The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME II DECEMBER, 1909 NUMBER 2GERMAN DISCOVERY IN THEANCIENT ORIENTIBY JAMES HENRY BREASTEDProfessor of Egyptology and Oriental History; Director of the HaskellOriental MuseumIT is pecu.liarly fi.,t.t�ng that a society .w�ose members are eitherinterested in Germany or actually have German blood in theirveins should consider the conquests of the fatherland in the AncientOrient. Germany has long been the great leader in oriental studies.The first steps in the; decipherment of cuneiform writing were takenby a German; the first Hebrew grammar on modern scientific lineswas written by a German, and it was likewise a German who puttogether the first grammar of comparative philology, dealing largelywith the Orient. American scholars too have gained their philo­logical equipment in Germany, as the representative of the Ameri­cans present at the International Congress of Orientalists inHamburg in I903 remarked, "Die amerikanischen Orientalistenhaben sich an der deutschen Orientalistik grosz gesaugt." It isbut the recognition of a large debt to sketch before the members ofthe Germanistic Society the remarkable achievements of Germanyin the regions of the Ancient East during the last ten years.There are few of us whose imaginations either in reading or intravel have not been tou�hed by the magic of the Orient. We allrecall too how the spade of Schliemann, an entirely untrained en­thusiast, disclosed to us, for the first time, the pre-classic Mediter­ranean world, reaching thousands of years back into the period ofi A condensed report of an address delivered before the Germanistic Societyof Chicago, in Fullerton Hall, Art Institute, December 6, 1909.49"50 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpre-Greek civilization-a world which was nurtured far ages underthe close and constant influence of the neighboring Orient. Whenthe first Greeks .pushed southward through the Balkans and over­looked the varied landscape of mingled sea and land, of mountain,forest, and meadow, scenes yet to be So' intimately involved in therealm of their imagination, in their literatur-e and, art, as well as- in that of their commerce and all their material achievements;these earliest men of Indo-Germanic blood to' reach the Mediter­ranean, looked out upon a world which far three thousand years hadfelt the constant impact of an ever rising oriental civilization, theelements of which, already at horne on the Aegean shares, were toenter deeply into the nature, the career, and the achievements afGreek men.Despite the enthusiasm awakened by the achievements of Schlie­mann among the ancient cities of the Aegean and the Troad, hewas followed by German expeditions only on classic soil like thoseat Olympia and Pergamum; and although the P�ussians had dis­patched the memorable expedition of Lepsius to the Nile in theearly forties of the last century, they relinquished all effort in theOrient, at least in the line of excavation, for fifty years afterLepsius' return.In the summer of 1898, after preliminary work at Sendjirli inSyria, the Berlin orientalists, with others, organized the DeutscheOrient Gesellschaft, under the immediate p�.tranage and supportof the Emperor himself. The society has maintained at one timeno less than six expeditions, carrying an excavations and ather re­searches amang the cities of the ancient Orient: in Babylon, Assur,/ Palestine (two expeditions), Asia Minar, and Egypt.Already in the autumn of 1898 the society dispatched an expedi­tion to' unearth completely and exhaustively the ancient city ofBabylon, precisely as they had done in the case of Pergamum andOlympia. The expedition was in charge of Doctor, now Professor,Robert Koldewey, The expedition of the French to' this city in themiddle of the last century, under Oppert, had left us a plan of thecity involving So' vast an area as to be almost incredible. Oppert'splan is now superseded. Under the work of Kaldewey the externallimits of the city are at last clearly defined. We see it as a hugeright-angled triangle of which the Euphrates forms the hypotenuse.This hypotenuse is aver three 1l}i1es in length, the perpendicular ex­tending toward the north and being something aver twa miles lang.GERMAN DISCOVERY IN THE ORIENTAfter eleven years of labor the main interior topography of thecity has also emerged. We see the massive citadel occupying,roughly, the middle of the hypotenuse, while dikes and wharfs andpublic buildings stretch up and down the shores of the river oneither side of the citadel. Occupying the bulk of the citadel-squareis a vast double royal palace, built unquestionably upon the remainsof the earliest settlements in Babylon, which go back into the thirdthousand years before Christ. These oldest remains, however, hadbeen so thoroughly cleared away to make room for the palaces nowfound there, rthat practically no traces of them were discovered bythe Germans. In the excavations to the southeast of the citadel,however, a few business records have been found going back sometwo thousand years before Christ. Otherwise the entire city asuncovered by the Germans, is the work of Nebuchadnezzar (605-563 B. c.). South of the citadel and its palaces rose the famoussanctuary of Esagila, the greatest temple of Babylon, connected byan imposing processional avenue with the citadel on the one handand the southern gates of the city on the other. The monumentalbuildings and gateways with which this avenue was adorned wereresplendent in many-colored, glazed tile on which were depictedstrange :and fabulous life-sized animals, sometimes mentioned inthe Old Testament. From the fragments of these glazed bricks,these decorative figures can now be pieced together, restoring to- usexamples of glazed incrustation, an art imported into Babylon fromEgypt where it first arose over five thousand years ago, nearly threethousand years before its employment by Nebuchadnezzar.Forty-three sanctuaries rose in various other parts of the city, ofwhich, thus far, the Germans have found four. In the north angleof the city wall there still rises a large mound, one hundred feet high,known to the Arabs of this day as Babil. This mass of sun-driedbrick is the remains of the solid terraced substructure of a sumptu­ous palace of N ebuchadnezzar and forms today all that remains ofthe famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon, so renowned in Greektradition.One sees at a glance that the monuments of the city have beencorrelated with one another. This is especially evident in the con­necting link formed by the processional avenue. The idea of themonumental city which of itself should form a coherent monumentdisplaying symmetrical unity-this idea already exemplified inEgypt in the buildings 'Of Thebes, a thousand years earlier, has hadTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEits due effect (upon the Babylonian architects of Nebuchadnezzar.And this conception of the monumental city, descending fromThelus and Memphis, through Babylon, Athens, Rome, and laterEuropean cities, especially Paris, is perpetuated in our nationalcapital of Washington, and as we hope may �rt:i1l find nobler em­bodiment in our own city before another generation has passedaway.Show pieces for museum display such as delighted the heartof Schliemann, and are everywhere regarded by the laymen as thechief end of excavation, have not been disclosed by these excava­tions of the Deutsche Orient Gesellschaft at Babylon. Indifferent tosuch motives, the patient and painstaking survey goes on, throughregion by 'region and street by street, until when perhaps twentyor twenty-five years have elapsed we shall have before us a completeplan of the city of Babylon with all architectural details as Nebu­chadnezzar created it. Then we shall be able to follow thosestreets, up and down which pulsed the trade and active life of thisgreat market place 'Of the nations-streets through which theHebrew captives wandered, hopeless in the presence of the powerand splendor of their captors, and dazzled by the sumptuous archi­tecture which is so often reflected in the literature of the despairingHebrew exiles. Then "Great Babylon," the city of Nebuchadnezzar,will be restored before us in the plans and reconstructions of thisindefatigable expedition.The child of Babylon, though a rebellious and headstrong child,was Assyria. In the city of Assur, from which the name Assyriacame, a second German expedition has been at work for the pastsix years. The Germans are thus pushing, their researches in bothancient capitals of the Tigro-Euphrates world, for Assur was theroyal city 'Of Assyria before the rise of Nineveh. Here a greatcomplex of superimposed buildings, temples, and palaces of suc­cessive ages, is being slowly disclosed by the usual systematic surveywhich the Germans are here carrying out. Although only pre­liminary reports of the work in Babylon have thus far been pub­lished, an 'exhaustive volume on one of the double temples of Assurwas issued this year, giving us the earliest temple architecture thusfar recovered in Assyria. The earliest sanctuary, reconstructedby the Germans from the remains on this spot, dates from 1100 B.C.It is a double temple of which one half was sacred to' Anu, god ofheaven, and the other half to Adad (Hadad of the Old Testament),GERMAN DISCOVERY IN THE ORIENT 53god of storm. The temple towers, descendants of those very towerswhich gave rise to the biblical tradition of the Tower of Babel, werestill traceable in ground plan, and sufficient remains to enable thearchitect to reconstruct the whole with the winding ramp or ascend­ing causeway which rose from level to level till it reached thesummit, passing in a rectangular spiral round the outside of therectangular tower.Innumerable small objects were of course found in these exca­vations, not the least interesting being the �ery golden thunderboltborne by the, god as he stood enshrined in the Holy of Holies. Itis of pure beaten gold with a triple fork at one end; the whole in­tended to represent a flash of lightning, and, of course, remindingus at once of the thunderbolt of Zeus. When the Germans shallhave completed their work in the Tigro-Euphrates valley we shallbe in possession of complete surveys of both the ancient capitalswhich for so many centuries dominated not only that valley but alsofar reaching possessions conquered in the surrounding country.In Palestine the Deutsche Orient Gesellschaft has completed thefirst exhaustive survey ever made of the synagogues still survivingthere; while among the monuments of the older world precedingthe days of the synagogue, they have exhaustively excavated thecity of Megiddo and made a beginning upon the' hill that contains theremains of ancient Jericho. In the reports of these excavationswe �re able to look into the streets where the Canaanites of pre­Israelitish days carried on their daily occupations before the townswere seized by the Hebrews. We can study the material aspectsof their life and discern the character of their civilization in so faras found embodied in household utensils, furniture, and equipment,and by these things we are carried back to the very threshhold ofcivilization in Palestine in the middle of the third millenium beforeChrist.In Asia Minor, since 1906, the German spade has been active atthe vast mound of Boghaz-Koi, This modern town in the easternpart of central Asia Minor turns out to have been the long lostcapital of 'a vast Hittite empire, the civilization of which embracedpractically all of Asia Minor and some of the Aegean. A hugehorde of clay tablets written in Babylonian cuneiform was uncov­ered, and these records although written with Babylonian symbolsare largely in the ancient Hittite language, offering for the firsttime a basis for the deciphering of the lost Hittite tongue. Once54 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthis language has yielded its secrets, we shall be able to piece to­gether the story of that great civilization, uniform throughout AsiaMinor, which preceded the Indo-Germanic invasion-the pre-Greekcivilization which impinged so powerfully upon the life of the earlyGreeks, in the Ionian cities of Asia Minor, before the great advancestoward classic Greek culture on, the mainland of Greece had yettaken place. When Asia Minor, already closely bound to Babylonia,has thus been linked to the Aegean, as the Aegean is indissolublyconnected with Egypt, then the picture of the great oriental worldwhich preceded Indo-Germanic civilization in the Mediterraneanwill be complete. But the seat of the highest culture of that earlypre-Indo-Germanic world was on the Nile. The influences thatproved most potent in the further development of higher civiliza­tion throughout the pre-classic world, issued from the land of thePharaohs, and here too the Deutsche Orient Gesellschaft has beenactively at work, taking the unsolved problem of the pyramid asthe object of attack. The Society has systematically excavated thecemetery of Abusir, south of the great pyramids of Gizeh. Theirexcavations here have enabled us for the first time to reconstructa complete pyramid complex, consisting of four parts: the pyramiditself, the temple on its east side, the causeway leading from thepyramid plateau down to the royal city below, and finally the massivemonumental gateway forming the townward entrance of this cause­way. In these ga,teways and temples, the German expedition dis­covered the earliest colonnades as: yet found in the his/tory of archi­tecture (28th century B.C.), placing the origin of the column andcolonnade once for all in the Nile valley. The exquisite beauty andthe refined aesthetic feeling discernible in the noble contours ofthese colonnades are an astounding revelation of the mind of earlyman in this remote world of the Eastern Mediterranean, and, as ifto tell us that this civilization so eloquently expressed in the archi­tecture of Abusir was not confined in the Nile valley, these verybuildings of Abusir furnish us further evidence of how widelyEgyptian influence was disseminated. Among the superb reliefswhich adorn the walls of the Abusir temples, is a scene depicting thearrival of Egyptian ships from the coast of Phoenicia, bringingwith them Phoenician captives who stand on the decks extendingtheir arms in adoration toward the Pharaoh. These reliefs datingfrom the middle of the twenty-eighth century B.C. thus contain theearliest sea-going ships of which we have any representation, al-GERMAN DISCOVERY IN THE ORIENT 55though the inscriptions refer to voyages on the Mediterranean yetolder than this. The bearded Semites represented in these shipsare the oldest Phoenician Semites: depicted on the monuments.It will thus be seen even in this hurried sketch, that the work ofthe Germans in the last ten years has carried us a long way towardthe completion of a symmetrical picture .of that great Orient whichlies behind the classic world; indeed, the evidence that the interplayof influence between these early powers constituted a coherentcivilization which we may call the "Orient" is largely a result ofGerman work, and the vista of human history down which we look,has been widened and deepened into a symmetrical perspective, richwith human detail, constituting one of the most impressive prospectsunfolded by research to the gaze of the modern world.JOSEPH PARKER WARRENBY ANDREW CUNNINGHAM McLAUGHLINHead of the Department of HistoryEARL Y Sunday morning, the fifth of December, Joseph ParkerWarren, Assistant Professor of History, died at his horne in. this city. He had