QPbe Bail? itlaroonVol. 39, No. 41. Z-149 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938 Price Three CentsCBS Invites Debate UnionTo Broadcast Bull SessionsBullSession• * *By DONALD BERGUS ofHitchcock Hallfreshman bluesAs the memories of that first weekfade further into the distance and be¬come blurred thought-pictures of gayand giddy days of introductions,hand-shakings, and first impressions,surrounded by upper-class BMOC’swith that grim “get-orieritated-or-be-damned" look, and we become moreand more a part of the institution, wefind ourselves undergoing some of themost severe emotional crises that wehave ever known.For a while we are able to kid our¬selves that everything is merry; weare really getting into the swim; andthat nothing could be finer. Then ourconsciences, reaction, or God-knows-what finally catch up with us. Wefind ourselves staring into textbooksand syllabi for hours, laying themdown and then realizing that our so-called minds are the same perfectblank that they were at the beginningof the process. For the first time, weactually begin to doubt our abilities.The person that has been able to getinfo activities early begins to wonderwhether he has done the right thing,or whether he has put an early handi¬cap on himself by mortgaging histime. The person whom reticence,hestitancy, or circumstances haveprevented from coming out of his so¬cial shell fears that he is rapidly be¬coming an incurable introvert. Theaverage student fears that he willnot make the grade, and doubtswhether he is even of college caliber.The scholarship student lives in per¬petual fear of losing his subsidy, con¬tinually being hounded by grim sta¬tistics. grade curves, and horrors of“being weeded out”. Our new madefriends become cloying and annoyingas the novelty wears off, and evenletters from home become uniformlyuninteresting.No one seems to escape these ideas,even those who seem to be sailing thehighest and with only the best ofeverything in store are often caughtgazing dreamily into space, or takinglong and lonely walks along the lakeshore. Not only that, this reactionseems not to be a product of theseQuadrangles alone, since letters fromfriends at other colleges tell of longand moody sieges of the “FreshmanHlues.”Trips to upperclassmen who seemto be accustomed with it all are to noavail. We are informed that they toohad the same experiences. In fact, themajority of them avow that they arestill undergoing irregular attacks ofthe same kind. Counsellors and ad¬visers are sympathetic but unhelpfuland even trips to the psychiatrist atStudent Health bring no relief.Just exactly what is it that causesall these mental conflicts? If it ishomesickness, it is not the usual formbecau.se the majority of the afflictedones .seem to think that home is thelast place to which they want to go.Is it the natural let-down to the life¬long anticipation for higher learningand getting places confronted by too-«udden realization? Are we undergo¬ing some type of intellectual “grow¬ing-pains”, and is this just a naturalstep in our mental-growth career? Isit that the times in which we live areaffecting us in this manner? Life-studies could be made, monographsand dissertations by the bushel couldbe written about this psychologicalphenomenon and years of effort couldbe spent in running down the causes,and epochal attempts could be madeto wipe it out.Deep as this feeling may be it can¬not last for long. Soon some phase ofthis great University whether it beacademic, athletic, social, or religiouswill snap the brooding Freshman outof his reverie and bring him back tothe world of things at hand. Perhapsthe.se thoughts will form the basis ofa rich experience from which to guidefuture action. Quite possibly oneshould forget them and “saw wood”and devote all of his effort to the bet¬terment of his present condition. Re¬gardless of their significance the“Freshman Blues” are an inescapablefeature of University life. Even ifthey are not commented upon in the“Announcements” or any other cam¬pus publication or have not beenregistered at the Dean’s office, we stillhave them. The question is, “Whatare w’e going to do about ’em? ’ ASU Theatre GroupPresents ThreeOne-Act PlaysShow “Marriage Propos¬al,” “Soldadera,” and“The Secret.”ASU Theatre Group actors will begiven opportunity to demonstratetheir talents publicly for the secondtime in the existence of the groupat eight tonight in Reynolds ClubTheatre. They are producing threeone-act plays, “The Secret” by Ra¬mon Sender, Chekhov’s “MarriageProposal,” and “Soldadera” by Jose-phina Niggli. The performance willue repeated on Friday and Saturdaynights. Tickets are 35 cents.Two of the plays, “The Secret”and “Soldadera” are by contemporarywriters, whereas “The Marriage Pro¬posal” is a pre-revolutionary Rus¬sian play. “The Secret” has an all¬male cast contrasting to “Soldadera”which has only one male part. Bothplays have to do with war and revo¬lution. “The Secret” concerns revo¬lutionary Spain, while “Soldadera”is set in Mexico at the time of Pan-cho Villa.New ActorsMany of the actors are new to theASU Theatre Group, though a fewhave appeared previously in DA pro¬ductions. The group was forced togive up its plans for producingArchibald MacLeish’s “Fall of theCity,” a mass chant, because the num¬ber of actors required could not bemet within the group. However, theyhope to produce the chant sometimeduring Winter Quarter. Their onlycampus production previous to to¬night’s was remembered because ofthe success of “America, America”the first mass chant ever producedat the University.Negro LiteratureDiscussed by RaceRelations GroupThe racial relations committee ofChapel Union yesterday presentedtwo promising young Negro literarypersonalities, Marjorie Walker andRobert Davis, to lead the panel dis¬cussion which completed the studyof the Negro. Subject of the discus¬sion was “Contributions of the Negroto American Literature.”Marjorie Walker, a graduate ofNorthwestern University now work¬ing on a novel in the WPA writer’sproject, opened the discussion witha short talk on the Negro’s culturalbackground. She pointed out that theNegro did have a definite heritagefrom Africa in spite of the fact thatmany authorities have claimed thatany ability had sprung from a hered¬itary cultural vacuum. But theNegro was very early made to feelthat his heritage was a thing to berepudiated, a savage and uncivilizedelement