Price $J«50 Per Year Single Copies 5 CentsUniversity RecordCHICAGOGbe TantvereitB ot Cblcago pressVOL. II, NO. 4. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT 3:00 P.M. APRIL 23, Entered in the post office Chicago, Illinois, as second-class matter.CONTENTS. periodicals.Academy .... -CThTc^oel0St5>eeTart^t?eyni:erSi.ty°! 29-87 Aota Mathematics -Stockholm - -School Record, Notes, and Plan, XXI : The Uni- Admimstraci6n (La). Madrid -versity of Chicago School 37-38 Advance, Chicago ....oiSSl^teS :::::::: 38-1 *»*«»•*» °f *°™ - - - •Official Reports: The Library 39 Albany Law Journal -Religions 39 Allemannia -----The Divinity and Graduate Debate - - - - 39 Allgemeino Zeitschrift fur Psycbiatrie undThe Botanical Club 39-40 *. J.The Academy Convocation 40 psychisch-genchtliche MedicmCurrent Events 40 Allgemeines statistisches ArchivThe Calendar 40 Am Urquell. — Americana Germanica - - - -American Annals of the D?af„ - .. " AnthropologistCurrent Periodicals received by The University of « AntiquarianChicago in all its Departments. •• Banker ..... " Baptist FlagNOTB.-The following list of journals does not include many ., Cathoiic Quarterly Reviewyear-books, published by Governments and Societies. „ Chemical JournalThe Departmental Libraries are at present located as „ Econ Asgo> PublicationSj Balt. -f0li°W8: •• Engineer ....Cobb Hall : B 3 and 4, Classical Languages, Archroology and „ Geologist -Comparative Philology; B 11, German; B 15, Romance; C4 „ Hebrewand 5, Political Economy and History ; C 12, Political Scienceand Sociology ; C 16, Philosophy ; D 3, English ; D 10, Pedagogy.Haskell Library, Haskell Museum, third floor, 35, contains theDepartmental Libraries of Comparative Religion, Semitic Languages and Literatures, Biblical and Patristic Greek, and ofthe Divinity School.Walker Museum: second floor, Geology and Botany. Thirdfloor, Palaeontology and Anthropology.Ryerson Physical Laboratory : Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy (in part), Physiology.Kent Chemical Laboratory: Chemistry, General Biology,Zoology, Anatomy and Neurology.Gymnasium : Physical Culture Library.As soon as the Hull Biological Laboratories are completedthe Biological Departments will remove their libraries to thenew buildings. Historical Review -Journal of ArchaeologyJournal of Education, ChicagoJournal of MathematicsJournal of Medical SciencesJournal of Philology -Journal of PsychologyJournal of ScienceJournal of Semitic Languagesand Literatures - - -Journal of Sociology -Journal of TheologyLaw Register and Review General and EngMathematicsPol. Econ.HaskellHaskellPolitical ScienceGermanNeurologyPol. Econ.AnthropologyGermanSociologyAnthropologyAnthropologyPol. Econ.HaskellSociologyChem. & Y's Obs.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.GeologyHaskellHist., Pol. Science& SociologyClass. Arch.PedagogyMath. & Y's Obs.NeurologyComp. Philol.PhilosophyPhysics, Geology*Yerkes Obs.HaskellSociologyHaskellPolitical Science30 UNIVERSITY RECORDPEKIODICALS.American Law Review•' Machinist" Mathematical Monthly" Naturalist -" Statistical Assoc. Publications" University MagazineAnatomischer AnzeigerAnatomische Hefte -Anglia --.---Annalen der Chemie -Annalen der Physik und ChemieAnnalen d. K. K. naturhistor. HofnmseumsAnnales de chimie et de physique" de la faculty des sci. de Toulouse" del institute de segunda ensenanza,Habana -" de 1'institute des sciences sociales" de 1'institute Pasteur" du jardin botanique de Buitenzorg" de la soc. geologique de Belgique" de micrographie -" de mines -" des sciences naturelles botan.u des sciences naturelles zool." des politiques et literaires" scientifiques de 1'ecole normalesuperieure -Annali di matliematica ...Annals and Magazine of Natural History" of Amer. Academy" of Botany -'• of Mathematics -Anthony's Photographic BulletinAnthropologie (L') -Antiquary -----Anti-Vivisection - - - - -Appleton's Popular Sci. MonthlyArbeiten aus d. kaiserl. GesundheitsamteArbeiter-Kolonie -Archivas T'Oung PaoArchiv d. Mathematik und Physik -" ftir Anatomie und Entwickelungs-geschichte - - - -ftir Anthropologief. d. Studium der neuern Spraclienund Litteraturenfar die Ges. Physiologieftir Eisenbahnwesenftir Entwickelungsmechanik d. Or-ganismen -ftir experimentelle Pathol, u. Phar.ftir Geschichte der Philosophieftir Hygiene -ftir lateinische Lexicographieftir mikroskopische Anatomieftir N aturgeschichteftir Ohrenheilkundeftir Ophthalmologicftir pathalog. Anatomie und Physiologie und ftir klin. Medicinftir Physiologieftir Psychiatrie und Nervenkrank-heiten -ftir slavische Philologie I Political Science &[ Pol. EconomyYerkes Obs.MathematicsGeneral BiologySociologyPedagogyAnatomyAnatomyEnglishChemistryPhys. & Y's Obs.GeologyChem. & Y's Obs.MathematicsPedagogySociologyZoologyBotanyGeologyZo5logyGeologyBotanyZoologyRomanceMathematicsMathematicsPaiseontologyPol. Econ. & Soc.BotanyMath. & Y's Obs.Yerkes Obs.AnthropologyHistoryGeneralPol.Ec.,Soc.,Geo].ZoologySociologyAnthropologyMathematicsAnatomyAnthropologyGermanPhysiologyPol. Econ.ZoologyPhysiologyPhilosophyZoologyClassicalAnatomyPalaeontologyNeurologyNeurologyPhysiologyPhysiologyNeurologyComp. Philol. PEEIODICALS.Archiv ftir soziale Gesetzgebung und Sta-tistik -" ftir systematische PhilosophieArchives d'anthropologie criminelle" de biologie -' ' de neurologie -" de physiologie normale et pathol. -" des sciences physiques et naturelles" dezoologie experiment, et generale" italiennes de biologie -Archivio per 1'antropologia e l'etnologiaArchivio storico italiano -Arena ------Arkiv f6r nordisk Filologi -Art Education -----Association (L') catholiqueAstronomical Journal -Astronomische NachrichtenAstrophysical Journal .Athenaeum -----Atlantic Monthly -Bankers' MagazineBanking Law JournalBaptist Banner -----Baptist Outlook -Baptist Union -----Beiblatter zu den Annalen der Physik undChemie -Beihefte zum botanischen CentralblattBeitrage zur Assyriologie -" zur Gesch. der deutschen Sprache" zur Kunde der indogermanischenSprachen -" zur pathol. Anat. u. allg. Pathol.Berichte der deutschen botan. Gesellschaft" der deutschen chem. Gesellschaft" der Naturforscher-Gesellschaft zuFreiburg -Berliner philologische Wochenschrift -Beweis des Glaubens -Biblia Biblical Archseol. Society, ProceedingsBiblical World -Bibliographie de la FranceBibliotheca mathematica -" zoOlogica . - - -" sacra -Bibliotheque de 1'ecole des chartesBiologisches CentralblattBlatter ftir das bayerische Gymnasial- undRealschulwesen -Boletin de la instruciOn libre de ensenanzaBlatter ftir pommersche VolkskundeBookman -----Boston Journal of CommerceBotanical Gazette ... -Botanical papers from Philos. Transac. ofRoyal Soc, LondonBotanische Jahrbticher f. Systematik, Pilan-zengeschichte u. Pflanzengeographie -Botanische Zeitung - - - -Bradstreets -Brain - - - - "LIBRAEYoPol. Econ.PhilosophyAnthropologyZoologyNeurologyPhysiologyYerkes Obs.ZoologyPhysiologyAnthropologyHistoryPol. Econ.GermanPedagogySociologyistron. & Y's Obs.Astron. & Y's Obs.Astron. & Y's Obs.English & GeneralGeneralPol. Econ.Pol. Econ.HaskellHaskellHaskellPhysicsBotanyHaskellGermanComp. PhiloLNeurologyBotanyChemistryZoologyClassicalHaskellHaskellHaskellHaskellSociologyMathematicsZoologyHaskell & SocioLHistory & Rom.Gen. Biol.ClassicalPedagogyAnthropologyGeneral & EnglishPol. Econ.BotanyBotanyBotanyBotanyPol. Econ.NeurologyUNIVERSITY RECORD 31PERIODICALS.Bulletin astronomique" critique -de corresp. hellenique" de folklore -de l'herbier boissierde l'office du travailde la soci6t6 beige d'astronomiede la soci6t6 chimique de Parisde la society d'anthropologie deParis -de la soci6t6 geologique de Francede la soci6t6 mathematiquede la soci6te" royale de g6ographied'Anvers -des sciences mathematiques -de statistique et de legislationcomparee -municipal official, Parisof American Palaeontologyof the American GeographicalSociety ....of the American Math. Societyof the National Association ofWool Manufacturersof the Torrey Botanical Club -russe de statistique flnanciere,etc. -scientiflque de la France et de laBelgique -Bulletti del centre excursionista de Cata-llunya --.._.Bulletins de l'academie royale de BelgiqueBulletins de la soci6t6 anatomique de Parisf>ullattino della commissione archeologicacomunale di RomaCalabria .....Canada Educational MonthlyCanadian Teacher ....Case and Comment ....Cellule (La) Central Baptist ....Centralblatt fur allgem. Gesundheitspflegefur allgemeine Pathologie u.pathologische Anatomiefur Bakteriologie, Parasiten-kunde u. Infektionskrank-heiten ....fur BibliothekswesenfttrChirurgie - - -fur die medicinischen Wissen-schaftenfur innere Medicin -fftr Nervenheilkunde und Psy-chiatrie -fftr Physiologie -Contralorgan fftr die Interessen des Real-schulwesens ....Centralzeitung fftr Mechanik und Optik -Central PresbyterianCentury Magazine ....Cesky'Lid Chap-Book Charities Review - LIBRARY. PERIODICALS. LIBRARY.Astron. & Y's Obs. Charity Organization Review Sociology¦ Haskell Chautauquan - Sociology]Class. Arch. Chemical News - ChemistryAnthropology Chemiker Zeitung - - ChemistryBotany Chemisches Centralblatt - ChemistryPol. Ec. & Sociol. Chicago Commons - Sociologyi Yerkes Obs. Child Study Monthly - PedagogyChemistry China Review - . - AnthropologyChristian Advocate . - . . ¦ HaskellAnthropology " Evangelist HaskellGeology 44 Herald - • HaskellMathematics 44 Index .... Haskell44 Intelligencer - ¦ HaskellGeology 44 Leader .... HaskellMathematics 44 Literature - Haskell & Sociol.44 News .... HaskellPol. Econ. 44 Observer - HaskellSociology 44 Oracle - HaskellGeology 44 Register - Haskell44 Standard .... HaskellGeology Church at Home and Abroad Sociol. & HaskellMath. & Y's Obs. Church Social Union Pol. Econ.Ciel et terre - Yerkes Obs.Pol. Econ. Classical Review - ClassicalBotany Colliery Engineer - GeologyColorado School Journal - PedagogyPol. Econ. Columbia University BulletinColumbia Univ. Contributions to Philos Recorder's OfficeZoology ophy ......Columbia Univ., Studies in History, Econo PedagogyAnthropology mics and Public Law Pol. Econ.Yerkes Obs. Commercial Bulletin Pol. Econ.Anatomy Commercial and Financial Chronicle Pol. Econ.Commonwealth - HaskellClassical Comptos rendus des s6ances de l'academiedes inscriptions et belles-lettres HaskellAnthropology Comptes rendus des stances de l'academiePedagogy des sciences. - Yerkes Obs.Pedagogy Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des stPolitical Science ances de la soci6t6 de biologie PhysiologyZoology Congregationalist .... HaskellHaskell Contemporary Review Political ScienceZoology Correspondenzblatt fftr niederdeutscheSprachforschung GermanNeurology Cosmopolitan ..... GeneralCritic ---.-. English & GeneralCritical Review - HaskellZoology Cumulative Index-Periodicals Pol. Econ. & Gen.General Current Literature .... SociologyGeneral BiologyGen. ral Biology Deutsche Litteraturzeitung - GermanGeneral Biology 44 medicinische Wochenschrift Neurology44 Revue - German & Sociol.Neurology 44 Rundschau GermanPhysiology 44 Rune ..... German44 Worte .... Pol. Econ.Pedagogy 44 Zeitsch. f . Geschichtswissenschaf t HistoryYerkes Obs. 44 Zeitschrift fftr Nervenheilkunde NeurologyHaskell 44 Zeitschrift fftr Thiermedicin undGeneral vergleichende Pathologie Gen. Biol.Anthropology Devenir sociale (Le) SociologyGeneral Dial Engl. & Pol. EconSociology Dolgeville Herald Y's Obs. & Sociol.32 UNIVERSITY RECORDPERIODICALS.Economic Journal - - -" Review44 StudiesEconomist ------Economist, London - ...Economista (L') - - - - -Economiste frangais - -Education ------Education (London) -Education Courant -Educational Gazette -44 Journal -44 News, Edinburgh44 News, Glasgow -44 Review, N. Y.44 Review, Charlottesville, Can.44 Review, Columbia College -44 Review, St. Johns, Can.44 Times, LondonEducator ------Electrical Review -Electrical World -Electrician -Elite Emancipation (L') - - - -Engineering -----Engineering and Mining JournalEngineering Magazine -Englische Studien ... -English Historical Review'E(j>rifieplg 'Apxcuokoyt/crjEpiscopal Recorder -Erythea .... -Espana (La) moderna -Ethical Addresses - - - -Ethnographia -Etudes religieuses, phil., hist., lit.Euphorion - - - -Evangel, and Sabbath OutlookEvangelist -----Examiner ------ExpositorExpository Times - - Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.PedagogyPedagogyPedagogyGeneralPedagogyPedagogyPedagogyPedagogyPedagogyPedagogyPedagogy & Math.PedagogyPhysicsPhysicsPhysicsGeneralSociologyYerkes Obs.Geology & Sociol.Physics & Sociol.EnglishHistory & HaskellClass Arch.HaskellBotanyRomancePhilosophyAnthropologyHaskellGermanHaskellHaskellHaskellHaskellHaskellFackel ------Faith's Record - - -Fliegende Blatter aus dem rauhen HauseFlora