Price $U00Per Year ftbe Tftntvereit? of CbtcagoFOUNDED BY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER Single Copies5 CentsUniversity RecordPUBLISHED BY AUTHORITYCHICAGOTtbe TUniversfts ot Gbicago pressVOL, II, NO. 49. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT 3:00 P.M. MARCH 4, 1898.i.n.hi.IV.v. Entered in the post office Chicago, Illinois, as second-class matter.CONTENTS. the scene and city midst which we now do dwell, bePlace of the Pulpit in Modern Life and Thought. WOuld find that in the ^fluence of religious teachersBy Rev. N. D. Hillis, D.D. - - - - - 391-396 upon liberty, literature, art, and industry that wouldOfficial Notices - - - - - 397 fully justify the reassertion of the conviction expressedThe Graduate-Divinity Debate - - - - 397 so many centuries ago. Indeed, many students of theTh 1p1°|1S d „" _" ." J I . [ '" [ qqo rise and reign of the common people make the historyof social progress to be very largely the history ofr those teachers who have lifted up before men Christian„ „ „ . ideals and principles, as beacon lights for the humanPlace of the Pulpit in Modern Life and Thought* * * & rev. n. d. hillis, d.d. Standing before the Cathedral of Wittenberg, JeanHaving lingered long in foreign climes and countries, Paul uncovered his head and said, " The story of thePlutarch returned home to affirm that he had found German language and literature is the story of Martincities without walls, without literature, without coin Luther's pulpit." Webster through stately oration,or kings ; peoples who knew not the forum, the theater, Ruf us Choate through impassioned address, Jamesor gymnasium; "but," added the traveler, "there Anthony Froude through polished essay, have alikenever was, nor shall there ever be, a city without affirmed that the town meeting and our representativetemple, church, or chapel. Since Plutarch's time government go back to that little pulpit in the Swissmany centuries have come and gone, yet for thought- city of Geneva. In the realm of literature also it isful men the passing years have only strengthened the highly significant that Macaulay and Morley declareconviction that not until cities are hung in the air, that Shakespeare, Milton, and Tennyson receivedinstead of founded upon rock, can the ideal common- their literary instrument as a free gift from thosewealth be established or maintained without founda- monks named Cadmon and Bede, and those pastorstions of morals and religion. Were it possible for the who gave us the King James version of the Bible-ancient traveler to come forth from his tomb, and mov- Modern sermons may have become " dry as dust," yeting slowly down the aisles of time, to step foot into the time was when the English pulpit united the functions of lecture hall and library, newspaper and* The Convocation Sermon, in connection with the Twenty-first book For the Winning of our gaxon speech, MtillerConvocation, delivered in Kent Theater, Sunday, Jan- , TTT, . , , , , , , '. . , , , ,uary 2,1898, 4:00p.m. [The Sermon is copyrighted by the and Whitney take us back to the cloisters and chapelsFleming H. Eevell Company, 1898.] of old England. But Addison affirmed that the ser-392 UNIVERSITY RECORDmons of two preachers, Tillotson and Barrow, were thestandards of perfection in English writing, and projected a dictionary that had for its authority thewords and phrases used in the writings of these twopreachers, whom the essayist thought, had shapedEnglish speech and literature. Lord Chatham, oncereferred the dignity and eloquence of his style to thefact that he had committed to memory the sermons ofthe same Barrow.In our own land, speaking of the pleas for patriotismand liberty that were heard in the pulpits of NewEngland just before the revolution, Emerson said thePuritan pulpits were "the springs of American liberty."While in the realm of education, Horace Mann notesthe fact that one pastor in New Hampshire trainedone hundred men for the learned professions, andanother country pastor one hundred and fifty students,including Ezekiel and Daniel Webster.Great, indeed, has been the influence of war, politics,commerce, law, science, government, yet we must alsoconfess that the pulpit has been one of the great forcesin social progress. Be the reasons what they may theprophets of yesterday are still the social leaders oftoday. Tomorrow Moses will reenter his pulpit, andpronounce judgment, and control verdicts in everycourt of this city. Tomorrow, as Germans, we willutter the speech that Luther fashioned for us, or asSaxons use the idioms that Wycliffe and Bunyantaught our fathers. Tomorrow the groom and bridewill set up their altars, and, kindling the sacred firesof affection, they will found their home upon Paul'sprinciple, " The greatest of these is love." Tomorrowthe citizen will exercise his privilege of free thoughtand speech, and recall Guizot's words, "Democracycrossed over into Europe in the little boat that broughtPaul." Tomorrow educators will re read the Sermonon the Mount and seek to make rich the