^ Battp illaroonVol. 37. No. 33. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1936 Price 3 CentsMaroons Meet Illinois in Homecoming Game;Hold Giant Ceremonial, Dance TonightCheer Team at PepAssembly in CircleInauirurate New Queen atBonfire; Follow with\'anities Dance.‘•Bounce the Illini”. “Heave 'em”."Bump ’em”. “Burn 'em.” These andother ominous threats will ring’round the Circle tonight when Ma¬roon supporters gather to pronouncedoom upon the invading Illini. “Some¬thing old. something new, somethingborrowed, something blue”—the oldsaying which has up to this time beenapplied to a bride's ensemble, caneasily be adapted to the new Cere¬monial Pep session; for it embodiesall of these things.Inaugurating a new ritual, JaneMyers. Homecoming queen, will par¬ticipate in the lighting of the bonfirewhich will be the' opening feature inan evening devoted to pre-game pepactivities. Rivalry which exists be¬tween Illinois and Chicago shoulddraw a large portion of the studentbody to the round of events plannedfor tonight..Maroon Squad PresentSongs, pep-talks, and yells will befeatured on the program in whichcampus leaders have been asked totake part. Owl and Serpent, .seniorhonor group, and the Maroon squadwill provide speakers for the session,and yell leaders will be more thanready to direct the assembly. Theonly thing w'hich has not been pro¬vided is the students. Their interestwill determine the success of theevent!Following this, led by the queen,.'Students will form a gigantic snake End Big TenGrid SchedulePurdue and Indiana Clashfor “Old Oaken Bucket.”With Northwestern firmly estab¬lished at the top of the conferencerankings, interest in the Big Tengames tomorrow centers around thePurdue-Indiana clash at Lafayette.Besides winning the “Old OakenBucket”, traditional symbol of thetwo school’s rivalry, the victor in thi.sgame will be assured of at least atie for second place in the standings.Each team has lost one game, anda victory tomorrow will give the win¬ner a tie with Minnesota whose rec¬ord has been marred only by theNorthwestern fray and who appearcertain victors over lowly Wisconsintomorrow'. The Boilermakers defin¬itely have the edge in this game, andshould the Hoosiers win, it will rateas one of the season’s biggest upsets.Gophers Threaten BadgersThe Golden Gophers, who havescored over 100 points in the twogames since their winning streak wassnapped, should bowl over the hap¬less Badgers at Madison although theWisconsin passing attack may causeu wrinkle or two in Bernie Bierman’sbrow.Michigan, whose punts, passes, andprayers have yielded them nothingbut a creditable, showing againstNorthwestern and a victory over Col¬umbia, will tangle with the OhioState Buckeyes at Columbus. In spiteof the fact that the Buckeyes havenever taken more than two straightfrom the Wolverines, they will prob¬ably repeat their ’34 and '35 victoriestomorrow if only by a narrow mar-The Kipke men played bang-up Tough Luck Enter Fifteen Actsin Victory VanitiesPresent Illinois PopularityQueens Between Halvesof Game.WARREN SKONINGOn (tntj other team he would planfullback, hut Shay has idilized hisline-bucking ability from halfbackpost.(lance from the Ceremonial to IdaNoyes Hall for a gala Victory Vani-itf**^ties (lance. 'hall against Northwestern last weekKvery effort has been put forth to j and may come very close to revers-inake this a “gen-u-wine” college I 'ng the dope sheet,dance. Ten swing.sters led by Danny | Non-Conference GameWilliams will help the campus cele-1 In two games not affecting thebrate, and it costs only forty cents j standings, Northwestern hops downfor men. Women are such an added I to South Bend and Iowa invades theatlraction that'vithoul charge. they arc welcome East to meet Temple. The Wildcat-(Continued on Page 6)Disputed Games Confuse Standings inForty Years of Maroon-Illinois RivalryBy WILLIAM .McNEILLNo matter who wins tomorrow, Minne.sota went on to defeat them theneither team will be behind in the 40 following week, so that Chicago wonRame Maroon-Illini rivalry. The ex- its last Conference championship,planation—Illinois claims two games Another noteworthy game in the Professors AgreeWith Maroon onStudy Conditions'■chich Chicago maintains are unoffi¬cial. Thus according to the Illinireckoning they have won 19 games tothe Maroon’s 18, and according toChicago’s calculation the Maroonslead with 18 victories to Illinois’ 17.The dispute turns upon the gamesI'f 1894 and 1918, both of which H-linoi.s claim.'< for its victory column.In 1894 the game ended in a wrangle"hen the Illinois coach tried to fol¬low Stagg’s example of the year be¬fore and play with his charges onfho field. Chicago claims that thecoaches had agreed at the end of thepreceding season that coaches shouldoot j)lay, Illinois claims there was nosuch agreement, and that the refereeJJ'varded the game to Illinois by de¬fault.The 1918 affair, likewise needed byfhe Illini to show a margin over Chi-ciigo, the Maroons claim is invaliddue to the general suspension of Biglen rules made because most of thecollege .students were overseas or pre¬paring to go there.1 he most famous game of the se-‘‘c.s is that of 1924, when the highlytoute(l Illinois team came to Stagghold in full cry for the conferencechampionship with Red Grange athis greatest in his senior year. Thestar of the Chicago team was “Five-yard” McCarthy, famous for his line,bucks.The Maroon team took an earlylead, and held it by the simple tech¬nique of keeping possession of theball. Whenever Illinois got the ball,Red Grange was away for a touch¬down, but the Maroons through theirmonopoly of the ball, managed to^ore three times. So much did theMaroons taltf out of the Illini that .series is that of 1906, the first yearof the forward pass, Chicago cameout on top 63-0, giving Illinois oneof the worst beatings ever adminis¬tered in Big Ten comi>etition.According to the Maroon record,the home team has a substantial leadin total points for the series—427 to350 for Illinois, Illinois claims an ad¬ditional 29 points garnered in the1918 game.During the past few years, Chicagoand Illinois alike have fallen on evildays as far as football is concerned,and the games have been closely con¬tested as a result. Since 1931 therehas never been a more than one-touch-(Continued on Page 4) In general enjoining silence as totheir identity, but willing to giveanonymous “quotable quotes,” mem¬bers of the University faculty andadministration yesterday heartily ap¬proved The Daily Maroon’s campaignfor better conditions in the Univer¬sity libraries.An extension of the campaign toinclude bad ventilation conditions inlibraries and lecture halls was urgedby Mary B. Gilson, assistant profes¬sor of Economics. Arthur P. Scott,associate professor of History, whilemuch pleased to see student interestin the problem of study conditionsurged the part the student himselfmust play in reduction of noise. Amember of the Buildings and Groundsdepartment stated that many of theinexpensive improven^nts suggestedby 'The Maroon were “very good” andhave been taken up for considerationby the department. •Doctors Discuss LightUniversity doctors made statementsvarying in method of expression from“it’s just not good ‘horsesense’,” to“liability of a harmful photo-conjunc¬tivitis,” in commenting on the harmwhich may be caused from the light¬ing conditions of the school as re¬vealed in Wednesday’s article.In discussing the effect of sub¬standard light, such as is present inmost of the campus libraries, one doc¬tor stated that the strain on the eyescaused by lack of efficient illumina¬tion “definitely cuts the amount oftime which a student may spend instudy by such an amount as to causesevere ‘burning’ and ‘tearing’ whichprevents concentration and clear vi¬sion.” Consequently, if students con¬tinue to study for any length of timeunder these conditions, there is dan¬ger of “a permanent harm to theeye.s due to the straining of eyemuscles and a resulting displacementin the normal equilibrium between the(Continued on Page 3) A student show, free to all!A new Ceremonial bonfire!Introduction of the first homecom¬ing queen in history!An all campus snake dance!The gay Vanities dance!This is the order of today, the firstsection of a giant two-day Homecom¬ing celebration in preparation for theannual Chicago-Illinois football bat¬tle tomorrow on Stagg field.Illinois Beauties See GameIn addition to the University’s ownqueen, freshman Jane Myers, threepopularity contest winners from theUniversity of Illinois will witness fhegame. All four beauties will be pre¬sented to the .spectators between thehalves.The downstate winners, BobbieBaldwin, Kay Marsh, and Nell Gere,will arrive tomorrow morning at9:50 in the Illinois Central Station,Ralph Beck, Donald Elliott, and Her.bert Larson will form a receptioncommittee.Victory V'anities TodayBut this afternoon the campus willjoin in the boistei'ous Victory Vani¬ties Variety show, admission free.This loose-jointed, spontaneous pro¬duction runs once, and once only inMandel hall at 3:30.According to Martin Miller, Van¬ities chairman, the program order isas follows:Chi Psi—Campus Newsunreal.Chi Rho Sigma—not announced.Delta Kappa Epsilon — DetectiveDrama.Delta Upsilon—Campus Newsreel.Phi Sigma Delta—U. of C. Admin¬istration,Zota Beta Tau—University Round¬table.Alpha Delta Phi—Dramatic Asso¬ciation Rehearsal.Pi Delta Phi—Piano Skit.Phi Delta Theta—Minstrel show.Phi Gamma Delta—not announced.Esoteric—not announced.Psi Upsilon—Comedy skit.Phi Kappa Psi—March of Time.Phi Beta Delta—Western Drama.Sigma Chi—Fortune Teller.Faculty JudgesJames Weber Linn, Leon P. Smith,and F'rank Hurbert O’Hara will judgethe skits according to originality, ex¬ecution, participation, and entertain¬ment value. The winner will receive acup at the game tomorrow'.