a realization that the men had come back; how the skill of the pyro­technical artist painted in fire the likenesses of President William RaineyHarper, President Harry Pratt Judson, and Director Amos AlonzoStagg-all this has already been told wherever Chicago men gather.This spectacular and costly part of the Home-Coming proved mostimpressive to the multitude gathered on the bleachers; to the alumnus,however, the greeting of a classmate and the clasp of another's handwas by far the most moving event of the day.CONTRIBUTORS TO THE ALUMNI FUNDThat the Home-Coming Committee will not need to meet a deficitis the welcome announcement of L. Brent Vaughan, '97, its chairman.The Home-Coming was financed by subscriptions solicited from themen of the University by the Committee, of which the other memberswere William Scott Bond, '97; Harry D. Abells, '97; James W. Linn,'97; Dr. John E. Rhodes, '76; and William J. McDowell, '03. Contri­butions from the following alumni made possible the success of theevent:'Before 1893-Frank,A. Helmer, '78, 1003 Atwood Building; James P. Gardner,'81, 4803 Greenwood Ave.; Jacob Newman, '73, Chamber of Commerce; HoraceG. Parkins, '80, 30 N. Dearborn St.; John E. Rhodes, '76, Peoples Gas Building;James W. Riddle, '70, Philadelphia, Pa.; Edgar B. Tolman, '86, Stock ExchangeBuilding; Frederick A. Smith, '66, 6II Rush St.; Samuel J. Winegar, '79; C. R.Wright, '82.1893-WiHard C. MacNaul.1894-Harry V. Church, Berwyn, Ill.; lIorace G. Lozier, National Life Building;William H. Prescott, 2106 W. Third St., Cleveland, 0.; George C. Sikes, 3II N.Central Ave.1895-Henry R. Caraway, 50 Broadway, New York City; Percy P. Carroll,Evansville Courier, Evansville, Ind.; Ralph Hobart, The Rookery; John LeMay, 3251I Unless otherwise designated the contributors are residents of Chicago.HOME-COMING OF CHICAGO MENIllinois St., Indianapolis, Ind.; Henry C. Murphy, Evansville, Ill.; Henry D. Speer,4215 Ellis Ave.; F. C. Sherman; Adam M. Wyant, Greensburg, Pa.; Ralph WWebster, 32 N. State St.1896-Henry M. Adkinson, Denver, Colo.; Leon S. Alschuler, 30 N. La SalleSt.; Henry T. Clarke, Jr., Lincoln, Neb.; Henry G. Gale, University of Chicago;Henry N. Hewitt, Denver, Colo.; Alfred E. Logie, Wilmette, Ill.; Bowman C.Lingle, Harris Trust and Savings Bank; Samuel MacClintock, 5455 Greenwood Ave.;Theodore L. Neff, University of Chicago; Charles S. Pike, Holliday Box Co., Detroit,Mich.; Walter A. Payne, University of Chicago; Joseph E. Raycroft, University ofChicago; Harry W. Stone, 105 W. Monroe St.; Charles S. Winston, 5630 MonroeAve.; Harry D. Wiley, Glencoe, Ill.1897-Harry D. Abells, Morgan Park, Ill.; Oswald J. Arnold, 105 W. MonroeSt.; Philip S. Allen, University of Chicago; Burt Brown Barker, 5330 MadisonAve.; Charles R. Barrett, 6203 Madison Ave.; W. Scott Bond, 25 N. Dearborn St.;Waldo P. Breeden, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Gilbert A. Bliss, University of Chicago; SolomonH. Clark, University of Chicago; Ralph L. Dougherty, 6021 Kimbark Ave.; ScottBrown, South Bend, Ind.; Harold L. Ickes, 1709 Harris Trust Building; James W.Linn, University of Chicago; Donald S. Trumbull, 1368 E. 53d St.; William R.Morrow, 5515 Harrison St.; Victor Sincere, Cleveland, 0.; Stacy C. Mosser, 19 LaSalle St.; Frederick F. Steigmeyer, Salt Lake City, Utah; Fred C. Vincent, Kauraslet,Mo.; L. Brent Vaughan, 80 E. Randolph St.; A. R. E. Wyant.1898-Trevor Arnett, University of Chicago; Allen T. Burns, Pittsburgh, Pa.;Fred H. H. Calhoun, Clemson College, S.C.; Joseph W. Campbell, 120 N. OttawaSt., Joliet, Ill.: Otis W. Caldwell, University of Chicago; Joseph E. Freeman, 117Wall St., New York City; M. F. Gallagher; Clarence B. Herschberger, Lake Forest,Ill.; John F. Hagey, First National Bank; Fred C. Hack, 46 N. Madison Ave.,LaGrange, Ill.; Wilbur M. K.elso, Oak Park, Ill.; John P. Mentzer, 5326 East EndAve.; Ralph L. Peck, 1414 American Trust Bldg.; Cecil Page, 4II4 Clarendon Ave.;Herbert E. Slaught, University of Chicago; Henry W. Smith, Battineau, N.D.;Arthur W. Smith, Hamilton, N.Y.; Franklin E. Vaughan, 1010 Title & Trust Bldg.1899-Wm. France Anderson, First National Bank Bldg.; Charles W. Chase,Commercial National Bank Bldg.; M. Gordon Clark, Okmulgee, Okla.; Julius H. P.Gauss, 5700 Winthrop Ave.; Ralph R. Hamill, IS E. Washington St.; Allen G. Hoyt,N. W. Halsey & Co., New York City; Ainsworth W. Clark; William H. Jackson,5726 Monroe Ave.; George H. Sawyer, Osage, Ia.; Byron B. Smith, 1804 ElmwoodAve., Wilmette, Ill.; Roger T. Vaughan, 6048 Jefferson Ave.; Willoughby G. Walling,Western Trust & Savings Bank.rcoo-eEmory C. Andrew, 161 W. Harrison St.; Alvin L. Barton, Hinsdale, Ill.;Charles S. Eaton, 35 N. Dearborn St.; Earl C. Hales, 19 S. La Salle St.; Ralph C.Manning, Warrenville, Ill.; Elliott S. Norton, 4835 Lake Ave.; Howard L. Willett,207 E. Chestnut St.1901-Charles W. Britton, Sioux City, Ia.; George G. Davis, 122 S. MichiganAve.; William F. Eldridge, Santa Barbara Co., Mantectis, Cal.; John Mills, NewYork City; Donald S. McWilliams, 915 First National Bank Bldg.; Augustine F.Naylor, 921 W. Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind.; Donald R. Richberg, Rector Bldg.;Kellogg Speed; Daniel P. Trude, 737 Stock Exchange Bldg.; Herbert P. Zimmerman,731 Plymouth Ct.1902-Henri David, University of Chicago; Frederick D. Bramhall, University310 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof Chicago; H. P. French; Robert L. Henry, Jr., Baton Rouge, La.; Walter Hudson,2534 Cottage Grove Ave.; Herbert E. Fleming, 1445 E. orst St.; Edward C. Kohl­saat, The Rookery; Jerome P. Magee, Omaha, Neb.; Ernest E. Perkins, Tacoma,Wash.; David A. Robertson, University of Chicago; Walter G. Sackett, Fort Collins,Colo.; Warren B. Smith, Waterbury, Conn.; Douglas Sutherland, 6556 InglesideAve.; Russell Wiles, 1508 Marquette Bldg.1903-Alfred A. Amberg, 3433 Michigan Ave.; Edward V. L. Brown, 122 S.Michigan Blvd.; Royal M. Bell; Edward D. Baker, Minneapolis, Minn.; MiltonJ. Davies, II Bond St., Brooklyn, N.Y.; Herbert Cohen, Washington, D.C.; WalterE. Francis, 1370 E. 54th St.; Charles R. Howe, Hinsdale, Ill.; Thomas J. Hair,1447 E. 52d St.; Charles M. Hogeland, 161 W. Harrison St.; Ray P. Johnson,Muncie, Ind.; Frank L. Griffin, Williams College, Williamstown, Mass.; HaroldC. Brubaker, Room 18, 92 La Salle St.; Albert G. Miller, 5016 Washington Ave.;William J. McDowell, 6131 Greenwood Ave.; Bruce McLeish, I S. State St.; FrankMcNair, 5512 East