JOHN MERLE COULTERHEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BOTANYConvocation Orator, March 15, I910The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME II APRIL, 19IO NUMBER 5PRACTICAL SCIENCEIBY JOHN MERLE COULTER, PH.D.Read of the Department of BotanyMEN who spend their lives in universities are apt to develo.p certain unfortunate peculiarities. These peculiarities may notmake them less happy, or less useful to their professional students,but they diminish the appreciation of the community at large. Inthe life of an instructor or an investigator of university rank thereis a peculiar kind of isolation that is sure to react.It is partly the isolation of a subj ect, which is usually more or lesssegregated from general human interests, at least in the aspects ofit the university man is cultivating. As a consequence, he feelsthat his world is quite apart from that one in which the majorityof men are living. He is conscious of an interest distinct fromtheir interests, which seem therefore relatively trivial. This senseof intellectual aloofness does not result in a feeling of lonelinessbut rather in a feeling of superiority, unconscious in many cases,but often naively expressed.It is also the isolation of authority, which comes from masteryof a subject and from association with students who recognize thismastery. To speak with authority in intellectual matters, to givethe deciding word, to meet a constant succession of inferiors, isapt to affect any man's brain. Either he becomes dogmatic inexpression, or he must hold himself in check with an effort. It isthe same reaction that was observed in the case of the clergy,1 Delivered on the occasion of the Seventy-fourth Convocation of the University, held in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall, March IS, IgIO.189THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwhen acknowledged authority in position resulted in an assumptionof authority in belief.The larger the university, the more intense does this sense ofthe isolation of superiority and of authority become, for it is stimulated by association with its own kind. There is much honest effortto break down this barrier between the scholars who represent universities, and the great host of men who represent the community.These men are not so isolated, but they are just as dogmatic in theirown way, and they are immensely influential. Even when the twogroups mingle, the scholar is often only a man of incidental interest,who possesses much curious information about many useless things.And the scholar usually enjoys being drawn out and made to display his curiosities, for it has the familiar flavor of the classroom,with its intellectually inferior students.Of course such contact between scholar and community is notthe effective one, for it is merely that of audience and entertainer.Here are two groups of men, both powerfully equipped, who shouldbe mutually stimulating in all that makes for progress. Mutualstimulation can follow only after mutual understanding. It is notfor me to explain the community to the scholar; but rather toexplain the scholar to the community. Even this subject is far toolarge, for scholarship has many phases, all the way Hom artisticappreciation to scientific synthesis. I shall try to explain in outlineonly the scientific aspect of scholarship, and its significance to thecommunity.It is evident that the public is somewhat interested in scientificresearch. The most available index of the present interest isfurnished probably by the newspapers and magazines, which tryeither to respond to the desires of their readers, or to cultivatedesires. Even a cursory examination of the material they furnish,which may be said to deal with research, shows that it is scantyin amount, sensational in form, 'and usually wide of the mark. Thefact that it is scanty in amount is a cause for congratulation, if itmust involve the two other features. The sensational form is aconcession to what is conceived to be public taste; and while to ascientific man this form seems to exhibit the worst possible taste, theserious objection is that to secure the form truth is usually sacrificed. Some of the results of this .kind of information are asfollows:Men engaged in research are 'looked upon in general as in-PRACTICAL SCIENCE 19Ioffensive but curious and useless members of the social order. Ifan investigator touches now and then upon something that the publicregards as useful, he is singled out as a glaring exception. If aninvestigation lends itself to announcement in an exceedingly sensational form, as if it were uncovering deep mysteries, the investigator becomes a "wizard," and his lightest utterance is treated asan oracle. The result is that if the intelligent reading public wereasked to recite the distinguished names in science, they wouldname perhaps one or two real investigators unfortunate enoughto be in the public eye, several "wizards," and still more charlatans.The great body of real investigators are known only to theircolleagues, thankful that they are not included in any publichan of fame. And yet the public is not to be blamed, for it isgiving its best information; and the fact that it has even suchinformation indicates an interest that would be wiser were it betterdirected. This better direction is dammed up behind a wall ofprofessional pride, which makes an investigator look askance atany colleague who has broken through it. The intelligent publicis certainly interested, but it is just as certainly not intelligentlyinterested. I wish to analyze the situation briefly.There is a conventional application of the term science, which Ishall use for convenience. Thus applied, there has arisen a classification of science into two phases, caned pure science and appliedscience. This distinction is one that not only exists in the publicmind, but it is also reinforced by published statements from colleges and universities. An attempt to define these two kinds ofscience reveals the fact that the distinction is a general impressionrather than a dear statement. A general impression is usuallysufficient for the public, but it ought not to be sufficient for theuniversities.If the impression be analyzed, it seems that pure science is ofno material service to mankind; and that applied science has to dowith the mechanism of our civilization. The distinction, therefore,is based upon material output. In other words, pure science onlyknows things, while applied science knows how to do things. Thisimpression, rather than distinction, has been unfortunate in severalways.The public, as represented by the modern American community,believes in doing things; and therefore to them pure science seemsuseless, and its devotees appear as ornamental rather than as vitalTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmembers of human society, to be admired rather than used. Thereaction of this sentiment upon opportunities for the cultivationof pure science is obvious.On the other hand, the universities, as represented by theirinvestigators, believe in knowing things : and therefore to themapplied science seems to be a waste of investigative energy, and itsdevotees appear to be unscientific, very useful but not to be acknowledged as belonging to the scientific cult. The reaction of thissentiment sometimes has been to avoid the investigation of problemsthat have an obvious practical application, and to justify Lowell'sdefinition of a university as "a place where nothing useful is taught."In this atmosphere of mutual misunderstanding the public andthe universities have continued to exist and to make progress, allthe time acknowledging their interdependence by mutual service.In recent years, however, a new spirit is taking possession ofthe public and it has invaded the universities. In fact, so conspicuous have the universities become in the movement that theyseem to be the leaders; certainly they furnish the trained leaders.The new spirit that is beginning to dominate increasingly is thespirit of mutual service. It is called by a variety of names, dependent upon the group that proclaims it; it is narrow or broad inits application, dependent upon the moral and intellectual equipmentof its promoters; but it is the same enduring idea.The university is no longer conceived of as a scholastic cloister,a refuge for the intellectually impractical; but as an organizationwhose mission is to serve society in the largest possible way. Furthermore, this service is conceived of not merely as the indirect.contribution of trained minds, a contribution of inestimable value,as we believe; but also as the direct contribution of assistance insolving the problems that confront community life.This new animating spirit is so attractive and inspiring, appealing to what seem to be our best impulses, that it threatens to becomea real danger not only to universities, but to the whole scheme ofeducation down to the primary school. The reaction is natural, andtherefore inevitable; but its demands must be recognized as representing the primary and extreme recoil stage of a new motive. Thenew motive must not eliminate all the old motives, but must adjustitself efficiently among them. For example, there is abroad anincreasingly insistent demand that in the primary and secondaryschools all instruction in pure science shall be discarded and variousPRACTICAL SCIENCE 193forms of applied science substituted, the imaginary distinctionbeing that which has been indicated. The same pressure is beingfelt in the college, not to the extent of substitution, but to the extentof adding impossible courses and weakening existing" ones. Mypresent thesis, however, is interested chiefly in the fact that thesame pressure has begun to be applied to the research work atuniversities. This pressure is applied not only by public demand,which voices the supporting constituency of most universities,especially of the Middle West; but also by the extensive scientificwork of state and federal governments, in which for the most partthe immediate practical aspect must dominate. The more recentdevelopments at our state universities are impressive illustrationsof this pressure; and as a result, in such universities scientific research, in co.nnection with problems that do not seem to be relatedat present to the welfare of the community, is living in a depressingatmosphere.It is time for the public and for the managers of universitiesto understand the real relation that exists between what theyhave been pleased to call pure science and applied science. I cannothope to make a statement that will appeal to all concerned, but itmay serve some useful purpose.As an introductory illustration, there may be outlined the usualsteps that science has taken in the material service of mankind. Aninvestigator, stimulated only by what has been called "the deliriousbut divine desire to know," is attracted by a problem. No thoughtof its usefulness in a material way is in his mind; he wishes simplyto make a contribution to knowledge. Noone can appreciate thelabor, the patience, the intellectual equipment involved in such workunless he has undertaken it himself. The investigator succeeds insolving his problem, and is satisfied. Later, perhaps many yearslater, some other scientific man discovers that the results of theformer may be used to revolutionize some process of manufacture,some method of transportation or communication, some empiricalformula of agriculture, some practice in medicine or surgery. Theapplication is made and the world applauds; but the applause ischiefly for the second man, the practical man. Any analysis of thesituation, however, shows that to the practical result both men contributed, and in that sense both men, the first no less than thesecond, were of immense material service. The ratio that existsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbetween scientific men of the first type and those of the second isnot known, but there is very great disparity.Another illustration is needed as a corollary. In this case aninvestigator, stimulated by the desire to serve the community, isattracted by a problem. He also wishes to make a contribution toknowledge. He succeeds in solving his problem, perhaps makes hisown application, and is satisfied. Later, some other scientific mandiscovers that the results of the former may be used to revolutionizecertain fundamental conceptions of science. His statement is madeand the scientific world applauds; and this time also the applauseis chiefly for the second man, the pure scientist. The analysis ofthis case shows, however, that to the scientific result both mencontributed; and that both men were of large scientific service.A third illustration is needed to complete the real historicalpicture of progress in scientific knowledge and in its material appli-cations. A practical man, not trained as an investigator, faces theproblem of obtaining some new and useful result. His only methodis to apply empirically certain formulae that have been developed byscience, but with ingenuity and patience he succeeds, although he;is not able to analyze his results. And yet, his procedure.reveals toa trained investigator a method or certain data that lead to a scientific synthesis of the first order.With such illustrations taken to represent the actual historicalsituation, what may be some of the conclusions?It is evident that responsibility for the material results of scienceis to be shared by those engaged in pure science, those engaged inapplied science, and those not trained in science at all. The onlydistinction is not in the result, therefore, but in the intent. As oneof my colleagues has aptly said, the difference between purescience and applied science, in their practical aspects, resolves itselfinto the difference between murder and manslaughter; it lies in theintention. So long as the world gets the results of science, it is notlikely to trouble itself about the intention. In every end result ofscience that reaches the public, there is an inextricable tangle ofcontributions. Between the source of energy and the point ofapplication, there may be much machinery, and perhaps none of itcan be eliminated from the final estimate of values. And yet, thepublic is in danger of gazing at the practical electric light and forgetting the impractical power house; and schools are being askedto turn on the electric light and to shut off the power house.PRACTICAL SCIENCE I95Another conclusion is that all application must have