w Battp ittaroonVol. 37. No. 48. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1937 Price Three CentsEast ofEllis* * ♦By GEORGE FELSENTHALEvery columnist attempts inJioosinp a heading: for his little p:al-loy of type, to pick a title that willaptly express the content and yetprovide a catch-line that will easilyidentify his work. The name, Eastof Ellis, this writer believes, identi¬fies this column as belonjjinp: entire¬ly to the quadrangles and to under¬graduate work, thought, and activ¬ity. For it is in this area that un¬dergraduates work and play. To be.^ure such institutions as InglesideHall, the Pre.ss building, Ellis hall,and the health service lie west of(uir area, but in the last analysis theactivity that inspires these institu¬tions springs from the general cam¬pus East of Ellis..lust as our title sugge.sts the va¬ried world of undergraduate life, soshall this column deal entirely withundergraduate life. Anything thati.s interesting to the average studentwho has not yet gained his bachelor’s<iegree will be suitable material forEast of Ellis. The views and senti¬ments expressed here shall not nec¬essarily be those of the editors ofThe Daily Maroon; they shall bethose of a writer whose former ex¬perience as a staff member of thispaper has sharpened his sense of per¬ception of campus life. ASU Cooperates ‘to Bring StudentsLow Cost MealsCulminating more than tw4|months of intensive work, led by theAmerican Student Union, the firstmeal was served yesterday noon inthe new student eating cooperativeat 5558 Ellis avenue.The cooperative, soon to be in¬corporated as the Ellis Student Club,at present has between 45 and 50members. It is expected that thiswill be increased to 70 within thenext two weeks. Led by severalAmerican Student Union members,the club, which will draw its mem¬bers from the whole University, hasadopted as its guide the principlesfirst laid down by the Rochdale Co¬operative.Briefly this means democraticoperation, each member of the co¬operative having one vote; invest¬ment of $3.50 by each member as hisshare of the capital, refundable atany time if he withdraws; no credit;divi.sion of all profits among themembers at the end of the quarter,based on the amount each spends inthe cooperative (except for a smallpercentage which goes into a reservefund); educational work among itsmembers to acquaint them with the(Continued on page 3) Honor Memory of Julius Lack ofWorld Renowed Chemist, Scholar ^"”7 ®'™*’®*’^®**®*Weather ByreauProfessor Emeritus ofChemistry Dies AfterProlonged Illness.And that brings up the old ques¬tion of the advantages of collegiatejournalistic experience. To be surethe Maroon reporter spends a great(leal of time at his job. Four after¬noons and one evening of work perweek is no small amount for a stu¬dent who is carrying three or fourclasses. It means that other outsideinterests mu.st be subordinated tohis Maroon work; he cannot expectto report for the Maroon and yettake active part in, .say, the Dra¬matic Association or the basketballteam. That is, if he is going to stayin school after his comprehensives.But on the other side are numer¬ous advantages. Let us pa.ss overthe advantages such as knowledge ofmakeup, of type faces, of clear andconcise writing. We know thatthere are many technical attributesto bo learned, but what about ouroriginal statement of a sharpenedsense of perception?The average student walksthrough four or five buildings a day.M(‘ talks with, perhaps, thirty otherstudents. He listens to the lecturesof three to five faculty members. Hereads the notices on four or five bul¬letin boards He wonders why theBuildings and Grounds department ist(‘aring up a sidewalk, why the littleled flag is upon the flag-pole, whythe group of earnest .students isumthered in the Social Science lobby,why there is a growing sentimentagainst war among undergraduates,why one publication is more success¬ful than another, w'hy certainclasses are more crowded thanothers, why that one fraternitypledged 18 members and the otherlour, and even what relation he hasto the busy little world about him. Trustees PlanNovel ProgramPresident Hutchins Will8|>eak on “Trends in Edu¬cation.”In other words, the average stu¬dent sees a good percentage of whatgoes on about him only as single^^hot.< in the film of campus life. Thefuel that Professor B may draw atremendous enrollment in his cla.ssvugaely bothers the student Tues¬day morning, but Wednesday morn¬ing he sees only that Professor Bwears outlandish shirts. He seesnnly the .surface of passing events.The journalist, howevfer, hasdrilled into him by his superiors theneed of reporting little details thatmay prove interesting to the campusreaders. He sees that Professor Bhas a large enrollment in his class,hut instead of merely wonderingwhy, he analyzes the reasons, and if,for instance, he finds that the pro-fe.ssor has a unique personality thatattracts students, the reporter writesa feature article about the courseand its principal. The reporter isalways on the alert for an article,and consequently nothing escapeshis surveillance. His realm is notonly occurrence, but the news behindthe occurrence. Speaking on “Modern Trends inEducation,” Robert Maynard Hutch-I ins, president of the University, willhead the program planned forfriends and alumni of the Universityby the committee on development ofthe Board of Trustees. Admissionto the program, at Orchestra Halltomorrow evening, is by invitationonly.For the first half hour, the Uni¬versity symphony orchestra, underthe direction of Carl E. Bricken, willplay the first two movements ofBeethoven’s Seventh Symphony. Af¬ter President Hutchins has spoken,he will introduce Walter Bartky, as- jsociate professor of Astronomy, who <will present two films on astronomymade under his direction, “The |World in Motion,” and “The Moon.”Cary Croneis, a.ssociate professor ofGeology, will exhibit another motionpicture used in the Physical Sci¬ences survey, “Volcanoes in Action.”In charge of arrangements anddistribution of tickets are James M.Stifler, secretary of the University,Et#ery T. Filbey, Dean of Faculties,and John F.Moulds, secretary of theBoard of Trustees. Although meet¬ings for business men interested inthe University hav.^ been held everyyear, this is the first time since1925 that a large general programhas been presented. Boxes in Or¬chestra hall have been assigned tothe trustees for the use of theirfriends. According to Stifler, “theonly difficulty encountered by thecommittee on arrangements is thefact that there were twice as manyrequests for seats as could be filled.” By HOWARD WICHMANOne of that heroic band of indi¬viduals who have built the temple ofmodern science, Dr. Julius Stieglitz,professor emeritus of Chemistry,died early Sunday morning, bring¬ing an end to a life which has beenconsistent in its devotion to, andeminent in its successful grasping,toward new horizons in chemistry.Dr. Stieglitz was 69 years old andhis death from, from pneumonia, fol¬lowed a prolonged illness. Scholarsi all over the world are mourning thepassing of one of the most originalthinkers in the history of science.