not long been ill, and until two or three daysbefore his death his friends confidently hoped for his recovery. Hisloss is keenly felt by his colleagues; for, quiet, undemonstrative,'and unobtrusive 'as he was, he had personal charm, the attraction ofa clear, unselfish, simple spirit. The members of his own depart­ment will miss him much because we knew him as. a friend whosefine, quaint humor and genial temper made him an enjoyable com­panion, and because his large fund of information, his intense lovefor his work, his untiring attention to his duty were unusual and asource of help and inspiration to the rest 'Of us. We know nowmore than ever before how much we relied 'On his staunchness, hissound judgment, and knowledge.He was born in Boston thirty-six years ago. He received hisBachelor's degree at Harvard in 1896, his Master's degree the nexty,ear, and in 1902 his doctorate from the same university. For oneyear, before he received his Doctor's degree, he was instructor inhistory at Leland Stanford, coming to us an instructor in theautumn of 1902. His work was varied, as an instructor's work islikely to be, but he soon achieved an unusual comprehension ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa wide range of study and amply earned his promotion to an assist­ant professorship. He lectured successfully on advanced courses onthe French Revolution, on the history of the nineteenth century,and on the later constitutional history of England. His graduatecourses in the last-named field, to which during the last few yearshe had devoted special study, were sound, scholarly, and attractiveto a very marked degree. He was planning, with his accustomedintelligence and scholarly sense, a book on the development of theEnglish cabinet.For some years he was engaged in gathering materials. for abook 'On. Shays's Rebellion, an insurrection in Massachusetts in1786, one of those episodes in American history mentioned in everytextbook and in every 'constitutional treatise, but one of which littleis known beyond the mere surface facts. His study carried himinto unprinted court-records of the last century, to books of account­ing, town-meeting records, old newspapers," private correspondence,and other sources which were hard to handle and difficult of access.Through these he worked with great toil and with admirable patienceand skill, and he had conclusively proved to those who sympa­thetically followed his labor that the finished product would be oflasting value as an illuminating study of the social and industrialconditions in the Revolutionary era. He had just finished his longtask of research when his fatal illness came upon him ; the materialsare gathered, but the book is not written. To those who felt withhim and for him in his ambition to write this book and to do thehard task right, to those who know how to the very end his thoughtswere given to this work of scholarship, the pathos of it all appealswith special force. But, though the book he unwritten, this we cansay, and he would he glad to have us say it: he followed single­mindedly, simply, patiently, and honestly the hard path of investiga­tion and scholarly study, undeterred in the task he had at hand byobstacles that would have made most of us turn aside and seek asmoother way.THE LASTING INFLUENCE OFSCHILLERIBY STARR WILLARD CUTTINGHead of the Department of Germanic Languages and LiteraturesSCHILLER is still a living force among us. I should say, ofhim, not, Er wurde am 10, November, 1759, geboren, but rather,Er ist am IO, November, 1759, geboren; for the former expressionapplies only to the dead; whereas Schiller is one of those rare spiritswhom the world will not let die.Most human leaders remain with us but a brief space, performfor their own' generation the service of which they are capable, andthen pass into oblivion. They are rooted exclusively in the soil oftheir native province, in the soil of the narrow relations and prob­lems, in the midst of which they pass their days. They understandmore or less dimly the special relations and special interests of buta short span of history, They rise too slightly above the averageplane of their contemporaries to see clearly the relation of theirown day to the life of man in history.What is the peculiarity of Schiller and of his achievements, thatmen count him still among the living and celebrate the one hundredand fiftieth anniversary of his birthday throughout the civilizedworld? He was a genuine Suabian, a good German, and a dis­tinguished representative of the highest culture of the eighteenthcentury. But other great men were all that-men who are todayeither entirely forgotten or remembered only because of their his­toric interest. Friedrich Schiller was in his youth a student ofmedicine; but he never made any revolutionary discoveries in thisfield. He was no statesman, who gave to German politics an entirelynew turn. Political revolutions were for him an abomination andthe execution of the French king, the rankest injustice. He failed,therefore, to keep step with the outward democratic movement ofhis own day in Europe. Nor was his brief professorship of historyin Jena the cause of his lasting,Jame.1 An address delivered in German at the celebration of the one hundred andfiftieth anniversary of Schiller's birth, held at the Schiller monument in Lin­coln Park, November 10, 1909, under the auspices of the Schwaben-Verein ofChicago.57THE UNIV�RSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENo! His greatness comes from an entirely different source.Human life is in his eyes no holiday promenade but an earnest,incessant struggle, in which all must share. To enter this strugglemanfully and push it to a successful issue is for him the only avail­able means for demonstrating our worth as human beings. Inharmony with this view he toiled with restless energy during all hisearthly life. How he struggled every moment with poverty, withphysical weakness, with the selfishness, indifference, unreason, andstupidity of his fellow-men and with a thousand other adverse ele­ments of his fate ! We love and honor our Schiller as the courage­ous fighter who pushed his way to victory over all obstacles. Welook upon the splendid works, which he completed in spite of themost untoward outward conditions, and from this sight we deriveconsolation and new courage for our own work.Arminius freed our Teutonic ancestors from the galling andhumiliating yoke of the Romans; Schiller by his genuine idealismfrees the human spirit from the fetters of the commonplace, theordinary, and the vulgar. Schiller was no visionary. He was noostrich-like optimist, who failed to take account of existing condi­tions. But in all his later and maturer works he proclaims thefreedom of the human will. He calls upon us in clarion tones notto live ignobly by thumb rule but to conceive ideals of conduct, toremain true to them, and to strive to realize them in human life. Heexhorts us as free men Ito contribute our mite toward better condi­tions for our children and children's children than those under whichwe live. This ideal of the perfectibility of the race and of the dutyof the individual to contribute to a better chance for our successorsthan that enjoyed by ourselves, stamps him as a modern thinker.Schiller's forte as an artist is the drama. I regard him as un­questionably the greatest German dramatist and as one of the great­est dramatic writers of human history. Deep insight into thesubstance of human life, unaffected sympathy with the joys andsorrows of his fellows, and a keen eye for the spiritual bond thatunites the peoples of the world with one another and makes of suc­cessive generations but a single great family of men, are character­istics of the poet reflected in his drama, But still more importantis Schiller's extraordinary capacity for visualizing the events ofhistory as present occurrences, and for making us share his vision.No 'Other dramatist ever equaled Schiller in the convincing use ofLASTING INFLUENCE OF SCHILLER 59a whole community as actor-in-chief. His Wallenstein and hisWilhelm Tell are from this point of view unique dramatic creations.Schiller's best work as a dramatist is the fruit of genius andhard work. The poet acquired his artistic power by long years oftireless 'experiment. He was never satisfied with his past achieve­ments, but tried earnestly to eclipse them by each new effort. TheRauber, Don Carlos, WaUenstein, Wilhelm Tell, and the Demetriusfragments are the salient steps in the rising progress of his dramaticart. His power as a dramatist is the deep-toned bell that brings toout ears the message of the man's life-a message of insight, sym­pathy, and unfaltering faith in. the freedom and goodliness of humanlife.How can we rear a monument to Schiller? He needs no monu­ment other than that of his own living influence. Through hispersonality and his poetry he will continue to live and work as longas men shall he found who can appreciate the warning and inspiringwords of the fighter, the elevating and enfranchising words of theapostle of freedom, and the stirring words of the great dramatist.Only by endeavoring to understand the poet's message and to applyit to our own lives in the present can we honor him. In S'0 doingwe should with Goethe say to ourselves:Was du ererbt von deinen Vatern hast,Erwirb es, urn es zu besitzen.A VOLUME OF CHICAGO STORIESBY DAVID ALLAN ROBERTSON, '02Instructor in EnglishTHE University of Chicago has until now had no volume ofshort stories exhibiting the life of our Alma Mater. Therehas just appeared, however, a volume entitled Maroon Tales, abook of some 340 pages, published by Forbes & Co., of Chicago,and written by Will J. Cuppy, '07·Most readers of college stories will look askance at a volumepurporting to be such, because the tales themselves are likely to beas true to real conditions as the scenes in Brown of Harvard are toreal life in the Yard at Cambridge. The present book is an effortto get at the genuine spirit of the University of Chicago, and totreat the facts of existence at our institution, without attempting tomake Chicago conform to the stereotyped college of the short story.In M croon Tales the professor is not caricatured; loafers are 'notlionized; grinds are not ridiculed. Even football men appear intheir natural relation to their classmates, their halos of the AutumnQuarter hardly visible.Of the stories in this collection "The Extra Major" concerns theexperiences of a Freshman whose most interesting experiences arefound outside the curriculum of the Junior Colleges. This particu­lar Freshman is violently rushed by the fraternities, but is not con­t�nt with his life at college until he attends a certain mass meeting.He likes what he sees and hears so well that he yells, That makeshim a different Freshman. "The Wisdom of Hawkins" shows howRunt Hawkins grows in several ways. With Miss Editha Ward, ofthe Freshman class, he discusses many queer subjects. A Seniorfriend, who has imagination, undertakes to manage the romance."Some Odes and Some Episodes" is a story of a summer studentwho has followed a popular misconception of the regular student,and attempts to live up. to a false ideal 'Of college life. He finds thatsomething was wrong with his desire to be a pagan. "The Indis­cretion of Yvonne de Ie Plaisance" is a tale which will appeal to allwho have seen the Blackfriars. A Blackfriar in a red satin gownand brunette wig tries a practical joke on a member of the Faculty-60VO�UME OF CHICAGO STORIES 61with unexpected results. The professor, curiously, is less disturbedthan Squib Morris, the soubrette of the "Raz Daz Company." In"Big Boys and Little Boys" four new graduates, who deplore thelack of purpose in their younger friends, spend an interesting even­ing, and find that they are not impressive to Freshmen. In "In­cluding the Doctorate" two graduate students in psychology pursueresearches in their chosen field and take Ph.D's at the March convo­cation. Stephen Ansley proves himself as awkward as the guinea­pigs in Miss Hill's laboratory. "The Great Paste-Pot Handicap" isthe name given to a race engaged in by Petey Strong and SilverFielding to secure space for their efforts in the Daily Maroon. Theirachievements as Freshman reporters are not always happy, and thefinish of, the contest is spectacular. The last story, "Honors inDiplomacy" is the story of a Senior who rather wants, a Bachelor'sdegree, because he has a bet on it. The Senior is more likable thanlearned, and this brings its result.Anyone who has known the charm of the "Grey City" will beglad to see how Mr. Cuppy has attempted to weave that charm intohis stories, Many of us have wished, in the annual quandary con­cerning Christmas gifts, that we might send friends away from theUniversity a book which might be at once interesting in itself, andsuggestive as a souvenir of the institution. Certainly here is such avolume. It is to be hoped, moreover, that Mr. Cuppy will not letthis he his last volume; but will go on and tell us more about theUniversity-that he will, indeed, like Norris and Irwin, at Stanford,make his devotion to his Alma Mater the beginning of a literarycareer that will reflect upon her great credit.TEN YEARS OF FOOTBALLBY HUGO MORRIS FRIEND, PH.B., '06; J.D., '08LOOKING back ten years into the history of university athleticswe find very few traces of intersectional competition. Thisis especially true 'Of football. Up to that time the Alleghaniesstood as a, barrier between East and West, across which neithersection cared to send its college teams in search of athletic honors.Since then, however, there has arisen a controversy between Eastand West on the question of relative football merits, which bidsfair to bring about that national competition which has been lookedforward to for so many years.Football had its origin in the East, beginning with Rugby,which came from England. A number of modifications soon de­veloped what is now referred to as the "old game." For manyyears this was confined principally to the New England colleges.It was not until the late eighties that western institutions took upfootball.