somethingto apply, and that application alone would presently result insterility. There must be perennial contributions to knowledge, withor without immediately useful intent, that application may possessa wide and fertile field for cultivation. It is just here that themenace to education is evident. When education in science becomesa series of prescriptions, to be followed without understanding andwithout perspective, it will train apprentices rather than intelligentthinkers. Of course there is a place for just this kind of trainingand there are individuals who need it; but the place does not seemto be the schools for general education, and the individuals areevidently not all those who pass through these schools, or even amajority of them.A third conclusion is that there is nothing inherent in immediatelyuseful problems that would compel their avoidance by an investigator who wishes to contribute to knowledge. While such an investigator should never be handicapped by the utilitarian motive, atthe same time he should never be perversely non-utilitarian. I feelfree to make this statement, for perhaps no field, within the confinesof my own general subject, seems to be more non-utilitarian than thespecial one I have chosen to cultivate. There is no reason why auniversity, especially one dominated by research, should not includeamong its investigations some that are of immediate concern tothe public welfare.A final conclusion may be that all science is one; that purescience is often immensely practical; that applied science is oftenvery pure science; and that between the two there is no dividingline. They are like the end members of a long and intergradingseries; very distinct in their isolated and extreme expression, butcompletely connected. If distinction must be expressed in termswhere no sharp distinction exists, what seems to me to be a happysuggestion, made by one of my colleagues, is the distinction expressed by the terms fundamental and superficial. They are termsof comparison and admit of every intergrade. In general, a university devoted to research should be interested in the fundamentalthings of science, the larger truths, that increase the general perspective of knowledge and may underlie the possibilities of materialprogress in many directions. On the other hand, the immediatematerial needs of the community are to be met by the superficialthings of science, the external touch of more fundamental things.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe series may move in either direction, but its end members mustalways hold the same relative positions. The first stimulus maybe our need, and a superficial science meets it, but in so doing itmay put us on the trail that leads to the fundamentals of science.On the other hand, the fundamentals may be gripped first, andonly later find some superficial expression. The series is oftenattacked first in some intermediate region, and probably most ofthe research in pure science may be so placed; that is, it is relativelyfundamental; but it is also relatively superficial. The real progressof science is away from the superficial toward the fundamental;and the more fundamental are our results, the more extensive maybe their superficial expression. In short, my subj ect, "practicalscience," is no subj ect at all, if it implies a special kind of science,for all science is practical.I· cannot leave science in the position of working on the chancethat some of its results may be found some day to be of materialservice to mankind. I have been speaking the language of thosewho measure usefulness in terms of its market price, and even atthat low level the results of science easily control the market. .Perhaps there are some who think that this is the only level at whichthe usefulness of science is conspicuous; for it is often thought ofas the Pullman car of our civilization, and not the passenger;something that contributes to our convenience and comfort, butsomething quite apart from our intellectual and moral selves.To my mind, the largest usefulness of science, its contributionof immeasurable value to human welfare, is on the intellectuallevel. It has developed and is continuing to develop the scientificattitude of mind, an attitude that has literally revolutionized thinking, so that all subjects and all education have become scientific.No more impressive testimony to this wide and revolutionaryinfluence of the scientific spirit could be given than that containedin the numerous memorial volumes of last year in honor of CharlesDarwin, for his contribution was not so much the theory of naturalselection as the scientific point of view. Perhaps the volume fromhis own university illustrates this most compactly. It containspapers written by 29 men, easily among the leaders in their respective fields, and representing the widest possible range of universities,and all united in saying that this embodiment of the scientific spiritrevolutionized not only zoology and botany and geology andastronomy, but also the study of language, of history, of sociology,PRACTICAL SCIENCE 197of philosophy, and of religion. This means that all subjects worthyof study and worthily studied have become scientific. It also meansthat this same scientific attitude is available for our social problems,immensely more important and vital than our material problems, forthey deal with real human welfare. Without attempting to analyzein any adequate way what has been called the scientific attitude ofmind, or the scientific spirit, I wish to indicate three of its usefulcharacteristics.I. It is a spirit of inquiry.-In our experience we encounter avast body of established belief in reference to all important subjects, such as society, government, education, religion, etc. It iswell if our encounter be only objective, for it is generally true, anda more dangerous fact, that we find ourselves cherishing a largebody of belief, often called hereditary, but of course the resultof early association. Nothing seems more evident than that allthis established belief that we encounter belongs to two categories:the priceless result of generations of experience, and heirloom rubbish. Toward this whole body of belief the scientific attitude ofmind is one of unprejudiced inquiry. So far as the attitude isprejudiced, it is unscientific. This is not the spirit of iconoclasm,but an examination of the foundations of belief. It is evident thatthis spirit is diametrically opposed to intolerance, and that it canfind no common ground with those who affirm confidently that thepresent organization of society is as good as it can be; that ourrepublic represents the highest possible expression of man in reference to government; that the past has discovered all that is bestin education; that the mission of religion is to conserve the pastrather than to grow into the future. This is not the spirit of unrest,of discomfort, but the evidence of a mind whose every avenue isopen to the approach of truth from every direction. For fear ofbeing misunderstood, I hasten to say that this beneficial result ofscientific training does not come to all those who cultivate it, anymore than is the Christlike character developed in all those whoprofess Christianity. I regret to say that even some who beargreat names in science have been as dogmatic as the most rampanttheologian. But the dogmatic scientist and theologian are not to betaken as examples of "the peaceable fruits of righteousness," forthe general ameliorating influence of religion and of science arenone the less apparent. It is not the speech of the conspicuousTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfew that is leavening the lump of human thought, but the quietwork of thousands of teachers.2. It is a spirit which demands that a claimed cause shall bedemonstrated.-It is in the laboratory that one first really appreciates how many factors must be taken into the. count in consideringany result, and what an element of uncertainty an unknown factorintroduces. Even when the factors of some simple result are wellin hand, and we can combine them with reasonable certainty thatthe result will appear, we may be entirely wrong in our conclusionas to what in the combination has produced the result. For example,the forms of certain plants were changed at will, by supplying totheir surrounding medium various substances. It was easy to obtaindefinite results, and it was natural to conclude that the chemicalstructure of these particular substances produced the result, andour prescription was narrowed to certain substances. Later itwas discovered that the results are not due to the chemical natureof the substances, but to a physical condition developed by theirpresence, a condition which may be developed by other substancesor by no substances; and so our prescription was much enlarged.There is a broad application here. In education, we are indanger of slavery to subjects, Having observed that certain onesmay'be used to produce certain results, we prescribe them as essential �o the process, without taking into account the possibility thatother subjects may produce similar results. In religion, we are indanger of formulating some specific line of conduct as essential tothe result, and of condemning those who do not adhere to it. Thatthere may be many lines of approach to a given result, if that resultbe a general condition, is a hard lesson for mankind to learn.If it is so difficult to get at the real factors of a simple resultin the laboratory, and still more difficult to interpret the significanceof factors when found, in what condition must we be in referenceto the immensely more complex problems that confront us in socialorganization, government, education, and religion, especially whenit is added that the vast majority of those who have offered answersto these problems have had no conception of the difficulties involvedin reaching truth r The proper effect of such knowledge is notdespair, but an attentive and receptive mind.The prevailing belief among the untrained is that any result maybe explained by some single factor operating as a cause. Theyseem to have no conception of the fact that the cause of everyPRACTICAL SCIENCE 199result is made up of a combination of interacting factors, often innumbers and combinations that are absolutely bewildering to contemplate. An enthusiast discovers some one thing which he regardsand perhaps all right-thinking people regard as an evil iit society orin government, and straightway this explains for him the whole ofour present unhappy condition. This particular tare must be rootedup, and rooted up immediately., without any thought as to thepossible destruction of the plants we must cultivate.This habit of considering only one factor, when perhaps manyare involved, indicates a very primitive and untrained condition ofmind. It is fortunate when the leaders of public sentiment havegotten hold of one real factor. They may overdo it, and workdamage by insisting upon some special form of action on accountof it, but so far as it goes it is the truth. It is more apt to be thecase, however, that the factor claimed holds no relation whatsoeverto the result. This is where political demagoguery gets in its mostunrighteous work, and is the soil in which the noxious weeds ofdestructive socialism, charlatanism, and religious cant flourish.3. It keeps one close to the facts.-There seems to be abroad anotion that one may start with a single well-attested fact, and bysome logical machinery construct an elaborate system and reachan authentic conclusion, much as the world has imagined thatCuvier could do if a single bone were furnished him. The resultis bad, even though the fact may have an unclouded title. But ithappens too often that great superstructures have been reared upona fact which is claimed rather than demonstrated. Facts are likestepping stones; so long as one can get a reasonably close series ofthem he can make some progress in a given direction, but when hesteps beyond them he flounders. As one travels away from a factits significance in any conclusion becomes more and more attenuated,until presently the vanishing point is reached, like the rays of lightfrom a candle. A fact is really influential only in its own immediatevicinity � but the whole structure of many a system lies in the regionbeyond the vanishing point.Such "vain imaginings" are delightfully seductive to manypeople, whose life and conduct are even shaped by them. I havebeen amazed at the large development of this phase of emotionalinsanity, commonly masquerading under the name of "subtle thinking." Perhaps the name is expressive enough, if it means thinkingwithout any material for thought. And is not this one great danger200 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof our educational schemes, when special stress is laid upon training? There is danger of setting to work a mental machine withoutgiving it suitable material upon which it may operate, and it reactsupon itself, resulting in a sort of mental chaos. An active mind,turned in upon itself, without any valuable objective material,certainly can never reach any very reliable results. It is the trainedscientific spirit which recognizes that it is dangerous to stray awayvery far from the facts, and that the farther one strays away themore dangerous it becomes, and almost inevitably leads to selfdeception.It is such an attitude of mind that scientific training is contributing to the service of mankind. This does not mean that all scientificmen exhibit this attitude to the full, but that it is their ideal. Thisideal has realized some tremendous- results during the last halfcentury, and there is every evidence that it is accumulating momentum for a much larger expression. Compared with this contribution, the material usefulness of science seems tawdry. In general,the world's standards of usefulness are tawdry, but education oughtto correct them rather than maintain them.The conclusion is that all science is immeasurably useful, fromfundamental to superficial, on the material plane and on the intellectual plane; and that in these two regions of human need it is themost valuable practical asset the world possesses.WARDNER WILLIAMSPresident of the Rocky Mountain Alumni ClubTHE RELATION OF A UNIVERSITYTO MUSICBY WARDNER WILLIAMSFormer Director of Music in the University of Chicago; President of theRocky Mountain Alumni ClubIN the evolution of the university with its ever-widening sphere ofinvestigation and instruction in