i.t ■ '■£: 'i',-'-, ’■. • ' “ ■They FindFactsDuring what part of the night issleep soundest? Because an individ¬ual is hardest to awake and movesleast during the first hours of slumber,it is popularly believed that thedeepest sleep comes before midnight,or in the first half of the night.However, there is evidence thatthe soundest sleep comes toward theend of the night. During the sixth andseventh hours of sleep the pulse islowest, indicating that the musclesare most relaxed, and there is verylittle secretion of sweat on the palms,showing that mental activity is at aminimum.As a matter of fact, the question ofwhen sleep is the soundest cannot beanswered. It cannot be said that sleepis deeper at one time than at another.Instead, different phases of the func¬tion of resting the body occur at dif¬ferent times of the night, and eachis as necessary as the other in thenormal human sleep. IcHARLIE CHflPLIN, "The Adventurer> andBD BARTHELMESS - - BARBARA KENTbrHE DROP KICK”Two Choice Film Revivals 8:00 KENTVol. 39, No. 25 Z-149 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1938 Price Three CentsThe study of the depth of sleep ispart of the work that has been going(.n for years under the direction ofNathaniel Kleitman, secretary of thePhysiology department.Klcitman’s work centers around theproposition that man lives accordingto a regular cycle, and that sleep isjust one natural phase of this cycle.This cycle, or rhythm of alternatesleep and wakefulness is not presentin infants, who normally sleep about20 hours a day, but is formed as thechild grows and adapts himself to aregular program, baaed, naturally ona 24-hour day.So pronounced is .this regular Elect AmericanRepresentatives toInt-House CouncilSix Candidates ObtainPositions in UnusuallyLarge Student Vote. Gay ^9(^8 LiveAgain in StudeiPublicity StuntNathaniel Kleitmanrhythm of living that body temper¬ature also rises and falls in a regularcycle, being lowest during sleep, ris¬ing until early afternoon, and thendeclining during the rest of the day.Since Kleitman has demonstratedthat efficiency is highest when bodytemperature is highest, an individualwouhl do wtdl to adapt himself to do¬ing his most difficult work in theearly afternoon and performing rou¬tine tasks when body temperature islowest. It is also true that regularhabits of sleep tend to increase effi¬ciency in general.To see if the temperature cyclewould persist even when a man goeswithout sleep, Kleitman stayed awakealmost five days. He found that hewas most sleepy in the evenings, andmost able to do both muscular andmental tasks in the afternoon as isnormal in the cycle. In order to stayawake long hours Kleitman found thatthe muscular activity was necessary,.\lthough this diurnal rhythm, asthe 24 hour temperature cycle iscalled, is a very fundamental part ofour daily lives, Kleitman has shownthat it can be changed.First in the laboratory, and then ina widely publicized experiment in•Mammoth Cave, where conditions ofuniform temperature, light, and quietprevailed, he and his associates, withvarying degrees of success, tried tondapt themselves to a 28-hour day.M hile some men were able to adaptthemselves to the longer day easily,some did it only with difficulty, andsome were entirely unsuccessful. Thisshowed that the normal temperaturecycle can be changed, and it also in¬dicated that sleep is a highly in¬dividual phenomenon. After one of the most campaignedelections in International House his¬tory, International House Americanslast night settled down to elect theirsix delegates Charles De Pew, Rich¬ard Kunkel, Laura Bergquist, LowellOswald, Josephine Hubbard and Mar¬tha McLane as representatives to theStudent Council this year.One hundred and ninety-three bal¬lots were cast in the eLction, one ofthe largest votes ever cast by theAmerican delegation heretofore ac¬cused of non-interest in House affairs.Reason for the record turnout wasattributed partially to the fact thatthe number of American representa¬tives had been raised from three tosix this year in an effort to interestmore students in the Council. In ad¬dition, issues were at stake, the causefor several factions which had beenbrewing ever since Sunday nightnominations. Some candidates aimedmerely to give International House abetter reputation than it had enjoyedin the past year, others were con¬cerned with restoration of StudentCouncil powers, limited this year toadvising the director in social and in¬tellectual matters. Still another partybelieved that the Council had no rightto advise the Director in minute mat¬ters as it did last year stating that“The Council could thus easily bepacked w’ith prejudiced persons.” Con¬sequently they advocated leaving tothe discretion of the Director all mat¬ters pertaining to House policy, in ad¬dition to decisions on membership ad¬missions to the House.Foreign student delegates have already been elected and the new Council will begin duties immediately. Shades of the gay ’90’s! At noonin the Circle today, a few brave soulswho were crossing the Quadranglesand bucking the wintry winds, saw asight which warmed the cockles oftheir hearts.Gaily pedalling a couple of tandems,four strange characters garbed ingrandpappy’s and grandmammy’s tailcoat and bustle, rode round andround, shedding an essence of springinto the bitter air. Carrying Chicagopennants, and fairly reeking of thecollege spirit which (so we hear) per¬vaded the campus in the early Staggera, the Mae Wests and Steve Brodiesflashed smiles at the cameras grindingall ’round and continued on their mer¬ry way.Penetrating beneath the disguises,a reporter discovered that the strangecreatures of yesteryear were noneother than Margie Kuh, Betty JaneNelson, Phil Schnering, and