-' Western football was at first identical with that of the East,because most western coaches came directly from the eastern col­leges. Of course it lacked the polish, and perfection of team play,so that for some time the supremacy 'of the East remained un­challenged. As western coaches developed their game, however,they began to use methods differing from those of the East, andthis, together with an increasing interest in the game and excellentmaterial, led to the formation of formidable football elevens in theWest.It was not until 1898 that intersectional football became anissue. During that year Chicago entered into a three-year agree­ment with Pennsylvania, then a member of the "Big Four" of theEast and a worthy representative. The first contest was played atPhiladelphia, With Chicago it was a long-sought opportunity toimpress on the East our claim for recognition; with Pennsylvaniait was a mere incident. The entire West hoped for a creditableoutcome. Chicago was defeated, but by no means overwhelmed,and every report of the game gave Chicago men cause to feelproud of western football. The following year brought new62TEN YEARS OF FOOTBALLlaurels. Pennsylvania came to Marshall Field with the best teamever developed under the old rules, and after a stubborn contest inwhich Chicago fought its way to the Penn one-foot line twice, thegame ended in a tie. The same season Chicago defeated Cornelland Brown, while Wisconsin, yielded to Yale at New Haven onlyafter a nip and tuck contest.From that time on intersectional football has assumed largerproportions. The revised rules of 1905 placed East and West ona better footing and helped to bring about a better understanding.Contests in which Chicago, Minnesota, and Michigan met Pennsyl­vania, Cornell, Carlisle, and Syracuse have helped to bring Eastand West closer together. Other eastern colleges are seriouslyconsidering extending their schedule to include western games,the only important obstacle being the necessity of breaking off rela­tions with the rivals of decades.It is not necessary nor would it be advisable at this time todraw comparisons based 011 actual scores during the past two orthree seasons, but results in general justify the assertion that thereis no longer any great difference between East and West in pointof actual playing strength. There are differences in methods, asfor instance, in the coaching systems. There has. been much dis­cussion of the relative merits of the multiple and one-coach sys­tems, and many have maintained that the East develops betterteams only because the former plan is S'O generally used there.Anything that may be said in favor of or against either plan islikely to be conjectural at best, and certainly a conclusion show­ing one system superior to the other is not well founded. Afterall has been said, only that system of coaching can be successfulwhich is best suited for a particular institution and adjusted toconditions existing there. Both plans have been and are being fol­lowed in the East and both have been found satisfactory. Theselection of either must depend on the coach or coaches, the kindand amount of material and the spirit and loyalty of alumni. Asa matter 0 f fact Carlisle and some other eastern colleges using theone-coach system have successfully held their place amongeastern colleges year after year, and have time and again defeatedteams coached by a dozen or more experienced graduates. TheWest has used the one-man plan in a modified form almost exclu­sively. While it is referred to as such, yet as a matter of factevery institution has elaborated on it and called on two or threeTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof its alumni to aid in carrying out the work. So, after all, it isat best only a question of numbers and nobody can say that tenmen can develop' a stronger team than four, because each coachadded does not necessarily bring greater efficiency to the team.This is especially true under the new rules, where team work, onoffensive play, is all-important.It would seem by the nature of things, to be the task for oneindividual to develop that 'close harmony of action necessary tointricate plays. The western games of the past three years showthat our attack has been more varied and precise than that ofeastern teams; in fact it has in some instances almost bewilderedthem, so different did they find it from their own style of play.If there is any advantage in the multiple coach system it must lie inbuilding up a stronger defense. In this respect the East has beensomewhat superior, and the task for our coaches in the future willbe to work toward an improvement in this branch of the game.Whatever difference may still exist between East and Westmay be ascribed to two reasons. As a rule the West is handi­capped by lack of sufficient material, Some of our best prepara­tory school boys. go East in search of athletic honors. The oldestablished institutions, with all the traditions, of the past hold outto them greater possibilities for athletic glory. On the other handvery few eastern boys come west, and so we lose some of ourstrength and gain none in return. With the growth and develop­ment of the western colleges and universities, however, and publicrecognition of their merits as educational institutions, much of thissentiment is being overcome and boys from this section are begin­ning to attend institutions of the West.The most plausible reason that may be advanced for the differ­ence still existing between East and West, is the greater stresslaid by the former C?n the development of preparatory school boys.Their academies adopt almost the same policies in governing ath­letics as are observed at colleges. Unlike western schools, theyemploy coaches who have been trained for the work and who arefully as well qualified to develop football teams as the men whocoach at universities. After four years of such training boys entercollege, not as raw recruits or even moderately fair players, butwith a full understanding of every point of the game, and con­sequently begin their college career as well qualified to play foot­ball as some college men are after considerable experience. ThisTEN YEARS OF FOOTBALLmust 'be considered one of the strongest reasons why the East hasbeen s.uperior to the West in football, and only when western pre­paratory schools become able to equip their students with likefacilities for building up football men, will the difference becomeequalized.As a last word it might be added that East and West are on amuch more equal footing than would appear from the various selec­tions made each year for the theoretical all-American team. Itwas not until some of the men who constitute themselves supremejudges came west to see western contests that they slaw fit to giveus recognition by placing such men as Heston, EckersalI, andSteffen on their teams. If they will make it a point to becomethoroughly acquainted with western players they undoubtedly willfavor the West with something more than an occasional compli­mentary vote. The West has much cause to feel gratified with itspast progress, and good reason to look to the future with high hope.A NEW VOLUME IN SOCIOLOGYUNDER the title of The Cameralists the University of ChicagoPress has just issued a volume by Professor Albion W.Small,' Head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.The book, of 630 pages, has for its sub-title "The Pioneers of Ger­man Social Polity," and discusses in twenty-two chapters the fol­lowing subjects: the civics of Osse and of Obrecht, the cameralis­tics of Seckendorff, Becher, Schroder, Gerhard, Rohr, Gasser,Dithmar, Zincke, Darjes, and of Justi, the argument of Justi's"Staatswirthschaft," his political philosophy, his "Policeywissen­schaft," and his cameralistic miscellanies, and the cameralistics ofSonnenfels, including the "Introduction," "Policey," "Handlung,"and "Handlung und Finanz."The author says in the preface that like its predecessor in theseries, Adam Smith and Modern Sociology, the present book is amere fragment, dealing with a single factor of the social processin the German States, a factor already effective in 1655. Themost important seventeenth-century writers are reviewed in se­quence, but the emphasis of the book falls in the eighteenthcentury.In the final chapter the author summarizes. his conclusions andsays thatThe cameralists not only gave voice to the constructive civic ideas ofan era, but the system which they formulated contains -all the essentials ofGerman polity today. From the close of the cameralistic period, and theturning of German political thinking from its natural course' by the Revolu­tion on the one hand and Smithism on the other, down to the formation ofthe Verein fur Socialpolitik in 1871, so many factors enter into the reorgani­zation of German social science that it is easy to. overlook the permanentcameralistic elements. To understand modern Germany which is directlyand indirectly exerting such manifold influence upon the whole world, itis necessary to take account not only of present activities in Germany, but ofthose formative purposes and tentative institutions which the Cameralistsrepresent.66A NEW COLLEGE TEXTBOOK INGEOLOGYHENRY HOLT & COMPANY of New York have recently. issued, in the American Science Series, a new college text­book in geology, the authors being Professor Thomas C. Chamber­lin, Head of the Department 'Of Geology, and Professor Rollin D.Salisbury, Head of the Department of Geography. The volume, of990 pages, considers in Part I (Dynamic and Structural Geology)the materials of the earth and their arrangement, the geologicalwork of the atmosphere, land waters, ground (underground) water,the work of snow and ice, the work of the ocean, lakes, movementsand deformations of the earth's body, vulc ani sm, and structuralgeology. I� Part II (Hi�!toric2l Geology) are discussed the originof the earth, stages of the earth's history leading to the knowneras (under the Laplacian hypothesis; under modification of theLaplacian hypothesis; under the Planetesimal hypothesis), and thevarious geologic eras,In the preface the statement is made thatLittle emphasis is laid on the commonly reorganized subdivisions of thescience, such as dynamic geology, stratigraphic geology, physiographic geol­ogy, etc. The treatment proceeds rather from the point of view that thescience is a unit, that its one theme is the history of the earth, and that thediscussions of dynamic geology, physiographic geology, etc., apart fromtheir historical bearing, lose much of their significance and interest .....Throughout the work the central purpose has been, not only to set forth thepresent status of knowledge, but to present it so that the student will beintroduced to the methods and spirit of the science. To this end the workingmethods of the geologist have been implied as frequently as practicable. Tothis end also there has been frankness of statement relative to the limitationof knowledge and the uncertainty of many tentative conclusions.The book contains thirty-one chapters, twenty-one plates, andover six hundred figures in the text, and is concluded by refer­ence tables of the principal groups of plants and animals, and byan index of thirty pages.A preceding work on geology by the same authors is in threevolumes, of about 19�o pages, the first entitled Processes andTheir Results, and the second and third, Earth. History. Theseare :also published by Henry Holt & Company of N ew York.67"BIBLICAL IDEAS OF ATONEMENT",UNDER the title given above the University of Chicago Presspublished in November a new volume .by Professor Ernest D.Burton, Head of the Department of New Testament Literature andInterpretation; Assistant Professor John M. P: Smith, of the De­partment of Semitics ; and Associate Professor Gerald B. Smith,of the Department of Systematic Theology. The volume of threehundred and forty pages contains thirteen chapters, an, appendixgiving lists of the more important books on the idea of atonement, asubject index, and scripture passages.In the preface the authors say that-'Do trace the history of an idea is to discover the forces that haveco-operated to produce it, and to transform it from age to age. Thehistory of the idea is thus its best explanation ..... Realizing that mostof our readers would desire, not only a historical statement of what wasbelieved and taught by the prophets and teachers of old, but also someindication of the value of those teachings for the present day, the closingsection of the book (chaps. XII, XIII) has be�n added in an endeavorto meet this legitimate demand.The first eleven -chapters were first published in the BiblicalWorld during the year 1908-9. In Part I the idea 'of atonement istraced in preprophetic Israel, in the Prophets and Deuteronomy,and the later priestly literature; in Part II atonement in non­canonical J ewish literature is considered; and in Part'III, the ideaof atonement in the New Testament. Part IV gives a summary ofthe biblical teachings concerning atonement, and the closing chapterin Part V discusses atonement in the light of modern thought.68THE UNIVERSITY RECORDNEW PLAN OF STUDENT ORGANI­ZATIONThe student body, by an over­whelming mai ority, has voted toadopt the new plan of student or­ganization formulated by a com­mission made. up of students andmembers of the Faculty, appointedby the President of the University.The main points of the plan areas follows:A Senior Council and a JuniorCouncil elected in February of eachyear is empowered to' have generaloversight of student affairs, includ­ing the conduct of elections' forstudent officers of the four divisionsinto which the undergraduate stu­dent body is divided. The presi­dent of each division sits as an exofficio member upon the StudentCouncil. The division officers areelected 'early in the autumn andhave charge of all affairs belongingto the various divisions as such.The divisions will be known asUpper Seniors and Lower Seniors;Upper Juniors and Lower Juniors;and the students will be classifiedin one or other of these groups onthe basis of the number of maj orsof credit that they have. The UpperSeniors must have twenty-seven;the Lower Seniors, eighteen; theUpper Juniors, nine; and the'Lower ' Juniors, less than nine.The Councils may disregard a dis­crepancy not to exceed three maj orsin classifying students.Whenever they desire, the Juniorand Senior Councils may meet to­gether as the Undergraduate Stu­dent Council, to. act upon, affairswhich affect the entire student bodyin distinction from the Senior Col­leges or Junior Colleges respectively.It is hoped that under the arrange­ment of the plan the various as­pects of undergraduate student lifewill secure proper control and guid­ance, and that a more wholesomeand vigorous development of under­graduate interest may result. The chairman of the commissionwas Professor James R. Angell,Dean of the Senior Colleges; andwith him on the commission wereAssociate Professor Herbert E.Slaught, of the Department ofMathematics, and seven students­four from the Senior Colleges andthree from the Junior Colleges.THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRALASSOCIA TIONEarly in the university year 1908"""'9the President of the University ap­pointed a faculty committee con­sisting of Messrs. Alonzo K. Parker,Richard G. Moulton, William D.MacClintock, George H. Mead, andWalter A. Payne to. arrange forexercises marking the hundredthanniversaries of the births of 'Someof the distinguished men born inthe year 1809. A concert in theLeon Mandel Assembly Hall by theTheodore Thomas Orchestra, com­memorative of the birth of FelixBartholdy Mendelssohn, was givenat four o'clock on the afternoon ofFebruary 3, and the exceptional in­terest manifested led the committeeto arrange for another concert onthe afternoon of April 13. Thepresentation of these programmeswas made possible by the sympathyand hearty co-operation of the con-ductor of the Theodore ThomasOrchestra, Mr. Frederick Stock, andits manager, Mr. Frederick J. Wes­sels.As a result of the interest 'Shownin these concerts, a meeting washeld in Haskell Assembly Room onMay 10 to consider the advisabilityof perfecting an organization underthe auspices of which such pro­grammes might he made a perma­nent feature of University life. Acommittee consisting of Messrs.James H. Breasted, James A. Field,William G. Hale, George H. Mead,Newman Miller, Alonzo K. Parker,and Walter A. Payne, appointed for69zo THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe purpose of drawing up a planfor the organization of the Univer­sity Or·chestral Association, reportedto another meeting on May 24. Atthis meeting the University Orches­tral Association was organized anda constitution adopted providingthat "the obi ect of this associationshall be the cultivation of an inter­est in good music by means of anannual series of orchestral concertsin Leon Mandel Assembly Hall sup­plemented by such other programmesas in the judgment of the officersof the association will contribute tothat end," It was. provided that theassociation should consist of onehundred members 'each of whomwould agree to pay at the end ofthe year a pro rata portion of anydeficit which might result from thegiving of the series of concerts forthat year. The following officersand directors were elected: Presi­dent, George H. Mead; vice-presi­dent, Mrs. Sherwood J. Larned;secretary-treasurer, Walter A. Payne;additional directors: Mrs. HarryPratt Judson, Mrs. Francis W.Parker, James H. Breasted, andWallace Heckman. The officers,with the assistance of an auxiliarycommittee, set about securing thedesired Association membership.Meanwhile tentative plans hadbeen made with the TheodoreThomas Orchestra to present aseries of six concerts in the LeonMandel Assembly Hall at 4 o'clockon the afternoons of November 2and December 7, 1909, and January4, January 25, March I, and April5, 1910.The seating capacity of MandelHall is 1,141. The number of sea­'Son tickets sold before the first con­cert was 995, thus insuring thefinancial success of the series. Ofthese, 353 were sold to students inthe University at special rates. Onthe afternoon of November 2 theTheodore Thomas Orchestra pre­sented a unique programme to anaudience practically filling the hall,the composers represented incl udingWeber, Dvorak, Borodin, Liadow,and Glazounow. The violin and'cello duet by Kramer and Steindel,from the "Ruses d'amour," was re- ceived with especial enthusiasm andencored.On December 7 an 'even largeraudience was in attendance, the pro­gramme including Beethoven's Sev­enth Symphony, Wolf's ItalianSerenade, the Invitation to theDance, by W eber- Weingartner, andCapriccio Espagnol, Opus 34, byRimsky-Korsakow.In order that the programmesmay be arranged as nearly as possi­ble in accordance with the prefer­ences of the season-ticket holders,a programme committee consisting ofMessrs. James R. Angell and JamesA. Field, and Mrs. Carl D. Buck,has been appointed. This committeehas arranged with the conductor ofthe Orchestra to present the follow­ing programme on the afternoon ofJanuary 4:Overture-"Coriolanus," Opus 62,BeethovenSymphony NO.2, D Major, Opus 73,BrahmsSymphonic Poem No. 3-"Danse Maca­bre," Opus 40 ...