SITE OF THE HARPER MEMORIAL LIBRARYThe Library will face the Midway Plaisance on the south and Haskell Oriental Museum and the Law School (shown in theillustration) on the northThe University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME I MAY, 1909 NUMBER 7THE HARPER MEMORIAL LIBRARYBY ANDREW CUNNINGHAM McLAUGHLINHead of the Department of HistoryTHE plans of the new Harper Memorial Library have not, as Iwrite these lines, been fully drawn or accepted. What fol­lows therefore must be read with the understanding that minorchanges will be made and that the trustees have not as yet officiallyacted in ratification of the architect's work. It is possible, however,without exercising powers of divination unduly, to describe withsome precision the new library as it will appear. It is to' form thecenter of the row of buildings forming a connected line from EllisAvenue to Lexington Avenue along the Midway. On the west endof the line, filling out the corner and covering the bare brick wallon the end of South Divinity Hall, which has so long shown itshomely features to the sun, will be at no distant day the ClassicalBuilding; next toward the east, and facing the campus on the onehand and the Midway on the other, the Modern Language Buildingwill be built; the library is to occupy the center of the group, itseastern end abutting on the building of the history group. Thoughthese buildings form a continuous line and are 'Of the same generalarchitectural style, each has an individuality of its own, and thelibrary in the center stands out with distinctness and with a certaindistinction which it deserves.The library building is 248 feet long from east to west along theMidway; its width north and south is 60 feet. At either end is atower 60 feet by 50,- rising above the main roof of the building, itshighest turret 128 feet from the ground. The eastern end of thelibrary extends some 20 feet beyond the west face of the Law28r282 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBuilding; the west tower is a like distance beyond the east face ofHaskell. It is thus possible to connect the two older buildings withthe new one; and the connection is made by handsome stone bridges,running from the reading-room floor, the third story of the library,to the corresponding floors of Haskel1 and the Law Building. Inthis way communication is given between the three buildings andit will be possible for attendants to have easy access to the volumesin the three collections. From the north, or campus side, the librarymay be entered by three doorways, the first floor being but slightlyabove the level of the walks. On the south there is but one entrance,a central east and west corridor forming a passage from the Mid­way to. the quadrangles.In the west tower, on the ground floor, in addition to a com­modious entrance hall, are the offices for the President and hissecretaries. A central corridor running east and west through themain building gives access to the rooms on either side which forthe time being are to be used as classrooms for the departments ofthe history gmup. On this floor on the south side is the HarperAssembly Room, which is sixty feet by thirty-five, about the size ofthe assembly room in Haskell. This floor also contains nine class­moms and one of the small stackroorns that are to be used for thebooks of the history group.The second floor is largely taken up with offices for libraryadministration, with offices for the instructors in the history group,with seminary rooms, and with editorial offices. On the south sideare the librarian's office, the assistant librarian's office, stenog­rapher's room, and order department. On the north side are the restand conversation rooms for women, and offices and seminary rooms.The east tower, containing in part stacks for the history-grouplibrary, furnishes. space also for a seminary room and small studies.The third floor contains the general reading-room, a magnificenthall, 140 feet long and 50 feet wide, with a high vaulted ceilingrising some 50 feet above the floor. In general appearance it willresemble the reading-room of the Law Building, although it is notquite so long as the Law reading-room. The arched entrances ofdecorated stone, the high windows with elaborate tracery, thevaulted ceiling with molded ribs, relieve the plain stone finish ofthe room and add beauty to the effect of simplicity, space, andstrength. In the west tower is a large room for the public cata­logues. In the east tower is a manuscript or seminary room andHARPER MEMORIAL LIBRARYthe history-group graduate reading-room. The bridges from theLaw Building and Haskell are entered from the tower corridors onthis floor.The fourth and fifth floors 'Of the towers are accessible and areto be used for various purposes. In the main part of the building,between the towers, there are no floors, as has been said, above thefloor of the main reading-room, In the west tower on the fourthfloor are the bindery, library administration rooms, the telephoneswitchboard, and conversation and rest rooms for men. On thefifth floor are offices and small rooms for the Department of Phi­losophy. The fourth and fifth floors of the east tower containstudies and some other rooms for general library purposes.The reader who has had the patience to follow the details thusfar may naturally inquire where, with all these rooms for Univer­sity purposes, the books are to be stored, if this is really a library.The main book stacks are in the basement, a high apartment whichin itself will hold a large collection. The stacks under the mainpart will hold 322,560 volumes; the tower basements will hold72,000 more. Including the stacks provided for the first and secondstories of the east tower, and the shelving in the reading-rooms andseminar rooms, there is now provision for half a million books.When the President's offices are moved to an administration build­ing and the history group moves into its permanent quarters, therewill be room in the building for over a million volumes, and,rapidly as the University may grow, it is not likely that for somedecades to come we shall have over a million volumes exclusive ofthose housed in the departmental buildings. At the present timethere is accommodation for the general library, nearly 300,000volumes, for the libraries of the history group 50,000 volumes, andfor the seminar rooms, classrooms, and studies which are now insuch demand.The plans appear to provide ample space in the general reading­mom for the readers that will need to use it. It must be remem­bered that all .of the departments, save those of the history group,will have, as they do now, their own libraries and reading-rooms;and yet, if all students should use the general library rO'01p, as iscustomary at universities that do not have the departmental librarysystem, the space would not be ungenerous. The main reading­room floor will seat two hundred and eighty-eight readers; afterdeducting the space which is to be assigned to the senior college284 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand graduate students of the history group, there still remainsspace for one hundred and sixty-eight readers. The present momin the Press Building contains one hundred seats. The Library ofCongress furnishes in its general reading-room seats for two hun­dred and fifty readers. The Columbia University library has smallspecial rooms, similar to the seminar rooms provided for our build­ing, but its general room has seats for only one hundred and thirty­five. The Cornell library accommodates two hundred and twenty;Wisconsin, in its two rooms, one for the university and one for thereaders of the State Historical Society, furnishes seats for twohundred and seventy-five. It is thus seen that the general reading­room will hold thirty-eight more than the one in the Library ofCongress; one hundred and fifty-three more than the one at Colum­bia; sixty-eight more than the one at Cornell, and thirteen morethan the two at Wisconsin. It should be remembered also thatthere is apt to be other provision for readers in addition to thatfurnished by the departmental libraries; reading- or study-roomswill probably be contained in the Junior College quadrangles thatwill some time be built for women and men respectively, east andwest of the main campus.The writer of these paragraphs is the most untechnical and un­skilled admirer of architectural effect and dares not venture far intothe realm of general description. He must content himself, there­fore, with only a word of appreciation of the magnificent ildingwhich is to occupy the central position in the stately line long theMidway front. The library of any university should be centerof its intellectual life ; the building that contains books,<� productof ages of scholarly toil, should typify the lofty purpose of univer­sity scholarship and the hope of university scholars. Noone canlook upon the Harper Memorial Library without feeling that in itsgraceful lines and noble dimensions it represents Ideals of learningand culture and is a worthy memorial of the man who wrought alife of devotion into the structure of the University and to itbequeathed his spirit,SOME RANDOM THOUGHTS OF ATEACHER OF ENGLISHBY JAMES WEBER LINN, '97Assistant Professor of EnglishTHE study of English at the present time-and by "English" Imean both literature and composition-occupies a peculiarplace in our school and college curricula. Speaking broadly, it hastaken the place of the classics as the fundamental requirement ofan education. It is insisted upon everywhere, even, for example, atHarvard where everything else is elective; here at Chicago the onlycourses required for every kind of degree are the courses in theme­writing known as English I and III. In the secondary schools, too,the department of English is the largest and commonly the mostadvertised, and the teachers of English are the most hard worked.Is this state of affairs permanent or transitory? Is it only a stepin the transition from the old supremacy of the classics to a futurereign of the sciences? Many believe SO'; and a few I fear considerthe time ripe for the next step.If they are right or wrong, I doubt whether many teachers ofEnglish who have given much thought to' the matter, and I doubtstill more whether many high-school principals would. deny that forall the present power of English in the educational kingdom, its holdis weakening. The army is marching on with loud cries and amagnificent spread of banner, but a strong party at home are asking,"What trophies have been sent back? What has been done to com­pensate for the cost?" They do not mean the cost in money, theseprotestants, but the cost in time. For with our crowded curricula,every study is pursued only at the expense of some other studywhich has valiant adherents; and as English must be pursued byevery student, all these small bands are constantly beset by thetemptation to write against it. The teacher of Greek, the teacherof German, and the teacher of geology may have little else in corn­mon, and yet stand together against the domination of English. Ido not say they do so stand; I say they are constantly tempted to.One hears talk of the English fetish, now, just as twenty years agotalk was heard of the fetish of the classics. There is no more of285286 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthat talk today, and the position of the classicists is so sad as tosuggest the probability of a reaction. One wonders whether historywill repeat itself.What gives the situation a certain claim to attention is the pres­ence of malcontents actually in the marching columns. There areno English teachers, so far as my experience goes, who do notbelieve in the teaching 'Of English, but there are many who do notbelieve in the system by which English is taught. The faculties ofour colleges assert that all high schools teach English very badly,and point to the vast numbers of ill-trained speakers and writerswho infest their freshman classes=-the students who write (somecannot write at all) : "the reason is because," "I was not to schoolyesterday since I received an accident while running," "I was im­pressed by the size of the buildings, this is very large;" who spell(many cannot spell at all) business buisness, athletics atheletics,together to geather, and hopeless hapless; and who declare theirliterary preferences (most have no. preferences whatever) to lie with"Geo. Elliot and Thackery. I like Elliot because of his many re­ligious notions which are calculated to do so much good." Otherscomplain of college-educated civil engineers who. cannot write aletter or produce a report, of doctors unable to distinguish in anyway except practically between disease and decease, of ministers whoknow neither how to begin nor how to end their sermons. And now,to complete the case, enters a professor of romance languages ofHarvard University, Mr. Irving Babbitt, and in a skilful and bitterfashion charges even the graduate 'schools of English with somethingthat touches stupidity and comes not far short of silliness.' Thecircle thus becomes complete. Unwisely trained teachers send up tocollege untrained pupils, who are there either left untrained 'Or,like their predecessors, trained unwisely, go forth to send up moreuntrained pupils.That high-school students are still in a great many cases badlytrained in English is unfortunately true. Our experience at theUniversity of Chicago, if it may not be regarded as typical, is atleast interesting. English I is a course in composition, required ofevery freshman in his first quarter. Its standards are by no meanswhat we could wish; it is even doubtful whether they would satisfythe 'Ordinary man of large affairs who complains that teaching Eng­lish is a waste of time. Yet at the beginning of each year, after a1 Babbitt, Literature and the American Colleqe, 1908.RANDOM THOUGHTS OF A TEACHER OF ENGLISH 287fair trial of every student's ability to carry the course, we send backfor further study in the lower schools from 17 to 20 per cent.­almost a fifth; and at the end of each quarter, of the students wehave alloioed to remain) a larger percentage are either conditionedor failed outright than, I think, in any other course in the University.So much for composition. Concerning the study 'Of literature inthe high schools I cannot speak so definitely. But a few questionsasked of the ordinary freshman class will reveal some startlingthings. In a recent class of which I had charge, of thirty-five fresh­men, none hopelessly dull and some extremely interesting, onlyseven had read anything of Thackeray, 'Only fourteen anything ofDickens, 'Only seventeen of Scott; nobody had read anything ofKingsley 'Or Charles Reade; one boy had read one book of MissAusten's; nobody had heard of Meredith, Hardy, or CharlotteBronte-; two were hazy upon the contemporaneity of Shakspereand Wordsworth, but were pretty sure Milton came before either;less than half knew the story of the good Samaritan, four the storyof Samson's death, three (all but one, vaguely) the story of thedeath of Absalom; and when one youth declared that Daniel "wasthe man who was put into the den of lions, and then into the bellyof a whale," fully half the class were not sure, whether to laugh.Indeed, I was not sure myself, but mine was a different reason. Ifthese things are not literature for the twentieth-century boy, whatis? If a knowledge, definite if slight, and an interest in our greatprose present and our great poetic past is not the sine qua: non of astudy of English literature, what is? But these young men hadthem not.On the other hand, any member of the English department whohas to do with composition will say without hesitation that mattersare constantly improving. The standards of English I which ex­clude a fifth of the entering students nGW would have excluded athird five years ago, and two-fifths or a half when the Universitywas in its infancy. Even the instructors of English 40, the firstcollege course in English literature, report a more definite knowl­edge on the part of the pupils.It is in the teaching of literature in the secondary schools, never­theless, that the greatest change must be demanded and madepossible. Part of the trouble is the fault of the colleges. I shouldnot go so far as to say, in agreement with Professor Phelps of Yale,that the college-entrance requirements in literature, with their em-288 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAoINEphasis upon so-called "intensive reading," are particularly calculatedto discourage in the student any interest in literature. I should noteven suggest that these requirements are a bugbear and a handicapto the high-school teachers, who must spend so much time with thedetails of each work that may be asked about in the entrance exami­nations, that they have little left for any consideration of the beauty,the structure, or the message of the work as a whole. If this bug­bear and hardship ever" existed, the certificate system of collegeentrance, so widespread in the West, should have effectively got ridof it. But I do believe that, since for the weak teacher this "intensivereading" is of all things the easiest to pass away the hours in teach­ing, and is, therefore, the most likely to be made the staple of theclass work, and since it is precisely this kind of reading that leadsa student to believe that "literature" is a dull philological problem(not that he ever heard of philology) and that a play of Shakspereis only a bag of singularly hard nuts for intellectual milk-teeth tocrack-that because of all this, "intensive reading" in the highschools ought to be discouraged instead of encouraged by our col­leges. "Explain the italicized words," runs the first question in thefirst entrance examination I pick up, "in the following passages:(I) The merciless Macdonwald from the western islesOf kerns and gallowglasses is supplied.(.2) I' the name of truthAre ye fantastical} or that indeedWhich outwardly ye show?Now it is certainly well that as a student reads, he should' not sup­pose "kerns and gallowglasses were the names 'Of a kind of 'Officersin the army." But the teacher may inform him in passing; and itis far more desirable surely that he should allow kerns and galIow­glasses and their like to drop out of his memory altogether than thathe should, by being made to "look them up for himself," be led tothe conclusion that Shakspere's magnificent rattling melodrama ofMacbeth is merely a disciplinary exercise in strange words anddifficult constructions. How English literature should be taught maybe found stated concisely in the preface to Professor Manly's col­lection of English poetry. That it may soon be universally taughtin the fashion there suggested, let us hope.The second charge against the teaching of English concernsitself with the college. College graduates, we are told, cannotexpress themselves simply and clearly in writing; and as for litera-RANDOM THOUGHTS OF A TEACHER OF ENGLISH 289ture, classes in it are the haven of rapturous women and the scornof sensible men. The first allegation is brought, however, far lessfrequently than it used to be. Doubtless it is still too often true.Training in English composition in many colleges is still an unsys­tematized thing. It is, in spite of its universality, comparativelynew business, and not solidly organized. A of one year is succeededby B the next, with a fresh set of theories which he desires to tryout. Ostensibly the same class will be given one year as a class inpunctuation and spelling, the next as a class in the study of transi­tions, the third as a class in "interpretative and presentative andinterpretative-presentative exposition." More often, the collegestandards in English are necessarily low. Colleges must take theirstudents by the certificate system, as they come, and often they comeastonishingly crude. If they are to be allowed to enter at all, someconsiderable sacrifice of ideal must be made by the department ofEnglish, and is made. Finally, a small but appreciable number ofstudents. even in our most careful institutions get through theirEnglish composition really untrained, and for two reasons. Somecheat their way through. The practice of buying themes is notuncommon, and very difficult to detect; having a friend do them isperhaps still commoner. Every student understands that such meth­ods are the bitterest dishonor, but the sense of honor still developslate in some. And some are passed through by virtue of the peculiarrelation which exists between the instructor in English compositionand the student, a relation in the nature of the case closer than existsin most courses. One reads the student's productions, finding inthem an unconscious or sometimes conscious self-revealment weekby week, one talks to him personally in consultation half a dozentimes. The student is, let us say, poor, hard working, not stupidbut ill prepared. The honest question arises, shall he be failed orconditioned? or, perhaps, more subtle still, shall he be conditionedor barely passed? The temptation to give him the benefit of thedoubt is strong and frequent, and, I fear, not infrequently yielded to.As for the charge that literature is a study for women, that cer­tainly expresses a widespread view, but it means nothing. A queershrill cry is heard everywhere nowadays that "education shouldbe practical" and as the study of literature is not "practical," i. e.,will assist few except the teacher of it in earning his living, yourhard-headed young student who has his living to earn rejects it infavor of chemistry, criminology, and civil government. This is no290 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEplace to discuss that matter. Without pausing to' inquire whether a"practical general education" is not a contradiction in terms, or todeny that the chief end of man is to make as much money or getas much power as he can as soon as possible-admitting indeed thatas English literature is often taught, it is of no value to a practicalperson-I pass on to the most recent attack upon the teaching ofEnglish, Professor Babbitt's.His assertion, or at least the assertion that concerns us, is thatthe teaching of English in our colleges is in a great measure eitherdilettante or rigidly philological; that it consists too much either inwhat Professor Paul Shorey recently described as "pouring a thinstream of lukewarm rhetoric over the class" or in what might becalled the "intensive reading" of our high schools raised to the nthpower-the study of literature as if it were a problem instead of amessage and a symbol of life. He argues eloquently if defiantlyagainst both methods, and would deduce from their prevalence theexplanation of the present doubtful condition of English in ourcolleges. He even proposes, in order to remedy them, a new gradu­ate degree in literature, an equivalent of the doctorate, which shallbe granted not so much on a basis of unique knowledge of one smallthing, as for a sound and wide-ranging knowledge of many things­Germanic and Romance literature as well as English, and their rela­tions ; a degree which shall be truly a degree in comparative litera­ture, not in comparative philology. The instructor, possessed of· such a degree, and his natural vigor not abated by excessive devotionto the sentence-form of some one unimportant mediaeval author,will be able to stir up his students to a greater understanding, a morecertain appreciation, of what various works mean in their totality,and indeed of what literature itself really means. Such a "doctor ofliterature" will not invite his class to count the number of times theDromios are beaten in the Comedy of Errors; nor, on the otherhand, will he ask them to' make a list of the beauties to be found inthe Epipsychidion. If he teaches English composition he will notbe so set upon the spinning by his pupils of airy webs of fancy, asupon forcing them to clear thinking and a decently wide acquaintancewith the best writers, past and