Physi,)logy Buildingand Kent Theaterfrom Ellis Ave-nueMandel Assemb lyHall, Reynolds Club,and Mitchell TowerNorth Front ofQuadrangles fromHitchcock Hall toMitchell 'PowerRejJroducai /rm)/. Univer­sity Prt:s s jjook (if Vit'7V.'>'.The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME I DECEMBER, 1908 NUMBER 2LAW AND LA WYERSlBY THOMAS R. MARSHALLGovernor-elect of IndianaI HAVE deemed it appropriate to disclaim any originality what­ever in the subject-matter of this address. The purpose has beenrather to collate some of the things which in the course of yearsI have read with pleasure. The permutations of thought have beenexhausted and new ideas have long since grown gray. The publicspeakers of today have become what the fops of England imaginedthe author of Sartor Resartus to be, mere tailors, who, either inhand-me-down or tailor-made suits, dress up old ideas so that theymay make a presentable appearance" upon the promenade. If, there­fore, there should be anything interesting in this address, take thegifts the gods bear you and do not worry over the identity of theirmessenger.The lawyer is older than I thought he was. The University ofPennsylvania lately sent an archaeological party into. Mesopotamia.It unearthed the ruins of Nippur and among other discoveries foundthe vaults of an ancient firm of lawyers known as Murashu & Sons,and unless some Bret Harte has perpetrated a joke upon the dis­tinguished scientists this firm of attorneys were engaged in activepractice seven thousand years ago. One of the tiles found was abill of sale for an emerald ring, and contained a guaranty that theset would not fall out for twenty years. Many of these tiles arenow being deciphered, and they are showing that while conditions,civilization, and peoples have changed, principles are always thesame. <It is for this reason that the lawyer in all ages has been a1 Delivered on the occasion of the annual banquet of the Law School Associa­tion held at the Hotel Windermere, June 5, 1908.4546 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEregal character and has sat in the seat of power beside the highpriest and the king.These discoveries have upset my ancient ideal as to the originof the lawyer. Not unlike many another good and evil, however,his origin is lost in the mists of antiquity. And yet we know hecame after Adam, for no lawyer would have thought of saying,"The woman did tempt me andJ did eat." He would have recog­nized at once the law of criminal conspiracy and would have. seenthat the man who stood guard at the gate was equally responsiblewith the man who struck-the fatal blow in the house, and that sofar as responsibility and punishment were concerned he might aswell have pleaded guilty. He would have understood that in thecommission of a crime all who directly or remotely, with knowledge,take a hand in its perpetration are guilty; that in such matters, asindeed in all moral affairs, there is neither principal nor agent; allare alike responsible. Indeed, the law and lawyers teach all alesson worth the remembrance. Be sure that environment andopportunities will not excuse neglected duties nor palliate the crimeof wasted moments. Nowhere and nohow can we shift to' othershoulders the burden which we each should bear.I assume, for I do not know, that in the early dawnings of theworld, when among men with increasing flocks and herds andlargesses of purple and fine linen there arose controversies, some manslow of speech, even as Moses was, possessing a brother of oilytongue, keen perception and ready wit, even as Aaron was, said tohim, "Plead my cause;" and so, that which I doubt not in its begin­ning was a labor of love, has become in the lapse of centuries alivelihood for many men. Throughout the ages, from that time tothis, many good and many evil things have been said of the pro­fession, and yet somehow it has been true that where the professionhas been the freest there there has been the largest liberty and thegreatest advancement. Great men of all ages have testified to thehigh esteem in which the best men of our profession should be held.That profession has gone side by side with every moral and socialreform, and the history of the world proves that the freer thelawyer and advocate in the discharge of his duties the larger hasbeen the liberty and happiness of the realm. It is related of Peterthe Great, the ancestor of the autocrats who still rule the Russias,that when he visited England, and while in Westminster Hall, heLAW AND LAWYERS 47heard two advocates contending before the Court of King's Bench.He inquired who they were as they grew' loud, and doubtlesseloquent, for all lawyers are eloquent; he was informed that theywere lawyers pleading the cause of their clients. His laconicresponse was, "I have only two of them in my whole kingdom. Iwill go home and hang one of them and stop such wrangling;" andhe and his descendants have been doing their level best ever sinceto. throttle liberty, justice, and equality. How strong a contrast isthe language of that Richelieu who made France great:Good my liege, for JusticeAll place a temple, and all season summer.. . . . Do you deny me Justice?For fifteen years while in these hands dwelt empire,The humblest craftsman-the obscurest vassal-The very leper shrinking from the sun,Though loathed by charity, might ask for Justice!Not with the fawning tone and crawling mienOf some I see around you-Counts and Princes­Kneeling for favors; but, erect and loud,As men who ask man's rights!And it is perhaps true that many of the evils which came uponour old friend Job arose from the fact that he was unable to employa lawyer, because he cries out in the bitterness of his anguish ofsoul, "0 that one might plead with God as a man pleadeth for hisneighbor ."It would be inappropriate upon this occasion to. speak at anygreat length about the origin of the lawyer or to quote largely thewords of esteem which have been spoken in his behalf. Let ussee how in other ages he and the law wrought together for the doingof human justice. Among the ancient Egyptians lawyers were notpermitted to plead in court. It was thought that they darkened theadministration of justice. I do not know, but it may be this law ofkeeping silent is what turned so many of them into mummies. I donot care to have you take this view away with you as a scientificone, and yet it is fully as reasonable as some scientific theories everynow and then advanced and seriously contended for. The Egyptianplaintiff wrote his cause of action and how much damages he thoughthe ought to have. To this the defendant answered in denial oravoidance. Then the plaintiff replied any new matter which hemight have touching the alleged grievance, and thereupon the judges48 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtook these papers, gravely considered them in the light of thewritten law, for Egypt had a code, and then made up their judgmentas to which man ought to win. There were no oral decisions ofcauses. The chief justice took from his neck a chain from whichwas suspended an image known as Truth, and laid it upon the papersof the man who he thought ought to' win, and thus was the judg­ment of the court pronounced. There have been times in the livesof all of us modern lawyers when we have felt like praying for somesuch system of deciding causes. How often we have cried out atthe deep damnation of our taking off by some little court, have feltlike Hamlet, that the decision was all "Words, Words, Words."And yet I fear my profession has the same fault that Shylock had­if the court be with us we cry, "A Daniel come to judgment;" ifthe court be against us the less we know of the law the better.I wonder if views upon the subject are not largely tinctured withsuccess in a lawsuit? If we win, "law is the perfection of reason;"if we lose, it is an instrument of crime and oppression. And yet Imust say for the utility and value of the lawyer, both ancient andmodern, that always he has depended upon the ability, purity, andintegrity of the judges. When courts become corrupt and acceptbribes and decide causes from caprice or friendship, it is not longuntil revolution is necessary to purify the social atmosphere. Sonotoriously corrupt were the courts of ancient Greece that Socratesrefused to make any defense, saying that it was idle, that he hadseen the guilty go acquitted and the innocent punished until he hadlost all faith in courts and advocates. What a striking commentarythis is upon that people who furnished so much that is beautiful inart and eloquent in speech, upon that people whose literature glitterswith the beautiful thoughts of her lawyers, that people whosemelodious language has preserved through centuries the words ofthe Great Advocate, Jesus of Nazareth. And yet this result perhapswas not so much the fault of the courts and the lawyers as it wasthe fault of the law of Athens, for Athens alone of all the Grecianstates produced the lawyer and the advocate. The Spartan youthknew how to keep his own counsel and how to fight, but in thewindy war of words he took no part and wielded no weapon. Thelawyer of ancient Greece did not appear as he does now, openlyavowing the cause of his client. It was generally the man who hadan interest in the law suit who made the argument and conductedLAW AND [.lAWYERS 49the cause. Hence the party himself was his own advocate. Havingan interest in the cause was gradually extended to mean the tiesof relationship, so that a man might speak for his relatives; and thenit was always permissible, for advocates to appear and speak forthe alien, for persons under age, and for women. In Athens thelawyer sat at home, advised with his client, and wrote his speech,which the client or some member of his family delivered before thecourt. But in Athens they had none save the professional juror.There were six thousand of them, divided into twelve lots of fivehundred each. Usually five hundred sat in the trial of a cause, butsometimes several sections sat together, so that trying a law suitwas like passing a resolution at a Democratic convention. Thewages of a juror was an obulus a day, equal in our money to aboutsix cents, and in purchasing value at the present time of one dollarand fifty cents. Jurors were paid for each day they attended. Youmay well imagine that there were not many absentees. A majorityvote decided the cause.Another strange thing in the law of Athens was the theory thata popular man was liable to become dangerous to the good of thestate, and was liable to be tried upon the grounds of popularity.Upon the finding of guilty· he was ostracized for the space of tenyears, and his goods and lands were forfeited to the state. At theend of ten years, if he had dropped from public gaze, he could returnand assume his place and property. Such was the strange way ofrewarding a public-spirited citizen of those days. Fortunately ithas not been re-enacted in America or certain distinguished citizenswould not now be very sure of a nomination for the presidency ofthe United States.In Rome, while the laws were engraved upon tablets of ivory andbrass and set up in the Comitium that they might be known and readof all men, gradually the Roman emperors placed their base decreesso high upon the monuments that they were illegible. They werehowever enforced. You often hear the Roman Forum spoken of.In reality there were five of them. It is related of one Roman lawyer,Trachullus, that he had such a powerful voice that when he spokehe drowned all the voices in the other courts, and that he made sovast an impression that he succeeded in getting two judgments fromtwo different courts at the same time, in the same cause.The public took an interest in the trial of causes in Rome and50 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEclamored for the acquittal or conviction of the persons accused.Decorum was lost sight of and the trial resembled much a politicalmeeting. Cicero complained of this, especially when he was for thedefense. Cicero also revised his arguments for publications, likethe average congressman; for Milo, whom he unsuccessfully de­fended and whose defense is handed down to us, was said to haveread Cicero's revised oration and to have exclaimed, "If Cicero hadspoken thus I would not now be eating figs at Marseilles !"The lawyer conducted his law suit in Rome in a theatrical way.Thus Brutus, weary of misrule, bore to the Roman Forum the bleed­ing body of the fair Lucretia, and as she lay there, her wounds,like Caesar's, spoke louder than all tongues. And so it was that oneday in the Forum carne a man, bowed down with the weight ofyears, gaunt poverty in his eye and squalid misery on his cheek, Hetold of eight and twenty hard-fought battles for Rome, of his homeplundered, of usurious interest, and at last of his sons in chains topay the debt. The people were aroused and imprisonment for debtwas for a while at least abolished. With such a custom the Romanlawyer was not necessarily learned in the law. All he wanted waslike many a modern lawyer, to get a chance at the jury, caring littlefor the law and less for the facts. There were learned counselors,it is true, a Scaevola or a Sulpicius-but times have changed and inthis day it is unsafe for any lawyer to rest upon the judgment anddiscretion and knowledge of an elder brother. To every lawyer oftoday, above the cry of "Know thyself" is heard the louder voiceof imperative necessity, "Know the law."I may not speak further of the Roman lawyer than to' say that sixwere allowed on a side. Whether they did as we do, divide one feeamong six, or did as we ought to do, charge for six fees, I cannotsay.The French lawyer is the legitimate follower of his Romanancestor. We imagine today that we have reached the forefront.Yet listen to the things which the lawyer of the fourteenth cent?ryswore not to do :I. He was not to undertake just and unjust causes alike without distinc­tion, nor maintain such as he undertook with trickery, fallacies, and mis­quotations of authorities.2. He was not in his pleadings to indulge in abuse of the opposite partyor his counsel.LAW AND LAWYERS3. He was not to exhibit a sordid avidity of gain, by putting too higha price on his services.4. He was not to make any bargain with his client for a share in thefruits of the judgment he might recover.5. He was not, under pain of being disbarred, to refuse his services tothe indigent and oppressed.I doubt whether the most exalted man alive ever kept nearer theduties of a clean-handed, high-minded lawyer than this oath definesthem to be.The history of the English and American lawyer has been thehistory of the growth of civil and religious liberty. What a galaxyof names! How we dwell on Coke and Blackstone and Chitty.How we despise and yet laugh at that tyrannical Lord jeffrys, whotook his jury with him over the almost impassable roads of thenearly England, how he kept them without food and drink until theyagreed upon a verdict, and if they were particularly stubborn,dumped them out in the first convenient mud-hole. And then thinkof that Summers who made the reputation of the greatest consti­tutional lawyer in England in an eight-minute speech; of Mansfieldand Pitt and Erskine-that Erskine who said that when he firstarose to address an English jury he heard his children tugging athis coat-tails and crying, "Father, now is the time for bread;" ofO'Connell, the Irish patriot, who had a perjured prosecuting witnessswear that the name of the prisoner was in the hat he found andproduced in court, and then, showing no name in the hat, demandedand received an immediate acquittal of his client; of Broughamand Ellenborough and Abingdon and Holt, and later on of Scarletand Coleridge; and in America, Story and Webster and Choate andRandolph. Wherever English law and English liberty abide, therethe English lawyer is part and parcel of this divine heritage. Heaids the oppressed, rights wrongs, frowns upon prejudice, andeverywhere gives to truth the only thing she asks-a hearing. Helistens to your tale of woe, sympathizes with you in your sorrows,honestly administers your estate, is esteemed and looked up to bythe better part of the community, is only suspected by the ignorantand the vicious, and is never called a liar except by way of joke.And yet let not the lawyer imagine that in any of the ages it washis business to bear his burden with an eye single to his own glory.Let him read carefully from the annals of Greece and Rome andFrance, and he will find out that what Pasquier said to his son,52 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"Combat for the truth, not for victory," ought ever to be the mottoof the lawyer. He will learn, as Sir Matthew Hale said, that"Fraud and falsehood are not part of your business." He willascertain that neither anciently nor now has the lawyer warrant oflaw, gospel, or advice for being a trickster or a knave. He willascertain that he is to follow the law for the purpose of dealingout equal and exact justice, and not for the purpose of winning hiscase. He will understand that as she is a jealous mistress so too hemust be a loyal suitor. That he must sink self and selfishness inthe higher ideal of serving the Blind Goddess. That what thestatutes of the state point out to be his duty are indeed to be thelode-star of his life. That he shall not maintain any except justand equitable causes; that he ought to speak the truth ever, andnever mislead court or jury by artifice or false statement of law orfact. That he must not be swayed by passion or interest in thecommencement or continuance of causes; he must keep his client'ssecret inviolable, and must never reject from personal motives thecause of the defenseless or oppressed. It is his business indeed tobe in its final analysis, the peace-maker of the community, for peacecan only come anywhere by the doing of equal and exact justiceamong men. He may not gather to himself much of this world'sgoods. He may not arrayhimself in purple and fine linen and faresumptuously every day, yet if he be loyal to his oath, conscientiousin the discharge of his duty, and enthusiastic in the love of hisprofession, he will at last have gained for himself that which isbetter than lands or goods, the approbation of his own conscience,the confidence of his fellow-men, and he will have had the assurancethat he has contributed somewhat to the onward march of civiliza­tion, to the fraternizing of human kind, to the placing of the worldupon its only sure basis for permanent peace and prosperity, theequality of all men before the law and the exact administrationof justice.CHICAGO MEN AT THE OLYMPIC GAMESBY NED ALVIN MERRIAM, '08Member of the American TeamTHE group of American athletes who sailed last June forEngland to participate in the Olympic Games will always rememberthe celebration of their departure. We met in the rooms of theNew York Athletic Club on the evening before we left to listento the parting cheer of the staunch friends of American sportsman­ship who had gathered to wish us godspeed, We were impressedwith the responsibility of the part we were to play in the approach­ing international contests. Each member of the team was made tofeel that the honor of the nation had been intrusted to him andthat he was pledged to exert every particle of determined effort toinsure the success of American athletics. On the following morn­ing the good ship "Philadelphia" pushed out from the docks wherecountless flags were waving farewell, and we felt that the heart ofthe nation went with us.The Olympic Garnes were definitely established as a revival ofthe old Grecian sports in 1896. They took on added significance,however, in their effort to create a wider interest in athletic sportsand to promote comity among nations. This first attempt broughtout nearly one thousand competitors but their performances, exceptin the case of the men from Great Britain and the United States,were very poor. The average high school athlete could outclassthe majority of the foreigners in the runs, jumps, and hurdles. Noattention whatever seemed to have been paid to matters of formand in general the ignorance of the continent in matters of trackathletics was surprising.It is difficult to imagine a better appointed place for the gamesthan where they were held this year, in the Great Stadium. Thisis a permanent structure with a framework of steel and concreteand is used to seat the great crowds which attend the nationalcricket and football championship games. The immense amphi­theater seats 68,000 people and affords standing room for 10,000more. It incloses a cement bicycle track which in turn encircles acinder running path, one-third of a mile in length. Inside the run­ning track is a large open space where many of the events took5354 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEplace. It contains the swimming tank, one hundred metres long,with diving platforms along its north side, and at both ends wereerected the wrestling stages, each about four feet high. At variousother places within this inclosure were the jumping and vaultingstandards, the territory for weight and javelin throwing and thefencing and gymnastic fields.I shall never forget the display of the opening day. The flagsof all the nations, with the exception of the United States, wereraised around the Stadium. As soon as the King and Queen ofEngland reached the royal box, the parade of the thousand athletesstarted. The representatives from each nation went together, underthe leadership of their standard bearer, the largest man in the dele­gation. The procession was most spectacular. With flags wavedon high and with most of the competitors in gay uniforms, thegreat company of fleet and stalwart men from all corners of theworld, entering the arena from two gates, met in front of theking, wound around the track and finally formed en masse in frontof their majesties, where the athletes stood for a few moments untilKing Edward said in a loud voice: "I now declare the OlympicGames open."The first week of the games was marred by bad weather butwas filled by fine distance running. J ames Lightbody, a formerChicago man, ran two races but was beaten both times after excit­ing contests. His defeat in the 1,500 metres especially was a sur­prise as well as a disappointment to his American friends. He hadstrained a knee the day before his first race which hindered himsomewhat, but the chief explanation for his failure to win proba­bly lies in the fact that his former speed and endurance had beenallowed to lapse during the past two years, in which time he hasdone only a little running. The greatest victory for the UnitedStates was Melvin Sheppard's defeat of the great English runner,Wilson, in the 1,500 metres. We had scarcely dared hope for thisevent but Sheppard seems to be invincible. When near the finishand the race appeared to be safely in Wilson's hands, Sheppard, ina fierce sprint, beat him in at the tape .. When the second week, opened our victories were few buteverything looked promising in the shorter runs with the possibleexception of the 400 metres, for the Scotchman, Lieutenant Hals­welle had been running in great form. But we were to have twoCHICAGO MEN AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES 55surprises. Walker from South Africa beat Rector, and Kerr ofCanada won the 200 metres. It looked as if the purpose of theOlympic Games in increasing throughout the world an interest inathletic sports was being accomplished with a vengeance. Thislittle South African lad certainly deserves all the credit he received.He won fairly from a great field. Sheppard again thrilled thethousands when he broke the Olympic record in the 800 metres.Smithson also carne in for his share of the glory by breaking theworld's record in the high hurdles. It will be of interest to knowthat Mr. Stagg timed Smithson in fifteen seconds. also, for manyhave wondered whether the English timers coincided with ours.Mr. Stagg found that his watch was practically the same as thatof the officials all the time.We now come to the 400 metres race, the bitterest incident ofthe games. Halswelle was beaten badly in 48.1 seconds. He ranvery foolishly. Whether he feared our men or not, I cannot say,but he threw away his chances of winning by running so far fromthe pole. Carpenter ran wide but Halswelle ran yards outside ofhim. The disputed point in the race was at the beginning of thehome stretch. Carpenter changed his course, which according toEnglish sporting ethics is wrong, and went toward Halswelle. Buthe did not touch Halswelle, and therefore according to Americanideas he did not foul. Nevertheless, Carpenter is a disgraced manin England today and always will be so long as the memory of thisrace is fresh in British minds. But from our standpoint it isalmost humorous to" read the English accounts of this "black deed."Another victory for us was the Marathon race, but Hayes, thechampion, has gained little honor in England. The Italian flagwas raised when Dorando was carried across the tape and he iseverywhere in England regarded as the "moral winner." Hayes isnever mentioned. I do feel sorry for