its various schools of literature,science, divinity, law, medicine, sociology, and commerce, music isstill unprovided for.It is the privilege of the university to stimulate and elevateevery form of knowledge and give direction to its ideals andaccomplishments. No profession needs the fostering care and application of university standards more than does the profession ofmusic, and on the other hand the university needs the softening andrefining influence which only music can give. There is an obligationwhich our universities owe to the musical profession, that has neveryet been fulfilled. It is to the throng of serious students of music,scattered over the world, and to the privilege of institutions ofhigher education, to assist these students, that I wish to call attention.The art centers of this and other countries are filled withthousands of American students seeking instruction in music. Thisthrong of students may be said to be without a home, or adequateprovision for their instruction within university walls of this or anyother country. Naturally these students must go where they canfind instruction, although subjected to standards without uniformityor relation to other branches of higher education.The atmosphere and environment of the student should be thebest. Who can sit in the classroom of one of the greatest teachersof our time, Alexander Guilmant, knowing that the majority of thepupils before him are to be the future organists of the cathedrals ofFrance, and not be stirred with the possibilities of development ofmusic in our own land; or who could have come into the presenceof Theodore Thomas, with his wonderful faith in the future ofAmerican music, or sit under the spell of his superb orchestra, andnot feel the power of an ideal realized and divinely expressed?We can never fully adopt either German, French, English, or201202 ' THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEItalian models, for, if we should, they would not be American.The American student should avail himself, not only of the methods,culture, and ideals of one school, but of all of them.When the lamented President Harper spoke to Mr. Charles T.Yerkes concerning an observatory for the U niversity of Chicago, hereplied: "If you want me to. build an observatory I am not interested, but if you want me to build the finest observatory and erectthe largest and most powerful telescope in the world, I will do it";and he did.In the founding of a small and inadequate school of music I amnot interested, but for the establishment of a school of music inAmerica, which shall be the most complete in the world, I earnestlyplead. It is due to America to have such a school, and may wenot add that we would like to see it established as a part of theUniversity of Chicago?The old-time thinker would say this is visionary, but the carefulstudent of events knows that every great achievement is first avision in the mind of someone. The most practical men of our age,or of any age, are those who first see a thing and then produce it;in fact their vision and foresight are what make them practical.After having visited most of the great colleges and universitiesof this country and Europe, besides many of the music schools ofthis and other countries, I have no hesitancy in saying that with agift of sufficient size America and the university we all love couldhave the greatest school of music in the world.Who can estimate what the establishment of a school such asthis suggests would mean to the development of music in America?Thousands of talented young people from all parts of our land, andforeign countries as well, would seek instruction in this school,which would become a model and a standard for the entire world.With a faculty representing the best of the schools of the oldworld, as well as the best musical educators of our country, andwith an attendance limited to persons who show unmistakable signsof talent, the influence of such an institution in the development ofmusic in America is beyond the ability of anyone to estimate.Where could such a school be established to so great advantage, inserving the entire nation, as in Chicago? Why should not Chicagohave the greatest music school in the world; and why should notsuch a school be a part of the University of Chicago?A school of music, presided over by an executive mind thatTHE RELATION OF A UNIVERSITY TO MUSIC 203realizes its possibilities and relates it to the other departments ofthe university, would be a triumph as yet unattained in the causeof musical education.The fact that many musicians are one-sided in their developmentis due largely to the fact that institutions of higher education havenot fostered music as they should. Every student of music shouldbe required to take a certain amount of regular university work,along with his professional instruction. The profession of musiccan never attain the recognition of other professions until this isdone. Breadth of foundation is as essential to music as it is toany other profession.The university, typifying the tree of knowledge, with its everspreading branches, would render to the world a great service bytaking under its fostering care the art and science of music, now leftoutside the pale of university life.THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR THEYEAR 1908-9IN March there was issued- from the University of Chicago Pressthe President's Report for the year 1908-9. The volume, of twohundred and thirty pages, is opened by the personal report ofPresident Harry Pratt Judson (twenty-three pages), in which areconsidered the following subjects : Under the heading of "Finance" :the budget, the Press and journals, the Commons, gifts, deficits, andneeds; under "The Faculties": publications and research, appointments and promotions, and the Faculty reorganization; under "TheStudents": attendance and geographical distribution. -Other subj ects discussed in the report are Scholarship in the Colleges, andScholarship in the Law School. As a matter of record a list ofhonorary degrees conferred by the University from June 18, 1901,to December 18, 1908, is included in this report; and there isappended a full statement of gifts paid in during the year endingJune 30, 1909, including those for the Institute of Sacred Literatureand for the William Rainey Harper Memorial Library.The report of the Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, andScience is presented under the following heads: "Attendance,""Legislation," "Departments," "Instruction," "Scholarships," "Administration," and "Appointments to fellowships." Under "Legislation" are presented changes in entrance requirements, the newmarking system, rules for eligibility for public appearance, andorganization of undergraduate groups. Under "Departments," reference is made to the death of Assistant Professor PaulO. Kern,of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, andthat of Mr. David A. Covington, Assistant in the Department ofGreek. Under "Instruction," are discussed the distribution of instruction through the four quarters, the amount of work requiredfrom instructors, and the marking system; under "Scholarships,"the budget, officers' vouchers, University service for scholarshipaid, the academic work of scholars, and subsidy vouchers; andunder "Administration," the Recorder's office, student service, andcentralization 'of registration and routine correspondence. The204PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR I90B-9 205report of nine pages concludes with the list of University andDivinity Fellows appointed for the year 1908-9-The reports of the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts andLiterature and of the Dean of the Ogden Graduate School of Science are followed by the statistics of the Graduate Schools, whichshow the institutions from which the students have entered theSchools, the attendance, the higher degrees by states and countries,and the total higher degrees in the Graduate Schools.The reports of the Deans of the Divinity School, the Law School,Medical Students, College of Education, University High School,University Elementary School, the Senior Colleges, the College ofCommerce and Administration, University College, the Junior Colleges, Unclassified Students, and the Dean of Women cover aboutfifty pages.The University Extension Division contains reports from theSecretaries of the Lecture-Study and Correspondence-Study Departments; and there are also reports from the Associate Librarian,the Director of the Haskell Oriental Museum, and the Director ofthe University Press. University Relations, Physical Culture andAthletics; the Religious Agencies of the University, UniversityHouses, and the Board of Recommendations are likewise representedin the Report,Reports of Research in Progress include those from twentyfour departments and cover seventeen pages.The reports of other officers include those of the Counsel andBusiness Manager, the Registrar, and the Auditor, the report of thelast mentioned containing twelve tables and covering eighteen pages.The volume concludes with a list of the publications by membersof the Faculties during the year July I, 1908, to July I, 1909, whichcovers twenty-six pages.A NEW VOLUME ON THE EDUCATIONOF WOMENIN April there was issued from the University of Chicago Pressa significant volume entitled The Education of Women, byProfessor Marion Talbot, of the Department of Household Administration, who is also Dean of Women in the University. Thevolume, of two hundred and sixty pages, considers in Part I,"Women's Activities, Past and Present"; in Part II, "The Educational Machinery"; and in Part III, "The Collegiate Education ofWomen." ,In the opening chapters are discussed industrial and commercialchanges as affecting women, and also civic, philanthropic, domestic,and social changes, the discussion including also a summary andoutlook. In the chapters of Part II are discussed school attendance,the public schools of Boston and Chicago, a woman's college, astate university, and educational progress. The chapter headingsof the last division of the book are the following: "The ElectiveSystem," "The College Curriculum," "Social Activities," "HygienicEducation," "The Domestic Environment," and "Educational Needsof College Women."In the prefatory note the author says:So far then as the social and economic arrangements of society allotto men and women different tasks, so far must the educational machinerybe developed differently for the two sexes. That both shall be treated according to sound psychological principles, while to each is given the opportunity for being trained for such social tasks as await the well-equippedmember of a modern democratic community, is the ideal to be sought.The book contains twenty chapters and an index of seven pages,and is dedicated to the author's colleague, Sophonisba PrestonBreckinridge, Assistant Dean of Women and Assistant Professor ofSocial Economy in the Department of Household Administration.206THE SOUTH END CENTER, CHICAGOA RECORD of the successful work of graduates of the Universityin settlements and neighborhood clubs in Chicago must includethe results achieved by Miss Grace Darling, '97, in the South EndCenter at 3212 Ninety-first Street, South Chicago. The Center wasopened in November, 1907, in a store on Superior Avenue whichhad been used for a meat-market. Miss Darling became greatlyinterested in the community while teaching in the South ChicagoHigh School. The South End Women's Club saw the need forsettlement work and asked Miss Darling to take charge of theundertaking. By May, 1908, the work had grown to such proportions that it was necessary to move to the more comfortable andadequate quarters now occupied by the Center.Important work was done last �ummer when the Center joinedthe campaign that was being waged all over Chicago by the HealthDepartment and the United Charities, to save the babies. SouthChicago is one of the four worst districts of the city for high deathrate among children under two years of age. Hence it seemedbest for the settlement to co-operate actively in the movement, andmoney was raised to employ a nurse and another worker, while aninterpreter was provided by the United Charities. The campaignconsisted mainly of house-to-house visits by Miss Sarah Ryder, atrained nurse, assisted by Miss Louise Cottrell, and Miss LouiseFrankowski, a Polish interpreter. The purpose of these visits wasto instruct the mothers how to wash, clothe, and feed their babies,and to persuade them to send the sick infants to the baby tent provided by the United Charities. Seventy blocks were covered. Thenumber of visits recorded at the Health Department was 2,104.Re-visits and calls of inquiry where there were no babies raisedthe total to more than four times this number.Dr. Caroline Hedger, who was in close touch with the campaignfor the saving of babies declared that South Chicago showed thegreatest reduction in death-rate of any ward in the summer of1909. Several factors enter into this reduction: the campaign forgardens; the baby tent and visiting of the United Charities; thesystem of medical charity carried out by the South Chicago Medical207208 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESociety; the wonderful cleanliness of the alleys; and, by no meansleast, the work done by South End Center in bottling and distributing milk, making house-to-house visits of instruction, and attending to cases needing continued care.From July 1 to January 1 the modified milk for babies, which isprepared at West Adams Street, was sent out in quart bottles, andbottled at the settlement. The bottling of the milk and sterilizingthe bottles required four hours' work daily. In addition, the nurseprepared some 1,000 extra feedings. From the first of April, 1909,to April, 1910, South End Center distributed about 21,000 bottles.The many activities conducted at the Center bring an averageof more than 3,000 people to the settlement each month. Thesecome for milk, work, advice, and to attend the clubs and classes.These include a class in the English language for foreigners, whichmeets three times a week; a class of Servians for business formsand advanced English; a grammar class of young women; a classof young women in elementary English; a reading club; two cookingclasses; one embroidery class; a sewing club; graded sewing classes;a girl's dancing class; a dancing class for young people; four classesa week in manual training; a boys' club known as the Johnson Club,and another, the South End Stars; two story hours; two open clubsfor games; a women's club, and the Day Nursery Association.