BulliSession* * *I By JIM PETERSON ^ Batl^ iBaowmVol. 39, No. 22. Z-149 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1938 Price Three Cents(Today's Bull Session presents theradical stand in the forthcoming elec¬tions.)More than ever since the Civil War,\merica must make a choice today.With the prevailing world economiccrises and with national and interna¬tional Fascism threatening to set theclock back hundreds of years, straightthinking and action are necessary —lest even that democracy we haveshould be destroyed.It is true that the policies of theXew Deal represent the hopes andaspirations of that majority whom wecall the “people”: workers, farmers,and middle class groups. There is areason for this: President Hutchinsposed the question thus:“With a superfluity of goods we aresinking into poverty. With a multi¬tude of gadgets we are no happierthan we were before. With a decliningdeath rate we have yet to discoverwhat to do with our lives. With ahatred of war we are heading in¬evitably toward it. W’ith a love ofliberty we see much of the world inchains,"The reason for the New Deal, theanswer to this question, is the popularmovement to make government re¬sponsive to the needs and problems ofthe citizens. As it stands today thesecond New Deal has alienated thatgroup whom it is possible to stereo¬type as “Wall Street.” This aliena¬tion occurred precisely because theRoosevelt regime has increasinglyanswered the needs of the greater.security. To do this the New Deal wasfaced with the problem which is thecrux of all our contemporary ills: ifwe are to really help the people, wemust step on the toes of the monopolyand ruling class dominance.* * •The implications of these policieswere understood and noised aroundby reactionaries generally. But theirrebuttal is to confuse the issue andconfound the public. Our press, as anorgan of reaction, has responded 85per cent strong with blasts about“Communism” and “Dictatorship.”The reactionaries within the Dem¬ocratic Party first began to snipe atthe New Deal program while givingit lip service; today they stand intheir true colors moving toward openalliance with Republicans.The elections vf ’38 and *40 holdthe fate of democracy in America. iNew Dealism in politics has reacted Imore and more to the problems of to¬day. The movement has increased asthe progressive Democratic wing be¬came the target of reaction outsideand of its own traitors within. Hutpolitical differentiation has been astep necessitated by the logic ofevents. Today it stands to survive andfight on because the level of politicalawareness is higher at present thanever before. The CIO and A. F. of L.have co-operated before to defeat re¬action. The rank and file can be ex¬pected to work for unity on thepolitical front.In New York there is a progre.s8iveAmerican Labor Party, in the middle''C‘st, the Minnesota Farmer-Labor-ites and Wisconsin Progressives workf'»r a better government. In the farwest the Washington CommonwealthFederation has led the fight to defeatKepublican onslaughts. In the “solidsouth" a new and militant movementis on foot to unite the Negroes andthe whites around a common progres¬sive program—witness the fact thatthe New Deal has polled more votesfor a progressive stand than anyliberal group before. These manifesta¬tions of political initiative along withthe general mass sentiment that theNew Deal helps “us” mean that thechances of crushing the camps of re¬action and incipient American Fascismare definitely here. What is essentialis greater and greater unity. A frontof democracy must be built againstthose who would destroy the tradeunions, squelch civil rights, cutwages, throttle our sister democracyof Mexico, and tear down our tradi¬tional government in the name of pri¬vate property and monopoly rights.This struggle to defeat reaction hasthe fullest support from sincereAmerican radicalism. The electionslogan “Progress versus Reaction” weadd our belief that we may only makestrides toward Socialism by ever wid-ening political and economic democ¬racy. Students toElect King ofHomecomingWill Accept Post atBonfire Rally BeforePacific Game.On November 9, University womenwill elect a Homecoming King fromamong a list of nominees, who willpreside over the Homecoming Cele¬bration supported by a Queen andRoyal Court. Elevation of Joe Col¬lege to the rank of King representsa notable departure from the prac¬tices of former festivals.Jean Petersen has already beenchosen queen. Nominees for thethrone, as announced by ClementineVan der Schaegh, include the Mur¬phy twins. Bill and Chet, who willrun together; Hugh Campbell; BudLinden; Max Freeman and JamesGoldsmith. The king will accept thethrone at the bonfire rally Fridayevening, November 11.Homecoming DanceAll fraternities will be representedin the pep-rally. Following the bon¬fire the students will parade, carry¬ing torches, to the annual Homecom¬ing Dance, sponsored by Iron Mask.Jack Chapman and his orchestra willplay at the affair.In support of the King and Queenwill be the Royal Court, which willbe composed of ten girls, to be select¬ed by Iron Mask.Another innovation, announced bythe Homecoming Committee, will bethe competition of the men’s and wo¬men’s dormitories with the frater¬nities for the cup awarded the mostingenious house decorations. Thecommittee has also drawn tentativeplans to have the decorations judgedby the Homecoming King and Queen,and by the Royal Court.Skull and Crescent, sophomore or¬ganization sponsoring the Victory(Continued on page 3)Congress ConsidersPlans for StudentSocial ConunitteeProposes Substitutionsfor Present Organiza¬tion.The Campus Congress will discussplans to broaden the base of the Stu¬dent Social Committee today at 3:30in Cobb 309.The plan proposes that a new or¬ganization called the Federated So¬cial Committee be substituted for thepresent Social Committee. Each cam¬pus organization would send one dele¬gate so as to give greater studentrepresentation and participation thanat present. A small executive com¬mittee to be either elected by the dele¬gates or appointed by the Dean’s of¬fice would do the work.Approve Social Committee’s WorkThe proponents of the new planfeel that the Social Committee hasdone more this year than has beendone for a long time, and they domean it as an attack on that group,but merely as a move to make thecommittee more democratic and re¬move it from the sphere of fraternitypolitics.Adele Rose of the Daily MaroonBoard of Control will be one of thosedefending the change at the Congresstoday. Bill Webbe of the present Stu¬dent Social Committee and HaroldMiles, head of the