(Ib� {Jl n ive r.e ii)! of Cbic(ll)"JliibrarlC.5GIFT••• �'c 1�� �.: ••��" ;T''f� j"'\ �"-• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••'.•I •I •1J •I •J : �Q���bgown : :• puSll5 n�d b�l..• • �ltud�rnt� of t h�. •• • un'lv�lr�'ltlUl of··.• • th'l{oqoo 0001035· •• • �II • •'" ' .':\ '\J t.-\.,)'j'>." J >�HARPER STAO�Kao ••••••WE DEDICATE TIns BOOK OT TO 0 E •• OUTSTANDING I DIVIDUAL ... NOT TO ANIDEAL ... OH NOT EVEN TO THE SPIlUT OF •• THE UNIVEHSITY. HATHEH WE DEDICATE •• THIS EDITION OF THE CAP A TD GOWN TOTHE TYPICAL UNIVEHSITY OF CHICAGO •• STUDE TT ... THE TYPICAL STUDE T TOWHOM IS OFFEHED THE OPPOHTU ITY TO ••HEAP THE JUCHEST HAHVESTS OF UNIVEH- •• SITY LIFE. WE HAVE CONSIDEllED OURSELVES FORTUNATE IN BEING ABLE TO •• RECORD I EDITOllIAL AND PICTOllIAL• FORM THIS llEVIEW OF WHAT HAS BEEN •AN EVE TFUL YEAll AT THIS I STITUTION •• OF OPPOllTUNITY. IF TI-IlS BOOK CANAL WA YS BE A BEA UTH'UL BOUND MEMOllY •• OF LIJ'E HERE THEN IT WILL MOllE THAN• HAVE FUI�FJLLED ITS PURPOSE, AND WE •VANISH FHOM THE PICTUHE ... SATISFIED. •• BUT LET THE PAGES TUllN ...••••••••••••••• CAMPUS VI EWS •• UNIVERSITY.• ACTIVITIES •• WOMEN •• FEATURES.• ADVERTISING •• 1 N D EX.••••••••• • • • •t• • • • • • � Our candid cameraman patiently waits for thesinking sun to cost mysterious shadows ovrJr thecampus Swift Hall ... Bond Chapel ... thewest tower of Harper Library ... sublimelysilhouetted against the evening sky.••••••••••••� Evening shadows lengthen.: .. a beam from the old wroughtiron lamp costs weird I ight on theivy covered walls of Bond Chapel.• • • • • • • • I� We pause for a moment ...looking down the north walk ofcampus ... the austere lines ofRyerson Hall softened by the autumnfoliage.••••••••••� Mitchell Tower rises in graceful harmonymajestic in the gathering dusk ... Architectural ribboning arouses the feeling of vertical freedom in thisportrayal of Eckhart Hall, resplendent in the earlymorning light.• • •• • • � More than cold grey stone ... the richlyornamented chancel pictured through a toweringarch ... colorful mosaic inlays, proportioned pewswarmly cushioned, majestic organ pipes enrichenedby elaborate carvings in wood ... a serene, inspiring view.• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •FACULTYFANDANGODEGREESLAW CLASS• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •THE YEAR IN RETROSPECT1935 marks a climax in the University's history,a new era in the history of education-the graduation of the first class under the New Plan.Vaunted as the most outstanding undergraduatesever admitted to the University, this group forfour years has maintained an enviable record ofachievement in all phases of University life. Continuing this year the trend they inaugurated in1933-1934, members of the class have securedcontrol of all undergraduale activities. UnderPresident Ell Patterson a compact class unityhas arisen and lovalty of class to Universitv hasbeen firmly ceme;lted. The year has seen �xtracurricular activities pr'osper inordinately, withlarge turnouts for proms, sports events and playsand musicals. New Plan advancement has congealed in the hands of vested interests with fewattempts on the part of the Adminis tra'tion to THE PRESIDENTROBERT MAYNARD HUTCHINSimprove c u r r i cui u rn or examinations. Thenational political and economic crisis has led tothe formation of several campus action groups,climaxed by the abortive attempt of the PublicPolicy Association to become· the Universitymouthpiece for Americanism. The ludicrous re�lscare engendered by Charles R. Walgreen andthe resulting legislative investigation have furnished widespread amusemen t for sophisticatedcampusites. Cooperation between Administration, faculty and student body bas again beenclose, culminating in the highly successful Leadersfor '39 program to bring outstanding high schoolgraduates to the University. A fitting climax forthe year and the Class of 1935 was the hugefun-fest and carnival, the Fandango, which nettedmore cash for I he gift fund than an�' other' classhas ever raised.E. C. P.Harold SwiftOFFICERSHAROLD H. SWU'T, PresidentTHOMAS E. DONN ELLEY, First Vice-PresidentWILLIAM SCOTT BOND, Second Vice-PresidentLAIRD BELL, Third Vice-PresidentJOHN F. MOULDS, SecretaryAPPOINTIVE OFFICERSLLOYD R. STEERE, Treasurer and Business ManagerGEORGE O. FAIRWEATHER, Assistant Treasurerand Assistant Business ManagerLYNDON H. LESCH, Assistant SecretaryN A THAN C. PLIMPTON, ComptrollerHARVEY C. DAINES, Assistant ComptrollerWILLIAM B. HARRELL, Assistant Business Man-agerWILLIAM J. MATHER, Assistant SecretaryHONORARY TRUSTEESELI B. FELSENTHALCHARLES E. HUGHESDELOSS C. SHULL The Board of TrusteesSEWELL L. AVERY . 3()0 West Adams St.CHARLES F. AXELSON 208 South LaSalle St.HARRISON B. BARNARD 140 South Dearborn St.LAIRD BELL 134 South LaSalle St.W. MCCORMICK BLAIR 135 South LaSalle 51.WILLIAM SCOTT BOND 33 North LaSalle 51.THOMAS E. DONNELLY 350 East 22nd St.JAMES H. DOUGLAS, JR. 33 South Clark St.CYRUS S. EATONcare of Otis & Co., Box 393, Cleveland, O.MAX EpSTEIN 230 South Clark St.HARRY B. GEAR 72 West Adams St.CHARLES B. GOODSPEED 80 East Jackson Blvd.ARTHUR B. HALL 407 South Dearborn 51.CHARLES R. HOLDEN 38 South Dearborn St.ROBERT M. HUTCHINS University of ChicagoSAMUEL C. JENNINGS 500 South Ashland Blvd.FRANK H. LINDSAY 126 South Second St.FRANK McNAIR ll5 West Monroe St.DR. WILBER E. POST 122 South Michigan Ave.ERNEST E. QUANTltELL 15 Broad St., New YorkPAUL S. RUSSELL . U5 West Monroe St.EDWARD L. RYERSON, JR. 2558 West 16th St.ALBERT L. SCOTT 30 Rockefeller PlazaROBERT L. SCOTT 366 West Adams St.ALBERT W. SHERER . 919 North Michigan Ave.EUGENE M. STEVENS 230 South LaSalle St.JAMES M. STIFLER University of ChicagoJOHN STUART 141 West Jackson Blvd.HAROLD H. SWIFT Union Stock YardsJOHN P. WILSON 120 West Adams St.Page I7College Marshals and AidesHOBEHT VALENTINE M EHHILLMarsha! UJ III(' UnirersityCOLLEG E M A HSII A LSPIIILlI' WIIITE, Head Morshul: JOHNIhHnE"I, DONALI) BELLSTHO)I, D \NIEt.(;I.mISET, SlnNEY IIYlIAN, I)A\"InKI'TNER, HOBEIlT MII.OW, ELUIUItEPAlwI'EIlSON, WALI)ElIAH SOU', WILI.I.UIW,\TSON,COLLECE AIDES shals is nominated hv the reurrnggroup, hut the final authorizationcomes from the President.One of the Marshals is appointedI" the President as Head Marshal,w'hile one of thc Aides is selected bvthe retiring Aides to act in the capacitvof Senior A ide. The two officersworking together direct the avt iv it iesof the entire group, It is the doubledUI\' of the Aides and Marshals topreside at each of the four convocations, and also to officiate at receprionsand to cnlertain (Iistinguishell visitorsto the ('ampus.The A ides a 1111 Marshals arc installed in June each �ear as a part ofthe program connected with the InterIratcrnit y Sing. At that lime thev receive fromthe ret iring group the svmbols of their ofJil'e, eonsisting of thc ('aps with maroon tassels and thegowns. It is traditional for the maroon tasseledI'aps to signif� a gift from the President to IIIf'honored I!roup.This group boasts of a long and distinguishedhistor�. Thev date har-k to before the building.in fact almost to the founding of the Universit v •The Aides and Marshals of past � ears ha VI'developed, in the course of their association withUniversity life. a cer t ain group consciousness andlovaltv as well as organization.IIELEN nE WEHTIIEHN, Senior Aide;E\,�;LYN Cxuu, LILY MAltY J)AVJI),VIOLET ELLIOT, MAllY FOItNEY.C·\TIIEHINE lIon'EH, MAllY Mc:K.\y,BETTY ANN l\ELSON, CLET.\ OL)lSTI·;.\n,An .. \ LOI'ISE WALKEIt.Perhaps �ou have wondered wh� r-onvoca t ionsat the Univeraitv run so smoof hlv. Perhaps �'ouhave marvelled that each candidate is able to gt'lhis own diploma with his own name on it. Themaster mind behind it all is Hobert Merrill,Marshal of the Universit v , but almost equallvimportant are the Marshals and Aides. all ofwhom arc undergraduates actin!! in t lu- I'apa('it�of assistants to Mr. Ml'rrill. Thev are selectedfrom the members of the senior class on t he basisof t lu-ir scholarship and par ticiparion in schoolart ivit ies and are appointed b� the President oft lu- University. Each group of Aides and Mar- M"rrillTOP !lO\\'-Hcllstrom, Kutner, Glom.el, Patterson, Watson, Carr, Olmsteud, McKa�" 1I01Ter, Forney.FBONT !lOW-Milow. Solf, Harrh-n, Hyman, \\·hil,· . .I,. W"rll",rn, Elliott, David, \\'alkcr, Nd.on.The University AdministrationOFFICERS OFADMINISTRATIONROBERT MAYNARD HUTCHINS, President; FREDERIC WOODWARD, VicePresident; El\IERY FI1�BEY, Dean ofFaculties; Roy BIXLER, Director ofAdm iss ions; NATHAN PLll\IPTON,Comptroller; HARVEY DAINES, Assistant Comptroller; LLOYD STEERE,Treasurer and Business Manager;GEORGE FAIRWEATHER, AssistantTreasurer; CHARLES GILKEY, Dean ofthe University Chapel; JOHN MOULDS,Secretary of the Board of Trustees;LYNDON LESCH, Assistant Secretary;WILLIAM MATHEH, Bursar; ERNEST\1ILLER, Registrar; JAMES STIFLER,Secretary; McKENDREE RANEY, Direc-tor of the Libraries; FREDRICK K UHLl\IAN, AssistantDirector of the Libraries; ROBERT WOELLNER,Executive Secretary, Board of Vocational Guidanceand Placement; GEORGE WORKS, Dean of Studentsand University Examiner.THE COLLEGES AND DIVISIONSFRANK LILLIE, Dean of the Biological Sciences;BASIL HARVEY, Dean of Students in the BiologicalSciences; WILLIAM TALIAFERRO, Associate Dean;GORDON LAING, Dean of the Humanities; HENRYGALE, Dean of the Physical Sciences; ROBERTREDFIELD, Dean of the Social Sciences; DONALDSLESINGER, Associate Dean; CHAUNCEY BOUCHER,Dean (if the College; AARON BRUMBAUGH, Dean ofPlimptonMather Students in the College; M EIU,E COULTER, LENNOX GREY, JEROME KERWIN,ADELiNE LINK, WILLIA.'I1 SCOTT,HAROLD BASILIUS, HAROLD SWENSON,ROBERT W OELLNER, Advisers in theCollege; CARL HUTH, Dean of University College, Director of Home-StudyDepartment; T. NELSON M ETCA LF,Director of Physical Education; CLAUKSHAUGHNESSY, Assistant Professor ofPhysical Education.THE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLSWILLIAM SPENCER, Dean �f the Schoolof Business; SHlULEY CASE, Dean ofthe Divinity School; LOUIS WILSON,Dean of the Graduate Library School;IIAURY BIGELOW, Dean of the LawSchool; EUNEST IRONS, Dean of RushMedical College; EDITH ABBOTT, Dean of theSchool of Social Service Administration.WoodwardLIBRARIES, LABORATORIES, MUSEUMS,AND CLINICSMcKENDHEE RANEY, Director of the UniversityLibraries; OTTO STUUVE, Director of YerkesObservatory; AUTHUR RACHl\IEYER, Director ofthe Clinics; ]A:'I1ES BREASTED, Director of theOriental Institute.THE UNl VERSITY PRESSGORDON LAING, General Editor; ALBERT McFARLAND, Manager, A-fanufacturing Department;DONALD BEAN, Manager, Publication Department.WoellnerRaney BixlerMillerPage I9DeanF. R. LillieThe Biological SciencesThe Biological Science Division which comprises the departments of anatomy, botany, homeeconomics, hygiene and bacteriology, medicine,obstetrics and gynecology, pathology, pediatrics,physiological chemistry and pharmacology, physiology, psychology, surgery, and zoology wasmade a separate administrative unit in 1930.The original biological departments of theUniversity were established in 1892 without anyspecial reference to medicine, but since that timea vast system of medical education has evolved.The Universitv has taken in Rush Medical College and main'tains it as an independent school;and the University Medical School on campus?as .developed and advanced, giving much humanrtarian and paid medical service through itsHospitals and Clinics.The department as a whole has achieved agreat deal and has made manv notable contributions to the advancement �f its work, itsgraduates occupying many important positionsin principal American Universities.Not only has this Division remained in closeunity with 'the College and other Divisions, butit has also made many valuable connections inChicago and e1sewher�. Thus the separatenessof the Division has been purelv administrative asit is in reality a living organ' of the University.The greatest change in the department thisyear is the retirement of Dean 'Frank R. Lillie.He has served the University since 1900, andsince 1932 he has very capably headed the newlyorganized Division. His place will be filled byWm. H. Taliaferro, who has been an associatedean for the past four years. The other importantchange in the department heads was caused by theresignation of Dr. H. S. Houghton, the dir�ctorof the Universitv Clinics and Associate Dean.This vacancy wil"l be filled by A. C. Bachmeyer,Dean of the Universitv of Cincinnati MedicalSchool and director of the Cincinnati Gen. Hosp.Page 20 The HumanitiesThe Division of the Humanities embraces thedeJ.>artments of language and literature, art,philosophy, comparative religion, music, andhistory. In addition to the departments thereare two group committees in literature and thehistory of culture, which supervise interdepartmenta.1 programs of study. The old groupcommrttee on language has been absorbed bythe recently organized department of linguistics.The Division has a faculty of one hundred andtwenty-eight members, and the number of stude�ts registered during the Winter Quarter,1935, was five hundred and sixty-eight.The entrance requirements of the Divisionare the College certificate or its equivalent andsuch. knowledge of two languages as is normallyattamed by two years of study in each at thehigh-school level.After entering the Division a student mayb�come a �andidate for ,the Master's degreeWIthout takmg a Bachelor s, or a candidate forthe Doctors degree without taking either theBachelor's or the Master's degree.A revision has recentlv been made in thepr?gr�m of work �or the Master's degree. Theprincipal change m the requirements has beento make p�ss�ble a divisional Master's degree forstudents wishing to prepare to teach in secondaryschools, in addition to the more highly specializeddegree where the work is concentrated in onedepartment: Candidates under this programm�y: _work m two or more departments of theDIvISIOn, but at least half their work must bein one principal subject. No dissertation isrequired of students under this plan.The Division has a large research programand one of its important bodies is the Committeeon Research in the Humanities, which is chieflyconc�r?ed wit? the projects carried on throughsubsidies furmshed bv the Rockefeller Foundation and the American Council of LearnedSocieties.DeanG. J. LaingThe Physical SciencesThe division of the Physical Sciences consistsof eight departr�Jents with a faculty of eighty-sixmembers. Durmg the year one of the mostimportant developments in the Division has beenthe progress in plans for cooperating with theUniversity of Texas in the erection of an astronomical observatory. The site has been selectedat Mount Locke, Texas, and the building itselfhas been completed. The optical and mechanicalparts of the telescope are, however, in the processof construction. The principal instrument is areflecting telescope eighty inches in diameter,the disc of which is already cast at the CorningGlass Works. The general plan for the work ofthe observatory contemplates that the Universityof Texas will pay for the building from a fundgiven to it for astronomical work and the University of Chicago will supply the scientificstaff. The telescope will probablv be ready foruse about Januarv 1, 1936.· .Research in both physics and chemistry hasbeen stimulated by a recent discovery of newunits in matter. Valuable work is already underway in both departments which is hoped will leadto important conclusions as to the true nature ofmatter. A special gift will make possible theconstruction of a very large electro-magnet whichwill be. used initially in the study of cosmic rays.ThIS vear Professor Allison and Zachariasenof the Physics Department have been appointedto the Guggenheim Fellowship for study inEurope. Professor Eckart of the Division hasbee� absent during the year working for theInscitute for Advanced Study which is affiliatedwith Princeton Universitv under the direction ofDr. Abraham Flexner. Professor Barrow's timeis divided between his Universitv work and hiswork at Washington as a memb�r of the WaterPlanning Committee of the National ResourcesBoard.DeanH. G. Gale DeanR. RedfieldThe Social SciencesThe Division of Social Sciences contributed aninteresting new feature to their system of education this year. The school term has bcen dividedinto six weeks of instruction, four weeks oJ readingand reflection, during which no classes are held,and. two weeks of discussion. The period ofreading and reflection is designed to enable thestudent to enlarge his field of studv and to pursuehis own interests." The Department of Sociology, a I the time ofItS organization at the University began specialization in the study of the city but in recent yearsthe scope of the Department has been gr·eatlvwidened to include the more general study ofracial problems. The mixtures of the di�erseracial groups have been put up for close analysisand as a result the problems of the "marginalman" have become the interest of everv man inthe Department. To augment this stud v rnanvof the professors during the past few years hav�carried on racial studies in foreign countries.The Division is also continuing its work withthe government: Professor Dodd, of the Department of History is now the ambassador toGermany; Charies A. Merriam is with theNationa"1 Resomces Board; Mr. Barrows oJ theGeography Department is working with theMississippi Valley Commission; Mr. Millis, ofthe Economics Department is with the NationalIndustrial Recovery Board. Other members ofthe Division have· frequently been called intoconsultation. During the past year Mr. Redfield, Dean of the Division, has been in Yucatancontinuing his study of acculturation. Mr.Andrew McLaughlin has completed his workcalled "Constitutional History of the UnitedStates". Among our visiting staff we have hadRichard P. McKeon of Columbia Universitv asa professor of History. The Social Sci�nceresearch department, under Dean Slesinaer, hasb. eeen carrymg on an active program of research inall aspects of the Social Sciences.Page 21DeanC. S. BoucherThis veal' Chauncey S. Boucher has graciously agreed to write for us a concise statementon The Chicago College Plan. The staff of theCap and Gown feels that more articles of thistype, which convey the impressions of the menmost prominent in their own field, are of moreparticular interest to the student body, and itis for that reason that we are exceedingly gratefulto Mr. Boucher (or his contribution. W.D.W.The appropriate time seems to have arrivedto cease calling our College program "The ewCollege Plan," and to refer to it henceforth asThe Chicago College Plan, the title of my reporton the plan in operation to the date of publication hv the University of Chicago Press lastFebruarv. This seems' appropriate also in lightof the fact that shortly after this issue of theCap and Gown comes' from the press, a largeproportion of the first class to enter as Freshmen under the New Plan will be awarded theirBachelors' degrees.The two most distinctive features of ourCollege Plan-the attempt to make it possible(or the student to attain a respectable minimumDEMONSTRA TIONMen have always been necessarily interestedin Physiology since it is a subject mostvital to usall.Its importance is more emphatically proved to usthrough the elaborate demonstration by abletechnicians in the Biological Science GeneralCourse for College students.Page 22 The Collegeof general education within a reasonable lengthof time, and the inauguration of a new plan ofmeasuring the educational progress of the student in terms of genuine attainments ra ther thanin terms of time-serving and routine, lock-steprequirements-have proved successful even beyond our fondest hopes. This degree of successhas been due to the imagination, courage andarduous labors of the Faculty and to the faithfuland whole-hearted co-operation of the greatmajority of our students. Faculty and studentsalike have had an exhilarating experience andhave derived great satisfaction from genuineand significant attainments.During the first year, when the plan was newand strange to both Faculty and students, acertain amount of confusion was to be expected.Though we expected to be confronted withproblems that indicated the necessity of changesin our program, these problems and the accompanying necessary changes proved less numerousand less serious than many of us anticipatedthey might be. Though we shall never ceaseto regard our College program as an experiment,necessitating continuous careful study and neverceasing efforts at improvement, our experiencethrough four years seems to show fairly conclusively that the basic principles of the planare sound and have resulted in a marked improvement of the educational process at college level.Years hence, when the history of Americancollege education is written for a succeedinggeneration, the members of the first class tograduate under the Chicago College Plan willbe presented in the roles of courageous, intelligent,and purposeful pioneers quite as much as willthe members of our Faculty. C.S.B.The Law SchoolThe University of ChicagoLaw School was organized in1902 under the direction of Professor Joseph H. Beal, a formermember of the Harvard LawFaculty. Since that time it hasgone through a period of gradualdevelopment until now it isrecognized as one of the foremost in the country.The success of the Schoolhas been partly due to its broadaim and novel method of instruction. The scope of thestudy is not restricted to locallaw and procedure, but is designed to meet the needs of anylawyer who practices in anEnglish speaking jurisdiction. It accomplishesthis purpose by presenting the fundamental lawsand their applications, and by giving thempractice in legal reasoning. The widely accepted method of case analysis is employed in teaching.Undoubtedly one of the mostimportant of all the reasons forthe success of the School is thefact that the Law School isexceptional] �7 fortunate in possessing an outstanding Iacultv,which provides a continual andimpressive leadership. Suchnames as Harry A. Bigelow,George Hogert, Quincy Wrightand countless others are constantly being heard outside theconfines of the immediatecampus. Intelligent leadershiphas been admirably maintainedby Dean Bigelow.The School in its present state of expansionoffers, aside from the regular three year course,seminar courses, a course in legal ethics, andadvanced post graduate courses.Dean I-T. A. BigelowThe School of Social Service AdministrationThe School of Social Service Ad�inistrationwas established to provide professional education which includes field work instruction forthose who are planning to enter public welfareservices or work with privatesocial agencies. It providesopportunities for advanced studyincluding practical experience forthose who are looking forwardto social research and the development of improved socialwelfare standards and methodsof work.Although the school sharesthe interest of the social sciencesin economic, political, and socialorganization, it is concerned pt·imaril y wi t.h these sciences to theextent that thev may be appliedin the science of human relations.The main interest of the schoolis in the research which throwslight on the present admin- istration and opens the way to possible improvement of social welfare.The four most important principles of theschool which are emphasized in the planningof each student's program are:first, the close adherence toprofessional spirit; second, theclose relation that has beenestablished wi t h the varioussocial science departments, as itis general I y held that soundsocial policies can be developedonly on the basis of a soundknowledge of fundamental principles; third, the importance offirst hand field work; fourth,a great amount of emphasis onsocial research which embodiesan understanding of the methodsof collecting scientific data relating to modern social conditionswhich should be part of theequipment of social workers.Dcan E. A bbot tPage 23The School of BusinessIn 1894 Professor LauerenceLaughlin, at that time head ofthe Department of PoliticalEconomy, realized that the growing importance of the well trainedbusiness man in our industrialorder necessitated specializedtraining for those embarking ona business career, and presentedto the Senate of the Universitya plan to provide for this typeof professional training for thosedesiring it. Within four yearsfollowing its introduction, theplan was approved and set intooperation with the establishmentof the School of Commerce andAdministration. The school hassince undergone two periods of reorganization, onein 1912, the other in 1916, but its practicalobjectives have remained unaltered.In administering this training the school takesThe Divinity School cognizance of the fact that allbusiness problems must be resolved into two components inorder to be intelligently attacked.First the physical and the socialenvironment in which thebusiness operates must be determined; and secondly the technical problem itself must beanalyzed. Because of this recognized twofold nature of businessproblems, the Business Schoolcovers the study of government,law, geography, psychology, andsociology in connection with themore technical courses which include finance, marketing, per-sonnel, production, traffic andtransportation. The method of bringing thework down to a practical plane is through analysis of specific cases and problems in each field,with actual discussions on business contacts.Dean W. H. SpencerThe purpose of the Divinity School is to prepare persons for professional activity and researchin the field of religion by training them forpreaching, parish ministry, conduct of worship,leaching, social and missionary work, and researchfor more extensive knowledgeand greater understanding of theinterpretation of religion.The School was founded in1866 as the Baptist TheologicalUnion of Chicago. Its development was aided by Mr. Rockefeller who in his million dollarendowment of the Universityspecified that the seminary shouldbecome the University DivinitySchool. The present school iscontrolled by the IncorporatedBaptist Theological Union, but isbv no means restricted to oned�nomination in enrollment,facultv, or breadth of vision.It emphasizes many phases ofChristianity and includes somestudies of 'other great religions.The curriculum of the Schoolis divided into four groups whichPage 24 include general cultural subjects, and specificsubject courses. The four fields of advancedwork are the historical, the theological, thebiblical, and the practical. Several degrees areoffered to the student in these fields. Therequirements for the Bachelorof Arts include a given numberof courses plus a comprehensiveexamination. The higher degrees of Master of Arts, Bachelorof Divinity, and Doctor of Philosophy can also be taken inthe Divinity School.Dean S. OJ. Case Not an insignifican t part ofthe School is the student activityin voluntary organizations. TheStudents' Association unifies andexpresses the various interestsof the student body. Its scopeis more than school wide, foraside from taking an interestin the student relations, whichit accomplishes through theDivinity Council, it also engagesin extra-curricular Christianactivity.The School of EducationThe department of Education, which gave up its status asa separate professional school, isnow a department of the Division of the Social Sciences. Theprogram of the department isorganized into five general fieldsdealing with the school and thesocial order; educational psychology; educational administration; curriculum, methods, andsuper.vision; and statistics andmeasurements.The personnel of the department includes twenty-six facultymembers. The work of thedepartment is devoted primarilyto graduate students who planto hold administrative positionsin education, and to studentswho plan to become teachers.The program of the depart-ment is reflected in the building which wasconstructed as a workshop and which differs inmany respects from other buildings on campus.Six of its rooms are classrooms. The second flooris devoted entirely to the spacious library and to offices and workrooms. Anothersection of the building is devotedto research in child developmentunder the direction of ProfessorFreeman. Here may be foundrecords from the 'Iaboratoryschools.During the past year Professor N. B. Henry, in co-operawith Professor Kerwin, has madea study of city government andschool control. Professor R. L.Lyman has published a monograph entitled "The Enrichmentof the English Curriculum" andProfessor W. S. Gray has alsopublished a monograph entitled"Improvement in Instruction inReading: an ExperimentalStudy." Professor R. M. Tryonhas published one of the volumesin the series prepared under theCommittee of Social Studies of the AmericanHistorical Association. Mr. M. Sherman hasbeen carrying on an investigation with Dr.Florey in co-operation with the Lying In Hospital on infant learning.Dean Tl. C. JuddThe Graduate Library SchoolThe Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago was ·established through agrant from the Carnegie Corporation in 1926 andwas formally opened in October 1928. An activemovement on the part of many librarians toprovide a professional schooldevoted to research and studyat the higher levels of libraryscience preceded its establishment. The University of Chicago was chosen as the seat ofthe school because of its centrallocation with respect to libraryresources. its emphasis upongraduate study and research,and its close integration of programs of work and faculties.The purposes of the schoolare (a) to offer instruction on agraduate basis; (b) to train students for the teaching of librarysubjects; (c) to train studentsin methods of investigation; (d)to organize and conduct investigations; and (e) to publish theresults of such investigations.Attention is given consequently, to the needs of students who, by previous trainingand experience, are qualified for effective workof this nature. Students are encouraged to bringproblems and data from the field, and the Schoolcarries on much correspondence regarding specialproblems and interests.During the past year, investigations have been carriedon with the North CentralAssociation for a revision of thestandards for college libraries.Other investigations includethose of the library in relationto public administration. TheSchool has taken a great interestin adult education, and has conducted investigations in this field.William S. Gray and BereniceLewey of the School of Educationin co-operation with the Graduate Library School have published in this connection a bookentitled "Wha t Makes a BookReadable." The School has alsoconducted four special investigations utilizing research students through the F.E.R.A.Dean L. R. WilsonPage 25C. T. BeckDONALD S. TRUMBULL, PresidentCHARLTON T. BECK, Secretary-TreasurerPerhaps the most impressive accounting ofthe alumni that can be offered is the number ofthem in Who's Who in America. If this volumemay be accepted as a criterion of achievement,then 6.37% of all those who have achieved inAmerica in the past two years either hold degreesfrom, or once attended the University of Chicago.This means that one in every 15.7 personslisted once attended this University.Of the 1,981 Chicago representatives in thisbook, 562 hold the degree of Doctor of Philosoph yfrom Chicago, 351 are Bachelors, 260 are Masters,111 are Rush Medical graduates, 72 hold Divinitydegrees, 54 hold Law School degrees, and 860are former students. Appropriate deductions,to account for those holding more than onedegree, make the total 1,981.Included among the 125 former Chicagoansnow serving as presidents of institutions ofhigher learning, there are presidents of 7 stateuniversities, 17 private universities, 29 colleges,2 state women's colleges, and state teacherscolleges in 23 states. This gives some indicationof the widespread influence the University ofINTERFRA TERNITY SINGA June night, soft breezes, swinging coloredlights, and a jolly band of brothers singing to thedear old fraternity. Year after year they gather,coming from allover the country 'and marchingfull strength around the memorable fountain inHutchinson Court, tighten the bonds of friendship.Page 26 The Alumni CouncilChicago exercises in educational circles throughits graduates.Among the Bachelors, or graduates of theCollege, the honors are distributed among theclasses quite thoroughly. Twelve alumni of theOld University, starting with a member of theclass of 1872, are mentioned, and every classfrom 1893 to 1921 has a t least one memberrepresenting it. The most recently graduatedclass to be represented is the class of 1931, withone member noted.The variety of occupations listed is ratherinteresting, running the gamut from horsebreeding to metal-refining. The largest number,as might be suspected, are classified as educators,and next are the doctors.It is finding out about such matters as thisthat kceps the Alumni Council Office busy.Aside from such researches, the staff is engagedin keeping track of the 43,000 wandering alumni,putting out the University of Chicago Magazineevery month, the Bulletin once a quarter, andspecial bits of publicity whenever the occasioncalls for it. From the Alumni Office go theletters to Associate Alumni Councilors, theUniversity's representatives all over the country;meetings of alumni all over the country arearranged; the Midwinter dinner, and the JuneReunion and Conference are planned and carriedout. The Alumni Council also administers theAlumni Fund of $135,000, and the office takescare of the innumerable bits of alumni servicethat come up from day to day.The seniors of 1935 are cordially invited tobecome members of the College Ahimni Association, the largest of the eight associations represented on the Alumni Council. Through paymentof $2.00 annual dues, you are entitled to allthe advantages of a continued association withthe University. The University of ChicagoMagazine, published monthly, is sent free to allAssociation members. By paying $50.00 in fiveyearly ten dollar installments, you may becomea life member, with a life subscription to themagazine. C. T. B.The University ChapelThe University Chapel is the focus of thereligious inte�est and act.ivities of. the U I?iversityand is an active partner III the social servrcc workthat is done by the University Settlement invarious parts of the city. This year particularlyhas shown the important role the Chapel playsin the lives of the students. There is no morefitting example than the ideal background thatthe Chapel furnishes for the solemn and beautifulBaccalaureate Service and Convocation.The newly aroused interest in the Chapel canbe attributed largely to the conscientious effortsof Dean Gilkey, Mack Evans, and the ChapelCouncil. More and more the students, under thecapable direction of these people, have been takingpart in the actual services, thus exhibiting a newlystimulated desire to participate in the religiouslife. The active participation includes usheringat the Sunday services, reading of the Scripturelesson, and the presentation of the offering.The many noted men and women who havespoken in the Chapel this year have addedgreatly to the interest of the services, and haveattracted the general public as well as the studentbody. The University Choir, composed entirelyof students, has won a deserved national reputation in the musical world, and their great varietyof choral numbers adds a dignity and color to theservices. The annual Christmas pageant,directed by Mack Evans, is the most importantsingle activity of the choir, and an event towhich the whole University community give theirwhole-hearted response each holiday season.In addition to these diverse activities theevening organ recitals and carillon recitals onWednesday and Sunday afternoons have affordedmany music lovers hours of enjoyment. Alsonoteworthy is the student guide service maintained during the summer months, which aimsto point out to interested visitors the architectural beauties of the building.The quiet, awe-inspiring beauty of the structure itself holds a place in the hearts of thestudent, and many stop daily for a few momentsof silent meditation. Dean GilkeyDEAN CHARLES W. GILKEYWe think of the Chapel and Deal Gilkeyalmost in a single thought, so imbued is he withthe spirit and the dignity of this great structure.In the course of the seven years that Mr. andMrs. Gilkey have lived in the University community and have been active in the Universitylife, they have come to be sincerely loved by allthose who have come in contact with them.Living just a few yards from the Chapel doorway, their home has come to be a haven ofrest for students wishing to find sympathy andneeded inspiration to carryon their ac��emicwork. Their doors are always open to vrsitors,and we will take with us always the memory ofthose lazy Sunday evenings spent by their fireplace listening to Mr. Gilkey tell us stories chosenfrom his great vistas of experience.Mr. Gilkey is noted the country over. as atheologian and as a speaker of great proficiency.He speaks in understandable terms; frankly,directly, and carefully; indicative that he hasgiven each of his points studious though�. His,genuine sympathy for modern youth IS constantly brought forward in his talks, and it isin just such a way that he has won the respect ofthe undergraduate body.CHAPEL DOORWAYSymbolizing the chapel IS this expressive pictureof the western Side door. The light standing outagainst the shadow, softening the formality ofthe Gothic architecture, typifies the understandingand friendliness found in the Chapel services,Thus stands our Chapel, towering over the heartof the University campus,Page 27It all started when those big men on campus,Patterson, Gerson, Greenleaf, Watson, Morrison,and Barden, got together one day at the DKEhouse for lunch. Things on campus wereslightly dull, and there wasn't much tableconversation; so they thought of the Fandango.Of course, it wasn't the Midway Fandango then->it was rnerelv a small-sized carnival. Butgradually it began to look like a great thing togive the campus something new, somethingstartling, and, as Patterson would say, something'different'. Before they knew it it had developedinto a great thing, and the Midway Fandangowas horn. But this was all weeks before, andthe climax was not reached till those last hecticnights. lust to help everyone reach a betterstate of insanity, Brownlee Haydon kept thenumber of hours before opening posted. Itwas the Wednesday before when the hysteriareached its height. Then, with talk of lions forthe parade-with splotches of paint over all, whilePatterson learned to outline signs and Haydonwent mad as Watson tracked his arches across asign, the time was only forty hours away.Morrison promptly went into a tail spin, andHoerr announced that there was still a wfaroonto go out. Then Thursdav in the fieldhouseFANDANGO! thousands of mixed-up paper streamersflags that wouldn't go up ... boothsto be decorated . . . and a miJlion otherheadaches. Friday-the parade-driving practi-cally blind .. a booming sound truck .the dress rehearsal . . . irate concessionaires. nothing seemingly accomplishedbedlam calling Chuck Hoerr .. morestooges, quick .. Calling Betty Elliscalling, calling Finally, after a hath butno dinner, everyone was ready for the opening ofthe doors. The crowd poured in . theferris wheel rumbled . . noise . . huv thegreatest . dance orchestra playingcalling Bart Smith . . . rumbling on till dosing.Sagging, slumping lines waiting for Brinks tocount their money . . . BiH O'Donnell, WallySolf, Chuck Dwyer . monev, money .worry, worry, making a rhyme. Saturdav->children, children everywhere. Saturday night. more people . twice as much noiseprizes stage stars . Banff.gambling wheels . Vie Jones . schillsmore noise Blackfriars' floor showtickets on and on till the finaltriumphant closing. It was a success, hut itwas not over weeks of checking . .FANDANGO! FANDANGO!Page 28Our President Says ....Little did any of us realize when we matriculated in the University in the Fall of 1931 thatwe were destined as a class to be branded asbeing "different". But such is the case. Wewere the original "guinea pigs" of the New Plan;we were the "depression class"; we were thelast to enter under the old rushing plan; we,had in our ranks many beautiful girls, a goodshare of promising athletes, several geniuses, andeven one communist. In every phase of University life were we different. Through four longyears have we struggled, oblivious of our "differences", but all the time enjoying ourselves tothe limit. That each one of us will look backon our four glorious years spent at the University,I'm sure we will all admit ... But all the timewe were "different".As the day of graduation drew near, we allrealized that a token of our loyalty and appreciation to the University was forthcoming. TheSenior Class Council sat for hours unnumbered,planning, figuring and wondering "What can wegive to our University to show our true appreciation for the many benefits she has given us?". PattersonThe logical gift was a stone bench, or perhapsa clock, or even the proverbial ivy vine. Butno, something "different". What could be morefitting than scholarships? That would be ourgift to the University.We were then confronted with the problemof raising money to supply these scholarships.Further meetings followed. More plans and morefigures were our lot. We could very easily havetaxed each member of the class in hopes ofraising the necessary funds. But again we hadto be "different", so we decided against theconventional methods. Our wits were at an endtrying to evolve some plausible plan to obtainour appropriation. We were stumped, and ourprospects looked dark, when, from our ranks of"differents" came the idea to hold a huge carnival.We felt sure that we could raise enough moneyin this way to give several scholarships to theUniversity. That would be our course.Out of a myriad of "different" ideas andsuggestions was born the Midway Fandango.A grand carnival; dancing, ferris-wheels, games ofskill and chance, glaring lights, speeches, blaringmusic, May King and Queen contests, prizecontests, entertainment, merry-go-rounds, fortunetellers, weight guessers, ball throwing, pop corn,peanuts, pink lemonade, cotton ice cream, barkersand general hurly-burly. Truly a "different"type of affair. Again we had lived up to ourbranded name.Page 29Page 30 JOHN H. ABRAHAMS, Ph.B.; Chi Psi; Topeka, Kans.; Blackfriars (1-4), Scribe (4); Capand Gown (1): JOHN ABRAHAMSON, B.A.; Billings, Mont.; Transfer Student; Phi BetaKappa: FRANK M. ALDRIDGE, B.A.; Psi Upsilon; Tulsa, Okla.; Blackfriars (2-3); Freshman Class Council: RAMONA ALLEN, Ph.B.; East Moline, Ill.; Orchesis (3-4): JULIUS E.ANDERSON, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: CHARLES L. ASHER, B.S.; Alpha Sigma Phi; Peoria, Ill.:FAITH BABCOCK, B.A.; Chi Rho Sigma; Chicago, Ill.: JOHN W. BAILEY, B.A.; Hebron,Ill.; Baseball (1); Band (4): ROGER A. BAIRD, B.A.; Phi Gamma Delta; River Forest,Ill.; Dramatic Assoc. (2-4); Blackfriars (2); Mirror (3); R. O. T. C. (2, 3): HOWARD D.BAKER, B.S;; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Oak Park, Ill.; Baseball (1); Burette and Balance(3,4): CHARLES A. BANE, B.A.; Phi Kappa Sigma; Springfield, Ill.; Eta Sigma Phi (1-4):JOHN P. BARDEN, B.A.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Swimming (1-3), Major"C" (3); Marshal; Daily Maroon (1-3), Editor (3): ELIZABETH BARTLETT, Ph.B.; Sigma;Chicago, Ill.: ELEANOR BAUER, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: ARTHUR H. BAUM, Ph.B.; Chicago,Ill.; Kenyon College (1,2): RUTH M. BECK, Ph.B.; Fort Dodge, Ia.; Y. W. C. A. (4);Comad Club (4): NORMAN S. BECKER, B.A.; Tau Delta Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Daily Maroon(1,2); Phoenix (1): ROSEMARY S. BECKER, Ph.B.; Phi Beta Delta; Chicago, Ill.; DramaticAssoc. (3); Mirror (1-4); Cap and Gown (1); Phoenix (3): DONALD E. BELLSTROM, Ph.B.;Phi Delta Theta; Chicago, Ill.; Swimming (1-4), Major "C"; Water Polo Team (3); Marshal; Interfraternity Council (3, 4): GEORGE W. ,BENJAMIN, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Polo(1-4); Blackfriars (3); R. O. T. C. (1-4); Crossed Cannon; School of Business Council (4);MARIE C. BERGER, B.A.; Chicago, m., Tarpon (2); Archery (2, 3); Symphony (2); DailyMaroon (2,3); Chapel Council; Federation (2,3);Cosmos (2,3), Pres. (2); Debate Union(1-3): WILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Ph.B.; Pi Lambda Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (1·4);Daily Maroon (1-4), Adv. Manager (4); Interfraternity Council (3-4): MARVIN W.BERKSON, B.A.; Phi Sigma Delta; Chicago, Ill.; Baseball (1-4); Basketball (1): MAXINEBERNSTEIN, Ph.B.; Lima, Ohio: FREDRICK BLAIR, B.S.; St. Louis, Mo.: ELIZABETHBLISS, B.A.; Quadrangler; Flossmoor, Ill.; Dramatic Assoc. (3,4); Mirror (3,4): HAROLDBLOCK, Ph.B.; Zeta Beta Tau; Chicago, Ill.; Track (1-4), Co-Capt. (4); Dramatic Assoc.;Blackfriars (1-4); Cap and Gown (4); Phoenix (3, 4): MARGOT BOERTLEIN, Ph.B.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Dramatic Assoc. (3-4); Mirror (3, 4); Cap and Gown (3); Y. W. C. A.(1-4); Ida Noyes Auxiliary (1); Upperclass Counsellor (2-4); Group Leader (4): RUTHBOOKWALTER, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: VIRGINIA J. BOOKWALTER, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Y.W. C. A. (2, 3): G. LAWRENCE BROKATE, A.B.; Fremont, Ohio: DETON BROOKS, JR.,B.S.; Chicago, III.: MARGARET L. BROWN, Ph.B.; Onarga, III.; Choir (3); Symphony (3):CAROLA. BRUEGGEMAN, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; W. A. A. Board (3,4): CHARLOTTE M. BURTIS,B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Choir (1); Chorus (2-4): PATRICIA BRYAN, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Mirror(2-4); Daily Maroon (1): VERONICA CAMUTZ, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: EVELYN CARR, B.S.;Mortar Board; Chicago, Ill.; Aide; Mirror (1-4), Pres. (4); Nu Pi Sigma; Interclub Council(4); Student Settlement Board (1-4), Chairman (4); Student Social Committee (3); Boardof Women's Organizations (3,4); Freshmen Women's Council: MARY F. CARROLL, B.A.;Chicago, III.: ARTHUR L. CHANDLER, B.S.; Washington, D. C.; Boxing (3, 4); Choir(3, 4): HOWARD CHANDLER, Ph.B.; Phi Delta Theta; Sheldon, Ia.; Swimming (3, 4);Dramatic Assoc. (3, 4); Blackfriars (3, 4); Mirror (4); Choir (3, 4); Debate Union (3);Interfraternity Council (4): RUPERT I. CHUTKOW, Ph.B.; Phi Epsilon Pi (Illinois);Chicago, Ill.; Tennis (3, 4): FRANCIS J. CIMRAL, Ph.B.; Phi Delta Theta; Chicago, III.;Basketball (2); Phoenix (1, 2): MARGARET CLITHERO, Ph.B.; Chicago, III.: ALICE B.COCKBURN, Ph.B.; Sigma; St. Joseph, Mo.: ROBERT W. CONNER, B.A.; Phi Kappa Psi;Sioux Citv, la.; Tennis (3, 4); Dramatic Assoc. (3, 4); Blackfriars (3, 4); Mirror (3, 4):VELMA MO. COOK, Ph.B.; Valparaiso, Ind.; Eta Sigma Phi (3, 4); Sigma Theta (Val. Univ.Sorority): GRACE E. COOMBS, Ph.B.; Phi Delta Upsilon; Chicago, Ill.Page 32 WILBUR CRAIG, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: JOHN R. CRANOR, JR., B.S.; Sigma Chi; Huntingdon,Pa.: ETHEL R. CUCHRAN, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Cap and Gown (1, 2); Bowling Club (4);Y. W. C. A. (1-4): JOHN C. CURRY, JR., Ph.B.; Phi Delta Theta; Oak Park, Ill.; Track(3); Blackfriars (3,4); Cap and Gown (3,4): GENEVIEVE DALKUS, Ph.B.; Arrian; Chicago,Ill.: J. HAROLD DANENHOWER, JR., Ph.B.; Phi Delta Theta; Chicago, Ill.; Wrestling (1)':GERRIT DANGREMOND, B.S.; Alpha Tau Omega; Nu Sigma Nu; Chicago, Ill.: CLAIREDANZIGER, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Daily Maroon; Cap and Gown; Federation: LILY MARYDAVID, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; Aide; Cap and Gown (3); Daily Maroon (1); Y. W. C. A.(1-4), First Cabinet (3-4): JOHN DEVINE, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (3): CLETUSDIXON, B.A.; Delta Sigma Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Baseball (1920-21-22) Captain: LORRAINEDONKLE, B.A.; Quadrangler; Chicago, Ill.; Mirror (3-4), Director of Steppers: PHILIPC. DOOLiTTLE, B.A.; Delta Tau Delta; Chicago, Ill.: WALTER DUVALL, B.A.; Phi KappaPsi; Chicago, Ill.; Basketball (4); Baseball (4): JACK DWORIN, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.:CHARLES T. DWYER, Ph.B.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Swimming (2-4), Captain;Water Polo (2-4): A. C. DYSTRUP, B.S.; Lambda Chi Alpha; Lemont, Ill.; Track (2-4):THOMAS EADIE, B.S.; Sigma Chi; Kansas City, Mo.; Blackfriars (2-3); Cap and Gown(2); Daily Maroon (2); Interfraternity Council (4); R. O. T. C. (1): ALICE EBERSOLD,B.S.; Oak Park, Ill.: JANETTE ECKERSALL, B.A.; Gary, Ind.: STANFORD :gGE, B.A.;Phi Kappa Sigma; Duluth, Minn.: ROBERT ELDRED, Ph.B.; Phi Delta Theta; Chicago,Ill.; Basketball (1-4); Baseball (2-4): VIOLET ELLIOT, B.A.; Sigma; Chicago, Ill.; Aide;Dramatic Association (2-4); Mirror (1-3); Interclub Council (4); Freshman Class Council;B. W. O. (3); Y. W. C. A. (1-4), Secretary (3); Freshmen Women's Council: WILLIAMT. ELLIOTT, Ph.B.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Long Beach, Calif.; Interfraternity Council(3,4); School of Business Council (3,4), President (4): EVELYN G. ENDREZ, B.S.; DeltaSigma; Berwyn, Ill.; Dramatic Assoc., (4); Student Settlement Board (4); Y. W. C. A.(4): HAROLD A. ERICKSON, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: VIRGINIA EYSELL, Ph.B.; Quadrangler;Chicago, Ill.; Mirror (3); Phoenix (3, 4); Nu Pi Sigma; Student Social Committee, CoChairman (4): GEORGE FACTOR, Ph.B.; Kappa Nu; Chicago, Ill.; Wrestling (1-3); Tennis(1-4): DEXTER FAIRBANK, B.A.; Alpha Delta Phi; Chicago, Ill., Football (1); CrossCountry (2,3); Track (1-4); Blackfriars (2); Skull and Crescent; Iron Mask; Daily MaroonColumnist (4): CONNIE FISH, B.A.; Pi Delta Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Federation Group Leader;Y. W. C. A. First Cabinet (3): THOMAS FLINN, JR.; Redwood Falls, Minn.; Football(1-4); Basketball (1-4), Capt. (4); Blackfriars (1-4), Abbott (4); Skull and Crescent;Iron Mask; Owl and Serpent: MARY FORNEY, B.A.; Abilene, Kans.; College Aide; B. W.O. (4); Y. W. C. A. (2-4), Cabinet Member (3), Sec. (4): HELEN M. FORSBERG, B.A.;Achoth; Chicago, Ill.; Bowling Club (3,4); Cap and Gown (3); Y. W. C. A., Second Cabinet (3), First Cabinet (4): FRED E. FORTESS, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Track (3, 4); CrossCountry (3, 4); Socialist Club; Student Union: MARJORIE A. FOULKES, B.S.; ElmwoodPark, Ill.: PAUL FRANTZEN, B.A;; Dubuque, Ia.: ADELE FREDRICKSON, B.A.; Chicago,Ill.: DORIS FROST, Ph.B.; Wyvern; Allegan, Michigan.; School of Business Council,Treas. (4): ALICE Fuzv, B.A.; Achoth; Hammond, Ind.: VELlA M. GARCIA, B.A.;Chicago, Ill.; Spanish Club (1-4), Pres. (2-4); French Club; Calvert Club: STELLA GAVRILAVICZ, B.A.; Benton Harbor, Mich.; Hockey (1); Baseball (1); Cap and Gown (2); Y.W. C. A. (1); W. A. A. (1): MARIAN GENTZ, Ph.B.;'Phi Beta Delta; Chicago, Ill.; Dramatic Association (2-4); Y. W. C. A. (2, 3): FRANCES H. GETHRO, Ph.B.; Quadrangler;Chicago, Ill.; Mirror (3,4): CAROL F. GIBBS (MRS. HARRY), B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: IRENEM. GIESE, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Sociology Club; French Club; Mathematics Club; SlavonicClub, Sec. (4): ELLEN GILMORE, Ph.B.; Sigma; Chicago, Ill.: MARVIN H. GLICK, B.A.;Phi Sigma Delta; Chicago, Ill.; Intramural Athletics (1-4); Band (1-4); Symphony (1�3): .NATHANIEL GLICKMAN, B.S.; Miami Beach, Fla.; Intramural Athletics (3, 4): DANIELGLOM SET, B.S.; Kappa Sigma; Des Moines, Ia.; Water Polo (1-3); Swimming (1-3), Capt.