CHARLES DARWINBorn February 12, 1809The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME I MARCH, 1909 NUMBER 5THE WORLD'S DEBT TO DARWIN. rBY EDWIN GRANT CONKLIN, PH.D.Head of the Department of Zoology in Princeton UniversityFOR centuries science has been engaged in glorifying the commonplace, in showing that natural phenomena are due to naturalcauses, and that the most stupendous as well as the most subtlephenomena, removed from us perhaps by almost an eternity oftime and space, are but manifestations of continuous natural processes, which we may see and study for ourselves in the commonphenomena of our daily lives. At every step in this progressscience has had to contend with intrenched supernaturalism ; in thebeginning every happening, even the most trivial, was ascribed tosome supernatural cause; to our ancestors it was self-evident thatextraordinary occurrences required extraordinary causes, and thatnatural causes were wholly inadequate to accomplish great results.But step by step before advancing knowledge of .nature, supernaturalism retired from the plain of ordinary phenomena until shedwelt only on the misty mountain tops of origins, beginnings, creations; and day by day there was a growing respect for nature andher powers. Finally even the mountain fastnesses were stormedand taken, and at last in the natural world we recognize that naturalcauses reign supreme.In this warfare of science with tradition there have been crises,turning points, no less important for mankind than any which areassociated with the rise and fall of nations; such a crisis wasreached when astronomy was emancipated from the thralldom of1 Delivered in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall on February I, 1909, as thefirst in a series of Darwin Anniversary addresses.I8S186 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsupernaturalism by Galileo, and Newton, and Laplace; whengeology was freed by Hutton and Lyell from the absurd cataclysmal theory, which virtually taught that age after age the Creator,experimenting at world-building, found the results not good, and sowiped them out and began again; but probably no similar crisis hashad so profound an effect upon mankind as that revolution in ournotions of the genesis of the living world which we associate preeminently with the name of Charles Darwin.Without doubt the greatest scientific generalization of thepast century is the theory of organic evolution. The only otherwhich can be compared with it, the doctrine of the conservation ofenergy, has not so profoundly influenced human life nor so greatlychanged all the currents of human thought. Evolution has not onlytransformed biology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, andgeology, but it has given a new point of view to all science, art,and even religion. "The great theory of evolution," said JohnFiske, "is rapidy causing us to modify our opinions on all subjectswhatsoever."Though many forerunners of this theory may be found in formercenturies, its establishment upon a scientific basis belongs to thenineteenth century. How general the feeling is that evolution isthe greatest scientific principle of modern times, and how universally its establishment is identified with a single man and a singlebook, is shown by a remarkable symposium which appeared in oneof our magazines a few years ago (Outlook, December 1, 1900).Ten men, selected for their eminence in literature and education,were asked to give their opinions as to the most influential booksof the nineteenth century. No one of these men was by training orprofession a biologist; with the exception of one psychologist, noone of them was especially identified with any natural science, andyet the only book of the century upon which all ten agreed wasDarwin's Origin of Species.The doctrine of descent is so wholly in accord with the facts ofbiology and indeed of all sciences; it is so reasonable and simple,that one can scarcely believe that it had few adherents until afterthe middle of the last century. Yet the evolutionary speculations ofthe Naiurphilosophen, and even the more scientific hypotheses ofBuffon, Lamarck, and St. Hilaire in the first quarter 'Of the centuryproduced on the whole an unfavorable impression upon naturalists,and up to the year 1859 the problem of the origin of species, theirTHE WORLD'S DEBT TO DARWINrelationships to one another, their geographical and geological distribution, was regarded as the "mystery of mysteries," perhapsonly solvable by the miracle of special and supernatural creation.Darwin wrote in his autobiography:It has sometimes been said that the success of the Origin proved "thatthe subject was in the air," or "that men's minds were prepared for it." Ido not think that this is strictly true, for I occasionally sounded not a fewnaturalists, and never happened to come across a single one who seemedto doubt about the permanence of species.In 1844 he wrote to Hooker:I have been now, ever since my return (from the voyage round theworld), engaged in a very presumptuous work, and I know not one individual who would not say a very foolish one. I was so struck with thedistribution of the Galapagos organisms, etc., and with the character of theAmerican mammifers, etc., that I determined to collect blindly everysort of fact which could bear in any way .on what are called species. Ihave read heaps of agricultural and horticultural books and have neverceased collecting facts. At last gleams of light have come, and I amalmost convinced (quite contrary to the opinion I started with) thatspecies are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable. Heaven forfend me from Lamarck's nonsense of a "tendency to progression," "adaptation through the slqw willing of animals," etc.! But the conclusions I amled to are not widely different from his, though the means of change arewholly so. I think I have found out (here's presumption) the simpleway in which species become exquisitely adapted to various ends. You willnow groan and think to yourself, "on what a man I have been wasting mytime and writing to." I should five years ago have thought so.This single extract reveals the general opinions of naturalists onthe subject of species before the publication of Darwin's work. Weshould never forget that in spite of all the theories and speculations on evolution which preceded Darwin it was still commonlybelieved before 1859 that species had arisen by supernatural creation, that the question of their origin was not therefore a scientificproblem, but that it was the one great exception to. the reign ofnatural causes in the natural world. It detracts nothing from Darwin's pre-eminent services to say that he was not the first to propose the doctrine of the evolution of species. What is much moreimportant is that he was the first to establish it; he brought a deadspeculation to life and gave it scientific standing, so that it is nowaccepted by practically everybody, and in all justice the credit ofthis greatest intellectual achievement of the past century belongs188 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto him. The world-wide difference between Darwin and his predecessors lay in the simple but all important matter of evidence.They had proposed more or less possible and more or less reasonable hypotheses, but these failed of general acceptance for lackof evidence. Darwin brought to bear on the problem his greatpower and range of 'Observation; he collected in his books such vaststores of facts bearing on this problem, that they are today thewonder and admiration of scholars; in masterly manner heco-ordinated the scattered and diverse evidence drawn from botany,zoology, morphology, physiology, embryology, ecology, paleontology, geology, agriculture, and animal-breeding; and he presentedthe evidence with such force of logic, such clearness of exposition,such judicial candor, that he finally and forever overthrew thedogma of immutability of species and their special creation, andestablished in its place the doctrine of evolution.The effect and influence of this work can scarcely be overestimated. Once Darwin had rendered acceptable t'0 naturalists thedoctrine of organic descent with modifications, it was found thatit gave new meaning to' the whole science of biology. Like a magicformula it solved the age-long problems of classification, affinity,good and bad species, aberrant and synthetic types; by it the mysteries of geographical and geological distribution were explained ;by its guidance the records of the ancient world, as preserved inthe rocks, were deciphered and correlated, and missing links betweenmany great groups of organisms found; in its light the history ofthe development of the individual from the egg acquired newsignificance. Physiology and psychology, no less than morphology,have felt its transforming touch, and not least among its resultshave been its revelations as to the nature, origin, and relationshipsof man.These stupendous results do not represent merely the frenzy ofa new enthusiasm. There have been, of course, assertions- whichoutran evidence, and skepticism which denied all evidence, but inspite of these excesses every year since 1859 has contributed inever increasing measure to the more complete establishment of thedoctrine of descent and to the wider extension of this theory intoevery field of human thought and endeavor,The world's greatest debt to Darwin is for the work which hedid in establishing the theory of organic evolution, and this yearmarks not 'Only the centenary of the birth of Darwin, but also theTHE WORLD'S DEBT TO DARWINsemi-centennial of the publication of his greatest book, The Originof Species, which did more to establish that theory than any otherbook ever published. But it shoud not be forgotten that the worldis indebted to him for much besides this. Darwin was one of thelast of the great naturalists, men, who, like Humboldt, knew naturefrom sands to stars. He was a most painstaking and accurateobserver and experimenter and he contributed largely to' knowledgein several branches of science. He was a geologist of note and hisworks on volcanic islands and on the origin of coral islands alonewould have given him a high place among geologists. He wasa distinguished botanist and his studies en the fertilization oforchids, cross and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom,insectivorous plants, climbing plants and the power of movementin plants, laid broad and deep the foundations for the study ofphysiological processes. He was a great zoologist, as his volumeson the zoology of the expedition of the "Beagle," on recent and fossilCirrepedia, on the activities of earthworms, and on the Variations ofAnimals and Plants, testify. His work on The Descent of Manshows the value of his contributions to the science of anthropology,and I have been told by psychologists that his volume on the Expression of the Emotions is one of the best and most fundamental ofall works on this subject. Altogether he published twenty-twobooks (thirty-three, counting second and subsequent editions) andeighty-two papers and contributions. These statements indicatehow broad was his mind, and how much of fact he contributed toscience.But isolated observations, as none knew better than Darwin, areof relatively slight importance. His mind was pre-eminently onewhich generalized, which took multitudes of isolated facts andbuilt them into a system. His principal generalizations, apart 'fromorganic evolution itself, are (I) the theory of the formation ofcoral islands, (2) the theory of natural selections, (3) the theoryof sexual selection, (4) the provisional hypothesis of pangenesis.Of the first of these I shall not speak at all, except to say thatafter long and vigorous controversy between the supporters andopponents of Darwin's theory that barrier reefs and atolls wereformed by subsidence of oceanic islands, it appears that this theoryhas been completely confirmed by recent borings through the atollof Funafuti in the South Pacific.The other generalizations, viz., natural selection, sexual selec-I90 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtion, and pangenesis are attempted explanations of the factors orcauses of evolution. In the Origin Darwin did not always clearlydistinguish between the evidences for evolution itself and the evidence for one or another of these factors. Indeed, more than halfof the volume is devoted to the evidence of the truth of evolution;but it is literally true that each Dr all of these fact�rs might beproven to have no basis in fact without in any way seriouslyaffecting the evidence for the truth of evolution itself. Indeed, thesufficiency, if not the actual existence, of each of these factors hasbeen seriously questioned by many scientists, and it is probable thatno one of them can be held in exactly the form in which it wasfirst proposed.Undoubtedly Darwin's most distinctive and important contribution to organic evolution is his theory of natural selection, or whathas been generously but unfortunately named "Darwinism."Although this was the chief corner stone in Darwin's evolutionaryphilosophy, it was not the only stone in that structure, as is thecase with some of his followers. Darwin was broader than "Darwinism;" he recognized more than this one factor of evolution,though he always believed natural selection to be the chiefone. I need not repeat here how Darwin was led to' adopt thistheory; how he found that selection on the part of the breeder wasthe factor which determined the course of transformation in domestic animals and plants; how, in his search for a similar factor innature, the essay of Malthus on population suggested to. him theelimination of the unfit and the preservation of favored races in thestruggle for life; how for twenty years he had been developing thisidea, when he received from Wallace, then in the Malay Archipelago, an essay on the same subject, and how this essay and Darwin's sketch of his theory were presented simultaneously to theLinnrean Society on July I, 18s8-all this is now familiar history.It may not be so well known that at the semi-centennial of the publication of these essays, held last July, Wallace, who was present,said that he had been given much more than his due in being calledthe codiscoverer with Darwin of natural selection, and that hisshare in the discovery should be proportional to the length of timewhich each had devoted to the subject, i. 'e., about as one week totwenty years.Probably no scientific theory has been so widely and so fullydiscussed as has natural selection. On the one hand were thoseTHE WORLD'S DEBT TO DARWINwho, like Wallace and Weismann, maintained that it was the onlyand the all-sufficient factor of organic evolution; on the 'Other handwere many who either denied that it was any factor at all, or whoascribed to it only a minor role. It was the ill 'fortune of the theoryto have aroused profound theological opposition, which gave to thediscussion an intense controversial aspect and which prevented acalm and unprejudiced judgment of the theory itself. Furthermore the character of the theory itself invited discussion. It wasbased upon principles so general and familiar that everyone feltfree and competent to discuss it, and as it was difficult to subjectit to demonstrative proof it freed biologists as well as laymen fromsuch uncomfortable restraints, and left much room for mere inference and speculation.Scientific principles are not established by dialectics, andwhile this whole discussion has been immensely educative, itis doubtful whether its scientific results have been commensurate with the time and effort it has consumed. It is probablethat the intense antagonism to the theory, chiefly Q1n the part ofmen who were not scientists, led to the exaggeration of the evidence for it and the minimizing of the difficulties to be explained,Certain it is that there has been much dogmatism on the subject,an overconfidence in certain hypotheses, and a general lack ofscientific caution, which has led biology astray in some instancesand has caused persons who are not biologists to accept insecurehypotheses as foundations for more elaborate speculations; this isespecially true in the fields of sociology and psychology. Dogmatism always begets skepticism, and we need not be surprised to findthat in recent times a few biologists have totally rejected naturalselection as a factor of evolution. But I think we may be surprisedat the intensity of the feeling and the wholly intemperate attacks ofsome of the younger biologists upon this factor, and especially isthis true in view of the fact that Darwin himself always avoidedcontroversy and was one of the kindest and gentlest of men.Unfortunately the lack of judicial calm is quite as noticeable inthese later attacks as in the earler and less scientific ones. "Naturalselection," said a distinguished physiologist not long ago, "is thetheory that those who cannot live die." "Darwinism belongs tothe past," says Dennert; "we are standing at its death-bed, and itsfriends are preparing to give it a decent burial." Driesch also, withmore scientific authority, but with no less spleen says, "Darwinism192 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEnow belongs to history; like that other curiosity of our century,the Hegelian philosophy; both are variations on the theme; howone manages to, lead a whole generation by the nose." He calls ita new kind of religion, which would have done honor to Mohammed, and speaks of the softening of the brain of Darwinians. It isdifficult to excuse such violence of language on the part of a scientist, and I can suggest no charitable explanation of it. However,when Driesch addressed an English-speaking audience at Aberdeen, a year ago, _ he was much more dignified and conciliatory andsaid, "Certainly natural selection is a vera causa;" but he arguesthat it is a negative, an eliminating factor and not a creative one.It is surprising how persistent is the misunderstanding ofnatural selection, which is implied in this statement. The term"natural selection" was chosen, as Darwin says, because of its supposed resemblance to artificial selection, but it was so frequently misunderstood that he would have liked, if possible, to change it to"natural elimination," but he fondly hoped that in time everyonewould come to understand it. Over and over again he recognizedthat natural selection was a negative, an eliminating factor. Henever held, and I dare say he never supposed that anyone elsewould hold, that it was anything else than a sieve, as DeVriesputs it, to sort out favorable from unfavorable variations.THE UNIVERSITY OFTHE NUBIAN CHICAGONILE ONBY JAMES HENRY BREASTEDDirector 9£ the Egyptian ExpeditionTHE progress of historical study in modern times has involvednot only a shifting of our attention from the secondary tothe primary sources, but also the preservation of such sources andtheir proper publication wherever possible. Perhaps the most notable achievement in this latter direction is the great corpus of theLatin inscriptions produced by Mommsen. In modern history manysimilar enterprises are being conducted by numerous editors orhistorical associations. Where such documentary sources, however,are almost exclusively monumental, as in the case of Mommsen'scorpus, the necessity of pushing behind old and inaccurate publications, to find the original monument which may be in some museumof Europe or still in situ in some far-distant land of antiquity,greatly increases the difficulty. The work of the University of Chicago Expedition in Nubia was simply an attempt to gather and record all the monumental documents still surviving along the NubianNile, in mechanical facsimiles and accurate copies which should bethe means of preserving these documents for all time. Whetherthey should then be published or not, was a secondary question.Perishing as these records now are by exposure to weather andnative vandalism, the crying necessity was first to bring back complete reproductions and thus to save them from destruction. Thiswas the ideal to be pursued. The practical methods for attaining itwere such as demanded far more than the routine work of thescholar in his study ever contemplates. It meant long desertmarches, elaborate material equipment for the sustenance of lifeand the maintenance of health in the wilds of the Sudan. It meantcomplex photographic equipment, including a portable dark roomand its furniture, capable of enduring the extreme heat of the tropicsand nevertheless carrying on all the processes of artificially illuminating, exposing, developing, and printing large photographs onthe spot; it meant a surveying outfit and an elaborate draughtsman's equipment with ladders and scaffolding, and all the necessaryfurniture for producing facsimile copies of lofty monuments underI93I94 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa tropical sun. It meant also long preliminary correspondence withthe government 'Of the Sudan, and extended acquaintance with localnative officials, and arrangement through them for the long andslow progress through the country in pursuit of the objects justdefined.Strategically considered, the Nubian Nile is the road into theSudan. With its thousand miles of cataracts it has been a historicallink, uniting inner Africa with the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean region. In spite of the difficult cataracts, it has been forover five thousand years the commercial highway along which thegold and ivory, the ebony, panther skins, and ostrich feathers of theSudan passed northward to the Mediterranean. From 3,000 B. c.on, it was the path of the Pharaohs as they pushed up the Nile in theprocess of absorbing the cataract region. It was thus also theartery along which pulsed the influence of Egyptian civilizationwhich penetrated as far south as the Fourth Cataract. By the sixteenth century before Christ the northern cataract region was anEgyptian province under a viceroy. Great temples of the Pharaohssprang up on the banks of the river. Orderly towns administeredas in Egypt became active centers of traffic. The country rapidlytook on a veneer of Egyptian civilization, although it retained itsancient Nubian language, the language still spoken in those regionsto this day. Few travelers who visit the great dam above modernAswan realize that at this point the modern Arabic of Egypt abruptly ceases and the language 'Of ancient and modern Nubia begins.By the middle of the eighth century before Christ the decline ofthe Pharaohs was such that Nubia established itself as an independent kingdom, and even for a brief period absorbed Egypt and ruledthe land of its ancient suzerain. These are the Ethiopian Pharaohsagainst whom the prophet Isaiah thundered in the streets of J erusalem. They had their capital at Napata. Driven from the Deltaby the. invading Assyrians, the N ubians fin all y retired to this capital,and later even farther south to their final residence at Meroe, whichbecame the seat of