Price $f«50 Pes* Yeas* Single Copies 5 CentsUniversity RecordCHICAGOZbz tHrtivetsits of Gbicaao pressVOL I., NO. 43. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT 3:00 P.M. JANUARY 22, 1897.Entered in the post office Chicago, Illinois, as second-class matter.~ CONTENTS.I. Some Recent Problems in Zoology. By Mary M.Sturges - - - 535-539II. The Mathematical Conference at Chicago. ByDr. E. M. Blake 539-540III. School Record, Notes, and Plan, XI: The University of Chicago School 540IV. Official Notices 541Y. Official Reports: The Library -. - - - 541VI. Religious 542VII. Day of Prayer for Colleges 542VIII. The Calendar 542Some Recent Problems in Zoology*BY MARY M. STURGES.At the risk of being thought a preacher who doesnot stick to his text, I have decided to treat my subjectrather freely, thinking that what you wish is an ideaof the meaning of zoological investigation rather thana detailed discussion of its methods. So I must askyou to have patience with me if I seem for a while along way from my title.In the first place, what is a scientific problem ? Thefirst task of the scientist is of course the collection offacts, his second is their natural arrangement. Buthe soon finds that even a tentative arrangementassists him to discover new facts and that theseimmediately modify the theory that suggested them;and he sees that the relation between fact-collectionand theory -making is an important one. As a scien-*An address before the Graduate Club of The University,Friday, November 13, 1896. tist has aptly said, " Theory without fact is phantasy,but fact without theory is chaos." Every scientificproblem then involves the collection of facts underthe guidance of theory, and a modification of thattheory by the new facts. To understand a problemin zoology, therefore, we must first understand thetheory that is back'of it.But there are hundreds of zoological theories andproblems. With which of these does advanced workconcern itself ? Before replying to this, we must consider for a moment the great division of labor thathas taken place in science. Zoology, for instance,which is composed of various departments, palaeontology, neurology, bacteriology, embryology, anatomy,animal physiology, cytology and their divisions, isitself one component of a wider science; for zoology,the science of animals, and botany, the science ofplants, together form biology, the science of life.As scientific facts accumulated, theoretical arrangements of them took place, and thus arose the varioussciences, each concerned with the collection of a certain class of facts under the theory that this classdiffers somewhat from all the rest. So biology hasreceived the group of facts pertaining to life, underthe theory that living things differ in certain respectsfrom what are termed dead ones. In the same way thefacts of biology are arranged into two groups, botanical and zoological, under the theory that plants differin certain respects from animals. In like manner zoological facts are divided and subdivided. Thus a division of labor has taken place, purely tentative and forthe sake of more speedy and intelligent securing of fact,each successive division being governed by a more536 UNIVERSITY JRECOItDspecial theory and concerning itself with a morespecialized group of facts than its predecessor. Nowthere are quantities of facts yet to be discovered;problems and original work occur in every divisionand subdivision of zoology, but it is evident thatthere are grades of advanced work. A person whoknows only the problems and theories of his subdivision is specialized ; he is a hewer of wood and drawerof water for the person in the next higher division, orfor the person who is in some degree master of hisscience, capable of dealing with different kinds of factsand therefore of doing the highest grade of advancedwork. The most advanced worker in zoology is guidedin his search for facts by the theories of biology,which he aims to modify; the facts, therefore, whichhe collects have a general as well as a special value.To understand advanced work in zoology, we mustthen examine the theories of biology.Biology, as we have seen, assumes that living differsin certain respects from dead matter and her function is the examination of facts about life which shallenable her to modify this theory. Now the mostprominent characteristic of life is its ability to differentiate itself, to develop from the simple to the complex, a character which manifested in the individualwe call ontogeny, in the race, phylogeny. We shall thenturn our attention to theories of development, of the individual and of the race. And as I believe in the historical method of explanation, I will try to sketch for youbriefly the growth