(3); Blackfriars (1); Marshal; Iron Mask; Owl and Serpent; Interfraternity Committee(4); Chapel CounciL(2-4).Page 34 MARGARET GOETSCH, B.S.; Pi Delta Phi; Chicago, Ill.; W. A. A., Treasurer; "c" Club,Vice-President; Ida Noyes Auxiliary (3, 4); Y. W. C. A.: MILTON D. GOLDBERG, Ph.B.;Pi Lambda Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (3): ARLENE GOLDTHWAITE, Ph.B.; Chicago,Ill.: ROGER GORMAN, Ph.B.; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Football (1); Baseball(1); Wrestling (1-4): RUTH GRAY, B.A.; East Chicago, Ind.: RUTH C. GREENEBAUM,B.A.; Michigan City, Ind.; Daily Maroon (2-4); Tarpon Club (2-4); W. A. A. (2-4); ArcheryClub (2); Y. W. C. A. (2-4): JACK R. GREENFIELD, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: CHARLES GREENLEAF, B.A.; Delta Tau Delta; Elkhart, Ind.; Dramatic Assoc. (1); Blackfriars (1-4),Prior (4); Band (1, 2); Symphony (2); Skull and Crescent; Owl and Serpent; ChapelCouncil (2); Freshman Class Council: ROBERT E. GREGG, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; AlphaZeta Beta: EDWARD GRODECKI, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Baseball (2, 3): LEWIS G. GROEBE,J.D.; Alpha Delta Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Track (1-3); Cross Country (1-3); Band (1, 4);University Law School Bar Assoc. (4); Pres. of Bar Assoc. (4); Senior Council Member(4): ROBERT M. GROGAN, B.S.; Aurora, Ill.: B. FRAN:KLIN GURNEY, B.S.; Mendota,Ill.; R. 0, T. C -. (3, 4): PAUL L. GUSTAFSON, B.A;; Pi Kappa Alpha; Pittsburgh, Pa.;Horse Polo (2-4); Band (3,4), Student Mgr.; R. O. T� C. (2-4); Transferred from CarnegieTech.: SARA E. GWIN, Ph.B.; Quadrangler; Chicago, Ill.; Dramatic Association (1-4);Mirror (1-4), Vice-Pres. (4); Cap and Gown (3); Phoenix (3,4); Freshman Class Council;Student Social Committee (1); Federation (2-4); Upperclass Counsellor (3, 4): DAVIDJ. HARRIS, B.S.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Basketball (1); Blackfriars (1);Interfraternity Council (3): HELEN M. HARRISON, B.A.; Wyvern; Chicago, Ill.;Mirror(2); De Pauw University (1-3): HELEN M. HARTENFELD, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; W. A. A.;Orchesis (2-3); Pegasus (3); Dramatic Association (1-4); Mirror (1-3); Settlement Board(3-4); B. W. O. (3-4); Federation Board (2-4), B. W. O. Representative, and FreshmanWomen's Advisor (3-4); Y. W. C. A., First Cabinet (2-4), Second Cabinet (2), FreshmanWomen's Council; International Club: WINIFRED HARTER, B.A.; Rhinelander, Wis.:ELAINE D. HASSEL, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: ROLLAND F. HATFIELD, Ph.B.; Alpha SigmaPhi; Cicero, Ill.; Fencing (3); Daily Maroon (3): CHARLOTTE E. HEATON, B.S.; Chicago,Ill.; Dramatic Assoc. (3-4); Y. W. C. A. (3-4): JANE HEMPLEMAN, B.A.; Mortar Board;Chicago, IlL: JAMES F. HEYDA, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: CHARLES W. HICKOK, Ph.B.; DeltaSigma Pi; Chicago, Ill.: CATHERINE B. HOFFER, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; W. A. A., President(4); Racquet (2-4) President (4), Tarpon (2), Tap (4); B. W. O. (4); Nu Pi Sigma: MRS.MIRIAM HOGLUND, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: GRAVES HOLBROOK, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; Basketball (2); Tennis (1-4): MARCIA HOLLETT, Ph.B.; Pi Delta Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Federation(1-4); Y. W. C. A., First Cabinet (4), Second Cabinet (3); Upperclass Counsellor: MARYE. HOLMES, B.S.; Delta Sigma; Chicago, Ill.; Astrato Club: BETTY Hoer-, B.A.; Berwyn,IlL: CHAUNCEY HOWARD, Ph.B.; Psi Upsilon; Tulsa, Okla.: HOWARD P. HUDSON, B.A.;Kappa Sigma; Chicago, Ill.; Daily Maroon Editor (4); Owl and Serpent; Kappa Alpha;Dramatic Assoc. (2-4), Publicity Director (3); Chapel Council (4): MAURICE HUEBSCH,Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; MARGUERITE HUGGINS, B.S.; Chicago, iu.,, RUTH E. HULL, Ph.B.;Chicago, Ill.; Bowling Club (2-3); Chorus (2); Y. W. C. A. (2-4):·· SIDNEY HYMAN, Ph.B.;Ga.ry, Ind.; Owl and Serpent; Iron Mask; Dramatic Assoc. (1-4); Blackfriars (1-3); CollegeMarshal; Symphony Head Usher (3); Comment, Assistant Editor (4); Daily Maroon,Travelling Bazaar (3); Phoenix, Associate Editor (4); Chapel Council (2-4); Senior ClassCouncil (4); Settlement Board (2-3); Social Committee (4): AMY C. JACKSON, B.s.;Chicago, Ill.: EVELYN W. JAFFRAY, Ph.B.; Esoteric; Oak Park, Ill.; Y. W. C. A. (3):HERMAN JELINEK, B.A.; Brainard, Neb.; Band (4): PHYLLIS W. JOHNSON, B.S�; Tulsa,Okla.; Symphony: DOROTHY KAMMERMANN, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Bowling Club, President (2): MELVA R. KAPLAN, B.A.; San Antonio, Tex.: DEMOSTHENES C. KATSULIS,Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; Track (1); R. O. T. C. (1-4): ROBERT L. KEATS, Ph.B.; Kappa Nu;Chicago, Ill.; Track (1); Cap and Gown (3-4); Interfraternity Council (4); Law SchoolBar Assoc. (4); Social Committee (3-4): ELEANOR L. KEMPNER, Ph.B.; Memphis, Tenn.;transferred from University of Wi�consin: BRUCE A. KING, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: TRUMANKIRKPATRICK, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (l-3), Junior Manager (3): J. BARNEYKLEINSCHMIDT, B.S.; Maywood, Ill.; Dramatic Assoc. (2-3); Blackfriars (1-3); Band«1-3), Drum Major (2-3), President (3); Cap and Gown, Photography Manager (3);Debate (1-3); Green Cap Club (1); Crossed Cannon (2); Delta Sigma Rho; R. O. T. C.,Captain (2), Batallion Adjutant (2), D. A. R. Medal for General Excellence (2); PublicityManager, Military Ball (2); Military Club (2).C. HEATON J. HEMPLEl\{AN J. HEYDA C. HICKOK C. HOFFER M. HOGLUND G. HOLBROOKR. HULL S. HYMAN A.JACKSON E.JAFFRAY H.JELINEK P._)OHNSON D. KAMMERl\{ANNM. KAPLAN D. KATSULlS R. KEATS E. KEMPNER B. KING T. KIRKPATRICK J. KLEINSCHMIDTPage 36 ELMER J. KONCEL, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: MARY E. KREUSCHER, Ph.B.; Mortar Board;Chicago, Ill.; Phoenix, Women's Editor (4); B. W. O. (4): NATHAN KREVITSKY, B.A.;Chicago, III.; Fencing (1); Dramatic Assoc. (1-4); Blackfriars (1-4); Chorus (2, 3, 4);University Musical Society (3, 4); Comment (2); Phoenix (1-4), Art Editor (4); JewishStudent Foundation (3, 4): ROBERT F. KRIZ, B.A.; Western Springs, Ill.; Rifle Club(1-4), Sec. (1-4): ANTON E. KRUZIC, Ph.B.; Cicero, Ill.; Baseball (4): CHARLES M.KUGEL, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; Chorus (1): DAVID KUTNER, B.S.; Zeta Beta Tau; Chicago,Ill.; Blackfriars (2,3); Marshal; Daily Maroon (1-4), Senior Editor (4); .Owl and Serpent;Interfraternity Committee (4): MADALON L. LAING, B.A.; Peever, S. Dak.: ELEANOREV. LANDON, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Choir (1, 2); Nu Pi Sigma; Federation (4), UpperclassCounsellor; Y. W. C. A. (1-4), Vice�Pres. (4): ELIZABETH LANSBURGH, Ph.B.; Baltimore,Md.: ADELE LANGWORTHY, B.S.; Dubuque, la.; .Dramatic Assoc. (3, 4); Comad Club;Y. W. C. A. (3, 4), First Cabinet (4): HENRY LAWRIE, B.A.; Delta Upsilon; Chicago,Ill.; Track (1-4): HELEN LEAVITT, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: ESTHER LEVIN, Ph.B.; Joliet,Ill.: MILDRED LEVINSON, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: NORMAN LEVY, B.A.; Phi Sigma Delta;Chicago, III.; Phoenix (3); R. O. T. C. (2, 3), 1st Lieut.: EDWARD W. LIEDTKE, Ph.B.,Chi Psi; Chicago, Ill.; Daily Maroon (1); Student Settlement Board (2, 3): JACK LIGHT,B.A.; Chicago, IlL: LORRAINE L. LINDBLAD, B.A.; Arrian; Evanston, Ill.: DOROTHYLOEB, B.A.; Daily Maroon (2); Federation (3,4), Upperclass Counsellor: JACK W. LOEB,Ph.B.; Winnetka, Ill.; Intramural Manager (2, 3); Blackfriars (1-3): JEANETTE S. LOEB,Ph.B.; Decatur, Ill.: JOHN LOGAN, Ph.B.; Delta Tau Delta; Wilmette, III.; Blackfriars(2); Cap and Gown (1,2): MYRTLE LOHNER, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: CHARLES S. LOOMIS,Ph.B.; Phi Delta Theta; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (2,3): HILMAR F. LUCKHARDT, B.A.;Phi Delta Theta; Chicago, Ill.; Band (1-4); Symphony (1-4): ALICE LUDBERG, B.A.;Gary, Ind.; W. A. A. (1-3): EWING L. LUSK, JR., Ph.B.; Delta Sigma Pi; Roswell, N.Mex.; Intramurals (2-4); School of Business Council (4): HENRY D. LYTTON, B.A.;Greenwich, Conn.: GEORGE B. MACKEY, B.S.; Tau Kappa Epsilon; La Grange, Ill.:ALFREDO MANAT,' Ph.B.; Phillipine Islands; International Club: CLIFFORD MASSOTH,B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Intramurals; Comment Contributor; Phoenix Contributor: GIFFORDM. MAST, B.S.; Davenport, la.; Dramatic Assoc. (1-4), Vice-Pres. Tower Players (3),Pres. Tower Players (4): JANE MATSON, Ph.B.; Chicago, III.; Choir (1-3); Cap and Gown,Woman's Editor (3, 4); Chapel Council (4); Y. W. C. A. (1-4); Ida Noyes Auxiliary (1);Upperclass Counsellor (4): MARY MAWICKE, B.S,; Delta Sigma; Chicago, Ill.; InterclubCouncil (3): HELEN O. MAY, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; LLOYD MCCULLEY, B.A.; Chicago,Ill.: JAMES A. McDEVITT, B.A.; Mansfield, 0.; Track (1); Dramatic Assoc. (1-4); Blackfriars (1-4); Mirror (2); Choir (2, 3, 4); Cap and Gown (3); Chapel Council (3, 4), Pres.(4); Board of Social Service and Religion (4): DUGALD S. McDOUGALL, B.A.; Phi PiPhi; Indianapolis, Ind.; Daily Maroon (1, 2); Freshman Class Council (1): MARY E.McKAY, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; Aide; Dramatic Assoc. �(1); Mirror (2); Nu Pi Sigma; ChapelCouncil (3, 4); Federation (3); Y. W. C. A. (4); Freshman Women's Council: GORDONH. McNEIL, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: H. MARTIN MEDOW, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: GRETCHENMETZ, B.S.; Arrian; Chicago, Ill.: ELLA V. MILLER, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: LOUIS R. MILLER,B.A.; Phi Kappa Psi; Frankfort, Ind.: ROBERT W. MILOW, B.S.; Delta Upsilon; OakPark, Ill.; Track (1-4); Dramatic Assoc. (1); Marshal: IRMA L. MITTON, B.S.; Achoth;Chicago, Ill.; Archery Club (1-4), Pres. (4); Interclub Council (4); Y. W. C. A. (1): MARIEC. MOLLOY, B.A.; Chicago, III.; Y. W. C. A. (1-4), First and Second Cabinet: MARGARETL. MOORE, B.A.; Mortar Board; Chicago, Ill.; Dramatic Assoc. (1-4); Mirror (1-4), Pres.(4); Daily Maroon (3, 4).Page 38 HEI,EN L. MORGAN, B.A.; Achoth; Chicago, Ill.; Phi Beta Kappa: ELTON K. MORRIS,B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: HARRY MORRISON, JR., B.A.;Phi Kappa Psi; Hammond, Ind.; Phoenix,Editor (4); Dramatic Assoc. (2-4); Blackfriars (1-2); Daily Maroon (2-3); InterfraternityCouncil (3): JOHN R. MOULTON, Ph.B.; Delta Upsilon; Washington, D. C.; Track (3);Chorus (2-3): LILLIAN L. NASH, B.S.; Deltho; Chicago, Ill-, Cap and Gown (1); BowlingCluh (2-3); Y. W. C. A. (3); Upperclass Counsellor (2-3): J. ROBERT NEBEL, B.S.; LambdaChi Alpha; Chicago, Ill.; Baseball (1); Basketball (1); Alpha Zeta Beta: BETTYANNNELSON, B.A.; Chicago, III.; Nu Pi Sigma; College Aide; Chapel Council (4); B. W. O.(4); Federation (3-4); Y. W. C. A. (1-4), President (4); Freshmen Women's Council (1);W. A. A. (1-4); Ida Noyes Advisory Council (4): EDWIN V. NEMEC, B.A.; Delta SigmaPi; Chicago, Ill.: MARGARET B. NOBLE, B.S.; Quadrangler; Chicago, Ill.: DOROTHYNORTON, B.A.; Chicago, III.; Cap and Gown (3-4); Y. W. C. A. (3-4): GEORGE J. NOVAK,Ph.B.; Alpha Sigma Phi; Berwyn, Ill.; Basketball (1); Interfraternity Council (4): VIRGINIA Novr, B.A.; Cicero, III.; Hockey (3); Daily Maroon (3): CLETA M. OLMSTEAD,B.A.; Pi Delta Phi; Chicago, Ill.; College Aide; Dramatic Assoc. (2-4); Mirror (2-3);Eta Sigma Phi; Interclub Council; Chapel Council (4); Y. W. C. A. (3-4); Ida NoyesAuxiliary (1); Upperolass Counsellor (2-4): ROBERT OSHINS, Ph.B.; Phi Sigma Delta;Escanaba, Michigan; Daily Maroon (1-2): WILMOT C. PALMER, JR., Ph.B.; Phi KappaPsi; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (2); Intramural Manager (2): NORMAN K. PANAMA, Ph.B.;Zeta Beta Tau; Chicago, III.; Dramatic Assoc. (1-3); Blackfriars (1-4); Mirror (3-4):EVERETT C. PARKER, Ph.B.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Cap and Gown (1-.3),Editor (3): KENNETH R. PARSONS, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: JULIA PATROS, B.S.; Chicago,Ill.: ELLMORE PATTERSON, B.A.; Psi Upsilon; Western Springs, Ill.; Football (2-4),Captain (4); Tennis (2-4); Blackfriars (1); College Marshal; Owl and Serpent; Iron Mask;Skull and Crescent: MICHAEL S. PAULSON, B.A.; Swarthmore, Pa.; Transfer Student:GOLDENA F. PAYNE, B.S.; Garden City, Mo,: MARION H. PELZEL, B.A.; Chicago, IlL;Bowling (4): LOIS R. PETERSEN, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Tarpon (2-3); "C" Club (2); Mirror(3); Symphony (3); Y. W. C. A. (2): CHARLES E. PETERSON, B.A.; Delta Sigma Pi;Ogden, Utah: TASULA M. PETRAKIS, Ph.B.; Chicago, III.; W. A. A. (1); Daily Maroon(2); Y. W. C. A. (1): JEAN PICKARD, Ph.B.; Mortar Board ; Cordova, Ala.: ELLIOTTPOST, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: J. PARKER PRESCOTT, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.; Alpha Phi Alpha:VIRGIL P. PUZZO, B.A.; Chicago, III.: CLIFFORD E. RANDALL, Ph.B.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon;Omaha, Neb.: HELEN E. REINHARDT, Ph.B.; Wilmette, Ill.: MEYER M. RESNIKOFF, B.S.;Chicago, Ill.; Sigma Pi Sigma: JOHN RICE, Ph.B.; Psi Upsilon, Dallas, Texas; Owl andSerpent; Football; R.O. T.C.,Major (4,); Student Social Committee, Chairman (4): ROBERTL. RICE, Ph.B.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.: HOWARD M. RICH, Ph.B.; Chicago,Ill.; Daily Maroon (1-4), News Editor (4); R. O. T. C. (1-4), Lieutenant: SUE RICHARDSON,B.A.; Sigma; Chicago, Ill.; Dramatic Assoc.; Mirror (2-3); Cap and Gown (1,4), SeniorWomen's Editor (4); Daily Maroon (1-3), Society Editor (3); Nu Pi Sigma; B. W. O.(4); Federation (2-4): DAVID O. ROBBINS, B.A.; Grand Rapids, Mich.: LEWIS L. ROB-. BINS, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Choir (1): KIRSTEN ROBERT, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Tarpon (1-4):MARION L. ROE, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: FLORENCE ROMEROWSKY, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.;CONSTANCE M. ROSENBAUM, B.S.; Kalamazoo, Mich.: HELEN ROSENBERG, Ph.B.;Chicago, III.; Dramatic Assoc. (2-3): N. HERZL ROSEN SON, B.A.; Chicago, III.; Avukah:HILDA Ross, B.A.; Chicago, III.; Avukah; Jewish Student Foundation; Federation: ZELDARUBINSTEIN, B.A.; Brooklyn, N. Y.: HAROLD SAFFIR, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: ELIZABETHSAYLER, B.A.; Esoteric; Chicago, Ill.; Nu Pi Sigma; Dramatic Assoc. (1-4); Mirror (3),Board (4); Daily Maroon (1); Chapel Council (2�4); B. W. O. (3-4); Federation (3-4),Chairman (4).H. RICH S. RICHARDSON D. ROBBINS L. ROBBINS K. ROBERT M.ROE F. ROMEROWSKYPage 40 ELENORE SCHEEL, A.B.; Mortar Board; Chicago, Ill.: ALEX L. SCHEER, S.B.; Kenosha,Wis.; RUSSELL E. SCHOEPS, Ph.B.; Sigma Alpha Epsil'On; Chicago, Ill.: J. HOWARDSCHULTZ, Ph.B.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Elgin, Ill.; Swimming (1-3); Blackfriars (1-3);Skull and Crescent; Iron Mask; Student Settlement Board (2, 3); Freshman Class Council:HILDA E .. SCH'UMM, B.A.; Arrian; Chicago, Ill.; Ida Noyes Auxiliary (3): LAWRENCESCHWARTZ, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Intramurals (4); Chemistry Club (4); Burette and Balance:RUTH SCOTFORD, B.A.; Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Y. W. C. A. (3,4): ELIZABETH C. SCOTT,B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Tarpon Club (3, 4), Vice-Pres. (4); Freshmen W'Omen's Council; IdaNoyes Advisory Board (3); Counsellor: C. OLIN SETHNESS, B.A.; Winnetka, Ill.: ISADORESINGER, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Intramurals (4): ALLEN SINSHEIMER, JR., A.B.; Chicago,Ill.: BARTON L. SMITH, A.B.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Long Beach, Calif.; Football (1-4);Track (1-4), Co-Capt. (4); Blackfriars (2); Skull and Crescent; Iron Mask; Owland Serpent: FREDERICK W. SMITH, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: SIDNEY SMITH, B.A.; Phi SigmaDelta; Chicago, Ill.; Football (1); Phoenix (1); Interfraternity Council; Intramural Manager: WALDEMAR A; SOLF, Ph.B.; Phi Pi Phi; Gary, Ind.; Intramurals, Senior Chairman (4); Marshal; Cap and G'Own (1-4), Business Manager (3, 4); Owl and Serpent;Interfraternity Committee (4), Sec. and Treas. (4); R. O. T. C.: HARKER STANTON, B.A.;Phi Kappa Psi; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (1); Phoenix (3, 4); R. O. T. C. (1): HAROLDSTARK, B.S.; Ludington, Mich.: ELMA G. STAUFFER, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; W. A. A. (2-4);Hockey (2-4); Basketball (2-4); Cap and Cown (3, 4); Chapel Council (4); Y. W. C. A.(2-4); Federation (4), Upperclass Counsellor: MILDRED R. STERN, Ph.B.; Chicago,IlL: CLOYD STIFLER, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Dramatic AsS'Oc. (2-4); Mirror (3); Alpha ZetaBeta (4); Ida Noyes Auxiliary (4): ROBERT A. STORER, Ph.B.; Waltham, Mass.; Blackfriars (2-4), Producer (4); Kappa Alpha: ROBERTA STORMS, B.S.; Mortar Board; Chicago,Ill.; Mirror (2); Federation (2, 3), Upperclass Counsellor (2, 3); Freshmen W'Omen'sCouncil (1): LOTTIE N. STOVALL, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Choir (2-4); Eta Sigma Phi (2-4),President: CARL D. STROUSE, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Band (2, 3); Symphony (2, 3); Capand Cown (3), Photography Edit'Or (3): JOSEPH B. STUEKER, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.; Buretteand Balance (3, 4): ELLIOTT R. SUTTLE, B.A.; Phi Delta Theta; Track (1): JOSEPHG. SVRCHEK, B.S.; Cicero, IlL: JOHN R. TAM'BONE, B.S.; Tau Kappa Epsilon; Band(2-4); R. O. T. C. (1): HERMAN TATE, B.S.; Kappa Alpha Psi; Chicago, Ill.: ROBERTF. TEMPLETON, Ph.B.; Psi Upsilon; La Grange, Ill.; Basketball (1); R. O. T. C. (3); Transfer from Lyons Township Jr. College (1, 2): WILLIAM C. THOMAS, A.B.; Little Rock,Ark.; Intramurals (3,4); Debate Team (3,4): ALSY E. TITTMAN, Ph.B.; Phi Delta Upsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Bowling Club (3); Interclub Council (4); Federation (3, 4): FRANKG. TODD, B.A.; Psi Upsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Baseball (1,2); Intramural Department, Manager (1-4): ELAINE J. TONELLI, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Italian Club (4); Italian Plays (4):CHARLOTTE TRAGNITZ, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; School 'Of Business Council, Sec. (4); DramaticAsS'Oc. (3); Comad Club (4), Pres. (4): EDWARD TRAYNOR, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: WILLIAMKNOWLTON TRAYNOR, B.A.; Chi Psi; Chicago, Ill.; Blackfriars (2, 3); Daily Maroon(2, 3); Phoenix (4); Interfraternity Council (4); Chapel Council (4); R. O. T. C. (2, 3):KATHERINE TREES, Ph.B.; Quadrangler; Chicago, Ill.; Interclub Council (4): LucyTRUMBULL, B.A.; Mortar B'Oard, Winnetka, Ill.: TOM TURNER, B.A.; Chi Psi; Corning,Ia.; Blackfriars (1); Symphony (4); Phoenix (3,4); Student Social Committee (2): EDWINR. TYK, Ph.B.; Alpha Sigma Phi; Berwyn, Ill.; Baseball (3,4); Basketball (3): CHARLESTYROLER II, B.S.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; New York City; Tennis (1-4); Dramatic Assoc.(1, 2), Member at Large 'Of Tower Players (2); Blackfriars (3); Mirror (2); Cap and G'Own(1-3); Comment (2-4), Editor (3, 4); Daily Maroon Columnist (3, 4); Kappa Alpha;Interfraternity Council (4); Chapel Council (4); Senior Class Council: STANLEY UNANDER,B.A.; Chicago, Ill.: PATRICIA VAIL, Ph.B.; Mortar Board; Chicago, IlL: STEPHEN P.VANGO, S.B.; Chicago, Ill.: JOSEPH C. VARKALA, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Cross Country(2); Track (2, 3); Phi Beta Kappa: ELIZABETH VAUGHN, B.S.; Mortar Board; Gr'OssePointe, Mich.: JAMES A. VEASEY, JR., A.B.; Psi Upsilon; Tulsa, Okla.: DOUGLAS VEITH,Ph.B.; Delta Sigma Pi; Independence, Kans.E. SCHEEL A. SCHEER R. SCHOEPS H. SCHULTZ H. SCHUMM L. SCHWARTZ R. SCOT FORDW. SOLF H. STANTON H. STARK E. STAUFFER M. STERN C. STIFLER R. STORERR. STORMS L. STOVALL C. STROUSE J. STUEKER E. SUTTLE ). SVRCHEK J. TAMBONEH.TATE R. TEMPLETON W.THOMAS A. TITTMAN F. TODD E. TONELLI C. TRAGNITZS. UNANDER P. VAlL S. VANGO J. VARKALA E. VAUGHN J. VEASEY D. VEITHPage 42 HILDEGARD VON POVEN, B.A.; Lombard, Ill.; Chapel Council (3,4): ELISABETH WALKER,Ph.B.; Quadrangler; Chicago, Ill.; Freshmen Women's Council: DANIEL WALSH, A.B.;Delta Kappa Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Water Polo Team (2.4): M. RUTH WALTERS, B.A.;Mortar Board; Chicago, Ill.; Mirror (2): WILLIAM WASLEY, B.S.; Honolulu, Hawaii;Swimming (3,4); Band (3,4): PHYLLIS WATSON, B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: WILLIAM D. WATSON,Ph.B.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Track (1.4); Blackfriars (1.4); Hospitaller(4); Marshal; Cap and Gown (1-4), Editor (4); Owl and Serpent: HELEN WEINBERGER,S.B.; Phi Beta Delta; Chicago, Ill.; Upperclass Counsellor; W. A. A., Golf Club; Dramatic Association: MABEL WEIR, B.A.; Berwvn, Ill.; Comad: TREVOR WEISS, B.S.;Phi Beta Delta; Chicago, Ill.; Tennis (2.4), C�nference Champion (2, 3), Captain (4);Interfraternity Council (3): HELEN DE WERTHERN, B.A.; Wyvern; Chicago, Ill.; Aide;Dramatic Association (3,4); Mirror Board (4); Nu Pi Sigma (4); Chapel Council, ExecutiveCouncil (3,4): MARION WESTPHAL, Ph.B.; Wyvern; River Forest, Ill.; Mirror (1); Irrterclub Council (4): MADELYN WHITE, A.B.; Chicago, Ill.: PHILIP WHITE, B.S.; AlphaDelta Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Track (2.4); Dramatic Association, President (4); Head Marshal;Owl and Serpent; Chapel Council (4): PAUL WHITNEY, B.A.; Phi Delta Theta; Chicago,Ill.; Football (3, 4); Wrestling (4): HUBERT WILL, A.B.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Swimming(1.4), "C" (3, 4); Symphony (1): HARRY WILSON, Ph.B.; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Filer,Idaho: ESTHER WOLF, B.A.; Whiting, Ind.: JOHN WOMER, A.B.; Psi Upsilon; RiverForest, Ill.; Football (1.4); Interfraternity Council, President (4); Owl and Serpent;Iron Mask; Skull and Crescent: MARTIN YOUNG, B.S.; Coffeyville, Kan.: EDWIN ZUKOW·SKI, A.B.; Phi Pi Phi; Chicago, Ill.; Wrestling (1.4); Intramural Athletics (1,2): FRANKLINBADGLEY, B.S.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Flossmoor, Ill.: MARJORIE BREMNER, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Dramatics (1); The Daily Maroon (1): FRANK BRYAN, Ph.B.; Frederickstown,Pa.; Band (3): MENDEL BUNNING, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: WILLIAM A. BURNS, JR., Ph.B.;Chicago, Ill.; Boxing (3) A. GUTHRIE CURTIS, Ph.B.; Psi Upsilon; Chicago, III.; Baseball (1.4); Football (1): JOHN FLINT DILLE, JR., B.A.; Alpha Delta Phi; Evanston, Ill.;Track (1); Blackfriars (1, 2); Daily Maroon (1, 2); Interfraternity Council (4); R. O. T.C. (1); Fandango Executive Committee (4): GENEVIEVE M. DOONER, B.S.; Chicago,Ill.; Calvert Club: BROWNLEE HAYDON, B.A.; Psi Upsilon; Chicago, Ill.; Track (1.3);Blackfriars (2.4); Fandango, Associate Director of Publicity (4): DONALD H. JEFFREY,B.S.; Chicago, Ill.: HELEN JOHNSON, Ph.B.; Ardmore, Okla.; Dramatic Association,Member of Board; Mirror (1): GEORGE VINCENT KEMPF, A.B.; Phi Delta Phi; Chicago,Ill., Dramatic Association (2); R. O. T. C. (3,4); Public Policy Association (4), Treasurer:KATHERINE MAC INTYRE, B.A.; Chicago, Ill.; Comad; Transfer from the University ofIllinois: MAYER OBERMAN, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.: VLADIMIR M. SASKO, B.S.;Chicago, Ill.; Intramural Cross Country Champion (2); Track (3): RICIlARDSCHLEGEL, JR., A.B.; Davenport, Iowa; R. O. T. C. (1): RICHARD H.SEIP, A.B.; Chicago, Ill.: OTTO SINDELAR, JR., A.B.; Delta Upsilon; Oak Park, Ill.;Track (1, 3, 4); The Daily Maroon (1): CHARLES E. SMITH, Ph.B.; Phi Kappa Psi; Chicago, Ill.; Intramural Department, Promotion Manager (3), General Chairman (4); Skulland Crescent; Iron Mask; Owl and Serpent: JOHN B. WHITEHEAD, Ph.B.; Chicago, Ill.;Blackfriars (3); Symphony, Assistant Librarian (3); University Music Society (3).P. WHITE P. WHITNEY II. \X'ILL II. \X'IL�Ol'\ E. WOLF J. WOMER M. YOliNCR. SUILEGEL R. II. �EII' O. SINDI'! \Rj. WHITLl-IEADPage 44• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •ATHLETICSPUBLICATIONSDRAMATICSSOCIETYR. O. T. C.HONORS• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •f)rrr�_: '. < -; ''41������J�� • • •�' --;-. _- . . .• • • • • •'A T H LET I C S• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •The Athletic DepartmentT. NELSON METCALF, Director of Athletics THOMAS N. METCALFATHLETIC STAFFKYLE ANDERSON, Baseball, FreshmanBasketball, Ass't. Football CoachWALTER HEBERT, Intramural Ath-LeticsALVAR H EIHIANSON, FencingDANIEL HOFFER, GymnasticsSAMUEL HOUWITZ, Football Line CoachJUNIOR LOPEZ, Football Line CoachEDWARD MCGILLIVRAY, Swimming,Water PoloNED MERRL,UI, Track, Freshman Foot-ball MetcalfNELSON NORGREN, Basketball, Fresh-man Baseball, Freshman FootballNOU�[AN ROOT, Freshman TrackMARCHMONT Scm" ARTZ, Football Backfield CoachDR. CHARLES E. SHANNON, Team PhysicianCLARK SHAUGHNESSY, Football Coach, FacultyAthleticsALONZO STAGG, .JR., TennisOTTO STROHM EI ER, Football End CoachSPYROS VORRES, Wrestling Thomas Nelson Metcalf, finishinghis second year as director of athleticsat the University, has continued hisathletic policy which has been .desigl�edto give every student the II1centl,:eand opportunity for healthy athleticcompetition. Although d�epl�- .inte�oested in the intramural Side ol University athletics, Mr. Metcalf also hasdemo':'strated his conviction that inintcrcollegiate competition, Chicagoshould be represented by .the bestpossible teams, and he realizes thatthis end is attainable only bv theemployment of the best methods ofcoaching and management. Accordingl.y we find that the University coaching staff,as It now exists, offers student athletic participants superior instruction, which is comparableto that offered in any Conference school. Onl�rone addition was made this year to the coachingstaff, that being Marchmont Schwart� as footballbackfield coach. Schwartz, schooled III the NotreDame system of football under Knute Rockne,has been of great help to Coach Shaughnessythis year.TOP ROW-Anderson, Horwitz, Lopez. Schwarlz.SECOND ROW-Root, Strohmeier, Metcalf, Hermanson, Dr. Shanno� ..FRONT ROW'-Hebert, Stagg, Merriam, Shaughnessy, Norgren, McGIllivray, Hoffer.Chicago Spirit Holding the PaceUnder hot autumn skies CoachShaughnessy and his assistants pacedtheir football squad through a hardconditioning grind behind locked' gates.A Learn of blockers and tacklers wasbeing assembled about Chicago's greathalfback, Jay Berwanger. Nothingreally tangible got out before theopening Conference game with Michigan, proud Champions. The campusbegan to react. Eleven ashcans linedup in Kipke's offensive formationbrought smiles to lips of studentspassing the Circle. Banners, whippingin the wind, flashed fight slogans. Acasket containing poor Michigan reposed in state .on the "c" bench.Led by the University band, crashing outpulsing U. of C. fight songs, a shadowy parademoved slowly about the campus the night beforethe game to the roaring bonfire in the Circle..Jerry Jontry, prominent alumnus, gave hisassurances of victory. Jimmy Touhig, belovedgrounds' keeper, "knew his boys would win."Shaughnessy quietly· told them "his teamwas ready." "We've waited and planned this game since last fall," he said, "andwe're not going to fail." The bandstruck up a dirge, and slowly thecasket of Michigan was deposited inthe blazing inferno.The next afternoon the Maroonscrashed over the Michigan goal linefour times to their first Big Tenvictory. Two weeks later, prior tothe Purdue game, the Daily Maroonpushed plans for Homecoming-receiving enthusiastic support from thestudents, Friday night alumni beganto pour back to campus. Early in theevening parade lines moved aroundMcIntosh the quadrangles. Students filled Man-del Hall for a spirited rail y reminiscentof pre-war times. Maroon heroes of past daysgave the team enthusiastic encouragement. Whencalled upon, Coach Shaughnessy said, "my teamis injured, but still out to win."Back to Stagg Field for their final game,they found 33,000 cheering fans out to greetthem. All evidence to the fact that footballinterest is on the upgrade, and Chicago spiritstill holding the pace.The CheerleadersA Tense Momen t-e-Our Ball . One Minute tothe Half. Excitement-Noonday Pep MeetingEffigy of Michigan-Roasting in the BlazingInferno.Page 47L. PetersonBangley BushRunyan FlinnWright MeigsPerretz CullenHatter G. PetersonNaceySchuesslerSkoningShaughnessy IS Second SeasonClark Shaughnessy, finishing his second season as head footballcoach at Chicago, has demonstrated that he is unquestionablyone of the outstanding coaches in the Big Ten. Facing one ofthe toughest schedules to be encountered for many years, andhaving at hand a squad potentially strong, but green from thepoint of view of experience, he had the difficult job of whippinga creditable team into shape. After weeks of strenuous drillin the early Fall, a powerful offensive team built around JayBerwanger, Chicago's great plunging halfback, took the fieldprepared for eight hard games. Shaughnessy's system of playas developed this season was based fundamentally on a speedybackfield combination exhibiting flashy open tactics that broughtsuch great excitement to the games. At the same time, however,he placed great emphasis in early practice sessions on fundamental football tactics, running his squad through strenuousdrills on blocking and tackling.F 0 0 T B cA L L • F 0 0 T B ALLBartlett JordanWomer BakerBerwanger PattersonWhiteside ScrubyWells SmithNyquist BalfanzSappingtonThe Season Is ScoresChicago. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19Chicago . 27 Carroll 0Michigan .. , . . . . . . . . . . 0Indiana 0Missouri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Purdue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Ohio State. . . . . . . . . . .. 337o Minnesota 35Chicago. . . . . . . . . . .. 21Chicago. . 19Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0Chicago .Chicago . Illinois . 6" FOOTBALL · FOOTBALL-,Page 49Page 50 All-AmericanTo the ordinary football fan at the Chicago gamesthis Fall numbers "99" and "29" figured most prominentlyin the Maroon attack tackling blockingball toting punting; proficient in all departments ofthe gamc. To their teammates they were recognized astwo undisputed leaders, while to those who know in thesports world they were two of the most outstandingfootball players in the country. These two mighty menof Maroon football arc Ell Pallerson, rctiring captain,and Jay Berwanger, captain-elect.Patterson played football at Lake Forest Academywhere he was an all-round athlete, and came to Chicagoplaying brilliantly as a member of the Freshman squad.The next year as a result of hard work he became thercgular center on onc of Chicago's poorer teams. Nevertheless, he distinguished himself as a consistently brilliantdefensive player, playing smart, alert football at alltimes. Coach Shaughnessy this year declared that heis one of the best captains that he had ever had theopportunity to coach. His conscientious managing ofthe team gained for him thc nickname "F'ather Ellmore".Berwanger camc to Chicago as an AII-Statc halfbackfrom Dubuque, Iowa, and in his only public appcarancein his first year in an exhibition game between the halvesof a varsity game he became an outstanding Maroonstar, but this last season as a junior he ranked as one ofthe all time Maroon stars. .Jay's running on the footballfield is a combination of speed, driving power and adeceptive change of pace. But for our proof as to thecapabilities of these two great players, let us look atthe honors which they have received in the course ofthe past two years.In 1933 Berwangcr was voted most valuable playerby his teammates. In 1934 Patterson won this honorand Jay was votcd the best blocker. Both were placedthis year on every important All-Conference eleven ..lay was designated by Grantland Rice as the best allround hack in the country, but was not placed on thatwri ter 's team because of injuries received during theseason. As the climax of this year's play, Berwangcrwas chosen as first string halfback by the AII-AmcricanBoard, and Patterson was voted the first string centeron a team elected by a nation wide player's poll conducted by the Liberty Magazine.Good'! They've got to he good!All-AmericanWINNERS OF TJ IE MAJOR "C"JOHN BAKEnRALPH BALFANZNED BAnTLETT.T A Y BEnW ANGERMEnRITT BUSHEDw ARD CULLENTHOMAS FLINNKEITH HATTEnPnESCOTT JORDANWILLIAM LANGLEYEWAI"D NYQUIST ELLMORE PATTERSONROBERT PERRETZBARTLETT PETERSENGORDON PETERSENEARL SAPPINGTONW AUHEN SKONINGBAUTON SMITHRAINWATER WELLSSAMUEL WHITESIDEJOHN WmlEHCLAUENCE WHIGHTWINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "C"HARMON MEIGS ADOLPH SCHUESSLERHAnHY NACEY JOHN SCRUBYWILLI AM R UNY AN The 1935 SeasonCHICAGO 19 CARROLL 0Shaughnessy's carefully trained team openedits schedule against Carroll College on the lastSaturday in September. Unwilling to displaythe drive of the attack he had so laboriouslyprepared, Coach Shaughnessy assigned a smailgroup of fundamental plays to be used throughout the afternoon. As a consequence Chicagowas able to eke out a victory only by a threetouchdown margin over a stubborn, last ditchCarroll eleven. The lack of smoothness wasapparent, it being evident that the attac� neededpolish and finesse. Back to the practrce field,Shaughnessy took. his charges for two moreweeks of intensive drill before meeting Michigan.As practice went on with the rough edges gradually being rounded off, rumor began to spreadof a speedy sophomore understudy for Berwanger,Ned Bartlett.CHICAGO 28 MICHIGAN 0Two weeks later 25,000 people watchedintently as Shaughnessy's new team, attackingwith precision and power, routed the Wolverineswith four sharp touchdown punches. Jay Berwanger and Ned Bartlett led the Chicago attack,piling up an imposing total of yardage and scoreda pair of touchdowns apiece. The interferenceblocked hard and clean, and the tackling wasdeadly.In the first quarter, Tom Flinn, Chicago's145 pound quarterback, took one of Regeczi'stowering kicks and evading the Michigan endssped down the sidelines to Michigan's 26 yardline. On the next play Bartlett passed to Baker,right end, who receiving it was downed on theone yard line. At the opening of the secondquarter Berwanger rushed back into the game,and on the first play plunged over for the firsttouchdown.TOP ROW-Horwitz, Lopez, Schwartz, Anderson, Strohmeier, Shaughnessy, Shannon, Metcalf,Boch.FOURTH HOW-Schuessler, Shipway, Wolfenson, Lindahl, CULLer, LeFevre, Gillerlain, Kelley,Kellogg, Thompson, Whitney.THIRD ROW-Hunyan, Nacey, Scruby, G. Petersen, Bush, Meigs, Marynowski, WhiLlier,Jones, Bosworth.SECOND ROW-Perretz, Bartlett, Wells, Whiteside, Reynolds, Nyquist, Balfanz,Wrigbt, Jordan.FRONT ROW-Hatter, Langley, Cullen, H.Petersen, Patterson, B. Smith, Baker, Womer, Flinn.Page 5l"A Good Game Tommy."Early- in the third quarter, Berwanger sweptout far around right end and with perfect blocking romped down the sidelines 4,6 yards for thesecond score. Michigan began to open up apassing attack in the fourth quarter, but aninterception and short run back placed the ballon Michigan's 20 yard line. Bartlett sped[or the right end, fumbled far behind the lineof scrimmage, but recovering the ball reversedhis field, cut to the left, and picked his waythrough to the goal line. In the final few minutesChicago again drove down to the 20 yard lineof Michigan, and in two quick plays Bartlettagain crossed the goal line for the final touchdown.CHICAGO 21 INDIANA 0Gaining confidence with their unexpected victory over Michigan, the Maroons gatheredimpetus as they moved along to crush therevived Indiana team the following Saturdavwith touchdowns to spare. Berwanger, thedriving spirit of Chicago's attack, gained yardageconsistently despite the slippery turf. AgainFlinn started things. A long, twisting run ona punt return placed the ball on Indiana's 19yard line. In seven trys Berwanger and Nyquisttore off yard after yard to account for the firsttouchdown. With the opening of the thirdquarter, the M.aroons continued scoring operations, with Berwanger piercing deep into Hoosierterritory on a series of off tackle plunges. Fadingback he shot a long pass to Baker, who took theball and raced across the goal line for the secondscore. On the next kickoff, Berwanger againtook the ball, slowed down to allow his interference to form, followed it to the 30 vard lineof Indiana, and then with a shot of speed veeredoff to the left. Twisting free from the Indianaends, he ran down the sidelines in the clear toscore. A few minutes later a driving rain turnedthe field into a mass of mud, making passingand open field running impossible. In theclosing minutes, the Chicago line blocked anIndiana punt in the end zone for a safety, tocomplete the scoring. Thoroughly baffled bvthe Chicago offensive, Indiana did not threatenall afternoon.CHICAGO 19 MISSOURI 6The Maroons picked this Saturday afternoon to. get a bad dose of jittery football outof their system against Missouri, but managedto rip through with a final period rally to ringup their fourth straight victory; Six costlyfumbles stopped Chicago drives and gave theteam several bad scares.The Tigers opened with a surprise offensivedrive which drove deep into Maroon territorybefore the regulars came in to put an end tothe Missouri threat. A low, tricky punt gotaway from Flinn in the first quarter, and analert Missouri end recovered for the touchdown.Page 52 Missouri Game-Berwanger Blocks for Flinn.From that point on, however, their attack wascompletely stopped, and Chicago gained at willthrough the remainder of the afternoon, buteach successive drive was halted as one of thebacks would Jet the ball bound loose. JayBerwanger turned in another beautiful performance, [eatured by great defensive work and elusiverunning. Just a few seconds before the end ofthe half, Flinn scored on a wide end sweep fromthe four yard line to climax a long march frommidfield.Early in the final period, Captain Ell Patterson blocked a Missouri kick and recovered it inTiger terri tory. Safely away from their owngoal line the Maroons scored again as a resultof eight driving plays. Only a few minuteslater" Berwanger faked an end tun and snappeda long pass to Flinn over the head of the safetvman for the final touchdown. .Cl1ICAGO 20 PUB.DUE 26Every t hrill, every play of modern footballwas hurled into those sixty minutes of actionas Chicago met its first d�feat of the season.Four lightning-like thrusts of the two greatPu�·due backs, Carter and Purvis, swept asideChicago defenses to score four touchdowns,barely enough to offset the all-around brillianceof Jay Berwanger, and give the Boilermakers a26-20 victory in a dramatic offensive battle.Purdue scored twice in the opening minutes.Purvis fired a long pass to the right end, and ashort end sweep brought the first touchdown.!he. shifty Carter ripped through an openingJJ1 nght tackle and raced 65 yards (or the secondscore.. Opening up a driving offensive attack theMaroons scored two touchdowns in quick suecessio�. The first came as a result of a longpass Irorn Berwanger to Flinn, while the secondwas also scored on a tricky pass plav fromBerwanger to Flinn. Purdue, however," in thesecond quarter regained t he lead on another longpass play. The score as the half ended was 20to 14. "Congra tulations."The se�ond .half was plaved in a driving rainstorm, which discouraged open tactics. Late inthe third quarter, however, Purvis broke off lefttackle and counted the final touchdown forPurd,ue on a 65 yard scoring jaunt. The gameseemingly lost, the Maroons took a last desperatechance on several trick plays. Despite the lackof smoothness, the Maroons with Berwanger atthe helm surged 85 yards through all the mudand rain, until finally Berwanger shook loose toscore on a short pass formation. Seconds laterthe report of the timer's gun ended the gamewith Chicago trailing by one touchdown.CHICAGO 0 01110 STATE 33The team journeyed the nex t Sa turda v toColumbus to meet the fresh power of the OhioBerwanger Finds an Upening.Page 53State eleven. A sorely crippled Maroon team, an offensiveeleven without its peerless leader, Jay Berwanger, went downbefore the complex pass plays and superior man power of theBuckeyes under a pile of touchdowns. Bartlett, Berwanger'sflashy partner, hobbled about the field with a minor injuryattempting to stem the long Ohio gains, but to no avail.In the first sixteen minutes of play, Ohio rushed over threetouchdowns, two of them on double-pass plays. Chicago ralliedsomewhat to hold its own defensively until the final quarter whenthey weakened under the barrage of a swiftly moving attack toallow two more touchdowns on long marches.Captain Ell Patterson, playing a great defensive game, brokethrough and blocked an Ohio punt in the third period placing theball on Ohio's fifteen yard line. A combination of line smashesand a completed pass brought the ball to the one yard line. Onthe next playa Chicago back fumbled as he drove over the goalline and Ohio recovered for a touchback. It was Chicago's onlyserious threat.CHICAGO 7 MINNESOTA 35The following Saturday the Maroons left for Minneapolis tomeet the mighty Gophers, hailed by the sports world as thegreatest football unit in the country. It proved a hopeless battleagainst heavy odds, but the team dug in and held the great scoringdynamos of the Gophers in check for the first half to thrill thehuge crowd.With Berwanger back in his old position, the Maroons tookthe opening kickoff and marched straight down the field. Anintercepted pass broke up the drive deep in Minnesota scoringterritory. Interference on a pass play late in the second periodput Minnesota within easy scoring range and accounted for thefirst touchdown. The Gophers led 7-0 at halftime. Musteringall their resources the Gophers returned for the second half, andsent their crushing power rolling against the rapidly tiring Maroonline. Many quick replacements strengthened the Gopher attack,and before long Chicago was forced to give ground and watch theMinnesota backs four times cross its goal line. Then, with onlya few minutes left to play Bart Smith leaped into the air, snareda Gopher pass, dashed toward the sidelines, and eluding theMinnesota defense men continued over for the touchdown.Cooly he added the extra point, as the game ended.CHICAGO 0 ILLINOIS 7Tired from their constant batterings, the Maroons returnedto Stagg Field for their final game with the IIIini from Urbana.A fluke pass completion gave Illinois the only touchdown of thegame. With an air-tight defense Chicago dug in to halt theground drive of the Illini on their twenty-yard line late in theope-ring quarter. Desperately the IIIini passed. A pass wentwild, yards over the receiver's head. A Chicago back leaped forthe interception, but the ball struck him on the chest and boundeddirectly into the arms of an Illinois tackle, who hustled acrossthe goal line unmolested. Three successive drives by the Maroonswithin the thirty yard line of the IlIini ended without score.A seasonal record crowd of 33,000 jammed Stagg Field for thefinale.Ending Their Football CareerTOM FLINN as the 156 pound sparkplug of the Maroon offense has playedthree years of atart ling ball. Combiningspeed, sound judgmenL, and ambition hewas consistently a dependable man asquarterback.ELL PATTERSO as captain of the'35 team climaxed a great athletic careerat the University. As' a remarkabledefensive player �nd an inspiring leaderhe became one of the leading figures inBig Ten football this year.BART SMITH running passing ...punting ... blocking proved to be aversatile and exceptionally valuable manto the Learn ... sensationally finishinghis four years of football with' a 65 yardrun for a touchdown againsL Minnesota.ED CULLEN alternating with TommyFlinn at the quarterback position thisyear was responsible for pulling the teamout of many tight SpOIS. Also trainedfor an end, cenLer and fullback, his versatilitv was remarkable.JOHN BAKER playing end developedand improved consistently through hisfour "ears of football at the niversitv.As a �egular on the '35 team his defensi�ework was particularly outstanding.JOHN WOMER as one of the mainstaysof the Maroon line, was equally valuableat either the end or tackle position. Ahard fighter with unlimited endurancewho will be greatly missed next year.Four Years of ServiceBasketballTHE SEASON'S SCORESChicago 4.6 Wheaton 29Chicago ....... 22 North Central. 39Chicago 27 Armour ..... 34Chicago . . . . . . . 23 Marquette 33Chicago 26 Kentucky 42Chicago ....... 31 BUller . ......... 37Chicago ....... 24. Marquette ...... 28Chicago 29 Iowa ....... 39Chicago 33 Minnesota 42Chicago 21 Ohio State 37Flinn Chicagu 20 Notre Dame .. 32Chlcagu 34 Ohio State. 37WINNERS OF THE MAJOR "C" Chlcagu ....... 35 Purdue . ....... 48RICHARD DORSEY WILLIAM HAARLOW Chicagu 26 Minnesota 35ROBERT ELDRED STANLEY KAPLANTHOMAS FLINN WTLLIA�I LANG Chicago 36 Illinois .. ........ 43GORDON PETERSEN Chicago 24 Wisconsin 26Chicago 41 Iowa ........... 40WINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "C"Chicago . . . . . . . 29 Illinois .......... 39WALTER DUVALL GEORGE PRTTlKINCHARLES MERRIFIELD RAYMOND WEISS Chicago 25 Wisconsin 40TOP ROW-Lang, Haarlow, Petersen, Eldred, Dorsey, Norgren.FRONT ROW-Weiss, Duvall, Flinn, Merrifield, Kaplan.Page 56A Tense Momenl in the Illinois Game.THE SEASONChicago's 1934-35 basketball season was inpractically all respects one of the most dismalto be known for many years. The drabness wasrelieved somewhat by a few bright spots, but wecannot forget the disastrous results of the gameswhich show that the team won only two victories in the course of the season. The opening practice game against Wheaton accounted for one ofthese victories, while the second game with Iowabrought the second win. This poor showing,however, may be attributed to various logicalreasons. In the first place the team was handicapped in all their contests by a serious lackof height, as evidenced by the size of the startingfive. This lack naturally led to an inability ofthe forwards to recover the ball on backboardrebounds, which also may be cited as a seriousobstacle in allowing the Maroons to break intothe win column more frequently. During theseason, however, Chicago displayed one of thegreatest basketeers in conference history in theperson of Bill IIaarlow. He led the Big Ten inscoring with an amazing total of 156 points andwas named on most of the mythical All-Americanand All-Conference teams suggested at the endof the season. Bill Lang played a consistently good game throughout the season, and CaptainFlinn constantly injecting a spirit of fight intothe team completed his collegiate athletic career.From the standpoint of defensive playing he wasundoubtedly the most brilliant man on the floorfor Chicago.The Maroons started the season handicappedby the loss of Haarlow, who did not join theteam until the Kentucky game. On December7, Chicago opened the schedule with an easyvictory over Wheaton College by a lop-sidedscore of 46-29, in which game Duvall, Pritikin,and Lang led the scoring. The following Saturdaythe Maroons lost to Armour in a hard foughtbut ragged game. The score was 34-27 withLang leading the Chicago scorers with a totalof 12 points. The next game was with NorthCentral College at Naperville, in which theMaroons were completely outclassed, as shownby the 39-22 North Central victory. TheMaroons next journeyed to Milwaukee to playMarquette University and came out on theshort end against the Hilltoppers, to the tuneof 33-23. On the road again the Maroons engagedKentucky and Butler. The towering Kentuckians scored a smashing 4.2-16 victory togive Chicago one of its most thorough trouncingsPage 57of the season. Against Butler the Maroonsmade a little better showing, but were nevertheless forced to drop a disappointing game b�a 37-3] score. On the home floor again, theMaroons played Marquette a return engagementand lost 28-24 in a closely fought ba ttle in whichHaarlow began hiLLing his stride, scoring atotal of ]5 points.On the seventh of January the basketballsquad opened its Big Ten schedule by losing awild game to Iowa, 39-29. Neither team exhibitedany polish in their attack, and Haarlow couldn'tseem to get going on this occasion, being held inclose check through the greater part of the game.The following week despair again visited theMaroon camp when Purdue successfully swampedChicago in an easy baule, 39-21. Minnesotafollowed with a 42-33 win, the game, however,being featured by Uaarlow's individual performance, in which he scored a total of 22 points.Despite a desperate rally in the second half theMaroons dropped their fourth straight Conferencegame to Ohio State 37-21. Flinn and Haarlowhelped to close the wide gap of an 18-5 halftimelead bv Ohio. On January 26 the Maroonswere again snowed under by a swamping 32-20defeat at the hands of the Notre Dame Irish.Haarlow was completely stopped for the firstperiod, but all hough breaking away in thesecond half was onlv able to total 7 points.Again the following week a slashing second halfdrive hv the Maroons faltered in the final minutesto give Ohio State a 37-34 victory. It was afast and furious game in which the lead changedhands six times. Flinn playing his usual fierybrand of ball was injured late in the first halfand was replaced by Duvall. Petersen, firststring center, played one of the finest games ofthe season, but unfortunately slowed down latein the second half due to the tiring speed of thesmashing play. Haarlow scored six baskets andthree free throws to take the lead in the BigTen individual scoring. Outclassed again byPurdue, Chicago relinquished their first halflead and succumbed to the powerful Boilermakers 48-35. The game was spectacular, however, from the point of view of the sensationalshooting by both Kessler of Purdue and Haarlowof Chicago. Kessler led the evening's scoringwith a total of 15 points, but Haarlow was closebehind with 14. A slow game, featured only byThe Maroon Starsa 15 point Jamboree by Haarlow, marked anotherdefeat at the hands of Minnesota, 35-26. Following was a disastrous 43-36 defeat againstIllinois in a rough and close battle. Beautifulplay with plenty of exciting long shots by Langand Haarlow predominated a futile rallv in theclosing few minutes of the game. On February11 a close and disheartening game was droppedto the Wisconsin Badgers 26-24. Petersen,Flinn, and Kaplan built up a strong first halflead, but with l-laarlow pretty fairly bottled up,making good only 9 points, the Badgers forgedahead in the final few minutes of play. Theteam worked smoother on this occasion thanthey had at any previous time, and by the timethev met Iowa the following week thev haddefi"nitely reached their peak. Accordingly, in awild, hut fast and exciting game the Maroonswere able to eke out a 41-40 victory over thesurprised Iowans. This one point margin washeld for about one minute in the final period,making the game one of the most thrilling to beseen this year. llaarlow again came to the foresmashing through for 17 of the winners' pointsto lead the evening's scorers, while Lang playingin his usual stead y fashion accoun ted for a tota Iof ] 3 points, including the winning basket. Arelapse, however, on February 25 saw Illinoiswin almost as she pleased in an uninteresting39-29 battle. Guarding Haarlow closelv in thefirst half, the downstaters led at half time 24-5.A spurt of speed in the second half caused theMaroons to gain on t.he lllini, but the damagehad already been done, and] laarlow's 17 points,1 L of which were netted in the final 10 minutesof play were to no avail. The dosing game,with Haarlow held without a field goal was agreat disappointment to the many Maroon fanswho jammed the field house for the finale. Thegame ended in a smashing victory for the Badgers40-25.Despite the pOOl· showing of the team in themajor part of the season, the Maroon fans,nevertheless turned out in full force on all occasions. Bill Haarlow, need less to say, was a grea tdrawing card, while the whole team alwaysplaying spirited and fast ball made even theworst defeats interesting entertainment. TomFlinn, the fiery little 148 pound captain, alwayskept the game interesting, and proved himselfto be, in the course of the season, a fightingleader and an inspiration to his team-mates. William HaarlowAll-AmericanThis year the Maroon team had among itsmembers one of the greatest basketball playersin Big Ten history. Bill Haarlow is a Chicagoman and is not vet twenty-one. Blasting forthfrom a sensational career at Bowen High Schoolin which he broke the City League record, Billamazed sport cri tics his first year of conferencecompetition by finishing third in last year'sscoring race. This year his excellent playingpit t him in first place. His total this year hasbeen 156 points, a 13 point average per game.The true worth of the maintenance of thisaverage, game after game, can only be realizedwhen the fact, that Chicago was a last placeteam, is cited again. The highest number ofpoints that Haarlow made in a single game was22 points, gained at the expense of Minnesota.He also hung up a free throw record made inthe last two games. This was nineteen consecutive free throws, of which nine were madeagainst Illinois and ten were hooped againstWisconsin. As a recognition of his play Haarlowwas a unanimous choice for All-Conference andhe was also selected on manv All-American fives.To him, his greatest honor has been in beingelected next year's captain by his team mates.Page 59Block SmithTHE CAPTAINSTwo outstanding track men ... two remarkable fellows. So equally valuable to the teamt ha t it was impossible to decide which wouldmake the best captain. As a result Bart Smithand Hal Block were chosen to lead the teamtogether as co-captains. Under their capablemanagement the team has enjoyed an unusualseason, not from the poin t of view of season'srecords, but rather from the point of view ofcongeniality and spirit of co-operation existmgbetween the members of the team. The onlyreal bright spots of the season have come throughthe exceptional performances which they haveturned in-Bart Smith making it constantlydifficult for even the best Conference quartermilers and hurdlers; and Hal Block giving thebest of Big Ten sprinters something to worryabout in the] 00 and 220. The Track SeasonWINNERS OF THE MAJOR "C"(1933-1934. Season)JAY BEHWANGEHII A HOLD BLOCKHOUEI{T M ILOWIe: GE E OVSO SAM PERLISJOliN ROBEHTSBARTON SMITHLEA YAH ALLEOWAHD RAPPWINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "C"(1933-1934 Season)CA-'1 EIlO ' DYSTH PEDWARO KRAUSE EDWARD ICliOLSONWILLI.U'I SILLSSEASO 'S SCORES-INDOOR MEETS(1933-1934 Season)Chicago 3<) Notre Dame 65Chicago 552-5 Purdue .... 