^ Battp inamonVol. 40, No. 7 Z-149 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1939 Price Three CentsMaroons Count on Victory OverWabash Despite Weakened LineInjuries, always the nemosis of asmall football squad such as Chica-jro’s. struck a mortal blow at the Ma¬roon line yesterday when Dave Wiede¬mann, who was such a bulwark bothofTonsively and defensively in the Be¬loit trame. had to be carried off theDiatice field with a torn cartilage inhis knee.Notwithstanding this loss and thatof linesmen Jack Woolans and MiltWeiss, Chicago will enter the Wabasheame tomorrow a topheavy favorite:the very blocking and tackling whichcaused the injuries mentioned is ex¬pected to bolster the Maroon defensesufficiently to nearly counterbalancethe losses in personnel.unexj)ected surprise greeted on¬lookers on the practice field yest.''r-day when they saw Dick Lounsbury,captain of the 19.‘^9 basket ball team,and his old crony, Ralph Richardsonin uniform. Neither has playeel sincehis high school days, but both arewell over six fee t in height and weighin the neighborhoiMl of 190 pounds;so the'y certainly have the makings ofgood players—time will tell.Despite reports that Wabash is ascrappy, fast outfit. Coach Shaugh-nessy will probably have the opportu¬nity to experiment with the lineupin the hope of rounding up a com¬bination that will be able to stop Har-Freshmen Meetto ConsiderOrganizationA meeting to determine whetherthis year’s freshman class will fol¬low the prece<lent set by that of ’42and elect a set of class officers wasannounced for next Tuesday at d:30in Kckert 133 by Ex-President AllenDreyfu.ss.Dreyfuss, in summing up the sit¬uation, said sim|)ly that th^ decisionwas obviously the freshmen’s. Theycould indicate by tbeir attendance andattitude at the meeting Tuesday thelikelihood of continuance.“Both sides,” he added, “of the set¬up will be taken up and considereel.No effort will be made to shove anelection down their throats. If theydesire to have a class organization,we can put our own forces and thoseof several other interested groups,the Student Publicity Board, Fresh¬man Orientation Committee, Feeler-ation of University Women, and thsStudent Social Committee, behind themovement.”Benefits ToldDreyfuss will tell what benefits andadvantages resulte<l from oiganiza-tion last year. Clarabell Grossman,secretary, will enlarge on this themefrom the University women’s viewpoint. A third sophomore, representa¬tive of the class, is to Ik* chosen andallowed to express his feelings.Shouhl the freshmen decide to havea class organization, candidates willhe furnished with petitions. Lastyear it was necessary to obtain 50unduplicated names to |)ut the candi¬date up for election. This .scheme willprobably be used again.Tentative plans schedule those whogather this total to be presented ata Social “C” Book dance, Friday Oc¬tober 13.Among the accomplishments of ’42were a Freshman Day, which fea¬tured a pie eating contest between thepresident and a pig, luncheons atwhich faculty members and studentsmixed in an effort to increase famil¬iarity, an exchange dance with North¬western, and a bulletin board forspecial freshman notices.CORRECTIONIn view of your identification ofme in yesterday’s Maroon as as¬sistant to the president, I wish youwould print my denial of thecharge. I am a member of the De¬partment of Public Relations. Themistake, of course, was not yoursbut that of the source you quoted.Milton S. Mayer. vards’s Crimson tide a week from to¬morrow.Barring further injuries and otherunforeseen disasters, the starting line¬up for the Midwaymen should includeParsons and Wasem at ends, Stearns,arid Scott or Wilson at tackles, Wallisand Maurovich at guards, withWheeler at center. In the backfieldJampolis will call signals, Letts andDavenport will play the halfbacks,and Howard will hold down the full¬back berth. Poll Shows 88 of 504 WouldNot Defend U.S. If AttackedFSL SchedulesMeeting to AidFreshmen ClassOrganized to increase contacts withvarious luminaries of the Universityfaculty, a freshman group of 10called the Freshman Student Leaguewill meet tomorrow at 3:30 in Kellyto draw together their nebulousplans.The newest addition to campus or¬ganizations is being fathered byDean of Undergraduates ActivitiesWilliam M. Randall until its legsknow their way around. He has re¬quested President Hutchins to speakat the initial meeting next Thursdayin Mandel. The executive board, ap¬pointed by themselves and headed byA. D. Van Meter, hopes it will beable to continue with other speakerslike Arthur Holly Compton, theSmiths, and Dean Aaron J. Brum¬baugh.There will be no restriction placedon membership, no dues to pay, andno attempt to organize anythingother than that which affe<5t§ theif"particular pursuit. Especially shouldit be understood that this is no move- 'ment to organize freshman class of-'ficers. IThe 10 persons who compose the ^board are: A. D. Van Meter, SallyAdams, Janet Peacock, George Glin¬sky, Mark Beaubien, Frank Dasch-back, Marlie Dawes, Faith Johnson,Richard Read and Shirley Smith.These have declared an open armpolicy to any other first year personwho would like to add to the infor¬mation of the group. University Student Is NotCharacteristic Collegian—SmithBeauty QueenMakes DehutAt Panther RoomThe 1939 Freshman Beauty Queenpf the University and her two maidsof honor will be the guests of honorat a University of Chicago Night atthe Panther Room of Chicago’s HotelSherman tonight.As guests of the hotel management,Doris Alt, the Fre.shman BeautyQueen and her two maids of honor,Faith Johnson and Margaret Rathjewill be the principals in University ofChicago night to be observed in thenight club.The girls were selected at last Fri¬day’s C-Book dance by several judgesheaded by William Randall, assistantdean of students. Harry James andhis swing orchestra are planning sev¬eral numbers for the occasion, andthe Freshman Queen will appear in abrief radio interview during the eve¬ning.Molkup Calls LiberalCaucus for TodayChairman Joe Molkup of the Liber¬al party of the Political Union hascalled a caucus of the party for thisafternoon at 4 in Social Science 107to discuss the stand that the liberalswill take on the Neutrality Bill re¬peal debate at the Union meeting nextweek. IFor the same purpose, Conserva-1tive party chairman Danny Guass has |called a caucus for 3:30 this after- ]noon in Social Science 106. j Accdrdlrig to "Dean Leon P. Smith“The University has no average orrepresentative student. Every studentis an individual and is treated assuch.” But however that may be DeanSmith goes on to say that a “typical”student “would have above averageintelligence, scholastic interest andintellectual curiousity, and would bebelow average in the interests charac¬teristic of the collegian. He is