Price $J.OOPer Year ftbe inntverstts of (tbicasoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER Single Copies5 CentsUniversity RecordPUBLISHED BY AUTHORITYCHICAGOXLbc TUMveteftE of Cblcago ©teasVOL II, NO. 52. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT 3:00 P.M. MARCH 25, 1898.Entered in the post office Chicago, Illinois, as second-class matter.CONTENTS. April 4, Monday.^ n . ,. _ , n ,^, ,. 8:30 A.M. Lectures and Recitations of the Spring QuarterI. Programme of the Twenty-Second Convocation, begin.Spring 1898 - 415 4:00 p.m. The Eighth Meeting of the University Congre-II. Official Notices 415-416 gation.III. Homiletical Lectures in the Divinity School - 416 Haskell Oriental Museum— Faculty Room.IV. The University Settlement League - - - 416 8: 00 p.m. Lecture. Professor William Knight. "Tenny-Y. North Central Association of Colleges and Sec- A ., K m , son>" Cobb Lecture Hall— Chapel., 0 , . &,.,_ April 5, Tuesday.ondary Schools 416 0 T t -. , ....... ^ . ,. itrruXTT _ n , __ . TX ..„ .._ 8: 00 p.m. Lecture. Professor William Knight. "TheVI. Index to Yol. II 417-422 Functions of Philosophy at the Present Time" Cobb Lecture Hall— Chapel.April 6, Wednesday.Programme of the Twenty-Second Convocation, 8:oop.m. Lecture. Professor wiiiiam Knight, "a New-««~ Theory of Poetry."SPRING 1898. Cobb Lecture H rall— Chapel.April 1, Friday. April 7, Thursday.8:30 a.m The Graduate Matutinal. President's House. 4:00 P.M. Conference on the Life and Work of Wordsworth.8 : 30 A.M.-.12 :3o p.m. Matriculation and Registration of incoming stu- Cobb L^cture Hall— Chapel.dents. 8: 00 p.m. Lecture. Professor William Knight. "William10:30 A.M. Division meetings of the Junior and Senior Col- Wordsworth."leges. Attendance required. Cobb Lecture Hall — Chapel._, . P ~ . . , Note. — The Germania Mannerchor will furnish part of the music for2:00 P.M. Meeting of Candidates for degrees with the the Twenty- second Convocation of the University, their selections being:cers. 1) « . " Das ist der Tag des Herrn "- - Kreutzer.<~°b° lecture Halt LftapeL. ^ "Wiegenlied" - - - - - Brahms.8: 00 p.m. The Twenty- Second University Convocation.The Procession. 2) *.« Ave Maria" ,„"-,- " Nessler.r™ r> . ,,^ , r, . (M it Solo Quartet.)The Convocation Address : Poetry and Science ; b, " Morgengruss "- - - Schubert- Schoenefeld.Their Affinities and Contrasts," by ProfessorWilliam Knight, St. Andrews' University, Scotland.The Conferring of Degrees. OFFICIAL NOTICES.The President's Quarterly Statement.The University Congregational Church. REPORTS FOR THE WlNTER QUARTER. — All instrUC-April 3, Sunday. ^ors are requested to observe that all reports for8:30 A.M. Bible Classes. . -, . ., TTT. , ~ , ¦. ,4: 00 p.m. Convocation Vesper Service. C0UrSeS ^1Ven dUTm% the Wmter Quarter are due atConvocation Sermon. Rev. w. w. Fenn, Chi- the Examiner's Office (or the Faculty Exchange) notf£°- . later than 12:00 m., Monday, March 28. It is ofMusic by the choir of the First Unitarian Church. » 7 , _* . . .-, . -, -, -,Quarterly Report of the Secretary of the Chris- the utmoat importance that every eourse be recordedtian Union. Kent Theater, fully and promptly . Blanks will be furnished through7 : co p.m. Unbn Meeting of the Y. m. c. a. and y. w. the Faculty Exchange not later than Tuesday,Haskell Oriental Museum— Assemlly Room. March 22. THE UNIVERSITY EXAMINEE.416 UNIVERSITY RECORDThe Final Examination of Cora Louise Scofieldfor the degree of Ph.D. will be held on Friday, April 1,1898, at 3:00 p.m., in Room C 7, Cobb Lecture Hall.Principal subject, History ; secondary subject, Political Science. Thesis : " The Court of Star Chamber."Committee : Head Professors von Hoist and Judson,Professor Chandler and all other instructors in thedepartments immediately concerned.SPRING REGISTRATION.Bulletin of Changes in Announcements.New Courses.IB. 26 Pedagogy : Practical Pedagogy : A studyof the present Public School System. Mj.4:00-6:00, Monday and Friday (ProfessorJackman). % 33XIX. 4, Experimental Physics (Stratton).XXVII. Id, Elementary Botany 8:30 (Coulter) $ 13M. Laboratory 2: 00-4: 00, Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Caldwell). JS 13, 14Courses Withdrawn.III. 21, Federal Administration (James).XV. 62, The Works of Coleridge.XV. 88, Nature in English Poetry (Reynolds).Changes in Courses.XV. 59, Beginnings of Romantic Poetry, will begiven by Assistant Prof essor Reynolds Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00-6:00.Change of Hours.IB. 1. Educational Psychology (Moore). % 16Hour changed from 9:30 to 2:00.HOMILETICAL LECTURESin the Divinity School.During the Autumn and Winter Quarters 1897-8 aseries of fortnightly lectures has been held in Assembly Room, Haskell Oriental Museum, on Thursdayevenings, under the auspices of the Divinity Students'Council. Following are the themes and speakers :1. Open Discussion on "Higher Criticism and Evangelism."Messes. Hanley, Vaughan, Stevens, Meigs, and others.2. " Pulpit Power." Rev. O. P. Giffoed, D.D., Buffalo, N. Y.3. " The Ministry of Music." Me. W. L. Tomlins, Leader ofthe Apollo Club, Chicago.4. "Tact." Rev. E. E. Chivees, D.D., Secretary of theBaptist Young People's Union, Chicago.5. "The Study of Life in the Original." Peofessoe Gea-ham Tayloe, Chicago Theological Seminary.6. "The Prayer Meeting." Rev. Johnston Meyees, D.D.,Chicago.7. "The Organization and Work of the Home MissionSociety." Rev. H L. Moeehouse, Field Secretary of theAmerican Baptist Home Mission Society, New York.8. "The Preacher's Choice of Subjects," Rev. P. S. Henson,D.D., Chicago.These lectures have been well attended and havearoused much interest. Frank W. Woods,Richard M. Vaughan,Committee. The University Settlement League.The French and German Dramatic Performancegiven for the benefit of the University Settlementunder the auspices of the University SettlementLeague at Kent Theater Friday evening, February 18,netted a handsome sum.The University Settlement League has now giventwo entertainments for the benefit of the Settlement.The benefit performance of last year yielded a net sumof $625. The statement below indicates the proceedsof the benefit this year.Experience has thus shown that it is possible torealize each year a considerable sum by a benefitperformance in aid of the Settlement.Statement of Eeceipts and ExpendituresOn account of the University Settlement Benefit,February 18, 1898.Total amount received for tickets sold, sale ofposters, etc. .... $811.44Total expenses, including printing, advertising, erection of the stage, purchase ofscenery, etc. ----- 136.22Balance paid to George C. Howland, Treasurerof the University Settlement, on accountof University Settlement League - 675.22North Central Association of Colleges and SecondarySchools.The Third Annual Meeting of the North CentralAssociation of Colleges and Secondary schools will beheld in the Banqueting Hall of the Auditorium Hotel,Chicago, Friday and Saturday, April 1 and 2, 1898.The programme will be in outline as follows :First Session, Friday. April 1, 10: 00 a.m.President's Annual Address.Reports of Special Committees.Miscellaneous Business.Second Session. April 1, 2: 00 p.m.Discussion of Resolution concerning Englishstudy.Friday Evening —Members of Association and invited guests dinetogether, Auditorium Hotel.Third Session. Saturday, April 2, 9:30 a.m.Discussion of Resolution concerning UniformCollege Requirements.Fourth Session. April 2, 2: 00 p.m.Discussion of Mr. Nightingale's proposed substitute for the Fourth Resolution of the meetingof 1897.GENERAL INDEX.VOL. II. APRIL 2, 1897— MARCH 25, 1898.Abeedeen, Hee Excellency the Countess of, The University and its Effect upon the Home (Convocationaddress) - - - - - . _ _ iAbsences from Recitations and Examinations - - 47Academic Richard Wagner-Society - - . . 313Academy Convocation - - - - - - 40, 328Act of Teaching --.-.__ 65Actions, Official ; see Official Actions.Address List, University - 121, 275Adkinson, Henry Magee, Final Examination - - - 205Administrative Board of Athletics, Student representatives - - - - - . _ 125Libraries, Laboratories, and Museums - - - 264Physical Culture and Athletics, 1897-98 - - 265Student Organizations, Publications, and Exhibitions,1897-98 265University Affiliations, 1897-98 265The University Press, 1897-98 - - - - 265Allen, Philip Schuyler, Final Examination - - 150, 165Andeeson, Galusha, On Summer Quarter's Work - - 256Anniversary Chapel Service - - - - - 234Annual Report of the Library and the Division of PhysicalCulture and Athletics, 1896-97 - - - - 220Arenicola Marina, Maturation and Fertilization of the egg of, 371Awards and Degrees ----- 25, 315Bain, Harry Foster, Final Examination - - - 102Baird, Phil. Castor, Final Examination - - - 205Baldwin, James Fosdick, Final Examination - - 82Bancroft, Nellie, Final Examination - - - 103, 201Barnard, Professor, honored ----- 261Barrows, David Prescott, Final Examination - - 102Barrows' Lectureship - - - - . - 14, 202Barrows, Professor, honored - - - - - 261Bateson, F. W., Final Examination - - - 279Beecher House, Report of - 7, 155, 252Behan, Warren Palmer, Final Examination - - 48Biology and Medicine - - - - . - 141Boone, R. G., The Student Spirit in PedagogicalTraining 367,379Boyd, Carl Evans, Final Examination - - - 205Beadfoed, Amoey H., The Unity of the World (Convocation address) - - - . . 