“Each group must have its ownproperties,” explained Miller yester¬day. “Each will be allowed ten min¬utes, including time taken to set up.And each gi’oup will assemble oneact ahead of time in the left wing ofMandel stage.”Snap talks by Owl and Serpentmembers and campus personalitieswill be climaxed by a giant snakedance leading to Ida Noyes hallwhere students will dance and makemerry with a ten piece swing band.(Continued on Page 6) Terrible Turk Expect Close ContestBetween Old RivalsBoth Teams Will Open Upas Big Ten Records Hangin Balance.Chicago IllinoisGillerlain l.e. NelsonSappington l.t. StotzJordan Tg. FayWhiteside c. SayreBosworth r.g. KuhnW right r.t. MorrisFitzgerald r.e. CastelloHamity q.b. WardleyFareed r.h. WilsonSherman I.h. SpurgeonSkoning f.b. StrongOMAR FAREEDSpark plug of Maroon offense. Hasproved himself a plucky and invalu¬able threat to opposing lines.Chapel Union toMeet Sunday andPlan OrganizationSwan Songsters^ Captains^ and QueenMaroons who play their last game for the Uni.versity, tomorrow. They are Wright, Sappington,Frick, Kellogg, Meigs, Bosworth, Cutter, and Gil.lerhiin. Bottom row. left to right—Sam Whiteside and“Bud" Jordan, co-captains.Top row, left to right—Jane Myers, freshmanqueen. With the formal organization ofthe group as the main issue of theevening, the entire Chapel Union willmeet Sunday night at 7:30 in the res¬idence of Dean Charles Gilkey. Al¬though a comparatively new organiz¬ation, the Chapel Union has been re¬ceived with such interest that itsleaders feel that the work might bet¬ter be carried on if there were a def¬inite organization of officers.Following the business meeting,there will be a game period led byJohn Van de Water head of the re¬creational committee, and DouglasMartin. The recreational committeewill then announce some of the com¬ing activities planned for the mem¬bers.Another branch of the Chapel Un¬ion, the Student Settlement Board,met Thursday afternoon in the Chap¬el office to discuss methods of ticketdistribution for its coming play, “AMinor in Manners.”Red Cross DriveEnds Successfully^Chairman ReportsA three day drive for Red Crossmembership on the campus directedby Mrs. Edgar J. Goodspeed, endedFriday. A special student member¬ship price of 25 cents was chargedinstead of the usual fee of $1. Tableswere set up at various strategicpoints all over the campus and let¬ters sent to clubs and fraternitiesurging them to fill their quotas.Those fraternities subscribing 100per cent were Beta Theta Pi, DeltaUpsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Psi,Sigma Chi, and Zeta Beta Tau. Quad-rangler was the only club fully sup¬porting the drive and Foster Hallthe only dormitory.Herndon AddressesNew Communist ClubAngelo Herndon, radical rankingwith Tom Mooney and the ScottsboroBoys, will speak under the auspicesof the Communist Club today at 3:30in Social Science Assembly Hall.Three years ago Herndon was sen¬tenced to 20 years on a Georgiachain gang for leading unemployednegroes and whites in a demonstra¬tion for relief. Appealing his case,Herndon fought the verdict throughthe State Supreme Ck)urt, where thesentence was upheld. By LEWIS MILLERMaroon football comes to a smash¬ing finish tomorrow afternoon onStagg Field as Chicago faces BobZuppke’s fighting Illini in the windupof the grid season. Prospects for aclose fought game plus the homecom¬ing ceremonies to be held this weekend indicate that tomorrow’s gamewill bring out the largest crowd StaggField has seen yet this year.The Maroons held their last in¬tensive practice session yesterdayafternoon. Although there was no ac¬tual scrimmage, a long chalk talkwas followed by intensive drill onpass defense, and work on offensiveformations. Illinois has shown littleoffensive strength this year, but theyare always dangerous because oftheir tricky offensive formation.s andtheir abundance of passers.Skoning Offensive StarChicago’s hopes for victory tomor¬row re.st primarily on the able shoul¬ders of Duke Skoning, powerful sen¬ior fullback, and Sollie Sherman,tricky sophomore speedster. Skoningis being groomed to alternate hispower drives with Sol’s off tackleslants, end sweeps, and running pass¬es. If the Illini spread their defense,as they have done in previous ye^rs,to stop Sherman’s ssveeps, Skoningshould tear holes in their light line.The lineup which Coach Shaugh-nessy expects to start tomorrow willcontain eight seniors, including OmarFarced, who, although a .senior, maybe able to play another year. Thislineup will include Gillerlain andFitzgerald at ends, Wright and Sap¬pington at tackles, Jordan and Bos¬worth at guards, and Whiteside atcenter. In the backfield Hamity willbe at quarter, Fareed and Shermanat the halfback positions, and Skon¬ing at fullback, Fitzgerald, Hamity,and Sherman are the only men onthis outfit who are not seniors.Centers Strive for All-ConferenceAn interesting feature of tomor¬row’s game will be the battle at cen¬ter between Captain F]1 Sayre of theIllini, and the Maroon’s Co-CaptainSam Whiteside. Both of these menare strong contenders for the All-cially Homecoming games.Conference center berth, and it willprobably go to the one who makes thebest showing tomorrow. This game(Continued on Page 4)StrategistCOACH SHAUGHNESSYSends his team out to wind up theseason in a game which is all-impor-temt to that seaoon’a awccfa.t.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1936^ailg (^aroonFOUNDED IN 1»01Member Associated Collegiate PressThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday, Sun* ^y, and Monday during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quartersby The Daily Maroon Company, 6831 University avenue. Tele¬phones: Local 46, and Hyde Park 9221 and 9222.The University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any contractentered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in The Daily Ma¬roon are student opinions, and are not necessarily the views ofthe University administration.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves the rights of publicationof any material appearing in this paper. Subscription rates:12.75 a year; $4 by mail. Single copies: three cents.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.REPRESCNTEO FOR NATIONAL AOVERTISINQ BYNational Advertising Service^ Inc.Collet* Pmbliskers RepreteuMivt420 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y.CHiCAoo • BOSTON • San FranciscoLos ANOELES • FORTLANO • SEATTLEBOARD OF CONTROLJULIAN A. KISER Editor-in-ChiefDONALD ELLIOTT Business ManagerEDWARD S. STERN Managing EditorJOHN G. MORRIS Associate EditorJAMES F. BERNARD.. .Advertising ManagerEDITORIAL ASSOCUTESBernice Bartels ElRoy Golding Cody PfanstiehlEdward Frits William McNeill Betty RobbinsBUSINESS ASSOCIATESSigmund Dansiger Bernard Levine William RubachCharles Hoy Robert RosenfelsEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSHarris Beck C. Sharpless Hickman Lewis MillerLaura Bergquist ^x Horton David SchefferMaxine Biesenthal Henry Kraybill Marjorie SeifriedEmmett Deadman David Mauzy Bob SpeerMary Diemer Byron Miller Howard WichmanSTAFF PHOTOGRAPHERSDavid Eisendrath Donal HolwayNight Editor; Edward C. FritzAssistants: Rex Horton andFred GleichmanFriday, November 20, 1936Football at Another SchoolThe following editorial is reprinted from a recentissue of College Topics, University of Virginia studentnewspaper.We, in no way condemning the Varsityplayers, and commending them for the sac¬rifices they have made and the spirit they havealways shown; butBELIEVING 1. that intercollegiate footballas now played may no longer be considered“sport” in the true sense of the word, and thatthe term “sport” and intercollegiate footballof today are incompatible;2. believing that above all “sport” should bepreserved and fostered by an