which it would be best to for¬get. In this way he was led to imitatethe example of the white in his liter¬ary trends instead of expressing him¬self as he naturally would.Early Negro Poets CitedRobert Davis, a former student atthe University who has had severalof his poems printed in nationalpoetry magazines, continued the dis¬cussion by tracing the rise of theNegro in our literary world. He citedsuch early Negro poets as JupiterHammond, Phyllis Wheatley, and Al-bury Whitman, all of whom were vic¬tims of the white man’s influencestated above.Drama among the Negro has hard¬ly had any existence up until thepresent time. The Negro was nevertrained in the Dramatic arts inschool because the scope of charac¬ters he could impersonate in playswas limited. The WPA Negro dramat¬ic projects have lent a valuable im¬petus to the advancement of Negrodrama.The two guest speakers closed themeeting by reciting .some of theirown poetry. Select CommitteeHeads for GreaterWashington PromThe Washingfton Prom, a formaldance steeped in tradition, will againbe held at Bartlett Gym on February21st.The Prom, biggest social event ofthe year, will be better than everaccording to its recently appointedcommittee members. As things standnow, the University and Northwest¬ern, whose Junior Prom will be a fewdays before, are planning to get thesame band for their dances.The committee members are—BobReynolds, Business Manager, RussParsons, Ticket Manager, Bud Lin¬den, in charge of decorations, HarryLevy, Publicity Manager, Ned Rosen-f e 1 d, drink concessions, BarbaraPhelps and Marjorie Kuh, women’spublicity. Freshmen and sophomoresare eligible to work on the commit¬tee.The new Prom Committee memberswill have their first meeting nextFriday.U. of C. StudentsPicket HearstFifteen University students yester¬day entered the picket lines whichstrikers have thrown around offices ofthe Hearst-owned Evening Americanand Herald-Examiner dailies.Five hundred members of the Chi¬cago Newspaper Guild, CIO union,and over 100 non-members from thestaffs of both papers have been onstrike since Monday morning, pro¬testing company violations of Guildcontracts, and mass dismissals ofGuild members.Walkout CompleteSince the Guild unionizes onlyeditorial, circulation, financial, andadvertising departments, their mem¬bers are chiefly involved in the strike.On the staff of the Evening Amer¬ican, normally about 90 men, thewalkout was complete except for twomen. On the Herald-Examiner a size¬able group of executives, ineligiblefor Guild membership, and severalAF of L reporters, left almost 30 ofa customary 100 men at work. Ac¬cording to Ralph Lennan, spokesmanfor the Guild, combined home-deliverycirculation of the two papers hasfallen by well over 160,000 copiesper day since Monday. News-standcirculation has also been hurt by thedifficulties involve<l in getting outearly issues.Harry Wohl, president of theGuild, last night stated that the unionhad no quarrel with legitimate AFof L unions, nor was it seeking solecollective bargaining rights withinthe plant.“We are asking only that the waveof discrimination against Guild mem¬bers be stopped,” he said. “Everyman and woman on the picket linefeels that this is a showdown fightagainst corrupt Hearst policies.”“I think that, almost alone, thiscountry is showing great generosityto refugees,” said Gaetano Salveminiafter his lecture on “History and theSocial Sciences” in Mandel Hall yes¬terday; “but in distributing this gen¬erosity, it should remember that thereare almost ten times as many Jews inGermany as there are in Italy.” Also,he thinks, liberals and Catholics, aswell as Jewish people in other fasciststates should be considered in propor¬tion to the numbers of them who mustleave their countries.Speaks on Social SciencesContinuing his discussion of wheth¬er history and the social sciences arereally sciences, the Italian lecturerconsidered “Why History and SocialSciences Elude Scientific Treatment”yesterday. The main difficulty histor¬ians and social scientists face, hefound, is the impossibility of experi¬ment. Thus, “the only events socialscientists can predict wth any assur¬ance are those in the past: when theytry forecasting the future they areonly guessing.”Although Salvemini rejected the ex¬treme view that because of unique Reynolds ClubCouncil AnnouncesAfter-game DancesIn order to maintain a “revivedschool spirit,” Harold Miles, presi¬dent of the Reynolds Club Council,announced yesterday that a series ofdances would be held during theWinter Quarter after four Big TenBasketball games.“There isn’t much to do after thegames,” Miles said, “so we thoughtit would be a fine thing to hold thedances at that time. They’ll start at9:30 directly after the game. In thisway we hope to keep up the schoolspirit that was revived during theAutumn Quarter by the ResmoldsClub dances as well as the Social-Cdances.”The Council will sell season ticketsfor one dollar, which will go on salethe first day of the Winter Quarter.Single admission will be 35 cents.The dances will be held after thefollowing games: January 14—Illi¬nois; February 11—Northwestern;February 18—Michigan; and March4—Wisconsin. Place, and the orches-stra for each event is as yet unde¬cided.The Council w’as appointed at thebeginning of the Autumn Quarter torevive social activities in the Rey¬nolds Club and for the campus as awhole. Besides an intra-club sportscalendar, a series of dances afterseveral of the football games washeld in the Reynolds Club loungewhich proved to be highly successful.DuBois PhotographsSeniors for AnnualSenior pictures for Cap and Gownyearbook, will be taken by H. DuBois, well known Chicago photog¬rapher, the editors announced yester¬day. Du Bois will start taking pic¬tures immediately after the start ofthe Winter Quarter, but if seniormen or women wish to have picturesfor Christmas, he has offered tophotograph them before the holidays,providing them with six pictures andone large 8 by 10 framed portraitfor a special price of $8. This priceincludes a print for use in the 1939Cap and Gown.When regular snapping begins inJanuary Du Bois will have a studioset up on campus and remaining Sen¬iors portraits will be made in Lexing¬ton Hall. Further information andappointments can be secured at theCap and Gown office in LexinsrtonHall.individualities no part of human phe¬nomena can be identified with anyother part; he found that while