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD .EXERCISES CONNECTED WITH THE SEVENTY-FOURTH CONVOCATIONProfessor John Merle Coulter, Ph.D., Head of the Departmentof Botany, was the Convocation orator on March IS, 1910, hisaddress, which was given in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall, beingentitled "Practical Science." The address appears elsewhere in fullin this issue of the Magazine.The Convocation Reception was held in Hutchinson Hall on theevening of March 14. In the receiving line were President HarryPratt Judson; the Convocation orator, Professor John MerleCoulter, and Mrs. Coulter; and the Dean of the Faculties of Arts,Literature, and Science, Professor George Edgar Vincent, and Mrs.Vincent.DEGREES CONFERRED AT THE SEVENTY-FOURTH CONVOCATIONAt the Seventy-fourth Convocation of the University, held in theLeon Mandel Assembly Hall on March 15, 1910, four students wereelected to membership in the Beta of Illinois Chapter of Phi BetaKappa for especial distinction in general scholarship in the University; and twenty-three students were elected to Sigma Xi forevidence of ability in research work in science.Forty-three students received the title of Associate; six, thedegree of Bachelor of Arts; twenty-seven, the degree of Bachelor ofPhilosophy; and twelve, the degree of Bachelor of Science.In the Divinity School one student received the degree ofBachelor of Divinity, and one student the degree of Master of Arts.In the LaV:: School three students received the degree of Doctorof Law (J.D.).In the Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Science onestudent was given the degree of Master of Philosophy, and onestudent that of Doctor of Philosophy, making a total of fifty-twodegrees (not including titles) conferred by the University at theSpring Convocation.THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRAL ASSOCIATIONThe last of the series of six concerts arranged by the UniversityOrchestral Association for the current year was given in the LeonMandel Assembly Hall on the afternoon of April g by the Theodore209210 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThomas Orchestra and in range and interest was a striking closeto the series, the composers represented including Beethoven, Schumann, Goldmatk, Massenet, Delibes, and Elgar.The enthusiastic interest shown by the University communityin this new movement during the first season seems to make possiblethe presentation of an increased number of concerts under the auspices of the Association next year.The University Orchestral Association consists of one hundredmembers of the University community who have perfected anorganization for the purpose of cultivating an interest in good musicby means of an annual series of orchestral concerts in the LeonMandel Assembly Hall, supplemented by such other programs as inthe judgment of the officers of the Association will contribute tothat end.The success of the season was assured with the advance sale of995 season tickets, 354 of which were purchased by students in theUniversity. At each of the six concerts nearly all of the seats inthe hall (1,141) have been occupied.The programs were arranged by a special committee of theAssociation in co-operation with the conductor and manager of theTheodore Thomas Orchestra. In accordance with the general planagreed upon, each concert included one symphony, the other numbersbeirig, so far as practicable, request numbers. The composers represented in the symphonies were Dvorak, Tschaikowsky, Brahms,Beethoven, Schubert, and Schumann.The annual meeting of the Association was held in the HaskellAssembly Room on April 7. The secretary-treasurer submitted a report indicating that the year had been not less successful financiallythan otherwise. The Association is now in possession of a smallsurplus, which will be preserved as a fund to guarantee the successof future seasons. The members present at the annual meeting votedunanimously to authorize the officers to plan for the presentation' ofat least six concerts by the Theodore Thomas Orchestra and at leasttwo artist recitals for the next year. These plans are now wellunder way. The concerts will be given on Tuesday afternoons asduring the present year, and will be presented at intervals of fromthree to five weeks. The dates and other details will be announcedbefore the close of the Spring Quarter so that members of the University may make reservation of their seats for another year beforeleaving for the summer vacation.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 211The present officers of the Orchestral Association=-CeorgeHerbert Mead, president; Mrs. Sherwood J. Larned, vice-president;Walter A. Payne, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson,Mrs. Francis W. Parker, James Henry Breasted, and Wallace Heckman, directors-were re-elected for another year.PROGRAM FOR THE SEVENTY-FIFTH CONVOCATIONThe Seventy-fifth Convocation in addition to having the usualattractions of the June Convocation will be made significant by thelaying of the corner-stone of the William Rainey H�rper MemorialLIbrary. Friday, June 10, will be Junior College Day. Alreadyarrangements have been made for the substitution of a more informal dance than the customary Junior Promenade. The DramaticClub for its annual Junior Day play is considering the presentation,out of doors or in Leon Mandel Hall, of Aristophanes' The Clouds.The 'prchestral Association intends to make the day significant bya special program of music appropriate to the Schumann centenary.The Theodore Thomas Orchestra will present, probably on Friday,a Schumann program. Saturday, June II, will be the customaryInterscholastic Day. Director Stagg is making even greater preparation than usual for the entertainment of students from the competing high schools. Convocation Sunday will be marked by theusual morning religious services and the vesper service. Class Daywill be Monday, June 13. The candidates for degrees and titlesfrom the School of Education will also hold exercises on this day.The President's Reception will be held Monday evening in Hutchinson Court.Convocation Day will ppen with the corner-stone exercises atten o'clock. The concrete foundations of the Harper MemorialLibrary are already well in place, and there is now no doubtabout the possibility of laying the corner-stone at this time.Immediately after the corner-stone exercises the Seventy-fifth, Convocation will be held in Hutchinson Court. At one o'clock theUniversity luncheon will be held. Alumni should make application at once to the Secretary to the President. Seats for theluncheon are in great demand. Alumni classes will be favored inthe order of graduation. At some time during the Convocationseason there will be unveiled at the base of Hutchinson Tower abronze tablet of Alice Freeman Palmer. The memorial has beendesigned by Daniel Chester French, the New York sculptor, and2I2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEis for the purpose of calling attention to the fact that the bells inthe Tower are in memory of the University's first Dean of Women.Announcement of the Convocation preacher and Convocation oratorwill soon be made. It is the intention to secure for these exercisespersons not only of national reputation but of notable friendshipwith President Harper.INSTRUCTION FOR THE SUMMER QUARTER OF i9IOThe work of the Summer Quarter, which in value and credit isrecognized by the University as the equivalent of that in the otherquarters, has long since ceased to be an experiment. For each ofthe Summer Quarters of 1908 and 1909 more than three thousandstudents were in attendance, and the average maturity of the studentand the "seriousness of his work would compare favorably withthose of students in other quarters.For the Summer Quarter of 1910 two hundred instructors willoffer instruction in Arts, Literature, Science, Divinity, Law, Medicine, and Education, affording a choice of about four hundredcourses.Of the whole number of instructors thirty-seven come from otherinstitutions, among the universities and colleges represented beingYale, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Dartmouth, Pennsylvania, Michigan,Leland Stanford, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Northwestern,Missouri, Kansas, Texas, South Dakota, Cincinnati, and LakeForest.THE FACULTIESBefore the Germania Mannerchor of Chicago on the evening ofApril 21, Professor James H. Breasted, of the Department ofSemitics, gave an address on "The Temples of the Nile."Mr. Charles E. Kremer, Professorial Lecturer on AdmiraltyLaw, began on April 4, in the Law Building, a series of five lectureson the subject of "Admiralty Law."Professor William Gardner Hale, Head of the Department ofLatin, has the opening contribution in the April issue of the SchoolReview, entitled "Latin Composition in the High Schoo1."On February 18 Associate Librarian ZelIa A. Dixson gave alecture entitled "Storied Castles and Abbeys" before the membersof the West End Club of Chicago. The lecture was illustrated.THE UNIVERSITY RbCORD 213On March 30 Mr. William M. Salter, lecturer of the ChicagoSociety of Ethical Culture, began in the Law Building a series ofeleven University public lectures on the general subject of "Nietzsche's Philosophy.""Observations of the Aurora, Made at the Yerkes Observatory,1902-1909" is the subject of a contribution in the April number ofthe Astrophysical Journal by Professor Edward E. Barnard, of theYerkes Observatory."Shakspere's London" was the subject of an illustrated lecturebefore the Polytechnic Society in Fullerton Hall of the Art Institute,Chicago, on April IS, by Mr. David Allan Robertson, of the Department of English."Legislation and the Laws of Trade" was the subject of anaddress on April 16, before the John Marshall LawSchool of Chicago, by Professor J. Laurence Laughlin, Head of the Departmentof Political Economy."The Increased Cost of Living" is the title of a contribution inthe May number of Scribner's Magazine by Professor J. LaurenceLaughlin, Head of the Department of Political Economy. Thearticle is illustrated by diagrams.Professor Albion VV. Small, Head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, contributes to the March number of theAmerican Journal of Sociology a discussion of "The SociologicalStage in the Evolution of the Social Sciences."Commodore John Rodgers is the title of a biography recentlyissued by the Arthur H. Clark Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, theauthor being Mr. Charles Oscar Paullin, who received his Doctor'sdegree from the University of Chicago in 1904."Human Development and Evolution" was the subject of anillustrated address under the auspices of the Field Museum ofNatural History in Fullerton Hall of the Art Institute, Chicago, onApril 23, by Professor Frank R. Lillie, of -the Department ofZoology.In the February-March issue of the journal of Geology is acontribution entitled "Certain Valley Configurations in Low Latitudes," by Professor Thomas C. .Chamberlin, Head of the Department of Geology, and Dr. Rollin T. Chamberlin, Research Associatein Geology.214 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPresident Harry Pratt Judson gave an address before the CivicLeague in St. Louis, Mo., March 8, on the subject of "Civic Righteousness," and on March 25, before the Alabama EducationalAssociation in Birmingham, an {address on "The Teacher and theCommunity.""The Legend of the Trojan Settlement in Latium" was the subj ect of a paper at the sixth annual meeting of the Classical Assodation of the Middle West and South in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall on April 29, by Associate Professor Gordon J. Laing, ofthe Department of Latin.Among the members of the new Illinois Park Commissionappointed by the governor of Illinois is Assistant Professor WallaceW. Atwood, of the Department of Geology. The commission willmake recommendations to the next legislature regarding the establishment of state parks."Education, Old and New, in' China" is the subject of an .illustrated contribution to the April issue of the World To-Day byProfessor Ernest D. Burton, Head of the Department of .Biblicaland Patristic Greek. Professor Burton vyas a member of the University's Oriental Educational Commission.Under the auspices of the Chicago Society of the ArchaeologicalInstitute of America a University public lecture on the subj ect of"The Growth of Naturalism in Italian Painting: Fra Angelico,Filippo Lippi, and Botticelli" was given by Professor Oliver S.Tonks, Ph.D., of Princeton University. The lecture was illustrated.The one hundred and thirty-sixth contribution from the HullBotanical Laboratory � entitled "The Prothallia of Aneimia andLygodium," with two plates, appears in the March number of theBotanical Gazette, the writer being Edith Minot Twiss, who received the Doctor's degree from the University at the SeptemberConvocation in 1909."The Good and the Bad in the Western Invasion of China" isthe subject of a contribution to the "March issue of the WorldTo-Day, by Professor Ernest D. Burton, Head of the Departmentof Biblical and Patristic Greek, who was a member of the University's Oriental Educational Commission. This is the second in aseries of illustrated articles.Professor James H. Breasted, of the Department of Semitics,._contributed to the March number of the Chautauquan magazine anTHE UNIVERSITY RECORD 215illustrated article on "Esneh, El Kab, and Edfu," and also to theApril issue of the same magazine an article entitled "The FirstCataract; Aswan and Philae." The last-mentioned article is theeighth in a series under the general title of "A Reading Journeythrough Egypt," and has seventeen illustrations.Among the seven members of the Illinois Tax Commissionrecently appointed by the governor of the state, is Associate Professor Charles E. Merriam, of the Department of Political Science.Mr. Merriam is also chairman of the Chicago Commission onMunicipal Expenditures and a member of the Chicago city council.The law providing for the Commission requires all reports to bemade to the governor of Illinois_ on or before January IS, 1911.Under the auspices of the Vassar Alumnae Association of Chicago, for the benefit of an endowment fund for Vassar College,there was given on April 16 in the Fortnightly rooms of the FineArts Building a lecture by Associate Professor Myra Reynolds, ofthe Department of English, entitled "Some Borrowings from theEighteenth Century Stage." In connection with the paper there werepresented short scenes from representative productions of the time.Henry W. Prescott, Associate Professor of Classical Philology,contributes to the April number of Classical Philology a discussionof "The V ersus inconditi of Pap. Oxyrhynch. 