of our theories of today from thetime of Aristotle through Harvey and Bonnet to Lamarck and Darwin; their post-Darwinian modificationsby criticisms of both the Darwinian and Lamarckiantheories and the state they are in now. I feel like aman with a great deal to say and a telegram to say itin, but if I can express myself intelligibly you will bein a position to understand something of the bearings of the recent zoological problems.The two questions before the earliest zoologistswere the same as those before us now — the methodof individual development, what we now call ontogeny,and the method of development of various types ofindividuals, which we have learned to call phylogeny.To understand their attitude toward these questionswe must remember that up to the middle of theseventeenth century the world believed fully in spontaneous generation, living from non-living matter, eelsfrom mud, snakes from horsehairs, and the like. Thehypothesis, omne vivum ex vivo, first stated about1670 by Redi, which has gradually been strengtheneduntil in our own century it has received the name of alaw, could not govern the older zoologists. To explainthe origin of various types they had to have im mediate recourse to the supernatural. Furthermore,they had no conception of cellular structure, whichwas not indeed discovered till well along in our owncentury, and this sadly restricted their theories ofontogenetic development. They were divided on thesubject of ontogeny into two schools, one typified byAristotle and in the seventeenth century by thefamous Harvey, the other in the eighteenth centuryby Haller and Bonnet.*Harvey held that the germ, what he calls the Qggor the "vegetative germ," is structureless, homogeneous, but that from this the parts of the future organism make their appearance in due order of succession.The cause of this development of organs from thehomogeneous egg Harvey cannot explain — he has theproblem of something from nothing to face, and ratherthan flee from it he postulates a metaphysical force."Not only," he says, "is there a soul or vital principlepresent in the vegetative part, but even before thisthere is inherent mind, foresight and understanding,which from the very commencement to the being andperfect formation of the chick dispose and order andtake up all things requisite, molding them in thenew being with consummate art into the form andlikeness of its parents. Seeing nothing left," he adds,"I have devised this fable, preferring a fanciful opinion to none at all." Harvey's belief in spontaneousgeneration led him to the error that every individualarose de novo, having no necessary connection withliving matter, its development being dominated by a"spiritual principle," and each new individual involveda repetition of this miracle.Bonnet, who forms our type of the second school,felt it impossible to assent to this endless successionof miracles. His theory of ontogeny postulates a germcontaining all the structural elements of the adultorganism ; they lie, not forming a miniature imageof the adult, but folded up in the germ as a delicateand most complex network. The process of development consists, not in an orderly sequence of organs,but in a stuffing out of the interstices of the networkby the nutritive particles until the adult form isreached. The cause of development Bonnet took tobe the supply of proper nourishment to the preformedgerm. His idea of preformation, however, involves nomore continuity with the parent organism than didthe theory of Harvey ; but, to avoid an endless chainof miracles, Bonnet postulates a creation at one timeof all the germs that are ever to exist. All the different types are created, and into each is put, enclosed* A complete discussion of the positions of Harvey and Bonnetis found in the Wood's Hoil Biological Lectures for 1894,"Evolution and Epigenesis," by C. O. Whitman.UNIVERSITY RECORD 537one within another ad infinitum, the germs of all thedescendants of that type. This is the single miraclewhich Bonnet prefers to Harvey's succession ofmiracles.These theories, crude as they may seem, stimulatedresearch which went on steadily and gradually modified them profoundly. We will now for convenienceseparate the two problems, dealing first with that ofphylogeny, and leaving for a time that of individualdevelopment.As new facts came to light, spontaneous generationbecame more and more discredited until finally, as wehave seen, Redi's principle, "all life from preexistinglife," received the name of a law. Organic relationships were limited for a long time, as you know, toindividuals of the same species, different species beingheld to be the result of special creation. But thebroader idea that species and groups might also