especially present, of English prose.SO', at least, in substance we may infer from Professor Babbitt.To which remains to be answered, in substance, only Bravo!I fancy few could be found to disagree with Professor Babbitt inhis essential contention-that a teacher of English literature andRANDOM THOUGHTS OF A TEACHER OF ENGLISH 29Icomposition should be a widely read man, a soundly judging man,a man capable of sustained thought, and of the nicest taste and dis­crimination. Personally I am not even sure that I differ from theauthor of this thesis in minor matters; perhaps it is only that the(apparently) somewhat defiant tone, the (apparently) somewhatsuperior and almost scornful temper of his phraseology distressesme into opposition. My opposition, such as it is, leads me only tothe remark that Professor Babbitt's experiences with doctors ofEnglish must have been unfortunate, when it leads him to say thatour institutions of high learning today have their faces turned fromthe education which will produce strong men. Perhaps two-thirdsof the candidates for the doctorate in English in America todaycome under the pretty direct influence of either Professor Kit­tredge or Professor Carpenter,' or Professor Lounsbury, or Pro­fessor Manly, or Professor Gayley. I know of no one of thefive who does not stand pretty clearly for the necessity of a"literary." as well as a "scientific" training. Professor Babbitt isstriving toward an ideal; so are they; I am reasonably certain thattheir ideals and the ideal of Professor Babbitt are one and thesame.The great matter is to realize that English literature, and otherliteratures, are chiefly important not for themselves, but in theirrelation to life. What the writing of any man and any time means,and how it interprets its own author and his time to us, we firstdemand to know. But why this demand should be expected toexclude the interest of the philologist or why it should become insome fashion a matter of reproach to' the teacher of compositionbecause he is teaching composition and not literature, one hardlyknows. That a different kind of degree for the advanced student ofliterature who expects to teach, might keep this demand as principalmore clearly before him, may very well be true; but that collegeteachers of literature, of English literature at least, have in anyconsiderable numbers lost sight of this principal demand, I do notfor a moment believe. It is easier, far easier, to test knowledge thanto test power to discriminate and to present facts; but that thedoctorate in English at the present time ignores this latter power,is a statement not borne out by any survey of the present heads ofour university departments of English and a statement which (sofar as I can see) Professor Babbitt neglects to bring any evidenceto prove.1 This was written some time before Professor Carpenter's death.THE SCHOOL OF CITIZENSHIP ATTHE UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENTBY WILLIAM SCOTT BOND, '97ONE of the most importanrt agencies in the making of capable,intelligent citizens out of Chicago's foreign population liv­ing south and west of the Stock Yards is the School of Citizenshipof the University of Chicago Settlement. Many alumni of theUniversity do not know the extent and character of the work doneat the Settlement; few have heard of this important division of itsactivities, which is at work on a problem 'Of wide interest and deeppractical significance. Its efforts. are directed toward making goodcitizens of the aliens in the Settlement community, men who arealien in thought, language, and mode of life. The University Set­tlement at 4630 Gross A venue is located in a neighborhood wherework of this kind may be particularly effective. The school is thedirect result of a need for some effort to guide these foreignerstoward decent and intelligent citizenship.Whether or not we accept the mission assigned to us by Mr.Zangwill, who regards America as the world's school of manhoodand citizenship, we naturally question the benefits received on ourside of this process of alien education. The practice of wholesalealtruism, however commendable in theory, will in no degree oom­p.ensate for any lowering of our civic standards. When a largeproportion of our immigrants' came from the United Kingdom,Germany, and the Scandinavian countries, we received and absorbedinto our national life people with whom we had a common stock ofancestry, and the benefit was mutual. Now, however, the countriesof southern and eastern Europe send us by far the greater numberof immigrants. The proportion of arrivals from Austro-Hungary,Russia, Italy, Greece, and the Balkan .countries is yearly increasing.While many of these people will make good citizens, they are bynature and occupation very different from our own countrymen,and generally of a lower type than the immigrants. from the north­ern countries. The Germans who settled in Illinois and Wisconsin,and the Scandinavians of Minnesota form one of the most stableelements 'Of the community, and the same may be said of a greatpart of the Bohemian settlement in Chicago. The problem of292THE SCHOOL OF CITIZENSHIP 293taking care of the Poles, Lithuanians, Russian Jews, Greeks, Bul­garians, and kindred nationalities, however, is harder to solve.A few figures will serve for emphasis. \ The Commissioner ofImmigration gives the net immigration, that is, the plurality ofimmigration over emigration, for the years since 1899 as more thanfive millions. The federal census of 1900 gives the number ofpeopleof foreign birth in Chicago as nearly 600,000. Our Chicagoschool census for 1908 gives the number of foreign-born Austrians,Bohemians, Italians, Poles, Russians, and natives of the Balkanstates as more than 240,000, and while it is not difficult to find grossinaccuracies in this census in its separation by nationalities, withoutdoubt the number of persons of foreign birth, in its enumeration,is not overstated.These thousands of foreigners are a part of our community.Many can neither read nor write their own language. Nearly allare poor and in many cases have made great sacrifices to reachwhat steamship agents have pictured as a land of financial inde­pendence. Their housing conditions and food are usually of theworst. Many of them are fit only for the most unskilled labor andfor that 'Only when they can work in gangs under a foreman whounderstands their language. The lowest type of foreign saloon isoften their only meeting-place. Working all day in the companyof men who speak no English and under a foreman who speaksno English to them, and returning at night to their homes in aforeign colony, as a great many of them do, their opportunitiesto get out 'Of the rut of unskilled labor to a more advanced con­dition of intelligence and employment are very few.Notwithstanding this they have capacity for good citizenshipwhich the community, if only for self-protection, must develop.Here self-protection and altruism walk hand in hand. The childrenof these people are native-born American citizens, whose parentsprobably cannot speak English and who, under present conditions,grow up in a foreign colony, How much of such foreign coloniza­tion can our cities endure without considerably lowering the socialand educational standards of our citizenship?The seriousness of the problem is recognized by the UnitedStates Commissioner of Immigration. On page 65 of his report for1907 he makes the following statement, which is reaffirmed in thereport for 1908:The Bureau's belief has been that the most important factor in thesolution of the immigrant problem consists of a remedy for the congestion294 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof foreign elements in our great cities, which congestion results in thepractical isolation of the aliens from the influences that ought to be exertedtoward their Americanization, beginning with the very moment they enterour gates. The "colonies" formed in such large cities as New York, Chicago,Boston, and Philadelphia are today the chief menace that grows out of theheavy influx of foreigners. To make Americans of the many aliens nowcoming to us, even in the second and third generation, they must be broughtinto contact with our own people and our own customs and methods ofliving. The physical, mental, and moral welfare of the aliens themselves, aswell as the interests of the communities, demand that they shall not bebrought from the small towns, the villages, hamlets, and even the farmsof Europe, and crowded into the tenements of our cities, where they meetconditions of life to which they are not accustomed, and where such diseasesand vices as exist among them are given every encouragement to developand spread.The federal government has taken one step to meet this prob­lem by 'Organizing the Division of Information and Distributionin the Bureau of Immigration. For a number of years the statisticsof immigration have shown that the vast majority of aliens havebeen destined to a few of our large centers of population. It isthe work of the Division to direct the stream of immigration asmuch as possible toward places where unskilled labor is needed,or districts where settlers 'are wanted. This is much needed workand undoubtedly will increase rapidly in scope and effectiveness.Our large cities, however, are facing the great task of absorb­ing their colonies 'Of foreigners into the community. No, socialagency is S'0 well-fitted to take up this work as the social settle­ment in the midst of a foreign population. Possessing in a largedegree the confidence of the people, won by years of fair dealingand helpful work, the settlement may begin such an undertakingwith some assuranoe of sympathy and understanding. Nowhereelse is the need for such work so fully appreciated. The residentsknow how foreign these aliens are, and how helpless in the hands ofsome political boss who delivers their votes to his own interests.Many are enfranchised before they know the difference betweenthe offices of alderman and governor.When the organization of this movement was planned in thefall of 1907, notices were sent particularly to the Poles and Lithu­anians. The first school of citizenship was started with aboutfifty members. As it became apparent that a working knowledgeof English was prerequisite to useful citizenship, the men wereTHE SCHOOL OF CITIZENSHIP 295divided into groups according to their previous education in theirown language, and their knowledge of English. These groupswere provided with teachers and met on two evenings of eachweek, The ages 'Of the men ranged from sixteen to' forty. It wassoon found that many of these were anxious to be naturalized andpreparation for that step was made a part of the regul:ar work,In their own language the men were given instructions in the ele­mentary principles and divisions of our government, and when theyshowed an understanding of naturalization they were taken to thenaturalization office and helped to obtain their first papers. Thiswork was carried on until the summer of 1908 with such assuranceof its practical value that in the fall of 1908 the school was re­organized on a larger plan.This year the total registration has been 18S, and the averageattendance about 90. There are six classes, ranging from a classfor those who know no English, to one in which the reading is notnecessarily confined to primers for adult foreigners. In the schoolare Lithuanians, Poles, Bohemians, Slavonians, Servians, Danes andGermans. The classes meet on three nights a week and the largerpart of the time is given to the study of English. The teachers arevolunteers' who are nearly all graduates of the University ofChicago. Joseph Varkala, '08, the Lithuanian resident of the Set­tlement, who speaks both Polish and Russian, has been indefatig­able in the management of the school.Twice a week the members of the school are given a short talkin their own language on the elementary principles of our civilgovernment, as applicable to themselves when they become voters.Once a month an entertainment is given, usually an illustratedlecture in Polish or Lithuanian on some question of particularinterest to these people. Five of these meetings have been heldthis year. On October 9, Chicago Day, a lecture was, given on thehistory of Chicago, its parks, and public buildings to' an audienceof about two hundred and fifty. On November 14 about threehundred attended a lecture on the beauty of America. On January16 a lecture on the use of public parks, playgrounds, and buildingscalled out an attendance of five hundred. A lecture on AbrahamLincoln was given on February 13 to three hundred people. OnMarch 13 the discovery of America, Washington and the Revolu­tion, were the subjects for the address.Since the organization of the school forty-one men have taken296 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEout their naturalization papers with its help. The school has acouncil composed of three representatives from each of the nation­alities represented. Altogether it is one of the most effective effortsof the Settlement to interpret its community and help them get thebest out of themselves, work which undoubtedly will be developedon a much larger scale in the future in many localities.The public night schools would be a most efficient agency in thiswork if they could be kept open longer and could teach elementarycivics as well as English. At present they do a great deal of good,but are overcrowded, open too short a time, and do not have a wideenough range of studies.It is significant of the capacity of these people for orderly, con­siderate behavior, that since the opening of the small park at DavisSquare, west of the Stock Yards, the hall and gymnasium and thepark have been used in a most careful manner, and nothing hasbeen broken or stolen. This park is used largely by the families ofthe non-English -speaking foreigners employed in the Yards. Theireagerness to become Americans is also shown in a typical incident.Several years ago the Polish National Alliance induced an ablePolish scholar to come to Chicago to lecture to' one of the Polishcolonies. The subjects of the lectures were chosen by vote of thePolish people and that chosen for the first lecture was "AmericanHistory," and for the second, "Constitutional History."The issue of the alien in our city life cannot be avoided andmust be met. It seems a problem important enough to engage theattention of a much larger part of the community than that whichat present considers it seriously. Certainly this part of settlementwork is good politics in the best sense of the word. It is only bysuch beginnings that larger agencies such as the public nightschools may be brought to' widen their teaching to a course whichis commensurate with the needs of the situation.INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE IN THEUNITED STATESUNDER the title given above the University of Chicago Presshas recently issued a volume of four hundred and thirtypages, the author being Professor Charles Richmond Henderson,Head of the Department of Ecclesiastical Sociology. It is in sub­stance an English version of Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in denVereinigten Staaten von N ord-America, published in Berlin in1907, although considerable new material has been added.The book is opened with a summary of European laws on indus­trial insurance. Chapter I discusses "The Extent and Nature ofthe Demand for a Social Policy of Industrial Insurance in theUnited States." In the following chapters some of the subjectsdiscussed are: "Local Relief Societies," "Benefit Features of theTrade Unions," "The Insurance of the Fraternal Societies," "TheEmployers' Liability Law," "Insurance Plans of Railway Corpo­rations," "Municipal Pension Systems and Pensions for Teachers."A hundred pages of important appendices inc:1ude a bibli­ography, the common carriers' law (federal), the f.ederal compensa­tion law, the Illinois bill, the Swift & Company plan, the Inter­national Harvester Company plan, plan of the Scottdale Iron andSteel Workers' Association, plan of the Studebaker Bros. Mfg.Company, and the plan of The University of Chicago Press MutualBenefit Association,In the final chapter the author discusses the economic possibilityof universal insurance and says:A few things may be suggested. The profit fund could carry a verylarge share of the burden, as shown by the fact that employers are marve­lously prosperous, and by the fact that even now, though in a very uncer­tain way, they set apart a vast sum for helping workmen in times ofdisability in the form of contributions to sickness funds, hospitals, phy­sicians, and gifts to families in distress, not to speak of taxes for publicrelief and enormous costs for casualty insurance and litigation, which isnow waste. The wages fund could bear a much heavier drain for insuranceif we can judge from the immense sums spent by workmen for objectswhich are destructive to health and morals. It is true that the unskilledworkmen have no margin for adequate insurance, and those who cannotsupply even the immediate necessities of existence can hardly be expectedto provide for the future without help from the profit fund and from con­sumers.297THE UNIVERSITY RECORDOn Tuesday evening, April 6, thethird of a series of informal dinnerswas held by members of the facul­ties of the University, for the pur­pose of discussing questions ofimprovement in undergraduate teach­ing. On this occasion about ninetymembers gathered in the Hutchinsoncafe to hear an address by Mr.Abraham Flexner on "College Peda­gogy." Mr. Flexn�r is a repr:esenta­tive of the Carnegie Foundation forthe Improvement of. Teaching and. isjust now engaged In a critical 111-vestigation of professional sc?o?ls,having previously made a slmt1�rinvestization of colleges as a basisfor . h� well-known book entitledThe American College.In his address Mr. Flexner setforth the remarkable changes whichhave taken place with respect to thefunctions of the college and thedemands upon the college teacheralive to the increased significanceof the sciences and the great broad­eninz of the curriculum in otherresp�cts, the wide adoption of theelective system, the spread of theresearch spirit, and the developmentof the real American university.While he in no wise depreciated re­search he maintained that its presentinflue�ce upon college teaching isoften bad. For example, the in­structor who realizes that his onlyor chief hope of promotion is condi­tioned upon the amount of spacewhich he can fill in the researchjournals, has little ti�-e to' give tothe improvement of hIS teaching an.dis far too likely to look upon hISclasswork as a necessary evil. Themen who excel in both teaching andIf On the afternoon of April 12 Mr.research are' not numerous.. 1 .. fthese can be found for the colleges, Felix Borowski, the musica critic ait is an advantage; but, in any event, Chicago, gave in the Leon Mandelthe colleges must have teachers, men Assembly Hall a lecture recIta� bnwho know their students, believe the concert programme presente y298FACULTY DINNER FOR THE DIS­CUSSION OF UNDERGRADUATETEACHING in their calling, and devote them­selves to, the interests of the causethey are supposed to serve.SERIES OF LECTURES ON THESCULPTOR'S ART"The Sculptor's Art: Ideals andTechnique," was the subject of aseries of six illustrated lecturesgiven in the Leon Mandel AssemblyHall from March 3I to May 5, byLorado Taft, the Chicago sculptor.The first lecture was a demonstra­tion in clay-modeling and wa? ofunique interest, a large audiencebeing in attendance. The second lec­ture which was even more largelyatte�ded, was on the subj ect ofearlier Greek art and the decora­tions of the Parthenon; and thethird lecture outlined the ideals andmethods of the later Greek sculptors."Sculptural Expression in the Ren­aissance," "Modern. French Sculp,�ture," and "American Sculpturewere the subjects of the closinglectures in the series.Mr. Taft was already speciallyknown to his University audience byhis bronze relief of Stephen A.Douglas in the corridor of the LeonMandel Assembly Hall, and by hisportrait busts of Professor ThomasC. Chamberlin, Head of the De­partment of Geology, and ProfessorGeorge W. Northrup, formerly ofthe Divinity School. Mr. Taft'sarchitectural and sculptural plans forthe beautifying of the. . Midw�yPlaisance have been WIdely dis-THE SECOND CONCERT BY THETHOMAS ORCHESTRATHE UNIVERSITY RECORDthe Theodore Thomas Orchestra onApril 13.The following programme wasgiven by the orchestra under thedirection of Mr. Frederick Stock:Overture to "The Magic Flute"MozartSymphony No. 8 in B Minor (Un­finished) • • . • • SchubertAllegro moderato; andante con motoInvitation to the Dance . • WeberOrchestration by Felix Weingartner"L'Abeille" ("The Bee") • SchubertHumoresque, Opus IOI, NO.7 DvorakOrchestration by Frederick Stock"Les Preludes," Symphonic Poem No.3 • • • • • • • • • • LisetThe programme as presented wasthe result of selection from threeprogrammes offered by the directorto be voted on by students and mem­bers of the Faculties interested inorchestral music. The audienceshowed enthusiastic appreciation ofthe remarkable variety and beautyof the numbers, especially of Schu­bert's unfinished symphony in Bminor, of Weber's "Invitation tothe Dance," "L'Abeille," and Dvorak's"Humoresque."THE FACULTIES"Socialism a Philosophy of Fail­ure" is the subj ect of a contributionin the May issue of Scribner's Maga­zine by Professor J. LaurenceLaughlin, Head of the Departmentof Political Economy.An interpretation of Arnold's Soh­rab and Rustusn was given beforethe Matheon Club of Chicago onApril 3 by Associate Professor S.H. Clark, of the Department ofPublic Speaking."The Conversion of the Econo­mist" is the subj ect of a contributionto the April number of the Journalof Political Economy by AssistantProfessor John. Cummings, of theDepartment of Political Economy.Professor George B. Foster, ofthe Department of Comparative Re­ligion, contributed to the ChicagoTribune of March 28 an "Editorialby the Laity" under the title of"Woman's Rights Are Basic Rights." 