MILTON WHEN A STUDENT AT CAMBRIDGEAGED TWENTY-ONEThe original of this portrait, now lost, was purchased after the death of Milton'swidow by Arthur Onslow, Speaker of the House of Commons. The only copyof the original now in existence was made for the Earl of Harcourt in 1792The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME I JANUARY, 1909 NUMBER 3THE MILTON TERCENTENARYlMILTON AS THE GREATEST OF ENGLISHMENBY RICHARD GREEN MOULTONHead of the Department of General LiteratureI AM venturing upon the thesis that Milton is the greatest of Eng­lishmen. But perhaps I am somewhat prejudiced in this matter.I come t'0 you, not only from the University of Cambridge, whichproduced Milton and the major part of English poets, but also fromthe particular college in that university to which Milton belonged.Translated into American phraseology this might be that I belongto Milton's "fraternity." Christ's College is one of the smaller col­leges in Cambridge University, but it has its roll of honor, and atthe head of it-in strange conjunction-Milton and Darwin. Westill have some memorials of the poet's residence among us. In myfar distant undergraduate days I have played the antediluvian formof croquet under Milton's mulberry tree. I have had tea in Milton'srooms. Some. of you will remember that a very great personage hadsomething stronger than tea in those rooms; the spectacle of W ords­worth intoxicated in Milton's chambers might be something for auniverse to gape at, were it not-as someone has judiciously ob­served-that we have only Wordsworth's word for the fact, andprobably his standard of intoxication was a low one. Last July theCollege celebrated the tercentenary 'Of its great hero. There was alarge exhibit of Milton portraits, which went far to justify thetradition that he was the handsomest man of his age; also, a great1 The following address was given on December 8, I g08, in the LeonMandel Assembly Hall at the celebration of the three hundredth anniversary ofMilton's birth.90 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcollection of rare 'editions, the catalogue of which makes perhapsthe completest bibliography of Milton that has yet appeared. Wedined together, as a matter of course; heard an eulogium pro­nounced by the Professor of Poetry at Oxford; and then adjournedin a body to' the theater, as you will do tomorrow, to see Comus.So I enter upon my contention as a man with a confessed bias.If I am met with the objection that it is absurd to' speak of anyperson whatever as the greatest of Englishmen, I entirely agreewith the objector. In theory and practice I avoid such comparisonsof merit. But there are degrees in absurdity; and I would suggestthat it is less absurd to speak 'Of Milton in these terms than of anyother man. And for a distinct reason. To discuss whether Miltonor Shakspere is the greater poet, to exalt Dante above Virgil orVirgil aboveDante, seems to me an absurdity with nothing to redeemit. We grade the exercises of junior students; with difficulty weappraise the productions of graduates; but there is no measuringwand which we can bring to bear upon the Immortals. How shallcriticism adjudicate upon the great masters, whose poetic practiceconstitutes the very principles of poetry? But the case might besomewhat different if it should appear that a particular individualhas reached this unappraisable rank of the Immortals, not in one,but in several different modes of human greatness. Now, as I seeit, in six distinct fields of achievement, fields of achievement notoften united even by mediocrity, Milton has attained the front rankof greatness.I. In the field of national politics I would assign Milton a frontrank: If modern political phraseology may be allowed, Milton wasa secretary of state in the strongest ministry England has ever had.It is easy to object that such phraseology is misleading, and thatMilton's office was one of routine. The fact may be correct, but thecause of any lack 'Of influence was that Milton was generations inadvance of his age. His Areopagitica brings out how, when thegovernment of the day was taking a particular step almost as anaccident, Milton seized upon the "privilege of unlicensed printing"as a deep-seated revolution, more wide-reaching in its effects thanwhat seemed the great questions of that day. On this whole subjectthere is a rough but sure test. It was an age of bitter conflict: now,no personality, hardly even that of Cromwell himself, was held insuch bitter abhorrence by the opposition party. Sir Walter Scottseizes upon this as foundation for an amusing scene in his W ood-THE MILTON TERCENTENARY 9Istock. He represents a cultured Cavalier, with Shakspere foreveron his lips, betrayed into expressing admiration for a passage ofComus given to him anonymously: when at last the author is namedthe knight explodes:J oh� Milton! .... What! John Milton, the blasphemous and bloody­minded author of the Defensio Populi Anglicani!-the advocate of theinfernal High Court of Fiends I-the creature and parasite of that grandimpostor, that loathsome hypocrite, that detestable monster, that prodigyof the universe, that disgrace of mankind, that landscape of iniquity, thatsink of sin, and that compendium of baseness, Oliver Cromwell! .... Iwill never forgive thee. . . . . Thou hast made me speak words of praiserespecting one whose offal should fatten the region-kites.Royalist hatred is a measure of the force of Milton in Revolutionpolitics.2. Secondly} Milton headed the newspaper world of his time.Not literally, for newspapers then did not exist. But modern news­papers, as periodical organs of party conflict, were preceded by anage of pamphlet warfare, and this by an age of controversy in books:ponderous books often, and often books written in Latin, as thecommon language of educated Europe. N ow, in this field it was acase of David and Goliath when the unknown Englishman steppedforward to encounter the champion of European learning, Salmasius,and mauled him so badly that Salmasius's royal patroness bade himunderstand that he was beaten. From that moment the wholeburden of the defense of the Revolution and Puritanism restedupon the single pen of Milton. All this literature has long beenforgotten, for nothing is so short-lived as controversy. But if Miltonhad done nothing beyond this he would be entitled to his place amongthe protagonists of literature.3. I come next to poetry. But I need not take up your time inarguing that Milton is included in the inmost circle of the world'sgreat poets, and his position there is no one to dispute.4. Milton may claim a place among the, world's great inventors.The word "inventor" suggests to the modern ear the telephone, orwireless telegraphy. But, surely, instruments for the wider trans­mission of language are a degree less important than the mechanismthat enlarges the language that is to be transmitted. It is as aninventor of language that Milton is great. This magnificent Eng­lish speech of ours, which has forged ahead so rapidly that many areexpecting that it will eventually prove the banner tongue of civiliza-92 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtion, wherein does its greatness consist? All the languages whichenter into this competition have the same double source: they aremade up out of the native stock of the different European nations,and the common Latin language which was the greatest legacybequeathed by the ancient world to the modern. But the proportionin which the two elements are mingled differs widely; and the dis­tinction of English is that in this the two sources of language aremost evenly balanced, so. that the English language has the fullestvigor of national vocabulary and idiom, and at the same timethe most complete adequacy for subtle and definite expressionwhich it was the function of Greek and Roman literature graduallyto develop. Now, Milton is the foremost among those who haveenlarged the Latin element in English. I do not mean that he largelyused classical phraseology, but that he succeeded in transplanting itinto our common speech. ,I will spare you the argument fromstatistics: there is a simple test which the plain reader can apply forhimself. Read a few pages of Paradise Lost: you will recognizewhat you read as a grander form of the speech you yourself use.Read a similar amount of Milton's controversial works: you findyourself, linguistically, in a foreign country, and almost need a gram­mar and a dictionary. Yet Milton was just as classical in his poetryas in his prose: the difference is that the controversial literature soondied out, and its Latinized phrase and syntax remain as strangeexotics, whereas Milton's poetry has been read continuously.from hisday to ours, and what at first was foreign has made itself into every­day speech. Your impression of the difference between the style ofMilton's prose and his verse is a measure of the degree to which hehas served as a builder up of the English language.s. One of the most conspicuous forms of human greatness is tobe the founder of a school of thought: to hand down ideas and modesof thinking which posterity adopts as its own. From this point ofview it may be said that, to a large extent, Milton is the founder ofProtestantism. I am not here referring to the foundation doctrinesof Protestant theology: these have come from a different source.What I have in mind may be called Sacred Cosmogony; conceptionsas to the beginning and end of all things, the story of Time andEternity, on which topics all men, whether they think about them ornot, will be found to have some ideas, ideas crude and accidental,or conscious and reasoned. Now, if we approach the average man­not a Roman Catholic but belonging to what is roughly estimated asTHE MILTON TERCENTENARY 93the Protestant world=-and ask him from what source he has ob­tained 'these ideas, he will reply promptly, From the Bible. As amatter of fact, he has not received his ideas from the Bible, but fromMilton's very individual interpretation of the Bible. To this factwitness is borne alike by foe and friend. Huxley in attacking re­ceived ideas on these subjects insists upon speaking, not of theMosaic, but the Miltonic account of the Creation. Dean Stanley, inhis great History of the Jewish Churcb; says that there is not a tracein Hebrew or Christian Scriptures of Milton's Fall of the Angels,which, it will be remembered, is the foundation upon which Milton'swhole system rests. And in our own day Bishop Bickersteth, whoapproaches the Bible in precisely the same spirit as Milton, ready toaccept every chance phrase or poetic figure as a revelation of fact, butwith an interpretative power enlarged by three additional centuriesof scholarship, finds it necessary to do Milton's work all over again,and in his remarkable poem constructs a totally different cosmogony,in which the broadest outlines of Milton's scheme of the universedisappear. You might well be skeptical as to any statement ofmine on this subject. But who dares impugn the orthodoxy of aBishop? of a Bishop supported by a Dean? 'Of a Bishop, more­over, usually classified as belonging to the most conservative wing oforthodoxy? All this is good evidence that it is not the Bible itself,but the Paradise Lost, which is responsible for the Church's concep­tion of Bible story. Milton appears, over a large extent of the field,as the creator of Protestant orthodoxy.6. Once more. If we survey those who have come down to us asthe great men of the past, we find some among them who are great,not because of definite products they have left behind which we canhandle and examine, but rather because in their whole work and per­sonality they serve as a reflection of the age to which they belong.When we apply this consideration to the present case, the result isindeed astonishing. Milton is the complete reflection, not of oneage, but of two, and of two ages that were in violent antagonism witheach other. The war of King and Parliament wasbut the politicalside of a deeper conflict, the conflict between the spirit of theRenaissance, in which for a time the old Hellenic attitude to lifehad revived, and the spirit of Puritanism, that was to make anepoch by exalting the Hebrew Bible, and a Bible but half understood,into the one thing needful, beside which all other things were butvanities. The wonder of Milton is, not that he was affected by94 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthese opposing influences, nor that he compromised or mediatedbetween them, but that he stands out as absolutely the most completerepresentation of each element of the discord. In no modern authorare classical thought and expression embodied to the degree to whichthey are embodied in the poetry of Milton. And Milton is the solerepresentative of Puritanism in the higher plane of literature. Para­dise Lost is the achievement of the impossible; the whole thoughtof Puritanism constructed in the poetic form of a perfect classicalepic.It is from this last point of view that the biography of Miltonbecomes so intensely interesting. His life exactly covers the conflict­ing ages of the Renaissance and Puritanism: his works mirror theconflict. The life falls into three natural divisions. After the besteducation England could afford Milton has the advantage of fiveyears of quiet reading at horne, and foreign travel in the Italian homeof the Renaissance; he is reputed in this period to have read all theclassical literature then accessible, while, in the world outside, theadministration of Archbishop Laud was bringing political issues toa CrISIS. The productions of this period are three. The first isL' Allegro and Il Penseroso, which must be read as a singlepoem, or the point is lost. With perfect symmetry of form andrhythm the student poet weighs one against the other the brightnessof the Renaissance and the shadow of coming Puritanism, and hefinds them in perfect counterpoise. With the next, the counterpoiseis lost; the spirit 'Of C 01J�US is a conflict of Pleasure and Virtue.With Lycidas the conflict has become bitterness, and there is theveiled threat of the coming war; the two-handed engine is at thedoor. Then comes the outbreak of hostilities: Milton flings poetryaside, and plunges into the conflict, achieving for his cause as muchby the pen as Cromwell by the sword. In the final period thecause of Puritanism is crushed; the poet's very life is held inprecarious tenure. But, by a merciful tragedy, Milton is shut out ofactive life by his blindness; he retires into the dignity of the worldwithin; with his long life experience irradiated by the light ofimagination he works out his grand task of presenting the soul ofPuritanism in stately poem. And at rare intervals, with deeppathos and perfect taste, a glimpse is permitted of the poet behindthe poem: in the distance, low murmurs of Restoration frivolities­the "barbarous dissonance of Bacchus and his revellers;" in theTHE MILTON TERCENTENARY 95foreground, the lonely spirit, cut off from the sight of beautiesthat none could paint with SUCil delicate touch as he.Seasons return, but not to me returnsDay, or the sweet approach of ev'n or morn,Or sight of vernal bloom, or summer's rose,Or flocks, or herds, or human face divine;But cloud instead, and ever-during darkSurrounds me, from the cheerful ways of men cut off.Yet he ceases not nightly to wander-Where the muses hauntClear spring, or shady grove, or sunny hill,Smit with the love of sacred song . . . .Then feed on thoughts that voluntary moveHarmonious numbers; as the wakeful birdSings darkling, and in shadiest covert hidTunes her nocturnal note.Milton at least fulfils the saying of Milton, that a poet's life shouldbe itself a poem.If then you entertain the suggestion that, while supreme geniusadmits no comparisons of degree, yet comparisons can still be madeof those who multiply the fields in which genius is manifested,what name among the worthies of England can be placed in com­parison with the name of Milton? At least you will be indulgentwith an alumnus of the fraternity who seeks to persuade you that thegreatest 'Of Englishmen hails from Christ's College, Cambridge.THE PRESENTATION OF "COMUS"BY JAMES WEBER LINNAssistant Professor of EnglishIT is now two hundred and seventy-four years since the first per­formance of Comus, at Ludlow Castle, as a part of the brilliantceremonies inaugurating the Earl of Bridgewater as Lord-Lieuten­ant of Wales. Its cast included a daughter and two sons of theLord-Lieutenant, in the parts respectively of The Lady and theBrothers; it included also Henry Lawes (who wrote the music forthe presentation) as the Attendant Spirit, afterward Thyrsis. Thebrilliancy of the audience was thought noteworthy at the time. Onefancies the presentation also may have been brilliant, though somuch in the hands of amateurs; for as the Earl of Bridgewater wasa patron of art and literature, and his oldest son, who took part thatday, inherited his tastes, one may believe the amateurs were skilful.Comus and Sabrina were probably taken by professional players, forno record of their names remains, as would be unlikely if otheramateurs had been cast.Whether Comus has often been presented since I do not know.I think it doubtful. It is a closet play, to be read, not acted.Sonorous and stirring in line, it is vague and weak in incident-athing of words, not deeds. Every action is surrounded by. a richmist of phrase, through which it may be only dimly seen; or, tochange the figure, one sees in Comus a kind of wonderfully orna­mented chariot of state, magnificent but lumbering in its progress.Milton meant it so ; he would have scorned to be a playwright.Staged by the Donald Robertson Players, on December 8, itclosed the exercises of the tercentenary celebration of Milton'sbirth. An audience larger than it was enthusiastic, and lamentablylacking in, undergraduate representatives, saw, or rather heard, avery excellent performance.Mr. Robertson has done a good deal with Comus, but it stillremains a masque and not a play, and the lack of action throughouthad its effect upon the audience. The stage-settings were simple,but wholly sufficient. The stage management was the least skilfulfeature of the presentation. The entrance of Sabrina, for instance,in the second scene, was awaited by Thyrsis and the Brothers in a9611:0 folilton'§) fotulbcttp 11:ttc*(In the Garden of Christ's College. Cambridge. England)By HORACE SPENCER FISKEo propped and breaking tree in that sweet peaceOf Christ's! From Milton's hand men fain wouldthinkThy earliest life upsprang-a living linkWith those melodious days whose songs increaseIn sweetness with the years. F or him releaseFrom noisy battle came not; from the brinkOf civil slaughter conscience could not shrinkTo win for self alone a soft surcease;And doomed to night forever, still he sang,His vision kindling at the throne of God.Like thy great planter, thou hast felt the pangOf sorrow- Winter smites thee with his rod:Yet still thou drink'st the sunlight and dost hangThy leaves for nightingales where once he trod.* In the garden of Christ's College, at Cambridge University, is still standing themulberry tree that, according to college tradition, was planted by John Milton whilea student at the college. Milton spent seven years at Cambridge, taking the degreeof Bachelor of Arts in 1629 and that of Master of Arts in 1632.THE PRESENTATION OF COMUS 97stiff line, which showed neither grace nor expectation; and thehandling and masking of Comus' crew was hardly worthy of Mr.Robertson.But if the action was disappointing, this was only to have beenexpected, and the elocution was a delight. Plainly the emphasis ofMr. Robertson's training had been thrown upon voice-management.His own rendition of Comus' lines was exceedingly good; barringa slight tendency to accent the caesura into singsong, he spoke withclearness and never-failing charm. Miss John's voice too was ex­cellently handled; Miss Redlich and Mr. Lieb were scarcely lesssatisfactory. As a series of recitations, Comus left little to bedesired. As a spectacle it was slight but agreeable; and probablyit was wiser not to accent the lack of action by the introduction ofany "business" which, however simple and dignified in intent, mighthave distracted the audience from the great beauty of the lines.THE RELATION OF THE [lOCTORA TE TO TEACHINGlBY JULIAN PLEASANT BRETZ, PH.D. '06Assistant Professor of History in Cornell UniversityTHE intimate relation between the doctorate degree and theteaching profession is admitted by everyone familiar withthe academic life of this country. Surprisingly few of thosewho receive the degree find their way into other vocations and thegreater part of those who do so are confined to a few lines ofactivity, notably the ministry and certain sciences connected withindustrial Ii fee In view of this fact the question is raised as towhether the universities are doing all that they ought to do toinsure the success of those who receive the degree with a view toteaching. For this reason certain questions have been submittedto the Association of Doctors of Philosophy of the University ofChicago, and the answers are now under discussion.The fact that so many students are seeking the doctorate for thepurpose of qualifying for collegiate teaching has doubtless tendedto commercialize the degree and to endanger the ideals which oughtto be maintained in connection therewith. The answers to the ques­tions submitted exhibit no small solicitude on this point, and fearsare expressed lest standards are being permitted t'0 decline, par­ticular! y in other institutions.That there is ground for such fears must be obvious. Whateverthe ideals of the degree may be, college presidents and the universityauthorities have fixed upon it as the best evidence of ability to docollegiate teaching and the graduate schools are now being filled withpersons desirous of qualifying for advanced teaching. It is safeto say that more of these candidates are stimulated by materialconsiderations than by any desire to extend the limits of knowledge.It is easy to discover that many graduate students expect the degreeas a matter of course at the end of a specified period, and it isevident that a position is expected to follow the degree. Depart­ments organize their powers, therefore, and strive to' "locate" the1 This contribution continues the discussion of the topic which was begun inthe December Magazine by Dr. Otis William Caldwell. Both articles are inresponse to a questionnaire on this subject sent out by the Association ofDoctors of Philosophy.98THE RELATION OF THE DOCTORATE TO TEACHING 99new Doctor, regarding their duties toward him as only partly ful­filled until this has been accomplished, and having a feeling thatthey have taken money under false pretenses if for any reason thiscannot be done.There is also some reason to believe that the situation describedhas had an effect upon the standards of graduate work in theuniversities, and that t0' a certain extent the ideal of the doctorateas purely a research degree has been departed from. It is notinfrequently remarked that the degree has come to be regarded asevidence of ability to teach in colleges, just as the Master's degreeis considered as evidence of ability to teach in a secondary school.Moreover it is advocated by some that an additional degree ought to'be created for those who display such ability through research as toqualify them for university teaching. Such views and recommenda­tions are not to be taken too seriously, but they at least indicate atendency to recognize existing conditions.This excursion has been made in order to show as definitelyas possible that whatever the ideal may be, the doctorate has come tobe intimately bound up in teaching, and that its practical and com­mercial value has come to dominate the situation. From this itfollows that the ancient ideal of a degree representative of pro­ductive scholarship may have to give way before the practicaldemands of the moment. Not only must it be difficult to upholdstandards of research under such conditions but it may even beargued with effect that the training of the Doctor should undergo amodification with a view to fitting hitp for the work which he isabout to undertake.In any event, even if the ideal of the doctorate as a researchdegree is maintained, the success of the Doctor in the field of re­search is likely to be influenced by his success as a teacher. Since thegreat majority of the Doctors maintain themselves by teaching, isnot success as a teacher indispensable even to most of those whopossess research ability? I f this is true ought not the question to beasked as to whether everything possible is being done to insuresuccess in teaching?It is evident from the replies to the questionnaire that somethingmight be done to strengthen the Doctor for the work of teaching,if regard is had for the practical certainty that he will enter theteaching profession. The letters received by the committee consistof communications from college presidents, from deans of faculties,100 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfrom teachers in colleges, normals, and high schools. N early everygrade of teaching is represented and nearly every conceivable sug­gestion or expedient is offered.There is a pretty general agreement, in one way or another, thata broader culture would be helpful to the Doctor engaged in teach­ing. The opinion in favor of a broader standard is greater than thevote appears to' indicate. A large number of those who votednegatively appended no. discussion while on the other hand severalelaborate arguments were submitted as to' the need of improvementin this respect. It is noteworthy that college presidents and directorsof faculties appear to hold this view. It does not follow that thework of the graduate school should cease to be special or intensive,but it evidently appears to' the administrators of colleges that theDoctor, as nQW equipped, is not best qualified to enter into collegefaculties. Just where the breadth of information should be acquiredis an open question, as well as of what it should consist, but certainreplies suggest at least a better correlation of knowledge as tendingto harmonize the work of various departments. It was to be ex­pected that those engaged in college administration would reply inthis manner, but the fact remains that if the doctorate is to. continueto provide teachers the recommendation is worthy of consideration.Moreover it ought to be remembered that the high schools arebeginning to attract the Doctors, and inasmuch as this importantmovement has just begun, and is destined to' go to great lengths,it is likely that the position taken by the presidents of colleges anddeans of faculties at this time will be the common ground of a hostof principals and superintendents at no distant date.When we consider the preliminary or collegiate training of thecandidate for the doctorate, the suggestions of the heads of facultiesare easily understood. In the very nature of the case the Doctormay be, and often is, deficient in breadth of training before enteringthe graduate school, and the pursuance of a highly specializedcurriculum for a period of years does not tend in the least to correcthis deficiencies. In about thirty-three cases in a hundred, as shownby the record, the Doctor is the product of the college or the smalleruniversity, and this means that in many instances he has sufferedfrom a want of equipment and competent direction. In the othersixty-seven cases he is the product of the elective system of the largerinstitutions and it may be doubted if he is any better off. In theformer case he is likely to be without a good foundation in hisTHE RELATION OF THE DOCTORATE TO TEACHING 101special subject and to know a very little about everything. Inthe latter case he may have a fairly wide knowledge of a specialsubject and know very little of anything else. In either case, there­fore, he may approach the degree with the minimum of generalculture and with no more than the scantiest knowledge of what isbeing done in other lines, and with a deplorable lack of much thatwould be most useful in any' intellectual pursuit, whether it beresearch or teaching.It is a pleasure to observe that something is now being, done insome departments of the University of Chicago to correct thedefective training just descri.bed. A preliminary year of workdesigned to serve as a basis for the determination of further gradu­ate study appears to be a happy solution and it is to be hoped thatthe example may be studied with care by all graduate departmentsin all institutions.I have not attempted to discuss the second question submitted tothe Association, that dealing with the requirement of pedagogicaltraining for the doctorate. It is a well-known fact that a few of thosewho receive the degree are without teaching experience, but they arefew. A larger class is made up of those who have had experiencebut who might be better fitted for