JackBonniwell. Bill Webbe, perpetrator ofthe scheme, and Student Social Com¬mittee czar, claimed that the idea wasto erase the unfavorable opinion thatoutsiders have of the University. Johnny Hamp’s Orchestra PlaysFor Interfraternity Ball in GoldRoom of Congress HotelGreeks’ RhythmJOHNNY HAMPUniversity WomenElect ChetandBill Murphy Homecoming KingsQueen Jean Peterson,Kings Receive Crown atFriday Rally.Campus GroupsMeet to AidForeigu RefugeesAlthough studies of the effects ofcoffee and alcohol on sleeping havebeen made, no general conclusionshave been reached because of thegreat many individual variations.However, it has been shown that cof¬fee does not necessarily prevent sleepfor some people.Large quantities of alcohol producea more obvious effect on sleep. Anindividual who has consumed a largeamount of alcoholic beverages is usu¬ally very hard to awaken, and alsomoves very little while sleeping.However, the particular benefits and[disadvantages of this abnormal sleepire still unknown.By JOHN STEVENS. Representatives of most organiza¬tions on campus will meet a weekfrom today to form a permanent Re¬fugee Aid Committee to send fundsto China, Spain and help other Eur¬opean political refugees. The meetingwill be at 3:30 in Ida Noyes Library.The temporary organizing commit¬tee composed of members of theChinese Student Organization, Avu-kah, ASU and the YWCA, with PattyQuisenberry as chairman and RitaMayer as secretary, has sent lettersto all student organizations askingthem to participate and send delegatesto the meeting.Faculty Members Give SupportMembers of the faculty now spon¬soring the organization committeeare Dean Charles W. Gilkey, PaulDouglas, Dean C. H. Faust, Mary B.Gilson, Robert Giffen, and Jerome G.Kerwin.An investigation has been made ofthe most reliable agencies distributingmoney, food, and medical supplies.The affiliated organizations will beable to raise funds along the lines oftheir special interests and choose theagencies to which they wish to con¬tribute. They can see Rita Mayer,908 East 66 street, for further in¬formation. University women yesterday elect¬ed Bill and Chet Murphy, previouslyknown only as the Big Ten doubleschamps, to the joint rank of Home¬coming Kings. The twin kings willreign over the festival, together withJean Peterson, Homecoming Queen.Coronation ceremonies are scheduledto take place at the bonfire rally, Fri¬day night at 7:30.A royal court, composed of clubgirls elected by Iron Mask, will sup¬port the regency, and will aid in thejudging of the fraternity house decor¬ations, a task which this year hasbeen alloted the Homecoming Kingsand Queen.In the pre-game automobile paradea chronicle of previous women’s fash¬ions will be exhibited by club girlson tandem bicycles and flivvers.Secured Strip-Tease DancerIn line with the Stagg-Shag Home¬coming dance, Fred Linden, presidentof that organization, announced yes¬ terday that a strip-tease burlesquedancer has finally been selected andwill appear in the floor show of theStagg-Shag Homecoming dance.For several weeks members of IronMask have been touring Chicago’shot-spots in an effort to select adancer. According to Bud Linden thepurpose of such an act is “to avoidthe moral issue for the week-end.”Plans for the affair include typical“rah-rah” college boy decorations.The dance will begin at 9:30 Fridayand will be held in Ida Noyes. Leaders for Ball As YetUnselected; May ChangeTradition.Honor War DeadFriday; AlumniPresent PlaqueFreshmen CompletePlans forRally TomorrowWith the slogan “It’s an EducationIn Itself” emblazoned on its collectiveshield the freshman class has formu¬lated complete plans to assure the“perfectly peachiness” of the daywhich they are holding tomorrow.Freshmen will obtain special Ma-on badges tomorrow morning at Hold Service in Chapel; IDismiss Cl asses at 11Because of Ceremony. Johnny Hamp and his orchestra,straight from a long engagement atthe Rainbow Grill atop Radio City,will play for tne Interfraternity Ballon Thanksgiving eve, the Interfrater¬nity Committee announced yesterday.The Gold Room of the Congress hasagain been selected for the Ball, andthe bids will be $2 a piece.Traditionally, the president and sec¬retary of the Interfraternity Commit¬tee select partners from the big ac¬tivities women on campus to lead thetwo wings of the grand march at theBall. This year Hart Perry is presi¬dent and Roger Nielson is secretaryof the Committee. However nothinghas been decided yet, and ,accordingto one member of the Committee, itis possible that the InterfraternityCouncil may decide to alter the pro¬cedure this year.Hamp’s 13 man orchestra is notedfor its smooth dance rhythms andits many specialty acts. One of thefeatured artists with the orchestra isJane Whitley, well known songstress.Orchestra Is Well KnownHamp's orchestra has made manynetwork broadcasts, phonograph re¬cordings, and personal appearancesin some of the country’s leadinghotels and night clubs. It is knownin Chicago from appearances at theEdgewater Beach hotel, Drake. Con¬gress, The Hangar, and the Black-hawk.Among other spots played byJohnny Hamp and his orchestra in thepast few' seasons are the CocoanutGrove, Ambassador hotel, Los Ang.:-les; Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans;Schroeder hotel, Milwaukee; and theAmbassador, Atlantic City.There was some difficulty in get¬ting an orchestra for the Ball, andat one time the situation was soblack that the Interfraternity Com¬mittee postponed the Ball until Jan¬uary. However, the I-F ^ Council con¬vened to discuss the matter and setit again at the original date, andthe Committee secured the servicesof a satisfactory band.spots to be designated in The DailyMaroon, which is also devoting