physi¬cal science deals with problems it caninterpret through observation and hy¬pothesis, social science must interpretevents having peculiarities in them¬selves from only one sample. Thus,a physical scientist is able to comparedifferent cases where the same eventappears, but the social scientist mustbase his interpretation on only onecase.Difficult to AnalyzeAs the elementary facts providedby history become more complex,showing more similarities and differ¬ences, the problem of description andclassification becomes more difficult,Salvemini said. Only where socialsciences ignore all but one factor canthey achieve a high degree of certain¬ty. Furthermore, chronology “theonly objective standard of history”cannot establish standards of causeand effect.Salvemini concludes the series at14:30 this afternoon with a discussionof “From Humility to Tolerance” inMandell Hall. Over One Hundred Sta¬tions to Carry Half-Hour Weekly Programs.Climaxing a quarter of extensiveradio work, the Debate Union, hasnow been invited by the ColumbiaBroadcasting Company to present aseries of “Bull Sessions” over a na¬tion-wide net-work, beginning some¬time in January.The invitation came as a happysurprise to Debate Union members,who have broadcast the “Bull Ses¬sion” program several times thisquarter over station WBBM. Over100 stations will carry the CBS pro¬gram, which will be broadcast week¬ly and 30 minutes in length. It willbe continued as many weeks as pub¬lic response remains favorable..The invitation came from SterlingFisher, CBS National Education Di¬rector, who became enthusiastic aboutthe program after hearing recordingsof WBBM broadcasts. Several otherstations have also been attemptingto acquire the program.New Radio TechniqueThe “Bull Session” is a form ofradio technique originated by the De¬bate Union last spring. It is a com¬pletely free and spontaneous discus¬sion participated in by eight people.No topic is pre-planned, and the dis¬cussion is already going when it isput on the air. It is the novelty ofthis spontaneity that gives its uniqueappeal to the program. This charac¬ter also makes it unique among radioprograms, since it is rare for per¬formers to go on the air withoutscript or even plans.George Probst, president of theDebate Union, in commenting on theColumbia offer, feels that such anopportunity is unequalled anywherein the country among student speak¬ing groups. He adds that “the typeof education students receive at theUniversity makes it possible for themto produce this sort of a program.”He also says to “tell them that theDebate Union is no longer a DebateUnion.” The Union has followed aprogressive plan, and deviated fromtraditional debating techniques. Ithas only had one debate this year,but has employed roundtable, “bullsession,” panel, and symposium tech¬niques extensively.Salvemini Speaks onWorld Peace QuestIn addition to his lectures on theSocial Sciences this week in MandelHall, Gaetano Salvemini will addressan International House audience to¬night at 8, as the third speaker onthe series “Quest for World Peace.”An Italian, in exile since 1926,Salvemini has been Lauro du Bosislecturer in Italian history at Har¬vard since 1930, and one of the bit¬terest opponents of fascist rul-^’^his homeland. In this connection” hehas written, during his exile, suchbooks as “Under the Axe of Fas¬cism,” “The Fascist Dictatorship,”and “Mussolini Diplomate.” His citi¬zenship, of w’hich he was deprived in1926, W’as restored by amnesty in1932, but his property was perma¬nently confiscate by the government.His arrest on charges of anti-fascistactivities followed some years ofteaching mediaeval and modern his¬tory at the Universities of Messina,Pisa, and Florence.Religious SchoolsSponsor ContestInter-Seminary competition i nthe Lindgren speech contest topromote international peace will beheld February 22. Students in theTheological Seminary and DivinitySchool interested in participatingshould see Davis Edwards, associateprofessor of Speech, before Friday.Sponsored by the Garrett BiblicalInstitute and the Lindgren Founda¬tion, the contest offers prizes of $10and $15 for local speakers. A $50first prize will be awarded at theInter-Seminary competition.Schools participating are the Chi¬cago Theological Seminary and theDivinity School, the EvangelicalTheological Seminary, the SeaburyWestern, and the Garrett Biblical In¬stitute.United States Almost AloneIn Refugee Aid^ Says SalveminiPage Two THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938FOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATEPRESSThe Daily Maroon is the_ official studentnewspaper of the University of Chicago,publish^ morninars except Saturday, Sun*day and Monday during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 5881 University avenue.Telephones: Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.After 6:30 phone in stories to ourprinters. The Chief Printing Company,1920 Monterey avenue. Telephone Cedar-crest 3810.The University of Chicago assumes noresponsibility for any statements appear¬ing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con-tract entered into by The Daily Maroon.The Daily Maroon expressly reservesthe rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper. Subscriptionrates: $3 a year; $4 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March18, 1908, at the poet office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.RSPRESSNTSD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISINO SVNational Advertising Service, Inc.College Publishers Representative420 Madison Ave. New York, N. Y.CHICASO ' SOiTOR ‘ Los ASGILIS - SAH FRANCISCOBOARD OF CONTROLl^terial StaffLAURA BERGQUISTMAXINE BIESENTHALEMMETT DEADMAN, ChairmanSEYMOUR MILLERADELE ROSEBnsiaess StaffEDWIN BERGMANMAX FREEMANEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Brody, Harry Cornelius, WilliamGrody, Bette Harwich, David Martin,Alice Meyer. Robert SedlakBUSINESS ASSOCIATESDayton Caple, Roland Richman, DavidSalzberg, Harry Topping.Night Editor: Harry CorneliusAssistant: Judy ForresterDeath ofAn IdealThe Campus Congress Com¬mittee has failed to live up tothe least of the hopes that wereheld up for it when four stu¬dents joined last year to pro¬mote the Campus Congress. Thegreatest of these hopes was theunification of the campus andestablishment of some identityof interests. The least was therevival of interest in