Today'sRoundtableII By RICHARD MASSELLParticipating in our roundtablediscussion today are Dudley Reed,director of the Student Health Serv¬ice, Dr. Morris Fishbein, associateclinical professor of Medicine andofficial spokesman for the AmericanMedical Association, and Harry Mil-lis, retired chairman of the Depart¬ment of Economics. Today’s topic:Is Socialized Medicine Desirable?DUDLEY REED; I’m spending allmy time in a form of socialized med¬icine—the health service, a planwhich I believe is very satisfactory.But I wouldn’t favor a state operatedplan because of the difficulty of keep¬ing the quality of the medical workup to a proper standard.One great problem is the big med¬ical costs which come unexpectedly—a great factor in producing poverty.A solution I personally favor is groupmedicine which allows the individualto budget his medical costs. But againin this plan the quality must be pre¬served; in our healtfi service the doc¬tor can lose his job if hb service isunsatisfactory.MORRIS FISHBEIN: I don’t favors(x:ialized medicine principally be¬cause it changes the relationship be¬tween doctor and patient. The doctorbecomes responsible to only a thirdperson who may be a politician or anadministrator.Against state medicine I have twobasic arguments. First, countrieswhich have tried it, have since losttheir democracy; for example Ger¬many, Italy and Russia. The momenta government enters the life of thepeople, freedom must fall. Secondly,socialized medicine has never beencompletely satisfactory in any coun¬try in which it has been tried. In fact,European states have been continual¬ly changing their systems.Instead of socialized medicine, Iwould advocate social medicine whichI define as “public and communityinterest in the improvement of med¬ical service.”Would the social medicine that youadvocate insure adequate medical carefor everyone?At present only a very small groupdo not receive adequate medical care.Relief recipients as you know get freemedical care and their choice of doc¬tors.HARRY MILLIS: No one shouldanswer “yes” or “no” to whether hefavors “socialized medicine” or “so¬cial medicine,” for the terms areslippery and may mean widely differ¬ent things.I have limited patience with thosewho would make “model” bills fromdetails found in foreign systems andthen urge their adoption in this coun¬try. Constructive proposals must bebased upon adequate analysis of theproblem and shaped in view of ourinstitutional life.My own views, derived from re¬search at home and abroad, may bestated. Medical research and medicaleducation need to be stressed and im¬proved in order that the “quality ofmedicine,” so much talked about byorganized medicine, may become bet¬ter in a country already in the frontrank. But much more is needed; ourknowledge needs to be better utilized.Prevention of disease must bestressed; much more public moneyshould be spent on honest and ei-fectively administered public healthwork. We have a large area of statemedicine (tax supported) in provisionmade for the mentally afflicted, thetubercular, the syphilitic and otherspecial groups; such provision needsto be improved and other groupswithin this area. Personally I wouldapply the principle of state medicinein the field of maternity care andchild welfare where the problems callfor vigorous action.* * *The general doctor can provide rea¬sonably well for 86 per cent of theother cases calling for medical care,and, except in such times as thesewhen free medical care should be pro¬vided for a large section of the popu¬lation, the great masses of the peo¬ple can pay the family doctors billswhich are generally small and ratherrecurrent. Such bills can be budgetedby the average American family. Yetthere is a problem of high cost illnesswhen, as shown by the most extensiveinvestigation 300 in each 1,000 fami¬lies in the course of a year will havemedical bills of from $60 to $200, and90 will have expenses running from$200 to over $1,000. High cost illness¬es generally involve hospitalization,I (Continued on page 2) UPbe Batlp iHaroon39, No. 37, Z-149 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1938 Price Three CentsDiscuss ConditionsIn China TuesdayFor Refugee Aid Chalmers and Co.Fight Flood ofBibliomaniacsFive OrganizationsUnitein Program to StimulateInterest.Five University organizations willunite Tuesday to stimulate interestin refugee aid by presenting twonoted lecturers, Molly Yard andWalter H. Judd, in Social ScienceAssembly hall at 3:30. They willspeak on conditions in China.Molly Yard, executive secretary ofthe Far Eastern Student Servicefund, will speak on “China—the Warand the Refugee.” Miss Yard touredthe war area in China last year,studying results of the present con¬flict and the needs it has broughtabout.The second speaker. Dr. Walter H.Judd, was a medical missionary inChina for ten years. Judd will dis¬cuss the role that the United Statesshould take in the Far-Eastern catas¬trophe.Organizations ParticipatingOrganizations participating i nTuesday’s meeting are the Committeefor Refugee Aid and War Relief, theYWCA, the Inter-Church Council, theASU, and the Chinese Student As¬sociation.This talk, along with other pastand future activities, will lead up toan all-campus united subscriptiondrive to aid people in China andSpain affected by the current warsas well as political refugees through¬out the world.So far, 40 campus groups havepromised to aid in the drive. DukeEllington has agreed to give a con¬cert to aid the refugee work, andplans have been made for an eveningmeeting at which, it is hoped, DorothyThompson or Maurice Hindus, bothnoted newspaper writers, will speak.Quincy WrightSpeaks at ModelWorld ConferenceRepresentatives fromEight Mid-west SchoolsCome for Conclave.Quincy Wright, professor of Inter¬national Law and famed expert oninternational relations, has acceptedan invitation to speak to the delegatesof the Model World Conference at abanquet tomorrow evening in theCoffee Shop.These delegates, 72 undergraduatesfrom eight mid-western schools, aremeeting tomorrow and Saturday toconduct a “world conference” pat¬terned