Dorando, that he should getso near the finish and then collapse, but Hayes deserves the creditfor running the full distance. If Dorando had run slower on thestart he might have won fairly. He is without doubt a great run­ner. Chicago men are glad to know that Jacobs tied for third inthe pole vault. He did remarkably well for he was affected by theclimate and could not vault in his home form.A humorous though unfortunate incident happened in connec­tion with the pole vaulting, which shows in a somewhat exagger-56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEated way the feeling of the American team toward the Englishofficials. One of the American pole vaulters from a sister univer­sity lost his temper because of what he believed to be the unreason­able action of the officials in not allowing the hole for the pole inthis event, and he appeared on the field with a small hatchet withwhich he vigorously chopped the hole he wanted, at the same timegiving vent to some of his inner convictions on the subject. TheEnglish gentlemen who managed the games were so astonished atthis conduct that they stood watching him for some time appar­ently dumbfounded, and then started in search of a policeman, butmet Mr. James Sullivan of the American party, who was able toappease the irate vaulter. Happily not all of our team were sovisibly or violently affected.This squarely raises the much discussed question, are the chargesof unfairness preferred against the English officials true? PerhapsI am not unbiased in view of my several weeks' association withseventy-five bitter American athletes, but I am inclined to say thatthere is a considerable measure of truth behind these charges.Before the meet started we heard that the Englishmen would notallow a soft place in which to fall from the high jump, that theywould refuse a hole for the pole in the vault and that the toe-boardfor the weight events would not be permitted. All of these con­ditions are vital for the best performances of our men and thereis nothing in the English book of rules to prevent them. Naturallythese reports put our men in a rather unhappy frame of mind.When our representative spoke to the officials urging that suchthings be allowed, they would merely say, "We have always donethis way in England." And it was forthwith assumed that thematter was settled. At the last moment, however, some of ourrequests along this line were granted.Another cause for some feeling lay in the fact that the draw­ings for the heats were closed. It had been the custom at thegames to have open drawings, each nation having a delegatepresent. At London, however, the natives took the ma"H:er intotheir own hands and when practically all of our best men had toru:n against each other in the trial heats of the first race on theprogramme, the 1,500 metres, in which the great English runner,Wilson, won easily, we were somewhat aroused, to say the least.In the drawings forthe 400 metres, however, we fared better andCH,CAGO MEN AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES 57three of our men reached the final race. The feeling arose morefrom the fact that the representatives. from the other nations wereignored and excluded from the drawings than from any actualunfairness to the competitors themselves.Measured by the best American standards of true sportsmanshipthe English ideal, much vaunted as it is, did not bear itself out aswe had expected. Our cousins seemed to believe that no othernation could compare with them, nor could they take a singledefeat without making some sort of excuse. For instance, in the1,200 metres race, they still think they have three men who canbeat Sheppard. I saw no article which gave Sheppard credit forwinning. Wilson "started out too fast" or "ran the third lap tooslowly." When an American ran well, the highest complimentthey could give him was that "he was quite British in his style."The ignoring of Hayes is another case in point.I think the charges against the officials have been exaggerated,however. In most cases, they without doubt acted fairly, as fairlyas men who are nationally so. conceited can act. In every closecontest I heard no criticism as to the man chosen winner. Thestarter tried to give every man an equal chance, I am sure, andhe was a very capable man. Nor should we lose sight of theadmirable management of the great meet. There are countlessdetails to be watched to keep so vast a scheme moving smoothly.Think of the men who must be notified for the events, when run­ning, wrestling, swimming, field events, gymnastic and other con­tests are in progress at the same time.Were the Olympic Games a success? I read an article in anEnglish paper that touched upon this question from a novel pointof view. It maintained that the tendency of the games now wasto promote a specialization in one event whereas they shouldadvance the ideal of an all-around development. But if measuredfrom the standpoint of increasing general interest in athletics, theyare eminently successful. Italy had a great Marathon runner.Either Italy or Germany, I don't remember which, had a hal£­miler whom only Sheppard could defeat. South Africa had thechampion of the world in the 100 metres, and France a great polevaulter and high jumper. These athletes are now the pride of theirrespective nations.THE RELATION OF THE DOCTORATE TO TEACHINGlBY OTIS WILLIAM CALDWE�L, PH.D., '98Associate Professor of Botany in the School of EducationTHE statistics concening the present occupation of the Doctorsof the University of Chicago, show that already there exists a veryintimate relation between the doctorate and teaching. This factsuggests a number of possible conclusions .. 1. That the doctorate is the logical, and ideal course of prepara­tion for those who are going into the higher teaching positions.Relative to this possibility it must be said that, excepting the depart­ments of chemistry, geology and theology, the Doctors are nowteaching, and that the various departments of the University arenow in the habit of looking to teaching as the field in which theyexpect to locate their graduate students, when they shall have com­pleted their courses. This is true whether these graduates are fromthe Master's or the Doctor's course. Furthermore college andnormal school presidents, boards of trustees, and teachers' agencymanagers, in inquiring for candidates often, if not usually, ask forpossessors of the doctor's degree. It seems higly probable thatthis request originates in the desire (I) to make certain that thecandidates know well the subjects that they are to teach, (2) thatin ,their teaching positions they may continue to do researchwork, (3) that there may be added to the faculty those whoare known to have attained more or less standing by virtue of havingdone advanced work and written books or articles upon some subjectwithin the special field, or, (4) in the belief or hope that those whoknow their subjects, have done research work, and have the degree,will be better teachers.II. A second possible inference is that the teaching positions inquestion make no special or considerable demands that are not metby the equipment given in the doctorate course. The data already1 In preparing this paper for presentation at the last annual meeting of theAssociation of Doctors of Philosophy of the University of Chicago, the author wasasked to give his attention primarily to the second of the three questions sentout In the questionnaire, namely: "Should candidates for the doctorate. be requiredto pursue courses in the philosophy of education or in the pedagogy of specialsubjects ?"T.HE RELATION OF THE DOCTORATE TO TEACHING 59presented indicate that this possible inference is not correct. Situa­tions that are well known show that in certain cases the doctoratecourse may render one less adaptable to a teaching position thanbefore intense research work was begun. As an illustration of theattitude that such a person may have toward his teaching, we haveone of our own Doctors-an excellent research man-who whenemployed in one of the best state normal schools, said to me, "Youmust learn to slight your classes if you expect to get anything worthwhile done. I know enough to keep my class busy without thinkingabout it before class-time, and I save my time for research. That'sthe way you must do if you expect to make any headway." It maybe interesting to mention that this Doctor is not now teaching inthe school in which he then was employed.Two other interesting cases have come to my knowledge withinthe past two weeks. A mature student who. is now in the University,and who is on leave of absence from a position in a southwesterninstitution said, "I know of three southwestern state normal schoolsin each of which the University of Chicago graduates have beenemployed, each of whom m.. ade such a failure inrneeting the needsof the position that the authorities would be extremely reluctant totry more Chicago people." This is not a logical attitude perhaps,since there may have been easily explainable circumstances in eachcase, but it is nevertheless a condition that presents itself for con­sideration. It should be remembered that a failure by a man with aDoctor's degree is more conspicuous than that by another is likelyto be, since more is expected. Another case is that of a presidentof a normal school who recently asked for a teacher. He said ifabsolutely necessary he could pay $2,400 salary. He wanted a manwith his Doctor's degree, with teaching experience, and abilityadequately to present before the public such educational matters astouch his special field. He could be satisfied relative to his firstqualification but not with reference to the second and third, and hewent elsewhere, though word received a day or two since states thathe has not yet secured his man.III. A third possible in ference is that there has been a changefrom the idea that the doctorate course is a research course, andthat teaching and not research is now the dominant idea of thecourse. While it may seem at first glance that in actual practice thischange already has occurred, since the Doctors secure their liveli-60 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhood by teaching, it by no means follows that such is true. In theorganization of the doctor's course, so far as present conditionsare concerned, the doctorate course may be distinctly a researchcourse bearing no relation to teaching, and the candidate, oftensecuring his degree, may discontinue his research and give all hisattention to teaching.IV. We may infer that the doctorate is trying improperlyto bridge over research and teaching, and that a differentiationshould set apart those graduate courses that look toward teachingfrom those that look, toward research purely in the subject-matter,and that there should be a special advanced teaching degree, thedoctor's degree being reserved for the students who expect to con­tinue in research within their subjects as unrelated to teaching.Such may have an attractive sound, but serious practical difficultiesface such a proposition. The larger universities have stimulatedthe demand for teachers who have the Doctor's degree, until now thedemand is general. A large number of state and other universitiesare granting the Doctor's degree to people, most of whom, doubtless,go into teaching, and it is not likely that this practice will soon bediscontinued. The introduction of a degree of less general impor­tance than the doctorate, would probably result in putting those whomight take it at such a disadvantage relatively, that they wouldseek institutions in which they might secure the Doctor's degree as apreparation for teaching. But the most potent reason against sucha differentiation is found in the fact that research of the highestorder may look directly toward higher efficiency in teaching. Sucha division, it seems to me, must interpret the doctorate as attainableonly by those whose research has no social, industrial, or intellectualsignificance to the interest of the human race in general, since justin the proportion in which it has such significance it is applicable tosome aspect of education and may probably lead the candidate intoteaching.V. A fifth inference may be that many of the Doctors shouldgo into teaching, but that those who are to do so. should give moreattention looking toward a knowledge of the educational aspects ofthe work into which they are to go. Some quotations from theDoctors' report upon this point are interesting. You will recall thatthe question bearing upon this point was as to whether courses inpedagogy or philosophy of education should be required. Some say,THE RELATION OF THE DOCTORATE TO TEACHING 61"No, teachers are born not made." One says, "Teachers, as well aspoets, are born, not made." Another says, "I answer unqualifiedly,no." "I studied pedagogy as a minor subject for my Doctor'sdegree and have concluded that it has little value to communicateto teachers-and to college teachers nothing." Another, "No, suchwork should be made a condition of receiving a recommendation toteach, but not of receiving the degree." Another, "No, let theUniversity have at least one good teacher in each department." An­other, "It is my opinion that the best teachers are those who havenever made a study of pedagogy."Others say such things as: "Success in teaching is well-nighindispensable. I f in his blind devotion to his ideal (research) he(the teacher) fails at the outset to teach successfully, to inspire andto lead students, he thereby cuts himself off from his very bestresources for ultimately accomplishing his highest aims." "TheUniversity should give more attention to education than it has donein the past five years." Another says: "Every teacher of a specialbranch should of course have sufficient acquaintance with all otherlines of work to appreciate their specific value in the curriculum."Another: "Some candidates should have courses in pedagogy-maketwo divisions of them." Still another: "Most of the candidates forthe doctorate, I presume, have already engaged in teaching and havespoiled several classes of students in learning how to teach. Istrongly recommend that if such courses in teaching be offered theprofessors of the University be required to attend them, for sqmeof them set very bad examples to their students in this respect."Another says, "It is a notorious fact that many of them knownothing about teaching, and it is a lamentable fact that the notionprevails that if one knows his subject the teaching will take care ofitself." Another : "NO' one, I believe, should receive the doctoratewithout knowledge of psychology, and that if properly arrangedcourses in education and pedagogy can be provided such, if not tooprolonged, might well be made required subjects."We expect our physicians to know the human body and thechemistry of medicines; but we also expect them to know somethingof how to diagnose diseases and adjust th� medical treatment so thata particular disease may be removed. We do not expect them tobe thoroughly expert practitioners when first they begin publicservice. We know that their hospital practice usually must be62 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEapplied under varying conditions, before the physician attains adept­ness in diagnosis and medical treatment. But we long since ceasedto be satisfied to employ a physician who proposed to get all hisknowledge of practice by experimentation upon us. It is so muchmore difficult to see matters pertaining to education than those thatpertain merely to our bodies, that sometimes, possibly, the verydifficulty of seeing them causes us to think they do not exist. Theyoung people of the country are very numerous, but not enoughso that we can afford to have all physicians or teachers get all theirpractice I by experimentation. It costs too much, if by any means itmay be arranged that these people may benefit by a careful con­sideration of the possible meaning and use to others of theirmedicines and their subjects, and of the experience of others in usingthese things.These things do not apply solely to elementary education or tothe so-called average pupil. It requires a higher order of teachingability to lead genius to the limits of its possibilities than it does toteach mediocrity. Because genius will find a way to do something,we sometimes think genius needs no teacher. Because older studentscan do something even if poorly taught, we sometimes say thatexpert teaching is necessary only in the elementary schools. Itrequires careful tillage to produce a good crop from poor land. Butit requires more careful tillage to make good land reach the limitof its productiveness.A good many of the Doctors' reports say, "teachers are born, notmade." So are physicians, preachers, and great generals. Butomitting any appearance of quibbling on this point, all must admitthat teachers are no more born with expert knowledge of teachingtheir special subject than they are born already in possession ofcredits in majors and minors in the subjects in which they are mostinterested. Furthermore there are not enough of the so-calledinstinctive teachers to do much of the teaching that must be done,and we need to reduce the number to be taught to those that canbe exposed to the "born teachers," or do the best we can to securegood teachers from those who are not supposed to belong to thatvisionary class just mentioned.Whether candidates for the doctorate who are going to teachshould take courses in the pedagogy of their subjects so often de­pends upon what we mean by pedagogy. During some of theTHE RELATION OF THE DOCTORATE TO TEACHING 63educational history of this country, pedagogy has been a cure somuch worse than the disease that some of us have preferred thedisease. But certainly we would agree that it would be helpfulif Doctors could have work in such topics as: the general situationin which the kind of teaching they propose to do will place them;the general educational function of the broad field in which theirsubject falls, and the special function of the special subject, theproblems of organization of courses and relation of courses to oneanother; observation and, if possible, experimentation in courseswhere the subject is being taught. The history of the subject bothfrom the point of view of the subject matter and of its use in edu­cation would also be highly valuable. Such a plan should notseriously interfere with other graduate courses, and does not seemto me to be inconsistent with research work, in fact may well beassociated with some important lines of subject-matter and educa­tional research. A good many subjects would be greatly helped ifthere had .been some careful research into their educational aspectsby those who are strong in knowledge of these subjects.One great difficulty is that no very thoughtful person of goodeducation can be very enthusiastic over the average course in peda­gogy. So far as I know such courses, I believe that they havedeserved all the condemnation they have received, and surely wecould not ask the candidates for the Doctor's degree to subjecthimself to the vain inanities of courses that occupy their time infruitless considerations of irrelevant methodology. But if a subject isvaluable in education, there are fundamental considerations throughwhich, when understood and practiced, its value may be secured.These considerations are related to those underlying other subjects,and this relation helps to give the setting of a subject in the schemeof education and in the curriculum. Some materials within a givensubject are usable in elementary education and some are not, and theconsiderations above referred to serve as determinants in selectingmaterials, and in arranging them into a course. In connection withsome investigations I have carried on during this year, I havesecured reports from 75 high-school teachers of botany, and over300 high-school students upon the same subject, Many of theseteachers-some of them doctors�have no definite idea as to whythey teach the subject, and their students often honestly report thatthey study the subject "to meet the requirements of the course."64 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECertainly there is a legitimate place for courses in the educationalaspects of these subjects, though many shrink from having themcalled courses in pedagogy.The research spirit and the ability to do research, not only arenot incompatible, it seems to me, but constitute one of the strongestfactors in good teaching ability.Research is helped greatly by having such general educationalability as enables the research student to know how his research isrelated to knowledge in general, and to know the efficacy of suchknowledge. In the interests of the people to be taught, primarily,secondarily in the interests of the teachers themselves, and the interests of the University, it seems to me that the Universitycannot afford to recommend to teaching positions those who are notspecially fitted and who do not justify a strong hope that they canmeet the needs of these teaching positions.NEW UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT STATUTEBY JAMES PARKER HALLDean of the Law SchoolTHE Board of Trustees of the University at their meeting onTuesday, October 20, adopted a statute reorganizing in some sub­stantial particulars the present system of faculty government andadministration in the University. The new plan is of sufficientgeneral interest to justify a short statement concerning its adoptionand, effect.A committee of the General Faculty of the University wasappointed on January 19, 1907, to consider and report on thequestion of the organization and powers of the University RulingBodies, acting for this purpose in consultation with President J ud­son. This committee consisted of the following members: JohnM. Coulter, chairman; James P. Hall, J. Laurence Laughlin, ShailerMathews, Paul Shorey, Julius Stieglitz, and George E. Vincent.Throughout the Spring and Autumn Quarters of the calendar year1907 the committee held regular weekly meetings and frequent con­ferences with the President, and finally formulated a unanimousreport .to the General Faculty. This report was presented to thatbody on January 4, 1908.Among other things this report recommended a change in theNEW UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT STATUTE 65constitution of the Senate and suggested that this be consideredby the Senate itself. Two meetings of the General Faculty wereheld at which the report was discussed, and then it was recommittedto the original committee with instructions to confer with thecommittee from the Senate in order to report a plan for the consti­tution of the Senate with such other changes as might be necessaryto make the whole scheme harmonious.The Senate appointed a committee composed as follows:Thomas C. Chamberlin, chairman; John M. Coulter, William G.Hale, J. Laurence Laughlin, and Floyd R. Mechem. The two com­mittees met frequently during the Winter Quarter, and finallyagreed upon a revised report. This revised report, with certainslight changes, was approved and adopted by the Senate on March14, 1908. It was presented to the General Faculty early in April,and frequent meetings of that body were held during that month,at which the revised report was amended to some extent and finallyunanimously adopted and its enactment recommended to the Boardof Trustees. Orr May 2 it was unanimously approved by the Uni­versity Senate. It was these recommendations, with one unimportantexception, that were adopted by the Trustees.The new plan recognizes the five Faculties-of the Colleges, ofthe Graduate Schools, of the Divinity School, of the Law School, andof the College of Education. The formerly separated Faculties ofthe Junior Colleges and of the Senior Colleges are united for legis­lative purposes, but separate executive boards are established forthe Junior Colleges and for the Senior Colleges to administer theiraffairs under the general legislative direction of the entire CollegeFaculty. Each faculty is given general legislative and adminis­trative power over all matters pertaining to its own meetings, andto the admission requirements, curricula, instruction, examinations,grading, and degrees in its own schools or colleges. These powersof each faculty are final unless, in the judgment of the Senate, theyseriously affect the general interests of the University or the in­terests of another faculty. In the former case they may be dis­approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. In the latter case theymay be altered or reversed by a majority of the Senate upon theprotest of the faculty injuriously affected. The Faculties may estab­lish Executive Boards to carry into effect their enactments, and forthe College Faculty five such boards are specifically required: the66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBoard of the Junior Colleges, the Board of the Senior Colleges, theBoard of Admissions, the Board of Physical Culture and Athletics,and the Board of Student Organizations, Publications, and Exhibi­tions. Other executive boards may be established as the