fDAILY MAROON1938 1940INCOMPLETE OR IMPERFECTAT THE TIME OF FILMING THIS WAS THEMOST COMPLETE FILE THAT COULD BELOCATED.IF AN IMPERFECT OR MISSING SECTION ISSUBSEQUENTLY LOCATED IT WILL BEFOUND AT THE END OF THIS REELISatlp inatrocmVo). 39, No. 2'115 Z-149 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1938 - ^ vav^ ^ ^ Price Three Centsbmocbarbecue* * •John Randolph Van de Water, HeadMarshal, president of Owl and Ser¬pent and capUin of the swimmingteam indisputably can claim the mostimpressive array of titles amongbmoc aspirants this year.John is the tall, lank chap with the.hip-prowed nose, the six-inch grinnnd the amazing vocabulary whichemploys “Gee Whiz” and “Dad GumIt” to express surprise or despair,respectively. He is the ehampion ofthe unsophisticated, the joy of theChapel Union where his deep boom¬ing voice, utter un-self-cor.sciousnesa,the absence of any ‘‘holier-than-thoucomplex and his ability to "'ake themost socially inept feel as if theywere his Most Intimate Friends,have built solid foundations forChapel Union’s recent success.Francis Hart Perry, on the otherhand, dwells at the opposite end ofthe pole. Usually prefixed “Hand¬some Hart,” knowingly conscious ofan excellent set of white teeth and•I magnificent crop of eyebrows, hedivides his time between being anoutstanding liberal politically, a goodfraternity man socially and thedent of Interfraternity Council. Heis probably best representative of achameleon species evolving on cam¬pus-the loyal fraternity man withintellectual prowess.• • *Bob Merriam, son of social scien¬tist Charles Merriam, follows father sfootsteps in his concern with con¬temporary affairs. More conscien¬tious, more predictable, more ^^lei^d ythan his bosom friend Perry, he Umdstoward the pink-cheeked, clean-cutvariety. His close-cropped hair andslow drawling speech are to be foundwherever there are "meetings con¬cerned with problems of the world^,the campus and the personality. lUstitles for the year, therefore, are mostappropriately Chairman of the Cam¬pus Congress Committee and of theStudent Publicity Board, and Presi¬dent of the Peace Council.• • ♦Kov Emmett Deadman. gangly sonof a Nebraska preacher, broke in hjsUniversity eyeteeth on ^Maroon. It has been his first love(though by no means thehis means to power, and. he hope^,to his prosperity. The Lord wiUjng,personable Emmett afU‘r graduationwill be a foreign correspondent or“anyplace where things areing,” an ambition which he steunch ydenies as the hangover of adolescence.In addition to being chairman of tMaroon Board, he can usually ^found in the midst of the hottest de¬bates (from which he .•nvariablyemerges the winner) apply'J^kjobs on campus, (of which hepossesses three) and geneia y utempting to know as many peopleof all kinds as possible.• • •More true to BMOC type in ambi¬tion, appearance and personamjr issocially-conscious Billchairman of the Student Social ommittee. Although in ®vaguely resembles a gangster,gallantly holds the fort of campusconservatism. He is the most leso vein restoring collegiate spirit toUniversity, the most orthodox in hisway of thinking. An indefatigable,enthusiastic chairman he aims to en¬courage more dances, more parties,more dates, more fun for undergm -His Social.C-Book brameWdmay perhaps become the most fittingmonument to his ambition.♦ * *Ned Rosenheim, hybrid AlphaDelt and Zeta Beta Tau, is theavowedly conservative editor oiPulse for the year. Though he him¬self tends toward the flag wavingtype of patriotism, his friends rangefrom smoothie club girls, whom heloves dearly, to the most exotic ofBetas. His office has become a gen¬eral rendezvous for his hordes offriends and staunch admirers w oenjoy his genuine wit, his disarmingfrankness in admitting all his smsand unwillingness to irritate any othe “right people.” Chief person whokeeps Ned’s nose wiped,clean and reminds him thatafter all must come out, is uranrAdams, his loyal Greek-god room-mate.(Continued on page 10) D A Invites NewStudents to TeaFriday AfternoonOffers Light Comedy AsFirst Play of Season,October 28, 29.Freshmen interested in dramaticsare invited by the Dramatic Associa¬tion to a tea Friday afternoon. Itwill be given in the Tower room ofMitchell Tower at 3:30. Vice-Presi¬dent and Mrs. Woodw’ard, “Doc”Yungemeyer, director of DA, andthe Board of the Association will allbe present to welcome new students.A stage celebrity will also be pres¬ent, it is hoped.First production of the year willbe a light comedy, which, however,has not yet been selected. It is sched¬uled for October 28 and 29 in MandelHall. Season booklets to the fourDramatic Association plays and Mir¬ror, yearly girl-show, are being soldnow for $2.75. They offer a savingof 50 per cent, and entitle holders tothe best reserved seats for thoseproductions held in Mandel Hall.Present Mirror Skit at DanceFreshmen will be treate<I to a freesample of DA art at the first So¬cial C-Book dance, Friday night,when the finale to the first act oflast year’s Mirror show, containingthe hit song, “BMOC’s,” will beshowm as part of the floor show.The annual freshman plays willbe presented in the Reynolds ClubTheater, December 1, 2, and 3. Allparts are taken by first-year stu¬dents. Freshmen will be able to learnmore about these plays and other de¬tails concerning the DA at the teaFriday.“Doc” Yungemeyer, who for sev¬eral years has directed the musicalscores for Mirror, will direct the firstplay of the .sea.son in the absence ofWilliam M. Randall, head of the DA.Randall is now in Syria.Frederic Woodward, Vice-Presi¬dent of the University, praised theDA, declaring that, “This is one ofthe finest of student activities.Alumni who participated in it asundergraduates are invariably en¬thusiastic in recalling the fun theyhad and the profit they derived fromtheir experience. The public produc¬tions of the Association are amongthe most interesting and outstandingevents of the year.”Linn, Smith SeekPosts in CongressGet Backing ofState Democratic Ma¬chine.Two University professors, Thom¬as Vernon “T, V.” Smith and JamesWeber “Teddy” Linn, are nominatedon the Illinois Democratic ticket forpositions in the national and statecongresses. At a Democratic massmeeting in DeKalb, one day lastweek. United States Congressmanfrom Illinois Lewis M. Long (D),who was defeated in the primariesby T. V. Smith, stood up and per¬formed the sad task of introducingand recommending T. V. to the audi¬ence. This is the tale.In 1936 the Illinois Democraticmachine was split into two groups.One group was headed by PatrickNash, who had been the head of theentire Illinois machine. Nash, withChicago’s Mayor Edward J. Kelly,runs the upstate democratic factionwith headquarters in Chicago.But upstate politicians rarely seeeye to eye with downstate politicians.There have been frequent disputesover bills which, being designed toaid Chicago, wrought some wrong,fancied or otherwise, to downstatevoters. The situation has often beenreversed. Hot contests have also en¬sued over distribution of patronageamong the upstate and downstatepoliticos.The other faction in the IllinoisDemocratic party is headed by Gover¬nor Henry Horner and States At¬torney Thomas J. Courtney. Hornerhas been governor of Illinois for 6years, Courtney is a fighting prose¬cutor, who has recently been conduct-(Continued on page 9) Plan to DistributeHandbook DuringFreshman WeekAn indispensable aid to getting ac¬quainted on campus, the StudentHandbook will be available to all en¬tering students and others on Mon¬day, September 26.This year Cap and Gown is usinga new method of distribution; in¬formation booths will be establishedin Mandel corridor, Ida Noyes hall,and at entrances of the dormitorydining rooms. These informationbooths will be open according to aschedule to serve the freshmen atthe most convenient times.The Student Handbook provides acomplete preview of the social, aca¬demic and athletic activities of thecoming year. In addition, it servesas an accurate campus calendar anda blue book of activities and theirheads. The complete rules for cluband fraternity rushing are listed;song and cheers are also included. President, Mrs. Hutchins GreetFreshmen in Ida Noyes TonightMaroon Serves TeaPersons interested in meetingpersonally the delightful creaturesin today’s BMOC column, are in¬vited to attend the Daily MaroonBMOC tea, to be held Friday af¬ternoon in Lexington Hall.In addition to tea and cookies,which arrive at 3 o’clock, guestsmay sign up for work on the pa¬per’s staff, talk to the honoredguests about activities in whichthey are interested, and see whatslowly collapsing Lexington Halllooks like.The tea will immediately followthe publications meeting to beheld in Oriental Institute at 2o’clock for all students interestedin working on publications. Mixer, Lectures, DancesComplete Week’s Sched¬ule.Begin Social C-Book Sales Drive;Admit Freshmen to First Dance FreeNot content to wait until schoolofficiarty op^us, the Student SocialCommittee will launch their big driveto sell Social C-Books during Fresh¬man Week. The books, costing $1.50,provide admission to a series of fiveFriday evening dances.The sales drive is in charge ofHarold Miles and Marjorie Kuh. Pub¬licity is to be handled by JamesGoldsmith. Each upperclass counsel¬lor has been given five books to selland there will be stands manned byjunior men and women, maintained atIda Noyes Hall, Mandel Corridor, thefirst floor of Cobb, Foster Hall, Jud-son Court office and Bartlett gymna¬sium.First Dance FridayThe first dance is to be Fridaynight in Ida Noyes