End Ave.; Walker G. McLaury, 5507 East End Ave.; JamesM. Sheldon, 1709 Harris Trust Bldg.; Hermann S. Schlesinger, University of Chicago;Robert S. Starbird, St. Louis, Mo.1904-Harry Van Belcher, Spokane, Wash.; Nelson L. Buck, 9901 LongwoodBlvd.; Platt M. Conrad, Farwell Trust Co.; W. K. Earle; Roy E. Flickinger,Evanston, Ill.; William H. Head, 2676 E. 75th St.; Eugene L. Hartigan, DauphinPark; William R. Manning, Austin, Tex.; Harry E. Mock, 1605 Van Buren St.;Henry 1. Raymond, Jr., Indianapolis, Ind.; S. Crawford Ross, II03 Schiller Bldg.;Murray Schloss, National Arts Club, New York City; Charles W. Steele, 623 Penob­scot St., Detroit, Mich.; Albert W. Sherer, 309 Record-Herald Bldg.; Ovid R. Sellers,Lexington, Mo.; E. G. Woods, 441 E. 48th PI.1905-H. L. Clarke, 907 Marquette Bldg.; Harry W. Ford, Chalmers MotorCo., Detroit, Mich.; Edward R. Ferriss, 125 W. Monroe St.; Herman C. Groman,Hammond, Ind.; Albert L. Hopkins, The Temple; James A. Hunter; Donald R.Kennicott, 48I7 Cottage Grove Ave.; Raymond R. Kelly, 6031 Calumet Ave.; JohnJ. Radford, Sac City, la.; George B. Robinson, 5345 Woodlawn Ave.; C. W. Sills,125 W. Monroe St.; Ernest E. Quantrell, 125 W. Monroe St.; Frederick A. Speik,100 State St.; Harry Schutz; Roy B. Tabor, II 5 S. La Salle St.; Dean R. Wickes,120I E. ooth St.rooc+-Herbert W. Brackney, 401 Iowa Bldg., Sioux City, la.; Helmut Berens,Elmhurst, Ill.; George D. Buckley, 917 Peoples Gas Bldg.; Henry P. Chandler, 5340Greenwood Ave.; Burton P. Gale, I52 S. Hamlin Ave.; James V. Hickey; Felix T.Hughes, 105 S. La Salle St.; Harry B. Lemon; William G. Matthews, D. Appleton& Co.; R. H. Norton, 4831 Lake Ave.; George R. Schaeffer, Tobey Furniture Co.·Evon Z. Vogt, San Mateo, N.M.; Eugene A. Wilson, Carroll and 34th Sts., Berwyn, Ill.I907-Charles F. Axelson, 904 The Rookery; William F. Brown, 1408 E. 57thSt.; Will J. Cuppy, 935 E. 50th St.; Dudley K. French, McCormick Bldg.; Paul R.Gray, Evansville, Wis.; Albert B. Houghton, 4I8 Germania Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.;Earl D. Hostetter, 6233 Monroe Ave.; Jose W. Hoover; R. Eddy Mathews; W. A.McDermid, 6325 Greenwood Ave.; Clarence J. MacNeille, Glencoe, Ill.; ClarenceA. McBride; John Moulds, University of Chicago; Roy B. Nelson, University ofChicago; Francis W. Parker, Jr.; E. R. Post, Spokane, Wash.; Harold H. Swift,Swift & Co.; Reuben Schutz; Gordon L. Stewart, II2 W. South St., Kalamazoo,Mich.; Clark C. Steinbeck; John Whidden, 941 E. 54th St.HOME-COMING OF CHICAGO MEN . 3II1908-James B. Brawnson, 848 First National Bank Bldg.; Willard Brooks;D. G; Chase; Hugo M. Friend, 810 Chicago Title & Trust Bldg.; Arthur H. Goes,1662 W. I03d St.; Paul V. Harper, 5728 Woodlawn Ave.; G. P. Lagergren, MorganPark, Ill.; Winfred M. Kelso, 8 N. Market St.; Frank H. Templeton, 641 RailwayExchange Bldg.; Michael L Meyer, Bangdon, N.D.; Charles P. Schwartz; EugeneVan Cleef, Merrill, Wis.1909-0tto N. Berndt, 1904 Burling St.; Albert S. Lane, 7748 Saginaw St.;William Kixmiller, Gainesville, Fla.; Daniel W. Ferguson, 5607 Lexington Ave.;Samuel Lingle, 3144 Vernon Ave.; Harry A. Hansen, University of Chicago; WilliamP. McCracken, 5536 Madison Ave.; Paul M. O'Donnell, 1218 New York Life Bldg.;Edward L. McBride, N. W. Halsey & Co.; Tom Miller, First National Bank Bldg.;George A. Peckham, Hiram 0.; Herschel G. Shaw, Joliet, Ill.; Henry J. Schott, 200Ashland Blvd.; Preston F. Gass, Chicago Evening Post; Guy W. Whitcomb, TheDial; Walter Steffen, 5831 Washington Ave.191o-M. Ralph Cleary, Oak Park Ill.; George A. Funkhouser, Dayton, 0.;B. E. Gordon, 317 N. Waiola St., LaGrange, Ill.; Winston P. Henry, Nowata, Okla.;Mark Hirschl; Horace B. Horton, 105th & Throop Sts.; Roberts B. Owen, 6329Woodlawn Ave.; Joseph J. Pegues; Marcus D. Richards, II06 S. Canal St.; RobertT. Radford; Walter Simpson.ror r-e-Vallee O. Appel, 1343 �E. 53d St.; Roy Baldridge, Bloomington, Ind.;Conrad Benitez, 5II4 Kimbark Ave.; Frank J. Coyle; Frank J. Collings; G. HaroldEarle, 17 Hitchcock Hall; Harold C. Gifford, 5642 Kimbark Ave.; Donald T. Grey,329 Lake St., Evanston, Ill.; William H. Kuh; Paul Davis; S. Edwin Earle, 1360 E.58th St.; Esmond R. Long, 5642 Kimbark Ave.; Nat Pfeffer; M. Everett Robinson,Jr.; Rufus B. Rogers; Alfred Straube; Aleck G. Whitfield, 5817 Monroe Ave.; GrantArmstrong.Unclassified-R. C. Camp, Ocala, Fla.; Wm. R. Carney; A. A. Ewing, Madison,Wis.; C. D. Ford; H. E. Goettler; C. B. Goes; E. N. Hurley, Jr.; R. M. Gardner;J. T. Harahan, Jr.; W. S. Kennedy, Albion, Mich.; W. A. Garden, Duluth, Minn.;E. C. Lowe; Lee Maxwell; M. C. Stearns; A. A. Stagg, University of Chicago.THE ANNUAL LUNCHEON OF THECHICAGO ALUMNAEBY HAZEL DELL KELLY, '08Seeretary of the Chicago Alumnae ClubWHAT was without doubt the most successful and enthusiasticluncheon ever held by the women of the University took placein Emmons Blaine Hall on Alumni Day, June 17. Over 150 alumnaegathered at noon in the lunchroom, which was attractively arrangedwith tables seating six. The speakers' table accommodated Miss KateB. Miller, '02, president of the Chicago Alumnae Club; Miss JosephineAllin, '99, chairman of the Membership Committee; Miss MarionTalbot, Dean of Women in the University; Miss Myra Reynolds,Mrs. Jesse A. Baldwin, Mrs. Mary Wilmarth, Mrs. Francis SquirePotter, Mrs. William R. Harper, and Miss Mollie Carroll, 'II.Eighteen young women of the Senior class joined the organizationand contributed to the enjoyment of the meeting by singing the classsong and cheering for their leaders. Miss Mollie Carroll was the rep­resentative of the class on the program and responded to Miss Miller'swelcome with a talk on the spirit and loyalty of I9II, predicting thatthe members of her class would work in harmony with the other classesfor the future good of the University.The addresses were especially interesting, each speaker relating newand varied experiences in an entertaining manner. Mrs. Mary Wilmarthtold of the work of the Woman's City Club, outlining the efforts forthe ten-hour law for women and other philanthropic projects. Hertalk was limited, however, to defining the activities of the City Club,of which she is president, and to urging the alumnae of the Universityto do their part in studying the city's greatest needs and endeavoringto provide for them.Miss Marion Talbot spoke on the new entrance requirements adoptedrecently by the University of Chicago, and the changes in the require­ments for the Bachelor's degree, explaining