• Combatted StagnationYears ago when Julius Stieglitzentered the field of organic chem¬istry he had found a dessicated sci¬ence filled with routine methodol¬ogy and a disparaging opinion amonghis fellow workers of any possibil¬ity of advancement. Yet, to this“ready-to-go” young dreamer freshfrom the stimulating environment ofthe German universities, the pros¬pect of injecting those new ideas hehad come into conta'ct with in histraining, ideas which were at thetime revolutionizing inorganic chem¬istry and giving birth to physicalchemistry, was indeed an exceeding¬ly challenging one.The world of science first noticedthe name of Stieglitz when he be¬gan to apply the theory of ioniza¬tion to organic reactions. His workwas of more than theoretical inter¬est, for in his researches there wasbeing formulated a new point ofview, a new weapon of ideas whichwere destined to become the basisof modern organic chemistry.Advanced InterpretationProfessor Stieglitz did not invent Julius Stieglitzin thesignificant steps forwardrealm of human thought.Here at the University as head ofthe department of Chemistry until1933, he was not satisfied withmerely exercising his brilliant mindin purely specialized fields. Conse¬quently, it is not surprising that heshould have inaugurated policies ofinstruction and methods of researchwhich reflected in full the individualthat he was. In place of the oldcourse attendance method of becom¬ing eligible for the doctor’s degree,he instituted a new freedom in grad¬uate work that has stimulated stu¬dents to an extent rivaled by fewother schools.Profe.ssor Stieglitz was not alonein his family as a distinguishedscholar. He had a twin brother,Leopold Stieglitz, one of New York’smost eminent physicians, to whoseinfluence may or may not be as¬cribed Julius’ interest in the chemi¬cal problems dealing with medicine.At any rate he approached medicalchemistry not as a chemist followingin the paths of “old-school” doctors How are the poets of the futuregoing to describe the beauties of thesnow-clad landscapes of the winterof ’36 when they ain’t?According to the UniversityWeather Bureau this almost totallack of snow constitutes a record inits annals. The combined total of themonths of September, October, No¬vember, and December is only 1.4inches. This is the lowest amount ofsnow on record since the foundingof the station in 1916.station in 1916.The year 1923 is second on thelist with a combined total for thelast four months of 1.6 inches.The Weather Man was careful topoint out the fact that this lack ofsnow does not imply that this hasbeen an exceptionally dry winter.The rather frequent rains of Novem¬ber and December have provided theaverage precipitation for this timeof the year. In fact on December26 there was .56 inches of rain andon December 27 there was .68 inchesof rain. This is a higher than aver¬age amount of precipitation.It would seem then that the causeof this deficit in snow comes notfrom the absence of moisture butfrom the warmer temperatures thathave prevailed.And still there is no snow fore¬cast for the next few days! Birthday DateCauses Changein Prom PlansAppoint Members of Com¬mittee To Make PlansFor Ball.Stieglitz Diesof PneumoniaFuneral To Be Held ThisAfternoon in BondChapel at 2.'who had forgotten anything signifi-a new technique or different meth- j cant about the subject long ago, butod—he created an all-embracing in-1 as the spontaneous genius who wasterpretation which .enabled chemis- to spend many a long night in thetry to make an advance that may be | dank basement of his laboratory cre-well-considered as one of the truly | (Continued on page 3)AlUCampus PeaceGroup Plans Cluh^Fraternity DriveThe All-Campus Peace Council’s International HouseBrings Winter infor Next DaneeAgainst a backgi-ound of moun-executive committee has decided to ! tain scenery, a “Winter SportsEcho Plans StaffMeeting Tomorrow initiate an immediate drive for affi¬liation of campus fraternities andgirls’ clubs. This is to be the firststep in broadening-out the work andinfluence of the council and will be Dance” will be staged by Interna¬tional House Friday night.“Novelty ski and snowshoe actsby champion skiers and Alpineathletes” have been billed by the So¬cial Committee of the House for thesupervised by Elizabeth Barden and i evening’s program. Sports apparelElizabeth Ann Montgomery.The peace council, which has beenfunctioning since the Autumn quar¬tet*, is a federation of all organiza¬tions on campus interested in peace.Its purpose is to educate :'or peaceand coordinate all campus peace ac¬tivities.Audrey Eichenbaum, a delegate will be entirely correct attire for thedance. For members and theirguests the admission price is to be50 cents.A beginner’s German class is alsoscheduled to hold its first meetingat International House tomorrowevening at 6. An intermediate groupfor those who have had German forto the council from Phoenix, has j one quarter or its equivalent, willbeen elected as Publicity Director, | follow at 7 in Room B. Georgeand plans have been made to have [ Messmer is conducting both classes,a discussion on “The Economic “In his death the Chemistry De¬partment and the University havesuffered a loss which cannot bemeasured.” Thus did Professor Her¬mann I. Schlesinger, executive sec¬retary of the Chemistry Department,report the death of Julius Stieglitz,renowned member of the depart¬ment, who died last Sunday of pneu¬monia.Arrangements have been complet¬ed for the funeral to be held in BondChapel this afternoon at 2. Dr.Stieglitz leaves behind his secondwife, Mary Rising, also a member ofthe University’s Chemistry depart¬ment; a son. Dr. Edward Stieglitz ofRush Medical College; and twodaughters, Mrs. Kuhn, also a doctorof Hammond, Indiana, and Kath¬erine, an adopted child.Dr. Stieglitz was born in New Jer¬sey, receiving his grammar schooleducation in New York, going to Ger¬many to complete his high school andcollege education.Speaking further. Professor Schle¬singer stated that Stieglitz had nev¬er allowed any personal matters tointerfere with his duties. He servedhis sudents faithfully with adviceand consultation. His greatest re¬alization came with the return ofRush Medical School as a unit of theUniversity. “Aside from all this”, re¬marked Dr. Schlesinger, “he was agreat man.”Debaters Argue ^'Knowledgethe Chairman of the All-Campus {And there is your great lesson tobe learned from college journalism.Perception and its complementary(Cuutlttuod on page 3)'" Members of the staff of Echo, thefeature section of the Cap andGown, and all people interested injoining the staff will meet at 3:30tomorrow in the Cap and Gown of¬fice.The purpose of the meeting is todiscuss plans which are being madeas a result of an interview with of¬ficials of Time magazine, the nation¬al news periodical, by C. SharplessHickman, managing editor of Echo.Editors of Time have assured thestaff of their full cooperation inediting the book, to the extent ofaiding them in securing the servicesof the Donnelly Printing company,the official printers of the magazine.As an improving feature of thesection, Echo will be printed in thesame type face as the magazine itcopies. This style was impossible toobtain in the first edition, becauseof the lateness of the time of pub¬lishing. Peace Coui>?il. Since WilliamHewitt has resigned because of thepressure of other work, it will benecessary to elect a vice-chairmanat the next full council meeting. BudOgren of the Socialist Club is sec¬retary, and James Stephens of theBar Association is treasurer.The Peace Council is not a branchof the Amei’ican Student Union, butthe ASU is an affiliated group. jtactory” Boys to Draw in DebateBy BETTY ROBBINSStudents in BusinessSchool Hold DanceForgetting about figures for theevening (or at least adding machinefigures), students in the BusinessSchool will hold a dance in the Cloist¬er Club of Ida Noyes Friday eveningfrom 9-1. The Student Council is And the Deacon prayed.