oPbe Bail? iHaroonVol. 37. No. 80. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY. MARCH II. 1937 Price Three Cent*Sherburn toAbandon Postat UniversityExpert on 18th CenturyLiterature Remains atColumbia.George Wiley Sherburn, associat¬ed with the University since 1913, hasresigned as profesor of English to ac¬cept a similar position at ColumbiaUniversity, it was revealed yesterday.For the past year he has been visit¬ing professor at the New York school,and has formally severed his connec¬tions with the University to accept apermanent position there.An expert in eighteenth century lit¬erature, Sherburn specializes in theworks and life of Alexander Popeand Henry Fielding. He has writ¬ten a book on the youth of Pope.While here, he was vei-y much in¬terested in student-faculty relation¬ships. He was also a member ofKappa Alpha, national literary honorsociety.Coming to the University in 1913as an associate in English, Sherburnobtained his doctor’s degree in 1915,and in 1926 he was made a full pro¬fessor. For two years, from 1926-1928, he served as secretary of the de¬partment. An outstanding student ofliterature, in 1929-30 he was visitingscholar in the Henry E. HuntingtonLibrary.17th Century ScholarHe is reputed to know more aboutthe seventeenth and eighteenth cen¬turies than most scholars. As oneof his acquaintances writes, “He out¬does the English in their own field,for at least one English writer ap¬pealed to him to decide whether ornot Alexander Pope was homosexual.. . . Oddly enough he gave some goodanswers, quoted lines and chaptersand references, and indicated thathe knew more about Pope’s life thanhis wife living at that time appar¬ently knew, (The conclusion wasthat one couldn’t say definitely thatPope was perverted.)’’Members of the faculty associatedwith him in the department and di¬vision did not comment upon his de¬parture, merely saying that he hadfound it necessary to resign to ac¬cept the new position. The courseswhich he taught are not being offeredthis year and no indication has beenmade as to whether a person fromoutside will be sought to replace himor whether a present member of thedepartment will teach his courses. ASU Members toHear Striking CabDrivers on FridayCompleting all the unfinished busi¬ness of the quarter, members of theASU will elect new officers and ex¬ecutive committee at their final meet¬ing Friday at 12:30 in Cobb 110.Jack Davenport, one of the strikingtaxi-drivers, will speak on the strikefrom the standpoint of the unionmember.Candidates for positions as offi¬cers and the twelve members of theexecutive committee were proposedby the executive committee yester¬day. Other nominations may bebrought up from the floor at themeetings.Nominate OfficersBeatrice Wa.shburn Meyer, pres¬ent chairman, and Betty Robbins arecandidates for the chairmanship, andBeth Potter and Lillian Feldman arenominees for the position of vice-chairman. For secretary. Bob Speerand Winifred Leeds have been nom¬inated, and for treasurer, Ruth Bloomand Zelman Dvorkin.Davenport, an important organizerof the Chicago taxi-drivers, will tellhow the .strike was started and whatthe drivers hope to gain. He willespecially aim to discard recent im¬pressions circulated by the newspa¬pers indicating that the public is 1/ -ing extremely inconvenienced by thelack of transportation facilitie.s. Phoenix ScoresRacial DecisionReese’s Fourth Issue HitsFraternity Council forPrejudice.The fourth issue of “Phoenix’’ un¬der the aegis of Henry Reese appearstoday headed by the a vitriolic articleon the decision of the InterfraternityCouncil to refuse to amend its consti¬tution to permit the admittance ofthe negro fraternity Kappa AlphaPsi.With both cover and main articledevoted to the racial controversywhich has rocked the campus, thisissue of “Phoenix” continues with anarticle by V. P. Quinn on the newmagazines which have been appear¬ing during the past few years.Cody Pfanstiehl, erstwhile authorof The Daily Maroon’s “TravellingBazaar” contributes an excellentlywritten series of highlights on hisexperiences last summer while coun¬cilor at a Druce Lake camp for un-derprivvileged children from Chi¬cago’s slums.Paul Hugo Litwinsky, formerly aChicago student, contributes in thisissue a pleasantly meandering taleabout a symphony subscriber’s reac¬tions when his musical tastes weredisparaged.Campus Newsreel Draws CapacityCrowd: Continues Today, TomorrowBy BETTYSometimes, to alleviate the worryabout the Aristotlean controversiesand the bombardment of the atom, auniversity student turns astray andconcocts an ingenious hobby to keepa benevolent equilibrium within hissystem. Sometimes it nets him thefinancial overhead of an education,sometimes expulsion, sometimes ever¬lasting fame.In past (lays Princeton, started theVeterans of Future Wars, from NewYork city, came the gigolo bureau;at Iowa the caps were jerked off thesoda pop bottles and a night club wasinserted.Yesterday, 270 students watchedanother hobby materialize at thisuniversity. The third Campus News-rtel, featuring events of the autumnquarter, and its forthcoming sequelswill in due time take its place amongachievements of a collegiate world.Director Paul Wagner and his a.s-Phonetics Laboratory Carries onResearch Into Speech ProductionBy MARY E. GRENANDER“Phoneticians are fanaticians.”This fervid sentiment was voiced byone of them, Salomon N. Trevino, ashe explained the intricacies of thesystems used to instruct students inthe basic fundamentals of speech.The phonetics laboratory, which istucked away in odd corners of thecampus because it is noisy and noone but the fanatical phoneticianscan stand the noise, is a little-knowndivision of the department of Ro¬mance Languages. Its varied and ex¬tensive ramifications are dividedroughly into two parts—those deal¬ing with research problems, and thoseprimarily concerned with helping stu¬dents in the Romance Languages overthe rough spots in their speech.Picture SpeechOf these, the research work is byfar the more interesting. For in¬stance, intriguing pictures of a per¬son’s speech can be taken which lookstrangely like Tribune graphs of thelate depression. Two rows of wavylines indicate the relative intensityand pitch of a person’s voice. Thus,as the Spanish say it, the “p’’ in“capital” is a straight line, but inAmerican speech it is a straight linewith a little hump on the end.Not only can pictures of talk betaken, but they can be drawn, A re¬volving cylinder covered with smok¬ed paper is connected to a sort ofpen which leads to a speaking tube.As the subject talks into the tube,the pen vibrates upon the revolvingcylinder, removing the carhon fromthe surface it scratches. The resultis a picture of the “tune” of a word- Sound to Light“, . . intriguing picture of a per-on’s speech . . , like Tribune graphsof the late depression . . .”or sentence drawn in white on theblack surface. There is a similar ap¬paratus which records the pressure,or intensity, of sounds.Zulu Recording*Probably the most fascinatingw'ork (lone by the phoneticians—froman outsider’s