^ inaroonVol. 37. No. 65. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1937 Price Three Cent*English Department MakesMajor Revisions in ProgramNames Four “Disciplines”to Be Emphasized in(omprehensives.By BETTY ROBBINS(’aptfiight, 1937, The Daily MaroonAnticipating the first major revi-sinii to be made in any academic divi¬sion in the University since the in-<ialIation of the Chicago plan, fac¬ulty heads yesterday disclosed theadoption of a new program in theKnglish department, to become' effec¬tive in the Autumn quarter of 1937.In broad terms, the change consistsof a redefinition of the major aimsof work in the department. There willbe a shift of emphasis from methodsof ‘fact-accumulation” to applicationof I ritical principles.In the present scheme, examina¬tions are planned for a field of Eng¬lish study in which the essentialroll pings are hi.storical periods, al¬though minor differentiations haveentered at the level of the BA andPhl> degrees. Candidat<;s for theformer are expected to exhibit an un¬derstanding of the theories of liter¬ary criticism and an ability to ap¬ply these theories to particular works.The PhD applicant is required todemonstrate some expertness inhandling bibliographical tools andsome accomplishments in linguistics.Hut the requirements for any studentabove junior college status have nor¬mally been defined in terms of somuch reailing and historical informa¬tion in a specified number of sub¬jects.Fail in Independent WorkStudents in the process of prepar¬ing for examinations, have been ex-jiicted to acquire ability in independ¬ent analysis and interpretation of lit¬erature. However, it has been foundthat relatively few students haveachieved the.se techniques.Hecause of this failing and as aresult of general dissatisfactionamong members of the department,a (’ominittee on Examinations wasajipointed at the close of the last.''luitig (juarter to reconsider the ob-jettives of work in the department,(i. K. Bentley, R. S. Crane, T. P.• I'l.ss, (j. H. Faust, J. R. Hulbert, andIn d B. .Millett comprised the (a)m-mittee.Three K inds of CompetenceIt suggested three basic kinds ofcompetence which should be expectedfroin students at the successive levelsof their advancement in the depart¬ment. More responsibility has beenidaced on the student in achieving thefir.st of these abilities—reading andhistorical information. Expertness inthe technique of independent scholar-;^hi|) is the second basic requirementwhich includes the ability to use lan¬guages and bibliography. The thirdfundamental, and the one on whichthe revision is primarily based, is themastery of the “intellectual di.sci-lilines” which underlie the study oflanguage and literary works.According to the Committee’s re¬port, there are four of these “disci¬plines,” all of which will be empha-J^ized in the comprehensive examina¬tions. They are (1) linguistics; (2)criticism, or the analysis and evalua¬tion of imaginative works; (3) intel-:(Continued on page 3) High Court ReformSupported by LawFaculty in DebateIx.‘ading a symposium on the Pres¬ident’s Court Reform Bill sponsoredby Wig and Robe Monday night atInternational House, law professorsMalcolm Sharp and Wilbur Katzeventually agreed on the desirabilityof getting younger men, influencedby their observation of contemporaryproblems and attitudes, into the Su¬preme Court—thus tacitly support¬ing President Roosevelt’s determina¬tion not to let the Court stand inthe way of the New Deal.The professors also agreed on thevalue in giving the Supreme Courtmore supervision over the activitiesof the lower federal courts, but thePresident was criticised for advocat¬ing the measure as a means of facil¬itating the work of the SupremeCourt on the ground that the meas¬ure fails to do this.Profes.sor Katz also censured thebill for not providing for reductionof the size of the Court when judgesfor whom assistants have been ap¬pointed retire. Sharp pointed outthat the present judges can preventan increase in the size of the HighCourt by retiring when they reachthe age of 70. In answer to tho.sewho criticise the President for “pack¬ing” the Court, he said that the pres¬ent administration can expect to ap¬point enough new judges to swingthe balance of the Court toward theNew Deal without resorting to sucha measure. D I * W I'M 1 Trustees Add Two Vice PresidentsRushing Issue Back ^ ^ ^to Fraternity Houses to Uuiversity Aduiinistratiou; Emery' The question of allowing freshmenI to pledge after the second week ofI the Spring quarter if they did notsign up at the time of preferentialI bidding was again referred back toI the houses by the Interfraternityj Council at a meeting in the Reynoldsi Club last night.I With only a poor representationipresent, the Council decided thatI more houses should have an oppor¬tunity to express themselves beforeI a vote was taken.Members of Kappa Alpha Psi, ne-I gi‘o social fraternity, were present to: ask admission to the Council. AfterI these representatives had presentedI their aims and purposes, the councilmembers discussed the question andthe various problems involved will bediscussed by the various chapter’sI at Monday’s meeting.Assistant Dean of Students, LeonP. Smith, was at the meeting andmade the suggestion that the frater¬nities work out some system ofscholastic ranking for the houses.This came as a result of false claimsmade by .some houses during the lastperiod of rushing.Clubs AdvanceRushing PeriodActivities to Begin Earlyin October; Continue forFour Weeks.ASU Hears CIODelegate DefendStrikers’ PositionTo pre.sent the case of the UnitedAutomobile Workers union, B. ,1.Widick. publicity director for the U.A. W. A. in Flint, Michigan, willspeak at an open meeting of theASU tomorrow in Kent Theatre at3:30. Widick, an organizer in therubber industry, was .sent by the C.I. O. to do publicity for striking auto¬mobile workers in the Ceneral Mo¬tors plant.The meeting tomorrow will be thesecond in a series of three lecturesplanned by the Labor Committee ofthe ASU in an attempt to clarifylabor relations and objectives. Twoweeks ago, (leorge Rodway spoke onthe I. S. U. and the Seaman’s Strike.The concluding lecture, on February25, will be on “The C. I, 0. and In¬dustrialism.”The committee had planned to have(Jenora Johnson, called the “Joan ofArc of the automobile strike,” speakat the meeting also from the pointof view of the workers, but since shewill be unable to come, Widick willpresent all angles of the situation.Maynard Krueger, assistant pro¬fessor of economics, will act as chair¬man of the meeting. ' A resolution which was formulatedsome two weeks ago by the BoardI of Women’s Organizations to changeI the period of rushing activities pf,women’s clubs to the beginning ofthe Autumn quarter was pas.sed yes¬terday by thei Interclub C’ouncil. Asthe proposal stands, rushing activ¬ities will begin the Sunday aftercla.sse.s start and continue for fourweeks.Mary Alice Duddy, president of theC’^ouncil, outlines the following tenta¬tive program for rushing: three weeks■ of open rushing which will be follow¬ed by one week of intensive rushing. ; transmit the leadership