“Jesus never said — ‘Suffer littlepoodle dogs to come unto me.” Butpoodle dogs have beds; bums dream inflophouses in our America. Whyanything can happen here. That’sthe terrible part!”The room was heavy with smokeand people. No-draft ventilation wasassured by the advertising placardsnailed against the walls. Portraitswere painted there too. Hats wereremoved—if one owned a hat—in re¬spect to the occasion, and the “la¬dies” all had seats. On the black¬board a three-starred honor-roll gavepreference to the Butcher and Bakerand Grocer of Maxwell street fortheir respective handouts, and Platoand Aristotle and Dialetical Materi¬alism had been half-erased to makeAc- The date of the annual Washing¬ton Prom has been changed form Fri¬day, February 19, as listed in theStudent Handbook, to Saturday, Feb¬ruary 20. It is traditional to have theProm on the eve of George Washing¬ton’s birthday, but this year Wash¬ington’s birthday falls on Monday,and consequently the Prom must beheld on Saturday. This is the firsttime in many years that the partyhas been held on a Saturday night.It is expected that the change of datewill greatly augment the attendance.Traditional AffairOne of the oldest University af¬fairs, the Washington Prom is high¬ly traditional, and is regarded bymany as the peak of the winter so¬cial calendar. Ever since the Mid-was a patch of weeds and the Promwas held in Bartlett gym, Universityof Chicago students have anxiouslyawaited the annual choice of theWashington Prom leaders.At present the Social Committeeis investigating various orchestrasand securing bids from them. Thecommittee usually attempts to get aprominent band. Last year the mu¬sic was supplied by two orchestras,Charles Gaylord and Benny Goodman,the King of Swing. A spot has notyet been selected but the committeepromises that it will be announcedshortly.Committee MembersStudents who have been appointedby the Social Committee to act as acommittee in charge of affairs are:Ralph Leach, Phi Kappa Psi, businessmanager; David Gordon, Psi Upsi-lon, in charge of ticket sales; PeggyTillinghast, Mortar Board, woman’spromotional chairman; and RobertEckhouse, Zeta Beta Tau, publicitychairman.The members of the Social Com¬mittee are: Henry Cutter, Mary LettyGreen, Peggy Thompson, Mary AliceDuddy, Robert Bethke, Robert Shal-lenberger, and Julian Kiser.Last year the Grand March hadthree wings, which was an innova¬tion. This year no decision has beenmade and the leaders of the GrandMarch have not yet been chosen. Fulldetails and selection of leaders willbe announced soon.Last year bids sold for $5. Thisyear’s price has not been set.Display Photosof Mayan Culturein Wieboldt Hallsponsoring the affair.Music will be provided by Frank , space for another philosophy.Swegar and his six-piece band. Ac- j tion is the basis of our life.” In ac¬cording to the Council, tickets for the ^ cordance, someone had bummed adance may be had for “the meager bushel of coal for the stovee so thatsum of one dollar for couples and 75 | the intellegentsia of West Madison4:ents tor stags.** | street and the University could be kept warm during the Hobo College-Chicago Debate on “It Can’t HappeenHere.” It was Sunday evening andthe Knowledge Box was crowded. |Deacon Budman stood on the platformto give a comeback to the Universityaffirmative team. The Deaconprayed his rebuttal.Earlier in the evening, chairmanand moderator Judge Edward Caseyof the Municipal Court had poundedfor attention with me College, andcalled upon Statistical Slim of the“negating” team to start the debate.Slim began by reconciling “It” witha Fascist dictatorship, and pointingto concentration of property and gov¬ernment as tendencies establishingthe possibility of Fascism in thiscountry.George Messmer of the Universityteam replied that without certain po¬litical, economic, and sociologicalconditions Fascism could never ex¬ist. Political insecurity, fear of ex¬ternal aggression, and a defeatist at-(CoDtinued on page By MARY DIEMERDeep in the Quintana Roo districtof Mexico, in a small village knownas X-Cacal, exists the last group ofMayas that has preserved tribal inde¬pendence. Known as the Seceders(Los Separados) they have repeated¬ly refused to make peace with thewhites, nor even to allow the Mex¬ican government to install schools orsurvey their lands.Frances Rhoads Moiley has pene¬trated their seclusion, won their con¬fidence, and secured a group of cam¬era studies of these elusive natives.This group of pictures, together withpictures of Mayan ruins and informa¬tion about their culture, hangs inWieboldt Hall under the auspices ofthe Renaissance Society and will beon exhibition until January 20.Although the exhibition is interest¬ing historically and anthropological¬ly, (there is a remarkable resem¬blance between the living natives andthe carved images found in the ruinsof several centuries ago) artisticallyit is of little' import. The photo¬graphs lack that quality which cam¬era artists have been striving for,and, in a measure, been attaining re¬cently; that of elevating the camerastudies beyond a mere pictorial value.In camera work, as much as in anyother method of ait, the artist mustgive something of himself to theobject, to give it personality, feel¬ing. Obviously a mere representationof the object is not enough, and thisis where the exhibtion falls short of-X any artistic merit.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1937iatl^ HaroonFOUNDED IN 1901Member Associated Collegiate PressThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday, Sun¬day, and Monday during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quartersby The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University avenue. Tele¬phones : Local 46, and Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.The University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any contractentered into by The Daily Maroon. .All opinions in The DailyMaroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily the viewsof the University administration.