Forstlich-naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschr.Fortnightly Review - - -Fortschritte der PhysikForum - - - - - -.Friends Intelligencer and JournalGazzetta chimica italianaGeografia per tutti dott. Francesco VillardiGeographical Journal - - -Geological Magazine ....Germanica -----Germanistische AbhandlungenGiornale degli economistiGiornale di matematiche -Giornale storico della letteratura italiana Pol. Econ.SociologySociologyBotanyGeneral BiologyPolitical SciencePhysics( General, PoliticalI Econ. & Pol. Sci.HaskellChemistryPedagogyGeologyGeologyPedagogyGermanPol. Econ.MathematicsRomance PERIODICALS. LIBRARY.Globus - - - - - - SociologyGolden Rule - - ¦ - - - HaskellGood Government ... - SociologyGunton's Magazine ... . Pol. Econ. & ScGymnasium - - - - - Physical Cultur<Harper's Magazine - - - - GeneralHarper's Weekly - - - - Physical CulturHartford Seminary Record - - Haskell & Pol. IHarvard Law Review - - - - Political ScienceHashshiloach ... - HaskellHebrew - "- - - - - HaskellHedwigia - - - - - - BotanyHelping Hand - HaskellHerald and Presbyter - HaskellHermes - - - - - - ClassicalHimmel und Erde - Yerkes Obs.Historische Zeitschrift - - - HistoryHochschul-Nachrichten - - PedagogyHome and Sehool - - - - PedagogyHome Study Review ... . PedagogyHomiletic Review - HaskellHumanistiches Gymnasium - - PedagogyHygienische Rundschau - - - ZoologyIllinois Wesley an Magazine - - - GeologyImperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review HaskellIndependent ----- HaskellIndian Antiquary ... - AnthropologyIndogermanische Forschungen - - Comp. Philol.Inland Educator ----- PedagogyIstruzione (L') secondaria - - PedagogyIntelligence - - - - - Pedagogy & GenIntercollegiate Athlete - Physical CulturIntermMiaire (1') des mathematiciens MathematicsInternational ----- GeneralInternational Journal of Ethics - - Philosophy44 Journal of Microscopy andNatural Science - - Botany44 Magazine - - - GeneralInternationale Monatschrift ftir Anatomieund Physiologie - - - - AnatomyInternationales Archiv fur Ethnographie - AnthropologyInvestors' Review - Pol. Econ.Iowa School Journal - - - - PedagogyIron Age ------ Pol. Econ.Iron Industry Gazette - - - Pol. Econ.Irrigation Age - - - - - Pol. Econ.J ahrbuch des kaiserlich deutschen archaeo-logischen Instituts - - - - Class. Arch.Jahrbuch des Vereins fur niederdeutscheSprachforschung - GermanJahrbuch ftir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung u.Volkswirtschaf t im deutschen Reich . Pol. Econ.Jahrbuch ftir Philosophie und spekulativeTheologie ----- PhilosophyJahrbuch ftber die Fortschritte der Mathe-matik - - -. - - - MathematicsJahrbticher fur NationalOkonomie und Sta-tistik - - - - Pol, Econ.Jahrbticher fftr Psychiatrie ... NeurologyJahrbticher ftir wissenschaftl. Botanik BotanyUNIVERSITY RECORD 33PERIODICALS.Jahresbericht flber die Erscheinungen aufdem Gebiete der german. PhilologieJahresbericht ttber die Fortschritte derclassischen AlterthumswissenschaftJahresbericht ftber die Fortschritte derPhysiologie -Jahresbericht ftber die Leistungen undFortschritte in der gesammten MedicinJahresbericht fftr neuere deutsche Litte-raturgeschichte ....Jenaische Zeitschrift fftr Naturwissensch.Jewish Criterion ....Jewish Era .....Jewish Messenger ....Jewish Quarterly Review -Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies in Historyand Political Science -Johns Hopkins Circulars -Jornal de sciencias mathematicas e astro-nomicas .....Journal, Minneapolis -44 and Messenger44 asiatique ....44 de l'anatomie et de la 'physiologie44 de botanique ....44 de l'6cole polytechnique44 de mathematiques el6mentaires -44 de math, pures et appliquSes -44 de math, speciales44 de physique44 des economistes44 fftr Ornithologie ...44 fftr praktische Chemie44 fftr die reine u. angew. Mathematik44 of Amer. Chem. Society44 of American Folk-Lore -44 of American Oriental Society44 of Anatomy and Physiology44 of Anthropological Institute ofGreat Brit, and Ireland -44 of Biblical Literature44 of Botany ....44 of British Astronom. Association44 of Chemical Society,4 of College Sci., Imperial Univ.,Japan -44 of Comparative Neurology44 of Education. Boston -44 of Education. London -44 of Experimental Medicine -44 of Geology -,4 of Germanic Philology -44 of Hellenic Studies44 of Institute of Bankers44 of Linnean Society: Bot. Section44 of Linnean Society : ZoOl. Section44 of the Maha-Bodhi Society44 of Marine Biol. Association of theUnited Kingdom -44 of Mental Science -44 of Morphology ....44 of Nervous and Mental Diseasesof Pedagogy (N. Y.)44 of Philology GermanClassicalPhysiologyAnatomyGermanZoologyHaskellHaskellHaskellHaskellPol. Ec. & Pol Sci.Recorder's OfficeMathematicsPedagogyHaskellHaskellPhysiologyBotanyMathematicsMathematicsMathematicsMathematicsPhysics & Y's Ob.Pol. Econ.PalaeontologyChemistryMathematicsChemistryAnthropology5 Comp. Philology &\ HaskellAnatomyAnthropologyHaskellBotanyYerkes Obs.ChemistryZoologyNeurologyPed.,Pol.Ec.,Gen.PedagogyPhysiologyGeol. & Y's Obs.GermanClass. ArchPol. Econ.BotanyPalaeontologyHaskellZoologyNeurologyZoologyNeurologyPedagogyClassical PERIODICALS LIBRARY.Journal of Physical Chemistry - - Chem. & Y's Obs.44 of Physiology .... Physiology44 of Political Economy - - Pol. Econ.44 of Social Science - - - Sociology44 of the Canadian Bankers' Assoc. Pol. Econ. & Soc.44 of the Franklin Institute - Physics & Y's Obs44 of the Royal Asiatic Society - Haskell44 of the Royal Microscopical Society Anatomy44 of the Soc. for Psychical Research Pedagogy44 of the Western Soc. of Engineers - Pol. Econ.Justice ------ Pol. Econ.Kansas University Quarterly -Kant-Studien - - ...Kindergarten MagazineKnowledge ....KorrespondenzblattSpr ach f or schung fftr niederdeutscheLabour CopartnershipLabour Gazette .....Ladies' Home JournalLancet ......Law Quarterly Review (London)Lawyer's Reports AnnotatedLehrproben und Lehrgange aus der Praxisder Gym.