HUTCHINS' SPEECHCHICAGOMAROONVol. 4, No. 5 Z-149 Friday, July 21, 1944Two Students and ProfessorGranted Honorary DoctoratesBy Boswell Institute of ChicagoAlthougrh somewhat after the trad¬itional season for the awarding ofhonorary degrees, the Boswell Insti¬tute of Chicago saw fit, nevertheless,to grant honorary doctoral degreesthis week to Frederick I. Gottesman,distinguished litterateur and editor ofThe Chicago Maroon; George W. Hil¬ton, Republican extraordinary andsometime circulation manager of thesame publication; and Professor Will¬iam C. Reavis of the Departments ofEducation and Amateur Farming.The action of the Boswell Institutein granting degrees to undergraduatestudents, as in the case of the firsttwo mentioned, is unprecedented, butboth the degree and the Institute mayalso be thus described. The degreeof Frustrationis Doctor was origin¬ated at Oxford University in theeighteenth century when it was firstbestowed by Pembroke College uponSamuel Johnson, immortal wit andlexicographer. In like fashion, theBoswell Institute, or Club as it isknown in some ^larts, stems from TheClub of London which was establishedby the coterie of intellectuals whofollowed Johnson and were made fam-Professor DeLacyLectures on ValueOf Greek, LatinGiving the second address of thecurrent series of lectures on humanis¬tic education. Professor Philipp How¬ard De Lacy of the Department ofLatin spoke Monday afternoon in So¬cial Sciences 122 on “The Place ofthe Ancient Languages in the Human¬istic Education.” Pointing out that,in the field of language study, theproblem of maintaining the humani¬ties apart from the sciences, socialand biological, is acute, Professor DeLacy stressed that increasing empha¬sis on the classics as mirrors of so¬cial issues has resulted in the sup¬planting of time-honored methods ofstudy of Latin and Greek.Remarking that grammar offers theforms and frames of thought, he saidthat the new course in Language be¬ing introduced into the Universitycurrculum n the final and being re¬quired of every beginning languagestudent would offer theories of gram¬mar from Plato’s “Cratylus”, throughAristotle, to the present day. Matteron semantics, phonetics, and compara¬tive philology would also be included.The course will, however, avoid theusual pitfalls of general languagecourses by being held to a minimumof academic work.Concluding his lecture. ProfessorBe Lacy asserted that t^e reasons forcontinuing Latin and Greek in thecurriculum are: (1) the classicaltexts are universally assigned a highdegree of excelelnce by whatever cri¬teria of literary excellence judged;and (2) they contain the bases of thecriteria themselves. FREDERICK I. GOTTESMANous by that convivial genius, JamesBoswell.The Boswell Club of Chicago wasfounded in August, 1942 by one JeanJacques Rousseau van Voorhies, of theUnion League Club for the purpose ofcombining “conviviality with intellect¬uality” in a true Boswellian tradition.More recently, as an adjunct of theClub, the Institute was established forthe purpose of conducting research inthe field of frustration and awardingsuitable honorary degrees to individ¬uals deserving of such recognition byvirtue of their own frustrations. Arecent recipient of the doctorate hasbeen Wendell Willkie of late lamentedWisconsin fame.In the case of Editor Gottesman,his award has been made on the basisof his never-ending struggle betweentrying to excel as a savant and, at thesame time, attempting to produce acampus paper paFexcellence. The ob¬vious result in both cases has beenfrustration to an admirable degree.Dr. Gottesman’s citation for the de¬gree of Doctor of Frustration readsin part: “The Boswell Institute hasunanimously voted that you merit itshighest degree, the Frustrationis Doc¬tor, on account of your splendid con¬tribution to belles-lettres in The Chi-ago Maroon, and your vital victory inthe battle of the Midway as recordedin a recent issue of your paper.Knowing your many duties as editor,this degree of frustration is granted'. . . with the felicitations and congrat¬ulations of the Chancellor, Doctors,and Scholars of the Boswell Institute.”Dr. Hilton’s award was made tohim both in his capacity as circulation(See “Degrees” on page four)The applications for benefitsunder the GI Bill of Rights arenow available in Cobb 209. Paydates are from the time applica¬tions are signed. Seeks To Clarify OrganizationAnd Purpose Of The University“The Organization and Purpose ofthe University” was the title of theaddress delivered last night by Pres¬ident Robert M. Hutchins to the fac¬ulty and students of the University.Declaring that he had been forced toremain silent in the recent controver¬sy between himself and a majority ofthe University Senate over these is¬sues, Mr. Hutchins stated that the pur¬pose of his address would be to clari¬fy his position in the matter, in viewof the misconceptions about it whichhad arisen during the recent discus¬sions.Asserting that his object was notso much to argue for his position asto make it clear, he continued, “I amafraid that I shall be saying nothingthat is new.” He then pointed to pro¬posals for reform, which he had madeas long as five, ten, or fifteen yearsago, such as those concerning thePh.D. degree, faculty rank and ten¬ure, senate reorganization, and the“moral, intellectual, and spiritual rev¬olution,” which have only recentlybecome the subjects of heated discus¬sion.Stating that he believed that theimprovement of education could onlybe achieved by a process of discus¬sion and agreement, Mr. Hutchinsthen declared that any changes herecommended had only been madewith the consent of the faculty bodyconcerned or the Board of Trustees,whichever had authority in the mat¬ter involved. He continued, however,“The UiiiveiTsKy of Chicago liaanot been organized on the principlethat every matter involving educationis to be decided by the University Sen¬ate. The University has been organ¬ized on the principle that the variousfaculties subject to the non-disapprov¬al of the Senate have in their controlthe nature and the details of the edu¬cational work which they offer. Be¬yond that the authority of the Boardof Trustees has always been exercis¬ed. The theory has been that theBoard is the representative of thepublic and that it may make thosechanges in the University which inits judgment the interests of thecountry require.Long in charge of Traveling Bazaar,one of The Chicago Maroon*s mosteffective weapons in the battle a-gainst bankruptcy, has been the em-minent Donald McK. Shields. Mr.Shields, quaint character, came to usafter serving an apprenticeship ofone year as feature writer for theEmbalmers* Monthly. It is easilyseen how this experience has provedinvaluable to him in writing Bazaar.During his days on the MonthlyMr. Shields believed that the “BigFour” was only a railroad, but theeighty-seven