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves the rights of publicationof any material appearing in this paper. Subscription rates:U .76 a year; $4 by mail. Single copies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.RCPaeSCNTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVCNTISING BYNational Advertising Service, IncCollege Publishers Representative420 Madison AvE. New York, N.Y,CHICAGO - Boston • San FranciscoLos ANGCLCS • PORTLAND • SEATTLEBOARD OF CONTROLJULIAN A. KISER Editor-in-ChiefDONALD ELLIOTT Business ManagerEDWARD S. STERN Mana^nff EditorJOHN G. MORRIS Associate EditorJAMES F. BERNARD.Advertising: ManagerEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESBernice Bartels Edward Fritz Cody PfanstiehlEmmett Deadman El Roy Golding Betty RobbinsBUSINESS ASSOCIATESSigmund Dansiger Bernard Levine Robert RosenfelsCharles Hoy William RubachEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSHarris Beck Mary Diemer David SchefferLaura Bergquist Rex Horton Marjorie SeifriedMaxine Beisenthal David Mauiy Bob SpeerSTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Eisendrath Donal HolwayNight Editor: Cody PfanstiehlAssistant'.Robert FosterMonday, January 11, 1937Freshman ComplaintGripe! Gripe! We have become accustomedto receiving at least one gripe daily. Usuallyit is about something we have written or somestory we have printed, but occasionally it is acomplaint about some allegedly unsatisfactorycondition on the campus. We have long sincebecome reconciled to our role as a Universityclearing house for gripes.But with more than ordinary frequency andregularity we have been receiving the gripesof a certain group of freshmen. They arethoroughly disturbed over this nebulous ques¬tion of a freshman class organization. Theyfeel that “vested interests” are actively fight¬ing them in their attempt to provide leadershipfor the class. They accuse the Dean’s office,the Maroon, the election board, the FreshmanAdvisory Council (which they incorrectly in¬sist upon calling the Social Committee) ofeither actual opposition or undue procrastina¬tion. They claim that all requirements havebeen fulfilled, that nominating petitions for aclass executive committee are now being cir¬culated, and that nothing further is being doneby the proper authorities to set the electionmachinery in motion.Both the claims and arguments of this groupare easily refutable. They have no basis fortheir gripes. In order to assure that a sizeableproporition of the class, and not just one smallfaction, desires some form of organization, theDean’s office postulated the requirement of250 names on an organization petition. Thisrequirement has not been fulfilled. By actualcount of the names on the petitions thus farturned in, only 101 freshmen have signifiedsuch a desire. The backers claim additionalnames, but not enough to come within 50 ofThe ABC’sBRITISH IMPERIALISMI have heard it asserted by some, that as Amer¬ica has flourished under her former connection withGreat Britain, the same connection is necessary to¬wards her future happiness, and will always havethe same effect . . . We may as well assert that be¬cause a child has thrived upon milk, that it is neverto have meat ... I answer roundly, that Americawould have flourished as much, and probably muchmore, had no European power taken any notice ofher. The commerce by which she hath enrichedherself are the necessaries of life, and will alwayshave a market while eating is the custom of Europe.But she has protected us, say some. That shehath engrossed us is true, and defended the Conti¬nent at our expense as well as her own, is admit¬ted; and she would have defended Turkey from thesame motive, viz. for the sake of trade and domin¬ion.Common SenseThomas Paine, the necessary number. The election boardand the Advisory Council have set up electionmachinery and are only waiting for the back¬ers of the class organization to turn in theirpetition before starting the ball rolling. If theymust gripe, let them direct their gripes towardthemselves or toward the freshman class as awhole.An apathetic attitude on the part of a major¬ity of freshmen is not difficult to understand.Class organizations, apart from that of the se¬nior class, were dispensed with on this cam¬pus many years ago, because they had amplydemonstrated their uselessness and futility.The experience of the past, however, does notinevitably indicate an expectation of similarresults in the future. The Dean’s office andthe Maroon do not in any sense oppose theproject of a freshman class organization.Rather, we find the enthusiasm of the spon¬sors a source of encouragement. We merelyinsist that they formulate some constructiveprogram for the projected organization. Wedo not wish to stand by and watch anotherpurposeless activity set up on campus, witha series of empty honors to be passed aroundamong aspiring politicians. That would be areversal of a trend in student activities in whichthe University has always provided leadership.- The fight is just now being carried on atother schools which was successfully waged onthis campus several years ago—to eliminatethose meaningless student activities and organ¬izations which seek only to inflate the positionand provide a false prestige for those whohave played their hands well in campus poli¬tics. As the editor of another college publica¬tion has ably characterized the trend: “TheAmerican University System is outgrowing itsadolescence and coming into its own, and itis inevitable that where knowledge andthought are the stock in trade, as they are in auniversity, the time will not be long in comingwhen the minds who hold it and the mindswhich seek it will clear away the debris of dis¬tracting'juvenile influences and take an activeand constructive part in the science of livingand the problems of the day.”—J. A. K.The Travelling BazaarBy LAURA BERGQUIST“Hell p’ murmured that elusive creature aLoyal and Staunch Supporter of the Maroon, wnilelooking down his long aristocratic nose—‘“so ybU—YOU aspire to write the Bazaar. My Fraaand, keepalways in mind those sophisticated, yea verily, evenintellectual persons who avidly perused its pages—Meditate on the glory of being ignored by Hutchinsand roasted by Hearst—Consider the Betas, how theygrow, to clutter its columns with Deep and Fear¬ful Wranglings known only to Betas—Gratefullyremember C. Sharpless Hickman, defunct Fifth RowScenter, who doggedly pursued the DA for 23,541column acres— . . . and when all else fails, insertthat little item about Skoning, Beecher and Whattser-name ...” Our Loyal Supporter collapsed, over¬whelmed by thoughts of such heritage.• Thence we went sleuthing for a new campushero. The English department hopefully producedBoynton of the pince-nez with the fluttering blackribbon—Social Science I managed to cough up Gid-eonse of the; lovely mohair hat—Yale induced Hut¬chins to boldly attempt a middle hair part—^but ittook the Physical Sciences to give to the world that *Esquire model of sheer satorial magnificence, Wal¬ter M. Bartky. Resplendent in spectra hued shirtshe lectures on astronomy to the deep seated envyand despair of Adolph Hitler, John McWhorter,John Gifford, Gunther Baumgart, and all good blackshirts.Three of these noted connoisseurs on male attirewho inhabit the last seats in the last rows in thefai'thest corners on the darkest side of Eckart 311made the following statements exclusively for theMaroon—“January 6—Purple shirt—burgundy to Thosewho Know,” stated Baumgart, keeper of the dailyrecord.“Wonder if he has to wash ’em,” mused Gifford.“Can’t remember his sox,” discovered McWhorter.“Canary yellow predominated on the 7th,” readBaumgart. •“Wonder who picks ’em,” muttered Gifford.“In fact, I NEVER saw his sox,” concluded Mc-Whoter.“January 8 it was crayola brown,” triumphantlyfinished Baumgart.