viewpoint—is the pro¬duction of electrical recordings ofdifferent types of speech. Chinese,Zulu, and Japanese, as well as thebetter-known French, Italian, and(Contianed on page 3) ROBBINS.sociates have made notable improve¬ments since the showing of the firstNewsreel last November. The moviesrun through 46 minutes of varied in¬terest—with the Pontiac Program,Washington Prom, Chapel Unionbarn dance, sports, pledge classeiand the Peace conference, playinthe lead. Lighting effects, undoubt¬edly due to insufficient equipment,are still faulty in spots. The basket¬ball games are too long, and are lack¬ing in featured shots, with legs chas¬ing too fast for the eye to comfort¬ably follow. Continuity has its subt¬leties in sections, is sufficiently ex¬planatory, and except for a few slipsof the tongue, unusually well enun¬ciated.Legs, facial ambiguities, and cam¬era awareness are well shot.One of the most promising aspectsof the movie, from the viewpoint ofphotography, is the all-color fashionshow featuring campus women. Buta male commentator on women’s ac¬cessories plus an excess of depart¬ment store promotionals is not tooadmirable an innovation.Despite the country “hikes” at theBarn Dance, a glimpse of Mrs.Hutchins, the digging elementary tosquaring the circle, and Ed Sternsupplying the horns to Julian Kiser’sphotograph at the Prom, human in¬terest and an additional insert of theunusual is missing. There are cam¬pus scenes and campus personalities,and campus squirrels that have neverbeen amply photographed and thecampus newsreel would be an excel¬lent showing for their stories in pic¬ture.By special request the officialmovies of the Berlin Olympic games,will be repeated at the showing todayat 3:30. The final shows will be runtomorrow afternoon and evening inOriental Institute.Show Movies ofCoast Guard onFriday EveningAs an added feature of the cam¬pus newsreel now being presented inthe Oriental Institute, movies of theUnited States Coast Guard Academywill be shown after the regular news¬reel presentation ^n Friday night.These movies serve to acquaintqualified young men of character andability with the opportunities opento them in a career in the UnitedStates Coast Guard. From the moviesone can get a clear, comprehensivepicture of the daily lives of thesemen. Their systematized and care¬fully planned life which lasts from6:15a.m. to 10 p.m. will be portray¬ed, as will the grounds and buildingsof the forty-five acre Academy ofthe banks of the Thames River atNew London, Connecticut. ^Hutchins Won^tGo^This is official.Hutchins won’t go to Washing¬ton.“There’s nothing to it,” said anofficial spokesman for the Univer¬sity yesterday. “Robert MaynardHutchins has never, and withoutdoubt will never, consider going toWashingfton to testify in a senatejudiciary hearing against the Su¬preme Court remodeling plan.”As for the law school’s sendinga few professors East to speak forthe plan. Dean Bigelow onlylaughs and says:“Well, at a recent meeting wemade a motion to grant a leaveof absence to anyone who wantsto go.”So far no one has gone.Merriam Speaks onPolitical Trendsin Lecture Series Mirror, Ida Noyes Council,Settlement Board AnnounceOfficers for Coming YearWalter SteffenDies After TwoMonths’ IllnessInternational House is again spon¬soring a prominent member of theUniversity faculty tonight as speak¬er on the lecture .series “Trends inModern Thought.”At 8 o’clock. Professor Charles E.Merriam, distinguished service, pro¬fessor and chairman of the depart¬ment of political science, who hasgained prominence in the politicalwk)rld spieaks on contemporarytrends in government.Before the lecture, Mr. and Mrs.Ernest Price are entertaining Pro¬fessor Merriam and other membersof^ the political science departmentat dinner. The lecture is open toboth residents of the House and tocampus members at no admissioncharge. Famed as the Maroon football cap¬tain who took Walter Eckersall’splace at quarterback and led the Uni¬versity football team of 1907 to thetop of the conference. Judge WalterP. Steffen of the superior court diedTuesday night.It was “Wally” who stiff-armed hisway to an 80 to 0 victory over theBrooklyn Poly team, the Prep schoolchampions of the East who invadedthe North Division high school grid¬iron in 1904.It was “Wally” who, on the firstkickoff of the Wisconsin game in1908, ran 95 yards down the centerof the filed to start a rout of theBadgers. “He’s the most elusiverunner I've seen,” said his coach, aGrand Old Man named Stagg.It was “Wally” who was chosen AllAmerican quarterback.Then Walter P. Steffen was admit¬ted to the bar. and began unwardclimb in juristic circles. He was ap¬pointed to the Superior Court in 1922.For years he served as commutingcoach at Carnegie Tech, but age forc¬ed his retirement from the field.Then, last year, at 51 years of age,he returned to football as advisor tothe Carnegie team. Women Select Chairman ofInterclub Governing BodyToday.His death followed an illness of twomonths.Adler Publishes ^Art and Prudence,’to Reveal Moral Aspects of CinemaBy MAXINE BIESENTHAL“Art and Prudence,” the 676 page XI on motionvolume by Mortimer Adler, associateprofe.ssor of Philosophy of Law, dealswith, surpri.singly enough, the mo¬tion picture industry. But Adler onthe movies may possibly be comparedwith Aristotle on Poetics, for bothworks represent, according to state¬ment on the cover-flap, “equally sin¬cere and thoughtful attempts to isol¬ate the essential laws eternally gov¬erning a specific art.”The recent encyclical of Pope Pius\ Ellis CooperativeCompletes SecondMonth of ServiceBy JOHN MARKS“Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday dear coop.Happy birthday to you.”Two months ago today the coopwas founded. Tonight all the mem¬bers of the Ellis Cooperatives will besinging this little ditty as the candle-covered cake is carried into theirdining room. The coop started on ashoestring but already it is an insti¬tution with traditions (the birthdayparty is one) and a vastly increasedmembership.The coop’s origin is a prime ex¬ample of cooperation. The ASUthought cooperation was a good idea.So it set up a committee to start acooperative. In the subsequent weeksthe committee floundered about witha constantly changing membership on motion pictures has raisedfundamental questions about themoral and social obligations of art,which is especially important in thecase of an art as widely patronizedas the motion pictures. Whether ornot the motion pictures are by na¬ture an art, or merely an amuse¬ment to be classed, possibly with acircus, is discussed fully.In viewing the problem of the mo-:tion’s pictures as a local instance of ithe general problem of the arts in so-1ciety, the book caiTies the analysis jof the problem out in all its ramifica-1tions. Besides a discussion on politi- ical regulation and control of the mo¬tion picture industry, the book con¬tains an analysis of historical prece¬dent, based largely on Plato andAristotle, and bares on the problemsof literary criticism.Thus, altogether the purpose of thevolume is to