Vol. 39, No. 29. Batlp jHaroonZ-149 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1938 Price Three CentsInterfraternity Committee NamesThree Couples to Lead I-F BallPerry, Bergquist, Jones,Van derSchaeg^h,Nielsen,Peeples Lead.The Interfraternity Committee, atthe suggestion of Mr. Harvey Carr,has again upset tradition by havingthree couples lead the InterfraternityBall instead of the customary two.They are: Hart Perry and LauraBergquist, Roger Nielsen and Persis-Jane Peeples, and Bob Jones andClementine Van der Schaegh.Perry is president of the Interfra¬ternity Committee, a student Mar¬shall and a member of Owl and Ser¬pent, the Campus Congress Commit¬tee, and Alpha Delta Phi. Laura Berg¬quist is president of Interclub Coun¬cil, an Aide, president of Pi DeltaPhi, a member of the Board of Con¬trol of the Daily Maroon, and a mem¬ber of BWO.Nielsen Heads I-M BoardNielsen is secretary of the Inter¬fraternity Committee, head of theIntramural Board, and a member ofOwl and Serpent and Delta Upsilon.Clementine Van der Schaegh is presi¬dent of the Board of Women’s or¬ganizations, an Aide, and a formerpresident of Chi Rho Sigma.Jones is a member of the Interfra¬ternity Council, and made the ar¬rangements for the Ball. He is alsochairman of the Homecoming Com¬mittee and president of Psi Upsilon.He has played one of the leads inBlackfriars for the last three years. |Persis-Jane Peeples is president ofthe h'ederation of University Women,former president of Quadrangler, anda member of Mirror Board and BWO.The Ball is the annual interfrater-nity formal and constitutes the socialhighlight of the Autumn Quarter. Itwill be held Thanksgiving Eve in theGold Room of the Congress..\bout 420 fraternity men and theirdates Wi’ill attend the Ball to dance tomusic of Johnny Hamp and his or¬chestra. Boston NewspaperPraises University’sSays Chicago Is “Amaz¬ing Chapter in Educa¬tional History.”“The greatest single concentrationof academic distinction in America,with the probable exception of Cam¬bridge—now lies on the shore of LakeMichigan, at the University of Chica¬go.” This excerpt came from an edi¬torial appearing in the Boston Heraldprior to the Harvard-Chicago foot¬ball game.Stating that the Maroon footballteam “represents one of the greatestuniversities of the world,” the edi¬torial placed Chicago before even itsown Harvard. It traced the history ofthis institution claiming that it is“one of the most amazing chaptersin all educational history.”With praise for its liberalness andextension of human knowledge, theBoston Herald stated that Chicagohas never attempted to become afashionable institution in a snobbishsense of the word or a popular uni¬versity in the athletic sense.Explain Pay Check DelayPay checks for the 432 UniversityNYA workers are several days latefor the first scheduled pay day. Ac¬cording to the Board of VocationalGuidance and Placement, the checkswere sent downtown for approval,and a delay in return is not uncom¬mon.Renaissance Society ExumesArt Institute's Victorian PaintersBy HERBERT GROSSBERGWe must disagree in part with theattitude in which the Renais-sance So¬ciety has exhumed its Victorianjiaintings from the back files of the••^rt Institute. The leaflet accompany¬ing the catalogue points out the badtaste of the Victorian era as exem¬plified in this exhibit. We are warn¬ed not to let this weak sentimentalitycreep in on us again now that thebattle for modernism is won. Butthis is not the “courageous” (to(luote) or profitable approach.Certainly we don’t care for a repe¬tition of Burn.s, Jone.s and Watts asrepresented at this show, but theywere of that peculiar group, the Pre-Raphaelites, who became slightlyraucous in their attempt to ressur-rect the past. They do not representany widen taste than they manufac¬tured, but did retain a certain valueas illustrators.Israels Influenced Van GoghJoseph Israels, the 19th centuryHutch painter, who influenced theearly Van Gogh with his sharpstrokes and sympathetic depiction of | the peasant cannot in any evaluationbe condemned. His fault was paintingtoo much, with a consequent numberof weak canvasses; but his deepsympathy with mankind is quicklyfelt in any of his works, even whenrunning over into deep sentiment asin the Old Tar and the Old Cook ofthe current exhibit. True, his pal-lette is too dark for our taste but hestill has the glow of humanity thatVan Gogh caught and threw up intobrilliant colors.As for the others they are of astyle not to our taste, but they werenot the good painters of their owntime either. The Cradle Song, oncea popular sentimental picture at theArt Institute with Hark, Hark theLark, goes back to Chardin, a goodpainter of the preceding century, andGreuze, a very popular bad painterof a preceding era. The HollandFlower Girl, and An Old Lady, aretouched with early impressionism andthe po’int I note of the latter doesnot really overstep and except forthe low key would be called a goodpicture today.