campusproblems.Interest in campus problemshas never been more dormant.The Congress Committee organ-~ized a series of afternoon bullsessions, noted for good topics,poor attendance, and inconclu¬sive discussion. One of the dis¬cussion groups did set up a com¬mittee to investigate relationsbetween activities and theDean’s office, one used the Con¬gress meeting as the jumpingoff place for a previouslyplanned rooming house co-oper¬ative. But almost nothing thatwas done could not have beencarried out through other chan¬nels.All this leads Congress Com¬mittee members to reach theconclusion that students are notinterested in problems of life on'the campus, or that when theyare they can take care of them¬selves through already existingorganizations. However, thecommittee will not recognizethe death of the ideal of cam¬pus unity and co-operation and“thfry it in the special grave dugfor plans which would work onany other campus but this one.It has finally realized that itsmembers are either inherentlylazy or else too much involvedin prior responsibilities, and isappointing new members witha reputation for enthusiasm andhard work.This hard work and enthu¬siasm could be put to better use.The Congress Committee willnever be a true success becauseit has no true function. Unlessit becomes a Student Councilwith governing power there isno meaning for its existence.The Congress, however, dash¬ing to the high hopes held forit, is a valid idea and should becontinued. But it should not beconsidered as representative ofthe entire campus, becauseno earth-bound organization canbe. The Congress, held againthis spring as a super inter-ac¬tivities discussion group, wouldhave a use in bringing up com¬mon activities problems andpossible solutions. One of themost encouraging results of theCongress, the setting up of afew student-faculty committeesto discuss departmental curric¬ular changes, was achieved not through the work of the Com¬mittee, but through the simpleprocess of printing the CongressResolutions and distributingthem among the proper people.Other topics discussed could beput into effect by present activ¬ities finding them within theirprovince.The Congress Committee, un¬less it becomes a permanentboard of representatives of or¬ganizations, should be limited toonly two jobs, to be handy incase of any pressing problemwhich no one will handle, andto call the next Congress. Therewould be no decrease in campusactivity. There would be one lessorganization which tries to finda reason for existence.Today on theQuadranglesDivinity Chapel, The Reverend El¬mer Kilpatrick: “Radiance of Faith”,11:55 A.M.Ida Noyes Council. Alumni RoomIda Noyes at 12.ASU Race Relations Committee.Social Science 106 at 12:30.ASU Campus Problems Committee.Social Science 105 at 12:30.Phonograph Concerts. SocialScience Assembly Hall at 12:30-1:15.Dames Club, Rehearsal. Ida NoyesTheater at 2.Renaissance Society Exhibition ofpaintings from famous Victorianpainters. 109 Goodspeed at 2-5.ASU Social Committee. 5482 Green¬wood at 3:30.Poetry Club benefit tea. WieboldtCommon Room at 4.Revellers chorus practice. IdaNoyes YWCA Room at 4.Public Lecture, Dr. Salvemini:“History and Social Sciences—AreThey Sciences? From Humanity toTolerance.” Mandel Hall at 4:30.Campus Boycott Committee. Cobb316 at 4:30.Psychology Club. Dr, A. EustaceHaydon, professor of History of Re¬ligion: “Value of the Religious Ideal”,Psychology Building at 4:30.Graduate History Club. Mr. JohnN. Hazard: “The Soviet Interpreta¬tion of History in the Teaching ofLaw.” Social Science 122.Christian Youth League. Ida NoyesYWCA Room at 7:30.ASU Plays, Reynolds Club Theaterat 8.Dames Club Drama Group Meet¬ing. Ida Noyes Room B at 8.TravellingBazaarby archie and mehitabeldear boss there have been a numberof women eating in judsonthe last two days they havehad an overwhelming effect to say theleaston the timid inmates theyare sixty-five representatives fromkalamazoosent by the kellogg foundation inco-operation with the department ofeducation to study child problemstwo meals a day toothe alpha delts relax their dream-lined brainsamong stream-lined trainsset up along with quantities of trackin their basementthey had a dinner last nite before thebasketball game before the watercarnivallucky girlscharlotte rexstrew made an appropri¬atesnow white queen in a white bathingsuit bossbut a dopey was hard to findon this campussaid no dopey ilast time i heard information pleasethey askedwhere has ten cents been used in re¬cent newsexpert adams answeredit must be rockefellerno—it has something to do withrockefellerits doctor hutchins article on ten-centfootballright they are going to change thename ofthe university of Chicago tonotre dimeburton and foster had anexchange dinner after which burtonlads I University Property IncludesSkyscrapers, Historic SpotsBy BILL HANKLAAttention, all who think you knowevery University building! Let’s seeyou form mental pictures of these ex¬amples—the Williams Building, theChicago Builder’s Building, the Bish¬op Building, the 1 North LaSalleBuilding, the Grace Hotel. Could youdo it ? Probably not, because fewpeople connect these and other Chica¬go skyscrapers with the University ofChicago.The University doesn’t actually ownall of these buildings, but rather, inmost cases, the land upon which theystand. The building owners pay arental fee and, of course, if they failin this, their building then becomesUniversity property.Invests ShrewdlySince its inception, the Universityhas been shrewdly investing in choicereal estate. It was back in 1892 whenthe University made its first propertyinvestment—a plot of ground on the southeast corner of Clark street andJackson boulevard at a price of$265,000. On it, today, stands theGrace Hotel Buliding.The most valuable property is aplot of 17,701 square feet on LaSalleand Madison Streets, purchased in1915 for $1,040,000. Interestinglyenough, upon this very site, oncestood the world’s first steel-frameskyscraper, built in 1892. In its placenow stands one of Chicago’s largeststructures, the 44-story 1 North La¬Salle Building.Williams BuildingPerhaps the most interesting Uni¬versity property is the historic oldWilliams Building, located at Wa¬bash and Monroe. The property’soriginal owner was Eli B, Williamswho came to Chicago in 1833 whenits population was less than that ofHarper library on a busy night. In1916 his son deeded a building on theland