- und RealschulenLeipziger Studien zur klass. PhilologieLeland Stanford Univ. Publications, Contributions to BiologyLibrary ......Library Journal ....Lippincott's Magazine -Literarisches CentralblattLiterary Digest .....Literary News ....Literary World .....Literaturblatt fftr germanische und rem a-nische Philologie - - -London Quarterly ReviewLouisiana School Review -Lutheran Church Review -Lutheran Evangelist ....Lutheran World ....Luz (La) ......Macmillan's MagazineMaitre (Le) phon6tiqueMagazin fftr Litteratur des In-u. AuslandesMalpighia ------Mansfield House MagazineManufacturer .....Marine Record ....Marine Review .....Mathematische AnnalenMathesis ......Melusine - - - -Memorie della society degli spettroscopistiitaliano .....Memoires publi6es par les membres de lamission archwologique francaiseMemorial de la librarie francaiseMeteorologische Zeitschrift -Men ------ GeologyPedagogyPedagogyYerkes Obs.GermanSociologySociologyGeneralAnatomyPolitical SciencePolitical SciencePedagogyClassicalBiologyGeneralGeneralPol. Econ.GermanGen. & Pol. EconGeneralPol. Econ. & Soc.GermanPolitical SciencePedagogyHaskellHaskellHaskellGeneralPol. Econ.PedagogyGermanBotanySociologyPolitical SciencePol. Econ.Pol. Econ.MathematicsMathematicsAnthropologyYerkes Obs.HaskellRomanceYerkes Obs.Physical Culture34 UNIVERSITY RECORDPERIODICALS.Messenger and Visitor - - - -Messenger of MathematicsMichigan Pol. Sci. Association PublicationsMid-Continent ... -Mind ------Mind and Body -Mineralogical Magazine and Journal ofMineralogical Society -Mineralogische und petrographische Mit-theilungen -Miscellaneous Notes and QueriesMissouri School JournalMittheilungen aus der zoologischen Stationzu Neapel -Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' geo-graphischer AnstaltMittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien -Mittheilungen der geologischen Landes-anstalt von Elsass-LothringenMittheilungen der Math. Gesellschaft inHamburg - - - - -Mittheilungen des kaiserlich deutschenarchaeologischen Instituts in AthenMittheilungen des kaiserlich deutschenarchseologischen Instituts in RomMittheilungen und Nachrichten des deutschen Palastina-VereinsMnemosyne - -Modern Language Association of America,Publications - - - - -Modern Language NotesMonatshefte ftir ChemieMonatshefte ftir Mathematik uvnd PhysikMonatsschrift ftir innere MissionMonatsschrift ftir Psychiatrie und Neurol.Monde (Le) economiqueMonist. ------Monitore zoologico italianoMonthly Notices of Royal Astronom. Soc.Monthly Weather ReviewMorning Star -----Morphologische Arbeiten -Morphologisches JahrbuchMtinchener medicinische WochenschriftMunicipality and CountyMusee social -----Museon (Le) et la revue des religionsMusical Record -Nation -----National Geographical MagazineNatural Food -Natural Science - - - -Nature - -Natiirliche PflanzenfamilienNazarene -----Neue Bahnen - - - -Neue Jahrbticher ftir Philol. und PadasNeue kirchliche ZeitschriftNeue philologische Rundschau •ogik LIBRARY.HaskellMathemathicsPol. Econ.HaskellPhilosophyPhysical CultureGeologyGeologyHaskellPedagogyZoologyGeologySociologyGeologyMathematicsClass. Arch.Class. Arch.HaskellClassicalEnglish and Rom .English and Rom.ChemistryMathematicsSociologyNeurologyPol. Econ.Philosophy, Gen.,Geol., Pol. Econ.& Yerkes Obs.ZoologyAstron. & Y's Obs.Physics & Y's Obs.HaskellAnatomyAnatomyGeneral BiologyPolitical SciencePol. Econ.HaskellGeneral( Pol. Economy &I HaskellGeologyGeneralGeneral Biology( Physics, Gen. Biol.I and Yerkes Obs.BotanySociologyPedagogyClassicalHaskellClassical PERIODICALS.Neuere Sprachen ,- -Neues Jahrbuch fur Min. Geol. u. Palseon.NeueZeit ------Neuphilologisches CentralblattNeurologisches Centralblatt -New Age ------New Christian Quarterly -New Education - - - - -New England MagazineNew Science Review - - - -New Unity . - - - -New World -New York Medical JournalNew York Observer - - - -Nineteenth Century - - - -Nordisk Tidsskrift for Filologi -Normal Instructor -North American ReviewNorthwestern Christian AdvocateNorthwest Journal of EducationNotes and Queries - - - -Notizie degli Scavi di AntichitaNouvelles annales de mathematiquesNuova antologia ....Nuova (La) notarisiaObservatory -Official Lawn Tennis BulletinOhio Educat. Monthly and Nat. Teacher ¦Old and New - - - - -Ons Volksleven -Open Church -----Orientalische Bibliographie -Ottawa Naturalist - - - -Our Church Life - - - - ¦Our Common SchoolOur Day -Our Dumb Animals -Outing ------Outlook ------Oxford University Gazette -Pacific Baptist -Pacific School Journal -Palaeontographica - - - -Palaeontologische AbhandlungenParish Messenger -Pathfinder Peculiar People -Pedagogical Seminary - - - ¦Pedagogisches ArchivPharmaceutical ReviewPhilologus - - - - -Philos. Mag. and Journ. of SciencePhilosophical Review -Philosophlsches JahrbuchPhilosophische StudienPhoto-Beacon -Photographic News -Photographic Times -Physical Review - -Pioneer Press -Pittonia ----- LIBRARY.PedagogyGeologySociologyGermanNeurologySociologyHaskellPedagogyGeneralGeologyHaskellHaskell & SociolNeurologyHaskellGeneralGermanGeneral.Pol. Econ.HaskellPedagogySociologyClassicalMathematicsRomanceBotanyYerkes Obs.GeneralPedagogyPedagogyAnthropologySociologyHaskellBotanyHaskellPedagogyHaskellHaskellPhysical Culture\ Pol. Econ., Socioli & HaskellRecorder's OfficeHaskellPedagogyPalaeontologyPalaeontologyHaskell:PedagogyHaskellPedagogyPedagogyBotanyClassicalPhysics & Y's Obs.PhilosophyPhilosophyPhilosophyYerkes Obs.Yerkes Obs.Physics & Y's Obs.Physics & Y's Obs.PedagogyBotanyUNIVERSITY RECORD 35PERIODICALS.Poet-Lore -Political Science Quarterly -Popular Astronomy -Posse Gymnasium JournalPresbyterian Banner44 Journal44 Quarterly44 and Reformed Review ¦44 ReviewPresent ProblemsPrimary Education -Primary School - - - -Princeton University BulletinProceedings of the American Academy ofArts and Sciences -Proceedings of the American Assoc, for theAdvancement of ScienceProceedings of the Aristotelian Society44 44 Edinburgh Math. Soc.44 44 Edinburgh Roy. Society44 44 London Math. Society44 44 London Royal Society -44 44 London ZoOl. Society -44 44 Royal Institution44 4< Society for PsychicalResearchPsychological ReviewPsychologische ArbeitenPublic Libraries -Public Opinion . - - - -Public School Journal - - -Publications of the Astron. Society of thePacific --.-.-Publishers' Circular -Publishers' Weekly -Pulpit Quarterly Journal of Microsc. Science'* 44 of Economics -44 44 of Geological Society44 4< of Pure and AppliedMathemathicsQuarterly Review ....Queen's Quarterly ....Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- undCulturgeschichte -Railroad Gazette ... -Railway Age -" Review -World Ram's Horn -----Record. London -Recueil des travaux chimiquesRecueil de travaux relatifs a la philologieet a l'archeologie ....Reform Advocate ....Reforme (La) sociale -Reformed Church Review -Rendiconti del circolo matomatico -Reports of the Archaeological Survey ofEgypt Explor. FundReports of the Egypt Exploration FundReview of Reviews .... EnglishPol. Ec. ft Pol. Sci.AstronomyPhysical CultureHaskellHaskellHaskellHaskellHaskellPol Econ.PedagogyPedagogyRecorder's OfficeYerkes Obs.Yerkes Obs.PhilosophyMathematicsPhysicsMathematicsPhysics & Y's Obs.PalaeontologyYerkes Obs.PhilosophyPhilosophyPhilosophyGeneralPol. Econ. & Soc.Pedagogy & Gen.Yerkes Obs.GeneralGeneralHaskellZoologyPol. Ec. & Sociol.GeologyMathematicsPolitical ScienceHaskellGermanPol. Econ.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ.GeneralSociologyChemistryHaskellHaskell & Sociol.Pol. Econ. & Soc.HaskellMathematicsHaskellHaskellGen., Pol. Ec, Soc. PERIODICALS.Review of Reviews, LondonRevolution francaise -Revue archeologiquo - - - -44 biblique - - - - -44 celtique >44 chr6tionne ....44 critique -" gen6rale de botanique44 hispanique - - - -44 internationalo de 1'enseignement44 historique -44 international de sociologie44 mensuelle de 1'ecole d anthrop. deParis . . - . -44 neurologique -44 penitentiaire -44 philosophique44 politique et parlementaire44 semestrielle des publ. math.44 s6mitique ....44 sociale catholique - - -44 sociale et politique44 socialiste -44 d'assyriol. et d'archeol. orientales44 de droit international et legislationcomparee -44 de geographic44 d'histoire diplomatique41 d'hist. et de literature religieuses44 d'histoire litteraire de la France44 de l'histoire des religions44 de l'Orient latin - - - -44 de m6taphysique et de morale44 de philologie -44 de theologie -44 des deux mondes -44 des 6tudes greques -44 des 6tudes juives44 des langues romanes44 des questions historiques44 des sciences m6dicales44 des traditions populaires44 du christianisme sociale44 du travail -Rheinisches Museum fftr Philol.Rivista contemporanea44 critica - - - - -44 della beneficenza publica44 di filologia ....44 di sociologia44 doslyceus ...." internazionale ...44 italiana di filosofia44 sperimentale di freniatria e dimedicina egale44 storica italiana -Romania - - -Royal Statistical Society -SanitarianSchool. N. Y.44 Bulletin. Syracuse, N. Y.44 Education44 Journal N. Y. LIBRARY .Pol.Ec., Soc, GeolHistoryHaskellHaskellComp. Philol.HaskellClassicalBotanyRomancePedagogyHistorySociologyAnthropologyNeurologySociologyPhilosophyPol Ec. & Sociol.MathematicsHaskellSociologySociologySociologyHaskellPol. Sci.GeologyHistoryHaskellRomanceHaskellHistoryPhilosophyClassicalHaskellHistoryClassicalHaskellRomanceHistoryNeurologyAnthropologySociologySociologyClassicalRomanceRomanceSociologyClassicalSociologyPedagogySociologyPhilosophyNeurologyHistoryRomancePol. Econ.SociologyPedagogyPedagogyPedagogyPedagogy36 UNIVERSITY RECORDPERIODICALS.School of Mines Quarterly44 Music Review - - - -" Review - - - - -Schoolmaster - - -Science ------ jScience Progress -Science (La) socialeScientific American - - - -Scientific American, SupplementScottish Geog. Mag. -Scribners' Magazine - - - -Schriften der Gesellsch. ftir Experimental-Psych ologie . . - -Schriften der Gesellsch. ftir psychologischeForschungenStances et travaux de l'acad. des sciencesmorales et politiquesSeminary Magazine - - - -Semitistische Studien -Sezatorea ------Sirius ------Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fur Mor-phologie und Physiologie in MiinchenSitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft naturfor-schender Freunde zu BerlinSkandinaven - - - - -Skandinavisches Archiv ftir PhysiologieSommaire methodique de sociologieSociety degli spettroscopisti italianoSoc. roy. Beige de geographieSound Currency - - - - -South African Pioneer -Southern School - - - - -Soziale Praxis -Standard -----State Normal Monthly - - - -Street Railway ReviewStudies in Education, Leland Stan. Univ.Sunday School Chronicle -Sunday School Times - - - -Sunday School WorldSyn og Segn - -Teachers' Institute -Technological QuarterlyTerrestrial Magnetism -Texas School Journal - - - -Theologisch TijdschriftTheologishe Litteraturzeitung44 Quartalschrift44 Studien . - - -44 Studien und Kritik enTheologischer Jahresbericht - - -Theologisches LiteraturblattTherapeutic Gazette - - - -Tidings ------Transactions of Victoria Institute -Treasury - - - -Twentieth Century - - - .Twentieth Century ^Monthly -Union Signal - - - - -United States Treasury Counterf . Detector LIBRARY. PERIODICALS. LIBRARY.Geology University (L') catholique HaskellPedagogy Universo (L') - PedagogyPedagogy Untersuchungen z. Naturlehre d. MenschenPedagogy und der Thiere - PhysiologyPhys., Geol. Bot.,Sociol. & Y's Obs. Verhandl. der deutschen Zool. Gesellsch. ZoologyGeneral Biology d. K. K. Zool. bot. Ges. in Wien BotanySociology •' d. Ges. ftir ^Erdkunde zu Berlin GeologyPol. Econ. " d. naturhistorisch-medicinischenYerkes Obs. Vereins zu Heidelberg AnatomyGeology Verslagen van de Zittingen der koninglijkeGeneral Akad. van Wetenchappen. Amsterdam Yerkes Obs.Vie contemporaine (La) SociologyPedagogy Vierteljahrsschrift der Astron. Gesellschaft" f. Staats- und Volkswirt- Astron. & Y's ObsPedagogy schaft Pol. Econ.44 ftir wissensch. Philos. - PhilosophySociology Volkskunde - AnthropologyHaskell Volkswohl. Dresden - - - - SociologyHaskell 44 Chicago SociologyAnthropology Vorbote ------ Pol. Econ.Yerkes Obs.Wallonia - AnthropologyAnatomy Watchman - HaskellWatchword - HaskellPalaeontology Watt's Extra Teacher - PedagogyPol. Econ. Wegweiser durch die padagogische Lite-Physiology ratur ------ PedagogySociology Werner's Magazine - SociologyYerkes Obs. Westermanns illustr. deutche Monatshefte GermanGeology Western Recorder - HaskellPol. Econ. Western School Journal. Topeka PedagogyHaskell Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift AnatomyPedagogy Wiener Zeit. f . d. Kunde des Morgenlandes HaskellSociology Wilson's Photographic Magazine Yerkes Obs.Haskell Wisconsin Journal of Education PedagogyPedagogy Wiss. Beilage zur Mtinchener Allgem. Zeitg. GermanSociology Wochenschrift ftir klassische Philologie ClassicalPedagogy WOchentliches Verzeichniss, Hinrichs' SociologyHaskell Woman's Home Companion GeneralHaskell Woman's Journal - GeneralHaskellGerman Yale Alumni Weekly Recorder's OfficeYale Review - Pol. Ec. & Sociol.Pedagogy YDrych GeneralYerkes Obs. Young Men of India Haskell| Phys., Astronomy( & Yerkes Obs.Pedagogy Zeitschrift der Centralstelle ftir Arbeiter-Haskell Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen - SociologyHaskell " d. deutschen Palastina-Vereins HaskellHaskell 44 d. Gesellschaft ftir Erdkunde z.Haskell Berlin - - - - GeologyHaskell " d. morgenl, Gesellsch. Comp. Phil.Haskell 44 ftir die aegyptische Sprache - HaskellHaskell 44 ftir analytische Chemie ChemistryBotany 44 f. anorgan. Chemie ChemistryHaskell 44 ftir Assyriologie HaskellHaskell 44 ftir Biologie PhysiologyHaskell 44 des allgem. deutschen Sprach-Pol. Econ. vereins - GermanHaskell 44 ftir die alttestam. Wissenschaft Haskell44 fur den deutschen Unterricht - GermanHaskell 44 f. d. gesamte Staatswissensch. Pol. Econ.Pol. Econ. " fiir das Gymnasialwesen ClassicalUNIVERSITY RECORD 37PERIODICALS.