need mayappear.The University Senate, to be composed of all professors of fullrank in the University, has all legislative and administrative powernot reserved to the Faculties, as well as control over the acts of theGeneral Administrative Board. This latter board replaces theformer University Council, save that its control over the adminis­trative acts of the Faculties is limited to such acts as substantiallyaffect the interests of other faculties or the general administrationof the University,.The various University Boards, such as those of the Press,Libraries, Medical Affairs, etc., are retained, and their actions madesubject to review by the Senate and the General AdministrativeBoard. There is also a provision for recommending amendmentsto the Board of Trustees.The principal features of the plan are designed to secure alarger degree of faculty autonomy, greater administrative and legis­lative efficiency, and a proper co-ordination between the differentdivisions of the University. The new legislation recognizes that theUniversity has now become so large, and the problems of itseducational divisions have become so specialized that it is impossiblefor any centralized legislative body adequately to govern it; and italso recognizes that in sixteen years the ideals and purposes of theUniversity have become sufficiently definite and cohesive to warranta proper measure of faculty autonomy without risk of disintegra­tion. The absolute legislative and administrative power over allfaculty actions heretofore possessed by the Senate and Council, hasbeen thought by many careful observers seriously to impair theinterest in faculty legislation that ought to be felt by members ofthe University. Persons not members of either the CouncilorSenate have felt, rightly or wrongly, that there was not much objectin attending faculty meetings where every action, no matter howslight, was subject to unqualified alteration or reversal by theSenate and Council. It is hoped that the new plan will stimulatea general interest in faculty legislation, without any correspondingdisadvantage.NEW UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT STATUTE 67A rather large faculty may legislate with intelligence andefficiency, if its various problems have been carefully studied byexpert committees, and the results of such study placed before it.Necessarily, the actual carrying out of faculty legislation must beintrusted to a relatively small number of individuals. It is expectedthat the routine work of administration will be performed by thedeans, as heretofore; but there are certain classes of matters involv­ing more important questions of policy and of judgment, the decisionof which, under legislative regulations, may be usefully delegatedto boards, rather than left to the unaided decision of a single person,or to a vote of the whole Faculty in each case. For this functionExecutive Boards have been provided, and, as these bodies willrapidly accumulate specialized experience, they are also chargedwith the duty of recommending legislation to their faculties. Thusit is hoped to obtain both administrative and legislative efficiency.,The provisions of the statute have been carefully worked out inthe light of the actual experience of the University, and there isvery little in the statute that can be called experimental. An earnesteffort has been made to remedy such defects in the existing organi­zation of the University as have seemed important, and to provideflexible lines of development for the administration of the Universityin the future. It is gratifying that the work of eighteen monthsresulting in the new statute has been so heartily and unanimouslyapproved by 'the President, the members of all of the UniversityFaculties, and by the Board of Trustees, and it is believed that thisis a good omen for the actual working of the plan.T_HE NEWLY APPOINTED DEAij"STHE University Board of Trustees at its meeting on October 20appointed three deans for service in the Colleges,James Rowland Angell is made Dean of the Senior Colleges,succeeding Professor James Hayden Tufts. Mr. Angell receivedthe degrees of A.B. and A.M. from the University of Michigan in1890 and 1891, respectively. He pursued graduate work at Harvardand the Universities of Berlin and Halle from 1891 to 1893. Duringthe following year he filled the position of instructor in experi­mental psychology at the University of Minnesota, and in 1894 hecame to the University of Chicago as an Assistant Professor. Therank of Associate Professor was given him in 1901, and in 1904 hewas made Director of the Psychological Laboratory and Professorin the department. The headship of the Department of Psychologywas conferred upon him in 1905. He is the author of numerousmagazine articles and reviews and of a work, now in its fourthedition, entitled Psychology, Professor Angell was elected presi­dent of the American Psychological Association in 1906.Henry Gordon Gale, '96, and James Weber Linn, '97, are thefirst alumni of the Colleges to occupy deanships. They becomeDeans in the Junior Colleges, Mr. Gale serving as Dean of theArts College (Men) and Mr. Linn as Dean of the LiteratureCollege (Men).Mr. Gale was a graduate student and Fellow in the Departmentof Physics during the years 1896-99, receiving the degree of Doctorof Philosophy in the latter year. He was then appointed Assistant,became Associate in 1900, Instructor in 1902, and Assistant Professorin 1907. In collaboration with Associate Professor Robert A. Milli­kan he has produced two textbooks. During the year 1906 Mr.Gale served as physicist at the Solar Observatory of the CarnegieInstitution at Mt. Wilson, California.James Weber Linn became an Assistant in the Department ofEnglish two years after his graduation. He was appointed anAssociate in 1900, an Instructor in 1903, and was made an AssistantProfessor in 1907. During the past year Mr. Linn was on thestaff .o� the Youth's Companion. He is the author of two novels,The Second Generation and The Chameleon.68JAM ES R()WLA)l1l A)lG ELLDean of the Senior CollegesHENRY GORDON GALEDean of Arts College (Men) JAMES WEilER LINNDean of Literature College (Men)THE UNIVERSITY RECORDTHE FACULTIESHero and Leander is the title of anew poetic drama in five acts an­nounced for publication by HenryHolt & Company, of New York.Assistant Professor Martin Schiitze,of the Department of German, isthe author.A public address on the. subj e�tof "Organization" was grven IIIKent Theater on October 12 by Mr.Samuel Alschuler, of the Chicagobar, under the auspices of the Bryanand Kern Club of the University.In the October (1908) issue ofthe School Review Associate Pro­fessor Herbert E. Slaught, of theDepartment of Mathematics, has adiscussion of "What Should BeEmphasized and What Omitted inthe High-School Course in Algebra?"A university public lecture on thesubject of "Guaranty of Deposits"was given on October 6 in CobbLecture Hall under the auspices ofthe Political Economy Club, byProfessor J. Laurence Laughlin,head of the Department of PoliticalEconomy."The Adventitious Character ofWoman" is the subj ect of an illus­trated contribution which opens theOctober (1908) number of theAmerican Magazin1e, by AssociateProfessor William 1. Thomas, ofthe Department of Sociology andAnthropology.By the appointment of the gover­nor of Illinois Professor Charles R.Henderson, head of the Departmentof Ecclesiastical Sociology, has beenmade a member of the board oftrustees of the State Training Schoolfor Gir Is at Geneva, Ill. The boardhas elected Mr. Henderson president."Does the Fourth Gospel Dependupon Pagan Traditions?" is the sub­ject of the opening contribution inthe October (1908) issue of theAmerican Journal of Theology, byCarl Clemen, professor in the Uni­versity of Bonn, who is giving a course in New Testament Greek atthe University of Chicago duringthe Autumn Quarter.The Masque of Comus, by JohnMilton, will be presented in the LeonMandel Assembly Hall on the even­ing of December 9 by the DonaldRobertson Company of Players, withselected music for the songs anddances from the original Comusscore. The presentation will be apart of the tercentenary celebrationin honor of the poet.The tenth contribution in theseries of articles on The BiblicalDoctrine of Atonement appears inthe October (1908) issue of theBiblical World, under the title of"Atonement in the Teaching ofPaul." The article is by ProfessorErnest D. Burton, head of the De­partment of New Testament Liter­ature and Interpretation.On October 20 at the session ofthe Illinois Congress of Mothers,held in Evanston, Ill., Associate Pro­fessor William B. Owen, Dean ofthe University High School, gave anaddress on "The American Fatherand His Relation to Home and Chil­dren." On October 12 Mr. Owenspoke before the Iowa Congress ofMothers ::m the subj ect of "TheParents' Share in the School.""N ew Biblical Manuscripts forAmerica" is the subj ect of a con­tribution in the Independent ofSeptember IO, 1908, by AssistantProfessor Edgar J. Goodspeed, ofthe Department of Biblical andPatristic Greek. The article dis­cusses the new Freer manuscriptsand contains facsimiles of two ofthem-the beginning of the Book ofJoshua and the conclusion of theGospel of Mark.The United States governmenthas appointed as its representativeat the Second International Archae­ological Congress to be held inCairo, Egypt, in April, 1909, Pro­fessor J ames Henry Breasted, ofthe Department of Semitic Lan-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEguages and Literatures, who isDirector of the Haskell OrientalMuseum. Mr. Breasted was fortwo years in Egypt as director ofthe Egyptian Expedition of theUniversity of Chicago. ,"Some Economic Factors in theRevocation of the Edict of Nantes"is the subj ect of a contribution inthe October (I908) issue of theA merican Historical Review, by As­sociate Professor James WestfallThompson, of the Department ofHistory. The Illinois Law Reviewfor June and October also hasarticles by Mr. Thompson, entitled"Anti-Loyalist Legislation duringthe American Revolution."The October (I908) number ofthe A merican J ournal of S emitieLanguages and Literatures is givenup to the Second PreliminaryReport of the Egyptian Expeditionof the University of Chicago by theDirector, Professor J ames HenryBreasted. of the Department ofSemitics. The report contains onehundred and ten pages and fifty­seven illustrations, some of whichare of great significance and artisticinterest.Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift hasfounded a new fellowship in theDepartment of Chemistry to becalled in memory of her husband,"The Gustavus F. Swift Fellowship."The honor of appointment to thisnew foundation will be conferredonly upon those who have provedtheir ability as research workers inthis field. The appointment will bemade as usual by the President ofthe University on nomination by theDepartment of Chemistry."Mediaeval Latin Hymns" is thesubj ect of the opening contributionto the October (I908) number ofModern Philology, by AssistantProfessor Philip S. Allen, of theDepartment of German. This is thethird of a series of articles on thesame subj ect. Dr. Charles Goettsch,of the Department of German, dis­cusses in this number "Ablaut­Relations in the Weak Verb inGothic, Old High German, andMiddle High German," this being asecond contribution on the subj ect. On the evening of October 29there was given in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall by the Donald Rob-. ertson Players the three-act comedy,A Curious Mishap, by the Italiandramatist, Goldoni. On the eveningof November I9 there was pre­sented by the same. company Vol­taire's five-act comedy of TheProdigal."The Colonizing System of theSpanish and Portuguese" was thesubj ect of a university public lec­ture in Cobb Lecture Hall on Octo­ber- I3, by Professor Ernst Daenell,of the University of Kiel. Pro­fessor Daenell is giving a series oflectures in the University of Chicagoduring the Autumn Quarter. Hissecond lecture was entitled "TheFinancial Powers of the SixteenthCentury and the European Policy."The third lecture was on the "Resultsof the Sixteenth Century," and onOctober 23 Professor Daenell spokeon "The Epoch of Mercantilism.""Effect of. Illuminating Gas andEthylene upon Flowering Carna­tions"-the one hundred and six­teenth .contribution from the HullBotanical Laboratory-appears inthe October (I908) number of theBotanical Gazette. The writers areDr. William Crocker, of the Depart­ment of Botany, and Mr. Lee 1.Knight. The contribution has fourillustrations. The one hundred andseventeenth contribution from theLaboratory-"Floral Succession inthe Prairie-Grass Formation ofSoutheastern South Dakota," illus­trated by four figures-appears alsoin this number, the writer being Dr.LeRoy H. Harvey, Assistant inEcology during the Summer Quarterof I 908."Two Dramatizations from Vergil"is the title of a volume by Asso­ciate Professor Frank J. Miller, ofthe Department of Latin, recentlyissued from the University ofChicago Press. The subj ect of thefirst dramatization is "Dido-thePhoenician Queen," and of thesecond, "The Fall of Troy." Thetranslation into English verse, aswell as the arrangement, was madeby Mr. Miller. The stage direc-THE UNIVERSITY RECORDtions and music for the "Dido" arecontributed by Mr. J. Raleigh N el­son. In arranging and translatingthe epic the authors have made, asstated in the preface, only suchminor additions and alterations ofthe original as seemed necessaryfrom the dramatic point of view.Among these are the introductionof lyrics, the curtailing of the ban­quet scene by the omission of thelong narrative by Aeneas, and theremoval behind the scenes of thefinal tragedy of Dido's suicide.Lyrical parts have been set to music,stage actiori and scenery are sug­gested by outline drawings, andidealized figures and costumes arereproduced from ancient vases andbas-reliefs. The illustrative figuresinclude three of Dido and two ofAeneas, and also those of Achates,Anna, and Venus in the garb of ahuntress; and among the songs area "Hymn to the Dawn," an "Invo­cation," and the "Song of Iopas."A Border City During the CivilWar is the title of a new volumeissued by Little, Brown & Com­pany, of Boston, the author beingDr. Galusha Anderson, presidentof the old University of Chicago,and for twelve years head of theDepartment of Homiletics in thepresent Divinity School of the Uni­versity. Dr. Anderson was a resi­dent of St. Louis during the CivilWar, and he writes of his life andobservations there during theseyears. The volume, of 390 pages,has among its chapter headings thefollowing: "St. Louis," "Fore­bodings of Conflict," "The Boom­erang Convention," "The Fight forthe Arsenal," "Camp Jackson,""The Pulpit and the Press," "De­cision and Division," "Slaves andSlave Pens," "Prisons and Prison­ers" "Fremont and Fiasco" "Hal­leck and His Manifestoes," l'DifficultCurrency," "Homes and Hospitals,""N egro Schools," and "Radicals inConvention." The illustrations in­clude a bird's-eye view of St. Louisin 1860, the arsenal in St. Louis inr866, Gratiot Street prison, GeneralFremont's headquarters in St. Louis,the facsimile of a pass issued to Dr. Anderson, and a portrait of theauthor in I861. The book is dedi­cated to "All those, living or dead,who by wisdom, tact, and self­sacrifice helped to keep Missouri inthe Union."In the secondary series of Con­structive Bible Studies edited byProfessor Ernest D. Burton, head ofthe Departnient of Biblical andPatristic Greek, the latest volume isThe Life of Christ, adapted byIsaac Bronson Burgess from thelarger volume of the same title byE. D. Burton and Shailer Mathews.Mr. Burgess was for fifteen yearsconnected with the Latin Depart­ment of the Academy of the Uni­versity at Morgan Park. The book,of three hundred pages, is dividedinto nine parts-"The Thirty Yearsof Private Life," "The OpeningEvents of Christ's Ministry," "TheEarly J udean Ministry," the first,second, and third periods of theGalilean Ministry, "The PereanMinistry," "The Passion Week,"and "The Forty Days." The frontis­piece is a colored map of Palestinein the time of Christ, and the otherillustrations include a view of Naza­reth, a plan of Herod's temple, re­productions of Zimmerman's "Christand the Fishermen" and Hofman's"Christ and the Rich Young Man,"a map of Jerusalem and the roads toBethany, and a view of the Mountof Olives and Garden of Geth­semane. There are also suggestionsfor using the book, a list of bookson the life of Jesus and kindredtopics, a historical introduction onPalestine during the last two cen­turies before Christ, and indices ofnames and subj ects and of passagescited or discussed.Associate Professor FrederickStarr, of the Department of Soci­ology and Anthropology, has re­turned to the University after aseven months' trip to the PhilippineIslands, where, on the invitation ofthe insular government, he gave in­struction in anthropology and eth­nology at the annual Teachers'Assembly in Baguio-the summercapital-from April 18 to May 15.In connection' with that work heTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.conducted at the assembly ananthropological conference extend­ing through three days-probablythe first ever held in Malaysia. Itwas devoted to questions relating tothe Malay race. At the close ofhis assembly work Mr. Starr traveledwidely in the Islands, visiting manyof the more interesting native popu­lations. Among these were theN egritos (Aetas) , Benguet Igorot,Bontoc Igorot, I fugao, Moro of vari­ous groups, and Bagobo. He alsovisited several of the civilized andChristian peoples, as the Ilocano,Pangasinan, and Tagalo. He col­lected a considerable mass of eth­nographic material and made manyobservations of interest. In makinga general survey of the field ofPhilippine ethnology, Mr. Starr wasespecially interested to learn whatopportunity exists for the sendingof well-equipped students into thearea to conduct serious original in­vestigations. Mr. Starr's personalinterest was largely in the politicaland social conditions of the Islands.During his absence in the Philip­pines, the French government con­ferred upon Professor Starr thePalmes d' oflicier de l'instructionpublique. This is the third recog­nition he has received from foreigngovernments. In 1900 the Nether­lands gave him the Museums Medal,and in February 0 f this year theCongo Free State bestowed on himthe Cross of an Officer of the Orderof Leopold II.THE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDYDEPARTMENTThe report of the Secretary ofthe Correspondence-Study Depart­ment for the year 1907-8 shows alarge increase in the number of non­residence students. Teachers inAlaska, the Philippines, Japan, andIndia were included in the enrolment.There was a noticeable increasealso in the number of those whotook the final examination on theircourses in order to secure creditfor them. A more definite state­ment regarding these and otheritems of general interest will appearin the next issue of the Magazine. In comparing the courses offeredthis year with those offered in1907-8, the most noticeable depar­tures are in the Departments ofPolitical Economy and English.The courses offered in PoliticalEconomy are almost entirely new.It is now possible for non-residentstudents to get the regular class­room courses-Political Economy I,2, "Banking,". "Money," "Trusts,""Insurance," "Trade Unionism andLabor Legislation," and "ModernSocialism." In addition to these isoffered a course, "Problems inAmerican- Agriculture," which affordsa study of modern farming, espe­cially with reference to its organiza­tion on a scientific and economicbasis. The offerings in Englishhave been enriched by the additionof a five-maj or course, "The Eliza­bethan Drama," arid a two-maj orcourse, "The Historical Develop­ment of English Fiction.". Four new courses have been or­ganized since the' last Announce­ments of the Correspondence-StudyDepartment was printed, namely,"Class Management," "Schoo.l Ad­ministration, Supervision and Man­agement," "Bookkeeping," and "Gen­eral Accounting." The first twocourses are those given at the Uni­versity by Mr. William B. Chancellor,of Washington, D. c., during the pasttwo Summer Quarters. I f theirpopularity among the teachers whohave been in attendance duringthese sessions is any criterion, theywill meet a general demand."Bookkeeping" and "General Ac­counting" are being given under thedirect supervision of Mr. TrevorArnett, Auditor of the University ofChicago. A large .number of in­quiries for instruction along theselines have of late been coming tothe University. All these newcourses are now available.The three students who receivedthe '''Class A" scholarships for com­pleting the greatest number ofmajors between April I, 1907, andApril I, 1908, were Miss EmmaSchrader (IO majors), Mr. Ernestc. Freimark (5 maj ors), and MissTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDAdela C. Van Horn (4. majors),Hereafter the student will have tofinish at least four majors betweenApril I of one year and April I ofthe next, in order to qualify forone of the scholarships of "Class A."THE LIBRARIAN'S ACCESSION REPORTFOR THE SUMMER QUARTER" 1908During the Summer Quarter,1908, there has been added to thelibrary of the University a totalnumber of 3,829 volumes from thefollowing sources:BOOKS ADDED BY PURCHASEBooks added by purchase, 2,403volumes, distributed as follows:Anatomy, 34; Anatomy, Neurology,Pathology, and Physiology, I;Anthropology, 4; Astronomy (Ryer­son), 28; Astronomy (Yerkes), 96;Bacteriology, 9; Biology, 45; Botany,19; Chemistry, 25; Church History,41; Commerce and Administration,11; Comparative Religion, 3; DivinitySchool, 12; Embryology, 3; English,191; English and German, 1; English,German, and Romance, 7; GeneralLibrary, 201; General Literature, 37;Geography, 51; Geology, 11; German,107; Greek, 60; History, 402; Historyof Art, 17; Homiletics, 38; Latin, 25;Latin and Greek, 5; Law School, 170;Mathematics, 22; New Testament, 8;Pathology, 10; Pedagogy. I; Phi­losophy, 37; Physical Culture, II;Physics, 51; Physiological Chemistry,5 ; 'Physiology, 14; Political Economy,85; Political Science, 56; Psychology,6; Public Speaking, 8: Romance, 54;Sanskrit and Comparative Philology,32 ; School of Education, 222 ;Semitics, 30; Sociology, 30; Sociology(Divinity), 18; Swedish TheologicalSeminary, 9 ; Systematic Theology,19; Zoology, 21.BY GIFTBooks added by gift, 1, I 00 volumes,distributed as follows: Anatomy, 6; 73Astronomy (Ryerson), 1; Biology, 62;Botany, 5; Chemistry, 2; Church His­tory, I; Commerce and Administra­tion, 1; Divinity School, 44; English,1; General Library, 808; Geography,12; Geology, 6; German, 1; History,25; Homiletics, I; Latin, 3; LawSchool, 3; Mathematics, 3; Music, I;New Testament, 2 ; Pathology, I;Physics, I; Political Economy, 51; Po­litical Science, 2; Romance, 12; Schoolof Education, 17; Sociology, 13; Soci­ology (Divinity), 2; Systematic The­ology, 3; Zoology, 10.BY EXCHANGEBooks added by exchange for U ni­versity publications, 326 volumes, dis­tributed as follows: Anthropology, 2;Biology, 22; Botany, 25; Compara­tive Religion, 1; English and Ger­man, 2 ; General Library, 194 ;Geography, 1; Geology, 2; German, 8;History, 3; History of Art, 3; LawSchool, 2; Philosophy, 2; Physics, 1;Political Economy, 34; Romance, 5;School of Education, .I; Semitics, 4;Sociology, I I; Systematic Theology,2; Zoology, I.SPECIAL GIFTSBaltimore, Department of Health,reports_':_6 volumes.Iowa, Department of Health, re­portS-7 volumes.Maine, Department of Health, re­ports-s-ag volumes.Massachusetts, Department ofHealth, reports-I2 volumes.Michigan, Department of Health,reports-7 volumes.New Hampshire, reports-14 vol­umes.New York City, Department ofHealth, reports-I8 volumes.Pennsylvania, reports-c-as volumes.Marion Talbot, miscellaneous-s-r 4volumes.United States government, docu­ments and reports-e-ar j volumes and122 pamphlets.DISCUSSION AND COMMENT[The Editors of The .11nive,,:"sity of Chicago M agazz"ne welcome letters from graduates, faculty,and students on University tOPICS. Correspondence should bear the signature of the writer. TheMagazine is not responsible for opinions expressed in contributions.]THE DOCTORS AS TEACHERSIt is an event of no small im­portance that the Association ofDoctors of Philosophy of the U ni­versity has taken up the discussionof the relation of the doctorate toteaching. It is true that a verylarge maj ority of Doctors engage inthe teaching profession and what­ever else may be their aims or at­tainments they are expected to makegood as teachers. I t is, therefore,of the highest import that membersof this Association should considerseriously the nature of the prepara­tion now offered by the Universityfor those who are to engage inteaching. The address given in fullin this number by Doctor O. W.Caldwell and other papers whichare to follow, together with the ab­stracts from the replies to a ques­tionnaire on this subj ect, will forma valuable basis for further consid­eration and action. Subsequentnumbers of the M aaoeine will con­tain additional replies to the ques­tionnaire and the columns devotedto the interests of the Doctors willalways be open to communicationsfrom