reveal the moral and thepolitical aspects of the cinema so thatin the future its critics and its pi’O-ducers may be saved from confusion,it shows that there is very little newunder the sun, and that most of theproblems which face the industrynow, have been faced and solvedmany times before. Tlections took place yesterday forofficers of three major organizationson campus, as well as for those ofthe women’s clubs. Mirror, the wom¬en’s dramatic association, elected Ai-leen Wilson president, by a majorityof the 60 votes cast. Betty Quinnwas made vice-president, while Elea¬nor Melander, Jane Kinder, and MaryPaul Rix complete the Mirror Board.In the Student Settlement Board,the intermediary group of studentsbetween the campus and the Univer¬sity Settlement House, Mary LettyGreen was chosen the new president,and Margaret Merrifield, secretary.Ida Noyes Council has as its newchairman Frances Protheroe, and assecretary, Helen Thomson.List ActivitiesAileen Wilson, Esoteric, acted asthe stage manager of this year’s Mir¬ror production, and is a member ofthe Federation Council, and the Stu¬dent Settlement Board. BettyQuinn, Sigma, wras the chairman ofthe Mirror costume committee, andis a member of the Phoenix staff.Eleanor Melander, Wyvern, was thebox office manager for Mirror, is theeditor of the Student Handbook, anda member of the Cap and Gown staff.Jane Kinder is a member of Quad¬rangular, and was the chairman ofthe Mirror property committee.Mary Paul Rix, Mortar Board, hasbeen active in the cast of Mirror andan outstanding member of casts inthe Dramatic Association produc¬tions.Mary Letty Green, Mortar Board,is a member of the Student Socialcommittee, the Dramatic Association,and w’as active on the Greater Wash¬ington Prom committee. MargaretMerrifield, is a member of Mirror,the “C” club, the women’s honorathletic organization, and the Univer¬sity Choir and University Singers.Frances Protheroe, Sigma, is amember of the YWCA first cabinet,Eta Sigma Phi, and the ChapelCouncil. Helen Thomson, Chi RhoSigma, is a member of the Cap andGown staff, YWCA cabinet, and act¬ed as assistant on the Red Cross com¬mittee in their annual drive on cam¬pus.Women’s Club PresidentsPresident of the thirteen women’sclubs, were elected at the club meet¬ings last week. They are EleanorCuppier, Achoth; LaVerne Reid, Ar¬rian; Clementine Vander Schaegh,Chi Rho Sigma; Pauline Turpin, Del¬ta Sigma; Eileen Tasker, Deltho; Ei¬leen Wilson, Esoteric; Marv LettyGreen, Mortar Board; Marjorie Ham¬ilton, Phi Delta Upsilon; MarjorieHess, Pi Delta Phi; Persis-Jane Pee¬ples, Quadranglar; Betty Booth,Sigma; and Virginia Tress, Wyvern.Election of the officers for the In¬terclub Council chairman will be heldtoday in Ida Noyes Hall at 4:30. Theoffice will be given to one of thenewly-elected club presidents, whomust be a senior.and without getting much done.Every few weeks it would announceoptimistically to those who had indi¬cated their desire to join that thecoop wc\ild open “after Thanksgiv¬ing,” “before Christmas,” or “arterChristmas” as the case might be.Finally residents in the dormitoriesreceived copies of a poorly-mimeo¬graphed, ungrammatical letter. Aboutthirty answers were received to thethree hundred letters,. Eleven saidthey would join. The committee de¬cided to go ahead with the thirtymembers they had and hope for thebest.The restaurant headquarters at5558 Ellis was a relect of the Co¬lumbian exposition. A yeai of *li- j(Continued on page 3) Delightful Drivel Offered for Sale;Forty Seven Gaudeamus’ AvailableNew'est publication on the quad¬rangles, Gaudeamus, today lifts thebars on its circulation and becomesavailable to the campus.Copies of this second issue of fort¬nightly foolishness will be sold byTailor Tom at his newsstand in frontof Cobb as long as they last. Only47 of the red magazinelets wereavailable last night after 133 weresold before noon in Wieboldt library,its birthplace.“Why did w'e print it?” said TomKerr, editor-in-chief. “We did it torelieve the dusty monotony of Wie¬boldt. Gallacher, Frauchiger, Wahl-gren and I thought to wTite poetry,the kind everyone wants to writewhen they stretch after an hour ofsolid study. Relaxive poetry, ascharming as a new-born mare, asvivid as Ju-Ju natives exhaustedabout a magnesium flare.”He rumpled his light hair.“Two weeks ago we put out the first issue—stuff in seven languages.It sold out 100 copies in two hoursup here in Wieboldt where the lan¬guage students are. This time wethought we’d see if the campus want¬ed it.“The whole thing’s giving us a lotof fun.”Friars TryoutsBlackfriars tryouts continue to¬day in the Reynolds Club Theatre2:30-4:30 p.m. All who have notreported as yet are urged by pro¬ducer Storer to do so. Previousexperience is unnecessary. If youcan dance, sing or entertain in anymanner or means come out. If youare’t endowed with any of theseblessings come out anyway, andlook for a job somewhere in the •comnany.ITHE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, MARCH II. 1937iatly iiar00nFOUNDED IN IMlMember Artociated CoUefiate PressTbe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniTerstty of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday, Sun>day. and Monday during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quartersby Tbe Daily Maroon Company, 6831 University avenue. Tele¬phones: Local 46, and Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.The University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in Tbe Daily Maroon, or for any contractentered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in The DallyMaroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily tite viewsof the University administration.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves the rights of publicationof any material appearirg in this paper. Subecription rates:12.75 a year; $4 by mail. Single copies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the poet officeat Chicago. Illinois, under the act of March 3. 1879.a_,-NCSCNTEO FOR NATIONAL AOVSRTISINa BYNational Advertising Service, IncCollege Publishers Represeututioe420 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y.Cmicaoo • Boston . San FranciscoLos ANOELXS • PORTLAND • SSATTLSBOARD OF CONTROLJULIAN A. KISER Editor-in-ChiefDONALD ELLIOTT Business ManagerEDWARD S, STERN Managing EditorJOHN G. MORRIS Associate EditorJAMES F. BERNARD. Advertising ManagerEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESBernice Bartels Edward Fritz Ccdy PfanstiehlEoiiDett Dead man El Roy Golding Betty RobbinsBUSINESS ASSOCIATESOharies Hoy . Bernard Levine William RubachMarshall J. StoneEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSJacquelyn Aeby Paul Ferguson Seymour MillerHarris Beck Judith Graham LaVeme RiessLaura Bergquist AinMe Haines Adele RoseMaxine Biesenthal David Harris Bob SassBoth Brody Rex Horton Leonard SchermerCharles Cleveland Harry Levi Cornelias SmithLome Cook John Marks Harold SwansonJohn Cooper Douglas ^SreBUSINESS ASSISTANTSEdwin Bergman Alan Johnstone Howard GreenleeJerome Ettelson