to the University. The purpose of the donation wasto found and perpetuate a scholar¬ship fund to be called the Eli B. anHHarriet B. Williams Fund, for aiding poor deserving students, prefer'ably those interested in businessstudies. The Williams Building isnow aiding nearly 100 BusinessSchool students through this fund.Conditions in the deed require thatthe University never sell or mortgagethe property, and that its income bealways used for the scholarship fundAnother condition is that any build¬ing on the property must alwaysbear the name of Williams.For the 3-Way PartyGETRITZIE CORSAGESAT MITZIE'SMITZIE'S FLOWER SHOPMidway 4020 1233 E. 55th St.Today'sRoundtableBy RICHARD MASSELLToday’s roundtable discusses col¬lective bargaining and brings togeth¬er two authorities with quite differentviews, Oskar Lange, Assistant Profes¬sor of Economics and Raleigh W’eb-ster Stone, Associate Professor of In¬dustrial Relations. Question: Is col¬lective bargaining by labor sociallydesirable ?OSKAR LANGE: I will answerYES, but with the following qualifi¬cations: It is not desirable when itlimits the entry into a particular oc¬cupation as the craft unions often do.It is desirable when it counteractsthe monopsony (buyer’s monopoly)which employers have. For monop¬sony causes the employer to employless in order to keep wages low. Butif the wages are fixed by collectivebargaining and, as is the case in mostbig industries, each worker is to re¬ceive the same wage, then this situa¬tion is not possible. Consequently theadvantage to the employer of employ¬ing fewer men is removed.Roughly this distinction betweenlimiting the labor supply and merelybargaining collectively would corre¬spond to the two types of unions: thecraft union and the industrial union.Craft unions often limit the laborsupply by high union dues, limitingapprenticeships or special regula¬tions. Thus they tend to increase theirLetters to theEditorBoard of Control,The Daily Maroon:As a representative of the Councilof the Law School Bar Association, Ishould like to voice our approval ofthe splendid article of praise for theBarristers’ touchball team that ap¬peared in Wednesday’s Maroon. Wethink that the suggestion of theDaily Maroon in regard to a touch-ball game between the varsity foot¬ball team and the Barristers is anexcellent proposal. Such a gamewould undoubtedly create a great dealof interest among the student bodyand steps should be taken to stagethe game.I have spoken to Charlie Longacre,captain and manager of the Barris¬ters, and he has consented to acceptsuch a proposal should he be ap¬proached on the subject. A small ad¬mission fee might possibly becharged, pursuant to Hutchins’ ideas,with the revenue therefrom being ap¬plied to charitable purposes.Irving M. Feiges,took foster lasses out on datesburton and beecher had an exchangedinner afterwhich beecher lasses said they had togo home and studycampus observationsriding higha d phivery artydolphin partythis is a verse libre line boss thatmeans charlotte rexstrewtis sad to meditatethat the freshman day salomeyhas met a horrid fateand is now class b baloney j own wages at the expense of otherI workers who seek to enter theirI field. Of the other type of union thisis not true. Industrial unions seek nolimitations on the number of workersand in their bargaining are compelledto obtain employment for as many aspossible. This prohibits their settingthe wage rate too high.RALEIGH STONE: NO. The tend¬ency of employer to keep wages lowis limited, for the most part, to theisolated single industry town. In suchcases alternative employment is not[ available except at considerable trou¬ble and expense to the worker and inconsequence the employer can use hismonopoly position to hold downwages. The same justification for un¬ionism does not apply in largermetropolitan centers.It is entirely contrary to fact to as¬sume that industrial unions do noteffectively limit the labor supply.Their practices differ somewhat fromthose employed by craft unions, andin general are somewhat less restric¬tive. They demand, and wheneverthey have the power, impose theclosed shop or preferential shop,check off and seniority rights, andimpose other barriers to employmentof non-members. Mr. Lange’s objec¬tions to craft unions apply with onlyslightly if any, less pertinency to in¬dustrial unions.Monopolist effects are worked inother ways than those mentioned byMr. Lange. When an industry be¬comes generally organized so thatlabor standards are the same for allemployers in the industry, the stageis set for employers and the uniqn to“go along” and make the industrymonopolistic in a big way. Note thebituminous coal industry as a case in;point. iTrade unions may serve useful so-!cial purpo.ses in giving representationto workers, but as collective agenciesthey are not a substitute for an effec¬tive labor market. Instead of offset- iting employer monopoly except underthe limited circumstances notedabove, they inevitably tend to makemonopoly worse at the expense ofboth consumers and unorganizedworkers. THE NICE PLACE TO DINETHE ARAGON CAFE5401 Cornell Fairiax 8000Luncheons 3Sc-45c. Dinners 55c-85cW* cater to special groups.Luncheons - Dinners, etc.DIALCXSUES OF PLATO—loweM transL,New York. 1892—4 vols $5.00CONDITIONED REFLEXES—I. P. Parlor,Oxford, 1928 $5.00ROMANTIC UFE OF SHELLEY—Francis Gribble. New York. 1911. .$4.00I. S. MILL—Autobiography. New York,1874 $100• • •Farrell Toombs'Book Shop5523 KENWOOD AVENUEHYDE PARK 6536SIX BEAUTIFULPORTRAITSAttractively mounted in book folders, andalso one (8"xl0") in frame for$8.00This Will Include the Picture for Use in the1939 Cap & GownTHIS OFFER IS OPEN TO ALL UNIVERSITY STUDENTSRADCLIFFE 1400 —1503-05 WEST 79th STREETOpen from 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Except Fridcy 9-6 & Sundays 10:00 - 4:00 P. M.THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938 Page ThreePhi SigmaDeltaBy JOHN STEVENSIf the Phi Sigs make a habit ofserving meals like the lunch yester¬day, they are a well-fed outfit. Inany case they have a chef who can doa pood job on occasion.In addition to good food the PhiSips have much to recommend them¬selves. They probably have the bestassortment of ping-pong players oncampus, they participate extensivelyand have made a good record in in¬tramurals, they boast two first stringvarsity football players, and theysinp clever songs off-key at meals.The