The CjIP& GOWN: 1902&he CAP and GOWN19020Volume VII0Published Annually under the Directionof the Order of the Iron Mask ofthe University ofChicagoPrologue0Curtain again. Well, well ! Here's thanks to you.For lo! It rises on the self=same boardsIt's risen on these six years; the paste=board swords,Profs, gilded youth, tableaux, and maidens too,All these you've seen before:— acted anew,The same old comedy. The same old words,Gestures in air, and tunes, and supes, and lordsCrave your applause — in annual review.They thank you and they greet you, and they knowThey can repay you, even amuse you. ForThey are real actors on their little stage,And enter, hand on heart, lined up in row,Kissing their fingers to you, auditor.—Make way, then! Bow the prologue off the page.ooMR®. EMMONS BLASMEWSaos© generosity has mad©possible theScfo<B©ll ©f EfeoEticm and tbe Uaivecsity C©Ml©gethis book is i*ssp0oiifusl!:y©0dfcflz£<2<$§>$8M$&i $ Amass &IlESKiKEnTHE Managing Editors desire to express their appreciation of the assistancegiven by the members of the Editorial Board. This issue of The Capand Gown inaugurates a new system of selection of editors, according towhich appointments are not made, as formerly, by the Managing Editors, butby the student societies themselves. The Managing Editors adopted thismethod of selection in the hope of securing the ablest assistants possible, aswell as in the desire to make, the interests of the book the interests of the studentbody. They have realized their hope to such an extent that it has been necessary for them merely to direct the work of compilation and to edit the book ascollated by the chairmen of the various committees. The Cap and Gown ofNineteen Hundred Two is thus the product of the student body of the University of Chicago.This is the first issue of the Cap and Gown in which there appears no professional artistic- or literary-work. The Managing Editors therefore cordiallythank those artists and authors of the campus who have contributed to thesefeatures; also those who have aided by suggestion and whose names do notappear on eiiher the Staff of Artists or Board of Editors; and those connectedwith the Faculty of the University who have placed records at the command ofthe editors.In using maroon as a cover for the Cap and Gown of Nineteen HundredTwo, the Managing Editors intend to set that color as the conventional coverfor this and subsequent issues.OSw>OQOWanThe DecennialThe Founding of the University0N 1855 Stephen Arnold Douglas founded the first university establishedin Chicago. For a campus he gave ten acres of land, bounded byCollege Place, University Place, Cottage Grove Avenue and RhodesAvenue; and here in 1857 the University of Chicago opened, its doors.Rev. John C. Burroughs was the first president. The financial historyof the institution, always troubled, came to an end in 1886 when theproperty was seized by an insurance company under foreclosure proceedings. At a meeting of Baptist ministers in Chicago Dr. George W. Northrup, President of theBaptist Union Theological Seminary, declared in favor of abandoning the old university andestablishing a new one ; and Dr. T. W. Goodspeed spoke for a new charter, a new boardof trustees, and a site south of the city limits. For two years there was much conferringand consulting; then in the fall of 1888 Mr. John D. Rockefeller advised with Dr. WilliamR. Harper of Yale concerning Chicago as a possible place for a college, and told Dr.Harper and Dr. Goodspeed that he was willing to give several hundred thousand dollarsfor an institution in Chicago. In December, 1888, Dr. Harper for Mr. Rockefeller andRev. Fred. T. Gates, Secretary of the American Baptist Education Society, in behalf ofinterested Chicagoans, laid the matter before the Board of the Society ; and this societyunanimously voted for the establishment of a thoroughly equipped institution in Chicago.In May, 1889, the Board passed resolutions which formed the basis for the organizationof the University. Immediately the Secretary, Mr. Gates, read a pledge from Mr. Rockefeller for $6000,000, provided that $400,000 be subscribed before June 1, 1890, for buildingsand grounds; $402,083 were raised. Mr. Marshall Field gave the north half of the threeblocks lying between Fifty-sixth and Fifty-ninth Streets, Ellis and Greenwood Avenues;the south half was bought by the Board from Mr. Field.Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Mr. E. Nelson Blake, Mr. Marshall Field, Mr. Fred. T.Gates, Mr. Francis E. Hinckley, and Dr. Thomas W. Goodspeed secured, under date ofSeptember 10, 1890, a charter for "The University of Chicago." In order to avoid complications, the Board of Trustees of the institution founded by Douglas authorized thenew college to use the title, "The University of Chicago," and formally changed the nameof the first university to "The Old University of Chicago;" at the same time these trusteesdirected that the books and records of the the "Old University" be turned over to thenew, thus facilitating the relations of the alumni of the two colleges and securing preservation of the records of degrees conferred.At the meeting September 18, the new Board of Trustees received a pledge for onemillion dollars from Mr. Rockefeller — a gift which assured a graduate school, a divinityschool, and an academy, to supplement the colleges already planned. On this day, too,the trustees enthusiastically elected Professor William Rainey Harper of Yale to thepresidency.By April 1, 1891, Dr. Harper had accepted ihep roffered position, and the Baptist Seminary at Morgan Park was united with .the university as its divinity school. The growthof the institution was assured ; a committee was authorized to buy more ground for acampus; after competition, Mr. Henry Ives Cobb was selected as architect; and three buildings were ordered to be built.9Professor Frank Frost Abbott of Yale received the first appointment to a position ona faculty; he was made University Examiner and Associate Professor of Uatin, July i,1891.The following months were filled with events; the Ogden estate gave somethingmore than half a million for a Graduate School of Science; in Berlin President Harpersecured the large "Calvary library;" the faculties were organized; ground for the firstbuilding was broken November 26, 1891; Mr. Sidney Kent donated a building to bedevoted to chemistry; Mr. Rockefeller pledged a second million dollars; within ninetydays after Mr. Fields' donation of $100,000, one million dollars wrere pledged by Chicago-ans. Mr. George C. Walker presented a museum; Mr. Silas B. Cobb gave a recitationbuilding; Mr. Ryerson subscribed for a laboratory; Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, Mrs. NancyFoster, Mrs. Beecher, Mrs. Snell, each gave a dormitory; and on the eighty-ninth daythe effort to raise the million dollars was dramatically concluded in the meeting of theBoard of Trustees when a gift was announced from the vice-president of the Board. OnOctober 1, 1892, the University opened its doors to students.0The Decennial CelebrationECAUSE the University of Chicago began its academic existence in 1891with the appointment of the first officers of instruction, in June 1901,the university celebrated the completion of the first ten years of itslife. For this celebration, five days, June 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, were setapart; and all five days were filled, except for a few minutes available before breakfast, with suitable exercises, in the arrangement ofwhich, as Professor Vincent asserts, the committee was guided by theprinciple: " When in doubt, lay a corner stone." The exercises were for the most partheld in the open air, chiefly in a tent pitched in the hollow north of Haskell and in ahuge tent in the center of the campus. Because of the outdoor nature of the ceremoniesthe success of the celebration was largely aided by the delightful weather which prevailedduring the five days; the only rain that fell disturbed for a very few minutes the candidates for degrees who were sitting under the hole at the center pole of the convocationtent.Junior College Day began with the Inter- fraternity and Inter-house Athletic meets onMarshall Field. Phi Delta Theta won the former and Washington House the latter. At12:30 the members of the Junior College gathered about the steps of Walker to seeplanted the ivy brought from the Poet's Walk at Oxford. Mr. Thomas J. Hair, the chairman of the day presided. Miss Kate Wilson recited the Ivy Poem; Miss Edna Robinson delivered the spade to Mr. Clifford W. Gaylord; and Mr. Claude C. Nuckols concludedthe ivy exercises with the Ivy Oration. At 2 o'clock in Rosalie Hall, the DramaticClub, under the direction of Mr. Stanley Davies, presented "A Night Off," with muchcredit to themselves and to the University. The base-ball team, at 4 o'clock, added tothe Decennial joys by defeating Wisconsin on Marshall Field. In the evening the performance of "As You Like It," was given in the tent in the Graduate Quadrangle and at9 o'clock the Junior Promenade was held at the Chicago Beach Hotel. Mr. Piatt M.Conrad was the chairman of the Promenade.Saturday morning about 7 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller arriving at the president's house were greeted (unofficially) by a double line of girls from the halls who sang,cheered, yelled, and waved their handkerchiefs. At 9:30 the Chicago branch of the10Alumni had breakfast at the Quadrangle Club. Miss Blanche Swingley was toast -mistressand the speakers were Miss Estelle Lutrell '96, Miss Alice Winston '98, Miss JuliaDumke '98, Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, Mrs. Leila F. Mallory and Miss Marion Fair-man '01. At 11:15 the procession of faculties, trustees, guests, councilors, band, andmarshals escorted the Founder and the President to the site of the press building. Here,after the President's introductory statement and the recital by Dr. Goodspeed of the listof articles deposited in the copper box, the corner-stone was set by Mr. Newman Miller,the Director of the University Press. Professor Laughlin then in the corner-stone addressspoke of the educational and cultural value of printing. The procession moved to whereHitchcock Hall was being erected. Mrs. Hitchcock laid the corner-stone. ProfessorShorey delivered the address, paying an eloquent and affecting tribute to his father'scollege chum, Charles Hitchcock, and to the woman who gave the building as an expression of her love for her husband and for the under-graduate men of the University. Theassembly proceeded to Nancy Foster Hall where Mr. George E. Adams, in behalf of Mrs.Foster presented the keys of the completed building to the President. Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, the University's first Dean of Women, then delivered the dedicatory address.After these exercises, the University's guests crowded into Foster for luncheon. At 1 :3o inCobb Hall the business meeting of the Alumni Association was held. Professor Hendersonin the absence of President Buzzell welcomed the class of '01 into the organization; Mr.Owen E. Hotle responded for his class. At 2:30 Class Day exercises were held at theStone Bench. After the singing of Chicago songs and of the class song, Mr. Curtis R.Manning read the history and Miss Nellie Williams handed down the Cap and Gown toMiss Edna L. Stevens of '02. Mr. Bertram G. Nelson in accepting the care of the SeniorBench, spoke for '02. The president of the class, Mr. Arthur E. Bestor, presented to theUniversity a tablet to the memory of Stephen A. Douglas, the founder of the Old University of Chicago. For the University, Mr. Franklin MacVeagh replied. These exercisesconcluded with more songs and yells, including the taunts of the Juniors 'who had loweredthe Senior flag from the staff on the tower of Ryerson. At 3:30 the classes of '66, '71,'76, '81, '86 and '96 held reunions in Cobb. The band at 4 o'clock, gave another concerton Marshall Field while the team defeated Northwestern. The Alumni Association heldits banquet at tbe Quadrangle Club. Between courses the president, Mr. Charles SumnerPike '96, Miss Ruth Vail '01, Mr. Theodore G. Soares '94, G., responded to toasts. Bythe time the last course was served the hour for the second performance of "As You LikeIt " had arrived.Sunday morning at a bible service the President, Professor Moulton, and ProfessorMathews discussed "Sacred Wisdom." The President delivered the address at theBaccalaureate Service. In the afternoon the Decennial Vespers were held in the convocation tent. Addresses were made by the Reverend Marcus Dods, D D., of Edinburgh,the Reverend Elisha Benjamin Andrews, D.D., LL.D., of Nebraska, the Reverend Professor Emil G. Hirsch, Ph.D., and the Reverend Professor Eri B. Hulbert, D.D. TheUniversity band and a decennial chrous under Mr. Lester Bartlett Jones furnishedmusic. Miss Jane Addams and the Reverend Ernest M. Stires addressed the unionmeeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., in the evening.Monday was Educational Day. The annual address before Phi Beta Kappa wasdelivered by President Benjamin Ide Wheeler of the, University of California. At 10:30Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews of the University of Nebraska, President George E.MacLean of the State University of Iowa, President Charles F. Thwing of Western ReserveUniversity and Professor Albion W. Small addressed an educational conference concerning''College and University Problems." At noon Professor Nicholas Murtay Butler of11Columbia, delivered in Kent the address at the official opening of the School of Education.The meeting adjourned to Scammon Court where the President and Director FrancisWayland Parker made statements and soil was turned for the new buildings. In theafternoon various conferences were held at which these men spoke : Professor JacobHenry Van t'Hoff of Berlin, Director Charles Doolittle Walcott of the United States Geological Survey, Professor Basil L. Gildersleeve of Johns Hopkins, Professor George LymanKittredge of Harvard, Reverend Marcus Dods of Edinburgh, Reverend William NewtonClarke of Colgate, His Excellency, M. Jules Cambon, French ambassador. At 4 o'clockthe base-ball team meet defeat at the hands of the Michigan team. After the game thePresident gave a dinner to official guests at the Quadrangle Club. In the evening theweather was perfect for the brilliant convocation reception. Nearly all of the two thousand windows facing the campus were illuminated ; the convocation tent was fairly bursting with light. From a band-stand near Haskell, the band rendered a concert programwhich won it great praise as a musical organization; inside of the tent an elegant assemblageof more than three thousand people crowded up among the palms to the platform wherestood the receiving party: the president, Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller, Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson,and Dean Judson.The final day of the celebration opened with the Graduate Matutinal. At 9:30 thefaculties, trustees, councilors, marshals, Dr. D. K. Pearsons, Mr. Rockefeller and otherguests, marched to the Club House corner. From a platform erected above the foundation of the tower, the President announced that the Commons had been provided by aChicago business man, that Mr. John J. Mitchell was the donor of the Tower, that themoney for the Club House had been given by the estate of Joseph Reynolds, and that LeonMandel presented the Assembly Hall. The Commons corner-stone was set by Mr. JamesMilton Sheldon and the address was delivered ;by Professor Albion W. Small. That ofthe Tower was laid by Mr. Joseph Chalmers Hazen; and Professor Richard Green Moultongave the address. Mr. David Allan Robertson was the layer of the Students' Club Housecorner-stone and at this ceremony Professor George Edgar Vincent delivered the address.At Leon Mandel Assembly Hall, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch delivered the address after Mr. HenryMagee Adkinson had set the stone. Immediately after these exercises the procession tothe convocation tent was formed. Decennial addresses were made by : President MartinA. Ryerson for the Board of Trustees, Professor Frank F. Abbott, in behalf of the Faculties,Mr. Arthur E. Bestor for the Students and Alumni, Mr. George E. Adams for the city ofChicago. President Harper introduced the founder of the University. When Mr. Rockefeller arose to speak the whole audience arose in a body and remained standing until hereached the speaker's desk. The founder congratulated the University on its president,its board of trustees, its faculties; he gave some sensible advice to the students, he closedwith praise for Chicago, " Long may she live to foster and develop this sturdy representative of her enterprise and public spirit." After the Convocation the Congregationdinner was held in the "As You Like It" tent. Professor Chamberlain was toast-master.Mr. Rockefeller in a speech kindly and wittily declared that he did not regard the University as the New Englander regarded a burying ground; a place where those who were incouldn't get out, and those who were out didn't want to get in, for he was in it and didn'twant to get out. In closing he proposed three cheers for Andrew Carnegie, ' ' Who hascontributed more to education and other good causes in America than any other man."The cheers were given heartily; but with boomerang effect they returned to JohnD. Rockfeller. When the President arose to speak, the founder led the audience in arising to cheer him. President Harper briefly reminded the University of the share Mrs.Rockefeller had in the founding of the University and the share she had in gratitude forthe founding of the institution. Then drawing out his watch, the President declared thatit was three minutes past five, that the summer quarter had already begun, that theDecennial Celebration was of the past.12Board of Trustees0OfficersMartin A. Ryerson PresidentAndrew McLeish Vice-PresidentCharges L. Hutchinson TreasurerThomas W. Goodspeed SecretaryHenry A. Rust Business ManagerTrevor Arnett AuditorMembersClass I. Term Expires in 1902Thomas W. Goodspeed David G. HamiltonJesse A. Baldwin Isaac W. McClayAndrew McLeish Enos M. BartonJohn D. Rockefeller, Jr.Class II. Term Expires in 1903Fred T. Gates Alonzo K. ParkerCharles L. Hutchinson Frederick A. SmithEdward Goodman Howard G. GreyAdolphus C. BartlettClass III. Term Expires in 1904Eli P. Felsenthal Harold F. McCormickWilliam R. Harper Martin A. RyersonFranklin MacVeagh Willard A. SmithGeorge C Walker13FRANK FROST ABBOT, Ph D., <i>BK, AKE, Professor of Latin; Yale College, 1882.HARRY D. ABELLS, S.B., Instructor in Morgan Park Academy ;XS\\\vzx<A\.y of Chicago,1897.WALTER SIDNEY ADAMS, A.M., Assistant at the Yerkes Observatory; DartmouthCollege, 1898.ANNE ELIZABETH ALLEN, Associate in Kindergarten, The School of Education.PHILIP SCHUYLER ALLEN, Ph.D., AY, Instructor in German; Williams College,1891.EDWARD SCRIBNER AMES, AM., Ph.D., Instructor in Philosophy ; Drake University, 1889.GALUSHA ANDERSON, A.M., S.T.D., LL.D., Professor and Head of the Departmentof Homiletics; University of Rochester, 1854.JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL, A.M., AKE, Associate Professor of ExperimentalPsychology; University of Michigan, 1890.TREVOR ARNETT, University Auditor and Instructor in Political Economy.LORLEY ADA ASHLEMAN, Associate in French, The School of Education.HARRIET T. B. ATWOOD, Associate in Science, Critic Teacher, The School of Education.WALTER WALLACE ATWOOD, S.B., AKE, Associate in Geology; University ofChicago, 1897.ZONIA BABER, Associate Professor of the Teaching of Geography and Geology,The School of Education.R. F. BACON, Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry .THOMAS PEARCE BAILEY, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education; SouthCarolina College, 1887.SUSAN HELEN BALLOU, Ph.B., *BK, Associate in Latin; University of Chicago,1897.LEWELLYS F. BARKER, M.B., <i>BK, Professor and Head of Department ofAnatomy ; University of Toronto, 1890.HEDWARD EMERSON BARNARD, AM., Sc.D., B@n, Professor of Practical Astronomyand Astronomer in the Yerkes Observatory; Vanderbilt University, 1887.CHARLES REID BARNES, Ph.D., B0II, Professor of Plant Physiology; Dean in theColleges; Hanover College, 1877.STORRS BARREWS BARRETT, A.B., Secretary and Librarian of the Yerkes Observatory; University of Rochester, 1889.JOHN HENRY BARROWS, D.D., LL.D., Professorial Lecturer on ComparativeReligion.EDWARD AMBROSE BECHTEL, Ph.D., Associate in Latin; Johns Hopkins University, t888.ROBERT RUSSELL BENSLEY, A.B., M.B., Assistant Professor of Anatomy;Toronto, 1S89.ARTHUR DEAN BEVAN, M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Surgery; Rush MedicalCollege, 1883.FRANK BILLINGS, S.M., MD , Prof essorial Lecturer on Medicine; Chicago MedicalCollege, j 881.FRANCIS ADELBERT BLACKBURN, Ph.D., ^Y, Associate Professor of the EnglishLanguage; University of Michigan, 1868.FREDRICK MASON BLANCHARD, A.M., Assistant Professor in Public Speaking;Oberlin College, 1893.OSKAR BOLZA, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics; Freiburg, 1875.JAMES HARRINGTON BOYD, Sc.D., B0n, Instructor in Mathematics; PrincetonCollege, 1886.ZOE SMITH BRADLEY, Instructor in Music, The School of Education.JAMES HENRY BREASTED, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Egyptology and SemiticLanguages; Director of Haskell Oriental Museum; Northwestern College, 1888.SOPHONISBA P. BRECKINRIDGE, PhD , Docent in Political Science; Universityof Chicago.HENRY R. BRINKERHOFF, Professorial Lecturer on Military Science and Tactics.FRANK MELVILLE BRONSON, A.M., 4?BK, AY, Assistant Professor of Greek,Morgan Park Academy; Brown University, 1884.ROY HUTCHINSON BROWNLEE, Lecture Assistant in Chemistry.ROBERT WALTER BRUERE, A.M., Associate in Rhetoric; Washington University,1896.CARL DARLING BUCK, Ph.D., 3»BK, AKE, Professor of Sanskrit and Indo-EuropeanComparative Philology; Yale University, 1886.EDMUND BUCKLEY, Ph.D., Docent in Comparative Religion; University of Michigan, 1884.ISAAC BRONSON BURGESS, A.M., *BK, AY, Professor of Latin, Morgan ParkAcademy; Brown University, 1883.SHERBURNE WESLEY BURNHAM, A.M., Professor of Practical Astronomy andAstronomer in the Yerkes Observatory; Yale University, 1878.ERNEST DEWITT BURTON, D.D. , Professor and Head of Department of New Testament Literature and Interpretation; Dennison University, 1876.15ANNETTE BUTLER, Assistant in Manual Training, The School of Education.NATHANIEL BUTLER, A.M., D.D. , #BK, AKE, Professor of Education; Director ojCo-operating Work; Colby University, 1873.HORACE BUTTERWORTH, A.B., Instructor in Physical Culture; University ofChicago, 1898.ERNEST LEROY CALDWELL, A.B., AKE, Instructor in Mathematics, MorganPark Academy; Yale University, 1887.EDWARD CAPPS, Ph.D., Professor of Greek; Illinois College, 1887.FREDERIC IVES CARPENTER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in English; HarvardUniversity, 1885.CLARENCE FASSETT CASTLE, Ph.D., B0n, Associate Professor of Greek on theEdward Olson Foundation; Dean in the funior Colleges; Dennison University,1880.RALPH CHARLES HENRY CATERALL, A.B., Instructor in Modern History; Buck-nell University, 1891.CHARLES JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN, A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in Botany; OberlinCollege, 1888.THOMAS CHROWDER CHAMBERLIN, Ph.D., LL.D., #BK, Professor and Head ofthe Department of Geology; Director of Museums; Beloit College, 1866.CHARLES CHxANDLER, A.M., Professor of Latin ; University of Michigan, 1871.HENRY P. CHANDLER, A. B., Associate in English; Head of Snell House; HarvardUniversity, T900.WAYLAND JOHNSON CHASE, A.M., AY, Assistant Prof essor of History and Deanof Morgan Park Academy; Brown University, 1887.CHARLES MANNING CHILD, Ph.D., $BK, X^, Instructor in Zoology; WesleyanCollege, 1890.LISI CECILIA CIPRIANI, Ph.D., Associate in Romance Languages and in Literature[in English]; University of Chicago, 1896.SOLOMON HENRY CLARK, Ph.B., 2X, Associate Professor of Public Speaking.CLARA COMSTOCK, Assistant in Physical Culture.JOHN MERLE COULTER, Ph.D., Professor and Headof the Department of Botany; Hanover College,1870.HENRY CHANDLER COWLES, Ph.D., Instructor inBotany; Oberlin College, 1893.HARRIET E. CRANDALL, Reader in English.CAROLINE CRAWFORD, Associate in Physical Training, Anthropometry and Corrective Work; TheSchool of Education.JENNIE CURTIS. Associate in Geography, CiiiicTeacher; The School of Education.STARR WILLARD CUTTING, Ph.D., 4?BK, Professorof German Literature; Williams College, 1881.16CHARLES BENEDICT DAVENPORT, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology andEmbryology; Assistant Curator of Zoological Museum; Brooklyn PolytechnicInstitute, 1886.BRADLEY MOORE DAVIS, Ph.D., Instructor in Botany ; Stanford University, 1892.VIOLA DER ATT, Teacher, The School of Education.IRA H. DERBY, Research Assistant in Chemistry.JOHN DEWEY, Ph.D., <£BK, Professor and Head of Departments of Philosophy andEducation; University of Vermont, 1879.LEONARD EUGENE DICKSON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics; University of Texas, 1893.FRANK WINANS DIGNAN, A.B., 3>BK, Assistant in Greek; University of Chicago,1897.ZELLA ALLEN DIXON, A.M., Associate Librarian; Mt. Holyoke College, 1880.JOHN MILTON DODSON, A.M., M.D., B0n, Professorial Lecturer in Medicine;Dean of Medical Students; University of Wisconsin, 1880.HENRY HERBERT DONALDSON, Ph.D., ^Y, Professor and Head of Departmentof Neurology; Yale College, 1879.GERTRUDE DUDLEY, Instructor in Physical Culture.JOHN DUNCAN, Associate Professor of the Teaching of Art, The School of Education.ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN, A.M., M.D., Technical Assistant in Neurology 7 IowaCollege, 1889.FERDINAND ELLERMAN, Instructor in Astrophysics at the Yerkes Observatory .DANIEL GIRAUD ELLIOT, F.R.S.E., Professorial Lecturer on Zoology.ALBERT CHAUNCEY EYCLESHYMER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Anatomy;University of Michigan, 1891.OLIVER CUMMINGS FARRINGTON, Ph.D., Professorial Lecturer on DeterminativeMineralogy; Maine State College, 1881.GEORGE EMORY FELLOWS, Ph.D., Assistant Prof essor of History ; Lawrence University, 1879.MARTIN HENRY FISCHER, M.D., Associate in Physiology; Rush Medical College,1 901.HERMANN F. FISHER, Volunteer Research Assistant in Astronomy at YerkesObservatory.WARNER FITE, Ph.D , Instructor in Experimental Psychology; Haverford, 1889.MARTHA FLEMING, Associate Professor of the Teaching of Speech, Oral Reading andDramatic Art, The School of Education; State Normal University, 1872.NOTT WILLIAM FLINT, S.B , AA<i>, Associate in English; Critic Teacher, The Schoolof Education; University of Chicago, 1898.GEORGE BURNHAM FOSTER, A.M., Professor of Systematic Theology; SheltonCollege, 1879.CHARLES SHATTUCK FOX, A.B , Assistant in German at Morgan Park Academy;Rochester University, 1901.TENNY FRANK, A M., Assistant in Latin; University of Kansas, 1898.17ERNST FRELTND, J.U.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Jurisprudence and PublicLaw; University of Heidelberg, 1S84.EDWIN BRANT FROST, A.M., 3>BK, Professor of Astrophysics and Astrophysicist inthe Yerkes Observatory; Dartmouth College, 1886.IDA FURNISS, Assistant in Physical Culture.HENRY GORDON GALE, Ph.D., AKE, Instructor in Physics; University of Chicago,1896.DANA LEWIS GATES, Assistant in Embryology.ERRETT GATES, D.B., Assistant in the Disciple's Divinity House; Ohio Normal University, 1887.EDGAR JOHNSON GOODSPEED, Ph.D., AA$, Instructor in Biblical and PatristicGreek; Dennison University, 1890.GEORGE STEPHEN GOODSPEED, Ph.D., $BK, AA<i>, Professor of ComparativeReligion and Ancient History; University Recorder; Brown University, 1880.THOMAS WAKEFIELD GOODSPEED, D.D., AA<1>, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, and University Registrar; University of Rochester, 1863.WILLIAM GORSUCH, A.B., B0n, Associate in Public Speaking; Knox College, 1898.ARTHUR WHITE GREELEY, A.M , Assistant in Physiology; Stanford University,1898.HENRIK GUNDERSEN, A.M., D.B., Professor {in the Dano- Norwegian TheologicalSeminary") of Systematic Theology, New Testament Interpretation and BiblicalLiterature, and Dean of the Seminary; Tromso Academy, Norway, 1872.FRANK WAKELEY GUNSAULUS, D.D , B0n, Professorial Lecturer on EnglishLiterature; Ohio Wesleyan University, 1875.WILLIAM F. E. GURLEY, Associate Curator in Palaeontology.FREDERICK JAMES GURNEY, A.B., D.B., Assistant lo the Recorder; University ofMichigan, 1880.WALTER STANLEY HAINES, A.M., M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Toxicology;Chicago Medical College, 1873.GEORGE ELLERY HALE, S.B., Sc.D., Professor of Astrophysics, and Director ojthe Yerkes Observatory; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1890.WILLIAM GARDNER HALE, A.B., LL.D., <i>BK, Professor and Head of the Department of Latin; Harvard University, 1870.CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D , Professorial Lecturer on the Barrows Lectureship; Williams College, 1872. ELEANOR PRESCOTT HAMMOND,. Ph.D., Docent in English Lan-~~~I guage and Literature; OxfordROBERT FRANCIS HARPER, Ph.D., <i>BK, ^Y, Professor of Semitic Languages andLiteratures; Old University of Chicago, 1883.WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., $BK, President of the University;Professor and Head of the Department of Semitic Languages and Literatures;Muskingum College, 1870.BASIL COLEMAN HYATT HARVEY, A.B., M.B., Assistant \in Anatomy; Toronto,1894.SHINKISHI HATAI, Assistant in Neurology; Imperial University of Tokio, 1897.HENRY RAND HATFIELD, Ph.D., <i>BK, B0n, Assistant Professor in Commerce;Dean of the College of Commerce and Administration; Northwestern University,1892.OLOF HEDEEN, A.B., Assistant Professor {in the Swedish Theological Seminary) ofPractical Theology and Exegeses; University of Upsala [Sweden], 1882.LUDVIG HEKTOEN, M.D., Professor and Head of Department of Bacteriology andPathology; Luther College, 1883.CHARLES RICHMOND HENDERSON, A.M , D.D., $BK, ^Y, B0n, Professor ofSociology in the Divinity School, and University Chaplain; Old University ofChicago, 1870.GEORGE LINCOLN HENDRICKSON, A.B., <£K^, Professor of Latin; Johns Hopkins University, 1887.ROBERT HERRICK, A.B., AKE, Associate Professor of Rhetoric; Harvard University, 1890.JOHN CHARLES HESSLER, Ph.D., 4>BK, Instructor in Chemistry, Universityof Chicago, 1896.CHARLES EDMUND HEWITT, D.D., AY, Student Secretary in the Divinity School;University of Rochester, i860.WILLIAM HILL, A.M., Assistant Professor of Political Economy; Assistant Dean inUniversity College, University of Kansas, 1890.EMIL GUSTAV HIRSCH, Ph D , LL.D., LiT.D., D.D., Professor of Rabbinical Literature and Philosophy; University of Pennsylvania, 1872.GLENN MOODY HOBBS, S.B., Instructor in Physics; University of Illinois, 1891.ANTOINETTE B. HOLLISTER, Associate in Art, Clay Modeling and Painting, TheSchool of Education.WILLIAM H. HOLMES, A B., Non-resident Professor of Archaeologic Geology;McNeely Normal College, 1871.WILLIS B. HOLMES, Ph.D., Laboratory Assistant in Chemistry; Harvard University,1896.MARY HOWELL, Assistant in the Kindergarten, The School of Education.IRA WOODS HOWERTH, Ph.D., Instructor in Sociology, {Universiiy College);Northern Indiana Normal, 1885.GEORGE CARTER HOWLAND, A.M., <i>BK, ^Y, Assistant Professor of RomanceLanguages and Literatures; Amherst College, 18S5.19ERI BAKER HULBERT, A,M., D.D., LL.D., <£>BK, AKE, Professor and Head of theDepartment of Church History; Dean of the Divinity School; Union College,1863.JOSEPH PAXON IDDINGS, Ph.B., Professor of Petrology; Sheffield Scientific School,1877.EPHRAIM FLETCHER INGALS, A.M., M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Medicine;Rush Medical College, 1871.CHARLES INGBERT, A.M., Assistant in Neurology; State University of NorthDakota, 1895.MAXINE INGRES, B. es lettres, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and Literature; Universite de France, Academie de Paris, 1880.ALLEYNE IRELAND. LL.D., Professorial Lecturer on Colonial Politics, History andCommerce.WILBUR S. JACKMAN, A.B., Professor and Head of the Department of NaturalScience, Dean of the School of Education, Harvard University, 1884.* EDMUND JANE JAMES, A.M., Ph.D., <I»K^, Prof essor of Public Administration,Director of the University Extension Division; University of Halle, 1877.JOHN FRANKLIN JAMESON, Ph D., LL.D , <I>BK, ^Y, Professor and Head of theDepartment of History; Amherst College, 1879.THOMAS ATKIMSON JENKINS, Ph.D., AY, Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures; Swarthmore College, 1887.FRANK BALDWIN JEWETT, A B., Research Assistant in Physics, Throop Polytechnic Institute, 1898.FRANKLIN JOHNSON, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Church History and Homiletics;Hamilton Theological Seminary, i86r.HAYDN EVAN JONES, Ph.D., Assistant in Latin and History, Morgan ParkAcademy; Richmond College, 1890.LESTER BARTLETT JONES, Director of Music.LAUDER WILLIAM JONES, Ph.D., X^, Instructor in Chemistry, Williams College,1892.EDWIN OAKES JORDAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor ofBac erwlogy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1888.HARRY PRATT JUDSON, A.M., LL.D., *BK, AKE, Professor of Comparative and Constitutional Lazv andDiplomacy, and Head of the Department of Political Science; Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature and Science; WilliamsCollege, 1870.NORTON ADAMS KENT, Ph.D., Assistant at the YerkesObservatory, Yale University, 1895.PAUL OSKAR KERN, PhD., Assistant Professor in Germanic Philology, University of Berlin, 1877.FRANCES ADA KNOX, A.B., Assistant in History;University of Minnesota, 1882.* Resigned20WALDEMAR KOCH, Ph.D , Assistant in Pharmacology; Harvard University.MAXIME MAXIMOVTCH KOVALEVSKY, LL.D., Professorial Lecturer on RussianInstitutions on the Crane Foundation; University of Moscow, 1889.CARL J. KROH, Assistant Professor of the Teaching of Physical Training, The Schoolof Education.PRESTON KYES, A.M., M.D., AKE, Associate in Anatomy; Bowdoin College, 1896.CARL GUSTAV LAGERGREN, A.B., D.B., Professor {in the Swedish TheologicalSeminary) of Systematic Theology, and Dean of the Seminary; SundsvallAcademy, Sweden, 1865.GORDON JENNINGS LAING, Ph.D., #BK, AA<1>, Assistant Professor in Latin;University of Toronto, 1891.ELIZABETH EUPHROSYNE LANGLEY, Assistant in Manual Training; The Schoolof Education.CHESTER WALTER LARNED, Assistant in Academy at Morgan Park; BaltimorePolytechnic, 1897.JAMES LAWRENCE LAUGHLIN, Ph.D., <i>BK, Professor and Head of the Department of Political Economy; Harvard University, 1873.KURT LAVES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Astronomy; Gymnasium Lyck, 1886.NELS SORENSON LAWDAHL, Instructor {in the Dano- Norwegian TheologicalSeminary) in Church History.ARTHUR WILLIS LEONARD, A.B., Associate in English, Morgan Park Academy;Princeton University, 1897.DEAN DEWITT LEWIS, A.B., M.D., Associate in Anatomy; Lake Forest University,i395.FRANK RATTRAY LILLIE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Zoology and Embryology ,Assistant Curator of the Zoological Museum; University of Toronto, 1891.DAVID JUDSON LINGLE, Ph.D., <i>BK, <£K^, Instructor in Physiology; University ofChicago, 1885.JAMES WEBER LINN, A.B., AA$, Associate in English; University of Chicago, 1897.BENTON EDWARD LIVINGSTON, S.B., Assistant in Botany; University of Michigan, 1898.GEORGE HERBERT LOCKE, M.A., Assistant Professor of Education; University ofToronto, 1893.JACQUES LOEB, M.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Physiology; University of Berlin, 1880.ROBERT MOSS LOVETT, A.B., <i>BK, AY, Assistant Professor of English; HarvardUniversity, 1892.ELIAS POTTER LYON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology; Assistant Dean ofMedical Students; Hillsdale College, 1891.FLORENCE MAY LYON, Associate in Botany; Head of Beecher House.HERVEY FOSTER MALLORY, A.B., <3?BK, AY, Associate and Secretary of Correspondence-Study Department; Colgate University, 1890.21JOHN MATHEWS MANLY, Ph.D., X^, Professor and Head of Department of English; Fur man University, 1883.CHARLES RIBORG MANN, Ph.D., ^BK, Assistant Professor in Physics, ColumbiaCollege, 1890.T. G. MASARYK, Professor in University of Prague; Lecturer on the Crane Foundationfor 1902.HEINRICH MASCHKE, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Mathematics; University ofGottingen, 1880ALBERT PRESCOTT MATHEWS, Ph.D , Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1892.SHAILER MATHEWS, D.D., #BK, AKE, Professor of New Testament History andInterpretation; Junior Dean of the Divinity School; Colby College, 1884.GEORGE HERBERT MEAD, A.B , Associate Professor of Philosophy; Oberlin, 1883.•CHARLES E. MERRIAM, Ph.D., <1>BK, Docent in Political Science; Lenox College,189 .JOHN JACOB MEYER, Ph.D , Associate in Sanskrit; Concordia College, 1891.IRA B. MEYERS, B.E., Curator and Instructor in the Teaching of Natural Science, TheSchool of Education; State Normal School, California, Pa., 1892.ALBERT ABRAHAM MICHELSON, Ph.D., Sc.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Physics; University of Berlin, 1880.ADOLPH CASPAR MILLER, A.M., AKE, Professor of Finance; University of California, 1887.FRANK JUSTUS MILLER, Ph.D , Associate Professor of Latin; Dean of Affiliations;Dennison University, 1879.MERTON LELAND MILLER, Ph D., #BK, Associate in Anthropology; Colby University, 1890. 7NEWMAN MILLER, Ph.B., 2X, Director of University Press Division; Albion College, 1893.ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Physics; OberlinCollege, 189:.CHARLES FREDERIC MILLSPAUGH, Professorial Lecturer on Botany; Cornell University, 1872.-CLARA ISABEL MITCHELL, Associate in Art and Textiles, Critic Teacher, TheSchool of Education.WESLEY CLAIR MITCHELL, Ph.D., <i>BK, Associate in Political Economy and Headof North Hall; University of Chicago, 1896.JOHN WILDMAN MONCRIEF, A.M., <£A0, Associate Professor of Church History;Dennison University, 1873.WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY, A.M., <£BK, AY, Assistant Professor of English andRhetoric; Harvard University, 1893.22ADDISON WEBSTER MOORE, Ph.D., <i»BK, AKE, Assistant Professor in Philosophy;De Pauw University, 1890.ELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE, Ph.D., <f>BK, ^Y, Professor and Head of Departmentof Mathematics; Yale University, 1883.ELLA ADAMS MOORE, Ph.B., Associate in English; DePauw University, 1892.FOREST RAY MOULTON, Ph.D., Instructor in Astronomy; Albion College, 1894.RICHARD GREEN MOULTON, Ph.D., Professor of Literature {in English); LondonUniversity, 1869.WILLIAM MUSS-ARNOLT, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Assistant Recorder;Theological Seminary of the Reformed (Dutch) Church, 1882.GEORGE W. MYERS, Ph.D., Professor of the Teaching of Mathematics and Astronomy, The School of Education-, University of Illinois, 1888.PORTER LANDER MacCLINTOCK, A.M., Instructor in English; Millersburg College,1878.WILLIAM DARN ALL MacCLINTOCK, A.M., Professor of English Literature; Deanof the University College; Kentucky Wesleyan, 1878.HERBERT NEWBY McCOY, Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry; Purdue, 1892.MARY E. McDOWELL, Head Resident of the University of Chicago SettlementANDREW CUNNINGHAM MCLAUGHLIN, A.M., LL.B., Professor of AmericanHistory in University of Michigan; University of Michigan, 1882.JOHN ULRIC NEF, Ph.D., $BK, Pofessor a?zd Head of Department of Chemistry;Harvard University, 1884.THEODORE LEE NEFF, A.M., Ph.D., 3>K^, Instructor in the Romance Languages;De Pauw University, 1883.CHARLES HUGH NEILSON, A.M., Assistant in Physiology; Ohio Wesleyan, 1894.BERTRAM G. NELSON, A.B., AY, Assistant in Public Speaking; University ofChicago, 1902.ALICE PELOUBET NORTON, A.M., Assistant Professor of the Teaching of HomeEconomics, The School of Education; Smith College, 1882.CHRISTIAN JORGINIUS OLSEN, Instructor {in the Dano- Norwegian TheologicalSeminary) in Homiletics, Church Polity, and Pastoral Duties.WILLIAM BISHOP OWEN, A.B., B0II, AssociateProfessor of Greek; Principal of the UniversityElementally School; Dennison University, 1887.ANNA SOPHIA PACKER, A.B., Accession Assistant;The University of Chicago, 1895.BENEDICT PAPOT, Instructor in Romance Department.23ALONZO KETCHAM PARKER, D.D., <£BK, AA#, Professorial Lecturer on ModernMissions in the Divinity School; Librarian of the Divinity Library, and University Recorder; University of Rochester, 1866.* FRANCIS WAYLAND PARKER, A.M., LL-D-, Head of the School of Education;Professor and Head of the Department of the Philosophy of Education, TheSchool of Education; University of Berlin, 1872-4.JOHN ADELBERT PARKHURST, S.M., Assistant at the Yerkes Observatory; RosePolytechnic Institute, 1886.BERTHA PAYNE, Instructor in Kindergarten Training, The School of Education.WALTER A. PAYNE, Ph.B., X\J/\ Assistant Professor and Secretary of UniversityExtension Lecture-Study Department; University of Chicago, 1895.RICHARD ALEXANDER FULLERTON PENROSE, Jr , Ph D., <i>BK, B0n, Professorof Economic Geology; Harvard University, 1884.CORA BELLE PERINE, A.B., Head of Accession Department; Wellesley College,1891.WILLIAM AUGUST PETERSON, D.B., Instructor {in the Swedish Theological Seminary) in General History, Church History, and the Greek and Swedish Languages; Bethel Theological Seminary, Stockholm, Sweden, 1886.KARL PIETSCH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures;University of Berlin, 1882.IRA MAURICE PRICE, D.B., Ph.D., Professor of the Semitic Languages and Li'era-tures; Dennison University, 1879.EDUARD PROKOSCH, A.M., Associate in German, The School of Education; Gymnasium Eger, 1894.MAUDE LAVINIA RADFORD, Ph.M., Assistant in English, {University College);University of Chicago, 1894.JOSEPH EDWARD RAYCROFT, A.B., M.D., AA<£, Instructor in Physical Cultureand Examining Physician of Men's Department; University of Chicago, 1696.JEROME HALL RAYMOND, Ph.D., B0n, Associate Professor of Sociology; Northwestern University, 1892.FRITZ REICHMANN, Ph.D., Assistant in Manual Training, Morgan Park Academy;University of Texas, 1896.DANIEL GRAISBERRY REVELL, M.B., Associate in Anatomy; Toronto, 1894.MYRA REYNOLDS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English Literature; Head of FosterHouse; Vassar College, 1880.EMILY J. RICE, Associate Professor of the Teaching of History and Literature, TheSchool of Education.H. T. RICKETTS, Associate in Pathology.GEORGE WILLIS RITCHEY', Instructor in Practical Astronomy and Superintendentof Instrument Construction at Yerkes Observatory .* Deceased24JOSEPHINE CHESTER ROBERTSON, A.B., Cataloguer; Wellesley College, 1891.LUANNA ROBERTSON, Ph.D., Lnstructor in German; Head of Kelly House; WoosterUniversity, 1883.JAMES FRENCH ROYSTER, Librarian of Modern Languages.ROLLIN D. SALISBURY, A.M., B0n, Professor of Geographic Geology and Dean ofthe Ogden School of Science ; Beloit College, 1881.HANS M. SCHMIDT- WARTENBERG, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Germanic Philology; University of Strassburg, 1885.MARTIN SCHUETZE, Ph.D., Associate in German; University of Rostock, 1887.FERDINAND SCHWILL, Ph.D., AA<I>, Assistant Professor of Modern History; YaleUniversity, 1889.CHARLES WILLIAM SEIDENADEL, Ph.D., Docent in Ancient Greek Authors onMusic; Bruchsal Gymnasium, 1877.NICHOLAS SENN, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Professorial Lecturer on Military Surgery;Chicago Medical College, 1868.GEORGE E- SHAMBAUGH, M.D., Ph.B., Instructor in Anatomy; State University ofIowa, 1892.FRANCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON, Ph.D., $BK, B0n. Associate Professor of' American History; the President's Secretary; Dennison University, 1882.JOHN WILKES SHEPHERD, Laboratory Assistant and Lecturer in Chemistry.PAUL SHOREY, Ph.D., $BK, Professor and Head of the Department of Greek; Harvard College, 1878.BURTON JESSE SIMPSON, M.D., Curator of Scientific Equipment; University ofChicago, 1897.HERBERT ELLSWORTH SLAUGHT, PhD., <1>BK, B0n, Assistant Professor ofCollege Mathematics; Colgate University, 1883.JAMES ROLLIN SLONAKER, Ph D., Research Assistant in Neurology; Clark University, 1896.ALBION WOODBURY SMALL, Ph.D., LL.D., <1>BK, AKE, Professor and Head ofDepartment of Sociology; Director of University Affiliations; Colby University,1876.CHARLES PORTER SMALL, M.D., AKE, Examining Physician; Colby University,1886.ALEXANDER SMITH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of General Chemistry; Dean in theJunior Colleges; University of Edinburgh, 1886.GERALD BIRNEY SMITH, A.M., D.B., <i>BK, AY, Instructor in Systematic Theology;Brown University, 1891.JOHN M. P. SMITH, Ph.D., Associate in Semitic Languages andLiteratures; Des Moines College, 1893.25EDWIN ERLE SPARKS, A.