a spe¬cial section of its pages on that dayto the activity. At noon a feminine Armistice Day will be observed atthe University in a special service inRockefeller Memorial Chapel Friday.A plaque honoring the war dead ofthe University will be dedicated at11, President Robert M. Hutchins an¬nounced yesterday. All Universityclasses will be dismissed for the cere¬mony.The bronze plaque, listing the 64University students and alumni whodied in the World War, is the gift ofthe class of 1918. It will be presentedby Arthur A. Baer, chairman of theclass gift committee. The tablet isdedicated “in grateful memory of themen of The University of Chicago whogave their lives in the World War,1914-1918.”Academic ProcessionIn the academic procession, from ASU Raises FundsTo Aid ChineseStudent Relieftug-of-war, and greased pig race will Noyes Hall to the Chapel whichfeature a “pep session in the Circle; s^pens the ceremony, will march sevenCompile Who’s WhoFor Gates HallAs part of its new social program.Gates Hall is compiling a “Gates HallW'ho’s Who.” Under the supervisionof Bernice Blum, questionnaires havebeen distributed to each girl, askingfor her past activities and her futureplans, as well as her hobbies, dislikesand favorites. The final result, with apage for a photograph of each girl,will be bound into a volume.This volume will be placed in thelounge where it will be available at alltimes. It is hoped that by this meansand through other social functions theresidents of Gates Hall will be moreclosely bound together. while the 99 minutes from three thir¬ty on in Mandel Hall will consist ofeverything from exhibitions andstring music to personalities andswing music.The evening program, which willtake place in Ida Noyes at 6, consistsof supper, skating, dancing, and gen¬eral entertainment. Tickets for thisevent which are rapidly disappearingat 40 cents apiece, may be bought byany freshman.ELECTION RETURNSAt press time last night the As¬sociated Press gave the followingfigures for the Professorial candi¬dates : For U. S. Congressman-at-'Large 276 out of 8315 precincts T. V.Smith was running fourth with 37,-951 votes, 9000 behind the leader. Day.For State Senator figures were toofragmentary for compilation, howevera radio report gave James WeberLinn a lead. war-time members of the Germanarmy, one member of the Austrianarmy, with many of their 275 Ameri¬can colleagues of the faculty who werein the A.E.F., and other armed andcivilian forces of the United States.Former members of the French, Cana¬dian, Australian, and White Russianforces, and representatives of the 22Chicagoans on the Board of Trusteeswith war service also will participatein the procession.Commander Harold Dodd will repre¬sent Rear Admiral Haynes Ellis, Com¬mandant of the Ninth Naval Districtat the service, and representatives ofthe Army and» National Guard will bepresent.William T. Hutchinson, associateprofessor of American History, willgive the address at the service. Presi¬dent Hutchins will accept the tabletfor the University. The Reverend Dr.Charles W. Gilkey, Dean of the Chap¬el; Mme. Ck’^'e Dux, and the Univer¬sity Choir a J will take part in theservice. Imagine Bertrand Russell lectur¬ing on “Power” in a damp, cold, torchlit cave, instead of in steam heatedMandel Hall? Think of taking a com¬prehensive in Bartlett while the Uni¬versity was being subjected to an airbombardment. Well, university stu¬dents in China go through verysimilar, if not more harrowing ex¬periences, in order to gain their col¬lege education.American students are raising$50,000 in order to insure trainedleadership for China’s future recon¬struction. On Friday morning, fromseven to nine, the American StudentUnion will begin the drive on theUniversity campus. The Coffee Shopwill offer a bowl of boiled rice and acup of tea or coffee for 25 cents. TheASU will receive 20 out of every 25cents for the Far Eastern StudentService Fund as the University’s con¬tribution to the rehabilitation ofChina’s educational facilities.Sharp Speaks onSociety and LawquarterSchool,Inaugurating the Autumnlecture series of the LawProfessor Malcolm Sharp speaks to¬day on “Society and the Law. Punish¬ment, Damages, and the Protection ofProperty” at 4:30 in Law North.Other topics in these series of“Society and the Law” include a lec¬ture, November 16 on “Legal Changeand Social Rights” and one Novem¬ber 30 on “Industrial Managementin Law.”Vtr-jr-. ^irr 7 if "•» w - T*.'VywnwV'?7"?;,"y,’*;7r'JU^'’T!;^’^''*1 ''Paare Two THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1938®i{e patlgjMaroonFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATEPRESSTh« Daily Maroon ii the official studentnewspaper of the University of Chicago,published mornings except Saturday, Sun¬day and Monday during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The DaiiyMaroon Company, S831 University avenue.Telephones: Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.After 6:80 phone in stories to ourprinters. The Chief Printing Company,1920 Monterey avenue. Telephone Cedar-erest 8810.The University of Chicago assumes noresponsibility for any statements appear¬ing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con-tract entered into by The Daily Maroon.The Daily Maroon expressly reservesthe rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper. Subscriptionrates: IS a year; $4 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March18, 1903, at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.RCPRESENTCD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISINO BYNational Advertising Service, Inc.College Publishers Representative420 Madison AvE. New York. N. Y.Chicago ' Boston * Los ansiles - San FnanciscoBOARD OF