Max Freeman Edward GustafsonDoris GentzlerSTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Eisendrath Donal HohrnjrNight Editor: ElRoy D. GoldingAssistant: John A. CooperThursday, March 11, 1937Functionless FreshmenDuring the heat of the political battle overthe Freshman election the early part of thisquarter, we were skeptical of the value of sucha class organization because of lack of anywell- defined objectives for class activity. Re¬versing the usual procedure, certain firebrandsin the class—some acting in what they believ¬ed to be the class interest, others in purelytheir own interest—successfully insisted thatan election be carried through before the pur¬poses of the proposed class organization wereformulated. A number of these students alsosucceeded in getting themselves elected to thenew Freshman Executive Committee.Both to gain recognition from the Dean’soffice and, no doubt, to justify their insist¬ence on a class organization and their electionto it, the committee drew up an imposingstatement of purposes and possible lines ofactivity. These included, among the moretangible proposals, sponsoring of freshmanforums and discussion groups, of hobby groupsand recreational activities in Ida Noyes andthe Reynolds Club, of dances and other func¬tions to raise funds for a freshman scholarship,promotion of freshman intramural groups, andsupport of the Leaders’ Organization. Thisplatform was published over a month ago, inthe first week of February.We can rapidly pass over the accomplish¬ments up to this time along most of theselines. What has been done can be best sum¬med up in a single word—nothing. Of thehobby groups and recreational activities, of thebetter organized freshman intramural groups,we have heard not a word. Some support mayhave been given to the Leades for ’41 move¬ment, but nothing out of the ordinary. In theThe ABC’sTraining of the IntellectA Lniversity . , . contemplates neither moral im¬pression nor mechanical production; it professes toexercise the mind neither in art nor in duty; its func¬tion is intellectual culture; here it may leave itsscholars, and it has done its work whti it has doneas much as this. It educates the intellect to reasonwell in all matters, to reach out towards truth, andto grasp it. iJohn Henry (Cardinal) New«an, 1852- X, matter of scheduling dances and other rev¬enue-raising functions, the committee has wait¬ed so late that the Spring program is now toofull to accommodate their plans.This is the current situation, with the Win¬ter quarter almost over and only the Springquarter—a time notoriously bad for the incep¬tion of new activities because of the pressuf^of examinations—left out of the school year.On the matter of freshman forums and dis¬cussion groups, the committee has fallen downparticularly. Not an idea originating with thecommittee, the discussion groups, which werestarted independently in the Autumn quar¬ter, were taken over by it in order to strength¬en its platform. Up to this week, no discus¬sion groups under the sponsorship of the com¬mittee have been held for a period of over amonth. Those scheduled for this week werepractically unattended, because of the failureof the committee to provide the necessarypublicity. Similarly, because of the delay ofthe committee in delegating persons to planand organize them, no action has yet been tak¬en on the proposed forums.These points we thought to be the mostconstructive in the entire platform. Some ac¬tion can still be taken to realize the objectivescontained therein next quarter. The failures ofthe committee so far have apparently beendue to continued rivalry among its membersand, in general, a lack of responsible leader¬ship. By correcting these conditions, theFreshman Executive Committee may still beable to justify its existence.—J. A. K. Lettersto the EditorThe Travelling BazaarBy MAXINE BIESENTHAL NOT HET UPEditor,The Daily Maroon:I can’t get very het up over thesacredness of property rights, in re¬lation to the sit down strikes. Itseems to me of far greater relativeimportance that the big bullies nowgoverning Germany and Italy arewaiting for the propitious moment toseize land belonging to their neigh¬bors by means of slaughter and vio¬lence. The Gods must be laughingup their sleeves (if they have any)at the solemn concern of some per¬sons because workers are attemptingto raise their standard of living bypeaceful methods when these samepersons have never shown any inter¬est in establishing machinery for set¬tling international quarrels the re¬sults of which are infinitely more dev¬astating than the results of sitting,standing, or walking strikes. More¬over, these persons seem to lose sightof the fact that if the bullies werenot forcing every country in theworld to rearm and thus divert hugesums of money from raising thestandard of living perhaps strikeswould not be so popular. They notonly conveniently evade facing suchunpleasant facts but they entertainand encourage emissaries from Ger¬many and Italy who are propagandiz¬ing our over-courteous gullibles intoregarding the coming taking of prop¬erty by force and slaughter as quitejustifiable.Mary B. Gilson.Seems like last week-end was a big one . . . butafter everyone had finished telling me about howdrunk they were at either the ZBT or Deke parties(seems that one overflowed literally into theother) one young miss proceeded to tell about theparty Maynard Krueger and Peterson gave for somedozen students. My informant had received aphone call several days previous to the party askingher to come “. .. This is Maynard Krueger,” saida male voice. “I’m having a little party Friday night,and if I send a car for you will you come?” Thefeminine student in question came back with theonly obvious answer. .. “Aw quit your kidding.” Butthe party was the McCoy...food and a view of theKrueger baby thrown in.Recently an article appear in the Satevepost whichtold about Life at college.. .and said that there justwasn’t any at one Midwest school. Forgetting myschool pride for a moment, I sighed “Too true” andremembered that one of my friends, who is partic¬ularly Avorried about Physical Science, and ways ofpassing it, had recently spent an unusually expensiveevening with a certain young man. On the returntrip, after having carefully lead the conversation tomatters of love, the young man leaned over to reapthe reward of his evening’s efforts. Came the prizecome back of the year from the young woman“. . . And will you tutor me in Physical Science?”Yes, the purpose of the great University is to teachus to think.Some fair young miss discovered Bob Fitzgerald ina fraternity house in which he did not belong. Appar¬ently rather impressed with Athlete Fitzgerald, andpossibly unimpressed with the fraters surroundingher, she murmured in Bob’s ear “You don’t belonghere, do you? You’re nice.” What a man!!A RED ROMANCEA sweet young maid by pa was sentAway to go to college.Full force of her ambition bentIn vigorous search for knowledge.She met a handsome CommunistWho helped her with her studies.She soon was led to be a Red,For they became fast buddies.They’d bill and coo in Soc. Sci. II,In Bi. Sci. wax romantic.They’d fling the woo in English too.It drove professors frantic.Now these two Reds have settled downTo work and play and love more.She sells perfume, he sweeps the roomIn Charlie Walgreen’s drug store!