to the newlyFilbey, William Benton Fill PostsSeniors ElectLeaders TodayHold Voting in Cobb 307Between 1 and 4 ThisAfternoon. Two New Executives Act with WoodwardSandwichmen, posters, and hand¬bills will fill the campus this morn- iing as three campus political groups imake final efforts in behalf of theircandidates for the presidency of the jclass of 1937.Between the hours of 1 and 4 in !Cobb 307 today one of the follow- jing will be chosen to lead the Sen- !iors:Three NomineesSam Whiteside, Delta Kappa Ep- isilon; Clarence Wright, Psi Upsilon; iand Robert Bethke, Alpha Delta Phi. !Because she was the only success-1ful petitioner for the post, Peggy |Thompson, Sigma, will stand alone Ion the ballot for Secretary. A pos¬sible write-in vote for another wom¬an will not, it is believed, endangerThomp.son’s position.Check VotersAny student who has passed seven jcollege examinations, and nine addi¬tional courses with a grade of S orR, and holds a normal expectancy ofgraduating in June is eligible to vote !today. Persons will be identified by !a C book, tuition receipt, or library 'card. Everyone will be checked iagainst the list which appeared in jyesterday’s Maroon. Eligible persons !whose names were not on this list!must clear with the election board, |headed by Don Elliot, before noon |today.Time and place of induction cere- Imonies, in which Jay Berwanger, jpresident of the cla ss of ’36, will I Dean of Faculties to FillPost at Once; Benton Ar¬rives in October.William H. BentonA business director becomesUniversity vice president. Two additional Vice-Presidents ofthe University, Emery T. Filbey, Deanof Faculties, and William B. Benton,of New York, have been appointed bythe Board of Trustees, PresidentRobei’t M. Hutchins announced lastnight.The appointment of iJir. Filbey iseffective immediately; and that ofMr. Benton is effective October 1,when he returns from a tour of theOrient, to which he is now en route.With Frederic Woodward, who hasbeen Vice-President since 1926, Mr.Filbey, member of the President’s Of¬fice since 1930, and Mr. Benton willcooperate with President Hutchins inthe administration of the Univer¬sity.Active for 13 YearsMr. Filbey, at the University since1909, has been active in administra¬tive work for the past thirteen years.He has been successively instructor inthe laboratory schools, and instructor,associate professor, and professor inthe department of education. MadeDean of University College in 1923,he retained that position until he wasappointed professor in the School ofBusiness in 1927. Assistant to thePresident from 1930 to 1933, Mr.Filbey was appointed Dean of Fac¬ulties in the latter year. This posi¬tion has been discontinued because ofMr. Filbey’s new status.At various times Mr. Filbey hasbeen given leave of absence to as¬sume outside duties, and from 1927to 1930 he was Director of the Insti¬tute of Meat Packers, affiliated withthe University.In Charge of BudgetSince his appointment as Assistantto the President, Mr. Filbey’s activ-(Continued on page 3)Language Clubs Offer Conversation,Foreign Drama, Culture to Student Rushing functions will include twoteas and three luncheons in the firstthree weeks, and during the finalwetk, three optional events. Thetraditional fall formal, formerly arushing function, will be held afterj pledging.Add to RulesDuring Freshman week, it has been' the policy that more than two clubgirls with a freshman constituted anofficial representation of the club. It: is planned to change this practice sothat the club girls may not escortj freshmen during Freshmen Week ori the first week of school. However,I it is permissible for a club girl toI hold a conversation with prospectivepledges.F’all quarter club rushing eventsi must be scheduled by the clubs andI submitted to the Interclub Councilj by the third week of the Spring quar-I ter. This will enable the Council to: prepare a final schedule of events forI Autumn quai'ter rushing.The resolution, which has not yetbeen passed by the Dean of Stu-I dents’ office, has been referred to aj sub-committee of the Board for theCoordination of Student Interests forconsideration. elected head of the class of ’37 willbe announced tomorrow.The ceremonies will probably takeplace tomorrow afternoon. Emery T. FilbeyThe administrator par excellencesteps up from his position as Deanof Faculties.Ridley Analyzes Standards forAdministrative Measurement in StudyAlthough with the exception of theRomance Club, the language clubs inthe Romance Languages Departmentare comparatively recent organiza¬tions, all of them have achieved widerecognition on the campus. French,Spanish and Italian are representedby departmental clubs, while the Ro¬mance Club offers an opportunity forresearch work to advanced studentsin any of these languages.FI Circulo Espahol, which was or¬ganized some four years ago, is pri¬marily a social club. Meetings, whichare held once every two weeks, inthe Alumni Room at Ida Noyes, areconducted in Spanish. Although theclub is open to anyone in the Uni¬versity, members are, for the mostpart, undergraduate students. How-"ever, Edward Robbins, president ofthe organization, threw out a broadhina that he would like to have morefaculty members attend the meet-ings, George Maschinot is vice-presidentof the club and John Netherton issecretary-treasurer. Chairman of therefreshment committee is ViolaHoward, and the faculty sponsor isSalomon Trevino.Gli Scapigliati, commonly knownas the Italia 1 Club, was foundedabout six years ago by Professor Hil¬da Laura Norman and a group ofstudents of Italian, its main purposebeing to promote the use of the Ital¬ian language. Chief among the ac¬tivities of the club is the presenta¬tion of some of the outstanding Ital¬ian plays. The works of many notedItalian playwrights have been pre¬sented, and shortly a revival of oneof the most successful productions ofGli Scapigliati, Nicodemi’s Scampolo,will be given.As a rule this group meets fourtimes, a quarter, sometimes on thequadrangles, but generally in private(CMitinHed on page 3) Billings EstablishesNew Speech ClinicUnder the direction of Joseph M.Wepman a new speech clinic has beenestablished at Billings Hospital. Thisclinic' is to be devoted to all speechdisorders, including stammering, ar-ticulative difficulties and the variousphonative debilities.This clinic will meet three times aweek on Tuesday, Thursday, andSaturday.Wepman has been associated withthe Speech Clinic at Central FreeDispensary, Rush Medical College andwith the Whiting Indiana, PublicSchool.The first floor of the Home forDestitute Crippled Children, locatedin the southeast corner of Billings,has been reopened because of the re¬cent inci’ease in the number of infan¬tile paralysis cases. By REX HORTON“Measurement Standards in City academicians. They are not intended jAdministration” are critically ana- as playthings for statisticians. They !lyzed and discussed in a study re- j are practical tools by means of whichcently completed by Clarence E. Rid- j practical legislators and administra- jley, associate professor of Political j tors can meet the practical need of |Science and executive director of the j choosing between alternative courses |International City Managers’ Asso- j of action.” iiation and Herbex-t A. Simon, i-e-1 Pi-ofessor Ridley explains that bil-search assistant in Political Science. | Hans of dollars are spent annuallyThe results of the study will appear | by municipal govei'nments, necessi-as a seiies of articles in the maga-! tating the developing of effectivezine, “Public Administration.” jstandai’ds of public administration, j tional House sei’ies dealing withThe first article presents a sort of During the past thirty years sporadic ' “Trends in Modern Thought.”President HutchinsLectures Tonightat Open AssemblyAs the honored guests of ErnestB. Price, head of InternationalHouse, President and Mrs. Hutchinsaxe attending a dinner party tonightat the House preceding the presi¬dent’s scheuled lecture on “Educa¬tion.”In addition to the Hutchinses, Mr.and Mi‘s. Edgar J. Goodspeed, Mr.and Mrs. Henry C. Moi’rison and Mr.and Mrs. Clay Judson, have been in¬vited to attend the dinner.Clay Judson, president of the In--ternational House Board of Gover¬nors, is presiding as chairman of theforum which is one of the Interna-“xneasurement standard for measure-1 researches have been carried on, andment standai'ds.” Subsequent ones | a great vax’Iety of standards of sys-will employ this technique jn givinga histoi’y of the development ofstandards for the measux-ement ofmunicipal government, and a critiqueof the various standards that areused or have been proposed in vax‘i-ous fields. The emphasis will beplaced upon the use of these stand¬ards as aids to practical administra¬tion, and upon the possibilities forfurther impx-ovement and develop¬ment.“A generation ago, a municipalgovernment was considered com¬mendable if it was honest,” Profes¬sor Ridley points out. “Today, wedemand a great deal more of ourpublic sex-vice. (Continued on page 3)Maurice RosenfieldWins Law SchoolScholarship AwardMaurice Rosenfield of Chicago isthe first ranking student in theFreshman class of 1935-36 of theUniversity Law School, accox-ding toofficial lists compiled by the officeof the Dean to determine the winnerIt must not only be | Beta Epsilon Scholarship Open to the general pubix'c at noadmission charge, the lecture beginsat 8:30 in the Assembly hall. Sincethe Hall seats only 650 persons,membei‘s of the university are ad¬vised to arrive early in order to pro¬cure seats.honest, but efficient as well. A num¬ber of techniques had been devisedto insure honesty—the audit, legalchecks, decentralization of authority—but with the shift of emphasis,these techniques were found to beinadequate guides to administration.And so arose the necessity of devel¬oping new standards of measurementand appraisal.“It cannot be emphasized toostrongly that these standards are not Cup, awarded annually to the lawschool freshman with the highestscolastic average.Rosenfield will be awarded a re¬plica of the ?;up at the annual initi¬ation banquet of the legal fraternity,to be held this year on February 26.Harry A. Bigelow, Dean of the LawSchool, will probably make the pres¬entation. The recipient’s name is al¬so engraved on the cup itself, whichis exhibited every year in the lawtheoretical conceptions devised by | building. Paul Revere RidesWaving credits on bids to theWashington Prom instead of lant¬erns, Paul Revere rides again inthe Circle at noon tomorrow.Passing out slips worth one dollartoward a bid for the party inhonor of the birthday of his friendGeorge, the masked rider will retnin his horse long enough to shoutthat this time it’s not the Britishthat are coming, but Dick Jur¬gens and his orchestra to play x'nthe middle of the cabaret tables atthe Gold Room of the CongrresaHotel on February 19.The Prom committee announcesthat besides this charitable littlemeasure, anyone selling ten sub¬scriptions to “Cap and Gown" willget a free bid and a free corsagefor his date.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1937Sailer iiaroonFOUNDED IN 1901Member Associated Collegiate PressThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicafro, published ntorningrs except Saturday. Sun¬day. and Monday during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quartersby The Daily Maroon Company, 6831 University avenue. Tele¬phones: Liical 46, and Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.The University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any contractentered into by The Daily Maroon. .Ml opinions in The DailyMaroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily the viewsof the University administration.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves the rights of publicationof any material appearii g in this paper. Subscription rates:$2.75 a year; $4 by mail. Single copies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BYNational Advertising Service, IncCollege Publishers Representative420 Madison Ave. New York. N.Y.Chicago » Boston • Sanfrancisc?Los ANGELES • Portland . SeattleBOARD OF CONTROLJULIAN A. KISER Editor-in-ChiefDONALD ELLIOTT Business ManagerEDWARD S. STERN Managing EditorJOHN G. MORRIS Associate EditorJAMES F. BERNARD. Advertising ManagerEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESBernice Bartels Edward Fritz C;;dy PfanstiehlEmmett Deadman ElRoy Golding Betty RobbinsBUSINESS ASSOCIATESCharles Floy Bernard Levine William RubachMarshall J. StoneJacquelyn AebyHarris BeckLaura BergquistMax ine BiesenthalRuth BrodyCharles ClevelandLome CookJohn CooperJack Cornelius EDITORIAL ASSISTANTSMary Diemer Harry LeviHarold Dreyfus Vera MillerJudith Graham La Verne RiessMary E. Grenander Adele RoseHank Grossman Bob SassAimee Haines I.A'onard SchermerDavid Harris Cornelius SmithRex Horton Dolly ThomeePete WallaceBUSINESS ASSISTANTSEdwin Bergman Max Freeman Howard GreenleeArthur Clauter Doris Gentzler Edward GustafsonSTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Eisendrath Donal HolwayNight Editor: Edward C. FritzAs.Mslants: Charles Crane and Douglas WareWednesday, February 10, 1937Seniors Play PoliticsTo the great delight of all those politicallyminded on campus, it looks as though politics,mainly among the fraternities and clubs, mayplay a large part in determining the outcomeof the Senior class election today. In fact,the return of politics to the campus after afour years’ absence has been generally hailedwith enthusiasm, for the senior elections ofthe past few years have been thoroughly cutand dried affairs.It cannot be denied that playing politics isa colorful game; it is fascinating to those whowatch it and intriguing for those who partic¬ipate in it. Beyond a doubt, it injects lifeand spirit into a situation where perhaps theyare sorely needed. But unfortunately it doesnot promote unity, and unity among the se¬niors is the prime requisite for the successfulaccomplishment of any of the objectives ofclass organization.Let him who thinks the job of Senior pres¬ident a snap—merely a nice honor to securefor a friend in another fraternity—pause andconsider the tasks which it is the duty of thisofficer to perform. It is his responsibility