the remote and mysterious kingdom of Ethiopiaas known to the Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Cambyses' expedition thither met with disaster, but the Roman Petronius penetratedto N apata and destroyed the city to chastise 'One of the Candaces,then queen of Ethiopia. Throughout the classic world the conclusion gained currency that Ethiopia was the original seat of Nilevalley civilization-a conclusion which survived until two genera-SOUTHERN COLOSSUS OF RAMSES II ON THE FRONT OF THE ABU SIMBEL TEMPLE, LOWER NUBIAFour of these colossi, two on each side of the door, rise before this cliff-temple. They are seventy-five feet high, and wereexecuted in the 13th century B. c.196 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtions ago. As a matter of fact the Egyptian veneer slowly wore offas the kingdom of the upper Nile was more and more isolated fromthe civilization of the north, and it was thus thrown back upon thebarbarism of inner Africa. For some centuries after separationfrom Egypt its people continued to use Egyptian writing andlanguage in state documents and on monuments. It then developeda system of writing of its own, in which on the spread of Christianitythither.. there finally grew up a Christian literature.We spent our first season among the numerous temples betweenthe First and the Second Cataracts, completing before the end of thecampaign an exhaustive record of all the temples in the region,except the Ptolemaic sanctuaries immediately above the Aswan dam,These last monuments are now being recorded by the Royal Academy of Berlin, using our methods, and also our epigraphic andother equipment, purchased for the purpose from the Chicago Expedition at the conclusion of our work in Nubia.After the first season we attacked the region in and above theSecond Cataract, beginning at the southernmost limit of monumentson the Nile, and making exhaustive records of them all as wepassed northward down the river, until we reached the limit of thefirst year's work. This southern survey included about a thousandmiles of Nile valley, and involved a much more arduous campaign.The monuments of the extreme south were accessible by means ofKitchener's military railway, and were therefore soon disposed of.A month among the temples and palaces of the later Ethiopian kingdom, especially at the ruins of Meroe, enabled the expedition tocomplete its records of the southern monuments of the kingdom ofthe Candaces, those queens 'Of whom one is mentioned in the NewTestament.The difficult passage of the one hundred and forty miles ofrapids making up the Fourth Cataract was then attempted, in anenclea V0'r' tOo find the landmarks defining the southern boundary ofthe Pharaoh's empire in the Sudan. In an open boat, with but a fewdays' provisions, replenishing as necessary from a caravan marchingparallel with us, we ran the fierce and dangerous rapids of thislittle-known region, camping by night on a sandspit 'Or a point ofrock without tents, sleeping under the stars. Around us were thefierce tribesmen of the Monasir. We had long since left the line ofKitchener's railroad, as we entered a vast bend of the river, curving southwestward and then northward in a sweep of six hundredLOOKI:-IG THROUGH THE PALMS OF BARKAL VILLAGE AT THE PYRAMIDS AND RUINS 01' A:-ICIEN r NAPATA (llIBLlCAL NOPH),THE CAPITAL OF NUBIA FROM THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY B. C.The pyramids can be discerned at the left of the mountain; the ruins are in front of it. Here at the foot of the Fourth Cataract lived and ruled the Ethiopiansovereigns of Egypt (the enemies of Sennacherib) against whom Isaiah declaimed at Jerusalem. From here in Homeric days went forth the Greek tradition ofEthiopia's wealth, power, and civilization, from which the Greeks believed that of Egypt came.198 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmiles, a bend which had been cut off by the British in the construetion of their road. In the wilderness 'Of the cataract we came upona melancholy memorial of the modern history of the ·country-thefragmentary remains of Colonel Stewart's boat, in which, duringthe siege of Khartum, Gordon had sent him northward with dispatches for Europe. His boat was smashed upon the rocks, and onlanding he and his party were butchered by the Monasir. One ofthis tribe guided us to the scanty wreck with great unconcern. Heand his kinsmen showed no inclination to adopt similar tactics withus.The passage of the cataract consumed eight days, and broughtus to the ruins of Napata, the more ancient 'Of the two later Nubiancapitals. Here the names of Old Testament Pharaohs greeted us,and the extent of the monuments required a stay of a month tocomplete a full record.At this point we were able to establish our living arrangementsin two gyassas, native cargo boats rigged with two masts andenormous shoulder-of-mutton sails. In these with greater comfortthan we had known before we sailed around the huge six-hundredmile bend to the head of the Second Cataract region. This involvedrunning the rapids of the Third Cataract with these large boats. Atthe head of the Third Cataract we met the records which for thefirst time determined the course and the character of the originalEgyptian conquest of the country, and 'we could discern in the monuments there erected by him, the proud elation of Thutmose I, when,entering through the Third Cataract as a gate, he surveyed thesplendid region of the Dongola Province, the garden of the UpperNile, the only province in the Sudan which is today a source ofrevenue to the government, and not a charge upon the Egyptian state.We descended the upper rapids of the Third Cataract in the largeboats without serious accident, although a number of mishaps delayedus. In running the Kagbar Rapid, however, the last rapid of theThird Cataract, we crashed upon a rock, smashing a large hole inthe bow of ourJarger-gyassa. The boat immediately filled to' thedeck,. flooding our hundre� boxes of provisions and photographicsupplies, and drifting in tliufierce current, a hopeless wreck. Afortunate sandbar saved the boat.from capsizing, and we were ableto run lines from the mastheads to' neighboring palms. On drawingthe lines tight with tackle blocks, the boat was prevented from capsizing-into deep water. This discouraging accident whichthreatenedTHREE COLUMNS OF THE SESEBI TEMPLE, ANCIENT GEM-ATON, UPPER NUBIAThis is the long lost temple of earliest known monotheism, built by Amenhotep IV (or Ikhnaton, r.ath century B. c.), The houses of the surrounding town lie underthe surface rubbish and the town-wall may be discerned behind the middle column. The columns bear palimpsest reliefs and inscriptions; the older of which, discoveredby the Chicago Expedition. are those of Amenhotep IV.200 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe complete destruction of all our records, not to mention thedanger to ourselves and the loss of all provisions in a desert country,was, however, but the prelude to better things. The raising and therepair of thee boat formed a slow and difficult task, but when wefinally set off northward, we shortly arrived at the Temple of Sesebi,little anticipating the welcome disclosure which awaited us there.Going inland to the temple, its columns rose on the solitary marginof the desert, dimly discernible through the gray of a howling sandstorm. I shall never forget the half hour of preliminary examination which followed. Whenever a lull in the biting sand showerpermitted, it was possible after much preliminary study to discernolder reliefs cut into the surface of the columns before those ofSeti I, whose records at the place had been reported to Europe sixtyyears before by the great Prussian, Lepsius. But what were theseearlier records over which those of Seti I had later been cut? Thetantalizing sandstorm made the study slow and painful, but it wasat last evident that they were no other than the records and thereliefs of .Ikhnaton (Amenhotep IV, fourteenth century B. c.), thegreat religious revolutionary, the first monotheist in history. Somesix years before, I had chanced to find on a monument at Thebesthe evidence that this king had founded a religious and politicalcapital called Gem-Aton, in distant Nubia, parallel with his similarreligious capital in Tell el-Arnarna in Egypt; but this Nubian capital,Gem-Aton, had been lost for thousands of years. I had frequentlywondered whether the Nubian city would ever be discovered, andwhen planning the expedition to Nubia, I often found the questionrising, "What if we should find Gem-Aton?" When, therefore, witheyes and ears, with lips and nostrils cumbered with sand, I waspainfully following the obscure outlines of these earlier reliefs atSesebi, dimly glimmering through the later figures of Seti 1's records; and there suddenly emerged the fragmentary but unmistakablecontour of Ikhnaton's face, it required but little further examinationto show that I was standing in his Nubian capital of Gem-Aton.The sudden consciousness of standing thus within the weatheredruins of the earliest sanctuary of monotheism now surviving, lent theplace and the moment an impressiveness never to be forgotten.The rapidly falling waters of the river prevented our attemptinganything more than the excavation of the city gate. The walls ofthe city in which the temple stood were of sun-dried brick, and abouttwenty-four to twenty-five feet thick. They inclosed a dense mass'THE UNIVERSITY ON THE NUBIAN NIL� 201of houses, the walls of which are still discernible beneath the rubbish;but the falling waters of the river admonished us, and after makinga complete record of the inscriptions we were obliged to leave theexcavation of the city to some other explorer, who may penetrateinto this distant and inaccessible region. But we had not left thetemple far behind when we were stopped by a gale which quickenedinto a furious tempest of driving sand, and enveloped us in dismaltwilight. Even in the cabin the sand fell on one's papers in appreciable thickness, like snow, within an hour. In two hours everythingin our cabin was deluged as if by ashes from Vesuvius. Therewas a pungent odor of dust in the air, it grated between one's teeth,one's ears were full, one's eyebrows and lashes were laden like thedusty miller, it sifted into all boxes and cupboards, photographs andpapers, till each leaf was separated from the next by a layer ofgrit, and it settled on the chemical trays in the dark-room in suchquantities that it destroyed disquieting amounts of our precioussupplies and sadly injured the plates. Our great desire was toreach the temple of Soleb thirty miles away, but even had we beenable tc secure camels, it would have been impossible to travel insuch a gale. By the twenty-sixth of January the wind had beenblowing for sixteen days with but one day's moderation, and foreleven days it had raged night and day without a moment's cessation.Reaching the splendid Temple of Soleb after long delay itbrought us a number of new and important records, but the greatdifficulty was, that the inability to transport our highest ladders hadforced us to leave them at the foot of the Second Cataract, wherewe expected to pick them up on our return. I succeeded, however,in renting the roof of a native's house for a fortnight, and withthe palm trunks on which this roof was supported, we were ableto build a shifting scaffolding which lifted ourselves and our greatcamera to the level of the highest records in the temple.A fortnight later we abandoned the comfortable boats-comfortable, comparatively speaking-and shifted our entire outfit to acaravan of thirty-three camels. For some weeks we wanderedslowly northward through the wild and desolate wadis of the Second Cataract region, stopping from time to time wherever themonuments demanded. Numerous memorials of Egypt's southernadvance and slow absorption of the cataract region greeted us aswe passed. Now it was but the casual record of a military scribe,as he kept tally of the provision galleys of the invading column as202 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthey were drawn painfully up the... raging channels of the cataract;again, it was a stately fortress where the advancing landmarks ofthe Pharaoh's' southern frontier had halted for a century or two.As the spring heat drew on, we approached the southern limit ofthe first year's campaign, and our long caravan, straggling over thedesert, entered the outskirts of Wadi HaIfa, bearing in our numerousboxes all the known documents surviving in ancient Nubia, andcompleting our record of the monuments of a thousand miles ofNile Valley.THE RELATION OF THE DOCTORATETO TEACHINGI bBY STARR WILLARD CUTTINGHead of the Department of Germanic Languages and LiteraturesIs there need of restricting the number 0,£ students, encouraged toproceed to the doctorate, beyond the measure of the past andpresent practice of the University of Chicago?An argument frequently urged for such restriction is the allegednon-productivity of many of our Doctors after graduation. Butstatistics show that rather more than 50 per cent. of all 'Our Doctorsof three years standing have continued to publish the results oftheir research since graduation. When, therefore, we recall theserious difficulties for the would-be investigator, presented by mostcollege and secondary school positions, and the further fact that,outside the fields of chemistry and geology, nineteen-twentieths ofall our Doctors look to teaching as a practical career, the failureof many Doctors to continue their work as investigators after leaving the University seems to be no conclusive argument against ourpresent practice.We are reminded further that many of our Doctors fail to meetsatisfactorily the exacting demands of their own lecture-rooms andclassrooms. Many of our graduates, whose work in the field ofspecial research is excellent, prove to be poor teachers, clumsy inthe presentation of their subj ect, and quite unable either to arousethe interest of their students or to correlate their own efforts withthose of their faculty colleagues. It has been urged in the light ofthis that the course leading to the doctorate should be so rnodified-sby the inclusion either of suitable courses in pedagogy or of actualpractice in teaching under competent criticism-as to enable theuniversity to recommend each of its Doctors, not only as a promisingscholar, but as a good teacher.But this line of reasoning assumes, first, that the present tendencyof schools and colleges to regard the training for the doctorate as1 This contribution continues the discussion of the topic which was considered in the December and January issues of the Magazine by Dr. Otis W.Caldwell and Dr. Julian P. Bretz. The three articles are in response to aquestionnaire on the subject sent out by the Association of Doctors of Philosophy.203204 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEan ideal preparation for the work of teaching is logically sound andlikely to continue indefinitely, and, second, that research should beregarded rather in the light of a valuable preparation of the futureteacher than as the chief business of a scholar. Yet it is by nomeans certain that the first of these assumptions is true, and thesignal success -of those investigators whose work is entirely freefrom obligation to the profession of teaching is the best possibleproof that the second of these assumptions is worthless.By their attitude toward the degree of Master of Arts Americancolleges and universities have done much to reduce the esteem inwhich this degree was formerly held. By the force of Englishtradition and American practice this degree was long regarded asthe academic stamp of a course giving an ideal preparation for thecareer of a teacher. But it has been assigned latterly here inAmerica such a secondary place in the range of academic honorsas to be unattractive to those students who are at once capable andambitious. The degree is still conferred by many smaller collegesupon all those graduates who lead a reputable life for a few yearsafter graduation. This meaningless use of the degree and the factthat the title A.M. is frequently conferred as a distinction uponthose who never received the baccalaureate or who never evenattended a college at all, have sadly cheapened the degree in theeyes of the general public. No institution in the whole countryconfers the degree of A.M. solely in recognition of work, comparable either in quantity or quality to that demanded as a preparationfor the doctorate. The nondescript character of the Master's degreeand its neglect by the best institutions of the country in favor ofthe doctorate are, in my opinion, chiefly responsible for the foolishconviction of schools and colleges that the doctorate is the sole academic guarantee of efficiency as a teacher. The American university is not entirely excusable, either, for having made such strenuous efforts to secure for its Doctors positions as teachers, withoutdue regard for their capacity in this important particular.What the school and college need and what they want is the manwith natural aptitude for teaching, whose whole professional training has been wisely shaped to raise his natural aptitude to thepoint of greatest possible efficiency. They have been latterlyencouraged by the university to recognize this man in the Doctorof Philosophy. The result has been a long series of misfits and disappointments; but to infer from this that the university only needsRELATION OF DOCTORATE TO TEACHING 205to add to the preparation for the doctorate certain ingredients,hitherto lacking, is, it seems to me, to exhibit blindness to the reiationof cause and effect. For the relatively few men with real aptitudefor research can never meet the numerical demand for good teachers in the schools and colleges of the country, even if they continueto be foolishly recommended for such service. An inevitable resultof attempting thus to meet this practical demand would be theencouragement of many students, giving no promise of success asinvestigators, to elect a course supposed to lead to. the coveted degreewhich they could never honestly obtain. The rising tide of schooland college demand threatens, in other words, to convert our certificate of proficiency in research into a certificate of educationalproficiency.Recognizing that the highest ability as an investigator is oftencoupled with the most utter lack of ability as a teacher and thatmany men, endowed with but moderate ability as investigators, areexceptionally successful as teachers, the proper modification of ourpresent practice seems to me clear. We need a thorough course forteachers, so ordered in point of length and discipline as to warranta degree comparable in dignity to the doctorate of philosophy andentitling the holder to the confidence of the school and college public,as an able scholar and a promising teacher. It is conceivable thatthe old degree of A.M. might become significant and desirable,when conferred only for the completion of such a course. But thename of the degree is relatively unimportant. The course itself is, Ibelieve, of the greatest importance as a protection to the researchsignificance of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and as the naturaland safe method of meeting a vital need of higher education inAmerica.THE WRECK OF THE "AEON"BY BOWER REYNOLDS PATRICK, 1?B., '97Chaplain at the United States Naval Station, Tutuila, SamoaWHEN we sailed past the big American fleet of battleships inSan Francisco Bay and out through the Golden Gate onJuly 6 we little dreamed that our experiences would be unusualand thrilling. For twelve days we sailed over beautiful seas. Oneday my older boy looked over the side, peered into the depths ofthe water, and said, "Daddy, see all that ink." On July 18 we werein the southeast trades, which were blowing very hard. That afternoon I asked our captain at what time we would pass ChristmasIsland, and he replied that we would have the island about twentyfive to thirty miles abeam at 9 o'clock in the evening. At 9 :34 theship was hard aground on the coral sand and rocks of the northerlyside of the southeast point of the island, about five miles from theextremity of the point.At the moment of striking I was in bed leaning on my elbow,readjusting my older boy, who was sleeping with me. I was alsolistening to the wierd notes of scores of sea birds, that seemed fairlyto surround the ship. The ship grounded gently, the officer of thewatch having sighted the breakers and signaled full speed asternthr-ee or four minutes before we struck. For about an hour anda half the engines kept going full speed astern, but to no avail, andby that time the strong wind and current had carried us broadsideto the reef. We were soon hard and fast in that position. As wecame around the engines began to twist with the breaking of thebottom frames of the ship. We were then a hopeless wreck, andrealized that salvation for us was either the appearance of a ship orthe discovery of land. We did not know but that we had struckone of the numerous dreaded sunken reefs of the Pacific, althoughthe 'captain felt sure that he was so far to' the east of ChristmasIsland that we could not be upon it.Immediately after grounding, there was a short, wild cry fromthe Chinese crew, but after that all was quiet and orderly aboardthe ship, and each officer and man worked faithfully and well athis allotted task preparing the boats to' abandon ship, should thatbecome necessary. The boats were lowered to the rail and pro-206THE WRECK OF THE" AEON"visioned with food and water; the people got their stuff togetheras best they could, and we all settled down to wait for daybreak.The ship had taken a decided list I to' port (seaward). W (; dranktea at midnight, put the children back to. bed, and amused ourselveswith conjectures as to our whereabouts.Toward daylight we could make out dim objects in the distance that we thought to be either high land or cocoanut trees.These proved to. be small clumps of scrubby bushes not far away,the largest growth we found anywhere on the island. Daylightbrought us the cheerful view of dry land not over 400 yards away ;it was only a desert island; but it was a dry place where we couldset our feet, and there was quiet water on one side of the shipwhere we could easily get into the boats and make our start throughthe breakers. I was never gladder to see dry land in all my lifethan to view that desert island. All night we had realized that wewere possibly face to' face with many long hot days in open boats,under a tropical sun, perhaps short of water and even food ; buthere was land, and so close by that we could 'easily transport foodand other stores from the ship.At about 6 o'clock the captain sent a small boat ashore to carrya line and make it fast on the beach. This done, boats were thereafter hauled back and forth along it with comparative ease andsafety. Our party, embracing all the women and children on board,were next sent ashore safely and comfortably, and dry shod, for assoon as the boat grounded on the beach the men quickly gathered upthe women and children, and set them high and dry on the rocks.The day was spent landing provisions and canvas, lumber andother things needed for our immediate comfort. By nightfall wehad erected enough tents to make us fairly comfortable and hadsecured plenty of food stuff. The succeeding days were spent inadding other comforts to our tents, and in landing and storing provisions against a day when the ship might go down, or break topieces, for we did not know how long we might be left there.The supply of water was very short. The fresh water tanks onthe ship had filled with salt water, with the exception of the smallgravity tank on the superstructure, which fortunately had beenfreshly filled an hour before the ship struck. We faced a waterfamine .for twelve days, at the end of which time this peril wasaverted by the completion of an extemporized distiller, capable ofmaking forty or fifty gallons of fresh water per day, and by the208 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdiscovery of good fresh water seven feet below the surface of thecoral sand about five hundred yards from the beach.At the end of the first month the ship's officers had fitted oneof the life boats with a motor that had been found in the cargo,and the captain, second officer, and two engineers started for the cablestation on Fanning Island. That night they met with a mishap atsea and the next morning found that they had drifted back almostto their starting-point. As soon as they could repair the damage tothe boat and engine they returned to the wreck. We were glad tosee them safe, but felt disappointed at the failure of the expedition.The boat was repaired and such changes were made as were necessary to' put it in first-class condition. Almost one month after afresh start was made for the cable station. This time they weresuccessful and brought us speedy relief.Twenty-four hours before the relief ship was sighted a littledaughter was barn to' Mrs. Patrick. The Australian Star of Sydney, has dubbed her "The Luck of Christmas Island." It was ahappy and yet very trying moment for my family as we looked autacross the waste of sand and saw the fine passenger liner, the RoyalMail Steamer "Manuka," skirting the southern side of the island,hastening to our rescue. We knew that we must now move matherand infant at a most critical time. This was dane early the following morning so skilfully and courteously that there were no illresults, even of a temporary nature; and in spite of the fact that ahigh sea was running, a strang wind blowing, and the tide was likea mill race. It is no disparagement of the courage, skill, and powerof those who did the work far me to say that the mast tryingexperience we had in connection with the wreck was in beingrelieved.From Christmas Island the "Manuka" took us to Suva, thepretty little capital of the Fijis. There the U. S. S. "Solace" pickedus up and conveyed us to' this landlocked haven in the midst of thesouthern seas, and it was with glad hearts that we looked aut onemorning and saw the beautiful mountains of this island, towardwhich we had been journeying for three manths. and a day.