schools forthe little ones who bear God's image. Tomorrow weshall find that the great arts that enrich us were themselves made rich by teachers of the Christian religion.For great thoughts make great thinkers. Eloquentorators do not discuss petty themes. The woes ofIndia lent eloquence to Burke. Paradise lent beautyto Dante and strength to Milton. The Madonna lentloveliness to the brush of Raphael. It was the majestyof him "whom the heaven of heavens could not contain" that lent sublimity to the Cathedral of Angeloand Bramante.Christ's ideal of immortality lent sweetness to Handel and victory to his oratorio. It was the goldenrule, also, that shotted the cannons of freedom againstthe citadel of slavery and servitude. "The economicand political struggle of modern society," says the great English economist, "are in the last analysisreligious struggles — their sole solution, the life andteachings of Jesus Christ set forth through the humanvoice." In his celebrated argument in the GirardCollege case, Daniel Webster reviewed the upward progress of society, and asked this question, " Where havethe life-giving waters of civilization ever sprung up,save in the track of the Christian ministry ? " Havingexpressed the hope that American scholars had donesomething for the honor of literature abroad ; that ourcourts of justice had, to a little degree, exalted thelaw ; that the orations in Congress had tended to extend and secure the charter of human rights, the greatstatesman added these words : " But I contend thatno literary efforts, no adjudications, no constitutionaldiscussions, nothing that has ever been done or saidin favor of the great interests of universal man, hasdone this country more credit at home and abroadthan our body of clergymen." Weightier or more unqualified testimony was never pronounced. Wh ateverthe future may hold for the pulpit, the past, at least,is secure !Having affirmed the influence of the pulpit in earlyand ignorant eras, some writers now declare the pulpithas entered upon a decline, and predict its final decay.In this age of books and papers men question the needof moral instruction through the voice. Let us confess that never before have the instruments for happiness been so numerous or so accessible. The moderndevices for increasing knowledge are now so artful andinsistent, the very atmosphere of life is so chargedwith information, as almost to compel wisdom in theintelligent, and forbid illiteracy in the stupid. Forthe training of reason, the printing presses toil dayand night. For the training of the practical sense,science has increased books and stuffed the shelveswith knowledge.For the training of taste and imagination the artistprinter and photographer have united for multiplyingpictures, until without expense or travel the youth canbehold the faces of earth's greatest men, visit distantcities and historic civilization. Never before haveeducators done so much for child life and culture.As soon as the babe can walk the kindergarten standsforth to allure the little feet into the temple of knowledge. For youth also the public schools have becomeso powerful and so rich that private schools find itdifficult to live under their eaves. New forms of education also are developing. There are schools thattrain the hand to use the tool, train the arm towardself-support, fit the boy for business in the office orstore, lend skill in laying the foundations of the bridge,or springing the truss over some building. Techni-irmVSJRS'ITT JUSOOUD 393cal schools have arisen, teaching the use and controlof the electric forces, the extraction of iron from crudeores, the changing of poisons into balms and remedies,the extraction of oils and medicines from the refuseof coal and wood. Commerce and trade, too, havebecome so complex that their mastery involves aliberal education.The youth who has sharp eyes and a hungry mindcan now have culture without college. He who handlescotton goods or silk or wool, and traces the rich textureback to the looms that wove them, ponders the mechanical devices that embroidered faces and flowers uponthe silk, studies the dyes by which the white wool hasbecome crimson or black, will find that each step lendsknowledge. In all ages, life has been a university, andevents have been teachers, but never before to thesame degree as today. Indeed, the youth who in themorning goes forth to his task and walking alongwatches the method by which the streets are paved,the devices for lighting and draining them, the meansby which the taxes are raised and streets paid for ;who enters the street car to journey backward inthought and note how the rude ox-cart has becomethe palace car, who enters the market place and theforum, to buy and sell and master the devices of production and distribution, will find that knowledgecomes streaming in from every side. And to all theseindirect instruments of culture must be added the newinventions called " culture clubs." Recently a travelerin Scotland, standing upon a mountain cliff, overlooking the sea, found himself in