** f. d. oesterreich. Gymnasien Classical & Ped.44 f. d. oesterreich. Volkskunde - Anthropology44 f. d. private und Often tl. Rechtder Gegenwart Political Science44 fftr deutsche Philologie German44 fftr deutsche Sprache German44 fftr deutsches Alterthum unddeutsche Litteratur - German44 fftr Ethnologie Anthropology44 fftr franzOsische Sprache undLitteratur - Romance" fftr Geschichtswissenschaft History44 f . Hygiene u. Infektionskrankh. Zoology44 fftr Immanente Philosophie Philosophy44 fftr Instrumentenkunde Physics* Y's Obs.44 fftr Kirchengeschichte - Haskell44 fftr Krystallographie und Mine-ralogie .... Geology41 fftr lateinlose hOhere Schulen Pedagogy44 fftr Mathematik und Physik Math. & Y's Obs.44 f. mathematischen und natur-wissenschaftl. Cnterricht - Mathematics44 f. Missionskunde u. Religions-wissenschaft - Haskell44 f. Nahrungsmittel-Untersuch.,Hygiene und Waarenkunde General Biology44 fftr Nervenheilkunde Neurology44 fftr padagogische Pathologie - Pedagogy44 fftr Philosophie und Pftdagogik Pedagogy44 fftr Philosophie und philoso-phische Kritik Philosophy44 fftr physiologische Chemie - Physiology44 fftr physikalische Chemie Chemistry44 fftr praktische Geologie Geology44 fftr Psychologic u. Physiologieder Sinnesorgane Philos. and Neur.44 fftr romanische Philologie Romance44 fftr Social- u. Wirthschafts-Ge-schichte Pol. Econ.44 fftr Theologie und Kirche Haskell44 fftr vergleichende Litter aturge-schichte German44 f. vergleich. Sprachforschung Comp. Philol.44 fftr Volkswirtschaft, Social-politik und Verwaltung Pol. Econ.44 f. wissensch. Mikroskopie u. f.mikroskopische Technik Zoology44 f. wissenschaftliche Theologie Haskell44 fftr wissenschaftliche Zoologie ZoologyZion's Herald ----- HaskellZoologisher Anzeiger - ZoologyZoologisches Centralblatt ZoologyZoologische Jahrbftcher ZoologyZoologischer Jahresbericht ZoologySchool Record, Notes, and Plan. XXI.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SCHOOL.April 21, 1897.Hand Work. — In the shop the children have completed wands, and racks for the wands and dumb-bellsfor the gymnasium. The older children have begunupon their racks for the bicycles. Group II has made markers for their plants, while Group IV has madeladders for the plants to climb on. In sewing, theyounger children have drawn and cut patterns forneedle books, then cut them from cloth, and commenced to sew them with button-hole stitch. Thestudy of materials and processes has taken up thedescription and drawing of the cotton gin, and morework in the rapid drawing of maps to illustrate placeswhere cotton is grown, manufactured, and the mainnatural lines of distribution.Science. — The work has been mainly upon plants,and has involved three principles. The first is thecontinuation of the work already done upon the wayin which the plant gets its food from the soil, involving further study of solution and salts. The secondline of work has been upon the growth of seeds. Beans,sweet peas, and morning glories were planted in loam,sand, molding sand, gravel, and clay. Some were putin light and some in the dark. As one of the youngerchildren suggested that the small hole seen on the beanmight let in water, the micropyle was covered withparaffine and the seeds put away in order to test thesuggestion. The next day they found the seedscovered with paraffine had swollen some, but notas much as the others, and decided for themselvesthat there must be pores in the coat of the seedthrough which the water could pass. They haveexamined the seeds from day to day to noticethe effects of water, and have also examined andtasted the coats and kernel of the seed and inferred that there was a store of food contained inthem. They have compared the growth of the cotyledon with the thickness of the seed left in the ground.The third line of work is that suggested by ProfessorCoulter with reference to the way in which plantsmove, and the causes. They have observed the oxalis,and also their own seedlings, as regards their changeof position with reference to light. In order to bringout the idea that this change is due to varying tension,slits were made upon rhubarb stems and upon appleskin to show that the skin was stretched tightly overthe surface below, and that the separation of the cutparts was due to this tension. The experiments wereso conducted as to show in which direction (whetheralong the long or other axis) the shrinking is greater,in order to bring out the connection between theshrinking and the degree of tension. Another experiment was to cut long straight strips from the stalk ofthe rhubarb, put the strips in water, and note thecurving. The point was to see whether the stalksbent inwards or outwards, with a view to showingthat as the pressure on one side was lessened bytaking away the stretched skin, it would form the38 UNIVERSITY RECORDconvex side of the curve, the tissue inside havingbeen compressed, springs out. As respects the capacity of little children to perceive the point in scientific experiments, it is worthy of note that a boy of sixyears drew and stated the correct inference beforeany of the older children. He said that one side ofthe stem grew faster than another, and that was whatmade the stem bend.History and Social Occupation. — The smallerchildren have begun the study of the life of the farmwith special reference to the processes going on at thepresent season. A model farm is being built up in alarge sand pan. The beginning is made at the houseand barn, and then from the animals, food materials,and tools found there the study is