them on this or that topic inwhich they are personally interested.A NEW TUNE WANTEDThe University of California isthe latest school to declare that theYale Boola shall no longer be heardon its football field as a Californiasong. The tendency of the newerschools of the West to seek originaltraditions and songs has becomemarked with their growth; they arebeginning to realize that there is noreason why the West should rewritethe work of others when it can pro­duce its own. Chicago is still anoffender against university traditionin the respect that it uses the YaleBoola for "Go Chicago," that seduc­tive melody which, for want of abetter, has become our most im­portant football song. A move- ment is on foot to secure better yells.Why not inaugurate a campaign fora song that has all the swing andgo of Yale Boola and yet is dis­tinctly a Chicago product? Thesongs that are original with Chicagomen are good; one or two of themespecially so, but they are in a differ­ent class from the Boola song. Isit not possible to produce in theWest a melody as inspiring as theone that has thrilled the men of oldEli for generations? Chicago isgrowing older, and its traditions arebecoming more established with itsyears. The time for Chicago todisplace all borrowed goods withits own work is now.A CLASS PUBLIC SPIRITAs long as class and Junior Collegepolitics is conducted openly withthe desire to be just to everyone in­terested there can be no criticism ofthe motives of the political leaders.Clean political moves are onlydemonstrations of a healthful activityamong the undergraduates. Thenomination and election of classofficers, however, should not be leftto the few, no matter how ably andwell the campaigns are conducted.Nothing is more moribund than adead class. It kills what little spiritthere may be in the beginning, andeventually allows questionable elec­tion methods to creep in. Drop­ping into the vernacular, the callthat ought to go out to every under­graduate is, "Get Busy and LookAlive." Don't waste valuable time,that ought to be put on your studies,in electioneering, but do devote aminute or two of the day to findout what is going on. And whenthe men have been nominated votefor the man who appears to be themost able and the most representa­tive of the candidates. In the train­ing for citizenship why should wenot discriminate as carefully in col­lege as in municipal politics?74DISCUSSION AND COMMENTCOLLEGE CREDIT FOR DEBATERSThe many activities that take upthe time of the best students in theU niversity have been detrimental togetting out a strong competition forplaces on the debating teams.Chicago wants the best men outfor the teams and can secure themonly by a lively competition forplaces. Debating takes more workthan most activities, but it alsoproves more profitable in the end.The drill is as important as thevictory, and no man emerges froma debate without being the strongerfor it. This, however, is not alwaysan inducement large enough to bringout the very best men who under­stand the large demands which anintercollegiate debate makes uponthe time and strength of the partici­pant. Would not University creditfor the work help things along?THE WOMEN'S COLLEGESEarly this quarter the women inthe Junior Colleges were assignedto the four colleges not according totheir candidacy for degrees but insuch numbers as would equalize themembership of the four. In formeryears Literature has been large andunwieldy and Arts has been small andunable to undertake many regularactivities. The larger colleges havehad to make up deficits for the smallercolleges, as in the recent case of theCap & Gown photographs. Thenew division was made with a viewof remedying these conditions. Al­though it accomplishes this end forsocial purposes it has served tobreak up all associations amongstudents pursuing courses for thesame degree, and thus annuls, seem­ingly, any attempt of a group ofworkers to maintain a definiteidentity. There can no longer beanything distinctive about anyonecollege if the present plan of divisionpersists. Arts college, made up ofwomen of classical bent, may nowinclude those working out problemsin the chemical laboratories. Thisseems to be the chief obj ection tothe new plan. On the other hand,Arts and Science could never giveas successful a dancing party as 75Philosophy and Literature becausetheir numbers were smaller; andsometimes it was hard for all the"Lit" women to get into the sameroom. Let us hope, however, thatthis arrangement is merely a tem­porary one and that it will not seri­ously interfere with the gradualdevelopment of the small collegeidea.REYNOLDS CLUB PARTIESOne of the most inspiring con­ditions in University of Chicagolife-inspiring to a man who looksforward to the complete unificationof all student interests-is the strongsupport given the Reynolds Club,and the popularity of its informalparties. At the first dance of theseason, on October 16, the attend­ance was so large that three floorswere crowded, and though this mayhave detracted from the pleasure ofa few, it certainly did not proveenough of a drawback to make theevening unpleasant. The ReynoldsClub now unites all the socialactivities of fraternity and non­fraternity men. If any definitereason can be assigned for the factthat fraternities at Chicago do notmonopolize social affairs as in manystate universities, the ReynoldsClub should come in for a largeshare of the credit. It is true thatits elections are still very much acontest between different "crowds,"but the dances are not. There is agood time for everybody at aReynolds party.It seems appropriate to suggest,in this connection, that the plan fora formal dance at the club thisquarter hardly appears expedient, inview of the fact that a formal wasmost heartily disapproved last year.The Reynolds informals are fewenough this quarter without makingone dance formal. Cabs and flowerscost money, and students, as a class,are not earning salaries that willbuy them or getting allowancesfrom home big enough to cover theexpense without dissimulation. Theinformals are most excellent fun,and why encourage useless extrava­gance in a democratic community?THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBesides, there are plenty of formalparties for everybody.A return to Saturday night as thedate for dancing parties would alsoseem advisable. Friday is a verybusy' night for most people. Theaterparties, home socials, club events,and a hundred other things takeplace on Friday night. The estab­lishment of Saturday night as aReynolds Club date makes, it possi­ble for members to use both even­ings for their social affairs.ENGLISH VIEW OF OLYMPIC GAMESA statement regarding the finalheat of the 4oo-metre race in theOlympic Games has been issued byMr. Percy Fisher, secretary of theBritish Amateur Athletic Associa­tion. It appears that an official in­quiry was made into the facts ofthis event on the evening of the dayof the race. The starter, Mr. H.Gobel, of the Manchester AthleticClub, had been instructed by thereferee to caution the competitorsagainst wilful jostling on penaltythat the race would be declared void,the offender disqualified, and therace rerun without him. Dr. A. R.Badger, vice-president of the Ama­teur Athletic Association, acting asumpire, took up a position on thebend just before entering thestraight. At that point Robbinswas leading Carpenter, they being insuch a position as to compel Hals­welle to run very wide around thebend. As they came into thestraight, Halswelle made a big effortand was gaining fast, but the far­ther they went, the wider Carpenterran out from the edge of the track,keeping his right shoulder sufficientlyin front of Halswelle to prevent hispassing. In fact, when they had runthirty yards up the straight, Carpen­ter was only eighteen inches fromthe outside edge of the track (nearthe cycle track).Other representatives at this con­ference declared that Mr. Halswellehad been wilfully obstructed. Theresult of the inquiry was the follow­ing decision, signed by the judges:"We, the undersigned, beingjudges of the final of the 400 metres, declare the race void and ordersame to be rerun on Saturday nextwithout Carpenter, he being dis­qualified, and further order that ther.ace be run in strings."The nature of the American criti­cism of the conduct of the gamesand of the 4oo-metre race in par­ticular is suggested in the article bya member of the American team,Mr. Ned Alvin Merriam, appearingin this issue. In the interests of fairplay, however, the above digest ofthe English officials' reply is pre­sented. 'While it should be notedthat the English court of inquirywas composed of members ofBritish athletic associations, it isnevertheless believed that the evi­dence which the English report dis­closes will go a long way to re­move the impression which hasbeen created in this country to theeffect that British sportsmen do notdeserve the reputation for fairnesswhich most nations have heretoforeungru�gingly . accorded them.CORRESPONDENCETHE UNIVE�SITY SEALEditor The Magazine,Sir :-Ever since' the foundationof the University spasmodic at­tempts have been made by variousorganizations to find means of secur­ing a University seal which wouldmeet the approval of the Board ofTrustees. The need of such a sealhas been sufficiently apparent to allconcerned, but so far the plans usedin pursuance of this object have notbeen successful.The Senior College Council, whichhas been the�author of most of theproj ects, has suffered from thehandicap of continually changingmembership, which has made itdifficult to Garry to completion anenterprise requiring a long time forits accomplishment. Last spring anattempt was made to obviate thisdifficulty by the appointment of apermanent committee by the jointSenior and Junior Councils. Thiscommittee had no time to accom­plish anything before the end of thequarter and it is now scattered.DISCUSSION AND COJ.lfMENTThe belief has been forced upon theSenior Council that it is. impossibleto work through a committee partlyin residence and partly scatteredthrough the country. A permanentcommittee having proved unsatis­factory on that account, the onlyalternative which presents itself isthat of working through a com­mittee of the present Council andhastening the matter as much as isconsistent" with careful judgment.To avoid failure such as hashitherto been the fate of the enter­prize, the Council and its committeeare going at it one step at a time, sothat all progress made may beclear gain, and succeeding Councilsmay be able to take up the schemejust where the previous one was com­pelled to drop it, instead of havingto commence each time at the verybeginning. The first step, and thelongest one, is to secure a motto tobe worked up in the design of theseal.' Once such a motto is securedand approved it will be possible toturn the work over to artists whowill supply the designs for the sea1.Right here, in the search for thismotto, is the place where everyoneinterested in the success of thescheme may aid, and in so doingseek for himself a lasting honor.A line, not to exceed twenty letters,either in the customary Latin or inthe less compressible English orFrench, which shall, to use thelanguage of the Board of Trustees,"express the purpose of the Uni­versity in its broadest sense," this iswhat is desired. All such inspiredexpressions may be sent to Box 313,Faculty Exchange. If a hearty re­sponse is forthcoming along thisline the committee has strong hopesthat the new seal will adorn the di­plomas granted at the next JuneConvocation.HELEN T. PECKALBERT A. SMITHCommittee of Senior College CouncilNovember I2, I908,TALKS ON BUSINESSEditor The Magazi'lJte,Sir:-Probably a very consider­able portion of the students of the 77University are not at all sure intowhat line they will go on gradua­tion. It frequently happens that aman takes up the nearest work athand, chiefly because he needs a job,and so gets tied up, so to speak, inthat proposition, when his talentsmight be much more profitably em­ployed in another field with whichhe is not, however, familiar.I understand that you have a clubat the University which makes astudy of business. Would it notbe a good stunt for this club to ar­range a series of talks, say oneevery two weeks over a long period,to be given by prominent men inthe various lines of work, whichwill outline the nature of each fieldof business, tell something of itsattractions, drawbacks, compensa­tion, etc.? For example, you mighthave three or four representativesalesmen in the various lines ofwork tell about their particular line,such as insurance, bonds, automo­biles, and machinery. There shouldbe a talk by an advertising man, atalk on banking, on promotion, onrailroading in its various aspects,each one being given by a specialist.It might be advisable to use thebest of the manuscripts of these ad­dresses for publication in the M aga­sine, because I think I am right inbelieving that a series of this kindwould be vitally interesting to alarge maj ority of the students at theUniversity. I know I would haveliked to have heard two or threegood talks on newspaper work andadvertising when I was in college.It might have· enabled me to getquicker action in my chosen work.It would certainly be an excellentchance for this business club to in­crease its scope and efficiency at theUniversity.WILLIAM A. McDERMID, ex-'o8November 6, I908THE CLASS GIFT OF '04Editor The Magazine,Sir:-Regarding the communica­tion in this department of the lastissue of the M aqaeine, entitled "AClass Gift from Each Class," Iwould like to say in behalf of theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEclass of '04, that its gift fund hasbeen turned over to the WilliamRainey Harper Memorial LibraryFund. It was the original purposeof the class to purchase a stainedglass window for Mandel Hall, butthe amount subscribed was notsufficient to carry out that plan. Itis not anticipated, however, that anyof the contributors to the classfund will object to the above-men­tioned disposition of it, but it isthought desirable to give notice inthis manner of the 'purpose to whichthe fund has been applied.EDWARD C. EICHER, '04-November 6, I908ARTICLES ON THE UNIVERSITYEditor The Magazine,Sir :-A series of articles on theUniversity is now appearing in theChicago Sunday Record-H erald,The University will- be glad tosend the series to all subscribers ofthe Magazine and to all contributorsto the Harper Memorial LibraryFund. The University does this tokeep its friends in touch with cer­tain general advances made by theinstitution, advances which are notgenerally commented upon by ourown publications, but which arenevertheless interesting to all ofus. N ames and addresses may besent to my office.DAVID A. ROBERTSONSecretary to the PresidentlVove�ber II, I908THE YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIANLEAGUEEditor The Magazine,Sir :-As a result of my experi­ence as general secretary of theLeague in I906-o;' I am moved tosay a few things about the nature ofthe work.The conditions here are so unlikethose in any other university that thegeneral association policy must belocalized. In comparison to thelarge number of students enrolledour work seems very small. Thiscan be explained by the following facts. The quarter system createsan instability in the student bodythat prevents much of the effectivework that can be done where the stu­dents stay' throughout the collegeyear. Many come for one quarterand knowing this, they hesitate toenter such an organization as· theLeague. The large body of gradu­ate students enrolled give them­selves up to their work so com­pletely that they have no time foroutside work. Since their ideas andhabits are fixed they feel that theydo not need the League as the under­graduate body does. The number ofstudents who live at home with theirown church interests adds anotherpeculiar feature. They say theycannot do both church and Leaguework. They must choose betweenthe two. This, together with thefact that many students in the dor­mitories leave for over Sunday,make it impractical to hold any meet­ing on Sunday. Then, too, the lackof unity of feeling, throughout thestudent body as a whole, due to thevery greatness of the University,hampers us. We do not stand asthe one unifying organization forwomen as many associations do.The attractions of the city itself,of the varied organizations withinthe University, keep us from reach­ing the students en masse. A spiritof independence pervades the Uni­versity to such an extent that eachperson seems to be entirely capa­ble of looking after herself. Thisis detrimental in that many comeand go without forming thosefriendships that make college daysdear. This spirit is carried over ..into the religious life so that it ishard to get any expression of thatlife in a direct way.The League ought to play alarger part in the life of the womenin the boarding-houses. Thereshould be a closer relation betweenthem and University life, at leastby a more careful supervision ofthe conditions in those houses.Surely conditions are vastlydifferent here and it will be ofvalue to have these differencesclearly brought out.ELSIE VOORHEES JONESTHE FOOTBALL SQUADStagg (coach), Elliott (I. g.), Hoffman (I. t.). Badenoch (c.) , Falk (r. r.), Schommer (I. e.) Meigs (sllb.I?), Bohlander (sub. g.), Kelley (r, t.)Crowley (r. h.), Ehrhorn (I. g.), Worthwine (f. b.), Schott (I. b.}, Smith r sub. g.). Hirschi (I. z.), Grills (sub. c.)Iddings (I. h.), Rogers (sub. h.), Steffen (capt., q.}, Page (r. e.), De Tray (asst. coach), Johnson (trainer)UNDERGRADUATE LIFEWhile the result of the tie gamewith Cornell on November 14leaves the supremacy of East andWest open, Chicago people arepretty thoroughly convinced thatthe newer and. more open style ofplay has proved its usefulness. ToChicago people the touchdown wonin the last minute of play meantvictory. The playing of the firsthalf almost entirely in Cornellterritory, showed the work of Chi­cago's offense and a comparison ofthe humber of times either teammade the requisite ten yards in threedowns will show' that Chicagoclearly had the advantage. ToChicago there can be no question asto which team should have had thevictory. .Steffen, Schommer, and Page dis­tinguished themselves by clever in­dividual work. The little quarter,as usual proved himself able to copewith the best Cornell had to offer.In spite of losses caused by the for­ward pass going into wrong handsChicago was able to make headway.There were fumbles on both sides inthe first half but when it is remem­bered that th� players were trying tohold the ball in hands almost stifffrom the cold the reason is easilyseen.The attendance at the game wasthe largest of the year and the root­ing was admirable. The big "C'worked fully as well as at the Min­nesota game. The Chicago bandmade its best appearance of the year,its number having been augmented.After the game the chimes inMitchell tower played, for toChicago the result of the game wasas much as a victory.That the new football scored de­cisively against the old style of play­ing in the game between Chicagoand Minnesota on October 30 wasthe chief comment, on the result,and Minnesota men who felt thescore, 29 to 0, almost a disgrace were strongly in favor of an entirechange of tactics in the coaching ofthe Minnesota team. Most of thecriticism was directed against thenorthern team's coaching staff,which has adhered to the . old-stylegame. Besides this the contestproved that Walter Steffen is al...;most without an equal in effectiverunning with the ball, while hiscaptaincy of the team won un­stinted praise. The inability of theMinnesota eleven to trip up thefleet little Chicago man gave himopportunity for several spectacularruns that made the hearts of Chi­cago men glad. Besides Steffen,Page, Crowley, and Iddings deservecredit for excellent work.One of the best demonstrationsof student enthusiasm ever seen atChicago was given after the Minne­sota game. The rooters, followingtheir leaders, kept together andafter marching around the field be­hind the band gathered near BartlettGymnasium to sing. The band ledoff with the Chicago songs, thechimes in the tower were played forthe occasion, and every studentdoffed his hat while the "AlmaMater" rang out. Following thisthe rooters, over three hundredstrong, marched to the new circularroadway in the center Of the cam­pus and forming a ring dancedaround it. The final outburst cameat the "C" bench where all the songsof the day were again rehearsed.The great block "C" in the rooterssection, made of pennants in thehands of Chicago students proved aninnovation that pleased. By revers­ing the pennants the effect of awhite �'C" on a maroon field, and amaroon "C" 011 a white field wassecured. The pennants :were raisedto the melody of Gordon Ericson'snew Chicago march, which, togetherwith "Campus Capers," an inter­mezzo by Albert Sabath, and dedi­cated to Walter Steffen, is the con-7980 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtribution of, this Season to Chicagomusic. Too much, also, cannot besaid of the fine rooting and spiritshown by the Minnesota section.The men from the North kept uptheir loyal support long after theChicago team began its steadymarch for touchdowns.What was without doubt the bestyell meeting of the year was held onThursday evening, November I2, inBartlett Gymnasium. All the loyalrooters were present and the womenof the University came in largenumbers. "Bill" MacCracken, cheer­leader, presided. President Judsonand Dr. Thomas W. Goodspeedspoke of their faith in the team'sability to win. William Scott Bond,'97, represented the alumni and toldseveral interesting stories. Alder­man Badenoch, father of BenBadenoch, who plays center forChicago, was also on the platform.These were followed by the mem­bers of the team and, lastly, byCoach Stagg, whose reception wasas rousing as ever. A big bonfirewas lighted on Vincent field afterthe rally.The windup of the week of pro­bation for, the Freshmen of theThree-Quarters Club came betweenthe halves of the Cornell footballgame on November I4. Dressed torepresent such characters as theGold Dust Twins, acrobats, theMerry Widow, Jocko the Monk, andthe like, th� men gave a mock foot­ball game on the field. More carewas taken with die costuming thisyear than ever before. The menwill become full-fledged members ata banquet to be given soon in adown-town cafe.For the first time in years thepresidency of the Senior class wasdecided without a battle. WilliamPatterson MacCracken, known tohis friends by the shorter name of"Bill," .was elected without oppo­sition. Competition for the remain­ing Senior offices was more keen,and resulted in the choice of FredGaarde, vice-president; KatharineSlaught, secretary; and Dean Ken­nedy, treasurer. William Mac­Cracken, is the present Universitycheerleader, was last year's business manager of the Cap & Goum, mem­ber of Junior and Senior CollegeCouncils, reporter on the. DailyMcroon, member of Owl and Ser­pent, Order of the Iron Mask,Sphinx, Skull and Crescent, Three­Quarters Club, and Psi Upsilon. Hehas been identified with many othercollege activities. Fred Gaarde wascaptain of the I908 baseball teamand belongs to Sigma N u. MissKatharine Slaught was a member ofthe Cap & Gown board, speaker forthe associates, Spring Quarter, I 908,has been a member of the Juniorand Senior College Councils, andhas held honor scholarships for ex­cellence in work. Dean Kennedy isa member of the Blackfriars, GleeClub, Tiger's Head, Score Club, andDelta Upsilon.Abbott Hershel Shaw of theBlackfriars believes that this organ­ization should have more reasonsfor existence than the production ofan annual comic opera and hasbegun his campaign for a more co­herent organization with the an­nouncement that the friars willdine and smoke on December I2.The details are being worked out bya committee made up of HurnardKenner, Aleck Whitfield, and C. L.Sullivan, chosen at a meeting heldon Friday, November I3. It wasannounced that the contest for theI909 comic opera would close onJanuary I. It is open to any Uni­versity of Chicago man, and if donein collaboration one of the authorsmust be in residence. Three ormore plays, it is. understood, areunder way, all by new writers.Hansen, Klein, and Smith, authorsof the I907 and I908 operas will notsubmit a play this year.Two new booklets of informationhave recently been published, thoseof the Y. M. C. A. and the W. A. A.The latter includes a sketch of thework of the association throughoutthe year, with the dates of futureevents. The former, called TheMaroon Diary and Handbook, is acomprehensive work of I26 pageswhich tells in compact form muchthat could have been secured for­merly only from a great many differ­ent sources. Interest in the volumeUNDERGRADUATE LIFEis increased by such suggestive arti­cles as "Advice to Freshmen," byPresident Judson; a short history ofthe University by George O. Fair­weather, '07, and � discussion of"Chicago Ways" by David A. Rob­ertson, '02. The ed'tor of the diaryis A. W. Wheeler and the businessmanager, R. P. Baker.With the try-outs on October 29,interest in the intercollegiate debatesgrew more marked. This year'stopic for debate is, "Resolved, Thatbank