•.•.. Saint-Saens"Traume," (Orchestration by TheodoreThomas) WagnerRhapsodie Hongroise No. 2 LisztTHE TWENTY-SECOND EDUCATION­AL CONFERENCE OF ACADEMIESAND HIGH SCHOOLS-On November 19 and 20 was heldthe annual educational conferenceof the University with its co-operat­ing schools. Two notable meetingswere held. On Friday afternoontwo important subj ects were pre­sented, one by Mr. Walter Sargent,Professor of Manual Training andArt in Relation to Education, whospoke Qon "The Place of ManualArts in the Secondary Schools ;"and the other by Mr. Lester Bart­lett Jones, on "The Place of Musicin the Public Schools."On Saturday morning an un­usually large and appreciative audi­ence listened to Dr. Ella FlaggYoung, superintendent of schools,Chicago, on the subject of "The Pub­lic High School-Its Principal andIts Teachers ;" and to ProfessorCharles H. Judd, Director of theSchool of Education, on the "ScienceTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDof Education." It was felt by allwho heard them that these fouraddresses have done much to stimu­late thought and action by educatorsalong the lines which were discussed,An event of great interest to. high­school principals, teachers, and stu­dents alike was the ·competitiveprize contests and examinations insix departments, participated in bymembers of the senior classes inco-operating schools. Two hundredand sixty-two students from fifty­eight schools took part in theseevents. The winners of prize scholar­ships were as follows: In declama­tion, Helen Swasey, DeKalb Town­ship High School, .and LeonardGrossman, Wendell Phillips HighSchool; in Botany, James Leben­sohn, McKinley High School; inEnglish, Edna M. Straus, WendellPhillips High School; in German,Bertha Riss, Lake View HighSchool; in Latin, William Kurzin,Medill High School ; in Mathe�matics, Frank B. Kelly, Joliet HighSchool; in Physics, Matthew Benesh,John Marsha;!1 High School.THE FACULTIES"The Wandering of the Pole" isthe subject of an illustrated contri­bution in the November issue ofthe World To-Day, by ProfessorEdwin B. Frost, Director of theYerkes Observatory."The Strike at Iquique" is thesubject of a note contributed to theN ovember issue of the Journal ofPolitical Economy, by Professor J.Laurence Laughlin, Head of the De­partment of Political Economy.In the October number of theAmerican Journal of S emitie Lan­guages and Literatures, Dr. DanielD. Luckenbill, of the Department ofSemitics, has a contribution en­titled "A N eo-Babylonian Catalogueof Hymns.""Gold and Prices" is the sub] ectof the opening contribution in theMay (1909) number of the Journalof Political Economy, by ProfessorJ. Laurence Laughlin, Head of theDepartment of Political Economy. "The Resurrection Faith of theFirst Disciples" was the subj ect ofthe opening contribution in the Aprilnumber of the American Journal ofTheology, by Assistant ProfessorShirley J. Case, of the Departmentof New Testament Literature andInterpretation.Among the members of the newstate commission appointed by thegovernor of Illinois for the investi­gation of pellagra are Dr. FrankBillings, Professor of Medicine, andAssistant Professor Howard T.Ricketts, of the Department of Path­ology and Bacteriology.A Life for a Life is the title of anew novel by Professor Robert Her­rick, of the Department of English.The volume is to he issued in J an­uary by the Macmillan Company, whoalso were the publishers of Mr. Her­rick's last novel, Together, of whichnine editions have been printed.The report of the Commissioneron Occupational Diseases, which wasrecently submitted to the governorof Illinois, had among its signersProfessor Ludwig Hektoen, Headof the Department of Pathology andBacteriology, and Professor CharlesR. Henderson of the Department ofSociology."Mexican Plants and People" wasthe subj ect of an illustrated addressin Fullerton HaU of the Chicago ArtInstitute on October 15, by Pro­fessor Charles R. Barnes, of the De­partment of Botany, It was thefirst in a series of lectures for theyear 1909-10, given under the auspicesof the Geographical Society of Chi­cago.In the volume recently issued byHenry Holt & Co., entitled FiftyYears of Darwinism, is included anaddress by Professor John M.Coulter, Head of the Department ofBotany, on the indebtedness ofbotany to Darwin. The introduc­tion to the volume is by ProfessorThomas C. Chamberlin, Head of theDepartment of Geology.The tenth annual meeting of theAstronomical and Astrophysical So­ciety of America was held at theYerkes Observatory at Lake Geneva,Wis., from August 18 to August 21,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDirector Edwin B. Frost and othermembers of the Observatory staffhaving general charge of the ar­rangements for the meeting. Forty­two papers were presented by mem­bers of the society.President Harry Pratt Judson wasone of the speakers before theWoman's Club of Chicago on. De­cember 8, his subject being "TheTheater and Civic Life." Miss JaneAddams, Head of Hull Hous:e,Chicago, discussed on the: same oc­casion the subj ect of "The Childand the Theater." The exerciseswere under the auspices of theDramatic Club of Evanston, Ill.On October I I the governor ofIllinois appointed Lorado Taft, theChicago sculptor, as a member of thenew State Art Commission. Mr.Taft, who is Professorial Lectureron the History of Art, recently gavebefore the University a series of il­lustrated lectures on the ideals andtechnique of the sculptor's art, andis now engaged on proposed plansfor the beautifying of the MidwayPlaisance ...The one hundred and twenty­ninth contribution from the: H ullBotanical Laboratory, "Cytology ofCutleria and Aglaozonia," by Dr.Shigeo Yamanouchi, of the De­partment of Botany, appears in theNovember number of the BotanicalGazette, and also the I30th contri­bution, on "Oxygen Pressure andthe Germination of XanthiumSeeds," by Charles A. Shull, nowof Transylvania University, Ken­tucky."Non-Religious Persons" (a chap­ter from a forthcoming book, ThePsychology of Religious Experience)is the subj ect of a contribution inthe October issue of the AmericanJournal of Theology, by AssistantProfessor Edward S. Ames, of theDepartment of Philosophy. TIQ thesame number of the Journal Assist­ant Professor Edgar J. Goodspeed,of the Department of Biblical andPatristic Greek, contributes "Noteson the Freer Gospels.""Aus dem Leben einer amerikan­ischen . U niversitat" is the sub] ect ofa contribution in the November number of the M onatschrift furPastoraltheologie, published in Ber­lin, by Professor Carl Clemen, of theUniversity 'of Bonn. It is an ,es­pecially sympathetic and discrimi­nating comparison of American andGerman university methods. Pro­fessor Clemen gave a series of lee­tures in the University of Chicagoduring the Autumn Quarter of1908.In an address before the Ger­manistic Society of Chicago, inFullerton Hall of the Art Institute,Professor John M. Manly, Head ofthe Department of English, gavehis impressions as an exchange pro­fessor at the University of Gotting­en, where he gave a course of lec­tures 011 English literature inaccordance with the plan to bringabout a permanent exchange ofprofessors between the University ofChicago and various German uni­versities.A contribution on the Universityof Chicago appears in the Standardof November 13, 1909, by ProfessorCornelius W oelfkin, of RochesterTheological Seminary. It is an "un­solicited testimony" to the value andsignificance of the University's work,particularly of the work of theDivinity School. Professor Woelf­kin gave a 'course of lectures inhomiletics during the Summer Quar­ter and was the Convocationpreacher at the seventy-second Con­vocation on August 29."Evidences of Incompleteness inthe Aeneid of Vergil" is the subjectof a contribution in the June numberof the Classical Journal, by Pro­fessor Frank J. Miller, of the De­partment of Latin. It was firstgiven as a paper before the Classi­cal Association of the Middle Westand South, at the annual meetingheld in New Orleans. In the samenumber of this journal is an articleby Assistant Professor Robert J.Bonner, of the Department ofGreek, on "The Mutual Intelligibilityof Greek Dialects."In the July issue of the Astro­physical Journal Mr. John A. Park­hurst, of the Yerkes Observatory,has a contribution on "The EvidenceTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDfrom Photographic Color Filters inRegard to the Absorption of Lightin Space." In the same number isa contribution entitled "Eight StarsHaving Variable Radial Velocities,"by Director Edwin B. Frost andMr. Oliver J. Lee. Photographs ofHalley's comet taken by the two-f ootreflector of the Yerkes Observatoryare reproduced in the October num­ber, with account of the observationsby Mr. Lee, the computer at the Ob-servatory. ."Germany's Discoveries in theAncient Orient" was the subj ect ofan address in Fullerton Hall of theArt Institute, December 6, by Pro­fessor James H. Breasted, Directorof the Haskell Oriental Museum.The address, which is publishedin this number of the Magazine,was given before the GermanisticSociety of Chicago. In the Chau­tau quan. magazine for December,Mr. Breasted 'has a fully illustratedcontribution entitled "The Voyageof the Nile-The Tombs of theBarons-Abydos and Denderah,"the fourth in a series under thetitle "A Reading Journey throughEgypt."Associate Professor Charles E.Merriam, of the Department of Po­litical Science, has been made chair­man of the Chicago Commission onMunicipal Expenditures, for whichthe city council has appropriated$60,000 to meet the expenses of ex­perts, investigators, and clerks.Among the other members of thecommission is Mr. A. C. Bartlett, amember of the University Board ofTrustees. Mr. Merriam is the authorof a monograph on municipal ex­penditures, which was issued underthe auspices of the City Club of Chi­cago, and has also written A Historyof American Political Theories, pub­lished by the Macmillan Company."Fine and Industrial Arts in Ele­mentary Schools" is the subj ect of acontribution in the November numberof the Elementary School Teacher,by Professor Walter Sargent, of theDepartment of Education. The arti­de is illustrated by six figures."N atural History in the Grades" isdiscussed by Associate ProfessorOtis W. Caldwell, Supervisor of 73Nature-Study in the School of Edu­cation, and Associate Professor S.Chester Parker, of the Departmentof Education, has a second contri­bution on "Our Inherited Practicein Elementary Schools," the specialsubject being "The Dancing-MasterEducation of the Eighteenth Cen­tury."Geschichte des alten Aeovpten« isthe title of a volume issued thiswinter by the publishing house ofCurtius in Berlin. The translationfrom Professor James H. Breasted'sHistory of Egypt, published byCharles Scribner's Sons, was madeby Dr. Herman Ranke of the RoyalMuseum of Berlin. The volume, offive hundred pages, has two hundredillustrations and maps. ProfessorBreasted's history is also to appearin an edition for the blind, the bookhaving been selected by the authori­ties of the Classical Department ofthe British Museum to be printed inthe Braille system of raised symbols,and the American publishers havinggiven their permission.Professor Rollin D. Salisbury,Head of the Department of Geog­raphy, contributes the opening articleto the October-N overnber numberof the Journal of Geology, "PhysicalGeography of the Pleistocene withSpecial Reference to the Pleisto­cene Conditions." Professorial Lec­turer Bailey Willis has a contribu­tion in the same number on "Paleo­graphic Maps of North America,"with one illustration; AssociateProfessor Stuart Weller, of the De­partment of Geology, gives a. "De­scription of a Permian CrinoidFauna from Texas," illustrated byone plate; and Professor SamuelW. Williston, of the Department ofPaleontology, has a contribution on"New or Little-Known PermianVertebrates," illustrated by sevenfigures,"The Department of Education inAmerican Universities" was the sub­j ect of the opening contribution inthe November issue of the SchoolReview) by Professor Charles H.Judd, Head of the Department ofEducation and Director of the Schoolof Education. It was first given asan address before the Association of74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINJI,Doctors of Philosophy of the Uni­versity of Chicago at their annualmeeting in June. "Manual Train­ing in the Service of Physics" wasthe subject of an article in the samenumber, by Dr. Frank N. Freeman,Instructor in Educational Psychol­ogy. The opening contribution inthe December number of the journalis by Franklin W. Johnson, Deanof the University High School, on"The Social Organization of theHigh Schoo1."Professor Starr Willard Cutting,Head of the Department of Ger­manic Languages and Literatures,gave an address in German on thepoet Schiller at the celebration, N 0-vember 10, 1909, in Lincoln Park,Chicago, of the one hundred andfiftieth anniversary of the poet'sbirth. The address, which is pub-'lished in English in this numberof the Magazine, was deliveredat the Schiller monument, the exer­cises of the day being under theauspices of the Schwaben- Vereinof Chicago. The other speaker,who gave an address in English,was Congressman Henry ShermanBoutell. Both addresses appear inGerman in the Chicago A bend postof N ovember 10, 1909. "Schiller alsDramatiker" was the sub] ect of alecture by Mr. Cutting on N ovem­ber 4 before the Columbia Damen­Club of Chicago.Judith and H olofernes is the titleof a new poetic