carried over to thetypical farm locality (pasture land, meadows, grainfields, etc.). The work is illustrated at every step withpaper cutting, drawing, and clay modeling. Wheneverpossible, wood work with the knife and bending ofthin tin will be introduced also. These children arehaving their reading and writing in connection withthe sentences which they form regarding the work.The older children are continuing with Greek sociallife, having completed the study and drawing of theGreek house.Number. — The older children, besides some specialdrill in multiplication and division, have had theirnumber work mainly in connection with mensurationof the circumference and area of the circle and themethod of getting the area of a. trapezoid from dividing it into rectangle and triangle. They have alsomeasured rooms and drawn plans of them to scale.Intermediate groups have worked upon the fractionaldivisions of a foot, while the younger ones have beenlearning the parts of a foot on the ruler and the partsof a pound by using the scales.Official Actions.The following rules governing the public appearance of students in University Exhibitions and Intercollegiate Athletic Contests were adopted by theAdministrative Board of Student Organizations, Publications, and Exhibitions, March 6, 1897, and by theAdministrative Board of Physical Culture, April 10,1897, to go into effect October 1, 1897 :Note. — In the following regulations the term "Intercollegiate Athletic Contests " means any public appearance in which the student in any form is understoodto represent The University of Chicago.I. During the Quarter in which he takes parts inany public exhibition or any intercollegiate athleticcontest the student must be taking full work. II. This work must be sustained at a satisfactorygrade during the entire Quarter. No student who hasreceived a Second or Third Warning will be permittedto take part in any intercollegiate athletic contestuntil such Warning has been officially withdrawn.III. During the two preceding Quarters of his residence the student must have completed full work eachQuarter, and his absences during that period must nothave been sufficiently numerous to reduce his credits.Official Notices.The regular and special meetings of Boards andFaculties, to be held Saturday, April 24, 1897, in theFaculty Room, Haskell Oriental Museum, are thefollowing :8: 30 a.m. — The Administrative Board of Libraries,Laboratories, and Museums.10:00 a.m. — The Faculties of Graduate Schools.11:30 a.m. — The Faculty of the Junior Colleges.The lectures before Divisions II- VI of the SeniorColleges for the Spring Quarter will be given byHead Professor Judson in the Lecture Room, CobbHall, beginning Monday, April 12, at 10:30 a.m.The Junior Division Lectures for the following weekare as follows :Junior I. Assistant Professor Reynolds, Tuesday,10:30 a.m., D 8, Cobb, " The Study of Literature."Junior II-III. Head Professor Laughlin, Tuesday,10:30 a.m., Lecture Room, Cobb, "Relations of Political Economy to some great Social Questions."Junior IV. Head Professor Small, Tuesday, 10:30a.m. Assembly Room, Haskell, "The Spirit of Sociology."Junior V. Head Professor Whitman, Tuesday,10:30 a.m., B 9, Cobb, "The Organic Sciences."Junior VI. President Harper, Wednesday, 10:30a.m., Faculty Room, Haskell, "Introductory Topics.The Club of Political Science and History hasarranged five meetings for the present quarter, atwhich the subject of " Colonial Expansion in Africa,Eastern Asia and Australasia " will be discussed.At the first meeting Head Professor Judson spokeon the recent history and present problems of SouthAfrica.The following definite announcements can be made:" Central Africa," Assistant Professor Fellows, May 5.44 North Africa," Mr. Sparks, May 19.The New Testament Club meets Monday, April26, at 7:30 p.m., with Dr. C. W. Votaw, 437 Sixty-first street. Papers will be read as follows : Mr. Lo-UNIVERSITY RECORD 39gan, on " Wendt," and Mr. Shoemaker on "Beyschlag."General discussion will be held on " Jesus' View of theOld Testament.""Readings from Recent Books" are given by Assistant Professor Crow on Tuesdays, at 3:00 p.m., inD 2, Cobb. The book presented next Tuesday will beMitchell's " American Lands and Letters."The postponed meeting of the English Club will beheld Tuesday, April 27, at 8:00 p.m., in B 8, CobbHall. Paper by Assistant Professor Martha FooteCrow: "An Elizabethan Banquet; a Study in theSpirit of the Renaissance."The Botanical Club will meet Wednesday, April 28,at 4:00 p.m., in the Botanical Laboratory, WalkerMuseum. Dr. Chamberlain and Mr. Schaffner willpresent a review of their own studies of Lilium.The Graduate Club will hold its regular meeting,Friday, April 30, at 7:45 p.m., in Haskell OrientalMuseum. Mr. Philip S. Allen for the Germanic Department and Mr. Harry F. Bain for the Departmentof Geology will speak on the Present-Day Problemsthat confront the Graduate Student in these departments. An informal reception will follow.Official Reports.During the week ending April 20, 1897, there hasbeen added to the Library of The University a totalnumber of 146 books from the following sources :Books added by purchase, 61 vols., distributed asfollows :General Library, 1 vol.; Philosophy, 4 vols.; PoliticalEconomy, 3 vols.; Political Science, 9 vols.; Sociology,4 vols.; Sociology (Divinity) 7 vols.; English, 10 vols.;Zoology, 1 vol.; Homiletics,9 vols.; Systematic Theology* 2 vols.; Church History, 8 vols.; Morgan ParkAcademy, 3 vols.Books added by gift, 47 vols., distributed as follows:General Library, 17 vols.; Political Economy, 3 vols.;Sociology (Divinity) 26 vols.; English, 1 vol.Books added by exchange for University publications, 38 vols., distributed as follows :Political Economy, 17 vols.; Political Science, 6 vols.;Sociology, 4 vols.; Sociology (Divinity) 8 vols; Semitic,3 vols. Religious.At the Vesper Service, Sunday, April 25, at 4: 00 p.m.,Head Professor John M. Coulter will speak on " TheBible and Nature."The regular meeting of the Y. W. C. A. will be heldin Haskell Museum, Thursday, April 29, at 10:30 a.m.Miss Charlotte Teller will conduct the meeting.Members are requested to bring a quotation fromDrummond.The Divinity and Graduate Debate.The following is the statement of the question fordebate between the Graduate and Divinity Schoolsfor the