berelated by descent occurred to zoologists with everincreasing force as their facts increased, until at thebeginning of this century it was stated as a theory byLamarck. He, observing that many of the differentiations which we see in nature are clearly adaptive,such as the long neck of the giraffe which is suited toits method of grazing, suggested that phylogeneticmodifications may have arisen through the effects ofuse or disuse on parts, these adaptive effects beingaccumulated by inheritance until the modificationbecame a specific distinction. Thus the continuousexercise of the muscles of a giraffe's neck developsthem, these more powerful muscles are transmitted toits offspring, who develop them still further and so on,until the adaptation becomes marked. Lamarckassumed, you see, that characters acquired during thelifetime of an individual may be inherited by its offspring, he held therefore that phylogenetic modifications depend directly upon external influences. Noconclusive proof of the inheritance of acquired characters has ever been shown, however, and furthermorethere are classes of adaptive modifications which cannot possibly be due to use and disuse. Thus the shellof a^ turtle has become differentiated for its protection,though in its earliest stages it was not protective,could not have been used and hence could not haveincreased through use.In 1859 Charles Darwin published his Origin ofSpecies. He holds with Lamarck that species werenot specially created, but have arisen by the modification of preexisting species, and he admits as a possibleagent in this process of evolution Lamarck's factor ofthe inherited effects of use and disuse, but he attributes phylogenetic adaptations chiefly to the following factors,— variation, heredity, a struggle for exist- ence and a survival of the fittest. It is a well-knownfact that organisms tend to multiply beyond theirfood supply and that thus results a struggle for existence ; it is also a fact that an organism is constantlyvarying slightly from its type, and Darwin concludesthat the individuals which happen to vary soas to become best adapted to their surroundingswill survive and transmit this advantage to theiroffspring so that a progressive adaptation results.Darwin does not assert that the interaction of thesefour factors, which he calls natural selection, aloneexplains the methods of organic evolution ; headmits the possibility of other factors and specifically that of Lamarck, but he considers natural selection the chief factor. Darwin you see differs chieflyfrom Lamarck in making phylogenetic modificationdepend very indirectly upon external influences ; heholds that external influences may be the cause of variation, but that they usually cause a perfectly fortuitous variation, with no regard to adaptation, the chancefavorable variation being preserved by survival of thefittest. Both Darwin's and Lamarck's theories ofevolution involve their theories of individual development, but the discussion of these we mustpostpone. The strongest criticism urged againstnatural selection is this, that it assumes first thatchance favorable variations always occur in a sufficient number of individuals so that they can be preserved by natural selection and second that in theseinstances they always appear large enough to be ofadvantage in the struggle for existence. Thus if underthe theory of natural selection the muscles of thegiraffe's neck are to be developed, they must first varyin the favorable direction in a sufficient number of individuals so that crossing will not weaken the variation below selection-value, and next the amount themuscles vary in the favorable direction must be largeenough to be of a real advantage to the animal, otherwise of course natural selection will not preserve it.These criticisms gain force as we regard the countlessand delicate adaptations in nature, the mimicking leafpattern on the butterfly's wing for instance — canchance present such favorable variations, always largeenough to be of selection- value ?To meet the objections to Lamarckism and Darwinism, two schools have arisen, the Neo-Lamarckians,headed by Herbert Spencer, and the Neo-Darwinians,headed by Professor Weismann. The Neo-Lamarckians hold the transmission of acquired characters butadmit natural selection also. The Neo-Darwiniansreject altogether the transmission of acquired characters and hold that natural selection is sufficient t§account for the process gf evolution,538 UNIVERSITY RECORDThe Neo-Lamarckians can now place those adaptations for which use-inheritance cannot account, to thecredit of natural selection, but how do the Neo-Darwinians meet the objections to natural selection ?Professor Weismann does it in a way