club women who fellmadly in love with him the day hebegan to write gossip corrected theerror almost immediately. WritingBazaar caused so many women tosurround him that in one week hewalked into and trapipled three DeltaSigmas, a PDU, and fourteen PiDelts. His only explanation was thathe failed to see them. It is commonknowledge that he notices only MortarBoards, Quads, Sigmas, and Esos.This habit of stepping on peoplehas netted Mr. Shields four trips to “The voice which the faculty has inthe management of the Universitydoes not originate in academic free¬dom. Academic freedom means thatthe professor must be protected inhis teaching and research from thePresident, the Board, and the public;and here that protection is complete.Academic freedom does not give theprofessor, or the whole body of pro¬fessors, control over the destiny ofthe University. That, according to theConstitution, is the responsibility ofthe Board.”Explaining the problem of reorgan¬ization, he declared that “develop¬ments now universally regarded asdesirable could not have taken placeif the professors whose particular in¬terests were involved had had the de¬cisive voice as to whether these devel¬opments should have started. The taskof rationalizing and unifying so com¬plex an institution requires the sacri¬fice of established habits and inter¬ests. To insist that these sacrificesmust be made, if at all, by the voteof those who are to suffer them is toinsist, in effect, that the institutionshall not be rationalized and unified.The voice of the faculty must at alltimes be heard. But can that voice bedecisive when it is contrary to the in¬terests of the developing communityas a whole?”He then expressed the hope that thepresent discussions of the question be¬tween faculty and Trustee committeeswould result in an acceptable solu¬tion ta.*tho- problom. He also declaredthat changes in organization whichwill make authority commensuratewith responsibility, which will permitrapid and decisive action, and whichwill enable the University to remoulditself to meet changed conditions areinevitable.Mr. Hutchins then devoted the sec¬ond section of his address to answer¬ing the fear expressed by the Senatemembers in the recent controversythat he was attempting to impose aparticular philosophy upon theUniversity. Commenting on thisassertion, he said, “This is ina sense a highly complimentary sug¬gestion, because it implies that I havethe Botany Pond. Swimming coachMcGillvary was contemplating sendinghim to New Haven to challenge AlanFord in the free style, on the groundsthat Mr. Shields has had more ex¬perience in the water than any manon the Maroon swimming team. Hehas spent so much time in the pondthat he is rapidly becoming friendlywith the goldfish. One of them hasgiven him a standing invitation todrop in at his grotto to compare swim¬ming techniques.Mr. Shields will be unable to accept,as his nautical days are over. Hehas assured himself a dry existenceby changing Bazaar from a gossipcolumn to a review of campus trad¬itions and politics. He was entirelydemoralized for gossip columning bythe discovery that the Phi Delts werehuman. As soon as the great changewas made, four Sigma Chis and aKappa Sig started to speak to him,but seven Nu Pi’s stopped. Mr.Shields is still weighing this in thebalance. ROBERT M. HUTCHINSa philosophy. I suppose everybody hasa philosophy, in a way. To ^ay thatfreely determined teaching and re¬search are the object of the Univer¬sity is to state a philosophy for theUniversity. To say that no other phi¬losophy is possible is to seek to im¬pose it upon the University.“Indeed the whole discussion onthis issue may be more accuratelystated in language exactly the reverseof that which has been used of late.(See “Hutchins” on page four)/nt. House to Ho/dDance Canival andSimon Bolivar FeteThis Saturday, July 23rd, the Inter¬national Folk Dance Festival will beheld from 8:15 P.M. to midnight. TheFestival will be held out of doors inthe tennis courts as it is annually.Eitel Brosseit’s Czech Orchestra willprovide music for both folk-dancingand social dancing.The International House Folk Danc¬ers will present “Pas d’Espair”,“Polka Weigurka”, and “HaleriaPolka”.In addition, visiting groups willexhibit special dances. Miss MarieWalsh will direct the Music Art Ass¬ociates in the performance of a By¬zantine dance, a Portuguese dance, aSpanish dance, and a Mexican dance.The American Square Dancers, underthe direction of Mr. Graef, will pre¬sent a group of American squaredances. Miss Mildred Gee will presentthe Hula dance of Hawaii, and aPhilippine folk dance will be presentedby a group of Philippine dancers.On July 23rd, the Sunday Soireeat International House, will featurea Simon Bolivar 151st Birthday Cel¬ebration planned by Colombian Inter¬national House members."^The program will consist of a lec¬ture on the political significance ofBolivar by Dr. J. Fred Rippy of theUniversity, and a talk on the eventsof his private life by Dona BlancaFallon of the Pan American Council.The master of ceremonies will be Ro¬berto Rastrupo, a graduate studentfrom Columbia, and music by SenorMarieicio Platto, Colombian pianistand composer will be featured.The centerpiece for the Soiree willbe made up of one dozen orchids sentspecially by air from Colombia byfriends of International House.Battle of the MidwayGeorge HiltonPage Two THE CHICAGO MAROONTHE CHICAGO MAROONOfticial student publication of the University of Chicago, published every Friday during the academic quarters. Published at Lex¬ington Hall, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Telephone DORchester 7279 or MIDway 0800, Ext. 351.EDITOR: Frederick I. Gottesman BUSINESS MANAGER; Alan J. StrausgEditorial Associates: John Harmon, William Wambaugh Business Associate: George HiltonEditorial Assistants: Caroll Atwater, Ellen Baum, Frances Carlin, Dolores Engel, Roger Englander, Joe Hart, Ed Hofert, Dorothy Iker,Lorraine McFadden, Don Shields, Connie Slater, Nancy Smith, Espey Voulis, Mary Wong, Carla Zingarelli ISchool Spirit(We are devoting our column this week to aletter written to us by Thomas Tourlentes, form¬erly an undergraduate student and, at present,an Army medical student stationed at the Univ¬ersity. In his letter, Private Tourlentes placesthe burden of supplying the campus-wide in¬tegrating force on our modest shoulders. We arenot insensible of our responsibility to the Univ¬ersity in this regard and we have worked andare still working towards that end. The Editor.)In last week’s Chicago Maroon editorial, re¬ference was made to the lack of “school spirit”on this campus. I share your concern in thismatter. But I wonder if you mean by “schoolspirit” the frivolous “Joe College” attitude to¬wards higher education that characterizes somany of our colleges. Several years ago, as anentering freshman