junior delegation is the mostactive in the house. Among them isthe president of the Jewish StudentFoundation, a member of the JSFcouncil, two junior intramural man-apers, a Blackfriars manager, amember of the Freshman OrientationCommittee, and a member of IronMask. Other men in the house areactive on the I-M board and the I-Fcouncil, and in Blackfriars, cheer¬leading, and Skull and Crescent. Oneof the Student Marshals, Ted Fink, isalso a Phi Sig.Sollie Sherman and Fink, two out¬standing veterans on the varsity foot¬ball squad, represent the only “C”men in the house. Two sophomore nu¬meral men in basketball and swim¬ming, a wrestler, a fencer, and thenumber two man on the Junior Var¬sity tennis team are the other Phi Sigathletes.Phi Sigs have given intramuralsmore support than any other house oncampus with two possible exceptions.They have four men active as IMmanagers, and have consistently donewell in competition. Last year theywon the baseball tournament, theping-pong tournament, placed secondin basketball, third in touchball, thirdin total points, and had the two menwith the most individual points.Phi Sigma Delta is the youngest ofthe five big Jewish fraternities.Founded nationally in 1908 and local¬ly in 1921 it has 19 chapters in allparts of the country. Every year thenational organization finances theschooling of about 16 German refu¬gees. The local chapter has given freeroom and board to four such students,three of whom obtained doctors’ de¬grees and one of whom is now afreshman. Phi Sig was the first fra¬ternity in the country, and is the onlyone at Chicago, that gives such aid.Every spring in support of thisworthy undertaking they sponsor a"Strawberry Festival.” Last yearover 600 alumni friends attended thissocial event, which spread across thealley on to the Herschl tennis courtsfor dancing and other entertainment.Other social events include at leastone party a month, a formal in theWinter Quarter, and a New Year’sEve party.In scholarship Phi Sig rankseighth, among all fraternities, butfirst among fraternities having atleast 30 members. To raise theirranking they hold seminars in severalsubjects at the end of each quarter.They also use a note file, which wasstarted on the spur of the momentwhen they discovered an empty filingcase in the basement and decided thatthey might as well use it to usefulpurpose.Phi Sig, with 29 actives and 14alumni in graduate school, has nofinancial worries. The initiation fee is$50. The 10 men living in the housepay $42 a month, and the men notliving at the house $18.60 a month fordues and six meals a week. There areno special assessments, althoughthere is a five dollar social fee, paideach quarter. The house contains bothping-pong and pool tables, butis otherwise average.CorrectionDue to an oversight, yesterday'sDaily Maroon did not mention thatSimon Marcson, a graduate studentin the Department of Sociology, wasin charge of the working force in-ve.stigating associations and clubs fora study by Louis Wirth and HerbertGoldhamer. The purpose of this re¬search is to determine how associa¬tion and club participation effectsthe lives of the members and thecommunity. ASU Tries toBalance Budget“We are about to be cut off in ourprime—unless we raise $86.50 byDecember 13... ” Thus begins a let¬ter, sent to the membership of theAmerican Student Union, deploringthe financial situation of the organi¬zation.The debts were not incurred thisquarter but are those which have ac¬crued since the ASU first appearedon campus. At present the runningexpenses of the group are adequate¬ly covered by the regular receiptswhich include local dues, pins, andcontributions.In an attempt to pay up the debtsas soon as possible financial secre¬tary of the ASU Anne Borders, hasasked the members to pay up theirchapter dues for the year, if pos¬sible and in addition to make con¬tributions. The letter states “anyamount will do but we suggest $1 asa nice tidy sum.”Freshmen DiscussHumanities II CourseA1 Dreyfuss, freshman class presi¬dent, today appointed a committeecomposed of Jim Degan, Bob Wied-fall, Peter Briggs, Yolanda Sini, andDorothy Ganssle, to discuss the ad¬visability of a Humanities II Courseto follow this year’s survey.Plans were made to distributequestionnaires to determine whetheror not there would be a sufficientnumber of .students who would takethe course to make it worthwhile.Another meeting was arranged forMonday at 12:45 in Cobb 308. Adler Analyzes Three Phasesof Writing and Speaking“The three phases of writing,”Mortimer J. Adler, associate profes¬sor of the Philosophy of Law, ex¬plained yesterday in the second oftwo lectures on reading, writing, andspeaking, “are exactly the same asthose of reading: the structural, theanalytical and the critical, must beapplied in the reverse order.”“The writer’s first concern,” he said,“is with his audience, a group of peo¬ple different from him in moral ormental character. Communicationbetween the author and his audienceis profitable only if, on the side ofthose communicated to, there is incre¬ment.“When such communication is theo¬retical, the aim of the communicatoris to convince another mind. When itis practical, the aim is not to convincebut to persuade, and the object to bepersuaded is not a mind but a man,”Adler continued.The primary difference in all pos¬sible audiences is that an audiencemay be in privation, when it is ig¬norant and realizes its ignorance, orit may be in contrariety, when it isignorant but thinks it has knowledge.The problem of communication is com¬plicated by the fact that most au¬diences are mixed. The first step,however, is to reduce those in con¬trariety to a state of privation.The solution of the problem ofcommunication has two phases, themoral and the intellectual. The moralphase involves the writer’s assump¬tion that he is addressing men ofgood will, the manifestation of hisown good character; and his recogni-EVERY FRIDAYCOLLEGE1 G H TJAY MILLSand His Orchestra'The Sweetest Rhythm You Ever Heard'withEUGENIA McGEE DALE EVANSSTUART FRASERALL STAR COLLEGE SHOWPROFESSIONAL* FLOOR SHOWHalf Rate Tickets Available at the InformationDesk in the Press Building and theDoily Maroon OfficeMarine Dining RoomEDGEWATCR BEACHHOTEL5300 Block Sheridan Road — Park in Hotel Garage tion of the difficulties of communica¬tion.The intellectual phase, concerningthe analytical problem of writing, in¬volves proceeding from arguments topropositions of terms.