* * *A fellow woke up in Bi Sci lecture the other day,looked at the clock, murmured “hell,” went back tosleep.We don’t know who it was who uttered this mildprofanity but rre echo the sentiment. For the sec¬ond time we have been at the printer’s this year thereis a hole in the Bazaar. MASS TRIALCASE OF THE PEOPLE OFSPAINV8.THE FASCIST INVADERS4 delegates of the UnitedYouth Front of Spain will tesi-tify.Sunday, Mar. 14—7:30 P.M.ASHLAND AUDITORIUM328 S. Ashland Blvd.Admission 1 5 CentsUnder the auspices of theUnited Youth Committee toaid Spanish Democracy.' CUP THIS 2 FOR 1 'I COUPON!! !I Note: This coupon plus the *I price of one admission entitles |the bearer to two seats. This •clipping must be turned in at 'the box office. ,MARTHAGRAHAMWORLD FAMOUSINTERPRETIVE DANCERNEXT SUNDAY 3:30AUDITORIUMTHEATRESeats $1.50 and $2.00 THE HALL JOHNSON CHOIRCIVIC OPERA HOUSESunday Afternoon, March 14th, at 3:30 O’clockPROGRAMI.1—-Golden slippers2—Steal away3—tl’s all over me4—Co down, MosesII.1—Ck)in' to see M’Sarah2—Nobody knows de trouble I see3—Ezekiel saw de wheel•4—De Gospel train ,Arranged for Mate VoicesIII.SECULAR SONGS1—Dis ol’ hammer killed John Henry2—Carry me back to ol’ Virginny3—Eas’man4—Water-boyIV.1—Ser Glad2—Deep River3—Religion is a fortune4—Run, li’l chillunfrom “THE GREEN PASTURES”1—Joshua fit de battle ob Jericho2—In bright mansions above3—Cert’n’y, Lord4—Lord. I don’t feet no way tireda'* i' ' ^t ^WHEN Hollywood wants to film a scene re¬quiring hundreds of **extras,” it makes atelephone call—and gets them.This is made possible by a central castingbureau, whose amazingly fast service is basedon systematic use of the telephone. This organiza¬tion has a telephone switchboard where as manyas 30,000 calls a day are handled in bringingactors and producers together.Another example of the value of telephoneservice to business and social America. It is theconstant aim of Bell System men and women tomake it ever more use¬ful—constantly better. Keep in closer touch withhome—by telephone.Rates to most points arelowest after 7 P. M. andall day Sunday.KisLL ti:li:i*iio.\i<: sysrtiMBOUGHT BY MANYREAD BY ALLThe CAP Cr GOWN is not meant merely to be read and put aside. It Is arecord for all time, a record in which the memories of your college years arekept bright and fresh. Why not have your own copy? With its modernarrangement and handsome binding, it wil be a valuable addition to yourlibrary. SUBSCRIBE FOR YOURS TODAY. $3.50The 1937 Cap & GownOffice in Lexington HallTHE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, MARCH II. 1937 Page ThreeStone Discusses Sit-DownStrikes in Labor Symposium{In the following article, the sec-in a series of various faculty mem¬bers on the current American laborsituation, Raleigh W. Stone, associateprofessor of Industrial Relations, pre¬sents his answers to several questionsin this connection submitted by theDaily Maroon.)Bj RALEIGH W. STONE1. Do the recent sit-down strikesindicate any fundamental chanfes inthe conception of property rifhts?In what ways?The sit-down strikes taken solelyas a form of action do not, of course,indicate anything except determina¬tion on the part of participants to.secure the acquiescence of obdurateemployers to the specific stated de¬mands of the striking group. -Suchaction does not indicate any funda¬mental change in the conception ofprivate property even though, likerobbery, fraud, and violation of con¬tract H does constitute a serious in¬terference with the exercise of a pri¬vate property right on the part ofthe owner. Judicial opinion bycourts of final jurisdiction establish¬ing the legality of the sit-down strikewould constitute a fundamentalchange in the conception of propertyrights. Favorable public opinion, andwidespread support of this techniquemight herald a change in propertyrights. A somewhat lesser degreeof probability of change might also,be indicated by refusal of govern-1mental executives to use force tooust sit-down strikers.Evidence That .Sit-Down'a IllefalSo far as the writer’s informationgoes, courts of final jurisdiction havenot passed judgment on the issue.lx)wer courts apparently have gener¬ally if not always held such strikes tobe illegal. As for public opinion, thewriter can only point to sample in¬dications. Important labor groupsand labor leaders have condemnedthe sit-down strike. Except for twowell known cases in Indiana and Il¬linois and a publicly announcedthreat in New Jersey, governmentexecutives have been slow, and insome known cases have failed to useforce, Imt the writer knows of^ nocase in w’Kich a public official an¬nounced himself as finally opposedto the use of force to oust sit-downstrikers. To date, the evidence wouldappear to add up to the opinion thatthe public concept of property rightshas not been changed and that thesit-down strike is illegal. The Na-,tional Labor Relations Act purports ito establish a property right of the \worker in his job, but the proceduresand protections provided would notappear to embrace or .sanction thesit-down strike. No official rulingof the National Labor RelationsBoard has sanctioned such strikes.Would it be sound public policyto legalize the sit-down strike? Inwhat respects would legalization ofthe sit-down strike change our pres¬ent definition of private property?These are questions meriting carefulcon.sideration, but they are logicallyseparable from the issue discussedabove and are too involved for dis¬cussion here.Drget Enforcementof LawII. Should the law as it now standsbe enforced?The answer is yes. To answerotherwise is to advocate, if not revo¬lution, at least nullification or coer¬cion by force. Any proponent of or¬derly democratic government mustadvocate that fundamental changesin our institutional system should beeffected through parliamentaryprocesses, so long at least as he be¬lieves that such processes still pro¬vide a practicable means of institu¬tional change.It should be noted, however, thatto advocate enforcement is not to in¬sist upon the prompt or immediate use of force. The law should not becompromised but if “talk” will inreasonable time effect the desiredresult, it is preferable to blood-let¬ting.III. la the C.l.O. type of uniondangeroua to the welfare of the coun¬try?It appears to be capable of raisinga considerable amount of trouble¬some disturbance, and thus to slowdown business recovery. Temporar¬ily it does not appear to me to be avery important deterring factor how¬ever. The cumulative forces of re¬covering are too powerful to begreatly affected by a factor of thismagnitude. It will undoubtedly, byraising costs in certain basic indus¬tries, operate to hasten the develop¬ment of a “business boom” and theinevitable sequel, depression.Expect* ^'ClO-Um**to