Hall with the mu¬sic of Art Goldsmith and his Casinoorchestra. Freshmen will be admittedfree to this dance by presenting theirengagement cards. General admissionwill be 26 cents.Bill Webbe, chairman of the Com¬mittee, has warned that there will beGive Table TennisExhibit Tomorrowat Reynolds ClubIf you get a longing for a littlegame of billiards or ping-pong orchess, or even if you just wonderwhat is happening “back home,” youcan satisfy these and practically anyother longings you may have at theReynolds Club. Sectional newspapersin the north lounge, the latest maga¬zines in the south lounge, gamerooms in the basement and on thesecond floor—all these have beenplaced at the disposal of freshmenand their friends this week absolutelyfree.Moreover members of the ReynoldsClub Committee will be in the Club attimes to answer any questions youmay have and to help you make useof its facilities. This is part of themovement to make the Club more ofa center for student life, and theclass of 1942 is getting in on theground floor.Table Tennis Exhibition TuesdayTuesday afternoon at 4 there willbe a table tennis exhibition in thesouth lounge. Last year ColemanClark was the attraction, but theCommittee did not know the namesof this year’s headliners when theMaroon went to press.The Club Committee is also spon¬soring a football tea dance after thegame with Bradley on Saturday. Thisis the first time in recent years thatReynolds Club has had an organizedCommittee and this football dance isthe first in a long series of socialevents which they have planned.The Committee was loosely organ¬ized at a meeting of fraternity menand independents last spring. It ishoped by some that the Reynolds clubcouncil will be the first step towardthe establishment of an all-Univer-sity student union, with both Rey¬nolds club and Ida Noyes councilsrepresented. no reduction in the price of the booksafter this one dance, so to effect thegreatest sai ing, students should buytheir books during the first week.After the first dance, admissions toindividual dances will be 55 cents. If,however, one of the couple has a So¬cial C-Book, the admission for theother person in the couple will beonly 40 cents.Besides the upperclass counsellors,other students who have been askedto assist the committee are JanetGeiger, Bob Reynolds, Bud Daniels,Jack Bernhardt, and John Goes.Int-House Host toYouth ConferenceForeign, American Dele¬gates Discuss YouthProblems.For the second time in Interna¬tional House history, a Youth Con¬ference held the center of interestfrom September 16 to 20.One hundred ten delegates at¬tended the session which included de¬bates, round tables, and discussions,all dealing with problems which theyouth of today in all nations arefeeling. In connection with theseacademic activities, dances, tripsabout the city, and social functionswere also co-ordinated into the pro¬gram to acquaint delegates with bothInternational House and the city ofChicago.Most lively panel discussion of theweek was the session on “ShouldAmerica Save Europe?”, hotly de¬bated by an American and English¬man and a University professor.Other speakers included Dr. SunderJoshi of India who gave the keynoteaddress, “The Challenge to Youth,”and Professor Laves, new head of theSocial Science surveys.The conference was first inaugu¬rated last year in an attempt to es¬tablish a custom wherein foreignstudents would make InternationalHouse their headquarters for a fewdays before journeying to their re¬spective schools. Another objectiveset by the directors was “to acquaintthem with what International Housereally means.”The sessions were open to not onlyconference delegates but members ofthe House as well. Expenses forthe week totalled approximately $12. After a day of placement and apti¬tude tests, the Freshman class willbe guests of President and Mrs. Rob¬ert M. Hutchins at a reception tonightat 8 in Ida Noyes Hall. The collegeadvisers will be present so that thefreshmen may meet and talk withthem informally before consultingthem about formal registration laterin the week.Plans for the weekare under the directionof Martin Miller, headof the Men’s Orienta¬tion Committee andPersis-Jane Peeples,new president of Fed¬eration. Miss PeeplesP. J. Peeples was elected presidentlast summer when Harriet Nelson,former president, resigned,nolds club and Ida Noyes councilsTomorrow’s schedule includes meet¬ings for entering men and womenwho are interested in athletics, a ta¬ble tennis exhibition in the ReynoldsClub at 4, men’s and women’s activi¬ties dinners where student leaderswill present the freshmen with across-section of campus life, and amixer in Hutchinson Commons in theevening.No Dates for MixerThe social committee has empha¬sized there should be no dates forthis mixer. It has been designed tohelp the new students overcome thebarriers set up by existing socialgroups, and the co-operation ofeveryone in abandoning his or her oldgroups for the experience of makingnew friends is earnestly desired bythe committee.Mixed dancing, whatever that maybe, a grand march, games, broomdancing, and the Virginia Reel aresome of the diversions planned forthe evening by Dorothy Overlock, whois in charge of arrangements.Sight-seeing tours and registrationoccupy Wednesday. In the eveningthe Debate Union will present itssymposium on “The College Programfrom a Student’s Point of View.” Thesymposium is the only presentationof the student’s view of the educa¬tional program. 'Hold Barn Dance ThursdayThursday evening comes the mosthilarious night of the week. Facultyand students will don denimi andoveralls for a Barn Dance in IdaNoyes. Dignity is to be left at home.Friday afternoon there will bemeetings for students interested inpublications and teas given by themusical organizations and the Dra¬matic Association.The first Social C-Book dance willbe held on Friday evening. Fresh¬men will be admitted free to thisdance upon the presentation of theirengagement cards.Residents of I-HIssue Newspaper /President’s CourseRequires InterviewsStudents who wish to register forHistory of Culture 201, 202, and 203must obtain the consent of the in¬structors, Robert Maynard Hutchinsand Mortimer Adler. Prospective stu¬dents will be interviewed in SocialScience 218 on Friday, September 30,Saturday, October 1, and Monday,October 3, from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.The three quarters of the courseconstitute one unit, and the final ex¬amination will cover the work of thethree quarters. No registrations willbe accepted after the first quarter. Another student publication makesits bow on campus this fall with thefirst issue of the “Argonaut”, newweekly newspaper of InternationalHouse. Priced at 5 cents a copy,the fledgling will make its firstcampus appearance on October 4, afour-page, tabloid-size publication.George Messmer, active Interna-'tional House member, is chiefly re-^sponsible for brainchilding the newsheet. Consequently his title for theyear will be editor-in-chief, withRichard Kunkel as co-editor andBernard Moritz as business manager.First issue big stories include thatof the resignation of Reed Whipple,House business manager who haslong been in the firing line, the ac¬count of the Student Council’s sharein improving the House food situa¬tion, and an editorial comment byClay Judson, president of the Board;of Governors.The chief plank of the paper’splatform is: “to promote co-opera-tion between students and adminis- ,tration, to create friendship and un¬derstanding.”1\ :.3i,. li fctjft'Vl THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1938Wt\t (MaroonFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATEPRESSHm Dftily Maroon is the oAcial studentnawapaper ot tbe University of Chicago,published mornings except ^turday. Sun*day and Monday during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 6M1 University avenue.Telephones: Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.^ter 6 :S0 phone in stories to ourprinters. The Chief Printing Company,1920 Monterey avenue. Teephone Cedar-crest 8810.The University of Chicago assumes noresponsibility for any statements appear¬ing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con-traet entered into by The Daily Maroon.The Daily Maroon expressly reservesthe rights of pnblication of any materialappearing in this paper. Subscriptionrates: 88 a year; $4 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Ibitercd as second class matter March18, 1908, at the post office at Chicago,»is, under the act of March 8, 1879.aaraasaNTSD roa nationai. ADvaansiNo mvNatMMial Advertising Service, Inc.CoU0g0 P$Misb«rt R»pr»s«mtstiv0420 Madison Avb. Naw York, N. Y.CSICSSO ’ BOSTOR ’ LOl ASStLlt - SAR FSASCItCOBOARD OF CONTROLEditorial StaffLAURA BERGQUISTMAXINE BIESENTHALEMMETT DEADMAN, ChairmanSEYMOUR MILLERADELE ROSEBusiness StaffEDWIN BERGMANMAX FREEMANEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Brody, William Grody, Bette Hur-wich, David Martin, Alice Meyer,Robert Sedlak.BUSINESS ASSOCIATEDayton Caple, Richard Glasser, IrwinRosen, David Salzberg, HarryTopping.Night Editor: Adele Rose1r\The Green YoungFreshmanEvery so often there lands onthe campus a beginning stu¬dent unbolstered by a gladhand¬ing crowd of ex-high schoolfriends; — in other words, afreshman who comes not fromLong Beach, not from Univer¬sity High, not from the Chicagoschool system. He is the greenywing freshman who falls eas¬iest prey to the wiles of the up¬per class counsellor with some¬thing to sell.It's a safe bet that it will bea rare counsellor who has nomerchandise. A few may be al¬truistic enough to help a be¬wildered newcomer without de¬manding a fee, but there is abetter reason why Alpha Deltsmake sure there are not toomany Phi Psis officially advisingfreshmen. And Freshman Weekaffairs are crowded with activi¬ties men and women busilylooking over the current crop tofind prospective stooges.It might be a good idea iffreshmen reversed the proce¬dure, and spent a little time con¬templating the counsellors. Arating sheet on an upperclasscounsellor would disclose thefact that he may push a certainactivity so vigorously not be¬cause the freshman might pro-S fit by working in it, but becauseI the activity is so desperately ini need of man power.f It would also make clear theI fact that no loyal fraternity orI club member will mention them possibility of a desirable fresh-^ man's being happier in some1^^ other group, or even in no groupat all. It would point out thatI some counsellors are tempera-^ mentally unsuited to advisetheir particular freshmen at all;conscientious student withthe .habits of a recluse is nomatch for a little blond whoy wants to be introduced to a C-man.