“The first thing one must know iswhat the problem is and what itsrange of conclusions is,”dared. “The second stepceed from conclusions toThe problem of makingacceptable is the hardestwriting because principles Adler de¬ls to pro¬principles,principlesthing inare notwhat one proves, but what one proveswith,” he continued. “The third stepinvolves terms and the use, by theaudience and the writer, of words, inthe same way.“The understanding of speaking,”Adler stated, “involves greater per¬spicuity than the understanding ofwriting. Thus, a speech must not onlybe shorter, but must have more unity,clarity and coherence.”The rules for answering classroomquestions, he said, are to understandthe question, to be relevant in answer¬ing it, to use words univocally, tospeak in sentences, and to be able toform paragraphs. Poets, Liberals AidSpanish RefugeesFor those interested in aiding ref¬ugees in Spain, China, and centralEurope, the Poetry Club and theLiberal Club will provide tea and en¬tertainment from four to six in Wie-boldt Common Room today. Admis¬sion price will be 25 cents.The Poetry Club, a society of cam¬pus poets, and the Liberal Club, anorganization of students interested’n contemporary political events, hopethat the tea will furnish a success¬ful means of raising necessary funds.Mirror Gives TeaMirror will hold its annual teafor all University women interestedin working in its 1939 production im¬mediately after DA’s Friday play inthe Reynolds Club Theatre.Mirror board members will be onhand to answer questions concerningthe revue, and members who wroteand sang songs in last year’s showwill provide entertainment.Classified AdsAVAILABLE WINTER QUARTER attractivesunny room near University with break¬fast if desired. Hyde Park 7482.LOST: On campus—silver wrist watch withname Shirley Adams on back. Reward;call Blake Hall.AVWhM^tfWWVVWWWWWWWVWdVUWWWWWWVVWtfVWGIFTS for ALLBook Covers $1.00 to 1.50Bill Folds 1.00 to 5.00Portfolios 2.50 to 5.50Manuscript Books 2.50 to 5.00Guest Books 1.00 to 6.00Bridge Sets 1.00 to 7.50Desk Sets 1.00 to 6.50Recipe Books 1.00 to 2.00 Book Ends $1.00 to 7.50U. of C. Jewelry 1.00 to 10.00U. of C. Compacts 1.00 to 5.00U. of C. Cigarette Cases.. 1.50 to 3.50U. of C. Book Ends 1.50 to 7.00If. of C. Bracelets 1.75 to 5.00U. of C. Calendars 1.25 to 1.95U. of C. Shields 1.00 to 6.00Pipe TrayCocktail ShakerMixers $1.00 to 3.50 Writing Cases .... $1.00 to 5.50.50 to 4.00 Stationery 50 to 10.001.00 to 3.50 Etchings 25 to ss.ao1.50 to 2.50 Candle Sticks 1.00 to 5.002.50 Ice Bucket 3.754.50 List Finders 1.00 to 2.501.00 Trays 1.50 to 3.001.00 to 2.00 Candy Dishes 1.00 to 3.50Reading Stands 3.50Lap Boards 1.65 to 6.50Book Racks 35 to 1.25Newspaper Rack 35 to 1.50 Brand New 1939 "SPEEDLINE" Corona.Quieter. Faster. Sturdier. An outstand¬ing gift $54.50WOODWORTH'SBOOK STOBE1311E. 57th St. Open EveningsNear Kimbark Ave. Ph. Dorchester 4800<1- I.Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938DAILY MAROON SPORTSGoal DustBy BOB REYNOLDSPardon me, Mr. S. E. Post, but I’vean objection to make. The last half¬back has received his last salary checkand the last alumnus has paid his lastdebt and the last customer has hadhis last nickle rung up, true, but foot¬ball’s end not releases every oneof the nation’s colleges to the pursuitof education. No, sorry, old man, butanother inflated leather object, knownas a basketball, will probably keepthe cheering students in their state ofinsensibility.You see, a-t-h-l-c-s-m, personifiedby the cage game, continues its lucra¬tive way, gamering some 20 millionsannually, and drawing larger crowdsthan any other collegiate sport. Infact, Mr. Post, the number of stu¬dents participating in basketball ex¬ceeds that of any other sport.And, would you believe it, the veryheart of the basketball country isright here in the mid-west. When oldDoc Nysmith invented the gameback in a Springfield, Mass, gymna¬sium, he fancied out that his concoc¬tion would some day step up into bigtime a-t-h-l-c-s-m and do so principal¬ly because a few fellows like Dr.Meanwell of Wisconsin and someboys over at Indiana and other BigTen schools decided there was quite abit of merit in the hardwood game.And you know, sir, that for the nextseries of days there will appear aset of articles dealing with the pros¬pects of Chicago’s own particularloop-the-ball squad in the comingwestern conference race. Maroons Defeat DePaul inHard-Fought Overtime BattleWin 51-48 after TwoExtra Five-Minute Pe¬riods.If it pleases you to know, each Con¬ference five says, with tongues incheek, that their squad has been ir¬reparably harmed by graduation andthe lack of polish and experience un¬doubtedly makes them contenders foreverything but the championship.Amid these clouds of pessimism,only Purdue, last year’s king, Min¬nesota, and Ohio begrudge a “maybe”.The Boilermakers, with their acecenter, towering Gene Anderson, backto bum the meshes, demonstrate in anot too obvious manner their qualifi¬cations to repeat. Ohio’s small butmercury legged forward duo. CaptainJimmy Hull and Dick Baker, proba¬bly the Midwest’s finest, and theheight of Minnesota contribute inter¬esting complications to the situation.Chicago, according to mentor NelsNorgren, “has a fair looking bunch oftall boys that might develop and sur¬prise some unwary titleist”. He alsopoints out that each team will playthree schools on a home and homebasis.“Whoever wins this year, with thattough home and home business, certainly has a right to the crown.”Two mle changes, both for the bet¬ter, have been enacted and will prob¬ably improve the game from thespectator’s view, your’s Mr. Post.Rule one allows an offensive to re¬main in the outer half of the foulcircle while he is without the ballfor any length of time. The secondmerely restates the old 10 secondsrule. Minnesota will be the first in¬dividual team to be discussed.Badminton ClubMeets Church TeamA fast-moving First PresbyterianChurch team will meet a mixed teamof University badminton players ina series of singles and doubles match¬es tomorrow night in Ida Noyes at7:30.The University Club enters intothe matches as the underdogs in thesingles, but has hopes of providingstiff competition in the doubles, inwhich they have displayed theirgreatest potentialities.The weakness was particularly re¬vealed last Friday in a series ofmatches with Northwestern Univer¬sity’s