their future work by helpfultraining along proper pedagogical lines. This will receive attentionin the third paper of this series.A difficult matter is that of dealing with the candidate who lacksthe natural qualifications of a successful teacher. His case is notunlike that of the person who has the qualifications for a successfulteacher and lacks capacity for research. The practice in such in­stances reveals some contradictions in our system. If departmentsare true to ideals the man without capacity for research is turnedaway. If, on the other hand, he lacks only the evidences of being asuccessful teacher, and possesses capacity for research, he is per­mitted to proceed to the doctorate. He then receives the support ofthe university in his quest for a position as a teacher, even thoughthere is but little hope for his success when he finally obtains it. Itis this sort of circumstance that reveals the inconsistency and contra­diction between the ideal of a doctorate based upon ability in researchand a doctorate which is in practice a teaching degree; and it is thisthat has led to the submission of the question of discouraging alarger number of candidates for the degree with a view to eliminat­ing the unlikely candidate at the earliest moment.AN ALUMNI DAY SUGGESTIONBY DAVID ALLAN ROBERTSON, '02Instructor in the Department of EnglishMANY an alumnus with an excess of college loyalty inducedby election to our Executive Committee has on the firstSaturday in June teased an unwilling classmate away from the WhiteSox, the Cubs, the Conference Meet, 'Or, even the Interscholastic, andhas led him into the velvet silence of Mandel Hall, there to frownaway half an hour, while on the cavernous stage two lonely officerstry to spread their beaming personalities over sixty people who try tolook as if one thousand and ninety-six vacant seats did not awe them.To the annual dinner he goes after this meeting, the failure ofwhich has been admitted in that the Association has considereda change whereby this important function may be held justbefore the annual dinner, when the officers may corral those whounwarily arrive at the published hour of the dinner, and mayhypnotize them into forgetfulness of the passage of time while theannual report can be approved, and the last dish of olives andradishes hurried to the table. But has the success of the alumnidinner been such as to warrant the Association in thus prefixing to itthe business session? The aforesaid alumnus, when he gets to theassembly in the Reynolds Club, moodily wanders off to a corner andkicks reflectively at the frayed corner of a rug, vowing the whilethat never again will he wait so long for a meal. When the lastInterscholastic sub-freshman has been hurried from Hutchinson, thenecessity of obtaining a ticket dawns upon the man; it may occurto him that he sent no reply to the general secretary; or perhapshe responded but finds that some nimble enthusiast has pre-emptedhis place, and, with seventy other alumni, he blankly receives theword that he must at too late an hour seek the insufficient resourcesof the neighborhood restaurants. He determines never again to beteased into attending an alumni dinner. But sometimes even ifhe passes the door of Hutchinson and finds a place with his backto the dark panels and his face to the bored visages at the speakers'table, he yet more firmly decides to attend no other alumni function.Shoved out of place in the procession, he has lost the friends withwhom he had hoped to dine and is seated by a woman whom he has102AN ALUMNI DAY SUGGESTION 103never met and a man whom he loathes; but after he has devouredthe French bread, the olives, and the radishes within reach, hebegins to feel better and, as the dinner proceeds, almost regains hisnormal humor, though he contends that the dinner is not such a oneas he paid for. But the meal itself is not the worst of the evening.Custom has foisted on the innocent electors of alumni presidents achairman who has learned of his selection only three hours before,and who instead of having prepared apt phrases to introduce eachspeaker, must rely on stagnant stories and occult descriptionsfor each of a numerous company. The alumnus, whom we havebeen trying to make a loyal Chicago man, bubbles and snorts, cov­ertly chews a cigar which he had promised himself as a crown forthe feast, and gazes into the bleary coffin-like gloom of the spaceabove the dazzling line of incandescent lights. When at last herises on legs which feel as if they did not belong to him, and triesto sing Alma Mater with the tearful joy to which he had sometimeslooked forward, he inwardly curses the Association, the dinner, andthe speakers, except the fresh-voiced boy who spoke for the graduat­ing class. Then he wanders grimly away, never again to be caughtat an alumni dinner.- What is the trouble? It is not always that the alumnus is a manwith a grouch. There seems to be something wrong with the con­ception of Alumni Day. Even Yale, a college where we thoughtAlumni Day was a particularly attractive institution, is wonderingwhat can make reunion day worth while; Columbia, a city institu­tion, having a great advantage over us in age and a larger body ofalumni, is asking similar questions. Chicago, though peculiarlysensitive on alumni matters, need not, therefore, hesitate to confrontfairly its own Alumni Day situation.How typical is the individual experience above described, eachalumnus can say. It is not necessary to generalize concerning thefailure of Saturday as an Alumni Day. Opposite the title-page ofthis magazine, four annual meetings are announced: that of thegeneral Association on Saturday before the June Convocation; thatof the Doctors at noon on the following Monday; that of the LawSchool at call; and at summons also that of the Divinity School.There can be no question concerning the advisability of individualclasses celebrating reunions, of the Law men dining together, orof the Doctors taking luncheon on Monday; but occasionallya Doctor misses the face of a friend who at the same Convocation104 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgat his Bachelor's degree, and sometimes a Bachelor desires toshake hands with a Master or a Divinity School man who was incollege with him. Only a general meeting can bring all of thesemen and women together. Experience has shown that Saturday isnot a successful day far this purpose. Divinity alumni must be outof town for aver Sunday and, therefore, cannot attend meetingseither on Saturday or Manday; the Doctors for some reason preferMonday; the Law men have been celebrating on Thursday andFriday preceding Convocation; even the Bachelors have nat withany enthusiasm attended the meeting on Saturday afternoon. In1907, sixty, and in 1908, fifty transacted the business of the Associa­tion; at the dinner in 1907 there were one hundred and seventy; in1908 there were one hundred and eighty. Some of the others wereat the Conference Meet or a�sisting the undergraduates to' entertainsub-freshmen at the Interscholastic. While, then, we permit indi­vidual classes to have celebrations on Saturday, and the Doctors,lawyers, and preachers to hold their conferences at sundry times,let us all unite on a single occasion of general alumni interest.Observations of the character of the University luncheon fallow­ing Convocation in June lead to the suggestion that this luncheonbe made this occasion. Of the 426 persons associated with theinstructional and administrative staff of the University, one hun­dred and sixty-two are former students or alumni, who seldomattend the present Saturday dinner, but who make up a largenumber of the persons at the University luncheon, With thesepersons and the graduating classes to start with, many mare alumniare available far a meeting than we have ever had at a Saturdayfunction. If the Doctors, who are mostly teachers, can attend aluncheon on Monday, they can surely arrange instead to attendon this other week day. Teachers in schools and academies,even in the busy commencement season, may be able to take thecustomary half day for visiting ather institutions of learning;divinity alumni can surely attend; even the business man with abaccalaureate degree should be able to take a half-holiday, arrivingat the University in time for luncheon at 12 :30, in case he cannotcome out for Convocation in the morning. Let the many who mayprotest that this is impossible explain why they do nat came onSaturday, and yet can see the Cubs play the Tigers on Tuesday.Our hypothetical alumnus, disgusted with the character of theSaturday celebration, will have difficulty in improving the standardAN ALUMNI DAY SUGGESTION 105of affairs on that day. The University luncheon has always beencrowded to the full capacity of the hall. The change of the Uni­versity luncheon into an alumni luncheon will involve merely thesubstitution of alumni for parents and friends of the graduates, asubstitution which can be easily brought about without the leastdisappointment to the latter, and with a great deal of satisfactionto a large body of alumni. A Tuesday luncheon will surely afforda larger attendance than we have ever had on Saturday.An alumni luncheon on Tuesday after Convocation will enablebetter business management of the meeting. There will be no needfor the general secretary to reserve twenty-five cents from each feeto cover the possible deficit "in case of rain." When the stewardof the Commons knows he must use all of his means to entertain,he does not need to provide for the payment of waste material. Itmay be wise to throw on the University the management of theluncheon, as in the past. This will at once fix responsibility in amuch more definite way than has ever been established. At present,though there is no open blame thrown upon the general secretary,many alumni grumble about various matters and refuse to makesuggestions for fear of hurting the secretary's feelings. This isunfair to the secretary ann to the Association. These same personswill have less hesitation in finding fault with the President's officeor some other impersonal branch of the University management.Throwing the responsibility upon the University as host will assureevery means being brought to bear for the proper entertainment ofall who attend the proposed alumni luncheon.Another feature that may appeal to some alumni, giving themsome genuine object in coming to the campus on Tuesday, insteadof the few casual interests of Saturday, is the Convocation at 10: 30in the morning. More and more alumni should attend the JuneConvocation. During the last two years this meeting has been heldin the Frank Dickinson Bartlett Gymnasium, because that structureis larger than Leon Mandel Assembly Hall. Many alumni do notnow attend the Convocation exercises because it is not generallyknown that they are provided with tickets by the President's office.The address in June has always been of such importance that menand women do not feel that they are wasting their time in hearingit. The old Chicago student is always glad, moreover, to renew hisacquaintance with the pageant of Convocation Day.The chief reason, however, for suggesting a change from Satur-106 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZJNEday to Tuesday lies in the ease of managing in connection withConvocation a really important and interesting programme ofaddresses. The Association by co-operating with the Universitycan, through the institution with its ability impersonally to dounpleasant things, force the speech limit and otherwise controlspeakers. At the June Convocation many alumni of importance willfind a way to attend, if they find it possible to sit at the table witha James Bryce or a Wu Ting Fang, a Seth Low or a TheodoreRoosevelt. The presence of the Convocation orator and otherofficial guests will assure a dignity and interest of programme whichthe ordinary alumni dinner has not had. If the President of theUniversity were to preside, the difficulty concerning the toastmasterwould be removed. An added interest may be given by inducing thePresident to reserve for this occasion as a grand climax of com­mencement week the announcement of all important gifts orlegislation. Those who have seen many alumni Saturdays and afew University luncheons note that the second already is takingcharacter as the important feast of the commencement season.Shall we not as alumni co-operate with the University in makingthe alumni luncheon on Convocation Day indeed the crown of theConvocation season?A NEW VOLUME IN POLITICAL SCIENCETHERE has recently been issued from the University of ChicagoPress a new volume in political science under the title ofPrimary Elections-a study 'Of the history and tendencies of primaryelection legislation-s-by Associate Professor Charles Edward Mer­riam, of the Department of Political Science, who. is also Dean of theCollege of Commerce and Administration.In the preface the author says that the purpose of the book isto trace the development of the legal regulation of party primaries fromI866 down to I 908, to sum up the general tendencies evident in this move­ment, to discuss some of the disputed points in the primary problem, andto state certain conclusions in regard to our nominating machinery ....•This volume does not undertake to discuss the application to party pri­maries of "corrupt-practices" acts requiring publicity of campaign expenses,forbidding specific types of expenditure, or restricting the amount to beexpended. Nor does it attempt to consider all the cases involving judicialcontrol over party nominations or party, organization.The volume, of 320 pages, contains eight chapters, five appen­dices, and "an index. "Early Legislation Regarding Primaries"is the subject of the opening chapter; two chapters are given to"Primary Regulation," from 1880 to 1899; and other chapters dis­cuss the "Regulation of the Convention System, 1899-1908," "DirectPrimary Legislation, 1899-1908," "Judicial Interpretation of PrimaryElection Legislation," and the "Practical Working 'Of Direct PrimarySystem." In the closing chapter are given a summary and con­clusions. The appendices include reprints of typical laws, a sum­mary of present primary election laws, a bibliography, and lists ofimportant cases on primary elections, and of primary laws enacted.The volume is attractively bound in buff cloth stamped in green.Professor Merriam is also the author of a volume entitled AHistory of American Political Theories, published by the MacmillanCompany.THE MILTON TERCENTENARYTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDExercises in celebration of thethree hundredth anniversary of Mil­ton's birth were held at the Univer­sity of Chicago, December 6, 8, and9. On Sunday, the 6th, before anaudience that filled the Leon MandelAssembly Hall, Associate ProfessorS. H. Clark, of the Department ofPublic Speaking, gave interpretivereadings from Milton's poetry, in­cluding selections from Book I ofParadise Lost, L'Allegro, and Sam­son Agonistes (abridged). Musicfrom Handel's Samson was given byMrs. Lucile Stevenson Tewksbury(soprano), Mrs. Rose Lutiger Gan-non (contralto), Mr. Albert E. Bor­roff (basso), and Mrs. George N.Holt (organist).On Tuesday, the 8th, addresseswere given by Professor William D.MacClintock, of the Department ofEnglish, on the subj ect of "Milton,the Younger Artist;" by AssociateProfessor Robert Morss Lovett, ofthe Department of English, on "Mil­ton's Political Thought;" and byProfessor Richard Green Moulton,Head of the Department of GeneralLiterature, on "Milton as the Great­est of Englishmen." ProfessorGeorge Edgar Vincent, Dean of theFaculties of Arts, Literature, andScience, presided. Professor Moul­ton's address appears elsewhere infull in this issue of the Universityof Chicago Magazine.On the evening of Wednesday, theoth, the Donald Robertson Playersof Chicago presented Milton'sMasque of Comus, with selectedmusic for the songs and dances ar­ranged for this production from theoriginal Comus score as composedby Sir Henry Lawes and Dr. Arne.An account of the presentation of themasque is found elsewhere in thisnumber. MEETING OF THE PSYCHOLOGICALASSOCIATION AT THE UNIVERSITYOn Saturday, November 28, theNorth-Central Section of the Ameri­can Psychological Association met atthe University of Chicago. Dele­gates were present from the Univer­sity of Illinois, University ofWisconsin, Northwestern University,Lake Forest University, Adrian Col­lege, Rockford College, Lake ErieCollege, the Chicago Normal School,the Michigan Normal College, andthe Milwaukee Normal School.The programme was particularlysuccessful and occupied two sessions,one in the morning and one in theafternoon. The delegates tookluncheon together in the cafe ofHutchinson Commons. ProfessorGeorge H. Mead, of the Departmentof Philosophy, presented a paper onthe subj ect of "The Social Con­sciousness," Dr. Edward S. Ames, ofthe same department, a paper on"Primitive Animism," and Dr. KarlT. Waugh, of the Department ofPsychology, one on "Binocular Vi­sion." Professor James R. Angell,Head of the Department of Psy­chology, presided at the sessions ofthe Association.THE EDUCATION AL CONFERENCE OFACADEMIES AND HIGH SCHOOLSThe Twenty-first Educational Con­ference of the academies and highschools in relations with the Univer­sity of Chicago met according toannouncement, on November 13 and14. The conference was well at­tended by principals and teachers aswell as students. The main featureof the conference of deans and prin­cipals with members of the Univer­sity on Friday afternoon was adiscussion of the meaning of theUniversity's admission credentialI08THE UNIVERSITY RECORDform and the time element in the re­quirements for admission in English.The principals present were especiallydesirous that the full high-schoolcourse ill English should be recog­nized for admission credit, one unitfor each year, instead of three unitsfor the four years as is the rule atpresent.The general conference on Satur­day morning had for its chief topic"The Partnership of SecondarySchool and College," Professor JohnM. Coulter, Head of the Departmentof Botany, discussing the topic"What the College Expects of theSecondary School" and Superintend­ent Kendall, of Indianapolis, "Whatthe High School Expects of the Col­lege." Much interest was manifestedin these papers, and a general discus­sion followed. The usual depart­mental conferences were held in theafternoon, following luncheon and asocial hour in Hutchinson Hall. Thepapers read at these departmentalconferences will be published ingreat part in the January number ofthe School Review.An increasingly interesting featureof these annual school and collegeconferences is the presence of alarge number of high-school studentsin the current senior classes to takepart in the contest in declamationand in the prize examinations inEnglish, German, Latin, Mathematics,and Physics. Nearly three hundredstudents were on the campus Fridayafternoon participating in one or theother of these events. A full reportof the contest and examinations willbe given in the next number of theMagazine.NEW TRUSTEES OF THE DIVINITY SCHOOLAt the recent annual meeting ofthe Baptist Theological Union whichcontrols the Divinity School of theUniversity of Chicago two memberswere added to the Board of Trusteesof the Divinity School. One of themwas Mr. Charles R. Holden of thelaw firm of Kraus, Alschuler &Holden, Chicago.Mr. Holden was appointed to suc­ceed his father, Mr. William H.Holden, who has been a member ofthe board for about thirty years. Mr. Holden's grandfather, Hon.Charles N. Holden, was one of thefounders of the school, a large con­tributor to its funds, and presidentof the Board of Trustees for manyyears.The other new trustee is Mr.Julius Johnson, also an attorney ofChicago. Mr. Johnson was presi­dent of the Baptist Social Union atthe time Mr. Taft was the guest ofthe Union last winter. He is theson-in-law of Dr. James R. Boise,who was for thirty years professorof Greek in the Old University andthe Divinity School.Both these gentlemen thereforehave not only been acquainted withthe work of the Divinity School formany years, but have also been es­pecially interested in it.UNIVERSITY COLLEGEUniversity College, which twoyears ago was transferred from theFine Arts Building to EmmonsBlaine Hall, has this year been re­established in the central portion ofthe city. Afternoon and Saturdayclasses 'have been regularly con­ducted throughout the Autumn Quar­ter in Association Building, 153LaSalle Street, where an appropriatesuite of � rooms has been secured.This. arrangement makes it possiblefor a large number of teachers andothers who live on the West andNorth Sides to avail themselves ofthis opportunity to attend Universityclasses.Registration during the AutumnQuarter is 295, including 43 gradu­ate students, as. compared with thetotal of 119, including 16 graduatestudents, for the correspondingperiod of last year. The work inthe College is being conducted by astrong corps of sixteen members ofthe regular faculty of the University.Courses are offered in the depart­ments of. Philosophy, Psychology,History, Sociology, Romance, Eng­lish, Geology, Geography, Botany,and Public Speaking. The registra­tion is . largely drawn from the teach­ers in Chicago and its suburbs. Ifsuitable rooms could be secured it isbelieved that evening classes in anumber of different subjects couldIIO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZlNEprofitably be maintained and wouldbe attended by many who are em­ployed during the day and hencecannot attend the afternoon andSaturday classes.THE FACULTIESProfessor James Henry Breasted,of the Department of Semitics, gavea lecture before the Polytechnic So­ciety of Chicago on December II, hissubj ect being "The Story of thePyramids."Professor Ernst Freund, of theLaw School, is one of the five mem­bers of the Illinois commission onuniform state laws which held ameeting at the Hamilton Club onNovember 6.Among the members of the coun­cil of the American CopyrightLeague are Professor Robert Her­rick and Assistant Professor Wil­liam Vaughn Moody, of the Depart­ment of English.Professor William D. MacClin­tock, of the Department of English,spoke before the Klio Association ofChicago on November 17, the sub­j ect of his address being "The J ap­anese Artistic Spirit.""The Political Campaign of 1908"is the subject of a contribution in theNovember (1908) number of theWorld To-Day� by Associate Pro­fessor Francis VV. Shepardson, of theDepartment of History."The German Social Policy" isthe subj ect of a contribution in theNovember (1908).. number of TheC hautauquan, by Professor CharlesR. Henderson, Head of the Depart­ment of Ecclesiastical Sociology.Professor George B. Foster, of theDepartment of Comparative Religion,gave on October 26, in the series oflectures on the Christian Religionbefore the Chicago Woman's Club,an address on the "Israelitish Reli­gion.""The Social Value of IndustrialLegislation" was the subj ect of anaddress on October 23 before theIllinois Federation of Women'sClubs by Professor George H.Mead, of the Department of Phi­losophy. "The Principal Stages in the Devel­opment of Recent German Drama"was the subj ect of an address onNovember 6 before the Arche Clubof Chicago, by Assistant ProfessorMartin Schiitze, of the Departmentof German.An interpretive recital of JohnFox, Jr.'s, The Little Shepherd ofKingdom Come was given before theSouth Side Club of Chicago onDecember 1, by Mr. William PierceGorsuch, of the Department of Pub­lic Speaking."The Progress of Suffrage in theUnited States" was discussed beforethe Political Equality League of Chi­cago at the Woman's Club on No­vember 7, by Associate ProfessorCharles E. Merriam, of the Depart­ment of Political Science.Henry Holt & Company of NewYork have recently published afourth edition of Professor JamesR. Angell's Psychology. The workfor this edition has been completelyrewritten and much enlarged, makinga volume of about 470 pages.In the November (1908) numberof the Popular Science MonthlyAssistant Professor Charles J. Cham­berlain, of the Department of Botany,has an illustrated account of a tripin Mexico entitled "Monte Alban andMitla as the Tourist Sees Them.""The Psychology of a Woman'sDress" was the subject of an illus­trated contribution in the N ovem­ber (1908) number of the AmericanM aaaeine, by Associate ProfessorWilliam 1. Thomas, of the Depart­ment of Sociology and Anthropology.The Faith H ealer, a new play byAssistant Professor William VaughnMoody, of the Department of Eng­lish, whose first drama of Americanlife, The Great Divide) met with sogreat a success, was produced, forthe first time, in Boston on Decem­ber 3.Zaraqueta, a modern Spanish playtranslated by Assistant ProfessorGeorge C. Howland, of the Depart­ment . of Romance Languages andLiterature, was presented in Fuller­ton Hall of the Chicago Art Insti­tute on October 28 by the DonaldRobertson Company of Players.