so beautifullyingenious that I wish I had time to tell you about itin detail, by extending the principle of natural selection beyond individuals to their organs and still further to the tissues, cells and those parts of the cellwhich in his theory of heredity go to make up itsorganization. In this way Weismann furnishes anexplanation satisfactory at least to himself of the presence of favorable variations and their maintenanceuntil they reach selection value.Recent investigations however offer what seem likeinsuperable objections both to the Neo-Lamarckiansand the Neo-Darwinians. An instance of this is arecent experiment, an injury, which brought about allat once a complex adaptation. The injury was onewhich would probably never occur in nature so theability for this kind of adaptation could not have beendeveloped either by use — inheritance or by naturalselection, yet the adaptation promptly appears whenneeded by the animal. Such considerations indicatethat there are undiscovered factors which we musthave before we can fully understand the method ofevolution. Where are we to look for these factors ?Before we can answer this question we must turn toour other problem, that of the development of theindividual. The study of classification in the light ofRedi's principle enabled zoologists to substitute forthe endless miracle of Harvey and the germ-within-germ miracle of Bonnet, theories of the differentiationof the race presided over by purely natural causes.What did Redi's principle do for ontogeny ?As methods of research were improved the cellularstructure of plants and animals was discovered, and inour own century the law omne vivum ex] vivo wasextended to omnis cellula e cellula, a law most significant for ontogeny in view of the fact that the eggand the spermatozoon are single cells. The continuityof organisms became firmly established through thecontinuity of germs. The new facts confirmed Harvey's view that in ontogeny the organs of the individual arise in orderly sequence, but in place of hishomogeneous germ, arising spontaneously and developing through a metaphysical directing force, theyshowed a germ cell arising by division of the cells ofthe parent and inheriting by virtue of this directrelation whatever structure the parent cell possessed.; They confirmed Bonnet's view in that they ascribedstructure to the egg, but in place of the structurepostulated by him, they showed only so much structure as is possessed by the parent cell. Theproblem of individual development remained, thoughupon this higher plane, that the factor of heredity wasrecognized. Zoologists divided upon this higher levelinto two schools reminding one somewhat of those ofHarvey and Bonnet, one school holding that heredityis a continuity of substance rather than of structure,and that development is due to the interaction of thissubstance with external stimuli, the other school holding that heredity is continuity of structure as well assubstance, and that development is due chiefly to thisstructure. Darwin held the latter view which hasbeen pushed to its extreme by Weismann and theNeo-Darwinians, Lamarck held the former ; thusLamarck asserted the potency of external influencesin directly determining adaptations, while Darwinheld that external influences act only vaguely uponstructure, adaptations being due to natural selection.Weismann went for a time so far as to deny that external influences have any permanent effect on the development of multicellular organisms.Now, when the Lamarckian and Darwinian theoriesboth prove insufficient to account for evolution, whichhas by weight of evidence become a fact independentof their support, what are we to do ? Obviously thereis either a new factor in evolution outside of thesetheories or a new factor not yet recognized withinthem, and it is clearly our duty to search themthoroughly before looking outside for our new factor ;let us return then to the question, where within thesetheories are we to look for the new factor ? Thestruggle for existence and a survival of the fittest arefacts capable of demonstration, but as we have justseen, heredity and variation are debatable grounds ;here, then, is the place for investigation, and it is justhere that investigation is employed. The presentzoological problems hinge on the nature of heredity;the most cautious workers no longer declare thatexternal or internal influences are all-powerful inbringing about development. They hold that thequestion is rather one of relative values, and setthemselves the task of determining the nature of each,hoping to throw new light on the method of evolutionby a judicious combination of both.These then are some of the problems of advancedwork in zoology. First, what