227" The Missionary Outlook - - - . 251" Puritanism and Modern Life - - - 267Bradley Polytechnic Institute - - - - - 212Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston, Final Examination 116Buegess, Isaac B., The Value of Latin in Preparatory Study 21Caldwell, O. W., Current Literature on Fermentation 343Candidates for higher degrees - - - 44, 69, 81, 164Case, Carl Delos, Final Examination - - - 263Chambeelain, Chaeles J., Contribution to the Life History of Salix ------- 23Chapel-Assemblies ------- 137 Chapel Talks, Topics of - - - 354, 464, 370, S87Chapin, Louella, Final Examination - - - 214Chaplin, T. F„ Final Examination - - - - 102Child, C. M., Some Features of the Origenesis of Stern-aspis ------- 311" Notes on Maturation and Fertilization of the egg ofArenicola Marina - 371Cipriani, L. C, Final Examination - - - - 397Christian Attitude toward Earthly Good - - - 178Christian Union, Report of Treasurer of PhilanthropicCommittee ------- 119Officers - - - - - - - 266Reception ------ 317Church, The. and the University (Convocation address) - 129Claek, Faith Benita, The Ethics of the Family in theGrseco-Roman Period ------ 5Clubs, Reports of:Botanical Club, 39, 47, 59, 82, 95, 250, 274, 284, 327, 343, 355,388, 411Geological Club ------- 7Zoological Club - - - - 71, 92, 283, 311, 377Collegiate Alumni Association, Annual Meeting - 161Colonization in North Africa ----- usColonization in rtouth Africa ----- 55Competitors in the College Declamations - - - 95Condensations with Benzoin by Means of Sodium Ethylate 5Conferences, Tenth and Eleventh Educational, of HighSchools and Academies - 238, 404and Annual Meetings - 6, 49, 56, 161, 173, 181, 238, 314, 404Convocation addresses - 1, 129, 227, 347" " Academy - 40,328Programme of - 6, 94, 207, 211, 305, 313, 402, 417" the Twenty-first - - - - - 315Contribution to the Life History of Salix 23Cook County Teachers' Institute - - - - 181Coon, Daniel Israel, Final Examination - - - 48Correspondence-Study Department, Report for Summerand Autumn Quarters, 1897 - - - 279,412Coultee, John M., Some Problems in Education, 65, 77, 90, 97The Standpoint of Science-Teaching in SecondarySchools - ¦- - - - _ . 333Council of:Divinity School 83, 252, 263Graduate Schools ----- 272, 312Senior Colleges ------ 263Courses, Announcements of, 6, 137, 154, 161, 165, 180, 228,237, 263, 312, 401Cowles, H. C, Final Examination - 397Crabb, W. D., Final Examination - - - - 70Ceow, Maetha Foote, Shakespeare's Answer to the question: "Is Life Worth Living?" 209Culvee, Helen, Presentation Address at the Dedicationof Hull Biological Laboratories - - - 149418 UNIVERSITY RECORDCurrent Literature on Fermentation - - - - 343Current Periodicals, received by the University of Chicagoin all its Departments ------ 29Cutting, Staee Willaed, Some Principles of LanguageTeaching 359Dano-Norwegian Theological Seminary Commencement 81Davenport, H. J., Final Examination - - - 387Day of Prayer for Colleges . - 335, 344Deans, Office hours of - - - - - 18, 136, 165DeCou, Edgar Ezekiel, Final Examination - 180Dedication of Hull Biological Laboratories - - 149" " Yerkes Astronomical Observatory - - 246Dedication Ode (Hull Biological Laboratories) - - 155Degrees - 25,315" Candidates for higher - - - 44,69,81,164Divinity School :Divinity and Graduate Debate, Statement of Question 39, 344Divinity and Graduate Schools, Official Action on Exhibitions in Public Speaking - - - - - 26Divinity School Council - 83,252,263Homiletical Lectures under Auspices of Divinity Students' Council *- - - - - - 418Doctors of Philosophy, 1892-97 287Downey, J. E., Final Examination - - - - 410Eaele, Mabel, Versification of Lucretius - - - 138Eckels, The Honorable James H., Public Leadership (Convocation address) - - - - - - 347Edmand, Marietta, Final Examination - - - 103Educational conferences of High Schools and Academies,affiliated and cooperating with the University 238, 404Electrical Resistance in Thin Films - 151Ethics of the Family in the Grceco-Roman Period - - 5Examining Physician, Office hours - - - 233Examinations for admission to Junior Colleges 93, 208, 401" final, for Degree of D.B. 69" quarterly and term - - 116, 165, 208, 401" final, see Final Examinations.Fenneman, N. M., Final Examination - 410Ferdinand Peck Prize - 17,152" " " Award of - - - - - 206Fertig, James Walter, Final Examination - - 274Feudal Relations between the Crowns of England andScotland 126Final Examinations for Higher Degrees :Ph.D. 70, 82, 83, 93, 95, 102, 103, 125, 127, 150, 165, 205,210, 274, 387, 397, 402, 403, 418A.M. - - - - 102, 103, 116, 205, 210, 301, 410Ph.M. 103,104,127,201S.M. 180, 201, 214D.B. 48,205,208,263,279,285,402Final Week, Programme of - . - - 67,94,207,305,402Five Years of Graduate Work - 287,325Fling, Harry Ridgeway, Final Examination - - 83Football Record, Official, season for 1897 - - - 285Fostee, Geoege B., The Christian Attitude towardEarthly Good - 178Foster House, Report - - - - - - 45Frances Shimer Academy, Report of - - 47, 172, 316, 410Frank, Mrs. Henry L., Valuable gift of books - - 284Feanklin, Viola Peice, A study of the Song of Roland, 199, 203Free Lecture System in Connection with the Public Schools,261,280,322,411French Lyric Poetry of Our Days, Profoundest Note in - 295Gaednee, Effie, Dedication Ode 155Garnee, James B., Condensations with Benzoin by Meansof Sodium Ethylate 5 Garrison, Winfred Ernest, Final Examination - - 205Geistweit, W. H., Is the prevalent Conception of the Ministry the True One ? 85George Washington ------ 375Goodspeed, E. J., Final Examination - - - - 397Gift of Books, Valuable 284Goodyear, Prof essor William H., and his University Extension Work 317Government of Iowa ------ 42Graduate Schools:Graduate and Divinity Prize Debate :Successful Candidates - - - 102,201,397,403Programme ... - 116,154,214,272,344Regulations and Explanations - - - - 152Graduate and Divinity Finals - - - - 206, 209Graduate Club - - - - 95, 120, 166, 266, 273, 306Schools' Council 272,312Students, Pedagogical Talks to - - - 352, 359Work, Five Years of 287,325Gray, C. C, Final Examination - - - - - 402Hammond, E. P., Final Examination - - - 402Guyee, M. F., A New Human Tcenia - - - - 311Harvard School, Report of 46Harvard Club of Chicago, Scholarship offered by - - 405Haepee, W. R., Acceptance of Yerkes Astronomical Observatory on behalf of the faculties - - - 247Quarterly Statements of the President of the University,9, 215, 255, 319Haskell Lectures, Third series of 59Hatfield, Henry Rand, Final Examination - - 103Hellems, F. B. R., Final Examination - - - - 403Heney, J. Q. A., The Supreme Purpose of Theological Instruction - - - - - - - 339High Schools and Academies, Educational Conference of 238, 404Hillis, N. D., Place of the Pulpit in Modern Life andThought 391Holmes, S. J., Final Examination - - - - 83Holmes, S. J., Secondary Mesoblast in the Molluscs - 283Homiletical Lectures under the Auspices of Divinity Students' Council ------ 418Howerth Ira Woods, Final Examination - - - 165Hull Biological Laboratories, Dedication of - - 126Dedicatory Addresses - - - - - - 149Dedication Ode ------ 155Hull, Gordon Ferrie, Final Examination - - - 103Huntee, G. W., Notes on the peripheral nervous system ofMolgula Manhattensis - - - - - 372Hurley, Hugh Henry, Final Examination -- 205Illinois Society for Child Study, Fourth Annual Congress, 56Importance of Astrophysical Research and the Relation ofAstrophysics to other physical Sciences - - - 239Intercollegiate Athletic Contest, Rules governing the publicappearance of Students in - 38, 43Is the prevalent Conception of the Ministry the True One? 85Isolation in School Systems - - - - - 41James, E. J., Free Lecture System in connection withthe Public Schools 261Jones, Jessie Louise, Final Examination - - - 165Jones, William Lauder, Final Examination - - 93Joseph Leiter Prize - - - 11,117,153,397,403Journals, Kecent Numbers of University :American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures - - 68, 181, 253, 335of Sociology - - 67,157,285,335of Theology - 68, 157, 213, 334VNIVERSITY RECORD 419Astrophysical JournalBiblical WorldBotanical GazetteJournal of Geology 67, 156, 181, 253, 293, 334, 35568, 156, 180, 213, 273, 293, 307, 334, 37267, 156, 173, 212, 273, 293, 333, 344, 37368, 119, 156, 181, 273, 307, 334Journal of Political Economy - - - 156,213,334School Review - - 68,119,157,213,253,285,307,335,373Judson, Haeey Peatt, On Summer Quarter's Work - 