after the one held in Versaillesin 1919. It is an annual affair begunlast year at Wisconsin by the teach¬ers of international relations at theeight schools participating. Its pur¬pose is mainly to focus public atten¬tion upon a mechanism for coordina¬ting the conflicting interests of worldpowers which many observers believemust necessarily be adopted in thefuture.The meeting at Wisconsin last yearwas set up as a model league confer¬ence, but it was changed to a worldconference this year because it wasfelt that no worthwhile agreementcould be reached which did not in¬clude the United States, Germany,Italy, and Japan as parties to it.20 Countries RepresentedTherefore the delegates represent¬ing 20 different countries are sup¬posed to present the views of theircountry as they would be presented ina real world conference, and still beprepared to compromise so that themaximum amount of agreement be¬tween the countries can be obtained.The topics to be discussed areeconomic readjustment, boundariesand minorities, arms limitation, andrevision of the covenant.This situation, of course, at oncepresents many perplexing and evenamusing problems. The question ofwhen Hitler would compromise willprobably require the exercise of con¬siderable jud^ent and ingenuity onthe part of German delegation. The number of bibliomaniacs en¬rolled at the “City Gray” has evident¬ly been increasing by leaps andbounds, for Miss Chalmers, the de¬mure librarian at the E31 reservereports that a new study mania issweeping over her patrons. Since the1936-37 season, the total monthlycalls for books and periodicals hasincreased at the rate of approxi¬mately 160 per month, making ayearly increase of 27,000 calls. MissChalmers believes that the passionfor book learning is due to the inher¬ent zeal for knowledge of the stu¬dents themselves, as well as the newsupplies of books recently added tolibrary shelves.It is obvious that this increaseplaces an added strain upon the threeE31 assistants. However, there hasas yet been no indication that thereis relief in the offing.Faculty LeadsBull SessionDaiches, Krueger, Levi,Gregory Discuss FreeSpeech. -The Political Union’s Bull Sessiontonight will be introduced by fourfaculty members. David Daiches, in¬structor in English, Maynard Krueg¬er, assistant professor of economics,Edw'ard Levi and Charles Gregory,professors of Law will lead the paneldiscussion on “Freedom of Speech.”Behind the general discussion liesthe practical question brought up bythe Union of the advisability of hav¬ing a Nazi speaker on campus. Pro¬fessor Levi will present various in¬terpretations of “Freedom of Speech”from a study of the subject he hasmade. After the panel discussion themembers of the Union will enter in¬to a general bull session to clear upthe question for once and all. Con¬servative, radical, and liberal ideaswill be expressed to reach a mutualunderstanding of the question.The meeting will be held in Class¬ics 16 at 7:30 tonight. It will be thelast meeting of the Political Unionthis quarter.Club RushingBegins January 6;Announce RulesRushing for freshmen women be¬gins Friday, January 6, Interclub an¬nounced yesterday. So that they mayknow what is legal, instructions onrushing rules will be sent to all fresh¬men women.Starting at the end of the firstweek of Winter Quarter instead of atthe beginning as previously sched¬uled, the open period will last untilSaturday, January 14. During thistime each club may schedule oneDutch treat luncheon, an optionalfunction, such as a tea or breakfast,and a party with women only.Pledge January 22For the final rushing week fromJanuary 14 to 20, clubs may have oneDutch treat luncheon, an optionalfunction, and a party with men. Thisparty is interchangeable with the onelisted for the first week, which maybo held during the second instead. Thefinal preferential dinner is January20. and pledging is January 22. Sched¬ules must be presented to InterclubCouncil by December 19.Co-operating with the StudentPublicity Board, Interclub is giving atea for women high school seniorsSaturday. About 100 high school stu¬dents have been invited to hear dis¬cussions of campus activities at thattime. Members of Interclub plan toshow selections from campus news¬reels and to distribute booklets onUniversity activities. University Alumni Qub Queries1500 Members on FootballSituation at UniversityCampus CongressDiscusses Co-opMovement TodavJack Conway, a member of theboard of directors of the Ellis Co-op,will lead a Campus Congress discus¬sion today on co-operatives. The ^imeof the meeting has been changed to12:30. It will be held in Cobb 309.'The co-operative movement on cam¬pus has sprung up almost entirelywithin the last few years. In thattime the Ellis and Kimbark eatingco-ops, and the American StudentUnion’s cleaning, laundry, and shoerepair service have all been started.There are also two co-operative room¬ing houses on campus, one exclusive¬ly for SSA students, and DrexelHouse, which accommodates some 16girls. The latter was founded in 1917and is the only one of the co-opera¬tives on campus not of recent origin.A committee of the Chapel Union isworking to organize another co-opera¬tive student rooming house.The Congress is endeavoring to getrej)r63gntatives from these groups atthe meeting sO they can discuss theircommon problems and consider thepossibility of united action, itwishes to help publicize a group ofservices which are unknown to manystudents.Discuss ProblemOf UnemploymentOn Round Table“We must realize that unemploy¬ment is permanent and discover waysof lightening the burden upon therest of us.” Admitting that few peo¬ple are ready to accept this statementas true, Earl S. Johnson, assistantprofessor of Sociology, will defendthis assertion when the Round Tablediscusses “Can We Spread The WorkBy Cutting The Hours?” Sunday.Charles Gregory, associate profes¬sor of Law, who participated in thedrafting of the original version ofthe Wage-Hour Act will give his viewof the act in relation to the unem¬ployment problem. The third memberof the Round Table will be MaynardKrueger, assistant