(Continued on page 4) Debate UnionPlans Varietyof ActivitiesTired of hearing “Big Business”vilify the New Deal, the North-WestLions’ Club called upon the Univer¬sity Debate Union to provide themwith a speaker to defend the Demo¬cratic regime. As a result MatishalHanley will speak before the grouptonight, aiming to prove untrue manystatements made in the Tribune re¬garding the New Deal.“Do Children Need Parents?” willbe the subject of a roundtable discus¬sion at the Debate Union SpeechWorkshop this afternoon at 4:30.This subject was discussed over theradio last year and caused much con¬troversy. Charles Crane, Ross Card-well, and Clyde Miller will be thespeakers.Discuss Plans for BanquetPlans for the second Debate Unionbanquet will be discussed at the meet¬ing tomorrow as well as plans foranother presentation of members ofthe downtown Hobo College, who havenot appeared on campus since 1936.In a one hour debate and discussionbefore a special meeting of the Wood-lawn Kiwanis club tomorrow evening,four members of the Union will speakpro and con on “Pump Priming.”Speakers will be Maxine Murphy,Louis Landman, Joseph Sondheimer,and Dan Bridge. At this meeting thecongratulations of Vice-President Wil¬liam Benton will be presented to mem¬bers of the Debate Union for theirwork in creating a new radio tech¬nique, the “bull session.” ColumbiaBroadcasting System which airs theprogram has been pleased and hasreceived much fan mail.Doctors DiscussModem Child atWeek-end MeetingPerhaps children really need to bespoiled to develop normally, suggestedDr. C. A. Aldrich, of the Northwest¬ern University Medical School, in apaper he read on “Modern Practice inRearing Children” at the three-daymeeting of the Society for Researchin Child Development held here thisweek-end.Questioning modern psychologicaltheories which advocate objectivetreatment of children, Aldrich warnedthat keeping mothers away from chil¬dren may lead to difficult behaviorproblems later. The child needs tobe satisfied by some degree of old-fashioned mother training.In opposition, William Blatz, of theUniversity of Toronto, using theDionne quintuplets as examples ofnormal development without the usualparent-child relation, defended objec¬tive training.Among the many other speakers atthe meeting, Icie Macy Hoobler, ofDetroit, presented evidence to showhow emotional changes influencephysiological reactions. She de¬scribed cases of mothers who havebeen unable to supply a good qualityor quantity of milk after automobileaccidents; and of how blood picturesof crying children differ from picturesmade of them when they are happy. Nazi Defends Chamberlainat PU Meeting Friday;Radicals RefusePresidents ofNegro CollegesConvene HereThe Sixteenth Annual Conventionof Presidents of Negro Land-GrantColleges is being held the first threedays of this week at InternationalHouse. The Conference, which meetsusually in Washington, D. C. and oc¬casionally in Chicago is this year dis¬cussing “Enlarging the Service andSupport of Negro Land-Grant Col¬leges.”Rtepresenting a clientele of abouteight million Negroes spread oversome 17 southern states, the asso¬ciation is the collective authority ofthose Negro colleges in the Southwhich were founded by the passage ofthe Second Morrell Act of 1890. Inaddition to these seventeen colleges,there are six associate members of theconference including Tuskegee Insti¬tute, Howard University, HamptonInstitute, Wilberforce University,Fort Valley Normal and IndustrialSchool and Bordentown Manual Train¬ing School. There are fifteen NegroLand-Grant College Presidents attend¬ing and four Associate College Presi¬dents present for the meeting.Morning SessionIn the morning session today, therewill be three speeches: Dr. E. H.Shinn, Senior Agriculturalist for theU. S. Cooperative Extension Servicewill speak on “The Need for an En¬larged Program of Agricultural Ex¬tension Services in Negro Land-GrantColleges.” Secondly “The Deniandof Non-Degree Courses for SpecialStudents.” The last speaker of themorning session will be Dr. Fred J.Kelly, Division of Higher Education,U. S. Office of Education on “NegroLand-Grant Colleges and the Econom¬ic Welfare of Negroes.” There willalso be an afternoon session in theInternational House Room and a ban¬quet in the evening at 8:00.Chandler^ MemberOf Original FacultyOf University, DiesProfessor Emeritus of LatinCharles Chandler, member of the orig¬inal faculty of the University, diedSunday night at his home in Alton,Illinois. He was 88 years old. Pro¬fessor Chandler had been in the hos¬pital since November 2, when he hada heart attack. F'uneral services willbe held in Alton tomorrow, at thehome of his son-in-law, George Pot¬ter.Born in Pontiac, Michigan, on Jan¬uary 15, 1850, Chandler took theBachelor’s and Master’s degrees atthe University of Michigan. BeforePresident William Rainey Harperbrought him to the University of Chi¬cago in 1892 with the rank of pro¬fessor he taught Latin at DenisonUniversity in Granville, Ohio. He re¬tired in 1915.Chandler is survived by three chil¬dren, all graduates of the University ParticipatePatterson Declines asOpposition Speaker;Plan Boycott.Homer H. Maertz, National Exec¬utive Secretary of