toraise an adequate fund for a class gift. It ishis responsibility to see that a successful ClassDay is held. It will perhaps be his responsi¬bility to organize a Senior Ball sometime dur¬ing the Spring quarter. It is his responsibilityto see that a strong alumni group is formedamong the members of the class.It is evident that complete unity in the classis essential for the proper performance ofthese ends. It is axiomatic that the personwho fills the position must have the provedqualities of a leader and an organizer.We make a plea to all seniors, therefore.The ABC’sCharacter TrainingSince character is the result of choice it is diffi¬cult to see how you can develop it unless you trainthe mind to make intelligent choices. Collegiate lifesuggests that the choices of undergraduates are de¬termined by other considerations than thought. Un¬doubtedly, fine associations, fine buildings, greenj grass, good food, and exercises are excellent things1 for anybody. You will note that they are exactly; what is advertised by every resort hotel. The only' reason why they are also advertised by every col-' lege and university is that we have no coherent edu¬cational program to announce.I Robert M. Hutchins,. The Higher Learning in America.L / to abandon political considerations in makingtheir choice among the various candidates, andto select the man whose campus record andwhose personal qualifications make him seembest fitted for the office.—J. A. K.Redefinition of Athletic PolicyWhat is the proper place of intercollegiateathletics in the program of the University?This is a question which has. no doubt, beenasked many times in the past, and has receivedmany different answers. One of these answerswas given by The Daily Maroon in a series ofetitorials last quarter, along with certain rec¬ommendations necessary to bring about de¬sired changes. Specifically, we suggestedeither a modification of the University s rela¬tions with other Big Ten schools in certainsports, or, if that is not possible, completewithdrawal from the conference.The question has never been adequatelyanswered in recent years, however, by theUniversity itself. It is apparent from the re¬ports of the meeting last Saturday of the Boardon the Coordination of Student Interests thatthe subject is again one of deep concern tothe University administration.In general, the Board in its last pronounce¬ment of policy, made approximately a yearago, had the following to say about intercol¬legiate athletics: “Participation . . is considereda worthwhile activity for undergraduates and areward for maintaining a satisfactory academicstnding.” Obviously, this statement does notdefine, with any precision, the place of inter¬collegiate athletics in the University’s pro¬gram.Any analysis of the subject must begin byanswering this fundamental question. Then,it must be determined if the present situationj is the “ideal” one, and, if not, what changesI are necessary. It is along these lines that thej subject is now being studied by a subcommit-j tee of the Board.( We can look forward to some more defi¬nite statement of intercollegiate athletic policyin the near future. The possibility of anydrastic changes does not appear likely.—J. A. K.The Travelling BazaarBy CHRIS SERCELPOEM FOR THE DAYAtop the church is a high high spireTo glorify our loving God.And in his honor a cross still high’rAnd top of that, a lightning rod.* * *A BOW TO BILLSome time ago, when Kathryn Cornell was play¬ing in Romeo and Juliet at the Erlanger, Bertie(Publisher of the World’s Greatest Newspaper toyou) was convinced by his wife that they should joinin the lush to see this great tragedy of the ages.The word got around in the office, and the reportersengineered front row seats for the pair. As theshow progressed, Bertie began to fidgit more andmore. Finally towards the last of the first act, hehopped up, pushed past a lot of people, and startedtowards the door. Seeing his bodyguard-chaufferseated a ways back, he called across the theater,“Come on, George, I saw this same damn show twen¬ty years ago.”* ♦ *My tYpust is on her vacationMy trpist awau fpr a weekMi typudt us in hwr vsearionWgile thse kews plsy hude and seej.♦ * yHOT AIRA friend of ours was parked down on Wells street.He came out of the store he had been visiting tofind himself sandwiched in, very closely, betweentwo other cars. There was no way to get out exceptby force, as the drivers of the other cars had appar¬ently fixed him in on purpose. He batted the car in 'front of him, and then reversed english, and battedthe one in back. He suddenly looked up and saw acop watching him. Then for half an hour he verycarefully edged this way and that trying to get out,gaining only about a quarter of an inch at a time.Finally he was clear, and was just starting out whenthe whistle blew. He stopped and waited. The copvery leisurely crossed the street. Our friend start¬ed out to explain that it looked like he’d been hem¬med in on purpose. The cop cut him off with “Areyou going to let the air out of their tires?’’ Ourfriend answered that of course he wouldn’t. The copreplied, “Well I am”'and he did— Lettersto the EditorSENIOR CANDIDATESEditor,The Daily Maroon:We will vote for Bob Bethke forpresident of the Senior Class for we ^believe that he is the best man for |the position. He is the only candi-'date who has shown marked execu¬tive ability and who has the neces¬sary experience to carry out his stat¬ed plans.His work on the Interfraternity !executive Committee has aided that 'group in forming a definite policywhich will benefit the fraternity sys¬tem at the University as a whole.Bethke has a wide acquaintanceamong all groups in the Senior Class. |As captain of the water polo team,he has made friends with students inathletics. Active in the affairs of thebusiness school and in the social lifeof the University, he has made manyother friends.Through work on the WashingtonProm and the Interfraternity Ball,he has derived ideas which will en- iable him to carry out the Senior iClass’ hopes for a memorable Senior 'Ball, proceeds of which will serveas the basis for a substantial class igift. IBethke is the leader who can best iunify the Class of ’37.Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, ;Zeta Beta Tau, Louise Hoyt, DavidHopkins, Helen Daniels, GenevieveFish, Dick Englehart, John Newby,Ruby Howell, Dan Smith, Betty Ellis.Editor,Daily Maroon:Since Sam Whiteside, candidatefor the office of President of theSenior Class must be out of town ona trip with the Wrestling Team Wed¬nesday, andSince Sam Whiteside is not thekind of a man to promote himselfeven if he were here, We, the undersigned, wish to open¬ly announce our support and confi-lence in Sam Whiteside because:1. He is practical and sincere, not1 politician.2. He is the acknowledged leaderof his class.3. As President of the Class of1937, he will leave the University alegacy never to be forgotten.4. He has held more honors thanany other member of the Cla.ss of1937, namely: Marshal, FootballCaptain, Member of the BusinessSchool Council, Wrestling Team,Leader of Washington Prom W’ing.Delta Kappa Epsilon, Henry Lem¬on, Robert Shallenberger, Duke Skon-ing, Harmon Meigs, Carl Frick, BillGillerlain, Lillian Schoen, John Beal,Doc Stevenson, Henry Reese, RuthGlynn, Omar Fareed, Jean Russell,Ned Bartlett.Editor,Daily Maroon:Clarence Wright, candidate forPresident of the Class of 1937, hasbeen assured of full support from 12fraternities and five clubs. He hasbeen given pledges of support frommore than twice as many voters inindependent circles.As evidenced by the posters andhandbills about this campus, ClarenceWight has an active party behinel him.Clarence Wright is a member of afraternity, and a member of no othergroup.FREE TRIPSABROADAnd Liberal Commissionsto energetic faculty member*and student* with social con¬tacts. Dignified connection withleading travel organization asTOUR ORGANIZERSState fully your qualificationsand interview will be arrangedin your city.Suite 1524, 55 W. 42nd St.,New York City Clarence Wright can and WILL co¬operate with independent students ofthe University. He is well aware thatindependent students form the larg¬est. and, when united, most influen¬tial section of the Class of 1937. Theexcellent support already affordedhim by many independent students isadequate proof of his sincerity.Clarence Wright has asked nu t„thank his many friends for their co.operation. He pledges himself towork at all times for the best intd--ests of the whole class of 1937.Herman Bernard Schulz.Warner Bros.LEXINGTON THEATRE1162 E. 63rd St.Today and Tomorrow“BIG HOUSE”and“DANCING LADY”MORNING-AFTERCLEARED IN SECONDS!LAST! Bloodshot eyes made milk-white . .^ sparkling Money Kicl^d one applic.-itHm ofnew. saentih EYE-CENE fails. Stainless Safe.Works in seconds. Quickerrest for tired, smartinr,strained eyes. ThousandsBwitchine from boric andother old-tashioned solutioca.EYE-GENE Plem, Safe Wnr te CleatUses, Melime Stret^STINEWAY DRUGSKenwood and 57th St.READER’S61st and EllisUNIVERSITY PHARMACY1321 E. 57th St.IME FLIES, and trains on the railroad fly with it.It is a frequent compliment for watches and clocksto be set according to the passage of the trains.Yet the years are constantly requiring new schedules tomeet the accelerated tempo of modern business. Passengerstoday must measure their miles by their minutes, ^nd freightmust travel at what used to be good passenger-tredn speed.The Illinois Central's streamline Green Diamond, forexample, makes its daily 588-mile round-trip between St.Louis and Chicago in 590 minutes, including stops. TheMS-1 (Merchandise Special, a freight) reaches Memphisovernight from Clucago, after several stops, covering the527 miles in 830 minutes.Other trains are proportion¬ately speeded. REMINDER . . .To meet new needs in new ways,but with never a sacrifice ofancient virtues—that, I believe.To maintain schedules under i, .cUevement topresent demands is a chal- which the railroads can today lay, . .1 , claim. Speed is fine, but it is at itslenge to railway stamina and , , , , , ,, x, , .best when backed by the safety,resourcefulness. It is hearten- comfort and dependability ofing to observe how capably^^i^that challenge is being met.ILLINOIS CENTML SYSTEM-AN ILLINOIS RAILROAD —THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1937 Page ThreeAmericanYouth Act* * *(Thi« is the second of a senes ofd,tides prepared by the AmericanStudent Union to familiarize stu¬dents ivith the American Youth Act.<)„ February 19 delegates from or-iianizations all over the country willderive in Washington to present tol>rcsident Roosevelt a direct petitiond:^king for passage of the bill duringthe rtirrent Congressional session.)Our la.xt article attempted to showin broad perspective the aim andharacter of the American Youth Actind its place in solvinK the problemswhich American youth faces today.A >tudy has been made of living con-iitions of students on this campus.Material for the study was obtainedl)\ means of a questionnaire whichwas answered by a representative-ample of various student groups.Itormitory residents, fraternity men,XYA workers, people holding outsidelobs. and those living at home wereall included in the study.“Because my parents have beenliable to finance my college educa¬tion, I have been forced to rely uponwhatever re.sources were available.At present I have an NYA positioni< secretary to the ... . library, worktor my meals at the University com¬mons. set pins in a bowling alley,wait on tables in a fraternity, typeiianu.scripts for the typing bureau,ami take on whatever odd jobs I needt(> pay for my tuition and supportmyself. Since I have been at theUniversity I have lost 15 pounds be¬cause of the continual strain towhich I am subjected. Lack of timeto devote to my studies has causedmy grades to suffer*. My greatesthazard is the despair caused by fi¬nancial insecurity. Efficiency is im¬possible while I am continually sub¬jected to mental stress. Obviously,the $15 per month that I receive formy NYA job is highly inadequate. being no prearranged rates set formost tasks.The apportionment of the NYAjobs on this campus, is directed bythe vocational guidance bureau. The752 students who hold these jobscomprise only one-third of those whoapplied for the positions.In general the jobs are distributedaccording to the needs and specialabilities of the students. On beingassigned to a particular departmentthe student’s w’age rate is determinedby the supervisor of that department.The latter attempts to take the stu¬dent’s abilities into consideration inestimating an hourly rate for hisjob. However, with this system inoperation there have resulted arbi¬trary wage scales with students doingthe same type of work receiving un¬equal hourly rates.K *The NYA is a temporary measuredesigned to alleviate immediate needsof students. Along with the WPA andfederal relief in general it is at thewhim of the national government.Students, therefore, must face thepossibility of losing their NYA jobs.Already cuts have been made amonggraduate NYA students and WPAworkers because of diminishing reliefgrants.Does the student then have to liveunder conditions of continued inse¬curity with the consistent drop in therelief grants (out of which fundscomes the NYA)? Our answer is tothe contrary. By its arrangement forpermanent student’ aid through themedium of jobs at union wages andfederal scholarships, all administeredthrough democratic machinery, theAY A will furnish the student withthe economic security which he to¬day lacks.Our final article will present thespecific provisions of the AYA andcontrast it with the NYA.English(Continued from page 1)lectual analysis, or the ability to un¬derstand the ideas and argumentsThus far 1 have been able to avoidborrowing funds, but at the presenttime I have dwindled to a mere 115pounds. There isn’t much left. I amlaced with the alternatives of leavingcollege entirely, continuing as I havein pa.st and taking the chance of suf¬fering a nervous collapse, or obtain¬ing aid from an outside source.”The above letter was written by a'-tudent in reply to the questionnairecirculated by the ASU. Is it reallyan outstanding ca.se or are thereother students on campus faced withthis problem? The vocational guid¬ance bureau estimates that betweenand 00 per cent of students, .sofar as is known, support them.selvesin whole or in part in work super¬vised or provided by the University.