^ A bold freshman ought toget his upperclass counsellor ina confiding mood some day, all^ alone, when he isn't feeling im-I pressive because he knows soI many people on campus. Hef ought to ask how much his ad-t viser really knows about theUniversity, and how he can beso rash as to advise anyone else.The counsellor may boast his\ superior knowledge of what fra¬ternities rate highest and whattraditions can be broken withimpunity, but all that even alower-than-average freshm a ncan learn in two weeks of wide-ey^ observation. And whyshould an upperclassman know^_-any more about ari5rthing else?r TTie freshman, for example,probably knows what he camehere for, and it's a safe bet thatthe counsellor has forgotten.Forgetting isn't difficult; — he has^ Pf0b:ably attended so manyclasses that he forgot that hecame to get an education, orgotten drunk with the same fivepeople at so many parties thathe forgot that he came here tomeet the future great of the na¬tion.While the freshman still re¬members, it would be a goodidea for him to take matters in¬to his own hands and start toteach the upperclaissmen. Hedoesn't yet know his wayaround the campus, but perhapshe does know where he wantsto land. He may not get there,but his chances are better if hemakes no committments andfigures out the way for himself.Mix WellThe recipe for steering 800freshmen into an enjoyable eve¬ning of dancing isn't quite thatsimple. Two problems compli¬cate the formula; — the boys'fear of being stuck, and thegirls' complaint that unless theylook like the freshman queenthey have no chance.Last year the completely in¬formal bam dance hit the se¬cret of a good mixer; — games,good humor, and no obligationsto stay with a partner untilanother man came. Cooperationfrom entering women would en¬sue the same success for otherOrientation affairs. If a timidfreshman knew that after thesixth trip round the floor hispartner would excuse herself totalk with friends or visit thegame room, he might be lesslesitant about mixing well. XHill-Billy Night at Ida Noyes Maroon Staff MeetsTwo pictures taken at the barn dance sponsored by the Chapel Union lastyear. In the top picture from left to right — Miss Mary B. Gilson, assistantprofessor of Economics; Dean of the Chapel, Charles W. Gilkey; assistantdean of Students, Leon P. Smith (if you look closely you will see he is notdressed as a hill-billy); and Mrs.* Harvey A. Carr, social adviser. In thelower picture the ubiquitous Miss Gilson is ag^ain present, this time chattingwith Physics Professor Harvey B. Lemon.Freshman Week can be fun or edu¬cational or interesting or a comfort¬able shock absorber between highschool and college as you will. Fresh¬man Week can also be unpleasantwhen played the wrong way.For the campus is a large one andthe people are many. They takelittle time during those hectic fourdays to linger by the wayside andexplore the depths of your beautifulsoul. They possess neither time northe energry to do so.* * *For convenience sake new peopleare judged by standards which arenone the less real for being inartic¬ulate. Standards which are neces¬sarily superficial, all-inclusive, oftencruel, more often bitterly resented—the kind which size you up in aglance, classify you with the firstword you utter, damn you after aluncheon date.* • *This is the code of the elite, thealmost elite who trail wistfully afterthem, the resentful alien fringe whodo spectacular thing^s to rebel againstthem. Its special job is to bribe anddiscipline you into thinking that youcannot possibly get along without the“right" approval and benediction. Ifyou do not wear the right clothes,think the right thoughts, have theright profile,—if you seem too naive,too intellectual or too different, cul¬tivate the wrong people or fail toimpress the right ones, if you go outfor the wrong activity or do notdance divinely, in other words if youdo not conform to the social pattern,you will not have dates, meet peopleor be elite, is the theory.Do not be heartbroken if they donot take you to their bosoms, if youFraternity RushingRushing rules are in force duringFreshman Week. As always, association of fraternity men and freshmanis permitted on campus and at allFreshman Week functions. A conces¬sion is b*eing made in allowing coun¬sellors to take their assigned fresh¬men off campus, but no fraternityman may be along other than thecounsellor. Violations will be prose¬cuted in the regular manner.The Interfratemity Committee are not the belle of the week. Noraccept their criteria wholesaledly onclubs, fraternities or people. Or ad¬mire those who scoff at the lonelyhearted and the timid. Because, mydears, though they squawk the loud¬est they comprise about one twenty-fifth of the campus.* * *There ore other people here. Un¬usual people and brilliant people andthinking people, more than on anyother campus in the middlewest.Here, less than most schools, are yousacrificed to the mediocrity of thosewho “belong" and resent the unusualand superior who shatter their com¬placence.You can be intelligent and beproud of it. If you possess a back¬bone you can also think your ownthoughts and choose your ownfriends and develop your own per¬sonality with a delightful freedom.Refuse to let any one group do think¬ing and choosing for you. Comrades,show a spark of intellectual curios¬ity and don’t let yourself be murder¬ed by conformity.For it’s always possible to bechummy with your own breed. Whynot branch out and see how the oth¬er half lives?LAURA BERGQUIST The Daily Maroon will hold itsfirst staff meeting tomorrow at 1:30in the office in Lexington Hall. At¬tendance is required for all sopho¬more and junior editorial staff mem¬bers.At this time general beat cover¬age, make-up changes and editorialpolicy will be discussed, and plans forfeature campaigns explained. ' ' "r-HEADQUARTERSnfor UTERATUBE. MUSIC. JIBT of ft*SOVIET UNIOMPUaUCATIONS IN ENOUSB:MOSCOW MEWS, niustratod.wookly oditiona. Crisp, iniormo-tiTs nows on all aspe^ oi SovietUio.1 TV. 12; 8 oaos. 81; siaglo oepf5e at T***r oowstand.SOVlEnJUID. Color-illuBtralodmonthlY ol the liio, cuhuro, artof U.S S.R.1 T*. 82; 8 moo. 81; sfaglo copT2Sc at T^or newsstand.INTERNAnORAL UTEBATURE.Monthly review of the world'sproletarian literature oxkI art:stories, plays.1 yr. i2.S0; 8 seos. 81.25; singlecopy ^ at your newsstand.USSR m CONSTRUCTIOOI.De-Luxe pictorial monthly.1 yr. 84; 6 nos. 82; single copy35c at year newsstand.•NEW! FREEcatalog of Sorietmusic now ovoilable. Includessheet music, scores for vocal,solo irutruments and ensembleuse. Write for your copy NOW.BOOKmCA2SS Fifth Avenne Mew Tevk CityOvDtl—Par check or moneyorder herewith, tend me the foUow-'^nd me free catalog of Musie(mentioa subiect)—Bring this ad to either Maid-Rite ShopArrange Programof Activities forTransfer Students It's Good for a Large, DeliciousFrosted MaltWe Are Celebrating Our 10th Year on Cam¬pus of Serving Good Food to University ofChicago Students.The Maid-Rite Shops1309-1320 E. 57th StreetJUST TWO SHORT BLOCKS EAST OF MANDEL HALLClub Rushing RulesDuring Freshman Week only coun¬sellors are to be allowed residence inthe dormitories. Club girls who arenot counsellors shall not assemblewith Freshman women during thatweek unless more than one club isrepresented.There will be no rushing of trans¬fers during either Freshman Weekor the first week of school. Openrushing period begins on October 10.Pledging will be on October 24.Interclub Council. A full program of activity has beenarranged for approximately 260 trans¬fer students during the first weekof school by a transfer orientationcommittee headed by June Cover andBill Young. This year’s activity marksthe third year that a definite pro¬gram has been planned for the trans¬fer students.They will have an opportunity toregister with the committee in Man-del hall at the time of regular regis¬tration. At the same time they willmeet the men and women studentcounsellors who have been appointedto make the transfer process easier.This is the first year that there willbe men counsellors.A dinner on Sunday, October 2, isthe first event on the program. Itwill be held in Mandel hall at 6:30,with tickets at 46 cents.Students working on the programthis year are: Jean MacKenzie, KenSkillin, Ruth Moerchen, Susan Elliott,Elise Epstein, Martha Van Gorkum,Richard Ranny, Ted Hymen, Marga¬ret Hecht, Bob Harley, and DurwoodRobertson. June Cover replaced JaneRinder, who