CONTROLEditorial StaffLAURA BERGQUISTMAXINE BIESENTHALEMMETT DEADMAN, ChairmanSEYMOUR MILLERADELE ROSEBusiness StaffEDWIN BERGMANMAX FREEMANEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Brody, Harry Cornelius, WilliamGrody, Bette Hurwich, David Martin,Alice Meyer. Robert SedlakBUSINESS ASSOCIATESDayton Caple. Richard Glasser, DavidSalzberg, Harry Topping.Night Editor: Pearl RubinsAssistant: David GottliebPrice DefeatsPrice's ProgramLast summer the constitutionof the International House Stu¬dent Council was changed intoa constitution to end all StudentCouncils. Powers of the Councilwere limited to advising the Di¬rector on matters pertaining tothe social and intellectual activ¬ities of the House.James Wellard is in charge ofintellectual activities at Inter¬national House. Margaret Peaseis in charge of social activities.Cooperating with Director Ern¬est Price they have worked outa highly satisfactory social andintellectual program. For therest of the year the newly elect¬ed student council members canjust sit back and relax. Every¬thing that they have any au¬thority to deal with is undercontrol.Now this wouldn’t be terriblyimportant if everyone who livedat the House was like the ma¬jority of the American mem¬bers. All that they want is apleasant hotel with good foodand ample opportunity to feelsuperior. The less the StudentCouncil interferes with thesmooth ordering of their lives,the better for them.But to the foreign students,to some of the Americans, andsurely to Director Price, Inter¬national House means more.The ideals of international am¬ity are vague and dream-like,but there they are at the backof the Director’s mind. The wayhe has chosen to express themis by limiting the powers of theStudent Council, by requiringall requests of the Board ofGovernors to come through him,by, in fact, eliminating allchecks on the activities of theadministrative officers.It will be a losing battle tointerest residents fully in theprogram of the House until theyshow some concern for the poli¬cies of the House. The easiestway to stop all discussion ofHouse policies is to make thevery move that Price hasmade;—to tell the StudentCouncil that all this is none oftheir business.Council members insist thatthere is no coercion in the Stu¬dent Council. Price grows furi¬ous at the suggestion thatthere is any attempt to squelchfreedom of expression. Perhapsin the face of this he can ex¬plain why he suggested to theformer Council that a discus¬sion of the rejection of PurnellBenson’s membership applica¬tion did not fall under the juris¬diction of the Council, why hehas refused to discuss the re¬jection of the application of P.Titus.rice is entirely sincere in Today on theQuadranglesWAA Fall Luncheon, 12 to 1, Clois¬ter Club.ASU Cooperatives, 12:30. SocialScience 106.University Child Study Group, 1:30to 3, YWCA Room, Ida Noyes.Skull and Crescent Meeting, 3 to 6,Reynolds Club Theatre.YWCA Photography Club, 3:30,Room B, Ida Noyes.Achoth. Ida Noyes, 3:30.Chapel Union Meeting, 3:30, IdaNoyes.Public Lecture, “Society and theLaw—Punishment, Damages, and theProtection of Property.” AssociateProfessor Sharp. 4:30, Law North.Zoology Club Meeting. Zoology 14,4:30. “Analytical Population Studiesin Relation to General Ecology.” Dr.Park.Christian Youth League Meeting5 to 5:30, Room A. Ida Noyes.ASU Theatre. 6, Reynolds ClubTheatre.Election Meeting Spanish Club, 7:30Ida Noyes.Discussion, Professor Knight—Mr,Luner, “The Theory of the InterestRate.” 7:30, Ida Noyes Library.Folk Dancing, Dames Club, 7:30,Ida Noyes Theatre.Professor SaysStudents HereLack InterestStocky Oskar Lange, newly-appoint-ed assistant professor in the depart¬ment of Economics, is disappointed inthe attitude of his Economics studentsand believes that at the Universityof California a more genuine, livelyinterest in the subject is displayed.“Preparation is better here,” hesaid in a liquid Polish accent, “butstudents at the state university whereI taught were not only interested inclassroom economics but also in otherproblems influencing their economiclives.”Taught at CracowOriginally a professor of statisticsat the University of Cracow in Po¬land, the socialist professor tired ofEuropean school conservatism and de¬cided to come to America. Last yearhe taught at California and assumedhis present position this autumn.Of present day problems, he saysin a dogmatic voice, “The real solu¬tion to our economic ills will comewhen we have adopted a modifiedform of state socialism,”Lange has only a second hand ac¬count of President Hutchins’ viewson modern education, agrees withthem in part but says that his pro¬posed curriculums neglect a study ofmodern problems. “Old classics bythemselves are insufficient educa¬tion,” he asserts. There are so many persons floatingabout campus and there is so littletime to digest all the twaddle aboutthem, that we’ve finally decided tocompile a neat little Card Cataloguefor the Bewildered — your ownpersonal Encyclopedia of CampusPersonalities, to explain minutelywho fits where and why.Exhibit number 1Preachers’ Kids Adrift in the BigCity — Mary Adele Crosby, GrantAdams, Emmett Deadman.Joy Boys — Jimmie Melville, ChuckZerler, Harry Snodgrass, Louis Mil-.ler. Ex-joy boy crowd — Wilber Jer-ger. Hank Cutter (he runs a roominghouse),Joy Girls — Charlotte Ely, BettyFranks, Betty Clarke.F'raternity-Club fanatics — BobJones, Blanche Graver, Hal Miles,Ruth Steele.Champions of non-fraternity boy¬hood — George Probst, Bill Speck,Jack Conway.Int-House opera-going, football bet¬ting, bridge playing, office running,dinner club — Bernie and JerryMoritz, Ed Stern, Bj Shroder, TomCheckley, Jean Musham.Tolerantly Amused at Undergrad¬uate Life — Bill McNeill, Tom Stauf¬fer, George