are the evidences ofstructure in the germ revealed to us by its method oforigin, and the development of the egg after fertilization ?Clearly the history of the germ must be traced inmany forms, first through its growth from the time itis separated from the cells of the parent until it isready for fertilization, This is ; the problem ofUNIVERSITY RECORD 539ovogenesis or spermatogenesis; it is really a closestudy of the egg and the spermatozoon as single cells,to detect their resemblances to and differences fromother cells, and to discover their peculiar structure.Next the phenomena attending the beginning ofdevelopment must be studied, the peculiar changesthat take place in the egg just before and during fertilization; these are the problems of the maturationand fertilization of the egg, the study of which byimproved methods has brought out within the lastfew years most significant facts about the structureand function of the germ-cells.Finally, the process of development must be followed in different forms to determine the ratio betweeninternal and external factors in each case. These arethe problems of embryology and cell lineage.The second set of problems before the advancedstudent is, what external influences condition development, and how do they operate ? This is the fieldof experimental embryology so recently opened up,yet already yielding such rich results. The experimental embryologist takes an egg and, after determining its course of development under normal physico-chemical conditions, varies these conditions bywithdrawing one of them and watches the effect ondevelopment. The number of facts coming to light inthis way is astonishing and may well give the zoologist hope that ere long he may be able to throw newlight on the methods of evolution.Of the many problems arising out of those just mentioned there is no time to speak. I am fully sensiblethat in trying to bring even these few before you Ihave sacrificed proportion and perhaps intelligibility,but I hope that in spite of this you may have a somewhat better conception of the nature and aims ofpresent zoological research.The Mathematical Conference at Chicago*In response to a call issued by the American Mathematical Society and signed by several of its membersresident in or near Chicago, meetings were held inThe University of Chicago, December 31, 1896, andJanuary 1, 1897. There were two sessions daily, at10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. respectively. Head ProfessorE. H. Moore occupied the chair and Dr. E. M. Blakeacted as secretary.Among those in attendance were Dr. E. M. Blake,Professor Chas. H. Chandler, Professor Ellery W.Davis, Dr. Harris Hancock, Mr. F. R. Higgins, Pro-* Reported by the Secretary, Dr. E. M. Blake, of Purdue University. fessor T. F. Holgate, Dr. Kurt Laves, Dr. Annie L.MacKinnon, Professor H. Maschke, Professor ThomasE. McKinney, Professor M. McNeill, Professor E. H.Moore, Professor H. B. Newson, Professor P. H. Phil-brick, Mr. Arthur Ranum, Professor D. A. Rothrock,Professor James B. Shaw, Professor Edgar J. Towns-end, Professor Oliver S. Westcott, Miss Estella K.Wentz, Professor P. Wernicke, Mr. E. W. White, Professor Henry S. White, Miss Mary F. Winston, Dr. J.W. A. Young, Professor Alexander Ziwet.The following resolutions were adopted :Resolved, That in the opinion of this Conference itis desirable for the members of the American Mathematical Society to hold in Chicago at least two meetings per year for the reading and discussion of mathematical papers, one during the Christmas vacationand one in the spring.Resolved, That in order to make all necessary arrangements for such meeting in the spring of 1897 aProgramme Committee of three persons be appointedby the chairman of the present Conference.Resolved, That a secretary be elected to serve forthe coming year and that he shall be ex officio member of the Programme Committee.Resolved, That only such papers as may be approvedby the Programme Committee may be presented atthese meetings.Dr. J. W. A. Young was elected secretary, and Professor Henry S. White and Dr. E. M. Blake were appointed as the other members of the Programme Committee.The following papers were read :1. Linear euthymorphic functions of the first order.Dr. E. M. Blake.2. A geometrical picture of the "fifteen schoolgirl"problem. Professor Ellery W. Davis.3. Questions on the theory of substitution groups.Professor Ellery W. Davis.4. Construction of conies from imaginary elements.Professor T. F. Holgate.5. The projective group. Professor H. B. Newson.6. The reduction of Kronecker's modular systems.Dr. Harris Hancock.7. Theory of continuity. Professor James B. Shaw.8. Circular transformations. Dr. Arnold Emch.