<><>3K><><><><><3><3><^^!rhe University of ChicagoLibraryGIFT OFsum ff» MOULDS 14 IICbe University of ChicagoCapandgownPublished bytbeUndergraduatesUoiumc iW. B. CONKEY COMPANCHICAGO ntDeeexeuTU 3 <14&1564544ContentsbyBooks -m eS>1fc t^* ^* S^* ^* ^* ^* ^* V?* 5^* t^* V* t&* W*^I .. Calendar of EventsII .. University Housesin .. Fraternities and Local SocietiesIV .. Debating and Literary Clubsv .. AthleticsVI .. Musical Organizationsvn .. PublicationsVHI .. Seniors and StudentsIX .. Semi-Official Organizationsx .. LiteraryXI .. AdvertisingVJII* * «¦- I o « * <.William Rainey HarperThe President of theUniversity of Chicago,this book is respectfullydedicated «««««*Book! ?i^* s^* t^* t£* t£* t£ %£* «i?* d9* (^(^j?* t^*e^*ti?l*(^*t^*<^*t5*«^*A CALENDAR OFjUuD UniversityeventsDATING FROMJANUARY J, J895TOAPRIL J, J 8969nnnn S^^January 1. Convocation at Auditorium; orator, Seth Low.Banquet given at Hotel Windemere to the visiting Professors of Physics.January 2. Musicale at Kent Theater; Mr. Frederick Boscovitz, pianist.January 5. Sigma Nu sleigh-ride. Sigma Nu entertained at the home of Wm. L. Hodg-kins, a member of the Purdue Chapter.January 9. Quadrangle Club entertained Pres. Seth Low of Columbia College.Musicale, at Kent Theater, by Mrs. Ella L. Krum, soprano ; Mrs. EoliaCarpenter, contralto; Mrs. Florence Castle, accompanist.Miss Adelaide M. Ide delivered a lecture on "Samoa" before the NationalFolk Lore Congress, at Memphis, Tenn.A dinner was given to celebrate the installation of Miss Anderson asHead of Beecher.January 10. Snell reception to Football Team.January 13. Professor Moulton began a series of twelve Chapel lectures on the literarystudy of the Bible. His topic was the " Book of Job."Rev. H. C. Mabie lectured in Cobb Hall on "Surrendered Personality."January 14. Farewell reception to Miss Wallace, by Beecher Hall.Kelly Hall reception.Snell Hall reception to the Football Team on its return tripfrom the coast.Divinity School tendered a reception to Dr. H. C. Mabie inFaculty Room.January 16. Foot-Ball Team entertained by Mrs. Roby.January 17. Professor Stagg began a course of lectures on " Physical Exercise."January 18. The first of the Inter-Fraternity balls was given at the Chicago Beach Hotel.The affair was a great success and reflected well the activity of the societies which wererepresented. The committee in charge was: R. H. Hobart, R. C. Dudley, W. T.Chollar, J. W. Campbell, R. W. Stevens, Philip Rand, R N. Tooker, Jr., JF. E.Herring. The patronesses were: Mesdames H. P. Judson, A. C. Sprague, Mrs. W.A. Bond, J, C. Rand.#Reception at Graduate House, given by Mr. Philip Rand and Mr. Horace' Dougherty.January 19. 'Varsity Basket Ball Team defeats German Y. M. C. A., 3-1. Seniors entertained by the Misses Lewis.[anuary 24. Booker T. Washington, Principal of Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Ala.,spoke at chapel.January 25. Snell House initiation.Initial entertainment of the Ouadranglers.January 26. First official reception in Walker to The Woman's Clubs of Chicago.Fad Social by Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.January 28. Snell House reception, Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Palmer guests. Musicalprogram given.January 29. Review Club organized by students in History Department. Glee andSerenade Clubs gave a concert at Oak Park followed by reception.January 30. Recital in Kent Theater: Miss Margaret Goetz, soprano; Miss Clara vonKlenze, pianist.January 31. (Holiday.) Day of Prayer.University receives a law library from estate of Hugh A. White, of Evanston.February 1. Glee and Serenade Clubs gave a concert at Evanston.February 2. Second official reception in Walker to the Women's Clubs, of Chicago.Prof. A. H. Merrill, of Vanderbilt University, gave a dramatic recital of " Esmer-elda" in Kent Theater.Mortar Board Society initiated into its order Frances Inez Hopkins and LauraBelcher Graves.February 3. Lecture by Professor Moulton, on " Biblical Ode."February 4. Beecher Hall reception.Death of Dr. Justin A. Smith.February 5. Miss Talbot gave a farewell reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. G. H.Palmer at Kelly Hall. The guests were friends from the city, the Faculty, the GleeClub and the members of Kelly Hall.February 6. Prof. G. H. Palmer gave a reading from the Odyssey, in the parlor at KellyHall.DKE- BALLSIFebruary 8. The Chicago Library Club held its twenty-second regular meeting in theChapel.First Annual Assembly of the Delta Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilonwas held at Bournique's. Patronesses, Mrs. Richard S. Tuthill, NathanielC. Sears, Jonas Hutchinson, E. B. Sherman, H. M. Wilmarth, Harry PrattJudson, Albion W. Small, J. R. Webster, A. L. Bell, Nathaniel Butler, Jr.,W. D. McClintock, Emory Foster, Chas. P. Libby, Hamilton Borden, F. E.Harding, Robert Law, Sr. There were sixteen dances and six extras.February 9. " Idlers " met at the home of Miss Graves in Kenwood.First dance given by the Assembly Club at Rosalie Hall.Eight of the young ladies of Foster Hall gave a sleighing party to their friends,followed by a supper at Foster Hall.'Varsity won a basket ball game from Ravenswood. Score, 6-2.University Extension Club met in Ryerson.February 11. Annual reception of Graduate Hall.Wilber Kelso, President of the Law Club, dined the members at the Hotel Barry.February 12. (A holiday.) Church History Club met. C. A. Lemon read paper on "TheWesleyan Movement."Mrs. A. T. Watson gave a musicale in honor of Miss May Howelli.Messrs. Herbet Hewitt, Woolley, Hancock, Tooker, Rand, gave a sleighing partyfor Misses Schwarz, Keen, Kane, Messick and Kennedy, returning afterwardsto Kelly Hall for dancing and refreshments.D K. E. informal at Rosalie Hall.February 13. Professor de Poyen-Bellisle gave first of his lectures on " French Literature."Mr. S. H. Clark gave a recital of King Lear at Kent Auditorium.February 14. Kelly Hall gave a St. Valentine dinner.Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson gave a reception for Mrs. Richard Mansfield.The Kowalihi Ladies' Quartette and Mr. H. H. Million, reader, presented a popular program in Kent, for the benefit of the Bohemian Kindergarten of FisherStreet Mission.February 15. Miss Maud Radford entertained the French Club.The Sigma Nu Fraternity gave an informal at their Chapter House.February 16. Tennis Tournament began. West Side Y. M. C. A. scored over'Varsity Basket Ball Team 0-4.Mrs. George Vincent gave a luncheon in honor of her sister, Miss Palmer, andher friend, Miss Dun. ¦Miss Helen Thompson entertained the Mortar Board at her home, 326 Chestnutstreet.February 17. Prof. George B. Foster took the chair of Systematic Theology madevacant by the death of Prof. B. F. Simpson.Mrs. Alice F. Palmer left for her home in the east.February 18. Mortar Board Society held its monthly literary meeting at Nancy FosterHall.Miss Talbot gave an address before the Kindergarten Association.An address in Chapel by Archbishop Ireland.February 20. Dr. Charles T. McClintock, of the University of Michigan, addressed theBiological Club.M. E. Coleman took leading tenor part in " Chimes of Normandy," given atRosalie Hall by Euterpe Club.A new literary society, "The Forum," was organized; J. H. Thach, President.Lecture on " Musical Instruments," by Mr. Wardner Williams, followed by a songrecital by Miss Elizabeth Harding, at Kent Auditorium.February 21. The annual reunion and Washington supper of the Collegiate AlumniAssociation of the University of Chicago took place at the Grand Pacific Hotel. Alarge number of the alumni of the old University, a few from the new, with the members of the Glee and Mandolin Clubs, were present. Music by the Glee and MandolinClubs followed the banquet.February 22. Washington Promenade. The second Washington Promenade was heldat the Chicago Beach Hotel. The committee of arrangements were: Ralph Webster,Chairman; Raymond C. Dudley, Agnes Cook, Adelaide Ide, Henry G. Gale, Harry W.Stone, Ralph Hobart, Edith Foster, Grace Freeman, Paul Carpenter. The patronesses were: Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson, Harry P. Judson, William J. Chalmers, MissMyra Reynolds, Mrs. William D. McClintock, Mrs. John C. Coonley, Mrs. Geo. E.Vincent, Mrs. W. R. Harper, Miss Marion Talbot, Mrs. Charles R. Crane, Mrs. H. M.Wilmarth, Mrs. William B. Walker, Miss Kate Anderson. During the intermission amusicale and reading was given as follows: Banjo Club, Mandolin Quartette; song,Miss Stoner; Mandolin Club, Glee Club; reading, Professor McClintock; banjo solo," True Love Gavotte," by Arling Schaefer; Mandolin Club, Glee Club.Washington's Birthday.Patriotic Song Service at Kent Auditorium.Indoor Athletic Meet.February 23. The Central Department Basket Ball Team defeated the 'Varsity Teamby a score of 8-5.February 25. Beta Theta Pi gave an "Informal" at their "lodge."Members of Nancy Foster Hall had a box party at the concert of Four HundredYears of American Song at the Auditorium. Glee Club sang.Snell House reception.February 26. Glee Club concert at Morgan Park.February 28. Miss Jones and Miss Hewitt entertained the Mortar Board Society at thehome of Miss Hewitt.March 1. Glee Club gave a concert at Hinsdale.Prof. Richard T. Ely, of the University of Wisconsin, addressed the Social Staticsclass.The History Review Club met at home of Professor Terry.The Dennison Club was entertained by Mr. C. A. Marsh.The Jimhe Club met at Foster Hall.The Sigma Nu local chapter entertained at their chapter house.March 2. Miss Theodosia Kane entertained the Quadranglers at her home in honor ofMiss Knox.Lion's Head Club was organized.March 4. Beecher House received.The cards announcing the engagement of Prof. Paul Shorey and Miss Emma Gilbert were issued.March 5. The Second Annual Concert of the Glee and Mandolin Clubs of the Universitywas held in Central Music Hall.The Mortar Boards and Esoterics attended the concert together.March 6. Musicale in Kent. Miss Fanny Lorey, violinist; Miss Clara Kramer, pianist.Professor McClintock's class in Shakespeare saw Beerbohm Tree in " Hamlet."March 7. Sigma Nu box party at Apollo Concert. The young women present wereMisses Capen and Freeman, of Foster.Lecture on " La Parnaeer Contemporain," by Dr. Remi de Poyen-Bellisle.March 8. A joint debate between University and Kent Law School.Meeting of Academic College. Miss Crandall chosen Ivy Poet; Mr. Flint chosenIvy Orator for Acadamic Day.Lecture on Henrik Ibsen, by Dr. Dahl.Professor Starr entertained the members of the Department of Anthropology athis home.Bi-monthly banquet at Grand Pacific of Northwestern Alumni Association DeltaKappa Epsilon.March 9. The " Idlers " held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss LouiseScovel.The Minstrel Club reorganized.March 10. Lecture on " Biblical Literature of Wisdom," by Professor Moulton.March 11. Kelly House received.The Graduate Club was organized.March 12. Lecture on Physical Culture, by Professor Stagg.March 13. Musical lecture, by Prof. Wardner Williams.March 14. Local Oratorical Contest at Kent Theater.March 15. Lecture on Henrik Ibsen, by Dr. Dahl.Miss Myra Reynolds gave an illustrated lecture upon the " House and Haunts ofWordsworth," before Wordsworth Class.March 16. Triangular Meet, between Lake Forest, Northwestern and Chicago Universities, at the Gymnasium.A banquet in honor of Mr. Harry F. Atwood, who won first place in the OratoricalContest, was given at the Plaisance Club.The German Y. M. C. A. Basket Ball Team defeatedthe 'Varsity Team by a score of 6-5.The Quadranglers gave an informal dinner after the"Meet." \ 0<y "Phi Kappa Psi local chapter initiated four men. A \f / t, "dinner at the Chicago Beach Hotel preceded the .. , ,,_> /t ^initiatory ceremonies. " ' ^ v~~~' '^-March 17. Lecture, by Professor Moulton, on "Wisdom Literature."March 18. Reception at Nancy Foster Hall.Miss Julia Ray, formerly President of Vassar, received.The " Pi " Club organized at Snell Hall.Death of Harry Howard.March 19. Quarterly University Concert at Kent Theater.Mr. Oliver R. Trowbridge spoke before the Social Science Club on " The SingleTax."March 21. The Eighth University Concert of the musical organizations was givenTuesday evening in Kent Auditorium. The soloists were: Mrs. Samuel H. Wright,contralto; Mr. Clarence Whitehill, baritone, and Miss Bertha A. Bingham, soprano.Mrs. Rosalie M. Lancaster, pianist; Miss Cora Griffing, accompanist.James Dowden Bruner appointed assistant professor of Romance Languages.An informal reception, in honor of Miss Emma L. Gilbert, was given in BeecherHall by the Misses Wilmarth, Crotty and Crandall.Several members of the faculty subscribed $5 each for five years to the $75 prizefund of the Oratorical Association.Third Annual Contest in Oratory under auspices of the Oratorical Association.Henry F. Atwood, first prize; Franklin C. Sherman, second prize.April 1. Commons closed.Death of James A. Morgan.April 4. Death of Henry Colby Stillwell.April 12. Base Ball: University, 27; Hyde Park, 0.April 13. Base Ball: University, 21; Evanston High, 5.April 15. Base Ball: University, 24; St. Ignatius, 5.April 19. Mrs. McClintock read a paper on " Realism " at an open meeting of the MortarBoard.April 20. Base Ball: University, 23; Northwestern, 13.April 22. Base Ball: University, 18; Rush Medical, 9.Foster Hall entertained Mr. Hamlin Garland. He gave a talk on "^he Literatureof the West."April 24. Base Ball: University, 8; Rush Medical, 6.April 25. University college election: Raymond Dudley, President; Paul Carpenter,Vice-president; Miss Jennie Boomer, Secretary; Wilbur T. Chollar, Treasurer.April 27. Base Ball: University, 51; St. Ignatius, 5.April 29. Base Ball: University, 11; Northwestern, 6.April 30. Snell House Theatricals were given before a crowded house April 30, 1895.The farce, "Two College Chums," was presented. The cast of characters was:Harry Merideth, Mr. Raycroft; Fred Parks, Mr. Grant; Mrs. Hunton, Mr. Linn; FannyMorrison, Mr. Hering; Muggins, Mr. Nichols; Kate, Mr. Macomber; Cousin Sally,Mr. Tooker; Mr. Lamay, stage director; Mr. Barrett, stage manager.May 1. Base Ball: University, 10; Lake Forest, 4May 3. Base Ball: Chicago League, 6; University, 4.May 4. Base Ball: University, 8; Wisconsin, 2.May 5. Haskell lecture on "Universal Aspects of Christianity," by John Henry Barrows.May 6. Base Ball: University, 6; Rush Medical, 4.May 7. Base Ball: University, 8; Northwestern, 0.Mortar Board dinner party, at Nancy Foster Hall.May 10. Baseball: University, 40; Iowa, 6.May 12. Haskell Lecture: " The World-Wide Effects of Christianity.May 14. Base Ball: University, 21; Northwestern, 19.May 15. Base Ball: University, 18; Grinell, 4.May 17. Annual Debate: Lake Forest vs. University; Kent Auditorium.May 19. Haskell Lecture: "The Universal Man and Savior."May 23. Mr. R. M. Lovett formally tendered his resignation to Snell House. Mi. J. E.Raycroft was elected to his position as head of the house.Meeting of Canadian Club held in Graduate Hall, at invitation of F. W. Shipley.May 25. Base Ball: University, 13; Michigan, 1.Reception was tendered the University Nine and the reserves at President Harper's house in the evening. Speeches were made by the President, CaptainAbells and others. A rousing celebration was held on the Snell Quadrangle.May 26. Haskell Lecture: "The Universal Book."May 27. First issue of the Maroon; editors Philip Rand, Walter Deffenbaugh, Charles R.Barrett, J. E. Raycroft, L. B. Vaughan, H. L. Clarke, Forest Grant, Oswald Arnold.May 29. Neel and Bond won the intercollegiate tennis tournament in singles and doubles.Undergraduate women of Beecher Hall entertained at dinner the members of theNine and those of the Track Team who won points.May 30. Base Ball: University, 11; Omaha, 6. Six innings.University women edit The Weekly. Maud L. Radford, Editor-in-Chief ; AssociateEditors, Agnes S. Cook, Frances Williston, Adelaide M. Ide, Mary Maynard,Edith Schwarz, Elizabeth Messick.Graduate Club dinner; President Harper, toastmaster.May 31. Base Ball: Omaha, 12; Chicago, 11; at Omaha.Western Intercollegiate Press Association Meeting.Judge Anthony addressed Political Science Club." The Idlers "gave their first annual reception at Foster Hall. The guests werereceived by Miss Reynolds, Head of Foster, and the Misses Foster, Agerterand Johnston.The Western Intercollegiate Press Association held a convention at Cobb HallFriday. Over a dozen colleges were represented. The editors were given abanquet on the campus Friday night by the Weekly board.June 1. Base Ball: Madison, 16; University, 5.University wins fourth place in W. I. A. A.; California first.June 2. Fred Swift (special), elected to Delta Kappa Epsilon.Haskell Lecture: "A Redeeming God for All the World."June 4. Mulberry Club organized, with F. W. Woods, President.June 6. Base Ball: University, 25; Lake Forest, 5, at Lake Forest; Divinity, 11; Snell, 10.June 9. Dr. Barrows gave last of Haskell Lectures: "Christianity the Historic and Hencethe Universal Religion."June 10. Base Ball: University, 27; Northwestern, 1.Theta Nu Epsilon Sophomores announced. Glee Club election of officers.Reserves, 18; Morgan Park, 14.Sarah Elizabeth Butler initiated into the Mortar Board.June 11. Base Ball: University, 27; St. Johns, 3. *Forum election; H. A. Peterson, President.Weekly elects new editors; Mr. Frederick Day Nichols, Managing Editor.J|Jbsh ^ v^^^^L^^^^m.|9L Vv<^flRS^v* j J^BACADEMIC DAY.June 15, 1895.Academic Day is a unique holiday. It is an event peculiar to the University of Chicago,growing out of customs which make life here different from life at other universities. Itis a whole commencement week crowded into the short space of a day. This year'scelebration was a distinct success in the college calendar, firmly establishing the holiday'sposition.University life and spirit were manifest on every side, and the campus was throngedwith the students and faculty and their friends. The crowd gathered before the athleticevents in the morning and remained all day, leaving only in time to prepare for theball in the evening. Between the different events of the program, the various clubsentertained their friends on the campus and in the dormitories. The following comprised the Academic Day committees:Executive Committee.Forest Grant, President of the Day; Robt. Law, Jr., Theodosia Kane, H. T. Clarke, Jr.Jennette Kennedy, Harvey A. Peterson, C. R. Barrett.Athletic Committee.H. T. Clarke, Jr., Chairman; P. G. Woolley, W. O. Wilson, J. S. Brown, C. V. Bachelle.Decorating Committee.Jennette Kennedy, Chairman; Elizabeth Messick, P. G. Woolley, Nott W. Flint,Ethel Keen, H. H. Hewitt, Fred D. Nichols.Svy Exercises Committee.Harvey A. Peterson, Chairman; Ella M. Osgood, S. C. Mosser, Ruth E. Moore,M. D. Mclntyre, W. D. Richardson.mvitation Committee.Edith E. Schwarz, Anna H. Wilmarth, Harriet C. Rew, Ethel Keen.Printing Committee.C. R. Barrett, Chairman; C. V. Bachelle, J. W. Linn, G. S. Pomeroy.THE SPREADS.Esoteric Mortar Board Reception. While the athletic events were in progress themembers of the Esoteric Club and Order of the Motar Board received at Foster. Thefollowing ladies were hostesses: Esoteric Club, Misses Adelaide M. Ide, Harriet P. Ageter,Edith B. Foster, Jessie Davis and Florence Bull; The Mortar Board, Misses Mabel Dougherty, Frances I. Hopkins, Agnes S. Cook, Grace Freeman, Nellie L. Jones, Marilla W.Freeman, Helen O. Hewitt, Edith S. Schwarz, Helen Thomson.The Coffee House Spread. Immediately after chapel, at high noon, the Coffee Houseserved Welsh rare-bit, in Graduate Hall. The gentlemen entertaining were Messrs. ForestGrant, Nott W. Flint, Joseph M. Flint, Philip Rand, Robert N. Tooker.Quadrangler's Reception. The final reception of the day was held on the campus infront of Kelly Hall from 5 until 7. Miss Talbot and the following members of the clubreceived: Misses Elizabeth Messick, Jennette Kennedy, Anna J. McClintock, TheodosiaKane, Ethel Keen and Edna Stanton. .IVY EXERCISE.The Ivy Exercises were interesting and well attended. Mr. Nott W. Flint deliveredthe Ivy Oration. Mr. W. P. Lovett sang " The Ivy Green," while the Ivy Committeeplanted ivy at one corner of Cobb Hall. Miss Vinnie M. Crandall read the Ivy Poem.The exercises were closed by the audience cheering the Orator, Poet and President.The chapel services of the day were held at 12:15. The exercises were as usual, withthe exception of an address by President Harper and a vocal solo, " My Soul's Awakening," by Havens, rendered by Miss Maude S. Winklebleck.THE FARCES.The Farces at Kent Auditorium proved the most interesting feature of the day. Thehall was crowded with an interested audience, which received the actors with heartyapplause.The performances showed much skill and careful preparation, the acting being agreat surprise to many who were not aware of the talent of the participants. The successof the farces was largely due to the efforts of Miss Theodosia Kane and Dr. E. H. Lewis.Miss Ide and Messrs. Pike and Atwood deserve especial mention for their excellent work.Mr. Law was an excellent old man and Miss Williston a success as the servant.The stage settings were highly appropriate to the two pieces presented, " Which isWhich," and " Uncle's Will." The theatricals were presented under the direction of MissTheodosia Kane, Chairman of the Dramatic Committee, and the following staff: Propertyman, Philip Rand; Stage Manager, W. Walt Atwood; Business Manager, C. S. Pike. Thefollowing gentlemen acted as ushers: Holloway, Stone, Gale, Rand, Minard.The cast of characters was as follows:Which is Which.Capper, C. S. Pike; Gargle, Robt. Law, Jr.; Paddles, H. T. Chace; Annie Pestle,Harriet C. Rew; Bertha Bingham, Harriet G. Seavey; Mrs. Mills, Frances G. Williston.Uncle's Will.Florence Marigold, Adelaide M. Ide; Charles Cashmore, W. Walt Atwood;Mr. Barker, Robt. Law, Jr.ATHLETIC EVENTS.A program of athletic events was run off on the track in Marshall field, beginning at9:30 A. m. The events on the program were four bicycle races; a quarter mile unpaced, ahalf mile scratch, a one mile handicap and a five mile handicap, and several trials againstUniversity records. The result shows but one broken record. C. V. Bachelle, paced byG. A. Bliss and E. H. Peck, lowered the mile bicycle record of 2:32| to 2:24|.The results of the bicycle races were: One quarter mile, unpaced, Bachelle first,32 J seconds; Bliss second, 34| seconds. One-half mile, scratch, Peabody first, Blisssecond, Tolman third; time, l:19f. One mile handicap, Bachelle, scratch, first; Barton,75 yards, second; time, 2:38f. Five mile handicap, Bachelle, scratch, first; Peabody, 200yards, second; Bliss, scratch, third; time, 15:11|. Bliss was forced to jump to avoid asmash-up after the tape was crossed. He was but slightly injured. The result of theraces gives the bicycle cup to Gleason, 15 points. Bachelle failed to win by one point,Patterson ran 100 yards against a bicycle ridden by Tolman winning in lOf secondsAcademic vs. Divinity.The ball game between nines picked from the Academic and Divinity departmentswas played during the progress of the athletic events. The Divinity won by a score of 17to 11 in a hotly contested game. It was a remarkably clean game for scrub teams. Thefollowing were the teams: Divinity Borden, c; Smith, ss.; Fletcher, lb.; Allen, captain, p.;Reed, rf.; Wyant, If., Davidson, cf.; Behan, 2b. Academic McGillivray, p.; Steigmeyer,2b.; Chace, c; Gale, lb.; Hancock, If.; Webster, ss.; Vaughan, 3b.; Linn, cf.: Sincere, If.ACADEMIC DAY PROMENADE.The second annual Academic Day Promenade was given the evening of June 15, 1895,at the Chicago Beach Hotel. Two hundred and fifty dancers proved the event enthusiastically received and a fitting close to the exercises of Academic Day. It was by far the largestattendance of any ball in the history of the University, and the presence of many from the cityand out of town was especially notable. The affair was in the hands of the following committee: Robert Law, Jr., Chairman; C. S. Pike, H. W. Wales, Philip Rand, C. B. McGillivray, J. S. Lewis. The Patronesses were: Mrs. William R. Harper, Mrs. H. M. Wilmarth, Mrs. Ferd W. Peck, Mrs. John C. Rand, Mrs. Noble B. Judah, Mrs. George M. Pullman, Mrs. Harry P. Judson, Mrs. George W. Harris, Mrs. C. P. Crane, Mrs. Robert Law,Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson.June 16. Base Ball: Ann Arbor, 6; Chicago, 4. At Ann Arbor.Maroon- Weekly Bulletin contest.H. D. Abells elected Captain of ball nine.UNIVERSITY FINALS.June 17. The University colleges have instituted the custom of celebrating the graduation of the Senior class with an entertainment called " The Finals." The first one wasgiven on the evening of June 17, 1895. The order of exercises was as follows: I. Prelude, Bach's Fugue in Q, Mr. Loren M. Russell, organist. II. The Approach:Schneider's Band, Herr Schneider; The Mighty Clearer of the Way, D. M. Robinson;The Grand Tooter of the Golden Horn, etc., etc., J. P. Whyte; The Valedictorian, A. S.Cook; The Expounder of the Law, H. G. Gale; The Dispenser in Chief of Glorious Opportunities (alias "Juddy"), W. W. Atwood; The Dispenser No. 1 (alias "Old Sol")E. P. Brown; The Dispenser No. 2 (alias "Little Mac") Louis Sass; The OfficialGuests; The Aides to the Grand Tooter. III. The Unwritten Law; The Expounderof the Law. IV. The Valedictory, Miss Agnes Cook; The Reply and Bestowal ofTrophy, Paul F. Carpenter. V. Music, Fantasie, Rubenstein. VI. At this pointthe Dispensers will get in their work, (a) Dispenser II; (b) Dispenser in Chief.VII. The Grand Inquisitor aided by Dispenser No. Ill; "Jolly the Fresh," appropriate music. VIII. Solo by the G. T. of the G. H., etc., etc., etc. IX. L'Envoi; TheExpounder. X. The Escape, Andante in gee whiz. Mr. Carpenter in his ' Replyand Bestowal of Trophy," presented to the University college a maroon cap-and-gownto be kept by them in trust for the next senior class, and in turn again to be handeddown by its representative and the representatives ot succeeding classes. After the" Escape "a reception to the class was held on the campus.June 18. Quadrangle Day was appropriately observed by the Class of Ninety-five, and forfuture classes v ill probably be an important event in the exercises of " Senior Week."At 3 o'clock, on the lawn in front of Graduate Hall, the class met and called "TheExaminer" to trial for past misdeeds. Those participating were: Harry Howard,Judge; John H. Heil, Crier; Ralph W. Webster and John W. Williams, Attorneys for theprosecution; Robert L. Hughes and Franklyn C. Sherman, Attorneys for the defense.Mr. Henry R. Caraway personated the Examiner. The witnesses for the prosecutionwere Lucy F. Pierce and Mr. John Lamay; for the defense, Miss Boomer and Mr.Hendricks. The Examiner was charged with robbing Richard Roe of eighteenmajors. The jury found him guilty, and he was sentenced to be buried alive. Mr.Thomas W. Moran delivered the funeral oration, and the body was interred upon thecampus. The class records were buried with the Examiner's body. The class colors,maroon and gold, were raised on Ryerson tower and the exercises of the day closedwith the class song and the class yell.June 19. Senior Banquet Hotel Windemere: F. W. Woods, Toastmaster; Lucy F. Pierce,poem; Irene C. Robinson, history; John H. Heil, prophecy.June 21. Senior reception at President's house.June 29. Base Ball: University, 27; Whitings, 3.June 30. Vesper services in Kent. President's address to Seniors.wwmJuly 2. The eleventh quarterly convocation was held on the quadrangle of Cobb Hall.President Harper officiated aud Rev. H. C. Herring offered prayer. Rev. Dr. Emil G.Hirsch delivered the convocation address, his subject was " The American University."After the President's statement the procession formed and marched to the HaskellOriental Museum, where the corner-stone was laid. The corner-stone address wasdelivered by Dr. John Henry Barrows; prayer was offered by Rev. P. S. Henson, andRev. H. C. Herring delivered the benediction. The day was in charge of the followingstaff: Marshal, Joseph E. Raycroft; Assistant Marshals, Raymond C. Dudley, HenryG. Gale, Philip Rand, Harry W. Stone; Ushers, Henry T. Clarke, James S. BrownCharles S. Pike, William O. Wilson.Meeting of Collegiate Alumni.Alumni Banquet in Chapel. President Harper presided as Toastmaster. Theprogram of toasts was as follows: The " Old University," Prof. John J. Halsey;"The Old Seminary," Rev. R. L. Halsey; "The Trustees," Mr. Charles L.Hutchinson; "The Secondary Schools," Supt. A. F. Nightingale; "Yale andChicago," Judge Henry V. Freeman; "Harvard, Rome and Chicago," HeadProfessor Wm. G. Hale; " The Orient," Rev. John H. Barrows; " The ComingWoman," Dr. Myra Reynolds; "The Investigator," Dr. Edmund Buckley;" The Class of '95," Mr. F. W. Woods; " The University," Dr. Emil G. Hirsch.July 4. Patriotic exercises in Kent. Dr. Judson spoke upon "Is Our Republic a Failure?" The prayer was offered by Professor Wilkinson, and the singing was under thedirectorship of Wardner Williams.Prof. Terry appointed Dean of Academic Colleges.July 5. Waldo Breeden elected to Maroon.July 6. Base Ball: Chicago, 10; Edgars, 5.Law Club election; President, J. N. Hughes.July 12. Professor Baskerville opened his course of lectures on Shakespeare's plays.July 13. Tallyho party from Kelly HallJuly 15. Neel won the Western tennis championship, defeating Sam Chase in straightsets.Base Ball: Unions, 17; University 7.July 19. Base Ball: Cranes, 7; University, 1.Lansing won singles in 'Varsity tennis tournament.July 26. Joseph M. Flint elected to Maroon Board.August 1. First of the lectures given by Hamilton W. Mabie.Neel won first prize in Minnetonka tournament.Miss Harriett Rew won first prize in the Kenwood tennis tournament.August 3. Base Ball: Oak Park, 13; University, 10.August 8. Bishop Vincent spoke in Chapel.August 13. Rand and Linn won first prize in doubles in the 'Varsity tournament.August 14. Wadsworth defeats Rand in finals of handicap tennis tournament.August 15. Professor Abbot spoke on " The American School at Rome."August 23. William O. Wilson elected to Maroon Board.August 24. Base Ball: Oak Park, 6; University, 5.Professor Bruce lectured in Chapel.Hovey defeated Neel in semi-finals at Newport.August 31. Western Amateur Championship Games.September 8. First football game: University, 28; Englewood, 10.September 10. Moses D. Mclntyre elected to Maroon Board.September 12. Faculty defeats students in invitation tennis match.September 16. The Senior entertainment. The Senior class gave an entertainment inthe evening. Mr. Eugene Field gave a number of selections from his poetry, andMr. Listemann contributed many violin selections.September 28. Base Ball: University, 8; C. A. A., 0.Miss Bulkley appointed Head of Beecher Hall.October 2. Twelfth convocation.Professor Bruce delivered address on " Future Christianity."Mrs. Reynolds left $250,000 to the University.D. K. E. luncheon.October 3. Y. M. C. A. reception at Snell Hall.October 4. Snell Hall election. W. O. Wilson, Vice Head.Mortar Board initiation. Miss Charlotte Teller the initiate.Glee and Mandolin Club election; H. R. Fling, President.October 5. Base Ball: University, 52; Lake Forest, 0.Academic election. Maurice B. Lee, President.Beta Theta Pi House Warming. Among the guests were: Misses Reed, Capen,Kane, Kennedy, McWilliams, Lyons, Sperry, Weston, Hewitt, Mason, Willet,and Mrs. C. E. Hewitt.October 7. Beta Theta Pi initiation. Those initiated were: Roy Coleman Griswold, '98;Morton D. Harris, '98; Allen Gray Hoyt, '98; Franklin Egbert Vaughan, '98.October 9. Miss Talbot gave a reception at Kelly to the examiners and members ofUniversity Council and their wives in honor of Miss Bulkley.October 10. Registrar Grose leaves University to accept position on editorialstaff of The Watchman.October 11. D. K. E. initiation. The initiates were Messrs. John F.Palmeter, George S. Pomeroy, Rollins J. Furbeck, William S. Broughton,Julius H. Gaus, Frank H. Harms.October 12. Meeting of Forum.Sigma Nu Reception.Omega Club initiation. Initiates: Moses D. Mclntyre, Byron B. Smith.D. K. E. Initiatory banquet at Chapter House. Dr. Mitchell, Toast-master.D. K. E. Ball, Rosalie Hall. The patronesses were, Mesdames H. P. Judson,Matthews, Robinson and Harding. Among those present were, Judges Wilson,Tuttle, Grinnell, Sears, and Misses Butler, Schwarz, Thompson, Jones, Kennedy, Reddy, Harman, Speer, Flood, Rew, Burkhardt, Freeman, Libbey,Collin, Ide, McMahon, Clark, and McNeil.Fourth initiatory banquet of Omega Club.October 13. Death of Judge Bailey. Judge Joseph M. Bailey, who was a member of theBoard of Trustees of the University, died at his home in Freeport, 111. He was at onetime in the Illinois Legislature, and at his death was a member of the Supreme Qourtof Illinois and was also President of the Chicago College of Law. Judge Bailey was oneof the ablest jurors in the estate. He was a graduate of Rochester University, havingbeen a classmate of Prof. Galusha Anderson. He received the LL. D. degree from theold University of Chicago in 1879. As a member of the Board of Trustees, he took anactive interest in the welfare of the University.October 15. University Chorus organized; Wardner Williams, Director.Fred L. Davies elected Business Manager of Maroon Board.October 16. Recital in Kent auditorium.Rollin D. Salisbury spoke in Chapel on " Mr. Peary's Work in the Arctic Regions."October 18. Mortar Board gave an afternoon tea in Foster Hall.Election of new men to Glee Club.Mr. Philip Rand and Mr. Robert N. Tooker, Jr., gave a reception at Snell Housein honor of Mrs. Mead of Boston.October 19. Football: Northwestern, 22; University, 6.Neel won University singles.October 22. Oratorical election; President, L. B. Vaughan.October 23. Football: University, 24; Armour Institute, 4.President Harper addressed the Academic College in Chapel.October 26. Football: Minnesota, 10; University, 6. Marshalls: H. D. Abells, PhilipRand; Police: H. M. Adkinson, C. S. Winston.October 28. Snell House reception.October 29. Sigma Club organized. English Club held commemoration ceremoniesof Keats. Addresses were made by Professors Tolman, McClintock,Wilkinson, Lewis, and Miss Bowen.Colonel Parker gave his first of a series of lectures on " Pedagogy."Coffee House election. Those elected were J. E. Raycroft, H. G. Gale,J. S. Brown.October 30. Dr. John Vance Cheeney addressed the University on "TheUnity of the Arts and the Need of Beauty."October 31. Hallowe'en fancy dress party at Beecher.Ghost party at Kelly.Advertisement party at Foster.Campus dance at Snell.Snell defeated Divinity in football by default.November 1. Phi Kappa Psi heart party. Those present were Mesdames H. P. Judson,Page, Rohr, Skinner, Misses Haskell, Bennett, Capen, McWilliams, Fenton, Winter,Nash, McMahon, Nye, Dement, Hancock, Marjorie Cook.University College election: H. T. Clarke, President.George S. Pomeroy elected to Maroon Board.November 2. Professor See made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy this past year, namely, a triple star, something that was never dreamed of byastronomers. It was while carrying on his regular duties in the University and alongthe direct line of his work, that Professor See discovered this phenomenon. It belongsto the constellation Ophiuchus, and in astronomy is known as 70 Ophiuchi. For thepast few years Dr. See has noted the irregular and erratic habits of 50 Ophiuchi andhas made a