^ ISatlp inaraonVol. 37. No. 55. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1937 Price Three CentsGunman Holds Up Students in Circleat Noon; Impersonates Campus PoliceKuehn VictimRobber Also TerrorizesHetty Livingstone andyiary Ann Garlick.A daring robbery was staged inthe Circle at noon yesterday, un¬known to scores of student passers-by who had just emerged from 11o’clock classes.Marion Kuehn, a member of Mor¬tar Board, was sitting in her car inthe Circle when a young man witha pockmarked face came up, told herthat he was one of the campus po¬lice. and that he was investigatingthe robbery of a car just like herswhich had occurred that morning.Thief Atk« for CredentialsHe said that she would have toidentify herself. This she could notdo so he told her that he wouldhave to take her to the police station,which he .said was at 57th and Har¬per She replied that she was waitingto take two friends to lunch He saidthat he would wait for them.Kuehn’s friends, Betty Livingstonennd Mary Ann Garlick, the latteralso a member of Mortar Board, sooncame up and got in the car. The mansaid he would ride on the runningboard..\t the corner of 57th and Har¬per. where he had said the police sta¬tion was located, although the near¬est station is at 53rd and I.Ake Park,he said "Keep on driving." One ofthe girls voiced a faint protest, andhe shook a heavily gloved fist in herface.Stop* in Park.■\t the corner of 57th and I»akePark he commanded them to "Driveon into the park." They drove on andstopped in front of the Rosenwald.Museum of Science and Industry,about fifty feet from a car in whicha policeman was sitting.“Get out of the car," he ordered.The girls declined. Then he pulledout a small nickel-plated revolver.The girls needed no further advice.He jumped in the car and drove off.The girls screamed as he did so inthe hope of attracting the attentionof the policemen, but they did nothear.Report to PoliceThe girls reported immediately tothe police, and Lieut. Boronsky ofthe Hyde Park station took charge.When reached at her home lateyesterday afternoon, Kuehn said thethief was about 21 or 22 years old,five feet eight inches tall,' weighedapproximately 150 pounds, had blackhair, a dark complexion, and a pock¬marked face. He wore a blue chin¬chilla overcoat, and brown hat, suit,and .shoes.The thief remarked during the ridethat he went to school at Chicagotwo years ago.Kuehn’s car is a gray Fjord con¬vertible coupe, 1935 model.At a late hour last night the po¬lice reported no new developments inthe case. Taken for a RideMary Ann Garlick Marion Kuehn Betty Livingstone. . . encounter a t-akiny ahimyius at the University's traditionalmeeting place^^International Quarterly” Strives forUniversal Good-will in First IssueBy LAURAA noteworthy experiment in cos¬mopolitan journalism made* its firstformal appearance last night whenthe three International Houses ofChicago, New York, and Berkeley,California, introduced their newbrainchild, the "International Quar¬terly” to the magazine world.Noteworthy, because it affords achannel of expression for the diverseideas and opinions which pervade theHouses—becau.se it is infused withtolerance, and because, though im¬mature and overzealous in spots, itnever loses sight of its purpose; theexression of opinion and goodwill ina world rife with propaganda andfear.Although its contents are not nec¬essarily authoritative or pedantic,their purpose is primarily to presenta cross section of the thought of< young scholars and students of theday.Rockefeller Write* ForewordJohn D. Rockefeller Jr., known forhis hesitancy in writing for publica¬tions, has penned the forward in thehope that "this publication will growto be of real importance in further¬ing international understanding."Among other notables who have hada hand in the shaping and organiz-ijng of the “Quarterly” is HarlanIx)gan, now editor and publisher ofScribner’s, who sees the publication BERGQUISTI as a novel experiment iii Tne Inter-! national magazine field. Thornton! Wilder, who recently took leave ofthe University for "w’ork on anotherbook” also contributes his share asa member of the Chicago editorialboard.Tschou Wong R. Kah, consul gen¬eral for China, w’ho will be remem¬bered as lecturer for the House se¬ries "Drama of World Religion”,adopts Ijterary form this time toexpress his views on “Confucius and(Continued nn page 3)Palmer Heeids NewSettlement BoardDr. Walter Palmer, associate pro¬fessor of Medicine, was elected pres¬ident of the University SettlementBoard at the Board’s meeting lastWednesday night at the Settlement.He succeeds Dr. Duoiey B. Reed, di¬rector of the Student Health Service.The new vice-president and secre¬tary of the Board is Algernon Cole¬man, rofessor of French; the treas¬urer is Willard J. Graham, associateprofessor of Accounting. The boardmembers, Mrs. William Cary, andMiss Gertrude Dudley, professoremeritus of Physical Education, werealso elected to serve in place of mem¬bers who have resigned from theBoard.The program, which was givenpartly in honor of Miss Mary Mc¬Dowell, resident head of the Settle¬ment until her death recently in¬cluded a talk by Percy Holmes Boyn¬ton, professor of English, and mu¬sical selections by an orchestra com¬posed of people from the Settlement. Plan Dance forCountry Hicks ” atIda Noyes HallSeeking to offer all students anevening of informality and fun, theChapel Union has planned a BarnDance on Friday, January 29, in IdaNoyes Hall from 8-11 to includesquare dancing, games, and singingAdmission to the dance will be 15cents.Everyone is invited to the affair,and in the words of Jerry Moberg,chief poster maker for the BarnDance, “you are urged to dress likea hick.” Square dancing will be car¬ried on in the big gym from 8 to9:30. Mr. Chester Fiske of the SouthShore Community Church will callthe dances via the loud speaker sys¬tem.Following the square dancing,games will be played in the big gym.For those more energetically inclined,"active" games are being planned,while more quiet entertainment isscheduled to take place in the libraryand lounge of the Hall for the "sit¬ter-downers."Fraternity BooksThere are still about 100 Fra¬ternity Booklets available at theoffice of The Daily Maroon inLexington Hall. Fraternities orfreshmen who are interested ingetting the books for referencemay get them by calling at theoffice. Niebuhr LeadsChapel ServiceDefender of Social Valueof Religions Returns toUniversity.Reverend Reinhold Niebuhrone of the most regular and popularspeakers who has visited the Uni¬versity, will continue his record ofperfect attendance every year sincethe Chapel was built, by speakingiagain this Sunday at the regularSnday morning service, beginning at10:50.Dr. Niebuhr is one of the few mento have lectured every year, but itis not an accident that he should beso chosen, for he is one of the mostpopular speakers before students inAmerica, and always draws the larg¬est attendance of undergraduates ofany of the guests of the Chapel.He probably has more influenceover the thinking of the younger gen¬eration of Americans than any otherreligious leader, because of his ownbrilliant mind, and his depth of feel¬ing, said Dean Gilkey yesterdayHis Major concern Is the positionof religion as applied to social lifeand needs. It is along this line thathe wrote his best-known book, "MoralMan and Immoral Society”. Police CampusPrivate Force Seeks to Pro¬tect Unescorted WomanStudents."The police are on the campus pri¬marily to protect women students.”So did Lester S. Ries, assistantsuperintendent