mak¬ing financial sacrifices to go to school,he is working too much on the out¬side, eating unwisely and enjoyinglife too little.”Perhaps a man and woman of thistype will be the nominees for theDaily Maroon sponsored Sun Valleyexcursion. But it is more likely thatthe students selected will be more ofthe BMOC-BWOC type if campuscomments are in any way ^indicative.Janet Geiger is far out in front as achoice according to Chet Murphy,Kay Chittendon and Areta Kelble. jMen mentioned were Bud Linden,Evon Vogt, Jack Conway, Bob Kyhl, jand Chuck Pfeiffer. However, most of |those questioned seriously believe a jtruly representative University stu- ident is a scholar with small concern | for extra-curricular activities or thesocial life.Judy Peterson voiced the belief ofmany when she said, “The make-upof the campus is entirely too hetero¬geneous to pick a representative stu¬dent.” Others questioned confessedthat “they knew none, especiallywomen.”Dean Randall decided to be cau¬tious as he spoke with much evidentauthority. “It is very well known,” heexpounded, “that this Universitystands for free speech and individualliberty. Therefore it would not beproper for me to sway student opin¬ion in this weighty matter by usingmy administrative powers to the ad¬vantage or disadvantage of minoritygroups. For this reason I withhold myopinion.”Two votes for the most representa¬tive man and woman of the Univer¬sity go with each subscription boughtand two votes will be allowed to asalesman for each subscription hesells. Voting will be held at the endof October.Randall SpeaksAt Training School Gilkey SpeaksOf ^LightIn Darkness’William Randall, director of stu¬dent activities, is scheduled to speakto erstwhile reporters at the secondmeeting of the Daily Maroon training 1school on Tuesday, October 10 at 3:30. jThe meeting has tentatively been set'to take place in Lexington 5. |Himself an experienced writer and !author, Randall has been faculty di-'rector for student publications for thepast year. At present he is editing theLibrary Quarterly, teaching in theGraduate Library School, and directsthe productions of the Dramatic As¬sociation.This is to be the second class ofthe training school. Randall’s talk isthe last lecture, for the other sessionswill be conducted by members of theMaroon Board of Control, who willdiscuss features of Maroon style, themethods used in covering news sto¬ries, in obtaining features, interview¬ing people, and in covering sportsevents. Charles W. Gilkey, Dean of the Uni¬versity Chapel, who returned lastweek from England, will speak in theRockefeller Memorial Chapel Sundayon the subject “Light in Darkness.”Dr. Gilkey, who is associate dean ofthe Divinity School at the University,was among the score of Universityfaculty members stranded for weeksin Europe because of the outbreak ofthe war. Dr. Gilkey will describe hisexperiences while in France and Eng¬land in his address Sunday.The University choir, under the di¬rection of Mack Evans will be heardduring the service in a GregorianMass “Lux et Origo” for men’s voices,“Bless the Lord, 0 my Soul” by Ivan-of, and a traditional Russian hymn“Thy Wisdom, Lord, All ThoughtTranscending.”Dean Gilkey will describe his Euro¬pean experiences to members of theChapel Union and any other studentswho wish to altend a meeting of thatgroup Sunday evening at 8 in IdaNoyes Library.The title of his talk will be “OurExperiences in Europe '■National Colleg e PollMALE FEMALE TOTAL1. Under present condition-s, should the Yes . 9 .. 2 11United States enter the European war No .379 ..110 489•f. 3 .. 1 4j 2. If Germany is defeated in the war.do you think the spread of the totali- Yes 125 .. 47 172tarian form of Kovernment will be No .243 .. 58? 23 .. 8 31.2. Under present conditions, should theUnited States sell munitions on acash basis to any belliRcrent nations Yes .216 .. 67 283who can call for the items in their No .165 .. 44 2097 10 .. 2 121. Do you favor increased armaments Yes .216 .. 54 270and extension of armed forces in the No .165 .. 54 219United States at the present time?.... . 10 .. 5 155. Would you be willing to fight if: ^'es 310 .. 95 405A. The United States proper were No 73 .. 15 887 8 .. 3 11Yes 167 .. 55 222B. Any United States territorial pos- No 199 .. 57 256sessions were attacked ? •>7 25 .. 1 26Yes .‘. 126 .. 26 152C. Any country in the western hem- No .242 .. 83 325isphere were attacked ? 23 .. 4 27D. United States maritime rightswere violated: i.e., if American Yes 51 .. 23 74ships were sunk with American No 323 .. 88 411passengers aboard ? 7 17 . 2 19E. It became apparent that France Y es 76 .. 66 141and England were in danger of No 304 .. 48 3527 11 .. 0 11 Only 11 Want War Un¬der Present Conditions;Many Doubtful.Eighty-eight of the 504 studentswho voted in the Daily Maroon neu¬trality poll would not be willing tofight even if the United States wereattacked by a foreign power.Since the opinions expressed in thepoll are probably indicative of thefeelings of the entire campus, thismeans that about 18 per cent of theentire student body would refuse todefend their country even in the eventof foreign invasion.Swinging around to the extremeopposite opinion, the poll shows ninemen and two women want to activelyenter the war under the present con¬ditions. In the main, however, mili-tantly inclined students are in theminority. By a slight majority thecampus is in favor of staying neutraleven if American possessions are in¬vaded.Disregard Monroe DoctrineEven the Monroe Doctrine has beendisregarded by two-thirds of the cam¬pus, while the questions of defendingour maritime rights and helping Eng¬land and France if they are losingthe war, were overwhelmingly vetoed.The sole exception to this is the factthat the women were slightly in favorof fighting alongside England andFi’ance if it became apparent thatthey were in danger of defeat.Although many students were indoubt about whether or not the defeatof Germany would stop the spread ofthe totalitarian form of government,on the whole they believe that it willnot. Cash and carry is popular, justas is the increase of armaments andarmed forces in the United States.Vote on the latter question was ofinterest because here the women wereperfectly evenly divided, while themen voted in exactly the same ratioas they did in the preceding question.'Half a dozen ballots were notcounted bcause the persons who filledthem out not only were in doubt aboutseveral of the answers to the ques¬tions, but also seemed to be in doubtabout their own gender.Comments written on the ballotswere numerous. One female student,who evidently didn’t approve of thepoll in general, wrote an extensivedissertation beginning with the pearl,“What the hell has this to do with(Continued on page three)Netv HistoryMajors