219." In the sameissue of the journal appears a contribution entitled "On the EightBook Tradition of Pliny's Letters in Verona," by Professor ElmerT. Merrill, of the Department 'of Latin; and Professor Paul Shorey,the managing editor, contributes notes on "Homer 'Iliad 24, 367, andPlato Republic 492 c.'Assistant Professor Wallace W. Atwood, of the Departmentof Geology, has been re-elected secretary of the Chicago Academyof Science. The academy is undertaking several lines of educational work, which is under the general direction of the secretary.Mr. Atwood has also been promoted from the rank of assistantgeologist in the United States Geological Survey to that of geologist,and has received a new assignment from the National Survey forseveral years' work in the San Juan Mountains in Colorado.Assistant Professor Howard T. Ricketts, of the Department ofPathology and Bacteriology, has accepted the professorship ofpathology in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, taking up his duties in the autumn. Mr. Ricketts became2I6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAssistant in Pathology in the University of Chicago in 1902, wasmade an Instructor in 1903, and has held his present position asAssistant Professor of Pathology since 1907. Mr. Ricketts recentlyreceived from the American Medical Association a medal in recognition of his investigations concerning Rocky Mountain spottedfever. Since this was written the news of the untimely death ofProfessor Ricketts in the City of Mexico has reached Chicago.Under the auspices of the City Club of Chicago there has beenestablished a free lecture bureau which furnishes, on application,lecturers who will discuss various civic questions and problems intheir own particular fields of study and investigation. Among thelecturers who have indicated their willingness to support the movement with their services are Professor Roscoe Pound, of the LawSchool, who will speak on the subject of "Social Justice and LegalJustice," and Associate Professor Charles E. Merriam, of theDepartment of Political Science, who will discuss "City Finances."Other speakers will be the Health Commissioner of Chicago, Dr.William A. Evans, and the Public Librarian, Mr. Henry E. Legler.To the March number of the Elementary School Teacher Associate Professor Otis W. Caldwell, of the Department of Botany, contributes the fourth article in a series on "Natural History in theGrades," and in the same number of the journal Professor WalterSargent, of the Department of Education, discusses the subject of"The Fine and Industrial Arts in Elementary Schools, Grade 6."The article is illustrated by six figures. In the April issue of thesame journal Associate Professor S. Chester Parker, of the Department of Education, has a contribution on "Our Inherited Practice in Elementary Schools." This is the fourth in a series ofcontributions and discusses "Free Schools and the LancasterianSystem."Professor Albion W. Small, Head of the Department of and Anthropology, is giving a series of ten open lectures on thegeneral subject of "The Relation of the Social Sciences." The firstand second lectures were given April I and 8 in Cobb Lecture Hallon the subjects respectively of "The Unity of Social Science," and"The Disunity of Social Science." The subjects of the followinglectures are: (3) "The Sociological Reassertion of the Unity ofSocial Science," (4) "The Center of Orientation in Social Science,"(5) "The Social Sciences as Terms of One Formula," (6) "TheObjective Phase of Social Science," (7) "The Analytical Phase ofTHE UNIVERSITY RECORD 2I7Social Science," (8) "The Evaluative Phase of Social Science,"(9) "The Constructive Phase of Social Science," and (10) "TheFuture of Social Science." The series of lectures ends on June 3.LlBRARIAN'S ACCESSION REPORTFOR THE WINTER QUARTER1910During the Winter Quarter, January-March, I91O, there was added tothe library of the University a totalnumber of 4,673 volumes, from thefollowing sources:BOOKS ADDED BY PURCHASEBooks added by purchase, 2,530 volumes, distributed as follows: Anatomy,47 ; Anthropology, 5 ; Astronomy(Ryerson)" 9; Astronomy (Yerkes),19 ; Bacteriology, .2 ; Botany, 3 ;Chemistry, 7; Church History, 55;Commerce and Administration, 152;Comparative Religion,s; Embryology,14· English, 147; English and Germa'n, I; English, German, and Romance, 2; General Library, 90; Geography, 21; Geology, 18; G�rman, 13;Greek, 191; Haskell, 17; .Hlstory, 20�;History of Art, 12; Latin, 73; Latinand Greek, 19; Latin and History ofArt, I; Latin, New Testament andChurch History, 7; Law School, 173;Lexington Hall, 19; Mathematics, 12;New Testament, 39; Palaeontology, I;Pathology, 7; Philosophy, 21; Physical Culture, I; Physics, 53; Physiological Chemistry, 7; Physiology, 22;Political Economy, 52; Political Science, 22 ; Practical Theology, 33 ;Psychology, 23; Public Speaking, 6;Romance, 193; Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, 48; Scandinavian Seminary, 21; School of Education, 463;Sernitics, ·74; Semitics and History ofArt, 3 ; Sociology, 5 I ; Sociology(Divinity), 20; Systematic Theology,25; Zoology,S.BY GIFTBooks added by gift, 1,609 volumes,distributed as follows: Anatomy, I;Anthropology, I; Astronomy (Ryerson), 2; Astronomy (Yerkes), 8;Biology, 17; Botany, 6; Chemistry, 2;Church History, 18; Commerce andAdministration, 3; Comparative Re- ligion, 2; Embryology, 9; English, 7;General Library, 1,159; Geography,IS; Geology, 22; German, a : Greek,10; Haskell, 57; History, 25; Historyof Art, 2; Latin, 25; Latin and Greek,2; Law School, 2; Mathematics, 14;New Testament, 9; Philosophy, 8;Physical Culture, I; Physics, 13; Physiology, I; Political Economy, 34 ;Political Science, 24; Practical Theology, 21; Romance, 3; Sanskrit andComparative Philology, I I; Scandinavian Seminary, I; School of Education, 49; Semitics, 4; Sociology, 7;Sociology (Divinity), I; SystematicTheology, 4; Zoology, 7.BY EXCHANGEBooks added by exchange for University publications, 534 volumes, distributed as follows: Anthropology, �;Astronomy (Yerkes), 2; Biology, 3;Botany,s; Chemistry, 2; ChurchHistory, 14; English, 2 ; GeneralLibrary, 163; Geography, 2; Geology,8; Greek, 6; Haskell, 121; History,I4; Latin, II: Latin and Greek, .2;Law School, 2; Mathematics, 64; NewTestament, 6; Philosophy, 4; Physics,3 ; Political Economy, 20; PracticalTheology, 4; Psychology, I; Romance,22 ; Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, 6; School of Education, I I ;Semitics, 7; Sociology, 15; SystematicTheology, 12.SPECIAL GIFTSF. I. Carpenter, Periamma, or; V ulgar errours in practice censured, 1659-I volume.Zella A. Dixson, miscellaneous-c-advolumes.A. A. Michelson, periodicals andmiscellaneous-e-r g volumes and 38pamphlets.A. A. Stagg, periodicals-579 pamphlets.Quadrangle Club, periodicals-5 I 7pamphlets.H. L. Willett, Modern Sermons byWorld Scholars-e-re volumes.United States government, documents and reports-e-Saf volumes and75 pamphlets.APPOINTMENTS TO FELLOWSHIPSFOR THE YEAR 1910�11More than one hundred appointments to fellowships haverecently been made by the University of Chicago for the year19IO-II, as given below. The wide distribution of the fellowshipsis shown in the fact that sixty-three educational institutions arerepresented. Of the total number of new Fellows sixteen arewomen. Eighteen of the new appointees are graduates of theUniversity of Chicago. The fellowships range in value from $120to $550.Harriett May AllynLeon ArdzrooniRalph Philip BoasWilliam BodeEmory Stephen BogardusAlbert Dudley BrokawHenry Raymond BrushWilliam Frank BryanDaniel BuchananErnest Watson BurgessEdward Moore BurwashCharles Boyle CampbellArthur ShambergerChenowethHerbert Guy ChildsEdward Wilson ChittendenGrace Lucretia ClappJohn Addison ClementRobert Cameron ColwellCarlos Everett ConantHarold Caswell CookeWillam Skinner CooperEdmund Vincent CowdryFrances Eunice DavisLloyd Lyne DinesAlic·e May DurandHenry Ellsworth EwingVernor Clifford Finch A.B. Mount Holyoke College, ZoologyA.B. Leland Stanford Jr. University, Political EconomyA.B. Brown University, EnglishA.B. Penn College and Haverford College;D.B. University of Chicago, SemiticsA.B. and A.M. Northwestern University, So-ciologyS.B. University of Chicago, GeologyA.B .. Adelbert College, RomancePh.B. and A.M. University of North Carolina, EnglishA.B. and A.M. McMasters University, As-tronomy ,A.B. Kingfisher College, SociologyA.B. and A.M. University of Toronto, GeologyPh.B. De Pauw University, GermanA.B. University of Colorado, GreekS.B. University of Minnesota, PoliticalEconomyA.B. University of Missouri, MathematicsA.B. and A.M. Smith College, BotanyA.B. and A.M. McPherson College, EducationA.B. Harvard University; A.M. University ofNew Brunswick, PhysicsA.B. and A.M. Lawrence University, SanskritA.B. and A.M. University of Toronto,GeologyS.B. Alma College, BotanyA.B. University of Toronto, AnatomyA.B. Wellesley College, GreekA.B. and A.M. Northwestern University,MathematicsA.B. Oberlin College, SociologyA.B. and A.M. University of Illinois, ZoologyS.B. University of Chicago, Geography218APPOINTMENT$ TO FELLOWSHIPS FOR THE YEAR I9Io-,-II 219Harvey FletcherFrederic Benj amin GarverRichard White GentryCurwin Henry GingrichJohn William EdwardGlattfeldTalitha Jennie GreenCarl Frederich GreveGrace Elvira HadleyUsta Caroline HagenArthur J ackson HallWilmer Carlyle HarrisHeber Michael HaysHerbert Waldo HinesOscar DeWitte HollenbeckHoward Archibald HubbardJ ames Root HulbertAlfred Proctor JamesThomas Neil JohnsonRichard Orlando JolliffeEasley Stephen JonesClyde Lyndon KingGeorg-e Lester KiteOliver Justin LeeHarvey Brace LemonEdwin Russell LloydMilton . Early LoomisWilliam Ferdinand LuebkeCharles Adam MohrHoward Wilson MoodyAllen Jefferson MoonJosiah John MooreHarold Glenn MoultonHarry Albert McGillBertram Reid MacKayChester William NewJohn Hector PalmerJohn PanaiotoffTheodore Calvin PeaseDavid Derrick PeeleFleming Allen Clay PerrinNorma Etta PfeifferPaul David PotterDonald Irving PopeWilliam Alexander RaeCarl Leo RahnIsaiah March Rapp S.B. Brigham Young University, PhysicsA.B. University of Nebraska, Political EconomyA.B. University of Missouri; D.B. Univer-sity of Chicago, Church HistoryA.B. and A.M. Dickinson College, AstronomyS.B. and S.M. Dartmouth College, ChemistryA.B. and A.M. University of Missouri, LatinA.B. Northwestern University, GermanA.B. Mount Holyoke College, GreekPh.B. University of Chicago, GermanA.B. and A.M. Richmond College; D.B. andTh.M. Crozer Theological Seminary,Practical Theology -Ph.B. University of Chicago, HistoryAB. Mount Morris College, GreekA.B. and A.M. Harvard University, SemiticsS.B. Colgate University, GeologyA.B. and A.M. Ohio Wesleyan University,Political EconomyA.B. University of Chicago, EnglishA.B. Randolph-Macon College, HistoryA.M. Wake Forest College, Practical TheologyA.B. University of Toronto, LatinA.B. and A.M. University of Colorado, EnglishA.B. and A.M. University of Michigan, Po-litical ScienceS.B. University of Chicago, ZoologyA.B. University of Minnesota, AstronomyA.B. University of Chicago, PhysicsA.B. Oxford University, GeologyA.B. Western Reserve University, PoliticalScience 'A.B. University of Wisconsin, GermanAB. Franklin and Marshall. College; D.B.Union Theological Seminary, Sys-tematic TheologyA.B. Cornell College, PhysicsA.B. Howard College, GreekS.B. University of Montana, PathologyPh.B. University of Chicago, Political Econ-omyAB. University of Chicago, HistoryS.B. Queens University, GeologyB.A. University of Toronto'; B.Th. and B.D.McMasters University, Church HistoryAB. Brown University, Biblical GreekA.B. Park College, HistoryPh.B. University. of Chicago, HistoryA.B. Trinity College, English'Ph.B. University of Chicago, PsychologyS.B. University of Chicago, BotanyA.B. University of Wisconsin, ChemistryA.B. University of Nebraska, SociologyA.B. University College, Toronto, LatinPh.B. University of Chicago, 'PsychologyA.B.· Ursinus College, PhysicsHomer Blosser ReedTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA.B. and A.M. Indiana University, Phi-losophyA.B. Kingfisher College, EducationA.B. Ohio Wesleyan University, GermanA.B. Carmarthen College, South Wales,SemiticsRalph 'Eugene Root S.B. Morningside College, Mathematicsj ens Madsen Rysgaard A.B. Univ. of North Dakota, MathematicsCarl Ortwin Sauer A.B. Central Wesleyan College, GeographyClara Schmitt A.B. University of Missouri, EducationTheophilus Henry Schroedel A.B. Northwestern University (Wisconsin),SemiticsS.B. Ohio Wesleyan University, PhysiologyA.B. Brown University, ZoologyA.B. and A.M. Southwestern University, Edu-cationA.B. Franklin College, Biblical GreekA.B. Oberlin College, BotanyPh.B. Iowa Wiesleyan University, Political. EconomyPh.B. University of Chicago, PhilosophyS.B. University of Chicago, PhysiologicalChemistryArthur Lawrie Tatum S.B. Penn College, PhysiologyArchibald i Wellington Taylor A.B. Doane College, Political EconomyClare Chrisman Todd S.B. Washingon State College, ChemistryMary Treudley A.B. Ohio University, LatinHarlan Leo Trumbull A.B. and A.M. University of Washington,ChemistryA.M. University of North Carolina, RomanceS.B. University of Chicago, PsychologyA.B. Kingfisher College, PhilosophyA.B. Oberlin Colleve, PhilosophyA.B. and A.M. University of Kansas, Chem-istryS.B. Utah Agricultural College, ChemistryPh.B. University of Chicago, Biblical GreekA.B. Oberlin College, PaleontologyA.B. Wesleyan University (Conn.), ChemistryA.B. Randolph-Macon College, HistoryA.B. Drake University, PhysicsA.B. University of Chicago, Pathology220Irwin Magnus RistineJohn Daniel RoadsHuw RobertsErnest Lyman ScottMaude SlyeOtha Bowman StaplesAlonzo Rosecrans StarkAnna Morse StarrGeorge Ware StephensJulia Jessie TaftShiro TashiroAdolph VermontStella Burnham VincentWilliam Claude VogtMelicent Eda WaterhouseLeRoy Samuel WeatherbyFranklin Lorenzo WestDean Rockwell WickesHerrick East WilsonStanley Davis WilsonEdward J ames WoodhouseJay Walter WoodrowErwin Paul ZeislerDISCUSSION AND COMMENTALUMNI DAY-JUNE 14, 1910CONVOCATION DAY and Alumni Day in June will comethis year, as last, on the same day-June 14. The event willhave unusual significance