great danger. It seemsthat the gardener desired to beautify even the steepcliffs and precipices. Loading his double-barreledshotgun with seeds of flower and vines, he fired theseeds up into the crevices of the rocks. Not otherwise,for men and women who have a few moments for restbetween the hours, has life become dangerous. Today,one can scarcely turn round the street corner withoutrunning into the president of some new culture club,who straightway empties into the victim two volleysof talk about some wisdom, old or new. The old shotgun is less dangerous than the new club.Nor must it be forgotten that practical life itself isa university. The use of fire and wind and water, theavoidance of stones and animals and poisons; themastery of the body, so as to maintain perfect healthand high pressure brain action without nerve injury ;the development of skill in carrying one's facultiesthrough the home, the store, and the street, the gaining of one's livelihood — all these are instrumentsdivinely ordained for the culture of the mind, and forthe increase of knowledge and wisdom. And in thisage, when ignorance is a luxury that only idiots can afford, and knowledge is universal, many have cometo feel that the pulpit is a waning force. It is saidthat the teaching function has been superseded bythe press, by books and magazines; that the ethicalideas of Christ are now so fully developed as to beorganized into institutions, becoming automatic, andtherefore no longer needing a special voice for theirenunciation. John said of heaven; "There shall beno temple there," nor shall any teacher need to say,Know the Lord, for all shall know him. And manyhave risen up today who assert that the pulpit of yesterday has made unnecessary the pulpit of tomorrow ;that Christianity has now been organized into oursocial, domestic, economic and political institutions,thereby becoming self -publishing. Those kind heartedpersons who once wept lest the loom and the engineshould destroy the working people are now engagedin daily shedding a few tears over the pulpit, soon tobe sadly injured by the press, the magazines, andbooks.Thoughtful men are not troubled lest some agencyarise to dispossess the pulpit. In the last analysispreaching is simply an extension of that universalfunction called conversation. It represents an attempt so to bring the truth to bear upon conductand character as to cleanse the reason, sweeten theaffections, and lend inspiration to imagination ; so asto strengthen conscience and refine the moral sentiment. The foundation of all moral instruction is inthe family, where children are influenced, not by attractions, but by the truth manifest in the voice ofthe father and the mother, who create an atmosphereabout the child. Socrates came speaking, as didPlato and Paul, as did the world's Saviour, and so longas man remains man preaching will remain, not as aluxury, but as the necessity of man's existence. Sofar from books doing away with the influence of thevoice, they seem rather to increase it. In ages whenthere were no books men sat silent in the cell or weredumb by the hearthstone. Now that a new book ispublished, like The Memoirs of Tennyson or Equality, by Bellamy, or The Christian, by Caine, thesebooks, instead of ending conversation upon the themesin question, seem rather to open into the flood gatesof speech, so that a thousand readers break forth intodiscussion who before were dumb and silent. Greatis the power of books ! Wonderful the influence ofthe press ! But the printing press is only a patentdrill that goes forth to sow the land with the greatseed of civilization. But while the drill may scatterthe wheat upon the cold ground, it may not pourwarmth about the frozen clouds or shed forth the refreshing dew or rain. When the living man called394 UNIVERSITY RECORDLuther or Whitefield or Wesley or Beecher or Brooksshines forth, then the mind lends warmth to frigidnatures, calls down dew and rain upon the newly sownseed, lends light and inspiration to dull and soddennatures.Should Plato reappear tomorrow in some hall heneed not fear lest the books have dispossessed him ofhis mission. A book is simply the mummy of a soul.A library is a graveyard where intellects are confined.A printed page catches and holds the passing thoughtand mood. Strawberries in June quickly pass andhousewives preserve them until winter. Thus booksare preserved souls. Through his works Schopenhauer has pickled himself in salt brine, just as TheAutocrat of the Breakfast Table is Holmes preservedin the sweetness of sugar. The photographer makesa copy of Juliet, but pictures will never lead Romeo toresign the sweet girl. When books on the bringingup of children make mothers unnecessary, then thepress will begin to interfere with the moral teachers.It is indeed given to the printed page to teach thetruth regarding axioms, or the nature of solids andfluids, but even then the laboratory strengthens thebook. But, so far as moral truth is concerned, thetruth is never the full truth until it is organized intopersonality, and