drama by AssistantProfessor Martin Schiitze, of theDepartment of German. His firstdrama, Hero and Leantler, is to. bepresented soon, with a number ofother modem plays, in a lectureseries in N ew York City. Mr.Schiitze gave an address on Octo-­ber 23 before a meeting of the CookCounty Clubs of Women under theauspices of the Evanston DramaticClub, his subj ect being "The PoeticDrama." "Schiller after Five Cen­turies" was the subj ect of an address,November 10, at the University ofIllinois, the occasion being the onehundred and fiftieth anniversary ofSchiller's birth. On November 19,Mr. Schiitze's subject before theInstitute of Arts and Sciences inSt. Paul, Minn., was "The Con- temporary German Drama," and onNovember 20 he spoke at the Uni­versity of Minnesota on "The Prin­cipal Aspects of Contemporary Ger­man Literature."The December number of the J our­nal of Political Economy containsthe proceedings of the Conferenceon the Teaching of Elementary Eco­nomics, held at the University ofChicago. on October 22, 1909. Amongthose taking part in the discussionwere President Harry Pratt Judson;Professor J. Laurence Laughlin,Head of the Department of Po­litical Economy; Associate Pro­fessor Leon C. Marshall; AssistantProfessor Robert F. Hoxie; andDirector Charles H. Judd, of theSchool of Education. There werethirty-two present at the conference;representing nineteen institutions.Professor John H. Gray, of theUniversity of Minnesota, was thechairman of the conference, andAssociate Professor Marshall, of theUniversity of Chicago, 'was in gen­eral charge of the arrangements.Source Book for Social Origins isthe title of a new volume issued bythe University of Chicago Press, theauthor being Associate ProfessorWilliam 1. Thomas, of the Depart­ment of Sociology and Anthropol­ogy. I ts sub-title is "PsychologicalStandpoint, Ethnological Materials,and Classified Bibliographies for theInterpretation of Savage Society."The work is divided into seven parts:External Environment (Anthropo­Geography and Primitive Econom­ics) ; Primitive Mind and Education;Early Marriage; Invention and Tech­nology; Art, Ornament, and Decora­tion ; Magic, Religion, Ritual, andCeremonial; and Social Organization,Morality, and the State. The sevenbibliographical lists amount to 'aboutsixty-five pages, and the papersforming the body of the book are bysuch eminent anthropologists asBoas, Tyler, Westermarck, Spencer,Haddon, and Rivers. The authorhas an introductory chapter on' thestudent's point of view for the ma­terials, and also critical commentsin connection with each part.A thletic Games in the Educationof Women is the title of a volumeTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDrecently published by Henry Holt &Co., the authors being Assistant Pro­fessor Gertrude Dudley, of the De­partment of Physical Culture, andFrances A. Kellor, a former gradu­ate student in the University of Chi­cago. The book, of 270 pages,discusses first the value of athleticgames, under the heads of "Citizen­ship and Social Education," "Educa­tional Value of Athletics," and"Instructors-Their Responsibilityand Training." Part II considers thepresent conditions of athletics in sec­ondary schools, universities, andcolleges, and political and social or­ganizations, and also competitive and.public games; and Part III discussesmethods of instruction, includingchapters on "General Training andContests " "Basket-Ball" "IndoorBaseball:" and "Field H�ckey." Theauthors say in the preface that theirexperiments with many hundreds ofstudents and players have demon­strated repeatedly that athletic gamesare real factors in education.On October 8 and 9 DirectorCharles - H. Judd and Professor,N athaniel Butler, of the School ofEducation, gave addresses beforethe Illinois School Masters' Club atPeoria, Ill. Mr. Judd also repre­sented the University of Chicago atthe meeting of the Eastern IllinoisTeachers' Association at Danville,111., and also at the inauguration ofPresident J. D. Cowling at N orth­field, Minn. Mr. Butler representedthe Univ-ersity at the jubilee cele­bration of Lake Forest College onOctober 23, and at the inaugura­tion of President Small (a U. ofC. Master) at Lake Erie College,Ohio.. Mr. Butler also spoke be­fore . the Lake County (Ind.)Teachers' Association on October29. Professor George E. Vincent,Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Lit­erature, and Science, gave addressesbefore the Northwestern IowaTeachers' Association, at CedarRapids, on October IS, and theNorthwestern Ohio Teachers' Asso­ciation, at Toledo, on October 29.Professor Frank J. Miller, of theDepartment of Latin, spoke beforethe Military Tract Teachers' Asso­ciation, at Galesburg, III., on Octo""'"ber 2. On November 4, Professor 75Judd gave an address before theIowa State Association, at DesMoines, Iowa, and on November 6,before the Northern Illinois Asso­dation, at Elgin, 111., when Mr.Butler also spoke. Other addressesby Mr. Butler in November were atHarr isburg, Pa., before the StateTeachers' Association, and at Day­ton, Ohio, before the CentralTeachers' Association. On N ovem­ber 18, Associate Professor CharlesR. Mann, of the Department ofPhysics, represented the Universityat the annual conference of theUniversity of Illinois.LIBRARIAN'S. ACCESSION REPORTFOR THE SUMMER Q_UARTER, 1909During the Summer Quarter, I909,there has been added to the libraryof the University a total number of5,377 volumes, from the followingsources :BOOKS ADDED BY PURCHASEBooks. added by purchase, 2,783 vol­umes, distributed as follows: Anatomy,17; Anatomy, Pathology and Physi­ology, 3; Anthropology, 41 ; Astronomy(Ryerson), 4; Astronomy (Yerkes),19 ; Bacteriology, 20 ; Biology,' .2 ;Botany, 5; Chemistry, 27 ; ChurchHistory, 37-; Commerce and Adminis­tration, 44; Dano-Norwegian andSwedish Theological Seminary, 10;Embryology, 3; English, 106; English,German, and Romance. 2; General Li­brary, 55; General Literature, 43;Geography, 23; Geology, 6; German,55; Greek, 127; Haskell, 22; History,194; History of Art, 48; HouseholdAdministration, 6; Latin, 61; Latinand Greek, 13; Latin, Greek, andSanskrit and Comparative Philology,2; Law School, 975; Mathematics, 35;New Testament, 50 ; Palaeontology,12 ; Pathology, 3; Philosophy, 44 ;Physical Culture, 5 ; Physics, 33 ;Physiological Chemistry, II; Physiol­ogy, 1�; Political Economy. 57; Politi­cal SCIence, 28; Practical Theology, I;Psychology, 15; Romance, 129; San­skrit and ComparC!-tive Phi lology, 32;School of Education, 267; Semitics18; Semitics and New Testament I:Sociology, 26; Sociology (Divinity):12; Systematic Theology, 10; Zoology,10.BY GIFTBooks added by gift, 1,848 volumes,distributed as follows: Anthropology,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE2; Astronomy (Ryerson), 7; Bacteri­ology, I; Biology, 8I; Botany, 5;Chemistry, 5; Church History, 5 ;Commerce and Administration, I3 ;Comparative Religion, I; English, 6;Gen�ral Library, I, 17 I; General Li ter­ature, I; Geography, 13; Geology, 29;German, 5; Greek,s; Haskell, 25;History, 180 ; History of Art, 3 ;Household Administration, I; Latin,6; Latin and Greek, I; LexingtonHall, I; Mathematics, 50; New Testa­ment, 2; Pathology, 1; Philosophy, 5;Physical Culture, 3; Physics, 8; Po­litical Economy, 79; Political Science,5; Practical Theology, 2; Psychology,3; Romance, 3; School of Education,81; Semitics, 1; Sociology, 4; Soci­ology (Divinity), I; Systematic The­ology, 8; Zoology, 23.BY EXCHANGEBooks added by exchange for U ni­versity publications, 746 volumes, dis­tributed- as follows: Anthropology,.2 ;Astronomy (Yerkes), I; Biology, 3;Church History. I; Commerce andAdministration, I; English, 2; Englishand German, I; General Library, 130;Geography, 3: Geology, 10; German,8; Greek, 2 I I; Haskell, IO; History,8; History of Art, 61; Latin, II6;Latin and Greek, 8; Mathematics; 34;Philosophy 2; Physics, 3; PoliticalEconomy, 17; Political Science. 1;Psychology, 2; Romance, 3; Sanskritand Comparative Philology, 53; Schoolof Education, 50; Sociology, 3; Soci­ology (Divinity), I; Zoology, 1.SPECIAL GIFTSArkansas Geological Survey, reports-8 volumes.F. D. Bramhall, CongressionalRecord-s-a volumes. Edmund Buckley, miscellaneous-ISvolumes.O. W. Caldwell, science-I2 volumes.Boston Board of Health, reports­IS volumes.W. T. Davis, geology-7 volumes.C. L. Hutchinson, Publications ofthe Carnegie Institution of Washing­ton-6 volumes.P. F. J ernegan, Philippine Islands-3 volumes.H. P . Judson, 10 volumes.Kansas State Historical Society.miscellaneous-I2 volumes.J. R. Mann, Tariff hearirigs, 1908-9-9 volumes.Michigan State Board of Agricul­ture, reports-I I volumes.Nebraska State Board of Agricul­ture, reports-I5 volumes.New York State Department ofAgriculture, repor-ts-c-o volumes.S. E. Payne, Tariff hearings (Com.and Ad.)-9 volumes.Quadrangle Club, periodicals-48volumes.Smith College, Monthly-s-a volumes.Springfield School Committee, re­ports-8 volumes.Tennessee Board of Agriculture, re­ports-25 volumes.United States Library of Congress,state documents-I2 volumes.University of Minnesota Agricul­tural Experiment Station-I2 volumes.Virginia Department of Agriculture,reports-6 volumes.Vermont State Library, state re­ports-25 volumes.Alice B. Wiles, Nouvelle biographievenerale-46 volumes.S. W. Williston, Kansas Academy ofScience, transactions and miscellaneous-26 volumes.United States government, documents----55 volumes and 158 pamphlets.DISCUSSION AND COMMENTFOOTBALL REVISIONFootball is to be made not onlysane, but safe. Expressions ofopinion from the leading footballauthorities of the country at lastagree that a total revision of therules is necessary. The new gamehas shown itself to be a vast im­provement on the old, but that it isstill woefully lax in safeguard­ing its players from inj ury andeven death the roll of the seasonof I 909 amply proves. Publicopinion, which did much to bringabout the changes in the rules afterthe season of I905, reacted sharplyagainst the game after the WestPoint fatality this year, and evennow, when the results are viewedin a better perspective, there arevoices of no little power demandingthe abolition of the game.That it is impossible to removethe ills of football without abolish­ing the game does not s,eem to beproved in the arguments so far ad­vanced by the affirmative. Neitherdoes the fad that Columbia Univer­sity has thr ived without football forfour years prove that its abolitionthere has been as beneficial as awriter in the December Review ofR euieuis would have us believe. Ir­refutable, however, is the argumentthat an institution of learningwhose duty it is to light the wayfor men to follow, cannot counte­nance the continuance of fatalitiesand injuries which even the re­visions O'f I905 failed to stop.Proposals to revise the game inorder to make it safe for the play­ers have come from various quar­ters, but none appear to be as far­reaching in their effect as the fivechanges presented by Director Staggand recommended by the athleticboard of the University without theslightest hesitation. Mr. Stagg haslong been a leader in rcforminzfootball. The changes that he ask�are as follows:I. AlIowing two chances to makeIO yards or three chances to make77 15 yards, as Walter Camp has sug­gested, thus encouraging more for­ward passing, which should he madeeasier.2. Not allowing pushing or pull­ing runner with ball, which nowcauses injury in two ways-by strik­ing player with combined force oftwo or three men and causing themassing of men in a pile to' stopplays.3. Placing a penalty on crawlingwith the ball, which now causes pil­ing up.4. Emphasizing penalty for pilingon player who is down.5. Emphasizing need of referee'sblowing whistle when ball is down,to prohibit massing to stop plays.Another important suggestion hasbeen made by Professor F. W.Springer of the University of Min­nesota, who advocates a new rule tothe effect that any player leavingthe game because of an injury, orany of certain specified inj uriesshall be accompanied by an oppo­nent to be specified by the rule.Professor Springer does not believethat any changes in the style ofplaying will reduce radically thenumber of inj uries and thinks thata heavy penalty of this kind will domore than anything else to makeplayers careful of their opponent'spersons. In explaining his proposalin the Minnesota Alumni Weeki»Professor Springer writes: -The present bellicose prejudice onthe part of the general public againstfootball, as shown by attempted legis­lation, as heard in sermons and readin newspapers, comes not only fromthe great number of injuries but be­cause the public knows that some ofthe injuries were intentional, or wereat least due to reckless playing. Byintentional is meant any case in whicha player intends to reduce the"efficiency" of an opponent in futureplays as well as to stop a presentone. This does not include the legiti­mate tiring out of an opponent.Further, as compared to winning,players are more or less indifferentto injuries of opponents, and also toTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthemselves, and the rooters, many ofthem, do not hesitate to place thechampionship a's worth many brokenbones. If a star is injured the firstquestion is, "Will he play the nextgame ?" which is quite a differentr solicitude from what one would feelif a neighbor were kicked by a cow.Professor Springer recognizesthat his rule will meet with manyobj ections, particularly the one' thata player may feign an injury inorder to remove a good man on theopposing team. He believes, how­ever, that this will not work out inpractice because there can be nofeigning in case of broken bones,dislocations, and the more 'severeinjuries and in the course of hisargument adds: '!Any coach whowould teach feigning' injuries wouldteach slugging or other unfair. tac­tics to accomplish the same thing."The proposed rule has been heartilyrecommended by President N orth­rup of the U niversity of Minnesota.The effect of an injury is two­fold-s-a physical hurt to the playerand a demoralizing and. brutalizingeffect on the spectators. There canbe no answer to the contention thatan inj ured player should not be al­lowed to continue in the game.N either should any player who is'still suffering from the effects of aprevious inj ury be allowed to enterthe field. The difficulty in enforc­ing a rule of this kind lies in thedetermination of a player to mini­mize his 'hurt for the sake of theteam, cfhd the same tt'ndency is oftennoticed in coaches and sympathizers.The public feels the need of expertmedical advice for every player whosuffers an injury, and yet even thebest of physicians is powerless inthe face of the patient's obstinacyand attempt at concealment.Probably no better summary ofthe arguments of the antagonists off ootball has been printed than anarticle on "Football and CollegeReform" by Albert Shaw in theReview of Reviews. It presentssuccinctly every obi ection raisedagainst the game. The reader feels,however, that it is based more onMr. Shaw's conviction that foot­ball is insidious and detrimental tolour college life than on any factswhich might prove this. Mere gen- eralizations will not remedy the con­ditions. Mr. Shaw deprecates the"vulgar publicity," the unsportsman­like tactics of some players, the op­portunities for cheating and thedemoralizing effect of the spirit ofwinning by all possible means andat all 'hazards. He takes up thequestion from the standpoint of theparent who sends his son to a uni­versity to enter the life of academicrefinement and scholarly influenceand then finds him diverted fromstudy and from many other inno­cent and agreeable pursuits "in orderto shed