Reynolds ClubCouncil, are expected to oppose it.Attend Conferenceon Social WelfareEdith Abbott, dean of the SocialService School, S. P. Breckinridge,E. S. Dixon, Clyde White, and agroup of students from the Univer¬sity are attending the Illinois Con- ^ference on Social Welfare which isbeing held from Monday to Thurs¬day in Peoria, Illinois. Student Newspaper Poll Shows SlightDifference in Chicago and Northwestern WomenAlumni MagazineComes Out TodayThe November issue of the AlumniMagazine contains an article by Wil¬liam Rainey Harper, “The CollegePresident,” which discusses the trialsand problems of the college president.The article was discovered by Presi¬dent Harper’s son and was publishedat the WilKam Rainey Harper Me¬morial Conference in connection withthe Centennial of Muskingum College.Among the other articles is one byMilton S. Mayer, entitled “Mother ofComptons.” Appearing in thismonth’s Reader’s Digest, this articleis a biography of the three famousCompton brothers, including the Uni¬versity’s own Arthur Holly, the NobelPrize winner, and the President of M.-I.T. Harry Peterson ’05, professor ofPsychology at Utah State Agricul¬tural College, tells of “An Experiencewith Amnesia.” In his column. Pro¬fessor Fred B. Millet talks of the lateEdith Rickert, who collaborated withJohn Manley on the Crawford stud¬ies. This table presents the results ofthe Northwestern Daily News-Dai¬ly Maroon survey on women.U. of C. NU.PercentCareer 66 36Marriage 34 46Came to college to:Study 100 72Participate in activities 30 41Make social contacts . 34 44Intend to do graduatework 38 31For an M.A 23 23For a Ph. D 29 7Preference in music:symphonic 43 32swing 43 41light classical 34 35Entertainment:movies 47 57dancing 55 52legitimate plays 59 69Modern Poetry Shows FaithExists Today Says MacLeish“The educated middle classes havea belief that this generation suffersfrom a loss of faith in the world,”said Archibald MacLeish in his lec¬ture on “Poetry and the Contempor¬ary Crisis” in Mandel Hall last night.Examining this assumption in lightof the poetry this age has produced,he found that the spirit of the timesshows a faith “that the world of fleshis capable of human meaning.”Crisis TodayThe crisis facing us today, Mac¬Leish believes, lies in the relation ofthe individual man to society. An at¬titude of discouragement, which hethinks the result of dislike for change,has arisen out of increasing depen¬dence of the individual on societyalong with the inability of society tomeet this need. Thus, the belief thatwe are indeed a lost generation* isseldom questioned.Inquiring into the art of poetry,MacLeish examined its unconsciousmethods, its assumptions, its manner,and its unintentional revelations tosec what light they could throw on theidea of loss of faith.The notion of absolute perfectionhe found a delusion. “A work of art isby definition a work of sense,” hedeclared, “since it uses the materialsof sense. It must exist in the poet’sown time, and in space.” It is charac¬teristic of poetry, he believes, to in¬terpret experience in terms of whatis common to the poet’s times.Open Display ofMacLeish WorksA display of manuscripts and firsteditions of works by Archibald Mac¬Leish opened in the Harriet Monroelibrary of modern poetry on the sec¬ond floor of Wieboldt last night afterMacLeish’s lecture in Mandel hall.Arranged in chronological order,the exhibit includes photographs tak¬en at rehearsals of the poet’s twoplays for performance on the radio:“The Fall of the City” and “AirRaid.” MacLeish, who attended thedisplay, was particularly interestedin a recording of “Air Raid” lent bythe Columbia Broadcasting System.Study CollegeCooperative PlanThe executive committee studyingthe College Cooperative Plan willmeet here this month to decide whichschools it will ask to participate ina cooperative examining staff forcollege^ too small to have boards oftheir own. The committee is a partof the American Council on Educa¬tion. George A. Works, dean of stu¬dents and head examiner, is chair¬man, while Ralph W. Tyler, chair¬man of the Department of Educationand chief examiner of the Board ofExaminations, will select and directthe staff. Stating that poetry is a literallytruthful representation of the exper¬iences of modern life, MacLeish wenton to say that the poet must look atthe world of sensation; he must studythe common world as it actually is.Thus he must present faithfully ex¬perience of which he has true under¬standing. This understanding, Mac¬Leish said, can be acquired by thepoet only when he lives, acts, watches,participates, and feels for himself. Inthis way, his duty becomes one moreof elucidation than of invention.But if the poet must experiencethings for himself, then he must ac¬cept the meaning of existence of theworld. “Contemporary poetry restson this assumption,” MacLeish de¬clared; although it may sometimes at¬tack or satirize the world of exper¬ience and appearance, it always as¬sumes its significance and meaning.”Modern Poetry HopefulContrasting present day poetrywith that written during the declineof Roman civilization, he pointed outthe differences. Roman poetry of thedecline showed a deep pessimism andlack of faith in this world, whereascontemporary poetry directs its spirittoward hope and not toward fear anddoubt. “It has faith that salvation ispossible here on the earth and notelsewhere.”Maroon^ ElectionCommittees ConductPoll TodayIn an effort to ascertain studentopinion on current political issuesthe Daily Maroon, in co-operationwith the Student Non-Partisan Elec¬tion Committee is issuing a question¬naire today.Questions, aside from general in¬formation about the student, will beon both national and local problems.Sample questions are: “Do youapprove of the principles o fthe New Deal?” “Do you supportfederal aid to the unemployed; shouldit be increased or decreased?” “Doyou support governmental spendingand an unbalanced budget in time ofdepression?” “Do you favor govern¬ment subsidies to farmers?”Other questions will inquire as tothe knowledge the student has onlocal politics, such as, “How manyU. of C. professors can you namewho have been or arc running for of¬fice in the election?”DA Continues Tryoutsfor Newcomers TodayTryouts for Dramatic Associa¬tion’s Newcomers’ Bill will continuetoday in the Tower Room from 1:30to 4:30. Freshmen and transfers areespecially invited to be present. Stu¬dents interested in w’orking on thebusii.'iss staff of DA will also be in¬terviewed at this time. North westerners NotGiddy; Chicagoans NotGrinds.The differences between Northwest¬ern and University women, judgingfrom