�/712_� /3, t970CAP AND GOWN191<4JPWIDJ1TIS)lliImIID Th"IT '1fllil� JJwr�m®rn (LIkM$) ®IF'il'lliIlE mrlhbTIWmm�TI"IT'1f ®11 (Cllimce� @@W@lL)�Q[>�( 1l ®1l�COPYRIGHTED 1914BY THE EDITORS OFCAP AND GOWl'jE' present thisbook, the nine­teenth volumeof the Cap andGown, strivingto record scenes and experienceswhich are apt to be forgotten.GEORGE SPENCER LYMANHASKELL SMITH RHETTMERWYN MURCHISON PALMERDONALD DANIEL DELANYFREDERICK MARION BYERLY�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!11I1I11111111111111111111111111111I1I111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.TABLE OF CONTENTSSPECIAL 10CONVOCATIONS 1618��.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111I11111111111�lllllllii!IIIIII[I[III.BOARD OF TRUSTEES19FACULTYALUMNI . 41SENIORS . 47JUNIORS • 97103SOPHOMORESFRESHMEN 109ACADEMIC HONORS 115123ORGANIZATIONSORATORY . . 157165173PUBLICATIONSDRAMATICSMUSIC 183SOCIETY . . 195ATHLETICS 201WOMEN'S ATHLETICS . 257269DORMITORIES .FRATERNITIES 277353WOMEN'S CLUBSCLASS SOCIETIESLAW SCHOOL. 373391MEDIC SCHOOL 415427SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONDIVINITY SCHOOL . 431RAP AND POUND . . 4378ALONZO KETCHAM PARKERALONZO KETCHAM PARKEROHE editors of w4� (!lup unll �l1Wlt 1914respectfully dedicate this volumeto ALONZO KETCHAM PARKER. Be­fore the University opened itsdoors in 1892 ALONZO KETCHAMPARKER was inside the threshold. He was oneof the group of "forward-looking" men whonot only saw the necessity for an institution ofhigher learning in Chicago but helped to createit. He was one of the incorporators of the newUniversity and served faithfully as trusteeduring all its formative years and until heresigned to accept the responsible position ofUniversity Recorder. As Professorial Lecturerhe stimulated student interest in missions, in­terest now happily rising into enthusiasm. AsHead of Hitchcock House he became the friend,associate, and adviser of hundreds of men. Hispublic utterances are characterized by dignity,perfect taste, and clear thinking. His addressesare models of good English. His evident edu­cational usefulness led Vassar College to makehim and keep him a trustee. While he wasserving the University he carried for years theburdens of an important church, he served hiscity as a religious leader, he continuallydirected his facile pen to the creation of helpfulfiction and the production of well-balancedliterary criticism. He is a friend of everystudent who deserves a friend. He believes inthe fraternities and sororities-and shows it.And while he has "retired" he cannot be for­gotten. This volume is dedicated to ALONZOKETCHAM P ARKER-a Christian gentleman.C It (. n n d G () ,,- n10Cal) and GO"'nWen OO'(!1{otk frnm �ittl1ell WOWl'f(The Alice Freeman Palmer chimes ring each night the "Alma Mater")By HORACE SPENCER FISKEAthwart the dark the deep bells sounding slowRing out their music to the world below,Recalling her whose soul was like a song,A joy that led the fair and young and st1·ong.Across the night the "Alma Mater" ringsAnd to the hope-filled skies sweet music brings,Reminder oft of her who wisdom knowsAnd life enriches e'en as knowledge grows.From that high tower against the shadowy night,Through winter's storm or summer's starry light,The song to that fair mother ringing clearShall sweeter sound with every vanished year.Its echoes down the years will softly goTo tell of young ambition's kindling glow;Of truth that frees, of fellowship umbouqht.,And all the garnered wealth of human thought.11,--- --_._._._-----------Cap and Gown12 Ioj___. ----------------.--�------------------��Cal) It n d G 0 ,,- J1(!1qllrll'fi iGoriu (!i)Wl'U, 'lli 111Alpqu IDeltu JqiArt 1.Ellitnr QJup uUll �n1Uu�kull uUll QJrenteutfYlutkfriurn1I1eurib1l'nJeu QJlub13WITH THE GLEE CLUB TO THE PACIFICN Friday afternoon, March 14, 1913, after giving a "Big Chicago forthe Santa Fe," the Glee Club departed on its first western invasion.We were thirty-six in one car; Mr. Moulton, Mr. Stevens, thirtysongsters and four mandolinists, not to mention the faithful porter.Chillicothe, the first stop, was reached just as Hollingsworth doveunder the berth for a dress shirt stud. Thirty-five people putting onevening clothes at once do not leave many spare corners in one smallcar, and it took several nights to work out an efficient system fordressing. The concert was held in a church "almost" large enoughfor everyone. The only thing we regret was the rough way in which Zeddies broke offa part of the balustrade to use as a baton.Saturday we were up early studying hard for the first exams, to be held Sunday.At about 1 :45 we landed in Chanute, admitted by Stanley to be one of the prettiesttowns in Kansas. After the concert in the evening a few of us attended the Eagledance--a swell affair.We stayed in Chanute on Sunday until 2 and passed the morning writing exams.On the way to Wellington we bottled the clattering Law students in one end of the car,and hit the books once more. Morrison read two pages of French in an hour. We hada fine dinner before the concert and discovered Harvey House waitresses to be ratherinteresting. Reference--O. K. Morton.We awoke the next morning in Waynoka, Oklahoma, and started right in with anexam, while Zeke and Mr. Stevens looked the town over on horse-back. The concertwent well despite the sandy tones, and Lon Payne scored a hit when he yelled at theclose--"Seven Rahs for (long pause)-this town."Tuesday, March 18th, proved a big day and a chilly one. Kept warm by Deltmackinaws, we rambled all over the town of Canadian, Texas, and vicinity. Some wentto the Pecos River, others rode to the neighboring sheep ranches, and a very few studied.Amarillo, Texas, greeted us with a big sandstorm, and most of our explorers boughtgoggles so that they might really see the town. That this was our last day of examswas plainly noticeable in the amount of "pep" that we put in the concert, held in the.Opera House before our biggest and best audience. We returned to the station to findour movable home a quarter of a mile up the track.. All morning of the next day we travelled through country with immense herds ofcattle, and arrived in Clovis, New Mexico, in time for lunch. Lolly spent the afternoonin search of a bath tub. After the concert a large representation attended the Elks'dance, with Lundberg and Spangler appearing as bright social lights. "The Commis­sion" passed a busy night.March 21, just a week after our departure, we spent in travelling through a beau­tiful country-of mountains and canyons. The concert at Belen showed that we weregetting to, be in the professional class. By this time the "who-could-wear-one-collar-or­vest-the-Iougest" race was well under way. Bob Miller and Lunde led in this event andHendersonIed in the white' glove race .. Saturday morning we landed in Albuquerque. Ponies were hired, and a numberof the boys 'Visited the Pueblo village about thirteen miles out: Zeddies and Zeke triedto overtake a distant mountain, and were late for the concert. MacArthur, whileabsorbed in fussing, ·missed the train" and having no money in his pockets, bummed aride on his good looks.Snow was on the ground when we landed in Gallup, New Mexico, but this did notstop the Scandinavian trio, Lollesgard, Lungren and Lunde, who headed an expedition"cross country." • Found no Indians, but investigated a coal mine owned by a brotherof Hugh Jennings.Monday; March 24th, was spent in crossing Arizona. First, there were vast ex­panses of desert, and then the picturesque San Francisco Mountains. We had lunch at·Ash Forks, 5,000 feet above the sea level. Og Coleman dined sumptuously at the invi­tation of J. Greene and G. Lyman. The train slid into Kingman, the concert town, justas the sun was setting.Tuesday we explored Kingman, and then boarded the train for Needles, California.To celebrate our last concert we called 'off the "race" and put on clean shirts, collars,and gloves. Protests from Hi Lewis. At the supper table we heard from Mr. Moulton14Cap un(l Go"rnthat President Judson had wired permission for a trip to the Canyon. Prexy must haveheard the cheer that we gave him.We awoke on the twenty-sixth to the wails of the fellows who had been robbed ofall their valuables. After some detective work, a trial was held in the car, and Mr.Moulton was convicted on the testimony of the porter. He was fined a treat for thewhole crowd and paid like a little man.The next morning we arrived at Los Angeles about 8 :30, after a trip through acountry of palm trees and orange groves, and by 9 :00 we were scattered all over the city.Several visited Venice for a dip in the Pacific, several located friends and relatives, andothers merely "saw the sights."We started East on the twenty-eighth at about nine o'clock and spent the entire dayclimbing the Coast Range. Mr. Riley of the Harvey House at Needles was waiting forus with a big chicken dinner when we pulled in at 7: 15. After we left here the interiorof the car began to look like a souvenir store.Saturday, the twenty-ninth, we found ourselves at the Grand Canyon. After ahasty breakfast, most of us decided to make the trip afoot down the Bright Angel Trail.It was a lively race to the bottom between Lolly and Lunde, the Scandinavian goats.When Lolly reached the river he couldn't stop until he was nicely seated in the icy waterof the Colorado. We had lunch before attempting the long climb to the rim. Weinmanstarted ahead of the crowd, and we found him asleep on the edge of the trail about halfway up to the top. It was a tired and lame crowd that turned in that night as the trainpulled out of the station.The trip proved interesting as long as the mountains and canyons lasted, but assoon as we reached the monotony of Kansas plains we were anxious to be back in the"Windy City." We finally arrived one morning at about 11 :30 and ended our westerninvasion with another "Big Chicago for the Santa Fe." LOWER SEVEN.15CUI' nnd Go,,-oTHE EIGHTY-SIXTH CONVOCATIONLEON MANDEL ASSEMBLY HALLMarch 18, 1913Orator: Professor James Hayden Tufts, Ph. D., LL. D.Subject: "The University and the Advance of Justice."Chaplain: The Reverend Professor Theodore Gerald Soares, Ph. D., D. D.Receiving Line: Mr. and Mrs. James Hayden Tufts; President and Mrs. HarryPratt Judson; and Mr. and Mrs. Lorado Taft.Degrees: There were 121 candidates for titles and degrees. Of these, fifty-onewere for title of Associate; three for degree of Bachelor of Arts; nineteen for Bachelorof Philosophy; eleven for Bachelor of Science; one for Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.);seven for Doctor of Law (J. D.); and six for Doctor of Philosophy.THE EIGHTY-SEVENTH CONVOCATIONHUTCHINSON COURTJune 10, 1913Orator: His Excellency Jonkheer John Loudon, Netherlands Minister to theUnited States.Subject: "How Holland Manages Her Colonies."Chaplain: The Reverend Professor Charles Richmond Henderson, Ph. D., D. D.Receiving Line: His Excellency Jonkheer John Loudon; and President and Mrs.Harry Pratt Judson.Degrees: There were 523 candidates for degrees and titles. Of these, 167 were fortitle of Associate; twenty-three for the two years' certificate in the College of Educa­tion; seventeen for Bachelor of Philosophy in the College of Education; six for Bachelorof Science in the College of Education; ten for Bachelor of Arts; 141 for Bachelor ofPhilosophy; fifty-six for Bachelor of Science; eight in the Divinity School, and thirty­eight in the Graduate School, for Master of Arts; three for Bachelor of Divinity; twoin the Divinity School, and nineteen in the Graduate School, for Doctor of Philosophy;eleven in the Graduate School for Master of Science; one for Bachelor of Laws(LL. B); and twenty-one for Doctor of Law (J. D.). The Honorary Degree of Doctorof Laws was conferred on Jonkheer John Loudon.16 1Cap a u d GownTHE EIGHTY-EIGHTH CONVOCATIONLEON MANDEL ASSEMBLY HALLAugust 29, 1913Orator: John Holladay Latane.Subject: "Our Relations with Japan."Chaplain: The Reverend Professor Charles Richmond Henderson, Ph. D., D. D.Receiving Line: Mr. and Mrs. John Holladay Latane ; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest DewittBurton; and Miss Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge.Degrees: There were 239 candidates for titles and degrees. Of these, twenty-sevenwere for title of Associate; two for the two years' Kindergarten course; five for thetwo years' course in Home Economics; one for two years' course in Supervision ofElementary Schools; one for two years' course in Elementary School teaching; thirteenfor Bachelor of Philosophy in Education; eight for Bachelor of Science in Education;four for Bachelor of Arts; forty-eight for Bachelor of Philosophy; fifteen for Bachelorof Science; seven in Divinity School, and forty in Graduate School, for Master of Arts;three for Bachelor of Divinity; four in Divinity School, and thirty-one in GraduateSchool, for Doctor of Philosophy; twenty in Graduate School for Master of Science;two for Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.); and nine for Doctor of Law (J. D.).THE EIGHTY-NINTH CONVOCATIONLEON MANDEL ASSEMBLY HALLDecember 20, 1913Orator: Abram Winegardner Harris, Sc. D., LL. D., President of NorthwesternUniversity.Subject: "College Days."Chaplain: The Reverend Professor Charles Richmond Henderson, Ph. D., D. D.,Chaplain of the University.Receiving Line: President and Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson; President Abram W.Harris; Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson; and Miss Marion Talbot.Degrees: There were 133 candidates for degrees and titles. Of these, seventywere for title of Associate; two for the two years' certificate; three for Bachelor ofPhilosophy in the College of Education; two for Bachelor of Science in the College ofEducation; one for Bachelor of Arts; twenty-eight for Bachelor of Philosophy; ninefor Bachelor of Science; one in the Divinity School, and three in the Graduate School,for Master of Arts; two for Bachelor of Divinity; one in the Divinity School, and sixin the Graduate School, for Doctor of Philosophy; two in the Graduate School forMastel' of Science; and two for Doctor of Law (J. D.).17Cap and GownBoard oCOFFICERSMARTIN A. RYERSON .ANDREW MACLEISHFREDERICK A. SMITH .CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONJ. SPENCER DICKERSONWALLACE HECKMANTREVOR ARNETT PresidentFirst Vice-PresidentSecond Vice-PresidentTreasurerSecretaryCounsel and Business MenaqerAucldorMEMBERSClass One-Term Expires in 1914JESSE A. BALDWINENOS M. BARTONTHOMAS E. DONNELLEYROBERT L. SCOTT DAVID G. HAMILTONCHARLES E. HUGHESANDREW MACLEISHClass Two-Term Expires in 1915ADOLPHUS C. BARTLETTHOWARD G. GREYCHARLES R. HOLDEN J. OTIS HUMPHREYCHARLES L. HUTCHINSONFRANCIS W. PARKERFREDERICK A. SMITHClass Three-Term Expires in 1916ELI B. FELSENTHALHARRY PRATT JUDSONFREDERIC A. DELANO HAROLD F. MCCORMICKJULIUS ROSENWALDMARTIN A. RYERSONWILLARD A. SMITH18� here was upon 0time a young.stuclent whowas not satistled to take19COil aud GOn'DfII!iPRESIDENT HARRY PRATT JUDSON20.-----_._---_.Cap u n d GownOFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATIONHARRY PRATT JUDSONWALTER A. PAYNEJ. SPENCER DICKERSONCHARLES RICHMOND HENDERSONTHOMAS WAKEFIELD GOODSPEEDWALLACE HECKMAN .TREVOR ARNETTDAVID ALLAN ROBERTSONJAMES ROWLAND ANGELLALBION WOODBURY SMALLROLLIN D. SALISBURYMARION TALBOTSOPHONISBA PRESTON BRECKINRIDGELEON CARROLL MARSHALLROBERT MORSS LOVETTHENRY GORDON GALEJAMES WEBER LINN .FRANK JUSTUS MILLERSHAILER MATHEWSOTIS WILLIAM CALDWELLJ AMES PARKER HALL .JOHN MILTON DODSONHARRY GIDEON WELLSCHARLES HUBBARD JUDDSAMUEL CHESTER PARKERFRANKLIN WINSLOW JOHNSONHERBERT ELLSWORTH SLAUGHTHERVEY FOSTER MALLORY .ROBERT WATERMAN STEVENS .THOMAS CHROWDER CHAMBERLINEDWIN BRANT FROSTJULIUS STIEGLITZ .NEWMAN MILLER .NATHANIEL BUTLERAMOS ALONZO STAGGFREDERICK JAMES GURNEYERNEST DEWITT BURTONJAMES CHRISTIAN MEINICH HANSONEVA ROBINSON .LEWIS B. FISHER President of the UniversityRecorder and ExaminerSecretary of Board of TrusteesChaplainCorresponding SecretaryCounsel and Business ManagerAuditorSecretary to the PresidentDean of Faculties of Arts, Literature and ScienceDean of Graduate School of Arts and LiteratureDean of Ogden (Graduate) School of ScienceDean of WomenAssistant Dean of WomenDean of College of Commerce and AdministrationDean of Junior CollegesDean of Science in CollegesDean in Junior CollegesDean in Junior CollegesDean of Divinity SchoolDean of University CollegeDean of Law SchoolDean of Medical StudentsDean in Medical WorkDirector of School of EducationDean of College of EducationPrincipal of University High SchoolSecretary of Board of RecommendationsSecretary of Correspondence-Study DepartmentDirector of University ChoirDirector of Mus,eumsDirector of Yerkes 0 bservatoryDirector of LaboratoriesDirector of University PressExaminer of AffiliationsDirector of Physical Culture and AthleticsAssistant RecorderDirector of University LibrariesAssistant Director of University LibrariesInspector of LodgingsDean of Ryder Divinity House21CHI. a n d Go,,-uDEPARTMENT OF ANATOMYROBERT RUSSEL BENSLEY, r AProfessor of Anatomy. Toronto. A. B., M. B. Chicago, 1901-1914.CHARLES JUDSON HERRICK, <I> B K, � Z, r AProfessor of Neurology. Denison, Columbia, Ph. D. Chicago, 1907-1914.BASIL COLEMAN HYATT HARVEY, A K K, � ZAs s oc ia t e Professor of Anatomy. Toronto, Chicago, A. B., M. B. Chicago, 1901-1914.ROBERT RETZERAssistant Professor of Anatomy. Leipzig, Johns Hopkins, M. D. Chicago, 1911-1914.GEORGE ELMER SHAMBAUGH, M. D.Instructor in Anatomy of Ear, Nose, and Throat.ELBERT CLARK, S. B.Instructor in Anatomy.GEORGE WILLIAM BARTELMEZ, K z, r A, <I> B K, � Z, Ph. D.Instructor in Anatomy.CHARLES HENRY SWIFT, A. B., S. B., M. D.Assistant in Anatomy.JEANETTE BROWN OBENCHAIN, Ph B.Research Assistant in An a t o m y.HARRY G. HABERAssistant.OSCAR J. ELSESSERAssistant.DEPARTMENT OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICSEDWIN BRANT FROSTProfessor of Astrophysics and Director of Yerkes Observatory,Editor Astrophysical Journal. Dartmouth, Strassburg, A. I\,L, Sc. D. Chicago, 1898-1914.SHERBURN WESLEY BURNHAMProfessor of Practical Astronomy, Astronomer in Yerkes Observatory,Gold Medal Royal Astronomical Society. Yale, A. M. Chicago, 1893-1914.EDWIN EMERSON BARNARD, B 8 IIProfessor of Practical Astronomy, Astronomer in Yerkes Observatory,LaLonde Gold Medal, Member French Academy of Science. Vanderbilt, QueensUniversity, A. M., Sc. D., LL. D. Chicago, 1895-1914.GEORGE ELLERY HALENon-Resident Professor of Astrophysics, Joint Editor Astrophysical Journal,Director of, Solar Observatory of Carnegie Institute of Washington,Mt, Wilson, Cal. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Beloit College,S. B., Sc. D., Ph. D., LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.FOREST RAY MOULTONProfessor of Astronomy. Albion, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1898-1914.KURT LAVESAssociate Professor of Astronomy. Koenigsberg, Berlin, Ph. D. Chicago, 1893-191.4.JOHN ADELBERT PARKHURSTAssistant Professor of Practical Astronomy at Yerkes Observatory.Rose Po lv tec n n ic, S. M. Chicago, 1905-1914.FREDERICK SLOCUMAssistant Professor of Astronomy at Yerkes Observatory. Brown, Ph. D.Chicago, 1909-1914.WILLIAM DUNCAN MACMILLAN, <I> B K, � ZAssistant Professor of Astronomy. Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1907-1914.STORRS BARROWS BARRETT, A. B.Secretary and Librarian of Yerkes Observatory.22Cap and GownDEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL AND PATRISTIC GREEKERNEST DE WITT BURTONProfessor and Head of, Department of New TestamentLiterature and Interpretation,Director of University Li b r ar ie s,Editor of Biblical World,Denison, Leipzig, D, D. Chicago, 1892-1914.CLYDE WEBER VOTAWAssociate Professor of New Testament Literature.Amherst, Yale, D. B., Ph. D. Chicago, 1893-1914.�( /w'D. MiscOlllll.todk. EDGAR JOHNSON GOODSPEED, A L\ <P, <P B KAssociate Professor of Biblical and Patristic Greek,Assistant Director of Haskell Oriental Museum.Chicago, D. B., Ph. D. Chicago, 1893-1914.SHIRLEY JACKSON CASEAssociate Professor of New Testament Interpretation.Acadia, Yale, D. B., Ph. D. Chicago, 1908-1914.FRED MERRIFIELD, A L\ <P, A. B., D. B.Instructor in New Testament History and Interpretation.DEPARTMENT OF BOTANYJOHN MERLE COULTER, <P r L\Professor and Head of Department of Botany, Editor of Botanical GazetteHanover, Indiana, Ph. D. Chicago, 1896-1914.OTIS WILLIAM CALDWELL, <P L\ 8Associate Professor of Botany in the School of Education.Franklin, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1907-1914.CHARLES JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN, � AAssociate Professor of Morphology and Cytology. Botanical Expeditions toMexico, etc. Oberlin, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1893-1'914.HENRY CHANDLER COWLES, � AAssociate Professor of Ecology. Oberl in, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1902-191 i.WILLIAM JESSE GOAD LANDAssistant Professor of Morphology. Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1906-1914.WILLIAM CROCKER, l' AAssistant Professor of Plant Physiology. Illinois, Chicago, Ph. D.Chicago, 1906-1914.SHIGEO Y AMANOUCHI, Ph. D., Sc. D.Instructor in Morphology.WANDA MAY PFEIFFER, Ph. D.Assistant in Morphology.GEORGE DAMON FULLER, Acacia, � A, S. M.Assistant in Ecology.LEE IRVING KNIGHT, r A, A. B., S. B.Assistant in Physiology.SOPHIA HENNION ECKERSON, Ph. D.Assistant in Physiology.23Cap and Gown,- .. ---------------------------------------�DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRYJOHN ULRIC NEF, <P B KProfessor and Head of Department of Chemistry .. Harvard, Munich, Ph. D.Chicago, 1892-1914.JULIUS STIEGLITZ, � :;;:Professor of Chemistry. and Director of Analytical Chemistry.Berlin, Clark, Ph. D., Sc. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.HERBERT NEWBY McCOY, r AProfessor of Chemistry. Purdue, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1907-1914.WILLIAM DRAPER HARKINS, � X, � :;;:Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Leland Stanford, Jr., MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Ph. D. Chicago, 1912-1914.*EDITH ETHEL BARNARD, <P B ll, Ph. D.Instructor in Chemistry.LEMUEL CHARLES RAIFORD, <P B K, � :;;:, Ph. D.Instructor in Chemistry.ETHEL MARY TERRY, Quadranglers, S. B., A. B.Instructor in Chemistry.JOHN WILLIAM EDWARD GLATTFIELD, <P E K, <P B K, z z, Ph. D.Research Instructor in Chemistry.OSCAR FRED HEDENBERG, B e II, � z, A. B.Research Instructor in Chemistry.ARTHUR BUDD CARTER, z <P E, Ph. C.Curator and Instructor in Chemistry.EDWIN DANIEL LEMAN, S. B.Assistant in Physical Chemistry.EDMUND DANIEL HUMPHREY, � N, � :;;:, S. B., S. M.Assistant in General Chemistry.WILBY T. GOOCHAssistant in General Chemistry.REN.E DE POYENAssistant in Organic Chemistry.JOHN T. MEYERS, A. B., M. S.Assistant in Quantitative Analysis.AGNES FAY MORGAN, M. S.Research Assistant.RAYMOND DAVID MULINIX, S. B.Lecture Assistant.* Deceased, March 8, 1914.DEPARTMENT OF COMPARATIVE RELIGIONGEORGE BURMAN FOSTER, <P B KProfessor of Philosophy of Religion. West Virginia, Denison, A. M., Ph. D.Chicago, 1895-1914.24_---_._._--------------Cap and GownDEPARTMENT OF ENGLISHJOHN MATTHEWS MANLEY, X 'JfProfessor and Head of Department of English,Editor of Modern PhilologyHarvard, Ph. D. Chicago, 1898-1914.WILLIAM CLEAVER WILKINSON, D. D.Professor (Emeritus) of Poetry and Criticism.WILLIAM DARN ALL MAcCLINTOCKProfessor of English Literature. Kentucky Wesleyan,.Joh ns Hopkins, A. M. Chicago, 1892-1914.MYRA REYNOLDSProfessor of English Literature, Head of Foster House.Vassar, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.ROBERT HERRICKProfessor of English, Member National Institute ofArts and Letters. Harvard, A. B. Chicago, 1893-1914.ROBERT MORSS LOVETT, Ll 'X'Professor of English, Dean of Junior Colleges, Member Authors' Club, London.Harvard, A. B. Chicago, 1893-1914.FRANCIS ADELBERT BLACKBURN, 'Jf 'X'Associate Professor of English. Michigan, Leipzig, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.ALBERT HARRIS TOLMAN, q, B KAssociate Professor of English Literature. Williams, Strassburg, Ph. D. Chicago, 1893-1914.JAMES WEBER LINN, A Ll q,Associate Professor of English, Dean in Junior Colleges. Chicago, A. B. Chicago, 1899-1914.TOM PEETE CROSS, Ph. D.Associate Professor of English and Celtic.PERCY HOLMES BOYNTON, 'Jf 'X'Associate Professor of English, Acting Dean in Junior Colleges.Amherst, Harvard, A. M. Chicago, 1903-1914.EDITH FOSTER FLINT, Esoteric, q, B KAssociate Professor of English. Vanderbilt, Chicago, Ph. B. Chicago, 1897-1914.DAVID ALLAN ROBERTSON, q, r LlAssociate Professor of English, Secretary to President.Head of Hitchcock House. Chicago, A. B. Chicago, 1904-1914.CHARLES READ BASKERVILLE, q, Ll e, <l> B KAssistant Professor of English. Vanderbilt, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1909-1914.THOMAS ALBERT KNOTTAssistant Professor of English. Northwestern, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1907-1B14.ALBERT ELLSWORTH HILL, A. B.Instructor in English.CARL HENRY GRABO, Ph. B.Instructor in English.JAMES ROOT HULBERT, Ph. D., q, B KInstructor in English.DAVID HARRISON STEVENS, A. M.Instructor in English.GEORGE WILEY SHERBURN, A. M.Instructor in English.EVELYN MAY ALBRIGHT, A. M.Associate in English.STELLA WEBSTER MORGAN, Ph. M.Associate in English.25Cap and GownDEPARTMENT OF GENERAL LITERATURERICHARD GREEN MOULTONProfessor of Literary Theory and Interpretation, and Head of Department ofGeneral Literature. Cambridge, Pennsylvania, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.GEORGE CARTER HOWLAND, 'l' 'Y'Associate Professor of the History of Literature. Amherst, A. M.Chicago, 1892-1914.DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHYROLLIN D. SALISBURY, B e II, � :a:Professor and Head of Department of Geography, Dean of Ogden (Graduate)School of Science, Editor .Journal of Geology, Beloit, A. M., LL. D.Chicago, 1892-1914.HARLAN H. BARROWS, <I> B K, � :a:Professor of Geography. Chicago, Michigan Normal, S. B., Pd. M.Chicago, 1903-1914.JOHN PAUL GOODE, d T s, � :a:Associate Professor of Geography, Editor .Journal of Geography.Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Ph. D. Chicago, 1903-1904.WALTER SHELDON TOWER, <I> H, � :a:Associate Professor of Geography. Harvard, Pennsylvania, Ph. D.Chicago, 1911-1914.WELLINGTON DOWNING JONES, d K E, � :a:, Ph. B.Instructor.MARY JEAN LANIER, <I> B K, � :a:, S. B.Instructor.DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGYTHOMAS CHROWDER CHAMBERLIN, � :a:Professor and Head of Department of Geology, Director of Museums,Editor .Journal of Geology, Member Commission for OrientalEducational Investigation. Beloit, Columbia, Ph. D., LL. D. Chicago, 18n-1914.STUART WELLER, � zAssociate Professor of Paleontologic Geology and Geography.Cornell, Yale, Ph. D. Chicago, 1895-1914.ALBERT JOHANNSEN, <I) B K, � :a:, r AAssociate Professor of Petrography and Mineralogy, Editor .Journal of Geology.Utah, .Johns Hopkins, Ph. D. Chicago, 1910-1914.ROLLIN THOMAS CHAMBERLIN, <I> r a, Ph. D.Assistant Professor of Geology.ALBERT DUDLEY BROKAW, Ph. D.Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Economic Geology.EUGENE AUSTIN STEPHENSON, � :a:, B. S.Assistant in Geology.EMERSON MEARS PARKS, <I> B K, � :a:, A. M.Assistant in Geology.JOSEPH JAMES RUNNER, A. B.Assistant in Geology.WILLIAM CLINTON ALDEN, Ph. D.Docent in Field Geology.EDSON S. BASTIN, Ph. D.Lecturer on Economic Ge o l o g'v.26Cap lind Gon-nDEPARTMENT OF GERMANIC LANGUAGESAND LITERATURESSTARR WILLARD CUTTINGProfessor and Head of Department of GermanicLanguages and Literatures.Williams, Leipzig', Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.FRANCIS ASBURY WOOD, <I> B KProfessor of Germanic Philology.Editor Modern Philology.Northwestern, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1897-1914.PHILIP SCHUYLER ALLEN, d TAssociate Professor of Germanic Literature.Williams, Chicago. Berlin, Ph. D. Chicago, 1903-1914.MARTIN SCHUTZEAssociate Professor of Germanic Literature.Pennsylvania, Ph. D. Chicago, 1901-1914.ADOLPH CHARLES VON NORAssistant Professor of Germanic Literature. Goettingen, Chicago, Ph. D.Chicago, 1904-1914.CHARLES GOETTSCHAssistant Professor of Germanic Philology. Chicago, Ph. D.Chicago, 1904-1914.JOHN JACOB MEYERAssistant Professor of German. Concordia, Ph. D. Chicago, 1900-1914.CHESTER NATHAN GOULD, <I> � K, AcaciaAssistant Professor of German and Scandinavian Literature.Minnesota, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1908-1914.HANS ERNEST GRONOW, Ph. D.Assistant Professor of German.PAUL HERMAN PHILLIPSON, Ph. D.Instructor in German.JACOB HAROLD HEINZELMANN, Ph. D.Instructor in Gennan.DEPARTMENT OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREPAUL SHOREYProfessor and Head of Department of Greek.Harvard, Leipzig, Ph. D., LL. D., Litt. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.FRANK BIGELOW TARBELL, !::. K E, <I> B KProfessor of Classical Archaeology. Yale, Ph. D. Chicago, 1893-1914HENRY WASHINGTON PRESCOTT, !::. T, <I> B KProfessor of Classical Philology. Harvard, A. B., A. M., Ph. D.Chicago, 1900-1914.ROBERT JOHNSON BONNERProfessor of Greek. Toronto Law, Ph. D. Chicago, 1904-1914.CLARENCE FASSETT CASTLE, B 8 IIAssociate Professor of Greek on the Edward Olson Foundation.Denison. Yale, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.JOHN OSCAR LOFBERG, A. B.Assistant in Greek.ROY BATCHELDER NELSON, A. B.Assistant in Greek.27C a I' II n d G 0 w nDEPARTMENT OF HISTORYANDREW CUNNINGHAM McLAUGHLIN, A A <I>Professor and Head of Department of History, Head of Department of ChurchHistory. Michigan, A. M., LL. B., LL. D. Chicago, 1906-1914.BENJAMIN TERRY, A ".1', <I> B KProfessor of English History. Colgate, Freiburg, Ph. D., LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.JAMES HENRY BREASTEDProfessor of Egyptology and Oriental History, Director Haskell OrientalMuseum. Yale, Berlin, Ph. D., A. M. Chicago, 1895-1914.FERDINAND SCHEVILL, A A <I>Professor of Modern History. Yale, F'refb ur g , Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.JAMES WESTFALL THOMPSON, A ".I'Professor of European History. Rutgers, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1895-1914.WILLIAM EDWARD DODDProfessor of American History. Virginia Polytechnic, Leipzig, Ph. D. Chicago, 1908-1914.FRANCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON, B e II, <I> B K, AcaciaAssociate Professor of American History. Brown, Ph. D., LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.CURTIS HOWE WALKERAssistant Professor of History. Brown, Ph. D. Chicago, 1909-1914.MARCUS WILSON JERNEGAN, A � <I>Assistant Professor of History. Brown, Ph. D. Chicago, 1902-1914.CONYERS READ, A ".I'Assistant Professor of History. Harvard, Ph. D. Chicago, 1910-1914.CARL FREDERICK HUTH, JR., A. M.Assistant Professor of History.ANDREW EDWARD HARVEY, Ph. D.Instructor in History.FRANCES ADA KNOX, A. B.Extension Instructor in History.ARTHUR PEARSON SCOTT, A. M.Instructor in History.DEPARTMENT .OF HISTORY OF ARTFRANK BIGELOW TARBELL, A K E, <I> B KProfessor of Classical Archaeology. Yale, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.JAMES HENRY BREASTEDProfessor of Egyptology and Oriental History, Director Haskell OrientalMuseum. Yale, Berlin, Ph. D., A. M. Chicago, 1895-1914.WALTER SARGENTProfessor of Fine and Industrial Art in Relation to Education.Massachusetts Normal Art, Colorassi, Delecluse. Chicago, 1909-1914.GEORGE BREED ZUGAssistant Professor of History of Art. Amherst, Harvard, A. B. Chicago, 1903-1914.LUCY DRISCOLLInstructor in History of Art, Assistant Director Chicago Art Institute.DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD ADMINISTRATIONMARION TALBOTProfessor of Household Administration, Dean of Women, Head of Green House.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, A. M., LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.SOPHONISBA PRESTON BRECKINRIDGEAssistant Professor of Social Economy, Assistant Dean of Women.Wellesley, Chicago, Ph. D., J. D. Chicago, 1899-1914.28Cap and GownWILLIAM GARDNER HALEProfessor and Head of the Department of LatinLanguage and Literature.Harvard, Leipzig, A. B.. LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.CHARLES CHANDLERDEPARTMENT OF LATIN LANGUAGEAND LITERATUREProfessor of Latin.Michigan, A. M. Chicago, 1892-1914.FRANK JUSTUS MILLER, <P B KProfessor of Latin, Dean in Junior Colleges.Denison, Yale, Ph. D., 1.1.. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.ELMER TRUESDELL MERRILL, <P B KProfessor of Latin. Wesleyan, Yale, A. M., 1.1.. D. Chicago, 1908-1914.HENRY WASHINGTON PRESCOTT, � "!', <P B KProfessor of Classical Philology. Harvard, California, A. B., A. M., Ph. D.Chicago, 1910-1914.GORDON JENNINGS LAING, A � <P, <P B KAssociate Professor of Latin, Editor University Press.Toronto, Johns Hopkins, Ph. D. Chicago, 1899-1914.CHARLES HENRY BEESONAssociate Professor of Latin. Indiana, Munich, Ph. D. Chicago, 1906-1914.SUSAN HELEN BALLOU, Ph. D.Instructor in Latin.DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICSELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE, 'Y "!', <P B K, � :a:Professor and Head of Department of Mathematics.Yale, Ph. D., 1.1.. D., Sc. D., Math. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.OSKAR BOLZANon-Resident Professor of Mathematics. (Freiburg i. B.)(In residence Summer 1913.) Freiburg, Goettingen, Ph. D. Chicago, 1894-1914.GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS, <P B K, � zProfessor of Teaching of Mathematics and Astronomy. Illinois, LudwigMaximilian University, Munich, B. 1.., M. 1.., Ph. D. Chicago, 1901-1914.LEONARD EUGENE DICKSON, � X, <P B KProfessor of Mathematics, Member London Mathematical Society, EditorAmerican Mathematical Monthly. Texas, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1900-1914.ERNEST JULIUS WILCZYNSKI, � :a:Professor of Mathematics. Royal Belgian Academy of Science.Berlin, Ph. D. Chica.go, 1910-1914.HERBERT ELLSWORTH SLAUGHT, B o II, <P B K, � :a:Associate Professor of Mathematics, Editor American Mathematical Monthly.Colgate, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.JACOB WILLIAM ALBERT YOUNGAssociate Professor of the Pedagogy of Mathematics. Bucknell, Berlin, Ph. D.Chicago, 1892-1914.GILBERT AMES BLISS, � K E, � II, r AAssociate Professor of Mathematics, Editor Transactions AmericanMathematical Society. Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1908-1914.WILLIAM HOOVER, Ph. D.Non-Resident University Extension Assistant Professor of Mathematics(Athens, Ohio).ARTHUR CONSTANT LUNNAssistant Professor of Applied Mathematics. Lawrence, Chicago, Ph. D.Chicago and Branches, 1902-1914.29Cnp UIl(1 Go,,-nDEPARTMENT OF PALEONTOLOGYSAMUEL WENDELL WILLISTON, � !E:Professor of Paleontology, Editor .Journal of Geology. Kansas Agricultural,Yale, :VL D., Ph. D. Chicago, 1902-1914.PAUL CHRISTIAN MILLERPreparator and Assistant in Vertebrate Paleontology.DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGYLUDWIG HEKTOEN, N z NProfessor and Head of Department of Pathology and Bacteriology.Luther College of Physicians and Surgeons, M. D. Chicago, 1901-1914.EDWIN OAKES JORDANProfessor of Bacteriology, Associate of .Journal of Infectious Diseases.Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Clark, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.HARRY GIDEON WELLS, � !E:Professor of Pathology, Dean in the Medical Work.Yale, Rush, M. D., Ph. D., A. M. Chicago, 1901-1914.NORMAN MACLEOD HARRIS, N � N, � !E:Associate Professor of Bacteriology. Toronto, M. B. Chicago, 1909-1914.PAUL GUSTAV HEINEMANN, Ph. D.Associate Professor of Bacteriology.PRESTON KYES, t. K E, z !E:Assistant Professor of Experimental Pathology.Bowdoin, .Johns Hopkins, A. lVL, lVI. D. Chicago, 1902-1914.EDWARD VAIL LAPHAM BROWN, A t. .pAssistant Professor of Ophthalnology, and Instructor in the Pathology of theEye. Rush, Berlin, Vienna, 1\'1. D. Chicago, 1909-1914.HARRIET FAY HOLMES, A. B.Special Instructor in Pathological Technic.FRANK KAISER BARTLETT, .p r t., S. B., M. D.Assistan t in Bacteriology.CHESTER H. ELLIOTTLaboratory Assistant in Pathology.GEORGE T. CALDWELLResearch Assistant in Chemical Pathology.DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHYJAMES HAYDEN TUFTS, B o II, .p B KProfessor and Head of Department of Philosophy.Amherst, Freiburg, A. B., LL. D., Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.'GEORGE HERBERT MEADProfessor of Philosophy. Harvard, Leipzig, A. B. Chicago, 1894-1914.ADDISON WEBSTER MOORE, t. K E, .p B KProfessor of Philosophy. DePauw, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1894-1914.EDWARD SCRIBNER AMESAssistant Professor of Philosophy, Pastor Hyde Park Church of Disciples.Drake, Yale, Ph. D., A. M., D. B. Chicago, 1894-1914.30DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND ATHLETICSCap n n d GownAMOS ALONZO STAGG, -¥ '1'Professor and Director of Department of PhysicalCulture and Athletics.Yale, International Y. M. C. A. College, A. B.Chicago, 1892-1914.DUDLEY BILLINGS REEDAssociate Professor of Physical Culture and MedicalExaminer of Me n.Oberlin, A. B., M. D. Chicago, 1911-1914.GERTRUDE DUDLEYAssistant Professor of Physical Culture.Mount Holyoke, Anderson Normal. Chicago, 1898-1914.AGNES REBECCA WAYMAN, A. B.Instructor in Physical Culture.HARLAN ORVILLE PAGE, A T A, S. B.Instructor in Physical Culture.WINIFRED PEARCEInstructor in Physical Culture.JOSEPH HENRY WHITEAssistant in Physical Culture.DANIEL LEWIS HOFFERAssistant in Physical Culture.DOROTHY STILESAssistant in Physical Culture.JOSEPHINE YOUNG, M. D.Medical Examiner of Women.DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICSALBERT ABRAHAM MICHELSONProfessor and Head of Department of Physics, Copley Medal Royal Society ofLondon, Noble Prize Swedish Academy of Science.U. S. Naval, Heidelberg, Ph. D., Sc. D., LL. D., F. R. S. Chicago, 1892-1914.ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKAN, .p B KProfessor of Physics. Oberlin, Columbia, Ph. D. Chicago, 1896-1914.HENRY GORDON GALE, A K E, � ZAssociate Professor of Physics, Dean of Science in Colleges. Chicago, Ph. D.Chicago, 1902-1914.CARL KINSLEYAssociate Professor of Physics, Electrical Expert U. S. War Department.Oberlin, A. M., lVL E. Chicago, 1902-1914.CHARLES RIBORG MANNAssociate Professor of Physics. Columbia, Berlin, Ph. D. Chicago, 1896-1914.HARVEY BRACE LEMON, A '1', .p B K, � z, Ph. D.Associate in Ph ys ics.JOHN YIUBONG LEE, S. B.Assistant in Physics.31Cap and GownDEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGYALBERT PRESCOTT MATHEWS, r AProfessor of Physiological Chemistry. Massachusetts Institute of Technology,. Columbia, Ph. D. Chicago, 1901-1913.ANTON JULIUS CARLSON, z ;E;, r AAssociate Professor of Physiology, Editor American Journal of Physiology.Augustana, Leland Stanford, Jr., Ph. D. Chicago, 1904-1913.DAVID JUDSON LINGLE, <J> K q,Assistant Professor of Physiology. Chicago, Johns Hopkins, Ph. D.Chicago, 1892-1913.FRED CONRAD KOCH, Ph. D., S. M.Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry.ARNO BENEDICT LUCKHARDT, <J> B II, <J> B K, �;E;, A o A, r A, Ph.D., M.D.Assistant Professor of Physiology.ALBERT WOELFEL, M. D.Instructor in Physiology.SHIRO TASHIRO, Ph. D.Associate in Physiological Chemistry.MATHILDE KOCH, S. M.Research Assistant in Physiological Chemistry.STELLA VINCENT, Ph. D.Assistant in Physiology.HERBERT OTTO LUSSKY, S. B.Assistant in Physiology.DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL ECONOMYJAMES LAURENCE LAUGHLINProfessor and Head of Department of Political Economy. Harvard, Ph. D.Chicago, 1892-1914.LEON CARROLL MARSHALLProfessor of Political Economy, Dean of the College of Commerce andAdministration, Dean of Senior Colleges.Ohio Wesleyan, Harvard, A. M. Chicago, 1907-1914.ROBERT FRANKLIN HOXIEAssociate Professor of Political Economy. Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1906-1914.CHESTER WHITNEY WRIGHTAssociate Professor of Political Economy. Harvard, Ph. D. Chicago, 1907-1914.JAMES ALFRED FIELD, <J> B KAssociate Professor of Political Economy, Head Marshall of the University.Harvard, A. B. Chicago, 1908-1914.HAROLD GLENN MOULTON, Ll � PInstructor in Political Economy.FREDERICK BENJAMIN GARVER, A. B.Instructor in Political Economy.JAY DUNNE, A. B.Assistant in Accounting.FREDERICK MEYRLE SIMONS, A. B., A. M.Assistant in Commerce and Administration.EDWARD DONALD BAKER, A. B., A. M.Assistant in Political Economy.HAZEL KYRK, Ph. D.Assistant in Political Economy.32CHI. H II t1 G 0 ,,- nDEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCEProfessor of Jurisprudence and Public Law.Heidelberg. Columbia, J. U. D., Ph. D.Chicago, 1894-1914.HARRY PRATT JUDSON, t. rc E, 1> B rcProfessor of International Law and Diplomacy, andHead of Department of Political Science."Williams, Harvard, A. M., LL. D.Chicago, 1892-1914.ERNST FREUND5.'0/.1. Wunhstoll'LCHARLES EDWARD MERRIAM, 1> B KProfessor of Political Science. Lennox, Columbia, Ph. D.Chicago, 1900-1914.FREDERICK DENNISON BRAMHALL, 1> B x, Ph. B.Instructor in Political Science.DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGYJAMES ROWLAND ANGEL.L, t. K E, 1> B K, � AProfessor and Head of Department of Psychology, Director of PsychologicalLaboratory, Dean of Faculties of Arts, Literature. and Science.Harvard, Berlin, A. M. Chicago, 1891-1914.HARVEY CARR, � N, � ;:;Assistant Professor of Experimental Psychology. Colorado, Chicago, Ph. D.Chicago, 1908-191�.JOSEPH WANTON HAYES, A t. 1>, A. B.Instructor in Psvch ol og y.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SPEAKINGSOLOMON HENRY CLARK, � x, � ;:;, Ph. B.Associate Professor of Public Speaking.BERTRAM GRIFFITH NELSON, t. T, A. B.Assistant Professor of Public Speaking.33CHI) H 11 d Go,,· 11DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES ANDLITERATURESWILLIAM ALBERT NITZE, <P r .:l, <P B KProfessor and Head of Department of Romanee Languages and Literatures.Johns Hopkins, Ph. D. Chicago, 1909-1914.KARL PIETSCHProfessor of Romance Philology, Member Royal Spanish Academy.Berlin, Halle, Ph. D. Chicago, 1896-1914.THOMAS ATKINSON JENKINS, .:l "1', <P B KProfessor of French Philology. Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, Ph. D.Chicago, 1901-1914.ERNEST HATCH WILKINS, .:l II: E, <P B KAssociate Professor of Romance Languages. Amherst, Harvard, Ph. D.Chicago, 1912-1914.ELIZABETH WALLACE, EsotericAssociate Professor of French Literature, Dean in Junior Colleges.Wellesley, Paris, S. B. Chicago, 1892-1914.THEODORE LEE NEFF, <P K '1'Assistant Professor of French. De Pauw, Ph. D., A. M. Chicago, 1896-1914.HENRI CHARLES EDOUARD DAVIDAssistant Professor of French Literature. Chicago, A. M.Chicago, 1902-1914.EDWIN PRESTON DARGANAssistant Professor of French Literature. Johns Hopkins, Ph. D.Chicago, 1911-1914.EARLE BROWNELL BABCOCKAssistant Professor of French. Chicago, A. B. Chicago, 1906-1914.RALPH EMERSON HOUSE, Ph. D.Instructor in Romance Languages.ALGERNON COLEMAN, <P K '1', <P B K, Ph. D.Instructor in French.FRANCK LOUIS SCHOELL, Agrege des LettresInstructor in Romance Languages.MARIN LA MESLEE, A. M.Instructor in French.ARTHUR LESLIE OWEN, A. M.Assistant in H.omance.DEPARTMENT OF SANSKRIT AND INDO-EUROPEANCOMPARATIVE PHILOLOGYCARL DARLING BUCK, .:l K EProfessor and Head of Department of Sanskrit and Indo-European ComparativePhilology. Yale, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.WALTER EUGENE CLARK, Ph. D.Instructor in Sanskrit and Indo-European Comparative Philology.FRANCIS ASBURY WOOD, <P B KAssociate Professor of Germanic Philology, Editor Modern Philology.Northwestern. Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1897-1914.34Cal) 811.1 Go,,-nDEPARTMENT OF SEMITIC LANGUAGESJANDLITERATURESROBERT FRANCIS HARPER, 'l' 'Y', o A, <I> B KProfessor of Semetic Languages and Literatures,Founder Quadrangle Club.Denison. Leipzig, Ph. D .. LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.EMIL GUSTAV HIRSCHProfessor of Rabbinical Literature and Philosophy.Berlin, Hebrew Union, A. M., LL. D., Litt. D., D. D.Chicago, 1892-1914.IRA MAURICE PRICE, <I> B KProfessor of Semitic Languages and Literatures.Denison, Leipzig, Ph. D., LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.JAMES HENRY BREASTEDProfessor of Egyptology and Oriental History, Director of Haskell OrientalMuseum. Yale, Berlin, Ph. D., A. M. Chicago, 1895-1914.HERBERT LOCKWOOD WILLETT, A T AAssociate Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures.Bethany, Yale, Chicago, Ph. D., A. M. Chicago, 1894-1914.JOHN MERLIN POWIS SMITHAssociate Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature.Des MOines, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1899-1914.DANIEL DAVID LUCKENBILL, Ph. D.Instructor in Semitic Languages and Literatures.DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGYALBION WOODBURY SMALL, A K E, <I> B KProfessor and Head of Department of Sociology, Dean of the Graduate Schoolsof Arts and Literature. Colby, Johns Hopkins, Ph. D., LL. D.Chicago, 1892-19U.CHARLES RICHMOND HENDERSON, Bell, 'l' 'Y'Professor and Head of Department of Ecclesiastical Sociology.University Chaplain. Chicago, Leipzig, Ph. D., D. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.WILLIAM ISAAC THOMAS, K �Professor of Sociology. Tennessee, Berlin, Ph. D. Chicago, 1895-1914.FREDERICK STARR, � AAssociate Professor of Anthropology; Curator of the Anthropological Sectionof Walker ·Musetfm. La Fayette, Ph. D., Sc. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.GEORGE AMOS DORSE,Y, � XAssociate Professor of Anthropology. Denison, Harvard, Ph. D.Chicago, 1905-1914.SCOTT E. W. BEDFORD, A T AAssistant Professor of Sociology. Baker, A. B., A. lVI., L. H. D.Chicago, 1911-1914.MARY E. McDOWELLResident Head of the University Settlement, Assistant in Sociology.MAX SYLVIUS HANDMANDocent in Sociology.35en.. nit" Go,,· ItDEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGYFRANK RATTRAY LILLIE, r AProfessor of Embryology and Ch a i rma n of Department of Zoology.Director of Marine Biological Laboratory, Wo od s Hole, Ma ss.,Editor Biological Bulletin. Toronto, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.CHARLES MANNING CHILD, X '1', � '1',1> B K, r AAssociate Professor of Zoology. Connecticut We s lev a n, Le i pz.i g , Ph. D.Chicago, 1895-19U.WILLIAM LAWRENCE TOWER, S. B.Associate Professor 01' Zoology. Chicago, S. B. Chicago, 1901-1914.HORATIO HACKETT NEWMAN, � X, � Z;Associate Professor of Zoology. McMaster, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1911-1914REUBEN MYRON STRONG, � Z;, Ph. D.Instructor in Zoology.VICTOR ERNEST SHELFORD, 1> B K, � Z;, Ph. D.Instructor in Zoology.W. L. BROWN, A. B.Laboratory Assistant.L. V. HEILBRUM,Laboratory Assistant.SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONCHARLES HUBBARD JUDD, L\ K EDirector of School of Education. Professor and Head of Department ofEducation. W'e s l e y a.n, Leipzig, Yale, Miami, Ph. D. LL. D. Chicago, 1909-1914SAMUEL CHESTER PARKER, � A EDean of the College of Education, Professor of Education.Cincinnati, Chicago. Columbia, A. ]\1[. Chicago. 190�-1914.ELLIOT ROWLAND DOWNING, A T 0Assistant Dean of the College of Education, Assistant Professor ofNatural Science. Albion, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1911-1914.FRANKLIN WINSLOW JOHNSON, L\ II: E, 1> B KPrincipal of the Hf gh School, Lecturer in Secondary Education.Colby, A. B., A. M., Coburn Classical Institute. Morgan Park Academy.Editorial Committee School Review. Chicago, 1905-1914.NATHANIEL BUTLER, L\ II: EProfessor of Education. Colby, A. M., LL. D. Chicago, 1901-1914.WILLIAM GARDNER HALEProfessor and Head of Department of Latin, Professor of the Teaching of Latinin the College of Education. Harvard, Leipzig, LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.GEORGE WILLIAM MYERSProfessor of the Teaching of Mathematics and Astronomy.Illinois, Mu n ch e n, Ph. D. Chicago, 1901-1914.W ALTER SARGENTProfessor of Education in Relation to Fine and Industrial Arts.Massachusetts 'Normal Art, Colorassi, Delecluse. Chicago, 1909-1914.JAMES HAYDEN TUFTS, B e II, 1> B II:Professor and Head of Department of Philosophy. Amherst, Frelburg,A. B., 1.1." D., Ph. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.ZONIA BABERAssociate Professor of the Teaching of Geography and Geology.Cook County Normal, Chicago, S. B. Chicago, 1901-1914.OTIS WILLIAM CALDWELL, 1> L\ eAssociate Professor of the Teaching of Botany, and Supervisor of Nature Studyin the School of Education. Franklin. Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1907-1914.36---_._.---. -----�.------�----------.--�--...;,.._COlt and GO"'llSCHOOL OF EDUCATION-ContinuedMARTHA FLEMINGAssociate Professor of the Teaching of Speech, Oral Reading, and Dramatic Art.State Normal University. Chicago, 1901-1-914.FRANK MITCHELL LEAVITTAssociate Professor of Industrial Education, and Supervisor of IndustrialEducation. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chicago, 1910-1914.ROLLO LU VERNE LYMAN, � XAssociate Professor of the Teaching of English. Be l o i t., A. B. Chicago, 1913-1914.EMILY JANE RICEAssociate Professor of the Teaching of History. Oswego Normal, Ph. B.Chicago, 1910-1914.HERMAN CAMPBELL STEVENS, o A X, � :a:Associate Professor of Education. Michigan, Cornell, Rush Medical College,University of Washington, A. B., Ph. D., M. D. Chicago, 1913-1914.KATHERINE BLUNTAssistant Professor of Home Economics. Vassar, Chicago, A. B., Ph. D.Chicago, 1913-1914.JOHN FRANKLIN BOBBITTAssistant Professor of School Administration. Indiana, Clark, A. B., Ph. D.Chicago, 1913-1914.FRANK NUGENT FREEMAN, t1 K E, <I> B K, � 'lrAssistant Professor of Educational Psychology. We s l ey a n , Yale, Washington,A. B., A. M .. Ph. D. Chicago, 1909-1914.WILLARD CLARK GORE, <I> B KAssistant Professor of Psychology. Michigan, Chicago, Ph. D., Ph. E., Ph. M.Chicago, 1902-1914.MARCUS WILSON JERNEGAN, t1 � <I>Assistant Professor of the History of Education. Brown, Ph. D.Chicago, 1902-1914.GERTRUDE VAN HOESENAssistant Professor of Household Art. Chicago, Ph. B. Chicago, 1902-1914.JOSEPHINE YOUNGAssistant Professor of Neurology, School Physician.LOUISE CLARKInstructor in Design.CORA C. COLBURNInstructor in Home Economics.LILLIAN SOPHIA CUSHMAN, Ph. B.Instructor in Art.CLARA M. FEENEY, S. B.Instructor in Home Economics.AGNES K. HANNAInstructor in Home Economics.ANTIONETTE HOLLISTER, Ph. B.Instructor in Clay Modeling.GRACE GORDON HOOD, S. B.Instructor in Home Economics.MARY ROOT KERNInstructor in Music.MARY IDA MANNInstructor in Physical Education.KATHERINE MARTINInstructor in Kindergarten Training.WILLIAM JAMES MONILAW, M. D.School Physician.37CHIt and Go,,'uSchool of Education-continued.MARGARET KATHLEEN TAYLOR, S. B.Instructor in Household Art.ALICE TEMPLE, Ed. B.Instructor in Kindergarten Training.ROLLO MILTON TRYON, A. M.Instructor in the Methods of Teaching History.IRENE WARREN, Ph. B.Librarian, and Instructor in School Library Economy.ETHEL WEBBInstructor in Household Art.AMY RACHEL WHITTIERInstructor in Design.JAMES REED YOUNG, <I> A K, <I> B K, A. M.Instructor in the History of Education.JOHN ELBERT STOUT, A. M.Lecturer In the History of Education.THE DIVINITY SCHOOLSHAILER MATHEWS, A K EProfessor of Historical and Comparative Theology and Head of the Departmentof Systematic Theology, Dean of the Divinity School,Editor of World Today. Colby, Oberlin, Newton Theological Institution,A, M" D. D. Chicago, 1894-1914.GALUSHA ANDERSONProfessor Emeritus of Homiletics.Rochester, Rochester Theological Seminary, A, M., S, T. D" LL. D.Chicago, 1892-1914. President of old Chicago University, 1878-1885.FRANKLIN JOHNSONProfessor Emeritus of Church History and Homiletics.Hamilton Theological Seminary, Jena, Ottowa, D. D., LL. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.CHARLES RICHMOND HENDERSON, B o II, ..y TProfessor and Head of the Department of Practical Sociology.University Chaplain. Chicago, Le i pz.i g', Ph. D., D. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.ERNEST DE WITT BURTONProfessor and Head of the Department of New Testament Literature andInterpretation, Director of University Libraries, Editor of Biblical World.De n i s o n, Leipzig, D. D. Chicago, 1892-1914.ANDREW CUNNINGHAM McLAUGHLIN, A A <I>Professor of Hts tor y and Head of the Department of Church History.Michigan, A. M., LL. D. Chicago, 1896-1914.THEODORE GERALD SOARES, <I> K ..yProfessor of Homiletics and Religious Education and Head of the Departmentof Practical Theology. Minnesota, A. M., D. D. Chicago, 1906-1914.ALONZO KETCHAM PARKER, A A <I>Professorial Lecturer on Modern Missions. Un ive r st tv Recorder.Rochester, Rochester Theological Seminary, D. D. Chicago, 1901-1914.BENJAMIN ALLEN GREENE, ATProfessorial Lecturer on Practical Theology.Brown, Newton Theological Institution, A. B., D. D. Chicago, 1894-1914.FRANK WAKELEY GUNSAULUS, B o IIProfessorial Lecturer in Practical Theology.Ohio Wesleyan, Beloit, A. M., D. D. Chicago, 1912-1914.GERALD BIRNEY SMITH, ATProfessor of Dogmatic Theology. Brown, Columbia, Union TheologicalSeminary, A. M., D. D. Chicago, 1900-1914.SHIRLEY JACKSON CASEAssociate Professor of New Testament Interpretation.Acadia, Yale, A. M., Ph. D. Chicago, 1908-1914.38Cal' and Go,",,'nThe Divinity School-continued.ALLAN HOBENAssocIate Professor of Ho m i le t i c s and Pastoral DutIes. New BrunswIck,Newton Theological Institution, Chicago, Ph. D. Chicago, 1908-1914.JOHN WILDMAN MONCRIEF, <I> A oAssociate Professor of Church History. Denison, Leipzig, Franklin, A. M., D. D.Chicago, 1894-1914.FRED MERRIFIELD, A A <I>, D. B.Instructor in New Testament History and Interpretation.THE LAW SCHOOLJAMES PARKER HALL, � X, <I> A <I>Professor of Law and Dean of the Law School. Cornell, Harvard, A. B., LL. B.Chicago, 1902-1914.HARRY AUGUSTUS BIGELOW, <I> A AProfessor of Law. Harvard, A. B., LL. B. Chicago, 1904-1914.WALTER WHEELER COOK, A K E, <I> A <I>Professor of Law. Columbia, Jena, Leipzig, Berlin, A. M" LL. M.Chicago, 1910-1914.ERNST FREUND, <I> A <I>Professor of Law. Berlin, Heidelberg, Columbia, J. U. D., Ph. D.Chicago, 1900-1914.EDWARD WILCOX HINTONProfessor of Law. Missouri, Columbia, LL. B. Chicago, 1911-1914.JULIAN WILLIAM MACKProfessor of Law. Harvard, Berlin, Leipzig, LL. B. Chicago, 1902-1914.FLOYD RUSSELL MECHEM, <I> A <I>Professor of Law. Founder of Detroit College of Law, Member of State Boardof Law Examiners. A. M., LL. D. Chicago, 1903-1912.CLARKE BUTLER WHITTIER, <I> K 'Ir, <I> A <I>Professor of Law. Leland Stanford, J'r., Harvard, A. B., LL. B.Chicago, 1902-1914.ROSCOE POUNDProfessorial Lecturer on Mining and Irrigation Law.Nebraska, Harvard, Ph. D., LL. M. Chicago, 1909-1914.PERCY BERNARD ECKHART, A K E, <I> A <I>Lecturer on Public Service Companies and Carriers.Chicago, Harvard, Ph. B., LL. B .. Chicago, 1903-1914.OLIVER LEROY McCASKILL, q) T ALecturer on Bankruptcy. Ch icago, Ph. B., J. D. Chicago, 1912-1914.HENRY VARNUM FREEMAN, A K ESpecial Lecturer on Legal Ethics, Justice of Branch Appellate Court.Yale, A. M. Chicago, 1902-1914.CHARLES EDWARD KREMERSpecial Lecturer on Admiralty Law. Kent College of Law, LL. B.Chicago, 1902-1913.FRANK FREMONT REEDSpecial Lecturer on Copyright and Trade Mark Law. Chicago, 1902-1914.FREDERICK WALTER SHENKLibrarian.RUTH BRADLEYSecretary.PERCY ANDERSON HOGANCataloguer.PERCY WALTER CUMPLibrary Assistant.39SPRING FESTIVALTHE40Cap and GownLym.an..41Cal) and GO,\VIlThe Alumni CouncilTHE .�l�mni Council is a_n elective body exercising. control over the generalactivities of the alumm of the University. It IS composed of delegatesfrom the four general Associations (College, Law, Divinity, and Doctorsof Philosophy), from the Chicago Alumni and Alumnae Clubs, and from theUniversity.The functions of the Council embrace the publishing of the University ofChicago Magazine and the triennial Alumni Directory, the maintaining of analumni office on the campus, the encouragement of local clubs, the management ofreunions and celebrations, and in general the promotion of alumni interests.Hitherto the chief efforts of the Council have been directed toward the culti­vation of alumni sentiment and the development of a scheme of organizationwhich should render it effective. While this work is still far from complete, thereis reason to believe that a solid basis of achievement has been attained, on whichthe structure of an efficient organization may be reared. Most encouraging is thegreatly increased membership in the general societies, particularly in the CollegeAssociation, and the consequent unprecedented circulation given the Magazineand the Directory in the past year.But the Council needs the interest and support of every graduate. Onlythrough the co-operation of the general alumni body can it hope to grow strongenough to be of service to the alumni and the institution. An appeal is made toall students who read these words not to allow their connection with the Univer­sity to be severed when they graduate. To be in the fullest sense a universityman or woman the graduate must keep in touch with university affairs. This hecan do at a trifling expenditure of time and money by joining the general Asso­ciation to which his degree makes him eligible. This connection should be formedbefore he leaves the campus and should be continued through life.OFFICERSChairmanSecretaryTreasurer AGNES WAYMANFRANK W. DIGNAN'RUDOLPH E. SCHREIBERThe Council for 1913-14 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Alumni AssociationAGNES WAYMAN AND FRANK W. DIGNANFrom the Association of Doctors of PhilosophyTHEODORE C. BURGESS AND HERBERT E. SLAUGHTFrom the Divinity Alumni AssociationCHARLES R. HENDERSON AND FRED MERRIFIELDFrom the Law School AssociationCHARLES W. PALTZER AND RUDOLPH E. SCHREIBERFrom the Chicago Alumni ClubALVIN KRAMERFrom the Chicago Alumnae ClubMRS. IRVIN McDOWELLFrom the UniversityJAMES R. ANGELLThe Council meets regularly on the first Tuesday in the months of October,November, December, January, February, March, April, May, and June. Allcommunications intended for the Council should be addressed to the Alumni Coun­cil Secretary, Ellis Hall, the University, or Telephone Midway 800.42Cal} and Go,,-nDirectory of Al umni Associa tions[Represented in the Alumni Council)THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresident .First Vice-President .Second Vice-PresidentThird Vice-PresidentSecretary . AGNES WAYMAN, '03FREDERICK A. SMITH, '66MRS. WARREN GORRELL, '98WILLIAM P. MACCRACKEN, '09FRANK W. DIGNAN, '97Executive CommitteeEARL D. HOSTETTER, '07 HELEN GUNSAULUS, '08WAYLAND W. MAGEE, '05 ALVIN KRAMER, '10EDITH FOSTER FLINT, '97 MRS. CHARLES S. EATON, '00MRS. PHOEBE BELL TERRY, '08ANNUAL MEETING: Convocation day in June.MEMBERSHIP in the Association is open to all who hold a Baccalaureate degree from the University.Annual dues, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, payable to the secretary. All members will receive TheUniversitv of Chicago Magazine.NEWS NOTES, changes of address, and communications for the Magazine should be sent promptly to thesecretary, Faculty Exchange, the University. HAROLD H. SWIFT, '07HELEN T. SUN'NY, '08GEORGE E. KUH, '13THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHYPresident .Vice-PresidentSecretary-TreasurerCorresponding Secretary THEODORE C. BURGESS, '98THOMAS E. DOUBT, '04HERBERT E. SLAUGHT, '98EDITH E. BARNARD, '07Executive CommitteeThe officers and HOWARD WOODHEAD, '00, and ERNEST L. TALBERT, '01ANNUAL MEETING: Monday of Convocation week in June, at 12 o'clock, at the Quadrangle Club.MEMBERSHIP in the Association is open to all who hold the Ph. D. degree from the University. Annualdues, ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, payable to the secretary-treasurer at the time of the annual meet­ing, or upon receipt of notice. All members will receive The University of Chicago Magazine.NEWS NOTES of academic interest to the Doctors should be sent promptly to the secretary-treasurer, FacultyExchange. the University. These include appointments and promotions, publications of research, andparticipation in educational or scientific associations, either as officers or contributors of papers oraddresses.