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of American History;Ohio State University, 1884.iAMOS ALONZO STAGG, A. B., ^Y, Professor and Director of the Division of PhysicalCulture; Yale University, 1888FREDERICK STARR Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology, Curator of Anthropological Section of Walker Museum; La Fayette College, 1882.JULIUS STIEGLITZ, PhD , Associate Professor of Chemistry; University of Berlin,1889.KATHARINE STILWELL, Associate in Latin, Critic Teacher, The School of Education.SAMUEL WESLEY STRATTON, S.B., Professor of Physics; University of Illinois,1885.REUBEN MYRON STRONG, Ph.D., Assistant in Academy at Morgan Park;Oberlin, 1897CHARLES EDWARD ST. JOHN, Volunteer Research Assistant in Astronomy. ¦MARION TALBOT, AM., 3>BK, Associate Professor of Sanitary Science; Dean ofWomen and Head of Green House; Boston University, 1880AMY ELIZA TANNER, Ph D., Associate in Piilos^phy; University of Michigan, 1893.FRANK BIGELOW TARBELL, PhD., #BK, AKE Professor of Classical Archaeology; Yale College, 1873.BENJAMIN TERRY, Ph.D., $BK, AY, Professor of Mediaeval History; Colgate University, 1878.OLIVER JOSEPH THATCHER, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mediaeval and EnglishHistory; Wilmington College, 1878.WILLIAM ISAAC THOMAS, Ph D., Associate Professor of Sociology and Superintendent of Departmental Libraries; University of Tennessee, 1884.JAMES WESTFALL THOMPSON, Ph.D , 3>BK, AY, Instructor in European History;Rutgers College, 1892DAVID THOMSON, A B., Assistant in Latin; University of Toronto, 1892GUDRUN THORNE-THOMSEN, Associate in History and Literature, Critic Teacher,The School of Education.ALBERT HARRIS TOLMAN, Ph.D., $BK, Assistant Professor of English Literature;Williams College, 1877.FRANK LELAND TOLMAN, Ph B., <i>BK Loan Desk Assistant, University ofChicago, 1899.CLARENCE ALMON TORREY Ph B., Inspector of Departmental Libraries; Cornell University, 1890.OSCAR LOVELL TRIGGS, Ph D , #BK, <1>K^, Instructorin English; University of Minnesota, 1889.JARED G. CARTER TROOP, A.M., Assistant Professor ofEnglish; Trinity University, (Canada), 1892.tAMES HAYDEN TUFTS, Ph.D., <i>BK, B0n, Professor of Philosophy; Dean of theSenior Colleges; Amherst College, 1884.CHARLES RICHARD VAN HISE, Ph.D., Non-Resident Professor of StructuralGeology; University of Wisconsin, 1879.GERTRUDE VAN HOESEN, Associate in Elementary Mathematics, Crtic Teacher,The School of Education.THORSTEIN B. VEBLEN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Economy; Managing-Editor of the Journal of Political Economy; Carleton College, 1880.GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, Ph.D., <i>BK, AKE, Associate Professor of Sociology,Dean of Junior Colleges; Yale University, 1885.-HERMANN EDUARD VON HOLST, Ph.D., <1>BK, Professor of History; Universityof Heidelberg, 1865CAMILLO VON KLENZE, Ph D., AY, Associate Professor of German Literature;Harvard College, 1886.CLYDE WEBER VOTAW, D.B., Ph D., Assistant Professor of New Testament Literature; Amherst College, 18S8.ELIZABETH WALLACE, S.B. , Instructor in Romance Languages; Wellesley College,1886.IRENE WARREN, Librarian, and Associate in Library Economy, The School ofEducationRALPH WALDO' WEBSTER, Ph.B., M.D., AKE, Assistant in Physiological Chemistry; University of Chicago, 1895.STUART WELLE R, SB., Assistant Professor of Palae onto logic Geology; Cornell University, 1894.HARRY GIDEON WELLS, A.M., M D., Associate in Pathology, Yale University, 1895.AGNES MATH1LDE WERGELAND, Ph.D., Docent in History, University of Zurich,1888WILLIAM BUCHANAN WHERRY, A B , M D., Associate in Bacteriology; Washington and Jefferson College, 1897.HARRY NICHOLS WHITFORD, S.B., Assistant in Botany; Kansas State AgriculturalCollege, 1890.CHARLES OTIS WHITMAN, Ph.D., LL.D., AKE, Professor and Head of the Department of Zoology ; Curator of Zoological Museum; Bowdoin College, 1868.ALFRED REYNOLDS WIGHTMAN, A.M., #BK, Associate in Latin, Morgan ParkAcademy; Brown University, 1893.WILLIAM CLEAVER WILKINSON, A.M., D.D., Professor of Poetry and Criticism;University of Rochester, 1857.HERBERT LOCKWOOD WILLETT, Ph.D., ATA, Assistant Professor of the SemiticLanguages and Literatures; Dean of the Disciples' Divinity House; BethanyCollege, 1886.* Resigned27HIRAM PARKER WILLIAMSON, A.M., AKE, Associate in Romance Languages andLiteratures, Middlebury College, 1896.JOHN DORSEY WOLCOTT, Ph.D., Assistant in the Classical Libraries; Instructor inLatin, University Extension Division; University of Wisconsin, 1895.ELSIE WYGANT, Critic Teacher, The School of Education.CHARLES A. YOUNG, Ph.B., Lecturer in Biblical Literature, University ExtensionDivision; University of Chicago, 1890.ELLA FLAGG YOUNG, Ph.D , Professor of Education; University of Chicago, 1900.JACOB WILLIAM YOUNG, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematical Pedagogy,Bucknell University, 1887.CHARLES ZUEBLIN, Ph B , D.B., B0n, Professor of Sociology; Northwestern University, 1887.NOTE: Members of the faculties have been referred to Greek letter societiesonly in the case of societies having chapters at the University ofChicago.28University Extension0MONG those features which are distinctive and characteristic of theUniversity of Chicago as contrasted with many older institutions nonehas been more prominent from the beginning than the work of theUniversity Extension Division. In one of its earliest circulars theuniversity announced the establishment of this as one of the fiveco-ordinate divisions of the universitj^. As a general explanation ofthe work which it was entering upon, the following announcement wasmade: "University Extension seeks to bring a liberal education within reach of thosewho for any reason cannot pursue studies in residence. It aims to meet the wants notonly of those who have never pursued college and university courses, but also of thosewho having completed such courses desire to review them and to avail themselves of theresults of recent research. By encouraging regular reading and study, it aims to widenthe intelligence and enlarge the sympathies, thereby promoting the better employment,as well as enjoyment of leisure."The various departments of the University Extension Division as originally organizedwere: i. Lecture-stud}-; 2 Class-study; 3. Correspondence-study; 4. Examination; 5.Library and publication; 6 District organization and training.The Class-study Department, the purpose of which was the conduct of systematiccourses of instruction in college and university subjects in Chicago, and points more orless distant, met the wants of hundreds of students who could not devote their full timeto resident work It gradually assumed tangible form, until in 1898 it was organizedinto the Teachers' College (now University College), with headquarters in the Fine ArtsBuilding.Through the Lecture-stud}'- Department courses of systematic, educational, lecture-studies are given in communities where a sufficient degree of local co-operation can besecured. By the use of syllabi, supplementary classes, and traveling libraries, the workassumes an importance vastly greater to the student than any miscellaneous courses however excellent the individual lectures may be. The scope of this work has graduallywidened, until now there is scarcely a populous community within a radius of 300 milesof Chicago that is not supplied sometime during the year with a course of at least sixlecture-studies from the University of Chicago. The year just closing is the most successful in the history of the department. The number of courses given exceeds that ofan}* previous year by more than 25 per cent.Individuals desiring to pursue their studies under the direction of the universityinstructors can do so through the Correspondence-study Department The work of thisdepartment is so carefully conducted that almost without exception both students andinstructors claim that this method of instruction secures more exact aud tangible resultsthan does regular class-room work During the present year over i , 250 students havebeen pursuing correspondence courses of study.Special University 'Extension LecturersNATHANIEL I. RUBINKAM, Ph.D., Lecturer in English; Princeton College, 1874.W. M. R. FRENCH, A.B , Lecturer in Art, Harvard University.LORADO TAFT, Lecturer in Art, University of Illinois, 1880.JENKIN LLOYD JONES, Lecturer in English; Pastor, All Souls' Church.LATHAN A. CRANDALL, D.D., Lecturer in American History, Hillsdale College, 1873.HORACE SPENCER FISKE, A.M., Lecturer in English Literature ; Beloit College, 1882.AARON H. COLE, A.M., Lecturer in Biology .WILLIAM H. DUDLEY, Lecturer in Zoology.29Instructors Appointed for the SummerQuarter, 1901.JffMARCUS DODS, D.D , Professor of Nezu Testament Theology, Ndu College, Edinburgh, Scotland; Edinburgh Academy and University, 1858CASPAR RENE-GREGORY, PhD., D.D., LL D , Professorial Lecturer in Biblicaland Patristic Greek; University of Pennsylvania, 1864.JACOBUS HENRICUS VAN'T HOFF, Ph.D , LL.D., Professor Ordinarius Honariusof Physical Chemistry, University of Berlin; Amsterdam, 1877.ELISHA BENJAMIN ANDREWS, D.D , LL.D., Chancellor of University of Nebraska,Brown University, 1870.EDWARD GAYLORD BOURNE, Ph.D., Professor of History, Yale University; YaleUniversity, 1883.ALCEE FORTIER, D.L'f., Professor of Romance Languages, Tulane University;Washington and Lee University, 1894.BERNHARD EDUARD FERNOW, LL D. Director of the Nezu York State College ojForestry, Cornell University, Gymnasium at Bromberg.WILLIAM NORMAN GUTHRIE, L.B., AM., Lecturer on Literature {in English),University of the South, 1889OTIS WILLIAM CALDWELL, Ph D., Professor of Biology, Eastern Illinois StateNormal School; Franklin College, 1894.FRED. B. R. HELLEMS, Ph.D., Professor of Latin, University of Colorado; University of Toronto, 1895.30LOUIS CELESTIN MONIN, Ph D , Professor of Economics and Philosophy, ArmourInstitute, Chicago, Gymnasium St. Gallen, (Switzerland) 1878.THEODORE C. BURGESS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin, BradleyPolytechnic Institute, Hamilton College, 1883.WILLIAM DAYTON MERRELL, Ph.D., Instructor in Biology, University of Rochester, University of Rochester, 1891.JOHANNES BENONI EDUARD JONAS, A M., Ph.D., Instructor in German, PurdueUniversity, Concordia College, 1893.DONALD JOHN ARMOUR, Instructor in Anatomy.AARON HODGMAN COLE, A.M., Lecturer in Biology, Colgate University, 1884SAMUEL MONDS COULTER, A.M , Assistant in Botany; Hanover College, 1880.JOHN HECTOR Me DONALD, Ph.D., Assistant in Mathematics, University ofToronto, 1895RUSSELL D GEORGE, A.M., Assistant in Geology, Mc Master University, 1897ARTHUR CONSTANT LUNN, A.M., Assistant in Astronomy, Lawrence University,1898.OSWALD VEBLEN, A.B , Assistant in Mathematics, University of Iowa, 1898.GEORGE HENRY GARREY, S.B , Field Assistant in Geology, University of Chicago,1900.DORCAS FIDELIA MERRIAM, Assistant in the Women's Gymnasium.ELLIOT ROWLAND DOWNING, S.M., Assistant in Zoology, Albion College, 1889.THEODORE CHRISTIAN FRYE, S B , Graduate Student 111 Botany, University ofIllinois, 1894.JAMES BERTRAM OVERTON, Ph.D., Assistant in Botany, University of Michigan,1894.EDGAR NELSON TRANS EAU, A B , Graduate Student in Botany, Franklin andMarshall College, 1897.University PreachersMSummer QuarterThe Reverend Professor Marcus Dods, I) D., Edinburgh.The Reverend Professor Charees J. Littee, D.D., LL.D., President of Garrett BiblicalInstitute, Evanston.The Reverend Professor Frank W. Gunsaqeus, D.D , Chicago.The Reverend Joseph TwiTCHEEE, Hartford, Conn.The Reverend E Benjamin Andrews, D.D., LL.D., Chancellor of the University ofNebraska.Fall QuarterThe Reverend Principal S. D. F. Salmon, University of Aberdeen, Scotland,The Reverend Professor Charees J. LiTTEE, D.D., LL.D.. President of Garrett BiblicalInstitute, Evanston.The Reverend H. W. Thomas, D.D., People's Church. Chicago,Winter QuarterThe Reverend H M. Sanders, D.D., New York City.The Reverend Francis G. Peabody, Professor of Christian Morals, Harvard University.The Reverend Phieeip S. Moxom, D.D., Springfield, Mass.The Reverend W. H. P. Faunce, D.D., President of Brown University.32Deans of Affiliated Institutions0George Durward Adams, Des Moines CollegeArthur Gayeord Seocum, Kalamazoo CollegeJohn F. Forbes, John B. Stetson University.John MieTon Dodson, Dean, Rush Medical College.Frank Bieeings, Dean, Rush Medical College.Frederic ShurTeeef Cooeidge, Dean, Rush Medical CollegeWieeiam Parker McKeE, Francis Shinier Academy.Edward OcTaviuS Sisson, Bradley Polytechnic InstituteScot Buteer, Butler College.Wieeiam Bishop Owen, South Side Academy.John J Schobinger, The Harvard SchoolPayson SibeEy Wied, Princeton-Yale School.John Co wees Grant, Kenwood Institute.Homer Jerome Vosburgh, Wayland Academy.Wieeiam Riggs Trowbridge, The Rugby School.George Newton Seeight, Elgin Academy.Henry H. Beefieed, The Chicago Manual Training School.A. F. FeEET, Culver Military Academy.MERTON LEEAND MieeER, Dearborn Seminary.James Robert PenTuee, Burlington Institute.Anna R, Haire, University School for Girls.33Fellows Appointed for 1901 = 19020I. University FellowsCharees Chrestopher Adams, S M.; Zoology, S.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1895;Romanzo Coeeax Adams, Ph.M.; Sociology, Ph.B., University of Michigan, 1897.Bennett MiEES Aeeen, Ph B.; Zoology, Ph B., DePauw University, 1898.Harold Lucius Axteee, A B.; Latin, A B , Kalamazoo College, 1897.Charees Reid Baskervieep;, English.Wieeiam Otis Beae, A.M.; Astronomy, S.B., Earlham College, 1896.Waeeace AppeeTON Beatty, S.M.; Chemistry, A.B., Kei A >yy University, 1896Henrietta Katherene Becker, A.B.; Germanic, A.B., }(i iversity of Chicago, 1900Charees Henry Beeson, A.B.; Latin, A.B., Indiana Univei; ty, 1893.Edmund F. Brown, L B.; Pedagogy, L.B , Cornell University, 1890.Roy Hutchinson Browneee, A B.; Chemistry, A.B., Monmouth College, 1898.Preston Pishon Bruce, A.B.; Semitic, A.B , Cornell College, 1893.Wieeiam McAfee Bruce, A.M.; Chemistry, A.B., Central College, 1896.Mi eton Alexander Buchanan, A. B.; Romance, A. B., University College, Toronto, 1901Francis Wieeiam Bushong, A.M. ; Chemistry, A.B., Franklin and Marshall College, 1885 .Fred Harvey Haee Caehoun, S.B.; Geology, S.B., University of Chicago, 1898.LuTJE Rebecca Corwtn, S.T.B.; Semitic, S.T.B , Hartford Theological Seminary, 1894.Mary HEEEn Day, A B.; Romance, A.B., McGill University, 1900.Norman WenTworTh DeWiTT, A.B ; Latin, A.B., University of Toronto, 1899.Nevin Meeancthon Fenneman, A.M.; Geology, A.B., Heidelberg College, 1883.Mayo FESEER, Ph.B.; History, Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1897.Roy Caston Feickinger, A.B ; Greek, A B , Northwestern University, 1899Burton L. French, A.B.; Political Science, A B., University of Idaho, 1901.Theodore Christian Frye, S B.; Botany, S B , University of Illinois, 1894George Henry Garrey, S.B ; Geology, S.B., University of Chicago, 1900Kate Gordon, Ph.B ; Philosophy, Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1900.Chester Nathan Goued, A.M ; Germanic, A B , University of Minnesota, 1896Mason Dewitt Gray, A.M.; Latin, A B., University of Rochester, 1897.Arthur White GrEEEEy, A.B.; Physiology, A B , Stanford University, 1896.Eemer Cummings Griffith, A.M.; History, A.B., Beloit College, 1895.Reginald Harvey Griffith, A M ; English, A.B., Furman University, 1892.Wieeiam Cyrus Gunnerson, S.B. ; Sanskrit, S.B , Northern Indiana NormarSchool,i893.Shinkishi HaTai, Neurology, Graduate of the Imperial University of Tokio, (Japan), 1897 .Augustus Raymond Hatton, Ph B.; Political Science, Ph.B., Franklin College, 1898.Edward Cary Hayes, A.M ; Sociology, A B., Bates College, 1887.Mary Hefferan, A.M.; Zoology, A.B., Wellesley College, 1896.Herman Charees Henderson, A.B. ; Pedagogy, A.B ,University of New Brunswick, 1889.Ceifton DuranT Howe, A.B.; Botany, A.B., University of Vermont, 1898.Marion Elisabeth Hubbard, S.B.; Zoology, S B., University of Chicago, 1894.Benjamin Oscar Hutchinson, A.B.; Physics, A.B., Richmond College, 1898.Charles IngbERT, A.B.; Neurology, A.B., State University of North Dakota, 1895,Marcus Wilson Jernegan, A.M., History, A.B , Brown University, 1896.34Herbert Edwin Jordan, A.B ; Mathematics, A B., McMaster University, 1900.Irving King, A B.; Philosophy, A.B., Earlham College, 1896.Stephen BuTEER Leacock, A.B.; Political Economy, A.B., University of Toronto, 1 891.,Svant Godfrey Lindhoem, L.B.; Political Economy, L.B., Carleton College, 1895.John Robertson MacArthur, A.B.; English, A.B., Manitoba College, 1892.Francis Mitchell McCeEnehan, A.B ; Political Science, A B., Tarkio College, 1895.Edgar Holmes McNeal, A.B ; History, A.B., University of Chicago, 1897.John Mills, A.B ; Physics, A.B., University of Chicago, 1901.Geneva Misener, A.M.; Greek, A.M , Queen's University, 1899.Walter Dudley Nash, L B.; Political Economy, L.B , Wheaton College, 1899.Charles Hugh Neilson, A B.; Physiology, A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1894,Roy Batcheldor Nelson, A.B.; Sanskrit, A.B., University of Chicago, 19. 1.Mary Isabel NorThway, A.B.; Physics, A.B., University of Toronto, 1898.Victor Lathrop O'Brien, LL.B.; Sociology, Ph.B., University of California, 1892.Henry Cables Penn, A.B.; English, A.B., Central College, 1885.Richard Holmes Powell, Jr., A M.; English, A.B., Mercer University, 1894.Daniel GraisbeRRY REVELL, M.B.; Anatomy, A.B , University of Toronto, 1894.George Fullmer Reynolds, Ph B ; English, Ph.B., Lawrence University, 1898.Thomas Jefferson Riley, A.B.; Sociology, A.B., Baker University, 1900.William James Rusk, A.M.; Mathematics, A.B., Toronto University, 1895.Alfred OGLE Shaklee, S B.; Chemistry, S.B., University of Chicago, 1899.George Harrison Schull, S.B.; Botany, S.B., Antioch College, 1901.Arthur Whipple Smith, S.B.; Mathematics, S B., University of Chicago, 1898.Selden F. Smysp;r, Ph.B ; Political Economy, Ph B., De Pauw University, 1892 .Louis Neill Tate, S.B.; Anatomy, S.B., Knox College, 1901.La Rue Van Hook, A.B.; Greek, A.B., University of Michigan, 1899.Oswald Veblen, A.B.; Mathematics, A.B., University of Iowa, 1898.John Broadus Watson, A,B.; Philosophy, A.B., Furman University, 1898.Herbert Lemuel Wilbur, A.M.; Pedagogy, A.B., Amherst College, 1892.Frank Alonzo Wilder, A.B.; Geology, A.B , Oberlin College, 1892.Philip Graeme WrighTson, S.B.; Botany, S.B , University of Chicago, 1900.II. Divinity FellowsJohn William Bailey, A.B.; New Testament, A.B., Franklin College, 1898.Allan Tibbals Burns, A.B.; Biblical Theology, A.B., University of Chicago, 1897.Franklin Hermann Geselbracht, A.B. ; New Testament, A. B., University of Chicago,1898.Wilfred Currier Keirstead, A.B.; Systematic Theology, A.B , University of NewBrunswick, 1898.Llewellyn Phillips, A.M.; Bucknell Fellow, A.B., Bucknell College, 1892.William Ross Schoemaker, S.B.; Systematic Theology, S.B., Iowa State College.William Duncan Ferguson, D.B. ; New Testament, D.B., Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1894.35Other Officers and Assistants0Francis Ramsay Angus, Assistant in English, University Secondary SchoolvSophonisba P. Breckinridge, Assistant to Dean of Women.Edith Brownell, Stenographer, Deans' Offices.Mabel Butterworth, Stenographer, University Press Division.Richard M. Chitwood, Registrar, Morgan Park Academy.Myrtle M. Christine, Stenographer, University Extension Division.John Maxwell Crowe, Assistant in English, University Secondary School.Anna CulTon, Stenographer, University Press Division.ROBERT F. Culver, Bookkeeper, University Press Division.Orion Davis, Stenographer, President's Office.Louise Dickinson, Library Assistant.Lillian Eastman, Clerk, University Press Division.Thomas B. Freas, Storekeeper.Alma F. Gamble, Clerk, Deans' Offices.Alice M. Gray, Clerk, Deans' Offices.Ethel Griffiths, Stenographer, University Press Division.Margaret Harding, Library Assistant.Olivia D. Harvey, Cashier, University Press Division.May F. HawkES, Stenographer, University Extension Division.Kenkechi Hayashei, Artist, Zoological Laboratory.Amy He WES, Assistant, Historical Libraries.William B. Howell, Assistant in Latin, University Secondary School.Margaret Hughes, Assistant, Recorder's Office.Julius A. JohannESEn, Mechanician, Yerkes Observatory.Samuel C. Johnston, Assistant in Greek, University ^Secondary School.Louise Keeney, Stenographer, Recorder's Office.Duncan Keith, Clerk, Auditor's Office.Oscar Lange, Mechanician, Physical Laboratory.36James C. Logan, Cashier, Business Manager's Office.ESTELLE LuTTRELL, Library Assistant.Carton J. LyndE, Assistant in Physics, University Secondary School.Murdoch H. MacLean, Manager, Office of Information and Exchange.Rollin E. Mallory, Chief Clerk, Registrar's Office.A. C. McFarland, Foreman, Composing Department, University Press Division.KaTE BELLE MILLER, Clerk, University College.Neva B. Mills, Clerk, University Press Division.Sarah E. Mills, Assistant, Academy Library.John W. Mitchell, Chief Proof- Reader, University Press Division.Ruth E. Morgan, Library Assistant.Richard G. Myers, Assistant Engineer.GEORGE M. Naylor, Accountant, Auditor's Office.W. E. Palmer, Clerk, Registrar's Office.ALBERT O. Parker, Chief Engineer and Superintendent.Anna S. Packer, Library Assistant.Julius Pearson, Assistant Mechanician, Physical Laboratory.Fred. A. PERiNE, Superintendent of Publication Department, University PressDivision.Nathan C. Plimpton, Accountant, Auditor's Office.AGNES E. Robbins, Clerk, Deans' Offices.Maud Robertson, Stenographer, University Press Division.Theodore Z. Root, Superintendent, Manufacturing Department, University PressDivision.J. F. RoYSTER, Assistant, Modern Language Libraries.OTTO R. Ryerson, Superintendent of Retail Department, University Press Division.Laurens L. Simpson, Assistant in Manual Training, University Secondary School.Frank StaplETOn, Shipping Clerk, University Press Division.Pauline Stone, Stenographer, Business Manager's Office.JESSIE O. Taylor, Clerk, University Press Division.Lillian TeaslE, Clerk, University Press Division.Mary E. Tobias, Stenographer, Deans' Offices.Mabel Ury, Stenographer, University Extension Division.Louis Warming, Proof-Reader, University Press Division.Oliver M. Washburn, Assistant in Latin, University Secondary School.William E. WhalEy, Assistant in History, University Secondary School.BERTHA Wilkes, Clerk, University Press Division.Charlotte E. Will, Stenographer, Secretary's and Auditor's Offices.PERCY WiLLiAMLON, Solicitor, University Press Division.Elizabeth Yeomans, Manager, Women's Commons.37The University Senate.THE University Senate consists of the President, the University Recorder, theProfessors who are heads of Departments of Instruction (twenty-three in all), theUniversity Librarian (office vacant at present) , the Director of the University Extension Division, the Director of the School of Education and three members of the Faculties,elected by the Congregation.The Senate, thus constituted with about thirty members, holds stated meetings monthly, or oftener, to consider general questions relating to the educational work and policyof the University. The actions of Faculties and University Boards upon such questionsare subject to revision or reversal by the Senate.The University Council,THE University Council consists of the President, the Chaplain, the Recorder, theRegistrar, the Deans of all Schools, Colleges and Academies (seventeen in all), theDirector of the University Extension Division, the Director of the UniversityLibraries, Laboratories and Museums, the Director of Physical Culture, the Director ofthe University Press, the Director and Dean of Affiliations, the Director of Co-operatingWork, the Principals or Deans of Affiliated Institutions (at present twenty-one), and threemembers of the Faculties, elected by the Congregation.The Council holds stated meetings monthly, to consider questions relating to thegeneral administration of the University. All actions of the Faculties and UniversityBoards upon administrative questions are subject to revision and reversal by this bodyof fifty-two membersThe University Congregation.THE University Congregation consists of: Officers of Administration and Instructionof the rank of Instructor and above; Doctors of Philosophy of the University ofChicago; Bachelors of Divinity, of the University of Chicago, of three years'standing; Masters of Arts, Philosophy and Science of the University of Chicago, of fiveyears' standing; Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy and Science of the University of Chicago,of ten years' standing, — under the following conditions, viz. : Not more than five from theBachelors of Divinity, and not more than five from the Masters of Arts, Philosophy andScience, and not more than ten from the Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy and Science, can beelected yearly for a term often years by their respective alumni associations, — each association having, however, power to fill vacancies as they occur; Officers of Affiliated Collegeswhen elected by the Congregation, and such others as may be recommended by the Senate and elected by the Congregation to honorary membership, provided that not more thanfive honorary members may be elected yearly. At present the membership of the Congregation is slightly over five hundred.The Congregation holds regular quarterly meetings in connection with the Convocation exercises, to consider subjects referred to it, and to make recommendations to theGoverning Bodies of the University. At all meetings of the Congregation, the full scholastic dress is worn The Congregation Dinner takes place in connection with each quarterly meeting.If the Congregation formally disapproves a regulation enacted by any Faculty of theUniversity, it is the duty of such Faculty within four weeks to reconsider its action andreport through the Senate or the Council to the Congregation at its next meeting. TheCongregation recommends to the Board of Trustees, the Convocation Orator and conductsthe celebration of Founder's Day At the July meeting, the members of the Congregationwho are, (a) Doctois of Philosophy and Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science of theUniversity; {b) Bachelors of Divinity of the University; {c) Bachelors of Arts, Philosphy,and Science of the University; each elect from the permanent officers of the University,one member of the Senate and one member of the Council The members of the Senateand Council, so elected hold office for one year and represent in these bodies the Graduate,Divinity and Collegiate Alumni respectively.The Thirty=eighth Convocation0Held in the Graduate Quadrangle, June 18, 1901.'Convocation Chaplain . . . . C. R. HendersonAddress— Mr. Martin A. Ryerson. On behalf of the Board of Trustees.Address — Professor Frank F. Abbott. On behalf of the Faculties of theUniversity.Address — Mr. Arthur E. Bestor. On behalf of the Students and Alumni.Address — Mr. George E. Adams. On behalf of the City of Chicago.Address — Mr. John D. Rockefeller. Founder of the University.Remarks— President Harper.39The Thirty=ninth ConvocationHeld in the Graduate Quadrangle, August 29, 1901.Convocation Chaplain . . . . . . C. R. HendersonConvocation Address— " Education and Labor." Rev. Caspar Rene Gregory,,Dr. Th., D.D., LL.D., Dr. Ph.iThe Fortieth ConvocationHeld in Studebaker Hall, December 17, 1901.Convocation Chaplain . . . . . C. R. HendersonConvocation Address — "The Influence of Universities Upon Historical Writing"'Professor Franklin Jameson, Ph.D., LL.D.The Forty=first ConvocationHeld in Studebaker Hall, March 18, 1902.Convocation Chaplain . . . . . . C. R. Henderson:Convocation Address — ' ' The Outlook for the Young Man in the New Social and EconomicOrder. ' ' Mr. Albert Shaw, Ph.D. , Editor American Review of Reviews*43The Quadrangle ClubThe object of the Quadrangle Club, as stated in the Articles of Incorporation, is theassociation of members of the faculties of the University of Chicago and other personsinterested in literature, Science, and Art, for the purpose of mutual improvement and socialrecreation.OfficersPresident, James R. Angela Vice-President, Geo. S. GoodspeedSecretary, Ernst Freund 'Treasurer, Newman Miukr,. •, I Ernest D. Burton H. H. Donaldson ... „ wtTT^„Councilors \ Wm. H. Wilder( Henry G. Gale Charles E. HutchinsonEntertainments During Past YearTwo Concerts by SpiERING QuartetRecitals by: Miss Mary Thompson ; Mr. Max Heinrich and Miss Julia Heinrich ;Mrs. Fanny Bloomfield-ZeisslerLadies' Evenings with Addresses by: Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson,Mr. Alexander Smith, Mr. Frederick Starr,Mr. VerestchaginSmoke Talks by: Mr. AlleynE Ireland, Mr. John Bass, Dr. L. F. Barker,Mr. Worthington C. Ford, Mr. G. E. Hale, Mr. J. H. Breasted,President W. R. Harper, Mr. G. E. VincentReceptions to: Mr. Frederick Harrison, M. Jules CambonClub Dinners with Shop Talks by: Mr. T. C. Chamberlain, Princb Kropotkin, ..Mr. Edwin O. Jordon4iIfn flftemoriamCarter ID. JBrownChristian tfenger/Iftrs. IRancp Smith fosterMrs. Bnnte S. /IfcclRielColonel Francis TKH. fmifter;£ftwin 3Lee poulson/Ifcrs. J. louncj ScammonSanforD B. ScribnerHE office of University Marshal was instituted in 1893 wTith the purposeof taking charge of the University Convocations.At first the Marshal's duties were largely those of the UniversityUsher whom he superseded, but later as student affairs in the University began to take form, there were added to his duties the responsibilities of organizing and directing the various student celebrationsand mass meetings. This was a natural development, because theMarshals were prominent in student affairs, in fact — were appointed by the Universitybecause they were student leaders and possessed executive ability. Until 1900 theappointments to this office were made by the University on the basis of recommendationspresented by the old Marshals. Since that time the recommendations have been made bythe Senior Council. The office of University Marshal, has always been one of the highest honor and responsibility. The Marshals as a body have been representatives of the besttype of the University'undergraduate.The following have been Head Marshalls :'93- '96 Joseph E. Raycroft'96- '97 William Scott Bond'97-' 98 Nott William Flint'98-' 99 Willoughby George Walling'99-00' Walter Joseph Schmahloo'-'oi Leroy Tudor VernonHead MarshalWalter Lawrence HudsonAssistant MarshalsJames Milton Sheldon Claude Carlyle NuckolsBertram G. Nelson Thomas Johnston HairPlatt Milk Conrad William Reynolds JayneLeon Patterson Lewis David Allan Robertson.;44HE, was the only girl I ever saw whocould really tie an Ascot. Shealways wore a box coat and a graySombrero, and her shoes had thewidest extension soles that ever made agirl's feet look as big as a man's, She wrotea black, intoxicated=looking hand, which,as she confided to me, her own mothercould not read. I was rather surprised tolearn that she had a mother. I had neverassociated her with anything but a father.She always brought a book to class andread during the entire hour — usually it wasIbsen or Tolstoi.One day a passage from Wordsworth wasread and she was called on for a comment.I showed her the place. She read the firstline, and then said she did not understandwhat was meant by the phrase "an achingjoy." "How could joy be painful?"46'xtem&rHistory of the Class of 19020HE most significant and hopeful omen in the recent development of theUniversity of Chicago has been the phenomenal growth of class andcollege spirit — the forerunners of tradition. A school may boast ofunlimited financial resources, of an unrivalled faculty, and of an imposing array of buildings, and still be far from great. A vital somethingis wanting. As a child grows into a consciousness of itself and develops a personality of its own through the ripening of certain distinctive traits, so does an institution of learning. This budding into consciousness is thepeculiar feature of the progress of this university during the past three or four years.Class spirit means ultimate college spirit. In initiating and guiding the latter byfostering the former, the Class of 1902 may, without undue presumption, claim for itselfa position of unique prominence, in that it was first to see that the time was ripe for thegrowth of an ivy of tradition which should soften the sharp angles of the cold gray walls>©f intellect ualism and materialism.The function of '02 has been to set precedents. In a sea of green, "Harper's YoungPeople of '98" received from the sophomores their earliest notions of class duty. TheFreshmen Presentation plan originated with '02. The idea of an annual football game between the two lower classes was heartily seconded by '02. A feature of the "smoker" in'99, previous to the Brown-Chicago contest, was the spirit and activity of '02. Particularly exciting on that occasion was the struggle between freshmen and sophomores overthe latter 's banner and emblem. The most important contribution, however, of thepresent senior class was yet to come. A handful of the class, in its second year, had discussed . the feasibility of organization, but early plans proved abortive. Success in¦abundance came the following school year, and the junior class of 'or was effectivelyorganized. The class of 1902 was, therefore, the first in the history of the University toadvance the idea of organization before the senior year.To set precedents, be it repeated, was the function of 1902. Inter-class footballgames, the Freshmen Presentation exercises, class organizations in every year, classdebating teams, and class athletic teams now occupy chapters in the great book of tradition along with the junior and senior promenades and Junior Day.One event of prominence marks the history of the junior class of '01. The mockdecennial celebration was emminently successful in itself and in acquainting the members with one another — all this betokening a satisfactory senior year.Too much emphasis cannot be laid upon the energy and ability of individual members of the senior class of 1902. It is no exaggeration to say that the junior collegecouncil became, as never before, the voice of the student body of the two lower yearsthrough the push of a few members of '02. The same is true of the senior college councilwhich is today a body of influence commanding respect. The University of ChicagoWeekly, also, owes much of its present prosperity to men of the class of '02. And, ingeneral, on athletic teams, on debating teams, in the dramatic club, in the musicalclubs, and in scholarship awards, 1902 has never failed to be well represented. That thechampionship football team of '99 numbered among its members more men from '02 thanfrom any other class will always be remembered as an evidence of the zeal of the class inuniversity affairs.Has the class added something to the vitality and prestige of its alma mater? — is thequestion which tests the strength of a particular class. By this standard it will be conceded that the class of 1902 was unusually strong. As a unit, and through individuals,'02 met ably such tasks as come ordinarily before a class in its various stages of university life, and, what is far higher, set enduring precedents along lines which mark theliving class in the living university.49Senior Class Roll0Figures in Heavy=faced Type Refer to the Numberson the Class Photographs0Emma Fidelia Adams. 20*Dunkirk (N. Y.) High School.Harriet Ruth Aitchison. 124Des Moines (la.) College.Martha A. Allerdice. 130Indianapolis (Ind.) High School, '98.Orville E. Atwood, Jr., AY. 95President Sophomore Class, '01; Football Team, 'oo-'oi; Junior College Council,.'00; Senior College Council, '01; Reception Committee, Washington Promenade,Winter, '01; Cap and Gown Board, '01.Harvey Austrian. 62South Side Academy, '98.William Armitage Averill. 9 1Austin High School, 98; Junior College Scholarship in Geology; "As You LikeIt"; Corporal U. of C. Military Co.; Dramatic Club.Bijou L. Babb. 126Lewis Institute; Quadrangle Chorus.Joseph Louis Baer. 135North Division High School, Chicago, '97; Cornell University, '98-'oo; Vice-President Rush Medical College, Class, '05; Honorable Mention Senior College.Lees Ballinger, X^. 138Keokuk (la.) High School, '98; Entrance Scholarship; Three Quarters Club;Sphinx; Custodian Ivy Spade; Junior College Council, '00; Athletic ChairmanJunior Day, '00; Daily Maroon Board; Vice-President Junior Class, '01; AssociateEditor Cap and Gown, '01; Chairman Finance Committee, Senior Promenade, '01 ;Captain Reserve Baseball Team, '01; Business Manager Dramatic Club, '01; StageManager Dramatic Club, '02; Chairman Senior College Council, '02; UniversityGolf Champion, '00; Chairman Senior Promenade, '02;Minnie Ada Beckwith, *BK. 110'New London (Conn.) High School.Edith Behrhorst. 23-Wellesley College, '98-'oi.5oOn sunny days her hairBlows round in glinting rings,She is so debonairOn sunny days. Her hairHas not the slightest airOf curl papers or strings;On sunny days her hairBlows round in glinting rings.52Arthur Frederic Beieeld, 3»BK. 141Hyde Park High School, '98; Entrance Scholarship; Junior College Council,'99; Weekly Board, '99-'oo; Assistant Managing Editor of the Weekly, '99;Junior Day Committee, '99; Senior College Romance Scholarship, '00; Honorable Mention, Junior College; Colonial Dames Scholarship in American History, 'oi-'o3; Senior College Council, '02; Treasurer of Civics Club, '02; Students'Club House Committee, '02; Chairman Printing Committee, Washington Promenade, 02."Henry W. Beleield, X^. 75The Sphinx; EEA ; Tennis Team, 'oiS-^-'oi; Varsity Tennis Champion, '01;Weekly Board, '98-' 99; Business Manager of the Weekly, '99; Manager Inter-scholastic, '99.Edith Coefin Bellamy. 125Morgan Park Academy.Lily Bell and. 43Englewood High School, '98."PETER A. Bendixen. 89In a Mary Benton. 22Escanaba (Mich.) High School, '98; Lake Forest University, '99-' 00.Joseph Walter Bingham, The Order of the Dragon's Tooth. 116Treasurer Oratorical Association, 'oo-'oi; Banjo Club, 'oo-'oi; Banjo Sextette,'oi-'o2; Washington House; Weekly Board, '99~'oo; Assistant Managing Editorof the Weekly, '00; Cap and Gown Board, '00; Law Club; Tennis Team,'99-'oi-'o2; Captain Tennis Team, '02; Secretary Western Intercollegiate TennisAssociation, 'oi-'o2.Willis Lane Blackman, XM>.Lyons Township (111.) High School.Brieta Bobo, The Quadranglers. 128Smith College.May Haines Bowen. 44Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas; Honorable Mention in Senior College Work;Scholarship in History.Cecile belle Bowman. 73Morgan Park Academy, '98; Honorable Mention in Junior College; SeniorBasket Ball Team.Frederick Dennison Bramhall, <£BK. 35Englewood High School, '97; Entrance Scholarship; "As You Like It," '01;Vice-Head of Lincoln House, 'oi-'o2.55HELLEN Brandeis, $BA. Delta Gamma. 56Omaha High School, '98; University of Minnesota, '99; Women's Weekly, '01;Isabella Catherine Brodie. 18Jefferson High School, Chicago, '98.Jeanette Brooks. 101South Division High School.Ralph Crissman Brown, X^. 15 8Tiger's Head; Comic Opera, '00; "As You Like It," '01; Senior College Council;Glee Club, 'oo-'o2; Leader Glee Club, 'oi-'o2; Manager Musical Clubs, 'oi-'o2.Mary Isabelle Brush. 159Indianapolis Girls' Classical School; Weekly Board; Managing Editor of TheWomen's Weekly, '02; Cap and Gown Board, '02.Pearl Grace Bryning. 52University of Wisconsin, '99- '00.Lillian Hazle Buck. 38Calumet High School; Dramatic Club.Franz C. Butterbrodt. 140Edna F. Campbell. 102Hyde Park High School; H. P. H. S. Club.Helen G. Campbell. 8Hyde Park High School; H. P. H. S. Club.Leona Canterbury. The Ouadranglers. 112NILS. Dramatic Club; Junior College Council.Nellie Carpenter. 65.Rockford (111.) College, '99.Agnes Eleanor Chambers. The Esoteric. 122.niis.Norman Moore Chivers, <3?BK. 93Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y., '98; Entrance Scholarship; Winner inSenior Oratorical Contest, '01.Roy Eldon Cody. 7&Secretary Prohibition Club.Corinne Coggeshall. 106Drake University, '01.Herbert Cohen. 5 0Hyde Park High School, '99; "Academic Alchemist" Ballet, '00; "As You LikeIt, ' '01.56"What are you taking?" She asked."A double major in the Art of Receiving^a Snub Gracefully, and four recitations aweek in the Reduction of Feelings to aPulp by the Use of a Hammer," I answered."'And you?""A Seminar in the Complete Annihilationof that Amount of Self Respect, WhichMakes Life E,ndurable," she said.I sighed, for I remembered that I had tomake up a cut minor by taking six weeks ofthe Consideration of the Higher Affections,"which it is to be hoped will come to eachmember of the class."58Albert Colt Coon. 74Anna Marie Corbett, KKK. 40Alleghany College.Margaret G. Coulter, the Sigma Club. DNu Pi Sigma; Hyde Park High School; Secretary Senior Class, '02; DramaticClub.Abigail Wells Cowley.Indiana University.Marguerite Croeoot. 139Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Henri C. E. David. 81French-American College, Springfield, Mass.Beatrice Irene Davies.Englewood High School, '98.Rebecca Louise Day, Wyvern Club.Wells College, '98-' 99.Jerome L. Deimel.South Side Academy; Rush Medical College, '05.Alice De Lagneau.Lewis Institute, '98- '00. 5810551William Ernest De Sombre. 100Morgan Park Academy, '98; 2nd Wisconsin Infantry, Spanish-American War;Service in Porto Rico, '98; Junior College Council, '99; Freshman Presentation,'99; Captain U. of C. Military Company, '99-'o2; Appointed 2nd Lieutenant ofArtillery, U. S. A.John Reinman Dexter, AY, ALT. 153Wyoming (111.) High School, '97; Bradley Academy, Peoria, 111., '98; BradleyPolytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111., '00; President of U. of C. Masonic Club, 'oo-'o2.Martha Dobyns. 151Radcliffe College; Secretary and Business Manager of the Quadrangle Chorus,'oi-'o2.Annie Louise Dodge, the Quadranglers. 120Wellesley College; The Weekly Board; Women's Weekly, '02; Cap and GownBoard, '02; Dramatic Club, '00- '01.Margaret Donnan, the Mortar Board. 76The Weekly Board; Women's Weekly, '02; Cap and Gown Board, '02.Carl J. E. Eckerman. 9461W. Henry Elfreth, AY. 147"Entrance Scholarship; "The Iron Key"; Staff Artist University of ChicagoWeekly.Phoebe Ellison. 85Wellesley College.Bennett Epstein.South Division High School.Vernon Tiras Ferris, AKE.Owl and Serpent; Order of the Iron Mask; Three Quarters Club; BusinessManager, Cap and Gown, '01; Banjo Club, '98-'oo; Junior College Council,Spring '99; Chairman Senior College Council, Winter '01.Herbert E. Fleming, X^. BPresident Class, '02; Printing Committee, Junior Day, '00; Assistant Editor, ofthe Weekly, Winter and Spring, '01; Managing Editor of the Weekly, Autumn'01; Executive Committee, Junior Class, 'or; Secretary, Civic Club, 'oi-'o2;Senior College Council, '01; Cross Country Club; Chairman of Committee onFormation of Rules for the Students' Club House; Reception Committee, Washington Promenade, '02; Senior College Scholarship in Oratory, '02.Alfred Hugh Fowler.Englewood High School, '98; Lincoln House; Rush Medical College.Beatrice McArdle Freeman. 27Montana State College.H. Mildred French, AAA. 117University of Cincinnati, '98-'oo; Corresponding Secretary, Y. W. C. A.;Women's Weekly, '01.Virgil M. Gantz, AKE.Indiana University; Honorable Mention for Work in Senior College.Albert B. Garcelon, ^KN^. 12Matilda Gibson. 34Francis Harry Gilchrest, AY. 69Lake View High School, '98; Entrance Scholarship; The Iron Key.Robert Harold Goheen, B0n. 63University of Wooster, Preparatory and Collegiate, '91-'oi; Rush MedicalCollege, '05.Harriet R. Going. 1 3Spellman House.Jacob J. Goldsmith. 15662HE, day after Aunt Martha fefldown stairs and broke her leg,I was called out of her room bythe arrival of the Bashful Youth.He belonged to that cultured and re=fined class of people who retire atnight and whose hands are sometimessoiled."How do you do?" Said he in avery lady = like voice. "How is yourAunt's knee— that is her ankle — thatis — I hope she is much better."%64Susan Grant. 30Kenwood Institute; The Weekly Board; Associate Editor of The Women'sWeekly, '02.Wilbur Condit Gross, B0n. 108Englewood High School; University of Michigan, '98- '00; Glee Club, '02; Mandolin Club, '02.Nellie Halsted. 