256Colonization in South Africa ... - 55Junior Colleges :Contest - - 180,397Competitors in Declamation 95Divisions, Contestants - 279, 370Finals in Public Speaking - - 201,266,292,301Preliminaries - - - - - - 177Scholarship in Greek - - - - - 263" Mathematics 292Student Counselors - - - 146, 180, 237, 279Division Lectures 6, 18, 27, 38, 44, 54, 58, 70, 82, 92, 100, 237Division Lecturers ----- 258, 327Division Officers - - - - - 18, 237, 327Official Action on Exhibitions in Public Speaking, 26, 152Keelee, James E., The Importance of Astronomical Research and the Relation of Astrophysics to other physical Sciences - - - - - - - 239Kelly House, Report ------ 54Kern, Paul Oskar, Final Examination - - - - 103Kindergarten Conference - - - - 6, 49Language Teaching, Some Principles of 359Lattimore, John Compere, Final Examination - - 104Leadership, Public - - - - - - - 347Lectures on Christian Union ----- 365Library, Reports of the, 6, 19, 28, 39, 45, 54, 59, 70, 82, 95,;117, 126, 137, 172, 201, 233, 273, 308, 316, 354, 403" Annual Report ----- 220Lyon, Elias Potter, Final Examination - - - 102MacNeal, Rose, Final Examination 301Master and Man - - - - - 159, 163Masters of the University, 1892-97 -. - - - 325Maxey, Edwin, Final Examination - - - - 127Maynard School, Report of 46McLean, Simon James, Final Examination - - - 103" Annie Marion " "- - - 103" Meaning and Use of the Colors of Animals," lectures byE. B. Poulton 155Mebane, William Nelson, Final Examination - - 127Mecum, E. W., Final Examination - - - - 285Michelson, Albeet A., On Summer Quarter's Work 256Michelson, Head Professor, appointed member of the International Committee of Weights and Measures - - 253Middle Divinity House, Report ... - 46Miller, Merton, Final Examination - - - 102Missionary Outlook, The ----- 251Modern Language Association of America, Central Division, Meeting ------ 314Monroe, Paul, Final Examination - - - - 103Moore, A. W., Final Examination - 402Morgan Park Academy, Convocation - - - 40, 328Report -------- 71Notes from - - 214Munson, J. P., Final Examination - - - - 83Music Study in the University Elementary School - - 363Nervous System of Molgula Manhattensis - - 372New Human Taenia - - - - - - - 311North Central Association of Colleges and SecondarySchools, Third Annual Meeting - - - - 405Northrup, Professor, honored 261 Notes on Maturation and Fertilization of the Egg of Arenicola Marina . - - - . - - 371Notes on the Nervous System of Molgula Manhattensis 372Observations on the Cytogeny of Annelids with " Equal "Cleavage - - - - - - - 312Office Hours of Deans 18, 136, 165" " of Examining Physician - - - - 233Official Actions of Boards and Faculties:The Board of Trustees. — Founder's Day, 257 ; on Continuation of Fellowships without stipend - - 259The University Senate. — Establishment of College of Commerce and Politics recommended - 257The University Council. — Action concerning MemorialDay, 58 ; Exercises on Day for Preliminary Oratorial-Contests, 58, 259; Action respecting Students receivedfrom State Normal Schools, 154, 258; and respectingClassification of Unclassified Students - - - 154Faculty of the Divinity School. — Exercises suspended onJune 1 ; Candidates accepted, 44, 69 ; Schedule for FinalExaminations, 69; Chapel-assemblies, 258; Selection ofSenior College Work to be credited for the D.B. Degreein Divinity School, 258; Hebrew as requirement forentrance into Graduate Divinity School, 258 ; Greatneed of a special Chair in the Department of PublicSpeaking - - - - - - - - 259Faculties of the Graduate Schools. — Requirements forMaster's Thesis to place name of the department ontitle page, 87 ; Candidates for higher degrees accepted,44, 81, 164 ; Chapel-assemblies - - - - 258Faculties of the Senior and the Junior Colleges. — Plan forenlarging the Student Councils and lengthening theterm of office of the Councilors, 6 ; Still more definiterules with respect to the conditions under which students shall be permitted to engage in public performances, 257 ; Instruction in the English Bible on Sundaymornings, 257 ; Division Lectures, once a week, beforeeach division, 257 ; Chapel-assemblies - .-.....-. 258Faculty of the Senior Colleges. — Resident work of Candidates for the Bachelor's Degree, 70 ; List of Institutions from which students are received with full creditto corresponding standing in the University, 258 ; NoCurriculum for Bachelor's Degree without requirementof Latin - - 258Faculty of the Junior Colleges. — Addition to Subjects tobe offered for admission, 58 ; No curriculum for Bachelor's Degree without requirement of Latin, 258 ; Enlargement of Subjects for Entrance examination - - 258Administrative Board of Libraries, Laboratories, andMuseums. — Change of Rule 7 : Relation between theGeneral Library and the Departmental libraries - 44Administrative Board of Physical Culture and Athletics.Rules governing the public appearance of students inIntercollegiate Athletic Contests, 38, 43, 53; Womenstudents not to engage in contests with teams of otherinstitutions, 257 ; Provision for appointment of studentrepresentatives on the Board - - - - 258Administrative Board of Student Organizations, Publications, and Exhibitions. — Plan and arrangement forUniversity Exhibitions in Public Speaking, 26, 258;Rules governing public appearance in University Exhibitions, 38, 43, 53, 258; Disapproves organization ofWomen's fraternities or sororities under present circumstances - - - - - - '-. - 259Administrative Board of University Affiliations. — Approved Schools, 70, 136 ; Grants Morgan Park Academy420 UNIVERSITY RECORDfaculty the privileges of a coordinate faculty, 257;Makes provisions for semiannual meetings of principals and teachers of affiliated and cooperatingschools - - - - - - - - 257Oratorical Contests, Competitors - - - - 95" " Programme - - - - 66Schedule of Dates - - - 27" ;; Regulations and Explanations concerning - - - - - 152Oratorical Association ------ 317Osgood, William Pleasants, Final Examination - - 208Overproduction of Teachers ----- 90Paeish, C. O., The Government of Iowa 42Peck, Geo. A., Orator for Washington's Birthday : - 353Peck, Hon. Geo. R., George Washington - - 375Pedagogical Department, Commendatory resolution ofSummer students on work of - 173Talks to Graduate Students - - - 352, 359, 383Training, the student spirit in 367, 379Periodicals, received by the University of Chicago in allits departments - - - - - - 129Recent numbers of University, see Journals.Petrie on his discoveries in Egypt at Deshash a - - 181Philanthropic Committee, Reports of - - - 293, 373Philips, David, Final Examination - - - 279Phonetics in the Class Room - 407Physical Culture and Athletics Division, Annual Report, 222Place of the Pulpit in Modern Life and Thought - 391Porterfield, Cora M., Final Examination - - - 103Poulton, E. B., Lectures ----- 155Poyen-Bellisle, Ren£ de., The Profoundest Note in theFrench Lyric Poetry of our days - - - 295Pratt, Alice Edwards, Final Examination - - 82, 93, 102President's Quarterly Statements - - 9,215,255,319Prizes :Ferdinand Peck prize - - - -11, 152, 206Joseph Letter prize - - - 11,117,153,397,403Spalding, A. G. & Bros., prize - - 206, 210, 214, 234Profoundest Note in the French Lyric Poetry of Our Days 295Public Leadership (Convocation address) - - - 347Public Speaking, Official Action on plan for UniversityExhibitions in .... - 26,38,43,53Additional Announcement of the Department - - 44Regulations ^and Explanations concerning UniversityExhibitions in - - - - - - - 152Publications by Instructors in the University, 1896-97 105Pulpit in Modern Life and Thought - - - 391Puritanism and Modern Life ----- 267Quarterly Examinations - 116,165,208,306,401Quarterly Statements of the President of the University 9,215,255,319Affiliation of Rush Medical College - - - 322Affiliations, University ----- 219Alumni 220Amount paid for each student's instruction during ayear - - - - - - - - 12Annual Expenses of the University - - 14, 257Appointments 218, 219, 260Art, Instruction in, needed ... - 324Athletic Interests ------ 10Attendance of Students, Spring Quarters, 1893-97, 216 ;the year 1896-97, 215 ; Spring Quarter, 1897, 215 ; Autumn,1897 - - 323Average Salary for year 1896-97 219Barrows Lectureship ----- 14, 220Biological Laboratories - - - - - 220Bradley Polytechnic Institute - - - 220,223Budget, Annual - - - - - 14,257,321Candidates for Degrees, 1896-97 - - - - 217Classification of Instructors - - - - 218College of Commerce and Politics - - - - 320 College for Teachers wanted - 324Commons, University's need of a - - - * • 323Dahl, Dr. Olaus - - - - - - 17" Debates, Prizes in Junior and Senior Colleges - - 10Debating, Provision for Training in - - 10Degrees, Candidates for, 1896-97 - 217Difficulty, The, between the Athletic interests of theUniversity of Chicago and the Amateur AthleticUnion „..