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPresidentFirst Vice-President .Second Vice-PresidentThird Vice-PresidentSecretary-TreasurerBiographer CHARLES R. HENDERSON, '73CLARENCE M. GALLUP, '00GEORGE E. BURLINGAME, '99MARK F. SANBORN, '09FRED MERRIFIELD, '01IRA M. PRICE, '82Executive CommitteeWARREN P. BEHAN, '97, ChairmanCLYDE MCGEE, '05 CLIFTON D. GRAY, '01ANNUAL MEETING: During Convocation week in June, on call.MEMBERSHIP in the Association is open to all graduates of the Divinity School. Annual dues, fifty cents,payable to the secretary-treasurer. The Universitv of Chicago Mcooeine wi l l be furnished to membersat $1.00 per year extra.NEWS NOTES, changes of address, and communications for the Magazine should be sent promptly to thesecretary-treasurer, Faculty Exchange, the University.THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONPresident .Vice-PresidentSecretaru-Treaeurer CHARLES W. PALTZER, '09CORINNE L. RICE, '08RUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, '06ANNUAL MEETING: During Convocation week in the Spring Quarter. The annual dinner follows the busi­ness meeting.MEMBERSHIP is open to all former students with at least ten majors credit, and to all instructors in theSchool. Annual dues, $1.00, payable to the secr etary-treasurer , 1140 Otis Building, Chicago. TheUniversity of Chicago Magazine will be furnished to members at $1.00 per year extra.NEWS NOTES, changes of address, and communications for the Magazine should be sent promptly to thesecretary-treasurer, 1140 Otis Building, Chicago.43CHI' Rnd GO"-llThe College Alumni AssociationTHERE is no finer quality in this world than loyalty, be it loyalty to a friend,a cause, an institution, or an ideal, and he who remains loyal after thescene of his activities is changed is the one whose loyalty is real. YouSeniors have shown your college spirit in many ways as undergraduates, and nowthat you are about to leave the dear old "U" let that college spirit keep alive yourloyalty, and lead you to join the Alumni Association at once. It has been saidthat a college or a university lives only through its alumni. Let us make thatliving worth while, not only to the University, but to ourselves. We need you,Seniors; we need your fresh enthusiasm, your energy, your ideals, and now thatyou are breaking old ties, you will need us. Don't ask us what inducements wecan offer; feel honored that we are asking you to do this. Incidentally is it notan inducement to receive the University of Chicago Magazine, to have the privi­lege of attending meetings, to get all circulars and announcements pertaining tothe Association, to have an opportunity of some day holding office? The Asso­ciation aims to bind together this great body of alumni, to give them a chance tokeep in touch with each other, to keep alive and foster the love for the old"Maroon," and to keep a finger on the pulse of the various University activitiesand policies.The College Association is at present composed of graduates only, but thereis a movement on foot to admit all who have attended the University for a certainlength of time, the so-called "Ex's." There is also in nearly every large city aChicago Club. Chicago itself boasts of both an Alumnae and an Alumni Club.Membership in these clubs is open to anyone who ever attended the University.Don't become confused between the College Association and the Clubs: member­ship in one does not, as yet, include membership in the other. Join the Associa­tion now and the Club as soon as you are located. Through them and the Maga­zine you can keep in touch with your Alma Mater, and in no other way. Thepresent officers, elected last June, are as follows:AGNES R. WAYMANFREDERICK A. SMITH .MRS. WARREN GORRELLWILLIAM P. MACCRACKENFRANK W. DIGNAN PresidentFirst Vice-PresidentSecond Vice-PresidentThird Vice-PresidentSecretaryExecutive CommitteeEARL D. HOSTETTER MRS. CHARLES S. EATON HELEN GUNSAULUSMRS. PHOEBE BELL TERRY WAYLAND W. MAGEE HAROLD H. SWIFTEDITH FOSTER FLINTGEORGE E. KUHStanding CommitteeWILLIAM P. MACCRACKEN, ChairmanALICE GREEN ACRE ALVIN KRAMER EARL HOSTETTERLERoy BALDRIDGE AGNES R. WAYMANWe are planning a big reunion for June, with a special Alumni Day, onenight for class and department dinners, and another for a big "All-UniversitySing," in which not only the Fraternities will take part, but classes, Alumni,Blackfriars, Glee Club, and Band.Now is the time for you, Seniors, to fall into line. Frank W. Dignan hasan Alumni Office in Ellis Hall. Join the association.AGNES R. WAYMAN, President.ALVIN KRAMER HELEN T. SUNNY44CUI) lind Go",,'uThe Chicago Alumni ClubFor a number of years, two dinners havebeen given annually, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. Between two hundredand three hundred attended the dinner given to Mr. Stagg and the football teamon November 19, between the football games with Minnesota and Wisconsin.The attendance, as well as the enthusiasm, was greater than at any previousdinner.A resolution asking the trustees to name the athletic field "Stagg Field" waspresented and received with much enthusiasm. The only one who was not en­thusiastic was Mr. Stagg, and never has he spoken more earnestly than he didthat night in opposition to the plan. At the end of his talk, "three cheers" weregiven for "Stagg Field," showing that, for the first time in the history of theUniversity of Chicago, "The Old Man's" words had fallen on deaf ears.At the club dinner in May, 1913, President Judson and Professor Marshallspoke about curent events at the University. It is probable that, in the future,at each spring gathering, this same plan will be followed, that one or more fac­ulty representatives will speak and that, as a result, the alumni in general, whonow, it must be admitted, know but little about University affairs, will becomebetter acquainted with the University of today. It may not be out of place tostate in this connection that the alumni are patiently waiting for representa­tion upon the Board of Trustees. They believe, not only that they deserve recog­nition, but also that the Alumni representation would bring about a closer rela­tionship between the University and its Alumni.Fifty members of the Senior class attended the dinner last November, in re­sponse to an invitation which, for several years, it has been the custom to extend.Hence, the members of the Senior class, as students and associate members of theclub, may be considered a connecting link between the general student body andthe Alumni Club. As each class graduates it is the desire to enroll among ourmembers every man who remains permanently in Chicago, to assist the newmembers wherever possible, and then with our combined strength to assist inevery way our Alma Mater.Charles S. Winston An attempt was made shortly after theorganization of the Chicago Alumni Club inthe fall of 1897 to maintain club rooms in oneof the downtown buildings. It was the inten­tion to obtain from dues the necessary fundsfor paying rent and buying furniture. A lim­ited amount of furniture was bought and anearnest effort was made, for a few months, tosatisfy the owner of the building. Then theinevitable happened. Rent was due, the treas­urer had no funds and no means of raising acent.It was truly a time for a Moses to ap­pear in the land, and 10, he came forth, per­suaded the owner of the building, or his repre­sentatives, that black was white, and turnedover the furniture in lieu of the rent. Theclub has been a homeless wanderer ever since.CHARLES S. WINSTON.45CRI) ItD«1 Go,,'1)The Chicago Alumnae ClubTHE Chicago Alumnae Club of the University of Chicago co-operates with theUniversity authorities and with the alumni in regard to matters of gen­eral interest. The Alumnae Club is a local organization of University ofChicago women living in or near Chicago. Former students who did not takedegrees may be associate members.The quarterly meetings are becoming yearly traditions of the club, more andmore successful each year. The annual business meeting is held on the occasionof a luncheon down town in the spring. The June dinner at the University isgiven annually on Alumni Day. Dean Talbot is hostess at a tea in the fall, atwhich are discussed many affairs of interest to the alumnae. For several yearsPresident and Mrs. Judson have generously offered their home for the receptionin January.In addition to the social aspect, the work of the Alumnae Club is: (1) tosupport the Alumnae Loan Library; (2) to assist the Chicago Collegiate Bureauof Occupations; and (3) to maintain a resident fellowship at the University ofChicago Settlement. The Alumnae Loan Library in Harper Memorial Library,Room M. 24, rents text books to students, who thoroughly appreciate the oppor­tunity offered them. During the last year the library has taken in an average oftwenty dollars a quarter, most of which has been spent for new books to meet thechanging demands. The library now contains about three hundred and fiftyvolumes and needs a great many more. Members of the Library Committee ren­der service in adjusting the proper supply of books and in acting as attendants.There is no reason why this library should not grow to be one of the greatestenterprises of its kind.This year two alumnae representatives have been sent to the Chicago Colle­giate Bureau of Occupations, which was recently established. The bureau hasfor its object the placing of women college graduates, in varied lines of work,other than teaching and social service. Last year the club gave three hundreddollars toward the support of the enterprise and is again giving three hundreddollars this year.For the past two years the Alumnae Club has raised five hundred dollars ayear as part of the salary to maintain a vocational counsellor at the UniversitySettlement. Miss Montgomery's work as vocational guide was most successful,as is shown in her recently published report, "The American Girl in the Stock­yards District." This year the club has chosen to establish a resident fellowshipat the Settlement in order that the work of the vocational guide may be followedup. This will cost two hundred and seventy-five dollars.For the benefit of the Collegiate Bureau of Occupations and the Universityof Chicago Settlement the Chicago Alumnae Club gave at the Whitney OperaHouse last spring a production entitled "Spring Revels." Because of the loyalsupport of Chicago graduates, the "Revels" was a great success. About sixhundred dollars was realized.A place for meetings will be provided for the club in the new woman's build­ing which is to be erected within the next few months.To all University women the Alumnae Club extends an invitation to join thisorganization-an expression of the present-day activities of woman. Here youwill find your opportunity.ALICE GREENACRE.46Cap a n d GownEN tons47�.------.-------------------------------...,Senior Class OfficersRUDY D. MATTHEWSPasadena, CaliforniaPsi UpsilonS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; President of the Sen­ior Class; Blackfriars (1), Costumer (2), Prior(4); Undergraduate Council (2) (4); Three­Quarters Club; Score Club; Order of the IronMask; Cheer-leader (2) (3) (4); Track (1) (2)(3) (4); Owl and Serpent.RUTH AGARChicago, IllinoisThe Mortar BoardPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Vice-President of theSenior Class; Class Secretary (1); ChairmanQuadrangle Fete (4); Kalailu; Sign of theSickle; Signet Club; Harpsichord; Leader GleeClub (4).KATHLEEN R. HARRINGTONChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Secretary of .the Sen­ior Class; Secretary and Treasurer of theFreshman Medic Class.JOHN B. PERLEEPeoria, IllinoisPhi Gamma DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Treasurer of the Sen­ior Class; Daily Maroon, Associate Editor (2);Blackfriars (3) (4); Pen Club (2) (3) (4);Cap and Gown Managing Editor (3); Skull andCrescent; Owl and Serpent ..48C H [) It II (1 Go,,· IISenior Class CommitteesExecutiveNELSON H. NORGREN, ChairmanCORNELIA M. BEALL WILLIAM H. LYMANWILLARD P. DICKERSON HOWELL W. MURRAYJOHN A. GREENE RODERICK PEATTIEWALTER E. LEONARD HELENE POLLAKHAROLD H. WRIGHT MARGARET RHODESEARLE A. SHILTONRALPH W. STANSBURYMIRIAM C. WHALINClass DayRALPH W. STANSBURY, ChairmanTHOMAS E. COLEMAN LILLIAN A. Ross LYNNE SULLIVANGEORGE S. LEISURE EDNA H. STOLZ BERNARD W. VINISSKYRUTH M. WHITFIELDClass GiftEARLE A. SHILTON, ChairmanHELEN LEONARDDELLA I. PATTERSONMARCIA D. WILBURReceptionMARGARET RHODES, ChairmanW. OGDEN COLEMAN SUSANNE FISHER ERLING H. LUNDEHARRY H. COMER WALTER L. KENNEDY ELISABETH SHERERHELEN D. STREET SARAH E. THOMPSONSocialHELENE POLLAK AND HOWELL W. MURRAY, ChairmenHOLLY R. BENNETT HORACE C. FITZPATRICK JOHN C. MORRISONARLINE H. BROW"'" ALBERT D. MANN RUTH C. MORSEJOHN J. CLEARY, JR. ROBERT W. MILLER WALTER S. POAGUEERNEST R. REICHMANN HELEN E. WORTHENPlayRODERICK PEAT TIE, ChairmanMIRIAM L. BALDWIN SAMUEL KAPLAN HENRY C. SHULLBENJAMIN V. COHEN ISABEL S. KENDRICK LEON STOLZHARVEY L. HARRISRUTH HOUGH HARRIET TUTHILLCHARLOTTE M. VIALLProgramWILLIAM H. LYMAN, ChairmanSTEPHEN R. CURTIS ROLLIN N. HARGER MAURICE L. HELLERFLORENCE I. FOLEY HARVEY L. HARRIS HELEN LEONARDBURDETTE P. MAST MARY D. PHILBRICKSongMIRIAM C. WHALIN, ChairmanMIRIAM L. BALDWIN REGINALD S. CASTLEMAN RUTH HOUGHOAKLEY K. MORTON W. LANE REHMPinCORNELIA M. BEALL, ChairmanGRACIA M. ALLING ARTHUR T. GOODMAN PATTY T. NEWBOLDMARGARET S. CHANEY LOYD L. NEFF MARGARET G. RIGGSROBERT E. SIMOND BERNARD W. VINISSKYAthleticWALTER E. LEONARD, ChairmanELLIDOR LIBONATI CHARLES O. MOLANDER GEORGE D. PARKINSONALBERT D. MANN CHARLES O. PARKER STANLEY R. PIERCEPipeELLIODOR LIBONATI, ChairmanALBERT D. MAN'N ROBERT W. MILLER W. LANE REHMFacultyDEAN PERCY H. BOYNTON, ChairmanPROFESSOR GILBERT A. BLISS ASSISTANT PROFESSOR EDITH F. FLINTPROFESSOR FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSONAlwnniGEORGE E. KUH, ChairmanS. EDWIN EARLEALVIN F. KRAMERVALLEE O. ApPEL HIRAM L. KENNICOTT49A CROWDED Mandel hall, "How to" speeches from the deans, and a gigantictangle of red tape greeted us as we registered for our first courses some fouryears ago. Threats by the Sophomores and talks on traditions by the Seniorssoon showed us what was to be expected of us. We became acquainted at theY. M. C. A. stag, the Freshman frolic, and the football mass meetings. But it was notuntil December ninth that we had our first social function. At that time the upper­classmen were attracted in such droves by the pulchritude of our women that it washardly a class affair. The next day, the women had a hayseed party where the piecede resistance was none other than red-hots.Among the features of that first year were the "I will" yell, the marvellous recordof our baseball team in Japan, the departure of Dean Vincent for Minnesota, the elec­tion of a woman as president of the Council and as the vice-president of the Seniorclass, Professor Merriam's campaign for mayor, the treat given Wisconsin students byBaukhage in "Capturing Calypso," the soaring of the plans of the aero club, and thefounding of the Order of the Sacred Ducks. The women broke into the limelight witha baseball game in which the scorer resigned after chalking up forty-five runs.Scruby piloted us part of the second year. Our football victories over Cornell andWisconsin were equalled only by the fierce game between Chi Psi and Phi Psi. Mr.Barrell gave us the cafeteria system whereby we obtaind for the same money 47 beansinstead of 43. "Bill" Harms later fooled all the public part of the time with his M.Bari hoax. In the middle of the year, Scruby found other things more attractive thanstudies, and Dickerson succeeded him. Under the latter's regime, the class had thatgreat picnic behind the German building, featured in a gastronomical way by hotchicken pie and ice cream cones. Jimmy Twohig was sent to the Olympic games, andsaw Davenport win a point for the United States.We came back as Juniors minus the 10 :30 period. Social affairs were discourageduntil President Reichmann introduced the class luncheon. In the winter, the campuswas startled by the appearance of our Bulgarian toques. Through the medium of theGrand Opera asosciation, we were enabled to procure very good seats if field glasseswere taken as an adjunct. Other affairs of more than passing notice were the scarletfever scare in Greenwood, the Lit Monthly, the Kappa Sigma robbery, the fire on theMidway, and our sing in Harper. The Junior vaudeville and the class basketball teamwere eccentric in their way, but were completely overshadowed by the new dances asportrayed at the Florentine Festival. The Cap and Gown appeared on time, and wewon a baseball campionship. Praises be!One of our early Senior activities was the joint concert with Wisconsin, followedby the winning of the football championship. Then came the long-awaited mustachecontest with its attendant sad rites poured on "Prexy" Matthews, Friar Greene, andBarrister Poague. All of a sudden we found a student orchestra filling Mandel withpeople and harmony to an extent that made the "regular" orchestra take notice. Thepoint system, the dance censors, the honor commission, the rushing rules, and the activ­ities committee occupied our attention during a good deal of the time. Still morerecent were the Prom with its picture of George Washington (or was it the cherrytree), the song book, and the Blackfriars show written by brothers Kaplan and Stolz.Finally, we have the class gift-an undergraduate loan fund of which we are particu­larly proud."Sons and daughters of the same Mother" we graduate, proud of our record asundergraduates, happy in the memories and the friends that have filled our lives thepast four years, firm in our resolve to be loyal alumni to our University, and hopingwe will be together many times at our reunions, ever more precious as years and de­cades roll by. C It P It n d Go,,' ItSenior Class History50Cop HUtI Go,,-n@ll'ttior.nJUNE L. ADAMSChicago, IllinoisPi Beta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.ESTHER V. ALDRA YMinneapolis, MinnesotaChi Rho SigmaPh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914; Stu­dents' Art Club; "Spring Revels"; Art Contrib­utor Cap and Gown.GRACIA ALLINGChicago, IllinoisThe WyvernPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; The Signet Club;Y. W. C. L. Cabinet (3).JULIETTE H. AMESRiverside, IllinoisSpelman HouseS. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914; Hockey(1) (2) (3) ( (4), Captain (3); Advisory BoardW. A. A. (3); Second Cabinet Y. W. C. L. (4);General Chairman Home Economics and House­hold Arts Club.HAROLD S. ANDERSONChicago, IllinoisPh. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914.LELAND H. ANDERSONKewanee IllinoisPhi Beta Pi, Lincoln HouseS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.51Cal' ftnd Go,,·u&tninrsGRACE P. ANDRESSChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1913; French Club.HARRY ARKINChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.WILLARD E. ATKINSChicago, IllinoisAlpha Tau Omega, Delta Sigma RhoPh. B., Spring Quarter; Class Treasurer (1);Lower Junior Extempore Contest Winner (1);Baseball (1); Montana State College (2) (3);Lower Senior Extempore Contest Winner (3);University Debating Team (4); Band (1) (4);Fencibles.LUCILE BABCOCKMason City, IowaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; German Plays (2)(3); Glee Club.MARION E. BABCOCKChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.PERCIVAL BAILEYCarbondale, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.52C It I) It n d Go,,· IIJ;l'ninraMIRIAM L. BALDWINChicago, IllinoisThe Mortar BoardPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Kalailu, Harpsichord.ROCKWELL A. BARNESChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.FLORENCE M. BARRETTChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; French Club (4);Civic League (4).OLIVE N. BARTONBig Prairie, MichiganPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914.CORNELIA M. BEALLIndianapolis, IndianaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Baseball (1) (2) (3)(4); Basketball (1) (2) (3) (4); President W.A. A. (3) (4).RUTH C. BECKERElgin, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Lake Forest College(1) (2).53C Il l' II n d Go,,' II�l'uiur1iEDNA A. BELLChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.HOLLY R. BENNETTChicago, IllinoisAlpha Tau Omega.S. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.FLORENCE BERNSTEINChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Neighborhood Club;French Club (2) (3); German Club (3) (4);Menorah.GENEVIEVE BISHOPChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Y. W. C. L.; Quad­rangle Fete Committee (3).NATHAN L. BLITZSTENChicago, IllinoisAlpha Phi SigmaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.ABRAHAM M. BLOCKChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.54CUI) U n d Go,,,' II�l'uiorllJAY T. BORDERNewark, OhioPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ohio Wesleyan Uni­versity (1) (2).THERESA VON BOESELAGEREggermiihlen im Hanover, GermanyPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; French Club (4);German Club (4). Entered 1913.WILLIAM B. BOSWORTHCleveland, OhioPhi Kappa SigmaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Band (1) (2), Asso­ciate Director (3) (4); Orchestra Manager andTreasurer (3), President (4); Associate EditorCap and Gown (3); Chorus, and Composer "Wil­helmina" in "Pranks of Paprika" (3); Cosmo­politan Club (3), President (4).EDN A V. BRANDOak Park, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.FREDA M. BRIGHTChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.LAURA E. BRODBECKChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholarship;Botanical Scholarship; Honorable Mention (2).55CRI) lind GO"'IIt;l'uinrsHELEN J. BROOKSWichita, KansasThe Mortar BoardPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1914; Bryn Mawr College(3); Pianist, Glee Club.ARLINE H. BROWNChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Cabinet, Y. W. C. L.(4); University Aide.HELENA BURGESSPeoria, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Y. W. C. L.; GermanClub.SAMUEL E. BUSLERSouth Charleston, OhioBeta Theta Pi, Phi Alpha DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Wittenberg College(1) (2) (3); Associate Editor Cap and Gown(4) .SIDNEY M. CADWELLKingston, New YorkS. R, Spring Quarter, 1914; Physics Honor Schol­arship; Honorable Mention (2).ELIZABETH A. CAREYChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.56C R I' u n (1 G 0 "- II&l'ntnrllHARRY E. CARLSONMoline, IllinoisPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Grinnell College(1) (2).EDW ARD L. CARLYONPainesdale, MichiganPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Student VolunteerBand; Y. M. C. A.MAMIE L. CARRICOAshmore, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; James Millikin Uni­versity (1) (2).REGINALD S. CASTLEMANRiverside, CaliforniaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Mandolin Club (4).MARGARET S. CHANEYChicago, IllinoisSpelman HousePh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914; Kalailu;Hockey (2) (3); Second Cabinet Y. W. C. L. (2)(3) (4); Vice-President S. E. NeighborhoodClub (3); Decoration Committee SettlementDance (4).ARUBA B. CHARLTONCherokee, IowaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Iowa State Teachers'College (1) (2).57Cap and Gown�l'utnr!lVELMA C. CLANCYChicago, IllinoisPh. B., (Education), Summer Quarter, 1914.JOHN J. CLEARY, JR.Oak Park, IllinoisAlpha Delta PhiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Three Quarters Club;Skull and Crescent; Baseball (1); BusinessManager Dramatic Club (4).RUTH CLOSSONLogansport, IndianaS. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.PHOEBE CLOVERChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Secretary-TreasurerW. A. A. (3); Captain Senior Basketball Team(4).BENJAMIN V. COHENChicago, IllinoisPhi Beta KappaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University Marshal.EVELYN COLEChicago, Illinois:Ph. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.58C a It and G 0 n· 11"rttiUrliWILLIAM O. COLEMANRiver Forest, IllinoisAlpha Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Blackfriars (2); GleeClub (1) (2) (3) (4); Dramatic Club; Tiger'sHead; Business Manager Literary Monthly (4);Chairman Arrangement Committee Prom (4).THOMAS E. COLEMANChicago, IllinoisChi PsiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Business Manager of1913 Cap and Gown; Chairman SettlementDance (4); Skull and Crescent; Order of theIron Mask; Owl and Serpent.HARRY H. COMERChicago, IllinoisAlpha Tau OmegaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Daily Maroon Re­porter (1), Associate Editor (2); ChairmanBanquet Committee Interscholastic (3); CrossCountry Club (2).CAROLINE M. COSSUMChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University of Cincin­nati (1) (2) (3).MERLE C. COULTERChicago, IllinoisBeta Theta Pi, Phi Beta KappaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University Marshal;Signet Club.HENRY H. COXAlton, IllinoisDelta Sigma Phi, Phi Beta PiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Track (1) (2) (3) (4);Vice-President Freshman Medic Class, 1912.59CUI) 2111(1 Go,,- ..�l'ntIlr!iSTEPHEN R. CURTISColorado Springs, ColoradoPhi Alpha DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Fencibles (2); Black­friars (3); Gymnastic Team (3) (4).MABEL A. DE LA MATERPecatonica, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Associate Editor Lit­erary Monthly (4); Editor College Women'sSupplement Chicago Evening Post (3); HenryStrong Scholarship (4).LETA L. DENNYIndianapolis, IndianaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914WILLARD P. DICKERSONChicago, IllinoisAlpha Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Track (1); Skull andCrescent; Class President (2); Order of the IronMask; Business Manager of 1913 Cap and Gown;Owl and Serpent; University Marshal.FRANK E. DINGLENew Castle, IndianaPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.GLADYS A. DITEWIGPeoria, IllinoisPhi Delta PhiA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Bradley PolytechnicInstitute (1) (2).60CIll) and Go,,-n&1'uinrsALICE Y. DORSEYHenderson, KentuckyPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Washington College,District of Columbia (1) (2) (3).MAE D. DRISCOLLChicago, IllinoisPh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914.MARIE DYEChicago, IllinoisPi Beta PhiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Kalailu; Treasurer S,E. Neighborhood Club (2).ROBERT L. ELLISTONPrinceton, IllinoisPhi Beta PiS, B., Spring Quarter, 1914.HARRY B. EMBLETONLexington, KentuckyKappa SigmaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.CHARLES P. ENGELWinona, MinnesotaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Honorable Mention (2),61Cnll and Gown8>tuinrsETTA FINDLAYChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Vice-President S. W.Neighborhood Club (2); Y. W. C. L.EMANUEL B. FINKChicago, IllinoisAlpha Phi SigmaS. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.SUSANNE FISHERMacomb, IllinoisThe Mortar BoardPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Vice-President Class(3); Y. W. C. L. Cabinet (3); W. A. A. Advi­sory Board.GEORGE F. FISKE, JR.Lake Forest, IllinoisNu Sigma NuS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Amherst College (1);Sophomore Debating Team; French Club; Man­dolin Club; University Orchestra; Chess Team.HORACE C. FITZPATRICKIndependence, KansasPhi Gamma DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Football (1) (2) (3)(4); Baseball (1); Blackfriars, Cast "Pursuitof Portia" (2); Vice-President Reynolds Club(4); Score Club; Fencibles; Order of the IronMask; Owl and Serpent.OWEN D. FLEENERDodge Center, MinnesotaB. A., Autumn Quarter, 1913.62CRP a u d GO"+II&tltinrsANNIE E. FOLEYChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Lewis Institute (1)(2) (3).FLORENCE 1. FOLEYChicago, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.LEWIS M. FRANCISCODallas, TexasPhi Delta ThetaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.MARY L. FYFFEChicago, IllinoisThe Mortar BoardPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Vice-President HonorCommission (4); Chairman Inter-Club Council(4); Dramatic Club (2) (3) (4); UniversityAide.AGNES GARDNERChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Royal Holoway Col­lege, England (1) (2) (3).E. WILLIAM GILROYMinneapolis, MinnesotaPhi Gamma Delta, Nu Sigma NuS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.63C It I) It n d Go,,' II�tninrsHARRY GINSBURGChicago, IllinoisAlpha Phi SigmaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Pow Wow (1); Me­norah Society; Physiology Scholarship (4).CELIA GLICKMANChicago, IllinoisA. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; German Club.MINNIE GOLDBERGChicago, IllinoisS. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Lewis Institute, Hon­orable Mention (1) (2) (3).ARTHUR T. GOODMANChicago, IllinoisChi PsiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Swimming (1) (2)(3) (4), Captain (4); Three Quarters Club;Skull and Crescent; Blackfriars.IDA M. GORDONOmaha, Nebraska.Ph. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914; Universityof Nebraska (1); Secretary Menorah Society(2); Public Speaking Scholarship (2) (3).LILIAN GRAYCoatsburg, IllinoisPh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914; DiplomaIllinois State Normal University.64CHI) nnd Go,,'u�rutor!lSARAH R. G RA YBerwyn, IllinoisPhi Beta DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.HELEN E. GREENFIELDSuperior, WisconsinS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.DOROTHY GREYEvanston, IllinoisPhi Beta KappaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.PHILIP B. GREENBERGChicago, IllinoisAlpha Phi SigmaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Menorah Society; Cos­mopolitan Club.JOHN A. GREENELittle Rock, ArkansisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Glee Club (1) (2) (3)(4); Blackfriars, Assistant Manager (3), Scribe(4); Tiger's Head; Associate Editor ChicagoLiterary Monthly (4); Business Manager ofUniversity Song Book; Honorable Mention (2);University Marshal; Owl and Serpent; ClassTreasurer (4).ROLL O. GRIGSBYBlamdinsville., IllinoisPhi Beta PiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; President Medic Class(3); Hedding College (1).65CHI) Hnd Go,,-n�tntnr£iANNE B. GRIMESCrawfordsville, IllinoisPh. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914.BLISS O. HALLINGDavenport, IowaA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Daily Maroon Reporter(3), Associate Editor (4); Pen Club; AssociateDramatic Club.MARGARET C. HAMMETTWheaton, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Hockey (1) (3) (4);Y. W. C. L. (3) (4).ANNE HAMMONDChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Glee Club (2) (3)(4); Neighborhood Club Council (2) (3) ( (4);Y. W. C. L. Second Cabinet (3) (4).ROLLIN N. HARGERChicago, IllinoisAlpha Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Baseball (1) (3) (4),Captain (1); Three Quarters Club; Skull andCrescent; Order of the Iron Mask; Owl andSerpent.HARVEY L. HARRISChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter,.1914; Football (1) (2) (3)(4); Class Treasurer (3); Honor Commission(4); Owl and Serpent.66t;rninrsLEON F. HARRISBirmingham, AlabamaPi Kappa Alpha, Kappa PsiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., Howard College;University of Alabama (1).MAURICE L. HELLERChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Track Squad (2) (3)(4); Pool Champion Reynolds Club (3).ALICE L. HEMINGWAYClinton, Iowa.The Sigma ClubPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Y. W. C. L. Cabinet(3) (4); Kalailu; Signet Club; Glee Club.GA YLORD R. HESSM omence, IllinoisNu Sigma NuS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Band; Orchestra.FREDERICK W. HIATTSheridan, IndianaS. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.MARGARET HIELSCHERJoliet, IllinoisPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1913; Entrance Scholar­ship, 1910.67Cap and Gown�l'uinr.aMARGARET M. HIGGINSChicago, IllinoisPi Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Smith College (1)(2) .ABRAHAM HIMMELBLAUChicago, IllinoisPh. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914.EDWIN W. HIRSCHChicago, IllinoisAlpha Phi SigmaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.CORA HOUGHChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Kalailu.RUTH HOUGHChicago, IllinoisThe EsotericPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Undergraduate Coun­cil (3) (4); University Aide.HELEN L. HOUGHTONChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1914.68Cap and Gown&tninr.6ALICE HOWEChicago, IllinoisPh. B., (Education), Summer Quarter, 1914.ELEANOR A. HUNTERKankakee, IllinoisPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.EARL D. HUNTINGTONPlatteville, WisconsinS. B., Autumn Quarter, 1914; Wisconsin State Nor­mal School (1); Football (2), (3).HARRY H. HURWITZChicago, IllinoisDelta Sigma PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Track Squad-; Inter­class Basketball (2) ( 3 ) ( 4) .FRANCIS L. HUTSLERMartinsburg, West VirginiaAlpha Tau OmegaPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Reporter Daily Ma­roon (1); Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry(3) .MARY B. INGMANLa Grange, MissouriA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.69Cap and GO'VB&l'ntnrsEVERETT L. JONESWaterville, New YorkPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Cross Country (4);Cross Country Club (3).HARRY M. JONESMt. Rainier, MarylandAcacia.S. B., Spring Quarter, 1913; Texas State Univer­sity (1).AMELIA KANDZIAChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.SAMUEL KAPLANChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Co-author "The Stu­dent Superior;" Daily Maroon Reporter (1), As­sociate Editor (3), Dramatic Editor (4)1 Asso­ciate Editor Literary Monthly (4); Pen Club;Reynolds Club Library Committee.FRANK F. KARCHER·Herscher, IllinoisNu Sigma NuS. B., Summer Quarter, 1914.PHILIP E. KEARNEYOsage, IowaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.70Cap and Gown-"tutorsEVA R. KEITHCascade Springs, South DakotaA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.ISABEL S. KENDRICKMichigan City, IndianaThe Quadranglers.Ph. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Dramatic Club (2)(3) (4), Secretary (4); Kalailu.WALTER L. KENNEDYHammond, IndianaPhi Gamma DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Football (1) (2) (3)( 4); Basketball (3); Track ( 3); Three Quar­ters Club; Score Club; Order of the Iron Mask:GENEVIEVE KELTYMount Pleasant, MichiganA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Michigan CentralState Normal School (1) (2) (3).MARIA M. KETCHAMKankakee, IllinoisPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.W. IVAN KINGCharleston, IllinoisAlpha Kappa KappaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.Cap and GownOWE� KINGPortland, OregonPhi Gamma Delta, Nu Sigma NuS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.&tutnr1lHERMAN G. KOPALDOmaha, NebraskaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Blackfriars (1) (3);.Interscholastic Commission (2) (3).JULIUS V. KUCHYNKAChicago, IllinoisDelta Sigma PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholarship;Lewis Institute; Glee Club; Cosmopolitan Club.LLOYD E. LE DUCDuluth, MinnesotaDelta UpsilonS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Football (1); ThreeQuarters Club. . ;:HELEN A. -LEEChicago, IllinoisPh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914; Sim­mons College, Boston (1) (2); Honor Scholar­ship (4).HUNFY D. LEEShanghai, ChinaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; President ChineseClub (3) (4); Comopolitan Club (3) (4).72Cap and Gown&tntnrsLYDIA M. LEEChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.GEORGE S. LEISUREWichita, KansasSigma Alpha EpsilonPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Track (3) (4); Band(1) (2) (4); Fencibles; Orchestra (4).HELEN LEONARDChicago, IllinoisPh. B.,. Spring Quarter, 1914.WARREN B. LEONARDCreston, IowaDelta UpsilonPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Baseball (1) (3) (4);Skull and Crescent; Interfraternity CouncilPresident (4).ISADORE LEVINChicago, IllinoisPhi Beta KappaPh. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914.LILLIAN M. LEVYChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.73Cap and Gown&tniOfllELLIODOR M. LIBONATIChicago, IllinoisPhi Delta ThetaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Skull and Crescent;Baseball (1) (3) (4).JACOB LIFSCHITZChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.HIRAM K. LOOMISChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Band; Orchestra.ELLA LUEDEMANNChicago, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.LORENA LUEHRChicago, IllinoisChi Rho SigmaPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1914; Students' Art Club.A In ERLING H. LUNDEEdison Park, Chicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Three Quarters Club;Class Treasurer (1); Glee Club; Tiger's Head;Undergraduate Council (3), President (4);Chairman Interscholastic Meet (3); HonorableMention (2); University Marshal; Owl andSerpent.74Cap and Gownr--------&,uinrsWILLIAM H. LYMANChicago, IllonoisBeta Theta PiPh. B., (C. & A.), Winter Quarter, 1914; Daily Ma­roon, Associate Editor (2) (3), Circulation Man­ager (4); Mandolin Club (2) (3) (4), Presi­dent (4); Blackfriars (2); Chairman Y. M. C.A. Commission (2) (3) (4); Librarian ReynoldsClub (2); Cap and Gown Managing Editor (3) ;Joint-Chairman Spring Festival (3); ThreeQuarters Club; Skull and Crescent; Pen Club;Tiger's Head; Order of the Iron Mask; Owl andSerpent.WALTER Z. LYONChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, '1914; Interscholastic Com­mission; Associate Editor Cap and Gown (2)(3).LILLIAN I. MacVEANChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University of Illinois(2) (3).ALBERT D. MANNSpencer, IowaPhi Kappa PsiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Baseball (1) (2) (3)(4), Captain (4).OLIVE K. MARTINChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; German Club; Y. W.C. L.BLANCHE A. MASONHighland Park, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Wellesley College(2); French Club; Manager Baseball (3); Col­lege Edition Chicago Evening Post.75Cal' untl GO"'n�l'l1inr!lBURDETTE P. MASTChicago, IllinoisChi PsiPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Business ManagerDaily Maroon (3) (4); Score Club; Pen Club;Owl and Serpent.MARY E. MA VERChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.ROLAND G. MAYERNew Ulin, MinnesotaPhi Gamma Delta, Nu Sigma NuS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University of Minne­sota; Medic Basketball.HARRIET E. McCAYChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914.MURIEL 1. McCLUREC h icag 0, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.ISABEL McMILLANOmaha, NebraskaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Miami University (1)(2); Glee Club (3) (4).76Cal) and Gown&.ruinrnJACOB MEYERChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.ELIZABETH W. MILLEROshkosh, WisconsinPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; State Normal School,Oshkosh.NANCY MILLERChicago, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Hockey (1) (2) (3)(4); President N. E. Neighborhood Club (4).ROBERT W. MILLERChicago, IllinoisDelta Tau DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Football (1); Track(1); Three-Quarters Club; Score Club; Treas­urer Reynolds Club (3); Glee Club (2) (3) (4);Owl and Serpent.CHARLES O. MOLANDERChico.qo, IllinoisAlpha Kappa Kappa, Washington HouseS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Basketball (1) (2)(3) (4), Captain (4); Football (1); Track (1);Baseball (1); Skull and Crescent; Vice-Presi­dent Y. M. C. A. Commission; Volunteer Band.MARY C. MONAHANStuart, IowaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.77Cap and Gown�tntnr.!lERLING MONNESPortland, OregonPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Nacalestes College(1) (2).LOUIS D. MOORHEADChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., Loyola Univer­sity, Chicago.HERBERT J. MORGANChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.JOHN C. MORRISON, IIChicago, IllinoisKappa SigmaPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1913; Blackfriars (2),Hospitaler (4); Glee Club (1) (2) (3) (4);Tiger's Head.ETHEL MORROWSt. Louis, MissouriPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Denison University(2) .(3).RUTH C. MORSEChicago, IllinoisSpelman HousePh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Hockey (1) (2) (3)(4); Y. W. C. L. Second Cabinet (3) (4); Sec­retary S. E. Neighborhood Club (3) (4).78CUI) untl GO'l'l'llJ;l'ninr.nOAKLEY K. MORTONCrown Point, IndianaSigma Alpha EpsilonPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Class Treasurer(2); Law Council (4); Glee Club (1) (2), Man­ager (3), President (4); Band (1) (2) (3) (4);Public Speaking Scholarship (1); Tiger's Head.BERTHA L. MOSELEYChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.CLAUDE W. MUNGERHart, MichiganSigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Beta PiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.HOWELL W. MURRAYChicago, IllinoisChi Psi. Ph. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Blackfriars (1) (2)(3) (4), Property (2), Manager (3), Abbot (4);Undergraduate Council (2); General ChairmanInterscholastic Meet (3); Washington PromLeader (4); Signet Club; Tiger's Head; ThreeQuarters Club; Order of the Iron Mask; Owland Serpent.MARIE NAGLGlen Ellyn, IllinoisPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1913.LOYD L. NEFFChicago, IllinoisDelta Kappa EpsilonPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Swimming Team (3)(4); French Club.79Cnl' nnd Gown�.rttiUr£iPATTY T. NEWBOLDLouisville, KentuckyS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Randolph MaconWomen's College, Lynchburg, Virginia (1) (2);Hockey (3) (4); Southern Club (4).NELSON H. NORGRENChicago, IllinoisPhi Kappa Psi.Ph. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Football (1) (2) (3)(4), Captain (4).LEWIS M. NORTONChicago, IllinoisDelta UpsilonPh. B. (C. & A), Spring Quarter, 1914; Blackfriars(3) .MAURICE E. OTTOSENChicago, IllinoisWashington HouseA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholarship;Fencing Team (1) (2) (3) (4), Captain (4);Cross Country Club.BERTHA M. PARKERRochester, IllinoisS. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Oberlin College (1);Columbia University (2).CHARLES O. PARKERBeardstown, IllinoisSigma Chi, Phi Beta KappaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University of Miami(1) (2).80CUI) nnd Go,,- ..J;rnillfsLESLIE M. PARKERChicago, IllinoisPhi Delta ThetaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Dartmouth College(1); Harvard University (2).MILDRED J. PARKERPeoria, IllinoisPhi Beta DeltaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Harpsichord; Orches­tra (3) (4).GEORGE D. PARKINSONPreston, IdahoPhi Delta Theta, Phi Alpha DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; George WashingtonUniversity; Secretary and Treasurer of LawClass of 1913 (1); Swimming Team (2); Gym­nastic Team (2) (3) (4), Captain (3); WesternInter-Collegiate All-Around Gymnastic Cham­pionship (3); Treasurer Reynolds Club (3);President Reynolds Club (4); Owl and Serpent.DELLA I. PATTERSONChicago, IllinoisThe Sigma ClubPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Glee Club (2); Ka­lailu; Harpsichord.RODERICK PEATTIEChicago, IllinoisAlpha Delta PhiS. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Dramatic Club; PenClub; Co-author "Pranks of Paprika"; Asso­ciate Editor Literary Monthly; UndergraduateCouncil; Owl and Serpent.HILDING W. PETERSONChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.81Cnp nnd Go,,·n�l'ninr .6SAMUEL F. PETERSONA U1'01"a, IllinoisKappa SigmaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Armour Institute,RHODA I. PFEIFFERChicago, IllinoisS, B., Spring Quarter, 1914.MARY D. PHILBRICKChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; French Club (3) (4).HELEN J. THIELENS PHILLIPSChicago, IllinoisThe QuadranglersPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Kalailu; DramaticClub.PAUL R. PIERCEAustin, MinnesotaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.STANLEY R. PIERCEChicago, IllinoisChi PsiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Football (1) (2) (3)(4) .82CHI) nnd GO'VDRUTH E. PIETYChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Lewis Institute (1) (2).MONICA PLOSZYNSKIChicago, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Glee Club (2) (3).WALTER S. POAGUEChicago, IllinoisDelta Kappa EpsilonPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Swimming Team (1)(2) (3); Vice-Chairman Settlement Dance;Score Club; Fencibles.HELENE POLLAKChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Joint-ChairmanSpring Festival (3); Class Secretary (2); HonorCommission (3) (4); Glee Club (1) (2); Ka­lailu; Signet Club; University Aide.MILES O. PRICEPlymouth, IndianaS. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholar­ship (1).ISIDORE A. RABENSChicago, IllinoisS. B., Winter Quarter, 1914.83Cftl) a n d Go,,·n�tnior!lADELINE A. RASSMANChicago, IllinoisPi Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholar­ship; Honorable Mention (2); Episcopal Club.RUTH M. RATHBUNNaperville, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.WILLIAM L. REHMChicago, IllinoisChi PsiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Football (1); ScoreClub; Dramatic Club; President Honor Com­mission; Owl and Serpent.ERNEST R. REICHMANNChicago, IllinoisChi Psi, Phi Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Three Quarters Club;Undergraduate Council; Baseball (1); Skulland Crescent; Class President (3); Order of theIron Mask; University Marshal; Owl and Ser­pent.SARAH A. REINWALDParkersburg, IowaPh. B., Sprrng Quarter, 1914; S. E. NeighborhoodClub (1) (2); Daily Maroon Reporter (2),Associate Editor (3); Menorah Society; FrenchClub.MARGARET RHODESChicago, IllinoisThe Sigma ClubPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Y. W. C. L. Cabinet(1) (2) (3), President (3); Baseball (1) (2);Basketball (2); Vice-President W. A. A. (3);Honorable Mention (2); University Aide.84C It I) U II d G 0 ,,- It�l'uil1rllMARGARET G. RIGGSChicago, IllinoisThe Mortar BoardPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Baseball (1) (2) (3);Y. W. C. L. Second Cabinet (3); Vice-PresidentW. A. A. (2); University Aide.BERTHA L. RISSChicago, IllinoisThe Deltho ClubPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.LATHROP E. ROBERTSTowanda, IllinoisLincoln House, Phi Beta KappaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Gymnastic Team (2)(3) (4); Honor Scholarship Junior College;Honor Scholarship Senior College.PIERRE G. ROBINSONMoenville, South DakotaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.PAUL H. ROWECasselton, North DakotaPhi Gamma Delta, Nu Sigma NuS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University of Minne­sota (1) (2) (3).MAURICE PEAR ROGERSOak Park, IllinoisBeta Theta Pi, Nu Sigma NuS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University of Wiscon­sin (1) (2).85CUI) and GOll'"&ruiUfaLILLIAN A. ROSSPort Washington, New YorkThe Wyvern .Ph. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Milwaukee-Downer(1) .RUTH M. SAGERChicago, IllinoisPi Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Y. W. C. L. SecondCabinet.RUTH SANDERSONDanville, IllinoisPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1913.HERMAN D. SCHAEFFERPolo, MissouriAlpha Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; William Jewell Col­lege (1) (2) (3).MAY E. SHAMBAUGHClinton, IowaA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholarship;Honor Scholarship (2) (3) (4); Honorable Men­tion (2); Basketball (2); Baseball (3); Hockey(4) .ELISABETH SHERERChicago, IllinoisThe EsotericPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Wellesley College(1) (2).86Cal) and Go,,�'u�l'uinr!iEARLE A. SHILTONKewanee, IllinoisSigma Alpha EpsilonPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University Head Mar­shal; Chicago-Northwestern Freshman Debate,1911; Associate Editor Alumni Magazine (2);Undergraduate Council (3); Associate Address,1913; Henry Strong Scholarship (4); ChairmanFinance Committee Washington Prom; ThreeQuarters Club; Skull and Crescent; Order ofthe Iron Mask; Owl and Serpent.HENRY C. SHULLSioux City, IowaAlpha Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Dramatic Club; Black­friars (2), Cast "Pranks of Paprika" (3); LawSchool Council; Baseball (1); Swimming (1);Three Quarters Club; Score Club.ROBERT E. SIMONDChicago, IllinoisAlpha Delta PhiPh. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914; EntranceScholarship; Blackfriars (2); Signet Club (3).RUTH M. SMARTDowners Grove, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.CARROLL M. SMITHHutchinson, KansasBeta Theta PiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.HUBERT C. SMITHRichmond, IndianaSigma NuA. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholar­ship; Universjty Orchestra (2) (3), President(2); Gymnastic Team (2) (3).87Cit.' It 11 d Go,,· 11el'ninrnJOSEPHINE E. SMITHLawson, MissouriS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.NORMAN U. SPANGLERMorrill, KansasA. B., Summer Quarter, 1913; Kansas State NormalCollege; S. B. Summer Quarter, 1913; M. A.Spring Quarter, 1914; Glee Club (4); Secretary­Treasurer Education Club (4).EMMA E. SPENCERChicago, IllinoisThe WyvernPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Wellesley College(1) (2) (3).CLAUDE W. SPROUSECompton, CaliforniaBeta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Northwestern Uni­versity (1) (2); Garrett Biblical Institute (3)(4) .ALEXANDER M. SQUAIRChicago, IllinoisSigma Alpha EpsilonPh. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914; Gymnas­tic Team (2) (3) (4); Tennis Team (2) (3)(4), Captain (4); Political Science Honor Schol­arship, 1913; University Marshal.RALPH W. STANSBURYChicago, I.llinoisSigma ChiPh. B., (C. & A.), Winter Quarter, 1914; Univer­sity Band (1); Blackfria rs (2) (3), Member ofExecutive Committee (4); Literary Editor Capand Gown (3); Chairman Board and Room Com­mittee Interscholastic (3); Signet Club; PenClub.88C It l' It It.l Go,,' Itt;tttiUfnHAZEL A. STEVENSONA tlanta, GeorgiaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Goucher College, Bal­timore.MARTIN D. STEVERSChicago, IllinoisSigma NuPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Captain FreshmanDebating Team; Sophomore Debating Team;Honor Scholarship (2) ; Physics Scholarship (3);Daily Maroon (1) (2) (3) (4), Associate Editor(2), News Editor (3), Managing Editor (4);Managing Editor 1912 Cap and Gown; Owl andSerpent.EDNA H. STOLZChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Hockey (2) (3) (4).LEON STOLZChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Daily Maroon (1) (2)(3), Reporter (1), Associate Editor (2), NewsEditor (3); Co-author "The Student Superior"(4); Pen Club.HELEN D. STREETChicago, IllinoisThe QuadranglersPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Y. W. C. L. Cabinet;Chairman Reception Committee Settlement Dance(4) .FRANKLIN H. STRYKERSouth Omaha, NebraskaPhi Kappa PsiNebraska University (1) (2) (3).89CUI' nnd Go'wn�euinr.6MARY S. STURGESElmhurst, IllinoisThe WyvernPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1914; Signet Club.LYNN E. SULLIVANChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Hockey (2) ; Baseball(3); Neighborhood Club; Literary Monthly;Contributor College Women's Supplement Chi­cago Evening Post.LILLIAN C. SW A WITEChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholarship;Honorable Mention (2); Secretary N. W. Neigh­borhood Club (2), Vice-President (3); ReporterDaily Maroon (2) (3); Baseball (2) (3);Hockey (2) (3) (4); Basketball (4).CLINTON D. SWICKARDNewman, IllinoisPhi Beta PiS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Secretary-TreasurerSophomore Medic Class; University of Illinois(1) (2) (3).M. MAUDE TAYLORRichmond, IndianaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.JAMIE TERRILLSan Angelo, TexasPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.90CUI) nlld GO\\'1l�l'uiur!iGOLDIE E. THAYERChicago, IllinoisKappa Gamma PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Lawrence College,Wisconsin; Thanksgiving Spread Committee (4).ROBERT H. THOMPSONHonolulu, HawaiiAlpha Delta Phi, Phi Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Harvard University(1) (2).SARAH E. THOMPSONNewburyport, MassachueeitsThe Sigma ClubPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Keeper of the ClassCap and Gown; Secretary Y. W. C. L. (2).ROBERT C. TINDALLChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Glee Club (3) (4).ISIDORE TUMPOWSKYChicago, IllinoisAlpha Phi SigmaS. E., Spring Quarter, 1914. Winner Public Speak­ing Contest (2).HARRIET M. TUTHILLEvanston, IllinoisThe Sigma ClubPh. E., Spring Quarter, 1914; Dramatic Club; Sec­ond Cabinet Y. W. C. L.; Basketball; UniversityAide.91CUI' U n d G 0 w II@>l'ntllrsERNST C. UNVERFERTHFreelandville, IndianaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.NENOZA UTSURIKA WANihonmatsu, Iwashiro, JapanPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Japanese Club; Cos­mopolitan Club.HENDRIK J. G. VAN ANDELNew ETa, MichiganA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Cosmopolitan Club.M. BEATRICE VAN WAGNERChicago, IllinoisPi Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.CHARLOTTE M. VIALLChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University Aide;Cabinet Y. W. C. L. (2) (3), Vice-President (4);Henry Strong Scholarship; Honor Commission(4) .BERNARD W. VINISSKYChicago, IllinoisBeta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Associate EditorDaily Maroon (2); Athletic Editor Daily Ma­roon (3); Chairman Press Committee Inter­scholastic (2) (3); Chairman Publicity Commit­tee Settlement Dance (2); Pen Club.92CRI' Rnel Go,,· ..&,utllrsCHARLES A. M. WATERHOUSEChicago, IllinoisAcaciaA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.RUTH R. WATSONChicago, IllinoisPh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914.FRANK E. WEAKLYShelbyville, IllinoisTau Kappa Epsilon, Lincoln HousePh. B., (C. & A.), Spring Quarter, 1914; IllinoisWesleyan University (1); German Club (2)(3); University Orchestra (3) (4); Univer­sity Band (2) (3) (4); Correspondin� Secre­tary Cosmopolitan Club (4); Gymnastic Team(3) (4), Captain (4).DOROTHY WElLChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Associate EditorDaily Maroon (3) (4).LYMAN L. WELDChicago, IllinoisAlpha Tau OmegaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Oberlin College (1);Augustana College (2); Cross Country Club(3); Reporter Daily Maroon (3); Law Coun­cil (4).LILLIAN A. WELLSTraverse City, MichiganPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Michigan State Nor­mal (1); Stetson University (2).93CRP Rnd Gown.1'tttnrsMIRIAM WHALINChicago, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; President of Harpsi­chord; Accompanist for Women's Musical Ac­tivities. .DOROTHY V. WHITNEYChicago, IllinoisPi Delta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; President Short StoryClub (3).LOIS WHITNEYChicago, IllinoisPhi Beta KappaS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Entrance Scholarship(1); Honor Scholarship (3) (4); Selz Scholar­ship (2).DERWENT S. WHITTLESEYRockford, IllinoisSigma Alpha EpsilonPh. B., Autumn Quarter, 1913; Beloit College (If(2); Glee Club (3); Blackfriars (3); Tiger'sHead.GERTRUDE WIGHTTrinidad, ColoradoPhi Beta DeltaPh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914.MARCIA D. WILBERChicago, IllinoisThe QuadranglersPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Kalailu (1); WellsCollege (2) (3); Class Gift Committee.Cnl' nnd Go,,'))�l'1ttnr.aLEISTER E. WILLIAMSGreensboro, AlabamaKappa AlphaS. B., Autumn Quarter, 1913; A. B., Southern Uni­versity, 1910.MARGARET F. WILLIAMSChicago, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Lewis Institute (1);University of Wisconsin (2) (3).PHOENIX E. WILLIAMSDelavan, WisconsinBeta Theta PiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Beloit College (1)(2) (3).DOROTHY WILLISTONChicago, IllinoisPi Beta PhiPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; University of Kansas(1); Associate Editor Daily Maroon (3) (4).EDNA D. WINCHChicago, IllinoisA. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Lewis Institute (2);Indiana University (3); French Club; W. A.A.; Y. W. C. L.WILLELLA WOODBRIDGEParis, IllinoisPhi Beta DeltaPh. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914.95Cup und Gown&.rntnrsVICTOR L. WOOTENOak Park, IllinoisS. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Honor Scholarship inGeology (1) (2) (3) (4).H. EUNICE WORTHENWarsaw, IllinoisI Ph,i Beta DeltaS. B., (Education), Spring Quarter, 1914; FirstCabinet Y. W. C. L. (4); Social Committee Seri­ior Class.HAROLD H. WRIGHTChicago, IllinoisPhi Gamma DeltaPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Dramatic Club; PenClub; Tiger's Head; Blackfriars (2), Costumer(3), Hospitaler (4); Manager Mandolin Club(3) (4); Three Quarters Club; Skull and Cres­cent; Order of the Iron Mask.FRIEDA B. ZEEBMaywood, IllinoisPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Baseball Squad (1);Basketball Squad (2); Hockey (4).MAY B. VON ZELLENMarquette, MichiganPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Secretary FreshmanLaw Class.WINIFRED VON ZELLENMarquette. MichiganPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1914; Northern State Nor­mal, 1910.96CUI) and GonTll�l'nior£lAddendumVIRGINIA FOLKESChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914.LILLIAN L. GROLTONSt. Louis, MissouriPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914.FERN JACKSONFond du. Lac, WisconsinPh. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.JENNIE PERLSTEINChicago, IllinoisPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Menorah;German Club.DOROTHEA WASHBURNELos Angeles, CaliforniaThe EsotericPh. B., Winter Quarter, 1915; Associate Edi­tor Literary Monthly (4); AssociateMember Dramatic Club.FRANK M. WEBSTERChicago, IllinoisLincoln House, Phi Beta KappaPh. B., Summer Quarter, 1914; Editor-in­Chief Literary Monthly.Cap and GownI·I,-ti [IIL_·�.---..;...;.___;._;.:_.. ,...... -lCap and Gown97Cap and GownJunior ClassOFFICERSA. KENT SYKESPHYLLIS FAYIRIS H. SPOHN •MERWYN M. PALMER.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEA. KENT SYKESRUTH R. ALLENJOHN C. BAKERKATHERINE BIGGINSKATHARINE COVERTFREDERICK W. CROLLPHYLLIS FAYGRACE E. HOTCHKISSGEOFFERY LEVINSONHILDA MCCLINTOCKH. LOUISE MICKNINA M. O'NEILLMERWYN PALMERTHOMAS F. RYANFRANK F. SELFRIDGEIRIS H. SPOHNJ. HUGO SWANEDWARD B. THOMASRUTH S. WILHARTZ PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurer•• Chairman98._---------_._--------_._-------------- ....Cap and GownJUNIOR CLASS HISTORY(FROM THE DAILY MAROON)CLASS VAUDEVILLE GREAT SUCCESSJuniors in Highly Creditable Affair.The Junior class held one of the most successful affairs of the year last even­ing. One hundred and fifty turned out for tlie dinner in Hutchinson commons,after which Dean Linn spoke upon "The Undergrad as Affected and Effected atOur University." The usual speeches were curtailed, however, for the perform­ance that followed in the Reynolds Club. The audience proved highly apprecia­tive and the applause they gave was merited by the excellence of the programoffered. The class .is to be congratulated upon the success of this affair, by whichit has done much to prove its claim to the title of the most wide-awake bunch onthe campus.. The program follows:A. Monologue: My Winning Way •...... SHORTY DES J ARDIENB. Songs: "The One I Love.""It Happened in Greek to Me" ••.. P!lYLLIS FAYC. Chalk Talk JUD LYMAND. Iris Spohn in a Snappy Scene with"The Man From Home."J LEFTY BAUMGARTNER{ MERWYN PALMERJ MABEL BECKER1 KENT SYKES.{MARGARET FENTONDOROTHY LLEWELLYNKATHARINE COVERT'{FUSSING-FRANK SELFRIDGERUSHING-GERTRUDE O'MEARASPEEDING-MABEL BECKERGRINDING-HASKELL RHETTI. "The Eternal Triangle" •............. RUTH ALLEN AND HER OWN COMPANYE. Sketch: "Our Own Money" .F. Song Review .G. "Trodden Women" .H. "Several Ways to Baldpate" •.....99C",p a u d Gown100Cap and Gown!i1 !II III III IIl _ --�--101102J u n i 0 r CIa ssG r 0 u pCap and Gown103!I Cap and GownSophomore ClassOFFICERSFREDERIC W. BURCKYDOROTHY E. DAVISRUTH MANIERRECARL L. WEINMAN PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerCOMMITTEESHAROLD T. MOOREJ. EDWIN COLE ExecutiveMILLARD LAWRENCERICHARD P. MATTHEWSALVIN L. HANSEN HALSEY WICKHAMJ. EARLE WHITESocialRALPH O. CORNWELL, ChairmanGEORGE P. BENSON ROWLAND H. GEORGEDAN H. BROWN MARGARET HANCOCKFRANCES L. CALLEN ALMA F. HATCHGERTRUDE CHAMBERLAINMARJORIE COONLEYWALTER D. CRAWFORDELSIE J. ERICKSONDOROTHY FARWELLJANET FLANNERADELLE FRANKELLEWIS FUlKS LYNDON H. LESCHMARIAN MORTIMERISABEL L. MACMURRAYHARRY K. O'NEILLGIFFORD W. PLUMEAGNES SHARPWILLIAM M. SHIRLEY, JR.RUTH M. SANDBERGJOSEPH F. GEARY HORACE K. TENNEY, JR.MARJORIE L. ULLMANAthleticFRANK S. WHITING, ChairmanRICHARD D. BoYD PAUL S. RUSSELLROBERT N. MCCONNELL LAURENS C. SHULLR. BRUCE MARTIN DENTON H. SPARKSAdvertisingDOROTHY H. VANDERPOEL, ChairmanMORRIS V. BROWN LENUS LUNDBERGILSE A. SPINDLERNewsRALPH W. DAVIS, ChairmanHARRY E. FISHER EDWARD RETICKERLAWRENCE J. MACGREGOR GEORGE K. SHAFFERARTHUR TENINGA104.. ..�. . Cap and GownSOPHOMORE CLASS HISTORYTHIS is the Sophomore class. As the authors begin to write therecometh the fear, alas, that the job will take all night. Not be­cause of lack of deeds, no, in very sooth, 'tis the trouble now, yousee, for us to tell the truth. The class's fame is now wide spread, itsglories march before, too much may never now be said-so mark theword "Sophomore."The president of this noble band, Fred Burcky is his name, DotDavis, too, at his right hand, deserves a share of blame. And when itcomes to Ruth Manierre, our worthy scribe is she, whenever meetingtime draws near, she writes the notes with glee. There still remains thetreasurer, Carl Weinman, have you seen him?-An empty purse, whatcould be worse?-a backward lad we deem him. In winter drear we tooka vote,-the candidates were many-but on the Council Roll they wroteM. Hancock and Kent Tenney.The athletes of this wondrous group are strong, and gain us glory.On gridiron, diamond, tank, and track, their deeds form wondrous story.Pete Russell, Spike, Dick Boyd, and Sparks, old Stout and sunny Redmon,Doc, Rollie, Red, and other sharks, we swear that they're not dead men.Last Spring our stage coach was displayed in "Early Settler" man­ner, you should have heard the roar we made when they handed us thebanner. This year our luncheons have been great, our dances have beenfine, especially that winter fete of old St. Valentine. One hundred mem­bers of the class met at a noonday meal, a record-breaking crowd, you'llnote, and very proud we feel. But let us not pass by in haste thatSophomore vaudeville, that gem of humor, wit and taste that peopletalk of still. Yes, Janet danced, and Lyndon's song is "constant" in ourmind, but funnier stuff than rural mail we're trying hard to find.Of course this story's but a part of what the class has done. Wereally didn't have the heart to tell of all we've won. So we'll not boast,and show our pride, with utter lack of tact, but before you lay this taleaside, you'll have to face one fact. The Seniors are a haughty few. TheFreshmen are-alas! The Juniors think they're something, too, but theSophomores are-some class!105Cap and Gown106·----__._.,...,.;;,....;,."""",....;.;.-----'--- ... -.-------- ..... --�---.,.-___,.---- ......._">fI' .:'.� .. --:.Cap aDd GOWD•! .!I. ....... � .... �r� ... ""'--:"�_���. .. __ • • __ ._._......_._.--·· ......... " _:_._ •• _ -----..,....