close study of the stars at different points in the country. Hedoes not claim originality, for his solution, the possibility of such a solution beingdemonstrated by Watterston, an English astronomer. When Dr. See began to studystars he felt the need for a practical solution of the various theories, and the first fruitof his work in this line is the correct solution of the orbit of 70 Ophiuchi.November 2. "Three Million Dollars More! John D. Rockefeller makes another gift,"were the headings in the papers of November 3. John D. Rockefeller, founder ofthe University, added what is virtually $3,000,000 to his already princely gifts tothe institution. The letter announcing the new endowment was received by theUniversity Trustees on November 2. One million was given outright, and 2,000,000more will be given if an additional 2,000,000 can be raised by the Trustees of theUniversity from other sources. If this is done, the amount given by Mr. Rockefellerto the University will have reached the magnificent sum of $7,450,000. Mr. Rockefeller's letter ran as follows: "26 Broadway, New York, October 30, 1895. To the Trusteesof the University of Chicago, T. W. Goodspeed, Secretary. Gentlemen : I will contribute to the University of Chicago $1,000,000 for endowment payable January 1, 1896, incash or at my option in approved interest-bearing securities at their fair market value,I will contribute, in addition, $2,000,000 for endowment or otherwise as I may designate,payable in cash or at my option in approved interest-bearing securities at their fairmarket value, but only in amounts equal to the contributions of others in cash or itsequivalent not hitherto promised, as the same shall be received by the University.This pledge shall be void as to any portion of the sum herein promised which shallprove not to be payable on the above terms on or before January 1, 1900. Yours very truly,John D. Rockefeller." President Harper replied: "Chicago, November 2, 1895. John D. Rockefeller, New York City: The magnificence of your gift is only equaledby the wisdom of its terms, which render it doubly valuable to the institution.W. R. Harper.On this same day the University defeated Wisconsin in football by score of 22-12.The coincidence of the eleven's masterly defeat of Wisconsinwith the announcement of Mr. Rockefeller's splendid giftmade all the members of the University wish to celebrate. Earlyin the evening the men began to gather in front of Snell untilthere was present the largest and most enthusiastic crowd everseen on the campus. The neighborhood was ransacked formaterials for a bonfire and a huge pile was built in front ofSnell and was well soaked with oil and tar. Then the men fellin line and marched around the campus singing, and cheeringfor "John D. Rockefeller." Prof. F. J. Miller, Prof. R. F.Harper, Mr. G. E. Vincent, Mr. Joe Flint, Mr. C. W. Chase,Mr. J. E. Raycroft, '96, Mr. T. M. Hammond, responded tocalls for speeches. Later in the evening the victorious teamwas tendered a reception by the members of Kelly Hall.Football Marshalls, H. H. Hewett, H. D. Abells, F. F. Steigmeyer;Police, C. S. Winston, M. B. Lee.November 3. Phi Kappa Psi card party.November 4. Beecher reception.November 5. An official celebration. The University acknowledged Mr. Rockefeller's,large gift by an official celebration. The most enthusiastic and gloriously attendedcelebration ever given by the University occurred on the campus November 5.Never was such college spirit manifested on the quadrangles since the opening of theUniversity. At 7:30 o'clock a procession of over 1,000 students was formed at Cobb.The procession, divided into squads, formed by the various houses, escorted theFaculty to Kent. Every squad had its individual cheer, which rang out in applauseof every address. The exercises were as follows: Introductory address by the President; Prayer by the Chaplain; Mr. McLeish, Vice-president of the Board of Trusteesspoke upon Mr. Rockefeller's liberality; "First Donation from Mr. Rockefeller," byDr. Northrup; " How shall we regard the gift? "by Professor von Hoist; "Women'sOpportunities To-day," by Miss Reynolds; "Enormous Needs of Such a University,"by Professor Laughlin; "Sister Universities," by Professor Angell; "Rockefeller'sObject," by Professor Hurlburt; "Sociology," by Professor Small; "Academic College," by Mr. Lee; "University College," by Mr. Clarke; "Graduate School," by Mr.Hull; "Divinity School," by Mr. Reid; Closing address, by Professor Chamberlin.Mr. Parker of the Board of Trustees announced that Wednesday would be aholiday in the University, which was sanctioned by the President; this metwith great applause. Mr. Parker then closed the exercises by reading amessage to be sent to John D. Rockefeller.After the exercises in Kent, the different squads proceeded to a great bonfire infront of Snell. J. E. Raycroft was the Marshall of the evening, and his aidswere Messrs. Gale, Rand, Barrett, Vaughn, Brown, Wilson, Winston, C. E.Woodruff, Davidson, and Misses Wilmarth, Carey and G. Freeman. Thescene about the bonfire was one to be remembered for a long time. Everyone at the exercises attended the jollification and joined in the cheering.During the evening Johnny Hand's orchestra and the Glee Club vied withone another in entertaining the crowds which were grouped about the standards and transparencies of the various houses.November 6. Founders' Day; a Holiday.Wednesday recital in Kent by Mr. Hugh Kelso and pupils.November 7. University informal.November 11. Kelly reception.November 12. Dramatic Club election.November 13. Recital in Kent.Founding Philolexian Society.November 15. The University received $1,000,000 more. The University of Chicagowas the recipient of $1,000,000 more, given by Miss Helen Culver, a resident of theWest Side. This donation was made in memory of Mr. Charles J. Hull, a trustee ofthe old University of Chicago, and his name will be used in connection with it. It isstipulated that the gift be used for the advancement of biological science and thathalf of the sum shall go to provide buildings and equipments and the other half to beinvested and the proceeds therefrom to be expended in professorships and lectureships. One of these lectureships is to be for the education of the West Side insanitary science. This gift is in real estate and includes land all over the city. Thefamous Hull House is located on part of the land given, and so the University willin a manner exercise a protectorate over that institution, although its work will not beinterfered with at all. This money, when expended in accordance with the expresseddesires of the donor, will furnish the University with the best equipment for biologicalwork in the world. The money will provide a Hull Biological Laboratory here onthe campus, a Hull Marine Biological Laboratory somewhere on the Atlantic coast,a Hull Inland Experimental Station, probably at Lake Geneva, and Hull professorships. Besides biology, the departments of zoology, physiology, botany, neurology,sociology and psychology will be benefited, directly or indirectly, by this new gift. Itwill also be of great value in promoting the establishment of a medical school atChicago.D K E reception at Chapter House.Omega Club initiation; initiates, Fred C. Vincent, Donald A. Kennedy.November 16. Football game: University, 6; Northwestern, 0; at Evanston.The game at Evanston was made a great social affair. During the week previousthe college papers and organizations stirred up much enthusiasm over theNorthwestern contest. A light rain in the morning induced many to give uptheir coaching trip. The following attended the game: The Beta Theta Picoach was the first to arrive on the ground. Occupying it were Messrs. H.Smith, E. Todd, M. Harris, R. Griswold, R. Dudley, N. Vaughn, L. Russell,J. H. Boyd, C. Beach, E. Dudley, A. Hoyt, W. Vaughn, W. Owen, W. Deffen.baugh, H. Patterson, R. Efringham, H. Hewitt, D. Trumbull. The largestparty was the Snell Hall delegation, which arrived in a Columbian coach. Themembers present were Messrs. W. A. Payne, J. W. Linn, C. S. Winston, H. D.Abells, E. B. Van Osdel, C* W. Stewart, J. P. Mentzer, M. P. Frutchey, J. T.Campbell, Stern, N. M. Fair, W. H. Allen, S. C. Mosser, J. H. T. Thach, M. A.Berger, G. S. Sawyer, C. D. Greenleaf, O. E. Wieland, H. A. Peterson, H. D.Hubbard, C. R. Barrett, W. O. Wilson, W. P. Breeden, McDonald, H. S. Ickes,H. A. Keith, F. W. Woods. Another party of Snell men attended the game ina brake: Messrs. C. F. Roby, E. C. Walden, Hoyn, W. Black, H. A. Aber-nethy, V. W. Sincere, E. C. Lackner, F. F. Steigmeyer. Delta Kappa Epsilonsent two drags to the game. They were occupied by Misses Capen, Cooke,Rew, Hull, Messrs. W. S. Broughton, J. O. Wilbur, H. Chace, G. S. Pomeroy,S. McClintock. A large party of Omegas and guests attended on a coach:Misses Barger, McWilliams, Reed, Tooker, Spray, Kane, Winter, Allin,G. Freeman, Kennedy, Livingston, Messrs. R. W. Stevens, O. J. Arnold, PhilipRand, R. N. Tooker, B. B. Smith, D. A. Kennedy, M. D. Mclntyre, F. C. Vincent, H. R. Dougherty, A. S. Henning, W. E. Goodfellow, R. H. Johnson. Prof.and Mrs. Vincent, R. F. Harper, and guests attended in carriages. Dr. Hancock and guests and the Misses Ball and party also occupied carriages.Fifth initiatory banquet of Omega Club.November 18. Football University second eleven, 18; Lake Forest second , .eleven, 6.Foster reception.November 19. Hand ball tournament.November 20. Wednesday musicale.Graduate House whist party.November 21. Kalamazoo College was affiliated.November 22. Miss Susan Harding gave a spread fcr the members and guests ofBeecher House.November 25. Snell House reception.November 27. University College, Cap-and-Gown meeting.Dinner party at Beecher Hall in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Miller and Miss Chamberlain.November 28. Thanksgiving Day.CHICAGO-ANN ARBOR ANNUAL GAME.The annual Chicago-Ann Arbor game and championship of the west was wonby Michigan by a score of 12-0. The game was a great society event, andamong the crowds of tallyhos and brakes the University was well representedin the following list:University Phi Kappa Psi Coach.The following members and guests occupied the Phi Kappa Psi coach, which wascharacterized by the fraternity colors pink and lavender. Their stand was in the southwestcorner of the field: Misses Copeland, Haskell, Waters, Sanford, Rider, Dubuque; Clark,Evanston; Allison, Rust, Gladwin, Purdy, Messrs. Sass, Curtis, J. W. Campbell, Rush,Lee, Ryan, Lewis, Tunell, Bentley, Page, Judge J. W. Campbell, Ohio.Omega Coach.The Omega Club tallyho took its position just north of the Ann Arbor section of thebig stand. The coach was decorated with maroon banners and streamers. The membersand friends were: Misses Winter, McWilliams, Marjorie Cooke, Kane, Barger, Kennedy,Grace Freeman, Reed, Tooker, Capen, Allin, Jenkins, Messrs. Stone, Johnson, H. Dougherty, Stevens, Arnold, Rand, Tooker, Vincent, Mclntyre, B. B. Smith, Kennedy, Henning,Louis Wolf, W. S. Bond. }c±Beta Tallyho.The Beta Theta Pi fraternity was well represented by members and friends. Thefollowing were the names of those giving the tallyho party: Henry Hewitt, Don Trumbull, William Vaughan, Harry Wales, Charles Ford, Van Pierce, Roy Griswold, Herbert Mulford, Ray Dudley, H. G. Lozier, Marshall Sampsell, Allie Hoyt, Rob Meloy, ArthurDudley, Wm. Meloy of Washington and Jefferson.The Faculty and Trustees.Sixty-six seats in section B of the grand stand were occupied by the following members of the Faculty, members of the Board of Trustees and their friends: Messrs. andMesdames W. R. Harper, George A. Walker, J. J. Mitchell, H. H. Kohlsaat, ChaunceyBlair, C. C. Kohlsaat, A. A. Sprague, Prof. G. E. Vincent, Prof. S. Matthews, Dean Judson,Prof. Jacques Loeb, Prof. G. S. Goodspeed, H. A. Rust, Rev. C. F. Aked, Clifford Moore,T. W. Goodspeed, Prof. A. W. Small, Prof. Herman von Hoist, Prof. T. C. Chamberlin,G. W. Northrup, Dean Hulbert, Dr. C. H. Hewitt. These had parties: Miss M. Reynolds, Miss Marion Talbot, Ferd W. Peck, Prof. Robt. Harper, Prof. Edw. Capps, WalterPeck, Harris Hancock, Prof. C. D. Buck, Whitney, Jewell Harper, Robert McLeish, JamesHarper. In another drag were Messrs. Alfeld, Adkinson, Mentzer, Hagey, Hill, Bliss.November 30. Republican College League convention, Auditorium; L. B. Vaughan,President.December 2. Beecher Hall reception.December 4. Second University College Cap-and-Gown meeting.University College Constitution adopted.December 5. Preliminaries for Michigan debate. Winners, J.W. Whyte, L. B. Vaughanand W. C. Mitchell.Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Downer's Grove.December 6. University College Waltz reception.South Divinity reception.The members of South Divinity House gave their first annual reception. Mrs.Shailer Matthews, Mrs. Franklin Johnson, Mr. E. A. Read and Dean Hulburtreceived. Those who assisted at the tea tables were: Misses Crafts, Cary,Glover, Cobb, Hulbert, Moore, Crandal and Nelson. The House Committeeconsisted of C. D. Case, C. H. Murray, R. R. Snow, R. B. Davidson, S. Stark,A. A. Ewing. Among the guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames W. R. Harper, J. H. Barrows, J. H. Breasted, E. D. Burton, W. D. McClintock, J. W.Montcrief, A. A. Stagg, C. E. Grandall, L. W. Messer, G. W. Northrup, N. K.Rubinkam, G. C. WTalker, S. Matthews, A. W. Small, C. P. Small, C. WT. Votaw,W. A. Smith, A. K. Parker, W. M. Lawrence, Ira M. Price, G. E. Robertson,G. B. Foster, T. W. Goodspeed, C. R. Henderson, G. S. Goodspeed, C. E.Hewitt, Emil G. Hirsch, Eri B. Hulbert, F. Johnson, H. A. Rust, H. H. Kohlsaat, B. S. Terry, A. McLeisch, F. A. Smith. Mesdames: M. F. Crow, ZellaA. Dixon. Misses: Wilmarth, Radford, Kane, Keene, McWilliams, Foster,Kennedy, Langley, Hamilton, Maynard, Ball, Talbot, Bell, Hannan, Peabody,Osgood, Agerter, Tryner, Burnham, Hulbert, Hewitt, Moore, Wilkinson,McClintock, Miller, Garcelon, Castle, Boyd, Reynolds, Scofield, Fish, Neal,Dix, Boomer, Breyfog^l, Clark, Freeman, Neal, Capen, McCrackin, Rust,Von Hoist, Bulkley, Harding, Messrs. R. C. H. Catterall, E. M. Heime,Robert Harper, C. E. Woodruff, C. H. Thompson, H. D. Abells, J. Raycroft,C. von Klenze, H. T. Clarke, *F. D. Nichols, H. G. Gale, Philip Rand, S. R.Barrett.The University Colleges held a promenade reception in Rosalie Hall December6, 1895. The committee in charge consisted of Misses Grace Freeman, '97;Edith Foster, '96; Messrs. Peterson, '97; Chace, '96; Vaughan, '97; and Law '97.The patronesses were: Mesdames H. P. Judson, W. R. Harper, J. R. Angell, E.H. Moore* C. H. Moore. Those present were: Misses McWilliams, Allen,Reed, Grace Freeman, Wilmarth, Klock, Marjorie Cook, Rew, Agerter, Ballard,Schwarz, Pierce, Clark, Kennedy, Kane, DeTamble, Ide, Reddy, Thompson,Freeman, Hannan, Capen, Moore, Moring, Flood, Dougherty. Messrs. At-wood, Raycroft, Rand, Pike, Adkinson, R. L. Dougherty, Wm. Goodfellow,Wilber, R. H. Johnson, Palmenter, E. Walling, Henning, H. T. Clark, Tooker,Law, Gale, H. R. Dougherty, Meloy, Peterson, F. C. Vincent, Walling,McClintock, Dudley, Harms, Pershing. Professors H. P. Judson, E. H.Moore, J. R. Angell, C. H. Moore.December 7. Third University College Cap-and-Gown meeting.Informal party given in Foster Hall by Miss Schwarz, Miss M. W. Freeman andMiss Grace Freeman.A dinner was given by Mr. and Mrs. Roby at South Chicago, in honor of the football eleven. President Harper and Prof. S. H. Clark were the officialguests of the evening. Over thirty others were present, and for the secondtime enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Roby. President Harper, Mr. Roby,Captain Allen and Ruhlkoetter responded to toasts. Among those presentwere: Mr. and Mrs. Roby, President Harper, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Davis, Dr. andMrs. Willis Andrews, J. E. Raycroft, C. W. Allen, E. V. Williamson, Wm.Ruhlkoetter, V. W. Sincere, Prof. S. H. Clark, F. D. Nichols, Mr. Guenz, C. B.Neel, J. W. Linn, Mr. Mormon, R. N. Tooker, H. C. Murphy, Philip Rand, M.E. Coleman, Edward Roby, V. E. McCaskill, T. T. Hoyne, H. A. Abernethyand E. C. Walden.December ?. Kelly Hall reception.Graduate Club banquet at Del Prado.Dr. Miller read a paper on "Greek and Roman Myths" at an open meeting of theMortar Board.December 10. Sarah Munson initiated into Esoteric Club.December 11. Fourth University College Cap-and-Gown meeting.The Board of the University Weekly held a banquet at the Hotel WindermereWednesday evening. Miss Reynolds was the guest of the evening. Mr. F. D. Nicholswas Toastmaster and the following toasts were responded to: " Editorial Speaking," W. P.Lovett; " The Weekly from a Distance," Agnes S. Cook, read by Miss Edith Schwarz; "TheCreative Literary Talent of the University," Dr. Myra Reynolds; " Suggestions," C. S.Pike; "Chicago Verse," J. W. Linn; "What the Editor Owes his Paper," A. Bowers;"Financial," C. H. Gallion; "The East Side of the Quadrangles," Martha F. Klock;"Social," W. W. Atwood. Those present were: Misses Reynolds, McWilliams, Klock,Schwarz, Messrs. Nichols, Lovett, Axelson, Linn, Clarke, Hubbard, Pike, Atwood, Payne,Brown, Bowers, Gallion, Kelso.December 12. Kelly Hall dinner to Glee and Mandolin Clubs.Philolexian election of officers. President, M. P. Frutchey.December 13. Oxford Club banquet at Del Prado; Geo. E. Vincent, Toastmaster.Professors A. T. Walker and G. B. Hussey entertained the Classical Club at Graduate Hall. Papers were read by W. E. Moffatt, G. B. Hussey, and T. B. Glass.BEECHER HALL DRAMATICS.Following was the program rendered: Mandolin and guitar duet, Miss Munson,Miss Eberhard; a farce, written by Bangs.Proposal Under Difficulties.characters:Bob Yardsley, Miss Knowlton; Jack Barlow, Miss Baird; Dorothy Andrews, MissRainey; maid, Miss Hubbard.December 14. The Forum held its initial banquet at No. 5836 Drexel avenue. Thedinner was informal. and was for members of the society only. Twenty men satdown to the table. Toastmaster, Pres. H. A. Peterson. The toasts were: "TheForum: Past," E. B. Evans; "The Forum: Future," R. C. Garver; " Our New Members," G. H. Sawyer; "The Ladies," J. F. Hagey; "Our Sister Societies," S. C.Mosser;"Our Alma Mater," C.R.Barrett. Those present were: Peterson, Mosser, ThachEvans, Macomber, Wildman, Sawyer, McKinley, Berger, Campbell, Greenleaf, Wie-land, Davis, Hagey, Garver, Griswold, Branson. W. H. Allen was elected President.December 16. Foster Hall reception.December 18. University Finals.Reading of unpublished manuscript of Eugene Field.First appearance of the Women's Glee Club.December 19. Quarterly examination.December 21. Fall Quarter closed.December 22. Glee and Mandolin Clubs left Chicago on their second annual tour.December 23. Miss Bulkley gave a Christmas Eve party at Beecher.Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Racine.December 24. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at West Bend.December 25. Christmas party at Nancy Foster Hall.Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Fond du Lac.December 26. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Oshkosh.December 27. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Appleton.December 28 and 29. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Sheboygan.December 30. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Elkhorn.December 31. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Rockford.January 1. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Freeport.Dr. Judson assumed the position of acting President of the University for thequarter, in the absence of Dr. Harper.January 2. Glee and Mandolin Club concert at Elgin.Thirteenth Convocation. Ex-Governor William E. Russell of Massachusetts spokeon "Individualism in Government; a Plea for Liberty."January 3. Glee and Mandolin Club returned from Christmas trip.January 6. Maroon Board Election. Messrs. Arthur S. Henning, Nott. W. Flint andHenry Gordon Gale.Quadrangler initiation. Initiate, Elizabeth McWilliams.Leap Year reception at Beecher. Miss Bulkley, Dr. Miller, Mr. Raycroft andDr. Von Klenze received for the house. Those who poured were: Messrs.Clarke, Rand, Wilson, E. Walling, Atwood, Brown, Abells, Pike, H. Hewitt,Adkinson, Waltz, Dudley, Henning, Wilbur, Mclntyre.January 7. Anniversary and Sixth Initiatory Banquet of Omega Club. Initiates, ArthurS. Henning and William E. Goodfellow.January 8. First initiation of Sigma Club. Initiates, Charlotte B. Capen and CatherineB. Paddock.D. K. E. initiation. Initiate, Joseph E. Freeman.January 9. Annual banquet of Northwestern Alumni Association of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Chicago Athletic Association.January 11. One hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Pestaloggis' birthday.Undoubtedly the most novel social event of the season was the Leap Year partyat Kenwood Institute on the evening of January 11. The latter part of theevening was devoted to a cotillion led by Mr. Alvan Bournique. The favorsconsisted of bows of ribbon in the University, fraternity and society colors;Miss Anna McClintock presided over the favor table. The committee incharge were: Miss Elizabeth McWilliams, Chairman; Misses Freeman, Reed,Cooke, Kennedy, Keen, Reddy, Rew, Capen, Allin, Schwarz, Kane, Butler.The patronesses were: Mrs. W. R. Harper, Mrs. H. P. Judson, Mrs. G. E.Vincent, Mrs. W. D. McClintock, Mrs. J. R. Angell, Miss Marion Talbot.Those present were: Misses Schwarz, Clarke, Kennedy, Allin, Stone, Messick,Ide, Crafts, Cooke, Knight, Thompson, Wiser, Teller, Capen, Freeman, Hull,Stanton, McWilliams, Capps, Rainey, Rew, Hannon, Paddock, Hewitt, Reed,McClintock, Flood, Nelson, Winter, Keen, Kane, Butler, Wilmarth, Reddy,Bell, Jones, Spray, Tooker. Professors G. E. Vincent, W. D. McClintock.Messrs. Minard, McClintock, Rand, Tooker, Page, Stevens, Brown, Henning,W. Atwood, Webster, Dougherty, Hewitt, Kennedy, Flood, Walling, Speer,Goodfellow, Wilbur, Clarke, Raycroft, Law, Chace, Walling, Sampsell, Gale,Cornell, Woolley, Reed, Neel, Dougherty, Stone, Flint, Meloy, Pike, Adkinson, Atwood, Nichols, Eckhart, Dudley, Vincent, Lozier, Waltz.January 13. Kelly reception.January 14. Basket Ball: University, 14; Y. M. C. A. Training School, 4.January 15. Compulsory gymnasium suits introduced.Tennis Association election; Carr Neel, President.Beta Theta Pi Advertisement Party. Those present were Misses McWilliams,Taylor, Hewitt, Lennington, Hull, Kennedy, Messick, Trumbull, Graves,.Hull, McClintock, Kane, Thompson and Winter.Basket Ball: German Y. M. C. A., 5; University, 3.January 17. Maroon Board election. Misses Butler, Miller and Freeman, and Messrs.Vincent and Adkinson.Snell Hall Whist Tournament.January 20. Foster Hall Faculty Leap Year Reception. Miss Reynolds and Dean McClintock received. Those who poured were: Professors Vincent, AngellHowland, Smith.. Thompson, Thomas, Davis, Von Klenze, Lewis, Squires,Catteral, Salisbury, Dahl, Walker.Graduate Hall Whist Party.January 21. Preliminaries for Illinois debate. Winners, J. F. Voight, S. S. McClintock,M. P. Frutchey.January 22. Esoteric Club gave a spread for pledged members.Volmey B. Cushing addressed the Prohibition Club.Beta Theta Pi. Informal.January 25. Mulberry Club election. J. W. Linn President.January 27. Snell Hall reception.Mortar Board initiation. Initiate, Edith Capps.Edition of Buddhist Bible given to University by Dr. J. H. Barrows.Nu Pi Sigma Society organized.January 28. University received a complete history of the War of the Rebellion in 120volumes from Mrs. W. S. Everett.January 29. University of Chicago Debating Society organized.Basket Ball: University, 17; West Side Y. M. C. A., 12.F. J. Miller appointed Examiner of University Affiliations.Professor Salisbury appointed University Examiner.January 30. Day of prayer. 10:30 A. m. Dr. Wm. A. Lawrence delivered an address on" Lifting of Character." 2 p. m. University settlement meeting in Kent auditorium.4 p.m. Reception given in 'Walker Museum by members of University SettlementLeague. Those who received were Mrs. H. P. Judson, Miss Jane Adams, Miss McDowell, Rev. Jenkins Lloyd Jones and Prof. J. L. Laughlin. The day was in ^charge ofMrs. Holmes, Mrs. Geo. E. Vincent and Mrs. Paul Shorey.Phi Kappa Psi initiation. Initiate, Arthur F. Smith.D. K. E. Stag Informal and smoker at Chapter House.January 31. Sigma Nu initiation. Initiates, J. F. Hagey, W. W. Smith, Edward Branson,Charles Creudson, A. T. Pienkowski, F. H. Fowler.Quadrangler reception at Kelly Hall.Omega Club initiated into Omega Chapter of Psi Upsilon fraternity.February 1. Basket Ball; University, 34; Iowa College, 18.February 3. Beecher tea.February 4. Oratorical Association election; V. O. Johnson, President.Academic College election; H. T. Woodruff, President.Beecher House sleigh ride. Given by H. P. Judson.Esoteric initiation. Initiates, Alice Clark, Elinor Douglas Flood.February 5. Maroon Board election. Stacy C. Mosser.February 7. Beecher Hall Literary Society organized as Current Topic Club.Y. M. C. A. annual election; President, M. P. Frutchey.February 8. Inter-collegiate Athletic convention, Palmer House.February 10. Dramatic Recital by Prof. S. H. Clark.I. King Robert of Sicily, Longfellow. II. His Mother's Sermon, MacLaren. III.The Ship of Faith, Anon. IV. Scenes from Macbeth, Act I., Shakespeare.V. The Willow Tree, Thackeray. IV. (a) Meeting at Night; (b) Parting atMorning, Browning. VII. That Other Baby, Stockton.Kelly Hall reception.February 11. Address on "Social Reform," by L. Ormiston Chant.February 12. Lincoln's birthday. A holiday.Graduate Hall gave its second annual reception. The whole house was thrownopen and most elaborately decorated. Those receiving were: Mrs. C. R. Crane,Mrs. W. R. Harper, Mrs. H. P. Judson, Professor and Mrs. A. W. Small, Dr.C. Von Klenze and the members of the house. Among those who attendedwere Professor and Mrs. F. J. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Small, Mr. andMrs. Clifford H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Buck.Misses Maud Van Hise, Ethel Van Hise, Eberhardt, Rice, Candee, Ide, Munson,Allen, Ethel Miller, Cary, Faulkner, Marilla Freeman, Capen, Spray, Flood,Messick, Davis, Hull, Teft, Rainey, Bell, Coolidge, Thomas, Graves, Clark,Kane, Winter, Harding, Wilmarth, Elsie Miller, Cobb, Neel, Grace Freeman,Messrs. Trumbull, R. L. Dougherty, Wilbur, Wilson, Flint, McClintock, Davis,Ryan, Walden, Baker, Stewart, Rand, Mclntyre, Payne, Leizer, Sass, Miller,Peterson, H. R. Dougherty, Broughton, Linn, Roby, Abells, Torrey, Todd,Ewing, Steigmeyer.University Informal. Robert Law, Philip Rand committee.The Basket Ball game with Wisconsin was indefinitely postponed.February 13. The Middle Divinity House gave its first reception. The event wasdoubly notable because of its being the first of a series of receptions to be given tothe churches of Chicago, more or less in touch with the Divinity School. The guestsof honor were the University Congregational Church and the Memorial Baptist Church.The committee of patronesses for the reception consisted of Mrs. Dr. Galusha Anderson, Mrs. Dr. Franklin Tolmson, Mrs. B. F. Simpson and Mrs. Esther Boise Tolmson,Miss Helen Hewitt and Miss Clara Hulbert presided at the refreshment tables.McKinley mass meeting at Kent.The annual Central Music Hall concert was a most successful affair musically,socially and financially. The patronesses of the concert were Mesdames W.R. Harper, C. D. Hamill, H. P. Judson, H. J. Hall, H. E. Von Hoist, H. H.Kohlsaat, Ferd W. Peck, A. A. Sprague, Augustus Eddy, Eugene Lancaster,A. C. Bartlett, J. G. Glessner, H. M. Wilmarth, P. D. Armour, Jr., Potter Palmer, A. MacVeagh. Among those holding boxes were, President Harper, H.H. Kohlsaat, Mrs. H. M. Wilmarth, Mr. J. H. Lozier, Mrs. A. M. Vaughan,Mrs. E. S. Pettijohn. The fraternities and University Houses were represented in sections, which were decorated in the colors of the societies andhouses. Kelly Hall, Foster Hall, Beecher Hall, Snell Hall, Phi Kappa Psi,Delta Kappa Epsilon, Psi Upsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Nu, Lions Head,Sigma Club, Quadranglers, Esoterie Club, Mortar Board, and ThreeQuarters fclub, were represented in large numbers. The ushers wereMason Bross, Northwestern, '84; Louis W. Crow, Beloit, '86; Oliver S.Brown, Williams, '89; William A. McClaren, Columbia, '90; Lowry McClurg,Alleghany, '90; Otis K. Hutchinson, Yale, '90; John A. Jameson, Michigan, '91;William F. Giles, Gottingen, '91; Michell D. Follansbee, Harvard, '92; BradleyM. Davis, Harvard, '93; Kinney Smith, Harvard, '94; Frank H. Blackman,Chicago, '94; Howard D. French, Amherst, '95; Edward F. Johnson, Yale, '95.February 17. Foster reception.February 18. Bethel Mission Benefit Concert.Quadrangler Initiation. Initiates, Josephine Allin, Mary Winter, Annie Reed,Anna Hull, Margaret Rumsey.February 19. Basket Ball: West Side Y. M. C. A., 26; University, 7.Prof. Alexander A. Smith addressed the University Colleges on " The Sciences asCulture Studies."February 20. Basket Ball: University, 28; Hull House, 13.Esoterics give a Five O'clock Tea; Miss Foster hostess.February 21. The Washington Promenade, held on the evening of February 21, 1896 atthe Chicago Beach Hotel celebrated its third anniversary and has come to be recognizedas an established University event. The University Colleges have charge of thearrangements but the ball is open to members of the whole University. As a socialevent it is very popular with the Faculty and widely known to the city at large. Thecommittee in charge were H. T. Clarke, Jr., Elizabeth McWilliams, Glenrose BellHarry Chace, C. R. Barrett, Grace Freeman, R. Dudley, Edith Foster, MarellaFreeman, Thos. Chollar, L. B. Vaughan, Jos. Raycroft. The patronesses were:Mesdames H. P. Judson, Geo. E. Vincent, A. McLeish, G. F. Washburn, W. R. Harper, John Coonley. Those present were: Misses Crain, Barger, Neel, Dunlop,Thompson, Dougherty, Bell, Ide, Butler, Cobb, Van Hise, Cook, Messick, Freeman,Pierce, Knowlton, Kennedy, Rew, Mcintosh^, Jones, McClintock, Munson, Kane, McWilliams, Klock, Capen, Freeman, Schwarz, Keene, Hewitt, Cooke, Allin, Reed,Tooker, Hull, Rumsey, Countess, Clark, Countess, Flood, Sweet, Reynolds, Rainey,Field, Stanton, Messrs. Bentley, Chollar, Ryan, Campbell, Rand, Mclntyre,Vincent, Dougherty, Atwood, Vaughan, Law, Jr., McClintock, Palmeter, Dudley,Vaughn, Hewitt, Sass, Lee, Tunnel, Page, Stevens, Henning, Goodfellow, Minard,Pike, Dougherty, Chace, McDonald, Meloy, Neel, Clarke, Branson, Gallion, Wilson,Walsh, Dunning, Webster, Brown, Palmer, Pershing, Wilbur,' Carraway, Miller, Johnson, Raycroft, Adkinson, Kennedy, Hamill, Cragin, Tooker, Schwarz, Carr Neel,Broughton, Freeman, Davis, Harms, Gale, McClintock.Conference of American Baptist Home Mission Society.Cap-and-Gown Board elected.February 22. Washington's birthday.Address by the Hon. Theodore Roosvelt of New York, in Kent Theater, on" Municipal Reform."Mortar Board sleigh ride.Graduate students in Kelly House gave a Washington dinner in honor of severalmembers of the Faculty.February 26. Prohibition Club contest; winner, C. B. Williams.Lion's Head box party. The guests were: Dr. Ruggles, Misses Rew, Reddy,Marjorie Cook, Capen, Bell, Mcintosh, Dunlop and Rumsey.February 28. Annual 'Varsity Oratorical Contest; winner, W. T. Wilson.Quadrangle Club gave a Smoke talk.Mr. George E. Hale gave a talk on " The Yerkes Observatory and Its Aim."February 29. Dual Athletic meet. University, 56; Lake Forest, 33.March 2. Beecher Hall reception.Miss Bulkley entertained at dinner in honor of President and Mrs. Eaton, ofBeloit.March 3. Esoteric Five O'clock Tea; Miss Ides, hostess.The Quadranglers gave a luncheon at the Windermere in honor of their five newmembers.March 4. Mr. William Middleschute and several members of the Thomas Orchestragave a concert at Kent.March 6. First "Cap-and-Gown Night " at Psi Upsilon House. Those present were:Mrs. Geo. E. Vincent, Misses Kane, Kennedy, Schwarz, Agnes Cook, Grace Freeman,McWilliams, Messick, Rice, McClintock, and Messrs. Geo. E. Vincent, F. D. Nichols,J. W. Linn, F. C. Vincent, Philip Rand, W. D. Richardson, C. R. Barrett, P. B. Eck-ardt, H. R. Dougherty, M. D. Mclntyre, W. S. Broughton, A. S. Henning.March 7. Fust of a series of assembly informals at Rosalie Hall.Nu Pi Sigma luncheon and theater party to " Merchant of Venice."March 11. April graduates organized; Charles S. Pike, President,March 12. Dramatic Club entertainment. The program was as follows: "HisToast" Ralph Briscoe, F. D. Nichols; Sir Algernon Foote, J. S. Brown; Lady Calverly,Miss Wilmarth; Lucy Briscoe, Miss Rew. " In Honor Bound "Sir George Carlyon,W. W. Atwood; Philip Graham, Fred C.Vincent; Lady Carlyon, Miss Kane; RoseDalrymple, Miss Rainey. " Pyramus and Thisbe," from "Midsummer Night'sDream "Quince, Chas. Pike; Bottom, Pyramus, Robt. Law; Flute, Thisbe, H. T.Chase; Snout, Wall, F. C. Vincent; Starveling Moonshine, J. S. Brown.March 13. The Beta Theta Pi fraternity gave a dinner at their chapter house.Hon. Wm. J. Bryan, of Nebraska, gave an address on the " Tariff Question," atKent Theater.Illinois wins the joint debate. Speakers for Chicago were: Messrs. J. F. Voigt,S. S. McClintock and J. P. Frutchey.March 14. Miss Bulkley and Mrs. Gray gave a children's party at Beecher.March 16. Miss Bulkley gave a dinner to her class in pedagogy.Sir Henry Irving read a paper on " Macbeth " for the Senior Finals at KentTheater. A reception in his honor given at the President's house.March 19. Mrs. McClintock gave a luncheon in honor of Mr. Samuel McClintock.President's reception in honor of April seniors.March 20. Miss Theodosia Kane entertained the Nu Pi Sigmas at a luncheon at her home,310 Ashland boulevard.The Lion's Head Club initiated into the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity.R. Ignace Paderewski gave 400 concert tickets to the University.Dr. Coulter, Head Professor of Botany, took up his residence at theUniversity.WWWW»*-»rWWWWWUniversity Rouses :w w«>** w vr r wv* w wwvBook IT * ** «* ^ ;¥9999999999999999999999Dunnnoon KELLY HOUSE FOSTER HOUSE ....BEECHER HOUSE . . .GRADUATE HOUSE . .SNELL HOUSE MIDDLE DIVINITY . . .SOUTH DIVINITY . . .DELTA KAPPA EPSILONPHI KAPPA PSI ....BETA THETA PI . . .SIGMA NU PSI UPSILON ALPHA DELTA PHI . .HOUSES ftfaftlf*' 'House Counsellor, J. L. LaughlinHead of House, Miss TalbotSecretary, Miss CaryHouse CommitteeMiss TannerMiss KennedyMiss Cappo Miss McClintockMiss RumseyMiss DarlingMembers of Kelly HouseMiss TalbotMiss TannerMiss McClintockMiss McWilliamsMiss KennedyMiss TunnellMiss AllinMiss HullMiss MessickMiss KaneMiss SearlesMrs. HersmanMiss DarlingMiss PeirceMiss MacLeanMiss HeftyMiss LanglyMiss Miss ChandlerMiss RobertsonMiss PardeeMiss Mary PardeeMiss KeenMiss Stanton -Miss HarrisMiss ReichmanMiss AveryMiss ButlerMiss RiceMiss BreckenridgeMiss StoneMiss CappoMiss GoldsmithMiss GravesMiss WinterRumseyOrganizationHead of House, Miss ReynoldsHouse Councilor, Mr. W. D. McClintockSecretary, Miss Emily ReynoldsEntertainment CommitteeMiss Lewis Miss Clark Miss BruenHouse CommitteeMiss Bennett Miss BowenMiss Grant Miss DowMembers of HouseBartlett DUNKE LewisBruen Dow LeeBlaine Field LoeschBlackburn Frick MorseBowen May Frick NelsonBennett Marilla Freeman Mrs. PinkertonCandee Grace Freeman PorterfieldCapen Flood ReynoldsClark Felton RunyonCook Grant SpaldingDavis Goldthwaite SchwarzDaniels HULBURT SlyDana Hammond SturgisMrs. Dorman Jackson WaughDickersonHead, Miss Julia E. BulkleyCounselor, Assistant Professor Frank Justus MillerHouse CommitteeMiss Kells Miss MooreMiss Matz Miss WollpertSecretary, Miss Ruth E. MooreMembers of Beecher HouseMiss Ethel MillerMiss MooreMiss TrynerMiss BuckinghamMiss HubbardMiss Susie MillerMiss RaineyMiss FosterMiss LivingstoneMiss Brotherton Miss Elsie MillerMiss KellsMrs. GrayMiss BarnesMiss SwettMiss BreyfogleMiss WilmarthMiss EberhardtMiss MunsonMiss Wollpert Miss KingMiss WellsMiss TefftMiss CraftsMiss HardingMiss MatzMiss KlockMiss Grace EberhardtMiss IdeMiss CrandallGuestsMiss Chamberlain Miss Vtckroy Miss EmeryHead, Joseph E. RaycroftSecretary-Treasurer, John Lamay Vice Head, W. O. WilsonCounselor, Prof. H. P. JudsonPatronessesMrs. Mary H. WilmarthMrs. Lydia A. CoonleyHouse CommitteeOtto Wieland Geo. SawyerH. A. Peterson Joseph LeiserResidents . . .Winter '96Appell, C. J. Dickerson, D. C.Breeden, W. Nichols, F. D.Lamay, J. Wieland, 0. E.Wilson, W. T. Linn, J. W.Williams, J. W. Macomber, C. C.Herschberger, C. B. Weston, H. M.BURKHALTER, R. P. Sawyer, G. H.Van Osdel, E. B. Abernethy, H. A.Brookings, L. W. Roby, C. F.Peterson, H. A. Mosser, S. C.Lackner, E. C. Pomeroy, G. S.Abells, H. D. Barrett, C. R.Bochelli, C. V. Hueshork, J.Leiser, J.Smith, K. G.Wiley, H. . D.Fair, N. M. Stewart, C. W.Keith, A. J. Thach, J. H.Taylor, A. B. MacDonald, A. J.Clendenning, T. C. Sincere, V. W.