just out of a high schoolwhere academic pursuits were more or less sec¬ondary in the educational scheme, I was quitedistressed to find that the contrary was true here,Now I am glad things turned out the other way.After a sad first quarter,^! succeeded in mak¬ing the necessary adjustments (which everyonedoes) and only then did I realize that the typeof student attracted to this campus recognizesthe primary importance of the academic aspectof a higher education. Futhermore, as one pur¬sues such education on a higher and higher levelas is possible here it becomes a more and moreindividual adventure. From this arises a lack ofthat cohesiveness and unity which characterizesthe liberal arts college. (Don’t forget at thispoint that the Four Year College, our equivalentof the liberal arts college, is only a part of theUniversity.) Without attempting a further an¬alysis of the genesis of our peculiar type of coll¬ege life I think I can safely say this has been themajor factor in its development.But we are not so self-centered that * group ^activities suffer—indeed, student organizationsof a serious nature are many and varied, andeven social activities in the various levels of theUniversity are adequate when one remembersthat this is a large city with many opportunitiesfor diversion and entertainment that are notavailable to the students of the typical smalltown college.Nevertheless, a campus-wide integratingforce is desireable. Obviously, from what hasbeen said already, this must take a form unlikethat usually denoted by the expression “schoolspirit.” Fortunately, the nucleus of such a forcealready exists. That force is, believe or not, TheChicago Maroon! In its pages it is possible tobring together the various segments—the indiv¬idual can get to know the whole—and in so doingan espirit de corps can be established that is inkeeping with the character of the University.But this cannot be done if the coverage isnot all-inclusive and circulation campus-wide.In connection it cannot be denied that there hasbeen an improvement in coverage this past year.The equally important problem of circulation,however, remains unsolved.To me this is not understandable inasmuchas the principle obstacle to such an achievmentis financing, it, which is a relatively simpleproblem to solve. A small activities fee plus theincreased revenue from the advertising that a This Week On CampusFriday, July 21—Conference for Administrative Officers of Pub'.ic and Pri¬vate Schools. “Significant Aspects of American Lifeand Post-war Education.” Room 159, Belfield Hall. 9a.m.Conference on State Methods of Improving Local PublicWelfare Services. Cobb Hall. 9 a.m.Worship Service, Joseph Bond Chapel. Speaker: ThomasF. Freeman, Graduate Student, The Divinity School.12 m.-12:20 p.m.Hayseed Shuffle, Ida Noyes Hall. Square Dancing. 8:30p.m. No Admission Charge.Satikrday, July 22—Conference on State Methods of Improving Local PublicWelfare Services. Cobb Hall? 9 a.m.Sunday, July 23—Religious Service, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Speak¬er: Dr. Albert W. Palmer, President of the ChicagoTheological Seminary. Subject: “Rhythm, Melody, andHarmony in Religion.” 11 a.m.University of Chicago Round Table. “Should Labor Un¬ions Aim for Political Power?” Speakers to be an¬nounced. WMAQ and NBC, 12:30-1:00 p.m.Organ Recital, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. WarrenSchmidt, Concordia Teachers College. 7-7:30 p.m.Carillon Recital, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. 8-8:30p.m.Monday, July 24—Conference on State Methods of Improving Local PublicWelfare Services. Cobb Hall. 9 a.m.Pastors’ Institute. Joseph Bond Chapel. 9 a.m.Lecture (Humanities and Education): “Methods of Liter¬ary Study.” Speaker: Clarence H. Faust, Professor ofEnglish, Dean of the College. Social Science 122. 4 p.m.Social Dance Mixer, Ida Noyes Hall. 8-8:30 p.m.Tuesday, July 25—Pastors’ Institute. Joseph Bond Chapel. 9 a.m.Public Lecture. “The Role of the Bible in ContemporaryLiterature.” Amos N. Wilder, Professor of New Testa¬ment Interpretation. Room 122, Social Science. 4:30p.m.Worship Service, Joseph Bond Chapel. Speaker: EdwinE. Aubrey, Professor of Christian Theology and Eth¬ics. 12 m.-12:20 p.m.Recording Concert and Tea. Ida Noyes Hall. 3-5 p.m.Recreational Evening. Ida Noyes Hall. 7:30-9 p m.Carillon Recital. Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. 8-8:30p.m.Documentary Film: “Adventures of Chico.” Room 122,Social Science. 7 and 8:30 p.m. Admission: 35c per per¬son.Wednesday, July 26— ^Pastors’ Institute. Joseph Bond Chapel. 9 a.m.Public Lecture: “Fundamentals in Inter-American Rela¬tions.” J. Fred Rippy, Professor of American History.Room 122, Social Science. 4:30 p.m.Organ Recital, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Hugo Gehr-ke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 7-7:30 p.m.Carillon Recital, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. 8-8:30p.m.Social Dance Mixer. Ida Noyes Hall. 8-8:30 p.m.Sound Film: “The Human Adventure.” James HenryBreasted Hall. 8 p.m. Admission by ticket obtainable'at Information Office, Press Building.Thursday, July 27—Pastors’ Institute. Joseph Bond Chapel. 9 a.m.Lecture (Humanities and Education): “Ancient Litera¬ture.” Gertrude Smith, Professor of Greek: Chairman,Department of Greek Language and Literature. Room122, Social Science. 4 p.m.Lecture: “The Religious Problem of Our Age.” G. A.Borgese, Professor of Italian Literature. Classics 10.4:30 p.m.Carillon Recital, Rockefeller Memorial Chapel.’ 8-8:30p.m.The Human Adventure. “Clausewitz on War.” WGN,7:30-8 p.m.larger circulation would attract would easily el¬iminate this problem. (Eventually advertisingalone could finance the paper.)Now that I have pointed out how near tohome the solution to the problem of “school spir¬it” is, let’s see what you can do about it.I Sincerely yours,Thomas Tourlentes Smedley and GeorgeJohn Harmon“My goodness,”ts a i d Smedley,“I’ll have towatch my dictionin here. Theysay that the sem¬antics teachersare very exact.”George the Goatnodded and they both went into theworkshop.There they noticed one of thestrangest things they had ever seen.On the floor sat all the students mak¬ing words from the letters on littlewooden blocks. When they had finallymade a word, they would take out aslide rule, a micrometer and a depthgauge and check to see if it met theproper specifications of a word.“My goodness,” said Smedley. “Thisis what must be called scientific an¬agrams.”Just then a man came over andhanded them several press releases.“I'm the head semanticist. Readthose,” he said.“My goodness,” began Smedley ashe glanced through the reams of paperdevoted to the word “horse.”