71Oscar Olin Hamilton, <1»BK. 1Morgan Park Academy; Honorable Mention for* Work in Junior Colleges; SeniorCollege Scholarship in Chemistry.Samuel Northrup Harper/ AA<i\ 26Three Quarters Club; Associate Manager of Musical Clubs, 'oi-'o2.Evelyn Shewell Hayden, <£>BK. 161Armour Institute, Entrance Scholarship; Honorable Mention in Junior College;Senior College Scholarship in Physics.Charles S. Hayes, AKE. 16Hyde Park High School, '98; IThree Quarters Club; University of ChicagoWeeklyiBoard, '99-'oi; Associate * Editor of University of Chicago Weekly, '99;Managing Editor University of Chicago Weekly, '01; Junior College Council,'99-'oo; President Junior College Council, '99-'oo; Dramatic Club, 'oi-'o2; StageManager, '01; Properties, '01; Treasurer Junior Class, '01; Chairman ReceptionCommittee, Junior Promenade, '01.Grace T. Hayman. 146Spellman House; Quadrangle Chorus.Bess Henry. 59Robert L. Henry, Jr., X^. 104Chicago Manual Training High School, '98; Order of the Iron Mask; Score Club;Law Club; Oratorical Association; Executive Committee of Civics Club; Special Marshal, Summer 'oi; The Weekly Board, 'oi-'o2; Associate Editor of theWeekly; Cap and Gown Board, '02; Student Club House Commission; Executive Committee, Junior Class, '01; Football Cheer Leader, '01; Captain, CrossCountry Club; Track Teams, '01 -'02.Florence Pearl Hood.Bradley Polytechnic Ins itute.Earl Dean Howard, EX. CTreasurer, Senior Class; Editor and Manager of The Daily Maroon, '00Weekly Board, '00; Cap and Gown Board, '02.67Austin Young Hoy, <i>A0. 46Mandolin Club, 'oc-'oi; Junior Promenade Committee, 'oo; "Academic Alchemist" Ballet, 'oo; Senior Promenade Committee, '02.Charles A. Huston, 4>BK. 167Morgan Park Academy; Honorable Mention for Work in Junior Colleges;Chicago-Minnesota Debate, '02.Emery B. Jackson, AY. 96The Iron Key; Cap and Gown Board, '02.Mark Reginald Jacobs. 149Englewood High School, '98; University of Tennessee, '98-' 99; Secretary ofLincoln House, '00; Junior College Public Speaking Scholarship, '00; WinnerFerdinand Peck Prize, '00; Senior College Public Speaking Scholarship, '01.William Reynolds Jayne, AA<I>, ^BK. 66Morgan Park Academy, '97; Junior College Council, '00; Honorable Mention,Junior College; Cross Country Club, 'oi-'o2; Marshal, 'oi-'o2; Finance Committee, Junior Promenade, '00.Grace Johnson. 1 7Englewood High School.X. de Blumenthal Kalamatiano. 24Culver Military Academy, '99; Cross Country Club; Track Team, '02.Roy D. Keehn, $K^. 103Julia E. Kennedy.Illinois State Normal University.Theodore M. Kimball, X^.Harriet Morgan Kinney. 1 9Wellesley College.Edwin G. Kirk, <1>BK. 9Entrance Scholarship, '98; Senior College Scholarship in Zoology, '00; Scholarship in Wood's Hall Marine Biological Laboratory, '01.Leo Klein. 143Joseph Medill High School; Washington House.Sidney Klein. 145Washington House; Junior College Public Speaking Scholarship; Senior CollegePublic Speaking Scholarshipf President, Rush Medical College, Class of '05.Aurelia Koch.Ernest W. Kohlsaat, Jr., AKE. 49Senior College Council, 'oo.Clara Josephine KretzinGER, The Mortar Board. • 82Vanderbilt University.68I sat on the grass in front of Cobb. Onthe other side of the tree against which Ileaned, I heard two fresh young voices:"Say, George, this is fine, isn't it? Thesetrees and the old gray buildings, and thestone seat — ""What stone seat?""Why, that one over there!"" Ha! ha! ha! That's one on you, Frank;Ha! ha! ha! That's not a seat. Some one'sburied there. That's a grave.""Why, no! That's the stone bench Iused to read about in the 'Weekly' and in'The Cap and Gown' when I was in""No, it's not. Fred Williams told rne itwas a grave; and he ought to know. He'sa Senior.""Well," slowly, as if awed by the nameof Williams, "well, then, what is the mean=ing of the '96' carved on it?"Pause. Then in an inspiration, "Oh, Iguess that was the man's age."70Josephine L ackner . 152South Division High School.Roxanne E. Langellier. 132Benjamin Griffin LEE, ATA. 114Morgan Park Club; Philolexian Literary Society; Lincoln House; Chairman,Religious Meetings Committee, Y. M. C. A., '98-' 99; Executive Committee,Comic Opera, '00; University of Chicago Band, '01; Senior College Council, FallQuarter, '01; Cap and Gown Board, '02; Arrangements Committee, WashingtonPromenade, '02; Finance Committee, Students' Club House, '02.Clarence Carey Leffingwell. 107Allen (Mich.) High School, '94; Hillsdale College, '95-'96; Bradley PolytechnicInstitute, Peoria, 111., '00.Sylvanus George Levy, 3>BK. 84South Division High School, '98; Junior College Public Speaking Scholarship, '00;Leader in Chicago-Columbia Debate, March, '00; Honorable Mention, JuniorCollege, '00; Chairman of Intercollegiate Debating in U. of C. Oratorical Association; Chicago-Northwestern Debate, '01; Chicago-Michigan Debate, '01;Scholarship in Senior Oratorical Contest; Member of Winning Team, Graduate -Divinity Debate; Vice-President Central Debating League, '01; President '02," As You Like It;" Mandolin and Banjo Clubs.LEON PaTTESOn Lewis, The Order of the Dragon's Tooth, <I>BK. 48Louisville (Ky.) Male High School, Class '95; Freshman Debating Team, '00;Junior College Scholarship in Public Speaking, '00; Junior College Council, '00;President Junior College Council, '00; Treasurer Sophomore Class, 'oo-'oi;Business Manager University of Chicago Weekly, 'oo-'oi; Ivy Committee,Junior Day, '01; Honorable Mention for Work of Junior College, '01; SeniorCollege Scholarship in Political Economy; President Civic Club, 'oi-'o2; SeniorCollege Council, '01; Joseph Leiter Prize Graduate Divinity Debate, '01; WeeklyBoard, 'oi-'o2; Finance Committee, Washington Promenade, '02; Chicago-Minnesota Debate, '02; Marshal, 'oi-'o2.Ota P. Lightfoot. 99University of Fort Worth (Tex), '98-'oi.Dora K. Longenecker. 15Decatur (111.) High School.Walter S. Lybrand, 3>A0. 166Harris Franklin MacNeish. 157Northwest Division High School, '99; Entrance Scholarship; Junior CollegePublic Speaking Scholarship, '00; Ballet, "Academic Alchemist," '00; SeniorCollege Scholarship in Mathematics; Washington House.Harvey M. MacQuiston, AA<3>. 127Banjo Club, '98; Tennis Team, '98 -'99.Paul D. MacQuiston, AA#. 129Banjo Club, '98; Tennis Team, 'gS-'yg.73Jerome P. Magee, AA<£. 29Track Team, '99- '02.Me rton M. Mann.Anna Halcomb Marshall 31Augustaua College, Rock Island, 111.Herbert Victor Mellinger. 98Chicago Athenaeum Private Work; 3d Sergeant U. of C. Military Company;"As You Like It," 'oi; Rush Medical College, '05.Mabel F. Mentzer. 92Alfred E. Merrill. 57Glee Club, '02.Thaddeus J. Merrill, B0II. 164West Aurora (111.) High School, '98; Dartmouth College, 'gS-'oo.Florence D. Miller. 121Dramatic Club.Mary Miles. 1 1Ruth Moon.Ruth Ellen Moore. 79Florence Irene Morrison, <I>BK. 77Indianapolis High School, '98; Entrance Scholarship; Honorable MentionJunior College.Grace Lenore Myers. 133Lake High School.Aubrey P. Nelson, The Order of the Dragon's Tooth. 55Hyde Park High School.Bertram G. Nelson, AY. 88Junior College Scholarship in Public Speaking, '99; Ferdinand Peck Prize inDeclamation, '99; University Representative in Northern Oratorical League, '00,Ivy Orator, '00; University Representative in Northern Oratorical League, '01,(2nd Place); Senior College Scholarship in Public Speaking, '01; "Orlando,"" As You Like It," '01; Junior Class Representive to Receive Senior Bench, '01;Annual Senior Oratorical Contest, 1st Place; University Representative in Northern Oratorical League, '02; University Marshal; Lincoln House; Senior CollegeCouncil.Care I. Neptune, ^K^. 90Memphis (Tenn.) Instiiute.Eugene Oran Neubauer. 162Barry (111.) High School, '98; Slmrtleff College, ^S-'oo; Junior College PublicSpeaking Scholarship, '00; Senior College Divinity Scholarship.74Jfr/B/alw^e^KAlfred Shelton Oliver, X*. 7Emory College (Oxford, Ga.), '98-'oo; Rush Medical College, '05.Katherine Paltzer, The Sigma Club. 21Armour Institute; Nu Pi Sigma.Marguerite O. Parker.Bradley Polytechnic Institute.Ernest E. Perkins. " 168Football Team, 'oo-'oi; Track Team, 'oi-'o2.Zellner Roswell Pettet. 80Englewood High School; Track Team, '99-'oi; Football Team, '00; Relay Team,'oi; Junior College Council, '01; Senior College Council, '01; Olympian GamesCelebration Committee; Senior College Representative on Commission to Organize Men's Club; Executive Committee of Senior Class; Washington House.Milton Howard Pettit, $K\f. 54Track Team, '99- '00; Junior College Council; Senior College Council.Joseph W. Priest. 155Wayland Academy, Sparta Wis.; Winner Ferdinand Peck Prize in Public Speaking, '00.Lewis Alexander Pringle. 142Englewood High School, '92; Armour Institute, '95; " As You Like It," '01;Lincoln House.S. Walter Ransom.Jennie M. Rattray. 53Englewood High School; Spellman House.John Martin Redpath.Helena (Mont.) High School.Mary Ethel Remick. 136Kenwood Institute, '98.Mildred Blanche Richardson. 160Hyde Park High School.Frank Stahl Righeimer, AX. 97John Marshall High School, '98; LL. B., Lake Forest University, '98-'oi.David Allan Robertson, The Order of the Dragon's Tooth. 67Artist, Cap and Gown '99-'o2; Weekly Artist '99>'o2; Junior College Scholarshipin Public Speaking, Spring '00; Honorable Mention, '00; Senior College Scholarin Physics, 'oo-'oi; Associate Editor, Cap and Gown, '01; Senior College Council ;Chairman Printing Committee; Washington Promenade, '01; President SeniorCollege Council, Spring '01; Chairman Olympian Games Celebration Committee,May, '01; Layer of Students' Club House Cornerstone, '01; Chairman Organization Committee, Class of '02; Marshal,. '01- '02; President Junior Class, '01.77Egbert Thomas Robertson, The Order of the Dragon's Tooth.West Division High School, '98; Lewis Institute, '98-'oi.Benjamin W. Robinson. 70Englewood High School; Junior College Public Speaking Scholarship, 00 >Senior College Public Speaking Scholarship, '01; Senior Scholarship in Mathematics; Senior College Council, '01; Lincoln House.Louellyn Rogers. IllMary Roth. 134Joseph Medill High School.Walter George Sackett. 6Ohio State University.LeForrest W. SawtellE. 10McMinnville (Ore.) College.Jessie E. Sherman. AHyde Park High School; Vice-President Senior Class; Secretary Junior Class,'01; Treasurer Y. W. C. A.Eliza M. Sloan. 36Walter Kay Smart. 4 1Northwestern University.Charlotte Dillingham Smith, Wyvern Club. 25Dearborn Seminary.Forest Garfield Smith. 87West Division High School, '98; Entrance Scholarship; Tiger's Head; Washington House; Cross Country Club; Men's Club House Committee; President U. ofC. Republican Club; Chairman of American College Republican Club in Districtof Indiana and Illinois; Glee Club, 'gS-'gg; Mandolin Club, '98-'o2; SecretaryMandolin Club, 'oo-'oi; Leader Mandolin Club, 'oi-,02.Henry E. Smith. 33Morgan Park Academy, '99; Washington House.Marcia O. Smith. 2University of Missouri.Ralph Homer Smith, AH. 45Bradley Polytechnic Institute; Glee Club, 'oi-'o2; Rush Medical College, '05;Choir.Turner Burton Smith, AA<I>. 60Junior College Council, '99-'oo; Chairman Junior College Council, '00; IronMask, '00; Owl and Serpent, 'or; Baseball Team, '98-'99-'oo-'oi; Captain Baseball Team, '01; Fielding Record Baseball Team, '98; Chairman of ArrangementsCommittee, Senior Promenade, '02; Committee of Arrangements, Senior Promenade, '01; Associate Editor Cap and Gown, '01.73Warren Brownell Smith, X\F.Hyde Park High School.Alvin B Snider. 14Englewood High School, '98; Washington House; Football Team, '00.Harvey Monroe SolEnberger, 2N. 37Polo (Illinois) High School, '96; Northwestern University, '97-'oo; Senior College Council, Summer, '01; Scholarship Graduate Divinity Debate, '01.George Steely, Jr., ATA. <i>P2. 3University of Illinois, '98-'ot; Rush Medical College, '05.Willis Clark Stephens. 39Washington House; Mandolin Club, 'oi-'o2.David B. Stern. 72Cap and Gown Board, '01.Edna L Stevens, The Quadranglers. 144Smith College.Lillian Miller Stevens, AAA. 32Josephine F. Stone. 119Englewood High School, '98; Senior College Scholarship in History.Samuel Noel Straus, <1>BK. 47Hyde Park High School.Benjamin Strauss. 5Morgan Park Academy, '98; Captain Sophomore Football Team, '99; FootballTeam, '01; Cap and Gown Board, '02.Horace Broad well Street. 42West Point (Miss.) Military Academy, '98; Track Team, '99; U of C. Band, '99-' 11; Vice-Head of Washington House, 'oo-'oi; Mandolin Club, 'oo-'o2; SecretaryChristian Union, 'oi-'o2.James G. Strobridge.Douglas Sutherland, The Order of the Dragon's Tooth. 83Washington House, '99; Vice-Head Washington House, Autumn '99; AthleticCommittee Junior Day, '00; Weekly Board, 'oo-'oi-'o2; Cap and Gown Board,'02; Senior College Council, '02; President Senior College Council, '02; FinanceCommittee Senior Promenade, '02.Geneva Swinford. 68Alexander P. Thoms. 118Elgin (111.) High School.Mary Elizabeth Tierney.South Chicago High School, '98; Entrance Scholarship.Eva Twombly. 28Des Moines (Iowa) College.79Charles H. Van Tuyl. 113Courtland (N. Y.) State Normal School.W. Leslie Verry. 165Arthur John Walters. 137Morgan Park Academy, '98; Junior College Council, '98; Sophomore Foot BallTeam, '99; "Academic Alchemist."L. Waters.Bertha Evans Ward. 109Effie Bangs Warvelle. 123Lewis Institute.Eugene Harvey Balderston Watson, B0n. 148Owl and Serpent; Order of the Iron Mask; Sphinx; Three-Quarters Club;Dramatic Club, 'oo-'o2; Glee Club, '99-'oo Treasurer of Northern OratoricalLeague, '02; Business Manager of Cap and Gown, '01; Weekly Board, '99, '00;Associate Editor, '99; Managing Editor, '99; Junior College Scholarship inDeclamation, '99; Manager of University Informals, '99-'oo; Dean of Regulations, Junior Presentation, '99; Chairman of Finance Committee, Junior Day,'00; Member of Junior Council, '00.Mabel Kate Whiteside. 131Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tenn.; Senior College Scholarship in Latin.Garland Quinche Whitfield. 4Millsap's College, Jackson, Miss., '97-'99; General Scholarship; CorrespondingSecretary of U. of C. Southern Club.Deo Whittelsy. 154Central High School, Toledo, Ohio, '98.Paul C. Wilson. 150M. M. Work. 86Arkansas City (Kas.) High School.Charles A. Wright, AKE. 64South Side Academy.GEORGE A. Young, The Order of the Dragon's Tooth. 163Three-Quarters Club; Law Club; "Deceitful Dean," '99; "Academic Alchemist, "'00; Junior College Council, '00; Senior College Council, 'oo-'oi-'o2; PresidentSenior College Council, '01; Arrangements Committee, Junior Promenade, '00;Weekly Board, 'oo-'oi; Managing Editor of the Weekly, '01.Howard Sloan Young, ^KNf. 115The Iron Mask; Three-Quarters Club; The Sphinx; Cap and Gown Board, '01.Marianne R. S. Young. 61High School and Normal School, Philadelphia, Pa.80The Vrai Historie of The Classe Naught ThreeWhan that Octobre hadde his course begunncThe glorious ycare eightean ninety-nineThe Classe Naught-Three cam trooping thtough the doorsOf oure moste anciente Halle, Cobb by nameA Classe fill of youthes and maidens fair,Most -wise and seemlie in hir regristringTmanneredfar beyont the common herde.In knowledge and experience soon grewThis Classe in lecture room and learned lab,Be/oven by all who mette and knew hem wel.Tike hadde November reached his eighlhc dayWhen that the Classe dept SophomoreG an greet the Classe Naught-Three with solemn rytesWith foolish taunte and tongue, and footless jeites.Than spak Sir Claude in rhymes meetTo turn the joke upon his cat/owe heades,And Mother Goose, and gown of grene seemed goodWhen croivncn with his dignilie and wilt.And soon confounded war the upperdassmenAnd gan iclaime the Classe Naught- Three,Which than with noble mightc the Bench Rush wonneStanding in hourdes upon the Seigneur stonneSoone dark tvith mire from the boot-stamped campus.And shouting inful crie the ne?ue-gai?ied nameYecarven on hir throbbing heartes, Naught-Three,So enden than the Freshmann Convocation.But whan in padden douthes and divers guardes,Naught-Three' s gret men combat upon the FieldeAnd met the slender, punie Sophomore teame,Than pitie and hir chivalrie gan breakThe heartes ofalle that genrous band offolke.And in hir breastes wa.ved a haut resolveAnd whan that doughtie day was donne,Hi gav the major score unto the Sophs,As ever shoulde the strong unto the zueaie,And for hir moltoe on hir schield emblazedThe vrai device Magnanimity.And for the gentillesse of the Classe that day,The names ofalle that genrous team of knightsAnd of Sir Horton, captain of the bandeAre scriben here on page of hist or ie:The valliant heroes Smith, and Eicher CookeAnd Horton pi ay 11 upon the dexter fie IdeWhile on the left were Nuckols, Wyman, Harper,McNabb; and in the center foughte Sir Ellsworth,Backing np the tourney Hog eland stood,And Bard — The score of the fight stooa o to 5.That ye are for the Cap and Gowne theie wroteSir Riley, and the prope of all trew newes,Sir Chaplin graced the houmble Weeklie boarde,With Lewis and the tender poet Collins.And with these honours wonne by worthie forceOf corpse and mindeThe Classe Naught-Three yfinished Freshman ye are.x4nd whan anyther falle cam roundeTo grete a nezue and noble Sophomore classe,Naught-Three stont fourth in goodlie nombers faireWith reddie witte and disposition trueNew laurels for to zvinne Notre Matre deare.This time with clever quippe and wittie speeche,Sir Thomas Hair instruct the Freshies greneAnd Prexy Lewis, and faire Ladie DodgeThe Dean of Women, and Sir Muller tall ,Told heart e to hearte the Influences of our Schoole,And of hire incomme and the tomes untoldTo fill the mindes of the funny hoardeWithin the Infant Classe, naught four.And than Jul longue and witlessly some boyOf mannes heighte, but childish intellectReply e mayde. But nay ane listen d then.Some days iwaned and 011 a morning faireBold Sophomores toure in bittes the naught-four flagWhich hadde yflaunted to the sonne and breaze,And hombled so the bousting noumerailles.But in the soon icominge foot ball game,Twixt Naughty-Three and nouveau — dept naught-four,Naught-Three again gav o'er the joies of victorie.Not by hir owne desirous wille hozve re.For victorie fs swoote to stalwart knighten.But for a y ear e full longue and strenuousHadde ilke football knight, not on the TeamOf Varsity renoun, gav o^er the Sporte,And being out of training, knezv not howeTo act 011 sign ail Is full and szviftlie given,And hozve to beare the combat and the toy IsOf that full eager game — and so hi lost.But honourabhe, and by a score not hautAnd shouting to the ende " Naught-Three, Our CaptainHarry Smith, and notre younge U of 67 "And much renoun hi gained by hir pluck eAnd noble fightinge for hir loved ClasseUpon whos heart is graven endlesslie,The names and froutes of the fearl esse knightesWho strouggled longue that day on Marshall Eielde.Brave Hogeland and Sir Conrad, Campbell too,And Butler, Lindenberger on the righteAnd on the gauche, play en Harper, Eicher,Wyman and Horton F, and quariier hackFoughte brave Sir Hal the Captain of the TeameAnd half 'and Jul back stonden Stein and Bai d:But when a haughtie challenge sent and ta'euCalled out upon the fielde the runnels claimedBy Naughtie-Three and Four, in all hir mighte,With swift este ped and readie relays flete,The Teame Naught-Three cam fairlie cross the goal,F^ul manie a metier fore the Freshmen grene.And in that doughtie race war Horton' s twoSirs Ferdinand and Frank, and MerrifieldSir Harry Smith and Lord George Thomas fleetAnd Richard Lion Heart, Lord Wellington,Who captained the swift team of athletes vrai,And of their victorie the laurels never fade .Upon the ' Varsity Teame that yeare enrollnOf Naughtie-Three, ware Horton and Sir Atzvood,Who, besides was leader of the throngueWho cam to meetings of the Sophomore Classe.Faire Ladies Dolfinger and Hobbs besideRuled with the gentler main the loyal Classe.And true Sir Lewis held the treasurer 's seate,On alle the Weeklies of that yeare, the ClasseGave quota Jul andfrie, Sirs HairAnd Hayes, Lord Chaplin, Collins too,And Ladies, Mistress Dolfinger and Dodge.The Women' s Weeklie too, upholt by fiveFaire maidens of this Classe, zvas besteThat ever mett the readinge zvites yheMistress Narcissa Cox zvas editressIn chief, to rule the boarde whose names areSwoote Charlotte Leonard, aide d'editresse.And Ladies Corbin, Ridlon, and Damsel Small,Whose fames from this ptint will never fade.The Clubbe Dramatique in its mummeriesStarren the Ladies Landers, Small and DodgeAnd of the nobles, Nuckols, MandevilleAnd Sir McLaury not en for his witt.The gleaming " C's" zvare zvonne by four,Sirs Atwood, Horton, Harper, MerrifieldHir nymies are , full honoren by hir Classe.And whan anyther Junior Day cam roundeIn alle the Seasons brighte arrai of joiesSir Thomas Hair of noble mein and trueThe Chairman was of all the festivaillesAnd Sir Claude Nuckols orator, and faireMaide Robinson passed on the Junior spadeThus passed the ende of the Sophomore yeare .Than whan the Autumn colours ware abroudMaroon and gold, for honour to the ClasseThe bande cam back to clasp once mare hir handesIn joyous greting, on the campus chire.Than opficiers ware iclept in meting sterne,For presidant, Sir Tingle, Blakey thanWas presidant second, while Mistress HobbsWas secretaire: Lord Butler held the gold.And so with laurels heaped, and living wel,This Classe nozv nears the ende of his third yeareAnd for the battailles won and honours gainedBy this the reverend Classe of Naughtie- ThreeThe reader of this se homble historieWith interest quickened by szvitch noted deedsMay look on yther pages of this Book.1904 Class History0"Hulla, baree, barah, baroar!Hulla, baree, barah, baroar!Who roar? We roar, Naughty Four."HE first thing the class of 1904 did after its members were 'regularlymatriculated ' students, was to effect class organization. This was doneby adopting a constitution and electing officers. The officers for thefreshman year were : Samuel Fellows, President; E. J. Downey, Secretary; Frank Adams, Treasurer; h. A. Hopkins, Sergeant-at-Arms.Mnteen Four was the second class at Chicago, to organize in its freshman year.One rainy Sunday night shortly after the organization was completed, Hopkins, Gaylord and "Stan" Rich hung a 1904 banner to theflag pole and then cut the halyard. The flag remained up fifteen hours when the sophomores of 1903 succeeded in getting it to the ground, and, after a hard fight in carrying itoff; 1904 had begun to make history. A few weeks later our football men lined upagainst the team of '03, and, under the able captaincy of Backhouse won a brilliant, hardfought contest, by the score of 6 to o. This was another feat that no other freshman classhad ever accomplished.At the Freshman Presentation the sophomores tried to inspire the '04's with a properrespect for upper-classmen, especially for themselves, but their jokes and jibes werecleverly answered and turned back upon them by the Freshman Presentation orator, MiltonSills. The only real defeat of our freshman year came in the spring, when the relay runners of 1903, proved a little too speedy for the wearers of the gold.In October, 1901, we returned to College to find ourselves occupying an entirely newposition. We were now sophomores. It was our turn to teach an entering class whatit might do, and especially what it might not do. The class officers elected for thesophomore year were: Harry Wilkinson Ford, President; Walter Johnson, Vice-President;Miss Marie McEvoy, Secretary-Treasurer; and William Carey, Sergeant-at-Arms. Anopportunity for the exercise of our sophomore prerogatives soon presented itself. OnHallowe'en the freshmen with great ingenuity, hung their banner from the top of thePower Plant chimney. After much scheming and no little daring. Sills, Ford and Heinen,by the use of grappling hooks succeeded in getting the flag and making away with it.But one defeat could not kill the ardor of the freshmen. They challenged for a footballgame. The game was played in November, the 1905 team getting a terrific drubbing.The score was 28 to 5. The '04 team was captained by Louer. On March 8th, 1902, adual track meet with 1905 resulted in a decisive victory for the freshman team. CaptainHopkins and his men did their best but were not quite a match for their versatile opponents. The score by points was 58 to 41.This is the record of facts in the history of the class of 1904, up to the end of its sophomore year, assuredly they give much promise for the future.The Class of 19050S with all freshman classes the class of '05 came to college unacquaintedamong themselves and unrecognized by the upper classmen. Sincethat time they have shown themselves to be a class of true mettle,worthy of recognition as one of the best freshman classes that haveever come to Chicago. The men who have won them this standingare mainly athletes and to them is due first consideration.The principle athletic event in which the class was represented assuch was the Freshman-Sophomore football game. This the freshmen lost by a score of five to twenty-seven. In its apparent implication this is unfortunate, for it misrepresents the resources of the class. It is not in theleast an indication of class weakness; indeed it is an indication of their strength. At thetime the game was played nine freshmen were unable to participate because they were onthe training- table; a tenth was ineligible because of having been on the squad. Of thesophomores but two were disqualified on the same basis. The freshmen football menwere too good — that was the trouble. Of the ten who made the training table three wereawarded C's : — Jennison, Speik, and Maxwell. Jennison's plucky and consistent workthroughout the season and his hard luck just before the Thanksgiving game have wonhim general and enthusiastic popularity. Speik's hard luck came at the first of the season, but he recovered in time to get into the Michigan and Wisconsin games where heplayed magnificently at end. Maxwell was fortunate in having no serious injury; heplayed with wonderful steadiness throughout the season and has the honor of playing inevery game. It is not necessary to speak of the reputations with which these men cameto the University. They have made a reputation for themselves here which by far outshines any preparatory work which they may have done. With our track athletes, however, the condition is different. As they have had no chance to show their mettle on thefield, it is only by knowing what they did in preparatory schools that we are able toexpect what we do of them.The freshmen have among their numbers many athletes of whose records they canbe justly proud. Blair and Granberg came with records of 10:1 for one hundred yards;Speik holds the record for the indoor shot-put of the middle- west and of Michigan;Quantrell has the middle-west record for the pole-vault and the high jump record forCook County; Frend has broad jumped over twenty feet ten and is a hurdler of considerable ablity; Cahill, Granberg, and Sherman are middle distance men of wide fame inacademic circles. With college training these men should develop as much above theaverage college athlete as they were above the average in high school.In a scholastic way the freshmen are supporting a movement — the organization of a" Freshmen Debating Club "— which in time will not only bring honor to their class butto the University as a whole. Heretofore no debating club has ever existed in any of theclasses of the University; it is altogether a departure into a new field. The plan onwhich it was founded was first laid before the freshmen by Mr. Chandler who has helpedand urged the movement to its present success. To him is due the honor of initiatingthe movement, but to the freshmen that of carrying it out. And certainly these menwho are so earnestly striving to prepare themselves to represent their class in intercollegiate debates are deserving of our greatest praise and our most earnest support.Perhaps the freshman class best indicates its spirit in the avowed hope that next year'sfreshman class will beat them in football, have a better debating club, and more andbetter athletes than they have. They are wishing for the good of the University andthey wish that each entering class may forge ahead of the preceding one. To subordinate class distinctions to the University, is true, loyal, college spirit; it is the spirit of theass of '05.Officers Class of 1902 Rush Medical College0James H. FowlerBenjamin GleasonF. E. Clough .H. B. JohnsonS. S.. FullerRobert AnsleyF. C. RobinsonJ. M. SokolJ. B. COLWELLj. B. Maple .C. D. HULBERTA. J. HELL AN PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerChaplainSergeant-at-ArmsValedictorian. Essayist. Poet. ProphetHistorianToast-masterOfficers Class of 1903 Rush Medical College0Edward P. FickO. A. McIntoshFloyd M. BaldwinB. H. RoarkW. L. FreemanJas. E. Blake PresidentVice PresidentRecording SecretaryCorresponding SecretaryTreasurerSergeant-at-ArmsOfficers Class of 1904 Rush Medical College0E. W. BankerM. S. DONDANVILLEA. A. HaydenW. J. SwiftR. W. Appleman PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerSergeant-at-ArmsOfficers Class of 1905 Rush Medical College0Sidney KleinJoseph L. BaerCharlton T. BeckChas. F. Freitag PresidentVice PresidentTreasurerSecretarySenior College Scholarships0Nana Marie Ostergren, Philosophy.Leon Patterson Lewis, Political Economy.J osephine Stone, History.Elsie FleRSHEim, Greek.John Martin Redpath, Latin.HELEN Genevieve Hayner, French.Samuel Straus, German.Margaret Davidson, English.Harris Franklin MacNeish, Mathematics.Evelyn Shewell Hayden, Physics.Oscar Olin Hamilton, Chemistry.William ArmiTage Averill, Geology.Graduate Schools Scholarships0Laura Amelia Thompson, History.Ralph Ains worth Mc Broom, Greek.Nina Estelle Weston, Latin,Frances Marie Donovan, German.James Fleming Hosic, English.Kellogg Speed, Chemistry.Eliot Blackwelder, Geology.Mary Mathews, Botany.Mary Cain Lincoln, Anatomy.Entrance Scholarships0Beulah Bass.Louise Bearse.Eugene V. Beifeld.Lilian M Belfield.Charles Bert a.Clyde Blair.James Brinsmaid.Lily Buchendahl.Beulah Church.Clara Denham.Edwin a Dorland.William W. Eyster.Benjamin Frend.Gladys Gaylord.Harry W. Getz.Robert Gibboney.Florence Hamilton.Leonard Hancock.Rhoda Harlow.Nellie Jackson.Arthur Keefer.Marie Keidaish.Lilian M. Lane.Nanna Marx. Lee W. Maxwell.Edna Moore.Eleana Murphy.Albert McCurdy.Francis .McGuane.Bessie Packard.Hattie Palmer.Mable Payne.Ernest Quantrell.Samuel Salinger.Emma Schuster.Arthur Solberg.Alieen Spaulding.Charles J. Stowell.Jalia Swadener.Clara Taylor.Bertha Thompson.Katherine Vaughn.Earl Wahlgren.Charlotte White.Dean R. Wickes.Robert M. Wilson.Anna Youngman.Walter b. Zeisler.87^jr-Wi.d</tl(.Philip AllenEdward A. BechtelFredrick M. BlanchardJames H. BoydRobert W. BruereEdward CappsRalph C. CatterallWarner FiteHenry GaleHenry R. HatfieldWilliam HillGlenn M. HobbsDavid J. LlngleCharles E. MerriamRollin D. SalisburyFerdinand SchwilEH. Parker Williamson.Jacob VV.'A. Young88The Dramatic ClubMDuring the past year the efforts of the DramaticClub have been directed mainly to the establishment of a permanent and consistent place amongstudent interests. In order to do this it has beennecessary primarily to encourage and further theprinciples formulated by last year's club of makingeligibility to membership conform to the basis ofstrict dramatic merit and ability. The mode ofconducting trials for membership on the club hasbeen revised and improved, in the endeavor toascertain the real points of merit in the contestantand his ability to fill certain roles. Every contestant is thus assured of a perfectly fair and opentrial and the club can obtain an estimate of its newmember's worth.The success of "Miss Flim Flam" which wasgiven by the club in the winter quarter of 1901, disclosed the value of having the production of theplays under the direction of a professional coach.H. Stanley Da vies was therefore enstalled as dramatic coach for the club. On June 13, of last year, theclub presented with marked success AugustinDaly's four act comedy "A Night Off." On thefollowing day the play was produced again , in connection with the regular Junior Day exercises. Thefull cast for this play may be found in the Junior Day Program, on page 302.With the opening of the school year for 1901-2, the club began work with thedetermination of outstripping all its previous attempts at dramatic presentation. Aroyalty was paid for Wm. Gillette's "All The Comforts of Home" and rehearsalswere begun at once. At this point, however, we were apprised of the fact that the facultyhad discovered objectionable features in "All The Comforts of Home" and had decidedthat it could not be given by the chib. Although the time was limited, nothing wasleft to do but bow to the inevitable. Von Moser's, "The Secretary " was substitutedwith "A Complicated Affair," as a curtain raiser. The performance was given in theUniversity Hall, Fine Arts Building, on December 14th. This was the first appearanceof the club in a down town theater and also the first opportunity for laying aside allphases of amateurism. The high praise and applause given by the audience on thisoccasion is the best proof of its success.The plays were cast as follows:"A Complicated Affair"Frank GlynnAlice Glynn (his wife)Mrs. Glynn (his mother)Stella Glynn (his sister)Gertie (his cousin)Noiah (his servant)Ed, Asbnry (his college chum) Milton G. G. SillsMargaret CoulterFlorence D. MillerHazle BuckLouise DodgeAgnes Wayman. Wm. R. Kerr, Jr.Scene— Frank Glynn's Drawing Room'The Secretary'0Rev. Mr. Spanlding (the Secretary) Rowland T. RogersMr. Cattermole (from India) . Walker G. McLauryDouglas Cattermole (his nephew) Claude C. NuckolsMr. Marshland (a country gentleman) T. B. HinckleyHarry Marshland (his nephew)Gibson (a tailor)Knox (a bailiff)James (a servant)Mrs. Stead (the landlady) .Edith MarshlandEva Webster (her companion)Miss Ashford (their governess)Act I— Douglas Cattermole's ApartmentsAct II— Mr. Marshland's Country HouseAct HI— The Same Milton G. G. Sills. W. R. Kerr, Jr.Paul A. WalkerLees BalingerMargaret CoulterFrieda KirchhoffFlorence MillerLorena KingOn January 25th, occurred the sad and tragicdeath of H. Stanley Davies, the club's coach. Mr.Davies was a talented, conscientious and ambitiousworker, who had the interests of the club deeply atheart. His personal magnetism, ready grasp ofdramatic situations and complications, and thoroughknowledge of the persouelle of the club won forhim the respect and admiration of all the membersHis death is contemplated with deep sorrow andwith the realization that his place will lie with difficulty filled.The latter part of January the club membership was enlarged from twenty to thirty, with aview to increasing the general student interest andfor more frequent appearances of the club onUniversity occasions. Mr. Bartley Cushing wasalso appointed to take Mr. Davies' position as coachMembersClaude C. Nuckols .Florence I). MillerWalker G. McLauryLees BalingerFrank J. SardamMiss Hazle BuckMiss Leona CanterburyMiss Gertrude CaswellMiss Margaret CoulterMiss Narcissa CoxMiss Louise DodgeMiss Lena HarrisMiss Bertha liesMiss Lorena KingMiss Frieda KirchhoffMiss Martha LandersMiss Anna McGoortyMiss Florence MillerMiss Vida SuttonMiss Agnes Wayman PresidentSecretaryBusiness ManagerSlage Manager. Property ManWilliam A. AverillLees BalingerPrank W. DeWolfTheodore B. HinckleyWilliam R. Kerr; Jr.Caspar G. LarsenJerome P. MageeWalker G McLauryClaude C. NuckolsFrank J. SardamCarl W. SawyerMilton G. SillsPaul A. WalkerHoward WoodheadThe Green Hall Dramatic ClubThe Green Hall Dramatic Club was. organized by the women of Green House, topresent plays written by members of the house. The first play which the club presented was "The Flunk Notice," written by Bertha Ward and given 011 February 15th.The members of the club are:Martha LandersJane MunroeClara ComstockEthel Remick> Bertha McCloud'V.. Kate GordonLuverne Hall'Sophie BergerMildred DodgeLouise Bearse PresidentVice-PresidentBusiness ManagerRachel HentonFlorence StuartBijou Balil)Eliz ibeth WeirickLora LevensEffie Warvelle90Glee, Mandolin and Banjo ClubsRalph C. Brown, '02Samuel N. Harper, '02Frederick G. Moloney, '02The Glee ClubRalph Crissman Brown, '02 .Lester Bartlett Jones . . . .Walter Wile Hamburger, '04 ....Ralph Ainsworth McBroom, gr. .First TenorsRalph Homer Smith, '02 Luman Howard Macomber, '05Francis Frederic Tische, '03 Roy Caston Flickinger, gr.Second TenorsRalph Crissman Brown, '02 Lawrence Mortimer Haawig, '05Adelbert Turner Stewart, '04 Charles Gibbons Flanagan, gr.Gaston Burr Hallett, '04 Ernest Eugene Quantrell, '05Moritz Riehl, '05First BassErnest Miller, '02 Merritt Berry Pratt, '04Wilbur Condit Gross, '02 John Tevis Gunn, gr.Henry Durham Sulcer, '05Second BassGustav Adolph Johnson, '03 Albert E. Merrill, '02Arthur Evarts Lord, '04 Arthur George Thomas, '03Charlton Tisdel Beck, '03 Carl Grabo, '03Walter L. Gregory, '05SoloistsH. Parker WilliamsonPerry J. PayneCharles R. McMillen93JSManagerAssistant ManagerPresidentLeaderDirectorAccompanistStage Manager,_E "<u. -'"JU,,.Mandolin Club0Forest Garfield Smith, '02 LeaderFirst MandolinsForest Garfield Smith, '02 Henry Durham Sulcer, '05Edward Goode Woods, '04Second MandolinsEugene Victor Beifeld, '05 Dudley Kimball French, '05Albert Kerns McCurdy, '05 Willis Clark Stephens, '02ViolinsWilbur Condit Gross, '02 Harry James Lurie, '03Flute CelloLynne John Bevan, '03 Bowman F. Reinmund, Jr., '03GuitarsFrank Ramsay Adams, '04 Wilbur Carlyle Harris, '05Alexander Webster Pierce, gr. Sylvanus George Levy, '02Alvin Fernando Sether, '04Banjo SextetteErmine Phillips LeaderFirst Banjo Second BanjoDon Carlos Dyer, '03 Joseph Walter Bingham, '02Francis Denis Campeau, '03 Sylvanus George Levy, '02Ermine Phillips, '04, Piccolo Banjo Russel Wiles, gr., Bass BanjoThe Tiger's Head0George Gilbert Davis Frederick Graham MoloneyFrancis Denis Campeau Ernest Wilson MillerKelloo-g Speed Bowman Franklin ReinmundRalph Crissman Brown William Ralph KerrForest GarfieldjSmith Don Carlos Dyer94The ChoirXester Bartlett Jones DirectorEleanor Culton. AccompanistRalph Homer SmithLuman Howard MacomberErnest Evans JonesFrancis F. J. TischeHerbert S. ForemanLaurence M. HaawigEarle B. BabcockErnest W. MillerWilbur W. KayJohn Tevis GunnArthur Evarts LordGustav A. JohnsonRoscoe Fairchild96The Quadrangle ChorusLester Bartlett JonesMiss Martha Dobyns DirectorSecretary and Business ManagerTHE Quadrangle Chorus was organized] by the members of Beecher Hall in theautumn quarter of 1900. For a short time it continued as a Beecher organization,and then threw open its membership to the residents of the four young women'shalls. In the fall of 1901, the chorus was still further enlarged by the admission to itsmembership of any young woman in the University who had passed the required examination. Recently under the direction of Mr. Lester Bartlett Jones, the chorus has beenentirely reorganized.Ethel DeweyGrace L. MyersMary K. TruesdaleEdith BickellMartha DobynsMargaret M. WadeVida K. SuttonBijou BabbCarolyne L. HoppsEthel JaynesMargaret WilsonH. Mildred FrenchIrene BlackledgeGenevieve SissonWilhelna JoehnkeWinifred W. AshbyAnna GoldsteinGrace Hayman97University of Chicago Military BandMWilliam Rainey Harper, Honorary MemberGlenn Moody Hobbs DirectorThomas W. Thomson LeaderAdelbert T. Stewart SecretaryEb ClarinetSolo Bb Clarinet .Solo B? ClarinetFirst Bb Clarinet .First Bb ClarinetSecond Bb ClarinetThird B!> ClarinetPiccoloFlute .OboeAlto SaxophoneSolo Bb CornetSolo B!> CornetSolo Bb CornetFirst Bb CornetFirst Bb CornetSecond Bb Cornet Emil GoettschCharles GoettschEdward D. TaylorErnest S. GreenG. BerTrand SmithRalph MerriamEben E. GridleyHenry RoeniTzJohn A. DeanLynne John Bevan. F. Edward SchmidtThatcher H. Guild. Charles B. ElliottOscar E. GranbergAdelbert T. Stewart. Earl D. HowardArthur P. SolbergMascot . Third Bb CornetFrench HornFirst E? Alto .Second Eb Alto .First Bb TenorSecond Bb TenorBaritone .Bb Bass Horace M. Francis. James F. Hosic. Merritt B. Pratt. Samuel Morse;. Holden M. OlsonHorace B. Street. Floyd E. BrowerOliver WymanFirst B? Trombone Albert B. GarcelonFirst Bb Trombone . Martin I. OlsonSecond Bb Trombone Ovid R. SELLERSBass Trombone Francis W. BushongEb Bass . . Waldorf R. BarkerBBb Bass . . Mark J. PotterBBb Bass . . Ralph R. FergusonSnare Drum . . . Max ThorekBass Drum . . . Harry J. LurieRobert Johnson98As You Like ItGiven by the Students of the University of Chicago in the Quad*rangles, June the Fourteenth and Fifteenth,MCMI(In Connection 'with the Decennial Celebration.)Last fall when it was announced that one of thefavorite traditions of the University of Chicagostudents was to be violated and that we were not tohave in igoi a comic opera where local hits andfancy stunts would give us an evening of rollickinglaughter and topics of conversation for weeks, wewere much disappointed. But the disappointmentwas quickly dispelled by the announcement fromthe Department of Public Speaking that under itsauspices the students of the University would present Shakespeare's "As You Like It" as one of theattractions of the decennial celebration in June.Preparations began at once. The large number who contested for the various parts, whichwere finally assigned in April, indicated how general was the enthusiasm over the performance.Professor Clark superintended the interpretation oflines. Professor Blanchard directed the choruswork of the foresters, and Mr. Frank TorrenceWallace was the stage director. To the persistentaud careful efforts of these men, to the hard workand the natural ability of the players was due thesuccess of the performance of "As You Like It."The play was particularly pleasing froman aesthetic point of view. The action tookplace under the open sky and the actors walked onreal grass and beneath real trees. The beauty ofthe scenery and the effective electric lighting wasa result of the skillful work of Mr. Eliot Norton,the stage manager. The attractiveness and appropriateness of the costumes showed that in planningthem neither care nor expense had been spared.All the parts were well taken — so well takenthat everybody was surprised to find how muchreal dramatic ability existed in the University.Miss Grace Baird as Rosalind was exceedinglycharming and unaffected, and interpreted her partwith an ease and spontaneity unusual in an amateur. She was supported by a Celia, Miss LorenaKing, who was equally capable and pleasing.The complete cast was as follows:99Dramatis PersonaeDuke of Burgundy • Mr. Walker G. McLauryFrederick, Brother to the Duke, and Usurper of his Dukedom . Mr^ Leo Kleina^- c^> ', . , • -n • t, , [Mr. Donald R. Richbergla ues I Lords attendin^ uP°n the Duke m s Banlshment \ Mr. Arthur E BestorLe^Beau, a Courtier attending on Frederick . . . . Mr. Hyatt E CoveyOliver, Eldest Son to Sir Rowland de Bois ... Mr^ CeaudeC NuckolsT_mi '-,^ f Mr. Gilbert R. Wallacerti^rln f Younger Brothers to Oliver . . . • \ Mr. Bertram G. NelsonFirsTLord .... Mr. Aubrey P. NelsonAdam, an old Servant of Sir Rowland de Bois . . . Mr. William A. AvBrillCharles a Wrestler Mr. John O. BackhouseSS^^^n . • • • • • - • MR. EDGAR GwFRAZIERc • ^ j Mr. Alexander W. PiercecirLimc h Shepherds \ Mr. Oliver L. McCaskillTulv^n p Plnwti . . . MR. HARRY T. LURIECelia, Daughter to Frederick ..... • • Miss Lorbna KingPhoebe, a Shepherdess Miss Frances M. DonovanAudry, a Country Wench ....... Miss Agnes R. WaymanLords, Ladies, Guards and PeasantsMisses Misses Misses MissesEdna Campbell Bessie J. Crary Ethel C. Randall Rose RosenbergHelen Campbell Zerlina Hirsh Tennie F. Rolfe Mamie A. SternMessrs Messrs. Messrs. Messrs.Freder'kD. Bramhall Benjamin Feniger Sylvanus G. Levy Lewis A. PringleAlfred J. Bunts Harry W. Ford Herbert V. Mellinger Sinore M. RaffieEdward L. Cornell Oscar 0. Hamilton Max L. Mendel Adelbert T. StewartCharles B. Elliott Dudley W. Hopkins Merritt B. Pratt Douglas SutherlandChorus of ForestersMessrs Messrs. Messrs. MessrsRalph C. Brown Edson B. Cooke Augustine F. Naylor Mark J. PotterHerbert Cohen Willis S. Hilpert Josef F. Nelson Walter G SackettMelvin E. Coleman Paul G. W. Keller Perry J. Payne Albert W. fehererHenry E. SmithThe Executive StaffMr. Elliott S. Norton, General ManagerExecutive CommitteeMessrs Messrs.Edson B. Cooke Augustine F. NaylorGeorge McHenry Ushers Albert W. ShererMiss Amy Hewes, ChiefMisses Misses MissesSarah Barney Genevieve Hayner Annie MeadeMariorie Coulter Pearl Hood Louise MillerDorothy Duncan Meta Lachmund Stella MooreMabel Hartley Esther Lynn Mabel Pam MissesRuth VailJane WalkerAlia WebbEdith WilesPagesMaster Floyd Willett Master Lander MacClintockOfficers of Northern Oratorical LeagueFor Year 1901-1902jgrFred S. Merriam, Iowa City, Iowa ..... PresidentW. D. Garvin, Minneapolis, Minn. ...... SecretaryHarry J. Lurie, Chicago, 111. ...... TreasurerEugene J. Marshall, Ann Arbor, Mich. . . . First Vice PresidentM. J. SEED, Evanston, 111. ..... Second Vice PresidentE. W. Pettibone, Oberlin, Ohio .... Third Vice PresidentC. R. Rounds, Madison, Wis. ..... Fourth Vice PresidentThe Annual contest between the Universities takes place on the first Friday in May.For the first time in the history of the League, 'the contest is held in Chicago this year.Mr. Bertram G. Nelson, who will represent the University of Chicago, has a long list ofvictories to his credit, and has already represented the University in the Northern Oratorical, winning second prize in igor.Central Debating LeagueMOfficersNorthwestern . . . PresidentChicago . . . Vice PresidentMinnesota . . . Secretary103John DuttonSylvanus G. LevyJ. W. ReynoldsCentral Debating LeagueSemi=Final DebateUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO vs. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAMinneapolis, January 10, 1902Resolved— That the policy of the United States in extending the franchise to the negrowas hasty and ill-advised.AEEIRMATIVE NEGATIVEUniversity of Chicago University of MinnesotaCharles Andrews Huston Benjamin DrakeVernon Servilian Phillips Willis I. NortonLeon Patteson Lewis Hugo J. McClearnDecision in favor of the negative.Participants, representing Chicago in this debate, are selected by means of a competitive contest open to all members of the Senior College.Senior College Oratorical ContestThe annual home contest in oratory for the Senior Colleges took place on February20. The new system of concentrating the prizes in one contest met with favor, a largernumber of students than usual having been thus induced to compete. An unusually largeaudience attended.The contestants who appeared in the finals, and their subjects wTere as follows:George T. Ragsdale ..... "The Eastern Question' yHarry J. Lurie . . . "The Land Question and Social Reform' *Bertram G. Nelson . . . . "The World's Orator"Joseph W. Priest ...... "Egypt's New7 Era"Herbert E. Fleming . . . . . "The Public Servant"Elzo L. Van DELLEN . . . " Government Corruption and Trusts"Mr. Nelson was chosen to represent the University in the Northern Oratorical Contest, which occurs in Chicago next May. Mr. Lurie was selected as alternate. Mr.Fleming won third place.104Junior College FinalsMSpring, 1901Ferdinand W. Peck PrizeH. Wilkinson FordScholarshipsFrederick A. Fischel Maurice C. LipmanAlbert R. VailEthel C. Randall Summer, 1901Ferdinand W. Peck PrizeHarry P. MillerScholarshipsEdson B. CookVida SuttonPaul Atlee Walker Autumn, 1901Ferdinand W. Peck PrizeWalter EggemeyerScholarshipLaura WatkinsWinter, 1902Ferdinand W. Peck PrizeMilton G. G. SillsScholarshipsEugene L. Hartigan Leo Falk WormserFreshrnan=Sophomore DebateMTuesday, March iSth, 1902Resolved — That in its present war in South Africa, England is right.AFFIRMATIVEFreshmanLeo Falk Wormser-George Owen FairweatherPaul Atlee Walker NEGATIVESophomoreHarry Wilkinson FordHenry Pomeroy MillerArthur Evarts LordThe decision was given in favor of the negative.105The Christian UnionThe Christian Union, a general organization of the entire body of instructors andstudents, has charge of the organized religious and philanthropic activities of the University. The University officially, by itsPresident, Faculty and Chaplain, providesservices on week days. The students havevoluntarily organized the Young Women'sChristian Association and the Young Men'sChristian Association in order to hold devotional meetings, and do aggressive Christianlabor. The Philanthropic Committee of theChristian Union has charge of the UniversitySettlement. In addition to these organizations, the Christian Union has charge of theUniversity religious service, held each Sunday morning.The Executive Committee of the Christian Union is composed as follows: Ex-officiomembers: President and Chaplain of theUniversity, and officers of the three organizations already mentioned; members byelection: President, Vice President and arepresentative from each cf the great divisionsof the University (Junior College, Senior College, Graduate School and Divinity School);member by appointment, the Secretary.The Executive Committee for the current year is as follows:The President; The Vice President; The Secretary-Treasurer.The Administrative Board of the Christian UnionThe President ChairmanThe Recorder 5X~°fflC-°The Chaplain Ex-officioProfessor Charles R. Barnes PresidentLEE O.SCOTT le'cretarv YCECILS B. Bowman lecretarvYMERRITT B. Pratt ...••• secretary iOfficial Student RepresentativesThe junior CollegesBlanche Carolyn Felt Edith Bradford WilesThe Senior CollegesOrville Elbridge Atwood Edna Leona StevensThe Graduate SchoolsRomanzo Colfax Adams Mary Elizabeth AndrewsThe Divinity SchoolWilliam Ross Schoemaker John William BaileyFaculty MembersProfessor John Merle Coulter Professor William Gardner HaleProfessor James Laurence Laughlin Professor Albion Woodbury SmallProfessor Eliakim Hastings Moore M. C. A.W. C. A.M. C. A.j 06The University SettlementHouse 4638 Ashland AvenueMThe University Settlement is a group of people who make their home in an industrial community, and live with, not for, the people. By using this home as a neighborhood clubhouse, they form a common social center for the entire community. Standingfor a higher civic and social life, the settlement investigates and attempts to improveexisting conditions. Subjectively, it is the result of the longing to make real, by socialdeeds, the growing sense of the oneness of humanity. Practically, it is an opportunityfor the altruistic impulses to have wholesome expression in work adapted to the individual; and a study of the program of work will indicate to any student where he maybe of use.Board of Directors(Philanthropic Committe of the Christian Union.)Miss Mary E. McDowell ...... Head ResidentHenry H. Donaldson ....... PresidentEdwin O. Jordan ........ SecretaryHenry R. Hatfield ....... TreasurerWilliam R. Harper Charles L. HutchinsonAdolph C. Miller Charles R. BarnesCharles R. Henderson Mrs. Horace S. FiskeFrank B. TarbellThe Missionary Volunteer BandOf the University of ChicagoThis Band is a Union of those students in the University who expect to become foreignmissionaries and are banded together for mutual helpfulness and to inspire others withmissionary enthusiasm.The Band was first organized in 1892, and has existed almost continuously since thattime. It is under the supervision of the Missionary Committee of the Y. M. C. A., andis also affiliated with " The Chicago Volunteer Union for Foreign Missions" — an organization which includes students from fourteen different educational institutions ofChicago.Members of the Volunteer BandLeo E. Baldwin, LeaderGeorge E. Burlingame Ellsworth E. FarisCharles G. Flanagan Alphonso A. HobsonFred Merrifield Herbert F. Rudd107William J. ParkerLee O. ScottLynne J. BevanYoung Men's Christian AssociationMGeneral SecretaryPresidentSecretaryCommittee of ManagementProf. John M. Coulter, Chairman.Dr. Nathaniel Butler Mr. Walter A. PayneAssociate Prof. Amos A. Stagg Mr. Harry D AbellsHon. Henry V. Freeman Mr. Fred MerrifieldMr. Charles A. Marsh Mr. Lee O. ScottMr. Edwin Burritt Smith Mr Lynne J. BevanThe CabinetThe General Secretary;Ralph MerriamRobert H. GoheenAlbert W. Sherer .Charles B. ElliottWilliam J. ShermanRoy MerrifieldCharles m. Steele The President; The Secretary.Chairman of Committee on Bible StudyChairman of Committee on Religious MeetingsChairman of Committee on Membership*Chairman of Committee on Missionary WorkChairman of Committee on AdvertisingChairman of Committee on FinanceChairman of Committee on Social EventsThe Young Women's Christian AssociationMMargaret Coulter ..•••••• Pres^entFlorence Miller . ..... Vice PresidentMildred French Corresponding SecretaryCECILE Bowman . Recording SecretaryJessie Sherman • •„ •1 *reasurerMary ETHEL Freeman General SecretaryCommitteesReceptionMembershipFinancePublicationBible StudyReligious MeetingsMissionaryIntercollegiate RelationsAdvisory CommitteeProf. Shailer Matthews, Chairman.Miss Marion TalbotMiss Gertrude Dudley" Mrs."George"Goodspeed Miss Anne P. ReidMrs Charles R. Henderson Miss Davida HarperMrs James W. Thompson Miss Margaret CoulterEdna StevensFlorence MillerJessie ShermanMary BlairMary E SinclairMrs. S harm an .Edna DunlapMildred FrenchProf. John M. CoulterMrs. Frank MillerThe Cap and Gown BoardCap and Gown BoardMManaging EditorsWalker Gailey McLaury .... Thomas Johnston HairBusiness ManagersPiatt Milk Conrad claude Carlyle NuckolsAssociate EditorsMary Isabelle Brush Benjamin Griffin LeeFrancis Denis Campeau Frank McNairAnnie Louise Dodge Ernest MillerMargaret Donnan jane MunroeRobert Llewellyn Henry, Jr. Michael J. O'HernCharles Murfit HogelandFerdinand Mosely HortonFrank Ogilvie HortonEarl Dean Howard Cornelia Simrall SmithEmery Jackson Benjamin StraussWilliam Franklin Johnson John Douglas SutherlandWilliam Ralph Kerr, Jr. Ruth TerryMartha Landers Francis Frederick TischeFormer Officers of Cap and Gown BoardMManaging Editors1895 Philip Rand t899 Walter Joseph Schmahl1895 Charles Sumner Pike 1899 Ralph Curtiss Manning1896 Philip Rand I900 Herbert Paul Zimmerman1898 Arthur Sears Henning I900 Walter Lawrence Hudson1898 Willoughby George Walling Iqo , Edward Christian Kohlsaat1 90 1 Frederick Graham MoloneyBusiness Managers1895 Walter Atwood l899 Le Roy Tudor Vernon1895 Oswald Arnold l899 Charles Braden Davis1896 Frederick Davies I9oo Charles Scribner Eatoni898 Allen Grey Hoyt T9or Eugene H. B. Watsoni898 Ernest Hamilton Dillon i9or Vernon Tiras FerrisflCje/WX??PeriodicalsTHE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURESTHE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGYTHE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THEOLOGYTHE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNALTHE BIBLICAL WORLDTHE BOTANICAL GAZETTETHE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER AND THE COURSE OF STUDYTHE JOURNAL OF GEOLOGYTHE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMYTHE MANUAL TRAINING MAGAZINETHE SCHOOL REVIEWTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe University of ChicagoWeeklyUniversity of Chicago WeeklySpringy 19-0 1Donald R. Richberg, 'oi Managing EditorCharles W. Collins, '03 . . . . • Associate EditorByron G. Moon Business ManagerAssistant EditorsCharles Mackay Van Patten, '01Charles Sumner Hayes, '02Herbert Easton Fleming, '02Thomas Johnston Hair, '03William Ralph Kerr, Jr., '03Women ILditorsAnnie Louise Dodge 9 '02Emma Dolfinger, '03Summer, 1901Charles S. Hayes, '02 .Robert L. Henry, Jr., ' 02 'Byron G. Moon .....Assistant E,ditorsCharles Mackay Van Patten, '01Harry Milton Tingle, '03H. Wilkinson Ford, '04Douglas Sutherland, '02Leon Patteson Lewis, '02Women E,ditorsAlice R. Corbin, '03Katherine W. Paltzer, '02Autumn, 1901Herbert E. Fleming, ;o2 ....Charles W. Collins, '03 . .Byron G. Moon ....Assistant E,ditorsThomas Johnston Hair, '03Robert Llewellyn Henry, Jr., '02William Ralph Kerr, Jr. , '03H. Wilkinson Ford, '04Douglas Sutherland, '02Women E,ditorsCornelia Simrall Smith, '03Edith Bradford Wiles, '04Managing EditorAssociate EditorBusiness ManagerManaging EditorAssociate EditorBusiness ManagerH5Winter, 1902Charles W. Collins, '03 Managing EditorWilliam Ralph KERR, Jr., '03 ...... Associate EditorByron G. Moon Business ManagerAssistant EditorsDouglas Sutherland, '02Robert Llewellyn Henry, Jr., '02H. Wilkinson Ford, '04Leon Patteson Lewis, '03Milton George Sills, '04.Women EditorsCornelia Simrall Smith, '03Elizabeth Clarke, '04MThe Women's WeeklyPublished March 13, 1902Mary IsabellE Brush, '02 Managing EditorSusan Grant, '02 Assistant Managing EditorAssociate E-ditoTsMargaret Donnan, '02Annie Louise Dodge, '02Cornelia Simrall Smith, '03Julia Coburn Hobbs, '03Charlotte Reese Leonard, '03Emma Dolfinger, '03Elizabeth Dunton Clarke, '04Helen Whitehead, '04Lillian Danaher, '04Alice Cary Wood, '05Former Officers of the BoardManaging EditorsJosephine Turner Allin, 1900Mabel Narcissa Cox, 1901116I am the monarch of this U,And what I say must go right through,For all who know me say 'tis true,There is no King but Prexie.118Lincoln HouseMDr. Nathaniel ButlerDr. James H. BoydFrederick Dennison BramhallLewis Alexander PringleJames Wright Lawrie CouncilorHeadVice-HeadSecretaryTreasurerHarry Orrin GilletHoward WoodheadPhilip Graeme WrightsonWalter Wilson Hart Edward Lyman CornellFrancis F. J. TischeRalph MerriamHarry Wilkinson FordRobert Wayland Pattengill Willis Stose HilpertAlfred Hugh FowlerBertram G. NelsonMark Reginald JacobsLynne John BevanHayward Dare WarnerElzo Lubbert Van DellenJohn Alexander Black Amory Raymond MitchellRobert Shibley MothSherlock Bronson GassHenry Pomeroy MillerBenjamin Willard RobinsonPatronessesMrs. W. R. LinnMrs. J. H. Boyd Mrs. Nathaniel ButlerMrs. George E. VincentWashington House0Dr. Ralph C. H. CatterallZellner Roswell PettetFrank L. GriffinHorace B. Street HeadVice-HeadSecretaryTreasurerWynne N. GarlickAlvin B. SniderVirgil D. PhelpsForrest Garfield SmithLeo KleinHarry E. SmithWilliam H. FieldingSidney KleinErnest E- PerkinsWillis C. StephensHarris F. MacNeishCharles H. SwiftCarl H. GraboTilden R. WakeleyJohn VollertsonWilliam G. MatthewsFrank B. HutchinsonGaston B. HalletMurray B. LouerH. W. RoenitzSamuel SalingermIV>JSpelman HouseMMiss Gertrude Dudley ... ... HeadProfessor Edward Capps ..... CouncilorHonorary MembersGladys BrayFlorence ShieldsMembersNina E. WestonHarriett R. GoingGrace HaymanMary MorrisonJasette SpinkJennie ThompsonMargaret WilsonFaith LatimerMary MurphyAlice ThompsonEsther SalterAlene WilliamsLaura WardJennie M. RattrayGeneva MisenerMarian BieglerLouie Meserve125Alumni AssociationThe University of Chicago0Frederick A. SmithSusan G. HardingHenry T. Chace, '96Stacy C. MossER, '97Mayo Fesler, '97 Officers66 President1st Vice President2d Vice President3d Vice PresidentGeneral SecretaryExecutive CommitteeFor Term 1900=1902Frank A. Helmer, '78.Jennie K. Boomer, '95.John F. Hagey, '98.For Term 1900=1903Harry D. Abells, '97.Darius R. Leland, '84.Alice Winston, '98.For Term 1901 = 1904Edgar A. Buzzell, '86.Mary E. Reddy, '98.William F. Anderson, '99.Local Alumni Clubs0Chicago Alumni Club, Howard P. Kirt-LEY, '00, Secretary.Chicago Alumnae Club, Ida T.Hirschl, '00, Secretary.Eastern Alumni Club, Paul Monroe, '97, Secretary.Indianapolis University of ChicagoClub, William F.Harding, '95,Secretary.Nebraska AlumniClub, Belle Wilson, Secretary.Denver Alumni Club,Louis B. Joval-man, '93, Sec'y.The Woman's Union of the Universityof Chicago0HE Woman's Union was organized December 19, 1901, for the purposeof uniting the women of the University for the promotion of their common interests. It is hoped that the women of the University will findin this organization a means of uniting them in a large and generousfellowship and of meeting some of the social needs which many members of the University have felt in the past. The members are of twokinds, regular or honorary. Regular membership is open to thefollowing : Women students registered in any department of the University; womenmembers of the faculty, women officers, and women in the employ of the University;women members of the families of trustees, faculty and officers of the University; wivesof registered students; and alumnae of the University. Honorary membership may beconferred by the unanimous vote of the Union upon recommendation from the membership committee.The rooms of the Union are open daily, for the use of members, from 8:15 a.m., to6:15 p.m., a woman custodian being in constant attendance. The special features are:a reading room, a rest room, and a lunch-room. A series of informal "At Homes " havebeen instituted, occurring on Wednesdays, from 3 to 5 o'clock p.m.Regular business meetings are held during the third week of each quarter, and specialmeetings at such other times as may seem best to the president, the chairman of thehouse committee, or to any three members of the Union. The business of the Union isconducted by a Council, consisting of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer,and a house committee of seven, who serve as chairmen of sub-committees on membership, finance, entertainment, philanthropy, hospitality, and lunch-room. At the time oforganization, the following officers were elected:Miss Marion TalbotMrs. Henry R. HatfieldMiss Ruth HardyMiss Mildred RichardsonMiss Gertrude Dudley . PresidentVice PresidentTreasurerSecretaryChairman of the House CommitteeThe members of the House Committee are :Miss Isabel Baker . Chairman of Committee on MembershipMrs. Warner FiTE . Chairman of Committee on FinanceMrs. George C. Howland Chairman of Committee on EntertainmentMrs. H. H. Donaldson . Chairman of Committee on PhilanthropyMiss Eleanor CulTon Chairman of Committee on HospitalityMiss Susan W. Peabody . Chairman of Committee on Lunch-room127The Students' Club House0RUE education aims to produce harmony with environment — to enablemen to live, and to live nobly. The American college of to-day is theresult of experience which has been adapted to environment. It differsfrom both the colleges and universities of Europe. It is ihe outgrowthof American life. The early college was designed to be a training schoolfor preachers and teachers But with the expansion of the nation and thedevelopment of its material resources, the scientific and technical curriculum has gained upon the older form, and to-day has place in every college ofeminence in the country. Wondrous material changes have been wrought in thefoundation of libraries, the equipment of laboratories, the erection of student dormitories, the establishment of professional and technological schools. Nor has the evolution ended here. Continental ideals and practices — witness the seminar — have beenassimilated, although, fortunately, all attempts to empty the American college of itsnative characteristics have proven futile.These changes have naturally resulted in an enormous increase in the number ofstudents in our universities and colleges. Yet in two respects higher education has beencuriously backward: first, in appreciating the fact that a certain amount of physical culture may be profitably joined with mental effort, and second, in developing the socialinstinct in the student during the formative period of life, when character is most adapta-able and the lessons of experience are most easily learned. The first of these has nowbeen overcome. The college man to-day secures relaxation from his books in healthfuland well-directed exercise either in the gymnasium or upon the athletic field. But thesocial life of almost every American college is a yet undeveloped factor; or if it has beendeveloped, it has grown hap-hazardly and is either lacking in coherence or else has hardened into narrow cliques which perpetuate unwise traditions and breed antagonism.Broad, genuine, sympathetic, social life is still an unknown element in far too many institutions. But the change is happening — has happened. To-day three institutions — Pennsylvania, Harvard and Dartmouth have student club houses which are the hearth andhome of the whole student body. These endowments have magnified the meaning of thewords alma mater in the institutions concerned. The trustees of the University of Chicago long ago realized that liberal culture implied the development of the Americancollege student in all right relations, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social — and the establishment of the Students' Club House marks the consummation of this purpose in theminds of the trustees to provide a perfect education, lying four-square, in the Liberal Arts,in Science, in Gymnastics, — and in the manners that make men.The Committee of the Students' Club HouseTHE aim of the University authorities in the selection of this committee was to makeit broadly representative of every student element or organization in the institution. To that end delegates have been chosen by each school, including Divinity,Graduate, Medical, (and the Law School will be included when organized); theSenior and Junior Colleges; the Student Councils; the Greek Letter Fraternities; theHouses; the various Student organizations, like the Glee and Mandolin Club. Certainmembers of the faculty have been added also to act in an advisory capacity. The fullcommittee comprehends sixty -seven persons, as follows:Mr. James Westfall Thompson, Chairman of the CommissionMr. F. G. Smith, Secretary of the CommissionFacultyMr. J. L. Laughlin Mr. H. P. JudsonMr. J. P. Iddings Mr. MoncriefMr. Edward Capps Mr. William HillMr. G. B. Smith Mr. W. W. Atwood128Graduate CouncilC. C. Arbuthnot B. L. French. B. O. HutchinsonF. B. Jewett J. R. McArthurGraduate SchoolW. F. DoddDivinity Council(Including Disciples' Divinity School.)E. J Parsons J. S. Andrews J. W. BaileyA. T. Burns J. K. Hart J. C. HazenJ. W. Hoag W. J. Trimble C. L. WaiteMiddle Divinity HouseAlbert S. WilsonSenior CouncilH. E. Fleming O. E. Atwood B. G. LeeM. H. Pettitt G. A Young-Senior CollegeZ. R. Pettet F. G. SmithJunior CouncilA. W. Greenwood F. M. HortonF. A. Speik R. W. MerrifieldJunior CollegeOliver B. Wyman Fred. D. FischelMedical CouncilM. J. O'Herne E. Barker A. A. Hayden W. D. FisherSR. S Allison W. J. Swift R. K. Keech R. O. BrownC. A. DeLong A. B. McNab S. H. Swetzer M. J. PerryMedical SchoolJ. DeimelGreek Letter FraternitiesFrank McNair, AKE. Piatt M. Conrad, B0n.A. B. Garcelon, <i>K^. C. M. Hogeland, ^Y.R. L. Henry, X\I>. Chester Ellsworth, <i>A0.F G. Moloney, AA<i>. E. D. Howard, SX.Robert Butler, ATA. O. E. Atwood, AY.The HousesD. A. Robertson . Dragon's Tooth G. B Hallett . . ; WashingtonF. W. Bramhall . . . Lincoln W R. Jayne . . . SnellStudent OrganizationsW. G. McLaury .... Dramatic ClubF. F. J. Tische ..... Glee Club129The University of Chicago Chess Club0The Chess Club was organized in January, 1902. Its aims are to promote interestin chess in the University, and to strive forward to a better understanding of the art ofthe game, through practice and systematic study. Intercollegiate games are to bearranged.Frederick R. Dapprich . . . PresidentEdward Prokosch ..... Vice PresidentHerman SchlESInger ..... SecretarySchuyler B. Terry ..... TreasurerExecutive CommitteeR. T. Chamberlin, ChairmanF. R. Dapprich Herman SchlesingerEdward Prokosch S. B. TerryThe Graduate ClubThe Graduate Club was organized March 11, 1895, for the purpose of promotingacquaintance among graduate students and affording opportunities for the discussion ofquestions of common interest. Meetings are held every month, at which short addressesare made on topics of general interest.All students pursuing graduate work at the University are eligible to membership.The active members of the club are students who have been elected by the ExecutiveCommittee. Active members who have received Doctor's degrees, or appointments fromthe University, become life members.Graduate Club OfficersFrank Leonard Jewett .... PresidentMiss Katharine E. Dopp . . . Vice PresidentEdgar H. MacNeal . . Corresponding SecretaryMiss Fannie C. Frisbie . • Recording SecretaryHerman C. Henderson .... TreasurerThe Law Club0Augustus R. Hatton .... PresidentWilliam R. Jayne ..... SecretaryGeorge A. Young Joseph W. BinghamHoward S. Young Burton L. FrenchH. E. Miller William S. BixlerRobert L. Henry, Jr. Elzo L. Van DellenTheodore M. Kimball130The Prohibition Club.0THE Prohibition Club is one of the many organizations that center about the University. The chief purpose of the Club is the preparation of young people foraggressive work and leadership in the moral and political reform made necessaryby the strong hold thafe-^he liquor traffic has upon society and the nation.The Club holds bi-weekly meetings in the Y. M. C. A. rooms in Haskell, consistingof a business meeting, followed by a short program dealing with the political, economicand moral significance of the saloon and practical methods for its removal.The membership is not large but it makes up in enthusiasm what it lacks in numbers.Officers of the Prohibition ClubGeorge Cleaver ... . President.Archibald E. Layman . Vice President.Roy E. Cody . . . Secretary.Harold C Brubaker . . Treasurer.131Established February 8, 1901Officer® and Executive CommitteeJohn R. DexterWalter R. SmithRobert S. Allison PresidentVice PresidentSecretary and TreasurerSheldon F. BallGeorge SennMembersE. C GriffithW. E. PostT. A. TylerN M. FennemanJ. JackalC. E. HoagJ. W ScottH. S. WillardG. SennB. L. FrenchJ F. AdamsR. S. AllisonS. D. NixonE. T. ManningE. B. LandisH. H. MaxwellC. H. Van TuylR. S. MitchellG. C. Smith W. R. SmithJ. R. DexterC. IngbertC. E. CurtissS- F. BallD. M. GreenW L. BixlerC. T. BeckE. P. SanbornR. HarlanE. E. JonesF. M. LoweC. H. NielsonL. P. CrawfordW. J. RuskO. P. MerrillW. W. ChartersM. M. BeddallG L. MeltonA. L. Nickerson B. H. RoarkG. R. McClymentA. T. StewartR. K. KeechT. M. RennoldsCanadian Club0Herman C. Henderson, New Brunswick . . . PresidentMary Helm a Dey, Ontario .... Vice PresidentAlbert S. Wilson, Ontario . . . Secretary and TreasurerThe Southern Club0The Southern Club of the University of Chicago was organized in the autumnquarter, 1898. Its purpose is " to bring into closer social relations all members of theUniversity who are Southerners, and to study such problems pertaining to the South asmay be of interest to the club."OfficersJohn Broadus Watson, South CarolinaJohn Andrew Rice, South CarolinaMiss Laetitia M. Snow, MarylandMiss Martha Reid Robinson, GeorgiaGarland 0. Whitfield, Mississippi .The Civic ClubThe Civic Club was organized February 13, 1901, to study civic questions, and prepare for intelligent participation in public affairs. The club has endeavored to accomplish this object by open debates and lectures from those of experience in civic affairs.Its present officers are:Leon P. Lewis ........ PresidentH. Wilkinson Ford ....... Vice PresidentHerbert E. Fleming ....... SecretaryArthur F. Beifeld ........ TreasurerExecutive CommitteeRomanzo C. AdamsRobert L. Henry, Jr.Leon P. LewisH. Wilkinson FordHerbert E. FlemingPresident. Vice PresidentTreasurerRecording SecretaryCorresponding Secretary134Official Clubs0BOTANICAL CLUBPHILOLOGICAL SOCIETYENGLISH CLUBROMANCE CLUBPEDAGOGICAL CLUBMATHEMATICAL CLUBSEMITIC CLUBPHYSICS CLUBMEDICAL CLUBGEOLOGICAL CLUBNEW TESTAMENT CLUBCHURCH HISTORY CLUBGERMAN CONVERSATIONAL CLUBGERMANIC CLUBBACTERIOLOGICAL CLUBTHEOLOGICAL CLUBZOOLOGICAL CLUBZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL CLUBHISTORICAL CLUBPOLITICAL SCIENCE CLUBSOCIOLOGY CLUBL35SOUTH DIVINITY HOUSEDean Eri Baker Hulbert, CouncilorLlewellyn Phillips, HeadMIDDLE DIVINITY HOUSEAssociate Professor John W. Moncrief , CouncilorWilliam R. Schoemaker, HeadNORTH HALLProfessor Albion Woodbury Small, CouncilorWesley C. Mitchell, HeadSNELL HOUSEDr. Joseph E. Raycroft, CouncilorHenry P. Chandler, HeadBEECHER HOUSEAssociate Professor Frank Justus Miller, CouncilorFlorence M. Lyon, HeadKELLY HOUSEProfessor George Stephen Goodspeed, CouncilorSusan Peabody, HeadNANCY FOSTER HOUSEDr. Frederic Ives Carpenter, CouncilorAssistant Professor Myra Reynolds, HeadGREEN HOUSEProfessor Henry Herbert Donaldson, CouncilorAssociate Professor Marion Talbot, HeadLINCOLN HOUSEDr. Nathaniel Butler, CouncilorDr. James Harrington Boyd, HeadWASHINGTON HOUSEMr. Ralph Charles Henry Caterall, HeadSPELMAN HOUSEAssistant Professor Edward Capps, CouncilorGertrude Dudley, HeadT36The following Houses outside the Quadrangles are recognized by the Faculty:CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN DIVINITY HOUSEDr. Ira Woods Howerth, CouncilorWilliam Clark Logan, HeadDISCIPLES' DIVINITY HOUSEProfessor William Darnall MacClintock, CouncilorFrederick F. Grim, HeadALPHA DELTA PHI HOUSE, 5722 Kimbark AvenueProfessor George Stephen Goodspeed, CouncilorAssistant Professor Ferdinand Schwill, HeadBETA THETA PI HOUSE, 5808 Washington AvenueAssistant Professor Francis Wayland Shepardson, CouncilorAssistant Professor William Bishop Owen, HeadCHI PSI HOUSE, 6028 Kimbark AvenueProfessor John Matthews Manly, CouncilorWalter S. Payne, HeadDELTA KAPPA EPSILON HOUSE, 5826 Washington AvenueAssistant Professor James Rowland Angell, CouncilorProfessor Shailer Matthews, HeadDELTA TAU DELTA HOUSE, 5731 Monroe AvenueDr Herbert Lockwood Willett, CouncilorAssociate Professor Alexander Smith, HeadDELTA UPSILON HOUSE, 5735 Madison AvenueAssistant Professor Robert Morss Lovett, CouncilorDr. James Westfall Thompson, HeadDRAGON'S TOOTH HOUSE, 5736 Rosalie CourtProfessor Thomas Chrowder Chamberlain, HeadPHI DELTA THETA HOUSE, 5719 Monroe AvenueAssociate Professor John W. Moncrief, CouncilorWilliam E. Godso, HeadPHI KAPPA PSI HOUSE, 650 East 60th StreetProfessor George Lincoln Hendrickson, CouncilorDr. David Judson Lingle, HeadPHI RHO SIGMA HOUSE, 5657 Washington AvenueE. P. Lvons, CouncilorE. F. Ingalls, HeadPSI UPSILON HOUSE, 6106 Woodlawn AvenueAssociate Professor Robert Francis Harper, CouncilorAssistant Professor George Carter Howland, HeadSIGMA CHI HOUSE, 6128 Woodlawn AvenueAssociate Professor Solomon Henry Clark, CouncilorNewman Miller, Head137Graduate Council0Elected AnnuallyW. Wallace Atwood ChairmanJ. R. McArthur B. V. HutchinsonFrank L. Jewett Bentcn L FrenchCharles C. ArbuthnotDivinity Council0Elected AnnuallyOfficersJoseph Chalmers HazenAllen Tibbals BurnsJohn Stanley AndrewsWilliam Joseph TrimbleChairmen of CommitteesJoseph Kinmont HartJohn Wellington HoagOwen B. HotleEverett Joseph ParsonsJohn William BaileyWilliam Joseph Trimble PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerMissionsAthletics. Social LifePublic SpeakingDevotionalFinanceM. J. O'HERNEW. J. Swift Medic Council0ChairmanSecretaryFor Second Year ClassEdward Banker A. A. HaydenWalter D. Fisher R. T. AllisonFor First Year ClassR. S. Brown W. J. PerryC A. DeLong A. B. MacNabS. H. Metzler Roy K. Keech133George Alexander YoungHerbert Easton FlemingMilton Howard PettitBenjamin Griffin Lee Student Councilors0Senior CollegeSpring 1901David* Allan Robertson . ChairmanGrace Manning . . SecretaryEliot; Black, welderFrank Perkins BarkerRuth HardyBertram G. NelsonZellner Roswell PettetJosephine F. StoneSummer 1901RiJSSEl/WlLES . . ChairmanLeon P. Lewis . . . Secretary-Edward Christian KohlsaatBenjamin W. RobinsonLily BellandJennie RattrayAutumn 1901ChairmanSecretaryOrville Elbridge AtwoodHelen G. HaynerWinter 1902Douglas SutherlandFrank McNairArthur Frederic BeifeldLees Ballinger ChairmanSecretaryHayward D. WarnerCharles M. Hogeland'39Student Councilors0Junior CollegesSpring 1901James Milton SheldonEmma Dolfinger .....Elizabeth BeldenFerdinand Mosely HortonHarry Albert EvansDudley Woodbridge HopkinsAlbert William ShererSummer 1901Frederick Graham Moloney .Charles Roland Howe . .Milton Howard PettitMilton Gustavus SillsAdelbert Turner StewartWanda M. PfeifferAutumn 1901Ferdinand Mosely Horton .Marie McEvoy ....Roy Wilson MerrifieldAlfred Ward GreenwoodElizabeth ClarkeFrederick A. Speik ChairmanSecretaryChairmanSecretarvChairmanSecretaryWinter 1902Samuel Francis FellowsWalter M. JohnsonJames Milton SheldonLambert Arundel HopkinsHarry W. GetzElla Garrigue140 ChairmanSecretaryLast Friends0One turns for solace to his pipeWhen loves grow cold or friends are far;Another, when his woes are ripe,Seeks comfort in a black cigar;But as for me, when I forget,I roll another cigarette.142Director of AthleticsAmos Alonzo StaggAssistant CoachesClarence B. HerschbergerRalph C. HamillAthletic RepresentativesClarence B. HerschbergerJ. W. Ho AGErnest E. Perkinsjames M. Sheldon The Graduate SchoolsThe Divinity SchoolsThe Senior CollegesThe Junior Colleges1 43Former Athletic CaptainsFootball1893, A. R. E. Wyant1894, C. W. Allen1895, C. W. Allen1896, C. F. Roby1897, C. B. Herschberger1898, W. S. Kennedy1899, W. S. Kennedy1900, Kellogg SpeedJ J. R. Henry*I9OI'\J. M.Sheldon1902, elect, J. M. SheldonBaseball1894, F. D. Nichols1895, H. D. Abells1896, H. D. Abells1897, H. T. Clarke1S98, G. W. Sawyer1899, F. Merrifield1900, L. T. Vernon1901, T. B. Smith1902, elect, F. E. HarperTrack1894, H. C. Holloway1895, H. C. Holloway1896, C. F. BachelleQ f F. F. Steigmeyer [Resigned]Ib97>\T. H. Patterson1898, F. H. Calhoun1899, B. B. Smith1900, W. A. Moloney1 90 1, W. A. Moloney1902, F. G. MoloneyTennis1894, W. S. Bond1895, C. B. Neel1896, W. S. Bond1897, P. Rand1898, C. D. W. Halsey1899, E. L. Poulson1900, H. N. Gottlieb1 901, P. P. Bruce1902, elect, J. W. Bingham?Elected, but left college before season opened.144The Fountain PenIt's easy to write without dipping for ink,As it's easy to talk when you don't have to think.FOOTBALL£ROM the point of view of games won, the season of 1901 was the mostdisastrous ever experienced by a University of Chicago football team.Our hard luck began during the summer, when Captain Henry decidednot to return to college. Then almost before the season opened wehad a large squad on the hospital list. This squad was large duringthe whole season, and no sooner did one man recover than another gothurt, and as a result the men never had the advantage of team work.This deprived us at different times of Horton, Perkins, Atwood and Speik. But, as if theloss of Captain Henry and a large hospital force were not a large enough handicap forCoach Stagg to work with, we had a still greater blow, for while playing in the Beloitgame, Sheldon was so badly hurt that our crippled team had to play without its " littlecaptain."This last straw almost broke the camel's back, and the team was only saved fromutter rout by our old reliable veteran — George Garrey, who stepped into the captain'splace and kept the team fighting up to the end. It is just this spirit of fighting togetheruntil the end for which we shall always remember the team of '01. We were defeated,and defeated by large scores, but until the final whistle blew, the men always fought, nomatter how large the odds against them, and fought in a way which drew nothing butadmiration from friends and opponents. If the team had had the luck which its pluckdeserved, we would again have had the " Championship of the West."But while it is certainly sweet to win, this is not the onlyjobject of college athletics,and our team of this year did more for our 'Varsity than did the champion team of 1899.For it aroused the spirit of the students in a way in which it had never been arousedbefore. It disproved the old saying that " Chicago men have no college spirit." Forthis year when we needed it, it was there, and every man stood right with the team andnever lost confidence. So our team this year was not a failure, but played its part in ourcollege history. This part, if not so brilliant, was just as necessary for the University asthat of any other team.147The Foot Ball Team0POSITIONRight EndRight TackleRight GuardCenterLeft GuardLeft Tackle .Left EndQuarter BackRight Half BackLeft Half BackFull Back NAMEJames G. MacNabRex B. Kennedy .Marcus M. BeddallA. Chester Ells worth .Roy L. Knapp .Charges G. FlanaganFrederick A. Speikf George H. Garrey\ Lee w. MaxwellErnest E. Perkinsf James M. Sheldon, Captain\ Frank O. Hortonf Orville E. Atwood .\B. Strauss . WEIGHT172. 188214• I85217209174144]72l60174E. B. Cooke (Guard or Tackle)J. J. Laird (End) substitutesC. S. Jennison (Back) P. M. Conrad (End)M. S. Dondanville (Half Back)Record of Team for 1901September 2 1 Lombard 0 , . Chicago 33September 28 Monmouth 0 . Chicago 23October 2 Milwaukee Medics 0 , . Chicago 12October 5 Knox 0 , . Chicago 6October 9 Illinois Wesleyan 0 . , Chicago 22October 1 2 Purdue 5 ¦ . Chicago . 5October 19 Illinois 24 , . Chicago 0October 26 Pennsylvania 11 . . Chicago 0November 2 Beloit . 17 ¦ . Chicago nNovember 9 Northwestern 6 . . Chicago 5November 16 Michigan 22 . Chicago 0November 28 Wisconsin 35 • . Chicago . 0Points Won . Chicago 128 , . Opponents 120Wh\ Games Won . . Chicago 5 . Opponents 5/^f>A Ties 2^ ,. :<21fifl• 1iMajor and Minor0The smoke wreaths curl away airily,The red flame whirls about cheerily,The snow at the panes swirls merrily,And the song in my heart is glad.My pipe from my hand falls wearily,The dying coals drop drearily,The winter wind sighs eerily,And the song in my heart is sad.150The ScrubsLeft EndLeft TackleLeft GuardCenterRight GuardRight TackleRight EndLeft Half BackRight Half BackFull BackQuarter BackScrubsScrubsScrubsScrubsScrubs 1901J Magee(SennBECKLeeteGaylordWittFullerGreenwoodGames Played 5;Games Playedo . . Hyde Park H. S.12 . . Englewood H. S. .6 . . Northwestern Scrubs5 . . Lewis Institute5 . . East Aurora H. S.Won 1; Lost 4. J LouerX Beachr GranbergX Blairf J. H.FairchildX Backhouse(Captain) Harper6o18661904=1905The third annual Freshman-Sophomore football game was played on Marshall Field,November 15, 1901. The Sophomores won by the score of 27 to 5.Sophomores The Teams FreshmenWyman )Hatfield j Left End f NewtonX PardeeBeck Left Tackle . RobertsonMcKenna . Left Guard . NaylorLouney Center PotterMoth Right Guard HillPratt Right Tackle SillsWatkins Right End KauefmanGaylord Quarter Back HatfieldLouer . Left Half Back . BlairGreenwood Right Half Back BardHamburger Full BackScore: Sophomores 27; Freshman 5 J EldridgeX Beach151Football Games 1892=190001892Chicagoo Northwestern4 Northwestern1 8 Lake Forest .io Michigan .Chicagoo Lake Forest12 Northwesternio Michiganio Purdue26 University of Cincinnati12 Oberlin Opponentso6. 1818 Chicago10 Illinoiso Purdue12 IllinoisTotal score for Chicago, 54;Games won. 1; lost, 4; tie, 2.1893Opponents Chicago10 6 Northwestern6 18 Armour Institute6 14 Lake Forest .20 10 Michigano 22 Northwestern33 8 Notre DameGames won, 6; lost, 4; tie, 2.Total score for Chicago, 148; opponents, 143.1894Chicago Opponents4 Chicago Athletic Association . 1242 Northwestern . . . o14 Rush . . . . -416 Beloit o20 Chicago Athletic Ass' n. (second team) oo Wisconsin . . . -3°o Chicago Athletic Association . 3018 State University of Iowa . 1826 Prairie Athletic Association . o6 Purdue . . . . 10Games won, 10: Chicago4 Englewood V. M. C. A.28 Lake Forest .10 Illinois; 6 Northwestern4 Michigan24 Stanfordo Stanford .o Reliance Athletic Club52 Salt Lake Y. M. C. A.Total score for Chicago, 304;lost, 7; tie, 1.1895Chicago28 Eureka8 Chicago Athletic Association52 Lake Forest .6 Northwestern24 Armour Institute Opponents Chicagou 6 Minnesota0 22 Wisconsin0 H Western Reserve22 6 Northwestern4 0 MichiganTotal score for Chicago, 166; opponents, 60.Games won, 7; lost, 3.1896Chicago46 Eureka4S Monmouth5 AlumniVI ^Hahnemann6 University of Iowa18 Notre Dame30 Oberlin Opponents Chicago0 36 Armour Institute0 6 Northwestern0 12 Illinois0 0 Wisconsin0 0 Lake Forest0 1 8 Northwestern0 7 Michigan Opponents• 438. 28opponents, 112.Opponents. 66. 1428. 14oOpponentsoo6o6• 412. 6oopponents, 140.Opponents10. 12oo12Opponentso. 46o. 24o. 66Total score for Chicago, 261; opponents, 82.Games won, 11; lost, 2; tie, 1.1897Chicago41 Monmouth71 Lake Forest24 Armour Institute39 Beloit21 Northwestern Opponents• 4oo6. 6 Chicago18 Illinois34 Notre Dame8 Wisconsin21 Michigan Opponents12• 523. 12Total score for Chicago, 277; opponents, 68.Games won, 8; lost, 1.1898Chicago Opponents22 Knox . . . .08 Rush Medical . . . o24 Monmouth . . . .022 College of Physicians and Surgeons o38 Iowra State '. . . o21 Beloit . . . . .0 Opponents5Chicago34 Northwestern1 1 Pennsylvania17 Purdue6 Wisconsin1 1 MichiganTotal score for Chicago; 214; opponents, 40.^3oo12Games won, 9; lost, 2.Chicago 189940 Knox .......12 College of Physicians and Surgeons23 Notre Dame ......5 University of Iowa ....29 Dixon College .....17 Cornell ......58 Oberlin ......5 Pennsylvania .....44 Purdue ......76 Northwestern .....35 Beloit .......29 Minnesota .....17 Brown ......17 Wisconsin .....Total score for Chicago, 407; opponents, 28,Games won, 12; lost, o; tie, 2.OpponentsoChicago 190024 Lombard29 Monmouth .16 Knox23 Dixon17 Purdue .40 Rush6 Minnesota6 Browno Pennsylvaniao Iowao Northwestern5 Wisconsin15 MichiganTotal score for Chicago, 181; opponents, 135.Games won, 7; lost, 5; tie, 1. Opponents .oo. 6HE record of the baseball team for 1901 is hardly one of which to beproud. Although the manner in which Michigan and Beloit weredefeated early in the spring, led many to belie ve4 that we had a winningteam, it did not continue so. When the other teams began to roundinto championship form, we failed to show the necessary improvement. Probably the reason for this is that we had so little materialfrom which to choose a team. The constant shifting about to make upthe best combination possible worked havoc with team play.In the western championship race we finished third, but defeated Northwestern fourtimes, Wisconsin twice, and Michigan and Iowa once each. We were defeated by Illinoisfour times, Michigan three times, Oberlin twice, and once by both Wisconsin and Purdue^If we could have won another game from Michigan, their title to the western championship would have been a shady one. This, too, was the second season in successionthat we were unable to score a single victory over Illinois. No doubt the hardest blowwas our defeat by both Oberlin and Purdue, a thing that never happened before.About June the first, we started on a finely planned eastern trip. Our first game,which was with Oberlin, was lost by a close score. The game was so close and relationsbetween both teams were so pleasant that another game was arranged for, on our returnfrom the east. Brown, one of the strongest of the eastern college teams, played us veryclosely until the last inning, when she pulled away and won handily. As soon as thegame was over we were put through a stiff practice, as it was evident that we were not invery good condition. The next day we met Harvard, the team that afterward won thechampionship from Yale. Our best showing was made against this team, the score beingseven to one. Captain Smith was in the box and succeeded in scoring the only strikeoutof the season against Ried, Harvard's captain. We now started home, playing Holy Cross,Syracuse, Oberlin and Michigan on the way. In the first two games we were badlydefeated, but managed to pull ourselves together and make a hard fight for the othertwo.The season closed with three games on Marshall Field. If we could win these gamesit would be a fitting close for so disastrous a year. We succeeded in winning in a creditable manner the games with Wisconsin and Northwestern. The last game was playedwith Michigan. Both teams played very well and made the score very close, butMichigan won. In a race run over a rough and stony road, we were passed at the tapein our last spurt.154Chicago Baseball Record for 1901MApril ioApril 13April 16April 17April 18April 20April 24April 27May 1May 4May 7May 8May 11May 15May 17May 18May 22May 25May 28May 29JuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJune 8june 14June 15June .17 Wheaton 3 ChicagoLake Forest 6 . ChicagoMichigan 6 ChicagoChicago (American League) 14 . ChicagoChicago (American League) 12 . ChicagoNorthwestern , at Evanston 2 ChicagoBeloit 8 ChicagoNorthwestern 3 . ChicagoIllinois 15 . Chicagc »Notre Dame 11 . ChicagoMinnesota 6 . ChicagoIllinois, at Champaign . 17 ChicagoWisconsin, at Madison 6 ChicagoMichigan, at Ann Arbor 10 ChicagoIllinois, at Champaign 8 ChicagoPurdue, at Lafayetie 7 ChicagoIllinois 5 ChicagoWisconsin 8 ChicagoNorthwestern, at Evanston 2 ChicagoIowa .... 3 ChicagoOberlin, at Oberlin 3 ChicagoBrown, at Providence 10 ChicagoHarvard, at Cambridge 7 ChicagoHoly Cross, at Worcester . 12 ChicagoSyracuse, at Syracuse . 12 ChicagoOberlin, at Oberlin 6 ChicagoMichigan, at Ann Arbor 6 ChicagoWisconsin 1 ChicagoNorthwestern . 7 . ChicagoMichigan 5 Chicago 3697o8694334656732949241o2434143Points made: Chicago, 177; opponents, 221.Games won: Chicago, 11; opponents, 19.155Base Ball TeamNames of PlayersF. E. HarperT>. B. Smith \H. C. Calhoun VC. R. Howe JA. L. HooverR. Merrifield .C. W. Van PattenP. A. SunderlandF. M. HortonA. W. PlaceH. J. Sloan .H. C. Smith CatcherPitchersFirst BaseSecond BaseThird BaseShort StopLeft FieldCenter FieldRight FitldSubstituteBatting and Fielding AveragesBase Ball 1901( 5araes At Bat Hits Per Cent. Put Outs Assists ErroHarper, c. 27 IOO 32 .320 146 ^3 13T. B. Smith, p. and Capt. 27 I09 30 •275 37 8l 16Place, c. f. 22 35 23 .270 37 5 IOMerrifield, 2d b. 27 JI7 31 .265 75 68 31Van Patten, 3d b. and r. f. 26 96 22 .229 24 11 18Sunderland, s. s. 25 94 17 .180 38 44 21Howe, p. and 3d b. 20 66 12 .l8l 12 35 14Sloan, s. s. and r. f. 19 70 12 .171 24 17 19Hoover, 1st b. 25 9i IO .109 272 8 9Horton, 1. f. . i3 60 6 .IOO 20 1 5Calhoun, p. 11 20 I .050 2 27 6H. C. Smith, sub. . 