^Valden, E. C. Bergar, M.Stern, C. Greenleaf, D.Flint, N. M. Hallingby, 0.Brown, J. S. Clarke, H. T.Clarke, M. G. Laughlin, J. M.D'Ancona, C. P. Parish, CO.BURKHALTER, L. Campbell, H. B.Hock, F. C. Sparks, C. S.Gauss, J. H. Raycroft, J. EHead, Dr. C. von Klenze Counselor, Prof. Albion W SmallPatroness, Mrs. Chas. R. CraneHouse CommitteeC. F. CongerB. M. Davis Olaus Dahl}. K. ArnoldSecretary, G. B. Hussey Treasurer, A. T. Walker.Members of HouseL. B. VaughnMaurice RubelH. H. GriswoldG. H. LowensteinP. B. EckhartC. D. DibellA. E. McKinleyJ. W. ThompsonA. T WalkerH. A. PalmerR. F. HoxieOlaus DahlC. F. CongerGeorge TunnellC. H. SawyerR. B. MooreH. T. Woodruff B. M. DavisE. COHNC. A. GoodwinW. B. CornellH. L. ClarkeH. D. HubbardJ. W. WilliamsA. W. WhitneyK. F. FlandersH. B. LearnedC. von KlenzeF. F. SteigmeyerV. P. SquiresJ. K. ArnoldAlex CummingsC. N. CrewdsonS. B. Fulton' 1 1I * 1 7")c <nMiddle DivinityHouseC. E. Woodruff, HeadH. E. Purinton, Secretary D. I. Coon, TreasurerS. G. LehmerH. C. MillerG. D. HeuverJ. E. WarnerE. E. HatchB. F. LawrenceE. M. MartinsonP. J. JosephJ. F. WoodM. B. WilliamsF. J. GurneyW. J. OramT. L. KetmanC. R. WeldenA. BumsteadW. R. WilliamsF. D. FerrallN. Wakeham J. J. ProcterM. A. SummersS. R. RobinsonJ. N. AndersonJ. F. BlodgettC. E. WoodruffJ. M. P. SmithG. D. CrawfordF. A. Dean *J. L. WebsterD. MyhrmanJ. S. WestF. D. TuckerD. I. CoonA. C. JonesF. A. BeylA. L. JohnsonTiro OkabeJ. W. BraamW. C. Monroe J. T. CherryW. A. MatthewsR. L. BunyardJ. R. MargreavesH. E. PurintonO. J. TerrellW. E. CarlsonD. PhilippsE. S. NichollsJos. JenkinsF. W. WoodsH. Van KirkJ. F. HunterB. A. BonroffC. S. SnowdenL. O. StieningW. RuhlekoetterP. P. BruceP. S. AllenSouth DivinityHouseCounselor, Dean Eri B. HulbertHead, Addison A. EwingSecretary, Robert B. DavidsonTreasurer, Stephen StarkHouse CommitteeC. H. MurrayW. E. Garrison C. D. CaseR. R. SnowMembers and GuestsJ. Y. AitchisonW. E. ChalmersW. P. OsgoodR. R. SnowA. A. EwingR. W. HobbsF. C. JacksonF. W. KingsleyJ. G. BriggsR. B. DavidsonG. R. AthaG. B. McClellanH. H. HurleyE. B. HulbertH. F. MalloryF. W. BatesonE. W. MecumF. F. ButlerW. A. WilkinJ. A. HerrickStephen StarkW. E. GarrisonH. E. HendrickH. E. JonesB. R. PatrickC. H. MurrayF. W. WoodsJ. C. McInnesA. M. SmithH. M. SpicklerR. F. SmithC. E. CloughC. F. ReadW. R. ShoemakerF. D. ElmerR. M. VaughanO. J. PriceE. T. StevensJ. T. CrawfordJ. A. KjellinC. A. LemonXL*HFaculty Counselor, Prof. Jas. R. AngellHead, Merle B. WaltzMembersChas. S. PikeSam'l S. McClintockHenry Gordon GaleFrederick H. MinardL. Brent VaughanHarry T. Chace, Jr.W. Walt. AtwoodW. English WallingGilbert A. BlissWm. S. BroughtonJohn F. PalmeterJulius H. P. GaussFrank H. HarmsGeo. S. PomeroyJos. E. FreemanJos. M. WilburRalph L. DoughertyRobert Law, Jr.Organized April 1, 1896Head of House, Prof. Ferdinand SchwillCounselor, Prof. Geo. S. GoodspeedTrCeaesuarreyrSH-M-ADKINS0NHouse CommitteeJ. S. Brown N. W. FlintAnd the above officers ex-officioH. M. AdkinsonC B. Herschberger ResidentsJ. W. Linn J. S. BrownF. D. NicholsHouse Counselor, Robert Francis HarperHead of House, Arthur T. WalkerHouse CommitteePhilip Rand, Chairman M. D. McIntyre, SecretaryH. W. Stone, Faculty RepresentativeW. S. Bond Donald KennedyResident MembersRalph H. Johnson Oswald Arnold Philip RandHorace R. Dougherty Moses D. McIntyre Donald KennedyRobert N. TookerResident GuestsFred C Vincent Arthur S. HenningOfficersWilliam B. OwenF. W. Shepardson, CounselorH. L. Clarke, Representative with Faculty.House CommitteeR. C. Dudley, ChairmanH. H. HewittR. B. MeloyMembers of HouseWalter DeffenbaughH. J. SmithH. G. LozierW. C. VaughanE. E. Todd A. G. HoytM. D. HarrisR. B. MeloyM. E. SampsellW. P. Crose^m^>W1?,W 7? Ti^i^lira\*m\AZ ¦uwi/^Counselor, Prof. E. R. L. Gould.Head, Geo. TunellTreasurer, M. B. Lee Secretary, W. T. ChollarGeo. TunellJ. W. CampbellE. RyanC. J. Bentley MembersLouis SassJ. T. Campbell W. T. ChollarM. B. LeeJ. C. CurtisJno. LewisHead of House, Victor O. JohnsonCounselor, Starr W. CuttingResident MembersJohn F. Voight, Jr. W. H. AllenVictor O. Johnson S. F. McLennanC. A. Torrey W. A. PayneM. P. Frutchey j. f. HageyJohn P. MentzerBookTTT « « « <s 99999999999999¥99999999999¥¥9 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥fraternities of tbe . . .University of CbicagoDELTA KAPPA EPSILONPHI KAPPA PSI ... .BETA THETA PI . . .SIGMA NU PSI UPSILON ALPHA DELTA PHI . .THETA NU EPSILON .FRATERNITIESA(C£oTt#e«L ^X§^Thayer A Jackson Stariancry Ca.nhasaDelta KappaEpsilonFounded at Yale University, 1844Chapter Roll1844 Phi Yale University1844 Theta Bowdoin College' 1845 Xi Colby University1846 Sigma Amherst College1847 Gamma Vanderbilt University1847 Psi University of Alabama1850 Chi University of Mississippi1850 Upsilon Brown University1851 Beta University of North Carolina1852 Kappa Miami University1852 Lambda Kenyon College1852 Eta University of Virginia1853 Pi Dartmouth College1854 Iota Central University of Kentucky1854 Alpha Alpha Middlebury College1855 Omicron University of Michigan1855 Epsilon Williams College1855 Rho Lafayette College1856 Tau Hamilton College1856 Mu Colgate University1856 Nu College of the City of New York1856 Beta Phi University of Rochester1861 Phi Chi Rutgers College1866 Psi Phi De Pauw University1867 Gamma Phi Wesleyan University1867 Psi Omega Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute1868 Beta Chi Adelbert College1870 Delta Chi Cornell University1870 Delta Delta University of Chicago1871 Phi Gamma Syracuse University1874 Gamma Beta Columbia College1876 Theta Zeta University of California1879 Alpha Chi Trinity College1889 Phi Epsilon University of Minnesota1890 Sigma Tau Massachusetts Instituteof TechnologyDelta Kappa EpsilonDelta Delta ChapterEstablished 1870Re-established December 15, 1893Fratres in FacilitateHarry Pratt Judson, A. M., LL. D. James Rowland Angell, A. M.Eri Baker Hulbert, A. M., D. D. Charles Porter Small, M. D.Charles O. Whitman, Ph. D., LL. D. George E. Vincent, A. B.Albion W. Small, Ph. D. Walter Scott Davis, A. M.Frank Frost Abbott, Ph. D. Vernon P. Squires, A. B.Adolph C. Miller, A. M. Shailer Matthews, A. B.Nathaniel Butler, Jr., A. M. Addison W. MooreFratres in UniversitateGraduate SchoolMerle Bowman Waltz, A. B.Divinity SchoolGeorge Beaker, Jr., A. B. Homer Jerome Vosburgh, A. B.University CollegeHenry Dallas Speer William English WallingFrederick Horace Minard Ralph Leland DoughertyCharles Sumner Pike Gilbert Ames BlissL. Brent Vaughan Robert Law, Jr.Henry Thurston Chace, Jr. W. Walt. AtwoodHenry Gordon Gale Brown F. SwiftSamuel Sweeney McClintock William Simmons BroughtonAcademic CollegeClarence Cooper Ogilvie Julius Henry Philip GaussJohn Fletcher Palmeter Rollins Judson FurbeckFrank Henry Harms Joseph Edwin FreemanGeorge Strickland Pomeroy Joseph Millard WilburWilloughby George Walling Percy Bernard EckhartWilliam France Anderson William Burgess CornellThomas Carlyle Clendenning Clinton Suman HoyPhi Kappa PsiFounded at Jefferson College, 1852Chapter RollFirst DistrictPennsylvania, Alpha Washington and Jefferson CollegePennsylvania. Beta Alleghany CollegePennsylvania, Gamma Bucknell UniversityPennsylvania, Epsilon Pennsylvania CollegePennsylvania, Zeta Dickinson CollegePennsylvania, Eta Franklin and Marshall CollegePennsylvania, Theta Lafayette CollegePennsylvania, Iota University of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania, Kappa Swarthmore CollegeNew York, Alpha Cornell UniversityNew York, Beta Syracuse UniversityNew York, Gamma Columbia CollegeNew York, Epsilon Colgate UniversityNew York, Zeta Brooklyn Polytechnic InstituteNew Hampshire, Alpha Dartmouth CollegeMassachusetts, Alpha Amherst CollegeSecond DistrictVirginia, Alpha University of VirginiaVirginia, Beta Washington and Lee UniversityVirginia, Gamma Hampden-Sidney CollegeWest Virginia, Alpha University of West VirginiaMaryland, Alpha Johns Hopkins UniversityDistrict of Columbia, Alpha Columbian UniversitySouth Carolina, Alpha South Carolina CollegeThird DistrictOhio, Alpha Ohio Wesleyan UniversityOhio, Beta Wittenberg CollegeOhio, Delta Ohio State UniversityIndiana, Alpha De Pauw UniversityIndiana, Beta Indiana UniversityIndiana, Gamma Wabash Collegefourth DistrictIllinois, Alpha Northwestern UniversityIllinois, Beta University of ChicagoMichigan, Alpha University of MichiganWisconsin, Gamma Beloit CollegeIowa, Alpha University of IowaMinnesota, Beta University of MinnesotaKansas, Alpha University of KansasCalifornia, Beta Leland Stanford, Jr., UniversityNebraska, Alpha University of NebraskaPhi Kappa PsiRe-established January 6, 1894Fratres in FacultateEdmund J. James Elgin R. L. GouldOscar L. Triggs David J. LingleCharles F. Conger Theodore L. NeffGeorge TunellFratres in IniversitateGraduate SchoolRobert Bailey Davidson John Simon Lewis, Jr.Franklin Johnson, Jr. Christian A. MillerUniversity CollegesWilbur Thomas Chollar Charles Dorrance DibellPaul Gerhardt Woolley John Tyler CampbellLouis Sass Charles Wesley StewartHerbert Cassius DurandAcademic CollegesMaurice Brown Lee Charles Johnson BentleyJoseph White Campbell Edwin Campbell WoolleyCecil Page Harry CoyJohn Christlieb Curtiss Eugene RyanArthur Ford Smithin"a * * m. 5Beta Theta PiFounded at Miami University, 1839Chapter RollAlpha Miami UniversityDelta Kappa Ohio UniversityBeta Western Reserve UniversityGamma Washington and Jefferson CollegeEta Harvard UniversityDelta De Pauw UniversityPi Indiana UniversityLambda University of MichiganTau Wabash CollegeEpsilon Centre CollegeKappa Brown UniversityZeta Hampden-Sidney CollegeEta Beta University of North CarolinaTheta Ohio Wesleyan UniversityMu Cumberland University Iota Hanover CollegeAlpha Xi Knox CollegeOmicron University of VirginiaPhi Alpha Davidson CollegeChi Beloit CollegePsi Bethany CollegeAlpha Beta University of IowaAlpha Gamma Wittenberg CollegeAlpha Delta Westminster CollegeAlpha Epsilon Iowa Wesleyan UniversityAlpha Eta Denison UniversityAlpha Kappa Richmond CollegeAlpha Lambda University cf WoosterAlpha Mu University of KansasRho Northwestern University Alpha Pi University of WisconsinAlpha Sigma Dickinson College *Upsilon Boston UniversityAlpha Chi Johns Hopkins UniversityOmega University of CaliforniaBeta Alpha Kenyon CollegeBeta Gamma Rutgers CollegeBeta Delta Cornell UniversitySigma Stevens InstituteBeta Zeta St. Lawrence UniversityBeta Eta Maine State CollegeBeta Theta Colgate UniversityNu Union CollegeAlpha Alpha Columbia CollegeBeta Lambda Vanderbilt University. Beta Iota Amherst CollegeBeta Omicron University of TexasTheta Delta Ohio State UniversityAlpha Tau University of NebraskaAlpha Upsilon Pennsylvania State CollegeAlpha Zeta University of DenverBeta Epsilon University of SyracuseAlpha Omega Dartmouth CollegeBeta Pi University of MinnesotaBeta Nu University of CincinnatiMu Epsilon Wesleyan UniversityZeta Phi University of MissouriBeta Chi Lehigh UniversityPhi Chi Yale UniversityLambda Rho University of ChicagoLambda Sigma Leland Stanford, Jr., UniversityBeta Theta PiLambda Rho ChapterEstablished 1869.Re-established January 25, 1894Fratres in FacilitateRollin D. Salisbury, A. M.Edward E. Barnard, A.M., Sc.D.Charles Zeublin, Ph. D., D. B.William Bishop Owen, A. B., D. B. Charles Richmond Henderson, A.M., D.D.Clarence F. Castle, Ph. D.James Harrington Boyd, Sc. D.Herbert E. Slaught, A. M.Francis Wayland Shephardson, Ph. D.Fratres in IniversitateGraduate SchoolAaron Hodgman Cole, A. B. Edmund Spenser Noyes, A. B.Horace Gillette Lozier, A. B. Edward Octavius Sisson, A. B.John Gaylord CoulterWarren P. Behan, A. B. Divinity SchoolCharles A. Lemon, A. B.University CollegeRaymond Carlton DudleyElmer Ely ToddHarry Love ClarkHenry Whitwell WalesDonald Shurtleff Trumbull Henry Justin SmithHenry Harwood HewittMarshall Emmett SampsellClinton Stillwell BeachRobert Bingham MeloyLOREN MlLFORD RUSSELLWilliam Cain VaughanWalter DeffenbaughHerbert MulfordRoy C Griswold Academic CollegeFranklin Egbert VaughanTheodore Hiram PattersonAllen Gray HoytMorton HarrisWalter P. CroseSigma NuChapter RollBeta University of VirginiaDelta South Carolina CollegeZeta Central UniversityEta Mercer UniversityTheta University of AlabamaKappa North Georgia CollegeLambda Washington and Lee UniversityMu University of GeorgiaNu Kansas UniversityXi Emory CollegeOmicron Bethel CollegePi Lehigh UniversityRho University of MissouriSigma Vanderbilt UniversityUpsilon University of TexasPhi University of LouisianaPsi University of North CarolinaBeta Beta De Pauw UniversityBeta Gamma Missouri Valley CollegeBeta Zeta Purdue UniversityBeta Eta University of IndianaBeta Theta Alabama A. & M. CollegeBeta Iota Mount Union CollegeBeta Kappa Southwest Kansas CollegeBeta Lambda Central CollegeBeta Mu University of IowaBeta Nu University of OhioBeta Xi William Jewel CollegeBeta Pi University of ChicagoBeta Rho University of PennsylvaniaBeta Chi Leland Stanford, Jr., UniversityBeta Psi University of CaliforniaDelta Theta Lombard UniversityGamma Gamma Albion CollegeBeta Upsilon Rose PolytechnicSigma NuBeta Pi ChapterEstablished January 2, 1895Fratres in UniversitateGraduate SchoolFrank Hamilton Fowler, Ph. D. Robert Lee Hughes, A. B.Simon Fraser MacLennan, A. B.Walter A. Payne, Ph. B. Clarence Almon Torrey, Ph. B.University CollegeWilliam Harvey Allen Chas. Horace GallionVictor Oscar JohnsonChas. Sumner Winston John Frederick Voight, Jr.Academic CollegeEdward Regnier Bronson Marcus P. FrutcheyJohn Franklin Hagey John Preston MentzerArthur Thaddeus Pienkowski George Hoyt SawyerArthur Whipple SmithUnclassified StudentsChas. Creudson Wilbur Madison KelsoA. T. AtkinsonE.A.WRIGHT, PHIL*.Psi Upsilon FraternityFounded 1833Roll of Chapters1833 Theta Union College1837 Delta University of City of New York1839 Beta Yale University1840 Sigma Brown University1841 Gamma Amherst College1842 Zeta Dartmouth College1842 Lambda Columbia College1843 Kappa Bowdoin College1843 Psi Hamilton College1843 Xi Wesleyan University1858 Upsilon University of Rochester1860 Iota Kenyon College1865 Phi University of Michigan1867 Omega University of Chicago1875 Pi Syracuse University1876 Chi Cornell University1880 Beta Beta Trinity College1884 Eta Lehigh University1891 Tau University of Pennsylvania1891 Mu University of Minnesota1896 Rho University of WisconsinPsi UpsilonOmega ChapterEstablished !£Fratres in FacilitateCharles R. Henderson Robert F. HarperHenry H. Donaldson Eleakim H. MooreA. Alonzo Stagg Francis A. BlackbournHoward B. Grose George C. HowlandArthur T. WalkerFratres in UniversitateGraduate SchoolCharles L. Bristol Dean A. WalkerStorrs R. BarrettUniversity OfficersC. W- Chase Theodore M. HammondSenior CollegesHarry Wheeler Stone Ralph Hiram JohnsonHorace Raymond Dougherty Raymond W. StevensOswald James Arnold William Scott BondPhilip Rand William Derrick RichardsonRobert Nathaniel TookerJunior CollegesMoses Dwight McIntyre Byron B. SmithDonald Kennedy Louis Wolff, Jr./'/vvVv. />>,,/.Alpha Delta PhiFounded at Hamilton College in 1832Chapter Roll1836 Columbia1837 Yale1837 Amherst1837 Brown1837 Harvard1841 Hudson1841 Bowdoin1845 Dartmouth1846 Peninsular1850 Rochester1851 Williams1855 Manhattan1856 MlDDLETOWN1858 Kenyon1859 Union1870 Cornell1878 Phi Kappa1888 Johns Hopkins1893 Minnesota1894 Toronto1896 ChicagoAlpha Delta PhiChicago ChapterEstablished March, 1896Fratres in TrusteesRichard M. Bailey* . F. H. RowleyThomas W. Goodspeed Daniel L. ShoreyAlonzo K. ParkerFratres in FacultateGeo. A. Goodspeed Ferdinand SchwillFratres in UniversitateAlbert T. Freeman Howard D. French Frederick D. TuckerUniversity CollegesJoseph Edward RaycroftFred Day NicholsCarr Baker NeelJames Scott BrownNott William FlintForest GrantCecil V. BachelleHenry Magee AdkinsonHarry Delmont AbellsAcademic CollegesClarence B. Herschberger Norman K. AndersonJames Weber Linn*Died October 14, 1895.Theta Nu EpsilonAlpha Alpha ChapterEstablished June, 1894Raymond C. DudleyHarry T. Chace, Jr.Ralph H. JohnsonHenry G. GaleElmer E. ToddOswald J. ArnoldChas. S. StewartHarry W. StoneSamuel S. McClintockChas. S. PikeW. Walt. AtwoodRaymond W. StevensPhilip RandHenry T. ClarkeJames Scott BrownRalph L. DoughertyWm. C. VaughanW. S. BondPaul G. WoolleyRobert Law, Jr.Horace R. DoughertyRobert N. TookerGilbert A. BlissL. Brent VaughanCarr B. NeelJos. E. RaycroftJ. W. DeffenbaughHenry AdkinsonFrederick L. DaviesLocal Societies «ts¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥9¥999999999999999¥99999999OMEGA CLUB . . .LION'S HEAD . . .MORTAR BOARD .THE ESOTERIC . .QUADRANGLERS .SIGMA CLUB . . .PI CLUB NU PI SIGMA . . .OWL AND SERPENTCOFFEE HOUSE . .THREE QUARTERSTHE WAIFS . . .M.O.B C. 4.The Omega ClubEstablished January 6, 1894University Collegesy Wheeler StoneRalph Hiram JohnsonPhilip RandHorace Raymond DoughertyRaymond William StevensWilliam Scott BondOswald James ArnoldLouis Wolff, Jr.Robert Newton TookerAcademic CollegesMoses Dwight McIntyreByron Bayard SmithDonald Angus Kennedy Fred Cameron VincentWilliam Eastman GoodfellowArthur Sears HenningThe Lion's HeadEstablished December, 1894MembersHarry Delmont AbellsHenry Magee AdkinsonCecil V. BachelleJames Scott BrownHenry Tefft Clarke, Jr.Nott William FlintForest GrantClarence B. HerschbergerCarr Baker NeelFred Day NicholsJoseph Edward RaycroftThe MortarBoardEstablished November, 1894Charter MembersAgnes Spofford Cook Helen Bradford Thompson-Eleanor Lander Jones *Helen Orme HewittGrace Freeman Marilla Waite Freeman*Margaret Purcell Prescott Edith Ewing Schwarz*Mabel Edwards DoughertyElected Members*Laura Belcher Graves Elizabeth ButlerFrances Inez Hopkins Charlotte Rose TellerDemia Butler Virginia FieldEdith Capps*Non-Resident MembeisTheEsotericOrganized December, 1894Charter MembersJessie Fell Davis Adelaide Melcher IdeFlorence Bull Edith Burnham FosterHarriet Coe AgeterInitiate MembersSarah Munson'*¦' Alice Veep ClarkElinor Douglas FloodTheQuadranglersEstablished January 11, 1895Charter Members^Elizabeth Messick ^ Jennette Kennedy^Anna James McClintock ^ Ethel Keenu Theodosia B. Kane - ^Edna StantonInitiate Members- Elizabeth McWilliams A Annie Bowland Reed,/*Anna Locke Hull * Josephine Turner Allin^ Mary Winter Margaret RumseyThe Sigma ClubEstablished 1895.University CollegeGlenrose Bell Charlotte Briggs CapenAcademic CollegeMary Elizabeth ReddyMary Louise HannanHarriett Campbell RewMarjorie Benton CookeKatharine PaddockMabel Edithe DunlapOf the University of ChicagoEstablished January, 1895Active MembersC. V. BachelleC. R. BarrettJohn HulshartG. S. PomeroyAssociate MemberJohn LamayNu Pi SigmaFounded January, 1896MembersEleanor Lauder JonesAnna James McClintockHarriet Coe AgaterGlenrose BellGrace FreemanAgnes Spofford CookEdith Burnham FosterElizabeth McWilliamsJennette KennedyEdith CappsElizabeth MessickTheodosia KaneEdith Ewting SchwarzAdelaide Melcher IdeMarilla Waite Freeman Sarah MunsonHelen Bradford ThompsonThe"Owl and Serpent"Senior SocietyMembersWallace Walter AtwoodWilliam Scott Bond, Jr.Henry Tefft Clarke, Jr.Raymond Carleton DudleyHenry Gordon GaleCarr Baker NeelFrederick Day NicholsCharles Sumner PikeJoseph Edward RaycroftThe Coffee HouseOrganized June 1, 1895Charter MembersJoseph Marshall Flint Philip RandNott William Flint Robert Nathaniel TookerForest GrantElected MembersJoseph Edward Raycroft Henry Tefft ClarkeHenry Gordon GaleOrganized October 20, 1894Moses D. McIntyreJoseph E. FreemanClarence B. HerschbergerFreshmen SocietyOrganized October, 1895Percy B. Eckhart, PresidentJoseph M. Wilbur, Secretary and TreasurerMembersHarvey T. WoodruffWilliam B. CornellWilloughby G. WallingW. France AndersonLester B. FultonJoseph M. WilburPercy B. EckhartGordon ClarkClinton L. HoyArthur J. MullenThomas C. ClendenningJohn J. WalshCarl H. SawyerRoy B. TaborArthur J. MacDonaldThe WaifsOrganized 1894MembersHenry Constance MurphyThomas A. MoranHoward RoosaCharles Foster RobyThomas Temple HoyneElisha C. WaldenMelville A. AbernethyFred F. SteigmeyerWilliam Black;ooe;flfiembersbipROY BARTLING TABORALVIN LESTER BARTONCHARLE5 L BVRROVGHSARTHVR JOHN AACDONALDVAN SVANER PEARCEEDWIN LEE POVLSONLAWRENCE A JACOBSA1CHAEL BILIAAN WELLSGLEN PLVAB HALLCheers . Delta Kappa Epsilon . . Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! D-K-ERah! Rah! Rah! D-K-E!Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! D-K-E !Delta-Delta !Phi Kappa Psi .... Hi ! Hi ! Hi !Phi Kappa Psi !Live Ever ! Die Never !Phi Kappa Psi !Beta Theta Pi .... Phi-Ch -Phi ! Beta, Theta, Pi !W-o-o-g-i-i-n Wooglin-Wooglin !Psi Upsilon ..... Sis-Boom-Ah ! O-me-ga !Rah-Rah-Rah ! Psi Upsilon !Sigma Nu Hi Rickety Whoop-te-dooWhat's the matter with Sigma NuHullabaloo Teriky hooWhat's the excitement ? Sigma NuTheta Nu Epsilon . . . Theta Nu! Rah! Rah!Theta Nu! Rah! Rah!Theta Nu, Theta Nu EpsilonColors . . .Delta Kappa Epsilon . . Or. Azure and GulesPhi Kappa Psi .... Pink and LavenderBeta Theta Pi .... Pink and Light BlueSigma Nu Black, White and YellowPsi Upsilon Garnet and GoldAlpha Delta Phi . ... Nile Green and WhiteOmega Dark BlueLion's Head Maroou and WhitePi Club Black and WhiteWaifs CharcoalThree Quarters . . . . Crimson and Pearl GrayC4 Owl and Serpent . . .Mortar Board .... Blue and Old GoldEsoteric . ^ Green and WhiteQuadranglers .... Black and WhiteSigma Black and BlueNu Pi Sigma -,.... Purple and Pale YellowM. 0. B . Copper and Green#**¥*****#****¥***¥¥*» ¥Book TU %^6 «s£ «^5 '?»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»Debating andEitcrary #lnb$manpaan FORUM UNIVERSITY DEBATINGPHILOLEXIAN .DRAMATIC CLUBSKETCH CLUB .PRESS CLUB . .ORATORICAL .IDLERS ....ASSEMBLY CLUBMULBERRY CLUB«~%&?-worvmOrganized February 2, 1895Spring Quarter, '95J. H. Thatch, PresidentS. C. Mosser, Vice-PresidentF. H. Wescott, SecretaryW. L. Goble, TreasurerO. E. Wieland, Financial SecretaryPaul Mandeville, Sergeant-at-ArmsAutumn Quarter, '95Harvey A. Peterson, PresidentF. H. Wescott, Vice-PresidentW. H. Allen, SecretaryE. B. Evans, Financial SecretaryG. H. Sawyer, TreasurerF. P. Bachman, Sergeant-at-ArmsWinter Quarter, '96W. H. Allen, PresidentE. B. Ea^ans, Vice-PresidentS. C. Mosser, SecretaryB. J. Wildman, Financial SecretaryJ. F. Hagey, TreasurerC. C. Macomber, Sergeant-at-ArmsFirst Officersof theUniversity of ChicagoDebating SocietyPresident John F. VoigtVice-President . . . Harvey T. WoodruffSecretary Burt B. BarkerTreasurer H. L. IckesAdvisory Committee . S. H. ClarkCritic W. O. WilsonSergeant-at-Arms . . E. M. BakerL. B. VaughanHo T. Atwood[C. W. StewartMembers on Board j R T Atwoodof Trusteesf=^? \ s \OfficersTall Quarter, 1895President Arthur Thaddeus PienkowskySecretary Arthur John MullenWinter Quarter, 1896PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerCriticSergeant-at-ArmsExecutive CommitteeJudicial Committee Marcus Peter FrutcheyJoseph Millard WilburArthur Thaddeus PienkowskyEarl Crayton HalesHerbert Ray JordanArthur John MullenTGleason Alfred Dudley< Allen Tibballs Burns[Robert Elliott GravesJoseph Millard WilburHerbert Wallace DickeyClinton Luman HoySpring Quarter, 1896PresidentVice-PresidentSecretaryTreasurerCriticSergeant-at-ArmsExecutive CommitteeJudicial Committee Herbert Ray JordanJoseph Edwin FreemanPercy Bernard EckhartOswald James ArnoldAllen Tibballs BurnsCharles Sumner Winstonf Robert Elliott Graves< Marcus Peter Frutchey[Arthur Thaddeus Pienkowsky{Joseph Edwin FreemanGleason Alfred DudleyWilloughby George WallingToi)The Dramatic Club was organized in the spring of 1895,by several of those who had taken active part in dramaticproductions at the University. Several of the membersappeared in plays given in connection with the first andsecond Academic Day, but the first appearance of theDramatic Club, since its organization, was on March 12th,when a triple bilk was presented.The Officers arePresident .SecretaryTreasurerStage Manager .Business ManagerDirector Robert Law, Jr.Edith SchwarzTheodosia Kane .Charles S. PikeW. Walt. AtwoodE. H. LewisThe Members of the Club areMisses Reddy Messrs. BrownSevey LawRewRaineySchwarzWilmarthKaneIdeA. Cook AtwoodVincentNicholsPikeMcClintockChaceGrantPress ClubMembersMorning PressWilliam O. Wilson Wilbur T. ChollarJohn S. Lewis, Jr. Gus W. AxlesonHenry A. PalmerEvening PressHerbert C. Durant* Ward B. Pershing** Not Members of Press ClubTheOratoricalAssociationPresidentJ. P. WhyteVice-PresidentE. R. BransonSecretaryG. H. SawyerTreasurerB. B. ParkerThe Idlers is a social club of womenstudents organized in December, 1894.Meetings are held monthly at the homesof members. The first annual receptionwas given on May 31, 1896, in Foster Hall.Its present members are :Lucy M. Johnston, PresidentElizabeth T. Coolidge, Secretary and TreasurerEvelyn Matz, Chairman Membership CommitteeEdith FosterVlNNIE CRANDALLAlice Van VlietHarriet AgerterAdelaide IdeSusan H. BallouAngie LoeschMary B. BairdGwendoline WillisMrs. Alonzo A. StaggCharlotte TellerMarilla FreemanMarion MorganLeila FishMary MaynardSusan HardingClara S. DoolittleMary BurkhalterCharlotte FayeCatherine PaddockHelen Davida HarperJessie DavisKate Anderson-Mary Von Holst (Honorary)Grace FreemanEdith CappsUna McMahonSarah MunsonAlice ClarkJenette KennedyElinor FloodGeorgia BakerDaisy LeningtonAssemblyInformalsIS96Managers Horace R. Dougherty, Wm. S. BroughtonSubscribers SubscribersW. France Anderson Fred H. MinardOswald J. Arnold J. P. MentzerEdw. R. Branson M. D. McIntyreGilbert A. Bliss R. B. MeloyR. J. Bentley A. J. McDonaldWm. S. Broughton F. D. NicholsW. T. Chollar Chas. S. PikeWm. B. Cornell John F. PalmeterR. C. Dudley E. L. PoulsonH. R. Dougherty Cecil PageR. L. Dougherty Philip RandBradley M. Davis Jos. E. RaycroftPercy B. Eckhart R. W. StevensLester B. Fulton G. S. StewardJos. E. Freeman Louis SassK. F. Flanders R. N. Tooker, Jr.W. E. Goodfellow F. C. VincentHenry G. Gale F. E. VaughanH. H. Griswold H. T. WoodruffA. S. Henning M. B. WellsFrank H. Harms Willoughby G. WallingH. H. Hewitt M. B. WaltzClinton L. Hoy Wm. English WallingH. L. Ickes R. W. WebsterLander Jones Wm. O. WilsonD. A. Kennedy Jos. M. Wilbur^MulberryClubPresident, James Weber LinnSecretary and Treasurer, Florence WilkinsonMembersMrs. Martha Foote CrowMiss BowenMiss Effie GardnerMiss Agnes CookMiss Marjorie CookeMiss Florence WilkinsonMr. Charles S. PikeMr. Nott W. FlintMr. Vernon P. SquiresMr. Frank W. WoodsMr. James W. LinnMr. Charles R. BarrettW*if9¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥999¥¥¥¥¥Book D %%%%ljtjjtjtj*jtjitjtjitjij*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j*j* »^\i<^TlW<>To^ii/fytniF*'p/' ! v :11 in uiOfficers for theTennis AssociationOf 1895O. J. Thacher, PresidentG. B. Hussey, Secretary and TreasurerC A. Torrey "]C. B. Neel J- Executive CommitteeW. E. MoffattTennis TeamNeel BondRand TorreyLansingh McGillivrayChalmers DudleyOfficers for 1896Carr B. Neel, PresidentWm. E. Moffatt, Secretary and TreasurerProf. F. L. O. WadswokthG. B. Hussey Executive CommitteeUniversitySpringChampionshipJune 20Singles.HeilLinnDurandHill ^Linn 4-6, 6-2, 6-3>Hill 6-0, 6-1Woodruff ) Smith 5-7, 6-2,Smith, H.J. J" 6-4Gleason \ Pershing-Pershing S (Default)MoffattTorrey /Moffatt 5-7, 6-3,sS 14-12McGillivray ) McGillivraySmith, B. B. ] 6-0, 6-3 [ Hill (Default)^Smith 6-0, 6-2LMcGillivray-6-2,6-2 }>Hill-6-4, 7-5Smith 6-4,' 8-6ThatcherHusseyLansinghGilchristAdkinsonBond I Hussey 1-6, 6-3,"li" 6-4^Lansingh 7-5,> 7-5) Adkinson\ (Default)Whitehead (lckes-6-4,6-4HubbardStagg j- Stagg 6-0, 6-0MooreAllenLapham I Lansingh 6-0,* 6-4I Adkinson 5-7,f 6-4,6-3^Stagg 6-0, 6-0[ Allen-6-0, 6-4 .Lansingh-? 6-0,6-3Stagg 5-7,6-2, 6-4 Lansingh-6-2, 8-6 Lansingh6-0, 6-4, 3-6,4-6, 6-2NeelChampion ^Neel-f 6-3,9-7Doubles.Stagg and AllenIckes and MoffattHeil and GilchristHussey and LaphamNeel and ThatcherTorrey and Lansingh ) Stagg and Allen-i" 6-2, 6-4} Heil and Gilchrist5 3-6, 6-3, 6-4I Torrey and Lansingh 'S 3-6, 6-4, 6-1Whitehead and Moore ) Hill and McGillivrayHill and McGillivray S (Default) I Heil and Gilchristf 7-5,1-6,7-5I Torrey and Lansingh6-3,6-4 sTorrey and Lansingh? 6-4,6-3,6-4Kenwood Country ClubJune 28Colleges Represented : Knox, Lake Forest, Wisconsin,Northwestern and AlbionBond (C.)Thornton (L. F.)Gushing (K.)Street (N. W.)Weeks (K.)Burt (N. W.)Paine (A.)Coulter (L. F.) Manson (W.)I Bond-6-4, 6-2I Street 6-3, 6-1Maywood (A.)I Weeks 7-5, 3-6, 6-3^Paine(A.)-6-2,6-2Neel(C.)Hughett (W.) SinglesVBond-6-1,6-4[ Street-6-1, 6-4¦Weeks 6-2, 6-4\ Neel-6-1, 6-2Doubles ^Bond-7-5, 6-0} Neel 6-1, 6-2Bond and Neel (C.)Weeks and Willard (K.)Street and Burt (N. W.) ^ n _Coolidge and Thornton (L. F.) J Manson and Hughett (W.) ) Bond and Neel_[ Bond and Neel-6-1, 6-2 ) 6"1' 6"° >Neel 6-3, 6-1, 6-4\ Street andBurt-6-2, 6-1Paine and Maywood (A.) ) I Bond and Neel6-3, 6-1, 6-1I Paine and Maywood7-5, 6-0InterscholasticJune, 1895Under Auspices University of ChicagoManagers : Thatcher and Ickes .Winners : Singles-O. W. Beggs, Chicago Manual Training School. Doubles Frank Staley and Keith ,North Division High School.Summer HandicapTournamentsSinglesSEMI-FINALS FINALS WINNERHill ?Hill- -]y 7-9, 7-5, 6-4Gaitl Clarke "lClarke IV?Clarke-I y 6-0, 4-6, 6-1 >, > 6-4, 2-6, 6-3Wycoff 1^Clarke -6-1, 8-6 JLapham VI I Lapham VI y 6-1,6-4 JHewitt s .Wadsworth >.6-2,6-3Breeden II? PhillipsIV y 5-7, 10-8, 6-4 "^Phillips, L. I WadsworthWadsworth XII ? WadsworthV \ 6-2, 6-0 f (By default)Catterall J ^Wadsworth y> 6-3, 6-2Winston V? WinstonIV y 6-3, 6-1 *sBall iBatesonBateson III ) BatesonX y 7-5, 6-2 f 6-2,6-3 JJ Wadsworth-> 6-2, 6-4, 6-3PattenThurtell XII? ThurtellIII y 6-0,6-2 *sSmith IThurtell- ^Owen VII?Owen-IV y 2-6, 13-11, 6-4 r 6-2,6-4JPhillips, D Rand v> 3-6, 9-7, 6-1McClintock I }. Thatcher -^Thatcher I y 6-1, 1-6, 16-4 iRand 6-3, 6-3RandLovett IX ? Rand-II y 6-0, 6-2 J >Rand 1-6,6-4,6-4 ,Payne I ? Linn VI y 8-6,6-4 \Linn >Linn 6-1, 6-2Goodell J .Lansingh yf 6-0,10-8Hussey VI \ Lansingh Lansingh XII y 6-3,3-6,6-3DoublesFIRST ROUND SEMI-FINALS FINALS winnersLansingh I XII ^Angell I Hussey and Lapham "iHussey I y f 4-6,6-4,8-6Lapham s .Hussey and Lapham ^,Ball j- I > 9-7,6-1Breeden 1^Phillips Bros 6-1, 6-4Phillips Bros. } VI J Rand and Linn-" 6-0, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4Thurtell? VII >Gait I Thurtell and Gait ^Wadsworth } x r 6-1,6-3Patten )>Rand and Linn G-0, 12-10 ,Thatcher I I sClarke I Rand and Linn LinnRand [ VIII r 3-6, 7-5, 6-4TournamentSummer QuarterOpen to all excepting Lansingh,Hill, Rand and WadsworthSinglesBalch ? Dougherty v,Dougherty y 2-6,6-3,6-0 ^>Stagg 6-2, 6-0McClellanStagg j. Stagg-6-0, 6-0 J>Stagg 6-3, 6-4WinstonClarke 1 Winston 6-0, 6-0^1>Winston-6-3, 6-3BatesonGait I Gait 3-6, 6-2, 6-4J>Stagg-6-3, 8-6Thatcher ? Thatcher ^y DefaultCulver ^Linn-6-1, 6-1HusseyLinn I Linn 2-6, 6-3, 6-lJ>Linn 6-1, 6-3Smith, M. PPhillips, L. | Phillips-6-4, 6-4*1^Ball 7- 5,6-4GodellBall ^Ball-10-8,6-4 JStagg? 6-2, 6-1, 6-1Owen ? Saunders «s5 6-1, 6-4 1 ^Saunders?Payne DefaultArnoldPayne I Payne-6-0, 6-0 J.Chalmers NChalmers I Chalmers n f 6-0, 6-0McClintock y 6-2, 6-2 I Chalmers-Phillips, D. Phillips- J 6-°'6-° Jy Default ^McGillivray> PattenSmith, B. B.Breeden { Smith 6-1, 6-4 "i 8-6, 5-7, 6-2^Patten 10-8, 6-2 1Lapham ? Pattens' 6-0, 4-6, 7-5 >Patten>Patten DefaultTookerSmith, H. \ Smith-Default ^ Dmitri DefaultMillerThompson I Miller 7-5, 6-4 JFaculty-StudentTournamentFaculty Won 4, Lost 3; Students Won 3, Lost 4One Match not playedSeptember, 1895FIRST roundAngell ?at,0ii so 7tc fio Hobbs I Hobbs Stagg ? LansinghRand j;Angell-6-2,7-5,6-2 Patten J 4-6,6-1,8-6,4-6,6-4 Lansingh $ 3-6,6-3,6-2,6-1SECOND ROUNDiSSlU (AnH!^;6-2,3-6,S-2 Rand* } Hobbs-6-2, 6-3, 6-1 |^ffn } Stagg-5-7, 6-2, 6-0, 12-10THIRD ROUNDRand ?t)Qnj <.9ll7fiUi Lansingh ^LansinghStagg }Rand-6-2,5-7,b-3,b-4 Hobbg J 4-6,9-7,1-6,6-1,6-2Annual Fall TournamentLansinghLinnHusseyGaitAdkinsonWinstonMoffattKeithVan OsdelTorreyBatesonIckesHillPayneDougherty J- Linn-7-5, 4-6, 7-5j- Hussey-7-5, 10-8j- Adkinson 6-4, 13-11MoffattI Keith-9-7, 8-6I Torrey 6-4, 6-0^Hill-6-0,6-0£ Payne Default SinglesLinn 9-7, 8-10. 8-6Adkinson 6-0, 6-2Torrey 6-0, 5-7, 6-1Hill-6-2, 6-3 ? Adkinson 6-2, 6-3> Hill Default >Hill DefaultDoublesLinn and Winston /Gait and Hussey - ^Gait and Hussey y 4-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4, 10-8 I Angell and Lansingh-f 6-2, 6-1, 6-1Angell and Lansingh JAdkinson and IckesHi LI and Torrey ) Hill and Torrey> 6-1, 6-0, 7-5 L Angell and Lansingh-f 4-6, 6-2, 7-5, 6-1Indoor Handicap TournamentFebruary 8, 1895J. SmithL. Ickes ^Smith-4-6, 6-1, 6-3 SinglesSmith 8-6, 4-6, 6-3 *lfY.i^XUere^^1eason-6-8,8.6^.g.falUhTlAlLansin^-6-8,64,8^, ^^^W. Liun V ? - - f 9-7 and defaultJ.G. B. HusseyW. PeabodyC. Durand VIIIVI Linn 7-5, 6-8Durand DefaultJ-Ttatoher m^iU-6-2,7-5M^dWoson V^Neel_6.3,6-4 Durant 6-1, 6-1Neel-6-3, 5-7, 6-4 Lansingh 8-6, 3-6, 6-41^ Neel 6-2, 6-0J > Neel-6-3, 6-1, 6-8,6-2DoublesTorrey and LansinghThatcher and HusseyHill and GilchristWinston and Heil III S torrey and Lansingh 6-0, 6-1Yj^ \ Hill and Gilchrist-7-5, 6-4 Hill and Gilchrist 6-1, 6-2, 6-2FootBallTeamN. W. Flint, ) T _T T >L. E.J. Lamay, )E. V. Williamson, L. T.W. Ruhlkoetter, L. G.Philip Allen, C.Looney, , ^ rT. L. Ketman, Y;>B-C. W. Allen Captain, R.C. F. Robey, R. E.A. A. Ewing,H. T. Clarke,C. B. Neel, "1Henry Gale, J.F. B.C. B. Herschberger* JF. D. Nichols, R. H.Henry Gale, )A. A. Ewing, )Substitutes -Brown, Dickey, Leighton.September 7. 'Varsity vs. Englewood High 28-0September 14. 'Varsity vs. Englewood Y. M. C. A. 42-6September 18. 'Varsity vs. Hyde Park High 24-0September 21. 'Varsity vs. Eureka College .... 28-0September 28. 'Varsity vs. Chicago Athletic Association . 8-0October 5. 'Varsity vs. Lake Forest .... 52-0October 19. 'Varsity vs. Northwestern University . 6-22October 23. 'Varsity vs. Armour Institute 24-4October 26. 'Varsity vs. University of Minnesota . £-10November 2. 'Varsity vs. University of Wisconsin . 22-12November 9. 'Varsity vs. Western Reserve 16-0November 16. 'Varsity vs. Northwestern University . 6-0November 28. 