the increased possibilitiesfor election which the student has under the new scheme. Miss MyraReynolds gave an account of the alumnae events at Vassar a weekbefore the luncheon. A most interesting talk on college life was pre­sented in a fascinating way by Mrs. Francis Squire Potter, who related312ANNUAL LUNCHEON OF THE CHICAGO ALUMNAE 3I3her experiences in Cambridge, England, where she spent a year inresearch work. Her entertaining anecdotes of places and people cap­tivated her audience. She described in detail the ceremonies andformalities observed in the university, and described the routine whichhas to be complied with when a student wishes to obtain admission to thelibrary. Her characterizations of a number of professors, who belongedto a type rarely seen in America, were done with simplicity and charm.When she finished she was applauded so heartily that she rose and sanga little London folksong over three hundred years old.At the close of the addresses and felicitations those present rose andsang the "Alma Mater."The Alumnae Club has just closed a most successful year. One ofits undertakings was to raise several hundred dollars as a fund formaintaining a young woman from the University at the University ofChicago Settlement as a "vocational worker." The Loan Library hascontinued its work of furnishing textbooks to undergraduates.vSomeof the well-known alumnae who attended the luncheon were: FAgnes Wayman, '03; Ethel Preston, '08; Helen D. Harper Eaton, '00; LillianVaughan Mordhurst, '05; Helen Peck, 'IO; Mary Morton, '08; Anne Davis, '07;Genevieve Sullivan, '05; Eleanor Day, '08; Majorie Day, '09; Elizabeth Robertson,'05; Gladys Baxter Ransom, '08; Portia Carnes, '08; Alice Hogge, '07; Leila G.Mallory, '97; Sarah Butler Raycroft, '99; Agnes Cook Gale, '96; Helen Gunsaulus,'08; Alice Greenacre, '09; Hazel D. Kelly, '08; Shirley Farr, '04; Marion Fairman,'OI; Stella Robertson Stagg, '96; Mary Courtenay, '09; Helen Norris, '07; BerthaM. Henderson, '08; Elizabeth Thielens, '09; Louise Roth, '00.GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESBENJAMIN C. ALLIN, EX '08Benjamin C. Allin, ex '08, has com­piled an English- Vi sayan dictionary ofmore than 5,000 words. The work,which is the first of its kind, was done inhis leisure hours in the Island of Cebu,where the author is employed as a sur­veyor for the United States government.The first copy has been received by hismother, Mrs. Benjamin C. Allin, 4805Madison Avenue. Mr. Allin received his ALUMNI IN TENNISAssociate in Arts at the University in In the tennis tournament at New1906. Orleans on June 25, Henry Waidner ofChicago won the championship of theLAURA E. W. BENEDICT, '00 Gulf States Tournament at the NewAfter two years of work among the Orleans Tennis Club by defeating HarveyBagobos, a little known Philippine moun- MacQuiston, '02, of Beaumont, Texas.tain tribe, Laura E. W. Benedict, A.B., He also won the challenge singles by'00, A.M., '03, of the staff of the Ameri- defeating Paul D. MacQuiston, '02.can Museum of Natural History, has The MacQuiston team, composed ofreturned to that institution with a col- Harvey from Texas and Paul from Newlection of 2,100 specimens, illustrating Orleans, won the double championshipthe life and customs of the tribe. Miss by defeating Waidner of Chicago andBenedict so adapted herself to the lan- Wallace Johnson of Philadelphia.guage and customs of the tribe that she .was allowed to take part in their annualreligious festivals. She was adopted asa member of the tribe, and given anative name.EDWARD M. STEPHENSON, '88Edward M. Stephenson, Th.B., '88, isthe new field worker for Bible Schoolsand Young People's Societies in Penn­sylvania and will be one of the instructorsat the summer assembly at Lewisburg,August I-II. His address is 1701 Chest­nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.EDWIN E. SLOSS ON, '02The Commencement address at OberlinCollege was delivered by Edwin EmerySlosson, Ph.D., '02, of New York City.Dr. Slosson is literary editor of theIndependent, and became well known inthe college world for his series of articleson the American colleges and univer­sities, recently issued in book form.DAVID M. ROBINSON, '98David M. Robinson, A.B., '98, nowprofessor of classical archaeology in JohnsHopkins University, recently gave an illustrated lecture in Kent Theater, on"Ruined Cities of Asia Minor." Thematerial which Professor Robinson pre­sented was based upon first-hand re­search.FRANK L. GRIFFIN, '03Frank Loxley Griffin, assistant pro­fessorof mathematics at Williams College,Williamstown, Mass., has been appointedprofessor of mathematics at ReedCollege, the new institution at Portland,Ore., which is to open September 18,1911. Dr. Griffin holds three degreesfrom the University of Chicago, that ofBachelor of Science, received in 1903;Master of Science, received in 1904, andDoctor of Philosophy, a warded in theDepartment of Astronomy in 1906. Dr.Griffin was the first man to be appointedon the faculty of the new institution.William T. Foster, president of ReedCollege, said recently: "I offered Dr.Griffin a professorship in mathematicsbecause, after six months' investigationin all parts of the country, I am con­vinced that he is the ablest man and bestteacher in his field under 35 years ofage."THE ALUMNI CLUBSPHILADELPHIAA reunion of graduates and former stu­dents of the University at which I06people were present took place on June20 in Philadelphia. Nearly all thosepresent were alumni of the Divinity314GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESSchool. It is declared that few of themany college and seminary reunions atPhiladelphia this spring were more en­thusiastic and interesting than that of theChicago men. Rev. H. T. Musselmanpresided. There were representatives offifteen or twenty states, the Pacific andAtlantic coasts and from foreign countriespresent.Dean Shailer Mathews made a char­acteristic address. Among the otherspeakers were Rev. Clifton D. Gray,D.B., '00, Ph.D., '02, pastor o('Stough­ton Street Baptist Church at Boston;Andrew McLeish, vice-president of theBoard of Trustees of the University;Edward M. Stephenson, Th.B., '88, ofPhiladelphia, and Professor Ernest W.Clement, A.B., '80, of Tokyo, Japan.The significant event of the eveningwas the address of Dr . John Clifford,who joined in the Chicago "yell" andentered into the spirit of the occasionwith all the zest befitting a new alumnus,having just received the