of Buildings andGrounds, characterize the work of* agroup of men who do 24-hour patrolduty on the University quadrangles,when interviewed yesterday concern¬ing the robbery yesterday noon inthe Circle.Referring to the impersonation ofa campus policeman by the robberyesterday, Ries said, "We’re veryanxious that students know our po¬lice; our men are here to protectthem.”Police Ea*ily IdentifiedRies pointed out that the campuspolice may be easily identified. Eachwears a badge, the regulation em¬blem of the Chicago police depart¬ment, consisting of a shield with aneagle at the top and a number at thebottom. Furthermore, all the guardswear dark blue uniforms, and capswith badge affixed.The University’s police staff issupervised by Abbot Haines, in¬spector of service for the departmentof Buildings and Grounds, while thehead of the actrive staff is Carl S.Anderson. Anderson is a sworndeputy sheriff.Working under Anderson areClaude Hazen, who is the heavy-set,courteous guard of the Bursar’s of¬fice, William Farley, a student in theSchool of Business, and Leo -Karcher,a teacher in the public school systemwho works on campus on week-ends.All of them are either students orex-students of the University.Reached bv PhoneWith these men rests the respon¬sibility of patrolling the campusnight and day. They may be reachedinstantly at any time by calling thecentral switchboard of the Univer¬sity, Midway 0800, and Ries requestsstudents not to hesitate to availthemselves of this service if anycrime, minor or major, occurs on thequadrangles.At night the B & G patrol makesuse of a Ford tudor sedan, in whichit roams the quadrangles looking foranything amiss.A new feature of the B & G patrolservice was ijnstituted recently byemploying a regular uniformed guardto patrol 59th street in the earlyevening hours, when students are aptto be going to or from libraries. Swingster^^ NorvoProvides Rhythmat Benefit ConcertWhen the Student SettlementBoard-Daily Maroon swing sessiongoes into action next Friday in Man-del Hall at 3:30, 22 prominent camp¬us swing enthusiasts will be beamingin proud sponsorship. Since RedNorvo and his band, Mildred Bailey,called the greatest white swing singer, and Romo Vincent are expectedto do well with the entertainmentangle, the first aim of the commit¬tee will be to promote the sale oftickets. All profits will go to the Uni¬versity Settlement.Co-chairmen of the committee ofsponsors are Dan Smith, head of theStudent Settlement Board, and JamesBernard, advertising manager ofThe Daily Maroon. Marshall Stoneis in charge of tickets, which are nowon sale for 40 cents at the Reynoldsclub. International House, and theinformation office in the Press build¬ing.Sponsors are John Van de Water,Lloyd Stauffer, George Karp, BettyJean Dunlap, Persis-Jane Peeples,Harriet NeLson, Bernice Bartels, JackHegebach, John Mattmiller, CodyPfanstiehl, Robert Shallenberger,William Rubach, Richard Engle-hardt, William Negley, Melvin Ury,Betty Beale, Philomela Baker, Mar¬jorie Elkan, and Jeanne Rolfe. Elect Nine asClass Councilfor FreshmenDean’s Office WithholdsRecognition Until PolicyIs Formed.Campus Women AidWashington PromFifteen of the most attractive wo¬men on campus are to be selected toaid the Student Social committee inpromoting the 33rd annual Washing¬ton Prom, February 20th, the climaxof the winter social season. Thewomen will be chosen by the seniorhonorary societies.The women selected will be an¬nounced in the near future. Headedby Peg Tillinghast, member of theProm committee, they will aid in thesale of tickets.The Prom will be held in the GoldRoom of the Congress Hotel on Sat¬urday, February 20. Arrangementshave been made for the use of an en¬tire section of one floor of the hotelwith tables on the main floor and abalcony for service from the bar. Thefloor of the Gold Room is reputedto have 5,000 square feet of dancingspace. Pro Arte QuartetGives Concerts atInternational HousePerforming the complete cycle ofBeethoven quartettes, the Pro Artestring quartet of Belgium, one of themost famous chamber music ensem¬bles in the world, will appear in aseries of six concerts at InternationalHouse between January 26 and Feb¬ruary 4. The quartet is appearingthrough the courtesy of Mrs. Eliza¬beth Sprague Coolidge, noted patronof music.Invitations to the series have beensent to many friends of the Univer¬sity, A limited number which are leftafter all the invitations have beenanswered will be distributed by MissRuth Bright in M-10 of Harper Mem¬orial Library at 12 today. No ticketswill be sold.The quartet, official musicians tothe Belgian court, are making theirfirst tour of the United States. CarlBricken, acting head of the Depart¬ment of Music, states, "The appear¬ance of the quartet is one of themajor musical events of the year forthe city of Chicago."Mrs. Cloolidge, formerly a residentof Chicago, sponsors the Kolischquartet and is a patron of manyother musical organizations. Severalyears ago she brought a five-daychamber music festival to the FieldMuseum, and at the time the Univer¬sity Music department was organizedshe donated money for instruments. Name'Judges ofBeauty ContestBeverly, Sibley, FitzgeraldAid Cap & Gown Searchfor Beauty.William Beverly, Edward Sibley,and Robert Fitzgerald were chosenpesterday to select six semi-finalistsin the Cap and Gown Search forBeauty. Herbert Larson, businessruanager of the Cap and Gown ismanager of the hunt.Entries were pouring into theyearbook office yesterday as Cap andGown agents and campus men vol¬unteered names of University beau¬ties. From this list the six finalistswill be chosen sometime next week.The Cap and Gown Queen of Beautywill be chosen by an as yet unselectedscreen or stage star.Reign at Northwe*temThe Cap and Gown queen will thenjoin the court of Big Ten beautieswho are to reign over the Northwest¬ern Charity Carnival on February29. From this group will be chosenthe Empress of Beauty of the West¬ern Conference.William Beverly is a member ofAlpha Delta Phi, President of theDramatic Assifl(ciation, and memberof Owl and Serpent. He also is adelegate from the American StudentUnion to the peace council.Edward Sibley, a member of PsiUpsilon, is the Abbot of Blackfriars,and also a member of Owl and Ser¬pent.Robert Fitzgerald is captain ofnext year’s football team, a membeof Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity,and a member of Iron Mask, theJunior honorary society. A Freshman Executive Committeeof nine members, five women andfour men, was selected yesterday byvote of 138 members of the FreshmanClass from a field of 22 candidates.The group will not be recognized bythe Dean of Students’ Office beforeits members present a satisfactoryprogram and constructive policy.The students elected include JanetGeiger who was first in the ballot¬ing, receiving a total of 92 votes;Fern Beck second with 90 votes;Richard Glasser third with 76 votes;and Betty Wetzel fourth with 73.Other successful candidates in¬cluded Robert Kronemeyer, fifth with66 ballots cast in his favor; VirginiaMacDonald sixth with 63; Jack Cor-Although putting up no definite ob¬jections to the idea of a Freshman Ex¬ecutive Committee, both The DailyMaroon and the Dean of Students’ Of¬fice were skeptical of the value of suchan organization. As yet, no indicationof policy, no statement of objectives,no tentative program for this body havebeen suggested by any of the successfulor defeated candidates. All of thesewill have to be done before recog¬nition will be granted by Dean Leon P.Smith. Our belief that