the German-Amer-ican Alliance, supports Neville Cham¬berlain's diplomacy at Munich, byaffirming the resolution: “Resolved,That Neville Chamberlain Be Award¬ed the Nobel Peace Prize for 1938,”at a Political Union meeting Fridayat 3:30 in Mandel Hall. There willbe an admission charge of 10 cents.William Patterson, associate editorof the Midwest Daily Record, wasoriginally scheduled to oppose NaziMaertz, but yesterday declared thathe would not speak, because he feltit would be dignifying the position ofthe Fascists to allow one to talk fromthe same platform as himself. Withthe exception of the Trotskyites, theRadical party, decided that they toodid not want to support any meetingat which a Fascist speaks. There¬fore, they will boycott Friday's meet¬ing.To take Patterson’s place as op¬position to the resolution, Ned Fritz,chairman of the organization, is at¬tempting to secure a faculty mem¬ber.As at all Political Union meetings,each party has selected a member tovoice its views. Dick Feise repre¬sents the opposing liberal party,while Dwyer Engler speaks for theConservatives.The Political Union is modeled af¬ter the Parliaments of England andFrance, being divided into three sec¬tions, Radical, Liberal, and Conser¬vative. As it is a custom of the Euro¬pean parliaments to allow the gal¬lery to jeer and taunt the speaker,the University’s union intends to im¬itate this aspect also, which m^ansthat no confusion will come unex¬pected.Talley DiscussesTristan and IsoldeAt Opera HourWagner as a man and an artist,will be discussed by Howard Talleyat the third Opera Hour this after¬noon in the North Lounge of theReynolds Club. There will also be ananalysis of the plot of “Tristan andIsolde” with illustrative music onthe piano.Guest stars from the Chicago CityOpera Company will meet the groupinformally. They will be presentedby Mrs. Jason Whitney, wife of thepresident of the Chicago City OperaCompany.The aides of the day are: Persis-Jane Peeples, Margaret Argali, Mar¬jorie Hess, Margaret Huckins, AretaKelble, Fred Ash, Joseph Baer, RobertBrinker, Charles O’Donnell, and theReynolds Club Council. Coffee willbe served.Literary SupplementThe first issue of the Daily Ma¬roon’s Literary Supplement appearstomorrow. Short stories, poems, es¬says ,and book reviews comprise thistwo-page section, edited by WilliamEarle.... Ain*t We Got FunPage 2 THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1938(^aroonFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATEPRESS 'The Daily Maroon is the_ official studentnewspaper of the University of Chicaso,published mornings except ^turday, Sun*day and Monday during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 6831 University avenue.Telephones: Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.After 6 :S0 phone in stories to ourprinters. The Chief Printing Company,1920 Monterey avenue. Telephone Cedar-erest 8310.The University of Chicago assumes noresponsibility for any statements appear¬ing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con-tract entered into by The Daily Maroon.The Daily Maroon expressly reservesthe rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper. Subscriptionrates: 33 a year; |4 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March18, 1903, at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.RSeRSSBNTSO FOR NATIONAL ADVBRTISINa BTNational Advertising Service, Inc.CoUeg* Publishers Represessttstsve420 Madison Avc. New York. N. Y.CHiCASO * BOSTOS ' Lot AStlLIt • SAR FtAHCltCOBOARD OP CONTROLEditorial StaffLAURA BERGQUISTMAXINE BIESENTHALEMMETT DEADMAN, ChairmanSEYMOUR MILLERADELE ROSEBnsiness StaffEDWIN BERGMANMAX FREEMANEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Brody, Harry Cornelius, WilliamGrody, Bette Hurwich, David Martin,BUSINESS ASSOCIATESDayton Caple. Roland Richman, DavidSalzberg, Harry Topping.Night Editor: Bette HurwichAssistant: Hart WurzburgThe Integration ofThe UniversityThe student body of the Uni¬versity exhibits an almost be¬wildering variety of composi¬tion: it is recruited from everygeographical region and fromevery social class, and it repre¬sents a group of interests ex¬tending to nearly every conceiv¬able human activity. It is notwithout justice, then, that thequestion has been raised wheth¬er this conglomerate of Chica¬goans and Winnetkaites, Ala¬bamans and New Yorkers, phy¬sicists and biologists, and art¬ists and philosophers, this min¬iature melting-pot, may some¬how be integrated; whetherthese research men and foot¬ball players and debutanteshave any significant thing incommon, any tie besides thefact of residence upon one cam¬pus.But by definition, the task ofa university is to be the trainingground and the home of crea¬tive intellectual activity of ev¬ery sort; and it is in terms ofthis definition that the prob¬lem must be posed. It is not, asin society at large, a questionof achieving some sort of work¬ing democracy; this is probably,in a university, not too difficult,and requires far less consciouseffort. The question is of a farmore fundamental nature. Allthese people