-... iqFellowships for 1897-98 260Four Quarters, The, and the work of the professors, 13Gifts to the University - - - 17, 219, 261, 324Great need of a School of Medicine - - - 16Honors to Professors Barnard, Barrows, and Northrup, 261Hull Biological Laboratories - 220Increase, Rate of, in the number of students in theUniversity - -- - - - -10India, Dr. John Henry Barrows' Lectures in - 14Instruction in Art and Music, 324 ; Military - - 320Instructors, absent, Summer 1896 to Spring 1897 - 217" appointed for Summer Quarter, 1897 - 218" classification of - - - - 218" present during Summer Quarter, 1897 - 256" work and the four Quarters - - 13Joseph Leiter prize for excellence in public speakingand debating ----- 11, 17, 117Lecture Fund, Ryder, and the University ExtensionDivision ------- 15Legislation of various boards and faculties and of theTrustees, enacted during the year 1896-97 - - 257Manual Training School ----- 220Matriculations for 1896-97 216Medical School, Great need of a university - 16, 322Military instruction ----- 320Modern ideas of Education and the College curriculum 11Morgan Park Academy - - - - - - 220Music, Instuction in, needed - 324Needed Scholarships - - - - - - 325New Appointments 219,260New Houses ------- 319Peck, Ferdinand, prize for exellence in public speakingand debating 17,152,206Politics, College of Commerce and - - - 320Polytechnic Institute, Bradley - - - 220, 223Prizes in Junior and Senior College debates - - 10Promotions during the year 1896-97 - - - - 218since July 1, 1897 - - - - 261Public School Board and the University ExtensionDivision ------- 15Public Speaking, Provision for training in - - 10Quadrangle Club - 321Quantity and Quality of Work expected of Instructorsof the University ------ 11Questions for the Future - - -# - - 259Rate of increase in the number of students in the University -------- 10Recent Resignations - - ... 261Rumored Gift, The, of $10,000,000 to the University - 16Rush Medical College, Affiliation of - - - 322Ryder Lecture Fund and the University ExtensionDivision ------- 15Scholarships needed - - - - - 325Student Self-government in the University - - 9Students' Attendance .... 215, 216, 323Students' Rate of Increase in the University - - 10Student's Instruction, Amount paid for each - 12Summer Quarter 1897, Work of - - - - 256Teachers' College wanted - ¦ - - - 324University Affiliations - - - - - - 219Budget, 1898-99 321" Commons greatly needed - - - 323" Credit for class work performed on Sunday, 13" Extension, Is the interest in its work diminishing? . - - 14" Extension. 1896-97 - 219" Extension Division and Public School Board, 15" Provision for training in public speakingand in debating - - - - 10Work of the Summer Quarter 1897 - - - 258Reasoner, Florence, Final Examination - - - 210Reed, Charles F., Final Examination - - - 117Registration, Dates for - - - 93, 155, 165, 210, 397Regulations and Explanations concerning University Exhibitions in Public Speaking - - - - - 152Relation of History to Art ----- 117UNIVERSITY RECORD 421Reports, Official and Semi-Official :Affiliated SchoolsChristian Union -Clubs, see Clubs.Football Season, 1897 -Library, see Library.Morgan Park Academy -Philanthropic CommitteePhysical Culture and Athletics -School Record, Notes and Plans 21, 37, 43, 5746, 47, 172, 316, 410119- 28571293,37322210, 91,99, 115, 124410- 354 South Side Academy, Report ofSpalding, A. G., & Bros., Prize 47206, 210, 214, 234Student Attendants, Senior Colleges, 1896-98Traveling LibrariesUniversity Elementary School 281, 290, 300, 331, 363, 386, 399University Extension Division - 60, 261, 279, 280, 332, 411University Houses - - - 7,45,54,95,105,252,371University Settlement League, Statement of Receiptsand Expenditures in Dramatic Performance for theBenefit of 418Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. - 27, 48, 59, 119, 233, 293, 373Revised Regulation concerning Absences - - - 47Reynolds, John Hugh, Final Examination - - 102Rice, Miss, Relation of History to Art - - - 117Rugby School, Report of - - 46Ryeeson, Maetin A., Acceptance of Yerkes AstronomicalObservatory on behalf of the Trustees - - - 247Salisbuey, Rollin D., on Summer Quarter's Work - 256Samuelson, John, Final Examination - - - 58Schmidt-Waetenbebg, Phonetics in the Class Room 407Scholarship of the Harvard Club of Chicago - - - 405In Greek in Junior Colleges .... 263In Mathematics in Junior Colleges - - - 292School Record, Notes, and Plan : The University of Chicago School, XX-XXX, 21, 37, 43, 53, 57, 68, 80, 91, 99, 115, 124(See also University Elementary School, Reports.)Schools, The, and the Universities 97Science in Secondary Schools - - - - - 77Science-Teaching in Secondary Schools - - - 383Scofield, Cora Louise, Final Examination - - - 418Secondary Mesoblast in the Molluscs - - - 283Seidenadel, Charles William, Final Examination - - 205Senior Colleges:Council 263Divisions II- VI, Lectures beforeDivision LecturersDivision OfficersDebate -----Contest ... .Finals ----- - 6,252258, 263, 327272, 327154, 180- 180,292- 206, 210, 292, 301Official Action on Exhibitions in Public Speaking 26, 152Report of Disposition of Students during two yearscommencing June 1, 1896, and ending January 1, 1898 410Seymoue, T. D„ On Summer Quarter's Work - - 256Shakespeare's Answer to the Question: Is Life WorthLiving? 209Simonds, William Edwaed, Master and Man - - 159, 163Slaught, H. E., Final Examination .... 397Small, Albion W., Social Studies as Educational Centersof Correlation 352Snell House, Report ------ 45Social Studies as Educational Centers of Correlation - 352Some Features of Ovigenesis of Sternaspis - - 311Some Principles of Language Teaching - - - 359Some Problems in Education - - - 65, 77, 90, 97South Divinity House, Report ----- 95 Spaeks, Edwin E., Colonization in North Africa - 118St. John, Wallace, Final Examination - - - 402Standpoint of Science-Teaching in Secondary Schools - 383State Normal Schools, Action respecting - - - 154Stevens, Elmer Tilson, Final Examination - - 205Stevenson, James Henry, Final Examination - - 125Stone, Harriet, Final Examination 201Stone Isabelle, Final Examination - 103Stone, Isabelle, On the Electrical Resistance of ThinFilms 151Student Councils, Enlargement of 6" Counselors, Regular meetings with President - 236" Representatives on Administrative Board of Athletics - - - - - - 125Student Spirit, The, in Pedagogical Training - - 367, 379Students' Economic Conference 301" Fund Society Officers 272Study of the Song of Roland ----- 199, 203Supreme Purpose of Theological Instruction - - - 339Symposium of Opinions on Summer Quarter's Work - 256Tayloe, May, Music Study 363Theological Instruction, The Supreme Purpose of - 339Traveling Libraries, Report for Autumn Quarter, 1897 - 354Teeadwell, A. L., Observations on the Cytogeny of Annelids with "Equal" Cleavage - - - - - 312Tunell, Geo. Gerard, Final Examination - - - 103Two Cases of Mimicry ------ 283Unclassified Students, Classification of 154Unity of the World (Convocation address) - - - 227University and its Effect upon the Home (Convocationaddress) ------- 1University Elementary School, History and Character - 72University of Chicago Settlement - - - 167, 175University :Address List £21, 275Chorus - - 80Concert ------- 309,318Congregation, Topics discussed - - - 137, 354Council, 1897-98 264Council, Alumni Representatives - - - 138Doctors of Philosophy, 1892-97 - - - - 287Elementary School - - - - - 210, 303Reports 281,290,300,331,363,386,399Exhibitions in Public Speaking, Official Action onPlan for 26Exhibition in Public Speaking, Regulations and Explanations concerning ------ 152Masters of the, 1892-97 325Ruling Bodies, 1897-98 264Senate, 1897-98 264Senate, Alumni representatives - - - - 138Settlement League ------ 299Dramatic Performance for the Benefit of - 365, 418University Extension Division:Lecture Study Courses in Progress, Autumn 1897 - 280Statement and Reports of Free Lectures deliveredunder the joint auspices of the University ofChicago and of the Chicago Board of Education261, 280, 332, 411Report for Winter Quarter 1897 - 60Conferences during Summer Quarter - - - 173Professor Goody ear's work 317Classes in the Sciences - 223422 UNIVERSITY RECORDWork on the South Side ----- 313President's Statement concerning - - - 14University Extension in Europe 118" " in Berlin - - - - 55" " Work in the University of Vienna 179" " "at Cambridge, England - 308" " "at Moscow, Russia - - 281Value of Latin in Preparatory Study 21Versification of Lucretius ------ 138Vesper Services, Programme ----- 279, 309Vincent, John H., The Church and the University (Convocation address) ------ 129Visitors to Classes ------ 146Ward, Lester F., Lectures by - - - - - 237Washington House, Report ----- 371 Welch, William H., Biology and Medicine - - 141Wheelee, W. M., Two cases of Mimicry - - - 283Wier, Marion Clyde, Final Examination - - - 116Willis, Henry Parker, Final Examination - - 210Winston, Eugenia, Final