graduated last summer,-as chairman of the women’s commit-tc. M \nr oi USED TEXTSfor All Courses atAttentionBOTANYStudentsWe have more than 150fine used copies eachof Robbins & Rickett:Botany Smith, Over-ton, etc.: Botany priced00 LOW that you canafford to buy one copyof each of these offi¬cially adopted texts. REAL SAVINGSA trip to WILCOX & FOLLETTIs really worth while. Spendpennies for carfare and savedollars on texts.Brina Alona YourLost Year Books—They're asGOOD AS CASH IWILCOX S FOLLETTAmerica's Loraest Educational Book House1247 So# Wabash Ave#—ChicagovtiSe Y1627398How Difficult Is The University?The When and Wherefore of Studying,Taking Notes in College CoursesTuesday, October 4, CLASSESMEET.Look down at the scribbled slip ofpaper in your hand, freshman, onwhich your faculty adviser has fivedays before mark^ down your pro¬gram for the coming year. There,if you are average, you will findlisted two of the four IntroductoryCourses, a sequence in English Com¬position, and perhaps an elementarylanguage or science.Here are answers to some ques¬tions you may have.How much must I study? Thereare some students who havebeen here seven years and still don’tknow'. A safe average for the Col¬lege course is six hours a week percourse. Try this until you find outwhich courses you are spending toomuch time on, which too little.Remember and rejoice in the factthat your study time is your own.You will have a list of assignmentsfor the quarter, and a dated list oftopics of lectures and discussionsections. Coordinate your studyingto keep up with these. Don’t bestaggered by reports of the amountof work you will have to do, becauseall your studying is your own, donein the way you feel is most effectivefor you. You have no “busy-work,”no weekly topics, no drill exercises.If you feel that you need drill in acertain topic, you assign it to your¬self.Should I attend all the lecturesand discussion? This depends onhow bright you are and what youwant to get out of the c*jurse. If,for example,' you have hf^d enoughmath, or enough botany, or enoughmedieval history to make any moreknowledge seem superfluous, by allmeans skip these lectures. Or if youhave done all the reading on a cer¬tain section in the syllabus and allis clear, relax in the Coffee Shop in¬stead of dosing in Mandel.Weekly discussions, if you’re inter¬ested in keeping up with your work,are a different matter. Even thoughyou may be so sure of a topic thatyou don’t want to hear any moreabout it, it always helps to talk itover. But don’t go to a discussionunprepared; it won’t do any good. Itwill di.scourage your discussion lead¬er as to the average intelligence ofUniversity freshmen, will make thediscussion unprofitable to you andboring to the rest of the class.It’s a good idea in all your coursesto do the readings in advance of lec¬tures, also. By lecture time you’llbe well enough acquainted with thematerial to take few notes and spendyour time listening for new theoriesand other variations from the text.What to do if I don’t understandsomething? First resort is the stu¬dious lad who lives in the next room.If he fails you, ask your discussionleader, or just walk into one of thelittle offices in which IntroductoryCourse staff members hold openhouse, and ask any one of the staffHI FRESHMEN!‘3Ee>natat<8 : ^<"afa 1 1 HUhCfcioz8OEi<S4)JS■**meJ•ott£mSubscribe Now! members. They will gladly help youout. If the problem is still presentat the end of the year, attend thereview discussion sections for whichthe staff voluntarily gives time.Where do I get books? All of theIntroductory Courses and some of theSTUDYING IN COBBsequence courses publish syllabi out¬lining the year’s work. Three coursesrequire rental sets, which the Uni¬versity Bookstore offers for aboutseven dollars. Economy note is thatall of these sets can easily be usedby two people, and the SocialSciences can even be shared by three. if they are congenial and con¬veniently located.The only library which is very useful for the Introductory Coursebooks is the College library, on thethird floor of Cobb, which makes aspecialty of them. Trot up to Har¬per library with your tuition receiptto get a library card, flash this, to¬gether with a slip telling which bookyou want, in the face of a College li¬brarian, and then settle into one ofthe squeaky chairs for a study ses¬sion.What are the best places to study?The College library is convenient, ifyou are not distracted by seeing allyour friends walking around. Har¬per is impressive, but talkative, andthe quiet corners are poorly lighted.Your own dormitory room is a goodidea if you can keep people fromwalking in, but your best bet if youreally want to study is to go some¬place where students go,—.smaller li¬braries like Rosenwald, Eckhart,Graduate Education. Try Ida Noyeslounge in the early morning if youlike comfort and privacy, and if itis variety and escape from yourfriends that you are looking for,take a chance on any one of thoselisted, in the Student Handbook, butremember that many of them likeOriental Institute discourage under-1graduates.How shall I take notes? This de¬pends on your handwriting and theuse you want to put them to. If you would like to keep your notes, buya canvas bound law notebook forabout forty cents and take your notesin ink, lectures in the front, readingsin the back. Or if you type rapidly,scribble them down in class and typethem soon after. Or stick to aloose leaf, if you are still addictedto your high school habits and liketo carry a minimum of material withyou.Don’t copy everything that a lec¬turer says, unless he specifically an¬nounces that this is a list of facts(Continued on page 4) Every tiMOO Will Beat theDAILY MAROON TEAFRIDAY AT 3MAY WE REMINDYOUiPhcipi <' (PhetfiA6324 WOODLAWN AVE.Excelltof FoodM7b'.-HEOIfS 35c nDOfNEBS SOc npANINVITATIONTOFRESHMENYou ore cordially invited to visit the book store thathas been serving University students—Faculty and Executives forforty years•You will see one of the largest stocks of Universitybooks, stationery, students suppliesand typewriters•You are welcome to "browse" as much as you like—and incidentally—we hope you will availyourselves of the many public servicesoffered the students by this storeUIOODUIORTH’SBOOK STOREOpen Evenings 1311 E. 57th St.Near Kixnbark« 2 blocks east of Mandel HallUSED & NEW TEXTBOOKS Make No Mistakes!E R IEis the U. of C.STYLEHEADQUARTERSBE THRIFTY-WELL DRESSEDRequired! BUSH COATSHere’s a clothes idea that has plenty to recommend it. It’ssmart (the beat dressed men wear them). It’s comfortableand you can wear them with an odd pair of trousers andbe well dressed on campus or in class. The popular shadesare ready and waiting for you inCorduroy $3.95 Gabardine $5.95Correct! GABARDINE TrousersPut a pair of these gabardine trousers together with acorduroy bush coat and you’ve an outfit that the snootiestSenior will stamp OKAY! They’re practical because they’llstand plenty of twisting and squirming during dull lec¬tures and they hold a press.Beautifully Tailored $5.95SiiJagger/CORDUROY Trousdr^'Turn about is fair play. Team these smart “cords” witha gabardine Bush Coat and you’ve a second smart suit.Change about...mix ’em up and your mates will thinkyou’ve a different combination for every day in the week.Popular Shade $2.95Edgerton "SNEAKS"'The New Campus Shoe with the light weight crepe rubbersole. Just the footwear for the smart “MAROON”Specially Priced at $5Budget the Erie WayEB T P clothingn A £i COMPANYMARYLAND THEATRE BUILDING837 EAST 63rd STREETHART, SCHAFFNER & MARXKUPPENHEIMER—GGG CLOTHES r /4'iLI' mm'B ML ‘~'i iiii ■ 7Four THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEniMBER 26, 1938 m 'MA Glance at Courses OfferedThe Incoming FreshmanIs ItLoafBy? Possible toand yet Get(Continued from page 3)for which you will be held respon¬sible. Try to learn some of the lec¬ture material on the spot instead ofconcentrating on getting it all downfor a later learning.In Humanities and Social Sciencesgo through the readings carefullyonce before you take any notes atall, then read them again and markdown everything that you considerreally important. By that time youwill understand the notes you aretaking, which will make your reviewthat much less obscure. Your firsttendency will be to take far toomany notes. - Curb it, and try in¬stead to understand what you arereading and hearing.Won’t I be able to loaf now andcram later? Yes, you will be ableto, if you are a quick reader andhealthy enough to get along on al¬most no sleep during comprehensives.But there are drawbacks: first, thatyour grade will not be as good as itmight have been; second, you standthe chance of developing a good caseof jitters; third, and most important,you will end the year with the slight¬ly dazed feeling that you have learn¬ed something but can’t be quite surewhat it was. And there is alwaysthe possibility that you won’t be ableto cram enough after all.Will I be able to pass my compre¬hensives? Yes, and with good grades,if you really want to. Don’t worryabout the vast numbers of valedic¬torians— they probably came fromsmall schools and are tired of study¬ing anyway. Don’t worry about thehigh intelligence quotients of yourclassmates—you wouldn’t have beenadmitted if the University didn’t feelyou could compete with them. Don’tw’orry about the many students whoare taking the same exam—you willhave that much less competition, be¬cause quite a few will have been con¬centrating on something else allterm. don’t have to memorize the names ofbones.On your way through the Bi