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDADDRESSES AT THE CELEBRATION OFTHE DARWIN CENTENARYUnder the' auspices of the Biological Club of the University ofChicago, the hundredth anniversaryof the birth of Charles Darwin wasmarked by a series of notable addresses on the work and influence ofthe great scientist. At the openingaddress given in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall on the evening ofFebruary I, the President of theUniversity presided and introducedthe speaker, Professor Edwin GrantConklin, Ph.D., head of the department of zoology in Princeton University, whose subj ect was "TheWorld's Debt to Darwin." The firstpart of the address is published inthis issue of the Magazine; the closing part will appear in the Aprilnumber. Professor Conklin is oneof the leading zoologists of the country, and has .at various times beenconnected with the Ohio WesleyanUniversity, Northwestern University,and the University of Pennsylvania.On February 2 in Kent TheaterProfessor George H. Mead, of theDepartment of Philosophy, gave an'-')address on the subj ect of "TheWorld of Thought before and afterthe Publication of The Origin ofSpecies." On February 4, ProfessorForest R. Moulton, of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, gave an address on "CosmicEvolution;" and on February 9, Professor Albert P. Mathews, of theDepartment of Physiology, discussedthe subj ect of "Bridging the Gapbetween Living and Lifeless." FromFebruary 10 to March 18 elevenother addresses were given in thesame. plac-e, the subj ects and speakers being as follows: "Phylogeny,"by Professor Samuel W. Williston,of the Department of Paleontology;"Variation and Heredity," by Assistant Professor William L. Tower, ofthe Department of Zoology; "TheInterpretation of Environment," byAssistant Professor Henry C.Cowles, of the Department of Botany; "Darwinism and Political Sci- ence," by Associate Professor CharlesE. Merriam, of the Department ofPolitical Science; "Human Evolution- Physical and Social," by Assistant Professor George A. Dorsey,of the Department of Sociology andAnthropology; "The Influence ofDarwinism on Psychology," by Professor James R. Angell, Head of theDepartment of Psychology; "TheTheory of Individual Development,"by Professor Frank R. Lillie, of theDepartment of Zoology; "The Evolution of Religion," by ProfessorShailer Mathews, Dean of the Divinity School; "Darwinism and Experimental Methods in Botany," byProfessor Daniel T. MacDougal, ofthe Carnegie Institute; "Evolution inLanguage and in the Study of Language," by Professor Carl DarlingBuck, Head of the Department ofSanskrit and Indo-European Comparative Philology; and "Selection,Mutation, and Orthogenesis," byProfessor Charles O. Whitman, Headof the Department of Zoology.REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNIVERSITYIN THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONCONVENTIONAt the opening session of theSixth General Convention of theReligious Education Association heldin Chicago February 9-II PresidentHarry Pratt Judson presided, andProfessor Emil G. Hirsch, of theDepartment of Semitics, discussedthe subject of "Religious Educationand Moral Efficiency." On the evening of February 10, in OrchestraHall, President Judson spoke onthe subj ect of "Religious Cooperation." At later sessions ofthe convention other members ofthe University Faculties took part,as follows: - Professor CharlesR. Henderson, Head of the Department of Ecclesiastical Sociology ;Professor Ira M. Price, of the Department of Semitics ; AssociateProfessor Clyde W. Votaw, of theDepartment of New Testament Literature and Interpretation; Professor210 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEShailer Mathews, Dean of the Divinity School; Professor Marion Talbot, Dean of Women; ProfessorTheodore G. Soares and AssociateProfessor Allan Hoben, of the Department of Practical Theology ;Professor James H. Tufts, Head ofthe Department of Philosophy; Assistant Professor Herbert L. Willett,of the Department of Semitics; Mr.Lester B. Jones, Director of Music;and Mrs. ZelIa A. Dixson, AssociateLibrarian.President Judson was a memberof the Chicago executive committee,and also chairman of the receptioncommittee; Associate Professor Votaw was a member of the executivecommittee, and chairman of the committee on arrangements; Mr. LesterB. Jones was chairman of the musiccommittee; Assistant Professor Willett was chairman of the committeeon Sunday services; and AssociateProfessor Gerald B. Smith, chairmanof the committee on hospitality.THE MENDELSSOHN CENTENARYIn celebration of the hundredthanniversary of the birth of FelixMendelssohn-Bartholdy, the Theodore Thomas Orchestra gave a concert in the Leon Mandel AssemblyHall on the afternoon of February3. There was present an audience ofeleven hundred-the largest attendance at any concert given at theUniversity of Chicago. The audience showed an enthusiastic appreciation of the programme, which wasremarkable not only for the interpretation of the special Mendelssohnnumber but also for that of theBeethoven and Wagner selections.The following programme wasgiven:A Midsummer Night's Dream,MendelssohnOverture, Nocturne, Scherzo.Symphony Number 5, C Minor, Opus 67BeethovenAllegro con brio, Andante con moto,Scherzo, Finale.Bacchanale from Tannhauser, WagnerOverture to Tannhauser ...•.. WagnerCOMPLETION OF THE HARPERMEMORIAL LIBRARY FUNDPresident Harry Pratt Judsonannounced the completion of the William Rainey Harper MemorialLibrary fund on January 29, givingthe total raised by popular SUbscription as $214,000, which will be supplemented by the gift of $600,000by Mr. John D. Rockefeller. Groundfor the library will be broken thisspring, and the library will becompleted some time next year.The fund, including interest, willamount to $870,000 by the timethe library is finished. PresidentJudson also announced a gift of$40,000 to be added to the endowment fund of the library, the nameof the donor being withheld.THE FACULTIESProfessor Ludwig Hektoen, Headof the Department of Pathology andBacteriology, gave an address onJanuary 14, 1909, at a special meeting of the Medical Society of Christiania, Norway."The Longevity of Seeds" is thesubj ect of a discussion in the J anuary (1909) number of the BotanicalGazette, by Dr. William Crocker, ofthe Department of Botany."The Scientific Study of Religion"is the subj ect of a contribution inthe Standard of January 30, 1909, byAssociate Professor Gerald B. Smith,of the Department of SystematicTheology.In the January (1909) issue ofModern Philology appears the fourthcontribution on "Mediaeval LatinLyrics," by Assistant ProfessorPhilip S. Allen, of the Departmentof German. 'Professor J. Laurence Laughlin,Head of the Department of PoliticalEconomy, contributes to the March(1909) issue of Scribner's Magazinea discussion of "Government vs.Bank Issues."Professor Rollin D. Salisbury,Dean of the Ogden Graduate Schoolof Science, gave an address beforethe Hamilton Club of Chicago onJanuary 8, the subject being "TheCauses of Earthquakes.""Dutch Landscape and MarinePainters" was the subj ect of anillustrated contribution in the February (1909) number of the Chau-THE UNIVERSITY RECORDtauquan magazine by Assistant Professor George B. Zug, of theDepartment of the History of Art.The twelfth and closing contribution on the subj ect of Industrial Insurance is made to the January(1909) number of the AmericanJournal of Sociology, by ProfessorCharles R. Henderson, Head of theDepartment of Ecclesiastical Sociology.In the February number of theBiblical World Professor TheodoreG. Soares, of the Department ofPractical Theology, has a contribution entitled "The Worth of a Man,"and Dr. Henry B. Sharman discussesthe subject of "The ExpandingChurch."Professor Starr Willard Cutting,Head of the Department of German,gave an address on January II, inFullerton Hall of the Art Institutebefore the Germanistic Society ofChicago, his subj ect being "TheEarliest German Burschenschaft inIts Relation to Germany and theUnited States.""The Native Peoples of the Philippines" was the subj ect of an illustrated lecture before the GeographicSociety of Chicago on the evening ofJanuary 15, by Associate ProfessorFrederick Starr, of the Departmentof Sociology and Anthropology. Thelecture was given in Fullerton Hallof the Art Institute."The Great Seaports of Europe"was the subj ect of an address beforethe Chicago chapter of the AmericanInstitute of Banking on January 12,by Assistant Professor J. PaulGoode, of the Department of Geography. Mr. Goode also spoke onthe same subj ect before the CityClub of Chicago on January 23."The Industrial Adjustment of theImmigrant" was the subject of anaddress before the School of Civicsand Philanthropy, Chicago, on J anuary 28, by Dr. Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, of the Department of Household Administration. Miss Breckinridge is the director of the Leaguefor the Protection of Immigrants."Lincoln, the Prophet of Democracy" was the subj ect of the address 2IIgiven at the University ChapelAssembly on February II in celebration of the Lincoln Centenary,by Professor Albion W. Small, Deanof the Graduate School of Arts andLiterature. The President of theUniversity presided at the exercises.Among the speakers at the annualbanquet of the Geographic Societyof Chicago; held at the AuditoriumHotel on February II were AssistantProfessor J. Paul Goode, of theDepartment of Geography; Professor James H. Breasted, of the Department of Semitics; and ProfessorCharles R. Barnes, of the Department of Botany."The Debates in the Irish House ofCommons, 1776-1789" was the subj ect of a contribution in the January(I909) number of the English H isiorical Review, by Dr. Marcus W.J ern egan, of the Department ofHistory. Mr. J ernegan also contributed to the December (1908)number of the Educational Bimonthly an article on "An Unsolved Problem in Secondary Education.""A Positive Method for an Evangelical Theology" is the subj ect of acontribution in the January (I909)number of the A merican Journal ofTheology by Professor ShailerMathews, Dean of the DivinitySchool. A critical note in the samenumber on "The Modern-PositiveMovement in Theology" is contributed by Associate ProfessorGerald B. Smith, of the Departmentof Systematic Theology."Race Prospects in Western Canada" was the subj ect of an illustratedcontribution in the February (1909)issue of the World To-Day by Professor Charles R. Henderson, Headof the Department of EcclesiasticalSociety. To the same number Professor Shailer Mathews, Dean of theDivinity School,' contributes a discussion, under the general headingof The Awakened Church, of thesubi ect of "The Church and SocialService."Lincoln addresses were given byFrancis Wayland Shepardson, Associate Professor of American History, on February 8, before the212 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHarper chapter of the National Baptist Brotherhood in the Hyde ParkBaptist Church, Chicago, on thesubj ect, "The Religion of AbrahamLincoln." On February 9 beforethe Fort Dearborn Guild of youngwomen in the First PresbyterianChurch of Chicago, on "The Tenderness of Lincoln;" on February IIthe speech of acceptance on behalfof the University at the presentationof a bronze tablet containing theGettysburg Address; and on February 12 before the faculty and students of the Indiana State NormalSchool at Terre Haute, Ind., on thesubj ect of "Abraham Lincoln: AnIndividual and an Ideal.""The Religion of Persia" was thegeneral subj ect of the series ofHaskell Lectures given this, yearin the Haskell Oriental Museumfrom January I3 to 21, by A. V.Williams Jackson, Ph.D., LL.D., professor of Indo-Iranian Languagesin Columbia University. The specialsubjects of the lectures were as follows: "Persia and Its Ancient SacredBooks;" "Zoroaster, One of theGreat Religious Teachers of theEast;" "Zoroastrianism, the Historic Religion of Iran;" "Development of the Ancient Persian Faith;""Mithraism, Manichaeism, and Mazdakism;" and "Later Religious History of Persia." This is the thirteenth annual series of lectures onthe Haskell Foundation, the lastseries being given by ProfessorMaurice Bloomfield, of Johns Hopkins University, on the subj ect of"The Religion of the Veda."The opening contribution in theJanuary (1909) number of the Astrophysical J ournal, entitled "Notes onthe Possibility of Fission of a Contracting Rotating Fluid Mass," isby Associate Professor Forest R.Moulton, of the Department ofAstronomy and Astrophysics. "Interaction of Sun-Spots" is discussedin the same number by Philip Foxand Giorgio Abetti, of the YerkesObservatory, the article being illus- trated by three plates. "Spectrum ofComet Morehouse (1908c)" is thesubj ect of an illustrated contributionby Professor Edwin B. Frost and Mr.J. A. Parkhurst, of the Observatory,and Professor Edwin E. Barnardcontributes a third paper on "Photographic Observations of Comet CI908(Morehouse) ," illustrated by fiveplates. Mr. Barnard also contributesan article on "The Colors of Someof the Stars in the Globular ClusterM 13 Herculis."In the series of Constructive BibleStudies edited by Ernest De WittBurton, Head of the Department ofNew Testament Literature and Interpretation, the latest issue fromthe University of Chicago Press isentitled Heroes of I sraelJ by Theodore Gerald Soares, Professor ofHomiletics and Religious Education.The volume, of about four hundredpages, contains thirty-five chapterswhich include the Bible stories ofAbraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph,Moses, Joshua and Caleb, Gideon,Samson, Ruth, Samuel and Eli, Samuel and Saul, Jonathan, David, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Nehemiah,Esther, Judas, and Daniel. Thereare also maps of the Semitic worldand of Canaan and illustrationsshowing a caravan in Palestine,portrait statues of Ramses II, brickmaking in Egypt, Michelangelo'sMoses and David, Cedars of Lebanon, and Esther's palace. The textused is that of the British revisers,and the explanatory material is reduced to a minimum so as to letthe stories speak for themselves.Each narative is followed by abrief account of the significanceof the story and by questions for awritten review. There are also threegeneral reviews covering the book.A teacher's manual accompanies thevolume. Acknowledgement is madeof the valuable help given by thegeneral editor of the series, Professor Ernest D. Burton, and byAssistant Professor J. M. P. Smith,of the Department of Semitics.DISCUSSION AND COMMENTMICHIGAN AND THE CONFERENCEWhat is generally considered asthe first .move t?ward a resumptionof athletic relations between Michigan and the Conference Collegeswas made on February 3 when theAthletic Board of Control of theUniversity of Minnesota accepted acontract offered by Michigan whichcalls for a game at Northrup field onNovember 20, 1909, and a return dateat Ann Arbor the year following.According to the rules of the Conference no member will play anyuniversity outside of the Conferencethat does not conform to Conferenceregulations. It is inferred, thereforethat Michigan has promised to ob�serve all Conference rules from nowon, inasmuch as a game with Minnesota would have been impossibleunder any other conditions.That a sweeping change in thecontrol of Michigan's athletics isnear appears evident. One of theimportant Conference rules is thatthe faculty must be in full and complete control of the athletic interestsof the institution-as a prerequisitefor membership. The moot point atMichigan, whether the Board ofRegents, or certain graduates or theFaculty is the proper governi�g body,must necessarily be near a solution.The pre�sure that has been broughtto bear In recent months by alumniall over the United States is .mderstood to be a powerful factor in themovement toward complete facultycontrol and a return to membershipin the Conference. .Since the end of the footballseason of 1908, which resulted sodisastrously for Michigan there hasbeen considerable comment in collezepupli�atio,ns on t.he advisability �fMichigan s returning to the Conference and accepting Conference rules.The reason urged has been thatMichigan's ill-luck was due to thefact that the colleges she played hadmany different eligibility rules andstandards. The sentiment of thealumni was made public in an edi- torial article in the M ic higan A lumnus for January, which declaredMichigan could return to the Conference without loss of prestige andat the expense of very minor adjustments. Comment favorable toMichigan's return has since appearedin the Wisconsin S pectaior, the Wisconsin Alumni Magazine and theDaily lllini. A recent editorial inthe Michigan Daily took the Alumnus to task for its point of view butthis is not held to reflect the judgment of the great majoritywhich IS anxious to uphold a highstandard.The Alumnus believes that thereal question involved seems to bewhether the Faculty of the university or the Board of Regents shallcontrol her athletics. It considersmany of the questions that were thebone of contention a few years azosolved in the course of events. Therule which limited athletes to threeyears of athletic work is no longerconsidered important, because themen affected will be out of schoolby the end of this year. The question of a training table can be settledeasily, says the A lumnus and adds:"It is safe to say that Jno footballteam in any of our large universitieswith a few possible exceptions iswithout something corresponding toa training table." This leads us toquestion the sources of informationof the Alumnus. The limitation ofgames is also found to have beensettled automatically, some of theConference colleges now playingseven games, which Michigan askedfor: . The differe?ce in preliminarytraining, says this publication hastaken care of itself, so much s� thatthis year Michigan will begin training a day after the Conference colleges. The disputed point is still thatof "home rule," concerning whichthe A lumnus says:It is advocated by those who upholdthis policy that it would he better forMichigan to control her own policiesr:=tther than to be subject to the dictation of the Conference and especially213214 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof the smaller colleges which are included in the Conference, and whoseproblems and interests are presumablynot those of the larger colleges. Thereis also a feeling that Michigan mightbe involved under the Conference inschedules several years ahead withother colleges, and that is felt to beundesirable.Azainst these arguments for "homerulee" those who advocate Conferenc� control believe in the uniformityin rules which the Conference assuresand also the impossibility of changingrules to suit the requirements of individual players. Michigan, in her present position, playing with universitiesgoverned by so many different eligihili ty rules, is in a very difficult andoften disadvantageous position, andthe ensuring of an absolute uniformityin rules is felt to be a great gain forgood sportsmanship and better university feeling. The friends of the Conference also believe that it effectuallyprevents any backward steps. I t wouldbe far easier for one university to letdown the rules, than for such anorganization as the Conference. Themost effective argument perhaps forthe Conference is more or less altruistic-the influence of its solidarityon outside colleges, which would resultin a very general elevation of athleticstandards in the smaller colleges, andtherefore on athletics in general, notonly in the West, but eventually in thewhole country,The Wisconsin Spectator believesthat the natural rivals of Michiganare in the West and looks forwardto the speedy restoration of athleticrelations. "Michigan must bear inmind, however," says the Spectator."that the will of the maj ority mustrule and that if