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDProfessor J. Laurence Laughlin,Head of the Department of PoliticalEconomy, is a member of the ex­ecutive committee of the Citizen'sAssociation of Chicago, the purposeof which is the enforcement of thelaws within the municipality and thepromotion of administrative reforms.In Indian Mexico is the title of anew volume recently issued byForbes & Company of Chicago, theauthor being Associate ProfessorFrederick Starr, of the Departmentof Sociology and Anthropology. Thebook, of over four hundred pages,has one hundred and sixty illustra­tions.Among the speakers at the ban­quet of the Chicago Association ofCommerce, held on November 20, inthe Auditorium Hotel were Pro­fessor George E. Vincent, Dean ofthe Faculties of Arts, Literature, andScience, and Mr. Charles L. Hutch­inson, of the University Board ofTrustees.At the meeting of the Kansas As­sociation of Mathematics Teachers,held at. the University of Kansas onNovember 27, 1908, Associate Pro­fessor Herbert E. Slaught, of theDepartment of Mathematics, pre­sented a paper on the sub] ect of"The Preparation of the Teacher ofMathematics."Professor Albion W. Small, Headof the Department of Sociology andAnthropology, gave two addresses atthe meeting of the Northern Penin­sular Teachers' Association at Calu­met, Mich., October 16, and also twoaddresses before the Rhode IslandState Teachers' Association at Provi­dence on November 12.Associate Professor FerdinandSchwill, of the Department of His­tory, gave a lecture on November12 before the Chicago Women's Aidin Isaiah Temple, his subj ect being"Florentine Realism." On December1 his lecture before the same organi­zation was on the subj ect of "TheUmbrian School and Raphael."Professor Shailer Mathews, Deanof the Divinity School, has an illus­trated contribution in the December(1908) issue of the World To-Dayentitled "The .Boy by the Sea." IIIProfessor Mathews representedthe University of Chicago at theinauguration of Dr. Albert RossHill as president of the Universityof Missouri on December 10.In the Nation of November 26,1908, Associate Professor James W.Thompson, of the Department ofHistory, has an appreciation ofAchille Luchaire, professor of medi­aeval history at the Sorbonne, whodied on November 13. Mr. Thomp­son also contributed to the 1907-8yearbook of the Caxton Club anarticle on "Book-hunting as a Sport.""Die Moderne HandelspolitikDeutschlands" was the subject of anaddress before the Germanistic So­ciety of Chicago on November 2, inFullerton Hall of the Art Institute,by Ernst Daenell, Professor ofMediaeval and Modern History inthe University of Kiel, who has beengiving a series of public lectures atthe University on historical subj ectsduring the Autumn Quarter.Among the members of the Chi­cago committee on arrangements forthe celebration of Lincoln's Birthdayon February 12, 1909, are PresidentHarry Pratt Judson ; Judge JulianW� Mack and Professor Horace K.Tenney, of the Law School; Mr.Harold F. McCormick, of the Uni­versity Board of Trustees; and Mr.Wallace Heckman, Counsel and Busi­ness Manager of the University."The Policy of the United Statesin Holding the Philippine Islands"was the subj ect of an address onNovember 7 before the HowlandClub of Chicago, composed of theschool principals of the city, by As­sociate Professor Frederick Starr,of the Department of Sociology andAnthropology, who has recently re­turned from lecturing and anthro­pological investigations in the islands.A Russian translation of ProfessorAlexander Smith's Laboratory Out­line of General Chemistry was pub­lished last month in St. Petersburg.The translator' is Dr. Leo V.Schmoelling. A German translationof the same book has been in use forsome years in several universitiesand technical schools in Germany.An Italian translation by ProfessorII2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPeratoner, of the University of Pal­ermo, is now in press.Among the representatives of onehundred women's organizations ofChicago that appeared before thecommittee on a new city charter onNovember 16, was Dr. SophonisbaP. Breckinridge, of the Departmentof Household Administration, whois also Assistant Dean of Women.The delegates presented argumentsin favor of the incorporation in thenew Chicago charter of the right ofwomen to vote on municipal matters.Associate Professor Frank J. Mil­ler, of the Department of Latin, hasbecome one of the two managingeditors of the Classical Journal, pub­lished at the University Press by theClassical Association of the MiddleWest and South, and devoted to theinterests of classical teachers in'schools and colleges. Mr. Millersucceeds Associate Professor GordonJ. Laing, of the Department of Latin,who has become general editor ofthe University Press.The third article in the series onDutch Art and Artists, by AssistantProfessor George B. Zug, of the De­partment of the History of Art, ap­pears in the November (1908) issueof The C hautauquan, and is entitled"Rembrandt and His Pupils." Thecontribution has eight illustrations.Mr. Zug has been giving during theautumn a series of eight lectures be­fore the Chicago Woman's Club onthe subject of "Umbrian, Venetian,and Spanish Painting.""Student Life in Bonn: The Im­pressions of an American Student" isthe title of a contribution in theNovember number of The Chautau­quan, by Paul Vincent Harper. Mr.Harper is the son of the first Presi­dent of the University of Chicago.He graduated at the Spring Convo­cation in 1908, received the honorof Phi Beta Kappa in 1907, and isnow a student of Semitics at theAmerican School for Oriental Studyand Research in Palestine."Today's Tendencies in Literature"was the subject of an address byAssistant Professor James WeberLinn, of the Department of English,before the Illinois Woman's Press Association on November 5. Mr.Linn also spoke November 19 beforethe Parents' Club of the EnglewoodHigh School of Chicago on the sub­ject of "The Teaching of English inthe High School," and on N ovem­ber 30 he discussed before the Engle­wood Woman's Club "The Charac­teristics of Women Novelists of theNineteenth Century."In the delegation of the ChicagoAssociation of Commerce that visitedvarious southern cities of the Mis­sissippi Valley from November 8 to22, with the purpose of promotingcloser relations between the Southand Chicago, Professor NathanielButler, Dean of the College of Edu­cation, represented the educationaland art interests of Chicago andgave a number of addresses in thestates visited, which included Ken­tucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkan­sas, Louisiana, and Alabama. Therewere thirty members in the delega­tion, and the trip was regarded asparticularly fortunate and successful.On November 6 President HarryPratt Judson was one of the speak­ers before the Northern IllinoisSchool Teachers' Association, whichheld its sessions at Joliet. The sub­j ect of his address was "Moral andReligious Education." More than athousand teachers were in attend­ance. On the evening of November10 President Judson gave an addressof welcome to the Baptist Congresswhich held its sessions in Chicagofrom November 10 to 12. On thesame evening Mr. Wallace Heck­man, Counsel and Business Managerof the University, discussed thequestion of "What Are the Legiti­mate Limits of Free Speech in aRepublic?"Professor Charles Zueblin, of theDepartment of Sociology, who re­signed his position at the UniversityJuly I, spent the first term of theAutumn Quarter in Chicago and vi­cinity filling University Extensionengagements for which contracts hadbeen made before his resignation.During this time he gave courses inChicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St.Paul, Kansas City, Mo., and Alton,Ill. The large attendance on thelectures in each city gave evidenceTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDof the wide influence ProfessorZueblin has had in the various Uni­versity Extension centers. He con­cluded his work November 10 andreturned to Boston, where he willdevote his time to educational andphilanthropic work.An expedition from the paleonto­logical department of the Universityof Chicago, under the direction ofProfessor Samuel W. Williston,spent the months of September andOctober of the present year in thePermian redbeds of northern Texas.The material secured is abundantand valuable-some six or eightnearly complete skeletons, a score ormore of skulls, and various parts ofthe skeletons of other primitive rep­tiles and amphibians, most of whichare yet very imperfectly knownscientifically. Several of these skele­tons, incl uding an almost perf ectone of Dimetrodon, a remarkablereptile about six feet in length andas many in height, will be mountedfor the Walker Museum by Mr. PaulMiller during the coming year.A third illustrated edition of theManual of North American Diptera,by Professor Samuel W. Williston,of the Department of Paleontology,has recently been published in NewHaven. In the present edition thiswork, so well known among ento­mologists, has been greatly extendedand almost wholly rewritten, withthe addition of nearly a thousandoriginal figures by the author. It isa complete guide to the twelve hun­dred genera of two-winged flies sofar known in North and CentralAmerica and the West Indies, treat­ing fully of their structure, habits,classification, etc. The work is theresult of original studies on the partof the author during the past twenty­five years, and is the only one of itskind on this order of insects.In the October (1908) issue of the II3Astrophysical Journal Non-residentProfessor George E. Hale has anillustrated account of the PasadenaLaboratory of the Mount WilsonSolar Observatory. Mr. Hale has acontribution also in the Novembernumber of the same journal on "TheProbable Existence of a MagneticField in Sun-Spots." Mr. PhilipFox, of the Yerkes Observatory, dis­cusses "The Distribution of EruptiveProminences on the Solar Disk," thecontribution, which opens the num­ber, being illustrated by six figures.Mr. John A. Parkhurst, also of theObservatory, has a contribution on"Photographic Light-Curve of theVariable Star Su Cassiopeiae," andProfessor Edward E. Barnard givesan account of various observationsof the comet Morehouse, illustratedby two plates.The Macmillan Company have re­cently issued a volume in a newseries on "The Bible for Home andSchool" under the general editorshipof Professor Shailer Mathews, Deanof the 'Divinity School. AssistantProfessor Edgar J. Goodspeed, ofthe Department of Biblical andPatristic Greek, is the author of thefirst volume to appear, The Epistleto the Hebrews. In the introductionthe author dis·cusses the text, can­onicity, authorship, persons ad­dressed, occasion and purpose, dateand place of composition, and styleand language, and gives an analysisof the epistl � and a bibliography.The text is given in the form of theRevised Version, with a commentaryon the same page with the text. Thevolume, of 140 pages, concludes witha general index, and an index toreferences. There are to be tenother volumes in the series, one ofthem by Assistant Professor JohnM. P. Smith, of the Department ofSemitics, and another by the generaleditor, Professor Mathews.DISCUSSION AND COMMENT(The Editors of The Univcrsi"ty of Chicago Magazine welcome letters from graduates facultyand students on, University topics. Correspondence should bear the signature of the writ�r Th�Magazin"c is not responsible for opinions expressed in contributions.] \ •THE CHICAGO IDEAUNDER this caption in the Presi­dent's Report for 1906-7, DirectorStagg speaks of the spirit of "cor­diality and friendly rivalry iIJ foot­ball," which it has been the constanteffort of the Division. of PhysicalCulture and Athletics to "fosteramong the middle-western colleges.A& a result of this movement theathletic life and ideals of Chicagohave won praise in many parts of thecountry. The University has becomea leader in what might be called aschool of higher athletics in whichexcellence is measured not alone byphysical prowess and daring skill, butby true sportsmanship, open-handed­ness, and genuine enthusiasm, aswell.Of course, it is not a very difficultthing for I successful coaches andchampionship teams to give way tohappy expressions on the pleasantnessof things generally. Close on theheels of another season of greatsuccess, with honorable and victori­ous. acquittal in every game, with thewarm support of the alumni and afine showing of the real 'spirit on thepart of the student body, our foot­ball philosophies flow: quite smoothly.And yet the Chicago idea is notmerely the child of prosperity. It isa deep-rooted conviction, born of adesire for the highest standards inathletics and for the most intelligentvaluation of this form of Univer­sity training, For such it is. Toooften we regard our sports as merediversions, unrelated to the generalscheme and purposes of the Univer­sity. Probably in the beginning, andperhaps elementally even now, ourgames were merely recreative. Buttoday our football is an institution;for one-fourth of the year it iswithout doubt the largest single in­fluence 'Common to all members ofthe student and alumni body; andaltogether it is coming to he recog­nized as one of the most powerfulengines for imparting character strength and stirling worth whichthe college life affords. To. quotethe Outlook of December 5: "Thereis a certain lesson in self-restraint,in courage, in quickness of judg­ment; and in democracy, that can belearned in football as in scarcely anyother way." .The true value of any institution'can be gauged fairly well hy thedevotion to its ideals which has beeninspired in the lives of its adherentsand by their experiences in workingout its teachings. I f the field ofcollege sports has not, in the courseof its years of recent development,sent out at least a few men who arebigger and nobler for it, its valuehas certainly been grossly overesti­mated. It is, therefore, with asense of real pleasure and down­right Chicago pride that we turn tothe last season's reports from our.two dozen home-grown coaches andathletic directors, who are advancingthe teachings of the Chicago Ideainto the four corners of the country.Frederick W. Luehring, '07, ath­letic director, Ripon College, Ripon,Wis. : Mr. Luehring produced ateam which won every game in itsschedule of five contests, and earnedthe title of champion of Wisconsincolleges. "Our success in footballhas been due in a large measure toour playing the open game as advo­cated and practiced by the 'grandold man.' In co-operation withother state colleges, Ripon is work­ing for the establishment of Chicagoideals of purity and good sportsman­ship in athletics. An IntercollegiateAthletic Association of Wisconsinhas been organized and rules similarto those of the Conference are beingadopted. We feel, however, the needof an affiliation with the 'Big 8'and other organizations that· arestriving for common ends."Clarence. B. Herschberger, '98,athletic director, Lake Forest Acad­emy : The Academy team wonseven games out of eight, beingII4CHICAGO BLEACHERS AT THE MINNESOTA-CHICAGO GAME(Including President Judson and Party)FOOTBALL" C" AT THE CORNELL-CHICAGO GAMEDISCUSSION AND COMMENTbeaten only by the exceptionallystrong team from the ShattuckSchool. "Lake Forest Academy issituated close to Chicago and theathletics of the University are dis­cussed more than those of any otherof the larger institutions. It is verygratifying and also a great help inshaping the athletic policy of theAcademy to have the University ofChicago recognized as fighting forpurer athletics and a better idea ofgood sportsmanship."E. E. Parry, '06, coach, OklahomaAgricultural College: Mr. Parrycreated a team which won the cham­pionship of the schools and col­leges of Oklahoma. "There aremany things of interest to the morecivilized sporting world concerningfootball and in fact all forms ofathletics in this section. But a fewof the more important ones willserve to show what a coach withChicago ideals has to contend with.Up to the present time there hasbeen practically no eligibility legisla­tion, much less any enforcement ofrules. There has been no limit tothe term of years a man might com­pete. Holding is a most commonoccurrence and is seldom penalized.It is hard to get a man who knowsreal football-much less to enforcethe rules. Thus when the exceptiondoes happen the opponents in theirignorance cry "Robbery." I ampleased to state that all our victorieshave been clean and sportsmanlike.Between myself and the faculty, wehave dismissed enough athletes fromthe teams and from the institutionto win any ordinary championship.W e have taken a firm step in themovement for clean sport, and will'stick' if everybody else turnsagainst us-yes, even though welose every contest."S. VV. Finger, '06, athletic director,Cornell College, la.: The Cornellteam was victorious in all but one ofits seven games, losing to GrinnellCollege by a score of 12 to 11, andbeing scored on by only one otherteam, Monmouth. "Even greater thanthe success in winning games hasbeen Cornell's advance along linesof purity in athletics and cleansportsmanship. During the pastseason not a single Cornell man has been ruled out of the game or evenwarned for rough playing. Theeffect of the Chicago Idea and theideals of Mr. Stagg in Iowa cannotbe better illustrated than by repeat­ing a statement of a professor of alarge institution which was seekingan athletic director, who said, 'Wecan't have A. A. Stagg but we dowant a 'Stagg.'"Clarence Russell, '08, coach, Colo­rado School of Mines: Russell'steam, handicapped by losing nearlyall last year's men, won two and lostthree games. "Although my teamwas not successful this fall, the Chi­cago Idea seems to thrive in thisaltitude. For the past four years'Shorty' Ellsworth secured for thisschool the championship of theRocky Mountains, and this fall JohnKoehler at Denver University hascaptured the trophy. His team holdsthe undisputed title to the champion­ships of everything west of theMissouri River."John Koehler, '02, coach, Univer­sity of Denver: No direct reportreceived; see preceding paragraph.Elton ]. Moulton, '07, coach,Pritchett College, Glasgow, Mo.:The Pritchett team won two andlost two games. "There has been inthe past considerable bitter feelingbetween this college and the teamswith which we play. With one ex­ception the relations have been quitecordial this year. In that one caseour opponents played at least sixmen who were ineligible accordingto our agreement. I am endeavoringto prevent the repetition of suchproceedings by an appeal to thepresident of the college, but cannotforetell what success will attend myefforts. Good sportsmanship hasbeen the rule without exception inour games."L. D. Scherer, '04, physical di­rector, Nebraska State NormalSchool, Peru, Neb.: Scherer's teamtied for first place among the statecolleges. "The development ofpurity and good sportsmanship, as aresult of the introducing of the Chi­cago Idea, has been carried out tothe letter here in this school. Weplace scholarship � first and athleticssecond, no one being allowed to takepart in athletics unless he is morally,II6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmentally, and physically able to doso. The introducing of Chicagoideas into my section of the countryhas been approved and upheld in allinstances even with the possibilityof losing the game. They are beingencouraged by all the colleges in thisstate even if the coaches, who areteaching them, are not Chicago menthemselves."Daniel B. Dougherty, '09, coachSt. Ignatius College, Chicago: Thi�team was a very light one and brokeeven in a schedule of seven games."Many outsiders approached meoffering to play for us, but I refusedto accept in any case the help thusoffered. I informed each particularman that I would play none but bonafide students, as I did not wish tofollow any course that 'the oldman' would discountenance. Myone year on the Freshman teamgave me an opportunity to study theman whose name is synonymous withfootball in the West. I learned somevaluable points in football ethicsfrom him."Walter F. Kennedy, '99, coachAlbion College, Mich: Albion wor{five games and tied two. "The Chi­cago Idea, as we old 'C' men knowit, is the spirit of absolute honestyand clean sportsmanship instilledinto us by 'the old man.' Wherevera Chicago man is coaching, you willfind that spirit to a greater or lessextent. I' believe the Chicago Ideais the predominant one with all theAlbion teams. Weare on excellentterms with all our rivals, and everyteam brought here is given a squaredeal and the benefit of the doubt.Reports from other "C" men con­tinue to arrive but enough have beencited to show that the Chicago Ideais something more than an idea, andis indicative of a really widespreadtendency, at least on the part ofChicago and her offspring, towardfine sportsmanship, honest effort, andclean athletics. In another aspect itmay be said to be the outgrowth andoperation of the pledge which eachmember of the Order of "C" Menhas taken: "To devote our steadfastloyalty to our Alma Mater, and ourenduring support of her athletichonor and tradition, we hereby sub­scribe ourselves." FOOTBALL IN JURIESTHAT reports of casualties in foot­ball games as printed in the dailypress are not always accurate seemscertain from a close scrutiny of the"Facts and figures of football'sdeadly toll" published in the Sun­day Record-Herald on November IS.The Iist gave the number of fatali­ties as three and the inj ured collegeplayers as one hundred and sixty-six.The editorial introduction said inpart: "Of the players in what re­peatedly has been characterized asa sport more brutal than prize-fight­ing, even as 'debrutalized' sincecollege authorities and coaches werearoused to a revision of the rules in1905 because of the terrible showingmade that year, many who have es­caped death will bear their injuriesto the grave. Others have enduredweeks of agony in which fatal termi­nation of their hurts was avertedseemingly by hairbreadth margins."In looking over the list Dr. JosephE. Raycroft of the Division ofPhysical Culture and Athletics hasdiscovered many statements which hepersonally knows are incorrect andmisleading, some of them referringto members of the Chicago team.He makes the following comment todemonstrate the unreliability of thelist:1. August, Northwestern; wrenchedankle, October 17.This man may have twisted hisankle on the 17th, but it did notaffect his playing in the least in thegame which Dr. Raycroft umpiredon October 24.2. Badenoch, Chicago; shouldersprained, September 29.This is untrue.3. Ehrhorn, Chicago; cheek gashed,October 17.This man's cheek was cut but notenough to require a stitch. .4. Elliott, Chicago; nose dislocated,October 17.This is untrue.5. Hollenback, Pennsylvania; seri­ously injured, out of game, No­vember 14.This is untrue.6. Iddings, Chicago; side sprained,September 29.This was a bruise on the lowerDISCUSSION AND COMMENTribs which was of very little conse­quence.7. Keinath, Pennsylvania; (a) sidewrenched, October 8; (b) cheekbone and nose fractured, October5; (c) internally inj ured at AnnArbor, November 14.(a) Perhaps; (b) cheek bone wasslightly fractured and a partial pa­ralysis of. the cheek followed butcleared up in a few days; (c) hedislocated a weak shoulder in thisgame, but was able to play on N 0-vember 26.8. Larkin, Cornell; blood poisoningOctober 6.Larkin is a coach and does not takeactive part in the game. He mayhave had blood poisoning. Thegraduate manager never played foot­ball, but he traveled with the team,and had just recovered from anoperation for appendicitis. Thestatistician missed this.9. Manly, Northwestern; two teethkicked out, October 24.Manly lost his teeth by bumpinginto another man's head instead ofbeing kicked.10. Manier, Pennsylvania; shoulderdislocated, October 8.This is untrue. Manier had asevere bruise on the shoulder, butplayed practically every game of theseason.1 I. Page, Chicago; three teethknocked out, October 17.This is absolutely untrue.12. Schott, Chicago; water on theknee, October 17.Partly true. There was fluidabout the joint due to a bruise on thethigh.13. Schommer, Chicago; nose broken,,...1. October 17·1 his is true.14. Schommer, Chicago; hip dislo­cated, October 8.Absolutely untrue. One wouldthink even a newspaper statisticianwould hesitate to put a man into agame on the rzth where he mightget his nose broken, when he had hiship dislocated only nine days before.15. Steffen, Chicago; shoulderbroken, October 5.Untrue.16. Townsend, Pennsylvania; legbroken, October I7.Probably untrue since he played in games directly after. A later re­port from the physician of thePennsylvania team says: "Town­send hurt his leg-but no fracturecould be demonstrated. An X -rayphotograph showed what seemed tobe a partial spiral fracture of thelower thigh of the tibia." Heplayed in the games November 14and November 26.17. Van Hook, Illinois; two ribsbroken, October 17.This is untrue. Van Hook wassick the night before the Chicago­Illinois game and was able to playonly a part of the game for thisreason and because it was hot. Hewas not inj ured.The above list, Nos. 5, 7, 10, andI6, were the only serious accidentson the Pennsylvania team duringthe past season. The squad num­bers about eighty and the team hasplayed a hard schedule.In the interests of our collegesports and their highest developmentit is a most excellent thing that theybe viewed from all standpoints, eventhough some of the analyses may notmake the most pleasant kind ofliterature. Such reports as theabove, however, which we fear areduplicated elsewhere besides beingcopied and distorted by the smallerpress, can serve no useful purpose.THE LIBRARY OF PHYSICAL CULTUREEASY access to a remarkably pro­ductive field for investigation andresearch-the history and develop­ment of gymnastic art-is madepossible by the growth of the newlibrary of hygiene and physical train­ing, recently opened in Bartlett gym­nasium. For several years the Uni­versity has had a large number ofvaluable books on physical culturebut has never grouped them together.With the recent addition of a largenumber of important volumes, Dr.Joseph E. Raycroft has had theroom on the west side of the run­ning track fitted up for a library andhere students may consult the booksfrom 2 to 6 o'clock afternoons, withthe exception of the hours of 4 to6 on Mondays and 3 to 5 on Satur­days.The foundation for the library wasincluded in a large collection oflIB THE UNTVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbooks purchased in Berlin by theUniversity two years ago. This wasaugmented when Walter Wilson ofChicago presented the Universitywith a large number of books at onetime owned by Karl Euler, a leaderin German physical training. Athird addition was composed ofbooks and records collected byHarry Wright, who closely followedthe development of baseball duringthe last half century.Books that are of great importancefrom a historical standpoint are con­tained in the Euler collection. Manyold files were received with thisstore of books. There are works inGerman, French, English, and Latin.An example is a history of thegymnastic art written by AndreasFrisius and printed in Amsterdamin 1672. There are six volumes inthis history, with illuminated coversand text in Latin. The illustrationsof rowing, wrestling, boxing, andgymnastic work are drawn withgreat attention to detail. Among thebound volumes is a complete file ofthe Deutsche Turn Zeitung from1855 to 1899, and the J ahrbiicher furdie Turnkunst, by the director of theRoyal Institute for Physical Train­ing Teachers at Dresden, extendingfrom 1855 to 1894. The M onat­schri]t fur das Turnwesen is com­plete from 1882 to 1900. There is apartial file of Der Turner from 1846to 185!. About 1,000 to 1,200 booksand pamphlets were contained in theEuler collection.The baseball statistics collected byHarry Wright are of great histor­ical value. Files of papers datingback to 1856, guides for baseballplayers, and records brought down todate, are included. The Ball Player'sChronicle, edited by Henry Chad­wick, the "father of baseball," is animportant part, as well as the NewEngland Baseballist, dating back to1868, the Boston Leader from 1864on, the National Chronicle of 1869-1870 and Sporting Life.A part of the Wright collection,which consisted of account books,statistics, photographs, and othermatter of no use to the library, hasbeen turned over to Mr. A. C.Spaulding of Chicago, who haspromised to give in turn a number of valuable books. Mr. Spauldinghas one of the most complete libra­ries on sports in the country.A MOTTO FOR THE SEALBOTH the Senior and the JuniorCollege Councils are engaged insearching for a motto of sufficientimportance to be placed on the Uni­versity seal, to be adopted within theyear. None of the many suggestionsalready received is of sufficientbreadth to comprehend the purposeand meaning of the University ofChicago. One of the best so farsuggested is "The truth shall makeus free," from the second stanza ofthe "Alma Mater."Students who devote a little oftheir time to studying a phrase thatwill prove suitable for the mottowill perform a service. that theythemselves cannot appreciate. Afterhaving existed fifteen years withouta seal the U niversity is anxious thatthe one chosen shall have been worthwaiting for. AI motto that givesdignity and carries with it an earn­est of the aims and ideals of theUniversity is not easily chosen,though the languages of the earth bemany and each rich in noble expres­sions. Yet the poorest of us maychance upon a phrase that will beto the point, for the world's bestand noblest thoughts have at timesbeen spoken by the humblest of men.N or are suggestions from graduatesbarred. Every loyal Chicago manand woman, past and present, shouldaid in the hunt for a motto, andsuggest an appropriate design for thenew seal.The Latin and Hebrew languageshave expressed the mottoes of someof the greatest universities. A con­ception in Latin carries with it theprestige of classical learning. Chi­cago, however, does not stipulatethat the modern languages be barred.I t is refreshing to find that Stan­ford University has departed farfrom traditional walks and used amotto in German, so expressive ofits aims as of the great free West:"Die Luft der Freiheit weht." ·Tosome minds "truth" is as great as"veritas." Some of the greatest andmost effective expressions have beenDISCUSSION AND COMMENTcouched in the simplest language.As the cheerleader says, let us allget in on a good one for Chicago.CHICAGO OPPORTUNITIESIN discussing some of the advan­tages the University of Chicagoderives from its location near theheart of a great city a professorsome time ago remarked that twomillion people are a part of itslaboratories. Graduate and under­graduate clubs are beginning to real­ize what a treasure house lies opento them by the entertainment of itspublic men. The university of asmall city makes a big day of thevisit to its campus of a man that theInternational Club, the Pen Club, theCommercial Club, and many other ofthe smaller organizations has as itsguest for dinner several times amonth. With so many successfulmen resident in Chicago, studentsare able to get into close touch withfirst-hand experiences. The businessman tells how he buys and sells; theauthor relates how he wrote andmarketed his book; the actor giveshis story of the struggle everlasting;the politician brings his anecdotes ofthe political game. The resourcesare inexhaustible. Talking inform­ally to a limited number the speakerfeels no restraint and says much thathe might have culled out of a setspeech because he feared studiedcriticism. More University clubs arerealizing what enormous advantagesmay be gained from getting intoclose touch with practical workingconditions through men who under­stand them.By relating himself to actual con­ditions the University student willthe better adapt his work to theneeds of the every-day world. Thecriticism of college instruction mostfrequently met with is that it is ex­cellent in theory, but inadequate inpractice. Commenting on this in theissue of December 3, Leslie' s Weeklyremarks: "The college man, whosefaculties should be instruments ofprecisron and whose judgmentsshould be steadied by knowledge, isoften a young man with head fullof theories undigested or possiblyindigestible." The sooner the stu- dent readj usts his theories to actualneeds the better, and there is noeasier way of beginning than byhearing business and professionalmen tell how it is being done bythem every day.A CHICAGO COMIC PAPERTHE question whether or not stu­dent humor is properly cultivated atthe University of Chicago shouldgive rise to an interesting dis­cussion among the undergraduates,and the Magazine will welcome con­tributions along the line of the oneappearing elsewhere in this issue,entitled "Student Humor at Chi­cago." The writer brings to the at­tention of the University public thatChicago lacks the comic paper,which is an 'established publicationin some of the older universities.Has it a field of its own? Is itssatire