“Psittacism!” shouted the semanticsteacher.Smedley covered George’s ears andGeorge, Smedley’s. When they sawthe man had calmed down a littlethey cautiously allowed each other tohear again. Just then, the semanticsteacher again shouted, “Psittacism!”Back went the coverings on the earsand it was only by means of signlanguage words of not less than threesyllables that the semantics teacherconvinced them they should againrisk defilement of their auditory chan¬nels.“You see,” began the semanticsteacher, “I was referring to that ‘mygoodness’ which you uttered. Thatwas a cliche, or in my language, apsittacism.”Involuntarily, Smedley’s hands wenttoward George’s ears and George’spaws toward Smedley’s ears.“I think I had better explain,” saidSmedley. “You see, that word isn’t ingood use. It’s one of the first swearwords the Music Editor of the Maroonteaches his classes in Bar-Room Eng¬lish:’“My goodness,” said the semanticsteacher who thought the word had butone meaning.“Well,” began Smedley, “I read thatphilosophical criticism in the Sundaypaper in which you spoke of Dewey as‘John, not Tom, you dope’ and Ithought maybe I’d better find outwhat semanticism really was.”“My goodness,” said the semanticsteacher. “Did I really write ‘youdope’? How utterly careless of me.But you know, the best laid plans . . .What was it you wanted to know?Jazz CocktailsThis isn’t the Chicago of the 20’s;Louis isn’t playing the ride-out on“Dippermouth” down at the LincolnGardens, cutting Papa Joe across thestreet; the New Orleans RhythmKings aren’t taking ten choruses on“Royal Garden” down at Friar’s Inn,but there is still Jazz in Chicago. Notthe music that you hear through ahaze of noise at the bars on RandolphStreet or at the commercial “jam ses¬sions” around town, but the kind ofmusic you could have heard first inNew Orleans, and then on the river-boats, then in any of the dives in acity on the River. To anyone who haspawed through stacks of used recordslooking for some good blues, the nameof Big Bill, alias Big Bill Broonzy orWillie Broonzy, will be a familiar one.And Big Bill is in town. He’s playing Oh, yes . . . semantics. Well, sem¬antics is, in a word, the scientific de¬finition of definitions.”“But doesn’t Mr. Webster do that?”asked Smedley.“Who’s he?” asked the semanticsteacher.“He’s a lexicographer,” explainedSmedley.“That explains why I don’t knowhim,” said the semantics teachertensely. “And don’t talk of him insuch a loud voice. If my studentsknew there were such things as dic¬tionaries they’d leave these classes.You’re not a propogandist for thoseAristotelians, are you?”Smedley answered that he certainlywasn’t and so the man continued hisexplanation. “We use the slide rule,the transit, the test tube and thescalpel to find the meaning of. words.”At this, Smedley and George turnedto notice the cauldrons of words bub¬bling at the other end of the room.“That,” explained the teacher, isthe essence of classics, the digestof digests, which is the eventual aimof such a course. Since this is ourplan, you can see we have little usefor such things as dictionaries. Nosir, we use Newton. He’s the appleof our eye. I did read a dictionaryonce though, and it has left its scars.I often forget the expressive Newton¬ian How well the sun approaches themondian and substitute in its placethe vulgar Good Morning. That is afamiliar cliche.”“Are there any cliches that aren’tfamiliar?” asked Smedley.At this the semantics teacher be¬came so’ enraged he ordered all theblocks with the letters A (for Aris¬totle) and W (for Webster) to be el¬iminated from the semantics alphabet.“How many letters are there in thesemantics alphabet?” asked Smedley.*“A goodly number,” answered thesemanticist.“What will semantics do for you?”continued Smedley.“It will help you get ahead,” ans¬wered the teacher.Just then they were interrupted bya loud “ba-a-a” from George the Goat.It seems he had been watching a girlwho had made the epithets Goat andCapra with her blocks. However, shefound these did not meet the scientificrequirements and had substituted fishae George’s title.Smedley thought they had betterleave. “Well,” he said, “I guess wehad better get going.”“That is a psittacism,” exploded theteacher. “You must say, I think I’dbetter run along now . . . tallyho.”Smedley did and they left. “Mygoodness,” said Smedley. He doesn’tlike Aristotle . . . and you know,George, I don’t think Aristotle wouldlike him.”in the back room of Ruby’s Tavern onwest Lake Street—I don’t know theexact address and it isn’t listed inthe phone book. Take the Lake streetL, get off at Western and walk downthe street a way till you hear a singlestring'guitar, a drummer doing pressrolls, and a blues piano accompanyingthe voice singing “See, see rider. Seewhat you done done...” The comboalternating with Bill will sometimesdrop into a pop or a jump number butBig Bill sings nothing but the blues.He’s best on “Louise, Louise”, theJohnnie Temple number that theCrosby band jjiadf? famous, and bnhis own compositions, “All By My¬self,” “I Feel So Good,” “Only ADream” and “Death Letter.” The jointis rather rough, and to quote the signon the wall over the band stand “NoHip Liquor Allowed”, but the music’sfine. —J.H.M./ THE CHICAGO MAROONFeature PagePan ShieldsTraveling BazaarThe news that the women's clubs,too, have been denied their usual listof entering students by the Dean'sOffice leads to some interesting specu¬lation as to their fate contrasted withthat of their male counterpart, thefraternities. The Dean’s Office in re¬fusing the clubs the list clings to itsoriginal story that it hasn't been madeup this year on account of the excep¬tionally large^ number of applicationsand the comparatively few number ofclerks now available to do the workMany of the club girls are reluctant to believe thetale and seem to be fairly sure that the University in¬tends to include the clubs in its quiet but effective battleagainst the fraternities. v. If they would only stop andthink about it a while they would realize that the clubsare perhaps in a stronger position on campus at thepresent time than they have been in many years.In the heyday of fraternities (that is, the years be¬tween the two wars) the clubs were largely little morethan fraternity auxiliaries. They shared the “ins” and“outs” of social prestige with their male equivalents andseemed content with their lot. But since the war beganto hit the campus hard in the way of removing the fra¬ternity members and preventing possible recruitsamongst the younger men on campus, the clubs have in¬creased steadily in strength. Admittedly this has beenthrough no fault or virtue of their own making but theincreased strength is there and the leaders of the clubgroup on campus have been smart enough to make themost of it. All those factors which in the past served tokeep the clubs subordinate to and dependent upon thefraternities have now blossomed into advantages whichhave put the female group much ahead of the