'Varsity vs. University of Michigan 0-12Games Played 13 ; won 10, lost 3. Points University of Chicago, 262 ; opponents, 66.UniversitySecondElevenG. Clarke, L. E. Burns, L. T. Sincere, L. G.Davis, C. Bowers, E. G. Lowenstein, R. T.Kennedy, R. E. Peabody, Q. B. Flanders, L. H. B. .H. Clarke, R. H. B. Axelson, F. B.November 18 University Second, 18 ; Lake Forest Second, 0.Ball Nine1895JonesPike(Catchers)ClarkeNicholsBrownAbells (Pitchers) Winston(1st Base) (3d Base)Adkinson Nichols(2d Base) ClarkeGrant(Short Stop)PikeBrown GrantClarke PikeJones (Left Field)(Right Field)HerringNichols((/enter Field)Sawyer and Minard, SubstitutesBase Ball ScoresApril 20. C.April 22. C.April 24. C.April 29. C.May 1. C.May 4. C.May 6. C.May 7. C. vs. Northwestern, 23-13.vs. Rush Medical, 18-9.vs. Rush Medical, 8-6.vs. Northwestern, 11-6.vs. Lake Forest, 10-4.vs. Wisconsin, 8-2.vs. Rush Medical, 6-4.vs. Northwestern, 8-0. May 10. C. vs. University Iowa, 40-6.May 14. C. vs. Northwestern, 21-19.May 15. C. vs. Grinnell College, 18-4.May 25. C. vs. Michigan, 13-1.June 1. C. vs. Wisconsin, 5-16.June 5. C. vs. Lake Forest, 26-5.June 10. C. vs. Northwestern, 26-1.June 15. C. vs. Michigan, 4-6.SummaryTotal Runs University, 245. Opponents, 102.Sixteen College Games At Home, won 10, lost 1.Total Won 13, lost 3. Away, won 3, lost 2.Minor GamesApril 12. C.vs.H.P. H. S.,27-0.April 13. C. vs. Evanston High, 21-5.April 15. C. vs. St. Ignatius, 24-5.April 27. C. vs. St. Thomas, 51-5. May 3. C. vs. Chicago League, 2-5.May 16. C. vs. Omaha University Club, 11-6.May 31. C. vs. Omaha University Club, 11-12.June 11. C. vs. St. John's Military, 27-3.Total Won 6, lost 2.Total of Season Runs made by University, 405 ; opponents, 158. Won 19, lost 6.Summer Ball NineJune 29. C. vs. Whitings, 27-3. August 3. C. vs. Oak Park, 10-13.July 6. C. vs. Edgars, 10-5. August 17. C. vs . DeKalb, 7-14.July 15. C. vs. Unions, 7-15. August 24. C. vs, . Oak Park, 5-6.July 20. C. vs. Cranes, 6-13.Games won 2, lost 5.Second Base BrownCatchers Adkinson Left FieldJones Jones PikePike PikeEwing ClarkeGaltPitchersNichols Short StopStagg Center FieldClarke LogieBrown ClarkeNichols HerringBowersFirst Base Lowenstein RothchildDunn Third BaseBrown Winston Right FieldEwing Logie AllenBase Ball1895Batting AveragesPlayers Aw<RXJ1H<3 <PQH<J32HMH97881049769788477818712 32Hffl H55WOrtPh.505.386.356.330.319.308. 32P 02PHow 02wwPQwrtW 32HHwH02<^PQp 025HHrto<;go H00-siPQfcHROH0Q HPoMoP«Eh0QNichols 201721211621181920183 493437322224242020184 613840312334233630225 81001110400 51611000000 1321141411560 24703213740 21149493812340 3511Abells 106Winston 10Hering Grant 44Clarke 18Pike 130Total 874 284 343 16 14 48 33 87 84PlayersJones, c, r. f Abells, 1st Pike, c, r. f., 1. f Nichols, c, s. s., c. f., pAdkinson, 2d Winston, 3d Brown, p., 1st, r. f Clarke, p., s. s., r. f Grant, 1. f., s. s Hering, s. s., c. f Sawyer, s. s., r. f GamesPlayed172118202121162019183 AcceptedChances136170368712062404337332 Errors103101514101111111 Percent'ge.978.944.923.897.888.816.800.796.771.750.667Players w<RPh02H%< 55o 32o O 32 HC3 ^^ oPh>Ph RwrtooccxnPP3 3255PP3ftw55rt< 32°P3Hfl55 BS S5OrtrtlPh Hitsoff Delivery HitbyPitcher 32RR<PQ55OmS32«*!PQ 32swoEH£ftH HPoWoPrtH R hr£ H5 rtPQ787 665 122 .857.750.714 344729 141216 .412.256.552 50 ! 562 i 948 | 9 283333 54716 384445 .800.848.963 .520.222.488 17 5 110 42 160 i 23 94 12,Players GamesPlayed PassedBalls BasesStolen FieldingAverage BattingAverage1634 1446 2937 .9771.000.917 .363.467Pike .23824 39ftAejf*ti£T@Indoor MeetsFebruary 22. '1-5.Thirty-five yard dash Coy first, Patterson second ; time, :4 1-5.Mile Peabody first, Calhoun second; time, 5:26.Potato race Fish first; time, :53 2-5.High jump Herschberger first, Steigmeyer second ; height, 5.2J4.Pole vault Herschberger ; 9.4.Half mile White first, Drew second ; time, 2:24.Broad jump Steigmeyer first, Coy second ; 17.1.March 2. '95 First Regiment Armory.C. A. A., 31; Wisconsin, 10; U. C, 9; Lake Forest, 5 ; University of Illinois, 2.March 9. '95.Thirty-five yard Coy ; time, :4 1-5.One mile Peabody ; time 5:26.Half mile White ; time, 2:24.Potato race Fish ; time, 53 2-5.High jump Herschberger; 5. 2*4.Pole vault Herschberger ; 9.4.Shot put Garry; 30 feet 10 inches.March 16, '95 U. C. Gymnasium, between LakeForest, Northwestern and U. of C.Referee H. S. Cornish.Starter E. W. Smith.Clerk of Course J. E. Raycroft.Judges at Finish O. J. Thatcher, J. M. Flint.Field Judges Culver. Brewer and Rand.Timers A. A. Stagg, J. E. Raycroft.Scorer Forest Grant. Thirty-five yard D. H. Jackson [L. F.J first,Patterson [U. C] second, Mandel [U. C.J third;timo, 4 1-5.Eight hundred and eighty yards J. J. Jackson[L. F.J first, Drew [U. C] second, Lucas[L. F.J third; time, 2:23 2-5.Half mile walk Rheimgans [L. F.] first, Steele[L. F.] second, Peck [N. W.] third; time,3:23 3-5.Mile run Cragin [L. F. ] first, Rice [L. F.] second,Peabody [U. 0.1 third ; time, 4 :59V4.Potato race Fish [U. 0.1 first, Newton [L. F.jsecond, Davidson [N. W.l third: time, :48.Relay race (Limited to Lake Forest and Chicago.) \% mile Chicago first (Holloway, Patterson, Lamay, Coy, Steigmeyer, Campbell andDickerson) ; Lake Forest second (Cragin,Yaeger, Rheimgans, D. H. Jackson, A. O. Jackson, J. J. Jackson, W. Jackson) : time, 6:43 3-5.Pole vault Herschberger [V. C.J first, Kay [N.W.]second, Wilson [N. W.l third ; height, 9.2.High jump Reid [L. F.I first, Steigmeyer ru. C.Jsecond, Herschberger [U. C.l third; height 5.6.Broad jump Mandel [U. 0 1 first. 19.11 ; Perryrw w 1 r...~ 1 in n . Y .. rw tit n .1.; 1 .n n[N. W.J second, 19.7 : Jones [N. W.J third, 18.7."": '¦¦ ' ¦'¦ ' " "" "'] firsc, ----- ....,-... , oolsey[L. F.J third, 31 feet.Lake Forest. 34 points: Chicago, 31 points;[L. F.J third, 31 feet.Lake Forest, 34 points ;Northwestern, 13 points.University Field DayAt the first annual spring meeting, May 10, fourUniversity records were broken. As the track wasin poor condition, this becomes the more remarkable. In the 120-yard hurdle, Sass lowered his lastyear's record by one second, winning in : 18 2-5.Holloway won the quarter mile, lowering the University by two seconds. F.Johnson won easily inthe mile walk, Hancock dropping out after one lap.Johnson covered the mile in 7 : 55.The bicycle races attracted probably more attention than any other. Bachelle won both and reducedthe 'Varsity record in the mile race to 2: 32. Patterson captured two events, the 35-yard and the 100-yarddash. Herschberger took the 220-yard hurdle andtho hammer throw. Summaries:Thirty-five yard dash Patterson first, Steigmeyersecond ; time, :04 1-5.One hundred and twenty yard hurdles Sass first,Neel second; time, : 18 2-5.One mile run Johnson first, Wilkins second;time, 5 : 13.One hundred yard dash Patterson first, Woolleysecond; time, : 10 2-5.Four hundred and forty yard run Holloway first,Dickerson second ; time, : 52 2-5.One mile walk F. Johnson, Jr., first ; time, 7 : 55. One mile bicycle handicap Bachelle first, Gleasonsecond, Hales third ; time, 2 :32 2-5.Throwing hammer Herschberger first, Garreysecond; distance, 73.7.Two hundred and twenty yard dash Pattersonfirst, Lamay second; time, : 23 3-5.Half mile run Peabody first, Drew second ; time,2 : 14 3-5.Putting shot Steigmeyer first, Herschbergersecond ; 32.9.Two hundred and twenty yard hurdles Herschberger first, R. Law second ; time, :30 2-5.Running broad jump Neel first, Behan second;19.2.One lap bicycle race Bachelle first, Gleason second; time, : 38 2-5.The officers for the day were :Referee A. A. Stngg.Clerk of Course Philip Rand.Starter J. E. Raycroft.Timers O. J. Thatcher, A. A. Stagg.Finish Judges J. M. Flint, H. W. Fox.Field Judges Charles Allen,H. Butterworth, H. D. Abells.Scorer Forest Grant.Indoor Track Meets, '96'Varsity WinsDefeats Lake Forest in the Dual Athletic Meet. Score, 56-33.The officers were :Referee J. E. Raycroft.Judges of the Finish T. B. Egbert, Prof. Matthews, F. D. Nichols, and C. Keener.Judges of the Field- E. R. Perry, H. T. Clarke, and C. T. Teetzel.Timers A. A. Stagg and Prof. Williams.Starter J. E. Raycroft. Scorer H. N. Adkinson.Inspectors N. W. Flint, G. A. Blis«, and C. T. Teetzel.The summary is as follows :Mile run Contestants : Calhoun, Peterson [U.C.],Cragin, Rice [L.F.] ; Cragin first, Calhoun second, Rice third ; time, 4 : 51 3-5.Half mile walk Barrett, Gundlach [U. C], Anderson [L. F.J; Gundlach first, Anderson second,Barrett third ; time, 3 : 52 3-5.High jump Steigmeyer, Herschberger [U. C],Woods, J. J. Jackson, Jaeger [L. F.] ; Steigmeyerfirst 5.3 7-10, Herschberger second 5.3 7-10, Woodsthird 5.2.Half mile run Peabody, Anderson [U C.J, Cragin,Alcott [L. F.] ; Cragin first, Peabody second,Alcott third ; time, 2 : 14 2-5.Putting sixteen pound shot Williamson [U. C]first 34.6, Herschberger [U. CI second 34, Wool-sey [L. F.J third 32.5, Steigmeyer [U. C] 31.9,Kennedy ftJ. C] 31.5.Potato race First heat : Newton [L. F.] first :54 4-5,Eckhardt [U. C] second, Clendenning [U. C]third. Second heat : Fish [U. C] first :53 1-5, W.Eckhardt fourth.Running broad jump Dickey [U. C] first 19,Herschberger [U. C.] second 18.7^4, Steigmeyer[U. C.J third 18.7, Neel [U. C.J 18.2%, JaegerLL. F. ] 17.11, Wood LL. F.] 17.6, Hossack [L. F.]17.9, S. Jackson [L. F.J 17.2. Standing broad jump Steigmeyer [U. C] first10.5, Wood LL. F.J second 10.1, W. Jackson [V .C.J third 9.11%, J. Jackson LL. F.J 9.8%, DrewLU. C] 9.8-, Woolley LU. C.J 9.7, Bond [U, C.J 9.6.Thirty-five yard dash First heat: Bourroughs fU.C.J first :04 2-5, Dickey [U. C.J second, JaegerLL. F.J, Brearley LL. F.J, Kennedy LL. F.J. Second heat : Woolley LU. C.J first :04 2-5, AbernethyLU. C.J second, W. Jackson LL, F.J, Hossack,Third heat: D. H. Jackson LL. F.J first : 04 3-5.Coey LL. F.J second, J. Jackson LL. F.J, MosserLU. C.J. Fourth heat White [U. C.J first : 04 3-5,Steigmeyer TU. C.J second, A. Jackson LL- F.J.Bond [U. C.J. Fifth heat: W. Jackson LU. C.Jfirst :04 3-5, Burkhalter [TJ. C.J second, Wood LL.F.J third. Heat for seconds: Dickey and Coeytied, Abernethy, Steigmeyer, Burkhalter. Semifinals: Bourroughs and D. H. Jackson tied W.Jackson [U.C.J ; Woolley first, White second,Dickey, Coey. Finals: D. H. Jackson [L. F.Jfirst :04 1-5, Bourroughs [U. C.J second, WoolleyLU.C.J third.Relay race First relay: Peabody [U. C.J first,Cragin LL. F.J second. Second relay: DickersonLU. C.J first, Bettis LL. F.J second. Third relay :Palmeter LU. C.J first, Jaeger [L. F.J second,Fourth relay : H. L. Clarke IV. C.J first, J. Jackson [L. F.J second. Fifth relay: Campbell LU.C.J first, Newton LL. F.J second. Sixth relay :Walling LU. C.J first, A. O. Jackson LL. F.J second. Seventh relay: White [U. C.J first, D. H.Jackson LL. F.J second.First Annual Invitation Indoor Athletic GamesGiven under the auspices of the University of Chicago, at the First Regiment Armory, SixteenthStreet and Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Saturday, March 14, 1896, at S p. m.Summary of EventsTEACK EVENTSFifty yard dash, scratch A. B. Potter LN. U.J first,C. Burroughs [U. C.J second, D. H. Jackson LL. F.U.J third; time, :5 4-5.Fifty yard dash, handicap A. Brown LN. W. A.Jfirst (5 yards), O. E. Granberg [C. Y. M. C. A.]second (4 yards), B. Powell LH. P. H. S.J third(3 yards) ; time, :5%.One mile run, handicap J. Turner IF. R.J first(100 yards), R. H. Dubois LL. V. H. S.J second(90 yards) , R. Barkdull LE. H. S.J third (100 yards) ;time, 5 :06.Team race for high schools, % mile Hyde Parkfirst, Englewood second ; time, 2 :35.Open one mile team race First Regiment first, Chicago Turngemeinde second ; time, 4 :05%.One mile intercollegiate team race University ofChicago first, Armour Institute second ; time, 4 :21.Eight hundred and eighty yard run, scratch E. K.Peabody \_\j. C.J first, D. W. Gates LN. U.J second,W. G. Walling LU. C.J third ; time, 2 :16%.Fifty yard hurdles, scratch J. J. Jackson LL. F.U.J first, J. Hutchinson fE. H. S.J second, F. F.Steigmeyer _[TJ. C.J third; time, :7%.Four hundred and forty yard run, handicap A. A.Cochane [_F. R.J first (28 yards), R. Pingree LH. P.H. S.J second (28 yards,), F. R. White LU. C.J third(30 yards) ; time, :56%.Inter-preparatory league team race, % mile University School first, Harvard School second ; time,2:44. Inter-academic league team race, % mile MorganPark first, Northwestern Academy second; time,2 :43 4-5.FIELD EVENTSHigh jump, handicap A. E. Bateson LW. S. Y. M.C. A.J first (7 inches), 5.3 ; F. A. Martin [S. S. T. G.Jsecond (5 inches), 5.4%; C. M. Mantor LN. W.A.Jthird (6 inches), 5.3.16 lb. shot put, handicap J. McLachlan [P. A.A.J first (7 feet), 33.1; E.Williamson LU. C.J second (4 feet), 35.%; A. E. Logie [\J. C.J third (7feet), 31.8%.Pole vault, scratch C. B. Herschberger LU. C.J first,10 ; W. B. Everingham LW. S. Y. M. C A.J second,9.9; E. Goetz [C. T. G.J third, 9.6.Score in points (omitting the team races) : University of Chicago 20, First Regiment 10, Northwestern University 8, West Side Y. M. C. A. 8, Lake Forest University 6, Northwestern Academy 6, PullmanAthletic Club 5. Hyde Park High School 4, Englewood High School 4, Lake View High School 3, Central Y. M. C. A. 3, South Side Turngemeinde 3,Chicago Turngemeinde 1.Other teams competing: Armour Institute, Lak eForest Academy. Morgan Park Academy, Harvar dSchool, South Side Academy. South Side Hig hSchool, Oak Park High School, North Park College ,Bohemian Turners, Welcome Athletic Club, Milwau -kee Athletic Association, Thistle Cycling Club ,Rogers Park Athletic Association.University of ChicagoLake ForestNorthwestern .EVENTS.Hundred yardsHigh hurdlesMile .Lap bicycleMile walkTwo-twenty dashQuarter mile .Low hurdleTwo-mile bicycleHalf-mile run .RelayPole vault .High jumpShot putHammer throwBroad jump TOTAL POINTS.. 5089Chi.. 58. 0Total 50The summaries were: L. F.2580022005505039 N.W.1002¦I20Track EventsOne hundred yard dash First heat: A. T. Patterson [U. C.J first, D. H. Jackson [L. F.l second;time, :10. Second heat: E. E. Perry [N. W.] first,W.Jones IN. W.l second; time, :11. Third heat:P. G. Woolley [U. Cffirst, A. S. Reed [L. F.J second; time, :11 8-5. Final heat: Patterson first,Jackson second. Perry third ; time, :10 2-5.One hundred and twenty yard hurdle First heat :C. B. Neel [U. C.J first, J. J. Jackson [L. F.J second; time, :19. Second heat: Walkover for F.Sass and F. Steigmeyer, both of U. C. Finalheat: J. J. Jackson first, Steigmeyer second, Sassthird; time, :18 2-5.One mile run H. B. Cragin, Jr. [L. F.J first, W. J.Rice [L. F.J second, J. K. Anderson LL. F.J third ;time, 4 :54 1-5.One-third mile, bicycle-C. B. Bachell6 [U. C.Jfirst, W. B. Moore [N. W.J second, G. A. Bliss [U.C.J third ; time, :47 4-5. One mile walk F. Johnson LU. C. 1 first, E. T. Gundlach fN.W.J second, Hancock LU. C.J third; time,8 :08 2-5.Two hundred and twenty yards run First heat : P.G. Woolley [U.C.J first, J. Lamay LU. C.J second ;£;m2' L24,Ht sTecond neat: H. E. Patterson LU.C.J first, D. H. Jackson [L. F.J second ; time, :24.Final heat: Patterson first, Jackson second,Woolley third ; time, :23.Quarter mile run H. C. Holloway LU. C.J first AO. Jackson LL. F.l second, S. C. Dickerson [U.C.Ithird ; time, :53 1-5.Two hundred and twenty yard hurdle First heat :L. Sass [U. C.l first, W. Jackson LL. F.l second ;time. :81 8-5. Second heat: W. P. Kay [N. Wifirst, J. Lamay LU. C. J second ; time, :29 4-5. Finalheat: W. P. Kay first, J. Lamay second, L. Sassthird; time, :30.Two-milo bicycle raco W. B. Moore LN. W. I firstC..B. Bachelle [D. C.J second, [G. A. Bliss LU. C.jthird; time, 6:41.Half mile ran H. B. Cragin, Jr. L. F.l first, E. WPeabody [U. C.J second, D. L. Gage [N. W.J third ;time, 2 :08.Relay race -Lake Forest first (A. O. Jackson, H. B.Cragin, Jr., and D. H. Jackson). University ofChicago second (S. ('. Dickerson, E. W. Peabodyand W. P. Drew), Northwestern third (Brewer,( ulver and D. L. Gates) ; time, 4:00 3-5.Field EventsPole vault A. H. Culver LN. W.J first, 10.5; C. BHershberger [U. C.J second, 10.3; R. E. Wilson[N. W.J third, 9.4.Running high jump A. S. Reed [L. FJ first, 5.4- CPT-TH^1?h,b.erfer [U' C-] second, 5.3; F. SteigmeyerLU. C.J third, 5.2.Putting 16 pound shot F. A. Brewer LN. W.l first.36.9; E. K. Perry LN. W.J second, 35.6; T. Neff, LU. C.J third, 33.9.Throwing 16 pound hammer Marion WoolseyLL. F.l first, 103.6; W. P. Kay [N. W.J second, 88;F. A. Brewer [N. W.Jthird. 78.9.Running broad jump E. R. Perry LN. W.J first. 20.3 :C. B.Neel LU.C.J second, 20.2H ; Davidson [N.W. 'Ithird, 19.11.IC5TDmrMJiciATEOn June 1, 1895, tbe University of Californiateam won the trophy representing the championshipof the W. I. A. A. A. with 37 points. The meet wasmost successful, 13 records being broken. Bachelle,Johnson and Herschberger won points for the University in the mile bicycle, mile walk and pole vault.Bachell6's splendid sprint at the finish, and Hersch-berger's plucky work, deserve mention.The standing of the colleges was as follows :University of California 37, Wisconsin 17, IowaCollege 16, Illinois 15, StateUniversity of Iowa 10,University of Chicago 10, Northwestern 7, Michigan 6, St. Albans 3, Lake Forest 1, Center College 1. Six other colleges did not score a point.Summary-One hundred yard dash J. V. Crum [S. I.J first, D.A. Stewart second, J. V.Scoggins third: time, :10-One mile walk L. Mervin [Cal. J first, F. Johnson[U. C.J socond, Gundlach [N. W.] third ; time,7:312-5.One hundred awl twenty yard hurdle E. I. Dyer[Cal.J first, Richards [W.] second ; Torrey [Cal.]third; time, : 16 3-5.Four hundred and forty yard run W. E. Hodg-man [M.] first, Whittey [I. C.J second, Barnes[Cal.J third; time, : 50 3-5. One mile bicycle race C. V. Bachelle [U. C.J first.Hall [I.] socond, Moore [N. W.J third ; time, 2 :46.One mile run J. P. Clyde [I. C.J first, Palmer[I. C.]second, Cragin [L.F.J third; time,4:36 2-5.Two hundred and twenty yard run J. V. Crum[8. 1.] first, Maybury [W.] second, Bullard [I.Jthird; time, :22.Two hundred and twenty yard hurdle H. B. Torrey [Cal.J first, Dyer [Cal.] second, Richards [W.Jthird; time, :27 1-5.Eight hundred and eighty yard run L. R. Palmer[I. C.J first, Koch [Cal.J second, Horton [M.Jthird ; time, 1 : 59 4-5.Running high jump A. C. Clarke [I.J first, Koch[Cal.] second, Washington [Ky.J third; height5 feet, 9 inches.Putting shot H. F. Cochems [W.] first, Sweeney1 1.] second; 38 feet, 10l/i inches.Running broad jump C. H. Woolsey [Cal.] first,Lees [W.] second; distance, 21 feet, 9 inches.Throwing hammer R. W. Edgren [Cal.J first,Fouls [I.J second ; distance, 123 feet, W% inches.Pole vault A.H. Culver [N.W.] first, Herschberger[U. C] second, Jackson" [W.] third ; height, 10feet, 9 incites. Culver made an exhibition vaultof 10 feet, 10 inches, but failed at 11 feet.Those who won the cups offered by the Department of Physical Culture Holloway, quarter mile ; E.W.Peabody, half mile; Gleason, one mile bicycle handicap; F. F. Steigmeyer, running high jump; C. B.Herschberger, shot put ; Patterson, thirty-five yard dash.BasketBallIS96Forwards HubbardMullenGuards BurnsGarry Center-PeabodyVan OsdelAlschulerCoach-Horace ButterworthJanuary 14. C. vs. Y. M. C. A. Training . . . 14-4January 15. C. vs. German Y. M. C. A 9-10January 18. C. vs. Iowa at Iowa City . . . .15-12January 29. C. vs. West Side Y. M. C. A. . . . 17-12February 1. C. vs. Iowa 34-18February 19. C. vs. West Side Y. M. C. A. . . . 7-26February 20. C. vs. Hull House 28-13Basket BallReds Captain, Miss Bell ; MissesHunter, Hall, Paddock, Cook,Mooney, Bartlett, Ide, Bruin,Butler, Hannan.Games, Reds vs. Blues, 8-16 Women's Basket BallBlues Captain, Miss Winston;Misses Radford, Guthrie, McLean, Tiiton, Hoy, Capps.Games, Blues vs. Reds, 16-8. Whites Captain, Miss Moore;Misses Clissold, Stagg, Fish,Miller, Rice.Games, Blues vs. Whites, 0-2.Basket Ball, 1895Jan. 12.Jan. 19.Feb. 2.Feb. 9.Feb. 16.Feb. 23.W. A. Wilkin, W. C. Mitchell,C. E. Fish, H. B. Campbell,A. T. Pienkowski, H. R. Jordan,Englewood Y. M. C. A., 6-5.German Y. M. C. A., 3-1.Hull House, 8-8.Ravenswood Y. M. C. A., 6-2.West Side Y. M. C. A., 4-6.Central Y. M. C. A., 5-8. E. W. Peabody, A. T. Burns,E. B. Van Osdel, I. S. Rothschild.H. D. Hubbard,March 9. Englewood Y. M. C. A., 5-6.March 16. German Y. M. C. A., 5-6.March 23. Hull House, 6-4.March 30. Ravenswood Y. M. C. A., 11-8.April 13. Central Y.M.C.A., 2-6.List of Men whose Total Strength as shown by the Tests made in PhysicalExamination is over 2,000 Pounds.Fred D. Nichols . . 2,714 W. Ruhlkoelter . . 2,197 R. P. Burkhalter . . 2,060J. E. Raycroft . 2,366 W. S. Kennedy . 2,151 H. D. Abells . 2,048H. S. McClenahan. . 2,357 H. M. Adkinson . . 2,099 H. B. Campbell . . 2,045W.T.Jackson . 2,354 N. W. Flint . . 2,088 C.S.Winston . 2,005CF. Roby . . . . 2,345 O. Hollingby . . 2,084 I. C. Waterbury . . 2,004K. G. Smith . . 2,231 H. T. Clarke . 2,072University MenAthletes Who Have Right to Wear the Official " C 'Hallow aySassMandelEwingSincereSteigmeyerPeabodyLamayBehanG. A. BlissBachelleShermanH. T. PattersonF. JohnsonA. HancockWoolleyDickersonDrewHerschbergerNeefNeel YundtBlack CoyBond PikeC. W. Allen AdkinsonChace L. VaughanMcGillivray WebsterRuhlkoelter SpeerA. Wyant AbellsGale BrownRaycroft GrantC. Bliss WinstonHerring H. T. ClarkeNichols JonesN. Flint StoneJ. Flint RappGarrey WilliamsonRoby P. AllenTooker LooneyRand RobyMcCaskill DickeyKetmanFencingClubMarshalWilliam E. GoodfellowMembersDon. S. TrumbullKnight F. FlandersWilbur W. BassettWilliam E. GoodfellowRoy PageJames M. GwinHenry Van Vlissingen»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»9¥Book UTt^*(^*ti?* ^9* |£* t^*t(5* t^*S^* V?*V^*l£* s*'S*t Si?* !i9* V?*i?* (^*!^* ^TmusicalOrganizationsGLEE CLUB MANDOLIN CLUB . .CHOIR CHORUS WOMEN'S GLEE . . .WOMEN'S MANDOLINQUARTETTE . .WEDNESDAY RECITALS ¥9999¥¥¥99¥¥9999¥99Glee and MandolinClubPresident, Harry Ridgeway FlingSecretary, William Hayden JacksonManager, William Cain VaughanGlee and Mandolin ClubEngagementsNovember 5, 1895. Kent Hall (Assisting)November 26, 1895. Rosalie Hall (Assisting)December 5, 1895. Downer's GroveDecember 13, 1895. LongvvoodDecember 23, 1895. Racine, Wis.December 24, 1895. Milwaukee, Wis.December 25, 1895. West Bend (Matinee)December 25, 1895. Fond du Lac, Wis.December 26, 1895. Oshkosh, Wis.December 27, 1895. Appleton, Wis.December 28, 1895. Sheboygan, Wis.December 30, 1895. Elkhorn, Wis.December 31, 1895. Rockford, III.January 1, 1896. Freeport, III.January 2, 1896. Elgin, III.January 14, 1896. Handel Hall (Glee Club only)January 18, 1896. RiversideFebruary 7, 1896. BrooklynFebruary 11, 1896. Grand CrossingFebruary 14, 1896. Central Music HallFebruary 17, 1896. University SettlementFebruary 18, 1896. Kent Hall (Assisting)February 19, 1896. Aurora, III. *February 28, 1896. Fourth Baptist ChurchMarch 2, 1896. Quinn ChapelMarch 5, 1896. Hyde Park Baptist ChurchMarch 7, 1896. HarveyMarch 9, 1896. South ChicagoMarch 12, 1896. Rosalie Hall (Mandolin Club)March 14, 1896. Union Park Congregational ChurchMarch 16, 1896. First Baptist ChurchMarch 17, 1896. Englewood Baptist ChurchMarch 20, 1896. Kenwood ClubThe Glee ClubPresident Henry Tefft Clark, Jr.Secretary- Henry Harwood HewittDirector Horace Gillette LozierFirst TenorsHorace Gillette LozierSamuel Roland RobinsonWilliam Burgess CornellJohn C. McInnisPaul Gerhardt Woolley First BassesRobert Bailey DavidsonJames Scott BrownHenry Gordon GaleCecil PagePhilip RandSecond TenorsHenry Tefft Clark, Jr.Melvin Edward ColemanHenry Harwood HewittJohn Tyler CampbellHarry Justin Smith Second BassesHarry Ridgeway FlingStacy Carroll MosserFrederick William HillRobert Bingham MeloyTheMandolin ClubInstructor Signor Salvator TomasoLeader William Scott BondSecretary Gilbert Ames BlissFirst MandolinsMandolaWilliam Scott Bond Victor Washington SincereGilbert Ames BlissWilliam Hayden Jackson WhistlerJohn Lamay Robert Chisholm BainSecond Mandolins Ceil°Clarence Phineas D'AnconaCharles Wesley StewartByron Bayard Smith AccompanistFranklin Egbert Vaughan Harry Justin SmithUniversityGlee Club QuartetteFirst Tenor Paul G. WoolleySecond Tenor Horace G. LozierFirst Bass William LovettSecond Bass Harry R. FlingTheUniversity QuartetteFirst Tenor Paul G. WoolleySecond Tenor Charles T. WykoffFirst Bass Fred D. NicholsSecond Bass Harry R. FlingTheWomen'sMandolin ClubReorganized March, 1896President, Sarah MunsonSecretary, Grace EberhartMandolins Charlotte Briggs Capen, LeaderFrances Inez HopkinsTheodosia B. KaneSarah MunsonGrace EberhartGuitars Ada RaineyMary EberhartS. Elizabeth ButlerJessie Louisa NelsonEstablished 1895Sang at Senior Finals, December 18. 1895. Concert for benefit of Bethel Mission.Wardner Williams, DirectorLouise Hanan, LeaderGlenrose Bell, PresidentLouise Hanan, SecretaryFirst Sopranos M. Louise HananGlenrose BellClara D. HulbertSarah MunsonCatherine D. Paddock First AltosHarriett C. RewInez D. RiceIsabel H. FarringtonIda M. MacLeanSecond Sopranos Grace J. EberhartMarjorie B. CookeEdith L. NealGenevieve L. StevensEsther BennettGertrude Dorman, Honorary Member.Second AltosEsther W. SturgesMary A. ReidClara A. TiltonCarol PaddockUniversity Chorus1896Wardner Williams, DirectorW. R. Shoemaker, SecretaryMiss M. BaconeMiss E. BennettMiss E. BowlbyMiss M. A. BoydMrs. C. ChamberlainMiss I. ChildMiss B. L. DalleyMiss I. H. FarringtonMiss B. HancockMiss E. HaughawantMrs. J. D. HayMiss N. G HoltonMiss I. McLeanMiss H. L. Maynard Sopranos and AltosMiss M. ReidMiss F. RogersMiss E. C StockwellMiss I. ShultzMiss C. TellerMiss B. VanstonMrs. WhiteheadMiss L. M. BaurMiss L. I. BergstromMiss A. L. BoyceMiss E. BrownMrs. C. ChandlerMiss E. CourtMiss G. E. Eberhart Miss E. R. GregoryMrs. T. M. HammondMiss B. H. HeiseMiss C. B. JacksonMrs. McNeallyMiss N. M. PriceMiss A. ReedMiss I. D. RiceMiss J. M. SmithMiss StubbsMiss E. SturgesMiss ThompsonMiss R. WellsMiss E. A. WilkinsonTenors and BassesG. R. AthaF. A. BrownC. J. ChamberlainJ. J. CorneliusW. A. CutlerF. J. GurneyC. L. HoyW. H. KruseH. L. McGeeE. W. MecumW, D. Merrell H. C. MillerS. C. MosserA. T. PienkowskyG. H. SawyerO. E. WielandW. W. BassettO. W. CaldwellC. E. ComstockCum mingsG. A. DudleyA. E Hill A. T. JonesA. B. LewisH. S. McClenahanR. V. MeiggsW. W. MesserC. W. MoggC. PriorA. D. RoweW. R. ShoemakerJ. F. WoodsP. G. WoodleyTheUniversityChoirThe University Choir was organized in 1894 byMr. Wardner C. Williams, and as a mark ofthe excellent results the Choir has come to be anofficial organization of the University. The Choirrenders the singing at chapel four times a week, and hasformed a very attractive feature of the chapel exercises.The University Choir, 1895-1896SopranosLouise HannanGlenrose BellKatherine PaddockAltosJessie Mac LeanMary BoydMrs. Gertrude S. Dorman TenorsCharles T. WykoffHorace LozierPaul G. WoolleyBassesFred D. NicholsWilliam P. LovettHarry R. FlingMusic HallConcert ProgrammePrelude Apostrophe to the U. of C. Lozier, '94ProgrammePart I.1. Estudiantina -- LacomeThe Glee and Mandolin Club2. La Czarine (Mazurka) - ------ GanneThe Mandolin Club3. Dr. Jenks' Vegetable Compound MacyThe Glee Club4. Little Boy Blue Harry J. Smith, '96Mr. Davidson and Glee Club5. Francis Gavotte TomasoThe Mandolin ClubPart II.1. To Arms - - - - - LozierThe Glee Club2. Song of the Old Bell (arranged) Mr. Fling and the Glee Club3. La Diva VisetteMr. Bain4. The Evening Star (Tannhauser) - WagnerThe Mandolin Club5. Annie Laurte - Harmonized by BuckThe Glee ClubPart III.1. The Honeymoon March - RoseyThe Glee and Mandolin Club2. Vienna Darlings - - - Ziehrer3. Serenade - GounodThe Mandolin Club and Mr. Bain4. Baseball Song LozierThe Glee Club5. Alma Mater ,- Carmen ChicaginiensisThe Glee ClubThe patronesses for the concert wereMrs. Wm. R. Harper Mrs. H. P. Judson Mrs. H. J. HallMrs. H. E. Von Holst Mrs. H. H. KohlsaatMrs Ferd W. Peck Mrs. A. A. Sprague Mrs. Augustus EddyFosterGlee ClubLeader . . . Bertha BinghamAccompanist . Edith SchwarzFirst Sopranosn r , , First AltosMiss Munson _ _ Miss Bingham Miss CookMiss M. Freeman Miss kunyanSecond Sopranos Second A,tosMiss Tunnicliff Miss BlaineMiss Wood Miss Kerra,tco Ayr A _Miss Davenport Miss MarotTheWednesdayRecitalsOne of the attractions of student life peculiar to theUniversity is the series of afternoon recitals given once aweek. The idea was first suggested by the great interestshown in the special musical features introduced into thechapel exercises during the first year. The large attendanceat these exercises and the willingness with which artistsaccepted invitations to appear before University audiencessuggested the idea of a regular concert, to be given by theUniversity. Through the efforts of Mr. Wardner Williams,Wednesday afternoon of each week has been set apart for amusical program These programs have been of an exceptionally high grade, and many artists of recognized abilityhave consented to give concerts at the University.Wednesday RecitalsJanuary I, 1895, to April I, 1896January 9, 1895Mr. Frederick Boscovitz, PianistJanuary 16, 1895Mrs. Ella L. Krum, SopranoMiss Eolia Carpenter, ContraltoMr. W. H. Dale, BaritoneMiss Florence Castle, AccompanistJanuary 23, 1895Mr. Francis Walker, Lecture-RecitalJanuary 30, 1895Miss Margaret Goetz, SopranoMrs. Clara von Klrnze, AccompanistFebruary 6, 1895Master Gilbert Porter, SopranoFebruary 13, 1895Mr. W. S. B. Mathews, Lecture-RecitalMiss Blanch Dingley, PianistMr. Wardner Williams, LectureFebruary 20, 1895>Miss Elizabeth Hearding, SopranoFebruary 27, 1895Miss Villa Whitney White, SopranoMiss Mary B. Dillingham, AccompanistMarch 6, 1895Miss Clara Kranse, PianistMiss Fannie Losey, ViolinistApril 3, 1895Miss Gussie C. Slusky, PianistApril 10, 1895Mr. Frederick W. Root, Lecture-RecitalApril 17, 1895Miss Corinne May Clark, PianistMrs. Helen Howarth Lemmel, SopranoMr. Wardner Williams, AccompanistApril 24, 1895Mr. B. Bicknell Young, BaritoneMrs. Mezzacata Young, AccompanistMay 1, 1895Miss Georgia L. Kober, PianistMiss Frances Stewart McCaffary,ContraltoMay 8, 1895Miss Maude Peck, PianistMrs. Anna Morse Crane, SopranoMiss Harriet E. Brown, AccompanistMrs. John Vance Cheney, PaperMay 15, 1895Mr. Otto Pfefferkorn, Pianist May 22, 1895Mr. Allen H. Spencer, PianistMiss Jennie Gray, SopranoMay 29, 1895Mrs. Nealie Rider Crane, PianistJune 5, 1895Mr. Henry Eames, PianistMrs. George Dayton Smith, SopranoJuly 31, 1895Mr. Maurice Rosenfeld, PianistMiss Mabel F. Shorey, ContraltoOctober 16, 1895Mr. Otto Pfefferkorn, PianistOctober 30, 1895Mrs. Eunice St. Clair Martens, SopranoMr. P. B. Kohlsaat, AccompanistNovember 6, 1895Miss Blanche Sherman, PianistMiss Agnes Taylor, PianistMrs. Katherine Wallace Davis,SopranoNovember 13, 1895Mme. Brio de Marion, SopranoThe de Marion Ladies' QuartetteMr. C. Henry, TenorNovember 20, 1895Mr. W. Waugh Lander, Lecture-RecitalDecember 18, 1895Miss Mary Angell, PianistMr. Wendell Heighton, VioloncellistJanuary 8, 1896Mr. Otto Pfefferkorn, PianistJanuary 22, 1896Mr. W. Waugh Lander, Lecture-RecitalFebruary 5, 1896Mr. Sidney P. Biden, BaritoneMrs. Ester Deal Howard, PianistFebruary 19, 1896Miss S. Ella Wood, SopranoMrs. J. Harry- Wheeler, PianistMiss-Lyda Sohlberg, ContraltoMrs. W. E. Butterfield, AccompanistFebruary 26, 1896Miss Gussie C. Slusky, Pianistqpyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyBook UTT « « XI¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥PublicationsWEEKLY ....MAROON ....CAP AND GOWNUNIVERSITYPUBLICATIONSPUBLICATIONSCap and GownThe Cap and Gown was published" \i st year for the first time. During theSummer Quarter Charles S. Pike and Philip Rand formulated plans for anUniversity annual, and in the Fall Quarter selected a board, having Messrs. Atwoodand Arnold as business managers. The first volume was issued in the WinterQuarter, and; met with the greatest success at the University, and especiallyamong the eastern colleges. ; ,.Last year's editors made a radical change in college annuals by introducingthe idea of having separate books for the various University organizations. Thisplan is followed out in Volume IIV It is the idea of the editors to make the Capand Gown a permanent board, electing editors from time to time by competition.The Editors for Volume II.Philip Rand Managing EditorAssociate EditorsEdith B Foster William S. Broughton Anna J. McClintockPaul G. Woolley ' Maurice B. Lee Fred C. VincentJoseph E. Raycr6ft Jeannette Kennedy Moses D. McIntyreS. Elizabeth Butler Charles R. Barrett Franklin E. Vaughan/ £¦ !)'!i/a '¦^Frederick L. Davies, Business Manager\ ..r ._ Artists !;William D. Richardson, Artist-in-chief. % ,v ;'\ ^ Percy B. EckhartHelen H. Ball ^"rHmisrR]y H^jwttt ii^, I|?£z D. Rice^m SSiiCap and GownContributors ^> e£* e£* e£*James W. DeffenbaughCharles S. PikeJoe LeiserFrank W. DignanMaude L. RadfordNott W. FlintAgnes S. CookCharlotte TellerAlice WinstonJames W. Linn Edwin C. WoolleyTheodosia B. KaneEstelle CookArthur S. HenningGeorge S. StewartKatherine BatesAdelaide IdeJohn T. McCutcheonEveylen MatzForest GrantTheUniversity oF ChicagoWeeklyFirst appeared in 1892 as a news and literary paper, and was the first studentpublication in the University. The paper has made rapid progress, and has oflate been for the most part given to literary matter. The management haspresented an unusually fine number of cuts, and the literary productions have beenof the highest grade. The Thanksgiving issue contained fifteen thousand copies,and the Weekly stands among the first of all college publications, being Presidentof the Western College Press Association.The present editors aie:Frederick Day NicholsWilliam Pierce Lovett Managing EditorAssistant EditorG. W. AxelsonAbraham BowersAgnes S. CookJ. S. BrownH. T. Clarke Associate EditorsH. D. HubbardC. S. PikeW. W. AtwoodJ. P. WhyteJ. W. Linn Elizabeth McWilliamsMartha F. KlockW. A. PayneEdith E. SchwarzH. T. WoodruffH. L. Ickes W. O. WilsonW. D. Richardson Board of IllustratorsP. B. Eckhart H. H. HewittCharles H. Gallion .... Business ManagerWilber M. Kelso .... Assistant ManagerThe MaroonHE Maroon was started as a University newspaper May 15, 1895. It wasbelieved that there existed a need for such a paper, and the receptionaccorded it by the students was, for a time, encouraging to the editors.The paper was issued three times a week, and the editors had hoped tomake it a daily, but on account of the low price of the city papers, theweekly hecord> and the lack of apparent interest in the publication, it was deemedadvisable to discontinue the publication, and on March 20, 1896, the last issue appeared.Its charter editors were : Philip Rand, Managing Editor ; Walter Deffenbaugh,Assistant Managing Editor ; C. R. Barrett, Secretary; J. E. Raycroft, Forest Grant,Henry Love Clark ; Oswald Arnold, Business Manager. Other editors were : CharlesRay Barrett, Assistant Managing Editor ; L. Brent Vaughan, William Otis Wilson,Moses D. Mclntyre, Harry D. Abells, Arthur S. Henning, Joseph W. Flint, Waldo Breeden.Board of Associate Editors: Henry Gordon Gale, Nott William Flint, Fred CameronVincent, Henry M. Adkinson, Stacy C. Mosser, Grace Freeman, Sarah E. Butler, ElsieD. Miller. Business Managers : Fred L. Davies, George S. Pommeroy.The Astrophysical JournalGives an international review of spectroscopy andastronomical physics. The editors are : Prof. Geo.E. Hale, Director of the Yerkes Observatory, andProf. James E. Keeler, Director of the AlleghenyObservatory.The School ReviewHas attained a very conspicuous place among thepedagogical journals of the country, and furnishesfor the University an organ for the great field ofsecondary work. The editor-in-chief is Mr. C. H.Thurber.Terrestrial MagnetismIs a quarterly journal conducted in connection withthe Ryerson Physical Laboratory and under theeditorship of Dr. L. A. Bauer will contribute verylargely to a field of scientific research hitherto uncultivated to any considerable extent in America.The American Journal of SociologyHas achieved a very marked success, and the reception which this journal has received at the handsof the public has been most encouraging. Some ofthe most eminent sociologists in the United Statesand Europe will be advising editors and contributors. Editor, Albion W. Small. Associate Editors :C. R. Henderson, Frederick Starr, Geo. E. Vincent,Marion Talbot, Chas. Zeublin, William I. Thomas.The Journal of Political EconomyWelcomes all scholarly contributions on topics ofpurely theoretical or speculative interest, yet thejournal is established primarily to promote thescientific treatment of problems in political economics, and devotes a large share of its space topublications of facts bearing immediately uponbusiness interests. Editor-in-chief, J. LaurenceLaughlin, and T. B. Veblin, Managing Editor.The Journal of GeologyThe immediate editorship of the Journal rests with thegeological faculty of the University of Chicago, underwhose auspices and guarantee it is issued, but its policy isopen and comprehensive. The editor-in-chief is Prof. T.C. Chamberlain.HebraicaIs a quarterly journal published in the interests of Semiticstudy. The editors are:Dr. W. R. Harper,Ira M. Price,Emil G. Hirsch,Robert F. Harper.The Biblical WorldThis is the only American journal devoted exclusivelyto the study of the Bible. Its platform is that of progressive, constructive knowledge of the Scriptures. It is apopular journal intended to aid all earnest students of theScriptures. The editors are:W. R. Harper,Geo. Goodspeed,R. F. Harper,Charles Matthews,Dr. Price,E. D. Bencin.¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥BOOK UTTT fi tS «S¥¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥Senior ia$$UNIVERSITY ANDACADEMICOFFICERS . . .SCHOLARSHIPS .CONVOCATIONMARSHALS .ALUMNAE 99999999¥999¥99¥¥¥99¥¥9$Ak?£SENIOR CLASS&(?':, ^.<W. ! (f" ' k -1STUDENTS $»«^s^The First Regular Senior Class of the University ofChicago, 1896, IIIEMBERS of '96, III, may not all boast ancestorswho came over in the Mayflower and listenedto sermons hours long in the interest of theirspiritual development, but this is no matter,we are ourselves pioneers. Foreseeing the greatpossibilities of this University, even in thoseearly days of '92, we were the penetrativeFreshman colony which was first to settle inthat wild region soon to be known as the University Campus. Cobb Hall was our PlymouthRock, Kent Theatre our Meeting-House, andthe Campus our Clearing. As for sermons,what have we not done for the sake of ourhigher education, we who have now for fouryears heard almost daily lectures, surpassingin depth and brilliancy, to say nothing oflength, any which the Pilgrim Fathers, sittingin frigid church pews, ever listened to, withstiffened cerebrum and ears tingling withcold. 'Ninety-six can also show records ofmartyr-like endurance of heat, cold, andChicago weather in general." Time was when our gray Cobb Hall was new,And the Campus was far from fair,And that was the time that the golden rodWas growing and blooming there."But in the winter, that first winter that '96 spent here, a picture of desolation, indeed,was to be seen from the windows of Cobb Hall. The snow piled up high over the almostunbroken field, and drifted deep in the solitary pathway that led to Cobb. Tall trees, leanand hungry looking, rose up like ghouls, and shook their icy fingers at each other in theblasts that swept over them from the roughened lake. And through it all, wind, rain,snow and builders' rubbish, we bravely fought our way. Kent was not a story high, Cobbwas noisily new, the ground was but just broken for Foster, Beecher and Kelly. At Snellthe latch string was literally always out, for this primitive security was all that fastenedthe rude plank door at the entrance, a fact which occasioned some little anxiety to the firstoccupants of that hall, temporarily granted by the council to the women of the Quadrangle.Walker was not yet planned, and Haskell museum had not a name nor an existence outside of dreams.It has been our rare privilege to watch the evolution of a great university, and,as one after another the present halls and laboratories have been dedicated, it hasbeen our pride not only to be present in person; but to furnish from our numbermarshals, ushers, and other student dignitaries, whose importance on such formal occasions is universally acknowledged. In addition to this, how exciting it has been to lookforward to each convocation with the assurance of having revealed to us new andglorious vistas of enterprise for our university, and then to hear from time to timeof the development of these enterprises through some magnificent gift or endowment.Not a few times have we helped to celebrate such instances of good fortune, and therehave been none who have then cheered to a higher pitch of hoarse enthusiasm thanwe, or felt a warmer glow about their hearts in the light of a crackling bonfire.Yet we have ever tried to see in such items as a million dollars, a foot-ball victory,a bonfire, and a holiday (see November second, 1895), only aids to the advancementof learning.Much as we have been interested in the material success of the University, we havefelt no less concern for its intellectual, social and athletic progress. If there ever were anylack of organization in the University of Chicago, a statement which some moderns doubt,it was a lack caused by the need of time, and not of energy or ability, and this spirit oforganization has descended from Faculty to Freshman. The class of '96 itself showed thischaracteristic in its very first steps in college life. It learned to walk while very young inthe paths of system and order. Scarcely had the scaffolding been removed from the hallsof Cobb, and the windows brightened to let in light on problems dark and obscure; scarcelyhad the learned Faculty planned and settled its course of action, before the sounds ofnominations and of voting echoed through the spacious chapel, as our Freshman classformed the first student organization of the University of Chicago. But, despite its earlyvigor, it succumbed to the organizing influence of the Faculty, and was absorbed into theabstractness of the then Academic College. This, the first and only Freshman class of theUniversity, has now reappeared in the Senior class '96, III., otherwise known as thatfavored body, Division I. of the Senior College.If you will but take the trouble to look the matter up you will find that the members ofour class have been prominent in all the student organizations of the university. Of coursethis is one of those points upon which every well-bred class says its modesty forbids it tospeak, but, as an example to the classes that are to follow us, it should be pointed out thatwe, the first class, sought to further college life in all worthy directions. It is fairly impossible for the Freshman of today to realize the tasks set before the early campuscolonists of this University. There was, as all perceived, both genius and power latent inthe first student bodies of the University, but who or what was to bring it out ? Here weall were, poets, athletes, musicians, actors, orators and social stars all mixed up in abewildering chaos of undeveloped celebrity. But the spirit of order rose supreme, naturalselection began to work, and today the organization of college life in all its minutestdetails, as portrayed by the Cap and Gown, is a marvel and an astonishment even to uswho have been not unimportant in its direction. We sometimes wonder, as a class,whether in the decades to come when there will be no more precedents to establish at theUniversity, for custom, young and fragile today, will have grown old and strong wesometimes wonder if Seniors then will know half the fresh and novel pleasures that havebeen ours, in whose hands have been the beginnings of a college life.Novel pleasures were ours in abundance in the fall of 1893 when but a few minuteswalk separated the "Grey City " from the " White," and even as we sat in our lecture hallson warm October afternoons, there would float in at the open window, and mingle withwords of grave philosophy, sounds strange and fantastic, notes and cries of weird portent,the jingling and thumping of heathenish instruments of musical torture, in a word themedley of the Midway. But we often resisted these evil spirits whose noonday clamorsseemed intended for an exorcism of the demons of their own barbaric natures, and sequestering ourselves in the northernmost libraries of Cobb we reflected upon the problem of the" Descent of Man "as illustrated by the University of Chicago versus the Midway Plais-ance. Only a short while however, and all this was changed into a broad and quiet boulevard which is shown to the stranger who asks where the Midway was.And now it is time for the Senior to moralize, for to moralize is the special provinceof the Senior, to which he is entitled both by his position and by his aged youthfulness.The four years of study stretch out before the Freshman like the perspective of a railroadtrack over a prairie, the way unknown, the Senior Station far, far in the narrowing distance.But to the Senior, who from his station looks back over the road, his course seems shortindeed, and many gayly decked milestones mark the way. Yet is our satisfaction asSeniors in accomplishment not unmixed with sorrow, sorrow for "the days that are nomore," and we feel, in a degree the Freshman knows not of, a sincere regret for the brightpast when we stand up in the presence of faculty and students, and a well known voiceproclaims before the peoples: " in cujus rei testimonium haec diplomata .... vobis trado."Only the Senior can detect the strands of melancholy in the threads of the collegestudent's life, but time brings the undergraduate as well to the perception of his fate, whichthe poetic truths of " The Pessimist " suggest; for the Freshman nowhere to come, but in,for the Senior " No where to go, but out."Senior ClassOfficersPresident, Joseph E. RaycroftViceP-resident, Adelaide IdeSecretary, Elizabeth McWilliamsTreasurer, Raymond C. DudleyExecutive Committee: J. E. Raycroft, Elizabeth McWilliams, Harry W. Stone,.Martha F. Klock, Grace Freeman, Agnes Cook, P. G. WoolleyAcademic CollegesOfficersWinter and Spring, 1895President, Robert Law, Jr.Vice-President, Harvey PetersonSecretary, Ethel KeenTreasurer, C. R. BarrettTall Quarter, 1895President, Maurice B. LeeVice-President, Harvey WoodruffSecretary, Helen ThompsonTreasurer, Harold IckesWinter and Spring Quarter, 1896Presidents Harvey WoodruffFred C. VincentVice President, Harold IckesSecretary, Josephine T. AllenTreasurer, Arthur S. HenningAnderson, Kate S.Idlers.Head of Beecher, '94-'95.Baird, Brooks.Idlers.Basket Ball " Coach," '95-'96.Basket Ball, '94.Baker, Georgia.Idlers.Beatty, Maria.Bryfogle, Caroline M.House Committee Beecher, '95-'96.Brown, E. P.Carroll, P. P.Chace, Henry T., Jr.D. K. E.T. N. E.Gaboon Club.Glee and Mandolin Club, '94-95.President of Glee and Mandolin Club, '95.Secretary of Glee and Mandolin Club, '94.University Foot Ball Team, '92-'93.Substitute, '95.Academic Day Farce, '94-'95.Dramatic Club.Convocation Usher, '92-'93.Vice-President University College, '£6.Washington Promenade Committee, '95-'96.Basket Ball Team, '93.Chollar, Wilbur Thomas.Phi Kappa Psi.Academic College Day Committee, '94.14 Weekly " Staff, '94-'95.Treasurer University Colleges, '94.Pan-Hellenic Ball Committee, '95.Washington Promenade Committee, '95.Executive Committee University Colleges, '95.Washington Promenade, '96,Press Club, '96.Vice-President Senior Class III, '96.Cipriani, Lisa.Clarke, Henry T., Jr.Owl and Serpent.Sigma Phi.Lion's Head.T. N. E.Coffee House.President University Colleges, '95- '96.President Glee Club, '95-'96.Chairman Washington Promenade Committee,'96.Academic Committee, '95.Delegate College Republican Convention, '96.Pitcher Base Ball Team, '95-'96.Substitute Quarter Back, '95.Associate Editor " Weekly," '95-'96.Glee Club, '94-'96.Convocation Usher, '95.University Marshal. '96.Clarke, Faith B.Latin Club.Social Science Club.Athenaeum Society.Secretary and Treasurer Mandolin Club, '93-94.University Chorus, '95.Executive Committee, '95, IV.Cook, Agnes.Mortar Board.Nu Pi Sigma. Ivy Committee Academic Day, '94.Dramatic Club.Editor " Cap and Gown," '95.Executive Committee Senior Class, '96, III.House Committee Foster Hall, '95.University Choir, '94- '95.Executive Committee Christian Union, '95.University Chorus, '93-'95.Valedictorian Senior Finals, '95.Washington Promenade Committee, 95.Editor " Weekly," '95-'96.Cooley, Edwin.Cooledge, Elizabeth.Secretary Idlers, '95-'96.Captain Basket Ball, '95-'96.Dana, I.Dibbell, Clarence.Phi Kappa Psi.Dougherty, Horace R.PsiU.Omega Club.T. N. E.Gaboon Club.Academic Day Ball Nine.President Assembly Club, '94-95.Manager University Informal s, '96.Dudley, Raymond C.Owl and Serpent.Beta Theta Pi.T.N.E.Tennis Team. '93-'94.President University Colleges, '95.Assistant Manager Glee Club, '94-'95.Washington Promenade Committee, '95-'96.Inter Fraternity Ball Committee, '95.University Colleges Promenade Committee, '96.Academic Promenade Committee, '94.Marshal, '95-'96.Treasurer Senior Class, '96, III.Usher, '93-'95.Decoration Committee ; Academic Day, '94.Grand Inquisitor University Finals, '95.Dunn, A. D.Summer Base Ball Team, '95.Earle, Mabel.Flint, J. M.Coffee House.Foot Ball Team, '93.Coach, '94.Biological Club." Maroon " Editor, '95.Freeman, Grace.Mortar Board.Nu Pi Sigma.Idlers.Chairman Entertainment Committee FosterHall, '95.Associate Editor of the "Maroon," '96.Editor "Cap and Gown," '96.Secretary University Colleges, '95-96.Executive Committee Senior Class, '96.Washington Promenade Committee, '95-'96.Marshal for Foster, '95.Leap Year Party Executive Committee, '96.Friedman, Joseph Centennial.Secretary Forum Society, '96, III.Treasurer Republican Club.Furness, Mary.Basket Ball, '95. Greek Club, '95.SENIOR CLASS 'q6 ContinuedGale, H. G.Owl and Serpent.D. K. E.T. N. E.Coffee House.Foot Ball, '92-'93-'94-'95.Base Ball, '93-'94.Gl ee Club, '95-'96.Marshal, '95-'96.Vice-President Academic Colleges, '94.Planted First Ivy Academic Day, '94.Academic Committee, '94.Executive Committee University Colleges, '95.Washington Promenade Committee, '95.44 Maroon " Editor, '95-'96.Chairman Senior College Council, '96.Gait, Howard S.Gettys, Clara.Goldberg, H. E.Haft, Delia.Hessler. John C.Hewitt, Henry Harwood.Beta Theta Pi.Second Tenor on Glee Club, '93-'94-'95-'96.Secretary Glee Club, '95-'96.Usher, '93-'94-'95.Tennis Team, '92.Artist on University of Chicago " Weekly."Artist on " Cap and Gown."Vice-President Tennis Association, '93.Manager Washington Promenade, '94.Executive Committee Academic College, '93.Hobart, Ralph.Beta Theta Pi.T. N. E.Mandolin Club, '93-'94-'95.Leader of Banjo Club, '93-'94.Chairman Fraternity Ball Committee, '94.Washington Promenade Committee, '95.Hopkins, Inez F.Mortar Board.Idlers.Executive Committee University Colleges, '94.Chairman Entertainment Committee Foster, '96.Woman's Mandolin Club, '95-'96.Hubbard, Mary Laura.Executive Committee, Y. W. C. A., '96.Secretary Beecher House, '96.Beecher Dramatics, '95.Basket Ball, 795-'96.Hulburt, Ethelyn.Hulshart, John.Pi Club.Librarian Snell House.Hurlbut, Led a.Latin Club.Recording Secretary Y. W. C. A.Ide. Adelaide.Esoteric.Nu Pi Sigma.Idlers.Dramatic Club.Woman's Mandolin Club, '95-'96.Executive Committee University Colleges,'94-'95.Executive Committee Senior Class, '96, III.Washington Promenade Committee, '96.Beecher House Committee, '95-'96.Vice-President, '96.University College Dramatics, '94.Academic Day Farces, '95.Jegi, John I.Johnson, Franklin.Phi Kappa Psi.Track Team.First Prize Mile Walk.Johnson, Ralph Hiram.PsiU.T. N. E.Omega Club.Gaboon Club.Bismarck Club.Associate Editor of " Cap and Gown," '95.Vice-President of the Academic College, '94, IV.Johnson, Victor Oscar.Sigma Nu.Oratorical Association.President of Oxford Club, '96.Vice-President, ibid, '95.President Oratorical Association.Chairman of Bible Study Committee, Y. M. C. A.Delegate to Y. M. C. A. State Convention atSpringfield. Secretary of Scandinavian Club.Jones, Nellie L.Mortar Board.Nu Pi Sigma.Honorary Scholarship Academic Colleges, '95-'96.Historian, '96, III.Kellog, Edith.Kennedy, Jennette.Quadrangler.Nu Pi Sigma.Idlers.T Club.Editor of k' Cap and Gown," '95-'96.Women's Mandolin Club, '95.Chairman Y. W. C. A. Reception Committee,'95-'96.Executive and Decorating Committee forAcademic Day, '94.Chairman of Decorating Committee AcademicDay, '95.Member of Kelly House Committee, '95-96.Executive Committee Leap Year Party, '96.Kerr, Luella.Klock, Martha F.Invitation Committee Academic Day, '94.Executive Committee University Colleges, '94.Editor " University Weekly," '95-'96.Prayer Meeting Committee Y. W. C. A., '95.Executive Committee Senior Class, '96.Secretary Beecher House, '95.Member House Committee, '95-'96.Lewis, John S.Lipsky, H. A.Livingstone, Kate.Loeb, Ludwig.Loewenstein, Gustave H.Summer Base Ball Team, '95.Second Foot Ball Team, '95.Lutrell, Estelle.Matzinger, Philip F.Social Science Club.Vice-President, '94.Secretary, '95.Maynard, Mary Dunklee.Idlers.Ivy Orator, '94.Decorating Committee Academic Day, '94.Secretary University Colleges, '94.Editor " University Weekly," '95.Executive Committee Christian Union, '95.Reception Fisk Street Committees, /Y. W. C. A.,'95.President Y. W. C. A., '96.Beecher House Committee, '93.Basket Ball Team, '93-'94,Chairman Social Committee Christian Union,'94-'95.McClintock, Anna J.Quadrangler.Nu Pi Sigma.House Committee, Kelly Hall, '93-'94-'95-'96.Editor " Cap and Gown," 96.McClintock, S. S.D. K. E.T. N. E.Dramatic Club.Washington Promenade Committee, '94.President Athenseum Literary Society, '93.Academic College Promenade Committee, 93.Junior Scholarship, '95-'96.Represented University in Joint Debate withUniversity of Illinois, '96.McKinley, A. E.Vice-President Forum, '96.McWilliams, Mary Elizabeth.Quadrangler.Nu Pi Sigma.Chairman Decorating Committee AcademicDay, '94.Editor "University Weekly," '96.Washington Promenade Committee, '96.Secretary Senior Class, '96, III.Executive Committee Christian Union.Chairman Executive Committee, Leap YearParty, '96.Academic Promenade Committee, '94.Kelly House Committee, '95.Chorus, '93-'94.Minard, Frederick H.D. K. E.Substitute '95 Base Ball Team.Captain Reserves, '95.SENIOR CLASS ^-ContinuedMitchell, Wesley Clair.Member of Athenaeum and Oratorical Association.Vice-President of latter, '95, III.Represented University in Inter-Collegiate Debates, '95-'96.Leading Speaker in Debate with Kent LawSchool, '95.In Debate with Michigan, '96.Moffatt, W. E.Latin Club.Greek Club.Autumn '94 won handicap Tennis Tournament.Executive Committee Tennis Association, '95.Secretary and Treasurer Tennis Association, '96.University Scholarship, '95- '96.Executive Committee Senior Class, '96, III.Moore, Caroline S.Moore, John H.Myhrman, David V.Payne, W. A.Peabody, Earl W.Editor on University of Chicago " Daily," '92.Editor on University of Chicago " Weekly," '93.Track Team, '94 -'95.Substitute on 'Varsity Foot Ball Team, '94-'95.Second Team, '94.Captain. '95.Basket Ball Team, '95-'96.Champion in Half Mile Run, '95.Pike, Charles Sumner.Owl and Serpent.D. K. E.T. N. E.Silentium.Editor and Business Manager "University Weekly," '92-'93.Assistant Managing and Associate Editor,'94-'95-'96.'Varsity Tennis Team, '92-'93.Treasurer Tennis Association, '93.'Varsity Foot Ball Team, '93.Choir, '92-'93.Chairman Freshman Reception, '93.Convocation Usher, '92-'93-'94-'95.'Varsity Base Ball Team, '93-'94-'95-'96.Academic Day Farces, '94-95.President Dramatic Club, '95.Stage Manager, '96.Academic Promenade Committee, '95.Managing Editor " Cap and Gown," '95.President Senior Class, '96, II.Porterfield, Cora.House Committee, Foster, '96.Raycroft, J. E.Owl and Serpent.Alpha Delta Phi.Lion's Head.Coffee House.T. N.E.Foot Ball Team, '92-'93.Treasurer Y. M. C. A., '92- '93.Vice-President N. W. Oratorical Association,'94-'95.Washington Seminar, '94.Marshal Academic Day, '94.Manager Track Team, '94-'95-'96.Head Marshal, '94-'95-'96.Chairman of Committee on Change of University Colors, '94.Washington Promenade Committee, '95-'96.President University Colleges, '95." Maroon " Editor, '95-'96.President Western Inter-Collegiate Tennis Association, '95-'96.Councillor for First Division Senior Colleges, '96.Head of Snell House, '95-'96.President Senior Class, '96, III." Cap and Gown" Editor, '96.University Chorus, '92-'94.Convocation Usher, '92-'93.Chairman Committee Arrangements Tri-Colle-giate Athletic League, '94-'95.Snell House Farces, '95.Executive Committee Tri-Collegiate League, '96.Chairman Committee on Senior Finals, '95.Root, Martha.Sass, Louis.Phi Kappa Psi.Geological Club.Latin Club.German Club.Track Team. Smith, K. G.Scholarship from Academic College, '95-'96.Spaulding, Mary.Settlement Committee, Christian Union.Stagg, Stella.Idlers.Stewart, Charles Wesley.Phi Kappa Psi.T. N. E.Mandolin Club, '94-'95-'96.Secretary Oratorical Association, '96.Advisory Committee Debating Club, '96.University Orchestra, '94-'95.Stone, Harry Wheeler.PsiU.Omega Club.T. N. E.President of First Freshman Class.Secretary of Latin Club, '94-'95.Executive Committee Christian Union andChairman Social Committee of ChristianUnion, '95.Associate Editor of " University News," '92-93.University Gymnast, '95.Academic Day Farce, '94.Mandolin Club, '94-'95-'96.Orchestra. '94.Chorus, '93.Washington Promenade Committee, '95.Convocation Usher, Aide and Marshal.Executive Committee, Class of '96, III.Thomas, Mary S.Todd, Elmer E.Beta Theta Pi.T. N. E.Gaboon Club.Bismarck Club.Treasurer Academic College, '93.Tolman, Cyrus F.Van Vliet, Alice.Idlers.Author of " The New Cosmogony," '94.Executive Committee of Senior Class, '96, II.University College Farce, '94.Voigt, John F.Sigma Nu.President Oratorical Association, '93- '94.President Debating Society, '96.Kent Law School Debate, '95.Illinois-Chicago Debating Contest, '96.Chairman Senior Finals, '96, II.Secretary Democratic Club, '93-'94.Wales, H.W.Beta Theta Pi.Academic Day Committee, '94-'95.Chairman Invitation Committee, '94.Academic Ball Committee, '95.Whyte, James Primrose." Grand Tooter of the Golden Horn."First University College Finals.Represented University in Iowa-Chicago Debate.Critic in Oratorical Association.Represented University in Michigan-ChicagoDebate.Delegate to Convention of American RepublicanCollege League.Associate Editor " University Weekly," '96.Willis, Gwendolin.Idlers.Greek Club.Latin Club.Williston. Frances.Woolley, Paul Gerhardt.Phi Kappa Psi.T. N.E.Melancholy Club.Glee Club, '95-'96.Choir, '94-'95-'96.Chorus, '96:Sketch Club.Second Foot Ball Eleven, '94.Convocation Usher, '95.Editor " Cap and Gown," '95-'96.Track Team, '95-'96.University Quartette, '95-'96.Y. M. C. A.University Glee Club Quartette, '96.Executive Committee Senior Class, '96, III.Yundt, Emery.Graduate ScholarshipsScholarships for the years 1895-6 were awarded thefollowing students:H. F. DeCou GreekB. F. Finkel MathematicsEmily Ray Gregory . . . GreekIrving Hardesty PhysiologyFrances Knox HistoryGeo. K. Lawton AstronomyAlbert B. Lewis ZoologyElias P. Lyon ZoologyMaude L. Radford .... EnglishJas. S. Stevens PhysicsIsabelle Stone PhysicsThos. F. Wallace .... Political ScienceScholarships for excellence in the University Collegeswere awarded to the following students in the GraduateSchools:Paul F. Carpenter . . . PhilosophyRobt. L. Hughes Political ScienceJane F. Noble AnthropologyJohn W. Williams .... Political EconomyScholarships for excellence in the v/ork of AcademicColleges were awarded the following students in theUniversity Colleges:Susan H. BallouGilbert A. BlissCarolyn L. BrownEdith B. FosterJoseph C. FriedmanPaul S. Graves Nellie L. JonesSam'l S. McClintockWm. E. MoffattCarrie S. MooreKenneth G. SmithChas. B. WilliamsHigh School Scholarships were awarded the following students:Irene I. Cleaves Mattoon High SchoolCharles Klauber . . ... Englewood High SchoolMarie V. Field Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y.Chas. Dewitt Halsey .... Princeton-Yale School, ChicagoUniversity MarshalsAppointed by Trustees and Faculty for One Year.Head MarshalJoseph E. RaycroftMarshalsPhilip Rand Henry Gordon GaleRaymond Carleton Dudley Harry Wheeler StoneHenry Tefft Clarke William Scott Bond>JOSEPH E. RAYCROFT.Book TX «* t* # Iqsqq ¥999999999999999999¥¥SemiofficialOrganizationsQUADRANGLE CLUBY. M. C. A Y. W. C. A DEPARTMENTALCLUBS Residence...FiFTY-EiGHTH Street andLexington AvenueOfficersPresident, H. H. Donaldson Vice-President, G. E. VincentSecretary, J. P. Iddings Treasurer, Shailer MatthewsCouncilOfficers, ex-officio andH. P. Judson G. W. Northrup, Jr. F. B. TarbellDenison ClubPresident, Prof. J. W. MoncriefVice-President, E. J. GoodspeedSecretary, Bruce KinneyCorrespondent, O. J. PriceBacteriological ClubDr. E. O. Jordan Dr. A. L. SmithMiss L. B. Comstock A. H. ColeFrank L. Rainey Paul G. WoolleyClarence P. D'AnconaOctober 10.October 24.November 11.Decembei ¦ 5.January 9.January 14.January 23.February 2.February 20.February 27.March 5. Fixation of Nitrogen . . . Frank RaineyTuberculin P. G. WoolleySelf-Purification of Streams . . Miss ComstockBacteria in Water .... Dr. SmithPasteur P. G. WoolleyCancer Dr. JordanBacteria in Water and Ice . . C. P. D'AnconaNitrification Frank RaineyMalaria Dr. JordanFiltration of Public Water Supplies . Dr. JordanTyphoid Toxine .... Dr. SmithThe Graduate ClubPresident, C. K. Chase (Latin)Vice-President, G. F. Hull (Physics)Secretary, C. L. Scofield (History)Treasurer, M. L. Miller (Anthropology)Corresponding Secretary, A. E. Tanner (Philosophy)Executive Committee: Messrs. Learned, Squires, Forrest, and WhitneyMisses Bartlett, Faulkner, Gould, Stone, and CutlerThe Law ClubPresident, John B. DormanVice-President, Wilbur Wheeler BassettSecretary, Frederick William HillAssistant Secretary, Charles N. CreudsonSergeant-at-Arms, Wilbur M. Kelso-Political Economy ClubHonorary President . . James Lawrence LaughlinPresident Carlos C. ClossonSecretary and Treasurer Henry Waldgraf Stuartf Carlos C. ClossonHenry Waldgraf StuartRobert F. HoxieH. Parker WillisKatharine C. FeltonExecutive CommitteeY. W. C. A.1895-96President Mary D. Maynard,7. t> -j * S Aletheia HamiltonVice-Presidents j Effie GardnerRecording Secretary .... Leila HurlbutCorresponding Secretary . . Mary ThomasTreasurer Mabel KellsChairmen of Committees-,,,,_. < R<uth MooreMembership } Effie Gardner 'Prayer Meeting Cora JacksonBible Study Loa ScottReception Jeannette KennedyVisiting Miss EllsworthMissionary Cora Allen1896-97President Clara O. TiltonVice-President Cora JacksonRecording Secretary .... Helen BackusCorresponding Secretary . . Ethel MillerTreasurer Miss MossY. M. C. A.Officers and Committees for 1895-96President, W. A. Payne Vice-President, H. C. HendersonTreasurer, Abraham Bowers Recording Secretary, J. S. BrownCorresponding Secretary, G. H. SawyerReligious Meetings CommitteeW. R. Shoemaker, ChairmanGraduate SectionS. F. McLennan D. A. Lehman " O. W. CaldwellC. E. Comstock M. H. McLeanUndergraduate Section /J. E. Raycroft S. C. Mosser F. D. NicholsC. C. Macomber E. B. Evans C. E. HerschbergerMembership CommitteeH. D. Abells A. A. Stagg T. L. NeffJohn Hulshart J. H. Thatch W. D. MerrillH. S. Gait A. CummingAdvertising CommitteeW. H. Allen H. Hubbard C. E. DickersonC. B. Walker N. M. FairFinance CommitteeAbraham Bowers E. J. Goodspeed Waldo BreedenAllen Burns C. C. Oglivie J. NorwoodReception CommitteeW. O. Wilson J. S. Brown R. ,R. SnowC. H. Gallion H. F. ClarkeMissionary CommitteeR. M. Vaughan C. B. Williams V. O. JohnsonF. P. BachmanBible Study CommitteeM. P. Frutchey H. S. Gait F. D. TuckerH. C. Henderson J. Hulshart J. W. FertigIntercollegiate WorkG. H. Sawyer R. B. Davidson C. R. WeldenF. H. Wescott W. S. McGeeFisk Street Mission CommitteeM. P. Frutchey R. L. Hughes S. C. MosserWarren Chase C. A. TorreyH. D. Abells, General SecretaryOfficers for 1896-97President, M. P. Frutchey [ Vice-President, Edward RynearsonTreasurer, A. T. Burns Recording Secretary, C. B. HerschbergerCorresponding Secretary, S. C. MosserPartial List of the CommitteesReligious Meetings CommitteeR. M. Vaughan F. H. Wescott H. T/ClarkeC. E. Dickerson G. H. Sawyer D. H. Lehman J. G. BriggsBible Study CommitteeC. E. Comstock John Hulshart E. B. EvansW. R. Shoemaker O. W. CaldwellIntercollegiate WorkS. C. Mosser, ChairmanFinance CommitteeA. T. Burns E. J. Goodspeed Waldo BreedenJ. Norwood F. P. BachmanH. D. Abells, General SecretaryDuring the months of October and November of 1895 the membership increasedfrom 128 to 204.History Review ClubOfficers: President Miss Cora F. ScofieldVice-President William RulkoetterSecretary Miss Ethel Adelia GloverDirector Prof. B. S. TerryClub meets fortnightly at residence of Prof. Terry toleview new historical books and magazines. .Vegetarian Eating ClubKeene Hotel, 5496 Ellis AvenuePresident George W. JudeOfficers, 1895 . . . Vice-President Miss Mae G. ParkerPurveyor J. Howard MooreProhibition ClubOfficers January, 1895, to October, 1895President S. C. Mosser Secretary Walter S. DavisVice-President J. Howard Moore Treasurer John L. HoytOfficers October, 1895, to April, 1896President Theodore T,Neff Secretary Walter S. DavisVice-President F. G. Franklin Treasurer Roy C. GarverRepresentative and winner in State and Interstate Prohibition Oratorical 1895J. Howard Moore¦***¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥Book X % % % | ¥te&t&* t£& t£& t&* ^5*^*t^*(^* v?*v?*ti^ d?* (¦?* s<5* ti?* s^* t£* &?* t^* ^^ *Eiterary 99ppnn PROSE AND VERSEWRITTENFORTHEANNUALanna 999¥9999999CHICAGOLet hoary cities, old in fame,Their wealth of storied ruins boast;It is a newer, fresher nameThat we love most.The dead past haunts the eastern air;It breathes in every time-worn street;And echoes still are sounding thereOf ghostly feet.Then hail, the town that has no past,No bloody tale of wars and crimes,Rebellions, usurpations vastIn ancient times!For in an air more clear and sweet,Girdled by green, untrodden lands,Where bluest waters kiss her feet, Chicago stands.See Europe nodding, half asleep;And Asia stretch her lazy length;Chicago's youthful pulses leapWith life and strength.With courage, too, disdaining fears, Courage and strength to do and dare;With her it is the future yearsThat haunt the air.With her prophetic eyes she seesThe future's yet unopened book,Inscribed with all the centuries, Nor fears to look.Then hail to her, the one divine,Who holds the future in her hands!For where the new dawn first shall shineChicago stands.F. W. Dignan.PierreIERRE was a peasant of Savoy, which in those days lay in the south ofFrance, and men said of Pierre that the graces of God were not in him.Howbeit he loved a maid, and her name was Johanne. Pierre was of a goodfigure, but dark and surly; nor was his mind over quick. And on a day itfell that there was a conscription, being in the year when Pierre was twenty-two and Johanne seventeen. For the emperor, of whom all the world knew,had conquered kingdoms and would conquer more, yet could not for the lackof men. So the conscription was drawn, and a tenth of the young men and more must gowith the emperor into lands afar. There were in the drawing black balls and white, andwho drew the white went free, but not he to whom fell the black; and it chanced thatPierre, being very anxious since he loved, drew, and looking at the ball which he held,found it white. So Pierre went free of that conscription.Then Pierre was very glad, and bethought him that he had never told Johanne ofhis love; but this he would now do and so marry. For oi her love for him Pierre had neverthought to wonder. So he went to Johanne and found her crying. Then Pierre told herhe was free, wishing to comfort her; for that she wept because he had been drawn in theconscription he did not doubt, being a man. Yet she wept the more. Then Pierre waspuzzled, for his mind was not swift of comprehension, and he asked her why she cried.And she, knowing Pierre well, but not Pierre's love, told him of a certain Jean, to whom ablack ball had fallen; and this Jean she loved with her whole heart, and he her. Yet nowhe must follow after the emperor and be shot it might be, unless he could get free of theconscription. And this Jean could in no way do, since he was a poor man, without a francto pay a substitute. For this Johanne wept, and for this would she die, if on the morrowJean must march to aid the emperor.Thereat Pierre, as was his wont, said nothing, either of her sorrow nor of his own love.He went away, and it may be that his sorrow was even such as hers, yet he was a very quietman and Johanne guessed naught of anything that was in his mind. So Pierre went out ofthe village where the forest stepped out to the edge of the town, and there on the moss heflung himself down. The little leaves rustled above his head, and over him ran the littlewood ants, and m his heart through all that day and night the good God and the devilfought for Pierre, nor could Pierre have told you at any time which would conquer. Fornow it was his love, and now jealousy and black anger, and anon his love again, whichswayed him; but in the end, when the morning was dawning, the devil overcame Pierre, sothat his hate of Jean was greater than his love for Johanne. Yet in all this struggle Pierrethought not of himself, if he should take Jean's place, neither of the hardship nor of thedanger, but only this: If he went in the stead of Jean, then Jean would marry Johanne; ifhe did not go, though Johanne loved him not, yet could she not marry Jean. So at the timeof rising Pierre raised himself up from the moss and went heavily to the village. It wasvery early, so that the dew still lay on the grass, but all the little street was filled both withthose who were drawn and those who had gone free; likewise with many women crying,and among these was Johanne, who sobbed on the breast of Jean, and Jean sobbed also,yet how much because he loved Johanne and how much because he loved himself I cannot tell. But when Pierre saw Johanne crying his love took hold of him again, so that heshivered as with cold and his face went white. Then the good God came again to Pierreand the devil left him, and he went very quickly to the captain of the conscription andoffered himself in the place of Jean. Now, Pierre was of a good figure and Jean was un-dersized, yet for the look in Pierre's eye the captain hesitated. However, when Pierreplead with him he took him and let Jean go free, wondering greatly and swearing-. But thepeople gave Pierre no credit for this thing because he was a surly man not given to friends,while Jean all men knew. Johanne, though neither she understood altogether, wonderedmuch both then and afterward, and going to Pierre she kissed him once, weeping thewhile. Then she went back to Jean, and the conscripts drew away toward the emperor.But in the heart of Pierre there was great bitterness and hate, both of himself andJean; so full it was of these things there was no room for fear nor for gentleness. Hard-handed was Pierre and rough, and few men in the company called him friend. His comrades fell around him on the march and in the field, and he paid no heed, but wentforward. Whether any man lived or died he cared not, and least of all himself. So hebecame a corporal at twenty-three, and a sergeant at twenty-four.Now it chanced in a year that the armies of the emperor were lead to Moscow,which lies in Russia, far to the east; half a million men there were who went, half a hundred thousand who returned; of them was Pierre. Of those men of the village