she returns she mustin common with other institutionsbe governed by the rules promulgated by .the Conference." The chiefregret of the Daily Illini is thatMichigan in baseball "was the onlyteam that could make a good showing against the Orange and Blue."The Wisconsin Alumni Magazinedoes not look for a change in athletic conditions at Michigan untilthe end of the present college year.Asserting that it seems certainDirector Baird will resign then theMagazine says: "The attitude afterthat time will depend largely uponthe selection of Baird's successor,as it is probable that the Board of Control, now dominated by antiConference men, will be changed toconform to the policy of the newathletic director."AWARDS IN ECONOMICSUniversity of Chicago alumni wererecipients of important prizes in thefourth Hart, Schaffner & Marxaward, which is given annually forpapers on economic subj ects. Thefirst graduate prize of 1908 was givenOscar Douglas Skelton, Ph.D., '08,assistant professor in political science in Queen's University, Kingston,Canada, for an essay entitled "TheCase against Socialism." A secondprize of $500 was given Emily FoggMeade, '97, wife of Edward Sherwood Meade, instructor in historyin the University of Pennsylvania.The subject of Mrs. Meade's paperwas "Agricultural Resources of theUnited States." A prize of $1,000was awarded in 1907 to Albert N.Merritt, Ph.D., '06, for an essay entitled "Federal Regulation of Railway Rates."For the fifth year the Hart,Schaffner & Marx prizes open upopportunities for college men to geta hearing and at the same time anadequate reward for the time spenton their work. For the competitionthat closes J une I, 1909, prizes areoffered under two general heads forthree classes of contestants, the firstincluding any American withoutrestriction, the second any undergraduate of an American college,and the third any person who hasnot had an academic training. Theprizes offered make a total of $2,000.The committee in charge of the contest is composed of Professor J.Laurence Laughlin, of the University of Chicago, chairman; ProfessorJ. B. Clark, of Columbia University;Professor Henry C. Adams, of theUniversity of Michigan; HoraceWhite, of New York City; andCarroll D. Wright, of Clark College.THE MEN'S COMMONSWithin the last year patronage ofthe private dining-room of the Men'sCommons has grown so large thatDISCUSSION AND COMMENThardly an evening passes but thatsome University organization meetsthere. The January report of Mr.T. L. Barrell, manager of the Men'sCommons, shows that frequentlytwo clubs have been served on thesame evening, one dining in theCommons Cafe, which will accommodate a great many more peoplethan the private dining-room. Theorganizations making use of therooms are of many different interests. During the month dinnershave been given by the CommercialClub, the Pen Club, the Fencibles,the officers of the University Press,the Executive Committee of theAlumni Association, the Phi BetaPi fraternity, the members of Section I of Hitchcock Hall, the Orderof the Iron Mask, and on severaloccasions by organizations connectedwith Hyde Park churches, in whichUniversity men are interested. OnJanuary 22 a number of alumni ofPurdue University gathered in theprivate dining-room, During October, 1908, 969 meals were served inthe private dining-room, and in N 0-vember, 1908, the number increasedto 1,085.The Men's Commons alone hasbeen enj oying an increasing patronage from year to year. In October,1908, 22,973 meals were served, asagainst 21,789 in October, 1907. Incontrast to 18,375 meals served inNovember, 1907, is the total of 19,-486 served in November, 1908. Thesummer of 1908 was the biggest inthe history of the Commons. InJuly 45,134 meals were served, andthe summer months show an increaseof 20,000 meals over those of 1907.The biggest day was July 21, when1,728 persons were served. TheCommons management likes to lookback on this as a day on which thekitchen worked like a charm, beingable to serve eight meals a minute,or 480 an hour. What a field is herefor the statistician, should he careto figure up the number of pies cut,eggs fried, and gallons of coffee used.Appreciation of the uses of theCommons does not appear to be lacking among the University public.Its steadily growing patronageseems to show that the students are 215satisfied with the service. The unfailing support that the Commons isgetting should be reciprocated by the'persistent attempt of the management to keep _the Commons serviceup to the highest state of efficiency."PROM" EXPENSESDeclaring that "the essence ofdemocracy is simplicity," the YaleAlumni Weekly of January 13 feelsthat it will hardly be claimed thatthe simplicities of the Yale promare as yet strikingly dominant. Itsremonstrance against prom expenses,together with an announcement maderecently by the Yale prom committee,declaring that flowers for guestswould not be in favor during promweek, leads to the conclusion thatsocial demands are rather heavy onYale undergraduates. Similar protests have been made at other universities. At the University of Chicago, on the other hand, studentshave been uniformly free from anexcessive expenditure for proms.The reason for this is foundperhaps in the fact that proms areone-night social functions at Chicago, while at many universities theylast a week, combining house parties,theater parties, and private dances.The management of the Chicagoproms has been conservative foryears. The following table of expenses of one man is typical:Ticket .. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. $4.00Flowers .....................• 1.00Cab hire ,;....... 4.009.00Cab hire for longer distances mayincrease by a dollar; more often it isless when four people occupy thesame carriage.Although the proms should be themost important social affairs in undergraduate life they are frequentlyhandicapped by being placed in competition with numberless socialfunctions in the city itself. Theactivities of ,the student body aredissipated over the entire city, whichis one reason why the attendancesat the proms are never exceptionally large. Again, their appeal doesnot seem to be wide enough to in-2I6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEelude all who attended the dance ofthe University Settlement on J anuary 30. This is to be regretted, butit is a condition which must beovercome by new methods.The work of prom committeesmerits support. Committeemen givetheir time freely. The decorationsare costly. The luncheons in Hutchinson Hall have been uniformlysatisfactory. If the under-graduate who asserts that a prom isbeyond his reach will revise theamount he spends for theaters andother pleasures that he indulges induring the year, he will find himselfnot only able to support the prom,but amply compensated for his sacrifice. That spirit of loyalty which ismaking the University Commonssuccessful, is building the newHarper Memorial Library and isagitating a new gymnasium for thewomen, can work effectively forthe proms.UNIVERSITY CONDITIONS, EASTAND WE$TIn a careful study of YaleUniversity in the Independent forFebruary 4, Edwin E. Slosson, Ph.D.,'94, tells why the summer school atYale proved a failure. The department was opened July 6, I 905, andwas conducted for three seasons, inwhich the students numbered 26g,207, and I39. The expense for thefirst two years was $2,000 and $9,000.The school was not incorporated inthe university and full credit wasdenied summer students. Dr. Slosson believes this to have been one ofthe main reasons for its failure.Comparing this with the summer'School at the University of Chicago,he says:President Harper, in starting thesummer work at Chicago, in 1894,showed the same boldness and determination as President Eliot in introducing the elective system at Harvard.He made it the full equivalent of theother quarters, with instructors of thehighest standing and full universitycredit for the work done. It was anastonishing success from the start andis one of the most profitable featuresof the University of Chicago in every sense of the word. The work donein the summer is in general both morethorough and more advanced than thatof the winter quarters, and the University has extended its influence all overthe South and West by means of it.Other universities have imitated theplan more or less completely and withsimilar success.Dr. Sloss on notes a curious difference between the influence of thealumni of eastern and western colleges. He finds western alumniurging their Alma Mater forward,sometimes overruling president,trustees, and faculty and forcing theuniversity, by control of the legislature, to take steps to bring it intocloser touch with modern life. Theeastern alumni he finds conservative,even reactionary, "opposing almostany change, wise or unwise." Hebelieves eastern alumni to be generous to their universities, but, as abody, desirous of keeping their AlmaMater unaltered. "It is the alumniI believe," he says, "who are re�sponsible for the preservation of OldSouth Middle, which makes Yalelook like a full-grown rooster with abit of the shell from which it washatched stuck on its back."In his inquiries Dr. Slosson founda lack of co-operation or team-playin the university as a whole. Hecommends the. religious atmosphere,and says that m no other universitythat he visited does the Y. M. C. A.stand so high in the student body,or exert so much influence in studentand political affairs. Chicago menwill be interested to know that atYale interest in debating is sadlylacking, and that the attendance ata Yale-Harvard debate in WoolseyHall was made up of "a very tepidaudience, mostly women and townspeople." In discussing the make-upof the Senior societies Dr. Slossonbelieves that scholarship has littleweight in the question of eligibility.Athletics he considers overdone."The finest thing about Yale," hesays in his concluding paragraph, "isthe student body." This, he feels,is made up of wide-awake and wellordered young men, not cynical,blase, or prematurely aged, nor awkward, unruly, and obstreperous.CORRESPONDENCE[The Editors of The Universlty of Chlcago M agaz-ine welcome letters from graduates, faculty,and students on University topics. Correspondence should bear the signature of the writer. TheMagazine is not responsible for opinions expressed in contributions.]THE FIRST GLEE CLUBEditor of the Magazine:Sir.' The first Glee Club of theUniversity of Chicago was composedof Ira Allen and George Horne, firsttenor's; A. A. Stagg and HowardPrescott, second tenors; Warren P.Behan, first bass; Alfred Williamsand Earl V. Pierce, second basses.The Glee Club of I892-93, had its pictures taken at a studio which soonafter burned, destroying the plate, WARDNER WILLIAMSso that no pictures of this first club Denver, Colo., January 27, I909ever appeared.Mr. Allen studied theology andafter graduation became a pastor atRock Island, Ill. Later he returned Editor of the Magazine.'to Chicago to become assistant pro- Sir: On the Saturday afternoonfessor of systematic theology in Me- preceding the Convocation of June,Cormick Theological Seminary. I908, I attended the first alumniGeorge Horne was a member of the meeting after graduating from theUniversity Divinity School. It was University of Chicago. My wifehis delight to sing to the patients in came with me in the hope of meetingthe city hospitals Sunday afternoons. some of my classmates, and I feltHe bubbled over with life and good a little proud to have her come, hop-cheer. After leaving the University ing that she would see a great dem-he entered upon mission work in onstration of Chicago alumni spirit.Indian Territory, where he preached The joke was on me, however, whento the Indians. His friends wanted we entered the "velvet silence" ofhim to return to England, his native Mandel Hall and became membersland, but he did not feel that he of the company described by Mr.could leave his work among the Robertson in his article in the J anu-Indians. Later his health became ary number of the Magazine. Itimpaired and he died, I believe, in seemed everybody wanted to getCalifornia. A. A. Stagg, the honored away as quickly as possible becauseand beloved director of athletics in it was Saturday afternoon. I didthe University, was then, as now, not understand the reason, but afteralways ready to lend his voice, hand, the meeting learned that there wereor influence to any cause which was ball games, a conference meet, andof service to the University. How- the inter-scholastic, all of whichard Prescott is now one of the sue- were more interesting than an alumnicessful business men of his native meeting. I have since wonderedcity, Cleveland. Alfred Williams why it was that this alumni meetinghas continued to develop his splendid was held at that time every year.voice by study in London and Paris, Saturday afternoon to the localsinging most acceptably in church, alumni, not only in the immediateconcert, and oratory. The attain- vicinity of the University, but inments of the other members of this the whole city, is a great holidayfirst club I do not recall, for, after time in June. It is the time of theleaving the University they doubtless year when the young people want217 took up their life work remote fromthe scenes of their college days.My pictures of the clubs for theearly years I turned over to the University, and they will be found inthe care of Mr. David A. Robertson,secretary to the President. A complete list of all the musical clubs forthe first nine years of the Universitymay be found in the Musical RecordBook.THE NEW ALUMNI DAY218 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto get out to the public parks oramusement parks and when youngmarried ones wish to spend theirtime with their families and the"kids." I t must be remembered thatevery year there are more alumnifamilies and that it is more important {or them to have their outing onSaturday afternoon than it is forthem to attend an alumni meeting inthe silence of Mandel Hall.This new plan, to have the alumniluncheon on Convocation Day, seemsto me to be the right idea. Thelocal alumni will have no excuse fornot attending, and if they will havethe opportunity not only of meetingtheir fellow-classmates but also oflistening to such great men as thespeakers for the Convocations, theywill most certainly come. I believe,too, that alumni will come fromsurrounding towns and from longerdistances if they know there will beone big day when the whole University family will be gathered together.I think it would be a capital ideato have Mr. Robertson's article published in pamphlet form and sent toevery alumnus of the University.WILLIAM J. McDOWELL, '02Chicago, January 22, I909AN ALUMNAE VIEWEditor of the Magazine:Sir: There is general satisfactionamong the alumnae over the proposed change in Alumni Day, or,more truly, concurrence in it. Manyknow that they cannot go on thatday, but as they did not go on Saturday they think that the change willprobably find a larger number whocan and will go. The Alumnae Club,however, proposes to hold the breakfast on Saturday, as usual. Thesentiment of those I have talkedwith is not favorable to the mergingof the University Luncheon and theAlumni ·Dinner.KATE B. MILLER, '02Chicago, February 6, I909 GARGOYLETTESFATHER OF ELECTIVE SYSTEMThomas J efferson, and not President Eliot, deserves credit for introducing the elective system, saysRobert K. Massie, an alumnus of theUniversity of Virginia, in a letter toCollier's. Mr. Massie quotes Professor Francis Greenwood Peabodyof Harvard as saying: "Fifty yearsbefore the administration of Harvard offered even a modest recognition to the principle of election itwas absolutely accepted here (theUniversity of Virginia) by thegenius, foresight, and philosophicgrasp of Mr. Jefferson."FOOTBALL VERSUS PRAYERWillie, aged five, was taken by hisfather to his first football game, saysSuccess. The feature that caughthis chief approval, however, did notbecome evident till he said his prayers that night. To the horror of hisparents 'Willie prayed, with true football snap:God bless papa,God bless mama,God bless Willi e ;Boom! Rah! Rah!SIGNIFICANCE OF A DEGREEWhether a man is called a Doctorof Philosophy or a Doctor of Sciencedoes not necessarily depend upon thetype of his mind or the dominantcharacter of his education or thesubj ect of his original work. I t maydepend merely on whether he didor did not read De Bello Gallico inthe original seven years before. Imperious Caesar still rules.- Ex.AT THE GAMEShe-Why doesn't the Chicagoteam pay more attention to us girls?He-The Chicago team, my dear,is strictly a Stagg affair.-W isconsinSphinx.BY DEGREESCollege men are very slow,They seem to take their ease;For even when they graduate,They do it by degrees.-Columbia Jester.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO GLEE CLUBA home concert Iwill'be given in Mandel Hall on March II. Alumni may reserve seats by mail.UNDERGRADUATE LIFEATHLETICSChicago defeated the track teamof the University of Illinois atBartlett Gymnasium on February 5by the close score of 44 to 42. Theclever work of Captain Lingle, whodefeated Lindberg. in the quartermile run early in the meet startedthe scoring for Chicago. Ten pointswere won by Comstock and eightby. Stophlet and' Timblin. May,McCord, and Washburne provedstrong point winners for the III inois team. Comstock gave an excellent account of himself in themile and half-mile runs, his timefor the half-mile, 2: 05 1-5, takingthree-fifths of a second off therecord for Bartlett Gymnasium,made by Cahill of Chicago. Timblin took second place in the 440and 880 yard races. Jacobs wonthe pole vault at I I feet 2 inches.The indoor track schedule forthe rest of the Winter Quarter willinclude the following events:Friday Feb. 26-IlIinois basket-balltean{ at Chicago ; .. Lake Forest vs,Chicago 19 I 2 at Chicago.Saturday, Feb. 27- Track meet between Illinois 1912 and Chicago 1912at Chicago; First preliminary of theCook County High School meet atBartlett Gymnasium.Friday, March 5- Track meet, Chicagoat Illinois; second preliminary ofCook County High School" meet.Saturday, March 6-Basket-ball, Wisconsin at Chicago.Friday, March 12-Third preliminaryof the Cook County High Schoolmeet in Bartlett Gymnasium.Saturdav. March 13-Chicago basketball team at Minnesota; Chicagoswimming team at Illinois.Thursday, March I8-Cook CountyBible Class track meet in Bartlett. Gvmnasiurn.Saturday, March ao-s-Semi-flnals ofthe Cook County High' School meetin Bartlett Gymnasium; A. A. in Bartlett Gymnasium.Saturday, March 27-:-Finals of theCook County High School meet.The following outdoor trackschedule has been made public:April. 1 7- Tryouts for the Pennsylvania relay races for varsity andprep school teams. April 24-Pennsylvania relay r'aces, 'May 8-Chicago at Wisconsin, dualmeet,May I s-Illinois at Chicago, dual meet.May 22-Purdue at Chicago, dualmeet.Chicago's confidence in the Varsitybasket-ball team was renewed withthe opening victories of the season,and many look forward' to anotherchampionship year.. The defeat ofIndiana at Bartlett Gymnasium onJanuary 15 by a score of 18 to 12,after a close game disquieted thestudents at first, but subsequent victories over Purdue on January 23by a score of 31 to 11 and. overNorthwestern on January 30 by 28to 4 increased their expectations.Iowa was defeated on January 28by a score of 29 to 10 and Wisconsin, which had been expected toprove the most formidable opponentof the month, fell on February 6by a score of 10 to 5. The returnof Orville H. Page added anothermember of the championship teamof 1908. Hoffman and Kelly distinguished themselves from thefirst, and "Long John" Schommerproved himself as adept at goals as inhis former work. Page gave a goodaccount of himself from his firstgame, that with Purdue. CaptainGeorgen played remarkably well inspite of the fact that early in theseason he had just recovered froman .attack of ptomaine poisoning.Chicago's official football schedulefor 1909 may be lengthened toseven .games by Conference vote.The dates already announced are:October 16, Illinois at Chicago;October 30, Minnesota at Minneapolis ; November 13, Cornell atIthaca; and November 30, Wisconsin at Chicago. The request from theUnited States Naval Academy atIndianapolis for a game could notbe filled, owing to the schedulealready outlined. The announcement of January 29 that Michizanhad signed two games with Minnesota .will not affect the schedule ofthe University of Chicago for thecoming year.Members of the fencing, wrest-2I9220 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEling, and gymnastic teams met theathletes of the Vorwaerts Ttirnvereinof Chicago in Bartlett Gymnasiumon February 10 and demonstratedthe advance secondary athletics havemade in Chicago. The gymnasticteams used the side horse, parallelbars, and rings, while the fencersmet with foils, dueling swords, andbroadswords. Secondary athleticsare becoming more and more popular with the students.SOCIAL EVENTSOn the night of February 19 Bartlett Gymnasium was the scene of themost important student social eventof the 'Winter Quarter, the Washington Promenade. Renslow Shererand Miss Helen Hurd led thegrand march. Tasteful decorationstransformed the big gymnasium intoa spacious ballroom, where aboutninety couples danced. The chairmen of the important committeeswere Walter P. Steffen, finance;John F. Dille, arrangements; William P. MacCracken, reception;Miss Lulubel Walker, decoration,and Walter S. Morrison, printing.The Washington Promenade wasthe second social affair of thequarter in Bartlett Gymnasium. Onthe cold night of January 30 oversix hundred students attended thesecond annual dance for the University Settlement. The event wascharmingly informal. Tags, whichhad been sold during the week astickets to the dance, also served ascards of identification, so thateveryone was made acquainted.Cider, apples, and doughnuts wereserved. The disinterested work ofthe student committees netted a respectable sum for the Settlement.Class dances will be more numerous as the quarter grows older.The class of 191 I continued its custom by giving a valentine party atthe Reynolds Club on the afternoonof February 15.The fire of February 4 on thesecond floor of the Reynolds Club,which did damage to the extent ofabout $700 did not interfere withany activities of the club except billiards. The smoker of February 6brought forward much talent hitherto unsuspected, the programmeincluding songs by the Glee Club,an act by Baukhage, Benzies, andMerrill, and a sketch. by Bowmanand Brandt. Loraine Northrup gavea violin solo. The annual receptionto' President and Mrs. Judson washeld on February I I.Through the courtesy of Mrs.Martin Ryerson the classes in artand architecture - under Mr. George'Breed Zug were given two boxesat the performance, on January 27,of the Pageant of the Renaissance,at the Art Institute.An important reception of theUniversity Commercial Club washeld in the rooms of the ReynoldsClub on the evening of Wednesday,January 27. Dean Nathaniel Butlerand Professor Frederick Starrwere the principal speakers. Theguests of the club included abouta dozen representative Chicago business men.DRAMATICSA final" revision of the new Blackfriar play is being made by HowardP. Blackford, Hurnard Kenner,Richard E. Myers, and CharlesWillard, the successful authors aridcomposers. The decision of theplay committee was given out onFebruary 3. Four plays were entered in the competition, More thanPoet, by the authors named;Moro onland, by Carl Burton, '08,and George Garrett; The Lord ofMokot», by Herbert Keller, KarlKeefer, and Gordon Ericson, andNixon '99, by Bernard 1. Bell, '07,and Earl Bowlby. The play probably will be produced the secondweek in May.The action of More than Poettakes place on the cat farm of anelderly spinster who is in love withthe verses of a lunatic poet. She isentertaining the college friends ofher niece at her home. The heroof the play loves the niece, but hissuit is opposed by the aunt. In themiddle of the festivities the cookleaves, declaring that she will nolonger cook for cats. In order tomake her stay the college men mustmake love to her, and by lot thehero becomes the victim. His pre-UNDERGRADUATE LIFEdicament is increased when he isintroduced as the lunatic poet.Finally the poet also appears on thescene when he is not wanted. Thecomplications are said to be laughprovoking in the extreme.Parts have been assigned by theDramatic Club for Goldini's TheFan, which is to be given March 4and 5. The cast will include fourteen people. Coach Wallace willsecure special costuming for theplay by co-operating with the Alliance Francaise,Two plays are being prepared bythe women's colleges for an earlypresentation. The Sock and Buskinof Philosophy College will give ThePiper Pays, and the Greenroom ofLiterature College will presentEngaging Janet.DEBATINGChicago's even break in theTriangle League, resulting fromthe victory over Michigan and thedefeat by Northwestern, has inspiredrenewed debating activities. Theshowing is much better than that oflast year, when Chicago suffered twodefeats, and leads enthusiastic members of the Platform Club toprophesy that Chicago will bag twovictories next year. In the debatejust closed the affirmative teamwas made up of Isaac E. Ferguson,Heber P. Hostetter, and W. J.Black, and the negative team of PaulO'Donnell, J. W. Hoover, and Clarence A. Bales.Vallee O. Appel, S. E. Earle, andAllan Loth were chosen to championthe interests of Philosophy Collegeagainst the teams of the other Juniorcolleges. The subject for debate is((Resolved, That Women Should BeAllowed to Vote in Chicago on theSame Basis as Men."Members of the Fencibles renewedtheir interest in debate at a dinnerfor Henry Porter Chandler on J anuary 19, in the private dining-roomof the University Commons. ValleeO. Appel presided.Debates that have all the vigorand sincerity of those they aim torepresent are being held every Monday afternoon in the Law School,when the Mock Senate is in session. 