Examination - - - 116Wyckoff, Charles Truman, Final Examination - - 82Wyckoff, Chaeles Teuman, The feudal relations between the Crowns of England and Scotland- - 126Yerkes Astronomical Observatory, Programme of Exercisesheld in connection with the dedication of - 235, 246Yerkes, Charles T., Presentation of Yerkes AstronomicalObservatory ------- 246Young, Ella F., Isolation in School Systems - - 41Young Men's Christian Association - - 48, 119, 293, 373Young Women's Christian Association 27, 48, 59, 119, 233, 373GENERAL INDEX.AUTHORS AND PERSONS REFERRED TO.Abbott F. F., Some Notes on the "Peregrinatio " of SanctaSilvia - - - 135Almstedt, H. B., Germanic Law in the Heliand - - 173Anderson, G., Cultivation of the Spiritual Nature - - 171Anderson, K. S., Effect of a Second Stimulus on ColorDiscrimination - - - - - - - 42Angell, J. R., Reaction Time— A Study in Attention andHabit - 42Antisdel, C. B., Report of Missionary Work upon theCongo -------- 175Aemsteong, Principal, Paper before Educational Conference -------- 195Babee, Z., Paper read at Conference of Physiography, etc. 212Baenes, E., New Movements in Education - - - 313Barrows, J. H., "Haskell Lectures." Christianity andother Faiths Compared - - - - 23Address delivered in Paris 157Work in India - - - - - 295, 367, 611Bauee, L. A. 319, 343, 597Baue, G., Report from Zoological Club - -- 584Beach, H. P., In the Presence of His World - - 499Bennett, Miss - - - - - - 247Beery, G. R., Interpretation of "Shiloh" - - 102Bestoe, M., Remarks before Latin and Greek Conference 196Blackburn, F. A., The Didactic Dialogues of Old English 22Blaine, Haeeiet, Attic Funeral Monuments - - 430Blanchaed, C. A., Spirit and Method of Biblical Criticism 24Bowen, M. 169, 331Brace, Edith M., Final Examination - - - 132Notes on the Nervous System of Aeolosoma Tenebrarum 203Degree Conferred - - - - - - 230Beandt, B. 157Beay, J. W., Final Examination - - - - 169Logical Methods in Literary Criticism - - 21Beode, H. S., Final Examination for Ph. D. degree - 133Degree Conferred ------ 229Contribution to the Morphology of Dero vaga - - 203Appointment ------- 367Beownson, T. G., 157Brunee, J. D., Address before French Conference - 197Bulkley, J. F., The University Primary School - - 394Bumpus, H. C. - - ¦ 473Burgess, LB. , Specialization of the Work of Teachers inthe Secondary Schools - 479Bueton, E. D., The Study of the Bible in Christian Schools 125Cady, C. B., Music in Education - - - - 610Capps, E., The Dramatic Synchoregia at Athens - 136Carlson, W. G. - - - - - - - 347Case, E. C, Osteology and Relationships of Protostegagigas -------- 19The Cranial Region of Dimetrodon - - - 584 Chalmers, W. E. 470Chamberlain, C. J. - - - - - - 594Chamberlin, T. C, Seeking Foundations - - - 89The History of the Earth 123Chapin, Miss -------- 210Chase, C. K. - - - - - - 51Chase, W. J., The Value of History in School Training - 599Cheney, J. V., Every Man shall have His Own - - 310Child, 0. M., Centrosome and Sphere in the OvariumStroma of Mammals - - - - - - 546Cleavage of the Ovum as illustrated by the Egg ofArenicola - - - - - - - - 616Cipriani, L. C. 331Clapp, Cornelia M., Final Examination - - - 132Degree Conferred ------ 229The Lateral Line of Batrachus Tau - - - 203Awarded the Bastin Prize ... 261Clark, F. B. - - ------ 594Clark, H. B., 520Clarke, H. L., Address at Quinquennial Celebration - 222Claypole, A. M. - 133. 229Cody, S., Evolution of the Novel 397Coe, G-.nA., Transition from Epistemology to Metaphysics 152Colgrove, C. P., Final Examination - 146Degree Conferred - - - - - - 230Appointment - - - - - - - 106Habit and Adaptation as related to Pedagogy - 326Conrad, J. - - - - - - - - 359Conway, H., The Character of Ophelia - - - 1O6Cooke, E. -- '- - - - - - 340Cooley, E. G., What is the Acceptable Mininum Recitation Period c - - - - - - 194Cornish, R. H., The Value of Science in School Training 607Coulter, J. M. - - - 11, 65, 122, 175Address upon Laying Corner Stone of Hull Laboratories 286President of Botanical Society - 359The Bible Doctrine Concerning Character - - 442Crow, M. F., Critical and Creative Moods - - 69Crozier, A. O. - - - - - - - 107Gumming, A. - - - - - - - - 123Curtis, J. B., Final examination 146Degree conferred -.-... 230County and Township Government in Illinois - 358Cutting, S. W., Economy of Power - - - 21Dahl, O., Sketch of the life of Hans Christian Andersen 327Death of -------- 606Resolutions concerning ----- 614Day, T. F., The Ethics of the Book of Job - - - 412Dewey, J., Summer Institute at Martha's Vineyard - 278Pedagogy as a University Discipline -- 353, 361The University School ----- 417Philosophy of Education - - - - - 42262*4 UNIVERSITY RECORDDharmapala, H., Buddhism and Christianity - - 449Dickson, L. E., Final examination - 169Degree conferred ------ 230The Analytic Representation of Substitutions on aPower of a Prime Number of Letters, with a Discussion of the Linear Group - - - - - 318Donaldson, H. H., Address upon Laying Corner Stoneof Hull Biological buildings 289Doolittle, E., Method of A. J. Yvon Villarceau for theComputation of Orbits - - - - - 452Dyer, L., The Subject of the Iliad - - - - 41Earle, Mabel - - - 594Escott, E. B. - - - - - 170, 324Estabrook, H. D., LaFayette - - - - - 507Fellows, G. E., Constitutionalism - - - 101Fenn, W. W., Address at Alumni Dinner - - - 265Findlay, J. J., A Note on the Study of Education - 409Fogg, Emily, Civil Service Reform in Chicago - - 218Foot, K., Centrosome and Archoplasm - - - 546Fowler, F. H. - - - - - - - 87French, C. W., Minimum Equipment for a College Preparatory School - - - - - - - 193Freund, E., The Legal Nature of Corporations - - 596Gardner, H. A., Jr., Speech at Alumni Dinner - - 266Garner, J. B. - - 605Garrison, G. P. 95, 229Gavit, J. P., Report of Spring Session Chicago CommonsSchool of Social Economics ----- 130Goodale, G. L., Some of the Relations of the NewNatural History to Modern Thought and Modern Life 281Goodspeed, G. S., Address; Presentation Haskell OrientalMuseum -------- 242Goodman, A. E. - - - - - - - 347Gracey, J. T., Broader View of Missions - - - 501Grant, E. D., Final examination - - - - 470Determination of the Apparent Size of a Given Ellipsoidas seen from a given exterior point - - - 573Grant, L. C, Final examination - - - - 146Degree conferred ------ 230Relation of the Marginal Utility Theory to the CostTheory of Value ------ 446Grimshaw, Miss E. C, Address before Latin and GreekConference ------- 196Gundersen, H., Report of Dano-Norwegian Commencement -------- 159Hale, E. E., Education of a Democracy - - - 486Hale, G. E. - - - - - - - - 621Hale, W. G., The Graduate School 437Hall, F. H., Imagination in Arithmetic - 574Hammond, J. C, Final examination - - - 461On the Condition that a Polygon may be SimultaneouslyInscribed in one conic and Circumscribed aboutanother ------- 574Hancock, H., Some Physical Problems which are fundamental in the Theory of Functions - - - 102Harper, Dr., Problems of Fungi - -- - 405Harper, W. R., Statement, Winter Quarter 1895-6 - 5Statement Spring Quarter 1896 - - - - 224Statement Summer Quarter 1896 - - - - 381Statement Autumn Quarter 1896 - 523Statement Winter Quarter 1896-7 - - - 523Chairman Educational Committee, Civic Federation 157Address before Senior Colleges - 86Interpretation of Amos 3:1-8 - - - - 152At Asbury Park - - - ... 175Acceptance, Haskell Oriental Museum - - - 243 Address at Alumni Dinner - - - - 265Address at Laying of Corner Stone Hull Laboratories 286Address upon accepting National Colors - - 305Welcome to Inter-Seminary Alliance - - - 493The Thought of God - - - - - - 615Harris, M. B., A Phase of Epicureanism - - - 550Hatch, E. E. - - - - - - - 377, 389Hay, O. P., Structure and Mode of Development of theVertebral Column 473Heinrichs, Miss, Paper at German Conference - 196Henderson, C. R., The Ethics of School Management - 72Lectures ------- 262Preventive Measures, Social, Educational - - 397Hesse, Final Examination ----- 146Malonic Nitrile and some of its Derivatives - - 317Heydrick, B. A. Literary Criticism in England 1700-1750 - 84Hinsdale, B. A., The Michigan System of Admissionto College - - - - - - - - 36Hirsch, E. G., The Human Side of Religion - - 65Honorary Degree - - - - - 251Holst, H. E. von, Patriotism - 53Howerth, I. W., University Non-resident Class Work - 487Huff, W. B. 213Hulbert, E. B., Being and Seeing - - - - 109Ince, E. A., Convocation Address at Morgan Park - 91Irving, Sir H., The Character of Macbeth - 29James, E. J., True Object of an Educational System froman Economic Point of View ... 477A Critique of Bryce's American Commonwealth - 62Jesse, R. H., What Constitutes a College and what aSecondary School ?