flashes in the eye, or thrills in thevoice, or glows in the reason, or guides through soundjudgment. And so long as life is full of strife andconflict, so long as men are the children of misfortune,adversity, and defeat ; so long as troubles roll overthe earth like sheeted storms ; so long as dark mindsneed light and inspiration, and the pilgrim band,floundering through the wilderness, needs a leader,and a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire bynight, will religion remain the guide, the hope, thefriend and support of the people.Preaching is man-making, man-mending, and character-building. On the one side it is a science — thescience of the development of all the powers, animal,mental, moral, and social ; the subordination of thelower impulses to the higher faculties, the symmetryand harmonization of all. The genius of preaching istruth in personality. Mighty is the written word ofGod, but the word never conquered until it was"made flesh." Truth in the book is crippled.Truth in the intellectual system is a skeleton.Truth in personality is life and power. Always theprinted philosophy is less than the speaking philosopher. Wallace and Bruce had their power over theclansmen, not by written orders, but by riding at thehead of the host. By the torch of burning speechPeter and Bernard kindled the ardor of crusaders,When to Luther's thought was added Luther's per sonality, Germany was freed. Savonarola's argumentswere brought together in a solid chain of logic, but ithas been said that his flaming heart made the chainof logic to be " chain lightning." The printed truthcuts with a sharp edge, the spoken truth burns aswell as cuts. Men have indeed been redeemed by thetruth in black ink on white paper, but the truthquadruples its force when it is bound up in nerves,muscles, and sinews. The soul may be taught bytravel, books, friends, occupation. Yet, these truthsstand in the outer court of the soul. It is not givento them to enter into the secret holy of holies, wherethe hidden life doth dwell. Preaching is plying menwith the eternal principles of duty and destiny, so asto give warmth to the frigid, wings to the dull andlow-flying, clarity to reason, accuracy to moral judgment, force to aspiration, and freedom to faith. Truthis the arrow, but speech is the bow that sends ithome.The nature and functions of preaching grow out ofthe divine method of education and growth for men.God governs rocks by gravity, bees by instinct, treesby those grooves called natural laws. Man governs hislocomotive by two rails and the flanges upon the sideof the wheel. But man made in God's image is thechild of liberty, and God governs the pilgrim hostthrough moral teachers, into whose minds greattruths are dropped from heaven, and these men aresent on before the advancing multitude, to lead themaway from the slough, to guide them out of the wilderness, and open up some spring in the desert. It ispossible to enrich dead things from the outside. Softwood may be veneered with mahogany, nickel may becoated with silver, and silver plated with gold, butliving things must be developed from the inside.Would the husbandman have a rich flush upon therose ? Let him feed the roots. Would the motherhave the bloom of beauty upon the cheek of the child ?Let her feed the babe with good food, and the pureblood on the inside will lend the rosy tint to the cheekon the outside. Men cannot be made wise or strongor moral by exterior laws or agencies. There are twoways to help a thriftless man. One is to build him ahouse and place him therein. The other is to inspirein him the sense of industry, economy, adn ambition,and then he will build his own house. All tools,books, pictures, laws, on the outside, begin with ideason the inside. Inspire the reason and man will fill thelibrary with books. Wake up the taste and imagination in young men, and they will fill the galleries withpictures. Stir the springs of justice, and men will goforth to cleanse iniquities and right wrongs. Quickenthe inventive faculty and men will create tools andUNIVERSITY RECORD 395machines. It is as useless to seek to make men goodor wise by law as to adorn leafless trees by tying waxflowers to bare branches. The time was when mentalked about being clothed with righteousness andcharacter, as if God was a wholesale goods merchant,and kept great bales of integrity, and cut off a newsuit for each poor sinner. But righteousness andcharacter are not made for man on the outside. Love,joy, justice represent something done with man onthe inside. Our politicians talk about over-production.In reality our industrial troubles are based upon under-hunger. If we could open up a hundred mouths ineach living man the cry of over-production would cease.The slave had only three mouths. He wanted a loaf, acotton garment, a little tobacco. Therefore he boughtlittle, manufacturing languished, and the slave statesbecame poor.But as the free laborer became educated, he wantedvariety in foods, variety in clothes, wanted books, pictures, comforts, conveniences, and