8 21 3 .142 9 1 1156At the Snell Reception0A pair of eyes,A rapturous thrill;An awful jolt,A sorry spill.158The Reserves0J. W. Kirkpatrick .M. B. PraTTJ. BackhouseL. Ballinger, (Captain)A. L. Young .E. MillerO. B. WymanW. K. SmartH. E. Watkins CatcherPitcherFirst BaseSecond BaseThird BaseShort StopLeft FieldCenter FieldRight FieldGamesReserves IO . . Morgan Park A. 9Reserves . 9 • . * Austin H. S. . 8Reserves 12 . Hyde Park H. S. 16Reserves 22 . South Side A. .12Reserves II . St. Ignatius . 16Reserves . 8 . Armour Institute 4Reserves . 6 . . Hyde Park H. S. 3Reserves . 72 . . Austin H. S. . 6Reserves IO . . West Division H. S. 6Games won, 7; lost, 2.159Base Ball Games 1893=190001893Chicago Opponents Chicago7 Denison College . 11 6 Illinois6 Wisconsin 10 18 Elgin6 Iowa 2 9 Elgin .25 Rush . 2 11 Wisconsin19 Electrics . 2 15 St. Ignatius5 Rivals . 10 6 Electrics .2 Illinois 3 8 Virginia14. Lake Forest . . 8 Opponentso6. 85121• 3Summary of points: Chicago, 157; opponents, 87.Games won: Chicago, 11 ; opponents, 4.1894Chicago Opponents Chicago Opponents18 Rush . 9 17 Illinois . 1816 Evanston High School . 12 4 Northwestern 614 Y. M. C. A. . 6 15 Englewood Commercials • 411 Englewood Commercials 9 10 Iowa 41 Rush . 16 2 Michigan ¦ 38 Englewood Commercials 5 18 Englewood Commercials 516 Wisconsin 6 24 Chicago Athletic Association - 192 Northwestern 3 4 Minnesota 214 Armour Institute 4 1 Northwestern . 89 Illinois 10 2 Wisconsin 115 Englewood Y. M. C. A. 4Summary of points >: Chic ago, 22T; opponents, 165.Games won : Chica^ ?°, 13; opponents, 818 95Chicago Opponents Chicago Opponents23 Northwestern . 13 21 Northwestern 1018 Rush Medical 9 18 Grinnell • 48 Rush Medical 6 13 Michigan . 151 St. Thomas 5 11 Omaha . 61 1 Northwestern 6^ n Omaha, 1210 Lake Forest 4 5 Wisconsin . 162 Chicago National League 5 26 Lake Forest 58 Wisconsin 2 26 Northwestern . 16 Rush Medical 4 27 St. Johns Mil. Academy . 38 Northwestern 9 4 Michigan . 640 Iowa . 6Summary of points: Chicago, 347; opponents, 133.Games won: Chicago, 16; opponents, 5.1601896Chicago Opponents Chicago Opponents9 Illinois . 6 0 Michigan . 61 8 Illinois Cycling Club 6 14 Indiana • 919 City Leaguers • 3 9 Grinnell . 127 Lake Forest 3 2 Michigan • 94 Whitings . 5 3 Cornell 28 Rush Medical 5 3 Orange Athletic Club] . 612 Blackburn • 9 15 Pennsylvania 106 Whitings . ... 8 5 Yale . • 3i10 Illinois d 7 Harvard . 102 Chicago (National League) 7 7 Michigan • 328 Northwestern ¦ 5 10 Michigan . 522 Illinois Wesleyan 3 9 Wisconsin • 58 Rush . • 4 1 Brown 07 Michigan . 3 3 Brown,. • 133 Detroit League . 15 5 Brown 6Summary of points: Chicago, 276; opponents, 202.Games won: Chicago, 19; opponents, 11.1897Chicago Opponents Chicago Opponents4 Edgars 1 4 Michigan 118 Edgars • 5 10 Notre Dame 25 Illinois 9 12 Oak Park . 612 Cranes •. • 4 4 Nebraska . 211 Lake Forest 3 10 Iowa . . 66 Rush . • 5 3 Michigan . 514 Alumni 8 24 Oak Park • 139 Illinois . 5 18 Wisconsin 25 Wisconsin 0 24 Michigan • 311 Beloit . . 12 6 Oak Park . 165 Michigan . 3Summary of points: Chicago, 215; opponents, 11 1.Games won: Chicago, 17; opponents, 4.1898Chicago4 Beloit Opponents3 Chicago1 Beloit . Opponents. 410 Northwestern • 3 6 Illinois 51 Whitings . 2 13 Illinois • 422 Rush . • 4 1 Michigan . 44 Michigan .6 Northwestern . 51 92 Notre Dame .Illinois . 1214 Michigan .12 Illinois 2. 9 75 Lake Forest .U. of C. Graduates 1128 Northwestern 1 15 U. of C. Graduates . • 132 Michigan . 4Summary of points: ChicGames won : Chicagit :ago, ]0, 12;)i [32; opponents, 9c.opponents, 7.1899Chicago Opponents Chicago Opponents6 Milwaukee 18 2 Notre Dame 72 Illinois • 4 9 Illinois . 313 Rush 1 11 Northwestern 01 1 Lake Forest . - 5 4 Ravenswood Athletic Club . 88 Wisconsin 2 5 Oberlin 223 Northwestern . 4 4 Naval Reserves 29 Illinois 11 2 Illinois 913 Indiana . 6 1 Northwestern . 221 Hamilton Club . 12 4 Beloit 39 Wisconsin . 6 9 Pennsylvania . • 31 Purdue 10 6 Pennsylvania 36 Northwestern . 4 1 Pennsylvania . • 77 Lake Forest 6 7 Hamilton Club . 412 Minnesota 0Summary of points: Chicago, 196; opponents, 142.Games won: Chicago, 18; opponents, 9.1900Chicago18 Vanderbilt1 1 Vanderbilt22 Vanderbilt10 Northwestern12 Marque ttes6 Northwestern2 American League4 American League1 Illinois10 Rush10 Lake Forest .1 1 Northwestern13 Kansas1 Illinois9 Michigan11 Michigan .1 1 Michigan Opponents Chicago• 3 6 Purdue8 2 Notre Dame• 7 5 Wisconsin4 4 Illinois• 3 3 Illinois7 5 Wisconsin. 10 12 Northwestern18 4 Beloit. 11 2 Michigan7 4 Cornell• 3 10 Pennsylvania2 8 Georgetown• 7 3 Georgetown4 4 Minnesota. 6 7 Pennsylvania18 6 Pennsylvania. 11 11 Pennsylvania Opponents27• 99. 102• 73• 35. 610. 61. 10122Summary of points: Chicago, 258; opponents, 233.Games won: Chicago, 17; opponents, 16; Ties, 1.162Inter = Fraternity Baseball0Chi Psi l Chi PsiSigma Chi f 8-5 Chi Psi18-5Psi Upsilon Delta Kappa EpsilonDelta Kappa Epsilon 1 6-1 2Delta Tau Delta . Delta UpsilonDelta Upsilon 10-7Alpha Delta Phi . Phi Kappa PsiPhi Kappa Psi . 23-22 Phi Delta ThetaBeta Theta Pi Phi Delta Theta 17-7Phi Delta Theta 13-4 1 Chi Psi2-0Chi Psi won the banner, 4-3.163Track Team 1901MHE season of 1901 was a very hard one for the track team. Only five ofthe team of 1900 returned to college and we therefore had a very smallnumber of experienced men. Even with the new material, it was thesmallest team in the history of the University. It was composed of acouple of old and tried men, one or two new men who developed intochampionship form and a half dozen men of fair ability. This is notsaying, however, that the team was not a good one. It would compare favorably with almost any team in our history, but more was demanded of it. Therapid improvement in track and field athletics in the West for the last few years has beenphenomenal; and Chicago, while improving rapidly from year to year, did not quite keeppace with her rivals — Michigan and Wisconsin — in 1931.The schedule for the season was one of the hardest any Maroon team has had to gothrough. The five indoor meets were: Y. M. C. A. in the gymnasium, Feb. 2; Michiganin the gymnasium, Feb. 16; Amateur Athletic Union indoor championship, at Milwaukee,March 2; Notre Dame — Illinois Triangular Meet, at Notre Dame, March 9; and Michigan,at Ann Arbor on March 16. This series of difficult meets came in rapid succession, andthe small team representing the University, nearly every man of which had to competein every meet, showed the effects of overwork before the series wTas over. Every teamhas its misfortunes and accidents, and we probably did not get any more than our shareof them, but because our team was so small they bore very hard upon us.The first meet, that with the Y. M. C. A., Chicago won easily. In the Michiganmeet each institution was represented by a team, limited to ten men. Michigan won by anarrow margin, through her superiority in the field events. One of the most noticeable164events of the evening was the defeat of "Bill" Moloney and Harvey Lord in the halfmile. The race was run pursuit fashion. Moloney was running behind Lord with theintention of getting second and therefore did not run to his limit. In the A. A. U. indoorchampionship held at Milwaukee, Chicago took third place, being beaten out by theFirst Regiment, I: N. G. and the University of Wisconsin. , "Bill" Moloney did not run,as he was saving himself for the Notre Dame meet, the following Saturday. If he hadrun in, and won, the quarter, Chicago would have passed Wisconsin.At Notre Dame the next week, the Maroons were deprived of the banner by a seemingly partisan decision of a Notre Dame Inspector. The score stood in favor of Chicagoand the cup for the relay race had been awarded us, when the inspector and the refereeappeared and took the cup away, alleging that in the third relay Fred Moloney cut in tooclose in front of the Notre Dame runner and thereby fouled him. This decision gaveNotre Dame the meet and we had to be contented with second place. In the next meetwith Michigan, at Ann Arbor, the Maroons plainly showed signs of overwork. Michigandefeated us by a much larger score than in the previous meet, and Moloney was againbeaten in the half mile by Hayes.The outdoor season was not quite as long as the indoor, but the meets were only aweek apart. They were: Michigan at Ann Arbor, May 18; Wisconsin at Marshall Field,May 25; and the Conference Intercollegiate on Marshall Field, June 2. In the Michiganmeet Chicago was very successful. Michigan won by points, with a narrow margin, butChicago won eight first places to Michigan's six. Michigan won by seconds and thirds.The feature of the meet, however, was the half mile run between the old rivals CaptainHoward Hayes, of Michigan and Captain "Bill" Moloney, of Chicago. Moloney hadbeaten Hayes in the Intercollegiate the previous year by a couple of feet. Hayes hadtwice beaten Moloney in dual indoor meets run in pursuit fashion, but still Moloney'sfriends had confidence in him. They felt sure that, running outdoors and on the sameside of the track as Hayes, he could win. Moloney won easily, by about fifteenyards, in the excellent time of 1:59^. The whole meet was entirely satisfactory to Chicagoand regarded in the light of victory.In the next meet, that -with Wisconsin, Chicago was again defeated by a narrowmargin. The feature of the meet was the unexpected winning of the dashes by " Bill "Moloney. Chicago was crippled by the loss of Hopkins, who was counted on to win thebroad jump. By the time the Conference meet came around, it was three weeks straightfor the Maroons, and they were nearly all stale. Hopkins was still unable to compete."Bill" Moloney especially was not in the best of shape and was defeated by Merrill, ofBeloit, in a very fast quarter. He was so used up by this that he was unable to run thehalf. Fred Moloney did his usual high-class performance, by winning both of thehurdles in record time. Chicago was third in the meet, with seventeen points, beingbeaten by Michigan and Wisconsin. With the Conference meet the regular seasonclosed. It was a season of hard struggles against odds, of good achievements and ofnarrow defeats.At the beginning of the Fall Quarter several of the members of the 1901 team andseveral Freshman athletes were sent to Louisville, Kentucky, to take part in theKentucky State Fair Meet, on Oct. 5. The team was very successful. The University ofChicago won the largest number of points of any institution, thirty-two in all. FredMoloney won the high hurdles in 15! and the low in 24I, both of which records are thebest he has ever made. He also won the broad jump. The team came home with a largenumber of handsome silver cups and trophies.1 '5Members of the 1901 Team0Wiuiam Arthur Moloney . . Captain.Frederick Graham MoloneyHarvey Hurd LordFerdinand Moseley HortonZelrner R. PettitWilliam CareyLambert Arundel HopkinsRobert Llewellyn Henry, Jr. Alfred William PlaceEdward Reid FerrissRichard Howells WellingtonEugene BlissMurray B. LouerAugust JahnErnest Earl PerkinsIndividual Track and Field Scores, 1901<¦J¦ OJ s 5CO M C1J¦1.2 '7.— ir.0 ^ BOJ0 S 0!zF. G. Moloney 5 5 S 5 5 IO 13 IO 15 76W. A. Moloney . 6 5 s 3 5 10 3 40H. II. Lord 5 3 3 5 5 8 29F. M. Horton ¦ 5 5 3 6 19L. A. Hopkins 6 3 8 '7R. L. Henry . • 5 i 5 5 16\V. Carey . 6'.( 5 3 1 '5%A. W. Place . 8 6 M'/.. R. Pettit 3 2 3 8E. R. Ferriss . i 3 3 M lAE. E. Perkins i 5 1 7C. H. Grabo . ¦ 3 3 6C. E. Hulbert 2 3 5C. F. Kennedy • 4'A 4^A. Jahn 1 3 4R. H. Wellington i i 1 3D. W. Hopkins 3 3G. Senn 3 3C. R. Manning 3 3M. B. Louer j 1F. 0. Horton i 1C. Kelley i 1H. Frend 1 1E. Quantrell . 1 1E. Bliss i 1Relay . • 5 3 3 1 3 15Total 54'A 3° i,S 36 17 52% 53 '7 29 3°4iOpponent • 34^ 42 441 66 42 55 73'A 59 35 15 399";At Kelly CircusM"You've broke my heart," moaned Tommy Clown," You've wrenched it clean in two, alacK!""Nay, is that true," cried Columbine," Or just another funny crack? "16851 o'A 5* 3 S S-CPT3 g2 a3 3""^ o 3rf«g33.. rt oi >>O ft ?_, "" ?? s;B ^^ -?-^ HI -3o o"-h B „cn 2.vO 3Co.5*. ftg 3"O r+ n 01 pi ^- oS.vo cc-Oo? o to ^ h-i n cc4^ m ^to K> -' 2f CC-P* to QOOjgOOOO0 tt3 JgS = : :*P p • K ¦ •PPg*3 «| >>O a ^— 3- f hgg:2 o3 3ft ftOO o o9 3 -3on3? 0.s00 GO0 3*3"-t &£.Eh. ft* ft*> N > 3 > .-^^P . <Jtn 5 C/33 r?S"2S 33•"•r+PM S "^Ps-'S^S *¦ 3 a e . {> •^—— o ?o |reo0 -p^ to4^ 4^. m cyi totO 0 s dc3;9IT0o3 c -g< .3 >g",. O M 01• p S1 o3-§ 3-^3 .SO 01 O"oTOP3TOp30 o> 2 ''g™^o¦s sO Oidi B "d^m Ir.° S>2M, — ¦ — ,£i, s, l. o a w •3^ *•_ 1-1 3 M PCi^_, *? g £ rt ,_ 2'•"- 5'^^-lna-. — . -— - cno- n to to ? if Q04O O < g O (ffi ffi « ^ -1 1 heCb -a. fp CD* -—* v • • m <*d t5l|§o|o —ooq ga??,*! ft —.Pow O n2 E- ft o ^ sr 3 b ¦ft _Qrq 01 g i1/ m 3 Qft M 01 g„g^gg^g-:g—» a w w 51 m p 2•p rt E 0 3 o a 1^Sro^rc^rtSS"_* p -ft Sto-gBOFQ ~.''g^ggO 4^ H ^(0 HOJOJCnCji M —-ti ONC>J CCv£) — W 0n>S? 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Kl KjpBicn PPicn cn»-}tr rt <1Prt^ rtB rt ppicn PPicn Paw w nO ¦"* ?d ? u 0rt 3 n p p•t »-t 0 rt cn cnpi Bi 3 tr*1 ^> ^ o ^i ^ ^ ^ >*ri hcj *t^0 0 2 2 3gootrOQoort rt rt rtp p pOQ CfQ OQp p Prt rt rt2 % tzjH H Hfe m fe> > >> > > p •ocsp j?d W 2P$p tst^ ^d^. r ^dfDB ^o" o'rt rtto to • ortrtp<-+¦^'k ^ p> Qp^ "kJ> o> > oh^ P ?Q ^ibdpkk "— 1 05fD Ww rtrt wp* o pri3rt . ^ ?tPi <!fDp ^ 1rt' O O? p-rtCTQort?5• o .^ V ^ BfD N .^ |4 Op 05 rt .^ u K r<fD rT prt pr fD W >P^P P B ol-tO fD*Crq• rt ^^, **! f> fD rt P^5p p K P O f?cnc-t- o '< ^:^fDB*fD > k> ^—^ hh > t-1gh>O h, -171 rt -^ r1ortocr 11Ci)**)2Cn to OO to vOot|*. enp tmrfiChicago Y. M. C. A. MeetHeld in the University Gymnasium, February i, 190235 Yards Dash2 ?o Yards Dash440 Yards Dash880 Yards DashMile Run2 Mile Run40 Yards HurdlesPole VaultHigh Jump FirstAlbertson (Y.M.C.A.)Moloney (C.)Cahill (C. )Jayne (C.)Gale (C.)Henry (C.)Friend (C.)Albertson (Y.M.C.A.)J Clapper (Y.M.C.A.)I Johnson (Y.M.C.A.)Pettit (C.) TiedSecond ThirdBlair (C.) Senn (C)f Frend (C.)X Granberg (C.)Clapper (Y.M.C.A.) Jones (C.)Tourtelott (Y.M.C.AKalamatiano (C. )Warner (C.) •04 1Won by Chicago (Jones, MatthewsShot PutRelay Race,Time 3 23!Chicago won with a total of 62 points, Y. M. C. A. getting 33.The points made by Frend, Speik and Granberg were divided.) Buckwalter(Y.M.C.A.)Brown (Y.M.C.A.)Hamburger (C.)Moloney (C.) Senn (C-.)Magee (C.) Johnson (Y.M C.A.) 10 ft,Tied Robinson (Y.M.C.A.) 5 ft. 6f- in.Perkins (C.) Speik (C) 36 ft. 6 in.Granberg, Hopkins, Senn and Moloney)•241•56^2.09I44311.03H-.05I9! in.35 Yards Dash40 Yards Hurdles1 Mile Run440 Yards Run880 Yards Run2 Mile RunPole VaultHigh JumpShot Put Chicago =Wisconsin MeetHeld in the University Gymnasium, February 15, 1902First SecondSenn (C.) and Blair (C.) tied for FirstF. G. Moloney (C.)Bredsteen (W.)Poage (W.)Breitkreutz(W.)Carpenter (W.)Magee (C.)Abbot (W.)Lindsay (W.) Frend (C.)Keachie (C.)F. G. Moloney (C.)F. M. Horton (C.)McBachron (W.)Ripley (W.)Heuffner (W.)Perkins (C.) .04447i•5412.0710.14!10 ft. 11 J in.5 ft. 5| in.38 ft. 3 in.Relay — Wisconsin first, (Poage, Shoepholster, Daniels, Hayden); Chicagosecond, (Frend, Jones, Horton, Sherman , Time 3.37IWisconsin won with 47 points, Chicago getting 33.Senn and Blair tied the World's Record in the 35 yards dash. F. G. Moloneymade a new World's Record in the 40 yards hurdles. J. P. Magee broke theWestern Indoor Record for the pole vault. Carpenter broke the Indoor Recordfor the two mile Bredsteen broke the Gymnasium Record in the mile run.ET n S.W k! o S*fD* rt<%<¦ P Pw p fe 3£ rt Pi picn cnwug PcnM pr 0) Vo?d fD*<2Prt ^ ^ fe g 3, 3, 3,313 'WWrt rtPi Pa J^UI?bopCfQ £3^ O 05 % to bd bd O*^ o ^> • rt ^ ^ •SSg^g^B^bdW 2 Bcr05profD^dcroortqOpro*pCfQOI?d fD rt;o!~t J5 , v8 rto 3Pi **fD<— (P rt-^ OJD fDs ^p^O*rt CofD ^i cn^ H+5M1-100 "<r 9 -^ 1°0 Cn Cn O Or-t- £}' C3 Cn to vo 004^Ol|K ;C.;M Oij^•^ ;.-$v" "' " rtoQBp^£^rt O <T> PTT B*f( W 3^5§oP^crrt Co -8.S O0»OQ0g %2ft00 cnO^Mc* co. M. •-. O m 4*. 4*» OCn O3 3 COO O M 10GJMThe Relay RaceUniversity of Pennsylvania Relay .Races, April 27, 1901One Mile College Championship. Won by Yale; Chicago, second; Syracuse, third;Pennsylvania, fourth. Time, 3 27 J- . Time by quarters, .53!, 1.45I, 2.37, 3.27I.The TeamsYaleFirst Relay Dupee, 3rdSecond Relay Clapp, 1stThird Relay Hunter, 1stFourth Relay Boardman, 1st. Chicago Syracuse PennsylvaniaF. Moloney, 2nd Stafford, 4th Cook, jstPettit, 3rd Gardiner, 4th Westney, 2ndLord, 2nd Post, 4th Early, 3rdW. Moloney, 2nd Prinstein, 3rd Allen, 4thTime of Chicago Team: F. G. Moloney, .53!; Z. R. Pettit, .54; H. H. Lord, .51!W. A. Moloney, .52I.174The French Sage0Ce monde est plein de fousEt, pour n* en pas voirII faut qu' on se cacherEt — casser son miroir176World's Amateur TracK and Field Records0ioo Yards Dash .09*220 Yards Dash <440 Yards Run -J880 Yards Run 1.1 Mile Run 4,2 Mile Run 9,120 Yards Hurdles220 Yards HurdlesRunning High Jump 6Standing High Jump 5Running Broad Jump 24Standing Broad Jump 11Pole Vault 11Shot Put (16 lb.) 47Hammer Throw ( 1 6 lb . ) 1 7 1Discus Throw 12056 lb. Weight 36 .21 1 Straightaway.2if Curved Track.47 Straightaway47f Curved Track•53t¦151¦32^•23lft. 5$ in.ft. 5iin.ft. 7£in.ft. 3 in.ft. ioi in.ft.ft. 9 in.ft. 7! in.ft. 91 in.1 Mile Relay 3.21I N. Y.A. C. -{f J. Owen, Jr., '90| B. J. Wefers, '95- '97-{ J. H. May bury, '97| J. H. Rush, '98[A. F. Duffy, '01B. J. WefersJ. H. May buryM. W. LongM. W. LongC. H. KilpatrickT. P. ConneffW. D. DayA. C. KranzleinA. C. KranzleinM. F. SweeneyR. C. BwryM. PrinsteinR. C. BwryR. T. ClappG. R. GrayJ. FlanaganC. H. AtkinsonJ. FlanaganWefersLong* Burke[ LyonWestern Inter=Collegiate Records0f J. V. Crum Iowa June L 1895100 Yards Dash .10 -j C. L. Burroughs Chicago June 3> 1899( A. Hahn Michigan June 2, 1901220 Yards Dash .22 fj. V. Crum\ C. L. Burroughs IowaChicago June 1,June 4, 18951898120 Yards Hurdles •15^ f F. G. Maloney\ J. R. Richards ChicagoWisconsin JuneJune 2,5, 19011897220 Yards Hurdles •25! f A. C. Kranzlein\ F. G. Maloney WisconsinChicago JuneJune 5,2, 18971901440 Yards Run ¦49s B. Merrill Beloit June 2, 1 901880 Yards Run *-59t L. R. Palmer Grinnell June 1, 18951 Mile Run 4-33 ( H. B. CraginIB. B. Smith Lake Forest June 6, 1896Chicago June 4, 18982 Mile Run 10.09! Kellogg Michigan June 2, 19011 Mile Walk 7.00 Bredstein Wisconsin June 2, 1900lX Mile Bicycle •2l| G. Gaffney Notre Dame June 3> 18991 Mile Bicycle 2 25 H. P. Burton Minnesota June 6, 1896Running High Jump 5 ft,] [i in. f L. B. PowersX Louis Notre DameIowa JuneJune 3,3, 1^991899Broad. Jump 22 ft. 1\ in. J. A. LeRoy Michigan June 1, 1895Pole Vault II ft. 6 in. Dvorak Michigan June 2> 1900Discus Throw 117 ft. 4 in. C. G. Stangel Wisconsin June 4, 1898Shot Put 41 ft. 8 in. Plaw California June 2, 1900Hammer Throw 156 ft. 3 in. Plaw California June 2, 1900177University of ChicagoRecords0Made in Competition35 Yards Dash, .04 <TineTX^TblbSTniL^fiooBTO iooYardsDash,220 Yards Dash,440 Yards Run,880 Yards Run, 1.1 Mile Rim, 4.2 Miles Run, 10.40 Yards High Hurdles,75 Yards High Hurdles,1 20 Yards High Hurdles ,220 Yards Low Hurdles,Shot Put, 39 ft.Hammer Throw, 140 ft.Discus Throw, no ft.Running High Jump, 5 ft.Running Broad Jump, 22 ft.Pole Vault, 11 ft, 49^59f333305 i-¦iol15*24I2-i in.8|in.8£in. C. A. Blair,G. Senn,C. L. Burroughs, -jB. DeK. Leffingwell,W. A. Moloney,C. L. Burroughs,H. B. Slack,W. A. Moloney,W. A. Moloney,B. B. Smith,R. L. Henry, Jr.,F. G. Moloney,F. G. Moloney,F. G. Moloney,F. G. Moloney,T. J. Lister, .W. Carey,A. W. Place,C. Smith,L. Hopkins,J. P. Magee, U. of C. Gymnasium, Feb. 15, 1902U. of C. Gymnasium, Feb. 15, 1902Marshall Field, June n, 1 97W. I. A. A. A. Meet, June 3> ? 899Marshall Field, May 12, 1900Marshall Field, May 25, 1 901Marshall Field, June 4, 1898Marshall Field, May 12, 1900Philadelphia, April 28, 1900Ann Arbor, May 18, 1901Marshall Field, June 4, 1898Ann Arbor, May 18, 1901U. of C. Gymnasium, Feb. 15, 1902Milwaukee, March 2, 1 901Louisville, Oct. 5, 1901Louisville,, Oct. 5, 1 901Madison , .May 26, 1900Marshall Field, May 25, 1901Marshall Field, May 25, j 901U. of C. Gymnasium, Feb. 10, 1900Ann Arbor, May 18, 1 901Milwaukee, March 1, 1902University of Chicago Indoor Records0University of Chicago Gymnasium, Length of Track 143 J- yards.f G. Senn, Competition Feb. 15,•°4 \C. A. Blair, Competition Feb. 15,f C.Smith, Trial Feb. 16,3 I H. B. Slack, Trial Feb. 23,•I51r j W. A. Moloney, Trial Jan. 31,[ F. G. Moloney, Trial Jan. 21,1, .24! W. A. Moloney, Trial Jan. 29,.32 W. A. Moloney, Competition Jan. 24,.53! w- A- Moloney, Trial Feb. 23,, 2.06I W. A. Moloney, Trial March 3,4.46 B P. Gale, Competition March 8.10.30! X. Kalamatiano, Trial Jan. 18,les, .05^ F. G. Moloney, Competition Feb. 15,lift. 5 in. J. P. Magee, Trial March 20,Jump, 5ft. 8fin. C.Smith, Competition Feb. 10,[Jump, 21 ft. \ in. L.A.Hopkins, Competition Feb. 2,39 ft. 1 in. F. A. Speik, Trial March 9,1 Lap,220 Yards Dash,2 Laps,440 Yards Run,880 Yards Run,1 Mile Run,2 Mile Run,40 Yards Hurdles,Pole Vault,Running High Jump,Running Broad Jump,Shot Put, 1902190219001900190119021901189919001899190219021902190219001 9011902173Gymnasium Records Held by Other Teams2 Mile Run, 10:14? Carpenter (Wis.) Feb* 15, 1902University of Chicago RecordsMade at Other Indoor Meets.75 Yards High Hurdles, :iol F. G. Moloney Milwaukee March 2, 190175 Yards Dash, •°7f J C. L. BurroughsX C. A. Blair MilwaukeeMilwaukee Jan. 28,Mar. 1, 1S991902440 Yards Run, :52f W. A. Moloney Notre Dame March 9, 1 901880 Yards Run, 2:03! W, A. Moloney Milwaukee March 3, 19001 Mile Run, 4:37! B. B. Smith Tattersall's March 5, 1898Running Broad Jump, 21 ft. 7 in. Z. R. Pettit Notre Dame March 10, 1900University of Chicago Records1901100 Yards Dash, :io W. A. Moloney Marshall Field- May 25220 Yards Dash, 122! W. A. Moloney Marshall Field May 25440 Yards Run, :5o! W. A. Moloney Buffalo June880 Yards Run, i:59l W. A. Moloney Ann Arbor May 181 Mile Run, 447! B. Bliss U. of C. Gym. Jan, 312 Miles Run, io:33 R. L. Henry, Jr. Ann Arbor May 1875 Yards High Hurdles, :io| F. G. Moloney Milwaukee March 2120 Yards High Hurdles, :i5i F. G. Moloney Louisville Oct. 5220 Yards Low Hurdles, :24l F. G. Moloney Louisville Oct. 5Shot Put, 38 ft. 8 in. B. B. Perkins Marshall Field May 25Hammer Throw, 140 ft. W. Carey Marshall Field May 25Discus Throw, no ft. A. W. Place Marshall Field May 25Running High Jump, 5 ft. 7 in. B. Ferriss U. of C. Gym. Feb. 20;Running Broad Jump, ; 22 ft. 8J- in. L. A. Hopkins Ann Arbor May 18Pole Vault, 10 ft. C. F. Kennedy U. of C. Gym. Feb. 2179University of Chicago Records, 1894=1900ioo Yards Dash,220 Yards Dash,880 Yards Run,1 Mile Run,120 Yards Hurdles,1 Mile Bicycle,Shot PutHammer Throw,Running High Jump,Running Broad Jump,Pole Vault,35 Yards Dash,100 Yards Dash,220 Yards Dash,440 Yards Run,880 Yards Run,1 Mile Run,120 Yards Hurdles,220 Yards., Hurdles,1 Mile Walk,1 Mile Bicycle,Shot Put,Hammer Throw,Running High Jump,Running Broad Jump,Pole Vault,35 Yards Dash,100 Yards Dash,220 Yards Dash,440 Yards Run,880 Yards Run,1 Mile Run,120 Yards Hurdles,220 Yards Hurdles,1 Mile Walk,1 Mile Bicycle,Shot Put,Hammer Throw,Running High Jump,Running Broad Jump,Pole Vault, :io*:23l2:095-4:47i-:I9l2:39l3 m.)l- in.5 ft. 4 in.21 ft.10 ft.36 ft78 ft.•04I-:io|-••23:52|2:13!5:i3:i8|:3o|7:552:32!33 ft. 9 in.73 ft- 7 in.5 ft. 5 in.20 ft. 2\ in.10 ft. 6 in.:o4f:iof:22f:54i-2:084:52i¦m:28l-7:25^-2:29, 9 in.• 3 in.4! in.2 in.10 ft.36 ft102 ft5 ft21 ft35 Yards Dash,100 Yards Dash,220 Yards Dash,440 Yards Dash,880 Yards Run,1 Mile Run (Trial for Record),120 Yards Hurdles,220 Yards Hurdles,I Mile Bicycle (Paced),Shot Put, 35 ft.Hammer Throw, 86 ft, :c4|:io:23f:52f2:074:46!:i7l:28|H09J-5 in.1 in.Running High Jump, 5 ft. 4 in.20 ft. 3 in.10 ft. 7 in. 1894B. F. MandelJ. LamayJ. C. ShermanH. HollowayL. SassS. BarrettA. M. WyantA. M. WyantLaningH. V. ChurchA. A. Bwing1895T. H. PattersonT. H. PattersonT. H. PattersonH. HollowayB. W. PeabodyA. C. JohnsonL. SassC. B. HerschbergerF. Johnson, Jr.C. V. Bachellef C. B. HerschbergerI T. NeffC. B. HerschbergerF. F. SteigmeyerC. B. NeelC. B. Herschbersrer1896f C. L.X P- G.T.C.T,FPIF. F.C. B.B. T.B. WE. V.C. B.F. F.C. B.C. B. BurroughsWooleyPattersonBurroughsPattersonCalhounPetersonSteigmeyerHerschbergerGundlach. PeabodyWilliamsonHerschbergerSteigmeyerNeelHerschberger C. A.C. A.C. A.C. A.C. A.C. A.C. A.C. A.U ofC. A.C. A. A. FieldA. FieldA. FieldA. FieldA. FieldA. FieldA. FieldA. Field June 2May 25May 25May 25May 25June 2May 25May 25C. Gymnasium \A. Field June 2A. Field June 2Running Broad Jump,Pole Vault, 1897C. L. BurroughsC. L. BurroughsC. L. BurroughsG. L. WhiteG. L. WhiteB. B. SmithC. B. HerschbergerF. H. CalhounC. V. BachelleC. B. HerschbergerC. B HerschbergerF. F. SteigmeyerC. B. HerschbergerC. B. HerschbergerC. B. Herschberger Marshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldC. A. A. FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldC. A. A. FieldC. A. A. FieldU. of C. Gym.Marshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldMarshall FieldU. of C. Gym.Marshall FieldMarshall FieldU. of C. Gym.Marshall FieldChampaignDetroitDetroitMarshall FieldMarshall FieldChampaignMarshall FieldChampaignDetroitU. of C. Gym. May 10May 10May 18May 10April 13May 10May 10May 10May 10May 10April 13May 18May <oMay 13May 18June 1Feb 29June 13May 30May 4May 29June 13June 13May 30June 13May 4May 4June 13Mar. 1June 13June 13Mar. 13June 11May 11May 29May 29June 11June 11May 11June 11May 11May 29Mar. 13Champaign May 11First Regt. Armory Feb. 20189835 Yards Dash, :o4l C. L. Burroughs U. of C. Gym. Feb. 19ioo Yards Dash, :ioi C. L. Burroughs Marshall Field June 4220 Yards Dash, :22 C. L. Burroughs Marshall Field June 4440 Yards Dash, :5i| W. A. Moloney Marshall Field May 14880 Yards Run, 2:00! W. A. Moloney Detroit June 111 Mile Run, 4:33 B. B. Smith Marshall Field June 4120 Yards Hurdles, :i7 C. B. Herschberger Marshall Field May 14220 Yards Hurdles, :28i W. H. Andrews Marshall Field May 141 Mile Walk, 8:o5s- M. B. Parker Bvanston May 7\ Mile Bicycle, :34 C. V. Brown Marshall Field June 41 Mile Bicycle (Paced) j 2:08 C. V. Brown Marshall Field May 14Shot Put, 35 ft . 6 in. W. S. Kennedy Bvanston May 7Hammer Throw, 122 ft. 7 in. T. W. Mortimer Marshall Field June 4Running High Jump, 5 ft- 6i in. J L. Byrne\W. J. Schmahl Marshall Field June 4Running Broad Jump, 19 ft. n| in. W. A. Moloney Marshall Field May 14Pole Vault, 10 ft. 6} in. C. B. Herschberger Tattersall's Mar. 5Discus, 96 ft, . 9 in. T. W. Mortimer1899 Marshall Field June 435 Yards Dash, :o4^- C. L. Burroughs Marshall Field May 150 Yards Dash, :o5f C. L. Burroughs Marshall Field May 175 Yards Dash, :o7f- C. L. Burroughs Milwaukee Jan. 28100 Yards Dash, :io C. L. Burroughs Ravenswood June 3220 Yards Dash, •22 1 C. L. Burroughs Marshall Field May 20440 Yards Run, :49l W. A. Moloney Philadelphia April 29440 Yards Run, Straightaway > :49f H. B. Slack Washington Park April 20880 Yards Run, 2:04! W. A. Moloney Marshall Field May 201 Mile Run, 4:39 B. B. Smith Notre Dame March 1175 Yards Hurdles, :iii C. R. Manning Milwaukee Jan. 28120 Yards Hurdles, :i6f F. G. Moloney Champaign May 27220 Yards Hurdles, :26! D. P. Trude Marshall Field May 201 Mile Walk, 7:i4l M. B. Parker Marshall Field May 13\ Mile Bicycle, '•34 C. V. Brown Marshall Field May 131 Mile Bicycle, 2:39 C. V. Brown Marshall Field May 13Shot Put, 36 ft . 5 in. W. J. Schmahl Champaign May 27Hammer Throw, 121 ft. , 2 in. T. W. Mortimer Ravenswood June 3Running High Jump, 5 ft . 7 in. j L. Byrne\W. J. Schmahl Marshall FieldMarshall Field May 13May 20Running Broad Jump, 2r ft . 6 in. H. Street Champaign May 27Pole Vault, 10 ft . 8 in. C. B. Herschberger Ravenswood June 3Discus Throw, 108 ft. 81 in. W. J. Schmahl1900 Marshall Field May 27100 Yards Dash, :io B. DeK. Leffingwell Marshall Field May 12220 Yards Dash, :22 H. B. Slack Marshall Field May 12440 Yards Run, :49f> W. A. Moloney Philadelphia April 28880 Yards Run, 2:02 W. A. Moloney Ravenswood June 21 Mile Run, 4:33t C. B. Hulbert Madison, Wis. May 2675 Yards Hurdles, :io| F. G. Moloney Milwaukee March 3120 Yards Hurdles, :i6i F. G. Moloney Ravenswood June 2220 Yards Hurdles, :25 F. G. Moloney Marshall Field May 12\ Mile Bicycle, :33 C. V. Brown Ravenswood May 12\ Mile Bicycle, :45l C. V. Brown Madison, Wis. May 261 Mile Bicycle, 2:19 J. F. Goodenow Ravenswood May 12Shot put, 39 ft. i\ in. T. J. Lister Madison, Wis. May 26Hammer Throw, 130 ft . 7 in. T. W. Mortimer Madison, Wis. May 26High Jump, 5 ft- 8fin. C. Smith U. of C. Gym. Feb. 10Broad Jump, 21 ft. 7i in. Z. R. Pettit Notre Dame March 10Pole Vault, 10 ft . 7 in. J. P. Magee Madison, Wis. May 25Discus Throw, 103 ft. 4I in. B. DeK. Lefnngwell Marshall Field May 12The Crosscountry ClubOfficers for Autumn QuarterR. L. Henry, Jr.E. P. Gale . CaptainSecretary-TreasurerOfficers for Winter QuarterB. P. GaleX. Kalamatiano CaptainSecretary-TreasurerMembersH. B. FlemingW. R. JayneW. W. HamburgerH. D. WarnerJ. McLear R. L. Henry, Jr.X. KalamatianoT. J. HairF. G. SmithA. G. SimonF. F. StephensG. R. SyllaW. G. MatthewsC. H. GraboB. P. Gale R. F. DavisD. K. FrenchB. B. BrownW. G. McLauryC. H. McGregor182The Freshman=Sophomore R.elay Race[Held in Winter Quarter, 1901.]The annual relay race between the Sophomores and Freshman was won by the Sophomores.Individual Records.Sophomores Trials Race FreshmenR. Merrifield 341 D. W. HopkinsThomas • 35f B. FerrissF. O. Horton 35* FosterH. C. Smith . 35i Pratt .Wellington . 34i GreenwoodF. M. Horton • 34 L. A. Hoplins Trials Race35! 34*-• 351 3536 35!• 35} 35s-35! 35!. 35l 353:29! :28:i 3:34 3:30^Freshman=Sophomore MeetUniversity of Chicago Gymnasium, March 8, 1902.35 Yard Dash220 Yard Dash440 Yard Run880 Yard RunMile Run2 Miles Run40 Yard High HurdlesPole VaultShot PutBroad JumpHigh JumpB. P. Gale made a FirstC. A. Blair, '05H. Frend, '05M. Cahill, '05M. Cahill, '05B. P. Gale, '04Kelly, '04H. Frend, '05B. Ferriss, '04F. Speik, '05L. A Hopkins, '04E. Quantrell, '05 ThirdL. A. Hopkins, '04 .04B. Ferriss, '04 .25IMcLeod, '04 .55!Sullivan, '05 2.08!Simon, '04 4.46B. B. Brown, '04 10.58!B. Ferriss, '04 .05!C. A. Blair and W. Magee tied for 2d 7 ft. 8 in.W. Carey, '04 L. A. Hopkins/04 38ft. 2 in.W. Magee, '05 B. Ferriss, '04 20ft. Sin.B. Ferriss and W. Carey tied for 2d 5 ft. 5^ in.Summary: Freshmen, 57; Sophomores, gymnasium record in the mile run by running the distance in 4.46.SecondH. Frend, '05C. A. Blair, ,05Stewart, '04Matthews, '04H. M. Tschirgi, '05McGregor, '05Hatfield, '05184Inter=Fraternity Meet1 20 Yards Hurdles100 Yards DashOne Mile Run440 Yards Run220 Yards Dash880 Yards RunTwo Mile Run220 Yards HurdlesPole VaultDiscusHigh JumpShot PutBroad JumpHammer ThrowRelay FirstGreen, P. D. T.Merrifield, A. D. P.Fiero, B. T. P.Jahn, Sigma ChiPutnam, P. D. T.Brown, Chi PsiHair, D. K. B.Green, P. D. T.Miller, P. D. T.Brvin, Sigma ChiMcLeish, P. D. T.Moloney, A. D. P.Burroughs, A. D. P.Cooke, D. K. B.Phi Delta ThetaPhi Delta Theta .Alpha Delta PhiDelta Kappa EpsilonSigma ChiChi PsiBeta Theta PiDelta Upsilon SecondSawyer, Chi PsiStewart, A. D. P.Fleming, Chi PsiH. Smith, A. D. P.Merrifield, A. D. P.Pratt, Delta UpsilonFiero, B. T. P.Miller, P. D. T.Hair, D. K. E.Hopkins, B. T. P.(Green, P. D. TTied 1 Sawyer, Chi Psi( Moloney, A. D. \Brvin, Sigma ChiF. Moloney, A. D. P.Brvin, Sigma ChiAlpha Delta PhiSummary Third•17Putnam, P. D. T. .io|O. Wyman, P. D. T. 5-215"Johnson, Chi Psi •55fMiner, P. D. T. .23!Craig, Chi Psi 2.385Miller, P. D. T. 12.58!Jahn, Sigma Chi • 295Lord, D. K. B. 8 ft.Cooke, D. K. E 93 ft.5 ft. 1 in.Harper, P. D. T. 34 ft. 1 in.D. Hopkins,B.T.P. 21 ft. 5* in.Lord, D. K. B. 95 ft. 3 in.Chi Psi 3.39!3413U181715!12Inter=House MeetFirst Second Third220 Yards Hurdles Perkins (W.) Lawrie (L.) .29!Mile Run Griffin (W.) Warner (L.) Simon (S. ) 5.095440 Yards Run Matthews Smith (W.) Bliss (S.) .565100 Yards Dash Perkins (W.) Matthews Smith (W.) .iof880 Yards Run Jayne (S.) Warner (L.) Bliss (S.) 2.10 \Pole Vault Street (W.) Catron (S.) Boehmer (S.) 9 ft. 6 in.High Jump Schryver (S ) Street (W.) 5 ft.Shot Put Carey (S.) Jahn (S.) Klein (W.) 34 ft. 6 in.Broad Jump Jayne (S.) Klein W. )Summary Walters (S.) 20 ft. 81. iWashington House 35Snell House • 31 £Lincoln House 135185ment of the season, after a close contest, by the score of 4 matches to 2.The first tournament in which the team participated was the Western Intercollegiate,held at the Kenwood Country Club during the week of May 26. In a tournament todecide Chicago's representatives, Bruce and Axtell were selected in singles, and Axtelland Bingham won the privilege of contesting in doubles by defeating Bruce and Belfieldin a three set match. The teams entered in the tournament were, with the exception ofChicago, slightly superior on the average than those of past years. Northwesternrepresented by the veterans, Zimmerman, Lloyd and Patten; Mighigan with its two stars,Wherry and Danforth; and Wisconsin with Helmholz and Seaman, two strong youngplayers, were Chicago's most serious opponents. Noble of Armour Institute, who hadbeen picked as the possible champion in singles from his record of previous years, methis Waterloo in the first round, being disposed of by Zimmerman of Northwestern,2-6, 6-2, 6-1.Chicago was unfortunate in its drawings, Bruce and Axtell being compelled to meettwo of the strongest players in their first matches. Danforth of Michigan won fromBruce after two closely played sets by the scores of 8-6, 8-6. Helmholz of Wisconsin experienced less difficulty with Axtell who was clearly off his game. In the semi-finals,Wherry, captain of the Michigan team, disposed of Helmholz of Wisconsin, 6-0, 6-3.Danforth his team mate experienced more difficulty with Zimmerman of Northwesternand saved himself from defeat only by superior steadiness and lasting powers. The matchwas one of the closest played in the tournament. Danforth finally won by the score ::4-6, 7-5, 6-3. In the finals Danforth won the championship in singles by defeatingWherry, 6-3, 6-3, 6-4.In doubles, Chicago was somewhat more successful, gaining through them the ranking of second team in the Association. Axtell and Bingham won their way into thefinals by defeating the Northwestern team, Zimmerman and Patten, who had previously beaten Noble and Hammond of Armour Institute. Danforth and Wherry wonthe lower half of the tournament by defeating Helmholz and Seaman of Wisconsin inthe semi-finals in straight sets. The Michigan team proved too strong for Axtell andBingham in the championship match, winning by the score : 6-3, 6-1, 7-5.On May 31 Chicago met Michigan in their annual dual tournament on the courts ofthe Quadrangle Club. Four matches in singles and two in doubles were played. Chicagolost the singles by the score of 1 match to 3, but succeeded in breaking even in thedoubles. At one time it seemed probable that the tournameut would end in a tie, butGuthrie, Michigan's fourth man in singles, by finally pulling a long drawn match withRichards out of the fire, decided the tournament in favor of the Maize and Blue.Just before the close of the Spring Quarter, a tournament was held to decide thechampionship of the University in singles. Axtell had been compelled to leave for Germany to take up some graduate study before the date of this tournament, so only thefive remaining members of the team contested. Harry Belfield by winning all his matchesearned the title of University Champion for 1901.During the Summer Quarter, as usual, a great deal of interest was manifested in tennis at the University. In the annual Summer tournament, Harvey MacQuiston won thesingles, defeating his brother Paul in the finals. The doubles proved a surprise, ProfessorAngell and Dr. Hobbs, the faculty representatives, winning the finals from the MacQuiston brothers in a close five set match.Towards the end of the summer a Round Robin tournament was held, in which thefollowing players participated : C. A. Torrey, A. A. Stagg, J. W. Bingham, A. P. Nelsonand Allen Frake. Torrey won out, losing but one of his matches. Bingham and ProfessorStagg were tied for second.In the Western Championship held at the Kenwood Country Club in July and invarious other tournaments held in the West during the summer, several Chicago University players participated. Among others were the MacQuiston brothers, Torrey, NelsonBingham, Frake, and T. B. Smith.In the Woman's Western Championship held at the Kenwood Country Club in August,Chicago was represented by Mrs. A. A. Stagg. Professor and Mrs. Stagg also participatedin the mixed doubles.A new annual tennis event was inaugurated at the University at the commencementof the Autumn Quarter. A tournament for the Autumn Championship was held whichbrought out an unusual number of players in spite of the fact that the season was practically closed. Jerome Magee, who had returned to the University from a year's absencein Europe, won the singles, and Proctor and Wellington carried off the doubles.TournamentsWestern Intercollegiate TournamentHeld on the courts of the Kenwood Country Club, Chicago, May 28, 29, 30,Winner Championship Singles :— Henry Danforth, Michigan. 1901.WinnersMichigan.PreliminaryPoundNoble (A)Zimmerman Championship Doubles : — Henry P. Wherry and Henry Danforth,(N)Lloyd (N)Hammond (A) SinglesFirst Round Semi-finals; ' [Zimmerman (N)j 4-6, 6-0, 8-6.\ Danforth (M)) 8-6, 8-6.\ Helmholz (W)J 6-3, 6-4.M)"3-Zimmerman2-6, 6-3, 6-1Seaman (W)Danforth (M)Bruce (C)Axtell (C)Helmholz (W)Wherry (M)Lloyd (N)6-1, 6-4. FinalsDanforth (M)4-6, 7-5, 6-3.Wherry' 6-3, ¦ Wherry (M)6-0, 6-3. WinnerDanforth (M)6-3, 6-3, 6-4.DoublesPreliminary RoundHammond and Noble (A)Zimmerman and Patten (N) Semifinals Finals> Zimmerman and Patten(N)6-1, 6-0.Axtell and Bingham (C)Danforth and Wherry ( M ) \ Danforth and Wherry ( MHelmholz and Seaman ( W) J 6-3, 6-2, 6-3.Axtell and Bingham (C)6 4, 6-8, 6-2, 6-4.Colleges Represented : — Chicago, Michigan,Wisconsin, Northwestern, and Armour Institute.Annual Dual TournamentChicago vs. Michigan.— Played on the courts ofthe Quadrangle Club, Chicago, May3r, igoi.Summaries :SinglesH. P. Wherry, Captain (M) defeated Preston P. Bruce,Captain (C), 6-3, 6-3.Henry Danforth (M) defeated Harold Axtell (C), 6-3, 6-1.J. Walter Bingham (C) defeated J. McNeal (M), 8-6, 6-0.H. Guthrie (M) defeated Clarence W. Richards (C), 2-6,6-2, 6-1.DoublesHenry Danforth and H. P. Wherry (M) defeated PrestonP. Bruce and Henry W. Belfield (C). 6-2, 6-1, 6-3.Harold L. Axtell and J. Walter Bingham (C) defeated J.McNeal and H. Guthrie (M), 6-1, 8-6, 3-6, 6-3.Score :— Michigan defeated Chicago 4 matches to 2.Officers Western Inter=Collegiate TennisAssociation 1901 = 1902Henry P. Wherry, University of MichiganB. E. Zimmerman, Northwestern UniversityJoseph Walter Bingham, University of ChicagoI. Seaman, University of Wisconsin PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerThe Tennis Team 1901Preston Pisheon Bruce, CaptainHarold Lucius AxtellJoseph Walter BinghamHarry Williams BelfieldClarence Whittaker RichardsAllen Frake1 88'///,*I WonderI wonder what my Bess will say,Because I stayed at home last night?I've been thinking all day —I -wonder what my Bess will say?Although I sent some violets gay,Still I do not feel just right.I wonder what my Bess will say,Because I stayed at home last night?190Winners of the "C"Season 1901=1902FootballJ. G. MacNabR. B." KennedyM. M. BeddallA. C. EllsworthR. L. KnappC. G. FlanaganF. A. SpeikG. H. GarreyBenjamin StraussE. E. PerkinsF. O. HortouO. E. AtwoodE. B. CookeC. S. JennisonP. M. ConradJ.J. LairdJ. M. SheldonL. W. MaxwellF. E. HarperH. C. CalhounA. L. Hoover BaseballT. B. SmithC. R. HoweR. W. MerrifieldC. W. Van PattenF. M. HortonH. J. Sloan P. A SunderlandA. W. PlaceH. C. SmithTrackW. A. Moloney L. A. HopkinsF. G. Moloney E. E. PerkinsH. H. Lord A. W. PlaceZ. R. Pettit F. M. HortonR. L. Henry, Jr. William CareyTennisHarry Williams BelfieldIQTGolfMAlthough golf has not yet reached the "C" stage, it has reached that point deservingof some little attention, because it is participated in more generally by faculty andundergraduate than any of our other sports. Considering this it is not at all surprising \<that we have developed quite a number of first-class golfers. Last summer's tournament, which was finally won by Herschberger, with Pettet runner up, brought forwardsome very close and interesting matches.The great drawback to golf last season was the lack of a first-class links, but thisfactor should be greatly eliminated with the completion of the new 18 hole course inJackson Park.Handicap Golf TournamentM. H. Pettet . ScratchE. A. MillerC. B. Herschberger "C. W. Gaylord . "W. R. Kerr . . 3CM. Van Patten . 3R. Harper . . 4KerrReynoldsPettetCarroll MHandicapW. Smith . . 5J. C. Brunson . . 5J. Carrol ... 5S. Capps . . .7B. Hobbs . . 7A. P. Nelson . . 8H.« Hubbard . . 9Kerr |3 up I F.'O. HortonMcCleoryJ. W. BinghamF. P. Barker .A. T. StewartA. ReynoldsA. C. Fiero .MillerBarkerHarperVan Patten HobbsMillerHarperSmith } SmithHubbard \ Hubbard ^1Gaylord \ Brunson 1Brunson / 1 up-36 holes JHorton 1McCleory JHerschbergerFieroStewartNelson Pettet12 upMiller1 up- 2 1 holesHarperBrunsonHortonHerschberger PettetIPettetMillerHortonHerschberge r Herschberger 910101213HH1 &>f rONelson192Handball0Champions in Previous Years1897 - Singles— Hubbard; Doubles — Hubbard and Alschuyler1898 — " Richburg; " Nelson and Richburg1899— " Dowie; u Dowie and Hubbard1901 — " Nelson; " Nelson and MitchellThere was a considerable revival of interest in handball this year due, in part, to thelarge number of young and promising players who have appeared among the freshmenand sophomores. The interest centered chiefly around the championship tournamentheld in the fall quarter. Several of the old men, including W. C Mitchell, J. W. Priest,C A. Torrey, J. W. Bingham and A. P. Nelson, served to give interest to the tournament,while the newer men, Vincent Norton, H. Mdler, J. Garlick and Chamberlin, providedsome highly interesting matches. Norton, however, was the only one of the new men toreach the semi-finals, where he was beaten rather handily by Mitchell. Nelson, afterwinning from Torrey, came out against Mitchell in the finals where truly championshiphandball was played, Nelson winning the tournament and the championship by the score:21-9, 2r-i4, 7-21, 21-ro.In the finals of the doubles, Norton and Priest showed greater teamwork than Nelsonand Mitchell, but could not stand up against their opponents' individual play, losing hythe score: 3 games to 1.The Military Company0The University of Chicago Military Company during the year 1901 was very successful. Under the supervision and direction of Lieutenant-Colonel H. R. Brinkerhoff of theUnited States Army, who was detailed officially to take charge of the work, the squad hasmade rapid progress. He is Professor of Military Science and Tactics and gives lectureson that subject. He is also present at drills. One excellent feature of last year's workwas the introduction of a new system of physical culture exercises. Drills take place threetimes a week and a detachment takes target practice every evening. The company alsohas the privilege of target practice at Fort Sheridan of which it frequently a\ails itself.Captain William E. DeSombre has recently received an appointment as Second Lieutenant of Artillery in the Regular Army. He will leave college at the end of the WinterQuarter to take this position.Wtlliam E. DeSombrePhilip G. WrightsonWalter G. SackettWilliam J. McDowellEdward L. CornellWilliam C. HarrisHarry J. LurieL. H. BranchW. CareyC. H. CrawfordR. FairchildA. H. FowlerD. M. GreenH. A. GuckO.O. HamiltonW. A. Hamilton OfficersPrivatesF. B. HutchinsonG. H. JensenJ. O. KostnerW. J. G. LandC. E. LeafO. W. LindorfH. I MarkhamW. R. MeadowsF. McGuane CaptainFirst LieutenantFirst SergeantSecond SergeantThird Sergeant. CorporalCorporalC A. NewkirkJ. F. NunerR. W. PattengillL. C. PeacockG. T. RagsdaleH. W. RoenitzE. T. SchmidtC. ShermanJ. M. Westgate193University Strong MenStrength Test RecordsTotal StrengthStrength of LegsStrength of BackStrength of Triceps — pushStrength of Biceps — pullStrength of ChestStrength of Right GripStrength of Left GripLung Capacity 2714 pounds, (Old system)45 1 1 pounds1500+ pounds1253 pounds690 pounds590 pounds270 pounds200+ pounds165 pounds420 cubic inches Frederick Day NicholsWalter Scott Kennedyf Walter Scott Kennedyt Alfred William PlaceWalter Scott KennedyWalter Scott Kennedyj Frank Louis Slaker1 William Alexander GordonAlfred William Placej Lambert Arundel Hopkins( William CareyLambert Arundel HopkinsCharles Julian WebbMen in the University Who Hold a Recordof Three Thousand Pounds or OverErnest Earl PerkinsFrank McNairJames Milton SheldonHerbert Frederick Ahl swedeFerdinand Moseley Horton 3240 pounds3 141 pounds3140 pounds3038 pounds3005 poundsStrongest FreshmanOscar Emil Granberg . . 