“Wonder if she’d like me in burnt orange,” de- ,spairs Gifford.“Mebbe if I sit in the front row I can see hissox,” resolves McWhorter.Baffled by the application of the scientificmethod I stole out as the Tie Schedule began .“Salmon with tan stripes,” commenced Baumgart. . . I fled . . . much that is irrelevantEditor,The Daily Maroon:In last Friday’s editorial some¬one accused the Student Utiion ofinconsistency in supporting both theOxford Oath and aid to the govern¬ment of Spain. The accusation be¬trays a misunderstanding of the aimsof the union. Support is given tothe pledge because the Union be¬lieves that, in America, the OxfordOath movement is a contribution tothe cause of world peace. Whetherit is or isn’t is irrelevant, the pointis that the Union thinks it is. Like-the Union feels that, in Spain, sup¬port of the Spanish governmentagainst fascist rebels is also a con¬tributing factor to ' world peace.Whether this is true or not is irrele¬vant, the point is that the Union be¬lieves it is true. In short—theUnion is against war; and supportof the Oxford Oath in America andthe anti-fascist cause in Spain arepolicies which the Union believes tobe effective anti-war measures. Thisof course presupposes a limited in¬terpretation of the oath—namely theliteral sense in which it is worded,not in the wider sense of refusal tosupport war of any sort anywhere. |Thus it is that communists do not |hesitate to take the pledge. Butgranting the right of the Student iUnion to interpret the Oath as it is 'stated (question as to the essential '“spirit” of he oath is irrelevant tomy point) I find it difficult to findan inconsistency in the Union’s at-;titude. Or in other words, most of ;the members of the national organ¬ization, looking at things in the waythey look at them, do not constitutea divided house. If the majority ofmembers of the Chicago chapter failto see things in the same way, thenof course they have a constitutional jright to withdraw.It was Rosenthal who put me upto this.Martin Gardner.For the same reason, then, the.4. S. U. should go on record as en¬dorsing the recent World H’ar, for iwas it “a war to end wars,” and thus ,a road to peace? Whether or not it -succeeded is, of course, irrelevant.— iEd. !AStJ AGAINEditor, ^The Daily Maroon:Reliable sources tell us that thewriter of the editorial on the ASUdidn’t bother to read the resolutionspassed at the convention aboutwhich he v/rote so lengthily. Thiswas evident after one reading of hiseditorial. It demonstrates newspa¬per standards of the lowest sort. Themisrepresentations were so grossthat these deserve to be called“dirty” or “yellow” and prejudicedjournalism. What were the mis¬statements?1. The convenntion did notdedicate itself to a new emphasison labor and pacifism. The new em-THREE MONTHS' COURSEFOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND GRAOUATItA thorough, intensive, stenographic coursestarting January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1.Interesting Booklet sent free, without obtigauum—write or phone. No solicitors employed.mose rBUSINESS COLLEGEPAUL MOSER.Regular Courses, open to High School Grad-suites only, may be started any Monday. Dayand Evening. Evening Courses open to mm.116 S. Michigan Av«.,Chicago, Bandolph 4347STUDENTS!!SAVE Vi OF YOURLAUNDRY BILLYour entire bundle is washedsweet and clean in pure soap andrain soft water.Handkerchiefs and fiat piecesironed. Underwear, Pajamas, Sweat¬ers, Socks, etc., are fluff-dried readyto use at only10c PER LB.Shirts De Luxe Hand Finished,starched, mended, and buttons re¬placed, at10c EACHwithStudent Economy BundleMETROPOLELAUNDRY, Inc.Wesley N. Karlson, Pres.1219-21 EAST 55Hi STREETPhone HYDe Park 3190We call and deliver at no extracharge./ phasis was rather on student co-1operatives and the drive for the AYA—the entire plank on student secur- jtiy. The labor plank was an import-1ant and vital issue—but certainly jnot one of the major rallying points |of the union—that is true of a trade |union, not of the student union. i2. Affiliation to a Farmer-Labor jparty was definitely rejected for .the jpresent as being unwise and partisan. |3. The ASU is anti-fascist. It at¬tempts to prevent the coming offascism by peaceful meant right now,so that military defense and Euro¬pean tragedies will never be repeat¬ed here. That is also part of thepacifism of the ASU. But if theASU and other bodies of its kindfail to do this—and fascism is still istrong enough to attack, a.s in Spain, ido they give up all of their ideals jand resign responsibility? No, theyadmit that peaceful methods havefailed and put all their energies toanother effort to stop the onwarddrive of fascism.4. The ASU has never dedicated |itself solely to research and discus¬sion. The latter have been giventheir place, but the keynote of theUnion has been action. Actionaround points of common agreementthat are determined by research anddiscussion.Miriam Fine.1. But tchat about the rest of thepla tform?2. That is what we said.3. There is still a fxiradox.4. Perhaps it should.Ed.McGiffert ReturnsFrom Maine Vacation•Arthur C. McGiffert. professor ofTheology and Director of Studiesat the Chicago Theological Semin¬ary, has returned to hi.s duties thisquarter. Dr. McGiffert occupied asix months’ leave of absence by writ¬ing and studying in his home onMount Desert Island, Maine. Today on theQuadranglesLECTURES“Tension Capacity.” As.soeiateProfessor Ernest J. Chave. BondChapel at 12.“The Relation of Education to theSocial Order.” Professor .NewtonEdwards. Social Science at3:30.“American Poetry Today. TheThree Traditions.” Associate Pro¬fessor Fred B. Millett. Ait insti¬tute at 6 :45.“Recent Discoveries in GreekSculpture.” Professor W. R. Afraidof the University of Wi.seonsinClassics 10 at 8.MEETINGSASU Meeting and Election. KentTheater at 3:30.MiscellaneousWater Polo Game, Chicago vs.Griffith. Bartlett Gym at 8;4r) (Xoadmission charge).PLEDGINGBeta Theta Pi announce.s thepledging of Bob Speer of Chicago.3 Months* ShorthandCourse tor CollegeGraduates andUndergraduatesIdeal for tskinc notes at rollegr orfor spare-time or full time positionii.Classes start the first of Jsnusry.April. July, and October.Call, write, or telephoneState ISHl for complete farf.'t.The Gregg CollegeC N. Michigan Aee., ChiragoAS small boys, many fathers now living knew thexV telephone only as a little used curiosity. It grewinto today’s constantly used necessity largely becausethe Bell System never ceased looking for the new andbetter way. It stayed young in its thinking.Young ideas developed conference service”, ena»bling several nearby or widely separated persons totalk on one telephone connection. Young ideas steadilymade long distance service better, quicker, yet cheaper.Young ideas are at work day and night to makesure America continues to get more and better servicefor its telephone dollar.Why not call Mother or Dad tonight?Rotes to most points are lowest after 7 P. M.TI’!!<»!; .nvntk-V*/THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 12. 