---....;..:;.4..,.;;.;,...;�;.;...' ...;..;....J107Cap and GownSOPHOMORES IN THE CLASS PICTUREHOWARD F. ADAMSRALPH C. AIKENRAYMOND A. ANDERSONNELLIE O. BARRETTMARION M. BENJAMING. ,PASCHAL BENSONMARIAN L. BRELSFORDDAN H. BROWNHELEN M. BROWNELLELLA M. BURGHARDTROY A. BURTERNEST D. CAVIN, JR.GERTRUDE F. CHAMBERLAINJAMES E. COLECLARENCE C. COLLIERDOROTHY COLLINSW. JAMES COLLINSDONALD L. COLWELL, CECIL L. CONNERMARJORIE COONLEYMAX F. CORNWELLRALPH A. CORNWELLW. DONALD CRAWFORDCLARIBEL CREGODOROTHY E. DAVISR.,ALPH W. DAVISHELEN DAWLEYLOIS E. DAYCARL W. DEFEBAUGHHELEN C. DEUSSCECILIA DOERRJOHN J. DONAHOEHOWARD R. DRAKEM. LOIS DRAKEMARGARET L. DUCKERESTHER L. DUERINGERJAMES V. DWENJAMES D. DYRENFORTHDAVID C. E,LKINGTONELSIE J. ERICKSONDOROTHY FARWELLMARJORIE J. FAYALTA M. FISHERJOSEPH FISHERETHEL F. FLANAGANJANET T. FLANNERJ. LEWIS FUlKS JOSEPH F. GEARYROWLAND H. GEORGEEDNA A. GOETTLERTHOMAS A. GOODWINROBERT F. GOODYEARPHILIP S. GRAVENOLIVE ST. C. GREENSFELDERCHARLES F. GRIMESMARGARET L. HANCOCKRO�ERT H. HARPEREDWIN P. HARTWALTER H. HARTARTHUR W. HAUPTJEANETTE D. HARVEYLEO S. HAYALICE L. HERTELMARGARET HESSKATHARINE HINTONHELEN R. HUNTRAYMOND L. JEFFERYDAVID KAPLANMITCHELL LEAVITTBEATRICE E. LEEMARY G. LEISTLYNDON H. LESCH EDWARD,"J. O'CONNORHARRY -E:. O'NEILLHENRY E. ORLOVMERLIN M. PAINEDANE L. PATTERSONH. EVALYN PERCIVALELLEN T. PETERSONGIFFORD W. PLUMEMARIE T. REESEDWARD RETICKER.ETHEL F. RUSSELLVICTOR T. RUSSELLC. GAIL RYANRUTH M. SANDBERGEARL J. SANDERSON. HARWOOD P. SAUNDERS, JR.GEORGE SCHOLESFRANKLIN P. SCHUSTERSAMUEL SELIGMANGEORGE K. SHAFFERD. EDWARD SHAMBAUGHAGNES A. SHARPWILLIAM M. SHIRLEY, JR.IRVIN L· SIGLERESTHER M. SILLISADOR M. LEVIN LUCILLE SIMMONSFRANKLIN F. LONGENECKER MARY L. SMITHE. VERA LUND WILLARD B. SMITHLENUS H· LUNDBERGLAWRENCE J. MACGREGORREBA MACKINNO,NISABEL L. MACMURRAYKENNETH MACNEALRUTH MANIERRER. BRUCE MARTINRICHARD P. MATTHEWSJ. FRANK MCGRATHANNA I. MCGUIREMYROGENE MEADCHARLES MICHEL, JR.C. PHILIP MILLERHAROLD T. MOORERUDOLPH A. MORITZMARIAN MORTIMERCHARLES T. NELLANSFRANK S. NEWCOMBNOLA M. NYE CHARLES H. SOUTTERJ. RUTH SWANETHEL TAUROGWILLIAM E. TEICH GRAEBERARTHUR TENINGAH,·KENT TENNEY, JR.HELEN TIMBERLAKELEW J. VICTORRU'llH VICTORSONCLAIRE VOTAWALICE M. WAITSGRACIA M. WEBSTERROWENA WEBSTERCARL L. WEINMANWILLIAM H. WEISERBERNICE WETTSTEINEUGENIA WHEELEREUGENIE WILLISTONLAWRENCE J. WOLPERT108Sophomore Class GroupCap and Gown-- -_--_----- ------_ ---_---�-_. '_""""_'_'T' __ '�-; " __ ' - ------ -- --:".,'109._, _ .. __ .... ,. .... - .. _._ .. __ ... __ ..... _-,---- ._-_._-----_ ... _._---_-- .. _---_._-_.---_._._--_'---.__._----,Cap and GownFreshman ClassOFFICERSWILLIAM M. TEMPLETONLILLIAN E. BISSELL •MAY FLOWERGEORGE R. ANDERMAN PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerCOMMITTEESExecutiveVINTON A. BACON, ChairmanDONALD S. L. BRADFORDJOHN EDGEWORTHALBERT PICK, JR.LILLIAN E. BISSELKATHERYNE K. CHANDLERTHEO B. GRIFFITHSMARY KNOEDLERAthleticFRANCIS R. TOWNLEY, ChairmanCHARLES M. BENTRICHARD M. KUHSAM A. ROTHERMELFRANK M. STUTSMANSocialHELEN M. ADAMS, ChairmanLUCILLE RUCKELSHAUSENARTHUR GRAYEVAN O. THOMASRALPH H. HAMILTONLOUISE R. BUXBAUM110Cap and GownFRESHMAN CLASS HISTORYHon. Dear Sir:Last October first I take it upon myself to visit University ofChicago. I see about four hundred Hon. Mr. and Miss, everybodycall green fresh people. All fly round Campus and inquire ques­. tions. I hear many Hon. Miss ask, "Where Cobb's Hall?" I thinkmyself Hon. Mr. Cobb have fine place.Next I visit Kent Theater. See white-head Hon. Mr., every­body call Bill Templeton, talk to much large assemblage. He bossall fresh people. These say they want Lillian Whistle-no, Bissel,to help Hon. Bill. She pretty little girl. Then they all cry out,"We want May Flower to write." I myself puzzle much how canboat write? But at this instantaneous moment I see it Hon. Miss.She no boat. Now, come Hon. Mr: Man-Anderman. This Geo.Anderman, he take all money.Once November twenty-first I visit Reynolds Club. See largebig gathering to dance. All Hon. Mr. shake hands with all Hon.Miss. Much pretty girls and pine-apple sherbet. I ask one Hon.Miss to dance two-step. She reply by not doing so and show meautograph card. "Full" she say and go peacock-strut withHon. Mr ..These people love dance but more like eat. 1 see they give bigdinner with eatable food at noon o'clock one day in commonHutchinsons. I sorrow to think I get there in time to be late tolisten Hon. Dean Boynton make' much pretty speech.I underhear secretly arrangements for much good time in fu­ture, but I to myself shall remain faithful and not mention itto you. HASHIMURA TOGO ON "YE FRESHMAN CLASS"With Apologies to Wallace IrwinHoping you are the same,Yours truly,HASHIMURA TOGO. ., '. ""';';:;";:"""'..•![111!I,IIL _:__�__'_____;_-------'--------.112Cap and Gown113Cap and GownFRESHMEN IN THE CLASS PICTUREHELEN M. ADAMSLILLIE ADESJOHN G. AGARBENJAMIN R. ALLENGEORGE R. ANDERMANRUDOLPH J. ANSCHICKSCARL W. APFELBACHARTHUR G. ASHERPERCY D. ASHFORDVINTON A. BACONMARTHA F. BARKERJULIETTE C. BARTHOLOMEWMARY T. BATEDONALD P. BEANHARRY M. BEARDSLEYROSE M. BENDERCHARLES M. BENTLILLIAN E. BISSELLCHARLES H. BORDENEDWARD J. BOYD ELLDON ALD S. BRADFORDJAMES BREDINFRANCIS L. BRINKMANFRANCIS J. BROOM ELLELIZABETH L. BRUNIGHENRY V. BURGEEGUINEVERE E. BURNSJOSEPH P. CAROLANREUBEN J. CHADBOURNEWILL L. CHALFONTFRANKLYN K. CHANDLERTAY U. CHUNGARTHUR I. CLAMITZDUNLAP C. CLARKRUTH A. CLARKHARRY S. COHENJOE L. COHENLEO J. COHENSEYMOUR J. COHENCHARLES B. CORYCARL V. CROPPJOHN J. CURTISARNOLD DAANEWILLIAM D. DALGETTYPHILIP R. DAVISLOVELL DAWSONROGER DERINGOLGA R. DEVRIESWENDELL E. DIXONDEWITTE S • .DOBSONPAUL E. DONKERJAY H. DOUDR. PERRY DRYDENFRANCIS W. DUNNJOHN EDGEWORTHE. DAVIS EDWARDSARTHUR V. T. EMMETTARTHUR W. FISCHERD. JEROME FISHERMAY FLOWERGERALD J. FLYNNHUGH B. FoxJOHN F. FRYRICHARD C. GAMBLE BYRON M. GENDREAUPHILLIPS GODDARDLEROY GOLDSTONEETHAN A. GRAVESARTHUR GRAYBENJAMIN F. GUMBINERVAUGHAN C. GUNNELLRALPH H. HAMILTONARTHUR O. HANISCHNORMAN W. HARRISNORMAN' G. HARTARTHUR W. HAYFORDJACOB H. HENNESCLAUDINE T. HIRSCHFLOYD L. HOGANDONALD V. HopsEUGENE E. HORTONHAROLD P. HULSJOHN M. HUMPHREYSWILLIAM A. HUNTERDONALD J. HUTCHINSONJEANNETTE JACOBSMYRON M. JACOBSRICHARD H. JESCHKEBERNICE KLAUSNERRoy W. KNIPSCHILDMARY KNOEDLERFREDERICK R. KUHRICHARD M. KUHPAUL J. KVALEMASON W. L. LAWRENCEMILDRED D. LENDEREUGENE M. LENNONPAULINE A. LEVIJOSEPH LEVINMOSES B. LEVINSTELLA LEVINKINDALBERT LINDAUERROBERT F. LOEBMILO R. LUNAKELIZABETH MACCLINTOCKHENRY J. MACFARLANDWILLIAM H. MAcMILLANJOY D. MARTINCHARLES F. MAYERJOHN W. MCCLAINADRIAN R. McFARLANDNELLE G. McLARENNORMAN G. McLEODSAMUEL J. MEYEREDWIN B. MICHAELMAX B. MILLERMARGARET V. MONROEFRANK T. MORANSTELLA M. MOTIEREUGENE F. NAYLOREARL H. NEVILLEBERNARD E. NEWMANEDWARD L. NEWMANDONALD E. NICHOLSCHARLES L. NOBLEALEX F. NORTHEDWARD 1. OGUSHERBERT C. OTISBERNARD R. PAINKINSKY WILLIAM F. PAPE, JR.CHARLES G. PARKERBUELL A. PATTERSONHARRY W. PENHALLOWHORTENSE L. PETERSENMYRTLE A. PETERSENARTHUR H. PETERSONALBERT PICK, JR.CHARLES H. PIERSO·NDWIGHT R. POWERSFRANZ PUTERBAUGHJESSIE M. REEVEJEANETTE B. REGENTFREDERICK L.- RIDGWAYJOSEPHIN£ H. ROGERSHARVEY M. ROSENBERGETHLYN ROSENBERGERSAM A. ROTHERMELJEREMIAH L. RYANMARGARET SAMMISJACPB SAP.ERSTEIN.FRANK Z. SCHLABACHCHAUNCEY H. SCOTTCELIA SEGERMANIRENE R. SEIFERLYLE M. SELLERSROSE SIEGELJACOB W. SIETSEMATAUBE SILVERBERGTHELMA V. SILVERBURGJOHN SLIFERWILLIAM E. SMITHTHEODORE A. STAMASWALTER C. STEINWEGHARRY C. STINELAURA L. STOLLCEDRIC B. STROHMFRANK M. STUTESMAN, JR.HARRY R. SWANSONWILLIAM M. TEMPLETONHARRY A. TETEREv.u" q",T!;IOMASJOSEPH A.' TIEFENT,UALFRANCIS R. TOWNLEYEUGENE F. TRAUTHAROLD N. TUFVESSONGEORGE'R. VINERCHARLES E. VIRDENHERBERT J. WACHTERHOWARD WAKEFIELDLORAN A. WASSONFLOYD B. WEAKLYJAMES WEBBABRAHAM J. WEINBERGHARRY N. WEINBERGGERALD E. WELSHFRANK C. WHEELERLOVELL E. WHITMOREANDREW E. WIGELANDWILLIAM E. WILEYROBERT L. WILLETTEUGENE F. WILLIAMSSTEWART G. WOODWARDHENRY J. ZAROBSKY114Freshman Class GroupCap and GownI!_,---------�.-- ------- .. ------.--------- .. -.---- ... ---.�---.----__.115Cal'- and GownShilto» Reictimann Coulter Norgren Peat tie Cohen Sou air Greene Lunde Mattlietus DickersonTHE UNIVERSITY MARSHALSEARLE ASTOR SHILTON . Head MarshalBENJAMIN VICTOR COHENMERLE CROWE COULTERWILLARD PETTINGILL DICKERSONJOHN ASHBELL GREENEERLING HJORTHOG LUNDEWILLIAM HEREFORD LYMAN RUDY ,DOLE MATTHEWSNELSON HENRY NORGRENRODERICK PEATTIEERNEST ROBERT REICHMANNALEXANDER MACQUEEN SQUAIRFORMER HEAD MARSHALSJOSEPH EDWARD RAYCROFTWILLIAM SCOTT BONDNOTT WILLIAM FLINTWILLOUGHBY GEORGE WALLINGWALTER J. SCHMAHLLEROY TUDOR VERNONWALTER LAWRENCE HUDSONJAMES MILTON SHELDON LEE WILDER MAXWELLJOHN FRYER MOULDSALVIN FREDERICK KRAMERWINSTON PATRICK HENRYCYRUS LEROY BALDRIDGEROBERT WITT BAIRDCHESTER SHARON BELL116r-IIi Cap and GownHough Fyffe TuthillRhodes PollakViall BeallFisher RiggsTHE UNIVERSITY AIDESCORNELIA MORGAI\� BEALLARLINE HENRIETTA BROWNSUSANNE FISHERMARY LETITIA FYFFERUTH HOUGH HELENE POLLAKMARGARET GLADYS RIGGSMARGARET RHODESHARRIET MCKEY TUTHILLCHARLOTTE MELINA VIALLL117Cap and GownEstablished May 8, 1903.FOR EVIDENCE OF ABILITY IN RESEARCH WORK IN SCIENCEHANNAH C. AASEAARON ARKINFRANK K. BARTLETTWILL L. BROWNGEORGE S. BRYANCLYDE COLEMANHERMANN DEUTSCHWILLIAM L. EIKENBERRYELLSWORTH E. FARISARTHUR E. F ATHCURVIN H. GINGRICHWILLIAM H. HAASARTHUR W. MARTINADELBERT M. MOODYGEORGE T. CALDWELLRICHARD A. CONKLINKARL K. DARROWWILBY T. GOOCHJAMES H. HANCE EIGHTY· SIXTH CONVOCATION. March 18, 1913.OSCAR F. HEDENBURGFRANK A. HERALDLIBBIE H. HYMANEDWARb S. JONESWILLIAM H. KUHEDWIN D. LEMANRALPH G. MILLSWILSON L. MISERJOHN W. MACARTHURMARTHA MACDONALDLULU M. NEWLONHAROLD W. NICHOLSEIGHTY·SEVENTH CONVOCATIONJune 10, 1913. ROBERTS B. OWENHARRY M. PAINEEMERSON M. PARKSBENJAMIN F. PITTENGERJOSEPH J. RUNNEREVA O. SCHLEYIDA M. SCHOTTENFELSHOPE SHERMANEUGENE A. STEPHENSONMORRIS M. WELLSSTANLEY D. WILSONALMON E. PARKINSDEAN H. ROSEEIGHTY·EIGHTH CONVOCATIONAugust 26, 1913.NO ELECTION.EIGHTY·NINTH CONVOCATIONDecember 20, 1913.OLIVE C. HAZLETTLEWIS V. HEILBRUNNJOHN M. HERALDANDREW H. HUTCHINSONJULIAN H. LEWIS LEONARD B. LOEBWILMER H. SOUDERBERT A. STAGNERHELEN .TREDWAYMARY E. WELLS118Cap and GownKappaEstablished July 1, 1899.FOR ESPECIAL DISTINCTION IN GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP IN THE UNIVERSITYEIGHTY-SIXTH CONVOCATIONMarch 17, 1913.EDITH PUTN AM PARKER ARDIS ETHELYN THOMASEIGHTY-SEVENTH CONVOCATIONJune 6, 1913.MAY VICTORIA ELIZABETH BLODGETT WILHELMINA PRIDDYLOUISE CHERRY ROBBLATHROP EMERSON ROBERTSHARRY OFSHI ROSENBERGMILDRED LEONORA SANDERSONBARBARA STOCKSADIE VICTORIA BONNEMBENJAMIN VICTOR COHENJOHN FORSYTH CRAWFORDFLORENCE ISABELLE FOLEYMARTHA FLORENCE GREENROGER MILLER JONESLULA LAUBACHISADORE LEVINMARGUERITE RUTH MILLERANN ELIZABETH MOFFETINA MAUDE PEREGO REGINA JULIA STR.A:USOLIVE JACKMAN THOMASADELA COOLEY VANHoRNELSA WERTHEIMADELE WHITNEYLOIS WHITNEYJ. HARLAN BRETZCLEO HEARON EIGHTY-EIGHTH CONVOCATIONAugust 26, 1913.ELFRIEDA VICTORIA MERICALOREN C. PETRYMERLE C. COULTERGEORGE D. FULLERDOROTHY GREYFAITH R. LILLY EIGHTY-NINTH CONVOCATIONDecember 20, 1914.ABRAHAM R. MILLERCHARLES O. PARKERRENE DE POYENADDA BUTTS WEBER119 ; :IIIIL Cap and Gown"... - - .... _-------------_.THE ORDER OF THE COIF I'1IFOR HIGH DISTINCTION IN THE PROFESSIONAL WORK OF THE LAW SCHOOLTHE EIGHTY-THIRD CONVOCATIONJune 11, 1912.JEROME NEW FRANKDAVID LEVINSONMCKEEN FITCH MORROWPAUL MOSERWALTER LYNDON POPETHE EIGHTY-SEVENTH CONVOCATIONJune 10, 1913.JULIUS LOUIS EBERLEEARL QUINCY GRAYPAUL VINCENT HARPERSILAS ADELBERT HARRISJACOB ALLEN WALKER120 �JCap and GownSCHOLARSHIPSJunior HonorISRAEL A. BARNETTLUCILE 1. BATESFREDERICK L. BAUMANNROSALIE J. BONEMMERLE C. COULTERALEXANDER S. GEORGHIONIRMA H. CROSSBENJAMIN H. HAGERMILTON D. HANKESHIRLEY M. KEYESFLORENCE G. KNIGHTZENA G. KROGERLELAND W. PARRLATHROP E. ROBERTSTHOMAS F. RYANALEXANDER H. SCHULTZMARGUERITE SEELYCOWAN D. STEPHENSONAUGUSTUS K. SYKESLEAH B. TOWNSENDIRENE TUFTSLOIS WHITNEYFlorence James AdamsBERYL V. GILBERTEnos M. BartonSALLIE S. RUSTChicagoFRANK M. WEBSTERCharles L. ColbyHAROLD B. FRANKLINHARRIET W. JONESJAMES S. ORRSAMUEL W. WELLSJohn CrerarJOHN G. BURTTWILLIAM E. GOODMANZwinglius GroverJEANNETTE D. HARVEYWalter D. LoewyNATHAN FINEHenry C. LyttonEDNA H. KRONMarie J. MerglerANNA E. MOFFETG. A. PillsburyOWEN D. FLEENERl __�-_� __ . , _Graduate ScholarsJESSIE BEERLORETTA BRADYANNE G. CANNELLRALPH W. CHANEYGERTRUDE EMERSONJEAN N. W. GIBSONEMADA A. GRISWOLDFRANK C. HECHTNELLIE C. HENRYLEONARD B. LOEBMAYME 1. LOGSDONALMON E. E. PARKINSCAROLA S. RUSTSAMUEL D. SCHWARTZKARRA S. STEVENSFRANCES L. SWAINJOSEPH A. WOOLFSenior College ScholarsHOLLY R. BENNETTJOHN B. CANNINGREGINALD S. CASTLEMANMABEL A. DE LA MATERFLORENCE 1. FOLEYHARRY L. HUBEREDWIN D. HULLESTHER Z. JENKSWILLIAM H. KURZINLULA LAUBACHISADORE LEVINROBERT V. MERRILLELFRIEDA V. NERICAALEXANDER M. SQUAIRSenior HonorHOLLY R. BENNETTSADIE V. BONNENPHYLLIS GREEN ACREFAITH R. LILLYABRAHAM R. MILLERKENNETH P. MONROEEDITH P • PARKERINA M. PEREGOLOUISE C. ROBBEFFIE M. SHAMBAUGHARDIS E. THOMASOLIVE J. THOMASADELA C. VAN HORN121 Joseph ReynoldsTHADDEUS E. ALLENTHEODORE W. ANDERSONCHESTER S. BELLNATHAN L. BLITZSTENELMER L. BUNTIN'GBENJAMIN V. COHENWILLIAM E. DAVISLESTER R. DRAGSTEDTWILLIAM L. HARTHIRSCH HOOTKINSCHARLES O. PARKERCHARLES C. STEWARTJacob RosenbergVICTOR L. WOOTENJulius RosenwaldGEORGE J. KASAlScammonLOUISE C. ROBBLillian Gertrude SelzPHYLLIS FAYElbert H. ShirkSADIE E. HATOWSKYHarold H. SwiftTHOMAS A. GOODWINEDWARD RETICKERHenry StrongDONALD L. BREEDLERoy CAMPBELLMARTHA F. GREEN'ROBERT R. PRESNELLWILLIAM M. SHIRLEY, JR.Fannie C. TalbottANNA H. BLAKEKATHERINE FLOWERSLOUISE HESSLERWilliam A. TalcottETHEL M. R. HARRINGTONMILDRED J. ROBERTSBERTHA TORCHIANIMARY E. WELLSTiltonPERCIVAL BAILEYKatherine M. WhiteMAY V. E. BLODGETTMARGUERITE R. MILLEREDITH P • PARKERCUI) Hutl Go,,'UFELLO\tVSHIPS1913 -1914HAROLD S. ADAMS WALTER L. GAINES CLARENCE E. PAUMENTERHAROLD L. ALDEN BEULAH M. GARRARD MADISON L. PERKINSTHOMAS G. ALLEN WYMAN R. GREEN NELLIE PERKINSEUGENE C. DE ANDRASSY JOHN F. HALLWACHS FREDERICK B. PLUMMEROTHO C. AULT CLARENCE H. HAMILTON ETHEL PRESTONEDWARD D. BAKER STANLEY B. HARKNESS JOHN O. PYLEWILLIAM D. BASKETT EDWARD M. HARVEY TERENCE T. QUIRKEBERTHA E. BOOTH OLIVE C. HAZLETT GEORGE B. RIGGALBERT G. BOWER FRANK A. HERALD MARTIN B. RUNDLOUIS I. BREDVOLD JOHN M. HERALD EVA O. SCHLEYARTHUR C. BOYCE JOHN H. HICK EDWIN C. SCHMITTHELEN BOYCE LOUIS A. HOPKINS WILLIAM A. SCHMITTFRANCIS L. BURNET HOMER HOYT ERICH W. SCHROETTERHARRY BRETZ ANDREW H� HUTCHINSON JAMES K. SENIORVICTOR W. BRUDER LIBBIE H. HYMAN HERMAN H. SEVERNGEORGE S. BRYAN CLARENCE D. JOHNS ETTA SHEILDHORACE M. BUCKLEY UKICHI KAWAGUCHI JOHN C. SIBLEYRALPH W. CHANEY WILLIAM H. KEEBLE FRED SMITHCHARLES C. COLBY BENJAMIN W. KING WILMER H. SOUDERCLYDE COLEMAN ETHEL M. KITCH CAROLINE L. SPARROWPAUL E. COLEMAN HARRY D. KITSON HELEN F. STEPHENSONHORACE G. COLPITTS MANUEL L. LARKIN FLORENCE L. SWAINRICHARD A. CONKLING CHARLES H. LAW OSCAR A. TINGELSTADCLINTON C. CONRAD ROBERT H. LEAVELL HELEN TREDWAYRAYMOND H. COON MORRIS M. LEIGHTON FRANCIS J. TSCHANLYMAN A. COPPS JULIAN H. LEWIS STEPHEN S. VISHERKARL K. DARROW SUSAN M. LOUGH MARY E. WELLSRICHARD G. DICK WILLIAM V. LOVETT MORRIS M. WELLSHERMAN DOUTHITT JOHN W. MACARTHUR WAYLAND D. WILCOXGERTRUDE EMERSON ARTHUR W. MARTIN FORBES B. WILEYEARLE E. EUBANK CARL D. MILLER J AMES WILKINSELDON C. EVANS FRIEDA S. MILLER STERLING P. WILLIAMSELLSWORTH FARIS HAROLD H. NELSON STANLEY D. WILSONROYAL H. FISHER MARGARET B. O'CONNER HARRY N. WYLEEROY W. FOLEY HARRY M. PAINE CHESTER H. YEATONMEYER G. GABA ALMON E. PARKINS122---------------__'_oCap and GownOr�anlzatl0n�r�·< .• a� 000 (10,,'" 00:0e II' 0 /�There was an Old Womanwho lIVed tn a Shoe-123-----------------------------�REYNOLDS CLUB 1913,.1914OFFICERSROBERT WILLIAM MILLERTreasurer M,LTON MCCLELLAND MORSEVice-PresidentGEORGE DONEY PARKINSONPresident HORACE CHARLES F,TZPATR,CKVice-PresidentSAMUEL WEBSTER WELL�Secretary COWAN DOUGLAS STEPHENSONLibrarian124II1!l".._ __ � � __ , :____ .....1LIBRARY COMMITTEECOWAN DOUGLAS STEPHENSON FREDERICK WARVILLE CROLL EARLE ASTOR SHILTONHIRAM LANGDON KENNICOTT PERCY HOLMES BOYNTONChairman Facult y Representative125_c " .... _._. � �.�� __ � __ . .:...Cap and GownREYNOLDS CLUB. !1261'--"--'-'-"--- .---- .. -.--.--.- .... -�-.--.-�---- ------_. . __ ._-- ----.�------I Cap and Gown!I REYNOLDS CLUB127r��'--"-'·'--�'·"" "'-'.--'�'---'--'�--�--'--"-'-----'-------'---------'-..-i.,II Cap and G'ownFACULTY REPRESENTATIVESDAVID ALLAN ROBERTSON ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKANThe Reynolds ClubThe Reynolds Club has been under the guidance of the following ExecutiveCouncil for the last year:GEORGE DONEY PARKINSON . PresidentHORACE CHARLES FITZPATRICKSAMUEL WEBSTER WELLS Vice-PresidentSecretaryROBERT WILLIAM MILLER TreasurerCOWAN DOUGLAS STEPHENSON. LibrarianWith the opening of the present school year the Reynolds Club commencedupon the eleventh year of its history with a membership of 625 active membersand 210 associate members. The initial membership was ,356 active members and150 associates. One has but to note this steady increase in membership, until itincludes at present prac.tically the entire undergraduate body of men, to realizethat the Club is accomplishing the great put-pose for which it was erected., Quoting from an add�ess made, by ,prof�ssor George E. Vincent at' the, December, Con�ocati�ri, '1903, at which tiitie; the buildings of the Tower Groupwere formally dedicated; the 'il1�tposes of the'C)liib-were outlined as follows: ',,"The ReyniJlds Club ",ill serve three m�in purposes in the-fife of Uni-versity men : It WiILexalt, the-culture o(coinradeship; it will be ;:it once sym­bol and means of, association. Education' is personal growth, not manufac­ture; and as growth it demands, the give-and-take of social intercourse, thedevelopment of'insi$,:ht and sympathy. The Reynolds Club is not to be re­gardedias a recreative annex, but as an essential part of the Universityequipment. ,, '"Again, this building will represent the common life of University men.It will stand for catholicity,. not for social sectarianism; it will transcendand unify small groups; it will mean a large loyalty. For loyalty grows inwidening circles; limit it to fa�ily, friends, a faction, and it will dwarfand warp judgment and ,feeling; let it enter wider fields, and it will expandinto co-operate enthusiasm, civic devotion, patriotism. A great universitymust in its own life typify the finer, more generous virtues of broad toler­ance, wide sympathy, and fidelity to common end's.128In many ways the past year has been one of themost successful years since the opening of the Club.The following are some of the things done which havemarked it as a year of progress.In the first six months the receipts from the cigars and confectionery de­partment have increased from $150 per month to $400 per month. This increasein business necessitated the installation of a new system of keeping accounts.As a result all purchasing of supplies of all sorts is done through the office of theUniversity Purchasing Agent. A complete daily inventory of stock is now takenand each day's cash is checked against a cash register record.At an expense of $200 a system of indirect lighting has replaced the inade­quate plant which was formerly in use in the reading room. At a cost of $125eight oak wardrobes have been built in the billiard room. A new drinking watersystem has been installed with fountains in basement and on the second floor.This system supplies the Club with ice water, whereas heretofore the water camefrom an inadequately iced tank at the west end of the Men's Commons after run-ning through a conduit along with hot water pipes. _A seal has been adopted which is used on all dance programs; social station­ery, and book plates. The design of the seal was taken from a carving. in theNorth wall of the Club building. The following motto, which is the compositionof Dean Boynton, will be carved in the shield in the stone wall r "FILII EJUS­DEM ALMAE MATRIS" (sons of the same beloved mother).Miss Mary Wood Hinman and her assistant, Miss. Mary Louise Abernathy,have co-operated with the officers of the Club in the management and chaperon­age of Club dances, and as a result the standard and tone of Reynolds Clubdances have been materially elevated. This year's formal was held in HutchinsonHall and was pronounced by all as the best formal the Club has ever given. Thequestion of how to relieve the congestion of the dances has been a great problem.which has been partly solved by dancing on three floors. For the past threedances, including the formal, there have been more than two hundred couplespresent. To meet this difficulty the University has finally consented to the useby the Club of HutchinsonHall for all regular ReynoldsClub dances, the only expenseto the Club being the actualcost to the University oflighting the building.Perhaps the most import­ant thing that has been ac­complished during the pastyear is the installation of alibrary. The lack of a libraryhas been a crying need eversince the opening of theClub. The first step towardsgetting a library was madewith the appointment, lastSpring, of a Library Com­mittee consisting of Hiram L.'Kennicott, Chairman, Freder­ick W. Croll, Earl A. Shilton,Cowan D. Stephenson, and Cap and Gown"Moreover, the Reynolds Club will gather at itsfireside in general friendship both students and alumni.The graduate will renew the joys of other years andpass on a rich tradition; the student will have a fore­taste of life in the larger world; but both will be drawnmore closely to their Alma Mater. The University isfortunate in being able to set aside a rallying place forthe men who have left her quadrangles. It will meanmuch in years to come to have them frequent her hallsin increasing numbers."129Cap and GownDean Percy Holmes Boynton as faculty representative. This committee wasgiven full power to install a library, this meaning that they were to workout a feasible scheme for raising funds and also for operating the library.They were also given power to choose the books for this library. As aresult of their work the Reynolds Club now possesses the best, most up-to-date,College Club library in the country. The Library Committee has been made apermanent institution and will be appointed by the Executive Council at thebeginning of the Winter Quarter each year, to act for one year. The membersof the committee for the coming year are Hiram L. Kennicott, Chairman, DeanPercy Holmes Boynton, Faculty Representative, Frederick W. Croll, Donald D.Delany (Librarian of the Club), A. Kent Sykes, Sam Kaplan, and James V. Nash.The new library is located in the south room on the second floor of the ClubHouse.Among other improvements which have been made in the Club during thepast year are: a new toilet and lavatory for pin boys in the bowling alleys ata cost of $200; overhauling of billiard room, including new ivory and cues, $600;a U. S. mail box from which four daily collections are made; a bootblack-in bar­ber shop whose receipts approximate $20 a week; the barber shop and lobby havebeen re-decorated in white enamel; an adding machine has been purchased;., allof the windows on the first and second floors of the Club have been screened.The Reynolds Club seal has been worked into a handsome gold watch charm,which will be worn by all former and future Reynolds Club officers. Twenty-fourofficers have already purchased the charm.The number of dances each quarter has been changed from two to four.Fuiks' orchestra of eight pieces has furnished the music. There have been fewersmokers than formerly, but with the snappy, well-rendered programs, the ten­cent cigars and the eats in the Commons Cafe, they have been a great success.The reception given by the Club for President and Mrs. Judson on Februarysixth was pronounced the most successful President's reception ever held at theUniversity. The entire Tower Group of buildings was used. After the receptionTomaso's orchestra played for dancing in Hutchinson. Fifteen hundred peopleattended the reception., The platforms on which the outgoing officers stood at the election last Springhave been carried out in detail, and many other progressive and constructivethings not mentioned in the platform, have been accomplished.At the annual meeting March 6, 1914, the following officers were elected:SAMUEL WEBSTER WELL.3FRANK FORD SELFRIDGE •RICHARD PERRY MATTHEWSHARRY STEWART GORGAS -,DONALD DANIEL DELANY PresidentVice-PreHidentSecretaryTreasurerLibrarianIL __ , �130Cap and Go�nThe Honor CommissionTHE history of what is now the Honor Commission of the University ofChicago began three years ago when the women of the University organizedan Honor Association. The work of this association was purely educational-it tried by articles in The Maroon, talks at Chapel, honor slips at examinations,and letters to Freshmen, to stir up a strong feeling against dishonesty throughoutthe student body. It was only partially successful, A year ago the women'sexecutive committee joined with the men, who had been working, unorganized, forthe honor idea, and a joint committee was formed. This Committee extended thework of the old Honor Association, carrying it on along broader lines.The Committee felt last Fall that the little it was able to do with its limitedpowers was quite inadequate to meet the situation. Dishonesty was prevalent inspite of all the Committee had been able to do to crystallize sentiment against it.It decided to put the question of reorganization before the student body. Justbefore the Autumn quarter examinations, talks were given in all the classes, anda vote taken as to whether or not a temporary Honor Commission should be estab­lished. As a result of this vote, a commission was appointed, to hold office untilthe Undergraduate Council elections in February. As the Commission was notapproved by the Faculty until nearly time for the referendums, and as no casesof dishonesty in the Autumn quarter examinations were reported, the temporaryCommission exercised no judicial functions.At the Council elections in February the Honor Commission was made a per­manent organization at the University of Chicago. - It is composed of ten under­graduates-five men and five women, and has regular weekly meetings. It hasthe power of hearing cases and recommending punishments, formerly possessed bythe Board of Deans. Both the Faculty and students report cases for its decision.Although. the Commission possesses full judicial authority and has alreadyacted on cases, its aim is educational rather than wholly judicial. It is workingto bring about a clearer understanding by instructors and students as to whatconstitutes dishonesty, and to secure greater uniformity in the conduct of exam­inations. It hopes eventually to create a sentiment against cheating which shallrender dishonesty impossible at the University of Chicago.The personnel of the Honor Commission is:SeniorsM. LETITIA FYFFEHARVEY L. HARRIS w. LANE REHMCHARLOTTE M. VIALLJuniorsJOHN C. BAKER RAYMOND A. BOHNENIRENE TUFTSSophomoresLAWRENCE J. MACGREGOR RUTH MANIERREFreshmenMARGARET L. MACDoNALD-_._-_. ----------_._-_.131Cap and GownThe Undergraduate CouncilTHE influence of the Undergraduate Council has been felt more than everamong the students this year, because of its increased energy and enlargedfield of action. That the routine duties were successfully handled is shownby the interest taken in the Settlement Dance, Washington Prom, Women's Fac­ulty Dinner, and the class and Council elections. The function of appointing theHonor Commission candidates was also entrusted to the Council during the pastWinter quarter. But the best feature of the Council work for 1914 lay in newfields. A committee to investigate all undergraduate organizations with the viewof increasing their efficiency, has worked long and hard, and feels happy in itsresults. A University Song Book was published, and widely distributed on thecampus. The Point System was revised, adjusted to campus needs, and installedin the Bureau of Records.The personnel of the Council is:SeniorsRUTH HOUGHERLING H. LUNDE RODERICK PEATTIERUDY D. MATTHEWSJuniorsRUTH R. ALLENTHOMAS F. RYAN COWAN D. STEPHENSONA. KENT SYKESSophomoresFRED W. BURCKY H. KENT TENNEYMARGARET L. HANCOCKFreshmenRICHARD M. KUH WILLIAM M. TEMPLETONMARGARET V. MONROEL - ------�-� _ __'_..___.____o__ __132Cap and GownThe Undergraduate CouncilTempleton Peattie, Kuh, Ryan, Stephenson, Sykes, Matthems, Allen, Tenney, I'Monroe, Hancock, Hough, Burcky, Lunde. I133Cap and GownYoung Men's Christian AssociationTHE Young Men's Christian Association is a unified organization of menfrom all sections and schools of the University. Out of the members ineach undergraduate class and each school, such �s Law and Medicine,commissions are appointed. The Association promotes a unified and constructivevoluntary work for the moral and religious life of all University men, under­graduate, graduate, medic, law students and theologue. The work is based onthe latest findings in religious education and is practical and positive. The actualmoral and religious problems of student life. are asce�tained by inductive methodsby groups of students in each section of the University.Concerted and unified plans are then evolved to 'meet and overcome destruct­ive tendencies by pointing out in the constructive way, the highest ideals andmethods of attaining them. This is a constructive and positive scheme of volun­tary moral and religious education really adapted to meet the needs and problemsof all University men. A cordial invitation is extended to all men in the Univer­sity to participate in this work.COUNCILSADMINISTRATIvE-Jo):m M. Coulter, Chairman; Ernest D. Burton, Charles W.Gilkey, Charles T. B. Goodspeed, Leon C. Marshall, Fred Merrifield, L. WilburMesser, John F. Moulds, David A. Robertson, A. Alonzo Stagg.STUDENT EXECUTIVE-William H. Lyman, Chairman; Jay B. Allen, BenjaminF. Bills, Ralph H. Hamilton, Victor Hanson, Harry L. Huber, J. Craig Redmon,Sam W. Wells.COMMISSIONSLAW-Benjamin ·F. Bills, Chairman; William P. Butler, Stephen R. Curtis,Raymond J. Daly, Charles W. Dieterich, Walter W. Hammond, Carl L. Hanna,Sam Marsh, John G. McDonald, Harry O. Rosenberg, Earle A. Shilton, Lewis M.Simes.MEDICAL-Harry L. Huber, Chairman; .Percival Bailey, Joseph O. Balcar,Edward H. Brunemeier, Chester H. Elliot, Oscar J. Elsesser, Charles P. Engel,Arnt Lovaas, Will F. Lyon, Charles O. Molander, William F. Moncreiff, Jr., JohnH. Nichols.DIVINITy-Victor Hanson, Chairman; Sherman H. Conrad, Charles Curtis,Ralph R. Henderson, James Hess, Adrian A. Holtz, Norman Oliver, Ralph Oster­., gren, Marquis E. Shattuck, Walter Solandt.GRADUATE SCHooL�Jay B. Allen, Chairman; Ralph W. Chaney, Secretary;Herman C. Beyle, Harold G. Blue, George T. Caldwell, Ford S. Clarke, Paul E.Coleman, .William P. Davidson, Kenneth B. Hunter, Leonard B. Loeb, FrederickB. Plummer.SENIOR-William Hv-Lyman, Chairman; Reginald S. Castleman, Willard P.Dickerson, Howard Ellis, Erling H. Lunde, Oakley K. Morton, John B. Perlee,Robert E. Simond, Harold H. Wright.JUNIOR-Sam W. Wells, Chairman; Frederick M. Byerly, Paul Des Jardien,Carl V. Fisher, Orville D. Miller, Merwyn Palmer. 'SOPHOMORE-J. Craig Redmon, Chairman; George P. Benson, Norman C.Croft, Robert E. Hatcher, Lawrence J. MacGregor, Edward Reticker, George K.Shaffer, Laurens C. Shull, James W. Tufts, Frank S. Whiting.FRESHMAN-Ralph H. Hamilton, Chairman; George R. Anderman, Virgil D.Angerman, Donald P. Bean, Donald S. Bradford, James Bredin, Wendell E. Dixon,Max B. Miller, Harry R. Swanson, William M. Templeton.134Cap and Gown135The Young Women's Christian LeagueMARGARET RHODES. . PresidentCHARLOTTE M. VIALL . Vice-President HELEN D. STREETIRENE TUFTS . . Secretary. TreasurerCOMMITTEE CHAIRMENJI. EUNICE WORTHEN, School of EducationCARYL Conv.cMembershlp K. FRANCES SCOTT, GraduateRUTH R. ALEEN, Missionary LOUISE AVERY, ConferenceA. LEONE HEl\f'rNGWAY, Social HELEN BECKLEY, FinanceARLINE H. BROWN, Bible Study AGNES A. SJlARP, PublicitySUSANNE FISHER, Social Service H. LOUISE.,MI9K, Religious MeetingsSARAH E. THOl\fPSON, Upper Class CounsellorANNA McLAUGHLIN, Student Volunteer Band RepresentativeTHE year of 1913-14 has been successful and enterprising with the YoungWomen's Christian League. The new cabinet stepped into office at thebeginning of the Spring Quarter after an initiation at the Hinkins farm,Indiana. Besides memories of jolly good times at this house party are those evenmore lasting, of frank discussions of the problems which during the year hadconfronted the League. Plans were made to be carried out later in the year. Themonth of May brought the "Quadrangle Fete" where the classes vied witheach other for the largest results to add to the Geneva Fund. The experimentwas tried of repeating the Fete one week later. Next came the usual Genevarally art the Geneva Dinner, two hundred attending. Women who had been atGeneva gave speeches, songs and stories, which made all there wish they couldgain the Geneva spirit. This Summer conference lasted ten days at the end ofAugust and the Chicago delegation numbered fifty, which was larger than thatfrom any other college. This good time was saddened only by the "good-bye" saidto Miss Margery Melcher, our student secretary of 1912-13, whom the Leaguesupports in Calcutta, India, where we know she will be of even greater servicethan she was with us. Miss Geraldine Brown; alumna of the University of Chi-cago, is now our secretary. .The Fall Quarter opened with the Upper Class Counsellors Movement, oneyear old. Every incoming Freshman woman again had a big sister to take awayher feeling of strangeness and to help her register. Informal teas were held inthe League Room during that first week to acquaint them with other girls. Lateran Upper Class Counsellor tea was given in Foster Hall. The Freshman Frolichas now grown to such huge proportions that for the first time it was presentedin Mandel Hall. Six-hundred women attended the Freshman Frolic dinner before,and one-thousand were present at the play written by Miss Janet Flannel'. Inconjunction with the Young Men's Christian Association a series of helpful andinteresting lectures were given in Mandel Hall by Doctor Charles R. Henderson on"The Social and Philanthropic Agencies and Problems of Chicago." Thanksgivingboxes to the number of two-hundred and seventy-five, more attractive and com­plete than ever before, were filled for the Home for the Incurables. In the latterpart of Christmas vacation came the Kansas City Student Volunteer Conventionwith twenty-four women from the League present. This Convention made itslasting impression on all there, and those fortunate enough to attend came backwith new enthusiasm and new ideas in invigorating again our Christian work.A Bible Study campaign was organized with twenty women interested in thenormal class, each of these passing her inspiration along in teaching another class.The tenth annual membership dinner was held in February.As usual our regular activities have been carried on: our weekly meetings;our mission study classes; our daily helpers in social service in different fields;and all have been participated in to a larger degree than ever before. The reli-gious meetings on Thursdays have been especially vital and appreciated. Dr.Henderson's lectures proved so successful that the general plan was continued inthe Winter Quarter by Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus on "Some Personal Aspects of theChristian Religion."The League is growing. Our Cabinet meetings have enjoyed the reading ofletters from Miss Melcher in Calcutta, showing us how far our influence is reach­ing. We see a constantly increasing effectiveness in expressing and developingthe ideals of Christianity among the women of the University. We are all alliedwith the best activities of our University, and knowing how great a force sevenLt... h_u_n_d_r_e_d_w_o_m_en_m_a_y_b_e_,_w_e_a_r_e_e_n_d_e_a_v_o_r�i_n_g_to_m_a_k_e_th_a_t_a_f_o_r_c_e_w-,-it_h_t_h_e_id_e_a_l ..of strengthening our Christian lives by service for others.136 III1� � 7 ._.�. '� �� • _IIIIi The Young Women's Christian LeagueThompson Allen TuftsStreet Rhodes ViallSharp Mick -Avery BrownScott McLaughlin Beckley CodyWorthenHemingwayI'I'------137rffI ----------------;..,Cap and GownLincoln HouseFounded in 1898HeadCounsellorCURTIS H. WALKERFREDERICK D. BRAMHALLThe FacultyTREVOR ARNETT ALBERT D. BROKAWFREDERICK D. BRAMHALL BERTRAM G. NELSONRoy B. NELSONThe Graduate SchoolsCLARENCE H. HAMILTON RENO R. REEVEHOWARD P. ROE1914LELAND H. ANDERSONPHILIP E. KEARNEYPAUL R. PIERCE.LATHROP E. ROBERTS FRANK E. WEAKLYCHARLES F. WHIFFEN. FRANJ( M. WEBSTERGLEN H. TYRRELL; 1915J. WILLIAM CHAPMANCLARENCE S. DuNERCHARLES I. MADISON MERWYN M. PALMERA. KENT SYKESCARL W. ULLMAN1916ARTHUR C. J. CARLSON DONALD L. COLWELLEUGENE A. GIARD1917VINTON A. BACON ADRIAN R. McFARLANDRICHARD H. JESCHKE ARTHUR H. PETERSONANDREW E. WIGELANDl Pledged:.�.. T_HO_MA_�SF__:_.R_YA_N "- _138Cap and GownLincoln HouseUllman Pierce Roe RobertsKearney ChapmanTyrrell PetersonJeschke JonesWebste,- SykesPalmer CarlsonWigelanaWeaklyAndersonDuner GiardMcFadand139 Ij1IIi Cap and Gown-Washington HouseFounded in 1898FOREST RAY MOULTONHAROLD GLENN MOULTON HeadCounsellorThe FacultyJOHN B. CANNING, Chicago, '13 JAMES R. HULBERT, Chicago, '07CARL H. GRABO, Chicago, '03 DAVID A. ROBERTSON, Chicago, '02CHARLES H. SWIFT, Chicago, '03The Graduate .SchoolsCHARLES W. BOWERSALBERT G. DUNCAN LAWRENCE G. DUNLAPLEONARD B. LOEB1914MAURICE E. OTTOSEN1915WILLIAM J. BUTLERWILLARD T. GOODWINFREDERICK R. HISS WALLACE E. LELANDGUY A. McDoNALDEDWARD H. WARZEWSKI1916HARRY E. FISHERJOHN L. GRAYVICTOR E. GUTWILLIGWILLIAM S. JONES FRANK S. NEWCOMBDAVID E. SHAMBAUGHCLYDE J. STOUTWILLIAM G. WALKER1917RICHARD M. KUH ROBERT F. LOEB140Cap and GownWashington HouseL. Loeb DunlapHissJones StoutKuh CanningCutwilligNewcomb .LelandOttosen McDonaldShambaughFisher .ButlerR. LoebWalker141Cap and Go'WnBright SchmidtMorsePease BirchKnisley'OrtmeverHuntWelton SandbergLow I, Ames ChaneyH. Ames D. Edwards Ryan E. EdwardsSpelman HouseFounded in 1898MRS. CHARLES R. HENDERSONDR. NATHANIEL BUTLER . HeadCounsellorHonorary MembersMISS GERTRUDE DUDLEY MISS CLARA COMSTOCK1914JULIETTE H. AMES MARGARET L. CHANEYRUTH C. MORSE1-915HELEN BECKLEYETHEL D. BRIGHTESTHER O. BIRCHDO�OTHY EDWARDS C. ILENE KNISELYLucy LANKTREEEMMA G. LowILONA B. SCHMIDTMARY WETTON1916HELEN R. HuN'.l' C. GAIL RYANRUTH M. SANDBERGIIL_- � __ 1917HARRIET H. AMES ELIZABETH EDWARDSEUNICE F. PEASE142_._---------_._-------------- ....Cap and GownThe Student Volunteer BandTo take up a profession among non­Christian peoples, to convey through thisprofession the best 'in Western science andreligion, and to carryon this profession insuch a way as to interpret to those peoplesJesus' principles of living-this is the am­bition and determination of the StudentVolunteer. Some plan to go out to conducthospitals and train medical assistants forindependent work among their countrymen.Others are being appointed to variouschairs in mission or government schools.One music teacher has just sailed; a boys­worker left in January; and a physicaldirector is securing special preparation.A number are going out as evangelists.Just now the Band is opening its active membership to foreign-born studentswhose purposes coincide with ours, and is creating an associate membership forreturned missionaries studying here during their furlough. However, our weeklymeetings are not restricted to these groups, but are open to the student body asindicated in the weekly bulletins.The University of Chicago group is but a chapter of the Student VolunteerMovement for Foreign Missions, comprising bands in most of the higher educa­tional institutions in the country. And among the fi£ty-eight hundred volunteerswho have gone abroad from these bands in the last generation, are a number ofour graduates. It was under the auspices of this movement thart last year Ameri­can students contributed two hundred and twenty thousand dollars for missionaryobjects, and forty thousand students were enrolled in courses for the study ofmissions. It was the Quadrennial Convention of this Movement that was recentlyheld at Kansas City, where the University of Chicago was representted by onehundred delegates.THE STUDENT VOLUNTEERS OF THE U. OF C.UndergraduatesBRODBECK. MISS EMMA L.BURLESON, FRANK E.HOLSTED, MISS A. A.MACLAUGHLIN, MISS ANNA W.MORRIS, EARNEST J.NELSON, CARL M.NYBLADH, CARL O.VIALL, MISS CHARLOTTE M.WEISER, WM. H.WOODWARD, MISS JANETTA M..MedicalBAILEY, PERCIVALBICKHAM, M. H.BRUNEMEIER, EDWARD H.CALDWELL, GEO. T.GIFFORD, MISS MARTHA J.HINES, MISS MARIONMOLANDER, CHARLES O.PATRICK, MISS FLORENCESCOTT, MISS K. FRANCISSMITH, MISS JOSEPHINERur-s, JACOB R.Divinity and GraduateACKISS, EARNEST L.ALLEN, JAY B.!L __ CARLYON, EDWARD L.CRAWFORD, RAYMOND N.FETTER, GEORGE C.FISHER, ROYAL H.FORD, HERBERT L.HAMILTON, CLARENCEHANNA, ALEXANDER C.HANSON, VICTORHENDERSON, RALPH R.JAMES, MISS DELOS A.LANE, MR. AND MRS. E. B.MATHER, ASHER K .MATHER, A. R.NOLANTT,PRICE, MAURICE T.RANSOM, JOHN E.RICE, MISSRrMEY, EARL A.SOLANDT, ANDREW W.STAFFORD, LERoy H.STALLINGS, WILLIAM n.TONNES, MR. AND MRS. A. HOASHI, R.-JapanKAWAGUCHI, U.-JapanMURAKAMI, S.-JapanOKUDA, GEORGE H.-JapanOLDHAM, G. W. F.-AfricaTAKATANI, J.-JapanUESUGI, S.-JapanYABE, K.-JapanYESSAYAN, V. H.-TurkeyMissionaries on FurloughBELL, MISS EDITH M.-AfricaBOYCE, ARTHUR C.-PersiaBLOUNT, MISS NINA L.­COLLETT, CHARLES A.-IndiaCOLMAN, GEORGE T.-P. I.COOK, ALLAN-JapanDAVIS, MISS BERTHA-BurmaFLEMING, D. J.-IndiaGRAVES, W. E.-IndiaMARTIN, A. W.-ChinaLYON, WILLIAM F.-ChinaMAYNARD, J. A.-AfricaPEASE, K. E.-Str. SettlementsROGERS, L. B. BURMARUDD, H. F.-ChinaRUSSEL, C. P.-EgyptSTEINER, J. F.-Japan"Foreign Members"BEDIKIAN, A. A.-TurkeyCHINNAPPA, S. PAuL-IndiaCORDOVA, DELFIDo-MexicoHASTINGS, DANIEL A.-Jamaica.143NorthwestJ. RUTH SWANLAURA WALTERANNA MCGUIRE OfficersSouthwestPresident NANCY MILLERVice-President DOROTHY EDWARDSSecretary-Treasurer ALICE D. TAGGARTSoutheastPresident CARYL CODYVice-President ELEANOR A. HUNTER. { Treasurer MARION HICKSSecretary FLORENCE N. HEACOCKNortheastRUTH VICTORSENELSIE B. JOHNS •NELLIE O. BARRETTThe Neighborhood Clubs are organizations of off-campus women, who main­tain Club rooms in Lexington Hall, which they use as social centers throughouttheir college days. Various kindsof entertainments are held here, and the roomsare open at all times for informal gatherings.The Clubs -divide their membership according to residence; the Midway stillforms. the boundary for the north and south, but instead of University Avenue,W oodlawn Avenue now divides the east and west., A departure from the more formal entertainments this year has, been thegroup teas, which are held frequently in' the homes of the members. These havebeen remarkably successful in promoting a new Neighborhood spirit. The Clubstook part in the reception given to Mr. LaVerne W. Noyes in the Fall quarter.Later, the annual Thanksgiving spread was held in Lexington Gymnasium, andwas enthusiastically attended. Plans for the new Neighborhood headquarters inNoyes Hall are now being discussed, and it is hoped that next year with theincreased facilities, the Clubs will be enabled to carry out with even greatersuccess, the spirit of "goodfellowship," for which they stand.-_---- --_- ---.-------.---�--144rIf ----�.----------.-------------- ....'Cap and GownNeighborhood Club OfficersEdwards TaggartMillerCody HeacockVict orsen Johns BarrettI Swan Waiter. McGuireL � ���145Cap and GownI!The Pen Club is a literary organization, containing most of the brains andliterary ability of the undergraduate body. That it is truly .highbrow is provedat the dinners it occasionally gives. Just how it is proved is, of course, verysecret,-so secret, in fact, that even the members are not aware of it.It boasts as- members the men who guide and control the best literature of-.modern times, i. e. The Daily Maroon, The Literary Monthly, and this little vol­ume. It is a' "regular club," suffering from sudden attacks of neophytes, andcontinual attacks of alumni. It even boasts of a convention. Its entrance require­ments are extraordinarily difficult, as the neophyte must be able to write odesto such celebs as B. L. T. and W. J. C. (its most distinguished member).Seriously speaking, the club is essentially literary, bringing together theliterary lights of the University. It entertains at its dinners prominent men-of­letters of.the day. It breaks into print by editing the line occasionally, and servesas a timely check on the literary flights of some of i);s more ambitious members.OfficersA. KENT SYKES .HENRY C. A. MEADJAMES D. DYRENFORTH PresidentSecretary-TreasurerHistorianMembe.rsGEORGE P. BENSONBENJAMIN F. BILLSHARRY B. BOGGMILLARD S. BRECKINRIDGEHAROLD G. CONLEYGEORGE W. COTTINGHAMRAYMOND J. DALYCHESTER F. DUNHAMHENRY S. ENOCHFRANKLIN B. EVANSROBERT F. GOODYEARHARRY S. GORGASGEORGE A. GRAYJOHN A. GREENEBLISS O. HALLINGSAMUEL KAPLANHOLGER A. LOLLESGARDGEORGE S. LYMANWILLIAM H. LYMAN LAWRENCE J. MACGREGORHAYS McFARLANDFRANK H. O'HARAMERWYN M. PALMERRODERICK PEATTIEJOHN B. PERLEEWALTER S. POAGUEA. BURTON RASCOEHASKELL S. RHETTGEORGE K. SHAFFERWILLIAM E. STANLEYRALPH W. STANSBURYMARTIN D. STEVERSLEON STOLZA. KENT SYKESBERNARD W. VINISSKYFRANK M. WEBSTERCLYDE E. WATKINSHAROLD H. WRIGHTL �� � __ �146Cap and GownPen ClubShaffer Cottingham Mast Bogg Benson KearneyWright O'Hara Stephenson G. Lyman McFarlandWebster D'yrewiorth Sykes Mead Perlee GrayW.Lyman Lollesgard Greene Peattie Vinissky Goodyear EnochPalmer Stolz Stevers StansbuYJ' Kaplan HallingL. __147Cap and GownWright Brown Hollingsworth Ho�ghManierre Llewellyn TuthillThomas Sturges Fay StansburyPollakRhodes Spohn Moore SllerwinAgarFisher MacClintockSelfridgeDavisThe Signet ClubEstablished in November, 1912Honorary Members .MISS MARY WOOD HINMAN MRS. AMOS ALONZO STAGGMISS WINIFRED PEARCE MR. AMOS ALoNZO STAGGActive MembersA. LEONE HEMINGWAYTHOMAS HOLLINGSWORTHRUTH HOUGHDOROTHY LLEWELLYNHILDA MACCLINTOCKRUTH MANIERREHAROLD T. MOOREHOWELL W. MURRAYHELENE POLLAKMARGARET RHODESRUTH AGARGRACIA ALLINGMABEL C. BECKERDAN H. BROWNW. OGDEN COLEMANMERLE C. COULTERRALPH W. DAVISPHYLLIS FAYSUSANNE FISHERARTHUR T. GOODMAN FRANK F., SELFRIDGEFRANCIS SHERWINROBERT E. SIMONDRALPH W. STANSBURYMARY STURGESIRIS H. SPOHNWILLIAM A. THOMASHARRIET TUTHILLG. GALE WILLARDHAROLD H. WRIGHTThe Signet Club was formed by Miss Hinman for the purpose of establishingand perpetuating in the University the true spirit of dancing in the transitional,unsettled period which dancing passed through this last winter. The Club hasstood for the correct, graceful forms, which it believes keep 'best both the rythmand the joy.The members of the Club presented a group of English dances at the Settle­ment dance in December; gave a formal dance in the Reynolds Club in March;and were active in various outdoor festivals in the Spring.148I"-��-" "----"·'-�----c--a-;:�-�--��':-�---'---ISoutter Benites Peters . Bower Heusinkveld Van LeeKuchynka Hiatt Merrifield Unson Weakly Ho FisherYu Woo Chang Bosworth F. Weakly SwansonH. Lee Okuda Dalgetty Kwong Lee Conf esor GookeeCosmopolitan ClubOfficersWILLIAM B. BOSWORTHTAN CHANG LoKDUDLEY H. GRANT }FRANK E. WEAKLYSALVADOR UNSONCHARLES H. SOUTTER TreasurerPresidentVice-PresidentSecretariesBo_ard of DirectorsSHIRO TASHIRO, ChairmanCLARENCE H. HAMILTONHUNFY D. LEECYRIL D. BILLIKWILLIAM B. BOSWORTHHonorary MemberHANS E. GRONOW'WILLIAM D, MACCLINTOCKSHAILER MATHEWSJAMES R. ANGELLSTAR W. CUTTINGJAMES A. FIELD FRED MERRIFIELDA. ALONZO STAGGFREDERICK STARRMembersHARRY L. ALTMANANTRANIG A. BEDIKIANEULOGIO BENITEZBASUDEB BHATTACHARYAMARTIN H. BICKHAMLEI PERT W. BOWERS. PAUL CHIN NAPPATAY U. CHUNGI G. T. COLEMANTHOMAS CONFESORDELFIDO CORDOVAWILLIAM D. DALGETTYl RAJANI K. DASBHUPENDRA N. DUTTLEANDRO H. FERNANDEZEUGENIO FERNANDEZ-GARCIAHARRY E. FISHER, �GOOKE�_ FORTUNATO F. GUALANODANIEL A. HASTINGSFREDERICK W. HIATTARTHUR H. HEUSINKVELDYOSHIO ISHIDAUKICHI KAWAGUCHIKAORN KOBAYASHIJULIUS V. KUCHYNKAYIH KUN KWONGHORACE G. MERTENHACHISHIRO MIKAMIABRAHAM Mo-HoCARL M. NELSONGEORGE H. OKUDAAXEL R. OLSONALFRED J. PETERSMAURICE T. PRICECOVERDALE S. RENNISON HERBERT F. RUDDKUMAJI SAITO• VICTOR E. SOARESTHEODORE A. STAMASHARRY R. SWANSONJITSUTARO TAKATANIHAROLD N. TUFVESSONNENOZO UTSURIKAWAHENDRIK J. G. VAN ANDElz. VAN LEEOTTO WANDERFLOYD B. WEAKLYWILLIAM H. WEiSERFYAN-YAO WOOKIYOSHI Y ABET. YOSHIDAWEN TSAN YuEDWARD ZBITOVSKY149Cap and GownThe Chinese ClubOfficersHUNFY D. LEEF. VAN LEE .YrH K. KWONG PresidentSecretaryTreasurerMembersW. K. CHANGS. K. CHEUNGF. GOOKEEM.HoT. F. LAUG. Y. LEEP. L. Lr ROSE LEEC. L. TANJ. WONGR. T. WONGF. Y. WOOW. T. YEET. W. ZEECheong Li ChangKwongH. Lee CookeeVan LeeWooYu Ho WongLa"L. __150The aims of the Club are: first, to serve as a means of bringing togethermembers of the University of Chicago and others who are interested in thingsScandinavian; second, to foster an interest in the history and culture of theScandinavian countries; third, to encourage the study of the Scandinavian lan­guages and literatures in the University.OfficersANNA C. LAGERGRENOSCAR L. OLSONEDNA H. KRON .MembersROSE G. ANDERSONTHEODORE W. ANDERSONTREVOR· ARNETTCAROLINE BENGSTONA. J. CARLSONODD EKFELTIDA R. EMANUELSONELSA ENGDAHLCHESTER N. GOULDJONAS E. GRONLUNDJAMES C. M. HANSONOTTO E. C. HANSONVICTOR HANSONESTHER L. HARPERKATHERINE HATTENDORFDOROTHEA H. HYGENKARL T. JACOBSENFLORENCE E. JANSONAKSEL G. S. JOSEPHSONCORNELIA WYSE'-----_.151 PresidentVice-PresidentSecret�ry-TreasurerMRS. AKSEL G. S. JOSEPHSONHILDUR K. LINDSTRANDJOHN O. LOFBERGO. P. LOVIKELSA LUNDVERA LUNDCARL M. NELSONMAURICE E. OTTOSENELLEN PETERSONHILDING W. PETERSONP. GORDON SILASMARTHA SILVERERNEST G. SVENSONHE�EN E. TAGGARTO. A. TINGELSTADMRS. O. A. TINGELSTADE. N. TVETENGERTRUDE VEBLENL. WILLIAMSCap and GownF�CHWBOfficersWILLIAM M. SHIRLEY, JR.OLIVE K. MARTINRUTH THOMASHOWARD HUSE PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasureriIiiiI:i'I,I!I'IiII'I'III' !I'I CommitteesProgram: Frank Schoell, C. E. Parmenter, Howard Huse.Social: Therese von Boeselager, Alta M. Fisher, Theodosia HaskelLMargaret Hess, Olive K. Martin, Ruth B. Thomas, Florence Updike.Business: Howard Huse, Mason Lawrence, Carl D. Miller.MembersTHERESE VON BOESE LAGER ZENA KROGERCORENE COWDERY RUTH MANIERREPHYLLIS FAY LOYD L. NEFFTHEODOSIA HASKELL DOROTHY PHILBRICKFLORENCE KNIGHT CEDRIC STROHMMASON LAWRENCE FLORENCE BARRETTMARY MACDoNALD REGINALD S. CASTLEMANE. C. PARMENTER JOHN EDGEWORTHJOHN H. ROSER RICHARD C. GAMBLEDERWENT WHITTLESEY VIVIAN HILLMARGARET AMES DOROTHY KUHNSFRANK E. BROWN CARL D. MILLERCLARA M. DERoQUE LESLIE PARKERALTA M. FISHER JOSEPHINE ROGERSMARGARET G. HESS FLORENCE UPDIKEIn the early part of the Spring Quarter the following plays were successfullygiven The Cercle wishes to thank Mr. Frank Schoell for his able coaching. ,"LA LOTERIE DE FRANCFORT"By SouvestreFelicite . -,La MarquiseRosetteAmandaPerine . FLORENCE UPDIKEDOROTHY PHILBRICKRUTH MANIERREOLIVE K. MARTINMARGARET G. HESS"LA BATAILLE DES DAMES"IIiI By ScribeLa Comtesse d' Autreval JOSEPHINE ROGERS'Leonie de la Villegontier CORENE COWDERYHenri de Flavigneul . WILLIAM M. SHIRLEY, JR.Gustave de Grignon . . CEDRIC STROHMLe Baron de Montrichard RICHARD C. GAMBLEUn Sous--'-Officier. • • . . . . . . LESLIE PARKERMusic by ROBERT W. ,STEVENS152The German Club was founded in 1897. From that time until now its aimhas been to further the interest of students in German life and institutions, inGerman art and literature. The Club helps its members to speak German, to hearit spoken, and to get a more thorough and exact knowledge of the colloquial idiom.Free tuition in conversation is given weekly, as well as lectures, recitations,readings, and musical programs. There are formal and informal gatherings.Prominent people not connected with the University appear before the Club,instructors and students give German talks and entertainments. German playsare practised and presented, German volkslieder are sung.The average attendance during the last year was well over one hundred.Several hundred assembled to hear the wonderful recital of Mme. von Barsescu,of the Imperial Court Theater in Vienna, the intimate friend of the famous Queenof Roumania, A week earlier, crowded rooms greeted the appearance of thegenial actors from the German Theater in Chicago, Herr Koppee and FrauleinRothe, who read Hauptmann's Die versunkene Glocke. Mandel nsu was filled ontwo occasions, when students of the Germanic Department gaveunusually faithfulrenditions from modern dramatic repertory.The following changes in the by-laws of the German Club became effectiverecently:Each professor who addresses the Club is given a lithograph in threecolors of the returned Mona Lisa, because his speech is so grand.The Club is to remain open during September, because the studentscannot learn to do without it.Not less than three cups of coffee are served each member at everymeeting, because the excitement is so intense that a sedative is necessary.The meetings are transferred from Lexington Hall to Mandel, pend­ing the erection of the new $1,000,000 club-house, because of constantovercrowding of the present quarters.Miss Sullivan, of the Recorder's Office, is given a new typewriter,because she used up her old one writing announcements of club-meetingsfor the Weekly Calendar.Instructors in the Germanic Department are given free medicalattention, because their throats grow sore from speaking to their classesin favor of the German Club.Cap and Gown\fon lleyl:schen B.ldern G .. S.LII153Cap and GownOfficersK. TODA PresidentR. HOASHI Secretary IIllonorary A1e�bers !IK. ABE -IA1e�bersS. ABE K. SAITOM.AOI J. TAKATINIY. ISHIDA T. TAKIMOTOK. KATO S. TASHIROK. KAWABE K. TODAU. KAWAGUCHI H. TSUCHIYAK. KOBAYASHI S. UESUGIH. ·MIKAMI N. UTSURIKAWAS. MURAKAMI K. YABEH. OKUDA T. YOSHIDAYoshidaSaito MikamiTakatiniKawagu.chi MurakamiOkuda Uesuo!Toda /Abe KobayashiTsucbiya Ishida KawabeHooshi Yabe Utmrikawa154Cap and Gown��������-_c:- ----c>=-'-, (0)1Ui81�®w1Th(C�\L2)1bThrough the interest and efforts of a number of Southern students, theSouthern Club, which has been only a summer organization for the last few years,was reorganized at the beginning of the Autumn Quarter as a club to remainactive during the entire year.The Club was organized so that Southern students in the University mightbecome better acquainted, and might learn from each other about the interestsand problems of the South.MembersLILLIAN ADESMAURICE M. ALBERTSONALINE N. ALFORDSAMUEL M. BALLMONNIE M. BROWNJAMES P. BURKEJAMES F. BUSHMANALONZO C. BURTONELSIE M. CREEDMARY DIRICSONALICE Y. DORSEYAGNES, DURRETTRACHEL EATONMAZIE D. ERSKINEJACOB D. FARRISELBA M. FORBESSETTA FULKERSONHATTIE H. GOLDSTEINFRANCES K. GOOCHRoy W. HALEMARY C. HAYJOHN H. LEMMONMARY B. LINFIELD KEMP MALONEYORICK D. MATHESHUBERT L. McDANIELNANCY H. McNEALWYLLE B. McNEALARTHUR MULLINSA. ELIZABETH NEWBOLDPATTY T. NEWBOLDHERMAN C. NIXONTYBEE W. OLIVERWALTER B. PHIPPSJOSEPH G. PINSONRUPERT N. RICHARDSONWILLIAM R. RIGELLCLARA B. SAALETTA SHIELDSJOHN G. SIMSJAMES C. STIVENDERLAURA M. SMITHWILLIAM E. SMITHWILLIAM H. SPENCERMABELLE J. SPERRYHAZEL A. STEVENSONJAMIE C. TERRILL155"'---------'-'---'--'-----'-'---------""-----"''-�-�ICap and Gown !The purpose of the Brownson Club is to bring the Catholic students of theUniversity into an organized group, promote friendly relations among them, andto arouse interest in such social work as is undertaken by the church. In orderto get the members acquainted, informal dances and meetings are held. A playgiven in the Reynolds Club Theater was a feature of this year's programme. Theattitude of the church on current questions, and the work" Chicago churches aredoing in social services were outlined by Judge Edward O. Brown of the appellatecourt at the Club dinner in the Commons Cafe. All Catholic students of theUniversity are eligible to membership.OfficersPAUL R. PIERCE .FLORENCE I. FOLEYJOSEPH T. GEARYJOHN J. DONAHOE PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerJ. RUTH SWAN Executive CommitteeTHOMAS F. RYAN EDMUND J. JORDANMARIE E. SULLIVANMembersTHERESE VON BOESELAGEREDWARD S. BAUDREANROSE H. BYRNELUCIEN COPPINGERR. BOURKE CORCORANGEORGE W. COTTINGHAMGERTRUDE DARROWDONALD D. DELANYERICH DEFRIESGERTRUDE DONNERSBERGERMAE D. DRISCOLLROBERT ELLISTONPHYLLIS FAYJOHN M. FLYNNNELLIE M. FOLEYEUGENE GIARDJOHN GRIFFINKATHLEEN HARRINGTONFLOYD L. HOGANJULIUS KUCHYNKAEUGENE M. LERMONHELEN L. LERMONLORETTA LYNCHI!--.---------156 CECIL A. MACPHERSONJOHN P. MCGALLOWAYJOHN F. MCGINNISJ. FRANK MCGRATHANNA I. MCGUIREIRENE M. McKEANSARAH A. MULROYILLEEN MULHOLLANDPRICILLA NEYBERTEDWARD O'CONNORMABEL O'CONNORMARGARET O'CONNORLEON W. POWERSMARIE T. REESRUTH SHEAMARY L. SMITHLYNNE SULLIVANOMER E. SUPPLEJOSEPH E. FEDERWILLIAM M. TEMPLETONFRANK M. THOMITZITALO VOLIN IBEATRICE VAN WAGNER_jCap and Gown157.-.���"-, -I!IICap and GownBaar Bills RosenbergVarsity DebateTHE TEAMAffirmativeHARRY O. ROSENBERGARNOLD R. BAARBENJAMIN F. BILLS NegativeRALPH J. SWANSONLEON W. POWERSWILLARD E. ATKINSAlternatesSHERMAN H. CONRAD and WILBUR A. HAMMAN,THE SEASON"Resolved, That the States Should Establish Schedules of Minimum Wagesfor Unskilled Labor, Constitutionality Conceded."University debating came into its own this year in more ways than one. Moreand better material appeared for the tryouts for the University teams than hasbeen the case in years. The men on the teams worked harder and more effectivelythan they, have for seve,r�t' S�hSO�S a�d were well rewarded by a� unprece��ntedattendance at the debate in.Mandel Hall on January 1,6. The only note of sorrowin the season's 'record was th� failurJ to win on both sides of the question. TheChi�ago affirtnative tea� ,gaine'd' a u�animous' decision over .Michigan in MandelHall, b�t the,fl�gative team was def�ated at Evanston by a similar score. North­western als6 gai��d.a jtwo to one :victory over Michigan at 'Ann Arbor, thuswinning first ,p�ce' 'in 'the Central/Debating League" with Chicago second, andMioliigan last. './ 'For the' eight years of the Central' League's' history the record now stands,as fVllQws:: Lost5Won117Michigan .Chicago .Northwestern .IIL 9106The Chicago teams as a whole were the strongest that ever represented theUniversity, and in the opinion of Coach Moulton there was little to choose betweenthem. The affirmative team completely outclassed Michigan both in presentationand in argument. It was the unanimous opinion of the old Delta Sigma Rho men158'_-'---. ---,-----------'-----�---I .---- •. -�--.Cap and Gownpresent, that it was the strongest team that ever debated in Mandel Hall, and oneof the judges, Professor Garner, of the University of Illinois, stated that Chicagohad the strongest and best developed case and the finest team that he had everheard in an intercollegiate debate. Professor Holister, the Michigan coach, con-ceded that Chicago was entitled to the victory. •Noone man stood out conspicuously above the other members of the team.The team was a team of stars, all shining with equal brightness. Each man inrebuttal brought the discussion back to the main issues, and insisted upon Michi­gan's meeting them. Rosenberg struck the keynote of the rebuttal speeches bypicking out the issues at the very start and compelling Michigan to answer them.Baal' came back on the same points in telling fashion. Michigan's closing speaker.took up the challenge laid down by Baal' in a concise manner, and gave pointblank answers to the four vital issues. Bills in following him showed splendiddebating ability by omitting all other questions, discarding his closing speech asplanned, taking up these same issues and refuting the answers that had been given.The defeat of the negative team was a complete surprise. Reports fromEvanston state that the debate was the finest held in Fisk Hall in many years;the Northwestern Daily quotes the judges as saying that it was one of the closestdebates which they had ever judged, and that it was the final rebuttal by Traxlerof Northwestern that turned defeat into victory. The team was well balancedand composed of experienced speakers, with Atkins as the particular star. It issignificant of the growing interest in debating in the University that four of thesix men on the teams claim Chicago as their undergraduate Alma Mater. Rosen­berg, Baal', and Bills, the three members of the affirmative team, are all Chicagomen, now in the Law School. Atkins is a Senior and a first year Law student.Powers is a Senior in the Law School, and gained his debating experience at IowaState University, where he was on the championship team that humbled Wisconsintwo years ago. Swanson, a second year Law student, hails from Yankton Univer­sity, where he had considerable debating experience.The Fencibles assisted in advertising the debate, taking charge of the ticketsale, and acting as ushers in Mandel Hall. The Undergraduate Council super­vised an excellent debating rally in Kent Theater the day before the contest.Powers Swanson Atkins�--- .. ------.....,.-�----- ....159r-'-' -'--. ------.-��!I Cap and GownReticker Moritz HirschCHICAGO-NORTHWESTERN FRESHMAN DEBATE.The annual debate with the Northwestern Freshmen was held in Evanstonon April 18, 1913, Northwestern winning by a two to one decision. The men onthe Chicago Freshman team were Martin Horrell, Edward Reticker, and RudolphMoritz. The team was coached by J. W. Hoover, '08, a Chicago lawyer and formerVarsity debater.Northwestern chose the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved, ThatConference College Athletes May Play Summer Baseball for Pay' without For­feiting Their Intercollegiate Eligibility." The debate was interesting and spirited,and was close as is shown by the split decision.Edwards BeanDakeFRESHMAN-SOPHOMORE DEBATETHE QUESTION: "Resolved, That the Federal Government Should Own andControl the Telephone and Telegraph Lines."Affirmatiev, Freshmen: Donad P. Bean, C. Percy Dake, Davis Edwards.Negative, Sophomores: Joseph L. Hirsch, Edward Reticker, Rudolph Moritz.(The debate was held after this book went to press.)160IiI!L_ "��" -II'University Public Speaking ContestsThe Lower Senior Extemporaneous ContestWILLARD ATKINSEARLE A. SHILTON FAY GRAYBILLSANFORD GRIFFITHMilo P. Jewett Bible Reading PrizeHaskell Assembly Room, June 2, 1913DONALD T. GREY. First, $50.HERBERT FORD ASHER K. MATHERCHARLES N. CURTISUpper Senior Contest in Oratory for the Julius Rosenwald PrizeMandel Hall, June 3, 1913GEORGE J. KAsAI-"Mastery of the Pacific." First, $100.WILLIAM HAMMAN-"The Control of Credit." Second, $50.CHARLES STEWART-"The Vitality of the Dead Languages."BENEDICT K. GOODMAN-"Ain't Got No Job."Judges-PRoFESSOR BREASTED, PROFESSOR COOK, and MR. MOULTONArtistic Reading Contest for, the Florence Ja':'e Adams PrizeMandel Hall, June 3, 1913BERYL V. GILBERT-Alfred Noyes" "Night in St. Helena." First, $75.MONA QUAYLE--Tennyson's "In the Children's Hospital." Second, $25.ESTHER BERNSTEIN-Tennyson's "Elaine."The Judges-AssoCIATE PROFESSOR FLINT, MR. FISKE, and ASSOCIATEPROFESSOR CLARKLower Junior Public Speaking ContestCobb Hall, November 21, 1913RUDOLPH A. MORITz-First, $40.ABE McFARLAND-Second.General Subject-"Proposed Honor Court."The Judges-ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR CLARK, MR. NELSON and MR. MOULTON161 I"r---"-.-.--.-.-".