392-5Chicago 362-3 Marquette 581-3Chicago 692-3 Loyola ..... 20 1-3Chicago 58 North Central 37CONFERENCE MEETChicago 9th 3 3-4 pointsTOP ROW-Merriam, Masterson, Beverly, Websler, Deuereux, ewman, Johnstone, Beal, AbelFRONT ROW-Schuessler, Krause, Block, Borwanger , Rapp, While, Dyslrup, Archipley.Page 60Happ MilowTil E INDOOR SEASONChicago's track team experienced anotherrather lack lustre season. Although fairly suecessful in the dual meets, winning three anddropping two, the Maroons faltered badly in theConference Meet held in the University fieldhouse during'March. Chicago's poor showingmay be largely attributed to the loss of JayBerwanger, who was forced out of competitionbecause of a knee injury sustained during thefootball season. He did try to participate in theshot put, but it was evident that he was notIn condition even in that event.Bart Smith and Hal Block, co-captains, andJohn l3eal, the sensational sophomore in thePage 61 hurdles, were the team '8 leading scorers in allof the meets. The men who were the chiefparticipants in the different events were Blockand Krause in the dash; Milow and Rapp in themile and two mile; Smith, Johnstone, Dystrup,and Lindenberg in the quarter-mile; Tipshus andFairbanks in the half mile; Beal, Newman, andBallenger in the hurdles; Beal and Mastersonin the high jump; Abel and Ballenger 111 thepole vault; and Berwanger and Scrub), in theshot put.The season began on the first of Februarywith a dual meet at Notre Dame, with theMaroons coming out on the short end of a 65to 39 score. It was evident in this first meetthat the team was greatly weakened by theabsence of Berwanger. Chicago's victory overPurdue two weeks later was the high spot of theseason, defeating the Boilermakers by a 55-36count. The meet was featured by John Beal'sremarkable victory over Ken Sandbach, worldrecord holder, in the high hurdles. Bart Smithalso turned in an outstanding performance IIIthe quarter mile, being clocked at 50.8, one ofthe best times he made in that event all vear,Block's 06.4 in the 60 netted him a first place,and he was closely followed to the tape by Krause.It was a great dav for the Maroons with evenMerriamJohnstoneBealBlockthe mile relay team being able to outdistancethe Purdue aggregation. In the next meet theMaroons dropped a disappointing meet to Marquette, although .Tohn Real with firsts in thehigh hurdles and high jump was high point manfor the meet. Abel, another Maroon sophomore,also took first place, making his best mark ofthe year in the pole vault with a clearance oJ12 ft. 4 in. Easy victories over Loyola andNorth Central ended Chicago's dual meet engagements.The Conference Meet ended the indoor trackseason, and Chicago was able to garner only3 3-4 points in this meet. Bart Smith's fourthplace in the quarter mile, Rapp's fourth placein the mile and Abel's tie for fourth in the polevault accounted for these points. .Tohn Beal,who was expected to finish very well in the highhurdles event, fell on the first hurdle in thesemi-final heat and was consequently disqualified.SmithSchuesslerKrauseAbelPage 62 While Webster DystrupThe prospects for the outdoor season, withmany of the men unable to compete because ofconflicting work, seem to be even more discouraging, although the team appeared to bestrong in a few of the events in the openingmeet of the season against North Central.BaseballWINNERS OF THE MAJOR "C"RICHARD COCHRANWILLIAM COMERFORDWILLIAM HAARLOWROBERT LANGFORDDAVID LEVINJAMES LEWISE. J. NOVAKASHLEY OFFILLEDWAHD THOMPSONRAI"PH WEHLINGWINNERS OF THEOLD ENGLISH "C"EDWARD BEEKSMARVIN BERKSONR. E. B. GANZERCONNOR LAIRDGERALD RATNERWILLIAM SHERWIN1934 BASEBALL SCHEDULEChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago 344·1491510764132o13635 Armour .Lake Forest .Western State T.Notre Dame .Armour .Iowa .Iowa .Louisiana Poly. .Louisiana Poly. .Purdue '.Illinois .Wisconsin ..Indiana .N orthwes tern .Northwestern .Notre Dame.PurdueWisconsin 768122436610710331119o14The candid cameraman stops an exciting incidentto bring it to us for permanent keeping. TheMaroon batter bangs out a long drive, causingthe Notre Dame fieldman much consternation andgiving the Chicago fans a chance to use theirlung power. THE SEASONCoach K vie Anderson faced the1934 Conference baseball campaignwith but four lettermen back froma disastrous season the year before.He had Langford, a good pitcher;Levin, hard-hitting outfielder; Lewisa second baseman and catcher:and OfIlII, catcher and captain:lIe filled the five gaping holeswi th reserves and sophomores.Wheling, a reserve, moved in toa regular outfield post. He possessed fleet fielding ability and asharp batting eye. Comerford, asenior, developed into a flashyfielding third-sacker, though weakat the plate. Haarlow fitted into theinfie�d u�it in t�e short position, and thoughlacking III experIence, played a good brandof ball both in the field and at the bat. Cochran,a fast outfielder with a strong throwing arm,stepped into the rightfield berth, and proceededto slug out a high total of long hits. Novak,a transfer student with only one year of conference eligibility, became a starting pitcherand handled a major share of the mound burden.Thompson, first base, a fine fielder but only anaverage hitter, rounded out the infield.The te�m, lacking sorely in game experience,grew steadier as the season wore on and finishedthe Conference schedule with four wins out often starts. Flighty defensive work at criticalmoments, traced back to inexperience, turnedthe score against them in four of those six losses.The team opened with three straight nonconference defeats at the hands of Armour,Lake Forest, and the Western State Teachers.OffillPage 63The next week they stepped out in full sluggingstyle to bring in their first victory, winningfrom Notre Dame 14·-12. Armour was stoppedcold and easily defeated in their return gamewith the Maroons.Chicago dropped irs opening Conferencestart to Iowa in a low score struggle 4-1, but cameback on the following day to even the series witha narrow victory. Three days later, it swepta two game series with the traveling LouisianaPoly. Club. Although out-hitting Purdue 16-10,the team bungled its next game on bad fieldingand dropped it by a four run margin. Illinoispulled out the next Maroon game by a threerun margin. Again, however, Chicago foundits hitting stride and smashed down Wisconsinfor a 13-11 victory. Indiana followed andsqueezed out the Maroon nine by a single run ina tight battle. Northwestern opened its twogame series by shutting out the Chicago hittersfor nine innings. The next afternoon theMaroons returned to the field and shook themselves free from their extended hitting slump androcked the Wildcats back on their heels with a13 run barrage.Notre Dame pulled out their return game bya good margin, but the following Saturday theMaroons rose to the heights of their season'splay and played sparkling ball to shut out Purdue3-0. Wisconsin brought the long campaign to aclose by rushing across 11 runs for an easy victory.By the end of the season, the team was playingBASEBALL smart ball, and with the exception of an occasionallapse were hitting and fielding in fine style.The pitching burden throughout the seasonwas divided between four hurlers, with Novakand Langford drawing the major share of theassignments. Novak had the best season'srecord with four victories against five defeats.Langford was close behind with a pair of victoriesand three defeats. Laird, a promising sophomore,won two and dropped two, while Yedor wonhis only start.At the annual "C" Men's banquet at the endof the season, Captain Ashley Offill was votedthe most valuable player to the team. RalphWehling was awarded a trophy as the team'sleading scorer. Dave Levin was presented witha trophy for driving across the most runs. Richard Cochran received the trophy for the team'sleading hitter.Five of last year's regulars were lost to the1935 team through graduation. They are Captain Offill, Novak, Langford, Lewis, and Comerford.Coach Anderson issued his call for candidatesfor the '35 team the first day of winter quarter,and daily practice sessions were held in the fieldhouse during the winter months. The job ofrebuilding definitely under way, Coach Andersonfound the major weaknesses to be the lack ofreplacements for his veteran batterymen. Withplenty of hitting strength and a year of valuablegame experience behind his juniors, Anderson'sunit should shape into a well balanced team.934GymnasticsThe University of Chicago's gymnastic teamsurprised the sports world this season and sorelydisappointed the Maroon fans by not havinganother Conference championship. It was thefirst time in twenty-four years of competitionthat the Maroon gymnasts have been belowsecond place in the final Big Ten standing.According to Coach Dan Hoffer, the reason forthis showing was the fact that his team was notnearly up to standard, and that the other teamsin the Conference were distinctly better thanusual.The season started impressively with an overwhelming victory over George Williams College,in which the Maroon men were able to scorealmost at will. This meet was followed by aloss suffered at the hands of an Iowa team whichhas been growing in strength for the past fewseasons. The final count, however, was closeenough to give the gym followers hope for a fairlybrilliant season. Then came two more meetsin which Chicago defeated Minnesota and lostby a narrow margin to Illinois. The hopes ofthe fans, however, were reallv crushed asa result of the following meet which was atriangular affair, in which Iowa emerged thevictor, Chicago finishing second and Wisconsinthird. The Conference Meet marked the Maroon's last appearance, and Chicago finishedthird, trailing Illinois and Minnesota respectively.Captain Adams was undoubtedly the mostconsistently brilliant performer of the team, andproved himself through the trying moments ofthe season to be an inspiring and faithful leader.Coach Hoffer takes hope with his team, however,as some promising-looking freshmen materialshould be of some value to him in trying to fillin some of the weaker gaps of the squad. WINNERS OF TilE MAJOR "C"C. T. ADAMSEMEIlY FAIR MARTIN HANLEYPETEH SCHNEIDERWILLIAM SCI-IHOEDERWINNERS OF TIlE OLD ENGLISH "C"THEODORE KOLB R. H. SCANLANTHEODORE SAVICHTHE SEASON'S SCORESChicago 717. 0Chicago 1060. 0Chicago 719 25Chicago H01. 5 George Wm. 569. 5Iowa 1063.75Minnesota 715.75Illinois 1l32. 0Triangular M eelChicago 960. 5 Wisconsin 747.5Iowa 968.0CO/�ference Me«Illinois first Minnesota second Chicago thirdTOP ROW-Hoffer, Scanlan, Schneider, Schroeder, Fair, Savich.FRONT ROW-Hanley, Kolb, Adams, Indritz, Shaeffer.Page 65SwimmingThis year's swimming team, captained byCharles Dwyer and boasting of such outstandingmen as Charles Wilson, stellar sophomoreperformer in both the 440 and 220, George Nicoll,outstanding swimmer in the breast stroke andFloyd Stauffer, a valuable man in the divingevents, enjoyed a successful season winningsix of its eigh t meets.The first conference meet against Wisconsinat Madison resulted in an easv Maroon victorv,the team taking four first and ·four second placesin addition to winning the freestyle relay. ThePurdue meet proved to be the landslideof the season with our tankmen takingfirst places in every event and finding littleopposition in the medley and freestyle relays.In the Indiana meet, first places were recordedin the 440, 220, t he breast stroke, and the backstroke, while Stauffer turned in his usual thrillingperformance with a first in the diving. TheIowa meet was dropped by a 51 to 31 score, butWilson's impressive victory over J acobsmever,Iowa's star Ireest.vler. made the meet sensationalenough for the Maroon fans. The Iowans tooka first and second in the 200 yard breast stroke,and first and third in the back stroke, markingone of the few defeats of either Captain Dwyeror Nicoll. In spite of an injured knee, Staufferled Busby up to the last dive, the final score beingBusby 132.95 and Stauffer 131.50. Chicagomet its second defeat of the season at the handsof Illinois in the last dual meet of the veal', themeet again being featured by the phenomenalperformance of Wilson.The team did not show up nearly as well aswas expected in the Conference meet, but ingeneral the ability of the contestants from otherschools this year was well above average. Forinstance it is of some significance to note, thatalthough Chicago placed only fourth in thefreestyle relay, yet the team broke the oldconference record for that event. Chicago didnot enter men in the breast stroke and back stroke as Coach McGillivray hoped to enter them in themedley relay, but unfortunately they did notqualify in that event. The meet marked thefinal appearance in college competition of CharlesDwyer, swimming captain, and of George Nicoll.WINNERS OF THE MAJOR "C"JAY BROWNMERRITT BUSHCHARLES DWYERJUAN HOMSGEORGE NICOLL FLOYD STAUFFER.J OSEPH STOLA RDANIEL WALSHHUBERT WILLCHARLES WILSONWINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "C"KARL ADAMSSHELDON BERNSTEINSEASON'S SCORESChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago · 50· 47......... 65......... 48......... 33......... 43· 41..... 50 ROBERT BETHKEWILLIAM KOENIGCentral Y.M.C.A. .25Wisconsin 35Purdue 19Indiana 36Iowa 51Loyola 41Shawnee C. C. . 34Illinois. . . 34TOP ROW-McGillivray, Bethke, Stauffer, Wilson, Bush, MacDonald, Stolar, BernsteinFRONT ROW-Koenig, Swetlik, Horns, Dwyer, Adams, Will, Smith.Page 66The Maroon water polo team opened itsseason with an impressive 13-0 victory overCentral Y. M. C. A., which seemed to be agood pre-season indication that the team waspotentially powerful enough to hold the conference championship for another year.The first conference game which was withWisconsin, resulted in a sharper battle than wasexpected, the Maroons being able to eke out avictory only by a one point margin. In the nexttwo games the team had no difficulty in downingPurdue and Indiana, the Purdue game in particular being a set-up with the Chicago forwardsscoring almost at will. The next game, whichwas with Iowa, resulted in a smashing 13-2victory for Captain Nicoll and his men. Thegame was featured by sensational guarding onthe part of the Chicago goalies, and a clever passattack by the forwards.Two non-conference victories over Loyolaand the Shawnee Country Club were especiallypleasing to Coach McGillivray. The ShawneeCountry Club game was made more interestingby the fact that the Shawnee team was composed Water Poloof several Northwestern graduates and ChicagoA. A. players, former Olympic team members.The final game of the season at Urbana,which resulted in a victory and the conferencechampionship for Illinois, was a great disappointment to the Maroon fans. Illinois led athalf-time 1-0, and in the second half, with thescore tied at 2-2, the referee, according to thejudgment of the spectators, overlooked aChicago goal. The loss of this goal cost Chicagothe game. A few minutes later Illinois intercepted a pass and swept in a long shot just afew minutes before the gun was fired, making thefinal score 3-2The water polo team will be materially weakened next year by the loss of such outstandingplayers as Dwyer, Will, Stolar, Walsh, andCaptain Nicoll. Bush, captain-elect, who sawaction in most all of the games this year will beback, however, and will be a good nucleus forthe building of a new team.SEASON'S SCORESChicago 13Chicago 6ChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago ... ]63......... 13. . . . . . . 1052 Central Y.M.C.A. 0Wisconsin ....... 5Purdue ....... 1Indiana 0Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . 2Loyola ... 0Shawnee C. C. 1Illinois ... 3TOP ROW-Koeniu, Bethke, Horns, McGillivray, MacDonald, Adams, Bernstein.FRONT ROW-\V;II, Dwyer, Walsh, Bush, Stolar,Page 67FencingWINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "C"WILLIAM GELMAN lUIES WALTERSCAMPHELJ" WILSONHAROLD WINTERHENRY LEll-IONLoUIS MARKSTheir conference championship squad riddledby the graduation of key seniors, Coaches R. V.Merrill and Alvar Hermanson were faced with adifficult job of rebuilding the Maroon fencingteam last winter. Only two veterans, CaptainMarks and Gelman, returned. Intensive workby both squad members and coaches broughtgratifying results, and the team seemed to shapeup fairly well with Wilson, Winter, Lemon andWalters earning the other positions.This rather inexperienced team opened itsseason with five dual meet triumphs over Wisconsin, Purdue, Michigan State, and twice overNorthwestern. The sixth meet of the season,however, was dropped to Illinois by a closemargin, In the conference championships atUrbana the Maroons failed to take any highindividual honors and placed fourth in the finalteam standing.The gradual improvement of the team asthe members gained confidence was obviouslyapparent when two weeks later they sweptthrough the Illinois Division championships ofthe Amateur Fencer's League of America, defeating many of the men who had triumphed in theconference championships.In the junior championship of A. F. L. A. Campbell Wilson marched unscathed through theepee and placed second in the foil. Gorlundcaptured the saber title, and Gelman placedsecond in the epee. In the Divisional championships-ali men included-the following week,Wilson came back to win both the foil and theepee, with Gelman again placing second in theepee. Winter got a second in the saber, andCaptain Marks a third in the foil.Wilson followed his Divisional triumph inthe foil by brilliantly winning that event in theMidwestern championships of the Fencers" Leagueat S1. Louis. This triumph was the first of itskind accomplished by any university fencer inthis territory, and attested to the fi ne speed,accuracy, and variety of attack which Wilson haddeveloped under the constant guidance ofAssistant Coach Hermanson.The Maroons, by reason of their divisionaltriumphs, entered a team in the national eventheld in New York late in April, and were able toqualify for the semi-finals.TOP ROW-Lemon, Marks, Hermanson, Merrill, Walters, Wilson.FRONT ROW-Gelman, Winter.Page 68The wrestling team started the season witha potentially strong squad, having seven men backfrom last year and two promising sophomores.Led by Captain Howard the team swept throughtwo pre-season meets, downing Armour andWheaton in nice style. After the first conferencemeet with Indiana, however, the team wasbadly crippled as a result of the injuries sustainedby Captain Howard, Merle Giles and RobertFinwald. The team attempted a stiff resistancein meets against Michigan, Northwestern, andIllinois, but with the absence of these men theteam met three sharp defeats.Following these meets the team departed onits annual eastern trip. At Franklin Marshallthe Maroon matmen scored their most impressivevictory of the year, by defeating their opponents'for the first time in six years, by a 16-14 score.A series of meets followed with Harvard, Yaleand the United States Naval Academy, all ofwhich ended in defeats for the travelling Maroons.Returning home the Chicago grapplers finishedup a moderately successful season with a surprisevictory over Wisconsin, and rather bad defeatsat the hands of Northwestern and Iowa.The meets were divided into eight bouts atthe eight different weights, the matches being often minute duration. In the lightest class, 118Ibs., Bob Ware, a greatly improved wrestler, Wrestlingsaw most of the action. At 126 Ibs. Zukowskiturned in several very creditable performances.Captain Howard wrestled at 135 lbs., and onrejoining the team later in the season he provedhis ability as an outstanding wrestler and goodleader. Roger Gorman held down the 145 lb.position, with Hughes acting as substitute. Oneof the mainstays of the team was Bob Kracke,wrestling in the 155 lb. class, who more thanfulfilled his promise as a sophomore last year.The 165 lb. class was effectively handled byBloch and Giles. Frank Pesek filled the heavyweight berth, and promises to materially strengthen next year's team. Sam Whiteside, althoughhandicapped by inexperience, turned in severalfine performances in the heavyweight class,being the only Chicago man to place in the BigTen meet.WINNERS OF THE MAJOR "C"THEODORE BLOCH NORMAN HOWARD, CAPT.ROGER GORMAN ROBERT KRACKEEDWIN ZUKOWSKIWINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "C"CHARLES BUTLER FRANK PESEKDONALD HUGHES ROBERT WARESAM WHITESIDESEASON'S SCORESChicago 19Chicago 20Chicago 0Chicago 15Chicago 13Chicago 3Chicago 18Chicago 0Chicago 13Chicago 11Chicago 38Chicago 6Chicago 3 Wheaton 11Armour 16Indiana 30Michigan. . . . . .. 19Northwestern. . .. 19Illinois. . . . . . . 94Franklin 10Navv 37Har�ard .. 17yale........ 10Wisconsin 36Northwestern. . .. 23Iowa........ . .. 22TOP ROW-Butler, Giles, Ballou, Whiteside, Anderson, Allen, Rose, Kracke, Thomas.SECOND ROW-Hughes, Bloch, Gorman, Howard, Pesek, Jacobsen, Foord, Vorres.FRONT ROW-Kessel, Ware, Ferger, Zukowski, Bernhardt.GolfW1NNER or TIlE MAJOR ��C"EOWARD M AUERMAl'IWINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "c"HARRY BAKERROBERT HOWE BURTON YOUNGThis Spring golf is being given its rightfulemphasis among the University's competitivesports actrvitres. In previous years the golfsquad has been without an active coach, a manwho could devote sufficient time to the sport.This year Dan Swank, formerly at the Universityof Illinois, has come to the Midway as golf coach.Last Spring, Kyle Anderson, baseball coach,acted as team manager.The 1934 squad consisted of ten men headedby Captain Ed Mauerman, a fine golfer. Afour man team chosen from this squad participated in four dual meets and the conferencechampionships at Northwestern.The team opened its season with a victoryover Armour Tech. It dropped a pair of matchesto Purdue and Notre Dame, and the Maroonswere narrowly defeated by Northwestern in thefinal dual meet by a single point. CaptainMauerman, a consistently low scorer, lost butone of his dual matches and finished fifth in the conference championships. The Chicago teamplaced seventh in the conference.The team lost heavily by graduation lastSpring, the loss of Mauerman especially beingfelt, and the squad got off to a late start thisSpring due to the extremely cold and fitfulweather. However Coach Swank and his menare working hard in preparation for the five dualmeets which have been scheduled, and the conference meet which is to be held this year againat the Kildeer course under the sponsorship ofNorthwestern. Edward Boehm is captain of thisyear's team.Coach Swank conducted golf classes throughout the winter and spring for all interestedstudents and faculty members. All this quickened golfing activity is strong assurance thatgolf is climbing steadily up to its rightful positionupon the University's sports calendar.Howe Young MauermanPage 70 Boehm BakerWINNERS OF THE MAJOR "COOMAX DA VlDSONELLMORE PATTERSON TREVOR WEISSWINNERS OF THE OLD ENGLISH "COOMYRON DUHLGEORGE FACTOR GRA VES lIoLBHOOKCHARLES TYROLERSEASON'S SCORESChicago · . . . . . . . 6 Elmhurst College 0Chicago . . . . . . . 7 North Central 0Chicago 6 George Williams 1Chicago ........ 4 Wisconsin 2Chicago 3 Iowa ......... 3Chicago · . . . . . . . 5 Armour Tech 2Chicago ........ 4 Northwestern. 2Chicago 4 Illinois ...... 2Chicago ........ 5 Aurora . ......... 0Chicago ........ 6 Wheaton . ....... 1Chicago 4 River Forest 2Chicago ........ 5 Notre Dame. 1Chicago 2 Michigan 4Chicago · . . . . . . . 1 Michigan Sta te 5 TennisChicago's brilliant tennis Learn, led by theversatility and power of Captain Max Davidson'splay, surged upward to the heights of conferencesupremacy with a steady succession of triurnphs,climaxed b� capturing both .conference singlesand doubles titles in their 1934 campaign. Itwas the greatest season of Maroon history smce1929.The conference championships, held on Chicago's varsity courts, marked a fitting climax toDavidson's intercollegiate career. He sweptthrough the singles division without the loss ofa single set, defeating Seigel of Michigan easilyin the finals. Teaming with Trevor Weiss, anexcellent shot-maker himself, he helped to bringabout the doubles triumph in a hard three setfinal with Minnesota. Davidson has been defeated but twice in dual match play throughouthis entire collegiate career.The dual meet record of the Maroon netmenwas also impressive, the team dropping but twomeets, and tying but one out of the fourteenduals. The excellent results of the season'splay, according to Coach A. A. Stagg, Jr., wasdue largely to the all round strength of theteam as well as to the brilliant play of Davidsonand Weiss.Trevor Weiss, captain for the 1935 season,turned in the best individual record for victoriesand defeats over the entire season. Davidson'srecord, however, was practically as good. EllPatterson, Charles Tyroler, George Factor, GravesHolbrook, and Myron Duhl, all had fine recordswith a high percentage of victories. The Maroonsecond team engaged in two of the includedfourteen meets with smashing victories in bothstarts.TOP ROW-Duhl, Factor, Holbrook.FRONT ROW-Tyroler, Patterson, Davidson, Weiss, Coach Stagg.Page 7IPoloTHE SEASON'S SCORESChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago Univ. of Detroit 6Ohio State . . . . . . 9Culver 13Illinois. . . . . . . . . . 6Culver 6Michigan State. . 3Illinois. . . . . . . . .. 22Michigan State. . 8Michigan State. . 613119Y21651919Y2169As all three regulars of the 1934 varsity poloteam had graduated at the end of the season,Coach Lt. Alfred L. Price was confronted withthe task of building an entirely new team fromsix freshman numeral winners and one reserve,George Benjamin, a senior.Practice was under way in the early part ofOctober, and six practice games were playedduring the months of November, December, andJanuary. Though five out of six of these preseason games with more experienced teams werelost, the squad improved constantly in teamplay and formation work so that at the openingof the intercollegiate competition the team wasof conference caliber.Chicago opened its season in the MidwesternIntercollegiate Polo League with a victory overthe University of Detroit in a slow and raggedgame. The Chicago trio consisted of JohnBodfish at Number One, George Benjamin atNumber Two, and Lloyd Powers at Back. Thiscombination, with Paul Gustafson going in severaltimes in case of injuries, played the full season.The Ohio State game was the hardest battlefor the Maroons. A trio of experienced and hard WINNERS OF OLD ENGLISH "CooJOHN BODFISHGEORGE BENJAMINLLOYD POWERSriding veterans who had beaten Chicago theprevious year were conquered in an exceptionallyfast and rough game in which the lead constantl ychanged hands. In the next game, the absenceof Powers at Back, plus inferior mounts, led toa 13 to 9Y2 defeat at the hands of Culver MilitaryAcademy.After defeating Illinois, the team was thefollowing weekend defeated a second time atCulver, this time by but one point. Chicagonext gained an easy victory over Michigan State,who failed to overcome the handicap of strangehorses and a strange floor.Chicago's first and only intercollegiate defeatcame as the result of a midget-sized arena androaring mounts at the University of Illinois.The score was 22 to 19Y2. Following the Springvacation, Chicago won a two game series fromMichigan State to end the season with fivevictories and one loss, and a tie with Illinoisfor the League championship.At the Winter award dinner, George Benjamin was elected Honorary Captain for thepast year and John Bodfish was named captainfor the 1936 season.Benjamin Bodfish RossPowersPage 72 Gustafson DevereauxHebert SmithThe Intramural YearThe Division of Intramural Athletics wasorganized eleven years ago to offer competitiveathletics to every male student. In the pastyear we have had a reasonable response to ourefforts in promoting athletic competition for thatgreat group of students who do not have thetime or the ability to take part in the varsityprogram.The student managerial staff operated thisyear on the three year activity plan in accordwith the trend of the New Plan in eliminatingclass distinctions. This plan appears to besatisfactory and will be continued in effectindefinitely.It is estimated that about llOO differentpersons will have competed in Intramurals thisvear when the books are finally tallied. This isupon a parity with the average for the last eightyears. Playground Ball shapes up as the most�opular I-M sport in numbers competing whileBasketball always brings out the greatest numberof teams. Touchball runs a close third in popularity and probably first in spirit displayed on the field. This vear Track and Tennis have showna decided increase in numbers competing. Totalsto date show that fifty different organizationshave participated this year; twenty-two undergraduate fraternity groups, six dormitory teams,sixteen undergraduate independent clubs, andone professional fraternity.. In the all-around organization competitionPhi Kappa Psi seems to ha ve the inside trackwith Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon and DeltaUpsilon running a close race for second. Apparently Phi Beta Delta's three year supremacy inIntramurals is at an end. Allan Marver ofPhi Beta Delta, however, is still the outstandingIntramural athlete having been chosen on theall-star Touchball and Playground Ball teamsfor the last three years. Ely, Hilbrant, C. E.Smith, Werner, Hathaway, and Boehm aregreatly responsible for the handsome lead ofPhi Kappa Psi at this time. Ballenger andKerr are two of the Alpha Delta Phi threats,while Dick Adair is the chief point getter forDelta Upsilon. The Psi U's have been keepingnear the top due to their major wins in Basketball and Swimming rather than their all roundwork.With the decline of several fraternities theindependent division has been stronger than ever.The Chicago Theological Seminary has led theunattached division throughout the year. Otherstrong teams are the Independents, composedmostly of freshmen, the Morton Club, of MortonJunior College transfer students, the Chiselersof the School of Business. The outstandingathletes in the Independent division are theHickock brothers, Lusk and Peterson of theChiselers, Grau of the Morton Club, and theJeffrey brothers.The dormitory division has responded a littlebetter to our promotional work this year, especially in Basketball and Touchball. The outstanding men in this league are Bonady andLetts of Judson Court. W. H. H.TOP ROW-Barat, Schulz, Abel, Richard Adair, Hebert, Whitlow, Frankel, Flinn, Melville.FRONT ROW-Bean, Hobert Adair, Solf, Smith, Wearin, Todd, Lewis.Page 73Page 74 IntramuralINTRAMURAL WINNERSSPRING 1934·Playground Ball Phi Beta DeltaTennisSinglesDoubles Glickman, Unatt.Conner and Marks, Phi Kappa PsiOutdoor Track Phi Kappa PsiGolf . . Wilson and Auld, Alpha Delta PhiFALL 1934·TouchballUniversity ChampionFraternity ChampionJ ndependent ChampionDormitory Champion Phi Beta DeltaPhi Beta DeltaChiselersJudson CourtHorseshoesDoublesSingles Harman and WhittenbergerHarmanFall Relays Phi Kappa Psi and Alpha Delta PhiSwimming Meet Psi UpsilonGolf Funk, Unatt.Tennis Sheldon, C.T.S.Squash Reilly, Unatt.HandballDoublesSingles Gilbert and Chapple, Burton Ct.Gilbert, Burton Ct.Wrestling Phi Delta ThetaAthleticsWINTEH 1935BasketballUniversity ChampionFraternity ChampionIndependent ChampionDormitory Champion Psi UpsilonPsi UpsilonMorton ClubBurton "600"Indoor Track Alpha Delta PhiPing PongDoubles Davidson and Israelstam, Kappa NuSingles Davidson, Kappa NuORGANIZATION POINT LEADERSTO APRIL 1, 19351. Phi Kappa Psi2. Alpha Delta Phi3. Psi Upsilon4. Delta Upsilon5. Phi Beta DeltaINDIVIDUAL POINT LEADE RSTO APRIL 1, 19351. Kessel, Phi Beta Del ta2. Kaye, Phi Beta Delta3. Yedor, Phi Beta Delta4. Ely, Phi Kappa Psi5. Weiss, T., Phi Beta Delta. INTRAMURAL STAFFWalter H. HebertCharles E. SmithWaldemar Sol£Frank ToddJosiah WearinSPORTS MAN,AGERSROBERT ADAIRSAMUEL LEWISRICHARD ADAlRWILLIAM FRANKELHERMAN SCHULZASSISTANT MANAGERSWILLIAM BOSWORTHGRAHAM FAIRBANKGREGG GEIGERHERBERT LARSONRICHARD LINDHEI�IWAYNE SHAVERRICHARD WASEM Faculty ManagerGeneral ChairmanPersonnel ManagerPromotion Manager. Publicity ManagerRANDOLPH BEAN, JR.ROBERT WHITLOWSTEPHEN BARATJAMES MELVILLEROBERT YOUNGABE BRAUDEJOSEPH FREILICHSPENCER IRONSRALPH LEACHARNOLD PHILLIPSBURTON STERNJACK WEBSTERPage 75Freshman AthleticsFor the past ten years the ability of theChicago athletes in general has been such thatthe athlete who would be slightly better thanaverage at most of the other Big Ten schoolswould probably be an outstanding performerjudging from Chicago's standards. From timeto time a few isolated freshmen of real abilityset newspapers and alumni talking, and toooften they were either unable to make the gradescholastically or proved to be merely of freshman flash calibre who could not measure up tovarsity qualifications in real competition. Even,however, when one or two good men did makethe varsity grade, it became all too evident thata team of any sort to win consistently musthave more than a few outstanding players.This year, however, it was particularly eVIdent from the result of the football season thatlast year's freshman crop, which was definitelysuperior to any of recent years, actually camethrough in varsity competition. The freshmanteam of this season, however, was declared bythe coaches to be markedly inferior to last year'saggregation, very little potential power beingdisplayed in the performance of the numeralwinners. In basketball the material was aboveaverage, there being reason to suppose that theirappearance on the fieldhouse floor next seasonwill be a distinct advantage to the varsity team.In swimming a wealth of new freshman talentwas unearthed with more sets of numerals beingawarded in that sport than for many years.The squad of freshman wrestlers was not toostrong, but nevertheless produced one stellarperformer in the person of Fred Lehnhardt.Although the track numerals had not beenannounced as the book goes to press, indicationswere that with such outstanding runners asHalcrow and Ellinwood, Coach Merriam wouldhave more talented material with which to workthan he has had for several seasons.Page 76 FRESHMAN NUMERAL WINNERSFOOTBALLWARD ALBERT DAVID GORDONGEORGE ANTONIC WALTER GRITZERSEYMOUR BURROWS WENDELL HENRYJAMES CHAPPLE FELIX JANKOWSKIMURRAY CHILTON FRED LEHNHARDTBENJAMIN CROCKETT KENDALL PETERSENARTHUR DEAN ARNOLD PHILLIPSOMAR F AREED ALBERT SCHENKJACK FETMAN JOHN SYPEPAUL GILL ROBERT WHEELERARTHUR GOES, JR. WOODROW WILSONHILARY ZIMONTBASKETBALLWARD ALBERT JAMES GORDONPAUL AMUNDSEN CHESTER GRAUGEORGE ANTONIC GEORGE KOLARIRVING BERLIN JOHN MILLERRUSSELL CHAMBERS ROBERT MORSHOWARD DURBIN KENDALL PETERSENJOHN EGGEMEYER MORRIS ROSSINROBERT FITZGERALD HENRY TROJKAROBERT UPTONSWIMMINGR. ANDERSONC. BOTHWELLW. BOSTICKB. ERHARTR. FERGUSON E. HARSHAW. LEWISR. LYONR. SORENSONG. TRENARYM. WALTONWRESTLINGLEONARD HOFFMANJAMES LAMBFRED LEHNHARDT D AVID TINKERROBERT ULBRICHROBERT WHEELERGYMNASTICSRUSSELL BAIRD FRANK MAHINJOHN CLARK EUGENE RESSENCOURTNELSON W ETHEI!.ELLFENCINGEDWARD FRITZROBERT JANESRALPH LEACH LEO O'NEILLLOUIS PERRYAMBROSE RICHARDSONFOOTBALLTOP ROW-Albert, Anlonic, Dean, Henderson, Petersen, Gordon, Wilson, Gill, Jankowski,Phillips.THIRD ROW-Crockell, Lebnhardt, Fareed, Sype, Norgren, Deem, Meisenhach, Krueger,Machemig, Sterling.SECOND ROW-Grilzer, Goes, Risteau, Zimmerman, Henry, Cook, Gaebler, Felman, Dolio.FRONT ROW-Schenck, Hall, Zimont, J. Cook, Chilton, Burrows, Wheeler.BASKETBALLTOP ROW-Berlin, Antonic, Filzgerald, Loitz, Albert, Molyneaux, Mors, Miller.SECOND ROW-Grau, Rossin, Durbin, Amundsen, Kolar, Warshawsky, Budilovsky, Trojka,Anderson.FRONT ROW-Neiman, Larson, Up ton, Sodcrlind, Eggemeyer, Gordon, Petersen, Lerry, Loeb.TRACKTOP ROW-Root, Seiter, Fairbank, LaBelle, Gordon, Halcrow, Wagner, Gill, Dean.SECOND ROW-Lolka, Taylor, Morris, Grilzer, Zimont.FRONT ROW-Kahnweiler, Cannon, Hall, Jarz, Carter.Page 7iThe Ghost of Rabelais Stalks Lexington Halland sees what he can see. We have just officially retired from the Daily Maroon, but oureye-sight is just as poor as it ever was. It'sjust been clouded up by a little too much of whatyou might call reminiscences.BUT WE CAN REMEMBERa lot of things that have happened aroundLexington Hall this year pretty clearly. Here,in our palatial campus home, which we haverechristened the Publications Building for thesake of giving another lift to the sadly inflatedegoes of the Cap and Gown, the Daily MaroonComment, and the feenix-Iax, we have seen sightsthat would not be believed bv man or beast whohas not witnessed them with his own eyes.THE CHORAL SOCIETYoutstanding in our memory is the Saturdaymorning choral society, or the Rise of the SeventhDay Adventist Holy Rollers to Fame andFortune. Each Saturday throughout the yeara small but hardy band of students gathered inthe Maroon office at 9:30 or thereabouts, to studyEnglish literature. All late-comers paid a twentyfive cent fine. We were teacher, and also thesole financial supporter of the zoo organization.(A quarter a week for all these weeks mounts up.)Between lessons on English literature we sangnegro spirituals at that. It is surprising howunknown talents come out. Will O'Donnell hasa surprising first tenor. And Willie Watson'ssecond tenor is nothing short of remarkable. When better baritones are built they'll all beBrownlee Haydon in some disguise. And H. P.(Elmer Gantry) Hudson is a bass of long standing.Even little Sara Gwin came through with a shrill(but loud) soprano.CALVIN COOLIDGE, HERE WE COMEby Cal Coolidge, of course, we mean no otherthan the sturdy but genial managing editor ofthis book (The Cap and Gown-advt.), JohnFord. John is probably the greatest characterdeveloped by the Universitv in a generation.He does more and says less than any other tenpeople. He begins to speak volubly on onesmall smell of a bottle of ale. And he takeslessons from Emily Post. John is a swell fellow-"Where do you come from, John?"The answer is always the same. "Bemidji,"he growls and walks off. But he's used to it bynow.THE DREAM THAT WILL COME TRUEthe most earnest wish of the hundred or sopeople workingon publieations is that some day,somehow, sometime-there will be a nice new 12story, shiny white publications building. Wewill have our own presses-we will have switchboards, and so on, and so on. Ten dollars, cash,not an empty promise, will be paid to the personor persons who set fire to Lexington hall.FAMOUS LAST WORDS:All right, Watson, all right. After aLL, we don'twrite for a iil:ing-it's just a hobby.onPage 71)HoerrKutnerHudsonIt is rather an unusual procedure for the editor of onepublication to attempt a critical estimate of the work ofanother publication, but we feel that as a result of the closeharmony under which all of the publications have workedthis year that it is possible for the Cap and Gown staff tobe in close enough contact with the Dail y Maroon to beable to intelligently discuss their problems and the advanceswbich they have made.Last year H. H. writing about the Daily Maroon in theCap and Gown made a concluding statement to the effect The Daily Maroonthat it is hoped that the staff of 1934-35 rather than relapsing into a reactionary phase, will continue tobe aggressive, even if 'there be no verysound thinking behind their aggression.After having carefully watched thedevelopment of the editorial policy ofthe Maroon during the year. we thinkwe can immediately in all fairness and'honesty disperse the fears of 11. H.The policies adopted by the paperon every issue have indicatedsound and deliberative thinkingon the part of the editor. It is trueperhaps that the editorial columnshave in some instances lacked thecolor and flash which attended thenumerous explosive theories and rebuttals that characterized the columns oflast years' papers. In a way, however,the more conservative treatment ofissues has been a distinct relief toa campus that had grown tired oflast years' cynical and bitter attitudesas expressed on all issues.Speaking in rather general terms,we find as a resul t of this perusal atrend toward the treatment of national and international affairs ascontrasted with last years' emphasison discussions of educational significance. The exciting grapple with HuevLong when he successfully crushedthe Louisiana College paper, wasgiven considerable attention on thefront page. In this story the editorshowed his desire to present a consist-TOP ROW-Fclscnthal, Walson, Ballenger, Rappaport, Goldberg, Baker, Taylor, Kiser, Lehman,Cox.SECOND ROW-Nicholson, Cutright, Lahr, Stern, Burnette, Walter, Schustek.FRONT ROW-Slolle, Greenebaum, Rich, Hudson, Hoerr, Kutner, Lewy.Pau80The Daily Maroonent and enlightened view on allaspects of the situation. The attackleveled against Hearst likewise illustrated a consistent and intelligentpolicy. One of the unique and stirnulatrng activities sponsored by theDaily Maroon in connection with thepeace poll, being carried on by theLiterary Digest were the two publicsymposiums, one with outside representatives and the other with participation limited to student representatives. These were sponsoredalong with the continued precipitationall year of thoughts on war and peace,in which conscientious attempts weremade to interpret the position of theaverage student rather than swingingto the extreme right or left. Finallywe have watched with interest therising of the Maroon to the defenseof academic and newspaper freedom.Decided progress was made thisyear in the thoroughness with whichcampus news was reported, withspecial emphasis being put on a carefulrecording of the results of athleticevents, one particular weakness whichcould be cited in last years' paper.The paper has definitely become therecognized leader in all campus activities, and in this way the appeal ofthe paper has been drastically widenedfrom the point of view of studentreaders. During the football seasonin the Fall quarter the Daily Maroondid more than any other single organi- BergmanRichO'Donnellzation to foster and promote a frenzied pep SpIrIt whichadded a zest and color to the autumn activities. Thepaper sponsored and directed the promotion workfor the Homecoming, and the issues of the paper on theFridays before the big games went wild with layoutdesign; featuring pictures, banner heads, and featurestories on interesting sidelights of the games. This genuineinterest in all aspects of campus and national news has ledthe Maroon to be cited by the Literary Digest as one ofthe most alert student newspapers in the country.W.D.W.TOP ROW:-Lynch, Warshawsky, Siegel, Elliot, Hoy, Kahn, Lowenstein.FRONT ROW;-Smilh, Coldsmith, O'Donnell, McQuilkin, Storey, Rosenbaum.Page SIWatsonMatsonRichardsonEDITORIAL STAFF SolfThey usually say thatit is the editor's prerogativeto save the Cap and Gownpage in the book for hisown blubberings. It giveshim a chance to let off alot of steam that no onewill tolerate at any othertime during the year. Ihave been planning to savea lot of illuminating ideasfor this occasion all year,but as I sit down tothis task I seem to loseall my nerve, and onlyafter great persuasion havefinally condescended to fillup space enough for 200words. Even this seemsto be a difficult job, butbefore I have used up allof my space I would liketo inform vou readers thatat any rate the book isdone+-and we like it a The Cap and Gowngreat deal. It has given us joy to bury ourselvesin the depths of Lexington Hall these manymonths, knowing all the while that we are producing something which we hope you will like quiteas much as we do. We enjoy almost as wellcoming out in the daylight again and seeing whathas been going on around campus without us,and we believe we can say in all seriousnessthat if it had not been for the remarkable efficiencyof all the 'stooges' clustered about the office w'ewould still be buried. They have turned atremendous task into one of amazing simplicity,and we feel confident that they will continuetheir good work next year building up the prestigeof the Cap and Gown as they go. I leave now,saving the rest of the page for one of our workerswhose feeble mind broke under the strain andhas chosen to picture the staff as it really isW.D.W.For all of ten months we have worked andslaved over the good old tradition-the Cap andGown. For what we ask you? Just so a certainnumber of people may see their lovely featureson a sheet of smooth white paper, so the athletesmay gaze proudly at their handsome physiques,and so the big shots may see a long list of activities after their names. We refer you to one Capand Gown editor in particular. We've toiledlong over this book, and we have tried to introducesome new ideas. The cover is something entirelynew and different, but heaven knows how allcritics will take it. Our page layouts, ourarrangements are without ancestors, and thefuture alone can tell us whether they havestarted a noble family. Watson has done lessfor this masterpiece (?) than any other. Heran around in circles and yet never seemed toget things done. Between kicking phone booksaround, breaking windows, and locking peopleTOP ROW-Richardson, Hamilton, Tancig, Davis, Bard, Kohler, Cornish, Heineman, Anderson.SECOND ROW-Peterson, Bomke, Heflin, Rybczynski, Kneen, Polacheck, Breternitz, Schonberg, Norton.FRONT ROW-Keats, Humphrey, Ford, Watson, Matson, Kleinschmidt, Stapleton, Coleman.in the safe John Ford and David Humphreyran Watson a close second. Dave's tenor wasn'tbad at times, but John's laconic silence wasalways in evidence.As for the business manager (Pinchpenny )Solf-just try to get a slug from him for the staffphone withou t first telling the entire life historyof the recipient of the call. Wally Montgomeryhung around pestering people and vetoing everyidea that wasn't his own. In between times hewas out snatching contracts from nowhere.Lipsis did nothing all year except be efficient,while Hamilton stormed around snapping pictures, developing them, and smoking his pipe(Vintage?). Sad faced Phemi wandered in andmade an A-I stooge according to Watson (brotherin the bond). Melville was his own sweet selfall year altho' occasionally he sprouted out withhis bright ideas.As for the women Bettv Jane Matsonheaded all with her energy until her helpmateDorothy Norton (now Smith) took the jump offthe deep end. Sue Richardson dropped inoccasionally when she wasn't too busy with hersocial whirl, but then we needed something Irivilous, Duncan did things in her quiet way andreally got them done. Helen Palmquist wasquite a good secretary when those two menacesto society, Lund and George weren't disturbingthe quiet, business-like atmosphere of the office.All this time the presses rolled on, and the bookwas slowly created. Perhaps the greatest timein the history dated from the day Mary MacKenzie had her tonsils out silence reignedsupreme.Time and space are ending, but we can'tforget the freshmen . those sweet young MontgomeryKleinschmidt FordHumphreythings that came in and sat on Watson's deskto amuse him and typed those unreadable thingswe gave them. Then there was . ourtime is gone . the book must go to pressG. F.BUSINESS STAFFTOP ROW-Gallagher, Tillinghast, Heindel, Patr-ick, Shapiro, Duncan.FRONT ROW-Kohler, Montgomery, Solf, Melville, Winlers.Page 83Morrison AbramsThe Phoenix, rated as one of the five topranking magazines of its kind in the UnitedStates, embarked on its year of publicationfaced with the difficult task of perpetuating thisenviable position. Editor Harry Morrison spentthe best part of the summer trying to think upnew ideas and new methods of approach whichwould make this Phoenix year distinctive, andoutstanding from the point of view of editorialcontent. In the brief summary discussion ofthe material in each of the issues we think itcan be seen that this aim was quite successfullyaccomplished.Something very original was done at thebeginning of the year by bringing out an issueduring freshman week which was distributedgratis to all entering students. The magazineproved to be very interesting to the freshmen andindicated to them what to expect in the way ofcampus publications. The cover design in particular was outstanding, in which Nathan Krevitsky The Phoenixdepicted the wise old bird, the stork, gingerlydepositing an innocent freshman into the centerof the University quadrangles. The designwas worked out in two colors, and from all standpoints was one of the best to be seen all year.In this issue we were first introduced to Morrison'seditorial jottings, which proved to be light andrefreshing recordings of interesting incidentshappening on campus. His writings in this,and all subsequent issues were that of a spontaneous writer possessing the unusual capabilityof writing things down as they come to his mind,imparting to them a mildly humorous twist.The second issue attempted to express thepep spirit on campus which attended the earlysuccess of the football team-s-the issue quiteappropriately being called the Victory Number.Henry Reese brightened up the pages of themagazines considerably with his cleverly executedCollegiate Cu t Out carica tures of 'prominentwomen on campus. He also lent the talents ofhis brush to the work of sketching the diversevisages of the football men who were gainingprominence. Gertie, our old friend. the GoGetter, made her initial appearance for the year,recording the latest gossip that had been meticulously garnered in the course of the summer.Something new in the annals of Phoenixhistory v f.he