the agitation foran election did not come from any size¬able portion of the class seems to havebeen borne out by the small size of thevote, which included less than 20 per¬cent of the freshmfrn on campus.Ed.Complete Scriptfor Varsity ShowWith the orchestral number al¬ready selected and timed and otherparts of the program rapidly beingchosen, plans for University of Chi¬cago Night on the Pontiac "VarsityShow” are almost complete. The or¬chestra will play "Passacaglia,” writ¬ten by Hilmar Luckhardt,' graduatestudent in the music deprtment, as athesis for his master’s degree. It wasfirst performed at the autumn quar¬ter concert of the Univesity Sym¬phony Orchestra.Dwight Cooke, who has come fromNew York to direct the show, saysthat reports on auditions are almostfinal. Rehearsals of the completeshow will begin next week. JohnHeld Jr. will be master of cere¬monies for the broadcast.Ticktes for the broadcast are be¬ing distributed by Charleton Beck,secretary of the Alumni Council, atthe Information desk next Wednes¬day, Thursday and Friday. nelius seventh with 61; and RoyWelch and Rose Axelrod, tied forlast with 56 votes apiece. Welch andAxelrod defeated Irwin Rosen for thelast place on the council by the hair¬breadth margin of one vote.Other candidates in the order ofnumber of votes received includedKathryn Chetham, Robert Corbett,William Grody, Dave Harris, Char¬les Pfeiffer, Ralph Rosen, RogerFaherty, William Brewer, NicholasTapp, Karl Dieffenbach, DaytonCaple, and Harper Heizer.Polling was conducted in Cobb hallbetween 9 and 12 in the morning andbetween 1:30 and 3:30 in the after¬noon. Arrangements were made byJulian Kiser and Dan Heindel Jr.Discuss League ofNations on RadioProgram SaturdayFor the third Saturday afternoonbroadcast in the series. InternationalHouse is presenting an informal dis¬cussion on the "League of Nations”,debating both its positive and nega¬tive aspects.Leslie Lipson, British Common¬wealth Fund Fellow, is leading theafternoon’s round table with PierreLejins, noted criminologist from theUuniversity of Latvia, and WilliamDiez, representing the United States,as assisting speakers. The programis being broadcast over stationsWGN and WOR at 1:30.Instead of the regular Sundayevening supper, the House is spon¬soring an afternoon reception onSunday for the Budapest UniversityChorus, one of the oldest choral or¬ganizations in Europe, now on itsfirst American goodwill tour. Num¬bering about 40 members, the music¬al organization is composed of fac¬ulty members, research graduates,alumni and students oi tne univer¬sity. Guest tickets may oe purchasedfor a price of $.25 for the receptionwhich begins at 4 o’clock,Sunday’s program also Includes adebate in the manner of the OxfordUnion by the House Debate society.The motion to be discussed is, "Thishouse believes that every individualhas the right to fcommit Suicide."David Malaiperman and G. Ley-bourne are taking the jaffirmativeside, Joseph Selove and Carl Flax-man, the negative. Th« debate whichis slated for 8 o’clock in the Homeroom is being chairmanned by Ken¬neth White.Page TwoaIl|F iailg ilarnonFOUNDED IN 1901Member Associated Collegiate PressThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper oi theUniversity of Chicasro, published morningrs except Saturday, Sun¬day. and Monday during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quartersby The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University avenue. Tele¬phones : Local 46, and Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.The University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any contractentered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in The DailyMaroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily the viewsof the University administration.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves the rights of publicationof any material appearing in this paper. Subscription rates:12.75 a year; $4 by mail. Single copies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.aCPRESENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BYNational Ajveriising Service, IncCollege Publishers Representative420 Madison AvE. New York. N.Y.Chicago • Boston • San FranciscoLos ANGELES • PORTLAND • SEATTLEBOARD OF CONTROLJULIAN A. KISER Editor-in-ChiefDONALD ELLIOTT Business ManagerEDWARD S. STERN Managing EditorJOHN G. MORRIS Associate EditorJAMES F, BERNARD.Advertising ManagerEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESBernice Bartels Edward Fritz Ccdy PfanstiehlEmmett Deadman ElRoy Golding Betty RobbinsBUSINESS ASSOCIATESSigmund Dansiger Bernard Levine Robert RosenfelsCharles Hoy William RubachEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSMary Diemer Harry LeviHarold Dreyfus Vera MillerJudith Graham LaVerne ■ RiessMary E. Grenander Adele RoseHank Grossman Bob SassAimee Haines Leonard SchermerDavid Harris Cornelius SmithRex Horton Dolly ThomeePete WallaceBUSINESS ASSISTANTSEdwin Bergman Max Freeman Howard GreenleeArthur Clauter Doris Gentzler Edward GustafsonSTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Eisendrath Donal HolwayNight Editor; ElRoy D. GoldingAssistants: Harry John Levi, Cornelius Smith andRobertFriday, January 22, 1937The Higher Learning and the MidwayWhat will be the future University of Chi¬cago, if the progressive theories of PresidentRobert Maynard Hutchins, as expressed in hislatest book, “The Higher Learning in Amer¬ica,” are to be moulded into a functioningsystem on the Midway? How long this idealuniversity must wait before coming into beingis a question which depends upon how soonwe, the students, faculty, and alumni, under¬stand the plan of such an institution, and real¬ize its importance to the success of man. Butit is fitting, as well as interesting, to visualizethe future of the University as related to thepresident’s plan of higher learning.In the first place, there would probably bea thorough revision of all courses taught. Sucha revision would perhaps be gradual, but inany event would involve a shift from empiricalto theoretical subject matter. For instance, inthe biological sciences, more time would bespent reading works like Darwin’s “Origin ofSpecies” than dissecting frogs.All students would study the same subjectto some extent, although prospective lawyerswould spend more of their time in the socialsciences, reading Bentham, prospective doc¬tors and chemists would spend more of theirtime in the second great division, the naturalsciences, reading Hippocrates and Lavoisier,and prospective philosophers and preacherswould spend more of their time in the thirddivision, metaphysics. Metaphysics, being thesupreme science and the final basis of all think¬ing, would be the unifying principle of theUniversity, pervading the discussions of Ben¬tham and Hippocrates in the other two div¬isions.This new system of division would, ofcourse, be a death blow to the department¬al system. In addition, professional training !would be removed from the University properand administered only after graduation fromhhe University. Research, for the mere sake ofgathering data, would be confined to separateresearch institutes, connected with the Univer¬sity only by administrative ties.The most startling change of all, at firstconsideration, would be the assignment of gen¬eral liberal arts education to what is termedthe College, and the formation of the Collegewould take away not only the general coursesbut also the freshmen and sophomores fromthe University. Tire fulfillment of such a planwould require the invasion of the quadranglesby ‘ ‘neophytes,” including those who are nowhigh school juniors and seniors who wouldbecome College students. New buildings wouldJacquelyn AebyHarris BeckLaura BerstquistMaxine BiesenthalRuth BrodyCharles ClevelandLome CookJohn CooperJack Cornelius THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. 