are gathered, as itwere, under one roof, for the ex¬plicit purpose of pursuing oneor another of the activitieswhich constitute human cul¬ture ; in a certain sense they areto be considered less as individ¬uals than as representatives andmembers of their chosen call¬ings. We must ask, therefore,what are the interrelationshipsamong these callings, these in¬ternational communities, o fwhich the departments on anyone campus are merely localbranches.The same problem, in a num¬ber of more specialized forms,has been presented with increas¬ing frequency in recent years.It has received particular at¬tention from scientists, particu¬larly physical scientists, andfrom the philosophers of sci¬ence. The sensationally rapid de¬velopment of physics during thelast 50-odd years, after a tem¬porary atmosphere of extremeoptimism, from which somephysicists, even to this day havenot recovered, was found tohave raised as many new ques¬tions as it answered old ones.The resultant soul-searching hastaken in part the form of deep¬er inquiry into the question of scientific methodology as awhole, and in part the form ofa “look around” by the practis¬ing scientists, after mahy dec¬ades spent in happy oblivionamong differential equationsand spectroscopes.From another side the samequestion has appeared: out ofsheer necessity new branches ofscience have come into being,such as biochemistry, biophysics,and chemical physics, whichrepresent in some sense eitherthe fusion of two or more fields,or the partial rupture of depart¬mental boundaries. Moreover,the sciences already in existencehave begun to borrow one an¬other’s methods and to draw up¬on one another for informationand cooperation. Finally, thephilosophers of science, havingby the development of formallogical symbolism, achieved acertain intellectual humility andfreed themselves from meta¬physics, have raised the ques¬tion of the fundamental iden¬tity of all scientific activity,the mutual reducibility of thevocabularies and guiding prin¬ciples of the different branches.Among the results have beenthe recent congresses devoted toa discussion of the unity ofscience, and a mass of literatureon the subject, which wouldprobably assay rather high asto significance.Again, the economic upheav¬als of recent years have stimu¬lated an increasing awarenessof the fact that science existsin society, not in a closed worldof its own, that science is ingood part dependent upon so¬ciety for its own security, andmay on the other hand havemuch to contribute toward thesolution o f social problems.Symptoms of this awarenesswere in evidence at the recentHarvard Tercentenary celebra¬tions, and have manifestedthemselves even more definite¬ly in the writings of such menas Hogben and Bridgman.Furthermore, a number ofwriters, mostly non-scientists,have within the past decadeasked, more or less explicitly,what function remains for thearts in an increasingly scientificworld. There is no space here totake up in detail the numerousfantastic misconceptions of thenature of science which many ofthis group have exhibited, norshall we discuss some of theequally fantastic conclusionswhich have been asserted. Whatis significant is the attitude ofquestioning, the fact of aware¬ness that the activities whichgo on in the laboratory mayhave repercussions of a funda¬mental nature in the studio.Our world lives in a period oftaking stock and asking aboutbasic values and principles; thisis no less true because some ap¬proach the task with a reluc¬tance amounting to horror, andothers seem to feel that knowl¬edge is most effectively wooedwith eyes screwed shut, earscarefully plugged, and handspiously twiddling prayer-wheelsor embracing ancestral totems.There was a time when univer¬sities occupied a position of un¬disputed intellectual leadershipand guidance in their communi¬ties. Now they have becometame cats; but they may per¬haps regain their ascendancyland find their rightful'place insociety if they will assume thetask of stock-taking, of analys¬ing and assessing the compo¬nents of what we call civilization.These components are all repre¬sented in the departments ofthe University; and we havetherefore the opportunity ofsetting up for ourselves a labor¬atory, as it were, for the studyof this problem of the unity ofculture, which in its importancefar transcends the part whichit plays in our lives as students.If the universities are capableof understanding themselves,they may one day, to a greaterdegree than ever before, leadand integrate the world.