2805 pounds194^^ HE work in the Woman's Gymnasium during the past year has shown anadvance over the preceding, both in numbers and in the sports which havebeen indulged in. Basket Ball retained its popularity, and in the WinterQuarter a series of open games were held. The prize, a silver cup, was wonby the Senior College team for the second time in a series of three games,and remains in their permanent possession. The first gymnastic contestwmich the women have had was held in March. In addition to Basket Ball, teams inIndoor Baseball were organized for the Spring Quarter, and regular schedules for rowingwere adopted. In the Fall Quarter, in addition to Basket Ball and Baseball, Fencing, andLawn Hockey have been added.The University, working under some adverse circumstances, has demonstrated thesuccess of what is held as an ideal system of work, namely: the arrangement of gymnastics so that each student may have some sport with her work, and that the gymnastictraining shall accompany this, keeping her in condition for the more vigorous work ofthe games.Gymnastic Contest, March 13EventsRope ClimbingWork on Ladder Work on HorseRunning Broad JumpEvents Entered4 •33 •33 •2222 NameMartha AllerdiceNanna Ostergren .Ina GriffinJosephine LacknerCecil BowmanMargaret McBrideLill M. StevensMildred DodgeOlga VondraeckGenevieve Sisson . Points Made• 136• 43i3Basket Ball TeamsMJunior CollegeNarcissa Cox, ManagerrVntpr- / Agnes Wayman, Captaincenter ^ winnifred Ashbyf Nanna Ostergren f Anna GoldsteinForwards \ Edna Martin Guards \ Mabel Wilder \^y Grace Warren ( Margaret McBrideSenior CollegeM. Ethel Freeman, ManagerCenter — Louise ShailerGuard— Ann Roby, Captain -nw „Ac f Marion FairmanForwards | EyaRussellf Alma Yondorfo -u 4.-X. * ! Ann Rossbubstltutes1 Isabel McKinneyL Cecil Bowman195GamesFebruary 25March /March 13 Senior vs. JuniorSenior vs. JuniorSenior vs. Junior 11- 24- o6-10University TeamCenter — Louise Shailer{Marion FairmanEva RussellAgnes Wayman Guards Anna GoldsteinAnn RobyFor wards Graduate TeamCenter — Louise Vincentf Louise De Cew\ Edna BevansGameUniversity vs. Graduate Helen BrehlGuards -{ Dorcas MerrimanCaroline PaddockBaseball TeamsMirst Team Second TeamR. Pond, p. G. Gaylord, p.K. Vaughan, c. L. Porter, c.B. Schmidt, 1st b. D. Swanson, 1st b,M. K. Daszkiewicz, 2db. E. Munger, 2d b.K. Golden, 3d b. E. Moore, 3d b.A. Crosby, r. f. K. Jaynes, r. f.E. McFarland \ 1 fF.Solomon j1'1' E. Bradley \, fE.Price J1,1'Scores1. First Team, 27 Second Team, 272. First Team, 31 . Second Team, 203. First Team, 28 Second Team, 244. First Team, 33 . Second Team, 22196Pledge Buttons Familiar on the CampusDelta Kappa EpsilonCrimson, Blue, and Gold 3Phi Kappa PsiGold on BlackV VJ ©Beta Theta PiGold on White?dpha Delta Phi Sigma Chi Phi Delta Theta Psi Upsilonilver on Green While on Blue Blue and White Garnet and Goldand White Silver Letters on WhiteDelta Tau Delta Chi Psi Delta Upsilon Dragon's ToothWhite and Purple and Gold Old Gold and Green on PearlPurple on Gold Peacock Blue Grey?> a 0 ikMortar Board Esoteric Quadranglers Sigma Clu1)Dark Blue and White on Green Black and White Light Blue anGold BlackThe following use pledge ribbons of the colors of their respective organizations:Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Rho Sigma, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Wyvern Club, Phi Beta Delta.Secret Societies at the University of ChicagoMen's OrganizationsDELTA KAPPA EPSILON PHI KAPPA PSIBETA THETA PI. ALPHA DELTA PHISIGMA CHI PHI DELTA THETAPSI UPSILON DELTA TAU DELTACHI PSI DELTA UPSILONNU SIGMA NU (Professional— Medical Department)PHI RHO SIGMA (Professional— Medical Department)ALPHA KAPPA KAPPA (Professional—Medical Department)THE ORDER OF THE DRAGON'S TOOTH (Local)Women's OrganizationsTHE MORTAR BOARD THE ESOTERICTHE QUADRANGLERS THE SIGMA CLUBTHE WYVERN CLUB PHI BETA DELTAHonor SocietiesPHI BETA KAPPA THE OWL AND SERPENTTHE ORDER OF THE IRON MASK THE SCORE CLUBTHE THREE QUARTERS CLUB NU PI SIGMATHE SIGN OF THE SICKLEn C H' CL1I ItO • cn.Delta Kappa EpsilonFounded in 1844MRoll of ChaptersPhi . Yale UniversityTheta . Bowdoin CollegeXi . ColbySigma . AmherstGamma . VanderbiltPsi . University of AlabamaChi . University of MississippiUpsilon . Brown UniversityKappa . Miami UniversityLambda . Kenyon CollegeBeta . University of North CarolinaEta . University of VirginiaPi . Dartmouth CollegeIota . Central University of KentuckyAlpha Alpha . Middlebury CollegeOmicron . University of MichiganEpsilon . Williams CollegeRho . Lafayette CollegeTau . Hamilton CollegeMu . Colgate UniversityNu . College of the City of New YorkBeta Phi . University of RochesterPhi Chi . Rutgers CollegePsi Phi . De Pauw UniversityGamma Phi . Wesleyan UniversityPsi Omega . Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteBeta Chi . Adelbert CollegeDelta Chi . Cornell UniversityDelta Delta . University of ChicagoPhi Gamma . Syracuse UniversityGamma Beta . Columbia UniversityTheta Zeta . University of CaliforniaAlpha Chi . Trinity CollegePhi Epsilon . University of MinnesotaSigma Tau . Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyTau Lambda . Tulane UniversityAlpha Phi . University of TorontoDelta Kappa . University of PennsylvaniaTau Alpha . Magill UniversitySigma Rho . Leland Stanford University203Delta Kappa ILpsilon0THE DELTA DELTA CHAPTEREstablished December, 18930Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesJulius H. P. Gauss Vernon T. FerrisUndergraduate CollegesWalter Lawrence HudsonCharles Sumner HayesCharles Allen WrightErnest William KohlsaatThomas Johnston HairHarry Milton TingleFrank McNairRichard Howells WellingtonMilton George Gustavus Sills Howard James SloanPhilip Armour Sunderland Edward Reid FerrissClarence William SillsClark Saxe JennisonAlbert William ShererRobert Heffron MurrayWade HuletteLevi Clifford PeacockBertram Smith WebberLogan Asahel GridleyCOLORS: Gules, Azure, Or204. *,'¦>,*,! PhtiOPhi Kappa Psi0Founded in 1852R.oll of ChaptersDistrict I.Pa. Alpha Washington- Jefferson CollegePa. Beta Allegheny CollegePa. Gamma Bucknell UniversityPa. Epsilon Gettysburg CollegePa. Zeta Dickinson CollegePa. Eta Franklin and Marshall CollegePa. Theta Lafayette CollegePa. Iota University of PennsylvaniaPa. Kappa Swarthmore CollegeDistrict II.N. H. Alpha Dartmouth CollegeMass. Alpha Amherst CollegeN. Y. Alpha Cornell UniversityN. Y. Beta Syracuse UniversityN. Y.* Gamma Columbia UniversityN. Y. Epsilon Colgate UniversityN. Y, Zeta Brooklyn Polytechnic InstituteDistrict III.Md. Alpha Johns Hopkins UniversityVa. Alpha University of VirginiaVa Beta Washington and Lee UniversityW. Va. Alpha University of West VirginiaMiss. Alpha University of MississippiTenn. Delta Vanderbilt UniversityDistrict IV.Ohio Alpha Ohio Wesleyan UniversityOhio Beta Wittenburg CollegeOhio Delta University of OhioInd. Alpha De Pauw UniversityInd. Beta University of IndianaInd. Delta Purdue University111. Alpha Northwestern University111. Beta University of ChicagoMich. Alpha University of MichiganDistrict V.Wis. Alpha University of WisconsinWis. Gamma Beloit CollegeMinn. Beta University of MinnesotaIowa Alpha University of IowaKan. Alpha University of KansasNeb. Alpha University of NebraskaCal. Beta Leland Stanford Jr., UniversityCal. Gamma University of California207Phi Kappa PsiTHE ILLINOIS BETA CHAPTEREstablished January 4, 1804MFratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesWilliam Chambers MeyersWalter Dudley NashUndergraduate CollegesAlbert Bertram GarcelonDean SwiftHowrard White JohnsonHanson Fielding RandleRichard Cones NeptuneWilliam Franklin JohnsonHarry H. S. Van VelsorHarry Ingle RaymondJoseph Charles NeptuneEdward Goode WoodsClare Edwin FraunfelterLawrence Mortimer HaarvigJulien LaFayette BrodeCOLORS: Pink and Lavender208Beta Theta PiFounded in 1839Roll of ChaptersMiami University . Dickinson UniversityOhio University .. Boston CollegeWestern Reserve University . Johns Hopkins UniversityWashington and Jefferson University . University of CaliforniaDe Pauw University . Kenyon CollegeIndiana University . Rutgers CollegeUniversity of Michigan . Cornell UniversityWabash College . Stevens InstituteCenter College . St. Lawrence UniversityBrown University . Maine State CollegeHampden-Sidney College . Colgate UniversityUniversity of North Carolina . Union CollegeOhio Wesleyan University . Columbia CollegeHanover College . Amherst CollegeKnox College . Vanderbilt UniversityUniversity of Virginia . University of TexasDavidson College . Ohio State UniversityBeloit College . University of NebraskaBethany College . Pennsylvania State CollegeUniversity of Iowa . University of DenverWittenberg College . University of SyracuseWestminster College . Dartmouth CollegeIowa Wesleyan University . University of MinnesotaDenison University . University of CincinnatiRichmond College . Wesleyan UniversityUniversity of Wooster . University of MissouriUniversity of Kansas . Lehigh UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin . Yale UniversityLeland Stanford Jr., University . University of ChicagoUniversity of West Virginia . University of ColoradoNorthwestern University . Bowdoin College21 [Beta Theta PiTHE LAMBDA RHO CHAPTEREstablished fannary 25, 1894Fratres in UniversitateEliot BlackwelderKellogg SpeedAlfred William PlaceJefferson Duddleston BlythingRobert Harold GoheenLee Osborne ScottGraduate CollegesGeorge Gilbert DavisGeorge Anderson FooteHorace Gillett LozierHomer Jusy DavisErnest T. ManningUndergraduate CollegesEugene Harvey Balderson WatsonWilbur Condit GrossRichard Bruce BlakeHenry Davis FellowsLambert Arundel HopkinsDudley Eugene BardHarvey William GetzFrancis Wayland Patrick Thaddeus Jasper MerrillPiatt Milk ConradHai ry Albert EvansSamuel Francis FellowsDudley Woodbridge HopkinsErnest Garfield Eldrid^eFrederick W. Powell PardeeOvid Rogers SellersCOLORS: PinK and Light Bluei},-f/r.,.P/,,lAlpha Delta PhiFounded in 1832 -Roll of ChaptersHamilton CollegeColumbia CollegeBrown UniversityYale UniversityHarvard UniversityAmherst CollegeAdelbert CollegeBowdoin CollegeDartmouth CollegeUniversity of MichiganUniversity of RochesterWilliams CollegeCollege of the City of New YorkWesleyan CollegeKenyon CollegeUnion CollegeCornell CollegeTrinity CollegeJohns Hopkins University 'University of MinnesotaUniversity of TorontoUniversity of ChicagoMcGill UniversityHamiltonColumbiaBrunonianYaleHarvardAmherstHudsonBowdoinDartmouthPeninsularRochesterWilliamsManhattanMiddle townKenyonUnionCornellPhi KappaJohns HopkinsMinnesotaTorontoChicagoMcGill215Alpha Delta PhiTHE CHICAGO CHAPTEREstablished March 20, 1896Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesClarence B. HerschbergerHoward P. KirtleyRex KennedyUndergraduate CollegesSamuel Northrop HarperTurner Burton SmithJerome Pratt MageeFrederick Graham MoloneyRoy Wilson MerrifieldFrank Ogilvie HortonClaude Carlyle NuckolsRalph William Kerr, Jr.Edward Clayton EicherFerdinand Moseley HortonEdward Vail BrownJohn Orville BackhouseArthur Ward GreenwoodAdelbert Turner StewartFrank Joyce SardamGeorge McHenryStephen Reed Capps, Jr.William James ShermanSchuyler Baldwin TerryRobert Moore GibboneyWayland Wells MageeWilliam R. JayneCharles McMillenCOLORS: Green and White216Sigma ChiFounded in 18334Roll of ChaptersAlpha . Miami UniversityBeta . University of WoosterGamma . Ohio Wesleyan UniversityEpsilon . Columbian UniversityZeta . Washington and Lee UniversityEta . University of MississippiTheta . Pennsylvania CollegeKappa . Bucknell UniversityLambda . Indiana UniversityMu . Denison UniversityXi . De Pauw UniversityOmicron . Dickinson CollegeRho . Butler UniversityTau . Roanoke CollegeChi . Hanover CollegePsi . University of VirginiaOmega . Northwestern UniversityAlpha Alpha . Hobart CollegeGamma Gamma . Randolph-Macon CollegeDelta Delta . Purdue UniversityZeta Zeta . Centre CollegeZeta Pi . University of CincinnatiTheta Theta . University of MichiganEta Eta . Dartmouth CollegeKappa Kappa . University of IllinoisLambda Lambda . Kentucky State CollegeNu Nu . Columbia UniversityXi Xi . University of State of MissouriOmicron Omicron . University of ChicagoSigma Sigma . Hampden-Sidney CollegePhi Phi . University of PennsylvaniaAlpha Beta . University of CaliforniaAlpha Gamma . Ohio State UniversityAlpha Epsilon . University of NebraskaAlpha Zeta . Beloit CollegeAlpha Theta . Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAlpha Iota . Illinois Wesleyan UniversityAlpha Lambda . University of WisconsinAlpha Nu . University of TexasAlphi Xi . University of KansasAlpha Omicron . Tulane UniversityAlpha Pi . Albion CollegeAlpha Rho . Lehigh UniversityAlpha Sigma . University of MinnesotaAlpha Tau . University of North CarolinaAlpha Upsilon . University of Southern CaliforniaAlpha Phi .. Cornell UniversityAlpha Chi . Pennsylvania State CollegeAlpha Psi . Vanderbilt UniversityAlpha Omega . Leland Stanford Jr. , University219Sigma Chi0THE OMICRON OMICRON CHAPTEREstablished fanuary 23, 789/0Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesJames Finch RoysterUndergraduate CollegesEarl Dean HowardRay Prescot JohnsonEli P. GaleA. John GazzoloCharles William ErvinArthur C. SeyfarthMax [onasEarle B S ewartJames G. MacNabHarry S. W. SpencerA. F. SetherA. Blake MacNabCharles E. HuusburgerOscar B. GranburgGeorge B. RobinsonC. GazzoloByron G MoonCharles M. McKennaCOLORS: Blue and Gold220Phi Delta ThetaFounded in 1848Roll of ChaptersColby CollegeDartmouth CollegeUniversity of VermontWilliams CollegeAmherst CollegeBrown UniversityCornell UniversityUnion UniversityColumbia UniversitySyracuse UniversityLafayette CollegePennsylvania CollegeWashington and Jefferson CollegeAllegheny CollegeDickinson CollegeUniversity of PennsylvaniaLehigh UniversityUniversity of VirginiaRandolph-Macon CollegeWashington and Lee UniversityUniversity of North CarolinaCentral University of KentuckyKentucky State CollegeVanderbilt UniversityUniversity of the SouthUniversity of GeorgiaEmory CollegeMercer UniversityUniversity of AlabamaAlabama Polytechnic InstituteMiami UniversityOhio Wesleyan UniversityUniversity Ohio UniversityOhio State UniversityCase School of Applied ScienceUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of MichiganIndiana UniversityWabash CollegeButler CollegeFranklin CollegeHanover CollegeDePauw UniversityPurdue UniversityNorthwestern UniversityUniversity of ChicagoKnox CollegeLombard UniversityUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of WisconsinUniversity of MinnesotaIowa Wesleyan UniversityUniversity of IowaUniversity of MissouriWestminster CollegeWashington UniversityUniversity of KansasUniversity of NebraskaUniversity of MississippiTulane UniversityUniversity of TexasSouthwestern UniversityUniversity of CaliforniaLeland Stanford Jr. , UniversityWashingtonof223Phi Delta ThetaTHE ILLINOIS BETA CHAPTEREstablished February 18, 189/&Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesFred Harvey Hall Calhoun Waddey Wingfield BattleGeorge Henry Garrey Charles BaskervilleFrank Leonard Jewett Clifton HoweUndergraduate CollegesAustin Young HoyWalter Archibald Ly brandJames Milton SheldonBruce MacLeishFrank Walbridge DeWolfErnest Wilson MillerWilliam Edmund GodsoHalbert Brush BlakeyCarl Shelley MinerFloyd Everett HarperAlfred Chester LllsworthHerbert Frederick AhlswedeOliver Brown WymanWalter Keane EarleWalter Kellogg LymanGeorge Richard MacClymentErnest Eugene QuantrellFrederick Adolph SpeikFrink LovellWalter Fred EggemeyerInghram Dickson HookCOLORS: Azure and Argent224(§§fiPsi UpsilonFounded in 1833.MTheta Union CollegeDelta University of the City of New YorkBeta Yale UniversitySigma Brown UniversityGamma Amherst CollegeZeta Dartmouth CollegeLambda Columbia UniversityKappa Bowdoin CollegePsi Hamilton CollegeXi Wesleyan UniversityUpsilon University of RochesterIota Kenyon CollegePhi University of MichiganPi Syracuse UniversityChi Cornell UniversityBeta Beta Trinity CollegeEta Lehigh UniversityTau University of PennsylvaniaMu University of MinnesotaRho University of WisconsinOmega University of ChicagoPsi Upsilon0THE OMEGA CHAPTEREstablished November 24, 189/0Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesCharles Gibbons FlanaganUndergraduate CollegesFrancis Denis Campeau WTalker Gailey McLauryCharles Murfit Hogeland Carl Van VechtenClifford Willard Gaylord Ernest James StevensArthur Evarts LordFred Mo wen BoboHenry WallerRonald Clyde FosterAllen FrakeMortimer Llewellyn Cahill Ralph Bayard NettletonHenry Durham Sulcer William Le BaronGeorge Robertson Atherton, Jr. Walter Leon GregoryCOLORS: Garnet and Gold22SDelta Tau DeltaFounded in 1859MRoll of ChaptersBeta Gamma University of WisconsinLambda Vanderbilt UniversityOmicron University of IowaBeta Eta University of MinnesotaBeta Kappa University of ColoradoBeta Pi Northwestern UniversityBeta Rho Leland Stanford Jr., UniversityBeta Tau University of NebraskaBeta Upsilon University of IllinoisGamma Alpha University of ChicagoBeta Omega University of CaliforniaPi University of MississippiPhi Washington and Lee UniversityDelta University of MichiganBeta Epsilon Emory CollegeGamma Beta Armour Institute of TechnologyBeta Theta University of the SouthBeta Iota University of VirginiaBeta Xi Tulane UniversityMu Ohio Wesleyan UniversityEpsilon Albion CollegeZeta Adelbert CollegeKappa Hillsdale CollegeBeta Ohio UniversityChi Kenyon CollegeBeta Alpha Indiana UniversityBeta Beta De Pauw UniversityBeta Zeta Butler CollegeBeta Phi Ohio State UniversityBeta Psi Wabash CollegeAlpha Allegheny CollegeGamma Washington and Jefferson UniversityRho Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteGamma Delta University of West VirginiaUpsilon Stevens' Institute of TechnologyOmega University of PennsylvaniaBeta Lambda Lehigh UniversityBeta Mu Tufts CollegeBeta Nu Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyBeta Omicron Cornell UniversityBeta Chi Brown UniversityGamma Gamma Dartmouth College231Delta Tau Delta0THE GAMMA ALPHA CHAPTEREstablished May, i8pS0Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesErnest Edward IronsClinton George StuartVernon Servilian PhillipsFrank Perkins BarkerJoseph Chalmers EwingUndergraduate CollegesBenjamin Griffin LeeWalter Edward FrancisArthur George ThomasCharles Moore SteeleDonald A. KennicottTheodore Ballou Hinckley7Harvey Dakin TrimbleFrank Michael McKeyHomer Earle WatkinsRobert Spring ButlerCharles Forest LelandJohn Howard McClureNelson Leroy BuckCOLORS: Purple, White and Gold232wDr-*}e<i Phite.Chi PsiFounded in 18410Pi Union CollegeTheta Williams CollegeMu Middlebury CollegeAlpha Wesleyan UniversityPhi Hamilton CollegeEpsilon University of MichiganChi Amherst CollegePsi . Cornell UniversityTau Wofford CollegeNu University of MinnesotaIota University of WisconsinRho Rutgers CollegeXi Stevens Institute of TechnologyAlpha Delta University of GeorgiaBeta Delta Lehigh UniversityGamma Delta Stanford UniversityDelta Delta University of CaliforniaEpsilon Delta University of Chicago235Chi Psi0ALPHA EPSILON DELTAEstablished November 23, 18980Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesArthur Whipple SmithPerry Joshua PayneUndergraduate CollegesRalph Crissman BrownLees BallingerWarren Brownell SmithRobert Llewellyn Henry, jr.Willis Lane Blackmail, Jr.Herbert Baston FlemingCharles Roland HoweWalter Murray JohnsonCarl Walker SawyerArthur LeRoy YoungHenry Williams BelfieldMoses Coulter CraigCharles William CollinsEdward Eagle BrownTruman William Brophy, Jr.Oscar William JohnsonLee Wilder MaxwellTheodore M. KimballHarry M. TschirgiCOLORS: Purple and Gold236Dve>a,&htiM~Delta UpsilonBounded in 18340Roll of ChaptersWilliams . NorthwesternUnion . HarvardHamilton . WisconsinAmherst . LafayetteAdelbert . ColumbiaColby . LehighRochester . . TuftsMiddlebury , . De PauwBowdoin . PennsylvaniaRutgers . MinnesotaBrown TechnologyColgate . SwarthmoreNew York . StanfordCornell . CaliforniaMarietta . , McGillSyracuse . NebraskaMichigan . TorontoChicago239Delta UpsilonTHE CHICAGO, CHAPTEREstablished January 3, 1901Fratres in- UniversitateGraduate CollegesArthur W. GreeleyFrank Baldwin JewettWilliam James RuskRodney BlissBaird HolmesArchibald H. HoyneGalen A. FoxHarold H. NelsonJohn Mills-Undergraduate CollegesOrville Elbridge AtwoodWilliam Henry ElfrethBertram G. NelsonEmery B. JacksonFrank Harry GilchrestL3rnne John BevanFrank Ramsay AdamsMerritt Berry PrattRobert Stintson StarbirdWalter Willard WynekoopFrederick McKendrie LoweWilbur E. PostCharles Tisdall BeckWilmer C. HarrisHerbert Ira MarkhamJohn Reinman DexterCOLORS: Old Gold and Peacock Blue240TheOrder of the Dragon'sTooth(LOCAL ORGANIZATION)243The Order of The Dragon's ToothEstablished August, 18990Fratres in UniversitateGraduate CollegesWilliam Alexander GordonUndergraduate CollegesCharles Mackay Van PattenJoseph Walter BinghamAubrey Percy NelsonDouglas SutherlandGeorge Alexander YoungLeon Patteson LewisDavid Allan RobertsonEgbert Thomas RobertsonJohn Alexander LiggettRollin Thomas ChamberlinAlfred Newton BurnhamErmine John PhillipsHarry Wilkinson FordHomer A. GuckMax L. MendelCOLORS: Pearl Grey and Gre jnHINu Sigma NuFounded in 1882MRoll of ChaptersAlpha . University of MichiganBeta . Detroit College of MedicineGamma . Medico-Chirurgical College?Delta . Western Pennsylvania Medical CollegeEpsilon . University of Minnesota?Zeta . Medical Department of Northwestern UniversityEta . JUniversity of IllinoisTheta . University of CincinnatiIota . Columbia UniversityKappa . Rush Medical College and University of ChicagoLambda . University of PennsylvaniaMu . University of SyracuseNu . University of Southern CaliforniaXi . University of the City of New YorkOmicron . Union UniversityAlpha Kappa Phi . Washington UniversityRho . Jefferson Medical CollegeSigma . Western Reserve UniversityTau . Cornell UniversityUpsilon . Cooper Medical CollegePhi . University of CaliforniaChi . University of Toronto247Nu Sigma Nu( Prof essional— Medical Department )0THE KAPPA CHAPTEREstablished in 18930Fratres at RushP. A. FoxG. B. JacksonCO. BernhardiS. H. SheldonF. W. BlatchfordE. 0. WeberC. F. SiefertR. T. BarryG. W. BauderJ. F. DuaneC. B. DavisR. C. HamillH. L. PowellH. J. PolkeyH. A. ReinhardJ. I. WernhamFratres at the UniversityR. C. BrownK. SpeedG. G. DavisT. B. SmithJ. H. P. GaussJ. G. HaydenW. E. PostH. T. KirtleyCOLORS: Garnet and White248Phi Rho SigmaFounded in 18900Roll of ChaptersAlpha Northwestern Medical CollegeBeta Physicians and Surgeons Medical CollegeGamma Rush Medical College and Chicago UniversityDelta Southern California Medical CollegeEpsilon Detroit Medical CollegeZeta Ann Arbor Medical CollegeEta Creighton Medical CollegeTheta Hamlin Medical CollegeIota Omaha Medical CollegeKappa Western Reserve UniversityLambda Medico-Chirurgical CollegeMu Iowa State University251Phi Rho SigmaProfessional — Medical Department0GAMMA CHAPTEREstablished 1893Fratres at RushD. R. Brower R. R. BurtR. T. Woodyott F. R. ClappA. J. Helton Wm. ReederR. S. McCaughey G. A. DarmerW. T. GleasonJohn MarchildonH. F. PrashC. A. Gorr D. H. PalmerD. S. Chapin E. J. RowanF. D. John G. H. EicklebergFratres at the UniversityR. T. Allison M. S. DondanvilleC. E. Fraunfelter W. H. WitherstineW. E. Showers H. A. ChildsB. H. Roark G. S. SteeleyG. C. Smith A. F. BarnettJ. F. Adams F. M. LoweM. J. O'HernCOLORS;— Maroon and Old GoldAlpha Kappa KappaFounded September, 18880Roll of ChaptersAlpha Dartmouth CollegeBeta San Francisco College of Physicians and SurgeonsGamma Tuft's College Medical SchoolDelta University of VermontEpsilon Jefferson Medical CollegeZeta Long Island College Hospital Medical SchoolEta Chicago College of Physicians and SurgeonsTheta Maine Medical School of Bowdoin CollegeIota University of SyracuseKappa Milwaukee Medical CollegeLambda Medical Department of Cornell UniversityMu University of PennsylvaniaNu Rush Medical College and University of ChicagoXi Medical Department of Northwestern UniversitySigma University of CaliforniaPsi University of MinnesotaOmicion Miami University255Alpha Kappa Kappa( Professional — Medical Department)• 0THE NU CHAPTEREstablished April, igorFratres at RushJ. G. BostwickE. J. CornishC. E. HarrisH. H. McCarthyW. D. MerrittC. E. PhillipsR. P. PearsallW. F. SpauldingR. B. SweetJ. B. Tyrrell0. F. ParishF. M. BaldwinJ. C. BridgmanF. E- DentC. G. DickeyWm. B. FehringWm. L. FreemanS. S. HoweC. B. LewisKirk ShawgoH. D. ReedFratres at the UniversityF. T. PottsL. A. BaldwinW. D. FischerJ. W. HustonCOLORS: White and Green256Women's OrganizationsThe Mortar BoardEstablished November, 1894MGraduate CollegesAgnes Cook GaleUndergraduate CollegesClara Josephine Kretzinger Dorothy DuncanMargaret Donnan Mary Ethel LackersteenJulia Coburn Hobbs Lillian Gertrude NobleEdith Ransdall ShafferGrace Howard Darlington Alice Cary WoodMiriam Biddlecom Anna Belle JenksMartha Anne McPherson Wood . Elizabeth Maria MungerCOLORS: DarK Blue and Goldi6iThe E,sotericEstablished 18940Honorary MembersLouise Palmer VincentElizabeth B. WallaceActive MembersMary Ethel FreemanRhoda Jeanette CappsAgnes Eleanor ChambersMadeline HardingEmma DolfingerJane MunroeNarcissa CoxEdith Bradford WilesHelen Alden P'reemanEthel Guest FosterAnna Prichitt YoungmanSallie Elizabeth CalhounIsabelle BakerCOLORS: Green and White262The QuadranglersEstablished January, 1893Active MembersBrieta BoboElizabeth BeldenLeona CanterburyLouise DodgeEdith JenkinsEdna StevensJane WalkerBertha WarrenGrace WarrenIsabelle WebsterCOLORS: Black and White267The Sigma ClubEstablished October, 18950Active Members• Martha Landers Katherine PaltzerMarie McEvoy Charlotte Leonard ' Martha McDonaldAnne Martin - Blanche Felt0 Augusta StettlerMargaret CoulterRachel Hen tonEdith Dunning• Grace Reddy• Bertha liesFrieda KirchhoffRuth ReddyCOLORS: Light Blue and BlacR26SThe Wyvern ClubEstablished 18990Active MembersCharlotte Dillingham Smith Rebecca Louise DayCornelia Simrall Smith Estelle Rueckheim Lillian DanaherFrances Helen Ashley Lauretta Irene OctiganMarjorie StandartElizabeth Dunton ClarkeMargaret Persis BrownCorinne Estelle CampbellIrene Lauretta AllynElla Collier GarrigueCOLORS: Yellow and White273Phi Beta DeltaEstablished January, 19000Edith HardingRuth TerryIrmia MowbrayBlanche BaurGenevieve HaynerRuth SimonsonEdith BarnardMarie LambCOLORS: Yale Blue and Gold274Phi Beta KappaFounded at William's and Mary's College in 1776.Roll of ChaptersAlpha of Maine . Bowdoin, Brunswick, Me.Alpha of New Hampshire . Dartmouth, Hanover, N. H.Alpha of Vermont . University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.Beta of Vermont . Middlebury, Middlebury, Vt.Alpha of Massachusetts . Harvard, Cambridge, Mass.Beta of Massachusetts . Amherst, Amherst, Mass.Gamma of Massachusetts . Williams, Williamstown, Mass.Alpha of Connecticut . Yale, New Haven, Conn.Beta of Connecticut . Trinity, Hartford, Conn.Gamma of Connecticut . Wesleyan, Middletown, Conn.Alpha of New York . Union, Schenectady, N. Y.Beta of New York . University of the City of New YorkGamma of New York . College of the City of New YorkDelta of New York . Columbia, New York CityEpsilon of New York . Hamilton, Clinton, N. Y;Zeta of New York . Hobart, Geneva, N. Y.Eta of New York . Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y.Theta of New York . Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y.Iota of New York . Rochester University, Rochester, N. Y.Kappa of New York . Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.Alpha of New Jersey . Rutgers, New Brunswick, N. J.Alpha of Pennsylvania . Dickinson, Carlisle, Pa.Gamma of Pennsylvania . Lafayette, Easton, Pa.Delta of Pennsylvania . University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.Iota of Pennsylvania . Lehigh, South Bethlehem, Pa.Kappa of Pennsylvania . Allegheny College, Allegheny, Pa.Beta of Ohio . Kenyon, Gambier, 0.Alpha of Indiana . De Pauw, Green Castle, Ind.Alpha of Kansas . State University, Lawrence, Kas.Alpha of Illinois . Northwestern, Evanston, 111.Beta of Illinois . University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.Alpha of Minnesota . State University, Minneapolis, Minn.Alpha of Missouri . University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.Alpha of Tennessee . Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.277Phi Beta Kappa0BETA OF ILLINOIS CHAPTEROrganized April 4, 18990Officers for 1901 = 1902James Lawrence Laughlin . . . PresidentHenry Rand Hatfield . Vice PresidentF^rancis Wayland Shepardson . . Secretary-TreasurerActive MembersGraduate CollegesKate GordonAlice Mabel GrayWalter Wilson HartErnest Edward IronsJohn MillsRoy Batchelder NelsonArthur Richard SchweitzerLaura Amelia ThompsonUndergraduate CollegesMinnie Ada Beck withArthur Frederick BeifeldFrederick Denison BramhallNorman Moore ChiversEvelyn Shewell HaydenWilliam Reynolds JayneEdwin Garvey KirkLeon Patteson LewisFlorence Irene MorrisonSamuel Noel StrausOscar Olin HamiltonCharles A. HoustonSylvanus George Levy278The Owl and Serpent0Senior SocietyEstablished 18960Active MembersJames Milton SheldonEdward Christian KohlsaatJames Ronald HenryEugene H. B. WatsonVernon Tiras FerrisTurner Burton Smith281The Order of the Iron MaskMJunior SocietyEstablished June 12, 1896MActive MembersRobert Llewellyn Henry, Jr.William Franklin JohnsonFrank McNairFerdinand Moseley HortonCharles Murfit HogelandHarvey Hurd LordFrank Ogilvie HortonFrancis Denis CampeauWilliam Ralph Kerr, Jr.Piatt Milk ConradClaude Carlisle NuckolsThomas Johnston HairWalker Gailey McLauryCOLOR: Black282The Score ClubSOPHOMORE SOCIETYEstablished November 29, 19010Charter MembersRobert Llewellyn Henry, Jr.Francis Denis CampeauCharles Murfit HogelandFrank Ogilvie HortonWalker Gailey McLaury Frank McNairWilliam Franklin JohnsonThomas Johnston HairClaude Carlisle NuckolsFerdinand Mosely HortonWilliam Ralph KerrActive MembersHenry WallerFrank Ramsey AdamsArthur Evarts LordClifford Willard GaylordHarry Ingle Raymond, Jr.Arthur LeRoy YoungJohn Orville BackhouseHarry Wilkinson FordGeorge McHenryOliver Brown WymanTheodore Ballou HinckleyPhilip Armour Sunderland,Howard James SloanEdson B. CookeWalter M. JohnsonFrank Joyce SardamEdward Goode WoodsCOLORS: Black and Gold287Three Quarters Club0FRESHMAN SOCIETYEstablished February, 1896.0Active MembersCharles Cutler Parsons Robert Heffron MurrayFrancis Wayland Patrick James A. HunterOscar William Johnson Lee Wilder Maxwell'Wayland Wells Magee Ernest G. EldridgeClark Saxe Jennison Logan Asahel GridleyFrederick A. SpeikInghram Dickson HookBertram Smith WebberWade HuletteClarence M. Sills.Frederic Powell PardeeJulien L. BrodieTruman William Brophy, Jr.Dudley Eugene Bard John Stephen WrightSchuyler B Terry John J. McDonald, Jr.Ernest Eugene Quantrell Harry William GetzStrong Vincent Norton Frink C. LovellRalph Bayard Nettleton William Le BaronCOLORS: Crimson and Pearl Grey288>? 1 •Jfl 1ST - «*. -Nu Pi SigmaEstablished May, ' 18960Active MembersJeannette CappsKatherine PaltzerAgnes ChambersLeona CanterburyMargaret CoulterElizabeth BeldenEdith DunningEmma DolfingerJulia HobbsCharlotte LeonardEdna StevensCOLORS: Purple and Pale Yellow291The Sign of the SickleEstablished November, 19010Narcissa CoxBertha liesBlanche FeltGrace WarrenJane WalkerEdith ShafferEdith WilesMiriam BiddlecomCOLOR: Blue293Members of Fraternities and SocietiesNot represented by Chapters at theUniversity of Chicago0Alpha Tau OmegaEvERTG Vaine DePEw ....Ira W. Stahl ......Arthur F. Barnett ....George Carroll Smith ....Charles Hugh Neilson ....Lloyd Clark Ayres .....Delta Delta DeltaIvy Kellerman . . -. .H. Mildred French .....Lill Miller Stevens ....Lotta Stevens .....Delta ChiFrank S. Righeimer ....Kappa Alpha (SoutheJohn Broadus Watson . . ¦.Harrison Hale ..... Hillsdale CollegeWooster UniversityUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of IllinoisOhio Wesleyan UniversityOhio State University. Ohio State UniversityUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of Cincinnati. Boston UniversityLake Forest University)Furman UniversityFurman University294Kappa Alpha ThetaMargaret McCoy Hanover College, IndianaEllen B. AtwaterMartha WoodAnna M. Corbett . Kappa Kappa GammaDe Pauw UniversityNorthwestern UniversityAllegheny CollegeHugh S. MaxwellArthur A. Cocke . Kappa SigmaSigma Alpha EpsilonAugustus Raymond Hatton .George Tilden RagsdaleJohn Andrew RiceJohn Rufus SheldonWilliam Tell Stout .James Jacob Wolfe .. Indiana UniversitySouthwestern University. • Franklin CollegeFranklin CollegeSouth Carolina CollegeUniversity of IllinoisFranklin CollegeWofford CollegeHarvey Monroe SolEnbergerJohn Donnington BartlettGeorge T. Nesmith .Robert McBurney Mitchellx Sigma NuNorthwestern UniversityLombard CollegeNorthwestern UniversityNorthwestern UniversityMary Law McClintockAda Beall Cox Tau Kappa PiWoman's College, BaltimoreWoman's College, BaltimoreN. Sproat HeaneyJohn B. LindGeorge Bdmeston FahrEzra Lee Howard Phi Gamma DeltaKnox CollegeAmherst College. Allegheny CollegeWilliam Jewell CollegeChi PhiAlfred S. Oliver Emory College295Fraternity Conventions0Delta Kappa EpsilonWashington, D. C, December 11-13, 1901DelegatesErnest Kohlsaat, Jr. Frank McNairPhi Kappa PsiAnn Arbor, Mich., April, 1901DelegatesFred Sass W. F. Johnson J. C. NeptuneBeta Theta PiLakewood-on-Chautauqua, N. Y., August 27-31, 1901DelegateEugene H. B. WatsonAlpha Delta PhiBuffalo, N. Y., May 23-25, 1901DelegatesElliot Norton Scott BrownSigma ChiBuffalo, N. Y., July 22-25, I9°IDelegatesL. Lee Losey, Jr. A. John GazzoloPhi Delta ThetaLouisville, Kentucky, November 29, 1901DelegatesAustin Young^Hoy Halbert Brush BlakeyPsi UpsilonPhiladelphia, May 1-3, 1901DelegatesHerbert Paul Zimmermann Walker Gailey McLauryDelta Tau DeltaMilwaukee, Wisconsin, August 21-2?, 1901DelegatesWalter Edward Francis ' Benjamin Griffin LeeChi PsiChicago, 111., April 17-19, 1901DelegateRowland Thum RogersDelta UpsilonProvidence, Rhode Island, October 24-26, 1901DelegatesWilliam Henry Elfreth John Mills296I. — Psi Upsilon annual banquet at Victoria Hotel.2. — An informal gathering of the Phi BetaDelta at the home of Miss Hayner.3. — Informal dance given by Mr. H. W.Johnson for Illinois Chapter of PhiKappa Psi.4. — Spelman House social afternoon.5.— Phi Delta Theta initiation of Mr. CarlS. Miner. Delta Tau Delta initiationof Mr. Homer Earle Watkins. Initiation and banquet of Beta Theta Pi.Chi Psi smoker for the alumni at theChapter House.6.— Psi Upsilon smoker at the ChapterHouse.8.— Receptions of the Women's Halls.11. — Annual dance of the Three QuartersClub at Rosalie Hall.12. — Sigma Chi initiation banquet. Informal dance given by Mr. A. C.Ellsworth to the Illinois Beta Chapterof Phi Delta Theta.17. — Chi Psi smoker at the Chapter Housefor delegates to the annual Chi Psiconvention.18. — Spelman House reception and dance.19.— Fourth annual promenade of the Ph1Kappa Psi fraternity at the ChicagoBeach Hotel. Annual conventionbanquet of the Chi Psi fraternity atthe Auditorium.26.— First annual assembly of the DeltaTau Delta fraternity at the ChicagoBeach Hotel. Cotillion of The MortarBoard at Kenwood Hall. Sigma Chismoker. Opening reception of Washington House to new members.27. — Dramatic Club initiation at Green Hallof Misses Wayman, lies and Buck,andJMessrs. Sawyer, Sills and Sardam.30. — Wyvern Club dance at the home ofMiss Danaher.299i. — Illinois Beta Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi entertainment by Mr. Hanson F. Randle.3. — Mortar Board initiation of Miss Miriam Biddlecom. Snell open house.4. — Kenwood Institute Club informal at Kenwood Institute Hall.6. — Beta Theta Pi house party.7. — Delta Tau Delta " stag " card party at the Chapter House.9. — Spelman House social afternoon.10. — Y. W. C. A. informal reception. Smoker to alumni of Kappa Chapter of Sigma Chi.Foster Hall reception and dance. Professor Starr's reception to his classes.13.— Beta Theta Pi alumni smoker. Third anniversary banquet of Delta Tau Deltafraternity. Kelly Hall reception and dance.15. — Phi Delta Theta alumni smoker at the Chapter House.16. — A talk by Miss Reynolds to the members of Spelman House. A dance given for TheMortar Board by Miss Lina Small.17. — Band concert in the Women's Quadrangle.18 — Official reception and luncheon to the Rush Medical College students in, Haskell-21. — Banquet of the Rush Medical Class of '03 at the Boston Oyster House.22. — Delta Kappa Epsilon reception to parents.23. — Senior " Sing " upon Haskell steps.24. — Band concert. Pan-Hellenic smoker at the Delta Kappa Epsilon Chapter House.Phi Kappa Psi informal dance.25.— Delta Upsilon initiation of Messrs. Webb and Starbird. Olympian Games MassMeeting upon Marshall Field.29. — Delta Kappa Epsilon informal dance. Initiation of Miss Grace Reddy into theSigma Club. D. A. Robertson initiated into The Order of the Dragon's Tooth.30. — Spelman House reception to new members. The Drajon's Tooth box party at theStudebaker.31. — Sigma Club dance at the Chicago Beach Hotel.300t. — White duck informal at Rosalie Hall.6. — Iron Mask initiation.7. — Phi Kappa Psi informal dance. Sigma Chi banquet at the Leland.8, — Reception of the Class of 1902 in Haskell. A morning picnic of the Phi Beta Deltaat Jackson Park. Delta Tau Delta launch party.12 and 13. — Examinations.12. — Initiation of Miss Martha Wood into the Mortar Board.13. — Spelman House Alumnae luncheon. Dramatic Club presents ''A Night Off" atRosalie Hall.14. — Junior Day. Annual buffet luncheon of The Ouadranglers at the Hotel del Prado.*5- — Class and Alumni Day. 9:30 a. m. — Alumnae breakfast at Quadrangle Club. Dedication of University Press building, Hitchcock Hall and Nancy Foster Hall. 2:30 —1902 Class Day exercises. 3:30 — Reunion of the classes of '66, '71, '76, '81, '86, '96.Annual dinner of the Alumni Association at the Quadrangle Club. Delta Tau Deltaentertained by Charles F. Leland. Phi Kappa Psi smoker. Sigma Chi boating party."As You Like It " performance.17. — Phi Beta Kappa initiation. Esoteric reunion at Miss Vanderlip's. Band concert andcampus illumination Annual Psi Upsilon commencement banquets at the GrandPacific Hotel Mr. Henry Waller initiated into Psi Upsilon.xS. — Thirty -eighth University Convocation.19. — Initiation of Miss Helen Kohlsaat into the Mortar Board.26. — Miss Smith entertained the Wyvern Club at luncheon in, honor of Miss FrancesHackney.27. — H. W. PAord initiated into The Order of the Dragon's Tooth.301Junior DayJune 14, 19014Thomas J. Hair ...... Chairman of the DayAthletic CommitteeR. L. Henry, Jr., ChairmanF. M. Horton L. A. HopkinsIvy CommitteeMiss Emma Dolfinger, ChairmanMiss Julia Hobbs L. P. LewisCommittee on PrintingR. H. Wellington, ChairmanA. G. Thomas F. F. G. TischeProgramme of Junior Day8.30 a. m. | inter-HouSnity } Athletic Meet uPon Marshall Field.12.00 m. Planting of the Ivy at the north entrance of Walker.Ivy Oration ..... Claude C. NuckolsIvy Poem ...... Miss Karle WilsonPresentation of Spade . . . Miss Edna Robinson[Clifford Gaylord is custodian of the spade for the present year.]2.00 p. m. University Dramatics at Rosalie Hall."A NIGHT OFF."CAST.Frank J. SardamCurtiss R. ManningClaude C. NuckolsWalker G. McLauryRowland T. RogersLees Ballinger. Martha LandersLina SmallClaribel GoodwinWynne LackersteenLouise Dodge.8.30 p. m. Performance of "As You Like It," upon the University Campus.302Justinian BabbittHarry DamaskJack Mulberry .Lord MulberryMarcus Brutus SnappProwlMrs. Zantippa BabbittNisbeAngelina DamaskSusanMaria9.00 p. m. Junior Promenade atthe Chicago Beach HotelPlaTT M. Conrad, General ChairmanReception CommitteeW. G. McLaury, ChairmanH. B. Wyman T. HoweArrangements CommitteeH. B. Blakey, ChairmanW. E. Francis A. C. FieroDecorating CommitteeMiss Elizabeth Belden, ChairmanMiss Martha LandersC. M. HogelandFinance CommitteeC. C. Nuckols, ChairmanR. C. Neptune O. E. AtwoodPatronessesMrs. William R. HarperMrs. Henry H. DonaldsonMrs. Francis W. ShephardsonMrs4James1H.[BoydMrs. Albion W. SmallMrs. [George C. HowlandMrs. Henry'G. GaleJuly1-6. — Phi Beta Delta house party atthe home of Miss Hayner,TwinLakes, Wis.i.— Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.reception in Haskell.2.— Dramatic. Club give "A NightOff" before the MarquetteClub.4. — Reception given by faculty tosummer students.6. — Psi Upsilon summer reunion.16. — Beta Theta Pi musical.22. — Band concert in women'squadrangle.23. — Professor Starr's reception tohis classes.August1. — Band concert upon campus.2.— Reunion of Chicago alumni ofPhi Kappa Psi.12. — Band concert in women'squadrangle.15.— Beta Theta Pi musical.24. — Psi Upsilon summer reunion.September20. — Phi Kappa Psi stag party.23. — Psi Upsilon summer reunion.3. — Editors and reporters of the Weekly entertained by Mr. Herbert E. Fleming at 6028Kimbark Avenue.4. — Phi Kappa Psi informal dance. Class of 1902 entertained at Green Hall.5. — Psi Upsilon Alumni smoker. Chi Psi smoker.9 — Y. M. C. A. stag social.1 1 .—Girl's Freshman party at Green Hall. Delta Kappa Epsilon. smoker. Sigma Chiinformal.12. — Initiation of Walter K. Earle into Phi Delta Theta.14. — Tea given for the Mortar Board by Mrs. Wales.16. — Phi Beta Delta carriage drive. Sigma Chi smoker.17. — Sigma Club party at the home of Miss McDonald.18.— Wyvern Club tea at the home of Miss Rueckheim. Sigma Club tea at the home ofMiss Paltzer19. — Phi Delta Theta informal dance at Kenwood Institute Hall. Delta Tau Delta dinnerand smoker in honor of the members of the Beta Upsilon Chapter who attended theIllinois game.24. — Phi Beta Delta luncheon at the Auditorium.25. — Phi Kappa Psi banquet, and initiation of H. C. Meyers and C. E. Frauufelter. RushMedical Class of 1904 give an informal dance at Rosalie Hall. Alpha Delta Phi informal dance at the Chapter House. Washington House reception and initiation ofnew members. Dragon's Tooth dinner party at Mr. Sutherland's.26. — Chi Psi informal at the Chapter House. Psi Upsilon entertained at the home of Mr.Luke Wilson. Snell Hall reception and informal. Delta Tau Delta dance at thehome of Frank McKey.30. — Sigma Chi Hallowe'en party.31. — Mortar Board Hallowe'en party at the home of Mrs. Howland. Foster Hall Hallowe'en party. Green Hall Hallowe'en party. Hallowe'en party given in HaskellMuseum by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.3°ji. — Freshman flag raised. Freshman-Sophomore rush. Dramatic Club initiation ofMisses Cox, King, Kirchhoff, and Messrs. Kerr, Hinckley and Walker. Phi KappaPsi informal dance.2. — Sigma Club luncheon at the home of Miss Reddy. Wyvern Club dinner, and initiation of Misses Elizabeth Clarke and Marjorie Standart4. — Beta Theta Pi smoker. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moncrief entertained the membersof his classes.6. — "Rush '04" painted on chimney.8. — Phi Delta Theta smoker. Sigma Chi informal at Ballard Hall. Mortar Board tea atthe home of Miss Wood. Football mass meeting in Kent.9. — Wyvern Club informal dance at the home of Miss Danaher. Miss Anne Martin initiated into the Sigma Club.1 1. — Receptions of the women's halls. Affiliation of Walter K. Lyman of the WisconsinChapter, with the local chapter of Phi Delta Theta.13. — Psi Upsilon Northwestern Alumni Association banquet at the Victoria Hotel.14. — Spelman House luncheon.15. — Chi Psi party at the home of Mr. R. L Henry, Jr. Lincoln House initiation of newmembers.16.