221This body was organized through theefforts of the Commonwealth Cluband the Department of Political Science, on January 18, when the following officers were elected:President-Arnold B. Hall.Bill Clerk-Reno R. Reeve.Reading Clerk-Leslie M. Burrage.Frederick D. Bramhall was chosenpresident of the United States. TheSenate now has nearly one hundredmembers. The plan was firstbroached at a banquet of those interested at the University Commonson January 12. Like the mock senates of Cornell and other universitiesit is intended to acquaint the members with legislative procedure.WOMEN'S ACTIVITIESThat the women of the Universityare determined to make their 'campaign for a new gymnasium bringresults has been placed prominentlybefore the students in the last month.The next step in their plans is thepresentation of the annual W. A. A.vaudeville in Mandel Hall in April.A competition for the best musicalplaylet has been begun, the judgesbeing Miss Marie Ortmayer, MissPhoebe Bell, and Miss Evelyn Phillips. That the vaudeville will beelaborate is shown by the appointment of the following committees:General chairman-Frances Herrick.Costumes-Eva Schultz, LauraWilder, and Edith Coonley.Scenery-Eleanor Freund, EleanorDavidson, and Juliet Griffin.Advertising-Florence Manning,Alice Johnson, and Mamie Lilly.Music-Jessie Heckman, Edith Osgood, and Edith Hemingway.Refreshments-Mary Phister, EdithPrindeville, and Virginia Freeman.Stunts-Margaret Bell, Irvina Miner,Marjorie Day, Gertrude Fish, and Gertrude Emerson.On January 14 Director Staggfired the shot that started the classrepresentatives on the "Penny Marathon." At sixteen pennies to thefoot the runners finished with atotal of $500, the alumnae winning,with the Juniors second, and theSophomores third.On January 29 the women editedthe Daily Maroon and personallysold the copies, making a profit of222 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE$30. The editor-in-chief of thewomen's issue was Miss MamieLilly, assisted by the ¥isses MarieOrtmayer, '06, Katharine Slaught,'09 Ernestine Evans, 'i I, and RuthSh�rwood, '12, and a staff of associate editors and reporters.What was considered its largestannual membership dinner was heldby the Young Women's ChristianLeague in Lexington hall on February 2. Miss Helen Peck acted astoastmistress. Dr. Warren P. Behan,of the Y. M. C. A. Training School,spoke on "Here's to the League.""The League in Camp" was described by Miss Ethel Preston.Other interesting topics were "Restfor the \\/ eary," by Miss HelenAngus; "The Present State ofAffairs," by Mrs. James Lyman;"Tag, You're It!" by Miss KatharineSlaught, and "The League in 1912,"by Miss Clara Allen. The followingtalks and meetings have been heldduring the month:Jan. 19-"Marriage Customs amongthe y ounz Women of India," by Mrs.W. E. Hopkins.Jan. 2o-"Ke-eping Abreast of theTimes," by Miss Geraldine Brown.Jan. 26- Tea for graduate students,Miss Cora Gray, hostess.Jan. 27-"A Modern Journey toJerusalem," by Dr. Ira W. Price.Feb. 3-"What Membership in theLeague Means," by Miss Ethel Preston. Feb. 9-"Spiritual Opportunities inStudent Life," by Miss Elizabeth Fox.Feb. r o-s-News from other studentassociations, by Miss Frances Herrick.Feb. 16-"The Association and Factory Girls," by Miss Harriet Broad,state secretary.Feb. 17-"Association Work inSmall Towns," by Miss Harriet Broad.Feb. 23-"Forty Days of Preparation for a Great Feast," by Dr. HermanPage.Feb. 24-"A Glimpse into the Settlements," by Mary Courtenay.Freshmen women were properlyinitiated by the older residents ofthe women's halls during January.The Freshmen in Nancy FosterHouse gave a morality play entitledNo Loafing-Place. Kelly Freshmenpresented Eighty Buckets of Blood,a melodrama, with much realism.Nancy Foster House gave its Winter Quarter dance on January 29.Beecher entertained on February 12,and Green Hall on February 20. Animmigrant party proved entertainingat Green Hall, all house membersattending in foreign peasant costumeand Miss Yeomans providing anEllis Island dinner.The English Twelve Club heard apaper by Miss Alice Greenacre onPercy Mackaye on January 13. MissHelen Peck was hostess at tea onJanuary 27.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryDr. Donald E. Bridgmen, '07, is atpresent studying law at the HarvardLaw School.Dr. William D. Merrell, '98, isassistant professor of biology at theUniversity of Rochester.Dr. Edith Abbott, 'oS, is now assistant director of the Chicago Schoolof Civics and Philanthropy.Dr. Eugene Eo Patton, '08, is instructor in economics and history atthe University of Rochester.Dr. Oscar D. Skelton, '08, is professor of political science at Queen'sUniversity, Kingston, Canada.Dr. A. Beziat de Bordes, '99, isnow professor of French in N ewcomb College, of Tulane University,New Orleans, La.Dr. Arthur W. Smith, '04, hasrecently been promoted to an assistant professorship at Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y.Dr. Willis S. Hilpert, '06, is chemist at the laboratory of the AmericanMedical Association. His address is2440 Indiana Ave., Chicago.Dr Albert N. Merritt, '06, is secretary of the Commercial Exchange ofChicago and has his offices in theRailway Exchange Building.Dr. Franklin P. Ramsay, '03, hasresigned his position at JeffersonPark College. His present addressis 425 Washington Boulevard, Chicago.Dr. Reinhardt Thiessen, '07, ismicroscopist in the technologicalbranch of the Geological Survey.His address is 3306 Park Place,Washington, D. C.Dr. Chester N. Gould, '06, formerly instructor in German at Dartmouth College, is now an instructorin the Germanic Department of theUniversity of Chicago.Dr. Marion L. Taylor, '08, istemporarily at I230 AmsterdamAvenue, New York City. Her permanent address is 362 ClintonAvenue, Albany, N. Y.Dr. Leonas L. Burlingame, '08, ofLeland Stanford Jr. University, hadan article on "Staminate Cone ofPodocarpus" in the September (1908)number of the Botanical Gazette.Dr. Isabelle Bronk, '00, has recentlypublished a partial reprint of thePo esies Diuerses of Antoine Furetiere, with introduction, notes, andglossary. (Furst & Co., Baltimore.)Dr. Robert L. Borger, '07, instructor in mathematics at the University of Illinois, has an article in arecent number of the AmericanMathematical Monthly entitled "OnDeMoizre's Quintic."Dr. Augustus R. Hatton, '07, ofWestern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, gave an address on "TheLiquor Traffic and City Government"before the National 1\1 unicipal leagueat Pittsburg, Pa., in November, 1908.Dr. Henry B. Kiimmel, '95, was adelegate from New Jersey to theconvention on the Conservation ofNatural Resources, held at the WhiteHouse in Washington, Ig08. DoctorKiirnmel's address is State House,Trenton, N. J.Dr. Henry P. Willis, 'g8, is nowprofessor of finance at the GeorgeWashington University, 'Washington,D. c., and is also Washington correspondent and editorial writer for theNew York Journal of Commerceand Commercial Bulletin.Dr. Edward A. Bechtel, � 00, is theauthor of an article on "FingerCounting among the Romans in theFourth Century" which appeared inClassical Philology, January, 1909.Doctor Bechtel is assistant professorof Latin in Tulane Universitv.Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed, 'g8, is theauthor of three books: one entitledEpistle to the Hebrews, published bythe MacMillan Company, Ig08; another, Chicago Literary Papyri, Chi-223224 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcago, 1908; and The .Conflict ofSeverus of Antioch, Pans, 1908.Dr. Norman W. DeWitt, '06, formerly professor of the �ree� la�guage and literature �t MIamI Umversity, Oxford, Oh1O, has beenappointed professor of Latin andancient history in Victoria College ofthe University of Toronto, Canada,Dr. John P. Munson, '97, is theauthor of a book entitled Educationthrough Nature, published in Kellogg's Teachers' Library Series, Vol.XXI. He also has an article in theAmerican Journal of Anatomy on"Oogenesis of Clemmys;" and alsoanother on "Spermatogenesis ofPapilio."Dr. Katharine B. Davis, '00, is onleave of absence from her positionas superintendent of the New YorkReformatory for Women at Bedford,N. Y., and is spending her sabbaticalyear abroad. She was in Sicily atthe time of the earthquake, but recent reports indicate that she suffered no harm.Dr. Thomas E. McKinney, '08, ofthe University of South Dakota, reada paper before the Scientific Societyof that state on "Recent Researchesin the Foundation of Mathematics,"November, 1908; and another on the"Value of Algebra" before the Association of Science and MathematicsTeachers of South Dakota in N 0-vember, 1908.Dr . Frank L. Griffin, '06, has anarticle "On the Law of Gravitationin the Binary Systems" in the J anuary, 1909, number of the AmericanJournal of Mathematics. He alsoread at the December, 1908, meetingof the American Mathematical Society a paper on "Tests Comparingthe Apsidal Angles and PeriodicTimes for Different Laws of CentralForce."Dr. Orie L. Hatcher, '03, is theauthor of a book entitled JohnFletcher-A Study in DramaticMethod. She had an article inA nglia, February, 1907, on "TheSources of Fletcher's M onsieurThomas;" and also an article in theMarch, I908, number of ModernLanguage Nates on "Green's 'M ena- phon and The Thracian Wonder."Miss Hatcher is lecturer in Elizabethan literature at Bryn Mawr College, where she has been since takingher degree.Of the three important reportswhich have recently been made onthe harbor questions connected withChicago one was prepared by Dr.George C. Tunell, '97, who is nowsecretary of the board of pensionsof the Atchison, Topeka and SantaFe railway" system. This reportdiffers materially from another oneprepared by Assistant Professor J.Paul Goode of the University ofChicago. Both reports have receivedconsiderable editorial mention in thepapers of Chicago.Dr. Albert J. Steelman, '05, was anofficial delegate to the AmericanPrison Congress and was made amember of a committee appointedon a resolution introduced by him:"In consideration of the high moralcharacter of many life prisoners inour penitentiaries, resolved, that acommittee be appointed to makesuitable investigations and reportupon the advisability of extendingto them the benefit of parole." Hehad a personal interview with President Roosevelt and brought fromhim a special message of encouragement to the prisoners in the Jolietpenitentiary, of which Dr. Steelmanis chaplain.Dr. Ella F. Young, '00, principalof the Chicago Normal School, recently read a paper on "ReciprocalRelations between Subject-Mattersin Secondary Education" before aconference on secondary educationat Oberlin College. This paper hasbeen published in the EducationalBi-monthly. She also gave an address on "The School and thePractice of Ethics" at the 1908 meeting of the National EducationAssociation. Before the meeting ofprincipals of Chicago schools withthe superintendent she spoke on "TheChicago Normal School." Anotherrecent address by her was on thesubject of "Industrial Education"before the Chicago Woman's Club.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONEDGAR J. GOODSPEED, D.B., '97, SecretaryLOCAL ALUMNI SECRETARIESDistrict alumni secretaries, to report alumni news for their districts,have been appointed as follows:New England, C. M. Gallup, D.B.,'00, New Bedford, Mass.New York and New Jersey, B. S.Hudson, D.B., '04, Atlantic City, N. J.Ohio, F. 1. Beckwith, D.B., '07,Canton, Ohio.Michigan, Orlo J. Price, D.B., '98,Lansing, Mich.Wisconsin, H. C. Miller, D.B., '01,Fond du Lac, Wis.Kansas, J. T. Crawford, D.B., '98,Parsons, Kan.Nebraska, H. B. Foskett, D.B., '82,Stromsburg, Neb.California, George E. Burlingame,D.B., '99, San Francisco, Cal.THE DIVINITY SCHOOLAt the middle of the WinterQuarter, 1909, the Divinity Schoolshowed an increase of nineteen overthe attendance at the correspondingtime in the Winter Quarter of 1908.Dean Mathews represented theDivinity School the last week ofJanuary, in lectures, before twoCanadian universities, Queen's atKingston, and McGill, at Montreal.The Divinity School has latelyreceived a bequest of $4,000 for theestablishment of two scholarships, tobe known as the Roundy Scholarships, after the testator.The Evangelistic Board has beenorganized for the winter under theleadership of Warren H. MacLeod.Midwinter finds Professor Burtonin China, continuing the University'sOriental Educational Investigation;Professor Harper in Jerusalem, directing the American School forOriental Research, and ProfessorPrice on his way to Palestine, conducting the University's PalestineTravel-Study Class.Professor Burton reached IndiaOctober 16, 1908, and left November26. In the course of his stay hevisited Bombay, Ahmednagar, Lahore, Simla, Delhi, Agra, Benares,225 Allahabad, Calcutta, Serampore, Madras, Colombo, Tuticorin, Madura,Bangalore, and Ongole LeavingMadras November 26, he proceededto Rangoon, and thence by way ofSingapore to Hong-kong, where hearrived December 17. With hisparty, he spent Christmas in Canton.ALUMNI NEWSE. O. Taylor, D.B., '71, sailed fromN ew York February 4 for the Mediterranean. After visiting Greece,Egypt, and Palestine, Dr. Taylor willattend the International Anti-alcoholic Congress in London, July 18-24, where he will represent the Scientific Temperance Federation ofAmerica, of which he is director andfield secretary.James Goodman, D.B., '75, is assistant pastor of Immanuel BaptistChurch, Chicago.The Baptist church at Lexington,Illinois, under the leadership of H.C. Leland, D.B., '79, has made extraordinary progress during the pastyear, in which time more than onehundred persons have been added toits membership.J. Q. A. Henry, D.B., '80, of LosAngeles, preached the annual sermon before the young people's societies of the Southern CaliforniaBaptist Convention, at Los Angeles,January 10. The annual sermonbefore the convention was preachedby G. F. Holt, D.B., '88, of Riverside,Cal. C. W. Brinstad, D.B., '93, ofBerkeley, secretary of the NorthernCalifornia Convention, was one ofthe speakers.D. W. Hurlburt, D.B., '82, of Wauwatosa, Wis., contributes the weekly"Wisconsin Letter" to the Standard,Chicago.Jay A. Lapham, ex-'86, and H. H.Levesu, ex-'os, of Pella, Iowa, andT. L. Ketman, ex-'99, of Chicago,participated actively in the Iowa Missionary Institute held at Central College, Pella, January 18 and 19.J. N. Field, D.B., '88, pastor atRedlands, Ca1., who has just com-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpleted the campaign for $200,000 tofound an institution of learning atthat place, has been elected presidentof the new University of Redlands.F. P. Haggard, D.B., '89, formerlya missionary to Assam, and nowhome secretary of the American Baptist Missionary Union, is the editorof the Baptist Missionary Magazine.S. W. Phelps, D.B., '91, is havinga successful pastorate at West BayCity, Mich., where he has been forthree years.Under the leadership of R. S.Walker, D.B., '92, the Baptist churchat Hollywood, Cal., has completed itsnew building, which was dedicatedJanuary II.Marion D. Eubank, ex-'96, is meeting with much success as acting fieldsecretary of the American BaptistMissionary Union. Dr. Eubankaddressed the Baptist Minister's Conference of Philadelphia, on JanuaryII.John T. Proctor, D.B., '97, ispresident of a college at Huchow,China.E. A. Hanley, ex-toz, pastor of thehistoric First Baptist Church ofProvidence, R. 1., the oldest Baptistchurch in America (constituted1638), has introduced an importantinnovation in securing as salaried director of religious education, Professor Isaac B. Burgess, formerly ofMorgan Park, and recently of Cambridge.A. W. Place, D.B., '02, is presidentof the Christian College, Tokyo,Japan.W. H. Garfield, D.B., '04, is havinga most success ful ministry at lola,Kan.S. E. Moon, D.B., '04, is a memberof the faculty of the Congo Evangelical Training Institution, Kimpesi,Africa.A. M. Bailey, D.E., '06, is pastorof the First Baptist Church ofAkron, Ohio. The church is justcompleting its seventy-fifth year,which seems from the records tohave been the most prosperous inthe history of the body.E. A. Henry, D.B., '07, is spending the year in study at the American School of Oriental Research atJerusalem. R. W. Mode, Ph.D., '08,and Martin Sprengling, of the Divinity School, are pursuing work inthe same institution.]. F. Vichert, of Fort Wayne,Indiana, a member of the DivinitySchool, 1906-8, contributes the weekly"Indiana Letter" to the Standard,Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAWSCHOOL ASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, J.D., '06, SecretaryALUMNI NEWSElias C. Ashton, '07, is located atSalt Lake City, Utah. He is a member of the firm of Moyle, Van Cott &Ashton with offices in the DeseretNational Bank Building.James B. Blake, '07, is practicinglaw in Milwaukee, Wis. His addressis I02 Wisconsin Street.George W. Black, '08, is now withStephens & Bancroft, Peoria, Ill.James B. Crosby, who was thefirst student enrolled in the LawSchool, has offices in the GoodwinBlock at Beloit, Wis.Charles N. Cadwell, '08, is withJohn J. Symes, 1314 Chamber ofCommerce Building, Chicago. Joseph Chalmers Ewing, '00, is inthe First National Building, Greeley,Colo.Alden R. Hicks, '03, has his lawoffices in the Oregonian Building inPortland, Ore.The address of Verne A. McGeorge, '03, is Eureka, Cal.Stephen L. Richards, '04, has anoffice in the Utah Savings & Trustbuilding, Salt Lake City, Utah.All changes of address, items ofinterest, concerning former LawSchool students should be sent tothe Secretary of the Law SchoolAssociation, Rudolph E. Schreiber,9I2 Monadnock Block, Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONHARRY A. HANSEN_, PH.B., '09, Acting General SecretaryNEW EDITOR CHOSENThe resignation of George OwenFairweather, '07, as secretary of theAlumni Association and editor of theMagazine was accepted by the Boardof Control on February II, andHarry Arthur Hansen, '09, was appointed editor and acting secretaryof the Association. Mr. Fairweatherresigned to become assistant to thebusiness manager of the Universityof Chicago.THE NEW YORK DINNERAbout fifty alumni attended thedinner of the Eastern Alumni Association at the Hotel Empire in NewYork on the evening of January 26.Dr. J. Herman Randall was toastmaster. President Harry Pratt J udson made the principal address on"How WeAre Spending $25,000,000."The other speakers were ProfessorJohn M. Coulter, who had justarrived in N ew York from the shipwreck of the steamer "Republic ;"President Charles H. Levermore, ofAdelphi College, Brooklyn; Mrs.Martha Foote Crowe, formerly amember of the faculty; Miss Charlotte Teller, who spoke on "ParlorSocialism ;" Henry Bruere, Ph.B.,'93, of the Bureau of Municipal Research, on "Scientific Reform," andMiss Julia P. Leavens, of ColumbiaUniversity. Dr. Judson told how,through the generosity of the University's benefactors, the professorsare given better facilities for work,the annual deficit has been wipedout, and the new library fund has become a fact. Dr. Levermore's toastwas "The Inspiration of the University of Chicago to Adelphi College.""In several of its most importantdepartments," said Dr. Levermore,"Adelphi College has been belted tothe driving-wheel of the Universityof Chicago." He paid a tribute tothe work of Dr. Annie Marion Mac- Lean, of the department of sociology at Adelphi. The attendance ofProfessor Coulter and his familywas wholly unexpected and his storyof the shipwreck furnished an interesting topic. Professor Coulter wason his way to the celebration of thebirth of Char les Darwin at Cambridge, when the shipwreck occurred.At the business meeting of theassociation the former officers werere-elected, with a slight change inthe executive committee, as follows:President-Joseph E. Freeman,Ph.B., '99.Vice-President-Ellen Y. Stevens,Ph.B., '00.Secretaries-Mrs. Glendora BellCaraway, '97, and Milton J. Davies,A.B., '03.Treasurer-M. Morgenthau, Jr., S.B.,'99.Executive Committee-Paul Monroe,Ph.D., '97; Maude L. Stone, '03; Dr.J. Herman Randall, Edith E. Schwartz,'97; and Eben C. Sage, 'S2.Among those present at the dinnerwere:Mary Judson Averett, '01; RudolphM. Binder, '97; Anna