---�- ....... ----------.I,Cap a n d GownTHE Fencibles in the winter quarter reorganized and the society has becomean honorary Debating Society, open to the whole school, instead of beingonly an honorary Sophomore society. Anyone, who in the estimation of theSociety, shows sufficient ability along debating lines, will be admitted as an asso­ciate member to the society. In order to become a regular member it is necessaryto appear in public in some line of forensic work The officers of the Society are:EDWARD RETICKERRUDOLPH A. MORITZ .MARTIN L. HORRELL . PresidentVice"PreisdentSecretary and TreasurerThe work of the Fencibles is in the hands of a committee, who arrange forall the meetings and contests. The committee is composed of: Rudolph Moritz,Chairman, Ernest Cavin, Arthur Carlson, Robert Harper, Philip Miller, DentonSparks, Donald Crawford, and Laurence Salisbury.The members are:MARTIN L. HORRELLGEORGE P. BENSONC. PHILIP MILLERERNEST D. CAVIN, JR.DENTON H. SPARKSROBERT H. HARPERWILLIAM P. ROE JAMES D. DYRENFORTHEDW ARD RETICKERRUDOLPH A. MORITZROBERT HATCHERARTHUR C. J. CARLSONLAURENCE E. SALISBURYW. DONALD CRAWFORDLENUS H. LUNDBERGThe associates are Donald P. Bean, Emmer D. Edwards, and Percy Dake,IIL162Cal' aOll Go,,· ..FenciblesReticker Moritz Horrell SparksCavinRoe BensonSatisbwr» CarlsonMiller Dyrenforth-------.--� .. ----�--------------------�--�---------163Cal. uUII Go,,-n164Cap and Gown'PAT'PIISWHrOUT"'!>OPE'\��\.\. <,�\-\�\ \UU�lQ)�@nll�ffilln@[[1��.'165.-------'--.,.----�---.----'-------------------.- .. - •.. --.-.--._ .. _-Cap and GownThe Ca p and Gown 1914GEORGE S. LYMANManaging EditorDONALD D. DELANYBusiness Manager MERWYN M. PALMERLiterary Editor HASKELL S.· RHETTMa,naging EditorFREDERICK M. BYERLYBusiness Manager166(;ap aall GownAssociate EditorsShafferHotchkissO'Neill LlewellynFisherMiller Busler GrigsbyMoritzGoodyearCavinShirleyTufts167COl) a u d Go,,- ..Cap and Gown 1914Managing EditorsGEORGE SPENCER LYMAN HASKELL SMITH RHETTLiterary EditorMERWYN MURCHISON PALMERBusiness ManagersDONALD DANIEL DELANY FREDERICK MARION BYERLYAssociate EditorsSAMUEL E. BUSLERERNEST D. CAVIN, JR.ALTA M. FISHERRORERT F. GOODYEARROLL O. GRIGSBY DOROTHY LLEWELLYNC. PHILIP MILLERRUDOLPH A. MORITZNINA O'NEILLGEORGE K. SHAFFERGRACE E. HOTCHKISS WILLIAM A. SHIRLEYJAMES W. TUFTSContributorsLiteraryGEORGE R. ANDERMANDUNLAP C. CLARKJOSEPH K. COHENFRANK W. DIGNANJAMES D. DYRENFORTH­WILLIAM J. EKLUNDERICK DE FRIES SCHUYLER C. GRAVES• BLISS O. HALLINGPHILIP C. KEARNEYPAULINE A. LEVIJOSEPH LEVINJAMES W. LINNROBERT W. STEVENSArtHARRY M. BEARDSLEYCORENE COWDERYJAMES H. S. ELLIS WALDEMAR C. HIRSCHFELDEUGENE E. HORTONELMER W. MILLERPhotographyCARL V. CROPPRUTH HOUGHH. LOUISE MICK JAMES V. NASHMARGARET RHODESIRVING E. STIEGLITZ168Cap and GownJames W. LinnThe University of ChicagoMagazineTHE magazine has had on the whole a prosperous year,. and lias suffered byits prosperity. The efforts of the business manager and; the response ofthe -alumni have lifted the circulation· to' nearly two thousand. But as noadvertisements are carried, and the appropriation for printing and publishing isfixed in amount, the cost of issuing so many copies has made it necessary toreduce the size of the magazine. - From this time on only twenty-four pages canbe given in each number. The magazine has clung to its beliefs that nothingshould be included which is not of information as well as interest to alumni, andhence has been forced to exclude any pure literature from its columns, except areview of Mr. Lovett's "Cowards."The great feat of the Alumni Office, from which the Magazine is issued, wasthe publication in December of the triennial Alumni Directory. The directory,of 420 pages, contained statistics of all graduates concerning whom informationcould be found; they numbered 7,094. More than two thousand or approximately30ro of the whole number, subscribed for the number. The special value to clubsof the directory is its listing of graduates not only by years, and alphabetically,but by localities, so that any alumnus may discover in thirty seconds just whofrom Chicago' is in - his neighborhood, hunt or hide as the case may be.All Seniors are asked before graduation to register with the Alumni Officetheir subscription for the Magazine, and to complain of it as their official organafter graduation. .169Cap and GownThe Daily MaroonT" HE Daily Maroon this year has pursued a double policy, serving as an organfor the best interests of the University, combined with a comprehensivenews policy. In serving the interests of the University, the Maroon hastried to broaden the customary viewpoint which accepts student activitiesas something preordained and unquestionably desirable; and while not particu­larly searching in its criticisms, the paper has succeeded, in some measure, inresisting the temptation to praise when praise was not due.The special departments represent the first result of an attempt to broadenthe scope of Maroon work. Two of the departments-the dramatic reviews, bySamuel Kaplan, '14, assisted by Dorothy Weil, '14, and the book reviews, by MissWeil, have been most satisfactory to students· of the Maroon as an institution,whether or not they may have fallen short of a satisfactory working ideal-shortin their scope, rather than in quality of the work done. This policy was estab­lished, both with the idea of making the paper more interesting, and to give Uni­versity students a chance to try their hand at the best part of newspaper work­feature writing.The Maroon has been fortunate in the unusual caliber of Freshman"'cubs,"­a lucky chance which in some measure compensated .for the lack of older asso­ciate editors. Another happy chance was the opportunity to edit the Gary Trib­une, as was done last year, due to the kindness of Frederick Carr, ex '09. If theMaroon does say so, the staff showed that it could do practical work, under thetrying conditions incident to "bucking" an opposition paper in a strange town,and the unique experience (at least for the cubs) of a rigid "deadline."Much of the success of the Maroon is due to the splendid work of BurdetteMast, '14, business manager, and William Lyman, '14, circulation manager.Lyman cured, in large part, the' old trouble with delivery. The whole-hearteddevotion of George Cottingham, '15, News Editor, and Harry Gorgas, '15, AthleticEditor, and the self-sacrificing interest of Hermann Deutsch, '09, who struggledagainst most discouraging mechanical difficulties in getting the paper printed eachday, also were considerable factors in the successful year.MARTIN D. STEVERS.The StaffMARTIN D. STEVERSGEORGE W. COTTINGHAMHARRY S. GORGAS • Managing EditorNews EditorAthletic EditorBusiness ManagerCirculation .ManagerBURDETTE P. MASTWILLIAM H. LYMANAssociate EditorsHERMANN DEUTSCH, '09 SAMUEL KAPLAN, '14BLISS O. HALLING, '14 GEORGE K. SHAFFER, '16ROBERT, E. HATCHER, '16 DOROTHY WElL,. '14DOROTHY WILLISTON, '14NINA O'NEILL, '15ReportersEARLE BONDY, '17WENDELL E. DIXON, '17JOHN J. DONAHOE, '16ALTA M. FISHER" '16FREDERICK R. KUH, '17 ALICE E. McELIN, '17BERNARD E. NEWMAN, '17EDWARD RETICKER, '16HARRY R. SWANSON, '17170Cal' and GownThe Daily Maroon, 1913-1914WillistonCottinghamHallinp LymanSteversSsuozoi:« O'NeillGorgasWei/HatcherMastShaffer171C R I' R n d Go,,' nChicago Literary MonthlyPlanner Coleman M'acGr epor Mead KaplanWashburne Webster De La Mater MacDonald GreeneStaffFRANK M. WEBSTERW. OGDEN COLEMAN Editor-in-ChiefBusiness ManagerHENRY C. A. MEADDOROTHEA WASHBURNELAWRENCE J. Associate EditorsJANET T. FLANNER MABEL A. DE LA MATERJOHN A. GREENE SAMUEL KAPLANMACGREGOR MARY K. MACDoNALDTo the casual observer the Chicago Literary Monthly may seem to be a per­iodical in the manner of a spring tonic. But it is not that the undergraduate lit­erary activity is at its height in the spring, nor yet that the editors and businessmanager hibernate during fall and winter, that the magazine has appeared for thepast two years about the time of the vernal equinox. The magazine last year wasfrankly an experiment. Its editors were at once uncertain of their material andof their public. They proved that the University could provide both contributorsand readers, that there is a place for the "Lit." The difficulty which faced thenew Executive Board at the opening of the new school year was purely financial,but none the less serious.. The Board met the problem by entering business onits own account. When the magazine appeared in February, 1914, therefore, itwas an independent, self-supporting, unaffiliated publication, and its future onthis basis seems assured. As a business effort the Chicago Literary Monthly hasjustified itself, as a University activity it commends itself to the University pub­lic merely hoping to give value received.172Cap and Gown173Cap an«l Go,,·nThe BlackfriarsMorrison Greene St an sb ur yMatthews MurrayColemanWrightSuperiors in the OrderFRIAR HOWELL W. NIURRAYFRIAR RUDY D. MATTHEWSFRIAR JOHN A. GREENE. .FRIAR JOHN C. MORRISON .FRIAR RALPH VY. STANSBURY The AbbotThe PriorThe ScribeThe H ospitalerFifth M ember Executive C ommitteeAppointed at the beginning of Winter QuarterFRIAR HAROLD H. WRIGHT .FRIAR W. OGDEN COLEMAN • The Hospitaler. Fifth Member Ex ecwtiue CommitteeBrothers in the OrderWILLIAM A. THOMASRAYMOND J. DALYJOSEPH B. LAWLER.CHESTER A. HAMMILLHOWARD B. McLANEWILLIAM E. STANLEYHOWELL W. MURRAYROBERT E. SIMONDW. OGDEN COLEMANRUDY D. MATTHEWSHAROLD H. WRIGHTHORACE C. FITZPATRICKFRAN K H. O'HARARALPH W. STANSBURYHIRSCH E. SOBLE HAROLD G. CONLEYJOHN A. GREENEFRANCIS T. WARDTHOMAS "'vV. PROSSERJOHN C. MORRISONJOHN B. PER LEEFREDERICK W. CROLLJOHN C. BAKERWILLIAM H. LYMANTHOMAS HOLLINGSWORTHARTHUR T. GOODMANDAVID R. MURRAYFREDERICK W. GRIFFITHSJOHN C. HENDERSONbONALD D. DELANY MERWYN M. PALMERSTEPHEN R. CURTISHENRY C. SHULLLEWIS V. FUlKSJAMES D. DYRENFORTHJ. CRAIG REDMONROWLAND H. GEORGEHERMAN G. KOPALDHARRY B. BOGaGEORGE S. LYMANIRA A. RussLAURENCE S. HARPOLERALPH N. GARDNERHASKELL S. RHETTHAROLD T. MOORE DAN H. BROWNC. PHILIP MILLERRICHARD P. MATTHEWSLEWIS M. NORTONRALPH W. DAVISJOHN P. MACARTHURDERWENT S. WHITTLESEYW. DONALD CRAWFORDFREDERICK M. BYERLYJOSHUA STEVENSONRoy W. WILLIAMSFREDERIC W. BURCKYGIFFORD W. PLUMEFRANK S. WHITINGHOLGER A. LOLLESGARDHAROLD A. MOORERALPH O. CORNWELL174CRP RDd GownReview of the SeasonWHILE we are writing the review of the last year, the dress re­hearsal for the 1914 show is in progress-s-hence the interest jnthis review will be lessened by the 1914 success.'· ,"The Pranks of Paprika" was staged in Mandel Hall on four even­ings in early May, 1913. There were a number of features-among themthe skeleton dance, Dyrenforth in the Grape Festival, the Campus EvenSong, and the tango number, It's Just a Dance. Craig Redmon addedmuch with his laugh and avoirdupois, and Milton Morse, as Pimiento,was funnier than ever before. Robert Tuttle played the typical hero,Henry Shull the pompous Don, Rowland George, the villain. Dyrenforth,as the Spanish heroine, and Harry Bogg, as her American counterpart,successfully played the feminine roles. Harold Terwilligar and GeorgeDorsey respectively took the parts of Rosa and the little maid to Paprika.The book was written by Donald Levant Breed, '13, and RoderickPeattie, '14. The music to accompany the book was written by all of sixmen, Fuiks writing most of it. The other composers were Myers,Bosworth, Rhodes, Achi, and Barton. The show was managed by HowellMurray, aided by the Abbot, Varner Bowers.A fourth of the proceeds were donated to charity, the UniversitySettlement, and the Hyde Park Center being the beneficiaries. Thirty­five men were elected into the order from the show.In November, 1913, the order had its annual dinner and theatreparty. The LaSalle Hotel was the scene, with Raymond Hitchcock as theguest of honor, after which, sixty strong, we attended "The BeautyShop." H.W.M.175Cal) and GO"-IIPranks of PaprikaTenth Annual College Comic OperaBook and Lyrics by Donald L. Breed, '13; Roderick Peattie, '14.Music by Lewis J. Fuiks, '16; William C. K. Achi, '14; Richard E. Myers, '11;Willia_m B. Bosworth, '14; Henry W. Barton, '14; John E. Rhodes, '10.Direction of Howard H. Hoyt, Jr.; Arthur Dunham.In Order of Appearance.ROWLAND H. GEORGE, '16HENRY C. SHULL, '14JAMES D. DYRENFORTH, '16MILTON M. MORSE, '13HAROLD J. TERWILLIGAR, '16HAROLD E. GOETTLER, '14J. CRAIG REDMON, '16ROBERT E. TUTTLE, '13RALPH O. CORNWELL, '16HARRY B. BOGG, JR., '15GEORGE C. DORSEY, '16LEONIDAS P. PAYNE, '13Pancho .Don MiguelPaprikaPimientoRosaSmith ...Oswald Lester .Billy HendersonMaid to PaprikaWilhelminaMarie ..TroubadourSYNOPSIS.SCENE-Public Square of Villafeliche, Spain.ACT II-The night following.ACT I.Opening Chorus _ , Ensemble"His Awful Dignity" , Miguel and Paprika"Travel Song" Billy, Pimiento, and Chorus"Love Song of the Open Road" Pancho. Rosa, and Chorus"Entrance of Wilhelmina" Ensemble"Crime: Crime! Crimel" 'Wilhelmina, Pancho, and Pimiento"It's Very, Very Funny" Pimiento and ChorusFinale , EnsembleTIME-Summer of 1912.ACT I-Day.ACT II."Serenade" , Troubadour and Chorus"Barcarolle" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Troubadour"I'm Afraid of a Buccaneer" Wilhelmina and Chorus"An Alma Mater" Billy and Chorus"Bangle Song" . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rosa::�j!�:li<!�::;vai;" '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. �.i�l: .. an�n<;��bl�Grand Finale EnsembleSPECIAL NUMBERS."It's a Dance, Just a Dance, That's All Pimiento, Quartet, and Chorus"I'd Love to Love a Hero".................................................. Marie and Oswald-_ ... _------.--_, .. _-_ ... _--_176Cap and GownThe BlackfriarsHarpole Bogg Curtis Rhett Redmon Croll Plume H. T. MooreRuss G. Lyman Norton Crawford Moore Byerly Simond W. Lyman Ward LollesgardMiller Cornwell Henderson Morrison Greene H. Murray Matthews Coleman Kopald O'HaraDyrenforth Baker Palmer Brown Davis Burcky Hollingsworth Williams Whiting D. Murray177Cap and GownMusical ProgramOverture. 7.Prelude Act I. 8.Opening Chorus. 9.His Awful Dignity. 10.Travel Song. 11.Love Song of the Open Road. 12. Barcarolle.I'm Afraid of a Buccaneer.An Alma Mater.Bangle Song.Wilhelmina.Grape Festival.Grand Finale.Entrance of Wilhelmina.Crime! Crime! Crime!It's Very, Very Funny.Finale.Prelude Act II.Serenade. StaffHOWELL W. MURRAY, '14JOHN A. GREENE, '14 •HAROLD H. WRIGHT, '15THOMAS HOLLINGSWORTH, "15'WILLIAM H. LYMAN, '14RALPH W. STANSBURY, '14JOHN C. HENDE;RSON, '15FREDERICK W. CROLL, '15 .THOMAS W. PROSSER, '15 . ManagerStage ManagerMaster 0/ CostumesMaster of PropertiesScorePublicityAssistant Master of C ostumesAssistant Manager 0/ PropertiesAssistant PublicityBroilers The Choruses. Show GirlsFREDERI�K M: B:YERL:Y, '15WA"TER D; CR,AWFORD, '16,RALPH O. CORNW,EbL, '16" RALPH oW. DAVIS, '16'JOHN' P., 'McART�UR" '13" CHARLES 'MICHEL, '16·,HAROLD A. MOORE, '15HAROt:D T. MOORE, "16JOSHUA STEVENSON, JR., '15 WILLIAM B. BOSWORTH, '14FREDERic, W. BURCKY, '16C:Alti.:W. DEFEBAUGH,"'16·HAZEN H. HAGGERTY, '16HOLGER A. ,LOLLESGARD, '15RICHAR'I P. MATTHEWS, '16LEWIS M. NORTON, '14LAURENCE E. SALISBURY, '16HARWOOD P. SAUNDERS, JR., '16GEORGE K. SHAFFER, '16JACKSON E. TOWNE, '16Dancing BoysDAN H. BROWN, '16RALPH N. GARDNER, '15HERMAN KOPALD, '14GEORGE S. LYMAN, '15KENNETH "F. MACNEAL, '16GIFFORD W. PLUME, '16DENTON H. SPARKS, '16DERWENT S. WHITTLESEY, '14 Show MenJOSEPH FISHMAN, '15LAURENCE S. HARPOLE, '15LEO S. HAY, '16CHARLES P. MILLER, JR., '16LOYD L. NEFF, '14HASKELL S. RHETT, '15IRA A. Russ. '15Roy W. WIi.LIAMS, '16FRANK S. WHITING, '16178Cap nUll 60,,'uThe Masq uersTHE Masquers is a dramatic club of Junior women organized three yearsago at the instigation of Dean Wallace, our patroness. As any girl hasthe privilege of retaining her membership on entering the Senior College,we have many Senior College members. We are a Junior College organizationonly in that we select our new members from that body. The first year that theMasquers were organized, they did little besides get on their feet. They gaveseveral programs, had some splendid talks given them by Dean Wallace at theirafternoon socials, and spent some time studying the Drama. Last year theyworked along these lines on a more aggressive, comprehensive scale, and metevery two weeks for a program and tea. At these afternoon meetings DeanWallace was kind enough to give us two or three talks on the Spanish Stage, andto tell us of some of her interesting experiences while in Spain. As a club weattempted to do little outside work. We gave a program at the Neighborhoodparty, and in the spring quarter one of Suderman's plays-The Par-away Prin­cess. We found on coming together this fall that our main disadvantage so farhad been that everyone had equal voice in all matters, and consequently no oneperson planned very much in a constructive way. So we revised our constitutionand placed the control of the club in the hands of an executive board, who layedout general plans for the year, and a definite schedule for the quarter. We havefound the plan an improvement, and we were enabled by it to get a play so wellunder way during the fall quarter that we were ready to present it the beginningof the winter quarter. The play chosen was translated from the Spanish byDean Wallace and Mrs. Otis Skinner,-Pepita, by name. The girls who pre­sented it, as well as the coach, Miss Hornor, deserve great credit for the finishedproduction they put on. Spring quarter we are to give an open air entertain­ment in the nature of a pageant, which we feel will be an appropriate conclu­sion to a most successful year. We have many new members of marked talent,and are looking forward to a most promising future.MembersESTHER HORNOR PresidentlONE BOSTAPH SecretaryILENE KNISELE . Corresponding SecretaryTREVA MATTHEWS TreasurerHELEN ANDREWS LORRAINE KITCHHEDWIG BROSSEIT ALICE McELINJESSIE BROWN PRICILLA NEYBERTADA COLE MABEL O'CONNOREVELYN COLE NINA O'NEILLGERTRUDE COLE IRMA RADUSCHSELMA DIENSTAG BESSIE STENHOUSEMARGARET HESS HEDWIG STIEGLITZHELEN JAMIESON MARGARET WALKERZOE WINN179Cap and GownOfficersFRANK HURBURT O'HARAISABEL S. KENDRICKJOHN J. CLEARYCORNELIA M. BEALLHARRY B. BOGG, JR.M. VERNON BROWNW. OGDEN COLEMANKATHLEEN COLPITTSJAMES D. DYRENFORTHPHYLLIS FAYMARGARET FENTONLETITIA M. FYFFEJ OSEPH-' F. GEARYSOL' HARRISON },\)�1\lllA�J'zffttn�PresidentSecretaryBusiness ManagerMembersDAVID B. McLAUGHLINH. LOUISE MICKYETTA MILKEWITCHGERTRUDE O'MEARARODERICK PEATTIEWILLIAM L. REHMWILLIAM P. ROELAURENCE E. SALISBURYFRANCIS J. SHERWIN�ENRX C. SHlJ!LIRIS H. -SPOHNHILDA MACCLINTOCK HARRIET TUTHILLHAROLD H. WRIGHTRUTH AGARRUTH R. ALLENJESSIE 1. BROWNFREDERICK M. BYERLYDUNLAP C. CLARKGENEVIEVE M. EDMUNDS AssociatesWILLIAM H. LYMANTREVA M. MATTHEWSMABEL R. O'CONNORCHARLES J. OPPENHEIMFRANCES E. PECKELLEN T. PETERSONJANET T. FLANNER MARGARET RHODESDOROTHY P. HIGGS CEDRIC B. STROHMORRIN E. WOLF180Cap and Go,,,nThe Dramatic ClubHarrisonColemanSpohnDyren/orth FayFyffe Roe RehmPeattieShull BeallSherwinMacClintock O'Hara Kendrick Cleary MickFentonO'Meara Bogg181Cal' and GownThe Fall PlaysTHE DRAWBACKAn Incident by Maurice BaringPersonsHeShe JAMES D. DYRENFORTHPHYLLIS FAYMcDONOUGH'S WIFEA Play by Lady Gregory(FIRST TIME ON ANY STAGE)PersonsFirst Hag.Second HagMcDonough H. LOUISE MICKYETTA MILKEWITCHM. VERNON BROWNTHE BRACELETA Comedy by Alfred SutroPersonsWilliamSmithersMartin.Harvey WesternMrs. WesternHis Honor, Judge BanketMrs. BanketMiss F'arren JOSEPH F. GEARYHILDA MACCLINTOCKFRANCIS J. SHERWINLAURENCE E. SALISBURYMARGARET fENTONSOL HARRISONIRIS H. SPOHNGERTRUDE O'MEARAThe Winter PlayTHE YOUNGER "GENERATIONA. Comedy for Parents, by Stanley Houghton(FIRST NON-PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTION)PersonsJames Kennion, the father.Mrs. Kennion, the motherMaggie, the maidReggie Kennion .Grace Kennion .Thomas Kennion, the uncleMr. LeadbitterMr. Fowle.Arthur KennionMrs. Hannah Kennion, the grandmotherClifford Rawson SOL HARRISONISABEL S. KENDRICKKATHLEEN COLPITTSLAURENCE E. SALISBURYPHYLLIS FAYFRANCIS J. SHERWINHAROLD H. WRIGHTWILLIAM P. ROEM. VERNON BROWNCORNELIA M. BEALLDAVID B. McLAUGHLIN182Cal' and GownJ.f{.S.FL.L/S.183Cap and GownMusic in the UniversityThe musical affairs of the Universityhave kept pace with the improvement notedin other circles of activity. There is fre­quent evidence of musical talent among thestudents, besides much that is latent andsome, probably, that is undiscovered. Thereis a strong demand from many quarters forrecognition of music in the general curri­culum.It has become a tradition that the Sun­day morning service in Mandel hall is sus­tained in its music by the student malechorus. This ,service is one of great at­tractiveness, ,and .frequent letters are re­'ceived· by the music director expressing ap­. preciation of visitors. The choirs, both ofmen and women, are to become the greatmusical honor organizations of the Uni­versity, and by' the time the new chapel .isbuilt, something magnificent in music is anticipated."Voices of the Varsity," including the Vox Humana club of men and theVox Celeste of women, will be the "V" society that will rally all the Universityforces to the call of the Alma Mater, through the sentiment of music. On thisgroup will be built the great Oratorio and Festival occasions that will soon gracethe Spring Home-Coming of eager graduates.The Organ Recitals and Vesper plans are a means of progress toward thehighest ideals of sentiment. The outlook and inspiration of the moment in musi­cal channels is altogether one of glorious accomplishment and bright promise.The University Orchestral AssociationThe University Orchestral Association was organized five years ago for thepurpose of CUltivating an interest in good music by means of an annual series ofOrchestral Concerts, supplemented by such other programs as in the judgment ofthe officers would contribute to that end.The Association maintains a series of Tuesday afternoon concerts betweenOctober 1 and May 1 of each college year in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall. Theseconcerts are given by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and recital artists ofrenown.The season 1913-1914 was the most successful since the beginning of theAssociation. Practically the entire seating capacity of Leon Mandel AssemblyHall was sold during the season ticket sale, and for the special recitals supple­mentary seats on the stage were required. Special rates for season tickets wereallowed to students, 345 of whom subscribed for the season. .The program for the season consisted of six concerts by the Chicago Sym­phony Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Frederick Stock, and special recitalsby Maud Powell, violinist, Julia Culp, mezzo soprano, and Leo Slezak, tenor.On Monday afternoon preceding each orchestral concert, a lecture-recitalwas given on the concert program in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall. These lecture­recitals were free to patrons of the concerts and were helpful in interpretingand enjoying the orchestra programs.OfficersJAMES H. BREASTED . .MRS. HARRY PRATT JUDSONDAVID A. ROBERTSON. PresidentVice-PresidentSecretary-TreasurerJAMES A. FIELDFRANK R. LILLIE DirectorsWALLACE HECKMANLORADO TAFTProgram CommitteeJAMES A. FIELD, ChairmanMRS. RICHARD G. MOULTON HERMANN SCHLESINGER184Cap and GownThe ChoirsVox HumanaROBERT WATERMAN STEVENSHow MD F. ADAMSJOSEPH O. BALCARHOWARD S. BECHTOLTGEORGE M. CANNONHAROLD B. FRANKLINFAY L. GRAYBILLFRANCIS W. HAMILTONOSCAR P. HEADLANDALBERT C. HODGEJAMES M. MCCONNELL . Oragnist and DirectorOAKLEY K. MORTONLOUIS L. NORTHRUPHARRY H. SMITHCHARLES H. So UTTERA. KENT SYKESROBERT C. TINDALLEUGENE F. TRAUTGEORGE L. VENABLEGROVER C. WHIMSETTDERWENT S. WHITTLESEYVox CelesteDUNCAN R. WIEDEMANNEDITH N. ABERNETHYLILLIAN W. BAILEYHESTER L. BONElONE V. BOSTAPHMAUDE BOUSLOUGHFLORENCE BRADLEYHEDWIG B. BROSSEIT CORENE COWDERYMARY C. HAYREBA MACKINNONDOROTHEA OLNEYIRMA M. RADUSCHJOSEPHINE H. ROGERSCLARICE WHITACRE185Cap and GownOAKLEY K. MORTONFRANK F. SELFRIDGECARL L. WEINMANLENUS H. LUNDBERGROBERT W. STEVENS PresidentManagerAssistant ManagerLibrarianDirectorFirst TenorsHUBERT C. SMITHOSCAR P. HEADLANDROBERT C. TINDALLLENUS H. LUNDBERG LEONIDAS P. PAYNEWALTER H. CHAMBERSSecond TenorsROBERT W. MILLERJOHN C. HENDERSONFRANK F. SELFRIDGEBaritonesW. OGDEN COLEMANRUSSELL C. HALLHAROLD T. MOOREJULIUS V. KUCHYNKACARL L. WEINMAN FAY L. GRAYBILLLEO S. HAYOAKLEY K. MORTONJOSEPH A. GOLDBERG WILLIAM P. ROEALBERT C. HODGEBassesFRANCIS W. HAMILTONLOUIS L. NORTHRUPCHARLES H. SOUTTERPianistMILO S. GIBBSJOHN A. GREENEERLING H. LUNDE ROWLAND H. GEORGEDONALD D. DELANYSelfridge Weinman LundbergMorton186Cal' and GownGlee ClubTindall Hamilton George Hay MillerSoutter Weinman Selfridge StevensGoldberg Kuchynka Coleman Hodge Headland RoeM orton LundbergGreene Smith Whittlesey HendersonHall LundeMorrisonGraybill Delany Moore187Cap and GownTHE principal event, of the year was the annual concert given in Mandel Hallon the evening of February eleventh. The Women's Club was assisted bythe Northwestern "A Cappella" Choir and by the Men's Glee Club of theUniversity of Chicago, and altogether the affair was a decided success. Thethree clubs were present at a dinner in Hutchinson Cafe before the concert andafterward everyone was invited -to a dance in th Reynolds Club.Previous to the concert the Women's Glee Club sang at the reception givento Mr. LaVerne Noyes, donor of the new women's gymnasium, and also at theFaculty dinner given by the women of the University. Plans are being madefor a-trip to. Northwestern and also for other minor social events. The qualityof material in the club this year is even superior to that of last year's organiza-'tion and great progress has been made.OfficersLUCILE BATESPHYLLIS FAYREBA MACKINNONHARRIET W. JONESDOROTHY STRACHANRUTH AGAR •HELEN J. BROOKS •ROBERT W. STEVENS PresidentVice-PresidentSecretary-TreasurerLibrarianManagerLeaderPianistDirectorMembersEDITH N. ABERNETHYRUTH AGARLUCILE BABCOCKLUCILE BATESHELEN J. BROOKSEVELYN COLEKATHLEEN W. COLPITTSADELINA M. DE LENTPHYLLIS FAYELSA K. HARJESKATHLEEN R. HARRINGTONS. EVELYN HATOWSKYKATHERINE HATTENDORFA. LEONE HEMINGWAYDOROTHY STRACHANVIRGINIA TITUS HARRIET W. ,JONESEDNA G. KEITHILENE KNISELYREBA MACKINNONIRENE M. MCKEANISABEL McMILLANLOUISE J. MILESELIZABETH a. NICOLFLORENCE M. PATRICKMIRIAM RICHERGERALDINE SOARESL. MARIE SPALDINGEVANGELINE E. STENHOUSEGLADYS S. STILLMANKATHERINE F • WALTZRUTH A. WIESINGER188Cap and GownWomen's Gl e e ClubKeith Harges Spalding Stevens Brooks Mackinnon StillmanHatowsky McMillan Hattendorf Jones Strachan Miles Nicol WaltzKnisely Richer Stenhouse Bates Fay McKean ColeBabcock Abernetliy Agar Wiesinaer Harrington189C,i'l'· Bnd Go,,'nThe University OrchestraHossSolandt LoomisF. B. Weakly Lyon McCann Hanisch Leavitt Heusink-uel d Elkington Gumbiner Strauss CornwellSoutter Bosworth Cragun Peters Beard Weld Herzog MarisSmith Hicks Parker Weiser RoserWILLIAM B. BOSWORTHMILDRED J . PARKERFAY L. GRAYBILL .ALFRED J. PETERS .WILLIAM H. WEISERHALARD BEARD •J. BEACH CRAGUN • PresidentV ice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerManagerLibrarianConductorMembersARTHUR O. HANISCHNORMAN G. HARTI MILTON H. HERZOGARTHUR C. HEUSINKVELDMARION HICKSRAYMOND L. JEFFERYMITCHELL LEAVITTHIRAM K. LOOMISWARD H. MARISROBERT C. McILHENNYHAYDEN E. BARNARDLOUIS I. BREDVOLDRICHARD A. CONKLINGMAX CORNWELLDAVID C. ELKINGTONHUGH B. FoxFRED FRYFORTUNATO F. GUALANOBENJAMIN F. GUMBINERROBERT GUNTHER JOHN W. MCCANNJEANNETTE B. REGERTJOHN H. ROSERANDREW W. SOLANDTJULIAN C. STEINCHARLES H. SOUTTERLEONARD A. STRAUSSFLOYD B. WEAKLYFRANK E. WEAKLYW. A. WELDAssociatesWILLARD E. ATKINS WILLIAM L. HOERBER, JR. MAYER LIPMAND. JEROME FISHER WENDELL E. Hoss WrLL LYONGEORGE F. FISKE, JR. GEORGE S. LEISURE HUBERT C. SMITHWALTER SPENCER EVANGELINE E. STENHOUSE190Cap and GownMandolin ClubWrightLyman BullSwanCrawfordHaupt CastlemanMoritzOfficersJ. HUGO SWAN •ARTHUR W. HAUPT ManagerLeaderMembersFirst MandolinARTHUR W. HAUPTHOWARD F. ADAMSHAROLD H. WRIGHTRUDOLPH A. MORITZ Second MandolinJ. HUGO SWANW. DONALD CRAWFORDLELAND BULLRAYMOND C. MOOREGuitarWILLIAM H. LYMAN UkuleleREGINALD S. CASTLEMANPianoMILO S. GIBBS191FREDERICK M. BLANCHARD •J. BEACH .CRAGUN ••WILLIAM B. BOSWORTH DirectorAssistantAssistantCap and Gown_ The University BandCornetsARTHUR O. HANISCHGAYLORD R. HESSDONALD D. DELANYWILLIAM C. GUNTHERCHANDOS B. ROYER SaxophonesFAY L. GRAYBILLJULIAN C. STEINFLOYD B. WEAKLYFRANK E. WEAKLYBassoonAltosCHARLES A. BORROFFNORMAN G. HARTWENDELL E. Hoss LOUIS H. BREVOLATBaritonesBENNETT O. KNUDSONWILLIAM P. ROE PiccolosRAYMOND L. JEFFERYHIRAM K. LOOMISOboeCHARLES H. SOUTTERTrombonesWILLARD A. ATKINSDAVID C. ELKINGTONFORTUNATO F. GUALANOCLARK J. LAUSMITCHELL LEAVITT E Flat ClarinetRALPH O. CORNWELLBassLOUIS H. BRAAFLADTOViD R. SELLERS ClarinetsHALARD R. BEARDARNOLD F. BLISSWILLIAM B. BOSWORTHMAXWELL F. CORNWELLJ. BEACH CRAGUNJOHN W. MCCANNROBERT C. McILHENNYCARL H. SIEVERANDREW W. SOLANDTGUY L. WAGONERDrumsSANFORD J. HERZOGOAKLEY K. MORTON192C a I) and Go,,· 11HOLGER A. LOLLESGARDLENUS H. LUNDBERGERLING H. LUNDEGEORGE S. LYMANWILLIAM H. LYMANORVILLE D. MILLERROBERT W. MILLERHOWARD F. ADAMSWILLIAM O. COLEMANDONALD D. DELANYLEWIS V. FUlKSJOHN A. GREENEJOHN C. HENDERSONTHOMAS HOLLINGSWORTH JOHN C. MORRISONOAKLEY K. MORTONHOWELL W. MURRAYHOWARD P. ROEEARLE A. SHILTONROBERT W. STEVENSCLYDE E. WATKINSDERWENT S. WHITTLESEY HAROLD H. WRIGHTG. Lyman. FuiksAdamsM orris on Greene HendersonLundberg W. Lyman Lollesgard LundeO. Miller Coleman Hollingsworth Stevens R.Miller M·urrayDelan.yMortonWhittlesey Roe193Cap and GownFounded May 5, 1911.Charter MembersALLYS F. BOYLEMARY E. BYRNE EDITH I. HEMINGWAYAGNES McDoWELLALTHA MONTAGUEOfficersMIRIAM WHALINDOROTHY LLEWELLYNMIRIAM L. BALDWIN PresidentSecretaryTreasurerMembersRUTH AGARHELEN J. BROOKSCHRISTINE O. BROWNKATHERINE COVERTADlllLINA M. DE LENTPHYLLIS FAYJEANETTE D. HARVEY FLORENCE N. HEACOCKLEONE A. HEMINGWAYELEANOR A. HUNTERMILDRED J • PARKERDELLA I. PATTERSONJOSEPHINE H. ROGERSFLORENCE THAYEREUGEN'IA WILLISTONHarpsichord has as its purpose the promotion of music among the womenof the University.194Cal) Hnll Go"�n195C a It and G 0 ,,- nThe Washington PromenadeTHE night of February twentieth is bright in the minds of many Chicagomen and women as "Prom" night. At ten o'clock, Howell Murray withMiss Elisabeth Sherer, and Earl Shilton with -Miss Miriam Baldwin ledthe dancers out on the Bartlett floor in the ·grand march commencing the Nine­teenth Annual Washington Promenade. The march ended in a "C" formationand as the Alma Mater was ·being sung the pink lights gradually died out untilthe electric "C" and the lighted canvas of Washington at opposite ends of thehall shone forth brilliantly.The hall was decorated beautifully with ferns and palms and many artisticcreations. Several cozy corners were arranged with comfortable arm chairs anddavenports for the patronesses and dancers. At twelve supper was served inHutchinson Commons, followed by more dancing until two.Patronesses and PatronsPRESIDENT AND MRS. HARRY PRATT JUDSONMR. AND MRS. JAMES R. ANGELL MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL J. SHERERMISS MARY HOWELL MR. AND MRS. C. A. SHILTONMR. BEN A. MURRAY MR. AND MRS. ELMER E. BALDWINMRS. EDITH FOSTER FLINTMR. LA VERNE W. NOYES MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM D. MACCLINTOCKMISS MARION TALBOTCommitteesHOWELL WORTH MURRAY, General ChairmanFinanceEARLE A. SHILTON, ChairmanBENJAMIN V. COHEN ROBERT W. MILLERJOHN A. GREENE GEORGE D. PARKINSONHAROLD H. WRIGHTATrangementsW. OGDEN COLEMAN, ChairmanHOLLY R. BENNETT HARVEY L. HARRISARLINE H. BROWN MARGARET RHODESHAROLD E. GOETTLER CHARLOTTE M. VIALLReceptionRODERICK PEATTIE, ChairmanMIRIAM L. BALDWIN RUDY D. MATTHEWSKATHLEEN R. HARRINGTON JOHN B. PERLEEERLIN.G H. LUNDE RUTH HOUGHELISABETH SHERERPrintingBURDETTE P. MAST, ChairmanJOHN J. CLEARY WARREN B. LEONARDLEON STOLZDecorationsHORACE C. FITZPATRICK, ChairmanRUTH AGAR HELENE POLLAKGEORGE S. LEISURE W. LANE REHMWILLIAM H. LYMANA. DUANE MANN HENRY C. SHULLHELEN D. STREET196C a· pan d G 0 w nWashington Prom LeadersHOWELL W. MURRAYEARLE A. SHILTON ELISABETH SHERERMIRIAM L. BALDWIN197Cap and GownThe Interclass HopFO. LLOWING the custom of previous years, the fourth annual Inter-ClassHop was held in Bartlett gymnasium the early part of June, the warmweather calling for summer frocks and white flannels., The dance wasgiven Thursday night, June fifth, 1913. The decorations were cool, green leafybanks winding about lattice. A thatch roof of woven ribbon was very effectivein the dimmed light.The LeadersCHESTER S. BELL AND FLORENCE ROTHERMELTHOMAS E. COLEMAN AND RUTH AGAR 'GEORGE S. LYMAN AND SALLY L. FORD. •G. GALE WILLARD AND GRACE VAN EVERA •The Patronesses Senior»JuniorsSophomoresFreshmenMRS. JAMES S. AGARMRS. JAMES R. ANGELLMRS. THOMAS F. BELLMRS. JAMES FORDMRS. HARRY PRATT JUDSONMRS. WILLIAM LYMANMRS. LEON CARROLL MARSHALLMRS. FRANK JUSTUS MILLER MRS. ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKANMRS. AXEL NORGRENMRS. DAVID ALLAN ROBERTSONMRS. WILLIAM E. ROTHERMELMRS. MARTIN A. RYERSONMISS MARION TALBOTMRS. GEORGE M. VAN EVERAMRS. CHARLES E. WILLARDThe CommitteesCHESTER S. BELL, General ChairmanReception CommitteeHELEN M. GROSS, ChairmanDONALD D. DELANY WILLIAM D. EWARTGEORGE E. KUH ERNEST R. REICHMANNDecoration CommitteeVIRGINIA HINKINS, ChairmanHOLLY R. BENN'ETT GRACE E. HOTCHKISSROSE H. BYRNE JAMES A. LANEEMMA A. CLARK MADELYN MACKINLEY. MARJORIE H. COONLEY HAROLD'T. MOOREE. WILLARD FASSETT JOSEPHINE D. REICHMANNJANET T, FLANNER ELISABETH SHERERTHEODORE E. FORD DENTON H. SPARKSROWLAND H. "G:r;;ORGE H'ilLEN D. STREETFinance CommitteeGEORGE S. LXMAN,' ChairmanFREDERIC W. BURCKY NORMAN R. ELMSTROMFREDERICK M. BYERLY ARTHUR T. GOODMANPublicity.·CommitteeG. GALE W�i.LARD" ChairmanGEQRGE W. COTTINGHAM H. LOUISE MICKPAUL DES JARDIEN AUGUSTA A. SWAWITERODERICK MACPHERSON DOROTHY WILLISTONHAROLD H, WRIGHTArrangements CommitteeNELSON H. NORGREN, ChairmanH. HOYT COX ISABEL MACMURRAYPHYLLIS FAY C. LORIN OWENSUSANNE FISHER MONA QUAYLEWARREN B. LEONARD FRED STEINBRECHER198Cal' and GOWDInterclass Hop LeadersCHESTER S. BELL FLORENCE ROTHERMELTHOMAS E. COLEMAN GEORGE S. LYMAN G. GALE WILLARDRUTH AGAR SALLY LOUISE FORD GRACE A. VAN EVERA199.Cap and GownThe Settlement DanceS· ATURDAY, December 13, 1913, the seventh annual dance for the benefit of.the University Settlement was held in Bartlett Gymnasium. Seven hundred. and thirty dollars were cleared for the Settlement-nearly one hundred morethan last year. The decorations were new and unique though inexpensive. TheGlee Club gave several selections, and the Signet ch�b presented some specialdances. Features of the evening included the Fortune Telling booth and theFish Pond.The PatronessesMRS. HARRY PRATT JUDSONMISS MARION TALBOTMRS. SOPHONISBA BRECKINRIDGEMRS. LYMAN A. WALTONMISS GERTRUDE DUDLEYMISS MYRA REYNOLDSMRS. DAVID A. ROBERTSONMRS. BENJAMIN S. TERRY MISS MARY McDOWELLMRS. C. RIBORG MANNMISS ELIZABETH WALLACEMRS. JAMES R. ANGELLMRS. JAMES W. LINNMRS. PERCY H. BOYNTONMRS. HENRY G. GALEMRS. THOMAS A. COLEMANChairmen of CommitteesTHOMAS E. COLEMAN, General ChairmanHELENE POLLAK FinanceSAM W. WELLS. RefreshmentHELEN D. STREET ReceptionJOHN C. HENDERSON Decoration and ArrangementsLEWIS V. FUlKS MusicARLI+"E BROWN . EntertainmentHARRY H. COMER Publicity and PrintingSettlement BoardPresidentSecretaryTreasurerFLOYD R. MECHEMROBERT A. MILLIKAN ;GEORGE H. MEADHARRY PRATT JUDSON> CHARLES R. HENDERSONSHAILER MATHEWSMARY E. McDOWELLMRS. WILLIAM F. DUMMERMRS. BENJAMIN S. TERRYMRS. S. J. LARNED CHARLES L. HUTCHINSONWILLIAM SCOTT BONDS. J. LARNEDJAMES H. TUFTSARTHUR J. MASONNATHAN C. PLYMPTONMRS. IRVIN McDOWELLEDWIN O. JORDAN200------_Cnp Ulltl Go,,-u201Cap aad GOWIlThe of PhysicalAthletics CuI tureDivisionandProfessor and Director of Physical Culture and AthleticsAMOS ALONZO STAGGAssistant Professor and Medical ExaminerDUDLEY BILLINGS REEDThe CoachesAMOS ALONZO STAGGHARLAN ORVILLE PAGE . Footballj Baseball, Track, Basketball,1 Assistant FootballAquaticsGymnasticsAssistant FootballFreshman FootballReserve BaseballFreshman BaseballAssistant TrackAssistant WeightsCross Country RunningFencingWrestlingJOSEPH HENRY WHITEDANIEL LOUIS HOFFERJOHN BENNETT CANNINGCLARK GEORGE SAUER .JOHN BELLEW BOYLE.FRED STEINBRECHERW ALTER PHILLIPS COMSTOCKWILLIAM JAMES MONILAW .JOHN HERBERT NICHOLS.ROBERT B. MILLER •Ross D. NETHERTON .Captains, 1913-1914NELSON HENRY NORGRENALBERT DUANE MANNLERoy CAMPBELL •CHARLES OSCAR MOLANDER .ALEXANDER MACQUEEN SQUAIRWILLARD TERRY GOODWINARTHUR TOMLIN GOODMAN •MAURICE ELLIS OTTOSENFRANK ERVAN WEAKLY.ERN'EST FREDERICK MOSERKENT CHANDLER FootballBaseballTrackBasketballTennisCross Country RunningSwimmingFencingGymnasticsWrestlingGolfAlumni Representative on Board of Physical Culture and AthleticsWILLIAM FRANCE ANDERSONFreshmen CaptainsJOSEPH PENN CAROLANLAURENS C. SHULLCLYDE JOSEPH STOUT •WALTER BEAUMONT SCHAFER FootballBaseballTrackBasketball202Cap and GownDUDLEY B. REEDDANIEL L. HOFFER HARLAN O. PAGEAMOS A. STAGG JOSEPH H. WHITEDAVID R. MERRIAM203Cap and Gown1913FootballH. L. HARRISE. D. HUNTINGTONW. L. KENNEDYW. B. LEACHN. H. NORGRENBaseballP. R. DES JARDIENL. W. GRAYR. N. HARGERW. B. LEONARDTrackH. E. GOETTLER .H. S. GORGASD. KNIGHTG. E. KUHF. T. WARDBasketballS. F. BAUMGARTNER P. R. DESJARDIEN N. H. NORGRENC. S. BELL C. O. MOLANDER N. C. PAINEJ. STEVENSON J .. VRUWINKS. F. BAUMGARTNERP. R. DES JARDIENH. C. FITZPATRICKH. E. GOETTLERL. W. GRAY S. R. PIERCEP. S. RUSSELLA. G. SCANLONL. C. SHULLD. H. SPARKSS. F. BAUMGARTNERR. A. BOHNENH. M. CARPENTERF. A. CATRON A.D.MANNN. H. NORGRENT. E. SCOFIELDT. R. STAINSR. D. MATTHEWSN. H. NORGRENC. O. PARKERS. SELLERSJ. W. BREATHEDL. CAMPBELLH. H. CoxP. R. DES�ARDIENE. B. THOMASTennisA. L. GREEN A. M. SQUAIRGymnasticsG. D. PARKINSONFencingR. V. MERRILLWin n er S 0 f the "C" B 1 an k e t 1 9 1 2 -1 9 1 3The "C" blankets are given to members of teams who have completed theirathletic competition.FoptballJ. B. CANNINGJ. B. LAWLERH. E. WHITESIDEBaseballF. A. CATRONT. E. SCOFIELDTrack�. CHANDLERTennisA. L. GREEN BasketballC. S. BELLFootball and BasketballN. C. PAINEFootball and BaseballH. M. CARPENTERC. P. FREEMANFootball and TrackS. SELLERSFencingR. V. MERRILL204Cap and Gown1913FootballW. H. ACKER C. N. MOULTON F. S. WHITINGR. D. BoYD H. J. STEGEMAN D. A. WILLIAMSTrackC. A. BORROFF A. G. DUNCAN M. L. HELLERJ. B. CANNING W. T. GOODWIN G. S. LEISUREL. K. REIDBaseballJ. J. CLEARY P. E. KEARNEY E. F. KIXMILLERM. KULVINSKYBasketballH. S. GORGAS W. L. KENNEDY M. KULVINSKYJ. W. MACARTHURTennisC. C. STEWARTSwimmingH. M. KEEFEG. S. LYMANH. A. MOOREP. W. TATGECross Country RunningL. CAMPBELLW. T. GOODWING. H. TYRRELLA. GOODMANH. S. GORGAS L. L. NEFFW. S. POAGUET. E. SCOFIELDD. H. HOLLINGSWORTHJ. S. BISHOPF. M. BYERLY W. S. JONESC. J. STOUTGymnasticsH. C. SMITHK. T. SPONSELS. R. CURTISL. E. ROBERTS A. M. SQUAIRF. E. WEAKLYGymnastic "R"T. HOLLINGSWORTHWrestlingE. F. MOSER L. L. HARDTFencingF. W. CROLL M. E. OTTOSEN205Cap and GownSenior Football Men206Lyman... Cap n u d Go,,·n2,07Position Cal) ail •• GOWIlThe Football Team, 1'913Name Weight169187182198180186167153172175183173177160171Right EndRight TackleRight GuardCenterLeft Guard.Left Tackle .Left End. Quarter BackRight Half BackLeft Half BackFull Back'Half Back and Full BackGuard. .Half BackEnd STANWOOD FULTON BAUMGARTNERHAROLD ERNEST GOETTLER .ARTHUR GARRETT SCANLON .PAUL RAYMOND DES JARDIENHARVEY' LoUIs HARRISLAURENS C. SHULLEARL D. HUNTINGTONPAUL SNOWDON RUSSELLNELSON HENRY NORGREN, CaptainLAURISTON WINCHESTER GRAYSTANLEY ROBERT PIERCE .WALTER LEE KENNEDY . . .WILLIAM BUTLER LEACH. . .HORACE CHARLES FITZPATRICKDENTON H. SPARKS . . . .The Football Schedule and Scores, 1913October 4October 18October 25November 1November 8November 15November 22 Chicago vs. Indiana University. 21-7Chicago vs. University of Iowa. 23-6Chicago vs. Purdue University . 6-0Chicago vs. University of Illinois 28-7Chicago vs. Northwestern University, at Evanston. 14-0'Chicago vs. University of Minnesota, at Minneapolis 13-7Chicago vs. University of Wisconsin . . . . .. 19-0Games won: 7; lost, O.Points won: Chicago, 124; Opponents, 27.208Ca_p and GownFootball Team, 1913Page Stagg Des Jardien SauerCanning Baumgartner Kennedy Huntinqton JohnsonGoettler Gray Pierce ShullScanlon Norgren HarrisSparks Fitzpatrick R1tssell Leach209- - - - -------------------------------------,Cap and GownThe Football SeasonTHE 1913 football team will go down in history as one of the best that hasrepresented the University of Chicago. For the fourth tim� in the last- nme years the Grand Old Man turned out the best team m the West.Starting with the first game, played with Indiana, the team led by NelsonNorgren was regarded favorably for the banner, but it was not until after theMinnesota game that our superiority was unquestioned. .. Contrary to some former years, Coach Stagg was not very pessimistic at theoutset and declared himself satisfied with the team with the exception of the lineand quarter back. Considering his usual lugubrious attitude, such an admissionwas encouraging. There remained as the nucleus of the team a goodlynumber of veterans, including Captain Norgren, Huntington, Harris, Goettler,Des Jardien, Scanlon, Vruwink, Gray, Kennedy, and Fitzpatrick, while a fewpromising sophomores appeared for places. There was a small number of linecandidates of class and there was no continuity of attack and defense in theirplay; they presented no united wall. These facts were brought out clearly inthe Indiana game on October 4th. Indiana went down in expected defeat to thescore of 27 to 7. The work of the team was, however, on the whole, disappoint-·ing. The back field gained consistently, 'but Des Jardien was the only line-manwho stood out particularly.Two weeks intervened between the Indiana and Iowa games. The Iowanswere considered dangerous and their offense was declared remarkably .strong. Asa result, the ghost ball was in evidence at Marshall Field, and the results of thedrill were apparent in the 23 to 6 victory. The team had shown considerableimprovement over the last game, especially in the line. The tackling was hardand sure, trick plays were unnecessary, and the game was won on straightfootball.The game with Purdue was considered a real test for the team. The Boiler­makers had held the Wisconsin Champions of 1912 to a 7 to 7 tie the week before,and as a result were considered serious contenders for the banner. They hadbuilt about Oliphant, a team to be reckoned with. The game showed that Purduehad not been over-estimated. Time and again, Norgren, Pierce, and Gray threwthemselves against the opposing line, but their gains were slight. Purdue'soffensive machine was equally paralyzed. Pete Russell now proceeded to makean indelible name for himself by booting two goals for a total of six points.Purdue did not score, so the game was won by this margin.The outlook now was cheerful. The line was hitting its stride and puttingup a remarkable game. The offense, always strong, was now well-polished and210Cap and Gowneffective. The next obstacle was Illinois, headed by Mr. Zuppke, whose Oak .Parkflea flicker, eight-passes-behind-the-line, plays could make no headway againstthe Chicago forward wall, and after a preliminary scare, caused by the brilliantrun of Pogue, who crossed the Chicago line after catching a punt, the result wasnever in doubt. When it was all over, we had scored four times to their once,and the score stood 28 to 7.The next team to be met was Northwestern, who, owing to its weak perform­ances, was not considered seriously and, as was expected, went down in easy de­feat. The game had been taken principally as a try-out for certain substitutes,so the result was not seriously considered.The team was now face to face with the big game of the year. Minnesota,despite its defeat early in the season by Nebraska, was the favorite for Confer­ence honors. Especially were they considered invincible on their home field.They outweighed us eight pounds to the man; their line was considered one ofthe finest in the country, and the backfield fast and shifty. Our only hope layin the fact that Norgren could be depended upon to outpunt Shaughnessy andthus keep the ball in their territory the major portion of the time.After a royal send-off, the team departed for the North determined not to bebeaten. On a field slippery with sno:w they tore through the heavy, crushingGopher line, fiercely tackled their speedy backs, and successfully evaded theirwatchful defense. The final score was 13 to 7, and the wild-eyed contingent of250 loyal sttudents who cheered the team to victory, and incidentally out-yelled20,000 Minnesotans, brought back with them the Conference Champions.True, Wisconsin still remained to be beaten, but, as was generally expectedon the strength of past performances, the Badgers did not prove troublesome andbowed before a 19 to 0 defeat.In the victory of the team no one stood out as prominently or deserves morecredit than Captain Nelson Norgren. He was not only the best punter and mostconsistent ground-gainer in the Conference, but he was also the leader of his 'men,giving them at all times an ideal of pluck and grit. His, work received un,iylersalrecognition. Des J ardien, the bulwark and mainstay of the line, received his justdue in his everywhere applauded selection by Walter Camp on his All-Americanteam. Scanlon and Harris bolstered up the center notably. Goettler and Shullbore the brunt of the attack at their, tackle positions, and very few runs throughthem resulted, Huntington and Baumgartner always held their. own, even }Vhenopposed by ends rated as the best in �his section., Russell, although playing hisfirst year, played a remarkable game. He was chosen on every All-ConferenceEleven and by many on All-Western .. "Dolly" Gray and "Schnitz" Pierce com­pleted a backfield that was unequalled throughout the West· for sheer ability andpluck. Of this team, Captain Norgren, Pierce, Goettler, Kennedy, Fitzpatrick,Leach, and Harris played their last game when the season ended.No account of the team's success could be complete without a tribute paid tothe Grand Old Man. With practically only fifteen good men available, he turnedout from this unorganized, unpolished material, a well-finished, machine-like,victorious eleven. His part in the sucess of the team was universally recognizedand noted. This sketch could not be ended in a more appropriate way than bythe quotation of a few lines from an editorial on Mr. Stagg in the Chicago Trib­une. It reads:"A word of congratulation to Mr. Alonzo Stagg-and several to theUniversity of Chicago. The winning of a Conference football championshipcould be over-emphasized, and the loss of it overmourned, bu�Jhe direction ofa University'S athletics by a man who not only shapes his material intowinning form but keeps the sports under his direction, clean, honest, .andfair, is a genuine asset. So long as the University of Chicago has Mr. Stagg,it has this asset."211Cap H u ,I G 0 "- UChicago, 21; Indiana, 7212Cap and GownChicago, 23; Iowa, 6213Cap and GownChicago, 6; Purdue, 0214Cap and GownChicago, 28; Illinois, 7215Cap and GownChicago, 14; Northwestern, 0216Cap Rnd GownChicago, 13; Minnesota, 7217Cal' aud GownChicago, 19; Wisconsin, 0218CHI. and Go,,-nLyman..219Jan. 24-25Feb. 15Feb. 28March 8March 29April 19April 26May 10May 24June 7 Cap and GownTrack Team, 1913GEORGE EDWIN KUH, CaptainCHARLES ALEXANDER BORROFFJOHN WILLIAM BREATHEDLERoy CAMPBELLJOHN BENNETT CANNINGHENRY HOYT COXPAUL RAYMOND DES JARDIENALBERT GORDON DUNCANHAROLD ERNEST GOETTLERWILLARD TERRY GOODWINHARRY STEWART GORGAS WALTER LEE KENNEDYDUERSON KNIGHTRUDY DOLE MATTHEWSNELSON HENRY NORGRENCHARLES OSCAR PARKERTHOMAS ERSKINE SCOFIELDSANDFORD SELLERS, JR.TRACY RANGER STAINSEDWARD BROWN THOMASJOHN VRUWINKFRANCIS THOMAS WARDTrack Meets and Scores, 191327-5955-3140-46First Regiment Handicap Meet at First Regiment Armory.Chicago vs. University of Illinois, at ChampaignChicago vs. Northwestern UniversityChicago vs. Northwestern University, at EvanstonThird Annual Indoor Conference Meet at Evanston.Wisconsin 33%.Illinois 33Chicago 18%Northwestern 16%Drake University Relay Races at Des Moines. Chicago first.University of Pennsylvania Relay Races at Philadelphia.Chicago fourth.Chicago vs. Northwestern University . 75 -51Chicago vs. University of Illinois 471h-781h"Thirteenth Annual Intercollegiate Conference Meet at Madison, Wis.Illinois 471hWisconsin 281hChicago 171hCalifornia 15June 7 Twelfth Annual Interscholastic Meet. Won by Oak Park.220Cap and GownTrack Team, 1913Comstock GoettlerlohnsonBoroff Stains ThomasWard Parker CampbellSellers DwncanKnight Breathed PageGoodwinCanning Gorgas Des Iardien Co."Norgren Kub Matthews221Cap and GownThe 1913 ConferenceHeld at Camp Randall, University of Wisconsin, June 7, 1913.Track Events100 Yard Dash-Hammitt (I), first; Parker (C), second; Phelps (I), third;Knight (C), fourth. Time-:10Ji.220 Yard Dash-Parker (C), first; Knudson (W), second; Ward (C), third;Schley (W), fourth. Time-:22%.440 Yard Run-s-Hunter (I), first; Cortis (I), second; Sanders (I), third;Bassett (W), fourth. Time-:51.880 Yard Run-Ease C(P) , .first ; Henderson (I), second; Parsons (Ia.), third;Bresnahan (W), fourth. Time-2 :03U.One Mile Run-Wood (Cal.) , first; Thorsen (N), second; Cope (I), third;Crellin (0), fourth. Time-4:34U.Two Mile Run-Kraft (N), first; Criswell (0), second; Goldie (W), third;Sumner (Ia.) , fourth. Time-9:58%.120 Yard Hurdles-Case (I), first; Hazen (K), second; Ofstie (W), third;Busby (P), fourth. Time-:15U·220 Yard Hurdles-Kuh (C), first; Wilcox (M), second; Tilton (I), third;Kirksey (Mo.), fourth. Time-:25%.Field EventsShot Put-Thatcher (Mo.), first; Van Ghent (W), second; Keeler (W), third;Eichenlaub (N. D.), fourth. Distance-41 ft. 8 in.Hammer Throw-Shattuck (Cal.) first; Coolidge (Cal.) second; Mathers (I),third; Van Ghent (W), fourth. Distance-160 ft. 4 in.High Jump-Wahl (W) and Ellis (Wab.), tied for first; Gorgas (C),Klotsch (W), Claar (I), Shrader (Ia.), Nicholson (Mo.), and James (N),tied for third. Height-5 ft. 8'72 in.Broad Jump-Lambert (M), first; Nevins (I), second; Husted (I), third;Warrick (N), fourth. Distance-22 ft. 3 in.DIscus-Butt (I), first; Thatcher (Mo.), second; Shattuck (Cal.) , third;Raffner (P), fourth. Distance 127 ft. 9 in.Pole Vault-Gold (W), first; Floyd (Mo.), second; Thomas (C), Schobinger (I)and Phelps (P), tied for third. Height-12 ft. 814 in.Relay Race-Illinois, first; Wisconsin, second; Missouri, third; Notre Dame,fourth. Time-3 :27Ys.PointsIllinoisWisconsinChicagoCalifornia 47'7228'7217'7215222Cap and Go,,-nRelay Team, 1913Matthews Breathed Comstock Kuh ParkerDrake University Relay RacesDes Moines, Iowa, April 19, 1913Chicago won the university one-mile relay with a team composed of Breathed,Parker, Kuh, and Matthews, in 3 minutes, 27Ys seconds. Kansas was second andNebraska third.University of Pennsylvania Relay RacesPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, April 26, 1913One Mile Championship Relay Race was won by Illinois; Pennsylvania, sec­ond; Dartmouth, third; Chicago, fourth. Time-3:22%.Chicago's team in the relay was composed of John W. Breathed, Charles O.Parker, George E. Kuh, and Rudy D. Matthews. Chicago was also representedby Francis T. Ward, who won fourth in the 100 yard dash, and by Edward B.Thomas in the pole vault.223Cap and GownChicago vs. NorthwesternMay 10, 1913.Track Events100 Yard Dash-Parker (C), first; Knight (C), second; Matthews (C),third. Time-:10%.220 Yard Dash-Ward (C), first; Matthews (C), second; Osborne (N),third. Time-:23�.440 Yard Run-Osborne (N), first; Parker (C), second; Breathed (C) ,third. Time-:51�.880 Yard Run-Osborne (N), first; Kraft (N), second; Thorsen (N),:."i third. Time-2 :061/0.One Mile Run-Stafford (N), first; Thorsen (N), second; Traxler (N),third. Time-4:54.Two Mile Run-Smothers (N), first; McCulloch (N), second; Smith (N),third. Time-10 :46�.120 Yard Hurdles-Kuh (C), first; Ward (C) , second; Schwarz (N) ,third. Time-: 16.220 Yard Hurdles-Kuh (C), first; Parker (C) , second; Breathed (C) ,third. Time-:27%.Field EventsShot Put-Norgren (C), first; Des Jardien (C), second; Babbitt,(N) third.Distance=-Sx ft. 7 in.Hammer Throw-Sellers (C), first; Babbitt (N), second; Gannon (N),third. Distance-108 ft. 3 in.High Jump-Des J ardien (C) and James (N), tied for first; Cox (C) andGorgas (C), tied for third. Height-5 ft. 6 in.Broad Jump-Kuh (C), first; Matthews (C), second; Kennedy (C), third., Distance- 20 ft. 3 in.Discus-Goettler (C), first; Gannon (N), second; Kennedy (C), third.Distance-1l3 ft. 2 in.Pole Vault-Ray (N), first; Thomas (C), and Borroff (C), tied for second., 'Height-ll ft.ScoreChicago .Northwestern . 7551224CUlt Hud GO,"VDChicago vs. IllinoisMay 24,1913Track Events100 Yard Dash-Parker (C), first; Knight (C), second; Ward (C), third.Time-:10%.220 Yard Dash-Parker (C) first; Ward (C), second; Matthews (C) andCortis (I), tied for third. Time-:22Ys.440 Yard Run-Goelitz (I), first; Sanders (I), second; Hunter (I), third.Time-:51.880 Yard Run-Tapping (I), first; Henderson (I), second; Hunter (I),third. Time-2 :06.One Mile Run-Cope (I), Thompson (I), and Odell (I), tied for first.Time-4:50 .:Two Mile Run-Thompson (I), first; Bolander (I), second; Bullard (I),third. Time-ll :08%.120 Yard Hurdles-Case (I), first; Kuh (C), second; Mathers (I), third.Time-:16.220 Yard Low Hurdles-Kuh (C), first; Case (1), second; Tilton (I),third. Time-:25,Vs.Field EventsShot Put-Butts (I), first; Norgren (C), second; Schobinger (I), third.Distance-40 ft. llh in.H�mmer Throw-Mathers (I), first; Sellers (C), second; Canning (C),third. Distance-120 ft. 8 in.High Jump-Claar (I), first; Cox (C) and Gorgas (C), tied for second.Height-5 ft. 9 in.Broad Jump-Nevins (I), first; Husted (I), second; Tilton (I), third.Distance-22 ft. 6 in.Discus Throw-DesJardien (C), first; Butt (I), second; Goettler (C),third. Distance-1l6 ft. 3lh in.Pole Vault-Thomas (C), first; Schobinger (I), second; Griffen (I), third.Height-12 ft. 4 in.PointsIllinoisChicago 78lh47lh225Cap and Go,,'uChic a g o vs. NorthwesternBartlett Gymnasium, January 31, 1914Track Events50 Yard Dash-Knight (C), first; Barancik (C), second; Warrick (N), third.Time-:059i. ..440 Yard Run-Osborne (N), first; McConnell (C), second; Hotchkin (N)third. Time-:57%.880 Yard Run-Campbell (C), first; Osborne (N), second; Leisure (C), third.Time-2:07.One Mile Run-Stout (C), first; Kraft (N), second; DeWitt (N), third. Time-4:49%.Two Mile Run-s-Goodwin (C), first; Kraft (N), second; Ferris (N), third.Time-10 :29%.50 Yard Hurdles-Jaines (N), first; Thomas (C), second; Hurwitz (C), third.Time-:07%.Field EventsShot Put-Norgren (C), first; Schneberg (N), second; Des Jardien (C), third.Distance-40 ft. 2 in.High Jump-Gorgas (C), first; James (N), second; Whiting (C), third.Height-5 ft. 9 in.Pole Vault-Thomas (C), first; Moore (C), Borroff (C), Heller (C), tied' forsecond.Relay Race-Won by Chicago; Stains, McConnell, Boyd, Matthews. Time-3:289i.PointsChicago . .Northwestern 5729Chicago vs. PurdueLafayette, Indiana, February 24, 1914Track Events40 Yard Dash-Barancik (C), first; Landis (P), second; Knight (C), third.Time-:049i.440 Yard Run-Landis (P), first; Boyd (C), second; McConnell (C), third.Time-:55%.880 Yard Run-Campbell (C), first; Leisure (C), second; East (P), third.Time-2 :07%.One Mile Run-s-Goodwin (C), first; Schmedel (P), second; Stegeman (C), third.Time-4:44.Two Mile Run-Stout (C), first; Spray (P), second; Carter (P), third. Time-10:24%.40 Yard Hurdles-Bancher (P), first; Fye (P), second; Thomas (C), third.Time-:05�.Field EventsShot Put-DesJardien (C), first; Norgren (C), second; Aldrich (P), third.Distance-40 ft. 9% in.High J'ump-c-Gorgas (C), first; Tenney (C), Bancher (P), tied for second.Height-5 ft. 9 in.Pole Vault-Thomas (C), first; Phelps (P), second; Moore (C), third.-Height-s-H ft.Relay Race-Won by Chicago; Merrill, Stains, Boyd, Matthews. Time-3:019i.PointsChicagoPurdue 5630226eft p "n d GownChicago vs. NorthwesternEvanston, tu; March 11, 1914Track60 Yard Dash-Won by Barancik (C); Knight (C), second; Thayer (N),third. Time-:06%.60 Yard High Hurdles-Won by Ward (C) James (N), second; Thomas (C),third. Time-:08Ys.440 Yard Run-Won by Osborne (N); Hotchkiss (N), second; Boyd (C), third.Time-:54.880 Yard Run-Won by Osborne (C); Leisure (C), second; Campbell (C), third.Time-2:05.One Mile Run� W on by Cambpell (C); Kraft (N), second; Stegeman (C),third. Time-4: 36¥S.Two Mile Run-Won by Stout (C); Traxler (N), second; Kraft (N), third.Time-10 :08.Relay Race=-Won by Northwestern. Time-2:45.FieldShot Put-Won by Schneberger (N); Des Jardien (C), second; Norgren, (C),third. Distance-40 ft. 2 in.Running High Jump-Won by James (N); Murray (N), a�d Gorgas (C),tied for second. Height-5 'it. 11 inches.Pole Vault-Won by Thomas (C); Folse (N), second; Moore (C), Borroff (C),and Nichols (N), tied for third. Height-11 ft. 6 in.PointsNorthwesternChicago 44,Y.341%Indoor Track and Field Championship of theCen tral Associa tion A. A. U.Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., February 28, 191460 Yard Dash-Barancik (C), second. Time of the winner-:06%.60 Yard Hurdles-Cory (C. Freshman) won; Ward (C), third. Time-:07Ys.60 Yard High Hurdles-Ward (C) won. Time-:08.One Mile Run-Stout (C) third. Time of winner-4:37.One Mile Relay-Chicago second. Time of the winning team-3: 39.Pole Vault-Thomas (C) second. Height of the winner-12 ft. 4 in.227Cap and GownThird. Annual Intercollegiate ConferenceIndoor MeetHeld at Northwestern University, Evanston, March 28-29, 1913Track50 Yard Dash-Won by Phelps (I); Hammitt (I), second; Knight (C), third;Shenk (N), fourth. Time-:05Ys.440 Yard Run-Won by Sanders (I); Cortis (I), second; Parsons (Ia.), third;Stains (C), fourth. Time-: 53 %.880 Yard Run-Won by Osborne (N); Campbell (C), second; Henderson (I),third; Bresnahan (W), fourth. Time-2 :001'5.One Mile Run-Won by White (W); Kraft (N), second; Thorsen (N), third;Cope (I), fourth. Time-4 :35Ys.Two Mile Run-Won by White (W); Kraft (N), second; Becker, (W), third;Traxler (N), fourth. Time-10 :04Ys.50 Yard Hurdles-Won by Case (I); Ward (C), second; Kuh (C), third.Time-:061'5.One Mile Relay-Won by Illinois; Chicago, second; Wisconsin, third; North­western, fourth. Time-3: 34.FieldShot Put-Won by Van Ghent (W); Keeler (W), second; Norgren (C), third;Butt (I), fourth. Distance-45 ft. 3lh in.High Jump-Schrader (Ia.) and Wahl (W), tied for first; Gorgas (C), -James(N), Sayler (P), and Klotsch (W), tied for third. Height-5 ft. lllh in,Pole Vault-Won by Gold (W); Schobinger (I), second; Thomas (C), third;Kerr (W) and Phelps (P), tied for fourth. Height-12 ft. 8 in.PointsWisconsin 3314Illinois 33Chicago . 18%Northwestern 16%Iowa 6Purdue 114Ce n t r a I.A'm at eu r Athletic Union Track andField ChampionshipHeld at Evanston, .June 21, 1913100 Yard Dash-Won by C. O. Parker in 10 seconds.220 Yard Dash-Won by C. O. Parker in 22% seconds.One Mile Run-G. J. Stout won third place, the time of the winner of the racebeing 4 minute 32% seconds.228Cap and GownFourth Annual Intercollegiate ConferenceIndoor MeetEvanston, Illinois, March 21, 1914Track50 Yard Dash-Won by O. J. Murray (I); M. Barancik (C), second; E. P.Hohman (I), third; F. Ward (C), fourth. Time-:05Ys.60 Yard Hurdles-Won by F. Ward (C); F. M. Legler (W), second; J. L.McKeown (I), third; A. G. Bancker (P), fourth. Time-:OS.440 Yard Dash-Won by R. L. Sanders (I); P. Schley (W), second; R. D. Boyd(C), third; H. Hotchkiss (N), fourth. Time-53Ys.Half Mile Rim-Won by H. Osborne (N); C. H. Tapping (I), second; , F. E.Downey (W), third; D. L. Ferguson (0 St), fourth. Time-2 :01.One Mile Run-Won by R. E. Schmedel (P); L. Campbell (C), second; W.Kraft (N), third; N. A. Wright (I), fourth. Time-4:37U.Two Mile Run-Won by A. H. Mason (I); R. B. Crisswell (0 St), second; I. A.White (W), third; C. J. Stout (C), fourth. Time-�0:05�.Relay Race-Won by Illinois; Northwestern, second; Chicago, third. Time-3:35Ys.FieldS,hot Put-Won by C. Van Ghent (W); E. Schobinger (I), second; R. M. Keeler(W), third; G. Schneberger (N), fourth. Distance-42 ft.·3 in.Running High Jump-Won by R. Wahl (W); H. Gorgas (C) and M. James(N), tied for second; A. Polakow (I) and A. E. Claar (-1), tied for.fourth, Height-6 ft. 2 in.PointsIllinoisWisconsinChicago .NorthwesternPurdueOhio State . 3626%20�14%6%4%National In tercolle gia te Track and Field MeetHeld in Connection with the International Athletic Games at Grant Park,. July 2, 1913100 Yard Dash-Won by c. O. Parker in 10Ys seconds.220 Yard Dash-Won by C. O. Parker in 23 seconds.Pole Vault-E. B. Thomas won second place, the height of the winner being12 ft. 6 in.229Cap and GownTwelfth Ann ual In terscholastic Trackand Field MeetHeld at Marshall Field, June 7, 1913100 Yard Dash-Won by Hoyt, Greenfield, Iowa; Haymond, Springville, Utah,second; Irish, Oak Park, third; Vail, _ Central High, Toledo, fourth.Time-:09�. .220 Yard Dash-Won by Hoyt, Greenfield, Iowa; Parker, Stockton, Cal., second;Carter, University High, third; Haymond, Springville, Utah, fourth.Time-:21�.440 Yard Run-First Race-Won by Shive rick, University High; Evans, WestHigh, Des Moines, second; Swett, Hyde Park, third; Neilson, Ardmore,Okla., fourth. Time-:53�.440 Yard Run-Second Race-Won by Stager, Lake Forest; Mellor, West High,Des Moines, second; Parker, Stockton, Cal., third; Galloway, Hobart,Okla., fourth. Time-:53Ys.880 Yard Run-First Race-Won by Cummings, Hector, Minn.; Gouwens,Thornton Township, second; Hake, Gary, Ind., third; Wilmarth, LakeView, fourth. Time-2 :08Ys.880 Yard Run-Second Race-Won by Allenby, Ukiah, Cal.; Schoenfeldt, Cen­tral High, Toledo, second; Chalk, Rock Island, third; Smart, LyonsTownship, fourth. Time-2 :09Ys. -One Mile Run-Won by Tenney, West High, Des Moines;. Byers, ThorntonTownship, second; Sommers, Englewood, third; Mathieson, Water-town, S. Dak., fourth. Time-4 :46%. .Two Mile Run-Won by Kraft, Oak Park; Durst, West High, Des Moines, sec­ond; Schoenfeldt, Central High, Toledo, third; Allenby, Ukiah, Cal.,fourth. Time-10 :29.120 Yard High Hurdles-Won by Goelitz, Oak Park; Grunsky, Stockton, Cal.,second; Ames, Oak Park, third; Gluck, Lake Forest Academy, fourth.Tim�:16.220 Yard Low Hurdles-Won by Cory, University High; Grunsky, Stockton,Cal., second; Goelitz, Oak Park, third; Bent, University High, fourth.Time-:24�.Quarter Mile Relay Roce-c- Won by University _ High; Evanston Academy, sec­ond; Oak Park, third; Central High, Minneapolis, fourth. Time-:47Ys.(Young, Shive rick, Cory, Vigneron.)Shot Put-Won by Caughey, Ukiah, Cal.; Bohm, Castle Heights, Lebanon, Tenn.,second; Bitterberg, Raymond, third; Besta., Crane Technical, fourth.Distance-48 ft. 3 in.Hammer Throw-Won by Bedell; Iowa City Academy; Caughey, Ukiah, Cal.,second; Prins, Whipple Academy, Jacksonville, third; Wagner, Selby,S. Dak., fourth. Diatance-c-Ifif ft. llh in.High Jump-Won by Shepard, Hyde Park; Larson, Dixie High, St. George, Utah,second; Thompson, Central High, Minneapolis; Carrier, North High,Minneapolis, and Allen, Clinton, tied for third. Height-5 ft. 8 in.Broad Jump-Won by Irish, Oak Park; Field, Lewis Institute, second; Nielson,Ardmore, Okla., third; Bryson, Central High, Minneapolis, fourth.Distance-22 ft. 4 in.Discus-. -Won by Goelitz, Oak Park; Prins, Whipple Academy, Jacksonville,second; Vater, Whiting, third; Caughey, Ukiah, Cal., fourth. Dis­tance-107 ft.Pole Vault-Won by Foss, University High; Reavis, Falls City, Neb., second;Ervin, Parker, S. Dak., and Fisher, University High, tied for third.Height-11 ft. 9 in.PointsOak Park High School 26 West High School, Des Moines 11University High Schoo .. 