McElroy, Christine Pal¬mer.I Pink-cheeked Innocence — Joe Mol-; kup. Bob Merriam, Pattie Wolfhope,Bubbles MacLennan,No Gush-Gush Girl She — EmmieHecht.Get Out of The Coffee Shop — BenStevenson and retinue.F 1 a t-hipped microscopic-waisted,stoop-shouldered, long-haired smooth¬ies — Jo Taylor, Kay Stevenson, Don¬na Culliton.Perpetual Powers behind theThrones — Charlie Greenleaf, NelsFuqua, Harry Swanson, Wallie Solf.Who Winds Them Up? — DottieOverlock, Johnny Van De Water.Typical campus tea — Giggle, Gab¬ble, Gurgle, Gobble — Git.No Superman He — Hart Perry.Living on Borrowed Reputation —Jimmie Anderson.Girls with a Purpose — PattieQuisenberry, Audrey Neff, EvelynPlatt, Margaret Merrifield,Girl Without a Purpose — MarileeNims.Little Caesars — Roger Nielsen,Will Rogers, Phil Schnering, PaulFischer.A Humble Freshman — ChesterHand, child phenomenon.Big Shot Conscious — Bill Welter.They are Efficient — Mary JaneMetcalfe, Doris Gentzler, Betty Ahl-quist, Betty Mitchell.So Dumb, So Sweet — Johnny Ma¬honey.Most Unlikely To Succeed — We’llnever tell.Prima Donnas Lend PrestigeTo Newly Formed O pera HourBy VIRGINIA BROWNThe Opera Hour, an innovation incampus activities, has been fortunatein having as its guests various dis¬tinguished members of the ChicagoCity Opera Company. Yesterday El¬len Dosia, Eleanor La Mance, andGalliano Masini accompanied Mrs.Jason F. Whitney, wife of the pres¬ident of the Opera Company on avisit to the Quadrangles.Madame Dosia, vibrant, petite,colorful soprano who will appear inthe leading role in Tosca this evening,was quite the antithesis of the aver¬age conception of a prima donna.With a charming accent she declaredthat she liked Chicago, “yes vereemuch,” and that her favorite role wasManon.La Mance Praises HourMiss La Mance, well known Wag¬nerian contralto, is that comparativehis program of making theHouse more nearly like theideal which inspired it. He be¬lieves that this program mustdepend for support on a calmlycooperative Council which willquestion none of his actions.That is not the way progressis made, Mr. Price. (]}ive theStudent Council members pow¬er to advise on House policiesand residents will take it onthemselves to carry out thosepolicies. An innocuous and help¬less Student Council’will meannothing but a lethargic House,and a complete defeat of theInternational House program. rarity, an American prima donna. Be¬tween translating the conversationbetween Signor Masini and his inter¬ested audience, and telling of his per¬formance in Tosca, she had little timeto answer questions about herself.Miss La Mance thinks that the OperaHour provides an unusual opportu¬nity both for the students and forthe singers. She said that she feltprivileged in being able to come tothis informal gathering and to meetthe students.Signor Masini is one of the mostcolorful singers in the Opera’s per¬sonnel. Last season, his performancein Tosca brought so extraordinary anamount of applause that he wascompelled to repeat an aria, the firsttime that anything of this sort hashappened in the history of the Chi¬cago City Opera.Talley Discusses PucciniIn addition, Howard Talley gave abrief introduction to opera behindthe scenes. He discussed the condi¬tions of rehearsals or lack of re¬hearsals, and Modern Italian opera,emphasizing Puccini and his operas,Tosca and La Boheme. Talley ex¬plained that Puccini, like Wagner,gave all of his characters “callingcards,” that is, certain phrases whichwere associated with these charactersthroughout the opera. Puccini ischaracterized chiefly by the lyricqualities of his libretti and by thecompassion he puts into his arias.At the next Opera Hour, Talley willdiscuss Wagnerian Opera, and theguests will be Wagnerian or-dramaticsingers. i Cooperatives-Ellis Provides Social,Educational Advantages, Cheap MealsNo organizations or individuals sub¬sidize the Ellis Cooperative. It isowned entirely by its members, whodecide themselves what is to be donewith the profits of the organization.The group promises no dividends, forit prefers to operate close to cost andcharge less for food.Any growing cooperative finds it¬self facing difficulties. At Ellis, ex¬pansion brought with it the problemof serving more people than could beseated at once. The serving time wastherefore extended. To provide forpeople who could not eat at even theextended serving hours, a late “serveyourself and clean up for yourself”service was established.Tastes DifferAnother problem faced by the sev¬en-man executive board developed outof the differing tastes of men and wo¬men. It was solved by offering saladsfor women, seconds in meat andvegetables for the men. Demands forseconds in milk were so frequent thata charge of three cents was leviedfor every extra glass.Greiie ConductsNon-Credit ClassIn HumanitiesDavid Grene, instructor in Greek,will conduct a non-credit discussionclass in Humanities during the Win¬ter and Spring quarters. It will bea supplement to the general surveycourse, as the student material willbe entirely different.There will be two main divisionsin the work. Included in the aestheticsection will be detailed study of someGreek plays, Shakespeare, Ibsen, andSynge. The political phase will stressthe origin of power in the community,with Thucydides, Aristotle’s “Poli¬tics,” Marx, and several 18th centurywriters constituting the reading ma¬terial.Grene is also planning a short pre¬liminary history survey to fill in gapsin the Humanities lectures. The dis¬cussion class will meet at 3:30 everyTuesday and Thursday in Classics10. Students interested may registerwith Grene. Running of the Co-op and assign,ment of work rests with a board ofseven, elected each quarter. 