staff gave their pet duck a bathbefore the next issue went to press and broughtforth the Clean Number. No kicks from theDean's Office this time, and the Phoenix rolledTOP ROW-Kovacs, Reese, Askow, Lawrence, Kreidler, Turner, Einstein, Leventhal,Pard ridge, Traynor; Shapiro.FRONT ROW-Hyman, Eysell, Krevi tsky, Abrams, Kreuscher, Morrison, Block, Sandman,Stanton. Eysell HymanKrevitsky Kreuscherout this third issue which contained some remarkably clever cartoon work. Morrison gave us awild cartoon illustration of the difference betweenour contemporary college as contrasted withContentedly Chaste Chicagoana. Hal Blocks'ready wit, contributed some rollicking humorinto the magazine with his idea for the intelligenceexamination to end all intelligence examinations.It was accompanied by a non-sensical but entertaining article entitled Life Begins At Birth.The next issue was undoubtedly the mostoriginal type of thing ever attempted by anamateur magazine-it being a satirical treatmentof many prominent news stand magazines.Pages were included which followed the lay-outdesigns and editorial work of such familiarmagazines as Time, New Republic, PhysicalCulture, and finally, Phoenix's chief rival, Upsurge. The final punch to the issue was a cleverfull page cartoon, typically New Yorker in ideaand execution.The January or Winter Number was in ouropinion the weakest issue of the year, the onlyreal feature being a rather well done article byCharles Bane, the University of Chicago RhodesScholarship winner, and an unusual cover designstrikingly executed by the use of two colors. Thefashion pages which appeared regularly were alsofeatured in this issue, embodying nice lay-outwork utilizing large pictures of attractive sportswear.Fraternities 'got the bird' in the February issue with feature articles appearing on "Whv 1Am a Fraternity Man" and "Why I Am Not aFraternity Man" by Chas. Tyroler and SidneyHyman respectively. The articles were written inthe usual lively style that tvpifies all of theirwork, and were largely characteristic of all themild fun-poking which made this issue a distinctsuccess.Clever cartooning, and spirited contributionsfrom the talented columnists saved the day forthe March issue which was presented as a reactionto the Clean Number, fittingly being called theLow Down Number.Don Morris, acting as editor for the A pri Iissue displayed a new technique in editorialwork which will undoubtedly make the nextyears' Phoenix just as original and as colorfulas were those published by Harry Morrison thisyear. Mention should also be made of the workdone by Betty Kreuscher, woman's editor, oncirculation work which brought a distinctlysuperior organization of the Phoenix sales force.She also kept her Book Review column alive eachmonth with new ideas and methods of criticalapproach.Notable also in Phoenix development thisyear were the extensive advertising campaignscarried on by Phil Ab'rams, business manager,which resulted in more pages of national and localadvertising than the Phoenix has enjoyed formany years.Page 85Tyroler AuldEditorCHARLES TYROLER IIAssistant EditorMARTIN GARDNERBusiness BoardJOHN AULDJAMES MELVILLEEditorial AssistantWILLIA M HEBENSTREITAssociate EditorsLILLIAN SCHOENSIDNEY HYMANA YEAR OF PROGRESSWith two years of practical experience behindthem, this year's staff of Comment took up thedifficult job of presenting an interesting magazineto an indifferent campus. The effort was a nobleone, but it made a very small impression on thiscampus where seemingly everyone tries to get asmuch as he can for as little output; and this initself made the task of publication and circulationa hard one.Page 86 CommentThe actual layout of Comment is very interesting and artistic, following in close proximity theplan of the Saturday Review of Literature. Thisstyle and layout is considered by critics ideallysuited for publications of this type.Having experimented for the past two volumeswith both outside and campus talent, the staffthis year struck a happy medium by usingmaterial both from "foreign" sources and fromChicago students. The resulting issues werenoteworthy in the numerous stories which lateraroused interest from various parts of the countrywhere Comment subscribers are listed. Severalarticles of consequence appeared in the Fallissue, among which was the enjoyable article ofMax Schoen, Professor of Metaphysics at theUniversity of Pennsylvania. One of the poemswhich aroused the most interest was the unusualone "Personality of a Rainy Day" by WinstonAshley, winner ofthe Fiske Poetry prize. Ashleyhas had other contributions in various issues,but this was by far the most outstanding.Comment carried out its ambitious programwith its winter quarter number containing articlesby Charles Hartshorne, Asst. Professor of Philosophy at the University, George Mann, and manyothers. Besides all the stories, articles, andpoems the magazine was enlivened by the cleversketches contributed by Maude Phelps Hutchins.Comment gives the students on the Universitycampus a chance to display their writing ability,but the magazine does not appear often enoughto hold its rightful position as an undergraduatepublication. A great deal of credit is due,however, to its editor for the past two years,Charles Tyroler, 11. His experiences with thecampus and his editorial training has done muchto gain the recognition of such people as EdwardJ. O'Brien of Oxford who subscribed to Commentso that he might study the stories published inthe issues as possible material for his annual andauthoritative collection of the year's best shortstories. If Comment keeps on gaining recognition of this sort, it will gain and hold a centralposition on the campus in spite of the difficultiesattending its publication. G. F.The Publication StaffsTHE DAILY MAROON STAFFHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O'DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEditorial AssociatesHENRY F. KELLEYRAYMOND LAHRJANET LEWY RALPH NICHOLSONJEANNE STOLTEWILLIAM W. WATSONBusiness AssociatesZALMON GOLDSMITH_ ROBERT MCQUILKINEVERETT STOREYEditorial AssistantsWELLS BURNETTEGEORGE FELSENTHALZENIA GOLDBERGRUBY HOWELLJULIAN KISER JUNE RAPPAPORTGEORGE SCHUSTEKJAMES SNYDEREDWARD S. STERNELINOR TAYLORMARY WALTERBusiness AssistantsDONALD ELLIOTTALLEN ROSENBAUM HAROLD SIEGELRICHARD SMITHPHOENIX STAFFHARRY MORRISON, JR., EditorPHILIP W. ABRAMS, Business ManagerBETTY KREUSCHER, Women's EditorNATHAN KREVITSKY, Art DirectorSIDNEY HYMAN, Associate EditorADELE SANDMAN, Exchange EditorVIRGINIA EYSELL, CirculationHARKER STANTON, Assistant ManagerHAL BLOCK, Associate EditorEditorial StaffWILLIAM SHERWOOD DAVID EISENDRATHDON MORRIS GEORG MANNEDGAR GREENEBAUM, JR. BILL STAPLETONPAUL H. LITWINSKY HYMAN JACOBSONWILLIAM K. TRAYNOR LEE S. THOMASTHOMAS TURNER BLOSSOM TOVROVSHERRY KREIDLER MACK ROSENTHALDEXTER FAIRBANK Business StaffWILLIAM PARDRIDGEIRWIN ASKOWLA WRENCE SHAPIROJOHN MATTMILLERBETTY BEALE HOPE PETERSENLOUIS KOVACSDELMOR MARKOFFMARZALIE BIOSSATJUDITH FoxCAP AND GOWN STAFFWILLIAM D. WATSON, EditorWALDEMAR A. SOLF, Business ManagerJOHN FORD, Managing EditorWALTER MONTGOMERY, Advertising ManagerBETTY JANE MATSON, Woman's EditorDAVID HUMPHREY, Art EditorBARNEY KLEINSCHMIDT, Photography ManagerSUE RICHARDSON, Senior Woman's EditorDOROTHY NORTON, Assistant Woman's EditorWILLIAM STAPLETON, Athletic EditorPhotography AssistantsROBERT LIPSIS�. I DONALD HAMILTONDONAL HOLWAYArt AssistantsAMBROSE RICHARDSON PAULINE MUIRHEADEditorial AssistantsBEATRICE BEALE, FRANCES DUNCANGENEVIEVE FISH MARY MACKENZIEHELEN PALMQUISTDEAN PHEMISTERBusiness AssistantsEUGENE CORNISH JAMES MELVILLEMARY ANNA PATRICK JACK WEBSTERVERNA WINTERSFreshmen AssistantsPHILOMELA BAKER DENA POLACHEKJAMES COLEMAN HENRIETTA RYBCZINSKIGRAHAM F AJRBANK BEATRICE SCHONBERGLOUISE HEFLIN ADA SWINEFORDRUTH MARQUARDT WILLIAM TANCIGMARGARET TILLINGHASTPage 87• • •• • •• • • • • •DRAMA-MUSIC• •• •• •• • • • • •• •• •• • • •• • • •O'HaraDRAMATIC ASSOCIATION BOARDPHILIP C. WHITE, Chairman of Joint BoardROBERT EBERT, TreasurerHAL E. JAMES, President of GargoylesPHILIP C. WHITE, Vice-President of GargoylesGIFFORD MAST, President of Tower PlayersCHARLES N LCOLA, Vice-President of Tower PlayersEVELYN CARR, President of MirrorSARA GWIN, Vice-President of MirrorMEMBERS AT LARGEHELEN DE WERTH ERNBETTY SAYLEROLIVER STATLERBARBARA VAl LROGER WILLISROGER BAIRDROBERT EBERTVIOLET ELLIOTJAMES DAY DRAMATICGwin CarrMastTHE JOYOUS SEASONBy PHILIP HARRYFrancis BattleTeresa Farley BattleMartin FarleyPatrickHugh FarleyRoss FarleyMonica FarleyJohn FarleyEdith C. FarleyChristina FarleyNoraSister Aloysius Henry ReeseEthel Ann Gordon. Robert EbertHoward ChandlerAlexander KehoePhilip C. WhiteMarv HaskellHal JamesJean RussellBarbara VailEsther MargolinPaula DillonFrank Hurburt O'Hara, always exhibiting aprecise knowledge of what constitutes goodtheatre, opened the repertoire of the 1934-35Dramatic Association season with a Chicagopremiere presentation of Philip Harry's latestcomedy, The Joyous Season. The play waspresented to three packed houses in the ReynoldsPage 90ASSOCIATIONJames Nicola EbertClub theatre, all three of which enthusiasticallypraised the dramatic technique of the small, butmeticulously directed cast.The plot, briefly, deals with a youthfulMother Superior who is a member of a familywhich has enjoyed better days, and whosemembers, because they lack a healthy philosophy,have lost their grip on life.The young Christina, who has fallen heir tothe house in which they live, and to another onein the country, must decide which of the twohouses she will choose for her convent. Thefamily in desperation try to persuade her to takethe house in which they are not interested.However, because of the serene confidence andfaith which she has in life, she allows them tosolve their difficulty in a way satisfactory to alland at the same time eases their immediateproblems.As can be seen from this brief resume of thecontent of the play, the action evolves almostentirely around the character of the youngMother Superior. The part afforded the mosteffective vehicle yet found for the charmingBarbara Vail to exhibit her remarkable talentsat breathing into her roles a touch of realismthat raises her work to a distinctly professionallevel. The dialogue of the play, which is sparkling in its gaiety, yet serene in its spots 01' pathos, Whilemade the task of mastery very difficult, but [01·the most part even the hardest speeches wen:handled with unusual dexterity. Hal James,playing the role of John Farley,- gave a splendidinterpretation of a jovial middle-aged man, andhis scenes with Barbara Vail that evolved uponthe most refreshing dialogue were without doubtthe high spots of the performance. AlexanderKehoe, swaggering through the part of animmature college man with an unassumed naturalness, added a deft comedy touch to the dramaticsituation. The supporting cast was likewiseconvincing even to the smallest roles which werecarried along in a sophisticated manner thatraised them above the usual amateur level. Acertain amount of color was added to the production through the utilization of an attractiveset that was particularly well sui ted to thetempo of the play.Page 9ICASTEBy T. W. ROBERTSONHon. George D'AlroyCaptain Hawtree .EcclesSam Gerridg�DixonMarquise de St. MauerEsther EcclesPolly Eccles Rainwater WellsCharles NicolaNorman MastersonAlec KehoeH. WagnerLeslie WilsonMartha FieldsJean RussellEmbarking on its third production of theseason, the Dramatic Association entered a fieldthat many critics of the campus declared wouldnot be suitable for production at the University.The opening night of Caste, however, completelybelied this prediction, the play receiving a tremendous ovation from the audience. It was theaim of the production staff to bring back asrealistically as possible the flash and color thatattended the play's first production in Londonand New York in the year 1867, and in manyrespects this objective was accomplished in aconvincing fashion. The only weakness was thedifficulty experienced in trying to reproduce thedistinct type of' scenic effects which characterizedthe theatre of' that time, and this one was probably not too important. The phvsical limitationsof the Heynolds Club theatre augmented thisdelibity.Page 92 The play, nevertheless, swung through itsthree acts of unrepressed comic situations thatbrought great enjov ment to a rollicking, goodspirited audience. Martha Fields, playing thedifficult role of' ESlher Eccles, a beautiful heroinefrom the lower strata of society who marries ahandsome hero from the upper strata, movedthrough the play with a distinct finesse and polishthat won general approval from the audience.Alec Kehoe, as an ambitious young plumber inlove with Polly, Jean Russell, again added anuproarious comic touch that made his madpursuits toward happiness one of' the mostfascinating aspects of the story. Norman Masterson was perfectly cast as the drunken father,Eccles, and it was generally agreed that hisfeeling for the unique part made him the mostlikable figure in the play.The costuming, lighting, all the details evendown to the ingenious program reminiscent of' thegood old days, removed the entire production[rom the realm of everyday life and carried usback to the time when the theatre was still inits experimental years-we felt that we wereliterally sitting in a crowded section of an oldLondon theatre viewing one of the great masterpieces of the day-a true test for any theatricalrevival.At the opening of Spring Quarter as the bookgoes to press, the staff of the Dramatic Association was making extensive plans for the lastproduction of the season. After a great deal ofconsideration it was decided that an attemptbe made to revive Henrik Ibsen's poetic masterpiece, Peer Gynt. Lt is an elaborate production,but one which will undoubtedlv excite a greatdeal of' interest and publicity due to the factthat the play has not been presented in thiscountry for over a decade.Th� task of staging such a production will betremendous, due first to the unusually large castof thirty-five, with twenty-nine of these beingmajor roles. Secondly there is a need for excellent musical accompaniment that in a sense islargely responsible for the color of the play, andfinally because of the need there will be forelaborate stage settings. Careful casting will bemore of a problem in this play than it was inany of the other productions of the season.Although definite announcement of the cast hasnot been made as vet, it seems reasonable tosuppose that Hal .l ames, who is by far the mostpolished actor in the Association, will be castas Peer, while Barbara Vail in all likelihood willbe given an opportunity to play the femininelead. It is our regret that this section of thebook must go to print before the date of thisproduction as we feel that more interest willhinge upon its presentation than any of theothers of the season. It will undoubtedly bethe high spot in a year of exceptionally variedand fascinating activity.ANDREW JACKSONAlways striking off from the beaten paths inits December world premiers, the UniversitvDramatic Association this year courageouslyplunged into a hitherto unexplored field-thatof blank verse. The production was madedoubly significant because of the author andhis work. The man: famous American poetEdgar Lee Masters of Spoon River Anthologyfame. The play: his first dramatic work,Andrew Jackson, an historical drama centeredaround the life of Peggy O'Neil Eaton, thecen ter of Washington's volcano of the 1780's.A powerful and moving story, and one whichhas caught the imagination of the writing profession in the past few years, we find it enhancedhere by sparkling flashes of poeh'y which hearkenback to an earlier and more productive day ofgood playwrighting. Once the trick of speakinglines in blank verse was mastered by the cast,the rest followed quickly.Under the capable direction of Frank HurburtO'Hara, director of dramatic productions, AndrewJackson took shape. The story shows the conflict, simple on the surface, yet deep with layersof complicating forces, between President Jackson, who upholds the virtue of Peggy Eaton,wife of the Secretary of War, and Vice-Presidentand Mrs. John C. Calhoun, who slander Peggyviciously. Beneath this story we see the fighton states rights, the fight on the Federal Bank,the Maysville veto, the annexation of Texas,and most important of all, from the personalpoint of view, we see old Hickory's undyinglove for his deceased wife.Hal E. James, as the President, was startlingin his characterization. As Dean ChaunceyBoucher, professor of American history, andauthority on the period of this drama, said afterthe opening night's performance, "I have beenstudying Andrew Jackson for twenty years, andhere he is suddenly come to life again!" NormanPaulson, a polished actor, was convincing in hisstudy of Vice-President Calhoun. Aldana Sorenson made a bewitching Peggy: coy, sharp andbrilliant by turns, with just enough mystery tokeep the male part of the audience at her feetin admiration. Robert Ebert thundered andswaggered through the part of General SamuelHouston with just the proper mixture of braggadocio and rich, warm sympathy, and as aresult earned the tumultous plaudits of appreciative theatre-goers.Mr. Masters was able to recapture the bluffhearty lovableness of Jackson, the great pillarof American democracy, and James succeededin injecting life into the skeleton-and this combination was largely responsible for the successof Andrew Jackson.NOEL B. GERSONStudent Director "Robert Ebert thunderedand swaggered throughthe part of General Samuel Houston with justthe proper mixture' ofbragg ad ocio and rich,warm sympathy "Philip White as MartinVan Buren rendered awhimsical performance,imparring to the role atouch of pathos, typicalof this grand historicalfigure.In two brief, but tellingscenes, Lillian Schoengave a spirited portrayalof President Jackson'sniece, a gay, flippantTennessee lady."Hal James as the President was startling inhis characterization ... "". . . James succeed ed ininjecting life into theskeleton ... ""Aldana Sorenson madea bewi tching Peggy; coy,sharp and brilliant byturns, with just enoughmystery to keep themale pal·t of the audience at her feet in admiration. "In a minor role as Captain Blount of the UnitedStates Army, RainwaterWells made an impressive appearance .resplendent in militaryuniform ... firm, stolid,and handsome.Howard Hudson impartedan austere, dignified, andmajestic air to his roleas Chief Justice Tawney.Page 93Eight Charming Tappers.Another MirrorThe spotlight clicks . . . a beamof light is thrown on the first box inMandel Hall ... the orchestra strikesup a familiar tune . . . we remember... it's the "hit" song from the firstMirror production. The first MirrorBoard sits in the 1926 box ... thebeam of light moves on the 1927box ... the 1928 box and ondown to the 1934 box, while theorchestra plays those tunes that bringback pleasant memories to the Mirrorgirls of days gone by who have beeninvited as special guests to this . . .the opening night of the 1935 Mirror.The curtain rises on the TenthAnnual Revue, the event to which thecampus and the University communitybreathlessly look forward each year.The first number . . . something newin a Mirror production ... TheIncantation. . a men's ballet,directed by Berta Oschner-rich incolor and genuinely original in impressionistic dance. Next the Nine Mirrorstake us back to the days of yesterday with glimpses of what Mirror has considered worthreflecting from the past nine years. Revuers Kehoeand Masterson introduce us next to our favoriteMirror friends ... the eight tappers, who are charmingly presented as the "Smartest Little Girls". Theskits are entirely new and different with a uniquesidelight on our everyday life. The first one, In theAfternoon, is a clever satire on a 20th century murdermystery, while Allene Tasker strikes the note of aeroplane adventure with her song "Off The Ground".Next we find one of the brightest spots of the entireshow ... At The Examiners ... revuers Bezdek,Day, James, Kehoe, and Sayler, showing us how theexaminers think up those ludicrous questions whichcatch us on the comprehensives. Adele Sandman ina highly sophisticated monologue entitled CottageOrnament is reminiscent of an old Mirror star, AliceStinnet, and is followed by the first number of BertaOschner's ballet which wo�ks with the air of combinedvivacity and sophistication. The show moves on asPeggy Moore, the leader of the tap chorus, performingin her last Mirror show, presents the typical senior"After Days and Years"-a Novel song and danceroutine depicting the impressions of a UniversityWoman as she approaches graduation. GertrudeStein remembers the next skit as one of the mostinteresting experiences of her sojourn in Chicago; hereRobert Ebert mirrored Gertrude and Alice In Thee.:Pitti Palace in a most amusing way. Back from the Palace to theOld Sou t h where Lorraine Donkle and her high stepping stepperspresent a delightful interpreta tion with the able assistance ofrevuers icola, Chandler, Masterson, Paulson, and Wallower.The fascinating comedy trio of Ebert, James, and Vail laughtheir wa�' through a rollicking skit "In the Viennese Manner,"and the curtain drops on the end of the First Act.The quiet whisperings of the sea waves with a gradual changeinto more turbulent surgings is the portrayal made by the Balletin their second number which opens the Mirror's Second View.The number is entitled Sea Change, and through the use ofexact lighting and careful costuming the stage is realisticallytransformed into an artistic picture. The theme of the skitscentering about human nature becomes more real to us with theskit on Nature which features Norman Panama's and HermanStein's song, Nature's Quite the Thing. "At the Lake" and "FiveDoors," the latter of which is done entirely in pantomimic action,afford the audience numerous chuckles and are typical of theproficiency which has been acquired by students in writingpointed skits that make good theatre. Although it is difficultto pick individual stars in a varied production such as Mirror,Norman Paulson in his act entitled Destinations was, nevertheless, agreed upon by many to be the most outstanding singleperformer in the show. We ponder over the unique song whichhe presents we listen to the words ... then it dawns onus ... oh yes none other than George Brush from Thorn-ton Wilder's "Heaven's My Destination." A good idea, nicelyworked out, and cleverly presented. We can always expect goodcomedy from a skit of Norman Eaton's, and we are glad when the"Bright Side of Life" rolls round ... it is a cheering little skitand it leaves us in a frame of mind almost as happy as that ofthe revuers Ebert and Vail who handle it admirably . Variationsis the title of the Ballet's last number, and it is as weird andunusual as the title. We have difficulty in understanding itsmeaning, but we like its light-hearted spirit. The show moveson through a blues number capably sung by Masterson, and thento the dancing triumph of the show ... the tappers impressionof a dance routine as it might be staged "In the Far North" ...truly original and very life-like are the eight lively penguinsdoing their routine as only penguins can. The revue closes withthe inevitable type of slap-stick comedy full of obvious butrollicking puns ... "The First Debutante" ... a novel idea,worked out as a snappy finale for a perfect show. We liked itimmensely ...Evelyn CarrMIRROR BOARDEVELYN CARR, PresidentSARA GWIN, Vice-PresidentMembers at largeMARGARET MOORE ELIZABETH SA YLEHl-h�LEN DE WEHTI-IERNMIRROR CASTRevuersFRANCES BEZI)EK LESLIE WILSONRITA CUSACK CHARLES AXELSONEVELYN GARBE HOWARD CHANDLEIlSARA GWIN JOSEPH COAMBSHELEN HARTENFELI) JAMES EDWARD DAYJUDITH ANN PALMEH ROBERT EBERTCLAHISSA PALTZER WILLIAM GRANERTVmGINIA PIlINDIVILLE DAN HEINDELMARY PAUL RIX HAL JAMESHELEN ROSENBERG ALEXANDEIl KEHOEADELE SANDMAN NOR�lAN MASTERSONBETTY SAYLEIl CHAIlLES NICOLALILLIAN SCHOEN NORMAN PAULSONALDANA SORENSON IIlVING RIOIAIWSONALLENE TASKER PAUL WAGNEIIMARGARET THOMPSO'l ROBERT WAGONERBARBARA VAIL TED W ALLOWERPHILIP C. WHITEPage 96 BalletORLEANS ARCHAMBAULT CI-IAllLOTTE IVL"IlSCHAKM_-\RGAllET CALLANAN LORNA L. McI)oUGALLMAllY L. COOLIDGE ELOISE MOOHEFllANCES G ETHIlO CLETA OL)lSTEADALICE M. II ECWI' ELEANOH SHAllTSSteppersLOHHAINE DONKLEDONNA DONKLEMAllY JOHNSTONE MARION KUEIINELiZABETI-1 M c CASKYGEHTHUDE SENNHELEN WEGGTuppersLOUISE A"KERFIlANCES BUHNS VIHGlNIA NEWNANCY NrM�IONSITEIJEN A. LEVENTHAL HOPE PETERSENPEGGY MOOHE LOIS PETERSENTOP ROW-Sayler, de Werlhern.FRONT ROW-Gwin, Carr, Moore.FlinnBOARD OF SUPERIORSTOM FLINN, AbbotCHARLES GREENLEAF, PriorJOHN II. ABRAHAMS, ScribeWILUAM WATSON, HospitollerJUNIOR MANAGERSlRV.ING ASKOW, Business ManagerROBERT BEAIRD, Assistant Technical ManagerJOHN FLINN, Company ManagerGIL HILBRANT, Publicity ManagerDAVID HUMPHREY, Technical ManagerGEORGE KENDALL, Production Manuger The 1935 BlackfriarsSOPHOMORE MANAGERSTechnicalJAY BROWN, PropertiesEMMET GLYN"", LightingFLOYD JOWl/SON, SceneryHERMAN SCHULZ, CostumesBERNARD LUNDY, CostumesPublicityROBERT BETHKE, High School PublicityJOHN BODFISH, Poster PublicityJOHN DAVIDSON, General PublicityJULIAN KISER, Newspaper PublicityBusinessART JACOBSEN, ScoresHENRY MILLER, Box OfficeEDWARD SIBLEY, Program AdvertisingAL WEINSTEIN, Program EditorialProductionWILLIAM BOSWORTH, Cast ManagerPAUL LUCKHARDT, Strolling Friars ManagerIRVING RICHARDSON, Chorus ManagerJOE STEPHENSON, Music ManagerBLAND BUTTON, Soph. Asst. Production Mgr.GreenleafPage 97they wrote it . . . he produced it . . .T hey had themsighing ... wondering ...laughing ..."I N BRAINSWith enthusiasm born from decades of Blackfriars tradition the Board of Superiors met andhad dinner with J ames Weber Linn, CharlesCollins of the Tribune, and Bill Boyden of theChicagoan, early in February to decide the fateof the eight manuscripts which had been submitted for books. With diligence the judgespicked their way through the masterpieces ofwit and humor, and only after deep considerationdid they hand down their final decision. Withthe genuine eo thusiasm which Professor Linnhas about everything he announced that thewinning book was "In Brains We Trust" writtenby Bob Oshins and Harry Kalven. They wereenthusiastic about the story ; it presented something new and original in the way of satire, asatire on the Brain Trust issue which had unlimited possibilities for clever lines and take-offson the central figures in the present day politicalsituations. The Board of Superiors, fired withthe same enthusiasm which had been transmittedto them by the judges, went out that night toget things done in a hurry ... get a producer... get some junior and sophomore managers... get some lights and a cast ... and get ashow produced. Feverishly they worked ...one by one their many tasks and tribulations \;VE TR UST"were ironed out. Greenleaf immediately got busyon the phone Flinn sent himself on errandsall over campus and finally a producer waslined up. Blackfriars was fortunate in securingBob Storer to help them in their production.Himself a student in the University, he was weJlacquainted with problems allending the production of an amateur show; and by reason ofhis wealth of ex pcrience on t he stage, both asan actor and as a producer, he went to workimmediately; he had caught that ever-consumingzeal. Things began to take shape rapidly, andsoon the campus began to react ... consciousof the fact that it was "J�lackfriars' Time Again".Virginia Hall Johnson came back all the wayfrom California to have again the fun of shapingher buxom and clumping boys into a line ofgraceful and delicate performers who appreciatethe artistry of the dance. From that point onVirginia and Bob did the worrying-they wereto get a cast picked and the show put together.A galaxy of stars presented themselves for thetry-outs, and it wasn't long before even thesombre looking boys with long whiskers hiredas the old dusty professors over whom the wholebattle was waged got that great feeling of interest.Other parts were filled in rapid succession. HarryPage 99Walson AbrahamsSnodgrass was elected to play the juvenile leadas Sidney Gary, the undergraduate hero whobravely solves the University problem. JimMcDevitt secured the whimsical role of thewithered, old and humble Harperstacks whoseappearance at just the crucial moment facilitatesthe University's victory over the government.A great character study sprang to life from thispersonality who has been accumulating thedust of 36 vears while buried in the confines ofthe library stacks. Phelps and Iccles, the keymen in the show were handled by Ettlinger sndSid Cutright, both of whom featured prominentlyin the last two Blaekfriar's productions. Shootind dice on the steps of the Capital to determinethe outcome of the fight which is raging betweenthe two factions, they added an uproarious touchto the performance. Bernard Block, a newcomerto the Mandel lIall stage this year, was doomedto he the perfect clown of the performanceplaying the role of the campus beauty-crazedreporter. But, of course, the enthusiasm whichwas plaving about the B1ackfriars office cameto a head when those two old timers thoseold t irners who have been loved and re-Iovedfor year after year as perfect women impersonatorsNate Krevitskv and Bob Weiss realizedtha t: there were two sensational feminine rolesin the script which could be handled effectivelvPage 100 only by themselves. Thev stamped into theoffice .. read over the parts . andin a minute's time Bob was east as wife of Presi-dent Phelps and Nate as June, thealluring undergraduate heroine. Both as gay,spirited, and beautiful as ever . . . reasonenough for the exhilirating enthusiasm whichwas growing day by day. And so things developed as the day of the opening performance ad-vanced. Last minute jobs dress rehearsalpainting the sets fixing costumesthe final dinner . make-up . .house lights flash . Pete wields the batonand the orchestra crashes out that familiarstrain "It's Blackfriars Time Again" ... thecurtain rises . and the Board of Superiorssit back in their scatsenth usiastie. satisfied but stillFlinnKendall AskowHumphreyThe University BandThe first game! The rejuvenated footballteam is about to try its strength against a majoropponent. Enthusiasm runs high; crowds jamthe stands; pennants flutter in the breeze. Suddenly, with a ruffle of drums, a shrill blast of awhistle, the Band is on! Poised on the edgeof the field, lead by drum-major Kleinschmidt,flanked by the huge drum, their white-trouseredlegs eager to break into the stacatto of a rapiddrum cadence, they present once more the pictureof the perfect collegiate band. Many organizations are larger, most of them are more resplendently uniformed, some play virtual symphonieson the field, but the University of Chicago bandfills its niche in the band hall of fame by virtueof its original and unique characteristics: itsings, it marches to the fastest tempo ever beaten,and it performs its work with an unequalled snapand vigor. But now-a poised baton snaps down and thepicture breaks into a symphony of action-thebig drum lurches, the basses blare, the batonspins, and 72 pairs of reciprocating legs beat amachine gun tatoo on the field. But look-oneof the bandsmen has a broken shoelace and iskneeling to tie it while the band marches on-butwait, he isn't a bandman, he's a clown, and he'sspinning a baton-and look at him spin-onhis knees, on his back, cartwheels, high throws,and cake-walks, but always spinning. And so theband introduces its latest innovation -the spinning clown drum-major, Dave Eisendrath. Withthe combined spinning of Eisendrath and Kleinschmidt, the octet leading the stands through"The Man On The Flying Trapeze," the membersvocalizing "Our Chicago," "Wave The Flag,"and other Big Ten Songs, the trip to Columbusto give the Ohio fans a treat, the appearances atthe Century of Progress, and the pep meeting participa tions, the band can look backover as successful a season as it has ever experienced.Page IOIThe University ChoirRanking as the oldest of the campus musicalorganizations, the University choir has built upan enviable reputation during its existence.This ensemble of eighty voices has been heardregularly in the Chapel since the dedication of thebuilding in 1928. Previously it supplied themusic at the University religious services heldin Mandel hall. In addition to the Sundaymorning Chapel exercises, the choir presentsseveral other programs during the year, the chiefones of which are the Christmas pageant, theEpiphany Candle-lighting service, and the Tenebrae service.In producing the Christmas pageant, the choirhas called upon many departments of the University for aid. Among those who have helpedin the past are Vice-President Frederic Woodward; Frank Hurburt O'Hara and the membersof the Dramatic Association; Fred Eastman ofthe Chicago Theological Seminary; Marian VanTuyl of the Department of Physical Education;Jessie Carter and the students of the Departmentof Education; George Downing, Edmund Giesbert,and the students of the Art Department; JohnM. Manlv and Charles R. Baskerville of theEnglish Department; and Louise Ayres Garnett,Evanston author. The sources of the pageantsrange from thirteenth century texts to modernauthors and composers, such as John Masefieldand Gustav Holst. This year the choir presenteda sequence of three liturgical plays according tomedieval French cathedral usage.The Epiphany Candle-lighting service is basedupon the service used at Christ Church, Cambridge, Mass. It symbolizes in the lighting ofcandles the visitation of Christ, the Light, uponthe world. Appropriate Twelfth Night musicis used. The Tenebrae service is drawn ratherPage I02 Mack Evans, Directorstrictly from the ancient Catholic Tenebrae, oneof the most beautiful Holy Week celebrations inthe Christian liturgy. It symbolizes in theextinguishing of candles the shadows whichovercast the earth as Christ died upon the cross.One of the most interesting of the choirservices is yet to occur as this volume is published.It is the annual dance recital given by Orchesisin the Chapel. The dances are interpretationsof the emotions aroused by religious music assung by the choir. On the afternoon of thesecond of June, Orchesis will interpret the musicof a mass drawn from Russian, Anglican, andRoman Catholic liturgy. At the morning servicethat Sunday, Claire Dux, one of the greatest ofsopranos will sing with the choir selections fromBrahm's Requiem and Verdi's Requiem.No description of the choir is complete withouta- rather lengthy word about Mack Evans, itsdirector. The fact that a group of college students has been welded into one of the finestchoral ensembles in the Middle West can bedirectly attributed to Mr. Evans' personality,musicianship, and cnergy. He is one of themost popular members of the faculty, especiallywith the student body. Mr. Evans had histraining at Knox Conservatory of Music, andHarvard University, receiving his Master'sdegree at the latter school. Before coming tothe University, Mr. Evans had experience inboth Chautauqua and theater organ work, andwas assistant director of the choir at St. Luke'sEpiscopal church in Evanston.During the past year, the choir has givenseveral concerts off campus. Last summer itwas selected to sing two programs at the SwiftBridge of the World's Fair. It also took part inservices at the Bethany Union Church, BeverlyHills, St. Luke's pro-Cathedral, Evanston, andthe Metropolitan Church, Chicago's leadingcolored church.Carl Bricken, ConductorThe University SymphonyDuring the last four years the University ofChicago Symphony Orchestra has developedinto one of the outstanding organizations of itskind in the country. Its policy has been twofold:one, to give the members of the organization abroad and valuable practical experience IIIrehearsal and performance; two, to afford theUniversity and community three quarterly COIlcerts of a highly musical and spirited caliber.Even though the personnel, due to the nature ofthe everchanging shift in University life, istransient, the quality of the work improves yearby year. This is due in large degree to thegrowing reputation of the orchestra with theconsequent higher qualifications demanded ofnew members.Not only has the orchestra performed some ofthe major works of the literature, including theShubert C Major Symphony, the Beethoven.Fifth and Eighth, the Brahms First and Second,the Cesar Franck Symphony, etc., but it haspresented on its programs some of the outstandingsoloists of today. Students in the Department ofMusic have the privilege of hearing their worksplayed-an invaluahle aid to them in compositionand orchestration. Some of the works of advanced students have already appeared on theprograms.An interesting commentary of the personnelof this organization is the fact that approximatelyfifty per�ent of its membership consist of studentsin all departments of the University. Wellrepresented are the Medical School, the PhysicalSciences, and the Social Sciences. It is gratifyingto know that these members are not only inter- ested amateurs but intelligent and capableinstrumentalists.The orchestra rehearses twice weekly, once insectional rehearsal and once in full rehearsal.Besides the preparation of the quarterly programs,there is a generous amount of reading of orchestralworks. For those players not yet prepared tomeet the technical requirements of the firstorchestra, there is a second orchestra whichmeets on Monday evenings. As soon as hisimprovement justifies the advancement, thesecond orchestra player is moved along into thebig orchestra.During the past two years, two operas havebeen presented by the combined extracurricularorganizations of the University, such as theUniversity Chorus, Orchesis, Dramatic Association, etc. The orchestra is called upon to supplythe necessary support for these productions.It is looking forward to the performance in thenear future of the great choral works in conjunction with the University Choir.It has been very gratifying to note the skilland success with which the orchestra has handledthe music which it has attempted. Althoughsome of the metropolitan critics have been harshon Mr. Bricken for aiming too high, the orchestrahas done admirably and has at all times exhibiteda spirit of cooperation and a willingness to workhard at its particular task.This spirit and will to workhave been constantly furtheredby the personality of CarlBricken, conductor of theorchestra. Whether at a midquarter rehearsal or at aconcert before a full houseMr. Bricken consistently pullsthe best out of the orchestraand each member keenly feelsthat he himself is being person-ally led by the director. BrickenPage f03� AN IMPRESSION-CHAPEL BELLS"Ring out, 0 bellsYour melodies are immortalRing them and find we'reStanding at heaven's portalStudentSocialCommitteeHyman, Rice, Lang, EbertTnt-Hout, Eysell, McCarthy\Donald Kerr, the chairman of the SocialCommittee last year wrote one of the onlyreally clever articles in the Cap and Gown on hislittle brain child, namely the Committee. Heseemed a little cynical in "his elaboration of whatthe great honor of being chairman of the committee meant to him, and in a belittling fashionhe enumerated the great responsibilities that werethrust upon him and his fellow workers. Donnie,an extremely clever boy, painted the committeein colors from which it will probably neverrecover, but we admire someone who is modestenough to poke fun at that activity which ismost largely responsible for his becoming a"campus big shot." The article was all in goodfun, but it makes it difficult for us to write areally serious article on what the Committee hasdone this year. We are serious, however, in ourestimate of their good work, and I believe thatwe are safe in saying that this brain child hasdefinitely settled the destinities of the Universitysocial life.Social actrvrtres at the University haveboomed this vear new duties have beenthrust upon the shoulders of this efficient organization the whole job of guiding the studentsin a healthy social program has run smoothlyand quietly.The first great task of the new committeelast Spring was to manage the High SchoolScholarship Day at the University. This wasa new responsibility to be pushed off on thealread y over-worked committee, but they duginto the job, and under the capable direction ofJohn Rice, the chairman. did an excellent job.They showed the high school visi tors to thecampus a good time, and were congratulated onthe smoothness with which the day's activitieswere conducted. They did such a good jobwith the task thus presented to them that theUniversity will probably let the committee take over the actrvrty every year anything tokeep the committee busy.Much time and energy were spent by the committee members this year under the direction ofMrs. Carr in checking and rechecking on all thefraternity and other organization parties, beingsure that they were well chaperoned, and thatthey were the kind of parties which the Universitymothers wanted their daughters to attend.The climax of the Social Committee's year ofvaried activity was the Washington Promthe biggest and most colorful event of its kindto be held in recent years. All the glamor andsplendor that has been instilled into all-campusparties was culminated in this prom, which thegreat body of campus pessimists from the firstclamped down on and emphatically declaredwould be a flop. John Rice did everything tokeep the party from being a flop heobtained the best possible orchestra . themost colorful ballroom in the city utilizedextensive promotional schemes, all of whichresulted in an attendance that was larger thanit has been for many years. It was a wonderfulparty and as we think it overwhy, oh why, can't all the social activities ofthe year be made the res_ponsibility of oneorganization. The Cap and Gown staff shuddersat the idea of establishing an intelligent editorialpolicy. Were we, however, to advance a feasiblepolicy our first cry would be for a centralizationof responsibility for all our campus parties.Our con ten tion is that the [n terfra ternityCouncil could do admirably with confining theiractivities to the fraternity situation alone.There's plenty to do in that field and thenlet the Social Committee take over the Interfraternity Hall. Oh well it's just anidea .but the success of John Rice withhis committee this year has convinced us thatmaybe this idle (Ir·eain might be workable. w.n.w.Page [05BY SUE ...Ten vears from now when classes are just ableared spot on our campus memory, the parti�sand the fun which we will always remember willstill be going on as they used to be when wewent to them. So let's reminisce a bit on thehigh-notes of '34-'35 and pick out those familiarfaces and scenes of the days when we tried not tobe collegiate . . .The Campus Opener in the way of partiestook the form of a dance at the Alpha Delt housewhich also turned out to be a riotous victorycelebration . . . the defeat of Michigan gavesparkle to eyes that are customarily dulled wit.hdisillusionment whenever Maroon football ISdiscussed. This open house party which wasas inevitably successful as all A.l? parties, �a.deit seem like old home week to VIew the familiarfaces in the stag line. There was ALEC KEHOEgyrating with JANE ELLEN MASON as �asbeen his custom .. much runnmgup and down stairs to the private .rarti�sin every room . . . PHIL WHITE takmg hISduties as Alpha Doodle president seriously bybringing back LORRAINE WATSON to makethe party look official .. VIDIE ELLIOT looking happy now that BILL ELSTON wasback in ChicagoThen came the football games with theirattendant Fraternity Teas which made sufferingin the cold to watch the athletes worth while.Crackling fires were the center of animatedinanities . . . with the sample-size sandwichesand orange pekoe running a close second IIIpopularityAnd what would be a fall quarter without aPsi U Hard Times Party for everyone to workoff his good spirits for the year via costumes . . .the Shoreland Bar was transformed into a denof iniquity before hand by the get-ups of thegallants and their ladies . . . though. JOA_NGUIOU in overalls and a yellow shirt stillmanaged to be charming. Some of the bestcostumed were JOE SIBLEY in a nightshirt. ARCHIE ALLEN as a bonafide hobocomplete with a stick and dirty face . . . ourold pal BETTY HANSEN looking like a beruffled lamp-shade. . but most of the peoplewere sissies and came in comfortable sweaters orcordoroys ..The Chi Psi party which followed closely hadthe usual clubby atmosphere . . . FREDDYLAUERMAN and JIMMY MARKHAM madethe night vibrate with D. K. E. songs whilePage io6they harmonized on the back porchPEGGY TILLINGHAST and MARY JANESTEVENSON had the most difficult timeremembering the names of people they dancedwithThe Deke party after the lIIini game was ahuge success because the brothers faced the factthat their house wasn't big enough for a party,so commandeered the Sherrv Hotel for theevening The gals were· at their best forthe occasion in metal cloth or velvet gownsBART SMITH smoked his first cigarettesince September (training, you know) and gotdizzy from it JAYNE PAULMAN'S bangscaused much admiration THORNTONWILDER and NORM MACLEAN were justlike the rest of the bovs and cut and were cut inon with much aplomb . JAY BERWANGER, with a date, startled everyone mightilyImpressive Moments after the snakedance which closed the party, the lights going offone by one as the Dekes sang "Oh Delta KappaEpsilon".For a change, the Inter-fraternity Ball gavethe customers a good time maybe it wasMILITARY BALL LEADERSLineback, Richardson, Pullen, Moore INTERFRATERNITY BALL LEADERSWomer, Eysell, Solf, de WerlhernWASHINGTON PROM LEADERSSayler, Patterson, Carr, WatsonPage 107because of the dim lights and the elegant flooror Charlie Agnew's orchestra or becauseHELEN DE WERTHERN in bouffant bluetaffeta with WALLY SOLF and GINNY EYSELL in shimmering lace with JOHN WOMER(who wouldn't dance, even after the GrandMarch) were so eye-filling. . Anyhoo, theexuberence which displayed itself in such. spectacles as FRANCES BEZDEK and HANKREESE with BETTY BLISS and HARRYMORRISON leading a crack-the whip betweendances made people glad that they went to theparty . . . and what more could be said?The Interclub Dance was made a successbecause of the place, which was the Hangar ofthe LaSalle Hotel, and the favors . confetti and paper hats were loads of fun . . .MARY JANE STEVENSON and JOHN SHOSTR UM arrived in a groggy state . . . theresult of eating too much spagetti beforehandBesides the new pledges, who includedJUDY PALMER with RALPH BALFANZROSEMARY PREST and BRUCE STEWARTHELEN WEGG and JOHNNY FLINN withPage Io8 JUDY FOX and TOMMY FLINN •.SHIRLEY COMBS and PHIL WHITE, therewere LIZ McCASKY and JOHN STEVENSMOLLY HECHT and HAL JAMES.NYQUIST and the little women in bowsEDITH McCARTHY and LEONARD OLSONGERTRUDE SENN and HENRY LEM-ON BETTY BOOTH and ED SIBLEYANNE PALMER and FRED DEVER-EUX JIM JONES busy with the womenand one unidentified freshman in a tux! .Then, amid much fanfare from NOEL GERSON et al,· came the Washington PromJohn Rice didn't sleep for days he was so busytrying to get people to go . .: . Those as did,reported the Drake and Kay Kyser in fine stvleand the party unequivocably adequateThe thrill of the evening was provided by aradio broadcast where the Big Shots, whom theSmall Shots had come to see, told what theythought of the party . . . fLO CARR, leadingone wing of the Grand March with BILL W ATSON, was introduced as a little girl just coveredwith orchids; so coyly ILO retorted into the mike:"Oh but the party's almost as nice as the flowers!". and BETTY SAYLER attended bv ELLPATTERSON went down in history by ·simplysaying "That's exactly the way I feel" after theannouncer had gushed about her activities . . .Mirror was another excuse for a party at theAlpha Delt house . . . and if you want toknow who was there just read the above namesfor these are the same people that yousaw wherever congeniality reigned . . . whetherit was the Military Ball . . . at the Fandango. . . at Blackfriars . . . or just at the CoffeeShop . . . So YOU go on recalling the ga�scenes which made up our campus social lifeand you too will want to have them once more inthe future instead of the past!Suzanne Richardson in this refreshing articlehas painted the social life of the University lifein the most striking of colors. Writing for theDaily Maroon last year as a society columnist,she has gradually become to be generally knownby her readers merely as Sue. Having a greatIacilit.y at making friends and knowing everybodyon campus, she has been able to give us theseintimate glimpses into the whirl of activities atthe University. It is this side of life on the quadrangles which will always remain in our mind asthe most enjoyable and even perhaps the mostworthwhile. Meeting people-talking with them-dancing with them-breathing into our lifehere a spirit of warm congeniality that is adistinct relief from drab and serious affairs whichhave characterized this particular year at theUniversity. We are grateful to you SueW.D.W.Debate UnionTHE DEBATE COUNCILEVERETT STOREYCLAUDE HAWLEYMARY MAC KENZIEWELLS BURNETTEJOJ-IN STONER Debate ManagerSecretaryProgram Chairma';tPublicity ManagerCoachThe debating season for the fall quarter wasconfined to the period between Novembertwentieth and December tenth. Actual teamwork began immediately. Invitations were received from forensic societies all over the UnitedStates, thirty-three of which were accepted;among them were Northwestern University,A_ nerican University in Washington, D. C.,William and Mary College, University of Hawaii,the University of Missouri, and Stanford Universit v,One of the outstanding debates of the fallqucrter was that with Northwestern held on theUniversity campus December fifth. The questiondiscussed was, Resolved, That the Federalgovernmen_t adopt a policy of equalizing education throughout the several states by means ofgrants in aid for public elementary and secondaryeducation. This debate marked the close of thefall quarter schedule.The Union this year was supervised by a newcoach, Mr. John Stoner, recently of Fort Wavne,Indiana. He has been interested in debate- formore than ten years, and is successor of Dr. S.McKee Rosen of the Political Science Department.The debate season equalled last year's whichwas the most extensive in the history of theUnion, during which the most outstanding eventwas the Oxford Universitv Debate held over aninternational radio network of sixty NBCstations and the British Broadcasting Corporation in England. Other activities includedcontests with Harvard, New York, and DePaul. This year the outstanding work of the TOP ROW-Hawley, Storey, Burnette.FRONT ROW-MacKenzie, Stoner.union was not onlv in the forensic world but alsoin the reorganization of the groups. The unionwas made a center of discussion for campus problems and current events. It sponsored discussions on "The New Pian," "The Displaying ofthe American Flag in the Chapel," and "University Organization." Participants in these discussions wereJohn Barden, Lewis Dexter, MarieBerger, various members of the faculty and ofthe Union. The debate squad was selected bvCoach Stoner and the Council and it representedthe University at all forensic tourneys.The Union, the Squad, and the Counciltogether, are a powerful and influential organization and are most outstanding in leading anddirecting Universit�- thought on Campus andworld affairs.TOP ROW-Messmer, Axelrad, Witherspoon, Lewis.FRONT ROW-Thomas, Kleinschmidt, Coach Stoner, Storey, Burnette.Page 109TOP ROW-Gamble, Schmidt, Johnstone, Hoffer, Adams, Wilson, Breternitz, Barden, Sinkler,Kobak.FRONT ROW-Marschak, Hall, Howard, Protheroe, Korinek, Strong, Alberi, Melander.Freshman Women's CouncilSTUDENT MEMBERSJANE ADAMSMARGARET ALBERlELIZABETH BARDENBEATRICE BOSSENBONNIE BRETERNITZDORIS