for alumni because the corner-stone ofthe new William Rainey Harper Memorial Library will be laid onthe morning of that day-for which alumni from many other citiesbesides Chicago are expected to come. The unusual character ofthe exercises makes this an opportunity for alumni reunions, asgraduates who knew President Harper and who helped make up thesubscription fund for the memorial will be present in large numbers.In the eyes of University men and women the event must assumehistoric significance. Those who knew and loved President Harperwill find this the first occasion when, in common with the University,they may honor the memory of the first president. Realizing theimportance of the exercises the Alumni Council has adopted aresolution asking all alumni to attend the luncheon at noon on Convocation Day, in addition to such other dinners as may be held bythe associations elsewhere, making the noon luncheon the officialAlumni Luncheon, at which graduates young and old may meet withthe President of the University and members of the faculty. Forthis reason it has been deemed advisable this year to eliminate thebig dinner of the College Association in the evening and concentrate attention upon the noon luncheon.Special notices giving the order of exercises for the day andsuch matters of interest as will be likely to affect alumni will beissued in the next few weeks by the University, and reservationswill be made for alumni for the corner-stone laying, the Convocationexercises, and the luncheon. It is now planned to hold the exercisesat the library site at IO o'clock in the morning, the Convocation at1 I o'clock and the Alumni Luncheon at I o'clock. The alumni willthen have charge of the day, which will be devoted to sports andball games on Marshall Field, class reunions, and other events nowin the hands of the committee, of which Dr. Frederick A. Speik,'05, is chairman,Excavations for the new library were begun in March and since221222 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthat time work has progressed rapidly. The foundations will beready by the time the corner-stone is to be laid. Descriptions ofthe new library have been printed in the leading magazines andnewspapers of the country, testifying to the wide-spread interesttaken in the erection of this building, which will be one of theremarkable library buildings of the country when completed, servingas a fitting memorial to the man who builded so well in the firstdays of the University.THE VALUE OF A GOALChicago men who gathered in the University Club for the annualdinner of the Chicago Alumni Club on March 17 were proud tofind the enthusiasm of the graduates grown to large proportions.Undoubtedly all will be interested to know that the Illini Club, composed of graduates of the University of Illinois residing in Chicago,which started its existence with a membership goal of five hundred,reached that mark long' ago and is now making an effort to increaseits membership to 1,200 men. There are over 800 men holdingdegrees from the University of Chicago in Chicago, most of thembetween the ages of thirty and forty-the best time of life for activeclub work. How many more former students, eligible to membership in the club are resident here has never been tabulated, but thetotal of alumni and former students will be considerably over I,OOO.The local officers may find a valuable suggestion in the systematiccampaign which has br0t:tght such excellent results to the Illini Club.THE UNDERGRADUATE CAMPAIGN FOR A SEALThe undergraduate agitation for a University seal, due chieflyto the interest taken in this subject by the editors of the DailyMaroon} has resulted in more resolutions on the part of the Undergraduate Council. It has been decided to write the officers of allalumni clubs asking their help in determining on a suitable mottofor the University and in calling for ideas for a seal. In this effortthe undergraduate body should have the support of all the alumni.The choice of a seal is a movement in which all Chicago men andwomen-faculty, students, and graduates-can unite with goodgrace. The Alumni Council will assist every effort made by thestudents to have suitable designs submitted.DISCUSSION AND COMMENT 223YALE'S ALUMNI CLUB MOVEMENTYale men everywhere are being organized into alumni associations. In five years the total number of clubs has grown from fortyseven to seventy-three. States and sections of states to the numberof thirty-one have organizations, as against seventeen, five yearsago, while there are thirty-six city associations and clubs as againsttwenty, five years back. This notable increase has resulted onlybecause special efforts were made by the University to extendalumni interests. Movements of this character have been begun bynearly every university of any prominence whatever.THE "DIRECTORY," THE "MAGAZINE," AND THE ALUMNIGraduates who have heard much about the "forthcoming"Directory of the Alumni of the University of Chicago will be gladto know that proof sheets are now in the hands of the editors andthat before long the volume will be ready for distribution. It wasnot without many misgivings that the material was finally submittedto the printer-for a directory free from incorrect addresses remains an unrealized dream. At the same time we believe that itwill be everything we have said of it in the last few months inletters, circulars, and advertisements-"comprehensive," whichmeans from the earliest times until the prese�t, for all departmentsgranting degrees; "accurate," with the new house numbers for thecity of Chicago and addresses for the most' part revised even pastthe May migrations; "complete," giving all names, even in case theperson holding the degree cannot be located. A month ago theAlumni Council sent a special circular letter to alumni calling forcorrections of their records. This canvass resulted in severalthousand prompt replies which have greatly facilitated the work ofediting. Many inclosed their order for the M ag'azine and theDirectory, with their check or money order, adding a kind wordfor the success of the book and the Magazine. For this quickeningof alumni spirit the Council is duly grateful. It feels that thenumber of graduates who are still actively interested in the U niversity of Chicago and who want to help is exceptionally large. Thealumni consciousness is molding into shape, and with the assistanceof those kind classmates who have promised their contributions fora little later in the year the Council will be enabled to finance furtherundertakings.224 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe canvass for information has brought out some interestingfacts. An imaginative statistician could deduce conclusions a greatdeal more startling than those made public some years ago, dealingwith the tendency of college women to remain single. To trace theoccupations that men of certain degrees have entered, almost successively; to determine why bachelors of divinity should go intofarming, and what becomes of men who start life as teachers; toobserve the rise of graduates from positions as assistants to headsof departments, superintendents, and finally managers, as the yearsgo on; to realize that the positions held the first twelvemonth outof college are generally taken only to provide bread and butter andrarely represent the real bent of the individual; to find great numbers of graduates entering settlement and municipal-research work,striking testimony to their fitness as citizens-these and many otherquestions come up time and again in the examination of the recordsof the alumni. The drudgery of mere tabulation of this data ismitigated by the feeling that each one of these names represents anindividual who can do and is doing active good for the Universityin his or her sphere of activity. Is it a wonder, then, that theCouncil feels that not one of these harbingers of potential energyshall be allowed to go to waste; but that each shall be imbued withthe University consciousness and the University spirit of helpfulness, spreading it wherever he goes?Considerably more interest has been shown by classes of thefirst decade of the University than those of the present. It mightbe contended that the reason was largely one of means, and as theolder alumni invariably paid by check while the newer graduatessent money orders, this contention is probably sustained. At thesame time this does not prove conclusively that the younger alumniare unable to support the Council. The returns from the mostrecent classes, as that of 1909, for instance, have been most disappointing. Many graduates who gave their orders in June, 1909,and expressed their wish to become members of their respectiveassociations have failed to reply to letters and requests. It isencouraging to note that others who already were subscribers tothe Magazine renewed their SUbscriptions without a day's delay.Taken as a whole, however, alumni sentiment is strongly infavor of the Directory and the Magazine scheme of promotion.The Magazine is tempted to take its readers into its confidenceafter the manner of an eastern weekly and print compliments andDISCUSSION AND COMMENT 225criticisms that have edified the members of its staff. An alumnuswrites:"I don't see why your records of me shouldn't be complete when youhave all the records of the University at your command. You might haveasked -. -- about my address. I do not care to subscribe to the Directory."The following replies, however, are typical of a great bulk ofthe letters:"The outline of the organization of the new Council shows it to be apromising body. I trust that it will prove a benefit to the University andthe alumni."-Herbert E. Fleming, '02, Chicago."I feel that this idea is a most excellent one and wish to support it inevery possible way."-Glenrose Bell Caraway, '97, New York City."You have Ply best wishes for success in the work of the AlumniCouncil. To some extent at least I can appreciate its difficulties as anorganization of organizations."-Hiram Gillespie, 'gB, Cleveland, O."Best wishes for the success of the undertaking."-Ruth Alexander, '07,Chicago."Trusting that you will have a generous response and that the M agazine may continue to grow and prosper."-Walter R. Jones, '09, Wakefield,R.L"Such a movement as the organization of the Council is a good thing,as it tends to permanency."-Ray P. Johnson, '03, Muncie, Ind."Wishing you every blessing."-William M. Corkery, '83, d'8S."Wishing, Y9U all good luck and a speedy issuance of the Directory." �Mildred Chamberlain, '09."I am glad we are to have the alumni interests in the University unitedand I shall be especially glad to have the Directory." -Caroline L. Judd,'04, Chicago.It is plan�ed to make the Directory complete through 19IO, inwhich case the book will be issued in the Summer. All parts willbe complete up to the June Convocation by June 14, after whichdate the names of those receiving their degrees at that time willbe added.GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESTHE ALUMNI CLUBSDENVERExtensive preparations are beingmade by the Rocky Mountain AlumniClub for a reception to PresidentHarry Pratt Judson at Denver onMay 19. Arrangements are in thehands of Wardner Williams, president of the club. A large number ofdistinguished guests including officials of the state of Colorado andheads of the educational institutionsin Denver, as well as alumni ofMichigan, Brown, Harvard, Pennsylvania and Yale will be present.At 'the banquet in the AlbanyHotel the speakers will representuniversities from the Atlantic to thePacific. There will be seventy people at the speaker's table representingeducators, doctors, lawyers, clergy,and business men. The banquethall is the second largest in the cityand will be crowded to its capacity.The speakers will include John F.Shafroth, LL.D., governor of Colorado who will represent the University of Michigan; Rev. GeorgeBedell Vosburgh, Ph.D., D.D., pastor of the First Baptist Church ofDenver; Ernest Chadsey, Ph.D., s�perintendent of the Denver publicschools; Rev. John M. Houghton,A.M., rector of St. Mark's EpiscopalChurch; James M. Brinson, B.L.,deputy state's attorney-general ofColorado; A. D. Parker, .A.M.,president of the Colorado MidlandRailway and vlce-presl1ent of t�eColorado Southern Railway ; WIlliam N. Vaile, A.B., a prominentlawyer in Denver, and Joseph Tuttle, A.M., LL.B., one of the bestspeakers in Colorado. WardnerWilliams will be toastmaster.The visits to Colorado of DeanGeorze E. Vincent, Professor S. H.Clark and Director Stagg have donemuch' to arouse an interest in theUniversity of Chicago, culminatingin the reception to President Judson which is expected to be one of thelargest gatherings of college menheld in Denver in recent years.DES MOINESWhen the Des Moines AlumniClub of the University of Chicagowas organized in Des Moines on theevening of 'March 31, the twentyfourth alumni club came into existence. The meeting was held in theUniversity Club of Des Moines. Theguest of honor was Dean George E.Vincent, who made this trip especiallyto speak to the alumni. Mr. Vincentwas the speaker of the evening forthe University Club, which has beenrecently organized and is destined tobecome one of Des Moines' strongestorganizations of professional andbusiness men. The meeting wasarranged through the efforts ofFrederick O. Norton, Ph.D., '06,dean of the College of Liberal Artsof Drake University in Des Moines.A constitution was adopted, and thefollowing officers were chosen:President-Lawrence DeGraff, '98.Vice-President-Frederick O. N Of-ton, Ph.D., '06. .Secretary-s-Florence Richardson,Ph.D., '08.The officers will constitute the executive committee, and will hold ameeting shortly to determine a policyfor the club, which is expected toresult in the unification of muchChicago spirit. Men and women willbe admitted on equal terms to membership.SIOUX CITYOn the evening following theorganization of the Des MoinesAlumni Club, Dean Vincent addressed the Sioux City Alumni Clubat the Mondamin Hotel. The meetinghad previously been arranged forMarch 4 and was postponed to April1. The attendance was large andenthusiasm gratifying.226GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIES_ 227SPRINGFIELDMembers of the Springfield Al�mniClub and their friends �et on yndayevening, April 8, .at dinner in theLincoln Inn at Springfield, 111., overlooking the historic Lincoln monument. After a pleasant half-hourtogether on the veranda the partyproceeded to the dining-room, wherean excellent dinner was