'The boardappoints a work manager and hiresthe cook and dietitian. Education ofthe members, a cardinal principle ofthe cooperative system, is carried outprincipally through a newly organizednewspaper.Provides Cheap MealsEllis provides social and educationaladvantages, it is true, but the prin¬cipal attraction of the house at 5f?thand Ellis is the fact that meals arecheap. Even at the price of ^!4.83 for20 meals a week, an assessment whichmany members discharge by workingfor the cooperative, Ellis has man¬aged a profit. Last year, dividendsof 1.6 per cent were paid on food bills,a sum amounting to $145.At the end of the last school yearthe net worth of the Co-op was $575,with $450 represented by equipmentand $125 by cash on hand. This yearthe board has already spent $230 onnew equipment, and plans to buy stillmore. After a troubled start, Ellis isnow firmly on its feet financially.SECRETARIAL CAREERSfor University PeopleCompl0t0 SnentmrialSt»notraphy . . . 6 months4 months^ Froo placomont and Vocational^ Analyala Roport to graduatot.^ A modorn ahortliand ayatcm-" moro officiant-oaally maatorcd.^ Start Monday—Day or Cvoning." Vlalt, phono, or writa today:Institute of Modern Business225 North Wabash • Randolph 6927Give MacLeish’sPlay “Air Raitl”Students who are interested mayattend the rendition of MacLeish’sradio play, “Air Raid,” tomorrow inBreasted Hall from 4 to 4:30, throughthe courtesy of the Columbia Broad¬casting System, the University Broad¬casting Council, and Archibald Mac-Leish, vice-president of the Friends ofthe Library.An exhibit by MacLeish containingbooks, manuscripts, numerous photo¬graphs, and radio plays is in the Mod¬ern Poetry Library, Wieboldt 205. Theroom is open from 1 to 5 on weekdays.This collection of MacLeish’s worksis a part of the Harriet Monroe mod¬ern poetry j^oup which was pre¬sented to the University last spring.MacLeish, a native Chicagoan,spoke Wednesday on “Poetry and theContemporary Crisis.”MITZIE'S FLOWER SHOPF or Ritzie CorsagesSee MitzieWe DeliverMidway 4020 1233 E. 55th St. THE NAME ofREXFORD’SStands forQualityClothesREXFORD’SClothes for Men28 E. Jackson Blvd.2nd FloorWIN $10.00 CASHThe new owners of the old "MAID-RITE GRILL/' 1309 E. 57th St„will pay $10.00 to the person who suggests the new name fortheir restaurant.TREAT YOURSELF TO ONE OF BROWN'SFAMOUS MEALS AND OBTAIN AN ENTRY CARDszfis HUHTHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1938 Page ThraeNewsreel SurveyShows Preferencefor ClassicsSwing, Blues, Marches,Folk Songs Follow asStudents* Favorites.The University Newsreel’s recentlycompleted survey of almost one-thirdof the undergraduate student bodyindicates that University studentsprefer symphonic music to swing andalso have a taste for blues, marches,and folk songs.The survey, covering the views of075 students, indicated the followingpreferences: classical-symphonic mu-cic—369, fast swing—345, blues songs—279, marches—126, folk songs—81.The current favorite in orchestrasproved to be Benny Goodman, withKay Kyser and Tommy Dorsey a closesecond and third respectively. HalKemp was in fourth place, with GuyLombardo fifth, Horace Heidt sixth,Wayne King seventh, and Bob Crosbyeighth, and Eddie Duchin ninth..\bout 35 other orchestras had afew votes each. Music for the half-hour interlude, which is to precede theNewsreel revival today of “The DropKick” and a Charlie Chaplin short,“The Adventurer,’’ has been selectedfrom the results of the survey in ac¬cordance with the Newsreel’s policyof producing just what the studentmajority desires.The results of the popular piece.section of the survey were not sur¬prising. The ever-popular “Star Dust”ranked first, with “My Reverie” sec¬ond and “You Go to My Head” asthird choice. Other pieces which rank¬ed high in the poll were "The LambethWalk,” “A-Tisket A-Tasket” “Now ItCan Be Told,” “Two Sleepy People,”and “Night and Day.” The Ncw.sreelwill present in its second program“The Pony Express” in addition toanother Charlie Chaplin short. Today'sRoundtableBy RICHARD MASSELLLast Sunday the interchurch coun¬cil sponsored a breakfast roundtableon the question “Is the Universe Mor¬ally Constructed?” Participants werePercy Boynton, professor of English,a literary mystic, Anton Carlson,chairman of the Physiology depart¬ment, a scientific agnostic, andCharles Hartshorne, assistant pro¬fessor of philosophy and author ofthe popular book Beyond Humanism.* * *BOYNTON: I would say immoral¬ity is any course of conduct whichis self-defeating and that personal¬ity will be one that works well.HARTSHORNE: I would changethe emphasis on that. Whether ornot the morality makes the individ¬ual feel satisfied is secondary. Manis social to the absolute bottom—asort of universalized love, if thatdoesn’t sound too sentimental. Ha¬tred is a perversion of all this.* * *HARTSHORNE: Does the uni¬verse in any sense take care of itsparts? It does, but only to a certainpoint. Beyond that there is some free¬dom of parts. We must not complainbecause the universe lets us take careof ourselves. You can’t have universallaws and then bend them for in¬dividual whims.Contract BridgeInstruction and PractlcoAlsoDupUcato Gam*Plaza 8732 HARTSHORNE: Man's mind dil-fers from that of a dog.CARLSON: How do you know?HARTSHORNE: Ultimately youcan answer the question with one oftwo principles: either the universeruns blindly on like an automobilemight, or there are minds which in¬volve individuals and internal feel¬ings.* * «CARLSON: To what extent is manfree? I say he feels free because hismemory is deficient. There’s no doubtthat we feel free, but are we? Nowthat’s not a question of philosophy;it’s a question of fact.BOYNTON: You say that man feelsfree, but is not. Man really is nothingbut a series of responses. However,we still have to act as though manis free.