DisappearAs a longer run matter, C. I. O.ismis a political movement. The ques¬tion of the craft versus the industryas a basis of organization is hardlymore than an incident. Both Lewisand Hillman have stated that thefuture of unionism depends uponworkers bargaining with the govern¬ment; that as agencies for direct ac¬tion against employers unions haveno future. The A. F. of L. type ofunionism is essentially a middle-classtype of movement; C. I. O.ism a.s-jsumes that we have a working class |as distinguished from a middle-class jand a big-industrialist class. In the;opinion of the writer this assump¬tion of C. I. O.ism is erroneous. Asyet, we do not have a working classof any significant proportion. As a!long run matter the writer, there- jfore, is of the opinion that C. I. O.ism 'will disappear.Should, C. I. O.ism, hawever, at¬tain its objectives of becoming a ma¬jor political force, it will reflectchanges in public attitudes which, tothose who favor a system of individ¬ualism, will be deemed “dangerous to jthe welfare of the country.”IV. Will wage increatea resulting |from strikes or otherwise interfere |with the trend toward recovery?This question turns on the prob- •able relation between wage increasesand production costs. This is a prob¬lem in short-run rather than long-run economics. The technique of or¬thodox economic analysis does notprovide the basis for any certainjudgment of the short-run effect ofsuch wage increase. For that mat¬ter, neither does any other system ofeconomic analysis.Whatever else might be said onthis i.ssue, it appears pertinent topoint out that a high rate of increasein total payrolls and real-incomes toworkers as a group are not inimicalto a rapid rate of business recovery,but are in fact essential to a sustain¬ed recovery movement. Such im¬provement should, however, be ef¬fected in the first instance by reem¬ployment and only secondarily byhigh wage rates. Interaction of sup¬ply and demand would undoubtedlyjustify the current and prospectivewage increases to skilled craftsmenin most lines of employment. Withmillion still unemployed it would ap¬pear that the interest of business re¬covery and reemployment has notbeen served by the substantial in¬creases in wages of common laborduring the past year. More specifi¬cally business recovery is not pro¬moted by the high and rising wagerates in the building trades. Suchrates are a significant factor in per¬petuating inadequate housing and un¬employment. Phonetics(Continued from page 1)Spanish, are among the languagesrepresented in the collection of rec¬ords in the phonetics laboratory. Atpresent recordings of Malayan speechare being made.But aside from these studies of thephysical asjjects of speech, physiolog¬ical experiments are carried on. Waximpressions, called palatograms orfalse palates, are taken of the in¬terior of a person’s mouth, coatedwith powder, and then replaced inthe mouth. As as person speaks, histongue removes the powder from theareas of the palatogram it touches,and leaves a clear picture of thetongue position as it utters the sound.But the empirical method does notstop here. Trevino has gone to thelengths of swallowing a watch chain,leaving the end dangling from hismouth, and then having X-ray pic¬ture taken of his mouth as he spoke.The chain outlined the position ifhis tongue—otherwise invisible in anX-ray picture—thus presenting asecond method of determining tongueposition in speaking an unfamiliarlanguage.Make Moving PictureThe phonetics laboratory alsotakes motion pictures of the mouthof a speaking person which are twoor even three times as many expos¬ures a second as our ordinary movies.These can be slowed up when theyare run on the screen, thus permit¬ting the analysis of mouth positionin formulating various sounds.But these are all research activitieswith which the average student ofRomance languages has little contact.For him, the phonetics laboratory of¬fers a recording machine which en¬ables him to hear his own voice onte phonograph. The instrument usedin this work is a simpler variationof the one in the research laboratory.A recording to the student’s voice istaken at the beginning of each quar¬ter, checked for mispronunciation,and then filed away. About the mid¬dle of the quarter a second record¬ing of the student’s voice is made,this time on the reverse side of theoriginal disc. Thus it is possible tonote improvements in speech, or, iferrors still exist, to check them.Master records made by staff mem¬bers or other expert linguists arealso used to enable students to hearcorrect pronunciation. Today on theQuadranglesMEETINGSPsychology Club. Dr. William F.Ogburn, S. S. Avery DistinguishedService Professor of Sociology: “Cul¬ture and Psychology.” PsychologyBuilding at 4:15.Phi Delta Uptilon. Alumni Room,Ida Noyes Hall, at 12.Arrian. Room C, Ida Noyes Hall,at 12.Student-Faculty and Radio Com¬mittees of Chapel Union. Chapel Of¬fice at 3:30.Christian Fellowship. Y Room, IdaNoyes Hall, at 7 :30.Sociology Club. Mary B. Gilson:“Some Political and Economic Prob¬lems in Relation to Youth.” SocialScience 122 at 7:30.Alpha Zeta Beta. WAA Room, IdaNoyes Hajl, at 7:30.WAA. Private dining room, IdaNoyes Hall, at 6.LECTURES“The Women Offender in theCourts.” Miss Pearl Hart. School ofSocial Science Administration. LawSouth at 2:30.“Government.” Professor Mer-riam. International House at 8:30.MISCELLANEOUSCampus Newsreel. Oriental Insti¬tute at 3:30. Ida Noyes Theater at8:30.Blackfriars Tryouts. ReynoldsClub, 2:30 to 4:30.“Prize Money.” One-act play bySeminary Players. Graham TaylorHall, Chicago Theological Seminary,at 7.“Music in Modern Worship.” Ce¬cil M. Smith. Joseph Bond Chapel at12.Phonograph Concert. Social Sci¬ence Assembly Hall at 12:30.Romance DepartmentOffers Italian ClassDREXEL THEATRE858 E. 63rdToday Only“Black Fury”“Four Days Wonder* The Romance department will of¬fer two courses under ProfessorGuiseppe Borgese during the Springquarter which were not listed in theUniversity catalogue it was announc¬ed yesterday. They are Italian 371,“History of Italian Criticism,” at2:30, and Italian 395, “L’OrlandoFurioso di L. Ariosto,” at 3:30.Borgese, a noted scholar, critic,and author, was visiting professorhere last summer, but during the Au¬tumn quarter was appointed full pro¬fessor of Italian literature.CLASSIFIED ADSFurnished room for one or two.6490 University. Plaza 5720, Rosen¬berg.STUDENTS TYPING SERVICE—Dorothy Ann Cahill, 5649 DorchesterAve.Frolic Theatre55th & ELLIS AVE.Today and Friday“LOVE ON THE RUN**“ONCE A DOCTOR**Saturday Only“RACING LADY**“THE EAGLE AND THEHAWK** NON-ALLERCICcosmeticswill help you to keep yourskin beautiful and healthyfor that after-class date.•Co to your department storeand inquire about them. Theyall are within the limit of yourallowance.