intensive devel¬opment of the intramural program;3. believing that the student body desiresintercollegiate football, a winning team, andthe spectacle and excitement of a well-playedgame that accompanies a winning team;4. believing that it is detrimental to thereputation of the University to surfer helplesshumiliation over and over again as under pres¬ent conditions;5. believing that it is injurious to both thephysical condition and the morale of the play¬ers to be pitted against such comparativelypowerful opponents as have been met duringthe past few years and are scheduled for thenext two seasons;6. believing that there is nothing morallywrong in offering a football player room, tui¬tion, and a job by which he can earn his board;7. believing that there are many boys whowould not otherwise obtain a college educationwho might be able to do so by means of theirabilities as football players, and that such menshould be allowed to work their way throughcollege by playing football, just as a man earnshis way by grading papers or instructing in alaboratory;ENDORSE THE FOLLOWING PRO¬POSAL:1. that the present rules regarding compen¬sation of athletes under the Southern Confer¬ence (including the Graham Plan) be abol¬ished ;2. that the Southern Conference be urged toThe ABC’sValues in a UniversityA total disregard for tradition, a critical, discrimin¬ating, inquiring mind and attitude, a reliable sense ofvalues, a love of play, a love of freedom and the hap¬piness of the entire group, courage, strength, andsportsmanship are qualities which the school should en¬deavor to inculcate in its pupils without the loss ofstrong loyalties to the principles upon which a freeand happy society must stand.Carl G. Snavely,Head Football Coach, Cornell University. adopt a fundamental code to embody the fresh¬man rule, the migratory rule, the professionalrule, and a rule providing for the maintenanceof the present entrance and scholastic require¬ments; or otherwise, that the University ofVirginia withdraw from the Southern Confer¬ence and adopt such a code;3. that no money be paid a football playerin return for his services, but that the Univer¬sity be permitted to offer room and tuition free,and a job by means of which he may be ableto earn enough to pay for his board ;4. that alumni be permitted to pay a play¬er’s expenses through school provided theyadhere to the restrictions of the above para¬graph ;5. and that no discrimination be shown foror against athletes in the awarding of schol¬arships by the University scholarship commit¬tee.The Travelling BazaarBy CODY PFANSTIEHLQuite suddenly we find ourselves dealing in beautyqueens. We’re mostly surprised, quite pleased, andprobably not making the best of our new-found oppor¬tunities.Four days ago there were nine—names we’d gather¬ed hither and yon, mostly from club recommendations.When they assembled to pose for Hearstpaper Heraldand Examiner the photographer licked a mental chop,lined them up, and used six plates.Two days later we telephoned the papers to comeout and choose the finalist. The Daily News sort ofgrunted; the Times said “Thank you’’ in a “no” sortof way; the American and Examiner shouted “SEX!”and the photogs walked into the office as we were hang¬ing up.We took the girls to the field house, left them comb¬ing their hair while we went down iato the locker room.The football squad was just putting on its pants. Ina quiet voice we said we wanted the boys to choose aHomecoming queen, and there were nine girls upstairs.We picked ourselves up from the floor and ran back upafter the squad.Whiteside, after a bit of prodding, indicated a choice.Jordan just kept mumbling incoherently. The coachessuddenly called the rest of the boys out onto the field.The Tribune photographer barreled in, feeling in ex¬cellent spirits. We put it up to the reporters and pic-turemen. Well we knew the everpresent results of apersonal choice!The metropolitan men squinted, appraised, approvedof Jane Myers. She would photograph best.The other girls were swell about it.Jane posed, was interviewed, and moved to the Cof¬fee shop where we outlined her duties. The Americanreporter strung his interview along for a half an hour.We arranged to have Jane at the Ceremonial tonight inthe Circle, and the dance afterward in Ida Noyes hall.Then we thought we were through with queens.But when we got back to the Maroon office we founda note from Mr. Morgenstem, who is publicity directorfor the University. To the note was attached threepictures—queens all! “These are the three Universityof Illinois popularity queens. They can come up to thegame and stay for the evening activities. Will you getthem dates?”We swallowed hard and decided to be fair about itand get at least one of them a date with somebody else.We thought it would be easy.But it wasn’t easy! None would believe us. Elliottlooked at us, backed off, and ran away. Bud Larsonhastily moved a table between us. After a bit weconvinced them it was true. They accepted. So doesa landslide.Down at Bartlett Gym even Mr. Metcalf, director ofathletics, married man that he is, looked twice at thepictures. We bumped under Bill Gillerlain, footballendman, and signed him for the third girl for the eve¬ning. He had a dreamy look as he left us.But don’t anyone ask us for any more queens. Theyonly happen four times in a lifetime.We’re ready to die any time now.* * •COME ANDSEE HER!So the University’s own Queen Jane, the first queenever on campus, will meet you tonight at 8 in the Circle.We’ll be there, and tell you more about her—at theCeremonial!DIRTY DEEDDOEDMy love has flew—Him done me dirt.Me did not knowHim was a flirt.To them in loveLet I forbid.Lest they be doedLike I been did.—La Verne RiessSUBVERSIVEINFLUENCEDear Brother:I have been thumbing through the Student Directoryand noticed, among campus organizations, the RomanceClub.Hmmmmmmmmmm.—A1 PDinstiel Lettersto the EditorFRESHMAN COMPLAINTWednesday, Nov. 16.Editor,The Daily Maroon:Congratulations on today’s bril¬liant survey of the library situation.I have for years been trying to find alibrary in which it was possible toread, and on arrival in Chicago hadalmost given up hope and was re¬signing myself to the apparent cer¬tainty that all human beings exceptmyself had phosphorescent eyes andlids to their ears. The University libraries, as I found them, only con¬firmed that conception. It is there¬fore most encouraging to find, inyour columns, some hint of the sug¬gestion that the main function of alibrary is not, after all, the provisionof facilities for social conversationsurrounded by an imposing array ofrare manuscripts.Now that the matter has beenbrought to'light (even if only 15-foot candles) may we sufferers ven¬ture to hope that something will bedone? Lack of sufficient funds forlarge scale rebuilding should nothinder the adjustment of the minorlighting and seating arrangementsthat mean so much. As for the noise,if moral suasion has no effect, mightone venture to suggest the suspens¬ion, after adequate warning, ofcourse, of the offender’s librarycards? We know America is a freecountry, may it ever continue to beso, but this does not imply the rightof the individual to make life un¬pleasant for those around him. Thepublicity you have given to thisurgent problem encourages one tohope for some substantial improve¬ment NOW, not merely for the nextgeneration of students.Cyril M. LifetreeDear Editor:The Daily Maroon:Oh give me a land of sun and flow¬ers and summer the whole yearlong;Oh give me a land where the goldenhours roll by to the mocking¬ bird’s song!(—Deuteronomy 1-49-59.Hep. Somebody pass the ball.)Woe is me, woe is me!—(Shakes¬peare,)I wisht I was in Oklyhomy.If I had anything besides six pen¬nies, an Oklahoma mill, a Daily Ma¬roon slug, and a street-car check, I’dcertainly be on my way to the SunnySouthland right now, because that un-cherishable and unadorable Afildelt,Lloyd James, has mint me.Perhaps you would be glad to fin¬ance me sufficiently to get me startedhome. Who wouldn’t?Or if I promised to come back andagain write the svelte Travelling Ba¬zaar a la Daily Herald and Exam¬iner, perhaps you would give me asum in advance. Then I could take avacation after the strenuous task ofwriting the last column, and especi¬ally of acknowledging the unanimousinterest which the column elicited.You see, the said interest was ratherperturbing, in a way. Woe is me.It’s unbelievable how many peoplereally do read the Bazaar. If you’dlike to know, I could tell you.If it is really possible that thereare minor trivial reasons why youwouldn’t want such a lovely columnagain, maybe I can earn my trainfare by winning prizes in Why-I-Like-Pink-Soap contests, or perhaps byjudging freshman queen contests.On my way home to Oklyhomy,I’ll confide to myself that the reasonI wrote that column was that theMaroon hadn’t had a delicate gniShcolumn in many moons. That’ll makeme feel martyric, or something. Ormaybe it was that quart of peachbrandy I killed to drive away a chill.Who knows ?Well, farewell,E. C. F.Ex-ColumnistP.S. That peach brandy ideasounds invaluable. Where can one getsome? Today on theQuadranglesUndergraduate MedicalStudents Organize ClubUndergraduate medical studentswill meet Monday at 4:30 in the Rey¬nolds Club theater for the purpose offorming a pre-medical club.The club will probably exist for so¬cial purposes, with four meetings aquarter. The organizers are NoahSloan, Burton Epstein, and MarvinHirsch. FRIDAYMeetingsTarpon Club. Ida Noyes at 12.Negro Student Club. YWCA room.Ida Noyes at 8.Bar Association C!ouncii. CourtRoom at 3:30.Lectures“Economic Planning. State Actionand Laissez-fairre.” Associate Pro¬fessor Gideonse. Art Institute at 6:45.SATURDAYFootball Tea Dance. Judson Courtat 4:30-6:00.Slavonic Night, entertainment anddancing, Sam Kessen and his orches¬tra. International House, 8:30-1.Fraternity Tea Dances. 