Scicourse you will pick up a look intophysical anthropology and the char¬acteristics of primitive man, a briefexcursion into psychology, a study ofplant and animal communities, andan exposition of Mendel’s laws andlater discoveries in the field of genet¬ics.The specialties of the course in¬clude a series of physiology moviesand weekly laboratory exhibits, care¬fully planned and manned by courseassistants, so that students need onlylook at already focused microscopesand skillfully performed experiments.There are weekly quizzes givenduring discussion periods designed toremind you that you are supposed tobe studying steadily, and quarterlyquizzes also. These do not count onyour comprehensive grade, but shouldbe used to let you know where yourweak points are. Take them light-heartedly, disregard the grades andpay attention to your most consistentmistakes. The Humanities: Unique in havingno rental set and only two weeklylectures, the Humanities course offersa swift trip through the civilizationof the Western word, stopping everyweek to examine with a low powermicroscope some literary or philoso¬phical classic characteristic of theperiod. The two lecture-two discus¬sion system is being tried out forthe first time this year, allowing youthe excitement of guinea-pigging ifyou choose this survey.Chief surprise of the new systemis that it was asked for almost simul¬taneously by the staff of the courseand the students in it; both feelingthat one period did not allow enoughtime to talk over the weekly readingassignment. This should give you theidea that you are supposed to do thereadings very carefully, to get a fairunderstanding of them and come tothe discussion section primed withquestions and answers that you wantto argue about.The course takes you chronologi¬cally from Egypt to modern Ameri¬ca, with history as the backgroundfor art, literature, and philosophy.Humanity lecturers are consideredthe most interesting in the College.* * *The Physical Sciences: This isprobably the sequence that you have heard the most discouraging remarksabout, or the most encouraging. It alldepends on the people you talk with,because if you once get started thePhysical Sciences course is theMERLE C. COULTEReasiest of all the IntroductoryCourses; the material is clearly pre¬sented and, once comprehended, easi¬ly remembered; the examinations areshort and not tricky.If your forte has been math andphysics, if you place high 'in theaptitude test during Freshman Week,(your faculty adviser will have yourgrades on these), wade into the workwithout a fear. If the general pictureof you is something opposite, bestconcentrate for your freshman year on courses that you are more famil¬iar with.Once in the course, remember theclassic advice,—“Keep up in yourwork.’’ For lectures in this course aretechnical, and the material and ex¬periments presented not to be under¬stood without a thorough groundingin all that went on before. Any mem¬ber of the staff will gladly diagramendlessly to clear up all your diffi¬culties.The course starts with physics,leads' into astronomy, math, chemis¬try, and ends with geology. Studentswho throw in the sponge after thefirst round generally spend the springquarter paying their clothes allow¬ance money to a hard working squadof graduate students who give tutor¬ing lessons, but remember that it’san expensive process and can almostalways be avoided by studying stead¬ily all year. You’ll have weeklyquizzes and semi-quarterlies to keepyou on your toes; here again it’s notthe grades that count, but yourknowledge of where you stand.The course comes equipped witha Bookstore rental set, a museumwhich displays experiments, a 'roof¬top observatory, 25 excellent movies,and trips to the Adler planetarium.Lecturers are unusually good.(Continued on page 7)WAITING FOR BOOKS^ut <io worry about what is re-quifiji on the comprehensive. Youwill get the general idea from oldexams, which you borrow from yourfriends or buy at the bookstore, fromlectures and discussions, from quar¬terlies and quizzes. If you have donepassably well in your year’s workand understand everything that wasstressed during the course, if youhave allowed yourself one thoroughreview, youHl pass the comp with notK>uble at all. '* • *You are ready to start classes now,freshman, already e’quipped with penand notebooks, ideas and prejudices.Here are some of the courses whichyou can expect.The Biological Sciences: This is agood course to think of when youfear that you won’t be able to do thework of the University. Here is asequence so well organized that youwill know how to study for it; useyour high school methods and they’llclick, use any crazy new study sys¬tem of your own devising and youstill can’t fail.The course starts by popping youinto botany. This is straightawaymaterial, with few complications, be¬cause Merle C. Coulter planned thesyllabus, wrote the botany text anddelivers the botany lectures, and bythe time you have heard the samematerial in three different ways youshould be lulled into an assurancethat all is well. The zoology sectionwill confuse you only until you havedecided that you might as well sitdown and memorize the phylogenetictree. Physiology grows complex, butread slowly and be thankful that you No one more than a college man realizes how importantit is to have a wardrobe that meets the requirements ofmany varied occasions. Our “balanced wardrobe” idea isa common sense plan of buying to fit the needs of (1) Dayor campus wear, (2) Dress up or week-end wear, (3)Sports or spectator sports wear, and (4) Formal wear.Above. Doablebreasted model in•mooth finishedworsteds for dress-np occasions. I^artpatterns in new col¬ors. 1 and 2 tron-$35 Below: The one and only“Season Skipper” 2'in-ltopcoat. The originalcoat with the removablelining. New patterns, col¬ors, models. $35 to $55Above. Singlebreasted 3-b n 11 o nmodel in roughweave fabrics andcoverts for leisureor campus wear. Fa¬vorite colors in dis¬tinctive new patterns.One and t^o tron^sers (coverts withone) -^-$35Left, Midnight ;^blluetailcoat in full drapemodel with extralong tails and highwaist. High cuttrousers $40Midnight bluetuxedo in smart newdouble breastedmodel $35Combination $67.50 Above. Sport coatain three -button,single breasted,notch lapel modeLFor sports or spewtator sports wear.Rough weave f a b -lies... $15 to $25Above. 28* suedejacket with bi-swingback. In cocoa brownor gray. Model illus¬trated ....... $9,93Others to $30Right. Flannel orcheviot slacks inplain suedes and her¬ringbone weaves.$4.95 >nd $7.95Covert cloth slackswith belt to match.Talon fast’n’r $8*95ASK ABOUT OUR NEW 90-DAY PLAN CHARGE ACCOUNTtHECf^UBSECOND FLOOR — State and Jackson — CHICAGOai;i;;]. ui]-n“t,i'/u“c:c-^riig%rife.2A)% And Your Calendar PreviewUniversity YearON Free With YourCap and Gown SubscriptionSALE AT ANY CAP and GOWNINFORMATION BOOTHCAP and GOWN''^“-'5^ I 'THE OFFICIAL UNDERGRADUATE PURLICATIONTHE STUDENT HANDBOOK THE STUDENT DIRECTORYiOFFICE, LEXINGTON HALLFligeStK /v.' V'SSer’'' THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBEK 26, 1988r;,-: VjVIS THE LARGEST MOST BEAUTIFULPUBLICATION ON THE CAMPUS?THE CAP AND GOWNWHEN SHOULD YOU SUBSCRIBEFRESHMAN WEEKWHERE AT ANY CAP AND GOWNINFORMATION BOOTHWHY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOW SUBSCRIPTIONRATES - TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PRIZEWINNING DRAWING FOR FRESHMENWatch for the Cap and Gown Sound Truck in Front ofLexington Hall Monday Noon October 3hesterfield..more pleasurefor millionsijtraight to more pleasure. . . thafs where Chesterfieldmakes a solid hit every time•. . gives smokers what they want.. . refreshing mildness and bettertaste and here’s the big reason. . •It takes good things to make a good prod-uct That's why we use the best ingredi¬ents a cigarette can have,..mild ripe to¬baccos and pure cigarette paper.,. to makeChesterfield the cigarette that SATISFIES. Paul WhitemanEvery W«d»e$4ay EvemimfGracibAllenEvery Friday BvemimgAll C. B. S. StotiemsGeorgeBurns'Eddie Dooley *Football Hi(hli|httEvery Thursday and Saturday52 Leadiug N. B. C. StatieusCopyright 1958. Liccirr & Mrm Tobacco Co.THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1938Summary of Surveys, Sequence CoursesOffered to Lower Classmen Page SevenCollege ClassesBegin OcL 4(Continued from page 4)Social Sciences I. With a staffheaded by Walter Laves, a man newto his job, the Introductory Coursein the Social Sciences may changethis year, but will probably continueto impress students as the most mud¬dled of the general courses.This is inevitable, because thecourse encompasses a great deal ofmaterial;—sociology, political sci¬ence, economics, foreign relations,and anthropology. It will lead youfrom the feudal economic organiza¬tion through the Industrial Revolu¬tion to modern world trade, problemsof city government, banking, socialorganization.Lectures don’t review and illus¬trate the readings, as in the sciences,or supplement them, as in the Hu¬manities, but usually interpret factsand apply them to current affairs.I.aboratory sessions consist of well-directed trips throughout the citywhich serve as good illustrations formaterial presented in the course.Good discussions are rare in theSocial Sciences, partly because stu¬dents take all the presented views forgranted and don’t bother to argueabout them. Readings are well-select¬ed and easy to arrange if they areviewed in connection with the out¬line in the course syllabus.English 102A. One of your Fresh¬man Week qualifying examinationswill inform the assembled English.staff just how well grounded in Eng¬lish grammar you are. If you scorehigh your adviser will tell you thatyou have the opportunity to go tobat with comprehensives almost im¬mediately, by trying your EnglishQualifying examination in October.Advantages of this procedure arethat it will speed you through theCollege that much faster, and willgive you the independent thrill oftaking an exam on your own, but thedrawback is that you’ll be missinga good and useful course, a Composi¬tion course that teaches you not howto write pretty impressions but howto outline clearly, how to write anunderstandable term paper, how tobring scattered material together intointo a coherent exposition.If you feel that you can pick allthis up by yourself, try taking theQualifying early. It will take theedge off your apprehensive feelingabout comprehensives, and if you don’t do well you can repententlyclimb back into the course fold andstudy enough to make it worth thefive dollar re-examination fee in May.