1937 Page ThreePlay'sThe Thing• * »By jAMES BERNARDJane Cowl has captivated publicand critics alike with her brilliantperformance in “First Lady”, thesparkling comedy now playing to en¬thusiastic audiences at the Harristheater. After seeing the play it iseasy to see why it remained onBroadway all last season.As may be seen from the title, theplot is built around situations con¬nected with the character of the wifeof the president of the United States.However, the chief executive’s spousehas no part in the play; two Wash¬ington society women vie for thathonor and the ultimate result formsthe last act of the comedy.Taking advantage of cleverlyworked out situations and clevererlines written for her by KatherineDayton and George Kaufman, MissCowl uses her years of experienceand her unusual understanding ofcomedy to give the character of thedaughter of a former president whovaliantly, wittingly, and unscrupu-ously battles her way to the firstladyship. Miss Cowl seems to enjoyher role immensely and transmitsthis feeling across the footlights forthree acts. There are several lagsin the course of the developmentsbut when Miss Cowl enters the stagethe audience immediately perks up.The supporting cast is good inspots and could be greatly improvedin others. A noticeable weakness isthe leading man who looks and actslike a butler, and a butler who looksand acts like a leading man. Thescene is one of a beautifully furnish¬ed colonial mansion, the statelinessof which does not harmonize withcharacters of the people of the play.The authors cleverly satirize thetalky and jealous Washington fourhundred, and by working theminto a plot concerning current inter¬ests make the play exceptional en¬tertainment.* * *Currently featured at the Palacetheater is a delightful musical com¬edy featuring Lily Pons, the daintyFrench Metropolitan Opera star, andthe antics of Gene Raymond, Mlscha.\uer, and Jack Oakie. The firm isentitled “That Girl from Pari.s,”.Mi.ss Pons sings some light songsand climaxes with a famous ariafrom “The Barber of Seville.” Amagnificent musical novelty is thatwhich has Miss Pons singing the“Blue Danube” to a background ofa Goodman-like quartet playing aKay Noble-sounding arrangement.This number was arranged by AndreKostelanetz. Mischa Auer, of “My.Man Godfrey” and “The Gay Des¬perado” fame, does a splendid bitof humour in his part of a serewycommunist pianist, a role well suitedto his comic abilities.* * *A word to those who want to con¬veniently purcha.se tickets to attrac¬tions of all kinds. Mr. Hoeppner ofthe information office handles tick¬ets for all entertainments both onand off campus. His fine and promptservice is worthy of more studentpatronage.The Maroon and Mr. Hoeppnerare attempting to make a unifiedtheatrical community and it there¬fore would be greatly appreciated ifa visit to the information officewould precede your attendance at adowntown attraction.•WATCHfor announcement of thetime, place, and orches¬tra for theWASHINGTON PROM ^Frolic Theatre55th & ELLIS AVE.Today and Tomorrow“ADVENTURE* INMANHATTAN”withJean Arthur - Joel McCrea .Thursday and Friday“DESPERADO”withNino’ Martini. Ida Lupino$400 BAG OF GOLD $400 Stieglitz(Continued from page 1)ating new approaches, exploding oldones which had to give way beforethe bombardment of his analyticalbrilliance.To merely recount the greatnessof this man of science would beslighting of that other great manwho lived with him—the man whoglared at lax students and smiled atdiscouraged young men from whomthe laboratory had taken the lastsparks of ambition. From formerstudents all over the world Dr, Stieg¬litz has received the silent devotionand respect which .his high ideals andunderstanding sympathy have en¬gendered from all who have knownhim, either in his role as a scient¬ist who has achieved undying fameor in the personality of a friend towhom the simple feelings of humangoodness were the highest of all re¬ligions..ASU Co-op(Continued from page 1)workings and benefits of coopera¬tives.Estimates of the cost of eating 14meals a week vary from a low of$3.5'0 to a high of $4. The coopera¬tive, however, is careful to point outthat the larger the group becomesthe less the cost per meal will be. Atpresent, a deposit of $4 is requiredfor the first week, the balance to beapplied to the following week. Asyet only lunch and dinner are beingserved, although if enough desire it,breakfast will be added. The mealsare served at 6 and 12.I The purpose of the Ellis Studentj Club as stated in the ConstitutionI is as follows: “Its function .shall beI to promote fellowship among itsj members and to train them in co-' operative techniques, to maintain ai club room and dining room for itsmembers, and in general to servethe welfare of its members and theI public.” More detailed informationj about the workings of the coopera¬tives can be obtained at headquar-I ters, 5558 Ellis.East(Continued from page 1)companion, interpretation. Theseand a little imagination will go a■ long way towards taking the drab-ness out of the every-day life.I This column will treat of inci-I dents relating specifically to under-I graduate life. It welcomes com¬ments and differences of opinions,i and the Letters to the Editor sec-I tion is open to all those who wishI to air their opinions. L^etters •* * *By CODY PFANSTIEHLjr^URING that brief moment before the typhoon crashes upon the shipthe wise helmsman checks his course, cleans his compass and braceshimself for the tumult to come. Then, sure of his direction, he maneuversthe winds to his advantage and outrides the storm.One week from tomorrow the fraternity winds will begin to blow alast gusty tribute to the 1936-37 rushing season. Two weeks from Thursdaysome 180 freshmen and transfer students will formally make known theirdesires to join the fraternity system at the University of Chicago,In the minds of those who have decided to join a fraternity two ques¬tions are uppermost: “Which house shall I take?” and “How soon shall Idecide?”The first is necessarily up to the rushee, the second may be explainedhere.It is now one day more than two week before the formal preferentialbidding. Two weeks before a decision must be reached, else the uncertainperson, if he be a freshman, must wait until the final day of the springquarter to join the system.Theoretically no fraternity knows the content of its class until theresults of the bidding are announced. Actually every fraternity can, to ahigh degre of accuracy, list its class a few days before the formal reval-ation. This is the result of the publicly condemned, privately practicedmethod of “hotboxing,” or point-blank conversation with rushees regard¬ing their fraternity choice. In this manner most freshmen make knowntheir choice prior to the formal bidding.Some freshmen have already made their fraternal choice. Those whohave not must be prepared to sort and evaluate the arguments to be pouredupon them in the week of intensive rushing to come.There is no need to make the decision until' the formal bidding. Butby far the majority of questions will be settled next week. Out of thetangle of comparisons and merits will come a preference for one group.The sooner this is recognized, the easier for the freshman. Then all hehas to do is stand strong in the choice. If it is possible to choose now, onthe basis of past contacts, it is advisable to do so. If a rusheee be still indoubt, he will find a