4:30-7:00.Delta Kappa Epsilon Dance, SherryHotel, 9-1.SUNDAYLecture, b y Prof. Lawrence o fNorthwestern University, on “TheNew Soviet Journalism—its Relationto the people”. 5558 Ellis, 3:00.Radio ProgramsOrgan Recital, Frederick Marriott,from the Chapel. 9:30-10:00 and 10:30-10:45. WBBM.University Round Table. “The FarEastern Question”. Prof. MacNair,Prof. Ernest R. Price, Prof. Utlev.11:30-12:00. WMAQ.Open HousesDelta Kappa Epsilon, Phi KappaPsi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Pi LambdaPhi, Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi.MONDAYMeeting of male pre-medical stu¬dents. Reynolds Club Theater. 8:00P.M.PLEDGINGPhi Beta Delta announces thepledging of Robert Solomon of Chi¬cago.TERESA DOLAN INVITES YOUTonite and Every Friday NightPERSHING BALLROOMS.W. Cor. (4th a C*tl«K« Grove. Adm. 40cERNST TirCKER’S MusicPrivate A CIm* LeMone Children A Adult*Studio, 1645 E. (3rd St. Hrd. Park 30.s0An Unusual GiftAncient Egyptian PaintingsFrom 2000 to 5000 Years Old' An Oriental Institute PublicationFacsimile reproductions available separately until December 15.WHILE THEY LASTfor sale byTHE U. of C. BOOKSTORE5802 ELLIS AVENUEUniversity Church ofDisciples of ChristMinister: Dr. Edward ScribnerAmes. Minister’s Associate:Mr. Fred B. WiseSunday, November 22, 193611:00 A.M.—Sermon: “Out of theWeek V.” Dr. Ames.12:20 P.M. — Forum. Dr. W. C.Bower. Subject: “The LivingBible.” Hyde Park Baptist Church5600 Woodlawn Ave.Norris L. Tibbetts and Rolland W.Schloerb, MinistersSunday, November 22, 1936Thanksgiving Service11:00 A.M.—“Who Can Be Thank¬ful?” Dr. R. W. Schloerb.7:00 P.M.—Young People’s ChurchClub. “Modern Youth Move¬ments.” Wiliam King. The First Unitarian ChurchWoodlawn Ave. and E. 57th StreetVon Ogden Vogt, D.D., MinisterSunday, November 22, 193611:00 A.M.—“The Human Con¬flict.” Dr. Vogt.-4:00 P.M.—Channing Club. Gen¬eral Discussions led by membersof the group.All young people, especially stu¬dents, cordially invi^gd.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1936 Page ThreeWhat’s theScore* * «By LEONORE WERTHEIMERLooking over the next two week’sopera schedule I have an irrepressi¬ble yen to let you in on the goodnews. It is enough to tickle the mostfinicky and picky aesthetic palate.At the moment my mouth is wateringas profusely as one of Pavlov’s dogswhen he heard the gong. It seems tome that Mr. Longone is taking aplunger in offering such a galaxy ofstars, such extravagant names, in sofine a rei)€rtoire. It is more than astep in the right direction.Heginning today with Wettergrenand Tokatyan in “Carmen” you canhave the mosta of the besta throughto Lily Pons and Bentonelli’s “Lak-me” the evening of the twenty-eighth. That date is the last onethat has been announced at this writ¬ing..Jepson and Pinza are doing‘Faust” tomorrow afternoon. Galli-Curci is staging her reappearanceTuesday in “La Boheme.” Wednes¬day evening, to start the evening offwith a bang before the Interfraterni¬ty Hall, you might take “Aida” intoyour stride. The cast includes Mar-linelli, Rethberg, and Wettergren.The world premiere of “Jack andthe Beanstalk” takes place Thanks¬giving. It is the brain child of JohnFrskine, librettist, and Louis Greun-berg who composed “Emperor Jones.”Perhaps the most remarkable thingabout the premiere of this o]>era inFnglish is the statement Mr. Fierroof the opera’s publicity departmentmakes, being unwittingly facetious,.\\\ in the cast will be Americans,although .some have foreign names.”Mr. Bentonelli, ne Benton, is not in¬cluded in the cast.The two high spots of the programare “Othello” with Marjorie Law¬rence, Martinelli, and Tibbett, sched¬uled for Friday, and the Saturdaymatinee, “Pie Walkure” .sung byLawrence, Wettergren, Melchior,Schorr, and List.One of the main things that couldbe .said for any one week of operalast year—if you cannot sleep athome the cushioned seats at Civic areas comfortable a place to take a napas anywhere—certainly cannot besai<l for the repertoire of the nextweeks. There should be enough ac¬tivity to keep you interested andalert. After years without any operaand years with something that didnot merit the dignity of the title,Chicago at last has a worthy operaassociation. World*8 Largest Dictionary Begunin 1884, Had 200 Miles of WordsBy MARJORIE SEIFRIEDIn the wake of the ruin left aftersearching for the origin of the worddope last week, the dictionary manhas re-established his injured dignity,and is once again surrounded by or¬derly files and a rational staff.The staff was engaged in pastingand writing information for the nextpart of the dictionary to be publishedas the dictionary man greeted thisreporter and confided that he had al¬lowed his taste for statistics to runaway with him this week.In the dictionary room he displayedseveral parts of the first publicationof the Oxford dictionary which wasarranged in serial parts before be¬ing converted into the present 10volume edition. “Here,” he said withimpressive solemnity, “is a best sel¬ler that has never been read.”Bookworms MeatHe went on to explain that occa¬sionally we hear of someone’s havingthe habit of reading the dictionary.The attention of such devotees oflearning should be directed to thesuitability for this purpose of thegreat Oxford English Dictionarywhich has more than 16,000 3-columnpages; records about 426,000 words,and illustrates some 500,000 defini¬tions with nearly two million illus- the past nine or ten centuries.There are about 50,000 columns ofprinted matter in this word-book,which if placed end to end would cov¬er nine or ten miles. There are about200 miles of type in these columns,which contain approximately 50 mil¬lion words or about 3C'0 million let¬ters and figures, not counting thepunctuation marks. If the lines oftype were placed end to end theywould cover about six times the dis¬tance across the English channel.Forty-four VolumesIn the University an Oxford’ Dic¬tionary may be found in Harper Li¬brary. This magnus opus had its be¬ginning in 1884, and was published ina series of 126 pamphlet forms untilit was completed in 1928. In its mod¬ern edition of 10 volumes the dic¬tionary costs $120.Among the crumbly pages of thefirst edition pamphlets this arresting,array, nounal and definitive, of wordscarried a colorful etymology: foisty,gyzzarn, lyyn, mesnalty, sniggle,szmikite, tezkere, thyzle, uzzle, vy-wer and wilga. Those students whohave a background in linguistics, willhave little difficulty in discoveringwhich of the above have had Turkish,Hungarian, and old English origin,trative quotations taken from Eng- but for the majority of moder n mor-lish books that have appeared duringIda Noyes MuralsRepresent Pageantof Hall DedicationSupervisors HearCampus MusiciansThi.s evening the In-and-About-Chi-cag()-Music Supervisors’ Club, an or¬ganization comprised of high schoolteachers throughout the city, willview a cross-section of campus musi¬cal activities under the direction ofCarl Rricken, chairman of the De¬partment of Music.The instructors will first dine atInternational House and then will lis¬ten to a rehearsal of the Universityband in Reynolds Club. Following thisthey will hear several numbers sungby the choir group under the super-vi.