MustWrite PapersHistory majors who receive degreesin 1940 need not write a paper foreach sequence which they present forexamination, officials of the depart¬ment made clear today. The new reg¬ulation, passed too late to be printedin the catalogue, applies only to thosestudents who are just entering thedepartment.The purpose of the papers is tosatisfy the department of the stu¬dent’s ability to present historical ma¬terial in acceptable written form.They are not to be considered astheses, and need not be long nor nec¬essarily written from the originalsources. According to the department,“they should exhibit some acquaint¬ance with the ordinary canons of his¬torical evidence, a proper documenta¬tion, and a reasonably accurate andeffective style.”Douglas Speaks onNew Relief CrisisPaul H. Douglas, Professor of Eco¬nomics at the University, and a mem¬ber of the City Council, will make aspeech on “Relief” tonight at LakeView High school on the north side.Douglas will continue the line ofthought he expressed in his famous“starvation” speech in the city coun¬cil. Lack of funds is once again caus¬ing a relief crisis in the city.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1939'9Il]e Daily JHaroonFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBEK ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATEPRESSTb« Daily Maroon U the official studentnewspaper of the University of Chicago,published mornings except Saturday, Sun¬day and Monday during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 6831 University avenue.Telephones: Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.A*ter 6:30 phone in stories to ourprinters, 'Fhe Chief Printing Company,148 West 62nd street. Telephone Went-worth 6123.The University of Chicago assumes noresponsibility for any statements appear¬ing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon.TTi^ Daily Maroon expressly reservesthe rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper. Subscriptionrates: $3 a year; $4 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.“Entered as second class matter March18, 1903, at the post office at Chicago.Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879riprsssntsd ron national adventisino avNational Advertising Service, Inc.Colltgt Publishers RepresentativeAZO Madison Ave. New York, N. Y.CMICASO • BOtTOS • Los ASSSLIS • SAS FSASCISCOEditorial StaffRUTH BRODYHARRY CORNELIUSWILLIAM H. GRODYDAVID MARTIN, ChairmanALICE MEYERBusiness StaffHARRY F. TOPPING, Business Mgr.ROLAND 1. RICHMAN, Advertising Mgr.EDITORIAL BOARDMarion Gerson. William Hankla, Pearl C.Rubins. John Stevens, Hart Wurzburg,Marian Castleman, Ernest LeiserNight Editor: Chuck PeifferAssistant: Bill KimballThe AdministrationAgainThat the University is knownfor being a great liberal and ed¬ucational institution is a state¬ment few would seriously chal¬lenge. That the duties of thosetrusted with the government ofsuch an institution are concern¬ed chiefly with preserving andpromoting this greatness, liber¬ality, and educational effective¬ness should be an equally obvi¬ous fact. The charge that ad¬ministrators here are deliberate¬ly trying to undermine thethings they exist to further is aserious one. Such a charge hasbeen made.In a letter printed in yester¬day’s Maroon the administrationis accused not only of subvert¬ing the University’s traditions,but also of violating the consti¬tution, of carrying on a right¬ist campaign, of intending tomilitarize the campus, and ofwanting to bring on war. Allthese are dreadful and sinisterthings indeed; for such alarm¬ing accusations strong evidencemay be expected.But while the writer of .theletter utters many noble senti¬ments, he does not make clearthe evidence on which he baseshis charges nor is it often obvi¬ous how he arrives at his state¬ments. It is not easy to see justhow our administration is vio¬lating constitutional rights; theUniversity is a private corpora¬tion and has the legal right toprevent handbills from beingdistributed on its grounds andto keep its name from being usedfor things done off campus.By an attack on Dies’ homestate the writer throws doubtin the righteousness of the rep¬resentative’s motives. Everyone,however, has associations whichleave him open to attack. Evenso, it is difficult to understandhow the University is connectedwith any dubious rightist under¬takings. As long as prohibitionsapply impartially to all politicalas well as non-political groupsthere is little reason for protest¬ing against reactionary censor-shop. For those who view thingsin a “realistic perspective’’ andwho are aware of the school’sneed for money, moreover, thereis reason for putting some faithin the University’s explanationthat it is merely trying to savethe small expense of picking upextra litter, especially since thedean’s office showed good will bypartly liberaiizing restrictions.In any case, it seems strangethat rules concerning studentorganizations “can only be un¬derstood as a step toward themilitarization of the campus,and a prelude to war.’’Where he warns against pas¬sivity, however, the writerbrings up something both lazi¬ness and overwork often makepeople forget. It is importantthat students be informed ancalert to what happens arouncthem. They must guard andmake use of their liberties. Theireducation should help them dothis intelligently; those incharge of their educational insti¬tutions should, if they do theirwork well, see that the schoolsperform their proper functions.It is unfortunate that those re¬sponsible for the welfare of thisinstitution should have acted soas to arouse suspicion. But itis more unfortunate that thewriter of the letter should havemade charges about the “drastic,long-run significance’’ of the ad¬ministration’s actions withoutsubstantiating them. His fail¬ure to do so not only may. causemany to overlook the possibletimeliness of his warning butalso it leaves him open to attackfrom ill-willed reactionaries.The administration has e-nough small crimes on its con¬science without being made toanswer for any grand plots a-gainst the university’s commongood. Let us catch the sins asthey come.Today on theQuadranglesFRIDAYNegro Student Club, Reynolds ClubTheater, 12.Christian Youth League, Ida NoyesHall, Room A, 12:45.Phi Delta Upsilon, Ida Noyes Hall,Room B, 3:30.Open House and Dance, Ida NoyesHall, 8.SATURDAY.Football Game, Chicago vs. Wa¬bash, Stagg Field, 2.Wyvern, Ida Noyes Hall, AlumnaeRoom, 3:30Phi Delta Upsilon, Ida Noyes Hall,Room B, 7.Communist Club Party, Ida NoyesHall, Theater, 8.Orchestra Rehearsal, Mandell Hall,7:30.SUNDAYTriota, Ida Noyes Hall, YWCARoom, 3:30.Chapel Union, Ida Noyes Hall, Li¬brary, Dean Charles W. Gilkey, “OurSummer in Europe”, 7.MONDAYEnglish Qualifying Examination,Bartlett Gym, 9. -etters to theEditorBoard of