Spring Quarter 1897 :Resolved : That the Swiss plan of legislative referendum, by petition, should be adopted by our severalstates.Explanation. — This plan involves the following principles :First. — That after an act has been passed bythe legislature in regular course, it shall not takeeffect until a certain time fixed by law shall haveelapsed. NSecond. — That the act as passed shall be printedin all of the official county newspapers.Third. — That within the said time the people ofthe state, by a certain number of qualified electors, may petition the executive to have anyobjectionable act submitted to the electorate.Fourth. — That in the event of such petitionbeing made, the executive shall call an electionfor the people to pass upon such act by a " yes "or "no" vote, and in case a majority of the votescast are against said act, such decision of thevoters shall constitute an absolute veto.Fifth. — That by a certain vote an act may bepassed by the legislature to take effect at once.The committee to whom members of the Graduate Schools are to submit briefs is as follows : Assistant Professors Freund, Mead, and Herrick.The committee to whom members of the DivinitySchool are to submit briefs is as follows : Head Professors Judson and Burton, and Mr. William Hill.The Botanical Club.At the meeting of the Botanical Club on April 14Dr. Bradley M. Davis presented a review of a paper byChodat on "The Polymorphism of the Green Algse."The probable lines of evolution were discussed, mostof the higher forms being derived from members ofthe Palmellaceae, a group supposed to contain thearchetypes of several lines of development. Dr..Kozlowski, a Polish botanist, now living in the city40 UNIVERSITY RECORDpresented a short sketch of some recent studies inphysiological chemistry. The color pigments ofanimals and plants were compared, and variousresemblances and differences traced out.At the meeting of Wednesday April 21, Professor F.C. Newcombe of the University of Michigan gave someof the results of his recent physiological studies. Hereferred to the curvature of roots in response tocurrents of water, spending most of his time in a discussion of the mechanics of curvature. Whether curvature is due to turgor or to changing elasticity of thecell walls, Professor Newcombe feels sure that bothsides of the root take part in the process.The Academy Convocation.The Eighteenth Convocation of The Morgan ParkAcademy was held in Blake Hall on Monday, April 5,at 8 :00 p.m. Music was furnished by Mrs. AdelaideW. Freeman, Soprano, and Miss Elizabeth Russell,violinist. The convocation address was delivered byAssociate Professor A. Alonzo Stagg on " Athletics asa Factor in the Training of Youth." President Harper made a statement of the condition and prospectsof the Academy. Certificates of admission to thehigher Academy were awarded to the following :Maurice Altman, Quinton Ward Hungate,Anna M. Bailey, Barend Kuiper,Rae Casena Baldwin, Sigrid Anna Lagergren,Frank P. Barker, Benjamin Griffin Lee,Harry G. Dare, Alexander Blake McNab,William E. De Sombre, William W. Phillips,Elmer Harvey Ells- James Blair Wallace,worth, "Harry Wolfe,Clara German, Olive Minerva Young.Academy full scholarships were awarded to the following students : Albert R. Jones, Margaret Morgan,Murray P. Morgan, Albert R. Vail.The marshals for the occasion were Eliot Black-welder, Ge6rge A. Riley and James S. Smith,Current Events.The American Academy of Political and SocialScience has just issued, as No. 189 of its special publications, the article by Professor Edmund J. Jameswhich appeared in the January number of the Annalsof the Academy, entitled " The First Apportionmentof Federal Representatives in the United States." Itmakes a pamphlet of some forty pages, and discussesthe history of the struggle over the principles ofrepresentation and apportionment in the first andsecond Congress.Material for the UNIVERSITY RECORD must beorder to be published in the issue of the same week. THE CALENDAR.APRIL 23— MAY 1, 1897.Friday, April 23.Chapel-Assembly : Graduate Schools.— Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10: 30 a.m.Lecture, Senior Division I. The President, FacultyRoom, Haskell, 5: 00 p.m.Saturday, April 24.Administrative Board of Libraries, Laboratories, andMuseums, 8:30 a.m.Faculty of the Graduate Schools, 10:00 a.m.Faculty of the Junior Colleges, 11: 30 a.m.Sunday, April 25.Vesper Service, 4:00 p.m. (see p. 39).Union Meeting of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., 7:00 p.mMonday, April 26.Chapel- Assembly : Junior Colleges. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Senior Divisions II- VI. Dean Judson, Lecture Room, Cobb, 10: 30 a.m.New Testament Club, 437, 61st st., 7:30 p.m. (see p. 38)Tuesday, April 27.Chapel-Assembly: Senior Colleges.— Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Division I. Assistant ProfessorReynolds, D 8, Cobb, 10: 30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Divisions II-III. Head ProfessorLaughlin, Lecture Room, Cobb, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Division IV. Head Professor Small,Assembly Room, Haskell, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Division V. Head Professor Whitman, B 9, Cobb, 10:30 a.m.Readings from recent books by Assistant ProfessorCrow, D 2, Cobb, 3:00 p.m. (see p. 39).University Chorus, Rehearsal, Kent Theater, 7:15 p.mEnglish Club, Cobb, B 8, 8:00 p.m. (see p. 39).Wednesday, April 28.Lecture, Junior Division VI. The President, FacultyRoom, Haskell, 10:30 a.m.Botanical Club, Walker, 4:00 p.m. (see p. 39).Thursday, April 29.Chapel-Assembly: Divinity School.— Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m.Young Women's Christian Association, HaskellAssembly Room, 10: 30 a.m., (see p. 39).Pedagogical Club, Cobb Lecture Room, 8:00 p.m.Friday, April 30.Chapel- Assembly: Graduate Schools. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m.Meeting of Senior College Council, 1:30 p.m.Lecture, Senior Division I. The President, FacultyRoom, Haskell, 5:00 p.m.Graduate Club, Haskell, 7:45 p.m. (see p. 39).Saturday, May 1.Administrative Board of Physical Culture andAthletics 8:30 a.m.Administrative Board of Student Organizations, Publications, and Exhibitions, 10:00 a.m.The University Senate, 11:30 a.m.sent to the Recorder by THURSDAY, 8:30 A.M., in