•SEVENTEEN cosmetics havebeen accepted by the Journalof the American Medical asso¬ciation and*^ld atTHE FAIR STOREfor further informationwrite to BARBARA HURSTINTERNATIONAL BUILDINGROCKEFELLER CENTER, NEW YORKWarner Bros.LEXINGTON THEATRE1162 E. 63rd St.Today and Friday“LOVE ON THE RUN*’“ONCE A DOCTOR^^Saturday Only“RACING LADY**“STRANGERS ONHONEYMOON** Cooperatives(Continued from page 1)tual vacancy had left it filthy. So ja few enthusiasts decided that they !personally would clean it up. Theydid fool things; passers-by wonderedat the idiots who washed dust-smear-'ed windows at night and then had towash them again the next day when ithe sun picked out the dirt they had jmissed. But they cleaned the place, jwashed the walls, scrubbed the floor :for the first meal at which 28 mem- ihers were present. iOne of the first problems wa.s the |coop’s relation to the ASU. On the ione hand there were the pure con- jservatives. “The ASU is red,” they |said, “let’s keep away from it.” On !the other hand were the militantASUers. “Fine way to treat theASU,” they said, “let them start youand then drop them like a ton ofbricks.”At present the members do theirown work, setting tables, washingdishes, etc. Over the dishpan manyNTENSIVE^gi^aphic courseFOR COLLEGE MEN A WOMENDay elaiMt only. Stcnoaraphic fpe«dof 100 words a minute attained In 100days—assured for one fee. The Inten¬sive Course popular with superior eol-leie people. Register early.sUrts Awl 12.Visit, isru# or phon* RAN. XS7S for buUotin.Also regular business courses day andevening. an argument gains new clarity andGilbert and Sullivan receives gusto ifnot purity of tone.Fifty-ifive members save money byeating meals at the Ellis coop. Thecoop is still soliciting members, fulland half time so that there is yetan opportunity to join.SPRINGSHOESforCampus or DressGabardine and Patent*2^ and ^2^947 E. 63rd Street(at Ellis Ave.)Shoe Repair SpecialLadies’ Leather Soles54cHEELS FREE!LITTLEFendricPAN El-ASDON’T MISS THEWINTER QUARTER CONCERTof theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA— Featuring Sibelius —MANDEL HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 8:30 P. M.Tickets 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 at Information Office. Mandel Hall Box Officef:DAILY MAROON SPORTSPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MARCH II, 1937Ace Tracksters Compete in Big TenMeet at Fieldhouse Friday, SaturdayRecords Slatedin Face ofCompetition. to FallMeteoricThe cream of Big Ten trackmenwill spend Friday and Saturday bang¬ing away at records in the UniversityConference meet on the speedy Field-house oval. Chicago’s guests will notbe cordial as they are predicted toleave only a very few points for the !Maroons. •Captain John Beal and Geoi'geHalcrow are the only Midwaymenslated to place. Beal will face Os¬good, of Michigan, and Robinson ofIllinois, two crack hurdlers; whileHalcrow lines up against Birleson ofMichigan and Eitel of Northwesternin the quarter-mile.Supporting the Maroon stars willbe dash man Frick, timbertoppersNewman and Kobak, pole-vaulterordon, and half milers Tipshus andMcElroy, who may surprise the fav¬orites.Michigan and Indiana, according topre-meet showings, will finish neckand neck for the coveted title. TheHoosiers stand out in the long dis¬tances, with Lash, Deckard and iSmith performing. Lash will be run-!ning both the two mile and the mileevents; therefore it is improbablethat he will extend himself to breakthe conference records in either race.However, Fenske of Wisconsin maypress the Hoosier world two-mile rec¬ord-holder to a new mark.The Wolverines balance the Hoo¬sier long distance advantage vithpower in the 440, the hurdles and theshot-put Watson, a husky sopho¬more, has broken Munn’s conferenceshot record by a foot in practice.The high-jump record of 6 feet 5inches established by McGinnis ofWisconsin in 1927 should fall beforethe onslaught of Ohio State’s DaveAlbritton and Mel Walker who have* INTRAMURAL TEAMSTANDINGS TO DATE1. Psi Upsilon . .3052. Alpha Delta Phi .2953. Delta Kappa Epsilon . . .2664. Delta Upsilon .2635. Phi Delta Theta .2616. Phi Kappa Psi .2277. Beta Theta Pi .2008. Chicago TheologicalSeminary . .1949. Sigma Chi . .19010. Phi Sigma Delta .18511. Phi Gamma Delta .... . .18012. Chi Psi ,. .. . . .17013. Zeta Beta Tau .13514. Barristers . .13015. Burton ‘600’ . .115Burton ‘700’ . .115Phi Beta Delta . .115 DKE Wim I MBasketball Crownin Rough ContestDelta Kappa Epsilon won the In¬tramural basketball championshiplast night by defeating the LadiesAid, winners of the independent di¬vision, 36-17. The game was as roughand wild an affair as ever strewedbasketball players across the Bartlettfloor, and nearly cost the Intramuraldepartment a heavy hospital bill.The Dekes led all the way and wereahead 14-6 at the half. The secondhalf was marked by high scoring,with the Murphy brothers and Far-eed leading the fraternity’s attack.Box score: Maroons’ Chance^ for Gym CrownMuch ImprovedOnly three days remain before theMaroon Gymnasts engage in the BigTen meet to be held Saturday atIowa University. Beyer is now prac¬ticing, but his workouts are light soas to minimize the danger of havinga recurrence of his old injury. Weth-erell’s progress is satisfactory, andit looks as if he will be of greatuse in the Conference meet at IowaCity.Chicago’s chances for a Big Tengymnastic crown are not regarded asvery strong by other schools. How¬ever, the Maroons have been farfrom full strength all season. Onecan Apt be so optimistic as to saythat Coach Dan Hoffer’s squad willsurprise everybody and cop the title,but it is not far fetched to say thatif the team is in good condition itwill be right up near the top.Iowa’s Hawkeyes look as the favor- Favor Michigan to RecaptureConference Swimming Crownbettered 6 feet 6 consistently.Last year’s champ in the polevault, Haller of Wisconsin, is back,and is much improved. He placedjust behind Olympic championMeadows and the scintillating SueyOhe in the Chicago Relays, missing14 feet by microscopic dimensions.Co-holder of the world’s 60-yarddash record, Sam Stoller of Michigan,will have a tough time beating Bob¬by Grieve of Illinois. A few days agoin the Daily News Classic, Grieve de¬feated Eulace Peacock who hashanded the great Jesse Owens sev¬eral beatings.Charles Beetham, Ohio State’sfamous half-miler, will vie with MellTrutt of Indiana and Ralph Gravesof Iowa honors in the 880 yard dash.The Wolverines features one ofthe finest relay combinations since1933, when Ellerby, Lemen, DeBak-er, and Allen broke the old confer¬ence record.All in all, the tourney will be oneof the best in the country this win¬ter, and at least four records willprobably fall. Deke« (3C)Fareed, fMurphy, W.,Graemer, cMurphy, C.,Lewia, gSkoning, fPhemister, K 430R 218fg ft pI Ladies Aid (17) fg ft)p j ite. They have the National Cham¬pion in Captain Nissen. They alsohave a man who was ConferenceChampion two years ago in the hori¬zontal bars. Minnesota and Illinoisalso have good, well balanced teamsand have prospects of annexing thetitle. Chicago is definitely the “darkhorse.’’l|Loosli, f0| Kranich, f11 Cannon, c0| Ericskon, g2|Will, RfjEdelman, g0|41 7 3 4 Bloomington, Ind., March 11.