issues secured by commercialpaper are preferable to those securedby bonds." Coach H. P. Chandlerhas charge of the debate.Dramatic activities have assumedtheir place in University life. Thetrials for the Dramatic Club wereheld October 25. The coming ofDonald Robertson and his companyto Mandel Hall in a series of threeplays also called out favorable com­ment. The first, A Curious Mishap)by Goldoni, was given October 29;A Prodigal Son) by Voltaire, wasgiven November 19. The third playwill be commemorative of Miltonand will be his masque, Comus.The Score Club opened its seasonof winter dances on the afternoonof Saturday, October 24, in Rosalie.The attendance was large and theparties promise to be as popular asever. The Reynolds dances includean informal on November 25 and aformal on December II. The usualafternoon dances of the Junior Col­leges will this year be regulated bythe Junior College Council, accord­ing to a recent ruling, this beingthought expedient because of con­flicts in dates under the old system.The most strenuous days of thefraternity rushing season ended hap­pily on October 21 when the six­teen undergraduate fraternities an­nounced nearly seventy-five pledges.The average number of menchosen by each fraternity has drop­ped to a little over five. Fraternitymen are said to agree that the cam­paign was harder than usual owingto a decrease in the amount of avail­able material.The close of the political cam­paign resulted also in the close ofpolitical activities on the campus. In the last few weeks the student repre­sentatives of the national partieswere busy molding the opinions ofthose of the undergraduate worldwho had a vote. The National Re­publican College League was per­haps the most active. Under theleadership of W. P. MacCracken,Jr., the school was canvassed, andorganizations such as fraternitieswere asked to present in tabulatedform the political sentiments oftheir members. Samuel B. Alschulerspoke for the Democrats on Octo­ber 12, and Governor Char les S.Deneen addressed a Kent Theaterrally on October 27. The attempt tohave Bryan speak on the campusfailed because of that candidate'smany engagements, but the collegemen joined in a demonstration atthe Coliseum. The campaign led tothe formation of a number of clubs,this activity extending even to thewomen. The University of ChicagoRepublican club elected Arnold B.Hall, president, and E. C. Tanner,secretary. Mr. Hall was also theUniversity representative on the staffof the National College Republican.Socialists formed the Debs club,with F. E. Robins, president, andFrank A. Gehring, secretary � thepresident in this instance being aFellow in Greek. The Bryan andKern club was one of the earliest inthe field. A political debate of someinterest took place before the Pre­Legal Club, at which representativeworkers from the city organizationsof the five principal parties ad­dressed the students.N either were the women's hallsfree from the election excitement.Registration was effected with a polltax of three cents, which paid cam­paign expenses. At a rally in GreenHall on the night of October 30young women representing eachparty spoke, preparatory to themock election held on Tuesday,November 3, which gave the Repub­lican candidate a rnaj ority.Considerable interest has alsobeen aroused among the women bythe agitation for equal suffrage.With the return of Dean Brecken­ridge and Miss Harriet Grim fromthe convention of the National EqualTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESuffrage Association of CollegeWomen, a Chicago club was formedwith Miss Grim as president. OnTuesday, October 27, Dr. AnnaShaw spoke for the movement at aj oint meeting of the Junior Colleges.The Y. W. C. L. programme forOctober and November includes thefollowing addresses and events:Oct. 6-Informal tea for the Fresh­men.Oct. 8-"Welcome," Miss Helen Peck.Oct. I3-"Some Fundamentals in Bible_-Study," Dr. Warren P. Behan.Oct. I4-"On . Bible Study," MissGeorgia Chamberlin.Oct. 2o-0rierital tea, to meet MissRuth Paxson, secretary of the Stu­dent Volunteer movement.Oct. 2I-"The Need for MissionStudy," Miss Ruth Paxson.Oct. ·27-"What Happened in Tent 13,"a review of the Y. W. C. L. con­ference at Lake Geneva, Wis., byMiss Edith Osgood.Oct. 28-"Ten Days at Geneva," MissValentina Denton.Nov. 4-"The Student's Relation tothe Church," Rev. Oscar Helming.Nov. II-"Prayer: A Reality," Dr.Chas. R. Henderson.Nov. I8-Recognition meeting for newmembers.Nov. 2s-"Making Ends Meet," MissKatharine Slaught.The University organization wasrepresented at the meeting of thestate Y. W. C. A. which opened inBloomington on October -31.University of Chicago womenwho are interested in literary studyhave formed the English TwelveClub, which will further "fellowshipamong women of literary taste atthe University." It is planned tohold study classes for the membersand open meetings for the readingof poetry and drama. The club isto be made representative of thewomen's literary interests and to up­hold high ideals of literary taste.Meetings will be held twice amonth. The deans and the English faculty have expressed their inter­est in the plans and the membersare enthusiastic over their prospectsof success. The officers and chartermembers are; Florence Kiper, presi­dent; Ernestine Evans, secretary;Mary Courtenay, treasurer; HelenPeck, Katharine Slaught, JessieHeckman, Lucy Driscoll, EleanorCraig, Caroline Dickey, Alice Green­acre, Nell Anthony, and Mrs. W. 1.Thomas.As an evidence of their interestin student activities Junior Collegewomen point to the establishment ofan Arts College dramatic club, anArts College debating club, aScience College dramatic club, andthe increased membership in the"Sock and Buskin" of Philosophyand the "Greenroom" of LiteratureColleges.For the benefit of the UniversitySettlement Miss Lucine Finch willgive a recital of negro songs andstories in Mandel Hall on the even­ing of December 2. The recital willbe under the auspices of the womenof the University.Thanksgiving will be observed witha spread in Lexington lunch-roomon Wednesday, November 25, by theWomen's Union, according to itsannual custom. This year all thewomen of the University are invitedto attend in masquerade costume.On Tuesday, November TO, a re­ception was given to Madame AllaN azimova in Green Hall under theauspices of the Women's Union.Social activities have been numer­ous in the women's halls in the pastmonth. On Monday, November 9,the members of Beecher presented amock poetic drama in honor offaculty guests. The new girls inGreen gave a vaudeville programmeentitled "Green Hall Gambols" onMonday, November 16. Green Hallalso entertained at an informaldancing party on Friday, N ovem­ber 13. Green had a ghost party tocelebrate Hallowe' en while Kellyhad a play and a costume party.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D�, '98, SecretaryDr. A. W. Smith, '04, has beenpromoted to an assistant professor­ship in mathematics at ColgateUniversity, Hamilton, N. Y.Dr. Etoile B. Simons, '05, hascharge of the department ofbiology in the Manual TrainingHigh School of Indianapolis, Ind.Dr. Emil Goettsch, '07, is a candi­date for the degree of M.D. in themedical school of Johns HopkinsUniversity.Dr. William A. Locy, '06, is pro­fessor of zoology in NorthwesternUniversity.Dr. Roy C. Flickinger, '04, whowas formerly instructor in Greekand Latin, has now been promotedto an assistant professorship inGreek at Northwestern University.Dr. David M. Robinson, '04, hasbeen promoted to an associate pro­fessorship in classical archaeologyat Johns Hopkins University. Dr.Robinson was formerly assistantprofessor of Greek in IllinoisCollege.Dr. Gilbert A. Bliss, '00, formerlyassistant professor at PrincetonUniversity, has been appointed Asso­ciate Professor of Mathematics atthe University of Chicago.Dr. N. J. Lennes, '07, formerly in­structor at the Massachusetts Insti­tute of Technology, is now assistantprofessor of mathematics at BrownUniversity.Dr. Thomas E. McKinney, '05,formerly in charge of the depart­ment of mathematics at WesleyanUniversity, Middletown, Conn., isnow professor of mathematics inthe State University of SouthDakota at Vermilion, S. D.Dr. Robert L. Moore, '05, for­merly instructor at Princeton Uni­versity, is now instructor in mathe­matics at Northwestern University.83 The number of candidates for thedoctorate during the year 1907-8 wasas follows: Autumn Convocation,twenty-seven; Winter Convocation,five; Spring Convocation, six; Sum­mer Convocation, sixteen; making atotal of fifty-four.These were distributed by depart­ments as follows: Philosophy, one;psychology, five; political economy,two; political science, two; history,three; . sociology, one; Semitic lan­guages, two; Latin, two; Germaniclanguages, one; mathematics, six;physics, two; chemistry, seven; geog­raphy, one; zoology, six; anatomy,two; physiology, one; bacteriology,one; paleontology, one; botany, five;New Testament, three. It will beseen that the departments of mathe­matics, chemistry, zoology, botany,and psychology have producedtwenty-nine of the fifty-four Doc­tors for the year, or a ·little morethan one-half the total number.The following is a partial list ofappointments and promotions amongthe Doctors for the coming year:In the Department of Botany: An­struther A. Lawson, '01, lecturer inbotany, University of Glasgow; CliftonDurant Howe, '04, professor of for­estry, University of Toronto; WilliamJ esse Goad Land, '04, instructor inbotany, The University of Chicago;Laetitia M. Snow, '04, instructor inbotany, Wellesley College; WilliamCrocker, '06, associate in botany, TheUniversity of Chicago; L. Lance Bur­lingame, '08, instructor in botany, Stan­ford University; Reginald R. Gates, '08,assistant in botany, The University ofChicago; LeRoy Harris Harvey, '08,professor of botany, State N onnalSchool, Kalamazoo, Mich. ; CharlesHouston Shattuck, ' 08, professor ofbotany, Clemson College, South Caro­lina; Alina G. Stokey, '08, instructorin botany, M t. Holyoke College.In the Department of Zoology:Charles C. Adams, '08; associate inanimal ecology, University of Illinois;Mary Blount, '08, instructor in zoology,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUniversity High School, assistant inzoology, The University .of Chicago ;John T. Patterson, '08, instructor 1�zoology, University of Texas; K�tashlTakahashi, '08, professor of zoology,Imperial Peers' College, Tokyo, Japan;H.. H. Newman, formerly instructor inzoology University of Michigan, headof dep�rtment of zoology, Universityof Texas.In the Department of Chemistry:. Willis S. Hilpert, '06, chemist, chemicallaboratory of the American MedicalAssociation; Robert A. Hall, '07, asso­ciate professor of chemistry, ClemsonCollege, South Carolina; William M.Bruce, '04, chief chemist, AgriculturalExperimental Station, University ofArkansas, leaving the Kennicott WaterI Softening Co., for which he had beenchief chemist since taking his degree;George Ashman, '08, returned to theprofessorship of chemistry, BradleyPolytechnic Institute; he had been onleave of absence to complete his workfor the degree. Katherine Blunt, I '07,instructor in chemistry at Vassar Col­lege; Willey Denis, '97, assistantchemist, Washington, D. C.In the Department of Psychology:Clarence Yoakum, '08, instructor inpsychology in the University of Texas;Florence E. Richardson, '08, assistantprofessor of psychology, Drake Uni­versity, Des Moines, Iowa; W. V. D.Bingham, '08, instructor in psychology,Teachers College, Columbia University.New York; Grace N. Fernald, '07,professor (pro tempore) of psychology,Lake Erie College, Ohio; Harvey Carr,'os. assistant professor of psychology,The University of Chicago.In the Department of Mathematics,Nels J. Lennes, '07, instructor inmathematics, Brown University, Provi­dence, Rhode Island; Robert L. Moore,'cs. instructor in mathematics, North­western University, Evanston, Illinois;Thomas E. McKinney, 'cs. professor ofmathematics, University of South Da­kota; Gilbert A. Bliss, '00, associateprofessor of mathematics, Universityof Chicago, Summer Quarter, 1908.It is desired to give in thesecolumns reports of the scientific pub-'lications of the Doctors. This in asense will be supplementary to thelist of publications given in thePresident's annual report, which al­ways includes those Doctors who aremembers of the Faculty of the U ni­versity of Chicago, but does notalways include all the others. Anattempt will be made to organize a committee in each departmentwhich shall have this matter incharge. Certainly nothing is moreimportant than the proper recog­nition and report of research car­ried on by the Doctors after theyleave the University. The only suchreports available for this issue arefrom the departments of zoologyand German. and these probably donot give all the data for thoseDoctors who are not in residence atthe University.Publications of the resident Doc­tors of Philosophy in the Depart­ment of Zoology for Igo7-IgoS:Charles C. Adams, '08, "The En­vironmental Relations of Animals," acontribution to Professor R. D. Salis­bury'S Physiography (Briefer Course),473-85. Henry Holt & Co., 1908•"Some of the Advantages of an Eco­logical Organization of a NaturalHistory Museum," Proceedings of theAmerican Association of Museums, I,170-78, 1908. "The Ecological Suc­cession of, Birds." The Auk, XXV(1908), NO.2, 109,;....53.Mary Blount, '08, "The Early Devel­opment of the Pigeon's Egg, withSpecial Reference to the Supernumer­ary Sperm Nuclei, the Periblast, andthe Germ Wall." Preliminary papee,Biological Bulletin, October, 1907.Wallace Craig, '08, "N orth DakotaLife: Plant, Animal, and Human."Bulletin of the American GeographicalSociety, XL, July, 1908, 321-415."The Voices of Pigeons Regarded as aMeans of Social Control," AmericanJournal of Sociolopy, XIV (1908), No.I, 85-100.Frank E. Lutz, '08, "The Variationand Correlation of Certain TaxonomicCharacters of Gryllus." Bulletin IOI,Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C.John T. Patterson, '08, "The Orderof Appearance of the Anterior Somitesof the Chick." Biological Bulletin,XIII (1907), 121-33. "On Gastrula­tion and the Origin of the PrimitiveStreak in the Pigeon's Egg." Pre­liminary notice, Biological Bulletin,XIII (1907), 151-70. "Amitosis in thePigeon's Egg." Anatomischen Aneeiaer,XXXII (1908) Band, 117-25.Oscar Riddle, '07, "The Cause of theProduction of 'Down' and OtherDown-like Structures in the Plumagesof Birds." Biological Bulletin, XIV(1908). "The Genesis of Fault-Barsin Feathers and the Cause of Alterna­tion of Light and Dark FundamentalBars." Biological Bulletin, XIV, 1908.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY 85Victor E. Shelford, '07, "PreliminaryNote on the Distribution of the TigerBeetles and Its Relation to Plant Suc­cession." Biological Bulletin, XIV,No. I, 9-14. "The Life-Histories andLarval Habits of the Tiger Beetles."Linnean Societies 1 ournal, XXX(1908), 157-84.Katashi Takahashi, '08, "Some Con­ditions Which Determine the Lengthof the Internodes Found on the NerveFiber of the Leopard Frog Ranapipiens." Journal of Comparative Neu­rology and Psychology, XVIII, NO.2.George W. Tannreuther, '08, "His­tory of the Germ Cells and EarlyEmbryology of Certain Aphids." Zoolo­gischen Lahrbiichern, XXIV (1907).609-42•Recent publications by Doctors ofPhilosophy who took their degreesin the German Department of theUniversity of Chicago: Francis A. Wood, '95, "Greek andLatin Etymologies." Classical Phi­lology, III (1908)" I, 74-86. "Rime­words and Rime-ideas." lndogerma­nische Forschunaen, XXII, 1-2, 133-71•"Etymological N otes." Modern Lan­guage Notes, XXIII (1908), 5, 147-49.Philip Schuyler Allen, '97, "Me­diaeval Latin Lyrics," Part 1. ModernPhilology, V (1908), 3, 423-76. Idem.,Part II, tu«, VI (1908), I, 3-4.Adolph C. von Noe, 'oS, "Die Uni­versitat von Chicago." Die Glocke(Chicago), III (1908), 2, 65-69. "DieStellung des College in amerikanischenU nterrichtssystem." I niernationale Wo­chenschrifi fil't Wissenschaft, Kunst,und Technik (Berlin), II (1908), 29,918-22.Charles Goettsch, '01, "Ablaut-Rela­tions in the Weak Verb in Gothic, OldHigh German, and Middle High Ger­man." Modern Philology, V (1908),4, 569-616.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOLASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, J.D., '06, SecretaryThe secretary desires to learn ofany change of address of membersof the Law School Association. Anynews concerning any former stu­dent of the Law School should besent to R. E. Schreiber, 9I2 Mo­nadnock Block; telephone, HarrisonI758.THE MONTHLY LUNCHEONThe monthly luncheon of the LawSchool Association is held at theBismarck Hotel, 178 Randolph St.,the second Saturday of every month.Service a la carte.ALUMNI NEWSE. C. Ashton, '07, is connectedwith the firm of Moyle & Van Cott,Deseret National Bank Bldg., SaltLake City, Utah.Leslie J. Ayer's, '06, address is I3I4Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,Chicago. Edward 1. Alexander, Jr., is asso­ciated as partner with Robert M.Mitchell, Suite 9, 79 So. Clark St.,Chicago.Herbert W. Brackney, '06, ispracticing law in Sioux City, la., 204American Block.George C. Dixon is a partner inthe firm of Dixon & Dixon, 120East First St., Dixon, Ill.Ingraham D. Hook is in the lawoffice of Frank Hagerman, Com­merce Building, Kansas City, Mo.J. W. Johnson is police magis­trate in Sterling, Ill.W. R. Jayne, '04, is with Iane &Hoffman, Muscatine, la.The address of W. P. Lambertsonis Fairview, Kan.David D. Madden's, '06, office is at, Rockford, Ill., 617 Ashton Bldg.A. T. Stewart is in England. Hisaddress b 155 Westbourne Ave.,Hull, Eng.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONEDGAR J. GOODSPEED, B.D., '97, SecretaryALUMNI NEWSRev. W. C. Halbert, who was astudent in the Divinity School atthe time of its removal from Mor­gan Park to Chicago, recently diedat his home in Iowa. So soon hashe followed his college friend, Dr.J. FI. Herrick, who came with himto the old Seminary from the collegeat LaGrange, Mo.Mr. C. H. Scheick, who recentlycompleted his divinity studies, hasaccepted a call to a pastorate' inPittsburgh, Pa. He thus returns tobegin his life-work in his nativestate.Rev. D. M. Hand, who took hisB.D. degree ctt the end of the Sum­mer Quarter, was born among themountains of the West, and had alonging desire to return to that partof the country for permanent serv­ice. He has therefore accepted thecall of the Baptist church at Ana­conda, Mont., rather than that re­ceived from Atlantic, Ia., in thestate where he received his collegeeducation.Rev. G. W. Fogg, '08, a recentgraduate of the Divinity School,has resigned his pastorate in SouthBend, Ind., and returned for fur­ther study at the opening of theAutumn Quarter.Rev. F. T. Galpin, '04, after avery effective pastorate with theBaptist church at the capital ofWisconsin, has begun work aspastor of the First Church, Detroit,Mich., succeeding Rev. T. A� Hobenwho has already entered upon serv­ice as Associate Professor of Homi­letics and Pastoral Duties in theDivinity School. The DIvinity School �as r�pre­sented at several state conventions,meeting in October, by members ofthe faculty who made addresses orgave series of lectures. DeanMathews spoke at the Indiana andMinnesota conventions, Dr. Hender­son in Ohio, Dr. Hoben in Iowa,Dr. G. B. Smith in Illinois. and Dr.Price in Michigan.Rev. R. R. Fleming, recentlypastor of the Baptist church, atNewton, Kan., has accepted the callof the First Baptist Church ofStreator, Ill.Rev. A. P. Garrett, who recentlyreceived his B.D. degree from theUniversity, is meeting with muchencouragement in his work as pastorof the First Baptist Church ofGreen Bay, Wis. He thus fills oneof the four leading pulpits in Wis­consin recently vacated by Chicagomen. Another' of the four is nowoccupied by Rev. J. c. Hazen, whosucceeds Rev. R. M. Vaughan atJanesville.Rev. W. C. Risinger, formerly astudent of the Divinity School, hasbeen called from his pastorate atWest Allis, Wis., to become theBaptist Sunday-school missionaryfor the state of Minnesota.Rev. ]. E. Ayscue, 'oS, who re­signed the pastorate of the Baptistchurch at Greenville, N. c., earlylast summer, to pursue some post­graduate studies in the DivinitySchool, and with a view to latersettlement in the North, has de­clined recently a recall to hisformer field.Rev. M. W. Buck closes his pas­torate at the LaSalle AvenueChurch, Chicago, with the monthof October.86CLASS GIFTS AT ENTRANCE TO COBB HALLBulletin Boards, Class of 1906Electric Lamps, Class of 1907THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONGEORGE O. FAIRWEATHER, S.B., '07, General SecretaryNEW ALUMNI CLUBSThe graduates and former stu­dents of the University living inKansas City, Mo., Kansas City, Kan.,and immediate vicinity, are under­taking the formation of an alumniclub. The preliminary plans are incharge of Jacob Billikopf, '04, I702Locust Street, Kansas City, Mo., andCharles Arthur Bruce, '06,' 2625Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, Mo.Similar efforts have recently beeninaugurated in the following centers:Oregon Alumni Club, l\1rs. W. J.Weber,' '99, Canby;- Ore.Bloomington (Ill.) Alumni Club,Rabbi George Gresham Fox, '04,Congregation Moses Montefiore,Bloomington, Ill.Alumni of these districts are re­quested to correspond with the tem­porary secretaries whose names aregiven.THE CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUBThe local alumni joined forceswith the undergraduates at thepurity banquet given in honor of theCornell team on Friday evening,November 13. After the dinnerthey .adj ourned. to the ReynoldsClub for an informal meeting. Anumber of the alumni participatedin the mass meeting on the preced­ing Thursday evening, and a sectionof about five hundred were seated inthe grand' stand at the game, andadded greatly to the cheering of theundergraduates.The club has just completed an address list in card catalogue formof all graduates in the city andsuburbs. The organization is nowat work upon a similar list of non­graduates of whom, there are overa thousand, and who number someof the most enthusiastic Of Chicagosupporters. To this' end the co­operation of all fraternities, facultymen, and other sources of informa­tion, is being solicited. The con­stitution of the club admits anyman who has had at least one year'sresidence in the U niversity,Plans are being considered ofhaving regular weekly 9r bimonthlyluncheons in the city, where thegraduates and former students cangather at the noon hour.ALUMNI REORGANIZATIONThe secretaries of the generalAlumni Association, and of theLaw, Divinity, and Doctors ofPhilosophy Associations, have re­cently met in several conferenceswith the University authorities' toconsider plans for the reorganiza­tion of alumni affairs.A central office will be maintainedfor the routine work common toeach of the alumni offices; such asthe maintenance of .address lists,publication of alumni directories,and circularizing of graduates. Inother ways, the interests of all ofthe graduates will be served by acloser relation of these severalgroups of alumni. I t is hoped tohave the final plans prepared forpublication in the next issue.[For News from the Classes, see advertising section, page 4.](Letter No.2)To The Feculiy, e/llamni, Students,Former Students, and Friendsof 'Tbe Universt1y of ChicagoPerhaps this way of looking at the situation has neversuggested itself to you:The Faculty, Alumni, Students, and Former Students of the Uni­versity, the readers of this Magazine, are the Spectators, or rather theRooters at a great contest, a hard conscientious fight for the glory ofAlma Mater, in which the Staff of the Magazine, the Team, is playingthe game, and is the center of interest. It is up to the team to gainground with the Magazine, the Ball, and to carry it to the goal. Theeffect of the Magazine on the spectators shows the score; it shows whatthe team has accomplished.Each day during the time intervening between the issues, the Staffis practicing for the next match, hard at work on new plays, new ideasby which every number will be an improvement on the last, until theMagazine becomes superior to anything of its kind in existence, andthus wins glory for the institution whose name it bears.Not one of you need be told what an inspiring effect a loyal crowdof rooters has on a fighting team; how much courage and strength andenthusiasm is injected into the Staff of the Magazine by a grand displayof co-operation on the part of its readers. The bleachers should befull; the cheering intense; every subscriber should "plug" for theMagazine; talk it up to those who have not yet ventured to buy a ticket;and patronize the advertisers.Whenever the Magazine reaches you, look over the advertising sec­tion, then supply your wants at those establishments represented it)your own Magazine, who back your Team; who show an interest inyour interest, who place confidence in you and your sincerity.Get personally acquainted with every member of the Staff. Do notrequire him to be labeled. Write to us; let us know you; send us yoursuggestions; tell us what you think of our style of play; point out ourweak spots, and if you have a new play that will better the Magazine,let us have it.Whatever helps us helps you; our interests are identical.Remember, you are the Rooters; we are the Team. Stick!Yours very respectfully,Business Manager.An opportunity is extended to you on pages 34 and 35 ofadvertising sectionAlso look on page 3 following this letterHanding Out Moneyfor" Nerve Medicine," and keeping right on drinking coffee, is likepouring oil all a fire with one hand and water with the other.. Coffee contains a drug - Caffeine - and much of the "nervous­ness," headaches, insomnia, indigestion, loss of appetite, and a longtrain, of ails, come from the regular use of coffee.Prove it by leaving off coffee ten days and use well-madePostuin Food Coffee .. Such a test works at both ends of the problem: you leave offthe drug, caffeine (contained in coffee), and you take on therebuilding food elements in I'osturn.A personal test will prove that "There's a Reason" forPOSTUMPostum Cereal Co., Lit., Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A.MIl-1-Dress Suits To RentTuxedo Suits T 0 RentPrince AlbertSuits To'· RentOpera Ha!