worth while and does it reallycontribute anything to student life?If there is a need for a comicpaper at Chicago there must besome 'evidence that it will receivesupport. I t must be rememberedthat most college humorous journalsare not only weak financially buthumorously-which may be thevery reasons why there are notmore of them. College wit gener­ally is sophomoric; the best of itcomes at rare intervals and much isworked over from the standardfunny papers. Then a great deal islocal satire, understood only by alimited few, and for that reason ofno permanent value. Personalitiesconcerning students and facultyoften are annoying and in morethan one instance have caused bit­ter feeling. Chicago has its outletsfor humor and satire in the Cap &Gown, which our correspondentmentions; in the annual Blackfriarplay, in vaudeville sketches givenduring the year by the Universitywomen, and in the Daily Maroon,which at times has lent its editorialcolumns to wit of the "pointedparagraph" order. So far Chicagohumor has been suffused with goodnature, and perhaps one of thereasons why there has always beensuch good feeling between facultyand students and between different120 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"crowds" is that none of theirfoibles have been pilloried in coldprint.On the other hand the seriouspart of college life must be tem­pered with that which appeals tothe bright side of things. A hardnight's study! followed by the read­ing of some pointed remarks in thecollege funny paper about peopleyou know, causes your tired musclesto relax for a good, hearty laugh.This is at once an antidote and acure. College humor deals with aphase of life very close to its read­ers; so that to the pleasure in ahearty laugh is added the satisfac­tion of recognizing people andplaces. If college humor is not upto a professional standard whentaken as a whole it might also beremarked that the expectations ofits audience are on a par, and con­sequently the normal line of pleas­ure is not lessened. There is muchmore to be said for and against thecomic paper. The Magazine invitesa discussion of its merits.CORRESPONDENCESTUDENT HUMOR AT CHICAGOEditor of the Magazine:Sir: The University of Chicagohas no distinct magazine of humor,no periodical devoted to the satiriz­ing of faculty, students, and collegelife in general. But "all thingscome to him who waits," and event­ually the student body will publisha comic magazine which will rankfair with any of its contemporaries.The University, it must be remem­bered, is but sixteen years old, and,like other new institutions, hasbeen especially susceptible to criti­cism. For that reason all funwhich originates on the campus andwhich might be used for criticalpurposes by the metropolitan dailieshas been carefully and thoughtfullysuppressed. Yet as the Universityhas grown older these criticismshave become less in number and farless potent in their influence, for theUniversity is no longer in the ex­perimental stage.D p to the present time the indis­pensable qualities of real college life.those of humorous tradition, have been recorded only in the Cap &Goum, the University annual. Thisis the hrgest propagator of "roasts"on the campus. The irrepressiblefreshman, the traditional grind, thecrabbed old professor, are all treatedalike in the annual and neither agenor rank gives immunity. Studentsreceive notoriety in prose, poetry,and picture.That these harmless bits of gentlecensure have been a success is evi­dent from the advance which theCap & Gown has made. And noth­ing has augmented the progressmore than this section of the book.In fact, it is safe to say that "TheLighter Side" is the most widelyread part of the annual. It mustbe remembered that campus exist­ence is different from anything else.A crowd 0 f students will do thingsthat individually they would laughat. This difference needs delinea­tion and it can only be obtained bymeans of these mild and innocent"grinds" which possess the elementof human interest and thereforegrip the attention of the reader.But if it is true that tradition andcollegiate geniality play such a partin the student Ii fe, does an annualgive adequate notice to that phase?Does twenty or thirty pages once ayear develop that side of the col­lege experience commensurate withits importance? It is sufficient thatif Harvard can publish The Lam­poon, Cornell, The Widow, andStanford, The Chaparral, Chicago,likewise can duplicate the feat.There is nothing unusual in the idea.On the contrary, it is surprisingthat so few papers of this characterexist. Their unmeasured successhas paid ample tribute to the fieldthat is offered.Everything must have a modestorigin A t the outset, we shouldnot publish a paper, devoted to thispurpose alone. Let the idea be in­corporated into one of the papersnow on th e campus. Let this de­partment be enlarged as conditionsrequire it, and if, in time, it be­comes important enough, a specialpublication may be advisable.J. SYDNEY SALKEYNovember I, I908DISCUSSION AND COMMENTALUMNI LUNCHEON ON CONVOCATIONDAYEditor of the Magazine:Sir: I desire to give my hearty in­dorsement to the recent action inmaking Convocation Day the AlumniDay hereafter. There is no doubtbut that this change will bring outa much larger attendance both uponthe Convocation exercises and thealumni events.I t has occurred to some of us thatanother step would bring the U ni­versity and the alumni still closertogether. Why not try the plan ofuniting the Convocation Luncheonand the Alumni Dinner, making thisLuncheon the alumni affair, with theConvocation speaker and the Uni­versity guests present as the guestsof the Alumni Association, and ask­ing the president of the Associationto preside as the toast-master of theoccasion? This plan would substi­tute for the general Alumni Dinnerat night, group dinners for thevarious class and department re­unions.The advantages of such a plan,briefly, are these:1. It would give the Luncheon anattraction for the alumni in that thisgreat University function of Convo­cation Day will belong in largemeasure to the alumni themselves,and would have the added drawingpower of certain announcements ofgifts and appointments which· thePresident signifies his willingness toreserve until that time.2. Because of the full Universityco-operation which such a Luncheonwould have many of the difficultiesin the obtaining of a suitable placefor the Alumni Dinner at night, andfor acceptable catering arrangements,would be reduced to a minimum. Inthe past these have not been in­significant.3. It would give opportunity forthe serving of class and departmentdinners on the evening of Convoca­tion Day, so that the alumni couldhave the opportunity of attending thegeneral Alumni Luncheon and thesegroup reunions which are most en­j oyable, and which now furnish a bigproblem to the man whose time islimited and whose interests are wide.In the nature of the case, in a large I2IUniversity, where graduating classesare growing larger each year, theclosest fellowships will be foundin the groups and departments of theAlumni Association rather than in thegeneral body. We need to empha­size these opportunities more thanwe have done. In fact, we need boththe smaller and the larger alumnievents. Unless some such plan asabove suggested is undertaken oneor the other is bound to suffer.4. To me the most important ad­vantage lies in the fact that it wouldafford the one chance in the year fora social gathering of the great Uni­versity family. The largest grouppresent at this Luncheon ought to becomposed of alumni, and now thatAlumni Day coincides with Convoca­tion Day, I believe that this will beincreasingly true. If we take posses­sion of the Convocation Luncheonas we ought, then the Alumni Dinnerat night will serve no distinctivepurpose. If the alumni can be al­lowed the privilege of taking overthe Convocation Luncheon as theirown, of giving to it a predominat­ingly alumni stamp, of acting as hoststo the recent graduates, to the Uni­versity officials and guests, my ownconviction is that both the Associa­tion and the University will findthemselves and each other as neverbefore. It will do the Universitygood to have the alumni give theConvocation Luncheon a more in­formal and less stately atmosphere,and it will do the Association goodto have that more intimate reunionwith the University, our Alma Mater,than would be possible otherwise.Personally, I have no fear that suchan arrangement would detract fromthat spirit of freedom and good­fellowship which should characterizeall alumni gatherings., WARREN P. BEHAN, '94Chicago" December 3" I908THE OLD ALUMNI SPIRITEditor of the Magazine:Sir: The alumni of the Universityof Chicago should be of greater use­fulness to their Alma Mater than. they have heretofore proved. Howto accomplish this desirable conditionhas aroused the earnest thought ofI22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe faculty and the older alumni fromthe very beginning of the modernepoch in the history of the U niver­sity.The earlier alumni were a small,compact, and very enthusiastic body,yielding to no organization of gradu­ates in esprit de corps. Dr. Harperpersonally sought to utilize the spiritexisting in this body of alumni inthe formation of the modern insti­tution, thus hoping to save the manyyears required to produce a usefuland creditable alumni organization.In the early days the undersignedwell remembers an address alongthese lines, which Dr. Harper madeto the writer's class ('86) at one oftheir regular annual reunions. Dr.Harper recognized the great valueand importance of an enthusiasticalumni organization working and liv­ing in the outer world and constitut­ing visible and forceful examples ofthe results of the University's innerworkings and influences. It islargely only through the alumni thatthe University's practical value tosociety is proven to non-collegians.Faculty and students in cap and gownclaim and assert its value but thealumni in their daily walk in life arethe only persons who really proveand justify the University's realworth to the world.The alumni organization should bethe embodiment of this proof. In theform of independent gatherings,wholly separated from the Univer­sity's official direction or influence,the alumni should express themselvesfreely and openly. Thus will thefaculty and trustees be able not onlyto see the products of their labors,but also to see themselves as otherssee them. Loyal independence of thealumni must always have a mostbeneficent reaction on the faculty,trustees and students. Anything thatchecks the free play of independentalumni spirit, by just so much re­tards the most essential factor in theexpansion of the University. Chil­dren who leave the parental roof andbattle with the world, making inde­pendent places for themselves in life,are the children to whom the parentslook with pride for strength and help in old age; but such developmentcould never have been attained by achild whose every action was gov­erned by his parents, no matter howaffectionately or wisely, and whoselife had been absorbed by and mergedwith that of his parents. So in col­lege and university life, the alumni,themselves the children of AlmaMater, must form a distinct entity,acting from their own initiative, ifthey are ever to be of use in advan­cing the welfare of the parental stem.Alumni spirit and love for the Uni­versity cannot fully develop, and doesnot always even appear, immediatelyafter graduation. The entry intoreal life after a college course isattended by so many increasing de­mands on the graduate that his mindhas not the quiet necessary for re­flection and appreciation. Only aftertossing about on life's troubled wa­ters for five or ten years does thegraduate turn with longing heart tothe old days when he trod the pathsof pleasantness and peace in the pro­tecting shadows of the University;and then it is that he yearns for aglimpse of the old faces now dim­ming in the swiftly passing years;and the memories of happy days anddecisive events that once seemedtrifling, now disclose their propervalue as crises in the forming ofcharacter; and it is then that thegraduate, whether prodigal or elderbrother, resolves that the world is abundle of husks on which he is starv­ing and that he will arise and seekagain his Alma Mater. Then it isthat the graduate comes to realizehimself as an alumnus and feels animpulse toward the alumni interestsof the University; then he will actand act with enthusiasm for the oldhalls of learning; then he will makehimself felt and heard as an up­building influence for the institution.I t is such impulses and such aspirit, embodied in the Alumni As­sociation, that every college or uni­versity needs and which certainlyour own University should strive tocultivate and perpetuate.GEORGE EDDY NEWCOMB, '86Chicago, December 2, 1908INITIATES OF THREE-QUARTERS CLUB AT CORNELL-CHICAGO GAMEDAILY STUNT OF CANDIDATES FOR THREE-QUARTERS CLUBUNDERGRADUATE LIFEATHLETICSWith the football season closed,basket-ball, swimming, and trackevents hold the interest of the under­graduate world. That the basket-ballseason would be a successful one forChicago was a prediction made atthe meeting of the candidates in theoffice of Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft onDecember 4. Captain Georgen, Page,Hoffman, and Schommer of lastyear's team returned to their oldplaces, and with the possibility ofJoy Clark registering for the WinterQuarter the complete strength of theold team will be ready for the season.The members of last year's strongFreshman team, Halsey, Fulkerson,Sturgeon, and Cobb are back, andWinston Henry of the varsity teamof '06 and Helling of the '07 squadwill train again. Walter Steffen willpractice with the men in order tokeep up his excellent physical condi­tion. Harry Corper, member of sev­eral victorious varsity teams, willsupervise the training of the newmen.The new basket-ball schedule in­cludes the addition of a game withIndiana. The following games al­ready have been arranged for:January 9-Chicago at N orthwest-ern.January 23-Purdue at Chicago.January 26-Indiana at Chicago.January 28-Iowa at Chicago.February 6-Chicago at Wisconsin.February 12-Minnesota at Chicago.February 13-Illinois at Chicago.February 19-Chicago at Indiana.February ao-e-Chicago at Purdue.February 26-Illinois at Chicago.March 6-Wisconsin at Chicago.March I 3-Chicago a� Minnesota.Fencing has taken an added im-petus with the organization of theFencing Club, the first of its kindin the University. The openingmeeting was held on December I inHutchinson dining-room. DeanGeorge E. Vincent spoke on thequalities of a sportsman, declaringthat he believed fencing 'developed a quick eye, a cool head, and theability to bear defeat without chagrin,better than any other sport. Heurged that the men stand for fairplay and clean records. Dr. JosephE. Raycroft said he expected fromthree to six contests in the WinterQuarter and hoped in the near futureto have a lounging room adj oiningthe fencing room in the basementof Bartlett gymnasium. M. deBeauviere, the fencing master, de­clared fencing developed speed andaccuracy of thought' as well as ofeye and hand. Candidates for thefencing teams are R. Baldridge, W.R. Jones, G. M. Bliss, A. S. Lescano,D. F. Davis, C. E. Parmenter, M.Alexander, and N. R. Sankowsky.When Chicago closed its victori­ous football season with the westernchampionship, by defeating Wiscon­sin at Madison on November 21 bya score of 18 to 12, Walter Steffen,John Schommer, and Harold Iddings,three men who have done much forChicago, played their last game.Steffen closed his career with a spec­tacular run of over one hundredyards in the first minute of playing,scoring a touchdown after catchingthe ball on Wisconsin's kick-off. Bysnappy work Chicago kept the lead,although Wisconsin showed itself amaster of the forward pass and openstyle game. Messmer and Ostoffplayed brilliantly on the Wisconsinteam. Chicago's showing was soconsistent that it is difficult to singleout men for good individual effort.Steffen, Iddings, Page, and Schom­mer worked like tigers, receiving un­failing support from the rest of theteam, composed of Crowley, Bade­noch, Ehrhorn, HirschI, Kelley, Hoff­man, and W orthwine.The final game of the season tookplace under most favorable auspices.The spirit displayed by the Chicagoadherents was admirable. The root­ing was good and the band of fortymen made a satisfactory appearanceon Randall Field. The presence ofI23I24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPresident and Mrs. Harry Pratt J ud­son and a party of faculty membersgave the game added importance andtaught a lesson of loyalty to Chicagomen. The reception of the Chicagodelegation by Wisconsin studentswas most enthusiastic. On the ar­rival of the team the Madison menunhitched the horses attached to theconveyance awaiting the Chicagoteam and drew their adversariesthrough the streets of Madison totheir quarters. Madison showed aclean, wholesome, western spirit ofgood fellowship and gentlemanly con­duct throughout the game.A touching tribute to Walter Stef­fen was paid by the students in amass meeting in Mandel Hall at10 : 30 o'clock Monday, November 23.As a token of their regard the Ma­roon leader was presented with amagnificent gold watch, suitably en­graved, bought with a fund raised bypopular SUbscription. The presenta­tion was made by Frank Templeton,who voiced the love Chicago stu­dents had for Captain Steffen. Stef­fen responded modestly, telling howhard it was for him to believe hisfootball battles were over. "Theselast two days have been the happiestof my life," he said. "My heartnearly broke Friday, when I dressedin the gym for the last time. Butreally, I forgot it all when the gamewas over. You see I've played foot­ball ever since I was eight years oldand it's almost a habit with me now."Coach Stagg expressed his appre­ciation of the work of Steffen inseveral interviews given to the Chi­cago daily papers in the last fewweeks of the football season. Heregards him as one of the greatestquarterbacks he has ever seen, andpoints to his splendid generalshipand his ability to carry the ball.Steffen is the last of a set of brilliantplayers 10 were on teams of Chi­cago hi schools at about the sametime," ter Eckersall being one ofthe nut er,The \"LVse of the football seasonhas resulted in considerable specula­tion over the probable strength ofChicago next year and most of theforecasts are bright and rosy. Ifanything can be judged from the material now in the hands of CoachStagg the 1909 t&am will be consid­erably heavier than this year's eleven.Page and Rogers are thought to beready to step into Steffen's place,and Robinson, Baird, and Davenportare also candidates. Sunny, weigh­ing 185 lbs., DeBoth, weighing 185lbs., and Ahlman, at 190 lbs., areexpected to prove strong back of theline. Kassulkar is spoken of as asuccessor to Schommer. J err ens,who weighs 210 lbs., is said to be ableto toss the ball over sixty yards, andwill make a capable guard. Rada­macher, 210 lbs., also is a comingman. With Smith at 210 lbs., andPrather at 195 lbs., the strength ofthe team is easily seen.The new schedule will include areturn game with Cornell at Ithaca,and with Minnesota at Minneapolis,while Wisconsin will play at MarshallField. Talk that Michigan may re­turn to the Conference in a year ortwo has been current in alumnicircles, but it is believed that thiswill not occur next season.Walter Steffen is the unanimouschoice of eastern and western foot­ball authorities for the position ofquarterback on the honorary All­American eleven. Critics disagreewhich of the remaining Chicago menshould be included, but unite inawarding as many as three and fourplaces to Maroon fighters on the AU­W estern. Walter Eckersall, thefootball editor of the Chicago Trib­une, voices the sentiment of themajority in allowing Page a place atright end, Hoffman at left tackle,Steffen at quarter and the captaincy,and Iddings at left half. He com­pletes the eleven by electing Osthoffof Wisconsin, right tackle; Messmerof Wisconsin, right guard; Saffordof Minnesota, center; Van Hook ofIllinois, left guard; Rogers of Wis­consin, left end; Kirk of Iowa, righthalf-back, and Wilce of Wisconsin,full-back. In this the football editorof the Record-Herald substantiallyconcurs. Coach Fielding Yost of theMichigan team gives Steffen a placeon the All-American. Eckersall de­clares that Sinnock of Illinois is theclosest approach to Steffen in theWest, but that in his all-round workUNDERGRADUATE LIFEhe does not equal the Chicago cap­tain.The election of Harlan OrvillePage as captain of the football teamof 1909 gives Chicago an able generalwho has proved equal to the hardesttasks on the gridiron. Page wasnamed as right end on most of thehonorary AU-Western teams chosenby critics of the game, and his per­formances in all work were con­sistent. His qualities are both inoffense and defense. His tacklingis sure and his handling of the for­ward pass remarkable. Page wasresponsible for several Maroontouchdowns this year, his abilityto cover ground when opportunityoffered beinv not the least of hisvirtues. As guard of the basket­ball five and pitcher for the baseballteam he has proved his versatility.THE JUNIOR COLLEGESUnder the new constitution of theJunior College Council the socialactivities of the colleges and classesare being conducted with more suc­cess than was expected. The councilhas taken control of all elections andsocial activities. In the illness ofEarle A. Goodenow, its chairman,the meetings have been presided overby Robert Owen, councilor for ArtsCollege (men) . The most recentaction has been concerned primarilywith the campaign for a Universityseal and a number of suggestionshave been received. The membersof the council during the AutumnQuarter were Robert Owen for ArtsCollege (men), John MacN eish forPhilosophy College (men), WebbLewis for Science College (men),Earle A. Goodenow for LiteratureCollege (men), Ethel Harrington forArts College (women), Ethel Ka­win for Philosophy College (wo­men), Ruth Herrick for ScienceCollege (women), and Mary C.Phister for Literature College (wo­men).Arts College men have had aseries of addresses by members ofthe University faculty, includingDean Vincent, bean Linn, ProfessorShorey, Dean Frank J. Miller, andDean Alexander Smith. A smokerwas given in the Reynolds Club on 125December 19. An interesting discus­sion of the scholarship of men inLiterature College was given themby Dean James W. Linn, and othertalks to Literature College weregiven by Percy H. Boynton, whospoke on "Biographical Touches inDavid Copperfield," Professor Mar­tin Schiitze on "Realism in Litera­ture," and Dean Henry Gale on thevalue of science to Literature Collegemen.Professor Starr's criticism ofAmerican government in the Philip­pines, which called out a reply fromthe insular bureau, was made in anaddress before the men of Philoso­phy College on Tuesday, November24. Professor Starr said the gov­ernment was taxing disinterestedpeople to give up hard-earned moneywhich goes to the maintenance ofthe Bilibid prison, the public printingestablishment, and the bureau for sci­entific research. He considered lifein the Bilibid prison preferable tolife outside and declared it was themost excellently equipped penal insti­tution in the world. While hedescribed the printing establishmentand the bureau for scientific researchas excellently equipped he declaredit to be an outrage that such costlydepartments should be carried on "atthe expense of a down-trodden andstricken race." He said further: "Itis not so much my desire to seethese departments discontinued asto see the disinterested and boastfulAmericans interest themselves inassisting and supporting the workfor which they wish the credit andletting them pay the high salaried,and, in most cases American, em­ployes. The Congress of the UnitedStates should be compelled to appro­priate and pay a certain amount ofmoney each year for the maintenanceof these elaborate institutions."Other speakers at the meetings ofPhilosophy College (men) this quar­ter have been as follows:October 27-Dean James W.Thompson, on "The Balkan Situa­tion."November 3-Director Alonzo A.Stagg on "Purity in Athletics."November r o-c-Mr, Edward B.Krehbiel on "The German Army."Nov-ember I7-Mr. Samuel N.Harper on "Russia Today."I26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDecember I-Dr. Charles E. Mer­riam on the Chicago harbor.December 8-Mr. Hans E. Gronowon "The German School System."Activities in the four Junior Col­leges for women have been numer­ous. Philosophy College entertainedLiterature women at a j oint collegemeeting on November 24, at whichProfessor Robert Herrick spoke onthe sociological significance of theSan Francisco fire. Philosophywomen also entertained Philosophymen on November 23. The onlyJunior College dance of the quarterat the Reynolds club was given onNovember 20 by Philosophy women.GENERAL NEWSA dinner in the Commons Cafeand a smoker and vaudevi11e in theReynolds club on December 12marked the first social meeting ofthe year of the Blackfriars. Loyalalumni returned for the eveningand together with the active membersmade the attendance large. HerschelShaw, abbott of the order, presided.The annual triangular debate be­tween Chicago, Northwestern, andMichigan will be held on January IS,Chicago meeting Northwestern inMandel Hall and Michigan at AnnArbor. The question at issue is"Resolued, That Bank Issues Se­cured by Commercial Paper ArePreferable to Those Secured byBonds." 