299"The Older and Newer Ideals ofMarriage" is the subject of a contri­bution to the April number of theAmerican Magazine, by AssociateProfessor William 1. Thomas, of theDepartment of Sociology and An­thropology.Professor Marion Talbot. Dean ofWomen and Head of Green House,has a contribution in the April num­ber of Religious Education, thejournal of the Religious EducationAssociation, entitled "Dormitory Lifefor College Women.""Legal Ethics" was the subj ect ofa series of five University publiclectures given in the Law Buildingby Judge Henry V. Freeman, of theIllinois Circuit Court, who is a Pro­fessorial Lecturer in the Law School.The first lecture was given on April16."Le Cid et Chimene" was the sub­ject of a University public lecture inFrench by Sefior Don Ramon Men­endez Pidal, professor in the Uni­versidad Central of Madrid. Pro­fessor Pidal has recently been theTurnbull Lecturer at J ohns HopkinsUniversity."The West during Jackson's Ad­ministration" was the subj ect of aseries of University public lecturesgiven in Haskell Assembly Roombeginning April 15, the lecturer beingMr. Frederick J. Turner, professorof American history in the Univer­sity of Wisconsin.In the April issue of ClassicalPhilology Dr. Berthold L. Ullman,of the Department of Latin, has acontribution entitled "Additions andCorrections to CIL." ProfessorPaul Shorey, the managing editor ofthe journal, contributes a note "OnAristotle De Part. An. iv. 10.""The Relations of Woman to thePresent Interests of Societv" was thesubject of a University public lectureon April 8 in Cobb Lecture Hall, byAssociate Professor William 1.Thomas, of the Department of Soci­ology, under the auspices of theCollege Equal Suffrage League.300 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe modern painters, Israels andMesdag, are the subj ect of an illus­trated contribution in the April num­ber of the C hautauquan, by AssistantProfessor George B. Zug, of the De­partment of the History of Art.This is the eighth contribution in aseries on Dutch Art and Artists.In the series of lectures announcedby the Lincoln Park commissionersto be given in the auditorium ofSeward Park, Chicago, one on April6 was delivered by Professor SamuelW. Williston, of the Department ofPaleontology, the subj ect being "Ex­traordinary Extinct Animals of PastAges."Mr. H. C. E. David, of the De­partment of Romance, gave a lecturein the Northwestern UniversityBuilding, Chicago, on April 14, hissubj ect being "Maurice Donnay."The lecture was the first in a seriesarranged by the Chicago branch ofthe National Society of French Pro­fessors in America.Under the auspices of the ChicagoSociety of the Archaeological Insti­tute of America an illustrated publiclecture was given on March IS in theHaskell Assembly Room by Pro­fessor Lewis B. Paton, of the Hart­ford Theological Seminary, the sub­j ect being "Palestine in the Light ofthe Latest Archaeological Re­searches.""The Influence of Darwin on Psy­chology" was the subj ect of anaddress at Johns Hopkins Universityon April 21, by Professor James R.Angell, Head of the Department ofPsychology. The address was alsogiven at Bryn Mawr College onApril 19, and the following day atSmith College as the annual Phi BetaKappa address.In the February (1909) issue ofthe A merican Physical EducationReview appears a discussion of thequestion "Should any student in goodcollegiate standing be permitted toplay in intercollegiate baseball con­tests?" Professor A. A. Stagg, Di­rector of the Division of PhysicalCulture, has a contribution on thenegative side of the question. A public reading of Wagner'sParsifal as retold by Oliver Huckelwas given before a large audienceon April I I in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall by Associate Pro­fessor S. H. Clark, of the Depart­ment of Public Speaking. Selec­tions from the opera were given onthe pipe organ by the Universityorganist, Mrs. George N. Holt.The one hundred and twenty­fourth contribution from the HullBotanical Laboratory-"Mitosis inFucus"-opens the March number ofthe Botanical Gazette) the writer be­ing Shigeo Yamanouchi, of theDepartment of Botany. The con­tribution is illustrated by four plates.The one hundred and twenty-fifthcontribution from the Laboratory-"Spermatogenesis in Dioon Edule"-is by Assistant Professor CharlesJ. Chamberlain, of the same depart­ment, and is illustrated by fourplates and three figures."The Effect on Woman of Eco­nomic Dependence" is the subj ect ofa contribution in the March numberof the American Journal of Soci­ology, by Charles Zueblin, formerlyprofessor in the Department ofSociology. Professor Marion Tal­bot, of the Department of HouseholdAdministration, contributes to a dis­cussion of the same subj ect. "AreModern Industry and City Life Un­favorable to the Family?" is the sub­j ect discussed in the same number ofthe j ournal by Professor Charles R.Henderson, Head of the Departmentof Ecclesiastical Sociology.Associate Professor Charles E.Merriam, of the Department of Po­litical Science, was elected to thecity council of Chicago from theseventh ward on April 6, by thelargest plurality given any of thecandidates. Mr. Merriam succeedsMr. Frank I. Bennett, who for anumber of years has been chairmanof the finance committee, and arecognized leader in the council. Mr.Merriam is the author of a volumerecently issued from the Universityof Chicago Press entitled PrimaryElections) a study in the history andtendencies of primary election legis­lation.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe Wars of Religion in France:The Huguenots, Catherine de Medici,and Philip the Second, IS59-76, isthe title of a volume published aboutthe middle of April by the Universityof Chicago Press, the author beingJames Westfall Thompson, AssociateProfessor of European History. Thevolume, of over six hundred pages,represents seven years' of study, andthe author made two prolonged visitsto France for the purpose of specialinvestigations. I t is based upon acareful examination of originalsources and contains a valuableappendix of hitherto unpublisheddocuments from the archives ofParis and London.In the April number of the BiblicalW orld Associate Professor Clyde W.Votaw, of the Department of NewTestament Literature and Interpre­tation, has a contribution on thesubj ect of "The Conversion andEarly Ministry of Paul." Under thehead of Exploration and Discovery,Assistant Professor Edgar J. Good­speed, of the Department of Biblicaland Patristic Greek, contributes anaccount of the N estorian Tablet, areplica of which has recently beenbrought from China to the Metro­politan Museum in New York. Areproduction of a photograph of thetablet forms the frontispiece of thenumber.Dr. Chester W. Wright, of theDepartment of Political Economy,has been awarded the David A.Wells prize, offered by the depart­ment of economics of Harvard Uni­versity, for his essay entitled "WoolGrowing and the Tariff: A Study inthe Economic History of the UnitedStates." THis prize is awardedannually for the best thesis, embody­ing the results of original economicinvestigation, submitted by a memberof the senior class in Harvard Col­lege or a graduate of not more thanthree years' standing of any depart­ment of Harvard University. Thesuccessful contestant receives fivehundred dollars and his work is pub­lished in the series of Harvard Eco­nomic Studies.Professor Julius Stieglitz, of theDepartment of Chemistry, during the 30Isecond term of the Winter Quartergave at the University of Californiathe first course of lectures on theHitchcock Foundation, which pro­vides for a series of scientific lecturesto be delivered annually at the Uni­versity of California. The generalsubjects of the lectures were thetheories of ionization and catalysis.The titles of the lectures were:(I) "The Theories of Solution ;"(2) "The Theory of Ionization andElectric Phenomena;" (3) , (4), and(5) "The Theory of Ionization andChemical Phenomena," including thePrecipitation of Salts; (6) "ComplexIons;" (7) and (8) "The ElectricTheory of Oxidation and Reduc­tion ;" (9) and (IO) "Catalysis."Professor Stieglitz' lectures wereattended throughout by an audienceof about ISO people, including a num­ber of chemists from the surround­ing cities.THE LIBRARIAN'S ACCESSION RE­PORTS FOR THE AUTUMN ANDWINTER QUARTERS, 1908-9During the Autumn Quarter, 1908,there was added to the libraryof the University a total number of6,362 volumes from the followingsources:BOOKS ADDED BY PURCHASEBooks added by purchase, 4,306volumes, distributed as follows: Anat­omy, 30; Anthropology, 3; Astronomy(Ryerson), 22; Astronomy (Yerkes),49 ; Bacteriology, 15 ; Biology, 1;Botany, 11; Chemistry, 36; ChurchHistory, 10; Commerce and Adminis­tration, 50; Comparative Religion, 1;Dano-N orwegian Theological Semi­nary, 1 I; Dano-N orwegian and Swed­ish Theological Seminary, 2; Embry­ology, 10; English, 376; English,German, and Romance, 2 ; GeneralLibrary, 188; General Literature, 7;Geography, 28; Geology, 16; German,51; Greek, 253; Haskell, 37; History,5 II; History of Art, 97; Latin, 32;Latin and Greek, 25; Law School,721; Lexington Hall, 24; Mathe­matics, 25 ; New Testament, 53 ;Pathology, 7; Pedagogy, 1; Philoso­phy, 62 ; Physical Culture, 26 ;Physics, 47; Physiological Chemistry,14; Physiology, 29; Political Economy,I 13; Political Science, 96; PracticalTheology, 19; Psychology, 18; Public302 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESpeaking, 16; Romance, 87; Russian,304; Sanskrit and ComparativePhilology, 112; School of Education,447 ; Semitics, 56 ; Sociology, 86 ;Sociology (Divinity), 10; SwedishTheological Seminary, 7; SystematicTheology, 22; Zoology, 30.BY GIFTBooks added by gift, 1,532 volumes,distributed as follows:Anthropology, 2; Astronomy (Ryer­son), 4; Astronomy (Yerkes), 12;Bacteriology, 1; Biology, 117; Botany,4; Chemistry, IS; Church History, 16;Commerce and Administration, 6 ;English, 16; General Library, 975;General Literature, I; Geography, 19;Geology, 6; German, 2; Greek, 5;Haskell, 24; History, 23; History ofArt, 5; Household Administration, I;Latin, 6; Law School, 3; LexingtonHall, 1; Mathematics, 6; Music,S;New Testament, 3 ; Pathology,S;Pathology and Bacteriology, 1; Phil ....osophy, I ; Physical Culture, 2;Physics, 4; Physiology, 2; PoliticalEconomy, 105: Political Science, 17;Practical Theology, 5; Psychology, 1;Romance, 6; Russian, 4; Sanskrit andComparative Philology, 1; School ofEducation, 53; Semitics, 2; Sociology,26; Sociology (Divinity), 1; Syste­matic Theology, 3; Zoology, IS.BY EXCHANG�Books added by exchange for Uni­versity publications, 524 volumes,SPECIAL GIFTSAmerican Philosophical Society,record of celebration of 200th anni­versary of birth of Benjamin Frank­lin-5 volumes.Baldwin Locomotive Works, recordof recent construction-6 volumes,Belgium Antarctic Expedition, re­po.rts-7 volumes.City of Chicago, reports-e-az vol­umes and 104 pamphlets.M. E. Emrick, medical works-s-arivolumes and 40 pamphlets.J. P. Goode, miscellaneous-s-aovolumes.Grand Trunk Railway, reports-e-gavolumes.S. A. Green, Boston almanac-s-agvolumes.W. F. E. Gurley, textbooks-s-avolumes,C. R. Henderson, miscellaneous-38 volumes and 168 pamphlets.C. L. Hutchinson, publications ofCarnegie Institution of Washington-7 volumes.International Sunday School Asso­ciation, reports of conventions-6volumes. L. M. Loeb, collection of orchestralmusic, mainly unbound.Maryland, reports-s-a volumes.Clifford Mitchell, medical works-60. volumes,New York State Chamber of Corn­merce, reports-I5 volumes.A. K. Parker, miscellaneous=-Bgvolumes and 133 pamphlets.University of Pennsylvania, astro­nomical works-5 volumes.City of Portland, Ore., reports-2Svolumes.Rhode Island, agricultural reports-6 volumes.F. P. Stearns, miscellaneous-svolumes.Stuart Weller, naturalists' directory,scientists' international directory, andmiscellaneous-I6 volumes.Alice B. Wiles, Nouvelle bio­graphie universelle depuis les tempsles plus recules jusqu' a nos j ours,Tome 1-46, unbound, and miscel­laneous=-Sa volumes.United States government, reportsand documents-e-r ao volumes.During the Winter Quarter, Janu­ary- March, 1900, there was added tothe library of the University a totalnumber of 3,499 volumes from thefollowing sources:By purchase, 2,709 volumes; by gift,41 I volumes; by exchange for univer­sity publications, 379 volumes.SPECIAL GIFTSStandish Backus, miscellaneous-e-ravolumes.F. I. Carpenter, Poetical Calendarcontaining a collection of scarce andvaluable pieces of poetry, written andselected by Francis Fawkes and Wil­liam Woty, London, 1763, and Span­ish Mandeville of Myracles, byAnthonio de Torquemeda, London,1618-13 volumes.Committee of Christian ScienceReading Rooms, Mrs. Mary B. G.Eddy's works-7 volumes.J. P. Goode, miscellaneous-6 vol­umes.C. L. Hutchinson, Publications ofthe Carnegie Institution of Washing­ton-e-re volumes.P. F. J ernegan, works on the Philip­pines-5 volumes.H. P. Judson, miscellaneous-e-ravolumes and 8 pamphlets.A. K. Parker, miscellaneous-e-ravolumes.Southern Pacific Company, reports-7 volumes.A. A. Stagg, Cap and Gown-Iovolumes.United States government, docu­ments and reports-e-r oa volumes.APPOINTMENTS TO FELLOWSHIPSFOR THE YEAR 1909-10One hundred appointments to fellowships have recently beenmade by the University of Chicago for the year 1909-10, as givenbelow. The wide distribution of the fellowships is shown in thefact that twenty-eight different states are represented, as well asCanada and England.Henry Foster AdamsGeorge D. AllenCharles Lawrence BakerRaymond W. BaldwinAlbert Heyman NachmanBaronGeorge William BartelmezLuther Lee BernardOttilie Gertrude BoetzkesEmory S. BogardusAlice Freda BraunlichHazel Louise BrownHenry Raymond BrushWilliam Frank BryanDaniel BuchananGeorge Miller CalhounAndrew Graham CampbellLily Bess CampbellEmma Perry CarrEthel Mary ChamberlainWilliam Ludlow CheneryGrace Lucretia ClappJ. Harry CloEarl Francis Colborn Ph.B. Ohio Wesleyan University, Psy-chology; IllinoisA.B. Oberlin College, Zoology; OhioS.B. University of Chicago, Paleontology;IllinoisA.B., AM. Me Pherson College; A.M. Uni­versity of Kansas, Political Econ­omy; KansasA.B. University of Colorado; A.M. ClarkUniversity, Sociology; ColoradoS.B. New York University, Zoology; NewYorkA.B. University of Missouri, Sociology ;MissouriAB., A.M. University of Washington; Ger­man ; WashingtonA.B. Northwestern University, Sociology;IllinoisA.B. University of Chicago, Latin; IowaAB. University of Chicago; A.M. Ibid.,Greek; IllinoisAB. Adelbert College, Romance; MichiganPh.B. University of North Carolina; A.M.University of Chicago, English;North CarolinaAB. McMaster University, Astronomy; Can­adaAB. University of Chicago, Greek; FloridaAB. McMaster University; AM. Ibid., Sys­tematic Theology; CanadaL.B. and A.M. University of Texas, English;OhioS.B. University of Chicago, Chemistry; OhioAB. Lombard College, Psychology; Pennsyl­vaniaAB. Randolph-Macon College, Sociology;VirginiaA.B. Smith College; AM. Ibid., Botany; Con­necticutS.M. State College of Kentucky, Physics;WashingtonA.B. Miami University; A.M. University ofCincinnati, History; Ohio303Charles Wallace CollinsTHE UNIVERSIT¥ OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWinifred Gardner CrowellBenjamin Franklin DavisLloyd Lyne DinesCharles Arthur ExleyElmer Kendall EyerlyFrances FentonMabel Ruth FernaldCarol Howe FosterRichard White GentryJohn Cowper GranberryArthur Jackson HallCharles Oscar HardyCharles Joseph HaresEdlo Lewis HendricksMurray Gardner HillIvan Le� HoltHoward Archibald HubbardMary Inda HusseyMary JohnstonRichard Orlando J oliffeHilton Ira JonesElij ah JordanWilliam Henry KadeschFred Conrad KochFrancis Waldemar KracherHarvey Brace LemonEdwin Russell LloydHoward Johnson LucasWilliam Ferdinand LuebkeRobert Bryan McCordHarry Albert McGillHarris Lachlan McNeill Ph.B. University of Chicago, Semitics; Ala­bamaPh.B. University of Chicago, English; CanadaA.B. University of Wisconsin, Pathology;IllinoisA.B. Northwestern University ; AM. Ibid.,Mathematics; IllinoisA.B. University of Nebraska, SystematicTheology; Nebraska .»AB. Franklin and Marshall College; A.M.Ibid., Sociology; MarylandAB. Vassar College, Sociology ; New YorkA.B. M t. Holyoke College, Psychology; OhioA.B. Oxford University, English; KansasA.B. University of Missouri, Church His-tory; IllinoisA.B. Randolph-Macon College; D.B. Vander­bilt University; A.M. University ofChicago, Biblical Greek; VirginiaA.B. Richmond College; AM. Ibid.; D.B.Crozer Theological Seminary; Th.M.Ibid.; VirginiaA.B. Ottawa University, History; KansasS.B. Syracuse University; �.M. Ibid., Geol­ogy; New YorkAB. Franklin College; A.M. Indiana Univer­sity, Education; IndianaA.B. University of Kansas; AM. Ibid., Eng­lish, KansasA.B. Vanderbilt University, Semitics; Arkan­sasA.B. Ohio Wesleyan University; AM. Ibid.,Political Economy; OhioPh.B. University of Leipzig; Ph.D. Ibid.,Semi tics; OhioA.B. Indiana University ; AM. Ibid., Latin;Illinois.A.B. University of Toronto, Latin; CanadaA.B. Parker College; S.B. Ibid.; A.M. DrakeUniversity; S.M. Harvard University,Chemistry; IllinoisA.B. Indiana University, Philosophy; In­dianaS.B. Ohio Wesleyan University, Physics;OhioS.B. University of Illinois; S.M. Ibid., Physi­ology; IllinoisA.B. Central College, Missouri, German;IllinoisA.B. University of Chicago, Physics; IllinoisAB. Ohio Wesleyan University; A.B. OxfordUniversity, Geology; West VirginiaA.B. Ohio State University; AM. Ibid.,Chemistry; OhioA.B. University of Wisconsin; A.B. North­western University, German; Wis­consinA.B. Florida State College, Sociology; FloridaA. B. University of Chicago, History; OhioA.B. McMaster University, Biblical Greek;CanadaAPPOINTMENTS TO FELLOWSHIPS FOR THE YEAR I909-IO 305Bertram Reid MacKayRobert Alexander MacLeanBasil M. ManleyEdgar Allen MenkEgbert T. MilesEdward James MooreHarold Glenn MoultonArthur Bernard MuddimanRoland NealChester William NewJeanette Brown ObenchainTheodore Calvin PeaseFrederick Albert PeekElmer George PetersenRoswell Talmadge PettitClaude Anderson PhillipsArthur Dunn PitcherClarence J. PrimmEthel Claire RandallJ ames Garfield RandallHomer Blossom ReedFrank Egleston RobbinsCarlO. SauerClara SchmittCharles Ward SchroederFrederick Snyder Seegs­millerRoyal Russ ShumwayMathew Lyle SpencerMartin SprenglingJohn Elbert StoutEdward James Strick S.B. School of Mining, Kingston, Ontario,Geology; CanadaA.B. Queen's University, Greek; CanadaA.B. Washington and Lee University, Politi­cal Economy; South CarolinaA.B. Indiana University, Sanskrit; IndianaA.B. Indiana University; A.M. SwarthmoreCollege, Mathematics: IndianaA.B. Oberlin College; AM. Ibid., Physics;IllinoisPh.B. University of Chicago, Political Econ­omy; MichiganA.B. King's College, Sanskrit; EnglandA.B. Cornell College; A.M. Ibid., Geography;South DakotaA.B. Toronto University; Th.E. McMasterUniversity; D.B. Ibid.; CanadaPh.B. University of Chicago, Anthropology;FloridaPh.B. University of Chicago, History; Illi­noisA.B. Cornell University; A.M. Ibid., English;New YorkS.B. Agricultural College of Utah, Bacter­iology ; UtahS.B. University of Chicago, Pathology; Illi­noisS.B. Odessa College; S.M. Ibid., Education;MissouriA.B. University of Kansas; A.M. Ibid.,Mathematics; KansasA.B. Park College, Missouri; A.M. Univer­sity of Kansas; A.M. University ofMissouri, Political Economy; KansasPh.B. University of Chicago; Ph.M. Ibid. ,English, IllinoisA.B. University of Chicago; A.M. Ibid.,History; IndianaA.B. University of Indiana, Philosophy; In­dianaA.B. Wesleyan University, Greek; Massa­chusettsA.B. Central Wesleyan College, Geography;MissouriA.B. University of Missouri, Education; Mis­souriA.B. University of California, Political Econ­omy; IllinoisPh.B. University of Chicago, Political Econ­omy; IowaA.B. University of Minnesota, Mathematics;MinnesotaA.B. Kentucky Wesleyan College; A.M.Northwestern University, English;South CarolinaA.B. Northwestern College, Biblical Greek;IllinoisA.B. Cornell College; Ph.M. University ofChicago, Education; IllinoisA.B. University of Michigan, Anatomy; Illi­nois306 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJulia Jessie TaftEdwin Leodgar TheissHarlan Leo TrumbullJoseph Bertram UmplebyFred Wilbert UpsonCharles Herman ViolVictor J. WestMarion Ballantyne WhiteJames Remus WrightHarlan Harvey YorkM 1 ry Sophia Young A.B. University of Chicago; Ph.B. ius; Phi­losophy; IowaA.B. N orthwestern University; Greek, Illi­noisA.B. University of Washington, Chemistry;WashingtonA.B. University of Washington, Geology ;WashingtonS.B. University of Nebraska, Chemistry;NebraskaS.B. Purdue University, Chemistry; IndianaPh.B. University of Chicago, PoliticalScience; IllinoisPh.B. University of Michigan; A.M. Uni­versity of Wisconsin, Mathematics;IllinoisS.B. Westminster College, Physics; OhioS.B. DePauw University; A.M. Ohio StateUniversity, Botany; TexasA.B. V\'r ellesley College, Botany; NebraskaDISCUSSION AND COMMENTALUMNI DAY-JUNE 15Every graduate of the University,whether near or far, should put alarge red mark around June IS. onhis calendar. Long before that timehe should join the great trek Chi­cagoward. June IS will be one ofthe biggest days in the Universityyear, marking both Convocation Dayand Alumni Day, which this year arecombined into one great festival.In December, 1908, the ExecutiveCommittee decided to celebrateAlumni Day on Convocation Day.Many business men urged thechange, finding it impracticable toleave their work for Alumm Day onSaturday, and again for the Convo­cation on the following Tuesday.This year's plan is an experimentwhich calls for the hearty supportof every alumnus to make the re­union the best in the history of theAssociation.The Convocation 'exercises are setfor II o'clock. The Universityluncheon wi11last till about 2 o'clock.From that time on the day will begiven over to the alumni. The gen­eral schedule already completed in­cludes the following events:3 P. M.-Alumni track meet andbaseball game on Marshall Field.4 P. M.-Class reunions on thecampus.5 P. M.-Band concert at the CBench.6 P. M.-The alumni dinner inHutchinson Hall, including the annualbusiness meeting, the welcoming ofthe class of 1909 and ten-minute talks.9 P. M.-Alumni dance in the Rey­nolds Club.Theodore B. Hinckley, '04, ischairman of the day and the class of1904 will have general charge of theprogramme. Assisted by a committeecomposed of Arthur Leroy Young,Leo Wormser, Oliver Wyman, Ar­thur Lord, and Edward Ferris, hehas been interesting alumni in theforthcoming events. Subsidiary com­mittees from the different classes will work this month on arrange­ments for the day.A group of loyal Chicago alumniwho have their offices in the loopdistrict of Chicago met at luncheonon Saturday, April 17, in the Unionrestaurant and started the ball roll­ing for a series of alumni luncheons,to be held every Saturday from12 : 30 to 2 o'clock in the grill roo.msof the city clubs. The first meetingbrought out an enthusiastic numberof Chicago men. The sentiment �asunanimous that the forthcommgshould be the best and most suc­cessful ever held on the campus.Alumni in Chicago are urged toattend the weekly luncheons, the placeof which can be found out by com­municating with any member of theExecutive Committee or by telephon­ing the secretary. The "get-together"meetings will do much to arouseinterest among a large alumni bodywhich otherwise cannot keep in touchwith the work of the committee.The slogan of the meetings is "Bringyour classmates." This process ofpersonal communication reaches alarge number not so 'easily interestedby letter.The alumnae of the iTniversitycan do much work along the samelines as' that being done by the men.The chief results are expected fromthe Chicago Alumnae Club, whichnow is a strong organization ofwomen graduates resident in Chi­cago. Special meetings a re to beheld to develop plans for the day.The women's movement, however,will not be limited to a group but allwho can be ccmmunicated with willbe enlisted.I t is most important of all thatthe alumni respond promptly to thenotices announcing the annual dinner.This year it will be held in the Uni­versity Commons at 6: 30 o'clock andwill include the annual business meet­ing. The secretary must know a weekbefore exactly how many to pre­pare for, in order to avoid a deficit.308 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlumni who do not respond to theannouncements and then expect toattend the dinner probably will notfind a place reserved for them. Itis absolutely necessary that Mr. T. L.Barrel, manager of the Commons,know a good while before the dinnerhow many people he is to serve, andthe Association 'cannot incur the riskof running into debt by making anestimate from appearances. Thenotices must be responded to with­out delay. On account of the in­creased interest in this year's ar­rangements it is expected that thecrowd will be very large.According to the new plan theaddresses at the dinner will not par­take of the formal nature of thelast few years but will be interestingsketches, five to ten minutes long,taking up a short time after theannual business meeting, which isto follow directly on the dinner. Itis believed that a reunion partakingof no formalities will please moreuniformly than a dinner with setspeeches.Alumni also should signify as earlyas possible their intention to attendon Alumni Day to Mr. Hinckley, inorder that the names may be takeninto account in arranging for thenumberless attractions the Committeehas up its composite sleeve. Empha­sis is being laid upon the unique andunusual. The athletic meet will bereplete with sensations. The longdistance Marathon, the Olympicgames, the Hippodrome and thefeats of skill are only a part of themany good things that will be an­nounced from time to time. Sothorough will be the arrangementsof the committee that even the spec­tators will be numbered, and thecheerleaders of former years willhave their places before the grand­stand to lead the cheering as in daysof old.Alumni will