in Savoy,who had been conscripted with him, not one remained; some there may have been elsewhere in the regiments, but of them Pierre knew not nor cared. And in the spring theemperor made another great conscription to fill the places of the half-million who weregone. From north and from south came the young men of France who had so farescaped; now they were all drawn in by the great net of the conscription. There werefew white balls this time, and substitutes were fewer still. And in Savoy Jean was drawnwith the rest, and went away as Pierre had gone. But Johanne did not now mourn for that.She mourned indeed, as she had mourned a year, for the shame that covered her; but allher love for Jean was turned to hate like the hate of Pierre himself. So Jean went fromSavoy, not sorry, though before him lay red war.So many conscripts to each old regiment, that was the emperor's rule; let the veterans teach them fighting, the drill, and the devil. So Jean was drafted to a regiment of theline, and taught to shoot, to clean his musket, to march, and to love the emperor above all;and indeed this last to most had small need of teaching. And when Jean had learnedthese things he was transferred to another regiment, and from that again to another; andin this last Pierre was sergeant, and carried the colors. Now Pierre was changed and Jeanwas not, from that last day in Savoy, besides which Pierre had thought often of Jean, buthe of Pierre never. So Pierre knew him first; but after a little time he made himselfknown, though this almost against his will. Jean was very glad, though Pierre was a roughman. And Jean told Pierre all that had happened in the village, and who was wed andwho was dead; but of Johanne he did not speak, for she was neither dead nor wed, thougha mother. And Pierre said little, but wondered, for he had thought the two marriedlong since. One day he asked for her, and Jean shrugged his shoulders, smiling. Andwhen Pierre would know his meaning, Jean, so little did he think of what was in Pierre'sheart, told him that which had happened. Now it was well for both that Pierre had beenunder the discipline of the emperor for three years, else he would have killed Jean wherehe stood, and so been himself shot; but as it was he said nothing at that time. However,he talked no more with Jean. And three days afterward the emperor advanced on Germany.Right gaily had Jean marched and drilled when France was near and war a longway off, but with war's near approach his heart went down. Very fond of himself wasJean, nor did he like to think of dying with his sins upon his soul. Howbeit he said nothing of this, but talked loudly of other things, until the day when it could be said, " On themorrow the battle." Nor was this day long in coming, for the emperor moved very quickly.And on that morrow Pierre asked something of the captain, at which the captain wondered,but for Pierre's sake granted. Now that something was this: that Jean on that day mighthelp to carry the colors. And this was in Pierre's mind, that Jean must die, since of allposts the place of color-bearer was most dangerous, as most honorable. And if deathcame to him also, Pierre cared not, but rather looked for it. For he had thought muchhow he should kill Jean, and this at last seemed the best way, to drag him into the front ofthe battle and let him die there in terror, having first learned Pierre's hate. For Pierreknew that Jean was a coward.So the battle went on, and Pierre and Jean bore the colors of the regiment, and littleJean liked this, yet he could not for very shame refuse. But as they too went forward,Pierre told Jean all that was in his heart, of hate and darker hate. While the bullets sanghe told him, hissing the story into the ear of Jean, told him of his love, told him of his sacrifice, told him of his resolve. And Pierre's face grew as dark as his hate, but Jean's grewwhite as death, for he was very much afraid. He feared to stand, and he feared to go forward, yet finally he feared Pierre more than the enemy, and went on. And when the fightwas warmest, and oftenest the bullets sang through the colors, one coming low struckPierre in the knee, and he fell, and the colors with him. For Jean seeing him fall, on sudden his fear swept up over his brain and crazed him, so that he dropped the standards andfled. But one of the men seeing him fly fired once, and Jean fled no longer, but lay still.And he who had fired grasped the colors from the ground and led on, and the battle followed over. But Pierre crawled to where Jean lay dead, and looked at him long and long.Now many months later there crept through the south of France a one-legged man,and that was Pierre. Sometimes he rode in carts, but most time he walked, dragging acrutch. And Pierre was six and twenty, yet his hair was whiter than the roads. And it sohappened that in the end he came to Savoy and to his own village, nor did any one knowhim for Pierre until he told them, nor did they then care overmuch, for wounded conscripts were not few, and Pierre had no family. But in the news of the village they toldhim this and that Qne was dead, and among these dead ones was Johanne. And Pierregave no sign of grief, but said rather, "It is well she is dead. Even at the wars I heard ofher shame." Yet it may be that in this Pierre dissembled; for that night he died by hisown hand.J. W. Linn.Thanksgiving DayF OLD ye Puritans devout,Did spend ye morning in ye house of prayer,Ye while ye preacher hammered outYe gospel truths upon ye pulpit bare;They rendered thanks and sung grew David's psalmsTo Him who gave them peace from war's alarms.Today their daughters and their sonsThe morning spend upon the gridiron field,And cheer the half back's mighty runs,And shout ecstatic when the stout lines yield,And rend the air with loud triumphant criesWhen low in pain some doughty foeman lies.IT WAS moonlight in the tropics, and we sailed peacefully over the broad lagoon. Along the shore thefeathery palms waved softly in the evening breeze,gently beating time to the low melodious voices ofthe natives, who sang as their glistening bodies swayedin rhythmic motion with the oar. The blue of the skyand the green of the water were as clear as in daylight,but as if seen through silver spectacles. The ships layat anchor in the distance, as still as the water in whichthey were resting, while the ocean, jealous of the peaceful lagoon, tossed its foam over the strong reef, in a wildand frantic effort to gain admission to this scene of rest,and, maddened by failure, left a line of white frothalong its gigantic mouth. Save the songs of the nativesand this distant roar, softened into a mumble by thetime it reached our ears, all was silent.Adelaide Ide.$ FIE was a tiny mite, with shining brown skin, which glistened with cocoanut oil.She had large, wondering brown eyes, and the long sweeping eyelashes which arepeculiar to her race. Her hair had all been shaved off close to her head, with theexception of a curling fringe around the face, so that she looked as though shea bonnet of her own skin with her hair for a border. Her dress was of gailydecorated bark, trimmed with leaves, and she was almost hidden behindthe great bouquet she carried. "Talofa," she said, and with a low bowhanded the flowers to me. She then folded her little brown hands, and,without the least shade of embarrassment, sang sweet, simple songs inher clear, child-like voice. There was not a trace of shyness or boldness,of coyness or affectation. " Tofa, soif ua," she said, when she had finished."Good night; God bless you." And she walked away like the princessthat she was.J\\>0£ Adelaide Ide.Half a LoafTT WAS his first reception. He entered the long room awkwardly, and tiptoed withcreaking steps to its very center. Then he stood stock still and blushed. Receptioncommittees were to him unknown quantities; what he sought was acquaintances, andacquaintances he could find none. Where was that pretty little girl who had invitedhim so cordially to the next Kelly reception? Was that really an invitation, or was sheonly Ah, there she was ! Talking, laughing, unconscious, apparently, of his veryexistence. He walked toward her and balanced himself on the edge of the circle surrounding her. She saw him, nodded to him, and the next moment turned her shoulderjust a little, but enough. A friendly voice at his elbow made him turn joyfully toward thespeaker, and in answer to her greeting he exclaimed:" I am glad to see you ! You aren't the girl I came over to see, but you'll dosplendidly to talk to."An Askin'EHE point is jest this," said Josh Hendricks, "is she goin' to, or is she not goin' to?"They were sitting on the churchyard fence, three strapping fellows who weresupposed, except by the girls, to linger after church to talk together concerningcrops and politics but the moonlight has certain inalienable rights, and the " shes "and " hers " scattered through the conversation referred neither to the nation nor tonature.Bill Phillips laughed a little nervously as Josh's wisdom trolled forth in the deep bassthat was the pride of the whole congregation."That's it, that's it, Josh," he agreed, as he thrust his feet between the boards, andthen, having safely hooked himself to the fence, stretched his lanky body back until it wasalmost on the level with the plank upon which he sat. With difficulty he brought himselferect again to add, " But the point within the point is jest this how's a feller goin' toknow? "There was silence for a doleful moment, and then the third boy brought forward hismasteripece of profound thinking."Askin' is the way," he said, in tones which the proximity of the graveyard madevery appropriate.All three sighed. With one accord they clambered from the fence."And a precious hard way it is," grumbled Jim. "Wish we was all well throughwith it. Well, good night, boys."They started in different directions across the meadows toward their homes, andBill Phillips had covered two wheat fields and a pasture before a new idea came to him." Heavens to Betsey! " he said. " If I hadn't laid out to ask the boys what they thoughtof that last notion of Grover's ! "A sheepish smile crept over his long face as he resumed his slinging trot. " Themgirls," he muttered," the way they can drive sense out of a feller's head is jest killin'."On the following Saturday night there was a mite party at the preacher's home, to raisemoney for the new church lamps. Joshua and Jim each appeared early with a girl, andthey looked reproachfully at Bill when he slunk in alone later in the evening. Bill avoidedthem at first, but after a time he made an opportunity to whisper to Josh, who was theacknowledged leader of the neighborhood society, "Jest couldn't help it couldn't get upmy nerve."The apology did not conciliate Josh. " It was a bargain between us three, anda bargain's a bargain," he whispered back sternly. "But she's here; the Joneses drove'round for her when they found she hadn't any comp'ny think, though, what a position thatwas to put a pretty girl like Ellen in! "" I know it," gasped Bill, "and I'm goin' to take her out to supper, dead sure."Ellen Johns was a tiny brunette with a voice as sharp and snapping as her dark eyesShe tossed her curled black head and straightened her slim figure when Bill mumbled aninvitation to go into the dining-room." Thanks," she said airily, " I et my supper before I came, and I don't care to do itagain. I never was one with much of an appetite."Bill's face fell, and she cruelly misinterpreted his gloom." Others ain't made way," she said significantly. "Don't let me keep you from goin'in, Mr. Phillips."" It wasn't the cake I was thinkin' of," said Bill, roused to an effort at defendinghimself. "I was was sorry 'bout something else."Ellen softened a little. She thought of saying that she might be able to eat a fewgrapes, and they could go to the garden for them, but the memory of the Joneses' kindnessin coming by for her was still bitter. She moved toward the organ." I promised Mr. Rawson to sing with him after supper, and I better be picking outthe notes," she said, waving Bill away indifferently.Going to sing with Rawson! Bill realized at last that he must be up and doing, andwith a voice almost as deep as Josh's, he said, " It's blazin' hot in here won't you walkaround the yard a bit, Miss Ellen? "Ellen decided to be merciful." P'raps we might find a few grapes rather coolin'," she said, almost graciously, andaway to the vines they went. Both Josh and Jim saw the exit and they beamed at eachother. Later Jim managed to say in Josh's ear, " Reckon the old chap has got along aswell as you and me the moonlight and nobody else eatin' grapes orter pulled even himthrough."The next night, after church, Josh and Jim made for the fence eagerly. It was to betheir last night of such friendly talks, for during the weeks fathers and mothers were to beseen, and after that Bess and Milly would have steady company home from church. Billdid not seem quite so eager for the exchange of confidences, but as the last horse trottedfrom the yard he joined his friends." All right, Billy boy? " queried Jim, interestedly. " It wasn't so bad after all when youonce got down to it, was it? "Bill did not answer. He climbed upon the fence at a short distance from the othertwo, and suspicion crept into Josh's heart." Bill Phillips," he said, sternly, " You don't mean to say ""Yes, I do mean to say," snarled Bill. Then his spirit died down and he broke outpitifully, " Boys, I jest couldn't get it out, I jest couldn't. Yes, I know we was the onlyones by that plaguy old grapevine; I know the moon was shinin'; I know I had theexample of you fellers right before me, but I jest couldn't get it out."Jim, tenderhearted boy, was touched by the dreary tones. " Well, Billy," he beganbut Josh interrupted him fiercely."There ain't any well about it," he said, angrily. "I s'pose you are goin' to wait forEllen to do the askin' herself ? "" If only she would," groaned Bill.Joshua jumped from the fence." I'm goin* home," he said, in disgust. " You ain't the feller I took you for, BillPhillips."Jim was gentler in his judgment, but still it was a gloomy boy who walked awaytoward the Phillips farm." I deserve it," he said to himself. " I ain't what you'd call sperited."When he got home he stopped at the stable to see if a sick mare had been properlyseen to, and the practical train of thought roused by his indignation at the younger brotherwho had forgotten to feed her shook him from his despondency. When he came from thestable he looked at the moonlight on the great oak trees in the front yard with appreciativeeyes."Dreadful pretty world this is," he said, aloud. "And mebbe things are goin' tocome out right after all, for p'raps if I don't get it out she will! Josh wa'nt in earnest, butEllen ain't the hang-back, no-count sorter girl Bess and Milly are. No, sir, she's a girl ofsperit, and I ain't goin' to give up all hope yet."Katherine Bates.A Beecher ReceptionIn Beecher Hall a waiting maidSilently leads you to a room,Which is a girl's, you must assume(Where else are little tea sets spread?And where such woman's art displayed?)And there your outer man you plume,In Beecher Hall.Then to the parlor. 'Tis arrayedWith girl bouquets and sweet perfume,And you, bee-fashion, 'mongst this bloomBuzz, and your mind with honey lade,In Beecher Hall.Fern Bellerive.Halloweeni.This is the night October dies,When snow-trailed clouds do flit the skies;And wintry blasts from poles are sentTo circle earth in merriment;The air is charged with rigor and coldTo hearten men and make them bold,For October diesWith gray-stained skiesAnd miserly Winter regains his hold.II.This is the night the ghouls revive,When ghosts and bodiless shadows conniveFor mischief and sport, for terror and glee,To revel and frolic and prance merrily.Hobgoblins and witches are out on a larkWhen October dies,The gray-stained skiesAre forging the shaft of Winter's dart.III.This is the night the old crones comeWith harpies and sprites from their musty homeA yell and cry, a whiz and a shriek,A clattering bone, or maniac's freak,A noisy charge from the spirit bandWill stir the owls from their sleepy stand,When October diesWith gray-stained skiesAnd crusty old Winter reconquers the land.IV.This is the night Old Nick returns,From dusty tombs and unknown bournesTo haunt among men and pale them with fright,To summon up demons, entice them to fight,To bolden shy maidens to search for their mateAnd read in the symbols their destined fate,When October diesAnd gray-stained skiesMakes brusky old Winter the Master in state.J. Leiser.So Much the WorseMy love's a maid of modern days,Whose charms I gladly sing,And as my portion of her praise,I write this little thing.For me her beauty fills the air,'Till I must say, forsooth,If 'tis not true she's richly fair,So much the worse for truth.They say that she will ne'er be true;That love won't last for aye;But that I shall not leave with you,It is for bye and bye.She loves me now, and now I railAt all such doubts with glee;And, if some day that love should fail,So much the worse for me.Am I to sit and worry now,When all is bright and gay,Because you don't believe the vowShe made for me today?When others say our married blissWill e'er be marred strife,I drown my fears in one long kiss So much the worse for life.Walter Deffenbaugh.After the StormJust setting is the sun,And all the scene is strangely brightWith a solemn, shaded, yellow light;The thunder rolls like some big gunReverberating far awayWith parting shots after the fray;The mountainojis clouds, as if in fright,Go trooping by, and one by oneFade into the afterglow;The lightning flashes fitfully,The rain hangs heavy on the tree,And upward streams the gay rainbow;The mellow light has fled, and NightDrops down and shrouds the scene from sight.In ChapelHE Janitor was standing musing under the clock in Cobb Hall, whensome one remarked in his ear :"Janitor, I'd like your advice."The Janitor started, and looked down. There on his coat- collarsat a Brownie. It was the little dandy, with the dress suit and eyeglasses. ,"Your advice, Janitor," repeated the Brownie.Most people passed over the Janitor, and went to the Registrar, the Deans, andthe Examiner for advice. Therefore this confidence touched him, and he beamed geniallyupon the Brownie." I 've some time to spend here," explained the Brownie, " and I want to spendit where I can see the university life. But I want to be where I can sit down andwatch things, because I 'm tired. Palmer Cox makes me tired all the time.""You've heard of our university life, then?" queried the Janitor."Yes; we read the papers. It seems to be a beautiful thing."The Janitor smiled elaborately. Then he patted the Brownie's head with the tipof his finger."Come, little one," he said, "Chapel's the place."He unlocked the chapel door, and hastening up the middle aisle placed the Browniein a corner of John D. Rockefeller's picture."You can see everything there," he said. "It '11 begin directly.""Is it divine service?" asked the Brownie, respectfully.The Janitor smiled again. " No; that comes later," he said.Just then the door burst open, and a crowd of boys bearing musical instrumentsrushed in. They formed in a semi-circle, tuned their instruments, and played twoor three pieces. Then a dark, handsome youth made a hideous discord, rose from hisseat, and remarked that he was through; another one put his feet on top of the organ,and began reading the morning paper. Two or three more strolled over to the windowand talked. A slim lad made various excited appeals to them, in which could be madeout the phrase: "Concert will be a failure; * * * disgrace the institution." Butthree or four boys wrapped him in an overcoat, and sat on him."What is it?" whispered the Brownie."The Mandolin Club," replied the Janitor, dusting the reading desk." When do they practice? " asked the Brownie, watching them dash out of the room." That's what they were doing."" Why I thought they were amusing themselves. They seemed to be having quite asocial time," said the Brownie, bewildered." Well, isn't a club a society ? Why shouldn't they ?"The Brownie looked as if he did not comprehend the Janitor's logic; but he only saidwearily:"Palmer Cox would make them work."The Chapel door opened again, and a trimly-dressed maiden entered. She chose acomfortable corner, and bent her head over a book. Every time she heard a sound sheglanced up. Presently an athletic looking youth strolled in and joined her."Thought you were never coming," he said. " I've been looking over the, door for thelast half hour to see if you weren't here."" The professor wanted to speak to me after class," she said, sweetly, "and of course Ihad to wait."" One hour of your society is all he is entitled to," he announced firmly. " But I don'tblame the poor chap for wanting all he can get."She smiled unutterable things at him, and handed him a rose." I'm interested in that case," remarked the Janitor. " I've watched it from the start."Before the Brownie could say anything another couple entered the room. They soughta remote corner, and dropped their heads over the same volume." They are probably going over the hymns together," said the Brownie, anxiously.Once more the Janitor smiled.The door opened again, and several people came in. They formed themselves intocouples or little knots all over the room, and made it resound with whispered talk andlaughter. One or two really seemed to be studying, but the half-dazed Brownie suspectedthat they were only doing it to kill time, till others should arrive in whom they were interested. More people kept coming and the conversation kept growing more animated. Atlast a bell rang, and the students began to file out." What is that bell for ?" inquired the Brownie." It announces chapel time.""Then why should they leave ?" asked the puzzled Brownie." Others are coming in," said the Janitor, adroitly begging the question. " Gaze onthe divinity students."He took the Brownie from the corner of the picture and put him on his coat collaragain." I do not understand," said the Brownie, plaintively. " Is it a rule that they musthold morning receptions in chapel ? If so, why do they pretend to study ? Why doesn'tthe faculty come, too ? I thought a reception had to be official, and how can a receptionbe official if the faculty isn't there ? Why doesn't ""Never mind, little man," interrupted the Janitor, soothingly. "Don't try to understand; come and matriculate here and learn things. You have to be educated up touniversity life, you see. You have now seen something of our university. It is a greatuniversity, but not as great as we would have it. We have as yet no medical school. Wehave as yet no law school. If you have a million to spare, think of us; we want money, wemust have money. We "But the Brownie had fled. M. L. R,OverheardCHEY were sitting close together on the bank under the pines. Far away in front ofthem stretched the broad creek, jeweled here and there by the reflection of thelights on the opposite shore. At their feet the tide was coming in but slowly#Too slowly for the impatient little ripples which tumbled over each other trying toget near enough to hear the low-whispered words the two spoke. Her hair was loose,and under the pine shadows it looked as murky as the water. The wind brushed some ofthe long ends against his cheek, and he fingered them tenderly. The little waves werejealous. They murmured pettishly when he measured both her slim hands upon his broadpalm. Then the two rose to go, and the tide had come in so far that the little ripplescould hear what she said." This is the first time "But waves know that much can be heard and forgotten in a night. M. L. R.WAS sitting on one of the benches inJackson Park, idly looking out over thelake and watching the gyrations of acouple of hungry gulls. On anotherbench hard by sat a man whom I atonce set down for a farmer. His hat was ofstraw, dingy and battered, and freckled withdirt; his coat had evidently been black onceupon a time, but now it showed a dozen shadesof green and yellow and brown; his mud-stained trousers had begun to fringe out on thelower edge, and they showed unmistakablesigns of having been thrust into his greatunblackened boots. He wore a shirt and collar ofdubious whiteness, but no necktie. He was chewingmeditatively upon a spear of grass, and gazing outacross the water. I decided that he was seeing thesights of the city, and had come out to look over the remains of the World's Fair.While I was still observing him he turned toward me and spoke. "Say, mister," hesaid, " kin you tell me which way them boats is goin'? I've bin watchin' nigh onto half anhour now, an' I can't make out." And he pointed his lean brown forefinger at the twocribs lying several miles from shore.A ToastCome, fill up the glasses, fellows,Let's all be merry tonightAnd drink till our creditors' facesHave faded away from our sight.Drink till the gray of the world-lifeTakes on a roseate hue,And the circling rim of the wineglassHolds all that is dearest to you.The dark, sparkling eyes of maidens,The full, crimson lips are there,And the rich, dancing light on the liquorIs the glimmering sheen on her hair.The clink of the glasses, the laughterThat rings from the lips we have kissed,And the red, flowing tribute to BacchusDrowns grief for the joys we have missed. A bumper to love and to beauty;Another to hearts we have won,And a third to the young god BacchusTo honor the good he has done.Once more to the loveliest vision,A maiden bewitchingly sweet,With the shapeliest tapering anklesRevealed by the wind in the street.Then death to each crank and croaker,And life to each rollicking soulWho cares not a whit for the morrow,But drowns the whole world in the bowl.Dead is the past; and the futureNever will cause us a tear.Yesterday's buried foreverAnd tomorrow will never be here. G. S. S.The Shadow in the Valley.the way home from the postoffice was a long hill, and just onthe other side of the summit, underneath a rustling Cottonwoodtree, little Jack Donnelson always checked his pony. A valleylay beyond the hill, a valley where even on the sunshiniest ofJuly days Jack was to meet a shadow. At the stile in front ofthe cottage down in the hollow, Mrs. Wilson was sure to bestanding, on the watch for Jack and the mail bag Mrs. Wilson,whose boy Tom had gone west and forgotten to write home. Itnever occurred to Jack to blame Tom blame him? What forshould a chap be settin' down to write letters when he might beshooting deer, jamming spears into the sides of buffalos, or walking over the mountains kicking over gold mines? But there was that eager face, that quickquery about the Home Journal ox Mr. Wilson's Country Gentleman, that stern suspicion thatJack had forgotten to bring the spool of thread she had charged him to remember. He knewvery well that even should the Journal and the Country Gentleman and the spool all behanded open to her, the shadow would still creep down her face, and then in some mysterious way reach over to him, and wind itself tightly around his heart. He always rodeslowly up the hill that shut in the valley on the other side, but once he had crossed its cresthe was free again, free till to-morrow when he would again pause by the cottonwood tree.Free to loll back on the pony, with his feet crossed in most circuslike fashion on her neck,free to whoop and shout, to press the pony near the pokeberry bushes in the fence cornerso that he could crush the berries into blood, free to swing himself far enough down, as hecrossed the brajich, to trail his toes in the rippling water in fact, free to take in at everypore of his brown, wiry, little body the joy of the summer afternoon.Katherine Bates.ill HAT iS m°re disheartening than t0 come back to college one day late? YouIJLi are met by one of your best friends, who, after fondly embracing you and faith-^^P fully telling you how glorious it is to have you back again, comforts you byadding that you have got to pay five dollars for the privilege of registering, andthat you had better run right over and do it.You have changed rooms this quarter, and you go to your new abode only to find yourbest party dresses, which you had left peacefully hanging in the closet, all heaped in aconfused pile on the bed. You get- out the boxes in which you had hastily packed yourvaluables when you left in June. Your teacups are broken, and your lace draperies arecovered with smut from the bottom of the kettle. Every room in the house is taken, andyou discover that a table, a chair and a bed constitute the extent of the furniture that hasbeen left for delinquents. You- are told that a new supply will be here in a week. Butwhat can you do meanwhile ? Simply use your one chair for a washstand, put your booksin an artistic pile in one corner of the room, your clothes in another, while you sit betweenthem, on the floor, and proclaim your woes by means of a daily theme.ON a corner of the Boulevard, des Italiens, there sits, day after day, rain or shine, awoman, a beggar, who differs not a whit from the others who besiege you daily,except that she is a cripple. Two wooden pegs that serve as feet, rest on the stepbelow her, two wooden crutches stand beside her. A pitiful sight and yet beware what coins you in your sympathy toss her. Gold or silver, yes but coppers she will fling back in your face with a sneer. Twenty years ago, then Mile.Eugenie, no woman in all Paris was more feted and courted. The city went wild overher. Men and women, rich and poor, flocked to see her, smiled at her extravagance,laughed at her follies, this beautiful woman, famous alike as actress and singer.And when at last came days of suffering and wretchedness, bringing loss of beauty andloss of limb, then, deserted by her former friends, she procured a license as a beggar andnear the scene of her former triumphs, she sits and waits for the living still owed her asshe fancies by the world, bitter, wrinkled, hideous, a woman old at thirty-five. K.She That Hath NotHERE were four of us in the low-ceiled, little junction station, waitingfor an overdue train. Three of us, I felt, were chafing against the tyrannyof things in general and the perversity of trains in particular, but thefourth, being a philosopher, chuckled contentedly at us and at the worldfrom the safe vantage of his mother's arms.She was a commonplace woman, the mother, and the baby was acommonplace baby, though with a saving sense of humor; she who satacross from us was too serious for the common adjective; and I was acommonplace traveler, who envied the philosopher his point of view. I wished the oneopposite would not keep so irritatingly still under the strain of waiting. She sat stark,black, sullen; even her shadow scarcely flickered on the dun wall behind. At the end ofher scoop-like bonnet I could just see the whiteness of her face, so stern, even thoughsoftened by the dusk of her head gear, that it chilled me more than the sound of thewind outside or the dismal creaking of the station sign. Her rosary drooped from hergirdle, and, dangling down, there gleamed from the black folds of her dress a smallgold crucifix the only bright thing about her.Over and over my three companions wandered my eyes, until my interest waned, andI had just determined to rout out the ticket agent, when his little window slammed up.Behind it loomed the usual discourteous face, that grew more surly still as the agent toldus of a wreck the old tale! up the road, and assured us that the Chicago express wouldbe five, it might be six or seven, hourh late.The mother peevishly asked a few useless questions, the sister opposite moved alittle, the only sign of her annoyance. I longed for a ten-minute talk with the manager ofthe road, while the philosopher was the only one who saw the subtle humor of the situation;he seemed inordinately amused.I was considering what it was best to do, when I saw the mother step over to wherethe other sat and heard her say: " Would you hold baby for me just a minute while Isend a telegram? " I marveled, listening, and looked only for a cold refusal, for the shiftylight that played about the impassive face in the upturned bonnet revealed no softeningof those lines which asceticism and penance had long ago etched in. But the philosopher, careless of creeds, reckoning not of the sacredness of a daughter of the church,was not so easily frightened as I; he thrust his soft fists at her right scientifically, andcrowed defiantly into her funnel of a bonnet, kicking so valiantly the while that he threatened to pitch headlong into her lap.To me it seemed as if she raised her hands to ward him off, yet this could not havebeen, for the mother smiled upon her and placed him in her arms. The sister held himawkwardly at first, and at a distance, frowning her disapproval of his levity; but he onlygurgled the louder, and kicked so joyously and strenuously that she was obliged to holdhim close lest he should fall. I could hear her stiff gown crackle as she pressed the godless youngster to her bosom; but the expression of her face was hidden, for she bent soclosely over him that I could see the smooth top of her bonnet. Yet after a little, when sheraised her head, the bonnet was pushed back, and the glimpse I caught of her face madethe gold crucifix seem less bright. She was no longer a still black thing, but a woman, forthe first time thrilling to a baby's voice and touch. On the gray wall behind her, hershadow fairly danced; and she, blushing at the boldness of his struggle against her, mustyet smile back at him, filled with the contagion of his own irresistible humor.And he ? He did not know, perhaps, that he was upon consecrated ground; but ifhe had known, I fear the knowledge would have been an added pleasure. And in oneglorious effort his irreverent foot caught in the loop of her rosary a struggle and rosaryand crucifix went rattling to the floor. She heard them clatter down, and paled a little;and as she glanced at the little shining heap and then at him who had committed thissacrilege, her face was stern. But he, quite unabashed, mocked her with his glee andpounded her with his fists, while she regarded him doubtfully, wavering between religioushabit and this new desire. The sight of the mother coming for her son decided her; shesnatched the baby to her breast and pressed her face against him, so hard that her stiffbonnet was quite bent and spoiled. Murmuring thanks, the mother stood before her withoutstretched arms; but until she said quietly, " We must go now," the sister did not stir.Then she looked up, tried to smile, gave the boy into his mother's arms, and then watchedhim as he waved and chuckled at her. They went away, and the door rattled shut behindthem. I looked out at the window after them; and when I turned again, the sister sat rigidas before. But on the floor beside her the crucifix still gleamed and sparkled in the smokylight, unheeded; and as I placed it in her hand I caught upon her cheek the sparkle ofa tear.Nott W. Flint.The AuthorfWAS not that the world was kindOr that I had the gift of song,The world but smiled at my verseEre your spirit chanced along.You are the soul of the linesThat have stirred the old world's heart;I could not choose but sing,My pen could not choose but start.And you say that I did it, Love?Oh, nay! 