Control,The Daily Maroon:A paragraph in the editorial of theOctober 3 issue of the Daily Marooninvited discussion and disagreementwith its and other peoples’ opinions.There followed a statement of the“position” of the ' students responsi¬ble for the Daily Maroon. It is myopinion, however, that all opinionsshould be confined to the editorials,letters to the editors, and Bull Ses¬sions.An article on the front page of thesame issue of the Maroon has, as itsfirst sentence: “Exceptional harmonyreigns among professors of the socialsciences in the current crisis”. In thisarticle there are six paragraphs; Pro¬fessor Quincy Wright’s name is men¬tioned six times in this article, oncein each paragraph. No other profes¬sor’s name or opinion is mentioned inthe article. Would the Daily Maroontell us who these other professors areand what they said?Of the 162 faculty members in theDivision of Social Sciences listed inthe 1939-40 issue of the Announce¬ments (my own count; not guaran¬teed), it seems that exceptional har¬mony reigns among Professor QuincyWright. While it may be correctlysaid that quoting someone’s state¬ments is news reporting, I would liketo emphasize that this is a case of“selective news reporting”. Wouldthe Daily Maroon tell us how it hap¬pened to make this particular selec¬tion?But the prize is the headline, whichreads: “Embargo Encourages, AssistsAggression”. This is just pure opin¬ion, without the slightest admixtureof “news”. Would the Daily Maroontell us where its editorials are print¬ed? Or is the whole thing just onebig editorial?Henry F. Williams.P.S. Is it the custom of newspapersto tell in advance what men are go¬ing to say in speeches, or is Profes¬sor Wright going to say somethingdifferent at the Peace Council nextWednesday? The subject of his talk,as announced immediately below thearticle, would indicate that the articlealready deals with his opinions, tho,perhaps, very inadequately.The article in question was printedas an intervieie ivith ProfessorWright. The reporter based the state¬ment about harmong on what Profes-Christian Youth League, Ida NoyesHall, Room A, 12:45.Public Lecture, Professor VertValentin on “German Imperialism andthe Idea of Peace”, Social Science As¬sembly, 4:30.Delta Sigma, Ida Noyes Hall, WAARoom, 7.Alpha Epsilon, Ida Noyes Hall,Room A, 7.Bridge Club, Ida Noyes Hall, Li¬brary, 7:30.Pi Delta Phi, Ida Noyes Hall, RoomC, 7:30.Classified•39 UNDERWOOD PORTABLE—4 month* old.Excellent condition. Exceptional bargainat $35.00. Call Ste. 7615.ROOM FOR RENT—Single or double. 7314Constance Ave. Call Midway 10132.WANTED—Good Union Musicians for danceorchestra. Trumpet, sax, drums, stringba.ss, guitar, trombone, Jerry Seegan,Buc. 2600,ATTENTION !Notice to all students, I will typewrite yourterm papers, theses, essays, etc. Just telephoneRockwell 6360. Celia Cooper.FOR RENTNice 4-room apartments. Ist floor $37.50month; 3rd flat $35. month. Available nowat 6006 Champlain Avenue. O'Connell, Pros¬pect 1849. sor Wright, five other faculty mem¬bers, and several department publica¬tions said. The headline should haveindicated whose opmion it repre¬sented, hut the Maroon persists in be¬lieving that expert opinion is news.The Board of ControlEVERY FRIDAY is COLLEGE NITE "Got My ArrowAt Erie's!"Erie has ALL th« Arrow Shirt inspira¬tions — remember that if you wantCOMPLETE selections — and OFCOURSE you do — because at Erie'syou can find that SPECIAL Arrow youlike so well!837 EAST 63rd STREET^NEW^Arrow Shirts with Arrow CollarsDesigned for UndergraduatesWINDSOR TABOf English origin, high lock end band,square cornered collar. If you're tollor have a long neck Windsor tab isyour collar.TRENDA longer pointed collar with slightflare away from tie knot. Very smart.SUSSEXModerately wide-spread, low drapecollar, with celluloid inserts at collarpoints . . , French cuffs. Most populorcollar in England. Achieves smartsophisticated appearance.RADNORRound point collar worn with or with¬out collar pin. Smart for dress upoccasions.GORDON DOVERButton-down soft collar oxford shir,with long points. Most distinctive feature is the outward roll of the collar.Particularly good for wear with tweedsand sportswear.All Arrow Shirts are Sanforized-shrunk (fabric shrink¬age less than 1%). Get yours today. $2 up.ARROW SHIRTSCOUARS . . . TIES .. . HANDKERCHIEFS . . . UNDERWEARAll Present ... AT THE HUB"All Present!" at The Hub. You'll find a com¬plete selection of all the newest Arrow shirtsand collars in our new fall stock. ALL SIZES 1THECfSHUtState and Jackson, CHICAGO • Sherman and Church, EVANSTON4 FREE MEALSEVERYDAY 4 FREE MEALSEVERYDAYSTARTING TODAY|ilT MABRY PRESENTS THE UNIVERSITY ei CHICAGOHIS 1939 GRIDIRON FREE MEAL CONTESTRules are Simple1. With every purchase sign your name to your check and deposit it in ballotbox at the door.2. Drawings will be held every evening at 9.3. The winners' names will be posted in show window and at cigar counterat 7 A. M. ,4. Meals won may be eaten at any time.FRESHMEN, LET US HELP YOU GET ACQUAINTEDStarting today and continuing 7 days a week through¬out the Autumn Quarter, I will give away 4 free mealsevery day. Signed— Jay MabryMABRY'S RESTAURANT 1321 East 57th St.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1939 Page ThreeWor Poll~^(Continued from page one)anything and ended with it’s a stupid poll.” Another womanwrote in red pencil that, “War is mad¬ness—you feel quite sane don’t you.”j “Heil Hitler” was scribbled in eleven' times. 1The local results have been for¬warded to the University of Californ¬ia at Los Angeles where tabulationof the vote from the entire countrywill be carried on. The final count iwill be announced on this campus in'about two weeks.Students!!SAVE FROM 20% TO 50% ONYOUR LAUNDRY BILLMENDING — DARNINGBUTTONSSHIRTS 12cCOLLARS, Starch 4cCOLLARS, Soft 3cUNDERSHIRTS 5cDRAWERS 5cUNION SUITS 10cPAJAMA SUITS 20cSOCKS, per pair 5cHANDKERCHIEFS 2cTOWELS 2cMETROPOLELAUNDRYWESLEY N. KARLSON, Prop.1219-21 EAST 55th ST.Phone Hyde Pork 3190Between Woodlawn and Kimbark Ave.The Finest in Radios, Combinations, RecordedMusic, Appliances, and Service. Use our comfort¬able Record Demonstration Room at your leisure.^ ^ -jj955E. 55th St./FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Plaza7800If You Want to Buy Or Sell a Used CarCallTAUBER MOTOR CO.REGENT 0616 7601 STONY ISLAND AVE.IF YOU CAN'T COME IN, WE'LL COME OUTa debonair wooljacket-frockWith a hint of this Fall'sEdwardian hour -glasstheme ... a nubby wooldress boasting its ownsuavely fitted jacket.Richly complemented bya satin bloused top, theskirt swings gaily fromits tiny waistline. Cun¬ning pockets add ayouthful fillip. Green,Wine, Plum. Brown.Black.Johnson {rlbniioai)C/ PrrTSHBD BLO61. A A 1ST • 1RO R.OOIS37 N. Wobosh Ave. at Woshinaton CampusBriefs* * *Prosperity, Boom“Prosperity vs. 