Bodler, '01;Henry R. Caraway, '95, and GlendoraBell Caraway, '97; Milton J. Davies,'03, and wife; Charles V. Drew andwife; J. E. Freeman, '99, and wife;V. R. Lansingh, '96; Henry BarrettLearned, '94; Annie Marion MacLean,'00, and two guests; Harriet P. Marsh,'04; Edwin Morgan, '94; M. Morgenthau, Jr., '90; Edwin E. Slosson, '03,and wife; Ellen Yale Stevens, '99, andguest; Maude L. Stone, '96; Mrs.William E. Swift; E. C. Sage, 'S2, andwife; Henry D. Sulcer, '05, and guest;Charlotte Teller, '99; John R. Voris,'06; Henry Bruere, '03, and wife;Miss Julia Leavens; Mr. and Mrs.Bird; Edith Schwartz, '97; FlorenceSpencer; J. Herman Randall; Dr.Coulter; Miss Coulter; Dr. Judson;Dr. Paul Monroe, '97; Walter V. D.Bingham, 'oS; Miss Martha FooteCrowe.MILTON J. DAVIES, '03Secretary227228 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEROCKFORD ALUMNI CLUBAlumni of the University of Chicago living in and near Rockford,Ill., met in the office of Dr. DudleyW. Day in the Ashton Building onthe evening of January 14, andeffected the organization of theRockford Alumni Club. The following officers were chosen:President-D. D. Madden.Vice-President-Geneva Misener.Secretary-Treasurer-Dudley W. Day.A constitution was adopted. Itwas decided to include in the cluball graduates living in surroundingtowns, like Beloit, Belvidere, andFreeport. It was also planned tohold a dinner, and to invite a prominent member of the University ofChicago faculty to be the speaker.Those present at the meeting were:Misses Martha Nye, Carrie Hemenger, Geneva Misener, Edith MeGrew, Sorena Church, Grace Viall;Attorney David D. Madden and Mrs.Madden, Dr. N. C. Rogers, CharlesA. Church, and Dr. Dudley W. Day.The alumni living near Rockfordare asked to 'correspond with thesecretary, so that they may be included in the club.DUDLEY W. DAY,S ecretary- TreasurerTHE CHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUBThat the proposed merger ofAlumni Day with Convocation Dayin June would work a detriment toAlumni Day was the conclusionreached by the Chicago AlumnaeClub at a meeting held on January 9in the rooms of the Chicago CollegeClub in the Fine Arts building. Thealumnae felt that the day would loseits distinctiveness by the changewhile at the same time probably nomore could attend than before. Amotion was passed indorsing theSaturday before Convocation Day asthe time for the luncheon.Each member was urged to sendthe secretary a motto for the University seal, which the Universityhad asked the dub to consider. Itwas also decided to have a committeeon membership made up of one member from each class, with MissLouise Roth, '00, as chairman. By this means it is hoped that the membership will be considerably increasedby the April meeting. The organization cannot be effective without theco-operation of all classes.The programme included a stirringtalk by Miss Dudley on the newwomen's gymnasium, in which shetold of the inadequacy of the presentbuildings and urged general help fora new gymnasium. Miss EthelWatts also contributed four songs tothe programme.LOUISE ROTH} '00S ecretary- TreasurerTHE NORTHWEST ALUMNI CLUBThe Northwest Alumni Club heldits fourth semi-annual reunion onJanuary IS, at the Butler Annex inSeattle, Wash. After the dinnerPresident Thomas Franklin Kane, ofthe University of Washington, toldof the growth of the university, andreferred especially to the number ofChicago men now on the faculty.Professor E. S. Meany of the facultyof the University of Washingtonspoke of the forthcoming AlaskaYukon-Pacific Exposition. Dr.Emanuel Schmidt, who was inresidence at the University of Chicago for six years, responded to thetoast "Adelphic College," and toldof the work of the president of asmall college.The Northwest Alumni Club consists of all former students of theUniversity of Chicago that we havebeen able to reach. There areseventy-five in Seattle, eight in Tacoma and ten in other Washingtontowns, making a total of ninety-three.Fourteen are members of the facultyof the University of Washington,and thirty are teaching in other colleges and high schools. The clublevies no dues or assessments, andexpenses of the banquets are borneby those who attend. The committeein charge is composed of Dr. S. D.Barnes, '94; Professor E. O. Sisson,'93, and Milo G. Loveless, a formergraduate and law student. It isthought that this experiment resultsin more cordial relations than wouldfollow the election of officers.S. D. BARNES, '94SecretaryPATRONIZE THESE ESTABLISHMENTSCLASSIFIED INDEX TO OUR ADVERTISERSAmusementsTheaters, pp. 30.. & 3 IBanksIllinois Trust and Savings Bank, 237 LaSalle St.,p. 22Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank, 451 E.63rd St., p. 24Western Trust and Savings Bank, La Salle andAdams Sts., inside back coverBaths and Barber ShopsR. P. Adams, 480 E. 63rd St., p. 32The Saratoga Barber Shop, 161 Dearborn St.,P·32Books and PublishersCal1aghan & Company, 114 Monroe St., p. 14A. Kroch & Company, 26 Monroe St., front iThe University of Chicago Press, p. 7A. C. McClurg & Co., 215 Wabash Ave., p. 15The Little Book Shop, 434 E. 55th St., p. 15The System Co., 151 Wabash Ave., p. 3Barnes- Wilcox Co., 262 Wabash Ave., p. 3Carpenters and MasonsS. M. 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Barnes, Wabash Ave. and Monroe St., p. 32Mitchell & Mitchell, 68 Adams St., inside frontcoverHay « GrainJoseph Fahndrich & Son, 5426 Lake Ave., p. 16CLASS1FIED INDEX TO OUR ADVERTISERS-ContinuedHeating ApparatusL. H. Prentice Co., 24 Sherman St., p. 6Heat RegulationThe Johnson Service Co., 93' Lake St., p. 6HosieryEverwear Hosiery Co., Mil waukee, Wis., p. 28Holeproof Hosiery Co., Milwaukee, Wis., p. 21HotelsBismarck Hotel, Chicago, P: 22Brevoort Hotel Company, Chicago, p. 24Cumberland Hotel, New York, p. 34 .Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, p. 25The Harvard Hotel, 5714 Washington Ave.,p. 34The Union Hotel, I 17 Randolph St., p. 15The Vendome Hotel, oznd St. and Monroe Ave.,p. 25InsuranceMarsh & McLennan, 519 LaSalle St., p. 22North American Life of Toronto, TribuneBldg., Chicago, p. 22Ladies' TailorsUnity Skirt Company, 209 State St., p. 8P. D. 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I IQuarriesThe Bedford Quarries Co., 204 Dearborn St.,outside back coverRazor SuppliesKeenedge Com pan y, Keenedge Bldg.,Chicago., p. 3 IRestaurantsKing Joy Lo, 100 Randolph St., front iiiKing Yen Lo, 275 Clark St., front iiiThe Capitol Tea Room, 209 State St., P: 5The Mrs. Knox Lunch Club, 45 Randolph St.,p. 29The Midway Dining Room, 57th St. and EllisAve., p. 21The Roma, 146 State St., p. 31Vogelsang'S Restaurant, 178 Madison St., p. 5Union Hotel and Restaurant, 117 RandolphSt., p. 5Clover Lunch Club, 185 Wabash Ave., p. IIR. V. Braiden, 522 E. 55th St., p. 5SchoolsMary W. Hinman (Dancing), 179 E. 53rd St.,p. 26Northwestern University Dental School, p. 9Professor T. F. Ridge, 26 Van Buren St., p. 9Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wis., p. 9TailorsMilian Engh, 163 State St., p. 19Teachers' AgenciesB. F. Clark, Steinway Hall, front iTobaccoE. Hoffman Company, Chicago, p. 10 & IINational Cigar Store, Inc., Chicago, p. 10Transfer CompanyThe Frank E. Scott Transfer Company, 402Wabash Ave., front iiTypewritersDavies Typewriter Exchange, 185 Dearborn St.,p. 13Hammond Typewriter Company, SecurityBldg., p. 23Secor Typewriter Co., 134 Van Buren St., p. 13The Typewriter Exchange, 3 I 9 Dearborn St.,p. 13PostUDl Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek. Mich .. u. s. A."3Boil Postwm Thoroughly!.�Insist on having It blaC'R and rich as Mocha.It's easy to follow directions on package. Have it right!Then it has the dark, seal-brown coffee color, which changes to 'golden-brown, when cream is added, and a deliciousflavour similar to mild, high-grade Java.How PostUDl is MadeCLEAN, WHOLE WHEATis separated into kernel and outer-orbran-coat; the first containing the tissuemaking and energy-storing elements - thesecond, "vital" phosphates for rebuildingtissue-cells. The kernel isSKILFULLY ROASTEDto a degree that develops an aroma similarto Java coffee (but without coffee or anydrug-like substance): hence the deliciousflavour of Postum, which has led many tothink they were drinking coffee. Theroasted kernels are thenCOOLED AND GROUND.The roasting has changed the starch intodextrin and dextrose, which form "solublecarbohydrates" (energy-making material),and the proteids (tissue-forming elements)are also made soluble and quickly absorbedby the system. NextTHE BRAN-COATis mixed with molasses, roasted and ground separately, then blended with theother part of the wheat to form the perfected product-Postum.Relief from coffee ails when Postum is used instead, is a matter of history."There's a Reason" forPOSTUMNEWS FROM THE CLASSES[News items for these columns should be sent to the classsecretary-reporters, whose names are given at the head of thenews from each class. Death notices and engagement andwedding announcements should be sent direct to the Editors.]The following alumni are acting as classsecretary-reporters for their respective years;other secretary-reporters are indicated in thefollowing news columns. They will gladlyreceive information from any of their classmates for insertion in this department.1362. George W. Thomas, 4039 Lake Ave.1867. Wm. W. Everts, Roxbury, Mass.1868. Henry A. Gardner, First National BankBuilding.1870. Charles R. Henderson, the University.1872. Hervey Wi star Booth, 505 MonadnockBlock.1374. George Sutherland" Grand Island, Neb.1875. Dr. John Ridlon, Chicago Savings BankBuilding.1876. Dr. John E. Rhodes, 100 State St.1878. Eli B. Felsenthal, 100 Washington St.1879. Edward B. Esher, 84 LaSalle St.1881. George Warren Hall, 162 WashingtonSt.1882. Francis Humboldt, Clark, 5 II-5 14, II2Clark St.1884. Lydia A. Dexter, 2920 Calumet Ave.1885. David J. Lingle, the University.1886. Lincoln M. Coy, Unity Building.1880ALFRED E. BARR189 La Salle StreetEdgar B. Tolman has moved to S8ro Woodlawn Ave.1893JESSE DISMUKES BURKSTeacher's TrainingSchool, Albany j N. Y.Ira D. Steele is a teacher in Ogden, Utah.He lives at 2785 Grant Ave. in that city.Madeline Wallin (Mrs. George C. Sikes)Ph.M., '93, is largely interested in the movement to establish coeducational technicalhigh schools. Mrs. Sikes recently . addressedthe Chicago Association of Collegiate Alumnae on this subj ect. Mrs. Sikes is the wife ofGeorge C. Sikes, Ph.M., '94, who has longbeen prominently identified with the Municipal Voters' League. For many years he wassecretary of that organization.1894WARREN P. BEHAN153 LaSalle StreetMaude L. Radford (Mrs. Joseph P. Warren) read a paper on January 23 before theChicago College Club on "The Recent Revivalof Celtic Literature."1895JENNIE K. BOOMER6025 Monroe AvenueHarrison B. Barnard is a member of thefirm of W. E. Barnard & Son, general contractors, . with offices at 5 IO West Sixtysecond St. 18Q6MRS. AGNES COOK GALE5646 Kimbark AvenueJOSEPH E. RAYCROFTThe UniversityOtto G. Schmidt is with' the Illinois Portland Cement Paving Company, 218 LaSalleSt. He lives at 6027 J efferson Ave.John F. Voigt has entered into, a new lawpartnership, known as Voigt & Brooklings.The junior member of the firm is Lyle W.Brooklings, ex-'08. The offices are at 1624Broadway, Mattoon, Ill.1897EFFIE A. GARDNER36 Loomis StreetBorn to Edith Capps (Mrs. George E.Shambaugh) on December 23, a daughter.Effie A. Gardner lives at 36 Loomis St.Estelle Hunter is doing philanthropy workin Chicago.Isaac S. Rothschild is a member of the lawfirm of Wolff & Rothschild, ·1503 SchillerBuilding. 'Helen B. Thompson (Mrs. Paul I. Woolley)Ph.D., '00, has recently moved to 2903 DeweyAve., Omaha, Neb.George G. Tunell is secretary of the boardof pensioris for the Atchison, Topeka andSanta Fe railway system. His office is inthe Railway Exchange Building, 9 JacksonBoulevard.18Q8MRS. CHARLOTTE CAPEN ECKHARTKenilworth, Ill.JOHN FRANKLIN HAGEY252 E. Sixty-third PlaceDemia Butler (Mrs. W. C. Gorrell) haschanged her address to 463 Rookery Building.Julius H. P. Gauss is practicing 'medicinewith offices at 2295 Evanston Ave.Susan Harding (Mrs. Rummlee) may beaddressed at 1400 Tribune Building.Luther B. Hill is with the Lewis Publishing Company, 358, Dearborn St.Cecil Page has changed his address to 206LaSalle St.Rev. John W. Stockwell now resides at130 East Forty-sixth St.1899JOSEPHINE T. ALLIN4805 Madison AvenuePERCY B. ECKHARTFirst National Bank BuildingCarl D. Greenleaf of Wauseon, Ohio, corrects the information regarding himself inthe, J anuary Magazine. He writes that hisfamily now includes three children, two boysand a girl, instead of two.Allen G. Hoyt lives at 563 West OneHundred and Forty-eighth St., New YorkCity.Continued on advertising page 4-2-BROOKS CLOTHESTHE STUDENT MAY JV§TLY BE CALLED" GENTLEMEN'SCLOTHES"ATTRACTIVE AND SEDATE,CLEVER, BUT NOT OFFENSIVE, ORIGINAL AND YETIN GOOD FORM. NONEOTHER POSSESS THEI RDIGNITIES.OUR PRICES$20 to $35138 E. MADISON ST.BROOKS CLOTHES SHOPOPPOSITE LA SALLEIn addition to MILLINERY andFRENCH NOVELTY JEWELRY,we have added a "SAMPLESHIRT WAIST" Departme,nt(Room 709, Masonic Temple), forthe sale of High- Grade WAISTS &BLOUSES, which will be retailedat strictly "POPULAR PRICES"MAISON HUME57 RANDOLPH STREET - CHICAGOMasonic Temple, Ground FloorMR. HUME was formerly part owner of theMAISON NOUVELLEC. M. Barnes - Wilcox Co.262 Wabash Ave.Will buy textbooks youno longer need and sellyou those you do needat cut prices. New life for BLANKETSWE thoroughly clean, revive and renew them andreturn them to you as soft and fleecy as whennew. q We also make a specialty of Oriental Rugs,Carpets. Steamer Rugs, Bath Robes and DownComforters. q References-any customer who haspatronizedTHE WOOLRYPhone W6St 1795 393 OGDEN AVE., CHICAGOM2Will you accep.,! thisbusiness book if we------ -send it free?Sign and mail the coupon below. Send no moneylTake no risk,One hundred and twelve of.'s master business men have written ten books-2,o79 pages-I,497vital business secrets. ideas, methods. In them is thebest of all that they know about=-Purchaslng +Batesmanshtp -e-Posltton-Getttnz-Credits -r-Adverttslnz -e-Posttion-Holdfug-Collections -r-Correspondence -Selling Plans-Accountln2' -e-Man-Handltng -s-Handlin g Customers-e-Cost-keepf ng- -Man-Training -Business Generalship-r-Orgaatzattcu -Office Systems -Competition Fightin2'-Retailin2' -Short - cuts and and hundreds and hun-- Wbolesallng Methods for every dreds of other vital busi--Manufacturing line and department ness subjects.A 9,059-word booklet has been published describing, explaining,picturing the work. Pages 2 and 3 tell about managing businessesgreat and small; pages 4 and 5 deal with credits. collections andwith rock-bottom purchasing; pages 6 and 7 with handlmg andtraining- men; pages 7 to 12 with salesmanship, with advertising,with the marketing of goods through salesmen, dealers and bymail; pages 12 to 15 with the great problem of securing the highestmarket price for your services-no matter what your line; and thelast page tells how you may get a complete jet-bound in handSome half morocco. contents in colors-for less than your dailysmoke or shave. almost as little as your daily newspaper.Will you read the 600k if"ll18 send it freelSend no monty. St'mply sign tht coupon.The System Co., 151-153 Wabash Ave., Chicaa<!If there arc, in your books, any new ways to increase my business or my salary. I should like to know them. So send onyour 16-pa2'e free descriptive booklet. I'll read It. 247�3Namp� � __Add.ress 1Buslness.c, __.. �-------M�3 �Po:s:it:io�n����������=:=:=:=:=:;==:::JYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsTELEPHONE HYDE PARK 1322RESIDENCE 1986 HYDE PARKAOISONAVENUEACKINGCOMPANY6309 MADISON AVENUEH. T. McGUIRE, Prop,CHICAGOIrwin BrothersCompanyPR.OVISIONDEALERS449�451 STATE STREETPhones Harrison 515 .. 516 .. 51 75825 STATE STREETPhone Wentworth 51 7CHICAGOOrders by Phone at 58th St. StoreM2M2 Class News continued from page 2Ig00. MARGARET MARIA CHOATEBartholamew-Clifton School, Cincinnati, O.CHARLES S. EATON107 Dearborn StreetSarah Addams is now Mrs. Ernest Y oung,Lindley W. Allen is an attorney-at-law inTelluride, Colo.Alvin Barton is teaching in the UniversityHigh School.Parke Ross is a member of the McCallaRoss Company, dealers in soda fountains andsupplies, with offices at Ohio and Orleans St.Louise Roth lives at 2240 Warren Ave.She is at present preparing a draft of alibrary state commission law for the Illinoislegisla ture.Leo Schoenbrun is practicing law withoffices at 903 Chamber of Commerce Building.Grace H. Sproule is now Mrs. John T.Lister, and 1ives at I809 Eleventh Ave.Ruth 1. Vanderlip (Mrs. E. W. Harden)resides at 532I Washington Ave.John J. Walsh is employed by Walsh andMasterson, contractors, 5I4 Reaper Block.Ig01ARTHUR EUGENE BESTOR57II Kimbark AvenueJohn W. Atherton is in the educationaldepartment of Charles Scribner's Sons,Chicago.Katherine S. Barton, ex, is now Mrs. Childsand lives in Hinsdale.Paul G. W. Keller is supervising principalof the North High School in Manitowoc,Mich. .Dan B. Southard, ex, is now in the advertising business of the ]. Walter ThompsonCo., with offices at the Rookery. He lives at1543 Leland Avenue.Kellogg Speed lives at 66 East Fortyeighth St.Russell Wiles lives at 57I6 Madison Ave.Ig02L. HAZEL BUCK EWINGBloomington, Ill.FRED. D. BRAMHALLThe UniversityLily Belland resides at 10554 LafayetteAve.Wilbur Gross, who married Morgia Stough,'08, last summer, lives at 6001 Indiana Ave.William Jayne is married to Stella Moore,'05· .Katherine C. March, ex, now Mrs. A. W.Risley, is at Colgate College, Hamilton, N. Y.Anna Marshall (Mrs. Fred Merrifield)lives at 8I3 East Kingsley St., Ann Arbor,.Mich.Horace B. Street is teaching physics atthe Hoopeston, Ill., high school.Charles L. Woodruff, ex, has his offices at8I7 Fisher Building.Continued on advertising page 6Say "UNl·VERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersR. V. Braiden, Ex: 1 0Commutation Tickets$3.50 for $3.00Open Until 1 A.M.Short Orders a SpecialtyMEALS AT ALL HOURS522 E. 55th St. Cor. Ellis Ave.Vogelsang'sRestaurantshows its appreciationof your patronage bythe elegant service itoffers you in return-Banquet Room for Fraternity DinnersVOGELSANG'S RESTAURANT178 Madison Street liThe Capitol"TEA ROOMFor Ladies and Gentlemen232 REPUBLIC BUILDINGs. E. Cor. State and Adams StreetsLuncheon ""Ito 4Table D'Hote Dinner, 5 to 7:30HOME COOKINGA delightful place for ladies unattended to dineM2M2 nion Hotel and' RestaurantM2Will find Restaurants on two floorsWill find a special �fter-Theatre MenuWill find Splendid ServiceServing Only the Best theMarket AffordsFINEST ORCHESTRA IN THECITYHOLD YOUR FRATERNITY AND ALUMNIDINNERS HEREIII-II7 Randolph StreetYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments-5-Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDINSTALLED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BUILDINGSCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank RegulatorsReducing Valves for air, water, steamControl of HumidityJOHNSON SERVICE COMPANYH. W. ELLIS, Mgr.Chicago Office, 93 LAKE STREETM3ESTABLISHED 1877L. H. Prentice Co.Steam andHot WaterHeatingandVentilatingApparatusEngineers andContractorsforHot BlastHeating andMechanicalVentilationPower Plants and Power Piping24-26 SHERMAN STREETNear Board of TradeCHICAGOProbably the largest firm of this kind in the world,viz. : exclusively Heating Apparatus, Steamand Hot Water that Heats.M2 Class News continued from page 41903EARLE B. BABCOCKThe UniversityCarl S. Miner is with the Miner-Lawrielaboratories, 355 Dearborn St.William H. Haas lives at 2113 Putnam St.,Toledo, O.Helen O. Hewitt, ex, now Mrs. FrancisWessels, is living in Cape Town, Africa.Edith R. Shaffer is now Mrs. FrederickLass.William Sheppard has recently moved to5733 Woodlawn Ave.1904MA H IE EVELYN THOMPSONSurf Street and Evanston Avenue'1 HEODORE B. HINCKLEY'I he UniversrtyGrace Darlington is now Mrs. GeorgeHowell.Samuel D. Hirschl may be addressed atII04 Rector Building.William H. Hatfield, who was married toEdith Rankin last summer, resides at 3346South Park Ave.Charles R. Howe lives at Wenona, Ill.,where he is connected with the WenonaBank.Ernest J. Stevens is an attorney-at-lawwith offices at 134 Monroe St. He is thehusband of Elizabeth Street, '05.William H. Wood, A.M., '06, is teachinghistory and political science in the CentralState Normal School at Edmond, Okla.Oliver B. Wyman is with the law firm ofHarlan & Harlan with offices in the Marquette Building.1905HELEN A. FREEMAN5760 Woodlawn AvenueCLYDE A. BLAIRClearmont, Wyo.Nettie C. Anderson is with the AndersonArt Company, on Wabash Ave.Charles N. Cadwell is practicing law withoffices at 1314 Chamber of Commerce Building.Zoura L. Clark lives at 147 South RobeySt.Agnes LaFoy Fay, now Mrs. Arthur 1.Morgan, lives at Hope, Idaho.Robert M. Gibboney is with the law firmof Wood & Chase, Commercial NationalBank Building.Herman C. Groman is practicing medicinein Hammond, Ind. His office is in Suite402, Hammond Building, in that city.Albert F. Hopkins is married to HelenCassoCharles Kennedy is married to LillianStephenson.Edward M. Kerwin is with the SpragueElectric Company with offices in the FisherBuilding.Continued on advertising page 8Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-6-MA-'GNESIACOVERINGSTHE dividend-earning capacity ofa steamplant is greatly increased .through theuse of Carey's Coverings on steam pipes,boilers and connections.Carey's Coverings will keep the heat in the 'pipes-none is lost through radiation and condensation. They greatly reduce the amountof coal necessary to run the plant, becauseexcessive firing is .bviated,Carey's Coverings are not harmed by theexpansion or contraction of pipes or byvibration. They last longer than other coverings. They will increase the capacity of theplant by delivering dry steam to the engines.Endorsed and used by the United StatesNavy, War and State Departments. Recommended and srecified by architects and engineers. Recommended by technical institutions.W'r ite for catalogue a n d further partlclflars.THE PHILIP CAREY COMPANYGeneral Offices: Sta.;?, ClNGlNNATI, 0., U. S. A·BRA�CHES FAGTORIESIn all large cities through- LOCJkland, Ohioout the U ni ted States Hamilton, OntoCanada and Mexico Plymouth Meeting, Pa,M2CONCRETE.ReinforcedOr PlainRAILROADMASONRYBuildingsConduitsReservoirsHOEFFER {3 CO.614 Chsmber of Commerce Bldg.CHICAGOcII.. C. WARREN" Mgr. Tel. Main 47901\(2 PERIODICALSPublished byThe University of Chicago PressTHE BIBLICAL WORLDPublished monthly. $2 00 a year; single copies, 25 cents.THE SCHOOL REVIEWPublished monthly, except in July and August. $1.50 a year;single copies, 20 cents.THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLTEACHERPublished monthly, except in July and August. $1 50 a year;single copies, 20 cents.THE BOTANICAL GAZETTEPublished monthly. $7.00 a year; single copies. 