— Delta Tau Delta initiation of Nelson Leroy Buck R. T. Chamberlin and E Robertson initiated into The Order of the Dragon's Tooth.18. — Initiation of Mr. Stephen Capps and Mr. Rex Kennedy into Alpha Delta Phi.19. — Miss Peabody enLertained the Wyvern Club at luncheon.20. — Open literary meeting of the Mortar Board at the home of Mrs. Thompson. SigmaClub informal card party at Green Hall.22. — Beta Theta Pi informal dance at Rosalie Hall. Washington House open house andreception. Mass meeting for Thanksgiving game in Kent Theatre.23. — Snell House reception and informal. Alumni Club smoker at the Union restaurant.25. — Members of Grand Council of Phi Delta Theta, entertained by the local chapter atthe Chapter House.26. — Sigma Club card party at the home of. Miss McDonald. The Order of the Dragon'sTooth informal dance at Rosalie Hall27. — Sigma Chi Dinner in honor of Mr. George Ade. Phi Kappa Psi informal dance.Mr. and Mrs. George E. Vincent entertained the members of the football team andand their friends. Score Club initiation and banquet.28. — Anniversary reunion of Alpha Epsilon Delta Chapter of Chi Psi. Phi Kappa Psientertained the Madison chapter at Thanksgiving dinner. Delta Tau Delta dinnersmoker to the members of the Wisconsin chapter29. — Beta Theta Pi dinner and smoker to visiting Betas. Dragon's Tooth informal dance.Miss Thompson entertained the members of Spelman House.30. — Wyvern Club card party at the home of Miss Octigan.3065. — Phi Beta Kappa banquet at the Quadrangle Club.6. — Phi Kappa Psi "stag" party. Mr. and Mrs. Howland entertained the Omega^Chapterof Psi Upsilon at cards.7. —First University informal. .Sigma Chi initiation banquet. Initiation of Miss DorothyDuncan into the Mortar Board. Esoteric informal dance at Kelly Hall. Informaldance given by the editors cf the Weekly in the School of Education. Footballbanquet and election at Kinsley's.9. Green, Kelly and Beecher Halls receptions. Miss Talbot's reception in honor ofMr. and Mrs. George Herbert Palmer. Delta Tau Delta dance at the home of Mr.Robert S. Butler.10. — Initiatory banquet of the Three Quarters Club, at the Victoria Hotel.11. — Reception given by Miss Peabody in honor of Sir Robert Ball.13. — Delta Kappa Epsilon dinner and smoker. Beta Theta Pi smoker. Senior Classdance in the School of Education. Delta Upsilon theatre party. Kelly Hall initiation of new members.14. — Miss Danaher entertained the Wyvern Club at luncheon. The Dramatic Club gave"The Secretary" at the Studebaker.17. — Sigma Club informal tea at the home of Miss Felt. Sigma Chi box party at theIllinois Theatre.18. — Phi Kappa Psi farewell banquet to Messrs. C. I. Neptune, M. IT. Pettit and H. S.Young.20. — Washington House theatre party. Card party given by Miss Una Small for theMortar Board. Delta Upsilon "stag" party.28. — The Dragon's Tooth theatre party.30. — The Dragon's Tooth smoker and reunion.3°7i. — Card party given by the Mortar Board at the home of Miss Martha Wood.Reception and dance of the Sigma Club at the home of Miss Reddy. D. A.Robertson entertained The Order of the Dragon's Tooth.2. — Dance given by Miss Wiles for the Esoteric.3. — Phi Delta Theta informal at Kenwood Institute .Hall.6. — Delta Upsilon chapter smoker.8. — Opening reception of the Women's Union.9. — Sigma Club party at the home of Miss lies. Phi Kappa Psi banquet and initiationof Messrs. L. M. Haarvig and J. LaF. Brode. Delta Upsilon farewell dinner to Mr.John Mills.10. — Sigma Chi smoker.11. — Second University informal at Rosalie Hall. Delta Kappa Epsilon initiation ofMessrs. C. Sills, Jennison, Sherer, Murray and Huletle.13. — Delta Upsilon alumni smoker.17. — Wyvern Club dinner and initiation of Misses Persis Brown and Corinne Campbell.18. — Beta Theta Pi initiation of Messrs. Getz, Eldridge, Patrick, Pardee, Bard andFoote. Sigma Chi initiation of Messrs. James McNab, Alexander McNab,Hunsburger and Gazzolo. Phi Delta Theta initiation of Messrs. Quantrell, Speik,Lovell, Eggemeyer, MacClyment and Hook. The Dragon's Tooth theatre party.23. — Reception of the women of Spelman House at the Women's Union. Smoker of theThree Quarters Club in Snell basement.24.— Phi Beta Delta luncheon at the Auditorium, followed by a theatre party. Annualpromenade of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity at the Chicago Beach Hotel. PhiKappa Psi informal dance.25.— Annual banquet of the Chicago Alumni Association of Chi Psi. Green Hallreception and dance. Sigma Chi smoker to the alumni of the Delta Delta Chapter.Phi Kappa Psi smoker for alumni.27. — Snell House reception and informal. Delta Upsilon initiation of Messrs. Post,Jewett, Lowe, Harris, Markham and Beck.29. — Beta Theta Pi smoker. Senior Class smoker at Snell.30. — Informal tea of the Sigma Club at the home of Miss Leonard.^i. — Annual assembly of the Chi Psi fraternity at Bournique's. Sigma Chi sleighingparty. Reception at Washington House. Annual dance at Beecher Hall.308i. — Third University informal at Rosalie Hall. Alpha Delta Phi initiation of Messrs.Sherman, Terr}', Wayland Magee, and Gibboney.3. — Wyvern Club tea at the home of Miss Standart.6. — Psi Upsilon initiation of Messrs. Foster, Frake, Nettleton, and Sulcer. Delta Upsilonsmoker.7. — Third assembly cotillion of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, at the Metropole.8. — Psi Upsilon annual initiation banquet at the Victoria Hotel. Foster Hall receptionand dance.10. — Receptions of the women's halls. Green Hall entertained the members of the SnellHouse committee at dinner.11. — Wyvern Club dance at the home of Miss Danaher. Annual assembly of the SigmaChi Fraternity at the Metropole.12. — Dramatic Club initiation of Misses Sutton, Harris, Caswell, and McGoorty; andMessrs. DeWolf, Larsen, Averill, and Woodhead, at the home of Mr. McLaury.Lincoln House reception at the Dewey School building.13. — Reception of Mrs. Thompson, assisted by the Chicago Chapter of Delta Upsilon.14. — Annual Assembly of Delta Delta, of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Bournique's.15. — Beta Theta Pi initiation of Mr. O. R Sellers. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Goodwin, entertained the Chicago Chapter of Beta Theta Pi. Presentation of " The Flunk Notice"by the Green Hall Dramatic Club, followed by a cotillion.17. — Annual banquet of the Chicago Alumni Club of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity at theAuditorium.18. — The Order of the Dragon's Tooth annual banquet at the Grand Pacific.19. — Phi Kappa Psi anniversary banquet at Kinsley's.21. — Ninth annual Washington Promenade at Bournique's. The Dragon's Tooth smokerto alumni.26. — Professor Starr gave a reception to his classes in Haskell Museum.28. — Assembly of the Delta Upsilon fraternity at the Fine Arts building. Delta KappaEpsilon initiated Messrs. Peacock and Webber.309Ninth Annual Washington PromenadeBournique's0February 21, 19020CommitteesLEES Ballinger, General ChairmanReceptionJames M. Sheldon, ChairmanMiss Edna StevensHerbert E. FlemingThomas J. HairCharles M. HogelandFinanceFrank McNair, ChairmanLeon P. Lewis Walter E. FrancisDecoratingMiss Margaret Coulter, ChairmanMiss Helen HaynerAUvSTin HoyWilliam R. JaynePlatt ConradPrintingArthur Beifeld, ChairmanEarl D. Howard Douglas SutherlandArrangementsT. Burton Smith, ChairmanBenjamin G. LeeErnest E. PerkinsWilliam F. JohnsonGeorge W. MosherPatronessesMrs. William Rainey HarperMrs. Andrew McLeishMrs. George E. VincentMrs. George C. HowlandMrs. James R. AngellMrs. James H. TuftsMrs. Harry Pratt JudsonMrs. Frederick SmithMrs. John M. CoulterMiss Marion Talbot310I. — Alunnne luncheon of the Sigma Club at the Union League Club. Informal danceof the women of the Senior Class at the School of Education.3.— Snell House reception and informal. Mr and Mrs. Frederic Ives Carpenter gavethe first of their informal "at homes" to the members of Foster Hall.5. — Annual concert of the University of Chicago Musical Clubs at the Studebakertheatre. Mrs. Goodspeed gave an informal supper after the concert. Miss Stevensgave an informal supper after the concert.6. — Miss Cornelia Smith entertained the Men's Weekly board.7. — Miss Kirchhoff and Miss Reddy were initiated into the Sigma Club. Messrs. Guckand Mendel initiated into The Order of the Dragon's Tooth.8. — Fourth University informal at Rosalie Hall. The members of Foster Hall gave amock banquet for Prince Henry.10. — Receptions at the women's halls. Beta Theta Pi gave a smoker to their alumni.12. — The local chapter of Delta Upsilon gave a reception to meet President Fauuce ofBrown University.14. — University men gave a smoker for the Medics in Haskell Assembly Hall. Mr. andMrs. George E. Vincent gave a dancing party, at their home, for the local chapter ofDelta Kappa Epsilon.15. — Phi Kappa Psi informal dance. The women of Foster Hall gave a party for the oldmembers of the house.17. — President Harper gave a reception to the candidates for degrees, at his home.18. — Forty-first University Convocation at St.idebaker Theatre.21. —Eastern Chicago Alumni Club gave its annual banquet. Banquet of the Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs at Cafe d'ltalia.3HOfficial Guests of the UniversityHis Excellency Wu Ting- FangEnvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from ChinaHis Excellency M. Jules Cambon . . . Ambassador from FranceBaron d'Estournelles de ConstantMr. and Mrs. John D. RockefellerMrs. Alice Freeman Palmer .....Professor Paul Haupt . ... Johns Hopkins UniversityProfessor Marcus Dods . .... New College, EdinburgProfessor George L. Kittredge ..... Harvard UniversityProfessor Edward C. Pickering . . . Harvard UniversityProfessor Jacob H. Van't Hoff . . . . University of BerlinCharles DoolittlE Walcott . . . Director of U. S. Geological SurveyProfessor Edmund B. Wilson .... Columbia UniversityMr. James L. Houghteling . . . . Yale UniversityPresident Charles A. Blanchard .... Wheaton CollegePresident O. H. Cooper ..... Baylor UniversityProfessor Mosiah Hall . ... Brigham Young CollegePresident John H. Harris ..... Bucknell CollegeProfessor R. P. Linfield ...... Centenary CollegeProfessor Edmund C. Sanford .... Clark UniversityProfessor Percy Lewis Kaye ..... Coe CollegeProfessor William N. Clarke .... Colgate UniversityDean Howard L. HodGkins .... Columbian UniversityProfessor Nicholas M. Butler .... Columbia UniversityProfessor George F. McKibben . ... Denison UniversityPresident J. A. LeaviTT . . .... Ewing CollegeProfessor Wm. W. Goodwin .... Harvard UniversityProfessor Albert Bushnell Hart .... Harvard UniversityPresident Clifford W. Barnes ..... Illinois CollegeFrofessor Basil L. GildERSLEEve . . '. Johns Hopkins UniversityPresident John F. Forbes ...... Stetson University312Professor John J. HalseyProfessor William Polks RusselReverend James A. CosbyProfessor Robert D. SheppardProfessor Rosa E. LewisProfessor L. E. HicksProfessor R. M. BlackDr. Charles J. LittlePresident Benjamin Ide WheelerPresident Howard AyresPresident George E. MacLean .Mr. J. H. S. QuickProfessor Sydney G. AshmoreProfessor John I. BennettPresident Andrew S. DraperProfessor E. C. FranklinProfessor Henry S. CarhartChancellor E. Benjamin AndrewsProfessor Marion D. LearnedProfessor William D. MerrellProfessor Fredrick J. TurnerPresident B. P. RaymondPresident Charles F. Thwing Lake Forest UniversityLincoln UniversityMuskingum CollegeNorthwestern UniversityPennsylvania CollegeRangoon Baptist CollegeRed River Valley UniversityNorthwestern UniversityUniversity of CaliforniaUniversity of CincinnatiState University of IowaTrinity College. Union CollegeUnion CollegeUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of KansasUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Nebraska. University of PennsylvaniaUniversity of RochesterUniversity of WisconsinWesleyan UniversityWestern Reserve University3134:00 A. M.After the Ball"v^»Art Contributors^Elizabeth BeldenFred M. BoboEdson B. CookFrederick R. DapprichEmma DolfingerWilliam H. ElfrethA. John GazzoloDonald A. KennicottMartha LandersHarry J. LurieMarie McEvoyVincent NortonIsabel PattersonMildred RichardsonDavid A. RobertsonArthur C. Sey earthForrest G. SmithDavid A. SternAdelbert T. StewartJohn Henry WeddellHelen WhiteheadCarrie WoodJohn Stephen WrightThe Freshman=Sophomore RushHallowe'en 1901 will long be memorable to those who were members of the 1 "niversityat that time, for under cover of its mist and drizzle three stalwart freshmen, Jennison",Magee and Speik, climbed up the inside of the newly completed chimney of the powerplant and by means of a rope noosehung their class banner half waybetween the top and bottom, achallenge to every Sophomore inthe University. But, if Hallowe'enis to be memorable, the next morn-ingshouldsurelybe. The Freshmen,confident of the security of theiremblem, paid little attention to thelowering glances which the upper-classmen cast at it, and made noeffort to guard the approaches tothe chimney.Suddenly those watching thetower from the campus saw threeforms appear at the top, and presently the word passing from mouthto mouth brought the whole studentbody — most prominently of all thetwo lower classes — flocking fromCobb and the other buildings acrossthe street to take part in or witnessthe approaching melee.Meanwhile Ford, Sills andHeinen, the three men who hadscaled the chimney, were fishingover the edge with grappling hooksfor a hold on the rope loop fromwhich the coveted banner was suspended, and their classmates belowwere forming for defense in theditch at the entrance to the chimney. Before the 1905 men had massed for the first charge, the 1904 leaders at the top ofthe tower succeeded in drawing up the loop, and, securing the flag, withdrew from sight.This was the signal for a mad rush on the part of the Freshmen, in a frantic effort tocapture the entrance to the tower and the daring three as they descended.Three times the Freshmen charged and failed to break the ranks of the Sophomores,but on the next attempt swept them back against the walls, and the whole inside of thehuge fire-place was filled with a swirling, struggling, confused mass of under-classmen.The fiercest of the struggle lasted for over ten minutes, during which time Freshmen andSophomores alike were acquiring a respectable disguise of mud and blood. Then anupper-classman from the vantage point of a scaffold brought a hose to play on the combatants, who straightway forgot the zest of conflict in a hasty attempt to avoid the streamof waterIn the confusion Ford, Sills and Heinen with the banner divided and hid upon theirpersons, emerged from the chimney and escaped unobserved. The Freshmen quicklyrallied and surrounding the Sophomores rushed them again, forcing them into EllisAvenue By this time it was generally known by both classes that the Sophomoreleaders had escaped with their trophy, and the rush degenerated to desultory skirmishesbetween scatteredgroups on the way from Snell to Cobb. The last act of the livelyinter-class dramatic spectacle came off a few days later in the south end of Haskell, when"Prexy" met the class leaders and awarded them forty cuts apiece for distinguished conduct on the field of battle.3>7The Dramatic Club Trials0There is on the first floor of Haskell,A room that is used all the day ;Sometimes by a faculty meeting,Sometimes by the Y. M. C. A.'Tis there that the President lectures,That he makes the conditioned men shake;'Tis there that Prof. Starr gives receptions,With his Mexican ice cream and cake;'Tis there the divinity studentsExpound their advice by the mile;xAnd 'twas there on that first floor of HaskellThat I had my dramatic club trial.I went in and they gave me a numberAnd then I went out in the hallAnd paced up and down on the marble,Awaiting the doorkeeper's call.At last I got up on the platform,My face was all pallid and pale.I looked at the jury before me,And I said : lk Here's where I go to jail."I thought I had better plead guilty,But nobody uttered a sound.I gave one look at the ceiling,I gave one look at the ground.The piece that I spoke was from Shakespeare ;The part where the Muses contriveTo have the old man tell OrlandoThey're going to burn him alive." O unhappy youth," and I looked it.I was all in a tremble of fear." Come not within this habitation ; "And I thought — why the deuce am I here ?And during my whole recitationThe jury exchanged wicked looks,And taking their pens and their pencilsThey wrote something down in their booksAnd then I had horrible visionsOf guillotines, ga-llows and chains,With electric devices upholsteredTo make you forget earthly pains.And when I had done my selection,I started to go to the lake;But the judge put a stop to my exit,For I still had a thrashing to take." Young man, please repeat what I tell you,Interpreting it as you will,"And with that the judge gave me a sentence^And with that the whole room_ became still." Our Jack has been killed at Manila,"I thought of the people at home,"Our Willie just died at Chicago,We shouldn't have let the boy roam."Again did the terrible juryIndulge in the terrible looks.Again did the terrible pencilsWrite things in the terrible books.3i8" I'm in trouble, I want you to help me,"Was the next thing that I had to say.Now, they all really seemed to believe it,But that didn't drive it away.For they made me impersonate peopleOf every conceivable class,From a bean-eating banker of BostonTo the farmer who blew out the gas.At the close of this fierce inquisitionI was forced to make love to the floor,And to swear an eternal devotionTo the shining brass knob on the door;To gaze at the gas jet with rapture,To ask an old chair to be mine,And to say to the pane in the window :" A life beside thee — how divine!"With that I got down from the platform,Once more I walked out in the hallWhere I saw the next terrified victimRespond to the doorkeeper's call.The Personal NoteM" Shows delicate insight; technique above reproach," read Katherine, as we walkedtoward Fifty-fifth street on our way from Cobb." Listen to this— 'artistic and lyric;' and this — ' you have a sympathetic touch/ "Katherine was taking English 3. The fact that the instructor was very young, passably good-looking, and had to d another man that she was original, did not lessen herinterest in the course.When we came to Marshall Field, she folded her themes and we each selected^ knothole in the hot fence and applied an eye thereto."Wouldn't it be great to run on a track outdoors? " I said. "You would get sothin. Just look at that man; he's a perfect rail."Katherine's ideal woman— as far as looks go — is the kind shown by the India faminepicturesShe bristled at my slight." I am as thin as that man," she said." No, you aren't," I answered, "not nearly."" Well," she said, " I am as thin as the man in the1 white shirt, anyway."I was going to centest this also; but I became aware of a presence. The youngEnglish professor was at my elbow, his eye glued to a hole.cKatherine says it was very tactful of him to keep it there. But I think he was looking for the man in the white shirt.A tiny snow-flake crystal, glinting, cold,Beneath the warm sun's loving touch,Runs, limpid water through the frost-bound mouldTo arouse some crocus, sleeping overmuch.So truths in exquisite inertia restUpon the memory's fallow ground,Until, by impulse from God's spirit blessed,They quicken deeds with selfless sunlight crowned.3*9CARROLL S. McMILLE,N, TailorNo. 33 ADAMS ST.Photographic SuppliesPrinting andDevelopingBromide EnlargementsCamera and Shutter DR. GOODMAN A. MILI-EKDENTISTRepairing itlltl EAST (!3I> STREETTELEPHONE iitUtl HREXEI,Lantern Slides HOUBH: (> TO ILi: IsMO TO SRetouchingPrices the Lowest in the City1Mathews & Frost209 E. 57th STREETR. E. MATHEWS C. K. FROSTCollege AnnualsAnd How to Prepare Them Easily and Well<<$,Mm*,C£.o^"^C3.^tf2 MiPs ]9t '^¦^^°a£Marsh & Grant Company63 to J I Plymouth Place, Chicago, U. S. A.Printers of College Publications .. Engravers ofCollege Illustrations .. Binders of all fine booksBMHHBHHHHIHMHMMHMnflHUMIIIA Little ThingHE often wondered if he were fickle. People sometimes accused him of being so.He did not want to be fickle — at least he did not want that reputation. Hewondered, also, if it were possible for a fellow to be really in love with two girls atthe same time. If this were impossible then he was fickle. He knew that almost all thephilosophy was against him on this point, but he did not care much for that. He believed,in fact he knew, that he was really in love, — and that he was in love with two girls — atthe same time. He wasted no time surmising whether either of these girls loved him.He was honest. He told himself that he must find out, if he could, which of the twogirls he loved the best, and then try to make her love him. He was a Senior, and hehad sense. Like most Seniors with sense he was free from any inordinate conceits.One of these two girls was in the University. He saw her daily. She was a clubgirl, popular, entertaining, influential in a social way; she was the cleverest girl he knew;she had a way of getting whatever she wanted with perfect ease. The other one hadnever been to college; it seemed to him she did not need to go— she knew so much without going. She was not so showy or so brilliant as the college girl, but she was verygenuine, he thought, very human. Whenever he was in doubt as to which one he shouldcall on of a Sunday evening or which he should take to the University affairs he settledhis difficulty by flipping up a coin. The decision of the coin was absolute. He alwaysabided by it no matter what the circumstances were or what the consequences might be.It came time for the Washington ' * Prom ' '— the last one he should ever attend as anundergraduate. He tossed the coin. It told him to take Miss James, the University girl.One of his fraternity brothers immediately asked Miss Sansome. Our Senior made up hismind that he would decide between these two. They would both be at the "prom".He would decide then. Just how he would reach the decision he knew not. He onlyknew that he was going to decide.The "prom" was brilliant. He thought he had never before enjoyed a dance somuch as he was enjoying this one. In his mind he thanked his partner for the good timehe was having. After all he thought, she is the one — she is so experienced, so sure ofherself. He had the next dance with her. The orchestra struck up the "Boola" andthey glided away. He heard just behind him the noise of soft cloth viciously rent. Hepaused. "Oh, never mind," said Miss James, "it's only Miss Sansome's skirt. I haven'ttime to help her. She ought to keep it from trailing on the floor." He said nothing.But he thought. He was disappointed. He felt as though he had done something meanhimself. The incident left a bad taste in his mouth.A few dances later Miss Sansome was his partner. As they reached the upper end ofthe hall she stopped, remarking as she did so: " There is Miss James sitting this out allalone. Let's go and sit with her. A girl feels terribly uncomfortable sitting out a danceall alone." They went.He was not very talkative in the carriage going home that night. " Why so pensiveand taciturn tonight?" queried Miss James as they reached the door of her house. "Youhaven'tesaid a word all the way except * yes ' and 'no'."" I have been thinking," he replied, " how much we are influenced by little things;how a little thing often causes us to make the most important decisions of our lives."He said good night and re-entered the carriage. She smiled to herself and wonderedwhat he was talking about.0I loved you and you loved me,And we parted;You with hope of high renown,I broken-hearted.You won a name the world revered,And homage true;I kept the mem'ry of our love,And pitied you.321HENRY E. WEAVER, Prest.C. A. BICKETT, Secy. 6 Treas.WEAVER COAL CO.Miners and Producers ofMARYLAND SMOKELESSCOALFOUNDRY and DOMESTICCOKECHICAGO63rd and Wallace Sts. 40th St. and Wentworth Ave.J 3th and Lumber Sts. No. \ North Ave. BridgeNEW YORK DETROIT MILWAUKEEii Broadway Majestic Building Plankington Bank Bldg.Four Quarters0Have you ever known the Summer Quarter maid ?In her head vast stores of knowledge she has laid;With her fountain pen and glassesShe is never late to classes;Yes, the summer dame's a model, it is said.Have you rushed the girl who enters in the Fall ?She is crazy over Varsity football ;She simply worships dances,Even Snell her soul entrances,And she thinks herself important in the Fall.The maiden of the Winter you have seen;She has just received a message from the Dean,That she flunked in English i ,Or her cuts had been o'erdrawn;Perchance this Winter maiden you have been.Have you ever met the couples of the Spring?Bookish learning is a long forgotten thing;Of the Junior " Prom " they talkAs o'er the grass they walk;They're in twos upon the Campus in the Spring."Quotations"0BruerE. — " If I were an American, as I am an Englishman — "Thompson. — " Though this may be play to you, 'tis death to us."Herrick. — " It was worse than a crime ; it was a blunder."Bechtel. — "Like a man. made after supper, with a cheese paring."Moody. — " Society is now one polished horde,Formed of two mighty tribes, the Bores and Bored."R. Harper. — " I am the very pink of propriety."Smaix. — "Still harping on my daughter."Starr. — " I will take some savage woman, she shall rear my dusky race."Triggs. — "Tie up the knocker."Clarke;. — " Fire in his eye and papers in his hand,He raves, recites and maddens round the land. "Owen. — " Besides, it is known he could speak GreekAs naturally as pigs squeak."Seidenadei,. — " He was a man of unbounded stomach."VoTaw. — "A little, round, fat, oily man of God."Phii, Aiyi^EN. — "A man of pleasure is a man of pains."Recorder. — " Within that awful volume liesThe mystery of mysteries."Capps. — "A sadder and a wiser manHe rose the morrow morn . "Boyd. — " When you do dance I wish youA wave of the sea that you might ever doNothing but that ' 'Jones — " For my voice, I have lost it with bellowing and singing of anthems."Salisbury. — " I should call him a little quick of temper."Gai,e. — " He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one "Chander. — " E'en though vanquished, he could argue still."Smith. — " None but himself can be his parallel."Htjuburt. — " Perverts the prophets and purloins' the psalms."323The Root StudiosFRED. D. FOSS, ManagerPORTRAITSB Y PH OTOGRAPH Y243 WABASH AVE.(KIMBALL HALL)Phone Harrison 2099The One Moment0ITH a sigh of satisfaction, Laura Atwood put out the gas, and turning away fromher study table, where she had been cramming an indigestible mass of factsconcerning "The Origin of Social Customs," for final "exam" the next day,she walked across the moon-lighted room, mounted to the window seat and looked outwith sleepless eyes upon the wide Midway and the white boulevard, glimmeringlake wards under the big June moon. She was thinking of the next day night when she wasto speak the Freshman's toast at the reunion banquet of the club she had joined thatFall. It was more to her — that club — than all the rest of college. It was the criterionof her every action, of even her dress and the intonations of her voice. Everything shedid was for the credit of the club rather than for the sake of any particular member,as was the case with her chum, Mary Pierce, who, having the same enthusiasm, owed it,however, to her adoration of Alice Boyd, the president. Even as these names flittedthrough her mind words from the next room struck her ear. It was Alice Boyd whospoke and her voice was nervous." O, don't go yet, I have something serious to say to you."" But Laura next door," objected the other girl." Never mind her. Her light's out — probably been asleep for hours. She's a goodFreshman and keeps respectable hours," the other said with a forced lightness. "Sitdown, it may be long — you see — I — well ' 4 My life here has been a sham. O, don't look so incredulous. You think me rich. I'mpoor. I earned my expenses here teaching in the family of one of Maud's richCalifornia friends. I never had the luxurious home I led you to suppose. The money Ispent I earned writing for second rate magazines— footless stories, directions for makingpicture frames out of putty, pine cones and gilt paint — O, anything cheap and taudry."Her voice stopped in a suppressed sob. Then the girl continued dispassionately." I haven't a penny or a prospect in this world, not an aristocratic connection, noteven an honorable name by to-morrow. But it is the fault of your abominable systemhere. I came full of enthusiasm for college, content, good looking, and very capable.How could I help knowing it ? I saw your clubs and the immense social prestige theygave. Of course I wanted it, too. But I was passed over for girls, giddy, well dressed,some of them not even well bred. It all seemed to me to be cruelly snobbish. First Iwept bitterly over it, then — Well, one day in ' gym ' Maud asked me where I was from,and glad of anybody's notice, I told her, California. Then she asked about theThorntons, to impress me, I bitterly supposed. I said I knew them, and with her suddenridiculous change of manner, the whole thing flashed across my thought. I told her allthose intimate details one hears from children of a family and from servants' gossip. II stiggested luxuries I never had. O, can't you see the whole miserable thing? With hernotice of me came yours, then I joined you. I came to live, even to myself, in an artificialelegance to support my pretensions. I was more snobbish than you, for hadn't I beenout of the ' charmed circle ? ' To-morrow night I shall tell them what a lie I've lived.It's the only justification I can make my conscience, and heaven knows I hope it willmake you easier on other girls in the place I was once in. I am going away for good, soI shan't feel your scorn. But I can't get back to my old self. That's the tragedy of it."There was a long pause. The girl in the window seat was motionless. She wasthinking how to prevent that revelation. All of Mary Pierce's ideals hung on AliceBoyd's truth. There was the club's honor, too. Why didn't the other girl in that roominterfere? At last she was breaking that ghastly silence."You can't do this thing, Alice. It's too late. You're hysterical. It really isn't sodreadful. Then think of — of — how frightful it would be for the club for that to getabout. O Alice, you surely can't mean you've deceived me and the rest of us. Yousurely can't.""Don't cry that way," Alice said, almost roughly. "You'll wake Laura. Go — Imust — I have to clear my conscience. It's true, but don't take another girl this way. Odo go home and let me be by myself."The other girl did as she was told and, dazed, went to bed, for it was very late.* * * *The toastmistress had just finished her short introductory speech, and the girls allalong the glistening dinner table turned toward the head where sat their president. Shew325SEND TOThe ChicagoBeach Hotel^^== CHICAGO =====FOR. ITS NEW ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETGOLFTJT BATHING BOATING lfiJ& FISHING -**etc.THE, FINEST WINTER AND SUMMERHOTEL ON THE GREAT LAKESarose slowly, looked down across the candle-lighted faces of the girls in dainty eveningdress, finally meeting the proud eyes of Mary Pierce at the other end of the table. Shedrew in her breath sharply, for she knew what her disclosure would mean to the girl, so shepostponed it for a time, speaking brilliantly of the four years she had spent in theUniversity. They were all listening intensely, enjoying every word, trying to rememberthe glittering epigram, witty characterization and happy reminiscences. Laura Atwoodalone leaned back inattentive, in relief, because she thought that the last night'sconversation had been a horrid dream. But suddenly her heart stopped at the sound ofa new tone in Miss Boyd's voice, as she was saying :"And now, dear girls, I have spoken enough of club and college. I feel forced byyour kindness to throw myself on your mercy. I — I — I must make some confessions."Laura sawr the other girl stiffen with fear. She herself, from the first wrord hadthought of nothing but how to stop Miss Boyd. She was presently on her feet, throughsome supernatural agency, it afterward seemed to her, her glass of wrater held high in herhand, her face flaming, her voice shrill with excitement."Yes ! confessions — but I shall make them for you. You would confess how youhave striven to make yourself first in college for your club ; you, the last to claim returnfor it. You would confess how you have stood to every Freshman as an example of howexcellently versatile a college woman here can be. Confess to the brightest career incollege — to stealing all our hearts, and to winning easily every honor we can give you.Girls, all of you, here's to our president. She leaves us to-morrow. May her departurebe as bright as her sojourn. May "They interrupted her wild speech with a wild response. But Alice Boyd, being aperson of observation, divined that Miss Atwood was actuated by no mere excitement andshe wondered if the girl knew and spoke in irony, or in a mad, successful effort to stopher disclosure. To confess now in the midst of the general hilarity would be impossible.The one moment for revelation had passed — and she was glad.It Will HappenMOne eve I met the Head of the hall,A dame both bright and fair.I didn't ask to see her at all —I knew though, she was there.Somehow I didn't expect that sheKnew I was in just then,So I nudged over and kissed Marie —Just as the Head walked in.Marie turned rouge; I turned away,Expecting all the whileThe Head some terrible thing would say —But then I saw her smile.Of course there was but one thing to do,Outside of dropping dead.So as I left I kissed her, too —"Come back again," she said.One eve I met the Head of the hall ,And she was bright and fair ;And now I never go in to call,Unless I'm sure she's there.327FROM THE ARK TO THE ARC.ModernLighting and PowerApparatusGENERAL SUPPLIESWestern Electric Co.Chicago Saint Louis Philadelphia New YorkLondon Antwerp ParisThe Freshman=Sophomore FootballGame of 1901ON Thursday, November 14th, 1901, a bit after two o'clock in the afternoon the teamsrepresenting, respectively, the Freshman and Sophomore classes of the Universityof Chicago, trotted through the wooden gates of Marshall Field and the annual'embroglio was once more at hand. The day was unutterably chill and dreary, the windripping about the field as if to destroy the last spark of hope rampant in the FreshmanL>reast. A half hundred, faithful Sophomores, brazen in their rights as upper classmen,planted themselves in the Chicago bleachers on the west, while the more modest Freshmencontented themselves along the side lines on the east. A half dozen nearly frozen, butenthusiastic girls, perched along the board seats of the bleachers, lent a tone of empresse-ment to the contest.As the teams scurried up and across the gridiron in pathetic attempts to beget a confidence sadly wanting in themselves and in their adherents, the air reverberated with the" Hulla Baree Bora Baror ! " of the second year men, intermingled with an impromptu warble of the first year men, closing with a mighty " N-a-u-g-h-t-y F-i-v-e ! " as a finale.The Sophomores winning the toss, chose the north goal, thereby getting for themselves the advantage of the wind for the first half. Under the paternal direction of Phil-Allen as referee — who vouchsafed as a truism the fact that, "there's nobody like a Freshman for losing his nerve quicker f — the whistle screamed and the game was on. Thebrisk wind prevented the kick-off from going many yards and after a short return run theL>all was downed on the Sophomore's thirty-five yard line. Before the Freshman youths"had entirely recovered from the perturbation and mud of the initial scrimmage, theNaughty-four men lined up in a kick formation and in a twinkling the oval, propelled bywind and muscle, was sailing far down the field toward Anatomy, with a Freshman back"pikeing" after it as fast as his diminutive legs could pound the ground.. Then the young gentlemen who hope to graduate in Nineteen Hundred and Five hadtheir fling at the game, but, after three ineffectual attempts to make the distance, decidedthey "didn't care for any," and again generously passed the ball into the waiting hands•of their opponents. With a big Medic guard called back for interference, the Sophomoreshammered the battle line of their opponents with straight and cross bucks, interspersedwith an occasional tackle and end run, until, after nine minutes of play, the ball waspushed over for the first score.The six girls shivered and drew closer together.The next touchdown was a repetition of the first and the half closed uneventfullywith the Sophomores triumphantly chanting, " One ! — Two ! — Three ! "— up to ten, whilethe Freshmen played tag with each other in picturesque attempts to keep their feet warm.In the second half, although the wind conditions were reversed, the Sophomorescounted three more touchdowns and two goals to their tally, meanwhile magnanimouslypermitting the Freshmen to score five against them, thus giving them another five to usein their class yell.And so the game of Nineteen Hundred and One was fought and finished, leaving theSophomores insolently happy in their victory, the Freshmen too dazed to comprehenddearly, yet imbued already with enough Chicago spirit to mutter — "Wait till track!"The six girls hung their heads dejectedly as they passed out into the street.329Chemical Laboratoryand Hospital SuppliesWe will furnish estimates onDrugs,Chemicals,Surgical Materials and Alcohol,if requestedWe handle the best grade ofgoods and our prices areuniformly reasonableMorrisson Plummer& CompanyWHOLESALE DRUGGISTS:: CHICAGOFORTAILORINGUP=TO = DATE MEN'SFURNISHINGS and HATS GO TO THE FAMOUSTailoring Co.346 EAST 55th STREETNEWBEKGER6DEBROVYProps. 0 & Phone Blue 3223For their good work and fairtreatment they arewell likedby students and professors Martin 6 MartinHigh GradeSHOE.S• • • • FOR • • • •COLLEGE. MENWe Supply the Students of Harvard,Yale, Amherst, Williams andDartmouth Every YearWe DuplicateAllOur Eastern StylesMartin <S Martin10 E. JACKSON BLVD.L E, L A N D H O T E, L,j. g. McCarthyCOMPANYContractorsPainting, Decorating, WoodFinishing, E,tc.WALL PAPER1832 Wabash AvenueCHICAGOTel. South 1193VARSITYA°THERGOOSELittle Miss TalbotLost a pound, — all but —Teaching of curds and whey;Along came a student,Who, breathing, — imprudent, -Blew little Miss Talbot away!IIThere was a Dean in our U.And he had wondrous size,He jumped into an Ethics classWhich opened both his eyes.And when he found the bluffing out,With all his might and main,He jumped to his Aesthetics classAnd shut them up again. IllSing a song of Rockefeller,Pockets full o' dust,Fifteen hundred students baked to a crust!When the crust was broken,They all began to sing:"Hurrah for John D. Rockefeller,He's the real thing!"Prexie was in Haskell,Counting up the money,The Dean was in his officeDealing out the honey;The co-ed. was in the class-room,Thinking about her clothes,When along came a flunk cardAnd nipped off her nose!IVLittle boy Triggs,Come blow your horn;Your pa's in the papersAgain every morn.Where's the little boyToo good for a name ?Under the lime-lightOf papa's fame!33iOUR SPECIALTY Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.Manufacturers and DistributorsGLASS, PAINTSOILS and VARNISHES^mll^PURITY and LIFE W. G. Kimball,GUARANTEED Local ManaZer* 442=452 Wahash AvenueChicagoF. P. Smith Wire andIron WorksTelephone Central 438 Office and Warehouse100-102 Lake StreetFactoryChester St. & Clybourn Ave.Ornamental Iron andBronze WorkFire Escapes, Elevator Enclosures, Iron Fences,Stable Fittings, etc.rf^ivZ LockcrS ^or Universities, Hotels Large Mfg. Plants, etc. Wm. J. Scown,President and Treasurer. Wm. Mahoney,Secretary.Wm. J. ScownBuilding CompanyCARPENTERS and GENERAL CONTRACTORSRoom 407,115 Dearborn StreetChicagoTelephone Central 2872The Fine Arts Building(founded BY STUDEBAKER BROS.)CHARLES C CURTISS,Director. Nos. 203-207 Michigan BoulevardCHICAGO.For tbe accommodation of Artistic, Literary, andEducational interests exclusively.NOW OCCUPIED IN PART BY — The Caxton Club, The Chicago Woman's Club, The Fortnightly Club,The Amateur Musical Club, The University of Chicago Teachers' College and Trustees' Rooms, TheDial, The Anna Morgan School of Dramatic Art, The Mrs. John Vance Cheney School of Music, TheSherwood Music School, The Prang Educational Co., D. Appleton & Co., etc.ballade oi the Crooli(With Due Apology.)Shrewdly I pick out my easy mark;For luck to "Old Nick" I pray;And since I'm smooth as the smoothest "shark'For no small stakes I play. ^r "I've been in the business till I've grown gray,And my reputation's suchThat 'all my victims will truly say,At the end of my "spiel" I "touch".I find my prey by light or dark;M37 mood make pathetic or gay;I ply my craft as beggar or spark,By curb or 'neath woodland spray.My manner is open as brightest day,A candid air helps much;When, in my genial, persuasive way,At the end of my "spiel" I "touch".Bach dog, they say, has its day to bark,And man is but transformed clay;So why, pray, shouldn't I have my lark,And graft things while I may ?Then, when at last I'm brought to^ba}-Like a bunny in his hutch,Still true to my motto you'll hear me say,At the end of my "spiel" I "touch".L'Knvoi.Pal Death, as I come beneath your sway,And feel at my throat your clutch,Then yours the pocket — the last for aye,At the end of my "spiel" I "touch".Officially Reconsidered0TERRIL was usually a very conscientious post-office inspector, fond of work andshirking no duty. But this morning he almost wished he were out of the service.He had just found on his desk an order to leave Washington by the ten o'clocktrain for Battletown, a southern village, where there was trouble about a negro postmaster. Terril was very, much in love with a girl just at the time, and had meant to tellher that evening. As Miss Deane was a visitor in Washington, he feared she might begone before his return. Now, it is unwise for a post-office inspector to have personalinterests, for he is expected to have none but the government's own. So as Terril hadno " impersonal " reason to give his superior officer, he was obliged to take case number2,552 C. Accordingly, he contented himself with writing a lengthy and rather markedstote to Miss Deane, and ordering a box of violets to be sent with it. Then he took the333Open T>ay and NightJACKSON PARK STABLESJ. H. KINTZ, ProprietorREFERENCESChicago UniversityDel PradoWindermereChicago BeachVendomeJi 11 Kinds of Light and HeaVy LWeryTelephone 552 Oakland 273 E. 57th StreetThe University Secondary SchoolOF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOJOHN DEWEYDIRECTOR WILLIAM BISHOP OWENDEAN* I VHIS school, which was formerly conducted under thename of The South Side Academy, is now underthe control of the Department of Education of the University of Chicago.The school provides adequate preparation for anycollege or technical school in the country, to many of whichits certificate admits without examination.For information addressThe University Secondary School5467 Lexington Ave., Chicagotrain for Battle town, and here he was the next day, in no patient mood with theobstreperous southern hot-heads. He was greeted with the babel of many voices." We've driven that blamed nigger out of the State." "The assistant's in chargenow." "The nigger's afraid to come back." "What are you going to do about it?"The excited men hurled their words at Terril, who stood unmoved."One moment, gentlemen," he said quietly, "I can't listen to you all at once,besides, there are too many young faces here. Suppose some of you older men comewith me into the next room, where we can discuss this question calmly, and — 'smiling '— with less noise."" That's reasonable," said young John, and forthwith old John Sylvester and fourother fathers in the community retired with the inspector to convince him that there wasbut one thing to do — to appoint a white man in the negro's place." What is there against the black man's character? " asked Terril.m " We don't concern ourselves with the characters of niggers," answered Sylvester,majestically. "Jones is a nigger, and that in itself is enough against him. "Terril, who saw that he might as well have heard the younger men, said but littleuntil he had listened to the whole story. When he returned to the main room and notedthe determined faces before him, he made his decision promptly, for Terril was in ahurry to get back to Washington."Gentlemen," he said, "this matter can't be decided at once. I must explain thesituation at headquarters. In the meantime, my instructions are to remove yourpost-office to the county seat." There was a look of dismay on his hearer's faces."But we will have to go eight miles for our mail," said one man. " How long willit be before we have our own office back," asked another." Oh, it may not take long to decide," said Terril, equivocally.Before they had got through talking about the matter he had gathered up the money-orders, stamps, and other government property, dismissed the assistant, and was on hisway to the county seat. There, at the post-office, he deposited the effects with thenecessary instructions, and telegraphed the railway service not to put off any mail atBattletown. Then Terril fretted and fumed at the ten-hour wait until he could take thetrain to Washington.On the way there he drafted his report of the case, and wound up with : "In viewof the foregoing facts and circumstances, I have the honor to recommend that thepost-office at Battletown be discontinued for an indefinite period, dependent upon thebehavior of the citizens of the town."When Terril reached his hotel after a three days' absence from Washington, he founda letter, the handwriting of which made his heart beat faster. His face was a study ashe read :" My Dear Mr. Terrii, :"I left Washington unexpectedly the same day you did, though by the afternoontrain. Did I never tell you that I lived in Battletown? When I reached home justfancy my surprise when I heard that you had been here, gone away, and taken ourpost-office with you. How could you be so cruel ?" I was very indignant with you, especially so this morning, because I had to driveeight miles for my mail. But just now, when I was handed your violets, which myhostess sent after me, my indignation cooled perceptibly, and now I wish to tell you howmuch I appreciate your kindness."In your note you suggest that I write you an occasional letter from my southernhome. Under ordinary circumstances I should be pleased to do so, but consider!