fraterni¬ties as far as chances for remaining significant campussocial organizations are concerned. In the past, thesefactors were largely negative.. .they included lack of na¬tional affiliation, lack of a house and lack of stronglyorganized alumni support. Right now the absence of na¬tional ties is a definite point in their favor as it preventsthe divided loyalty found in a fraternity. Absence of ahouse to maintain enables each club to keep its budgeton a reasonable basis without too much financial strainon its members and greatly widens the field of prospec¬tive members. The low dues enable many girls to affil¬iate who could not possibly afford to join a sorority. A^dthe club’s trump card (and one that is all but entirelylacking in the fraternity set up) is adequate and respon¬sible leadership. The girls who are running the clubs to¬day realize their organizations' responsibilities to thecampus at large and are engaged in fulfilling these re¬sponsibilities. A glance at the list of female studentleaders in service organizations is enough to prove thispoint. Mary Augustine, Esoteric, is chairman of the Or¬ientation Committee, Dorothy Duft, Sigma, is co-chair¬man of Student Publicity Board; Lois Lewallyn, Pi Delt,-Publisher of Student Handbook; Virginia Bennett, an¬other Eso, and Anne MaePherson, Mortar Board, leadersin the war Activities Committee; Patty Pickett, Quad,Pres, of Chapel Union, Jeanett Davidson, another Quad,prominent on Student Social Committee; the list is end¬less and continuation of it shows that the Clubs haveaccepted their responsibilities. United in Inter-ClubCouncil, under Betsy Wallace, they have performed otherservices beyond those to the school. Aside from the an¬nual Inter-Club Ball (which many non-affiliated men at¬tended) the clubs have sponsored innumerable partiesall year which not only supplemented the work of theStudent Social Committee but invaded the U.S.O. field.They provided dances for servicemen on campus and onoccasion for the midshipmen at Abbott and Tower Halls.It would be tragic if the clubs let individual gripesagainst the Dean’s Office do damage to their work. Ifthe list of entering freshmen is unavailable, why don’tthey follow the plan rather belatedly introduced by In¬ter-Fraternity Council. Confine rushing to a list preparedby thfe Inter-Club organization itself. With the poolingby every club of information concerning prospectivepledges there will be minimum danger of any one clubhiding a particularly desirable girl (which practice iscompletely unfair to the individual since it prevents herknowing other clubs) and at the same time will give allthe organizations a chance to look over girls they mightnot have had an opportunity to see under the old sys¬tem. Some kind of joint action could be worked out bytbe Council which would prevent a squabble amongst theclubs. The satisfying (though messy) inter-club battlesof yesterday are a luxury which no club can afford thisyear, and it seems to be up to the Council to see that itdoesn’t happen.. .D.S. Caroll AtwaterWhat Price SanityInternational House continues' asLittle Bedlam. Mr. Rovetta walked upto the front desk the other day eatingcough drops. After declining one aspolitely as possible, we asked him ifhe had a cold. “No,” he said, “I justlike cough drops.” He told us how heacquired this strange taste. It seemsthat when the Army took over, theGift Shop offered numberless varie¬ties of candy to military personnel.But for the House’s civilian employ¬ees there were four choices of G.I. caers’ cough drops, Vick’s cough drops, Luden’s coughdrops, and F&F cough drops.' ♦ * ♦Of psychoses, we have discovered a couple around.Ritchie, the maid who polices the offices on the first floor,has a hidden desire to shut doors on people when shesees them entering closets. Flo, the telephone operator,sits and eyes balefully a large gray oblong safe in thecorner of the telephone room. She calls it affectionatelyThe Coffin. “I wish someone’d paint the damn thing red,”we heard her muttering yesterday.On the Midway about a week ago in front of the Ele¬mentary School a strange thing happened. People pas¬sing heard a cat meowing as if it were in some pain.Necks started craning up toward the treetops, as thepeople searched for the marooned cat. Into their midsta girl came, blowing lusty meows upon a leaf.^aney SinithBox OfficeTHE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY.. .was delicately transplanted frombook to screen with little loss of bloodin the operation. There has been somejuggling of plot and characters, butthe result is well-knit and complete.In the book, by Thornton Wilder, thecharacters were disconnected and onlyoccasionally overlapped; they wereunified by the dubious accident of be¬ing on the Bridge when it fell. Themovie weaves the lives of the indi¬viduals inexorably together. There is only onethe fall of the Bridge at the end—while in the book theBridge plunges into space with the conclusion of each ofthe characters’ episodes.Much of the subtletly of the dialogue remains in thescreen version and what is written in as filler matchesin mood and content. The best characterization is AkimTamiroff’s Uncle Pio—a curious and personable gentle¬man reminiscent of Walter Winchell and Robin Hood.Lynn Bari, as Micaela Villegas, the beautiful Peruvianactress, charges her performance with fire and fury, butis handicapped by a lack in discrimination of shades ofmood. Nazimova is very good as whatever she is, butshe is not the Marquesa de Montemeyer of the book. TheMarquesa was a dignified, drunken old sot who was jeal¬ous of the superiority of her daughter. She had one sav¬ing grace—the greatness of her letters, which Peruvianschoolchildren are supposed to be studying as perfectexamples of beautiful prose, according to Wilder. Shewas one of the most uhusual figment’s of an author’simagination I have ever encountered.The strange twin brothers, Manuel and Esteban, por¬trayed by Francis Lederer with radical changes in make¬up, look significant and ominous, but for what I havenot decided.The Bridge of San Luis Rey fell on the movie-goingpublic not so much with a deafening crash as a comfort¬able plop.THE IMPOSTER.. .combines the talents of the ex¬plosive Jean Gabin and six or seven bit players. Gabinis a murderer who is to be guillotined when, at the psy¬chological moment, the walls crash about him in a Ger¬man bombing which fortunately kills off everybody insight. Making his escape, he steals the papers of a deadFrench soldier and assumes his identity, joining theFrench army in Africa, where in time he becomes a heroand receives a decoration. Gabin has pangs of consciencewhen he discovers that the medal was not for his owngreat deeds, but for those of the dead man of whom heis the reincarnation. When Ellen Drew (the sweetheartof the original of his