\ J. R. Our Glorious Past The Travelling BazaarThe Armistice Day service inthe Chapel Friday set itself thetask of glorifying the Universitymen killed in the war, and thewar-time University. From Uni¬versity bulletins and files wereconjured up visions of feverishactivity for the good of the Al¬lies. These were reports of lab¬oratories with facilities devotedto government service, of aspeech by vice-president Angellproudly stating that all effortsof the University were now benttoward efficient war work.Classes were dismissed Fridayso that all students might meetto honor the war-time dead ofthe University. It was a highand solemn occasion, and, likewell-trained and unquestioning-ly good little kindergartners,students dutifully faced Eastat 11, sighed for the boys whohad been sacrificed on thebloody altar of idealism, andheard speaker William T.Hutchinson relate a careful his¬torian’s account of the Univer¬sity during war years. In all thislong recital there was not anindication that this activitymight have been wrong, mighthave been futile even thoughthe University entered into itwith only the most noble ofmotives. No suggestion that asimilar conformity to all the de¬mands of war-time propagandashould be strictly avoided inany future crisis was advanced.Surely in a world where thepeace that the University mis-guidedly fought for is rapidlydisintegrating there is some¬thing to say more valuable thanthat in 1917 the editor of theDaily Maroon thought that thewar was a holy crusade. Ratherwe should hope to find in an all-University Armistice assemblysome indication that there is aUniversity speaker who hasconsidered the problem of thepreservation of peace and is in¬cautious enough to let the stu¬dents hear about it.If the University in the fu¬ture sponsors an Armistice Dayprogram, perhaps we cannothope to hear a positive anti-warpolicy proposed. At least weshould hear that we have learn¬ed enough from the past to keepthe University out of war par¬ticipation in the future. Anysituation other than invasionshould see the University insist-yig that there will be one freespot ih a world at war.Classified AdsROOM TO RENT—Larnre lijtht room in pri¬vate family: walking distance to school.Call Fairfax 8236.LOST—Woman’s Ometra Wrist watch on 59thstreet. Reward. Jane Frost, InternationalHouse. Homecoming Is Homecomingand boys will be boys and werealize that school spirit is a preciousthing to be preserved at all costs likea hothouse plant, but Victory Van¬ities was still Terrible.It was, with the exception of PiLambda Phi (bless their clever littlesouls), a tedious, unoriginal, stupid,smutty show in which fraternity mencheerfully revealed their ignorance ofanything other than Rialto-Freudiantactics. The poor joes weren’t evenclever about their dirty jokes, theycould at least learn that at the Uni¬versity. A few dumbcluck club girlsalso exposed themselves in the Thurs¬day tryouts as pretty empty-headedlittle chits. As dream dollies they ap¬parently know no other way to getthe attention of males aside fromburlesque show stuff. And we don’tonly mean Sigma either.To conclude this sour grape dia¬tribe, might we add that cutting downthe show to 4 fraternities and 2 clubsdefeated its own valiant purpose—theshow was obviously mediocre, and alot of people still didn’t get to see alot of other people they knew on thestage.In other words it was neither artnor funny nor good. Need we saymore?Even Mrs. Hutchinswas in nasty weekend mood. Itstarted with the Kelly hall Homecom¬ing decorations which consisted of apig (we’re rooting for you Chicago)and a few cold, scrawny chickenseveryone of them roosters who naive¬ly boasted “we’re laying for youPacific.’’ The porker escaped and ranfor refuge to the Hutchins’ ivory-tower bushes, pursued by 12 Kellyhall girls led by Thelma Iselman, aJapanese man from Int-House whoclaimed to be an authority on pigs,and an obscure fellow by the nameof Thompson.Alternate squeals were duetted bythe pig and the girls till finally Mrs.Hutchins in a red housecoat openedthe window and said coldly “Wouldyou mind doing that some placeelse?’’ We couldn’t disappoint you dearieThe Maroon’s just as big and as badas it always was.BERGQUIST.Today on theQuadranglesTea for Presbyterian students, DeanGilkey’s home, 3:30.Opera Hour, Reynolds Club, 3:30.Communist Club, Gert Giles, speak¬er, Law North 3:30,“M” German film, InternationalHouse, 8:30.ASU Labor Committee, Dick Feise,speaker, SS 106, 12:30.ASU Theatre Group Rehearsal,Reynolds Theatre, 7:30.Settlement Group, YW Room, IdaNoyes, 3:30.Religious Discussion with Dean Gil-key, Alumni Room, Ida Noyes, 4:30.Music Group, Ida Noyes, 8.I Dr. Hannat JoinsPsychiatric StaffReplacing Dr. Douglas Campbell.! Dr. Frances Hannat has been a moni-I ber of the psychiatric staff at Bill-j ings hospital since November 1. AtI present, a regular staff member for ayear, she will probably remain after{ Dr. Campbell’s return,j Dr. Hannat’s background includesinterneship, at the county hospital,I and association with the Illinois Ju-j venile Research and the Boston I’sy-I copathic Hospital. She comes to Bill-j ings following a year’s fellowship atI Northwestern and two years spent inI teaching and clinical work there.I Her work at the hospital is large¬ly in matters of student maladjust¬ment.I Duke Universityj School oi Medicinej Durham, N. C.Despite chilly reception the girlsstill had to bring home the bacon andso there was more giggling, andsquealing and rustling of the bushes.Final payoff came when the maid her¬self came out and said “I think you’remean and it isn’t at all funny andyou’ll probably put this in your oldMaroon.’’ Four tprms of Flevon wF^k« are KivFoeach jroar. Thwie may !>«• taken con-■ecutively (graduation in thrre and one-quarter yean) or three terms may betaken each year (graduation in fouryears). The entrance requirements areintelligence, character and three yearsof college work, including the suhiectuspecified for Class A medical schoolsCatalogues and application forms may beobtained from the Admission CommitteeReaders Campus Drug Store6 lit & ElUa At*.JOIN £1Mlwith the restMake the Campus100%Fifth RowCenter* « *By DAVID GRENEThere are actors’ plays and play¬wrights’ plays. Not that in any dra¬matic work the effect achieved is notthe result of a combination of author,director, and actor, but that which isdemanded of the actor is different inthe two categories. Last year, forinstance, Evans’ Falstaff showedjjreat knowledge of how to make thebest of the characterization of theShakespearian Falstaff and also howto give full value to the poetry. It isall too true that another actor lessintelligent and gifted than Evansmight have botched Falstaff, but avery satisfactory performance ofHenry IV can be given merely byintelligent readers. What one demandsof the actor in such great plays isreverent and intelligent interpreta¬tion; he himself must not enter on thetask of creation save in the capacityof servant of the playwright. Thefault of bad Shakespearian actorslies almost always not in what theydo not do, but in what they do. It istheir sins of commission, not omis¬sion, that count.But in such plays as “On BorrowedTime,” the actor’s part is not one ofinterpretation, nor is his acting onlyintelligent exegesis of the author’sdesign. He, the actor, is a necessary jpart of the author's design. Such |plays can only be written in very close 1cooperation with the actor who is to jpre.sent them or else they must begiven, after writing, to an unusually !imaginative and talented actor who is jabe t o supply his indispensable |fertilization of the playwright’s raw ^material. This is what Digges has jdone for “On Borrowed Time.” j« * • IA little boy and an old man, the jtwo ends of the scale of wisdom, the [two held together by their commonpower to see giants and feel magic,the one because his imagination is notyet fettered by experience, the otherbecause experience has ceased to trou¬ble the waters of his mind. The oldman, who would save his grandsonfrom the desolation of a “proper” up¬bringing by his aunt, finds that hispurpose will be frustrated by a pre¬mature visit from Brink, the modemadaptation of Ibsen’s “Button Moul¬der.” So in virtue of magic (thesource of which is unexplained) hetrees Death, the mysterious Brink,and refuses to let him come downuntil circumstances force poor old jCramps to wish for Death, both forhimself and his beloved grandchild.And after that the dramatist makeshis one horrible error. The last sceneshould conclude with Death stretch¬ing his hand over the old man and theboy as they go on their last journeywith him. Instead we are treated toa three-minute survey of the delightsand comedy of the Life Beyond. Itis really too bad.In all conscience, this is a flimsyenough structure with which to con¬jure up the serious emotions. In playslike “Death Takes a Holiday” and“Berkeley Square” there have beenother efforts, mostly unsuccessful, itseems to me, to combine naturalismwith fantasy. But this one succeedsand it succeeds simply because of theexcellence of Digges. In scene afterscene, with no screwing-up of thepegs of the histrionic instrument,Digges always suggests the serious,and the pathetic, which lie behind thegracious and gentle little fantasy heenacts. He is humorous, tragic andeven—greatest of achievements in.such a mixed allegory—eerie at times.He never misses a trick; he neverfails to give the fullest, subtlest valueto every situation, gesture, wink ofthe eyelid. And all of this with nostraining, with not a trace of over¬acting, —which would have been pain¬fully easy—all done by a thoroughknowledge of the details of his joband his expert sense of craftsman¬ship. It is true that every member ofthe cast responded nobly to his lead¬ership. The boy and Nellie were bothadmirable. Brink is a little puzzling in THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1938his unembarrassed, somewhat color¬less rendering of his difficult role, butat the end I decided that perhaps hisinterpretation was as good as could begiven. Demetria, the Sheriff, andGiles are stalwart supporters for afine performance. And thanks to JoMielziner for at least one splendid set—the apple tree!