served.Place cards bearing maroon ribbonsand a large bouquet of roses of thesame color reminded those presentof their college days. Mr. HarveyM. Solenberger, 'OI, acted as toastmaster introducing Professor J. G.Carter Troop, of the University, whowas the speaker and guest of honor.All were delighted with his addresswhich dealt with the development ofthe University, its present size, plansfor the future, the new WilliamRainer Harper Library, and the spirrtof the University as now exhibited.Through a course of lectures delivered before the teachers of Springfield, and another before theWoman's Club, Professor Troop haswon many admirers and the Clubfelt particularly fortunate in havinghim as its guest. The meeting wasclosed with the singing of the "AlmaMater" in which all joined enthusiastically.Those present at the dinner !neluded: Lillian Bergold, MadelineBabcock, Mr. and Mrs. Collins,Myrtle Cash, Lillian Foley, EmmaGrant Pauline Johnson, Miss Laidlaw 'Ethel G. Luke, Edith F.Matheny, Nellie Merriam, Mr. andMrs. Polley; Myra Smith, Mr. andMrs. Harvey Solenberger; Dr. LeeHoo-Ier and Miss Susan Wilcox.b NELLIE E. MERRIAM, '05SecretaryNEW YORKThe Eastern Alumni Club of theUniversity of Chicago n:et for aninformal dinner at the GamsboroughStudios' Restaurant, Fifty-ninthStreet near the Subway station, at 70' clock on Saturday evening, April 9.Those present were, Dr. Edward C.Sage, d'82, president ; Milton J.Davies, '03, recording secretar�, andMrs. Davies, Mr. Rudolph Binder, d'07, Mr. Bilder, Mrs. Zerlina HerschBilder Prof. Chas. L. Bristol, MISSLuise 'Haessler, Miss Bauer, MissKlink, Dr. Leiser, Mr. MaximilianMorgenthau, Jr., '98, Mr. Morgan,Mrs. Mary Lakin Pullman, MissLamb, Miss Whipple, Mr. SinoreRaffie Miss Maudie L. Stone, Dr.Edwi� E. Slosson, Miss Schwarz,Miss Stevens, Miss Templeton, Dr.Weingarten. Miss Fraser and Mr.Coit were guests of members.There were no formal speeches,but a large maj ority of those presenthad something definite to suggest.One feature which contributed to theunusual success of this meeting wasthat each one at the table rose inturn stating his or her name, andenough personal history relatin� t�the time of residence at the University and present occupation to enablethe others to identify the speakerand make future acquaintance easierand more profitable..Suggestions which will make thiseastern branch a real help to othersand to its members were consideredand discussed. It was heartily agreedthat this branch should make anespecial effort to welcome newalumni and alumnae commg to NewYork and vicinity and be willing ando-lad to do all in its power to helpthe newcomers in getting established. Miss Stevens and several ofthe other women will be glad towelcome any of the alumnae for teaat the Women's University Club, I7Madison Square, on the afternoon ofMay 7. It is hoped that all n.ewalumni will get into .commu111cat�onwith the secretary, Milton J. Davies,I I Bond Street, Brooklyn, uponarrival; and the corresponding �ecretary Maudie L. Stone, 525 FIfthStreet: Brooklyn, will also be gladto see any alumnae.There was a most inspiring indication of the right kind of loyalty andenthusiasm at this informal �ffaIr,and it is likely that there Will beseveral meetings of this kind eachyear., 8Maximilian Morgenthau, jr., 9,has been made treasurer of the Eastern Alumni Club in place of CharlesV. Drew, '99, resigned.,MAUDIE L. STONE) 96C orresp onding Secretary228 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPHILADELPHIAThe second annual meeting of thePhiladelphia Alumni Club was heldat the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.Henry Elfreth, Germantown, Philadelphia, on March 12, at �: 30 o'clockin the afternoon. Those presentgreatly enj oyed the hospitality ofMr. and Mrs. Elfreth in their beautiful home.The meeting ratified the articles ofassociation and the by-laws recommended by the Alumni Council togovern local clubs. Through thekindness of Mr. Elfreth, his lawoffices, 2216-20 Land Title Building,Philadelphia, have been made thegeneral office of the PhiladelphiaAlumni Club. The following officerswere elected for the ensuing year:President-We Henry Elfreth, '02.Vice- President-Isabelle Bronk,Ph.D., '00.Secretary and treasurer-Edwin D.Solenberger, '00.It was reported that over fiftygraduates and former students ofthe University are now living inPhiladelphia and vicinity. Planswere discussed for a meeting to beheld next fall, the exact date beingleft open ii. order to suit the convenience of President Judson, whomthe club hopes to have present.Dr. Jesse D. Burks, executiveofficer of the Bureau of MunicipalResearch of Philadelphia, gave amost interesting account of his experiences as a student at the U niversity of Chicago in 1892-93. Mr.Burks enjoys the distinction of beingthe first person to receive a degreeof any kind from the late PresidentHarper. At the first two convocations held at the University underthe presidency of Dr. Harper nodegrees were given, but at the thirdconvocation held in June, 1893, anumber of degrees were granted. Atthis convocation the name of Mr.Burks happened to be the first on thelist of graduates. He, therefore,received the first degree, Bachelor ofPhilosophy, given by the hand of Dr.Harper, and he is de facto the "oldest living graduate" of the new University of Chicago.EDWIN D. SOLENBERGER, '00Secretary RIPON, WIS.Eight out of twenty-three membersof the faculty at Ripon College,Ripon, Wis., are alumni or formerstudents of the University of Chicago. They are:Frank M. Erickson, A.M., '95,dean and professor of classics.J esse Fox Taintor, '03-'05, professor of English literature.Albert F. Gilman, '05-'06, professorof chemistry.. Frederick W. Luehring, Ph.M., '06,professor of sociology and physicaldirector.George H. Talbert, '99-"'00, professor of biology.John M. Bridgham, '07-'08, professor of classics.Marie B. Nickell, Ph.B., '01, Ph.M.,'06, associate professor of history.Burrell O. Ralston, summer '09, instructor in chemistry.OMAHAConsiderable prominence was giventhe visit of the Glee Club of theUniversity to Omaha on March 20.Efforts to organize an alumni clubwere begun at that time under thedirection of Anderson W. Clark,d'80, whose son, Joy R. Clark, wasbusiness manager of the club. Mr.Clark has written the Alumni Secretary as follows:We communicated with the alumniand planned to have a reception in myhome at which the alumni should bepresent, so as to form the club latein the afternoon. Varlous difficultiesarose in bringing together the alumni,some of whom were out of town, andit was decided to postpone the organization until we could bring together a large representation. Ourplan now is to have a' supper in ashort time and organize. Wearegrateful for the coming of the GleeClub because it furnished the stimulus needed for the organization. Wehave five or six alumni who are nowphysicians, who are strongly in favorof the alumni club.CHICAGOOne of the largest gatherings ofChicago men held this year tookplace at the annual dinner of theChicago Alumni Club at the Univer-GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESsity Club on March 17.' It was distinctly a home party devoid of anyelaborate speeches, but full of goodsinging, impromptu talks, and the expression of good fellowship. Alumniof all classes were present, the menof the last ten years coming outespecially strong. James W. Linn,'98, president, was in the chair. Theprincipal talk of the evening wasgiven by William Scott Bond, '97,who discussed the athletic situationin the Middle West and in the University, and offered his report' asrepresentative of the alumni on theBoard of Physical Culture andAthletics of the University. Mr.Bond expressed his wish to retirefrom service on the board becauseof pressure of other duties, but itwas agreed to present his name oncemore to President :garry Pratt J ud�son in the hope that he might beinduced to continue his service.Walter F. Anderson and Donald R.Richberg, '01, were also nominated.The following officers were chosenfor the ensuing year: .P:esident:-Stacy Mosser, '97.V ice-President-c-L. Brent Vaughan,'97·Secretary- Treasurer-Paul V. Harper'08. 'Among those present were the following alumni:James W. Linn, 97; John F. Dille,'09; George B. Robinson, '05; Charlesw. Paltzer, '05 ; George Graves'07; H. W. Mellinger; Ainsworth W:Clark, '99; Abraham Bowers '06·L.uther, D. Fernald, '09; .John L: Hop�kins, 07 ; H. J. Lurie ; L. BrentVaughan,'97; Charles SO' Eaton, '00; W.Austen; Thomas J. Hair, '03; DanielP. MacMillan, Ph.D., '99; G. L.Hoover; Charles F. Axelson, '06;Earle B. Babcock, '03; Otto N. Berndt, 09 ; George A. Bliss; William tBogan, '10; William Scott Bond, '97;Arthur M. Boyer, '07; Frederick D.'Bramhall, '02; E. V. L. Bowman; Herman E. Bulkley, '01; Hannibal H.Chandler, '09; Percy B. Davis '97·Daniel Ferguson, '09; A. R. Fi�cher;Preston F. Gass, '09; John F. Hagey,'08; Earl C. Hales, '00; Francis G.Hanchett, '82; Harry A. Hansen, '09·Paul V. Harper, '08; William H:Head, '03; Harold L. Ickes '07·John L. Liver, '07; Wayla:r{d W:Magee, 'oS; R. Eddy Mathews, '07;Stacy C. Mosser, '97; Paul M. O'Donnell; William J. McDowell, '02; J. 229W. McNally; Bruce McLeish; ElliotS. Norton, '01; Theodore C. Pease,'07; Charles F. Roby, '99; Dr. JohnE. Rhodes, '76; David A. Robertson'02; George R. Schaeffer, '06; Georg��chobin�e.r, 'oS; Douglas �utherland,02; William H. Symmes, 06; Francis F. Tische, '03; Donald S. Trumbull, '97; Francesco Ventresca, '09· A.S. Wallgren; Abraham L. Weber ;08·John B. Whidden, '07; Char1�s S:Winston, '96.GEORGE O. FAIRWEATHER, '07SecretaryCHICAGO ALUMNAEThe Chicago Alumnae Club heldits quarterly meeting; on Tuesday,April 19, at the U mversity Settlement. It was decided to give a playfor the benefit of the Settlement onthe afternoon of Saturday, June 12,10 Mandel Hall. The annual luncheon of alumnae will be held in theQuadrangle Club at noon on thisdate. and the play is to follow. MissLouise Roth, who is chairman ofthe committee 'on the Settlement isnow endeavoring to enlist alumnaein the effort. Anyone wishing tohelp should notify her at once at1935 Warren Ave.CORRESPONDENCEINTER-ALUMNI BASEBALLEditor of the Magazine:Sir: The University of IllinoisAlumni Association has on footplans for the formation of a baseballleague. among. the different collegealumni organizations of Chicago.Our plan is to draw up a schedulewhereby each club will play five orsix games during the summer ormore if it is thought advisable. 'Weshould like to have Chicago come inon this proposition, A meeting ofthe representatives of the collegeswill be held in the near future atwhich preliminary plans will bemade. Please submit this to yourorganization and advise' me whataction is taken.A. U. BENNETT1623 Manhattan Bldg.,Chicago, Ill.April 13, 1910THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUCiHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryTHE ANNUAL MEETINGThe next annual meeting of theassociation will occur on Monday,June 13, 19IO, when the usual luncheon will be given by the Universityto the Doctors. This will take placeat the Quadrangle Club at twelveo'clock. The two questions whichhave been included in the questionnaire for the year will be taken upfor discussion. These questions are:1. Should the lack of a broaderculture among candidates for theDoctorate be, charged (a) to theprevalent methods of administeringgraduate work, (b) to the undergraduate curriculum, (c) to the elective system in the undergraduatework? (d) What course or methodsshould be emphasized in collegework in order to insure liberal culture for the research specialist?2. At the last annual meeting aresolution was offered proposing toask the University to abolish thegiving of grades on Doctor's examinations, because of inherent inconsistencies in the zrading system,both in the separate departments andin the University as a whole, andbecause of the belief that the standard will be raised by eliminatingthese inconsistencies in grading.Please state in some detail yourreasons for or against, whether personal, departmental, or on generalprinciples.No formal addresses will be provided, but a number of persons willtake part informally in the discussions both among the Doctors andothers interested. It is hoped thatmany members of the associationwill be present on this occasion, especially as the Alumni Council isplanning an enthusiastic alumni celebration. NEWS NOTESGeorge F. Reynolds, '05, is professor of English at the Universityof Montana.Franklin P. Ramsey, '03, is now at6042 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill.The Deuelopment of Religion: AStudy in Anthropology and SocialPsychology is the title of a new bookfrom the press of the MacmillanCompany, by Irving King, '04, whois now assistant professor of education at the State University of Iowa.The Department of the Interiorhas published a bulletin of theUnited States Geological Survey onthe "Pleistocene Geology of theLeadville Quadrangle, Colorado" byStephen R. Capps, '07. This is adocument of one hundred pages, withmany cuts, diagrams, and maps showing the geological formation.Miss Mary E. Sinclair, '08, hasrecently published her dissertation asa reprint from the Annals of Mathematics. It is entitled Concerning aCompound Discontinuous Solution inthe Problem of the Surface of Revolution of Minimum Area. Otherarticles published by Miss Sinclairin the same j ournal are: "TheAbsolute Minimum in the Problem of the Surface of Revolution ofMinimum Area," and "On the Minimum Surface of Revolution in theCase of One Variable End Point."William H. Emmons, '04, AssociateProfessor of Geology in the University of Chicago,· read a paperbefore the Geological Society ofWashington on April. 