------ 61Johnson, F., Should a Divinity School Teach the StudentWhat to Believe, or How to Think ? - - - 543Jones, Miss J. L., Vowel Harmony in the Elis Saga - 174Jordan, E. O., The Filtration of Public Water Supplies 430Judson, H. P. - 10Address before Association of Colleges and SecondarySchools 36Address Advocating Civil Service Reform Club - 87Address — An Unavoidable Contradiction - - 177Address at Quinquennial Celebration - - - 222Lectures - - - - - - - - 261European Turkey ------ 452Kent, W., Some Phases of Practical Politics - - 190Kern, The First Ablaut Series in Early Modern HighGerman - - - - - - - 63Ketman, T. L. - - 170Kinney, E. B. 612Klenze. C. von, The Modern Literary Movement - 20Nature -sense in Literature and Art - 173Kummel, H. B., The Triassic Formations of New Jersey 518Ladd, G. T., Lectures 247, 261Relation of the Study of Philosophy to that of Literature -------- 404LaFollette, R. M., The Menace of the Machine - 587Landrum, W. W., Prayer - - - - 86Lauder, W. W., Lecture-recital on the Folk Song of Germany -.------51Lawrence, W. M., Sifting of Character - - - 171Religion and Education ----- 515Leland, S., Address before Latin Conference - - 196Lemon, C. A. - - - - - - - - 461Little, C. J., The Spirit of Christianity Essentially Missionary ------- 493Loch, C. S., Growth of Administrative Efficiency - - 217Locke, J., Elementary Esthetics 530UNIVERSITY RECORD 625Loeb, J., Address upon Laying Corner Stone of Hull Laboratories ------ . 288Luce, H. W., Aim of Theological Students - - - 497Waiting in His Presence - - - - - 503McDougall, D. T., Irritability of Roots - - - 580McLeish, A., Address Quinquennial Celebration - 221, 269McLennan, S. F., The Organic Effects of Agreeable andDisagreeable Stimuli - - - - - 42Final examination ------ 146The Impersonal Judgment : Its Nature and Significance 334Manny, F. A.~, High School Extension - - - 480Maschke, H., Concerning Isogonal Transformation ofSpace and Pentaspherical Coordinates - - 318Mathews, S., The Return of Faith - - - - 45The Composition of Acts - - 85Maxwell, S. S. Final examination - - - - 146Degree conferred ------ 230Contribution to the Physiology of the Central NervousSystem of Annelids ----- 333Mead, A. D., Centrosomes in the Annelid Egg - - 547Mead, G. H., Some Aspects of Greek Philosophy - 42The Relation of Play to Education - - - 141Mebane, W. N., Final Examination - - - 147Degree Conferred - - - - - 230A Comparison of the Cuneiform and Biblical Accountsof the Deluge - - - - - - - 250Michelson, A. A,, The Light Wave as used in Measurementsof Length - - - - - - - - 197Miller, E. L., Address before Latin Conference - 196Miller, F. J., Departmental Conference ... 195Talk before Teachers' Latin Conference - - 309Mitchell, W. C, Remarks at Alumni Dinner - - 266Moissan, H., Sketch of work of - - - - 379Evolution of the Diamond - - - - - 403Monnier, J., Religious Work in French Universities - 321Moore, A. W. 42, 191, 251Moore, C. H., The Old Examination System - - 37How and How Not to Translate - 196Moore, E., Remarks before Latin Conference - - 196Moore, E. H., A Twofold Generalization of Fermat'sTheorum --_..__ 53Concerning Finite Groups of Linear HomogeneousSubstitutions - - - - - - - 276Concerning the Abstract Group of Order k! - - 412Moritz, R. E., Final Examination - - - - 331Concerning Certain Quartic Surfaces - - - 512Morgan, O. T., Address at Educational Conference ofDisciples of Christ - - - - - - 123Moses, B., Conditions and Prospects of Democracy - 297Moulton, R. G., Periodical Worship : A Study of theEighty-fourth Psalm - - - - - - 401Mulfinger, G. A., Final Examination - - - 470Neff T. L., Final Examination - - - - - 331Satire on Women in Old French Lyric Poetry - 530Nightingale, A. F., Tendency of Students to Omit theCollege and Enter Professional Schools - - - 479Northrup, G. W., Address at Quinquennial Celebration 221Parish, CO. 147, 331Parker, A. K., Address at Quinquennial Celebration - 271Parker, F. W. 18Payne, W. A., University of Vienna and ExtensionTeaching - - - 329Petrie, W. M. F. 447, 475Pierson, A. T., Macedonian Calls to Theological Students 497Power in consecrated Life of Theological Students - 502Pinkerton, G., Some Metrical Inscriptions - - 550 Radford, M. L. Final Examination ... - 146Degree Conferred 230Gothicism in Eighteenth. Century English Literature 349Rhees, R,, Psalms of Solomon - - - 276,366,396Robertson, L., Address at German Conference - - 196Rockefeller, J. D., Addresses at Quinquennial Celebration 223, 269Speech at Dinner - - - - - 272Rockwood, G. H., Speech at Latin Conference - - 195Rogers, H. W. - 37Roosevelt, T., Address on Municipal Reform - - 28Ross, E. A., Sociology and the Teacher - - - 394Ryerson, M. A., Address at Congregation Dinner - 579Sayford, S. M. - 82, 106Schlicher, J. J., Tacitus' Account of the Relationsexisting between Tiberius and Germanicus - - 250Scott, C, Children's Interests - - - 474See, T. J. J. - - - - - - - - 190Shepardson, D., In the Presence of His Word - - 498Shepardson, F. W., Races and Religions in Asiatic andEuropean Turkey - - - - - - 452Silliman, C. E. 230Small, A. W., Lectures 87, 262Demands of Sociology upon Pedagogy - - 279-Smith, A., The Sciences as Culture Studies - - - 20Smith, G. A., The Service of the Old Testament in theEducation of the Race - 237Remarks at Religious Service, July 4th - - 303Solomon, Miss, Paper before Mathematical Conference - 210Squires, V. P., Some Problems of the English Department 571Starr, F., A Recent Trip to Guatemala and SouthernMexico 135, 148The Teacher and the Boys - - - - - 393Stern, H. L., Final Examination - - - - 147Degree Conferred 230Civil Office in Missouri - - - - - 580Stevenson, J. R., Organized effort for Missions among theStudents of the World 499Stone, Isabelle, Final Examination 147An Experimental Determination of Verdet's Constant 326Degree Conferred ------ 230Stott, W. T., A Supreme Service of the Christian College 100Strong, A. H., Modern Tendencies in Theological Thought 369The Secret of Victory 425Sturges, M. M., Final Examination - - - - 132Degree Conferred - - - - - 230Some Recent Problems in Zoology - 535Swartz, S. E. - - 331Talbot, M., Sanitary Science and its Place in theUniversity - - - - - - - 457Tanner, Amy, Effect of a Second Stimulus on Color Discrimination ------- 42Taylor, G., The City and the Slum - - - 495Thomas, H. W., The Moral Order - - - - 465Thomas, W. I., On a Difference in the Metabolism of theSexes -------- 19Thompson, J. W., Mediaeval Trade Gilds - - - 136Origins of the Parliament of Paris - - - - 153Thurber, C. H. Horace Mann, the Educator Statesman 161Tolman, A. H., Bibliography of Epic Poetry - - 614Torrey, R. A., In the Presence of God— Prayer - - 498Triggs, O. L., The Oxford Movement - - - - 191On the Study and Teaching of ;Literature - 337, 345Turner, H. L., Address upon Presenting National Colors 304Vincent, G. E., ------ 169, 595Votaw, C. W., Final Examination - - - - 146626 UNIVERSITY RECORDVotaw, C. W., The use of the Infinitive in Biblical Greek - 235Wadsworth, F. L. O. - - - - - - 251Walker, B. M., The Quadratic One to Two Transformations between Two Planes - - - - - 174Watase, S., Microcosms and their Relation to the Centre-some -- - - - -- - 546Welch, J. C. 324Wells, B. W., Zola and Daudet - - - - 563Westcott, O. S., Talk before Mathematical Conference 210White, H. S., Numerically Regular Reticulations uponClosed Surfaces of Deficiency Higher than 1 - - 452Whitman, C. O., Address — Laying Corner Stone of HullLaboratories ------- 289Centrosome Problem and an experimental Test - 549Wiard, H. D., Neglected Fields of the West - - 496Williams, C. B., How can the University be brought intoDirect touch with Affiliated Schools ? - - - 478,Withrow, J. L., Attitude of Ministry toward Missions 494Wolkonsky, Prince S., Memory and Responsiveness asInstruments of Culture 1The Russian Poet Alexander Pushkin 84Wood, J. F. - - - - - - - - 454Woods, W. B. - - - - - 170Wyld, Norman, Some Present Aspects of the Theory ofEvolution 21Young, E. F., The Pedagogical Side of the Writings ofHorace Mann - - - - - - - 113ADDRESSES AND PAPERS.Acts, The Composition of - - - - - 85^Esthetics, Elementary ----- - 530Amos 3 : 1-8, Interpretation of - - - - - 152Analytic Representation* of Substitutions on a Power of aPrime Number of Letters with a Discussion of theLinear Group - - - - - - - 318Andersen, Hans Christian ----- 327An Unavoidable Contradiction ----- 177A Recent Trip to Guatemala and Southern Mexico, 135, 148Asymptotic Curves on the Simple Elliptic Tore - 505Attic Funeral Monuments - 430Being and Seeing ------ 109Biblical Criticism, Spirit and Method of - - - 24Buddhism and Christianity ----- 449Centrosome, Studies in the ----- 546Character, The Bible Doctrine concerning - - - 442Children's Interests ------- 474City and the Slum, The 495Civil Service Reform in Chicago - - - - 218Cleavage of the Ovum as Illustrated by the Egg of Arenicola 616Common Council of Chicago - - - - - 609Concerning Certain Quartic Surfaces - - - 512Concerning Finite Groups of Linear Homogeneous Substitutions - 276Concerning Isogonal Transformation of Space and Penta-spherical Coordinates ----- 318Concerning the Abstract Group of Order k! - - - 412Constitutionalism ___.