<ion of Mack Evans. They will beentertained later by selections playedby the University symphony orches¬tra which is in rehearsal for a con¬cert to be presented in the near fu¬ture. By .MAXINE BIESENTHALMeeting after meeting is held inthe theater of Ida Noyes Hall, andhundreds of University .students won¬der what the oddly garbed figureswandering across the walls of theroom represent. A few suggest an¬swers to the question in the cynicalmanner peculiar to University stu¬dents; few know that the murals rep¬resent the figures in the pageant “TheMa.sque of Youth” which wa.s givenon the Midway back in 1916 to com¬memorate the dedication of IdaNoyes Hall.The masque was performed in theWomen’s quadrangles and the prom¬inent women at the University tookpart. The murals found on the wallof the Ida Noyes Theater show thepageant, and the figures symbolizesome of the .studies pursued in theUniversity. Archaeolog^y is symbol¬ized by a Pomi>eiian lamp, an Egyp¬tian papyrus, and an Ionic Capital.Other subjects, among them chemis¬try, medicine, literature, and math¬ematics, are depicted with appropri¬ate symbols.But the South wall of the theaterdraws the most comment from stu¬dents. Against a background of treesand University building the artist,Mrs. Jessie Botke, has transformedthe Masque. Characters depict an al¬legorical .story concerning Youthwho enters, joyous in her unawak¬ened powers, and who meets AlmaMater, the figure in white (carefulinspection reveals the fact that EdithFoster Flint, professor of Englishtook this part in the Masque) . AlmaMater summons her ideals as a chal¬lenge to Youth, spirit, while the otherfigures roniping behind Alma Matersymbolize Romance of Literature,Knowledge, Nature, and the Olympicgames. tals they do present an involved puz¬zle, the solution of which can befound only in the dictionary itself.Settling his glasses, the dictionai'yman stated succinctly, “Everyone whohas ever read the dictionary haspraised it highly, but nobody has everread all of it, so far as we know,”which is a distinct challenge to allthe savants on campus.Bookstore DisplaysPlates from MostCostly of all BooksThe University of Chicago Pressyesterday announced the arrival ofsets and plates of the costliest bookever to be publicly sold, “AncientEgyptian Paintings” by Nina M. Da¬vies and Alan H. Gardiner. Theplates will be on display in the Uni¬versity bookstore today.The set is being issued in threevolumes. Two contain plates and oneis a text volume by Mr. Gardiner whois considered England’s foremostEgyptologist. The plates, which con¬sist of temple and tomb paintings,were copied from the walls by Mrs.Davies, who is very noted as a paint¬er of archeological subjects. Shespent 25 years in this work. The twofolio volumes measure 18 by 23 inchesand each contain 52 plates.The actual cost of binding andprinting the set was between $50,000and $60,000. The set of three vol¬umes is being sold now for $50, butwill increase in price the first of theyear. Wherever advance copies havebeen seen they have been the centerof attraction. They are currentlyfeatured in the “New York Times”Book Fair. Libraries(Continued from Page 1)muscles and photo-response.”Explain Effect of GlareOne doctor explained the conditioncaused by glare as analogous to thatcondition brought about by readingin sunlight, a condition known as“harmful photo-conjunctivitis or thedilation of the small muscle control¬ling the lens. In commenting on glareconditions due to inadequate fixturesand shiny tables, another doctor said,“it’s just not good horsesense.”When questioned yesterday as tothe part the Buildings and Groundsdepartment intends to play in im.proving study conditions on campus,a member of the department signifiedtheir intention of improving the Uni¬versity libraries.“Some of the suggestions to betterconditions brought by the survey ofThe Daily Maroon are being studiedand wherever it is possible to correctthe existing situation without the ex¬penditure of a large sum of money,action will be taken.”Mary B. Gilson, assistant profes¬sor of Economics, yesterday congrat¬ulated The Daily Maroon upon itscampaign for improved conditions inthe campus libraries, but suggestedextension of the campaign to coverbad conditions of ventilation.“Both faculty and students shouldbe more fresh air-minded,” she ex¬postulated. She stated that not onlylibraries but many discussions andlecture rooms are “provokingly” de¬void of fresh air.“The student’s physical health is asimportant as his intellectual devel¬opment, and despite so-called ventil¬ation systems, even the atmosphere inmany of the newer University build¬ings is far from healthful.*’Arthur P. Scott, associate profes¬sor of History, made the followingstatement on The Maroon’s librarycampaign:“I am very glad to see such an in¬terest in this problem, and I verymuch hope that more funds ■will bemade available for any necessary ad¬ditions to the libraries. As I haveoften told my students, I also belie'vethat the noise in the College libraryin Cobb hall is to a large extent theirown fault, but this idea has had lit¬tle effect.” Physiologists Describe Diurnal BodyTemperature Variations to AcademyAn existing diurnal cycle—a regu¬lar variation of our body tempera¬ture in accordance with the alterationof day and night—has been demon¬strated by Dr. N. Kleitman, Associ¬ate Professor of Physiology, and Mr.S. Teitlebaum, Ph.D. candidate. Bothpresented a paper on the diurnal cyclein babies at the National Academyof Sciences Here.For the last fourteen years Dr.Kleitman has been studying condi¬tioned reflexes, especially in relationto sleep. Working with Mr. Teitle¬baum, he has found that aduHs socondition their nervous apparatus asto become sleepy in accordance withday and night. Consequently, theybunch their sleeping state into oneperiod and their waking state intoanother.In contrast to this, babies under theage of two, not having established adiurnal cycle, have a fluctuatingsleeping cycle instead of an alternatecycle as is found in adults. The abil¬ity of a baby to establish a diurnalcycle is as much of an indicator ofhis ability to learn as is his beginningto walk or talk. Paralleling this diurnal sleepingcycle in babies and adults, is a tem¬perature cycle. Dr. Kleitman and Mr.Teitlebaum have found that in adultsthe body temperature falls from 2-3degrees during sleep, and rises againduring their waking hours. In babiesthe temperature cycle fluctuates withthe irregular sleeping cycle.These studies show the necessityfor training babies in routine habitsfor a particular kind of environment.To illustrate, if we were to be pro¬jected into an environment whereday and night alternated twice in¬stead of once, w^e would have an ab¬normal stress set up in our nervoussystem because of the necessity forreconditioning our sleeping habits.As a National Research Fellow, Dr.Kleitman has worked at the Univer¬sity of 'Utrecht in Holland and atthe University of Paris in France.He came to the University in 1921.Mr. Teitlebaum is a graduate stu¬dent at the University. He is doingthis work with Dr. Kleitman for hisdoctorate degree.WHO MUST WININ SPAIN?LOYALISTSSayi Maxwell E. StewartAssociate Editor of The Nation, Re¬cently Returned from Spain.REBELSSays Father James A. MagnerProfessor of EnsHsh at Quigley Semin¬ary, Authority on Spanish Institutions.Hear This Discussion!at theChicago Forum32 West Randolph StSunday, Nov. 29,3:15 p.m.Admission 50cGET YOUR TICKETS NOW!Chicago Forum224 S. Michigan Avc.Chicago, Ill.Please send me tickets forthe Stewart-Father Magner debate forwhich I have enclosedNameAddressCity AUDITORIUMMONDAYNOVEMBER 238:30 P. M.Northwestern UniversityMusic CourseNINOMARTINIWORLD FAMOUSTENORA few Seats in All LocationsSOc, 7Sc, $1. $1.50. $2, $2.50(No tax)7:00 P. M. LectureLeonard LieblingSeats on Sole For All Concerts NowFrolic Theatre55th & ELLIS AVE.FRIDAY, NOV. 20SATURDAY, NOV. 21Fred MacMurray“The Texas Rangers’SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAYWM. POWELL“The Great Ziegfeld” yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooogoos5ooooogooguSTUDENTSContainsNamesClassificationHome AddressesCampus AddressesCampus Phone No.Fraternity orClub Affiliation STUDENT DIRECTORY25cFREE WITH SUBSCRIPTION TO THE 1937 CAP & GOWN1100 Sold in First 2 Days. Only 400 Left Hurry!NOTE: Subscription holders may obtain their Free Copies only at the Cop and Gown Office on Sale atU. of C. BookstoreWoodworth's BookstoreInformation DeskReader's Drug StoreCobb Hull (Tailor Tom)Mandel HallLow SchoolBusiness SchoolHarperCap and Gown OfficePage Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1936Maroon Swimmers Practice forOpening of Water Polo SeasonSection AFifth Row* * «By C. Sharpless Hickman* * ♦Looking at the scores last week¬end, not only this drama critic butevery predictor in the country mustihave srtei'led, “WTiat? Agajin?” atthe upsets that came crashingthrough for about the fifth consecu¬tive time.Certainly Sam Whiteside provedhimself as fine a guesser as he is acenter—and we’ll nominate him forconference first team on both points.This week the pigskin climax ofthe year is reached at South Bend.This game is going to be hell for theexperts to guess, so what chancehave I?After a teeter-totter record canNotre Dame hope to smash North¬western? Remember these scores(and weep;): 21-7 over Carnegie(and Duquesne last week beat Car¬negie 18-0 after having beaten Pitt0-0) ; only 14-6 over Washington ofSt. Louis; a 27-0 triumph over Wis¬consin (which held Northwestern18-26!); a crushing by Pitt, 26-0(which beat Ohio only 7-0); a weaselover that same Ohio team, 7-2; anupset, 3-0, by Navy; and a reverseof anti-government tactics by thump¬ing the highly-touted West Pointers,20-6. How to predict the future ofa team like that?On the other hand Northwesternhas conservatively won seven games,most of the important ones by nar¬row margins. 