he bought widely,and all the northern factories were busy day andnight to supply his hundredfold hunger. Could weby sudden fiat of education open up a score of newwants and hungers through the quickening of thesoul within, the new spiritual awakening would appear in a thousand forms of industry and occupation.The great spiritual principles of Jesus Christ are themost powerful stimulants to material civilization thatthe world has ever seen. It is said that Shakespeare'spoems bring thousands of visitors to Stratford everyyear. His poems indirectly have created more wealthfor the people of Stratford than any of the factoriesor looms in that thriving city. It is still an openquestion whether Wycliffe with his translation of theScriptures has done as much for the commerce of England as did Watt when he invented the tools thatWycliffe had first made necessary. Shaftesbury oncesaid that Charles Spurgeon, without discussing problems of government, had done more for social reformand progress than any statesman of his era.In former ages and generations doubtless men haveneeded to come in from the field and factory, storeand street, and, coming together in one spot, havesought to cleanse the grime from their garments, tosharpen the spiritual faculties, to cast out selfishness,to test the deeds of life by Christ's principles, just asan artist, when his eye is jaded, tests the blue tint bythe sapphire or the red by the ruby. But in thesedays many believe that church going is no longerobligatory ; that sermons have lost their juice andfreshness, and, having gone to church once in a month,they feel that they have placed the Almighty undereverlasting obligations. Gone now a certain sanctityof the Sabbath, a certain reverence for the church, acertain refinement of conscience, a certain clarityand purity of moral judgment. Gone, also, the oldera when the beggar was unknown in the little Christian community, when children and youth grew upwithout ever having beheld a drunkard, a thief, or amurderer, and when the door of the house or thegranary had no lock or bar. Now one-half of the community never crosses the threshold of a church, eitherCatholic or Protestant. Multitudes, also, decline themoral obligations, and there has come a time when thepoorhouse overflows, when the jails are full, when judges must work day and night to overtake thecriminals.Well has a great editor just said that this republicneeds tools and culture less than it needs a revivalof the moral imperative. From the view point of thepublicist, this writer expresses the wish that for atime this nation might have two Sundays a week, fortoning up its jaded moral sense, A great multitudeof our people have laid the ten commandments on thetable by a two-thirds majority. Indeed, they seem tohave written and revised the old commandments sothat they now read : Thou shalt have gods of self andease and pleasure before me ; thou shalt worshipthine own imaginations as to houses and goods andbusiness, and bow down and serve them ; thou shaltremember the Sabbath day, to see to it that all itshours are given to sloth and lounging and stuffing thebody with rich foods, leaving the children of sorrowand ignorance to perish in their sodden misfortune ;thou shalt kill and slay men by doing as little as possible thyself, and squeezing as much as possible outof others. Thou shalt look upon loveliness in womanhood to soil it with impurity. Thou shalt steal daily,the employer from the servant, and the servant fromhis employer, and the devil take the hindmost. Thoushalt get thy livelihood by weaving a great web offalsehoods and sheathing thyself in lies. Thou shaltcovet thy neighbor's house to possess it for thyself ;thou shalt covet his office and his farm, his goods andhis fame, and everything that is his. And to crownall these laws, the devil has added a new commandment— Thou shalt hate thy brother as thou dost hatethyself.Into this piteous lot have multitudes come. Andthere is restlessness in the heart, unhappiness in thehome, hate in the task, anarchy in the street, whoseend is chaos, destruction, and death. Plato has a pre-Christian statement as to the function of preaching,and its relation to social happiness and progress. "Thethings that destroy us are injustice, insolence, andfoolish thoughts; and the things that save us arejustice, self-command, and true thought, which thingsdwell in the living powers of God. Wherefore ourbattle is immortal. The angels and God fight withus as teachers, and we are their possessions."In his Yale address ex-President White lamentedthat young men were turning from the learned professions to enter trade and commerce. Materialism,he thought, was an evil spirit that had given its cupof sorcery to youth, and beguiled them from the pathsof noble scholarship and the intellectual life. Gonethe poets Longfellow, Lowell, Bryant, Whittier. Gonethe historians Bancroft, Motley, Prescott. Gone thegreat orators and statesmen. Gone also the era whenyoung men like Channing and Starr King, Swing andBeecher and