club in which the Universitywas trounced by six losses and twowins. In the doubles they fared some¬what better, splitting the" four.Biggest upsets in the doubles camewhen Bob Ralston and Ernest Ray¬monds lost to Roth and Hightownfrom Evanston. Ralston and Ray¬monds were generally credited wiUibeing the best doubles team. By ERNEST LEISERAs an overflow crowd went abso¬lutely berserk, a scrapping Chicagocage quintet literally climbed all overDePaul University to win 51-48 inthe second overtime period of a gamewhich had the audience on its feetmost of the time. The Maroons bybreaking the 50-point margin scoredmore points than they did in anygame last year.In a game which was spectacularand sloppy by turns| the Midwayteam outplayed and outfought theBlue Demons, who scored a third oftheir 48 points on fouls. DePaul, be¬hind 28-18 at the half, came back witha minute and 45 second left to thegame to tie the Maroons, and thenforged ahead when Norris scored abucket with less than a minute to go.Meyer Gets BallBut Chicago fans who had theirhats on already, and were only wait¬ing to hear the familiar strains of theAlma Mater had a surprise in storefor them. With half a minute to go,Remy Meyer had deliberately fouleda Blue Demon eager in order to getthe ball away from him. Failing inthis, Remy snared a Demon pass andthrew down the floor to Stanley whowas standing there absolutely alone.With the shadow of the secondhand of the big clock on the “20” thatwould mean the end of the game, Carlsank a one-handed pushup to tie thescore. He was fouled on the play butmissed his free throw, and the gamewent into its wild first overtime.Extra PeriodWith three Chicago regulars out onfouls, the DePaul veterans came backon the floor gunning for the Maroons.But Chicago drew first blood and thescores by Lounsbury, Murphy, and afree throw by Meyer balanced the lone basket by Gainer and the threefree throws made by Neu. The BlueDemon sharpshooter sank twelve giftshots during the game and scoredthree baskets to top the scoring forthe evening.The most exciting spot in a gamethat had even the referees dizzy cametowards the end of the first overtimewhen, with 15 seconds to go, Neusneaked the ball away from Stanleyand dribbled down the floor for whatwas a sure bucket, when fiery littleMorrie Allen charged into the DePaulace in desperation, and prevented thescore. But Lyle Clarno, referee of thegame, decided that Allen had chargedinto Neu deliberately, and gave theDemons two free throws after threat¬ening to kick Morrie out of the game.Second RestAfter a five minute intermission inwhich announcer Kyle Anderson wasthe only one in the house calm enoughto keep his seat, the Demons cameback on the floor minus the servicesof star Neu who was taking a three-minute rest—a rest that proved thedownfall of the DePaul squad.DePaul drew first blood, but Allengrabbed the ball from a Demon guardand shot it to Meyer, who tied thescore once again. DePaul againsneaked into the lead when theyounger Skrodski drove in under thebasket for two points. This was thelast Demons saw of victory, as Allenscored, Lounsbury sank two freethrows, and after a little flurry inwhich Neu sank his twelfth freethrow, Chet Murphy cinched thegame with a shot he made afterdribbling the length of the floor.Lounsbury again led the Chicagoscorers, ringing up twelve points togive Neu his closest competition forindividual honors. Chet Murphy, whoplayed an outstanding game on de¬fense, came next with five baskets anda free throw, and Allen, who was allover the floor on offense and defensescored five basket. Novice SwimmersVie in IM MeetAt Bartlett8 Events Scheduled forAnnual Competition inPool.All those swimmers not of varsityfreshman numeral caliber will havetheir opportunity to perform in pub¬lic this afternoon in the Bartlett pool,beginning at 3:45. Of the six indi¬vidual events, the finals have beenreached in all but the 40 yard freestyle, in which both the semi-finalsand the finals still remain. There aretwo team events, the 180 yard med¬ley relay and the 160 yard free stylerelay.The following have qualified forthe 40 yard free style: Farwell, W.Leach, Faye, Smith, Diest, Andal-man, Weber, L. French, Anderson,Huxhold.Medley QualifiesIn the medley relay, teams repre¬senting Psi U, Du, Phi Psi, AlphaDelta Phi, and Phi Delta Theta havemade the grade; in the 220 yard freestyle, Florian, P. Smith, Percy, Reid,and T. Dean are entered. The quali¬fiers in fancy diving include Harris,Sweany, Andalman, Farwell, andValorz.The entries in the 100 yard freestyle are Florian, W. I^each, Reid,and Diest. Those in the 100 yardback stroke are Stewart, Baumgart,Geppinger, Whitlow, and Anderson.Button, Kaposta, Whitlow, Anderson,and Harsha have qualified in the100 yard breast stroke. In the finalevent, the 160 yard relay, teams rep¬resenting Psi U, the Barristers, Del¬ta U, Phi Psi, and Phi Delta Thetaare entered.The individual unattached winnersare to receive gold medals, w’hile thefraternity men’s points will be count¬ed toward a cup to be awarded tothe fraternity with the largest ag¬gregate score. The awarding of pointsin the team events, will be on a 10-8-6-4-2 basis for the various places,and the points for individual events will be 6-4-3-2-1 for the first fiveto place.Casting Club OffersFree InstructionThe Illinois Casting Club has in¬vited students, faculty, and employeesto meet Avith the Illinois Casting Clubin the Fieldhouse every Sunday from10-1. Instruction in bait and fly cast¬ing will l)e given free of charge andequipment, is loaned to beginners.Although the club is not affiliatedwith the University, the Fieldhousehas been their headquarters for thepast few’ years and an annual tour¬nament is held there.Flcnhll Diesinvestigating subversive (?)activities ol Young Com¬munist League in MusicalRevue—^new songs, skits, &dances. Main speakers:Gil Green, Angelo Hern¬don, Carl Ross. Friday,Dec. 9, 8 P. M.—ForrestersHall 1016 N. DearbornAuspices: Illinois YoungCommunist League.IntensiveShorthandCourseFOR COLLEGE GRADl'ATESAND UNDERGRADUATESIdcml for takinc notM at colIrKPor for •parr-tim* or full time po«i-tions. Clasaes atari the Smt ofJanuary, April, July and October.Cail. tcriu or trUpAon/ Stotf 1881for fomplflt loctiThe Gregg Co< N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGOYOU'LL KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS IF YOU READThe DAILY MAROONA.