'Tiiey beat out (Dhiobyonly one point, 14-13, and gainingthe breaks on a sloppy field crushedthe uncrushable Minnesotans, 6-0.Last week their excuse for a realscare when Michigan held them to a0-0 win was that they were easingup for the Notre Dame battle. Therecord, despite the Minnesota over¬throw, is definitely not overly im¬pressive.And after all that, only becauseNotre Dame won last week andtherefore, as they have been goingthis year, should lose this Saturday,I think Northwestern should eke outa 13-9 victory for their mythicalclaims to a mythical national titlewhich is still rightly Minnesota’s.Important fumbles this week-end:Northwestern, 13; Notre Dame, 9.Ohio State, 16; Michigan, 6.Purdue, 20; Indiana, 14.Minnesota, 30; Wisconsin, 6.Illinois, 9; Chicago, 6.Michigan State, 19; Arizona, 0.Temple, 10; Iowa, 0.Duquesne, 7; Marquette, 6.Fordham, 13; Georgia, 0.Princeton, 16; Dartmouth, 7.Yale, 20; Harvard, 6.California, 10; Stanford, 7.Tarpon ExhibitionFeatures Parody ofChristmas SpiritTarpon will present its annualswimming exhibition in the pool ofthe Ida Noyes Hall December 4 and5. This year the exhibition takesthe form of a skit entitled “ ’Twasa Stroke before Christmas,” whichwill furnish background for expertswimming, skilled stunts, and fancydiving. Margie Smith, well knownback-crawd star, will be one of theswimmers, and several outstandingalumnae will take part in the skit.The swimmers will take the partsof tin soldiers, hobby horses, jumpingjacks, and some will, in their red andgreen suits, represent poinsettas. Thedecorations for the pool will be inkeeping with the Christmas spirit ofthe skit. As a finale, the words“Merry Xmas” will be spelled out.The fancy swimming will be done aspart of the skit.Dorothy Wells and Harriet Doll areco-chairmen in charge of the plans.Mary Alice Duddy will arrange prop¬erties, while Eileen Curry, presidentof Tarpon, is in charge of the cos¬tumes. ,Iane Woodruff is publicitychairman, Eleanor Pickett has chargeof scenery and lighting, and BeatriceCherimps is ticket agent. Tickets willbe issued next week.VESPER. SERVICE.According to the Litanyof the Catholic ChurchPerformed by laymenST. THOMASTHE APOSTLE CHURCH.’S.’Sth and Kimbarko O’clock Every SundayAfternoon Practice for the first scheduledgame of the year is the order of theday at thie natatorium in Bartlett thisweek. Although the first conferencegame for the Maroon water-polo teamis not until January 16, Coach Mc-Gillivray is preparing to send hisaquatic charges against the JPIteam, champions of the Chicagowater-Polo association, on December3 at the Standard Club.The Maroon mentor has a wealthof material on hand, but he is notof the opinion that the team will bein perfect shape by this date. Thematch will be moi*e an oppoi’tunity totry out offensive plays against strongcompetition than a definite effort tochalk up a win.• The Maroons this year are a strongdefensive team according to McGil-livray, but they will have to be click¬ing affectively to stop the fast, ex¬perienced JPI champions, on whoseteam are two former Olympic play¬ers, Wally and Dick Greenberg, andFootball-Illinois(Continued from Page 1)will also mark the first appearanceto Chicago fans of Bob Zuppke’s lat¬est sophomore find. Jay Wardley.Wardley has been the big gun of theIllinois attack so far this year, andChampaign fans expect him to runwild tomorrow.In addition to the usual Illinois-Chi-cago rivalry, tomorrow’s tilt will bej a battle on the part of both teamsI to preserve a decent Big Ten record,I as they have each won only one Con-! ference game, although the Illini al-j so have one tie to their credit. Thecombination of Illinois’ weak offenseI and strong defense seems to pointto a scoi'eless tie.Honor Hockey TeamBattles U. HighThe University Honor hockey teamwill play their first game of the sea¬son today at 3:45 when they meetthe University High School all-starteam, composed of a selected group ofthe high school’s hockey players onthe Midway. On Saturday at 11, theUniversity Honor team will play theUniversity Alumnae team, composedof former hockey stars.A mixed hockey game vvill beplayed on the Midway Monday after¬noon. The group is composed of sev¬eral women from the regular teams. a former all-conference star of Il¬linois.The Maroons will not be short onreserve strength. With more thantwo experienced men to a position,McGillivray is confident that by Janu¬ary, when the Big Ten season starts,the University tanksters will be astrong contender with Northwesternand Illinois for the conference cham¬pionship.Led by Bob Bethke, who the Ma¬roon coach thinks will show all-con¬ference ability this year, the Chicagoguards will consist of Bob Anderson,Dick Smith, Floyd Stauffer, NyeMcLaury, Wilson Button, and in somegames Chuck Wilson, captain of theswimming squad.In the forward wall will be six re¬turning veterans and a newcomer,Johnny Van De Water, who has hadexperience in preparatory school inCalifornia. Cecil Bothwell, JackHoms, George Trenary, Jay Brown,Phil Schnering, and Joe Baer are allfast and should form into a good of¬fensive unit.At goalie will be Di<;k Ferguson,George Fairbank or Murray Powell.Commenting on the Big Ten racethis coming season, McGillivraystated that on paper. Northwestern,who did not lose a man from lastyear, looms as the probable’champion.However, Illinois, the defendingchampion, is always strong and mayrepeat. “Chicago? Well, we’ve alwaysbeen one of the three highest andthis might be our year,” remarkedMac.Three freshmen have already wontheir numerals in swimming. BobStein, former Schurz star, easilymade sure of his award by betteringthe qualifying mark in the backstrokeby 12 seconds. Karl Koos, breast-stroker, and Ralph McCollum, freestyler, both University High Schoolgraduates, also gained their numer.als. McCollum is former state cham¬pion and record holder, for his event.Chicago Ethical SocietySTUDEBAKER THEATERSunday, November 22ndat 11 a. m.Dr. Horace J. BridgesCain-and-AbelNationalism... Young men are asking for this newHomhurg. Older men, too, appreciate its sturdydignity. Portis gives it classic style... hand-fashion¬ing ... rich linings... yes, everything about it spellsquality. Fashion says — Midnite Blue ... TobaccoBrown... Black... Grey. We are featuring all four at$050Proiek perspiration-proof sweatband and"Swansback”moisture-prooffinish are exclusive Portis features.George'S Mens Shop100.3 E. 55th STREETAt Ellis Open Evenings PowerhouseNED BARTLETTLost out on a proniisinff season dueto earlif injuries, Ind put.s plentu ofmental and moral “oomph” behindthe team.Football(Continued from Page 1)down margin between the two teams.Chicago has won two, Illinois threeof the past five gamesThis year the success of the seasonfor both teams depends on this thelast game. Both have won one gameagainst Conference opponents thisyear, although Illinois has tied Iowain addition to its victory over Michi¬gan. The winner of tomorrow’s gamewill secure seventh place in the BigTen, the loser to be relegated to theeighth place.Chicago City Opera Co.Jason F. Whitney Paul LonsoncPresident Gen’l ManaserFri. Eve., Nov. 20CARMEN — Wettergren (Debut),Tokatyan.Sat. Mat Sat. Eve.Nov. 21 Nov. 21FAUST, with M I G N O N—Jepson, Barova. Glade, Antoine,Schipa.Mon. Eve., Nov. 23BARBER OF SEVILLE — An¬toine, Schipa.Tues. Eve.. Nov. 24(Special Performance)LA BOHEME — Galli-Curci6 Weeks of Grand Operato December 12Seats at Information OfficePrices 75c to $4.00Civic Opera House Randolph 9229 SAKS FIFTH AVENUEDEBUTANTE SHOP CHICAGOin either one of these evening gow ns, specially designedto make your night life a shinnig success. Right: gleam¬ing s.'Uin damask, soft as candle-light at dinner time,in eggshell, baby blue, pink Left: metal brocade jacket,sparkling as your eyes, over rustling taffeta. 