-Approximately 5 to 10 per cent ofthese support themselves entirely.This does not include those who havejobs which they did not securethrough the department.^ *Of the 125 students reached by the-ASU questionnaire, 20 said that theyhold both NYA and outside jobs; 6of them had student loans outstand¬ing, 24 students held outside jobsonly, while 16 did only NYA work.This means that almost 50 per centof the group depend upon some formof employment for financial support.Some students, although they donot hold jobs, stretch their pocket-books in other ways to meet schoolexpenses. Those who cook in the dor¬mitories pay but $2.50 a week forfood while others budget their al¬lowances to the same same amountand eat at the Commons. This is de¬cidedly lower than the food costssuggested by the Commons and Clois¬ter Club as adequate (about $6.50a week, using prices of daily sjte-cials). contained in literary works; and, (4)history, or the ability to trace the his¬torical development of an idea orliterary problem.“Dicciplinet”The Committee’s conception of“disciplines” is based on two assump¬tions. First, that there are perman¬ent characteristic.^ in language andliterature which may be analyzed anddeveloped into principles by which in¬dividual works may be discussed andin some sense evalued. Second, thatsuch analysis is to be mastered bythe student, not as a set of abstractpropositions but as habits of workwhich he will acquire by constantpractice.Juniors Given OptionHereafter, examinations which willtest the mastery of these “disci¬plines,” will always involve problemsother than those which students haveworked on in their courses. The stu¬dents now enrolled for the variousdegrees, that is, those classified asjuniors or above, will be given the op¬tion of completing their work underthe new or old arrangement. Stu¬dents who will be juniors next yearwill follow the new setup,A pamphlet describing the revisionwill be issued for students by theEnglish department during the springquarter. It will lisi| specific require¬ments under the new program andwill offer sample examination ques¬tions.The plan, as outlined by the Com¬mittee, will be flexible and subjectto change. It is expected that therealization of the new objectives willonly be seen in the course of years.Food costs for the campus in gen¬eral are very low, averaging betweenfour and five dollars a week. Thehighest food prices are those paidby the dormitory residents,—$7 aweek. Rents range from $1.25 aweek (two students living togetherin a rooming house) to $6.50 a week,paid by some dormitory residents.The lowest rentals are paid by theNYA workers who average $2 to $3weekly.« *However, students find it diffi¬cult to meet even such low budgets.The $: 5 a month an undergraduatemay earn by doing NYA work cannotmeet his monthly food expenses, andeven the $25 monthly stipend thatthe graduate earns does not coverfood and rental expenditures.If a student turns to outside em¬ployment he finds that the hoursrate averages even less than theNYA, the average wages being about35 and 40 cents an hour. The stu¬dents also have to strike their ownbargains with the employers, there SPAGHETTIA GENEROUS HELPING OFThe finest Italian spaghettiserved piping hot with areal meat sauce, genuineItalian parmeson cheese,French bread and butter.25cMorton’s5487 Lake Park Ave.Served From Noon to Midnight Press Publishes\ Book of Rules forFuture TeachersProspective teachers in secondaryschools who wish to know the require¬ments for obtaining certifiates ofteaching in the various political re¬gions of the United States will findI thik information in a booklet recentlydistributed to counselors and advis¬ers. It is written by Robert C. Woell-i ner, executive secretary, and M. Au-! rilla Wood, placement counselor, ofjthe Board of Vocational Guidance! and Placement,The contents are condensed fromlaws and regulations of state legis-j latures, regional accrediting associa-I tions, and in the case of the Dis-i trict of Columbia and the possessions,I from Federal regulations. They per-i tain only to junior and senior highj schools, and junior colleges. Since1 the requirements are changed fre¬quently, the general tendency being! toward greater rigor, the booklet isrevised annually ,and the present edi¬tion is for 1937-1938.V ice-Presidents(Contirued from page 1)ities have been entirely in academicadministration, particularly as officerin charge of the budget for educa¬tion and research.Fifty-eight years old, Mr. Filbeywas educated at Indiana State Nor¬mal School and the University ofChicago, receiving the Ph.B. and M.A,degrees from Chicago. He marriedLena L. Chance in 1909.Until recently chairman of theboard of directors of Benton &Bowles, Inc., New York, Mr. Bentonwas the only member of an academicfamily to enter business. His father,Charles W. Benton, was for thirty-' three years a member of the facultyof the University of Minnesota, andhis mother, Elma Hixon Benton,was also prominent in education.; Founder of a school in St. Louis, sheretii’ed from the staff of TeachersCollege, Columbia University, fouryears ago.Attended CarletonMr. Benton, born in Minneapolisin 1900, attended Carleton College be¬fore enroling at Yale University,from which he received the A. B. de¬gree in 1921. At Yale he was amember of the same class as Presi¬dent Hutchins. Among other activ¬ities, Mr. Benton was editor of theYale Record. In 1928 he marriedHelen Hemingway of New York City,and has one child, Charles WilliamBenton. The Benton home is inSouthport, Connecticut.In association with Chester B.Bowles, Mr. Benton in 1929 foundedBenton & Bowles, Inc., an advertisingagency which became one of the larg¬est in the country within the spaceof seven years. Before organizingthat firm, Mr. Benton had been as¬sociated with the National City Bank;had been head of the trade and in¬dustrial division of George Batten,and an executive in the Chicago officeof Lord & Thomas, advertising agen¬cies. Language(Continued from page 1) |homes. Usually the meetings are ar- jI ranged by a director and a commit- jjtee; lectures are featured in theI meetings.Les Escholiers was organized in1934 at International House,, chiefly !through the efforts of a group of na-1, tive Frenchmen who were living jthere at that time, to promote inter-j est in French culture and to' aid the jj members in speaking and understand-1I ing French. Joseph Axelrod, presi- |dent of Les Escholiers, explains thei unorthodox spelling of the name in |] this way: “‘E.scholier’ was the sev-j enteenth-century word for ‘student’I when the word was used in its truestj sense.”I Besides Axelrod, officers of LesI Escholiers are Olga Bush, vice-presi-‘jdent; Dorothy Allen, secretary, and' Robert Wagoner, treasurer. ProfessorAgernon Coleman is faculty sponsorI of the club. Members speak onlyj French at the meetings, which areI held on the average about once everyj three