DAVENPORTEVALINA GAMBLEMARY LETTY GREENBEATRICE HALLJANE HOFFERCHARMEE HOWARDMARY JOHNSTONEPage IIO CELESTE KOBAKMTLADA KORINEKCHARLOTTE MARSCHAKELEANOR MELANDERSARAH PEARLMANFRANCES PROTHEROETEDDY SCHMIDTYVONN E SINKLERSHIRLEY SONDELHELEN STRONGBEATRICE WASHBURNMARGARET WILSON College CouncilFRESHMAN MEMBERSEUZABETH BARDEN HAROLD LABELLEDOlUS DAVENPORT WILLIAM LEWISFRANCES PROTHEllOESOPHOMORE MEMBERSBETTY ELLISJULIAN KISER ROXANA LAMBIEHENRY MILLERThe College Council is a new campus organization, created last Fall quarter by the Board ofWomen's Organizations with the primary purposein mind of working a closer coordination betweenthe freshmen and sophomore students in theCollege. In carrying out its function of thesocial orientation of freshmen and sophomores,the Council has held three dances at Ida Noyes,one evening affair, and two afternoon functi�ns.TOP ROW-Kiser, LaBelle, MillerFRONT ROW-Protheroe, Barden, Carr, Ellis, DavenportTOP ROW-Smith, Palmer, Hartenfeld, Beverly, Balderston, Olson.FRONT ROW-Davis, Vail, Carr, McCarthy, Smith.Settlement BoardThe University of Chicago Settlement Boardhas always been a functioning organization oncampus, but this year the Hoard, through itsefforts, has brought a better understanding of itswork to the student bod y. Tours to the settlement itself have been one method of establishingthis understanding. Groups have also beentaken to Camp Farr, the Settlement camp inIndiana, to discuss various problems and situations which have arisen in the course of the year.The whole emphasis of the work of the Board,however, has shifted this year from campaigningto raise money, to organizing settlement work.This change was evinced by the ambitiousprogram undertaken and carried out by theBoard. Groups of children were brought tocampus where they were entertained as guestsof various fraternities. At Christmas the Boardengaged in one of its annual activities, that ofproviding gifts for the children back of theYards. A tag day was also held.The industry of the Board along these lineshas aroused student interest, and the responseof the student body has been gratifying. Chapel CouncilThe Chapel Council was organized with andhas since maintained the three-fold purpose ofacting first as intermediary between the studentbody and the Chapel, secondly for the purposeof performing guiding and helpful services in theChapel, and finally for meeting as a discussiongroup.This year the Council took an active part inthe Freshman Orientation program by invitingincoming students with their parents and friendsto a vesper service in the Chapel followed by abuffet supper in Ida Noyes where Lorado Tafttalked on "Cultural Opportunities in Chicago."In accordance with the policy of service theCouncil has aided in greeting and ushering in theChapel each Sunday morning during the year,with three members each Sunday having takenactive parts in the actual services, one readingthe lesson, the other two presenting the offering.The discussion meetings of the Council wereheld regularly on Sunday evenings in the hospitable atmosphere of the Gilkey home wherevaluable and stimulating ideas were presentedin an informal and enjoyable fashion.TOP nOW-lnt.Hout, Olmstead, nips, Walker, Berger, Nelson.SF,COND ROW-Matson, Sayler, Smith, Majarakis, Fareed, Walker, Weiss, Hamblcton.FRONT ROW-Graham, Goldthwaite, Olson, McDevitl, McKay, Allen, Morley, Von Poven.Pa ge r t tTOP ROW-Lllsk, Robinson, Benjamin.FRONT ROW-Tragnilz, EllioLL, Frost.Business School CouncilGEORGE BENJAMINEWING LUSKCHARI.OTTE TRAGNITZDORIS FROST PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerPHILLIP DOOLITTLEThe Council conducts two assemblies eachquarter. The most significant discussion of thepast year was the Round Table lead by ProfessorsCox, Meech, and Smith on the subject of "Inflation." A banquet for students in the School ofBusiness was held in the spring in addition to theregular quarterlv dances. Cornad ClubComad Club, an organization composed ofwomen in the School of Business, has widenedits activities to include the weekly afternoonteas formerly given by the student council.These functions will be under the direction ofAllene Tasker, Marian Gentz, and MarionPeterson.The officers of Com ad for the current veal'are Charlotte Tragnitz, president; Doris Frost,vice-president; Shirley Davidson, secretary; Winifred Harter, treasurer.During the past year Comad presented aseries of programs which proved both educationaland entertaining. On November 9, a speakerfrom the Western Electric Company addressedthe club; and on December 14, Mollie RayCarroll of the University Settlement spoke 0;"the place that the trained university woman inbusiness can take in social service. A luncheonfor the facultv was also given in November.The program for the winter quarter includedspeakers from Billings Hospital admitting department and Marshall Field wholesale company,as well as a showing of spring fashions by oneof the loop stores on February 1.On February 15, Comad innovated a jointluncheon with the men of the school, and onFebruary 16 held the annual bridge tea formothers and faculty wives. During the yearIsabel Nelson, Ruth Beck, and Agnes Spinkadrafted a Comad constitution.A luncheon for the alumnae still in the businessschool was given by the organization on April27, which proved to be a successful climax for avear of varied activity.COM AD CLUBTOP ROW-Langworlby, Hopp, Olson, Rayfield, Gaines, Fowler, Fischer.SECOND ROW-Reinhardl, Genlz, Goldman, MacInlyre, Weir, Miller.FRONT ROW-Tasker, Beck, Frost, Tragnitz, Haeree, Lohner, Brown.Page 112Lineback UniversityR. O. T. C.CADET COMMISSIONSROBERT S. LINEBACK, Cadet MajorCADET CAPTAINSFRED FOWKES JOHN PULLENJOSEPH GRIMSHAW WILLIAM SAFRANEKHAROLD HITCHENS GEO. SCHWAEGERMANCOBURN WHITTIERGEORGE BENJAMINJOSEPH BUCHANANCADET FIRST LIEUTENANTSCLAUDE HAWLEYEDWIN IRONSCADET SECOND LIEUTENANTSROBERT ADAIRALEXIS BASINSKIROBERT BETHKECHARLES BUTLERSEYMOUR DEDERHENRY FAIRMANJOHN GIFFORDROBERT HA YTHORNERAYMOND HIRSCHROBERT JOHNSONCAOET OFFICERS BYRON MAGEEFRANK MAHINALLBN MALTMANBEN MANNJAMES MARKHA){D. ELDRIDGE McBRIDEWALTER SCHWEDERILEY SUNDERLANDROBERT WAREWILLIAM WEAVER VanceREGULAR OFFICERSPRESTON T. VANCEMajor, Field Artillery, United States Army;Chairman of the Department of Military Scienceand Tactics; Instructor, School of Fire, FieldArtillery, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, 1918; AssistantProfessor of Military Science and Tactics, TheUniversity of Chicago, 19l9-1923; Instructor,Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.HENRY W. HOLTCaptain, Field Artillery, U. S. Army; AssistantProfessor of Military Science and Tactics; Assistant Professor of Military Science, Virginia Military Institute, 1924-1928; Instructor, West PointMilitary Academy, 1929-1934.ALFRED L. PRIC EFirst Lieutenant, Field Artillery, U. S. Army;Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics; Second Lieutenant, 20th Infantry, FortSam Houston, Texas to June 1923; transferredto Field Artillery; Second Lieutenant, 15th F. A.Fort Sam Houston, Texas to May 1925; 8th F. A.TOP ROW-Basinski, Benjamin, Safranek, Fowkes, Hitchens, Irons, Rich.FRONT ROW-Grimshaw, Whittier, Lineback, Schwaegerman, Pullen.Page I T3HOLT VANCE PRICEThe first professor of Military Science andTactics was installed at the request of the University in January of 1917, six months after theCongressional authorization of the R. O. T. C.In the next few months preceeding the entranceof the United States into the World War, ProfessorOla Bell, major of cavalry, built up a cadet unitof 550 students in accordance with the policiesof the war department for the purpose of trainingmen as officers for the Officers Reserve Corps.The war brought the substitution of the ReserveOfficers Training Corps by the Student ArmyTraining Corps which was filled by drafts uponthe student body.After peace was declared, the R. O. T. C. wascontinued with the same purpose of trainingReserve Officers. A similar purpose exists today in the department under Preston T. Vance,Major of Field Artillery. This year, the Major'ssecond in his present capacity, marked the firstopportunity for the adoption of his policies,narnelv the better regulation of entrance requirements as wcll as the reorganization of materialin the courses offered.In order to allow prospective Reserve Officerstraining in command, the students of the department are organized into a unit officered by cadetsappointed by Major Vance on the basis of merit.Robert Lineback was the commanding officer ofthe unit this vear, possessing the title of major.The battallion adjutant's position was filledduring the first quarter by George Schwaegermanand during the remainder of the year by CoburnWhittier. [n addition to the academic pursuitsrelative to the branch offered at the University,the unit participated in or cooperated with suchactivities as the Military Circus, the MilitaryBall, the pistol and polo teams, and the Fandango.The unit was again awarded the distinctiveinsignia Ior excellence at an inspection held inthe Spring quarter of 1934. This honor, wonfor five consecutive years, permits all membersof the uni t to wear the blue star insignia.Students of the Field Artillery unit aremembers of either the basic or of the advancedcorps. After completion of the advanced course,commissions in the O. R. C. are given to allgraduates. At convocation this Spring, commissions or certificates of commission after theattainment of the age of majority will be givento the following men:ALEXIS BASINSKIGEORGE BENJAMINFRED FOWKESJOSEPH GRIMSHAWHAROLD HITCHENS EDWIN IRONSROBERT LINEBACKJOHN PULLENWILLIAM SAFRANEKDANIEL STOKClaude Hawley and Howard Rich will bepresented with certificates of commission uponthe completion of the summer camp course inJuly of this year. George Schwaegerman wascommissioned at the Fall quarter convocationthis year.GUN I)RILLPage II4f f' "1:'''1''of �" f.. " �' ;:t.' ,i', -. . -:,' ",' .�, . . ,\ " "s: • .. ... �ItI �'.. fir '. '.... �_ '€ ', _� -4 4� � .�._ �.� �"""� .. jt,_� .ADVANCED COURSETOP ROW-Fairman, Mahin, McBride, Sunderland, Butler, Gifford, Schwede, Weaver.BOTTOM ROW-Basinski, Devereaux, Mann, Markham, Maltman, Hirsch, Bethke.These embryo officers, in addition to the fouryears of academic work prescribed, participatedin the renewed six week period at Camp McCoy,field artillery post. With the use of the Frenchseventy-five millimeter gun, the weapon of lightfield artillery, practical training in reconnaissance,preparation of firing data, conduct of fire, andthe organization of the battery was given.In their senior year, these men studied thetactics of related units, and military law, historyand policy. The military history course wasgiven a semi-practical touch with the organization of a moot military court-martial.An unusually large junior class used theField Artillery Trainer this past year in preparation for their camp duties this summer. TheTrainer is a light mechanism propelling a oneinch ball bearing with a twenty-two blankpowder charge and offers experience in observation of fire comparable to the use of the thirtyseven millimeter projectile which is often usedon army ranges in place of seventy-fives.Students in the basic corps are trained inmilitary fundamentals, elementary gunnary, map reading and communications, equitation, andtransport to prepare them for their advancedwork. As mentioned before, this year's freshmen registration was limited to' students ofability who entertained desires to complete thetwo courses, advanced and basic. This policywill undoubtedly prevail with the next Fallregistration.The University has, in the past years, maintained a medical course in addition to that offield artillery in order to provide Reserve MedicalOfficers. This branch has been discontinued bythe war department, however, and this year'sgraduates will be the last to receive commissionsas medical reserve officers:ELI BARKONERNEST DAYTHOMAS DORRANCEHOWARD HAMILTONThe following havecourse during the year.SAMUEL GREENBERGTHOS. GRISAMORE, JR. BERT NELSON, JR.ROBERT RANQUISTJOHN REIGEREDWIN TELLMANalready completed theThey are:SA�iuEL GRAUMAN, JR.FRANK RUBOVITS, JR.MOUNTED DRILLPage 1 [5- ---....:._-�-==-4- �.IV'--.;.� • • •• • •• • • • • •HONOR SOCIETIES• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •Nu Pi SigmaEVELYN CARRHELEN DE W ERTHERNVIRGINIA EYSELLCATHERINE HOFFERELEANORE LANDONMARY ELIZABETH MCKAYBETTYANN NELSONSUE RICHARDSONELIZABETH SAYLERNu Pi Sigma is the honor society for senior womenPage II8Owl and SerpentTHOMAS FLINNDANIEL GLOMSETCHARLES W. GREENLEAFHOWARD P. HUDSONSIDNEY HYMAN _DAVID H. KUTNERWILLIAM SENN O'DONNELLELLMORE CLARK PATTERSON, JR.JOHN RICEBARTON L. SMITHCHARLES E. S])IITHWALDEMAR'A. SOLFWILLIAM D. WATSONPHILIP C. WHITEJOHN R. WOMEROwl and Serpent is the honor society for senior men.Page II9Iron MaskJAY BERWANGERMERRITT BUSHROD CHAPINROBERT DEEMROBERT EBERTJOHN FLINNHOWARD GOTTSCHALKWILLIAM HAARLOWCHARLES HOERRNORMAN HOWARDCONNOR LAIRDWILLIAM LANGNORMAN MASTERSONRALPH NICHOLSON- GORDON PETERSENHOWARD SCHULTZRAINWATER WELLSROBERT WILSONIron Mask is the honor society for Junior MenPage I20Skull and CrescentG. STUART ABELPAUL ARCHIPLEYEDWARD BARTLETTJOHN BEALROBERT BETHKEN ORMAN BICKELDONALD ELLIOTTOMAR FARE EDJUAN HOMSPRESCOTT JORDAN, JR.THOMAS KARATZJULIAN KISERDAVID LE FEVREHARMON MEIGSHENRY MILLERSHELBY P ASMOREDEAN PHEMISTERWILLIAM RUNYANADOLPH SCHUESSLERFLOYD STAUFFERMELVIN DRYJACK WEBSTERCLARENCE WRIGHTROBERT YOUNGSkull and Crescent is the honor society for Sophomore menPage 121Phi Beta KappaBETA OF ILLINOIS CHAPTERTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIXTH CONVOCATIONBEATRICE ACHTENBERGABRAHAM AIDENOFFLORNA MARGARET ALFREDCHARLES DARWIN ANDERSENRAYMOND PAUL ANNESINES ASHER .ROBERT JAMES ASKEVOLDDOMINIC JOSEPH BERNARDIROBERT JOHNSON BONNERBORGHILD MARIE BRAAFLADTEDGAR LEWIS BURTISCLARENCE LOUIS CADEALBERT HOWARD CARTERELISABETH EDWARDS CASONHAROLD ALFRED COHNHERMAN JEROME DEKoVENKENNETH DEMBHAROLD HARRY DUBNEREFFIE MATILDA ECKLUNDSHIRLEY JUDITH EICHENBAUMMARY ELLISON RUTH LEILA FISHERTHOMAS EUGENE FOSTERGERTRUDE FoxMERTON MAX GILLARTHUR FRANK GOEINGSEYMOUR GOLDBERGMELVIN LESTER GOLDMANCORNELIA GOUWENSHOBART WILSON GUNNINGLEONARD RAYMOND HARTENFELDTHADENE HAYWORTHLOIS COOPER HOLZWORTHSTANLEY FRANCIS JASTRE·JANET ROSALIE KALVENSYLVIA VILMA KATZMARION FRANCES KEANEROWLAND LEIGH KELLYHENRY DAVID LEDERERANNE LEVELSBETH HOYER LOCHNERPEARL MORSON JOHN GOUDEY N EUKOMEDWARD ALFRED NORDHAUSELDER JAMES OLSONROBERT HOWISON OVERSTREETMARION ANETA PEDERSENRICHARD DOWNING PETTITLOUISE AMABEL PFLASTERERHERBERT PORTESEDITH ROSENFELSLEON HARRY SEIDMANHERMAN M. SEROTAWILLIAM LOYAL SIMPSONEVELYN SIRISJAMES SYDNEY SLOTKINMALCOLM FINLAY SMILEYWENDELL ALBERT SMITHMARY EDNA STONERPAUL WINSLOW STUTSMANFRANK MEREDITH V AN ETTENKRISTEN VENNESLANDLORRAINE WATSONTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVENTH CONVOCATIONNo MEMBERS ELECTEDTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONVOCATIONJOHN DEINHART ABRAHAMSONMARY K. ASCHERIRIS BAILLIEUL AYLENHOWARD DELLINGER BAKERJANE MARGARET BICKFORDSIDNEY JOSEPH CIRCLESAIMA HELENA CROFTS ALICE FRADMARTHA HENDERSON GROSSROBERT JOSEPH HASTERLIKGORDON EDWIN HOWARDEMANUEL MARCUSDAVID ALLAN MCCAULAYHELEN LOUISE MORGAN HAROLD GEORGE PETERINGVIVA LASSIE RAINEYCELIA ROSENZWEIGARNOLD EDWARD SCHULZERICKER VAN METRE, JR.JEROME SOLOMON W ALDGIDEON ROBBINS WELLSTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINTH CONVOCATIONJULIUS FRANKLIN BOSENHAROLD ALEXANDER ERICKSONJACOB GOLDFLORENCE FRANCES GREENBERGROBERT EDMOND GREGG ROLLAND FRANCIS HATFIELD, JR.MARIE MORRISON HUGHESEVELYN WALLACE JAFFRAYALFRED DESIRE KIFFERMARVIN LASERLESLIE LIEBER HOWARD RAYMOND MOLTONVIRGINIA NICHOLAS PLATTALMA MARGARETHE STOELKEJOSEPH CLARENCE VARKALAALVIN ZIMMERMANMembers are elected to Phi Beta Kappa on nomination by the University for especial distinction in generalscholarship in the Universitv.Page 122Kappa AlphaFACULTY MEMBERSP. S. ALLENSIR WILLIAM CRAIGIEROBERT M. HUTCHINSROBERT M. LOVETTJOHN M. MANLYWILLIAM E. SCOTTGEORGE SHERBURNTHORNTON WILDERSTUDENT MEMBERSROBERT EBERTNOEL B. GERSONHOWARD P. HUDSONRALPH W. NICHOLSONCHARLES TYROLER, II.ROBERT STORERPHILIP C. WHITEKappa Alpha is a national literary honor society.Page 123Sigma XiBETA OF ILLINOIS CHAPTERTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIXTH CONVOCATIONLUIS W. ALVAREZJAMES M. BENADEROBERT M. COLEDAVID F. COSTELLOEVA G. DONELSONHAROLD L. GELSULYS R. GORE EDWARD L. HAENISCHKARL C. HAMNERLEO HORVITZDAVID S. HSIUNGGEORGE D. HUDSONLOUIS E. JAFFEJOHN F. LOCKEWILLIAM B. -MATHER RUFUS H. MOORECHARLES E. OLMSTEDWALTER S. PHILLIPSHAROLD J. PLUMLEYFREDRICK H. ROBERTSGUST W. SCHIMPFFPAUL E. WENAASTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVENTH CONVOCATIONNo MEMBERS ELECTEDTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONVOCATIONNo MEMBERS ELECTEDTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINTH CONVOCATIONMEYER S. AGRUSSTHEOD6RE N. ASKOUNESSIMON H. BAUERBERGET H. BLOCKSOM, JR.JOHN I. BREWERLUDVIG G. BROWNMANMIRIAM G. BUCKEZRA J. CAMPIPING CHAOJOSEPH A. CHENICEKBEN CHINNJOHN H. CLEMENTSABRAHAM DOKTORSKYPHILIP J. EHMAN GERTRUDE EVANSEDWIN S. FETCHER, JR.JOHN P. GRIESFREDERIC T. GURNEYJOHN F. HAMMONDPAUL J. HARTSUCHHENRY C. HESSELTINEJOHN A. HINCKLEY, JR.JACK L. HOUGHMABEL G. HUMPHREYSYIH-TONG KuCLAYTON G. LOOSLIROBERT I. MARTENS MURRAY C. McNABJAMES A. MILLER, JR.ALAN E. PIERCESAMUEL S. PLATTJOHN H. PROVINSECONRAD E. RONNEBERGDANIEL W. STANGEREDWARD H. STEVENSFAITH STONEJOSEPH STRITARSOL TAXSIDNEY WEINHOUSELEE R. WILCOXWALTER J. WYATTMembers are elected to Sigma Xi on nomination of the Departments of Science for evidence of ability inresearch work in Science.Page I24Sigma XiASSOCIATE MEMBERSTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIXTH CONVOCATIONMELVIN AVRAMIRALPH B. BOWERSOXLELAND BURKHARTSTEVEN S. CERWINSIU-HUNG CHAOGEORGE C. COMSTOCKCHRISTIAN C. CROSSMANRAYMOND B. DULL PHILIP J. EHMANWILLIAM W. FARLEY, IIIMICHAEL FERENCE, JR.MARK S. FREDFLORENCE M. HAWLEYBERTRAM D. KRIBBENJOHN A. LANDWEHR EDWARD C. LEEROBERT I. MARTENSJOHN C. MCGREGORFRANCIS H. NADIGEWALD C. PIETSCHCHARLES H. QUIBELLJOHN M. SCHNEIDERTHOMAS L. WILSONTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVENTH CONVOCATIONNo MEMBERS ELECTEDTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONVOCATIONNo MEMBERS ELECTEDTHE ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINTH CONVOCATIONAARON M. ALTSCHULROBERT W. BECKEVERETT F. CARMANSHENG-LIN CHUDONALD COLLIERJOHN F. EMBREEMARTELL M. GLADSTONECARL L. HORBERGJESSE D. JENNINGSMARTIN D. KAMENELIZABETH F. KEITHAN MADELINE D. KNEBERGEDWIN H. LENNETTEWAYNE F. LIVENGOODMARSHALL T. NEWMANHENRY S. PERDUEDUREY H. PETERSONJOSEPH RADOVSKYDAVID M. RITTERHAROLD M. SCHOLBERGPAUL SELIGMANN ESTHER SHERWOODDONALD K. SNOWEDWARD H. SPICERFENTON V. STEARNSLEON STERNFELDLEAH I. STEVENSDONALD W. STONEBIRGIT VENNESLANDHAROLD E. VOIGTIRMA WAGNEREDMUND N . WALSHAssociate Members are elected to Sigma Xi for evidence of promise of ability in research work in Science.Page I25TOP ROW-William Weaver, Roberl Lineback, Edwin Irons, Roberl Bethke, Joseph Grimshaw.FHONT ROW-George Benjamin, Fred Fowkes, Coburn Whillier, Raymond Hirsch, CharlesButler.Crossed CannonROBERT ADAIRGEORGE BENJAMINROBERT BETHKECHARLES BUTLERFRED FOWKESJOSEPH GRIMSHAWRA YMOND HIRSCHEDWIN IRONSROBERT LINEBACKJOHN PULLENWILLIAM WEAVERCOBURN WHITTIERCrossed Cannon is the Honorary Militarv Society at the University. Included in its membership of twelve,are the officers of the cadet staff who have shown marked ability in Military Science and have the qualitiesof an officer and a gentleman.Page 126Order of the CoifMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYHARRY AUGUSTUS BIGELOWGEORGE GLEASON BOGERTWILLIAM LESTER EAGLETONCHARLES OSCAR GREGORYEDWARD WILCOX HINTONWILBER G. KATZARTHUR HAROLD KENTERNST WILFRED PUTTKAMMERKENNETH CRADDOCK SEARSMALCOI.M PITMAN SHARPDONALD SLESINGERSHELDON TEFFTCLASS OF 1934NEWELL A. CLAPPGEORGE EDWARD McMURRAYJAMES WILLIAM MOOREMERWIN S. ROSENBERGPage I27• • •• • •• • • • • •FRATERNITIES• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •TOP ROW�George, Glomset, Kutner.BOTTOM ROW�Womer, Solf.JOHN WOMER, ChairmanEVERETT GEORGEDANIEL GLOMSET DA VID KUTNERWALDEYlAR SOLF, Sec.In contrast to preceding committees, theIuterfraternitv Executive Committee for 1934-193,5 has made considerable progress in effectinga strong and active agency for Inter-fraternityCo-operation, and improving the conditions offraternities as a whole and as individual socialgroups on the campus.Previous committees have confined theirefforts largely to dealing with the scandalsassociated with the rushing situation and spendinghour upon hour discussing alleged or possibleviolations to the very troublesome rushing rules.For the first time since deferred rushing wasadopted the rushing season was conducted as amere matter of fact with onlv a minimum ofhysteria. As its major program the Committeesought to confine its efforts to the more constructive task of improving the commissary conditionsof the houses and improving if possible the calibreof future pledge classes.The origination and installation of the Fra-Page 130 Interfraternity Councilterni t�� Co-operative Purchasing Agency into anefficient and workable unit was the first, andperhaps the most important contribution of thisyear's committee. It had an encouraging inauguration and before long the mistakes and difficultieswere ironed out and in the course of the vear the'agency sa tisfied a great I y desired and long awaitedneed.Another important contribution of the InterIr a terrri tv Committee was the inauguration ofthe Leaders for '39 Campaign. This activityfound its inception in a drive started b� theCommittee as part of the program of the GreekCouncil under the direction of Glen Harding.When the Greek Council plan was abandoned,the Interfraternity Committee continued theprogram and enlarged it until it was taken overas an all campus campaign to improve the classof '39. Thc Committee in the course of the yearhas continued to co-operate with the movement,giving valuable suggestions and aid to the students interested in furthering the campaign.In addition to these definite innovations theCommittee presented the annual InterfraternityBall at (he Lake Shore Athletic Club with CharlieAgnew's Orchestra. Campus opinion has ratedthe ball as one of the finest parties of the year,financially as well as socially.The Committee sought to represent the longunexpressed will of the fraternities and for thefirst time polled the chapters on their attitudetoward deferred rushing. Armed with an overwhelming vote against the continuation of thepresent system, the Committee drew up newplans, and during the Spring quarter carried onan extensive campaign to modify in some way thepresen t si tua tion,It is hoped that the Committee which willsupervise Interfraternity affairs in 193.5-1936will continue and build upon the plans that havegained recogruuon this year. The inherentweakness of the Interfraternity Committee systemis that its effectiveness is almost entirely a function of the personnel. The ambitious pt'ogramof this year cannot succeed or ha ve any permanentsignificance unless next year's Committee carrieson en thusiasrically.ARTHUR G. BOVEEE. V. L. BROWNEDGAR J. GOODSPEEDCHARLES O. GREGOnyKARL L. A D.UfSJOHN W. AULDJOHN G. BALLENGERROBERT H. BETHKEWILLIAM N. BEVERLYALLARD A. BRADDOCKPHILIP R. CLAHKEFRED L. DEVEREUXJOHN F. DIL1�EHARVEY G. ELLERDWILLIAM H. ELSTONDEXTER FAIRBANKEDWARD E. ALTJOHN M. CLARKWALTER G. ECKERSALLRA Y M. ELLINWOODGRAHAM FAIRBANK Alpha Delta PhiFounded atHAM ILTON COLLEGE1832Chartered atU�lVERSITY OF CHICAGOL896FACULTY COU�\lCJLORM EM BEHS IN THE FACULTYSA)IUEL N. HARPERD. B. J IOLBIlOOKROBERT M. HUTCIIINSGORDON J. LAINGJAl\IES W. LlNNMEM BEHS IN THE UNIVERSlTYWILSON P. GRAHA1UWILBUR A. GUOEBEJAMES B. HANDYDANIEL A. HEINDEL.JUAN P. HOMSFlUNK A. HUGHESALEXANDEH G. KEHOEROBERT F. McINTOSHJAMES W. MELVILLECHARLES W. MERRIFIELDJOHN G. MORRISLEONARD K. OLSENPLEDGESCHARLES D. FREYCHARLES E. HoyLLOYD JAMESARNOLD T. PHILLlPS JAMES WEBER LINNA. C. McLAUGHLINFEIlDINAND SCHEVILLROGER T. VAUGHANTHORNTON WILDEHWILLIAl\[ A. RUNYANDANIEL C. SMITHH.ICHARD T. SMITHSAMUEL B. STEWAHTDAVID T. VA UGHNROBERT R. WAREWILLIAM H. WEAVERJOliN W. WEBSTERPHILlP C. WHITEROBERT S. WHITLOWCHARLES S. WILSON.Lul ES R. WILSONHARLEY W. SHAVERRICHARD R. SMITHRALPH M. SPRINGERWILLARD C. VAN ETTENRICHARD WASEMTOP ROW-Springer, Frey, Alt, B. Smith, Phillips, G. Fairbank, Hoy, Vaughn, Devereux,D. Smith, Shaver, Wasem, Eckersall, Clark, Van Ellen.SECOND ROW_:'_Weaver, Morris, R. Smith, Ellerd, Adams, Beverly, Bethke, Webster, Clarke,Melville, Runyan, Handy, Olsen, Ware.FRONT ROW-Hughes, Hooker, Elston, Stewart, While, Dille, J. Wilson, Braddock, Kehoe.Page I3IFounded atYALE COLLEGE]84·5Alpha Sigma PhiCharler-ed atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1898FACULTY COUNCILORADOLPH C. NOEMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYHENRY C. COWLES BRUCE DICKSONKURT B. LA VES ADOLPH C. NOEMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYCHARLES ASHERALEX BASINSKIANDREW J. BRISLEl'"CHARLES HALLMANMARTIN HANLEYWILDER R. HANSESROLLAND F. HATFIELD EDWARD L. HILTONGEORGE LUNTERJAMES E. McBEANSTANLEY MARYNOWSKIJOHN .I. MILLERGEORGE NOVAK RAY POKELAALBERT RUUDFRANK E. SCHMI DLADDIE STOLFAEDWIN R. TYKWALTER VOLKEHOWARD VOSSPLEDGESPAUL AMUNDSENMILES BROUSIL AI,J)EN LOOSLl .FIUNK MANClNALOUIS F. PERRYTOP ROW-Voss, Perry, Amundsen, Novak, Ruud, Lunter.FRONT ROW-Hanses, Basinski, Asher, Tyk, Hatfield, Hanley, Schmid.Page 132Alpha Tau OmegaFounded atVIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE1865Chartered atUN1VERSITY OF CIlICAGO]904ALBERT W. PALMER:FACULTY COUNCILORARTHUR n. C0)1PTON ALBERT W. PALMERMEMBERS IN TIlE FACULTYLEWIS C. SORHEL�'v[EMBERS IN THE UNIVERSJTYOWEN BEliGEDWARD HLu)IEWAYNE CASSLEPHILIP CLARKGERHIT DANGRE)TUNUHAYMOND DUNNE RICHARD EAGLETONROBERT KESNERLEONAHn LAIRDRALPH LEWISHOWARD MAUTHEDAVTD MINARDPLEDGESEn WARD BUCHERMURHAY CHILTON FRANCIS KllAMEH JOSEI'll MURPHYARNOLD SCHUUEKENDRICK SMlTHROBERT STEWARTMlLTON TRYONRUSSELl" WELI3RONWILLIAM SNEADGEORGE TnENAHYTOP ROW-Cassie, Bucher, Eagleton, Kesner, Mauthe, Schulze, Snead, Tryon.FRONT ROW-Trenary, Stewart, Berg, Dunne, Murphy, Welbron, Kramer.Page 133Beta Theta PiFounded atMIAMI UNIVERSITY1839Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1894FACULTY COUNCILORNORMAN MACLEANMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYMERLE C. COULTER NORMAN F. MACLEANALFRED PRICE HERBERT E. SLAUGHTMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYHORACE BRIDGESROBERT GREENWOODA. PAUL HEINECK RICHARD NELSONWILLIAM PARDRIOGE DAVID SPEERJOSEPH STOLARGRIFFITH P. TAYLORPLEDGESWINSTON ASHLEYGEORGE BROWNINGROBERT RRUMBA UGHGEORGE BURKEJOHN DARLINGGENE DAVIS ROBERT LA WRASOKLAMBERT MAGUIREJAMES MAJARAKISJOHN MATTMJLLERRALPH NIEMEYERQUENTIN OGREN GEORGE SPEERTHOMAS STA UFFEREARL STEPHENSOKALFONS Trr-sausJA)\IES WALTERSJOSEPH WITHERSPOONTOP ROW-G. Speer, Stephenson, Witherspoon, Greenwood, Majarakis, Ogren, Browning,Brumbaugh, Walters, Niemeyer, Burke, Ashley.FRONT ROW-D. Speer, Stauffer, Davis, Heineck, Bridges, Stolar, Lawrason, Taylor.Page I34FRED M. BARROWSCHARLES M. CHILDJOHN H. ABRAHAMSTHOMAS J. BEVANEDWARD T. BRYANTGEORGE DONOGHUECHARLES N. FINSONSTANLEY W. HAYESCHARLES F. JOHNSONCATESBY T. JONESJOHN M. KATESCECIL L. BOTHWELLLAMONT COLEMARSHALL DAZEYANDREW E. GROSSMAN Chi PsiFounded atUNION COLLEGE1841Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1898FACULTY COUNCILORWALTER PAYNEMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYCLARK W. FINNERUDRICHARD C. GAMBLEJOHN M. MANLYMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYGEORGE P. KENDALLRAYMOND M. LAHRRoy L. LARSONEDWARD LIEDTKERICHARD LINDENBERGPAUL L. LUCKHARDTDONALD F. MORRISJAMES E. OLSONPLEDGESHIRAM L. KENNICOTTROBERT MAYCODY PFANSTlEHLWILLIAM RossHENRY SETZER WALTER PAYNEWILLIAM W. WATSO!\"• LLOYD POWERSTHOMAS N. RILEYROBERT L. SCHMITZH�RMAN B. SCHULZALBERT A. TEN EYCKGENE THOMPSONWILLIAM K. TRAYNORTnmfAs S. TURNERJOSEPH W. STEPHENSONHARLOW SMYTHWILLIAM TANCIGROBERT ULBRICHWOODROW W. WILSONTOP ROW-Brown, Olson, Tancig, Wilson, Cole, Ross, Stephenson, Dazey, Smyth, Schulz.SECOND ROW-Henning, Johnson, Lahr, Kennicott , Grossmann, Pfanstiehl, Bryant, Powers,Bothwell, Setzer.FRONT ROW-Riley, Abrahams, Kendall, Jocelyn, Turner, Traynor, Schmitz, Bevan, Luckhardt, Finson, Morris.Page I35Delta Kappa EpsilonFounded atYALE UNIVERSlTY1844Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1893FACULTY COUNCILORWELLINGTON D. JONESDONALD P. ABBOTTGILBERT A. BussCARL BUCKF. N. FREEMANGEORGE S. ABELAMI F. ALLEN, IVSTEPHEN S. BARA TJOHN P. BARDEN, JR.EDWARD M. BARTLETTJOHN M. BEALLLOYD M. BOSHHENRY W. CUTTERROBEllT B. DEEMCHARLES T. DWYERROBERT II. EBERTO",IAR J. :FAREEDWARD AT,BERTROBERT B. ANDERSONRUSSELL R. CHAMBERSROBERT E. COSACK MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYEDWIN B. FROSTHENRY GOIWON GAI,EEl,MEI{ KENYON PRESTON K YESWELLINGTON JONESCHARLES 1:1. J ODDFRANK McNAIRMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYMERLE GILES FRED T. LAOERMAN JOHN H. SCIIUL'I'ZJOHN S. GORDON HIRAM A. LEWIS, JR. .JOlIN K SCRUBYSAMUEL C. HAIR BEN E. MANN II EDWARD F. SKINNERDAVID J. HARRIS JAMES M. MARKHAM BARTON L. SMITHKEITH E. HATTER BARTLETT PETERSEN RAVONE SMITIIALAN F. Ilooi- GORDON C. PETERSEN EDWARD THOMPSONDONALD H. HOWARD DEAN B. PHEMISTER CHARLES TYROLER, II'HARTLEY HOWARD JACK E. REYNOI,DS DANIEL J. WALSHNORMAN J. HOWARD ROBEUT L. RICE WnLTAM D. WATSONJAMES V. JONES WILLIAM F. SCHROEDER,HI DANA F. WILSONPRESCOTT JORDAN, Jn. WARREN G. SKONING HARRY D. WILSONSA",WEL P. WHlTESIDE, JR.PLEDGESJOHN R. DIVER W.UIN HATTEUROBERT E. FITZGERALD HAROLD E. LABELLEARTHUR A. GOES, JR. HERBERT F. LARSON ROBERT E. MILLERKENDALL C. PETERSENNELSON THOMASTOP ROW-Skoning, Anderson, Miller, Phemister, Beal, Hoop, K. Petersen, Chambers, Goes,Diver.TIHRD ROW-Jordan, Abel, N. Howard, Cusack, D. Howard, Baral, Lewis, J<.tzgerald,Wilson, Albert, Farced, Bartlett, Cutter, Whiteside.SECOND ROW-LaBelle, Lauerman, R. Smith, Giles, Thompson, Allen, Skinner, G. Petersen,Bush, .Jones, Gordon, W. Haller, Larson, H. Howard.FRONT ROW-Mann, Hair, Ebert, Markham, B. Smith, Watson, B. Petersen, Walsh, Barden,K. Halter, Dwyer.Page I36FRED L. ADAIRPHILIP S. ALLENCHAHLTON T. BECKFA Y ·COOPER COLEJOHN H. COVERPA VL H. DOUGLASEARL W. ENGLISHRICHARD ADAIRROBERT ADAIRHUGO ANDERSONJOHN O. BAUGHERRANDOLPH BEANRICHAHD BECKGEORGE DAVENPORTRAYMOND EVANSWILLlA){ HUHSEN Delta UpsilonFounded atWILLIAMS COLLEGE1834Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1901FACULTY COUNCILORSBERTHAM NELSON FAy·COOPER COLEHARVEY B. LEMONMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYCHARLES W. GILKEYWILLIS K GOUWENSKARL HOLZINGERHILGAR JENKINSTHOMAS JENKINSSIMEON LEI_AND HARVEY LE�IONLYNDON LESCHROBERT LOVETTG. L. Mc W ORTHERHERVEY MALLORYWaLl AM MATHERMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYRUSSELL CoxPAUL H. DAVIS, JR.JOHN GIFFORDJOSEPH GRIMSHAWQUINTIN JOHNSTONEHENRY LAWRIE HENRY LEMONWILLIAM LESTERROBERT LINEBACKPAUL MAYNARDROBERT MILOW EDWIN MILLERJOHN F. MOULDSBERTRAM NELSONWU,BUR POSTHENRY W. PRESCOTTCONYERS READGEORGE A. WORKSJOHN MOULTONEARL SAPPINGTONRICHARD SCHLESINGERJOHN SHALLENBERGERROBERTSHALLENBERGEHOTTO SINDELARSPENCER IRONSROBERT JANESKARL JANITZKY PLEDGESELDRIDGE McBRIDE JOHN MALLOYFRANK MAHIN FRED NIXONEDWIN MARTZ FLETCHER TAYLOR RICHARD WICKUMTOP ROW-Davis, Gifford, Johnstone, Janitzky, Bean, Robert Adair, Evans, Taylor.THIRD ROW-Grimshaw, Cox, Nixon, Irons, Lemon, Martz.SECOND ROW-Schlesinger, Shallenberger, J., Shallenberger, R., Baugher, Maynard,Richard Adair.FRONT ROW-Wickum, Janes, Hursonn, Malloy.Page 137Kappa NuFounder! atUNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER1911Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1921FACULTY COUNCILORE. L. MINTSMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYPHILIP ABRAMSIRWIN ASKOWMAX DAVIDSONALBERT DORFMA NGEORGE I<'ACTOR JAMES GOLDZALMON GOLDSMITHHERBERT [SRAELSTAMJAMES KASOAN ROBERT KEATS11 ERMAN ODEI�LPHILIP RossBERNARD SARNATALVIN WEINSTEINPLEDGESJOSEPH BLACKMANALBERT COOPERZELMAN DWORKIN FRED GROSSJOSEPH KRUEGERMANDEL SILVERMANEMANUEL SOLOS JEROME SOLOMONJEROME STERLINGELIHU WEISSTOP ROW-Silverman, Solomon, Askow, Krueger, Weiss, Ross, Blackman, Kasdan, Gross,Cooper.FRONT ROW-GoldsmiLh, Keats, Abrams, Weinstein, Gold, Dorfman, IsraelsLam, Odell,Davidson.Page I38Kappa SigmaFounded atUNTVEHSlTY OF VIRGTNIA1869Chartered atUNJVEHSITY OF CH [CAGO1904FACULTY COUNCILORJAMES L. PALMERG. W. R-\RTELilrEZEDWARD A. DUOOY MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYL. C. M. HANSONC. PIHLIP MILLER JAMES L. PALMERW. A. THOMASERNST B,\lROTHOMAS BARTONJOHN H. BOOFISHROGER BOYLAN"WELLS D. BURNETTE MEMBERS IN THE UNIVERS1TYRALPH EARLANDSONDAN GLOMSETHOWARD P. HUDSONASHLEY OFFILLJOHN ROWEGEORGE SCHAEFFER JAMES SNYDERALLEN WALTERSFLOYD WEINANDDEWITT WORCESTERJAMES WRIGHTDICK ANDERSONEDGAR L. BALLOUBRYSON BURNHAMFRANCIS CALLAHAN PLEDGESROBERT EMMETFRANK EVANSROBERT FINWALO JAMES MICHNAFUED NEWMANEDWARD OPPEUl\IANWILLIAM ZOPF•TOP ROW-Hawley, Offill, Newman, Snyder, Glomset, Anderson, Callahan, Burnette, Evans,Wright.MIDDLE ROW-Burnham, Finwald, Bodfish, Hudson, Weinand, Wallers, Zopf, Rowe.FRONT ROW-Pelersen, Ballou, Michma, Emmell, Worchesler, Opperman.Page I39Founded atBOSTON UNIVERSITY1909Lambda Chi AlphaChartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1920FACULTY COUNCILORF. A. KINGSBURYMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYSAMUEL K. ALLISON Dl)NALD BOND FORREST A. KINGSBURYMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYWILLIAM BERZINSKYEUGENE BLATTERA. CAMERON DYSTRUPROBERT G. HARROPEDWARD KOMINEK PHILIP McMANUSJAMES NEBEL.T. ROBERT NEBELVERNON PETTERSONFORREST RICHARDSON DONALD SALTZMANCARL SKAUDAN STOKFRED TISDELEDWARD WILLIAl\ISPLEDGESFRED KLEIN BARTHOLOMEW MAINAWILLIS SCHAEFER JOSEPH STUCKERTOP ROW-Dysl.�up, Berzinsky, Klein, Tisdel, Petterson, Schaefer, Harrop, Maina, Winning.FRONT ROW-RIchardson, J. Robert Nebel, James Nebel, Sk au, Williams, Saltzman,McManus.Page I40Phi Beta DeltaFounded atCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITY1903Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1921FACULTY COUNCILORMARSHALL M. KNAPPENMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYMARSHALL M. KNAPPEN SAMUEL H. NERLOVETHEODORE J. BLOCHABE BRAUDEHERZL COHENALEX FRANKELJOEL HERRONSOL JAFFEWILMER KAYELESLIE KESSEl"BERNARD KLEIN MEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYLA WRENCE MANNALLAN MARVERCURTIS MELNICKLEROY MINTZNED PORTEGEORGE PRITIKINMELVIN SALKMILTON SCHINDLER SEYMOUR SEDERMILTON SHAPINALFRED STONELESLIE WALDJEROME WALDIHANSIDNEY WEISSTREVOR WEISSHARRY YEDORLEO YEDORJAMES GORDONLEONARD GRAFFDAVID KIPNIS PLEDGESDAVID LEVATINIRVING LOTKACHARLES PALOWSKYLEONARD ROSENBAUM MORlllS ROSSINJEROME SEELIGBURTON WALLTOP ROW-Kessel, Palowsky, Lev a tin, Klein, Kipnis, Seelig, L. Yedor, Rosenbaum, StoneRossin.SECOND ROW-Bloch, Salk, Frankel, Graff, Mann, Braude, H. Yedor, Herron, Wall, Melnick.FRONT ROW-Jaffe, Cohen, Mintz, Schoenberg, Porte, Marver, Seder, Pritikin, T. Weiss.Page I4IFounded atMIAMI UNIVERSITY1848Phi Delta ThetaCharrered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO]897 .FACULTY COUNCILORCAREY CRONEISMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYEUGENE N. ANDEHSOl'l CAREY CRONEISCHAIlLES H. BASKERVILLEMEMBERS IN THE UNIVEHSTTY EDWARD lhNTONGEOHGE NORTHHUPHOBEHT ALBRECHTPA UL ARCHlPLEYDONALD BELJSrHOMROWAHD CHANDLERFHANCIS CIMRALWILLIAM COLEMANHENRY CUBBONJACK CURHYHAROLD DAN EHOWEHROBERT ELDHED WILLIAM :FRANKELDAMON FULLEHWILLIAM GRANEHTWILLIAM HARTJOSEPH KACENAWILLIA�I KENDALl"CHARLES LOOMISHILMAH LUCKHAHOTJOHN NEWBY EWALD NYQUISTFRANK PESEKR.A YMOND RAMSEY1 HVING RICHARDSONJOHN ROBERTSONOLlVEH STATLEHCHAHLES STEVENSONELLIOTT SUTTLEJOHN WASSPAUL WHITNEYALFRED BEHENSDAN BURTONHOBERT CANTZLEHLESTEH COOKWILLIAM COOKVERNON BERNHART PLEDGESW AHHEN DELANEYARTHUR ERICKSONRICHARD FERGUSONGREGG GETGERFLOYD H AHPERGEORGE KOLARFRED LEHNHARDT S.UI McDoNALDAMBROSE RICHARDSONWILLIAM RUBACHDA VlD TINKERPAUL WAGNERN E.LSON WETHERELLTOP ROW-Canlzler, Ferguson, Welherell, L. Cook, Burton, Wagner, A. Riehardson, Eriekson, MeDonald, Kolar, Lehnhardt, W. Cook.SECOND ROW-Boyd, Tinker, Berens, Bernhardt, Albreeht, Frankel, Cubbon, Wass, Newby,Kendall, Stevenson, L Richardson, Kaeena, Geiger, Delaney.FRONT ROW-Granert, Eldred, Loomis, Curry, Chandler, Cimral, SUllie, Whitney, Breen,Muller, Arehipley.Page I42Phi Gamma DeltaFounded atWASIIINGTON AND JEFFERSONCOLLEGE184-8Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1902FACULTY COUNCILORLENNOX GRAYMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYROLLIN T. CHAMBERLAINKNOX CHANDLER LENNOX GRAYWILLIAM HUTCHINSONFRANK O'HARA ROBERT REDFIELDBERNADOTTE SCHMIDTROGER BAIRDJOHN F. BEARDSLEYCHARLES A. BUTLERARTHUR J. FLORYFRED M. FOWKES MEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYCECIL LEBoyCARL T. LLOYDBRUCE B. MEADHERBERT MERTZLLOYD MILLER.J AMES PHELPS EARL SEA BORGWILLIAM W. W A'ISONJOSEPH WECHSELBERGERBRADFORD WILESCAMPBELL P. WILSONPLEDGESRUSSELL M. BAIRDRAY HIRSCH ROBERT W. HUGHESROBERT KRACKECARL LAZARSKI WILLIAM B. ROSELEE SANDERSTOP ROW-Wechselberger, Flory, Hirsch, Miller, Kracke.SECOND ROW-Rose, Lazarski, Fowkes, Walson, R. M. Baird, Hughes, Sandars.FRONT ROW-Wiles, LeBoy, Butler, Beardsley, R. A. Baird, Sea borg, Phelps.Page I43Phi Kappa PsiFounded atJEFFERSON COLLEGE1852Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOl894FACULTY COUNCILORGEIlALD E. BENTLEYCHARLES H. B EESOl'lGERALD E. BENTLEYALGERNON COLEMANWILLlAM BOSWOHTHEDWARD BOEHMJAY BnOWNROBERT CONNERFRANK DAVISEDWAIW DAYRICHARD DORSEYWAI.TEn DUVALLDONALD ELI.lOTTFnED ASHWAnNER CnOUCHJOHN DAVIDSONJOHN DUDGEONHOWAnD DURB]]\"JOHN EGGEMEYER MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYVERNON C. DAVIDDAVID J. LINGLEMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYRICHARD ELYSTEVE ENGLETHOMAS GLASSFOlWMALCOLM FINLAYSONRICHARD HATHA WAYGILBERT HILBRANTANDREW HOYTHAL JAMESROBERT LEACH DAVID LEFEVREFREDERIC MARKSNORMAN MASTERSO]\"DWIGHT McKAYROBEnT MCQUIJ.KI]\"HARMON MEIGSLoUIs MILLERHARRY MORnlSOl'l THEODORE L. NEFFROBERT PARKEVERETT C. OLSONCHARLES NICOLAWILLIAM O'DONNEJ_LWILMOT PALMEnWILLIAM PElnCECI-IAnLES SMITHHARKER STANTO]\"RAINWATER WEnsPHILIP WERNERRALPH NIOIOLSO!'iRICHARD LvoxLEO O'NEILLBARTON PHELPSllARRY SNODGHASSLEE THo�rASEDWARD FRITZWALTER GONWAWALTER GRITZERJOHN HAGEBOECKJOHN HALL PLEDGESCHESTER HIMELBILLE HENNA!'iJOHN ]EUCKGEORGE KOONSRALPH LEACHTOP ROW-Ralph Leach, Meigs, Wells, Hoyt, LeFevre, Phelps, Lyon, Stanton, Durllin,Masterson, Snodgrass, Finlayson, Ely, Eggemeyer.THIRD ROW-Fritz, O'Neill, Davidson, Gonwa, Elliott, Dudgeon, TJilbrant, Dorsey, McQuilkin,Robert Leach, Davis, Koons, Engle, Jeuck.SECOND ROW-Ash, Werner, McKay, Nicola, Crouch, Herman, Thomas, Gritzer, Peirce,BosworLh, Marks, Hageboeck.FRONT ROW-Conner, Morrison, Smit h, O'Donnell, Palmer, .James, Miller, Hathaway, Day,Glassford, Nicholson, Boehm.Page 144Phi Kappa SigmaFounded atUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA1850Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1903FACULTY COUNCILORCHARLES C. COLBYMEMBERS IN THE FACULTYHILLER L. BAKER CHARLES C. COLBY GEORGE F. HIBBERTMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYPAUL R. BROWNSTANFORD O. EGEFREDERICK E. FAIRLARS GRANDAHL ARTHUR E. HANSENJOHN H. HAVEYCLAUDE E. IIA WLEYELMER A. NESSLERDONALD E. PATTERSON NORMAN M. PEARSOl'lCARL REINEMUNDLYNN A. STILESJOHN W. TURNER, JR.PLEDGESROBERT W. HANKS EUIER McKESSON GEORGE REEDYTOP ROW-McKesson, Stiles, Reedy, Pearson, Turner, Grandahl, Reinemund, Hanks.FRONT ROW-Hawley, Wickert, Brown, Patterson, Ege, Hansen, Nessler, Fair.Page 145Phi Sigma DeltaFounded atCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITY1909Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CIIlCAGO]921FACULTY COUNCILORLouIS LANDAMEMBERS TN TIlE UNIVERSITYMARVIN BERKSONMARVIN COHNSIDNEY FINKELMARVIN GLICKA. MORTON GOLf)BEUGNORMAN INLANf)ERJACK KAHNTHOMAS KARATZJOSEPH KOLBER Ef)W.HW KRAUSEWILLIAM KRAUSENORMAN LEVYROBERT OSHlNSHERBERT PORTESJULIAN SALYRICHAIW SCHIFFJOSEPH SCH�Iff)T DAVIf) SILVERSTEINSYf)NEY SMITHJEROME SPITZERMANUEL STILLERMANARNOLf) STINELEONARD STINEMELVIN URYWALTER V ASLOWRICHARD ZACHARIASPLEDGESBERNARD BLOCKSEYMOUU BUUROWSJACK FETMANRAYFIELD FISHERSAMUEL FUAEUMAN JOSEPH FREILICHSTANTON GOLDSTEINALVIN GllOSSMANMORTON HARRIS RAYMOND MAHKSARTHUH RABEJACK SCHATZEnWAHD SCHLAINBUUTON STEUNTOP RO\V-Glick, Burrows, Fetman, Stern, Freilich, Inlander, Kahn, Fraerman, \Volf, Rabe,Harris, Krause, Silverstein, Schatz, Schmidt, Zoline, Goldstein.SECOND ROW-Marks, Block, Grossman, Spitzer, Cohn, Roesing, Saly, A. Stine, Karatz,J. Zacharias, Skibelsky, Kolber, Schiff, Segal, Sang, Fisher.FRONT ROW-Pink, Smith, Ury, Levy, Berkson, Goldberg, Finkel, Portes, R. Zacharias,L. Stine, Kaufman.Pi Lambda PhiFounded atYALE UNIVERSITY1895Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CIllCAGO1919FACULTY COUNCILORPETER HAGBOLDTMEMBERS IN TILE FACULTYALFUED FUANKENSTEIN RALPH W. GEUAUDLoUIS LEITEU EARL ZUSMEMBERS IN TIlE UNIVERSITYJEROME BASKINDHAROLD BAUERWILLIAM BERGMANSHELDON BERNSTEINMYUON DUHL ARTHUH GROSSMANLEONARD HORWICHJESSE JOSEPHARTHUH KANESTANLEY KLINE LoUIS MAHKSNAT NEWlIL\NROBERT SAMUELSMAX SCHIFFJ ERO)1 ESTERNPLEDGESRICHAHD CONEHOWARD KOPPLEBURYL LAZAR JOSEPH MASTROFSKYGUSTAVE MAYERHOWARD RlESMAN EVERETT WARSHAWSKYJAY WEINSTEINARNOLD ZIMMERMANTOP ROW-Jadwin, Kopple, Riesman, Warshawsky, Bernstein, Schenker, Newman, Kline.SECOND ROW-Schiff, Bame, Goldman, Mayer, Laurence, Deutsch, Mastrofsky, Zimmerman, Cone, Joseph.FRONT ROW-Kane, Bauer, Duhl, Stern, Bergman, Samuels, Grossman, Horwich, Baskind.Page I47Psi UpsilonFounded atUNION COLLEGE1833Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1897FACULTY COUNCILORGEORGE SHERBURNCARL BIUCKENSTORRS P. BARRETTPERCY H. BOYNTONFRANK M. ALDRIDGEJOHN L. BAKERRALPH E. BALFANZROBERT C. BARREDWARD N. BELLJOHN J. BERWANGERNORMAN F. BICKELTHEODORE C. BRANDBLAND B. BUTTONRODERICK K. CIHPINRICHARD B. COCHRA�JOHN S. COULSONEVERETT ASKEWNORHERT BUUGESSJAMES J. CALLAHANFRANCIS E. CAREY, JR.JAMES M. CHAPPEL MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYHAROLD F. GOSNEI,LJAMES B. HERRICKGEOUGE C. HOWLANDMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYAUSTIN G. CURTIS ALLEN R. MALTMANERNEST H. DIX Wn,LlAM W. MI.LAURY.TOliN H. Ii'LlNN HENRY 13. MILLERTHOMAS E. FLINN ELLMORE P.ATTERSONWILLIAM M. FOOUD SHELBY C. PASMOREWILLIAM [hARLOW EDWIN L. RAMSEYBROWNLEE W. HAYDON JOHN W. RICECI-IAUNI.Y C. HOWARD ALLEN N. RILEYMEHRILL B. JOHNS BlAND M. I{UNYONWILLIAM C. LAIlU) HEHMAN SI.HT"ESINGEUWILLIAM C. LANGLEY ADOLPII ,T.SCHUESSLEHSAMUEL R. LEWIS EDWIN H. Smr.nrPLEDGESJOSEPH B. COAI\IllSHENRY B. CUMMINSJOHN H. GILBEUTDA VIO B. GOUDONGEORGE C. IIALCUOW EDWAIW H. HARSHAPmRHO JOHNSONWILLIAM C. LEWISROBEHT C. PAINTERROBERT SCHNEIHNG HENRY C. MOURISONEDW AUD OLIVERGEOUGE SHERBURNWILLIAM H. STAPLETONFLOYD R. STA UFFERJOHN S. STEVENSRICHARD J. STEVENSFRANK G. Tool)JAMES A. VEASEYJOSIAH F. WEAUINJOHN R. WOMEHCLARENCE A. WHIG�ITROBERT KYOUNGJOHN SHOSTRUMTHEUON STEELEBENJAMIN STEVENSONROHERT C. UPTONTOP ROW-Askew, Miller, Steele, Laird, J. Stevens, Barr, Wright, McLaury, ShostromHalcrow, Stapleton, Sibley, Coambs, Gordon.THIRD ROW-Schnering, Balfanz, Stevenson, Cummins, Wearin, Chapin, Gilbert, Pasmore,Painter, Bell, Johns, Cochran, Upton, Young.SECOND ROW-Harsba, R. Stevens, J. Flinn, Callahan, Schuessler, Johnson, Burgess, Carey,Stauffer, Coulson, Foord, Schlesinger, Riley, Chappel.FRONT ROW-Ramsey, Patterson, Haarlow, Bickel, Todd, Womer, Tom Flinn, Curtis,Haydon, Veasey, Runyon.Page I48Sigma Alpha EpsilonFounded atUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA1856Chartered atUNIVERSITY OF CJlICAGO1903FACULTY COUNCILORN ED MERRIA�[:VlEMBERS TN THE FACULTYFREDERICK S. BIlEE!)GEORGE FAIRWEATHEHERNEST llAOEN ARTH LJIl II. KENTNEO A. M EHRIAM WILLIA\l OGLIURNC. E. PA IlM ENTERDURBIN RO"HANOMEMBERS) N TilE UNIVEHSITYFHANKLIN BAOGLEYWlLLIAM ELLIOTTWILLIAM GALLAGHERMARTIN GARDNER WILLIAM HEBENSTREITHICHAHO !-IENHYH USSELL KNAPPJAMES MITCHELL EVEHETT PAHKEHEVERETT RALSTONEOGAH RANOALLJASPEH SllINEHPLEDGES.1. HOWAIW COOKAU<'I{EO CounrIVAN HOLT HAnny MAXWELLNEWELL REYNOLOS EUON SWIFTHIWCE YOUNGIIILAHY ZIMONTTOP ROW-Bmlgley, Court, Davis, Henry, Holt, Hebenstreit, Pilcher.Sr.;COND ROW-Shiner, Teegarden, Zimonl, Randall, Parker, Young, Crane, Toombs.FRONT ROW-Gallagher, Mitchell, Knapp, Mrs. Hebenstrei t , Gardner, Ralston, Cook.Page 149Sigma ChiFounded atMIAMI UNIVERSITY1855Chartered a IUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1897FACULTY COUNCILORDR. CHARLESE. SHANNONCARL F. APFELBACHCAREY CULBERTSONWILLIAM HARKINS MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYKENNETH M. GRUBBFREDERICK H. KOCHROLLO L. LYMANHOHATlO H. NEWMAN CHAHLES E. SHANNONEUGENE F. TRAUTWILLIAM E. VAUGHNMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYWILLIAM S. BARDDAVID BAKERROBERT D. BEAIRD, JR.DANIEL BLAKEHULEN R. C4.HROLL, JR.JAMES E. COHNISH THOMAS EADIEEMMETT P. GLYNNDA VTD H. II UMPHHEYAHTHUR M. JACOBSENWTLLIA�I A. JOHNSON WILUAM H. ORCUTTROBEHT SIB BERTEVEHETT L. STOREYRALPH J. WEHLINGRAY WEISSDWIGHT WILLIAMSPLEDGESCHAHLES P. BUHNETT WILLIAM B. HAHDYWILLIAM KmBY JOHN B. LUNDYTOP ROW-Burnett, Hardy, Sunderland, Wilson, Cornish, Kirby.SECOND ROW-Stegemeier, Ellis, Montgomery, Carroll, Lundy, Baker, Sibbert.FRONT ROW-Bard, Glynn, Eadie, Wehling, Orcutt, Beaird, Jacobsen, Humphrey, Williams.Page ISOZeta Beta TauFounded atCOLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK1898Chartered atUN IVERSITY OF CHICAGO1918FACULTY COUNCILORLOUIS B. MANNMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYJAMES BERNARDHAROLD BLOCKHARRY COFFMANEDWARD G. FELSENTHALSTANLEY FISHRICHARD FREUNDWILLIAM GINSBERGHOWARD GOTTSCHALK W ALTER HAMBURGER, JR.STANLEY HARRISMORTON HECHT, JR.WARREN KAHNSAMUEL KERSTENJULIAN KISERDAVID KUTNERJAMES LEVYROBERT LIPSIS ROBERT LIVINGSTONFRANK MossNORMAN PANAMAROBERT PERRETZPHILIP ROSENBACHGEORGE SHANHOUSEHAROLD SIEGELEDWARD STERNPLEDGESJAMES COLEMANROBERT EISENSTEINELROY GOLDING JAMES KAHN WEILERJAMES LOEBROBERT MOSENFELDER ROBERT ROSENFELSHERMAN SCHLANGERGORDON TIGERTOP ROW-Hecht, Golding, Felsenthal, Siegel, Stern, Tiger, Rosenfels, Schlanger.SECOND ROW-Livingston, Mosenfelder, Fish, Kahnweiler, Moss, Coleman, Levy, Shanhouse, Loeb, Eisenstein.FRONT ROW-Rosenbach, Gottschalk, Kiser, Ginsberg, Freund, Kahn, Lipsis, Bernard,Kersten.Page 151TOP ROW-Thompson, Bristol.SECOND ROW-Worman, H. Hickok, Schultz, Christopher, Mattson, Schreiner.FRONT ROW--Ames, Nemec, Peterson, Lusk, C. Hickok, Veith, Mortimer.Delta Sigma PiFounded at NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 1907.Chartered at UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1928.MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYSIMEON LELAND JAMES O. McKINSEYMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYJOHN G. A�fES EWING L. LUSK GEORGE W. SCHREINERROBERT D. BRISTOL DONALD S. MATTSON LOWELl" G. SCHULTZROBERT J. CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER R. MORTIYlER KENNETH M. THOMPSONCHARLES W. HICKOK EDWIN V. NEMEC .T. DOUGLAS VEITHHOWARD A. H1CKOK CHARLES E. PETERSON EARL W. WORMANPage 152Nu Sigma NuFOllnded at UNIVERSrTY OF MICHlGAN 1882Chartered at UNIVERSrTY OF CHICAGO 1893OFFICERSCLARENCE BLEDSOELLOYD E. H AHRISCAllI. DAns, JH.E. STAHH .l unn, JH.CAIITEH GOOOPASTUHF.FHEO L. ADAIHEMMETT B. BAYS. F. BEAMFREO BECKEH\VILLIAM F. BESWICKBERGET BLOCKSONU.S.BOWMANE. V. L. BIIOWNDONALO P. ABBOTTAHTlIUR D. BEVANRALPH C. BROWNGEORGE H. COLEMANVERNON C. DAVIOCARL B. DAVISGEORGE C. DAVIS.JOlIN D. ELLISJACKSON BEATTYHERBERT BREYFOGL.ECLARENCE BLEDSOEHARHY BROWNH. BUNCHW. BARTLETT CRANEGERRITT DANGIIEMONOCAHL DAVISROBERT DAVISHAHMS 'V. BLOEMEHS.JOlIN P. DAHLINGCONIIAD W. GIESEr;FRANK K. GOWOYTuos, L. GIUSAMOIIE, Ju.LLOYD E. HARRIS MEMBEHS IN THE FACULTYUniversity oj Chicago Medical SchoolPAUL T. BHUY�;RE ITENHY N. HAHKINSKENNETH BUHT H. PERRY JENKINSJOSEPH A. CAPPS GilA HAM KERNWEINJOSEpl'l B. DELEE JOHN R. LINOSAYWIl.LlAM .I. DIECKMANN Er.woon W. MASONBYHON F. FHANCIS WALTER L. PALMERI·IEHMAN IfAR.\lS DALLAS B. PIIEMISTEIIRush Medical CollegeCLARK W. FINNEHUOE AIICHlBAI.O HOYNEEARLE B. FOWLEII EHNEST E. InONSPAUL C. Fox STANLEY LAUGHTONEDWIN MCGINNIS HAL.pH LEMASTERLUOVIG HEKTOEN EOWIN M. MII.I.EIIJAMES B. J-TERHICK ALBEHT H. MONTf;OMEHYR. W. HOLMES FIIEOEHICK B. MOOIIIIEAOMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYUniversity of Chicago Medical SchoolRICIIARD EBERT GUSTAV KAllFMANEVEIIETTE EVANS PAUL KLEINCAHL FISCIlEH CLAYTON Loosr.iCURTIS FLORY HlcHAHn MARQUAIII>TJOHN Fox FHANKLIN MOOIIECAHon;H GOODl'ASTUIIE NATHAN PI.IMI'TONII. JAY HOLLOMAN .JOlIN POSTFlu NCIS HUNTEH CHAHI.ES R Al'l �I �;L.KAMpEOWIN [RONS THOMAS REUI.Rush Medim/ CollegeEOWAHn S. M IJIIPHYBERT G. NELSONJOHN W. OLOSHAHOLn R. OSTHANOEIIREX B. PALMERROBEIIT HER WICKE. STARH Jtmn, JR.C.AIIL MAUSERDONALD MCCONNELMAUHICE J. McELLIGOTT PresidentVlce-PresidentSecretary'TreasurerHistorianJOHN L. PROBASCOK. A. UEUTERSKIOI.IlHENIIY T. RICKETTSFIIEOERIC W. SCIIUI.TZGOIIOON H. SCOTTTIIEOOOHE E. \VALSHFRANK E. ,'hIlTACIIEWENOEI.I. WILLETTEOWAIIIl A. OLIVEIIPAUL OLIVEIIAHTHUR TT. PAIlMELEE\VILBUIl E. POSTGEOIlGE E. SHAMHAUGIIKELLOGG SpEEOJAMES M. WASHRUIINGEOIIGE H. WEAVER\VAl-TER STRYKERJOSEI'II TEEGAROENDAVIn TEMPLINPHESTON VAN KOLKEN\V ALTEH VOLKEEOMUNn W ALSII.JOlIN WEillGIO�;ON \VELLSDONALO W. SCHUITEMALEWIS R. ScunDEHOTTO E. STHOIHIEIEIlEnWIN T. TEl-LMANCAIlL A. W ALVOOIlOROBERT G. WEAVEH, JR.Page IS3TOP ROW-Warden, Bruner, Lamb, \Vallace, Carlson, Barnes, Wall, Smith, Porterfield,Simpson, Baer, Day.THIR D ROW-�elson, Fowler, Schimmel, SCOlt, Compere, Eihl, Boros, Amato, Fahlund,Demarest, Church, Klotz, Dr. Evans.SECOND ROW-Lennctte, Brown, Reis, Dr. Peacock, Dr. Oberhelman, Dr. Simonds, Dr.Carl Dragstedt, Dr. Carey, Dr. Compere.FRONT ROW-Bergstrom, Ranquist, Wiles, Weary, Frye, Mather, Duncan, Gingrich.Phi ChiFounded at UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT 1889 (Eastern Phi Chi).Founded at UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE 1894 (Southern Phi Chi).Union of Southern and Eastern Phi Chi 1.905.Chartered at UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO and RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE L905.MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYUniversity of Chicago Medical SchoolLESTER R. DRAGSTEDTJAMES B. GRAESEHGEOHGE F. HAHSHPAUL C. BUCYANTON J. CAHLSONLOWELL T. COGGESHALLEDWAHD L. COM'PERETHOMAS D. AI_LENCHAIG D. BUTLEHJA�lES R. EYEHLYFRANCIS L. FORANRICHARD K. GILCHRESTPAT_MER GOOD RU8h Medical CollegeELMER W. HAGENSRALPH L. HARRISJAY IRELANDEARL E. MADDENGEORGE MILLERHARRY A. OBERHELMANWILMOT F. PIERCENICHOLAS A\lATOLOUIS BAERDR. BRODA O. HAUNESPAUL L. BERGSTUOMEUGENE BOROSGERALD F. BllOWNRH:HARD BUUNERALVIN J. GAHLSONJOHN 0lUI101CLINTON CO�lI'EHEERNIE C. DAYGERALD DEMAHESTDAVID R. L. DUNCA�FUEDEHlCK EIHL M EMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYGEORGE FAHLUNDHANES M. FOWLEHFRANCIS FRYESTEVEN E. GATESOSCAR GRAHAMEDWARD R. HOGSDONGEORGE KINGSTONAUTHUR KLOTZFHANCIS LAMBEDWIN LENNETTE.I. W. MATHEHROBERT G. MINDRUPJOHN A. NELSON.I. D. PORTERFIELDROBERT C. RANQUISTPLEDGESEDWARD NELSONWILLIAM ORCUTTCIIARLES BROIY[\"DH. W EDELL GINGRICHPage I54 ALBERT B. HASTINGSHAHOLD E. HAYMONDFREDERICK C. KOCHWALFRED W. SWANSONHEYWORTH N. SANFOUDNOEL G. SHAWHOWAIW M. S�IEAFFGEORGE O. SOL EllERNEST S. WATSONlUTES L. WILLlH'ISGEOHGE W. H.EISWALTEH A. SOl IMMELBROWN SCOTTWILLIAM SCOTTWI LLIA tl'! L. SD,]PSO!'iKE'\'DRICK A. SWITHCHARLES A. STAFFOHDJOSEPH STR[TARDUNCAN TIIOMSONDAVID WALLGEORGE WALLACEJlORACE D. WARDENWILLARD B. WEARYr. A. WILESPAUL RossCHAHLES SCOTTTOP ROW-Rullcdge, Lewis, Roberts, Sibley, Orr.THIRD ROW-Donaghuc, Guilfoylc, Baker, Gunning, Woodward, Thiel, Groebe.SECOND ROW-McParllin, Scully, Hensel, Forrester, Davis.FRONT ROW-Sullivan, Mahin, Emery, Bane, Zukowski, Pittsford, Barlon, Montgomery,Solf, Kempf.Phi Delta PhiFounded at UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1869.Chartered at UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1903.GEORGE G. BOGEnTWILLrHI L. EAGLETONCHARLES O. GIlEGOHYEDWAHD BAKEU, Ju.CHARLES BANEALLAlU) BRADDOCKWILLIAM EMEHYRAY FOHHESTERLEWIS GUOEIIETIIO�IAS GUILFOYLEHOBART GUNNINGHARRY lIENSELGEORGE H EHBOLSII EIMERTHOMAS BAHTONEDWIN DAVISGEOHGE DONAGHUEPETER KELLIHI<;1l MEMBERS IN THE FACULTYEDWARD W. HINTONROBEnT M. HUTCHINS MALCOLM SIHRPSHELDON TEFFTFnEDEltiC W. WOODWAHDMEMBERS IN THE UNIVERSITYIVAN HOLTDA VlO l�OWAHDJOHN HOWARDCAHIWLL JOI·INSOi\"DONALD KERHJAMES LEWISRICHARD MCPARTLll'iBOYD MAHINWALTER MONTGO.