1. E. Ferguson, P. M.O'Donnell, J. E. Hoover, H. P.Hostetter, Clarence Bayles, and FredBlack were chosen to representChicago. The judges were BurtBrown Barker, '97; Arnold B. Hall,'05 ; C. B. Whittier of the LawSchool, C. W. Gorsuch of the De­partment of Public Speaking, andC. E. Merriam of the PoliticalScience Department.That the organization of the Inter­national Club at the University ofChicago is a step toward a better:understanding among nations wasemphasized by President Judson atthe first open meeting on November28 in the Reynolds Club. ProfessorGeorge B. Foster voiced the opinionthat internationalism means labor,and gave a brief review of thebroadening of the thought of hu- manity. Countess Aurelia Bethlan ofRoumania also spoke generally onthe broad love of humanity. Theclub is an outgrowth of the effortsof a small body· of students fromforeign countries to exchange theirpoints of view and has been organ­ized largely by the efforts of SignoreMuzzafir Raffie, a Persian studentin the medical department, who ispresident of the club.Concerning these cosmopolitan or­ganizations the Chicago EveningPost said on Wednesday, November25 :The growth of international clubshas been so marked at the universi­ties within the last year or two thateven on that notably American insti­tution-the college yell-there hasbeen a related 'effect. Witness thefollowing:Wie? was? warum? wo?Ueber alles, Chi-ca-go tWie? was? wo? warum?Ueber alles, ja, maroon!Several innovations in the Cap &Gown for 1909 are promised by J.Sidney Salkey and Carl Lambach,the editors. Dormitory life will bedescribed and exploited. More at­tention will be given to photographsthan heretofore. The editors alreadyhave in their hands some excellentart work. By beginning work sixweeks earlier than last year they hopeto publish the book on April 15, thusgiving the business managers alonger selling period. A change willbe made in the cover by the returnto the stiff boards of the 1907 annual,last year's book having used limpleather.By the announcement that cabswould not be considered properat the Reynolds Club formalparty of December II, the officersfurnished the members a very suc­cessful evening with scarcely noadded expense. It is planned in thefuture to hold one Reynolds Clubformal a year in the Autumn Quarterbecause no promenade occurs at thattime. The Senior and Junior Prome­nades come in the Winter andSpring Quarters, respectively.The Commercial Club listened toan important address by FranklinMac V eagh on the relation of thecollege man to business at a dinnerUNDERGRADUATE LIFEin Hutchinson dining-room on N 0-vember 18. President Judson alsowas a guest of honor. NewmanMiller, director of the UniversityPress, was the speaker at the meet­ing and dinner on Wednesday,December 2. Mr. Miller spoke ofthe early days of the Press and ofits present growth, and incidentally,in response to inquiries, was given anopportunity to defend the Press, inits retail department, / against thealleged over-charges. The club pro­poses in the near future to entertainJohn E. Noble, manager of the OttoYoung estate, Alexander H. Revell,and Walter D. Moody, manager ofthe Chicago Association of Com­merce. The membership of the Com­mercial Club numbers fifteen and islimited to twenty-five. In order toIbe a member a student must presentproofs of business experience.Dean James Weber Linn, who lastyear was on the staff of the Youth'sCompanion, told the members of thePen Club about his editorial experi­ence at a dinner in Hutchinsondining-room on November 9.The annual Law School Smokerwas held on Thursday evening, De­cember 3, in the theater of theReynolds Club. The first of theprogramme was made up of speechesby members of the faculty and rep­resentatives of the classes. ProfessorBigelow spoke on "The Prodigal'sReturn." In the absence of ProfessorMack, Professor Whittier made ashort address. The judge, however,arrived later and spoke with muchenthusiasm on the question of civicinterest and of the relation of thelawyer to the public problems in hiscommunity. George McDermid andC. C. McColloch gave talks for thethird- and second-year men respec­tively. Following the addresses themen had a "feed" in the cafe of theCommons. The second part of theprogramme was humorous in char­acter and had for its feature aclever sketch by Driemeyer, Hickey,and Yaple, entitled "The Dean's In­dictment, or A Miscarriage ofJ usdce." Houghton, as "JudgeMick," was on the bench. "DeanJames Harker Pall" was accused ofcriminal libel for placing a public notice on the bulletin board con­demning certain students in theSchool. Kennedy, acting the part ofthe dean's stenographer, complicatedmatters and the trial broke up in adispute among the expert witnesses.The witnesses were caricatures ofseveral members of the faculty rep­resented by the lawmen with the aidof make-up. The sketch was athorough success.About forty Episcopalians have be­come charter members of the Episco­palian Club of the University, whichmet for the first time on Friday,December 4, in Lexington Hall. Theofficers chosen were C. P. McCul­lough, president; Lucille Jarvis, vice­president; Dora Morgan, recordingsecretary; Oma Moody, correspond­ing secretary; and E. R. Baye,treasurer. Other denominational or­ganizations in the University are theBrownson Club, composed of Catho­lic students, and the MaimonidesClub of Jewish students.WOMEN'S ACTIVITIESPreparations were made early inDecember by the Young Women'sChristian League for a large Christ­mas sale. Besides the Universitycalendar the League this year soldthree attractive gift books by Uni­versity people, The M aster of theInn by Robert Herrick, Hero andLeander by Martin Schiitze, andThe Palace of the King by AnnaLouise Strong. Nearly two hundredbags of Thanksgiving cheer weredistributed by the members of theLeague to the women in the ChicagoHome for Incurables on Thanksgiv­ing morning. The December pro­gramme of the League included thefollowing events:December I-Tea for Miss Wh'eeler,state student secretary.December 2-Miss Ruth Wheeleron "Affairs of State."December 8-Miss Ruth Raymondon "The Spirit of Christmas."December 9-Mrs. John M. Coulteron "A Word of Advice." ,The College of Education branchof the Young Women's ChristianLeague had the following events:November 26-Miss KatharineSlaught on "The Financial Crisis."December 3-Miss Wheeler on "OurRelations to the State Committee."I28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDecember Io-Miss Gertrude Dud­ley on "A Woman's Duty to Her­self."Faculty entertainment is provingpopular at the women's halls. Kel­ley Hall gave a faculty tea on N 0-vember 30 and Green Hall entertainedeight members of the faculty at itsThanksgiving spread. ProfessorShailer Mathews opened the seriesof Sunday afternoon talks in GreenHall on November 30, speaking on"The Church and the ChangingOrder."A "ridiculous" dance to celebratethe funeral of the "old gym" washeld Friday afternoon, December 4,in the women's gymnasium by theWomen's Athletic Association, andthen and there was launched themovement for a new gymnasium tobe devoted exclusively to the use ofthe women. Each girl of the onehundred present brought five pennies,which is to be the foundation for thenew building fund. The costumesfor the party proved highly diverting,the funeral grand march being ledby Ali Baba and Fritzi Scheff. Theprize for the most unique costume was awarded to Miss EleanorFreund, who wore a daring direc­toire gown, while honorable mentionwas awarded Miss Schultz for por­traying Anna Held, and Miss Mar­garet Bell, who assumed the role ofCarrie Nation. The agitation for anew gymnasium is to be pushed bythe Association.At the first open meeting of theEnglish Twelve Club, Miss LouiseLoeb gave an interpretation of Ib­sen's Brand.A most successful programme ofnegro impersonations was given byMiss Lucine Finch on Wednesday,December 3, in Mandel Hall underthe auspices of the women's organi­zations. Miss Finch gave the "'ligi­ous" stories of "The Creation,""Moses in the Bulrushes," and "WhatHappened to Simon Peter for Fish­ing on the Lord's Day," as well as anumber of old southern melodies.Miss Frances Herrick, business man­ager of the affair, reports a profit ofover two hundred dollars, which willbe turned over to the UniversitySettlement.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryAmong the non-technical lecturesto be given early in 1909 at ColumbiaUniversity on various topics of sci­ence is one by William R. Blair, '07,of the Government Observatory, Mt.Weather, Va., on "Explorations ofthe Atmosphere by Means of Kitesand Balloons."Dr. Edwin E. Slosson, '02, of theNew York Independent, is collect­ing material for a series of articleson the leading universities of theUnited States. He has spent sometime at Stanford University and theUniversity of California, and morerecently has been at the Universityof Michigan, University of Chicago,and University of Illinois.Dr. Thomas K. Sidney, '00, assist­ant professor of Latin in the Uni­versity of Washington, UniversityStation, Seattle, is at present actinghead of the department of Latin.Dr. Herbert E. Slaught, '98, is amember of the committee which re­ported a syllabus on algebra for thehigh schools of Illinois at the annualconference held November 20 and 21at Champaign, Ill.Dr. Clara E. Millerd, 'or, professorof Greek and philosophy in GrinnellCollege, Iowa, has recently published,through the University of ChicagoPress, her dissertation on The In­terpretation of Em.pedocles.Dr. Roy C. Flickinger, '04, assist­ant professor of Greek at N orth­western University, Evanston, Ill.,has an article on "The Accusativeof Exclamation in Plautus andTerence" in the current number ofthe American Journal of Philology.Dr. Henry L. Schoolcraft, '99,formerly assistant professor of his­tory in the University of Tllinois, isabroad, working in the Record Officeat London.Dr. Edwin E. Sparks, '00, formerlyprofessor of American History inthe University of Chicago, is nowpresident of Pennsylvania State Col­lege. A new and catalogued edition ofMediaeval Civilization by Dr. W. C.Munroe, professor of history at theUniversity of Wisconsin, and Dr.George C. Sellery, '01, has just beenissued by the Century Company.Dr. Julian P. Bretz, '06, formerlyinstructor in history at the U niver­sity of Chicago, has accepted a callto Cornell University as assistantprofessor of American history.Dr. Marcus W. J ernegan, '06,formerly of the Carnegie Institution,is now instructor in history at theUniversity of Chicago.Dr. Henry A. Smith, '07, is nowprofessor of history in Goshen Col­lege, Goshen, Ind.Dr. David D. Luckenbill, '07, asso­ciate in the department of Semiticsat the University of Chicago, is inPalestine this year working in theAmerican School of Archaeology atJerusalem.Dr. Rowland H. Mode, '08, docentin Semitics in the University of Chi­rago, holds the Thayer Fellowshipfor the present year in the AmericanSchool of Archaeology at Jerusalem.Dr. Chester N. Gould, '06, who forthe past two years has been in­structor in German at DartmouthCollege, has accepted a call to aninstructorship in the Germanic de­partment of the University of Chi­cago.Dr. Michael F. Guyer, '00, pro­fessor of zoology in the Universityof Cincinnati, who is in Europe onleave of absence, has been invited todeliver a series of lectures at theUniversity of Aberdeen.Chaucer: A Bibliographical Man­ual) a large octavo volume by Dr.Eleanor P. Hammond, '98, was pub­lished recently by the MacmillanCompany.Dr. Horatio H. Newman, '05, hasresigned an assistant professorshipat the University of Michigan tobecome professor and head of theI2913° THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEschool of zoology at the Universityof Texas.Dr. John T. Patterson, '08, is in­structor in zoology in the Universityof Texas.Dr. Anstruther A. Lawson, '01, ofStanford University, is now a lec­turer in botany at the University ofGlasgow.Dr. Mintin C. Chrysler, '04, hasleft Harvard University to becomeprofessor of botany in the Univer­sity of Maine.Dr. Clifton D. Howe, '04, formerlyof the Biltmore School of Forestry,is now instructor in forestry at theUniversity of Toronto.Dr. Laetitia M. Snow, '04, who hasbeen at the State Normal School atFarmville, Va., has gone to Welles­ley College as professor of botany.Dr. L. Lance Burlingame, '08, hasresigned his assistantship in the Uni­versity of Chicago to become aninstructor in botany at Leland Stan­ford Jr. University.Dr. Reginald R. Gates, '08, hasbeen appointed an assistant in botanyat the University of Chicago.Dr. LeRoy H. Harvey, '08, hasgone to the State Normal School atKalamazoe, Mich., as professor ofbotany.Dr. Charles H. Shattuck, '08, for­merly of Washburn College, Kansas,has accepted a position as professorof botany in Clemson College, N. C.Dr. Alma G. Stokey, '08, is in­structor in botany at Mt. HolyokeCollege.Dr. Wanda Pfeiffer, '08, is anassistant in botany in the Universityof Chicago.Dr. Harvey A. Carr, '05, formerlyof Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.,has been made assistant professor ofpsychology in the University ofChicago. A recent letter from the Rev. Dr.E. M. Stephenson, former specialsecretary in the Divinity School, dis­closes the fact that the name ofGeorge Bedell Vosburgh has beenomitted from previous alumni lists.Mr. Vosburgh received his Bache­lor's degree from Colgate Universityand the degrees of A.M. and Ph.D.from the University of Chicago inI883 and I884 respectively. He waslater given the degree of D.D. byColgate University. Dr. Vosburghhas been pastor of the First BaptistChurch of Denver for about four­teen years, and previous to that heheld pastorates in Chicago, Elgin,Boston, and elsewhere. It is inter­esting to note in this connection thatthe old University of Chicago didnot confer honorary degrees, as wasthe custom with many colleges anduniversities at that time. A recentletter from Dr. Galusha Anderson,the last president of the old Uni­versity, says:The old University of Chicago neverconferred an honorary Ph.D. It con­ferred but few higher degrees and inevery case on rigid examination. Rev.G. B. Vosburgh of Denver and the lateDr. Perrin received their Doctor'sdegrees in recognition of a long,thorough course in the Evidences ofChristianity. I conducted their exami­nations myself. Later another tookthe same course but at this mo­ment I cannot recall his name, andthere were two or three in other de­partments who upon examinationreceived the same degree. We did notregard the Ph.D. as in any sensehonorary, and it is a pity that it wasever cheapened in this country by be­ing conferred as an honorary degree.We were at times importuned so toconfer it but always refused to do so.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONEDGAR J. GOODSPEED, D.B., '97, SecretaryTHE QUARTERLY SUPPERThe quarterly supper of the Divin­ity School was held in LexingtonHall, October 28. More than 100were present, and speeches weremade by Dean Mathews, ProfessorCarl Clemen, of Bonn, ProfessorBreasted, and Mr. H. F. Evans, '07.MICHIGAN ALUMNI CLUBThe Michigan Alumni Club of theDivinity School was organized atLansing, October 21, in the courseof the meeting of the MichiganBaptist Convention. Robert B. Dav­idson, '97, pastor of the WarrenAve. Baptist Church of Detroit, waselected president, Fred Merrifield,'01, of Ann Arbor, vice president,and Coe S. Hayne, ex-'07, secretaryand treasurer. An enthusiasticgroup of Chicago alumni partici­pated in the organization.THE INDIANA ALUMNIIn connection with the IndianaBaptist Convention, at Fort Wayne,October 13-16, 1908, the Indianaalumni held their annual banquet.Dean Mathews was guest of honorand made the principal address.Twenty-seven were present.THE ILLINOIS ALUMNIOn October 22, in connection withthe meeting of the Illinois BaptistConvention at Decatur, the alumniof the Divinity School, held a ban­quet. Fifty-four plates were set, and amost enj oyable gathering took place.H. H. Hurley, '98, was toast-master,and appropriate toasts were respondedto by George C. Moor, Thomas Ste­phenson, Dr. C. E. Hewitt, Pro­fessor Gerald B. Smith, C. D.Eldridge, '02, M. P. Boynton, GeorgeMcGinnis, '02, and J. S. Dickerson.The meeting was enthusiastic inspirit, and the interest of the alumniin the progress of the Universitywas very marked. ALUMNI NEWSCharles R. Henderson, '73, Pro­fessor of Ecclesiastical Sociology inthe Divinity School, is publishingat the University Press a volumeentitled Industrial Insurance, pre­senting in part the results put forthin his book A rbeiterversicherung inden Vereinigten Staaten, publishedlast year in Berlin. The studentannual, Cap & Gown, for 1908, thelargest and finest ever published atthe University, was inscribed to Dr.Henderson, whose work as Univer­sity Chaplain brings him into closetouch with the student body. Afine portrait of Dr. Henderson formsthe frontispiece of the annual.Henry C. Mabie, '75, late secretaryof the American Baptist MissionaryUnion, is acting as professor oftheology in Rochester TheologicalSeminary, in the place of PresidentStrong who is absent for the yearon leave.Nathan E. Wood, '76, has retiredfrom the presidency of NewtonTheological Institution, Newton Cen­ter, Mass., being succeeded by Dr.George E. Horr. Dr. Wood hasbeen president of Newton since 1899,when he succeeded Dr. Alvah Hoveyin that office.John L. Jackson, '76, pastor of theHyde Park Baptist Church, andpresident of the Baptist Congress,presided at the 26th annual sessionof the Congress, which was held inChicago, November 10-12. Dr. Jack­son has been pastor of the HydePark church for twelve years, duringwhich time the membership has in­creased from 250 to 800.J. Q. A. Henry, '80, has completedhis first year as pastor of the FirstBaptist Church, Los Angeles, Cal.More than 200 new members have inthis time been added to the church.Ira M. Price, '82, professor ofHebrew and the Old Testament inthe University, was elected secretaryI3ITHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof the American Section of theInternational Sunday School LessonsCommittee, at the International Con­vention held at Louisville, Ky., June20. On the 13th and rath of N ovem­ber Dr. Price attended, in Buffalo,N. Y., a meeting of the InternationalSunday School Graded Lessons Com­mittee, of which he is chairman. InFebruary Professor Price will setout for Egypt and Palestine, con­ducting the 1909 travel-study classof the University.Oliver W. Van Osdel, '83, for­merly of Spokane, Wash., has be­come field secretary for McMinn­ville College, McMinnville, Ore., forthe states of Washington, Idaho,Montana, and Oregon.Hugh D. Morwood, '84, has justcompleted his first year as pastor ofthe Baptist church at Havana, Ill.William P. McKee, '87, Dean ofthe Frances Shimer Academy, MountCarroll, Ill., since 1897, has just pub­lished the calendar of the fifty-fifthyear of that institution, which showsan enrolment of lO8 students.Silas Eber Price, '87, president ofOttawa University, Ottawa, Kansas,since 1906, reports an increase inattendance in that institution of 20! per cent. as compared with a yearago.I Jasper N. Field, '88, pastor of theFirst Baptist Church of Redlands,Cal., is devoting himself to raising$200,000 for the establishment of acollege at Redlands. Mr. Field isnow well on with the second hundredthousand, and hopes to complete theeffort by January I, 1909. This isto meet the offer of $IOO,OOO and 40acres of land made by the titizens ofRedlands.J. M. Lockhart, ex-'9S, pastor ofthe Hyde Park Baptist Church, Cin­cinnati, Ohio, on October I I, 1908,dedicated a commodious new churchbuilding which has been erected dur­ing his pastorate.Milo B. Price, ex-'9S, has beenPrincipal of Pillsbury Academy,Owatonna, Minn., since 1904. Thenew catalogue of the Academy, beau­tifully illustrated in colors, showsthe substantial progress that the in­stitution has been making under his direction. In 1907-8 it enrolled 233students.Robert B. Davidson, '97, has justcompleted the fifth year of a verysuccessful pastorate at the WarrenAve. Baptist Church, Detroit, Mich.During these five years, the churchhas doubled in membership.Orlo J. Price, '98, has been electedby the Michigan Baptist Conventionto preach the annual sermon beforethe Convention at its 1909 'meeting.George E. Burlingame, '99, pastorof the historic First Baptist Churchof San Francisco, Cal., reports thatan admirable corner lot looking intoMarket St. has been secured, andplans are being made for a suitablechurch building to replace the oneoccupied by Dean Eri B. Hulbertduring his pastorate, and destroyedin the great fire of 1906.William R. Schoemaker, '99, Ph.D.,'02, preached the annual sermon be­fore the Michigan Baptist Conven­tion, at Lansing, October, 2I. Dr.Schoemaker has resigned his pastor­ate at Menominee to accept a callto Manistique, Mich., where he beganhis work November 8.vV. S. Abernethy, ex-'oo, pastor ofthe Baptist church at Berwyn, Ill.,regularly contributes the "Notes onthe International Lessons" to theStandard.Birney S. Hudson, '04, of Hast­ings, Neb., has been called to thepastorate of the First Baptist Churchof Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. Hudsonwill act as alumni secretary for NewJersey. His address is IS Mt. Ver­non Ave., Atlantic City, N. J.John M. Linden, '04, pastor of theFirst Baptist Church, Oregon City,Ore., is making a strong impressionon that community.Albert E. Patch, '04, has left Lewis­ton Idaho, to become pastor of GraceCh�rch, Montevilla, a suburb ofPortland, Ore.John W. Hoag, 'oS, has gone tothe First Baptist Church of Trenton,N. ]., not of Atlantic City, as pre­viously stated. On October 8, Mr.Hoag was warnily welcomed to hisTrenton pastorate in a public service,in which many prominent New J er­sey ministers took part.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONR. H. Barrett, '08, has becomepastor of the Baptist church at Clin­ton, Ill.Robert Lincoln Kelley, '08, wasordained November 24 at the Lex­ington Ave. Baptist Church, Chicago.Mr. Kelley is pastor of the Wash­ington Park Baptist Church, Chicago.Ingram E. Bill, a member of theDivinity School 1905-8, has becomepastor of the North Shore BaptistChurch, Chicago.Rev. R. B. Marshall, '00, after asuccessful pastorate of five years atMount Carroll, IlL, began workOctober 1 as pastor at Kankakee,Ill.Among the new members of theAssociation who received their de- 133grees at the Spring Convocation,I 908, and who are located in theactive ministry, are: Herbert Med­bourn Gam, pastor of the ChristianChurch, Augusta, Ill. ; AndrewPettigrew Garrett, pastor of theFirst Baptist Church, Green Bay,Wis.; Orrin Roe Jenks, pastor of theAdvent Christian Church, Chicago;and Charles Ray Wolford, pastor ofthe Christian Church, Blandinsville,Ill.The following received degrees atthe Summer Convocation, 1908 :George Washington Cheesman, pas­tor of the Seventh Street BaptistChurch, St. Louis, Mo.; � and DavidMatthias Gordon Hand, pastor ofthe Baptist Church, Anaconda,Mont.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONGEORGE O. FAIRWEATHER, S.B., '07, General SecretaryMEETING OF EXECUTIVE COM MITTEEThe Executive Committee of theAlumni Association met on Fridayevening, November 27, at six o'clock,in the private dining-room of theCommons.President John F. Hagey, '98, andthe following members were present:Miss Kate B. Miller, '02, George E.Newcomb, '86, Edgar A. Buzzell, '86,Fred D. Bramhall, '02, Warren P.Behan, '94, George O. Fairweather,'07. David A. Robertson, '02, of theBoard of Control, Donald F. Trum­bull, '97, and Benjamin Wilk, '10,business manager of the Magazine,were also present and assisted in thediscussion.It was moved and carried that theannual Alumni Day should bechanged from Saturday before Con­vocation Day to Convocation Dayitself. Further action as to theprogramme for the day was deferreduntil a later meeting. It was alsomoved and carried that the toast­master at the annual alumni dinnershould be the retiring president inplace of the president-elect.Other matters discussed were the'Current administration of the M aga­zine and the annual ballot for elec­tion of officers. No formal actionwas taken. It was decided to holdquarterly meetings of the ExecutiveCommittee at dinner in the Com­mons, and other meetings in the cityat call.QUARTERLY MEETING WITH SENIORSJ ohn Franklin Hagey, '98, presi­dent of the Alumni Association, ad­dressed Senior chapel on Tuesday,December 1. He spoke on behalf ofthe Association to enlist the interestsof undergraduates as future activemembers of the alumni organization."The loyalty of the students," hesaid, "should not stop at graduation.It should continue always, from thetime of college days on through laterlife. The Association offers an op­portunity for Chicago's graduates toexpress that loyalty. We will expect you to give us your thought andenthusiasm. We will count uponyour presence at the next AlumniDay in June, which it is planned tohold on Convocation Day, and notonly then, but at the same occasioneach succeeding year."Mr. Hagey explained the workingsystem of the Association and itsnew plans and aims, mentioning theemphasis being laid on the projectsof perfecting the local organizations,and of developing a closer relationwith the professional and graduatealumni associations.THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN ALUMNI CLUBThe Rocky Mountain Club an­nounces that arrangements have beencompleted to hold the second annualdinner on Tuesday evening, Decem­ber 29, at 6: 30 o'clock, at the AlbanyHotel, Denver. There is arrangeda programme of toasts by the mem­bers, and it is expected that thespecial guest, Professor S. H. Clark,will contribute handsomelv to theevening's pleasure. Each guest pres­ent will be expected to contribute tothe college reminiscences by some­thing humoresque, pathetic, ridicu­lous, or otherwise, out of his ownexperiences. The membership ofthis club has grown from twenty­five to some ten over one hundred.Each alumnus or alumna living inColorado or Utah is considered amember whether he will or no, pro­vided the Executive Committee hasknowledge of his whereabouts.There will be some business of im­portance to be attended to at thismeeting, but most of the evening willbe devoted to making and renewingacquaintances. The bulletin or cir­cular letter coming out during thismonth, to each member, will furnishmore of the details.ELLA R. METSKER, '06,S ecretary- TreasurerTHE PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI CLUBThe Philadelphia Alumni Club ofthe University of Chicago held itsI34THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION I35first meeting at the Rittenhouse,Philadelphia, on Saturday, November14, 1908, at 2 o'clock.The following persons were pres­ent: Miss Isabelle Bronk, '01,Swarthmore College, Swarthmore;Mr. T. L. Comparette, '02, 1602M t. Vernon . Street, Philadelphia;Mr. W. Henry Elfreth, '02, 700 WestEnd Trust Building, Philadelphia;Mr. Walter B. Fulgham, '04 c-oVictor Talking Machine Company,Camden, N. J.; Dr. John A. Miller,'99, Swarthmore College, Swarth­more; Professor Albert E. McKinley,'96, Temple University, Philadelphia;Mr. Meyer Mitchnink, '07, J ew­ish Foster Home, Germantown,Philadelphia; Mr. Frederick PerryPowers, '71, 917 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. EdwinD. Solenberger, '00, 1506 Arch Street,Philadelphia; Miss Marianne R. S.Young, '06, 1623 North 15th Street,Philadelphia; Miss Grace Norton,Darling, Delaware County, Pa.A constitution was adopted, andthe following officers elected: W.Henry Elfreth, '02, president; EdwinD. Solenberger, '00 secretary-treas­urer; Dr. Isabelle Bronk, '01, vice­president.Dr. George E. Vincent spoke in amost interesting manner concerningthe recent developments in thegrowth of the University. The fol­lowing is an extract from anaccount of the meeting which ap­peared in the Philadelphia Recordof November 15:Dr. Vincent spoke briefly on FacultyOrganization in Universities. Hepointed out the evils of misdirectedcompetition among the faculties of alarge institution and said that inmany cases the effort of one depart­ment to become most efficient wasoften at the expense of others. Hesaid co-operation was the propercourse to be pursued in bringing auniversity to the highest possiblestandard.There was evident at the meetinga great deal of University of Chicagoloyalty and enthusiasm, and thosepresent all seemed to be actuated byone motive, namely, to make the cluban effective organization. I believe there is no reason why in the future,with our mailing list corrected, weshould not have present with ustwice the number that came to ourinitial meeting. We intend to main­tain the club as a live and effectiveorganization for a long time to 'come.W. HENRY ELFRETHJ '02,PresidentTHE ROCK ISLAND ALUMNI CLUBOn Saturday, December 5, thegraduates in Rock Island, 111., formeda local alumni organization. Theleading spirit of the club there isGeorge G. Perrin, '07. The plans ofthe club are to enlist the co-operationof graduates living in Davenport,Moline, and neighboring towns, andto create an organization which willcover a larger territory. The clubwill then adopt some such name asthe Western Illinois Alumni Club.Mr. Perrin reports an interestingfirst meeting, and hopes soon to ar­range for an annual dinner, at whichtime a representative from the Uni­versity can be present. Graduatesliving in the vicinity of Rock Islandare requested to correspond withGeorge C. Perrin, M. W. A. Build­ing, Rock Island, Ill.THE CENTRAL ILLINOIS ALUMNIThe alumni and former studentsliving in the central section of Illi­nois are considering the organizationof an alumni association which willembrace an area extending over themiddle-western portion of the state.The following large towns are in­cluded in the operations proposed:Bloomington, Springfield, Decatur,Lincoln, Pontiac, Champaign, Ur­bana, Danville, Jacksonville, Clinton,Pekin, and Monticello.I t is proposed to call this organiza­tion the Corn Belt Alumni Club.Chicagoans in the cities mentionedand in the intermediate territory arerequested to send their names, ad­dresses, and suggestions for organi­zation to. Rabbi George GreshamFox, '04, Congregation Moses Monte­fiore, Bloomington, Ill.[For News from the Classes, see advertising section, page 2.](Letter No.3)To The Faculty� c41umni� Students,Former Students, and Friendsof 'The University of ChicagoYou will, I am sure, agree with me when I say that Loyalty toone's Alma Mater can be shown in other ways than by the mere use 'ofcollege stationery or by the wearing of a college pin, or by regularattendance at football games.These qualities are indeed all praiseworthy. There is, however,no other one way by which the University can be better assisted andmore surely benefited, and by which its interests can be more effect­ively advanced, than by the production of a real live, interesting, andflourishing publication. It is an invaluable asset to the institution.In view of this fact, would it not be Loyalty of the truest kind, ifsupport were given to those media which give expression to all formsof college activity?What can you do for your University in this direction? In thefirst place, you can subscribe. Then, with the Magazine regularly inyour hands, you can suggest, criticize, submit articles to the editor,and you can show preference to the advertisers therein.Thus you will build up this Magazine; thus you will serve the in­terests of your University; thus you will demonstrate your Loyalty.Yours very respectfully,Business Manager.MIPATRONIZE THESE ESTABLISHMENTSCLASSIFIED INDEX TO OUR ADVERTISERSAmusementsTheatres, pp. 38 & 39BanksIllinois Trust and Savings Bank, 237 LaSalle St.,p. 32.:> Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank, 451 E.63rd St., p. 33Western Trust and Savings Bank, La Salle andAdams Sts., inside back coverBaths and Barber ShopsR. P. Adams, 480 E. 63rd St., p. 40The Saratoga Barber Shop, 161 Dearborn St.,P·40Books and PublishersCallaghan & Company, 114 Monroe St., p. 15A. Kroch & Company, 26 Monroe St., front iG. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass., p. 15The University of Chicago Press, p. 29A. C. McClurg & Co., 215 Wabash Ave., p. 15George W. Jacobs & Co., Phila., Pa., p. 29Cement Roofing and Steam Pipe CoveringsThe Philip Carey Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 7ChocolatesMary Elizabeth's Chocolates, 42 River St., p. 14Swiss-American Importing Co., 59 DearbornSt., front iSamoset Chocolate Shop" 93 East RandolphSt.. front iiAlligretti Chocolate Cream Company, 207 StateSt.,P·14American Commerce and Specialty Company,Chicago, p. 39ClothiersBrook's Clothes Shop, 136 E. Madison St., p. 30CoalDow-Carpenter Coal Company, 446 E. 63rd St.front iiReady & Callaghan Coal Company, 813 Cham­ber of Commerce Bldg., p. 39Concrete MasonryHoeffer & Company, 614 Chamber of Com­.merce Bldg., p. 7CostumesAmerican Cotillon and Carnival Works, 82Wabash Ave., p. 26CotillonsAmerican Cotillon and Carnival Works, 82Wabash Ave., p. 26DairiesThe Bowman Dairy Co., 1422 State St., p. 37 DecoratingAmerican Cotillon and Carnival Works, 82Wabash Ave., p. 26Desks and Office FurnitureMatlock Co., 331 Wabash Ave., p. 40The Macey Company, 82 W abash Ave., Chicago,P·41The Weis Manufacturing Company, Monroe,Mich., p. 41Delicatessen and BakeryHolmes, 404 E. 61rd St., p. 35Dress Suits, etc.A. J. Gatterdam, 146 LaSalle St., p. 30EngravingThe Levytype Company, 96 Fifth Ave., p. 29Fire ArmsWinchester Repeating Arms Company, NewHaven, Conn., p. 17.Floor DressingStandard Oil Company, Chicago, p. 7FQ()dsPostum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, Mich.,p. 1Case & Martin Company, Wood and WalnutSts., p. 39Fountain PensL. E. Waterman Pen Company, New YorkCity, N. Y., p. 8David the Penman, 192 Clark St., p. 8FursC. Henning, 88 State St., p. 12Mayer Miller, 163 State St., P: 12L. Probstein, 88 E. Washington St., p. 12Robert Staedter Company. 155 State St., p. 13P. Frenkel, 95 East Washington St., p. 13Glass and PaintJohn E. Rockefellow, 4321 Cottage GroveAve., p. 37GlovesThe Fownes Glove, front iThe Perrin Glove, front iHattersCharles W. Barnes, Wabash Ave. and Mon­roe St., p. 40Heat RegulationThe Johnson Service Co., 93 Lake St., p. 6HosieryEverwear Hosiery Co., Milwaukee, Wis., p. 31Holeproof Hosiery Co., Milwaukee, Wis., p. 5CLASSIFIED INDEX TO OUR ADVERTISERS-ContinuedHotelsBismarck Hotel, Chicago, p. 5Brevoort Hotel Company, Chicago, p. 24Cumberland Hotel, New York, p. 42Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, p. 25The Harvard Hotel, 5714 Washington Ave.,p. 42Hotel Tuller, Detroit, Mich., p. 24The Union Hotel, II7 Randolph St., p. 36The Vendome Hotel, 62nd St. and Monroe Ave.,p.25InsuranceMarsh & Me Lennan, 519 LaSalle St., p. 32Western Life Indemnity Company, MasonicTemple, p. 22North American Life of Toronto, TribuneBldg., Chicago, p. 22LaundriesMadison Avenue Laundry, 6018 Madison Ave.,p. 5Ladies' TailorsL. Ginsburgh, 92 State St., p. 39Unity Skirt Company, 209 State St., p. 20Mechanical and Furniture RepairsUniversal Repair Company, 5509 CottageGrove Ave. and 5623 Jefferson Ave., p. 39MiscellaneousSylvester J. Simon, 14 Quincy St., p. IIBurroughs & Dentzer, 134 E. Van Buren St.,p. 43Mokequi Cross- Bar Dish, p. 40PhotographyThe University Photograph Shop, 397 E. 57thSt., p. 26PianosThe P. A. Starck Piano Company, 204 WabashAve., P: 27Piano TuningJ. J. O'Neill, 800, 209 State St., p. 35PlumbingHulbert & Dorsey, 2II Randolph St., p. 6Pool and BilliardsThe Adams Billiard Parlor, 478 E. 63rd St.,p. 40Provisions and GroceriesB. Ackerman, 277 E. 57th St .. p. 35H. F. Eggers, 255 E. 55th St., p. 40Irwin Brothers Company, 449 and 5825 StateSt.,P·4Madison Avenue Packing Company, 6309Madison Ave., p. 4QU,arriesThe Bedford Quarries Co., 204 Dearborn St.,back cover RestaurantsThe Capitol Tea Room, 209 State St., p. 34The College Cafe, 447 E. 55th St., p. 18The Mrs. Knox Lunch Club, 45 Randolph Sf.,p. 19The Midway Dining Room, 57th St. and EllisAve., p. 34The Roma, 146 State St., p. 18Vogelsang's Restaurant, 178 Madison St., p. 19Union Hotel and Restaurant, 117 RandolphSt., p. 19 .SchoolsMary W. Hinman (Dancing), 179 E. 53rd St.,p. 37Northwestern University Dental School, p. 9P. J. Ridge (Dancing), 127 LaSalle St., p. IIProfessor T. F. Ridge, 26 Van Buren St., p. 9Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wis., p. 9SkatesBarney & Berry, Springfield, Mass., p. 17Soaps, Powders, etc.M. H. Fairchild & Bro., Chicago, p. 16Sporting GoodsA. G. Spalding & Bros., p. 28Stationers and EngraversS. D. Childs & Company, 200 Clark St., p. 32William Freund & Sons, 45-49 Randolph St.front 2Surgical InstrumentsW. J. Boehm, 171 East Randolph St., p. 35TailorsThe Bows Company, Masonic Temple, frontMilian Engh, 163 State St., p. 13Harry Parkes, I85 Dearborn St., p. 2ID. H. Sachen & Company, 134 Monroe St., p. 7John E. Spann, 185 Dearborn St., P: 2ITeachers' AgenciesB. F. Clark, Steinway Hall, p. 35TobaccoE. Hoffman Company, Chicago, p. IONational Cigar Stores, Chicago, p. 10Tools and SuppliesSamuel Harris & Company, 23 S. Clinton St.,p. I6Transfer CompanyThe Frank E. Scott Transfer Company, 402W abash Ave., p. 33Trunks, etc.Abel & Bach Co., 46 and 48 Adams St., p. 28TypewritersDavies Typewriter Exchange', rg5 Dearborn St.,p. 3Hammond Typewriter Company, SecurityBldg., p. 23Plummer & Williams, 90 r Postal TelegraphBldg., p. 3Secor Typewriter Co., r 34 Van Buren St., p. 3The Typewriter Exchange, 3 r 9 Dearborn St.,p. 3W. A. Whitehead, 36 LaSalle St., p. 3Wearing ApparelHewes and Potter, Boston, Mass., p. :1 I,In Easy Reach-Relief from Coffee Troubles is close at hand.A 10 days' trial of well-madePOSTUM"brings a sure reward.""There's a Reason/'Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.-1- MINEWS FROM THE CLASSES[N ews items for these columns should be sent to the classsecretary-reporters, whose names are given at the head of the'news _from each class. Death notices and -engagement andwedding announcements should be sent direct to the Editors.The following alumni are acting as classsecretary-reporters for their respective years;other secretary-reporters are indicated in thefollowing news columns. They will gladlyreceive information from any of their class­mates for insertion in this department.1862. George W. Thomas, 4039 Lake Ave.1867. Wni. W_ Everts, Roxbury, Mass.1868. Henry A. Gardner, First NationalBank Building.1870. Charles R. Henderson, the Uni­versity.1872. Hervey Wi star Booth, 505 Monad­nock Block.1874. George Sutherland, Grand Island,Neb.1875. Dr. John Ridlon, Chicago SavingsBank Building.1876. Dr, John E. Rhodes, 100 State St.1878. Eli B. Felsenthal, 100 Washing­ton St.1879. Edward B. Esher, 84 LaSalle St.1881. George Warren Hall, 162 Washing-ton St.1884. Lydia A. Dexter, 2920 Caiumet Ave.1885. David 1. Lingle, the University.1886. Lincoln M. Coy, Unity Building.1893. J esse Dismukes Burks, Teachers'Training School, Albany, N. Y.1894. Warren P. Behan, 153 LaSalle St.1895. Jennie K. Boomer, 6025 Monroe Ave.1879EDWARD B ESHER84 LaSalle StreetFlorence Holbrook, principal of the Forest­ville school, addressed a 'meeting of princi­pals on December 7 at the Sherman House,on her experiences in touring Europe duringthe summer under the auspices of the CivicFederation.1880ALFRED F. BARRr8g LaSalle StreetEthelbert W. Peek has changed his addressto 4539 Greenwood avenue.Edgar B. Tolman is a representative of'the Iroquois Club, Chicago, on the generalcommittee of Chicago clubs to raise fundsto carryon the investigation of local electionfrauds. He is also a member of the mayor'scommittee to arrange for the Lincoln Cen­tennial, February I2, 1909. 1882FRANCIS HUMBOL'r CLARK5II-514, II2 Clark StreetLucius Weinschenk has an article in theCommercial Union of November 12 in­which he urges the selection of ex-Congress-jman Overstreet for the portfolio of Post":­master General.1896 ..MRS. AGNES COOK GALE5646 Kimbark AvenueJOSEPH E. RAYCROFTThe UniversityGrace Freeman is teaching history in theAurora, Ill., high school. She was formerlyin the Springfield schoolsEarll W. Peabody is traffic manager of theAmerican Railroad Company of Porto Rico.During the past six years he has been in therailroad service in Texas, California, andPorto Rico. The report in the OctoberMagazine to the effect that Mr. Peabody wasin Chicago is incorrect.Cora Porterfield is teaching at Columbia,Mo.1897EFFIE A. GARDNER36 Loomis StreetWilliam Scott Bond was elected treasurerof the University Club of Chicago at itsmeeting on November 7.James W. Linn was one of the speakers atthe Purity Banquet for the Cornell-Chicagoteams.Eugenia Winston Weller, A.M., and herhusband, Charles F. Weller, were tendered anotable reception in Washington, .D. c., onFriday evening, November 20. An extendedaccount of the affair was published in theWashingon Time: of November 21, and isgiven in full."Appreciative of the results accomplishedduring his seven years secretaryship of theAssociated Charities, a work now drawn toa close here, more than I ,000 Washingtoniansgathered at the Y. M. C. A. building lastnight to do honor to Charles F. Weller."Mrs. Weller shared in the tributes paid,for she, too, has always had the call ofcharity at heart. Mr. Weller recently ac­cepted a call to the secretaryship of theAssociated Charities in Pittsburg, and has re­turned to Washington for a visit."Seldom is a private citizen accorded thehonor of such a reception as was tenderedhim last night. ."Although the affair, which was attendedby many .distinguished citizens, was termeda reception, it was rather in the nature of atestimonial of esteem.'Continued on advertising page 4-2-" Type'Writers "TEL. 2653 CENT. AUTO. 7725ALx., MAKES R.ented,For��:Sale and Repaired�FULL LINE OF TYPEWRITE� SUPPLIES ATDavies TypewriterExchange3d floor - 185 Dearborn St.MIITELEPHONE HARRISON 4065The TypeW'riter ExchangeBRANCH AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE co., INC.Sell, Exchange and Rent New, Rebuilt, and Second-handTypewriting MachinesALL MAKESA. J. COUSE, MANAGER 319 Dearborn Street, ChicagoMIlThe Secor Standard Visible Writing andBilling Machine embodies more new. ideasthan have been combined in one typewritersince the first invention of writing machines.It will give longer service with less costthan any other typewriter made. It is theonly machine that has permanent alignment.It has a back spacer, paragraph key, remov­able escapement, decimal tabulater, two­color ribbon, and will handle anything froma half-inch label to a fifty-page magazine.SECOR TYPEWRITER CO." Harrison 4266134 Van Buren St, Chicago, III.MIl TYPEWRITERSAll Makes Sold and RentedSPECIAL RATESTO STUDENTSW. A. WHITEHEADPhone, Main 58536 LA SALLE ST. (corner Lake St.)MilWE RENT, SELL AND REPAIRALL STANDARD MAKES OFTYPEWRITERS-LoWEST PRICESPLUMMER & WILLIAMSRoom 901 Postal Telegraph Bldg.TELEPHONE HARRISON 5751 - CHICAGOYou\ wiil enj oy your business relations with .these establishments-3- MIlTELEPHONE HYDE PARK 1322RESIDENCE 1986 HYDE PARKADiSONAVENUEACKINGCOMPANY6309 MADISON AVENUEH. T. McGUIRE, Prop.CHICAGOIrwin BrothersCompanyP�OVISIONDEALERS449�451 STATE STREETPhones Harrison 515 .. 516,5175825 STATE STREETPhone Wentworth 51 7CHICAGOOrders by Phone at 58th St. StoreMIlMIl Class News continued from page 2"Commissioner Macfarland, representingthe District; Cuno H. Rudolph, representingthe Board of Trade and the PlaygroundsAssociation; Robert N. Harper, president ofthe Chamber of Commerce; A. M. Lothrop,of the trustees of the Neighborhood House;John Joy Edson, of the summer outing com­mittee; S. W. Woodward, president of theY. M. C. A., and Justice Brewer, president ofthe Associated Charities, presented Mr. andMrs. Weller a formal invitation to be present."Last night, these gentlemen' and hundredsof others came and in the heartiness of thehandshake and the earnestness of the spokentribute showed Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.Weller that their labors among the poor ofWashington had not been and will not beforgotten."The guests began to assemble before 9o'clock, being greeted at the main entrance byJustice Brewer, who presided during the even­ing, William H. Baldwin, William KnowlesCooper, and others. Bishop Harding andCommissioner Macfarland occupied seats onthe platform with Justice Brewer."Every church and charitable organizationin Washington, it is believed, were repre­sented in the remarkable gathering which paidtribute to Mr. and Mrs. Weller."Justice Brewer praised Mr. Weller's workon behalf of the association; Bishop-electHarding spoke of the gratitude felt by theministers of Washington; CommissionerMacfarland paid a spendid tribute on behalfof the District, and the Rev. R. M. Little,acting president of the Associated Charitiesof Pittsburg, told of the effectual work whichMr. and Mrs. Weller had already begun intheir new field."Commissioner Macfarland concluded hisaddress by reading a letter from the Presi­dent of the United States, in which Mr.Roosevelt said in part:I am glad to join with your committee andthe citizens of Washington in recognition of thesocial service of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.Weller fer the District during the past sevenyears.What Mr. and Mrs. Weller have done forWashington calls renewed attention to' thegreat profession to' which they belong.Historically, it is in its infancy. Net yethalf a century has elapsed since the firstcharity organization society of the world wasstarted in London. But so. rapidly has itgrown that today the profession of scientificphilanthropy draws to' itself an increasingnumber of the graduates of the universities ofthe world.The dignity and worth of this high callingneeds to' be emphasized. Its effort is fer effi­ciency as well as relief. I t seeks to' transformthe unfit and useless into the fit and effective.Nor should it be forgotten that from the pro­fession of scientific philanthropy have comeplans of reform and remedies for social illsthat in an especial way have been sane andContinued on advertising page 6Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersMadison AvenueLA UNDR YFIN EHANDWORKMODERATEPRICESLea co e Wo If k s» { t It Jan it 0 IfMIIYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments1-5- 25cNow-for a Pair of Genuine-- - - - - _1 _Holeproof SoxThose who have heretofore paid 25c for in­ferior goods can now have the best at that price.For you can now buy six pairs of "Holeproof"Sox (formerly $2) for $1.50.Weare now able to give you the samesox and save you SOc on the six pairs. Wedon't have to alter our quality, nor changeour expensive process. The reason is this:The top market price of the best yarn isnow lOc less per pound than it has been.We now pay an average of 63c per poundfor the best Egyptian and Sea Island cottonyarn - the softest and finest. Before we paid73. So the saving is all in the market priceof yarn ++and that's a real saving becauseyou get the same quality though you payless. The saving is yours-not ours.So the best sox now cost no more thanbrands of inferior grades.It remains for you to take this advantage-to ask for the best, and insist on it. '119!�p�2m�!�!9MIOur gua-rantee in each box of six pairs of" Holeproof"Sox reads:"If any or all these sox comes to holesorneeddarningwithin six months from the day you buy them, we willreplace them free." Try"Holeproof." See what you, save and gain.If your dealer does not have genuine "Holeproof"Sox, bearing the "E oleproof" Trade-mark, order directfrom us. (Remit in any convenient way.)Holeproof Sox-6 pairs, $1.50. Medium and light weight.Black, light and dark tan, navy blue, pearl gray, and blackwith white feet. Sizes, 9Y2 to 12. Six pairs of a size andweight in a box. All one color or assorted, as desired.Holeproof Sox, (extra light wei�ht)-made entirelyof Sea Island cotton. 6 pairs, $2.00.Holeproof Lustre-Sox-6 pairs, $3. Finished like silk,Extra light weight. Black, navy blue, light and dark tan.and pearl gray. Sizes, 9% to12.Holeproof Stockings forWomen-6 pairs $2. Mediumweight. Black, tan and blackwith white feet. Sizes,8 to 11.Holeproof Lustre Stockings for Wom�n. �& �-6 pairs, $3. Finished like silk. Extra light �weight. Tan and black. Sizes, 8 to n, _Boys' Holeproof Stockings-6 pairs, $3.B_ lack and tan. specia.llY reinf.orcedknee,he.. el I "', IIand toe. Sizes, 5 to 11. IMisses' Holeproof Stockin2's-6 pairs, $3. _Black and tan. Specially reinforced kneeheel a:qd toe. Sizes, 5 to 9%. These are the Reg'. U children's hose made today. , Office, 1906.Holeproof Hosiery Co., 254 Fourth St., Milwaukee, WiSe I'dHeat RegulationTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDINSTAlLED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BUILDINGSCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank RegulatorsReducing Valves for air, water, steamControl of Humidity,JOHNSON SERVICE COMPANYH. W. ELLIS, Mgr.Chicago Office, 93 LAKE STREETc. P. HULBERT J. T. DORSEYHulbert & DorseyPLUMBING andDRAINAGECONTRACTORS211 RANDOLPH STREETCHICAGOTelephone Main 1972MI0 Class News continued from page 4sensible. In the atmosphere of the charityorganization society and the social settlement,the impractical and visionary die a naturaldeath.With the Associated Charities, the Presi­dent's Home Commission, and our citizens ingeneral, I regret the departure of Mr. andMrs. Weller."In response Mr. Weller spoke feelingly ofthe regret he felt in severing the ties thathave bound him to Washington and its peo­ple for seven years. That he was deeplyaffected by the warmth 01 the reception ten­dered him by those who knew the trials andthe limitations of the important position heheld, was evident. He said: )I t hardly seems possible to tell you how thissplendid reception has affected me, and. I amspeaking now for both myself and Mrs. Weller,I don't know that I shall be able to make asuccess of the immense work waiting for me atPittsburg, but I know that I have takenstrength and hope from this meeting. Thistribute is not a personal tribute; it is a tributeto the work we have all been trying to do-awork so new that we are just beginning torealize what we do not know about it. Fromthe bottom of our hearts, we thank you."At the conclusion of the speeches JusticeBrewer presented to Mr. and Mrs. Weller, inthe name of the people of the District, asilver service as a token of the appreciationof their work here."The meeting held in the Y. M. C. A. gym­nasium, following the reception at the mainentrance, closed; with benediction by the Rev.Dr. Russell, of St. Patrick's Church."Mr. and Mrs. Weller will be the recipientsof a testimonial at the Lincoln MemorialCongregational Temple tonight, when theleading colored people of the city will gatherto express regret at their departure."Mrs. Weller had served during the past fiveyears as head resident of the principal socialsettlement of the city, Neighborhood House.She is a sister of Charles S. Winston, '96,and Alice Winston, '98, A.M., '03.1898MRS. CHARLOTTE CAPEN ECKHART. Kenilworth, Ill.JOHN FRANKLIN HAGEY252 E. Sixty-third PlaceFred Merrifield, director of the BaptistStudents' Guild in Ann Arbor, Mich., was-one of a committee which arranged a prospec­tus entitled, "Studies in Religion," announc­ing courses of instruction arranged by thestudent organizations interested in the scien­tific and constructive study of religion in theUniversity of Michigan. He resides at 8I3East Kingsley Street.Gleason A. Dudley is at present in the em­ploy of O. H. Wertz & Co., dealers in lumberand coal, Creighton, Neb., where he has livedsince leaving the University. Mr. Dudley ismarried and has one child.Continued on advertising page 8Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-6-Hygienic Importanceof Dustless FloorsThe hygienic importance of dustless floors is to-day of as muchsignificance as proper ventilation. Schools, hospitals, sanitariums,stores, offices, corridors and public buildings all have large floorspaces which collect dirt and dust with great rapidity. This dust,with its living millions of micro-organisms, is easily set in circula­tion, thus greatly increasing the dangers of contagion.The simplest and most satisfactory of all methods for eliminatingthe dust evil has been found inSTANDARDFLOOR DRESSINGThis preparation applied to floors several times a year will reducedust nearly one hundred per cent.Tests have proved conclusively that the atmosphere of rooms withuntreated floors contains twelve times more dust and its accompany­ing germs than the air in rooms having floors treatedwith Standard Floor Dressing.Moreover, it preserves the floors and improvestheir appearance-prevents them from splinteringand cracking and greatly lessens the labor of caringfor them.Standard Floor Dresstng Is sold by dealers gener­ally. In barrels, half-barrels, one gallon and fivegallon cans.Not intended for household use.A Free DemonstrationWe will gladly demonstrate the worth of Standard FloorDressing by actual use. On request from proper authoritieswe will treal part of one floor or corridor in school, hospital,sanitarium, store or public building,-AT OUR OWN EXPENSE.Write for particulars.STANDARD OIL COMPANY(Incorporated),CONCRETEReinforcedOr PlainRAILROADMASONRYBuildingsConduitsReservoirsHOEFFER B CO.614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.CHICAGOell. C. WARREN, Mgr. Tef. Main 4790MIl MAGNESIACOVERINGSTHE dividend-earning capacity of a steamplant is greatly increased through theuse of Carey's Coverings on steam pipes,boilers and connections.Carey's Coverings will keep the heat in thepipes-none is lost through radiation and con­densation. They greatly reduce the amountof coal necessary to run the plant, becauseexcessive firing is obviated.Carey's Coverings are not harmed by theexpansion or contraction of pipes or byvibration. They last longer than other cov­erings. They will increase the capacity of theplant by delivering dry steam to the engines.Endorsed and used by the United StatesNavy, War and State Departments. Recom­mended and specified by architects and en­-g ineers. Recommended by technical institu­tions.Write for catalogue and furtker pa.,.tic1l1ar�.THE PHILIP CAREY COMPANYGeneral Offices: Sta. R. CINGINNA 11. 0.. U. S. A.BRANCHES... In all large cities through.out the United StatesCanada and Mexico fACTORIESLoddand, Ohio.Hamilton, Ontol'I,mouth Meeting, Pa.MitYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsSelling Out Entire StockOFDAVIDthe Penman192 CLARK STREETTHIS LINE INCLUDESWaterman'sParker'sPaul E. Wirt'sMooney'sConklin'sAND ALL THE OTHER GOOD ONESCome and be ConvincedMIlPROTECT YOURSELFThink of theConvenienceand satisfaction of writing,day after day,. for ye�rs,with your favorite pen nib ;and carrying with you,wherever you go, yourtrusted Waterman's Ideal,to use wherever you hap-pen to be..It facilitates the routineof business life as well asthe exacting claims of pri­vate correspondence, anddaily proves of inestimablevalue.Whatever price you pay,"Waterman's Ideal"stamped on the holder of afountain pen guaranteesperfect satisfaction.For sale bv the best dealers MIOeverywhere�C..I1.s��<ItBOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO MONTREAL LONDON Class News continued from page 6Ernest DeKoven Leffingwell, who' was agraduate student from 'g6--'98 and '00-'06, re­turned on November 7 from the far North.He had been one' of the commanders of theDuchess Bedford Arctic expedition. Mr.Leffingwell has been for the past two yearson the desolate shore of Flaxman Island,unaccompanied save by two Eskimo families,and now comes back with the satisfaction ofhaving made a success of his undertakings,though the original scheme of the expeditionwas not entirely successful on account ofshipwreck and other adverse conditions. Hehas discovered and mapped three new riversin the extreme northern part of Alaska, run­ning into the Arctic Ocean from the south tothe eastward of Point Barrow and not many.days travel apart. A large series of photo­graphs were j aken on the expedition over theJagger Ice fields more tharn one hundredmiles north of Flaxman Island in a regionnever before traversed by vessels.On his return .frorn his northern trip whichwas accompanied by great privations, hefound that his schooner was a total wreck,though- all the crew had been saved. Thiscaused the party of scientists to change theirplans, .Mr. Leffingwell brought back a large col­lection of data from which he will furnishmaterial for the articles and reports he isplanning to write on his explorations.,899JOSEPHINE T. ALLIN4805 Madison AvenuePERCY B. ECKHART1340 First National Bank BuildingMajorie Benton Cooke read an originalmonologue at the seventy-fifth anniversary ofthe First Presbyterian Church, December 8,I9Q8.George E. Congdon is instructor in mathe­matics and science at Hiawatha Academy,Hiawatha, Kan. He is one of the publishersof the Waterman yearbook and is also com­piling the Congdon and Boies genealogies.Ruth Isabel Johnson is in the Correspond­ence-Study Department of the University.She resides at 21 � E. 42d Street.Carl D. Greenleaf is engaged in the flourmilling business in the firm of Lyon andGreenleaf, Wauseon, 0., and Ligonier, 0., ismarried and has two children.Pearl Hunter is the wife of W. J. Weber,pastor of the M. E. church in Canby, Ore.She is state superintendent of the departmentof temperance and labor in the Woman'sChristian Temperance Union of Oregon.Arthur T. Jones is an assistant professorof physics in Purdue University, Lafayette,Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Jones reside at 468 NorthSalisbury Street.Continued on advertising page 10Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-8-Northwestern UniversityDental SchoolThis School offers exceptional advantages to young men and women of education forthe study of dentistry. While great attention is paid to the teaching of technic and theory,practical instruction to develop operative skill and dexterity, and quick diagnostic judg­ment is not overlooked. The graduates of this school are admitted to examination forpractice in every state.The Faculty is Composed of a Large Staffof Experienced TeachersThe equipment and apparatus of the School are especially designed for the successfulteaching of modern dentistry. Its large clinic rooms for operative and prosthetic dentistryare unequaled anywhere. The opportunities offered students for special preparation to enterindependent practice are not exceeded by any other school.Advance students are permitted to remain in school under clinical instruction duringthe months intervening between the regular annual courses, the great clinics being opencontinuously the year around.The school year covers thirty-two weeks of six days in each of actual teaching. Thenext annual session begins October 5, I gog.For further information addressSECRETARY OF THE DENTAL SCHOOLDepartment FNorthwestern University Building87 Lake Street, Chicag� MIWAYL,ANDACADEMYAffiliated withThe University of ChicagoBEAVER DAM, WISCONSINA co-educational homeschool, with excellentequipment, high stand­ards of work and moder-ate ratesSend for Catalogue toPrincipal EDWIN P. BROWNMIl Prof. T. F. RidgePrivate Dancing AcademyRooms 536-538 Athenaeum Bldg.26 Van Buren Street, Chicago, Ill.School of ActingSchool of DancingSchool of Dramatic ArtSchool of VocalCultureWaltz, Two-Step, Reverse andGraceful Leading GuaranteedYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-g- MIlHERE'S A SMOKEYOU'LL ENJOYfar better than any other, becausert is the best blend of the world'sfinest tobaccos. Made by hand,one pound at a time. Absolutelypure, natural flavor.���Without a bite or a regret; 37:3 7Sc., %'lb. 7Sc, db.