'Twas not I, but you.I sang, for your smile was fair,I sang, for your eyes were blue.I who was dead beforeHave awakened to love and rejoice;Have thrilled at the touch of your hand,Have wept at the sound of your voice.Take you the world's applause;It were meet that your name should beOn the small dark volume thereWhich cannot belong to me.Yours is the voice of the song,Yours be the praises dear;I could not choose but sing,The world could not choose but hear.Nothin1 there but fryin' pans anddough and cookin' books ;Pots and kettles on the floor,skittles on the hooks ;If you have never been there you hadbetter go and look'Cross the quad in Kelly where thecoeds learn to cook.It's there you see your apple pieand custard pie and cake,Or anything that Lincoln or Parloatried to make ;And if you know the ladies, perhapsyou'll get a bite,But don't take two, I warn you,if you want to sleep that night.For O, the frightful stories that belatedtravelers tell,Of the sights they've seen at midnightand the sounds they've heard as well,When the dark has stilled the campusand the moon has fallen low,And the night wind like a specterwanders wayward to and fro.How the lights shine green and ghostlyfrom the grated windows there,And the clatter of the dishes seems torend the frighted air ;And the flitting, noiseless figures glideabout with fearful haste,As they eat with awful mockery of afood they cannot taste.For those pale dyspeptic spectersonce were coeds like you, see,On their way across the campus,talking, laughing merrily.But they cooked in Kelly Kitchenin the misty days of yore,And they ate whereof they baked nowthey cook forevermore.A Typical Day in Nancy Beecher HallN AN ill-guarded moment I said to my twin Achates: " Now, girls, to-morrow is goingto be my busy day, and I wish to be let severely alone." The day was begun as allsuch days are begun by a sweet obliviousness of both rising and breakfast bells.I hurried down to the dining-room to gather up the remains of a cold,gloomy breakfast, the lot of the laggard.On returning to the scholastic quiet of my own apartment I foundthat it had been laboriously decorated by my friends with a series offantastic mottoes in red and blue crayons, such as: "This is my busyday." "Silence! in this room." "Speech is silver, silence is golden."" No one shall speak to the man at the helm, and the man at the helmWP shall speak to no one." "How doth the little busy bee," etc. "Thek^ great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfectI YUI sweetness the independence of solitude." I removed these ennoblingiM sentiments, and sat down to study. Knock at the door. " Come,"^^~"~ sweetly. "May I borrow your screw-driver? My steam pipes areair bound, and my room is as cold as a barn." Knock number two: "Come," notso sweetly. "Oh! I see you are busy. I am sorry to bother you, but I must decideon these proofs to-day. I 've had eighteen taken, each worse than the last. The photographer says they are all splendid, but I think they are just too homely for anything.They cost a lot. Do you suppose they '11 do for Christmas presents?" I look them overand make my choice, and my neighbor decides on the one I dislike most of all, andgoes off contented. Knock number three: "Come," firmly. "Are you going over to Cobb?Would you mind putting this letter in the Faculty exchange for me, and buying me threetickets for the foot-ball game? Awfully high, aren't they? And oh! Say, will you buyme some stamps while you are about it, and see if there is anything for me on thebulletin board? The stamps and tickets, you know, are in the basement on the righthand side as you go down stairs." Knock number four: "Come," very firmly. "CanI have your chafing-dish to-night; and have you any alcohol? I forgot to buy some;and have you any stylographic ink? Thanks, I'll bring it right back." Knock numberfive: "Come," with asperity. "Do you like this bonnet? I don't think bonnets area bit becoming. They make one look so old; but I'm going to the opera to-night,and i suppose I've got to wear it. Aren't you going? Have to study? Oh! that'stoo bad. It 's going to be awfully good. I 'm going to study next week."In despair I flee to one of the departmental libraries only to find that the books I wantare all in use. So I wait impatiently for the time to come when I can flunk and have itover with.On returning to my room, after the worst has been realized, I find it occupied by myever faithful friends. Their work is elective, and consequently they have elected to lie onmy couch, bury themselves in my pillows, eat my chestnuts and apples, and talk unintelligibly about psychology. I am greeted with, " Oh ! we had such interesting things inpsychology this morning. It's such fun! Do you ever have hallucinations? I mean realones? Of course you do, but you won't confess it;" and, "Oh! say, we've got the worstpoems for to-morrow. Now, what do you think I ought to think that Wordsworth thoughtwhen he wrote this poem? It sounds dead easy to me, but we've got to think somethinghard you know, and you've had the course and know what he expects you to think; so tellme, there's a dear "And so the day wears wearily away, and it is only after dinner, when my lamp islighted, my curtains are drawn, and there is a general air of comfort and quiet, that I settledown with a feeling that I am studying. Knock. A maid appears with a card. Some oneI hardly know, and it is such a bore to dress, but I do it elaborately, even to the point ofputting carefully in their proper places numerous stick pins, and descend to the parlor tofind that my labor has been in vain, that my two too funny friends have been the perpetrators of a not very funny joke, and to realize as I am greeted by them with shouts oflaughter, that I am again the victim of my twin Achates.z£f-"^F51 BHIfgi t^HPIrviaTO^S HE Song of a ManThere's joy in the rush of a hurrying crowd,There's gladness in noise and in fight;And pleasure in pushing and laughing aloudIn crowds on the street in the night.A man who can strike with a swing and a swirl,In the tide of a swift saber charge,May sleep 'neath the gods, while the demons all whirl,And die upon Arthur's weird barge.A blow, struck out with the strength of an arm.Sent straight at the mark in the strife,May carry the soul on its way to do harm,When heart's blood behind it beats life.'Though glory there be in noise and in fight,In turmoil and bustle and shove,There's no brighter beacon e'er burns its warm light,Than the eyes of those whom men love.Walter Deffenbaugh. J THEL came to class todayArrayed in crimsonsweater,Attention could a fellow pay?Ethel came to class todayHer sweater stole my heart away,I flunked I'm Cupid's debtor.Ethel came to class today,Arrayed in crimson sweater.ELL, it was done ! Her word had been given, and her word now, as ever, wasirrevocable. It had come at last, this thing she had hoped for, struggled for,prayed for, with an intensity that could be satisfied only with speedy victory.And, after all, was it worth the price she had paid for it? No one, not even hdknew how dear that price had seemed. Other girls, less earnest, more flippant,perhaps, might not have cared; but she, she, the one they called noble hearted.high minded, the woman as far above petty deceit and intrigue as heaven isabove earth! She laughed, and her eyes grew bright with self-scorn. Howshe despised herself ! How she almost despised him for no, she couldn't do that; sheloved him too much, too much. And with the thought her eyes grew soft again. Yes, itwas worth it, after all. It was worth anything.K.mm^>mr\^^N \^/V;/// F/Billy ReillyOOK out fur twinty divils now wid double pinted tails!Shure, ye'd better have the convicts loose from half a hundred jails,It's good advice I'm giving yez, well meanin' as I am,Fur me partner Billy Reilly, byes, has passed his last exam.It was jist last night I seen him wid that Dutch grin on his face,An' his coat tails flyin' oop the street at a good 2:40 pace,And a can of paint in one hand of the reddest kind aroun',And he says, says Billy Reilly, " I'm a goin' to paint the town."Oi tell yez what, it's mischief whin that lad gets on a tear,No wonder that the theologs are losin' all their hair,For Reilly says, " Good look to Greek, good-bye to Bohn and Cram;We're goin' in fur glory whin we've passed our last exam."And ye'll see him down at Ureck's wid his wine and foine cigar,An' a shpillin' half a bottle of Budweiser on the bar.Then he'll pound upon the table fur another round of beer,And drink a health to every lass that iver shed a tear.He'll throw a kiss to Angeline who sings upon the stage,Sweet Angeline of fairy form and quite uncertain age,An' the man that plays the fiddle swears he'll murther Reilly quite,Fur sweet Angeline gets rattled and can't sing the songs jist right.And Reilly sits there grinnin', wid a patent kind o' smile,An' takin' in the whole concern, an' talkin' all the while,Fur Reilly told me privately he didn't give a damn,He wuz in fur all the glory, fur he'd passed his last exam.Now Reilly's jist a quiet lad through all the blissed year,He schmokes his poipe jist twice a day, and sometimes takes a beer,But I'll not answer for him now, well meanin' as I am,Fur he's an awful divil whin he's passed his last exam.Beneath the MistletoeK She stood beneath the mistletoe;Upon her cheeks a gentle glow,Her lips a dream of tropic dawn,Their perfume from the violets drawn.A sweeter kiss could ne'er be wonFrom dewy rosebuds by the sun;And so her lips were pressed to mine I drank the madness of their wine.The rapture of their rich touch blazedThroughout my veins, and I shrank dazedAway. It was a draught of loveFit only for the gods above.A Friend of MineE IS entirely a stranger to me. At least we have never been introduced. Variouscircumstances of time and place make that an impossibility. Of my existence hedoes not know, and I know of his by an accident. Yet the interest of fairy tale andromance fades in my eyes, when compared with the few facts in his history and theway I came to know them. He was German and he studied Latin, was somewhatidle and mischievous and rather clever at drawing. I don't know what his name was orwhere he lived or how he died. It seems rather strange that I should know these few facts!And it is strange.A good many years ago this German boy read Caesar. He didn't learn his lessonsvery well and wrote many notes on the margins of the leaves in jagged German letters.Sometimes the recitations were dry, and he scribbled and scratched up the pages of his unoffending book. But at some period of inspiration he drew on the fly-leaf a picture mostmagnificent. It is the very quintessence of schoolboyism, this vivid sketch of a knight oflong ago. Nothing could exceed the skill with which the armor is outlined by a few strokesof the pen, the mustaches are immense, the scowl exceedingly frightful. Most attention,however, was given to the features. I fancy that some comrade was held up to scorn inthis way, or perhaps the teacher himself received punishment for punishment given.At any rate, the picture has been a kind of miniature immortality to his victim, for theold book has outlived its owner and traveled to foreign lands. Several years ago, a friendof mine in Germany chanced into a little second-hand bookstore and found it, a queer oldthing, with a worn, dull-gray cover, its mossy-lined pattern faded away, with tough, leatheryleaves and curly letters. It was nearly a hundred years old. This modern American inthe midst of such antiquity, bethought himself of two American children who were drumming over Caesar, and he bought the book and sent it to them. When we opened it andfound the pictures and the traces of young life that the faded ink marks showed, we felt thatwe had found a treasure. How many times I have turned the pages and wondered and wondered about the hand that had lain where my fingers lay! Perhaps my German boy was agreat man afterward and learned his life lessons better than his Caesar. Perhaps he commanded armies, or was very, very learned, or remarkably wicked, or perhaps he nevergrew up at all. Perhaps but where in all the range of fancy do not the child-thoughtswander when they start on a quest like this? At any rate, that little German scapegrace, somany years dead, was a comrade of ours, oftentimes, in plays that he never played. " Forin the hearts of the children there is neither east nor west," nor life nor death, nor time noreternity.1 In Evening DressN evening dress I sit tonightBeneath the ball room's brilliant light,And watch the dancers as they goAcross the ball room to and fro,Like fairies in a fancy flight.Alone I sit, in black and white,And drink in draughts of deep delightTo think I might be waltzing so,In evening dress.But, ah, I'm in a woeful plight,A leap year " Stag " has not one rightTo choose a dance; and so, you know,Alone I sit and swear real low,And call myself a fool, bedightIn evening dress !SorcgE gathered once the autumn leaves,And golden wreathes together strung,Regardless of the fleeting hours,For we were young;But now we gather leaves of life,And very few our garlands ho'd, The golden autumn days have fled,And we are old.CHE child stood before us, a little make-believe man in conventional dress suit andrigid linen. His eyes were dark ringed and heavy, his sweet baby face drawn withpreternatural solemnity and anxiety.He sang, with close lips and tense muscles, a song about his long lost love, whom henever so the song went hoped to see again. His lower tones were fresh and strong, butthe song revelled in alt, where his tones, though sweet and true, were tenuous, and sostrained that the little voice broke once or twice in reaching them.When he dropped the last note into his jerky bow and ran off the stage, the audiencecheered with enthusiasm. " How sweet!" "How remarkable!" " The blessed child wemust hear him again."He came back, smiling feebly, and began again. The woman who had played hisaccompaniment his mother perhaps was gratified, and became, not smiling, but a trifleless scowling.My neighbor turned to the chairman of the committee, remonstrating, " He shouldhave been in his trundle bed hours ago, dreaming of fairies and rocking-horses."But the chairman of the committee was triumphant. " It's a great success, and wherewould our money for the Armenians have been without him?"Estelle Cook.*T¥T last her things are unpacked! Pictures, posters, cartoons, photographs, andmM figures in bronze and plaster, scattered to the right of her, scattered to the leftW I of her. She can scarcely step for them. For two hours she has been at workarranging them on her walls and still you cannot miss them from the couch,tables and floor. She is the one girl in the hall who can arrange ballet dancers andmadonnas, cupids and sages, wine goddesses, Gibson girls and The Poker Series on thesame wall without making you feel their incongruity.My PhyllisYou've graces more than one;Your eyes are full of fun,Their laughing blueness haunts me even now;You are the little minx,Who always says she thinksI never mean one word of all I vow.You're pretty anywhere,With all your nut-brown hair,And anyway I simply must adore;But you are at your best,When last you come to rest,And sit in solid comfort on the floor.Walter Deffenbaugh.HE WORKINGS OF FATE Being a monologue by a man withoccasional assistance from others.Scene A gentleman's dressing room. Among other things a mantelfull of photographs and one placed prominently upon his dressing table.It is the portrait of a girl, and before it lies a bunch of faded violets. Thetime is morning noon, perhaps. He seems to feel badly and consumesseveral glasses of ice water. Notices picture as he is making his toilet,starts and seems to recall something.Gad ! knew that something was wrong. Never would have done it if Ihadn't been trying to forget something. It was she. She blasted my younglife and shattered my day dreams, and she she laughed at me actually tittered whenI assumed a dignified air previous to my departure.(Picks up violets.) Looked swell when I wore those; that must have been the reasonshe said she loved me. I see it all now; it was my clothes she loved and not me. Yet Ididn't look like a jay last night. I wonder well, logic's too deep for me. She has lacerated my heart and I will cast her out of my thoughts. (Opens window and throws outviolets.) No more shall the shriveled shadows of these faded flowers do homage to herbeauty beauty (looks closely at picture) beauty. Gad! she is pretty. I out of mythoughts. She mocked me; she laughed at me, and I will crush the last remembrance ofher out of my bleeding heart. Wonder if my heart is bleeding? If it is, cigarettes is thecause. (Throws photograph in waste paper basket.) So perish the reminder of yourcruelty, fair beauty. Never more shall I see your pictured self again. The fiery flameswill soon have licked up your classic features.(Enter maid.) Oh! I beg pardon, sir. I thought you had gone out.(He glares at her.) No, Marie, it seems I am still here. Send up some more ice water,will you?(Maid.) Yes, sir. (Starts out sees waste basket and stops for it discovers pictureand places it carefully on writing desk. Exit.)By the way I must write to Lambert and tell him I will go to Boston after all. I'vequit living the life of a saint. I shall go to the dogs. I shall ruin my life in wild dissipation. (Walks toward writing desk sits down and notices picture.)Now, how did that thing get there? If that girl's working in this house to-night, I'llleave. She might have known I didn't want it. She might have seen by the tragic look inmy eyes that I have just passed through a great crisis. I'll settle it, though. I'll trust tono more of these heart-breakingly, zealous servants. The winds " wynds " I mean, of theheavens shall have you for their toy. Go! follow the violets. May your face bring nottrouble to another undeserving head. (Throws it far out of the window.) Now, that's settled at last. (Gets into his coat and shoes, whistling a tune. A knock at the door.) Comein.(Enter ragged street boy, carrying picture.) Please, sir, here's a fotygraph I seenblow outen yer window. I ketched it fore it ever touched the ground.(Swears softly.) You are a bright boy; here is a dollar for your sick mother. (Exitboy in delight.)O ye loaves and fishes! If ever a man did have fate working straight against him,I'm the man. Here I am trying to bury a dead love, and by the sky-blue rainbow I can'tfind an honest undertaker. Ha, an idea! I'll send it to Hicksey. He's in Berlin and willlose it before he has a chance to write me about it, and then he won't dare to. He alwaysloses everything. He took four trunks with him last time, bought enough to fill three more,and couldn't find two trunkfuls to bring back. Oh, Hicksey will certainly finish it. (Putspicture in an envelope, rings for a boy, and sends it down stairs to be mailed.)(Returns to dressing table to adjust his tie.) Gad! but it looks bare over here. Tooused to seeing that picture. Perhaps Believe I'll put another one there. (Crosses overto collection on mantel.) It ought to be a girl. Looks silly to have a fellow's picture soconspicuous. Let's see. There's Alice, nice little girl, but a perfect fool. Flossy no.Irene um too much brains, knows more than I do. Kitty Kitty nice face, nice girl.(Puts picture on table and surveys it carefully.) No, she won't do. It's got to be somebodyequal to the other one, and I'm afraid I haven't got it. I'll have to fall back on a man.Where's Hicksey's picture? (Sorts over a pile.) Here it is. I'll no I won't. Hicksey'sface is dirty. (A pause.) I wonder if I was hasty. Hicksey will probably chaff me.(Knock at the door.) What's that. Laundry. Come in. (Enter boy with postman.)(Postman) You mailed this letter, didn't you, sir? (Extends muddy envelope.)Well, of all the confounded, back-dealing (Postman) Well, sir, I couldn't help it. A man ran into me just outside and knockedit in the mud. The ink wasn't dry and you'll have to put it in a new envelope, sir.All right, all right. I don't blame you. It's fate. Go away. (Exit boy and postmanin amazement.)(Tears open envelope.) There you are again. You beat collectors. (Places it backon dressing-table.) I'm blowed if it doesn't look more home-like about here. Now, if I onlyhad those violets, that original bunch, that I wore the night I made the impression. (Goes towindow and looks out starts, then opens window and swears wonderingly.) On the ledge.(Picks up violets and places them before the picture.) United once more after manytrials and much suffering. (Thinks for several minutes.)I believe I'm a fool. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it. (Looks at picture, rather tenderly.)I am a fool, an idiot. I was probably the funniest thing she had ever seen, last night.(Knock at the door.)Come in. This can't be the picture again.(Enter boy.) Note for you, sir. (Exit.)(Takes note leisurely, glances at handwriting, then opens it hurriedly.) From her.(Reading.) So sorry, I was very rude last evening. Won't you please call this afternoon?With love, Mabel.(Puts on hat and overcoat, examines his toilet critically, looks at picture and walkstoward the door.)(CURTAIN.)Walter Deffenbaugh.e Bachelor MaidOh, the bachelor maid, I'm sorely afraid,Is to blame for all that's amiss;Her precepts of life are peculiarly rifeWith ideas of bachelor bliss.And all she can say on the judgment day,When the faults of all are arrayed,By refusing to wed, living single instead,She has many a bachelor madeThe Freshman's Dream(After an afternoon reception.)Shipwrecked upon a boiling sea,A boundless, trackless waste of tea:Chased by sugary bergs of ice;Clutching at every lemon slice;Drifting toward dark chocolate coasts,Where await dim hosts and hostsOf hostesses who nod and smile,And lure me to their siren isle.I drown in dreams of lovely curlsAnd afternoons with campus girls.While the Carriage WaitsOh, I'm mad enough to swear,Grit my teeth and tear my hair,Bark my shins on every chair,Ransack things in wild despair,Just because I can't tell whereI left that bloody blooming pairOf gloves. Ah, by Jove, right there.TheTennis ulove"In the courts one winter's dayI settled in the good old way ;A breach of promise took my allIn the courts 'neath judges gray.Charles Sumner Pike. On the courts one day in MayWe spent a long half holiday,And " love " rebounded with the ballOn the courts 'neath Cupid's sway.N the Banks of the Siren IslesOn the banks of the Siren Isles,In the midst of the Sea of Smiles,I dream of perpetual summer time,Of serenades and the lover's rhyme,On the banks of the Siren Isles.Across the Quad on the Siren Isles,Away from classes and other trialsThe cup of forgetfulness let me sip.In the stream 'neath the lotus let me dipFrom the banks of the Siren Isles.My memories of the Siren IslesWill be my sweetest afterwhiles;May they never cease to lureAs long as their fair strands endure,On the banks of the Siren Isles.A March DayCloud-gloomed, the colorless, disheartened dayHath wept itself to death; the fitful wind,Upstarting wildly, like some startled hind,Sweeps through the park's drear reaches and awayAcross the dripping woods. It shakes the sprayFrom branch and stock, which wintry winds unkindHave stripped of leaf and bloom, sad ghosts resigned,In frozen trance, to buffetings and slow decay.The doctor's house looms dimly through the gloom,Like some grim specter; from its eaves, sad tearsSeem shed for him whose heavy weight of yearsMakes grim death's coming seem a welcome doom.The gray light from the veiled sun, lingering still,Shows faint above the gravel pit's blurred rim;The landscape grows more featureless and dim,And misty darkness surges 'round the hill.But sweet to me are winds and driving rain,Which chasten with their strife my sad heart's pain.G. S. Steward.On the Road to the Market TownO beautiful maiden, with eyes so brown,Why do you hurry away, away?I, too, am bound for the market town,And would walk by your side this lovely day,And gossip the happy miles away,On the road to the market town.O handsome stranger, with eyes so blue,I fear you can't gossip with me, with me;For my mother has bid me have nothing to doWith strangers so gay I might happen to see,No matter how pleasing their words might be,So I really can't gossip and walk with you.But think, pretty maiden, with looks demure,The road is so dusty and long and long;And when you come to the ford, I'm sureYou'll be glad of my arms, so true and strong.And the country lads that the highway throngMay seek for a kiss from my maid demure.O tempting stranger, I need no armTo help me over the ford, the ford;And 'tis only you strangers would ever harmA lonely maid by deed or word.Of your flattering ways have I often heard,And there's never a stranger my heart can charm.O maiden coy with the lips so red,You really are jesting, I know, I know;For your heart's not as hard as the words you've said,But you cannot coquette with the stranger so;A kiss I must have ere I let you go,My maiden demure, from those lips so red.O saucy stranger, with brow a-frown,You'll never from me a kiss, a kiss;There's a man come out of the market town,And he is my true-hearted lover, I wis;And every kiss that I have is his;For to wed him I'm bound for the market town.The UnknownUT yesterday I spoke to himOf earthly things, of law and stateBut yesterday he smiled at death,Scoffed at the iron law of fate.But yesterday his heart was lightWithout a doubt, without a dreadAnd now to-day, I know not howHe lies there cold and white and dead.We call him dead, his soul is gone Gone like the vapors of the air.O North wind! with your mysteriesI would that you might tell me where?TfAR MayAREWELL ye tears, ye are not mine!The skies are smiling, laughs the seaAnd all around I see the signOf happiness and harmony,Sweet April child of tears has goneComes May, fair daughter of the dawn.When April wept I needs must weepMy Lady April seemed so sadThe quiet tears I could not keep,But now my heart is gay and gladFor May is laughing everywhereAnd I would sing and laugh with her.Dear April has a tearful smileBut happy May laughs out in gleeAnd so my tears must cease awhileSo must my voice be careless freeSo must I wander forth todayTo meet and greet my lady May.A Resume of Horace's OdesAll praise to the fellow that doesn't imbibe,And his virtue for wine never barters.His glorified name 'tis but right to inscribeWith the names of apostles and martyrs.But give me the lad who will frolic and playWith the heart of a true Bacchanalian,Who passes his nights in the jolly old way,And comes home with the gait of a Salian.I honor the girl from whose maidenly lipsNo kiss can be stolen by any;Like the mountain's exalted and snowy-capped tipsBe her glory through ages full many;But here's to the darling who sits on my kneeAnd responds to my kisses with laughter.May her life be a happy and jubilant spreeBoth now and forever hereafter.Fern Bellerive.Translation from Horace(Ode 30, Lib. III.)I've finished now a monument,Shall long outlive memorial brass.O'ertowering high the grandeur lentThe pyramids' majestic mass.Corroding storm nor raging blastShall mar its majesty sublime;Through countless ages it shall last,And nothing wreck the flight of time.I shall not altogether die-Not all shall Libitina claim;Though in the grave my body lie,Yet in the future's praise my nameShall know no death, but, fresher still,Shall ever flourish, never fade,As long as climb the sacred hillThe pontiff and the Vestal maid.Still will they tell how humbly sprungWhere Daunus once of old held sway,I, first of all the bards that sung,Wed Western strain to Grecian lay.Take then thy glory, Muse of mine,The worthy guerdon of thy lays,And, of thy grace, for me entwineA poet's wreath of Delphic bays.Fern Bellerive.AprilOne misty morn I watched a maidTrip down the hills of spring;The skies seemed blue to smile on her,The birds were there to sing.She wore a frock of tender green,Fresh from dame Nature's bower;In one small hand a sprinkling can,The other held a flower.(You must have seen fair April so,The sky-blue eyes beguiling,The sunny hair the mouth that seemsTo tremble into smiling.)I went to meet her as she cameDown toward the rising day,She smiled and showered me with rain,And smiling ran away.One WayTIME for saying good bye had come to these two, who, as every one said,had flirted abominably all summer long. They were sitting out a dance onthe stairs, just where the light was brightest and the crowd most dense.She sat on the landing step, and he on the one below, and she was thankinghim for being so kind to her all summer, and saying she hoped to see moreof him when they were back in town. Then he begged her not to mentionhis kindness, inasmuch as it had been such a pleasure to do things for her,and he added that he should be most happy to call. Then she said:"Do you know you are the first real man friend I've ever had? Friends,you know, are different from 'smits' and the queer part is, that you are justa friend, because to tell the truth you are just the kind of man I should have picked out ifI had been in earnest. But, of course, I wasn't, and on the whole it's much more satisfactory as it is. Friends wear better."She said this in a very impersonal, matter-of-fact way, and he said, " Of course," toher, and "Good evening, Mrs. Whitney, don't forget the third extra," and got up to let somepeople pass. Then as he resumed his seat and sat very still for a few minutes, she askedhim what he was thinking of. He said: " I was thinking I wish we weren't just friends orat least I should wish it if I thought you would would care to have it different. But ofcourse I know you wouldn't, so," he smiled in one corner of his mouth and leaned backcomfortably against the wall, " I won't do any wishing."She smoothed out the folds of her gown for a few moments and then, " Wouldn't you?"she said, " I would. It might pay. It does sometimes, you know."The Girl on the Tally-HoA bow of maroon from her shoulder hung,A banner maroon in her fingers swung,The songs of Chicago she blithely sung,The girl on the tally-ho.Though she sat in the ranks of the yellow and blueAnd her hair and her eyes were of Michigan's hue,Yet her heart to maroon and Chicago was true,The girl on the tally-ho.As onto the field through the cheering we cameShe waved us a welcome, but called me by nameAnd gave me her token to wear in the game,The girl on the tally-ho.I heard her applaud as I made my great run;She seemed to know only the deeds I had done;Yes, we lost; but I've somehow a notion I wonThe girl on the tally-ho.Genevieve's Circus"LONG table took up most of the room in the little kitchen.Papa Bagville, when he tilted his chair back on its hindlegs, was in great danger of falling through the opendoor, and Mama Bagville's broad expanse of shoulderswas kept in a state of tropical heat by the proximity ofthe cooking stove. The little Bagvilles and Joneses andJohnsons who were tucked in between took up every bitof the remaining space.This evening they all were giving their entire attention to their supper all but Genevieve Johnson, whowas studying a red and yellow circus bill with might andmain. Genevieve never did what the rest did. She wasno relation to any one, a nd was different from everybodyin all respects. Perhaps you would call Pa Bagvilleher relative, according to the polite fiction of the neighbors. It would not be respectableat all for a young lady of nine to have none of her own flesh and blood to look afterher. As a matter of fact, Pa Bagville had married Genevieve's mother, and after herdeath had taken charge of the vigorous young orphan, with the same good-natured disregard of consequences which afterward marked his action with regard to the Widow Jones.For this latter individual he married, though she weighed two hundred and ten andowned four little Joneses. They all settled down together in a tumble-down house on theoutskirts of Woodside and had ever since been a most united family.Now, Pa Bagville and Ma Bagville and the four young Joneses and the two youngBagvilles were quite as peaceful as usual. Suddenly the steady click of knife andfork was broken by the voice of Genevieve, " I'm going to the circus. Ma, you'd bettermend my white dress, and I guess Mary Jones would lend me her blue sash. Pa, howmuch is the fare to Benton? I am going on the cars."There was perfect silence. Genevieve shoved the play-bill into her pocket andbegan to eat her dinner. Ma and pa exchanged amused glances and the oldest Jones boygiggled. But the scorn of the two families united had no effect on Genevieve. A kindlyProvidence had bestowed upon her, that her unsheltered pathway might be less hard, anabundance of cool determination, along with a most delightful manner of gaining her ends,which long ago had won her the respectful allegiance of Ma Bagville, the baby and allthe lesser lights."I'll fix up the dress and Mary '11 lend ye the sash, but where'll you get the money? Ican't give you more'n ten cents and I know Pa ain't got that."Ready money was scarcer than good nature at the Bagville residence.Even Genevieve was a trifle daunted. Ten cents from two dollars left one dollarninety cents, and she had a nickel. Where could that dollar and eighty-five cents comefrom? Quietly and thoughtfully she finished her dinner and then walked out on the porch.A long meditation left Genevieve with many strings to her bow. Surely they could not allfail! Then she went back, carelessly happy as ever, to be the leader in the games of theJoneses.Two days later it was that Genevieve raced down the road that led from Woodside tothe Bagville orchard. The bitterness of defeat was upon her and the circus seemed veryfar away.Pretty Mrs. Brown, the Methodist minister's wife, had hired Milly Morgan to takecare of her baby and paid her a quarter for just one day. Perhaps Mrs. Brown wouldhire her. So Genevieve went to the parsonage. The prim little lady looked at her withdisdain, and never thought of the moist brown eyes or the quivering little chin in her horrorat the dirty little hands. Trust her be-autiful baby to that horrible Bagville girl! Mrs.Brown didn't understand the family distinctions. She wouldn't think of such a thing for amoment. " Run away home, child, and wash your hands. Don't you see how dirty theyare?" So Genevieve proceeded to the town pump in humiliation and disappointment.But she did not give up for that. She washed her hands and her face, too, and then startedout once more. Many a respectable householder was surprised by odd requests from anodd little blue-clad person with a sweet voice and imploring eyes. Mr. Simons, the grocer,patted her on the head and gave her a stick of candy when she offered to chop his kindling.