♦ ♦ *For your two electives, you areoffered 101-2-3 sequences in lang¬uages,—Greek, Latin, French, Span¬ish, Italian, German, or more ad¬vanced foreign literature sequences.These are all time-consuming, sincethey require consistent and carefulstudy. They fit poorly into New Planpractice; if you take a language ex¬pect to attend all the lectures, takeall the tests, do all the readings ontime.Other College sequences come inart, music, mathematics, chemistry,geography, philosophy, which rejoicesin the presence of famed philosopher-politico Thomas Vernon Smith. Thereare two geologies offered, one froma physical, the other from a socialviewpoint, by popular lecturersKrumbein and Bretz. The Englishliterature sequence requires poetry,Shakespeare, a choice of fiction ordrama, and provides an opportunityto share a classroom with such cam¬pus personalities is Teddy Linn and Norm Maclean.The elective sequences will giveyou a chance to appear in smallerclasses, to talk more, to know yourprofessors better, to mingle with up¬per classmen. What you are to takedepends on your proposed major fieldand on your immediate inclinations. Twelve Doctors Provide Free HecdthService at Billings for StudentsChapel Union SponsorsMeeting for Freshmen/The Chapel Union will sponsor ameeting for all entering students,Sunday evening. Students are to meetat the home of Dean and Mrs. Gil-key, 6802 Woodlawn Avenue.There will be a buffet supper, asing, games, and an informal discus¬sion of the religious program of theUniversity. The evening will givethe freshmen a glimpse of the spiritof the Chapel Union program and theway in which it is designed to makereligion a pattern of behavior forUniversity students, as well as abody of doctrine. ^There will be no services in theChapel until Sunday, October 3. “Happiness is a part of health,”says Dr. Dudley B. Reed, head of theStudent Health Service, “and we wantstudents to feel free to come to talkto us about mental, financial or medi¬cal problems—anything we might beable to assist in solving.” The Stu¬dent Health Service, established toattend to the health, mental and phy¬sical, of the men and women of theUniversity, offers a long list of serv¬ices to students free of charge.There are twelve doctors on theService staff, including general prac¬titioners and specialists. There aresurgeons, a nose and throat special¬ist, a skin specialist, a gastro-intes-tinal specialist, a gynecologist, and apsychiatrist. When a student comesto be treated at the student Cliniche or she may choose any of the staffdoctors.Provide Free HospitalizationThree days of hospitalization areincluded among the free services.This, Dr. Reed has found, covers themajority of illnesses. Each time thestudent is hospitalized, if it is not for a recurring disease, he is entitledto three days of free hospitalization.After three days he is billed forboard and room only. During the en¬tire time that he is hospitalized heis under the care of experts, usuallydepartment heads, and other special¬ists may be called in consultationat any time.Students come to the Clinics fortreatment of almost every ailmentcommon to man. A specialist willclear a clogged nose caused by a headcold so that a student can sleep, orset a broken leg so that a studentcan walk. Wassermann and otherlaboratory tests are given free ofcharge, and staff doctors always wel¬come students who come in to askadvice about any problems whichtrouble them.Other free services include inocula¬tions against contagious diseases incase students contemplate contactwith germs, and ultra-violet raytreatments for cases of skin diseaseand tendency to catch colds.FREE! FREE!IT’S THRILLING to have a meal given youeach day absolutely FREE.We are again resuming this popular Custom,which delighted so many of our customers.The Maid-Rite ShopsWhere University Students Meet & EatJUST TWO SHORT BLOCKS EAST OF MANDEL HALL 1 QUARTER'SCleaning-$1.95The NU-GLO CLEANERS oiler this MONEY SAVING PLAN tothe University students and faculty. They oiler you 4 dry-cleanings lor the total price oi $1.95.The system is this:1. You coU our driver at Midway 18802. He will coll and you may buy a Student Cleaning Cordfrom him lor $1.95.3. This cord is good lot 4 cleanings which includes: suits,dresses, top-coots, overcoats, tuxedos, etc.4. One card may be used by 2 students and is good all year.We do our own cleaning at our own plant 1306 E. 55th streetwith a special odorless process.We ABSOLUTELY guarantee our work to be PERFECTLYsatisfactory.Any work collected or brought in before noon con be returnedthe afternoon of the some day.NU-GLO CLEANERS1306 £. 55th StreetMidway 1880 55th and KimborkTEXT BOOKSFor All Your CoursesNEW AND SECOND HAND UseOurPostalStation STATIONERYEverything in Stationery \0'For School UseFor Social UseDon't Forget AboutThe Book ExchangeBuy your second hand books through this service. AndOurRentalLibrary Pencils - Notebooks - Inks - Filing BoxesYou will enloy visiting ourGENERAL BOOK SECTIONFor Fiction - Biography - Magoanes - Nonfiction - Children'sBooks AndOurPublicTelephone Fountain PensWe carry on excellent stock of the well knownmakes of fountain pens in all their voricus styles.You will find that it will be easy to make a wisechoice of pen here. We have complete fountainpen repair service.U. of C. BOOKSTORE5802 Ellis AvenuePage Bright THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,THE DAILY MAROO/ Grid Team Opens Season SaturdayShaughnessy Juggles Team for FinalScrimmages Before Meeting BradleyAfter throe weeks of intensivepro-season practice the Maroon foot¬ball squad begins tapering off todayfor their first game with BradleyTech on Saturday. Coach Shaugh¬nessy has had a squad of nearly 50men to work with and as the dateof the first game nears, there is anoptimism on the Midway hard to con¬ceal.Shaughnessy does not have achampionship team. Probably someof the fifty candidates who have beenworking out regularly would noteven have been called at another con¬ference school, though many of themhave shown great improvement sincepractice opened. This improved show¬ing of the sophomores and other in¬experienced men has done a greatdeal to offset the loss of last year’sentire line.Protect Sherman’s KneeThe injury jinx has hovered dan¬gerously close all during practice, butluckily the team has so far escapedany serious mishaps. The main con¬cern is, of course, Sollie Sherman’sknee. Sollie underwent an operationthis summer to have a torn cartilageremoved and has been practicingwith his knee in a brace. The coacheshave been very careful to preventhis being tackled in scrimmages andhe has been relieved of the morestrenuous assignments. It is hopedthat by a process of gradual condi¬tioning, the knee will be as good asnew when he takes the field againstBradley Tech.Recent scrimmages have indicatedthe coaches are beginning to makeup their minds about who will getfirst call on Saturday. The battle forline positions and reserve backfieldpositions has been extremely spiritedand Shaughnessy has not had to ex¬hort his men to get to work but hasrather had to bawl them out forwanting to knock each other apart.’TED FINKletterman at right guardAt quarter-back will probably beSherman, the Maroon’s shiftiest run¬ner. He will have an able substitutein the person of Bob “Remy” Meyer,who can punt and pass as well ascall signals. Captain Lew Hamitywill be at left half. Lew has shownmore drive in practice than any otherback and with the development hehas shown as a broken field runner,^ill undoubtedly be the mainstay ofthe Maroon attack. John Davenport,who has developed into the bestkicker on the squad, and who is alsothe fastest man on the squad is sec¬ond best at this post.Start Goodstein at FullbackThe other half-back is veteran EdValorz. Valorz has snagged manypasses in practice which have re¬sulted in touchdowns and plays aposition where he should have a goodmany scoring opportunities. Compe¬tition for numl^r two spot here isespecially keen with Chuck Banfeand Bob McNamee battling it out.The fullback is Morton Goodstein,heaviest man in the backfield. Gocd-stein lacks the drive of the othermembers of the backfield, but if hecan once overcome this lethargy heshould prove a consistent headache toMaroon opponents.Other backfield men who have donegood work and who all have severalyears’ competition before them areWally Ottomeyer, John Polajner,Bob Jampolis, and Crawford.In the line. Coach Herb Blumerhas 18 candidates from tackle totackle. So far the most outstandingperformers appear to be