luster upon his college andhave his picture printed on thesporting page of all the metropoli­tan newspapers, alongside of thepictures of Jack Johnson, the negropugilist heavy-weight and the favor­ites of the world of professionalbaseball."It is to be regretted 1£ the special­ization of any student in footballgets the advantage over his studiesand makes them a' minor issue.This is not the purpose of his com­ing to an educational institution. Onthe other hand neither is it the pur­pose of the authorities to allow suchconditions to happen. The stand forscholarship taken by the universitiesin the Conference is the best ex­pression of the great Middle Weston this specific point. It came as aresult of extreme specialization andcalled a halt to the professionalismwhich threatened to swamp inter­collegiate athletics, Coming nearerhome there is a satisfaction in know­ing that in the University of Chi­cago athletes have no immunity fromthe regular penalties inflicted forpoor scholastic records. U nder­graduates have frequently be­moaned the fact that certain starplayers have been unable to appearat times when they were' mostneeded, because of their ineligibility,caused by inferior work. The ruleshave been rigidly enforced. On theother hand a student who comesmerely for athletics, but does aver­�e work, and then drops out assoon as his athletic ambitions havebeen satisfied cannot be said tohave dealt honorably with an insti­tution which admitted him, not he­cause he had athletic abilities, butDISCUSSION AND COMMENTbecause he expressed his wish tobecome a student within her gates.ALUMNI REPRESENTATIONWhile the formation of the AlumniCouncil grows directly out of theneed for closer relations between thealumni and the University, it is like­wise part of a great movement ofthis kind that seems to be affectingall the important institutions in theMiddle West. Two pleas of con­siderable force addressed to thealumni of sister universities weremade recently by men in whom theUniversity of Chicago also has aninterest=an article by Dean JamesR. Angell, in the Michigan Alumnus}calling for the organization of analumni advisory and consulting boardfor Michigan, and a discussion ofthe same subject for the alumni ofthe University of Illinois by RudolphE. Schreiber, who received his bac­calaureate degree from Illinois inI904 and his J.D. from Chicago inI906. Dean Angell recognizes a needfor some sort of alumni representa­tion in the administrative work ofhis alma mater, and proposes theorganization of a council composedof fifty-one members, in which equalrepresentation shall be given bymeans of the election of four mem­bers each from ten groups, eightmembers at large, and the president,secretary, and treasurer of the uni­versity, ex officio. It is proposedthat this body meet annually at Corn­mencement, and work through com­mittees on publicity, athletics, rela­tions to secondary schools, and thelike. Such a council Dean Angellexpects to act as a tonic influence onevery university interest, while fromthe visiting committees he believesimmediate useful results may be ex­pected.The following extract from DeanAngell's article, has a general appli­cation:A very insidious factor is the feel­ing that when a man has paid his feesand gotten his diploma, his accounta­bility is at an end. The state is heldto be th e sole responsible agent in thecase, and no one else must be assumedto have any influence whatever, muchless be held under obligation of any 79kind. Legally, of course, this positionis entirely correct. But morally andsocially it is unwarranted by facts, andeducationally it is indefinitely viciousin its consequences •.•.• The disas­ter comes to the institution from thefact that the student does not, as analumnus, make any return to the in­stitution either of affectionate regardor of more tangible service. To thealumnus himself the injury comes inpart from the moral harm that alwaysaccompanies ingratitude, but morelargely from losing contact with thevitalizing 11"1.Cf'"1ence of a great educa­tional institution.Mr. Schreiber, who is now treas­urer of the Alumni Council of thisuniversity, declares that active par­ticipation by alumni in the adminis­tration of the University of IllinoisWIll arouse indifferent alumni andmake them feel that they are a partof the institution. He writes:To assist the university in thelargest degree the alumni, to do effec­trve work, must have some concertedaction, and this can best be obtainedthrough the instrumentality of someboard composed of alumni expressingalumni sentiment. Such a board, whencreated and conducted in the spirit ofhelpfulness to the university co­operating with the University c{dmin­rstrative officers, must, to be of valuehave the power to exercise the funcZtions of an inspecting and advisorybody. It must make investigation andreports. Wi th proper powers an in­specting and advisory board would bean effective means to inform thealumni what the university is doingwhat the plans and the policy of th�trustees are, and what the universityw�nts of the alumni; and, likewise,being a body of men, strong becauseof different selected elements and re­flecting alumni ideas, the board wouldin the best degree be qualified to tellthe trustees and the administration atlarge what the alumni think of theUniversity. To exnress the true idealsof the alumni. members of the boardmust be alumni, represent the alumni,and be answerable to the alumni. Atrustee who is an alumnus may be inaccord with the alumni on questionsof government and policy, or he maynot. To speak for the alumni a manmust represent the alumni.Chicago alumni are given an op­portunity to show their interestthrough the support they give thecommittees of the Alumni Coun­cil. The time has not yet come forChicago to have an advisory body80 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEor an alumni trustee, but it is hopedthat the Council, on which the Uni­versity also is represented, will laythe foundation stones for the closerrelations that both Dean Angell andMr. Schreiber emphasize. There willbe plenty of opportunity in the nearfuture for alumni to prove their de­votion to this University, and in likemeasure as this support is given theUniversity will be only too willing tomeet it.THE COLLEGE INN LUNCHEONSEditor of the Magazine:Sir: With the new directory ofthe alumni about completed and ashowing of nearly six hundred mengraduates in Chicago, the' ChicagoAlumni Club is better equipped thanever to further the ends of itsexistence. The weekly meetings atluncheon, which were so successfullast spring, are again under wayevery Tuesday from I2 M. to I: 30P.M. in the private dining-room onthe third floor of the new CollegeInn, located on Clark Street, be­tween Washington and MadisonStreets. Every graduate and formerstudent, whether formally a mern­ber of the Club or not, is wel­comed at these luncheons. Theofficers plan to introduce specialfeatures and to entertain prominentmembers of the University.The Club's programme is at leastpartly based on the idea of con­tributing to the mutual acquaint­ances. among the Chicago men ofthe city and near-by suburbs andof developing the after-college rela­tion which each former studentshould sustain to the University. Toencourage the former and to pro­vide the contact necessary to stimu­late the latter, it is proposed toadvance the idea of holding alumniathletic "parties" in Bartlett Gymand tank during the present winter, and incidentally I work up some goodstiff competition for the forthcom­ing alumni field day in June, pro­vided the co-operation of the ath­letic department can be properlyenlisted in the scheme. So many ofthe old-timers live within easy walk­ing distance of the campus that itwould seem at first glance a smallmatter to maintain a good-sizedgroup of Chicago men who wouldmeet regularly in the Gym once ortwice a week for an hour or twofor such athletic contest or exer­cise as may suggest itself; and thepayment of a very small fee perman would secure lights and serv­ice. These Gym evenings couldbe preceded by dinner in the Com­mons at, say, (In alumni table, andbe. follo�ed, if you please, by a littleSOjourn 111 the Reynolds Club. Thust�� pr.esent. problem of alumni par­ticipation m the Club would hesolved.Perhaps a little further look intothe future may be pardoned whenwe state that it is the hope of somethat the gathering influence of theChicano Alumni Club may gradu­ally crystallize in the form of anestablished organization, comforta­bly housed in club quarters in thecentral part of the city, and in tak­ing a place similar to the. great col­lege clubs in the city of New York.And yet were this brought about, itwould be but reaching back to theyears along about I898 to I900 whenthe faithful of the early classeswho have been "there" ever sincegot together in rooms down in th�old Ashland Block and kept thelamps well trimmed and burning.But of these pleasant dreams,later. Their fulfilment and that ofothers better than they dependlargely on the "getting together" atthe Inn on Tuesday noons.GEORGE O. FAIRWEATHER) '07SecretaryDec-ember 20, I909ATHLETICSUNDERGRADUATE LIFEMenaul, Young, Rademacher, Ger­end, Davenport, Smith, Kassulker,and Sauer.Candidates for the swimming andwater polo teams have begun work.Coach Oscar A. Knudson is opti­mistic although Cary, captain :Q1flast y'ear's team, and Lidster, cap­tain-elect, are both out of school.Benitez, Collins, Bergeson, andParker Q1f last season s squad areagain out. Garden, Owen, Levin­son, and Krost have good chanc�sto make the team. Of last year sFreshmen, Rosenthal and Lindsayare expected to show up well.Contests will be scheduled WIthNorthwestern, Iowa, Purdue, andMinnesota with the possibility ofdates with' Brown and Pennsylvania.]\f "d.e Beauvihe, coach of theUniversity fencing team, is pleas.edwith the season's prospects. MIX,Pease Miller, Hannum, and Sherryare �ut for the foil team, whileBaldridge, Hoagland, Graves, Levin­son, Wheeler, Berens, and Karstencompose the rapier squad. Anothertournament will take place sometime in the Spring Quarter.In the Conference cross countryrace held on November 20, Chicagowas decisively defeated by all theteams entered, the Chicago runnersmaking a poor showing because ofthe collapse of Captain Comstock.The contest was a team race, five menrepresenting each school. Minnesotawon by bunching its runners well inthe front. The maroon team con­sisted of Captain Comstock, Car­penter, Baird, Ma·eN eish, and Long.Eleven conference games in basket­ball have been arranged for �he1910 season. A second game WIthIllinois will probably be added tothis list. The schedule follows:J an. I 5-N orthwestern at Bartlett.Jan. 2I-Indiana at Bartlett.Jan. 25-N orthwestern at Evanston.Jan. 2S- Wisconsin at Bartlett.Feb. 5-Purdue at Bartlett. .Feb. 12-Minnesota at Minneapolis,Feb. IS-Purdue at Lafayerte.Feb. 19-Indiana at Bloomington,Feb. 26-Illinois at Bartlett.Mar. 5- 'Wisconsin at Madison.Mar. 12-Minnesota at Bartlett.The loss of Captain Georgen atforward and Schommer at center,both of last year's championshipteam, will have to be met. As anucleus "there are left from the1907 squad, Captain Hoffman andOrville Page, guards; Clark, Kelly,and Fulkerson, forwards; and Hud­bell, center.Among the Freshmen there areseveral promising candidates. Ed­wards, Sauer, J erend, Goldstein, andKassulker should show up strong.Rezular practice will begin at theop;ning of the Winter Quarter.Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft will notcoach the team this season, leavingthis to Schommer. Mueh is ex­pected of the Freshman team, as thefirst year men have many high­school stars in their ranks.The twenty Freshmen who havebeen awarded their numerals fortheir work in football are: CaptainBeaser, Thompson, Wilson, Sawyer,Young, Whiting, Hoffman, Peter­son, Lawler, Paine, Kuh, Springer,Hales, Brown, Carpenter, Sherman,Canning, Freeman, and Rogers.William L. Crowley, 'I I, for two The annual triangular debates withyears the regular right half of the Northwestern and Michigan will beVarsity football team, has been held on Friday, January 2I. The nega-chosen captain of the 1910 team. tive team will debate NorthwesternThe men recommended for the at Evanston and the affirmative will"C" are Captain Page, Crowley, meet Michigan at Mandel Hall. TheW orthwine, Kelley, Hoffman, Bad- six !}len who will represent the Uni-enoch, Ehrhorn, Hirschl, Rogers, versity are Doyle E. Carlton, Mill-8! DEBATINGTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEington F. Carpenter, Urbon A.Lavery, Ivan H. Ferguson, Paul M.O'Dea, and J. Sydney Salkey. Theywere selected from a total oftwenty-two candidates. The sub] ectfor the debates is, "Resolued, Thatthe experience of the United Stateshas shown that the protective tariffshould continue to be a nationalpolicy." Charles F. McElroy willsucceed Henry P. Chandler ascoach. He had charge of the de­bating teams at University HighSchool for four years and was amember of the championship teamwhich in I906 defeated N orth­western and Michigan.The Pow-Wow, the Freshmandebating society, is starting on whatpromises to be a very successfulyear. Twenty-five candidates havebeen admitted to membership. Inaccordance with the constitution, theofficers for. the first quarter willconsist of Sophomor-es. The fol­lowing have been chosen:President-Arnold R. Baar,Vice-President=-Xuui Loth.S ecretary- Treasurer-Clifton J en-nings.The Fencibles, the Sophomoredeba.ting team, has arranged a de­bate on the income tax with theIllinois Sophomores. The event willtake place in April.Benjamin F. Bills and Samuel E.Putnam were awarded scholarshipsfor one quarter in the Junior CoJ­lege ex-tempore contests held N 0-vember I7 in Kent theater. Thesubj ect, assigned to the four speak­ers twenty-four hours before thecontest, was, "Resolued, That stu­dents should be informed of theirgrades in all subj ects at the end ofthe quarter." The winners spoke onthe affirmative.GENERAL NEWSA �ovement to abolish politicalcombinations in' student electionswas started at a meeting in the Rey­nolds Club on November 8, atwhich Winston Henry p-resided. ,The Dramatic Club has elected tomembership Donald L. Breed, Wil- liam P. Harms, William S. Hefferan,Robert V. Titus, Ralph D. Salis­bury, and the Misses Rose C.Krieger, Lenore B. Shanewise, andHelen D. Magee. There were forty­five applicants. The committee onthe next play consists of HilmarR. Baukhage, Ralph Benzies, andMiss Jessie Heckman. Two playswill be given, one in January andthe other in June.In accordance with the new sys­tem of class organization PresidentHarry Pratt Judson has appointed atemporary student council. TheUpper Seniors are represented byBen. H. Badenoch, Abe L. Frid­stein, and Caroline Dickey; theLower Seniors by Esmond R. Long,Hazel Stillman, and Reno R.Reeve; and the Upper Juniors byRober'= W. Baird and Clara Allen.The new scheme was drafted by acommittee consisting of. Dean Angell,Professor Herbert E. Slaught, Win­ston P. Henry, Joseph J. Pegues,Abe L. Fridstein, James E. Dy­mond, Robert Baird, and the MissesEdith Prindeville, and CarolineDickey, and will result in the or­ganization of classes with a greaterdegree of student self-governmentthan before. Officers will be electedin February.N one of the songs submitted ina contest held by the Daily Maroonfor' a $40 suit as a prize provedacceptable to the committee.The newly elected officers of theGirls' Glee Club are:Pr�sident___'Lucile Jarvis.Secretary-Gertrude C. Fish.Treasurer-O live Bickell.The new members are: GertrudeBlake, Geraldine Brown, FannyButcher, Alice Garnett, Effie Hewitt,Grace Hank, Helen Hannon, JennieHubbell, Minnie Higley, Edith Kam­merling, Lydia Lee, Altha Mon­tague, Nellie Mulroney, Ruth Ran­som, Emily Orculty, Marie Rogers,Nona Wilson, and Mary Whitely.University women have raised $90for the University Settlement.Boxes were placed in Universitybuildings, "tag day" having beenabolished.