THEUniversity RecordOFt\)t tQnibeiftit? of ChicagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLERPUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AUTHORITYCONFIDENTIAL NUMBER, FEBRUARY, 1904REPORT OF ACTIONS OF UNIVERSTIY RULING BODIESFOR FEBRUARY, 1904.The Reports of Committees of the Faculties and Boards of theUniversity referred to in this schedule of the transactionsare on file, and open to inspection in theRecorder's Office.The University Senate:February 6, 1904. — Adoption of the followingrecommendation of the Law School Faculty :Voted to recommend to the Senate of the Universitythe establishing of an Honor Degree to be conferredupon graduates of the Law School who attain a certainhigh average, the grade to be determined by the Faculty.Acceptance of the invitation of the Universityof Wisconsin to the University of Chicago tosend representatives to the celebration, in June,1904, of the fiftieth anniversary of its first convocation, and the appointment of the followingrepresentatives: the President, Senators Cham-berlin and Salisbury, Mr. Barnes, and Mr.Hendrickson.Appointment of the following persons to represent the University at the meeting of theAssociation of American Universities in NewHaven, February 18, 19, 20 : the President, Mr.Shorey, Mr. Small.The University Council :February 6, 1904, — 1. Acceptance of the following report of the Committee on the Registration of Summer Students :The committee of the Council appointed to considercertain matters relating to the registration of students in the professional schools of Education, Law, and Medicinewould respectfully submit the following report :1. As to the School of Education, the committeerecommends that during the Summer Quarter studentsin the College of Education may elect a fourth Majorin the Arts, without extra charge, in addition to theirregular three Majors' work.2. As to the Law School, the committee would makethe following recommendation : Students not registeredin the Law School must pay five dollars per Major extrafor each Law course taken. This shall not apply torequired Law courses taken by fourth-year studentsregistered in the College of Commerce and Administration ; nor to the Law courses offered by the members ofthe Department of Political Science as a part of the workof that Department.The committee recommends that these provisions beadded as amendments to sec. 3 (a), p. 85 of the AnnualRegister, under the head of " Fees, etc."Respectfully submitted,W. S. Jackman.H. R. Hatfield.James P. Hall.R. D. Salisbury.2. Acceptance of the following Recommendation to the Board of Trustees :The committee appointed to consider the matter ofentrance examination fees begs leave to submit the following report :1. The committee recommends that all entrance fees(including inspection fees) be abolished.2. If, for financial reasons, the above recommendationcannot be adopted, the committee recommends that a uniform admission fee be charged to all undergraduate students entering the University.The statement of Professor Smith, which led to theappointment of this committe, indicates that the amountof money received during the year 1902-3 from entrance2 UNIVERSITY RECORD(including inspection) fees was about $1,250. TheRegistrar of the University estimates the amount forthis year at something more than $2,000. If an admission fee is charged, it is recommended that it be as smallas possible.R. D. Salisbury, Chairman.3. Acceptance of the following report of progress of the Committee on Railroad Rates :The committee on special railroad rates begs to reportthat it has communicated with the Central PassengerAssociation, and is informed that that association hasnever granted special rates to summer schools, andwould be especially averse to granting such rates to asummer school located in Chicago. The association will,however, hold its meeting in March, and the committeehas been requested to make more formel application,which will be considered at that time.The committee therefore submits this as a report ofprogress and begs to be continued.Henry Rand Hatfield, Chairman.The Faculty of the Divinity School:February 13, 1904. — Voted:1. That the Divinity School conform to theregulations of the Senior College in the matterof absences. (See Undergraduate Handbook,sec. 23 and Note.)2. Approval of the organization of the BaptistTheological Professors' Union made at a Conference of the Presidents and Professors ofBaptist Theological Seminaries held in Rochester, December 29, 1903.3. Approval of the following request :The Semitic Faculty at its meeting held February 14,1004, voted to ask the Divinity School to make Hebrewan alternative of all the Survey Courses.The Faculty of the School of Education :February 26, 1904. — Approval of the following recommendation:At the Conference of the General Committee of theCollege of Education, February 3, 1904, it was voted thatMrs. Norton's request concerning a change in the curriculum for Household Arts be granted. The change recommended is as follows :As the prerequisites for the course in Household Artsare to include a knowledge of plain cooking and sewing,the following changes are desired : in place of " Principlesof Cookery," i}i Majors, are to be given "The Application of Heat to Food Materials," 1 Major; in place of the second Major of " Textiles or Cookery," " HouseholdBacteriology, 1 Major; "The Care of the House," 1Major, in place of Y* Major, with the privilege of substituting for this another course on the same generaltopic.The Board of University Affiliations :February 19, 1904. — Voted:1. That the Elgin Academy be dropped fromthe list of Affiliating Schools, in view of the factthat the academy is henceforth to be known asthe Elgin Academy of the Northwestern University ; and that, in accordance with the rules,the academy be visited with a view to placing iten the co-operating list.2. To place in the list of Co-operating Schoolsthe following:Lafayette, Ind., High School (Physics excepted).Deerfield High School, Highland Park.East St. Louis High School (Chemistry excepted).Glenwood, la., High School.Red Oak, la., High School (Chemistry excepted).The Board of Student Organizations :February 20, 1904. — Voted, That the Fratei-nities and Sororities of the University be requested to file with the Director of Houses orthe Dean of Women the names of proposedinitiates ; and that they be informed that initiation should not take place until the Director issatisfied that the University regulations regarding the conditions of initiation into secret societies have been complied with.The Board of the Christian Union:February 20, 1904. — Adoption of the following recommendation of the Public WorshipCommittee :Recommended, That the form of the regular announcement of the Sunday morning offering be not changed, andthat the entire sum contributed be given to the UniversitySettlement ; but that on the second Sunday of eachQuarter the announcement shall read, " The offering commonly made for the University Settlement is today givento the Christian Union."UNIVERSITY BECOBD 3The Board of Physical Culture and Athletics:February 27, 1904. — Voted:1. To amend the University Regulations asfollows :Art. XII, sec. 7, reading, " The Regulations regardingthe public appearance of students relate to debates, contests in oratory, and declamation in intercollegiate contests, musical concerts, dramatic exhibitions, athleticgames and contests, in which students appear as representatives of the University," to be amended by the insertion of the woids "and all" before "athletic gamesand contests."Art. XII, sec. 7 (1), reading, " Playing upon secondteams on the University grounds is not regarded as apublic appearance," to be amended to read as follows :" Playing upon second teams on the University groundsin contests not with other institutions Is not regarded asa public appearance." ,2. To rescind University Regulations, Art.XII, sec. 14, reading, "University sports onMemorial Day are forbidden."The Board of Libraries, Laboratories, and Museums :January 30, 1904. — Approval of the following recommendations :1. That students be appointed to service mthe Departmental Libraries with the under standing that they give their entire time toLibrary duties while in attendance.2. That the Board request the Registrar inmaking appointments of students for Libraryservice to give the preference to persons recommended by the Departmental Advisers.3. That the compensation for the service ofLibrary attendants be raised from twenty totwenty-five cents per hour.Voted, That the Auditor be requested to devise some system by which Heads of Departments shall know at all times the balance of appropriations to their credit.February 27, 1904. — Adoption of the following report:At a meeting of the committee appointed by theBoard of Libraries, Laboratories, and Museums, to takeinto consideration the integrity of the Biological Library,the following action was taken : That, in the opinion ofthe committee, it is not desirable at present to suggestany change in the regulations governing the BiologicalLibrary. Six of the seven members of the committeewere present.Respectfully submitted,Edwin O. Jordan, Chairman.