doctor's degreefrom the University. He spoke of hisdelight with the University, its spirit andits opportunities. He is sympatheticwith its aim, he said, having urged, fiftyyears ago, the same ideals which nowdominate the institution.SIOUX CITYThat the University of Chicago is theonly typical American university was theassertion of Joseph Rauch, ex, nowrabbi of a prominent Jewish congregationin Sioux City, la., at the dinner of theSioux City Alumni Club on May 25.The event was held in the First Presby­terian Church, thirty-two members ofthe club attending. The following officerswere chosen:President-Rev. Elmer T. Stevens, '98.Vice-President-Joseph Rauch.Secretary-Treasurer-Carrie Brown, '07.A committee will be appointed in thenear future to confer with the committeefrom the Harvard Club concerning theproposed University Club to be estab­lished in Sioux City. MILWAUKEEThe officers of the Milwaukee AlumniClub elected for I9II-I2 are:President-Albert B. Houghton, Ph.B., '07,J.D., '09.Vice-President-Nina C. Vanderwalker,ex '99.Secretary-Treasurer-Marian L. Shorey, '09.OKLAHOMAThe following telegram from alumniin Oklahoma was received at the Uni­versity during the Home-coming:Warped by the heat, but still loyal, we,University of Chicago men frying in the heatof Oklahoma, send greetings and salutationsto those brothers who had the price to be atthe Big Home-coming Celebration. Festivebreezes cool your brows.Enviously,M. S. McELDOWNEYGus HOBBSCLAUD SCOFIELDPUG LYBRANDH. S. SCHLABACH-Oklahoma CityHUNT B. HENRYDEAN S. DENTONDUCKY HOLM-BartlesvilleHOWARD DAVIS-MuskogeeWINSTON P. HENRY-NowataSPRINGFIELD, MASS.On April 12 at the Hotel Kimball thealumni of the University of Chicago nowin Springfield, Mass., held a reunion din­ner. Twenty-two were present. Presi­dent Woolley of Mount Holyoke Collegewas present as a guest, nearly all othersbeing members of the faculty of MountHolyoke. Six of these have taken theirdoctorate degree at the University, in­cluding Cornelia M. Clapp, '96; AmyHewes, '04; Francis Fenton, '10; AlmaStokey, '09; Helen Searles, '98; andEmma Carr, '0S. Miss Laura Hibbard,who has been doing graduate work inEnglish at the University, gave the recentnews of the campus.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryTHE ANNUAL MEETINGThe seventh annual meeting of theAssociation was held at the QuadrangleClub on Saturday, June 17 191 I pre­ceded as in previous years b� a 1 un�heongiven by the University in honor of themembers of the Association. There werefifty-two present, including PresidentHarry Pratt Judson, Dean James R.Angell, Professor E. H. Moore Pro­fessor Julius Stieglitz, and other lnvitedguests fr�m the faculty. The meetingwas presl�ed. over, by the president,Roy C. Fhckmger, 04, of NorthwesternUniversity, and was first addressed byPresident Judson, who welcomed theDoctors in behalf of the University.He spoke of the deep interest of theUniversity in the Association and ofthe importance to the University ofthe reciprocal interest and loyalty ofits members: Dean Angell spoke on thechanges which have been made in theentrance requirements of the University.The substance of his address appearson another page of this number of thej1{ agazine, and is of great interest inview of the agitation among the highschools and universities in various partsof the country with regard to the closeraffiliation of high-school and universitycurricula. After these addresses andthe reading of the report of the Secre­tary, which appears below, the moreformal part of the meeting came to acl�se, and �he members adjourned toenjoy a SOCIable half-hour in the recep­tion room of the Club. The report ofthe secretary-treasurer, Herbert E.Slaught, '98, was as follows:"The first call for organizing the Doc­tors' Association was made by Presi­dent William Rainey Harper in 1905and the first complimentary lur{cheon wa�given to the Doctors on June 12 of thesame year, making this the seventh occa­sion of that kind. The attendance hasaveraged about sixty, but each year thereare many responses to the announce­ment of the annual meeting in which316 mem�er� express deep interest in theASSoCIatIOn and great disappointment innot being able to attend. The membersof. t�e Asso.ciation are busy people andthis IS .the tU!le of year when local dutiesof varl-0us kI?-ds. demand their presenceat their own institutions,"For a number of years we have dis­cussed through questionnaires sometOpICS of educational interest and havebrought the discussion to a focus at theannual meeting. This year we haverested and have been gathering topics�or future discussion. One of the mostImport�nt topics. which have been sug­gested I� the attitude which the youngDoctor III a new teaching position shouldtake toward research. The committeewill be glad to hear suggestions and willta�e up the matter �ext fall and preparea list of proposed tOPICS for consideration"This is the second year of the AlumniCouncil. Our Association has done itspart in promoting the general alumnimterests through its representation onthe CounciL W e have a full share ofp0'Yer in all matters of alumni control.ThIS year the three lines of activity havebeen the publication of the AlumniDirectory, the �romoti�n of the Magazine,and the arousing of interest which ledto the Home-coming celebration.' Muchhelp and inspiration were given by Pro­fessor George E. Vincent, '98, one ofour own number, who was the officialfacult� representative on the AlumniCouncIl.. The Home-coming idea wasreally his and many of the leadingfe��ures were originally suggested by him.. T�e Doctors now number 636,mcludmg 19 who received the degree thisweek. Of the total number 14 aredeceased, leaving 622 living DoctorsThe new Directory shows them arrangedby departments and by years."The following officers were nominatedto succeed themselves and were electedby a mail vote in the usual manner:"President-Roy C. Flickinger, '04,Evanston.THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATION"Vice-President-Frank H. Fowler,'96, Galesburg."Corresponding Secretary-Eleanor P.Hammond, '98, Chicago."Secr:etary-Treasurer-Herbert E.Slaught, '98, Chicago." Executive Committee-Gilbert A.Bliss, '00, Chicago, and Robert J. Bonner,'04, Chicago."Following is the financial statementfor the year ending June 17, 19II: Balance from I9IO $ 8.82Subscriptions received I78. 40Total received � $I87. 22P�i,d f�� M. agazine., . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 82.00Directories . . ... 