weeks. II Undoubtedly the Romance Club is '' the most exclusive in the Depart-! ment, for members are expected to! accomplish real results in their fields.' It was founded in 1901 “to encour-I age and aid its members to becomein some degre contributors to knowl¬edge in the wide field of Romancestudies and to keep this idea alivein the minds of its Instructors andI graduate students.” Membership,therefore, is limited to the facultyvand advanced graduate students inI the department of Romance Lan-I guages and Literatures. Meetings^ are held once a month in the Wie-I boldt Common Room, when it is the' usual practice to have two papersread, one presented by a rhember ofthe faculty and the other by a grad-[ uate student in the department,j Professor W. A. Nitze, chairman of |I the department of Romance Lan¬guages and Literatures, is the presid¬ing officer of the Club; Professor E.P. Dargan is the permanent secretaryand Kathryn Hildebran is assistantsecretary.SPRINGSHOESforCampus or DressGabardine and PatentBata947 E. 63rd Street(at Ellis Ave.)Shoes Repaired While YouWait.SEE OUR SELECTION OFVALENTINE CANDYSTINEWAY’S DRUG STORE '57th and KenwoodHailed by every class of critic as the greatest internationaldancer of all time . . .— N I M U R A —withLISAN KAYErnst von Dohnanyi— Michel Fokine—“A beautiful“Amazing Nimura and Lisan Kay marked a technical equip-with their stupendous techniquegive rare enjoyment.” ment.”*** THE SENSATION OF EUROPECopenhagen “Dagens Nyhed- Geneva “Journal de Geneve”—“Incomparable! The body ofer”—“Nimura has conquered inhabited by the soulCopenhagen.” of a thinker!”CIVIC THEATREWacker Drive and Washingttm StreetMONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 15th at 8:30 P. M.Tickets: $1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 (tax included)Now on sale at box office and Harry Zelzer Concert Mgt.,20 North Wacker Dr. Dearborn 2990 Today on theQuadranglesMEETINGSAchoth. Room A of Ida Noyes at 3.Deltho. Room B of Ida Noyes at 7.Jewish Student Foundation. IdaNoyes Theater at 4.YWCA Valentine Luncheon. IdaNoyes from 11:30 to 1. Admission35 cents.Chapel Union. Alumnae Room ofIda Noyes at 4:30.LECTURESPublic Lecture. “Trends in ModernThought. Education.” Robert M.Hutchins. International House at8:30.Public Lecture. (School of SocialService Administration). “Britain’sHousing Policies.” Captain Reiss. LawNorth at 1:30.Symposium. “The .Supreme CourtIssue.” Associate Dean Tefft againstthe President’s bill; Professor Cross¬key in favor of the bill. Law Northat 3:30. Sponsor: Bar Association.MISCELLANEOUSSenior Pictures for Cap and Gown.10-12 and 1-4. Photographer, Carlos.Studio in Room 16, Lexington Hall.Bachelor’s Degree. Students ex¬pecting to receive the Bachelor’s de¬gree in March, 1937 must file theirapplications immediately in the Bu¬reau of Records, Cobb 102.Final Examination for the Mas¬ter’s degree in Sociology will be heldFriday, February 26, 1937. The writ¬ten preliminary examination for the IPh. D. degree in Sociology will be iheld February 26, 27 and March 1, |2, and 3, 1937. Applications for these |examinations must be made on or be- !fore February 15 in Room 310, SocialScience Research Building. jSenior Election. Cobb 307. 1 to 4. i Ridley(Continued from page 1)tematic appraisal have been suggest¬ed.“But in the last analysis,” heI claims, “only two questions are im-iportant: what results are obtained,land are they obtained with a mini-I mus expenditure? All other stand-; ards must be interpreted in terms ofthe.se.”According to Professor Ridley,“The present study is an attempt toappraise the validity and usefulnessof the administrative standards nowavailable: with the object of estab¬lishing benchmarks for the orienta-, tion and direction of further re¬search. This involves a number of' problems. First, a general theory ofmeasurement standards must be de¬veloped; a sound philosophy of theirsignificance, a generalized techniqueof measurement, and a consistent vo¬cabulary. Second, an analysis of theexistant standards must be made foreach government function. This mustinclude an attempt to state in tangi-, ble and measureable form the objec¬tives of the function; a study of the; logical and statistical problems in¬volved in the present standards; anda study of how these standards canbe used in the control of administra¬tion.“Although the present study isconcerned with administrative stand¬ards, it will form a basis for a re¬view of the field of public reportingand standards for the layman. It isfelt that no aspect of the whole prob¬lem is more vital to the future ofdemocratic government than the nec¬essity of obtaining for the citizensaccurate and understandable infor¬mation concerning the adequacy andefficiency of their government — in¬formation which can be used as abasis of intelligent choice at thepolls.”■ A Sweet AffairWASHINGTONPROMSUNDAETry them at theCoffee Shop, Maid-Rite, Reader’s, andStineway’s. Phone Plaza 6444CHICAGOLSTABLISHEOJ86&FLOWERS1364 Elast 53rd StreetANDRES SEGOVIAWORLD’S GREATEST GUITARIST“Astounding virtuosity, ex¬quisite musicianship.’Lawrence Gilman.“Segovia achieves true won¬ders on the guitar.”Leonard Liebling.“A man of mark among musi¬cians.”Olin Downes.“Technical proficiency almostincredible.”Philip Hale.“Amazes by magic of his art.”Warren Story Smith.ORCHESTRA HALLSunday Afternoon, February 14thTickets: 83c, $1.10, $1.65, $2.20 and $2.75 (tax incl.)Now on Sale at Box OfficeDAILY MAROON SPORTSCopytighi 19J7, LiGCBrr Ac Myebs Tobacco G>.Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1937.. enjoy Chesteifieldsfor the 000d thingssmoking can give youPsi U, DekesWill I-M Tilts lowa^s Championship Swimming Team Maroon Wrestlers Prepare forSplashes in Midway Tank Saturday Trip; Will Face Two OpponentsDefeat Alpha Delts, D. U’s;Phi Sigfs Down Phi Psi,Phi Delt.Psi U came back with a vengeanceafter a previous loss to whitewashthe Alpha Delts, 18-0, in the head¬liner of eight Intramural basketballgames played last night at Bartlettgymnasium.The Dekes beat the Delta U fivedefending champions, 16-12, estab¬lishing a strong threat for suprem¬acy.In other games, a hot Phi SigmaDelta “X” team defeated the Phi Psi“B” five, Deke “B” outscored DU“B,” Phi Sigma Delta held down thePhi Delts, Phi Delt “B” retaliatedwith a victory over Phi Sig “B,” Al¬pha Delt “B” downed Psi U “C,” andChi Psi “B” took a forfeit from PhiGam “B.”The unusually low score on the fea¬ture contest was a result of excel¬lent ball handling by both teams, es¬pecially Psi U. Ed Bell was highscorer with eight points.The undefeated Dekes‘ win overDU was mainly a result of Bill Mur¬phy’s ten points. The tilt gave riseto the probability that DU, last year’sfinalists, will not be in the finals thisyear.The Phi Sig 14-11 triumph over thePhi Delts was the closest of the eve¬ning. Granert, the Phi Delt star, ledwith a basket and three free throws,Baruck and Josephson were tooaccurate in shooting over the PhiPsis’ light defense, and led Phi Sigto a 20-9 victory.With evenly-distributed scoring, theDeke “B” aggregation spurted in thelast half to conquer DU “B”, 23-11.For the Phi