the above table, are so slight asto offer a temptation to pronouncethe platitude: “Women will be women,and that’s that.”Although the two newspapers, theNorthwestern Daily and the DailyMaroon, who sponsored the survey,cannot claim complete accuracy, theybelieve their percentages to be cor¬rect enough to decide that the fre¬quently-heard statement that Univer¬sity of Chicago women are dulldrudges, and Northwestern womenare giddy butterflies, has no basis.Thirty-one per cent more Universitywomen declared themselves to beseeking a career, while 12 per centmore Northwestern women desiredmarriage. The most popular fields atNorthwestern are education, speech,journalism, and social service work.At the University, psychology, eco¬nomics, biochemistry, and social serv¬ice work appear highly desirable,with international relations, medicine,law, anthropology, interior decora¬ting, advertising, surgery, business,languages, and costuming and setdesigning for the theater vying foradherents.Several women added commentsabout the first question, such as “Whycan’t I combine a career with mar¬riage?” or “I would like to get mar¬ried, but all I can do is hope,” and“Eventually I would like to marry,but I must be given the proper incen¬tive.” Rebuking the questionnaire forits facetious “are you interested inraising lots of little ones and stuff,”the woman who placed a large “yes”next to it, in parenthesis wrote,“Don’t belittle the great institutionof marriage.”University women unanimouslyagreed that they came to college tostudy, while 72 per cent at North¬western claimed it was the decisivefactor. To join activities, make social(Continued on page 3)I-F Council VotesTo Hold Ball onNovember 23Reject January 7 Date14-2; New Year’s TooClose.Last night the Interfratemity Coun¬cil finally decided to hold the Inter¬fraternity Ball on Thanksgiving eveinstead of January 7 by a vote offourteen to two. On the first motionto have the dance on Nov. 23, thehouses voted seven to six in its favor.Since this was not a sufficient ma¬jority to pass the motion, it wasmoved that the Ball be held in theAutumn quarter. This was carried bya vote of nine to four. Then sincethe seventh was entirely eliminated,most of the houses that had votedagainst the motion before now votedto have it on Thanksgiving everather than have it on the only otherpossible dates, December 2 or 3.The Committee was empowered toget the best band and the best roomthat it could, with a maximum priceper bid of $3.60. The nearness of Jan¬uary 7 to New Year’s seemed to bethe Greeks’ chief objection to thenew date.The only other business discussedwas some of the details of the Com¬mittee’s research into the causes ofwhy freshmen do or do not join fra¬ternities. The idea behind having thefraternities turn in the names offreshmen attending their rushingfunctions is that after this informa¬tion has been compiled, the Commit¬tee will approach freshmen who didn’tattend functions and ask them whynot. It is hoped that possible im¬provements in the present rushingsystem may be discovered.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1938^ailg^aroottFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATEPRESSTh« Daily Maroon is the official studentnewspaper of the University of Chicago,published mornings except Saturday, Sun>day and Monday during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 5831 University avenue.Telephones: Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.After 6 :S0 phone in stories to ourprinters. The Chief Printing Company,1920 Monterey avenue. Telephone Cedar-crest 8310.The University of Chicago assumes noresponsibility for any statements appear¬ing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con-tract entered into by The Daily Maroon.The Daily Maroon expressly reservesthe rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper. Subscriptionrates: $3 a year; $4 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March18. 1903, at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.RSeRSaCNTCO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISINO BVNational Advertising Service, Inc.CoUeg* Publishers Representative420 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y.CHICASO * BOSTOR ' LOI ARBlLIf • SAR FRARCItCOBOARD OP CONTROLEditorial StaffLAURA BERGQUISTMAXINE BIESENTHALEMMETT DEADMAN, ChairmanSEYMOUR MILLERADELE ROSEBusiness StaffEDWIN BERGMANMAX FREEMANEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Brody, Harry Cornelius, WilliamGrody, Bette Hurwich, David Martin.Ajice^Meye^ Robert SedlakBUSINESS ASSOCIATESDayton Caple, Richard Glasser, DavidSalzberg, Harry Topping.Night Editor: Harry CorneliusAssistant: Jim BurtleOutline forFederationIf the present Student SocialCommittee decides on reformand changes its organizationalform to include a representativegroup, there will still remainthe present system of appoint¬ing the senior board fromamong the subordinates whohave worked most faithfully.But the board will be limited toexecutive action. Social Commit¬tee policies will be outlined bya steering committee that willhave some claim to the adjec¬tive representative.This is the way that the set¬up might be planned. Campusactivities would be divided intointerest units,—political clubs,foreign clubs, fraternities, girls’clubs, dormitories, publications,religious groups, athletics, musi¬cal,—any other divisions largeenough and coherent enough tofit together. These divisions,wfth common interests and com¬mon problems, would send rep¬resentatives to discuss them to¬gether. And each of thesegroups would elect two mem¬bers to represent them on thesteering board of the new Stu¬dent Social Committee.It sounds slightly complicated.It seems to be adding anotherorganization to an already over¬organized campus, adding an¬other obligation for those tradi¬tional representatives, the headsof activities. But this would bea new type of representation.Representatives would be under¬lings sincerely interested in thework that a social committeecould do, younger students whoare willing to devote to the com¬mittee all the work and timethat any other organizationwould require, who want towork up from their jobs on thesteering committee to executiveposts.Well, what could such an or¬ganization do for the SocialCommittee that the present ar¬rangement can’t do better? Forone thing, it could end the pres¬ent fraternity-club orientationof the committee. It could, bybringing together organizationswith common interests, helpthem to realize where their prob¬lems lie and how they can becorrected by joint effort. Andmost important, it could