Brooks, entered the ministry. And, remembering that in New England the clergymen havefounded the academies and colleges, and that in scoresof families like the Emersons there had been seven generations of clergymen who had wrought in the pulpit,the lecture hall, or taken up the pen of author or editor,the great educator predicted disaster would befall oureager American society. But not the emoluments ofcommerce alone explain the drift of young men awayfrom the ministry. The ministry is not an easy life.396 UNIVERSITY RECORDNo profession makes demands so numerous or so sternupon nerve and brain, upon mind and heart. In formertimes, when books were scarce, religious newspapersunknown, and knowledge was not universal, preaching was not a difficult task, and it was easily possiblefor a clergyman to preach a sermon three hours longin the morning and repeat it at night without thecongregation recognizing it. Now all the hearers havebooks and libraries, and the pew of today is wiser thanthe pulpit of yesterday. The time has come when thepreacher must be a universal scholar. He must makehimself an expert in social reform ; master the factsas to illiteracy, vice, and crime ; study the tenement-house question ; all social movements in connectionwith settlements and methods of Christian work. Hemust carry his studies into physiology and hygiene tonote how low and abnormal physical conditions affectthe conscience and the spiritual state.Giving up the theological reading with which theclergymen of a former generation^have made the peopleacquainted, he must study history, politics, the riseo!: law, and free institutions, the movements of art,the history of philosophy, and, above all else, no factsin connection with science must be permitted to escapehis notice. For his illustrations he must draw fromthe sciences of stars and stones and animals and plants.To keep step with his work he must read each monthsome review that deals with the general plans, like theForum or the North American Review, the reviewupon finance, upon reform, upon labor, upon education,upon his own special problems, not forgetting theforeign quarterlies and magazines. In addition to allthis there will be at least a hundred volumes each yearthat he must go through thoroughly, if possible, orhurriedly if crowded. There are also public dutiesand demands. Today he enters a home in which somewoman with little children clinging to her dress andcrying bitterly stands beside a young father, now dying. He returns home to find some youth, the child ofpoverty and orphanage, but of genius also, who needshelp and assistance. When evening falls there comesthe intellectual stress and task, with a thousand dutiesfor which preparation must be made.Immeasurable the demands upon nerve and brain.Now and then one arises who is called to the ministryby his distant ancestors, whose father loved moralthemes, and had a vision and the outlook upon therealm invisible, whose mother had enthusiasm, imagination, and moral sentiment — gateways, these, throughwhich God's angels come trooping — and father andmother, through heredity, call the child to the ministry. For such a one teaching is automatic andpreaching is instinctive, and the work itself is medicinal and recuperative. But even upon these men,like Robertson and Channing and Bushnell, the merestrain of delivery is such as to send them home fromthe pulpit in the state of nervous collapse from whichthey do not recover until Tuesday or Wednesday.With many the recoil dismounts the cannon. In thesedays no man would be equal to the difficulties of theministry were it not for the happiest of the professionsbringing its own rewards, carrying medicine to cureits exhaustions.No other occupation or profession offers such liberty and personal freedom* The politician is a threadcaught in the texture of his party and has little freedom. The merchant must buy and sell what thepeople want and must serve them. The lawyer mustmove in the groove digged by the mistake or sin ofhis client, while the clergyman is freely permitted toteach the great eternal principles of God, and hesteers by the stars. Great is the power of the press.But the press writer has no personal contact with thereader ; must report things evil often as well as good.Great is the power of the law. But law is litigiousand the jurist must struggle oftentimes for weeks ormonths to settle some quarrel or correct some injustice, dealing, as Webster said, with negatives oftentimes. Great is the power of the physician. But unfortunately, in influencing his patient his personalitymust first of all work upon an abnormal conditionand when the patient is restored to health and readyto receive the physician's personality, his task is done.But this advantage adheres in the ministry. It emphasizes the great positive moralities, it handles themost powerful stimulants the world has ever known— eternal truths. It plies men with divine inspirations. It deals with the greatest themes life holds —God, Christ, conscience, reason, sin, salvation, culture,character, duty, immortal