— I amwriting this eight miles from home for the sake of convenience, and must come as far foran answer.' ' Cousin John Sylvester says this state of affairs may not last long. So give us anice white postmaster, Mr. Terril, and then I shall send you the prettiest note of thanksI can write. Cordially yours,Grace Dean."First Terril laughed, then Terril frowned, then Terril thought hard and tore up thecarefully composed report. He re-wr®te it quite as carefully, and wound up with : "Inview of the foregoing facts and circumstances, I have the honor to recommend that thepresent incumbent be removed and a white man be appointed in his stead."" After all," he said to himself apologetically, " it is far the better way."335Summer ToursLake Michigan & Lake SuperiorTransportation Co.THE GREAT LAKE ROUTE between ChicAa/° 'Milwaukee .and Dduth,stopping at Mackinac Island, Sault Ste.Marie, Marquette, Houghton, Hancock, Bayfield and Ashland.Beautiful scenery and good fishing on this route, Lake Superior air — a fine tonic for the overworked and a great relief to the Hay Fever sufferer.Frequent landings of several hours each, and a stop of two days at Duluth, enable tourists plentyof opportunity for sight seeing.Connections made at Sault Ste, Marie and Duluth with steamers for the north shore of LakeSuperior, the famous fishing grounds. The beautiful Sault Ste. Marie River run by daylight on thereturn trip.Send for booklets, giving full information. AddressC. F. A. SPENCER, G. P. A.530 North Water Street. CHICAGO, ILL.PARKER 'BROS.LiVery andBoarding StablesCarriages Furnishedon Short Notice5317=23 Lake AvenueCHICAGOTelephone Oakland 1246 G. M. Shaw, Prest. K. E. Morgan, Vice-Prest.H. L. Bushnell, Treas. C. G. Shaw, Secy^PARISLAUNDRY CO,INCORPORATEDNorth Side — 155-157 Huron StreetTelephone North 452South Side — 244 Thirty-First StreetTelephone South 619A MODERN, UP-TO-DATE LAUNDRYSeveral Additions to Plutarch's "Livesof Great Men "PATRICK HENRYPatrick, or "Pat," Henry was born in Virginia in1736 of poor but Irish parents. ' His early youth was spentin getting married, which he did at the age of eighteen.After his marriage came the Revolutionary War. It wasduring this strife that he broke the world's record for thedistance between Bunker Hill and Boston; time: 10 minutes, flat. Second and third places in this race weretaken by athletes from His Majesty's Second Light Infantry Regiment. At the urgent request of ProfessorClark he wrote a piece for the Practical Public SpeakingBook, which has since become very well known. It isentitled "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death." Carefulresearch has developed the fact that the title was inspiredby complications which arose soon after his marriage. Itis believed that he is dead. Rumor states that he wasmurdered last winter in Kent by a number of Freshmenunder the direction of Mr. Gorsuch.PRESIDENT HARPEKILLIAM RAINEY HARPER (or^make it — Izzit Raining Harper?)was from his early youth notedfor his precocity as a scholar.When only two years of age heis said to have completely devoured the paint on a finered edition of Homer's Iliad(Student's Series of Classics) and at the age•of fourteen he graduated from MuskingumCollege. After that he spent most of histime in conducting Harper's Bazaar, an educational institution in the west which is alsocalled the University of Chicago. Since 1893he has been manager and joint proprietor of The Harper & Haskell OrientalMuseum, which is called oriental because it is east of Cobb Hall. His mostimportant literary work was done in collaboration with two other men, Professor Tolman and C. Julius Caesar. The title of the book is "Commentarii deBello Gallici." It is an exciting historical novel in the Latin language,which is eagerly read by prep. -school students. Some people call him" Famous;" others know him by his name. Ki/Y I tn»»<j TS.T tKnrifD' DEAN SMITHEAN SMITH is one of the famous Smith Brothers, who invented thecough drop. He is a scion of the famous house of Smith by a marriageinto the house of Jones. His skill in handling dangerous compoundsin the chemical laboratory has caused him to be given the job of AssistantDean of the Junior Colleges. Dean Smith is known as the " Dancing Dean," his agilityon the ball room floor is excelled only by that of " Fighting Phil. Allen," who can getclear around the hall three times while the Dean does two laps. The Dean's Scotchaccent has never fully regained its former strength since his dancing feats, and several ofhis oldest and best funny stories have been so seriously damaged that it has been impossible to use them of late.337Telephone 1065 Oak. Goldsmith'sTAYLOR'S Orches traBAKERY I. GOLDSMITHDirector»* OFFICERoom 5 ... 59 Dearborn Street57th and Rosalie Court Hours, 1 2 to 2 p. m.CHICAGO Telephone, Central 1950RESIDENCECATERING 1833 Arlington PlaceFrappe a Specialty Hours, 9 to 1 1 a. M. ; 4 to 7 p. M.Telephone, Belmont [393WRIGHT, KAY & CO. AManufacturers of High-Grade j ^^1FRATERNITY EMBLEMSFRATERNITY JEWELRY 1 ^*FRATERNITY NOVELTIES W*^mFRATERNITY STATIONERY aFRATERNITY INVITATIONS ^^rFRATERNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS ; MARTYN [ ¦FRATERNITY PROGRAMS MINIATURE ARTISTSend for Catalogue and Price List and UniversityPhotographerSpecial Designs on Application140-142-144 Woodward Ave. Studio: 5705 CottageGrove Ave.Open from 9. a.m. to 6 p.m.Appointments Made.Special Rates to StudentsDETROIT, MICH. Indoor a nd Outdoor Work a elel el Finishing by all Pi ¦ocessesPROFESSOR STARRProfessor Frederick Starr, the author of thewell known chant ' ' The Medicine Man ' ' is anOnandega-Iroquois Indian half-breed. He hasbeen adopted twice and amended once but isstill constitutionally strong. Once when he hadhis war paint on a Freshman addressed him withthe antique joke, saying that he thought heought to be able to Starr in an Anthropologicalcourse. The Freshman has not been seen since.Some say he went to Stetson and we hope it wasno worse, but it was noticed that ProfessorStarr did not eat his meals for the next threedays. That's about as long as an ordinary sizedFreshman could be expected to last. At a greatexpense the University of Chicago keeps Professor Starr caged up during about six monthsof the year and he may be seen almost any dayin the Unclassified Section of Walker Museum.Ckar)fc»*%«.PROFE.SSOR THOMPSONJames Windfall Thompson was born in thehistory library about 50 A. U. C. and may be foundthere at the present time. He was a great friendof Charlemagne and they used to do a great many" stunts " together. On one occasion Charlemagnecame into the palace and informed ProfessorThompson that he had just jumped over threehorses without touching any of them. James wasnonplussed for a moment but soon went out andreturned in about an hour and said that he had justexamined one hundred and fifty Freshmen withoutpassing any of them. Charlemagne had to admit thathe was stumped and it isbelieved that it was as theresult of this blow that the]hy-£f Jjarrr p * empire went to pieces sorapidly immediately after.Professor Thompson is popularly supposed to havebeen the inventor of that justly celebrated guessinggame called * History One." His motto is "Spare%**' the quiz and spoil the Freshman."yes S/r /£ Mors339John B. Stetson UniversityIN AFFILIATION WITHTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO/BOURSES are offered in the following departments: The College of Liberal Arts, The Academy, The School of Law, The School of Engineering (to be opened October, 1902), The Normal School, The Business School,The School of Art, The School of Music.A fine winter climate, with excellent facilities for work in all departments.For catalogue and further. information address the President,JOHN F. FORBES, Ph.D.DE LAND, FLA.Many of the leaders among the students ofthe University of Chicago were preparedfor college at its Academy at Morgan Park,111., commonly known asThe Morgan Park Academy----------------- —-————-—— For Boys — — -------------------------------It is a constituent part of the University thoughsituated eight miles from the University Quadrangle. By its location in a beautiful suburball the many advantages of a country environment are obtained. The Academy stands forhigh ideals and has the men and equipmentwith which to realize them.For further information apply to DEAN WAYLAND J. CHASEA. A. STAGGA. A. Stagg is a great social entertainer, he being the host at all those "stag" parties, notices ofwhich are used to fill the society column of theWeekly during the dull season. It has been suggested that the two first initials of his name signify' ' Amiable Alligator, ' ' this supposition being carriedout by the fact that for the last two years he hasbeen continually on the lookout for ' ' meat. ' ' Hespends a great deal of his time on the gridiron,making it hot for the football candidates. Thegreatest service which he has done for the Universityis keeping Kelly at tryingto run two miles and thususing up energy whichotherwise might be harmfully exerted. He is sometimes called "The OldMan of theC." c< \ot\a Xist^YVce:DR. JAMES HAMILTON BOYDDR. BOYD is the reformed captain of a daring gang of pirates that used to infest theMediterranean. He left that organization to join the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity.Once when he stood on the bridge of his ship at midnight trying to figure out thelogarithm of the angle of elevation of the Big Dipper, a captive was brought before himwho claimed to be a freshman at college. In a gruff shout, Captain Boyd asked, " If youmultiply a quarter-deck by four, what do you have ? ' ' The freshman hesitated amoment and then answered, "A full house." Captain Boyd scowled and thundered," Wrong! Take him away men. Put him in irons, and unless he can square himself intwenty-four hours give him a condition and feed him to the mathematical sharks inimproper fractions." Since his retirement from the high seas he has earned his livingfrom higher mathematics (about four stories higher) and has written a volume ofconfessions of his criminal past, entitled "Boyd's College Algebra ; or Brain Fever in TenF)asy Lessons."A Winter GardenAlong my path there bloom, though Summer's gone,The Winter's blossoms — airy seed pods brown,That dance and sway against my dress as onI pass, the thistle and the aster's crownOf radiant points, the grasses with their spearsPoised quaintly in defense of hidden hoardOf winged or tufted seeds, wild oats, Job's tears,And slender slanting milkweed pods, whence soaredThe silken harvest.Close the petals roundThe magic treasure, till in hazy SpringThe fresh wind, with the softly swishing soundOf rain across the grass will freely flingThe hoarded largess to the moist, dark mould,Whence thanks will rise in blossoms manifold.341ILLINOIS ^m CENTRALCalifornia— 2 Routes.Personally conducted through ExcursionSleeping Curs leave Chicago for Los Angelesand San Francisco every Wednesday morning via New Orleans and the SouthernRoute; every Friday evening via Omahaand the Scenic Route.New Orleans for the TouristAn interestingly unique city to visit. Daily morningand evening steam-heated vestibule trains, with throughSleeping Cars, Butfet-Library-Smoking-Car service, andall meals en route in Dining Cars. Ask for hook onNew Orleans.Jacksonville, Florida.Through Sleeping Car to Jacksonville, Fla., via thescenic Dixie Flyer route, through Nashville, Chattanooga and Atlanta. Leaves Chicago daily at 6.10 p. m.Dining Car serving supper out of Chicago. HOT SPRINGS.City Ticket Office, 99 Adams Street. Phone Central 2705.NEW ORLEANSThe AwakeningFARREL was ripe for a shock from without. He had developed himself without anyhelp from other people and his point of view wasn't worth mentioning. He lookedat the world as one looks at a mirror expecting to see there reflected only his ownfrowns and smiles and his own peculiar grimaces. He had not learned that our friendsare those of our acquaintances whose superiority we have admitted or whose inferioritywe have demonstrated; and he met everyone frankly and trustingly as if the worldlacked only an opportunity to be friendly, but he had always been so unobtrusive that noone had, up to his junior year, felt impelled to waken him from this suave dream.Then, by chance, he met Miss Fisher. She saw that he differed from the rest of themen about college, decided that he would be an improving experience, but, as she didnot understand his nature at first, she handled him somewhat more carefully than she didthe rest of her male acquaintances, and waited for a clue to his character.They built their friendship in the way approved by college tradition. Talks duringthe moments immediately before class led to talks in the halls; walks across the campusled to walks to the lake; and throughout all this progression Farrel retained his intenseearnestness and the conviction that she was a serious-minded girl intent only upon doingsomething worth doing in the work of the English department. She succeeded in beingalways in his moods and contrived to say a number of things which he thought worthsetting down in a queer sort of journal which he kept. For this last trait he liked hermost because the journal was ordinarily very dry reading as he never advanced beyondthe easiest platitudes himself and his acquaintances saved their epigrams for people moreostentatiously appreciative.One day toward the end of the spring quarter Mr. Damon read an exceptionallybrilliant theme on Kosciusko. It was an earnest, forceful bit of writing, and his auditorsdid not need Mr. Damon's words of praise to bring them to a unanimous feeling that thiswas the best piece of work the course had brought out.As the class filed out Miss Fisher who was waiting at the door, greeted Farrel with,"You are beyond doubt going to be a great man some day; your theme has made the hitof the quarter."" The Kosciusko theme? I can't claim it, I'm sorry to say."She looked at him reproachfully. "Now, Mr. Farrel, please let me admire you. Doadmit that it's yours so that I can speak the little eulogy I have prepared."He was silent for a moment, then he said quietly " I didn't do it."She failed to observe his wretched confused look and continued archly, " Well, at anyrate you can see what I expect from you. I was sure that the theme was yours and if itwas not I am sure you could write a better one.''He listened with a weary air and leaned dejectedly against the theme-box behindhim. He was thinking of a hundred other things that she had said to him — things thathe saw now in a new light. She had told him that she found him interesting, original,better worth knowing than the men who danced and flattered, valuable as a friend andimproving as a companion. So skillfully had she said all these things that he hadaccepted them without realizing that they had been said; and now they all came backand stood, under the new garish light, in a row beside the palpable flattery she had justspoken. The whole row looked pitifully cheap aud crude. This realization was theshock for which Farrel was ripe. He was facing a real crisis, one which called for asweeping readjustment of his ideas and a decided change in his point of view. A new foeto his peace of mind was upon him and he had no force or strategem with which to meet it.She broke in upon his bitter thoughts, " You don't receive these things I am sayingvery tactfully."" Nor do you say them tactfully," he answered, flushing, "if tact implies an effortto spare the feelings of others. Don't you know what you have done by this 'jolly?*Yes, this is 'jolly.' " He repeated the word with emphasis as she attempted to interrupthim. "Don't you know that you have made it impossible for us to be really good friends?If I believe an encouraging word that you say to me I shall be tortured by the fear thatyou are guying me. If I don't believe you I can only have a contempt for you. Whycouldn't you let matters be as they were in the beginning? If you don't care, I do andI can't believe that I don't deserve any more kindness from you than this. I have never343The Midway Plaisance looking westThe "Hotel del Prado" is situated on the most beautiful boulevardin America\Hotel del PradoEDWIN C. DYER, Proprietor :: :: :: CHICAGO, ILL.THREE BLOCKS FROM THE UNIVERSITYTAKE THESanta Fewhen you travel to or fromChicago. Reaches nearlyevery important point inthe Southwest. Studentpatronage solicitedTicket Office 109 Adams Street, Chicagobeen insincere with you and I would have been content with ugly truths from you. Isuppose the manly thing to do is to reply to you in kind instead of complaining, but Ihaven't the heart for it. I would rather not talk to you."" But, Mr. Farrel," she broke in, "I was sincere when I spoke of the theme.""According to the principles of 'jollying,' to assume an aggrieved air and claim sincerity is a sort of first aid to the injured. You are a lady and must not be disputed. Toyou at least I must seem to believe you and thereby become in your eyes, a chump.There are only two ways to avoid the feeling that you are being made a fool of — one is towithdraw from the society of ' jolliers;' the other is .""Well?"" To be a fool."" Do you mean to attempt to escape, Mr. Farrel?"" I must for the sake of my self-respect; but," he was pleading now, " I wish youwould try to think of a third way for me."He had gone too far. She turned to go. ' ' You have mentioned two very pretty.alternatives. If you haven't already chosen the latter you would do well to try the former."Bob Johnson*I don' do no workLike a common nigger han',I follers a perfessionIn de Univers'ty ban'.When all de high-larnt whitefolksCome er-vistin' de ol' Maroon,I dresses in my Sunday clo'sAn' meets 'em wdd a tune.I's al'us pow'ful busyF'om mawnin' till de night,Er-tendin' to de Vars'tyTo keep it runnin' right.But I don' grudge no laborFerdisol' U. of C;An' al' us when dey needs it,I gives my influ'nce free.Dere's triflin' niggers all er-roun',Dat meddles wid my affairs,An' ax how come I puttin' onSich highferlutin' airs.How come I hoi' my head so highAn' wear de unifo'mWhen I ain't nuffin' but a coonEr-totin' ov de drum.I des don' pay no 'tentionTo what dey's said or did,Fer dere ain't none but qual'tyWhat I keeps comp'ny wid.Dey's jealous ov my callin'An' all I's got ter sayIs — I's needed in de faculty,An' I done come here to stay.345This Picture shows the old way of going.The new way is to take a BurlingtonRoute train, onlyOne Night on the RoadCHICAGO to DENVERSt. LOUIS to DENVEROur trains arc luxuriously equipped with cnmfnrt.ihlr,modem sleeper* and dining tars a /t carte in whkli 15served llit best of everything.The train from Chicago has a Library- Huff et- Smoking tar,Send (< in postage (or p. S Kistis,our beautiful 71 page (leneral Passenger Agent,book on Colorado. y. K K .Chicago, 111.WENDELL <S CO.Manufacturers of FineFraternity BadgesClub Pins, Athletic MedalsU. OF C. FLAGS, BUTTONS, FOBS, ETC.Special Designs Cheerfully Submitted57 Washington StreetCHICAGOProcessionalWhat will I do for you,Freshmen, my freshmen?What is there I will not do,Freshmen, my own?For four long years I'll grind you,Cuff and coddle, teach and blind you,Till your sins are left behind you,Till you're tried and found fitted to go again,Freshmen,Well worthy the name of Chicago men.What word do I give to you,Freshmen, my freshmen?To what pact do I bind you,Freshmen, my own?'Tis hold the truth most dear,Be bringers of good cheer,Gentlemen without fear;'Tis play the game till the death of you,Freshmen,'Tis fight till the last breath of you.What task do I set for you,Freshmen, my freshmen?What charge do I leave to you,Freshmen, my own?I give into your handsWith iron-strict commandsA charter to new lands,Guard it well, keep it sacred, the crowd of you,Freshmen,Till Chicago, your Mother, is proud of you.A RemonstranceI whispered a tale into each of those flowersBre I sent them to you, my dear;And have you kept the sweet secrets, love,That they murmured into your ear ?Those tender confessions so delicate wereThat a masculine hand could profaneIn but touching the flower, all the burden it bore,And you sportively caused me this pain.A flower is a trifle to drop from your hand,But dare you as lightly destroyThe pledge of a love that I cherish untold,For the thanks of a thoughtless boy ?347Orr & LockettHardware Company71 and 73 Randolph StreetNear Northwest Corner of StateMANUFACTURERSWHOLESALE ANDRETAIL DEALERSWe make a specialty of Fine Builder's Hardware, High Grade Cutlery, Pocket Knives,Razors, Manual Training Tools, Etc., Etc.The best of everything and the lowestprice for the quality sold is our rule AN AFFILIATED ACADEMY OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThe KenwoodInstituteFOR GIRLSGraduates of the School are received, without examination, on certificate of the principal, at the University ofMichigan, the University of Wisconsin, Vassar College,Smith College and "Wellesley College. Similar arrangements may be made with any college which receivesstudents on certificate.Miss Annicb Bradford Butts,principal40 East Forty-Seventh StreetChicago79 NOTRE DAM^ DBS CHAMPS, PARISMiss Elizabeth Wallace) Pr:nrinalqMiss Emma Baird J ^rmciPalsWm.W. Porter & Co.Steel and Copper PlateEngraversEverything you require onthe Big Store's great plan — INVITATIONSPROGRAMSand CALLING CARDS"The same goods for lessmoney or better goods lorthe same price." 358 Dearborn StreetCHICAGOHero WorshipMTHE dance was over and she stood watching the carriages drive up before the door,waiting with a listless expectancy for her own. Most of the guests of the hotelhad gone, so that she was rather surprised to see a small boy leaning against anadjacent window impatiently kicking his heels against the paneling while he anxiouslyscanned the faces of the groups of people pacing the hall, or wearily swaying in thedouble rocking chairs. The door flew open, and borne in on the rush of cold air came aman's voice:" Come on, Sheldon, your cab's come!"She felt an impatient tugging at her gown and turned on the small boy, whose eyesfollowed the Captain's sturdy figure out of the hall with that deep admiration accordedby a boy's soul to a successful athlete."Say, is that him? Is that ¦• Jimmie? " he whispered.Reassured by her nod, he ran to the window again, flattening his little nose againstthe pane until the Captain's carriage had disappeared. Then with a sigh of deep satisfaction, he reluctantly turned away, drawling between yawns:"They said Jimmie 'd be here, so I jes' had to stay up an' see him. Ain't he a dandy,though ? ' 'Ballade of Old ProgramsWhene'er an hour I wish to fleetIn idleness with memories gay,I seek that haunt of visions sweet, —The box in which my dance cards stay.These names — my thougths to dreamland stray,And soon my fancy, all aglow,Recalls them in their fair array,The college girls of long ago.I yield me to my dream's deceit,While Krell and Goldsmith softly play;I guide again their twinkling feetThrough all the Proms of yesterday.Under the music's subtle swayI feel again, forgetting woe,The old charm of their winning way, —The college girls of long ago.My old time loves again I meet, —Ephemeral idols, built of clay;And just to make my dream completeThose carriage bills again I pay.Ah, Madge and Cora, laughing May,To dance with you — could you once knowJust what it cost, 'twould turn you gray, —You college girls of long ago.EnvoyAh, would that I could sit alwayWithout a care, a dreaming so, —But the spell passes swift, — where now are they,The college girls of long ago?349Particular Clothesfor Particular WomenThe majority of women are particular in matters pertaining todress. Usually want something out of the ordinary — modesdecidedly different from those shown at most stores.It is by pleasing this class of women that we have been ableto build up the largest business in Chicago in the high -classready-to-wear garments.Chas. A. Stevens & Bros.ill to 115 State StreetYOUR TAILORSIf Quality, Style and Fit CountOUGHT TO BE,Turner, Perz <S Co.73=75 Jackson Blvd.We look for the young men's tradeWe get what we are looking forWe have — what you want — up-to-date, dependable goodsPrices within your reach — Fit and workmanship guaranteedTel. Harrison 2984 Samples sent on application'JIo(iem Tables5^#LUerary"fim$UONCE upon a Time there was a Man who thought he hadstruck a Gait in Literature which wTould please the Popular Fancy. He had written several Lurid Stories forthe Waterville Times, the weekly Organ of Waterville, la.,which his Friends had declared were Masterpieces. They saidthat he had Rud}^ard Kipling looking like an Amateur. Hedidn't believe that Anybody could show Him Much about theArt of converting Ink into Literature, but he decided to go toCollege in order to put on the Finishing Touches. Someonetold him that All the Real Literary People took a Course undera Man who wrote one Pessimistic Novel per year, so he joinedthe Procession and registered for English 5, prepared to dazzlethe "Prof."For the first Theme he handed in a Little Thing which hethought was about the best in its Line since "Hamlet." TheEnglish Department remained unshaken. He kept on handingin Gems of Literature at the Rate of about Six per Week. Thenhe began to run out of Ideas and lost Track of the Number ofhis Theme. He began to feel like a Long Distance Runner atthe end of a Two Mile Heat; he saw green Things in Front ofhis Eyes. Once he dreamed that he was dead and kept onhanding in Themes to a Devil who told him to write Another asfast as One came in.At last It came; One of his Themes was read in Class.When it had been read the " Prof." looked up with a Smile andsaid, "Well?" Then a girl over in the Corner who alwaystalked of the Bois in Paris and the Some-kind-of-Garten in Germany in just the same Way in which we mention Englewood, took a Deep Breath and began to jump on It. When shegot through, the Rest of Them took Turns and jammed the Literary Gem to an Unrecognizable Pulp When the LiteraryPerson got through blushing with Shame at having writtensuch an abominable Piece of Trash he heard the Lady next tohim, who always wore a Raglan to Class, say to her Neighbor,"Of Course these poorer Themes are the work of Persons whoare only Eligible for Course Four and who will not be allowedto register for Course Six. ' 'Morai,: The best Prescription for Literary Swelled Headis English Five. The Treatment is Allop ithic.35 1HENRY W. MARSHHERBERT J. ULLMANN THOMAS E. FRYFRANK P. SHELDONMarsh, lllmann &Co.Insurance157 and 159 La Salle StreetCHICAGO41=43 Cedar Street NEW YORKR.ondeau : — SeniorsOur senior year is near its close,And Convocations will deposeThe dynasty of Noughty Two ;A few months more — our merry crewWill vanish like the winter's snows.We'll scatter to each wind that blows,And with us all remembrance goes,Of clever stunts we used to do,Our senior year.Old man, since Fate we can't oppose,Since Time and Fame were ever foes,Cheer up — we'll not forget, we two,That steadfast friendship tried and trueWhich shared alike our joys and woes,Our senior year.At Luncheon in the DormitoryFIRST I gaze disapprovingly at her hair. It is yellow, and I am sure that she erectsher pompadour upon a hard roll. I dislike her mouth, which, by the way, is nowopening in speech.How I abhor her voice! It is guttural. She omits some of her final consonants andslurs her words together. If she would only cease speaking! But she will not, and Isavagely decide that her shirtwaist is in execrable taste, her belt impossible.My painfully acquired love for humanity refuses to float about this foreign substance.I will make her an exception. Would it were possible for me to cause her a little mentaldiscomfort! If she will be silent — of which there seems to be little hope — I will try.In the Silent Hours0When the bells ring in Cobb at midnightDo they summon to some strange class;And whose are the noiseless footstepsThat through the dark corridors pass;And who gives the silent lectureFrom the chair in yon dim-lighted room;Is it Time or Death or grim MinosThat reads from the book of Doom ?Aye, who rustles into that chamberAbove which the transom leers ?"Speak! are ye the souls of the parted,Or the heirs of the coming years ?"No answer; the challenge is futile;But, ay when the hour bell rings,I know They are hurrying past me;Their presence about me clings.353William SachenTailorFull Dress SuitsSac% Suits OvercoatsTrousers320 FIFTY=FIFTH STREETConveniently Located to the U. of C.Carlton P. Abernethy J. Hartwell Staples.Abernethy © StaplesBuilders of Men's Clothing901 Cable Building28 Jackson Boulevard, EastChicagoExclusive "British FabricsA Summer TragedyMIt was in the Summer Quarter, when most of the "regulars" had flown to otherfields, and their places had been taken by the usual number of school ma'ms, amongwhom there shone out here and there a "co-ed'' of unusual brilliancy. There was one inparticular, who attracted everyone's attention. Perhaps it was her gowns, or her apparentbashfulness, or maybe her charming southern accent, that was the source of her magnetic influence. At first she seemed quite alone at the "Varsity" for no one knew whoshe was nor whence she came. She was taking, among other things, a course in Englishcomposition — English 3; it was under Professor — well, never mind — it was under Professor Somebody , and as he frequently made flippant remarks about "her style" and "hermannerisms" it was quite natural that he should speak to her when he met her in thehalls or on the campus. That was the beginning of the end. The wheels of Fate grindas remorslessly now as they did when Helen was stolen from Menelaus. It was a womanwho caused the downfall of Troy and Dewey too; and it was a woman who caused thedownfall of Professor Somebody. He was one of those young men upon whom Fortunesmiles. After he had rented his cap and gown and taken his sheepskin, "Prexy" haddecided that he was too young to be thrust out into the cold world; so he hired him andturned him loose upon the Freshmen and the unsuspecting summer students. He hadmaintained his dignity, however, even in spite of his youthfulness, up to the time ofwhich I write.It was surprising to see how often he casually met her in her afternoon walks whenshe was working off "gym credits," and it was still more surprising to see how much' 'gym work" she did. It came to be quite a familiar sight to see them in the early eveningstrolling down the Midway toward Jackson Park and the lake, or in the other direction,toward Washington Park and Sans Souci. But, alas, things were not to continue indefinitely thus, for we are told that Pleasure and Pain tend to equalize each other, and whena young man gets "up in the air," be he student or instructor, he will surely fall again.I can see him now as he came to class that fatal morning, entirely unaware of theterrible punishment about to be meted out to him. His little eyeglasses and sandy beardgave evidence of his having been recently abroad. You know when a man goes abroad healways brings back some peculiarity. He mounted the stairs, entered the class roomand took his seat. Then he gathered up the newly written themes and looked them over.He picked out one and began to read it to the class. When he finished he called forcriticisms. He picked out another and did the same; and then another. Finally, nearthe end of the hour he picked out the fatal paper. It looked interesting and be began toread it to the class. It dealt with the attractions which the University offered to summerstudents. It described the beautiful campus, the Midway, Jackson Park, and the Lake.It told about Washington Park and Sans Souci, about the charming students and stillmore charming instructors. As he read, he became amused. When he came to the"charming instructors" he became anxious and began to read rapidly. Finally it beganto deal with instructors in particular. It mentioned a young history instructor and heheaved a sigh of relief, thinking the danger was past. Then it mentioned a young Latininstructor who had set the girls all wild. As he read, he became confident and evensmiled. But, alas, he was not yet through and the bell did not ring. He began to readabout a young English instructor who was fond of the Midway and the Jackson ParkLagoon. He turned pale as he read, and looked at his watch. He wished the bell wouldring. It told about evening walks and boat-rides. Oh! if he could only stop. But Fatewas cruel and ere the bell rang he had about finished the long character sketch. Hehurriedly gathered up the themes and left, resolving that he would never again readthemes to the class before he had first read them to himself.An Old LetterThis breath of reminiscence is the odor of a censorThat is swung before the altar of a friendship of the past,And it lifts my spirit higher, for I love that friend, and lovingI can feel there's something sacred here, and worship too, at last. .355Telephone Central 888C. Everett Clark Co.GeneralContractorsand "BuildersSuite 1015, Title and Trust Bldg.100 Washington StreetCHICAGO, ILL. Office 'Phone, Central 3073Shop 'Phone, Main 505P. M. MurphyPLUMBING AND HEATINGGAS FITTING AND HOUSE DRAINAGE99 Washington Street101-102 Reaper BlockShop, 111 Franiclin StreetCHICAGOPARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO REMODELINGAND TESTING PLUMBING WORK ANDSEWERAGE SYSTEMSTHE PAPER IN THIS BOOKWAS FURNISHED BYJames White & Co.210 Monroe StreetSince the New Head Came to Snell0The Head is too much with us; late and soon,In work and study we lay waste our powers:Little is left in this lorn Snell of ours;He took our spades and hearts, a priceless boon!No more the reveler sees a double moon;Those men who would be howling at all hours,And throwing water in skin-drenching showers;For these, for everything, he is out of tune;No joy is ours. Great Scott! What recompense?The bottles cease adown the hall to soar;High living and plain thinking are no more:The homely beauty of the "hot-hand" causeIs gone; our peace, our fearless innocence,And perfect freedom without household laws.\Ift The Lady of the DeepEmotionsMMY first impression was that she was sufferingfrom a very bad stiff neck, but on secondthought I decided that someone had toldher that she looked like a Gibson girl. She heldher chin and eyebrows very high ; the muscles inthe side of her neck looked strained, and the skinwas drawn tight over her thin jaw. In her clothesshe cultivated drooping lines — a black veil drapedover her hat, and a long, loose black coat. Herhair was the only thing about her which was nottaut with intensity— she did it on the lower edge ofher collar with two hairpins. Her eyes lookedwan and burnt-out with imaginary passion ; hermouth seemed still passive from a kiss, or as if ithad not quite recovered from a bee sting on thelower lip. Even in chapel or a political economylecture her face never lost its conscious look ofyearning. If you can imagine the Blessed Damozelas a cartoon in Judge, you will recognize the Ladyof the Deep Emotions when you pass her in thehalls of Cobb.357headquartersforUniversitymentile make aSpecialty of Serving \ \fraternityDinners andBanquetsItalian and TrenchCuisineW. C. Kern «S Co.411 E. 57th ST., CHICAGO, ILL.Collegiate CAPS, GOWNSand HOODS made to orderand rented.MPENNANTSFOR ALL COLLEGES CARRIEDIN STOCK.CLASS, COLLEGE AND FRATERNITYPINS.CLASS AND TEAMCAPS.M'BjiNNEK.S and MEDjILSFOR ATHLETIC AWARDSSEND FOR CATALOGUE James A. Miller& Bro.SlateTinTile and IronRoofers . . .Galvanized Iron and CopperCornices, BaysSkylights, etc.Special Attention Large First-Class WorkFully Guaranteed129-13 I South Clinton StreetChicago.ffW«$>fl Barber Sftopnumber $ Gable CourtThe VisitorON the first morning of the second six weeks, Mr. Bluff slouched into the recitationroom as usual. A strange young woman was occupying his place, so he took theone next to her." Read the lesson over?" he said to the blue-eyed girl on the other side of the stranger." Of course not," she answered."Talk about your snap courses— gee!" continued Mr. Bluff as he slammed his booksdown on the desk.Just then the Professor called on some one to translate. As it neared Mr. Bluff's turnto recite, he began zealously to look up words in the vocabulary and notes in the back ofthe book. It was the blue -eyed girl's turn." I am not going to read," whispered the stranger to Mr. Bluff." Oh, go ahead. What's the difference if you don't know the lesson? Make a bluffat it anyhow. He's easy.""Is he?" asked the stranger with a smile that made her pretty face look more thanpleasant."Who's the pretty girl?" enquired Mr. Bluff of the blue-eyed girl as they walkeddown stairs after class."The one you struck up a flirtation with?" said the girl; and her blue eyes twinkled." She's the Prof. 's wife."A Serenade0Come, ramble with me, fair Titania,In the shadowy ways of the night;While fays with faint choruses charm us,And glow-worms shed round us their light.There let my deft fingers entice thee,Caressing the silver strings,To lay thy fair head on my bosomAnd list to the song my heart sings.'Tis a song my lips never could utter,But my heart knows no silencing shame;It carols forever, Titania,And speeds my life blood with your name.A Sudden Change0They were walking slowly towards the women's dorms from Cobb. The pretty Freshman was confiding her many Freshman troubles to the wise Sophomore at her side."Why don't you go to the Dean about it? " was his upper classmanly advice; for hepreferred other subjects for conversation."To the Dean! I've been there half a dozen times and still the matter is not settled.I am going to change Deans. ' '"What Dean do you prefer? ""Well, I think Dean Swift is mighty cute. I'd be happy if I could get him."But the Sophomore only gave a low whistle.359Big Four RouteCHICAGO toIndianapolis . Cincinnati . LouisvilleFLORIDA and all pointsSOUTH and SOUTHEASTScenic line to Virginia Hot Springs Only line from Chicago connecting ini -itt v- t>, n ..u Central Union Depot, Cincinnati, withand Washington, D. C, via the trains of the C. & O., Q. &'C., L,. & N.picturesque Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. and B. & O. S. W. Railways.W. J. LYNCH, G. P. &. T. A., Cincinnati, OhioJ. C. TUCKER, G. W. A., 234 Clar% Street, ChicagoStylish Furnishingsfor Young Men and Young Women' I VHIS store will always be found an extremely satisfactory place to do yourshopping, for we always display the very latest styles in materials andin ready-made suits, coats, shirt waists, neckwear and furnishings for womenand for men. Our haberdashery section, whichis just inside the Washingtonstreet store, is always splendidly stocked with up-to-date neckwear, shirts,hosiery, underwear, pajamas and other furnishings, and our prices areinvariably lower than those quoted elsewhere for equally fashionable anddependable merchandise.Carson Pirie Scott <S Co.State and Washington Streets a 0 a Chicago, U. S. A.To NightMDeep darkness, come!Come blessed night!And shield me fromDay's glaring light.I long to lave my wearied eyesIn the cool deep of evening skies.I long to feel mild astral beamsWreathe round my brow their balmy dreams.Last night, as I moaned in passionate wise,The stars soft murmured: "Still thy sighs:We were like thee; and thou shalt beLike us who shed tranquility."Forthwith sweet peace becalmed my mind;No more I faltered as one blind.Bravely I faced my destiny:I knew 'twas but — tranquility.Then let me steepMy longing sightIn thy deep deep —Ah, soon — blest night!361TheCharmof TravelA T all seasons the Colorado mountains areattractive. The air is crisp,the sunshine is brilliantand the coloring changeswith every mood of nature.The Colorado Midland Ry.By reason of its unique location gives thetraveler grander views of peak, canyon andsnowy ranges than any other line.A FAST and convenient service of chaircars, tourist and standard Pullman sleepers,from Denver and Chicago to the Pacific Coast,via Great Salt Lake.Ample stopovers on through tickets givenat the many charming Colorado resorts.We Will Gladly Send You Our Attractive LiteratureH. C. BUSH C H. SPEERS H. W. JACKSONTraffic Manager Gen'l Pass. Agent General AgentDenver, Colo. Denver, Colo. Marquette Bldg. ChicagoTO CALIFORNIAprinceton=yale ScDool j; Preparatory ScDoolTor Boys Only.AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.Receives boys of all ages, and is equipped for work in all grades.Graduates admitted to college on certificate.FOR TERMS AND FURTHER PARTICULARS, ADDRESSPAYSON S. WILD, Dean, Drexel Boulevard and 41st Street, CHICAGOPORTRAIT MAKER.wATERS267 East Fifty-Third Street BRENTANO'SChicago's RepresentativeBook Storeand the only establishment in theMiddle West carrying a representative stock ofbooks inEnglish GermanFrench and ItalianFor particulars addressBrentano'sAlso atNew YorkWashingtonParis, France 200-202 Wabash AvenueCorner Adams StreetChicagofekone (JbilratBUILDING CONTRACTOR rM„ ^ ¦ mS£. , •*» ,CTT£ 359-36/ WWCHMTERAiK.MVOOLVJ* CkiCMlOAT RETAILWEDDING PRESENTSChoice NoveltiesBrioa-BracHeadquarters GERMAN STEINSPitkin & BrooksCorner State and Lake StreetsOpportunities for Evening StudyINSCIENTIFICANDLITER ARTBRANCHESFor further information addressDR. FRANCES DICKINSON, Pres.169 S. CLARK STREET, CHICAGOINDEX^lpha Delta PhiAlpha Kappa KappaAlumni . .Art Contributors"As You Like It"Athletic CaptainsAthletic RepresentativesAthletics (Illustration) 21525512631599144143141gand .... 98Baseball ... .154Beta Theta Pi . . . 211Blaine, Mrs. Emmons( Photograph )face 5Qanadian Club . . . 134Cap and Gown Board . 3, 6, 109Chess Club ... 130Chi Psi . . . .235Choir .... 96Civic Club . . - .134Coaches . . . 143Convocations . . -39Councilors . . . . 138Cross-Country Club . .182T^eans of Affiliated Institutions 33Debate and Oratory . .103Decennial History . . 9Dedication .... 5Delta Kappa Epsilon . . 203Delta Tau Delta . . .231Delta Upsilon ... 239Dragon's Tooth, Order of . . 243prditorial Board . . 6Editorial Note . . 7Esoteric . . . 262Extension Lecturers (Special) . 29JTaculty . . . . 14Fellows . . -34Football . . . . 147Fraternities (Illustration) . .199Fraternities — Members in Fraternitiesnot Represented in the University 294Fraternity Conventions . 296Fraternity Houses . . .136Freshman Class History and Officers 85Freshman-Sophomore Meets 150, 184Frontispiece ... 2 GoifGraduate Club 192130.Green Hall Dramatic Club 90Greetings 4Guests . 312^andballHouse Directory 193. L36Tn Memoriam . . . 42Instructors for Summer Quarter 30-Inter-Fraternity Meets . . 163, 185Inter-House Meet . . .185Iron Mask, Order of . . 282Junior Class History and Officers 81Junior Day Program . . 302]^aw Club . . . 130Lincoln House . . . 120Literary Contributors . . 316TV/TarshalsMasonic Club 44132Medical Department Class Officers 86Members of Fraternities not Represented at the University . 294Military Company . . .193Mortar Board ... 260Musical Clubs . . -93Jsju Pi Sigma ... 291Nu Sigma Nu . . . 247Official Clubs ... 135Official Publications . IT2Old University of Chicago ( Illustration ) 810336. 281Oratory and DebateOther Officers and AssistantsOwl and Serpentphi Beta Delta .Phi Beta KappaPhi Delta ThetaPhi Kappa PsiPhi Rho Sigma .Pledge ButtonsPoems 52: 274. 277223207251201118, 142,146, 150, 158, j 68, 176, 190, 317, et seq.Preachers . . . 32Prohibition Club . . .131Prologue ... 4Psi Upsilon . . . .227-