(Had not she often done it at home?) But most of them lifted their eyebrows and said itwas to be expected of that awful Bagville family.So poor little Genevieve, that afternoon, flung herself on the ground in the orchard,and thought of the circus, and cried.There it was that the lodger found her. (Have I told about the lodger?) He had alittle room upstairs and got his own meals and lived on a pension, that he had because ofa bullet in his leg, received during the war. On the roll of the G. A. R. he was known asWilliam Reginald Williams. To the world he was the Bagville lodger.This afternoon when he came back from the village, he took a short cut through theorchard. Therefore, though he walked very slowly, he nearly stumbled over a little bluecalico bundle, which lay in his pathway. The lodger stood still and watched for a momentthe curious heavings and squirmings. The bundle was evidently weeping. Genevieveand the lodger were on very good terms -Gen rather patronizing in a nine-year-old way,and the lodger humbly appreciative in a manner characteristic of age and lonelinessand poverty.Now he sat down beside her and awkwardly proceeded to apply a little comfort."Genevieve," he said, "what be the matter with ye. Air ye sick?" Genevieve sat upsuddenly, revealing surprisingly red nose and eyes, and without a moment's warning flungher arms around the neck of the old soldier. " I want (sobs) to go (sobs) to the circus,(prolonged sobs) and it costs two dollars" here she broke down entirely "and I've onlygot fifteen cents." The lodger was much moved. He blew his nose, several times and theweak blueness of his blue eyes became more watery than usual. Then with Gen's head onhis shoulder, and her bright, brown eyes, full of eager hopefulness,turned up to his, he made a statement of his financial condition."Genevieve, I'm awful sorry, I'd like to take you to the circus,but you see my pension that's the money I get from the governmentfor being shot '11 come the day after the circus, and now I've onlygot fifty cents."" I've got fifteen. How much does that make?" But hope wasalmost gone and the answer " sixty-five "was interrupted by a stormof sobs so violent that Gen wriggled out of the lodger's arms and fell in a heap on theground, her tangled curls mingling their darkness with trj,e bright hue of the grass.Minutes passed like hours for the sad old watcher. The muffled sobs came to his earwith torturing regularity. Was there nothing that he could do? Two dollars: Couldn'the beg, borrow or steal it? Could he sell some of his old traps? A bright thought struckhim and he whispered in Genevieve's ear.* * * * * * * * *Tomorrow was circus day. There was a mystery in the Bagville-Jones-Johnson family.Gen had ordered the white dress ironed, had borrowed the blue sash from Mary, andSally's best pink ribbons. She had obtained ten cents from Ma Bagville, and a collectionof debts among the children had resulted in five cents more. Genevieve said not a wordof the circus and certainly had not two dollars, yet she was gay and light-hearted as ever.Luckily for Gen this compound household was not inquisitive, and so on the long-looked-for morning she was allowed to put on her clean white dress and the blue sash, totie the pink ribbon onto her unwontedly smooth hair and start off on the road toward Wood-side, without other hindrance than an inquiry from Ma Bagville as to the time of her return," I shan't be back 'till afternoon, I shan't need any dinner," she answered with a dignifiedair, and with a " Law, but she do beat all," Ma Bagville went back to her scrubbing.Genevieve walked into town and bought five cents worth of buns, and five centsworth of candy and five cents worth of peanuts. Then she came back again half of theway, climbed a fence, walked through fields, and finally reached a little deserted farm housein a grove. In the midst of the orchard of dead fruit trees was a smooth green place.Here Gen sat down piling her bundles up by her side and fluffing out her stiff skirtsdaintily. Presently the lodger emerged from the house and proceeded briskly toward her.The little girl saw a transformed and glorified lodger, and she fairly screamedwith delight. For he wore a blue uniform, with sergeant's chevrons, and his wholeperson was resplendent with brass buttons and red sashes and Grand Army badges.He saluted as he passed by Genevieve, whose eyes grew positively saucer-like in theintensity of her admiration.For in his own thoughts at least, he had thrown off the weight of thirty years with hisshabby old black suit, and this moth-eaten uniform meant to him Chickamauga and Shiloh,and young ambition and memories of olden times. So he held his head up proudly anddragged his lame leg along quite rapidly. When he reached the central point of the littlegreen, he stopped and saluted again. Gen had flung herself on the grass forgetful ofwhite dress and blue sash and was watching every movement, her eyes blazing withexcitement. Then, standing up very straight, he presented arms, ordered arms, shoulderedarms, charged bayonets, loaded and fired at imaginary foes till every corner of Gen'sadventurous little heart was stuffed with excitement. The bright colors and strangemotions, the odd exhilaration of her companion, the secrecy of it all made her surpassinglyjoyous. Finally when the lodger had fought over all his old battles and was thoroughlytired out, they sat down on the grass and dined together in state. They shelled the peanuts and divided the kernels. They cut the candy in two, that each might have some ofeach kind. As they ate the sugar-coated buns the lodger told army stories. By the timethey got to the candy, Genevieve rose to the occasion and spoke " Casablanca " to thegreat delight of her comrade.A rabbit came out of the grass and watched them in surprise. They tried to feedhim a piece of bun, but he scampered away, and they laughed together, the old child andthe young. A robin who had been watching proceedings from an old apple tree paid forhis entertainment by chirping his loudest and best. It was all as gay as gay could be, aday that the lodger remembered on his death bed, and which Gen thought of when thelodger had been many years dead. " Much better than the circus," said Genevieve to thelodger. Alice Winston.OctoberLOWLY the leaves waft downward,Drowsily falls the rain,(My heart is wild with passion,My soul is sick with pain;)And I sit by the dormer windowAnd list to the falling rain.If only the wind were raging!Would only the thunder cry!If only the waves were dashing!If only the trees would sigh!Would only the leaves rush madly,With the winds and clouds and sky!But the leaves fall soft as zephyrs,As soft as the drowsy rain,(While my heart is frenzied with passionAnd my soul is wild with pain.)But the calm cannot soothe the passionNor the dead leaves heal the pain.1 To My Maiden in the EastPLEDGE this toast myself the host," To my Maiden in the East."And though alone, I do not moanThe fewness at the feast.Let quiet reign for I would fainHave you alone with me;No friend shall pass the clinking glassFor other healths than " she." When out I dine and toast is mineSome other one I toast.To place you, dear, midst song and cheerWere wrong I love you most-No dinner out no drinking boutCan cause you blush for shame.No stranger there, no lady fairCan lightly jest thy name.And so to-day though far awayFrom you I hold most dear,In cozy nest with label bestMy heart is filled with cheer.With many sighs your laughing eyesAnd blushing lips I feast,And pledge this toast myself the host," To my Maiden in the East ! "RetrospectHE sat there as we are sitting now,Not a move was made, not a word was said ;Just a weary smile, like a shadow of pain,But I knew by her face that she was dead.I knew by her face that all was past,That life had no more to say to her,That her hopes and her fears, the best and the worst,Remained but a dream of the days that were.Such a dream as comes to the dead, we're told,On summer nights when the winds sing lowOf a beautiful, sorrowful, faraway faceIn a springtime a thousand years ago. - *Book XT % % % ! *^8 t£*^*t£*^*^*t£*»£*^*«£*t£**£*«£*<£*^*c£*t£*^* <£<£* yEVERYTHING EOR THE PRINTERA JOHN HARDER, ManagerLong Distance TelephoneMEPJCAN ¦*«»«¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦-lYPE TOUNDERS(OMPANYr~~\ 1 39 and 1 4 1 Monroe Street^4C CHICAGO> ILLINOISLatest V/rtf7, StylesTvpe<WHY BUY THE SECOND-BEST, WHEN THE BEST COSTSNO MORE? You will see mat our Tvpe Stylesare in the lead if vou compare anv of ourSpecimen Books with the leading publicationsof the Continent .....¦......¦.....BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CIITIES.%wf lH>wZ Ttipif ItWi^if ^H>w% ItiwZ ^W^ ^Hw£ ,This ad. is set in Florentine Old Style Xo. 2TheQLOBE VAPOR LampPROOF AGAINST WIND AND JARA NEW PRINCIPLE No Soot, No Grease, No Odor.A beautiful, finely finished, well made lamp, which fulfills all requirements. Attaches tohead or fork; No lamp bracket required; Locks with a key; Nickel plated and beautifullyfinished; Jewel side lights. Weight, JJ ounces. Let us send you our bookletFor Sale by all Dealers. HIBBARD, SPENCER, BARTLETT & CO., CHICAGO.ti s» s» Monsoon Tea s» ti ti* » * » *White Label, 60 cents per lb.Yellow Label, 40 cents per lb.* * » * * CEYLONINDIA You may not like the first cup becauseof its novelty ( that is, its purity): the secondyou will find tolerable; the third you willlike, and then you want it and there is norelapseSprague, Warner & CompanyCHICAGOA. G. SPALDING & BRO.CHICAGO «« NEW YORKPHILADELPHIAn ttlord to StudentsIMPORTANCE OF OUTDOOR EXERCISE" Convince the understanding, move the feelings, influence the will." This primary rule ofthe art of persuasion was first enunciated by the great Stagirite, the father of logic and the first toreduce rhetoric to anything like a science, and has been followed by Blair, Campbell, Whately, and themodern school of rhetoricians.Something like the same logical sequence is absolutely necessary for the full development ot theideal man and woman, the genuine student, particularly. Physical strength, mental growth, intellectualgreatness, to which may be added moral excellence these are the successive steps by which the powersof man are brought to perfection and made true complements of each other.The failing health and strength of many students is usually chargeable, not, as is ottenerroneously stated, to overstudy, but rather to lack of proper exercise, particularly in the open air,without which strong mental effort cannot be maintained with safety. Mind is not a manifestation otmatter, but the two are so intimately associated in the human body that weakness in the one seriouslyaffects the other. This has always been recognized by educators, particularly in these latter days ofgymnasiums, base ball, and general athletic sports. The enthusiasm of youth is apt to lead to excesses,and in students it manifests itself more frequently in physical than in mental exercise. While thesports indicated are invaluable to the mental worker, a gentler, pleasanter, and much more beneficialone is provided by that wonderful piece of mechanism, the modern bicycle.Co-education of the sexes has become the almost universal rule in our colleges and universities,and bicycle riding tends to develop the social natures of both young men and women, who are thus,in a most proper manner, thrown into each other's company. The oldest and most extensive Americanmanufacturers of general athletic goods may not have had students especially in mmd when theydevised and perfected the "Lady Spalding" as a companion, equal in merit to their world-wide,celebrated "Spalding Bicycle;" if not, it was a happy chance, and conferred a boon none the lessvaluable upon the successors of those who a century ago at Eaton " urged the flying ball."If some old prude, unfit for either bicycle riding or matrimony, urges that the former habitoften leads to the latter condition, the reply is that boys and girls do not always remain young, and acongenial mate is an excellent ADDENDUM to a collegiate course.PEABODY, HOUGHTELING & CO.(Bolt) flDortaaoe Xoans164 DEARBORN STREET <&l"tye. 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H. MCDOEL, VICE-PREST. AND GEN'L MGR.FRANK J. REED, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT.CHICAGODO YOUr Ride a wheel for its healthful benefits?Realize the bad results fromriding a hard saddle ?Think you ever will untilyour doctor has forbiddenyou to ever ride again ?Know that he has deniedyou the greatest pleasureon earth because youhave ruined your healthand happiness ?Know that you will neverbe happy and have acomplete combination ofcomforts on a wheel untilyou are sole owner ofthe greatest boon to menand women?. . . THE . DIMENSIONSWidth. 10 inchesFront View of No. iLadies'Cutting Patent Pneumatic Saddle"A blessing lo all riders."MOLLIE FULLER.20th Century Girl.%''A picture of health, happinessand satisfactionA rider on aCutting Pneumatic Saddle.'*Dr. S. H. WATSON, M. D. Sent to any address,express paid, on receiptof price, $5,Q0Front View o" No. 1^E are the Originators of a Broad SaddleDIMENSIONSWidth, q inches ThereforeImitation is theSincerest FlatteryCutting & Kaestner241 So. 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Our line consists of ... .Rotary Web Perfecting PressesFor fine illustrated printing.Flat Bed Sheet Perfecting PressesAdapted to all classes of work.Lithographic Stop Cylinder, TwoRevolution and Drum CylinderPressesWhen in the market it will pay you to investigate our machinery.D. H. CHAMPLINWestern Manager297 Dearborn StreetCHICAGO, ILL. C. B. Cottrell & Sons Co.THIS PUBLICATIONIS PRINTED ONCOTTRELL PRESSESThe AmericanEncyclopaedic 1Dictionary A completereference libraryto all subjectsAs a dictionary it embodiesa thorough andaccurate account of theEnglish language fromthe twelfth centuryto the present timeAs an encyclopaedia it coversevery department oflearning, with specialreference to recentdiscoveries andimprovements inscience and artA STANDARD AUTHORITYON ETYMOLOGY, PRONUNCIATION, SPELLINGAND DEFINITIONEndorsed by such eminent scholars as :Nathaniel Butler, A, M.W. D. McClintock, A. M.W. B. Chamberlain, A. M.Cyrus Northrop, A. M., LL. D.President of the University of MinnesotaRt. Rev. Samuel FallowsHon. Judson HarmonJohn J. Ingalls and others Officially adoptedBY THE CHICAGO HIGHSCHOOLS4,731 pages250,000 wordsW. B. Conkey CompanyPublishers341 Dearborn St.Chicago%¦%-*-%%%%¦%.%%%% ^ % ^ -% ^ ¦% % -% ^ % <% % *k * % %. ^. *.%<%%<%¦%¦*-%. -« IJohn J* Naghten Co.bailorsIDattere.£ H*/t*VlWl9 an&332=334 Dearborn St. $&5* ^ ? *CAXTON BUILDING Jj VX V lT I S3 IjClTS¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥Our FurnishingGoods areup toEvening Dress Suits, $6(X :? upwardSemi -Dress Suits, - 45^? " J§ date- Latest^g> StylesBusiness Suits, - 2,5+°9Trouserings, - - 6*~ inqq k^ §P Neckwear,Wj Shirts,etc*¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OFBicycle Sweaters, Suits ant> DatsSEE OUR SPECIAL $2.50 HAT¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥SPECIAL RATES MADE TO ALL STUDENTSMENTION THIS BOOKThe D. M. Qua y Co. « « « t& «SOME OF OUR REFERENCESPLUMBINGBUILDINGS.The Monadnock, -Ashland Block, -Chicago Athletic Association,Marquette Building,Union Trust, St. Louis, -New York Life, Kansas City, - -D. S. Morgan Memorial, Buffalo,Cosmopolitan Hotel, New Orleans,Fisher Building, Chicago,Park Building, Pittsburgh,Ellicott Square Building, Buffalo,Mass. State Mutual Life AssuranceBuilding, Worcester, -Haskell Museum, - ARCHITECTS.Burnham & Root Holabird &D. H. Burnham & Co.Henry I. CobbHolabird & RocheAdler, Sullivan & RamseyMcKim, Mead & WhiteGreen & WicksThos. Sully & Co.D. H. Burnham & Co.Geo. B. PostD. H. Burnham & Co.Peabody & StearnsHenry I. CobbPLUMBING AND STEAM HEATING {plumbingSteam Ibeattng anaDenttlatins -^ «^Contractors and EngineersChicago Art Institute, -New England Bldg., Cleveland, O.,Lincoln Building, Chicago, - Shepley, Rutan & CoolidgeShepley, Rutan & CoolidgeJarvis HuntSTEAM HEATINGMarshall Field's Retail Store,Chicago Beach Hotel,Steinway Hall, ...Lindell Building, St. Louis, Reaper Block, Chicago,Chicago Public Library D. H. Burnham & Co.Our Own SpecificationsD. H. PerkinsShepley, Rutan & CoolidgeOur Own SpecificationsShepley, Rutan & CoolidgeMcCormick Mem. Library, Chicago, Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge LARGECONTRACTSASPECIALTYMonadnock BlockC. W. BREGAPresident E. A. HOEPPNERSecretary A. W. BEIDLERVice-Pres't & Treas.Porous J ircproofingIllinois Terra Cotta Lumber Co.Office, 6U "THE ROOKERY"Telephone, Main Ex, 23 CHICAGO WORKS AT PULLMANoooo -. 8ts >dI>Slo>e .P s= oo5-^ Xi4 < om5:Xi «4-> <->. . co o££»Vhe S. S. White 'Dental 7l?fg. Co.Philadelphia « New York « Boston * Chicago * Brooklyn * Atlanta « BerlinTHE WORLD'S STANDARDDENTAL GOODS For more than fifty years the S. S. WHITE manufacturesin Artificial Teeth, Dental Furniture, Instruments andMaterials have been the best made.MEN SOON BECOME THE SLAVES OF HABIT. Start them right and hold them until a righthabit is formed, and the chances are that they will remain right to the end. Let them start wrong,and presently the second nature habit will have such a grip upon them that ten to one they willnot only feel, but show, its mastery.SLIPSHOD HABITS ARE EASILY FORMED. The dental student, who, in selecting his collegeoutfit, purchases this and that instrument because it "will do," sows the seed for a crop of loosehabits which will be the bane of his professional life. Operations that "will do" send patients tothe dentist who is not satisfied to dismiss work which falls short of his ideal.THE STUDENT WHO HAS REGARD FOR HIS FUTURE cannot afford to begin wrong. Hecannot afford to use appliances or instruments of inferior quality because he is "only learning."Fine instruments train his sense of touch, and his manipulative ability is higher because of his useof them. For him, emphaticaUy, "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST."Uho S. S. White Cental 9tffy. Co.Chicago Jrfou&eC. L. BINGHAM, Manager. 15/ and 153 Wabash jfvenueCollege *_ physiciansanb SurgeonsOF CHICAGOCORNER HHRRISON HND HONORE STREETSD. A. K. STEELE, President.oy Four years graded course of instruction*V Six splendidly equipped laboratories.<-£, Clinical advantages unequaled.V Large dispensary with sub-clinics for small classes.ij* Hospital for the care of major operative cases. 125 beds.q^ Fees average $100 a year.QjT For announcement and further information address|>rofc XKtt. 16, ©uine813 W. Harrison St.ALEXANDER CAMPBELLPRESIDENT PETER LAUERVICE-PRESIDENT. ALEXANDER HENDRYSECY AND TREASHE ^ &mpbell 3r0S" Mf£. Q>. Estimates Promptly Furnished^ j. jk ji Carpenters and BuildersMANUFACTURERS OFFine Inside Finish for ResidencesSTAIRS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDSMouldings, Balusters, Etc.alsoDressing, Matching Re-Sawing, Turning,Scroll Sawing, Etc.James A. Miller&Bro.Slate, TinTile and Iron.ROOFERS ««* S. W. Cor. Ohio and Franklin StreetsCHICAGO, ILL.m Telephone, "North J2"Contractors Ryerson Physical Laboratory, ChicagoUniversity.GALVANIZED IRON AND COPPERCORNICES, BAYSSKYLIGHTS, ETC.Special Attentionto First-Class Work andLarge Contracts129-131 South Clinton StreetCHICAGOM. J. CORBOYMOST APPROVED METHODSPlumbing, House Drainage, Natural Gas Fitting, Etc.GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES,FINE PLUMBING GOODS AND SANITARY SPECIALTIESPERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TESTING AND EXAMINATION OF PLUMBING AND HOUSE ORAINAGE78 Dearborn Street telephone main 2002 CHICAGOCONTRACTOR COBB HALL, RYERSON BUILDING, KENT BUILDING, ANDPRESIDENT HARPERS HOUSE.Che Aluminum KingWeight 13 ounces Yes, the very best C«/1/11AjjdUUlv to ride and enjoyIS MANUFACTURED BYThe King=0'Hara Mfg. Co.67-69 S. Canal St., CHICAGOiSJ?il?.^.wta Perfect SaddlesThe only Metallic Elastic Saddle manufacturedWrite for terms and farther informationCbe Largest and¦£&«... fioNaopitlfic IDcdical College ... in tbeUlorWTHE THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSIONWILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 15, 1896The College Curriculum embraces the followingfeatures :J. A four years' graded Collegiate Course.2. Hospital and Dispensary Clinical Instructionby the College Staff.3. Fourteen General Clinics and Sixty Subclinics each and every week of thesession.4. Actual Laboratory Instruction in thoroughlyequipped Laboratories./7t*HE buildings are all new. commodious, and fitted with everything which thirty-six years ofLL experience can suggest. Heated by steam, lighted by electricity, and modern in every particular.The hospital has 12 wards, 48 private rooms, 6 operating rooms, 6 " foyers" for convalescents, anEmergency Examining and Operating Room, Reception Room, Office, etc., all under the immediatecharge of the College staff. The new College Building has large, well-equipped Anatomical, Physiological, Pathological, Chemical, Microscopical, Biological and Bacteriological Laboratories, Cloak Room,Cafe, Smoking Room, Ladies' Parlor, and Toilet Rooms.For announcement and sample copy of Clinique, addressJOSEPH P. COBB, M. D., Registrar2811-2813 Cottage Qrove AvenueC. H. VILAS, M. D., Deanflftcfntosb Batter? rf ©ptical Co.DEALERS, IMPORTERS AND -,*»*»MANUFACTURING SCIENTISTS J^> 521 to 531 Wabash AvenueCHICAGO, ILI We Can Furnish Everything fromTO A Test TubeAn Air PumpWe Can Fully Equip a Laboratory forPhysics and ChemistryMicroscopes and AccessoriesStereopticons and Lantern SlidesElectrotherapeutics...Correspondence Solicited tf tf We publishEstimates Furnished "*¦* FOUR CataloguesEk BflGGOXManufacturerWholesale and RetailDealer in . . . 6a$, electric «Combination fixtures « S5PROPRIETOR OF THEDURHAM SYSTEM OF HOUSE DRAINAGE ¥¥¥¥¥¥main store, 169=171 Adams Streetfactory, 367-369 Illinois StreetBranch Store,St. Louis, Mo. Special designs upon applicationIrwin Bros.«Jfiole$ale and Retail-meat DealersChicago 5825 State StreetTel. Wentworth 517304 Sixty-ninth St.Tel. Wentworth 506326 South Clark St.Te!. Harrison 516HOTEL, RESTAURANT ANDFINE FAMILY TRADEa specialtyAGNEW BROS.DEALERS IN . . . Our motto: not the cheapest but tbe best tbe market affordsTELEPHONE, OAKLAND 960Fancy Meats, Fish and all Game in SeasonSt ^fc Fancy Groceries, Fruits and VegetablesE. L. CollinsMANAGER AND BUYER N. W. Corner 57th Street andJefferson Avenue....Ornamental |rOflBower - Barf f ^w electro -PlateGatoano -Plastic ^ Duplex BronzeCbe ftlinslow Bros. Co.ChicagoGODFREY =" HYDE PARKnearest studio to the universityFinest Work & <£ <£ Satisfaction Assured(Sottscbalfc %yc\c Scbool« « « musical and Dramatic * « «Primary and^hig^ branches of Musical * fg ffW 4g tyan &ure J^ ChicagoCatalogue sent on application yft) \_m GASTON GOTTSCHALK, DIRECTOR «Chicago College of LawTHE LAW DEPARTMENT OF LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY-iPsJ/^llftv* ? Hon. THOMAS A. MORAN, Dean, Late Justice of Appellate Court, First District of Illinois.JJ aCUity ? HoN H> M. SHEPARD, Justice of Appellate Court, First District of Illinois.Hon. EDMUND W. BURKE, Judge of Circuit Court of Cook County.Hon. S. P. SHOPE, Late Justice Supreme Court of Illinois.Hon. JOHN GIBBONS. Judge of Circuit Court of Cook County.Hon. O. N. CARTER, Judge of County Court of Cook County.AND OTHERS.Sessions are held each week-day evening in the Athenseum Building, 26 Van Buren Street.The Undergraduate Course of two years begins the first Monday in September, annually, and continues nineThe Post-Graduate Course of one year begins the first Tuesday in October, annually, and continues eightmonths. For further information address the Secretary,ELMER E. BARRETT, LL. BRooms 1501-4, Title and Trust Building, CHICAGOAug. Zander, Pres't and Treas. Oscar A. Reum, Secretary William Zander, Gen'l SuptResidence 239 Bissell Street Residence, 260 Racine Avenue Box 380, Builders' and Traders ExchangeAUG. ZANDER COMPANYCONTRACTORS FORPLAIN and ORNAMENTAL PLASTERINGCONTRACTORS OF the following ALL 0RADes 0F METAL AND WIRE LATHINGChicago Stock Ixchangf ' $ *ND " SOLID PLASTER » PARTITIONSTeutonic, Fort Dearborn XHartford and Isabelle Build. ngs fg? RoOIH 40, LakeSlde BuildlflgResidences 0^! ol'sfaughtTr ff> S. W. Cor. Clark and Adams Sts. CHICAGOConrad Seipp, F. J. Dewes^_ JLWindsor and Haymaiket TheatresAnna, III.. Insane Asylum * Telephone, Express 331St. Elizabeth HospitalBest materialsana Workmanshipasy RunningWaft'TtyanufacturGci dyUhe Sherman Cycle Co.J33~139 So. Clinton StreetCmicago¦^ WfrJ*^H?~~Illinois EngravingyP Company.^h$t^vfer5 for"Sr^^ - * THE UNIVERSITY Or CHICAGO|/»>V .Vllii^ / AM Ml \lANNUAL.Dearborn Si.CHICAGO.ALL THE PEOPLE WANT THESuperbSmalleyBicycleBECAUSE IT IS THE EESTPlymouth Cycle Mfg. Co.50 & 52 Monroe StreetJ. S. LlGHTNER, ManagerI%*/%/%/%^^%/«/%/%/%%^%/%/%^%/V'V%/%/%/V«/%t 2/ouCt2/ouCan ^^ Buy a cheaper wheel ifGt/t, content with an ordinary" hand-me-down."Ji Buy a better wheel at any priceC than WzTrue, it costs a little more ($125), but then, we build it toorder, and the satisfaction and safety is worth the extra $25several times over, besides it isInsured for $75 against theft and Guaranteed for two yearsIs an honest hundred dollar wheel, worth a hundred honest dollars.Visit the finest cycle salesroom in the world, GroundFloor, Masonic Temple, and we will show you 100 differentstyles, all our own make, from $40.00 to $125.00.Have you parcels to deliver?The Cataract Parcel Carrier does one-third to one-halfmore work than a horse at one-third the expense.Use one. Save dollars.Qattire -tQwaliens ,(Te£ Qew ^fc ~Oi5c^ff«iis&()b^fbii>k"\ (©fJftewXVbeel, "Yj^<^^ M phiiit iiuc t\ XA/ATrH99\iBUILT LIKE A WATCH \^Fulfill Jill CxpecTaTioRS,SEND FOR ART CATALOGUE >j§farliis§ ^yde^orks.ScKoverljng Ddl/<sG&les W.T^I4!^V0O«Chicago Retail Salesrooms « « « «274 Wabash AvenueThP AT'IhPIVTTT'V T1h\Y7ThT P V OF every descriptionH FEW SUGGESTIONSBadgesScarf PinsLapel ButtonsI Rings CharmsFob ChainsMustache CombsLockets (SouvenirSpoonsFraternity \ suZfButtons Fraternity \ TZ^plSster cases Fraternity \ g££*f»£Scent BoxesBook MarksSALESROOMSFACTORY611 and 613 Sansom St. SIMONS BRO. & CO. ^.T^SSST*Let us estimate on yourClass Pins, Prizes, Medals, etc. {DiamondsJewelryS^fverTareArt ObjectsJ. W. BUTLER PAPER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OFAND WHOLESALEDEALERS IN papers-Fancy Stationery Department Greatest" varIetTof goodsTor Dances, (Kara Parties, etc. Tor tbe BanquetInvitations, Programs, Souvenirs Menus, Japanese Napkins, etc.Tor Eiterary ana Testive OccasionsSpecially Designed Folders, Appropriatefor Societies, etc.Tor Borne ana Society Tor tbe marriage eventCorrespondence Stationery, Visiting Wedding Note and Cards, EngravingCards, etc. and Plate Printing.212 T2 218 MONR2E5TREET... OllCAQO. Reldmaier $ Co...CITY OFFICE:910 Security Building CUT STONECONTRACTORSMain Office and Yards: N* W* Con Main and Cologne StreetsYard Telephone, Canal 259Office Telephone, Main 336 Cbicago, Til. Contractors for University BuildingsChicago UniversityZ&guvnc&Uk Main Office308 Dearborn St.'PhoneJ02 HarrisonWORKS...Cor. 33d Street and Shields Avenue'Phone 804 SouthCHICAGORush Medical College(7/fedical ^Department of jCa/ce forest T/n/vers/tj/)Chicago, Sll.THE Annual Session of Lectures beginsthe last week in September, annually,and continues eight months.The requirements for entering theCollege and for obtaining the degrees arefully described in the annual announcement,which will be sent to any address uponapplication.. The Clinical and Hospital facilities forinstruction are unusually large.For further information, address theSecretary,DR. J. H. ETHERIDGE1634 Michigan AvenueCHICAGO, ILL.?Geo. T. Williamson, PresidentW. R. Gwinn, Sec 'y and Treas. ^&^/§) Telephone Express 399Union foundry morksSTRUCTURALand ORNAMENTALIRON WORK.FIRE ESCAPES* ««OFFICE fJX WORKS617 First National Bank Building T* 76th Street and Greenwood AvenueGHIGflGOTheFirst National BankOFChicagoCfte DRe$We Pre$$**.¦** R.R.D»»««"«v * $o«$ Companyfctrffi Printers and Bindersprivate, editionsin . boowsb ? style 140-146 Ittonroe StreetCMcago-TILCottd Distance telephoneExpress 610TZ^Wb<ME.LTwffl.r ElocutionDelsartePhysical CultureParliamentary CawDramatic ArtShakespeareClass and Privateii ft tt tfc LessonsDay and evening(Srabuation Coursepartial Course PUPILS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIMESCHOOL OPEN ALL THE YEARSpecial Summer ScboolOPENS JULY 6.Our graduates are filling responsible places in Colleges and Seminaries as teachers ;others as readers and professionals. Able corps of experienced teachers and lecturers.Steinway Pianos used exclusively in Delsarte exercises and at school entertainments.An Edison Phonograph has been added to the equipments of the school, and rendersvaluable assistance to the pupils' progress.Entertainments given regularly, affording pupils practice before select audiences.A Lecture Course free to pupils.A choice Elocutionary Library, containing rare and valuable works, now out of print,as well as the latest publications, is free for the use of pupils.Soper' s Recitation Books (12 numbers), full of good prize orations and declamations forcontests, also many other excellent selections for all styles of expression, 25c per number.Send for Catalogue of Schooland Contents ofBooks ttENRY M. SOPER, President26 Van Buren StreetTelephoneHarrison 381 Bet. Michigan andWabash Avenues...CHICAGO*A$fc5- *^tfc5-Wheels** THE PERFECTION OFWHEEL CONSTRUCTIONTHE WHEELS WITH THEELLIPTICAL CRANKS& sworices s/25$/40dA/nES W. WlLLIA/nS,SOLE AGENT,103 Washington St., Reaper Block,CHICAGO, ILL.EA^-FruITCompanyCalifornia1Earl Fruit CompanyPaid-up Capital and Surplus, $250,000MAIN OFFICES :SACRAMENTO, CAL.LOS ANGELES, CAL.BRANCHES ;CHICAGONEW YORKBOSTONMINNEAPOLISCHICAGO BRANCHC. M. MOHR, MANAGEROHAS. SCHLOSSER, asst. manager JOHN J- MAGEEisruggist . .Fifty ^seventh Street and Lake AvenueSOUTH PARK STATIONI. C. R. R.WE KEEP THE BEST DRUGSWE KEEP THE BEST PERFUMESWE KEEP THE BEST SODA WATERWE KEEP THE BEST STATIONERYWE KEEP THE BEST OF EVERYTHINGTry our Toilet Cerate forSunburn, Chapped Face and LipsThe Wondec or To-Day Oveptopo theTpiumpms or Twenty Centupie6 AgoAmerica's S^f^ATIVEBICYCLE/^)You Know Us... We Know "The Liberty"WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO.82 and 80 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO, ILL.What is more unsatisfactory than a poorphotograph, or more pleasing: than a J|good one & & Ji <£ <£ ~e^ lift mm goodPhotographsHERE IS SOMETHING NEW! Students of theUniversity know agood photographwhen they see it.They patronize tisand we givethem . ? ? ?Special KatesYour miniature on interchangeable album leaveswith neat leather cover just the thing for clubs.See them atCbe University Studio5323 Washington Avenue,HYDE PARKGlasser t Rockj*« « « « «(garmentsATPRICESALWAYSMODERATE « « XHntv>er6tt^^Tailors94-96^DEARBORNSTREETJ. C. Robinson** Mason and. . .General Contractor175 Dearborn StreetRoom 44 Commercial Bank Bldg.TEL. MAIN 3864CHICAGO««««««Contractor Haskell BuildingChicago University +kU kU %v *i* %i»»i» Ki*%a*%ts>^D E1lI;1 ^7r~'£+ >0 ?!* 4* '<* #|% *{* *l* *i**r5Chicago Scale Co.MANUFACTURE EVERY VARIETY OF1H. 5. Stanbarb ScalesALSO DEALERSIN A THOUSANDSPECIALTIES BEST IN QUALITYLOWEST IN PRICE£&££ JBic^cles Tor Gents . LadiesYouths . misses .Boys . and . GirlsA Good $100.00 Gent's Wheel sold for $35.00Among tbe Specialties :eeryTowlep:nc? WHICH WE SELL ATLOW PRICES ARE.Pianos Safes Harness Boilers Guns Blacksmiths' MachineryOrgans Buggies Saddles Stoves Pistols and Farm ToolsSewing Machines Carriages Engines Mills Watches Etc. Etc.CATALOGUES AND PRICES FREE TO ANY ADDRESS147 to J51 . . .South Jefferson Street Chicago Scale Co.chicago, ill.OOCDooo S2-J£jfcat Otore . . .183 E. MADISON 5T. jCatest Stylesfinest finishQuality Suaranteed 4^§o*NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITYXlXHoman'8 flftebical Jjjcbool(WOMAN'S MEDICAL COLLEGE, OF CHICAGO.)333 to 339 South Lincoln Street, CHICAGOThorough and Practical Instruction in Every Department. Hospital Advantages and Facilities for the Study of Gynecology and Obstetrics Unsurpassed. ExcellentLaboratories.FOUNDED 1870.feW* FOR ANNOUNCEMENT AND OTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS THE SECRETARYMARIE J, MERGLER, M, D.t 1201 Venetian BuildingwCHICAGOLATHAM Machinery Oo.Manufacturersand Dealers in PRINTERS' andBOOKBINDERS'MACHINERY 197,201 S. Canal St.CHICAGOTelephone Harrison 733THE CENTRAL SCHOOL SUPPLY HOUSECan furnish you with ANYTHING needed in yourLaboratories, Classrooms or Libraries & & & & cbcy manufacture, import and sell,Wholesale and retail, tbe goodslisted in tbeir catalogues of overi,ooo pages, as follows « « « «? ? ? Catalogues' A" General School Supplies' B" School Furniture'C" Office Furniture' D " Stationery and Sundries "E" School Records and Blanks" F " Diplomas"G" Microscopes" H" Physical and Chemical Apparatusthey are tbe sole manufacturers CENTRAL SCHOOL SUPPLY HOUSE175 Fifth Avenue . . . CHICAGOThe largest school specialty house in the world*Of Boyer's series ofScience tablets for notesand drawings * * *fEfcce^oriqcuS£t. o>ec\ ir; Jlrplojiiphy|mporler> To^QRAPHflRS^PPLIEij).yNo in Jtate-Jt..|l»>AlIiM<t.Ml#¦ BRINK'S C. C. EXPRESS CO.A. P. BRINK, Manager. W. B. WYNE. Supt.PACKAGES10 and 15 centsTRUNKSOne .... 50 centsTwo .... 75 cents132-138 West Monroe Street, and88 Washington Street, CHICAGO, ILL.BRANCH OFFICES:L. L. L. HOWE, N. E. Corner Fifty-Sixth Street andJefferson Avenue. Telephone, Oakland 312.W. B. HART, S. E. Corner Sixty-Third Street andMadison Avenue. Telephone, Oakland 99.J. LUEDECKE, 116 E. Fiftv-Third Street. Telephone,Oakland 484.Brink's Office Telephone Wentworth 574 -#LSOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATEDChallenge-Gordon rto The largest andT most completew manufactory of Jobr.f* Presses and PaperT Cutters in the*?» Country fi&j£sI »| ChallengelTiacbineryONLY PRESS OF ITS CLASSAWARDED A MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AT THECOLUMBIAN EXPOSITION Job Press «t» 2529 to 2555 Leo St.,$ CHICAGO^P Near Archer Avenue,CHALLENGE Lever and Power CuttersADVANCE Lever and Power CuttersIDEAL Hand Cylinder PressesMi I VI RICH Mailing Machines, etc. A cordial invitation is extended to the Faculty,students and friends of the Chicago Universityto visit the Challenge Machine Works andsee a representative Chicago institution.1E)arvq> /Ifoebical CollegeEvening Medical CollegeRegularSchool ofMedicineSixth Annual LectureCourseBegins Sept. 15,1896 K ig. I rr ¦ ¦ mM m_ M II ¦ ¦ ii:r.l.Mni; mm n.imuM.iam* a ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Medical Lectures7 to 10 p. m.All Day ClinicsFourYears' GradedCourseCo-educationalRecognizedby theIllinois StateBoard of HealthHARVEY BUILDING, 169 Clark Street, CHICAGOMatriculation Fee, $5.00General Lecture Fee, $75.00Paid In Advance, $60.00 For further information, addressFRANCES DICKINSON, M. D.SecretaryAlwaysin the Lead. . ." ' Wonderful ' is the expression mostindulged in by visitors to Steinway Hallupon hearing the tones of the new Steinwayupright grand piano, and wonderfully likethe tones of a grand piano it really is.Well-known pianists could not be made tobelieve that the instrument they heardplayed upon was an upright piano, andmarveled the more when they tested itthemselves. It is a great achievement inthe progress toward the ideal-toned uprightpiano, producing the beautiful qualities oftone heretofore only obtainable from agrand, and is the nearest approach yetattained to the resonance and singingquality of a grand piano. It is but meetthat the house of Steinway & Sons shouldbe the first to place an upright piano beforethe public that advances this popular shapedinstrument far nearer to the ideally perfectpiano than any invention on upright pianoshas done in years, and again proves thatSteinway & Sons deserve the confidenceof the musical world' as makers of theartistically musical piano of the day/'****************All interested are invited to examine the marvelous New UprightPianos now on exhibition in our warerooms,Steinway Hall, J 7 Van Buren StreetJ yon Potter & £o