* * *HARTSHORNE: There is a closeanalogy between the human body andNEED BETTER LIGHT?Eyes Tire? Hard to Study?Good lighting reliev'es strains and improveshealth. Here is an ideal study lamp, certified byIlluminated Engineering Society — an “L E. S.”lamp. Ideal as to all specifications and require¬ments. Good looking — sturdy — and no glare.An ideal study and reading lamp.only $2*8.5UIOODUIORTH’SBOOK STOREOpen Evenings 1311 E. 57th SI.Near Kimbark Dorchester 4800 the universe. All the cells in the uni¬verse are integrated just as are thoseof the human body. The universe isthe most perfect organism, the rich¬est in variety, and no part can existwithout the rest of the universe.CARLSON: That comes down toanthropomorphism.HARTSHORNE: I wouldn’t saythat it does. I think what I have justsaid is quite different.* * *BOYNTON: When you comparethe length of time that man hasstudied these problems with the age<>f the universe, you feel that mancan’t change things much.* * *CARLSON: A smile came to myface when this question was put to me.What is the way out? My answer is“to saw wood.” In other words towork your hardest at the immediateproblem before you. Worry as littleas possible. Give nine-tenths of yourenergy to the fitting of yourself intel¬lectually and otherwise to your en¬vironment. These give the greatest Grace Hadenv Tells of EnglishWoman^s Changing StatusLeaving the impression that Amer¬ican women were far more fortunatein educational advantages and statusin the business world. Miss GraceHadow of Oxford gave a history ofthe changing status of women inEngland yesterday afternoon in Orien¬tal Institute. Few University studentsattended the lecture, the audience be¬ing made up in most part of womenwho had probably participated in thesuffragist movement, and were stillintensely interested in equality of thesexes.According to Miss Hadow “womenare playing a far more importantpart in public administration andeducation in England than ever be¬fore.” She listed the many handicapsEnglish women had to go through tocertainty for the future that the uni¬verse can afford. attain political equality, and outlinedthe role of the Women’s Institutes ineducating English village women.These women were at first unbeliev¬ably ignorant in the rudimentaries ofparliamentary procedure and werecompletely at a loss when confrontedby a secret ballot. All this has beenremedied, and the Women’s Instituteswhich number well over 5000, have en¬tered the fields of general educationand homemaking much in line withthe program pursued by America’swomen’s clubs.Miss Hadow expressed her wonder¬ment at the marvelous equipment thegirls’ schools of America have at theircommand, especially the beautiful li¬braries and laboratories. She likes theUnited States very much, and hopesto see more of it. In addition she looksforward to something equivalent to aRhodes scholarship for women.0 This year a new car—the Mercury 8—joins the Ford-Lincoln family . . . fulfilling the desire ofmany motorists for a quality car priced between the Ford V-8 and the Lincoln-Zephyr V-12 andcombining many virtues of each. The Mercury brings to a new price field an established tradition —the ^ord tradition — of progressive engineering, mechanical excellence and outstanding value.THE JVEWM a f; ij // r TYPEh f m O D U C T or THS VOHD MOTOS COMPAlfTThe Mercury 8 is a big, wide car, with exceptional room forpassengers and luggage. Clean, flowing body lines are Lincoln-Zephyr-inspired. A new QS-horsepower V-type 8-cylinder engineprovides an extremely favorable power-to-weight ratio andassures brilliant performance with V-type economy. Mercurybrakes are hydraulic; body and chassis all-steel. Appointmentsand upholstery are luxurious. New developments in weightdistribution, soundproofing and seat construction make theMercury an extremely comfortable and quiet car. . . , YourMercury dealer invites you to see and drive this new qual¬ity car — a new name, a new car, and a new value for 1939. FEATURES OF THE MEW MERCURY B-116-inch wheelbase; more than 16 feetover-all length • exceptional width androom for passengers • new 95-hp. V-type8-cylinder engine • new hydraulicbrakes • modem flowing lines • lux¬urious appointments and upholstery •new soft seat construction • thoroughscientific soundproofing • balancedweight distribution and center-poisedesign • large luggage compartments.FORD-BUILT MEANS TOP VALUEFORD MOTOR COMPANY, MAKERS OF FORD, MERCURY, LINCOLN-ZEPHYR AND LINCOLN MOTOR CARSEveryone will be at theStag ShagFRIDAY, NOV. 11thIDA NOYES HAUwithJack Chapman'sOrchestraAdmittance by C-Book or $1.00t /Page FourIn theMailbox* * « IIIn mid-October, the freshman foot¬ball team was labeled a “stragglinggroup of small, woefully green, notvery fast, but ‘willing hopefuls’ ’’ ina Daily Maroon story. Disregardingthe meager critical value of the ar¬ticle, this statement exposes a veinof unconscious condolence held byChicago students toward their firstyear football team.The average campus mind puts thefreshman squad on a par with thechess team. No distinction is giventhe woefully green strugglers whodonate about 15 hours a week in pur¬suance of an activity that a decadeago was of consuming interest toalumni and students alike.Fifteen hours a week they spend asstooges for the varsity. And the lossof time, says the practical minded, isatrocious, don’t you think? There isonly one answer, these strugglinghopefuls like the game.They like it so well they havelearned the plays of five Maroon op¬ponents and acted as living modelsfor varsity coach Shaughnessy toteach his men their Saturday roles.At other schools the De Correvontsand other prize pigskin purchasesare feated and set upon a