destiny. When all otherarts have been secured, it teaches the art of rightliving. When all other sciences have been mastered,it teaches the science of conduct at home, the market,and the forum. It puts its stamp, not into wood thatwill rot, not into iron that will rust, not into colorsthat will fade, but into the minds and hearts that areimmortal. Multiply the honors and emoluments ofthe other occupations one hundredfold and theyneed them all to compensate for the happiness andopportunity of the Christian ministry, seeking to makethe church a college for the ignorant, a hospital forhurt hearts, an armory from which man may receiveweapons, that opens up springs in life's desert, plantsa palm in life's burning sands.Well did John Ruskin say that the issues of lifeand death for modern society are in the pulpit : "Precious indeed those thirty minutes by which the teachertries to get at the separate hearts of a thousand mento convince them of all their weaknesses, to shame themfor all their sin, to warn them of all their dangers, totry by this way and that to stir the hard fastenings ofthe doors where the Master himself has stood andknocked yet none opened, and to call at the openingsof those dark streets where Wisdom herself hathstretched forth her hands and no man regarded.Thirty minutes to raise the dead in." And he whohath known the joy of encouraging some noble youthwho is discouraged, the rapture that comes when atleast one who hath become long snared and held inthe cruel trap hath been freed, the joy of feeling thatblind eyes have come to see things unseen and deafears to hear notes that once were unheard, or hathswung wide some dungeon door to lead forth someprisoner of conscience, will know that it is no professionthat conceals such hidden springs, receives such hiddenmessages, is fed with such buoyancy and happiness asthe ministry— the Christian teacher, who brings divinetruth to men for God's sake and for man's sake.UNIVERSITY RECORD 397Official Notices.REGISTRATION FOR THE SPRING QUARTER.Students in residence will register with the Deansfor the Spring Quarter as follows :Graduate Schools and Senior Colleges.Men : Dean Terry (9 A, Cobb Hall), Monday,March 7, 10:00-1:00, and 2:30-3:30; Tuesday,March 8, 10:00-1:00 and 2:30-3:30; Wednesday,March 9, 3:00-4:00.Women: Dean Talbot (4 A, Cobb Hall), Monday,March 7, 10: 00-1 : 00 and 2: 30-3: 30 ; Tuesday, March 8,9:00-11:00; 12:00-1:00 and 2:30-3:30; Wednesday,March 9, 12:00-1:00.Divinity Schools.Dean Hulbert (Haskell Museum, Room 15), Monday,March 7 to Wednesday March 9, inclusive, 9:30-10:30.Junior Colleges.Dean Capps (4 A, Cobb Hall), Wednesday, March 7to Friday, March 21, inclusive :Division L— Wednesday , 9 : 30-11 : 00.II.— Wednesday, 2: 00-4: 00." III.— Thursday, 9: 30-11:00.IV.— Thursday, 2:00-4:00.V.— Friday, 9:30-11:00." VI.— Friday, 2 : 00-4 : 00.Unclassified Students.Dean Ma'cClintock (4 A, Cobb Hall), Monday,March 14, 9 : 00-10 : 30 and 2 : 00-5 : 00.JUNIOR DIVISION CONTESTS IN DECLAMATION.Successful Contestants.The following were the successful contestants in theJunior Division Contests held Thursday afternoon,February 24, at 4 o'clock.Division I. — A. A. Ettelson.II— H. N. Gottlieb." III.— R. B. Tabor.IV.— G. A. Beers.V.— A. E. Bestor." VI. — No contest.The Final Examination of Herbert Joseph Davenport for the degree of Ph.D. will be held on Friday,March 4, 1898, at 3:00 p.m. in Room C 3, Cobb Hall.Principal subject, Political Economy ; secondary subject, Political Science. Thesis : " The French WarIndemnity." Committee: Head Professor Laughlin,Professor James, Assistant Professor Clifford H.Moore, and all other instructors in the departmentsimmediately concerned.The Final Examination of.Lisi Cecilia Ciprianifor the degree of Ph.D. will be held on Wednesday, March 16, 1898, at 2: 00 p.m., in Room C 14, Cobb Hall.Principal subject, French ; secondary subject, Italian.Thesis : " Gui de Bourgogne, a Critical Edition, withIntroduction, Notes and Glossary." Committee,Assistant Professor Howland, Assistant ProfessorBruner, Associate Professor Cutting, and all otherinstructors in the departments immediately concerned.The Final Examination of Herbert EllsworthSlaught for the degree of Ph.D. will be held on Friday, March 18, 1898, at 2 : 30 p.m., in Room 36, RyersonPhysical Laboratory. Principal subject, Mathematics ;secondary subject, Astronomy. Thesis: "The CrossRatio Group of 120 Quadratic Cremona Transformations of the Plane." Committee : Head ProfessorMoore, Professor George E. Hale, Associate ProfessorCastle, and all other instructors in the departmentsimmediately concerned.The Final Examination of Henry Chandler Cowlesfor the degree of Ph.D. will be held on Friday,March 18, 1898, at 2:30 p.m. in the Botany Building.Principal subject, Botany ; secondary subject, Geology.Thesis : " An Ecological Study of the Sand DuneFlora of Northern Indiana." Committee : Head Professors Coulter and Cbamberlin, Associate ProfessorStratton, and all other instructors in the departmentimmediately concerned.The Final