professor of Eco¬nomics.To meet the unemployment situa¬tion by cutting hours, the govern¬ment has passed the Wage-Hour Bill.While shorter hours, it has beenclaimed, will remove large numbersfrom the relief rolls, the major pen¬alty may fall upon the regularly em¬ployed worker. Favor Retaining Squad,Drafting Support to Re¬build Team.The Chicago Alumni Club, has sentout a questionnaire to its 1500 mem¬bers about the football situation. JohnChapman, president of the club, saidthat the questionnaire was the re¬sult of agitation to abolish footballat Chicago. No positive result hasbeen ascertained yet, but the major¬ity of alumni that have answered arein favor of retaining the footballteam.The questionnaire had three state¬ments to be answered with yes or no.They are: intercollegiate footballshould be retained; tflie alumni shouldtake aggressive steps to improve thefootball situation at Chicago; and, Iwill serve on a committee to discussthe football situation at Chicago.Alumni Favor Various PoliciesChapman would not define aggres¬sive action, but certain alumni feelthat definite steps should be taken.They feel that alumni support atChicago has been very small, and thatthe survey will arouse interest inthis area. If enough interest is shownhere, this can be done on a nationalscale. Various alumni advocate dif¬ferent stands. Some want more honorscholarships or subsidization, if nec¬essary. Others advocate special tui¬tion rates for needy football men.Still others want to carry out thepolicy of a network of Chicago mencontacting all likely football pros¬pects.The reason back of the agitationfor the football teamby many newsp2{)ers has been theconstant defeats of CkiCS?® , teams ^and the resulting suppos^ 'Id^S' ofprestige to the University.Benes ArrivesAt UniversityAbout February 15Dr. Eduard Benes, former presi¬dent of the Czechoslovak Republic,will arrive at the University aboutFebruary 15, he informed PresidentRobert M. Hutchins in a letter yes¬terday. Dr. Benes will teach twocourses, a seminar for graduate stu¬dents, and a general course open toall students. Both will be concernedwith the problems of democracy, andthe general course probably will beunder the title of “Modern Democ¬racy.”The Czechoslovak statesman andformer professor of Sociology atCharles University, Prague, acceptedin October a visiting professorshipat the University under the CharlesR. Walgreen Foundation. To date,he has signified an acceptance fora period of three months only, butthe University has offered him alonger appointment. Because of hisarrival in the middle of the WinterQuarter, his first courses will con¬tinue into the Spring Quarter untilMay 15.Grene Advocates RevolutionIn Europe at ASU Meeting“Were I in France, England, orGermany I would do my level best tocreate a Communist revolution for Ibelieve the governments there areirretrievably corrupt,” David Grenesaid at a meeting of the AmericanStudent Union Peace Committee yes¬terday. “Although it would result inappalling horror for about 10 or 12years it would eventually result in anew order.”Speaking in a vibrant manner,Grene had only a small space at thehead of the room in which to beat hisnervous path, for Social Science 106was filled to capacity.Stating that although it is impos¬sible to educate through revolution,he declared it would be preferable tothe “Dead Sea” which will grip Eur¬ope if there are no violent changes ingovernment.“The Conservatives in England be¬ lieve ‘class’ to be the preservationof a kind of stability; the Conserva¬tives have no ideals and when thatis missing fear and greed, with theformer the strongest, prevail.” Cham¬berlain’s petty, miserable policy ofthe past few months has been a mani¬festation of this.During his sojourn in France thissummer Grene said he found theworst gang of incomparable, unscru¬pulous, and iniquitous ruffians exist¬ing in Europe today.Then before an astonished audienceGrene said that he felt the SocialScience division to be a group of milkand water professors using an abun¬dance of milk and water, and unre¬lated books to educate a too largegroup of students who will probablygraduate feeling that they have been“saved” and will eventually becomeSocialist “Colonel Blimps.”Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1938Hiie ^aroonFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATEPRESSThe Daily Maroon is the official studentnewspaper of the University of Chicago,published mornings except Saturday, Sun*day and Monday during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 5831 University avenue.Telephones: I^de Park 9221 and 9222.After 6 :S0 phone in stories to ourprinters. The Chief Printing Company,1920 Monterey avenue. Telephone Cedar*crest 3819.The University of Chicago assumes noresponsibility for any statements appear¬ing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con*tract entered into by The Daily Maroon.The Daily Maroon expressly reservesthe rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper. Subscriptionrates: $3 a year; $4 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March18, 1903, at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.ncPRisSNTSo roN national AovSRTisiNa avNational Advertising Service, Inc.College Publishers Representative420 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y.CHICASO ■ BOITOR ' Los AHGILtl • SAN FRANCISCOBOARD OF CONTROLEditorial StaffLAURA BERGQUISTMAXINE BIESENTHALEMMETT DEADMAN, ChairmanSEYMOUR MILLERADELE ROSEBusiness StaffEDWIN BERGMANMAX FREEMANEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Brody, Harry Cornelius. WilliamGrody, Bette Hurwich, David Martin,^_^__^lice_J4e2£rj__Rolwrt_Sedlal^_______BUSINESS ASSOCIATESDayton Caple, Roland Richman, DavidSalzberg, Harry Topping. 