impersonation) shows up, he giveshimself up^ to the authorities as an imposter.There is nothing much more to The Imposter thanthe plot as it here stands. Jean Gabin does his best tobe dynamic and John Qualen becomes nostalgic to thepoint of nausea about the good earth of .Normandy. Itgoes on and on endlessly, at least until the theatre hasto close for the night. Pag* ThraaI ■ — .Talk of the TownBiggest loss to campus social lifesince the closing of the “C” shop isthe early closing of the college li¬brary, the social center of everythingexcept bridge. The Tiffin Room inInt House simply can’t fill the bill de¬spite the noble efforts of John Murrawho floats around for hours swearingthat he has to leave to see his Aunt-Rose (we think it really was hisroast). However, the cheeseburgersthere are fully the equal of the “C”shop’s best.Patriots from the campus this sum¬mer include pint size Margie Gilfillanwho is driving a man-size farm trac¬tor, and Ann Barber who’s sellingwar bonds for the AW VS at the racesand the conventions (at one you beton the horses and at the other youbet on the mules). Speaking of con¬ventions, the U. of C. has been wellrepresented at both GOP and Dembrawls, the latest being the demon¬stration for Vice President Wallace.Prize story brought back from theconvention concerns, the little manwho sat up in the gallery listeningand squirming in his seat as La Lucepulled the heart strings; finally, hegave up and started to chew his strawhat muttering, “Goddamn Republi¬cans!”No column, of course, is completewithout lists of people recently en¬gaged or married. A few of the moreprominent engagements announcedare those of Jeanne Lundberg to Ma¬rine John Crimp when he was homeon furlough from Purdue; BettyPlasman to Phi Gam Cooke fromNorthwestern; Janie Graham andWally Rail; Rosemary Reedle; PeggyMallalieu. Hugh Celander, formerPhi Delt, just got married down inOklahoma. (Oklahoma!!)Alice McLaughlin Armstrong isback on campus this summer—Lt.Eddie Armstrong is now in Englandafter a stay in Iceland. Also over inEngland are Phi Delt Bill Hollis andBetas Jeff Mongerson and Pete Gun-nar. Old home week?Rod Hastings, campus drama bigname, is now in work for the Armyso secret that he can’t even tell MaryLaura Collins. However, he has drop¬ped the coy hint that he’s either rais¬ing mules or crossing pigeons withparrots (a great advance in militaryweapons, since the bird flies andtalks).Most interesting occupation oncampus is that of ASTP Robert Duffywho is out measuring pregnant worn- >en (he is a med student, of course).Med Student Frank Lossy is runninga close second with his futile effortsto give neuroses to a dog (the dog’stoo intelligent—just falls asleep assoon as Frank starts to work onhim.)Bach to BaxA freshman has sent in a noteasking what he should buy to starta record collection. The obvious ans¬wer is, whatever you like. The pitfallto be avoided there, however, is thebuying of whatever happens to strikeone’s fancy at the moment or of awork simply because it is by a fav¬orite composer. I would suggest as abeginning some rather standard workswhich can be listened to again andagain ’without becoming boring.The ideal album to start any recordcollection is Beethoven’s PastoralSymphony, No. 6, with the B.B.C.Symphony and Arturo Toscanini.The work is melodious and graceful;but each time one listens to it, onealways discovers something that Home on furlough or soon to be areVerne Hansen, Sigma Chi, and DekeEarle (“Old”) Thiemer. Pretty soonthe twins Earl and Courtney Shankenshould be home too—^they’ve bothflown fifty missions from Italy. Theonly difference in their record isthat one has received six oak leafclusters and the other has receivedseven.Chi Rho Jeanne Simonini isn’t wear¬ing Red Bromfield’s pin anymore, butneither has she given it, a DU from DePauw, who would¬n’t take his bachelor’s exam from theIja of C. because he was scared hewould flunk it, is graduatingfrom Abbott Hall in the top ten of theclass. Monica Erlach just came backfrom Arkansas beaming with an SAEpin from Jack Duba, Air Corps, for¬merly of Rhode Island State.Maggie Magerstadt has finally de¬serted us for Greenwich Village. Coalsto Newcastle.Information is urgently wanted onthe young lady who exchanges razorblades with her date (he likes singleedge ones and she likes double edgeones). They went home happy andcontent.We hope all the readers of this col¬umn have as much foresight as AnnMcPherson who is already practicingfor Inter Club Sing—yodeling awayduring the fiction film, rivalling PaulRobeson.wasn’t there the last time. Then, byway of contrast, the Brahms FourthSymphony with Bruno Walter andthe B.B.C., which in spite of newerrecordings of the work, contains awarm, rich reading with the true ro¬mantic glow the work should have—together with the right tempi, whichthe Koussevitsky version lacks. Ifyou, want to postpone Brahms, thentry the Mozart Symphony No. S6 inC, called the “Linz” from the townwhere it was written; played by SirThomas Beecham and the LondonPhilharmonic, it is an illustration ofabsolutely flawless playing by a greatorchestra.After two or three symphonies trya piano concerto played by ArturSchnabel for another undescribableperformance.After that it would be time to takean excursion into the realm of cham¬ber music. If you arfe one of thosepeople who think that chamber musicis beyond them, then try one of theseand you will quickly change yourmind. There is Schumann’s PianoQuintet in E Flat for piano andstrings, played by Sanroma and thePrimrose Quartet. This is romanticmusic at the height of the period.Then there is the Budapest StringQuartet recording of Beethoven’sQuartet Number 12 in E Flat, Op 127,which Peter Hugh Reed has called “asecond Pastoral Symphony ** The re¬sonance of the first side of this set issuch that the listener will find itdifficult to believe that he is hearingonly four stringed instruments andnot an entire string choir. By wayof contrast, there is the same organ¬ization’s performance of Schubert’sQuartet No. 13, in A* Minor, Op. 29.,This is a simple, delicate work with,an appealing directness. The secondmovement will surprise, as it soundsmore attractive here than in the balletmusic for Rosamunde.After getting these discs, one’s owntaste will suggest further additionsalong these .same lines to the collec¬tion. At any rate they will form a sat¬isfying nucleus for a well-balancedcollection.W. R. W.THE CHICAGO MAROONPage FourPostwar EducationConference Subject .The Department of Education ofthe University has been the sponsorduring the past week of a conferenceof prominent educators in which thesubject of American life and educa¬tion after the war was the main topicof discussion. Among those who gavelectures at the conference were; JohnL. Bracken, superintendent of schools,Clayton, Missouri; Paul