19lh Stockton High School, Cal. . . 11Ukiah High School, Cal. . . 15 28 school divided the remaining points.The individual prize to the winner of the greatest number of points was wonby H. Goelitz of Oak Park, with a total of 12 points.230Call nnd GO''''D\./'".//� LJma�231C'RP Rnd GOWDThe Baseball T'e a m , 1913STANWOOD FULTON BAUMGARTNERRAYMOND AUGUST BOHNENHALSTEAD MARVIN CARPENTERFLETCHER ARTHUR CATRON.PAUL RAYMOND DES JARDIEN •LAURISTON WINCHESTER GRAYROLLIN NELSON HARGER •WARREN BROWER LEONARDALBERT DUANE MANNNELSON HENRY NORGRENTHOMAS ERSKINE SCOFIELDTRACY RANGER STAINS . • ._April 16April 19April 26April 28May 10May 17May 24May 31June 5 Schedule. of GamesChicago vs. University of Iowa . .Chicago vs. Northwestern University, at EvanstonChicago vs. Indiana University . . .Chicago vs. University of Minnesota . . . .Chicago vs, Northwestern University. . . .Chicago vs. University of Illinois, at ChampaignChicagovs. University of Illinois (12 innings)Chiacgo vs. University of Wisconsin . . .Chicago vs. Purdue University, at LafayetteGames· WonChicago, 7; Opponents, 2.232 PitcherOutfielderPitcherShortstopThird BaseRight FieldOutfielderInfielderCaicker'First BaseSecond BaseOutfielder12-7., '13-15-13-76-48-72-16-24-7Cap and GowliBaseball Team, 1913PageBohnen Gray Des Jardien Bawm.qartner HarperStains LeonardNorgren Scofield Catron Carpenter Mann233Cap and GownThe Baseball Championship, 1913THERE seemed little hope for anything but a mediocre team, when the cur­tain went up on last year's baseball season, as we had lost three infielders,Boyle, Baird, and O. Roberts; Teichgraeber, an outfielder; and G. Roberts,star pitcher, due to graduation. When the other pitcher, Hruda, failed to returnto the University, the gloom thickened, and there seemed to be no hope when itwas discovered that Captain-elect Freeman, Libonati, and Hunter had met theirWaterloo in the scholastic field.Chicago's team was new and untried, but among the twenty candidates forthe team, several stars appeared in the early practice games, and the gloomquickly disappeared. For their conscientious training, their steady spirit andtheir determination, the team was rewarded with a clean-cut and undisputed Con­ference Championship, for the first time since the days of Nichols, in 1896. Inthat year Chicago was tied at the end of the season with Illinois, as both teamshad the same percentage, and Chicago had to be contented with half-honors.Chicago opened the season erratically in a game against Iowa. In the thirdinning Chicago was behind, 7 to 0, but the team came back in the latter half ofthe game and won out, 12 to 7, with Mann, Des Jardien, and Scofield driving inmost of the runs. In the following game, at Northwestern, Mann and Gray ledthe artillery, and hit the ball all over the lot, winning 13 to 1. In the Indianagame, Baumgartner kept their score down, while Bohnen led the attack with theresult that when the dust of battle cleared away, Chicago was on the long endof a 5 to 1 score.On the following Monday the team dropped a poorly played game to Minne­sota, 3 to 7. Northwestern, in their return game, came back hard, and led, 3 to 0,until the seventh, when, with the crowd urging them on, Baumgartner, Catron,and Harger responded with hits" winning 6 to 4.The team, the following week, seemed to care little for the feelings of thespectators at the Illinois Interscholastic, as they ran wild and won 8 to 7, to thedisappointment of over 5,000 home rooters. There were thirteen solid hits byNorgren, Gray, Mann, and Co.; "Lefty" struck out fourteen; and in the ninth;Scofield made a beautiful stop and throw to the plate, where "Stuffy" Mann didthe rest, thus ending one -of the season's best games.An equally interesting game was staged on .Marshall Field the following Sat­urday, when the team met Illinois, who had WOf) 8, and lost 3, while we had won5, and lost 1. Captain Watts of the visitors opposed Baumgartner. In the sixth,Stains hit, Catron hit, Scofield bunted, and Norgren lifted the ball for a fielder'schoice; scoring one run. Illinois got a run in the "Lucky Seventh." Chicagocame to bat in the twelfth inning, with the score tied. Mann was hit; a wildpitch put him on second; Gray's grounder advanced him to third; Baumgartnerdrove clean to left field, scoring Mann, and thus putting Illinois out of the Cham­pionship Race, by a 2 to 1 score. The following week, the game with the Badgerswas tied with two runs each until the eighth, when the team once more respondedto the demands of the rooters by hitting out four runs. Des Jardien got fourhits, while Baumgartner pitched the best game of his career. The winning ofthis game brought the championship of the Conference, and the defeat by Purdue,7 to 4, the following week, was of no moment.234Cap and Gown235Cap and GownBa tting Averages, 1913GamesName PlOlJled AtBat Hits AverageMANN, Catcher 9 36 13 .361NORGREN, First Base 9 39 13 .333CATRON, Short Stop . 9 31 10 .322GRAY, Right Field 9 36 11 .306DES JARDIEN, Third Base 9 33 10 .303.BAUMGARTNER, Pitcher 9 35 8 .228SCOFIELD, Second Base 9 35 5 .143STAINS, Center Field 8 23 3 .130BOHNEN, Center Field 5 20 5 .250HARGER, Center Field 6 17 4 .235LEON ARD, Fielder . 2 2 1 .500KIXMILLER, Pitcher 1 3 2 .667CARPENTER, Pitcher 1 0 0 .000KULVINSKY, Fielder 1 1 0 .000Team Averages " 311 85 .273The team batting average for the first five games was �262.The men securing extra base hits were: Baumgartner, 5; Gray, 4;Mann, 4; Norgren, 4j Des J ardien; 3; Catron, 2; Leonard, 1: .236CUI. nnd GO\VIlLym.an.237Jan. 14Jan. 17Jan. 20Jan. 24Jan. 30Feb. 6Feb. 16Feb. 20Feb. 21Feb. 24Mar. 6 Cap and GownThe Ba sk e tb a l I Team, 1914CHARLES O. MOLANDER, CaptainSTANWOOD. F. BAUMGARTNERROWLAND H. GEORGE .PAUL R. DES JARDIEN .LAURENS C. SHULLHAROLD E. GOETTLERNELSON H. NORGRENJOSHUA STEVENSONSubstitutesHARRY S. GORGASEDWARD F. KIXMILLERChicago vs. Northwestern University, at Evanston .Chicago vs. University of Iowa .Chicago vs. University of Illinois, at ChampaignChicago vs. University of WisconsinChicago vs. Purdue UniversityChicago vs. Ohio State University.Chicago vs. University of Iowa, at Iowa CityChicago vs, Purdue University, at Lafayette ."Chicago vs. Ohio State University, at ColumbusChicago vs. Northwestern University .Chicago vs. University of Wisconsin, at Madison.PointsChicago, 269; Opponents, 198. GuardGuardGuardCenterCenterForwardForwardForward28-1047-1312-1114-1720-1537-1518-1318-2523-2534-2918-25238Cap 111141 Go,,-nThe Basketball Team, 1914Des JardienMolander Shull PageJohnson GeorgeGoettlerB aumqariner StevensonlVorgren239- .. --.. ---._.-.-------.COl' ond GownNotes on Basketball Season, 1914The Team on the RoadThe game with Illinois at Chicago, February 27-28, was cancelled by agree­ment between President Judson and President James.Summary: Chicago won 7 games, lost 4, scoring 269 points to opponents'198. Average per game: Chicago, 24 %; opponents, 18. Field goals: Chicago,115; opponents, 71. Free throws: Chicago made 39 out of 95 chances; opponentsmade 56 out of 98. Chicago made 85 personal fouls and 13 technical fouls. Op­ponents made 81 personal fouls and 14 technical fouls.The University of Chicago team should be rated second in the WesternConference for the season of 1914, while Wisconsin has undisputed claim to thechampionship, having won 12 straight games. Illinois and Northwestern shouldbe rated in a tie for third place, although Ohio State, with a short schedule, hada better team. H. O. Paqe.GamesPlayed10%9%555%9%21443% FieldGoals12219166275109 Opp.Goals121449613175 FoulsName .S. F. BAUMGARTNER, GuardP. R. DESJARDIEN, CenterR. H. GEORGE, Guard. .H. E. GOETTLER, ForwardC. O. MOLANDER, Guard.N. H. NORGREN, ForwardL. C. SHULL, Center . .J. STEVENSON, Forward.H. J. STEGEMAN, Forward Personal7151019117637 Tectinical132114oo1240 "iI-. . - _-_._._---_._--_ _._ _ __ ._._---_._ -.-.-- .. --.- - ..• - .. --.-�--.--_-.-.- --.-- ___. __ ._._. .�-Cap and Gown.-------.------ .. ��.�- ..... , ... --.- .. --��--�.- .. ----- .. -----.--.---" .. ",.-.,.----.---... �-.'�,.,- .. _241Goodman Cap and GownThe Swimming Team, 1914ARTHUR T. GOODMAN, Capt. Breast Stroke and DashesGEORGE S. LYMANLOYD L. NEFF • .OSCAR L. OLSEN .LESLIE M. PARKERCHARLES B. PAVLICEKJ. CRAIG REDMON. .WILLIAM M. SHIRLEY Plunge for DistanceDashes and PlungeRelayRelayBack Stroke and Dashes'Plunge for DistanceBack StrokeScheduleJan. 23 Chicago vs. Northwestern University, at EvanstonFeb. 14 Chicago vs. Northwestern UniversityFeb. 21 Chicago vs. University of Illinois.Feb. 26 Chicago vs. Hamilton Club, at Hamilton ClubMar. 7 Chicago vs. University of Wisconsin, at MadisonMar. 12 Chicago vs. Hamilton Club .' 1812-391222 -3637 -2118 -4043 -15• 31 -27Fourth Annual Conference MeetEvanston, March 20, 1914.Plunge for Distance-Won by McDonald (1); Redmon (C), second; Thompson (1),third; Grantham (N), fourth. Time-:23}5. Distance-60 feet.40 Yard Swim-Won by Pavlicek (C); Wood (N), second; Nelson (N), third;Griffin (1), fourth. Time-:21%. .100 Yard Swim-Won by Griffin (1); Strader (N), second; Neff (C), third;Pavlicek (C), fourth. Time-1 :03%.150 Yard Back Stroke-Won by Pavlicek (C); Scoles (N), second; Beaumont (1),third; Taylor, (W), fourth. Time-2:02Ys.200 Yard Breast Stroke-Won by Taylor (W); Scoles (N), second; Chapman (1),third; Ennis (N), fourth. Time-2 :47}5.220 Yard Swim-Won by Wood (N); Green (1), second; Neff (C), third., Time-2:47Ys.440 Yard Swim-Won by Griffin (1); Wood (N), second; Neff (C), third.Time-6:07Ys.Relay Race-Won by Northwestern. Time-1 :29%.PointsNorthwesternIllinois .ChicagoWisconsin 29282262421'he Sw irn m i n g Team, 1914WhiteLymanShidey RedmonGoodman NeffPavlicekParker Olsen243Cal' oud GO"·uThe Tennis Team, 1914Green St etoart CoulterSquair BakerCHARLES CONGER STEWART, CaptainJOHN CHESTER BAKERMERLE CROWE COULTERALBERT LAWRENCE GREENALEXANDER MACQUEEN SQUAIRThe T�nni. Tournaments, 1913Chicago defeated Ohio State UniversityChicago defeated East End Tennis Club, at ClevelandChicago defeated Oberlin College, at Oberlin .Chicago defeated Ohio State University, at ColumbusChicago defeated Ohio Wesleyan University, at DelawareIntercollegiate Conference Tennis Tournament.Winner singles: Green, Chicago.Winners doubles: Squair and Green, Chicago.May 10May 16May 17May 19May 20May 29-21 3-02-13-03-03-0244C tl 1) It II d Go,,· IIThe Cross Country Team, 1913Tyrrell Byerly NicholsJ011es GoodwinCampbell StoutWILLARD T. GOODWIN, CaptainFREDERICK M. BYERLYLERoy CAMPBELL EVERETT L. JONESCLYDE J. STOUTGLEN H. TYRRELLConference Cross Country RunColumbus, Ohio, November 22WisconsinIllinoisOhio StateAmesPurdueMinnesotaIndianaNorthwesternDenisonChicagoIowa 7283106109117147174176177199243 FirstSecondThirdFourthFifthSixthSeventhEighthNinthTenthEleventhWatson of Minnesota finished first, covering the five miles in 26:44lh.Cross Country ClubEVERETT L. JONESIVAN W. KINGGEOFFREY LEVINSONERLING H. LUNDEPAUL McILVAINEERNEST J. MORRIS FRANK S. NEWCOMBWILLIAM M. SHIRLEYCLYDE J. STOUTARTHUR TENINGAGLEN H. TYRRELLRAYMOND WILSONJOHN C. BAKERFREDERICK M. BYERLYGEORGE W. CALDWELLLERoy CAMPBELLDONALD L. COLWELLWILLARD T. GOODWIN245Cap aud Gun'ltThe Gymnastic Team, 1914HofferSmith CurtisSquair Weakly RobertsDavis ParkinsonFRANK E. WEAKLY, CaptainSTEPHEN R. CURTISRALPH W. DAVISJOHN LAVAL GEORGE D. PARKINSONLATHROP E. ROBERTSHUBERT C. SMITH .ALEXANDER M. SQUAIRMarch 21 ScheduleChicago vs. University of Wisconsin,Gymnastics .Wrestling.Fencing (Forfeited to Chicago)Chicago vs. University of Illinois.GymnasticsWrestling.FencingConference. 723 -636lho 27 - 4March 14 at Madison.76614-605140-4April 4Gymnastics won by Chicago.Wrestling won by Indiana.'Fencing won by Illinois.246Cap and GownThe Fencing Team; 1914Meredith Swan Ottosen Miller Croll ArltMAURICE E. OTTOSEN, CaptainGUSTAV O. G. ARLTREGINALD S. CASTLEMANFREDERICK W. CROLL •MILTON T. HANKE.RUSSELL L. MEREDITHJ. HUGO SWAN • FoilFoilFoil, Dueling SwordFoilSaberDueling SwordFoil247Cap autl Gon·uThe Wes tern In tercollegia te Gymnastic Wrestling,and Fencing ChampionshipsWeakly Held at Madison, Wisconsin, April 19, 1913WrestlingSpecial Class-Minnesota, first; Illinois, second;Nebraska, third.Light Weight-s-Illinois, first; Iowa, second;Nebraska, third.Middle Weight-Minnesota, first; Illinois, second;Indiana, third.Heavy Weight-Indiana, first; Iowa, second;Minnesota, third.FencingFoils-Merrill (C), first; Sayre (I), second;Stirn (W), third.Broadswords-Sayre (I), first; Merrill (C), second;Stirn (W), third.GymnasticsHorizontal Bar-Minnesota, West, McGibbon, Nelson, first; Wisconsin, Replinger,Boissard, Stengl, second; Chicago, Weakly, Parkinson, Sponsel, third;Nebraska, fourth.Parallel Bars-Wisconsin, Replinger, Boissard, Hayden, first; Chicago, Parkinson,Weakly, Roberts, second; Minnesota, third; Nebraska, fourth.Side Horse-Wisconsin, Replinger, Boissard, Stengl, first; Chicago, Squair,Smith, Parkinson, second; Minnesota, third; Illinois, fourth.Flying Rings-Chicago, Sponsel, Parkinson, Weakly, first; Wisconsin, second;Minnesota, third; Illinois, fourth.Tumbling-Wisconsin, Stengl, Freund, Gold, first; Chicago, Parkinson, Curtis,Weakly, second ; Minnesota, third; Illinois, fourth.Club Swinging-Wisconsin, Replinger, first; Chicago, Squair, second; Minne­sota, Peterson, third; Illinois, Wagner, fourth.Score of PointsWisconsinChicagoMinnesotaIllinoisNebraskaParkinson (C)West (M)Replinger (W) 774.4738708.4259.968.2Individual Points235.6227.2209.4248Cap and Gown'The Western Intercollegiate GolfTournamentHeld at the Calumet Country Club, June 18-20, 1913.Team ChampionshipChicagoK. CHANDLER 93 93 186J. STEVENSON 83 93 176C. F. GRIMES 86 82 168E. R. MCGRATH 94 102 196Total 356 370 726IllinoisA. L. MYERS _ 93 93 186M. KOHLOR 85 89 174C. WINTERS 98 97 195L. R. GURLEY 91 86 177Total 367 365 732WisconsinK. LAYMAN 94 90 184J. CORLEY. 93 89 182F. KITCHELL . 110 100 210J. CUMMINS. 87 99 186Total 384 378 762The individual championship was won by Charles F.Grimes of the University of Chicago by defeating James F.Cummins of the University of Wisconsin, 5 and 4, in the finalmatch.University Golf Championship, 1913Raymond J. Daly won the University of Chicago GolfChampionship by defeating Kent Chandler six up and four toplay at the Jackson Park links.249Cap and GownSecond Annual Long Distance Running ContestCup WinnersI. Gym Classes-L. Goldstone, 2 points, first prize; L. J. Cohen, 4 points, secondprize; H. L. Allsopp, 6 points, third prize.II. Gym Classes-D. R. Powers, 4 points, first prize; W. E. Dixon, 5 points, secondprize; V. A. Bacon, 6 points, third prize.III. Swimmers-H. P. Saunders, 2 points, first prize; J. O. Murdock, 7 points, secondprize; A. R. McFarland, 8 points, third prize.IV. Baseball and Basketball-F. C. Wheeler, 5 points, first prize; J. W. Chapman,6 points, second prize; R. W. Knipschild, 7 points, third prize.V. Wrestlers and Fencers-R. Wilson, 4 points, first prize; A. Teninga, 5 points,second prize; W. C. Ham, 6 points, third prize.VI. Freshman Track-W. E. Gouwens, 2 points, first prize; T. Raysor, 5 points,second prize; B. A. Patterson, 6 points, third prize.VII. Varsity Track Squad-C. J. Stout, 4 points, first prize; L. Campbell, 5 points,second prize; H. J. Stegeman, 6 points, third prize.NOTE.-Messrs. Wheeler and Chapman, Powers and Dixon, Wilson and Teninga,Murdock and McFarland were tied in points. In order to determine their cups, a specialrace of one and one-half miles was held for these men on March 12, Wheeler, Powers,Wilson, and Murdock being winners.Results of the One Mile RacesFebruary 18, 1914.Gym Classes (10 o'clock and 5 o'clock)-Won by W. E. Dixson; D. R. Powers, second;V. A. Bacon, third. Time--5:12hGym Classes (11 o'clock and 12 o'clock)-Won by L. Goldstone; L. J. Cohen, second;H. L. Allsopp, third. Time--5 : 17Ys.Swimmers-Won by H. P. Saunders; A. R. Me Farland, second; J. O. Murdock, third.Time--5 :25.Baseball and Basketball-Won by L. L. Northrup; J. W. Chapman, second; F. C., Wheeler, third. Time--5:14�.Wrestlers and Fencers-a-Won by A. Teninga; R. Wilson, second; W. C. Ham, third.Time-5:17.Freshman Track-Won by W. E. Gouwens; T. Raysor, second; T. J. Ryan, third.Time--5 :OOYs.Varsity Track . Squad-Won by L. Campbell; C. J. Stout, second; H. J. Stegeman,third. Time--4 :46.Resnlts of the Two Mile RacesMarch 6, 1914.Gym Classes (10 o'clock and 5 o'clock)-Won by D. R. Powers'; W. E. Dixon, second;V. A. Bacon, third. Time--ll :12.Gym Classes (11 o'clock and 12 o'clock)-Won by L. Goldstone; L. J. Cohen, second;H. L. Allsopp, third. Time--ll :26.Swimmers---Won by H. P. Saunders; J. O. Murdock, second; A. R. McFarland, third.Time--ll :35.Baseball and Basketball-Won by F. C. Wheeler; J. W. Chapman, second; R. W.Kipschild, third. Time--ll :26.Wrestlers and Fencers-Won by R. Wilson; A. Teninga, second; W. C. Ham, third.Time--ll :30.Freshman 'I'rack-s-Won by W. E. Gouwens; B. A. Patterson, second; T. Raysor, third. -,Time--10 :50.Varsity Track-Won by W. T. Goodwin; C. J. Stoutvsecond ; H. J. Stegeman, third.Time--10 :26Ys.250Cal' and Gown}251Cap and GownFreshman Football Team, 1913Page Twohig Wacaser Go"wensKendall Wilkinson Sherlaw PattersonAlbertCarolan Traut Fisher SauerHardinger WindrowSchafer Foster· JohnsonLeeOJConnot"Stutesman Gordon JacksonBacksJ. PENN CAROLAN, Captain JAMES E. LEEJOHN G. AGAR ALFRED L. O'CONNORHAROLD GORDONPARKER KENDALL WALTER B. SCHAFERVANCE A. WILKINSONEndsARTHUR P. FOSTERWILLIS E. GOUWENS BUELL A. PATTERSONFRANK A. RODDYLineJOHN ALBERTIRA H. AYRESROBERT J. FISHERPAUL M. HARDINGERPHILBRICK W. JACKSON FLEMING M. SHERLAWFRANK M. STUTESMANEUGENE F. TRAUTEDMUND E. W ACASERSTELLAN S. WINDROWThe SquadJOHN EDGEWORTH JAMES W. TUFTSRoy W. KNIPSCHILD ROBERT L. WILLETT252Cal' and Gon'JlFreshman Indoor and Outdoor Track Team, 1913Comstock Spm'ks Newcomb Tyrrell Colwell Sanderson Brown Page] ones Te nnev Dorrenoa-nc Saunders Gu,twilligMOlllton Mahannah Boyd Stout Whiting Davidson Barancik Goodyear PolakowRALPH W. HARDINGERWILLIAM C. JONESEDWARD EARL MAHANNAHHAROLD TUTHILL MOORECLAUDE NEWELL MOULTONCHARLES BORROME PAVLICEKALEXANDER H. POLAKOWEDWIN S. REIDELPAUL S. RUSSELLMORRIS BARANCIKRICHARD DAVID BOYDDAN H. BROWNDONALD LEWIS COLWELLEVAN J. DARRENOGUEMAX E. DAVIDSONARTHUR PAISLEY FOSTERROBERT GOODYEARVICTOR ELMER GUTWILLIG HARWOOD P. SAUNDERSDENTON H. SPARKSHERMAN J. STEGEMANCLYDE J. STOUT, CaptainHORACE K. TENNEYGLEN H. TYRRELLFRANK S. WHITINGRoy W. WILLIAMSSTELLAN S. WINDROWIndoor Track Team, 1914JACK AGARVINTON A. BACONPAUL G. BLAZERWAH K. CHANGLEO J. COHENCHARLES CORYHENRY B. DISMONDWENDELL E. DIXOND. JEROME FISHERLEROY GOLDSTONE WILLIS E. GOUWENSALFRED E. JURISTRoy W. KNIPSCHILDADRIAN R. McFARLANDBUELL A. PATTERSONDWIGHT R. POWERSTHOMAS RAYSORTHOMAS J. RYANFRANK C. WHEELERSTELLAN S. WINDROW253Cap Rud GownFreshman Baseball Team, 1913Johnson George Willard F. McConnell Foote Perry SteinbrecherTeicharaber Cavin R. McConnell Shull Moulton Wilson FosterLAURENS C. SHULL,· CaptainERNEST D. CAVINJOHN M. FOOTEARTHUR P. FOSTERROWLAND H. GEORGEROBERT N. MCCONNELLFOWLER B. MCCONNELLCLAUDE N. MOULTONEUGENE B. PERRYWILLIAM E. TEICH GRAEBERGEORGE G. WILLARDCHARLES O. WILSON254-Cap and Go,,,nFreshman Basketball Team, 1914PageSatt WillettStryker Berger Kesler Townley - Fisher Nichols Templeton jVhli�ler_ iohnso,nMcLaughlin Schafer Knipschild Rothermel Bent -- BlackburnWALTER B. SCHAFER, Captain.MAX SATT .•FRANCIS R. TOWNLEYD. JEROME FISHER •DAVID B. McLAUGHLINSAM A. ROTHERMEL •WILLIAM M. TEMPLETON ForwardForwardForwardCenterGuardGuardGuardThe SquadCHARLES M. BENTFOSTER E. BLACKBURNRoy W. KNIPSCHILDFRANK C. WHEELER255Cap and GownIntramural Basketball, 1914Final StandingTeams Won Lost Per Cent.Freshman I. 11 1 .917Laws 9 3 .750Sophomores 7 6 .538Seniors 7 7 .500'Freshman II. 6 8 .428Medics 5 8 .385Juniors 4 7 .363Divinity 0 10 .000All-Star TeamsFIRST SELECTION: Berger (Juniors), Catron (Law), Forwards.Williams (Seniors), Center.Kennedy (Seniors), Stryker (Law), Guards.Catron is given the captaincy, owing to his long experience in the BasketballLeague for five years.SECOND SELECTION: Darrenogue (Juniors), Stallings (Divinity), Forwards.Fisher (Juniors), Center.Gilroy (Medics) , Sparks (Sophomores), Guards.Gilroy is given the captaincy on account of his ability to pass and play withother members of his team, and thereby hold the team together.The Freshman squad men are not rated in the above selection, on account 'Oftheir practice work with the Varsity, although there are a number of star menin the yearling group. The official "1917" numerals have been awarded toCaptain Schafer, F. R. Townley, and M. Satt, Forwards; D. J. Fisher, Center;D. B. McLaughlin, S. A. Rothermel, and W. M. Templeton, Guards. The menreceiving the "R" '17 are: Bent, Blackburn, Knipschild, and Wheeler.256C a I) a Il d G 0 w nLym.an257Cap and GownWomen's Athletic DepartmentGERTRUDE DUDLEYAGNES REBECCA WAYMANWINIFRED PEARCE •JOSEPHINE YOUNG Assistant Professor of Physical CultureInstructor in Physical CultureAssociate in Physical CultureMedical Examiner of WomenWomen's Athletic AssociationOfficersCORNELIA BEALLKATHERINE BIGGINSRUTH PROSSER • PresidentVice-PresidentSecretary- TreasurerAdvisory BoardBasketball RepresentativeBaseball RepresentativeHockey RepresentativeGeneral Gymnasium RepresentativeDOROTHY LLEWELLYNLAURA WALTERSALMA PARMELEELSIE JOHNSTHE past year has been one of unparalleled growth in the W. A. A. The annualbanquet last Spring, when the pins, cups, and trophies were presented, wasunusually well attended. By means of an enthusiastic reception to the Freshmenearly in the Autumn Quarter, more new members than ever before were enrolled.The now famous "Campus Follies," the W. A. A. vaudeville given in Mandel, proved amarked success both artistically and financially.The annual Chicago Night for Chicago Women in November was another socialsuccess, showing by its large attendance the increasing interest on the part of thewomen in the athletic and social life of the University. As this book goes to press, anentertainment mysteriously known as "The Twentieth Century Ark" is being. planned.The big event of the year, however, was a reception in honor of Mr. La Verne W.Noyes. His generous gift of the Women's Building in memory of his wife, Ida Noyes,has been most enthusiastically welcomed by the women of the University. Mr. Noyeswas shown the varying activities now carried on under such difficulties in Lexington,and the program was concluded by a review of a thousand women students singingsongs written especially in his honor.It is evident that the W. A. A. holds a place more prominent than ever in the listof college activities, It is second to no other organization in furthering democracy,good-fellowship, and good times, and no woman can fail to benefit from her membershiptherein. With the capable staff of the Women's Physical Education Department andwith the magnificent building so soon to be at its disposal, the W. A. A. cannot fail tobe in the future, as now, the center of college life. 'Cornelia Beall Katherine Bigu"ins Ruth Prosser! �-----.--, ____ .... • .............._ .... -.l258 IiI!III!Cop .0 n d Go,,' nWinners of Letters, 1913BasketballFRANCES HOUSTONMARIE JUELDOROTHY LLEWELLYNRUTH PROSSERREBEKAH RAGAINSHARRIET TUTHILL MARGARET RHODESRUTH SANDBERGFRANCES STOPPELAUGUSTA SWAWITEIRENE TAYLORCORNELIA BEALLMARGARET BINGHAMPHOEBE CLOVERSUSANNE FISHEREVA GOLDSTEINBaseballGRACE HOTCHKISSHELENE KENNYHELEN LEONARDDOROTHY LLEWELLYNELLA LUEDEMANNMARION MARTLANDLAURA WALTERS H. LOUISE MICKALMA PARMELERHODA PFEIFFEREFFIE SHAMBAUGHLILLIAN Sw A WITEMARGARET RIGGSCORNELIA BEALLEDNA BELLDOROTHY BENTTENA CARLSONJANET FLANNERFLORENCE FOLEYHockeyGRACE HOTCHKISSFRANCES HOUSTONLORENE KITCHNANCY MILLERANNA MOFFETRUTH MORSEPATTY NEWBOLDALMA PARMELEJULIETTE AMESEDITH BISBEECATHERINE BOSSONMARGARET CHANEYVIRGINIA FOLKESRACHEL FOOTEGLADYS GREENMANMARGARET HAMMETT GWENDOLYN PERRYFLORENCE ROTHERMELW ALDINE SCHNEIDERELEANOR SELEYVAVA STALEYAUGUSTA SWAWITELILLIAN Sw A WITEMARGARET WALKERWinners of Pins, 1913BasketballMARGARET BINGHAMPHOEBE CLOVER EVA GOLDSTEINDOROTHY LLEWELLYNBaseballFRANCES HOUSTONHELENE KENNYHELEN LEONARD RUTH PROSSERMARGARET RHODESCORNELIA BEALLDOROTHY BENTFLORENCE FOLEY ELLA LUEDEMANNMARION MARTLANDH. LOUISE MICKGRACE HOTCHKISS DOROTHY LLEWELLYN RHODA P�'EIFFERMARGARET RHODES MARGARET RIGGSHockeyJULITTE AMES NANCY MILLER GWENDOLYN PERRYGRACE HOTCHKISS RUTH MORSE W ALDINE SCHNEIDERLORENE KITCH MARGARET WALKER ELEANOR SELEYAUGUSTA SWAW.TE LILLIAN SWAWITEWinners of Fobs, 1913EVA GOLDSTEIN ELEANOR SELEY259Cap and GownSenior Baseball Tea ill, 1913Luedemann Bell Wa)'man FoleyRiggs Beall Houston' Pfeiffer LeonardShambm.gh Swawite MasonRhodesMARION MARTLANDCORNELIA BEALL, CaptainELLA LUEDEMANN •FRANCES HOUSTONCORNELIA BEALLMARION MARTLANDMARGARET RIGGSMARGARET RHODES •HELEN LEONARDFLORENCE FOLEYRHODA PFEIFFER PitcherPitcherCatcherFirst BaseSecond BaseThird BaseThird BaseShort StopLeft FieldCenter FieldRight FieldEDNA BELL SubstitutesKATHERINE NATHLILLIAN Sw A WITEEFFIE SHAMBAUGHMay 28May 28June 2 The ScheduleSeniors, 41; Juniors, 11Seniors, 31; Juniors, 8Seniors, 12 ; Juniors, 13260Cnl) a u d GO'l'l'nJ un i 0 r Bas e ball Tea ill, 1 9 13Llewellyn BentC arison SutciiffProsser Walters }.lick f,Va:ymanFlennerKenney ParmeleHELENE KENNY •JANET FLANNERLAURA WALTERS •DOROTHY LLEWELLYNDOROTHY BENT •H. LOUISE MICKJANET FLANNERHELENE KENNY •ALMA PARMELE .GRACE HOTCHKISSRUTH PROSSER PitcherPitcherCatcherFirst BaseSecond BaseThird BaseShort StopShort StopLeft FieldCenter FieldRi'(Jht FieldSubstitutesESTHER SUTCLIFFTENA CARLSON IRENE T AYLORJULIA DODGEThe SeasonThe Seniors easily took the baseball championship of 1913 by winning thefirst two games by the overwhelming scores of 41-11 and 31-8. The Seniors weregreatly superior to the Juniors, both in individual playing and in team work.It was only by grit and "stick-to-it-ness" in the face of odds that the Juniors wereable to win the last game by the close score of 13-12.261Senior Basketba 11 Team, 1913Swawite Dudley Slunnbouql,Goldstein J'IIelBeallEVA GOLDSTEIN (Captain)AUGUSTA SWAWITE .MARGARET BINGHAMCORNELIA BEALLPHOEBE CLOVER .MARGARET RHODESSubstitutes-Marie JueI, Susanne Fisher,The Schedule Right ForwardLeft ForwardLeft ForwardCenterLeft GuardRight GuardAnne Grimes.Feb. 26Mar. 5Mar. 11 Juniors, 25; Seniors, 11Juniors, 21; Seniors, 15Juniors, 9; Seniors, 17262Junior Basketball Team, 1913, ,.-�� � �. . .�..::: -:-_- h-�"=��"---"""; �__ ;:_ ," :�=-:=-;- - .::-1- . - .: - J..�:.�� .: :".. -: -_-' �;� -:_ �... �� _" �_ ..... -:-� • 00;. •..Taylor DwdleyHoustonStoppel WaymanProsser LlewellynRagainsDOROTHY LLEWELLYN Right ForwardHARRIET TUTHILL Left ForwardREBEKAH RAGAINS . Left ForwardFRANCES HOUSTON . CenterRUTH PROSSER, Captain Left GuardFRANCES STOPPEL . . . . Right GuardSubstitutes-Lorene Kitch, Irene Taylor, Ruth Sandberg, Helen O'Donnell.The basketball season, always followed with great interest by the women, wasup to standard last year, the Junior college team repeating their victory of theprevious year by winning the first two games of the series of three. The playingwas clean, fast and clever.263Cap and GownSenior Hockey Team, 1913HammettStolz Z eeb RosenthalA, Swawite FolkesMiller Hotchkiss Newbold ShambaughL. SwawiteMick,LILLIAN SWAWITE •JULIETTE AMES. . • .GRACE HOTCHKISS, CaptainAUGUSTA SWAWITELoRENE 'KiTCH •VmGINIA FOLKESFLORENCE PATRICKH. 'LOUISE MICKNANCY MILLER -. •DOROTHY LLEWELLYNFRIEDA ZEEB . , . Riaht WingRight InsideCenterLeft InsideLeft WingRight HalfCenter HalfLeft HalfRight FullLeft FullGoalSubstitutesPATTY NEWBOLDEFFIE SHAMBAUGHRUTH MORSEEDNA STOLZMARGARET HAMMETTEDNA WARRENFRANCES ROSENTHAL, ManagerThe ScheduleDecember 5December 10December 15 Juniors, 2; Seniors, 4Juniors,4; Seniors, 7,Juniors,4; Seniors, 2264Cap and GownJunior Hockey Team, 1913Waltz CollinsParmelee NairinRegent BungeTimberlakeMcGuire WalkerALMA PARMELE.HELEN TIMBERLAKEGLADYS GREENMANJULIA DODGE.MARGARET WALKER, CaptainDOROTHY COLLINS .EVA HULSON .ISABEL MACMURRAYDOROTHEA BUNGEANNA MCGUIREELSIE SAXER . ,Right WingRight.lnsideCenterLeft InsideLeft WingRight HalfCenter HalfLeft HalfRight FullLeft FullGoalLAURA WALTERSEDITH SMITHCATHERINE BOSSONGRACE NAIRINJEANNETTE REGENTKATHERINE WALTZ, ManagerThe SeasonFor the first time in two years, the Seniors won the hockey championshipbanner by taking the first two games. The Juniors retrieved their honor, win­ning the last game by a score of 4-2. The open game, English style of playing,was introduced for the first time this year, with excellent results.265Tennis Tournaments, 1913Undergraduate TournamentSemi-final FinalBeall I6-4,6-2 J IBeall I6-4,6-3Kantrowitz6-1,6-2 I 'Houston1 9-7,6-4Houston6-1,6-1 HoustonJ 6-1,6-1Woodruff6-4, 4-6, 6-3Challenge RoundHouston } Llewellyn, 6-3, 6-2Dorothy Llewellyn LlewellynUniversity TournamentB. Torchiani } Beall 1 LlewellynC. Beall f Beall lN. MillerA. Swawite � Swawite } LlewellynH. Stephenson IF. Zeeb } Llewellyn r LlewellynD. Llewellyn 6-3, 4-6, 6-3R. Amory } Houston } Houston I IF. Houston J HoustonA. Sharp } Sharp IP. Newbold (default) jD. Farwell t SwawiteL. Swawite IChallenge RoundLlewellyn f Vosburgh, 2-6, 8-6, 6-4Vosburgh266W@fil[INl��� �m Ifllll If{} �The annual swimming meet was held M ay 24, 1913, in Bartlett Tank, and, as usual,great interest was evinced by the spectators. The races were not as fast as they havebeen in previous years, but the events were unusually amusing and the meet becomesmore popular each season.Results20 Yard Breast Stroke-Nancy Miller, first; Ilse Spindler, second; Ruth Swan, third.Time- :20%.40 Yard Swim-Dorothy Llewellyn, first; Edna Eisen, second; Ruth Swan, third.Time-:38.Plunge for Distance-Dorothy Llewellyn, first; Ruth Putnam and Nancy Miller tiedfor second. Distance-47 feet, 6 inches.Candle Race-Ilse Spindler, first; Hazel Furchgott, second; Nancy Miller, third.Time-:31.Disc Diving-Hazel Furchgott, first; Nancy Miller, second.Fancy Diving-Dorothy Llewellyn, first; Patty Newbold, second; Ruth Putnam, third.Tub Race-Hazel Furchgott, fir.st; Dorothy Llewellyn, second; Nina-O'Neill, third.60 Yard Relay Race-Juniors, first; Seniors, second. Time-:58%.Junior Team-Dorothy Llewellyn, Ilse Spindler, Ruth Swan.Spindler Swan LlC7vellyn267Cap and Gown268Cal. a n d Go"�n"'��COlll'-"'EC-W.])�269Cap .nnd Go,,-oHitchcock HallWHEN Weissman was experimenting in heredity he cut off the tails fromtwenty successive generations of mice, and ceased only when the twenty­first generation appeared with tails which in no way gave evidence ofthe ravages made upon their ancestors.Hitchcock spirit shows a like unchangeable continuity. Each year our num­bers are sadly lopped by convocation, and by the fraternities which' take awayour Freshmen, but our traditions are so deeply instilled that the Hitchcock phil­osophy and practice of liberty, equality and brotherhood lives on and prospers."Nil desperandum."Although, as a worthy contemporary puts it, "Omnium Hitchcock in quintaspartes divisa est," architecturally, there are various means by which its inhabi­tants are brought together. The Tuesday Ten O'Clocks, smokers, and annualSnell rush tend to unify us in body and in spirit.If Hitchcock has a fault, the fault is the location of the hall. Nightly ourears are assailed by the howls of the dogs in Anatomy and the Freshmen inSnell, both waiting to be butchered.Under the enthusiastic leadership of Mrs. and Mr. David A. Robertson,known respectively as the heart and the head of Hitchcock, our library is fastbecoming the social center of the campus, the local Melting Pot. There, at theSunday teas, undergraduates, graduates, and faculty members gather, and dis­cover that in all groups there are individuals with almost human qualities. Afeature of the teas this year has been the practice of entertaining the womenliving in the various halls.The biggest social event of the year was the reception given in honor ofMrs. Hitchcock, President and Mrs. Judson, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bartlett, inthe library, December 14. ·Mrs. Hitchcock further endeared herself to the menin the hall when she was hostess at a Christmas breakfast to those who did notgo home for the holidays.270Cap and GownSnell HouseTHE name "Snell" in the past has been but a term of polite reference fO,r theabode. of "roughnecks"; this may have been the case, but in living up tothe modern progressive spirit, Snell has turned over a new leaf and onceagain has a clean record.The guide will now usher the visitors' through the water-soaked: and echo­beaten realms of Snell. The room at the foot of the stairs is the Club Room, morefamiliar to Freshmen as the Chamber of Horrors. This room has many timesquaked under the arguments, verbal and otherwise, of many famous Snellites.Ryan and Ferguson havecut the air with many heated discussions on Prohibition.The boys occasionally have a midnight feast in here, and here our genialHuntington has concealed many a "rock" of ice-cream,As we ascend to the second floor, we understand the strange noises whichhave mocked us from room to room. A young gentleman with the aid and adviceof the hall is "fussing," via telephone. This is the safest of indoor sports and isindulged in largely. Snell is indeed very grateful to Mr. Bell for his inventionof the telephone.At this point, we will discard our guide-he rambles incoherently of theprowess of Stout, the romantic proclivities of G. O. G. Arlt, and sundry remarksabout water bombs and other favored methods of attack.Such is the hall. A true son of Snell must show the influence of environment.He must be able to swear fluently, flowingly and dispassionately at any assignedobject or causee. He must be able to discuss at indefinite length the vagaries ofhuman nature, Religion, Genus Homo as typified by Hitchcock Hall, and be ableto fuss over the phone, shave, carryon merry repartee with curious neighbors,and give the impression of ease and infinite enjoyment to his vis-a-vis, at one andthe same time. Such things are worth while, and it is the natural love of oyer­coming such difficulties, that lead men to spurn the hospitality of rival halls forthe environs of Snell.271Cap and GownNancy Foster House�emaory's PictureOf all the �nchanting picturesThat hang on memory's walls,There's one of dear old FosterThat seemeth the best of all.Not for the glow of sunsetOn its ivy covered wall,Nor for the autumn colorsThat adorn it in the fall.Not for the soft green Midway,Where the students love to stroll,Nor for the evening anthemsWhere the chimes of Mitchell toll.Not for the view of Harper,With its towers gray and bold,Which brings to mind a castle gay,And knights in days of old.Not for the final partingA t the door at ten-fifteen,When someone's surely peepingFrom behind a chair or sQreen.But whene'er I see the picture,I can joyfully recallThe hours of fun and frolicWith the girls in Foster Hall.There's the lovely Christmas partyAnd the new girls give a play,And they "bow to Nancy Foster"In a most outlandish way.There's a Senior farewell dinnerWith the girls in caps and gowns,And a pretty Baby partyWhere the kids cut up like clowns.But the largest celebrationIs the, good old Foster dance,When they throw the doors wide open,And the men folks have a chance.Can you see the room that's cozy,With a plate of fudge to pass,A nd a mandolin accompanyingSome pretty laughing lass?These are all here in the picture,Which past memories recall­Just the joyous college spiritOf the girls in Foster Hall.272Cap and GownGreen HouseHere's to Green, here's to Green,Finest Hall that e'er was seen!Dearest friends we e'er could make,Growing dearer for your sake. All our love we bring to you,Ever loyal, ever true,So through all the years between4ll our hearts shall beat for Green!HARRIET W. JONES, '14.273Cap and Gown274Cap lOud GowuBeecher HouseWHO said jolly times?They began, for Beecher, with the second week, when our traditionalbeach-party effectively removed the formality between the old girls andthe new. They continued with the Hallowe'en celebration, and stretched on in anendless chain of impromptu masquerades and sings, to the Christmas party thatended fall quarter. New girls' party, initiation week, and house dance startedthe festivities in the winter quarter; then, too, began our cozy Sunday eveninghour around the fire. But best of all were the informal spreads and gatheringsthat have fitted into every possible night, and made the year a cheerful onefor us all.275Cap and GownGreenwood HouseFive Years of Greenwood(Tune: "Crime, Crime, Crime.")I.When Greenwood first opened her portals,Midst plaster and shingles and lathes,We stumbled in hazardous coursesAs we went on our hazardous ways;But we cared not if carpenters pounded,Nor uttered the slightest complaint-A nd we cheered us with hopes for the futureAs we tripped over buckets of paint.CHORUSFor she's Greenwood Hall;Yes, we love her best of all;Every day she gives us moreThan she gave the day before.Ever grows our hall in grace,Nobly has she filled her place;As she strives so let us strive on,As she wins so win we each one;As she turns to what is highSo turn you and so turn I,Hers forever, as we honorGreenwood Hall.II.From. its corner, our little old spinnetInspired a little old roomWith demure little chairs and a settee,Where our men call in suitable gloom;Rare old rugs, fine old furnishings,gathered As our household Penates-then fameCame to us by the grace of Miss Langley,Who has diynified us with her name.III.As the years passed they left theirtraditions,Greenwood stands now a woman fullgrown,Some of those who were first of her childrenHave gone onward and left her alone;But she gives to each daughter, at parting,Just the gift mothers give when we part;She gives each one the gift of remembrance,And of love and a place in her heart.IV.'Tis the future, I sit by the hearthsideIn the depths of the old Greenwood chair,Count the slow, philosophical tickingOf the grandfather clock, over there.See! It points one thin hand to thesun-room,Where, mid palms, breathe the odors ofspring;In the garden stands stately a sun dial,Where the fountain is gUr"(Jling and sings.B. A. M.276Cap and GownIf ID� lrJEIDWTIlrllIEi5) I�:277Cap and Gown278Cap and GownDelta Kappa EpsilonFounded at Yale University in 1844Eoll of QJ:�apttrJlYALE UNIVERSITYBOWDOIN COLLEGECOLBY COLLEGEAMHERST COLLEGEVANDERBILT UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMABROWN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINAUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIAMIAMI UNIVERSITYKENYON COLLEGEDARTMOUTH COLLEGECENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKYMIDDLEBURY COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANWILLIAMS COLLEGELAFAYETTE COLLEGEHAMILTON COLLEGECOLGATE COLLEGE.COLLEGE OF THE ·CITY OF NEW YORK RUTGERS COLLEGEDE PAUW UNIVERSITYWESLEYAN UNIVERSITYREN1'j'SELAER .POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEADELBERT COU,EGECORNELL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOSYRACUSE UNIVERSITYCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIATRINITY COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYTULANE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF TORONTOUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAMCGILL UNIVERSITYLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVER;lITY OF ILLINOISUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONUNIVERSITY OF TEXAS279,Cap and GownDelta Kappa EpsilonDELTA DELTA CHAP.TEREstablished December 15, 1893ml)t 3I!amltyHARRY PRATT JUDSON, Williams, '70 HENRY GORDON GALE, Chicago, '96SHAILER MATHEWS, Colby, 'S4 ERNEST LERoy CALDWELL, Yale, 'S7NATHANIEL BUTLER, Colby, '73 FRANKLIN WINSLOW JOHNSON, Colby, '91JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL, Michigan, '90 PRESTON KEYES, Bowdoin, '76ALBION WOODBURY SMALL, Colby, '76 EARLE E. SPERRYFRANK BIGELOW TARBELL, Yale, '73 PERCY BERNARD ECKHART, Chicago, '98ADDISON WEBSTER MOORE, DePauw, 'SO W ALTER WHEELER COOK, Rutgers, '94CARL DARLING BUCK, Yale, 'S6 GILBERT BLISS, Chicago, '99HENRY VARNEY FREEMAN, Yale, '69 FRANK FREEMAN, Wesleyan, '94CHARLES PORTER SMALL, Colby, 'S6 CHARLES H. JUDD, Wesleyan, '04WELLINGTON DOWNING JONES, Chicago, 'OSml)t C5ralluatt &(1)00111WILLIAM S. MAXWELLDUERSON KNIGHTJOHN L. McNALLYEVERETT E. ROGERSONFRANK F. SELFRIDGEHERMAN J. STEGEMAN1916LEWIS J. FUIKSROWLAND H. GEORGEHAROLD J. GORDONPAUL S. RUSSELLLAWRENCE E. SALISBURYHENRY R. GROSS191J,.HAROLD E. GOETTLERLOYD L. NEFFLoUIS L. NORTHRUPWALTER S. POAGUE1915JOHN W. BREATHEDPAUL R. DES JARDlENRALPH N. GARDNERFREDERICK W. GRIFFITHS GEORGE M. MORRIS1917JOHN G. AGARCHARLES B. CORY, JR.PERRY DRYDENFRANZ PUTERBAUGHFREDERICK L. RIDGWAYFRANCIS R. TOWNLEYMORTON TRAERORVILLE C. WETMORE280Cap and GownDelta Kappa EpsilonGross Townley Breathed Des Jardien MaxwellFuiks McNally Griffiths Gardner Rogerson KnightStearns Neff Northrup Poague GoettlerSalisbury Woodbury Russell George. Gordon StegemanDryden Traer Cory Ridgway Agar Puterbaugh Wetmore281Cal' aud Gowu282Cap aud ('owuPhi Kappa PsiFounded at Jefferson College in 1852WASHINGTON AND JEFrERSON UNIVERSITY VANDERBILT UNIVERSITYALLEGHENY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF TEXASBUCKNELL UNIVERSITY OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYGETTYSBURG COLLEGE WITTENBERG COLLEGEDICKINSON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF OHIOFRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE CASE SCHOOL OF ApPLIED SCIENCELAFAYETTE COLLEGE DE PAUW UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY OF INDIANASWARTHMORE COLLEGE PURDUE UNIVERSITYSTATE COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYDARTMOUTH .COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOAMHERST COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISBROWN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANCORNELL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINSYRACUSE UNIVERSITY BELOIT COLLEGECOLUMBIA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTACOLGATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF IOWAJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY OF KANSASWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAUNIVERSITY OF WEST VIRGINIA LELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA283Cap and GownPhi Kappa PsiILLINOIS BETA CHAPTEREstablished January 6, 1894wl)l' Jlatult!!CHARLES H. BEESON, Indina, '93 THEODORE L. NEFF, De Pauw, '83DAVID J. LINGLE, Chicago, '85 THEODORE G. SOARES, Minnesota, '91CLARKE B. WHITTIER, Leland Stanford Jr., '93wl)l' Cirabuau &tl)ool&CLYDE M. JOICEEDWIN F. MCGRATH 1914A. DUA'NE MANN . NELSON H. NORGRENHENRY S. ENOCHHARRY S. GORGAS 1915HOLGER A. LOLLESGARD HAROLD A. MOOREHAYS McFARLAND KENWOOD T. SUDDUTHHOWARD F. ADAMSCARL A. BmDSALLJOHN A. DONAHOE 1916ROBERT E. HATCHER, JR. WALTER F. ROTHCLAUDE N. MOULTON HALSEY N. WICKHAMJ. CRAIG REDMON FRANK S. WHITINGWALTER B. SCHAFER 1917WILLIAM E. SMITHFRANK M. STUTESMAN, JR. HARRY STANSBURY284Cap and GownPhi Kappa PsiRoth Whiting Gorgas Redmon HatcherWickham Enoch Birdsall Sudduth Moulton AdamsJoice Lollesgard Norgren Mann MacFarland McGrath MooreDineen Smith Stonsbnry Donahoe Stutesman Schafer285Cup nnd (ion'lI286Cap and GownBeta Theta PiFounded at Miami University, 1839MIAMI UNIVERSITYCINCINNATI UNIVERSITYWESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITYOHIO UNIVERSITY;WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGEDE 'P A UW UNIVERSITYINDIANA UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANWABASH COLLEGECENTRAL UNIVERSITYB�OWN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINAOHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYHANOVER COLLEGEKNOX COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIADAVIDSON COLLEGEBETHANY COLLEGEBELOIT COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF IOWAWITTENBERG COLLEGEWESTMINSTER COLLEGEIOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGODENISON UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF KANSASUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINNORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYDICKINSON COLLEGEBOSTON UNIVERSITYJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAKENYON COLLEGERUTGERS COLLEGECORNELL UNIVERSITYSTEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYBull uf (!llJapttrsST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MAINEUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIACOLGATE UNIVERSITYUNION UNIVERSITY \COLUMBIA UNIVERSITYAMHERST COLLEGE, V ANI?E�ILT UNI�SITYU NIYERS�TY o.F, TEXASOHIO STATE ,UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF DENVERUNIVERSITY OF SYRACUSEDARTMOUTH COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAWESLEYAN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURILEHIGH UNIVERSITYY ALE UNIVERSITYLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF WEST VIRGINIACOLORADO SCHOOL OF MINESUNIVERSITY OF COLORADOBOWDOIN COLLEGEWASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISPURDUE UNIVERSITYCASE SCHOOL OF ApPLIED SCIENCEIOWA STATE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF TORONTOOKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITYTULANE UNIVER5ITYUNIVERSITY OF OREGONUNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTAUNIVERSITY OF UTAHMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY287Cap and GownBeta Theta PiLAMBDA RHOEstablished January 25, 1894iill!t 1Jf acultllARTHUR F. BAJtNARD, Beloit, '93EDWARD E. BARNARD, Vanderbilt, '87CLARENCE F. CASTLE, Denison, '80JOHN M. DODSON, Wisconsin, '80WILLIAM P. GORSUCH, Knox, '98FRANK W. GUNSAULUS, Ohio Wesleyan, '75 CHARLES R. HENDERSON, Chicago, '70PAUL S. McKIBBEN, Denison, '06ROLLIN D. SALISBURY, Beloit, '81FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON, Denison, '82HERBERT E. SLAUGH'!" Colgate, '83JAMES H. TUFTS, Amherst, '84iill!t C5rabuatt &cl!uulsWILLIAM J. EKLUND EUGENE B. MARTINEAUCHARLES F. HARDING, JR. Ross D. NETHERTONWILLIAM S. HEFFERAN LEONIDAS P. PAYNEGEORGE B. KERNAN MAURICE P. ROGERS1914WILLIAM H. LYMAN CARROLL M. SMITH1915GEORGE S. LYMAN MILO S. GIBBSORVILLE D. MILLER HASKELL S. M. RHETTGEORGE M. ECKELS, JR.1916CARL W. DEFEBAUGH THOMAS A. GOODWIN LAWRENCE J. MACGREGORHARRY K. O'NEILL JAMES W. TUFTSSAMUEL E. BUSLERGEORGE .L. CLARKRAYMOND J. DALYCURTIS D. EDGERTONMERLE C. COULTERJOHN C. BAKERKASSON M. DODSON1917DUNLAP C. CLARKPARKER KENDALLEDGAR C. VIRDENPledgedREUBEN J. CHADBOURNE DEWITT S. DOBSON ROBERT C. FRASERMAX B. MILLER CARROLL GATESLoUIS S. BLACHLYHENRY V. BURGEE MASON W. L. LAWRENCE/ JAMES M. SELLERS288Cap and GownBeta Theta PiO'Neill Sellers MacGregor Defebaugh Tufts Kendall Goodwin BlachlyEckels Rhett Coulter Smith W. Lyman Dodson Baker G. Lyman O. MillerLongenecker M. Miller Fraser Clark Dobson Lawrence Virden Burgee289Cap and Gown290CAP lind GownAlpha Delta. PhiFounded at Hamilton College in 1832HAMILTON COLLEGECOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYY AItE UNIVERSITYAMHERST COLLEGEBROWN UNIVERSITYADELBERT COLLEGE OF WESTERN -RESERVE UNiNERSITYBOWDOIN E::OLLEGEDARTMOUTH COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANUNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTERWILLIAMS COLLEGEWESLEYAN UNIVERSITYKENYON COLLEGEUNION COLLEGECORNELL UNIVERSITYTRINITY COLLEGEJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAUNIVERSITY OF TORONTOUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMCGILL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS291Cap and GownAlpha Delta PhiCHICAGO, CHAPTEREstablished March 20, 1896UlQt 1Jf amItyALONZO KETCHAM PARKER, Rochester, '66FERDINAND SCHEVILL, Yale, '89JOSEPH WANTON HAYES, Amherst, '03ANDREW CUNNINGHAM McLAUGHLIN,Peninsular, '82THOMAS WAKEFIELD GOODSPEED,Rochester, '63 JAMES WEBER LINN, Chicago, '97GORDON JENNINGS LAING,Jahns Hopkins, '94EDWARD JOHNSON GOODSPEED, Chicago, '90EDWARD VAIL LAPHAM BROWN, Chicago, '03ARTHUR GIBBON BOVEE, Chicago, '08FRED MERRIFIELD, Chicago, '98UlQt CSrallUa1t j;rQlIlIluRUSSELL RICHARDSON1914WILLIAM 0. COLEMAN, JR.RODERICK PEATTIEROLLIN N. HARGER ROBERT H. THOMPSONROBERT E. SIMONDHERMAN D. SCHAEFFERJOHN J. CLEARY, JR.HENRY C. SHULLWILLARD P. DICKERSON1915FREDERICK M. BYERLYALFRED K. EDDY1916GEORGE G. WILLARD1917FRANK L. SCHLABACHCARL V. CROPP ,ARTHUR GRAYPledgedLEONARD R. CLARKW. HAMILTON WALTERWILLIAM B. OWEN, JR.FREDERICK W. CROLL HENRY C. A. MEADSAMUEL W. WELLSLAURENS C. SHULL DAVID B. McLAUGHLINALFRED R. STRONGDONALD E. NICHOLSEUGENE E. HORTONWILLIAM M. TEMPLETONFRANKLYN K. CHANDLERLERoy C. WHEELER292Alpha Delta PhiWells Wheeler H. Shull Schaeffer SimondStrong Harger Mead Eddy ClarkThompson Croll L. Shull Peattie Cleary ColemanDickerson Willard McLaughlin Byerly TempletonNicholls Chandler Horton Gray Schlabach Cropp293Cap and Gown294Cap aud GownSigma ChiFounded at Miami University in 1855Iloll of (!!qapb'rsMIAMI UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF WOOSTEROHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYGEORGE WASHIN'GTON UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPIPENNSYLVANIA COLLEGEBUCKNELL UNIVERSITYINDIANA UNIVERSITYDENISON UNIVERSITYDE PAUW UNIVERSITYDICKINSON' COLLEGEBUTLER COLLEGELAFAYETTE COLLEGEHANOVER COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIANORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYHOBART COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKABELOIT COLLEGESTATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWAMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSITY OF TEXASUNIVERSITY OF KANSASTULANE UNIVERSITYALBION COLLEGELEHIGH UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTATRINITY UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIACORNELL UNIVERSITYPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEVANDERBILT UNIVERSITYLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYCOLORADO COLLEGEPURDUE UNIVERSITYCENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKYUNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATIDARTMOUTH COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHiGAN·UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISKENTUCKY STATE COLLEGEWEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITYCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNIVERSITY OF MAINEWASHINGTON UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIASYRACUSE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ARKANSASUNIVERSITY OF MONTANAUNIVERSITY OF UTAHUNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTAWESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGHUNIVERSITY OF OREGONUNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAW ABASH COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMACOLLEGE295Cap and GownSigma ChiOMICRON OMICRON CHAPTEREstablished January 23, 1897illiJ� ]I[ amitySOLOMON H. CLARK, Chicago, '97GEORGE A. DORSEY, Denison, '88JAMES P. HALL, Cornell, '94WILLIAM D. HARKINS, Montana, '00ROBERT W. STEVENS, JOHN M. HERALD, Oklahoma, '12ROLLO L. LYMAN, Beloit, '99NEWMAN MILLER, Albion, '93HORATIO H. NEWMAN, Chicago, '05Northwestern, '94JOSEPH O. BALCAR illiJ� (iralluat� &rl1oull1ALBERT D. BOWER HOWARD B. McLANE1914HAROLD G. CONLEY1915COWAN D. STEPHENSON WALTER C. STERNE1916 DELON A. WILLIAMSCLARENCE C. COLLIER HERMAI-' . R. MILLERCARL W. APFELBACHADOLPH E. BISHOP 1917EUGENE F. TRAUTPledgesRONALD FORMANGERALD J. FLYNN VAUGHAN C. GUNNELLARTHUR O. HANISCHCLAUDE V. MUNSEY WALTER TITUS296Cap and GownSigma ChiBalcarLindsay CollierSterneApfelbach MillerStansbury Williams StephensonWagoner HeraldBower ConleyMunsey BishopFlynnTitus Traut297Cap and Gown298CUI) lind GO""UPhi Delta ThetalIbdl of (!lqaptl'rsFounded at Miami University, 1848MIAMI UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF INDIANACENTRAL UNIVERSITY .WABASH COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINNORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYBUTLER UNIVERSITYUHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYFRANKLIN COLLEGEHANOVER COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANUNIVERSITY OF CHICA:GO .DE PAUW UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF OHIOUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIKNOX COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAEMORY COLLEGEIOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGEMERCER UNIVERSITYCORNELL UNIVERSITYLAFAYETTE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAUNIVERSITY OF V1RGINIARANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAPENNSYLVANIA COLLEGEWASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGEVANDERBILT UNIVERSITYLEHIGH UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMALOMBARD COLLEGEALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEALLEGHENY COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF VERMONTDICKINSON COLLEGEWESTMINSTER COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY OF IOWAUNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHUNIVERSI1:Y OF KANSASOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF TEXASUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAUNI()N UNIVERSITYCOLBY COLLEGE ..COLUMBIA UNIVERSl'l1Y!- -DARTMOUTH COLLEGE: .JjNIVERSITY OF-. NORTH CAROLINAWILLIAMS COLLEGESOprHWESTERN UNIVERSITYSYRACUSE UNIVERSITYW ASI3:INGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYAMHERST COLLEGEBROWN UNIVERSITYTULANE UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON UNIVERSITYLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYPURDUE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISCASE SCHOOL OF ApPLIED SCIENCEUNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATIUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONKENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITYMCGILL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF COLORADOGEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGYPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF TORONTOUNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTAUNIVERSITY OF IDAHOWASHBURN COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF OREGONUNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTAOHIO STATE COLLEGECOLORADO COLLEGE299Phi Delta ThetaILLINOI S BETA CHAPTEREstablished February 18, 1897IDlJt 111 uru1tll.CHARLES R. BASKERVILLE, Vanderbilt, '94 JOHN W. MONCRIEF, Franklin, '72OTIS W. CALDWELL, Franklin, '94 DAVID H. STEVENS, Lawrence, '06EDWARD W. HINTON, Missouri, '90 JOHN C. WEIGEL, Lombard, '08ID4t �rubuutt &"40016.ARTHUR M. GEE CHARLES B. NEWCOMERMACK E. GILLIS ARTHUR L. OWENWALTER W. HAMMOND ARDEN E. RossJAMES G. MONTGOMERY BENJAMIN E. STOUTGEORGE D. PARKINSONL. MERCER FRANCISCO 1914LESLIE M. PARKERELLIOI)OR LIBONATI1915DONALD R. MATHEREUGENE B. PERRY1916GEORGE K. SHAFFERHUGH C. STRINGHAMCARL L. WEINMANWESLEY H. ACKEREDMUND J. JORDANJAMES H. ELLISEDWARD J. O'CONNORRAYMOND L. JEFFERY1917:JOHN ALBERT RALPH W. HAMILTONGEORGE R. ANDERMAN ELMER W. MILLERCLARENCE O. BEEPledgedWALTER W. DAVID ROLAND C. FROST300Cap and GownPhi Delta ThetaFrancisco uut« Albert MatherHammond Parkinson leffery Stringham Jordan GeeHamilton Bee Ellis Anderman AckerShaffer Libonati Frost Weinman301I.,." - � ....'__"'_'iPftii4& + ...,Cap and Gown302Cap aDd GownPsi UpsilonFounded at Union College in 1833_Ill! II! CIll}apursUNION COLLEGE.NEW YORK UNIVERSITYYALE UNIVERSITYBROWN UNIVERSITYAMHERST COLLEGEDARTMOUTH COLLEGECOLUMBIA COLLEGEBOWDOIN COLLEGEHAMILTON COLLEGEWESLEYAN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTERKENYON COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANSYRACUSE UNIVERSITYCORNELL UNIVERSITYTRINITY COLLEGELEHIGH UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISWILLIAMS COLLEGE303Cap a'nd GownPsi UpsilonOM EGA CHAPTER!\Established November 24, 1897iillyt 111 arulty.FRANCIS A. BLACKBURN, Michigan, '68PERCY H. BOYNTON, Amherst, '97ROBERT F. HARPER, Chicago, '83CHARLES R. HENDERSON, Chicago, '70 GEORGE C. HOWLAND, Amherst, '85ELIAKIM H. MOORE, Yale, '88GEORGE W. SHERBURN, Wesleyan, '06AMOS A. STAGG, Yale, '88iill}t �railuatt �rl}nnls.JOSEPH B. LAWLER HAROLD B. SMITH1914PAUL M. HUNTER RUDDY D. MATTHEWSJUNE G. VAN KEUREN REGINALD H. ROB�SON1915SAMUEL ·C. BECKWITHR. BOURKE CORCORAN KENNETH G. CdUTCHIEALBERT S. CUMMINSFRANKLIN B. EVANS BEAUCHAMP A. WHITEFRANCIS T.,WARD1916RALPH 0 .. CORNWELLCHARLES F. GRIMESRICHARD P. MATTHEWSROBERT B. MARTINROBERT C. WHITEDAN H; BROWNMAX F. CORNWELL HAROLD T. MOOREIRVIN L. SIGLERRoy W. WILLIAMS1917CARLES M. BENT NORMAN W. HARRIS HENRY J. MACFARLAND, JR.FOSTER E. BLACKBURN JOSEPH N. McDONALD BERNARD E. NEWMANBUELL A. PATTERSON JAMES D. THOM304(Jap RUII GownPsi Upsilon'Grimes R. Cornwell Moore Williams Martin M. CornwellWard Corcoran Brown Cltmmins White BeckwithLawler Hunter Van Keuren Robinson Painter R. D. Matthews CoutchieMarum Jackson Patterson Blackburn Sigler R. P. MatthewsCopley Thom Bent Macfarland McDonald Harris Newman30"Cap and Gown306Cap and GownDelta Tau DeltaFounded at Bethany Colleqe in 1859!toU itf C!!lyapUrll.ALLEGHENY COLLEGE UNiVERSITY OF GEORGIAWASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY, OF WISCONSINOHIO UNIVERSITY TUFTS COLLF;GEOHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYHILLSDALE COLLEGE TULANE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF INDIANA CORNELL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYDE PAUW UNIVERSITY LELAND STANFORD JR: UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAWABASH COLLEGE OH'IO' STATE UNIVERSITYSTEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BROWN UNIVERSITYLEHIGH UNIVERSITy, WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYLAFAYETTE COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIABUTLER COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAALBION COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGORENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYUNIVERSITY OF IOWA DARTMOUTH COLLEGEKENYON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF WEST VIRGINIAEMORY COLLEGE WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITYWESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY COLUMBIA UNIVETSITYUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BAKER UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF COLORADO UNIVERSITY OF TEXASUNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY OF' MISSOURIVANDERBILT UNIVERSITY PURDUE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONUNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI UNIVERSITY OF MAINESYRACUSE UNIVERSITY WOOSTER UNIVERSITYIOWA STATE COLLEGE307Cap 811(1 Gon"uDelta Ta u DeltaCHICAGO CHAPTEREstablished May 13, 1898mIT!' JI[ acuity.SCOTT E. W. BEDFORD, Baker, '02 THEODORE B. HINCKLEY, Chicago, '04JOHN P. GOODE, Minnesota, '89 HARLAN O. PAGE, Chicago, '10WALLACE HECKMAN, Hillsdale, '74 HERBERT L. WILLETT, Bethany, '86mIT!' �railuat!' &rIToolll.JOHN B. BOYLE FLETCHER A. CATRONTHOMAS E. SCOFIELD1914ROBERT W. MILLER GEORGE A. NICHOLSON1915LERoy CAMPBELL1916FOWLER B. MCCONNELLORRIN E. WOLF1917FRANKLIN C. WHEELEREUGENE F. WILLIAMSPledgedSAMUEL LELAND, JR.VICTOR A. MINGERSHARRY B. BOGG LAURISTON W. GRAYRALPH T. JOHANSON ROBERT N. MCCONNELLBERRY W. ALLEN ROBERT L. WILLETTROGER DERING"LESLIE G. JONES JOSEPH W. MYERSSAMUEL A. ROTHERMEL308C.ap an(l Go,,·nDelta Tau DeltaCatronF. McConnellMillerRothermelLeland SauerBoggWheeler111il1gersScofieldCampbell BoyleGrayWilliams WolfR. McConnellMyersJohansonDering WillettAllen·309Cap and Gown310Cap and GownChi PsiFounded at Union College in 1841Itllll"llf Artfut ..Mpl!allU NION- COLLEG)llWILLIAMS COLLEGEMIDDLEBURY COLLEGEWESLEYAN UNIVERSITYHAMILTON COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANAMHERST COLLEGECORNELL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINRUTGERS COLLEGESTEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYUNIVERSITY OF GEORGIALEHIGH UNIVERSITYLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS311Cap and Gown- Chi PsiALPHA EPSILON DELTAEstablished November 25, 1898Ul[Jr 3l!arulty.CHARLES M. CHILD, Wesleyan, '90 JOHN M. MANLEY, Furnam, '93WALTER A. PAYNE, Chicago, '98Ul[Jr <irabuatr &r[JnnlJl.ROBERT C. BROWN HENRY F. TENNEY1914THOMAS E. COLEMANARTHUR T. GOODMANBURDETTE P. MASTERNEST R .. REICHMANN1915 HOWELL W. MURRAYSTANLEY R. PIERCEWILLIAM L. REHMRAYMOND A. BOHNEN CHARLES E. FISHERJOHN C. HENDERSONGEORGE W. COTTINGHAMDAVID R. MURRAY1916JAMES E. COLEHORACE K. TENNEY, JR. ARTHUR TENINGAJOHN E. WHITE1917JOHN EDGEWORTHRICHARD C. GAMBLEPHILLIPS GODDARD DONALD V. HopsWILLIAM H. MACMILLANCHARLES L. NOBLEJAMES H.:REHMGEORGE E. REHM, JR. JOHN SLIFERPledgedWILLIAM SMALL, JR.SMITH TAYLOR312Cap autl Go,,'oChi PsiWhiteRehmFisherMacMillan TenneyH. Murray PierceD. MurrayGoddard SliferCole Teninga HopsGoodman ColemanCottingham BohnenEdgeworthReichmann MastHendersonGamble Noble313Cap and Gown314Cap and GownDelta UpsilonFounded at Williams College in 1834WILLIAMS COLLEGEUNION UNIVERSITYHAMILTON COLLEGEAMHERST COLLEGE Itoll of C!tqapu>u.UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINLAFAYETTE COLLEGECOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYLEHIGH UNIVERSITYTUFTS COLLEGEDE PAUW UNIVERSITYWESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITYCOLBY COLLEGEROCHESTER UNIVERSITYMIDDLEBURY COLLEGEBOWDOIN COLLEGERUTGERS COLLEGECOLGATE UNIVERSITYNEW YORK UNIVERSITYMIAMI UNIVERSITYBROWN UNIVERSITYCORNELL UNIVERSITYMARIETTA COLLEGESYRACUSE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANNORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYSWARTHMORE COLLEGELELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAMCGILL UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAUNIVERSITY OF TORONTOUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONHARVARD UNIVERSITY PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEIOWA STATE UNIVERSITY315Cap and GownDel ta UpsilonCHICAGO CHAPTEREetabliehed January 5, 1901wqt jJ! acuIty.PHILIP S. ALLEN, Williams, '91 HERVEY F. MALLORY, Colgate, '90TREVOR ARNETT, Chicago, '98 JOHN F. MOULDS, Chicago, '07JOSEPH K. BREITENBECHER, Miami, '10 JOHNSTONE MYERS, Rochester, '12WALTER C. BRONSON, Brown, '87 BERTRAM G. NELSON, Chicago, '02SMITH T. FORD, Colgate, '78 HENRY W. PRESCOTT, Harvard, '95CHARLES W. GILKEY, Harvard, '03 WILBUR E. POST, Chicago, '02BENJAMIN A. GREENE, Brown, '72 CONYERS READ, Harvard, '03THOMAS A. JENKINS, Swarthwore, '87 GERALD B. SMITH, Brown, '91HARVEY B. LEMON, Chicago, '06 BENJAMIN TERRY, Colgate, '78ROBERT M. LOVETT, Harvard, '92 JAMES W. THOMPSON, Rutgers, '92CHARLES H. VAN TUYL, Chicago, '03wbt Clrabuatt &rqnnlll.MERRILL WELLSHUGO B. ANDERSON WARREN Y. THOMPSON1914EARLE KNIGHTLLOYD E. LEDucLEWIS M. NORTON1915STANWOOD F. BAUMGARTNER LAURENCE S. HARPOLEWILLIAM S. BALpwn�: THOMAS HOLLINGSWORTHRALPH D. KELLOGGRALPH W. CARPENTERJACOB W. HOLDERMAN WARREN B. LEONARDJOHN F. MCGINNIS, JR.. HAROLD E. TITUSJ. STEVENS TOLMAN1916RALPH W. DAVISALVIN HANSENLYNDON H. LESCH1917RAYMOND J. HECHTFREDERIC W. BURCKYMARION DAVIDSON HERBERT C. OTISJAMES WEBBWILLIS E. GOUWENSFRANCIS J. BROOMELLPledgedRALPH W. CARSON NORMAN L. McLEOD316Ca� and GownDelta UpsilonBaumgartner Tolman Knight Titus· HarpoleE ollingsworth LeDuc Leonard Norton Kellogg BaldwinMcGinnis McLeod Davidson Lesch Burcky Davis HansenBroomell Webb GOllwens Otis Hecht Carpenter317Cap and Gown·318Cap and GownPhi Gamma DeltaFounded at Washington and Jefferson College in May, 1848Ilnll·nf atl}aptttll.WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE COLGATE· UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMADE PAUW UNIVERSITYPEJIlNSYLVANIA COLLEGE. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIAALLEGHENY COLLEGEHANOVER COLLEGEWABASH COLLEGECOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYKNOX COLLEGEINDIANA UNIVERSITYOHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYYALE UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYWESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITYOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAUNIVERSITY OF KANSASBUCKNELL UNIVERSITYWOOSTER UNIVERSITYLAFAYETTE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF TEXASWITTENBERG COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANDENISON UNIVERSITYWILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGELEHIGH UNIVERSITY PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGECORNELL UNIVERSITYMASsACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAWORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTERICHMOND COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEEJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYNEW YORK UNIVERSITYAMHERST COLLEGETRINITY COLLEGEUNION UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAUNIVERSITY OF MAINEUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIWASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITYDARTMOUTH COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF SYRACUSEPURDUE UNIVERSITYBROWN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOIOWA STATE COLLEGECOLORADO COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF OREGONUNIVERSITY OF COLORADO319Cap and GownPhi Gamma DeltaCHI UPSILON CHAPTEREstablished May 19, 1902wlfe 1lf uculty.ROLLIN T. CHAMBERLIN, Chicago, '03 EARL MANCHESTER, Brown, '02JOHN M. COULTER, Hanover, '77 OLIVER L. MCCASKILL, Chicago, '00JOHN' M. CROWE, Hanover, '90 WILLIAM A. NITZE, Johns Hopkins, '94DAVID ALLAN ROBERTSON, Chicago, '02mlfe (iruiluute �tlfnnI1l.WILLIAM J. CUppy OSCAR P. B. HEADLANDLEO S. GLEICHAUF HAN'LEY HIXONEARL W. GILROY OWEN KINGJULIAN C. RISK MELVIN1914HORACE C. FITZPATRICK WALTER L. KENNEDY WARD H. MARISJOHN B. PERLEE HAROLD H. WRIGHTROLAND G. MAYERPAUL H. ROWECONNOR B. SHAWT. VOGTEL1915CARL W. FISHER FRANK H. O'HARA THOMAS PROSSERFRANCIS J. SHERWIN JOSHUA STEVENSON1916GEORGE P. BENSON JAMES D. DYRENFORTH ROBERT F. GOODYEARRICHARD D. BOYD CARLTON FOSTER ROBERT H. HARPERMITCHELL LEAVITT KENNETH F. MACNEAL1917VIRGIL D. ANGERMAN JAMES BREDIN PAUL E. DONKERWILLIAM E. WILEY EVAN O. THOMASPledgedJAMES O. MURDOCK320Cap aud GownPhi Gamma DeltaD'yrenf orth. Prosser Kennedy Sherwin Risk Perlee WrightFoster Stevenson Benson Shaw O'Hara Fitzpatrick Goodyear FISherMnc Neal Harper Angerman Murdock Wiley Donker .Thomas BoydFooteLeavitt321Cap and Gown322Cnp nnd Go,ynSigma Alpha EpsilonFounded at the University of Alabama, March 9, 1856moll of (!!�nptl'rflUNIVERSITY OF MAINE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISBOSTON UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAHARVARD UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINWORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF INDIANACORNELL UNIVERSITY SYRACUSE UNIVERSITYCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAST. STEPHEN'S COLLEGE MERCER UNIVERSITYALLEGHENY COLLEGE EMORY COLLEGEDICKINSON COLLEGE GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGYPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE SOUTHERN UNIVERSITYBUCKNELL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAGETTYSBURG COLLEGE ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIGEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSASUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OF KANSASDAVIDSON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF IOWAUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IOWA STATE COLLEGEADRIAN COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADOMT. UNION COLLEGE DENVER UNIVERSITYOHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINESUNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYOHIO STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIACASE SCHOOL OF ApPLIED SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONFRANKLIN COLLEGE LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITYPURDUE UNIVERSITY TULANE UNIVERSITYCENTRAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF TEXASBETHEL COLLEGE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITYKENTUCKY STATE COLLEGE DARTMOUTH COLLEGESOUTHWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITY NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE JAMES MILLIKAN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH UNION UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA KANSAS STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA CUMBERLAND UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURG323Cap aud GownSigma Alpha EpsilonILLINOIS THETA CHAPTEREstablished March 9, 1903illlJt llf arulty.RALPH W. CHANEY, Chicago, '12 SAMUEL PARKER; Cincinnati, '03GEORGE FAIRWEATHER, Chicago, "03 CLARENCE PARMENTER, Chicago, '09HARRY E. MOCK, Franklin, '02 JOSEPH J. RUNNER, Nebraska, '07ill1Jt <iralluatt �t1JOolll.BENJAMIN F. BILLSRoy E. CRUZENDONALD D. DELANYGEORGE A. GRAY FRED L. GLASSCOCKJAMES HANCEDERWENT S. WHITTLESEY1914GEORGE S. LEIS UREOAKLEY K. MORTONALEXANDER M. SQUAIR1915WILLIAM M. GRAY HENRY L. HOLMFRANCIS W. HAMILTON EDWARD F. KIXMILLERCLYDE E. WATKINS1916LENUS H. LUNDBERGCHARLES MICHELDENTON H. SPARKS1917RUSSELL PAISLEY CHARLES G. PARKERPRINGLE CHAUNCEY H. SCOTTPledgedBRUCE KINGGEORGE PATRICK, JR. SIMON O. LUNDRAYMOND SOUTHWORTHCHARLES D. HIGGSROBERT W. KISPERT CLAUD W. MUNGEREARLE A. SHILTONARTHUR P. FOSTERLEO S. HAY GIFFORD W. PLUMEWILLIAM P. ROENORMAN G. HARTEVERETT H.JERROLD J. KESSLER EUGENE J. NAYLOR324C.R P R 11 d Go W nSigma Alpha EpsilonHiggs Whittlesey DelanyG. Gray Holm W. GrayKispert HamiltonHayShilton HartKi.�".illerMunger SquairSparks Michel PringleRoeScottMortonWatkinsLundbergNaylor LeisureFosterKing PlumeKesslerParker325(;Hp a n sl Go,," ..326Cap and GownSigma NuFounded at Virginia Military Institute, January 1, 1869lioll of (!!�aph'rllVIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTEUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIABETHANY COLLEGEMERCER UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAHOWARD COLLEGENORTH GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGEWASHINGTON AND·LEE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAUNIVERSITY OF KANSASEMORY COLLEGELEHIGH UNIVERSITYlmSSOURI STATE UNIVERSITYVANDERBILT UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF TEXASLOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINADE PAUW UNIVERSITYPURDUE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF INDIANAALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEMT. UNION COLLEGEIOWA STATE UNIVERSITYOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYWILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAUNIVERSITY OF VERMONTNORTH CAROLINA A. AND M. COLLEGEROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTETULANE UNIVERSITYLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAGEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY327 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYALBION COLLEGESTEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOG'lLAFAYETTE COLLEGECOLORADO SCHOOL OF MINESUNIVERSITY OF OREGONCORNELL UNIVERSITYWASHINGTON STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF COLORADOUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANMISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINESWASHINGTON UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF WEST VIRGINIAUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOIOWA STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAUNIVERSITY OF ARKANSASUNIVERSITY OF MONTANAUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONSYRACUSE UNIVERSITYCASE SCHOOL OF ApPLIED SCIENCEDARTMOUTH COLLEGECOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGELOMBARD COLLEGEWESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITYOKLAHOMA UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAWASHINGTON STATE COLLEGEDELAWARE STATE COLLEGEBROWN UNIVERSITYCap and GownSigma NuGAMMA RHO CHAPTERilIlJl' Jlamlty.EDSON S. BASTIAN HARVEY CARR, Colorado, '01CLARENCE A. TORREY, Cornell, '90ilIlJl' (iralluatl' &rlJnnlll.EDMUND C. HUMPHERY KEMP MALONELONNIE WATTERSON RYAN1914-WALTER J. SPENCER MARTIN D. STEVERSHERBERT J. MORGAN1915EVAN J. DARRENOGUED. HARRY HAMMER MAX S. SICKLE II.HUBERT C. SMITHDOUGLAS P� BALLJOHN G. BURTT1916HARRY M. BEARDSLEY MILLARD LAWRENCEIPledgedWENDELL E. DIXOND. JEROME FISHERHENRY N. INGWERSENORRIN JOHNSON ALBERT LINDAUEREDWARD W. ST. PIERRE, JR.FRED PATTERSONEDWARD J. BOYDELLWILLIAM L. CHALFANTEARL H. COTTON328Cap and GownSigma NuSt. PierreBallSmith DixonBurtt Fisher CottonSickle HumphreyDarrenogue Spen.cerLindauer IngwersenHammerMeredithBeardsleyChalfant SteversBoydellJoh11S0n329an.d GownCap330Cap and GownKappa SigmaFounded at the University of Virginia in 1869Itnll nf <Ilqaptl'rsUNIVERSITY OF MAINE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF VERMONT UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEEBOWDOIN COLLEGE SOUTHWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITYBROWN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY. OF THE SOUTHNEW HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKYMASSACHUSETTS STATE COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF'MICHIGANDARTMOUTH COLLEGE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITYHARVARD UNIVERSITY CASE SCHOOL OF ApPLIED SCIENCESWARTHMORE COLLEGE DENISON UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PURDUE UNIVERSITY.CORNELL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISLEHIGH UNIVERSITY WABASH COLLEGENEW YORK UNIVERSITY LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITYSYRACUSE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINU NIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE UNIvERSITY OF CHICAGOGEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKABUCKNELL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAWASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF IOWADICKINSON COLLEGE IOWA STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA WILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGERANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON UNIVERSITYWILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE BAKER UNIVERSITYHAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINESRICHMOND COLLEGE WASHBURN COLLEGEDAVIDSON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF KANSASTRINITY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSASUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMANORTH CAROLINA A. AND M. COLLEGE SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA UNIVERSITY OF TEXASMERCER UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF DENVERGEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY COLORADO COLLEGEALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINESUNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA LELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYLOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIATULANE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONMILLSAPS COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF OREGONCUMBERLAND UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF IDAHOWASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE331Cap and GownKappa SigmaGAMMA BETA CHAPTEREstablished April 28, 1904GEORGE W. BARTELMEZ, New York, '06WALTER E. CLARK, Arkanses, '03 JAMES C. M. HANSON, Cornell, '90WILLIAM I. THOMAS, Tennessee, '841lI1)t C&rabuatt &tl)uulaFRANCIS L. BOUTELL WILLIAM P. DAVIPSON Roy W. HALEBERTHOLD S. KENNEDY WILLIAM A. THOMAS1914JOHN C. MORRISON, IIHARRY B. EMBLETON SAMUEL F. PETERSON1915IRA A. RussVERNI H. BLACKETT EDWARD B. THOMAS1916WILLIAM S. BRYANC. PHILIP MILLER, JR.HERBERT ATKINS ERNEST D. CAVIN, JR.1917HAROLD P. HULSFRANCIS W. DUNN J. THOMAS RYANPledgedWILLIAM A. HUNTERHOWARD W. MCCAYJEREMIAH L. RYANFRED COAMBSCHARLES E. GALOWAY DONALD D. SELLSVERNON V. SMYTH332Cap and GownKappa SigmaBryan 'Sells DavidsonMorrison Embleton Peterson RussHuls J. I. Ryan J. T. RyanCavinThomas HwnterBlackettMcCay MillerBoutellCoombsDunn333d GownCap an334WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEBROWN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF VERMONTST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITYCORNELL UNIVERSITYMUHLENBERG COLLEGEWASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGELEHIGH UNIVERSITYPENNSYLVANIA COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAUNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINATRINITY COLLEGECOLLEGE OF CHARLESTONWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIAMOUNT UNION COLLEGEWITTENBERG COLLEGEOHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITYOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYWESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITYSTATE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKYSOUTHWESTERN PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITYVANDERBILT UNIVERSITYUNION UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHUNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEEUNIVERSITY OF OREGONWASHINGTON STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF WYOMINGUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGECOl) a u d Go,,-uAlpha Tau OmegaFounded at Virginia ilIJilitary Institute, 1865itull nf Qll)aptl'rsALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTESOUTHERN UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAUNIVERSITY OF FLORIDAUNIVERSITY OF GEORGIAEMORY COLLEGEMERCER UNIVERSITYGEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGYTULANE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF TEXASUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEPURDUE UNIVERSITYADRIAN COLLEGEHILLSDALE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANALBION COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSI'l'Y OF CALIFORNIASIMPSON COLLEGEIOWA STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF KANSASUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURIUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONUNIVERSITY OF MAINECOLBY COLLEGELELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYMAS�ACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYTUFTS COLLEGE335Cap and GownAlpha Tau OmegaILLINOIS GAMMA XIEstablished June 17, 190"­Wql' 1JT arultyELLIOT R. DOWNING, Albion, '89Wql' C5rabuatl' &rqoolllROBERT GU·NTHERJ. ROSCOE HARRYWALTER R. LEONARD1914,HOLLY R. BENNETT HARRY H. COMER FRANCIS L. HUTSLERERLING H. LUNDE LYMAN L. WELDWILLARD E. ATKINSLoUIS T. CURRYDUDLEY D. GRIFFITH GEORGE R. MURRAYVICTOR F. LONGBENNETT R. PARKER1915ORVILLE E. DROEGELEO C. Hupp1916ERWIN COPE ,ARTHUR W. HAUPT WALTER D. CRAWFORDLUCIUS W. HILTON STELLAN S. WINDROW1917WACLAW P. MACIONTEK CHANDLER O. MEYER FRANK T. MORANPledgedA. GRAHAM ASHER FRED E. CARPENTER JESSE E. LEHMANPAUL G. BLAZER PAUL KEEN .EARL H. NEVILLEDAVID SHAMBAUGH CLARENCE THOMAS336Cap and GownAlpha 1'au OmegaBennett Maciontek Windrow Comer WeldHuse Leonard Giinther Hupp AtkinsCarpenter Thomas Lunde Murray HutslerCrawford Haupt Meyer Hilt.on DroegeKeen Asher Neville Cope Moran337Cap and G own338Cap and GownPhi Kappa SigmaFounded at the University of Penneuiuania. in 1850 -!toll of (!!l)apttf.llUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY OF WEST ViRGINIAWASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF MAINEDICKINSON COLLEGEFRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIACOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYTULANE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISRANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGENORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYRICHMOND COLLEGEPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEWASHINGTON AND LEE. UNIVERSITY ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYUNIVERSITY OF MARYLANDUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINVANDERBILT UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYGEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGYPURDUE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOCORNELL UNIVERSITY339Cap and GownPhi Kappa SigmaALPHA PI CHAPTEREstablished February 10, 1905wlJt 111 arultgDEAN D. LEWIS, Lake Forest, '95wlJt �ralluatt �flJnnlllCHARLES ·C. COLBYRoy R. HAAG1914WILLIAM B. BOSWORTHALBERT C. HODGE1915LEIPERT W. BOWERROGER M. CHOISSEHB. HARRY HAGERTRACY R. STAINSAMOR B. WHITEHEAD 1916ALFRED C. EASTLAKEEARL J. SANDERSONHARWOOD P. SAUNDERS, JR.ALFRED E. PETERS. CHARLES H. SOUTTERPledgedEDWIN G. BLOORARTHUR S. BRISTOWMAURICE F. LA CROIXL. FIELDER GALLARTHUR HEUSINKVELDWILLIAM K. THOMPSONHAROLD N. TUFVESSON340Cap n n d GownSigma PhiHaag PetersWassonColby La Croix Whitehead Hager BloorBristow. EastlakeChoisser .SaurulersStains BosworthHodge BowerSoutter341Cap and Gown342Cap and GownDelta Sigma PhiFounded at the College of the City of New York in 1900COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORKCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYNEW YORK UNIVERSITYPENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEWASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF TEXASCORNELL UNIVERSITYALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTETRINITY UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOWAYNESBURG COLLEGECUMBERLAND UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAUNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA343Cap and GownDelta Sigm a PhiMU CHAPTEREstablished December 24, 1910mit!' JracultyMARCUS W. JERNEGAN, Brown, '96mit!' � r abuat!' &rItnn15MERRIL C. HAR'l'ERNEST L. DUCK HIRSCH E. SOBLE1914JULIUS V. KUCHYNKA ILERoy H. SV)AN I.i1Ir!IIIL_�_. � ._�. . � __ � __ .. . __. _-�_._. ._ .. ; . ..JT. COLE CAWTHORNEH. HoYT Cox SEYMOUR J. FRANKLEO L. J. HARDTHARRY 1. HURWITZ1915MORRIS BARANCIKJOSEPH FEKETE, JR. GLENN S. THOMPSON1916M. VERNON. BROWN JOSEPH GEARYGUY F. FAIRBROTHER VICTOR T. RUSSELL1917Roy J. DOOLAN ARTHUR W. HAYFORD ALBERT PICK, J�.JOHN L. LEMON PledgedALFRED L. J. O'CONNORFRED E. RANKIN OMER SUPPLE344 I'II!Cap and GownDelta Sigma PhiHurwitz Cawthorne Soble HardtDuck Sloan Cox Fekete BarancikThompson Geary Brown Frank RussellO'Connor Doolan Pick Hayford Thorn·345Cap and Gown346Beta PhiFounded at the University of Chicago, May 1, 1911UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGONORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS347JOSEPH A. GOLDBERG SAMUEL F. KOGENCap and GownBeta PhiALPHA CHAPTEREstablished May 1, 19111914JOSEPH R. GORDON CLAUDE W. SPROUSEBERNARD W. VINISSKY1915LOUIS BOTHMAN EMANUEL R. PARNASS1916MARTIN L. HORRELLERNEST C. MIDKIFF DAVID LIVINGSTON<!HARLES T. NELLANS1917LERoy GOLDSTONE THEODORE A. STAMASHOWARD C. STANLEY348Cap nnd GownBeta PhiMidkiffKonen ParnassStamas Stanley Gordon GoldstoneGoldbergBothman Vinissky SprouseNellansHan-ell349Cap and GownAcaciaFounded at University of Michigan in 190"-IiII ALEPH CHAPTERBETH CHAPTER.GIMEL CHAPTERDALETH CHAPTERHE CHAPTER.WAW CHAPTERTETH CHAPTERHETH CHAPTERYODH CHAPTERKAPH CHAPTER •LAMEDTH CHAPTERMEM CHAPTER •NUN CHAPTER .SAMEHK CHAPTER •AYIN CHAPTER.PE CHAPTER.TSADHE CHAPTERKOPH CHAPTER.RESH CHAPTER .SHIN CHAPTER. •ALEPH-ALEPH CHAPTERALEPH-GIMEL CHAPTERALEPH-DALETH CHAPTERALEPH-HE CHAPTER . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANLELAND STANFORD JR. UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF KANSASUNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKAUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAOHIO STATE UNIVERSITYHARVARD UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYI,VANIAUNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSITY OF MISSOURICORNELL UNIVERSITYPURDUE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOYALE UNIVERSITYCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYIOWA STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF IOWAPSNNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEUNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTONUNIVERSITY OF COLORADOSYRACUSE UNIVERSITY.KANSAS AGRICULTuRAL COLLEGEiil�l' JII acuityCHARLES CHANDLERELLSWORTH EUGENE FARISGEORGE DAMON FULLER CHESTER NATHAN GOULDALBERT JOHANSSENFRANCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON(!L�tcagn (!L�aJltl'r ItnllCARL W. CLOEJAMES R. COWANWILLIAM A. CROWLEYALTON H. ETLINGARCHIE L. GLEASONEARL Q. GRAYJAMES F. GROVESFOSTER E. GUYERWILKIE C. HAMWILLIAM I. HARRISONCLYDE O. HORNBAKEREVERE'fT M. HOSMANVESTUS' T. JACKSONALBERT JOHANSSENHORRY M. JONESJOHN S. JONESWILLIAM E. JONES WILLIAM H. KADESCH.NORMAN W. KIEFERJOEL F. McDAVIDARCHIE S. MERRILLWALTER E. MYERCARL O. RINDERSPACHERDEAN H. ROSEHENRY O. SCHWABEOVID R. SELLERSHUBERT DE T. STEENEROLE O. STOLUNDHENRY H. STRAUSSWILLIAM H. STUTSMANHARVEY S. THATCHEREDWARD P. WOODRUFFWEIGHTSTILL A. WOODSROBERT C. WOOLSEYERNEST A. WREIDT350Cap and GownAcaciaCloeCowan HosmanHornbakerFuller McDavidGleasonWoods HamCrowleyChandlerSellersCrossland GouldJones Groves H. Jones3;:;1Cap and GownGamma AlphaGRADUATE SCIENTIFIC FRATERNITYlRnll nf C!IqapttrllCORNELL UNIVERSITYJOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYDARTMOUTH COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISUNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANiilqt C!Iqiragn C!IqapttrEstablished January 18, 1908linnnrary .!9IltmbtrllSAMUEL W. WILLISTON WILLIAM H. EMMONSC. JUDSON HERRICK OSCAR RIDDLEALBERT P. MATHEWS GILBERT A. BLISSROBERT. R. BENSLEY HERBERT N. MCCoyFRANK R.· L�LLIE CHARLES M. CHILD ANTON J. CARLSONSAMUEL A. MATTHEWSBASIL C. H. HARVEYALBERT JOHANNSENSTUART WF)LLERAntill' .• tmbtrsHAROLD S. ADAMSFRANK A. HERALDHARRy M. PAINEJOHN' J. GILBERTJOHN M. HERALDELBERT CLARKLEE I. KNIGHTALBERT D. BROKAWJ. W. E. GLATTfELDRICHARD A. CONKLING MORRIS M. WELLSRAYMOND C. MOORETHOMAS T. QUIRKELESTER W. SHARPRICHARD C. YOUNGLOREN C. PETRY CLYDE COLEMAN WILLIAM E. CARYOSCAR F. HEDENBURG RALPH W. CHANEY BERT A. STAGNERGEORGE S. BRYAN E. MARIS HARVEY JOHN W. MACARTHURV. OURAY TANSEY EDWIN C. SCHMITT352Cal) It U d G 0 \V URUTH AGARMIRIAM L; BALDWINHELEN J. BROOKS SUSANNE FISHERM. LETITIA FYFFEMARGARET G. RIGGSCap and GownThe Mortar BoardFounded in 1894ilIlJl' 1If amItyHELEN GUNSAULUS19141915CATHERINE BOSSON ESTHER BUTTOLPH1916DOROTHY E. DAVIS.DORI)THY F AliWELLMAliGARET C. GREEN ISABEL L. MACMURRAYHELEN TIMBE;RLAKEDOROTHY H. VANDERPOEL1917KATHRYNE K. CHANDLERTHEO B. GRIFFITHTHEODOSIA HASKEL.L' MARY KNOEDLERLILI M. LIEBERMARGARET V. MONROE354Cap and GownT'h e Mortar BoardGriffithDavisRiggs KnoedlerTimberlakeAgar Chandler Lieber MonroeMacMurrayBrooks HaskellGreenButt olpbBosson Vanderpoel FarwellFisher Baldwin355CUI' lind GownTh e EsotericFounded in 1894ELIZABETH DICKERSON lIinunrary .tmbrrflHELEN JOHNSON SCHOBINGER MRS. GEORGE E. VINCENT!ilIJt )faculty. EDITH F. FLINTEMMA G. DICKERSON ELIZABETH VI ALLACE1914ELISABETH SHERERRUTH HOUGH DOROTHEA VVASHBURNE1915LEONA COONSKATHARINE COVERTRUTH R. ALLENEMILY S. BURRYCARYL CODY DORIS MACNEALIRENE TUFTSHILDA MACCLINTOCKEDNA A. GOETTL� 1916MARGARET L. HANCOCK MARIAN MORTIMERRUTH MANIERRE1917HELEN M. ADAMS ELSA FREEMAN KATHARINE HINTONELIZABETH MACCLINTOCK JOSEPHINE S. STARRPledgedNADINE HALL VIRGINIA TITUS356Cap and GownThe EsotericHancock Mnnierre.Titus Sherer Tults Covert Goettler AllenHouoh H. MacClintock BurryAdams Freeman E. MacClintock WashburneCodyMortimer Hinton Starr357Cal' u n d GOWJIThe Ou a d r a n g l ersFounded in 1895linnnrary .rmhl'rllMRS. WALLACE HECKMAN MRS. ZOE PRINDEVILLEmqr ]If arultyETHEL M. TERRY MRS. BERNARD E. SUNNYEDITH PRINDEVILLE UNITY F. WILSON1914-ISABEL S. KENDRICK JEANNETTE T. PHILLIPS MADELINE P. SMITHHELEN D. STREET MARCIA D. WILBER1915LUCILLE BAUMANNGENEVIEVE M. EDMONDS .MARGARET FENTON EDITH M. UNDERWOODF. RUTH WOODJEANNIE YOUNG1916DOROTHY M. COLLINSMARY M. MORRISON1917ALICE KITCHELL DOROTHY P. HIGGSGERTRUDE O'MEARAIRIS H. SPOHNMILDRED N. ApPEL GERTRUDE F. CHAMBERLAINMARIAN T. SPACHMARTHA F. BARKERSARAH A. MULROY PledgedLUCILE RUCKELSHAUSEN ISABEL SULLIVANDOROTHY ZINN358Cap and G,ownThe Ouadrang lersKendrickSpohnSullivan ChamberlainMulroy ZinnStreetWoodPhillips Wilber HiggsUnderwoodAppelYoung Baumann FentonEdmondsKitchell O'MearaBarkerMorrisonRuckelshausen359Cap -a n d GownThe Sigma ClubFounded in 1895iiunurarl! .rmbrrMRS. EDGAR J,. GOOpSPEED!lIlyr C£rai'lnatr i'rlyuulsMARY PHISTERFLORENCE DENISTONA. LEONE HEMINGWAY 1914HELEN JOHNSTONDELLA 1. PATTERSONHARRIET M. TUTHILL1915MARGARET A. CLAPPESTHER EIDMANN EDITH LINDSAYHELEN L. RICKETTSMARGARET RHODESSARAH E. THOMPSONMABEL E. BECKERMARY A. CAMERON1916MARJORIE COONLEYRUTH W. PROSSER1917DOROTHY M. BASTIN LILLIAN E. BISSELL HELEN L. MCGILLFLORENCE M. MONAHAN JOSEPHINE H. ROGERSMARGARET COLE HELEN L. PERRY360Cap and GownThe Sigma ClubPerryRhodesEidmann ThompsonJohnstonMcGillBecker Clapp Cameron Ricketts 'coleDeniston Hemingway Patterson TuthillBissell Prosser Monahan C oonley Rogers361Cap and GownThe Wyv er nFounded in 1898i;ulturarll .embersMRS. FRANCES A. BLACKBURN MRS. PAUL GOODE MRS. E. FLETCHER INGALSUl(Je 111 acultyMARGARET GORDON1914ARLINE H. BROWNGRACIA ALLING ERMA E. SPENCERLILLIAN r..... Ross MARY STURGES1915SALLY LOUISE FORDMARY N. DUNBAR MARY K. MACDONALD ELIZABETH MORGANPHYLLIS FAY H. LoUISE MICK MARIE SCHMIDT1916MARION M. BENJAMIN MILDRED ELLIOTT AGNES A. SHARPALMA F. HATCH1917ELLINOR V. DOTY MARGARET L. MACDoNALD RUTH L. SHEEHYMARJORIE LATIMER ALICE ROCKWELL M. BLANCHE SPENCER362Cap and GownThe Wy ver nSchmidt Brown I. SpencerMick Morgan Ross FordDunbar Sharp MacDonaldSheehy Latimer Rockwell Doty AllingSturgesHatch BenjaminB. SpencerFay363Cap and GownPhi Beta Deltamitt Jlarulty* EDITH E. BARNARD1914MILDRED J. PARKERGERTRUDE WIGHT WILLELLA WOODBRIDGEH. EUNICE WORTHENMARGUERITE E. FUCHSSARAH R. GRAY1915G; MARGARET DE ANGUERA1916MABEL HYERSMARTHENA H. MELVILLE ETHEL F. RUSSELLFLORENCE THAYERJESSIE I. BROWNMARION HICKS1917ELEANOR A. HUNTERTHEODORA C. PARKER ALICE D. TAGGARTMARGUERITE W. HEWITT* Deceased March 8, 1914.364Cap aud GowuPhi Beta DeltaHyersGray HewittMelvilledeAngueraFuchs Hicks HunterWoodbridge R1tsseliT. Parker Taggart ThayerWorthen M. ParkerWight Brown365191,,-ESTHER V. ALDRAYLORENA LUEHRCap and GownChi Rho SigmaFounded in 1903iljuUUl'Ul'Y ml'mbl'l'l1MRS. NICHOLAS ADMIRALMRS. ELMER KENDALL1915SUSAN R. ALBRIGHTGRACE E. BRATTHELEN R. KENNEDYFRANCES E. PECK1916MARIE V. BERLINHELEN DAWLEYMARY L. KILVARYCLAIRE VOTAWPledgedA. RUTH MERRILL366Cap and GownChi Rho SigmaA/bright BerlinAldray LuehrKilvary MerrillDawleyKennedy Peck VotawBratt367Cap and GownPi Delta PhiFounded in 1904i;onorary .tmbtrsMRS. A. EDWARD HALSTEAD MRS. HENRY M. ROBINSONmilt 3IlatultyHELEN B. THOMPSON1914MARGARET M. HIGGINSLILLIAN E. LARSONADELINE A. RASSMAN1915MABEL R. O'CONNORGLADYS A. rhTEWIGESTHER EVANS\ JANE HARRIS RUTH M. SAGERM. BEATRICE VAN WAGNERDOROTHY WHITNEYLoUISE AVERY L. MARIE SPALDING1916GLADYS M. GREENMAN ELIZABETH HARRIS1917HESTER L. BONEGERTRUDE R. BROWN OLGA DEVRIESH. ADELAIDE HAY NORMA M. O'NEILLHELEN G. SHELPER368Cap and GownPi Delta PhiO'Neill BoneHarrisVan WagnerSpalding RossmanDitewigHiggins! O'ConnorAveryShelpcr De VriesSager Greenman EvansLarsonWhitney·Brown369COLLEEN E. BROWNE 1915MARIE E� GOODENOUGHIRENE L. PITT LOIS G. SUTHERLANDCap, and GownThe Deltho Cl u bFounded in 19051914BERTHA L. RISS1916NOLA M. NYE1917MARGARET N. LAUDER370Cap and GownThe Deltho Club'Goodenough PittSutherland BrowneLauder RissNye371Cap and GownWomen's Clubs372Cap and Gown373Cap and Gown374Cap and GOWDThe Owl and SerpentTHE Society of the Owl and Serpent of the University of Chicagowas organized in 1896 by nine men in the Senior class, with a pur­pose stated as follows:"To furnish an organization election to which shall be deemed anhonorary recognition of a man's ability and loyalty as shown throughhis University career; to promote in the best manner the student inter­ests in the University; to furnish a means for strengthening the bondsof fellowship among the leading men of the undergraduate body and tomaintain these bonds throughout life."Through the eighteen years since its - beginning the aim of the So­ciety has been to serve the whole University in the best way possible.Its members have no interests as individuals which are not subordinatedto the general good of the University and the student body. It hasalways endeavored to include in its active membership a number of menin the Senior class who have been notably loyal and successful in scholar-­ship or in any of the - several forms of student 'activitiy during theirUniversity career, in the belief that by the co-operation of the men ofhigh standing in the Senior class, men who have obtained this standingby several years of creditable University life, much may be accomplishedfor the University.The Society has always believed that election to its membership isnot so much a recognition of what a man has done as an opportunityfor increased loyalty and service. In its elections all considerations ofaffiliations of those elected or of any qualifications other than those of theindividual himself have been avoided. In brief, the Society's aims, hopesand ambitions are centered in the words: "For Chicago."375JOSEPH E. RAYCROFTHENRY G. GALEHENRY T. CL!\RKE, JR.CHARLES S. PIKERAYMOND C. DUDLEYWALLACE W. ATWOODFREDERICK D. NICHOLSCARR B. NEEL .WILLIAM S. BONDPHILIP RANDGILBERT A. BLISSDONALD S. TRUMBULL.WILLIAM E. WALLINGJAMES S. BROWNHARRY D. ABELLSMARCUS P. FRUTCHEYCLARENCE B. HERSCHBERGERJOHN P. MENTZERJOHN F. HAGEYMOSES D. MCINTYREFRANKLIN E. VAUGHANGEORGE H. SAWYERJOSEPH E. FREEMAN*NOTT W. FLINTARTHUR S. HENNINGWILLIAM F. ANDERSONMAURICE G. CLARKEALLEN G. HOYT*CHARLES L. BURROUGHSCHARLES V. DREWRALPH C. HAMILLWILLOUGHBY G. WALLINGWALTER J. SCHMAHLLEROY T. VERNONHARRY N. GOTTLIEBCARL B. DAVISRALPH C. MANNINGKELLOGG SPEED. WALTER L. HUDSONHERBERT P. ZIMMERMANGEORGE G. DAVISCURTISS R. MANNINGJAMES M. SHELDONEDWARD C. KOHLSAATJAMES R. HENRYEUGENE H. B. WATSONVERNON T. FERRISTURNER B. SMITHTHOMAS J. HAIRWALKER G. MCLAURYPLATT M. CONRADFRANK McNAIRALFRED C. ELLSWORTHCHARLES R. HOWE* Deceased. Cap and GownCHARLES M. HOGELANDHENRY D. FELLOWSWALTER M. JOHNSONARTHUR E. LORDHOWARD J. SLOANADEuiERT T. STEWARTGEORGE MCHENRYOLIVER B. WYMANCLYDE A. BLAIR'LEE W. MAXWELL'FREDERICK A. SPEIKJAMES S. RILEYHENRY D. SULCER*WILLIAM J. SHERMANALBERT W. SHERERHARRY W. FORDHUGO M. FRIENDERNEST E. QUANTRELLCHARLES F. KENNEDYBURTON P. GALEMARK S. CATLINCHARLES A. BRUCECYRUS L. GARNETTFREDERICK R. BAIRDWILLIAM G. MATTHEWSFELIX T. HUGHESHUGO F. BEZDEKLAGENE L. WRIGHTEARL DEWITT HOSTETTERHAROLD H. SWIFTSANFORD A. LYONJOHN F. MOULDSDONALD P. ABBOTTWILLIAM F. HEWITTR. EDDY MATHEWSPAUL R. GRAYWELLINGTON D. JONESWILLIAM M. WRATHERNORMAN BARKERFRANK H. TEMPLETONALVIN F. KRAMERLUTHER D. FERNALDCHARLES B. JORDANCLARENCE W. RUSSELLPAUL V. HARPER'JOHN J. SCHOMMERNED A. MERRIAMFRED W. GAARDEWALTER P. STEFFENW. P. MCCRACKEN, JR.JOHN F. DILLERENSLOW P. SHERERWINS�ON P. HENRYFRED M. WALKER EDWARD L. McBRIDEDEAN M. KENNEDYHOWARD P. BLACKFORDHERSCHEL G. SHAWHARLAN O. PAGEHARRY O. LATHAMJOSIAH J. PEGUESMANSFIELD R. CLEARYFRANK J. COLLINGSCHARLES L. SULLIVAN, JR.SAMUEL E. EARLERUFUS B. ROGERSPAUL H. DAVISROY BALDRLDGEHILMAR R. BAUKHAGERICHARD E. MYERSALFRED H. STRAUBEW. PHILLIPS COMSTOCKWILLIAM L. CRAWLEYVALLEE O. ApPELNATHANIEL PFEFFERESMOND R. LONGPAUL E. GARDNERHARGRAVE A. LONGALECK G. WHITFIELDHAROLD C. GIFFORDEDWARD B. HALL, JR.ROBERT W. BAIRDMAYNARD E. SIMONDWILLIAM P. HARMSCLARK G. SAUERRAYMOND J. DALYRICHARD F. TEICHGRAEBERJAMES A. MENAULIRA N. DAVENPORTWALTER J. FOUTERALPH J. ROSENTHALCHARLES M. RADEMACHEREARL R. HUTTONCHESTER S. BELLHIRAM L. KENNICOTTNORMAN C. PAINEHALSTEAD M. CARPENTERGEORGE E. KUHWILLIAM C. BICKLEDONALD H. HOLLINGSWORTHSANDFORD SELLERS, JR.DONALD L. BREEDCLARENCE P. FREEMANTHOMAS E. SCOFIELDHOWARD B. McLANEKENT CHANDLERJAMES A. DONOVANWILLIAM V. BOWERS376Cap nlld GownTHOMAS EMMETT COLEMANWILLARD PETTINGILL DICKERSONHORACE CHARLES FITZPATRICKHAROLD ERNEST GOETTLERJOHN ASHBEL GREENEROLLIN NELSON HARGERHARVEY LOUIS HARRISPAUL MALLERS HUNTERERLING HJORTHOJ LUNDEWILLIAM HEREFORD LYMANALBERT DUANE MANNBURDETTE POND MASTRUDY DOLE MATTHEWSROBERT WILLIAM MILLERHOWELL WORTH MURRAYNELSON HENRY NORGRENGEORGE DONEY PARKINSONRODERICK PEATTIEJOHN BENJAMIN PERLEEWILLIAM LANE REHMERNEST ROBERT REICHMANNEARLE ASTOR SHILTONMARTIN DELA WAY STEVERSJOHN VRUWINK377Founded in 1896Cap and GownThe Order of The Iron MaskSTANWOOD F. BAUMGARTNERRAYMOND A. BOHNENDONALD D. DELANYPAUL DES JARDIENHARRY S. GORGASLAURISTON W. GRAYTHOMAS HOLLINGSWORTHHOLGER A. LOLLESGARDGEORGE S. LYMANFRANK F. SELFRIDGECOWAN D. STEPHENSONJOSHUA STEVENSON, JR.A. KENT SYKESFRANCIS T. WARDCLYDE E. WATKINSSAMUEL W. WELLS378Cap and GownThe Order of the Iron MaskBaumgartner Delany WatkinsStevenson Hollingsworth BohnenLyman Stephenson SykesWellsLollesgard GraySelfridge379Cap and GownThe Score ClubFounded November, 1901RICHARD D. BOYDDAN H. BROWNERNEST D. CAVINRALPH O. CORNWELLMARION DAVIDSONBENJAMIN A. DALLCARL W. DEFEBAUGHHAZEN H. HAGGERTYWILLIAM H. JOHNSTONLYNDON H. LESCHWALTER A. LOPERCEDRIC V. MERRILLHERMAN R. MILLERGIFFORD W. PLUMEWALTER H. ROTHPAUL S. RUSSELLCHARLES S. SCHIVELYWJLLIAM E. TEICHGRAEBERJACKSON E. TOWNEFRANK S. WHITINGGEORGE G. WILLARDORRIN E. WOLFEDWIN V. ZEDDIES380CUI) oud GownThe Score Cl'ubWhitingWillard LeschCornwellRoth Wolf Russell DyrenforthMillerBrownCavin BoydDavidson Merrill Plume_ 381Founded in 1904Cap and GownSkull and Crescen tGEORGE P. BENSONFREDERIC W. BURCKYJAMES E. COLERALPH W. DAVISLEWIS V. FUlKSROWLAND H. GEORGELAWRENCE J. MACGREGORKENNETH F. MACNEALFOWLER B. MCCONNELL,ROBERT N. MCCONNELLRICHARD P. MATTHEWSJOHN C. REDMONLAURENS C. SHULLDENTON H. SPARKSHORACE K. TENNEYCARL L. WEINMANJOHN E. WHITEHALSEY WICKHAMRoy W; WILLIAMS382Cap and GownSkull and CrescentMacNeal Williams TenneyShu./l F. McConnell WhiteR. McConnell SparksGeorgeWeinmanMatthews Cole Benson Deuis383Cap and GownThe Three Quarters ClubFounded February, 1896WALTER E. KEENEY ROBERT WHEELERWILLIAM E. WILEYJOHN G. AGARCARL W. APFELBACHARTHUR G. ASHERHARRY M. BEARDSLEYEDWARD J. BOYDELLJAMES BREDINFRANCIS J. BROOM ELLHENRY V. BURGEEFRANKLYN ·K. CHANDLERDUNLAP C. CLARKCHARLES B. CORY, JR.JOHN J. CURTISPAUL E. DONKERFRANCIS W. DUNND. JEROME FISHERRICHARD C. GAMBLEBYRON M. GENDREAURALPH H. HAMILTONNORMAN G. HARTARTHUR W. HAYFORDDONALD V. HopsHAROLD P. HULSPHILBRICK W. JACKSONRAYMOND L. JEFFERY A. BRUCE KINGJESSE E. LEHMANR()BERT F. LOEBHENRY J. MACFARLAND, JR.NORMAN C. McLEODFRANK T. MORANEARL· H. NEVILLEBERNARD E. NEWMANDONALD E. NICHOLSHERBERT C. OTISALBERT PICK, JR.FREDERICK L. RIDGWAYJ. THOMAS RYANWALTER B. SCHAFERJOHN SLIFERVERNON M. SMYTHFRANK M. STUTESMAN, JR.WILLIAM M. TEMPLETONEVAN O. THOMASFRANCIS R. TOWNLEYEUGENE F. TRAUTHAROLD N. TUFVESSONLORAN A. WASSONJAMES WEBB384Cap and GownThe Three Quarters ClubHayford Huls Pick WassonBroomell Ridgway Nessman Dunn ·Gendreau Hamilton Gamble Hops Slifer Traut Toumle»Asher Otis Webb Templeton Chandler Agar Clark McLeod Beardsley Lehman Neville RyanWheeler Corey Moran Danker Wiley Macfarland Jackson Stutesman Hart Burgee Schafer385Cap and Gown386Founded in 1896Cap and GownNu Pi SigmaCORNELIA BEALLARLINE- BROWNSUSANNE FISHERLETITIA FYFFERUTH HOUGHHELENE POLLAKMARGARET RHODESMARGARET RIGGSHELEN STREETHARRIET TUTHILLCHARLOTTE VIALLEUNICE WORTHEN387Cap and GownSign of the SickleFounded in November, 1901MARGARET COLEJULIA V. DODGEDOROTHY FARWELLJANET T. FLANNERMARGARET L. HANCOCKRUTH MANIERRERUTH W. PROSSERAGNES A. SHARP388Cap anti 60,,'nKalailuFounded April 2, 1903HELEN AARON ESTHER J. HELFRICHHELEN M. ADAMS ELEANOR A. HUNTERMARY B. ALLEN HELEN J. JAMIESONDOROTHY F. ALLMAN MARJORIE LATIMERCORA A. ANTHONY MARGARET M. LLAUDERHARRIET H. AMES ELIZABETH MACCLINTOCKLILLIAN W. BAILEY MARGARET L. MACDoNALDJULIETTE C. BARTHOLOMEW MARGARET V. MONROEDOROTHY M. BASTIN STELLA M. MOTIERLILLIAN E. BISSEL SARAH A. MULROYCHRISTINE O. BROWN HELEN PATTERSONHEDWIG B. BROSSEIT JEANNETTE B. REGENTKATHERINE BROWN ALICE ROCKWELLMARTHA F. BARKER JOSEPHINE H. ROGERSFLORENCE H. CARROLL MARION T. SPACHJUDITH H. CATTELL MARGARET SAMMISKATHARYNE K. CHANDLER ELSIE M. SAXERMARGARET CONLEY LILLYAN SIEBERCORENE COWDERY RUTH L. SHEEHYELLINOR V. DOTY JOSEPHINE S. STARRELIZABETH EDWARDS MARIE E. SULLIVANELSA FREEMAN ALICE D. TAGGARTNADINE HALL NEVA E. WALDORFHELEN A. HAY Lucy B. WELLS389Cap and Gown390Cap and G own391Cap and Gown. wn iEilwaril Jl!filtnx iftutnuwlIt �tuinr (!tlassItrsptdfuUy itilitattSwlItst 'agrs392Cap and GownMarkley Daly CampbellOOffiufII of &l'nior �aUl C!lla1111LEWIS M. SIMESWichita, KansasDelta Sigma RhoJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; PresidentSenior Law Class; University Debat­ing Team (1); Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912; A. B., SouthwesternCollege, 1909 .:EILEEN H. MARKLEYWinthrop Beach, MassachusettsJ. D., Summer Quarter, 1914; Vice-Pres­ident Senior Law Class; Secretary andTreasurer of Class (1) (2); A. B.,Smith College, 1907; A. M., Colum­bia University. RAYMOND J. DALYChicago, IllinoisBeta Theta Pi, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; SecretarySenior Law Class; Ph. B., Universityof Chicago, 1912.DUDLEY A. CAMPBELLLima, Ohio. Sigma Chi, Phi Delta PhiLL. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; TreasurerSenior Law Class; George Washing­ton University.CLASS HISTORY"Thus does the law make beggars of us all."-" 'KING' LEAR."Scene-LAW SCHOOL."A rl .. lng young hlwyer In Roekgut, Idaho, w .. d,es to get In eonneetion withsome third year man. Fine prospeets. Great future." For further partleulars seethe Dean.Whereupon X, a b. f. p. for value of three years of legal learning takes theelevator up to the Dean's office and timidly knocks at the door.Voice from within: "Come!"X enters. "In regard to that notice from Rockgut, Idaho, Mr. Hall, whatin particular does that gentleman offer?"Dean: "Ah, yes. Nothing definite is said about wages. Now, Mr. X., haveyou ever done any farming; ever milked cows?"X: "No."Dean: "Are you strong enough to go on one meal a day? Have you evertried to collect from a hard-fisted community? Are your parents willing to sup­port' you indefinitely? Can you --"X, now a purchaser with notice, softly glides out into the library and slipsinto a soft sofa among the silent studying students.Cia .... Cry. 11110 a Week or Bust." "And" may be substituted for "or" after threeweeks' trial.393Cap and Gown&tntnrsARTHUR L. ADAMSLa Crosse, IndianaPhi Alpha Delta, Phi Beta Kappa,Tau Kappa AlphaJ. D., Winter Quarter, 1914; A. B., De Pauw Uni­versity, 1910; Ph. B., University of Chicago,1911; University Debating Team (1); LawSchool Council (3). .HUGO B. ANDERSONSalt Lake City, UtahDelta Upsilon, Phi Alpha DeltaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., University ofUtah.ARNOLD R. BAARChicago, IllinoisDelta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa,Delta Sigma RhoJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912; University Debating Team (2)(3); Law Council.WALTER P. BAUERChicago, IllinoisLL. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.BENJAMIN F. BILLSGeneseo, IllinoisSigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Alpha DeltaJ. D., Summer Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912; University Debating Team (4).JOHN B. BOYLEMorris, Illinois. Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912.394Cap and Gown&.rntnr.aMARY BRONAUGHHopkinsville, KentuckyJ. D., Autumn Quarter, 1914HENRY BUTLERFort Dodge, IowaSigma Chi, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; S. B., Dartmouth Col­lege, 1911; President of Class (1); Law SchoolCouncil (3), President (3).HARRY G. CLEMANSSt. Paul, MinnesotaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., Harvard Uni­versity, 1908.CHARLES W. DIETERICHIndianola, IowaLL. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Simpson College,1909-1911; Hall Law Club; Law Y. M. C. A.Commission.ALBERT G. DUNCANChicago, IllinoisWashington HouseJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1913.THEODORE E. GRABLEMontgomery, IndianaGamma Eta GammaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., Indiana Univer­sity, 1907;- A. M., Indiana University, 1910.395Cap and Gown&�ntnr1iWILLIAM J. GRACEChicapo, IllinoisLL. B., Spring Ql,larter, 1914; A. B., St. Cyril Col­lege, 1911.HERBERT P. GROSSMANChicago, IllinoisJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912; Second in Rosenwald OratoricalContest (1).WILBUR A. HAMMANCloverport, Kentucky. Delta Sigma RhoJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; President WoodrowWilson Club (1); Law Council (2); UniversityDebating Team (2).CARL N. HANNANew Castle, PennsylvaniaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., Washington andJefferson College; Law Y. M. C. A. Commission.CHARLES F. HARDING, JR.Chicago, IllinoisBeta Theta PiJ. D., Winter Quartel', 1914; A. B., University ofWisconsin, 1911.ELMER Wi HILLSSidney, IowaPhi Delta PhiJ. D., Summer Quarter, 1914; A. B.,. University ofNebraska, 1909.396Cap aDd GownJ;tUil1fSSAMUEL E. HIRSCH .Chicago, IllinoisJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago.LEO H. HOFFMANChicago, lllinois,J. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph� B., University ofChicago.MOSES H. KAMERMANMorgan Park, IllinoisJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph: Eo, University of,'Chicago, .FRANCIS M. KINGChicago, IllinoisJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1913.JOSEPH B. LAWLERChicago, IllinoisPsi Upsilon, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912.LIONEL I. LAYTONLayton, UtahJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., University ofUtah, 1912.397-Cap and Gown&tntnrsGEORGE B. LEARChicago, IllinoisJ. D., Winter Quarter, 1914; A. B., University ofIllinois, 1911.JOSEPH W. MADDENFreeport, IllinoisDelta UpsilonJ. D., Summer Quarter, 1914; A. B., University ofIllinois, 1911.MAURICE MARKOWITZChicago, IllinoisJ. D., Winter Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912.JESSE E. MARSHALLIndianola, IowaAlpha Tau OmegaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Simpson College;Iowa,1911; Law School Council (1) (2); PresidentJames Parker Hall Law Club (2) (3); ChiefJustice Moot Court.GEORGE H. MINSONWarrensburg, IllinoisD�lta ChiJ\ D., Winter Quarter, 1914; A. B., Findlay College.GEORGE R. MURRAYDayton, OhioAlpha Tau OmegaLL. B., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1910.398eft p ft n d -G 0 W D&rutnrsO. JEFFERSON MYERSBoonville, IndianaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1913.CARL H. OLD SENCharlotte, IowaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Concordia College.HERMAN E. OLIPHANTFrankfort, IndianaPhi Delta PhiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., Marion College;A. B., University of Indiana; Class President (2).GEORGE. D. PARKINSON. Preston, IdahoPhi Delt!\ Thetal Phi Alpha DeltaJ. D., Summer Quarter,. 1914.; Class Secretary and'Treasurer (1); Ph:. B., University of' Chicago,1914; George Washingtqn University Law School;"Member Illinois Bar; Clarke Butler Law Club.LEON W. POWERSFort Dodge, IowaDelta ChiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., University ofof Iowa; Debating Team (3).WILLIAM S. REARochester, IndianaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; B. A., University ofIndiana.399C",p ",nd Gown&,ninrsJULIAN C. RISKLiberty, MissouriPhi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., William JewellCollege, 1911.ARDEN E. ROSSAkron, IowaPhi Delta Theta, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Winter Quarter, 1914; A. B., University ofSouth Dakota, 1912.,RUDOLPH B. SALMONChicago, IllinoisJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; ph. B., University ofChicago.CONNOR B. SHAWCarters Creek, TennesseePhi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912.WILLIAM E. STANLEYWichita, KansasDelta Tau DeltaJ. D., Autumn Quarter, 1913; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1912; Baker University, 1910.SAMUEL J. STEPHENSSycamore, IllinoisLL. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.400Cap and GOWBt;l'utnrsBENJAMIN J. STOUTOak Park, IllinoisPhi Delta Theta, Phi Delta PhiJ. D., Winter Quarter, 1914; Ph. B., University ofChicago, 1914; .A. B., Dartmouth College, 1911.MYRON E. ULLMANYoungstown, OhioJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. R, University ofChicago. .DON VICKERSAlua, OklahomaLL. B., Spring Quarter, 1914.JOHN V. WILSONWashington, District of ColumbiaDelta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi, Tau Kappa AlphaJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., Wabash College,1910.ARTHUR R. WOLFENorman, OklahomaDelta ChiJ. D., Spring Quarter, 1914; A. B., A. M., Univer­sity of Oklahoma, 1914.JOHN T. WOOTONAmerican Fork, UtahJ. D., Winter Quarter, 1914; University of Utah,1910.401Cap and GownADOLPH RADNITZERPresident JOSEPH BRODYVice-President MARY BRONAUGHSecretary-TreasurerMr. Dooley on the j u n.i o r Law Class"H' INNISSY," said Mr. Dooley, "have ye been ,followin' th' mortuary ricoordsiv th' noble Class iv 1915, thim as was so indishcreet as to give birruth, to their legal aspirashuns in a year with a thurteen in it? 'Tis the'repoort fr'm m' frinds iv th' faculty that th' ar-rmy iv th' invashun has beenreduched by wan-thirrud and that iquity an' ividince has put th' yillow fever inminy iv th' rist.""But can't firrust aid to th' hilpless be administhured?" asked Mr. Hennessy."The counthry must have its rayel-ishtate min.""I have m' hopes," said Mr. Dooley, "th' lads will do thir best f'r us. Asteechurs, misshunaries t' Afriky, preechurs, an' prize-fighturs, before they beganth' sthudy iv law, they diviloped sound bodies, which may weathur thim thru thirprisint indisposishun. 'Twas thir, good constitushuns that hilped thim· to liveafter the proclammashun iv th' Dean that a passing average iv a little aboveixcellint would be satisfactory to him."Th' class has a sphlendid ricoord f'r sthudy. They know th' locashun int.h' library iv Hall's Guide to Agriculchurists and the Butchers and Bakers'Encyclopedia iv Law. After much wurruk they have learned to distinguish be­tween damage-feasant, dipsymanya, an' other impurtant subjects iv th' law. F'rgin'rul discusshun they have hild monthly banquets, th' mim'ry iv which willbring much comf'rt whin they ar-re servin' thimselves at the dairy-Ioonch. -,"Pollytically, the class shows commendable injinuity with a leanin' towardth' Dimmycratic side. They ilicted th' girruls iv th' class as sicritary to pleaseth' suffragits, and a-knight .iv th' fat purse.f''r prisidint. An' thin, I'm told, theytook hi� out to dinner to .cillibrate the illiction at his ixpinse. An' besides polly­ticks, f'r divershun after th' day's h"ard wurruk, some iv th' class have taken toth' sphlendid pasttime iv debatin'. Others amuse thimsilves by typewritin' hun­dred page summaries iv fifty page coorses. They have a 'button, button' sort iv agame, called 'Keep y'r eye on th' res'.' 'Tis a class with a kind heart, too, £'rminy a time have I seen them carryin' bundles iv kindlin' wood, laybulled prop­erty-roights, around f'r th' cumf'rt iv a gintleman by th' name iv Cook."M' wishes to the Class, I have 'ixprissed in a pome, Hinnissy,"Long may their names be brightIn many a legal fight!Gawd save their souls!"402Cap and GownW. STIRLING'MAXWELL HENRY D. MOYLE WINIFRED A. VON ZELLENPresident TreasurerWALTER K. HAMMOND, Vice-President SecretaryThe Freshman Law Class'THE class of 1916 is without a doubt the best class that ever enteredthe University of Chicago Law School. We don't have to proveit, in spite of our natural modesty, we admit it. Not only havewe people from the United States but we also have China, Africa, theHawaiian Islands, and Arkansas represented.That we were properly qualified is proved by the fact that, in spiteof the conspiracy of the powers that be to make the courses more diffi­cult, none of us have flunked. Of course, the roll-call finds some of ourfellow volunteers of last fall among the dead and dying legal lights, buthow could the world go round if there were none who chose to leavelaw for the equally noble pursuits of selling bonds, assisting Dad in hisbusiness, and collecting nickels for the traction trust.At present we are petitioning for an increase in the percentage ofstudents that may be elected to the "Coif," for we feel that more thanten per cent of our class would add to the lustre of those who are qual­ified to wear the coveted key.Keep your eye on Law 1916!403" ,� ..A-T the beginning of the school year it was suggested to the students toaban?o� the v�r�o�s' Law clubs whic'� had for some ti�e not been in a very. flourishing condition, and -forrn a single comprehensive Law club underfaculty supervision, which should give training in the preparation and argumentof cases involving points covered by the first year courses. The plan was adoptedand about two-thirds of the first year students took part in the work, which ranthrough the Winter and 'Spring quarters. The cases, and the attorneys who arguethem, were chosen by lot. They were tried before a court consisting of a chiefjustice and two associate justices, The chief justices were chosen from the sec­ond and third year men; the associate justices were chosen by lot from 'the firstyear men taking the course. The attorneys were graded both upon their oralarguments and upon their briefs. From this list of attorneys next year's chiefjustices will be chosen. Cap and GownMoot .Co ur t:Faculty Member in Ckarge ._Clerk of ,Court.� .Supreme JusticesWinter QuarterHENRY W. DRUCKERRUPERT C. GIBSONWENDELL M. LEVIEILEEN H. MARKLEYJESSE E. MARSHALLCARL E. ROBINSONHENRY F. TENNEYSpring QuarterJOSEPH BRODYMARY BRONAUGHCARL W. CLOEJOSEPH A. GoLDBERGJOSEPH W. MADDENRALPH J SWANSON HARRY A. BIGELOWHERMAN OLIPHANT404Cal) lIud GO"'IIGoldbergButler Martineau TeninaaAdamsSh'llll Morton WeldThe Law School CouncilSeniorsHENRY BUTLER, PresidentARTHUR T. ADAMS ARNOLD R. BA�RJuniorsEUGENE B. MARTINEAU, Secretary and TreasurerJOSEPH A. GOLDBERG CORNELIUS TENINGAFreshmenOAKLEY K. MORTONLYMAN L. WELD HENRY C. SHULLTHE Law Council consists of nine members; three being elected annuallyfrom each of the three classes; who, by some unexplainable circumstance,eventually have a president and treasurer. The reason for so much secrecyin their parliamentary affairs is that they are duty bound and party pledged tomete out ink and reading papers as needed.The Council has charge of all social functions. During the fall quarter theygive the annual Law School Smoker; during the winter quarter a dance, whichthey allowed to go by default; and in the spring quarter a Jambouree, which is inthe nature of a--party and which is "coolly" contested.All of these functions are very well attended, jurisdiction being obtained bypublication and also by subpoena a duces tecum. The Law Council is really thelive wire of the school, and all "little rays of sunshine we get in the three-yearstorm" are due entirely to them.405Cap and GO,VDThe Law School and theMexican SituationTHE old belief that we study all the time was certainly explodedone April morning when a revered Senior by the name of HarryButler took it upon himself to show the University that the Lawschool was still to be numbered with the living, and accordingly began toact. Long before the sun had shown itself in the East, Harry was hastilymoving through the avenues and boulevards near the University, arous­ing his fellow men to action. For if there's one thing that stirs thelawyer's mind, it's a fight, either legal or otherwise; He was going toorganize an army for the purpose of compelling Senor Huerta to salutethe Stars and Stripes.For the Captain of this army he found Stirling Maxwell. Stirling atone time cavorted about the campus of West Point. For a bugler hesought out Robert Gunther, a musician of no mean ability, and who hasseen actual service at Wentworth Military Academy. These two wereto lead the parade.For color bearer he did not choose Monday, but instead chose anothertall Mississippian by' the name of Mullins. For assistant color bearer,that speed artist, Charley Parker, officiated.At 10 :15, through the kindness of Professor Cook, the paradestarted. Marching in true military style, the legal host proceeded to thecenter of the campus, where the remarkable demonstration was given.Mr. Huerta, alias Georgie Morris, with his aides-de-camp, Messrs. Hydeand De Fries, after ingeniously manoeuvering, amid p'omp and ceremony,saluted the flag, complying with Bones Bliss' (President Wilson) request.The American army then shouldered their lathes, and headed by thecombined international plenipotentiaries, drew up in marching order.Bobbie Gunther then whistled through his flute and the war was over.Yea!SAMUEL E. BUSLER, '15.406Cap and GownThe Mexican Situation Settled by Law407LawCap and GownPhi Alpha DeltaFounded in 1893JOHN MARSHALL CHAPTEREstablished December 3, 1902FacultyHARRY A. BIGELOW, A. B., LL. B.1914ARTHUR L. ADAMSHUGO B. ANDERSONBENJAMIN F. BILLSHENRY W. DRUCKERGEORGE D. PARKINSON1915ROBERT F. BRADBURNSAMUEL E. BUSLERGEORGE M. CANNON, JR.ARTHUR M. GILLROBERT GUNTHER.GORDON M. LAWSONJOHN G. McDoNALDHENRY D. MOYLEARTHUR E. MULLINSKENNETH SEARS1916STEPHEN R. CURTISCURTIS D. EDGERTONWALTER K. HAMMONDTHOMAS W. REILLY408Cap and GownPhi Alpha DeltaBusler Bradburn Mullins CannonHammond Anderson Moyle Curtis MIiDonaldParkinson Gunther Sears EdgertonReilly Drucker Gee Adams Lawson409FacultyCap and GownPhi Delta PhiSTEPHEN A. DOUGLAS CHAPTEREstablished April, 1903WALTER W. COOK, A. M., LL. M.PERCY B. ECKHART, Ph. B., LL. B.ERNST FREUND, Ph. D., J. U. D.JAMES P. HALL, A. B., LL. B.EDWARD W. HINTON, LL. B.OLIVER L. MCCASKILL, Ph. B., J. D.FLOYD R. MECHEM, A. M.CLARKE B. WHITTIER, A. B., LL. B.1914JOHN B. BOYLEHENRY BUTLERDULLEY A. CAMPBELLRAYMOND J. DALYJOSEPH B. LAWLERHERMAN E. OLIPHANTJULIAN C. RISKARDEN E. RossCONNOR B. SHAWBENJAMIN M. STOUTJOHN V. WILSON1915Ross D. NETHERTONERNEST R. REICHMANNRAYMOND E. SOUTHWORTHHENRY F. TENNEY1916FLETCHER A. CATRONHENRY R. GROSSTHOMAS E. SCOFIELDEARL A. SHILTONFRANKLIN H. STRYKERPledgedW. STIRLING MAXWELLROBERT H. THOMPSON410Cap and GownPhi Del ta PhiThompson ReichmannMorris Campbell Daly Risk Tenne:!SouthworthWilsonStoutShawCatronButler BoyleGrossScofield LawlerMaxwell411MembersCap and GownDelta ChiUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHAPTEREstablished May, 1903ARNOLD R. BAARDONALD P. BEANELON G. BORTONWILLIAM R. DUSHEREMMER D. EDWARDSHOWARD ELLISWALTER B. FELLEDWARD A. GEISTERTHOMAS B. HARGISDUNCAN A. MAC GIBBONLELAND G. McARTHURGEORGE A. MINSONLEON W. POWERSRENO R. REEVEHOWARD P. ROEHERBERT F. SCHOENINGWILLIAM H. SPENCERRALPH J. SWANl'ONCHARLES F. WHIFFENARTHUR R. WOLFEPledgedVINTON A. BACONFRANK B. BLACKSTAUNTON E. BOUDREAUFISHER S. HARRIS412Cap and GownDelta ChiWolfe Spencer Schoening Hargis FellReeve Ellis Powers Swanson Roe .. MinsonGeister Bear McArthur Whiffen DwsherBlack Bean Harris Edwards Borton Bacon413Cap oud GownProgramELEVENTH ANNUAL LAW SCHOOL SMOKERDecember 2, 1913, Reynolds ClubL. M. SIMES I'ART I.Nisi Prius Conclusion.s.. AnOLPl'l RADNITZERDEAN HALL W. S. MAXWELLFor. the House .of LordsPROFESSOR COOK PROFESSOR HINTONLaw School SongPART II.Every Man for HimselfPART III.Music by Doubie QuartetPLAYRex vs. Hall, et al.King's Bench DivisionMichaelmas AssizesFirst Jail DeliveryMansfield, the Chief Criminal.Judge of the Kingdom"For the . Crown-s- The Attorney-GeneralWith him . .In Counsel . .For the Defendants"Bailiffs . C. E. ROBINSONA. F. BLissE. B. MARTINEAUH. C. SHULLJ. S. FREUDfE. DEFRIES ...I W. M. MATHESlraw J;t�nnl &nngHere's to the honor of our old Law School,. W'here we struggle on with Shelly's RuieA nd get conned on Ames' theoriesTill our J m« look quite skeery.Now, dear Freshman, here's a little tip,Let its moral from you never slip;Just. read and cram,; Review and jam,Or else you'll flunk your next exam.414Cap and GownMEDICINE415Cal' anel Gownwni!Jnrry �ibenu ileUsw}Jr 1aIlrlltrul �r}Jnnlirlltrutrs w}Jts �rrttnu416Cap and GOlVb.Chicago's Latin QuarterOVER on the west side there is a part of the University of Chicago which�o�s under t�e name of Rush Me�ical College. Th: neighborhood in whichit 1S located 1S known as "The Latin Quarter." Besides Rush, we find in theneighborhood bounded by Robey, Madison, Racine and Twelfth, the College ofPhysicians and Surgeons, the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, severaldental schools, schools of Osteopathy, the Chiropractor's art, and many others.In this district, bounded on one side by the Ghetto and on the other by the manu­facturing districts, live the hundreds of students. Jackson and Ashland Boule­vards are lined with the fraternity houses of the larger schools, while those notquite as prosperous are content to take a fiat on a side street and to put up a signto the effect that some band of brothers abide there.To those who have left the staid, slow, matter of fact, Hyde Park district, inwhich the University is located, this is like a new world. There are the students'cafes, where between songs, if you listen closely, you may hear deep discussionson the etiology of Osteomyelitis or the treatment of Epilepsy, or it may be on thebest way to kill the nerve of a tooth or how to polish a crown, or what not. Thenthere is Dreamland and the other dance halls, where the students tango and hesi­tate with the belles of the Ghetto and the department store blondes. There arethe theaters, parks, and what not, that are kept up mainly by the students.The masses are sharply divided into classes, too, in this little quarter. TheRush men are the aristocrats and look with scorn and contempt at the men fromthe College of Physicians and Surgeons. The latter in turn refuse to recognizethe Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, or the "Mill," as it is commonlycalled, as an institution of medical education, and hate to have the men from thatschool even called "Medics." All the "Medics" look down on the "Dents," andthey in turn laugh up their sleeves at the men who are so unfortunate as to betaking anything else.Scattered among the fraternity houses on the boulevards are the relics of anold aristocracy, for the "400" once held forth in these parts, and a few of the oldfamilies still keep up the old house, the antiquated coachman and their old car­riage. Here and there a new fiat has gone up and presents a marked contrast tothe battered relics of the olden days, where the non-fraternity men find cheaproom and board. On the side streets the poorer element and the lower class ofJews have found a home. There are hundreds of children to the block, playingabout the houses, which are in sad disrepair.In the center of the district rises the magnificent, new, County Hospital,which, when completed, will be one of the best charity hospitals in the UnitedStates. And across the street are the buildings belonging to Rush. Poor, old,antiquated structure of forty years ago, the main building is made to look worseby the appearance of the new Senn Memorial Building, which is entirely givenover to dispensary work. In comparison to the stately buildings on the campus,the Rush structure is a joke; but, after all, the students come here to studymedicine and not architecture or modern conveniences.Rush is the by-word for all that is good in medical education in the "LatinQuarter," and it stands out as a medical school in the same way that the Univer­sity stands out as an institution of learning, as the best in the West. But theprayer of all loyal Rush men has been, and is, that the University, shall comecloser in its relations with the medical department and that as a result of thiscloser bond, the "Latin Quarter" may have in its center, another great building,which will be a monument to the great science of medicine.417Cap and GownMolanderRogers SwickardSophomore Medic ClassOfficersMAURICE F. ROGERSCHARLES O. MOLANDERCLINTON D. SWICKARD PresidentVice-PresidentSecretary-TreasurerCouncillorsHARRY L. HUBER CLAUDE W. MUNGER E. KENNETH HALLOCKFOR the last two years we have all been diligently striving, yes, sometimeseven grinding, towards that place which once appealed to us as a coveted. goal. We have all often longed for that time when w� would receive ourEighteen Major certificate, which would enable us to enter Rush. For the mostof those who entered medicine last year this goal is very near, but at the sametime much larger fields have opened up before us, and we see the reason for allthese hours of study that have seemed so useless to us. We have often won­dered if it was all worth while, but now we know, and it will be with the fondestrecollections that we will remember our days at the University.418Cap and GownSophomore Medic ClassC. W. ADAMS H. GINSBERG C. W. MUNGERL. H. ANDERSON PHYLLIS GREEN ACRE M. M. MYERSH. ARKIN P. B. GREENBERG R. G. MEYERN. L. BLITZSTEN R. O. GRIGSBY J. MEYERM. J. BRINES JANET HALL C. O. MOLANDERW. L. BROWN B. H. HARDINGER J. H. NICHOLSE. H. BRUNEMEIER L. L. HARDT H. OLNEYW. BURK F. L. HARRIS 1. A. RABENSL. H. BRAAFLADT E. W. HIRSCH JESSIE ROBERTSR. W. CARPENTER H. L. HUBER M. P. ROGERSMAMIE CARRICO K. HALLOCK C. ROGNEH. H. Cox O. B. P. HEADLAND P. H. ROWEH. C. DAVIS H. H. HEIDEN J. R. RuppH. H. DILLEY G. R. HESS M. SCHANERO. ECKFELDT H. C. JOHNSON C. B. SEMERAKW. J. ECKLUND F. V. KILGORE W. L. SMITHR. L. ELLISTON O. KING W. H. SPENCERO. J. ELSESSER O.E.KuHN C. K. STULIKC. P. ENGEL 1. W. KING C. D. SWICKARDE. FINK R. V. KISPERT BERTHA TORCHIANIG. F. FISKE A. LOVAAS L. H. SLOANW. E. GATEWOOD W. M. LEONARD N. C. STAME. W. GILROY W. E. LEONARD 1. TUMPOWSKYF; L. GLASCOCK L. LUEHRS M. A. VOGTELS. GOLUB S. O. LUND B. R. PARKERW. L. GAINES H. P. MARTIN FRANCES HOUSTONMARTHA GIFFORD W. F. MONCREIFF MAY B. VON ZELLEN419Cap ·ao,d Go,,'uBailey Gray HarringtonFreshman Medic ClassOfficersPERCIVAL BAILEYGEORGE A. GRAYKATHLEEN HARRINGTON PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaru-TreasurerCouncillorsITALO F. VOLINILEO L. J. HARDT CHARLES A. ROBINSTHIS year's class in Medicine is one of the largest that has eve. r enteredhere. We expect it to emerge as one of the best, due to the process of-elimination that will undoubtedly ensue. Although l very strenuous yearhas l:ieen enjoyed by the whole class, there is already a thinning of the ranks.Some found· that their health would not permit them to spend their time inChicago, others owned up that they were asked to leave, yet with all this exCite­ment the mad rush for knowledge and honor points continues.The class has taken much interest in athletics, furnishing some of the bestmen on the basketball and tennis teams. They really do not care for the morefrivolous side of life, and have shunned all social affairs as something quite dis­tinct from Medicine and to be associated with it in no way. Stick to it, class,you're bound to win.420Cap u n d GO"'DFreshman Medic ClassV. S. ARMSTRONGJ. E. ARNOLDP. BAILEYJ. O. BALCARC. D. BILLIKC. W. BJORGOL. BOTHMANL. L. BROWNW. J. BUTLERC. H. CARPENTERF. E. CARPENTERJ. H. CHIVERSR. M. CHOISSERC. J. CLAPSADDLEH; P. COOPERD. CORDOVAR. B. CORCORANM. M. CRITCHLOWM. DOLLAHANL. R. DRAGSTEDTH. S. EDSONH. W. ESTILLB. P. FLINNF. L. FORANG. A. GRAY B. B. GRICHTERO. A. GROEBNERH. HAGERETHEL HARRINGTONKATHLEEN HARRINGTONH. HEISEL. L. HENKELG. A. HENRIQUEZMARION HINESW. L. HOERBERW. D. INLOWJ. IRELANDY. JORANSONH. A. KEENERO. KIMBLEL. H. KORNDERM. KULVINSKYA. W. LAIRDT. LAHNERSJ. E. LEBENSOHNBERTHA MARTINH. P. MARTINL. D. MOORHEADS. B. MUNNSP. T. MCCARTHYFLORENCE PATRICK C. H. PAYNES. J. PEARLMANE. B. PERRYC. A. ROBINSC. S. POWELLV. A. RossS. A. SCHUSTERFRANCES SCOTTE. W. SEABURGA. D. SHARPEREJOSEPHINE SMITHN. C. STAMc: T. STEPHANA. L. STOTTERW. C. SWEETR. L. TORPINC. K. TURNERG. L. VENABLEI. VOLINIE. WARZEWSKIA. M. WASHBURNC. E. WATTSC. F. WATTSH. O. WEISSHAAR. F. H. WYATT421Cap and G O.W nOde to PhysiologyTalk not about Neurology, for -me that stuff's a pipe,'Twas that blamed Physiology that makes me think I'm ripe.Myograph-a cuss-a sigh,Cathodal making stimuliMix in my brain like printer's pi,With diopters, and the pill box eye.With kymograph and induction coils,My cerebral cortex simply boils,And surely no one e'er can hopeTo fathom Helmholtz phakoscope.A dozen theories of color visionReel through my head, all out of season.Although I write with all my mightFrom morn to noon, from noon, till night,'Tis vain to work,-I see close byA stack of outlines, two feet. high.Besides all this we still must delveIn the forgotten subject of P. twelve,Without pure luck it's easily seen,We're due to flunk in P. fourteen.K. HALLOCK, '16.Medic Hymn(To the tune of "The Rosary")The hours I spent with thee, dear stiff,Are as a string of bones to me.I count them over, everyone apart,My Rosary, My Rosary..Each bone a name, each name a pain,To find that name from memory gone,I search the pages of SpaldholtzAnd there at last that .name is .found.Oh, memories that bless and burn,Oh, ban"en toil and bitter cram,I strive at last to pass that quiz,That practical, and make a "C."422Cap and GownThe FacultyTHE faculty is a factor which is highly essential to any well conductedmedical school. They supposedly exist for the function of initiating "neo­phytes" into the science of medicine, but in reality their chief duty hasevolved into passing out poor grades, and flunking out one-third of each classthat enters medicine.The faculty is composed chiefly of under-paid, under-fed men, who conse­crated their lives to the cause of science. Due to the strenuosity of the life andthe strain of their many responsibilities, they are compelled to make a goodlyportion of each year vacation time, and on account of their financial conditionthey usually spend these in Woods Hole or in Europe.The University of Chicago really has the welfare of the human race atheart, and have very considerately prohibited any of their faculty members frompracticing medicine. True, this has a tendency to make them lack in practicalexperience, but this defect is easily overcome by their wonderful superiority inthe field of theory, and it is with the greatest of pleasure that these superhumanbeings theorize for hours on a subject and then spend weeks trying to make factsfit the theory. Really it is seldom that they succeed, but the theory must belearned anyway.In spite of the fact that the faculty is the biggest obstacle in the successfulcareer of a student, it is only through their good graces that the student canever hope to reach that coveted goal, the M. D., and consequently those Profs.who have passed you are good fellows, and you hope those from whom you arestill to take work will display a similar judgment.NeurologyNeurology! It strains my nerves,My mid-brain reels,' my cortex swerves!Oh! Dearest medial fillet and sweetest radial crown,In these last dread hours of itKeep my cells from running down!And lovely, lovely nuclei, stop dancing in my head,And thoughts, dear thoughts, fly not awayUntil the week has sped.The Long RoadWe've traced men through the reptiles"The amphibians and the fish,And then by way of triloblitesTo annelids and such,Till we reach the protozoa,­A nd then we guess beyond,For out in stellar spacesThere gleams Nebulion!There amidst the etherWhere free electrons fly,Near we, perchance, the UltimateFrom whence came you and I. • �<423Cop u n d GownPhi Beta PiFounded in 1891. Established in 1901Active ChaptersEastern ProvinceAlpha-s-University of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pa.Zeta-c-Baltimore .College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md.Eta-J efferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.Phi Pei=-Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Va.Chi-c-Georgetown: University, Washington, D. C.Alpha Gamma-s-Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.'Alpha Delta-c-Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia, Pa.Alpha Eta-University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.Alpha Xi-Harvard University, Brookline, Mass.Alpha Omicron-c-Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.Southern ProvinceRho-Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.Sigma-University of Alabama, Mobile, Ala.Alpha 'Beta-Tulane University, New Orleans, La.Alpha Kappa-University of Texas, Galveston, Tex.Alpha Lambda-University of Oklahoma, .Norman, Okla.Northern Province'Beta-University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.Delta-Rush Medical College, Chicago, Ill.Theta-Northwestern Medical College, Chicago, Ill.Iota-Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons; .Univ. of Ill., Chicago, Ill.Kappa-Detroit 'College of Medicine and Surgery, Detroit, Mich.Omicron-s-University of Indiana, Indianapolis.. Ind.Alpha Epsilon-Marquette University.rMilwaukee, Wis.Alpha Zeta-University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.Alpha Mu-University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky.Western ProvinceLambda-St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo.Mu-Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.Xi- University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.Pi-University of Iowa, Iowa City, Ia.Tau-University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.Alpha Alpha-John A. Creighton University, Omaha, Nebr.Alpha Iota-University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kas.Alpha Nn-e-University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.424\Cap and Gown.r",,'Phi Beta PiDELTA CHAPTERFaculty MembersCAREY CULBERTSON, M. D.WALTER W. HAMBURGER, M. D.DAVID C. STRAUSS, M. D.JAMES R. GREER, M. D. DAVID FISKE, M. D.ARNO B. LUCKHARDT, M. D.ROBERT O. RITTER, M. D.E. T. PHELPS, M. D.Roll of MembershipSeniorsFRANK W. HANNUM ERICH W. SCHWARTZE RUSSELL O. 