be accorded everycourtesy on the part of the Uni­versity. Applications for tickets tothe Convocation have always beenhonored and it is probable thatarrangements will be made foraccommodating a larger body ofalumni than heretofore. The Uni­versity luncheon will not interfere in any way with the alumni dinner-both are important Universityfunctions that will serve to empha­size the scope of the University'Sactivities.Convocation Day and Alumni Daymean one big Chicago Day foralumni, the graduating class, theundergraduates, and all departmentsof the University. It will be amatter of pride to every alumnus thathis share in the festivities has con­tributed effectively to the generalsuccess.THE ALICE FREEMAN PALMERBELLSIn the near future the Universitycommunity will enjoy the threeforms of bell ringing planned forthe A lice Freeman Palmer bells. Aswas explained at the time of theirdedication the bells will be rung inthree ways: A clock made by theboys of the Chicago Manual Train­ing School, now a part of the U ni­versity High School, will ring the\1\1 estminster quarters; by means ofchiming apparatus one person is en­abled to ring tunes, and Englishchange-ringing will be maintained assoon as a suitable ringing band hasbeen organized. The developmentof these forms has been long delayedbecause of the condition of theringing-room in the tower. Thisroom has now been finished in keep­ing with the rest of the TowerGroup. An exhibition case cleverlyequipped with devices for maintain­ing an equable temperature for theclock works has been installed; thechiming apparatus has been fixed;and the ringing ropes are in position.From this time forward it is likelythat the University community willenj oy all three forms of ringing.The cIock, because of the inabilityof the architects to include a dial inthe face of the Mitchell Tower, willsound the time, instead of indicatingits passage on a clock face. Theclock has been ready for some time;and its case is now completed. TheUniversity awaits therefore its in­stallation by Mr. Earl B. Ferson, ofthe University High School, who hasDISCUSSION AND COMMENTsupervised the making of the clocksince its inception.At 10: 30 each chapel morning thebells are chimed for five minutes;on Sundays tunes are played from10 :30 to 10 :45. From 5: 55 to. 6 :05in the afternoon the bells are chimedto mark the completion of the Uni­versity working day. Each holidaywill be marked by chiming at noon.Alice Freeman Palmer's birthday,February 21, will be regularlymarked by the chiming, at mid-day, ofthe hymn composed by Mrs. Palmer.Considerable difficulty has beenmet with in finding melodies suitedto the ten bells. Those interestedin the subj ect will contribute muchto the happiness of all within thesound of the bells by composing ortranscribing suitable melodies forten notes-from E-flat to G abovethe octave in the scale of E-flat.Genuine bell ringers, such as arefound in every hamlet in England,regard change-ringing as the onlylegitimate exercise upon bells. Inchange-ringing there must he a manat each bell rope; each man mustbe thoroughly trained; not only tohandle his bell, but to keep his placein the sequence as the bells are rung.When one considers that upon eightbells 40,320 changes can be rung;upon nine bells 362,880, and upon tenbells 3,628,800, one can very wellsee that accuracy in method is essen­tial in every ringer.When it became known that a pealof bells would be hung in MitchellTower, some twenty-two expertringers of England expressed theirdesire to come to this 'Country toring the Chicago bells. Three menactually did seek employment inChicago, so that for their recreationthey might engage in ringing.Three other ringers were found inthe city. These men made up thefirst band to practice upon the bells.Every Saturday evening from 7: 30to 8: 30 these men practiced, untilthe ringing-room had to be sur­rendered to the decorators and car­penters. The first record of a pealupon the bells was made Saturday,November 21, 1908, when upon sixbells a peal of Plain Bob Minor, con­stituting 720 changes, was rung in twenty-six minutes. The ringerswere: Ben Read, treble; Bert Cowl­ing, second; Norman Wakefield,third; Fred Barraclough, fourth; F.Rumens, fifth; George Barraclough,tenor. The peal was conducted byGeorge Barraclough. It is to behoped that members of the Uni­versity may soon have an opportunityto learn the management of the bellsand to practice change-ringing, sothat on great occasions the bells mayspeak our joy.THE UNIVERSITY CLUBThe organization and successfulmanagement of university clubs inthe leading cities of the ·United.States, is a credit to any communityof college men, but the recent estab­lishment of the University Club ofChicago in its new home on Michi­gan A venue is an achievement thatstands out as a strong endorse­ment of the college spirit of westernmen. It should be a matter of prideto the University public to knowthat University of Chicago. alumnihave. had no small part in makingpossible the new building, thebeautiful twelve-story home of col­legiate Gothic, so well known throughits use in the buildings of the Uni­versity.The cost of the new clubhousewas over one million dollars. I t isregarded by architects as a triumphin that pleasing Byzantine Gothicwhich only in rare instances has beendeveloped in buildings rising higherthan the fifth story. I t is built ofgray Bedford stone, which gives ita distinction on the lake front, andeffectively sets it off from the brickand dark stone of the adj oiningbuildings. Even when its gray shallhave become darkened by the sootand dust of a great city, its softlines will stand out in wonderfulcontrast to the inharmonious archi­tecture of adj oining office structures.The architects 'for the buildingwere Holabird & Roche, and thedecorators were Frederick Clay Bart­lett and Otto Heinigke. I t will beremembered that Mr. Bartlett paintedthe beautiful mural decorations inBartlett Gymnasium.310 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Gothic style has been carriedout to the smallest detail. One ofthe most interesting rooms in thebuilding is the dining-room on theninth floor, planned in sever e Gothic,with a length of 86� feet by 43 feet.The distance from the floor to thecrest of the arch and groined ceil­ing is 36 feet, 7 inches. The designis copied from Crosby Hall, London,but the room is larger than the Hall.There are five pendants from thegroined roof. The walls, to theheight of 2I feet, where thebases of the groined arches arereached, are of Bedford stone. Theroom is lighted from three sidesthrough great mullioned windows.The lower panes are of clear glass,and the upper ones leaded, the colorsgrowing darker toward the top ofthe windows, thus giving a dim, mel­low light in the upper part of thehall. College Hall on the eighthfloor will be used for dinners, smok­ers, and meetings of alumni associa­tions. I t is paneled to the ceiling,which is plastered and divided intopanels by heavy beams of oak. Thelibrary is also located on the eighthfloor, and is Elizabethan in style.Here, also, the Gothic influence hasbeen maintained. The beautifulmantels remind one of similar man­tels in the Reynolds Club.At present about seventy-fivegraduates of the University of Chi­cago are joined with the graduatesof all the great universities of thecountry in building up the Univer­sity Club.STUDENT APPRECIATION OF ARTCommenting on the fact that everyseat was not taken at the concertgiven by the Theodore ThomasOrchestra in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall on the afternoon ofApril I3, Georgie Pullen Jackson,'04, writes in the Maroon:In Chicago, where our progressivegait is elastic on account of ourabounding energy and our emancipa­tion from the hampering bonds of tra­dition, we dare and do many thingswhich are impossible in older andmore rigid surroundings. For in- stance we bid a symphony orchestra,of a standing which is recognized inthe musical world as being of the high­est, to come for a series of concerts,at a time, place, and price peculiarlysuited to our circumstances as stu­dents,It comes, and-strange to relate-isconfronted with large areas of emptyseats. Our students are not there.••.• Perhaps these magnificent con­certs are so near our doors in such anideal theater, and at such availableprices, that we have ceased to prizethem.Mr. Jackson's comment brings upthe reason for the difference betweenthe patronage at a concert at theUniversity of Chicago, and at anyother university in the middle West,where halls are overcrowded onevery occasion of this kind. On theface of it, it would seem impossibleto conceive anything more astound­ing than the spectacle of one of thegreatest orchestras playing at a uni­versity to a house three-quarters full.It might argue a woeful lack ofunderstanding on the part of thestudents-a strange indifference toculture in its highest form. Yetsuch a criticism would be harsh andunjust.If statistics could be prepared, theyprobably would show Chicago stu­dents spending a large sum of moneyfor good music. The grand operaseason calls out the inter€St of alarge body of music lovers. TheOrchestra concerts, the recitals byeminent musicians, the concerts ofChicago musical organizations-allreceive their share of Universitypatronage throughout the year.'When one considers the plethora ofopportunities that surround Chicagostudents, the criticism must be cen­tered on their lack of discrimination.It is undoubtedly true that here,as elsewhere, students spend much oftheir time in pleasures which leaveno lasting good. They attend playsthat are ephemeral and without virtueeven as entertainment. In order toappreciate some of them, the col­lege-bred man has to stoop down.The lesson he has to learn is thatof proper discrimination; of findingOtU that he can educate himself upto his pleasures.CORRESPONDENCE[The University of Chicago Magazine welcomes letters from graduates, faculty, and studentson University topics. Correspondence should beat the signature of the writer. The Magazineis not responsible for opinions expressed in contributions.]A MOTTO FROM THE "AENEID"Editor of the Magazine:Sir: How would the followingadaptation of Virgil's Aeneid, BookII, lines 604-6 do for a motto forthe new University of Chicago seal?"N ubem, quae mortales habetal visus,eripiam."MARY H. CURTISS, '05Crown Point, Ind.A MOTTO SUGGESTION FROMBERLINEditor of the Magazine:Sir: In selecting a motto anddesign for our University let uschoose something distinctly Ameri­can. My Americanism is no doubtintensified by my being abroad, butlet us not go back to the classics, norborrow pots and pans from ourneighbors as Stanford has done bychoosing a German motto; we haveenough of our own, our language andliterature being the richest of alltime. If we take, "The truth shallmake us free," let us make it moreemphatic by shortening it to "Truthmakes us free," or "Truth is free­dom." American pluck is well ex­pressed in Browning's "Home­Thoughts from the Sea" by thewords, "We fall to rise." How would"Higher, Higher, Higher!" do, morestrongly punctuated if desired?Let us depend upon our own re­sources, and have nothing that wasever used before.If we must have something notEnglish and puzzling let 11S still beAmericans and take something fromthe Indians. We appreciate most ineach nation the characteristic thingspertaining to it; beyond our Ameri­can spirit and ideals the Indian isthe most original thing we have topresent to the world. Indian ideasare crude, but poetical and mythical,and their rude dress, tents, canoes, and war implements are most pictur­esque. To have the seal designedwith Indian setting, and our mottoin picture writing, I think, would beunique and interesting; in that event,perhaps, we would be obliged to putthe translation under the motto. TheIndian word Chicago might be in­corporated in the design.The Mazamar, a mountain climb­ing club of the West, has an Indianmotto, the literal translation of whichis "vVe go away high up."I cannot urge too strongly mydesire that our seal shall be first ofall American, not classical, notforeign. Let us match our strengthin this matter with ages past, thepresent age, and ages to come.NETTIE SPENCER, '99.Berlin, Kleist Str. IICHICAGO INFLUENCE IN CHINAEditor The Magazine:Sir: I want to tell you brieflyof Hangchow and of the work herein educating the women and girls.Hangchow, a coast city a littlesouth of Shanghai, is described byMarco Polo as one of the mostbeautiful and prosperous cities ofhis time. Some of the things hedescribes are still here for us toenj oy and admire, but others havevanished or undergone greatchanges. _The old city wall fortyor fifty feet wide, with turrets andwatch towers, gates and moats,makes the ancient and mediaevalwar tales vivid, indeed. WestLake just outside the city wall isas beautiful as ever while many ofits interesting- features still survivethe ages, notably an old pagoda onethousand years old, and the im­perial palace (as this was formerlythe southern capital) now used asa library by the officials of the city.Inside the city, the Great Street, thebusiness center, is as gay as for-3II312 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmerly with variegated banners andsigns, while within the stores, openon one side to the street, the mer­chants are as busy and as polite aswhen Marco Polo called attentionto it as a prosperous business place.At present the old ancient city israpidly passing away as one west­ern innovation after another is in­troduced-railroads, telephones, andstores with foreign goods. Butmost noticeable and ludicrous in thistransition period is the adoption ofarticles of western dress with noreference whatever to the eternalfitness of things. And so we maysee a man coming down the streetwith a pair of farmer's cowhideboots protruding from beneath anankle-length, sky-blue silk gown; ora girl coming to school with boys'heavy shoes over her white socksand beneath her gaily flowered,ankle-length trousers.The education of men has beenchanged within the last few years,by imperial decrees, from the oldexamination system to one of west­ern type. But great as this changeis, a greater has come and is comingin regard to the education of womenand girls. The girls until recentlyhave had no education whatever,and even now it is astonishing tosee the women in official houseswho cannot even read. I heard one,the wife of an official widelytraveled in America and Europe,say mournfully, "It's impossible tolearn to read Chinese charactersafter one is thirty." This is thewail of the high-class women ofChina, and in consequence of sucha realization of their lack we havehad many of these young marriedwomen ask if they might not be ad­mitted to our girls' school. Thedesire for education of women isnow being pressed from all sides,not only by the women and girlswho desire it so much, but by thegovernment, and by the youths whoare demanding educated wives. Inour school there are some girlsw hose expenses are being paid bytheir future fathers-in-law, theirown families not seeing the neces­sity of thus equipping their daugh­ters.In Hangchow, a city of a mil- lion or more. inhabitants, there arebesides the American and Englishschools (six in number), severalgovernment schools. These areprivate schools and accommodateonly a limited number of pupils.There is evidently money being putinto it, for buildings and equipment,maps, charts, gymnasiums, and thelike are good but courses of studyand teaching are inferior accordingto our standards. But they havetaken a long step and we hope to beable to help them by supplying someof these schools with trained com­petent teachers, Chinese graduatesfrom our school. The governmenthas just issued another edict re­questing the governors of provincesto advance education of women intheir respective districts.MARY A. NOURSE '05Wayland Academy,Hangchow, ChinaPENNSYLVANIA'S NEW HYMNA feature of the celebration ofWashington's birthday at the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania, when Presi­dent-elect Taft addressed thestudents, was the singing of thenew Pennsylvania hymn, "Ave Penn­sylvania," recently composed by Dr.S. Weir Mitchell, the author ofHugh Wynne, The Red City, etc.The hymn is dedicated to ProvostHarrison, and several of the stanzasfollow:Ave materna!Loving and wise,The light of the agesIs bright in thy eyes.Ave triump hans!Proud heiress of himWhose fame writ in lightningShall time never dim.Mater amata !Mother adoredOf men who were nobleBy pen and by sword.Laurels unfadingForever are thine,But fresh are the rosesWe lovingly twine.Mater dilecta!Lo from aboveHeaven smiles down on thee,Take thou our love.UNDERGRADUATE LIFEATHLETICSMay 15 will be Illinois Day atChicago. On that date the j oint trackmeet and baseball game betweenuniversities of Chicago and Illinoiswill take place on Marshall Field,the meet opening at I: 45 P. M. andthe baseball game at 4 P. M Assistedby the fraternities of both schools,and Coach Huff of Lllinois, CoachStagg is interesting the alumni andurging them to make May 15 thetime for a general reunion.The schedule of baseball and otherevents for the Spring Quarter fol­lows:May I-Arkansas at Chicago.May 8-Dual meet, Wisconsin atMadison.Mav 8-Wisconsin at Madison.May 12-Illinois at Champaign.May 13-Minnesota at Chicago.May Is-Dual meet, Illinois at Chi-cago.May Is-Illinois at Chicago.May I 8-N orthwestern at Chicago.May 2I-Illinois at Champaign.May 22-Dual meet, Purdue at Chi-cago.May 22-Purdue at Chicago.May 26-Illinois at Chicago.May 29-Wisconsin at Chicago.June s-Conference athletic meet atChicago.June I2-Interscholatic athletic meet.The Varsity baseball team, a�­though hampered by untowardweather in the first month of thequarter, is ready to take up itsschedule. Up to the opening of theConference season the team had aclean slate, the victories being asfollows:April I-Chicago 2, Armour InstituteI.April 3-Chicago 6, Armour InstituteI.April 8-Chicago 4, Lake Forest 3(ten innings) .April Io-Chicago 5, River Forest 4.The Varsity track team closes theseason on June S with the Confer­ence meet on Marshall Field. Al­though Director Stagg has muchfaith in his younger candidates, the stars who won the meet for Chicagolast year and who, if present, wouldinsure another victory are out ofConference athletics. In J908 Mer­riam scored ten of the twenty-fourpoints which won the meet, Schom­mer six, Jacobs five, and Garrettthree. Merriam and Schommer havecompleted their careers and Jacobsand Garrett are not in residence.The Freshman baseball team isbeing coached by Fred M. Walker,assisted by John J. Schommer. Thetrack team is under Norman Barkerand Ed Parry.The Varsity basket-ball team metfor the last time on April 3 at adinner at the Stratford Hotel. Hoff­man, the star guard for two years,was chosen captain for next year.Joy Clark, E. P� Hubble, and A. C.Kelly will be awarded the major C.Comparative statistics prepared byDr. Joseph E. Raycroft accordhonors to the members of the cham­pion team. Schommer has a recordof having only two field goalsscored against him, both being madeby Stiehm of Wisconsin, while hescored 37 baskets and 104 points.Georgen and Clark outplayed theiropponents 50 to 25 and 53 to 17baskets respectively, while Page made9 baskets to his opposing forward's8 and Hoffman ended the season oneven terms, 10 to 10. The total ofpoints gives Chicago 281 against 126made by opponents.Following last year's policy, CoachStagg again offers University ofChicago students a season ticket toall athletic events for $2. Accom­panying this announcement, Mr.S J agg sent out letters to the frater­nities and other interested individualsasking their co-operation in sellingfive hundred tickets and awakening anew spirit in spring athletics.Director Stagg attended the meet­ing of the football rules committeein New York early in the quarterand returned to Chicago with theannouncement of two changes ofimportance. A place or drop kick314 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfrom the field hereafter will count'three points. The other alterationgives the team forced back of itsown goal line for a touchback theprivilege of punting or of puttingthe ball in scrimmage on the 25-yardline.The gymnasium team, accompaniedby David F. Davis, fencer, and T.C. Galloway, wrestler, participatedin the Western Conference meet onApril 17 at Lincoln, Neb. The send­ing of a fencing representative bringsthat sport into greater prominencein the University. In a meet duringthe spring vacation at the IllinoisAthletic Association, Hannum, Mix,Fishman, and Levinger carried offthe first four places at rapiers, de­feating last year's state champion andmaking the best showing yet re­corded by any University fencingteam. Eight men have been recom­mended to receive the minor C inthis sport, the necessary qualifica­tions being a victory in 40 per cent.of the bouts, when ten flights havebeen held.The swimming season closed April15 with the annual dual meet withPennsylvania in Bartlett Gymnasium.The Yale meet to have been held inChicago on April 3 was called offby the eastern University. On April9 the Varsity swimming team helda practice meet with the squad ofthe Chicago Athletic Association.The one-mile relay team took partin the Pennsylvania meet at Phila­delphia on April 24. The track andbaseball teams will celebrate Chi­cago Day at Wisconsin 011 May 8 ina dual meet.N early eighty secondary schoolshave entered in the annual inter­scholastic meet to be held on Mar­shall Field on June 12. The entriesare larger and the meet is morepromising than in previous years.The athletes will be entertained witha dance at the Reynolds Club and theannual vaudeville.DRAMATICSThe Lyrica] Liar, under the direc­tion of George Herbert and KennardBarradell, will be presented by theBlackfriars in Leon Mandel Assem- bly Hall on nights of May 20, 21, and22, having been postponed one weekfrom the dates originally set. Partsin the cast will be taken by WinstonP. Henry, Renslow Sherer,' EdParry, H. R. Baukhage, W. F. Mer­rill, J. W. Morrison, Dean Kennedy,and Frank Parker.The men of Arts College will pre­sent Professor Frank ]. Miller'stranslation of the Greek playPhormia, by Terence, about the mid­dle of the Spring Quarter.Sock and Buskin, the .PhilosophyCollege dramatic club, has electedSarah Wilkes, president, MargaretFord, vice-president and Sue Chat­field, treasurer.Science College women presentedThe Kleptomaniac on Saturday,March 12, in the Reynolds Clubtheater. The cast included: AnneMarie Wever, Lillian Francis, AnnaGlerum, Eva Brown, Marion Finney,Christine Fuchs, and Lucille Taylor.SENIOR DAY EXERCISESSenior Day will be observed onthe University quadrangles on Mon­day, June 14, with the followingprogramme:MORNING10 : 30 A. M.- The raising of theSenior flag. Address by Dean JamesR. Angell. Raising of the flag byEdward MeBride.11 : 00 A. M.- The Senior play, LeonMandel Assembly Hall. Written byHoward P. Blackford.12 ; 00 A. M.- The Senior frolic.Sack and pillow races and ball gamebetween '09 and '10.AFTERNOON1 : 00 P. M.-Senior luncheon inHutchinson Court.1 : 30 P. M.-Farewell march over thecampus.2: 00 P. M.-Concert by the Univer­si ty . Band at the C bench.The Senior Bench exercises willbegin at the Senior Bench at 2: 30o'clock. William P. MacCracken,president of the class, w711 preside.The programme will be as follows:Address by William P. MacCracken.Presentation of the cap and gown byMary Courtenay.Response for the Class of 1910 byElizabeth Fogg.Presentation of the Senior hammer byDeWitt B. Lightner.MITCHELL TOWER AND HUTCHINSON HALL FROM HULL COURTA SUMMER PLAY IN SCAMMON GARDENSUNDERGRADUA TE LIFEResponse for the Class of 1910 by, Ralph Cleary.Presentation of the crass gift to the,. University by Renslow Sherer.Response, for the University by Presi­,. dent Harry Pratt Judson.U'he Class Poem: Written by HarryA. Hansen; Presented by Winston" P� .Henry.The Class Oration by Walter P. Steffen.Presentation of the Senior Bench byHarry A. Hansen.Response for the . Class of 1910 by< Harlan Page.The Class History, by Katharine. Slaught.Singing of the class song.Singing of the Alma Mater.. The executive committee has ar­tangled a series of dinners which willdo much to unite the class into astronger organization. The first din­ner and smoker for the men tookplace on April, 14 in the privatedining-room of the Commons.GENERAL NEWSThe University Equal SuffrageClub met April 8 to hear ProfessorW. I. Thomas speak on "The Statusof Woman."The final dance of the year of theScore Club was given in RosalieHall on Aprilj o and closed a mostsuccessful season.