* • ♦It is not often that the reviewergets an opportunity to comment on areally first class performance by anactor. Good actors have always beenfew, and now with Hollywood substi¬tuting personality-exchange for theactor’s presentation of a character,the good actors are fewer still. Diggesis undoubtedly one of them.If you want to know the value forthe actor of fine training combinedwith brains and delicacy of executionyou cannot do better than see “OnBorrowed Time.”Gilvert Club HearsCooney on CatholicPress in SpainJames B. Cooney, columnist forthe New World, will speak on “TheCatholic Press and Spain” at the firstregular meeting of the Calvert Clubtoday. The lecture, followed by a tea,will be given in the library of IdaNoyes Hall, from 4:30 to 6, and isopen to all those interested. Cooneywill discuss the Catholic press gen¬erally, but particularly with refer¬ence to the Spanish situation.The first of the weekly round tablediscussions will open tomorrow ledby Dr. Herbert Ratner. This seriesof discussions will center aroundChristian marriage.Activities for the week will beclimaxed Sunday night with a har¬vest party at Ida Noyes Library from7-10. The party is open to membersand all other Catholic students whomay desire to meet members of theclub. Freshmen students who wishto become better acquainted are par¬ticularly urged to attend. Franck Works onPhoto-Synthesis;Plans New CourseNobel Prize Winner Con¬ducts Research in In¬tegrated Sciences.James Franck, professor of Physicsand most recent addition to the Uni¬versity’s faculty, at present is doingresearch on photo-synthesis. Duringthe Winter Quarter he will presenta course on “The Physical Back¬ground of Photo-Chemistry.”Under the Samuel Fels Founda¬tion of Philadelphia, Dr. Franck con¬ducts his research in three fields ofscience, chemistry, biology, and phys¬ics. He feels that the integration ofthose three departments is betterhere than at John Hopkins Univer¬sity at Baltimore, where he taughtfor three years until coming to theUniversity on October 1.While professor of Atomic Physicsat the University of Gottingen inGermany he was awarded the NobelPrize for Physics in 1926, because ofhis research on the energy inter¬change between electrons and mole¬cules. Following this, Franck pio¬neered the field of sensitized photo¬chemical processes, which led him in¬to biology and the problems of cellmetabolism in relation to the actionof light on atoms and molecules.Stone DiscussesElections at SmokerRaleigh W. Stone, associate pro¬fessor of Industrial Relations in theSchool of Business, will discuss theinfluence of recent election returnson industrial relations at 8 tonightin Haskell Commons. The smoker anddiscussion are being sponsored byDelta Sigma Pi, Business School fra¬ternity. All interested men are in¬vited to attend. Rover Boys FindWhat BohemiaThinks of SexThe Rover Boys in a Den of Iniq¬uity. Yes, no less when members ofthe University Debate Union went tospeak at a meeting of the Artists andWriters Club on the second floor ofRiccardo’s at 437 N. Rush street. Thesubject of the debate was “Are^Modern Conditions Destroying Mar-I riage ?”Discussion from the floor beganeven before the speakers reached theplatform. Interruptions continued allduring the debate. A Dr. Edwin Clas-by read excerpts from his book on“The Single, the Engaged, and theMarried,” and a 72 year old littlegrey haired woman entertained atlength with her reminiscences.The meeting was held in the middleof Chicago’s Bohemia, with nudes andmodern paintings, hanging on all thewalls and an aura of free love in theair.After almost two and a half hoursof discussion centering about sex themeeting adjourned. Most of the mem¬bers of Debate Union left, but a fewwent on a studio tour. They visitedstudios, say they, which were uniformin having deep pile carpets and largedivans. And every time they sat downthey found themselves surrounded byfemininity.Escaping chaste but shaken, thosewho had remained arrived home earlyMonday morning.SECRETARIAL CAREERSfor University PeopleComplete Secreterlel . 6 monthsStenography .... 4 months^ free placement and Vocational^ Analyeit Report to graduates.^ A modern shorthand system —^ more efficient-easily mastered.^ Start Monday —Day or Evening.^ Visit, phone, or write today:Institute of Modern Business225 North Wabash • Randolph 6927 Page 3Betty Ann EvansWins ASU RiceGuessing ContestUsing the “pure intuition” methodas opposed to the “mathematical cal¬culation” method, Betty Ann Evanswon a copy of Andre Malraux’s“Man’s Fate” in the American Stu¬dent Union Rice Guessing Contestlast week. Betty Ann, Sigma clubmember, last year’s beauty queen, andwell known DA actress, surmised thatthere were 16,500 grains of rice in thebowl. She came within 37 of the cor¬rect number of grains and will re¬ceive the book today on her birthday.The rice guessing contest was apublicity stunt for the China StudentAid breakfast held Friday morningfrom seven to nine. The ASU pre¬sented the Far Eastern Student Serv¬ice Fund with $17.50, which were theprofits of the breakfast.Tyler Speaks ToniteRalph W. Tyler, chairman of theDepartment of Education, will beguest-of-honor at the opening meet¬ing of the Parents’ Association ofthe Laboratory Schools in Hutchin¬son Commons tonight at 8:30. He willdiscuss policies of the department ofEducation in relation to those of theLaboratory Schools.4 MONTH INTENSIVE COURSEFOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND GRADUATESA thorough, intensive, stenographic course—starting January 1, April 1, July 1, ^tober 1.Interesting Booklet sent