(Presented by Professor H. B. Newson.)9. On series of sum-totients. Professor D. N. Leh-mer. (Presented by Professor Ellery W. Davis.)10. Transformation of homogeneous differential expressions. Professor H. Maschke.11. Concerning the abstract group of order k!holoedrically isomorphic with the symmetric substitution-group on Jc letters. Professor E. H. Moore.510 UNIVERSITY RECORD12. Synthesis of primitive regular reticulations.Professor Henry S. White.13. Note on the theory of the hypergeometric function. Miss Mary F. Winston.14. The cubic resolvent of a binary quartic derived(after Hilbert) by invariantive process. ProfessorHenry S. White.School Record, Notes, and Plan. XI.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SCHOOL.January 20, 1897.The work of the school for the past ten days hastaken up the following topics :Groups I and II have discussed the subject of time,including (a) the primitive modes of telling time,through the observation of the sun and moon, sundial, water clock, hourglass, and burning candle, (b)They have made a study of the clock, drawing itsface, cutting and making the face and hands on paperand noting the distinction between Arabic and Romannumerals. They have been given practice in tellingtime and some of the numerical relations involved.They have had a story of Sir Isaac Newton's life asbearing upon this point. On the social side, the maintopic of consideration has been transportation, imagining the original invention of boats, and studying,through their visit to the Field Columbian Museum,the various forms of boats to be found there, makingdrawings of Esquimau and Indian boats and fishingimplements.The new sentences written and read have been :" Cave men made boats." " We made boats." "Peoplemade boats." " Indians made boats."In constructive work, they have cut boats frompaper, and have made pencil and paste boxes, andenvelopes from manilla paper for school use.Group III has had substantially the same work asthat just outlined, learning and writing in additionthe table of time measure; also writing original sentences giving an account of the various ways in whichtime is told. They have also read the sentenceswritten by the older pupils and printed last year.Groups IV and V have written the time schedule ofthe school work preparatory to making a programmeso that they may keep track of and become responsible for their work in the school. They have had number work on the proportion of time given to the varioussubjects, involving long division and fractions. Theirhistory and literature has been the oral telling of thewhole story of Iliad and the reading by the pupils ofchapters 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Church's Iliad. In connection with this they visited the Art Institute, observedthe primitive sculpture and architectural remains aswell as a number of the classic statues and the frieze of the Parthenon. They have also drawn the Greekchariot, arms and implements as derived from statuesand pictures, and compared them with the similararticles of Indians and Esquimaux found in theColumbian Museum.The work in the carpenter shop has consisted mainlyin making the articles made necessary by the change oflocation. The older children together have designedand made a large cupboard for the tools, as well as anumber of racks, etc. They are now engaged in planningand constructing a large box for a window garden tobe used in the dining room. The older children nowmake their drafts drawn to a scale of all work undertaken by them. They have also begun in the carpentershop a study of the woods used, sawing out cross andlongitudinal sections, etc., noting the rings and theirmeaning.All the groups have, one day in the week, had practical exercise in the preparation and serving of a luncheon, potato soup and cocoa being prepared one week,and bean soup and cocoa the other.The science work consists partly in the study of thematerials used in cooking (which, for the next week,will be the pea and the bean) and partly in the studyof woods. Groups I and II plant peas and beans andnote their growth from day to day. They draw andpaint various sections of wood used, including themain stem and branches, and also examine the woodfound in the articles of furniture in the room, in orderto note the various ways in which the grain presentsitself. Group III has the same work upon woods andthe sprouting seed as I and II. They weigh the peasand beans to be used in the lunch, calculate the costof the lunch and compare it with the cost of the previous week's luncheon. In the cooking of the beansfor the soup they make a special study of the temperature of boiling water, of the thermometer and ofwhat goes on in the process of boiling.The work of groups IV