'Night Editor: Charles O’DonnellAssistant: Virginia BrownIf Alumni WantTo Help-A crushing blow—that de¬livered by Mr. Halas. It’s notlikely that we will ever againhave such a universally accept¬able solution to the footballproblem. The adoption of theChicago Bears as the Univer¬sity team would have given thestudents an eleven well worthwatching, plus all the possibleadvantages o f intercollegiatecompetition. And it would haverelieved the undergradliatesquad of the necessity of givingup too much time and too much'C.oerg’y in an effort to give C-b o o k buyers their money’sw’orth.But that’s not all. Now theChicago alumni have counterecwith a new and different idea—early returns from their AlumniClub questionnaire indicate thatthe University’s loyal graduateswant to take an aggressivestand. They won’t define justwhat this aggressiveness willmean. We draw our own conclu¬sions and suggest that it meansinducement to high school stars.And we further suggest thatthere is no justification for suchinterference from the Club inthe University’s athletic policy.Is the Club acting out of con¬cern for the present students?It is unlikely; any reasonedargument brushed free of propa¬ganda-cultivated ideas on thesanctity of the football cult willshow that the personal interestsof the students are best servedby an individualized sports pro¬gram. Do they want to enhancethe glory of the University?The research carried on by Uni¬versity scholars does a far moreworthwhile job of it. Do theywant to have a football teamthat they can brag about, laybets on, and enjoy watching ona drizzly November afternoon?Here is the real answer, andthere is a simple solution. In¬stead of trying to revive high-powered football on the Midway,those alumni who want a foot¬ball team to cherish shouldtransfer their sports allegianceto professional football. Halasdoesn’t love us, but we loveHalas.In spite of the uncooperativeattitude of the Bears and theChicago Alumni Club, the Uni¬versity should carry on in itsslow but inevitable abolition ofintercollegiate football as it isplayed today. The first step isto stop all future committmentson games. There is a Big TenAssociation meeting this week¬end; at it the University mustrefuse to schedule any moregames. It seems foolish to try totaper off the present scheduleto a graceful end. It would befar more sensible to act now,before it is really too late, tocancel all Big Ten games al¬ready scheduled for the nextthree years. There is no reasonfor our teams charitably to of¬fer themselves as easy booststo the standing of other Big Tenelevens. Once this momentousstep is taken, cancellation ofother engagements would fol¬low naturally.There we would be, suddenlysuspended in mid-air, with acoach, a team, a field, an audi¬ence, and nothing to do. Thiswould present a challenge morereal than any problem of build¬ing a championship team at aschool with high scholasticstandards. For we would givestudents a chance to play onteams, but they would play forno cheering crowds and news¬paper publicity. They wouldplay against other Universitytea'ms and against other teamsin the vicinity which could meetthem on an equal footing. Theywill play good football if theyare really interested in thegame, and if it cannot be playedwell under the conditions of nonprofit-making sport then it willbe completely dropped as out ofkeeping with an educationalprogram.If the Chicago Alumni Clubis really interested in helpingthe students and the Universityand the athletic future of thecountry, they can aid such aplan. They can donate money tosubsidize a comprehensive ama¬teur athletic program for allstudents, and get their footballglory from professionals whoget paid for taking a beating inthe interests of sport. . *Today on theQuadranglesIda Noyes Council, Ida Noyes Hall,YWCA Room, 12.WAA Annual Fall Banquet, IdaNoyes Hall, Sun Parlor, 6.ASU Theatre Group, rehearsal, IdaNoyes Theatre, 7.Snell Hall Party, Reynolds Club,North Lounge, 7.Kappa Beta Pi, Ida Noyes Hall,YWCA Room, 7:30.Classics Club, skit rehearsal, IdaNoyes Hall, Room A, 7:30.Communists Club, ‘‘The Dilemma ofThomas Mann,” Morton Krieger, IdaNoyes Hall, SRR, 7:30.Campus Congress, 12:30 in Cobb209.Christian Youth League, Ida NoyesHall, library, 7:30.History Club, ‘‘The Soviet Inter¬pretation of History in the Teachingof Law,” John N. Hazard, SocialScience 122, 7:30.Sociology Club, ‘‘The TotalitarianState,” W. F. Ogburn, Social ScienceAssembly, 7:45.Camera Club, Reynolds Club, RoomA, 8.Dramatic Association. Newcomers'Bill, Reynolds Club Theater, 8:30. TravellingBazaarby archie and mehitabelbusiness looks up for those who lookit upthe girls from the settlement boardledby margaret merrifieldare planning to raid the boys dormsand fraternity housesdecember sixteenth they want every¬thingfrom old clothes to empty beer bottlesnotoriously few pins were hung afteri f ballcynic roger nielsen saysthat this was due to the fact thati f was exceptionally good this yearhe says they only hang pins whenthey cant thinkof anything else to domehitabel says who is they boss itsounds like sour grapes to mebill webbe waited an hour and a halfwhilehis date margaret peacock dressedmary haines was in an accident on theway homefrom i f ballshe is in st lukes we hope you willbe up soon maryblanche graver has sent homeenthusiastic post cards fromannapolis princeton and new yorkhaving a wonderful time wish youwere heremarjorie grey told her date that shewas going on a diethe sent her fourquarts of ice cream the next dayjean gayton louise snow andpatty wolfhope havedates with stand ins for thepartystand ins bon anderson jimmy lytelandbob snow will officiate until eleven orthereabouts when said dates bob mer-riamemmett deadman and hart perry willarrive as ambassadors from the modelworld conference in tails and red rib¬bonsknow him boss?a brookliner this little ladan author and an actor hewho leads the class of 42an embryo b m o c Ida Noyes CouncilPlans Christmas TeaIda Noyes Council will give it an¬nual Christmas tea in conjunctionwith the Reynolds Club Council in thelibrary of Ida Noyes from 3 to 6 De¬cember 16. Mary Calnan and HelenBeckhert are taking care of the ar¬rangements for the tea, and Kay Kel-1am is in charge of the invitations.Plans are under way for the chil¬dren from the University ElementarySchool to sing Christmas carols at thetea, which is the official opening ofthe Christmas season, and Ida NoyesHall