1937have to be erected for the College. And to the *two remaining years of the present Universitywould be added another year of higher learn¬ing.This prophecy will not have full educationalvalue unless we understand the foundationsof the new system. Such a plan would bringunity to the higher learning by recognizingmetaphysics as its sound basis. In simple terms,President Hutchins contends that man ulti¬mately relies upon metaphysics for the prin¬ciples of his conduct, so that he should recog¬nize this basis and thus know what he is doing.Whether or not we are in complete agree¬ment with the principles underlying this newplan of the higher learning, its implications aresuch that we cannot fail to turn our attentionto the great issue of how to educate man toface the problems of a changing society.President Hutchins has supplied one of themost important answers to this question.Much of the task that remains is ours.E. C. F.The Travelling BazaarWRITER INTERVIEWSGYPSY ROSE LEE“If you pan me in that damned collegiate ragof yours I’ll get the Columbia Spectator aHer you!!!’’These were the words of the most talked abouttheatrical celebrity today, the young lady who nowtakes her clothes off for the Shuberts. The new starof the current “Follies” now playing at the GrandOpera House, is the toast of Broadway, and truly themost fascinating creature I have met in weeks,months, yes, perhaps years. This young lady is therenowned Gypsy Rose Lee and the reason for herabove Good-bye exclamation was her being queen ofthe Columbia University Prom a few months ago.-Gypsy (a name that became part of her becauseof her long nation-wide vaudeville trouping with lo¬cal outlets having been the Majestic, Palace andRialto) is temporarily camped in one of Chicago’sfinest loop hotels with a tower suite overlookingLake Michigan. It was in these surroundings that Ispent an informal two hours of delightful entertain¬ment; Gypsy Rose told of countless experiences,opinions and idiosyncracies that make her truly aperson who is not only known for her body but aperson who qualifies with the top-notchers of per¬sonality charm and salon tete-a-tetes.When I entered her luxurious tent, the gypsy wasremoving a victrola record from a portable and sheplaced it on top of a few albums of records includedin which were the Ceasar Franck D minor and theBeethoven fifth symphonies. I immediately thought:aha! the young mistress of the plains is trying to im¬press the struggling young man from that famousco-educational whirlpool of intellectualism, but alasI was fooled—^she likes symphony music yet, shesaid, “I’ve never been to a concert—what with allmy shows, night-club appearances, but I think I shallattend a Chicago Symphony concert”—here was astrip-teaser talking about the world’s outstandingmusic, a girl behind which were rows of the betterbest sellers, A. J. Cronin, Sinclair Lewis and FranzWerfel and many others—books that weren’t placedthere but books that were read, not as an ignorantperson gapping at T. S. Eliot, but a young girl inher twenties who had both feet on the ground andhad grasped the author’s sentiments as well as someideas of her own formed therefrom. Here was a per¬son who was the best friend of Hey wood Broun, adinner table entertainer of George Jean Nathan, aclose friend of George Kaufmann, a person who tellsabout the good that Walter Winchel really doesrather than the gossip and surficial slams he makesabout the nation’s celebrities. Truly an arm-chairphilosopher who is smart enough to know how tomake bald heads perk out of arm-chairs when theysee her on the stage in her specialty.The conversation touched upon politics, “No, Ihave never met the president,” she howled, “and ifI did meet him, what would I say to him?”An interesting mannerism or perhaps a force ofhabit movement is one that was constantly repeatedwhile we were sitting and conversing. She contin¬ually played with a zipper that ran the length of herbeautifully-robed torso—This little affectation waseither second nature to her, or, perhaps, she wasnervous.“My favorite flower should be orchids, I suppose, !but they are not—ana i DON’T LIKE GARDENIAS....give me some lifacs and gladiolas that are notcut in short stems,”She was born in Seattle and the name was notLee.She told about countless dinner parties and abouta “marvelous” evening at a table in a New Yorknight club with Robert Montgomery, He signedcountless autographs and when people came up toher and asked her, Gypsy, to sign was taken aback.She exclaimed, “I needed no more alcoholic stimu¬lant that night! I drank icewater and the funny partof it is that Bob did too!”“If I ever get a million dollars, God knows whatI’d do with it; but don’t worry I never will.” She issigned up with Twentieth Century pictures, however,and with this start she may land with the bloatedplutocrats. Her favorite movie star is NOT RobertTaylor, thank God! She loathes him.Lilacs, Beethoven, a story about her loosely pack¬ed dishes, her duplex Grammercy Park apartment,her taxiing from the theater every night (“I am nota fresh air-fie«d and I look like hell in a bathingsuit”), her books, and good Lord yes, her looks (fivefeet ten of about as beautiful a female as one couldpossibly imagine) make Gypsy Rose Lee either thegreatest actress since Bernhardt or one of the mostcharming and delightful curiosities of the decade.Hats off to Gypsy—She’s got what it takes!! Today on thej QuadranglesFRIDAY, JANUARY 22CatnpuB New* Reel. Oriental Insti- jtute. 3:30 and 4:15 p.m. Admission10 cents.Tarpon Tryout*. Ida Noyes at 12. ^Negro Student Club. YWCA room |of Ida Noyes at 7:30. IASU Dance. Ida Noyes Theater at8 to 12. Tickets 35 cents. ]• 1Public Lecture (Downtown). “TheEuropean Crisis. The Operation ofthe Balance of Powers.” Speaker,Professor Quincy W’right. Art Insti¬tute at 6:45 p. m.S.S.A. Trip to Hull House. Inspe- .tion visit. Register at Cobb 115. |ASU. “Imperialism and StudentMovements.” Speaker, Natalio Pal-lares. Social Science 122 at 3:30.Deltho Pledge Dance, (formal)Edgewater Beach Hotel, 9 to 2. |Orchestra Rehearsal. Mandel Hall iat 7:30. IDelta Sigma Pi. Room D of the ,Reynolds Club at 12:45.SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 !• II Dames Club. Library and Lounge jof Ida Noyes at 3. jI Evangelical Students Club. Thea- iter of Ida Noyes at 3, 'Wyvern. W’AA room of Ida Noye.s [at 3.C<K>k County LesRue of Women VoterspresentsHon. Ellen Wilkinson, M.P.‘‘Wee Ellie”—Labor member House ofCommons who will speak onMOBILIZATION:for war or welfare?Friday, jBnuar>' 22 at 8:15 P. M.Grand Ballroom — Palmer HouseGeneral Admission, 60 Cents Renaissance Club. Library of Ida ; tions immediately at the Bureau ofNoyes at 8. t Records, Cobb 102.SUNDAY, JANUARY 24Achoth. YWCA room of Ida Noyesat 4:30.University Chapel. Rev. ReinholdNiebuhr, D.D., professor of ChristianEthics, Theological Seminary. VesperSei-vice at 4:30. Beethoven Trio.Jewish Student Foundation AnnualInformal Dance. Standard Club at 9.