�, To Re!ltT. C. SCHAFFNER e CO#�== TAILORS==Room 27. 78 State StreetPhone Central 4875Irwin BrothersCompanyPROVISIONDEALERS449.,451 STATE STREETPhones Harrison 515 .. 516 .. 51 75825 STATE STREETPhone Wentworth 51 7CHICAGOOrders by Phone at 58th St. StoreMIIMIl A sweetmeat of food-valueNourishing to the bodyPleasing to the taste, andprepared with absolutecleanlinessMade by herself and sisters inSyracuse, N. Y.Mar)" Elizabeth'sChocolatesWHOLESALE DEPOT42 River Street, ChicagoE. H()!;KtNS, Mgr.Ph ne Central 1304When you want the Best ask fornARYELIZABETH'SC:H 0 COL ATE SMIlTELEPHONE HYDE PARK 1322RESIDENCE 1986 HYDE PARKADiSONAVENUEACKINGCOMPANY6309 MADISON AVENUEH. T. McGUIRE, Prop.CHICAGOMIlSay "UNIVERSITY OF ClIICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-2-Mr. Advertiser:-Read this. It speaks for itself.ALUMNI NOTESNEWS FROM THE CLASSES: News items for these columns should be sent to the classsecretary reporters, whose names are given at the head of thenews from each class. Death notices and engagement and. wedding announcer:?ents should be sent direct to the editors.The following alumni are acting as classsecretary-reporters for their respective years;other secretary-reporters are indicated in thefollowing news columns. They will gladlyreceive information from any of their class­mates for insertion in this department.r862. George W. Thomas, 4039 Lake Ave.r867. Wm. W. Everts, Roxbury, Mass.r868. Henry A. Gardner, First NationalBank Building.r870. Charles R. Henderson, the Uni­versity.1872. Hervey Wi star Booth, 50S Monad­nock Block.1874. George Sutherland, Grand Island,Neb.1875. Dr. John Ridlon, Chicago SavingsBank Building.1876. Dr. John E. Rhodes, 100 State St.1879. Edward B. Esher, 84 LaSalle St.r88o. Alfred E. Barr, 189 LaSalle St:1881. George Warren Hall, r62 Washing­ton St.r882. Francis Humboldt Clark, Sli-SI4,II2 Clark St. r88s. David 1. Lingle, the University.r886. Lincoln M. Coy, Unity Building.1893· Jesse Dismukes Burks, Teachers'Training School, Albany, N. Y.1894. Warren P. Behan, 153 LaSalle St.1878ELl BENJAMIN FELSENTHAL100 Washing on SheetWilliam A. Gardner is a member of thelaw firm of Gardner & Morgan, with officesin the Merchants-Laclede Building, St.Louis, Mo.1884LVDIA A. DEXTER2920 Calumet Ave-nueLydia A. Dexter is temporarily in chargeof the Fisk Park Library and reading room,at Fisk and zoth Streets, Chicago.1895JENNIE K. BOOMER6025 Monroe AvenueJoseph Leiser, formerly rabbi in Kingston,New York, is now residing at 224 MadisonStreet, Allentown, Pa.Continued on advertising page 6Hygienic Importance01 Dustless FloorsThe hygienic importance of dustless floors is to-day of as muchsignificance as proper ventilation. Schools, hospitals, san itari ums,stores, offices, corridors and public buildings all have large floorspaces which collect dirt and dust with great rapidity. This dust,with its living millions of m icro-orgau isms , is easily set in circula­tion, thus greatly increasing the dangers of contagion.The simplest and most satisfactory of all methods for eliminatingthe dust evil has been found inSTANDARDFLOOR DRESSINGThis preparation applied to floors several times a year will reducedust nearly one hundred per cent.Tests ha ve proved concl usi vely that the atmosphere of rooms withuntreated floors contains twelve times more dust aud its accompany­ing germs than the air in rooms hav ;ng floors treatedwith Standard Floor Dr essi n g ,Moreover, it preserves the floors and improvestheir appearance-prevents them from splinteringaud cracking and greatly lessens the labor of caringfor them.Standard Floor Dressing is sold by dealers gener­ally. In barrels" hatf-barrels; one gallon and fivegallon cans.Not intended for household use.A Free DemonstrationWe will gladly demonstrate the worth of Standard FloorDressing by actua use. On request from proper authoritieswe will treat part of one floor or corridor in school, hospital,sanitarium, store or public bUilding,-AT OUR OWN EXPENSE.Write for particulars.STANDARD OIL COMPANY(Incorporated)Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers" Typewriters"TEL. 2653 CENT. AUTO. 7725�ALL MAKES Rented,For Sale and �elJaired.FULL LINE OF TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES ATDavies TypewriterExchange3d floor - 185 Dearborn St.MI!IT'S A PIPE!!! to carve youro"Wn ideas in Crude MeerschaumYou can carve crude MeerschauU1 as easily as chalkBlocks suitable for Large Pipes," C6 u MediuU1 "" Sttlall" Holders $ for a block to-day and carve. your MonograD1, Class NUttl­erals, or Fraternity Ettlblettl on a, pipe 'W'orth 'W'hile.806 White Bldg.THE MEERSCHAUM IMPORTING CO.BUFFALO, N. Y.MIlMadison AvenueLA UNDR YFIN EHAN DWORKMODERATEPRICESLea 'V e Wo r k wit Ii Jan it 0 rMIl-5- TELEPHONE, HYDE PARK 3705TheBEST Han dLaundryCLEANINGand DYEINGM. HIRSCH andG. BODENHEIMER, Proprietors109 East 53rd StreetYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments, MIlGLANZ'S DISTINCTIVE FU.RSCONCRETEReinforcedOr PlainRAILROADMASONRYBuildingsConduitsReservoirsHOEFFER B CO.614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.CHICAGOell. C. WARREN, Mgr. Tel. Main 4790"From Trapper to Wearer"RELIABLE QUALITY -of course you must he sureof that first. Glanz fur quality has been confirmedby sixty years of satisfactory dealing with womenwho demand the best and know values. .STYLE DISTINCTIVENESS - that unmistakabletouch of the expert designer-is not to be had every­where. It is to be had at Glanz's.AND AS TO PRICES - you'll find Glanz's ex­tremel y moderate.We draw particular attention to the beautiful assort­ment of Sealskin, Russian Sables, Black Lynx, andto a showing of Natural Mink which has never beensurpassed.CHARLES GLANZ CO.EDWARD. W. HILLIS, Pres.Established Fifty-nine YearsPowers Building156 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO(Formerly IIO and 112 Madison St.)CHICAGOPARIS LEIPSIG LONDONMilMIl Class News continued from page 41896MRS. AGNES COOK GALE5646 Krmbark AvenueJ OSKPH E. RA'YcROFTThe UniversityIda M. Schottenfels, Ph.M., is professorof mathematics in Hamline University, St.Paul, Minn.John F. Voight is a member of the lawfirm of Voight & Bennett, with offices at1624 Broadway, Mattoon, Ill.1897EFFIE A. GARDNRR36 Loomis StreetEffie A. Gardner, formerly residing at 491Adams Street, has recently moved to 36Loomis Street, Chicago.1898MRS. CHARLOTTE CAPEN ECKHARTKenilworth, Ill.JOHN FRANKLIN HAGEY252 E. Sixty·third PlaceCecil Page should be addressed at 206LaSalle Street, Chicago. Mr. Page. andJames M. Gwin, '97, are on the membershipcommittee of the University Mens' Demo­cratic Club.Sue Harding Rummlee, formerly residingin Chicago, has moved to Crystal Lake, Ill.Continued on advertising page 8Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-6-JOHN E. ROCKEFELLOWPHONE OAK 409Glass, Wall Paper, Paintand Paint SundriesAs to quality and prices, plea�e callWHOLESALE PROMPT DELIVERIES RETAIL4321 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE :: :: :: :: :: :: CHICAGOMIls u I T sFROM $45.00 UPMy Suits are highly recommended by theUniversity girls. MIlSINGER i- BOLOTINPhone Central 781 LADIES' TAILORS506 MASONIC TEMPLEMllBROOKS CLOTHESMAY JUSTLY BE CALLED" GENTLEMEN'SCLOTHES"ATTRACTIVE AND SEDATE,CLEVER, BUT NOT OFFEN·SIVE, ORIGINAL AND YETIN GOOD FORM. NONEOTHER POSSESS THEIRDIGNITIES.OUR PRICES$15TO$35THE STUDENTBROOKS CLOTHES SHOP138 E. MADISON ST. OPPOSITE LASALLEMIl o. H. SACHEN & CO.TAILORS134 MONROE STREETWe invite an exami­nation of our many dis­tinctive patterns.Every conceivable newstyle, weave, and colorcan be found in ourvaried selection.You will enjoy your business relations with these esta�iisJi,,?-ents-7- MllPhones' Main 1835. Aut o., 6835GENERAL ENGRAVERSAND DIE SINKERSP. A. Salisbury=Schulz CO.164-166 RANDOLPH ST.CHICAGO, ILL.Rubber and Steel StampsStencils, Burning BrandsBadges, Sea Is, BucksPneumatic Rubber StampsProf. T. F. RidgePrivate Dancing AcademyRooms 536-538 Athenaeum Bldg.26 Van Buren Street, Chicago, Ill.School of ActingSchool of DancingSchool of Dramatic ArtSchool of VocalCultureWaltz, Two-Step, Reverse andGraceful Leading GuaranteedSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" ,to the' advertisers-8-MIlMIl Selling Out E�tire StockOFDAVIDthe Penman192 CLARK STREETTHIS LINE INCLUDESWaterman'sParker'sPaul E. Wirt'sMooney'sConklin'sAND ALL THE OTHER GOOD ONESCorne and be ConvincedMIlClass News continued from page 61899JOSEPHINE T. ALLIN4805 Madison AvenuePERCY B. ECKHARTFirst National Bank BuildingLola M. Harmon is residing in Oshkosh,Wis., where she may be addressed at 47IAlgonia Street.R. M. D. Kirkland recently received theHarrison Fellowship in classics at the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania.1900MARGARET MARIA CHOATEBartholarnew-Clifton School, Cincinnati, O.CHARLES S. EATON107 Dearborn StreetBertha Barnett is a private stenographer inthe University of Madison, Madison, Wis.Helen V. Chase is a teacher of shorthandand English in the Urbana High School,Urbana, Ill.W. C. Gorrell has his offices located at 463Rookery, Chicago.Florence Parker is doing church work inEau Claire, Wis.1901ARTHUR EUGENE RESTOR57II Kimbark AvenueMartin C. Amos is. head of the GermanContinued on advertising page IIThe Secor Standard Visible Writing andBrlling Machine embodies more new ideasthan have been combined in one typewritersince the first invention of writing machines.It will give longer service with less costthan any other typewriter made. It is theonlv machine that has permanent alignment,It has a back spacer, paragraph key, remov­able escapement, decimal tabulater, two­color ribbon, and will handle anything froma half-inch label to a fifty-page magazine.SECOR TYPEWRITER GO., Harrison 4266134 Van Buren St., Chicago. III.WAYLANDACADEMYAffiliated withThe University of ChicagoBEAVER DAM, WISCONSINA co-educational homeschool, with excellentequipment, high stand­ards of work and moder-ate ratesSend for Catalogue toPrincipal EDWIN P. BROWNMIt 1J.jn�irll' Wnilnriugat POPULAR PRJCES({The Unity system of producing High ClassLadies' Tailored Garments to measure at popularprices, is thoroughly appreciated by all womenwho admire perfect fit, style and workmanship.<l This season presents some new effects in Ladies'Tailored Garments, that require the most skilfulstyle treatment as well as the most careful tailoring.WE CAN PLEASE YOUTAILORED SUITS t $35 OOandupcut to your measure I ---TAILORED SKIRTS t $6.00 and upcut to your measure I �UNITY SKIRT CO.209 STATE ST. 5th Floor, Republic Bldg.MItYou will enjoy your business relations' with these establishments MpE. A. CONDAX & co.'The name CONDAX is enough to assure its meritsCondax PetiteThe best cigarette after dinner, at the club,and at the Theatre. Price 15c. Two boxes :2 5c.Condax Padischah"The:: Cigarette of Dignity." Price 3 5c.E. A. CONDAX &1 CO.Tel. Cent. 347+ 1 Z State Street, Chicago, Ill.305 Pearl Street, New YorkHERE'S A SMOKE YOU'll ENJOYFor A SublimePipe-Smoke far better than any other. because it is the best blend!ofthe world's finest tobaccos.Use the aristocrat of alltobaccos-the one that has afragrancy and a virgin flavorwhich has done more to glorifythe pipe than all other mixturescombined. For particular andappreciative smokers,T ohm's Mixtureis especially made, and forsmokers not particular, it willmake them particular.If your dealer don't keepit we will send, prepaid,·2 oz. for 4oC.; 4 oz. for75c.;.8oz.,JJ.50; 1 lb.,$3.00.14 different strengths.National Ci2ar Store, Inc.Firsl N alional Bank BuildingDearborn Street SideWe Sell Tobacco-Not Premiums WITHOUT A BITE OR A REORETMixed by hand. one pound at a time. Absolutely pure,natural Ravor. If your dealer will not supply youlwewill send it direct. prepaid:37,j oz .. 75c.; y, lb .. $1.65; I lb., $3.30.Write for our intcres1ina and invaluable booklet ... How 10 Smoke a Pipe." h', ·Ffl.EE.E. Hoffman Company, Mfrs. ChicagoMil""FOR SALE EVERYWHERE MilSay "UMIVllRIITY OJ' CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-10- Mil· Cottage Grove Mfg. Co.![anufacturers ofSASH, DOORSBLINDS ANDMOULDINGSLumber, Lathand Shingles91-101 Thirty-Eighth StreetChicago, Ill. T el, Douglas 799Class News continued from page 8department in the Southwestern University,Georgetown, Tex.Walter R. Smith, Ph.M., is instructor inEnglish and history in a high school in St.Louis, Mo.Kellogg Speed has recently moved to 66East 48th Street.Marcia Waples is teaching in Detroit, Mich.1902L. HAZEL BUCK EWINGBloomington, Ill.FRED. D. BRAMHALLThe UniversityW. A. Averill is an instructor In Englishat Highland Park, Ill.Frederick D. Bramhall is instructor inpolitical science in the University.Jerome Magee and his wife of Omaha, Neb.,were recently in Chicago visiting Mr. Magee'sparents.Arina H. Marshall is the wife of FredMerrifield, and resides at 503 East HuronStreet, Ann Arbor, Mich.Merton Maughs Mann has received theAustin Fellowship in architecture at Harvard.H. F. MacNeish is teaching mathematicsin Princeton University.Agnes B. Powell is instructor in EnglishContinued on advertising page 12 MIl IF YOU LIKE GOODPIEAsk for a Piece ofCase&Martin'sConnecticut Pie"Always Good"MilF. W. BAKERMen's Furnishings,Hats, Pants, Etc.,J ewelry Departrn'tBest $2 and $3 Hat in Chicago334 East 63rd Street6306 Madison AvenueAll around the corner of 63rd and Madison Ave.Open until 9.00 P.M.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-11- MtIHigh ClassFURSc. HENNING86-88 State StreetCHICAGO, ILL.TELEPHONECentral 3525MAYER MILLERManufacturer of FINE FURSMentor Bldg.Room 30Third FloorPhone:Randolph 1768FURRIER161-163 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL.MIlFURS. FURSFancy Furs in stock andmade to order. Garmentsre-fitted to the latest stylesL. PROBSTEIN88"90 East Washington St.Room 54 Phone Randolph 969MIlMil 12 ART PANELS· SOcExquisite Photo lone Prints'SIZE 7 X 10These pictures are beauties-the mostexquisite rortroyats 0./"Woman Beau tiful"ever shown in one collection. we sendthe Iul ' set of 12 complete. togetherwith 160 lifelike miniatures of otherbeautiful art pictun:s foronl y joc,coin,stamps or Money Order. .V()1uy 1-/!­turned iInol salis./ied. 5, nd to-day,toFLORENTINE ART CO.Dept. U.M. 456 Irvlng;Park Ave .. ChicagofREE 3:,��r a�� eO:��� �:��u��ei�v�I�I���entitled "The uatber" absolutely com.plimentaey. MIlBIRD�fOR'HE HOLIDAYS.. SINGING CANARIES.TALKING PARROTS,GOLOFI�UAQUARIA I. NAKE APPROPRIATE OlnsKAEMPFmS�IRD �lORE���ltS�MIlClass News continued from page 11at the Kalamazoo High School, Kalamazoo,Mich.1903EARLE B. BABCOCKThe UniversityFrank L. Bennett is a teacher in Germanand English in the Rose Polytechnic Institute,Terre Haute, Ind.Willis S. Hilpert is a chemist for theAmerican Medical Association.Hedwig Loeb, formerly residing at 5121Michigan Avenue, should now be addressed1003 Ft. Dearborn Building, Chicago.Charles H. Shattuck is professor of botanyin Clemson College, S. C.]. A. Tolman, A.M., is instructor inEnglish and Latin at Simmons College, Abi­lene, Tex.Berthold L. Ullman is assistant in Latinin the University.1904MARIK EVRtYN THOMPSONSurf Street and Evanston AvenueTHEODORE B. HINCKLEYThe UniversityWilliam Bryan is an instructor in chemistryin the high school of Palo Alto, Cal.Edna C. Dunlap is a teacher of German,Continued on advertising page 14Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 'MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-12-ROBERT ST AEDTER CO.ISS STATE STREETBETWEEN MADISON AND MONROEPhone -:- -:- -;- Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats, Skirts, Millinel"7I N OUR FUR DEPARTMENT will be found a complete and variedstock of Fur Coats, Neckwear and Muffs at reasonable prices. Specialvalues in Russian Pony Coats, Mink Sets, and Black Lynx.Fur Remodeling and Repairing at moderate pricesIn our SUIT Section we are showing the bestvalues ranging in price from $25.00 up.Our MILLINERY of the latest mode ranges in price from $5.00,.$7.50, $.0.00 up to $75.00MIlDRESS and TuxedoSuits, Prince Albertand Cu t a w a y C oa t s,Silk and Opera HatsBought, Sold, RentedHighest Prices Paid forNearly New ClothesCOL. A. J. GATTERDAMTAILOR146 La Salle Street 'TEL. MAIN 1231 CHICAGO, ILL...;:. MJIYou will enjoy your business relations with -these establishments-13- New Life for 6LANKETSWE thoroughly clean, revive and renew them andreturn them to you as soft and fleecy as whennew. q We also make a specialty 01 Oriental Rup,Carpet., .!Iteamer Rug., Bath Robes and DownComforters. q Relerences-any customer who haspatroniaed.THE WOOLRYrhoae Wilt 1795 393 0<I0EN AVE., CHICAOO1111American Cotillonand Carnival Works80-82 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.MANUFACTURERSand IMPORTERS ofCostumes, CotillonFigures and FavorsSerpentinesand ConfettiWe make, sell, and put up allkinds of Decorations for Ban­quets, Balls, Receptions, etc., etc.Would be pleased to submit esti­mate on any decorating desiredfor your c'oming even tsGO TOTHEMIDWAY DINING ROOM57TH ST. AND ELLIS AYE.FORA GOOD MEAL ATTHE RIGHT PRICETHE MIDWAY DINING ROOMTICKETS: $3.50 FOR $3.00 MilMIl Do You Hear Well?The Btols EleetPOpholle- A. New, Electl', 8clentltla andPractJ:callavenUon tor thoMi who are Deat or PartIallyDeat;_.AY 1I0W BE TESTED III YOUR OWII HOME.Deaf or partially deaf people maY now make a month's trlsl ofthe Stolz Electrophone at home. This personal practical teste.erves 119 prove that the device satisfies, with ease. everyrequirement of a perfect. hearing device. Write for particularsat once. before the offer i8 withdrawn. for by thispersonaZ testplan theftnal selection of the one completely satis/actoru hear­ina aid is made easy and 'inexpensive for everyone.This new Invention. the Stele.Electro-�����is�;' ::;hnc\�:�l,6::;�;��hti���dfrequently harmful devices as trumpets,horns, tubes, ear drums, fans, etc. It is a!�l ����!�����:tei:f:���I�d�:���n(1lea the sound waves in such manner as tocause an aatoni8htnq t,:cre(J.8e in the clear­nesa of all ,ound.!. I t overcomes the buzz ..log and roaring ear noise! and, also, so con.stantly and electrically exercises the vital partlof the ear thlltt usually, the natural Q.�Jdecrhealing itself IS"lr1'adually restored.Wh"$ Three B .... ln.,.. Mea Say.'The Eled1'OphOlile Is n". .. Udaetory. &Ip( Imallia II ••aDd ,reat In hH.rlDI qualltle. mdt'S It preferabl.IIdll� __ �] •• " any 1 bave tried and, I believe. r have tried aUfJtthelft.. M. W. HOYT, Wholfsal.Oroow, IIkll·1pD A .... aad run!' St., Cb1caco. .I cot 10 deaf I could lIot htar .. Itb mllpeUlprtube and .... ad,·t,.d to l1'y the Eleetrophoae.Le .. con.plt:uou.tbaa.y •. cl...... Arter flneeu liarl "t d ... fn .... dllcomfort alld.. or". In". hea .. perfectly at cbvub aDd at COIlo­CIne. W. n.. UTLEY. Hal .. Mer., 8. A. M .... ell. 00., Chtcap.I ba .... DOW IIMd ;'ou JUeGtrophoa. Ofti' a 1eu, nd b·o. tbat It I. a flntoCllui,tcleDtlflci h_l'� 12 ... 10.. Without tt.p4Iople ba ... to .hout dlrectly In my ... r to )), ..... Wilb It,l o&D .... dl.tlactl,.bell apo".D to In aaordt...,. tone. Belt olall,IT HABrro�1lD 1III1'.UDlCOfIlP, .hleb ..... tenlbl.ICPfon.� LEWIS W. MAY,Calbler. 100 W .. hlnctca tiL. CblClCOoWrite to or call (caUlfyou can) at ou .. Chfca2'G offices for particulars orour oerso�al test .offer and list or other prominent endorsers who willanswer inquiries. Physicians cordially invited to Investi&"ate auristi'o,pinions. .Stolz EI.ctrophona CO., 1299 Stenrt Bldg., CblcagoBranch Offices: Philadelphia, Ctnctnnarl, Seattle. lndlanapolls. DesMoines, Toronto. Foreign Qffic-e: 82.8S Fleet St •• London, En�.Class News continued from page 12French and history In Frances ShimerAcademy, Mt. Carroll, Ill.Luthera Egbert is an instructor in Englishin Elgin Academy, Elgin, Ill.Annie Ross, Ph.M., teachesGerman in Swarthmore College,Pa.Jane B. Walker lives in Williamstown,Mass.William Hugh Wood, A.M., '06, is in­structor in history in the State NormalSchool of Guthrie. Okla. French andSwarthmore,'905HELEN A. FREEMAN5760 W oodlawn AvenueCLVDE A. BLAIRClearmont. Wyo.Abraham Berglund has recently movedfrom New York to Pullman, Wash., where heis an instructor in the State College.Alice Briggs is principal of the high schoolin Lawrence, Mich. Miss Briggs is also aninstructor in history, English, physics, andgeography.J. B. Campbell is superintendent of schoolsin Grand Marais, Mich.Minnie M. Dunwell is instructor in mechani­cal drawing in the Albert G. Lane HighSchool, and resides at 226 Ashland Boulevard,Chicago.Continued on advertising page 18Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-14-THE BEST PLACE TO BUY BOOKSBOOKS MAKE THE BEST CHRISTMAS G.,IFTS.BOOKS ARE EASY TO BUY, EASY TO SEND,AND COST VERY LITTLE. BUY YOURCHRISTMAS BOOKS AT OUR STORE, WHERE THELARGEST STOCK, THE GREA'TEST VARIE'TY, ANDTHE BEST FACILI'TIES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL.EVERYTHING IN BOOKSSEND FOR ANY OF THESE CATALOGSBooks for Libraries Books of Art Foreign BooksOld and Rare Books Monthly BulletitJ Technical BooksA.C.McCLURG&CO. 2. I 5-2.2. IWabash Ave.DO YOU DANCE?IF you care to learn, come to my studioand let me give you lessons; eitheralone or in groups of four or moreMiss Mary Wood Hinman1r\RICES: Ten Dollars for six private� lessons. Five Dollars for six lessonsin groups of four or moreTELEPHONE HYDE PARK 2768 STUDIO 179 E. 53:6 STREETUNIVERSAL REPAIRCOMPANY5509 COTTAGE GROVE AND 5623 JEFFERSON AVE.All mechanical and Furniture Repairs.Nickel Plating. -:- Mirrors resilvered.Skates and Bicycles our specialty.WE REPAIR, RENT. AND SELL THEM Sign Painting and Fancy Lettering.Painting and Decorating.House and Room Cleaning and Packing.We make a Specialty of exterminating insects,Call upon us. FRANK DE GEER, PROP. Drop us a card.MIlYou win enjoy your business relations with these establishments---:-15- MIlMIIA, GREAT CONVENIENCE!!!We deliver to your doorTHROUGH BAGGAGE CHECKSto any city in AMERICACANADA or MEXICOTHE FRANK E. SCOTTTRANSFER CO.TELEPHONE 482 HARRISONBaggage transferred to or fromall parts of the cityMain Office, 402-410 Wabash Ave., ChicagoMIlTHIS new book, by Sylvester 'J.' Simon, the well-known PhysicalCulturist, gives the key to the attainment of physical perfection,as the title indicates. It shows how to obtain and maintain themaximum of physical and mental health, strength and vigor. How torid one's self of bodily ailments by rational and scientific methods. Howto acquire "personal magnetism," and poise. It teaches women how tobecome more beautiful in. face and figure, more graceful in carriage andrepose. It aids men successward by showing them how to developnerve force and brain power.Natural Treatment 0' Bodily AilmentsIIPhysioal Perfeotion"It is not a book of mere generalities. It tells just how to relieve different conditions of ill-health, without the aidof drugs. apparatus, or mechanical means of any kind. There are exhaustive chapters on the cure and avoidance bynatural methods of Obesity, Leanness, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Skin diseases, Rheumatism and other Blood troubles,disorders of Liver, Kidneys and B�dder. Nervous ailments, affections of Head, Throat and Lungs. etc.There are special chapters on the care of the body through all stages of life from infancy to old age-including oneon longevity. A valuable feature is'a special index giving a ready key to exercises that develop' or reduce variousmuscles, or that affect different organs or parts of the body.By Founder 0' Great Health InstituteThis book is thoroughly practical all the. way through. It is the work of a man who has probably treated morepatients bydrugless methods than any other person in the world. Professor Simon's nature-cure institute, occupyingan S-story building at 14 Quincy Street, Chicago. is the largest and most successful of it's kind. Thousands, includingmany phy&icians, have sought PHYSICAL PERFECTION at this famous health home, and have. found it. It was .inpursuance of persistent requests of enthusiastic graduates that Professor Simon put his methods of instruction into'print. No one who secures a copy of "Physical Perfection" would part with it for many times its coat.Silk Cloth Edition, 208 paizes, illustrated with 46 special plates drawn fromphotoll'raphed models, printed on fine paper, $3.00 prepaid. Large illustrateddescriptive pamphlet, with table of contents, free upon application. Send at once.SylvesterJ.Simon, 14-A Quincy Street, Ohicago, III.