32 43" postage, printing, clericalservice, etc... . . . . . . 42.18Total �xpenses... . . . . . .. . .... $156 6IBalance on hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6rTotal. . . . . . . . . . . .. . $187.22"THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, '06, SecretaryThe fifth annual reunion and banquetof the University of Chicago Law SchoolAssociation was held on Friday eveningJune 9, 191 I, at Vogelsang's restauranton Madison street. The principal speak­er of the evening was Mr. James H.Wilkerson, the government's specialcounsel in the suit against the Chicagopackers, who spoke on the recent de­cisions of the United States SupremeCourt in the oil and tobacco cases underthe Sherman anti-trust law. DeanJames P. Hall spoke to the Associationon behalf of the Law SchooL faculty.F. E. Lindley, 'I I, made a short addressas a representative of this year's Seniorclass; and Robert L. Henry, '02, J.D.'08, from Baton Rouge, La., gave a brieftalk on behalf of the alumni. After thebanquet the annual business meetingwas held, and after a spirited contestOliver LeRoy McCaskill, '05, waselected president, J ames Wiggins Sim­onton, '08, was elected vice-president,and Rudolph E. Schreiber, '06, was re- elected secretary-treasurer for the ensu­ing year. Those present at the banquetwere:Ernst Freund; C. B. Whittier; Floyd R.Mechem; James H. Wilkerson; James P.Hall; Fred E. Lindley, 'II; Henry P.Chandler, '06; Robert L. Henry, '08; Ru­dolph E. Schreiber, '06; David F. Rosenthal,'06; Irving J. Solomon, '09; Leonard B.Zeisler, 'IO; Henry W. Lackey, '07; Harry C.Leemon, '06; Oliver L. McCaskill,' 'oS;Guy Van Shaick, '09; Walter D. Freyburger,'IO; L. Barton; George R. Faust, '10; JamesH. Christensen, '09; Albert L. Hopkins,'08; Samuel C. Ross, '05; John R. Cochran,'04; Maurice Wallbrunn, '05; Elias H.Henderson, '08; John Liver, '08; DavidS. Eisendrath, '09; H. Baker, '08; w� w.Cook; Charles F. Lauer, 'IO; W. R. Peacock,'09; Leo W. Hoffman, '00; Howard E.Flanagan, 'IO; Theodore Rubovits, '09; LeoSpitz, 'IO; Jose W. Hoover, '08; Charles W.Paltzer, '09; Ralph Merriam, '03; CharlesP. Schwartz, '09; Roy D. Keehn, '04; JohnL. Hopkins, '07; R. B. Scott; James W.Simonton, '08; Samuel MacClintock, '96;Earl D. Hostetter, '09; Samuel D. Hirschl,'04.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONFRED MERRIFIELD, '01, Secretary-TreasurerTHE ANNUAL MEETINGThe annual meeting of the DivinityAlumni Association was held Tuesday,June 13, at 3:30 P.M. in Haskell AssemblyRoom. Reports were presented andofficers elected for I9II-I2 as follows:President-Loren T. Bush, '7I.First Vice-President-John L. Jackson, '76.Second Vice-President-J. Loring Cheney,'Sr.Third Vice-President-Frank L. Anderson,'or.Secretary-Treasurer-Fred Merrifield, 'or.Executive Committee-Edgar J. Good­speed, '97; Arthur F. Purkiss, '04; Floyd I.Beckwith, '07.NEWS NOTESThe dinner of the Divinity Alumni atthe Philadelphia meetings of the North­ern Baptist Convention was held atWanamaker's on June 20. One hundredand six were present, and speeches weremade by Shailer Mathews, Clifton D.Gray, '00, E. W. Clement, '80, AndrewMacLeish, and Dr . John Clifford, ofLondon, who thus within a week of re­ceiving his degree from the Universitymet with the alumni.F. C. Marshall, D.B., '88, has removed from DeRuyter, N.Y., to Watertown,N.Y.After a pastorate of nineteen years atthe Galilee Baptist Church, Chicago,Delno C. Henshaw, D.B., '92, hasaccepted the pastorate of the BaptistChurch at Hartford, Mich., and entersupon his work there July I.Fred Merrifield, D.B., 'or, after someyears of work as director of the BaptistStudents' Guild, at Ann Arbor, Mich.,has accepted an instructorship in NewTestament literature in the Universityof Chicago.E. A. Hanley, ex '02, for fouryears past, pastor of the First BaptistChurch, Providence, R.I., the oldestBaptist Church in America, has acceptedthe presidency of Franklin College,Franklin, Ind., of which he is an alum­nus.The marriage is announced of MetaCleora Rice of Oxnard, Cal., and EdgarS. Newschwander, ex '08, which tookplace at Oxnard on June 22.W. F. Bostick, a member of the Divin­ity School in 1909-10, has resigned thepastorate of the Western Avenue BaptistChurch, Chicago, completing his workthere August I.THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONTHE ANNUAL ELECTIONBallots for the annual election of theCollege Alumni Association were pre­pared in May and sent to all memberswho had paid their dues. The nomi­nating committee was chosen by Presi­dent Harry D. Abells and was composedof James W. Linn, '97, chairman; PaulV. Harper, '08, Charles F. Axelson, '07,and Helen Freeman, '05. The electionwas held open for a month in order toallow all returns to come in. Althoughthe ballots were on reply postal cards,several hundred alumni failed to vote.The result of the canvass was as follows:President-Charles S. Winston, '96.First Vice-President-James P. Gardner,'81.Second Vice-President-Mrs. Maude Rad­ford Warren, '94.Third Vice-President-Charles F. Roby,'00.Secretary-Harry A. Hansen, '09.Members of the Executive Committee­Earl D. Hostetter, '07; Mrs. Phoebe BellTerry, '08; Wayland W. Magee, '05.Charles S. Winston, the new presidentof the College Alumni Association, re­ceived the degree of Bachelor of Arts fromthe University in 1896. He is a memberof the Order of the "C" and has beeninterested in alumni activities for manyyears. A year ago he was elected thirdvice-president of the College AlumniAssociation. He has served on numer­ous committees and has often given hishelp freely. Mr. Winston is in theelectrical supplies business and resides at5630 Monroe Ave.THE NEWEST ALUMNISeventy-five members of the Class of19II have paid their dues to SecretaryHansen and thereby have become mem­bers in good standing of the CollegeAlumni Association. About twenty-fivehave not yet sent in their contribution,but have promised to remit it within afew weeks. This record for promptpayment is one of the best in recentyears, according to the Secretary. Inthe past signed membership blanks havebeen lightly held by outgoing classes, some of the alumni failing to respond torepeated letters on the subject. Thequick response of the Class of 19II isbelieved to be due to the numerousalumni activities of the year, some ofwhich made an excellent impression onthe Seniors. Thirty-nine of the newalumni members are men and thirty-sixare women.NEWS FROM THECLASSES1874The