torrent of persuasive arguments in next weeks activity.If you can, set your course now, then batten down the hatches and sailon!Hamlin Garland Lends Harper LibraryHis Private Collection for ExhibitionA collection of letters, autographedbooks, journals, and notes has beenlent Harper library by Hamlin Gar¬land, noted author of the “MiddleBorder” series. All of his own worksappear in the exhibit in several addi¬tions, as well as several of Mr. Gar¬land’s journals, from which he drewthe material for two books of rem¬iniscences, “Companions on the Trail,”and “My Friendly Contemporaries.”The notes are penciled with correc¬tions, as though written with futurereaders in mind.The letters, both in Harper ReadingRoom and Circulation Room, arefrom such well-known writers asRudyard Kipling, Joseph Conrad,Wililam Dean Howells, Eugene Field,Janies Whitcomb Riley, Sir JamesBarrie, Stephen Crane, Mark Twain,Thomas Hardy, Walt Whitman, and I George Bernard Shaw. Dedicationsi like Barrie’s in Garland’s copy of' “Quality Street”: “Beware of a pale' woman with a good appettite’ andGame’s in “George’s Mother”: “ToHamlin Garland of the great honestI west from Stephen Crane of the falseI East’ are particularly interesting., Two letters from Theodore Roose¬velt form part of the display. Roose¬velt’s comparison of women and sol¬diers draws a conclusion that paci¬fists are likely to find disagreeable.He says that men who will not fightshould not be allowed to remain insociety.There is a proof fi’om “The Sons ofthe Middle Border” and a suggestionfrom Joseph Conrad for publishing itin a Modern Library edition. GeorgeBernard Shaw writes a number ofnotes, including a map to aid in reach¬ing Adelphi Terrace and a challengeto Garland as a beard-grower.ORCHESTRA HALL1936-Forty-Sixth Season-1937Chicago SymphonyOrchestraFREDERICK STOCK, ConductorTODAY, 2:15“Obern” Overture WeberSymphony No 1, C Minor,Brahms“Die Nose” SzostakowiczSpanish Symphony for Violinand Orchestra LaloTHURS. EVE.—FRI. AFT.“Lenore” Overture , . BeethovenSymphony No. 3 SchumannSinfonia Antigone ChavezFive Miniatures Whitei “The Firebud” StrawinskyTickets • Main Floor, $1.50, $2.00, $2.60Balcony, $1.00, $1.50; Gallery, 50cStudebaker Final WeekJAMES KIRKWOODinMULATTOwith theOriginal New York Cast“A story torn from thebook of life in the deep south.A forceful, gripping and truth¬ful drama.”Mats. Wed. and Sal.Nites 50c to $2.00; Mats.50c to $1.00 Special SalePrinted Stationery100 full size, two-fold Laid Vellum sheetsof good quality and 100 envelopes tomatch, all printed with name and address.$1.00 COMPLETEI (Regular Price $2.00)With University of Chicago Seal or Fra¬ternity Crest 25c extra. Also special200 postals with name and address $1.00.Over 600 styles of stationery to choosefrom. See the largest and most completeline.V »Woodworth’s Book Store1311 E. 57th St.Near Kimbark Ave. Open Evening$Phone Dorchester 4800 Hobo Debate(Continued from page 1)titude demanding a dictatorial su¬periority complex, he contended, werealien to American living. Fascismis antithetical to the American prin¬cipal.Then Ireland’s temper ascended theplatform! A little fellow, he was, abald, wrinkled head encircled with ahalo of grey, the collar points some¬what dogeared, the suit a bit shiny.But Old Man Sheridan hadn’t beenborn into a family of 12 brats andhadn’t studied jurisprudence and eco¬nomics for nothing. He had learnedthe power of speech and emphasis andhe sat on the edgee of the platformpreparing in mumbles his attack onthe “knowledge factory” boys whobelieved in political science. All acountry needs for Fascism, heclaimed, is political fermentation, eco¬nomic disintegration and moral pu-trification of society. And inventionsand mechanical political science don’twork in this set-up. “You becomeproletariats against your own god¬damn inclinations.”And from then on Fascism was lost.The debate became a war about therelative merits of the two institu¬tions of learning,Jacob Ochstein of the Universityteam defended Chicago liberialism,and its scientific approach. The hobosupheld their system—of learning con¬crete life as it is and not as it iswritten in books; To reason by un¬derstanding, not by analogy as thefactory boys from the U. of C, do.You can’t go into a court of equitywithout clean hands . . . sciencemust be practical in application andyou’re a parasite . . . they aremust be able to predict ... if youconsume wealth and don’t produce,laws of life we’re trying to get peo¬ple to understand . . . after 1914,they poured acid into the Americansand they began to hate the Germans—so sauerkraut became “liberty cab-I bage” ... 17 million paupers and“many of them are out of jobs becausethey can’t get work’ . . .Judge Casey called for a vote . . . the debate was over . . . The de¬cision, a draw.. IdThe Deacon came up for rebuttal.He and Old Man Sheridan and Sta¬tistical Slim had seen the play, “ItCant’s Happen here,” in preparationfor the deliate. But somehow “It”got mixed with sauerkraut and Hut¬chins and a 27 dollar collection topay the month’s rent. Anyway,Fascismis a pretty tough thing to understand,especially when^your belly is emptyand you’re getting tired.So Deacon Budman offered aprayer. But God didn’t send dough¬nuts.DREXEL THEATRE858 E. 63rdTuesday and Wednesday2 “You Can’t Get AwayWith It”“Stage Struck”ELANGER127 N. Clark, Sta. 24613 Weeks OnlyThe Theatre Guild, Inc.PRESENTSHelen Jerome’s Dramatizationof Charlotte Bronte’s NovelJane EyrewithKatherine Hepburn(In Person)and a Distinguished CastEves.,$1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 $3.30Mats. Wed. and Sat.,$1.00, $1.65, $2.20THE J-R WAFFLE AND SANDWICH SHOPWHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICEWAFFLES - SANDWICHES - NOON AND EVENINGDINNERSSEE YOUR FOOD PREPARED1202 EAST 55thThe College World...••One Picture Tells as Much as Jen Thousand Word*’* 'Shutters click . . . flashlights flare . . . ,cameramen ore "Johnny on the spof" i^erever and whenever anything of.interest to the college student happens '... to bring to the Editor of CollegiateDigest three thousand pictures every month. . . but of course it is only possible tobring you the best of these ... in |addition to the numerous collegiate fea¬tures appearing exclusively in Collegiate ■Digest every week withThe Daily MaroonDAILY MAROON SPORTSPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1937FRIGHTEN INDIANAFor twelve minutes last Saturdayeveninj? it seemed as though Indi¬ana's Hoosiers were goin gto find ittough to win their second conferencebattle of the year. For this period ofthe Chicago Big Ten opener our ownMaroons were surprisingly valiant,but it wasn’t long before Mr. KennethTAKt VOttA SAL .To AThere are lots of pleasantthings you can do with themoney you’ll save by eat¬ing at Younker’s regularly.Compiefe Luncheon 35'Complete Dinner., 65'51 £. Chicago Ave.1510 Hyde Park Blvd.501 Davit Street, Evanston ... atiii rolled inChampagne Cigarette paper of thefinest quality. This paper, speciaUymade for Chesterfield cigarettes, ispure and burns without taste or odor.For the good things smoking can give you..Copyright 1937, Liggett & Myees Tobacco Co.Aromatic tobaccos from the districtsof Xanthi, Cavalla, Smyrna and Sam-soun in Turkey and