$3.30' Ask for booklet, "How to smoke a pipe," free.E. HOFFMAN COMPANY, Mfrs:, CHICAGOVICTOR 1HORSCH CO. •�O@.Cibf 5<:�Wt4FOR SALE EVERYWHERE MIXFor A SublimePipe-SmokeUse the aristocrat of alltobaccos-the one that has afragrancy and a virgin flavorwhich has done more to glorifythe pipe than all other mixturescombined. For particular andappreciative smokers,Tobin's Mixtureis especially made, and forsmokers not particular, it willmake them particular.If your dealer don't keepit we will send, prepaid,2 oz. for 40c.; 4 oz. for75c.; 8 oz., $1.50; I lb.,$3.00.14 different strengths.National Cigar Store, Inc.First National Bank Buildlng .Dearborn Street SideWe Sell Tobacco-Not Premiums Class News continued from page 8M1 1900MARGARET MARIA CHOATEBartholamew-Clifton School, Cincinnati, O.CHARLES S. EATON107 Dearborn StreetCharles E. Carey is in the dry-goods busi­ness in Glenwood, la. He married CarrieS. Gilman, ex-tor, in 1900.Frank C. Cleveland is with the law firm ofKnight & Hoyne, 1510 Title & Trust Build­ing, Chicago, and resides at Morgan Park.He is married and has one child. His wifewas formerly J oseohine Wilder, ex-'04.Paul Blackwelder, ex-'oo, has been assist­ant librarian of the public library at St.Louis, Mo., since November, 1905. In Feb­ruary, 1908, he married Miss Del Mar of NewYork City.Joseph c. Ewing is assistant district at­torney for the Eighth District of Colorado,with offices at 27 First National Bank, Gree­ley, Colo. He is married and has two chil­dren.Lewis Gustafson is director of the DavidRankin, Jr., School, a new mechanic tradeschool. He is married and has one child.His address is 1280 Goodfellow Avenue, St.Louis, Mo.Louise Roth is chairman of the library com­mittee of the Chicago Association of Col­legiate Alumnae.Edwin D. Solenberger lives at 1506 ArchStreet, Philadelphia. He is superintendent ofthe Children's Aid Society in that city.1901ARTHUR EUGRNE RESTOR5711 Kimbark AvenueFrank P. Barker is manager .of advertisingfor Ederheimer, Stein & Co., 202 JacksonBoulevard. He resides at 3929 Prairie Ave­nue, Chicago.Eliot Blackwelder is assistant professor ofhistorical geology at the University of Wis­consin. He is married and has one child.Clara L. German lives at 10918 ProspectAvenue, Morgan Park, Ill.Ross W. Gilbert is in the real estate busi­ness with offices at 145 LaSalle Street. He ismarried and lives at 272 East 65th Place.1902L. HAZEL BUCK EWINGBloomington, Ill.FRED. D. BRAMHALLThe UniversityWilliam A. Averill teaches English in aprivate high school in Cassel, Germany. Thereport in the December Magazine is to becorected as above.Cecile Bene Bowman is teaching at N egau­nee, Mich.Elmer H. Ellsworth is practicing medicinein Hot Springs, Ark. He is examiner forthe Civil Service Commission and the.Masonic Mutual Relief Associaton. He mar­ried Adean M. McClure, of Morgan Park,in 1904.M11 Continued on advertising page 12Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-10-**Physical Perfection"THIS new book, by Sylvester J. Simon, the well-known PhysicalCulturist, gives the key to the attainment of physical perfection,as the title indicates. It shows how to obtain and maintain themaximum of physical and mental health, strength and vigor. How torid one's self of bodily ailments by rational and scientific methods. Howto acquire "personal magnetism," and poise. It teaches women how tobecome more beautiful in face and figure, more graceful in carriage andrepose. It aids men successward by showing them how to developnerve force and brain power.Natural Treatment ofBodilJ AilmentsIt is not a book of mere generalities. It tells just how to relieve different conditions of ill-health. without the aidof drugs. apparatus, or mechanical means of any kind. ·There are exhaustive chapters on the cure and avoidance bynatural methods of Obesity, Leanness, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Skin diseases, Rheumatism and other Blood troubles,disorders of Liver. Kidneys and Bladder, Nervous ailments, affections of Head, Throat and Lungs, etc.There are special chapters on the care of the body through all stsges of life from infancy to old age-including oneon longevity. A valuable feature is a special index giving a ready key to exercises that develop or reduce variousmuscles, or that affect different organs or parts of the body.By Founder of Great Health InstituteThis book is thoroughly practical all the way through. It is the work of a man who has probably treated morepatients by drugless methods than any other person in the world. Professor Simon's nature-cure institute, occupyingan 8-story building at 14 Quincy Street, Chicago, is the largest and most successful of it's kind. Thousands, includingmany physicians, have sought PHYSICAL PERPECTION at this famous health home, and have found it. It was inpursuance of persistent requests of enthusiastic graduates that Professor Simon put his methods of instruction intoprint. No one who secures a copy of "Physical Perfection" would part with it for many times its cost.Silk Cloth Edition, 208 palte5, illustrated with 46 special plates drawn fromphotographed models, printed on fine paper, 83.00 prepaid. Large illustrateddescriptive pamphlet, with table of contents, free upon application. Send at once.Sylvester J. Simon, 14-A QuincJ Street, Chicago, III.AMERICA'S' BEST AND GREATESTSCHOOL TWO BNTIRB fLOORSIndorsed by Press and PublicStage Dancing, Etc.Dramatic Art,Vocal Culture(Up-to-date in every detaiL)Buck. Jig. Skirt. etc .• Opera. etc., Elocution,Singing and Rag-T'ime Songs. VaudevilleAct s , Sketches, Monologues, Etc. NOFAILURES.PROFESSOR P.J. RIDGB,Miss Frances Day and others.I Circulars Free.Refereneell All first-class managers in America. N. Y.Clipper, N. Y.Dramatic Mirror, Cincinnati Billboard. TL. onl,. School In Amerlc. thatpositively agrees to teach and place inexperienced people, youngor old, on the stage. 127 La Salle St., near Madison St .. Chicago. 111.PETER J. RIDGE. Mgr.Western Dramatic Agency lMIlPROFESSOR PETER J. RIDGEAmerica's greatest teacher Waltz, Two-Step, etc., Guaranteed to AllFASHIONABLE BALLROOM DANCING, ETC., TAUGHTProficiency in the art of dancing is the most pleasant and desirable accomplishment ofmodern society. (j NOTE. Graceful leading correctly taught to all. Glide Waltz andCorrect Reverse and Two-Step guaranteed to all, -:. -:- Polka, Yorke. Schottische,Varsouvienna, Spanish Waltz, etc. - :- - ,- -.- -.- Circulars free.Waltz Two-Step Reverse, erc., guaranteed to aIL (Ages from 5 to 70'), , Lessons given from 10.00 a. rn. to 10.00 p, rn ,TWO ENTIRE FLOORS, 127 LASALLE STREETNEAR MADISON STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOISYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-11-High ClassFURSc. HENNING86-88 State StreetCHICAGO·, ILL.TELEPHONECentral 3525MAYER ··MILLERManufacturer of FINE FURSMentor Bldg.Room 30Third FloorPhone:Randolph I768FURRIER161-163 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL.FURS FURSF'an cy Furs in stock andmade to order. Garmentsre-fitted to the latest stylesL. PROBSTEIN88-90 East Washington St.Room 54 Phone Rand()lph 969MIlMIlMlr 1903EARLE B. BABCOCKThe UniversityEdward D. Baker is teaching in the WestHigh School in Minneapolis, Minn. His ad­dress is 24I8 Dupont Avenue, South.Rae C. Baldwin, ex-'03, is at present amember of the faculty of the Normal Collegeof the city of N ew York. Her address isPark Avenue and 68th Street, New York City.George. A. Barker is teaching geology inthe N orrnal School at N onnal, Ill.Alfred N. Burnham is now in the real­estate business with E. A. Cummings & Co.He is married and lives at 28 East 44thPlace, Chicago.Robert Campbell lives at Mansfield, O. Heis inspector and adjuster for the Lumber­man's Mutual Fire Insurance Co.Mrs. Homer Goodhue, formerly CordeliaD. Patrick, now resides at 543 East 66th St.George P. Hambrecht was elected in No­vember to the legislature of Wisconsin fromthe Grand Rapids district. The WisconsinValley Leader ( Grand Rapids, Wis.) , onOctober 22, published a short biography ofMr. Hambrecht from which the following istaken:George P. Hambrecht was born in Milwaukee,February I, 1871, attended ana graduated fromthe Lake Geneva public schools. After grad­uation he spent one year in the office of theR. S. Pe-ale Company of Chicago as accountant,then attended the state university for threeyears until 1896, when he came to GrandRapids to accept the position of assistant prin­cipal in the Howe High School, which positionhe held for two years. He was then electedprincipal of the school which position he heldfor one year, and was later appointed citysuperintendent of schools, which last positionhe held for four years until July I, 1902. Hewas married to Kate M. Brace, of Tomah,Wisconsin, August. 4, ,1896. In the fall of 1902Class News continued from page 10Margaret Gilman, ex-loa, now Mrs. W. J.Hayward, lives at 100 North Catherine Street,La Grange, Ill. 'Oscar O. Hamilton has been cashier of theBank of Stockwell, Stockwell, Ind., since1903. He is married and has one child.Rosemary J ones was married this yearto Mr. F. Bentley and lives at Edmond, Okla.Mrs. Bentley is head of the department ofreading and public speaking in the CentralState Normal School of that place.Leon P. Lewis has been made a memberof the law department of the University ofLouisville. He lives at IOI8 Brooke Street,Louisville, Ky.Grace Johnson Livingston sailed for homeon December 9 from .Europe where she andher husband, Burton E. Livingston, formerlyof the Botany Department of the University,have spent a year in study in Munich, Ger­many.Thomas G. McCleary is superintendent ofschools in Kane, Pa.Continued on advertising page 14Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-12-ROBERT STAEDTER CO.155 STATE STREETBETWEEN MADISON AND MONROEPhone -:- -:- -;- Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats, Skirts, MillineryIN OUR FUR DEPARTMENT will be found a complete and variedstock of Fur Coats, Neckwear and Muffs at reasonable prices. Specialvalues in Russian Pony Coats, Mink Sets, and Black Lynx.Fur Remodeling and Repairing at moderate pricesIn our SUIT Section we are showing the bestvalues ranging in price from $25.00 up.OUf MILLINERY of the latest mode ranges in price from $5.00,$7.50, $10.00 up to $75.00MIt·TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 942MILIAN ENGHwallnt163 STATE STREET, SUITE 52CHICAGO, ILLINOISMIt PHONE CENTRAL 4061Furs Made to Orderand Storedat very LOWRATES now.Old Furs andSeal Garmentsremodeled tolook like new.We call and De­liver.Will give thebest of Refer­ences.P. FRENKEL ::"��:ERLYeRAS. A. STEVENS & BROS.Room 43,95 E. Washington St.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-1,3- MIMade by herself and sisters inSyracuse, N. Y.A sweetmeat of food-valueNourishing to the bodyPleasing to the taste, andprepared with absolutecleanlinessMary Elizabeth'sChocolatesWHOLESALE DEPOT42 River Street, ChicagoE. HOSKINS, Mgr.Ph ne Central 1304When you want the Best ask fornARYELIZABETH'SCHOCOLATESMIt,ORIGINALALLEGRETTIFAMOUSCHOCOLATECREAMSDo not be deceived. See thatour Trade Mark IS on everybox purchased.ORIGINALAllegretti Chocolate CreamCompany207 State St. Republic Bldg.MI Class News continued from page 12he attended the University of Chicago LawSchool and at the same time took extra workin the academic department of that institutionsufficient to graduate from the college depart­ment with a Bachelor's degree in the spring of1903. He then wrote and passed the Wiscon­sin state bar examinations at Madison in August,1903, and was admitted to practice in theseveral courts of this state. While at theUniversity of Chicago Law School he won ascholarship for high standing and upon appli­cation this scholarship was recognized by theYale law school, which institution he attendedduring the year 1903 and 1904, and fromwhich he graduated in June, 1904. While atthe Yale law school he won the Yale KentClub prize in competitive examination on thesubject of parliamentary law, and he assistedProfessor Baldwin, Chief Justice of the stateof Connecticut, in the preparation of his workon railroad law by verifying all of the citationsin this work. After graduation from the lawschool he entered into a partnership relationwith Hon. H. C. Wipperman, of this city, forthe practice of his profession, which partner­ship lasted until dissolved by mutual consenton February I, 1907, since which date he hasbeen practicinr- his profession alone. In 1907and, again in 1908 he was elected from the thirdward of this city as a member of the countyboard, and since April 1, 1908, he has beenacting m the capacity of city attorney for thiscity.Edith J. Harding is teaching at WendellPhillips High School. She lives at 6747Ellis Avenue..Floyd E. Harper has been practicing law inLeavenworth, Kan., since 1905.Maurice Lipman lives at 4929 ForrestvilleAvenue. He is a teacher of English andGerman at Lake High School.1904MARIE EVRLYN THOMPSONSurf Street and Evanston AvenueTHEODORE B. HINCKLEYThe UniversityFrances Ashley, now Mrs. George Young,resides in Gresham, Ill.Abraham Berglund is an instructor inWashington State College at Pullman, Wash.Edwin D. Butterfield has been out Westtrying to regain lost health. He expects tore-enter newspaper work shortly.Dorothy Duncan is dean of women atBradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Ill.Jacob Taylor Ellis died in Carbondale, Ill.,on July 21, 1906. Mr. Ellis was born inMarch, 1864. At the time of his death hewas a member of the faculty of the SouthernIllinois Normal School.Gresham G. Fox is associate professor ofthe history and religion of Israel at the Illi­nois Wesleyan College, Bloomington, Ill. Heis also rabbi of the congregation MosesMontefiore at Bloomington.Anna Goldstein is now living at 5160 Michi­gan. Avenue.Alice R. Hepburn is teaching science in thehigh school at Paxton, Ill.Continued on advertising- page 16Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-14-THE BEST PLACE TO BUY BOOKSBOOKS MAKE THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFTS.BOOKS ARE EASY TO BUY, EASY TO SEND,AND COST VERY LITTLE. BUY YOURCHRISTMAS BOOKS AT OUR STORE, WHERE THELARGEST STOCK, THE GREA'IEST VARIE'TY, ANDTHE BEST FACILI'IIES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL.EVERYTHING IN BOOKSSEND FOR ANY OF THESE CATALOGSBooks for Libraries Books of Art Foreign BooksOld and Rare Books Monthly Bulletin Technical BooksA.C.McCLURG&CO.;�;.:�::.. ' .\:�':::.. ��... =\{=:mH'}�/D%W=\W)?W=\?\F((:=;i@Ui�=:HifiN/=:%mf:/=:�%;}'��W=:i1iB}H;'::=\�!mi@=;Wt{�%==�.� WEBSTER'SINTERNATIONALDICTIONAIlY-A LIBRARY IN ONE BOOK.Besides an accurate, practical, and schol­arly vocabulary of English,enlarged with25,000 NEW WORDS, the Internationalcontains a History of the English Lan­guage, Guide to Pronunciation, Diction­ary of Fiction, New Gazetteer of theWorld, New Biographical Dictionary,Vo­cabulary of Scripture Names, Greek andLatin Names, and English ChristianNames, Foreign Quotations, Abbrevia­tions, Metric System, Flags, Seals, Etc.2380 Pages. 5000 Illustrations.SHOULD YOU NOT OWN SUCH A BOOK?WEBSTER'S COLLEliIATE DICTIONARY.Largest of our abridgments. Regular and Thin Pa­per Editions. 1116 Pages and 14:00 lllustrations.Write for" The Story of a Book "-Free.G. & O. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass. 215-221Wabash Ave.CALLAGHAN & CO.114 MONROE STREETUsually have For SaleLAW BOOKSRequired inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOTHEY INVITE YOUto inspect their stockSTUDENTS are allowed special discountsTHE LARGEST generalLAW BOOK SELLERSand PUBLISHERSin AMERICACALLAGHAN &CO.You will enj oy your business relations with these establishments-15- MIIMIITRY "TU 85"10 CENTSMOST CAREFULLY PREP�RED·ANDMOST THOROUGH CLEANER KNOWNCLEANS - SCOURS - PURIFIESEVERYTHINGM. H. FAIRCHILD & BRO.CHICAGO, ILL.MANUFACTURERS OFSOAPS, POWDERS, POLISHES, DISINFECTANTS, ETC.MItSAMUEL HARRIS & CO.MACHINISTS' ANDMANUF ACTURERS'TOOLSANDSUPPLIES23 and 25 S. Clinton St.CHICAGO Class News continued from page 14Fred... Hornstein, ex-'04� has been at hishome in Boone, Ia., recuperating from anattack of nervous prostration from over­work. He is in the department of philoso­phy at Johns Hopkins University.Henry C. Hubbart is teaching ancient his­tory at Westport High School, Kansas City,Mo.Agnes MacN eish is teaching in the LakeHigh School. She resides at 5639 DrexelAvenue.Rayna Simons, A.M., '05, is now Mrs. M.Wallbrun and lives at 645 East 51st Street.Julius C. Zeller is professor. of sociologyand philosophy at the Illinois Wesleyan Col­lege, Bloomington, Ill.1905HELEN A. FR EEMAN5760 Woodlawn AvenueCLYDE A. BLAIRClearmont, Wyo.Jonas O. Backlund is . an instructor inlanguages at Bethel Academy, Minneapolis,Minn. In the summer of 1906 he was editorof the Baneret, a religious weekly. On Sep­tember 19, 1906, he was married to Clara M.Hyberg, of Morris, Ill. His· present addressis 1130 Sixth Street, N. E., Min:neapolis,Minn.. Harry H. Blodgett who graduated fromRush Medical School last year is now medi­cal examiner 0 f the Chicago, Burlington &Quincy R. R..William. ]. ·Boone -has moved his head­quarters from ISOO to 1220 Michigan Avenuewhere he is showing the Moline automobiles.C. Arthur Bruce, J.D., '08, is at presentconnected with the Boston-Cerrillos . MinesCorporation of Denver. The company isopening several lead and zinc mines in Cerril­los, N. M., and he is acting as . surface super­intendent. He intends returning to the prac­tice of law in Kansas City next year.Don. M. Compton, ex-'os, is manag-er of theQuaker Manufacturing Company, Chicago.Elizabeth W. Robertson is head of the de­partment of manual training and drawing inthe Minnesota State Normal School, Duluth,Minn.MJ 1906HELEN RONEYFullerton Place, Waterloo, IowaF. R. BATRDOmaha, N··b.]. N. Davis, A.M., is superintendent of cityschools, Stevens Point, Wis.James D. Dickerson is now with the legaldepartment of the Chicago . Telephone Com­pany, He lives at -1 rr6 Michigan Avenue,Evanston, Ill.Paul Hunter Dodge is practicing law inColorado Springs, Colo.Annie ]. Gibney is teaching languages andmathematics in the high school at Franklin,La.Continued on advertising: page 18Say "UNIVERSITY O'F CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the' .advertisers-16-Roller .. Skatesfrom which weaknesses have beeneliminated and the limit of· serviceand durability attained. Much moresatisfactory to oum your skates than to take chances on what the rinksfurnish. 'Our free catalogue shows complete line.Ice Skateswhich are the result of nearly half a century of experience and effortand which have brought us an enviable reputation. A II styles and gradesin our free catalogue;Desirable Christmas Gifts All First-Class Dealers\[!amey & Berry, 172 Broad Streel. Springfield, ��J.351 Caliber High Power Self-Loading RifleThis repeater is reloaded by its own recoil. To shoot it sixtimes it is only necessary to pull the trigger for each shot.The ease and rapidity with which it can be fired make it a \'"particularly effective rifle for hunting game often shot onthe run. Like all Winchesters, it is safe, strong and simple.FuZZ illustrated description Of th� rIJIe-" The Gun That Shoots Through Steeln-sent upon request.WINCHESTER �EPEATINa ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-17-0-·ilabtrs' UJatlnttugat POPULAR PRICES<l.The Unity system of producing High ClassLadies' Tailored Garments to measure at popularprices, is thoroughly appreciated by all womenwho admire perfect fit, style and workmanship.<I. This season presents some new effects in Ladies'Tailored Garments, that require the most skilfulstyle treatment as well as the most careful tailoring.WE CAN PLEASE YOUTAILOREDSUITS ($35�andupcut to your measure ITAILORED SKIRTS ( $6� and upcut to your measure IUNITY SKIRT CO.i4ull1rn' wuilnrn209 ST ATE ST. 5th Floor. Republic Bldg.Mil Class News continued from page 18I<JoSELEANOR C. DAY6tIO Kimbark AVt nueJ. Elmer Bergquist, ex-'oS, is now secretaryto Graham H. Harris, a Chicago lawyer, andlives in Morgan Park, Ill.R. Russell Branch, ex-'oS, is employed asa salesman for Spalding & Co., Chicago. Helives at 5725 Rosalie Court.John A. L. Derby is a traveling salesmanand lives at Lemont, Ill. .Jean Standish Barnes has moved from5535 Drexel Avenue to 5S22 Drexel Avenue,Chicago.Mary P. Barnett, A.M., teaches English andLatin in the high school of Hamilton, Mont.Clyde M. Bauer is a teacher of physiog­raphy in the township high school, Cen­tralia, Ill.Frank L. Block, A.M., is an instructor inGreek in the Oklahoma University Prepara­tory School, Tonkawa, Okla.Augustus Bogard is principal of the highschool in Ripley, Tenn.J esse Brenneman is an instructor in physiog­raphy in Decatur, Ill.A. M. Burnham teaches English in OhioState University, Columbus, O.Martha A. Cason is dean in Blairsville Col­lege, Blairsville, Pa.Gertrude Chalmers will be in Chicago thiswinter, and may be addressed at 5r40 HibbardAvenue.Florence J. Chaney teaches the seventh andeighth grades in the grammar school inAustin, Minn., and also history, English, andmathematics in the high school of that city.Mary Stevens Compton teaches in the highschool at Saginaw, Mich.; her address is 655S. Warren.Franc Delzell is studying in the School ofCivics and Philosophy.S. K. Diebel has moved to Astoria, Ore.Gudrun C. Gunderson may be addressed atroot S. 6th Avenue, Maywood, Ill.Emma M. Henne teaches French, mathe­matics, and English in the high school ofMarquette, Mich. She resides at 526 HighStreet in that city.Vesta Jameson is an instructor in mathe­matics in Muskegon, Mich.B. L. Jones is head of the English depart­ment in the State Normal of Kalamazoo,Mich.G. L. Kite, J.B., is teacher of zoology inthe State Female Normal School of Farm­ville, Va.,Agnes J. Kendrick teaches in the fourthgrade in: the grammar school in Hammond,Ind. She resides at 26 Remback Avenue inthat city.Louis Knox, M.S., is professor of chemis­try in the South Carolina Military Academy,Charleston,' S. C.Bohumil Kral is instructor in mathematicsin the high school of Sheboygan, Mich.Continued on advertising page 22. Say '''UNivERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'! to the advertisers-20--,MAKERS OF CORRECTGARMENTS FOR MENWe have a line of handsome NewVv'oolens and beautifulmaterials at our command and are prepared to' plan yourwardrobe for fall.The colorings and patterns are those approved by intelligent,careful makers and the wearer has the comfortable assuranceof all that is fashionable in the world of dress.SPANN185 Dearborn Street CHICAGOCOLLEGE CLOTHES OF CLASS AND DISTINCTIONFALL and WINTERCLOTHESCONSERVATIVE AND VOGUE PATTERNS OF STANDARDAND NOVELTY DESIGNS, WITH EXCLUSIVE IDEAS ANDTHE 'BEST OF TAILORING HAVE MADE MY REPUTATION­MY CONSISTENT WORK MAINT AI�S IT. ,THE NEWEST OF FALL FABRICS NOW ON HAND.HARRY H. PARKESTAILOR42 1-2- 3 .' ADAMS EXPRESS BUILDINGI8S DEARBORN STREETCHICAGOPHONE .RANDOLPH 1001M IYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-21- MIlWesternIndemnity LifeCo.MASONIC TEMPLECHICAGOGEO. M. MOULTON PRESIDENTA FEW SPECIAL IlOSITIONSopen to men attending the U ni­versity. Address W. B. MUSSEL­MAN, Supt. of Agencies.THEN,ORTH AMERICAN LIFEOf TORONTO, a company operating under direct Federalcontrol!Owing to a careful selection of risks, aMOST economicalmanagement, and ahigh rate of interestearned consistent withgil t-edged securities,the Company's finan­cial position today isunexcelled!Our rates are mo­derate, guaranteeshigh, and dividendsthe best yet!We make a specialtyof University of Chicago Faculty, Students,and Alumni.If not fully covered by Insurance (?) orwishing an agency, kindly communicatewithOEO. E. (jARVIN, State ManagerRoom 912, Tribune Bldg. CHICAGOMIlMI Class News continued from page 20G. P. Lagergren teaches mathematics. andmechanical drawing in St. Cloud, Minn.Jeannette Lane is instructing in geographyand public speaking in Muskegon, Mich.O. E. Merrill teaches history and Englishin the high school of Oconto, Wis.Elton James Moulton teaches mathematicsand astronomy in Pritchett College, Glasgow,Mo.ENGAGEMENTS'06. Alice Frank to . Max Loeb.Ex-x», Elizabeth Rankin to Edward Cros­sett, of Davenport, Ia. The wedding willtake place on January 2, 1909.Ex-'IO. Fred Handy to Mary H., daughterof Mr. and 'Mrs. Fraze, of Longwood, Ill.The date of the wedding is set for January19, 1909·Mr. Handy was a member of the cham­pionship '07 varsity eleven. He intends tak­ing up farming at Benton Harbor, Mich.MARRIAGES'or. Maude McBurney to George A.Maywood at Helena, Montana, June 28, 1908.Mr. and Mrs. Maywood are residing atPhilipsburg where Mr. Maywood is engagedin the practice of law.'02. Martha W. Geer to Carl V. Wisner.Mr. Wisner is practicing law with offices at901 Monadnock Block. Mr. and Mrs. Wiserreside at Madison Park, Illinois.'oJ:\. Milton J. . Davies to Miriam Wat­worth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. StephenPeet, Chicago, at Chicago, on Tuesday, De­cember I. Mr. and Mrs. Davies are at homeat 80 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, N. Y.Ex-'04. Lillian Danaher to George L.Chamberlain, August 18, 1908. Mr. and Mrs.Chamberlain will reside in Lapeer, Mich.,where Mr. Chamberlain is practicing medi­cine.'04. Agnes La Foy Fay, M.S., '05, toArthur I. Morgan of the University of Mon­tana, on May 17, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Morganare at home at Hope, Idaho.Ex-'09. Alice D. Moore to George Haynes,of Ironwood, Mich., on Thursday, Novem­ber 19, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes will maketheir home at Ironwood, Mich.Ex-'IO. Helen Sexton to Edmund Egan,June 25, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Egan reside at485 Dayton Avenue, Chicago.DEATHS'63. Nicholas J. Aylsworth, of. Auburn,N. Y., died in June, 1907.Mr. Aylsworh was born at Cuba, Illinois.He was one of the first students of the OldUniversity and was always an active memberof the Alumni Association.Continued on advertising .page 26Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M�GAZINE" to the advertisers-22-The "Flagship"ofThe Typewriter FleetandAlways in the LeadHammond Vi.ible Model 12The "FLAGSHIP" Wishes the ENTIRE FLEETA HAPPY and PROSPEROUSNEW YEARThe Hammond Typewriter69th- 70th Streets CEalt River ompany New YorkU.S.A..IIYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-23-New TheHotel BrevoortChicagoMIlSPECIAL ATTENTION TOAFTER-THEATRE PARTIESThe Twentieth Century Hotel- Absolutely fireproofVISIT. THE CJ?.AINBOW ROOMRestaurant.. Grill Room BuffetUnsurpassed in Appointments and DecorationsMargulie's Orchestra. ARTHUR M. GRANT, Manager.HIIWhen in Detroit, stop atH ote I' T ull er ::r�P;;:r Absolutely,Corner Adams Avenue and Park Streetfn the Center of the Theatre, ShoJllling and Business DistrictA la Carte CafeNewest and finest Grill Room in the CityClub Breakfast - 40C upLuncheon - SocTable d'Hote Dinners 7ScMusic from 6 p.m. to T. p.m.Every ROOD\ has Private BathEUR.OPEAN PLANRates $1.50 per na:y and UPL. W. TULLER M. A. SH;AWManage;;, Say .iUNWERSITY OF' CHICAGO MAGAZINE" t() the. advertisers ,-,--:24-.Grand PacificHotel Clark Street andJackson BoulevardChicagoTable UnexcelledPrices ModerateWe tnake a specialty ofCluh and Fraternity CfJinnersTHE VENDOME HOTEL----62d and Monroe Avenue, Ohicaqo, lIIinois----CONDUCTED ON THE GOOD OLD AMERICAN PLAN-WITH A CUISINE UNEXCELLEDOffers to permanent and transient guestsaccommodations and service such as onlya first-class management can give.Furnishings unsurpassed; 400 rooms, allen suite, and all with private bath.Transportation facilities· unsurpassed­Illinois Central Express trains} South SideElevated Express, 6 I st and 63d St. surfacelines-e-within 15 minutes' ride of businessand amusement centers.TELEPHONE PRIVATE EXCHANGE\ ..... HYDE PARK 4100. W. S. SAlTER, PROPRIETORYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments. MIlMIl- LANTERNMr. Lecturer: SWe make THE LBEST lantern slides. IVery truly yours, DE- SCommercial Dept.UniversityPhotograph Shop397 E. 57th StreetNear KimbarkMIAmerican Cotillonand Carnival Works80-82 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.MANUFACTURERSand IMPORTERS ofCostumes, CotillonFigures and FavorsSerpentinesand ConfettiWe make, sell, and put up allkinds of Decorations for Ban­quets, Balls, Receptions, etc., etc.Would be pleased to submit esti­mate on any decorating desiredfor your coming eventsMIl Class News continued from page 22'02. Charles Mackay Van Patten died inDenver, Colorado, on Monday, December 7.His funeral was held on Thursday, Decem­ber 10, at the Forty-first Street PresbyterianChurch, Chicago. The pall bearers at thefuneral were David A. Robertson, '02, EgbertT. Robertson, '02, Oliver L. McCaskill, '01,Victor J. w-«, '06, Rollin T. Chamberlin,'03, and John W. Thompson, '07. Mr. VanPatten served up until a year ago as laborreporter on the Chicago Tribune) when hewas forced to seek a more agreeable climate.Van Patten had been a member of the varsitybaseball team during his last three years atthe University. He was a member of thePhi Gamma Delta Fraternity, and a brotherof Leroy Van Patten, '07.Concerning the death of Tilden R. Wakeley,'02, which was described at some length inthe December Magazine) a later report hasbeen received from the Iloilo (P. 1.) Times)which throws a new and different light onthe circumstances 'attending his assassinationby the natives. The report in translation isas follows:On the eighteenth instant the Chief Inspectorof Oriental N egros returned to Bais after an'expedition of twelve days in the. mountainswhich are between Oriental N egros and Occi­dental N egros, in the pursuit of the assassi­nators of Everett and Wakeley. The criminalswere not met with, but on the other hand infor­mation was secured which amplifies the detailswhich are possessed regarding the assassination.The crime was committed at approximatelysixteen miles south of Kabankalan in the valleyof the Tablas river, one of the tributaries of thelIog.Nine men joined in an attack upon Everettkilling him instantly. Wakeley, nevertheless,withstood a severe struggle and broke two.lances after having received his first woundand before" succumbing to lance thrusts.The two Tagolod foresters, Juan and RamonLeano, also fought valiantly and tenaciously.A chief of the hill-men, named Ango-oy, wasthe instigator of the crime. It is confid-entlyexpected that he will be captured by the In­sular Police.Ex-'og. Wilbur San for d Blakeslee died atChautauqua, N. Y, on July 12, 1908, ofappendicitis.Mr. Blakeslee entered graduate work at theUniversity after three years spent in Europewhere he specialized in modern languages.He also became very proficient in music.He had just entered upon his summer'swork of teaching- German in the course atChautauqua, when the illness overtook himwhich resulted in his death. His funeraltook p1ace at his home in Rutherford, N. J.Mr. Blakeslee was born in Brooklyn, N.Y.,in 1882.Ex-lr r. David Forman died September 28,1908, after a lingering- attack of typhoidfever in Philadelphia, Pa.Continued on advertising page 28Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-26----The---Starck PianoIs considered by all leading artists the BESTUPRIGHT PIANO IN AMERICA, espe­cially inoted for its NATURAL SINGINGTONE, GRAND REPEATING ACTIONand GENERAL ENDURANCE.THE . ONLY PIANO MADE BEARINGA MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE OF25 YEARSTHIS COUPON is valued at $10.00 andaccepted as part of first payment on anew Starck Piano if presented at time ofsale at our warerooms, 204-206 WabashAvenue.P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.Cut this outSro.ooDUE BILLWE WILL SEND YOU A "STARCK"PIANO FREE on 10 DAYS ,TRIALanywhere in the United States, and, if not entirely satis­factory, we agree to take it back at our ,expense� Cata­logue mailed free upon application.Send us your order to-dayP. A., STARCK PIANO CO.204-�o6 Wabash Ave. Chicago, U. S. A.