'WHARTONDAVID THOMPSON CHARLES S. KUBIK CLINTON V. REEDARTHUR G. BEYER WARREN M. MILLER ROBERT H. LOWRYHAROLD L. BRERETON WALTER H. STEPHAN ORVILLE L. EDWARDSLAWRENCE F. FISHER JAMES L. CRAIGJuniorsELVEN J. BERKHEISERROBERT R. GLYNN• ARTHUR L. LANGHORSTCLARK C. PIPER ELWYN B. VAN ZANDTG. T. TWYMAN, JR.W. L. SUTHERLAND}AMES E. HUNTERERSEL M. FESSENDEN ROBERT H. HENDERSONWILLIAM S. JONESLANG F. BOWMANTHOMA§ J. DEVERAUXSophomores •WALTER F. LEONARD OSCAR J. ELSESSERCLAUD W. MUNGER CLINtON D. SWICKARDMERRILL M. MYERS M. J. BRINESLELAND H. ANDERSON CARL W. BJORGOJOHN N. NICHOLS ' E. C. SClIMITTHARRY L. HUBERR. O. GRIGSBYROBERT L. ELLISTONH. H. COXFreshmenBRAINERD F. FLINNJOSEPH H. CHIVERSOLIVER P. KIMBALLPledgesWINFIELD C. SWEETLERoy H. SLOAN M. M. CRITCHLOWLEO. L. J. HARDTWILL F. LYONSG. LYLE VENABLE HERBERT O. LUSSKIEDWARD W ARZEWSKIC. K. TURNER425Cap and GownWi thin the Ether Zone426EDUCATION427Cap and Gon'DWaltzAlbright Skourllp Hirschfeld .111ann MurphyPeterson Al dravThe Departmen t of Aestheticand Industrial EducationOrganizationTHE Students' Art Club is formed of studentswho are: interested in the technical side" of art.'}'he informal meetings every Friday after­noon take-.the form of a sketch class in which workis done from costumed models. The formal meet­-j.ngs, to which the public is invited, consist of l�­tures on subjects of current art interest.428Cap and GownMiller Worthell WoodbridgeWright Ames Chaney CaseHammond Lee SpragueKnappenberqerThe Household Arts and HomeEconomics De p a r t m.en tOrganizationJULIETTE AMES was elected as the first general chairman of theHome Economics and Household Arts Club. She has able assist­ance in her sub-chairmen: Willella Woodbridge, social ; Margaretde Anguera, membership; Elizabeth Spencer, finance, and Lorena Luehr,publicity. Its charter members believe that the club will substantiallyfill the needs felt by the girls of these departments to promote socialunity among themselves, and to bring them in closer touch with the lifeon the campus. The spirit of the club was first launched at a party inJanuary, when everyone had a lovely time sailing and becoming ac­quainted. It is hoped that meetings may be held several times duringthe quarter, and that good speakers may be obtained. The futurealumnae are also depending upon the club as a source of informationconcerning advanced work in the departments. At the end of February,a dinner will be held as a real starter. Who can question the successof a Home Economics dinner? We repeat it; this is but a starter.429Cap and Go-.vnAxtell.Lynch Stern Cole Hess GoodPolacheck Joseph Rudat McGrawHavens Warners-uThe Kindergarten DepartmentOrganizationTHE seni.or· Kindergarten. class was organizedin the Spring quarter. of 1913, . and PansyWarner and 'Gertrude Cole were elected presi-.. dent and secretary .at the. first class meeting. MissTemple .gave a reception in the Spring, and later alIallo�e'eh party was given by the. Seniors to the. Juniors, and a Christmas party by the Juniors tothe Seniors.430Cap ood G OWJl431Cap and GownwnJo4u lIilbmau .ourritfw4r Ituiuity �t4nnlitrsprrtfulln Ir�itatrs m4is �rrttnu432Cap and GownThe Divinity CouncilMARQUIS E. SHATTUCKNORMAN G. OLIVER.ADRIAN A. HOLTZJAMES M. HESS. PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerChairmen of CommitteesVICTOR HANSONHARRY W. JOHNSON •CHARLES N. CURTIS •RALPH R HENDERSON •SHERMAN H. CONRAD .'1,[ i;sionsSocial ServiceDevotionalAthleticsSocial Life,fPurposeThis association gathers into one organization the prominent interests ofDivinity students. Its objects as expressed in the constitution are as follows:1. To promote the general welfare of the students of the Divinity School.2. To represent their interests before the Faculty and in the Universityat large.3. To co-operate with all forms of Christian activitiy with which the asso­ciation may come into corporate relation.433CHESTER W. NEWHERBERT F. RUDDDAVID E. THOMASNORMAN J. WARECap and GownDegrees Taken During the YearDoctor of PhilosophyBachelor of DivinityMaster of ArtsORVIE E. BAKER ALICE H. MENDENHALLJACOB F. BALZER HELEN G. MURRAYHENRY B. CARREFRANK O. ERBWILLIAM N. HVTCHINSKATSlYE KATOHORACE N. BURCKLEYCLARENCE S. BURNSCHARLES· N. CURTISPONALD T. GREYGEORGE E. LOCKHARTANTRANIG A. BEDIKIANGEORGE F. CHANDLERCiIARLES N. CURTISOTTO F. DIERSENJESSE C. FISHERALEXANDER C. HANNAJAMES M. HESSUKrCHI KAWAGUCHICHARLES H. LAWJAMES O. LEATHJAMES M. LIVELYROLLIN D. MCCOY LERoy MACF AR�ANDASHER K. MATHERLENA B. MATHESTHEODORE W. NOONTHEORON T. PHELPSFREDERIC B. OXTOBYJACOB QUIRINGDAVID ROSENBAUMHERBERT F. RUDDALBERT J. SAUNDERSJOHN C. SIBLEYPAUL W. SIMSWILLIAM S. TURNERANTHONY WP.VOORDLOUIE W. WEBBKIYOSHI Y ABEJACOB F. ZIMMERMAN.434lin ilrmnriamililn 3Jay DlIalrat4&tpttmbtr 1. 1913 lCap and GownThe YearNEVER before, in the history of the Divinity School,has there been so much interest and participation inundergraduate and graduate affairs as during the pastyear. For the last twenty years the school has been feelingits way in student activities, but now it has struck its pace.During the year 1913, the Divinity School ended tbe basket­ball season in third place in the inter-school and class leagueof the University. At the annual field day of the University,forty theologs dressed as Benedictines were awarded secondprize. During the Summer quarter Milo Walrath, of theschool, won the singles in the University tennis tournament,and later Walrath and Steiner, both of the Divinity School,won the University doubles. In the Y. M. C. A. membershipcampaign the school secured more members and raised moremoney than any other department or class on the campus.The year 1913 has been productive of results, but watch thesouthwest corner of the quadrangle during the year 1914.435Cap and GownThe Three Quarters Club it). Action436Cap and G own437Cap and GownEnter. Scribe Palmer with RespoosiblhiJExeunt Lyman, Rhett ,Delany and Byerry--_._ -- - --- - - _ .. - -. - ... ----� -. ,I._-_j438 ICap and GownSchedule8 :OO-Introduction to Crew and a few of the fellow passengers.8 : 15-First Station-The Eternal Question (the faculty).9:15-Second Station-The Classes (all kinds, take your choice) ,10:I5-Third Stop-Organizations.Change cars for1. Pen Ciub. 4. Finishing Society.5. The Score Club.2. Fencibles.3. Pow Wow (extinct volcano). 6. Undergraduate Council .10 : 45-Fourth Station-Publications.All aboard for1. The Daily Shipwreck. 2. The Literary Monthly.3. The Cap and Gown.11 :45-Fifth Station-Dramatics.Special De LUxe train for1. Blackfriars. 3. Dramatic Club.2, The Masquers.12:45-Sixth Stop-Fred Harvey Eats-The F'raternities., ,Special all-steel car [or the Women's Clubs.2:00-Interruption-The Undergraduate Disease.3 :OO-Close windows while goingthrough the' Medical School.4':00-Beware of the Gas from the Law School.5:00-Seventh Stop-Athletics.6:00-The Commons for Dinner (full speed ahead).10:00-Allout at the Dormitortes for the night:1. Snell. 2. North, South, and Middle D. 3. Green.4. Hitchcock.12 :OO-Midnight; Rap and Pound (grand finale).Hope you enjoy the Ride!!439Cap and GownRap and PoundA History of the Year 1913-1914 at the Universityof ChicagoUnlike. the rest of this book it will tell the truth. Afterseeing your picture, in the front of this book, a half dozen ormore times, retouched by the photographer and attached toa flattering writeup, it will do you good to see the negativebefore it was retouched-to see yourself as you really are.r APOLOGY FOR LIVING§ Ladies and Gents:We don't like to talk, but we thinkthis is some book. If you don't likeit, blame yourself-not us. This nine­teenth volume of the Cap and Gownis published by the Junior Class ofthe U. of C. so that you will be ableto prove to your children that youwent to College despite your ignor­ance. If you like it, tell us, if youdon't, keep it always your secret.THE EDITORClip and GownCopyrighted, 1893, by J: D. R.AS SEEN BY THOSE UNDERGRADUATES WHQ MAKE THISDEPARTMENT OF THE CAP AND GOWN NECESSARYBILL LYMANRUTH AGARERNIE REICHMANNLEONE HEMINGWAY.GEORGE PARKINSONMARGARET RHODESNELSON NORGRENHELEN. STREET.EARLE SHILTONSUSANNE FISHER, MIRIAM BALDWINRUDY MATTHEWSKingQueenCrown PrincePrincessPri�e' Alinister .ChancelloressAlaster of llorseAlistress of the WardrobeChief Executioner .Ladies in Waiting. . •Court Jester. . . . .Watch�an at the Fa�ily EntranceKeeper of the Back DoorCustodian of the Waste-Basket .Members of the Star and Garter.llouse of "Luds"House of Co��ons WALTER KENNEDY.DUANE MANNBOB MILLERf FITZPATRICK, VINISSKY, LIBONATI,'( POAGUE, O. COLEMANMEMBERS OF THE HOWLING SERPENTMEMBERS OF THE FALSE FACE(IRON MASK)NEW PIE SIGMA,.llouse of Suffragettes441Cap and GownMR. CONYERS READMr. Reed's wee'kly exams are the postttvs delight of all students taking work underhim, but nine-tenths of his classes are no t students. The exams are such simple, easylittle things. And just think· of those A's he gives; that's all a nybody does, just thinksabout them. The redeeming feature of his courses is his lectures-he certainly can lec­ture. Just listen to one some day; they're fine, they're nice, they're g'o od, we like 'em,we do,MR. SOLOMON HENRY CLARKHere's a P. S. teacher who says it is mor-e Impor-tant to write speeches than to deliverthem (think or it!). In' the midst or a talk on "Unity in Speeches" he torgets what he istalking about, If yQU want to have the novel experience of learning sornethtng' and onjov­ing yourself in a class room at the same time, take a course in English Cornp oaf t'lonunder Mr. Clark, but we warn YQu-IT WILL BE NO PIPE COURSE.PRQFESSQR MECHEM: "If ape rson sh ou ld go In to a restaurant, order a meal andpay ror it,would he be entitled by law to put some of it in his pockets and walk out z"GEQRGIA MQRRIS (rorrnertv or Dartmouth): "I d o nt know about the law, but it wouldbe . pretty PQQr fQr�."PROFESSOR ROLLIN D. SALISBURYTQ the man who does not know his lesson: to the man who tries to bluff; or to theman who is not blessed with a ready flow of speech, '''SQI,'' as he is sQm�times called, is aperfect terr-or. Any on e who has been in any of his classes can never fQrget the emphasis.with which certain statements are repeated, such as "Perfectly true, perfectly obvious,perfectly meaningless," or, "The author or this book oug h t to kriow what he is writingabout." But a cour-se under Mr. Salisbury is never to be ro rg ot ten and ever-yone who hasbeen in his classes bears the. highest respect for him.PROFESSOR WILLIAM GARDNER HALEMr. Hale's family is in EurQpe. this year and he has seized the oppor turrit y of becomtng"OnEl ,of. the BQYs" again, by movtng Into Hf tch cock with the Undergrads. The rejuvina­tton has been a to tal and complete success. NQ one can teach him. any or the new dances,because he k nows them all; he smokes cigars; stays out late at night; in short, does allthat sQrt'Qf,thing th;"t distinguishes him frQm the o rdtnarv teacher of the dead languages.But he likes it; and the fellQws· in Hf tchcook like him-sQ why not ?JAMES ALFRED FIELDMr. Field bears the unique and envtous reputatton among the fairer sex,' of Iook tng'like an ApQIIQ when he leads the Co nv oca.tf.ori processton. We, per sona.l ly, know many ofthe faculty who would give three quarters or their salary to acquire such a pos ltfo n rromamong SQ very many handsome Inst ructors. And the best part of it is that he is unmar­ried and can enjoy it all.442Cap and GownMR. AND MRS. DAVE ROBERTSONWe consid,er the Rober-tsons .t og e.the r, because they are both potent factors in Under­graduate life, sort of a "not that we love Caesar less, but Rome more" spirit. Mr.Robertson is what might be called a plain clothes man. On the pretense of gaining In­formation about Undergraduate activities, he will lead you on to confess your own sins;but we are sorry to say that he seems to have a remarkable memory. On the other hand,Mrs. Robertson will invite you In to tea Sunday afternoon and when you are, unfortunateenough to spill some tea, she will choose the moment you are wiping the aforementionedtea off your coat, to introduce you to the assembled "bevy of beauties" and give them anopportunity to enjoy your discomfiture (actual occurrence). In return you will learn howto juggle a tea cup and spoon on a slippery plate, eat a Nabisco, talk and shake handsall at the sa:ine moment.A M<!NOLOGUE BY ERNST FREUNDt; s"I have something on m¥. mind, wha.t is it? Who can g ueas ? (scratching his nose).Who can see the point? No, no, no. no, what makes you give such an answer as that­that has absoluteiy nothing to do with it. Is it not true? Mr. , turn to page II­have you the page? Can't you get the Idea out of that sentence-it's perfectly sfmp le,perfectly simple, who can see it? I st.ud ied that law for seven years before I ,got thatidea out of it. Perfectly simple, who can guess?Note. Dldchaever get a personal Invitation to visit Mr. Freund in his office in theLaw School Subway, to consult about a' poor exam? We did. When we went in, the roo�"seemed awfully small, but when we came 'out It seemed Immense.DEAN LEON C. MARSHALLMr. Marshall deserves mention in this "Legion of Honor" two years in succession, be­cause he does enough work for several men. It is even rumored that he writes all theexams for the various Political Economy courses. He wants C. and A. to be considered aprofessional school and is trying to establish its reputation as such. Just .like ProsecutingAttorneys, who try to see how many men they can send to the gallows, this human meat­ax (self-termed) seems to think it necessary to see how many Undergrads he can put outof the University. Bul like all great men, he has one weakness, and that Is the women.He always favors the women in C. and A., ostensibly to encourage more of them to enterthis "sausage-grinding" department. Well, they certainly need encouragement. Besidesthis, our hero is also a baseball player of some note, as Is evidenced by the fact that onone of his text books he has signed his name, "Marshall, Wright Field."MR. JOE HAYESWith one parting puff at, his cigarette, Joe Hayes throws It away and enters the classroom. With hands in pockets and feet wide apart, he begins his lecture, giving it in amost machine-like manner. He can give his lectures while watching the men dumpingashesvIn the yard next door. His one worry In life seems to be that his reader will gradethe exam papers too high, and before returning them always reads over a few to see thatno injustice has been done-to himself. But everyone will admit that it is impossible totake a course under him and not enjoy it.MR. TOM PETE CROSSIt was a feminine class in English 40 and Mr. Cross observed that it had utterly failedto comprehend the mean.ing of the several tender lines of love poetry under discussion.So thus he chided, "You would think that you girls had never been in love!" After whichhe proceeded, to interpret the passag-e in all of its romantic glory. Yes, we agree, that"Tom peete�;}is':not exactly an old fossil.Editor'� ':i-hie;' Perhaps the girls wanted him to demonstrate.443Cap and GOWhSenior SentimentsW.e are wondering to what Junior custodian Bill Lyman will hand over the frontrow in chapel.Cornelia Beall is said to be keeping one eye on grand opera and the other onvaudeville. It's a wise woman who can look both ways at once.Ruth Morse has learned to her sorrow that perfect attendance in "Freddy's"class doesn't get you anything extra,Helene just loves to be confused with Pavlowa,Has Howie really given up Herpicide?Famous Inseparables: Walt and Pat; Sallie and Harriet; Leon and Sam;Vinissky and his mustache; Harve Harris and his bank account.Honest, now, who is going to run the University next year, when Lunde's gone?Incidentally, Fourteen's possibilities range from Himmelblau to Heller.It is rumored that Rudy plans to manage a cattle ranch in California next year.,Is it possible he is experimenting on the Senior class?'T9 repeat an old, old one, Perlee may not always get his just deserts, but healways gets his dues. Let that go collect. ,And after this last sad quarter, Della will no more be seeking "pipe" courses,Shilton gathering honors, and "Hal" grinning at everybody on the campus.Aren't you glad you aren't coming back?EARLE SHILTON: Champion long distance talker. Captain of the President's BodyGuard.' Boss of the Ladies' Aides Society;BILL LYMAN: Society man. Imitator of all birds, dogs, cats, etc. Founder ofthe Beta Year Book Society. ,GEORGE PARKINSON: Discoverer of Patent Medicine to reduce fat. Future Presi- J, dent of the 'United States, or at least his campaign manager.BLISS HALLING: .Short and Sweet, with .occasional bursts of 'humor.Freshie at Glee Club concert: "Who is that fellow standing next to John Green?"Senior: "Do you mean --- ---?"Freshie at Glee Club concert: "Who is that fellow standing next to John Greene?"Kaplan and Stoltz are gaining rapidly on Rod Peattie. They, too, look almostlike real poets.MERCER FRANCISCO: Here in body, but his soul is in the East.ROLLIE HARGER: One of the Hold-Outs. Signed up in February.JOHN GREENE: When a man is voted' the most representative man in Hitchcockwe can't say much about him.ERLING LUNDE: The only living Undergraduate who was able to put the "con"in "contracts."444I. , I_ .. . . __ � ,_ ..._, .'_._._ .... _�_�� . ..... �. __ �-- ... _,._._._.--.- .. - .. � •. ,.JAdverti.<lngThat "Go-Chicago" Spiritis best fostered by a wide-awakemind and a strong, healthy body.At home or on the campus be sure of� .good, nourishing, satisfying meals. Eat"Swift's Premium"Ham or BaconSwift & Company, u. S. A.445Cap and Gown446AdvertisingElectric Cars Gasoline CarsOakland 2233Forty-Seventh St. GarageFIREPROOF823-25-27 E. FORTY-SEVENTH ST.N ear Drexel Blvd.Cars Vacuum CleanedIII IIIIssion OOIDWe feel it perfectly proper that all the UniversityStudents complete their education. An educationin Chicago is incomplete without a visit to TheMission Tea Room, Sheridan Road. The Lunch­eons arid Dinners are conceded to be fine. Theatmosphere will permit of a young man of extremerefinement, inviting to dine with him, the mostexacting among his friends, and with the samefeeling, might ayoung lady, with friends or alone,be absolutely free from intrusion. The IllinoisCentral'[to Randolph St., The Northwestern "L"to Sheridan Road Station---One block north.THE STREET NUMBER IS 4046When Telephoning Your Table Reservations, merely call Graceland 515447Cap and Gown(Nothing to Browning.)Just for a broken tradition we ducked him,Just for a mustache to wear on his lip;Precedent clearly had failed to. instruct him,Therefore we gave him a plunge and a dip.We that had nagged him so, threatened him, soured him,Dogged all his pathways and camped on his trail,Finally once in the 'gym overpowered him,Made him the goat and rejoiced in his wail .. Juniors were with us, Sophomores for us,Faculty members, ,they made no dissent;He alone flouted the wild mustache chorus,He alone shaved with a reckless content.Unless he grow beard let him never comEr back to us­; Thereuiould no doubt b'e more ducking, and pain;Thence evermore he would be a poor Jack to us,Never glad, confident Senior again .. Best duck him well, though he's ranting and raving,Give him a swattin? and hand him a spank;Duck him again for we warned him 'gainst shaving:He might have known he would land in the tank!BLISS HALLING, '14.448Advertising"Billiards-The Home Magnet"Billiards ranks highest among all indoor amusements for young folks.It calls ·for skill and concentration, yet permits a running fire of repartee andjest-it is set to the music of laughter.THE "BABY GRAND" BILLIARD TABLEThe world's finest home billiard table. Mahogany, inlaid design. Slate Bed,Monarch Cushions, drawer to hold Playing Outfit. Sizes 3x6; 3%x7; 4x8.ATTRACTIVE PRICES - EASY TERMS - OUTFIT FREEWrite for color-illustrated book, "Billiards-The Home Magnet," giving prices,terms, etc., or call at our showrooms. -The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Dept. U. J .• 623·633 S. Wabash Ave.CHICAGOKeep in Form for Work or PlayKeep . your blood rich,your brain clear, youreye bright, your han dsteady-by drinking reg­ularly-Ar.l77oursGrape JuiceBottled Where the Best Grapes GronoThe Pure Juice of Choicest Concord Grapes-unfermented, undiluted, unsweetened. Ser­ved at fountains and clubs. Order a case fromyour grocer or druggist.ARMOUR(2pCOMPA�YCHICAGO Copyright lft13Almour and. Company449·Cap and GownJuniorsThe Junior Class is the best one in college; certainly it is the best supportedclass in college. It is especially well supported by the various fraternities, whotry to send one delegate, at least, to each class affair. Conspicuous among thosecrowds which have tried and failed are Psi U. and S. A. E. Whim the college.year was half over, the Junior Society, the Iron Mask, voted to support the classand assist in the advertising. We will pass over the question of why it shouldbe necessary for a Junior Society to vote to support its own class; sufficient tosay that the attendance at class affairs immediately dropped off twenty per cent.Still, at one of the luncheons we were able to hear and see the following:PRESIDENT KENT SYKES: Who always forgets to register dances and thensends someone else around to get the scolding.PHYLLIS FAY: Wishes that she didn't have to sit at the head of the tableor make speeches (she says).IRIS SPOHN: Trying to entertain the guest of honor.MER PALMER: Making change at the door. In this case it is the littlethings that count.DON DELANY: Trying' to get a chance to make a speech.RUTH ALLEN: "Say, I got another idea-wouldn't that be just grand?"HASKELL RHETT: A long, lank, lean, slim, slippery, sleek line.KITTY BIGGINS: Who is likely to take your seat in class after you havehad it a. week.SAM WELLS: Tries to act bashful-and can't.DOROTHY LLEwELLYN: "Merwyn Pal�er you're an idiot, Kent SykesYOll're an idiot, and Ruth Allen is the biggest idiot of all."HAROLD ALLSoP: Always comes to class thirty minutes late ..MABEL O'CONNOR: Always 'poses when having her picture taken.KATHAR.INE SPROEHNLE: Certainly never sits out any dances at the classaffairs. 'PINKIE SHERWIl:l: Some Grandpa in the play, wasn't he? His baldhead, made for the occasion, almost broke up the show.GEORGE COTTINGHAM:: "Me and Hi Kennicott."CARYL CODY: 'I'ells how nice it would be to sing songs at class luncheons,but is never there to help sing them,, 450AdvertisingModel Chandelier Works1501-03 E. Sixty-Third Street, Corner of Blackstone AvenueMANUFACTURERS OFGAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING'FIXTURESWe carry the most complete and up-to-date line in the cityTEL. HYDE PARK 4821 OPEN EVENINGSCAI:.L AND SEE OUR .S EM I - I N DIRE CT FIXTURE SWe carry a full line of Emeralite Desk and FloorLamps and Portables,muaUtp anti �ettlice IDUl eJottoQuick Service Lowest Market PricesHIGH QUALITY GOODSCAN BE HAD BY BUYING YOURELECTRICAL NEEDSFrom America's Promptest Delivery Ele�trical Supply HeuseMONARCH ELECTRIC &, WIRE CO.ADAMS AND DES PLAINES STREETSCHICAGOCall, Write or TelephoneMonroe 4949 Automatic 53486WE SELL EVERYTHING USED FOR ELECTRICALPURPOSES451Cap and GownJuniorsCOWAN STEPHENSON: Like the story-book mountaineers from Tennessee.The Lonesome Pine. .FRANK SELFRIDGE: The pet of one-half the class. (Need we say whichone) .CARL FISHER: Never lend Carl anything; the chances are 10 to 1/10that you will never see it again,JUD LYMAN: Sits back and gets ideas for cartoons.C. H. BLIM: Does the Profs a favor every time he attends a class.LoUISE AVERY: Another Sigma Nu pledge.ED. SICKLE: Everybody loves a fat man.SHORTY .DES JARDIEN : Does Shorty believe in the new daylight style ofdancing? 'T would seem not.GERTRUDE O'MEARA:' .Chief stumbling block in passing down the centerisle of Harper. Watch 'em stumble.JOHNNY BAKER: Bulgarian slippers.KEN COUTCHIE: Turned traitor--now a Soph, at least in spirit.NINA O'NEILL: The busiest person in the class(?).LEO HuPP: (In accounting) "Charge $25 to Damaged Goods."KATE WICKHAM: Tries frantically to write with a leaky fountain penin Pol. Econ. every morning. 'Tis a sad sight.HARRY BOGG: "And then he would talk-Great Gods how he would talk."STEVE. TOLMAN; Cali you imagine a fog horn that 'sounds as if it weresoured on the world.452Advertisingme beg to announce OUt remcnattrem 1110 �asonic �emple to 900E!0atsball jfidD annet 15uiIDing,remer mabasb ann masbfngton.Central 3866Midway Athletic ShopH. BUNEGAR, Proprietorisltubtnt' � �tilbq Uiltttt�ATHLETIC SUPPLIES, TENNIS, GOLF, BASE BALL, GYM SUPPLIES, TRACK SUITS,CUTLERY, BICYCLES, FISHING TACKLE.Everything ElectricalI"AN EXCLUSIVE STUDENTS SHOP"See My Stock and Get My PricesKEE & CHAPELL· DAIRY CO.Safe Milk and Cream Perfectly and Properly Pasteurizedfrom Selected DairiesNew South Side Branch4349·4357 S. State Street Tel. Oakland 1880KIMBARK THEATRE6240 KIMBARK AVENUEIj)ome of <!C:rcIuSitle 15fg jfeatuteSmhere all tbe @ltuDents go.Meet your friends there453Cap and GownSophomoresFRED BURCKY: Why is Fred continuallypulling up his trousers?RUTH MANIERRE: She's a class officer, butwe don't see an awful lot of her.CARL WEINMAN: Always after money. Gee,but he's a mercenary guy.DAN BROWN: A wonder at hatching up themost impossible stunts at class meet­ings ..PETE RUSSELL: I wonder how long it takeshim to comb his hair that way?MARIAN MORTIMER: A little girl with a bigsmile.RUDIE MORITZ: When Rudolph takes hiscane out walking, Snell and Hitchcocklook to see how it's. done.DOROTHY VANDERPOEL: Have you noticedthat the reception lines stop at the classdances when the boys discover Doro­thy? We have.PINK DAVIS: And believe us, the nick-namefits.MARY REESE: Captain of, the girls' footballteam .. JIMMY DYRENFORTH: A perfect lady.ED SHAMBAUGH: Champion Reynolds Club dancing wrestler.MARY SMITH: The fellows would like to take her to dances, but, oh,that ride back home alone.454AdvertisingA NOTABLEYoung Men!9s StoreNOTABLE, because that it caters onlyto young men who are ultra discrimina­tive in the matter of dress.NOTABLE, because in the ready-for­service apparel offered here is found allof the distinction and individuality ofgarments made by the highest class cus­tom tailors.THE MEN'S 0 H SHOPHas become known as an authority inmatters of dress for the college andyoung business man. You will have torevise your opinion of ready-for-wearclothes after you have inspected ourapparel. Our prices for garments ofsuch unusual character and worth willbe a gratifying surprise.SUITS and OVERCOATS$25 and UpIt's only a week, you know, from Pica­dilly and The Strand to Michigan Boule­vard. You can always find the latestconceits in haberdashery here withintwo weeks after they are seen in London.Ogilvie & BeneageMEN'S FINE CLOTHING AND HABERDASHERY18·20 E. Jackson Boulevard. Chica�oPhone Harrison 673455MARJORIE COONLEY: Lessons given byrequest in the "tango walk" and the"debutante slouch."RALPH LYNCH: The height of Fashion.JULIA DODGE (in Mr. Robertson's class) :I don't think so at all.H. T. MOORE: What pretty red cheeksthat boy has.A. HERTEL: Please introduce me to J-,won't you?ART CARLSON: Tries to be so good nat­tured that he flunks his courses inthe attempt.KEN MACNEAL: Grace personified.LAWRENCE MACGREGOR: Successor toHaskell Rhett:HELEN PERRY: The girl with the irre­sistible giggle.BRUCE MARTIN: "Rough and Ready."SELMA DIENSTAG: Knows all of the lat­est styles in hairdressing.HOWARD ADAMS: Billiards, cigarettesand a mandolin are all that Howardneeds.JANET FLANNER: The whole Show-playwright, stage manager, etc.ED RETICKER: Hasn't made up his mind whether he wants to be Editor­in-Chief or only News Editor of the Rock Island N�ws.ELSIE JOHNS: The turkey carver.J. V. NASH: Oh, thy:poetic soul (sole). Would that we had more likehim.RUTH SWAN: She's so bashful.CRAIG REDMON: My, I'd hate to have him fall 011 me.Cap and GowuSophomores456AdvertisingTHE INGHAMSHOWER MIXERTHE MAXIMUM OF SHOWER COMFORT, SAFETYAND ECONOMY CAN BE ATTAINED ONLYWITH THE USE OF THE INGHAMSHOWER MIXERAnybody can step under an Ingham Shower forthe first time and operate it with perfect ease andsafety. There is only one handle to turn in orderto obtain shower water of the exact temperaturedesired. The dial plate is plainly marked with thedifferent degrees of temperature, and. if the bathershifts the dial to any given point, in an instant wa­ter of the indicated temperature is flowing throughthe shower head. This is comfort "and conveniencethat you will greatly appreciate.A simple turn of the pointer to "Cold" on thedial plate opens the cold water valve. A furtherturn to "Warm" opens the hot water or steam valveenough to temper the cold water for a warm shower.The bather is absolutely protected from scalding be­cause the Mixer is so adjusted that when the pointeris turned to ,"Hot" only enough hot water is admit­ted to the mixing chamber to increase the tempera"ture of the shower water to a predetermined maxi­mum Under no circumstances can water exceedingthe maximum temperature reach the bather.The Ingham Mixeris most economical in the use of steam and waterbecause no time is lost in testing the water for de­sired temperature. This means less time for thebath and permits more people having access to it.It is so simply and durably constructed that there isnothing to get out of order, consequently there isno keep-up cost. It is very easily installed and isguaranteed absolutely.;Write for free booklet "A GOOD MIXER"Imperial Brass Mfg. Co.CENTER AVENUE & HARRISON STREETCHICAGO, ILL.457Cap and GownFreshmenPAULINE LEVI: She's scandalized if she fails to get an A.HARRY SWANSON: The busiest little man on the Maroon.LILLIAN BISSEL: . What right has a Freshman to go to a Cornell Prom?MARY ALLEN: Somewhat longer than her name.MARGARET CONLEY and STELLA MOTIER: These two together make onegood-sized college girl.SARAH MULROY: Clever Sally.RUTH SHEEHY: Everyone pronounces her name in a different way.MARGARET MACDONALD: My! how she loves to playa man's part inFreshman dramatics.HELEN AARON: She will at least always head the alphabet.ELLINOR DoTY: As breezy as the campus.RICHARD GAMBLE: The human smoke-stack.WILEY: Needs a muzzle in French class.JURIST: Self-admitted champion in football, basketball and track, not tomention his winning way with the girls.GRAVES: Voted the noisiest Freshman in Hitchcock.RODDY: Goes to the President's reception with a sweater on. Says toBerger: "Schafer and I have the forwards on the Freshman teamcinched."ARTHuR PETERSON: His conquests are unlimited.ADRIAN McFARLAND: He's all right as far as he goes.MAY FLOWER is no wall flower, S1) they say.DICK KUH: Is strong for the Bars (gymnast).BEN GUMBINER: Wanted to be a musician and wear long hair, but thecruel boys cut it off for him.GERALD KESSLER is always broke. A void him towards the end of the week.CHUCK CORY: Mr. Gronow's official goat in German I.TEMPLETON (Prexy): Why isn't everybody as good-natured a's he?Wears the latest in soft collars.PEN CAROLAN: "In Memoriam."MARGARET LAUDER: A student, an athlete, and good-looking. The im­possible has happened.SATT: Shorty Des J. the second.DUNNY CLARK: "Sunset on the Waters."458A) J-r=« SFAMOUS CARAMELSANDICI:!. CREAM1354 E. 47th St., 225 Garfield Blvd.AdvertisingWomen'sExchangeDry Goo d s, Toy s, Not ion sUniversity WomenEsp e cia II y Soli cit e d1333 East 57th StreetWE SPECIALIZE ONBETTER BREADand other Superior BakeryProducts forHotels, Restaurants,Fraternities andPrivate FamiliesEggers Baking Co.1133 E. 63rd StreetTelephone, Midway 2058 1121-1125 E. 63rd STREETPhones Hyde Park 2100 and 4400First Class Livery45.9Cap and GownScore One 'for HerDELIA: "You boys' mustbe awfully fond ofdancing to give allthose Rosalie Infor­mals."DAN: "Huh!"460AdvertisingThe more constantly you write the more particularyou should be to select a Moore's, the pen youcan depend upon to write smoothly and evenly fromthe first stroke. Carry it anyway-it won't leak.THERE'S A. MOORE'S TO SUIT EVERY HAND.:lOR SAtB AT ALI. (JOLLBGB : BOOKSTOItBS AND DBAtBRS. D ..... lptl •• clreQlars aad prl ... h.t mailed08 requeltE".", Moor. Non-Lea/eobl. Fountain Pen earri .. with Itth. m",t u_n.ltlonal ,ua"",t ••AMIRICAN fOUNTAIN PIN CO., Manaf.clare .. , ADAMS, (JUSHING a rOSTBK. Selliall AQea ..168 Devonshire S.ree •• Bos'on. M ......461Cap and GownReport of a, Typical Pen Club MeetingPresident Peattie: '�Well, fellows, picture taken next Sunday, It will cost$10, and there is only $7 in the treasury. What shall we do about it?"McFarland: "I move that we take in two new members, whose initiationfees fill pay deficit.", '_(Motion IS carried, and after long and heated arguments two neophites arechosen .to save the dub from- insolvency.)Brother- Cottingham': '''Mr: Presideiit;''('''%'bv-e that we have a get-togetherevening once' a' weekI for members of this organization. I suggest that we re­serve a table at "Jimmie's" after each basketball game. (Doesn't even knowwhere "Jimmie's" is located.)President Peattie (also trying to look devilish): "Fine, fine, what say you,brother scribblers?"All (loud and unanimous): "Yea, yea."Meeting is here interrupted by Brother Halling choking on his first cigar.When peace and order had been restored:President Pe�ttie: "I ani sorry to announce that our speaker is unable to bepresent. He promised faithfully to be here."_Brother Lollesgard: "Oh, we're used to that by now, we didn't really ex­pect there would be one. We know that old stall; you just say there will be aspeaker to get the crowd out."Meeting is broken up when Brother Cottingham tries to assume an air ofnonchalance with a cigarette in his mouth and his hands in his pockets at thesame time.P. S. (Please See): Note to Jimmie: Don't bank on this implied increase intraffic. They were just talking to hear themselves.FenciblesFinally the Fencibles have justified their existence by reorgamzmg. Nowhaving reorganized let us hope that they will justify their reorganization. You'vegot to admit that the membership of the club is all right, but what the majorityof the.fellows have done to deserve being in the Society we don't know. We'repulling for t em anyway.'Pow WOWThe: Pow Wow has followed the path of all organizations that have a pur­pose and don't carry it out-the path to oblivion.462Advertising€aUorsto�articular �eopleHARRY G. SMUCKERDesigner:DAVID E. FI.oREENSalesmen:A. M. CRAIGIEF.DREYERJAMES CRAIGIEP.FWREENFourth Floor, Mentor BuildingState and Monroe StreetaChicagoTelephone Central 706President.Vice-PresidentTreasurer HAYS McFARLANDROBERT MILLERVERNI BLACKETTCap and GownFinishing SocietyObject: To train students to be polished or to act like "gentlemen."Nature of Society': Although its watchword is "secret," it is the mostplainly visible society on the campus.Members for Life: Steve Tolman, Haskell Rhett, and many others.Are you a member?Former Member (reforming and resigned): Jimmie Dyrenforth.RULES AND BY-LAWSNo.1. Never speak to a fellow whose father is not a millionaire.Anyone caught speaking to a non-fraternity man will be dis­missed in DISGRACE. 'No.2. When talking to a girl behave in a lordly manner, as if Presi­dent Judson is your private secretary.No.3. Attract all the attention possible to yourself by yelling atsome one at the other end of a crowded hall.No.4. Talk all you can in the class room. Good way to bluff theProf into thinking that you know something.No.5. When the library is crowded, saunter down the main aislewith your hands in trousers pockets and talk in a loud under­tone. Wear a smirk on your face at the same time.No.6. Always smoke a cigarette when in the presence of ladies.No.7. When buying something at the Press do not wait for yourturn. That would be polite and democratic. (U gh!)General Hint: Do anything that will separate you from the "Com­mon Herd."The Score CI u bThe Score Club is a Sophomore society which calls itself an"honor" society; whether it is or not depends on your point of view.The Score Club gives an Inter-fraternity dance every few weeks atRosalie, which are occasionally well attended, especially during thelast Autumn Quarter. Although it is not written out on a placardat the head of the stairs, it is easy to read on the faces of the mem­bers that,-The Patronage of Non-Fraternity Men is NOT Solicited.464AdvertisingThe Blue Fountain Room)Is the most popularrestaurant in Chicago,because of its beautifuldecorations, excellentmenu, perfect service andgenial atmosphere.There is good music,and the soft and unusuallighting effects make it amost unique and delight­ful place to dine.EroestJ. Stevens, Vioe-Pres. and Mgr.La Salle at Madison Street465Cap and GownThe Undergraduate CouncilThe Undergraduate Council is the official "goat" of the University. If any­thing goes wrong=-blame it onto the Council. If elections don't go right, if foodat Lexington isn't good, if the sun isn't shining, or if your pet dog at home dies-,,blame it onto the Council. But the Councillors have only themselves to blamefor this state of affairs. They all make such grand campaign speeches aboutthe Council saying the University from ruin, or tell how they are going to makethe University into a young paradise in one year; so after we let them make somuch smoke why shouldn't we make some use of the Council.It Cannot Was'Tis a l.ong time to c.ome, I remember it well,By the side of a poor house a maiden did dwell,She lived with her parents, her life was serene,Her age was bright red and her hair was nineteen.This maid had a louer wh.o nearby did dwell,A cr.oss-legged ruffian and boui-eued as well.He said, "Let usfly by the light of y.on star,For y.oU are the eye of my apple, y.oU are.""Oh, n.o," said the maiden, uiho th.ought it unwise,"For father W.ould scratch out y.our nails 'with his eyes.""So then y.ou've deceived me," the villain, he said,And he pulled out. his knife and killed her quite dead.Just then her old father appears, it appears,When he saw the sight, there were eyes in his tears.He knelt d.own beside her, her pale face he kiseedThen he rushed with his n.ose at the murderer's fist.He pointed. him at a horse pietol, rais!}d [rom a colt,He told the murderer to get a m.ove .on him and bolt,He said, "If I stay here I shall die, it is {rue,So I guess I shall fly," and flew up the flue.,Editor's note: This poem, if it may be called that, was found by the Editorof this section on a table in the Library. For that reason is it published anony­mously and no one can stop you from claiming it as your own if you want to.Mine it isn't! It is said to be very old, and hence has added value.466Advertising1817 1914Fire Association 0/ PhiladelphiaN. W. COR. FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETSAnnual Statement at Market Values, December 31, 1913ASSETS LIABILITIESCapital Stock . . .Unpaid Losses. . .Reinsurance ReserveOther Liabilities . . $750,000;00354,826.205,445,437.3145,679.81.Real Estate .Mortgage Loans .Collateral Loans .Bonds and StocksCash on hand and in BankAgents' BalancesInterest Due and Accrued . $715,250.002,014,176.66139,527.125,016,232.00� 1,158,784.69110,837.69 Net Surplus . 2,558,864.84Total . . . . $9,154,808.16 . $9,154,808.16TotalSURPLUS TO POLICY HOLDERS, $3,308,864.84MARSH & McLENNAN, Resident Agents Chicago, Ill.467Cap and GownThe Daily Maroon is the. official newspaper of the. University of Chicago,.issued daily, except Sunday, Monday, vacations, holidays, exam weeks, and anyother time that they can find a half-valid excuse for not putting out a paper.The Daily Maroon is a very portentous 'paper and contains on the average oftwenty pages-a week, usually divided as follows: ten pages of "ads," two pagesof clippings from other papers, two pages of reviews of .down-town shows, threepages of editorials, and' the remaining three devoted to "College News." Lastyear the Maroon was delivered on the average of once a week, but this year, dueto the establishment of a Circulation Department, we receive it on the average ofthree and sometimes four days a week. One week we got it all five days .. Now itis easier to count the days, we don't get it than. to count the ones we do get, it, asin years past. .This year the Maroon has been very useful as an advertising medium for ourpet "honor societies, secret." Due to the secrecy connected with these societies inthe past, there was not much ·honor in being a member of one or all of them, as noone knew about it. But now as the Daily (except Sundays, etc.) Maroon has sue­. cessfully knocked the secret out of the Secret Honor Societies, the societies aremuch more successful as honor societies.Long live the Daily (except,etc. ) Maroon!A CLIPPING OR TWO FROM THE NOBLE SHEET."Sophomore SWill hold a class dance at 3 :30 today in the R. C."Whatdumean by this?"Hurwitz and Thomas will hurde for Chicago,"We::bla�e this on the paper, not on Sigma Nu:Saturday's paper: "Sigma Nu will give a dinner dance tomorrow night."Some Bear 0/ a debater:"Bearwill debate for Chicago.""Aside from the obvious dangers, Professor William Gardner. Hale will be 'an Assistant head of Hitchcock House this quarter."THE LITERARY MONTHLYWe hate to say anything about The Literary Monthly. Why? We hate tocriticise such magazines as Harper's, The Century, The Illustrated London News,and The Literary Monthly. The latter is quite an elderly sheet now, being aboutfour months old, living two months last year and two months this year. If theLiterary end of it was as good as the business end of it, no one would have toworry about the Monthly at all; you can't worry over nothing.468Ad,· crt i sin gan's$2.50 andUPwardsInexpensiveGuaranteedTypesthe Best Local DealersL. E. Waterman Company, 173 Broadway, New YorkCHICAGO AND NEW YORKCORN EXCHANGENATIONAL BANKOF CHICAGO THE TOBEYFURNITURE CO.Capital •Surplus . .Undivided Profits $3,000.000.005,000,000.001,000,000.00OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL, PresidentCHARLES L. HUTCHINSON, Vice-PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR, Vice-PresidentD. A. MOULTON, Vice-PresidentB. C. SAMMONS, Vice-PresidentFRANK W. SMITH, SecretaryJ. EDWARD MAASS, CashierJAMES G. WAKEFIELD, Ass'! CashierLEWIS E. GARY, Ass't CashierEDW ARD F. SCHOENECK, Ass't CashierDIRECTORSCHARLES H. WACKERMARTIN A. RYERSONCHAUNCEY J. BLAIREDWARD B. BUTLERCHARLES H. HULBURDBENJAMIN CARPENTERCLYDE M. CARRWATSON F. BLAIRED\·VIN C. FOREMANCHARLES L. HUTCHINSONEDWARD A. SHEDDFREDERICK W_ CROSBYERNEST A. HAMILL CurtainsGift ArticlesFine FurnitureInterior DecorationsForeign Exchange Letter. of Credit Cable Transfers469Cap and Gown{fCAP \ GOWNGRArT.No one doubts that the�e is graft connected with the Cap and Gown, it isso evident that it is useless to deny it. Next year the book is going to be calledthe Beta Year Book. But you will say, "If there is so much graft there, whydoesn't someone clean things up?" The answer simply is, that anyone who issmart enough to detect the graft is smart enough to get in on it. If anybodygets crabby about the matter, we promise to put his picture in the book, or givehim a flattering write-up, in order to hush him up. For instance, notice theincreasing amount of space which we devote to the faculty each year. To beable to start a reformation on the Cap and Gown it is necessary to get on theboard, and once you are. on the board, you find that it is to your advantage topostpone the reformation till next year. (Editor's Note: We haven't seen any­thing worth grafting yet.)To a Campus DelicacyIn the Commons, we're told, there's a dish that is bold,To which the Immortals would stoop i.Be 'it hot, be it cold, it is bowled and is soldAs Mul-li-ga-taw-ney Soup.. 'Now puree of split pea and of bean, we agree,A re in a delectable group;But there's no ecstacy SO ecstatic to meAs Mul-li-ga-taw-ney Soup.There's hash and goulash, and some other things rash,A nd salads that give you the .croup ;'Tater mash with a dash you can buy for. your cash;Like Mul-li-ga-taw-ney Soup, .I loathe the sardines and the messes of greens,And eggs that make sad epirits droop;But I spend all my means for the burnt pork and beans,And the Mul-li-ga-taw"ney Soup.I sigh and I cry at the dry apple pie,And the cake that they bake in the Loop;'But, oh me, oh. my, should I, try, I, could dieEating Mul-li-ga-taw-ney Soup!BLISS HAL�ING, '14.Advertising"If your watch is on the Bum"SeeWATSONTHE JEWELER AND OPTICIANand get Expert Service at Lowest Prices.Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Leather Goods,Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Optical Goods,Novelties, Fountain Pens, Big Bens,1144 East Fifty-fifih StreetNear Uniuersity : AvenueA. STARR BEST ALVIN E. BASTIEN CARROLL RIDGWAY�ARRBEST 1.�'PO�WdMADISON AND WABASHCHICAGO -Outfittersto Young MenClothing, Hats,Furnishings, ShoesImporters ofExclusive Novelties in Neckwear,, ..-. Leather Goods and all Accessories to Young Men's Dress471Cap and Gow ..The BlackfriarsA political .organization designed' to aid fraternities' in becoming prominentin Undergraduate Activities, Without this society many frat clubs would beunable to keep their members in the eyes of the public and there would be noexcuse for such people as Dyrie, Boggie, etc., remaining in school. Many peo­ple think the officers of the Blackfriars are elected. They are wrong, as theoffices are hand-me-down positions. Following is the order of business of a.typical regular meeting of the Friars:Abbott: "The meeting will come to order. First we will elect new members.Now let us try to use some judgment about this. I suppose you will vote foryour own fraternity brothers, whether they deserve it or not, but outside of thatuse your discretion as little as possible."Friar No.1 (who has many frat brothers in show): "As there are more'peopleIn the show-this year than usual, I move we elect an extra seven.". All vote for this that have many brothers to vote in. Motion carried.. Interruption.A certain person who won't speak to the writer of this article on the street,approaches with the happiest possible smile, slaps him on the shoulder and says:"My eye, old man, but I'm glad to see you. Have a cigarette. Say, you know-- -- has worked awfully hard in the chorus this year; would you mind vot­ing for him? Ah, I was sure you would; we have always been such good friends.So long till I see you again." (Next election.)Second Interruption. Whispers from politicians back of me (which I was notsupposed to hear).First Politician: "Say, you know --- ---. fraternity is getting toostrong in this organization, let's cut out a few of them and not vote them in."Second and Third Politicians (together, eagerly): "All right, we're withyou."Second Politician: "Who are you voting for for sixth member of the Staff.You know John (frat brother) is running for that."Third Politician: "So, I didn't know that. Do you know that James is run­ning for seventh member?"Second Politician: "Well, we've- got six Friars over 'at our house that willvote for James."Third Politician (thinking rapidly): "Eh-h-h, we've got five votes, eh-h, but,(has bright idea) you know Tom (non-frat), well, he will vote the way we tellhim, that makes six."Second Politician: "Good, that will about put him over.". * * * * * *Abbott: "So and so have been elected to the order. Meeting is adjourned.Appoint officers for coming year tomorrow. Everybody be here as a matter ofform."P. S. The Blackfriars produce a Comic Opera every spring. Sometimes. the"comic" part is missing and sometimes the "opera" part is missing, but only oncein a great while are both missing from the same show.472AdvertisingA. G. BECKER & CO.INCORPORATEDCommercial PaperS. W. CornerLa Salle and Monroe Streets CHICAGOGOOD THINGS TO EAT&Feilchenfeld' Bros.1328·30·32·34 East 55th St. Telephone Hyde Park 591HOO Remien & Kuhnert Co.PAINTS, OILS, YARNISHES, WALL PAPERSWholesale: 57 to 63 W. Grand Ave.Retail: 139 N. Wabash (opposite Field's)PHONES J Superior 55301 Randolph 3982Best Selections and Lowest Prices 111CHICAGO'lOBRONMEANSBest QualityLowest PricesPrompt Delivery Paints and GlassMirrors'Painters' SuppliesPHONES Monroe4994 H M Hooker Company651.653.655.657.659Automatic 32·107 • • W. WaBhington BoulevardTRY HOOK ••• [lRVICECHICAGO473IIif Cap nnd GownThe Dramatic ClubThe Dramatic Club is becoming more and more popular lately, be­cause most of the actors have come to realize the emptiness of makinglove to men dressed up like women, as in the Blackfriars. Perhaps thisis a part of the younger generation movement which seems to be preva­lent -among many' of our so-called most hopeful young college men.Speaking of "The Younger Generation," we appreciated the- play, butdon't think that most of us need any encouragement in the twentiethcentury life.The Ma s q u e r sWe were once told that the Masquers was a Sophomore DramaticSociety and we fully' believed it until we looked up the membership ofthe Club. True, some of them do act, in fact all of them act, but someof them act :on the stage, while others confine their acting for theapproval of the. opposite sex .. But they gave a play this year-the girls .were supposed to give it-but as is always the case, it was necessaryto call in the boys to make the play �. success-for there were three girlsand four boys in the cast. Even the Daily Maroon critic' admitted thatthe play was all right, despite the fact that the scenery got lost 'some­where between Mandel and the Reynolds Club Theater, and that someoneforgot to turn on the lights when the show was over.The S. A. E.-Kappa Sig MessIn this friendly . little mix-up, we saw .fraternity rushing at itsheight. This. was not an exceptional case, as there are many such caseseach year, but merely exceptional in the amount of noise it made. Bothfraternities enjoyed it greatly while it lasted and were highly pleasedover the amount of free publicity it gave ·them. The real quarrel wasnot over a poor Freshman, as some few innocent souls still believe, butto decide which name should appear first in the headings of the DailyMaroon write-ups. It is even/ rumored that one S. A. E. was overheardin the Reynolds 'Club telephone booth, giving the latest "dope" to thedown-town p�pers.·· But it ended 'happily after all, the Kappa Sigs areglad that they beat out their rivals, and the S. A. E.'s are glad that theydidn't get a Fresh who will have his hands .full during the next fouryears living up to all the advertising he got.474CHICAGO, ILLINOISMICHIGAN BOULEVARD, CONGRESS TO HARRISON STREETSFACING BEAUTIFUL GRANT PARK AND LAKE MICHIGANCONGRESS. HOTELAND·.ANNEXTHE RENDEZVOUS OF THE DISCRIMINATINGTRAVELLERS FROM EVERY LANDLargest Floor Space Devoted to Public.Use of Any Hotel in the World, ,IN THE CENTER OF EVERYTHING WORTH DOING AND SEEING.. ;. ...Easily reached from all depots by Surface, Elevated or TaxiEuropean Plan Only - Rates from $2.00 per day upwardCONGRESS HOTEL COMPANYN. M. KAUFMAN, President475AdvertlslllgStates RestaurantSouth East Corner State and Adams StreetsTHE PLACE OF . TODAYHome 0/ RefinedVaudeville and Cabaret .POPULAR PRICES PREVAILUNEXCELLED CUISINE AND SERVICELuncheon Dinner After TheaterDinner Show6 P. M. to 8 P. M. After Theatre11 P. M. to 1 A. M.MATINEESSaturdays Sundays3 P. M. to 5 P. M. and 3 P. M. to 5 P. M.A nine course Table de H ole DinnerOne Dollar, served daily, 5 P. M. 10 9 P. M. .G. E. MORTON,Manager TELEPHONEHarrison 5171AdvertisingStates RestaurantSoutheast Corner State and Adams StreetsTHE PLACE OF TODAYHome 0/ RefinedVaudeville and CabaretUNEXCELLED CUISINE AND SERVICEDINE IN YOUR HOME STATELuncheon Dinner After TheatreOur Entertainers are the kindyou find at the Leading TheatresDinner Show6 P. M. to 8 P. M. After Theater11 P. M. to 1 A. .'11.MA TINEESSaturdays3 P. M. to 5 P. M. and Sundays3 P. M. to 5 P. M.The Largest, Handsomest, and BestVentilated Restaurant in ChicagoG. E. MORTON,Manager TELEPHONEHarrison 5111477Cap and GownD. K. E.: '�We've' got the clothes, we've got the house, we've got the money."Phi Kappa Psi: "We have .the biggest men in the D." (In what way?) .Beta Theta Pi: "Fitch, Lyman and Rhett, Inc." "We're awfully popular amongthe students." . .Alpha Delta Phi: "Our abhorrence of politics, and our general saintly .atmos-phere."Sigma Chi: "Y' know it's the fellows-not what they do,"Phi Delta Theta: "We've got the national reputation, so we'll succeed."Psi Upsilon: "Half of our chapter is still in U. High, but even if you didn't goto U. High you have a chance."Note: (The Psi U.'s do not wear their mackinaws during rushing season.)Delta Tau Delta: "We have one-half the Freshman class." "We're highbrows,we are."Chi Psi: "We're awfully exclusive. Why, in the East at Cornell--. "Delta Upsilon: �'Join us and we will get you a soft job in the Registrar's officetaking in cash."Phi Gamma Delta: "We're the real Cosmopolitan Club of the Campus." "Wealso have the best Fraternity house."S. A. E.: "We are the literary lights of the campus; we win all of the PublicSpeaking contests." 'Sigma Nu: "Everyone of us has a dress suit. Thieves never rob our house,they are all afraid of our dog."Kappa Sigma: "We get our men easy jobs coaching high school4'ootball teams."Alpha Tau Omega: "The Scandinavian Club."Phi Kappa Sigma : "For we are a crowd of jolly good fellows."Delta Sigma Phi: "Watch us climb."Beta Phi: "Think of being one of the founders, one of the charter members." ,Phi Beta Kappa: "We have the pick of the Faculty."Sigma Xi: "Our members can look wise and get away with it.". ' CalendarOct. 30Oct. 31 (Good enough for anybody.)"Kappa Sigma announce the pledging of William Bryan."What a combination. ."Beta Theta Pi pledges F. F. Longenecker from Emporia, Kansas."(No one carne.) "Foster Hall gave a party to the 'old' girls."Reynolds Club smoker. The program was missing.Flunk notices out. Poor freshies receive first warning of the comingdisaster.First' Phi Gam mackinaw mistaken for a patchwork quilt.The Daily,Maroon delivered on time today.Student body decidesto call Cross Country team a squad.Everyone goesearly to get front seat in classes.Kitty Bigginstakes Willard Goodwin's seat in "Elements of Law."Kitty Biggins takes Willard Goodwin's seat in "Accounting."Ted Byerly talks about dead livestock.Annie McLaughlin is still taking her little boy out walking.