-. 101Contribution to the Physiology of the Central NervousSystem of Annelids ------ 333Corporations, The Legal Nature of - - - - 596County and Township Government in Illinois - - 358Cranial Region of Dimetrodon - 584Critical and Creative Moods - - - - - 69Critique of Bryce's " The American Commonwealth "- 62 Cultivation of the Spiritual Nature - ... 171Deluge, A Comparison of the Cuneiform and BiblicalAccounts of : I '.- - - - - - - 250Democracy, The Conditions and Prospects of -- 297Democracy, The Education of a - - - - - 486Determination of the Apparent Size of a given Ellipsoid asseen from a given exterior Point - - - 573Diamond, The Evolution of the - - - - - 403Didactic Dialogues of old English, The - 22Dramatic Synchoregia at Athens, The - - - - 136Economy of Power - - - - - - 21Education, A Note on the Study of - - - - 409Education, The New Movements in ... 313Effect of a Second Stimulus on Color Discrimination - 42Eloquence of a Cultured Character - - - - 91English Department, Some Problems of - - - 571Epicureanism, A Phase of - - - - 550Ethics of School Management - - - - - 72Ethics of the Book of Job, The - - - - 412Every Man shall have his Own ----- 310Evolution, Some present Aspects of the Theory of - 21Faith, the Return of 45Fermat's Theorem, A Twofold Generalization of - 63Filtration of Public Water Supplies, The - - - 430First Ablaut series in Early Modern High German - 63Fungi, Problems of - - - - - - - 405Germanic Law in the Heliand - - - - 173God, The Thought of - - - 615Gothicism in Eighteenth Century Literature - - 349Graduate School, The - 437Greek Philosophy, Some Aspects of - 42Growth of Administrative Efficiency - 217Habit and Adaptation as related to Pedagogy - - 326Horace Mann, The Educator Statesman - - - 161Iliad, The Subject of the - - 41Imagination in Arithmetic - - - - - 574Impersonal Judgment, The ----- 334Interpretation of Amos 3:1-8 - - - - - 152In the Presence of God — Prayer 493In the Presence of His Word ----- 498In the Presence of His World - - - - - 499Irritability of Roots - - - - - - 580La Fayette 507Lateral Line of Batrachus Tau, - - - - 203Literary Criticism in England 1700-1750 48Logical Methods in Literary Criticism - - 21Macbeth, The Character of f- ¦ - - - 29Macedonian Calls to Theological Students - - - 497Malonic Nitrile and some of its Derivatives - - 317Mathematical Conference at Chicago - - - - 539Mediaeval Trade Guilds 136Memory and Responsiveness as Instruments of Culture 1Menace of the Machine, The 587Metabolism of the Sexes, A difference in - - - 19Method of A. J. Yvon Villarceau for the Computation ofOrbits 452Missions, The Broader View of - - - - 501Missouri. Civil Office in ----- - 580Modern Literary Movement, The - 20Modern Tendencies in Theological Thought - - - 369Moral Order, The - 465Morphology of Dero vaga - - - - - - 203Music in Education ------ 610Nature Sense in Literature and Art - 173Nature Study, Conference on - - - - - 517Necturus, Variation in the Vertebral Axes of - - - 473UNIVERSITY RECORD 627Necessary Minimum Equipment for a College PreparatorySchool 193Neglected Fields of the West, The 496Non-Resident Class-Work 342Notes on the Nervous System of Aeolosoma Tenebrarum 203Novel, The Evolution of the 397Numerically Regular Reticulation Upon Closed Surfacesof Deficiency higher than 1 - - - - - 452On Binary Cubic Involutions ----- 174On the Condition that a Polygon may be Simultaneouslyinscribed in one Conic and Circumscribed about another - .----- 574On the Morphology of the Skull of the Pelycosauria and theOrigin of the Mammals , - - - - 582On the Study and Teaching of Literature - - 337, 345Organic Effects of Agreeable and Disagreeable Stimuli - 42Organized Effort for Missions Among Students of the World 499Osteology and Relationships of Protostega gigas - 19Parliament of Paris, The Origins of - - - - 153Patriotism - - - - - - - 53Pedagogical Side of the Writings of Horace Mann, The - 113Pedagogy as a University Discipline - - - 353, 361Periodical Worship, A Study of the Eighty-fourth Psalm 401Power in the Consecrated Life of Theological Students, The 502Preventive Measures, Social, Educational - - 397Primitive Substitution Groups of Classes 5, 6, and 7 - 505Psalms of Solomon, The - 276, 366, 396Pushkin, Alexander - - - - - - 84Quadratic One to Two Transformation between TwoPlanes, The 174Quarterly Statements of the President of The University 5, 224, 383, 523laces and Religions in Asiatic and European Turkey - 452leaction Time, A Study in Attention and Habit - - 42lelation of Play to Education, The - - - - 141telation of the Marginal Utility Theory to the Cost Theoryof Value 446Lelation of the Study of Philosophy to that of Literature 404teligion and Education ------ 515teligion, The Human Side of - - - - 65•eligious Work in French Universities - - - 321anitary Science and its Place in The University - - 457atire on Women in Old French Lyric Poetry - - 530chool Training, The Value of History in - - - 599chool Training, The Value of Science in - - - 607ciences as Culture-Studies, The - - - - - 20eeking Foundations ------ 89ervice of the Old Testament in the Education of theRace, The - 237hiloh, Gen. 49 : 10, The Interpretation of 102lould a Divinity School teach the Student What toBelieve or How to Think ? 543fting of Character 171>me Metrical Inscriptions ----- 550>me Notes on the " Peregrinatio " of Sancta Silvia - 135>me of the Relations of the New Natural History to Modern Thought and Modern Life - - - - 281>me Phases of Practical Politics ... - 190>me Physical Problems which are Fundamental in theTheory of Functions -v 102?irit of Christianity Essentially Missionary, The - 493udy of the Bible in Christian Schools, The - - - 125udy of Visual and Aural Memory Processes - - 43Lpreme Service of the Christian College, A - - - 100 Tacitus' Account of the Relations existing between Tiberiusand Germanicus ------ 250Talks at Teachers' Latin Conferences - 309The Secret of Victory 425Thought of God, The - - - - - - 615The University School - - - 417Transition from Epistemology to Metaphysics, The - - 152Triassic Formations of New Jersey 518University Non-Resident Class Work - 487University of Chicago and Correspondence Teaching, The 334University of Chicago and Extension Teaching, The - 204University of Vienna and Extension Teaching, The - 329Use of the Infinitive in Biblical Greek - - - - 235Verdet's Constant, An Experimental Determination of 326Vertebral Column, Structure and Mode of Development of 473Vowel Harmony in the Elis Saga - 174What constitutes a College and what a Secondary School ? 61What should be the Attitude of the Ministry towardMissions ? - - - - - - - 494Zola and Daudet 563Zoology, Some Recent Problems in - - - - 535THE PRESIDENT'S QUARTERLY STATEMENTS.Quarterly Statements of the President of The University,5, 224, 381, 523 ; Administrative Board of Student Organizations, The, 8, 227; Affiliation, 5; AmericanJournal of Theology, 7, 385, 525; Appointments, 9, 225,386,528; Assistance to Students, 382; Athletics, 8, 227,525 ; Books received, 224 ; Botanical Gazette, 7 ; BradleyPolytechnic Institute, 388, 525 ; Buildings and Grounds,7, 224, 386 ; Chapel Service, 382 ; Classification of Students into Divisions, 8; College of Commerce andPolitics, 525 ; Conditioned Students, 382 ; Cooperation,5,228,526; Correlation of Work, 384; Councils of theColleges, 8, 226, 529; Customs and Traditions, 524; Divinity Courses, 525; Division Lectures, 525: EatingClubs, 381 ; Enrollment, 7, 226, 385, 527 ; Events of Special Interest Winter Quarter 1895-6, 8 : Financial Statement, 386 ; Folklore Prize, 387 ; Gifts to the University,224, 527 ; Haskell Oriental Museum, 527 ; Health of Students and Instructors, 228, 527; Hospital Gift, 387;Houses of The University, 227, 382; Hull BiologicalLaboratories 224, 387, 525; Inland Biological Station,387; Marshals, 5; New Terminology, 8; Payment ofFees, 382 ; Pedagogy, Study of, 384, 527 ; Professors onLeave of Absence, 226, 528; Promotions, 10, 225, 386, 529;Public Exhibitions of Students, 525 ; Publications byInstructors, 528; Quadrangle Club, 224; Registration,226; Religious Organization and Work, 526; School ofApplied Ethics, 525 ; Students' Fund Society, 6 ; Summer Quarter, 9, 384 ; Sunday Bible Classes, 383 ; Teachersand Investigators, 383; University Congregation, 386;University Extension, 5, 227, 526, 528; UniversityRecord, 228 ; University Settlement, 6, 228, 527 ; YerkesObservatory 224, 387, 527GENERAL.Academic Costume ------- 198Admission and Junior College Groups - -- 147Affiliated Schools, Programme of Quarterly Meeting ofTeachers of 50, 56Affiliation 258All University Baseball Team - - - - - 390628 UNIVERSITY RECORDAlumni : Lists - - 26, 50, 67, 85, 138, 175, 205, 343, 350" Dinner 265" Annual meetings - 267Approved Schools 26, 145, 229Assignment of Offices and Lecture Rooms - - 12Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, First Annual Meeting ------ 10, 34Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools ofMiddle States 463Athletics 46Baptist Educational Union ----- 622Board of Affiliations, Membership for 1896-7 - - 245Botanical Gazette - - - - - - 7, 11Botany - 212, 215, 432Bradley Polytechnic Institute - - - - - 388Candidates for Higher Degrees - 116, 169. 