R. Pierce,principal of Wells High School, Chi¬cago; Herold C. Hunt, superintendentof schools in Kansas City, Missouri;and Ralph W. Tyler, Ralph A. Beals,Virgil E. Herrick, Newton Edwards,Floyd Reeves, W. F. Ogburn, JeromeKerwin, and William C. Reavis of theUniversity.Mr. Bracken expressed himself asbeing opposed to homework for chil¬dren on the grounds that they shouldbe permitted to leave the cares ofschoolwork behind when they leavethe school. He believes that individualand community betterment hinge onimproved health and physical educa¬tion and to achieve this he favors aprogram of athletics which empha¬size the benefit for the individualrather than the game itself. In con¬nection with this Bracken said, ‘^Em¬phasis is passing from such forms ofathletics which participants finishforever with the last game of theirfinal school season to so-called minorsports, with their greatly increasedcarry-over. These minor sports devel¬op personal relationships in whole¬some group activities. These are theactivities on which comunities worriedover the problems of restless, activeyouth rely for effective communitycontrol. Many youth problems disap¬pear when boys and girls are concern¬ed actively in these programs.”Paul R. Pierce told the second ses¬sion of the conference that democraticliving can be earned only through ex¬periencing it day by day, in school,Mandel Hall to BeScene of Bond RallyOn July 28, at 8:15, there will be ahuge Hyde Park Bond Rally and cam¬paign for the Red Cross Blood Bank.Chairman of the Rally will be CliftonUtley, prominent news commentatorand Chicago alumnus. Featured onthe program will be a movie presentedby the Red Cross showing the bloodbank in the field, a wounded veteran,who has seen action on. the Aleutiansand at Tarawa, telling his story ofbonds in action, and a stirring UnitedNations Flag Parade. A broad com¬munity sponsorship is contributing tothe success of the Rally. Dean CharlesW. Gilkey is representing the Univer¬sity.Box Picnic, Square DanceSocial Events TonightA box picnic and evening of squaredancing will be tonight’s all-campussocial event. The box picnic will beheld at Promontory Point, if theweather is fair. Groups will leave forthe Point at 6:45. In case of rain, thepicnic will be held at Ida Noyes Hall.The old-fashioned square dancing tofollow at 8:30 will be held at IdaNoyes, not at the Point as originallyscheduled. There will be no admisisoncharge. Participants are advised towear their old clothes.SPIC-n-SPANNow Serving Breakfast, Lunch,and DinnerOpen 7 A.M. to 7 P.M.Dining Room Air-conditioned home and community. Virgil E. Her¬rick believes that school administra¬tors and teachers have the respon¬sibility of giving the democratic faithsubstance, the administrator in thisrole as curriculum organizer, theteacher in his capacity as intellec¬tual guide for the young. Herold C.Hunt spoke on the subject of educa¬tion for democracy, saying, “Educa¬tion for peace is effective only whenit is universal. The extension ofeducational opportunity to all groupsis a postwar problem of the firstmagnitude. Education’s responsibil¬ity is to see that America’s pow¬erful material and economic force oftoday is dignified with moral andspiritual attributes, assuring themaintenance of democratic institutionsand the extension world-wide of theprinciple of popular participation ingovernment.”Saying that the school must be aminiature democracy, William E.Drake believes that “dictatorially op¬erated schools cannot help createdemocratic citizens.” He said that be¬cause the teaching profession hasbeen “the world’s easiest professionto enter” it is in need .of radicalchange. Government can help educa¬tion by providing a generous programof financing, but must not dictate theeducational program.Degrees.,,(Continued from page one)manager of theAfaroow, which is ordin¬arily sufficient in itself to cause frus¬tration to any normal man, and alsoas the editor’s Boswell. (See “Battleof the Midway” in the July 14 Mar¬oon.)Professor William C. Reavis wasgranted his degree of F.D. at a simpleceremony Wednesday evening at ameeting of the school administrator’sconference now in session at the Univ¬ersity. In the case of Dr. Reavis, dis¬tinguished scholar and great contrib¬utor to the.cause of education in Am¬erica, the experts of frustration dis¬covered that things are not quiteGEORGE W. HILTONright on the farm of this great Cin-cinnatus of the University of Chicago.Consequently, because of his achieve¬ments in education and because of hismost laudable achievements in farmfrustration, the Faculty of the Bos¬well Institute unanimously voted thathe be'honored with its FrustrationisDoctor, which unlike the Universitydiplomas, is written entirely in Latin,thereby adding to the frustration i ofmost scholars except Dr. Reavis, whoknows his Latin much better than hisfarming. Hutchins,,.(Continued from page one)I could more plausibly say that wehave here a university which has longbeen dominated by a particular phi¬losophy. For some years the Presi¬dent, without in any way interferingwith the expression, teaching, or re¬search of those who adhere to thatphilosophy, has been seeking to ob¬tain representation for other pointsof view. Although we are told thathe has enormous power, he has utter¬ly failed. I could plausibly say thatthe particular philosophy which themajority of the senior members ofthe faculty share has therefore beenimposed by them upon the University.“I do not say that this is so. I saythat it is much more nearly so thanthe charge that.I am seeking to im¬pose my philosophy,”Mr. Hutchins then continued thathe believed his call for a moral, intel¬lectual, and spiritual revolution to bethe statement of a very general doc¬trine, rather than any particular one.He characterized it as an attack onmaterialism, a position which almostevery philosophy and religion share.In addition, he stated that such a po¬sition should be popular at a univer¬sity, since the men who regard wealthand power as the aim of life seldomselect a university as the field fortheir ambition.To maintain necessary unity of theuniversity, without violating theclaims of freedom. President Hutch¬ins asserted the university must es¬tablish a common training and a com¬mon purpose. The common trainingmakes it possible for the members ofthe community to be intelligible toeach other, while the common purposemakes the university intelligible toits members and makes each part fitsuccessfully into the whole.Mr. Hutchins declared that thisnecessary common purpose can onlybe discovered and defined by discus¬sion and agreement. He stated thata conclusion that no such purpose canexist would be unfortunate, but thathe would accept this conclusion if itwas arrived at by careful and candidstudy. He declared, however, that hewas not prepared to accept it as dog¬ma, as it is now