evolve acommittee broadminded enoughto consider just what are thesocial needs of the entire cam¬pus.The present Social Committeelimits its concern to dances.Dances aren’t strictly necessary.The students who need more so¬cial life don’t very often go todances. The students who do goto dances don’t require all theattention that is given them. They can be happy off in theirown little cliques, at fraternityhouse parties, at the Edgewater,at the left-hand table in Harper.The activities which can in¬clude the socially inept are theinformal activities. Dances willnever make anyone feel athome;—at Chicago they moreoften do the opposite. The ac¬tivities that a Student SocialCommittee worthy of the nameshould promote are the bari\dances and the outings thatChapel Union has had to takeover, the open activities that IdaNoyes offers to the game con¬scious, the opera hours that arebringing together campus mu¬sic lovers. None of these activi¬ties, and none of the activitieslike them has yet reachedeveryone that would or shouldbe interested. A Student SocialCommittee should stop confin¬ing its efforts to the promotionof dances. It should broaden itsmembership and purpose andpromote the activities that thecampus needs.Meanwhile, the present com¬mittee is so complacent, so hap¬py in its present set-up, that itfeels that no change for the bet¬ter is possible. This is the atti¬tude that it will bring to theCampus Congress discussion onthe Social Committee In Cobb309 at 3:30 this afternoon. Wehope that there will be studentsthere who feel that the commit¬tee has not yet eliminated allroom for improvement, who feelthat the Committee hasnot yet done all that canbe done to improve the socialset-up of the University.It TakesAll Kinds-That “put-a-smile-on-the-campus”man, Allan Dreyfuss, 19 year-oldfreshman from Brookline, Massa¬chusetts, who was swept into the of¬fice of freshman class president re¬cently, has an ambition of some daywriting the great American novel. Hedoesn’t know when he’ll write it, ashe intends first to enter newspaperwork for experience and background.Meanwhile, to accumulate somewherewithal, the serious minded fresh¬man writes blood and thunder sto¬ries for pulp magazines. So far Drey¬fuss has had 14 of them published,although he’s not very proud of thefact. “They’re too crazy,’’ he explains.For his own amusement he writes“unpublishable’’ poetry. “It’s goodstimulation,’’ says Dreyfuss.B B BDreyfuss’s ambitions for the fresh¬man class are not as rah-rah as theysound. He realizes that he can nevermold the class into a whole, but in¬tends to provide activities and socialevents for as many as possible.The smooth-talking Hitchcock resi¬dent finds surveys in the Collegestimulating, but is eagerly awaitinga time to take more English coursesto improve his writing. He thinks,quite naturally, that the freshmanclass is tops in spirit, but hasn’tformed an opinion of campus women,even though he’s dated them severaltimes. He enjoys social life, but likemost freshmen and independents,won’t let his activities interfere withhis studies.He works as a waiter in the eve¬nings. Fraternities, which will stumbleall over themselves to pledge him,,haven’t concerned him as yet.Letters to theEditorBoard of Control,Daily Maroon;It has been called to my attentionthat the University of Chicago foot¬ball team is going to Boston partlyon a day coach and partly on asleeper. Not even a high school wouldsend their team on a day coach. Whyneed the University ? It is a disgrace,and I think the Maroon should dosomething about it. It is more a mat¬ter of policy than anything else. Ihave heard that the boys mustchange trains at an unusually earlyhour on their way back. Is this neces¬sary?There are a number of other alumnibesides myself who are indignant overthis unfair treatment of the team. In TravellingBazaarToday is the day to dish out orchidsto Adele Rose. After a flounderingstart at the beginning of the year,the Maroon editorial department,which is in her charge, has come shin¬ing through.Campus crackers early in the sea¬son relegated the Maroon to a posi¬tion of insignificance as Rose metcrisis after crisis with supreme in¬difference, and said nothing beyondmildly chastising campus bodies.But last Tuesday was different.Boldly, without fear or favor theMaroon struck out. This time a crisissufficient for Maroon notice had ar¬rived. The banning of canr.pus publi¬cations, the discriminatory policies ofInternational House, the MemorialMeeting for Nate Schilling, thesewere things to be taken lightly. ButTuesday something happened—Bob Jones, in holy ignorance,changed the date of the Interfrater¬nity Ball from November 23 to Jan¬uary 7th. Little did he reck that theMaroon was back on the job. His das¬tardly trick might well have passedunnoticed had not a sharp tonguededitorial staff been alert.“The ball will be held this year notas the bright spot in a colorless fallsocial season, but as an anti-climaxto Christmas vacation festivities,’’shouted the Maroon and immediatelythe campus was awakened.This brilliant condemnation wouldhave been enough—but the Maroonfinished the I-F Committee for onceand for all with the following scath¬ing phrases—The I-F committee doesn’t deserveto be let back in (to the affections ofthe fraternities) too readily —thoughtless and failure to consultthe fraternities on important issuesmay be forgotten in time.’’Though we consider the last phrasea little weak and are inclined to shout—NO—NO—let’s never forget whatthe committee did — nevertheless weare forced to say — “Good work,Adele, we knew you could do it.’’And how about a neat little cam¬paign on keeping off the grass fornext week?B B BIt seems to us that it is about timesomeone came to the defense of Pro¬fessor Paul Douglas. We want to sayright now that he is not always asbig a heel as he was in the Balabanoffaffair.Angelica Balabanoff is the dolly whoknew Lenin, Mu.ssolini and Trotsky,and in the past months has beenmaking a lot of dough because of it.She seems to be somewhat of a palof Douglas’ and he was anxious tohave a large turnout for her meetinghere Tuesday night.He approached the ASU askingthem to sponsor it. They refused, butDouglas put such a fear of red-bait¬ing in the ASU’s hearts that theyfinally backed down and agreed tosell tickets.Many people are inclined to con¬demn him for such tactics (at one timehe accused Emily Shields, naive, non¬communist, of having “the stony stareof a Stalinist’’); but it seems to usthat the wise and generous will over¬look this particular performance andremember the many good works hehas done in the past.B B B B and G^s Constructive Work NotNetvs to Daily Maroon Says FlookSuperintendent of Buildings andGrounds, Lyman R. Flook doesn’twant his department ever to be inthe “news.’’ “News, to the averagemind and the Daily Maroon,” ex¬plains Flook, “is a composition oflife’s catastrophies and abnormali¬ties; therefore, we’re news only whena building burns, or a professor slipson an icy sidewalk. No one seems toappreciate the fact that we doggedlyand efficiently do our routine workevery day of the year.”The Daily Maroon would like toanswer Flook’s justified objection bydeparting from journalistic moresand giving credit to solidarity wherecredit is due. Doubtless few residentsof the campus community appreciateB and G. Most of the University’spopulation is too preoccupied withintellectual matters to notice thereality about them—that the campusis beautiful, clean, and well-main¬tained.Do You Know?Campus intellectuals may be wellinformed on housing conditions inBohemia, but rare is one who both¬ers to learn how living conditions inhis own university are kept so de¬sirable. A campus bacteriologist mayknow all about the interior of anamoeba, but never notice the manyimprovements that were made on theinteriors of campus buildings duringthe summer. No one pays any atten¬tion to the fact that the University’snewest building at Kenwood and60th street, is completely air-condi¬tioned, that a new flag-stone walkhas been installed by Hitchcock Hall,and that the radio studio in MitchellTower has been modernized. Fewrealize what a complex administra¬tive organization is required to keepthis process of maintenance and im¬provement in constant operation.Today on theQuadranglesDivinity Chapel. Carrying on aGreat Tradition.” Mr. Kuhn. JosephBond Chapel at 11:55.Meeting of the Bacteriology andPara.sitology Club. “The Nitrogen Re¬quirements of the Typhoid Bacillus.”Assistant Professor Burrows. RickettsNorth at 4:30.Tryouts for Dramatic .4s.sociation’8Newcomers’ Bill. Tower room ofMitchell Tower from 1:30 to 4:30.Meeting. Campus Congress Com¬mittee. Cobb 309 at 3:30.Phonograph Concert. “The Art ofFugue.” Johann Sebastian Bach. So¬cial Science 122 from 12:20 to 1:15. morning campus buildings were heat¬less? What would happen if campusI floors were not swept for one weekif the lights suddenly went out oiia dark night, if snow were left topile up on sidewalks all winter? Youknow. B. and G. would be in thenews. But it rarely is.Corsages - CheapTHREE - FLOWER GARDENIAOrdara muat b« givan day In advance.Call Dorchester 6658DELIVERY SERVICELOVELY HOMEFor Sale or RentSix Rooms Ona & Ona-hali BothsLarga Grounds — Two Car GarageSaa 1 to 5 Soturday and Sunday.6510 Ingleside Ave.Phona MIDWAY 2743MITZIE'S FLOWER SHOPFor Ritzie CorsagesSee MitzieWe DeliverMidway 4020 1233 E. 55th St.KiSULT or POU|UESTIOX: Why Do You Like Penit?WHERE ASKEDs Ifiwoiti* Iwy CMWtpuBANSWERS:OLIViR PUNDIT,PtNiTimiHowm\HUIDlTYEHlBIJErirH\T0 EXPRESS/BYMOrrmiTlYE REELECrmS{WITH UTTER AUNPOH FLORA VAN OAMI, AriIXmjort^REMIT HAS SUCH ^BEE-mi-TIFULBLUISH 6REEH COLORAND ! ADOREm BOTTLE DiS/OACj)It is rumored that C. SharplessHickman is winning money at theraces again, after having dropped aconsiderable amount in the last fewyears. But though his luck is good atthe races, he dropped considerablecash in the International House pokergame. Shortly afterward the gamewas closed down by Director Price.Last year Price almost lost his jobover the gambling situation. Thoughit is little known, the whole contro¬versy last spring in Int-House is sup¬posed to have started over an effortto ban gambling in the men’s lounge.This year Price banned it withouteven stirring a ripple in the troubledInternational waters.BUD JAMES. JOE PLUNOER, Tnpit ThnaLMan:(KICK AOAtHSTREMIT./TT TROUBLE'PROOF. PASS MEPIAIIT FOR All EASY\I¥R/T/H& TDUCHDCmMJUgE JIHERBUO, Smn^aJJld:PEHTTISRimiNTHE&ROOYEYYHEHirCOMESTOSEHDIHOATmpmroFAPiiiimy day, we were treated better. Iwas in athletics in my under-grad¬uate days and was a football coachunder A. A. Stagg.The situation is embarrassing toboth graduates and undergraduatesalike. What will Harvard think of5?S. G. Moloney.I(The team will travel only to Erie,Pennsylvanm on the coach and willtransfer to a sleeper there at 11o'clock. —The Board. That makes it just about unan¬imous! Try Penit. You’ll like it!2 oz. bottle, 15c; 4 oz. bottlewith chamois penwiper, 25c.At your college supply store. OR.STERUNC mWl.Ch^mJrohMYAHALYSESPROYEPEHITEREEFROMPEH'CLO&OHYOIH&REDIEm.lTISCALUORAPWCALLYPERFHT*/PETE, CampatBarLop:PENITPOH.Sm.\1V-- t ms A CINCHVv \^\fortheyanksi,SANFORD'S®!HtThv I^vn-Tvslvil Inli for All^t^'ounlaiu /*riisGET "PENIT" FROMWOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St.Near Kimbork Ave. Open EveningsPhone Dor. 4800THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1938 Page ThreePeace CouncilMakes Plans forWorld ConferenceGerman, Italian, andJapanese Members PlayImportant Role.The Peace Council will hold an in¬formal meeting next week to tellmembers of the preparations for theModel World Conference to be heldhere in December. The emphasis of theConference will be on a realistic andpractical inquiry into the presentworld situation to see what the differ¬ent nations can agree upon and whatcan be salvaged. For this reason thedelegations representing the view¬points of Germany, Italy, and Japanwill be particularly important.Rosenstein ChairmanThe Conference will be composed ofmore than 60 delegates from eightmid-western schools who will repre¬sent a total of 18 countries. Becausethe Peace Council is holding the Con¬ference, and Chicago has the U. S.delegation, Joe Rosenstein, Chairmanof the Peace Council, will be chair¬man of the Conference. A1 Williams,vice chairman of the Council, will beSecretary General.Rosenstein is also in charge of thepreparation of reports for the Confer¬ence, while Williams is handling thecontacts with the other schools bymeans of bulletins. Bill Speck is incharge of the entertainment commit¬tee, .