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-27-TRUNKSt BAGSand SUIT CASESAFULL LINE OF SMALLLEA THER GOODS.WE ALSO CARRY A FULLLINE OF SMALL CASESSUITABLE FORCARRYING BOOKSABEL ®. BACH co.46 and 48 East Adams StreetRepublic Bldg., A few doors East of State St.MIlA. 6. SPALDING & BROS.The Largest Manufacturers in the Worldof Official Athletic Suppliesfoot Hall6asket HallIce SkatesHockey60lf Uniformsfor allAthleticSportsOfficialImplementsfor allTrack andfield Sports GymnasiumApparatusSpalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of allsports contains numerous suggestionsMailed free anywhereA. G. SpaldingC&l,Bros.New York Chicago Denver San FranciscoBoston Philadelphia Kansas City MinneapolisBuffalo Pittsburg Cincinnati New OrleansSyracuse Baltimore Detroit Cleveland �:JWashington .St. Louis Montreal, Can. London, Eng.MIl Class News continued from page 26LITERARY NOTESPROBLEMS OF EDUCATION DEFINEDTwo important contributions to the studyof the development of the American collegesystem are University Administration; byCharles W. Eliot, president of Harvard Uni­versity, and The American Colleqe, a criti­cism by Abraham Flexner. The first book isa collection of the six lectures on the N. W.Harris Foundation delivered during 1908 atNorthwestern University, the topics being"University Trustees," "An Inspecting andConsenting Body: Alumni Influence," "TheUniversity Faculty," "The Elective System,""Methods of Instruction," and "Social Organi­zation; The President; General Administra­tion." Both books are important because inmany instances they present opposite pointsof view on American college problems.President Eliot's book, issued by Hough­ton, Mifflin & Co., has back of it the authorityof a close student of American college con­ditions. He shows how changes have beenmade in courses of instruction to meet theneeds of the student. His long experiencewith Harvard University, always recognizedas a leader, gives him deep insight into allphases of college administration. For thetrustees President Eliot sees efficient serviceboth to university and community, for theyare obligated to perform not only officialduties but to promote at all times the inter­ests of the municipality in which the univer­sity is located; . even such acts as pensioningaged instructors and 'safeguarding the healthof the university public come within theirsphere. For alumni associations PresidentEliot sees many services such as continuingan interest in the university by gatherings ofclasses at stated times, by influencing localpolitics for good, and by trying to raise thestandards of secondary schools in the neigh­borhood. His plans for the development ofa well-rounded faculty are based on the de­sire to secure men as able in the art ofteaching as in their subi ect and he inclinesto the view that, while older men shouldbear the weight of responsibility in a faculty,the invigorating influence of younger mindscannot be ignored. Educators are mostefficient, says President Eliot, in that periodbetween twenty-five and forty-five years ofage and for that reason he urges that admin­istrative officers begin young, in order toattain highest rank while their mental andmoral efficiency is still mounting.President Eliot makes a strong argumentin favor of the elective system. He declaresit is a stimulus to the student who has aContinued on advertising page 30Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-28-THE PRINCIPLES OFPRACTICALPUBLICITYBy TRUMAN A. DEWEESE, director ofPublicity for the Shredded Wheat Com­pany, Niagara Falls, N. Y. In chargeof Special Publicity for the LouisianaPurchase Exposition at St. Louis, 1904.A treatise on The Modern Art of Ad­vertising, covering the subject in allits branches, and showing the success­ful adaptation of advertising to alllines of business.NEW EDITION-entirely rewrittenand revised. Large r zmo. cloth.Price, $2.00 net. By mail, $2.15Your book is well worth $20.00. Have taken great inter­est in reading it. A great deal of meat-solid chunks.THOMAS B. SMITH,Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., New York City.Your money back if you are not of thesame opinion of Mr. Smith.GEORGE W. JACOBS & CO., Publishers1216 Walnut St. PHILADELPHIALONG DISTANCEPHONEMAIN 905AUTOMATIC ,6952 MI MODERNCONSTITUTIONSA Collection 0/ the Fundamental LaIDs ojTwenty-two 0/ the Most Important Countries ojthe World, with Historical Introductions, Notes,and BibliographiesBy WALTER FAIRLEIGH DODD2 ools. 750 pages, 8170, cloth.Net $5; postpaid $5.42This work contains the texts, in Eng­lish translation where English is not theoriginal language, of the constitutionsor fundamental laws of the Argentinenation, Australia, Austria-Hungary, Bel­gium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark,France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico,Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russia,Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and theUnited States. These constitutions havenot heretofore been available "in any on-eEnglish collection. and a number ofthem have not before appeared in Eng­lish translation.Each translation has been carefullymade, and the constitutional texts aregiven as now in force. Notes to theconstitutions have been given sparingly,and have been confined almost entirelyto information regarding constitutionalamendments, election laws, and othermatters absolutely necessary for theunderstanding of the texts. Each con­stitution is preceded by a brief historicalintroduction, and is followed by a selectlist of the most important books dealingwith the government of the countryunder consideration.Although constitutions do I1ot)n anycase represent the complete politicalorganization of a state, they, do furnishan excellent basis for study in courseson comparative constitutional law . Here­tofore no comprehensive collection ofconstitutions has been available in theEnglish language. While the notes, his­torical introductions, and select bibliog­raphies especially fit this volume for usein connection with college and universitycourses. They also increase its usefulnessto all persons who are. interested in thesubject of comparative constitutional law.ADDRESS DEPT. 61THE UNIVERSITY Of CHICAGO PRESSCHICAGO and NEW YORKYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-29- MIDRESS and TuxedoSuits, Prince Albertand Cutaway Coats,Silk and Opera HatsBought, Sold, RentedHighest Prices Paid forNearly New ClothesCOL. A. j. GATTERDAMTAILOR146 La Salle StreetTEL. MAIN 123 I CHICAGO, ILL.MIlBROOKS CLOTHESTHE STUDENT MAY JUSTLY BE CALLED" GENTlEMEN'SCLOTHES"ATTRACTIVE AND SEDATE,CLEVER, BUT NOT OFFEN­SIVE, ORIGINAL AND YETIN GOOD FORM. NONEOTHER POSSESS THEIRDIGNITIES.OUR PRICES$15TO$35BROOKS CLOTHES SHOP138 E. MADISON ST. OPPOSITE LASALLE Class N ews continued from page 28definite bent, and believes that even the stu­dent who chooses "snap" courses in order toavoid hard work actually performs morethan he did under the old prescribed system.He thinks the mingling of graduates andundergraduates in the same course temperedthe graduate and sets a good example for the.younger student. The elective system doesnot leave the student free to do nothing, forevery course requires that the student keephis work up to grade. That it makes scholar­ship possible and gives freedom with re­sponsibility is his contention, and he con­cludes that better students mean betterteachers and investigators, and therefore amore capable faculty.It is noteworthy that in The AmericanCollege (The Century Co.), which its authorsays is "a criticism," Abraham Flexner bringsforward nearly all the obj ections ordinarilyraised against the secondary school, the elect­ive system, and the relation of the under­graduate to the graduate. Mr. Flexner'sobservations were made during a long periodof work in preparatory schools. TheAmerican college he declares to be deficientalike in earnestness and pedagogical intelli­gence, and as a result he finds college stu­dents "flighty, superficial, and immature,lacking, as a class, concentration, seriousness,and thoroughness." The college, he asserts,defines what courses the high school is toteach, so that college-entrance requirementsbecome the dividing line between secondaryand college instruction. The rigid prepara­tory course he considers unfit .because it istopped almost universally by an elective sys­tem. Therefore the student who is to fol­low his bent in college mayor may not have.had the proper preparation. He is againstconverting the secondarv school into a"cramming-machine" to make' the candidatefor college turn out categorical answers toquestions during a few hours on a hot day.Mr. Flexner brings strong guns to bear inhis criticism of the elective system, The boy,he says, gets freedom of choice after he hasbeen fettered in the secondary school. If hedecides to follow work in a definite field incollege he is limited so that his freedom afterall is shortlived. If he is allowed to choosehe may take a course because his friends do,because it has a vogue, or because it is a"snap." While the author agrees that thesystem leaves capable students free to followtheir tastes, he insists that for the averageboy it means diffusion and superficiality,Mr. Flexner, finds, too, that the' graduatedepartment encroaches on and weakens theundergraduate department. He deplores theemployment as assistants of graduates work­ing for their own Doctor's degree, consider­inrr them unfit to teach the growing boy. Hecriticizes the lecture system because it keepsMIl Continued on advertising pag� 32Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-30-Sox youcan't kick outor'Kick about"You will have no complaint to make about EverwearSox, no matter how hard you are on sox, or how quicklyyou "kick out" a pair of the ordinary kind.Six pair of Everwear Sox often last a year--·and more-s­but they MUST and WILL last you six months. If a holedoes appear in any pair we will give you a new pair free.We know that it will not be necessary for you to return asingle pair; that they will not only give you better wearthan any sock you ever put on your feet, but the most satisfactory wear e-«more comfort and a better fit.EVERWEAR SOX are made of the finest Egyptian cotton. They will not shri nk,stretch or fade. Being knit entirely without a seam! there are no rough placesto chafe the feet. Men's Sox are made in light and medium weight. Colors, black,black with white feet, blue, steel gray, and light and dark tan. Ladies hosein black, black with white feet and tan. In boxes of six pair··. $2.00, one size ina box assorted colors if desired.Men's silk lisle hose, Summer and Fall weights.IJ ... .,-a colors; black, blue, light and dark gray, tanand champagne; Ladies silk lisle hose inblack and tan, $a per boxofsix pair,coveredby the same positive guarantee. Ask yourdealer for them today. Remember the name-sEVERWEAR. If he doesn't handle them sendus his name, with the price, stating the eolor andsize desired and we will ship them postage paid.Send for our interesting free booklet "AnEVERWEAR Yarn".Everwear Hoaiery Co., Dept.2SMilwaukee, Wia."The Hose withthe RealGuarantee"IN lfJ/{J)SOHE SJN�lE JJOXEJ lWfE UJ�IUl O/l1JMore rubber, better webs, and stronger partsenable us to positively guarantee thatBULL DOG SUSPENDERSOutwear Three Ordinary KindsMoney back. if not entirely satisfactoryA gift of these ulelu� handsome, InexpensIve sUlpendersIn a"ractlve, Ilngle'palr boxel, will be remembered." every man and boy, long aHer the occallon II forgotMade in light weight for the gentlemanand in heavy weight for the strenuous userExtra long in, either weights, if desiredSTRETCH A BULL DOG -Iuperlor elaltlclty, whlohmeanl more wear and oomfort, II Inltanlly notIcedPaoked In handlome lIngle· paIr box .. , thlY are themOIl uleful, lalllfylng gift you can buy anywhere for 60 cenllEVERY MAN, YOUTH AND BOY WILL GLADLY RECEIVE THEMHEWES & POTTER, MakersDept. 3321 87 Lincoln St., Boston, Wriie for oar instructive free booklet, "Style, or Row to DreBs Correctly," which containsvaluable gift; surgestions. For 10 cents postage. we witl send our useful BULL DOGcomb and caseYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsIllinoisTnist&Sa�sBanKCAPITAL AND SURPLUS$J3,2OO,000.00La Salle Street and Jackson Boulevard, Chicago1 his Bank Loans Exclusively on conservative in irs methods and has the lar2·est capital and surplus of any savings bank inrhe United Stat ••..INTlREST-Aliowed on Garrent ACAiHlltsIMtInr.ates of DeposIt. Sawlnas DepositsBond. Foreign ExchaD2e andTrust DepartmentsCOR RESPONDENCE INVITKDIWNOIS TRUST SAfETY DEPOSIT CO.SAfE DEPOSIT VAULTSMarsh & McLennanINSURANCEIn all its Branches159 La Salle Street, Chicago54 William Street, New York123 Bishopsgate Street, LondonIU, Class News continued from page 30the instructor aloof from the student, evenexamination papers going to assistants. "Agood teacher of boys in a fundamentalcourse," he says," must have his hand on thepupil's pulse."In the final chapter of the book, entitled"The Way Out," Mr. Flexner shows howthe preparatory school must be reformed andcollege entrance requirements be revised,while a gradual instead of a sudden changein the student's working conditions will betterregulate his intellectual growth. A uniformsystem of quizzing and the parting of thegraduate school and the college are includedin his plan.University of Chicago people who heardProfessor George Herbert Palmer give his' ad­dress on "Specialization" at the Convocationin Bartlett Gymnasium on June 9, 1908, willwelcome its publication together with a seriesof essays dealing with educational topics inThe Teacher, by George Herbert Palmer andAlice Freeman Palmer, just published byHoughton, Mifflin & Co. This is a book of395 pages containing sixteen essays dealingwith such subjects as "Ethical Instruction inthe Schools," "Moral Instruction in theSchools," "University Extension," "Limita­tions of the Elective System," "College Ex­penses," "Women's Education in the Nine­teenth Century," and the like. ProfessorPalmer's discussion of the elective system in­cludes an optimistic view of its place inAmerican education, at the same time recog­nizing its limitations. His remarks on thebest method of adapting it to the individualneeds of a student and providing for himwork that will be suited to his future occu­pation and place in life should be read inconnection with President Eliot's Universit�Administration and Mr. Flexner's The Amen­can College. The essays fall into threegroups, the first considering problems ofschool and college; the second relatingchiefly to Harvard University and posses­sing historic interest, one of the papers, en­titled "College Expenses," being consideredby Professor Palmer as the first attempt evermade to ascertain from students themselvesthe cost of higher education. The third groupcomprises papers by Alice Freeman Palmer,in whose memory the chimes were hung inMitchell Tower. Professor Palmer declaresthat the papers are printed without thechange of a word from Mrs. Palmer's manu­script. They are interesting examples ofthe virile thinking which placed Mrs. Palmerin the first rank of women educators.Another book that will be worth while tothe student of modern education is Begin­nings in Industrial Education, by Paul H.Hanus, professor of the history and art ofteaching in Harvard University (Houghton,Continued on advertising page 34Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertiseR-32-A GREAT CONVENIENCE!!!We deliver to your doorTHROUGH BAGGAGE CHECKSto any city in AMERICACANADA or MEXICOTHE FRANK E. SCOTTTRANSFER CO.TELEPHONE 482 HARRISONBaggage transferred to or fromall parts of the cityMain Office, 402-410 Wabash Ave., ChicagoMIIWe solicit accounts from Students,F acuIty, Fraternities, and all otherorganizations of The University ofChicago.Courteous treatment accorded to all.IInnblttntu (Urns1 & �tthht!lS 1BttUk45 I E. 63rd Street (near Woodlawn Ave.)You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments MIIChemical, Physical, Electricaland Surgical Glass Apparatus X Ray and Ultra Violet TubesMercurial Air Pumps, ·Etc.Mlw. J. BOEHM1 71 E. Randolph StreetPhone Main 2700 CHICAGOManufacturer and ImporterNothing New in Personally Recommending :a Teacher for a PositionlHow else would you do? We have been working this way for some twenty years. Write us todayand find out more about our methods of finding the "right teacher for the right place."'THE B. F. CLARK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 1016 Steinway Hall, Chicago.N. B.-If you can take a position now" write us immediately. MIlPiano Tuning ®. RepairingExpert W'ork GuaranteedR.OOD1 800, 209 State St. J. J. 0' N EI LL Phone Harrison 5133MIlHOLMES'Delicatessen and Home BakeryPhone Hyde Park 3789The Horne of Goodies ProperlyCooked, also Real EnglishPork Pies and Everything forEvening. Spreads -:- - : - -:-404 East Sixty-Third StreetMIl PHONE HYDE PACJ?.K 1629cACKERMANfJVlARKET - HOUSECOMPANY277-79 EAST 57TH STREETCHICAGOYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments.-35- MIXClass News contmuec from page 34Just what place the German student corpsoccupies at German universities is describedby George Pullen Jackson, a graduate stu­dent in the University of Chicago, in anarticle in the December number of TheWorld To-Day, entitled "German StudentDuelling." Mr. Jackson spent last year atBonn University. His article is enlivened byphotographs showing the Kaiser in the uni­form of his corps, some examples of the re­sults of duelling, and gatherings of Germanstudents for the purpose of fighting. He con­siders the corps much more aristocratic thanthe American college fraternity. The mem­bers of a corps hold that duels developstrength and the capacity for looking theenemy in the eye, and even the German Kaiser,who is a member of the Borussia of Bonn,is quoted as saying that the corps' use is notentirely understood by the public, and that ithas an admirable influence in bringing outthe courage 0 f young Germans.Clyde W. Votaw, Ph.D., '96, is writing aseries of papers on "The Apocalypse ofj ohn," of which the fourth, describing itschief ideas, purpose, date, authorship, princi­ples of interpretation and present-day value,appeared in the November number of theBiblical World. Charels R. Henderson, '70,has a paper on "Social Duties in InternationalRelations," in the same number. simple lectures on our laws and history,and the opportunity to mingle with Ameri­cans.BOOKS RECEIVEDUniversity Administration. The N. W.Harris Lectures at Northwestern Universityfor 1908. By CHARLES W. ELIOT, presidentof Harvard University. Houghton, Mifflin& Co., Boston. 254 pp.The American College. A Criticism. ByABRAHAM ,FLEXNER� The Century Company,New York.The Teacher. Essays and Addresses onEducation. By GEORGE HERBERT PALMER andALICE FREEMAN PALMER. Houghton, Mifflin& Co., Boston.Beginnings in Industrial Education. With�ther educational discussions. By PAUL H.HANUS, professor of the history and art ofteaching in Harvard University. Houghton,Mifflin & Co., Boston. 198 pp. $1.00 net,postage IO cents.Hero and Leander. A tragedy by MARTINSCHihzE. Henry Holt & Co., New York.$1.25 net.MAGAZINE ARTICLESAtlantic (Oct.), "A National Fund forEfficient Democracy," by William H. Allen,'97, secretary of the Bureau ef Municipal Re­search, New York City.American Journal of Sociology (Nov.),"Life in the Pennsylvania Coal Fields, withParticular Reference to Women,'" by AnnieMarion MacLean, Ph.M., '97, of Adelphi Col­lege.Biblical World (Nov.), "Social Duties inInternational Relations," by Charles R. Hen­derson, '70.Classical Journal (Dec.), "Scientific In­struction in Latin," by Lee Byrne, '00, in­structor in Central High School, St. Louis,Mo.Elementary School Teacher (Nov.), "Read­ing Leaflets-Francis Parker School, I/� byJennie Hall, '03.Illinois Geological Survey, Bulletin NO.7,Report on the physical geography of theEvanston-Waukegan region, by Wallace W.The current issue of the American Journal Atwood, '9(5, and J. W. Goldthwait.of Sociology contains an important and ex- Journal of American History (Dec.),haustive study of life in the Pennsylvania "American Flag in the Orient; Decennial ofcoal fields with particular reference to American Expansion," by Benjamin F.women, by Annie Marion MacLean, Ph.M., Bills, '12.'97, now at Adelphi College. The paper Review of Reviews (Dec.), "New York'sformed one section of a national investiga- First Budget Exhibit," by William H. Allen,tion of living and working conditions con- �97, secretary of the Bureau of Municipalducted by the writer for the National Board Research, New York City.of the Young Women's Christian Associa- School Review (Dec.), "Reading versustions in I 907-8. Millions of immigrants, Translation; II, Methods," by Edward O.mostly of the Slavic races are living in the Sisson, '93.coal fields in a manner tending to perpetuate The World To-Day (Dec.), "German Stu-their European civilization instead of raising <lent Duelling," by George Pullen Jackson.them to the level of the American people. World's Work (Dec.), "Our RevolutionaryThe writer asks for them better homes, baths, Opportunity in the Orient," by Jesse D.places of amusement to offset the saloon, Burks, '93.-36-Very rarely are contributions to importantmagazines by Freshmen in the Universityof Chicago noted in the review columns.Benjamin F. Bills, '12, contributes anadmirable article on "The American Flagin the Orient; Decennial of American Ex­pansion," to the current quarterly of theJournal of American History (AssociatedPublishers of American Records, NewHaven, Conn.) Mr. Bills discusses the won­derful progress 0 f American expansion sinceits first territorial acquisition, one hundred'and twenty-five years ago, and considers theadvance made up to this anniversary of theAmericanization of Hawaii and the Philip­pines and the tenth birthday of the Americanprotectorate in Porto Rico and Cuba.UNIVERSAL REPAIR COMPANY5509 COTTAGE GROVE AND 5623 JEFFE.RSON AVE.All mechanical and Furniture Repairs.Nickel Plating. -:- Mirrors resilvered,Skates and Bicycles our specialty.•WE REPAIR, RENT, AND SELL THEM Sign Painting and Fancy Lettering.Painting and Decorating.House and Room Cleaning and PackingWe make a Specialty of exterminating insects.FRANK DE GEER, PROP.Call upon us. Drop us a cardMIIY O.UDO DANCE?IF you care to learn, come to my studioand let me give you lessons; eitheralone or in groups of four or moreMiss Mary Wood Hinman�RICES: Ten Dollars for six private� lessons. Five Dollars for six lessonsin groups of four or moreTELEPHONE HYDE PARK 2768 STUDIO 179 E. 53D STREETJOHN E. ROCKEFELLOWPHONE OAK 409Glass, Wall Paper, Paintand Paint SundriesAs to quality and prices, please callWHOLESALE PROMPT DELIVERIES RETAIL.4321 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE :: :: :: :: :: :: CHICAGO... Bowman Dairy Company'7:/i1k bottled }j:} the C(Ju»tryMilk y Cream · Butter · ButtermilkDo our wagons serve you 1Why not h�ve the 'best?4221"4229 St-ate Stree�Telephones at all division offices.-Evav$to7:} •• � Chica.go 9.9 Oak Park ••.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments MIIMIlPRINCESS THEATRECLARK STREET --- NEAR JACKSONMATINEES WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYSJACK BARRYMOREANDSALLIE FISHERIn the Quality Musical PlayA Stubborn CinderellaLA SALLE THEATREMatinees-Tues., Thurs., and Sat.Cecil LeanFlorence HolbrookINA Girl at the HelmSTUDEBAKERELSIE JANISIn the Latest College Play,with musicThe Fair Co= EdBy George Ade and Gustav LudersMAJESTIC THEATERMonroe Street, near StateThe Aristocrat ofVaudeville HousesPRICES .. I5c, 25c, 50c, 75c Whitney Opera HouseVan Buren, just off Michigan Ave.A Broken IdolWITHOTIS HARLANPopular PricesTHE AUDITORIUMMILWARD ADAMS u u :: MANAGERMiss Gertrude HoffmanINTHE MIMIC WORLDPrices • . • • 2SC, SOC, 7 SCAll Matinees. . • • 2SC, SOCILLINOIS THEATREWednesday .and Saturday MatineesZEIOFELD'SFollies of 190850ctO$I.Stl-No HigherONLY ENGAGEMENT IN CHICAGOCOMINGMiss Hattie Williams in FLUffY RUffLESOLYMPIC MUSIC HALLCLARK AND RANDOLPHVaudevilleBargain Matinees Daily forLadies and ChildrenThe Most Luxurious Music Hallin the WorldSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-38------JustTrp--�-�/7� Finest Swiss Milk���_..,..,." Chocolate� .... -...-PURE - DELICIOUS - NOURISHINGFor Sale-Drug Stores and Cigar StandsWestern Aqency AMERICAN COMMERCE & SPECIALTY CO.On Sale at UJ{epnolds ClubMI:J\(_ozthwesfern G.Building, CHICAGOL. GinsburghLadies' Tailor402 Stewart BuildingCor. State and Washington St. Chicago6ARR'lrK . Sam 8ernard inU NEARLY A HEROIF YOU LIKE GOODPIEAsk for a Piece ofCase.&Martin'sConnecticut Pie"Always Good"MIl MI s u I TFROMMy Suits are highly recommended by theUniversity girls. MIlCHICAGO OPERA HOUSEWalker Whiteside in The Melting PotMICHAEL READYPresidentGEORGE CALLAGHAN P. E. CALLAGHANSec'y and Treas. Yard ManagerPOCAHONTAS SMOKELESS COALOUR SPECIALTYReady & CallaghanCoal Co.Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds ofSteam and Domestic CoalMAIN OFFICE:813Chamber of Commerce BuildingTelephone Main 4200Branch Office andYard No. IN. W. Corner 47th andHalsted Sts.OnC.]. Ry.Tel. Yards 167 and 168 Yard NO.2S. E. Corner 75th andHalsted Sts,On Belt Ry.Telephone Went. 828CHICAGOYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments-39- sUPMIlMOKEQUI C,ROSS-BAR SOAP DISHc The only dish that really drainssoap and allows air to circulatefreely about it. Holds more soapthan any other style. Saves atleast one-third in your soap billsMtTHE ADAMS BILLIARD PARLORWF. DELIVER ORDERS FORCIGARS AND CIGARETTESSpecial Rates to Students478-480 East Sixty-third StreetTELEPHONE H. P. 278Tons orial Parlors in connection conducted bythe TWO CHARLlESMIt DESKSTABLESCHAIRSSAFESOFFICEAPPLl·ANCESMATLOCK CO.COMMERCIAL FURNISHERS 331-333 WABASH AYE·MtAre'You ParticularAs to what you Eat?If SO we are cateringto just such as youQUALITY ALWAYSANDPRICES CONSISTENT.MAY WE DEMONSTRATETHIS TO YOU?H. f. EGGERS55th Street and Madison AvenueGroceries and MedtsSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers MIXSectional Filing CabinetsMIOAK AND MAHOGANY WOOD AND STEELCABINET SUPPLIESSECTIONAL BOOK CASESCATALOGUE ON REQUES� FREE82 & 80 W�bash Ave. CHICAGOThis is our famous No. 421 Vertical Let-ter File, a Solid Oak Four-Drawer File,handsomely finished on all four sides, in Weathered or GoldenOak. It is solid and substantial, perfect in construction, andfirst-class in every detail. This File is now in use in everyState of the Union. and we have in prrnt scores of letters fromsatisfied customers everywhere which we will ue glad to sendon request. Every File is sold on our positive guarantee­satisfaction or your money back. Price $12.00 f. o. b. Monroe.Equal To Any Files Madein Capacity-each drawer holds 5tOOO letters;in Convenience-every paper quickly accessible;in Durability-built for permanent, hard service.Solid Oak-Dust Proof-Roller Bearings. Patent Follower in EachDrawer-Oxidized Metal Fittings.O h S· No.321 Three·Letter Size Drawers $9.75t er izes: No.221 Two-Letter Size Drawers $6.75F.O.B. FACTORYTh �"A;A'" Mf C 98 Union Street, Send for our cataloge -� . g 0 M . and free booklet of_ •• onroe, MIch. Vertical Filing.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-41- ,PLACE TO L I V EIDE A LTHE HARVARDA HOME-LIKE PLACE FOR REFINED PEOPLETelephone Hyde Park 1533Twelve minutes to the Loop. Five minutes to Park, Lake, or University.Home Cooking. Social Advantages. Q!iet, Elite Neighborhood.HOTEL CUMBERLANDNEW YORKs. w. Corner Broadway at 54th StreetNear goth St. Subway Station and 53rd St. ElevatedKept by a College ManSpecial Terms forCollege Teams Headquarters forCollege MenIdeal Location, Near Theatres, Shops,and Central ParkNew, Modern, and Absolutely FireproofMost Attractive Hotel in New YorkTransient Rates $2.50 with Bath and upTen Minutes' Walk to 20 TheatresSEND FOR BOOKLETSHARRY P. STIrlSON R. J. BINGHAMFormerly with Hotel Imperial Formerly witlt Hotel WoodwardSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers--42- \.'.1MIlMIT