advanced in somequarters. “To say that this conclu¬sion is so universally agreed uponthat even to question it is treason tothe University and the higher learn¬ing is to impose a philosophy upon theUniversity with a vengeance,” he con¬tinued.Furthermore, the effect of such adogma, he stated, is to require theUniversity to ignore its responsibilityto its age. He branded as false thesuggestion that the questions of thenature of man, the ends of life, thepurposes of the state, and the orderof goods, which are the bases of thereformation he has been calling for,are irrelevant to the University.Stating that ■ the universities are re¬sponsible for fashioning the intellectof our age, he declared that thiscould only be done by diagnosing thefundamental disorder of the age andprescribing for it. “To argue thatthis is no. concern of a university tsto reject responsibility for the dec¬isions which must be made as to theuse of the knowledge and powe ac¬cumulated by a university. This ir¬responsibility may lead to the repud¬iation and ultimate destruction of theuniversity.Changing his subject to the Univ¬ersity of Chicago in particular. Pres¬ident Hutchins said, “This is a greatuniversity, the greatest, I think, inthe world. The accomplishments ofits faculty in education and researchrequire no praise from me, for theyare praised wherever education andresearch are known. The secret ofthe University’s distinction has been English Round Table BroadcastDiscusses Economic ProblemsIn a special short wave broadcastby the Freedom Forum, Englishcounterpart of the Round Table, theUniversity of Chicago presented fivespeakers from Britain^ to discuss“British Views on Postwar EconomicStumbling Blocks between the UnitedStates and Britain.” Those who part¬icipated in this discussion were: SirFrederick Whyte, K.C.S.I., who servedas moderator of the program; HenryBrooke, Conservative Member of Pari-Film Goup ShowsPaul Robeson inFiction FeatureThe Documentary Film Group lastTuesday night presented “DarkSands.” The movie, starring PaulRobeson, is based in part upon theGreat Salt Caravan of the Saharadesert during October of 1933. Open¬ing aboard a Negro troopship boundfor France in World War I, “DarkSands” shows how Jericho Jackson(Paul Robeson) accidentally kills asuperior officer during a panic whenthe boat is torpedoed.Jackson is arrested for murder aft¬er arriving in France; but, managingto escape, he eventually makes hisway to Africa where he finds a newlife. His knowledge of medicine andhis strong character make him a heroand leader of an Arab tribe. A num¬ber of years later, several Arab tribesband together to form the Great SaltCaravan to obtain medical and otherneeded supplies.Meanwhile, Jericho’s Army (ilaptain,after a court-martial and a five yearstay in Leavenworth for “aiding andabetting” Jackson’s escape, searchesthe world for him in an attempt toclear his own name. Many excellentscenes of the caravan are shown asthe Captain is supposedly watchinga movie in Bordeaux. It is the moviewhich shows the ex-Army officerwhere his man is.The whole film is hn unusual andexceptionally good one, but the end¬ing does not live up to expectations.Too many present-day films show amain character making a narrow es¬cape in a plane as the enemy sur¬rounds him. And there wasn’t muchpoint in Paul Robeson’s singing in anoperatic manner “My Way” with hisArab costume flapping in the breezein the afdeout. —L.M.its daring and its unity. The originalsource of both its youth. Now theUniversity has reached maturity. Theabsolute freedom of its youth it stillenjoys. The question is whether itwill lost its daring and its unity, as ithas lost its youth. Without daringand unity freedom itself is vain, forfreedom, too, is nothing but a meansto an end, and, academic freedom isno exception. Freedom is empty un¬less. we have a purpose beyond thepurpose to be free.“We are going to have a new worldwhether we like it or not. The signsof that world which we can now makeout.^re not encouraging. To me itseems that nothing less than a moral,intellectual, and spiritual revolutioncan save mankind.“In the moral, intellectual, and spir¬itual conflict which I foresee, theUniversity niay take whichever sideit pleases. The only thing it cannotdo, as it seems to me, is to standapart from the conflict on the theorythat its function places it above it.This is to doom the University tosterility. It is to renounce the taskof intellectual leadership. It is todeny at a great crisis in history ourresponsibility to mankind.” iament; Geoffrey Crowther, editor ofthe Economist; Harold Laski, profess¬or at the University of London; andJoseph Barnes, foreign correspondentfor the New York Herald Tribune.Crowther maintained that the aimsof the British and Americans are ac¬tually quite similar. He continued byanswering the familiar claim thatBritain is going to abandon her free¬dom. He said that she may need anincrease in government control, butthis is because she has been impover¬ished by the war.In discussing the economic condi¬tions in England, Brooke declared that“many of the British trade practicesthat the United States dislikes, whichthey have pursued, have been thenecessary result of high Americantariffs.” Furthermore, ProfessorLaski stated the “the American listen¬ers should realize that we are morefrightened of an American depressionafter the war than we are of a Britishdepression. We want to be sure thatAmerica will not allow another gi¬gantic depression.”Sir Frederick concluded by saying,“The great fear in Britain is thatAmerica will return to its old systemof free enterprise and not provide forfull employment upon which Britainwill depend in the future. Americans,on the other hand, fear that Britainis going to have state control. Weboth agree upon our general objectivesand aims although our methods maydiffer.”Next Sunday the Round Table ques¬tion for discussion will be, “ShouldLabor Unions Aim for PoliticalPower?”.Prof. Edwin E. AubreyGives Chapel SpeechOn Knowledge and PowerEdwin E. Aubrey, Professor ofChristian Theology and Ethics at theUniversity of Chicago, addressed themembers of the congregation of theRockefeller Memorial Chapel lastSunday on “Is Knowledge Power?”He said that knowledge can be poweronly when it becoMes wisdom, wisdombeing the ability to see facts in per¬spective without paralyzing thesprings of action.“The fundamental faith of democ¬racy for which we are now fightingis a faith in the eventual triumph ofwisdom over force. The courage tolive this faith in the midst of panicis what spells the power of the edu¬cated person,” he concluded.TERESA DOLANDANCING SCHOOLE. 63rd St. (Near WoodUwn Av.)Private lessoni $1.50—12 N-ll P.M. dellyLady or Gentleman InstructorsTelephone Hyde Perk 3080U. T.1131-1133 E. 55th St.Complete Selectionof Beers andOther BeveragesMIDway 0524Blatz Beer