\udrey Neff is in charge of thearrangements for housing the dele¬gates, Kay Brandt is arranging theprogram, and Harry Cornelius ishandling the publicity. Faculty ad¬visers for the Conference are WalterI.,avea, associate professor of PoliticalScience, and James T. W'atkins, in¬structor of International Relations.Preparing ReportsChicago has been assigned the dele¬gations for the United States, China,and Spain. Those preparing reportsfor the U. S. are Marguerite Ander¬son, economic relations; Bob Merriam,armaments; Wanda Kantorowitz, mi¬norities; and Joe Rosenstein andGeorge Hussar, covenant revision.Those preparing the China reportsare Eva Baskoff, economic relations;Emmett Deadman, armaments; A1Wellons and Lung Mao, minorities;and A1 Novak, covenant revision. Thereports for the Spanish delegationare in the hands of Richard Ranney,economic relations; Hart Perry, arma¬ments; and Beatrice Freer, covenantrevision. Students are still needed towork with Anderson on the U. S. Eco¬nomic Relations report which js avery important one, and on the Mi¬norities report for Spain. GideonseWarnsAgainst ExclusiveCultivationoflntellectualVirtuesWarning that if schools adopt the“modern heresy" of exclusive cultiva¬tion of intellectual virtues, they canexpect a demogogue to give expres¬sion to starved emotional needs per¬haps in a way destructive to valuesof a democratic society comes fromHarry D. Gideonse, professor ofEconomics at Columbia University.In a pamphlet on “Quality ofTeaching Or Content of Education?"reprinted for private circulationfrom “The Preparation and In-Serv¬ice Training of College Teachers,”Gideonse states the problem of edu¬cation confronting a free society to¬day as one of finding “emotionalequivalents for the type of thing thatis likely to make the totalitarian ap¬peal irresistible if it is not recognizedat a sufficiently early date.” Thesolution, he believes, does not lieprimarily in devising still newermethods of organizing and teachingsubject matter, but rather in a “radi¬cal reorientation in our thought aboutthe content of formal education.”Concentrating upon ends of educa¬tion as well as on the means he feelswould restore values to a centralplace in our program.Since increasing productivity,Gideonse thinks, is the generally ac¬cepted end of contemporary life, spe¬cialization and division of labor havebeen emphasized as means. More¬over, coordination of present day ac¬tivities may be so abstract as to takeplace through a price-scale. ValuesJS F ConsidersWay Out for Jewsat Fireside Tonifiht“The Way Out For Jews" will bethe subject of the Fireside discussionwhen Samuel Goldsmith, executivedirector of the Jewi.sh Charities ofChicago, addresses the Jewish Stu¬dent Foundation tonight at 8 in IdaNoyes Hall.Born in New York City, Goldsmithhas always been active in social work.While still in New York, he was ateacher in the city high schools andduring the World War organized aJew’ish W'elfare board for w’ork in theArmy and Navy.Held Many OfficesHe has served as field secretary ofthe Council of Young Men’s Hebrewand Kindred Organizations, directorof the Bureau of Jewish Social Re¬search, president and secretary of theNational Conference of Jewish So¬cial Work, a member of the execu¬tive committee of the National Con¬ference of Social Work; and is amember of Phi Beta Kappa and PiLambda Phi fraternities. themselves have become the particu¬lar function of some special profes¬sion. Even recreation is thought ofas a separate activity. Foreseeingviolent discharges resulting from thetensions caused by this “segmentaltjiought and organization," Gideonsebelieves a social program is neededto make specialization “safe for so¬ciety."In this program, education fromthe nursery through the adult stageswould play an important part. Scorn¬ing a narrowly intellectual plan ofinstruction, more than the “whole-man" theory of education, he wouldhave the schools make at least im¬plicit concessions to the latter by at¬tempting to satisfy human emotion¬al, aesthetic, and physical as well asintellectual needs in a way compatiblewith a democratic society today.Tyler OpensPsychologyLecture SeriesPeace Movements Must WorkWith Labor Says BalabanoffAngelica Balabanoff, internation¬ally famed Socialist, yesterday de¬clared that the only genuine peacemovement in the world today is direct¬ly connected with the labor movementwhich at present is very weak. Callingall other peace movements shams,she declared she had little hope forpeace. Balabanoff talked last night atthe first public meeting of the So¬cialist Club, L.S.I.“Communism and the World YouthCongress are an artificial expressionof liberalism in the United States to¬day," she stated. “True liberalism andthe emancipation of the working classwill come about with the fusion ofscience and the workers." ^After the lecture. Madame Bala¬banoff, who is more than sixty yearsFreshmen JoinDaily Maroon StaffThirty-two freshmen began workas reporters on the Daily Maroonthis week.They are Dorothy Petersen, Ma-I’ian Lawrence, Elvira Vegh, DaleScott, Clyde Miller, Dorothy Fantl,Dorothy Ganssle, Marial Pliss, Bar¬bara Phelns, Hazel Cargill, JeanBoerger, Dick Himmel, Earl Dono¬van, Lester Dean, Bob Reynolds,Chester Hand, Shirley Moore, LeoShapiro, Beverly Ward, Elaine Hick¬man, Betty Kesner, Helen How'ard,Ernest Schultz, George Beetz, Phyl¬lis Han.sen, James Wilson, Dan Mez-lay, Helen Schwartz, Ernest Poll,James Burtle, Allan Dreyfuss andHerbert Burrows.^ The majority of these studentshave had experience on prep schoolpapers and annuals. old and scarcely five feet tall, attendeda reception for herself at the home ofPaul Douglas, professor of Economics.Douglas was also chairman of theSocialist Club meeting.Sweden Leading WorldSweden is leading the world in thelabor movement today, Madame Bala¬banoff declared, with the' UnitedStates following closely behind. Shebelieves that it will be the free coun¬tries who will liberate the workingclass and abolish injustice in theworld.Mussolini, she said with obviouscontempt, is a coward, “the most per¬nicious of human beings," and directlyresponsible for the next Europeanwar. When asked whether or not therewere enough constructive elements inthe fascist countries to enable themto long survive, she declared “Thereis nothing constructive about them."Survey—(Continued from page 1)contacts, and “it was the thing to do”were other reasons.Most identical figures are those onthe type of literature preferred, withalmost 75 per cent at each school read¬ing Time, Life, The New Yorker, andmodern fiction.The query on hobbies received themost diverse replies. Several Univer¬sity women stated that they classifiedtheir hobbies as entertainment.Sports, especially tennis, golf, hik¬ing, and horse-back riding, lead. Can-did-cameraing has its enthusiasts, butthe less modern hobbies, such as cook¬ing, gardening, sketching, and sleep¬ing still retain their charms. \ At the first in a series of five lec¬tures on the psychology and develop¬ment of children of pre-school age,Ralph W. Tyler, chairman of the de¬partment of Education, will speakon “The Significance of the NurserySchool for the University” tonight at8 in Graduate Education 126, Freder¬ic Woodward, vice-president of theUniversity, is