DavidWiedemann, sophomore left tackleV candidates, both of whom have hadexperience are Dick Wheeler andJim Cassels.The wing positions have been helddown in practice by Willis Littlefordand Bob Howard. Littleford is alsoa punter and a skilled broken fieldrunner. Howard was transferred toend from guard and has been keptthere because of his good perform¬ance. Other candidates for theseposts who have shown up very wellare Bob Harlan, Duncan Scott, andHoward Hawkins.There are two other candidates forline posts who, while lacking experi¬ence, show exceptional promise. Theyare Ted Howe, guard; and Jo Stearns,tackle. Howe has been hampered bya sore knee.SOLLIE SHERMANheat of Maroon open field runners.last year; and Walter Maurovich,right guard. Maurovich apparentlyhas the edge over Ted Fink, lastyear’s letterman, though both shouldsee plenty of action. At left g;uardBob Sass is the outstanding candi¬date.At right tackle the decision liesbetween big Hugh Rendelmann, 220pound sophomore, and John Bex, an¬other sophomore. Bex has been show¬ing more spirit than Rendelmann, butit is still too early to say who willget the first call.Bob Greenebaum, a letterman lastyear, has found competition for hiscenter post very keen. Jack Plunk¬ett, a sophomore, has been showingup well in practice and as Greene¬baum is handicapped by a sore knee,he will probably be first choice. OtherDAVISLAUNDRYFine Hand WorkMending Free• SPECIAL LOWRATES TOSTUDENTSEARLY OR LATEDELIVERYCALLVictory 84281805 S. Wabash Ave. Non-Varsity MenCompete in I-M’sThe University has long aimed toprovide every man with a sport forwhich he is fitted and in recent yearshas pointed toward the “EnglishIdeal” of comradely and not toostrenuous sport for everyone everyday. This idea is embodied in theprogram of the Intramural depart¬ment. The I-M department is under thedirection of Walter Hebert and a stu¬dent staff headed by a five man ex¬ecutive board. Members of this year’sstudent executive board are RogerNielsen, chairman; Hart Perry,Martin Miller, Gene Glickman, andBill Webbe.Conduct Open TourneysThere are tournaments conductedevery quarter in the sports of theseason. These are open to all Uni¬versity men. During the autumnquarter there will be a touchballtourney, starting the second week ofthe quarter; a horseshoe tournament,a swimming meet, a ping-pong, anda billiard tournament.Freshmen and other independentmen who wish to participate on In¬tramural teams may register at theoffice in Bartlett gymnasium. Theboard will then make up teams fromthe list of these men.The board has also announced theofficial standings fv.'* last year. PsiUpsilon and Alpha Delta Phi tied forfirst in the organization point stand¬ings for the year. Delta Upsilonplaced third. Individual honors wentto Seymour Burrows, Phi SigmaDelta, who amassed more participa¬tion points than any other studentcompeting. FRESHMENSEE IT YOURSELFCOLLEGESWING!vnuiJimmie Jacksonand hisMEN OF NOTEalsoJane CarrollandSammy UsherTXTES. OlllYJITTERBUG NITEDANCINGTUES.THURS.SAT.SUN. 40c PerPersonCASINOMODERNEBALLROOM■ 913 E. 63rd StSTUDENTSStineway Welcomes You!The Best Substitute forMOTHER’S COOKINGis the Food Served at theSTINEWAY DRUG STOREGrill RoomGimer 57th and KenwoodStudents away from home will do well to eat at Stineway’s where mostsanitary conditions always prevail and food of only the highest obtainablequality is served. Every product we use bears the name of a reputablemaker, such as Hydrox Ice Cream, Borden’s ’’Grade A” Certified Milk andCream, Choicest Meats and Bakery Goods, Savoy Foods and others.STINEWAY FOODS MUST MEASURE UP TO THEHIGHEST STANDARD OF QUALITY REGARDLESS OFTHE PRICE WE HAVE TO PAY — YET IT COSTS YOUNO MORE THAN UNKNOWN BRANDS SERVED ELSE¬WHERE.Enjoy the comfort of Stineway's friendly atmosphereREAD THE DAILYMAROONAnd Keep in Touch with Campus Life READ THEADVERTISEMENTSIn the Maroon and Become Informed$3.00 $3.00For THREE DOLLARS A YEAR the MAROON andthe Campus is yours. We will BE GLAD to deliverthem both to your door in the dorms or to one ofthree convenient places on campus where you conpick it up each morning. Reynolds Club lor theMEN. Ida Noyes lor the Women. And the Inlorma-tion Desk in the Bursar's Olfice lor both. Whoknows? Maybe you will meet your hiture over aMaroon. Oxuy 100 copies to be given out at Inlor-motion Desk so get your order in early. M^y exceptional values and money saving oilersore made each day in the Maroon, by our adver¬tisers. to the students and laculty.Read these ads and see lor yoursell what our ad¬vertisers hove to oRer. Patronize them and you willbe doing yoursell a big lovpr. os well as supportingus and your schooLYou’ll Want to Eat, No Doubt—Here’sWhere You Can Do It Around CampusTHE DAILY MAROON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1938 •'“"'ll;University OperatesCafeterias, DiningRooms for Students.No matter where you are living, bythe middle of this week you will beinterested in knowing the nearesteating places in the neighborhood.Tlie dorms haven’t started sen.ingregular ftieals, and nany of you areliving in rooms where no board is in-cuded. You want to know whereto cat? We’ll tell you.Start with the University diningrooms. Hutchinson Commons, inMandel hall, is probably most con¬venient of all the dining rooms oncam.pus. It is a cafeteria, and isopen for all meals throughout theschool year. As at all cafeterias,you can order to auit your food bud-^t, but their “specials” for lunchrange around 27 cents, and for sup¬per around 45 to 60 cents. The Com¬mons is huge, dark and depressingunless you go in a group, but peoplehave been known to And interestingcompanions at the long tables.Cloister ClubCloister Club, in Ida Noyes, is thesecond large cafeteria on campus.Serving lunch and dinner Mondaythrough Friday, the Cloister Clubspecializes in salads, and attempts todisplay the food on the cafeteriacounter as attractively as possible.Prices are a little higher than at the ,Commons. Only a few men bravethe hordes of women who patronizethe Ida Noyes dining room. Supper,incidentally, is served before quar¬ter of seven here, although you mayeat later at the Commons.Cheapest and best food in theUniversity vicinity is served at theBillings Hospital cafeteria and in theInternational House dining room.Roth have dinners for about 40-50cents which offer variety, and arebetter cooked than most near campussuppers. Special student lunches for25 and 29 cents are the best foodbargains for miles. But in bothplaces one should order the “lunch”or “dinner” as indicated on the nvenuunless money is no object. A la cartedishes make for expensive meals.Coffee ShopThe Coffee Shop, in Mandel Hall,is long, narrow, crowded and any¬thing but inexpensive, but it is theplace to go. At noon it is crowdedwith women who nibble on sand”wiches while they exchange choicebits of gossip. It is to the CoffeeShop that you go to meet people,even if you don’t like the fo^. Itis here that the BMOC’s and BWOC’sgather to talk and play bridge frombreakfast time till closing aroundsix. The Coffee Shop is a campustradition.On 57th street are Stineway’s,Mabry’s, Maid-Rite, and about Aveblocks further, The Hitching Post.The Arst tw’o are drug stores whichcater to campus food needs, servingeverything from sandwiches to fullcourse hot meals. Both Maid-Riterestaurants (across the street fromone another) serve everything fromsoup to nuts if you want it, and sandwiches if you don’t. For after¬library snacks students crowd theseeating places. The Hitching Post,although it is quite a way off cam¬pus. serves sandwiches on buns thatare tops.Eating cooperatives have solvedthe how-to-eat problem inexpensivelyyet socially for many students. Lastyear a campus cooperative offeredtwenty meals a week for $4.69 to itsmembers. These co-ops have oddjobs at which students may work toearn enough for weekly meals. Byputting a few, good, nourishing itemson the menus they keep eating costsway below the uiual $7 a week. Hutchins Repliesto Hutchinsin Post Article Page NinePresident Hutchins is Aattered be¬cause of the intelligent understand¬ing of the readers of his four ar¬ticles on modem education whichwere published intermittently in theSaturday Evening Post. In the Sep¬tember 24 issue of the Post he pre¬sents his answers and reactions tothe 900 letters w^ritten to him fol¬lowing last winter’s series.ReAecting in the third person,Hutchins v/rites, “This is not the Arsttime Mr. Hutchins has notic'ed thatthe less schooling a person has thebetter he understands Mr. Hutchins ” People Can Think SeriouslyLast year rumor had it that Presi¬dent Hutchins was dubious aboutpresenting his views on education ina popular weekly. Last week Mr.Hutchins said: “. . . the general levelof the correspondence provided Mr.Hutchins with conArmation of oneof his favorite theories—that peoplethink, that they can think seri¬ously about serious things.” Then he goes on to answering com¬ments, defending his position, andclarifying what he said last year.In response to a comment sayingthat 98 per cent of humans are mor¬ons, Hutchins says that even as¬suming the correctness of the state¬ment it would be less expensive toopen the doors of institutions to thethousands of idle youth clambering(Continued on page 10)Linn-Smith^(Continued from page 1)ing a series of ax-man raids on racebookies in Cook county.In the spring primaries the partysplit wide open and there was a bit¬ter fight for nomination on the Dem¬ocratic ticket. John Martin won thenomination to one of the posts asCongressman-at-Large, and T. V.Smith and Lewis