(Sign on blackboards)"Last chance to help charity.' Senior Cotillion, this afternoon."A nd so on, ad infinitum .Nov. 1Nov. 2Nov. 4Nov. 7Nov. 12Nov. 30Jan. 5Jan. 7Jan. 8Jan. 12Jan. 20Jan. 23.478For those"NIFTY DANCEPROGRAMS"See Us FirstWE ARE MANUFACTURERSU ni versi ty Prin tin gCompany1410 Eo' 63rd StreetTel. Hyde Park 1477Established 1897OFFICIAL MAKERS OFCaps, Gowns, HoodsTO THE AMER ICANUNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGESSpecial Rental Service (or Commencementsand Academic FunctionsCollege SpecialtiesTHE W. C. KERN CO.1331 EAST 57TH STREETCHICAGO AdvertisingJOHN ERICKSONTAILORTELEPHONEHYDE PARK 13381029-31 EAST 55TH STREET'COR. GREENWOOD AVE.CHICAGOManufacturer of Rich American Cut GlassCen tral Cut Glass Company1114 East Sixty-third Street, Chicago. Illinois479Cap and Gown ------1iThe Young Ladies' Clu bsClubs are a form of indoor sport at the University of Chicago and rank second in 'Ipopularity to eating in the. women's halls and' darning. They, as do all such organi- I.zations,. exist for the purpose of cementing friendships between the people who are Iin and those who are out. This may sound illogical, but pause, gentle reader, or be .as one who is out, and you will see what I mean. Those who are in, belong to an Iorganization which pays dues and upholds standards for the purpose of comradeship; Ithose who are out, are members of a large freemasonry which is inexpensive, demo- 'I'.cratic and filled with energetic souls; who, not knowing anything of the principles em-ployed 'at the inner meetings, are capable of spending much time browbreating an IIorganization of whose good points they know nothing. This tends to keep up a steadystimulation; and 'atimulation tends towards 'progress. So therefore all this feministicmovement and counter movement is proved by logic to be progressive. I am glad thatI have made this clear. .There are two kinds of clubs, the kind I belong to and the kind that you belongto; the distinction is very strong. Entrance to both is gained through performancescalled pledging and initiation, which are largely frowned upon and laughed at by thefraternity men, who strongly suspect them of containing imbecile actions properlybelonging to the functions of their own organization. Pledging is a season like spring,or fall, or Lent. I suppose it is likest Lent because after .all it is a period, not ofnature's own .choosing, but one arbitrarily imposed upon creatures here below for sack­cloth and ash-like amusement. The girls who are being rushed many clubs are prone,through the weakness of mob psychology, to accept all invitations worded with pros­pects of violets ad lib, and to begin to believe all that the rushers tell them. Thisleads to unenviable remarks on the part of the last named about the stupid vanityof the incoming mob. But that is of course due to the fact that everyone has beento so many parties that they are all worn out being charming. .A girl's club is her greatest help all through college; this is proved by the factthat if a non-organized lady "gets by" the first and last remark is "and she did it with­out the help of any club." Everyone says this, even the clubbers themselves-so itmust be true. This remark may seem subtle, but think it over. (It was told me by aBlackfriar lady who was being rushed Kalialu, and I feel he ought to have known.In fact, he furnished me with most of the information used here.) Chorus of ladies'voices reading: "Well, it looks like it."Club meetings take place on Monday night, therefore of you are out .on Mondaynight, for goodness' sake be cautious and don't ask a club lady to go any 'place onwash night. It is always so embarrassing. Instead of saying frankly where she isgoing, she evasively says she is going out and then meets your wearily candid, "Oh,yes, clubbing," with an ashamed self-conscious smile. This I could never understand;I must ask some of the sisters why they always do it. ".At pledging time . opinions run rife. Eight girls in one club want a certain neo­phyte and four don't, so of course the fresh person does not get in. This is .always hardon those not wanting and those found' wanting, as it creates what is popularly knownas a harrow. But then harrows are necessary even though they lead to the bitterestdissension, because they prove that the club has within it girls of widely differenttypes. You have no idea how necessary this is. It is awful to have anyone sayabout your club, that the girls are all of the same type, but of course I do 'think thatmost all of the other clubs have set types, don't you? Now we have all sorts of girlsin our club, well, not all kinds of girls-I don't mean. that, but-s-you know what Imean. . .' ' ..Clubs are not popular with the powers that be. They think that theclubs tendtowards undemocracy. That seems queer. When a group of individuals unselfishlyorganize for the purpose of the betterment of those left about them, this 'movementis said to tend towards undemocracy. Darwin also spoke of it as the survival of thefittest.,There are five' major clubs at this University; heaven knows what they major' in,usually all of the snap courses in the University. These clubs are, to-wit-s__ .. J480AdvertisingBuilding and ServingTo build the best car possible. Tomake it give the greatest possible satis­faction.This is the purpose of our company.We state it because we believe it willhelp us to gain and hold the favorableopinion of the public as regards our carand our methods.Our ideal is simple enough-to producethe best, to serve the best.Everyone in our Locomobile organiza­tion is working to help achieve this ideal.He is working for Locomobile quality inproduction or service.. Our policy of limited manufacture, notmore than Four Cars a Day, is one of thepractical 'steps. taken to accomplish Lo­comobile Quality.Every Locomobile employee is instruct­ed to carry out the company motto:Quality instead of quantity.Our phrase, "The Best Built Car inAmerica" is a purpose, an ideal-not aclaim of superiority.To accomplish our ideal we must sup­ply transportation of the highest quality.Our problems, then, and the functionswhich we must perform, are similar tothose of the ocean liner and the limitedexpress train.The Cunard Line, with its wonderfulrecord for both safety and speed, doesnot actually build its ships. Ordinarilythe American railroad does not build itsrolling stock. The Locomobile car iscompletely built in the Locomobile Shops.We create our car in its entirety, andfather our product indefinitely during itsuse.We design the Locomobile to be sty­lish, roomy, luxurious, efficient and aboveall, safe.After the design is worked out and ac­cepted a model car is built, which istested on the road for months. After the model car is accepted and approvedpreparations are made to build it.The Locomobile is built in limitedquantities in a plant specially designedfor quality work. It is built from se­lected materials of the highest prices andquality, and it is made by expert NewEngland mechanics.Eve�y part is tested; every group ofparts IS tested; every chassis and everycompleted car is tested. We feel that thiscoml?lete and thorough testing our prod­uct IS 'a necessary step in the workingout of our policy.Our idea .!n going to all this expensea;nd trouble IS to make every Locomobilelike every other Locomobile, down to thesmallest details that have to do with effi­ciency, comfort and safety.The completed Locomobile when deliv­ered to the owner is watched over by oneof our sixteen branch houses distributedthroughout the country. These branchhouses are dedicated to the Locomobileow�er. They are operated by mentrained and employed by the LocomobileCompany.They are stations for service, as wellas sales rooms.The word Service, so far as we know,has never been defined. Our definitionof it may be interesting.We define Service as follows: Thateffort expended by members of the Loco­mobile organization and Locomobilechauffeurs which produces the continuedsatisfaction, comfort and safety of theowner with the least possible inconven­ience and expense.Our branch house system was inaugu­rated in 1899, our first year, as an impor­tant part of our policy.The information and experience result­ing from the operation of these branchhouses has enabled us to better our carand our service every year.The Locomobile Company. of America2000 Michigan Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Phone Calumet 380481Cap and GownYou n g Lad i e s '_ C 1 ub ( Con tin u e d )E!sophoric: Name coming from the Greek phrase meaning "the elect." The objectof this club, .as the name suggests, is the maintenance of .democracy, In this club arefound many earnest workers in various causes. They are earnest, ask them if theyare not. They have a tendency to select neophytes who are still in the making andwho will be a credit to the game. This potential tense is not so common among theother organizations. It seems to imply a guileless faith in providence and humannature and not in the ability to choose.Mortar Bird: Name chosen probably through the legend of the whiffle poof, a birdwhich built a hole of mortar and there mortified himself to death. This is probably theline descending on the maternal side from that illustrious party. This club has mem­bers active in every walk 'of life, social, religious, and political. Their motto is similarto that of the Dekes, "Queen Quality." This seems to indicate a feeling on their partthat they could not have done better. It has 'been said that Balboa had the same sen­sation upon discovering the Pacific ocean; and' Jack Horner upon finding a plum in hisChristmas pie. ._ ,'.Quads: NameTs a popular rehash of the English slang phrase for a jail, i. e."Quod," a place with bars: hence a place from which others are barred, i. e., mirabledictum, a club. The members of this organization are very prominent in (---) ,(--' -), and social life of the campus. Word Quadruped in college has come tomean one who is hand in glove with the Quads. (count: two hands plus two glovesequals four in all, i. e., quadru.) The Quadrangle club house, the faculty play ground,is soon to be turned over to the Quad girls; that is, as soon as the faculty can getconcerted action among themselves.Sigbas: Word derived from Greek letter meaning S. This has been thought tohave two translations. One, "es," the German word meaning "it," thus coming tomean, "The __ ;" that is, probably meaning, hier sind wir, oder hier ist es; in otherwords, we hasten to add, here come the Sigbas. They are active in activities. Wemean they are lively, we think. That is, that is what we think we mean. They havea trade school and are mostly all in the C. and A. department, because of their indus­trial activities.Editor's Note: We did not mean to' use activities so often; we just seem to beunable to do otherwise.Ryvern: Name resulting from the expression on a man's face when he looked atthe front row bird on top of Law. Some maintain that Law was built to let theRyvern ride on top, but this is thought to be the result of inter-fraternity feeling.This organization has been prominent in the Christian life of the school, the mostfarstepping Seven League booting being done beneath the feathers of this bird's party.Their pin has four more pearls in it than the Quads.Here come ,the Honor Clubs. Very Secret. Shush! !Kalulu: A Freshman club to promote friendly feeling among the first year girlsby taking in some and leaving some out. Very successful at both. Pin is a bluequestion mark signifying the Arabian symbol for friendship. Growing more noble eachyear in order to stay in college. The club has in fact almost entirely changed its spots.Sign of the Snickle: A Sophomore proposition aroused for the purpose of assur­ing those who enter that they are competent to carryon the big business of the class.Year before last they sold rooters' caps. This year they haven't sold anything. Thepin is copied from one of the McCormick advertisements and is a simple cream ofwheat sheaf with a pair of manicure scissors and an oil can. Popularly known as theHarvesters' Union. In years gone by, all the club did was to meet in the Commonsonce a month and have dinner; this gave the impression of farm hands: hence Har­vesters' Union.Goat's Head: We know the name of this, but we won't speak of it, we are too welltrained. The club is associated with the society for the prevention of useless voices;it helps suppress questions. Its club yell is a haughty glance and glaring silencewhen the pin is mentioned; by this sign shall ye know them. ,The girls belongingto this group-care chosen for their uniformity in living up to high college standards,and they do it, too. The reason more isn't known about this club is that more cannotbe said.Gentlemen's Clubs: I have been asked to do the gentlemen's clubs, but refrain.They were done last year; this year will be devoted to recuperation.482AdvertisingJones Stokers Eliminate the Smoke NuisanceThe" coal is fed to a hopperlocated just outside of the boilerfront. It falls in front of aram plunger attached to thepiston rod of the cylinder, andis carried by' the·forward move­ment of the plunger and theblocks on a rod (located in thebottom of the retort) beneaththe fuel that was first intro­. duced. The movement of thefuel in and above the retort isupward and backward, thuschanging the formation of theentire bed of fuel every timefuel is introduced.Air for combustion is admit­ted between the green fuel andthe fire bed. The steam pres­sure itself automatically con­trols the fuel and air supply,proportioning them to each other and to varying loads in just the correct amount toobtain the most complete combustion possible from any grade of bituminous coal. Asgrates form no part of the Jones System, loss of fuel through grate bars is impossible.As combustion is commercially complete and air supply is correct, economy results andincidentally the smoke nuisance is eliminated.(See these stokers in operation in your university power plant.)Uni-uersity of Chicago, Chicago, III.,Boiler RoomI···· of AmericaThe Under-Feed Stoker CompanyHarris Trust Building CHICAGOWe're Showing Fabrics YonWon't See ElsewhereTHE SOFT. RICH TONES OF THE SPRINGGOODS ARE WONDERFULLY EFFECTIVE­DIFFERENT, DISTINCTIVE, BUT SUB·DUED,PRICES THIRTY DOLLARS TO SIXTY DOLLARSThree Stores:2S East Jackson' Boulevard71 East Monroe Street7 North LaSalle Street JerremsTailor for Young Men483III!-I I Cap and GownF�VER EPIDEMIC UNDER CONTROLGerm of Undergraduate Disease Discovered andSuccessful Treatment PrescribedBETTER CONDITIONS LOOKED FOR SOON(Special to the C. and G.)For many years, students at the U. of C. have been afflicted bya fever called the "Undergraduate Disease." It attacks studenrts in astealthy, quiet way, the result of the fever being that the studentsbecome soured 011 the University without any cause. They go aroundcomplaining about anything and everything connected with the U.,and tell how much better Iowa or Nebraska is than. Chicago. At lastthe germ has been discovered; its proper, full-fledged, pre-medic namebeing, "Make a fuss over me." The remedy, as prescribed by thosewho have recovered from the fever, is to do something, anything,tryout for something, or else run' fo» office. If you win you willrecover from your grouch on the U.; if you lose, you will be ashamedto knock an Institution in which you are not able to "make good."Business Management in the LibraryScientific Management: Hold the book you are reading on a levelwith the door, so that you lose the least possible amount of timelooking at everyone coming in the door.There is much more idle time in the Library than overtime.Unproductive Labor: Most noticeable in evening when there is noone at the desk in the middle of the room.Overhead Expense: Most noticeable after Easter.Causes of Inefficiency: When a fellow tries to study while sittingnext the person he is going to take out for a soda later on.Rubberneck parties walking down middle aisle.A group of four or five working on the same problem.Depreciation: When you can't get the book you have to read for thenext day's exam,When you pass certain people as you walk down stairs and theyride up on the elevator.-_. __ .,,-_._-_._._-----_j484AdvertisingKEEP OUT DUST AND COLD AND SOOTNinety per cent of your trouble in keeping the home comfortable and clean is caused by leakageHound windows and doors; they are provided with clearances to make them operate and it is throughthese crevices, which become larger with age, that dust and cold and soot enter your home.Chamberlin Metal Equipment protects windows and doors to make them weather-proof and at thesame time insures perfect operation.Chamberlin Equipment is all metal, is installed directly by the Company and an ironclad guarantee asto service and efficiency is given with each installation.There is nothing to wear out; the equipment once installed lasts as long as the building. It can beinstalled in either old or new buildings. No special preparation is needed for its installation.This Company contracts directly with the consumer to make a perfect workmanlike installation. Esti­. mates are made from either plans or from building and can be secured without charge or obligation byaddressing a postal card to this Company.CHAMBERLIN METAL WEATHER STRIP COMPANY570 Old Colony BuildinaBr-anch Offices in all large cities Chical1o. Ill.Pitkins se Brooks8 to 18 East Lake StreetFine Dinnerware, RichNovelties for Cut Glass,Gifts LampsatReasonable PricesU. S. CO-OPERATIVE CO.GROCERIES, MEATS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLESPHONE HYDE PARK 293·294 1337 • 1339 EAST 57th STREETFor honest weight and measure-first class goods­prompt service, try The U. S. Co-operative. Thestore owned by 300 families in the neighborhood.THE S TOR E TH A TIS SOL V I N G THE PRO B L E M 0 F THEHIGH COST OF LIVINGBOWMANDairy CompanySTANDS FOR QUALITY485Advertisin.gMossIer Co.(ttlotbe9' for (!tollege _en19 Jackson Blvd., East, ChicagoNew English SacSingle or Double.breasted models. Non­pad, without lining,silk trimmed athleticwaist coat. Price range$20 to $50. Specialvalues at $20 and $25.The Individuality of MossIer Clothes is expressed in the rare selection of fabricand pattern and the design is the result of many years of experience in producingeach season the character and style acceptable to the particular taste of College Menthroughout the United States.-Mail Orders solicited.MossIer Co.486Advertising"MossIer Clothes""MossIer Clothes" at $20Take 5 minutes any day and learn what it really means topay only $20 for "Mossier. Clothes."The "Mossier service" idea has developed an endless chainof patrons who have always paid from $25 to $50 jor their clothes.They knew that back of the "Mossier label" was style,individuality,jabric, pattern, only possible elsewhere with thehighest priced merchant tailors.It is to build a still greater business that we've created thiswonderful line of "Mossier Clothes" at $20.Others $25, $27.50, $35 and up to $50.Buy "MosslerClothes" today.MossIer Co.19 Jackson Boulevard-EastBetween State and Wabash487Cap and GownAn All Chicago Football Team as Chosen bythe Cap and Gownr. e.r. t.r. g.c.1. g.1. t.1. e.q. b.1. h. b.r. h. b.f. b.RefereePitcherCatcher1st base2d base3d bases. s.1. f.c. f.r. f. DOROTHY VANDERPOEL. No fellow would want to get by her.CORNELIA BEALL. She's good enough for both teams.CARL FISHER.GERTRUDE O'MEARA.Supported on each side by two admiring guards.RALPH STANSBURY.JANET FLANNER. She'd tackle anything.KATE SPROEHNLE. Her smile would make any fellow stop.GEORGE FISKE. Because of his marvelous ability in remem-bering the telephone numbers of 100 girls he shouldbe good in calling signalsBERNARD VINISSKY. As Athletic Editor of the "Gaboon"he surely knows how it should be done.FRED GRIFFITHS. The number of times that he has run foroffice should make him a fast "back" man.GEORGE COTTINGHAM. His face, when angry, surely wouldmake a way for him anywhere."RUBE" REHM. His association with the Honor Court, should make him a square referee.Base ball TeamVERNI BLACKETT. His ability to throw the bunk puts himbeyond competition for this job.JIMMY DYRENFORTH. Jimmy's ability for caging high ballsand catching fowls makes him an ideal catcher.CORNELIA BEALL. A first baseman must have a good reach.CRAIG REDMON. He covers lots of ground.KATHERINE BIGGINS. She at least would be an "affective"as well as an "effective" player.DOROTHY LLEWELLYN. Her extreme self-confidence willmake her a great player.EVELYN COLE. Can catch most anything.LEONA COONS. She'd be a great batter for she has the nerve.MABEL BECKER. She gets the job because she has a name-sake playing on the Philadelphia National League team.Basketball TeamEditor's Note.-After making up these teams we found six men we hadoverlooked, and so made up another team to use up all the old lumber.1. f.r. f.c.r. g.,,1. g.Substitute FRED BURKEY. President of the Sophomore Class.KENT SYKES. President of the Juniors.JAKE FERGESON. President of Snell' Hall.RUDY MATTHEWS. President of Senior Class.WILLIAM TEMPLETON. President of Freshmen.EARLE SHILTON. Head Marshal.488TELEPHONE HYDE PARK 1213 AdvertisingJ. C. VEEDER COMPANYPRINTERS915 EAST SIXTY -THIRD STREETCHICAGO, ILLINOISNATHAN C. DOW, President F. D. CARPENTER, Secy. and T'reas.Dow, CARPENTER COAL CO.OFFICE: 1215 E. Sixty-third StreetPhones: Hyde Park 219 and 220 YARDS: Seventy - first St. and III. Cent.and B. & O. TracksPhone, Hyde Park 218FINE FRUIT OUR SPECIALTY WE CARRY THE BESTSouth Shore Grocery & Market1528 East 53rd Street, N.-W. Cor. Lake AvenueThree Phones: Midway 873, 874 and 875COURTEOUS TREATMENTPROMPT SERVICEPRICES THAT ARE RIGHTWhy AreCROWN PIANOS THE PUPILS'CHOICE?Because the tone is full, round and rich, and the absolutepitch a great advantage in tr ai ning the ear. Then too, thedegree of touch, and the responsiveness of the action arever-y valuable in the development of perfect fingering.Furthermore, "CROVvN" Pianos are durably built towithstand constant practice and yet retain the original bril­liancy of tone, and responsiveness of action.Many beautiful designs from which to select YOURpiano-the construction and equipment of all styles being thesame.Call and be convinced that you can own one of thesebeautiful instruments at a moderate cost and on easy month­ly payments.GEO. P. BENT COMPANYManufacturers214-216 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III.489Oap and GownThe Medical School is noted for the lack of two things on the part ofits students, (1) the lack of an adequate sense of humor and (2), the lackof pretty girls. Lately we are forced to admit that our women have beenimproving, but this page will bear evidence to the fact that our sense ofhumor is still lacking.Dean Wells is so popular that we have decided to dedicate the MedicSection of the Cap and Gown to him. One student asked what we had itin for Dean Wells for, that we should afflict him in such manner.We used to have Dr. B. C. H. Harvey chaperon all the dances becausehe seemed to enjoy it so. He was always sitting in a corner talking to apretty girl, 'and as he confided to one of the students, "No one loves a fatCanadian, yet they all have respect for him."Dr. Matthews enjoys reading good literature, such as Don Quixote,more than teaching ignorant Medics. Who can blame him?Beware of Ajax Carlson; one of his courses meets at 7:15 and the'number of the cuts allowed is limited.Our basketball team, composed of J. Herbert Nichols and minor char­acters, made the name of "Medics" sound like "Poison" to the other teams.The only trouble with the team was that he was unable to participate inmost of the games, although he frequently aided us in our contests by actingas referee.The favorite and the pride of the Medical School is George Fiske, Jr.He is universally liked, except by those fellows whose ,lady friends havesuccumbed to George's winning ways.What do you think of the fellow that smokes cigarettes to match thecolor of his mustache? It's "Kaiser" Hallack.Beware of anything that Grigsby tries to put over. He never doesanything unless there is some graft connected with it-for him.It is said that Bert Hardinger can talk more and say less than anyman in school."Beans" Rogers: "This school is no good. You should go to Wiscon­sin." Chief noise-maker at Wisconsin-Chicago games.Did you ever see Pike when he wasn't in a hurry? He would be rushedto death if he had absolutely nothing to do.lt is said that "Sis" Harris owns the second Mona Lisa smile. Oneguess as to which famous painting most Medics own.490Advertising��.. ���������.. ��.. �.. �.. �.. �����.. �.. �..o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� � � � � � � � � � � �� �� �� �� �� �� EUGENE SHUBART FRANK D. KICHIN �� �� II SHUBART & KICHIN �� �� TAILORS �� �� �� �I i�� �� 0� �� ��. �� �� �� 63 East Monroe Street �� Ground Floor �� �� Telephones: Central 4615 �� Automatic 61-814 �� �� �� �� �� �������������������������Clli\,{�\,{�����0!Yl:O\'{�\'{)'!CJ01ill)\'{�\'{�\'{����OOOO��\'{491Cap and GownWe near the portals of the Law Building, and Mr. Ball, who alwaysrolls around to the front steps rather early, poses there and with legaleye, scrutinizes the army of fresh "make-ups as they come from the Kelly,Green, and Foster families making their way to 8: 15 classes. As we enterthe building, a group of excited followers of Blackstone are shuffling andpushing around to get a glimpse of the War Bulletin, written in red andblue by Miss Bradley. Goldberg pushes through the throng and posts anotice for basketball practice, which Miss Eldridge reads with a "here's mychance" expression. To the right is the South room, which has been madefamous by shivering property students. Bowers was immortalized in thisroom, when trying to find out whether a car ran or not, flipped a coin andsaid, "Heads it runs, tails it doesn't. (He passed.)From here the guide leads us to the North room; we are told that inthis.part of the Law building Mr. Kopald has entered into many a "mara­thonic" speech, only to be tatooed down by the students, who feared that hewould never stop. We think that Mr. Kopald would make quite a footballplayer; judging from the rough and tumble rush he made for the front seat.We next visit the lower regions, in which Mr.' Robertson assured usthat a bar is 'soon to be established, upon the improved case method. (Mostof the cases will be dismissed.) As we enter our olefactory senses are grati­fied. by a scent of pure Havana, which we trace to a hard working, bona­fide student by name of Browder, enjoying his corn-cob. It is one of hiscorporeal heriditaments.We next perform a condition precedent by walking up the steps to theLibrary, made famous by the frequent Drucker-Bronaugh debates. Herewe are introduced to the various professors, but as no names were used,you. will have to judge from some of the expressions they seem to be fondof, such as, ."You can answer that.""Suppose, Mr. ---, etc.""The scope of the obligation, etc.""Who can see? Well, that's strange;""Grant th�t; what of it, what of it?"492The Sou th ShoreTailoring Co.Not IncorporatedCLEANING, PRESSING ANDREPAIRNG NEATLY DONE1153 East Forty-seventh StreetNear Woodlwwn A've.We cater to particular people. Step inand see our Styles for Spring. We are justas near to you as your telephone. Youjust call us up and we will do the rest.CHAS. FINKELSTEIN,PROPRIETORTelephone Drexel 3626 AdvertIsingWe are undertakers manufacturing ourown caskets and funeral furnishings, andselling direct to the people. There aremany extras for which there is no charge.Ours is a "better furneralservice" at a saving ofone-third to 0 n e - hal f.Central Office and SalesroomMICHIGAN AVE. AND RANDOLPH ST.TELEPHONE CENTRAL 368D. S. SATTLER, PresidentBranches throughout the ary and EiuanstonFlorence Moore MyersjFlo\l.ler �bopCORSAGE BOUQUETSA SPECIALTY1377 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 38493CliP lind GownThe Men's CommonsThe Men's Commons, sometimes known as the University boneyard, is notedfor two. things; first, its help, and second, its helplessness. It has been suggestedthat Mr. Barrels cross the "s" off his name, as he resembles only one barrel so.far. (And a jolly-old soul was he.) It is said that many Freshmen memorize theBill of Fate/and hever have to. look at it again; it never changes. If anythingbecomes popular, it·ceases to. be served; for example, cake squares, iced tea, andfried ham" the -latter 'now resembling bacon. Th lusty-lunged "caller" makesenough noise :for himself, so. we won't talk about him. Aswe go. to. press, it hasf _ _',been suggested-that the waiters at the Commons shouldconsider their positionsas honorary, and accept points from the point system as pay instead of wages.All the waiters seem heartily in favor of the plan.LexingtonWhat about Lexington? Oh, just the same line of stuff-a-only more SQ., Foster Women Have Cold Feet in MarchDuring the first week in March the women's halls went on a strike about thefood supply. Foster women turned traitor and refused to. strike at the lastmoment, because they were afraid their dance would be called Qff for that night.Chorus from Green and Kelly: "Cowards."494jflo)lltruWE OFFER ONLY THE FRESHEST, MOSTBEAUTIFUL SPECIMENS OF EVERYVARIETY OBTAINABLEThat is why ourFlowers have wonthe reputation ofbeing the depend-able lasting kind.iIantsWe make a specialty ofPALMSFOLIAGE PLANTSFERN DISHESand the best flowering plants in their seasonsA.' McAdamsW. 'J. LA GROTTA, Proprietor1303 E. 53rd Street Telephone, Hyde Park 18AdvertisingJan. 23, '13ARTHURMIDDLETONone.of Chicago'sGreatest Bari­tones says:Cable Piano CoDear Sirs:. Allow meto state thatthe "ConoverGrand" I pur­chased of youlast year hasbeen absolutelysatisfactory.It has sustain­ed the splendidreputation givenit by your sales­man, and I donot hesitate ing i v i n g it myheartie st rec ..emmendation,VerysincerelyConover Pianos are for sale by the makersWabash and Jackson Streets CHICAGORichards, Ambler& CompanyCOAL AND COKE417 SOUTH DEARBORN STREETChicago "THE 'MASTER- MOTOR"The Chalmers SixTW9 SizesPriced at $1,800 and $2,175Five body stylesto select fromPOSITIVL Y THLAST WORD IN AUTOMOBILECONSTRUCTIONNo handsomer or better ,?srproduced at any price.Chalmers Motor Co. 0/ IllinoisMichigan Ave. at 23rd StreetCHICAGO495Cap and GownSnell HallSnell Hall, commonly known among the students as "Smell" Hall,is occupied by one single group of fellows, namely the 'biggest andI 'the worst group of sore-heads on the campus. In one quarter.. aFreshman in "Smell" will develop into one of the loudest woodpeckersin the world. In a half-hour, Snell Hall, as a body, can 'utterly con­demn and damn more people, institutions, religions, governments,members of the faculty, and dogs in the Psychology building, than allof the anarchists in the United States in ten years. Why they insiston going to school as a member of a dead class, in the rottenest in­stitution of learning, in the most god-forsaken city in this absolutelyhopeless world, is more than we can see. We would just as soon letthem jump off the pier, on a cold, dark night. There is one thingthat Snell Hall does that deserves recognition; namely, it tries toimitate Hitchcock. Let us hope that the good work continues andthen, perhaps in the distant future, the daily gathering in Snellparlor will resemble a group of College Men instead of a group of oldfogies gathered around the proverbial corner grocery store of a ham­let in central Iowa.Life in SnellGene Giard: "Well, I guess I won't take a bath tonight."Windy Waterhouse: "Why not, don't you need one?"Giard: "No, you darn fool, my bath towel is in the wash."496ENTRUST to us the making of your nextSuit or Overcoat. Then we shall becontent' to leave it to your judgment­whether or not we can produce garmentsto .meet your individuality and that will giveservice commensurate with our charges+UNLESS WE CAN PROVEIT OUR BUSINESS IS BUILTON A FALSE PREMISEWILKIE & SELLERYTAILORSSUCCESSORS TOCARVER, WILKIE & McMILLENSteger Building, Jackson Boulevardand Wabash i\venueCHICAGOTELEPHONE HARRISON 7 AUTOMATIC 67 - 392497Cap and GowoHitchcock Hall(Written by a Snellite.)"Before proud gates attending asses bray,Or arrogate with solemn pace the way."JOHN GAY: "Trivia!'Hitchcock Hall, the home of infinite imbecility and appallingassininity, is situated close to Snell Hall, the home of Nature's noblemen.But even this intimate contact with the gentlemen and scholars of Snellhas failed to have an elevating or cultivating effect upon the depravedand degenerated creatures who infest Hitchcock.*The very building seems to have a very detrimental influence uponits inhabitants, if such a thing is possible. No man has ever been knownto reside in this House of Bedlam for more than an hour without suffer­ing a complete loss of intellect and all the qualities which characterizethe manly man. It must be said, however, that the baleful influence ofthis conglomeration of stone and mortar is not entirely responsible forthe pitiful condition of these God-forsaken mortals. It merely makesthe bad worse, for truly, a more motley group of undesirable citizenscould scarcely be gathered together. Some idea of the penetratingmiasma, which permeates the unholy precincts, may be gained by recall­ing to mind the fact that for many years the poor, spineless, rattle­brained specimens of humanity, who have been put through the test offire in Snell Hall and hav'e been found wanting in the attributes of realmanhood, have had a ready refuge among the rest of their kind inHitchcock. Why the men of Snell tolerate the existence of this foul mireis incomprehensible to anyone familiar with the conditions .. But it isonly fair to state that occasionally the situation does become unendurable,and then the avenging hosts of Snell descend upon these utterly repulsivecreatures, and send them scurrying, like a swarm of terrified rats, to theshelter of their gloomy holes. Then, for a time at least, the "attendingasses!' cease to "bray, or arrogate with solemn pace the way."* Anyone knowing the characteristics of the Snellites can easilyapprehend the reason why.EDITOR'S NOTE.-:-The preceding article, written by a Snellite, makesone appreciate the old saying about the folly of casting pearls beforeswine.498AdvertIsingTel. Calumet 4134 E. R. WilcoxAutomatic 63-382 M. J. WilcoxWilcox BrothersVulcanizing Guaranteed1308 Michigan AvenueChicago, IllinoisFort Wayne, Ind.Louisville, Kv ,Holmes Bakery and DelicatessenEverybody knows how goodall our eats areFrench Pastrys, Salads, and everythingfor your Parties and LuncheonsHyde Park 3789 1317 East 63rd Street499Cap and Gown"The U n iv e r si ty Gra veyard"North, South and Middle DThese three halls are taken together because they are all thesame, saving only a difference in degree, the further down the lineyou go the worse you find them. North Hall is occupied by instruc­ors or "upstart professors," whose salaries are not large enough 'toenable them to run a happy home. Since these fellows all expect toget a raise soon and then settle down, they are not an entirely hope­less set, and they can be endured by outsiders for a short period oftime without a serious or lasting injury to said outsiders, providedthey are not given an opportunity to talk about their prospectivehome life. But this is only the morgue that precedes the grave­yard, and as you travel on down to Middle D. you begin to get a touchof real life in a cemetery. This might be called the purgatory be­tween the two extremes. When a fellow enters Middle D., he becomesinvolved in a fierce conflict as to whether he shan take the upwardpath to North Hall and thus be saved to the world, or whether heshould take the downward path to South D. and so bury himself for­ever from the world, in a Prince Albert coat and a telephone post lid.But if there is such a place as a final resting place for the deadthat place of interment certainly is South D. A single sign of lifeis as foreign to South D., as is a sense of humor to a divinity stu­dent, or as divinity students in the White City ball room on nightswhen other U. people are likely to see them. "Dirt to dirt, ashes toashes, dust to dust," is one of their favorite quotations, and verily wesay unto you, "Enter South D. and you will choke on the Dust."500AdvertisingTHEY'RE ALL STEEL- Are all those cars of the Daylight Special train betweenChicago and Springfield and. St. LOl.JjS. All steel, from theirsingle-piece steel platforms and underframes, connected bybuilt-up steel girders, on through their steel superstructureframe work covered and reinforced by heavy, rolled steel,riveted side plates. In short, all structural features of solidsteel, making an indestructible train. Hence enroutebetweenCHICAGO AND ST. LOUISone may not only experience a feeling of security, but one ofevenness of motion as - the ride is made over a perfect roadbedin the solid, substantial, handsome and up-to-date Daylight Spe­cial of theILLINOIS CENTRALOn the night train, Diamond Special, between Chicago and St.Louis, one's "Beauty Sleep," so highly prized and defined by lexi­cographers as being the first sleep of the night, will be enjoyed tothe full, and a continuation of the beauty sleep throughout thenight is assured, owing to the train's up-to-date accommodationsin the way of heavy, steady-riding, open-section, drawing-roomand comp�rtment sleeping cars and free reclining chair car, eachof which are ofSOLID ALL-STEEL CONSTRUCTIONR. J. Carmichael, D. P. A.City Ticket Office, 76 West Adams St. Phones: Central 6270; Automatic 64·472501Cap and GownFrom the "Complect Ecologist"Issued occasionally by the Botany 34 Class.A· Passing FancyBy Bo TIN NEEYou may go without your bonnet,Wear your pigtail down your backWith a ribbon. tied upon it,Take your luncheon, in a sack,Don a waist that's out of fashion,And a coat that's full of holes;But this much I'll put my cash on,Naught's too radical for Cowles.You may wear your skirts divided,Mount a dune hind side before,Put your collar on one-sided,And he'll only like you more.You can smoke up after dinner,You may swear to save your souls,But no matter what a sinner,You can't put a crimp in Cowles.Leave your frills and paint and powder,Let the snakes and skeeters bite,Shout the Latin names out louder, *Grip your maps and pencils tight.You must climb trees like a monkey,March along o'er bogs and knolls,You must hurry though you're chunky,'L] you'd have an A from Cowles.*Not absolutely necessary, but we needed the rhyme.PersonalsMr. Merle C. Coulter, who is often present on our field trips, spent lastFriday night in Gary, Indiana. We have no idea what his important busi­ness in Gary might be, but it seems to take a good deal of his time.Miss Alta Fisher has a new pair of shoes. They are unusually soft andpliable, and win shed water. When interviewed, Miss Fisher expressedherself as entirely satisfied with .them.Old King CowlesLeads the jolly old souls,­And jolly old souls they be,­Over the hills,And over the holes,With their lunch and their editors three.502Advertishlg'The generous patronage which we have enjoyed during the past jiveyears we consider as an endorsement r.if our hi'ghstandard r.if ff2Jtality and StylesShirtsGlovesHats NeckwearPajamasHoseRYAN'S MARKET1- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL943 East 55th StreetMEATS SOLD AT WHOLESALE TO ALLHOTELS, RESTAURANTS and CLUBSTel. Mid. 6879 H. P. 3760The Great Business Training SchoolBusiness Men Prefer Employes with Practical Training. Each year our Employment Bureau receivesover three thousand (3,000) applications from business houses for Bookkeepers, Stenographers, etc. Letus Qualify You for Success.BUSINESS COURSE: Bookkeeping, Business Arithmetic,' Letter Writing, Commercial Law, Penmanship,Methods and Forms; Rapid Calculating, Business Spelling.STENOGRAPHIC COURSE: Munson Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Business Spelling, Practical Gram­mar, Office Practice, Legal Forms, etc.Hours 9 a. 'm, to 3 :30 p. m.Summer Term begins July 6, 1914. Special rate of $15.00 for July and August. Normal Course forthose desiring to teach Commercial Branches.. Credits allowed for : Bookkeeping or Stenographic work donein High School. Call, write or telephone Wentworth 2227 for Booklet.METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE63rd Street and Princeton Ave�lUe Students may enter any timeRosalie Music Hall57th St. and Harper AvenueFOR RENT FOR DANCES, ENTERTAINMENTS, ETC.H� C. EDMONDSTelephone Central 1512 115 S. La Salle Street503Cap and Go .... n - "'-'�--""----"�"-lII,IIIThe University ArmyIn the event of a war with Mexico, or some other puncture in the tireof the Golden Car of Progress, we have selected the following forces torepresent the University:Gener�l--BERNARD VINISSKy-Of the Hitchcock Light Brigade.Colonel--FRED CROL�Very dexterous with a sword.Captain-JoHN HENDERSON-Possessor of an Iron Nerve.Lieutenant-CRAIG REDMON-Who will serve as fortifications.Corporal--HOLGER LOLLESGARD--Reinforcing Redmon-from the rear.Trumpeter-CHESTER BELL (late of Europe)-Who will blow his own horn.Color Bearers-OSCAR and JAMES,Signal Corps-LAMBDA TAU RHO (danger).Nurses-KALAILU-"Oh, to be wounded!"Flag Staff-SHORTY DES JARDIEN.Cook-NICK CARTIGAN-Of 55th Street.Assistant COOkS-UNDERGRADUATE COUNCI�Bound to have a finger ineverything.Staff Correspondent-HARRY GORGA8--'-Who will report the battles inadvance.Charge d' Affaires�HARRY O'NEILIr-'-Fo;t: forensic ability.Drummer-JOHN C. MORRISON-Of Messler's.Spies-REPoRTERS OF DOWN TOWN PAPERS.PrivatesBURDETTE MAST !I�IIIIi!LEFTY BAUMGARTNER Weapon of AttackClass PipeBaseballVaudeville SkitsSTELLAN WINDROWLON PAYNE ...ALEC SQUAIRJAMES DYRENFORTHERLING LUNDE . IIrII_ .. _�_� � __ �_" . __ � ... _._ .. _�� ._. __.- _J"Sweet Miee' Mary"Indian ClubMonocleNorse DialectSixteen Pound ShotMegaphoneNELSON NORGREN •RUDY MATTHEWS •Add yourself and pick up your own weapon, you all have one.504A d v e r t t ... t n gWashtngtonfattk lllattonat BankSixty-Third Street and Evans Avenue.CHICAGO, ILLINOISONE BLOCK WEST OF COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEResources Over Two Million Dollars3%' INTEREST ON. V SAVINGS DEPOSITS'Undr, JIJlntt �Upfttutston of tbr UnUrd �tatrs 00ufttnmrnt, THE ONLY NATIONAL BANKIN THIS PART OF CHICAGOTHAT AFFORDS YOU THISPROTECTION FOR YOUR SAV­INGS ACCOUNT .. Safety Deposit Vaults, offering absolutesecurity, at a cost of less than one centa day.Open Saturday Evenings6:30 to 8:30505Adwertising�bc <!tcntral J)pbc lark tiankTHREE PER CENT. PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTSSteel Lined Burglar and Fire Proof Vaults,$3.00 per YearW. K. YOUNG & BROj.BANKERSFifty-fifth Street and Blackstone AvenueChicagoFashionable TailorsFor ,Young Men"'IC)WAV 71,We carry a large assortment of Imported andDomestic Fabrics, and make a specialty of satisfying ourcustomers. Our Clothes are fashioned for every occasion.Dependable trimmings. Pressing gratis first season.AGENTS FOR RAINCOATS Open evenings.THEMOORE & HARRINGTON CO.IMPORTING TAILORS1216 East. Sixty-third StreetChicagoJ. C. MOORE, President506'�REDWIIG �,��������!�EJrelished by the little ones than .'this new grape juice with the •better flavor, Made from high­est quality, perfectly. f res hgrapes, right from thegreat Con cor d Grape'Belt. No water, preserva­tives or coloring matteradded, Just the freesweet juice of the heartof the Grape - meIJow,rich and delicious in fla­vor.• In perfectly clean bot-;" '" tles W,ith the con, venientself - opening, top, No-opener needed,- }\I�t try it .once your-,self; give it to the.children,Red'Wlng.Grape Juice Is'sold for 10. 20. 30. 55cts: East of the Rockies.VVhen you buy GrapeJuice ask for RedWing - insist on thebrand that insures theu t m 0 s t in purity,quality and grapeygoodness. Write forbooklet containing re­cipes for many daintygrape delicacies that d e­light both guests andhome folks, Its free.Puritan Food Productsce., Inc.Fredonia. N. Y.507 At ChicagoHARRY L. RASKINIS known to all fraternitymen as the DependableTailor.In four years he hasdoubled his plant and bysuperior workmanship andindividual attention toC!tollrgr IMrnhas attained the confidenceof. �cores, of Chicago men.His clothes retain .th e i rshape; ate durable; the styleis exclusive; and the price isright. Stop in and look overhis fabrics of English, Scotchand American Make.Harry L. Raskin5525 KENWOOD AVE.HYDE PARK 47061361 E. 55th Street Telephone H. P. 812AdvertisingPHONE HYDE PARK 526R.M.GRAYPRESCRIPTIONDRUGGISTCorner Fifty·fifth Street andKenwood AvenueCHICAGOCANDYSODACIGARSANOTHER WINNERSTEBBINS QUALITY CUTLERY IS BLAZING ATRAIL WITH SATISFIED USERSARE YOU ONE OF THEM?You are now given an opportunityto be one.This handsome Getman Silver PocketKnife has proved to be the most popularknife with the students, both women andmen;. just right for hand-bag or vestpocket; has two very fine blades and anail file; in a neat leather casePrice . . . . . $1.00SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDALL MAIL ORDERS FILLED POSTPAIDStebbins Hardware ce..15 W. Van Buren Street CHICAGO-.CONFECTIONSFrozen CreamsandSpecialtiesCHICAGO, ILLINOISJ. H. McNEILLYCONFECTIONER1153 E. 63 rd St.Telephone Hyde Park 1969FLORIST1155 E. 63 rd STREETTelephone Hyde Park 1587l Ice Cream, Candies, Sherbetsand FrappeIce Cream Parlors1153.and 1155 E. 63rd St.508Advertising:e:=::3:BEI:3'HE3BE3BEC:3':HE:=::3:H:!Iunitfn of w4t 1\rt��CLEANERS AND DYERS OFEVERYTHING- 'IT &0, WWl'an & CO.Scbultz, l' a\erl�a. .. -- h J Hyde Park 144Two Pones 1 Hyde Park 145Main Office and Works-822-24 E. 63rd Street -WE DO OUR .oWN WORKIN ONE OF THE MOSTMODERNLY BUILT ANDUP-TO-DATE PLANTSIN THE MIDDLE WESTIf You Want Good Work and Prompt ServicePHONE USWe call and deliver to anypart of the cityWe also do general repairing and pressing ofLadies and Gents Garments .SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT OF TOWN ORDERSOur specialtyTHE FINEST OF FABRICS--:- Naptha ProcessE::=:3:BEI:3'HE3BE3HIE:3':HE::=:3:509Advertl�lngFEDERAL LIFE INSURANCECOMPANY, Chicago, Ill.ISAAC MILLER HAMILTON, PresidentUNEXCELLEDLIFEACCIDENTHEALTHPOLICIESSome Life Polictes have DO UBLEINDEMNITY and TOTAL DIS­ABILITY provisions.Some Accident and Health Policies haveNATURAL DEATH BENEFITSWe believe the Life, Accident and Health In­surance business offers fine opportunities to am­bitious students of the University of Chicago whodesire to devote some part of their time in a gainfuloccupation. If interested, see or writeF. H. O. BIERMANN, Distric;t Maoager6051 DREXEL AVENUE A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FORSTUDENT AGENTSRepresent an Insurance Company that hasAge and StabilityProfitable Work DuringSpare TimeRates gi�en on application toMETROPOLITAN' BRANCH115 So. Dearborn St. Phone Centr�r6263Suite 800GEO. F_. LUSTLOCAL MANAG.ER�, 'National Life Insurance' Companyof United States of AmericarOrganized 1868Dearborn Chemical Co.MANUFACTURERS OFBoiler Feed Water TreatmentScientifically prepared to suit wa­ter conditions shown by analysis.HIGH-CLASS LUBRICANTSFOR ALL PURPOSESSpecialists on water analysisand testing of fuels and oils.OjJice and LaboratoryMcCormick Building, Chicago, Ill.Telephone Harrison, 3930 Van De Bogert � RossRET AIL DRUGGISTSEastman KodaksCrane StationeryEvelyn Cold CreamWynona Benzoin LotionColgate Toilet GoodsPalmer's 'PerfumesHospital SuppliesVaccinesSerumsRubber GoodsSquibb ChemicalsParke Davis Pharmaceuticals1000 EAST SIXTY-THIRD STREETPhones: Hyde Park 254 and 255CHICAGO510AdvertisingALL STEEL NO STOP SPECIALAN INDESTRUCTIBLE STEEL TRAIN WHICH HASMADE CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS TRAVEL A PLEASURE.LOUNGE GRILL CAR SERVICE AFFORDS YOU ALLTHE CONVENIENCES OF YOUR CLUB. TAKE THEc. & E. I.(Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad)To ST. LOUIS•• NOS TOP" SPECIAL LEAVES DEARBORN STATIONAT 11:59 P.M. SUPERBLY EQUIPPED MORNING AND EVE­NING TRAINS TO ST. LOUIS. SOUTH SIDE •STATIONS AT 47th ST. AND ENGLEWOOD. II"The Noiseless Route" ••.J. F. GOVAN,General Agent, Passenger Department108 w. ADAMS ST., CHICAGOLounge Grill Serroice.Midnight Luncheon and Breakfast.HYDE PARK PRINTINGCOMP ANY, Not IncorporatedFor Field-Wild Fowl or Trap Shooting­made to suitany requirement-,Our Hammerless 20 GaugeRepeater No. 200r:� ",;J/�'�I'�""""'��6 0"",vi, DESIGNERS AND PRODUCERS OF'THEBETTER GRADE OF MODERN JOB, COM­MERCIAL AND SOCIETY PRINTING.COLOR PRINTING A SPECIALTY1223 E. FIFTY FIFTH ST. CHICAGOPROGRAMSANNOUNCEMENTSAND STATIONERYFORFRATERNITIES AND COLLEGEORGANIZATIONS·'20 Gauge From Front Sight toButt Plate" -�The limit is off -use any length of shell. 2�inch for small birds -� inch and 3 inch forducks or clay targets,SeC \' our Deater about STEVENS 20 Gauge Repeater C. O. PETERSON, Prop.TELEPHONE HYDE PARK 3556J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMeANYP. O. Box 5005CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS.511ARTHUR'S 52.00 HATSTOP NOTCHERS FOR STYLEThree Stores109 S. Dearborn St. 53 W. Randolph St.34 W. Van Buren St.We call and deliver work Telephone Midway 3955A. Weinstein'sSHOE REPAIR SHOPMen's half soles, sewed 75cLadies' half soles, sewed 60c 944 E. 55th Street, Near Elli.!' Ave., CHiCAGOM. E. Fitzgerald & Co.MAKERS OF GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTSChicagoPhone Hyde Park 3764 1231 East Fifty-Fifth StreetTH. DR[lX[lL TAILOR.CLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55th Street Telephone Hyde Park 2137ChicagoEX-GOVERNOR DUNNE SAYS: Best Picture Shows in Hyde ParkARE AT THEldferson ann [AIJooDlawn€:beatresJENKINS BROTHERSEstablished 1890Dry Goods and Men's FurnishingsRight Goods - Right PricesRight Treatment "63rd �t. and University Ave.NAGLE'STHE CATERERFancy Creams, Ices, and Salads of all kindsFRAPPES A SPECIALTYTelephone Hyde Park 102 1450 East 57th StreetMICHELI'SSPAGH.ETTI RAVIOLIFAMOUS ITALIAN RESTAURANT750 DINNER 750 Singing IYou have tried the rest-now get the best atL __. __ ":I�H:�:r�:t��::���:� A �e. and :. ::�!Ia�et��=::::!;m!a:i�o� �::�e_�� __ ._ JMusic512AdvertisingYOUR OWN BOOKPLATEAND 1,000 GUMMED LABELS$5.00NCLUDING oneoriginal drawing,printing plate in­corporating yourown design, classnumerals, classseals or fraternityemblem.C. A. LongabaughDESIGNER1301 Pontiac Building 542 S. Dearborn St.Phone Harr. 7711 CHICAGOThe Chicago LiteraryMonthlyPUBLISHED MONTHLY DURING THECOLLEGE YEARA MAGAZINE WITH TRUE LITERARYMERITlOc Per Copy513AdYertisingTHIS SPACE RESERVED, FORThe Holland Press506 SOUTH DEARBORN STREETTELEPHONE HARRISON 2507514AdvertisingThis Space ReservedforEdward C. Plume c:417 South Dearborn StreetTelephone - Harrison 6026515AdvertisingPhone Hyde Park 1069Miss Hannah M. HartLADIES' HAIRD�ESSING AND MANICURING PARLORSElectric Scalp Treatment and Facial Massagea specialty. Marcel Waving1411 E. 55th Street CHICAGOJOS.· SCHMIDT956 East 55th StreetTENNIS GOODS Imported and DomesticLine of CigarsStationeryToilet ArticlesFine Line ofCandy CigarettesBOX TRADE A SPECIALTYLake Garage and Maohlne Shop5414 - 16 LAKE PARK AVENUEAUTOS STORED CARS FOR RENTGeneral Machine Work. Expert Auto Repairing.ALL ,wORK GUARANTEED STRICTLY HIGH CLASSPI!l IHIIEUIIIIlJ PROPIUBTORS. M. HUNTER & CO.5643-45 Harper Ave.GENERAL CONTRACTORSCarpentry, Masonry, Concrete, Alterations, General Building,Repairs and RemodelingWE ALSO MANUFACTURE AUTOMOBILE TURNTABLESEFFICIENCY PROMPTNESS RESPONSIBILITY516FOR THE LOVE OF MISSOURI�.�- .. t1.�. '· tf,1;�.:.fl; ,-- .' .\JOHN DOUGHTY, LL. B.University of MissouriMANAGERFIDELI'"£YChicago's Slowest Laundry849 East 63rd Street AdvertisingRos� �h�atttical \tostum�\tompanl}Manufacturers and Importers ofMasquerade and TheatricalCostumesST AGE GOWNS A SPECIALTYHeadquarters for Minstrel Show Costumes. ElegantNew Stock of Sanitary Costumes and WigsF or Sale or RentFULL DRESS SUITS FOR RENT OR SALE116-118 N. State St. Phone Central 7874Opposite Marshall Field's Main Entrance30 Years Professional ExperienceCome and See us19 W. Van Buren Street736 E. 63rd St. (just west of Cottage Grove Ave.)202 E. 39th Street·807 E. 63rd St. (just east of Cottage Grove Ave.)744 E. 47th Street1058 E. 43rd StreetPATRONIZELUNCH ROOMS DRESS SUITSTo Rent and For Sale��BIQ aUIIII!J� BRANDDRESS SUITS EXCLUSIVELYThey are designedand made under myown supervision.I Sell Dress Suits For$20 to $75T. C. SchaffnerDRESS SUIT SPECIALIST130 N. State StreetFIELD'S OPPOSITE USCHICAGOOpen All NightCATERING TO YOUR WANTSSERVING ONLY THE BESTAT REASONABLE PRICES517AdvertisingGENTS FURNISHING GOODSBILLIARD HALLCIGARS AND CIGARETTES HATS, GLOVES, ETC.JAMES E. COWHEY1001,1003 E. 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 3758NYDEN &- THUNANDERPainters and Decorators2960 Michigan Ave. CHICAGO Telephone Douglas 1856Fraternity Jewelry, Leather Goods, College Novelties, Embossed Stationery Wedding Invitations, Calling CardsBROCHON ENGRAVING CO.616 MALLERS BUILo.lNGTelephone Randolph 3163 ChicagoCHAS. C. CORMANYDealer in High Grade DelicaciesLUNCHES SERVEDAT ALL HOURS1313 East 57th Street Ph one MicV\ay 2830FRANK J. O'BRIEND,ecoratingaiD �':-ST .6JRD STREET HYDE PARK 1357"CGLLEGE MEN AND WOMENYOU CAN EARN $50 TO $150 MONTHLY TAKING SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR USFor Particulars address :H. E. SMITH. PresidentTHE MAGAZINE CIRCULATION COMPANY333 S. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGOWILLIAMSHOME MADECANDIES1133 East 55th Street. Phone Hyde Park 2433East End Popcorn ShopH. E. HAY ENS1162- East 63rd Street518Ad,'ertlsingPure Air a Blood PurifierBad air promotes industrial inefficiencyand disease, also stupefies the mind. Thetoilet room has long been looked upon asthe plague spot of the building.PLUNKETT CHEMICAL COMPANYInsures a pure air and cleanly conditionby use of theirSanoform-Hydro-Clean method.For the past seven years these productshave brought pure air and lessened thedanger of infection in the toilet roomsof hundreds of large office buildings, ho­tels, clubs, railroad depots, factories, andschools. If the conditions are NOT asyou would wish them, put it up to us.The University of Chicago uses ourSanoform-Hydro-Clean method for thesanitary care of their toilet rooms andconsiders it the best they have ever used.Plunkett Chemical Co.2241-43 Cottage Grove Ave.Chicago, Ill.Telephone Calumet 1517FRITZ SCHOULTZ & CO.Theatrical and MasqueradeCostumesFOR SALE, TO ORDER AND FOR RENTTheatrical Accessories19 W. LAKE STREETCHICAGOTELEPHONE CENTRAL 1765 AUDITORIUM HOTELWM. SCHAFFER, ManagerSituated on Chicago's most fashionableBoulevard. Unobstructed view of GrantPark and Lake Michigan. Unrivalled asa summer and winter hotel. Within fiveminutes' walk of the postoffice, the lead­ing theatres and business centers. Recentimprovements made at a cost exceeding$300,000. Cuisine and Service unexcelled.RATES PER DAY$2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Single$3.00 and $4.00 DoubleWITH PRIVATE BATH$2.50 to $4.00 Single$5.00 and $6.00 DoubleBanquet Facilitiesfor Parties from1 to 1000MICHIGAN BOULEVARD AND CONGRESS ST.CHICAGOFROMANTRY.'0 F"RONT--PORCHCLEAR THROUGH cl'THE HOUSE THERE t�sAHUNDptt etol�iJt1�cl ManyU ....and Full Direction.on Large Sifter Can lOc519AdvertisingTAILORTOCOLLEGE MENHere the college man mayhave his individual tastes indress embodied in the veryfinest custom tailored gar­ments.Our exclusive showing ofimported woolens offers anextremely wide selection.Our well established patron­age from the ultra discrimina­tive college man is a most'convincing recommendationfor our tailoring.Specialists in apparel forformal occasions.The Richard W. FarmerCompany16 WEST JACKSON BLVDCHICAGO520AdvertisingGLADSTONE HOTEL(Formerly The Vendome)62nd ST. AND MONROE AVE.CHICAGOq An ideal stopping place for Auto,mobile Tourists. The restaurant andgrill room service surpasses that ofany other South Side hostelry.q MODERATE RATES. Roomwith detached bath, one person $1.00and $1.50 per day. Room with pri­vate bath, one person $1.50 and $2.00per day. For two persons $2.50 and$3.00 per day. Two and three roomsuites at proportionally low rates.Special rates on request.q A complete information bureau is maintainedfor the convenience of our guests.q A quiet. homelike, transient and residential hotelexclusively for first-class clientage. Recentlyremodeled and refurnished at a cost of over$100,000.00. Chicago's newest hostelry. Afireproof structur'e- 400 rooms with private bath,single or en suite. Conducted on the Europeanplan. Cuisine and service par excellence.ALEX. DRYBURGH,President and General ManagerFECHER & McGAVOCK1014 AND 1016 EAST 63RD STREETPHONES MIDWAY 2324 AND 2325Cash Grocery and MarketThe Best of Meats and Groceriesat the lowest pricesOUR SERVICE THE BCgT521AdvertisingPhone Randolph 1841Automatic 41-323E. T. Hadover & CO.ManufacturingJEWELERSMakers of Skull and Crescent BadgePowers Building37 S. Wabash' AvenueChicago, Illinois WAGNER'SPOPULAR_illinrrp �bopTWO STORES1024 EAS-T 63rd STREETBetween Greenwood and Ellis Avenue644 EAST 63rd STREETNear Langley AvenueSTYLE AND QUALITYAT POPULAR PRICES"A Bank for Everybody"Is a motto we try to realizeWe have an equipment completein every detail: our financialstrength is unquestioned.To have and to hold the con­fidence of our regular patrons andto secure new ones by efficientservice is our earnest endeavor.Nearest Bank to the UniversityRESOURCES $2,000,000WOODLAWN TRUST& SAVINGS BANK1204 EAST 63rd STREET522AdYertising523Ad"ertisingHydt Park HotdHyde Park Blvd. and Lake Park AvenueCHICAGOACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE HANDSOMESTHOTEL SOUTH OF THE LOOPInspection of our Tea Room is invitedPHONE US FOR RATESHYDE PARK 530USEFOLDWELL. COATED BOOKFOR CATALOGUES BOOKLETS AND FOLDERS524Advertisingnull.Amrrirnu�tylr!1DESIGNED and EXECUTEDFor the man of "average"build who calls himself"easily fitted" distinctionin dress is pre-eminentlyimportant.Individuality is a greatpersonal asset. Protect andpreserve it by having usmake your clothes. Wecharge you no more than ischarged for stock clothes ofequal fabrics.$30 $35 $40Noble D. Soper41st and Cottage Grove Ave.Other Stores105 S. Dearborn St.1047 Wilson Ave.SENATOR ALBERT BEVERIDGE says: "For the young man entering businesslife in the present day there is no better incidental equipment than a good wardrobe,fashioned by a good merchant tailor."HERBERT KAUFMAN says: "No matter how far breeding, good connections, orpersonality may carry you, careful draping by a good tailor will take you just a bitfarther, in both business and social life."52fiAc1"crtis,ing'The Big 3PALACES OF REFINEDAMUSEMENT<!ElliS €:beatre LANGLEYHIPPODROMEExclusiveFeaturesFIRST RUN FILMSDREXELPHOTOPLAYPALACE REFINEDVAUDEVILLEADMISSION lOeEllis AvenueNear 63rd St.63rd St. and Drexel Ave.fl3 Playedl,rj the Leading OrchestrasTHANKS�g�LOBST[R[Nerci au ffomard)ONE OR TWO-STEP OR TANGO. CLARENCE JONES.Plano .50tlrchestre (10 part5}75Frank K.Root (3 CO.CHICAGO NEWYORK WHERE EVER DANCE MUSICIS USED THESE PIECES AREPLAYEDThanks for the LobsterHesitation WaltzDream Waltz! One Wonderful Night WaltzIn Search of a HusbandOne Step, Tango, etc.Wopular §ongsAlice of Old VincennesDiane of The Green VanJust Like The Rose You GaveIf I Could Only can You MineCALL AT OUR STOREAND HEAR THEMMcKinley Music Co.55th Street and Harper AvenueChicagoAdvertisingTHEDAILY MAROONA TRULY LIVE NEWSPAPER"WHICH EVERY STUDENTSHOULD ENJOYThe only official Daily Newspaperat the UniversityMake Yourself a SubscriberUNTIL OCTO BER 24, 1914$2.00FOR THE YEAR527A d v.e r t i " i n gWm. L. KoehneOfficial Photographer forThe Cap and Gown 1914Particular attention given toUniversity of Chicago studenrsThe Koehne Studio15th FloorMonroe Building104 South Michigan AvenueOpposite the University Cluo528THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOTHE WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER MEMORIAL LIBRARYThe Organization of the University includes the Graduate School of Arts and Liter­ature: the Ogden (Graduate) School of Science: the Colleges (Senior and Junior) ofArts, Literature, and Science: the Divinity School: the Law School: Courses in Medi­cine; the School of Education: the College of Commerce and Administration.FACULTY AND EQUIPMENT.-The faculty numbers three hundred and thirty-seven,offering instruction in twenty-seven departments and four professional schools: thelibrary contains 389,945 volumes and 200,000 pamphlets. The University campus coversabout twelve city blocks.The University year is divided into quarters: the Autumn (October to December) ;the Winter (January to March): the Spring (April to Mid. June): the Summer (Mid.June to August). Students are admitted at the opening of each quarter: graduationexercises are held at the close of each quartter.The Summer Quarter of the University commends itself especially to teachers andprofessional men. Full University credit is given for courses attended during thisquarter, and in this wav the residence necessary for obtain-ing a degree may be com­pleted. A special pamphlet covering the courses for the Summer Quarter is issued inthe Spring and will be sent on request.Every department and group of allied departments issues its own circular descrip­tive of the courses. These circulars may be had upon application.DEGREEs.-In the Graduate Schools are conferred the degrees of Doctor of Philoso­phy and Master of Arts or Science; in the Colleges, the degrees of Bachelor of Arts,of Science, or of Philosophy: in the Divinity School, the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity,Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosonhv ; in the Law School, the degrees of Doctorof Law and Bachelor of Law; in the School of Education, the degrees of Bachelor ofArts, Literature, or Science, in Education. ,FELLOWSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, STUDENT SERVICE, ETC.-By virtue of endowments andspecial appropriations, fellowships and honor scholarships and service afford stipendsor free tuition to a number of able and deserving students.Detailed Information on RequestTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago, Illinois529r AdvertisingCollege Engravings, .Co-opera te in our offices and factory1 to produce the very finest art' and''. engravings-��I�OO- sq. ft. of R:oor spacedevoted �-entlr:el)j to�, photo-engraving.Jaijn � 01ti�- En 'fa�ing Co.'1 'I i Main f i ce and Factory554 West Adams Street .. ' ChicagoLargest Htgh-Gr adePlant MakingCollege Annual Plat es ,e�ranc� �ceJ ,'i>a17enport. 'Z>e'.r Moi;'e.r 'JIIfinneapoliJ'530A (I v e l' tis I n gNothing contributes more to the finisbedbook t!zan a 'Well-printed pictureThe College Annual touches closer the activities of the student� body and teachers than does any other publication of the school.It is a reflector of the school life and all that it implies. To sendforth such a representative so that it will be a credit to the schooland a good advertisement, it must be dressed in a manner befit­ting its mission. It should never look common. It should mirrorin its make-up the best in quality of stock and binding, with pagesprinted in such a manner as will emphasize the best achievementof the printing art. Remember it is your printer who gives effectto the labor of photographer and paper maker.Therefore the selection of your printer is all important.CASTLE-PIERCE PRINTING CO.Printers oj College AnnualsOSHKOSH WISCONS.IN, PRINTERS AND BINDERS OF THE CAP AND GOWN 1913-1914531IL �.-. -- .. -�.---.