'Room” will be dis¬cussed on the University of ChicagoRoundtable Sunday at 1:30 over sta¬tion WMAQ and the Red Network ofNBC. Maynard Krueger, assistantprofessor of Economics, Neil H. Ja¬coby, assistant professor of Finance,and T. 0. Yntema, professor of Sta¬tistics, all members of the faculty ofthe University will participate.Awake and SingFirst DA workshop tryouts for thecoming production of Awake and Singwill be held today at 3 in the ReynoldsClub Theatre concurrent with the try¬outs for the DA Night Must Fall.Clark Sergei, old time workshopproducer, will direct the first produc¬tion to be given this year. The play.Awake and Sing, concerns the activi¬ties of a New Yorkese family, andtheir particular way of facing theproblems presented to them.No SmokingNon-inflammable Mandel Corridorhas been opened to the smoking por¬tion of the student body. Here in thesanctuary of the stone walls, protect¬ed from the chill winter winds tocome, the men and women of the Uni¬versity will be allowed to puff inpeace, unmolested by the uniformed Band G police who have been snatchingthe fags and substituting printed cop¬ies of the new regulation in the handsof those found violating the rules.Freshman FrolicThe YWCA is sponsoring its an¬nual freshman frolic to be held from5:30-8 on Tuesday, October 10. Allfreshmen women will be admitted tothe dinner free of charge and reserva¬tions should be made in the Y office inIda Noyes.After the supper there will be aprogram of entertainment consistingof games, skits and singing under thedirection of Dorothy Eaton.Communist DanceA free dance with free refresh¬ments which is guaranteed to be a riotby its riotous sponsors, the Com¬munist Club, will be given tomorrownight in Ida Noyes.Theme for the evening’s entertain¬ment will be a blackout of blues andClub president James Peterson haspromised that there will be only one“very, very short speech,” about theprinciples for which the Club stands.Besides social dancing there will al¬so be folk dancing, and the free re¬freshments will consist of cider-soft-cider—and doughnuts.Transfer DanceAll students of the University areinvited to the Open House and Dancewhich begins at Ida Noyes tonight at8, Rich Ranney of the Transfer Orien¬tation committee emphasized yester¬day. Transfer students will be wel¬comed at the party as the honoredguests.Roller-skating, swimming, bowlingand table tennis facilities will beavailable to the guests throughout theevening until 12. At 9 the dance willbegin with an orchestra provided bythe Orientation Committee. The IdaNoyes Council, led by Areta Kelbleis arranging the Open House, withthe Orientation Committee and RichRanney managing the dance.They^re Here"IT'S FORD FOR '40"FORDMERCURYLINCOLN-ZEPHYRALSOAll Makes of GuaranteedUsed Cars/. A. LRVERY6127 & 6529 Cottage Grove Av.MIDWAY 5300 Two Thread Hose*]73. (Box of 3 pr.)Our Very SheerOne Thread Lisle$200(Box of 3 pr.)R. P. Kay Hosiery30 W. Washington St.Room 640 - Dearborn 3773W'e pay your postage on all maildeliveries and half your postage onall C.O.D. orders.THE DAILY MAROON—it serves you right— RANDOLPH AT WABASH, DEA. 6262EVERY FRIDAY is COLLEGE NITEPass the TEST!... on the campus... off the campuswith anERIE2 PIECE TWEEDorSHETLAND SUIT$2485Just the thing to "fatten" your wardrobe.. .wearthe coat with slacks... wear the trousers with oddjackets or slipovers. There's no limit to the com¬bination possibilities!Men—here are rough-textured suits with thatold zip that lifts you up!.. .swellest suits you eversaw—in the new outdoor colors, he-man shades ofbrown, green and blue. Sporty models—taperingsilhouettes — broad shouldered models — some withnew collar tabs—drape ideas. And what values!You have Erie's Grand Opening Celebration to thankfor this special low price!Cheek Your Wardrobefor These "MUSTS"Slacks—all kindstweeds... SheUonds... cheviots... corduroys—twists — for dress or knockabout$4.95 dl $5.95Knox VAGABOND HatSoftish, casual styleonly $5"Bootmaker Finish" SHOESEdgerton's that never need a shine. . . special at $5SEE THE STORE OF GLEAMING WINDOWS837 EAST 63rd STREETMaryland Theatre BuildingOPEN EVERY EVENINGPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1939OV^nwiVjnEi noon to midnite25c to 2:00; 35c to 6:30; 55c EveninKS—STARTING FRIDAY—ANNABEUA (MRS. TYRONE POWER)AND JEAN CABIN INDUVIVIER'S INSPIRED FRENCHROMANCE"ESCAPE FROMYESTERDAY"Complete English Titles MAROON SPORTSco&r.•rt sYtSVTHE TESTED INKFOR EVERY PENTHE NEWLEX THEATREFEATURING “PUSH BACK" SEATS1162 E. eSrd St.FRI - SATDONALD WOODS"HERITAGE OFTHE DESERT"-PLUS-PAT O'BRIEN ANN SHERIDANJOHN PAYNEin"INDIANAPOLIS SPEEDWAY" Riflers Work to BecomeBiggest Activity on CampusStars at EndAlready looking forward to its bigSpring shoot in the fieldhouse, theRifle Clnb is beginning a year duringwhich they fondly hone to beconu'the largest student activity on theeuadrangles. Last year 125 memberswere enrolled, placing it high on thelist of activities.Since membership in the club isopen to all members of the studentbody, faculty, and alumni, an increaseover last year’s number is not im¬probable although at the time only17 have signified their interest in theclub.The range is open four days aweek, Tue.sday through Friday, fromP.M. to 7 P.M. and on Tuesdayand Thursday evenings. The rangeis located beneath the west stands inthe stadium.From the club’s rolls are takenfour teams—the 10-man varsity,which competed last year againstevery major institution in the coun¬try; a 15-man club team, which com¬petes with similar organizations; awomen’s team; and a junior team,which is composed mostly of "U”high students.The Spring shoot sponsored by theclub is second in size only to the fa¬mous Camp Perry shoot. Last yearover 400 contestants appeared in it.CHRYSLERPLYMOUTHEarl A. MartinMotors5200 Lake Park Av.Dorchester 0715We ServiceDodge Desoto PlymouthChryslerGood GuaranteedUsed Cars FRESH .MEN SWIMMINGFreshmen who are interested inswimming should report to CoachMcGillivray in Bartlett at 4:30 to¬day.Although no meets will be heldfor varsity until the Winter Quar¬ter the regulars are already prac¬ticing.4 MONTH INTENSIVE COURSEFOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND GRADUATESA thorough, intensive, stenographic course —starting January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1.Interesting Booklet sent free, without obligation— write or phone. No soliators employed.m ose rBUSINESS COLLEGEPAUL MOSER, J.D., PH.S.Regular Courses for Beginners, open to HighSchool Graduates only, start first Mondayof each month. Advanced Courses startany Monday. Day and Evening. EveningCourses open to men..16 S. Michigan Av«., Chicago, Randolph 4347HALLIHAN'S STANDARD SERVICESTANDARD OIL PRODUCTS - TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE - WASHINGAND LUBRICATIONF. J. Hallilan, DealerS. E. Cor. 55th and Greenwood Ave. Phone Midway 9092'TheVictrolaShops'forVICTOR & BLUEBIRD RECORDSRCA VICTROLAS & RADIOSRCA RADIO SERVICEEverything in Records from SYM¬PHONY to SWING — private booths —Recording Studio — Guaranteed Repairson All Makes of Radios and Phonographs.Authorized RCA Victor DealersCampus representative—Jim Richards, Judson CourtTHREE STORES TO SERVE YOUWOODLAWNMUSIC SHOP1004 E. 63rd StreetFAIrfax 8400 UNIVERSITYMUSIC SHOP1371 E. 55th StreetFAIrfax 7272 SOUTH SHOREMUSIC SHOP2237 E. 71st StreetPLAza 6080 Russell ParsonsSherman PlaysWith BearsGone but not forgotten are severalathletes from last year’s graduatingclass. First to gain recognition wasSolly Sherman, former quarterback ofthe Maroon squad, now playing pro¬fessional football with the ChicagoBears. Rumors have it that Shermangathered enough votes to make theAll-star squad through the organizedassistance of friends who were kindenough to copy names from the phonebook, but surprisingly enough hemade a commendable showing in com¬parison to his more celebrated team¬mates,AAALew Hamity, former captain, hasalso turned to pro football, playingwith the Calumet All-Stars after hefinishes his day’s work at InlandSteel. Tubby Wright, linesman fromseveral years back, is one of Lew’steammates.AAAThe Murphs, Bill and Chet, can beseen daily practicing on the varsitycourts. When the national tennis rat¬ings are released later this year, itis probable that the twins will beplaced among the first five doublescombination in the country.Les EscrimensesGives Tea forWomen FeneersFriday Special — Fish or Shrimp lOc 1Saturdav Special—Fried Chicken or Bar-B-Q lOcImportedScotch PUesener20c ■ lOc KentuckyBondedWhiskey15cMcGUINNIS’ PLACE e. Les Escrimeuses, the women’s fenc¬ing club, will sponsor a tea at IdaNoyes Hall Theater, today from fourto six. Mr. Alvar Hermanson, varsitycoach as well as women’s instructorwill give a short talk and demonstra¬tion on fencing.Anyone interested in fencing, eitheras a participant or a spectator is in¬vited to attend. It is hoped that by explaining the fundamentals of fencingit will be made a more interestingsport to watch for those who havepreviously disregarded the game.During the tea officers of the clubwill explain the details of competitionunder which the University teamplays, and will talk to the freshmenabout intercollegiate and individualcompetition in women’s fencing.The team last year was victoriousin all its meets with other schools, inaddition to participating in the mid-dlewestern tournament held at Columbus, Ohio, and in the national cham¬pionships held in June at the GoldenGate International Exposition in SanFrancisco. The middlewestern teamchampionship trophy and medals wonby various members of the team willalso be displayed at the tea.Hoffer Calls forHockey PlayersDespite the fact that the hockeyseason is still two months awayCoach Hoffer has issued the first callfor hockey candidates. All men inter¬ested are asked to report Wednesdayat 1 in the Trophy Room of Bartlett.This will be the second year thatthe University will have an intercol¬legiate hockey team, although it isnot a recognized sport in Big Tenschools. However, in the past Chicagohas scheduled games with Illinois andlocal sextets. UNIVERSITYTAVERNANDLIQUOR STOREFREE DELIVERY MIDWAY 0524COMPLETE LINE OFBEER - WINES - LIQUORSWE FEATUREBlatz and Siebens Beers Accurate arid RapidLens DuplicationsAND FRAMES REPAIREDYOUR PRESCRIPTION FIUEDNELSON OPTICALCOMPANYDR. NELS R. NELSONOptomstrist 30 Years in Same Location1138 East 63rd St.AT UNIVERSITY AVENUEHYDE PARK 5352ATLk^ht H(?u3lALBERT S. UGHT — Keeper1453 HYDE PARK BLVD.The World's Thinnest PancakesPay By CheckA CHECKING ACCOUNT insures youagcdnst loss or theft. You save time.Your cancelled checks ore your receipts.The safest most convenient way is to pay by check.UNIVERSITY STATE BANKMember Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationTONIGHT isCOLLEGENIGHTat theEdgewalermBeach Hotel★★ ★Come and Enjoy an Eveningof Dancing and EntertainmentwithWILL OSBORNEand his 'Slide' OrchestraplusA Gay Sparkling Floor ShowandFavorite College Entertainers★★ ★5300 Block - Sheridan RoadGet Half Rate Student Tickets atMaroon Office . . . Press Bldg.Vol. 40, No. 8 Z-149 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1939 Price Three Cents(This is the ofnnion of a memberoi the Libernl Party of PoliticalI’nioa. The vieirpoint of a Conserva¬tive mill he .presented tomorroiv.)It is platitudinous to say that thereare good reasons for legislation andthat there are real reasons.To deliver oneself of the good rea¬sons is also to recite platitudes. Tostate the real reasons is tantamountto cutting one’s own throat.Taking the chance of committingsuicide, I will give the real reasonswhy I think America should repealthe Arms Embargo clause of the Neu¬trality Act.* * *In the first place, I am “Anglophile”enough to feel that Britain is inthis war to stop a madman froma perfidious ally, grante<l that she isrunning amuck. Granted that she ishas refused to pay us her war debts,grante<l that she wants to retain thecolonial possessions that she got fromGermany at the end of the last war—I still feel that she is fighting abattle for us—a battle that we shouldvery likely have to fight with ourown troops—if she didn’t have hernavy blockading the German fleet;and her troops and the French keep¬ing the German’s happy and busy onthe Western Front.No, it wouldn’t be true to the spiritof neutrality (although using thegood reasons it would be true to theletter of neutrality) to repeal the em¬bargo on shipment of arms to Eu¬rope, An<l it wouldn’t bring us anymore than a temporary boom to sellmunitions on a cash-and-carry basis.But it would help Britain and France!.And I think that everyone, exceptperhaps the Communists would liketo s<*e the “Empires” win the war,and see Hitler cru8he<l—provided thatit wouldn’t cost any American lives.