Delts, Newby and Wag¬ner tallied 18 points in downing PhiSig “B,” 27-15.Busby’s six buckets for Alpha Delt“B” surpassed Carey’s ten points forPsi U “C,” when the AD’s won, 26-22. The University of Iowa swimmers,last year’s Big Ten champs, are toappear against the Maroon tankstersnext Saturday night at Bartlett pool.The Chicago team, in facing North¬western in the first two meets of theyear, and now meeting Iowa in thethird, has opened the season againstthe stiflFest competition in the con¬ference. Northwestern won both endsof the home and home series, earlierin the year. What will happen in theIowa meet remains to be seen.Heretofore, Iowa hasn’t botheredto try and whip a good water poloteam into shape, but has always giv¬en the Maroons plenty of competition.This year shows a different story.The low'a squad is practicing everyday. Wisconsin failed to bring awater polo team to Iowa when theClose Guarding ofMaroons ExplainsWin Over LoyolaBy ROBERT SASSFor a change let’s give a coachcredit for winning a game. The cur¬rent opinion of squad members andstudents in general, as well as anumber of the other coaches, is thatCoach Norgren deserves plenty ofpraise for the basketball team’s up¬set victory over l^oyola Saturdaynight.This is not meant to discount thestellar work of sophomores Jim Cas-sels and Jack Mullins, and of John¬ny Eggemeyer, who scored 33 of theteam’s points between them, but itwas Nofgren’s idea of a close-guard¬ing, aggressive game that made pos¬sible the fine defense displayed. Inthe past a tie or close score at thehalf has invariably resulted in anopponent’s victory in the second half,but the way the Maroons doggedLoyola’s men allow’ed them only twofield-goals in the second half. two teams met a few' weeks ago. Soenthused over the game was Iowa thatan exhibition was put on with tw'oof the home teams. Coach E. W. Me-' for the second Eastern trip, whichThe University wrestling team went Franklin and Marshall rivalry datesthrough one of its hardest practices back to 1932, and the Maroons haveof the year yesterday in preparation 1935 a scoreof 18-14. La.st year’s meet resultedGillivray regards this action with ap- .starts tomorrow,prehension, although he admits the The squad will celebrate Lincoln’s : in one of the w'orst defeats of theChicago squad is in fine condition, and birthday with an engagement against year for Chicago, and F. and M. willplaying a great game. “We can’t West Virginia at Morgantowm. On put practically the same team on theafford to lose another game if we' the folowing day the men move on mat Saturday. This is one rea.sonexpect to land on top of the heap to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to meet for Coach Vorres’ working the menat the end of the year.’’ Franklin and Marshall College. The so hard in practice.■ ■■ „ , ■ ■ ■ - -. . y,, ^ - ^.11 of thc Tcgulars will make thetrip, and perhaps one or tw'o spareswill be carried. Tinker, Collias, Fay,Finwall, Haas, Schoonmaker, Valorzand Whiteside will probably .start forthe Maroons. Whiteside’s returnThree new records, have been set en’s team, has issued a challenge for should greatly aid the team’s show-during the past ten days by members a return match to be fired this week, ing, w’hile Valorz, Fay, Haas andof the Rifle and Pistol club. Free-' pistol team is practicing in con- Schoonmaker have almost complete-,, , ’ jtemplation of its first appearance in ly covered from the epidemic of badman Morgan, secretary-treasurer, on February 19, care with which the squad has been Chicago Willsill Water PoloQuell Ridge Park, 12-:j inBartlett Gym; Preparefor Crucial Tilts.Sharpshooters Establish Three NewRecords in West Stand Rifle Rangea. new record of 193 from a possible against the Hyde Park YMCA,200 in the four-position ladder tour-I nament. Hugh Bennett has tied thisin practice but not when shooting forrecord. Don Hamilton raised his ownmark of 184 to the rare mark of 189in the pistol division. Finally, RachelReese, freshman women, shot a scoreI of 172 in the men’s four-position lad-i der, the highest score turned in by afflicted for the last week or two.Canadians Shine with SuperiorPlay in Badminton Tournament Chicago’s water polo teamwithin one game of entering tht ( h .jeago Association finals last :u-\nwhen they trounced Ridge Paik, u;to 3, at Bartlett gymnasium, fin.:only remaining team to defeat is .l.^v.jish People’s Institute next week whu nboasts two Olympic players.Jewish People’s Institute ;,tRidge last week 11-4.The game hel|)ed the Maroon.^ wui kup a scoring punch for thc low.i t hSaturday evening.Eight numbers of the .Maroon u am; took part in the high .scoring .lackHoms. Jay Brown, and Bob Bethke.scored three goals apiece, Joe Baerand John V’andewater each sconaitwo, and Bob Anderson, Cecil R . h-well, and Dick Smith threw in .i - .alper man.Canadians appear to be better bad- ber of people have started playingminton players than natives of the badminton in their .spare moments.anv woman since the beeinnine of the states,"if the tournament nowin prog- popular is the evening ses-any woman since tne oeginning oi tne ’, • . sion, which is from 7:30 to 10 onI club. This was the first time she had ress at Ida Noyes Hall is to be any jyj^ndays and Wednesdays. Those peo-|shot the four-position string. criterion. Raymond, Roebuck and ' pie who would rather play the after-j The Maroon marksmen punctured outstanding players in noon can drop in between 4:45 andthe targets for a score of 1325 in a ga^ie and all three are from i ® Monday, Tuesday, and Thurs-three position, prone, kneeling, andIdav from 3 -30 to 5 on Fridayi standing, match against Boston Col- Jock Kent, of Judson Court, j ‘J1 lege last week, their best effort to has been called the best of the play- DREXEL theatre858 E. 63fdWed. & Thurs.“FLYING HOSTESS’“IRON DUKE’’I date. It wasn’t quite good enoughjto beat Boston’s 1391. The Univer-jsity of Iowa defeated the var.sity men ers here; his speed and skill seem tomake him invincible.Although boys are the more num- GIRLS’ BASKETBALL11361 to 1256. Hugh Bennett led the erous in the tournament, there are; Chicago sharp.shooters in each match, .several excellent players among thei This week, the varsity will face girls. Eleanor Coambs and GertrudeI Carnegie Tech’s great team, the oneI that won the National IntercollegiateI title last year. Coach Carl Hendrick-^ son isn’t over-optimistic about the Game* today4:20—Delta Sigma vs. Phi Delta Up-silonPolcar, both of Blake Hall, have ^ .shown marked ability. The first ^round of this tournament will be Achoth vs. Kellycompleted by Friday, and by then per-team’s chances in this meet. The haps .some new favorites will haveUniversity of Indiana women’s team, appeared,apparently rankled over its two point Because of the interest aroused by 8:15—U. of C. Settlement vs. Sigmadefeat at the hands of the local worn- this tournament, an increasing num- C.T.S. vs. AlumnaeGame* tomorrow7:30—Green vs. GatesGraduates vs. A.S.U. Frolic Theatre55th Cr ELLIS AVE.Wednesday & Thursday“HERE COMES CARTERand“DOWN THE STRETCH’Friday & Saturday“BIC HOUSE ’and“DANCING LADY’’