officiating.The lecture series, sponsored by theWoman’s Board of the CooperativeNursery School and the Child De¬velopment Committee, is part of aprogram to give parents an oppor¬tunity to learn about developmentsand methods of child training.Other SpeakersOther speakers include John E.Anderson, director of the Instituteof Child Welfare at the Universityof Minnesota, who will discuss “TheSocial Development of the Child" at3:45, November 11. Mandel Sherman,associate professor of EducationalPsycholog;y, will speak on “The Roleof Language in Personality Manifes¬tation,” November 22. “Mental Haz¬ards of the Pre-school Years” is thesubject George Mohr of the Institutefor Psychoanalysis will discuss De¬cember 6. Concluding the series isClarence T. Simon, director of theSpeech Clinic at Northwestern Uni¬versity, who will lecture on “SpeechProblems of Young Children” at 3:45December 13.SECRETARIAL CAREERSfor University PeopleCompl9t» SacntarlalStanography . . . C months4 months^ Fraa placement and Vocational" Analyele Report to graduatee.^ A modern ehorthand system —" more efficient-easily mastered.^ Start Monday —Day or Evening.^ Visit, phone, or write today:Institute of Modern Business225 North Wabash • Randolph 6927JudgeHellerREPUBUCANNOMINEEHelp Re-ElectAnAlumnusJUDGE SAMUEL HELLERReceived his Ph.B. at the Uni¬versity of Chicago in 1913 andhis M.A. in 1931.He received his Low degreeat Northwestern UniversityLow SchoolHe is up for Re-election osJudge of Municipal Court on:TUESDAY. NOV. 84th Name in the Republican JudicialColumnSUPPORT HIM Newsreel MakesFinal Plans forOpening TomorrowLast piinute preparations for to¬morrow’s presentation of a revival of“The Lost World" were made todayby the University Newsreel. The pic¬ture, starring Wallace Beery, BessieLove, Lewis Stone and Lloyd Hughes,is to be shown at 3:30 in Mandel Halland in the evening at 7:30 in KentTheater. Accompanying the picture▼/ill be a half hour musical interludefrom 3:00 to 3:30 before the start ofthe show with latest swing records byleading orchestras.During a short intermission, thequestionnaire compiled by the News¬reel to ascertain the likes and dis¬likes of the student body will be dis¬tributed among the audience so thatin the future, pictures and music willbe in the popular trend. Regular ad¬mission is 25 cents but if a compli¬mentary ticket is presented, the priceis reduced to 15 cents. Tickets areavailable at the Information Desk,Daily Maroon Office and the checkroom in the basement of ReynoldsClub. In addition to the picture andmusic, there will be a short Cartoonpresented.Residents of GatesDine in Ida Noyes Homecoming-(Continued from page 1)Vanities, revealed that this yearonly four fraternities and two clubswill participate in the Vanity finals.Elimination of the other fraternitiesand clubs will occur at the prelimi¬naries, scheduled for Wednesday Nov¬ember 9. Two cups will be awardedthe winners, one to the leading fra¬ternity, the other to the club win¬ner.Activity Centrally OrganizedThis year for the first time, accord¬ing to Bob Jones, Homecoming Com¬mittee chairman, activity surround¬ing the event will be centrally organ¬ized. Previous festivals were conduct¬ed by individual groups.The Homecoming committee is com¬posed of Bob Jones, committee chair¬man; Emmett Deadman and NedRosenheim, publicity; Roger Neilsonand Phil Schnering, men’s activities;and Clementine Van der Schaegh andMarjorie Kuh, women’s activities.Fifty residents of Gates hall willdine in Ida Noyes tomorrow at 6in the second of a series of events de¬signed to revive social life in theresidence hall, Ruth Moulik, socialcommittee chairman, announced yes¬terday.Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Carr, BettyForeen, secretary to Mrs. Carr,Mary Gilson, assistant professor ofEconomics, and two of the latter’sfriends will be guests of honor. Cof¬fee will be served in Gates halllounge after the dinner. SHAGAM DRUGS933 EAST 55th ST. AT INGLESIDE AVE.Phone Hyde Pork 2441SANDWICHES • FOUNTAIN SERVICEWE DELIVERIntensiveShorthandCourseFOR COLLEGE GRADUATESAND UNDERGRADUATESIdeal for takinK notes at collegeor for spare-time or full time posi¬tions. Classes start the first ofJanuary, April, July and October.Call, write or telephone State 1881for complete factsThe Gregg College6 N. MICHIGAN AVE.. CHICAGOSWING ALONG TOCOLLEGE1 G H TEVERY FRIDAYDance WithDICK STABILEAnd His OrchestraA NEW KIND OF SWEET SWING AND DICK'SGOLDEN VOICED SAXOPHONE*ALL STAR COLLEGE SHOWPROFESSIONAL FLOOR SHOWREMEMBERNOVEMBER 18thTHE FIRST BIGCHICAGO NIGHTHalf Rate Tickets Available at the InformationDesk in the Press Building and theDaily Maroon OfficeMarine Dining RoomEDGEWATER BEACHHOTEL6300 Block Sheridan Road — Pork in Hotel GaragePage Four THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1933Side GlancesAt I-M'sBy ERNEST LEISERWith the upset of the long Psi Ureign imminent, and with an inde¬pendent team strong enough for thefirst time since 1928 to give the fra¬ternity champions a stiff battle forthe University touchball title, Intra¬murals rolled into the playoffs today.* * *The first fraternity league playoffgame will be played today at 3:40P.M. on Greenwood Field. AlphaDelta Phi’s “A” team, which is ratedas the strongest fraternity team, willmeet a Phi Gam squad which is thestrongest they have had in ten years.The Alpha Belts will have almost thesame team they had last year, witha year’s added experience to toughenthem. Johnny Krietenstein, who wasunable to play last year, will join BillRunyan in forming a passing duothat the other Greeks will have dif¬ficulty in stopping. The Phi Gams willrely on George Antonie, football let-terman last year to sling passes intothe impenetrable Alpha Belt defense,but unless the attack of Runyan andKriet is away off form, the AlphaBelts should mop up their opponentsto head for the fraternity finals.The Alpha Belt “B” team alsoworked its way into a quarter-finalspot when it upset a weakened Psi Uteam last Wednesday, 26-19. The PsiU’s, from their play so far this yearshow little hope of reaching the finals,and much less of regaining theircrown.* * *The Betas, who have thrown offtheir aura of intellectualism longenough to turn out the best touchballteam in their history, should give theweakened Psi U’s a real battle in thethird playoff game. The Psi U squad,which had to start almost from scratchthis year, goes into the game with aslight edge, despite the loss of mostof their best players, but they haveno chance of dominating the finalsas they have done in nine out of thelast 14 touchball tournaments.