� Miss Bertha Conde, national stu­dent secretary, was the guest of theLeague during the week of April 3,and led the Conference on PersonalReligion. '� "Only one man in fifty succeedstoday," was the statement of Mr.Courtenay Barber, president of theEquita'ble Insurance Society, beforethe Commercial Clu? in the. Hutch':mson 'Commons cafe on April 7.t As a result of its success in itshcation trip of mOore than one thou­�and miles through Illinois and Iowa,the Glee Club is planning to giveseveral concerts and a dinner duringthe last term or the Spring Quarter.i A joint billiard and pool tourna­kent for associate members of theReynolds Club will be held thisguarter. A three-cushion," billiardtournament for active members is apew feature, arranged because of theinterest shown in· the tournamentsof the Winter Quarter. At the annual "Ladies' Night" ofthe Pen Club, in Hutchinson cafe onWednesday evening, April 7, nearlysixty were present. A recitation,"The Matinee Girl," written byMarjorie Benton Cooke, '99, wasgiven by Miss Ellen Van Volken­burg. Mr. Emerson Hough-read hisown story "The Holy City Quartet."Mrs. Elia W. Peattie, literary editorof the Chicago Tribune, read apaper on "Young American Drama­tists.'?Fifteen University students haveentered in the last annual oratoricalcontest to be held before the newsystem of the Department of PublicSpeaking is put into effect. Theyare: Hilmar R. Baukhage, Ira N.Davenport, James F. English, C. F.Grider, Isaac E. Ferguson, Helen F.Zurawski, Albert Sabath, NathanielRubinkam, Edgar J. Phillips, C. A.Rouse, Leverett S. Lyon, CharlesF. Lauer, Albert D. Henderson, W.P. Harms, and Edward L. McBride."The college man is no better thanthe uneducated man if he lacksaction, along with the other essen­tials of ability, reliability, and en­durance," was the emphatic declara­tion of A. F. Sheldon, head of theSheldon School and editor of theBusiness Philosopher, in an addressbefore the Commercial Club. "Thesystems of education today are inade­quate," continued Mr. Sheldon, "andeven college courses are open to thedanger of being taught from anobsolete standpoint." He assertedthat all teachers are salesmen andthat every character is changeable.At the annual Y. W. C. L. cabi­net election Geraldine Brown waschosen to succeed Helen . Peck aspresident. Other elections were:First Vice-President-Charlotte Mer­rill.Second Vice-President-s-FlorenceAmes.Secretary-Edith Prindeville.Treasurer-Frances Herrick.Chairmen of committees-Member-ship, Charlotte Merrill; Social, Doro­thy Buckley; Bible-Study, Mollie Car­roll; Mission-Study, Rena Trumbull;Extension, '. Anne Marie Wever; Re­ligious Meetings, Eloise Kellogg;Finance, Margaret Loweth ; Inter ..collegiate, Alice Johnson.RYERSON PHYSICAL LABORATORY FROM HULL COURTTHE LAW LIBRARYTHE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONEDGAR J � GOODSPEED> D.B., '97, SecretaryTHE DIVINITY SCHOOLDean Shailer Mathews and Pro­fessor Soares represented the .Di­vinity School at the annual meetingof the Baptist Theological SeminariesUnion, held at Toronto the last weekin March. ..The Evangelistic Band visitedDowner's Grove, Ill. , April 2-4, tak­ing charge of meetings at the Down­er's .Grove Baptist Church, of whichGeorge W�, Phillips, of the DivinitySchool, is temporarily in charge.At the Divinity School PublicW orspip,' held' Thursday evenings,April 8, IS, and 29, J oseph M� Art­man; D.B., '09, John C. Granbery,and ',' Dean Shailer Mathews, havepreached.Dean Mathews is conducting alarge Sunday morning class at theKenwood Evang.elical Church, andAssociate Professor Gerald B.Smith has been lecturing before asimilar class at St. Paul's Univer­salist Church, Chicago.A delegation of thirty representedthe Divinity School at the AnnualInterseminary Banquet, which washeld March 5, with the McCormickTheological Seminary, at the Churchof the Covenant. Professor Theo­dore G. Soares, D.B.,' 97, and D. M.Simmons, '09, spoke for' the DivinitySchool. More than two hundredand fifty were present '.ALUMNI NEWSW. A. J arrel, ex-'70, has longbeen occupied as a general evan­gelist, with headquarters at Dallas,Texas. Dr. J arrel has published fivebooks, dealing with biblical themes,and has contributed to BibliothecaSacra and other journals.Charles R. Henderson, D.E., '73,and Ira M. Price, D.B., '82, willrepresent the University in July atthe - celebration of the sooth anni­versary of the founding of the Uni­versity of Leipzig, from which bothhave received the degree of Ph.D. Dr. Henderson has been electedSecretary of the Illinois Commissionon Occupational Diseases, recentlyappointed by the Governor.J. Q. A. Henry, D.B., '80, of theFirst Baptist Church, Los Angeles,Cal., has declined the pastorate ofthe Baptist church of' Vancouver,B.C., to 'which he was recently in­vited.Dr. J. W. Conley, D.B., '8I, hascompleted his seventh year in thepastorate of the. First BaptistChurch of Omaha, Neb. During hispastorate the -'church has" increasednotably in strength and numbers,and has erected a fine church build­ing.Dr. O. W. Van Osdel, D.B., �83,has terminated his connection withMcMinnville College, and acceptedthe pastorate of the Wealthy Ave­nue Baptist Church, Grand Rapids,Mich., of which he was formerlypastor.;0. B. Cheney, D.E., '83, who hasbeen located at Waterloo, Ia., hasbecome pastor of the Baptist churchat West Allis, near Milwaukee, Wis.r N. Field, D.B., '88, has resignedthe pastorate of the Baptist churchat Redlands, Cal., to assume thepresidency of the pew University ofRedlands, to the establishment ofwhich he has so importantly con­tributed. The University is ex­pected to open next autumn.Chicago chaplains are makingthemselves felt in both army andnavy. E. R. Patrick, D.E., '97, isstationed at Tutuila, Samoa; andGeorge E. T. Stevenson, D.E., '99, ischaplain of the "Virginia," and onthe recent voyage around the worldwelcomed many Chicago alumni tothat battleship. Julian E. Yates,D.E., '00, is U. S. Army Chaplain,stationed at Moloki Island, Lagunade Bay, Philippine Islands.Dr. George C. Moore, ex-'94, hasresigned the pastorate of the Bap­tist church at Champaign, Ill., to3IBTHE DIVINITY ALUMNI (!SSOCIA'[ION.accept that of the First BaptistChurch of Toledo� O. Dr. Moor isa trustee of Ewing College.R. B. Davidson, D.B�, '97, pastorof the Warren . Avenue BaptistChurch at Detroit, Mich., has ac�cepted the pastorate of the FirstBaptist Church, of Rockford, Ill.Mr. Davidson began his work inRockford early in March.Harry E. Purington, D.B., '97, isat 102 South Lincoln St., Denver,Colo. .Chaplain B. R.. Patrick, D.B., '97,contributed a short account mSamoan of his recent shipwreck onChristmas Island, to the Novembero Le Fa'atonu, the Samoanmonthly published' at Tutuila, Pagopago, under the title "Masina e Tolui Ie vasa Pasefik" (Three Monthson the Pacific).Richard M. Vaughan, D.B., '98,who has been teaching in the Berke­ley, Cal., Baptist . Seminary, has re�turned to the University to corn­plete his work for' the Doctor'sdegree.Franklin D. Elmer, D.B., '98, pastorof the First Baptist Church of Win­sted, Conn., has published an illus­trated handbook, entitled SundaySchool Advance: . Handbook . ofMethod and Equipment (1908). Thishandbook is full of helpful sugges­tions for improving Sunday-schoolwork in all its forms.Carl D. Case, D.B., '98, Ph.D., '99,has completed his first year in thepastorate of the Delaware Ave. Bap­tist Church, Buffalo, More than onehundred members have been receivedin this time, and the benevolent con­tributions of the church have morethan doubled.E. W. Mecum, D.B., '99, formerlyof Independence, Ia., has becomepastor of the Baptist Church atCamarillo, Cal.J. M. Pengelly, a member of theDivinity School during 1899-1901,has been pastor at Brookings, S. D.,less than a year, but marked prog­ress has already been made, morethan seventy-five persons havingbeen received into the church.Frank L. Anderson, D.B., '00, hasjust completed his fourth year in the pastorate of the Normal ParkBaptist Church, Chicago, In thistime, an attractive and substantialchurch building has been erectedat the corner of Seventieth St. andStewart Ave. A fine pipe organ hasbeen put in, and the work of thechurch greatly strengthened.Franklin W. Swift, a member ofthe Divinity School, 1.898-1901, pastorof the Linden Ave. Baptist Church,of Dayton, 0., has secured as hisassociate pastor C. S. Mason, ofCincinnati, who will have charge ofsome of the mission interests of thechurch.Isaac M. Anderson, a member ofthe Divinity School in 1901,' is pro­fessor of Greek in Augustana Col­lege, Rock Island, Ill., from whichinstitution he graduated in 1892.E. M. Jeffers, a member of theDivinity School in 1901-2, has hada most suc·cessful year in his pas­torate at Mitchell, S. D., more thanforty new members having been re­ceived into the church.P. C. Wright, D.B., '02, is pastorof the Central Baptist Church, ofNorwich, Conn., one of the mostimportant congregations in thestate. Mr. Wright has been themeans of stirring the city in reli­g-ious and civic affairs as no otherminister in years has done.Peder Stiansen, a member of theDivinity School in 1902-3, is pastorof the First Norwegian-Danish Bap­tist Church, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr.:Stiansen has built - this church upfrom small beginnings in the Sea­men's Bethel, New York City, untilit now numbers more than one hun­dred members. It "has recentlynurchased a substantial brick churchbuilding in the 'Scandinavian part ofBrooklyn. Mr. Stiansen's addressis 4506 Sixth Ave., Brooklyn.Allen T. Burns, a member of theDivinity School, 1899-1903, and fel­low in biblical theology, 1902-03,who has been dean of the School ofCivics and Philanthropy, in Chicago,has been appointed general secretaryof the Civic Commission of Pitts­burg, Pa. Mr. Burns has removedto Pittsburg, and undertook his newduties early in April.WARREN PALMER BEHANA.B. '94, D.B. '97, PH.D. '99CHARLES SCRIBNER EA'rON, A.B. '00NOMINEES FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONHARRY A. HANSEN, PH.B., '09, Acting General SecretaryTHE ROCK ISLAND ALUMNI CLUBOn Monday evening, March 29, theRock Island Alumni Club held itsdinner in the grill room of Young& McComb at Rock Island with anenthusiastic number of alumni andformer students present. ProfessorShailer Mathews was the guest of theevening and made the principal ad­dress. George G. Perrin, 1'06, wastoastmaster. "Miss Eleanor Craig, '06,spoke on The Relation of theAlumni to the University; MissStella Anderson, '08, on "The Spiritof the University," and Hope Thomp­son, '00, on "The University of TenYears Ago." Dr. Mathews told ofthe inner workings of the Univer­sity, dwelling on its organization, de­velopment and plans for the future.He lauded the work of PresidentHarper and declared that PresidentJudson was an executive of rareability as well as a great adminis­trator. After his address he- wasplied with questions concerning pres­�nt. h�ppenings in the University,indicating that the interest Of thealumni had increased in the yearssince their graduation. Activealumni present were: Stella Ander­son, '08; Etta Beal, '02-'03; P. A.Bendixen, ;02;, Eleanor Craig, '06;Irene Don, 06- 07; Ada Hoebeke 'os:Annie Montgomery, '03-'04; Simo�Mosenfelder, '00-'01 ; George G.Perrin, '06; Hope Thompson, '00;Grace Stafford, '05. The otherspresent had attended the Universityfor a short time only.Miss Eleanor Craig, '06, receivedon Wednesday afternoon, March 24,from 4 to 6 o'clock for the Univer­sity Glee Club, which gave a concertat the Harper House parlors on thesame evening. The guests were thepatronesses for the concert and themembers of the Rock Island AlumniClub. Miss Craig was assisted inreceiving by Gordon Ericson di­rector of the Glee Club and G�or(reG. Perrin, 1'06, president of the Alumni Club. Each patroness hadbeen asked to bring a young woman,a plan that met with much favoramong the members of the GleeClub. About one hundred werepresent. Maroon tulips were usedin the decorations.NEWS FROM THE PHILIPPINESFrank R. White, '00, is director ofthe 19.09 Teachers' Assembly whichopened at Baguio on April 12 tocontin�e. until May.? The Chicagoalumni 111 the Philippines annuallyhold a meeting during this session.David P. Barrows, Ph.D. '97, di­rector of education for the Philip­pine Islands is on the programmefor a series of lectures on "ThePhi�ipp'ines under the Rule ofSpain, Last year Professor Wil­liam D. MacClintock and ProfessorFrederick Starr of the Universityspoke at the Assembly.Dr. Barrows has sent an invita­tion to Dr. Thomas C. Chamberlinand Professor Ernest De Witt Burtonat Pekin asking them to visit Manilaan� the Assembly. In the event oftheir a�c�pt�nce a special meeting ofthe Philippine Alumni Club will beheld.Frank R. White was chosen presi­den.t of the Philippine Inter-Frat­errnty Association at its first dinnerheld in February. Seventy men wer�present, representing twenty-five col­leges and universities and seventeenfraternities.NEW ALUMNI CLUBSMovements are on foot in impor­tant cities of the United States forthe o_rganization. of clubs amongalumni of t�e University of Chicago.,\hose. resident 111 Indianapolis,N ashville, San Francisco, and Toledoare asked to cooperate with the fol­lowing alumni:Indianapolis-Howard Woodhead,'00, Ph.D., '07.321322 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENashville, Ky.-Joseph S. Caldwell,A.M., -04, Peabody College. ':Toledo, O.-Mary Stevens Comp­ton, '07, 333 Sixteenth Street.San Francisco-Frank M. Hultman,'06, Humbolt Bank Building.Kansas City, Mo.-William G.Mathews, '06, Kansas City Star.CONVOCATION PROGRAMMESAlumni desiring convocation pro­grammes may secure those of theTwenty-fifth to the Seventieth Con­vocations, inclusive, excepting onlythe Fifty-second, by applying to thePresident's office.REPORTS OF THE SECRETARYEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEA regular meeting of the Execu­tive Committee was held March 9in the private dining-room of theUniversity Commons. Present wereJohn F. Hagey; '98, president ofthe Alumni Association; Burt BrownBarker, '97, Fred D. Bramhall, '02,Wa.rren P. Behan, '94, George O.Fairweather, '07, David A. Robert­son, '02, of the Board of Control,Theodore B. Hinckley, '04, chairmanof Alumni Day, and the acting sec­retarv.It -was decided to open AlumniDay festivities at 3 o'clock on JuneIS with an athletic_ meet and a base­ball game on Marshall Field.The annual Alumni Dinner wasset for 6 :30 o'clock in HutchinsonHall. It was decided to hold thebusiness meeting immediately fol- lowing the dinner, and then devote ashort time to talks, each -from 5 to10 minutes long.The Committee agreed to meet onSaturday, April 17, at luncheon inthe Union Restaurant with all Chi­cago men interested in the AlumniDay programme, and to hold weeklymeetings at the luncheon hour everySaturday, the place to be designatedat each meeting.The request of the Blackfriars foruse of the Alumni Room for meet­ings when not used by the alumniwas granted.NOMI"NATIONSThe following nominations foroffices of the Alumni Associationwere made at the meeting of thenominating committee, in Cobb Hall :For president-Warren P. Behan,'94. and Charles S. Eaton, '00.For first vice-president-George E.Newcomb, '86, and Herbert A. Howe,'75·For second vice-president-ElisabethCoolidge, '96, and Agnes Kaufman, '02.For third vice-president-Leo W orm­ser, 'oS, and Harold Swift, '07.For general secretary-Harry A.Hansen, '09.For members of the executive com­mittee-Donald Richberg, '0 I; LouiseRoth, '00;- Roy Keene, '02 ; StacyMosser, '97; William J. McDowell,'03; Charlotte Foye, '95.The regular nominations for mem­bers of the University Congregationfor 1909-1919 were made. Ballotswill be sent by mail to alumni.H. A. HANSENActing General SecretaryTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAWSCHOOL ASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, J.D., '06, SecretaryThe interest of the Law men inthe preparations for the celebrationof Alumni Day on June IS is shownin their attendance at the weeklyluncheons of the men down town.On Saturday, April 17, the firstluncheon was held in the Unionrestaurant. A second meeting washeld on April 21. Among those present were J oseph L. Lewinsohn,»s. George W. Kretzinger, '01,Alfred Livingston, '03, Donald S.Trumbull, '97, Chas. S. Winston,'96, Gladstone Dowie, '00, Henry P.Chandler, '06, Chas. V. Clark, '04,John F. Hagey, '98, Burt B. Barker,'07, Geo. O. Fairweather, '09, andEdgar A. Buzzell, '86.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryKelley Rees, '08, is instructor inGreek at Bethel College, Brooklyn,N. Y.Dr. George D. Birkhoff, '07, hasbeen appointed assistant pr�f�ssor. ofmathematics at Princeton U niversity.Jessie L. Jones, '97, has been pro­moted to a full professorship ofGerman in Lewis Institute, Chicago.Heroes of Israel is a textbook byProfessor Theodore G. Soares, '94,lately published by the Universityof Chicago Press in the ConstructiveBible Study Series.At the Darwin celebration held atthe Rochester, N. Y., Academy ofScience on February 22 an addresson "Darwin and Botany:' was de­livered by William D. Merrell, '98,professor of biology in RochesterUniversity.Max Batt, '01, has in ModernLanguage Notes for March, 1909, aninteresting review of Das M oderneDrama) by Robert F. Arnold. Dr.Batt is professor of modern la�­guages in the North Dakota Agri­�ultural College, and chairman of thecommittee of the Free Lecture Asso­ciation of Fargo, N. D.Benjamin W. Robinson, '04, pub­lished "Two New Inscriptions fromBeersheba" in the American Journalof Archaeology) Vol. XII (1908), pp.343-49. Dr. Robinson found andpurchased the inscriptions �t Be�r­sheba, in 1908, while retu�ntng 'Ylth• other members of the AmericanSchool, from Petra to Jerusalem.In the preface of a recent ina�­aural dissertation from Strassburg IS�n acknowledgment that it wascalled forth by Dr. Edgar J. Good­speed's article on "Alexandrian Hex­ameter Fragments" published in 1903.Mr. Goodspeed's biography appearsin the latest edition of the GermanWho)s wu«Harry N. Whitford, '03, chief ofthe division of investigation in the Bureau of Forestry, PhilippineIslands, has been conducting expe­ditions in the island of Mindanaofor the investigation of forest re­sources. He has published a pre­liminary check list of Philippinewoods in the Bulletin of the Bureauof Forestry.A Laboratory Guide for Histologyis a book by Irving Hardesty, '99,recently published by Blakiston, Sop& Co. Philadelphia. The book ISreview'ed at length in Science ofMarch 25, 1909, by Michael F. Guye�,'00, professor of zoology in the Uni­versity of Cincinnati. Dr. Hardestyholds a similar position in the U ni­versity of California.Charles Zeleny, '04, professor ofzoology in Indiana University, reada paper on "Successive Generations"at the annual meeting in Baltimore,December, 1908, of the AmericanSociety of Zoologists. At the samemeeting Frank E. Lutz, '08, memberof the resident staff at the ColdSpring Harbor (L. 1.) Station forExperimental Evolution, gave a re­port on the "First Forty-three Gen­erations of an Experiment Concern­ing the Effects of Disuse."Charles Oscar Paullin, '04, hasrecently published in the Proceedingsof the United States Naval Institute,Vols. 31, 32, 33, and 34, the follow­ing articles: "Classes of Operationsof the Continental Navy of theAmerican Revolution ;" "The Ad­ministration of the Massachusettsand Virginia Navies of the Ameri­can Revolution;" "The Conditions ofthe Continental Naval Service ;""Early Naval Administration underthe Constitution ;" "Naval Adminis­tration under Secretaries of theNavy, Smith, Hamilton, and Jones;""N aval Administration under theNaval Commissioners ;" "Naval Ad­ministration, 1842-61;" "Services ofCommodore John Rodgers and ofWars of the Barbary Corsairs."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlso in the Popular Science Monthly,Vol. LXXI, he has an article on "TheEarly Movements in the UnitedStates for a National Observatory,"and in the American Historical Re­view) Vol. XIV, an article on "Presi­dent Lincoln and the Navy."The following papers have beenpublished by Doctors of the Uni­versity of Chicago:In the Transactions of the Ameri­can Mathematical Society} April,1909: by Leonard E. Dickson, '96,"General Theory of Modular Invari­ants;" by G. D. Birkhoff, '07, "Exist­ence and Oscillation Theorem for aCertain Boundary Value Problem."In the A nnals of Mathematics}January, 1909: by Mary E. Sinclair,'08, "Concerning a Compound Dis­continuous Solution in the Problemof the Surface of Revolution ofMinimum Area."In the Bulletin of the Am Mathe­matical Society} April, 1909: by L. E ..Dickson, '96, "On the Representationof Numbers by Modular Forms."In the American] ournal of M athe­matics, January, 1909 : by ArthurRanum, '07, "The Group Membershipof Singular Matrices;" by Frank L.Griffin, "On the Law of Gravitationin the Binary Systems."In the Quarterly Journal of Pureand Applied Mathematics} January, 1909: by Leonard E. Dickson, '96,"On Commutative Linear Groups."Charles H. Shattuck, '08, is theauthor of the following articles: "AMorphological Study of UlnusAmericana," published in the B a tani­cal Gazette, September, 1905 ; "AFossil Forest in Jackson County,Kansas," and "A Study of theMorphology and Classification of theWood Fragments Found in theKansas Glacial Drift," both readbefore the Kansas Academy of Sci­ence; .. "The Effect of Wounds onRoot Tips of Phaseolus and Viciafaba," a study in regeneration whichwas read before the Chicago meetingof the American Association for theAdvancement of Science in 1908 ;"Culture Methods Used and Eco.:.logical Factors Determined in aStudy of the Fruiting Habits of theHeterosporous Pteridophytes," givenbefore the Botanical Club, Universityof Chicago, March, 1908 ;" "TheOrigin of Heterospory in Marsilia asDetermined by Experimental Cul­ture," subject of thesis accepted forthe Doctor's degree in botany andread before section G of the Ameri­can Association for the Advance­ment of Science at Baltimore, 1909.Dr. Shattuck is in the department ofagriculture in Clemson College,South CarolinaSPECIAL NOTICEBefore June I, 1909, we must add four hundred (400) names toour present subscription list. This is in strict accordance with thecontract entered into last October.Can we not look to each Alumnus to do his or her part in thebuilding up and strengthening of the Association by helping us toobtain the necessary four hundred (400) subscribers?Tell every Alumnus you know, who does not get the Magazine,to let you send in his order.We shall record here faithfully each month the names of thoseAlumni who have sent in new subscribers and the number securedby each.SUBSCRIPTIONS OBTAINED SINCE APRIL 15, 1909,NAMEH. E. SLAUGHTE. L. McBRIDEJAMES STANLEY MOFFATTD. A. ROBERTSON SUBSCRIBERS SECURED72512PATRONIZE THESE ESTABLISHMENTSCLASSIFIED INDEX TO OUR ADVERTISERSAmusementsBlackfriar Play, p. 35BanksIllinois Trust and Savings Bank, 237 LaSalle St.,� 26. .Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank, 451 E.63rd St., p. 26Western Trust and Savings Bank, La Salle andAdams Sts., inside back coverHibernian Bank, 122 Monroe St., p. 27Baths and Barber ShopsR. P. Adams, 480 E. 63rd St., p. 36The Saratoga Barber Shop, 16 I Dearborn St.,P·36Books and publishersCalJaghan & Company, 114 Monroe St., p. 14. A. Kroch & Company, 26 Monroe St., front iThe University of Chicago Press, p. 20The Little Book Shop, 434 E. 55th St., front iThe System Co., 151 Wabash Ave., p. 22Barnes-Wilcox Co., 262 Wabash Ave., p. 4Sheldon University Press, Libertyville, Illrnois,P·9Carpenters and nason�S. M. Hunter & Co., 5643 Jefferson Ave., p. 21Cement Roofing and Steam Pipe CoveringsThe Philip Carey Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 7ChocolatesMary Elizabeth's Chocolates, 42 River St., p. 14Cleaners and DyersThe Woolry, 393 Ogden Ave., p. 12New Method Cleaning Works, 204 ;E. 55th St.,p. 24Clothiers (L'\1.en' s)Brooks Clothes Shop, 138 E. Madison St., P.23Wells Clothes Shop, 131 Dearborn St., front viClothiers (Women's)F. N. Matthews & Co., 48 Madison St., outsideback coverHellesoe-Streit Co., 181 Michigan Ave., front vThe World, 229-233 State St., front iiiCoalDow, Carpenter Coal Co., 446 E. 63rd St., p. 36Commission MerchantsGaribald i & Cuneo, S. Water and Slate Sts., p. 23ConcreteHoeffer & Co., 614 Chamber of CommerceBldg., p. 38CorsetsThe Wade Co., 34 Washington St., p. �3DairiesThe 'Bowman Dairy Co., 4221 State St., p. 30 Delicatessen and BakeryHolmes, 404 E. 6�rd St., p. 33Desks and Office FurnitureMatlock Co., 331 Wabash Ave., p. 36The Weis Manufacturing Company, Monroe,Mich., p. 37Drawing MaterialsKeuffel & Esser Co., I I I E. Madison St.,front ivDrugsCentral Drug Co., 100 State St., p. 10L. V. Aehle, cor. 57th St. and Cottage GroveAve., p. 24Dry GoodsCarson, Pirie, Scott & Co., inside front coverEngravingThe Levytype Company, 96 Fifth Ave., p. 36Floor DressingStandard Oil Company, Chicago, p. 37FloristsA. McAdams, 53d St. and Kim bark Ave., p. 7E. C. Moore, 272 E. 55th St., p. 7FoodsPostum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, Mich.,p. ICase & 1\1 artin Company, Wood and WalnutSts., p. 35Fountain PensConklin Pen Mfg. Co., Toledo, Ohio, p, 3I FursC. Henning, 88 State St., p. I2Robert Staedter Company, 155 State St., front iiir. Frenkel, 95 East Washington St., p. 23Glass & PaintPittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 442 Wabash Ave.,front ivGloves- The Fownes Glove, front iThe Perrin Glove, front iHairdressingGeneva Graham, 29 Congress St., p. 4HardwareGilbert Wilson & Co., 338 E.: 55th St., front ivHattersCharles W. Barnes ce., 161 Wabash Ave., p. 38John T. Shayne & Co., front vHay « Grain- Joseph Fahndrich & Son, 5426 Lake Ave., p. 20Heating ApparatusL. H. Prentice Co., 24 Sherman St., p. 6CLASSIFIED INDEX - TO- OUR ADVERTISERS�ContinuedHeat RegulationTbe Johnson Service Co., 93 Lake St., p. 6HosieryEverwear Hosiery Co., Milwaukee, Wis., p. 32HotelsBismarck Hotel, Chicago; p. 25Brevoort Hotel Company, Chicago, p. 28Cumberland Hotel, New York, p. 38Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, p. 29The Union Hotel, 117 Randolph St., p. 5The Vendome Hotel, �2nd St. and Monroe Ave.,p. ?9 . 'Maroon Hotel, 58th St. and Drexel Ave., p. 7Wellmgton Hotel, Waba h Ave. and JacksonBlvd., p., 28Avenue House, Evanston, Illinois, p. 38InksCharles M. Higgins & Co., 27 I Ninth St.,Brooklyn, N. Y., p. 35InsuranceMarsh & Mc Lerman, 159 LaSalle St , front vNorth American Life of Toronto, TribuneBldg., Chicago, front v.JEtna Life Insurance Co., 134 Monroe St.,p. 26Ladies' TailorsUnify Skirt Company, 209 State St., p. 8P. D. Weinstem, 433 E. 55th St., p. 22Joseph Weisbaum, 24 E. Adams St., p. IILampsMantle Lamp Co., 72-80 North May St., p. 7LaundriesFidelity Laundry Co., 684 E. 63rd St., p. 33Mechanical and Furniture RepairsUniversal Repair Company, 5509 CottageGrove Ave. and 5623 Jefferson Ave., p. 30MillineryThe World, 229-233 State St., front iiiJohn T. Shayne & Co., 167 State St., front vMiscellaneousSylvester J.' Simon, 14 Quincy St., p. 32Paints and OilsJ. J. ZIller & Son, 139 E. 53rd St., p. I IPhotographyThe University Photograph Shop, 397 E. 57thSt., p. 20Melvin H. Sykes, 70 State St., p. 36PianosStarck Piano Co., 204 Wabash Ave., p. 31PlumbingHulbert & Dorsey, 21 I Randolph St., p. 33Pool and Billiards'The Adams Billiard 'Parlor, 478 E:� 63_rd St.,P·36State's Billiard Parlor, 213 State St., p. 33PressclipplngsArgus Pressc1ipping Co., 352 Third Ave., N ewYork, p. 13 .Provisfons and GroceriesMadison Avenue Packing Company, 6309Madison Ave., p; 4Carroll's Packing House Market, 396 E. 63rdSt., p. 24, _ ,Ackerman, Market House, 277 E. 57th St., p. IIQuarriesThe Bedford Quarries Co., 204 Dearborn St.,p. 18Razor SuppliesKeenedge Co." Keenedge Bldg., Chicago, p. 36RestaurantsKing Yen Lo, 275 Clark St., p. 24The Capitol Tea Room, 2'09 State St., p. 5The Roma, 146 State St., p. 35Vogelsang's Restaurant, 178 Madison St., p 5Union Hotel and Restaurant, 117 RandolphSt.,P·5Clover Lunch Club, 185 Wabash Ave., p. IIR. V. Braiden, 522 E. 55th St., p. 5Maroon Hotel ann Restaurant, 58th St. andDrexel Ave., p. 7St. Hubert English Grill Room, 22 Quincy St.,p. 13SchoolsNorthwestern University Dental School, p. 9Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wis., p. 9The Sheldon School, 209 State St., p. 34U. of C. Summer School, p. 22College of Physicians and Surgeons, Honoreand Congress Sts., P: 30Columbia College of Expression, 700 SteinwayBldg., p. 19College of Education, U. of C., p. 19Chicago Kindergarten College, 1200 MichiganBlvd., p. 27Frances Shimer Academy, Mt. Carroll, Illinois,pp. 15, 16, 17Sporting GoodsStall & Dean Mfg. Co., 30 Elston Ave., Chicago,and Brockton, Mass.StationersFrank W.) Black Co., 332 Deal born St., p. 23Steamship LinesFrench Line, '71 Dearborn St., P: 22TailorsMilian Engh, 163 State St., p. 23D. H. Sachen & Co., 134 Monroe St., front iiW. J. Lafferty & Son, 77 Monroe St., front iiTeachers' AgenciesB. F. Clark, Steinway Hall, p. 7TobaccoE. Hoffman �ompany, Chicago, p. 10TonicsMcAvoy Malt Marrow Dept., Chicago, P.25TypewritersThe Typewriter Exchange, 319 Dearborn St.,p. 13The College BoyKeeps his N erves steady for sport--HisBrain clear for study-on'"POSTUM"There's a Reason"Let a change from coffee to Postum tellit's own tale of better feelings.Post urn Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.°-1- MNEWS FROM THE CLASSES[News items for these columns should be sent to the classsecretary-reporters, whose. names are given at the head of thenews from each class. Death notices and engagement andwedding announcements should be sent direct to the Editors.]1862George Washington Thomas leaves forEurope this month.18Q6MRS. AGNES COOK GALE5646 Kimbark A \ enueJOSEPH E. RAYCROFTThe UniversityWilliam C. Logan, A.M., has changed hisaddress from Nashville, Tenn., to 805 CottageAve., Indianapolis, Ind.Stella Robertson Stagg, wife of DirectorA. A. Stagg, is the mother of a baby boy,born Thursday, March 18, the third child.1897EFFIE A GARDNER36 Loomis StreetE. M. Adams, ex, is with the William B.Bliss, Jr., & Co., mill agents, 415 Broadway,New York City.1899JOSEPHINE T. ALLIN4805 Madison AvenuePERCY B. ECKHARTFirst National Bank BuildingRalph Hamill is a practicing physician atDunning. His brother Ernest recently diedat Hondurus.Alice Hamilton, ex, has recerily been ap­pointed by Governor Deneen to the cornmis-"sion for investigating occupational diseases:Henry Lloyd, ex, is an instructor in theTransylvania University at Lexington, Ky.1901ARTHUR EUGENE BESTOR5711 Kimbark AvenueMargaret W. Van Wyck resides at Hope­well Junction, N. Y.Frank R. White has been elected presidentof the Philippine Inter-Fraternity Associationat Manila.1902L. HAZEL BUCK EWINGBloomington, Hl.. 'FRED. D. BRAMHALLThe UniversityAdelia Swanson is engaged as teacher 111the Rochester, Minn., high school.Carl L. Willis, A.M., is an instructor ofLatin in a Minneapolis, Minn., high school.Monroe N. Work is in the department ofresearch and records at the Tuskegee N or­mal and Industrial Institute. Tuskegee, Ala.1903EARLE B. BABCOCKThe UniversityGertrude Troy, ex, is at her home 111 Min­neapolis, Minn. 1904MARIE EVRLYN THOMPSONSurf Street and Evanston Avenue1 HEODORE B. HINCKLEY1he UniversItyGeorge P. Jackson is studying for hisDoctor's degree at the University1905HELEN A. FREEMAN5760 Woodlawn AvenueCLYDE A. BLAIRClearmont, Wyo.Mark Catlin has resigned his position ascoach and Director of Athletics at the Uni­versity of Iowa. He intends practicing lawnext year.John Alvin Dean, A.M. '07, has recentlycomposed two instrumental numbers entitled,The College Man and The. Varsity Maid.Adolph J. Olson is attending the Universityof California. His address is II63 Turk St.,San Francisco, Cal.1906HELEN RONEYFullerton Place, Waterloo, IowaF. R. BAIRDOmaha, Neb.Gladys E. Gaylord teaches history andmathematics in the high school at St. CharlesIlL . . ,Walter L. Gregory, ex, is connected withthe Young Men's Christian Association inPhiladelphia, Pa.. Elizabeth Hall; Ph.M! is head of the Eng­lish .departrnent In. Brazil, Ind.Katherine Jacobson is teaching English andGerman in the Hyde Park High School.Eva M. Jessup, 6024 Princeton Ave. isdoing private secretary work. 'William Raymond Longley, Ph.D, '06, hasrecently, been promoted to the assistant pro­fessorship of mathematics in the SheffieldScientific School, Yale University.Arthur A. Morr _is teaching science in theDubuque, Ia., high, school.Mila Parker teaches j{l the public schoolsat Sycamore" Ill.N. F. Smith is a professor of physics in theOlivet, Mich., College.WeI thy Stephen teaches history and Englishin the Jefferson High School, RavenswoodPark, Chicago.Oris 0: White is superintendent of schoolsat Crothersville" Ind.1907EDITH B. TERRY6044 Jefferson AvenueW. E. WRATHERCare Gulf Pipe Line, Beaumont, Te x.Arrie Bamberger recently passed the stateexamination for admission to the practice ofmedicine.Continued on advertising page 4-2-'�cOlmlttcecQl wUtmu IllI©nn®1i��:And Dightly Equippedfor hisLife-WorkWith aDiplomaAnd whether your post-graduate course is in the battle ofbusiness or professional life, the pen, in its own field, is just as im­portant as the sheepskin. The pride of an alumnus for his AlmaMater is no greater than his respect for and dependence upon hisConklin, because in many a sudden emergency and in many a longtiresome grind it has proved itself a staunch, dependable, hard­working, never-shirking fountain pen.A Thumb Pressure F1Ils ItThe wonderful Crescent-Filler, found only on the Conklin, has made a cleansweep of all dropper-fillers, plunger pumps, valves, wires and such "has-beens"and clap-trap make-shifts. A dip in any inkwell that's handy, one simple, lightpressure on the Crescent-Filler and your Conklin is instantly filled, ready towrite! No inky fingers, nothing to take apart.And as for writing-say, it writes so easily and smoothly that a man withpen-paralysis would like it. If you want proof, go into any of the followingChicago stores and try it: ..MARSHALL-JACKSON COMPANY, 158 Clark Street .S. D. CHILDS & COMPANY, 200 Clark StreetC. D. PEACOCK, Jeweler, 197 State StreetV. A. WOODWORTH, 415 Ea.t 57th StreetAnd other leadJnlt dealers. Manufactured byTHE CONKLIN PEN MFG., CO., 110 Maaba .... Bldg. TOLEDO, OHIOYou will enjoy your busineu. relations with these establishments-3-TELEPHONE HYDE; PARK 1322RESIDENCE 1986 HYDE PARK·ADiSONAVENUEACKINGCOMPANY6309 MADISON AVENUEH. T. McGUIRE, Prop.CHlCAGOTELEPHONE H.ARRISON 153GENEVA GRAHAMHAIR DRESSING29 CONGRESS STREF!T CHICAGOC. M. Barnes -Wilcox Co.262 Wabash A�e.Will buy textbooks youno longer need and sellyou those you do needat cut prices. Class News continued from page 2Solomon M. Delson,' 2I2 Rue St., Jacques,Paris, France, is studying at the Univesity ofParis.Minerva F". Fonda is teaching in the highschool at Gloversville, N. Y.Wright A. Gardner, ex, is teaching biologyin the Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo.Georgiana Gilbert, ex, is teaching in theThornton Township High School at Harvey,I1l.Louis A. Higley - is chemist for the Kenni­cott Water Softener Co.Mae E. Ingalls is librarian of Brevard In-stitute, Brevard, N. C. ..Jean E. MacKellar, Ph.M., teaches in thehigh' school at Oshkosh, Wis.Charles S. l\1:enzie5 has been admitted tothe practice of medicine.Alice H. Montague is engaged in kinder­garten work in the Chicago public schools.She lives at 606 West. Sixty-seventh BouI.Chauncey J. V. Pettibone is special assist­ant to Dr. Folin in the Harvard MedicalSchool, and is engaged in government re­search work.Carl L. Rahn is an instructor in the U ni­versity of Colorado, at Boulder, Colo.Lora A. Rich is teaching in the publicschools at Sulphur Springs, Mont. .Russell P. Schuler has successfully passedthe state examination for practicing physician.Mary G. Stallworth, ex, is head of the de�partment of mathematics in the AlabamaGirls' Industrial School at Montevallo, Ala.'Mary Stevens Compton, has been head ofthe English department in the East Saginaw,Mich., High School, has resigned her positionto teach in the Central High School in Toledo,Ohio.1908ELEANOR C. DAY810 Oakwood Avenue,. Wilmette, IIIFloyd E. Bernard is taking a graduatecourse in sociology at Columbia.Charles F. Brown, ex, is superintendent ofschools at Lawrence, Mich. .Paul A. Buhlig is with the Bitter Root Val­ley Irrigation Company at Corvallis, Mont.M. Evelyn Carothers, ex, now lives at St.Anne, Ill.Herman G. Cuthbert, ex, is principal of thehigh school at Anna, Ill. ;.Bertha L. Donaldson is assistant in thedomestic art department of the State Agri­cultural School at Manhattan, Kan.J. A. L. Derby is a traveling salesman andlives at Lemont, Ill.Grace B. Dotts is teaching in the EastDenver High School, Denver, Colo. Her ad­dress is 920 Ogden St.Sarah L. Doubt -is principal of the highschool at O'Neill, Neb.Mathilde Droege is teaching in the BaldwinSchool at Bryn Mawr, Pa. ..Margaret B. Dupee is teaching botany' atthe Michigan, Agricultural" College, EastLansing, Mich. .,MC;. Continued .on adverfising page 6Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO �AGAZINE" to the advertisersR. V. Braiden, Ex.' 1 0Commutation Tickets$3.50 for $3.00Open Until 1 A.M.Short Orders a SpecialtyMEALS AT ALL HOURS522 E. 55th St. Cor. Ellis Ave.Vogelsang's.R�estaurantshows its appreciationOf your patronage bythe elegant service itoffers you in return-e-Banquet Room for Fraternity DinnersVOGELSANG'S RESTAURANT178 Madison Street M5 11Th C ' 1". e.· aprto .TEA ROOMFor Ladies and Gentlemen232 REPUBLIC BUILDINGS. E. Cor. State and Adams StreetsLuncheon " I to 4Table D'Hote Dinner, 5 to 7: 3 0HOME COOKINGA delightful place for ladies unattended to dineM4nion Hotel and RestaurantIII-II7 Randolph StreetWill find Restaurants on two floorsWill find a special After-Theatre MenuWill find Splendid ServiceServing Only the Best theMarket AffordsFINEST ORCHESTRA IN THECITYHOLD YOUR FRATER­NITY AND ALUMNIDINNERS HEREYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-5-Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMIHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDINSTALLED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BUILDINGSCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank RegulatorsReducing Valves for air, water, steamControl of HumidityJOHNSON SERVICE COMPANYH. w. E_��I�, Mgr�Chicago Office, 93 LAKE STREETM5ESTABLISHED 1877L. H. Prentice CQ�Engineers andContractorsforHot BlastHeating andMechanicalVentilation Steam andHot WaterHeatingandVentilatingApparatusPower Plants and Power Piping24-26 SHERMAN STREETN ear Board of TradeCHICAGOProbably the largest firm of this kind in the world,viz. ;- exclusively Heating Apparatus, Steamand Hot Water that Heats.M4 Class News continued from page 4 'Chloe-M. Foster, S:M., -is teaching mathe­matics in the high school at Highland Park,Ill.Florence C. Fox is supervisor of the pri­mary department in the normal school atWinona Lake, Ind.Julia E. Gilbert is teaching English at theElmhurst, Ill., high school._ James M. Gordon, A.M., is now professorof Latin at Waxahochie, Texas.Harriet E. Grim, president of the CollegeEqual Suffrage League, delivered an addresson woman suffrage at Rockford, February 12.Florence Hill is assistant in the State N or­mal School at Valley City, N. D.Leicester L. Jackson, ex, is in the orangegrowing business in Redlands, Cal.Jacob M. J ohlin is at Uhland Strasse, no­III, Wilmersdorf bei Berlin, Germany. He isworking on his Doctor's thesis at the Uni­versity of Berlin.Mrs. Flora Thompson Jones, who has beenvisiting friends on and off the campus, hasreturned to her home in Garrett, Ind.Charles B. Jordan is connected with thefirm of W. B. & W.' G. Jordan, wholesalegrocers, Minneapolis, Minn.: Edna A. Kline lives at Liverpool, Pa,Ruby Lee Lamb, A.M., lives at TrentonJunction, N. J.G. 'B: Lagergreri is teaching mechanicaldrawing in the high school at St. Cloud, Minn.Rella M. Low, A.M', teaches rhetoric atDe Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.Marguerite E. Marks is � teaching in the highschool at Highland Park.: In. �'-Ellen G. Macduff lives at -3H South J ack­son St., Jackson, Mich.J ennie W. Mc]\11dllin i;? a teacher in .theWiley High School, Terre Haute, Ind.: Hector McPherson is instructor iri theMIchigan State Agricultural College, EastLansing, Mich.: ./\d�J� __ .,B.�_ . Mehl, __!\M.) is. teaching in theLadies' College at Liberty, Mo.Michael 1. Meyer is high-school instructorat Sheffield, Ill., . . 'Lou E. 'Miles lives at Redfield, S. D., Grace Mills is teaching in Sullivan, Ill.Minnie Eleanor Moore is attending NormalSchool and lives at 4419 Champlain Ave.; Ella J. Murphy is teaching .in the highschool at Dallas, Texas. Her address is 418Brvan St.Hugh A. Owen is supervisor of sciencework and manual training in the New MexicoN orrnal School at, Silver City, N � . J\,1�, Elsie Parker "teaches in the high school atAssumption, Ill.Ruth M. Porter resides at 6350 InglesideAye. -. -- - _ �.Stella Rodebaugh is elementary teacher inthe Jones School, 575 E. Sixty-second St.,Chicago.Mabel Raichlen is studying at ColumbiaUniversity.,. Max Rohde is studying medicine at JohnsHopkins University. ,-- -,' . - . .-Continued on advertising page 8Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers,-6-A GOOD TABLE D'HOTE DINNERfor TWENTY-FIVE CENTSWe Have Just Added this New Service to Our a la Carte PlanDESIRABLE ROOMS-SINGLE AND EN SUITEHOTEL MAROONCORNER FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET AND DREXEL AVENUEM5Want to make money this summer?You can do so and enjoy your vacation just the same traveling for us. We want agents every­where to sell our "ALADDIN" Kerosene Mantle Lampi we offer an exceptional money-makingproposition. The "ALADDIN" produces light from kerosene excelled only by SUNLIGHT. Itis far superior to gas or electricity. Lamp actually pays for itself in a few months in saving ofoil. Odorless, Noiseless, Simple, and Safe. A high-class light for store, office, or horne.Call and see us or write for particulars.THE MANTLE LAMP CO. OF AMERICA, Dept. U� of C., 72-80 North May Street, Chicago.M521st Yearl?he Clark Teachers' IIAgency B. F. ClarkChicago Stein�ay HallSpokane, Wash., 225 Peyton BIll: Good September vacancies are comingto us and are being filled every day.Early application secures the maxi-mum benefit. "Do it now." MSMAGNESIACOVERINGSTHE dividend-earning capacity of a steamplant is greatly increased through theuse of Carey's Coverings on steam pipes,boilers and connections.Carey's Coverings will keep the heat in thepipes-none is lost through radiation and con­densation. They greatly reduce the amountof coal necessary to run the plant, becauseexcessive firing is obviated.Carey's Coverings are not harmed by theexpansion or contraction of pipes or byvibration. They last longer than other cov­erings. They will increase the capacity of theplant by delivering dry steam to the engines.Endorsed and used by the United. StatesNavy, War and State Departments. Recom­mended and specified by architects and en­girieers. Recommended by technical institu­tions.Write for catalogue a1zd further particulars.THE PHILIP CAREY COMPANYGeneral Offices: Sta. Il � CINCINNATI, 0., U. S. A.B"RANCHESIn all large cities through­out the United StatesCanada and �exico FACTORIESLockland, OhioHamilton, Onto_Plymoutb Meeting, Pa.1\14 ;;�d:Park 18 A. Me Adams�:e��e and Kimbark FloristOrchidsSweetpeasCJ?..osesfor the PromE. c. MOORE� FLORIST $.�Telephone Hyde Park 38272 E. 55th St. ChicagoM4You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-7-Unity Skirt and Suit CompanyAdvance Styles, 1909One of our Creations, Special to U. of C.Students and Graduatesonly. We will make to your measure a suit tailored to yourparticular figure at the extraordinary low price of $30.We make you the most remarkable offer ever given bya high class Ladies' Tailoring Establishment. We havethe best and most skilful tailors for making Ladies' TailoredSuits. We have never made suits of such high class ma­terials for less than $50.00 and you may order your newSpring Suit, of almost any kind of material and save [ust :$20.00.Unity Skirt CompanyLadies' Tailors506-508 Republic Building, 209 State StreetTelephone Harrison 1612 CHICAGOM4 Class News continued from page 6Wilbur Rogers is at Fort Sill, Okla.Hazel E. Rowland is living in St. Peters­burg, Fla.Elsie Schobinger is teaching modern lan­guages in Caldwell College, Danville, Ky.Marian Simon lives at 2090 West Lake St. .Loretta Smith teaches in the high school ofSault Ste. Marie, Mich.Earl C. Steffa has moved to Goldfield, Colo.Marion Lee Taylor, Ph.D., is taking a grad­uate course at Columbia University.Alice Temple is instructor in the ChicagoKindergarten Institute.Alice S. Thompson teaches history in theKokomo, Ind., schools.George F. Thompson lives at 5619 Kim­bark Ave., Chicago.William R. Trowbridge is teaching historyand English in the Wilmette, Ill., high school.Edith G. Van Deusen is a special teacherin domestic science at St. Joseph, Mo.Fred Walker, ex, has been appointed coachof the freshman baseball candidates at theUniversity.'<lO9James E. Foster, ex, is in the gas businessin Massillon, O.Marc N. Goodnow, ex, is on the Tribuneat Gary, Ind.Russell D. Hobbs, ex, is in business in Okla­homa Citv, Okla.Jimmie' Lightbody, ex, is visiting relativesin Berlin, Germany.Murray K. Martin resides at 719 East Fifty­seventh St.Paul W. Pinkerton, ex, has changed hisaddress from Denver to Broomfield, Colo.Arthur F. Platz, ex, is at home in Racine,Wis.Earl 1. Puston, ex, is playing professionalbaseball in the Ohio State League. He is amember of the Lima, 0., team.1910Stewart M. Chambers, ex, is with the busi­ness office of the Kansas City Star, KansasCity, Kan.19IICharles M. Bacon, ex, is at the PresbyterianHospital in Chicago.ENGAGEMENTS. '97. Charles R. Barrett to Alma MaudeDibb, 604 East Forty-sixth street, to be marriedJune IS.'.05. James ·S. Riley of Los Angeles, 'toMinnie Louise Beck, of Sioux City, Ia., to bemarried' in the summer.'08. Alva W. Henderson to Irene S. Thomas,of Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. Henderson issecretary of the Chamber of Commerce in Colo­rado Springs.'08. Harriet Wilkes to Ned Alvin Merriam,ex, '09. The marriage will take place next fall.. '08. Frances Nowak will be married in Sep­tember to Harold A. Miller. They will live inPennsylvania. .'09. Ethel L. Chamberlain, ex, will be mar­ried June z to John Watkins Robb.Continued on advertising page 10Say "UNlVERSlTY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE';' to tlie advertisers-8-8{orthwestern University, . 