and V has been upon magnetism. The following problems have been attemptedby the children: (1) to make, in at least three ways,compasses, by floating oiled magnetized needles onwater; (2) to work out the law of attraction and repulsion of like and unlike poles; (3) to find the distanceat which a magnet can deflect a freely moving magnetized needle; (4) to discover the effect of masses ofiron upon the freely moving needle; (5) to find theweight of iron nails lifted by horseshoe and bar magnets respectively; (6) to work out, as far as possible,the magnetic field by using iron filing so as to see theplace of strongest attraction in the case of the horseshoe and the bar magnets. The idea of use in thiswork is with respect to making electro-magnetic bells,compasses, etc.UNIVERSITY RECORD 541Official Notices.The regular meetings of Boards and Faculties, to beheld Saturday, January 23, 1897, in the Faculty Room,Haskell Oriental Museum, are the following :8: 30 a.m. — The Administrative Board of Libraries,Laboratories, and Museums.10:00 a.m.— The Faculty of the Graduate Schools.11:00 a.m. — The Faculty of the Junior Colleges.12:00 m.— The Faculty of the Senior Colleges.The New Testament Club will meet on Monday,January 25, in the parlors of Middle Divinity Hall, at7:30 p.m. Papers will be presented as follows : Nean-der, by Mr. Coon; Weiss, by Mr. Tanner; Weizsdcker,by Mr. Briggs.The Physics Club will meet on Tuesday, January26, at 3: 00 p.m., in Room 32, Ryerson. The paper willbe given by Head Professor Michelson on " A NewForm of Harmonic Analyzer."The regular fortnightly meeting of the EconomicClub will be held Tuesday, January 26, in Cobb Lecture Hall. The Club is taking up the subject of"Social Settlements" for discussion. Dr. F. B. Vroo-man will address the meeting.The Semitic Club will meet Tuesday, January 26,at 7:30 p.m., in the Egyptian Room, Haskell. Dr.Breasted will read on "Egyptian Antiquities."The regular meeting of the Sociology Club willoccur Tuesday, January 26, at 7:30 p.m., and by invitation from the members of the house will be held atKelly Hall. Miss Addams of Hull House will read apaper on "The Pullman Strike." Members of thePolitical Economy and of the Political Science andHistory Clubs are invited to attend.The Botanical Club will meet Wednesday, January 27, at 4:00 p.m., in Walker Museum. Mr. C.J.Chamberlain will present the results of his studies in" The Embryology of Salix."The address.before the Political Economy Club byMr. Frank A. Vanderlip is postponed until Thursdayevening, February 4.The Mathematical Club will meet in Room 35, Ryerson Physical Laboratory, on Friday, January 29, at4:00 p.m. Mr. Moulton will read on "The accelerating force under the action of which a particle freeto move will describe a conic section." The Chemical Journal Meeting will be held on Friday, January 29, in Kent 20, at 5 : 00 p.m. Paper byAssistant Professor Lengfeld on "Helion and Argon."The Division Lectures before Senior Divisions II-VI are given by Dean Terry on Mondays at 10:30 the Lecture Room, Cobb Hall. The subject is"Current Problems in the Light of History."The Junior Division Lectures for the coming weekare as follows :Junior I. Dean McClintock, Tuesday, 10:30 a.m.,B 6, Cobb, "Election of Studies."Junior II. Head Professor Shorey, Tuesday, 10:30a.m., Lecture Hall, Cobb, " The Study of Languageand Literature."Junior III-IV. Assistant Professor Angell, Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., Assembly Room, Haskell OrientalMuseum, " Characteristic Problems in ContemporaryPhilosophy ; — Psychology."Junior V. Head Professor Chamberlin, Tuesday,10:30 a.m., C 9, Cobb, "The Inorganic Sciences; — Relations and Educational Functions of Physics."Junior VI. President Harper, Wednesday, 10:30a.m., Faculty Room, Haskell Oriental Museum, "Introductory Talks."Official Reports.During the week ending January 19, 1897, therehas been added to the Library of The University atotal number of 421 books from the following sources :Books added by purchase, 309 vols., distributed asfollows :General Library, 10 vols.; Philosophy, 19 vols.; Pedagogy, 2 vols.; Political Economy, 2 vols.; PoliticalScience, 3 vols.; Classical Archaeology, 1 vol.; History,5 vols.; Sociology, 25 vols.; Sociology (Divinity), 18vols.; Comparative Religion, 3 vols.; Semitic, 13 vols.;New Testament, 3 vols.; Greek, 1 vol.; Latin, 14 vols.;German, 1 vol.; Romance, 1 vol.; English, 20 vols.;Mathematics, 2 vols.; Physics, 1 vol.; Geology, 34 vols.;Zoology, 1 vol.; Physiology, 1 vol.; Palaeontology, 2vols.; Botany, 2 vols.; Church History, 3 vols.; Morgan Park Academy, 5 vols.; History, Political Economy, Political Science, Sociology, 114 vols.; Anatomy,Neurology, Palaeontology, Physiology, Zoology, 