address of Theodore N. Treat hasbeen changed from Plankinton, S.D., toSpringfield, S.D., where he has opened alaw office.1882E. F. Thompson, ex, formerly ofMagruder, Thompson & Candee, andFrank H. Clark, of Thompson & Clark,have formed a partnership with DwightD. Root for the general practice of law,under the firm name of ThompsonClark & Root, with offices at 32 NorthClark St.1895Hugo Jone has removed from Mem­phis, Tenn., to 752 Broadway, Brooklyn,N.Y., in order to accept a position withthe Empire State Dairy Co.The new address of William P. Osgoodis 1307 Newark Ave., Spokane, Wash.1896Charles D. Dibell has law offices at 503Woodruff Building, Joliet, Ill.Victor O. Johnson has removed fromTulsa, Okla., to Shoshone, Idaho, wherehe is an attorney for the National Wool­growers' Association, and a member ofthe firm of Johnson & Haddock.John F . Voigt is secretary and treas­urer of the Illinois State Bar Association.His residence address is 4436 DrexelBlvd.1897Marilla W. Freeman may be addressedin care of the Goodwyn Institute Library,Memphis, Tenn., where she is librarian.320 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1898Dora Wells is principal of the Schoolof Mechanical Arts for Girls, at WabashAve. and Twenty-sixth St.1900The new business address of Lee J.Frank is II2 Dearborn St. He residesat 3976 Lake Ave.George H. Waid announces a change ofaddress from Royal Oak, R.F.D. No.2,Detroit, Mich., to Midland, Mich.George B. Watson announces a changeof business address to 69 W. Washing­ton St.1901The new office address of George G.Davis is the Peoples Gas Building,Chicago.Emsley W. Johnson, of the firm ofJohnson & Mehring, announces a changeof offices to Rooms 707-9, Law Building,Indianapolis, Ind.1902Francis H. Gilchrist is real estate man­ager of the New York Telephone Com­pany, 15 Dey St., New York City, N.Y.The new business address of WalterL. Hudson is 2354 Cottage Grove Ave.,with residence at 1369 East 50th St.There was born to Mrs. R. O. Miles,nee Josephine Lackner, on Sunday, JuneII, a baby girLHelen M. Walker is an instructor inthe Departments of German and Englishat the University of Montana.1903Harry A. McGill, instructor in historyat the University of Michigan, lives at715 Church St., Ann Arbor.Peter C. de Jong may be addressed atManito, Ill.William J. McDowell is with the Gen­eral Vehicle Company's Chicago office at417, The Rookery. His home address is6131 Greenwood Ave.1905Arthur E. Lord now lives in Plano, Ill.John H. Weddell lives at 1353 WilsonAve.The new home address of J arosla v J.Zmrhal is 1869 Willard Ave.Charlotte Marie Donders, Ph.B., wasmarried in Chicago June 8, 1907, toD. Arthur Baer, a graduate of the Uni­versity of Illinois and now electrolysisexpert for the Commonwealth Edison· Co. This marriage was not noted in theAlumni Directory. Mr. and Mrs. Baerhave three children and reside at 2243Burling St. 'Leonard E. Gyllenhaal received thedegree of Master of Arts from the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania on June 2I.Raymond R. Kelly may be addressedat 6031 Calumet Ave.1906Burton P. Gale now resides at 152South Hamlin Ave.Dorothea Visher is an assistant in theDepartment of Nature Study at CornellUniversity, Ithaca, N.Y.1907Charles F. Axelson may be addressedat 5142 Madison Ave.John N. Brown is in the Departmentof Latin and Greek, at Emory and HenryCollege, Emory, Va.Channing W. Gilson now lives inChicago, at 105 Quincy St.Clarence T. MacN eille is cashier in thebanking house of N. W. Halsey & Co. andlives at Glencoe, Ill.Joseph Pedott is superintendent of theChicago Hebrew Institute, at 1258 WestTaylor St.Edna V. Schmidt is principal of thehigh school of West Chicago, Ill.Leroy A. Van Patten is located at 1886Broadway, New York City, N.Y.Arthur C. Trowbridge, instructor inthe Department of Geology at the U ni­versity, has been elected professor ofgeology at the State University of Iowa,to succeed Dr. George F. Kay, latelymade head of the department and stategeologist. The announcement was madeon July I.The Chicago Daily News of July Icontained the following interesting newsregarding the removal of Mrs. EvalynCornelius Gould from Seoul, Korea, toVancouver, B.C.:Mr. and Mrs. Ozro Gould disappointedtheir Chicago friends by not coming to thiscity before Mr. Gould took up his duties asAmerican vice-consul at Vancouver. Mrs.Gould is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Charles Cornelius of the south side and hasbeen living in Korea ever since her marriage.She and Mr. Gould landed from there at SanFrancisco a few weeks ago and went direct toVancouver. Mrs. Gould's brother, MartinPhelps Cornelius, and his bride are living onthe Midway, opposite the University ofChicago.THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION1908Alga C. Anderson may be addressed at9034 Erie St.Nellie B. Green lives at 4I3 NorthMain St., Fairfield, Ia.Elizabeth Johnston is head of theDepartment of English of ShurtleffCollege, 128 Evergreen Ave., UpperAlton, Ill.Una M. Jones teaches English in thehigh school of Pendleton, Ore.Grace P. Norton now resides at S137Monroe Ave.Flora E. Pope is assistant superin­tendent of the public schools at Lynn,Mass.Hugh A. Owen, principal of the highschool at Orosi, Cal., has been made prin­cipal of the Exeter Union High Schoolat Exeter, Cal.Nora B. Stevenson is professor ofhistory and economics at Sioux FallsCollege, Sioux Falls, S.D.Olga Vondracek has changed her ad­dress to ISIO Fourth Ave., Cedar Rapids,la.1909Edson S. Bastin may be addressed atWashington, D.C., in care of the UnitedStates Geological Survey.George E. Fuller may be addressed incare of the Federal Electric Co.Harvey E. Meagher is with the J ahn& Ollier Engraving Co., 5S2-S4 WestAdams St.Elizabeth L. Thielens lives at I50rWabash Ave., Mattoon, Ill.Stephen S. Visher is instructor ingeology at the University of SouthDakota, at Vermilion, S.D.Rev. Walter S. Pond, recently ordaineda minister of the Anglican church, maybe addressed at S I07 Kimbark Ave.IgIOEleazar R. Bowie may be addressed incare of the Hahnemann Medical College,Philadelphia, Pa.Herman Deutsch lives at S81S Michi­gan Ave.Margaret McCallie is studying inGermany and will be in Chattanooga,Tenn., after 1912.Edith S. Reider is now superintendentof the Central Association of EvanstonCharities, Evanston, Ill.Isaac N. Warner has moved from Nor­mal, Ill., to Platteville, Wis., where heis an instructor in the State NormalSchool. 