567, 594, 618Chapel Exercises during Winter Quarter - - 24" Assemblies ------ 453Chicago Library Club - - - - - - 475Chicago Manual Training School - 213Child Study Congress 165Choir 64Christian Union 23, 82, 134, 402Civil Service Reform League ----- 87Conference of Teachers of Chemistry, 490 ; of Affiliated andCooperating Schools, 167, 193, 209, 429, 477 ; United Presb.Educational, 533; of Baptist Educational Union, 86;Ninth Educational, 604, 621 ; on Nature Study, 517; onManual Training, 601; Mathematical, 539; Latin, 195, 309Convocation, Programme of - - 357, 364, 378, 472, 490Cook County Teachers' Institute - 393Cooperation 228, 258Council, The University 38, 115, 200, 348, 356Council of the Divinity School 618" of the Graduate Schools - 618of Seventy 475, 491Councils of the Colleges - - - 78, 226, 292Courses, Announcements of - - 17, 378, 389, 453, 454, 512Dano-Norwegian Theological Seminary - 158Day of Prayer for Colleges 28, 542Deans, Office Hours of 246Denison Club - - - - - - - 157Departmental Libraries ----- 461Disciples' Club 122Divinity School, Meetings of - 17Divisions, Assignments of Students to, 12, 78, 231 ; Meetingsof, 363, 512, 618 ; Lectures before, 520 ; Officers of, 39, 231Elocution, Contest in ------ 201Examinations, Schedule of - - 200, 306, 348, 489, 612Fellowships, Appointments to - - - - 96, 225Forum Literary Society, The - - 61, 106, 152Fourth of July Exercises - - - - - - 303Glee and Mandolin Clubs - - - - -, 22Greek, Voluntary Class in - - - - - 40, 60Haskell Lectures, Second series - 23Haskell Oriental Museum, Dedicatory Exercises of - - 242Houses, Reports of .— Beecher House, 98, 521 ; Foster House,98, 552 ; Graduate House, 39 ; Kelly House, 118, 390, 532 ;Middle Divinity House, 59; Snell House, 40; SouthDivinity House ------- 59Hull Biological Laboratories ... - 224, 286Inter-Seminary Missionary Alliance, Report of SeventeenthAnnual Convention ------ 493Journals, Current Numbers of .—American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, 207, 405, 619 ; AmericanJournal of Sociology, 106, 122, 279, 443, 620 ; American Journal of Theology, 619; Astrophysical Journal, 619;Biblical World, 106, 405, 619 ; Botanical Gazette, 568, 619 ;Journal of Geology, 158, 405, 620 ; Journal of PoliticalEconomy, 405, 620; School Review, 139, 405, 443, 569, 620;Terrestrial Magnetism - - - . 87 568Junior College, Admission Groups - - - - 147Lawn Reception -----.. 261Michigan Club 295, 310Missionary Convocation ---.-. 27Morgan Park Academy. —Fourteenth Convocation, 91;Report for Winter Quarter, 94 ; Dean's Statement, 92 ;Certificates conferred, 94; Notes from, 159, 553; Appointments July 1, 1896, 226 ; Seventeenth Convocation, 533Musical, 22, 43, 64, 82, 99, 118, 133, 150, 170, 188, 201, 234, 249,263, 275, 294, 308, 365Musicians, Appearing at University, Winter Quarter - 22National Educational Association - 157, 260North Central Association of Colleges and SecondarySchools 10,28,34Northern Illinois Teachers' Association - - - 106Office Hours of Deans - 246, 261Official Actions:The Board of Trustees.— Ownership of Botanical Gazetteassumed, 11 ; Administrative Board of Students' Organizations established, 11 ; Official Bulletin enlarged, 11 ;Princeton- Yale School affiliated, 38 ; Fee for a FourthCourse, 58 ; F. T. Gates appointed Trustee, 58 ; Diplomas reenacted. 95; Delegates appointed, 132; Priceof University Periodicals to Students fixed, 132 ; Officersof Haskell Oriental Museum appointed, 132 ; UniversityCongregation established - 228The University Senate. — Academic Costume recommended -------- 198The University Council. — Regulations for Student Fraternities, 38 ; Approval of Patronesses, 38 ; Residents ofHalls, 38 ; Special Examination Fees, 38 ; Junior College Day, 115 ; Thursday Chapel Service, 115 ; SpecialExaminations, 413; Chapel-Assemblies, 453; Exercisessuspended on Day of Prayer - - - - - 531The Divinity Faculty.— Change of Examination Regulations, 58; Minute, 58; Chapel- Assemblies, 453; Coursesin Senior College accepted, 612 ; Advanced work elsewhere accepted, 612 ; Requirement of Hebrew for Admission -------- 612The Faculties of the Graduate Schools. — Date of Application and Assignment of Fellowships changed, 115 ;Test of Knowledge of French and German for HigherDegrees, 339, 355; Chapel- Assemblies, 453; Candidatesfor Higher Degrees accepted - 618The Faculty of Senior Colleges. — Change of Name, 11 ;Establishment of Divisions, etc., 11; Establishment ofDivision Lectures, 12; Classification of Students, 38;Registration for University Extension Courses, 413;Divinity Courses accepted, 413 ; Chapel-Assemblies - 453The Faculty of Junior Colleges. — Establishment of Divisions, etc., 11; Removal of Entrance Conditions, 38 ;Advanced Standing for Morgan Park Academy Students. 38 ; Regulations for Elocution Work, 38 ; PassingMark, 38 ; Regulations, 77 ; Councilors for UnclassifiedStudents, 77 ; Division Lectures established, 187 ; Registration for University Extension Courses, 413 ; Chapel-Assemblies, 453 ; Regulation giving credit in duplicateUniversity Extension Courses, 519; Councilors confirmed -------- 531UNIVERSITY RECORD 629The Board of Libraries, Laboratories, and Museums.—Report on Department Libraries, 461 ; Regulation onwithdrawing books from Department Libraries - - 557The Board of Physical Culture and Athletics.— AthleticHouse authorized, Rules established, 388 ; Rules of Athletic Conference accepted - - - - - 566The Board of Student Organizations, Publications, andExhibitions.— Athletic House recognized, 388 ; Rules forStudent appearances in Public Exhibitions - - 469The Board of University Affiliations.— Approved Schools,95, 145, 229, 413The Board of the University Press. — Biological Publications approved - - - - - - -39Ohio, Society of The University of Chicago - - 319Oxford Club, The 191Pestalozzi Celebration ------ 27Physical Culture. — Official notice concerning, 12; Rulesgoverning athletic games, 46, 566 ; Membership of Board,246; Report for Summer, 399; Student Members ofBoard of 618Psychological Laboratory, Reports from 42Publications by Members of The University - - - 180Quadrangle Club ------ 224Quarterly Reports of Affiliated Colleges and Schools-Harvard School, 104 ; Chicago Academy, 105 ; South SideAcademy, 156, 277; Wayland Academy, 156; FrancesShimer Academy, 462 ; Kalamazoo College, 206, 351, 521 ;Kenwood Institute, 277, 471 ; Maynard School, 206, 278,532 ; Princeton-Yale School, 471 ; Rugby School, 207,472 ; DesMoines College ----- 66Quinquennial Celebration - - - 221, 269, 281, 297Registrar's Statement ----- 16, 247Religious, 23, 82, 100, 118, 134, 171, 189, 202, 215, 219, 234, 249,264, 275, 294, 308, 325, 341, 349, 358, 365Religious Societies at The University - - - - 23 Reports of Clubs and Societies. — Biological Club, 40;Chemical Club, 41 ; Classical Club, 41 ; Club of PoliticalScience and History, 117 ; English Club, 19 ; GeologicalClub, 60, 596 ; German Club, 60 ; Mathematical Club, 99,201; Pedagogical Club, 279, 422; Philological Society,18 ; Semitic Club, 118 ; Sociology Club, 117 ; ZoologicalClub - - 546, 582Reports of the Library, 25, 66, 83, 119, 134, 151, 341, 379, 399,407,454, 491, 568, 576, 595, 619Ryder Lecture Fund, Announcement of Courses - - 570Scholarships 231, 407School Record, Notes, and Plan: The. — University of Chicago School ; I-XIX, 419, 431, 441, 451, 460, 467, 485, 519, 540,549, 556, 565, 574, 603, 610Science Dinner - - - - - - - - 291Students' Fund Society, Reports - - - - 16, 577Students of The University in other Institutions - - 458Student Organizations, Board of - 119, 227, 246, 256, 469Summer Quarter Announcement - - - -' 504Swedish Theological Seminary, Commencement - 175Theses, Regulations for Printed Form of 611University Congregation, Announcement of - - 386University Extension. — President's Statement concerning,5, 227, 258 ; Reports, 26, 47, 433, 528 ; Announcement ofLectures, 66, 423, 445, 455 ; Class-Study Department, 137,433; Lecture-Study Department, 121, 204; Correspondence-Study Department, 154; Conference of SummerStudents, 334; Non-resident Class Work, 342; ClassStudy Day, 395; Announcement of Lectures, 423, 445,455 ; Notes from University Extension Department; 435 ;Conference of Correspondence Instructors - - 475University Settlement, 6, 28, 49, 136, 191, 228, 251, 265, 391, 447, 564Vesper Services, Winter Quarter ... - 513Washington's Birthday Exercises - - - - 28Young Men's Christian Association - - 44