—With record-breaking performancespredicted in seven of the eight swim-min events on the schedule. Big Tenswimmers will convene her this weekend for the 27th annual champion¬ships in the Indiana university pool.Favorite to cop the met is Mich¬igan’s national championship crew,coached by Matt Mann, one of theranking mentors in the nation, whileNorthwestern, Iowa and Ohio Statealso are conceded an opportunity torest in the crown position.Iowa is the defending champion,and the Hawkeyes, runnerup to Mich¬igan for the national crown last year,have a veteran crew in the competi¬tion. Michigan and Northwesternhave dominated Big Ten swimmingchampionships, and between themhae won every national title since theN.C.A.A. meet was started in 1914.Tom Robinson, Northwesterncoach, is dean of Big Ten coaches inall branches of athletics, and underhis tutelage the Wildcats have wonfive national titles and 10 Confer¬ence championships. The swimmingrecord book contains 17 records byNorthwestern men.The current record breaker on theNorthwestern squad is Danny Zehr, who as a Ft. Wayne high school pu¬pil won a place on the 1932 Olympicteam. Zehr holds the Big Ten andNational Collegiate backstroke rec¬ords.Mann, a native of England, cameto this country in 1908, and has serv¬ed at Syracuse, Brookline, Massa¬chusetts, Harvard, Yale and the De¬troit A. C. Since going to Michiganin 1926 his swimmers have won eightBig Ten titles and seven' Nationalcrowns.David Armbruster, Iowa coach,whose team broke the Michigan-Northwestern strangle hold on theConference title last year, has neverswum a competitive race, yet he ha.«developed 21 All-American swimmersin 39 events since 1922. The lowanswill be led by Ray Walter, holder ofthe 50 and 100-yard free style titlesand Capt. Dick Westerfield.Sports Editor’s Note: According tothe predictions of this article, Chi¬cago is less than an underdog. How¬ever, with co-captains Chuck Wilsonand Jay Brown in top form, and withFloyd Stauffer undefeated in divingthis season, it is our opinion that theMaroons will outpomt at least one otthe above-mentioned teams.^Best Six-Man Squad Since ’29’Predicts Tennis Coach HebertBy LEN SCHERMERTennis coach Wally Hebert, look¬ing over the roster of players thisyear, stated, “These players shape upas the best six-man team of the Uni¬versity since 1929, and perhaps in¬cluding that team, which boastedGeorge Lott and Scott Rexinger.’’Hebert has named March 23 as theopening date of outdoor practice forthe tennis squad, which has its firstscheduled match with WisconsinApi-il 23. The recently finished Jun- Shostrum because of his strongfinish in the Junior Davis Cupmatches .seems to be sure of the num¬ber five position. Because of his de¬feat of the two Ball brothers in thetournament, and his consistent im¬provement in practice. Coach Hebertis counting upon Shostrum to win alot of matches.Sixth Place UncertainThe biggest fight for positions istaking place among those trying outJim Ware, transfer from Californiaand last year numeral winner has inpractice already beaten Mertz, lastyear’s number three man, and Kreit-enstein, a last year’s numeral win¬ner.The doubles team will probablyshape up with Bickel and Burgessplaying as the first team and theMurphy twins as the number twoteam, Shostrum, probably the bestdoubles player on the team, becauseof his net play and volleying willteam up with the yet unknown num¬ber-six man to fill out the doublesteams.ior Davis Cup tournament has provid- for number-six man on the squad,ed a good preview showing on howthe squad will shape up in competi¬tion.Of course, the earliness of the sea¬son and the fact that all games wereplayed indoors will have to be takeninto consideration before any defi¬nite statement on the power of theteam can be made.Up to this time the squad showsevery indication of being muchstronger than last year when Chi¬cago lost to Northwestern by onepoint in the team competition of theBig Ten meet.Many of the players of last year’ssquad will be moved down a notchbecause of the sophomores joiningthe squad. Because of a new rulingthe Big Ten coaches made in theirNovember meeting, the tennis squadshave been increased to six, as in1931, when there were six singlematches and three doubles matchesin every meet.Bickel, though not coming in firstin the Junior Davis Cup nieeting hasan inside track on the number oneposition of the team. His game atpresent i.sn’t up to the •high point itwas last year, but it is expected thathe will soon reach that peak whenoutdoor competition starts.Bill Murphy, winner of the recentround robin tournament, will prob¬ably be pressing Bickel all season forthe number one position.' Burges* vs. MurphyFor number three position, therewill be a great fight between Bur¬gess and Chet Murphy. The lattermade a better showing in the recentmatch, but Captain Burgess has theadvantage of experience, a factorwhich may prove of considerable im¬portance in the future meetings ofthe two. V Girls’ Honor CageTeam Plays AlumniThe Honor team and the pickedI Alumni team will play the most im-poi-tant game of the women’s basket¬ball season, tonight at 7:30 in IdaNoyes gymnasium. The Honorteam has been selected by the teamcaptains and the physical educationdepartment.The team includes Martha Sokol,Oriette Speckert, Ada Espenshade,Irene Buckley, Gertrude Polcar, andEileen Hite. The substitutes areRuth Dart, Eleanor Coambes, BettyDewey, Elizabeth Hemmons, Mar¬jorie Piera and Soutter^Following the installation dinner,the girls mentioned above will all beawarded old English C’s. The cap¬tain of the Honor team will be elect¬ed tonight. Of the 12 girls who areplaying in this game, three are grad¬uate students. Numerals will also beawarded to all those who have madethe class teams. Noted Metropolitan Opera Starfinds Luckies easy on her precious throat—Marjorie iM^wrence says:•'*You must have a big voice to singWagner. My favorite role of *Brunne^hilde* in Wagner*s *Gotterdammer*ung* is a very exacting one. Yet—when I am back in my dressing roomafter I have finished singing, there isnothing I enjoy more than lightingup a Lucky. It is a light smoke^sogentle—so smooth—that it does notirritate my throat in the least. I agreewith the others at the Metropolitanthat a light smoke is a wise choice.*^BRILLIANT SOPRANO OF THEMETROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANYAn independent survey was made recentlyamong professional men and women—lawyers,doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc« Of those who saidthey smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated theypersonally prefer a light smoke>Miss Lawrence verifies the wisdom of this pref¬erence, and so do other leading artists of theradio, stage, screen and opera* Their voices aretheir fortunes* That’s why so many of themsmoke Luckies* You, too, can have the throat pro¬tection of Luckies—a light smoke, free of certainharsh irritants removed by the exclusive process^Tfs Toasted”* Luckies are gentle on the throat* THE HNEST TOBACCOS—THE CREAM OF THE CROP**A Light Smoke”It’s Toasted”-Your Throat ProtectionAGAINST IRRITATION—AGAINST COUGHCopyrlfht IMT, T1i« AmwrteM TBbM*a OoiiMay\