$1.50 per couple.University Round Table, WMAQ at11:30.MONDAY, JANUARY 25Bridge Club. Alumnae Room ofIda Noyes at 7.Chi Rho Sigma. Private DiningRoom of Ida Noyes at 7.Pi Delta Phi. Room A of Ida Noyesat 7.Phi Delta Upsilon. W’AA room ofIda Noyes at 7.Opera Club, Ida Noyes Theater at7.Phi Beta Delta. Room C of IdaNoyes at 7.Alden Tattle Lectures. TheologicalSeminary.MISCELLANEOUSBachelor’s Degree. Students ex¬pecting to receive the Bachelor’s De- Selwyn — 10th WeekAmerica’s IncomparableComedienneCHARLOTTEGREENWOODinCHICAGO’S NEW NONSTOP LAUGH HIT“LEANINGON lETTrHear Miss Greenwood Sing“Old Man’s Darling” and“Moon Melody”mdsleifiiFIND HIS ORCHESTRQMAURINE AND NORVAFLORENCE HOPE •* DONNA DAECONTINENTAL TRIO • MASTERS’ GLEE CLUBCONTINENTPL ROOmSTEVENS HOTELEvery garment taken from Jerrems regular stock and markeddown to a point that insures immediate disposal.$ 46®° ’4I®° *36®° *3I®°Values to $75 ;oValues to $65 50Values to $55 Values to $45—Suits Oulf—Our Very Finest Suits, Overcoats and Topcoats Including ourFamous London Burberrys and other Imports—Values to $110,Proportionately ReducedHATS$3.85Values to$7.50 0viemd-324 So. Michigan Ave.Butwuun JocfcsM ¥•■ turuu SHIRTS$2.85Values to$3.50MEN^S ANIKYOUj:OTCHl3RAINOXFORDSA special purchase of the complete stock of one of ourbetter manufacturers brings a special low price onthese oxfords. Made of rough, sturdy Scotch grain thatis perfect for the slushy, winter weather that is still tocome. Straight, medium-tipped toe, in black or darkbrown, sizes 6 to 12, widths AA to D. The quantityis definitely limited to 300 pairs, so we advise you tocome early. Special, $6.85 pair.SECOND FLOORTHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1937 Page ThreePlatform ofthe A5UThis is a statement of the programpolicy of the American Studentr,iion and its Chapter at the Uni-trrsity of Chicago, p^-epared by theExecutive Committee of the Chap-The committee wants it clearly un¬derstood that everyone, includingASU members, is free to place hisoirn interpretations upon every plankthe ASU. This is not peculiar totiir ASU, but is true of every or-panizatiom Therefore letters from'members of the ASU need not neces-snrilij represent the off Heal stand ofthat body as a whole.# * *As a whole the ASU is progressiveand unequivocally anti-Fascist. Thebasis of our program is protectionof the rights of students, somewhatas a labor union is based upon theneeds of its members. For this rea¬son the ASU is politically non-par-tisan. and ^oes not at present takeany stand on community issues whichoniy remotely affect student life. Itworks with political groups in achiev¬ing the aims of its program, but nofurther In the same way it supportslabor in its efforts to organize be¬cause it recognizes that security forone group cannot be had without .se¬curity for such a basic group aslabor: becau.se it finds that the labormovement is generallp progres.siveand fights for and protects many ofthe aims and needs of students; andhecau.se many students are at presentor will themselves become workers.• « «Our labor committee will study thefield of labor and with the approvalof the chapter extend what help itfeels the crapter should give to labororganizations. These would probablyinclude the local CIO, but such helpwould not mean that the ASU wouldIm- involved in future labor politicalaction Anyone who choo.ses to as¬sume at this time and without fur¬ther experience that such action willIte necessary to achieve the commonends of labor and students goes fur¬ther toward political action than wasthought necessary by the ASU,which definitely i-eaffirmed its non¬partisan stand at the convention.In the fight against war, the ASU opposes American war preparations,and internationally supports the ef¬forts of the government of the Span¬ish eople to defend itself against theintervention of Fascist nations. Sincesome feel there to be a contradictionbetween these points, we shall discussthem in a special statement in theWednesday Maroon.* * aIn supporting academic freedomwe have consistently defended theright of students and teacher.‘| tothink, speak, and act within theirrights as citizens without fear of re¬prisal. We have taken action in spe¬cific cases, and want to help builda liberal academic tradition includ¬ing student-faculty democracy whichwill make such cases impossible inthe future—in the nation and atChicago.In working for economic securitywe want to help bring student wagesto a fair rate, and keep student costslow; we seek the passage of theAmerican Youth Act; we helped toinitiate the Ellis Co-op, and willsponsor other such projects. By re¬search we hope to arrive at otherconclusions as to what can be doneto help needy Chicago students.In seeking racial equality, the ASUopposes discrimination against racialminorities on the campus and in the ' community, and seeks to build inter¬racial understanding.Such a program of protection forstudents cannot be engaged upon bydiscussion alone. The ASU, nation¬ally and at Chicago, has never in¬tended to be primarily a discussiongroup. If it has given such an im-ression, this is due to ineffectivenessin our activity. The recent conventionchanged the emphasis of our activityin this way: we shall in the futuretry to develop the positive side ofevery fight for student rights; weshall try to make the Union morerepresentative of the needs of theentire student body—to be in everyi way possible of service to Chicagoj students.I Such is the program and policy ofI the ASU, based on the student rightto and need for Peace, Freedom, Se,curity and Equality. Students arenow defended only by “Reds,” butof course free to excoriate the ASUon the grounds that such ideals arethe executive committee demurs.THE LIVE WIREWhen you meet a smartlydressed man, you uncon-.sciously class him as a“live one.” Putting thisquality into clothes is thebest “selling talk” wehave.324 S. Michigan Av.Ready-to-Wear, $35 to $65 HOE SAI GAIChicago’s finest ChineseAmerican RestaurantThe University of Chi¬cago students have by pop¬ular acclaim chosen HOESAI GAI to be the officialChinese-American restaur¬ant.If you desire the finestAmerican dishes or quaintChinese delicasies, you willbe more than satisfied withour service.Come in and enjoy thecongenial modernistic atmo¬sphere.75 W. RANDOLPH ST..Just the Place for afterthe show. Quarterly(.Continued from page 1)the Spirit of China.” Pierre Lejins,who makes his American radio debuttomorrow, writes on “European Ob¬servations on American Crime.”Regular SectionsA foreign correspondence section,book reviews and news of the Housesare interspersed with the featurearticles.James We'.lard, the Chicago editorresponsible for i-ealization of themagazine which last May was onlyan idea, is the author of “Studies inClass Distinction in England.”Although the new venture in in¬tellectual co-operation may not be a“best seller” in the ordinary senseof the word, it will undoubtedly ap¬peal to a class interested in presentday trends as reflected in the writ¬ing of these young people of widelyvarying backgrounds. Discussion Groupof Chapel UnionMeets This SundayThe Sunday evening discussiongroup of the Chapel Union is consid¬ering this quarter the general themeof “Finding Oneself in College.”Continuing a more specific dis¬cussion this Sunday evening at 7:80on the topic begun last week, “Per¬sonality Adjustments in Col'ege,”two discussion groups will meet sim-ultjaneously at two faculty homes.Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Carr are open¬ing their home at 5544 Kenwood toone group wrich will discuss prac¬tical adjustments in college withreference to psychology. Robert Gif-fen will lead the group. A discussionof religious adjustments in collegeled by Dean Gilkey, will be held atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. EdgarGoodspeed, 5706 Woodlawn avenue. Kent Chemical Society. Elects New OfficersAt its meeting last Tuesday, mem¬bers of the Kent Chemical Societyelected Mr. A. A. Pantsios presidentto lead them during the Winter quar¬ter. Other men on the executive com¬mittee include F. Karush, vice-pres¬ident; Donald MacMillan, secretary;and S. L. Simon, treasurer.CHICAGO’S NEWEST SENSATIONSMildred Bailey Red NorvoQueen of Swing And His BandROMO VINCENTRUTH AND BILLY AMBROSE$1.50 Delicious DinnerNO COVER CHARGE ' TEA DANCINGMin. $1.50 Week Days Every Sunday$2.00 Saturday From 3:30 to 6 P. M.Yt ViRANDOLPH and WABASH- OLD ^CHAP!Don't youknow thatPiccadilly PubServes such tasties asCHICKENOYSTERSFROG LEGSand your favorite bev¬erage the way youlike them and at yourfavorite prices!Piccadilly PubA rendezvous for students736 East Sixty-third StreetN.W. Corner Sixty-thirdand Cottatre GroveDREXEL THEATRE858 E. 63rdToday and Tomorrow“Girl on the Front Page”- and -“Hop Along Cassidy”Frolic Theatre55th & ELLIS AVE.Today“A Midsummer’s NightDream”TomorrowSHIRLEY TEMPLE in“DIMPLES” (PaWwemTHE WORLD'SFeaturing the music ofTED WEEMS& His Famous OrchestraThe Nation’s Finest DanceMusic. Nightly (except Mon¬day) For your Pleasure!bm ©nlioralfipUniversity Church ofDisciples of Christ5655 University AvenueMinister: Dr. Edward ScribnerAmes. Minister's Associate:Mr. Fred B. Wise11:00 A. M.—Sermon.Sermon: 11:00 A. M.Sermon subject: “The Role ofPhilosophy.” Dr. Ames.12:20 Forum. Leader, Dr. Ames6:00 P. M.—Wranglers. Teaand Program. Hyde Park BaptistChurch5600 Woodlawn Ave.Norris L. Tibbetts and RoIIandW. Schloerb, MinistersSunday, January 24, 193710:00 A. M. —Adult Classes—Teachers: A. E. Haydon,Shailer Mathews.11:00 A. M.—Morning Worship.“Must We Compromise?” Rev.R. W. Schloerb.7:00 P. M.—^Young People’sChurch Club. Motion picturesand address on the OlympicGames by Dr. Arthur H.Steinhaus of George WilliamsCollege. The First UnitarianChurchWoodlawn Ave. and E. 57th St.Von Ogden Vogt, D.D., MinisterSunday, January 24, 193711:00 A. M.—“Finding God inthe Marketplace”, Dr. Vogt.4:00 P. M.—Channing Club.Tea and Discussion. “TheAmerican Youth Act”, Rev.Edward H. Koster.All young people especiallyi students are cordially invited. TTwnwvwrUTTTuTuu'^"MARSHALL HELD & COMPANYrDAILY MAROON SPORTSPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1937Cagers ClashWith Illinoisat ChampaignHope to Upset Michiganin Ann Arbor Tilt Mon¬day.STARTING LINEUPChieajro IllinoisEggemeyer f BoudreauFitzgerald f CombesAmudsen c Riege'Rossin g VopiekaPetersen g HenryBroadcatt: WIND, 8:15.With two of the co-leaders of theBig Ten offering the opposition, theMaroon hardwood five enters into thestiffest week-end of competition ithas had this season. Toiiorrow nightthe squad of ten players travels toChampiaign to meet the rampagingmini. Monday they will engageMichigan at Ann Arbor.There is no tendencp in the Illinicamp to hold Chicago lightly whenthey appear in Chamaign for theIndians’ last game of the s»cmester.The Maroons shoulo nave the ad¬vantage in the pivot spot, Amundsenstanding an inch and a half higherthan Reigel of the Ilini.The height of Chicago impressesCoach Doug Mills and may swayhim from starting Tom Nisbet in theevent that Jim Vopicka who was hos¬pitalized Wednesday, perhaps withthe flu, is unable to play. Anotherpossibility to relieve Vopicka mightbe Hale Swanson. Or Swan.son mayapear as a forward where his heightwould enab’e the Illini to cope withthe tall Maroon forwards.Michigan will probably .start thesame bunch that was in the openinglineup in the previous game with theNorgrennites. Capt. Gee will try torefrain from fouling the Chicagoboys Monday in hopes of remainingin the fray for the entire forty min¬utes. His absence might have beenthe reason for the Late Maroon spur:in the last engagement.CLASSIHED ADSGirls to sell high grade importedperfume on comm, basis at attractiveprice. Suite 501, 504 N. Michigan.Del, 2383.For Sale—Portable typewriter. L.C. Smith silent model. 1 yr, old. CallH. J. Ogden. Mid. '0870, 9 to 5.Tux. suit and dress coat for sale.Size 38, cheap. Midway 0262. 6046Ingleside, Apt. 2.PLAY BRIDGE?Many a winning hand hasbeen lost by not playingthe right SUIT at theright time. It is the ruleto be correct at324 S. Michigon Av.Ready-to-Wear, $3S to $65 Zehr BiggestThreat in NUReturn MeetBy JACK CORNELIUSDanny Zehr! It’s a short name butit means a lot to the coach of theMaroon Swimming team. Zehr is thestar backstroker and freestyler onthe Northwestern swimming team,which will be pitted against the Chi¬cago squad in a return engagementtonight at Patten Gym, Evanston. Itall depends on where the Northwest¬ern coach places Zehr in the lineupas to where Chicago’s standout free¬styler and Co-captain Chuck Wilson,will be placed in the Chicago scheme.If Zehr swims in the backstrokeevent instead of the 440 yard freestyle event, Wilson will swim the 440.If Zehr swims in the 440 and not inthe backstroke, Wilson will be usedin the 400 yard free style relay. Be¬sides this event, the two boys wdllagain meet in the 220 yard freestyleswim, which Wilson won in recordtime at Chicago last Saturday. Wil¬son will also swim in the 100 yardfree style event, to compensate forthe loss of Co-captain Jay Brown,who won’t be eligible until he passesan exam next week.Jack Homs and Bill Lewis will bethe Maroon representatives in the60 yard freestyle swim, with Wilsonreplacing Lewis in the 100 yard free¬style. The 400 yard relay will mostlikely line up as following, providingWison swims in it; first man. GeneRichardson; second^ man. Bill Lewis;third man, Chuck WiLson; and fourthman. Jack Homs.The water polo team is again ingood condition and playing a bang-up game. Coach E. W. McGillivryhas high hopes for his charges in to- Matmen Leaveon First TripCoach Vorres led a squad of ninewrestlers on their first Eastern in¬vasion yesterday. The team has threematches scheduled for today and to¬morrow. Their opporfents will beCase College, Kent College and PennState.Tinker, Collias, Fay, Captain Fin-wall, Schoonmaker. Haas and Valorzwere taken along to wrestle at theirresective weights. Freddie I^enhardtand Sam Whiteside are still on theinjured list, and no heavyweightmade the trip. To make up for thisdeficiency Dzubay, 126-pounder, andMottl, at 165-pounds, were carried.Just what arrangements will be madedepend upon the relative ability ofthe 175-pound and heavyweightwrestlers of the respective opponents.In general Ed Valorz will competeagainst the better of the two.When the Maroons invade PennState tomorrow they will be facing jone of the best teams in that part [of the country. Enthusiasm over;wrestling reaches a higher pitch jthere than over any other sport ex- icept football. Ohio has also become jwrestling-conscious, and sell-outs are'anticipated for both of today’smatches in that state.The trip should put the finishingtouches on the squad’s condition andleave them in top shape for the dif¬ficult conference schedule they*facenext month. Gymnasts SeekSecond VictoryTomorrow NightThe Maroon gymnastics squad,which came out so well in its clashwith the Morton team night beforelast, will face a little stronger com¬petition when it meets George Wil¬liams College in Bartlett gymnasiumtomorrow night.George Williams College, formerlythe Chicago Y M.C.A. College, has astrong department of physical edu¬cation and has turned out many agymnastics coach. Chicago’s team,from its early season form, looks asif it going to be one of