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-16-Ice SkatesDesirable Christmas Gifts All First-Class Dealers�arney & Berry, 172 Broad Street, Springfield, ��,S�which are the result of nearly half a century of experience and effortand which have brought us an enviable reputation. All styles and gradesin our free catalogue.CALLAGHAN & CO.114 MONROE STREETUsually have For SaleLAW BOOKSRequired inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOTHEY INVITE YOUto inspect their stockSTUDENTS are allowed special discountsTHE LARGEST generalLAW BOOK SELLERSand PUB LIS HER Sin AMERICACALLAGHAN & CO.MIl MAGNESIACOVERINGSTHE dividend-earning capacity of a steamplant is greatly increased through theuse of Carey's Coverings on steam pipes,boilers and connections.Carey's Coverings will keep the heat in tilepipes--none is lost through radiation and con­densation. They greatly reduce the amountof coal nece .. sary to run the plant, becauseexcessive firing is obviated.Carey's Coverings are not harmed by theexpansion or contraction of pipes or byvibration. They last longer than other cov­erings. They will increase the capacity of theplant by delivering dry steam to the engines.Endorsed and used by the United StatesNavy, War and State Departments. Recorn­mended and specified by architects and en'gineers. Recommended by technical institu­tions.Write lor catalogue a n d further jarUculars.THE PHILIP CAREY COMPANY6eneral Offices: Sta, It, CINCINNATI, 0., U. S. A.BRANCHES FACTORIESIn all large cities through. Lod<land, Ohioout the United States Hamllton,Ont.Canada and Mexico PlymouthMeetlng,Pa.MItYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-17-College Cafe447 Fifty .. Fifth St.NEAR LEXINGTON AVE.ONLY PURE FOOD STUFFS USEDSERVICE UP,TO,DATERegular Breakfast6.30 to 10.00 a. m. 25cLuncheon11.30 a. m. to 2.00 p. m. 20c upDinner5.30 to 7.30 p. m. 25cSunday Dinner12.00 to 2.30 p. m. 35cLUNCHEON 5.00 to 7.00 P. M.SEP- VICE A LA CARTE ALL DAYHOLMES'Delicatessen and Home BakeryPhone Hyde Park 3789The Home of Goodies ProperlyCooked, also Real EnglishPork Pies and Everything forEvening Spreads -:- -:- -:-404 East Slxty-Thlrd StreetChristmas NoveltiesIn French Novelty Jewelry, Artsand Crafts Jewelry, Furs, Mara­bout and Cogue Neckwear, Mil­linery, Fur Hats and ToquesMAISON HUME57 RANDOLPH STREET - CHICAGOMasonic Temple, Ground FloorMR. HUME was formerly part owner of theMAISON NOUVELLE MIlMIlMIl Class News continued from page 14Lyford Paterson Edwards was raised to thepriesthood on Sunday, October II, by theBishop of Chicago. Father Edwards isvicar of St. Matthews Church, Evanston, Ill.Anna Goldstein has moved from 4802 Ash­land Avenue to 5160 Michigan Avenue.R. A. Hall is associate professor of chemis­try in Clemson College, S. C.Albert L. Hopkins has received a facultyscholarship in law at Harvard.Addie L. Knight is manager of the TeaRoom in Scruggo-Vandervoort-Barney DryGoods store of St. Louis, Mo., and residesat 5035 Ridge Avenue in that city.Wayland Magee left about a month agofor a year's trip around the world.Elmer McClain is principal of the highschool in West Newton. Ind. Mr. McClain'shome address is Lima, O.W. G. S. Miller has moved from 5815Drexel A venue to 6059 Ellis A venue, Chicago.H. D. Sulcer has recently moved fromChicago to N ew York, and has his officeslocated there at 901 Flatiron Building.Continued on advertising page 19DeSkSTablelChairsSaflsOfficIApplian-cesMATLOCK CO ••Commertll"l PurlJl.ber.lll-lll W.b •• h A".PHONE HYDE PA"RK 1629<:ACKERMAN8VIARKET-HOUSECOMPANY277-79 EAST 57TH STREETCHICAGOMIlSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-18-The lirs. Knox Lunch ClubAn exclusive lunch club for women only. A membership fee of 25 centsmonthly entitles members to the use of a circulating library of the latest andbest fiction and other benefits, making the club unique among the many lunchclubs of the city. Ladies not holding membership tickets are admitted bythe payment of a 5-cent guest fee. An up-to-date kitchen in connectionfurnishes everything needed on the tables. Pastry goods are on sale, andpurchases of a dollar or more are delivered. The place is worthvis�ting.45 Randolph Street, half block east of State Street and exactly oppositeMarshall Field's.Special exhibit and sale of pastry goods every Saturday.MIl:Class News continued 'frompage 181906HELEN RONEYFullerton Place, Waterloo, IowaF. R. BAIRDOmaha, Neb.L. L. Burlingame is an instructor in botanyat Stanford University.H. G. Burns is an instructor in science atFort Atkinson, Wis.John B. Cleveland is teaching in the engi­neering department of the University ofMichigan.Arnold Dresden, S.M., teaches mathe­matics in the University High School.Roy Gittinger, A.M. teaches Latin in theUniversity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.E. A. Lanning is now superintendent ofschools at Globe, Ariz. 'S. Louise Lull teaches Gregg shorthandand the common branches in the high schoolat Bishop, Cal.ZelIa Perkins, M.S., teaches chemistry inthe high school at Menominee, Wis.Mabel W. Porter is an instructor in thehigh school at Mauston, Wis.Lucile Rochlitz has charge of the languagework in the Belvidere, Ill., high school.H. C. Wright-is in the Clyde High School,Berwyn, Ill.Continued on .adverfising page 21 Vogelsang'sRestaurant'shows its appreciationof your patronage bythe elegant service itoffers you in return-Banquet Room for Fraternity DinnersVOGELSANG'S RESTAURANT:i:78 Madison StreetMIlYou will enjoy your business relations �ith these "establishments-19-WQ9Itfo�1STATE AND MONROE STS.MIlaU College Styles nfor Young MenCOLLEGE CLOTHES OF CLASS AND DISTINCTIONTHE smart dressers among the youngerset have always found that our cele­brated "Young Men's Department" showsgreater variety and more exclusive stylefeatures than any other department of itskind. The new Fall models are now on dis­play, in Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats,made up in fabrics of the finest weave$15 to $35ComjJlete Showinj['oj High-grade Furnishings,Hats and ShoesFALL and WINTERCLOTHESCONSERVATIVE AND VOGUE PATTERNS OF STANDARDAND NOVELTY DESIGNS, WITH EXCLUSIVE IDEAS ANDTHE BEST OF TAILORING HAVE MADE MY REPUTATION­MY CON::iISTENT WORK MAINTAINS IT.THE NEWES r OF FALL FABRICS NOW ON HAND.HARRY H. PARKESTAILOR'421-2-3 ADAMS EXPRESS BUILDING185 DEARBORN STREETCHICAGOPHONE R.ANDOLPH 1001MIlSay "UNIVERSI,TY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-20-MAKERS OF CORRECTGARMENTS FOR MENWe have a line of handsome New Woolens and beautifulmaterials at our command and are prepared to plan yourwardrobe for fall.The colorings and patterns are those approved by intelligent,careful makers and the wearer has the comfortable assuranceof all that is fashionable in the world of dress.SPANN185 Dearborn Street CHICAGOMIlClass News continued from page I91907EDITH B. TERRY6044 J efferson � venueW. E. WRATHERCare Gulf Pip Line, Beaumont, Tex.Frances M. Banta, Ph.M., is a preceptressand instructor in the Central State NormalSchool, Lock Haven, Pa.Joshua G. Boomhour is on the faculty ofthe Baptist University for Women, Raleigh,N.C.Guy R. Clements, S.M., is an assistant inmathematics in Harvard University.Evalyn Cornelius teaches in the Whiting,Ind, high school.C. M. Correll has charge of the departmentof history and social science at the NorthDakota State Normal School, Mayville, N. D.Violet Elizabeth Higley is an instructor inEnglish in; the high school at Waukegan, Ill.Arthur H. Hirsch is in the Indiana StateLibrary, Indianapolis, Ind.Pauline Horn' is engaged in teaching workin the Des Plaines, Ill., high school.Elfrida M. Larson teaches in the AllSaints School, Sioux Falls, S. D.Gertrude Lennes teaches at Crystal Lake,Ill.Madeline Lucas teaches in the TexasWoman's College, Bryan, Tex.Continued on advertising page 22 TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 942MILIAN ENGHIDuilnr163 STATE STREET, SUITE 52CHICAGO, ILLINOISYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments-21- MIlBusiness Opportunities for University of Chicago StudentsWesternIndemnity LifeCo.MASONIC TEMPLECHICAGOGEO. M. MOULTO� PRESIDENTA FEW SPECIAL POSITIONSopen to men attending the U ni­versity. Address W. B. M USSEL­MAN, Supt. of Agencies.THENORTH AMERICAN LIFEOf TORONTO, a company operating under directFederal control!Owing to a careful selection ofrisks, a MOST economical manage­ment, and a high rate of interestearned consistent with gilt ... edged se­curities, the Company's financialposition to-day is unexcelled!Our rates are moderate, guaran­tees high, and dividends the bestyet!We make a specialty of Universityof Chicago Faculty, Students, andAlumni.If not fully covered by Insurance (?)or wishing an agency, kindly com­municate withOEO. E. GARVIN, State ManagerRoom 912, Tr�bune Bldg. CHICAGOSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-22-MIl Class News continued from page 21Igo8ELEANOR C. DAY6IIO Kimbar AvenueHattie R. Anderson is instructor in Latinand history in the high' school of Sandwich,Ill.Gertrude O. Dickerman is teaching at Lib­ertyville, Ill.S. K. Diebel, formerly residing at 288 East55th Street, has moved to 212 East 46th Street.George W. Graves is residing at 30I SouthTaylor Avenue, Oak Park.Helen Gunsaulus has been in Europe sinceearly summer, where she will remain for ayear and a half.Edward L. Cornell resides at 6808 YaleAvenue.Pauline R. Horn has recently moved to5242 Greenwood Avenue.James H. Larson may be addressed at 501West 50th Street, New York City. IClarence A. McBride is a correspondent atthe W. C. Kern Company, 48-50 WabashAvenue. Mr. McBride resides at 348 East54th Street.Annie S. Newman may be addressed at 5605Madison Avenue.Charles Newberger is a student at the RushMedical College, and resides at 500 WestTaylor Street.Continued on advertising page 27MIl Marsh & McLennanINSURANCEin all its BranchesI 59 La Salle Street, Chicago54 William Street, New Yark12.3 Bishopsgate Street, LondonMIlBusiness Opportunities for University of Chicago StudentsCOLLEGE MENATTENTION! The NewVISIBLE HAMMONDWill Interest YOUThis machine writes 26 languagesin IOO styles and sizes of typeRUSSIAN, GREEK, GERMAN, FRENCH, SPANISH,ITALIAN, and TWENTY other languages ALL may be used on aSINGLE fIAMMONDWe have anopening for aStudentRepresentativea t theUniversityWe have anopening for aStudentRepresentativea t theUniversityREASONS why the HAMMOND is so universally used byprofessional men:INTERCHANGEABILITY OF TYPEPERMANENT ALIGNMENTTWO COLORED RIBBONAbility to use ANY WIDTH OF PAPERPORTABILITY andOUR SPECIAL PROPOSITION TO COLLEGE MEN rHave you seen our new MATHEMATICAL HAMMOND?Our CATALOGUE and COLLEGE PROPOS!TION on REQUEST!CHICAGO BRANCH: 1005 SECURITY BUILDING, FIFTH AVENUE AND MADISON STREETMIlYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-23-New TheHotel BrevoortChicagoSPECIAL ATTENTION TOAFTER -THEATRE PARTIESThe Twentieth Century Hotel- Absolutely fireproofVISIT THE CJ?.AINBOW ROOMRestaurant Grill Room BuffetUnsurpassed in Appointments and DecorationsMargulie's Orchestra. ARTHUR M. 6RANT , Manager.When in Detroit, stop atHote 1 T ull er ::r!p::r AbsolutelyCorner Adallls Avenue and Park StreetIn the-' Center of . the' Theatre, Shopping and Business DistrictA la Carte CaCeNewest and Finest Grill Room in the CityClub Breakfast - 40C upLuncheon - SocTable d'Hote Dinners 7ScMusic from 6 p.rn, to T. p.rn ,Ever" Roo:lJl has Private BathEVROPEAN PLANRate. $1.50 per Day and OPL. W. TULLER M. A. SHAWSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertis�rs-24- MITMITGrand PacificHotel Clark Street andJackson BoulevardChicagoTable UnexcelledPrices ModerateWe Blake a specialty ofClub and Fraternity 'DinnersTHE VENDOME HOTEL===============62d and Monroe Avenue, Ohicaqo, IIlinois---­CONDUCTED ON THE GOOD OLD AMERICAN PLAN-WITH A CUISINE UNEXCELLEDOffers to permanent and transient guestsaccommodations and service such as onlya first-class management can give.Furnishings unsurpassed; 400 rooms, allen suite, and all with private bath.Transportation facilities unsurpassed­Illinois Central Express trains, South SideElevated Express, 6 I st and 63d St. surfacelines-within 15 minutes' ride of businessand amusement centers.W. S. SAlTER, PROPRIETORL TELEPHONE PRIVATE EXCHANGEHYDE PARK 4100 ••You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-25- MIIMII--- The =====================Starck PianoIs considered by all leading artists the BESTUPRIGHT PIANO IN AMERICA, espe­cially noted for its NATURAL SINGINGTONE, GRAND REPEATING ACTIONand GENERAL ENDURANCE.THE ONLY PIANO MADE BEARINGA MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE OF25 YEARSTHIS COUPON is valued at $10.00 andaccepted as part of first payment on anew Starck Piano if presented at time ofsale at our warerooms, 204·206 WabashAvenue.P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.MIlCut this out$IO.OODUE BILLWE WILL SEND YOU A "STARCK"PIANO FREE on 10 DAYS TRIALanywhere in the United States, and, if not entirely satis ..factory, we agree to take it back at our expense. Cata­logue mailed free upon application.Send us your order fo-dayP. A. STARCK PIANO CO.204-206 Wabash Ave. Chicago, U. s. A.Say "UNIVERSITY OF. CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-26-FRED. H. PAGEMILLINERY620 STEWART BUILDINGCHI C AGOMIlNothing New in Personally Recommending a Teacher for a PositionlHow else would you do? We have been working this way for some twenty years. Write us todayand find out more about our methods of finding the" right teacher for the right place."THE B. F. CLARK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 1016 Steinway Hall, Chicago.N. B.-If you can take � position nota, write us immediately. MIlPiano Tuning ®. RepairingExpert W'ork GuaranteedRoo'ln 800,209 State St. J. J. O'NEILL Phone Harrison 5133MIlClass News continued from page 22IgogMiss Lucy E. Smith may be addressed careMary Institute, Washington University, St.Louis, Mo.ENGAGEMENTS'08. Lois Kaufman, daughter of Mr. andMrs. J. S. Kaufman, of Blue Island, Ill., toHerbert Ira Markham, of. Dayton, O.Mr. Markham is with .the Federal ElectricCompany, Chicag-o. I'MARRIAGES'96. Leon S. Alschuler to Myrtle Agnes,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barbe,4230 Grand Boulevard, 'Wednesday, October21, 1908, at the horne of the bride's sister.Mr. and Mrs. Alschuler will be at home afterNovember I at 4230 SGrand Boulevard.'or. Herman Egbert Bulkley to MaudeVivian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BurrittMattheson DeGroff, 902 Flournoy Street,Chicago, September 17, 1908. They will be athome after December I at 367 Homan Ave­nue,' Chicago.Continued on advertising page 29 THE ADAMS BILLIARD PARLORWE DELIVER ORDERS FORCIGARS AND CIGARETTESSpecial Rates to Students478-480 East Sixty-third StreetTELEPHONE H. P. 278Tonsorial Parlors in connection conducted bythe TWO CHARLIES MIYou will enjoy your business. relations with these establishments MIlWijr Wour nf any tuurtton uartr a�imtly Ulitij tijr 1}uuHty nf tnuttattnua un�pmgrannnea in uae, IIr furninij tijr brnt iniautt 'rngrutttttttn3Jubitatinu!i au�(!tnlltgt, 1J1'ruttrnitYt i1ullan� 'rrnnnal �tatinnrryiuuUtrll nub 1J1nrb171 IIuhus4 i\ur., (!!qirugn, 1I111uni5Books of Marxian Socialism"The Socialism that inspires hopes and fears today is of the school of Marx. No oneis seriously apprehensive of any other so-called Socialistic movement, and no one is seriouslyconcerned to criticise or refute the doctrines set forth by any other school of c Socialists. ' "-PROF. THORSTEIN VEBLEN, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics.Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. By Karl STANDARD SOCIALIST SERIES.Marx. Volume 1. The Process of Capitalist Produc- PIPTY CENTS EACH.tion. Cloth, 869 pages, $2.00. Volume II. The pro- Karl Marx. Biographical Memoirs by Wilhelm Lieb-cess of Circulation of Capital. Cloth, 618 pages, $2.00, knecht.Either volume sold separately. Collectivism and Industrial Evolution. By EmileThe Ancient Lowly: A History of the Ancient Vandervelde. Translated by Charles H. Kerr.Working People. By C. Osborne Ward. Cloth, The Orhtin of the Family, Private Property andtwo large volumes, $4.00• Either volume sold sepa- the State. By Frederick Entels.rately at $2 00. The Social Revolution. By Karl Kautsky.Ancient Society. By Lewis H. Morgan, LL.D. Cloth, Socialism, Utopian and Scientific. By Frederic En-586 pages, $1.50' gels.American Communities and c o-operattve Colonies. Feuerbach: The Roots of the Socialist Philosophy.By Alfred Hinds. Second revision, cloth, 600 pages, By Frederick Engels.$1.5°' American Pauperism and the Abolition of Poverty.Marxian Economics. By Ernest Untermann, $1.00. By Isador Ladoff.The Rise of the American Proletarian. By Austin Manifesto of the Communist Party. By Karl MarxLewis. $I.OO. and Frederick Engels. Also included in the sameThe Theoretical System of Karl Marx. By Louis B. volume. No Compromise; No Political Trading.Boudin. $1.00. By Wilhelm Liebknecht,Landmarks of Scientific Socialism (Antl-Duehrtng) Socialism, Positive and Negative. By Robert RivesBy Frederick Engels. Translated by Austin Lewis. La Monte.$1.00. Anarchism and Socialism. By George Plechanoff.These books can be purchased at the bookstore of The University of Chicago Press, orwill be mailed promptly on receipt of pride. Catalogue free. AddressCharles H. Kerr (il, CODlpan7, Publishers264 Kinzie Street, Chicago MIlSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M�GAZINE" to the advertisers-28- MIlST APLE",w�_ndFANCY GR(l�ERIESChoice Cuts of Mea.tsFish, Poultry, Oystersand Game in SeasonO. T. WALL & (JOMPANY407-409 East 63rd StreetBranch Store, 65I5-I7 Washington Avenue. Telephone Hyde Park2372.Telephones Hyde Park 2 and, 22o. T. WALL E. G. LANGFORDClass News continued from page 27 MIlMr� Bulkley had as best man his cousin,Ernest William Kohlsaat, Jr., '02.'or. Hugh L. McWilliams to Julia, daugh­ter of Mrs. Mifflin E. Bell, Tuesday, N ovem­ber 10, 1908, at the home of the bride's sister,203 E. 44th Street.'02. Reginald Odher Miles to Josephine,daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Lackner,at the home of the bride's parents, on Satur­day, September 26, Ig08. Mr. and Mrs .. Mileswill be at home after December I at 269 56thStreet, Chicago.Ex-'04. Harry Wilkerson Ford to Lola,daughter of Mrs. Emma W oolfington, Tues­day, October 6, at Muncie, Ind. Mr. and Mrs.Ford will be at home after December I at20g East 66th Street.Ex-'o6. William Hugh Hatfield to Lida,daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Thomas­son Rankin, October 23-, 1908, at the home ofthe bride's parents at Keswich, Va. Mr. andMrs. Hatfield will be at home after N ovem­ber I at 3346 South Park Avenue.'08. Karl H. Dixon to Esther Hall, onTuesday, November 10, at the Hyde ParkBaptist Church, Chicago.Mr. Dixon is in newspaper work in Butte,Mont :Continued on advertising page 33 Are You ParticularAs to what you Eat?If SO we are cateringto just such as youQUALITY ALWAYSANDPRICfS (JONSISUNTMAY WE DEMONSTRATETHIS TO YOU?H. f .55th Street and Madison AvenueGroceries and MeatsYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-29- MIl"The Hose withthe RealGuarantee" ,Sox YOUcant kick outor'Kick about"You will have no complaint to make about EverwearSox. no matter how hard you are on sox. or how quieklyyou "kick out" a pair of the ordinary kind.Six pair of Everwear Sox often last a year---and more--­but they MUST and WILL last you six months. If a holedoes appear in any pair we will give you a new pair free.We know 'that it will not be necessarz for you to return asingle pair; that they will not only give you better wearthan any sock you ever put on your feet. but the most satisfactory wear --­more comfort and a better fit.EVERWEAR SOX are made of the finest Egyptian cotton. They will not shri nk,stretch or fade. Being knit entirely without a seam.,there are no rough placesto chafe the feet. Men's Sox are made in light and medium weight, Color�, black,black with white feet, blue, steel gray, and light an,d dark tan. Ladies hosein black. black with white feet and tan. In boxes �f SIX �alr .. -$2.00, one size Ina box assorted colors If desired,Men's silk lisle hose, Summer and Fall weightscolors; black, blue, light and dark gray, tanbl!�� ��3�':t����h�)��� ;;���i��:o�':,�nby the same positive guarantee. Ask yourdealer for them today, 'Remember the name ..EVERWEAR. If he doesn't handle them sendus his name, with the ,Price, stating the eolor andsize desired and we will shIp them postage paid,Send for our interesting free booklet "AnEVER WEAR Yarn".Everwear Ho.iery Co" Dept.2SMilwaukee, Wia,A new pair for each pair thatd_s not wear six month.,AMBRICA'S BBST AND GRBATBSTSCHOOLIndorsed by Press and PublicStage Dancing, Etc.Dramatic Art,Vocal Culture(Up-to-date in every detai1.)Buck. Jig. Skirt. etc" Opera, etc., Elocution,Singing and Rag-Time Songs, VaudevilleActs. Sketches, Monologues, Etc. NOFAILURES.PROFBSSOR P. J. RIDGB.Miss Frances Day and others.Circulars Free.Referencea. All first-class managers in America. N. Yi Clipper, N,Y.Dramatic Mirror. Cincinnati Billboard. The only S.hoolln America thatpositively agrees to teach and place inexperienced people. youngor old, on the stage. 127 La Salle St., near Madison St .. Chicago, Ill.PETER J. RIDGE. Mgr.Western Dramatic AgencyPROFESSOR PIITER J. RIDGEAmerica's greatest teacher Waltz, Two-Step, etc., Guaranteed to AllFASHIONABLE BALLROOM DANCING, ETC., TAUGHTProficiency in the art of dancing is the most pleasant and desirable accomplishment ofmodern society. g NOTE, Graceful leading correctly taught to all. Glide Waltz andCorrect Reverse and Two.Step guaranteed to all. -:. -:- Polka, Yorke; Schottische,Varsouvienna, Spanish Waltz, etc. -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- Circulars free.W al tz Two-Step Reverse, etc., guaranteed to alL (Ages from 5 to 70.), , Lessons given from 10.00 a. m. to 10.00 p. m.TWO E N.T IRE FLOOR S, 127 LAS ALL EST R E E TNEAR MADISON STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOISlMIlSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-30-2nd Floor,Entrance277 ClarkStreetN.E.CornerClark &Van BurenstreetsKing Yen Lo Co .. Under the ManageD1ent of Mr. Chin F. FoinThe.first and only Chinese High-Class Restaurant in the world. Other places copy our ideas.Superior service and cuisine with revised bill of fare at popular prices. A special section of ourdining-room set aside exclusively for ladies.The menu of King Yen Lo now includes Steaks and Chops and all other meats, which areserved in the same high-class character that earned for King Yen Lo its world-wide reputation asa Chinese Chop Sooy Restaurant.Do You Know Joy? He is the only.Mandarin Chef in America. His cooking made ourplace famous in the world. Now he is with us again. Kitchen open for inspection. Also delightto show you how to prepare our cooking.Before and After the Play A Special AttentionMr. Ripley's Celebrated Orchestra Every Evening Phone Harrison 4783KingYen Lo CODlpany275-77-79 Clark St . .,ChicagoNorthwestern UniversityDental SchoolThis School offers exceptional advantages to young men and women of education forthe study of dentistry. While great attention is paid to the teaching of technic and theory,practical instruction to develop operative skill and dexterity, and quick diagnostic judg­ment is not overlooked. The graduates of this school are admitted to examination forpractice in every state.The Faculty is Composed of a Large Staffof Experienced TeachersThe equipment and apparatus of the School are especially designed for the successfulteaching of modern dentistry. Its large clinic rooms for operative and prosthetic dentistryare unequaled anywhere. The opportunities offered students for special preparation to enterindependent practice are not exceeded by any other school.Advance students are permitted to remain in school under clinical instruction duringthe months intervening between the regular annual courses, the great clinics being opencontinuously the year around.The school year covers thirty-two weeks of six days in each of actual teaching. Thenext annual session begins October 6, 1908.For further information addressSECRETARY OF THE DENTAL SCHOOLDepartment FNorthwestern University Building87 Lake Street, ChicagoYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-31....,- MIlMIIDlinoisTrnst&,SaliJu! s Bank ,CAPITAL AND SURPLUS,$13,200,000.00La Salle Street and Jackson Boulevard, ChicagoThis Bank Loans Exclusively on conservative in its methods and has the lare-­est capital and surplus of any savings bank inthe United Slates.INTEREST-Allowed on Current AcwuntsCertificates of Deposit. Savings DepositsBond, Foreign Exchange and Trust DepartmentsCOR RESPONDENCE INVITBDILLINOIS TRUST SAFETY DEPOSIT CO,SAfE DEPOSIT VAULTSMIl MIlS.D.CHILDS&CO.200 CLARK STREETCHICAGOCopper Plate Engraversand PrintersWedding Invitations, AnnouncementsVisiting and Professional CardsFin e Correspondence Stationer yCrests, Monograms, Address DiesStamping and illuminatingAlways a Full Line of theLatest Society StationeryCORRESPONDENCE SOliCiTEDWe solicit accounts from Students,F aculty, Fraternities, and all otherorganizations of The University ofChicago.Courteous treatment accorded to all.MIlIInnbluntn wrest & �tthtn9s iunk'451 E. 63rd Street (near Woodlawn Ave.)Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersClass News continued from page 29DEATHSA full report of the circumstances attendingthe recent death in the Philippine Islands,of Tilden R. Wakeley, '02, who was killed bythe natives, has come into the possession ofthe alumni office. This report consists ofdocuments from the Department of PublicInstruction and from the office of the SeniorInspector of the Philippine Constabulary ofthe province of N egros Oriental.Mr. Wakeley was stationed as an officer ofthe Bureau of Education at Kobankalan, atown in the southern part of the province.The class work of his school ended in March,but Mr. Wakeley remained to conduct normalwork among his native teachers. About AprilIS, in company with a member of the De­partment of Forestry, he undertook a tripacross the Island to Bais, and from there toTolon, in the southern part of the Island.The party consisted of two Americans andthree Filipinos.The last letter and journal of Mr. Wakeleydepicts in graphic manner the difficulties oftheir journey through the virgin forest of theinterior. He describes the dangers fromhostile natives to which they were continuallyContinued on advertising page 36L. MANASSEOPTICIAN88 Madison StreetEstablished ��1868 �I \� TribuneBuildingEye Glasses and Spectacles scientificallyfitted and adjustedEYES EXAMINED FREE OF CHARGEMID It is tho BEST GIFT. A library in a single .. olum •• ofcODliant service and value to the home, profe .. iooland bUliDess man, and the ItudeDt. The work anlWencorrectly aU kind. of qaestiona in laaguage, about/laces,riYen, men, Damel in fiction, foreigu word., an maD,.oth.r subj.cts. 2380 Pagel. 5000 lllustratioDI. EDiargedby 25.000 AdditioDal Wordl. Useful. Attracti .... Laltin,.Its accuracy is uDquestioDed. The fiDai authority for theU. S. Court aDd aU the State Supreme Courts.WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY.Largest abrldgmeDt of th.IDtematioDai. Th. ThiD PaperEdition il a real gem of bookmaking UllIarpassod forexcellence and convenience. A Cboice Gift.1116 Pagel. 1400 Illustrations.r:li�.to�;����r:����:U�::'�B�:VJ'B���:��:=dreceive a useful set of Colored.Mapa, pocket size.G. Ie C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, M ....Remember the ploasure and beDefit iD owniug aeINTERNATIONALPROTECT YOURSELFThink of theConvenienceand satisfaction of writing,day after day, for years.with your favorite pen nib;and carrying with you,wherever you go, yourtrusted Waterman's Ideal,to use wherever you 11" p­pen to be.It facilitates the routineof business life as well asthe exacting claims of prI­vate correspondence, anddaily proves of inestimablevalue.Whatever price you pay,"Waterman's Ideal"stamped on the holder of afountain pen guaranteesperfect satisfaction.Por sale v the best dealerseverywhereYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments�C..l1.s�9t'ltBOSTON CHICAGO SAN fRANCISCO MONTREAL LONDONElection Uncertainties are Removed.An Era of Prosperity Comes.There is No Reason Now for Any ..thing but Optimism.\1\1 e \1\1 ant 1,000 New Subscribersbefore January 1, 1909.If but one out of every ten of our constituencysends us only a single subscription, vve shall easilyhave accomplished this seemingly difficult taskVVhy every Faculty Member,Alumnus, Student, Former Student, andFriend of the University should receiveThe University of Chicago MagazineBecauseIT IS-A combination of The University Record and The Chicago AlumniMagazine.2 The official and only monthly publication of Interest to the University atlarge-Faculty, Alumni, Students, Former Students, and Friends.3 Issued eight times a year, and printed and distributed by The Universityof Chicago Press.IT CONT AINS-An authentic report of the official happenings of the University:The President's Quarterly Statement on the Condition of the University.The Convocation Address.The Faculty News.Official Reports.2 Leading articles of general interest by prominent faculty men and Alumni3 All news of interest pertaining to the Alumni and former students:Actions of Alumni Organizations.Person al News.4 A compact and comprehensive record of Undergraduate life, includingcollege sports:Student organizations.Remarks by the Undergraduate.Athletics.5 Portraits of distinguished University guests, faculty and well-knownAlumni; views of University buildings and campus, athletic groups,etc.IT COSTS- $2.00 a year in advance.Address The University of Chicago MagazineThe University of ChicagoYour payment of subscription includes annual dues to The Uni ..versity of Chicago Alumni Association, The Divinity AlumniAssociation, The Law School Association, Doctors of Phi) ...osophy Association.-35-A. 6. SPALDING & BROS.The Largest Manufacturers in the Worldof Official Athletic Suppliesfoot HallBasket HallIce SkatesHockeyGolf Uniformsfor allAthleticSportsOfficialImplementsfor allTrack andfleld Sports GymnasiumApparatusSpalding's handsomely illustrated catalogue of allsports contains numerous suggestionsMailed free anywhereA. G. Spalding C&1 Bros.New York Chicago Denver San FranciscoBoston Philadelphia Kansas City MinneapolisBuffalo Pittsburg Cincinnati New OrleansSyracuse Baltimore Detroit ClevelandWashington St. Louis Montreal, Can. London, Eng.MIlHeat RegulationTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDINSTALLED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BUILDINGSCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water Tank RegulatorsReducing Valves for air, water, steamControl of HumidityJOHNSON SERVICE - COMPANYH. W. ELLIS, Mgr.Chicago Office, 9� LAKE STREETMIl Class News continued from page 33exposed. The last entry bears the date of.Saturday, April 25, and among other things,he writes as follows: "Tomorrow or Mondaywe go into the hills, and perhaps I cannotwrite for a couple of weeks."Toward the close of the vacation period,the division superintendent of schools becameanxious over the absence of any report ornews from \fro Wakeley, and on the eighthof June search for the party was begun.The expedition consisted of about fiftyofficers and men. The report of the SeniorInspector in tracing from hamlet to hamletthe travels of the unfortunate party, readslike a book of adventures. After. fivedays march, they came to a town calledBaycan, and there from the native Montes­cans they "learned the details of the murderof the two Americans and their Filipinocompanions. The crime had been committedby one Ayhao and his two sons and a numberof other people of the Pamari district whohad been engaged by the Americans as car­gadors. Ayhao had visited Baycan since themurder and while gambling with the natives,had told them all about it. He had lead Mr.Wakeley and his friends into the deepest re­cesses of the forest, and at night, after theyhad wrapped themselves in their blankets andwere asleep, he drugged them with the fumesContinued on advertising page 39nion Hotel and RestaurantWill find Restaurants on two floorsWill find a special After-Theatre MenuWill find Splendid ServiceServing Only the Best theMarket AffordsFINEST ORCHESTRA IN THECITYHOLD YOUR FRATER­NITY AND ALUMNIDINNERS HEREIII-II7 Randolph StreetMIlSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-36-TELEPHONE HARRISON 4065The Type'Writer ExchangeBRANCH AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., INC.Sell, Exchange and Rent New, Rebuilt, and Second=handTypewriting MachinesALL MAKESA. J. COUSE, MANAGER 319 Dearborn Street, ChicagoMII... Bowman Dairy Company vqvji1k bottled J'1:J the couatry:Milk · Cream · Butter · Buttermilk,Do our wagons serve you 1Why not h�e the hest?4221-4229 St'ate StreetTelephones at all division offices.�vav$tov ... Chicago .... Oak 1>aYk MIITRY "TUBS". 10 CENTSMIl A delightful place for ladies unattended to dineliThe Capitol"TEAROOMFor Ladies and GentlemenMOST CAREFULLY PREPARED 232 REPUBLIC BUILDINGANDMOST THOROUGH CLEANER KNOWN S. E. Cor. State and Adams Streets'CLEANS - SCOURS - PURIFIESEVERYTHING Luncheon � � I to 4Table D'Hote Dinner, 5 to 7:30HOME COOKINGM. H. FAIRCHILD & BRO.CHICAGO, ILL.MANUFACTURERS OFSOAPS. POWDERS, POLISHES. DISINFECTA.NTS. ETC.You will en] oy your business relations with these establishments MIOPRINCESS THEATRECLARK STREET --- NEAR JACKSONMATINEES WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYSJACK BARRYMOREANDSALLIE FISHERIn the Quality Musical PlayA Stubborn CinderellaLA SALLE THEATREMatinees-Tues., Thurs., and Sat.Cecil LeanFlorence HolbrookINA Girl at the HelmSTUDEBAKERELSIE JANISIn the Latest College Play,with musicThe Fair Co= EdBy George Ade and Gustav LudersMAJESTIC THEATERMonroe Street, near StateThe Aristocrat ofVaudeville HousesPRICES •. 15C, 25C, 50C, 7SC Whitney Opera HouseVan Buren, just off Michigan Ave.A Broken IdolWITHOTIS HARLANPopular PricesTHE AUDITORIUMMILWARD ADAMS :: :: :: MANAGERBeginning Sunday, Nov. 29th, 1908Matinees Wednesday, Saturdayand SundayWilliam Harris PresentsAndrew Mackand Co:rnpanyPrices • . • • 2SC, SOC, 75cAll Matinees. • • • 25C, SOCILLINOIS THEATREWednesday and Saturday MatineesZEIOFELD'SFollies of 1908socto$I.SlJ-No HigherONLY ENGAGEMENT IN CHICAGO,OLYMPIC MUSIC HALLCLARK AND RANDOLPHVaudevilleBargain Matinees Daily forLadies and ChildrenThe Most Luxurious Music Hallin the WorldSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersClass News continued from page 36of a shrub called tuyogtuyog, which is" under­stood to possess the properties of an opiate.Then, when they were all in profound slum­ber, Ayhao and his men killed them withlances and bolos.The military company, on learning thesefacts, pushed on toward the' spot where themurder had been committed, and on a heavilytimbered ridge discovered the last campingplace of Mr. Wakeley and his friends. Theremains of the ill-fated party were gatheredup and taken to Malate, where funeral serv­ices were conducted on Saturday, July 18.Many of the friends of Mr. Wakeley. includ­ing the highest officers of the government,were present.The following extract from a letter fromDavid P. Barrows, Ph.D., '95, Director ofEducation in the Philippine Islands, to Mr.Ebenezer Wakeley, father of Mr. TildenWakeley, is of interest:'''Y ou will permit me to add that your sonwas highly esteemed by all his associates, andwas looked upon as a man of unusual promiseand character. A few days before he left onthe expedition whic.h ended in his death, I re­ceived a note from him expressing his regretthat he could not attend a reception to Pro­fessor MacClintock and Professor Starr ofthe University of Chicago, given by theContinued on advertising page 41MICHAEL READYPresidentGEORGE CALLAGHAN P. E. CALLAGHANSec'y and Treas, Yard ManagerPOCAHONTAS SMOKELESS COALOUR SPECIALTYReady & CallaghanCoal Co.Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds ofSteam and Domestic CoalMAIN OFFICE:8I3Chamber of Commerce BuildingTelephone Main 4200Branch Office andYard No. IN. W. Corner 47th andHalsted Sts,OnC.]. Ry.Tel. Yards 167 and 168 Yard NO.2S. E. Corner. 75th andHalsted Sts.On Belt Ry.Telephone Went. 828CHICAGOMIlYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsPhone Hyde Park n60Gilbert Wilson& CompanyMake a Specialty ofRepairingGASSTOVES338-42 E. 55t� StreetWe carry a complete line ofHardware, Oils and Glass.P. D. WeinsteinLADIES'TAILORSpecial Attention to StudentsREASONABLE PRICESSatisfaction guaranteedPhone: Hyde Park 1282433 East Fifty-Fifth StreetNorth-east Corner Lexington Ave. MIlMIlThe University Buildingsare built of H Old Hoosier tt Stonefrom the celebrated u Hoosier ttQuarrYt of the Bedford QuarriesCo.; the largest and best quarry ofOolitic limestone in the world.A century hence they will still bea monument to those under whosedirection they ha ve been erected.The Bedford Quarries CompanyChicago Office: 204 Dearborn StreetNew York Office: No.1 Madison AvenueCleveland Office: 8f8 Euclid AvenueQuarries and Mills: Oolitic, IndianaSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers MIlClass News continued from page 39Alumni Association of the University, ofwhich he was a member; and he sent to mefor the occasion a pennant of the University.This last gift received from his hands willbe treasured by the Alumni Association, andin behalf of those of us who were studentsat the same University which educated him,as well as on my own behalf, I wish to con­vey to you my sincere expressions of sympathyand sense of loss."Mr. Wakeley was born in Chicago, Septem­ber 22" 1880.LITERARY NOTESThose readers of periodicals to whom thename of Maude Radford Warren, '95, hasbecome familiar may now welcome it on thetitle-page of a book, The Land of the Living)just issued by Harpers. Like so many of herstories this, too, deals with the sweet seduc­tive Irish atmosphere happily intermingledwith some bright glimpses of Chicago life.Mrs. Warren's world is that of every-daypeople such as Callahan, the political boss,who has found that only by compromise canhe succeed in his ward; MacDermott, theyounger man, whose ideals are still untaintedby contact with practical politics in this, theland of the living; Mayme Broomer, the girlof the middle working-class, who as a typeContinued on advertising page 44DON'T FORGETEISENSTEINTHE TAILORHE IS HERE YETHe has been here formany years and hehas treated you rightBe sure when you bring your work toEISENSTEIN THE TAILOR­Watch that you are going toEisenstein-Watch for the number449 �451 East 61st Street3 DOORS EAST OF WOODLAWN AVE.Pro m p t attention givento Phone and Mail OrdersTELEPHONE 1688 HYDE PARKMIl - STopAnd ThinkWhat forChristmas?ChoicePhotographsat theUniversityPhotograph Shop397 E. 57th StreetNear KimbarkTYPEWRITERSAll Makes Sold and RentedSPECIAL RATESTO STUDENTSW. A. WHITEHEADPhone, Main 58536 LA SALLE ST. (corner Lake St.)MIlWE RENT, SELL AND REPAIRALL STANDARD MAKES OFTYPEWRITERS-LoWEST PRICESPLUMMER & WILLIAMSRoom 901 Postal Telegraph Bldg.TELEPHONE HARRISON 575I - CHICAGOyou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-41- Ml!MIl-:�:�---------------------------------------------�••••The Saturday Publishing Co.------ Central 6778 -----­SCHILLER BUILDING, CHICAGOMIlCbeIUu5n-�ted �i�wChicago, Illinois, u.s.]I.A Weekly Magazineof Culture and Artistic Excel­lence, appealing to all lovers ofBOOKS, ART, MUSIC, SCIENCEand higher lines of ThoughtA few of the distinguishing features:Authors and Artists of wide reputation, each anauthority on the subject in hand, contribute to thevarious departments of THE ILLUSTRATED RE.VIEW.The only magazine or journal publishing ILLUS.TRATED book reviews. -Study Programs for Clubs, endorsed by theBureau of Information, General Federation ofWomen's Clubs.Florence Thurston Humphrey has been engagedby us to travel abroad and her TRAVEL PIC·TURES are delightful and interesting.Spanish translations, Artistic Covers, columnsdevoted to Art, Keramics, Photography as well asmany other unique departures from the beatenpath, and adherence only to the best throughoutits pages.Subscribe or send for Sample Copy NO WTWO FIFTY PER YEAR TEN CENTS PER COpySay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers ••II •Hosiery for XmasA gift that is sensible, useful and durable. A gift thatis always acceptable. A box of" Holeproof" Hosiery willgive its recipient a new idea of how good hose can be.Six pairs in a box are guaranteed to wear six months.This is what the guarantee says: .. If any or all of thesehose come to holes within six months from the day you buythem, we will replace them free." That means that six pairs willlast the recipient at least half of the time until next Xmas.��Hode�?In other words are you wearing '·Holeproots"?This is the original Guaranteed Hosiery-the sort that issoft and oomfortable-the sort that hugs the foot closely."Holeproof" Hosiery is made of var-n that costs U8 onan average of 73 CENTS PER POUND.8�ui���� i�tt��� (V�mc�u�!l t�� ��8:n EfcrrPt�n_r:a�t.han half what we pay-but the hose would not be 80ftBud fine. Then, we could use 2·ply yarn. as others do.But we use a-ply instead. And we double the 3-ply inknitting the toes and. heels.So don't judge "Holeproof" by the other Hosiery-r�8�e!�°fsg1u:�e 8;t�lt �8nrc�!�����ble"�8o{ifer�ef��unguaranteed hose. This extra soff yarn makes ourhose last without the discomfort of being sti:ff or thick.Our children's stockings have knee. heel and toereinforced. Because of this fact, all ohildren's stock-iDg ;���d�a��� ��: ��:iif:!r:enuine • 'Holeproof"Rose bearing the uRoleproof" trade-mark. order directfrom'uFl. Remit in any oonvenient way and we will shipyou the hose and prepay trBDSportation charges.The University ofChicago MagazineOne Year FREEOr your choice of 25 otherpopular Magazines given asan inducement to patronizeoneWoodbridgeLaundryExcellent Work Standard PricesFor particulars, write or phoneBurroughs & DentzerAgents134 E. Van Buren St. - Phone 1863CHICAGO, ILL. 1j9!�p�2m�r�!9a!I����!�r:h¥�:r:�{ �,�� Ba�r:'a�d ���ir,:', �:�:blueJ..pearl gray, aud blaok with w�ite feet. Sizes, 9� to12. l31X pairs of a size and wei",ht in a bOI. All one ooloror assorted as deai red. .Holeproof Lustre-Hose tor Men - Finished likesilk. 6 pairs. 53 Extra light weleht, Black. navy blue.light and dark tan and pearl gray. Sizes. 9!-2 to 12,B�cl:�f::,o:n�tl?{���I�iih6w'h���8If:t. ������ roe�,��tf.r��t�!1f:�r'!::fs�t������i�l:�:� Jt�:8�J��'11�si�e�\d:oer�� ������'f:cltB��� t:��BEU�:�I:I�b�f���knee. heel end toe. 6 painl. 83.Ask: for free book. "How to Make Your Feet Happy!'HOLEPROOF HOSIERY CO.235 Fourth Street, Milwaukee, Wu.LONG DISTANCEPHONEMAIN 905AUTOMATIC 6952You will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsMII1IDE A L P LAC E TO L I V EANTHE HARVARDA HOME-LIKE PLACE FOR REFINED PEOPLETelephone Hyde Park 1533Twelve minutes to the Loop. Five minutes to Park, Lake, or University.Home Cooking. Social Advantages. Q!iet, Elite Neighborhood.l MIlTRUNKSt BAGSand SUIT CASESAFULL LINE OF SMALLLEA THER GOODS.WE ALSO CARRY A FULLLINE OF SMALL CASESSUITABLE FORCARRYING BOOKSABEL ®. BACH co.46 and 48 East Adams StreetRepublic Bldg., A few doors East of State St.MIl Class News continued from page 41is on a par with the man who believes inadapting himself to conditions as they come,and finally, Moira Carew, the sweet girl fromKilmanan, Ireland, who, too, has .sorne ofthe ideals of the younger MacDermott andfinds h�rself slow to understand the practi­cal ways of the new America. These peo­ple move in the world just beyond your door­step; they and many like them are to be meteven as you walk from your home to thecorner drugstore. The Chicago color is in­serted in light, deft touches that make eachcharacter familiar without a label. The nar­rative is told almost entirely in fluent con­versation.Work from Mrs. Warren's pen has beenappearing regularly for some time in the bestmonthly magazines, and her short stories areachieving rapidly popularity. Contributionsbearing her name are to be found frequentlyin the Associated Sunday Magazines issuedin Chicago by the Record-Herald.Harold L. Ickes, '97, contributed an expla­nation of the aims of the ConservationLeague of America to the October Midland}showing how this new Chicago movement,which is to protect the nation's resources anddevelop them for public use, is being sup­ported by important organizations all overthe country.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersPRIMARY ELECTIONSB". C. EDWARD MERRIAMTHE purpose of this volume is to trace the development of the legalregulation of party primaries from 1866 down to 1908, to sum upthe general tendencies evident in this movement, to discuss some of thedisputed points in the primary problem, and to state certain conclusionsin regard to our nominating machinery, The material employed has beenthe session laws of the states, the decisions of the courts, publicationsdealing with the theory or practice of the primary system, newspapersand periodicals, extensive correspondence and interviews with personswho had had special opportunities for judging the primary laws in thedifferent states, and, finally, personal observation of the primary electionprocess in several states.300 pp •• 122110. cloth; net $1.25. postpaid $1.35Address Dept. PThe University of Chicago PressChicago :: :: :: NeW' YorkThe Study ofStellar EvolutionAn account of some modern methods ofAstrophysical ResearchBy GEORGE ELLERY HALEThe introduction of photographic methods, the improvement of telescopes, and the rapidlyincreasing appreciation of the value to astronomy of physical instruments and processes, haverevolutionized the observatory. From a simple observing station it has been transformed into agreat physical laboratory, where images of the sun and stars are studied with rnany powerfulinstruments, and celestial phenomena are experimentally imitated with the aid of electric furnacesand other sources of intense heat. The result has been a great gain in our knowledge of the origin,development, and decay of stars. This book explains in a popular way how the life histories of theSun and stars are investigated. One hundred and four half-tone plates, made from the best astro­nomical negatives, place before the reader the most recent results of celestial photography in mostof its phases. 250 pages, I04 plates, 8vo, cloth; net $4.00, postpaid $4.27.ADDRESS DEPT. PThe University of Chicago Press, Chicago and New YorkPublished in Europe by William Wesley & Son, 28 Essex Street, Strand, London, Price 16s. 6d.You-will enjoy your business relations with these establishments MIlThe ROMAItalian Table D"Hote50c 15c $100IIICludllg Wine. Also a la Carte ServiceOPE!, DAILY AND SUNDAYS FROMti A. M.TO ap. M.SPAGHETTI'such as one gets in ItalyJ46 STATE STREET.seCOND PLOO�MIO Chicago's only Placeof the KindMrs. Stover's Hat Shop(NOT INC.)1433 Masonic TempleBring your old hatand any trimmingmaterial you havein your home. Wewill make you anew hat from it andguarantee satisfac­tion, both as tostyle and pnce.MIOPHILLIPS?Store for Men -238 East 55th Street­Con"beniently locsiedMil@aruitp C!raft55th AND GREENWOOD A VENUEThe Students'Lunch RoomMEALS 20 CENTS AND UPMIO MORRIS LESS'Boot andShoe Maker403 East Fifty-Seventh StreetSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers Mil"Clothes of today"-Mossierabout from place to place,dusty, stretched and .strained,hourly losing what Iittle sem­blance of form they ever pos­sessed ill served, withoutprivacy, the customer is hu�­tIed about until he loses hispatience and spends his mon­ey under the provocations ofthe moment for goods thatare doomed to disappoint.But here is a man with anIdea-the same kind of ideathat put the old shoemakersout of business-why notdrape the figure instead of fit­ting it? Why not use t�e b.esttalent in merchant tailoringto buildaready-for-servicegar­ment equal in material� sty.leand finish, but superror mdraping to any custom work,at about one-half the price­and satisfaction guaranteed?Why forc<? the �arJ:nent.on thecustomer If he IS dissatisfied?This idea has been tested,developed, and put into suc­cessful practice by t�e Moss­ler Company, 50 JacksonBoulevard, Chicago-themost original and distinctiveclothing house in the wor�d.Its peculiar plan and serviceis widely known as the" MossIer idea."When referring to stylethe usual saying amongcollege men is "If it's aMossier it's right. "TIME VVORKS VVONDERSThe picturesque oldshoemaker has passedaway. It takes more time,skill, and money to build agarment for the body thanshoes for the feet. F or thisreason evolution in clothinghas been slower than inshoes. The Custom Tailorhas dreams of a perfect form,but instead of draping hiscustomer after those ideals,he fits tries on, trims andgather� until every physi�alirregularity (instead of beingconcealed) is und':lly eI?ph�­sized and dissatisfaction ISinevitable. But the cloth iscut, and there is no rebate.Ten years ago ready-for­service clothing was still in thegunnysack period. Even nowhuge pyramids of these crea­tions cover tables of our greatclothing emporiums. Tossed 50 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago MIDYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-47-Eaton's, The Flower Shop CUT FLOWERS,PALMS and FERNSParty and Wedding Decorations a Specialty. Phone in Your Orders. We Never Fall to Deliver on Time86 JACKSON BOULEVARD TELEPHONE HARRISON 5636 MIOHOTEL CUMBERLANDNEW YORKs. w. Corner Broadway at 54th StreetNear gcrh St. Subway Station and 53rd St. ElevatedKept by a College ManSpecial Terms forCollege Teams Headquarters forCollege MenIdeal Location, Near Theatres, Shops,and Central ParkNew, Modern, and Absolutely FireproofMost Attractive Hotel in New YorkTransient Rates $2.50 with Bath and upTen Minutes' Walk to 20 TheatresSEND FOR BOOKLETSHARRY P. STinSON R. J. BINGHAMSay "UNIVERSITY O� CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersFormerly wz"tlt Hotel Imperial Formerly 'witlt Hotel WoodwardMIl