♦ * *The Deke squad, led by Chet andBill Murphy, and Cliff Gramer, is theonly one which the Alpha Belts needreally fear. Unless the unforeseenhappens, the Bekes will marchthrough to the finals with as muchease as the AD Phis and will make ithot for them in the crucial game.The Bekes play the Phi Sigs in thelast of the four playoffs, and probablywill trim them easily.* *Usually the fraternity championcan consider itself holder of the Uni¬versity touchball title with little moreado, but this year the winners willhave to meet a really tough inde¬pendent team. The Barristers of lastyear have changed their name andcalibre of playing, and this year’sBar Association team under the direc¬tion of Chuck Longacre, best inde¬pendent player last year, and with thesupport of Jim Brown, last yearBeloit football star, has been strap¬ping all independent rivals with ease.Adler DiscussesPolitical PartiesProfessor Speaks atSymposium at NotreDame.Mortimer J. Adler, assistant profes¬sor of the Psychology of Law, willspeak on “Political Parties and theCommon Good’’ at the University ofNotre Dame’s Symposium of Politicaland Social Economy, November 4-5.He talks on Friday evening, Novem¬ber 4 to the public.Adler read his speech over stationWOR Monday, declaring that there isa tendency towards democracy in theworld today, although it is, at thepresent time, overshadowed by thetotalitarian states and disguised oli¬garchies, which are trying to stampout the democratic forms of govern¬ment. However, he thinks that thedemocratic form of government willprobably survive and win out over thedictator-controlled countries.Politics, believes Adler, is the ra¬tional mind thinking in politicalterms. Political science includes notonly the judgment of dead, past formsof government and the study of pres¬ent day political bodys, but also theplanning of future governments. Maroons Entrainfor HarvardGrid Game TodayCrimsons Rejuvenatedby Defeat of Princeton;Foley, Wilson to Play. List Rules forStudent Use ofHandball CourtsThe Maroon football squad willhold a short practice this morningbefore it embarks for Cambridge andits game with the Harvard CrimsonSaturday. At the conclusion of yes¬terday’s practice Coach Shaughnessyselected approximately 35 men tomake the trip. They will leave fromEnglewood Station at 2:40.With freshmen employing Harvardplays, the entire squad went througha long workout yesterday as it at¬tempted to improve its defenseagainst the Crimson attack.Although the Harvard team start¬ed its season by losing a quartet ofgames, to Brown, Cornell, Dartmouth,and Army, it vindicated itself lastweek by decisively defeating Princeton.Scoring four touchdowns over theTigers they showed that they maystill be classed as one of the East’sstrong teams.Outstanding in the Harvard line¬up is Foley, left halfback, who isconsidered the best passer on thesquad. Wilson, who is stationed atquarterback is also rated as an ex¬cellent defensive player.The team will arrive in Bostontomorrow morning and will imme¬diately proceed to the Hotel Statlerwhere it is to make its headquar¬ters. Handball, one of the most popularsports at the University, is now infull swing. It is necessary to makei reservations for the use of the hand¬ball courts three days in advance, andthe period of reservation is confine®to one hour at the most. After threein the afternoon the maximum periodis forty-five minutes.The courts are open from elevento ten on weekdays, eleven to five onSaturdays, and from ten to one onSundays.Courts one through six are to beused for handball, courts seventhrough nine are for squash racquets,and number ten is reserved for rac¬quets or doubles squash. Tennis prac¬tice Ts to give way to squash or hand¬ball at all times on the courts.Cross Country TeamRuns Against LoyolaNed Merriam’s cross country ag¬gregation will have some stiff oppo¬sition Saturday when it competes inthe Loyola Invitational to be held onLoyola Field at 11.Although Coach Merriam doesn’texpect any of the men to take firstplace, he thinks that they will gainsome experience which will prove use¬ful in the Conference meet, tenta¬tively scheduled here on Saturday,November 12. Representing the Uni¬versity at Loyola will be Chet Powell,Maurice Abrahamson, Bob Merriam,and Bob Stracker. Dll’s Succumb toAlphaDelt‘‘A’’;Judson 300 Wins Wilkins Leads PingPong TournamentPhi Sig Team DefeatsSigma Chi 13-6 AsRally Fails.The Alpha Delta Phi “A” team de¬cisively defeated Delta Upsilon in atouchball game yesterday 46 to 6. TheDU’s were no no match for the AlphaBelts and offered no competition.Lytle and Mullins led the scoring forthe Alpha Belts, the former makingthree touchdowns and the latter two.In the other two games of the dayBurton 700 lost to Judson 300 36-0while Phi Sigma Delta was victoriousover Sigma Chi by a 13-6 decision.The Phi Sig team had a 13-0 leadover the Sigma Chi squad with onlytwo minutes to play when .Strittercaught a pass over the goal-line forhis team’s only score. Berkson scoredthrough a lateral pass after sevenminutes and Fried added to thtf scorea minute later by catching a passand crossing the line.Today’s games feature the firstround play in the playoffs of the fra¬ternity division.Today’s GainesAD Phi “A” vs. Phi GamBeta vs. Psi UpsilonDKE vs. Phi SigAD Phi “B” vs. Phi Belt Ernest Wilkins is at present lead¬ing the Reynolds Club ping pong lad¬der tournament.At present, the following are listedin the order of their standings: Wil¬kins, Boehner, Tish, Wilkinson, Ross,Jurma, Fried, Hershmen, Morgan-roth, Lifton, Glickman, Levy, Weiss-bourd, Finn, Scheffer, Weigel, Levit,Polacheck, Manders, and Hitchens.The ladder is open to any Univer¬sity man who challenges and defeatsone of those already listed on theladder. Once on the ladder, he mayadvance by challenging and defeatingany one of the next four above him.Any Old ClothesBraces, jersies, leather vests,and hobnail football shoes areagain in demand. Iron Mask, inplanning a freak football tilt forHomecoming, appeals to every stu¬dent possessing 19 century footballtoggery.Anyone willing to lend a uniformto the organization for the Home¬coming celebration is asked to re¬port to Jim Anderson, Delta KappaEpsilon, or Bud Linden, Alpha Del¬ta Phi.PIPESMOKERSSoldb)r]r«w<>«lwIte for Mipl* to Matoil, ISll Woln.lPliil»<.lrlito. N. OoMCAP and GOWN SCOOPFraternity Men -The perfect rushing machine —RADIO &TO BE GIVEN AWAYTO A FRATERNITY PhonographFREEThis Beautiful $370.00 1939 Model Is on *Display at the Following Stores:University Music d Radio Co. 1371 E. 55th St.Woodlawn Radio d Music Co. 1004 E. 63rd St.SEE IT TODAY and Start WorkingFor It Immediately