13, on "TheSolubility of Gold in Mine Waters."Dr. Emmons will investigate theDucktown, Tenn., ore deposits during the coming summer, for theUnited States Geological Survey.At the Christmas meeting of the23°THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONAmerican Philological Association inBaltimore Professor Roy C. Flick�inger, '04, read a paper entitled"Scaenica," which has been chosenfor publication in full among theTransactions of the association. Inthe 'January number of ClassicalPhilology he had an article entitled"On Certain Numerals in the GreekDramatic Hypotheses." He has recently been elected secretary of thefaculty at Northwestern University.Frank L. Stevens, '00, alone or incollaboration with W. A. Withers orJ. G. Hall, has published during thepast year the following journalarticles: "Studies in Soil Bacteri- 231ology I and II," "Hypochnose ofPomaceous Fruits," "The Relationof Nature Study and Agriculture inthe Country Schools," "Variation ofFungi Due to Environment," HEineneue Feigen-Anthraknoie," "Carnation alternariose." Also in collaboration with Hill and Burkett he hasedited a series of readers for countryschools, and a book for the elementary schools on Agriculture forBeginners) published by Ginn andCo., and in collaboration with Butleran arithmetic for the schools, devoted largely to agricultural problems, published by Scribner.THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, J.D., '06, SecretaryGeorge Thomas McDermott is located in Winfield, Kan.The April luncheon was held at theBismarck Hotel on Randolph St. onSaturday, April 30, at 12: 30 o'clock.The address of Arthur GriffenAbbott is 705 W. First St., GrandIsland, Neb. .Garfield S. Canright is located at102 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis.John E. Foster is in LaMoille, Ill.Thui Iow Gault Essington. has anoffice at 604 East Broadway, Streator,I1l.Elias Hansen is located at 328 S.Eighth St., Salt Lake City.William Reynolds Jayne has hisoffice at 1402 Mulberry St., M uscatine, la.Floyd Everett Harper's address isthe ,Times Building, Leavenworth,Kan.The secretary of the Associationwishes to know the addresses of Charles Edward Gallup and RufusClarence Fullbright.Harlan T. Deupree is located atBloomfield, la.Henry Frank Driemeyer is inPinckneyville, Ill.Edgar N. Durfee has an office inRoom 725, Hammond Building, Detroit, Mich.Edward Gaspar is now in Oklahoma City, Okla., having his officeat I09� N. Broadway, and residingat 1414 West Fifteenth St.William Purnell Lambertson is atFairview, Kan.William Henry Leary is located at70 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City,Utah.I Eugene Tullius Lippincott has anoffice in Room 311, Opera HouseBlock, Lima, O.Torrance Hugh McDonald is in"Blue Island, Ill.THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONNEWS FROM THECLASSES1867William Thomson is a memberof the law firm of Thomson, Stanley & Price, Kansas City, Mo.1868Edward P. Savage is connectedwith the Children's Home Society,with headquarters at St. Paul, Minn.1870Delevan Dewolf is correspondingsecretary and superintendent ofmissions. He resides at 66 Ingraham�lace, Newark, N.J.1873Alfred Watts lives at 727 SixthAve., Antigo, Wis.1877J ames Langland is connected withthe Chicago Daily News.1878Benjamin Franklin Patt lives at179 East Court Street, Ottumwa, Ia.1879Hector C. Leland has removedfrom Lexington, Ill., to Billings,Mont., where he is pastor of achurch.1882Frederick Lincoln Anderson, A.M.,'85, is a member of the faculty atthe Newton Theological Institute,Newton Center, Mass.1883Orlin Ottman Fletcher is a teacherat Furman University, Greenville,S.C.Henry Frederick Fuller is ateacher, residing at 6023 WinthropAve., Edgewater, 111.· .1885Elizabeth Faulkner is principal ofthe Faulkner School, 4746 MadisonAve.�l:S86Isetta Gibson (Mrs. E. A. Buzzell) resides at 6136 Ellis Ave. 1893Jesse D. Burks, the first studentto receive a degree from PresidentHarper, is executive officer of theBureau of Municipal Research withoffices in the Real Estate TrustBuilding, Philadelphia, Pa.1895Paul F. Carpenter has offices in theLos Angeles Trust Building, LosAngeles, Cal.Henry R. Caraway lives at 319 W.94th St., New York City, N.Y.1896Henry Thurston Chace, Jr., is' anattorney with offices at I509 AshlandBlock. He lives at 5740 RosalieCourt.Victor O. J ohnson is a member ofthe law firm of Wrightsman, Bush& Johnson at Tulsa, Okla.John Howard Moore is an instructor in Crane Technical HighSchool, Chicago.Frances Williston (Mrs. J. D.Burks) lives at 249 Harvey St.,Germantown, Pa.1897Henry M. Adkinson is a managerof mines at Capitol Hill Station,Denver, Colo.Marilla Waite Freeman has accepted the position of referencelibrarian in the Free Public Libraryat Newark, N.J.Clara 'Maria Hitchcock is professor of philosophy in Lake ErieCollege, at Painesville, Ohio.Mrs. Henry B. Hicks has movedto 6009 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago.Harold L. Ickes has his law officesin the Commercial N ational BankBuilding, Chicago. He lives at theLakota Hotel, 3001 Michigan Ave.1898Harold L. Axtell is professor ofGreek at the University of Idaho,Moscow, Idaho.Frederick R. Barnes is county superintendent of schools in RichlandCounty, N.D. He resides at Wahpeton.THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCI4TIONLaura Gano resides at Richmond,Ind.Hiram Gillespie is an instructorin Latin at Adelbert Collelge, Cleveland, O. He lives at 11322 HesslerRoad.1899Norman K. Anderson is a member of the law firm of Anderson &Eaton, with offices at 1018 First N a�tional Bank Building.John Jackson Crumley has a position as assistant forester at the OhioExperimental Station, Wooster,Ohio.Carleton E. Douglass is superintendent of schools at Aurora, Ill.Charles Verner Drew is engagedas a mining engineer with the Cerrode Pasco Mining Company at 15Broad St., New York City, N.Y.Sybil Hall (Mrs. Henry R. Detweiler) resides at 491 North LakeSt., Aurora, Ill.Annie Reed (Mrs. John H. Harwood) lives at 216 Gardner Road,Brookline, Mass.I900William S. Broughton is supervisorof the census at Washington, D.C.He lives at the University Club inWashington.Carl Braden Davis is practicingsurgery in Chicago with offices at 100State Street.L. A. Higley has resigned his position as chief chemist of the Kennicott Water Softener Co., and is nowvice-president of_ the Centralia Mining Co., at Guadalaj ara, Mexico.Charles Halsey is secretary-treasurer of the Turner-Halsey Co., 10and I2 Thornas- St., New York City,N.Y.1901Charles Jonas Boyer is the Michigan representative for Allyn &Bacon, publishers. He lives at 509W. Sixty-first Place, Chicago.Charles Walter Britton· has recently been made cashier of theSecurity National Bank, at SiQUXCity, Ia.Walter Herman Buhlig is assistant clinical professor at the N orthwestern Medical School.Ella Louise Fulton is dean ofwomen at the University of NorthDakota, Grand Forks, N.D.John O. Hamilton has the chair 233in physics at the Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan.Clinton L. Hoy is practicing medicine at Three Forks, Mont.Lewis Gustafson is superintendentof the David Ranken, Jr., .. School ofMechanical Trades in St. Louis, Mo.1902Mary Judson Averett lives at 150Elm St., New Rochelle, N.Y.Cecile B.' Bowman is chief probation officer of the juvenile court atSpringfield, Ill.Isabella Catherine Brodie nowlives at Port Sanilac, Mich.B. William Broek is an instructorin the Hyde Park High School,Chicago.Herbert Cohen is superintendent 0 fconstruction of United States publicbuildings. He is at present in Pittsburg, Kan., supervising the construction of a new post-office.Herbert Easton Fleming is an investigator for the Merriam Commission in Chicago. He lives at 1545 E.Sixty-first St.Douglas Sutherland has been madesecretary of the Civic Federation ofChicago. Mr. Sutherland took uphis new work in April.1:903Edna P. Beers is at present principal of the Dundee, Ill., high school.Frances MacLeod Bowman is principal of Glendale College, Glendale,Ohio.Mary Chamberlain (Mrs. Alfred E.Chadwick) resides at present at 1233Main St., Peoria, Ill.Rollin Thomas Chamberlin is re associate in geology at theUniversity. .Platt M. Conrad is with the Farwell Trust Company, 226 LaSalle St.Flora Etta Harris is a teacher inDes Moines College. She lives at1302 W. Tenth St., Des Moines, Ia.1904William Richards Blair is researchdirector with the United StatesWeather Bureau, ;Mt. Weathel.'", Va.Luthera Egbert teaches English inthe Morris High School, Oak Knoll,West Chicago, Ill.Frederick R. Pettit is purchasingagent for the Case Threshing Machine Co., at Racine, Wis.Myrtle Irene Starbird lives at234 THE UNIVERSITY all CHICAGO MAGAZINEMcMillan Hall, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.1905Augustus R. Fischer resides at1644 South Spaulding Avenue.David R. Kennicott is engaged asestimator for McKeown Bros., General Contractors, 2642 Thirty ... sixthSt.Wayland W. Magee is an attorneyat law with offices at 803 FisherBuilding, Chicago.AIda M. Stephens teaches Englishand Latin in the Englewood HighSchool. Her home address is 5951Prairie Avenue, Chicago.I906Ambrose M. Bailey is a clergyman,living at 38 Franklin Street, Akron,Ohio.Elmer Alvin Lanning is principalof the high school at Globe, Ariz.1907Clark John Dye is principal of thehigh school in Dixon, Ill.Katherine Elizabeth Forster ishead of the English ·'department atthe' State Norma! School, Richmond,Ky. 'UrI Morris Fox is a student atthe Newton Center Theological Institute, Newton Center, Mass.Lilia Bertha Garms teaches German in the East Aurora, Ill., highschool.1908Bernard I. Bell was ordained asan Anglican clergyman this spring.Austin G. Cato is superintendentof schools at Loogootee, Ind.Solomon K. Diebel is a teacher atPuyallup, Wash.Ivy Hunter Dodge (Mrs. Paul H.Willis) lives at Clarendon, Tex.IENGAGEMENTS'01. James R. Henry, ex, to JessieHill of Chicago. Mr. Henry was aprominent member of the footballteam in his time and was captainelect when he left school. He isnow with the National Biscuit Co.'07. Philip G. Van Zandt, B.D., '10,to Mary Pope Bowen, of Chicago. They will be married in June. Mr.Van Zandt is pastor of the FirstBaptist Church at Merrill, Wis.'08. Henry Buell Roney, to GwennClark, '09. Mr. Roney is now withthe American Radiator Co. MissClark is a member of the faculty ofthe College of Education.MARRIAGES'99. Ethel Pardee to JamesBrackett Beardslee on October 2,1909. They reside at 1451 East \Fi ftieth Street.'05. Ellen Andrews, Ph.B., to JaySproat McCulloch, M.D., in Wellsville, 0., on June 22, 1909. Theyreside at 738 Main Street, Wellsville,Ohio.'07. Edith Maia Holbrook Latham(Ph.B., Dec., '06) to Dr. Harry B.Sobernheimer on Thursday, April 14,at St. Thomas' Church, New YorkCity, N.Y. They will be at homeafter June 1 at "The Latonia," Colorado Springs, Colo.'oo. Harry Halstead Harper, ex,to Eugenia May MacLaurin, daugh ...ter of Rev. and Mrs. Donald MacLaurin, at 3444 West Adams St.,Chicago, on May 5. Lyle Harper,'I I, was best man. The ushers wereGeorge Fairweather, '07, and HarryHansen, '09.'09. Helen Judson Dye to FrankAdams Mitchell on May 29, 1909.Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell reside in LaGrange, Ill. ,'10. John Edwin Rhodes, ex, toHelen Frances Riggs of Chicago, onApril 27, 19IO. They will live inBritish Columbia, where Mr. Rhodesis in the lumber business.'II. Charles Lyle Barnes to Agnes,Louise Gahan at the bride's home,4913 Drexel Boulevard, on April 28.They will be at home at 4923 DrexelBoulevard after June 1.DEATHS'04. Ellen B. Atwater, A.M., diedon March 4, 1910. She taught in theCentral High School in St. Louisever since receiving her degree. Herhome was in Cincinnati, Ohio.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni track day at the University has been set. for May 21. Thisis the day of the track meet betweenWisconsin .and Chicago, a baseballgame with Purdue, and the last per-formance of the Blackfriar play,The Pseudo-Suffragettes.' The trackmeet will take place at 2: 30 and thebaseball game at 4 : 00 0.' clock onMarshall Field.There will be a dinner and reunionof the alumni in Hutchinson Cafe,and a' purity banquet to the Purdueand Wisconsin athletes in theCommons at 6: 00. Plates for thepurity banquet may be secured at acost of twenty-five cents. If there issufficient time before the show in theevening the members of the visitingathletic teams will be given a reception in the Reynolds Club.Mr. Stagg has reserved eightyseats at the Blackfriar show and hasinvited the visiting athletes to be theguests of the University, A requesthas been made that seats be reservedby alumni as early as is convenient,although an effort w ill be made toserve the University patronage onthe other two nights of the show.The seats were placed on sale May 2.Alumni track day at the University on May 21 is expected toeclipse Illinois day of last year withits double athlete exhibition, alumnireunion, and purity banquet. Thisis the first time that a purity banquethas been given in the Spring Quarter.Mr. Stagg is making arrangementsfor some sort of program similar tothe one of Illinois day last year whenthe students appeared in a processionon the field before the events.DRAMATICSThe Blackfriars will stage theiropera, The Pseudo-Suffragettes, inLeon Mandel Assembly Hall onMay 19, 20, and 21. The play thisyear is the work of Bernard 1. Bell,'08, Ben' F. Newman, and Ralph J.Rosenthal, with music by Earle H.Bowlby. Gordon Erickson, managerof the Glee Club, and George Herbert.vwho coached the play last year,have: been engaged to coach ThePseudo-Suffragettes. F Dr the first time in its history theHaresfoot comic opera club of theUniversity of Wisconsin on April 15staged its production A lpsburg inLeon Mandel Assembly Hall. Theplay' is a clever musical comedyand is the second production givenby the club as a comic opera organization. The society has been inexistence for thirteen years as adramatic club of the university.FOR A UNIVERSITY SEALAll of the alumni clubs of the University have been asked to aid theSenior class in, its endeavors itosecure a suitable design and mottofor a University seal. There 'hasbeen agitation for a seal among thefaculty, trustees, and students for thelast ten years. Last year the questof the old Senior College Councilresulted in the president's office receiving many mottoes, Yet the expressions were. not. sufficiently suggestive Dr adapted to the aims andtraditions of the University.The present agitation is the workof a seal committee of the Seniorclass made up of Maurice T. Price,A. Leo. Fridstein, and Miss MamieLilly. A formal resolution askingfor . the appointment of a permanentseal committee from among the Student .Council has been presented to'that body for approval. This committee will be authorized to communicate with all alumni clubs in thecountry.The design and motto must beapproved by President Harry PrattJudson, the Board of Trustees, andthe Faculty Board. The present agitation is more in the nature of a cryfor a motto and not a design. Itis felt that once the motto has beensecured the desire for a design willbe much more easily satisfied. Therequired motto is one which shallembody in itself some suggestion ofthe fact that "truth?' is the watchword of the University. An Englishphrase would be the more useful,although classical expressions are byno means unacceptable.