will be decorated accordingly. Mcithildo ErnestineTHE BEAUXARTS SALONNEW STAB CONCEHT SERIESSUNDAY — DEC. 4th. 4:30 P. M.Benefit German RefueccaDramatUt. in"Victoria Regina"Jamea Kabrin, Violin VirtnoeoVictorian Violin SoloaSUNDAY — DEC. llth. 4:30 P. MLanra Kellogg, Lyric Soprano and So.loiat, with the CItIc Choral Societyof Chicago—William P. Mnllen Di^rectorThe Modemettee SextetHarvey Payne, ManagerMEDINAH CLUBLOUNGE505 North MICHIGAN AVE.Tickota on Salo — $1.00 - $.55U. of C. INFORMATION BUREAUqUkifUnique SSA Co-opNow Numbers TenSatisfied MembersRound Table—(Continued from page 1)laboratory services, and treatment byspecialists.The cost of such illnesses should bespread; for otherwise, financial prob¬lems arise and needed medical careis frequently foregone. In order tomeet this problem group hospitalplans have spread rapidly, but chief¬ly among families in the upper middleclass. Such service should be madegenerally available for families withincomes under $3,000. In addition, thedoctors fee should also be covered asit has generally not been under grouphospital plans. To develop such asystem of medical care, two thingsare required, viz, compulsory insur¬ance in institutions providing theservices required in cases of high costillness, and payment of a part of thecost out of public revenues.Such are the changes needed if pre¬vention is to be wisely stressed and ifadequate medical care is to be pro¬vided for the masses of the people.Cal! it ‘‘socialized medicine” if youlike. In reality state medicine, healthinsurance, and private practice findplace in a sound plan for medical carein the United States. ‘‘One more man and we’d haveenough members for a football team,and a house roster large enough tolower individual overhead to about$6.60 per week.” Thus spoke JackBalcom one of ten members of theS.S.A. cooperative lodging house lo¬cated at 5342 Ellis avenue, indicatingthe success with which this ventureis meeting.Unique Co-opAlmost unique on this campus inits form this lodging co-op, whichthe Social Service Administration,has thus far proven its value botheconomically and socially. Throughthe medium of careful planning as togeneral policies in diet, house upkeep,studies, and general welfare the mem¬bers of this house have evolved aworking budget which costs each stu¬dent member about $7.50 per week in¬cluding lodging and 16 meals perweek. The co-op has a paid cook andhousekeeper who plans the diet andhelps keep the rooms in order. A main¬tenance manager, a bookkeeper, and asteward chosen from the membershandle the purchasing of foodstuffs,new equipment and the problem ofhow to make each member as happyas possible in his home.Permits GuestsEach member is allowed to havetwo guests for dinner during themonth, but no guests are permitted inthe house after dinner from Mondayto Friday of each week in order tofacilitate study. A business meeting isheld every other week, and duringthe alternate weeks meetings are oc¬cupied by group discussion on prob¬lems arising from social service work.With general living expenses lowerin this co-op than in most of theregular university dormitories themembers of the establishment areheartily in favor of more co-operativehousing on campus, feeing that theiraddition would satisfy a definite ex¬isting economic and social need. GOING FORMAL?Be Blue and see the newest and latest inArrow dress shirts at The HUB. Also a com¬plete line of accessories.the Cf) hubHENRY C.Lytton & SonsState and Jackson, CHICAGOConditioned for ComfortArrow Sborebam with collarattached and soft pleatedbosom is both the smartestand most comfortable shirtyou can wear with a tux $3For more formal occasions,wear the Arrow Udo, withstand-up wing collar. It hasthe more comfortable nar¬row bosom with suspenderloops to make it lie smooth.Streamlined mitoga fit —Sanforized Shrunk $3AR.R.OWDRESS SHIRTSThaUmliaTEA DANCING EVERY SUNDAYPatronizeMAROONAdvertisers r<tiio\v iiicA I{ K 0 Wr..rA l{ l{ 0 WSHIRTSALL GOODMAROONSLIKE TObuy hereERIECLOTHING COMPANY837 P:. 63 i d Slreet}BullSession* * *By EDWARD STERNA Student Answers Mr. Hutchins“More athletics, less athleticism.’’Bravo, Mr. Hutchins, that is an ad¬mirable statement. We, too, feel thatsome colleges and universities may beaccused of over-emphasis of athleticsat the expense of education. But wealso feel that other universities maybe accused of under-emphasis on thesame grounds.Kducation should train the youngergeneration of America for later lifeIt should teach them how to thinkand to some extent what to think.These purposes are not hypotheseshut accepted facts.Who, then, should be educated? Itis oft-repeated that democracy isbased on popular education. If this istrue, and we think that conditions inthe world today tend to prove moreand more that it is true, the answer isa simple one—everyone, in Americaat least, where we have sworn to up¬hold democratic principles, everyoneis entitled to an education.But, you, Mr. Hutchins, by con¬stantly stressing the intellectual sideof education at the expense of thesocial, physical, and moral sides havetended to alienate many classes ofpersons who do not believe that edu¬cation is mere training of the intel¬lect.If you are to continue a policy ofattracting those high-school grad¬uates to the University—and if youcan extend your ideas beyond the lo¬cal sphere, to all universities, forpurely intellectual reasons you willdraw’ what is for the most part agroup of students with very narrowinterests. The atmosphere of the uni¬versity community will change, andthe community will no longer reflecteven in an idealistic manner the worldoutside.You will be producing an intellec¬tual aristocracy, which except in un¬usual cases, will not be fit to enterthe practical world outside the Uni¬versity. Conversely, by not appealingin any manner to their desires andinterests, you will no longer attractto your University students who, al¬though they may consider education!and “their courses” as necessary evils,are, nevertheless, influenced by whatthey hear in the classroom and readin the required readings; and thoughthey may do so unconsciously, gov¬ern themselves accordingly. You willhave achieved your purpose, if notwholly, to a great extent.This anti-intellectual group will in¬fluence your intellectual giants byteaching them how to adapt them¬selves socially to the practical every¬day world. The latter will influencethe former in a similar manner—bycreating a respect in them for intel¬lectual aptitude. The result will be amore well-rounded college graduate.Thus, Mr. Hutchins, you have aduty—to educate people of varied in¬terests, not merely philosophers, butpractical businessmen as well.How can you achieve this goal?