\1EHYHAHIlY OURRAY POWERS WI.LLlA.M ROBERTSJOliN RUTLEDGETIIOMAS SCULLYJ OSEPII SIBLEYWALDEMAH SOLF!lENHY SULCEHTIMOTHY SULLIVANOHIN TIIIELCI-IAI{LES WOODSHERBEWr WOODWAHDPLEDGESGEORGE KEMPFHARRY MORRISONJACK PITTSFORDWILLIAM SCHRADEI{ OLIN SETHNESSHUBEHT WILLBUHTON YOUNGEnWIN ZIJKOWSKIPage 155• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •ACTIVITIESATHLETICSTHE C"L U B S• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• •• • •• • • • • •ACTIVITIES• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •Mrs. BrookMRS. ALMA P. BROOKDespite her claims, Mrs. Brook enjoys herwork no more than those who frequent Ida NoyesHall appreciate her graciolls hospitality. Drawing on her varied experiences she makes herwork more than just director of the clubhouse.From the number of salt cellars on the highestpantry shelf to the schedules of dozens of meetings, she execu tes her man y duties to perfection.Ida Noyes Hall has not always had the competent administration of Mrs. Brook as she cameto Chicago only three years ago from her activitiesat the University of Kansas. Prior to that shewas chaperone-manager 01" a sorority at theUniversity of California.Mrs. Brook has kept the traditions of theHall alive and introduced many innovationsduring the short time she has been here. Shedevotes most of her time and talents to everyaspect of the social whirl which makes Ida NoyesHall the center of University life and activity. Ida Noyes HallIda Noyes Advisory CouncilFACULTY MEMBERSMRS. ALMA P. BROOKMISS ROBERTA BURGESSMISS MARGARET CLARKMRS. HARVEY CARllMISS GERTRUDE DUDLEYMISS NELLIE GOllGAS MRS. LENNOX GREYMRS. ELIZ. HiBBARDMRS. ADELINE LINKMI{S MAYME LOGSDONMISS MARSHALLMRS. R. C. WOELLNERSTUDENT MEMBERSCATHEHINE CARDWELLEVELYN CARRELEANOR GRAHAMELIZA BETH HAMBLETONCHHERINE HOFFERJAAN INT-HoUT CLARA M. MORLEYBETTY ANN NELSONVIHGINIA NEWELIZA BETH SAYLERELIZABETH SCOTTHELEN DE WERTH ERNOne of the aims of the Advisory Council isto keep alive the traditions of the bu·ilding. TheCouncil is composed of twelve faculty membersand twelve students who are appointed by theDean of Students.The function of the Council is to shape thepolicy of the administration of the Hall to makeit fulfill its purpose; and to further this, theCouncil meets the first Tuesday of each monthfor luncheon and discussion. During the discussions suggestions are made for possible solutionsof the current problems of Ida Noyes. - Theactual final decision and business arrangementsare carried out from the office of the Hall, but thecontact between students and executives makes iteasier to adj ust the facilities of the Hall to theneeds of the University Women.The Council also joins with the Auxiliary inacting as hostesses a t all the open houses, facultyteas, art exhibits, and other activities whichIda Noyes officially sponsors.IDA NOYES ADVTSORY COUNC[LPage 158 TOP HOW-Hoffer, Tnt-Hout, Hambleton, Nelson.FHONT HOW-Scolt, Sayler, Morley.Ida Noyes HallIda Noyes AuxiliaryMARGARET ALLENFRANCES BEZDEKMATILDA BOER'U_EINHILDEGARD 13REIHANELIZABETH CANNONIDA ELANnEREUZABETH ELLISHANNAH FISKMARGAHET GOETSCHMARY LETTY GREEN ELEANOR GRAHAMJANE HEBERTALYNE JENSENISABEL NELSONNANCY NIMMONSMARY ANNA PATHICKBLANCHE SCHOLESCLOYD STIFLERAnA SWINEFORDHILDEGARD V. POYENELEANOI{ WILLIAMSONIda Noyes Auxiliary, composed of abouttwenty students, is a twin to the AdvisoryCouncil, uniting in some duties and having someall of its own. They, too, are appointed by theDean of Students.The Rental Librarv located in the office ofIda Noyes is a distinct innovation arising fromthe suggestion of this group, and it has provedto be a very workable idea. Each spring theyarrange for an exhibit of student art work andserve tea to the exhibitors and art critics. Springquarter is also the time for the annual tea forsenior high school girls of the Chicago area.Besides these various teas the Auxiliary conductscampus tours for interested visitors.This year the now famous open houses reacheda new level of achievement for offering socialevenings for all the campus. The entire buildingwas thrown open for the use of the guests, andthe affairs were successful because of the untiringefforts of the Auxiliarv. [da NoyesDoorwayIda Noyes Hall has perhaps the most interesting history of any building on the Quadrangles.La Verne Noyes, wishing to commemorate thememory of his wife, gave this building to theUniversity at the suggestion of Mrs. Pratt.J udson who thought that a clubhouse for womenwould be particularly suitable.The building and furnis�ings were plannedand assembled by a cornrnrttee of Universitywives and women faculty members. Built inthe style of an ancient Tudor manor, the structurewith its furnishings represents the accumulationsof such a home through the generations. Themural paintings in the theatre of Ida Noyesdepict the elaborate pagean t celebrating thededication of the building in 19J6.The structure is considered one of the finestwomen's clubhouses in the country and endearsthe memory of Ida Noyes to every Universitywoman.IDA NOYESAUXILIARYTOP ROW-Hebert, StiAer, Jensen, Breihan, Allen, Green, Scholes,FRONT ROW-Goetsch, Elander, Patrick, Graham, Von Poven, Boertlein, Nimmons,Page 159de WerthernHELEN DE WERTH ERNSUE RICHARDSONCATHERINE HOFFERMILDUED EATONELIZABETH SAYLERALICE JOHNSONBETTY KUEUSCHERBETTYANN NELSONMARY FORNEYFRANCES PROTHEROE ChairmanSecretaryW.A.A.W.A.A.FederationFederationPublicationsY. W. C. A.Y. W. C. A.Freshman Women's CouncilMirrorInterclubMember-at-largeMember-at-largeMember-at-largeEVELYN CARRVmGINIA NEWCLARA MAUGAUE'! MORLEYHANNAH FISKHELEN HAHTENFELDThe Board of Women's Organizations is aboard of representatives from all the women'sorganizations on the campus. It is composedof the chairman of the board, the president andsecre tary of the Young Women's ChristianAssociation, the president and secretary of theB. W. O. OFFTCEHSHELEN DE \VEItTIIEIINChairmanSUE H ICIIAROSONSecretary Board of Women's OrganizationsWomen's Athletic Association, the chairman andone member of the Executive Council of theFederation of University Women, a representativeof the publications, the president of Mirror,the chairman of the Ida Noyes Advisory Council,a representative from Interclub Council, thepresident of Freshman Women's Club, onesophomore representative at large, and foursenior college women.One of the main purposes of B. W. O. is toacquaint freshmen women with the many activities open to them. The Activities Luncheonduring Freshman Week was one of the meanstaken to accomplish this purpose. Other activities such as a buffet supper, a dance, and campustours were sponsored by B. W. O. during Freshman Week. During the year the board participated in the annual campus Red Cross Driveand at Christmas time particularly urged theorganizations on campus to give parties forSettlement children.The board acted first upon the adoption of anamendment to the Constitution changing themethod of electing members for FreshmanWomen's Council. Each Federation group nowelects one girl to represent it on the Council.On January 16 a recommendation was adoptedby the Board in which it was suggested thatthere be a discretionary limitation of offices heldby the same woman. The board was alsoresponsible {or the appointment of a, CollegeCouncil which would take charge of the socialactivities of the freshmen and sophomores.The women for this Council were elected byB. W.O., while the men were appointed by theDean's Office.On Februarv 1:3 the new chairman, ieanPrussing, was elected; and at a joint meetingof the new and old boards at the beginning ofSpring Quarter the duties of the office wereturned over to her by Helen de Werthern, theretiring chairman.TOP ROW-Eaton, New, Johnson, Prussing, Protheroe, Hambleton, Lambie, Annon, Morley.FRONT ROW-Nelson, Carr, Kreuscher, Richardson, deWerthern, Sayler, Hoffer, Forney.Page I60Y. W. c. A.The Young Women's Christian Associationhas a large membership at the University andplays a very important part in campus activities.The official year begins at the Annual Dinnerin tile Spring when the retiring Cabinet handsover its duties. The organization is composedof the First and Second Cabinets. The officersappoint the heads of the various interest groupsand these heads make up the First Cabinet.These girls then appoint the members of theSecond Cabinet. The two work together underthe capable direction of Miss Clark and the Advisory Board of faculty women.The actual activ'ities of the Y. W. C. A. arenumerous and. embrace many subjects. FallQuarter started out with the annual programfor making freshmen feel "at home." The firstevent was the tea during Freshman Week, andthis was followed on October 10 by the vearlvFrolic. The high light of the evening was theentertainment, "Behind the Scenes in a RadioBroadcast," which was given by the variousinterest groups. A Halloween luncheon, a Christmas party for Settlement children, and a tea forMiss Talbot were some of the many functionsheld in the Fall Quarter.The Y. W. C. A. does not, however, confineitself to local affairs. In the course of theyear Miss Helen Morton from the New YorkHeadquarters brought a closer understandingbetween widely separated branches of Y. W. C. A.work. Then on March 8 the NorthwesternUniversity Cabinets were invited to a tea atwhieh Thornton Wilder was a special guest.Following the plan of past years the activitygroups have been especially emphasized. TheHospital group extended its activities to entertaining children in the Bob Roberts Hospital andassisting in Billings' Library, while the Chapeland Settlement Groups did a great deal ofinteresting research and volunteer work. Thesethree were not the only Groups advancing, asthe whole organization accomplished much. Bet t.yannNelsonFIRST CABINETBETTYANN NELSONELEANORE LANDONMARY FORNEYROSEJ\IARY N EJ"SONCLETA OLMSTEADLILY MARY DAVIDHELEN DE WEIlTHERNDOROTHY NORTONMARIE MOLLOY CONNIE FISHCYNTHIA GRABOHELEN HARTENFELDMARGARET BROWNJAAN INT-HoUTDOROTHEA KRUEGERMAIlCIA HOLLETTHELEN FORSBERGALICE JOHNSONIDA ELANDERSECOND CABINETMAHY BET" CLAPP ELINOR TAYLORKATHERINE COTTINGHAM ELIZABETH THOMPSONIIANNAJI FISK. MABEL WALBORNANNIE GROOT MARIE WOLFEBETH HEMMENS CAROLINE ZIMMERLYJ-\NE HEBEln HETTY AnNEYRUBY HOWELL MARGARET A LBERILOUISE MOLLOY BETTY BENSONMARY OLMSTEAD HILDEGARD BREIHAN1I0PE PETEIlSEN LOUlSE HEFLINCLARA SPRAGUE LEONA WOODSHELEN WOODRICHTOP ROW-Groot, Krueger, Elander, Hartenfeld, Brown, L. Molloy, Grabo, Int-Hout, Langworthy, Olmstead.FRONT ROW-M. Molloy, Howell, Norton, Nelson, Fish, David, Taylor. Y. W. C. A. OFFICERSBETTY ANN NEI.SONPresidentELEANOHE LANl)o",Vice-PresidentMARY FORNEYSecretaryROSEMAHY NELSON'TreasurerPage I6IFederation of University WomenOne of the greatest aids to anincoming freshman woman is theFederation of University Women�the organization which does everything within its power to orientatefreshmen to the environment andtraditions of the University. Federation Council is composed of tenupperclass women, six seniors andfour juniors. Each spring the council chooses four new members who,after they are approved by B. W. O.and the Dean's office, fill the formerjunior members places while the.i uniors step into the senior posi tions.Thus, each girl serves for two years. Thiscouncil elects a president and a secretary andacts in an executive capacity, choosing over onehundred counsellors and group leaders from arecommended list of girls in school who are willing to assume the responsibility of three or four"Ii ttle sisters" apiece.. Work for the Federation counsellors startsearly in the summer. Letters are sent to allprospective freshmen, and ever�' detail of Freshman Week is arranged to give the new studentsan opport unitv to become acquainted with themethods of the University. During that firstweek the counsellors live in the dormitories tobe close at hand to see that the freshmen becomefamiliar with the Quadrangles, arrive everywhereat the proper time in the proper frame of mind, and most important of all, thatthey make friends and enjoy 'themselves without any pangs of homesickness.Four or five upperclass counsellors with their freshmen and one ortwo faculty members form a smallgroup whose aim it is to insuremore lasting friendships. This yeareach group had the added responsibility of electing one of its membersto the Freshman Women's Council.Previously this group was chosenSayler by Federation Council, B. W.O.,and the Dean's Office. The newermethod of election makes the group far morerepresen La ti ve.It is not onlv with freshmen that Federationis concerned. This year for the first time, thetransfer group leader from Y. W. C. A. first cabinet became a member. Her particular function wasto find counsellors for transfer students i [ theyso desired and to plan activities for transfers similar to those for freshmen. The work of the twoorganizations, Y. W. and Federation, which wasformerly carried on separatelv is now joined inclose cooperation, much to the benefit of thetransfer students.So efficiently docs Federa tion carryon itswork that in a suprisingly short time the girlswho once needed the counselling themselvesare able to pass it on to others.Page 162 A GUIDE TO FRESHMENA helpful upperclass counsellor points out theplaces of interest on campus to an interested groupof freshmen on a tour sponsored by Federation.These tours acquaint the freshmen with the location of the various buildings and gives them anidea of the traditions of the University from thegargoyles on Hull gate to the Botany Pond.UPPERCLASS COUNSELLORSRUTH ALLISON HELEN LEVENTHALALBERTA ANNON ROSALYN LEVINSENFAITH BABCOCK FRANCES LEWISONMARIE BERGEn JANET LEWYMARJORIE BEnGEn BONITA LILLIESYLVIA BERGER HELEN ANN LITTlGBARBARA BEVERLY DOROTHY LOEBMAnCOT BOERTLEIN BETTY JANE MATSONJULIANA BOND MARY LOUISE MILLEnRUTH BOOKWALTEH MARIE MOLLOYEVELYN CARR ROSALYN MORSEVIHGINIA CARR RUTH MOULTONMABEL CHAPMAN BETTY ANN NELSONMARY BETH CLAPP ROSEMARY NELSONMARY LOUISE COOLIDGE VIRGINIA NEWRITA CUSACK CLETA OLMSTEADCLAIHE DANZIGEH MARY OLMSTEADLILY MARY DAVW RUTH OLSONrSABEL DECKER ANNE PALMERRUTH DEI1\'lEL E:\1ILY PETERSONFRANCES DUNCAN CATHERINE PITTMANMILDRED EATON JEAN PRUSSINGLDA EU.NOEH RUTH RANEYVIOLET ELLIOT SUZANNE HICI-lAIWSONBETTY ELLIS ELIZABETH RWDLEJUOITU EpSTEIN II ELEN HOSENBERGROBEHTA EVEHSOLE JANET ROSENTHALCONNIE FISI-I ALBEHTA SClnHDTGENEVIEVE 1"ISII LILLIAN SCIIOEN.IIANNAII FISK (;ERTHUDE SENNFLOHENCE GAERTNEH I':U:ANOH SHAHTSJANET GLiCKSON ROSALYN SIEGELM AHGAIlET Goss EVELYN SMITHCYNTHIA GHAIIO EL'IA STAUFFERBERNECE GREENGAIW EMY STEHNANNIE CHOOT .J EANNE STOLTESYl"VIA GROSS B.OIIEHTA STORMSSAIU GWIN "ARHIET STHICKEHELiz. ] I AM BLETON ELEANOH SULCEHB.UTII I L\I{TEN!"EL» ELIZABETH L. TUO)lPSONJANE HEUERT PEGGY TIIOMPSONRUTH IIEIlZMAN C. ELIZABETH TUOMSONCATIIERI "IE HOFFEH A LSY TIT'DIANJ\lhHCIA HOLLET LUCILLE TUROFFRUIIY IloWELL II ELEN VAHKALA LOUISE IlovrJANET HUMPI'IIlEYSALICE JOHNSONSYLVIA KAPLANBEI{NECE KERNNAOMI KOLIIHENERDOROTHEA KREUGEI{ELEANOI{ LANDONMAHY LAVEHTYGEHTRUDE LAURENCE MAHY WALTERWILMA WATllOUSROS·\LYN WECHTERPATHICIA WEEKSHELEN WEINBERGERJANET WEISSKATHERINE WENDTMARION WESTPHALL."'UllA WOLFMARIE WOLFEIMPRESSIONS OF A COUNSELLORThe beginning of the year . FreshmanWeek again with that grand stay in the dorms;hundreds of new faces small, excitedlooking girls sophisticated girls for whomChicago holds no thrill . . . bashful men whooccasionally get up courage enough to cut in onthe B. W. O. C. the lazy half holidayswhile the freshmen suffer through exams .the fun of Laking a wondering group of freshmenaround the Quadrangles explaining thesignificance of the "C" bench, the Botany Pond,the seal in Mandel Lelling that famousstorv about the Prince of Wales and HutchinsonCommons back to the dorms for a restthen the President's reception thelong line of dignified deans and their charmingwives the greatesL thril] of a freshmanTilE PI{ESIDENT yes, they sawhim before hut never expected 10 see him 'againthe mad dash of counsellors to get theirfreshmen dances lime out for a drink ofpunch and Lack to the dorms feeling tiredbUL successful and so on through theweek teas mixers taffv ap-ple parties an v Lhing to help the freshmenfeel that they are a part of this g,'eat Universitythen t he beginning of classes backLo the good old harness but still thosedelightful meetings wit h the groups thehelpful ad visor the fun of helping someone else get acclimated their ideas andreactions it's all in I he Ii fe of an Upperclass Counsellor.TOP ROW-Carr, Johnson, Prussing, Hancy,Wendt.FRONT ROW-de Wcrlhern, Sayler, Hartenfold, Loch.The Athletic StaffThe Women's Athletic Association maintains,from the point of view of personnel, one of themost effective coaching staffs now existing in theroster of middle-western Universities. This staffhas developed extensively in thc course of thepast ten years, and was originally conceived withthe value which it would have for all Universitywomen, assuming compulsory athletics. Sinc�the time of the inauguration of the expansionprogram, compulsory gymnasium has been abolished, but our staff, to which we point with greatpride, still exists.It certainl y isn't the position of the Cap andGown staff to advise a curtailment of the personnel of the staff, nor is it a practice of the Capand Gown, .in any circumstance, to adopt astringent editorial policy. We have, however,certain ideas along the line oJ student athleticcompetition, which we feel would work to themore complete sa tisfaction of all interests. It isquite evident that compulsory athletic competition is distasteful to the majority of students,but the question arises as to whether or not thestudents of the College level should, nevertheless,be compelled to engage in some kind of sportactivity. It is our feeling that they should be,first in light of the average age of the student ofthe College level, and secondly in light of theamount of mental work which she is required tocarry. Are we not right, therefore, in supposingthat a more desirable situation could be workedout whereby the women in the University at theCollege level would be required to take advantageof the excellent facili ties for recreational activitiesthat our athletic staff offers, rather than restricting them to the private use of those few womenwho on their own initiative still appreciate thevalue of regular physical exercise?W.D.W.TOP ROW-Staud, Thompson, Burns.FRONT HOW-Kidwell, Durlley, Ballwehher. GertrudeDudleyMISS GERTRUDE DUDLEYWith the prospect of Miss Dudlev's career atthe University soon terminating we 'realize whatan important part she has played in the life ofthe University woman.Miss Dudley received her first preparation forteaching physical education at Mt. Holyoke.In 1896 she took her degree, following which shehad some varied and interesting experiences inteaching.In the autumn of 1898 Miss Dudley came tothe University. Here she was given an opport�nit�· to bring into plav her abundant supplyof energy and efficiency. Physical education forwomen in those days was rather undeveloped, butwi�h .insight and enthusiasm Miss Dudley beganbuilding up an athletic department whose servicesand facilities todav are hardlv to be excelledanywhere in this countrv. ..The athletic department has not been MissDudlev's only interest in the University. Formany "years she was a member of the Women'sUni�er'sity Council, the organi7.ation which tookover many of the duties of ' the Dean of Womenwhen that position was abolished in L925. In1932 she became chairman of t his organization.As sponsor of W. A. A. she has taken a vitalinterest in the activities of this organization.She has also served on the Advisory Council of TdaNoyes Jlall from the time theit'" work consistedof f'urnishing the building to the present day.Miss Dudley has kept before her departmentthe slogan, "Play for play's sake." The abolishing of compulsory physical education has notdiminished in any way the facilities and serviceswhich the department offers to the student. Norhas it meant the lowering in an�· way of the highideals which Miss Dudlev has set up for thedepartment. She feels that physical exercise andplay are indispensible to a well-rounded life andare therefore necessarv to a well rounded education. Participation in physical activities offersthe opportunity to put to practical use theprinciples learned in formal ed ucation.HofferTHE ADVISORY BOARDEXECUTIVE COMMITTEECATHERINE HOFFEHHELEN MARY BROWNELIZABETH HAMBLETONMARGAUET GOETSCH PresidentV ice- PresidentSecretaryTreasurerINTEREST CLUB PRESIDENTSIUMA MITTONJANE HEl.lERTRUTH WHIGHTHENA NELSONRUTH ANN HEISEYCAROL BRUEGGEMANMILOHE() EATONFAITH HAHCOCK, KATIIHYN WENDTPATHICIA WEEKS ArcheryBowling"COO ClubGol]OrchesisPegasus" Tap7 ennisTarponSPECTAL REPRESENTATIVESJAAN INT-HoUTIUENE BUCKT.EYCHARLOTTE THOMSONMARY W ALTEI{ HockeyBasketbailSocialPublicity Women ts Athletic AssociationMembership inthe Women's Athletic Association is open to any woman enrolled in the University. The purpose of the organization is togive women an opportunity to meet fellow students in a fricndly atmosphere, and to aid theindividual in developing skill in the activitieswhich interest her. The one hundred and fiftymembers of W. A. A. are divided into two typesof membership, general membership and specialinterests clubs. These clubs are made-up ofgirls possessing a certain amount of skill in oneof the various activities.W. A. A. greeted freshman during Freshmanweek at a lea held in the Trophy Gallery of IdaNoyes Hall and gave them an opportunityto become acquainted with the building and theequipment. The popular cozies were continuedFriday afternoons, some of them being sponsoredby the special interest groups. W. A. A. alsoserved luncheons at various intervals in the sunparlor of Ida Noyes Hall.The organization was hostess to the NorthCentral Sectional Conference of the AthleticFederation of College Women on Thursday,Friday and Saturday, March twentv-seventh totwenty ninth. Delegates to this conferencewere housed at Burton Court and the meetingswere heir! in Ida Noyes Hall. On Thursdayevening a reception for the delegates was held inthe Library of Ida Noyes and on Fridav therewas a formal banquet at which the guests wereentertained by performances of the members ofthe Tap Club and Orchesis.TOP ROW-Buckley, Hebert, Weeks, Hernmens, Walter.FRONT ROW-Wright, Eaton, Hoffer, Hambleton, Tnt-Hout.Page I65TOP ROW�Hebert, Fenzel, Weeks, Wright.FRONT ROW�Hoffer, Inbusch, Drummond, Swineford, Goetsch.HockeyHOCKEY HONOR TEAMWILLETTE DRUMMOND CYNTHIA GRABODOROTHY ESHBAUGH BEATRICE HALLROBERTA FENZEL JEAN INBUSCHRUTH FLETCHER ELEANOR STEEI�EMARGARET GOETSCH ADA SWINEFORDPATRICIA WEEKSSUBSTITUTESJANE BRlLEJANE HEBERT JANE HOFFERKATHERiNE LEUSCHERRUTH WRIGHTTHE HOCKEY SEASONIdeal weather and a huge turnout for hockeymade this year's season a success. The playerswere chosen and divided into two teams accordingto their status in the University. One was theCollege team under the captaincy of Jane Hebert,the other the Division team under the directionof Ruth Wright.During the short period of practice precedingthe games between the two, there was muchdiscussion concerning the relative merits of eachteam; but the Division players soon proved theirsuperiority by defeating the College 2-0 after agame ending in a 0-0 tie. Their success wasbrief, however, as they were defeated by theexcellent teamwork of the Midway Club in a 2-0game on November 3. A 4-0 defeat came shortlyPage r66 afterwards in a game played with the UniversityHigh School Imps. The College faired better intheir encounter with the University High SchoolPeps as this game ended in a 0-0 score.The Honor Team was chosen from the mostcapable players of these two teams, and WilletteDrummond was elected captain. The two outstanding games which the Honor Team playedwere with the All Star team of U-I-Iigh and withthe Alumni. In spite of the excellent playingof the Honor Team, the All Star players gaineda 2-1 victory. The game with the Alumni wasa bit more successful as it ended in a 0-0 tie. Theexcellent playing of Bobbie Fenzel was largelyresponsible for the Alums inability to score.Later in the season Hockey Play-Day washeld in Jackson Park.This gave the membersof the hockey classes achance to compete withthe other schools of thedistrict. The schoolstaking part were Northwestern University,Morton Junior .. College,Saint Mary's College,Thornton Junior College,DeKalb College, andChicago Normal College.In this, the final meetof the year, the University team lost toNorthwestern 1-0, tiedSaint Mary's 0-0, anddefeated Morton JuniorCollege 2-0. DrummondInbush Landon Hebert WrighL (C)BasketballBASKETBALL HONOR TEAMFORWARDSRUTH WRIGHT, CaptainADA ESPENSHADEJEAN IN BUSCHGUARDSIRENE BUCKLEYELEANORE LANDONHELEN KOTASSUBSTITUTESJANE HEBERTJANE WOODRUFFIRENE :FOHDADA SWINEFORDBEATHICE HALLThe basketball season this year was verysuccessful from the point of view of numbers asthe turn out was large enough to be divided intofour class teams. There were freshman andsophomore teams in the College group andjunior and senior teams in the Divisional group.The teams elected their captains at once sothat the play-off could begin. The freshmanchose as their captain Leona Woods. IreneBuckley was chosen to lead the sophomore team,while Helen Kotas was selected captain of thejuniors. The seniors put Ruth Wright at theirhead, and all were prepared for the heavy scheduleplanned for the entire group by the coaches,Miss Margaret Burns and Miss Orsie Thompson.The games included not only competition betweenthe class teams but also between the dormitoryteams.The freshmen seemed doomed from thebeginning, and they ended their season withoutwinning a game. Lack of experience was probably the major cause of most of their losses; butif they follow the example of the older teams,their record will improve in the years to come.The sophomores split their season, winningBuckley Woodruff Hallthree games and losing three. The mam difficulty under which the team played was theserious question of height. It was a hard thingfor the smaller girls who made up the majorityof the team to get out and jump against girlstaller than they. This, however made nodifference in the spirit and pep with which theyplayed and with which they are looking forwardto duplicating the record of the juniors nextyear.The juniors were by common consent thechampions as they won all their games. In allfairness to the other teams it must be statedthat the juniors had the advantage of havinga larger number of recruits from which to picktheir team.The seniors, handicapped more or less bvthe lack of material, won three games andlost three. Perhaps next year as alumnaethey will be able to come back and make up forsome of their narrow margins.At the end of theseason the honor teamwas chosen from thepreeminent players withrespect to their ability,sportsmanship, all around knowledge of thegame, and attendance.They evidently were wellchosen for they wontheir major contests.They vanquished theUniversity High SchoolAll-Star Team, 15 to 5.The Alumnae were however, not so easily beatenas the score of this gamewas 24 to 23.After such a successful year, basketball, interms of interest andparticipation, deserves ahigh place in the hierarchy of major sports. WrightSwimmingWOMEN'S HONOR SWIMMING TEAMEILEEN CURRYRUTH EDDYMAHY ALICE DUDDY GER'l'IWDE FoxELIZABETH SCOTTCHAI{LOTTE E. THOMSONRUTH CALLENDAR, SubstituteAdmission to Tarpon, the women's swimmingclub, is obtained by examination; and havinggained admittance, the members are grouped byability as Tadpoles, Frogs, a'nd Fish. This year,however, a new classification of Shark was addedto the groups to include the members of exceptional ability. Throughout the year weeklymeetings were held, during which each grouppracticed for the tests which admit them tohigher ranks.After the prospective water-babies had passedtheir respective tests in the Fall, Tarpon gavethe new members a dinner and afterwards athorough initia tion in the pool.In the Winter quarter the annual Tarponexhibit was given. It was held earlier than iscustomary this year because team swimmingwas given Spring quarter. Since Tarpon doesa great deal in team swimming, it was thoughtwise to have the exhibit earlier than usual.The show was called "Current Splashes" andwas a take-off on a newspaper portraying suchnotables as Gertrude Stein, Ghandi, and others,and featuring a rotagravure section, comic 'strips,and sports. One of the high spots was thefashion display of the latest styles in rubberbathing suits. This year, for the second time,the exhibit was successfully opened to the public.Page 168 Programs in the form of rmruature newspaperscarried out the theme of the presentation anddemonstrated that the exhibit committee, headedby Dorothy Wells, had cleverly worked outeverything to the smallest detail.The last activity before the new officers tookcharge in the Spring quarter was a birthday dinnercelebrating Tarpon's fourteenth anniversary.This was also made an occasion to honor MissDudley before she retired and to install thenew officers. Mrs. Kay Curtis, the organizer ofTarpon, was invited to reminisce a bit about thebeginnings of the club. Other highlights of theprogram were speeches by Miss Ballwebber andMiss Dudley. Many alumnae were present torenew contacts with the present members of theirfavorite undergraduate activity.This year has been a successful one forTarpon. An even moreactive year is lookedforward to as the testsfor admission to theclub have been clarifiedand made a little harderin order to secure bettermaterial, and the administra tive system ofgiving the tests has beenfacilitated by the appointment of a supervisory committee. Agreat deal of the Club'ssuccess is due to theexcellent eoaching ofMiss Ballwebber, theIacultv advisor.WeeksMinor SportsARCHERYOne of the most popular of minor sports onthe Midway is archery. During the autumnand spring quarters every day girls can be seencarefully aiming at the targets in Dudley Field.Archerv enthusiasts club together as Artemists,meeting once a week for practice.BOWLINGThe bowling alley has been unusually busythis vear as a result of the interest which hasbeen -stimulated in that sport, largely throughthe efforts of Jane Hebert. Bowling Club takesin girls as thev become more skillful at the sport,and attempt to increase the interest in theirorganization by sponsoring tournaments andspecial contests.GOLFThis year was no exception to the fact thatgolf gradually is growing more popular amongUniversity women .. As early as March golfclubs began to appear in the class rooms andpractice balls popped out of brief cases-definitesigns that practice had already begun. Expertinstruction from Miss Burns and the traditionaltournaments on nearby courses made the sportenjoyable for many.ORCHESISThe soft foot-falls of Orchesis do not resoundloudly on campus but that is no indication ofinactivit.v. In the spring the members gave aprogram of interpretation or religious music atone of the vesper services in the Chapel. Withoutthe participation of Orchesis members the balletof Mirror would not be what it is. Participationin out-of-town dance recitals and attendance atother dance events make their year of activityfull.PEGASUSEvery Saturday morning Lt. Price of theR. O. T. C. instructs Pegasus members in thefine points of horsemanship. There is a placefor everyone, from the most timid girl to themost a";"bitious who has visions of somedaybeing a circus rider. Warm weather takes themembers each spring into the country to testtheir newly acquired ability. RACQUETWith ample space for practice, Racquet boastsone of the largest followings of any sport club.It is a joyful moment in the spring when B. and G.announces that the courts are ready for use. It isthen that the girls are rewarded for their diligentindoor practice all through the winter. Tests,ranks, tournaments, and expert coaching makethis sport far different than the gentle game ourmothers played on the grass courts when theUniversity was in its earlier days.TAPThe one organization which gets all its Iunout of hard work is the Tap Club. Without theirservice Mirror would have great difficulty inplanning its clever and complicated danceroutines.TOP ROW-Hoffer, Miss Burns, Buckley, Hebert, Drummond, Fenzel, Weeks, Duddy, Curry.FRONT ROW-Olson, Woodruff, Inbusch, Wright, Goetsch, Swineford, Thomson, Wendt.Women's "(" (IubSTUDENT MEMBERSBEATRICE ACHTENBERG JANE HOFFERRUTH BARNARD JEAN INBUSCHVIRGINIA BLOCKER ALICE JOHNSONRUTH BRITE HELEN KOTAS The Women's "C" Club is an organization ofUniversity women composed of those who havewon tennis or golf tournaments, or have beenchosen as members of honor teams in the majorsports. There are about forty-five members inall, not all of them, however, being active.The club is one of the most active organizations on campus as their social calendar for theyear showed. The first important social affairwas a steak fry held on the beach early in thefaU quarter. At the W. A. A. initiation dinneralso held in the fall it is customarv for eachorganization to give a stunt as a part of theprogram. "C" Club contributed this year tothe festivity with a timely parody on a presentliterary lion's writing technique, aply named"Four C's and Three A's."IRENE BUCKLEY ELEANORE LANDONRUTH CAMP KATHERINE LEUTSCHEREILEEN CURRY PEGGY MARSHALLMARY ALICE DUDDY RENA NELSONRUTH EDDY .I AN�� OLSON Along philanthropic lines the "c" Clubcarried out its trad i tion of several years of ha vingthe winning girl's basketball and volleyballteams from the University Settlement as theirguests at Ida Noyes Hall.' At this banquet theannual athletic cup awards were made. Followingthe regular program, a series of informal gameswere sponsored in the gymnasium.Aside from these special occasions at leasttwice a quarter regular dinner meetings wereheld followed by business and social sessions.At one of these' meetings each active memberbrought a guest and all indulged in a treasurehunt which was a rollicking success."C" Club lent the service of its personnel toall the activities of its affiliated organization,W. A. A. The contagious enthusiasm of MissBurns, who acted in the capacity of facultyadviser was a never ending source of inspirationto "C" Club members.ADA ESPENSHADE MARY V. ROCKWELLDOHOTHY ESHBAUGH ELIZABETH SCOTTROBERTA FENZEL ELEANOR STEELERUTH FLETCHER ADA SWINEFORDIRENE FORD ELEANOR SVATIKMARGARET GOETSCH C. ELIZABETH THOMSONCYNTHIA GRABO MARY WALTERBEATRICE IIAJ�L PATRICIA WEEKSELIZABETH HAMILTON KATHRYN WENDTJEAN HARVEY JANE WOODRUFFJANE HEBERT RUTH WRIGHTPage [70• •• •• •WOMEN'S CLUBS• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •Virginia NewINTERCLUB COUNCILREPR ESENT A TIVESIRMA MITTONJEAN O'HAGANMARY MAC KENZI EVIRGINIA NEWALBERTA SCHMIDTEDITH MCCAHTI-IYEVELYN CARRV ERN A WINTEHSALSY TITTMANCLETA OLMSTEADKATHERINE TREESVIOLET ELLIOTMAHION WESTPHAL AchothAn-ianChi Rho SigmaDelta SigmaDelthoEsotericMortar BoardPhi Beta DeltaPhi Delta UpsilonPi Delta PhiQuadranglerSigmaWyvernINTERCLUBOFFICERSVIRGINIA NEWPresidentVERNA WINTEIlSSecretary lnterclub CouncilThe Interclub Council, composed of thepresidents of the thirteen social clubs for women,has been very active in the past year. The groupsponsored the second annual Interclub danceon January 25 in the Hangar Room of theHotel LaSalle with the purpose of promotinggood will among the clubs. ApproximatelvI hree hundred club women and their escortsattended.In addition to carrying on relations betweenthe women's clubs, the council formulates allrules and regulations for the annual club rushingseason. For the last three years the councilhas advocated and followed a deferred rushing plan which the present council foundinadequate and unsatisfactory. Previousrules were thus abolished and a new plan substituted wherebv freshmen and transfer studentsare permitted- to be rushed and pledged duringthe fall quarter. It is hoped that this planwill increase club membership and' decreaserushing expenditures. Affairs for the week ofintensive rushing have been greatly reduced fromthe number allotted to each club under thedeferred rushing system. Only one tea a monthand one dance during the entire rushing seasonmay be held, and the final week of rushing willinclude onlv three affairs instead of the traditionalfunction each dav.The council meets twice a month to decideon all matters concerning the clubs. It aims topromote co-operation between the clubs at alltimes, and to bring Universitv women into closerrela tionship wi th each other.TOP ROW-Trees, Carr, Schmidt, MacKenzie, Mitton, Westphal.FRONT ROW-Tillman, Elliot, Winters, New, Olmstead, O'Hagan_Page 172DelthoFounder] at Chicago 1905HO�ORARY MEMBERSCHAHLOTTE FOYEEUITH MOOHEGEHTHUOE SMITHUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSALTl-l EA BARNESJANE HARTONMADGE BEINJOAN BRAUTIGAMJANE BUULINGA)1ETILA NCJ-I E CONllA f)DONNA DICKEYESTI-IEH GILLVIVIAN KLEMMELILLIAN �ASI-I KlemmeScanl .. 11ANN O'CONNELLPATRICL-\ SCANL"'"ALLlEHTA SCI-I)lIDTHELEN SIIIFFIHA,\AI_LENE TASKERGEHTHUDE WILSOX Hru ut.igauDickeyConradSchmid I N,lShShiffma uTal'\kcrBeiuPage 173DoughertySaylern u sael!MoultonElliottSmithRaney EdwardsWilsonSandmanJ affrayMonilawReynolds WilsonCarrMcCarthy\VilliamAonCoolidgePatrickPage 174 EsotericHONORARY MEMBERSCLOVER Cox HENRYDOROTHY DAVIS HEINRICKSFACULTY ADVISOREDITH FOSTER FLINTUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSVIRGINIA CARRMARY LOUISE COOLIDGESARAH EDWARDSEVELYN JAFFRAYEDITH MCCARTHYRUTH MOULTONRUTH RANEYANNE RLDDLEJEAN RUSSELLELIZABETH SAYLEREVELYN SJIITHPLEDGESELIZABETH DOUGHERTYJANE ELLIOTTJANET MONILA WNANCY PARMELEEMARY ANNA PA TRICKADELE SANDMANELEANOR WILLIAMSONLESU E WILSON Founded at Chicago 1894Chi Rho SigmaFounded at Chicago 1903HONORARY MEMBERSMrs. C. DawleyMrs. Ie:. KendallUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSBEATRICE B EA LEFAITH BABCOCKMARGARET CALLANANJANET C.UIPBELLM ILDIlED DO\IKEGENEVIEVE FISI-IGLADYS FOSTEHJEAN HARVEYS�IIHLEY IRISH1\1 AHY LAVERTYEVELYN MAHONEYRUTH MARQUAllDTMARY MACKENZIEMAHGAHET O'MALLEY1-1 ELEN PALMQUISTMARY REAMERWINN1FRED RICEMAllY VmGINIA HOCKWELLANITA ScuwrnrELIZABETH THOMSONKATHERINE WENDTPLEDGESELIZABETH AIDISTROi\GAGNES I-IAGSTHOMMacKellzieWendtl l ar v e yDomkeHeu merT'homsonHof lar a n PalmquistBealeMHrqlwrulSch mid rBabcockLavertyCHILiln:'11l KetlerF'iPlhO'MalleyMahoneyCarnphellFreemanFosterPage 175ForsbergEchardHicksSmithFuzy McKinneyPer ki nsHogu nMorganPc ter son CurlerFraserCurlMittonJohnsonPage 176 AchothHONORARY MEMBERSMRS. MOTTMus. TAYLER Founded at Chicago 1915UNDEHGRADUATE MEMBERSALICE BROWNELEANOR CUPLERHELEN CURLDOROTHY ECHARDHELEN FORSBERGNOR�fA FRASERALICE FuzySARAH HICKSHARtUETTE HOGANVIHGINIA JOHNSONMARION McKINNEYIRMA MITTONANN PERKINSHELEN PERKINSHELEN PETERSONHELEN SMITHMARY RITA SMITHPhi Beta DeltaFounded at Chicago 1898HONORARY MEMBERSMRS. JULIAN HESSMRS. JAMES McKINSEYUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSROSEMARY BECKERJEANETTE COCHUANEMARION GENTZCYNTHIA GUABOGEUALOINE HANSENEMILY PETERSONVJHGINJA PRINDIVILLEBEATRICE RAYFIELHVlHGINIA TRESCOTTJEAN TURNBULLCATHERINE WALKEHHELEN WEINREHGERVEHNA WINTERSPLEDGESFRANCES BURNETTCATHERINE DALTONMARGARET KAURKATI-IHYN RAEIHGCATHERINE WALKEHPAULINE WILLISTreecot tGrahoRayfieldWeinbergerPeterson BurnettCochraneTurnbullPrindivilleWintcrti GentzWilli,WalkerKnuhBeckerPage 177SigmaMorrisGilmoreQuinnGrimesElliotCombsFisher ThompsonRichardsonCrossLoeserSimonHannahCooke PaltzerHiattBartlettBoothBezdekProtheroCockhurn O'HanleyFu ge tWatrousTeiherMatthewsStevensonPage 178 Founded at Chicago 1895HONORARY MEMBERMRS. EDGAR J. GOODSPEEDUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSELIZABETH BARTLETTALICE COCKBURNBETTY DAI.E COOKEELLEN CROSSV lOLET�ELLIOTELLEN GILMOREDOROTHY GRIMESCAROLINE HIATTKATINKA LOESERLORllAlNE MATTHE"WSVIRGINIA 'MOHHlSMARGARET O'IJANLEYCLAHISSA PALTZERSUE RICHARDSONROSE TEJHEHM AHGARET THOMPSONWILMA WATROUSPLEDGESFHANCES BEZDEKELIZABETH BOOTHSHIRLEY COMBSMAHION FAGETALICE FISHERLOUISE HANNAHFRANCES PROTH ElWELIZA BETH QUINNJANE SIMONMARY JANE STEVENSONFounded at Chicago 1898 WyvernUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSRUTH ALLISONJULIANA BONDMILDRED EATONHANNAH FISKMARGARET GossELEANOR GRAHAMJAAN INT-HoUTALICE JOHNSONDOROTHY KINSLEYNANCY KIRBYVIRGINIA LINDWALLHELEN ANN LITTIGELEANOR SHAllTSMAIUON SMITHHELEN DE WERTHEIlNMAlllON WESTPHAl,PLEDGESM.AIHE 130MKEFUANCES BURNSFRANCES CORDEAL.JANE EASTONLUCILLE FAmBAlIlNPATRICIA FLOODMILDRED HOFFMANHELEN McINNISELEANOR MELANDEHEVELYN OHTENDAHLMILDRED RANTZLOIS SMITHRantzFairbairnBurnsEastonLittigJohnsonde Werthern OrtcndahlWestphalG088M. SmithMelanderKinsleyBomke Lind wallFloodEatonL. SmithCor dea lAllisonMc l n nis KirbyBondSb ar t eGrahamFiskHoffmanLnt-HoutPage I79ArrianFounded at Chicago 1931FACULTY ADVISEHMI{s. WILMA KmBY-MILLERUNDERCRADUATE MEMBERSHELEN CAREYGENEVIEVE DALKUSPAULINE JONESLORRAINE LINDBLADGRETCHEN METZJEAN O'HAGANDOROTHY PEDERSONHILDA SCHUMI'(E UNICE TI{(?E�oELALICE SZAMRARISPLEDGESLrLLlAN BELINGEULAH DETWEILEHFLORENCE REIDReedSohu mmJonesMetzDetweiler 'I'hoeudelUelingSundstromLindltladPage I80Phi Delta UpsilonFounded at Chicago 1913HONORARY MEMBERSMRS. ETHEL BAKER ANDREWSMRS. JAY CHAPINMRS. NTNA DE LONG SANDSMRS. MARY E. VILASMRS. ALlIIA WILDEUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSGRACE E. COO_\fBSISABEL DECKERMARY ALICE DUDOYIDA E. ELANDERVIRGINIA LEE MILLERRUTH OLSONVORANA SCHULZAGNES SPINK.�F:LIZABETH THOMPSONALSY TITT)IANMABET. WALBURNPLEDGESJEANETTE ANI)ERSONBETTY BENSONJEAN DECKERLUCILLE NORTONELEANOR SAWYERMURIEl. STANEKMARJORI E STUART'1'l1oml)lSOIII. DeckerJ. DeckerSt uur t CoombsSchulzOIPlonOwl(ly WalburnBensonElauderNortonPi Delta PhiHollettAllenJonesChitlickWolfeHof ma n WalterCottinghamWilsonDuncanHowellOlmstead VereckenStolteArchambaultJ'ishHolmanBrownPage 182 Founded at Chicago 1904HONORARY MEMBERSMR. S. W. DIXONMRS. A. D. DORSETTMRS. A. E. HALSTEADMRS. FRANKLIN HESSUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSMARGARET BROWNHELEN CHITLlCKKATHERINE COTTINGHA)[FUANCES DUNCANCONNIE FISHMARGARET GOETSCHMARCIA HOLLETTJANE HOLMANRUBY HOWELLCLETA OLMSTEADMARY OLMSTEADJEANNE STOLTEVIRGINIA VERECKENMARY WALTERMARIE WOLFEPLEDGESORLEANS AnCHAMBAULTFLORENCE JONESSTGRID STRICKLANDMARGARET WILSONDelta SigmaFounded at Chicago 1914HONORARY MEMBERSMRS. EDWIN A. BURTMRS. WILLIAM SCOTT GRAYMRS. MARY E. HA Y�SMRS. DUDLEY B. REEDUNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSMARJORJ E ALLISONSARA BAUMGARDNERHELEN BELLOWSEVELYN ENDREZMARY FINNEGANEVALINA GAMBLEELSIE GIfISONJEAN GRACEBETTY HOLMESMARJORIE KNEENWALASKA KOULERMARY MAWICKEMARY JANE McALLISTEUVIRGINIA NEWCATHERINE PITTMANEVELYN RINGHOSESHlHLEY ANNE SONDELELLNOH TAYLORAGATHA TOSNEYPAULINE TUHPINJACQUELINE THUEAXMcAllisterKneenHolmesKohlerTaylorRingroseTurpin Endr ezMillerGraceGambleNewMawickeBaumgardner T0811CYAllisonF'innega nStanek'I'ruea xGibsonPillmanPage 1831Vf ortar BoardPrest Kuehn Graver Wallers KreuscherP. Vail Dio81HII Markman Oliver PaulrnanDillon Pickard Guioll B. V,ail HallNim mona lIouzc Glynn McCusky BardenHumphreYI:I Olocki Johnstone Storms MooreVaughn Tillinghast Laurence Trumhull ScheelPalmer Sc.h mid r Green Hix Prusain gBeverly Gordon JefTris Carr Founded at Chicago 1894UNDERGRADUATEMEMBERSHELEN ANDERSENBARBARA BEVERLYMARZALIE BIOS SATBARBARA BLOCKTEVELYN CARRPAULA DILLONMARGARET GRA VERJOAN GUJOUJANE HEMPLEMANRITA HOUZEJANET HUl\fPHREYSELIZABETH KREUSCHEHMARION KUEHNGEHTRUDE LAURENCEEUZAIlETH MCCASKYMARGARET MOOREMARION OLIVERANNE PALMERJAYNE PAUI,MANJEAN PICKARDJEAN PRUSSINGELENORE SCHEELROllERTA STORMSLuCY TRUMBULLBARBARA VAILPATRICIA VAILELIZABETH VAUGHNR UTI·I WALTEHSPLEDGI�SELIZABETH RAHDENH.UTll GLYNNMAlty LETTY GREENBEATRICE HALLNANCY JEFFRISMARY JOHNSTONEJANE MARKJ)IANNANf:Y NIMMONSROSEMARY PRESTMARY PAUL RIXTHEODORA SCHMIDTMARGARET Tl1�LlNGHASTQuadrang lerFounded at Chicago 1895UNDERGRADUATE MEMBERSELIZABETH BLISS[{ITA CUSACKBETTY CHOFTLOHHAINE DONKLEELIZABETH ELLISVIRGINIA EYSELLFRANCES GETHROSARA GWINMARY HASKELLMOI�LY HECHTMARY JANE HECTORLOUISE KIIEUTZERBONITA LILLIEMARGARET NOBLEGEIlTRUDE SENNELEANOU SULCEUKATHERINE TUEESELIZABETH W ALKEUPLEDGESEHNESTINE BILGERBONNIE BHETERNTTZDORIS DAVENPOHTBETTY DAVISLSABEL DAVISELIZABETH DICKEYDONNA DONKLEJUDITH FoxHELEN HEILEFLORENCE J-fENRYALICE HOLMESMAllY MABEL HOWSONJEAN McDOUGALLLORNA LEE McDOUGALLJUDITH PALMEREMILY RODGERSBETTY SEABURYMYHA WAHNERHELEN WEGGELIZABETH WESTONEyse] lHech tTreesSeahuryFoxDonkleHowson Sennf-l,,"kellI. DavisDickeyB. DavisMc:Oollgallt.ctllroElli. CusackRodg er eWestonHeileHolmesBlissW tunerDavenportHenrySulcerHector(;winBr e ter ui tzLillieNohleHilger• • • • • •• • • • • •FEATURESADVERTISINGI N D E X• • • • • •• ••••••• •••••••• • • • • •WOOLLCOTT AND LIGHTNING QUADRANGLESBy HOWARD W. MORT, Editor TOWER TOPICSThe Town Crier spoke at Mandel Hall andHutchinson Commons last Wednesday evening.He looked just like his photograph; was as gracious and spontaneous in his wit as you hadimagined him; and he talked mostly about dreams.Mandel Hall had been a complete sell-out daysbefore he arrived. To care for the hundreds ofothers wishing to hear Mr. W oollcott, the StudentLecture Service-who sponsored the appearanceprovided for an overflow of eight hundred peoplein Hutchinson Commons. A loud speaker systembrought the lecture to this group. At the closeof his address Mr. Woollcott made a fifteenminute personal appearance in the Commons,which gave everyone a chance to see as well ashear him.Earlier the same evening lightning struckMitchell Towel' and splattered two-hundredpound cubes of Indiana limestone through theroofs beneath. Fortunatelv, no one was hurtalthough one large block tore through the topof Mrs. Paul Loretta's car, parked ten minutesbefore on Fiftv-seven th street, and shattered thesteering wheei. Mrs. Loretta is the addressograph operator in the Alumni office.Teh lightning event came as a climax to a STRIKETown Crier dinner party being sponsored byTower Topics in Hutchinson Commons and theCoffee Shop. Our guests were in the process ofunscrambling a list of names (University notables), which had been hit-not by lightningbut by the entertainment committee previous tothe party-when the clumsy thunder storm playfully joined in the festivities via Mitchell Tower.Neither the Student Lecture Service norTower Topics claim any credit Ior the lightningact as a publicity stunt, although it certainlybrought down the house!We are herewith reproducing five picturestaken by Mr. Haines of the department ofBuildings and Grounds which will give you someidea of the extent of the damage and the amountof work involved in making the repairs.Thus we experienced, first-hand, how a colonyof cultured ants must feel when a giant humanbeing, in a moment of nonchalant carelessness,kicks the artistic peak off the carefully constructed mound and sets the budget back somefew thousand ant-dollars.The analogy isn't so far astray when oneconsiders that Mitchell Tower is a main entranceinto the quadrangles and when, within fifteenminutes after the crash, a corps of efficientworkmen had begun to repair the damage.Here is a before, after, and during picture of the disaster to Mitchell Tower. Upper left-hand picture shows the turret beforethe storm. In the center is a close-up of the wreck. Note the perilous looking block at the bottom of the picture. Upperright-hand view shows the scaffolding where the reconstruction is going on. The entire turret had to be rebuilt. Lower leftand right show the work underway.Swift & CompanyFood Poesy ...o[merfcan StyleYOU may search the world over for epicureanhighs, if you are given to such pastimes, andyou will find many delightful, rare delicacies; marvelous tasting masterpieces of culinary skill, prepared with foreign flourishes and served with muchceremonious ado.And, during the course of your travels in theinterests of gastronomy, you will undoubtedly runacross a serving of ham more appetizing, moregenuinely delicious than any you have ever tasted.It will have a distinct individuality ... a flavor different from that of any other. It will be mild andsweet ... rich tasting, with an extra melt-in-yourmouth goodness that grows more tempting witheach bite.Inquiry, we'll wager, will prove this ham to beSwift's Premium. We say that because Swift'sPremium has a flavor all its own; a flavor that comesfrom the famous Premium cure and from ovenizing-an improved way of smoking ham in ovens. Thick,juicy center slices of this ham, broiled or fried, orperhaps a whole or half SWift'sPremium Ham baked withspices and brown sugar andserved with all the fixings ...Ah, there's real food poesyfor you, American style.THE PERSONALITY OF A RAINY NIGHTBY WINSTON ASHLEYTHE RAIN: Lake, lot, roof, streetand under their feet.A Boy: What's that funny rumblin noise?That ain't the L. This damn ole rain makesso much racket on the awnin up there Ican't tell. There it goes again. real deepdown. A drum.Gee! What a splash them cars make, whyyou can hear the rain go plunk! under thefenders. I wish it ud all stop so as I couldhear. What's it?THE L. OVERHEAD:Crack on the slick railsdrizzle drizzle down through dripping trestlesTHE Boy: It's like when the guy threw thatpineapple thing into the Cleaners once a couplea blocks down and I sawall the bricks go outand the glass smaeh+-There. It's rainin bloodymurder. Again.�A STREET-CAR:Crack of pink sparks on dripping wiresgrind on slimy railsTHE TAXIS: Sizzle of sucking tirespoliceman whistlesTHE Boy: How funny my slicker crackles andthe rain hittin' my hat-e-CLOCK: Six, six, six, seven.DEATH IN A BACK ROOM SHOOTING CRAPS:Come eleven.THE Boy: I wish I could tell, the radio goinfull blast in there, the fat woman yellin soloud at that funny little guy, if she'd shut upso as I could tell->THE FAT WOMAN: I'll have vou know I willnot go nowhere if I got to walk in this pour.I tell you I am not gonna walk in all this pour.I'll have vou know-> ,THE Boy: 'I bet. There! I wonder-sTHE THUNDER: Yes old old old gloomA GIRL OF SIXTEEN: /Everything's so wet and shiny like.I'm crazy to see her in this new picture,I'd go in a cloud-burst just to see her,down there's the show, the red-sign showsreal red and bright through all this rain.Oh those lovely dresses! rain's all over thewindow,the blue one, the grey-green one, that one, oh-eEverything's shiny. That show'Il be swell,slick furs, and shiny satin, and jewels, andglasseswith cocktails sparkling and bubbles andrings,and his shirt-front, him that leading man-eOh gosh�My shoes look so shiny, wettish,they catch the light so, the green signand now I can cross, it shines in the streeta long shine of green right up to this gutter-s-Page I90 Car lights and taxis, and people in taxis,Me in a taxi, Oh gee if�THE LIGHTS:Long sunken wavering wet through thin waterand hazy signs haloed, and caught on drips,dripssplashed wide athwart dark edgespoured. pale along worn steely railsbobbed in the globes of eyes in the blobs ofvague faces-THE FACES:Coming up at you from the vague wetstretched in a second to a laugh, shrunk toa frownor vague,the wet nose tip, the lash bedewed, the smallmustachelimp with water-e-THE WINDOWS OF A GROCERY STORE:And round white cabbages pawed overby damp brown hands.A DOG:Kinda blurry and dull looking out to-nightbut 0 the smells-e-A PHILOSOPHER: The rain imprisons and dividesall menbehind the bars of the rainall men weep in their private hellsA PROLETARIAN: In them hotels-e-A CAPITALIST: A night like this is good forbusiness, the parks are too wet.THE STREETS:Pooled, black pool, white pool, varicolored,the long sunken paths wavering from lightpostscrossing our steel ribs and our brick foreheads.THE GIRL OF SIXTEEN:It'll be swell and here's the show,The lobby's got such a smell of popcorn!THE FACE ON THE SCREEN: You're a dearTommy, a sweet old dear, but no I just�Ijust can't feel that way about you somehow.Won't you have anothah gin fizz?AN OLD WOMAN: My! There ain't anythingquite like a rainy evening to whetten up theappetite. I can just taste that beautiful hamhanging up in there, nice juicy smoke cured-ejust the right damp of the air to bring out theflavor.A SUB-PROLETARIAN: Please mister. For acupacawfee. Please mister!A STREET-WALKER:This night's Hell.Is that a guy comin or a woman?I can't tell it's got so dark with the rain comindown all the time.Say Mister->A FAIRY: No. No.BREVOORT HOTEL120 W. MADISON•HOME OF WORLD FAMOUSCircular Crystal Tap•FEATURINGTHE MOST BEAUTIFULNEW BANQUET ANDDANCE ROOMSATEXTREMELY ATTRACTIVEPRICES-I CRITCHELL, MILLERWHITNEY &BARBOURINSURANCE175 West Jackson Blvd.Phone Wabash 0340•Place your insurance in reliablestock companies through an experienced and responsible agency.