'Denisl SchoolDiD you ever thin.k of studying dentistry with a view to preparing for yourlife's. work? , The services of this profession are more largely in de­mand than ever before in the world's history. The infant and theoctogenarian, the peasant and the multi-millionaire now call for his help.,To obtain the best and highest results for self and patients, in this profession, it isnecessary to have a well-developed mind and steady and skillful hands, as well astrained eyes that may.quickly discern the true and correct in outline and color.To young men and women who have had a preliminary education equivalent to that obtained in ahigh school course, Northwestern University Dental School afford.s excellent facilities for special educationin the science and art of modern dentistry. It has a large staff of experienced, skilled and distinguishedteachers whose didactic, technical and practical instructions are given in spacious halls, well equippedlaboratories and unequalled clinics. IA three years' course, each year comprising thirty-two weeks of six days in each week, of actualteaching, leads to the-Degree of D.D.S. The next school year begins October 5, 19o9. If you are interestedand desire our literature, kindly address theSECRETARY� NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY DENTAL SCHOOLUniversity <Bullalng� 87 Street, CftlcagoMSWAYLANDACADEMYAffiliated withThe University of Chi�agoBEAVER DAM, WISCONSINA co-educational homeschool, with excellentequipment, high stand­ards of work and moder-ate ratesSend for Catalogue toPrincipal EDWIN P. BROWN TEXT BOOKS OF--� BUSINESS-THE man who stops study when heIeaves col­lege ends 'his progress. Business-no matterwhat kind-demands that a man keep abrea tof his work, that he must keep on learning more inorder to earn more.Business books and magazines save you years ofexperience-they help you climb the ladder of suc­cess. Getting to the top of the ladder and stayingthere is a result of study, plus work .. And you muststudy man-building books. Make yourself right andyour work will be right. We publish books that willhelp you make the most of yourself. Ours are prac­tical, inspiring, helpful and man-building, business ..building and fortune-building books. They arehelding thousands to achieve success. They willhelp you. Let us send you a catalog. When writingforthe catalogue, ask for a sample copy ofthe BusinessPhilosopher, the great periodical of inspiration.Sheldon University Press,Libertyville, III.1 am interested in your man-building and business­building books. Please mail me a catalogue, and also sendme a sample copy of the Business Philosojher.Nam:eTown----You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-9- c. U.IF YOUR DEALER WILL NOT SUPPLY YOUSend Us 40 cts !��.ne���z�f• Sp i Ima n MIx­ture-the best tobacco you ever smoked. Absolutely pure,:�\::� flNi;Z;:d�und at�(:r��'::�lH_,oBAccoWithout a bite or a regretContains no artificial flavor or glycerine. Most tobaccos do.1% oz., 40C.; 373 oz., 75C.; %lb., $1.65; I lb.,$3.30prepaidAt most first-class tobacco storesFREE' Interesting booklet BHow to• Smaee a Pipe." Ask for it1;:. HOFFMAN COMPANY, Mf'RS. CHICAGOM5VICTOR THORSCH CO.��Cilif 5� �ClJtItFOR � SALE EVERYWHERE M4Central DrugCompanySTATE AND WASHINGTON STREETSDiagonally across from Marshall Field & CompanyVVe car� the largestand best assortmentof Drug Merchandisein the city. Our pricesare the lowest. VV einvite your inspectionCentral Drug Company•_ M5 - Class N ewscontinued from page 8'og Conrad R. Borchardt to Marie Gries­bach, 5116 Prairie Avenue,'ro 'Charles Lyle Barnes, ex, to AgnesLouise Gahan, Chicago, to be married iriAutumn.MARRIAGES'00. Howard Woodhead to Anna. MaryScholl, on March 20, at Casordeu, Ind.'03. Francis N. Bard to Edith M. Decker,30 Madison Park, on April 6 at Hyde ParkPresbyterian Church. C. M. Steel, '04, wasan usher.'04. Nelson L. Buck to Rena Hooker, onMarch 13. After their return from a weddingtrip to South Carolina, they will reside at 9901Longwood Boulevard.'os. Harvey C. Wood, 'oS, to Miss MyraCox, 'oS, of Milwaukee, at the Stratford Hotel,Chicago, April 7, by the Rev, J oseph .f\. Vance.'08. Arthur Gibbon Bovee to Mme. MartheS. Laviale, of Paris, France, in the AmericanChurch, Rue de Berri, Paris, on April 3. Theywill be at home after September 17 in Wash­mgton, D. C.'08. Mrs. Flora Thomson Jones to J amesGreen, on February 22. They will make theirhome in Fullerton, N. D�'08. Max Lewis Richards to Grace Barker,on April 28, in Chicago. The ceremony wasperformed by Dr. A. K. Parker, the UniversityRecorder, and Frank H. Templeton, 'og, wasone of the ushers.'og. Eudora Smith, ex, to Clarence StanleySayles, on April 3, 1909. They will live inEvansville, Ill.DEATHS'07. Irvington. G .. Boydstan died at the horneof his sister in Meridian, Miss., on January 30.He has been engaged in missionary work inChina for the last five years.'JO. Arthur Roy Wilson died at the home ofhis father" C. W_. Wilson, in Canton," 111., onSunday, March 21, of pneumonia. He was 21years old,' having been born in Canton in 1888.LITERARY NOTESREMARKABLE RELIGIOUS ADDRESSESAny book made up of addresses a convention of the Religious EducationAssociation by such men as Henry ChurchillKing, Francis Greenwood Peabody, LymanAbbott, Washington Gladden, Shailer Math­ews, Francis Kelsey, Clyde Votaw, George'B. Stewart, and others as well known 4 isworthy of an honored place on any bookshelf.Education and National Character reproduces.a few of the addresses delivered at the fifthgeneral convention of the Association inWashington, D. c., in 1908. Contributions ofspecial interest are those by Dr. King on"Enlarging Ideals in Morals and Religion"and Lyman Abbott on "The Significance ofthe Present Moral Awakening in the N ation."Professor Mathews' article is on "Why Cot ..lege Men Do Not Go into the Ministry." Hefound on investigation that the largest factorsagainst a student's going into the ministry asa profession were a growing distrust of thechurch, many regarding it as a place withoutfreedom Of thought, a11d a lack of abandon�Continued on advert�sing page 12Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-10-TelephoneHyde Park 1345J. J. Zoller & SonManufacturers of Pure MixedPaints and Eclipse Piano andFurniture Polish ,8 ,8 ,8PAINTING AND DECORATING139 East Fifty= Third Street CHICAGOM524 East Adams Street Phone Harrison 1772Joseph 'WeisbaumLadies' TailorfJf Here you will find at your disposal a select line of Spring andSummer designs. fjf Special attention is being paid to Universityof Chicago students and alumni.Our food is home cooked andwholesome. Our patrons say,"Our bread is especially fine."No membership fee to students.Service 11 to 2-5 to 7.PHONE HYDE PACJ?.K 1629 Clover Lunch Club185 Wabash Ave.(North of Adams)dlCKERMANfMARKET- HOUSECOMPANY277-79 EAST 57TH STREETCHICAGOM4You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-11- M5High ClassFURSc. HENNING86-88 State StreetCHICAG 0, ILL.TELEPHONECentral 3535\ ;iNew Life for BLANKETSWE Ihoroullhly clea", revive and renew them andreturn them to you as soft and fleecy as whennew. qWe also make a specialty of Oriental Rup,Carpets, .steamer Rue., Bath Robe. and DownComforter.. q References-any customer who haspauoniaedTHE WOOLRVI'IIoIe West i 795 393 ool)eN AVe., CHICAOO"3 Class News continued 'rum page 10ment on the part of young men to a callingof self-sacrificing service. He does not find adecrease of religious faith among young men,but rather the feeling that the church doesnot appeal to them as furnishing a career.Dr. Mathews believes there should be a con-.certed effort to place before young men thelegitimacy of the ministry, and to appeal tothe heroic element in their characters, as well-as pointing out the opportunities for service.There are two contributions by ProfessorVotaw, one on "Religion in Public SchoolEducation," and the other on "SuggestionsConcerning a Curriculum for the Moral andReligious Education of Boys and Young Menunder the Direction of the Young Men's Chris­tian Association."A synopsis of the proceedings of the FifthGeneral Convention is contained in the book ..It may be secured by writing Henry F. Cope,general secretary of the Religious EducationAssociation, Chicago.PROFESSOR' MOODY'S NEW PLAYThose who admired the force and strengthdisplayed by Professor William VaughnMoody in his first play, The Great Divide,will be charmed with the mastery of techniquehe shows in The Faith Healer, the newestand most difficult of his plays. The FaithHealer reminds one of Ibsen and Maeter­linck; evidently Mr. Moody has profited by aclose study of the continental masters. Thestory is simply and strongly told in four 'actsthat take place in the same room. UlrichMichaelis, a mysterious man from the south­western mesas has joined the household ofMatthew Beeler, a New Englander whoseantipathy to healing by faith is marked.Michaelis is there to heal Mrs. Beeler, whois in sympathy with his work. He falls inlove with Mrs. Beeler's niece and finds hispower for healing weakened by his love. Thecrisis of the play depicts his attempt to healthe sick who come to him when his power hasgone. Only the knowledge that the girl her­self has erred and needs his help brings backhis power and in the last act he triumphs,restoring to life the child of a young motherwho had come to him in her distress.The play is remarkable for the concise,- direct dialogue, which eliminates all non­essentials. The first act has many speechesof from two to four words in length, and thewhole act is less than 1,200 words long. Themysterious air that envelopes the faith heareris accentuated by the· presence of a negrowho brings forward the superstitions of hispeople, and by the aversion of a little child,the servants and Beeler himself to Michaelis'personality. The attitude of the medical worldand the clergy to the new faith movementis. pictured in the good-natured banter of Dr.George Littlefield and the antipathy shown bythe Rev. John Culpepper. The Faith Healerwas given its first production this season.The book is published by Houghton, Mifflin& Co.Continued on �dver�isi�g pag� 14Say "UNIVERSITY OP CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-12-Organ recital duringdining hours Fine view of cityand lake�t+ �ub£rt<!eng1t�l) <5rtll taoom22 Quincy Street, ChicagoTop floor Hotel Majestic Tel. Harrisori 770MTELEPHONE HARRISON 4065The Typewriter ExchangeBRANCH AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE co., INC.Sell, Exchange and Rent- New, Rebuilt, and Second=handTyp�writing MachinesA. J. COUSE, MANAGER ALL MAKES319 Dearborn Street, ChicagoM4When in Needof Newspaper information, special articles, or various topics foruse in debates, or research work, consulttShe ArgusPressclipping BureauOtto Spengler, Director352 Third Avenue Me", YorkOur foreign offices will save you trips abroad for researches, and.bring all facts to your study.TerDls Rates for Debates$ 5 .00 for each topic, unlimitednumber of items, cash withorder.$35.00 for 1,000 Clippings$ 20.00 for 500 Clippings$ II .00 for 250 Clippings$ 5 .00 for _100 ClippingsYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-13-Made by herself and sisters inSyracuse, N. Y.A sweetmeat of food-valueNourishing to the bodyPleasing to the taste, andprepared with absolutecleanlinessMary Elizabeth'sChocolatesWHOLESALE DEPOT42 River Street, ChicagoE. HOSKINS, Mgr.Phone CentralagoaWhen you want the Best ask forMARYELIZABETH'SCHOCOLATESM4CALLAGHAN & CO ..114 MONROE STREETU suaUy have For SaleLAW BOOKSRequired inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOTHEY INVITE YOUto inspect their stockSTUDENTS are allowed special discountsTHE LARGEST generalLAW BOOK SELLERSand P'UBLISHERSin AMERICACALLAGHAN & CO. Class News continued from page 12DR. HENDERSON'S BOOKSThe remarkable literary activity of Pro­fessor Charles Richmond Henderson, '70,d'73, is further shown in the announcement ofthe publication by the University of ChicagoPress of his book Education with Referenceto Sex, the' eighth yearbook of the NationalSociety. for the Scientific Study of Educa­tion. The publication of Industrial Insur­ance in the. United States earlier in the yearhas been noted. Another new publication isa textbook for the study of social problemsentitled Social Duties from a Christian Pointof View. This book Dr. Henderson has pre­pared' for use especially in adult Bible classes,and is adapted to the conditions of city andcountry life.NOTESNotable addresses are preserved in Pro­ceedings of the Baptist . Congress, publishedby the University of Chicago Press. Uni­versity contributors are President Harry PrattJudson, Professor. Shirley J. Case, ProfessorAllen Hoben, and Professor Errett Gates.A useful book � on Lincoln, entitled TheAbraham Lincoln C eniennial, which provedespecially adapted to the uses of elementaryschools during the recent exercises, was writ­ten by Lillian C.· Bergold, '06, of the StateNormal School at Macomb, Ill. It is pub­lished by the Educational Publishing Com-pany of Chicago. "Johanna Pirscher, '03, is the author of abook entitled Variations on an Old Theme,published by Richard G. Badger (The Gor­ham Press).Harper's announces a new novel by MaudeRadford Warren, '94, Peter, Peter, to be pub­lished this spring.BOOKS RECEIVEDEducation and National Character. By HenryChurchill King, Francis Greenwood Peabody,Lyman Abbott, Clyde Votaw, Shailer Mathews,and others. The Religious Education Associa-tion, . Chicago. Pp. 3 I 9. 'The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life.The Nathaniel William Taylor lectures for1907, given before the Divinity School of YaleUniversity bv Henry Churchill King. The Mac­millan Co., New York. Pp. 250. $1.50.The Faith Healer. A play in four acts byWilliam Vaughn Moody. Houghton, Mifflin &Co., Boston. Pp. 160. $1.00 net.The Teaching of Jesus about the Future, ac­cording to the Synoptic Gospels. By HenryBurton Sharman, Ph.D., instructor in NewTestament History and Literature in the Uni­versity of Chicago. The University of ChicagoPress, Chicago. $3.26 �ostpaid. Pp. 381.MAGAZINE ARTICLESAmerican Journal of Socioloqy (March, 1909)"Are Modern Industry and City Life Un�favorable to the Family?" by Charles Rich­mond Henderson, '70, d'73.Say "UNIVERSITY OP CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersM4-14-ShimerFrancesThe AcademyMount Carroll, III.DEARBORN HALLHATHAWAY PARLORYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-15- MSFrances Shimer Academyand Junior .Col lege for GirlsCAR R 0 L �', ILL 1 N ,0 I SM'O U N TREV. WILLIAM P. 'McKEEDeanCHICAGO TRUSTEES: PRESIDENT HARRY 'PRATT JUDSON, T. W.' GOODSPE�D, D. D.,DEAN NATHANIEL BUTLER, AND' WALLACE H. HECKMANAn ideal home school for girls, three hours' west of Chicago;Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.This institution was founded In 1853. - The old buildings wereburned in 19.06 and were reconstructed inthe following y�ars. E very­thing now is modern. A campus of twenty-five acres adorned withlawns and great trees and varied landscapes offers' exceptional oppor­tunity for outdoor sports.A new college hall is, now in process of erection for advancedpupils. T his is the fifth large brick and stone 'building erectedin six years. All buildings have steam heat and electric light.Fourteen different people offered instruction to the one hundredand twenty pupils in the past ye�r.Courses OfferedJUNIOR C()LJ..,EGE COURSE, two years� Covering usual freshman and sophomore work , withdiploma.FULL HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC' COURSES, including college preparatory course with Latin,and modem.language course with German and French.PHYSICAL CULTURE required of all pupils. Average health is excellent. A competent nurselives with the pupils and- teachers.ART, including drawing, painting, and- china painting.,DOMESTIC SCIENCE,- offering a, full two-years' course, leading to diploma and fitting pupilsfor teachers."ELOCUTION, includingIung gymnastics and scientific breathing.PIANO under supervision of Emil Liebling, Chicago, who visits the school quarterly and .gives arecital and examines the work.Harmony, Counterpoint, Analysis, History of Music.VOICE, three years course..VIOLIN, three years course.STENOGRAPHY, with typewriting, fitting pupils for important business positions.The rate is $360.00 jor the year, including bome and scbolastid tuitionBefore you decide that this school is pot good enough for your daughter, ask some of the Universitymen and women who have visited it, or, better yet, visit it yourself.For illustrated catalogue, address the Dean, Box 900, Mount Carroll, Illinois. M5Say "UNIVERSITY: OF CH.lCAGO MAGAZINE'� to the advertisers-:-16-The F ranees Shimer AcademyMount Carroll, III.METCALF HALLSTEAM PLANT AND LAUNDRY BAPTIST CHURCHWEST HALLYou will enjoy your' business relation's with these establishments-17- MSThe University Buildingsare built of H�OId Hoosiertt Stonefrom the celebrated, .�� Hoosier ttQuarrYt of the Bedford QuarriesCo., the largest and best quarry ofOolitic limestone in the world.A century hence they will still bea monument to those under whosedirection they ha ve been erected.The Bedford Quarries CompanyChicago Office: '204 Dearborn StreetNew York 'Office: No. 'J Madison AvenueCleveland Office: '8f8 EuClid Avenue. . Quarries and Mills: ' Oolitic, ' IndianaSay' "UNIVERSI�Y OF' CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the ,. advertisers-18-The·· Columbia College of ExpressionSUMMER TERMopens, June twenty-secondA thoroughly established College of Expression.Diplomas are issued by authority of the State of Illinois.Pupils are prepared for teaching Reading, Vocal Expression, Oratory, and Literary Interpretation.Professional courses are offered for Public Readers and Public Speakers.Personal training is given which results in the development of the whole man, putting him in pos­session of his personal power, enabling him to find his sphere, and giving him the ability toexpress his highest self.IMPORTANT TO COL;LEGE GRADUATESThere is much demand for College graduates who are also graduates of the 'ColumbiaCollege of Expression, to fill important positions as teachers ... To meet this demand specialgroups of courses which can be compassed during a solar year (four terms) are offeredgraduates of universities and of the strongest colleges. >,Students entering upon this course at the .opening of the summer term, June 22, 1909,can be ready to take a position as teacher of Expresaion and English, September, 1910. .Classes every day (except Monday) from 9 a. m. to I P: m. Private, Instruction afternoons.Visitors welcome. "Send at once for bulletin of S,UMMER INf)TRUC(!'-ION.·THE COLUMBIA COLLEGE OF EXPRESSION700 Steinway Building CHICAGOStudents Expecting· to TeachShould acquaint themselves with the COURSES FOR 'TEACHERSOffered by THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1. For the Baccalaureate Degree (Ed.B.)a The General Curriculumb Curricula preparatory to teaching.special subjects in secondary and normal schoolsAnyone of the Junior College groups offered in the University may constitute the Junior half of any' oneof these four years curriculaOn completion of one of these curricula the student will receive the Bachelor's Degree from the College ofEducation. He may arrange his work so as t.o receive at the sametim� the deg reeofAr B, , S.B., or Ph.B.c Curricula in Arts and TechnologyOral Reading and Dramatic Art, Music, Drawing and Painting.Textilea.ManualTraining, Modeling Sewing' ,-,- -. 'Either of the groups in Arts and Technology, may lead to the Degree of Bachelor of Education, in whichcase it pre-supposes the completion of one of the Junior College Curricula2. Curricula Leading to Special Certificatesa For Elementary Teachers_b For Kindergarten I eachers c For Teachers of Home Economicsd Special Curricula in Arts and TechnologyFull information regarding these courses may be had by applying in person or by letter toTHE DEA:N OF THE COLLEGE :OF EDUCATIONFifty-ninth St., between Kimbark and Monroe Aves.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-19- M5M5- LA-NTERNMr. Lecturer: SWe make THE LBEST lantern slides. IVery truly yours, DE- SCommercial Dept.UniversityPhotograph Shop397 E. 57th StreetNear KimbarkM4Jos. Fahndrich& SonHayGrainand Feed5426-28 Lake Ave.Tel. Hyde ParkIS7 CHICAGOM5 Important BooksTHE FUNCTION OF RELIGION INMAN'S STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE.By GEORGE BURMAN FOSTERA popular embodiment of reconstructive religiousthought. The book traces the evolution of religion fromits past physical and intellectual interpretations to thevoluntary and intuitive concepts of modern psychology.It is designed especially for young'men and women towhom knowledge of science and of the higher criticismhas made a new philosophy essential. The author laysstress upon the enduring quality of religion. Hewrites in a style of peculiar power and expresses sowell the trend of Ipresent-day religious thought that hiswork will appeal to students of philosophy everywhere.30b pages, roma, cloth; net $I.OO, postpaid $I.IO.CHRIST AND THE EASTERN SOUL:The Witness of the Oriental Consciousness toJesus Christ. Lectures delivered on the Bar­rows Foundation in India, Ceylon, and Japan.By CHARLES CUTHBERT HALLThe task undertaken is to show the best elementsin Oriental religion, and to point out in just what waythey may contribute to Christianity, which is in itsessence, stripped of institution and dogma, Eastern inboth origin and spirit, Analyzing the Orientalconsciousness, Dr. H all finds four great elements ofstrength, which he defines as the Contemplative Life,the Presence of the Unseen, Aspiration toward UltimateBeing, and Reverence for Sanctions of the Past. Heconsiders that mysticism is really at the heart of bothEastern and Western religions, and shows whereinChristianity may become more vital through the intro­duction of certain mystic strains, and Oriental mysticismmore virile by knowledge of the personal God of theWestern World. The book is written in an effectivestyle, behind which one recognizes the winning per­sonality of the author. 250 pages, 8vo, cloth; net$1.25, postpaid $I.37.THE WARS OF RELIGION IN FRANCE.The Huguenots, Catherine de Medici, and Philipthe Second, 1559-76.By JAMES WESTFALL TaoMPsoNThe volume, representing nearly seven years ofstudy, including two prolonged visits to France, is basedupon a careful examination of original sources, andcontains a valuable appendix of hitherto unpublisheddocuments from the archives of Paris and London. Ittreats of the epoch of the Reformation, but does notattempt to deal with the religious conflict except in sofar as it influenced the political, diplomatic, andeconomic activities of the period. Our whole interpre­tation of the sixteenth century, of course, has been pro­foundly changed by the recent progress ln economics;and in the matter of industrial history and of theretroactive effect of wretched existing conditions, as alsoin the development of the Holy League of France outof certain political and social forces, the book makesdecidedly new and valuable contributions. bI8 pages,8vo, cloth; illustrated; n�t $4050, postpaid $4.84.�ddress Department 61The University of Chicago PressChicago New YorkSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-20-AFTER THE' ,FIREwe will, adjust your loss and do -your repairs completelys. M. HUNTER & CO.5643-45 Jefferson AvenueCarpenters : Plasterers : Masons.."Telephones: Office, Hyde Park 1318Hunter, Residence, Hyde Park 2171Holt, Residence, Midway 1761New Work: Alterations: Repairs : Remodelin�We make a complete line ofAthletic Goods and we givethe best possible article forthe price upon every numberSTALL & DEAN MFG. CO.CHICAGO, ILL. BROCKTON, MASS.M5You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-21-P. D. WeinsteinLADIES'TAILORSpecial Attention to StudentsREASONABLE PRICESSatisfaction guaranteedPhone: Hyde Park 1282433 East Fifty-Fifth StreetNortheast ,Corner Lexington Ave.NEW YORK TO PARIS IN SIX DAYSFRENCH LINESAFETY SPEEi;) .:: COMFORT.VIA HAVRE TO PARIS, THE CITY BEAUTIFULFast Trains to All Continental PointsCompagnie GeneraleTransatlantiqueGigantic twin screw express steamers sail everyThursday. 10 A.M. They are modern wonders, with allconveniences and luxuries of most palatial hotels, oneven grander scale. Passenger elevators, roof cafes,orchestras, famous cuisine, gymnasium, daily news­paper, elegant suites. provide greatest comfort. Navalofficers, man-o' -war discipline, wireless telegraphy,submarine bell signal system afford every provision forabsolute safety,La LorraineLa ProvenceLa Savoie April 8April 15April 22 La Touraine April 29La Lorraine May 6La Province May l3Special One-cl .... ·Cabi;' Service '(Ll class)$40 to $60, alternate Saturdays, on new, largetwin screw and expres-s steamers.New York-Bordeaux Service {one class cabin)only $40 and $50.TelephoneCentral 5232 MAURICE W. KOZMINSKIGeneral Western Agent71 Dearborn St.MM Offers 425 courses by 200 in­structors lor the SummerQuarter inThe University of ChicagoThe Graduate Schools01 Arts and Literature,Ogden School of Science.The CollegesUndergraduate Collegesof Arts, Literature andScience.The Professional SchoolsDivinity! Law, Medicine,and Education.The Summer Quarter i, one of the regular quartersof University WOIk. The courses are the same incharacter, method. and credit value as in other partsof the year.1st Term June 21.July 28. 