75 cents.THE JOURNAL OF GEOLOGYPublished semi ... quarterly. $3 00 a year; single copies, 50 cents.THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALPublished monthly, except in February and August. $4.00 ayear; single copies, 50 certs.THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OFSOCIOLOGYPublished bi ... monthly. $2.00 a year; single copies, 50 cents.THE JOURNAL OF POLITICALECONOMYPublished monthly, except in August and September. $3.00a year; s-ingle copies, 35 cents. 'THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OFTHEOLOGYPublished quarterly, $3.00 a year; single copies, $1.00.THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OFSEMITIC LANGUAGESAND LITERATURESPublished quarterly. $4.00 a year; single copies, $1.25.MODERN PHILOLOGYPublished quarterly. $3.00 a year; single copies, $1,00.THE CLASSICAL ! JOURNALPublished monthly, except in July, August, September, andOctober $1.50 a year; single copies. 25 cents.CLASSICAL PHILOLOGYPublished quarterly: $2.50 a year; single copies, 75 cents.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMAGAZINE(Combining The University Record and The ChicagoAlumni Maga.zine.) Published eight times a year.$2.00 a year; single copies, 35 cents.Address Dept. PThe University of Chicago PressChicago and New YorkYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsUnity Skirt and Suit CompanyAdvance Styles, 1909One of our Creations, Special to U. of C.Students and Graduatesonly. We will make to your measure a suit tailored to yourparticular figure at the extraordinary low price of $30lWe make: you the most remarkable offer ever eiven bya high class Ladies' Tailoring Establishment. We havethe best and most skilful tailor's for making Ladies' TailoredSuits. We have never made suits of such high class materials for less than $50.00 and you may order your newSpring Suit, of almost any kind of material and save just$20.00.Unity Skirt CompanyLadies' Tailors506-508 Republic Building, 209 State StreetTelephone Harrison 1612 CHICAGOM, Class News continued from page 6Byron G. Moon, ex, is advertising manager for the United Shirt & Collar Company, at Troy, New York.Simon Mayer is with the G. H. HammondPacking Co., Union Stock Yards.Alice Nourse is now Y. W. C. L. secretaryat the University of Kansas, where she hasestablished a girl's boarding house patternedafter Nancy Foster Hall. She is also oneof the charter members of the new MyraReynolds Club.James S. Riley is taking an extended tripthrough Europe.George B. Robinson lives at 5767 Washington Ave.Henry D. Sulcer is connected with theeastern branch of the Chicago Tribune, withoffices at 907 Flatiron Building, New YorkCity.Burt Weber is teaching music in Pittsburg,Pa.1906HELEN RONEYFuller on PI ce, Waterloo, IowaF. R. !3AII<DOmaha, Nc'b.Martin E. Anderson is superintendent ofthe Sunday school of the Second Presbyterian Church on Michigan and TwentiethSt. He lives at 1060 North Halsted St.Arthur P. Church, ex, is connected withthe Denver public schools. His address islOOO Corona St., Denver, Colo. •Earl Collins, ex, is with the Sanger BousallAgency Company, in Denver, Colo.Felix Hughes is married to Elizab.ethCurtis.Melissa R. Ingals, ex, who was married toClarence L. Fisher, February 22, 1907, isliving at Lyons Falls, N. Y.Frank S. Lovewell, ex, graduates this yearfrom the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at Boston, Mass.George R. Schaffer is married to MarionChase.George E. Schnur, ex, is with the P.Becker Company, 2S4-z60 Monroe St.1907EDITH B. TERRY6044 Jefferson A venueW. E. WRATHERCare Gulf Pip Line, B� umont, Tt'x.Flora D. Adams is residing at 600 ColonialAve., Norfolk, Va.Lydia Keene Chapman, ex, now resides at834 South Pennsylvania Ave., Denver, Colo.William F. Hewitt may be addressed at6423 Kimbark Ave.Mary Johnson leaves for Europe thismonth.Georgiana Gilbert, ex, graduatedLeland Stanford University in June,She is now teaching English in theschool at Harvey, Ill. from1908·highContinued on advertising page 10Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-8-Northwestern UniversityDental SchoolThis school offers exceptional ad vantages to young men and women of education forthe study of dentistry. While great attention is paid to the teaching of technic and theory,practical instruction to develop operative skill and dexterity, and quick diagnostic judgment is not overlooked. The graduates of this school are admitted to examination forpractice in every state.The Faculty is Composed of a Large Staffof Experienced TeachersThe equipment and apparatus of the school are especially designed for the successfulteaching of modern dentistry. 1 ts large clmic rooms for operative and prosthetic dentistryare unequaled anywhere. The opportunities offered students for special preparation to enterindependent practice are not exceeded by any other school.Advance students are permitted to remain in school under clinical instruction duringthe months intervening between the regular annual courses, the great clinics being opencontinuously the year around.The school year covers thirty-two weeks of six days in each of actual teaching. Thenext annual session begins October 5, 19°9.For further information addressSECRETARY OF THE DENTAL SCHOOLDepartment FNorthwestern University Building87 Lake Street, Chicago M2WAYLANDACADEMYAffiliated withThe Unive�sity of ChicagoBEAVER DAM, WISCONSINA co-educational homeschool, with excellentequipment, high standards of work and moder-ate ratesSend for Catalogue toPrincipal EDWIN P. BROWNM2 Prof. T. F. RidgePrivate Dancing AcademyRooms 536-538 Athenaeum Bldg.26 Van Buren Street, Chicago, Ill.School of ActingSchool of DancingSchool of Dramatic ArtSchool of VocalCultureWaltz, Two-Step, Reverse andGraceful Le a d i n'g GuaranteedYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments M2IF YOUR DEALER WILL NOT SUPPLY YOUSend Us 40 cts !��.ne���z�f• Sp i Irna n MIxture-the best tobacco you ever smoked. Absolutely pure,:���:� ft�;Z;:dd�ound at�7�����IH_,oBAccoWithout a bite or a regretContains no artificial flavor or glycerine. Most tobaccos do.1% oz., 4oC.; 373 oz., 7SC.; %lb., $1 65; Ilb.,$3.30prepaidAt most first-class tobacco storesFREE' Interesting booklet HHow to• Smoke a Pipe." Ask for itE. HOFFMAN COMPANY, MFRS. CHICAGOM�lit'I�lVICTOR THORSCH CO.\��fittJ, 5C:�CVt4FOR SALE EVERYWHEREFor A SublimePipe-SmokeUse the aristocrat of alltobaccos--the one that has afragrancy and a virgin flavorwhich has done more to glorifythe pipe than all other mixturescombined. For particular andappreciative smokers,Tobin's Mixtureis especially made, and forsmokers not particular, it willmake them particular.If your dealer don't kee pit we will send, prepaid,2 oz. for 40c.; 4 oz. for7 Sc.; 8 oz., $1.50; I lb.,$3.00.I4 different strengths.National Cigar Store, Inc.First National Bank BuildingDearborn Street SideWe Sell Tobacco-Not Premiums Class News continued from page 8Lena Loser, ex, has just returned from asix month's trip through Europe. She isnow at her home in Aurora, Ill.Mary Morton is spending the winter inFlorida.Asenath Parker, ex, has recently returnedfrom an extended tour through Europe.Royal C. Sercomb lives at 539 Terrace Ave.,Milwaukee, Wis. -Charles H. Taylor is in the geology department of the University.1908ELEANOR c. DAY6110 Kimbark AvenueM2 Hattie Rebecca Anderson is teaching Latinand history in Sandwich, Ill.Solomon K. Diebel lives in Astoria, Ore.Gertrude Greenbaum (Mrs. G. G. Frank)now lives at "The Lyndhurst," Fortieth andMcGee Sts., Kansas City, Mo.Logan A. Gridley, ex, is with E. G. Rollins& Sons, bankers, 238 LaSalle St.Gudrun C. Gunderson resides at 1601 SouthSixth Ave., Maywood, Ill.Florence Harper's address is 12I3 Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Kan.John B. Hayes, LL.B, is practicing law in&ochelle, Ill.William P. Henneberry, Jr., is with theHenneberry Co., printers and edition binders,552-556 Wabash Ave.Bertrand L. Jones, formerly of the ManualTraining High School, Louisville, Kentucky,is now in charge of the English department atthe Western State Normal School, KalamaZ'00, Michigan.Lois Kauffman is making a visit of severalweeks in Dayton, Ohio, at the home of AgnesCampbell, '07.Winifred Kelso is at home in Terre Haute,Ind.Minona Fitts is teaching kindergarten inLake Mills, Wis.Mabel Lodge is at Monmouth College. Heraddress is 224 South Eighth St., Monmouth,Ill.C. C. Martin, ex, is a senior in the N orthwestern law school this year.Caroline M. Pierce lives at 108 West SenecaSt., Ithaca, N. Y.Clarence G. Pool has moved from Chicagoto Amboy, Ill.Thomas H. Sanderson, who is now attending the University of Wisconsin law school,has been appointed assistant sergeant-at-armsof the Wisconsin legislature.Earle S. Smith, ex, is in business in Toledo,Ohio. He is also 'Composing music for atheatrical production to be given there.Julia K. Sommer has moved to 230 HazelAve., Chicago.E. C. Steffa is head chemist for a goldmining company in Goldfield, Nevada. Hewas recently married.M2 Continued on advertising page 12Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-10-Pipe Smokers,Do eyour Pipes Need Mending?WE have a special department in our factory wedevote to PIPE MENDING. Our prices for thiswork will surprise you. At a very small cost we willmake an old pipe perfectly new. No matter what kindor what condition your pipe is in We Can Mend It.Send or bring your pipe, we'll return it on shortnotice.E. Hoffman Company185-187 Madison Street, cor. 5th AvenueCHICAGO This coupon is goodfor one package ofgenuine Trojan PipeCleaner if presented withyour repair work.M3For Reliable and Prompt Livery Service'phone American Livery Co.4746-8 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Oakland 522 and 523M'PHONE HYDE PA"1(K 1629<:ACKERMANfJVlARKET-HOUSECOMPANY277-79 EAST 57TH STREETCHICAGOM2 . Clover Lunch Club185 Wabash Ave.(North of Adams)Our food is home cooked andwholesome. Our patrons say,"Our bread is especially fine."No membership fee to students.Service 11 to 2-5 to 7.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-11-High Class'FURSc. HENNING86-88 State StreetCHICAGO, ILL.TELEPHONECentral 3525MAYER MILLERManufacturer of FINE FURSMentor Bldg.Room 30Third FloorPhone:Randolph 1768FURRIER161-163 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL.M2FURS FURSFancy Furs in stock andmade to order. Garmentsre-fitted to the latest stylesL. PROBSTEIN88-90 East Washington St.Room .54 Phone Randolph 969M2 Class News continued rrorn page 10Emma Henne teaches French in the Marquette, Mich., high school.Violet Higley is teaching school in Waukegan, Ill.William Hummel is doing missionary workand teaching in China. He is at present inNanking, China, University.Vesta Jamison is . teaching in. the Muskegon,Mich., high school.]. M. J ohlin is studying chemistry atthe University of Berlin.Isabelle Kelley lives at Lexington, Ill.Eloise Lockhart is teaching physics anddomestic science at Kenwood Institute.Grace Norton is teaching in Philadelphia,Pa.Bessie O'Connell is attending the Norma!school in Chicago,C. C. Pape is now with the banking houseof N. W. Halsey & Co., 152 Monroe St.,Chicago.Viola 1. Paradise is doing work . for theImmigrant Protection League.Elsie Parker is attending the School ofCivics and Philanthropy, Chicago. She resides at 297 Millard Ave.Max L. Richards is vice-president of thePanhandle Land and Improvement Co., withoffices at 1232-3 Monadnock Block.Althea Ricker is at her home in Aurora,I1l.Florence Robinson is teaching science inthe high school at St. Louis, Mich. .Ella Satterthwaite is taking graduate workin the University. Miss Satterthwaite is incharge of the Divinity Library.Elsie Schobinger is teaching in a privateschool for girls in Danville, Ky.Warren P. Sights, ex, has located in Paducah, Ky., where he has a position in the German National Bank.George L. Stewart resides at 4454 Oakenwald Ave.Orville J. Taylor, ex, is practicing law inthe city.Edith Walworth is teaching science in thehigh school at Cassopolis, Mich.Mark Wheeler, ex, is national office secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in Japan.Arthur B. Barnett, ex, now lives at 6538Kimbark Ave.M2 1909Fred Carr, ex, captain of last year's tennisteam, is attending Kenyon College, Gambier,Ohio.Robert Harris, ex, who was guard on lastyear's championship basket-ball team has beenengaged as basket-ball coach for the University of Indiana.Alva W. Henderson, ex, is secretary ofthe Chamber of Commerce, Colorado Springs,Colo.Flora A. Hobson, ex, is teaching manualtraining in the Denver. Colo., public schools.Her address is 2401 Gaylord St.Continued on advertising page 14Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-12-II Typewriters "TEL. 2653 CENT. AUTO. 7725ALL MAKES R.ented,For Sale and Repaired.FULL LINE OF" TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES ATDavies TypewriterExchange3d floor - 185 Dearborn St.M2TELEPHONE HARRISON 4065The Typewriter ExchangeBRANCH AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., INC.Sell, Exchange and Rent New, Rebuilt, and Second-handTypewriting MachinesA. J. COUSE, MANAGER ALL MAKES319 Dearborn Street, ChicagoM2The Secor Standard Visible Writing andBilling Machine embodies more new ideas. .than have been combined in one typewritersince the first invention of writing machines.I t will give longer service with less costthan any other typewriter made. It is theonly machine that has permanent alignment.It has a back spacer, paragraph key, removable escapement, decimal tabulater, twocolor ribb.m, and will handle anything froma hall-inch label to a fifty-page magazine.SEGOR TYPEWRITER GO.: Harrison 4266134 Van Buren St, Chicago. III.M2 PROTECT YOURSELFThink of theConvenienceand satisfaction of writing,day after day, for years,with your favorite pen nib;and carrying with you,wherever you go, yourtrusted Waterman's Ideal,to use wherever you happen to be.It facilitates the routineof business life as well asthe exacting claims of private correspondence, anddaily proves of inestimablevalue.Whatever price you pay,"Waterman's Ideal"stamped on the holder of afountain pen guaranteesperfect satisfactionPor sale by the best'deale'!; M2everywhere�e..1T3�9t'ltBOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO MONTREAL LONDONYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-13-Made by herself and sisters inSyracuse, N. Y.A sweetmeat of food-valueNourishing to the bodyPleasing to the taste, andprepared with absolutecleanlinessMary Elizabeth'sChocolatesWHOLESALE DEPOT42 River Street, ChicagoE. HOSKINS, Mgr.Phone Central 1304When you want the Best ask fornARYELIZABETH' 5CHOCOLATESM2CALLAGHAN & CO.II4 MONROE STREETUsually have For Sale -LAW BOOKSRequired inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOTHEY INVITE YOUto inspect their stockSTUDENTS are allowed special discountsTHE LARGEST generalLAW BOOK SELLERSand PUBLISHERSin AMERICACALLAGHAN &CO.M2 Class News continued from page 12ENGAGEMENTS'05· Edwina Dorland' to Edmond P. Cobb.Miss Dorland is the daugher of Mrs. A. G.Dorland of Lake Ave. Mr. Cobb is a Harvard graduate of the class of '95.Ex-'09. Blanche Preston to Carl A. Gould,of Lathrop, Mont.MARRIAGES'04. Harry E. Mock to Golda Taylor onChristmas Day at the home of the bride'sparents, 2537 Kenmore Ave., Edgewater, Ill.Dr. and Mrs. Mock live at 25r AshlandBoulevard. Dr. Mock is practicing medicinewith offices on the corner of Ashland Boulevard and VanBuren St.'or William F. Eldridge to Maude Lee, ofLos Angeles, Cal., December 5, 1908: Mr.Eldridge is a former football man. He isnow taking a course in agriculture at theUniversity of Nebraska, and intends goinginto the ranching business at Overton, Neb.,next spring.'06. Howard Levansel1aer Willett to GraceWilliamson, '06, January 23, at the_ HotelMetropole.DEATHS'69. Joseph Frank Rumsey died on J anuary 28 at his home in Lake Forest. He underwent an operation at St. Luke's Hospital, January I2. At the time of his death he wassixty-one years old. Mr. Rumsey was amember of the Chicago Board of Trade, andof the Union League and Onwentsia Clubs.LITERARY NOTESPRESIDENT FAUNCE)S NEW BOOKThe Lyman Beecher lectures delivered atYale in 1908 by President William HerbertPerry Faunce, of Brown University, havebeen published in book form by the Macmillan Company under the title, The Educational I deal in the Ministry. PresidentFaunce says the lectures are designed to giveno information on any subj e·ct : merely apoint of view. This, to say the least, thereader will find refreshing and stimulating,for in treatment of his topic, and in expression, President Faunce is especially successful.Each essay is pertinent to religious education today. That entitled "The Relationof Church and College" furnishes a strongargument for a closer relation between thesetwo great forces in character-building.President Faunce' feels that the church is notholding the attention of young men as itshould and in part finds the reason in the college. Both are using opposite methods, hedeclares; the church approaching everything synthetically, the college analytically.He believes the college has gone to extremesin developing the laboratory method of study,and that habits of inquiry in a student havemade it hard for him to give unequivocalContinued on advertising page 16Say "UNIVERSITY 0 .. CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-14-THE BEST PLACE TO BUY BOOKSBOOKS MAKE.· THE BEST .CHRISTMAS GI.FTS.BOOKS ARE EASY TO BUY, EASY TO SEND,AND COST VERY LITTLE. BUY YOUR /CHRISTMAS BOOKS AT OUR STORE, WHERE THELARGEST STOCK, THE qREA'IEST VARIETY, ANDTHE BEST FACILI'IIES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL.EVERYTHING IN BOOKS.. .SEND FOR ANY OF THESE CATALOGSBooks for Libraries Books of Art Foreign BooksOld and Rare Books Monthly Bulletin Technical BooksA.C.McCLURG&CO. 2 I 5-22 IWabash Ave.THE LITTLE BOOK SHOP434 Fifty-fifth Street, EastBOOKS ORDERED MIDWAY 2120EDITH SEARSThe Best of the New BooksSpecial U. of C. Stationery and PennantsThe Open Court Philosophical and Mathematical PublicationsWhen you are in townsay to your friend HOLMES'Delicatessen and Home Bakery"Let's go to the Phone Hyde Park 3789State's BilliardParlor The Home of Goodies ProperlyCooked, also Real EnglishPork Pies and Everything forEvening Spreads - :- - : - -:-It is so club-Iike "213 State Street . Second Floor( Just South of Adams) M3 404 East Slxty-Ihlrd StreetYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-15- M2M2- LANTERNMr. Lecturer: SWe make THE LBEST lantern slides. IVery truly yours, DESCommercial Dept.UniversityPhotograph Shop397 E. 57th StreetNear KimbarkJos. Fahndrich& SonHayGrainand Feed5426-28 Lake Ave.Tel. Hyde Park157 CHICAGOM2M3 Class News continu.�d from page 14obeisance to the church. The church, hesays, emphasizes the religious life as a solemnchoice, while the college recognizes religionas culture and a gradual unfolding of thehigher life. He feels that there must becloser co-operation between church and college; that the college must develop somelarge co-ordinating and unifying purposewhich it does not now possess, and that thechurch must develop the educational ideal toa far greater extent than hitherto. "It musthave vital relations to the institutions about. it, to the great movements for human uplift,for sweetening the life of city and country,"Important lectures are those entitled "TheAttitude of Religious Leaders toward NewTruth," "The Demand for Ethical Leadership," and "The Direction of Religious Education," In each lecture in the book thereader will find a just and clear presentationof a modern question, pertinent to the thinking of the day. Before becoming presidentof Brown University Dr. Faunce was pastorof the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church of NewYork. At the funeral services for the latePresident Harper he gave one of the principal addresses.THE ADMINISTRATION OF EDUCATIONAlthough in recent years there have beenpublished hundreds of books bearing onevery phase of education, the new volume bySamuel Train Dutton, A.M., and David Snedden, Ph.D., entitled The Administration ofPublic Education in the United States comesas a distinct contribution to this study. Itis an exhaustive and well-ordered compendium on governmental educational activity.For students of education it will prove aninvaluable guide. It will prove important asa reference book, the arrangement of the textfacilitating easy reading. Nicholas MurrayButler, president of Columbia University,says: "In a democratic state it is of firstimportance that the relation of the state tothe organs and agencies .of culture and enlightenment be clearly defined and wellunderstood. The wise and truly representative organization and administration of education is only a little less important than theorganization and conduct of the educationalprocess itself."Data for the book have been gathered froma wide area. The: list of references at theend of each chanter gives opportunities foradditional reading on the topic of that ,chapter. The relation of the national government and the state to education is discussed.Other chapters deal with such subj ects as thecity school systems,' the financing of publiceducation, the teaching staff, courses of study,the administration of high schools and normalschools, and vocational, physical, and correctional education. The authors are men whohave devoted much thought to the study ofContinued on adverbiaing' page 18Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-16-AFTER THE FIREwe will adjust your loss and doyour repairs completelys. M. HUNTER & CO.5643 -45 Jefferson AvenueCarpenters : Plasterers : Masons'tlITelephones: Office, Hyde Park 1318Hunter, Residence, Hyde Park 0000Holt, Residence, Midway 1761 �'New Work : Alterations : Repairs : RemodelingM3.351 Caliber High Power Self-loading RifleThis repeater is reloaded by its own recoil. To shoot it sixtimes it is only necessary to pull the trigger for each shot.The ease and rapidity with which it can be fired make it a ,particularly effective rifle for hunting game often shot onthe run. Like all Winchesters, it is safe, strong and simple.Full illustrated description of this rljle-" The Gun That Shoots Through Steel"-sent upon request.WINCHESTER, REPEATINC ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments--17-P. D. WeinsteinLADIES'TAILORSpecial Attention to StudentsREASONABLE PRICESSatisfaction guaranteedPhone: Hyde Park 1282433 East Fifty-Fifth StreetNortheast Corner Lexington Ave.A. F. ROURKEWHOLESALE AND RETAILDEALER INPureCountry Milkand Cream.5637 Jefferson AvenueTelephone Hyde Park 214 M2M2 Class News continued from page 16education. Samuel Train Dutton is professorof school administration in Teachers Collegeof Columbia University and superintendentof the college schools, while David Sneddenis adjunct professor of educational administration in Teachers College at Columbia. Thebook is published by the Macmillan Company,New York, at $1.75.Professor William Cleaver Wilkinson hasgathered into five substantial volumes thebest 0 f his many verses in the epic and lyricfields, The books will be published by theFunk & Wagnalls Company.MORGAN PARK ALUMNI RECORDSReaders of the Magazine) who have at anytime been connected with the Morgan ParkAcademy will be interested to know that theAlumni Association of that school has published a record of the former students. Thistask consumed much time but it amply repaidthose engaged in it by bringing togethermuch interesting material. The records havebeen prepared with great thoroughnessincluding a list of the honors won and activities engaged in by. every alumnus during andafter his work at Morgan Park Academy.There are still some of these records to behad. They can be obtained from Miss AnnaJewett Le Fevre, secretary of the MorganPark Academy Association, who may beaddressed at the University of Chicago.BOOKS RECEIVEDAdministration of Public Education in theUnited States. By Samuel Train Dutton,A.M., and David. Snedden, Ph.D., with anintroduction by Nicholas Murray Butler,Ph.D., LL.D. The Macmillan Company, NewYork. 