•Established 1868Gas RangesUniversal• Universal Ranges contain themost modern, convenient andeconomical equipment possibleto build into a gas range, plussuperb beauty and distinctive,modern styling. The Universalis in tune with the tempo of thetimes. It promotes greaterleisure and economy of fuel andfood. It performs a truly automatic cooking service.Universal Gas RangeMANUFACTUHED BYCRIBBEN & SEXTONCOMPANYChicago, IllinoisPage 191THE OLD WOMAN: Here it is. Let's see thespecials they've got here stuck up on thewindow, rub the damp off my glasses, my, mm.THE PAPIER-MACHE TURKEY IN THE WINDOW:Here for four yearsbetween SPECIALS AND BEERS,When it's damp I feel soft and very freshalmost like real fleshinstead of mache.THE SouPS INSIDE:Oily dribble from the spoononion- delicate as the ripe mooncream of celery, ivory whiteoilv globules swimming bright."THE 'STEAK: Puddle of blood, puddle of blood.THE OLD WOMAN: Good! Good! 0 mv thatjust goes down so nice and warm, my. '1 justlove to sit like this here in a nice bright restaurant and look out the window on a nicechilly damp night to whet the appetite for areal meal. Mv, taste that steak, my-THE DYSPEPTIC:· When it's damp if j just takeso much as a drop of fat-O my,-Mabel, younever saw the like-I go absolutely green andspotty and-I wish you could see me, why Ijust-THE GREy-HAIRED MAN IN THE BIG OVERCOAT:Easy there, driver, easy, Oh! my joints, thisdamp!THE DAMN DAMP:Breath of water, the wet of the windexhaled upward finding a way through a meshof woolthrough a net of cotton, through web of silkto young skin quivering, to ache, the hot bone,Dampness on the powdery cheek, on the harshshaven cheek,on the broad ring chilled about a hair finger.THE YOUNG MAN: .Hell that drop on my neck was cold!The street feels slimy under my feet,mud and grit, paper' and slop.Stop and light. God! I'm horny. -A DOG: I itch.THE YOUNG MAN:She's got such swell skin, the little cheatsoft and warm, soft.I can sorta feel that I'm here, muscles and skinhere inside my clothes, I feel em moveagainst and around me when I walkwhen I think of her and her fine hair,just touch her.THE FAIRY: Like mud, like slop under the feetof the young-This night, oh dear, this oozing night,defiled.THE YOUNG MAN:It's time I felt something soft.In that damned store all day selling hardware,knives, buckets, pan-cake turners, shovels,steel crap.Soft now-->Page I92 THE WIND:Lifted from the lake's swell in a dark stream,strained delicately through dry park leavesdimthrough L trestles through engine smokethrough wood-fire, coal smoke,and let fall down across a street corner,a delicate stretched veil, beaded, like darkness,like mouths.A MOTHER: Well, I've got em all kissed goodnight and got them drinks and tucked themin and put up the window and they're asleep.Dad's gonta sleep in his chair.I like just a rainy night like this,just smell the wind, Chicago all over,beer that is from the Log Cabin Tavernand that's dog dirt in the alleyand that smell there's La Ruba's CandyShop, caramel-and why! you can smell the woolin people's cats clear here at a third storywinder-Jaspie's hair smelt so nice when I kissedhim good-night.It's a nice night and to-morrow is Sunday.THE VACANT LOT:Buildings, alleys, streets, filling station,I am the. blank backwash of a brick ocean,cindered puddle, puddle like a gentle eyereflecting the vague movements of a tumid sky,weeds, a few with a rank clean smell,rats hidden there in a private hell,harsh brick bats, twisted iron rust,under the roof of a board a spot of dry dust,and elsewhere rain coming into me, seeping insodden with puddled splendor, muddy love,discarded sin,a vacant blank, a square of dissolving night,nowhere are the eyes of a dripping catso bright.DEATH IN A RAGGED SLIKER: Hearin rain alwaysmakes me sleepy, does it you buddy? like aclock, steady.A PROLETARIAN: Well va can always sleep, ifya can find a place to sleep.RAIN:I fall, fell, shall fall on allmelt, dissolve, loosen, solvefever, mortar, fear and loveall as I fall is mudflesh steel bloodand then sleepdeeper than allfor I shall fall, fell . . . I fall.Reprinted from the Autumn Quarter Comment. Written by Winston Ashley, a sophomorein the University, the poem, winner of the FiskePoetry Prize last year, is considered by many thebest article to appear in Comment this year.COLLEGE STUDENTS awl GRADUATESIntensive Stenographic Coursefor college men and women. Puts a working edgeon your academic training. A quick way to income.100 Words a Minute in 100 DaysAssured for One FeeTrains you speedily for a preferred position of good payand provides employment opportunity amongst thousandsof successful alumni and other thousands of business menwho believe in Bryant & Stratton.Day classes only. Enroll now. Classes begin quarterly:July 8, 1935; Oct. 14, 1935; Jan. 13, 1936; April 13, 1936.Summer Classes-Day and Evening in all regular subjects including: Business Administration, Executive Secretarial, Accounting,C.P.A. Preparation, Comptometry and Business Machine Operation, Stenotypy, etc.Regular Fall Term Starts Sept. 3, 1935Visit, write or phone Ran. 1575BRYANT & STRATTONCOLLEGE18 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, III.CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESSEOITOH HUOSONSpeaks, , ,As the old saying so quaintly puts it (and ifit doesn't it should): Cleanliness Is Next To -Godliness, or Vice Versa, The Daily Maroonhas always held this standard high. It thereforedoes not feel that it is overstepping its boundsw�en it asks the rest of the campus to do likewrse.There have been many deals on this campus.There have been good deals and there have beenbad deals and there have been new deals. Buttoday we are confronted with a major crisis.We stand face to face with a dirtv deal.How are we to clean up the situation? Thereds have gone back to Moscow. The patriotshave gone home for dinner. There is only onecourse left open-we must have a "putsch"we must have a thorough -house-cleaning-fromwithin.Now understand us-we do not advocate forothers what we do not want others to advocatefor us. This is the Golden Rule but we don'tcare if we do paraphrase it, because it is for agood cause and we need campaigns to put thepaper over for the �'ear.Page 19t At any rate, we want to pitch (dive, jumpor flop) in ourselves and clean up the campus.J n the immortal words of some great unknownartist who left an indelible stamp for mankindwhen he scribbled on a lavatory wall, "Whatthis campus needs is a good purity campaign."He was right. What we need is a good puritycampaign. The Maroon is the first to jump in,too. We are first in the campus political swim!Care should be taken in cleaning up not togo about it in a dirty, nasty or sullied way. Wetake that precaution. We are as white as thedriven snow. Whiter. We use Ivory Soap inour purity campaign. And although you cannotsee it in the handsomely engraved picture whichaccompanies this stirring idiotorial, th, waterwhich flows gently in the adjacent bath-room isall filtered. Every damn drop of it.Thus we come to a close. The lesson to belearned herefrom is obvious. Never put all yourdirty linen on one line.And remember: PEOPLE WHO LIVE INGLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T TAKE BATHS.H, SYMP HUOSON,SELECT YOUR PIANO AT CABLE'SMASON & HAMLINCONOVERKNABE-·CABLEFISCHER-ESTEYYour best guarantee when selecting a Pianois the reliability of the name behind it.Come to Cable's for Famous Makes!CABLE. -. Piano Company303 So. Wabash at Jackson - - - ChicagoJERSILDSWEATERSforAthletic AwardsandGeneral Wear• • •Quality Distinction• • •J ersild Kni ttin_g CO.Neenah, Wis. Have that Next Party or Dinnerat the DEL PRADO HOTEL . . ,The Finest Food in Chicago isServed in Our Air-ConditionedDining Room. " . Visit OurBeautiful Cocktail Lounge.Newly Decorated Rooms andApartments with BeautifulFurnishings are a vaila ble ..,.... Single Rooms Startat $50.00 per Month.Disappearing Kitchen Units will be installed at a Small Advance in Rental.For Further InformationPhone Mr. Swenson atHyde Park 9600DEL PRADO HOTELATHLETIC HEADQUARTERSAmple Free Parking SpacePHOTOPRESSINCORPORA TED731 Plymouth Ct.ChicagoWabash 8182. . .PLANOGRAPHandOFFSET PRINTINGPage 195GERTIE THE GO-GETTERTake 'em in order ... Patterson, soup for him and nuts tothe women ... Womer, who stayed away from them all· . . and look where it got him . . . Phil White, a quietnumber with inhibitions ... 110 Carr, who knows what shewants and "no's" what they want Bill O'Donnell, mavhe sometime get over the -New Plan Wally SoH, wh�is free and easy, and be careful of your shoulder straps, girls· . . Helen. de Werthern, who knew the right people . . .Tommy Flinn, who never knew how it happened . . .Howie Hudson, the victim of circumstances ... JohnBarden, the maker of the circumstances . . . Soapy Smith,who likes 'em Southern ... Tyroler, the unfaithful ...Richardson, who loved not wisely, but well .. '. TommyTurner, who could grow a dozen goatees, he'd still havefunny knees Betty Kreuscher, who should rent hercars out Ginny Eysell, the unspoiled-by-it-all ...Sara Gwin, and isn't it a shame that Barden was unsophisticated ... don't kid us Sara, you know what we mean ...Gerson, who graduated a year too soon . . . but Rita wasstill elected Midway Queen . . . Jack Dille, who finallycaught up with a woman ... Chuck Dwyer, who lookslike two ape-men with a mustache . . . Willy Watson, whoworked hard and still could laugh . . . Peggy Moore, whothinks of Gerson every time she bites into a steak sandwich,and then can't eat it : .. Lorraine Donkle, who has nothingto say ... Casey Jones, who has done everything ...Hal James, whom we hope doesn't let Peer Gynt in collegeruin a potentially good business man . . . Bruce Stewart,who never knew 'til the day after how good a time he'dhad the night before ... Sid Hyman, self-styled enemy ofthe State with a Hollywood complex ... Frank Todd, whojoined the right house ... Bill Palmer, who didn't ...Louis Miller, who believes in routing out the competitionearly ... Harry Morrison, Joe E. Brown gone ClarenceDarrow . . . Ham Abrahams, the Scribe who never learnedto write . . . Genny Fish, sweet, simple, and wholesome· .. Chuck Hoerr, a collegiate edition of William RandolphHearst '. . . Flip Ebert, a living example of keeping yOU!mouth shut and using your head . . . Ralph Nicholson,still water runs deep . . . Betty Barden, a case of mistakenidentitv ... Howie Rich, the down-trodden worker ...Oliver' Statler, what a bee-hive of industry ... JohnnyFlinn, reflected glory . . . Phil Abrams, a walking ad forthe Erie Clothing Co .... John Ford, the Bemidji flash· . . Sid Cutright, a small riot with a haircut that went tohis head Benny Mann, Pennsylvania Dutch with avengeance Greenleaf, little Joe, a natural ... GeorgeKendall, pride of St. Paul Ray Lahr, an organizerwith an inferiority complex Vic Jones, "nearly" ...Johnny Rice, who has a fine story to tell about a door prizethat he once won, and refused . . . Billie Watrous, whojust doesn't care any more ... Dick Ely, who made hercare ... Eddie Day, the sound scholar Judv Palmer,who is willing to try anything twice Phil Baker, forher mind . . . Marv Jane Stevenson, because even Scottcouldn't convince us . . . oh, this goes on and on . . .just make up your own remarks . . . we know that all youread 'em for is to see if your own name's in it anyway ...Page [96 May We RecommendMID HOTELLAWN• for •ConvenienceTo you who appreciate theadvantages of living close tothe campus, we suggest thatyou inspect this beautiful,new Hotel Mid-Lawn. Itis the convenient solution toyour housing problem.•DistinctivenessThis up-to-date hotel hasbeen inspected by the University and the managementcan guarantee you privacyand freedom in a quiet, homelike atmosphere that has beendesigned especially for you.•SatisfactionMany students have alreadyfound that the Hotel MidLawn offers something trulyfine in student accommodations and they all agree thatwords alone cannot adequately represent the picture they wish to create ofthis disti-nctive, new hotel.Won't you stop in at yourleisure any time? We guarantee that you, too, will bemore than satisfied.•HOTELMI,D- LAWN6026WoodlawnHyde Park 0600Quality Flowers. . . at Sensible PricesWe Specialize in Corsaqes from $1.00 Up1. E. KIDWELLFLOWERS826 E. 47th St. Phone Kenwood 1352University Graduates! ...Our 3 monthsINTENSIVE SHORTHAND COURSEwill prepare you for a position in the Business World.Our placement bureau will assist you.Write or phone for particulars.CHICAGO62nd Place at Halsted St. COLLEGE OF COMMERCEPhone Went. 0994MANUFACTURING COMPANYH. B. BARNARDBUILDER Complimentsof140 South Dearborn THE DUFF-NORTONIChicago •Page I97JOE AND (OR) THE FISHn- NOEL B. GERSONFormer Curator, Shedd AquariumScene: Look at Picture.Time: A warm spring day.Cast: Joe-Joe Chas. Winternitz.A Fish.A Friend of the Fish.Joe: Doing a little fishing here-ya-hoo!Fish: I'm no sucker. Scram, Joe.Joe: Hey, now wait a minute-wait a minute.You 'see, the thing is-Fish (wearily): Oh, I'm busy. Call me up aboutit sometime.Joe: Okay, Joe, okay. But we're both herenow, and I gotLa go pretty soon, so I thought-vou see-that is-I mean-Fish: 'Nix. Not today, Joe-Joe.Joe: Well, look here now. We have to put ona show. We have to put on a show.Fish (brazenly): Yeah? Why?Joe (stumped): Well-you see-the thing isum-uh-(Brokenly, but stubborn in spite ofit all) Just because. A show is a-is a-ashow. That's what it is. Ya see?Fish: (Gawd but he's obstinate. We knowpeople like this, too). No!Joe (always patient, but albeit a mite patronizing): It's like this-berumph-wah, beedel-um-bo. Ya see, we got Leaders of '39back at the University. It's a great thing.Lotta good Joes around. Good show.Fish: What of it? Who cares?Joe (in a huff): See here now, Joe. The boys,ya see, the boys care-herumph-haw!Fish : Yes, yes, but what I'm driving at, oldman, is what are you talking about, andwhat is it the bovs care about?Joe (He gets sore andpraoticallv loses his temper.He becomes incoherent. Is there a difference?): Waa-dee. Ger-obble. Haw!Warg-Iaws-poot!Fish (a cat at heart): Typical.Joe: C'mere now. You c'mere. No more time.Gotta go. Gotta go. And gotta have a fishto take back. The thing is-gotta have afish.Fish: Nuts. (He breaks away and swims leisurely off.)Joe: YAHOO! Come back. Come back! Oh,well, good show-good show. HAW!(Curtain.)Page 198 YA . Hoo!THIS LAMP ·GIVESBetter LightHere Are the Reasons Why1. Reflector is transl ucent, lets proper amount ofsoft, glareless, direct light filter through, eliminating eye-strain.2. Reflector throws light upwards, reduces contrasts,gives soft general illumination.3. Bulb of proper wattage for sufficient intensity.4. Shade is lined with "light reflecting" material.5. Shade is wide enough to distribute light overwhole working area.COMMONWEALTHEl e c t r ic e EDISON. Shops72 West Adams Street and BranchesNEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO - MINNEAPOLISMARSH C& McLENN ANWe Maintain Specialized Departments for HandlingAll Subjects ofINSURANCE164 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOLONDONWINNIPEGPHOENIXPITTSBURGHPORTLANDST. LOUIS SEATTLEDETROITINDIANAPOLISBUFFALOLOS ANGELESBOSTON MONTREALDULUTHCOLUMBUSCLEVELANDVANCOUVERTULSAENGLEWOOD ELECTRICAL·SUPPLY CO.DISTRIBUTORS, MANUFACTURERSAND JOBBERS OFELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 South Halsted CHICAGOA Radio Adds Warmth, Comfortto a: Student's Room. . .NATIONALLY KNOWN MAKESLOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMSWOODLAWN RADIO &MUSIC CO.1004 East 63rd St.THE MOST COMPLETE MUSIC STOREIN THE CAMPUS COMMUNITY Phones: Kedzie 3186-3187GEORGE ERHARDT & SONSIncorporatedCONTRACTORS FORPAINTING DECORATINGWOOD FINISHING ANDLACQUERINGSPRAY PAINTING OF ALL KINDS·FURNITURE FINISHING3123 W. Lake StreetTHE ASSOCIATEDMILITARY STORESUniform EquipmentforU. S. Army Officers19 West JacksonCHICAGO, ILLINOISPage I99HOW RED IS THE UNIVERSITY?By JOHN P. HOWEPeriodically this department of the Magazineis amused, wearied or irritated-probably morethe last-when that fine old phrase, "The Universitv is a hotbed of Radicalism," rolls roundanew: Most recently Representative HamiltonFish, the nation's foremost exposer and denouncerof "subversive" people and ideas, included theUniversity of Chicago in a list of the "fen mostradical universities in the United States," a list,incidentally, which with one or two exceptionsmight do for the ten most distinguished universities in the country. Generally the complaintcomes .verballv from a source several removesfrom contact with the campus; it has, however,enough currency to warrant some discussion.It is our opinion that the University is a hotbed of intelligence; and that, interestingly enough,since that intelligence is completely free and takeswithin its purview all the forms of radicalism,the University remains a stronghold of the"democratic theory of government and way- oflife.The University as such, it goes without saying,takes no attitude on controversial questions. Tryto delimit its aims and you end with (in additionto the pursuit of beauty, goodness and truth) theadvancement of knowledge, the training of students in critical intelligence, and the disseminationof knowledge, probably in that order. It seeksfor its faculty scholars of distinction, or thepromise thereof, in research and for teaching; it'Will not discharge a faculty member except forincompetence, violation of the law or moralturpitude; it does not inquire into the personalconvictions of its staff or students; it helps themas much as possible and lets them alone as muchas possible. It is convinced that the sine quanon of the higher learning is freedom of thoughtand expression. Its record with regard to academic freedom is probably unequaled, so thatPresident Hatchins was able to say proudly atthe recent Trustees' dinner for the Faculty, "Webreathe the freest air on this continent;" Yetthe University expects that in the formal relations between teacher and student (and this isparticularly applicable in the social sciences) allcontroversial topics touched upon will be treatedobjectively, critically, without bias. That thisis in fact the practice there can be little doubt.Such being the situation, it is next to impossible for anyone person to say what is theconsensus of the University on any major issue..And these observations are necessarily purelypersonal, based on our own longish, but rathersketchy,. unsystematic acquaintance with theideas of University people. They are presentedpurely in the interest of accuracy, and with nogreat knowledge on our part of the merits of thesocial argument.Page 200 Radicalism is hard to define. Without quibbling over the dictionary meaning of "thoroughgoing, fundamental," we can limit it to meanthat outlook on social questions which calls forextreme deviations from the status quo, or morespecifically, and reading from left to right, theoutlook which favors collectivism as againsteither laissez faire or totalitarianism. Becauseit is admitted that the University's individualprofessors influence public affairs in other waysthan through their students, and that they exertinfluence on their students in other ways thanthrough the classroom, the question of their socialviewpoint is pertinent.We now give it as our opinion that theaggregate median position of the Universityfaculty would be somewhere to the right of themiddle. If there are those who would dub as"radical" anyone who favors the democraticaccomplishment, of moderate, feasible reform,then the University is probably a hotbed of such.Some conservatives would seem, in the words ofOliver Wendell Holmes, to "think of waterproofing the American mind against the questionsthat heaven rains down upon it." Those whowould tag "radical" �)ll anyone who gives aid orsuccor to the present national administrationmight come to the same conclusion, for morethan forty members of the faculty have givenadvice or service to the government in the lasttwo vears. It must be said here, however, thatthere' are many sharp critics of various Washington policies on the faculty, even among thosewho have given or are giving their aid. Buteven by applying a Hamilton Fish definition, weare unable to find, in a faculty of more than 800,as many. as ten who would classify as radicals.Mrs. Dilling, the North Shore crusader, listsmore than that in her compendium, "The RedNetwork," but she is vastlv indiscriminate, forshe sweeps in, for example, -(in addition to Mrs.Roosevelt) the entire membership of the CivilLiberties Union, which defends the freedom ofspeech guaranteed by the Constitution, andwhich would decry the Societ Russian or theHitler type of suppression as readily as anyother.There are no members of the CommunistParty on the University faculty. There is, sofar as we know, one Socialist-a younger manwho is sufficiently imbued with the missionaryspirit to do anything active. about it, and he is, running for alderman of the Fifth Ward, andten members of the faculty have endorsed anopponent of his to everyone that has endorsedhim. He represents, of course, the party which isso heavily represented in the most respectedgovernment on earth, the British Cabinet. Thereare other members of the faculty, no doubt, whosometimes vote for Socialist candidates. But:* * *SHEETSCHEVROLETSALESAuthonzed Chevrolet ServiceGenuine Chevrolet PartsFactory Trained MechanicsFully Equipped ShopTowing and Emergency Street ServiceChevrolet Radios and HeatersComplete Line of AccessonesBody and Fender Work a SpecialtyDuco and Spotting OutNo Waiting for Washing and GreasingEstimate Cheerfully GivenTwelve Years, In Present BuddingOur Used Cars CompletelyReconditioned and GuaranteedALL PHONES MIDWAY 35006514-30 Cottage Grove AvenuePage 20IWhen the Daily Maroon conducted a poll of thefaculty during the presidential campaign of 1932�and it was quite a thorough canvass-HerbertHoover won by a decided margin.A CASE IN POINTWe know of no better or more crucial testof the. intellectual position of typical University?f ChICa.gO faculty members, on a typical radicalIssue, than the following. Last year. a group ofeducators, a national body called the Commissionon Social Studies in the" Schools, appointed bythe American Historical Association, drafted areport which has received less attention than itdeserved. It saw as inevitable the onset of amuch more collectivist order. of society, andrecommended that teachers begin consciously toindoctrinate pupils in the collectivist mores, andpropagandize for the ethics of social justice andsocial regimentation. Professor Charles E. Merriam of Chicago, who was a member of theCommission, refused to sign the final report.Since its publication, the chief attack on thereport in educational circles has come from theChicago campus. Professor Franklin Bobbittof the University's Department of educationpromptly criticized the report in the professionaljournals, and was extensively and sharplyanswered, especially by the Columbia educatorswho had had much to do with its drafting.President Hutchins then took up the cudgel.In several speeches last summer he said this: "Atthe lower levels of education the political andeconomic situation determine the content of education; education does not determine the politicaland economic situation. The pupil must betaught to earn a living in the society that exists,not in one that ought to exist sometime. He mustbe made a good citizen of this commonwealth,not of another, no matter how much better thatother may be . . . The quality of society mustinevitably govern the quality of elementaryeducation. Those representatives of the educational profession who today urge that the schoolsbe turned into engines of social reform, preferablydesigned to produce 'collectivism', whatever thatmay mean, are making an error .... I am nothere discussing the merits of collectivism. Itmay be possible and desirable in some form forthe United States. The schools cannot andshould not be the agency that will bring it about.An effort to turn them into such an agency willmerely succeed in ruining the schools. Thesociety we get will not depend on the schools wehave; the schools we get will depend on thesociety we have."Then, pointing out that the function of thehigher education should be primarily the trainingof critical intelligence, the "inculcation of theintellectual virtues," he added, "We can discernthe dangers in the proposal of the professionaleducators who desire collectivism; thev wouldforce the intelligence to subordinate itself to thesocial purposes that they desired. . . . The freePage 202 and independent exercise of the intellect is themeans by which society may be improved."Professor Ernest Burgess of the sociologydepartment, in his presidential address beforethe American Sociological Society at Christmastime had this to say: "Changes in the moresarise, as Sumner points out, not by the doctrinnaire teachings of the intellectuals but out of thediscussion and reflection of the masses of thepeople over their day to day experiences.Attempts at present to manipulate the schoolsas agencies of propaganda for collectivism arecertain to embroil our educational institutions inconstant turmoil and confusion."Associate Professor Harry Gideonse of theeconomics department, writing in the currentissue of The Social Frontier as one of the contributors to a symposium on the report, attacksthe report on the ground that all types of propagandizing should be kept out of the schools."There is an important difference between education with respect to a changing society andindoctrination into settled convictions about thatsociety," he says, urging the usefulness of theformer and the dangers of the latter. Socialscience as taught in the lower schools should notbecome a controversial subject, he says, and thereport "smells like propaganda." "We mightleave such things to the American equivalent ofMoscow and Dr. Goebbels. A free school wouldhave no truck with it. . . . Some of the mostserious difficulties confronting the Americanpeople today are the result of past indoctrination." He speaks of the proposal as "barteringthe moral freedom of the schools for a mess ofill-digested collectivist pottage."And the great majority of University socialscientists interested in curriculum problems sharethis viewpoint with Dr. Gideonse, including Dr.Frederick Schuman, Associate Professor of political science, who would probably be included ina Fish-ian category of radicals.You would look far to find a group of socialscientists so keenly aware of the fact of socialchange as those at Chicago, as witness the heavycontributions of local men to the Hoover SocialTrends Report, and so aware that the logic ofevents is forcing some adjustments in the socialorder. You will find few uncritical reactionariesin that group, and few who are futilitariansophisticates, and probably none who are influenced by what Professor Gideonse calls "depression katzenjammer." They are scholars of thedevelopment of social order, and most of them,we think, believe in the necessity for orderlysocial change as a continuation of that development. They train their students in informed,critical intelligence regarding the major developments of social organization, objectively and withevery regard for the wisdom of the past.STUDENT RADICALSThere are in the student body two organiza-DURAND-McNEILHORNERIMPORTERSMANUFACTURERS ANDWHOLESALEGROCERS•251-315 E. GRAND AVE.CHICAGOSAVOY FOODSWhether Fruits, Vegetables, Fish orCondiments, the Savoy Label proclaims the highest accomplishmentof Mother Nature, Human Brains,and Skill.Order "SAVOY" from Your GrocerSTEELE-WEDELES COMPANYFounded in 1862Chicago, IllinoisWho's Who on CampusKnowsWhat's What in Chicago. . . invariably theychooseThe Congress HotelA Glamorous Settingfor Gala Nights ,·Gold Ball Room ·Pompeian Room• Florentine Room • Joseph Urban Room BLACKSTONE'HALLAn Exclusive Residence for University WomenLOCATION: 5748 BlackstoneAvenue. On edge of Campusclose to Jackson Park, Bathing Beach,and Bridle Paths. Two blocks fromIllinois Central Station.SERVI(E: Daily maid, 24 hourelevator and telephone servicesolarium and lounge on roof overlooking Lake Michigan-ModeratePriced Tea Room, Serving Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner.TARIFF: Rates on Application.MRS. V. P. WERNER, Resident DirectorEDWARD C. BUNCKPaints, Glass and Wall PaperArtists' Materials and SuppliesALL PHONES:OAKLAND 08454645-47 So. PARKWAYServing You Throughout The YearThe Student Handbook•The 1936 HANDBOOK will be ready foryou when you return to CampusPage 203tions which Mr. Fish would describe 'as radical,and they enroll in their active membership, bytheir own figures, slightly more than one percent of the students; that is, less than 100 in astudent body of approximately 6,000. It is notimprobable that the organization figures areoptimistic, if only full time bona-fide studentsare to be counted. One of these is the SocialistClub, the ideals of which are familiar enough.The other is the National Student League, whichis farther to the left, though it does not chooseto be termed Communist. Both are recognizedby the Dean's office as legitimate student organizations. The National Student League (whichof course is at loggerheads with the SocialistClub on many an argumentative issue) has existedfor about three years, during which it has shownincredible zeal at holding meetings, chiefly withitself, and at making and distributing postersand pamphlets, with an occasional adventureinto such activities as picketing. Despite all thiszeal, and the use of the familiar radical techniqueof trying to induct new members by capitalizingon more or less irrelevant protests, the membership is less than one-half of one per cent of thestudent body. The League would probablyexplain that the great bulk of the student bodyis sadly blind to the world's great social issues.We do not think that is true. We find the studentbody a quite intelligent lot on social issues, andif they do not choose to become Leaguers it isnot because they are unaware of the issues or ofthe League. Not more than a very few membersof the Socialist Club and the National StudentLeague are participants in the better knownstudent activities. The facultv adviser of theSocialist Club is Maynard Krueger, AssistantProfessor of economics, and aldermanic candidate.The faculty adviser of the National StudentLeague is Dr. Schuman, who reports that theLeague members do not come to him for advice.The sentiment of the student body on issuesother than those bearing distinctively on the leftor-right question is probably somewhat broader.We suspect that many students are enough concerned (and rightly) about the principle offreedom of speech to make loud outcry at anyinfringement thereof. We know at least one finefootball player who would be among the protestersif the University should depart so far from itstradition and convictions as to do any suppressing.The issue of world peace develops considerableinterest. The Literary Digest for Jan. 26th,listing the results of a poll of students in thirtyinstitutions on questions of peace, gives the following .figures for the University of Chicagosampling on the question, "Do you believe thata national policy of an American navy and airPage 204 force second to none is a sound method of insuringagainst being drawn into another war?":, Yes,222; No, 861. The figures for the entire thirtyinstitutions were: Yes, 9,931; No, 20,031. Inanswer to the question, "Do you favor theUnited States entering the League of Nations,"the Chicago sampling answered as follows : Yes,747; No, 321. The national figures on thisquestion were: Yes, 15,731; No, 14,072.Another student organization Mr. Fish mightnot like is called the Student Union AgainstFascism and War; This is a federation of theSocialist Club, the National Student League, andthe Seminary League for Social Action (which isdrawn chiefly from students of the ChicagoTheological Seminary, affiliated with the University) and the Union's membership is almostexclusively the membership of the componentclubs. Certainly the great majority of the students are opposed on principle to both Fascismand war but they do not join the Union, possiblybecause they do not like its auspices. ProfessorEustace Haydon of the Divinity School, whothinks of a religion of humanity, is the facultyadviser of the Union.MORE ON THE SAME TOPICA random sampling of the faculty, such asthe list of instructors under whom anyonealumnus might have taken courses, can resultonly in a collection of scholars about whom it ispossible to work up a faint amusement by thinkingof their names in the same thought with the word"radicalism." We think, for example, of Wilt,Sherburn, O'Hara, Boynton, Sir William Craigieand Mrs. Flint in the, English department,McKinsey and Young of the School of Business,Bretz and Chamberlin in geology, Cole andAndrade in anthropology, Bliss and Dickson inmathematics, Bonner and Ullman in the classics,Schmitt and Jernegan in history, Colby andGriffith Taylor in geography, Nitze and Kenistonin Romance, languages, Bigelow and Bogert inthe Law School, Case and Graham and Goodspeed and Sweet in the Divinity School, Harkinsand Kharasch in chemistry, Coulter and Eatonin botany, Wright and M<">ore in zoology, Allenand Tavlor in Germanics, Taliaferro and Hudsonin bacteriology, Drs. Hodges and Phemister inthe medical school, Kingsbury and Thurstonein psychology, Dempster and Compton in physics,and thus on indefinitely. We think of the homeeconomics department and the music departmentand the military science department and theOriental languages department. Then we thinkof radicalism, and the University as an allegedcenter of it, and are faintly amused.SERVICE ENGRAVING COMPANY;s s,aj[ed and ecfu;pped 10 ass;sl;n Ihe preparal;on alld jJroducl;oJ1 of C2/ea ,'book� desIgnedH ��HMAN STEHLINGOFFICIALPHOTOGRAPHERfor the1935 CAP and GOWNSTERLING STUDIOS-GAHY, IND. Far from a propaganda sheetmore than a pamphlet of opinionTRULY a Journal of Debate.• •The phrase "Freedom of the Press" may bebandied about on every hand but TRUEfreedom of the press rarely exists independently of "Academic Freedom". Toward the advancement of these two idealsThe Daily Maroondevotes its tireless energy. It strives everto provide a protecting bulwark againstthe foes ofAcademic FreedomIt endeavors always to conform to thetrue standards ofFREEDOM OF THE PRESSPage 205Those scholars in fields of study not concerned with curre�t public problems do not,with the rarest exceptirns, speak publicly aboutsuch problems., There are many deep-dyed conservatives in that grol,lp, among whom we mightname-s-hut probably shouldn't-c-Deans Gale andLaing. Two recent utterances from that largeside of the University may be cited.Professor James Henr.y Breasted, a:ddressingthe American Historical Association at Christmastime, said that while the rise of social idealismis 'the most important thing that has happenedto mankind, the growth of that idealism, now5,000 years in process, is appallingly slow. "Thenew deals of the future will be no more new thanthe present one," he said. "In this ever broadening process, wise admonition enlightened byfull knowledge of human experience will carryus on far more safely than a great complex ofgovernment action. . . . The effort to perpetuateidealistic sentiment by legislation has been shownby history to be utterly futile."Professor Arthur H. Compton, speaking on anational broadcast last summer, pointed out thatpure science moves forward most rapidly in asocial order which encourages private initiative."The nations which are the leaders of the scientific world are those in which, in all forms ofenterprise, such as agriculture, business and"politics, individual initiative is at a premium."This is not chance, he said, but is due at leastin part to, the individualistic temperament beingwell suited to research. And he added: '':Byfar the larger part of the fundamental scientificwork now being done in this country is financeddirectly or indirectly by men whose own imagination and enterprise have brought them wealth,and who have seen in science the work of kindredspirits aimed toward the enrichment of life."On the side of the studies concerned withpublic matters we might quote from a review ofProfessor Lasswell's new book "World Politicsand Personal Insecurity," written by ErnestSutherland Bates, editor of the Dictionary ofAmerican Biography, and appearing in the Bookssection of the New York Herald-Tribune onJan. 27th. "The University of Chicago has inrecent years," Dr. Bates begins, "developed agroup of social philosophers of extraordinarybrilliance whose writings function as a continuousdissolvent of traditional -ideas without settingup anything very constructive in their place."We would not agree that social thinking at theUniversitv is entirelv destructive (witness theHarris Report, the Hutchins report, the University's contributions to the National PlanningBoard and other service to the government) butwe would agree that it is fulfilling its functionof critical analysis, as against special pleading.We note here that of that large faculty groupnot devoted to the study of public problems,Robert Morss Lovett is probably the one Rep.Fish wouldn't like. Professor Lovett's outlook,Page 206 we should judge, is about that of The NewRepublic; of which he is an associate editor.The economics department might seem to bea corner where Mr. Fish would look for radicalism.But we aretold that Chicago's department, alongwith those of Princeton and Harvard, is a badplace for anyone who wishes to preserve hisnaivete, particularly if it is a radical naivete.There is considerable variety of opinion; weshould say the norm is, like that of the University,to the right of the middle. It should be saidhere that the staff men are, of course, far moredeeply concerned with the intricacies of theirspecial fields than with debated current issues-eWright and Nef with economic history, Schultzwith statistics, Palyi and Mints with banking,Leland with taxation, Simons with fiscal policy,Viner and Knight with economic theory, Douglas and Millis with labor, etc.To venture a few generalizations about theeconomics faculty: Most of them, we shouldsay, are internationally-minded; that is, theywould favor gradual reduction of tariffs, fosteringof world-commerce, further reduction or cancellation of war-debts. Most of them wouldoppose, for example, government loans to Russiaso long as tariff restrictions would prevent Russia'saccumulating enough foreign exchange to pay usback. There is much opposition to administrationmonetary policy, and' there was general, criticismof the executive order which took' America offthe gold standard. More than two years agomost of the department signed a memorandumsuggesting that government spending would overcome the evil of "sticky" prices by raising flexibleprices in relation to those relatively inflexibleprices which had resisted the downward trend.They would now probably agree that this hasbeen accomplished and that the price level needsno 'further help. They are opposed, of course,to any extensive inflation. Many are opposedto the regulatory features of NRA, and to pricefixing and the monopolistic tendency under NRA.Most favor the income tax as against the salestax. And thus forth. These random examplesare our personal interpretations of thought in thedepartment, subject to the error of our amateurism; and we hasten to add .that the depart.ment operates at a pretty sophisticated level, notat all in terms that call for hastv action. Is thisradicalism? .Professor Paul Douglas is the Chicago economist the Hon. Mr. Fish would most likelyabhor. Douglas is interested in practicalapproaches to social amelioration; he has longurged the need for social insurance. He is, orhas been, actively interested in the developmentof consumer's councils. We expect he wouldfavor eventual government ownership of publicutilities (though he has recently said he wouldoppose government ownership of railways if theprice of the roads were above 19 billions). Professor Sorrell of the School of Business, theThe College Residence Hallenriching association withfellow students . . . . . . . .stimulating surroundings.. informal contact withfaculty members .Page 207University's expert on transportation, would, onthe other hand, oppose government ownershipof railroads at almost any price. And we knowat least one member of Dr. Douglas' own department would oppose unemployment "insurance"on the ground that it involves throwing themoney the nation has for such purposes in thegeneral direction of need rather than specificallyto people in demonstrable need.We might cite here, as representative of atleast one section of the department's thought,the recent pamphlet written by Assistant Professor Henry C. Simons entitled "A PositiveProgram for Laissez Faire," which is an originaland comprehensive plea for the preservation ofeconomic freedom as the ultimate agency of control. He suggests that the depression may wellhave resulted from the lack of competition ratherthan too much of it (surely a conservativepositionl) insofar as "sticky" prices are the resultof monopoly; that the government's chief functionin the sphere of business should be the enforcement of competition, and not regulation ofprices, wages or production; that monopoly is thegreat enemy of democracy. He discusses also the"100 Per Cent Reserve" plan for banking reform,which has recently been developed out of discussion by Chicago economists, but more of thatsome other day.In the political sr-ience department the mostinteresting current work, it seems to us, is being done in the fields of public administration andpolitical theory. In the former field (we thinkthe most valuable academic work in the countryon this subject is being done at Chicago) thematerials hardlv involve the issues we are discussing, since they bear on such problems as citymanagement, civil service and the relations'between local governments. In the latter fieldProfessor Merriam is the leader, and a man withgreater faith in democracy and greater cognizanceof its difficulties we do not know. He and othershave been developing the ultra-realistic subjectof the role of pressure groups in political action.Associate Professor Lasswell (who championsthe importance of the middle class in the currentissue of the I nternational Journal of Ethics) isinterested in analyzing propaganda, and in studying politics from the approach of "who gets whatand whv?"We repeat that the University is a strongholdof democracy as a theory of government and away of life. Democracy is not without its criticsin many quarters of the world. That the University, with its freedom of discussion, its criticalapproach, its various minds and comprehensiveinformation, remains such a stronghold, is reassuring. We know of no better interpreters anddefenders of the American outlook than suchmen of large influence in University thinking asCharles E. Merriam, William E. Dodd and T.V. Smith.Page 208 FOR THEBest in BooksTO BUYTO RENTUse theU of C BOOKSTORE5802 ELLIS AVENUE 'STUDENTS STRIKE AGAINST WARA D Til E T STRIK E AGAJ TST STRJK E MILLIONS FOR FAIR WEATHERBUT NOT ONE CE T FOR RAI;',000 Attend Meetillp,To End AllMeeungs We Know Our Rights; Thus CryIra te Dry Reds* * ** * * STICK BY STALII A 0 11 E WILLSTICK BY YOUPROTEST AGAI ST PROTEST] MAMMOTH DEMONSTRATIO r.10,000 Prot.est to End All Protestations Wield the Rig S. ick of CommunismAnd You Will Be Stuck* * ** * * DOWN WITH R. O. T. C.!DOWN WITH CAPITALISM!DOWN WITH AMEHICA!Dow' WITH .HUSSIA!DOWN WITH DOWN Ens' Cnov e!Dow WITH DAYKNPonT!DOWN WITH THE CAP AND GOWN!DOWN WITH-DoWN WITH-OIL, To HELL WITH TT!STRIKE· AGAJI ST RAIN A D FOG"The Elements Are Against. J ntellip,entThinking. They Are For Capitalism,"Crv Leaders of Movement At MassMeeting Before 15,000 Radicals.Page 2IO o N MAINTAININGLEADERSHIp·· ·• To win and consistently hold a place as the recognizedleader of school annual printing, has been the recordof Rogers Printing Company since ItS beginning In1908.• That we have, durmq a period of 26 years, successfully produced over 700 annuals for schools throughoutthe country, attests our ability to completely satisfy themost discriminating Year Book Staff• New Ideas, coupled with the knowledge and experience gained through a quarter of a century's service,Insure the school who chooses a Rogers' printed book,of Ideal pages "From Start to Finish."• We are proud that the staff of thrs book entrusted ItSprinting to our organization and we herewith presentit as an example of our work.PRINTING COMPANYROGERS307-309 First St.Dixon, lllmois 10 S. LaSalle StChlcago,lIlmolsAACHOTH .•.•.....ADMINISTRATION.ADMINISTRATION, OFFICERS OF. . ....•.••.AIDES ... ,_, ....•...ALPHA DELTA PUI.ALPHA SIGMA PHI ...ALPHA TAU OMEGA ..ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ..•........ARRIAN. . ........••.•..•..ATHLETICS. . ......•..ATHLETIC STAFF (MEN). . .BBAND .BASEBALL ..BASKETBALL. . . . •.•.•.•.•.BETA THETA PI . . . . .BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES� DIVISION OF THE.BLACKFRIARS ....................•BOARD OF TRUSTEES, THE .•....BOARD OF WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS.BUSINESS, THE SCHOOL OF .....BUSINESS, SCHOOL OF COUNCIL.-cCAP AND GOWN, THE .CARILLON .•........ '� ..CHAPEL COUNCIL ...••.....CHEER LEADERS ........••..•...•.......CHI PSI. ..CHI RHO SIGMA. . . . .. . .COIF, ORDER OF THE ......•.••••CaOIR .COLLEGE, THE .COLLEGE COUNCIL .COMAD .COMMENT .CROSSED CANNON SOCIETY.DDAILY MAROON, THE .DEBATE UNION ..DEGREES .......................•DELTA KAPPA EpSILON .DELTA SIGMA. . .. .DELTA SIGMA PI. .DELTA UPSILON .DELTHO-.; .DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS, THE.DIVINITY SCHOOL, THE.DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION .DRAMATIC AND M USICA'L ORGANIZATIONS.EEDUCATION, SCHOOL OF.ESOTERICFFANDANGOFEATURES .FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN.FENCING ..FOOTBALL ...FRATERNITIES .FRESHMAN COUNCIL.FRESHMAN SPORTS. . ..•.•.•...GGOLF .GRADUATE LIBRARY SCHOOL, THE .GYMNASTICSHONOR SOCIETIES .HUMANITIES, THE DIVISION OF .. HIDA NOYES ADVISORY COUNCIL.IDA NOYES AUXILIARY. . .IDA NOYES HALL.INTER-CLUB COUNCIL ..INTERFRATERNITY BALL ...INTERFRATERNITY COUNCILINTRAMURAL ATHLETICS.IRON MASK . SUBJECT INDEX..... . 176· .17-27. . 19..... 18· 131. 132· .133......... . 26...... 180.45-77..... . 46· .101.63-64· .56-59. 134. 20. .97-100........ 17. 160. .. 24· .112· .82-83. 104. 111. 47. .. 135. .... 175· .127. 102. 22. 110. 112. 86· .126. ... 80-81· .109· .30-43. 136· .183.152· .137.. . . 173. ... 87........ 23. 90-93. 89-104...... 24... . 174..... . 28................... . 186· .162-163... . 68· .48-55· .129-156........... 110........ 76-77........... . 70.25...... 65· .117-127...... 20...... 158.... 159.. 159.. 172,...... 107........ 130.. 73-75...... . . 120 KAPPA ALPHA .KAPPA Nu ....KAP,PA_ SIGMA . K. 123. 138. 139•. !i/iI i'LAMBDA CHI ALPHA ..LA W SCHOOL, THE .LA W SCHOOL COMPOSITE . L· .140· .123. .44MMARSHALS •.....MILITARY BALL.MIRRORMORTAR BOARD . 18. 107.. 94-96........ 184Nu P, S,GMA .Nu SIGMA Nu . N.............. 118.... 153OWL AND SERPENT. o............. 119pPHI BETA DELTA, CLUB. . 177�:: �:�� ���;�: 141· .122PHI CHI. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . .154PHI DELTA PHI.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 155PHI DELTA THETA. . . . . . . . . . . . . .142PHI DELTA UPSILON. . 181PHI GAMMA DELTA. . 143PHI KAPPA PSI. . .. 144PHI KAPPA SIGMA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ..145PHI SIGMA DELTA. . . .146PHOENIX. 84-85PHYSICAL SCIENCES, DIVISION OF. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .21P, DELTA PHI.. . 182PI LAMBDA PHI. . 147POLO......................................... . 72PRESIDENT OF THE SENIOR CLASS. . 29PSI UPSILON. . . . . . . .. 148PUBLICATIONS' STAFF. . 87QUADRANGLER. Q. ... 185RRABELAIS .R.O.T.C . ............... 79........................ 113-115SSCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION.SIGMA .SIGMA ALPHA EpSILON.SIGMA CHI .SIGMA XI.SKULL AND' CRESCENT .SOCIAL NOTES .SOCIAL SCIENCES, DIVISION OF.STUDENT SETTLEMENT BOARD .STUDENT SOCIAL COMMITTEE .SWIMMING .SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA . ........ 25......... 178................... . .. 149...... 150. 124-125121. ..... 106-108...... 21........ 111...... 105...... 66.... 103TTENNISTRACK ................ ... . .... 71.................................... 60-62uUNIVERSITY CHAPEL ....•. ..... 27wWASHINGTON PROM. . ..WATER POLO .WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION.WOMEN'S ATHLETIC STAFF .WOMEN'S BASKETBALL. . . .WOMEN'S CLUBS. . . .WOMEN'S HOCKEY. . . . . . . . .WOMEN'S MINOR SPORTS.WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONSWOMEN'S SWIMMING.WRESTLING .WYVERN . . ..... 107. .67. 165. 164. 167. 171-185. 166. 169.. 157-170. 168. 69. 179zZETA BETA TAU . . 151Page 2IIAAbbott, Donald. . . 136Abbott, Edith 19, 23Abel, Stuart 60 ff., 73, 121, 136Abney, Grace 161Abrahams, John .. 30,31,97 ff., 135Abrahamson, John 30, 31, 122Abrams, Phillip 84 ff., 87, 138Achtenberg, Beatrice ..... 122, 170Acker, Louise .. 96Adair, Fred L.. . . 137Adair, Richard 73, 75, 137Adair, Robert 73,75, 126, 137Adams, Charles. .65Adams, Jane 110Adams, Karl.. . 66, 67, 131Agrus, Meyer. . .124Aidenoff, Abrabam. . .... 122Alberi, Margaret 1l0, 161Alhert, Ward 76,77,136Albrecht, Robert 142Aldridge, Frank. . 30,31,148Alfred, Lorna. . . . . . . 122Allen, Archibald 106Allen, Jack...... . .69, Ll.L, 136Allen, Margaret. . . .159,182Allen, Philip S. . .123, 137Allen, Ramona. 30, 31Allison, Marjorie. . .. 183Allison, Ruth. . . . . . . . .163, 179Allison, Samuel. . . . .. 21, 140Alt, Edward. .. . . .131Altschul, Aaron. . . . .125Alvarez, Luis. . . . ... 124Ames, John . . . . . . .152Amundsen, Paul. .... 76, 77, 132Andersen" Char lea. . . 122Andersen, Helen . . .... 184Anderson, Dick. . .69, 139Anderson, Eugene. . 142Anderson, Hugo. . 82, 137Anderson, Jeanette. . 181Anderson, Julius 30, 31Anderson, Kyle 46, 51, 63 ff., 70Anderson, Robert. .76, 77, 136Annes, Raymond. . ..... 122Annon, Alberta. . 160, 163Antonic, George. . 76, 77Apfelback, Carl. . . . . . .150Archambault, Orleans ..... 96, 182Archipley, Paul. .... 60 ff., 121, 142Armstrong, Elizabeth. .175Ascher, Mary. . 122Ash, Fred. . . . . . . 144Asher, Charles. . .30, 31, 132Asher, Innes. . . ..... 122Ashley, Winston. .86,134Askevold, Robert . . ... 122Askew, Cardwell. . .. 