the leadersof the Big Ten this year. ErwinBeyer, who is only a sophomore thisyear, seems to be certain of two con¬ference chamionships. Wetherell andHays are only a short distance be¬hind him in ability and this is justthe beginning of competition.The squad will put on an exhibi¬tion at the Hyde Park Y.M.C..4. im¬mediately after the meet. Coach Hof-fer expressed himself as believingthat the team wou'd become muchsmoother as it worked in front ofmore people. Hyde Park CagersWin in IntramuralBasketball Tourney as they shut out a weak Delta SigmaPi Squad 23-0. In the remaining en¬counter, Goodspeed Hall licked SnellHall, 27-8.Don’t forget Red Norvo’s onlycampus appearance at .Mandel Hall,next P’riday. Listen to Red’s distinc¬tive interpretations of your favor¬ite numbers. The play of a pair of classy out¬fits featured last night’s intramuralschedules. The Aitchpe Tribe, com¬posed of former Hyde Park HighSchool lettrmen, lived up to advanceexectations by decisively runningover a well balanced group of Har-vardites, 27-13. The winners em-played an air-tight rubber-band de- ■fense.Longacre of the Barristers led histeam to a well-earned victory overthe Wonderflasnes, 25-4, by scoring12 points.Phi Alpha Delta a so looked smooth CHICAGO ETHICALSOCIETYStudebaker TheaterSunday, Jan. 24th, at 11 a. m.DR. HORACE J. BRIDGESHOW YOUR MIND WORR^-THOUGHTS. “HUNCHESand INSPIRATIONS.night’s game. Last year the teams |split two games, each winning in the jopponent’s pool. Will history repeat jitself? IChicago TheaterJames Cagney in“GREAT GUY”Milt Britton on the StageUnited Artists TheaterWilliam Powe’l and Mvrna Lov in“AFTER THE THIN MAN”Roosevelt TheaterStarting Saturday“GOD’S COUNTRY ANDTHE WOMAN”with George BrentGarrick TheaterSonja Henie in“ONE IN A MILLION’Apollo TheaterGary Cooper in“THE PLAINSMAN”Oriental TheaterMonte Carlo Brevities on Stage“HARD BLONDE” An ALL STAR Show4cSTAN KAVANAGHstar of Ziegfeld F’oHies*BERNHARDT& GRAHAM*BOB HALLThe Casino Dancers*GUS ARNHEIMand his OrchestraAND OTHERS*in the SensationalCONGRESSCasinoCONGRESS HOTEL Hanley’sBuffet1512 E. 55th St.IF YOU WANT COLLEGESONGS—IF YOU WANT “COLLEG¬IATE” ATMOSPHERE—IF YOU WANT TO SEEYOUR CAMPUS FRIENDS—YOU ARE ASSURED OFSUCH AN EVENING ATriANLEY^SOver forty years of congenialserviceJewish Student FoundationAnnual DanceDate: Sunday, January 24, 1937Time: 9 P. M. - 1 A. M.Place: Standard ClubTax: $1.50Music byWalter Dellers and His Radio Stars THE MEN’S STORE—MONROE AT WABASH'29 .50 Imported and DomesticFabric Business Suitsand 4 Pc. Sport Suits*39^ <49^2If you could have been with us when wewent to market last fall and could have seenthe way prices of clothing were shooting upand expecting to go higher before spring,you wouldn’t wait to think twice before youwould be hotfooting it over here getting thatextra suit or outfitting yourself for spring.Any buying you do now is money in yourpocket, and although this is a clearancethere’s nothing about this sale grouping togive you that idea. The selection is largeand varied presenting a good chance to getexactly what you want at a price conspicu¬ously below usual.Special January Sale—Overcoats of Imported Fabrics$39 $49 $59Carson Pirie Scott & CoMen's Suits and Overcoats, Second Floor,Swing! Swing! Swing!FOR CHARITY withRED NORVO AND HIS BANDand the QUEEN OF SWINGMILDRED BAILEYMANDEL HALL — JANUARY 29th — 3 ;30 P. M. If you can t swing in your seats you can swing in the aisle.Seats 40c a person — Tickets at Maroon Office, International House, and Information Office, and Reynolds ClubIssue t)NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWS IN PICTURE AND PARAGRAPHThey're best'served residents of Wellesley's **animal hotel"^ leisurely life in surroundings best suited to them is thevjrcitUIo Iqj of alligators in the Wellesley College vivarium.Here Betty Bumquist is making a study of their habits for one of her classes.IntcfiutMBalThis is a mechanical '‘^carrier pigeon"T*im If^tCT'building communication at Har-1 lillCod. Vcl yjj-j University is conducted with th snew type of aluminum “carrier pigeon” run across TheYard by means of a pulley system on cables from CruftLaboratory to Pierce Hall. At the top is an “action photo”of the bird, while below is a close'up of the container.Rope climhmg is jast becoming one of most popular tvinter sports11 i) n Kptq gymruists Princeton University boasts Thomas Gucker, who is the intercollegiate'* llUClo climbing champion. He is shown here demonstrating his prowess for a group of hisduring a workout in the Princeton gymna.sium. Gucker hails from Philadelphia. •' iim-m.itKinai Intel naiiiinal“Sisters of Skillet”nt Nntre Dame!For testing hardwood playersNelson Nitchman, Unionv.,^U12fDUcirCl College coach, has perfectedthis device for training his players while traveling.It IS an iron board with magnetized players.CoLuctATt OlOMT Pfaoto bf Feitbcncaokai%b Ohio Wesleyan's best cheererT7|fQ^ Besides being one of the leading beautiesA. IIoL ^ Qi^ Methodist School, Jean ClaseIS that institution's first woman cheerleader. She'sa freshman this year.i he women have their tug'Of'war in the winterThe sophomore women at Cortland (N. Y.) State Normal lost the annual pulling contest with thefre^^men, so now the first-ebss women can discard their green buttons.CputciATE Diem Pltoto b>' L. C. Hudwich >>AThey're now Ipiown as **^uality Tt<Ed east and Ralph Dumke, weresons of Notre Dame, who appeared on the .^uCharles Butterworth, pretemkr to stupuluNotre Dame's Walter O'Keefe, later a ibuffoon. "East and Dumke" are now kixmi"Sisters of the Skillet." Charles B. has made ain movies and on the Fred Astaire stanza ovework. No promise of seriousness has been Mi.worth's. His has been a promise of,madne''must be accepted for South Bend, Ind., theBrothers, and the U. S. A. in general. Theof the Skillet" are now known as the "Qualityand are very gbd to be known as such fromcoast, they are earning a new living.'pOR a long time Tulsa, Oklahoma, had theoil fields and the acrid stench of petroKthe world said, “Of Okbhoma expect only thand the oil of the soil." Yet KVOO of 1produced such idealists in radio as Kathrynformer Tulsa University student, whose voiiresounds from cocoast in Columbia'Throii^ a WomaiMiss Cravens trieand ‘ the stage b«voice was captiradio. Now an au-manufacturer ishave her voice apder his auspicescoast.inventorsition and mathematics gohand in hand for KennethPoulton of WestminsterCollege. He's shown withhis device for setting up thei,68o variations possible infour measures of two'fourtime, using nothing smallerthan eigh^ notes.ICOSTLIERtOBACCOS!^Camels are made from finer, MORE1^. expensive tobaccos-Turkish andW. Dornestic —than any other popular brand. RADIO'S NEW SMASH NIT!