601 pp. $I.75.Industrial Insurance in the United States.By Charles Richmond Henderson, '70, d '73.The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.429 pp. $2 net.The Educational I deal in the Ministry.The Lyman Beecher Lectures at Yale University in the Year I908. By William Herbert Perry Faunce, president of Brown University. The Macmillan Company, N ew York.286 pp. $r .25 net.MAGAZINE ARTICLESEducational Review (Feb., I909). "SchoolReports As They Are," by William H.Allen, '97.Human Life (Feb., I 909 ). "A Royal Rebel;Princess Louise of Coburg," by VanceThompson, ex-Sg.Red Book (Feb., I9(9). "Her Romance,"by Maude L. Radford, '94 (Mrs. Joseph P.Warren.)The World To-Day (Feb., I909) , "RaceProspects in Western Canada," by CharlesRichmond Henderson, '70, d '73.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-I8e-ROBERT STAEDTER CO.ISS STATE STREETBE'lIWEEN MADISON AND MONROEPhone -:- -:- -:- Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats� Skirts, Milliner".I N OUR FUR DEPARTMENT will be found a complete and variedstock of Fur Coats, Neckwear and Muffs at reasonable prices. Specialvalues in Russian Pony Coats, Mink Sets, and Black Lynx.Fur Remodeling and Repairing at moderate pricesIn our SUIT Section we are showing the bestvalues ranging in price from $25.00 up.Our MILLINERY of the latest mode ranges in price from $5.00,$7.50, $10.00 up to $75.00M.TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 942MILIAN ENGHwutlnr163 STATE STREET, SUITE 52CHICAGO, ILLINOISM' PHONE CENTRAL 4051Furs Made to Orderand Storedat very LOWRATES now.Old Furs andSeal Garmentsremodeled tolook like new.We call and Deliver.Will give thebest of References.P. FRENKEL ;'��:ERLYeRAS. A. STEVENS & BROS.Room 43, 95 E. Washington St.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-19- M.S. J. \VILKINSONW. A. WESTBERG PresidentVice-President244 West 43rd StreetC. R. I. & P. R. R.'Phone Yards 1316ISt and LaSalle Street,C. R. I. & P. R. R.'Phone Wentworth III6M,102 South Water Street CHICAGO, ILL.American Cotillonand Carnival Works80-82 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.MANUFACTURERSand IMPORTERS ofCostumes, CotillonFigures and FavorsSerpentinesand ConfettiWe make, sell, and put tip allkinds of Decorations for Banquets, Balls,.Receptions, etc., etc.Would be pleased to submit estimate on any decorating desiredfor your coming eventsM2 RESTAURANTS ANDHOTELS SUPPLIEDCarroll'sPacking HouseMarketsSuccessor to J. J. HANRAHAN, Wholesaleand Retail Market396 East Sixty-Third StreetTelephone Hyde Park 1091757 West Forty-Seventh StreetTelephone Yard� 1673CHICAGOSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-20-Garibaldi& CuneoFRUITSANDNUTSTelephone Central 2330South Water and State Sts.CHICAGOGO TOTHEMIDWAY DINING ROOM57TH ST. AND ELLIS AVE.FORA GOOD MEAL ATTHE RIGHT PRICETHE MIDWAY DINING ROOMTICKETS: $3.50 FOR $3.00 Don't Say Merely"Holeproof Hose"If you want the genuine" Holeproof"you must look for the name on the toe.There are scores of poor imitations. Allthese imitations are "guaranteed," too.But that isn't sufficient. You want aguaranteed hosiery that is light and softand attractive.You want to get the most for yourmoney.It has taken us 3' years to perfect." Holeproof" HOSiery. You don't wantan amateur make.We use no common cotton-OUrscomes from Egypt. We pay no commonprice-ours costs an average of 63C perpound. We get our wear throughsuperior yarn=-g-ply throughout and6 ply In heel and toe.We spend $30,000 a year forinspection.Ask merely' for "Guaranteed" [hose and you may getM3 some.cornmon hose.Insiston" Holeproof" and you will get the �finest hose on the market.You will find this guarantee in each boxof six pairs: "If any or all of these hosecome to holes or need darning within six months fromthe day you buy them, we will replace them free."M2 Holeproof Sox-6 pairs, $1.50. Medium and lightl weight.Black, black with white feet. Jight and dark tan, navy blue.pearl gray, lavender, light blue, ereen, gun-metal, khaki. andmode. Sizes, 9% to 12. Six pairs of a size and weight ina box. All one color or assorted, as desired.Holeproof Sox (extra light weight) -Made entirely 01Sea Island cotton. 6 pairs, $2.Holeproof Luatre-Sox-6 pairs, $3. Finished like silk.Extra light weight. Black, navy blue, light and dark tan, pearlgray, lavender, light blue, green, gun-metal, khaki, and mode.Sizes, 9% to 12.Holeproof Full-Fashioned Sox-6 pairs, $3. Same colorand sizes as Lustre-Sox.Holeproof Stockings-6 pairs, $2. Medium weight.Black, tan, and black with white feet. Sizes,8 to II. 'Holeproof Lustre Stockings-6 pairs, $3. A<l'lAFinished like silk. Extra light weight. Tan and _�black. Sizes 8 to It.Boy's Holeproof Stockings-6 pairs, $3. 1'1 IIBlack and tan, Specially reinforced knee, heel,and toe. Sizes 5 to if. IMisses' Holeproof Stockings-6 pairs, $1.Black and tan. Specially reinforced knee, heel,and toe. Sizes 5 to 9%. These are the best Reg. U. S. Pat.children's hose made today, Office 1906HOLEPROOF HOSIERY CO. 280 4TH ST., MILWAUKEE, WIS.113Now 25C a Pair6 Pairs-Guaranteed 6 Months-$I.50The genuine "Holeproof" are sold in your town. On requestwe will tell you the dealers' names. Or we will ship direct,charges prepaid, on receipt of remittance."Holeproof' are made for men, women, and children. Tellyeur folks about them.��#ode�?You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-21-'Marsh & McLennanINSURANCEin all its BranchesI 59 La Salle Street, Chicago54 William Street, New York123 Bishopsg;tte Street, LondonTHENORTH AMERICAN LIFE-Of TORONTO, a company operating under direct Federalcontrol!Owing to a careful selection of risks, aMOST economicalmanagement, and ahigh rate of interestearned consistent withgilt-edged securities ,the Company's financial position today isunexcelled IOur rates are moderate, guaranteeshigh, and dividendsthe best yet IWe make a specialtyof University of Chicago Faculty, Students,and Alumni.If not fully covered by Insurance (?) orwishing an agency, kindly communicatewith .OEO. B. GARVIN, State Manager.RQQIn 9'3, Tribune Bldg. CHICAOOM2M2 lllinoisTmst&1Sa�sBanKCAPITAL AND SURPLUS$J3,200,OOO.OOLa Salle Street and Jackson Boulevard, Chicagolhis Bank Loans Exclusively on < conservative in its methods and has the laraest capital and surplus of any savings bank in ,the United States.INTERfST-Allowed on Current Ar.rountsCertIficates· of DepoSIt. SavIngs DepositsBond, Foreign Exchange and Trust DepartmentsCOR RESPONDENCE INVITEDILLINOIS TRUST SAfETY DEPOSIT Co.SAfE DEPOSIT VAULTS51ly "UN�VERSITY 011 CHICAGO -MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-22- M2M2KEEP SMILING,j....In order to comply with this injunctionand to wear "THE SMILE THAT WON'T COME OFF,"you must preserve your good nature byUSING AHammond Visible, Model No.12WHOSEUNIFORM IMPRESSION, PERFECT and PERMANENT ALIGNMENT,INTERCHANGEABLE TYPE permitting the Writing of ALLLANGUAGES on ONE INSTRUMENT, and VISIBILITYand DURABILITY will materially assist you toKEEP SMILINGTHE HAMMONDTYPEWRITER COMPANY1006 SE'CURITY BUILDINGCHICAGO··U. S. A.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-23- M2TheNew . Hotel BrevoortChicagoSPECIAL ATTENTION TO\AFTER-THEATRE PARTIESThe Twentieth Century "otel- Absolutely fireproofVISIT THE CJ?.AINBOW ROOMRestaurant Grill Room BuffetUnsurpassed in Appointments and DecorationsMargulie's Orchestra. ARTHUR M. GRANT, Manager.M2We solicit accounts from Students,Faculty, Fraternities, and all otherorganizations of The University ofChicago.Courteous treatment accorded to all.IInnblawu wrust & @Jahtngs ?Bank451 E. 63rd Street (near Woodlawn Ave.)Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers M2Grand PacificHotel Clark Street andJackson BoulevardChicagoTable UnexcelledPrices ModerateWe Dlake a specialty ofClub and Fraternity C))innersM2.THE VENDOME HOTEL================62d and Monroe Avenue, Chicago, lIlinois---CONDUCTED ON THE GOOD OLD AMERICAN PLAN-WITH A CUISINE UNEXCELLEDOffers to permanent and transient guestsaccommodations and service such as onlya first-class management can give.Furnishings unsurpassed; 400 rooms, allen suite, and all with private bath.Transportation facilities unsurpassed-eIllinois Central Express trains} South SideElevated Express, 61 st and 63d St. surfacelines-within 15 minutes' ride of businessand amusement centers.W. S. SAlTER, PROPRIETORM2You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-25-Do You Dance the "Boston"?\Would you care to learn a few new "Barn' dances?Are you interested in Gymnastic dancing, or CloggingjWe can give you private lessons either in your home, at a timeconvenient to you, or at our Studio, 179 East Fifty. ... third Street.To arrange for lessons, kindly telephoneHyde Park 2768 Mary Wood HinmanUNIVERSAL REPAIR COMPANY5509 COTTAGE GROVE AND 5623 JEfFERSON AVE.All mechanical and Furniture Repairs.Nickel Plating. -:- Mirrors resilvered.Skates and Bicycles 0ur specialty.WE REPAIR, RENT. AND SELL THEM Sign Painting and Fancy Letter in g.Painting and Decorating.House and Room Cleani-ng and Packing.We make a Specialty of exterminating insects.FRAN� DE GEER, PROP.Call upon us. Drop us a cardM2•••..... Bowman Dairy Company'T'1i1k bottled 1i:J the cou»fzyMilk · Cream" Butter : Buttermilk,Do our wagons serve you 1 .Why not �,-ve the 'best?4221-4229 STate Stree�Telephones at all d.ivision offices.-Evav$W1) v' Chicago ..... Oak Pa,...k M2Piano Tuning ®. RepairingExpert W'ork GuaranteedROO2n 800,�09 State St. J. J. O'NEILL Phone Harrison 5133M2The University of Chicago MagazineCarries more Advertising than any otherpublication of its kind in the United StatesM3Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-26----- The �=============:::Starck Piano'OIs considered by all leading artists the BESTUPRIGHT PIANO IN AMERICA, especially noted for its NATURAL SINGINGTONE, GRAND REPEATING ACTIONand GENERAL ENDURANCE.THE ONLY PIANO MADE BEARINGA MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE OF25 YEARSTHIS COUPON is valued at $10.00 andaccepted as part of first payment on anew Starck Piano if presented at time ofsale at our warerooms, 204-206 WabashAvenue.P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.MIlCut this out$IO.OODUE BILLWE WILL SEND YOU A "STARCK"PIANO FREE on 10 DAYS TRIALanywhere in the United States, and, if not entirely satisfactory, we agree to take it back at our expense. Catalogue mailed free upon application.Send us your order to-dayP. A. STARCK PIANO CO.204-206 Wabash Ave. Chicago, U. s. A.You will enj oy your business relations with these establishments-27-"The Hose withthe RealGuarantee" Sox youcant kick outor'Kick about"You will have no complaint to make about EverwearSox, no matter how !lard you are. on sox •. or how quieklyyou "kick out" a pair of the ordinary kind,Six pair of Everwear Sox often last a year-c-and more-sbut they MUST and �ILL la'!t yo.u six months. If. a holedoes appear in any pair we WIll grve you a new pair free.__j We know 'that it will not be necessary for you to return asingle pair; that they will not only give you better wearthan any sock you ever put on your feet. but the most satisfactory wear·_·more comfort and a better fit. •EVERWEAR SOX are made of the finest Egyptian cotton. They will not shrink.stretch or fade. Being knit entirely :wi�hout a seam,.there ,\re no rough placesto chafe the feet. Men's Sox are made m light a!,d mecium weight, Color�. with white feet blue. steel gray, and light an.d dark tan. Ladiea hosein black. black with white. feet and tan. In boxes o.f SIX J?wr- •• $2.00. one size ma box assorted colors If desired.Men's silk lisle hose, Summer and Fall weightscolors; black. blue. light and dark gray. tanand champagne; Ladies silk lisle hose in'black and tan. $a per box of six pair. coveredby the same positive guarantee. Ask yourdealer for them today. Remember the name->EVERWEAR. If he doesn't handle them sendus his name. with the price, stating the �Ior andsize desired and we will ship them postage paid,Send for our interesting free booklet "AnEVERWEAR Yarn".Everwear Hosiery Co., Dept.2SMilwaukee, Wis.A new pair for eaeh pair thatdoe. not w_r six months.THIS new book, by Sylvester J. Simon, the well-known PhysicalCulturist, gives the key to the attainment of physical perfection,as the title indicates. It shows how to obtain and maintain themaximum of physical and mental health, strength and vigor, How torid one's self of bodily ailments by rational and scientific methods. Howto acquire "personal magnetism," and poise. It teaches women how tobecome more beautiful in face and figure, more graceful in carriage andrepose. It aids men successward by showing them how to developnerve force and brain power. .Natural Treatment ofBodi/� Ailments16P.hysical Perfection"It is not a book of mere generalities. It tells just how to relieve different conditions of Ill-health, without the aidof drugs. "apparatus. or mechanical means of any kind. There are exhaustive chapters on the cure and avoidance bynatural methods of Obesity, Leanness. Dyspepsia, Constipation, Skin diseases, Rheumatism and other Blood troubles,disorders of Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Nervous ailments, affections of Head, Throat and Lungs, etc.There are special chapters on the care of the body through al1 stages of life from infancy to old age-including oneon longevity. A valuable feature is a special index giving a ready key to exercises that develop or reduce variousmuscles, or that affect different organs or parts of the body,B� Founder of·Great Health In�tituteThis book is thoroughly practical all the way through. It is the work of a man who has probably' treated morepatients by druglesa methods than any other person in the world. Professor Simon's nature-cure institute, occupyingan 8-story building at 14 Quincy Street, Chicago, is the largest and most successful of it's kind; Thousands, including ,many physicians, have sought PHYSICAL PERFECTION at this famous health home, and have found it. It was inpursuance of persistent requests of enthusiastic graduates that Professor Simon put his methods of instruction intQprint. No one who secures a copy of "Physical Perfection" would part with it for many times its cost.Silk Cloth. Edition, 208 paltes, Illustrated with 46 special plates drawn fromphotoll:raphed models, printed on fine paper, $3.00 prepaid. Large illustrateddescriptive pamphlet, with table of contents, free upon application. Send at once,SylvesterJ.Simon, 14-A Ouinc�street�Chicago,lll.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-28-The llrs. Knox Lunch ClubAn exclusive lunch club for women only. A membership fee of 25 centsmonthly entitles members to the use of. a circulating library of the latest andbest fiction and other benefits, making the club unique among)he many lunchclubs of the city. Ladies not holding membership tickets are admitted bythe payment of a 5-cent guest fee. An up-to-date kitchen in connectionfurnishes everything needed on the tables. Pastry goods are on sale, andpurchases of a dollar or more are delivered. The place is worth visiting.45 Randolph Street, half block east of State Street and exactly oppos�teMarshall Field's.Special exhibit and sale of pastry goods every Saturday.Wade CorsetsHigh grade and artistic corsets Made to Order from thebest. imported and domestic fabrics. It is the One Corsetthat gives a correct figure.The WADE Company 24 Washington St.SPECIALTY -Ru.bber Goods for Flesh ReducingThe Fidelity Laundry684 East Sixty-third Street ! Telephone Hyde Park 1252Qua'lity and Service UnexcelledRegulation Price ListYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-29- MzM3PRINCESS THEATERCLARK STREET ---- NEAR JACKSONDirection MORT. H. SINGERThe Prince of TonightBy ADAMS, HOUGH, AND HOWARDWITHHARRY WOODRUFFGEORGIA CAINEADELE ROWLANDFRANCIS DEMARESTLA SALLE THEATERMatinees-,--"ues., Thurs,; and Sat.A New Musical PlayCalledThe Golden GirlSTUDEBAKERBeginning Monday, Feb. 15Viola AllenIn F. Marion Crawford and WalterHackett's New Play"THE WHITE SISTER"With Cast of UNUSUAL EXCELLENCELIEBLER & co., ManagersMAJESTIC THEATERMonroe Street, near State1 he Aristocrat ofVaudeville HousesPRICES .. ISC, 2SC, Soc, 75c Whitney Opera HouseVan Buren, just off Michigan Ave.A Broken IdolWITHOTIS HARLANPopular Prices"LAST FOUR WEEKS"THE AUDITORIUMMILWARD ADAMS u : I, II MANAGERPour Weeks OnlyZIEOFIELD'S FAMOUS MUSICALREVUEFollies of 1908With the same cast of eminent artists as seen at theIllinois TheaterBICKEL and WATSON, Jack Norworth, BillieReeves, Wm. Schrode, Wm. Powers, Arthur Dea ..gon, Annabelle Whitford, Grace Leigh, SeymourBrown, and Dazie. Special feature, NoRA BAYESZiegfield's Beauty ChorusAMERICAN MUSIC HALLFORMERLY THE GARDEN THEATERSmoking PermittedWm. Morris, Inc., Lessees,MANAGERSMatinees 25C and SOCEvenings Soc, 7se, and $1.00GRAND OPERA HOUSEMonday, feb. 15 Seats on Sa�e Next TuesdayMrs. Fisk in Salvation NellFOR A FORTI\IGHT ONLYSunday, Feb. 21 "The Three Twins"TWO PERFORMANCES-AFTERNOON & EVENINGMARCH I - MAIL ORDERS NOWGEORGE ARLISS "The Devil"Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersILLINOIS THEATERFor Limited EngagementMABEL TALIAFERROINPolly of the CircusEvery Night Also SundayMatinees Wednesday and SaturdayOLYMPIC MUSIC HALLCLARK AND RANDOLPHVaudevilleBargain Matinees Daily forLadies and ChildrenThe Most Luxurious Music Hallin the WorldIF YOU LIKE GOODPIEAsk fOT a Piece ofCase&Martin'sConnecticut Pie"Always Good"M2 GARRICKBeginning Sunday, Feb. 21SEATS ON SALE THURSDAYDavid Belasco PresentsThe Warrensof VirginiaWith PRANK KEENAN and the Belasco Theater Co.�eL�es��r���YG����ra�!���e� 2 �Csafety razor blades for only 2 �cents each. You can't afford to throwawayold blades when we will sterilize, resharpen,and made them better than new at thistrifling price. We return your own particular blades. One trial will convince you ofthe merits of our service. Stamps taken inpayment. State number and make of blades and wewill send a convenient mailing package free. Writenow.KEENED6E COMPANY, 841 Keenedge Bldg., CHICAGOThe ROMAItalian Table D'HoteSOc 75c $1 00fncludilg Win�. Also a la Carte Service! OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS FROM'Ii A. M.TO 9 P. M.SPAGHETTIsuch as one gets in Italy14'6 STATE STREETSECOND FLOORYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-31- M2M2. Just Tr,}!'---'VII/'L:'I'"/7:,,Finest Swiss Milk�-�,� ChocolatePURE - DELICIOUS - NOURISHINGFor Sale-Drug Stores and Cigar StandsOn Sale at '7{e!!nolds ClubWestern Agenc!! AMERICAN COMMERCE & SPECIALTY CO.�o<lhweslern "Building, CHICAGO, �2THE ADAMS BILLIARD PARLORWF. DELIVER ORDERS FORCIGARS AND CIGARETTESSpecial Rates to Students478-480 East Sixty-third StreetTELEPHONE H. P. 278Tonsorial Parlors in con nection conducted bythe TWO CHARLIESM2 COMMERCIAL FURNISHERS 331·333 WABASH AVE.M2DESKSTABLESCHAIRSSAFESOFFICEAPPLIANCESMAT LOC K CO.LONG DISTANCEPHONEMAIN 905AUTOMATIC 6952.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to 'the advertisersHygienic Importanceof Dustless FloorsThe hygienic importance of dustless floors is to-day of as muchsignificance as proper ventilation. Schools, hospitals, sanitariums,stores, offices, corridors and public buildings all have large floorspaces which collect dirt and dust with great rapidity. This dust,with its living millions of micro-organisms, is easily set in circulation, thus greatly increasing the dangers of contagion..the ��:tS��fi:'�� �!�;,}��n"d��factory of all methods for eliminatingSTANDARDFLOOR DRESSINGThis preparation applied to floors several times a year will reducedust nearly one hundred per cent.Tests ha ve proved cone: usively that the atmosphere of rooms withuntreated floors contains twelve times more dust and its accompanying germs than the air in rooms floors treatedwith Standard Floor Dressing.Moreover, it preserves the floors and improvestheir appearance-prevents them from splinteringand cracking and greatly lessens the labor of caringfor them. .Standard Floor Dressing is sold by dealers generally. In barrels, half-barrels, one gallon and fivegallon cans.Not intended for household use.A Free DemonstrationWe will gladly demonstrate the worth of Standard FloorDressing by actual use. On request from proper authoritieswe will treat part of one floor or corridor in school, hospital,sanitarium, store or public building,-A TOUR 0 WN EXPENSE.Write for particulars.STANDARD OIL COMPANY(Incorporated)Four-DrawerVertical File(Capacity, 20,000 Letters)This is ourfamous No. 421 Vertical Let-ter File, a Solid Oak, Four-Drawer File,handsomely finished on all four sides, in Weathered or GoldenOak. It is solid and substantial, perfect in construction, andfirst-class in every detail. This File is now in use in everyState of the Union, and we have in print scores of letters fromsatisfied customers everywhere which we will be glad to sendon request. Every File is sold on our positive guaranteesatisfaction or your money back. Price $12.00 f. o. b. Monroe.Equal To Any Files Madein Capacity-each drawer holds 5,000 letters;in Convenience-every paper quickly accessible;in Durability-built for permanent, hard service.Solid Oak-Dust Proof-Roller Bearings. Patent Follower in EachDrawer-Oxidized Metal Fittings.O h S· No.321 Three-Letter Size Drawers $9.75t er izes: No.221 Two-Letter Size Drawers $6.75F.O.B. FACTORYTh ��• Mf C 98 Union Street, Send for our cataloge g 0 and free booklet of.•• Monroe, Mich. Vertical Filing.- M2You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-33-'P LAC E TO L I V EAN IDE A LTHE HARVARDA HOME-LIKE PLACE FOR REFINED PEOPLETelephone Hyde Park 1533Twelve minutes to the Loop. Five minutes to Park, Lake, or University.Home Cooking. Social Advantages. Ogier, Elite Neighborhood.HOTEL CUMBERLAND'NEW YORK5. W •. Corner Broadway at 54th StreetN ear goth St. Subway Station and 53rd St. ElevatedKept by a College ManSpecial Terms forCollege Teams .Headquarters forCollege MenIdeal Location, Near Theatres, Shops,and Central ParkNew, rIodern, and Absolutely FireproofMost Attractive Hotel in New YorkTransient Rates $2.50 with Bath and upTen Minutes' Walk to 20 TheatresSEND POR BOOKLETSHARRY P. STIilSON R. J. BINGHAMFormerly with Hotel Imperial Formerly with Hotel WoodwardM2.Say '!UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers M2