32119IIN ellic S. Beam has taken the positionof instructor in English in the academyat Ottawa, Ill.Aleck G. Whitfield is taking specialwork in the University this summer.Roy Baldridge is traveling in Europe.Vallee O� Appel, president of the class,is registered in the University. He maybe addressed at 1345 East Fifty-third St.S. Edwin Earle is with the NorthernBank Note Co., Plymouth Place.Benjamin Wilk is traveling representa­tive for the Fairchild Co., publishers,Lees Building.The principalship of the Yorkvillehigh school, of Yorkville, III , has beengiven to Mary Staley. Miss Staley isthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R.Staley of Joliet, Ill.ENGAGEMENTS'99. Charles Klauher and EleanorFreund. Mr. Klauher is engaged inliterary work. Miss Freund matricu­lated at the University in 1907. Themarriage will take place early in the fall.'03. Hester Ridlon, daughter of Dr.and Mrs. John Ridlon, and Joseph L.Hempstead of Brooklyn, N.Y. Dr. Ridlongraduated in 187 S from the University ofChicago.MARRIAGES'oS. Adele Lackner, ex, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Ernest Lackner of 3201Calumet Avenue, and Harry NicholsWhitford on May 21. While at theUniversity, the bride taught in the Schoolof Education. The groom is chief in­vestigator for the Bureau of Forestry inthe Philippines. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfordsailed from San Francisco for Manila onJune 6.'oS. Alice Seton Thompson and Hel­mut Berens, '06, on Saturday evening,June 24, in the Austin PresbyterianChurch. Harvey B. Lemon, '06, wasbest man, and Olive E. Hanna, ex '07,sang three selections. After October I,19II, Mr. and Mrs. Berens will be athome in Elmhurst, Ill.'06. George A. Stephens o£ Lincoln,Neb., and Anna Roosa of Topeka, Kan.,in Topeka on June IS. Mr. Stephens isa graduate of Baker University, Baldwin,Kan., and received the degree of Masterof Arts from the University of Chicago322 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin 1906, and that of Doctor of Philosophyin the Department of Political Economyin 1909. For the past two years he hasbeen teaching in the Department ofPolitical Economy in the University ofNebraska at Lincoln. Mrs. Stephenswas a member of the class of 1912 atBaker University. They will be athome to friends in Lincoln, Neb., afterSeptember 15.'07. Edwin H� Parry, ex, and Mrs.Grace Vaughan at Crown Point, Ind., onJune 21. Mr. Parry is connected withthe O'Dea Real Estate Company, 218Randolph St. They will make theirhome in Chicago.'07. Edna F. McCormack of WestMonroe, La., and Elton J. Moulton, '08,fellow in the University, on June 18.They reside at 5742 Jackson Ave.,Chicago.'07. Claude S. Tingley, S.M., 'IO,and Helen Eloise Boor, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. William Henry Boor, at San­dusky, 0., on May 29. Miss Boor wasa sophomore at the University. Mr. andMrs. Tingley will live at DeLand, Fla.,the groom being an instructor in John B.Stetson University there.'08. Charles Baird Willard, ex, andLouise Mansfield Cowdrey, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Edward Gilmore Cowdreyof 1367 North State Street, on the eveningof June 9, at the home of the bride'sparents. Bishop C. P. Anderson readthe service. Mr. and Mrs. Willard willmake their home at 556 WellingtonAve.'09. Thomas Harper Goodspeed, ex,and Florence Beman, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Solon Spencer Beman, at thehome of the bride's parents on June 17.Mr. and Mrs. Goodspeed will be at homeon September 6 at 2617 LeConte Ave.,Berkeley, Cal.'09. Virginia H. Admiral and ArthurOwen Daby, in Chicago, on July 16.Miss Admiral is the daughter of NicholasAdmiral, 6151 Greenwood Ave., and Mr.Daby is the eldest son of Mrs. JeremiahR. Daby of Waukegan, Ill.'09. Robert Clack, ex, son of Dr. andMrs. W. R. Clack of Clear Lake, la., andGeorgia Edith Gordon of Tein Tsin,China, at Tein Tsin, on March 2I.Professor Clack did graduate work at theUniversity in the summer of 1909, and isnow head of the department of mathe­matics at the University of China. The bride is a daughter of the late Dr. Gordonof Chicago.'10. Harlan Orville Page and LouiseMarie Speed, on June 14 at the Churchof the Epiphany, Chicago, by the Rev.Franklin Cole Sherman. The weddingof the former football captain was wit­nessed by the members of the Japanesebaseball team and a number of formerU ni versity athletes. Director A. A.Stagg was also present. A reception tookplace at the home of the bride's grand­parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rogers,321 South Irving Ave., after the cere­mony. Mr. Page will assist Coach Staggduring the coming year. Mr. and Mrs.Page have made their home at 5438 Lex­ington Ave.'10. Harry Osgood Latham, son ofMr. and Mrs. Harry Hubbard Latham,and Marjorie Lieschen, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Henry E. Scholle, on Saturday,June 3.'10. Roy James Maddigan, ex, sonof Mr. and Mrs. James B. Maddigan,6951 Vernon Ave., Cincinnati, and MaryKreibel, of Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, onApril 26, at the home of the Rev. GeorgeA. Thayer, the officiating clergyman.The groom is a member of the Phi KappaPsi fraternity and was the star discus­thrower on the University track team atone time.DEATHSJohn C. Van Schaack, of the firm ofEstes and Co., chemical manufacturers,of Washington, D.C., died suddenly atthe Ebbitt House in Washington on April26. Death was caused by heart disease,from which Mr. Van Schaack had longsuffered. Mr. Van Schaack was born atManlius, N.Y., in 1858, and came toChicago in 1865. He attended the oldUniversity of Chicago, at Thirty-thirdStreet and Rhodes Ave. He is survivedby one son, Calvin of New York, and twobrothers, Robert H. and Cornelius P.Van Schaack, both of Chicago.'01. Word has been received of thedeath of Grace Holstead on June 9, atthe family home in Tama, la. MissHolstead received the degree of A.B.from the University and later served as amissionary among the M usguskie Indians.'03. Carl William Eisendrath, S.B.,died recently in Chicago. Mr. Eisen­drath was president of the MonarchLeather Company.UNDERGRADUATE LIFESENIOR CLASS EXERCISESThe passing of the Seniors was ob­served in the exercises of the SpringFinals, which occupied the week fromJune 6 to June 13. The principal eventswere the Senior College Contest inPublic Speaking for the Julius Rosen­wald prize, the Junior College DayExercises, Interscholastic Day, and ClassDay.In the Public