Greece, the to¬baccos of richest aromablended withMild ripe home-grown tobaccos —Bright tobacco from the Carolinas,Georgia and Virginia; Burley tobaccofrom Kentucky and Tennessee; andtobacco from southern MarylandMaroon Five Suffers SecondBig Ten Defeat; Loses toMinnesota by 30-23 ScoreChicago Succeeds in FiveFree Throws in FirstHalf of Game.Five successful Chicago freethrows in as many attempts duringthe first half did not overbalance asuperior Gopher quintet as the Ma¬roons took a 30 to 23 beating atMinneapolis last night.This was Minnesota’s first BigTen encounter for the season, andChicago’s second unsuccessful ven¬ture into Conference play.Minnesota entered a changed lineup, with Nash at guard in place ofJohnson, and Rolek in Seebach’splace.Maroon coach Nelson Norgren re¬plied by shifting Mullins to forward,and replacing Peterson with Fitzger¬ald at guard.Mullins Starts ScoringMullins led off the charity shotseries when he made good a lonebasket on a foul by Nash. For aminute Chicago led by a score of1-0, but Rolek hooped a long shotto put the Gophers on top, wherethey stayed for the rest of the game.After the Northmen worked up a10-3 lead, Fitzgerald dropped a farshot for the first Maroon field goalof the game, and Mullins againmade good a free shot. Then Min¬nesota’s Nash took a pass under thebasket and brought the score to 12-6.Mullins was taken from the floor,and Peterson filled his place.As the play started, Addingtondropped his fourth basket of the eve¬ning, and Nash barely made a longtoss. Score: 14-6.The fifth Maroon free throw iscredited to Rossin, who demonstrat¬ed the effectiveness of Coach Nor-gren’s recent practice orders to“Shoot from the foul line—perfectyour free throws.”Minnesota’s Manly tried his luckon the foul line and found it good. Amoment later Peterson wheeled incenter floor and successfully letfly at the hoop to make the. scorestand 17-11 at the half.The previous scorers continued tomanufacture the tallies, and themen from the North, playing onhome ground in their conferenceopener before a large crowd, ranthe score to their favor to the tuneof 30-23 by the final gun. Gunning began to elude the Chicagoguards and to open up a lead. In thesecond half, the Midway offensejoined the defense in its relaxation,and Indiana remained undefeated, 46-26. A crowd of 3,000 enthusiasticfans saw the game in the Field-house.Indiana grabbed an early lead andafter the Maroons had overtakenthem, they again went ahead and atthe end of the half they were enjoy¬ing a 22-14 advantage. Co-captainGunning scored nine of his total ofthirteen points in this period, and Er¬nest Andres aided him with an addi¬tional seven..In the second half the Hoosierstightened their defensee and the hometeam wasn’t able to come near thehoop for any appreciable number ofpoints. Indiana threw in some re¬serves, and Bob Etnire’s nine pointsand “Babe” Hosier’s six were suffi¬cient to clinch the victory.Indiana Scores FirstA free throw by Gunning pavedthe way to the first score for Indi¬ana, and after Andres had countedon a field goal, Chicago broke into thescoring column on Eggemeyer’s char¬ity shot. At this juncture the erra¬tic Maroon offense began to click aftera week’s vacation. Water Polo SquadPlays Griffith Teamat Bartlett TonightTonight at 8:45 the Univer¬sity of Chicago water polo team hitsthe brine against the Griffith Nata-torium in a Chicago Water Polo As¬sociation grame, at Bartlett gym.Supplementing the polo game will bediving exhibitions by Floyd Stauf¬fer and other members of the var¬sity swim squad. There will be noadmission charge.The Maroons’ starting lineup willmost likely be made up of JuanI Homs, Cecil Bothwell, Joe Baer, as1 forwards; Bob Bethke, Bob Ander-I son, Dick Smith, guards; with DickFerguson and Nye McLaury alter¬nating at goalie. Other players willbreak in sometime during the game.Begin Skating Classesat North Stand RinkWith the north stand skating rinkagain frozen. Athletic Director T.Nelson Metcalf yesterday announcedthat record-breaking crowds for thisseason have turned out during thepast few days. The informal skat¬ing classes for beginners are gettingunder way, Metcalf stated. Thehours are 2:30, 5, and 7:30.Formal hdckey practice will beheld from 2:30 to 4:30 on Satur¬day and 7:30 to 9:30 on Thursday.It is still problematical, according toMetcalf, whether or not a regularUniversity team will be organized orsimply informal group play hed. Refusals Cloud Decision, or WhoWas the Winner of the WrestleEither Chicago or Wisconsin wonlast night’s wrestling match at Mad¬ison. It all depends on which coachyou listen to.Chicago’s Lehnhardt, pinch-hittingfor the injured W'hiteside in the un¬limited weight class, tangled withWisconsin’s Piatkiewicz for the re¬quired minutes, and tangled so wellthat Referee Carpenter couldn’tmake up his mind after the bell rang.Maroon Coach Vorhees refused tolet Lehnhardt work overtime, Wis¬consin’s coach refused to give a win,and Referee Carpenter refused togive a decision.^Lehnhardt held a time advantagein the early minutes, but Piatkiewiczwas on the verge of pinning him asthe bout ended.Other results were:118 pounds—Tinker (C) beat En¬gle (W). Time advantage, 3:00.126 pounds—Feinberg (W’) beatColias (C). Time advantage, 1:30.135 pounds—Fay C) beat .Austin(W’). Time advantage, 6:00.145 pounds—Finwall (C) beatLederman (W'’). Time advantage,3:00.155 pounds—Quincannon W’)pinned Delaney (C). Time advan¬tage, 3:00.175 pounds—Valorz (C) beatW'yss (W’). Time advantage, 6:00. Unlimited—Piatkiewicz (W) vs.Lenhardt (C). No decision.CRUSH WHEATONThe Maroon mat team decisivelydefeated W’heaton Saturday night atBartlett Gym by a score of 27-3. The jvictory was adequate revenge for the •defeat suffered at Wheaton’s handsin the opening match of the season.Dave Tinker started the Chicagosquad off on the right foot when hegained a six minute time advantageover his opponent in the 118 poundclass. Nick Collia.s kept the ball roll¬ing by pinning his man at 126pounds, the first of the three fallsregistered by Coach V’orres’ team.Jim Fay wrestled at 135 podnds, jand_obtained an eight-minute time ad- ivantage over the W’heaton man. Cap- jtain Bob Finwall was always the mas-ter in his match at 145 pounds, andspent ha’f of the time arguing withthe referee over the legality of sev¬eral holds which Boh was practicingbefore he finally threw his man.Teresa Dolan Invites You toDance Every Friday NightPERSHING BALLROOMS.W. Cor. 64th & Cottarr Grovr. Adm. 40<‘ERNST TUCKER’S MusicPrivate & Claitii I.csaonsi Children & AdultsStudio. 1545 E. 63rd St. Hyd. Park 30h0 Shaughnessy Plansfor Winter Session1937 football candidates gathtitnilast Friday in the Coffee Shop.were treated to a dinner by VouchShaughnessy. Pointers on eliirihi],ity were suggested, winter practicecap of tiring football grinds,was announced, and Ted Finl uasawarded a medal for getting th* stmarks of the 1935 frosh team.“Shag” called on Norman MacLeaninstructor in English, to give theboys pointers on how to studj dc-.spite the handicap of tiring foothallgrinds.Shaughnessy laid before thesquad of 45 the plans for practice.TheHITCHINGPOSTOpen 24 Hours a DayWAFFLECHEESEBURGERCREAM OMELETSTEAK1552 E. 57th StreetN. W. Corner Stony Uland