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryThe following additional reportshave been received concerning thosewho took the doctorate in Septem­ber, 1909:William V\T. Hickman goes toAssiut, Egypt, as an instructor inchemistry in Assiut College.Samuel Kroesch goes to WhitmanCollege, Walla Walla, Wash., as aninstructor in German.Winford L. Lewis is assistantchemist in the Bureau of Chemistry,Department of Agriculture, Chicago.Douglas C. Macintosh has beenappointed to an assistant professor­ship of systeniatic theology in thedivinity school at Yale University.John S. McIntosh is professor ofLatin and Greek at Upper Iowa Uni­versity, Fayette, Ia.Walter R. Myers has been electedto an assistant professorship in Ger­man at Miami University, Oxford,Ohio.Peter P. Peterson has become aninstructor in soil investigation atthe University of Wisconsin.Charles A. Proctor is assistant pro­fessor of physics at Dartmouth Col­lege, Hanover, N. H.Lemuel C. Raiford is researchchemist at the University of Wyom­ing, Laramie, Wyo.Newland F. Smith is professor ofphysics at the Central University ofKentucky, Danville, Ky.George A. Stephens is an instructorin the University of Nebraska.Arthur H. Sutherland is doing re­search work for the GovernmentHospital for the Insane at Washing­ton, D. C.Ernest L. Talbert is an instructorin the State Normal School at Mil­waukee, Wis.Edith M. Twiss is teaching biologyin the Central High School ofCleveland, Ohio.Frederic W. Sanders, '95, charge of the Hicks School in LosAngeles, Cal.Katharine B. Davis, '00, had anarticle concerning her relief workfor Messina refugees at Syracuse,Sicily, in the Survey for April, anddelivered an address before the N a­tional Conference of Charities andCorrections at Buffalo. last June onthe "Red Cross Work after theGreat Earthquake." She also gaveanother address before the sameconference on "Out of Door Workfor Women Prisoners."At 5 Via Toscana, Rome, Italy,Isabelle Stone, . '97, and her sister,Harriet Stone, have a school forAmerican girls. .The University of Chicago Pressin June, 1909, published a thesis en­titled A Study of the Technique inKonrad Ferdinand Meyer's Morellenby Marion L. Taylor, '09, who is nowhead of the German department inLake Erie College, at Painesville,Ohio. ,Norman W. DeWitt, '06, of Vic­toria College, Toronto, was recentlyelected secretary of the section ofhigher' education in the DominionEducational Association, at themeeting of which in July at Vic­toria, B. c., he read a paper on"The Teaching of Latin in theUnited States."John T. .Patterson, '08, is now aninstructor in zoology at the Univer­sity of Texas.William R. Longley, '06, has beenadvanced to an assistant professor­ship of mathematics in the SheffieldScientific School, New Haven,Conn.Mary E. Sinclair, ,'08, has an in­structorship in mathematics atOberlin College.William Caldwell, '04, has changedhis address to 921 West Secondhas Street, Fort Worth, Tex., in which83THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcity he is pastor of the First Pres­byterian Church.George L. Melton, '08, is professorof history and economics at the. newUniversity of Redlands; Cal.Rowland H. Mode, 'OI, late docentin the Department of Semitic Lan­guages at the University of Chicago,has been appointed to the chair ofHebrew, at the Baptist College ofBrandon, Manitoba.Reginald R. Gates, '08, Assistantin Botany in the University of Chi­cago, I 908-9, has been appointed toa research fellowship in the Mis­souri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis.Burton E. Livingston, 'OI, of theresearch staff of the Carnegie Insti­tution at the Desert Botanical Lab­oratory, Tucson, Ariz., has been ap­pointed professor of plant physiologyin Johns Hopkins University.At the recent meeting of theBritish Association for the Ad­vancement of Science held at Win­nipeg, the Department of, Botany ofthis University was represented byDr. Henry C. Cowles, '98. Otherdoctors present were Burton E.Livingstone, 'OI, James B. Overton,'OI, of the University of Wisconsin,and Reginald R. Gates, '08, of theMissouri Botanical Gardens.Charles H. Gordon, '95, de­livered the commencement addressat the Park City High School,Tenn., May I8, I909. He also reada paper on "Red Beds of theWichita-Brazor Regions of NorthTexas," before the geology sectionof the American Association for theAdvancement of Science at theBaltimore, meeting. Dr. Gordon isprofessor of geology in the Univer­sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.Edgar F. Riley, '07, was marriedAugust I8, I9()(), to Miss LouiseSawyer at Kansas City, Mo. Dr.and Mrs. Riley will reside at II 19State St., Emporia, Kan., where he is professor of school administra­tion in the State Normal School.Evan T. Sage, 'oo, was marriedat Greenwich, N. Y., August 2.5,I 909, to Miss Sophie Miriam. Dr.and Mrs. Sage will reside at Mos­cow, Idaho, where he is instructorin Latin and Greek in the StateUniversity."Epochs of Baptist History" is thetitle of a paper read before theBaptist Ministers' and Laymens'Union, of Kansas City, Mo., byElmer C. Griffith, '02. The addresshas been issued in pamphlet formby the Advance Printing Company,of Liberty, Mo. Dr. Griffith alsoread a paper on "Early Banking inKentucky" before the Missouri Val­ley Historical Association at itsmeeting in St. Louis, Mo., June,I909. Dr. Griffith is professor of'history and political science inWilliams Jewell College.Nels J. Lennes, '07, was marriedto Miss Minnie Burr, Ph.B., '07, atLongwood, Ill., July 3, I909. Dr.Lennes returns this year to theMassachusetts Institute of Tech­nology as instructor in mathematics.George T. Northrup, '07, pre­ceptor in modern languages atPrinceton University, was marriedto Miss Emily B. Cox, A.B., '07, inJune, I909. Dr. Northrup publishedin the Journal of Modern Philologyfor April, I908, "A Critical Textof EI Libro de los Gatos."The following articles by SamuelMacClintock, '08, have recently ap­peared: "The Anti-Japanese Agita­tion," in the World To-Day, "Aliensunder the Federal Laws of theUnited States," in the Illinois LawReview, and "Mahomedan Law inour Philippine Possessions," in theGreen Bag. Dr. MacClintock hasbeen appointed American consul inHonduras.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONDIVINITY SCHOOL NOTESEDGAR J. GOODSPEED, D.B., '97, SecretaryThe autumn enrolment of thevarious departments of the DivinitySchool reached 178, 102 of these be­ing enrolled in the Graduate DivinitySchool.Dean Shailer Mathews has beenelected president of the ChicagoBaptist Executive Council. He isalso chairman of the Committee ofOne Hundred, charged with the ar­rangements for the meeting of theNorthern Baptist Convention, to beheld in Chicago in May.In connection with the meeting ofthe Minnesota Baptist Convention,the alumni of the University ofChicago, resident in Minnesota, hada reunion and banquet at Winonaon the evening of October 20, atwhich .there were forty present.Rev. Charles B. Elliott, D.B., '06,of Breckenridge, was toastmaster�nd Rev. Roy W. Merrifield, D.B.:07, of St. Cloud, cheer-leader.Professor Ira M. Price, D.B., '82,of the University, was the guest ofhonor.Former students of the DivinitySchool and of the University in at­tendance upon the Illinois BaptistConvention at Galesburg, Ill., metat dinner, October 20. Eighty werepresent. Professor Charles R.�enderson, A.B., '70, D.B., '73, pre­sided, and Dr. B. A. Greene andDr. C. E. Hewitt spoke for theDivinity School. Each alumnus wascalled upon to give his name hispresent residence, and his �otto.Rev. H. C. First, of Rock Islandclaimed the honor of being the old�est graduate present, having enteredthe old University of Chicago in1860 and having been graduated in1866.ALUMNI NEWS. Dr .. Albert A. Bennett, D.B., '75,died In Tokyo, Japan, October 12, 1909, after thirty years of mISSIon­ary service at Yokohama. Dr. Ben­nett was graduated from BrownUniversity in �872, and after a pas­torate at Holliston, Mass., went in1879 to Yokohama, where he be­came a leading figure in missionarywork, He was for some yearspresident of the Baptist TheologicalSeminary at Yokohama, and he pre­pared a Japanese version of theStevens and Burton Harmony ofthe Gospels. A very wide circle offriends in both hemispheres willmourn the death of Dr. Bennett.D. D. Proper, ex-'75, of Omaha,Neb., J. W. Conley, D.B., '81, of?maha, Neb., F. P. Haggard, D.B.,89, of Boston, Mass., and E. A.Hanley, ex-loa, of Providence, R. 1.,attended the recent meetings of theNorthern Baptist Convention Com­mittees at the University of Chi­cago, early in December.J. Kittredge Wheeler, D.B., '79,�ormerly of Camden, N. ]., is mak­mg his home in Pasadena, Cal.J: Q. A. Henry, D.B., '80, hasresigned the pastorate. of the FirstBaptist Church of Los Angeles,Cal., to undertake a two-years'evangelistic tour of the world.Thomas Stephenson, Th.B., '85,pastor of the First Baptist Churchat La Grange, 111., was struck byan electric runabout, at the 'Cornerof Jackson Boulevard and WabashAve., on the evening of November26, and narrowly escaped death. Mr.Stephenson, with great presence ofmind, grasped the support of oneof the lamps, and hung on untilthe machine was stopped, and thussaved himself from serious injury.F. G. Harrington, D B., '86, ofYokohama, Japan, is spending ay,ear'� leave of absence from hisfield In work in the Divinity School.. A. H. Ballard, D.B., '88, has re­signed the pastorate of the Baptistchurch at Fort Morgan, Colo.8586 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEs. E. Davies, D.B., '89, has re­signed his pastorate at Aurora, Ind.,where he has been located for thepast sixteen years.A. C. Zellhoefer, a member of theDivinity School, 1884-86, and 1888-89, since 1890 pastor at EagleGrove, Iowa, has been appointedpastor at large for North Dakota,making his headquarters at Grafton,North Dakota., D. 1. Coon, D.B., '97, of Waverly,Iowa, has accepted the pastorate ofthe Baptist church at Washington,Iowa.R. W. Hobbs, D.B., '97, has re­signed the pastorate of the RogersPark Baptist Church, to becomefinancial secretary of the ChicagoBaptist Hospital.F. C. R. Jackson, D.B., '97, hasresigned his pastorate at Orland,CaL, and has been invited to be­come pastor of. the Baptist churchat Healdsburg, Cal.F. W. Bateson, D.B., '98, has re­signed the pastorate of the Taber­nacle Baptist Church, Milwaukee,Wis., and goes to the pastorate ofthe First Baptist Church of Olym­pia, Wash. Mr. Bateson has had avery successful work in Milwaukee. Orlo Jones Price, n.B., '98, andMrs. Price have a son, ThomasJ ones Price, born June 9, 1909, atLansing, Mich.George B, Burlingame, D.B., '99,on November I3, laid the corner­stone of the new First BaptistChurch, of San Francisco, Cal.The address of William FrederickKeller is Sauk Center, Minn.Stephen L. Richard's office is inthe Utah Savings and Trust Bldg.,Salt Lake City, Utah.The secretary wishes to obtain the,pres,ent addresses of Abraham L.Weber, Charles W. Paltzer, andJames H. Speed.The address of Charles H. Speckis care Jack, Irwin, Jack & Miles,Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Peoria, Ill.Ermine J. Phillips is located atOshkosh, Wis.George Philip Hambrecht has hislaw office in the National BankBuilding, Grand Rapids, Wis.Gasper Edwards' address is I09�N. Broadway, Oklahoma City, Okla.Max M. Muenich has an office inRoom 703, N. Y. Life Building,Kansas City, Mo.THE LAW'SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER_, J.D., '06, SecretaryTHE LAW SCHOOL SMOKERFeatured 'by the merry skit, TheJ est Publishing Co., the annualsmoker of the Law School was heldThursday evening, December 2, at theReynolds Club. The attendance waslarge. The skit was written by themen who took part and showed thestudents, disguised as members ofthe law faculty, in the offices of theJ est (West) Publishing Company.Speeches from the faculty were alsoprovided.After a preliminary half-hour ofinformal "jollification," the follow­ing programme was given, LeoSpitz presiding: Explosion I-"Freshmen Who HaveDriven Me to Europe"-Dean Hall.Explosion 2-"Epigrams before andafter Meals" -Professor Pound.Explosion 3-"Power of the Policebehind and before the Bar" _:_Professor Pound.Explosion 4-"Up from Slavery"­Professor Freund.Explosion 5-"Survival of the Fittest"-William P. MacCracken.'Respite: That Ye May Eat in Peace.Explosion 6-"Public Execution of theMerry Jesters," members of the castbeing J. Sydney Salkey, R. S. Mil­ner, Walter P. Steffen, W. D. Col­lins, J ames Knowlton, TheodoreRubovitz, J. H. Stackman, F. H.Gehring, W. R. Peacock, and G� R.Faust.THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONHARRY A. HANSEN, PH.B., '09, SecretaryWORK OF THE COUNCILWithout doubt the most interest­ing report received at the meetingof the Alumni Council on Tuesday,December 7, at the Union Restau­rant, was that of Dr. Herbert E.Slaught, chairman of the FinanceCommittee, who reported on thescheme for publishing the new di­rectory fOT the alumni. The newbook, for which material is alreadyin shape, will be published by theUniversity of Chicago and dis­tributed through the University ofChicago Press. Copy for the di­rectory will be prepared in the officeof the Alumni Council Secretary andpublication will be begun withoutdelay.The price of the directory will be$r.15 to all who have not al­ready sent their order. A specialpremium rate of sixty-five cents,postpaid, and fifty cents, net, will bemade to all ordering the directory andThe University of Chicago Maga­zine at the same time. The M aga­sine is now one dollar a year, andthe directory will be the same priceif sold separately, but together thedirectory and the M aqasine will befurnished for $r.50 net, $r.6S post­paid. The Council is preparing aspecial campaign to a ssist in a widedistribution of the directory amongalumni.The Council has completed its in­stallation of a checking and account­ing system for the use of its officers.Its funds will be deposited in theCorn Exchange National Bank.Orders upon these funds must bearthe original order of H. A. Hansen,secretary, authorized by H. E.Slaught, chairman of the FinanceCommittee. All vouchers bear thesignature of the treasurer, R. E.Schreiber, and the chairman of theFinance Committee.The Council has completed itscommittees by naming David A. Robertson, A.B., '02, George O.Fairweather, '07, J.D., '09, andGeorge E. Vincent, Ph D., '96, onthe Committee on Alumni Meetings;William S. Bond, Ph.B., '97, Charless. Winston, A.B., '96, Frederick A.Speik, S.B., '05, and Hugo M. Friend,Ph.B., '06, J.D., '08, on its Committeeon Athletics, and Wm. J. McDowell,S.B., '02, on the Committee onAlumni Clubs.ALUMNUS TO BE EVANGELISTJohn M. Linden, d'03, pastor ofthe First Baptist Church of OregonCity, Ore., has been invited by BillySunday, the evangelist, to become hisfirst assistant in his public work.Mr. Linden has been pastor of theOreg-on City church for two years,during which time it has doubled itsmembership and trebled its funds forcurrent expenses and missionarywork. Mr. Linden did street workwith Sunday in Chicago eighteenyears ago, while employed in theMarshall Field store. Mr. Sundayat that time was secretary of the re­ligious work of the Young Men'sChristian Association. In 1894 Mr.Linden left business to prepare him­self for the ministry.THE WORK OF ALLEN T. BURNS, '97Pittsburg