**Jaek OaAie's Coffog*"Irrepressible Jack Oakie at his best.Also Benny Goodman’s "Swing”Band, George Stoll's Concert Or¬chestra. Hollywood comedians andsinging stars —and special collegetalent! Every Tuesday night —9:30pm E.S.T., 8:30 pm C.S.T.. 7:30pm M. S. T., 6:30 pm P.S. T., overWABC—Colombia Network.This is just part ofrormdi ^attended the annual all^ollege for'mal given fc*: the students of HoodCollegeTravelibraryated by Georgia State Woman’sCollege students, this travelinglibrary brings current bodes andmagazines to those residents of ruralcommunities who do not have accessto the latest reading material.Digestion's Sake—Smoke Camelsbig assidnments(rii:ht) don’t seem so hardwith Camels! For Camelse»>.e the strain, stimulated i^cstion, and add to yoursense of well-being. MakeCasnels a regular part ofyour dining. Get a "lift”in energy with a Camel—they never get on yournerves, or tire your taste. Digestion often needs Camel's aid too!OFTEN during a hard, tiring day, smokers pauseto get a "lift” in energy with a Camel. And atmealtimes. Camels o£fer a helping hand to gooddigestion. They help you to enjoy your food more.And Camels increase the flow of digestive fluids—alkaline digestive fluids—so vital to a sense of well¬being. Make every meal more zestful—more pleasant—by smoking Camels. With their matchless mild¬ness, Camels are better for steady smoking.CopyHRht, 19S7, R. J. Reyrtolda Tobaceo Company, Winston-Salem. N. C.CLAD IN ASBESTOS SUIT (r>:g/b/),"Pat" Patton tackles a blazing oil-well—quickly gets the inferno undercontrol. "Even after that 1 can tuckaway a hearty meal—provided 1 haveplenty of Camels handy," says "Pat,”enjoying a hasty bite (<aAwif). "Smok¬ing Camels helps keep my digestionin proper trim. I smoke mighty oft¬en. And Camels don't get on myletves!” ALL-AMERKAN HOCKEY STAR.Phil La Batte {below), says:"Good digestion and healthynerves are ’musts’ in this game. Ismoke Camels —'for digestion'ssake’—and because Camelsnever get on my nerves.”The University ofMissouri meat judg'ing team, by scoring2,445 out of a pos^siblc 2,700 points,won the intercoUe^giate meat judgingcontest in Chicago.Members of the teamare (i to r) EdwinBrenneman, MillerBuren, and JamesMcGinness. AcmtHe celebrated again a one'time famed Alfred traditionT .U mr^ma n ^ night before the looth founders' day at Alfred Urn-1 1versity, ifrcs. J. Nelson Norwood visited various dormi'tcM’ies and fraternities carrying the lantern (shoum above) which William C.KenycMi, Alfred's first president, carried when he toured the campus every nightto be sure students were properly at home. Coobouti Dio«r pi»<d by Camlet—Pointing for a championshipSharpshooters ^ofChicago co^s have formed a rifie team oftheir own, and have challenged Midwaymen to a.match any time they think theyare ready for it. iiucnatnuiMen students voted her the most popularSally Alexander of St. Louis was chosen by male students at Wash-VV llUiCl ington University as the freshman popularity queen at the St. Louisinstitution. Miss Alexander was selected from among 20 cc^eds representing the variousscM-orities at Washington. Wide WofWCopsStudyWhen reconstructwnUICCU V./U.L activities at Los An'les Junior College pushed them out d their^lar classroom, members of this cbss iniblicity set up their own meeting place outors. Instructor I. Colodny is showniching to the noise of steam shovels andlilding confusion. Pictured in DeanRudolph Kagcy'sclassroom at NewYork University arethree of the fiveNew York City fxylicemen that arc nowtaking special coursesat the city univer¬sity. One of the col-le^te cops is so seri¬ous in his pursuit ofhigher learning hehas moved his iKxnenearer the university.IntcftationalDebatersDelta Phi Epsilondefeated Delta DeltaDelta in the finals ofthe inter-sorority de¬bating tournament tocapture the Univer¬sity of Georgiacrown. Paodon Pboto' HShaveEmil Pheiler,Ventura JuniorCollege, is an un^willing patron ofthe campus bar'ber shop duringthe recent “KgDay” celebrationat the Californiaschool. One ofthe important fca'tures of the day isthe beard'ineasur'ing contest."'Ooh.'" say their faces\^1CQ Providence College'sguard, Smith, leaps forthe ball after Center Fliegel ofthe College of the City of NewYork misses a shot in one of thecourt season’s openers at theHippodrome. Pictures, Inc.WorlJCool{ing u/ill soon be his specialtyUp George Peck, speedy halfback on Cornell Uni'UC versity’s iqj6 eleven, is now learning how to cookonions as a part of one of his courses in the Cornell cooking school.Readying for her screen debutThey're taking advice from their new consultant in appearancePqjcp ^onien at the University of Vermont are getting something from hooks besides learning, for they areusing them to balance on their heads during exercises designed to give them poise. The whole coursetaught by Miss Eli^beth Osborne deals with poise, make-up, personality and grooming.% RpPllltV Laurie Douglas, University otCdViLy Oklahoma junior, won a contest for theselection of the most beautiful U.S. co-ed, HollywtxKiclaimed her very quickly. She’s just signed with Uni¬versal, and is shown with Robert Dalton.j-MThirsty dirty athletes get everything but a shavePfPrwacynn Edmund Lowe (right) is the first todtCI Wa.g\Jl 1 j drink from the ini^ious waterwagon heited to Santa Cbra University athletes. ingenious waterwagonHe is a former Santa ClaraPrefyaring for a personal appearanceTTuhhl'nP’ mascot, is given a bath in the AlphaUUUlii^ Sigma Phi bathtub m preparation for one of the many personalappearances that he is called upon to make during the athletic seasons. COIXEGIATC OlC{(TPhoto hy Oarrcil HuffYoungest U.S. college regentMrs. John Appleton Clark, 14, has just beenelected a member of the board of trustees of Sarahnee College. A member of the class of ’32, she is the firstte of the college to be elected to its governing body.istee >OUR ANSWER IS PRlNCE ALBERT. IT^ 'CRiMP CUT'FOR CXXXNESS. THOSE WAW RARTICLES PACKRUR burnslowlv- ANOTHER THING >10011.ENJOy ABOUT PA.-IT p-DOESN'T BITS yTHE TONGUE rr^ GREAT JUDGE/I'm smokingPRINCE ALBERTFOR KEEPS/j-'RINCt ALBfRrl3r- PRINCE ALBERT MEAN^ FRINCEiy JMOKINO^^MEN. RA. 15 CHOICE. MILE TOBACCO, 'CRIMFCUT^POR C00LNE55, ANO HA5 THE ^BITE'REMOVEP BT A BFECIAL FROCEBB. ITB THEWORLO'5 LAROEBT'BEUIMO FIFE TOBACCO icw., inr. B. j. rwmwu m. c*.50 Bip«ful* of fra*Brant tobacco inOTorjr 2>ouncotinof Prince Albert VPRINCE ALBERT MONEY-BACK GUARANTEESmoko 20 froBrant pipofuk of Princo Abort. If yon don’t find it tho aaoUow-oat, taatioat pipo tobacco yon oror anaokod, rotnm fbo pockot tim witk tboroot of tbo tobacco in it to no at any tinao witkin a month from bia dnto, andwo will rafnnd full pnrchaao prico, pIna poatnyo.(SiBiMd) R. J. REYNOLDS TOBAO COMPANYWfaaaton-Salom. taorth CarolinaPrince AlbertSnrinlrlincr ‘^^^'^'^nionplace chore of sprinkling the lawn is rein unusual form in this hiith speed /i loo.boo ser & in unusual form in this high speed I00,()00 sephoto by I)rs. H. E. Edgerton and R. J. Germeshauscn of Massachusettstute of Technology. It shows the water breaking up into fragrants andlets as it flies from the nozzle.Florida requires no frontlicense plates so the Univer*sity of Florida is selling scholarshipplates to raise funds for needy studentsto take their pbce. Here's Gov.-electF. P. Cone purchasing the first pbtefrom Pres. Jdhn J. Tigert. He's nation's T^o. i alumnusBcst-liked of present day speakeiXTclVUllUC Raconteur Alexander Wnolkwho's shown here at the corKiusion of his lecture atUniversity of Michig^, at which time he verified repthat he'd return to the airwaves this month.OoiiMiATt Ohmt t'yHe's most popular campus rnan now“Sam" Francis, stellar University of Ne¬braska athlete, is the center of attraction atmost campus gatherings these days, for he's just beennamed to the All-American hall of fame.StarThese are west Point s stellar floormenT nnlri-ncr T Tn worm's eye view of the U. S. Militjl^OOKlIl^ w p Academy basketball team shows the agggation that is captained by one of the outstanding U. S. footfplayers of 1936, Monk Meyer. Around the circle to the right, stamg with Ockerhauser at the bottom, are: Rogner, Scott, McDavMeyer and ftitrick. Pkiom. u,She's co'ed military bossOoloncl University of Wichitasenior, was hostess to Kansas’ civil andmilitary leaders when she presided at her alma mater’sannual military ball.