\ou might promote extra-curricularactivities including athletics by ex¬tending some incentives, for instance,scholarships, to students who will de¬vote their spare moments while atthftUniversity to various pursuits. Edu¬cational standards need not be sacri¬ficed! Eligibility requirements neednot be relaxed!Me conclude, then, by recommend¬ing that a plan be drawn up where¬by athletes and other “activities-men” may, if they are in financialneed, be awarded honor scholarshipson the basis of aptitude in theirchosen interests plus the ability to getl>a.ssing marks in their regular courseof study.Give Benefit forGerman RefugeesA benefit for German refugees willbe given by Mathilde Ernestine BeauxArts Salon at the Medinah Clublounge at 4:30 Sunday. Ann BirkKuper, reader, will present her ver¬sion of ‘‘Victoria Regina,” and JamesKabrin, violin virtuoso, will play Vic¬torian solos.Laura Kellogg, lyric soprano withthe Chicago Civic Choral Society, willsing on the December 11 program.Selections by the Modernettes Sextetwill complete the program.Tickets can be obtained at the Uni-varsity Information Bureau. THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1,. 1938 Page ThreeBegin CampaignTo Open UnitedStates to RefugeesCirculate Petition toIncrease ImmigrationQuotas.Dramatically declaring the centralslogan, “Open the Doors of the UnitedStates to the Refugees,” of what hehopes to make a campus-wide cam¬paign, Bud Ogren, yesterday noon infront of the C-Bench, began his solic¬itation of signatures for petitions tobe sent to Congress in an effort tomake them raise the immigrationquota laws. In this, his initial effort,he collected 200 names.According to an article in the NewYork Times after the recent Naziatrocities, the American Immigrationoffice declared that, under the quotalaws, no immigrants from Germanycould be admitted for several months.This quota could be suspended by avote of Congress, which has the powerto call the situation an emergency,and thus lower the barriers so thatrefugees could enter.These petitions are being circulatedby the American Fund for PoliticalPrisoners and Refugees, which wasorganized about six months ago,largely through the efforts and sup¬port of John Dewey, well-knownAmerican philosopher and educator.As a step in the direction of thepolicy of admitting all refugees toUnited States, which was advocatedby Charles W. Gilkey, Mary B. Gil¬son, Anton J. Carlson, and Paul H.Douglas, in the Mass Protest of No¬vember 17, Bud Ogren, feels that,“For the next few months the slogan,‘Open the Doors to Refugees,’ shouldbe the rallying cry for tremendousemergency measures in which the en¬tire campus should participate.”Camera Club HoldsPrint Contest;Exhibits WinnersActing as their own critics, mem¬bers of the Camera Club conducteda print contest at a special meetinglast night. All camera fans wereprivileged to submit any number ofprints that had not been entered inprevious Camera Club contests. The‘20 prints that were judged best willbe placed on exhibit for the benefitof Club members.The organization also plans to havean all campus print show at the endof the Winter Quarter.The club, which now has about 25or 30 members, is open to all studentswho are interested in photography.In order to become an active mem¬ber a neophyte must submit two dif¬ferent prints of his own making attwo different meetings. The nextregular meeting will be held nextThursday at 8 at the Reynolds Club.Donald Hamilton is president of theorganization. Rushees Get FraternityPedigrees in Maroon SeriesBy DAVID MARTINA fraternity depends for its ex¬istence upon its ability, to pledge newmen. Competition for desirable newmen is intense, often almost bitter,as rushing chairmen attempt tospur their brothers on to new heightsof rushing activity, new paeans ofecstasy over the advantages of theirhouses.The intensive rushing period be¬gins Tuesday, January 10. Ten dayslater, on January 19, the periodcloses with men’s bidding of frater¬nities. During this period, men fromevery house on campus will be en¬gaged in attempting to persuaderushees that their fraternity is thebest of all possible fraternities.Much of the rushee’s decision mustbe based upon intangibles, such aswhether the man being rushed “likes”the active members and whether hefeels that he w'ill “fit in.” This isnecessarily so since, if a man can af-Sponsor FreshmanBilliard Tourney ford to join a fraternity, these arethe points upon which he should basehis decision.Fraternity Pedigrees To Be GivenIn a series of articles this monthand next, The Daily Maroon will pub¬lish reports of vital statistics offraternities, telling in detail what itwill cost to become a member, givinga count of members, listing activitiesin which the brothers participate,and telling of advantages which eachhouse claims to offer. All facts havebeen carefully checked.Rushees will be urged to join fra¬ternities upon the basis of the pres¬tige which it will bring them, uponpromises of boosts up the socialand political ladder. Men may expectthese sales arguments, should con¬sider them well, and discount themby half. “Rushing” is the appropriate, butunfortunate, epithet used to describethe process of asking men to join afraternity. Yet, if a man wishes tomake a happy choice in selecting hiscompanions and friends for the nextfour years, he must look about care¬fully and thoughtfully and not allow’himself to be high-pressured into de¬ciding before he is ready to do so.SECRETARIAL CAREERSI for University PeopleComplete SecretarialStenography . . . 