is mentioned in Collier} sof October r6, as a city in whichrecent events have acted favorablyon opinion, as instanced in the for­mation of the Civic Commission,which is studying municipal account­ing, the public health, industrial acci­dents, schools, housing, rapid transit,and other city problems throughcommittees which, aided by trainedspecialists, expect to recommend im­portant improvements. Secretary ofthis Commission and its executive isAllen T. Burns, '97, who was calledfrom his post as associate directorof the Chicago School of Civics and8788 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPhilanthropy early in the year totake this new responsibility .. In Chi­cago Mr. Burns's activities werenumerous and commendable. Hewas associated with Graham Taylo-rin neighborhood work for two years,carried on investigations for the Chi­cago' Small Parks Commission, servedon the advisory district council 0:£the Chicago Associated Charities,was secretary of the Society for thePromotion of Social Service in theY. M. C. A., a member of the advi­sory committee of the Municipal V 0-ters' League, and a member of theTenement House Commission of theChicago City Council.FRANK WHITE PROMOTEDFrank White, '00, was appointeddirector of education of the Philip­pine Islands on November 29. Mr.White went to the Philippines theyear following his graduation, andhas been assistant director of educa­tion for several years. He succeedsDavid P. Barrows, Ph.D., '97, whohas accepted the professorship ofeducation in the University of Cali­fornia.APPOINTMENT TO MUNICIPALOFFICEFrederick O. Tonney, '04, has beenappointed chief bacteriologist for thecity of Chicago and director of thecity laboratories. Mr. Tenney stud­ied for some time at Rush MedicalCollege and later- at Illinois MedicalCollege. He has been connected withthe Chicago laboratories for severalyears.ALUMNI CLUBSTHE MILWAUKEE DINNEROne of the most successful alumnimeetings of the year was held inthe Hotel Charlotte in Milwaukee,on Thursday. evening, November II,when the Milwaukee Alumni Clubtendered a reception and dinner toPresident Harry Pratt Judson. Thereception began at 7: 30 o'clock in theparlors of the hotel, after whichthe party proceeded to the beautifulprivate dining-room. The appoint- ments wer'e particularly successful,the place cards hearing maroon rib­bons, and beautiful maroon rosesserving as favors. Raymond G. Pier­son, president of the club, acted astoastmaster. President Judson spokeat length on the growth and de­velopment of the University, ex­plaining the mission of ProfessorsBurton and Chamberlin to China,the planning of the new Harperlibrary, the introduction of newstandards of scholarship, and hishopes for the glowing future of theUniversity. A striking contributionto the evening's programme wasthe reading of a poem of his owncomposition by Theodore Hammond,'85, who will long be rememberedin the traditions of the Universityas the author of the famous "Chi­cago-Go" yell.Those present at the dinner in­cluded: David B. Cheney, '80;Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coblentz;Emma M. Cowles; Mary Fitzsim­mons, '08; Rev. Robert Gordon ;Theodore Hammond, '85; KatharineHannan; Flora B. Hermann, '04 ;Laura Madge Houghton, '03; AlbertE. Houghton, '07; Rev. David W.Hulbert, '82; Rev, R. A. MacMullen;Caroline Murphy, '04; Rev. R. G.Pierson; Mary D. Rodman, '07; Rev.Mark F. Sanborn, '09; Marian L.Shorey, '09; Chas. S. Thompson,'94; Nina C. Vanderwalker; HelenVan Valkenburgh; Gwendolin B.Willis, '96, and the alumni secretary.SIOUX CITY ALUMNI ORGANIZE'University alumni and former stu­dents have formed the twenty-firstalumni club at Sioux City, Ia.,choosing the following officers:President-Herbert W. Brackney.Vice-President-Blanch Lewis.S ecretary- Treasurer-Carrie Brown.The following account of the or-ganization appeared in the SiouxCity Journal of May 29, 1909:"The golden haze of student days,"made famous by the Heidelberg songin the Prince of Pilsen, was recalledlast evening when old "grads" and ex­members of the University of Chicagozathered around the festive board inthe Dutch room at the West Hotel andorganized a 'university club to beTHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONknown as the University of ChicagoAlumni Association of Sioux City, Ia,Following the dinner each one pres­ent was required to give a short talkon his or her relation with the Uni­versity of Chi�ag? . Every. one washeartily enthusiastic In praise of thegreat Midway school. No set list oftoasts had been arranged, but eachspoke extemporaneously of the daysspent at the University.At the close of the toasts the con­stitution and by-laws which are to gov­ern the organization were read by H.W. Brackney, of the membership com­mittee, and adopted. L. J. Levingerwas chosen temporary chairman, andofficers were elected. The session wasclosed with the singing of the almamater.The charter members, according tothe list signed at the close of the meet­ing, are: H. W. Brackney, Geo. E.Nunn, Rev. E. H. Stevens, Mrs. J. W.Hallam, Miss Blanch Lewis, Rev. R ..D. Echlin, Miss Elizabeth Bills, C. H.Redfield, R. C. Kelley, W. E. Beck,Miss Carrie Brown, and L. J. Levin­ger. Among the others present wereJ. W. Hallam, Mrs. W. E. Beck, Mrs.H. W. Brackney, and Mrs. G. E.Nunn.THE SPRINGFIELD ALUMNI CLUBAlumni in Springfield, Ill., or­ganized the twenty-second alumniclub on Monday evening, November22, a meeting having been called forthis purpose by William J. Mc­Dowell. Miss Nellie E. Merriam,700 South Fifth Street was chosensecretary. The Chicago songs weresung and old times were recountedwith enthusiasm. The number ofalumni in Springfield is large, in­cluding the -following : Lillian Ber­gold; Helen M. Collins, '08; Made­line Babcock; Rev. Frederick W.Burnham; Myrtle Cash; Ellis P.Eagan; Annette Gridley; Ira W.Howerth, '98; Pauline D. Johnson,'09; Ethel G. Luke; Edith F. Math­eny, '05; Nellie E. Merriam, '05;Grace L. Noblett, '06; Oscar J.Putting, '08; Clara Robinson, '09;Mary v. Smith, '02; Ernest A. Scro­gin, '01; Dr. Hugh T. Morrison;Harvey M. Solenberger, '01, andSusan E. Wilcox. NEWS FROM THECLASSES1880Oscar S. Bass is farming nearMalden, Bureau County, Ill.James P. Lindsay resides at NorthTonawanda, N. Y. His businessaddress is State National BankBlock.1881Ora P. Seward is farming atMattawan, Mich.1882Clarence N. Patterson is citymanager of the Union Central LifeInsurance Co., at Minneapolis,Minn. His home address is 227Eighth Avenue S. B.1894William L. Archibald is field sec­retary for Acadia University, atW o1fville, Nova Scotia.Frank H. Blackmarr is a practic­ing physician and surgeon withoffices in the Marshall Field Build­ing, Chicago.1896Arnold Dresden has changed hisresidence to 1120 West Johnson St.,Madison, Wis.John S. Lewis is on the editorialstaff of the Montreal Star) Montreal,Canada.Dexter E. Anderson, now Mrs.Wadsworth, resides at President'sHill, Quincy, Mass.1897Carolyn L. Brown is employed asstenographer by the W. W. KimballCo., Chicago. Her home is inElgin.William P. Drew is teaching inSalem, Oregon. His address is 307Oak St.Simon James McLean has a po­sition with the Railway Commissionof Canada at Ottawa, Ontario, Can.1898Edward M. Baker is a bankerand broker with offices at 303 Gar­field Building. His home address is2017 Cornell Road.Charles R. Barrett is publicityeditor for the American School ofCorrespondence, Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrank B. Dains is professor ofchemistry at Washburn College,Topeka, Kan.Mary A. Long is teaching in theJohn Marshall High School, Chicago.1899Edward Jonas is professor ofGerman in Brown University.Elizabeth J. Park, now Mrs. JohnH. Lee, lives in Germantown, Pa.Mary Loughridge is teacher ofEnglish in Brownell Hall, Omaha,Neb.John B. Jackson is practicingmedicine in Kalamazoo, Mich.I900Rodah J. Capps, now Mrs. CharlesH. Rammelkamp, lives at 1303 WestCollege St., J acksonville, Ill.Matilde Castro is instructor ofphilosophy in Vassar College, . .EmsIey W. Johnson IS practicinglaw with offices at 601 Law Build­ing, Indianapolis, Ind.190'1John Atherton is agent for CharlesScribner's Sons with headquartersin Indianapolis, Ind.Francis Baldwin lives at ParkRidge, Ill. He is with the ChicagoTelephone Co.John F. Boeye is pastor of theSt. Paul's M. E. Church at FortWorth, Tex. His address is 512Adams Street, Fort Worth.Vergil M. Gantz is agent .forGinn & Company and lives at 230IPrairie Ave., Chicago.Julia E. Kennedy resides at 2875West Thirty-third St., Denver, Colo.She has been ill for some time andis recovering her health in Colorado.Virginia W. Lackersteen is teach­ing at Fort Atkinson, Wis.Ralph 5. �illie is instructor i� thezoology department of the Univer­sity of Pennsylvania. His addressis III7 Divinity Street, Philadelphia.William S. Lockhart is pastor ofa church at Fayetteville, Ark.1902Sheldon F. Ball is principal ofthe Arleta Public School in Port­land, Ore.Gideon Benson is a practicingphysician at Richland Center, Wis.Jerome Deimel is engaged in the manufacture of furniture at 141 IMichigan Avenue.Margaret Donnan is a teacher ofEnglish in the Manual TrainingHigh School, Indianapolis, Ind.Phoebe Ellison is teaching domes­tic science in the public schools inManila, P. L Her address is 535Calle Real Malta, Manila.William J. G. Land is an in­structor in the Department of Botanyin the University.Ig03Bennett M. Allen is assistantprofessor of anatomy in the Uni­versity of Wisconsin. His addressis 710 Conklin Place, Madison, Wis.Harold C. Brubaker is connectedwith the Goodman ManufacturingCompany, 4834 Halsted Street,Chicago.Mildred Chadsey is employed withthe United States government in­vestigation department at Cherokee,Kan.Rena Crawford is teaching Latinin a private school in Columbus,Miss.Alfred Livingston is an attorney­at-law and resides at 631 Fifty-firstStreet, Chicago.19°04-Charlotte Bendix is substituteteacher in the Medill High School,Chicago. Her address is 42 AlicePlace.Edward C. Eicher resigned theposition of Assistant Registrar ofthe University on October 1. He isnow assistant attorney in Iowa forthe C. B. & Q. Railroad.John E. Kalrnback is teaching inFargo, N. D. ',Victor S. Kutchin is practicinglaw in Missoula, Mont.Enoch C. Lavers is supervisingprincipal of public schools in PenArgyl, Pa.Louis W. Rapeer is professor ofeducation in the University of Wash­ington, Seattle, Wash.19°5James E. Bell is a Fellow inChemistry in the University.Frieda Berens, now Mrs.· RichardH. Powell, resides at Milledgeville,Georgia.Frederic Bishop is prof.essor ofTHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONphysics in the Bradley PolytechnicInstitute, Peoria, Ill.Martha Dowell is teaching inBaylor College, Belton, Tex.John R. Ewers is pastor of theEast End Church of Disciples,Pittsburg, PaDLillie Lindholm teaches in the highschool in Maryville, Mo.William McCracken is in thescience department of the NorthMichigan Normal School, Mar­quette, Mich.Clara Primm is studying com­mercial law at the NorthwesternSchool of Commerce, Chicago.Richard R. Perkins is secretary ofthe Y. M. C. A. at Portland, Ore.Ruth Williston is teaching in theWestport High School, Kansas City,Mo.I906Frank K. Baker is on the facultyof Findlay College, Findlay, O. Hisaddress is 919 North Main St.Helmut Berens is instructor ofGerman in Lewis Institute, Chicago.Josephine G. Besaw is teaching inthe high school in Muncie, Ind.Hazel Brown is taking graduatework at the University.Lillian V. Johnson is head of theforeign language department in theSeattle, Wash., high school.Frank Lovewell is with the Massa­chusetts Institute of Technology,Boston, Mass.Mildred McCoomb is teaching inMenominee, Mich.George E. N unn is head of the de­partment of history in the SiouxCity, Ia., high school. He lives at1219 West Seventh Street, SiouxCity.1907Benj arnin English has a positionwith the First National Bank inDanville, Ill.Susan D. Ellison is teaching in thepublic schools at Manila, P. I.J ulius E. Lackner is a student atRush Medical College.Geraldine Lermit is teaching Eng­lish in the Kentucky Home Schoolfor Girls at Louisville, Ky.John F. Moulds is the father ofa baby girl, Dorothy Louise, bornAugust 3. Mr. Moulds succeededEdward Eicher as Assistant Regis­trar on October I. Walter Rathke is library assistantin the classical library of the Uni­versity.Florence Scott is teaching in Dun­dee, Ill.George L. Yaple is practicing lawwith offices in the Citizens TrustBldg., Fort Wayne, Ind.1:908Wilson A. Austin is in the whole­sale boots and shoes business inOmaha, Neb. His home address is131 South Thirty-ninth St ; Omaha.Penelope Helen Bowman is teach­ing domestic science in the GrandPrairie Seminary, Onarga, Ill.George Cassell is instructor inGerman in Lewis Institute, Chicago.Marye Dabney is a medical studentat Johns Hopkins University, Balti­more, Md.Sarah E Drake is teaching in theschools at Granville, O.Frank Koepke has a position withJ os. T. Ryerson & Son Iron andSteel Co., Chicago. He lives at 745Haddon Avenue.Bertha E. Lang is an instructorin the Louisville Girls' High School,Louisville, Ky.Irvin Livingston lives at 4238Grand Boulevard. He is practicinglaw, with offices at 721 First N a­tional Bank Bldg.Hulda Ludwig is teaching Ger­man and English in the high schoolat Leadville, Colo.Helen E. McKee is visitor for theUnited Charities of Chicago and re­sides at 5334 Calumet Avenue.Florence R. Oldham is teaching inthe high school at Pana, Ill.Eugene Van CIeef is an assistantin the educational department ofRand, McNally & Co., Chicago,William E. Wrather is with theJ. M. Guffey Petroleum Co., Beau­mont, Texas.Max M. Muenich is practicing lawwith offices at 703 New York LifeBldg., Kansas City, Mo.Evelyn Newman, A.M., '08, is headof the grammar department andsociology at the Morehead StateNormal School at Morehead, Minn.Marion W. Segner is a teacher inthe Throop Polytechnic Institute,Pasadena, Cal.William Odell Shepard has takenTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe position of professor of Englishat the University of Southern Cali­fornia.Lillian E. Teague (Mrs. C. L.Brewer) lives at 212 S. Bunker HiUA ve., Los Angeles, Cal.Helen G. Todd has moved to Still­man Valley, Ill.1909Melvin Adams is a reporter on theChicago Daily Tribune.W arren Foster has accepted a po­sition with the Youth's C ompanion.Fred Gaarde is in the medicalschool of the University.Preston Gass is on the ChicagoPost.Walter P. Steffen has been assist­ing Mr. Stagg in coaching football.He is registered in the Law School.ENGAGEMENTS'09. Jean Compton to J. E.Chaffee.MARRIAGESMortimer L. Cahill to JosephineWard, daughter of Mrs. L. Sher­wood Ward, 4456 Oakenwald Ave- nue, on October 18, in St. Paul'sEpiscopal Church. They will be athome after January I at 6058 J effer­son Avenue.'07. Winifred Perry Dewhurst toFranklyn Bliss Snyder, on Tuesday,June IS. They spent the summer inthe Green Mountains. They willmake their home in Evanston.'07. Evalyn Cornelius to Ozro C.Gould, in Seoul, Korea, where Mr.Gould has the appointment of Ameri­can vice- and deputy-consul generalMiss Cornelius is the daughter ofCharles Cornelius, 6500 Monroe Ave­nue. In the University she tookhonors in scholarship and was amember of the Wyvern society. Mr.Gould is a graduate of Columbia.'II. Delphia A. Meents was mar­ried to Charles S. Blair on Novem­ber 25, at Ashkum, Ill. Mr. andMrs. Blair will make their home atBirmingham, Alabama.'04. Dorothy Duncan was mar­ried to Ingraham Hook, '0S, at theGeneva residence of the bride'suncle, W. H. McDoel, on November27. Clara Kretzinger, '02, acted asmaid of honor, and Ernest Quan­trell, ex, as best man.