free, without obligation—write or phone. No solicitors employed.moserBUSINESS COLLEGEPAUL MOSER, J.D.,PH.B.Regular Courses for Beginners, open to HighSchool Graduates only, start first Mondayof each month. Advanced Courses startany Monday. Day and Evening. EveningCourses open to men.116 S. Michigan Av«., Chicago, Randolph 4347NEXT FRIDAYGet a Date forCHICAGO'S OwnCOLLEGE NIGHTat theEdgewater Beach HotelFridayNOVEMBER 18thGet Your HALF RATE TICKETS ai the Iniormaiion Desk in the PressBuilding or the Daily Maroon OlliceComplete Details in Tomorrow's Daily MaroonIMY COU*®®team IM AMERICAteam any day in the «cek.hingtonRedskins^<»l>ER FOOTBAUt..The (WatWneto^R^’ ° ^er an,►th. " “ r?o^“ ^y can heat awcflt of box office, to pru. Georte Preston Marshall. Pres^ined) George rr g|PRO footsAl CQ •• “WHACKY BLONDES BELONG IN THEBRIG!’* Captain Martin was thinking of Lauraand Dorrit, who memorized sea laws and used them toadvantage. Read about one they overlooked, in Moon ofEamiriJlada, by Frank Bunce.ALSOP A KINTNER’S LATEST CHAPTER ON NEW DEAL^ERS IN ACTION# In We Shall Make America Over, theyshow you how laws really get bom today, from brain-trustmeeting to final fireside chat. COLOR PICTURES OF HENRY FORD’S 19TH CENTURYVILLAGE. At Dearborn, Henry Ford has recaptured earlyAmerica, preserves it as national parks do buffalo and grizzly.Grandpa Town, illustrated with natural-color photographs,shows you what it’s like.AND... A new short story by FANNIE HURST, Mammaand Papa ... HOLLYWOOD’S BIGGEST HEADACHE.See Copyright, 1938, by--... Short stories, serials, edito¬rials, fun and cartoons. All in this week’s Post.Fuqua Writes onStagg in PulseOut ThursdayThe third issue of Pulse, outThursday, contains a story aboutAmos Alonzo Stagg by Nels Fuqua,a reminiscence in which he paints the“Grand Old Man’’ in intimate col¬ors. It is a characterization by aman who knew him well.There will also be a survey of thelaboratories of the University, andof the functions which they perform.The Senior women come to the forein pictures taken by both the studiophotographer, and the candid cam¬eraman.Pulse will again have its monthlysales contest among the clubs. Thewinning club will receive five dol¬lars in due bills. Each club may berepresented by five of its members.Copies of Pulse may be obtained inthe Pulse office after 7:30 on Thurs¬day. Last month’s winner was Ar¬rian Club.YWCA CompletesDrive Preparations' The YWCA has completed prepara¬tions for its finance drive which willcontinue throughout this week. Largethermometers in Cobb and MandelHalls will show the rise of the“money mercury,’’ and by the end ofweek, it is hoped that the $125 markwill be reached. The yellow side ofthe mercury indicates the progress ofthe team headed by Pat Shrack, andthe blue column shows the amount ofpledges made by Marjorie Gintz’team.Marjorie Kuh, chairman of theDrive, has announced that a meetingof the two teams will be held tomor¬row at 4:30 in the YWCA room in IdaNoyes Hall. At that time the leadersand workers in the teams will reporton their progress.Renaissance—(Continued from page 1)I don’t mention the names of thepainters because no one ever heardof them but they are to be taken asfairly good eclectic painters of thetime with a popular appeal. AlfredStevens (the girl in black on a redsofa) is technically a fine painterwithout much inspiration, but shouldnot rank too far behind the Dutchwhom we could also condemn if wewished.It is well to remember when speak¬ing of a period like this that men likePissaro, Manet and Cezanne were al¬ready at work, and that the peoplein this exhibit were doing indiffer¬ently what had earlier Wn donebetter. It is necessary to separate thebest “Moderns” of any cycle, for assure as the aesthetic of today has itsroots in the early Greek, Egyptian,and the primitive it will go its way;and such pictures as are on exhibitat the Renaissance Society’s exhibit,or their superior prototypes, may bethe basis for a future “revolt” in thearts.I still like Picasso and Matisse.Ex-Student WinsOpera ContestWinner of the Chicago EveningAmerican’s opera contest, finals ofwhich were held last week, was Hen¬rietta Feingold, a graduate of theUniversity’s Music department in1936.Miss Feingold, who will sing underthe name of Henrietta Chase, won, asfirst prize, a contract with the Chi¬cago City Opera Company. toukM ifOU/L /ImJU ? Aa AHOWWMlt ^B Ahvoyt Mghtsee THIS weeK*s postpagm39... orfmr fAese Sric^ims/usiEAsnonu?ONLY ONE WOMAN in this quiet, innocent English villagescented murder—-cold-blooded, cunning murder. “It*svery easy to kill,’- she told Luke Fitzwilliam, “if no one sus¬pects you.- But before she could name the killer, she, too,was struck down. And Luke, just back from police duty inthe Straits Setdements, found himself facing a new kind ofmenace—“accidental” death...You’ll find the first installmentof this mystery thriller on page 5 of your Post.Begin “EASY TO KILL”.../! New Mystery NovelAGATHA CHRISTIEPage 4 THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1938THE DAILY MAROON• - XCShacka. f«UM! SPORTSi iiwiiii