6 months4 monthsInvestiK*tc T h o m a ■ NaturalShorthand. It is eaaier to learn—easier to write—easier to read.Come in for a demonstration orwrite for a descriptive booklet.Institute of Modern Business225 North Wabash • Randolph 6927A round robin Novice Freshmanbilliard tournament for freshmen nov¬ices will be held in the Reynolds ClubSaturday morning and afternoon.Five of the Club’s six tables will beused.Three prizes consisting of a leathernotebook, a watch-chain, and a boxof stationery will be awarded at theclose of the tournament to the manwho wins the most games. An en¬trance fee of 25 cents will be madebut all games played will be free.Durwood Robinson is supervisingthe contest as chairman of the Rey¬nolds Club Council Tournaments com¬mittee with the co-operation of GlenPowers, billiard room attendant.Classified AdsWANTED—A tuxedo in good condition; gUe38. Write Box 0. Faculty Exchange, stat¬ing price.Dealers inOLD AND NEWSwing ClassicsRecords priced from 10cSwing Record Shop31S S. WABASH - 3RD FLOOROpen 11 A. M. to 8 P.M.50c in trade free with thU odon purchases above $1 on Sat¬urday. Dec. 3.^ HOW MANYCAN YOU ANSWER?Th it book has the Answers to theseand scores of other Questions:1. Ohio has 24 electoral votes.(True or False?)2. The area of Kansas is twicethat of Kentucky. (True orFalse?)3. President McKinley was as¬sassinated in 1902. (True orFalse?)4. Shanghai is the Capital ofChina. (True or False?)Over 1000 useful facts includingPostal Rules; U. S. Presidents;Population of principal Citiesand Countries; Facts about theEarth and Planets;etc.,etc. with purchase of a bottle ofParker Quink at 15c or 25c—the Ataoilng New JFritmg Ink That Ends Pen-CloggtngNow! Accept this offer!Made solely to induceyou to try ParkerQum^—the new miracle writ¬ing ink that makes anypen a self-cleaner.Quink dissolves de¬posits left in a pen byordinary inks — endsclogging. Always rich,briuiant — never wa¬ tery. Get Qutn* andFree Answer Book to¬day at any store sellingink. Offer good only inU. S. A.Q'Rirlcer jfUiiiKMai* by Th* Parktr P*n Ca.GET PARKER'S "QUINK" ATWOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St.Near Eimbark Ave. Open EveningsPhone Dor. 4800 TIMEMARCHES...Hurry—if you wont a beoutifuL individual and verypersonal card. Over 1500 designs to choosefrom—all smart, artistic and "different." $5.00to $50.00 per 100 including name printed, orengraved.Also — if you want them — 40 designs atSO tor $1.00inOODUIORTH’SBOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St. Store Open EveningsNear Kimbark Ave. Dorchester 4800YOU CAN WIN HERff IF f#You know all the answersFind Them inTHE DAILY MAROONyPage Four THE DAILY MAR(X)N, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1938THE DAILY MAROON SPORTSHonor Gridmen with Athletic LettersAward 22 Major Cs to TeamMembers at Football Banquet Blackhawks Offer Bill PfenderOpportunity to Work OutFour Seniors Win ThirdC, Give Eleven Old English Letters.Twenty-two members of the foot¬ball team were awarded major “C’s”and eleven players minor or Old Eng¬lish letters following the Maroonteam’s 1938 season, Nelson Metcalf,director of athletics, announced yes¬terday.The 1938 “C” was the third succes¬sive major letter in football won byfour graduating seniors in the Chi¬cago backfield. Captain Lewis Ham-ity, Sollie Sherman, Morton Good-stein, and Edward Valorz.Six sophomore linemen and onefirst-year back are among the 22 win¬ners of major letters. They are: Wil¬lis Littleford, end; Jospeh Howardand David Wiedemann, tackles; JohnBex and Baird Wallis, guards; JackPlunkett, center; and Carl Nohl, back.Hamity Leads in Time PlayedCaptain Hamity led his team intotal number of minutes played inthis season’s games. He played morethan 83 per cent of the time in eightgames. Second in the list was DavidWiedemann, sophomore tackle. Hewas followed by Sherman and Valorz,senior backs, and John Davenport,Big Ten sprint champion, who is ajunior.Sixteen of the 22 recipients ofmajor “C’s” are from Chicago and itssuburbs. Of the others three are fromIowa, two from California, and onefrom Montana.The eleven seniors who will receivemajor letters are: James Cassels,Theodore Fink, Morton Goodstein,Robert Greenebaum, Captain LewisHamity, Robert Harlan, HowardHawkins, Robert Meyer, Robert Sass,Sollie Sherman, and Edward Valorz.The four juniors awarded major “C’s”are: John Davenport, Walter Mauro-vich, Robert Wasem, and RichardWheeler.Six sophomores, three juniors, andtwo seniors were awarded Old Eng¬lish “C’s”. George Crandell, OliverCrawford, and William Kimball, first-year backs; and Herbert Flack, HughRendleman and Donald Wilson, soph¬omore linemen, will receive theaward. Juniors who received minorletters are Theodore Howe, RobertScott, and John Stearns, all linemen.The senior recipients of Old Englishletters are John Wichman and JamesLoeb, also linemen.Maroons ChooseHamity as MostValuable PlayerCaptain Lewis Hamity was namedby his teammates as the most valu¬able man on the Maroon footballteam during the past season. Theselection was made at the annual din¬ner given by the 55th street BusinessMen’s Association and makes Hamityeligible to receive the Chicago Trib¬une trophy which is awarded yearlyto the outstanding player in the BigTen.Besides being captain, he has alsobeen a regular back for three sea¬sons, alternating between right andleft halfback positions. Long knownfor his defensive play, he figured inone-third of the tackles made by theMaroon team during the past season.This year, with the team’s offensivethreat lying in their passing ability.Coach Shaughnessy called upon Ham¬ity for much of the aerial work. Rec¬ords show that Hamity averaged 15passes per game and completed 36per cent of those attempted for anaverage gain of twelve and one-halfyards on those completed.Having escaped serious injury dur¬ing his three seasons of play, Hamityfigured in every game and playedmore minutes than any other Chica¬go player during the past year. Hecalled signals during his junior yearand occasionally was called upon forline plunges or for punting. Alumni Club to Fete Ma¬roons at Dinner on Tues¬day.The annual football banquet, spi'n-sored by the Chicago Alumni Clubwill be held Tuesday in HutchinsonCommons. At that time the captainof next year’s team will be announcedand trophies will be awarded to out¬standing players on the squad.Seating arrangements have beenmade to accommodate 660 people, al¬though 326 alumni have already pur¬chased tickets. 