* * *Hitler is no fool. He realizes thathe has enough enemies on his handswhen he fights just Britain andFrance—or el.se he wouldn’t sue forpeace without demanding the outrightreturn of the German colonies. Real¬izing that, is it conceivable that hewould create another enemy? Wouldhe be willing to have American troopspour into France to pad out the Mag-inot line when he can rememberthat it was American troops and fi¬nancial support that defeated Ger¬many in the last war? It seemsscarcely likely.The extent of German resentmentwouhl merely be to sabotage the.American munitions plants—that’sall they could afford to do—that’sall they would dare to do. And ifwe are to weak as a nation to protectourselves against the saboteurs thenit is a sad reflection on our policeforce, our G-men, and our vigilance.Why should the “step short of war”necessarily lead to war? Isn’t that justas tempting a bit of propaganda asthe stuff that the English are sup¬posed to be shooting at us over everyradio .station? Need we extend creditwhen the Allies can no longer pay fortheir war munition? CAN we extendcmlit when the law which repealsthe arms embargo |)rohibits the ex¬tension of that creditVWhat possible excuse could the Ger¬mans find to declare a war againstthe United States, granted that shewanted to? For we have the goodreasons to fall back on. And she iscertainly not going to invade theUnite<l States—and what other chancehas she when our cash and carryprovision keeps our boats out ofFrench and British waters and ourrestrictions on travel keep our citi¬zens out of Europe.4 *Repeal of the Arms Embargo clauseis our UNNEUTRAL way of stay¬ing neutral. For the arms and mu¬nitions that we sell to Britain andFrance will be directed against Ger¬many—and even if they are notenough, and Germany wins the war—our arms and munitions will have ex¬hausted Germany so much that shewill not be able to even insinuate herway into South America. It’s a bru- |tal attitude, and it’s an unneutral at- ititude, and it’s an attitude which be- I(Continued on page four)I Redfield Opens New SeriesOf Lectures in Law SchoolDrawing from departments in boththe Social Sciences and Humanitiesdivisions, the Law School Public Lec¬ture Series for this year opens tomor¬row with Robert Redfield, professorof Anthropology and dean of the So¬cial Sciences division, speaking on“Law and Primitive Society,” at 3:30in Law North.Wednesday LecturesLectures will be given each Wed¬nesday afternoon following, at thesame time and place, and during theAutumn quarter the series will coverlaw in primitive society, and topicsin European and American historyrelated to the development of legaldoctrine. David Grene, instructor inGreek, follows Redfield with the nexttwo lectures, which will take up “So¬cial Problems and Legal Adjustmentsin Sixth—and Fifth-Century Athens.”On November 1, James L. Cate, as¬sistant professor of Medieval History,will discuss the status of law duringthat period, to be followed for thenext three weeks by John U. Nef, pro-fes.sor of Economic History, speakingon “The Relations between Industrialand Constitutional History in Eng¬land and France, from 1485 to 1642.”On November 29, tho.se interestedin French 19th century society willhear Louis Gottschalk, professor ofM«)dern History and chairman of thedepartment. The following week Ar¬thur P. Scott, associate professor ofHistory will speak on “The Transferof English Law to Colonial America,”and the Autumn quarter part of theseries ends on December 13, whenWilliam T. Hutchinson, associate pro-fes.sor of .An\erican History, speakson “The Relation of Law to Early19th Century America.”Winter QuarterLectures during the Winter quarterwill deal with problems in political.science, economics, and philosophy re¬lated to the study of law as an in¬strument of social policy. Charles E.(Continued On Page 4)Humanities ( JassSees Movie^^^Huiiiaii Adventure”“The Human Adventure”, a movieof the Oriental Institute’s excavationsin the near east, will be shown inOriental Institute today at 9 and 1:30for the lecture sections of the Human¬ities survey.The film is accompanied by a com¬mentary given by the late JamesBreasted.Results of the humanities surveypoll of last year’s students to deter¬mine whether or not the newly in¬troduced two-a-week discussion pe¬riods were wanted showed that thestudents approved the double sessionsfour to one. The twice a week discus¬sions are being continued this year. Dean RedfieldExtended WarWill Not AidSouth-—CravenFarmer, UnorffanizedLabor, and Negrro AreExploited in South.By WILLIAM HANKLA 'Another extended war like the lastWorld War will in all probability notbe the looked-for tonic which will re¬vive the stricken southern states, inthe opinion of Avery O. Craven, pro¬fessor of American History and au¬thority on the South.Craven, who only recently returnedfrom a visit to his cotton plantationin the south sumvs up the South’s ma¬jor problems as follows: Lack of eco¬nomic diversification which has mademost of the region dependent econom¬ically upon a profitless agriculturalbase, dominated by cotton; bad soilwhich limits crop possibilities and badeconomic conditions which preventthe South from making profits on itscrops. Then, as the fatal stab, north¬ern interests exploit those feeble re¬sources which are left to the haplesssoutherner.Exploitation of the South is to beexpected, said Craven, since its massof population is composed of tbecountry’s three most exploited groups—unorganized labor, the farmer, andthe Negro. The fact that most ofsouthern industry and wealth is con¬trolled by northern interests clearlyexplains why southern money goesnorth and southern population re¬mains poor.Therefore, in the event of a longwar. Craven explained, the profits ofa handful who are in a position toexploit might be increased. Oil andcotton prices would surely rise, but asin the last war, only a few could prof¬it, while the real population suffersthe effects of other rising prices. Andeven while a few are profiting from(Continued On Page 4)Used Books Are Avai^for Many Courses andCan Save Money by UsinThemGet Yours Today at 1DWORTH'SPOK STORE IISl. - Open Evenings|e. -Dorchester 4800|k:s east of mandel hall Newcomer Gets LeadIn ^Wight Must Fall”Budenz TalksFor CommunistClub TonightOpening the firing guns of its coun¬teroffensive against “reactionary at¬tack” the Communist Club is havingLouis Budenz, editor of the MidwestDaily Record, tell students the rela¬tion that there should be between the“American People and the SecondImperialist War,” tonight at 8 inMandel Hall.Budenz, who has a long backgroundof work in the American labor move¬ment, and is a member of the Com¬munist Party, will attempt to clarifythe position of the leftists. He will re¬pudiate the “hodgepodge of slandersand lies which are being tossed abouton campus and in the press about theCommunists” according to Jim Peter¬son, Communist Club president, whowill act as chairman and referee dur¬ing the question period which willfollow the talk.No academic lecture, Budenz’speech will explain the 4)art that thestudents should play in keeping theUnited States neutral. He will em¬phasize the importance of stressingsocial security and the guarantee ofcivil liberties at this time.Free and open to the whole campus,the meeting will be the first step inthe Communist platform to “Keep A-merica Out of War.” Petersen em¬phasized that the Communists’ atti-ture was only on expression of a sim¬ilar attitude on the part of most ofthe rest of the country.Republic ReplacesDemocracy in EllisEating Co-opFinding that meetings of 150 