3 vols.Books added by gift, 105 vols., distributed as follows :General Library, 54 vols.; Political Economy, 1 vol.;Sociology (Divinity), 43 vols.; Latin and Greek, 7 vols.Books added by exchange for University publications, 7 vols., assigned as follows :Political Economy, 5 vols.; Sociology, 2 vols,542 UNIVERSITY RECORDReligious.At the Vesper Service, Sunday, January 24, at4 : 00 p.m., in Kent Theater, Professor E. T. Harper,of Chicago Theological Seminary, will give theaddress on " Life after Death among the Babyloniansand Assyrians." Admission by ticket only until4 o'clock.Associate Professor Tufts will address the unionmeeting of the Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. at 7:00p.m., Sunday, January 24, in Haskell Oriental Museum.Subject, "Life and Creed." All are invited.Day of Prayer for Colleges.The regular exercises of The University will be suspended on Thursday, January 28, after 10:30 a.m., inrecognition of the Day of Prayer for Colleges. Specialreligious exercises have been arranged for that dayand will occur as follows:At 10:30 am..— Junior College Students will meet inKent Theater. Dean Capps will preside and the Rev.E. M. Stires of Grace Episcopal Church will speak.Senior College Students will meet in Cobb LectureRoom. Head Professor Burton will preside and theRev. Frank Crane, of Trinity Methodist Church, willspeak. Graduate Students will meet in the Chapel.Mr. G. F. Hull will preside and Head ProfessorChamberlin will speak. Divinity Students will meetin Haskell Assembly Room for a brief service ofprayer and conference.At 3:00 p.m.— A general meeting of The Universitywill be held in Kent Theater, at which the Rev. E.Winchester Donald, D.D., of Trinity Church, Boston,Mass., will deliver an address.At 7:00 p.m. — A meeting of the Missionary Societyof the Divinity School will be held in Haskell Assembly Room with an address by a prominent speaker.The day will be observed at Morgan Park Academyas follows : The regular morning Chapel will be heldat 11 o'clock instead of 12; a meeting of the studentswill be addressed by the Rev. Johnston Myers, D.D.,Pastor of the Immanuel Baptist Church, Chicago.The regular school exercises will be suspended in theafternoon, when a union meeting of the Y. W. C. A.and Y. M. C. A. will be held, addressed by speakersfrom the city.Material for the UNIVERSITY KECOKD must beorder to be published in the issue of the same week. THE CALENDAR.JANUARY 22-30, 1897.Friday, January 22.Chapel- Assembly : Graduate Schools. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10: 30 a.m.Saturday, January 23.Administrative Board of Libraries, Laboratories, andMuseums, 8:30 a.m.Faculty of the Graduate Schools, 10:00 a.m.Faculty of the Junior Colleges, 11:00 a.m.Faculty of the Senior Colleges, 12:00 m.Sunday, January 24.Vesper Service, 4:00 p.m. (see p. 542).Union Meeting of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., 7:00 p.m.Monday, January 25.Chapel- Assembly : Junior Colleges. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Senior Divisions II- VI. Dean Terry, Lecture Room, Cobb, 10: 30 a.m.New Testament Club, Middle Divinity, 7: 30 p.m. (seep. 541).Tuesday, January 26.Chapel- Assembly : Senior Colleges. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Division I. Dean McClintock, B 6,Cobb, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Division II. Head Professor ShoreyLecture Room, Cobb, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Division III-IV. Assistant ProfessorAngell, Assembly Room, Haskell, 10:30 a.m.Lecture, Junior Division V. Head Professor Chamberlin, C 9, Cobb, 10: 30 a.m.Physics Club, R 32, 3:00 p.m. (see p. 541).Sociology Club, Kelly Hall, 7:30 p.m. (see p. 541).Economic Club, Cobb Lecture Room, (see p. 541).University Chorus, Rehearsal, Kent Theater, 7:15 p.m.Semitic Club, Egyptian Room, Haskell, 7: 30 p.m. (seep. 541).Wednesday, January 27.Lecture, Junior Division VI. The President, FacultyRoom, Haskell, 10:30 a.m.Botanical Club, Walker, 4:00 p.m. (see p. 541).Thursday, January 28.Day of Prayer for Colleges (see p. 542).Meeting of Junior Colleges, Kent Theater, 10:30 a.m.Meeting of Senior Colleges, Lecture Room, Cobb,10:30 a.m.Meeting of Graduate Schools, Chapel, Cobb, 10:30 a.m.Meeting of Divinity School, Haskell Assembly Room,10: 30 a.m.General University Meeting, Kent Theater, 3:00 p.m.Missionary Society of the Divinity School, HaskellAssembly Room, 7:00 p.m.Friday, January 29.Chapel -Assembly : Graduate Schools. — Chapel, CobbLecture Hall, 10: 30 a.m.Meeting of Senior College Council, 1:30 p.m.Chemical Journal meeting, K 20, 5: 00 p.m. (see p. 541).Mathematical Club, R 35, 4:00 p.m. (see p. 541).sent to the Kecorder by THURSDAY, 8:30 A.M., in