Speaking Contest, Paul H.Davis won first honors with the oration"Paying Our Social Debt." Paul M.O'Dea, speaking on "The Closed Shop,"and Hazel L. Stillman on "The Defeatof Charles E. Merriam" received secondand third places respectively.Edward B. Hall, Jr., was chairman ofJunior College Day, of which the prin­cipal event, the interclass dance, tookplace at 8 o'clock in the evening inFrank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium.Class Day on Monday, June I2, on whichthe last general gathering of the classtook place, was favored with clear skiesuntil the middle of the afternoon, whena shower was the ca use of part of theprogram being given indoors. TheClass Bench exercises were participatedin by the following:Address by the President of the Class-Vallee O. AppelClass History-May J. CareyClass Poem-Mary L. EttenClass Oration-Herbert G. HopkinsPresentation of the Cap and Gown to theClass of 1912-Hazel L. StillmanResponse for the Class of rcr a+Tsabelle F.JarvisPresentation of the Hammer to the Classof rcr a+-Calvin o. SmithResponse for the Class of 1912-BenjaminF. BillsPresentation of the Senior Bench to theClass of 1912-Hilmar R. BaukhageResponse for the Class of 19I2-Ira N.DavenportPresentation of the Class Gift-EsmondR. LongResponse on behalf of the University­President Harry Pratt JudsonMR. ROCKEFELLER'S LETTERThe Undergraduate Council recentlyreceived a letter from Mr. John D. Rocke- feller, thanking its members for theresolutions of appreciation which theCouncil formally adopted, expressinggratitude to the Founder for his giftsto the University. The letter is asfollows:I am deeply gratified by the resolutionadopted at your meeting of January 13, acopy of which you have kindly sent me, andespecially your pledge of loyalty to the Uni­versity. The brightest hope for its ultimatefuture is in the loyalty of its alumni, and itwill be a lasting satisfaction to me, to feelthat I have been privileged to co-operate withthem, in the upbuilding of an institutionwhich will be of permanent usefulness to ourcommon country.Sincerely yours,J ORN D. ROCKEFELLERDRAMATICSUnder the direction of Mr. HansGronow of the Department of German,the German Club presented two plays,followed by a dance, on the night ofMay 5, in the Reynolds Club. Theproductions, Geburtstags Freuden, byHans Arnold, and Als Verlobte em.pfehle»sich, by Ernest Wichert, were wellhandled by the following undergradu­ates: Robert Berens, Winifred Cutting,Mary Gouwens, Carl Toepfer, ByronHartley, Arthur Vollmer, Ewald Pietsch,Selma Schiffman, Margaret Blum, Don­ald Grey, Marx Holt, and Gladys Getchell.As a climax to a year of successfulwork, the French Club presented theplay A quoi reoen; les jeunes filles,in Greenwood Hall on the evening ofMay 12. Although the audience wasmade up largely of students who under­stood but little of the dialogue, the playwas so well given that the audience wasmost favorably impressed. The coach­ing was done by Miss Susanne Morin.The cast of characters included SusanneFisher, Mona Quayle, Emanda Gris­wold, Susanne Morin, Letitia Fyffe, andBlanche Mason.THE BLACKFRIARSBefore crowded houses in the LeonMandel Assembly Hall on the evenings323THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof May 19 and 20 the Blackfriars pre­sented their 19II production, CapturingCalypso. With capable acting, singing,and dancing, the members of the castand chorus received encore after encore.Miss Mary Wood Hinman arranged thespecial dances, and Herbert P. Stothart,of the University of Wisconsin, stagedthe production.Among the numbers which seemed toplease best were the Greek dance byFrank Parker and Curtis Rogers, the"College Poster Man" chorus, and"Hanrahan" by Roy Baldridge. Thefirst took the audience by storm. HilmarBaukhage gave a finished performancein the part of Alexandrides. The danceof Floyd Willett and Dick Meyers afterthe chafing-dish scene almost equaledthe Greek dance in popularity. Theacting was as good as any yet seen inBlackfriar plays.Although the club did not realiz� �smuch financially as was expected, It ISfelt that the year has been a successfulone. The $100 offer for a Chicago songis to be continued. Fifty dollars willbe paid for the words, and the sameamount for the music.The men elected to the order are:Donald Hollingsworth, Curtis Rogers,Dana Atchley, Elmer Thomas, NormanElstrom, Harvey Schick, Harold Ram­ser William E. Stanley, Ogden Cole­ma'n, Dudley Dunn, William Keeler,Oren B. Batchelor, Howell Murray,Charles Goodrich, Robert Simond, Rob­ert Stenson, Theodore Ford, N ormanPaine, Rudy Matthews, Kenneth Sponsel,and Harold Wright.The officers for next year are:Abbot-Maynard SimondPrior-H. Russell StappScribe-Junius ScofieldH ospitaler-Earl HuttonMember Executive Committee-William Merrill SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZESOn the annual Civil Government Ex­amination which was given on Saturday,May 13, six students. competed for thecash prize of $200. FIrst place was wonby Max Daniels, with honorable mentionto Zuntsoon Zee. The papers of four ofthe contestants, Max Daniels, A. M.Squair, J. E. Lebensohn, and ZuntsoonZee, were so nearly on a level that it tooksome time to decide which was the bestwork. The judges were Professor Nor­man D. Harris of Northwestern Uni­versity, Elton Lower of the Civil ServiceCommission, and Frederick D. Bramhall,'02 of the University Faculty.The six students taking the exam­ination were A. M. Squair, J. E. Leben­sohn, Hilding Peterson, David Greenburg,Max Daniels and Zuntsoon Zee. Thecontest was 'won last year by HirschSoble out of twelve competitors. Twomore' examinations of this nature willbe given before the offer expires.In the finals of the Junior PublicSpeaking contest, held on May 18, inCobb Lecture Hall, scholarships of$120, $80, and $40 were awarded toPhilip Grossman, Albert Duncan, andLeo Hoffman, respectively. PhilipGrossman spoke on the affirmative andAnna Melka on the negative of the sub­ject " United States Senators ShouldBe 'Elected by Popular Vote." LeoHoffman upheld the affirmative andAlbert Duncan the negative of theproposition, "The Referendum Is Ad­visable in Legislative Matters." Thejudges were j)ean Albion W. Sm�ll, Dr.Alonzo K. Parker, and Frederick 19.Bramhall '02. The speakers were lim­ited to t;elve minutes. In this contestthe students were assigned books andpamphlets to read on the subjects ofpopular and delegated government.Two months were given for preparation.