peopleare usually unwieldy and hard tomanage, the Ellis co-op has foundit necessary to rewrite its constitu¬tion to provide for a representativegovernment, which will retain mostof the advantages of the old puredemocracy. The new constitution,written by political scientist Joe Ro-senstein, provides for a quarterlyelected assembly which will be equalto one-tenth of the membership. Al¬though assembly has broad powersincluding electing the president andadministrative officials, and makingrules governing the co-op, final au¬thority still rests with the member¬ship. The members will vote on allquestions on which the assembly dis¬agrees by a close vote and can sub¬mit to referendum any legislationwhich 25% of the members want.The Ellis Housing Co-op in thesame building has elected its boardof directors. They are Vincent Burke,Joe Flemming, and George Probst.Leonard Edwards and Dan Glaserare president and vice-president ofthe housing co-op.Students OrganizeCivil Liberties GroupTo keep the campus educated aboutcivil rights and to defend these rightswhen necessary, organization of astudent Civil Liberties Union is be¬ing considered. With Malcolm Sharpof the Law School as faculty sponsorand Bud Briggs, chairman of ChapelUnion, as temporary chairman, thegroup hopes for recognition by thedean’s office soon.Among students who are helpingwith the formation of the Civil Lib¬erties Union are Ruth Neuendorffer,Jack Conway, Thelma Iselman, David’(artin, Hy Minski, Sid Lipshires, and'vrne Tess. Murrah Noses Out Vet¬erans ; Evans, Castle-man, Paine Support.A DA newcomer, freshman CharlesMurrah. has stolen the lead in theDramatic Association’s fall produc¬tion, Night Must Fall. Others in thecast are: Betty Ann Evans as Mrs.Bramson: Marian Castleman, Olivia;Ruth Wehlan, Dora; Harriet Paine,Mrs. Terrence; Jack Campell, Belsize;and Ruth Ahlouist, the other new¬comer on the bill, as the Nurse.Murrah was chosen for'the leadas a lesult of his performance dur¬ing Friday’s DA tryouts. It was hisIrish brogue and excellent voice thatattracted the attention of DA produc¬ers.Betty Ann Evans, one of the fem-ine leads has most recently appearedas Mrs. Alving in Ibens’ Ghosts. Rat¬ed a most talented actress by campustheatre critics. Miss Evans is a DAveteran. Her part will call for a char¬acterization as a grouchy, sick oldwoman. The other feminine lead,Marian Castleman, has had much ex¬perience as both DA actress andworkshop director. She appeared asthe lead in Cat and Canary and pro¬duced The Doctor In Spite of Himself.Harriet Paine, appropriately castas Mrs. Terrence has worked in mostof the DA and workshop productionsin various capacities from a comiclead in Mirror to scene painting forGhosts. Jack Campell, and Ruth Weh¬lan are both DA performers fromlast year.Night Must Fall will be produced inMandell Hall the nights of October27 and 28. Sponsor books which in¬clude tickets for this as well as eightother DA shows and Mirror are onsale in Mandell Corridors. The num¬ber of books available has been limit¬ed to 300.IronMaskStartsPlanning forHomecomingIron Mask president John Stevensyesterday made known the variouspreliminary plans the junior honorsociety has made in preparing for theHomecoming Dance November 10, thenight before the Ohio State game.He announced a tentative talentfloor show picked by the committee toperform during the evening. Musicfor the affair, which, of all the So¬cial “C” Book dances, is stepped upmost in glitter, will be provided byCharles Straight and his orchestra.It has been suggested that beforethe dance a bon-fire, snake dance, andpep meeting be held F'riday night aft¬er Skull & Crescent’s Victory Vani¬ties.Stevens, with his Maroon affilia¬tions, and Milt Weiss, working on aposter campaign, will handle the ad¬vance news. Any decisive steps per¬tinent to the program will be decidedon by John Doolittle and Evon Vogt.A Homecoming Beauty Queen willbe chosen and presented at the dance.Last year, Jean Peterson, by virtueof her Freshman Beauty Queen titlewas automatically installed. This yearthe selection will be made on a cam¬pus wide basis.Lou Letts has been unanimously re¬instated to the society. He had beenelected to Iron Mask in ’37, but didnot participate in any activities lastyear. His scholastic eligibility nowpermits activities. Next Mask meet¬ing is scheduled for Thursday inMandel at 7:30.TRAINING SCHOOLWilliam Randall will speak at thesecond session of the Daily MaroonTraining School this afternoon at3:30, in Lexington 5. He is a facultydirector of student publications, direc¬tor of the productions of the dramaticassociation, editor of the libraryquarterly, and teacher in the graduatelibrary school.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1939Page Four. SONOTONE^S^JfflolSiS^rTE;r 25c to 2:00; 3Sc to.'6T3o\55c;,Evenin*s®|^ —STARTING FRIDAY—tV ANN ABELL A (MRS:t'TYRdNE</POWERii^^ffife.AND|TEANlGABINl IN ■ , . ■ :"' ^=4^o;plCcAPEiFROM;.- .” ';;i■ ’ YESTERDAY"‘■* Complete • English Titles Acicurate and Rapil^Lens. DuplicationsANDsFRAMES REPAIRED' iv##YOUR PRESCRIPTION FILLED/jf.- ‘ecQum^UNIVERSITYTAVERN ?- A5rr^e1y(l^lpbking3fonv;o,a'i.l.‘ to/its h! p f in @f^n^tWinfeth e^fi e 1 dR^i^e r ^ tafyear. (lui'iiV Kicli ' tbi^v.;N f(:Hi'fil^.'^honoSft‘p|''Hecor.t '-ny 5^. ^ • ^/t Iho la'cost \'?tuilpnt artnitv on tn a (1 fa1?cl^^^^l^a st Ve a p'4'2 o -^me mbo ■((ii'HitHf;!LIQUP INELSON OPTICAL V: COMPANY :;'C. c /^‘‘jDR'fNELSy Rf NELSONlppfom^ri^^^^Years|in;^Same^^a^mG'^MIDWAY 10524FREEi DELIVERYjCOMPLETEiLTNEyODWINESiiLIQUPRS1^138,East 63rd SS^’mUNIVERSITYS VENUES>vt^HyDE PARRi5352‘ i-iKobab •■;•■:>, -. WraFEATl^RE .gtz -'anjiJS^^^gers;1 '.Us .hrough bMda>, frorr’ M .'lid/on Tuosdaj^\;e n 1 n gs ,' T lio i a n' THI^KTlbll N/: •"-FORftVIBYypCN ;'^THE NEWj, iRussellrEarsonFEAtXrRlN, hermdn Pld\Vith^B'ears^^ : ^U5E/:■ttj n III M\. I il "‘':fAii^ffi>LiGHT —Is- "-,v ; ^V ^1453 ,HTOE ^ PARK'^ .BLVD. -|Xr.|;aimops*ha%!^^hgled.^npjagriy.oLp«uMn’akoy:^^^iMok,"' but 'sunnisingly i onbugh h™SSK^ifn^iwra;to his-more celebr;^^^^^^^Suol' Tubb>*}\\ i ight 1 inesm in- fi om4 MOisurarife^Soi^^StioH"i inte’fe''itinWlio^lUTftctit^/>eei0‘i'thoutTol}ltiatwiV r tMSSn&oyedf^iymout MOSER, J D., PH'Sfor^ liifimntfs open to Hint ctioing on the^ \aisityhe, national ’Urn'iiis"' i at-1 thi count ISSiiinHawiltlMb.ars*-, ■ iMi'chicfa*fs^dFv...■' F. I. .Hallilan. Dealer;^ <>. : F-y .:- • ,• ' - ■ ■■ ■' '•■ .'/»■'■ • . '•■. ^•.’Sn'-.j»-^‘ - i-i'. .-. .:•.EjwGprj, 5§th,,and^Grepnw^d£Ayie. ’ yes I ea loiomen FeiierieS Chic^ei'■«'•• ‘ |lish%br^^hiimp,T.,A . ^..1^ . . . » ^ . s . .Kentucky« •, ; •£f.,,;Bohaed'sin.-"!-"^®SScin®c^P'4Ehterrammi8i_ ^“--Mf 1?'^Orchestramrida^Rdddtudehp;tickets dtX. .;. „Pres8 Bldg.WOODLA\V^MUSIC SH^I1001 E. 63rd stri,,FAIrfax;>40fe i-iyeiisi?f«S5©.r 163^1■r. today fi;■ell- a-s