148Askounes, Theodore 124Askow, Irwin .84 ff., 87, 97, 100, 138Auld, John..... .74,86,131Avery, Sewell L. .17Avrami, Melvin. .125Axelson, Charles F. . . .17Axelrad, Irving. . .109Axelson, Charles .. 96Aylen, Iris .. 122BBabcock, Faith 30, 31, 163, 165, 175Bachmeyer, Arthur 19 ff.Badgley, Franklin 42,43,149Bailey, John. . .. 30, 31Baird, Ernst 139Baird, Roger 30,31,90 ff., 143Baird, Russell.. .. 76, 143Baker, David. . .150Baker, Edward .. 155Baker, Harry. . .70Baker, Hiller R. . 145Baker, Howard. . . .30, 31, 122Baker, John, Jr. . .. 49 ff., 148Baker, Philomela. . .87Baker, Shirley. . 80Balderston, Ruth 1llBalfanz, Ralph 49 ff., 108, 148Ballinger, John .. 60 ff., 73, 80, 131Ballou, Edgar. . ... 69, 139Ballwebber, Edith. . .164, 168Bame, Maurice 147Bane, Charles. . .30, 31, 84, 155Barat, Stephen. . .73, 75, 136Bard, Bernard. . . . 82Bard, W. S. . . 150Barden, Elizabeth 1l0, 184Barden, John .. 18, 30, 31, 109, 136Barkon, Eli . . . . . . . . 115Barnard, Harrison B . . .17Barnard, Ruth.. . 170Barnes, Althea 173Barr, Robert. .. . 148Barrett, Storrs. . . . . 148Barrows, Harlan. . . .21, 135Bartelmez, G. W. . ... 139Page 2I2 INDEX OF NAMESBartlett, Edward. . 49 ff., 121, 136Bartlett, Elizabeth. .30, 31, 178Barton, Jane . . . . . ..... 173Barton, Thomas 139, 155Basilius, Harold.. . 19Basinski, Alexis 113 ff., 132Baskeville, Charles 102,142Baekind, Jerome. . .. 147Bauer, Eleanor. . . .. 30, 31Bauer, Howard. . .147Bauer, Simon. . . . .124Baugher, John. . . ..... 137Baum, Arthur. . . . . . .30, 31Baumgardner, Sara 183Beaird, Robert. . ... 97,121,150Beal, John. . . . . . .60 ff., 136Beale, Beatrice. . 87, 175Bean, Donald. .. . 19Bean, Randolph 73, 75, 135Beardsley, John 143Beck, Charlton T.. . . .26,137Beck, Richard. . 137Beck, Robert. . 125Beck, Ruth 30,31, ll2Becker, Norman . . . .30,31Becker, Rosemary ..... 30, 31, 177Beeks, Marvin. . . .63 ff.Beeson, Charles. .144Bein, Magdalen. . .173Beling, Lillian . . . . 180Bell, Edward. . . . .148Bell, Laird . . . 19Bellows, Helen. . .. . 183Bellstrom, Donald. 18, 30, 31, 142Benade, James. . .124Benjamin, George 30,31, 72, ll2, ll3 ff., 126Benson, Elizabeth. . 161Benson, Miriam.. . 181Bentley, Gerald. . 144Berens, Alfred. . .. 142Berg, Owen 133Berger, Marie. 30,31, 109, Ill, 163Berger, Marjorie 163Berger, Sylvia. . 163Bergman, William 30,31, 81, 87, 147Berkson, Marvin. . .30,31,146Berlin, Irving. . 76,77Bernard, James. . 151Bernardi, Dominic . . . 122Bernhardt, Vernon. .69, 142Bernstein, Maxine 30, 31Bernstein, Sheldon 66, 67, 147Berwanger, John 47,48 ff., 60 ff., 107, 120, 148Berzinsky, William. . .140Bethke, Robert 66,67,97, ll3 ff., 121, 126, 131Bevan, Thomas. 135Beverly, Barbara. . 111,163, 184Beverly, William 131Bezdek, Frances 94 ff., 108, 159, 178Bickle, Norman. . . . . .. 121, 148Bickford, Howard. . ..... 122Bigelow, Harry A. . . .. 19·23,127Bilger, Ernestine. . . . . .. 185Biossat, Marzalie. . .87, 184Bixler, Roy. . . . . . . . .19Blackman, Joseph. . .138Blair, Fredrick. . .30,31Blair, William. . 17Blake, Daniel. 150Blatter, Eugene 140Bliss, Elizabeth 30,31, 108, l85Bliss, Gilbert. . 136Bloch, Theodore. . 69, 141Blocker, Virginia. . 170Block, Bernard . . . 146Block, Harold 30,31,60 ff., 84 ff., 87, 148Blocki, Barbara. . 184Blockson, Berget 124Blume, Edward 133Boch, Walter.... . .51Boden, William. . 99Bodfish, John. . .72, 97, 139Boehm, Edward 70, 73, 144Boer rlein, Margot. 30, 31, 159, 163Bogert, George 23, 127, 155Bomke, Marie. . . . ..... 82, 179Bonad y, Albert. . .73Bond, Donald. . . 140Bond, Juliana. . . .. .. . .163, 179Bond, William Scott. . . 17Bonner, Robert 122Bookwalter, Ruth 30, 31, 163Bookwalter, Virginia 30, 31Booth, Betty 108, 178Bossen, Beatrice 110Bcseen, Julius . . . . 122Bostick, Winston. . . . .76Bosworth, William. . .51, ff.,75,97, 144Bothwell; Cecil. . .76, 135 Boucher, Chauncey. . I�-22Bovee, Arthur G. .. .131Bowersox, ,Ralph. . .125Boylan, Roger. . .139Boynton, Percy. . . . . . .148Braafladt, Borghild. . ..... 122Braddock, Allard .. 131, 155Brand" Theodore. . ... 148Braude, Nbe. . . . . . . .75, 141Brautigam, Joan. .. .173Breasted, James .. 19Breed" Frederic S. .. .149Breen, Frank. . . . . . 142Breihan, Hildegard 159, 161Bremner, Marjorie 42, 43Breternitz, Bonnie .. 82, 110, -185Brewer, John. . ... 124Bricken, Carl. . .103,148Bridges, Horace. . . . 134Brislen, Andrew. . 132Bristol, Robert .. 152Brite, Ruth 166, 170Brokate, Lawrence. . . 30, 31Brook, Alma P. . 158Brooks, Deton. . .. 30, 31Brousil, Miles 132Brown, Alice . . . 176Brown, E. V. L 131Brown, Helen. . . 165Brown, Jay 66, 97,144Brown, Margaret. . . . ... 30,31, 112, 161, 182Brown, Paul. . . . . . .145Browning, George 134Brownman, Ludvig. . 124Brueggman, Carol. .. .30, 31, 165Brumbaugh, 'Aaron J � 19.Brumbaugh, Robert. . 134Bryan, Patricia.. . 30, 31Bryant, Edwar,d 135Bucher, Edmund. . 133Buck, Carl. 136Buck, Marion . . 124Buckley, Irene : 167, 170Budilovsky, John 77Bunning, Mendel. 42, 43Burgess, Norbert 148Burgess, Roberta 158Burke, George. . . . .134Burkhart, Leland 125Burltngnme;: Jane. . .173Burnett, Charles. . . . .. 150Burnett, Frances. . . .. 177Burnette, Wells 80,87, 109, 139Burnham, Bryson. . .139Burns, Frances 96, 179Burns, Margaret .164, 167, 169, 170Burns, William 42,43'Burrows, Seymour 76,77,146Burtis, Charlotte. . 30,31Burtis, Edgar. . .122Burton, Dan 142Bush, Lloyd 48 ff'., 66, 67, 120, 136Buswell, Guy T 25Butler, Charles 69; 113 fL, 126, 143Button, Bland 97, 1'18CCade, Clarence 122Callahan, Francis. . .139Callahan, James 148Callahan, Margaret 96, 175Callender, Ruth 168Camp, Ezra 124Camp, Ruth 170Camutz, Vernoica. . . .. 30, 31Cannon, Edward. . 77Cannon, Elizabeth 159Cantalce, Robert 142Cardwell, Sallie. . .158Carey, Frank. . .148Carey, Helen.. . . . . 180Carman, Everett 125Carr, Evelyn 18, 30, 31, 90 u., 96_108, Ill, ll8, 158, 160, 163, 172,184Carr, Mrs. Harvey 105, 110, 158Carr, Virginia 163, 174Carroll, Helen 150Carroll, Mary 30, 31Carter, Albert . . . . 122Carter, Jesse .. 102Carter, Thaddeus. . .77Case, Shirley J 19·24Cason, Elizabeth. . . 122Cerwin, Steven . . . . .. . 125Chamberlain, Roland 143Chambers, Russell 76, 136Chandler, Arthur. . .30, 31Chandler, Howard 30,31,90 ff., 95 ff., 142Chandler, Knox. 143Chao, Iping . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .124Chao, Siu-Hung . . . . ... 125Chapin, Roderick. . ..... 120, 148 Chapman, Mabel 163Chapple, James 74,76, 148Chenicek, Joseph 124Child, Charles 135Chilton, Murray 76, 77, 133Chinn, Ben. . ... 124Chitlick, Helen . . . . .. 182Christopher, Robert 152Chu, Sheng-Lin .. . 125Chutkow, Rupert 30, 31Cimral, Francis .-30, 31,' 142Circle, Sidney 122Clapp, Mary. . 161, 163Clapp, Newell 127Clark, John. . . .. .76, 131Clark, Margaret 158Clark, Philip. . . . 133Clarke, Philip J. . 131Clements, John.. . 124Cli thero; Margaret ,39, 31Coambs, Joseph 96,148Cochran, Richard 63 ff., 148Cochrane, Jeanette .- 177Cockburn, 'Alice.. . 30; 31, 178Coffman, Harry. . .151Cohen, Herzyl . 141Cohn, Harold. ... 122Cohn, Marvin. . .. .146Colby, Charles C. . ... 145Cole, Fay-Cooper .. 137Cole, LaMont.. . .. .135Cole, Robert 124Coleman, Algernon. . 144Coleman, James 82,87,151Coleman, William 142Collier, Donald " 125Collins, Charles. . 99Combs, Sbirley. . . .. . 108, 178Comerford, William. . .63 ff.Compton, Arthur H. . .133Comstock, George. .125Gone, Richard.. . 147Conner, Robert.. . .30, 31, -74, 144Conrad, Blanche ' 173Cook, John. . . . 77,149Cook, Lester 142Cook, Velma 30,31Cook, William. . .77, 142Cooke, Betty. .. . 178Coolidge, Mary. .96_ 163, 174Coombs, Grace. . ... 30,.31, 181Cooper, Albert. . . . . : ',' . 138Cordeal, Frances. . . 179Cornish, James ..... _82- ff., 87, 150Costello, Robert . . . . .. . 124Cottingham, ' Ka therine 161, 182Coulson, John . . . . 148Coulter, Merle C. . 19, 134Court, Alfred. . . . . 142Cowles, Henry C. . : .132Cox, Russell. . . 80, 137Craig, Wilbur 32, 33Craigie, Sir William 123Cranor, John ... ,... . 32,33Crockett, Benjamin. . .76, 77Croft, Bettina 185Crofts, Saima 122Croneis, Carey. . . . 142Cross, Ellen. . . . . . .. . 178Crossman, Christian 125Crouch, Warner. . -144Cub bon, Henry 142Cuchran, Ethel. .. . 32, 33Culbertson, Carye 150Cullen, Edward 48 ff., 60Cummins, Henry 148Cupfer, Eleanor ' 176Curl, .Helen . . . . 176Curry, Eileen. . 168, 170Curry, John. . . .32, 33, 142Curtis, Austin. . ... 148Curtis, 'Guthrie. . 42, 43Cusack, Rita. . . . .96, 163, 185Cusack, Robert. . . .. 84, 136Cutright, Sidney 80, 98 ff.Cutter, Henry 51 ff. 136DDaines, Harvey C 17, 19Dalkus, Genevieve 32, 33, 180Dalton, Catherine 177Danenhower,.J. Harold. 32, 33, 142Dangrernond, Gerrit .. 32, 33, 133Danziger, Claire. . .. 32, 33, 163Darling, John. . 134David', Vernon 144Davenport, Doris 110, 185Davenport, George. . . .. ' 137David, Lily Mary 18,32, 33, 161, 163Davidson, John 97, 144Davidson, Max. . . . .71, 75, 138Davidson, Shirley. . .. ".... .11�Davis, Betty .. 185Davis, Elisabeth. . .82Davis, Frank. . 144Davis, Gene. . . 134Davis, Isobel. .. 111, 185Davis, Paul 137Davis, Robert 149Day, Ernest � , 115Day, James E 90 ff., 94 ff., 144Dazey, Marshall 135Dean, Arthur 76, 77Decker, Isabel 181Decker, Jean , . . . . . . ,181Dede�, Seymour. , , .� " .... 113Deem, Robert 77, 120, 136Deimel, Ruth 163DeKoven, Herman, .. , 122Delanney, Warren , 142Demb, Kenneth 122Detweiler, Eulah , 180Deutsch, Richard 60 ff., 147Devereux, Fred , 72, 108, 131Devine, John 32, 33De Werth ern, Helen 18, 42, 43,90 ff., 96, 107 ff., U8, 158, '160,161, 179Dexter, Lewis , 109Dickey, Donna , , .. 173Dickey, Elizabeth 185Dickson, Bruce , , ' 132Dille, John 42, 43,131Dillon, Paula 90 ff., 184Diver, John . . . . . .136Dix, Ernest., ..... ' '.� .. ,148Dixon, Cletus. . .. . 32, 33Dodd, William 21Doktorsky, Abraham 124Dolio, Joseph. . . . . 77Domke, Mildred 175Donaghue, -George ' 135, 155Donelson, Eva ' 124Donkle, Donna .. , , 96, 185Donkle, Lorraine 32, 33, 95 ff., 185Donnelley, Thomas E 17Doolittle, Phillip 32, 33, 112Dooner, Genevieve. ' ' .42, 43Dorfman, Albert. ' . , - 138Dorrance, Thomas 115Dorsey, Richard 56 ff., 144Dougherty, Elizabeth, , .. 174Douglas, James H.,. Jr 17Douglas, Paul H 137Downing, George ' ' .102Drummond, Willette. ' 166, 170Dubner, Harold 122Duddy, Edward A 139Duddy, Mary 168, 170, 181Dudgeon, John, 144Dudley, Gertrude 158, 164, 168Duhl, Myron 71, 147Dull, Raymond 125Duncan, Frances 83 ff., 87, 163, 182Dunne, Raymond ' ,133Durbin, Howard ' , , .76, 77, 144Duvall, Walter 32,33,56 ff., 144Dworin, Jack , 32, 33Dworkin, Zelman, ' , . , 138Dwyer, Charles 32, 33, 66, 67, 136Dvstrup, A. Cameron ... ' .... ,32,33, 60 ff., 140EEadie, Thomas 32, 33, 150Eagleton, Richard, . . ..... 133Eagleton, William.. .127,155Earlandson, Ralph . . . . ... 139Eaatan, Jane .. . . . 179Eastman, Fred. . . .102Eaton, Cyrus S. .' .17Eaton, Mildred .. 160, 163, 165, 179Ebersold, Alice. . 32, 33Ebert, Robert 90 ff.,94 ff., 105, 120, 123, 136Echard, Dorothy. . . 176Eckhardt, Carl. . . . 21Eckersall, Janette, ., .. 32, 33Eckersall, Walter 131Ecklund, Effie 122Eddy,·Ruth..... . .168,170Edwards, Sara. . 174Ege, Stanford. . . . .. ..32, 33, 145Eggemeyer, John. ..76,77,144Ehman, Philip 124, 125Eichenbaum, Shirley 122Einstein, Joseph. . . 84 ff.Eisendrath, David. . . 87, 101Eisenstein, Robert , 151Elander, Ida 159,161, 181Eldred, Robert .. 32, 33, 56 ff., 142Ellerd, Harvey 131Ellinwood, Raymond .. 76, 77, 131Elliot, Violet. . . . . .. . 18,32, 33, 90 ff., 106, 163, 172, 178Elliott, Donald 81, 87, 121, 144Elliott, Jane 174Elliott, William 32, 33, 112, 149Ellis, Betty 110, 159, 163, 185Ellison, Mary. . . . . . ... ,122Elston, William 106, 131Ely, Richard. . .•.. 73, 75, 144 Embree, John... .. 25.Emery, William- , 155Emmet, Robert. . , ,' 139Endrez, Evelyn 32, 33, 183Engle, Steve. . . .144English, Earl. . . . ..... 137Epstein, Judith. . , . , .. 163Epstein, Max. , . , 17Erhart, G. V. . . . . . 76,77Erickson, Arthur, . . .142Erickson, . Harold .. ..32, 33, 122Erickson, Harold. .. ..32, -33, 122Eshbaugh, Dorotby 166, 170Espenshade, Ada. .167,170Ettlinger, Donald. 98 ff.Evand, Frank, , . . .139Evans, Gertrude. . ... 124Evans, Mack. . . . . .27, 102Evans, Raymond , , . ,137Eversole, Roberta. . .163Eysell, Virginia ... , , , , . , ... , . ,32,33,84 ff., 87, 105, 107, ff., 118, 185FFactor, George .... ,32, 33, 71, 138Faget, Marion,. . 178Fair, Emery . . .. .. . 65, 145Fairbairn, Lucile. . . .179Fairbank, Dexter 32,33,60 ff., 87, 131Fairbank, Graham.75, 77, 87, 131Fairweather, George 0.17, 19, 149Farley, William 125Fareed, Omar .. 76,77, Ill, 121, 136lielsenthal, Edward. . .80,151Felsenthal, Eli B. . . . . . . .17Felsenthal, George. .. . 87Fenzel, Roberta. . . .166, 170Ference, Michael 125Ferguson, Richard , 76, 142Fetcher, Edwin ," .. 124-Ferman, Jack ,."., 76,77,146Fields, Martha. . . . 92 ff.Filbey, E'mer-y . . .. '.' 19Finkel, Sidney. . . . . . 146Finlayson, Maleo m .. , .. ,144Finnegan, Mary . .. 183Finnerud, Clark. '. , . ,135Finson, Charles. . . 135Finwald, Robert. . . .69, 139Fischer, Libby 112Fish, Connie, .. 32, 33, 161, 163, 182Fish, Genevieve ... , ... 87, 163, 175Fish, Stanley.. . . . .. . . .151Fisher, Alice. , . , . , . . . . . . ... 178Fisher, Rayfield. . . . . . . . .146Fisher, Ruth 122Ftehuk, Paul. 113 ff.Fisk, Harinah 159 ff., 163, 179Fitzgerald, Robert .. 76, 77, 136Fletcher, Ruth 166,170Flinn, John 72, 97,108,120,148Flinn, Thomas, .... " ..... 32, 33,48 ff., 56 ff., 97, 108, 119, 148Flory, John. . . . . ... 143Foord, William 69, 148Ford, Irene , 167, 170Ford, John 79, 82 ff., 87Forney, Mary .18, 32, 33, 160, 161Forsberg, Helen ... 32, 33, 161, 176Fowkes, Fred. .. . .U3 ff., 126, 143Fowler, Ruth. . . ... 112Fox, Gertrude. . . ... 122, 168Fox, Judith..... ..87,108,185Frad, Alice. . . . . . . . ... 122Fraermanc.Samuel . . .146Frankel, William 73, 75, 142Frankenstein, Alfred. . . .. ,147Frantzen, Paul, 32, 3.3Fraser, Norman ,., 176Fred, Mark '. . . 125Fredrickson, Adele, . . . . .. 32, 33Freeman, F. N . , ' .,25, 136Freilich, Joseph .. 75,146Freund, Richard.. . 151Frey, Charles. . . 131Fritz, Edward. . 76, 144Frost, Doris 32, 33, 112Frost, Edwin. . . . . .136Fuller, Damon. . 142Funk, Roland 74Fuzy, Alice ' 32,33,176GGaebler, William 77Gaertner, Florence 163Gale, Henry G. . . . . .19, 21, 136Gallagher, William 83, 149Gamble, Evalina 110, 183Gamble, Richard. . . .135Ganze R E .. . 63 ffGarbe Evelyn. . 96Garcia, Velia. . . . . .32, 33Gardner, Martin. . . . .86, 149Gavrilavicz, Stella. . . .32, 33Gear, Harry B.. . ..... -17Geiger, Clement ' 75, 142 Geis, Harold. . 124Gelman, William 68Gentz, Marian.,. ,332, 3, 112, 177George, Everett, ' , , .130Gerard, Ralph. . 147Gerson, Noel. 92, 108, 123Gethro, Frances. ,32, ·33, 96, 185Gibbs, Carol. . 32, 33Gibson, Elsie. . . . . . . ... 183Giesbert, Edmund. .. 102Giese, Irene. . , , , ,32, 33Gifford, John. . 113, 137Gilbert, John. . 74,148Giles, Merle. . . . . . 69, 136Gilkey, Charles W ..... 19, 27, 137Gill, Esther . . . 173Gill, Merton. . 122Gill, Paul 76, 77Gillerlain, William... . .51 ff.Gilmore, Ellen, , , ..... 32, 33, 178Gins�erg, William, .. . 151Gladstone, Martell. . 125Glassford, Thomas. . 144Glick, Marvin, .... ,. .32, 33, 146Glickman, Nathaniel. 32, 33,,74Glickson, Jeannette , 173Glomset, Daniel .. , 18,32, 33, 119, 130, 139Glynn, Emmett. . 97, 150Glynn, Ruth 184Goeing, Arthur , , , . -.122Goes, Arthur 76, 77, 136Goetsch, Margaret, ,34,35, 159, 165, 166, 170, 182Gold, Jacob J. • • • • .122Gold, James 138Goldberg, Morton 146Goldberg, Milton 34, 35Goldberg, Seymour. . .122Goldberg, Zenia. . . . . .80,81Golding, EI Roy 157Goldman, Alice 112Goldman, Melvin .122, 147Goldsmith, Zalmon .... 81,87, 138Goldstein, Stanton .. , , , , ..... 146Goldthwaite, Arlene .. , .34, 35, IIIGonwa, Walter 144Goodspeed, Charles B 17Goodspeed, Edgar. . . . .131Cordlund, Torsten . , , . .68Gordon, David 76, 77, 148Gordon, Ethel Ann 90 ff.Gordon, James 76,77,141Gordon, John. . .136Gore, Ulys . . . . 124Gorgas, Nellie . . , 158Gorman, Roger. . .. 34, 35, 69Gosnell, Harold. 148Goss, Margaret. , . , . , . , . ,163, 179Gottschalk, Howard 120, 151Gouwens, Cornelia . . . . . . . .. 122Gouwens, Willis 137Grabo, Cynthia .. 161, 163, 166, 170Grace, Jean , , .183Graham, Eleanor. . . .. 159, 179Graham, Wilson. . . . . , .131Grand, Chester . . .. . 77GrandahI, Larry. . . . 145Granert, William.. . .96, 142Grau, " . 73, 77Grauman, Samuel. . .. , , .IISGray, Ruth 34,35'Gray, W. S 25Green, Mary. . . . . .. 110, 159, 184Greenberg, Florence. . , .. 122Greenberg, Samuel. . , .. 115Greengard, Bernice . , , , , , .163Greenebaum, Ruth, 34, 35, 80Greenfield, Jack 34, 35Greenleaf, Charles.. 34, 35,97, 119Greenwood, Robert. . . .134Greer, Margaret .. , , . , .. 184Gregory, Charles 127, 131, 155Grey, Lennox 19, 143Grey. Mrs. Lennox. .. . 158Gries, John. . . . . . . . 124Grimes, Dorothy, " , 178Grimshaw, Joseph. 113 ff., 126, 137Grisarnore, Thomas , 115Gritzer, Walter ..... ", 76,77,144Grodecki, Edward, .. 34,35Groebe, Lewis. . .. . 34, 35, 155Groebe, Wilbur 131Grogan, Robert 34, 35Groot, Annie 161,; 163Gross, Fred , , , , .138Gross, Martha. . .122Gross, Sylvia.. . . . , .163Grossman, Alan. . . . , , .146Grossman, Arthur. , . . , . , .. 147Grossmann, Andrew. . . 135Grubb, Kenneth 150Guilfoyle, Thomas 155Guiou, Joan. .. .. . .. ,106,184Gunning, Hobart. . . . . . .122, 155Gurney, Benjamin. . . .34,35Gurney, Frederic. . 124 Gustafson" Paul. 34, 35, 72Gwin, Sara" . ,-.- -., ' ,' . ,34,35, 79, 90 ff., 163, 185HHaarlow, William, , , , , , . , .. 56, ff.,63 ff., 120, 148Haden, Ernest .. - ,-. .,'.," ... 149Haeniach, Edward. . .. 124Hagbolt, Peter. . .. .149Hageboeck, John. 144Hagstrom, Agnes .. , ,', , .. , , 175Hair, Sam ... , ,, , , .... , 136Halcrow, George ,- .. 76,77, 148Hall, Arthur. .. 17Hall, Beatrice. , , 110,166, 167, 170, 184Hall, John........ .77,144Hallmann, Charles 132Halloran, Genevieve ,".. 175Hambleton, Elizabeth 111,Hamburger, Walt��8� 160, .163,. mHamilton, Donald 82 ff., 87Harnilton.. Elizabeth. . . 170Hamilton, Howard. . .. 115Hammond, John. . , .. 124Hamner, Karl. . .124Handy, James. . 131Hanks, Robert. . . 145Hanley, Martin. . ,65, 132Hannah. Louise. ... , 178Hansen, Arthur. . ...... , 145Hansen, Betty. .. , , .106Hanses, Wilder . 132Hanson, J. C. . . .. 139Hardy, William. . . . 150Harkins, William. . ... 150Harman, Harry. . .. 74Harper, Floyd. , . . . . .. .142-/Harper, Samuel. , . , 131Harsha, Edward. . 76, 148Harris, David .. 34, 35, 136Harrell, William .. 17Harris, Morton .. 146Harris, Stanley . . . , .... 151Harrison, Helen. . .34. 35Harrop, Robert. . ... 140Hart, William. . . . . .142Hartenfeld, Helen. 34,35, 96, Ill, 160, 161Hartenfeld, Leonard . 122Hartenfeld, Ruth . . . . . .163Harter, Winifred .... , . ,34, 35Hur-tauch, Paul ._. " . 124Harvey, Basil , 19Harvey, Jean, 170,175Haskell, Mary. . .90 ff., 185Hassel. Elaine. . . .. 34, 35Hasterlik, Robert , .. 122Hatfield, Rolland 34, 35, 122, 132Hathaway, Richard 73, 144Hatter, Keith.. " .. 48 ff., 136Hatter, Walin . . 136Havey, John 145Hawley, Claude 109, 145Ha wley, Florence 125Hawley, William....... . .139Haydon, Brownlee 42, 43, 79, 148Hayes; Stanley . . . . . . . . , 135Hay thorne, Rohert. . . . ,113Hayworth, "I'hadene , , .122Head, Eaton .. . , .. 112Heaton, Charlotte, . , . . .. 34, 35Hebenstreit, William 86, 149Hebert, Jane. .. . .159, 161, 163 ff.Hebert, Walter. . .46, 73, 75Hecht, Alice. , .... 96Hecht, Molly. . . . . . . .108, 185Hector, Mary Jane, , .. 185Heflin, Louise 82 ff., 87, 161Heile, Helen. . . . . . 185Heindel, Daniel. ,83,96, 131Heineck, Aime. . . . , , , . 134Heineman, Robert , . ,82Heisey, Ruth. . , , , 165Hemmens, Beth. . . . .. 161,165Hempleman, Jane ,34, 35, 184Henderson, James, , , , , , , , .77Hennan, Bille. . 144Henning, James. . 135Henry, Florence , 185Henry, N. B .. ". . 25Henry, Richard. . .149Henry, Wendell 76,77Hensel, Harry , . . . . . . .. .. . 155Herbolsheimer, George. . .. 155Hermanson, Alvae . . ,46, ·68Herrick, James 148Herron, Joel. . . . . 141Herzman, Ruth. . . . . . 163Hesseltine, Henry. . ... 124Heyda, James. . ... 34, 35Hiatt, Caroline. . ... 178Hibbert, Elizabeth (Mrs.). . .158Hibbert, George . , .. , .145Hickock, Charles 34,35, 73, 112, 152Page 2I3Hickock, Howard. . .73, 152Hicks, Sarah 176Hilbrant , Gilbert. . .. 73, 97, 144Hilton, Edward. . . 132Himel, Chester 144Hinckley, John 124Hinton, Edward 127, 142, 155Hirsch, Raymond 113, 126, 143Hoerr, Charles . . 80, 87, 120Hoffer, Catherine 18, 34,35, 118, 158, 160, 163, 165Hoffer, Daniel. . . .. . 46; 65Hoffer, Jane 110,166,170Hoffman, Leonard. . 76Hoffman, Mildred. . 179Hogan, Harriet. . 176Hoglund, Miriam.. .34, 35Holbrook, D. D 131Holbrook, Graves 34, 35, 71Holden, Charles 17Hollet, Marcia 34, 35, 161, 163, 182Holman, Jane . . .. . 182Holmes, Alice. . : .. 185Holmes, Betty. . . . . . . . . .. 183Holmes, Mary. . .34, 35Holt, Henry. . .. 113 ff.Holt, Ivan. . . . .149, 155Holway, Donal 87Holzinger, Karl. 137Holzworth, Lois 122Horns, Juan 66, 67, 121, 131Hoop, Alan. . . .136Hopp, Betty 34, 35, 112Horbeeg, Cad 125Horvitz, Leo ' 124Horwich, Leonard. . 147Horwitz, Samuel. . 46, 51Hougb, Jack. . . . . . . 124Houghton, H. S.. . 20Houze, Rita. . . 184Howard, Chauncey. . .. 34, 35, 148Howard, Charme . .110Howard, David. . . . .. 155Howard, Donald. . .136Howard, Gordon. . 122Howard, Hartley. . 136Howard, J obn 155Howard, Norman 69, 120, 136Howe, Robert 70Howell, Ruby 87, 161, 163, 182Howson, Mary. . 185Hoy, Charles. . .81,131Hoyt, Andrew. . ..... 144Hoyt, Louise. . . . .84, 163Hsiung, David. .124Hudson, George. . 124Hudson, Howard 34, 35,79, 80, 87,92, 119, 123; 139Huebsch, Maurice. . . .34,· 35Huggins, Marguerite .34, 35Hughes', Charles 17Hughes, Donald 69Hughes, Frank. 131Hughes, Marie. . 122Hughes, Robert. 143Hull, Ruth 34, 35Humphrey, David 82 ff., 87, 97, 150Humphreys, Janet 163, 184Humphreys, Mabel. . . ..... 124.Hureon, William. ... 137Hutchins, Robert M 17 ff.,123, 131, 155Hutchinson, William 143Huth, Carl. 19Hyman, Sidney 18,34,35,84 ff., 87, 105, 119IInbuscb, Jean. 166, 167, 170fndrtrz, Phineas. .65Inlander, Norman 146Int-Hout, J aan 105,111, 158, 161, 179Irish, Shirley ·175Irons, Ed win 113 ff., 126Irons, Ernest. . 19Irons, Spencer 75, 137Israelstam, Herbert. . .. 75, 138JJackson, Amy. . 34, 35Jacobsen, Arthur. . . .69, 97, 150Jacobson, Hyman 87Jadwin, David.. . 147Jaffe, Louis. 124J affray, Evelyn .... 34, 35, 122, 174J ames, Hal. 90 ff., 94 ff., 108, 144James, Lloyd . 131Janes, Robert. . .. 76,137Janitzy, Karl. 137Jankowski, Felix.. 76, 77J arz., Emil. . . .. 77J aatr e, Stanley. .. . 122Jeffrey, Donald 42, 43, 73Jeffrey, Thomas'. . .73J effris, Nancy . . . . . . . . 184Jelinek, Herman. . 34, 35Jenkins, Hilgar 137Page 2I4 Jenkins, Thomas. . 137Jennings, J es·s�. . . . . . 125Jennings, Samuel C. . j 7Jensen, Alyne . . 159Jeuck, John.... . 144J oeckel, Carlton : 25Johns, Merrill, Jr. 148Johnson, Alice 160,96, 161, 163, 170, 179Johnson, CarroH . . . 155Johnson, Charles. . 135Johnson, Floyd . . 97Johnson, Helen. . . .42; 43Johnson, Phyllis. .34, 35Johnson, Pierro 148Johnson, Robert. . 113Johnson, Vir ginia . . . . . . . .. 176Johnson, Virginia Hall. . 99Johnson, William 150Johnstone, Mary 96, 110, 184Johnstone, Quintin 60 ff., 137Jones, Catesby. . . 135Jones, Florence 182Jones, James. . .. ..51 ff., 108, 136Jones, Pauline. . .180Jones, Wellington. . 136Jenn-y, Jerome 47Jordan, Prescott 49 ff., 121, 136Judd, Charles H 25, 136KKacena, Joseph. . 142Kahn, Frank . . 81Kahn, Warren 151Kahnweiler, James 77,151Kalven; Harry. . 98 ff.Kalven, Janet 122Kamen, Martin. . . . . . . .125Kammerman, Dorothy 34, 35Kane, Arthur. . 147Kaplan, Melva 34, 35Kaplan, Stanley. . 56 ff.Kaplan, Sylvia. .. .. 163Karatz, Thomas. . 121, 146Kasdan, James 138Kates, John. . . . .. 135Katsulis, Demosthenes 34; 35Katz, Sylvia. .. .. 122Katz, Wilber. . .. . -127Kaub, Margaret. 177Kaufman, Albert 146Kaye, Wilmar.. . .75, 141Keane, Marion . . . . .. 122Kehoe, Alexander 90 ff ..94 ff., 106, 131Keithan, Elizabeth 125Kelley, Henry. . 87Kelley, 'Thomas. . 51 ff.Kelliner, Peter. . . 155Kellogg, Henry. . 51 ff.Kelly, Rowland. . 122Kempf, George. .. . 42, 43, 155Kempner, Eleanor 34, 35Kendall, George. . . 97, 135Kennicott, Hiram. . ... 135Kent, Arthur. . 127, llt9KenyoncElmer . . 136K ern, Berenice. 163Kerr, Donald 73, 155, 105Kersten, Samuel. . . . . . . .. . .. 151Kesner, Robert 133Kerwin, Jerome 19� 25Kessel, Leslie 69,75,141Keyes, Preston 136Kiffer, Alfred 122King, Bruce. ... .34, 35Kingsbury, Forrest 140Kinsley, Dorothy 179Kipnis, David. .141KirbycNancy .. .179Kirby, William. . .. . 150Kirkpatrick, Truman 34, 35Kiser, Julian 80,87,97, 110, 121, 151Klein, Bernard 141Klein, Fred 140Kleinschmidt, Barney 34, 35,. 55, 82, 87, 101, 109Klemme, Vivian 173Kline, Stanley.. . 147Knapp, Russell. . . .. 149Knappen, Marshall 141Kneberg, Madeline. . 125Kneen, Marjorie. . 82, 183Kovak, Caleste . . .110Koenig, William. .66,67Kohler, Wallaska. . .82,183Kolber, Joseph . . . . 146Kolbrener, Naomi. . .... 163Kominek, Edward . . .. 140Koncel, Elmer. . .. 36, 37Koons, George 144Kopple, Howard . .. :147Korinek, Milada. 110Kotas, Helen 167, 170Kotch, .Frederick.. . 150Kovacs, Louis 84 ff., 87 Kracke, Robert 69, 143Kramer, Francis. . 133Krause, Edward. .. . .60 ff., 146Krause, William. . . . . . . . . . 146Kreidler, Sherry 84 ff., 87Kreuacher, Mary 36,37,84 ff., 87, 160, 184Kreutzer, Louise 185Krevitsky, Nathan 36,37, 84 ff., 87, 98 ff.Kriz, Robert. . . .36, 37Kruzic, Anton.. . . . . .36, 37Krueger, Dorothea 161, 163Krueger, Joseph 77, 138Ku, Yih-Tong . . 124Kuehn, Marion. . 96,184Kugel, Charles.. .. . 36, 37K uhlman, Fredrick. . 19Kutner, David 18, 36,37, 80, 87, 119, 130, 151_LLaBelle, Harold 77, 110, 136Labr, Raymond .. , 80,87,135Laing, Gordon.. . 19, 20, 131Laing, Madalan 36, 37Laird, Leonard 133Laird, William C 63 ff., 120, 148Lamb, James. .. . 76Lambie, Roxane. . .110, 160Landa, Louis 14,6Landon, Eleanore 36, 37,118, 161, 163, 167, 170Landwehr, John 125Lang, William, Jr 56 ff., 105, 120Langley, William 48 ff., 148Langwortby, Adele 36, 37, 112, 161Lansburgh, Elisabeth 36, 37Larson, Herbert. . 75, 136Larson, Roy.. . 77, 135Laser, Marvin. 122Lauerman, Fred. . . .. . . 106, 136 /Laverty, Mary'. .163, 175Laves, Kurt...... . .132Lawreson, Robert. 134Lawrence, Charles _. .147Lawrence, Gertrude. 84 ff., 163, 184Lawrie, Henry 36, 37,137Lazar, But-yl . . .147Lazarski, Carl. 143Leach, Ralph 75� 76, 144Leach, Robert. . .144Leavitt, Helen. . . 36, 37LeBoy, Cecil. . . .143Lederer, Henry 122Lee, Edward 125LaFevre, David 51 ff., 121, 144Lehman, Oodfrev _ 80Lehnhardt, Fred. . .. 76,77, 142Leiter, Louis. . .. ... 147Leland, Simeon. . . ... 137, 152Lemon, Harvey 137Lemon, Henry. . ... ..68, 108, 137Lennette, Edwin. . .. . . . . . 125Lesch, Lyndon 17,19,137Lester, William, Jr 137Letts, Dale 73Leu, Anne , 122·Leutscher, Katherine 166, 170Levin, David 63 ff.Levin, Esther .36, 37Levinsen, Rosalin . . ... 163Levinson, Mildred. . .. 36, 37Levy, James.. . 151Levy, Norman 36,37,146Lewey, Bernice .. . 25Lewis, Hiram. . . .. 136Lewis, James. . 63 ff., 155Lewis, Ralpb.. . . 133Lewis, SamueL 73, 75, 148Lewis, William 76, 110, 148Lewison, Frances 163Lewy, Janet 80, 87, 163Lieber, Leslie .. 122Liedtke, Edward 36,37, 135Light, Jack. . . 36, 37Lillie, Bonita. . . . 163, 185Lillie, Frank R 19, 2.0Lindahl, Robert. . . . . 51 ff.Lindblad, Lorraine 36, 37, 180Lindenberg, Richard 60 ff., 135Lindheim, Richard. . .. 75Lindsay, Frank H. . 17Lindwall, Virginia 179Lineback, Robert .113 ·ff., 126, 137Lingle, David 144Link, Adeline DeS. . 19, l58Linn, James W. . . . 99,131Lipeis, Robert. . .82 ff., 87, 151Littig, Helen. . ... 163, 179Litwinsky, Paul. 87Livengood, Wayne. . . . . .125Livingston. Robert. . . .151Lochner, Elsbeth . . 122Locke, John. . 124Loeb, Dorothy 36, 37, 163Loeb, Jack 36,37 Loeb, James. , . . .77,151Loeb, Jeanette. ' : .36, 37Loeser, Katinka 178Logan, John 36, 37Logdscn, Mrs. Mamie . . . . .. 158Lohner, Myrtle. . .36, 37, 112Loitz, Eli . . . . ... 77Loomis. Charles 36, 37, 142Loosli, Alden. . .124, 132Lopez, Junior. . .46, 51Lotka, Irving . . .77, 141Lovett, Robert . . .... . . .123, 137Lowenstein, Arthur 81Luckhardt, Hilmar .36, 37, 142Luckhardt, Paul. 97, 135Ludberg, Alice. . 36, 37Lundy, John... . 97, 150Lunter, George ' 132Lusk, Ewing 36, 37, 73, 112, 152Lyman, R. L 25,150Lynch, Paul 81Lynck, Richard .. . 113 ff.Lyon, Richard. .. .. 76, 144Lyrton, Henry .: : .36, 37MMacDonald, Ray 66,. 67.Machemig, Milton . .. . 78Macfnt yee, Katherine .. 42,43, 112MacKenzie, Mary 83 ff.,87,109,172,175Mackey, .George ',' 36, 37Maclean, 'Norman F. . .134Magee, Byron 113Maguire, Lambert 134Mahin, Charles 155Mahin, Frank 76, 113, 137Mahoney, Evelyn 175Maina, Bartholomew 140Majarakis, James 111,134M.allory, Hervey. 137Malloy, .John 137Ma.Jtman, Allen. . . 113, 148Manat,Alfredo.. . .36, 37M ancina, Fr-ank . 132Manly, JobnF 102, 123, 135M ann, Ben. . . . .. . 113, 136Mann, Georg. . .. . 86, 87Mann, Lawrence. . 141Mann, Louis L. . . . . . 115Marcus, Emanuel. . . 122Margolin, Esther. . 90 ff.Markham, James. .. 106, 113, 136Markman, Jane.. . .184Markoff, Delmot. .. .87Marks, Frederic.. ,74,144Marks, Louis : 68, 147Marks, Raymond. . .146Marquardt, Ruth 87, 175Marshcak, Charlotte 96, lIOMarshall, Peggy . . .. ... 170Marshall, Lillian. . 158Martens, Robert. . . : .124, 125Martz, Edwin 137Marver, Allen 73, 141Marynowski, Stanley .. 51 ff., 132Mason, Jane 106Mast, Gifford 36, 37, 90 ff.Masterson, Norman 60 ff.,92 ff., 94 ff., 120, 144Mastrofsky, Joseph.. . 147Mather, William. . . .. . 124Mather, William J. . .17, 19, 137Matson, Jane 36, 37,82 ff., 87, 111, 163Matthews, Lorraine 178Mattmiller, James 87,134Mattson, Donald . .. 152Mauerman, Edward. . 70Mauthe, Howard. . 133.Mawicke, Mary.. . .. 36, 37, 183, Maxwell, Harr-y .. .149May, Helen , 36,37-May, Robert : . .. .. 135(Mayer, Gustave .147Maynard, Paul . . 137.McAllister, Mary 183McBean, James. . . . . . 132McBride, Eldridge.. . 113, 137McCarthy, Edith 105,108,111,172,174McCauley, David. . . . . .122McCasky, Elizabeth 96, 108, 184McCulley, Lloyd 36,37McDevitt, James .. 36, 37, 99, U1McDonald, Sam . . . . . ... 142McDougall, Dugald. .36, 37McDougall, Jean 185McDougall, Lorna. . . .. 96, 185McFarland, Albert. . . . ..... 19McGillivray, Edward.. .. 66,67McGregor, John. . . 125McInnis, Helen. . . . . 179Mcintosh, Robeet . . .47,131McKay, Dwight 144McKay, Mary 18, .36, 37, 111, 118-McKeon, Richard P. . . .21McKesson, Elmer. . . .145McKinney, Marion. . . .176McKinsey, James O. ..' .152McLaughlin, A. C. .21, 131McLaury, William. . . .148McManus, Philip .... 140Mc.Murrcv, George. . .127McNab, Murray. .. . . .... 124McN air, Frank. . .17, 136McNeil, Gordon. . . . 36; Ji7McPartlin, Richard 155McQuilkin, Robert 81,87,144McWorther, G. L.. . .137Mead, Bruce . . 143Medow. Martin 36, 37Meigs, Harmon 48 ff., 121, 144Meieenbach, Edward. . 77Melander, Eleanor. . .. 110., 179Melnick, Curtis. . . . . 141Melville, James 73,75, 83 ff., 87; 131Merriam, Charles A 21Merriam, Ned .... 46,60 ff., 76, 149Merrifield, Charles ..... 56 ff., 131Merrill, Robert V. . . ... 18, 6.8Mer-te, Herbert 143Messmer, George. . . . , :'.109Metcalf, T. Nelson ..... 19, 16, 51Metz, Gretchen. . .. 36, 37, 180Michna, James .. 139Miller, Edwin 137Miller, Ella... .36, 37Miller, Ernest 19Miller, Henry 97,110,121,148'Miller, James. . .\.. .124Miller, John. . . 76,' 77, 132Miller, Lloyd. . 143Miller, Louis.. . . 36,37,144Miller, Mary... . .163Miller, Philip. . . . .. 139Miller, Robert. . . 136Miller, Virginia. . . . .. . 181Millis, Harry 21Milow, Robert 18, 36, 37, 60 ff., 137Minard, David 133Mintz, E. L. . . . . 138Mintz, Leroy .. 141Mitchell, James 149Mitton, Irma .. 36, 37, 165, 172, 176Molloy, Louise. . .. . 161Molloy, Marie .. 36, 37,163Molton, Howard. . . .. 122Monilaw, Janet......... 174Montgomery, Walter.. . ... 83 ff.,150, 155Moore, Eloise . . . . .96Moore, James 127Moore, Margaret. 36, 37, 94 ii., 184Moore, Rufus . . 124Morgan, Helen. . 38, 39, 122Morley, Clara 111,158,160Morris, Donald. . . .. . 84 ff., 87Morris, Donald F. . 38, 39Morris, Elton. . . .38, 39Morris, John .131Morris, Virginia ' 17?Morrison; Harry 38, 3984 ff., 87, 108, 144, 155Morrison, H. C. . . .25, 148Mora, Wa:llace. . .76, 77Morse, Rosalyn. .. .163Morson, Pearl . . . . . . . . . 122Mortimer, Alexander . . .152Mosenfelder, Robert. .lS1Moss, Frank . 151Moulds, John F 17,19,137Moulton, John 38, 39, 137Moulton, Ruth.". . . . .163, 174Muirhead, Pauline ... 87Murphy, Joseph. . .133NN acey, Harry.. . . .. 48 ff.N adig, Francis.. . 125Nash, Lillian. . 38, 39,173Nebel, James 140Nebel, Robert..... . .38, 39,140N ef, Theodore. . . . . . . . . . . 144Neiman, Morris. . .77Nelson, Bert .. " 115Nelson, Bertram 137Nelson, Bettyann 18,38,39, 111, 158, 160, 161, 163Nelson, Isabel. .. 112, 159Nelson, Rena. . . . .165, 170Nelson, Richard. . . . 134Nelson, Rosemary 161,163Nemec, Edwin... . .. 38,39,152Nerlove, Samuel. . 141Nessler, Elmer. . . . . . . . 145Neucomb, John. . . . . 122New, Virginia.. . .96,158, 160, 163, 172, 183Newby, John.... .. . ... 142N ewman, Fred .... . . 139Newman, Horatio. . . . .150Newman, Marshall. . . .125 Newman, Nat 60 ff., 147Nicholson, Edward 60Nicholson, Ralph. . .80,87, 120, 123, 144Nicola, Ralph.. ..90 ff., 95 ff., 144Nicoll, George... . ... 66,67Niemeyer, Ralph. . ... 134Nimmons, Nancy 96, 159, 184Nixon, Frederick 137Noble, Margaret 38, 39, 185N oe, Adolf C.. . .132Nordhaus, Edward 122Norgren, Nelson .. 46,56 ff.Northrup, George .. 142Norton, Dorothy 38�39, 82 ff., 87, 161Norton, Lucille 181N ovac, E. J. . . . . 63 ff.Novak, George. . .38,39,132Novy, .Virginia 38,39Nyquist, Ewald. ..49 ff., 108, 142oOberman, Mayer 4.2, 43Ochsner, Berta , ' 94O'Connell, Ann. . ,173Odell, Herman. . . . . . .138O'Donnell, William 79,81,87, 119, 144Offill, Ashley. . . . . .63 ff., 139Ogburn, William 149Ogren, Quentin , 134O'H�gan, Jean ,172, 180O'Hanley,. Margaret. .178O'Hara, Frank ..... 90 ff., 102, 143Oliver, Edward. . ... 148Oliver, Marion.. .184Olmstead, Cleta 18, 38,39, 96, Ill, 161, 163, 172, 182Olmstead, Mary ..... 161, 163, 182Olmsted, Charles. . .124Olsen, Leonard.. . . 108, 131Olson, Elder 122Olson, Everett C 144Olson, James .. 135Olson, Jane. . . . . 112, 170Olson, Ruth. . . . .163, 181O'Malley, Margaret. . ... 175O'Neill, Leo... ... .76,144Opperman, Edward ... 139Orcutt, William. . .150Orr, Harry.... . . . . . . .155Ortendahl, Evelyn 179Oshins, Robert 38, 39, 98 ff., 146Overstreet, Howard . . .. 122OV6on, Eugene .... 60pPainter, Robert. . . . .148Palmer, Albert W. . ... 133Palmer, Anne 108, 163, 184Palmer, Ellen. . . . . .. 110Palmer, James L. . ... 139Palmer, Judith. . .. 96, 108, 185Palmer, Wilmot.. . ... 38,39,144Palmquist, Helen... 83 ff., 87,175Palowsky, Charles .. 141Paltzer, Clarissa. . 96, 178Panama, Norman .38, 39, 95, 151Pardridge, William .. 84 ff., 87, 134Park, Robert.... 144Parker, Everett. .. . 38, 39, 149Parmelee, Nancy. . .. 174Parmenter, C. E. . . ... 149Parsons, Kenneth 38, 39Paemore, Shelby. . 121, 148Patrick, Mary. ..83, 87, 159, 174Patros, Julia. . 38,39Patterson, Donald. , 145Patterson, Ellmore 19,29,38, 39, 49 n., 71, 108, 119, 148Paulmnn, Jayne. . . 107, 184Paulson, Michael 38, 39Paulson, Norman. .90 ff., 95 ff.Payne, Goldena. . . ... 38, 39Payne, Walter.'. . . .135<Pearlman, Sarah, 110Pearson, Norman . , 145Pedersen, Marion.. . 112, 122Pederson, Dorothy. . . 180Peirce, William. . 144Pelzel, Marion. . 38, 39Perdue, Henry. . 125Perkins, Helen 176Pedis, Sam. . . . . . 60Perrete, Robert. . 48 if., 151Perry, Louis. . . 76, 132Pesek, Frank. . . . . .69, 142Petering, Harold 122Petersen, Bartlett. . .48 ff., 136Petersen, Hope. , . . . , .87, 161Petersen, Gordon. . 48 ff.,56 ff., 120, 136.. 76, 77, 136'. ... 38, 39, 96.38,39,152.. 125Petersen, Kendall.Petersen, Lois ....Peterson, .CharlesPeterson, Durey . Peterson, Emily. . ... 82, 163, 177Peterson, Helen.. . .176Peterson, Roland .. 73Petrakis, "I'aeule . . . 38, 39Petterson, Vernon. .. . 140Pettit, Richard . . . . . 122Pfanstiebl, Cody. . . 135Pftasterer, Ouise . . 122Phelps, Barton. . 144.Phelps, James. . . .121, 143Phemister, Dean 83 ff., 87, 136Phillips, Arnold 75, 76, 77, 131Phillips, Wader. . 124Pickard, Jean. . .38, 39, 184Pierce, Alan. . . . . . . 124Pietsch, Ewald ... . 125Pink, Marvin..... . -146Pitcher, William. . . . 149Pittman, Catherine. .163, 183Pittsford, Jack 155Platt, Samuel. . . .124Platt, Virginia. . . . . . . . ..... 122Plimpton, Nathan C. . .17,19Plumley, Harold. . . ... 124Pokela, Raymond 132Polachek, Dena 82 ff., 87Porte, Ned 141Portes, Herbert. .. .., 122, 146Post, Elliott 38, 39Post, Dr. Wilbur E 17, 137Powers, Lloyd 72, 135Powers, Raymond. , .. ' .. 155Prescott, Henry. . . . . . . .. '.. 137Prescott, J. Parker. . . .38, ·39Prest, Rosemary 108, 184Price, Alfred L 72, 113 ff., 134, 169Prindiville, Virginia. . . .96, 177Pritikin, George. . 56 if.Pritikin, Nathan. . . . 141Protheroe, Frances... 110, 160, 178Province, John .. . ... 124Prussing, Jean. . .160, 163, 184Pullen, John 113 ff., 126Pu ttkammer, Ernst ..... 127Puzzo, Virgil. , .38, 39QQuantrell, Ernest E.Qnibell, Charles.Quinn. Betty. . .17. ... 125. .178RRabe, Arthur. . . . . . 146Radovsky , Joseph. . 125Haebig , Kathryn. . 177Rainey, Viva.. . . . 122Ralston, Everett. . . . .149'Ramsey, Raymond. . 142Randall, Clifford 38, 39, 149Raney, M. Llewellyn. . .... 19Raney, Ruth.. .. . .163, 174Ranquist, Rohert . . . 115Rantz, Mildred... . 179Rapp, Edward. . . .60 ff.Rappaport, June. . .30, 87Ratner, Gerald. . . ... 63 ff.Rayfield, Beatrice. .112, 177Read, Conyers. 137Reamer, Mary. .. , , , .... 175Redfield, Robert. 19, 21, 143Reedy, George 145Reese, Henry ..... 84 ff., 90 ff., 108Reid, Laverne 180Reiger, John. . . . 115Reilly, Edward. .. . 74Reinhardt, Helen 38, 39, 112Reisman, Howard. 147Helnemund, Carl. . . .' ... 145Resnikoff, Meyer. . .38, 39Ressencourt, Eugene 76Reynolds, Jack. .. . 51 ff., 136Reynolds, Newell .... 149Rice, John. '.' .38, -ss, 105, 119, 148Rice, Robert. . . . 38, 39, 136Rice, Winifred. . 175Rich, Howard 38, 39,80; 81, 87, 113 ff.Richardson, Ambrose 76, 87, 142Richardson, Forrest '140Richardson, Irving .. 82,96,97,142Richardson, .Suaanne 38, 39,82 ff., 87, 108, 118, 160, 163, 178Riddle, Ann 174Riddle, Elizabeth 163Riley, Alan.. .. . .148Riley, Thomas. . . . 135Ringrose, Evelyn 183Rips, Ray 111Rieteau, William. . . 77Ritter, David 125Rix, Mary 96, 184Robbins, David. . . .38,39Robert, Kirsten. . .38, 39Roberts, John . . . .. 60Roberts, Frederick '124Roberts, William. . .. .155Robertson, John .. '.. 142 Robinson, Arthur 38., 39, 112Rockefeller, John D. 24Rockwell, Mary 170, 175Roe, Marion.... · 38, 39Roesing, Robert 146Rogers, Emily. . . . . . . . . .. 185Romeroweky, Florence 38, 39Ronneber-g, Conrad 124Root, Norman R . . 46, 77Rose,fWilliam. . .. 65, 143Rosen, S. McKee. .. 109Rosenbach, Philip. . 151Rosenbaum, Allen. . 81, 87Rosenbaum. Constance. . .. 38, 39Rosenbaum, Leonard 141Rosenberg, Helen ... 38, 39, 96, 163Rosenberg, Merwin . . .. . 127Rosenfels, Edith 122Rosenfels, Robert. . 151Rosenson, Heral . . 38, 39Rosenthal, Janet. .163Rosenthal, Mac. .. . .87Rosenzweig, Celia. . ..... 122Ross, Hilda. . . . .38, 39Ross, Philip. . .. .72, 138ROBS, William . . 135Rossin, Morris 76, 77, 141Rowe, John. . .. . . . 139Rowland, Durbin 149Ruback, William. . . . .142Rubenstein, Zelda. . 38, 39Rubovitz, Frank 115Runyan, William .. 48, ff., 121, 131Runyon, Maxwell 148Russell, Jean.. . 90 ff., 174Russell, Paul S. . . . 17Rutledge, John. . 155Ruud, Albert.. . 132Rybczynski, Henrietta 82 ff., 87Ryerson, Edward L. . .17SSaffir, Harold 38, 39Safranek, William. . .. 113Salk, Melvin. . . . .. .141Saltzman, Donald. . .140Saly, Julian. . . . . .146Sandara, Leibert 143Sandman, Adele 84 ff., 87,94 ff., 174Sang, Bernard 146Sappington, Earl. 49 ff., 137Sarnat, Bernard . . . .138Sasico, Vladimir. . ... 42, 43Savich, Theodore 65Sawyer, Eleanor. . ... , 181Sayler, Elizabeth .... 38, 39, 90 ff.,94 ff., Ill, 118, 158, 160, 162, 174Scanlan, Patricia 173Scanlan, Robert .. 65Schaefer, Willis.. . . . .. 140Schaeffer, George. . 139Schatz, Jack. . . . . . 146Scheel, Elenore. . .40, 41, 184Scheer, Alex. . . .. ... 40,41Schenk, Albert. . . . .76, 77Schenker, Herbert.. . . . 147Schevill, Ferdinand. . 131Schiff, Max. . . . .. 147Schiff, Richard ... 146Schimpff, Gust .. .124Schindler, Milton 141Schlain, Edward. .. . . .. .. 146Schl an ger-, Herman. , 151Schlegel, Richard. . .42, 43Schlesinger, Alan. . . . . . . 148Schlesinger, Richard. . 137Schmid, Fran. .. . . . . .. . 132Schmidt, Alberta. .. .163, 172, 173Schmidt, Bernadotte .. 143Schmidt, Anita 175Schmidt, Theodora 110, 184Schmitt, Joseph. . . . 146Schmitz, Rober-t 135Schneider, John. . . 125Schneider, Peter .. . 65Schner-ing, Robert. . 148Schoen, Lillian ..... 86, 92, 96, 163Schoenberg, Sam. .141Schoepa, Russell. . . .. 40, 41Scholberg, Harold. . 12.5Scholes, Blanche. . . . . .159Schonberg, Beatrice 82 ff., 87Schrader, William. . . . .. 155Schreiner, George.. .. . ..... 152Schroeder, William... . .65, 136Schuessler, Adolph 48 ff.,60 ff., 121, 148Schultz, Howard ... 40, 41, 120, 136Schultz, Lowell. . . .152Schulz, Herman. ..73, 75, 97, 135Schulz, Vorana .. . .... 181Schulze, Arnold. . 122, 133Schumm, Hilda 40, 41, 180Schustek, George 80, 87Schwaegerman, .George.. .113 ff.Schwartz, Lawrence. . . . .40, 41Schwartz, Marchmont. . .46, 51Page 2IS.... 11340, 41.......... 17.......... 40,41, 158, 168, 170Scott, Robert L. . . 17Scott, William E. . 19, 123Scruby, John. . 49 ff., 136Seully, Thomas. . .155Seaborg, Earl. . . . .. . .. 143Seabury, Elizabetb. . . .185Sears, Kenneth ... 127Seder, Seymour. . .141Seelig, Jerome. : .. 141Segall, Ira. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 146Seip, Richard. . ..... 42, 43Seiter, Francis. . . . . . . . . .. . 77Seligmann, Paul 125Senn, Gertrude .... 96, 108, 163 185Serota, Herman. . ... 122Sethness, Olin. . .40 41, 155Setzer, Henry 135Shaeffer Louis. . . . . . . . . . 65Shallenberger, John. . . 137Shallenberger, Robert 137Shanhouse, George�-. . . .. 151Shannon, Charles E. ..46, 51, 150Shapin, Milton 141Shapiro, Lawrence. . 83 ff., 87Sharp, Malcolm. . . . 127, 155Sharts, Eleanor 96, 163, 179Shaughnessy, Clark 19, 46, 47, 48 ff.Shaver, Harley .. 131Shaver, Wayne. . . .75Sheldon, Keenan. . 74Sherburn, George , .123, 148Sherer, Albert W. . . 17Sherman, M.. . . . . ... 25Sherwin, William. . . .63 if.Sherwood, Esther . . .125Sherwood, William. . .87Shiffman.. Helen 173Shiner, Jasper. . . . 149Shipway, Robert .. 51 ff.Shoatrum, John 108, 148Shult, Deloss C . . 17Sib bert, Robert. . 150Sibley, Edwin. . . .97, 108, 148Sibley, Joseph. . . . .... 106, 155Sideman, Leon. . . ... 122Siegel, Harold. . . .. 81, 87, 151Siegel, Rosalyn. . 163Sills, William. . . . . . 60Silverst em, David. . . 146Silverman, Mandel. .138Simon, Jane. . . . . . . 178Simpson, William. . 122Sindelar, Otto. . .. . .. 42, 43, 137Singer, Isadore' .. . 40, 41Sinkler, Yvonne. . . . 110Stnsheiruer, Allen. ,.40,41Siris, Evelyn 122Skau, Carl. . . . . . . . . . . 140Skebelsky, Lawrence 146Skinner, Edward. . . 136Skoning, Warren. . 48 ff., 136Siaught, Herbert 134Siesinger, Donald .. ' 19, 21, 127Slotkin, James, . .. " .... , , , 122Smiley, Malcolm. . 122Smith, Barton 40,41, 60 ff., 107, 119, 136Smith, Charles 42,43, 73, 75, 119, 144Smith, Daniel. 60 ff., 111, 131Smith, Evelyn Ll.L, 163, 174Smith, Freder-ick . . . 40, 41Smith, Helen.. . . 176Smith, James. . . . . 136Smith, Kendrick.. . 13�Smith, Lois . 179Smith, Marion. . . 179Smith, Mary... 176Smith, Richard. . . .81, 87, 131Smith, Sidney. . .40, 41Smith, Sydney... . 146Smith, Wendell.. . . 122Smyth, Harlow. . . 135Snead, William . . 133Snodgrass, Harry 98 ff., 144Snow, Donald. . . .... 125Snyder, James .. 87, 139Soderlind, Roy 77Solf, Waldemar .. 18, 40, 41, 73, 75,82 ff., 87,107,119,130,155Solomon, Jerome. . 138Solos, Emanuel ... ' 138Sondel, Shirley. . .. 110, 183Sorrel, Lewis . . . . . 133Sorensen, Aldana .. 92, 96Sorensen, Robert. . . . 76Speer, David. . 134Speer, George 134Spencer, William H. . .19, 24Spicer, Edward 125Spinka, Agnes. . . .112, 181Spitzer, Jerome 146Sprague, Clara .. ' 161Schwede, Walter.Scorfor-d, Ruth.Scott, Albert L ..Scott, Elizabeth.Page 2I6 Springer, Ralph. . 131Stagg, Amos A .. Jr. . . 4.,6.'18711Stanek, Muriel ..Stanger, Daniel. .. 124Stanton, Harker ; .. 40,41, 84 ff., 87, 144Stapleton, WiIliam.82 ff., 87, 148Stark, Harold. . .4-0, 41Statler, Oliver. . .90 ff., 142Staud, Elma . . 164Stauffer, Elma 40, 41, 163Stauffer, Floyd 66, 121, 148Stauffer, Thomas 134Stearns, Fenton.. . ." ._ 125Steele, Elinor. . . . .. 166, 170Steele, Theron. . . 148Steere, Lloyd R. . . . . 17, 19Stegemeier, Henry . . .150Stein, Herman. . . . .95 ff.Stephenson, Earl .134Stephenson, Joseph. .. . .. 97, 135Sterling, Jerome. ..77, 138Stern, Burton. . . .75, 146Stern,.Edward.. .80,87,151Stern, Emy. . . .163Stern, Gerald. . . 147Stern, Mildred. . . 40, 41Sternfeld, Leon . . . .125Stevens, Edward. . . . .124'Stevens, Eugene M. . .17Stevens, James . . . . .148Stevens,_John .. '· .108,148Stevens, Leah 125Stevenson, Benjamin. 0,0 • o. .148Stevenson, Charles. " 142Stevenson, Mary. .107 ff., 178Stewart, Bruce. . . .108, 131Stiller, Cloyd. . .. . ... 40,41,159Stiller, James M. . ... 17, 19Stiles, Lynn. .. . . . . 145Stiller man, Manuel. 146Stine, Arnold. . . . 146Stine, Leonard. .146Stoelke, Alma 122Stok, Dan.. .. . . 140Stolar, Joeeph . . .66,67,134Stolfa, Laddie. .. . .. . ..... 132Stolte, Jean.. . .80, 87, 163, 182Stone, Alfred. . .141Stone, Donald. 125Stone, Faith. . .124Stoner, John. . . . . .109Stoner, Mary . . . 122Storer, Robert .. 40, 41, 98 ff., 123Storey, Everett .. 81,87,109, ISOStorms, Roberta. . . 40, 41� 163Stovall, Lottie. .. . . . ... 40, 41Stricker, Harriett. .163Strickland, Sigrid 182Stritar, Joseph. . .124Strohmeier, Otto. . .. 46, 51Strong, Helen .. 110Strouse, Carl. .... 40, 41Struve, Otto. . .. 19Stuart, John. . . . . . . . . 17Stuart, Marjorie 181Stucker, Joseph. . 40,41,140Stutsman, Paul. . .122Sulcer," Eleanor, .. 163, 185Sulcer, Henry ... ' . . .155Sullivan, Timothy, . . . . . . . ,155Sunderland, Riley 113 ff., 150Suttle, Elliott. .. . .... 40, 41, 142Svrech, Joseph. . ... 40, 41Swank, Dan. . . . . . . 70Swenson, Harold. . . 19Swift, Ebon 149Swift, Harold H. . . . . 17Swineford, Ada ..... , .... , .... 87,159, 166, 167, 170Sype, John.. .. .. . . .. .. 76, 77Szambaris, Alice . . . . . 180TTaliaferro, William, 19, 20Tambone, John 40, 41Tancig, WiII\am 82 ff., 87, 135Tasker, Allene.. . 94 ff., 183Tate, 'Herman . . '4,0, 41Tax, Sol. . . . . . . 124Taylor, Elinor ..... 80,87, 161, 183Taylor, Fletcher.. . 77, 137Taylor, Griffith.. . . : 134Teegarden, Joseph 149Tefft, Sheldon.. . 127, 155Teiber, Rosalie 178TeHman, Edwin . . . . .115Templeton, Robert. . 40. 41Ten Eyek, Albert 135Thiel, Orin. . .. . . . 155Thoendel, Eunice 180Thomas, Kenneth. . . 69Thomas, Lee 87,144Thomas, Nelson 136Thomas, W. A. . . . 139Thomas, WiIliam 40,41,109Thompson, Edward 51 ff., 63 ff., 136Thompson, Elizabeth .161, 163, 181 .Thompson ; Gene. .. . 135Thompson, Kenneth 152Thompson, Margaret. .96, 163, 178Thompson, Orsie. . . . .167Thomson, Charlotte .'. , 163,165, 168, 170Tiger, Gordon. ..... . .151Tillinghast, Margaret ,.83,87, 107, 184Tinker, David. . . .... 76, 142Tipshus, Alfons. . .60 ff., 134Tisdel, Fred 140Tittman, Alsy 40, 41, 163, 172, 181 .Todd, Frank .•.. 40, 41, 73, 75, 148Tonelli, Elaine. . ..... 40, 41Toombs, Farrell. . .149Tosney, Agatha. . 183Touhig, James 47Tovrov, Blossom. . 87Tract, -Eugene.·.. .. . 150Tragnitz, Charlotte .... 40, 41, 112Traynor, Edward. . 40, 41Traynor, William 40,41, 84 ff., 87, 135Trees, Katherine .. 40,41,172,185Trenary, George .76, 133Trescott, Virginia'. . .. 177Trojka, Henry .... 0 .76, 77Trueax, Jacqueline. . . 183Trumbull, Donald S. . 26Trumbull, Lucy. . .40, 41, 184Th��aM �'Tryon, Rollo 60 ff., 133Turnbull, Jean 177Turner, Thomas. . ' , .. 40,41, 84 ff., 87, 135Turoff, Lucille. .. 163Turpin, Pauline. . 183Tyk, Edwon .. 40, 41, 132Tyroler, Charles 40,41, 71, 84; 86, 123, 136UUlbrich, Robert 76, 135Unander, Stanley 40, 41Upton, Robert 76, 77, 148Ury, Melvin .. "v.. . .121, 146Vail, Barbara. 80 ff., 95 ff., 111, 184Vail, Patricia. . .. . ... 40, 41, 184Vance, Preston .. . 113Van Etten, Frank.. . : .. 122Van Etten, Willard. . 131Vango, Stephen. . . • .40, 41Van Metre, Ricker. . ..... 122Van Tuyl, Marion.. . .102Varkala, Helen . . . . . 163Varkala, Joseph 40,41,122Vaslow, Walter. . ... 146Vaughn, Elizabeth. . .40, 41Vaughn, Rogert. 131Vaughn, Throop. . . ... 131Vaughn, William. . . . ISOVeasey, James.. . .. 40, 41, 148Veith, John....... . .40,41,152Vennesland, Birgit. . ... 125Vennesland, Kriste .. ' . ,12,2Verecken, Virginia .', . . .182Voigt, Harold .' 125V olke, Walter . .. . . . . . ' 132Von Poven, Hildegard 42,43, 111, 15$. .46, 69.... 132V orres, -Spvros ..Voss, Howard . 'Vi .Wagner, H... . .. 92 ff.Wagner, Irma.. . ... 125Warigner, Paul":', . ..77,96, 142Wagoner, Rober t . . ., 96Walburn, Mabel.. . 161, 181Wald, Jerome 122Wald, Leslie. . . . . . . 141Waldman, Jerome. . 141Walker, Catherine. . 177Walker, Elizabeth .... 42,43,185Walker, Louise. . . 18, IIIWalker,' Robert. 111Wall, Burton. . . 141W allower, Ted " 95 ff.Walsh, Daniel 42,43,67,136Walsh, Edmund 125Walter, Mary 80,163,165,170,182Walters,. Alan. . 139Walters. James. . ·,.,.68, 134Walters, Ruth. . . .42, 43, 184Walton, M. . 76Ware, Robert. . 69, 113, 131Warner, Myra ... ,... '" .185Warshawsky, Everett. .. 81,147Wasem, Richard 75, 77, 131Washburne, Beatrice. . . ... 110Wasley, William. . 42, 43Wass, John.. .. .. 142Watrous, Wilma 163, 178Watson, Lorraine. . . .. .106, 122Watson, Phyllis.... . .42,43Watson, William D. .18,42,43,79,.82 ff., 87,97,108,119,136Warson, William W 80, 87, 143, 135 Wearin, Josiah '.. 73, 75, 148Weaver, William 113, 126, 131Webster, Jack 60 ff., 75, 87,121,131Wechselberger, Joseph. . .143Wechter, Rosalyn 163Weeks, Patricia .163, 165, 166, 170Wegg, Helen.·... 96,108Wehling, Ralph ., 63 ff., 150Weinand, Floyd 139Weinberger, Helen 42, 43, 163, 177Weinhouse, Sidney. . .124Weinstein, Alvin. . 97, 138Weinstein, Jay 147Weir, Mabel. . . •. . 42, 43, 112Weiss, Catherine. . 111Weiss, Elihu. . . . . . 138Weiss, Jeannette . . . . . .. . .163Weiss, Raymond; 56 ff., 150Weiss, Robert. . 98 ff.Weiss, Sidney . . . . . . 141Weiss, Trevor 42, 43, 71, 75, 141Welborn, Russell. . . 133Wells, Dorothy 168Wells, Gideon . . . . . .122Wells, Rainwater 49 ff.,92 ff., 120, 144Wendt, Kathryn163, 165, 170, 175Werner, Philip 73,144Weston, Elizabeth. . 185Westphal, Marion ..... ' 42, 43,163, 172, 179Wetherell, Nelson. . 142Wheeler, Robert 76, 77White, Madelyn 42, 43White, Philip 18, 42, 43, 60 ffe,90 ff., 96, 106, 108, 119, 123Whitehead, John 42, 43Whiteside, Sam .49 ff., 69; 136Whitlow, Robert 73, 75, 131Whitney, Paul. .42, 43, 51 ff., 142Whittenberger, James 74Whittier, Coburn 51 ff., 113 ff., 126Wickert, Frederic. . . 145Wickum, Richard. . 137Wilcox, Lee . . . . .. ,,124Wilder, Thornton 107, 123, 131Wiles, Bradford 143Will, Hubert ... 42, 43, 66, 67, 155Williams, Dwight. .150Williams, Edward. . . . ..... 140Williamson, Eleanor. . .159, 174Willis, Pauline. . . . .17JWillis, Roger. . . . . . 90 ff.Wilson, Campbell.. . 68, 143Wilson, Charles... .66,74,131Wilson, Dana. . 136Wilson, G 150, 173Wilson, Harry 42; 43, 136Wilson, James.. . . . .... 131Wilson, John P . . .. 17Wilso'n, Leslie. .. ... 92 ff., 96, 174Wilson, Louis R. . , .... 19, 25Wilson, Margaret. . .110, 182Wilson, Thomas . . . 125Wilson, Robert , 120Wilson, .. Woodrow 76, 77, 135Winter, H-arold 68Winters, Verna. 83 ff., 87, 172, 177Witherspoon, Joseph. . .109, 134Woellner, Robert C...... . .19W ocllner, Mrs. Robert C. .158Wolf, Bernard. . . 146Wolf, Esther. .42, 43Wolf, Laura 163Wolfe, Marjorie 161, 163, 182Wolfenson, Edmund. . .. : .51 ff.Womer, John 42,43,49 ff., 107 ff., 119, 130, 148Woodrich, Helen 161Woodruff, Jane... . .. 167,170Woods".Charles. . . 155Woods, Leona 161Woodward; FrederickT'I, 102, 155Woodward" Herbert. 155W orcheeter, De Witt 139Works, George A 19,25, 137Worman, Earl. .. ., ".,' .152Wright, Clarence ... 48 ff., 121, 1-48Wright, James. . . . .139Wright, Quincy 230Wright, Ruth 165, 166, 17, 176YYarnell, Lea ..Yedor, Harry.Yedor, Leo .....Y «?ung, Burton.Young�.- MartinYoung, Robert .. z"Zacharias, Richard. . . . 116Zachartaaen, William , 24Zimmerly, Caroline. . 161Zimmerman, Alvin , ,122Zimmerman, Arnold 77,147Zimont, Hilary. . . . .. .76, 77, 149Zoline, Joseph.. . . . . . . 146Zopf, William 139Zukowski, Edwin .. 42, 43, 69, 155'.. .......... 60.64, 75, 141............ 141. 78,155. 402,.. 75,121,134