pedestalmerely for their athletic proficiency,but at Chicago the straggly, small,.green, not very fast, but willing hope¬fuls continue their chosen activities invirtual oblivion. BOB REYNOLDS. . THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1938Stagg ArrivesTomorrow withSmall, Fast TeamTeam Comes East withLeadership in Far West¬ern Race.A small but determined squad fromthe College of the Pacific will arrivein Chicago tomorrow as Amos AlonzoStagg leads his team back to the Mid¬way.Fresh from its victory over FresnoState Friday which climaxed an un¬defeated march through the FarWestern Conference, the team cannow boast of being Conference cham-I pions in its section of the country.' It has, however, been defeated outsidethe Conference.Although no Chicago scouts havewitnessed a Pacific game this year.Coach Shaughnessy has been in touchwith football critics on the WestCoast. Their reports indicate that theGrand Old Man has a small, lightteam which possesses speed and apassing attack to equal that which hasbeen the Maroon’s mainstay all sea¬son.Maroons Work After DarkIj The Chicago squad worked long af-I ter dark yesterday as it scrimmagedI against the freshmen. It lost a dayj of practice because of its long ride: from Harvard., With Northwestern playing at Anni Arbor and with no other game in this Professors See Tennis Hopes FadeAs Cold Weather Ends SeasonWhile students slaved in the li¬brary last week many of the hardworking professors labored over theirtennis game before the cold weatherset in. The most popular spot for thistype of labor was the QuadrangleClub where all members of the facul¬ty belong.At the short distance of about amile the voice of the eminent dean ofthe college, Leon P. Smith, could beheard lamenting the dubbing of ashot. Upon coming within half a mile,about an hour later, his melodiousvoice was heard warbling in a mono¬tone from the locker room.When Merle C. Coulter could draghimself away from his plants; thatis, about every nice afternoon onecould see this demon tennis playerwhipping across the courts. The mostdreaded man on the courts though wasD J. Fisher, a terrific doubles playerwith a very powerful smash.H. Simons, the Economics profes¬sor, is not noted in this area for histennis game or his flashing smile, butfor his magnificent shorts which arethe longest and droopiest in creation—almost. One of the best players onthe courts was Bobrinskoy, the Rus¬sian authority, who sports a hardforehand drive and a very fancydistrict to overshadow it, the Chicago-Pacific game is expected to attract abanner crowd. Homecoming and thereturn of Stagg will bring ^out anadded number of alumni and specta¬tors. service, so fancy, in fact, that he getsquite wrapped up in himself. SamuelMcKlintock one of the older facultymembers played a good game.Chief gripe of our eminent facultymembers concerned feminine players.Our staunch Soc. professors restrictedthe playing hours of their feminineco-patriots, and would like, if theywere able, to prohibit their playing atall. All in all the tennis courts re¬ceived a great deal of use and aprodigious amount of soft drinks wasconsumed.Now that the cold weather has ar¬rived, the professors intend to forgettennis and begin practice for billiardsand bowling.Rifle Team BowsTo U.C.L.A. QuintetThe University rifle team was de-■ feated by U.C.L.A. Saturday in atelegraphic meet, as the West Coastmen piled up 1867 hits to 1676 madeby the local marksmen.I The five men on each squad werej given one week in which to record! their scores and the results were thenI wired back across the country. High¬est man on the Maroon squad wasBerndt who was closely followed byI Bennett, Slade, Elliot and Harris.The next match will be with theCommonwealth Edison team Satur¬day at the University Rifle Range inthe W'est Stands. Jailbirds OutfoxPreachers in I-MTouchball GameCrime does pay! Or so it seems-the Jailbirds took the Chicago Theo¬logical Seminary into camp to the tuneof 6-0 in one of yesterday’s touchballgames. Nu Beta Epsilon fell beforethe intellectual genius of the Aristo¬telians and the Broadmen defeatedHitchcock 19-6 in the other tilts.At the end of the first half of thebattle between the Jailbirds and theC.T.S., the score was deadlocked, 0-0but right'after the intermission thecrooks resorted to deception and man.aged to score on a triple pass play.Although Hitchcock forged into anearly lead when Ehrlich scored on aI run, the Broadmen came back strongI to counter three times before theend of the game to win 19-6.The Aristotelians were leading 19.obefore their opponents broke the scor.ing ice, and ended up on the long endof a 25-19 count.PIANO FOR SALEMUST SKLL OUR FISHKR UPRIGHTPiano, mahogany in excellent conditionCall Drexel 0562 for particular!.CLASSIFIEDFOR SALE;—19S7 FORD 4 DOOR TOUR-inR sedan. Radio, heater, tpotiight, »eatcovers, looks like a new car. 1400.00. SeeDon Eicher at Walker room 85.I FOR SALE Man's Raccoon Coat; Rood condi-; tion. Call H. P. 4780 before 10:00 A M: or after 4 P. M.H. J. Meyerhoff 6120 HarperPPi These action shots of**Whizzer** White,., famous All-Americanfootball star... show what it takes to be atriple threat man.• • thafs the reason Chesterfieldstands out from the othersThe reason Chesterfield isdifferent is because it combines thesmoking qualities of the world’s bestcigarette tobaccos in one cigarette.It’s the right combination of thesetobaccos... mild ripe home-grownand aromatic Turkish, rolled in purecigarette paper...that makes Chest¬erfield a better cigarette for you tosmoke... milder and better-tasting.Copyrifht 1938. Liggrtt & Mvm TOBACCO CO» .Ahe blend that canH be copied...the RIGHT COMBINATION of theworWs best cigarette tobaccos1 i ■ .-J %