29-75Inexpensive Cushions—ronrih Floor66() Michigan Avenue \oTth■ ■ ■ ■TODAY — TONIGHTHomecoming Progr;VICTORY VANITIES VARIETY SHOWCampus Invited. Admission FreeMANDEL HALL — 3:30(Williams Orchestra to Play)CEREMONIAL BONFIRE(And presentation of (^ueen Jane)Snap talks by team, campus personalities. New Ritual.Tonight—8 O’Clock — The CircleVANITIES DANCEDANNY WILLIAMS ORCHESTRAIDA NOYES HALLTonight — after Ceremonial.Women Free Men 40 CentsTHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1936 Page FiveCreel Breaks New Ground inStudy of Oriental CulturesChinese Scholar StudiesHistory of Ancient Chi¬nese Dynasties.;\Iore than 3000 years ago—11 hun-dred years before the Christian era—the Chou supplanted the Shang cul¬ture which had flourished for centur¬ies in the great Yellow River ValleyThey justified their conquest by anew theory of sovereignty—stating,in effect, that a king was to rule forthe welfare of the people; that whenhe didn’t, it was not only the rightbut the duty of the people to revolt.Into the great literature of thisperiod, Dr. Herrlee Glessner Creel,instructor in Chinese history and lan-guapes., has been delving during thepast five years in his study of thecultural history of the Shang andChou dynasties.And he has found other things asmodern as the idea of social contract.Chous PropagandistsPropaganda, for instance, was partof their daily diet. Like an opiate, itdeadened their sensitiveness towardthe possible injustice of their con¬quest. Not only were most of the ac-count.s of Shang activity colored, butmany of the Chou manuscripts weredeliberately ascribed to the Shangperiod. The Chous precipitated them-selve.s headlong into the TwentiethCentury with the Slogan: “HighShang Otficials Were Heavy Drink¬ers."Dr. Creel found the language of theChou era fully as complex—as con¬cise, and as pungent—as modern Chi¬nese. He studied all available docu¬ments of the period, including manythousands of inscriptions on boneand bronze, in their most originalform. He examined all the principaldigs, covering minutely the scene ofthe Chou conquest.Research Turning PointHis research is a new approach toChinese history. According to Dr.John C. h'erguson, noted author ofnumerous works on Chinese art antihistory, “It constitutes a turningpoint in the treatment of ancient Chi¬nese history just as Gibbon’s ‘De¬cline and h’all of the Roman Empire’did in classical history. During thenineteenth century, European historywas completely rewritten as a resultof studies in philology and archaeol¬ogy. This has been impossible in thecase of Chinese history until the lastfew years, and Dr. Creel will alwayshave the honor of being the first toundertake this work.’’Dr. Creel has crystallized the re¬sults of his work in a scholarly, yetpopular, volume, “The Birth of Chi¬na.’’ In the words of the reviewer ofThe Peiping Chronicle: “As he leadsus through the difficult path of in¬terpretation of the past his step issure, but his footfall is never heavy.He knows when to tread deliberately,and indicates now and then that thereare other paths that might be follow¬ed, perhaps are being followed byothers, and suggests that perhapsthese other paths may lead to somedesirable goal, but for the presentthe more promising path is the one"e are following with him for ourguide.’’Bringing ancient culture up todate, his peroration asks: “If Men¬cius, Ssu-Ma Ch'ien, Plato, Epictetus,(icero and Shakespere came back to¬day and were shown the things onwhich we base our claim to great¬ness, would they be lost in admira¬ tion or in amusement ?... If we com¬pare the Athens of Pericles and theRome of Augustus with the NewYork, London, Paris, or Berlin of ourday, can we honestly say that wehave advanced, culturally? Yes, incertain respects.”Experimental BiologySociety Meets HereThe Illinois Society for Experimen¬tal Biology in Medicine, will hold ameeting Monday at 7 in Pathology117.This is one of the five meetingsheld every year by the society. Tenor twenty short papers will be read,each reporting on a research projectcarried on in Illinois.One of the highlights of the pro¬gram will be a paper by Dr. G. M.Dack, University bacteriologist, whohas been conducting a research proj¬ect on ulcerated colitis. He will dis¬cuss a method of killing the organ¬isms causing this disease.Among other noted scientists whowill attend the meeting is Dr. LesterR. Dragstedt, profes.sor of Surgery,w'ho has become world-famous for hiswork on the human pancreas.Semifinalists Competein Intramural SportsTwo of the Intramural tourneysswung into their final stage this weekas the golf and horseshoes competi¬tion entered the semifinal bracket.In the golf competition the winnerwill be decided by match play. Judg¬ing from the scores already turnedin, Draine, unattached and Delaneyof Phi Delta Theta have the bestchance of emerging the victory.In the shoetossers division, Frankelof Phi Beta Delta and Grandahl ofPhi Kappa Sigma appear to be mostproficient.Hanley’sBuffet1512 E.55th St.IF YOU WANT COLLEGESONGS—IF YOU WANT "COLLEG¬IATE" ATMOSPHERE—IF YOU WANT TO SEEYOUR CAMPUS FRIENDS—YOU ARE ASSURED OFSUCH AN EVENING ATHANLEY’SOver forty years of congenialservice Edwin Poteat SpeaksSunday at ChapelDescribed by Dean Charles Gilkeyas “one of the best known of theyoung Southern Baptist ministers anda most effective preacher,” ReverendEdwin McNeill Poteat Jr. will pre¬sent the sermon for Sunday morn¬ing’s Chapel service at 11 o’clock.According to Dean Gilkey, Rev. Mr.Poteat is very popular among theSouthern college students, appearingfrequently before groups at Duke,University of North Carolina andother educational institutions near hishome church in Raleigh, N. C. Thiswill be his first address in the Uni¬versity Chapel, although one of themembers of his family, many ofwhom are well known in Baptist cir¬cles, has been a member of the boardof the Theological Union. Known forhis liberal religious convictions, hecomes here at the suggestion of DeanWilson of the Library school. SSA School toHold Polo Gamesto Benefit NursesUnder the guidance of SophonisbaBreckinridge, the Social Service Ad¬ministration school is sponsoring anevening of polo for the benefit of theFrontier Nursing Service next Sat¬urday evening beginning at 8:30 inthe armory of the 124th Artillery,52nd and Cottage Grove. In the twogames that will be presented, the124th Field Artillery team will bepitted against Oakbrook in the firstmatch, while the second encounterfeatures Chicago against Detroit.The Frontier Nursing Service iscomposed of traveling nurses in themountains of Kentucky. These nurseshave gained renown for being espec¬ially efficient, and have become evenmore famous since Ernest Poole pub¬lished his book, “Nurses on Horse¬back”, in 1932. In charge of these women is MaryBreckinridge, a relative of Sophonis¬ba Breckinridge, Samuel Deutsch Pro¬fessor Emeritus of Public WelfareAdministration.Specializing in midwifery and training nurses, the Service is pat¬terned after the training given thefamous Scotch highland nurses, whoare confronted with much the sameproblems in the same type of coun¬try.CLOSING TONIGHTLOUIS PRIMAand his Primastyle musicEnjoy Prima s final "Shim Sham Session"Tonight 11 P.M.OPENING SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV. 21stMildred Bailey Red NorvoFamous Song Star and his great swing bandPlusROMO VINCENT and a Brilliant Floor ShowDelicious Dinner $1.50. No C'.ver ChargeMin. $1.50 Week Days. $2.00 SaturdaysBLACKHAWKRANDOLPH AND WABASHFOR COLLEGE MENand help the team win that gameHere are some of the messages. Get complete listfrom Western Union.1350—Win or lose, we are with you.1351—Good luck. We know you boys will show them.1352—Go ahead and win we have a victory song ready.1353—Alma Mater’s thousands are in the standsfighting with you for another victory. Best ofluck.1354—Congratulations. Tell boys we are with them.Another WESTERN UNION Service X. ☆DINNER JACKETSMidnight blue or black,single or double breasted.$45 to $85☆FULL DRESSMidnight blue or block,drope or conservotive.