2nd Term July 29-Sept. 3(Autumn Quarter begins October I)Detailed information on request.The University of ChicagoChicago, IllinoisWill you accepJ thisbusiness book if we------ -send it free?Sign and mail the coupon below. Send no money ITake no risk, .One hundred and twelve of ·the world's master busi­ness men have written ten bocks+-a.czc pages-e-r.aozvital business secrets, ideas, methods. In them is thebest of all that they know about-e-Purchastng -Salesm;tl)ship' =-Pcsltton-Gettinz-Credits -r-Adveetislnz =-Posttton-Holding-Collections -r-Correspondence -Sellin2" Plans-Accountln2' -Man-Handlin2" -c-Handling' Customers-e-Cost-keeping .-��an;l."rainin2' '"-Business Generalship-r-Organieatioa '-Office Systems -Competition Fi2"htinl:-Retai1in&r -Short - cuts and and hundreds and hun--Wholesalln2' Methods for e ..... ery dreds of other vital bust--Il(anufacturinsr line and department ness subjects.A 9,OS9-word booklet has been published describing, explaining,picturin2- the WOrk. Pages 2 and"3 rell about managing businessesgreat and small; pages 4 and 5 deal with credits, collections andwith rock-bottom purchasing; pages 6 and 7 with handling andtraininj;t men: pages 1 to 12 with salesmanship, with advertising,with the marketing" of "goods through salesmen. dealers and bymail: pazes 12 to IS with the great problem of securing the highestmarket price for your services-no matter what your line; and thelast page tells how you may 2'et a complete set-s-bound In hand­some h:llf morocco. contents in colorse-Icr less than your dailysmoke or shave. almost as little as your daily newspaper.Willyou read the book if'Z1/e send it freelSend 110 m01UjI. Simply sifln the coupon.The System Co •• 151.153 Wabaah Ave., ChicagoIf there are, In your books, any new ways to increase my bus­Iness or my salary. I should like to know them. So send onyour 16-pa2"e free descriptive booklet. I'll read It. 247-5Name _Addres -'- _Business _PositionS�y ··tJNl�ERSIT.Y OF "CHICAGO· MAGAZINE'; to the advertisers--22--BROOKS CLOTHESTHE STUDENT MAY JUSTLY BE CALLED" GENTLEMEN'SCLOTHES"ATTRACTIVE AND SEDATE,CLEVER, BUT NOT OFFEN­SIVE, ORIGINAL AND YETIN GOOD FORM. NONEOTHER POSSESS THEIRDIGNITIES.OUR PRICES$20 to $35BROOKS CLOTHES SHOP138 E. MADISON ST. OPPOSITE LA SALLETELEPHONE RANDOLPH 942MILIAN ENGHIDuilnr163 STATE STREET, SUITE 52CHICAGO, ILLINOISM5 "Blae-Ko" Ink Pencils"Blac-Ko" Lead Pencils"Blac-Ko" Loose LeafMemorandum Books"Blac-Ke" Loose LeafLedgers"Blac-Ke" Carbon PaperSoc;ety Engrav;ngASK FOR "BLAC-KO" BRANDAt the PressM PHONE CENTRAL 4061and Storedat very LOWRATES now.Old Furs andSeal Garmentsremodeled tolook like new.We call and De­liver.Will give thebest of Refer­ences.P. FRENKEL ���:ERLYCRAS. A. STEVENS & BROS.Room 43,95 E .. Washington St.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-23- MMN.E.CornerClark «Van BurenStreets 2nd Floor,Entrance277 ClarkStreetKing Yen Lo Co.Under the ManageDlent of Mr. Chin F. FoinThe first and only Chinese High-Class Restaurant in the world. Other places copy our ideas.Superior service and cuisine with revised bill of fare at popular prices. A special section of ourdining-room set aside exclusively for ladies.The menu of King Yen Lo now includes Steaks and Chops and all other meats, which areserved in the same high-class character that earned for King Yen Lo its world-wide reputation asa Chinese Chop Sooy Restaurant.Do You Know Joy? He is the only Mandarin Chef in America. His cooking made ourplace famous in the world. Now he is with us again. Kitchen open for inspection. Also de ligh tto show you how to prepare our cooking.Before and After the Play A Special AttentionMr. Ripley's Celebrated Orchestra Every Evening Phone Harrison 4783King Yen Lo COlllpany275-77-79 Clark St._ChicagoM4CHICAGONEW METHODCLEANING WORKS RESTAURANTS ANDHOTELS SUPPLIEDEstablished 1888 R. Macks, Prop. Carroll'sPacking HouseMarketsLadies' and Gent1e�ens'GarDlents Cleanedand DyedPhoneHyde Park 3658 204 E. 55th StreetChicago, Ill.MSSuccessor to J. J. HANRAHAN, Wholesaleand Retail MarketPhone Hyde Park 265L. V. AEHLE 396 East Sixty-Third Street.. Telephone Hyde Park 1091�batmacifjtFine StationeryLeading Magazines 757 West Forty-Seventh StreetTelephone Yards 1673Cor. 57th St. and Cottage Grove Ave.Opposite Washington Park CHI CA GOM4Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-24-Mention this advertisement when orderingALMA MATERis our special brewand used by allfamiliesPhoDe "Us.Tel. all Depts., Cabunet 1064McAvoy Malt Marrow Dept.CHICAGO$1.30 per case 2 doz. bottles delivered free in the cityM5M4 Garibaldi& CuneoFRUITSANDNUTSTelephone Central 2330South Water and State Sts.CHICAGOYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-25� M5IncomeInsuranceprotects you against loss ofincome, doctor's bills, and thelike, if you fall ill or sufferaccident. Costs little. Claimspromptly paid.Aetna Life InsuranceCompanyof Hartford, ConnecticutGEO. T. FRENCH & SONGENERAL AGENTS134 Monroe Street CHICAGO ILL.M5 DlinoisTmst&SaYin!isBanKCAPITAL AND SURPLUS$l3,200tOOO.OO����:<-,-�.s.� -":;J.�La Salle Street and Jackson Boulevard, Chicagolhis Bank Loans Exclusively on Collateral,is conservative in its methods and has the larg-­est capital and surplus of any savings bank inthe United States.INTEREST-Allowed on ()urrent AC(jQuntsOertlflcates of Deposit, Savings DepositsBond, Foreign Exchange and Trust DepartmentsCOR RESPONDENCE INVITEDILLINOIS TRUST SAFETY DEPOSIT COSAfE DEPOSIT VAULTSM4Telephone Cent. 3805Why not get interest on your money?M5We pay 30/0 on all savings accounts.You do not have to spend time intrips to the bank, your account canbe handled equally as well by mail.We also solicit your checking account.Begin today.IInn�lttum UJrust & �ttbittgs 1Battk451 E. 63rd Street (near Woodlawn Ave.)Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-26-Be a Kindergarten· TeacherHold a Position of DignityThis is a field that offers more opportunities for the financial,mental, and spiritual advancement of refined young womenthan any other vocation. The work is original, fascinating,womanly, and fits for home or professional life.This college is the largest Kindergarten Training Institu­tion in the United States and is furnishing the large majority ofKindergarten Teachers and Supervisorsthroughoutthe country.A number of our graduates earn from $2,000 to $2,500 annually.Write today for catalogue.We have more calls for graduates than we can supply.The Summer School will open June 21 and con­tinue for ten weeks. Credit will be given whichwill apply on a regular course.MRS. J. N. CROUSE and ELIZABETH HARRISONPrincipalsChicago Kindergarten CollegeChicago1200 Michigan Blvd., Dept. A Overlooking Lake Michigan .OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN CHICAGO ESTABLISHED 1867THE HIBERNIAN BANKS. E. CORNER CLARK AND MONROE STREETSGeneral Banking and Tru·st BusinessTrust DepartmentAccepts and executes trusts of all kinds.Real Estate Department.Buys and sells real estate on commission; collects rents;manages estates; sells high-grade first mortgages; makesloans on improved real estate.Savings Depositsof One Dollar or more received, on which interest isallowed at the rate of three per cent per annum, com­pounded half-yearly.OPEN SA TURDA Y NIGHTS FROM. 6 TO 8 O'CLOCKWE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR PA TRONAGEYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-27- M.MTheNew Hotel BrevoortChicagoSPECIAL ATTENTION TOAFTER-THEATRE PARTIESThe Twentieth Century Hotel-· Absolutely fireproofVISIT THE CJ(AINBOW ROOMRestaurant Grill Room BuffetUnsurpassed in Appointments and DecorationsMargulie's Orchestra. ARTHUR M. GRANT, Manager.M4Noted at once for cuisine" service and courtesyTHE WELLINGTON ORCHESTRA.will play from 6:00 to 8:30 and 10:30 to 1:00 oclockM5Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-28-Grand PacificHotel Clark Street andJackson BoulevardChicagoTable UnexcelledPrices ModerateWe lIlake a specialty ofClub and Fraternity 'DinnersTHE VENDOME HOTEL================62d and Monroe Avenue, Ohicaqo, lIIinoi8---­CONDUCTED ON THE GOOD OLD AMERICAN PLAN-WITH A CUISINE UNEXCELLEDOffers to permanent and transient guestsaccommodations and service such as onlya first-class management can give.Furnishings unsurpassed; 400 rooms, allen suite, and all with private bath.Transportation facilities unsurpassed­Illinois Central Express trains, South SideElevated Express, 6 I st and 63d St. surfacelines-within IS minutes' ride of businessand amusement centers.w. S. SAlTER, PROPRIETORYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-29- M4M4The College ofPhysicians and SurgeonsMedical Department of theU ni versi ty of IllinoisCongress and Honore StreetsChicago, I�1.Collegiate Year-September to JuneCourseThe collegiate year consists of q session of thirty-six weeks. Attendance upon the fullwinter term is required in order to secure credit for a year's work, and attendance uponfour winter terms is required for graduation.Laboratories and Equip�entA three-story annex to the main building, especially designed and constructed for labora­tory use, is devoted to the departments of biology, pathology, and chemistry; the depart­ments of histology and physiology occupy quarters in the main building. All of theselaboratories have unobstructed outside light.Four YearsInvestigation of advantages cordially invited. Four years' course. Students permitted tospecialize in electives. Completely equipped Laboratories.For Catalogue and Application Blank, addressDR. FRANK B. EARLE, Secretary, Congress and Honore Streets, CHICAG 0MSUNIVERSAL REPAIR COMPANY5509 COTTAGE GROVE AND 5623 JEFFERSON AVE.Sign Painting and Fancy Lettering.Painting and Decorating.House and Room Cleaning and Packing.All mechanical and Furniture Repairs.Nickel Plating. -:- Mirrors resilvered.Skates and Bicycles our specialty.WE REPAIR, RENT. AND SELL THEM We make a Specialty of exterminating insects.FRANK DE GEER, PROP.Call upon us. Drop us a cardM4.... BOWJ; Dairy Company >'7:.li1k bottled ,"r.J the cou»tr;yMilk y Cream" Butter · ButtermilkDo our wagons serve you?Why not hJ!Ve the 'best?4221-4229 S"fate Stree�Telephones at all divi�on offices."Evansio» v Chicago .... Oak .2'a,.kM4Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-30-===================== The ---Starck PianoIs considered by all leading artists the BESTUPRIGHT PIANO IN AMERICA, espe­cially noted for its NATURAL SINGINGTONE, GRAND REPEATING ACTIONand GENERAL ENDURANCE.THE ONLY PIANO MADE BEARINGA MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE OF25 YEARSCut this out THIS COUPON is valued at $10.00 andaccepted as part of first payment on anew Starck Piano if presented at time ofsale at our warerooms, 204-206 WabashAvenue.P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.MIl$IO.OODUE BILLWE WILL SEND YOU A "STARCK"PIANO FREE on IO DAYS TRIALanywhere in the United States, and, if not entirely satis­factory, we agree to take it back at our expense. Cata­logue mailed free upon application.Send us your order to-deyP. A. STARCK PIANO CO.204-206 Wabash Ave. Chicago, U. s. A.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments"The Hose with, the RealGuarantee" Sox yoUcan't kick outor'Kick about"You will have no complaint to make about Ever--:earI Sox, no matter how !lard you are. on sox,. or how quieklyyou "kick out" a parr' of the ordinary kind,Six pair of Everwear Sox often last a year.·.and more-s­but they MUST and �ILL la�t yo.u six months. If. a holedoes appear in any pair we will grve you a new pair free.J We know that it will not be necessary for you to return asingle pair; that they will not only giv� you better wearthan any sock you ever put on your feet, but the most satisfactory wear •.•more comfort and a better fit.EVERWEAR SOX are made of the finest Egyptian cotton. They will not shri nk,stretch or fade. Being knit entirely wi�hout a seam�.there ,!re no rough placesto chafe the feet. Men's Sox are made in light apd medium welgl\t. Color�, black,black with white feet, blue, steel gray, and light, an.d dark tan. Ladies hosein black, black with white feet and tan. In boxes �f SIX l?alr .• -$2.00, one size Ina box assorted colors If desired.Men's silk lisle hose, Summer and Fall weightscolors; black, blue, light and dark gray, tanand champagne; Ladies silk lisle hose inblack and tan, $3 per box of six pair,coveredby the same positive guarantee. Ask yourdealer for them today. Remember the name-»EVERWEAR. If he doesn't handle them sendus his name, with the ,Price, stating the "\)Ior andsize desired and we will ship them postage paid •. Send for our interesting free booklet "AnEVERWEAR Yarn".Everwear Hosiery Co., Dept.2SMilwaukee, Wis.A new pair for each pair thatdoes not wear .ix month ••THIS new book, by Sylvester J. Simon, the well-known PhysicalCulturist, gives the key to the attainment of physical perfection,as the title indicates. It shows how to obtain and maintain themaximum of physical and mental health, strength and vigor. How torid one's self of bodily ailments by rational and scientific methods, Howto acquire "personal magnetism," and poise. It teaches women how tobecome more beautiful in face and figure, more graceful in carriage andrepose, It aids men successward by showing them how to developnerve force and brain power.UPhysical Perfection"Natural Treatment olBodily AilmentsIt is not a book of mere generalities. It tells just how to relieve different conditions of Ill-health, without the aidof drugs, apparatus, or mechanical means of any kind. There are exhaustive chapters on the cure and avoidance bynatural methods of Obesity, Leanness, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Skin diseases, Rheumatism and other Blood troubles,disorders of Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Nervous ailments, affections of Head, Throat and Lungs, etc.There are special chapters on the care of the body through all stages of life from infancy to old age-including oneon longevity. A valuable feature is a special index giving a ·ready key to exercises that develop or reduce variousmuscles, or that affect different organs or parts of the body.By Founder 01 Great Health InstituteThis book is thoroughly practical all the way through. 'It is the work of a man who has probably treated morepatients by drugless methods than any other person in the world. Professor Simon'S nature-cure institute, occupyingan 8-story building at 14 Quincy Street, Chicago, is the largest and most successful of it's kind. Thousands, includingmany physicians, have sought PHYSICAL PERFECTION at this famous health home, and have found it. It was inpursuance of persistent requests of enthusiastic graduates that Professor Simon put his methods of instruction intoprint. No one who secures a copy of "Phyaieal-Perfection" would part with it for many times its cost.Silk Cloth Edition, 208 paEes, illustrated with 46 special plates drawn fromphotoEraphed models, printed on fine paper, $3.00 prepaid. LarEe illustrateddescriptive pamphlet, with table of contents, free upon application. Send at once.SylvesterJ.Simon, 14-A Quincy Street, Ohicago, III.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-32-c. P. HULBERT J. T. DORSEYM4When you are in townsay to your friend"Let's go to theState's BilliardParlorIt is so club-like"213 State Street Second Floor Hulbert & DorseyPLUMBING andDRAINAGECONTRACTORS211 RANDOLPH STREETCHICAGOTelephone Main 1972M5( Just South of Adams ) MSIS High g!��! cor��:��r!r�om the�, best imported and domestic fabrics. It is the One Corsetthat gives a correct figure.HOLMES'Delicatessen . and Home BakeryPhone Hyde Park 3789The Home of Goodies ProperlyCooked, also Real EnglishPork Pies and Everything forEvening Spreads -:- - : - -:-404 East Slxty-Thlrd StreetThe WADE Company 34 Washington ·St.SPECIALTY-Rubber Goods for Flesh ReducingM5The Fidelity Laundry684 East Sixty-third Street Telephone Hyde Park 1252Quality and Service UnexcelledRegulation Price ListYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishmentsWhat Will Y ou Do When Y ouLeave College?Thousands of men will graduate this year without specialtraining for any line of business.They will have to work at low salaries for years until theyhave "learned the game."There is a constant demand for college ... bred men who knowthe principles of selling-who .are producers. They quickly becomeexecutives or star salesmen at good salaries, when they havemastered the fundamental la�s of the business world.The Sheldon School has shown more than 3 7�000 men­most of them experienced business men, what these principles andlaws are, and how to apply them. It will pay you to investigatethis school and its work. It will cost you nothing to learn about it,and may solve for you this vital problem: "What can I do whenI graduate?"Read what these men-executives and presidents of big com ...panies, say of the Sheldon School:"We have two men in our employ who have increased their sales fully 50% as the result of the study ofyour course No man engaged in business can afford to neglect this course:·-W. I. McAllister, PresidentMcAllister-Coman Co., Chicago,"As a student of The Sheldon School, I am convinced that it will pay any person and particularly ayoung and ambitious man, to study thoroughly the Sheldon Course and put its teachings into practice. We havedecided to adopt as a business policy the study 'of the Sheldon Course as a requirement for continued service oremployment.Yv-C, A. Chase,President Syracuse Chilled PlowCo., Syracuse, N. Y."No man, young or old, can place a small sum of money where it will do him so much good as to investit with Sheldon. I am enthusiastic because of what it has done for me and the men around me." - E. E.Martin, Sales Manager American Case and Register Company, Alliance, Ohio.The Sheldon Book tells you how' and why the Sheldon Coursedoes these things. It is worth any man's reading, whether he wantsto take 'the course or not. It is free for the, asking.The Sheldon S�ho_ol 1 041 Republic Buildin� ChicagoSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers M5NATHAN C. DOW, President F. D. CARPENTER, Sec'yand Treas.M4Do-w, Carpenter Coal ,Co ..OFFIC;E: 4-46 East Sixty-Third StreetPhone: Hyde Park 219YARDS: 7 I st Street and Illinois Central TracksPhone: Hyde Park 218The kind you are sure to use with con­tinuous satisfaction in home, office,ro schoolAT DEALERS GENERALLYCHAS. M.' HIGGINS & CO.Manufacturers271 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.Branche-s : Chicago, LondonIF YOU LIKE GOODPIEAsk for a Piece ofCase&Martin'sConnecticut Pie"Always Good"M4M4 TheBlackfriarsPRESENT THEIR SIXTHANNUAL PLAYThe Lyrical LiarAt Mandel HallMAY 20-21-22Tickets on Sale at Information OfficeThe ROMAItalian Table D'HoteSOc 15c $1 00Includillg Win�. Also a la Carte ServiceOPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS FROMt i A. M. TO 9 P. M.SPAGHETTIsuch as one gets in.ltaly'146 ST ATE STREETSECOND FLOORYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-35- M5CENTRAL 6872rlELVIN H. SYKESPHOTOGRAPHER70 STATE STREET, CHICAGOOPPOSITE MARSHALL FIELD I: CO.SPECIAL RATES TO UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO STUDENTS AND ALUMNIMTHE ADAMS BILLIARD PARLOR. WE DELIVER ORDERS FORCIGARS AND CIGARETTESSpecial Rates to Students478-480 East Sixty-third StreetTELEPHONE H. P. 278Tonsorial Parlors in connection conducted bythe TWO CHARLlES DESKSTABLESCHAIRSSAFESOFFICEAPPLI­ANCESMAT LOC K CO.COMMERCIAL FURNISHERS 331-333 WABASH AYE.MLONG DISTANCEPHONEMAIN 905AUTOMATIC 6952�,�,,�:���yG����r.�!��,� 2! csafety razor blades for only 2 y.cents each. You can't afford to throwawayold blades when we will sterilize, resharpen,and made them better than new at thistrifling price. 'vVe return YOlir own particu­lar blades, One trial will convince you ofthe merits of our service. Stamps taken inpayment. State number and make of blades and wewill send a convenient mailing package free. Write now.KEENED6E COMPANY. 841 Keenedge 8Idg •• CHICAGOM4Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersHygienic Importance -.of Dustless FloorsThe hygienic importance of dnstless floors is to-day of as mnchsignificance as proper ventilation. Schools, hosp ita ls, san itartums,stores, offices, corridors and public buildings all have large floorspaces which collect dirt and dust with great rapidity. This dust,with its living millions of micro-organisms, is easily set in circula­tion, thus greatly increasing the dangers of contagion.The simplest and most satisfactory of all methods for eliminatingthe dust evil has been found inSTANDARDFLOOR DRESSINGThis preparation applied to floors several times a year will reducedust nearlv one hundred per cent.Tests have proved conclusively that the atmosphere of rooms withuntreated floors contains twelve t i mes more dust and its accompany­ing germs than the airiu rooms hav Ing floors treatedwith Staudard Floor Dressing.Moreover, it preserves the floors and itnprovestheir appearance-prevents them fro m splinteringUIHI cracking and greatly lessens the labor of caringfor them.Standard Floor Dressing is sold by dealers gener­ally. In barrels, half-barrels, one gallon and fivegallon cans.Not inten ded for household use.A Free DemonstrationWe will gladlr demonstrate the worth of Standard FloorDressing by aclua use. On request from proper authoritieswe will treat part of one floor or corridor in school, hospital,sanitarium. store or public building,-AT OUR OWN EXPENSE.Write for particulars.STANDARD OIL COMPANY(Incorporated)Four-Drawer­Vertical File(Capacity, 20,000 Letters)This is our famous No. 421 Vertical Let-ter File, a Solid Oak, Four-Drawer File,handsomely finished on all four sides, in Weathered or GoldenOak. It is solid and substantial, perfect in const I uction, andfirst-class in every detail. This File is now in use in everyState of the Union, and we have in print scores of letters fromsatisfied customers everywhere which we will be glad to' sendon request. Every File is sold on our positive guarantee­satisfaction or your money back. Price $12.00 f. o. b. Monroe.Equal To Any Files Madein Capacity-each drawer holds 5,000 letters;in Convenience-every paper quickly accessible;in Durability-built for permanent, hard service.Solid Oak-Dust Proof-Roller Bearings. Patent Follower in EachDrawer-Oxidized Metal Fittings.O h S· No. 321 Three-Letter Size Drawers $9.75t er izes: No. 221 Two-Letter Size Drawers $6.75F.O.B. FACTORYTh �.• Mf C 98 Union Street, Send for our cataloge �1..4.... g 0 and free booklet of-� •• Monroe, Mich. Vertical Filing •.--. M4You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-37-Evanston, Ill.REALCOMFORTCleanliness,Wholesome Cookingand up-to-dateservice atmoderate pricesThe Avenue HouseNORMAN J. ROSSTelephone Evanston 1110 CONCRETEReinforcedOr PlainRAILROADMASONRYBuildingsConduitsReservoirsHOEFFER B CO.614 Chamber of Commerce Blc/g.CHICAGOTel. Main 4790HOTEL CUMBERLANDNEW YORK..s. w. Corner Br-oadway at 54th StreetNear goth St. Subway Station and 53rd St. ElevatedKept by a College ManSpecial Terms forCollege TeamsNew, Modern, and Absolutely FireproofMost Attractive Hotel in N ew YorkTransient Rates $2.50 with Bath and upTen Minutes' Walk to 20 TheatresSEND FOR BOOKLETSHeadquarters forCollege MenIdeal Location, Near Theatres, Shops,and Central ParkR. J. BINGHAMHARRY P. STIrtSONFormerly witlt Hotel Imperial Formerly witlt Hotel Woodward.. "M4Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAC.O MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-38-