Long battled overthe other to a close finish which gaveSmith the nomination by a marginof about 10,000 votes. James WeberLinn, under the Homer-Courtneywing, won the nomination for staterepresentative from this district.Claiming that all differences havebeen settled, the Democratic party ofIllinois is now campaigning for astraight ticket vote, giving supportto all candidates. But Democrats con¬sider nomination tantamount to elec¬tion and when Long introduced Smithto the DeKalb audience it is concededby local politicians that it must havebeen a very sad moment. DeKalbcounty was one of the few countiesthat was solidly behind Long in theprimaries.Despite protestations of unity in theparty some consider it significantthat both the Nash-Kelly Democratsand the Homer-Courtney Democratsmaintain separate Chicago campaignheadquarters, the one at the Morri¬son, the other at the Sherman. TopDemocratic nominees, divided intotwo caravans, are touring the state.James W. Linn will do his campaign-paigning in this vicinity. WOODWORTH'SWOODWORTH'SWOODWORTH'SWOODWORTH'STEXT BOOKSand all student suppliesFORTY YEARS SERVICE TO UNIVERSITYSTUDENTSWOODWORTH S STORE1311E. 57th Street. Open EveningsNear Kimbark Ave. Dorchester 48002 BLOCKS EAST OF MANDEL HALL ^THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1938where campus opinion is beinpf for¬mulated. She heads the YWCA, ison the Board of Social Service andReligion, which dictate.s where theSunday Chapel collection p:oes, is anAide and active in every possiblecommittee for social welfare. She isa dignified, respected mediator be^tween right and left wingers, poss¬essed of a fine, lucid mind and aninborn habit of quiet reflection. that in 19d2, ’3d and ’34 millions of ] still be able to use his education foryouths and adults who were collegeeducated were begging for : jobs.President Hutchins touches on one ofhis favorite targets, vocational ism. Ifthere are jobs to bo had, the collegegraduate will probably get a job, hesays. If there are no jobs to be had,the college graduate along with themost skilled laborers will not be ableto find work. Neither education norlack of it will open a clo.^ed factory.“The point is that there is no con¬nection between the ability to get ajob and - the desirability of going tocollege,’’ he writes. “.An educattnlman who can’t fin<i woi’k would bewor.se off if he were uneducated. Andif the work he does finddoes not de¬mand the education he has, he willBMOCBARBECUE Hutchinstranquility of his soul.”Coming back to hi.s old stand, Mr.Hutchin*!' say-, “Education should!increasingly at each stage, concernit.self with understanding. Since wecannot understand the present witlv-out understanding the past, we shallhave to try to understand the past;The quest for the good life did notbegin today, or yesterday; it is apel petual quest."(Continued from page 9)(Continued from paged)Studies and football are ablyjuggled by Lew Hamity, captainof the football team and a really de¬cent schol'^r. Modest and pink-cheekedy with an aversion to build¬ups and publicity, he, nonetheless,plays an important part in formulat¬ing campus opinion. Coach Shaugh-nessy has du’obed him the finest foot¬ball captain in the Middle West; Hemay be found, without appointment,any day, in Harper Library, study¬ing in complete silence with: BettyFriedberg. the President answers oy sayingthat poor teaching technique andcurriculums in the past made peopleseem that way.Should Aid Deserving Students“If we think that education is ncc-o.-^sary, we shall pay for it and notworry too much about ‘the breakingpoint’ as regards taxes,” is Hutch¬ins’ response to a New York writerwho complains that taxe.< are reach-,ing “the breaking point.’’ He saysthat one of the great need.s tcKlay isto help deserving and capable stu¬dents who are not financially able toI continue their education.! A bishop in South Dakota a.skedif man hasn’t a will a.- well as anintellect, and if knowledge will pre¬vail again.st fear, exi>ediency, or stdfI interest. Hutchins answers that mani certainly has a w ill, but if his .willI is to he good, he must understand it1 and justify the direction it takes.I The intellectual is tlie- one w ho cando that.In answer to an official of theTexas; vocational school.s who saidEven in her sophomore year,Clementine Van der Schaegh wasan embryo BWOC. She startedher career as one' of the freshmanbeauty queens, then settleddown toa two-year pinship with a Phi Delt,has had her finger in every activitypie since. She now reigns as the tall,braided President of the Board ofWomen’s. Organization.^, is a memberof Federation Council and partici¬pates in a variety of other incidentalactivities. CLASSIFIED ADATTENTION; FRATERNITY MENMust srll furniture at once. Ideal fi>rternity houses. Exceptional bargains4r>.;s Oakcjiwaid Avc. . DrcxilThe Head Marshal’s femininecounterpart is Katherine “Bubbles”MacLennan, president-appointed HeadAide for the year. Apple cheekedand chubby, she is often mistaken fc*’one of the Campbell soup ehildrcr,;in reality she is as equally whole- jsome. Her other claims to distinction jlie in ranking highest scholasticallyin the Home Economics Departmentand in possessing an unsquelchable CHECKING ACCOUNT insuros youloM or theit. You save time.Your cancelled checks ore your receipts.The soiest, most convenient way is to pay by check.I, L a u r a Bergquist. a m : aminister’s daughter, secretly poss¬essed of a dictator complex* and veryp"oud ;of writing mediocre columnsof enormous lengths. I am possessedof a gnawing envy of the beautiful,the intelligentsia and the witty. Myspeci.il object of envy is Mrs. Hutch¬ins. I am a typical, frustrated, seniorfemale. University Stale BankMember Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationThough not a senior as most;BW’OC’s traditionally are, A d e 1 e ;Rose, pint-size 1 editorialwriter of ithe Daily Maroon can also claim her [share of glory. What Van de Water Iwas to the Chapel Union last year;/Adele Rose w'as to the ASU, being ,president. She caters neither to ex- 'treme left wi igists nor does she cod- .jdie the hide-bound.s. Possessed of an ]intelligence to a high scholastic de- igree, an executive complex and a 'facile mind, she is most frequently 'consulted at debates and' discussions :as the source of all knowledge. ' iqcbom MwreMUS ACAUVPersis-Jane Peeples, president of 'the Federation of University Women jand a member of Mirror Board, is Ichief brain truster behind this year’s iFreshman Orientation and the eoun- :sellor system. A loyal club woman iwith a desire to run things, P. J. !exemplifies the type most freshman |women hope to be when they grow [up. She is blonde and winning, in }happy harmony with her classic iname, a domestic person w^ho will jsome day make a fine wife of the igracious-hostess variety. j1* BronnanT Thejsus is back, time she’s walkedof a battle-scarredr hated rival, Bull-■mper. One slip wiHsmoothly until Bull”the channel.R«m«mb«r Tugb6»t Annihearty skipper of the Narcisand in trouble as usual. Thisinto the toughest assignmentcareer — to compete with heiwinkle, without losing her tecost her job! Everything goeswinkle slyly stretches a hawser acrossFIRST OF A WEW S£by NORMAN REILLYJudy Cunningham, petite and re¬trousse-nosed; is the appropriatelysophisticated, socially-d e s i r c a D 1 epresident of Mirror, Mortar Boardclub, and an Aide. Though not e.x-tremely affectionate or gushy, shemanages in cool, collected fashion toaccomplish many things. She couldslip into a Vogue page easily, andshe likes to dabble efficiently in Dra¬matics. The most' surprising thingabout her is her deep husky voice,amazing in a person only 5 feet tall. • What is behind muuoithat makes even his owrence? At Starke’s biddihim by plane. One kno^lifelong obsession. A screward. And the third pter, who is one day toshotgun. Here is the firstcompelling novel.beginningAudrey Neff, like Adele Rose, canbe found in the thick of the frayHANLEY’SBUFFET HE TRIED ID mORinrcRmwith the wtvn^ music/TRICKS THAT CAHWIN A WORLD SERIES•or lose if^ • now do you like your music-sweet, or hot ? Johnny Dolan likedit hot, blew his young heart out with it on a clarinet.And of fill the jitterbugs in the world, he had to fallin. love with Marj ory, - who was ■ ga - ga over BunnyGilbert’s “Sweeping Sweet Swing”! Here’s anaccount of the calamity, in four-four time.• You don’t see a// the baseball game on the dia¬mond, A man in the dugout raises his scorecard —and saves his team from a double play. A coachhollers, “Come on, Joe, old boy, old boy”—and thebatter gets set for a curve. But watch out when thesignals are shifted 1 One of baseball’s canniest strat¬egists tells you the secrets ofWinning *Em in the Clubhouseby CONNIE MACKIf you want college songs—If you want collegeatmosphere—If you want to meet cam¬pus “Big Wigs”—If you want to see ourNEW BACK BAR— Johnny, Go Blow Your Hornby WILLIAM FAYDrop in DuringFreshman Week for war and how blockadc-proot it reauyPLUS.. .Pretty Boy, the story of an imwillingEigolo, by Sophie Kerr a. The Oyp^i^f Get theBusinesa, in which Ben Hibbs tells what tnic ^are doing to the small town mwchant...Cbmmandfrt^. by Leonard H. Nason .. .streamlined rials, poetry, fun and cartoons.AND “WHERE I FOUND THE ORIGINAL MR.TUTT.“ Arthur Train tells in My Day m Cour t, theaccount of his early days and experiences m thCriminal Courts Building.«YOU CAN’T BLOCKADE GERMANY,” says MoVHitler. Or can you? In Germar^y Proceaseji^ War,Stanley High reports how Germany is cHANLEY’SOver forty years ofcongenial service