$50 to $85 Whether you are venturing forth in your first or fifth:formal turnout, you'll find a visit to our Formal Room apleasurable experience. First of all, you will be assuredexact fit, so essential in evening wear, by our wide rangeof sizes. Secondly, you will recognize the authenticity ofour fashions by the famous labels represented. And,thirdly, you will be agreeably surprised by the moderateprice tags. . . . But whether you come to purchase, or justto find out how far dress shirt cuffs should extend beyondthe sleeve, what type of jewelry is correct, or how longtails should be—you will receive a cordial welcome.HenrySfafe and JacksonCHICAGO the i,#| HubC.Lytton & Sons‘rr/ngton and Church Marlon and Lake Broadway and FifthfYANSTON OAK PARK GARYPage Six THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1936LaboratoryRow« * «By NICHOLAS TAPPOur physical sciences are concen¬trated in a few buildings on theNorth side of campus extending fromUniversity to Ellis Ave. The GeorgeHerbert Jones Chemical Laboratory,the building farthest west, was anoutright gift to the University at acost of three-quarters of a milliondollars to George H. Jones.Jones is for most part divided upinto small laboratories in which one,two, or three graduates w’ork on re¬search problems. The remainder ofthe building contains the ChemicalLibrary, the men’s and women’ssocial rooms and a few large ad¬vanced laboratories.Some people wonder why graduatestudents hang around anyhow, espe¬cially when the most they can earneven if they can get an assistantship,which requires eight to fifteen hoursof work per week, is a net of $300 peryear after tuition has been subtractedfrom their total remuneration. Theanswer is that they all have theireyes on Ph.D’s for which they mustwrite a thesis based on original re¬search. There are approximatelysixty working in organic chemistry,twenty-five in physical chemistry andfifteen in inorganic chemistry.The Chemistry department feelsthat research at Jones is better thanthat at many other schools becausethe professors and the students arew'orking together to create new meth¬ods rather than yielding to the temp¬tation to turn the crank of a pre¬existing method. Their researchprojects are searching for funda¬mental knowledge which has oftenonly a theoretical value and there¬fore are not usually very exciting tothe average person. However, theamount of interest which a particu¬lar bit of research incurs is no cri¬terion of its importance,* • *For instance certain compoundsare known to exist which theoreti¬cally should be extremely unstable.Professor H. 1. Schlesinger and An¬ton Burg are carrying on an investi¬gation along this line. A specificexample of this phenomena is a com¬pound containing two atoms of boronand six atoms of hydrogen. Thisboron has two electrons missing andyet it is a fairly stable compound..So far about fifteen people havewritten papers on the structure ofboron hydrides of which no two arein harmony. When a solution to thestructure of such compounds is foundit may be of great importance theo¬retically but few people are arousedto interest because it is not spectacu¬lar enough. Homecoming(Continued from Page 1)The costs—men, 40 cents, women,free.At 2 the Maroons engage in the an¬nual classic with Illinois.Between halves Queen Myers willbe again presented to the students,and she, in turn, will welcome thedownstate queens to the campus.Then she will present the winner’scups for today’s variety show, andthe fraternity decorations competi¬tion.This will be the first announcementof the winners.The queens have been invited toteas and campus parties during thelate afternoon and evening.Robert Anderson, general chairmanof Homecoming, appealed last nightto every fraternity to gather woodfor the fire, ‘"rhere’s no reason wecan’t have one that’ll beat all rec¬ords,” he observed. “And the hotterthe fire the warmer the celebration.From the looks of it, this afternoonand tonight's activities will bo very,very warm anyway.”Dr. Freed, Sam Weissman andMelvin Schutz are engaged in workthat requires a fast spinning topwhich has attained speeds up to600,000 revolutions per minute. Atthis speed the centrifugal force be¬comes so great that cold solder sep¬arates into a layer of lead and alayer of tin.An analysis of one thirty thous¬andth of an ounce of an unknownmaterial is possible when X-rays aremaneuvered in the correct manner.Professor Willis C, Pierce has setup an apparatus that can do justthat. At the present time a book onquantative analysis is being writtenby Professors Pierce and Haenisch.Incidently a book on qualitative an¬alysis is also under way and thewriters are Professors Hogness andJohnson.Under the direction of ProfessorThorfin R. Hogness, three researchassistants, Frederick Zscheile, AlbertSidwell and Ralph Munch, have beenworking for two and one-half yearstrying to learn the nature of the re¬action between hemoglobin, the color¬ing matter of red blood corpuscles,and oxygen. This project has beenfinanced by a generous gift from theRockefeller Foundation.THREE MONTHS' COURSEPO> COUICI SrUOINTS AND GIAOUATMA tkoromgh, mteium. staiu>trapkie cpmtm—Mtariing Januaty 1, April 1, July 1, Oclobtr i.InUmtmf Boohkt sent five, witMout ePtiaatiom—«mt$ or phone. No aoUcHora employed.moserBUSINESS COLLEGEraui Mosia, j.D..rH.i.am^Ctiirm.oPenloHUfitSdmlOrm^netu only, may he itarUdoMyMwmdnp. Boptnd Boening, EoemnaCourm$oPmto mm114 S. Michigan Ava., Chicago, immhlpk 434^ Alumniin the News* ♦ *By HARRIS BECK(Since the University opened itsdoors in 1893, it has graduated20,000 students. These alumni madenews by traveling to all countriesand entering all occupations. Thiscolumn the Daily Maroon devotes tostories of Alumni who through un¬usual distinction are making newstoday.)In 1906 the Philippine governmentsent Conrado Benitez to enter theUniversity High School. Becomingdistinguished in his habit of doingthings well, Benitez entered the Uni¬versity after graduating from U.High in 1907.As an undergraduate of the Uni¬versity his record was an enviableone. Becoming a member of theFreshman debating team, he wasalso finance chairman for the settle¬ment dances, photographer for the1910 Cap and Gown, and was electedtreasurer of his senior class. Butabove all, his American friends re¬member him as the first Filipino tobecome a member of the varsityswimming and water polo team.Specializing in education and eco¬nomics Ckinrado Benitez received hisPh.D. in 1911 at the June Convoca¬tion, and returned immediately to hisnative islands. Here he was appoint¬ed to the Government Normal schoolin Manila, and two years later tothe University of the Philippines.His advancement in the field of edu¬cation was phenomenal, for in 1915he became the first Filipino to holdthe ofilce of dean in the School ofLiberal Arts of the University of thePhilippines. Later he assumed theduties of the dean of the College ofBusiness Administration of the stateuniversity.In public life he became a populardefender of Independence for theGEORGEnELIODFFPHD REVUEaFIuwinyifiDOiuPHIL LEvflnrs1. ORCHESTRAhotel CHICAGOWE OFFER THE TEAMTHE BEST OF LUCKIIN THE GAME AGAINST ILLINOIS SATURDAY AND HOPETHEY CHALK UP ANOTHER VICTORY FOR CHICAGOAfter the game and dances, we would suggest you drop inand continue your good time at THE PALM GROVE INN.The surroundings are beautiful, the atmos¬phere is congenial, and the food is delicious.GO WHERE THE REST OF THE UNIVERSITY GOESPalm Grove Inn55th AND LAKE MICHIGANWhere the Elite Meet Philippines. As first editor of thePhilippines Herald, he was sent tothe United States in 1919 to lobbyfor the islands independence. Uponthe securing of tentative independ¬ence Benitez returned to serve on theConstitutional committee.Big Ten(Continued from Page 1)Irish game should be a classic. North¬western is counting upon a victory tostrengthen its claim to the nationaltitle while Notre Dame is still smart¬ing from the sting of last year’s up¬set. Dopesters generally put the Ev-anstonians on top, but it should beno great upset if the unpredictableIrish should come out ahead.In the lowa-Temple conflict, themuch battered Hawkeyes hardly havea chance against the easterner’s well-coordinated attack. It will be OzeSimmons last game, but recent trou¬bles within the squad hardly point tohis leading an inspired team to vic¬tory. Charles Adler Talks onVan Gogh’s PsychologyCharles Adler will lecture on “VanGogh—the Psychology of His Lifeand Art—” tonight at 8:30 o’clock atthe Unitarian Parish House, 1174East Fifty-seventh st.Adler, who resides at InternationalHouse, is a cousin of Dr. Alfred Ad¬ler, famous psychiatrist of Viennaand New York. Taliaferro Leaves forStudy in Porto RicoDr, William Taliaferro, dian ofthe Division of the Biological Sci¬ences, will leave for Porto Rico Tues-day to study immunity mechanismsin trichinia^i.s.He will conduct his researches atthe Porto Rico School of TropicalDiseases where he will remain untilhis return next March.THE J-R WAFFLE AND SANDWICH SHOP1202 EAST 55thWHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICEWAF'FLES — SANDWICHES — NOON AND EVENING DINNERSSEE YOUR FOOD PREPAREDCHICAGO’S FIRSTINDOOR SKI SLIDEPart of our New Winter Sports Shop, featuringski clothing and equipment for men and womenAnd where, if not at Marshall Field's, would you expectto find a WINTER SPORTS SHOP complete with ski slide,expert demonstrators, competent advisors and authenticclothes and equipment.On the fifth floor of The Store for Men we're ready for bothmen and women. We have skis and wax and shoes, polesand bindings. And clothes for men and women includingthe dashing but practical creations of Maurice Och, inter-nationally-known Swiss designer.Expert instruction will be given or your questions an¬swered. Ask the men in charge for further information.Sportsman's Floor—The FifthTHE STORE FOR MENMARSHALL FIELD 8i COMPANYWabash at Washington«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■!