Examination of Edgar Johnson Good-speed for the degree of Ph.D. will be held Monday,March 21, at 11: 00 a.m., in Haskell, Room 28. Principalsubject, New Testament Interpretation; secondarysubject, Hebrew. Thesis: "The Newberry MS. of theGospels." Committee : Head Professors Burton andHarper, Professor Tarbell, and all other instructorsin the departments immediately concerned.The Graduate-Divinity Debate.James L. Bynum and Samuel R. Robinson are thetwo men selected to represent the Divinity School inthe Divinity-Graduate Debate for the Joseph Letterprize, March 18.Religious.At the vesper services during the current Quartera series of lectures is being given on " The Placeof Christianity in the History of the World." Theseare the remaining topics :March 6.— The Christianity of Today. Rev. NewellDwight Hillis, D.D.March 13.— Christianity of the Future. Rev. JohnHenry Barrows.398 UNIVERSITY RECORDCalendar.MARCH 4-12, 1898.Friday, March 4.Graduate-Assembly : — Chapel, Cobb Lecture Hall,10:30 a.m.Final Examination of H. J. Davenport, Cobb Hall,C3, 3:00 p.m. (seep. 397).Philological Society meets in Cobb Lecture Hall,Room B 2, 8:00 p.m.Associate Professor Buck : " The Spelling of PrepositionalCompounds in Latin."Assistant Professor Bruner : " The Historical Developmentof the personal Pronouns in the Tuscan dialects."Saturday, March 5.Administrative Board of Physical Culture andAthletics, 8:30 a.m.Administrative Board of Student Organizations, Publications, and Exhibitions, 10:00 a.m.The University Senate, 11:30 a.m.Sunday, March 6.Vesper Service. Kent Theater, 4:00 p.m.Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D.D., on "The Christianityof Today."Union meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.,Haskell Oriental Museum, Assembly Room, 7: 00 p.m.Monday, March 7.Registration for the Spring Quarter begins.Chapel -Assembly : Junior Colleges. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m. (required of Junior CollegeStudents).New Testament Club meets with Head Professor E. D.Burton, 5524 Monroe av., 7:30 p.m.Programme : Lives of Christ.— F. D. Elmer : General Bibliography. R. B. Davidson: Weiss' Life of Christ.O. J. Price: Edersheim's Jesus the Messiah. E. I).Varney: Andrew's Life of our Lord. Professor Mathews: Critical Estimates.Tuesday, March 8.Chapel-Assembly : Senior Colleges. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m. (required of Senior CollegeStudents).Lecture before Junior Division I, B 8, Cobb LectureHall, 10:30 a.m.Lecture before Junior Divisions II-IV, A 6, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m.Lecture before Junior Division V, Kent Laboratory,Room 20, 10:30 a.m.Botanical Club meets in the Botanical Building,Room 23, 5:00 p.m.Wm. D. Merrell will speak on "The Homologies of theGrass Embryo" as presented in recent articles by VanTieghem and Celakovski.Dr. Chas. Chamberlain will give an historical sketch ofthe Centrosome Question. The "Forum" meets in Assembly Room, HaskellOriental Museum, 7:00 p.m.University Chorus, Kent Theater, 7:15 p.m.Joint Meeting of Sociological and Philosophical ClubsLecture Room, Cobb Lecture Hall, 8: 00 p.m. 'Discussion of Baldwin's " Social and Ethical Interpretations," by members of the faculties of both departments!Wednesday, March 9.Geological Club meets in the Lecture Room of WalkerMuseum, 4:30 p.m.Lecture before Senior Divisions I and II, FacultyRoom, Haskell Oriental Museum, 5:00 p.m.Bacteriological Club meets in Room 40, ZoologicalBuilding, 5:00 p.m.H. E. Davies : " The Production of Diphtheria Toxin."M. Cohen : " Immunity to Diphtheria."Prayer Meeting of the Y. M. C. A., Lecture RoomCobb Lecture Hall, 7:00 p.m.Philolexian Society meets in Room B 15, Cobb Lecture Hall, 8:00 p.m.English Club meets in the English Library, CobbLecture Hall, 8:00 p.m.O. L. Triggs: " On the Study of English Masterpieces," byProfessor J. Scott Clark, of Northwestern University.Thursday, March 10.Chapel-Assembly : Divinity School. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m. (see p. 387).Lecture before Junior Division VI, Faculty Room,Haskell Oriental Museum, 1:30 p.m.Lecture before Senior Divisions III-VI, AssemblyRoom, Haskell Oriental Museum, 5 : 00 p.m.University Chorus, Kent Theater, 7:15 p.m.Address before the Students of the Divinity School,Haskell Assembly Room, 7: 30 p.m.Rev. P. S. Henson, D.D., on " The Preacher's Choice ofSubjects."Friday, March 11.Graduate Assembly : — Chapel, Cobb Lecture Hall,10:30 a.m.Mathematical Club meets in Ryerson Physical Laboratory, Room 35, 4:00 p.m.H. E. Slaught: " On a Ternary Quadratic Cremona Groupof Order 120" (Second paper).Head Prof essor Moore : " Concerning Cantor' swell-orderedTotalities " (Conclusion) .Note: "An Example of Curvilinear Coordinates," by Mr.Duke.Saturday, March 12,Administrative Board of the University Press, 8:30 a.m.Faculty of the Junior Colleges, 10:00 a.m.The University Council, 11:30 a.m.Material for the UNIVERSITY EECOSD must be sent to the Recorder by THURSDAY, 8:30 A.M., inorder to be published in the issue of the same week.