200 tickets have beendistributed to fraternities and studentorganizations and will be available atthe special student price of $1 perperson. Over 100 prominent Chicagocitizens not connected with the Uni¬versity will also be in attendance.Invite High School StudentsAs has been the custom in previousyears, outstanding high-school ath¬letes have been invited to the banquetas guests of the alumni. In the hopeof interesting these students in theUniversity, a program has been for¬mulated to acquaint them with life atChicago.Welcoming the football enthusiastswill be John Chapman, president ofthe Chicago Alumni Club, and Fred¬eric Woodward, vice-president of theUniversity.Others on the program include Cap¬tain Lew Hamity who will discuss“Life on Campus,” John Schomer,vice-president of the alumni group,who will outline the benefits to be de¬rived at the University, and Pete Rus¬sell, former All-American star andtrustee at Chicago whose subject isFootball as an Asset in Life andEducation.”Two Students TalkIn addition, a discussion has beenarranged between two students at theUniversity, one who came because hewanted to and the other who at first,was opposed to attending Chicago.Movies will be shown of formerChicago athletes who gained recogni¬tion on the football field.Besides the naming of the footballcaptain, trophies will also be awardedto the most valuable player, to theplayer who received little recognitionduring the year but who was out¬standing in his position, and to themost promising man on the yearlingsquad. By LESTER DEANAn* opportunity to practice regularly with the Chicago Blackhawkshas been offered to William “Jake”Pfender, goalie on last year’s icehockey team, and one of the men whohas been an active participant in thesport since its inauguration on thecampus in 1936.Until this year, hockey has notbeen a major sport at the University,and when Pfender was a freshman,there was no hockey team at all.That year, however, the first stepswere taken to organize a team, andfor the past three years informalteams have been unofficially repre¬senting the University. Last year’steam had quite a successful season,with victories over both Illinois andNorthwestern, but this year the go¬ing may be a little tougher, for onlyeligible men wnll be able to play.Has Been GualiePfender, a Phi Delt, has been onthe team as its goalie ever since thebeginning, and when Don Roth, theHawks’ manager asked Coach Hofferif one of the University men wouldlike a little experience, Jake got thenomination. The job will not affect hisamateur standing because he onlyworks during the practice periods.Since the Hawks keep only onegoalie, Karakas, on their roster dur¬ing the playing season, they needsomeone to tend the net during theirpractice sessions, because the job issuch a nerve wracking one that oneman cannot handle both the gamesand the practices. As it is, Karakasloses between four and six pounds agame, so he needs rest.Because of the unusually warmweather this fail, Pfender has notbeen able to get any practice, and hewas naturally a little apprehensiveabout his debut yesterday. “I haven’tbeen on skates this year,” he re-THE NICE PLACE TO DINETHE ARAGON CAFE5401 Cornell Fcdriox 8000Luncheons 35c-4Sc, Dinners SSc-8&cWe eater to special groups.Luncheons • Dinners, etc.SIX BEAUTIFULPORTRAITSATTRACTIVELY MOUNTED IN BOOK FOLDERS,AND ALSO ONE EXTRA LARGE (8"xl0'0 POR¬TRAIT IN FRAME FOR$8.00This Will Include the Picture for Use in the1939 Cap & GownTHIS OFFER IS OPEN TO ALL UNIVERSITY STUDENTSRadcliffe 1400 —1503-05 West 79th Street ChicagoOpen irom 9K)0 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. Except Friday 94 & Sundays 10K)0 - 4:00 P.M. marked yesterday morning. “That’sthe only thing that bothers me.”There has been only one day of iceunder the stands, and only a very fewof those who will be representing theUniversity on skates were on handfor the informal practice session thatwas held.Varsity ScrimmagesFor Season OpenerAfter the freshmen went througha light scrimmage yesterday after¬noon in which two recruits DickFauns and Eddie Zimmerman, loom¬ed up to brighten the shadows ofChicago’s basketball future, the var¬sity went through its paces, scrim¬maging and working on fast breaksas a warmup for their game Satur¬day.The North Central Squad whichwill sally forth from Naperville toattempt to beat a Big Ten opponentw’on ten games and lost four lastyear. It has four lettermen back onits .starting quintet, chief amongthem Jim Leasure, who scored 215points last year. Fencers Hold SecondMeet in BartlettThe second meet of the AmericanFencers’ League w’ill be held Sundayat 11 in Bartlett Gymnasium. A\.though a similar contest wa.s heldlast week, competition was limited tosaber men, with Chicago men placingfirst and third in the event.A meet with Idaho has been ar¬ranged for December 20.WALNUTfor aGentleman's Pipo1-lh GIFTPACKAGIIntensiveShorthandCourseFOR COLLEGE GRADUATESAND UNDERGRADUATESIdeal for takinx notes at colleseor for spare-time or full time posi¬tions. Classes start the first ofJanuary, April, July and OctoberCall, tnritt or trlepkoot Stole 1881for (omflete iocliThe Gregg College< N. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGOSWING ALONG TOCOLLEGE1 G H TEVERY FRIDAYThis Week Dance WithDICK STABILEAnd His OrchestraA NEW KIND OF SWEET SWING AND DICK'SGOLDEN VOICED SAXOPHONE*ALL STAR COLLEGE SHOW*PROFESSIONAL FLOOR SHOWNEXT WEEKJAY MILLSAND HISORCHESTRAThe Sweetest Dance RhythmYou Ever HeardHalf Rate Tickets Available at the InformationDesk in the Press Building and theDoily Maroon OfficeMarine Dining RoomEDGEWATER BEACHHOTEL8300 Block Sheridan Road — Park in Hotel Garage