WEATHERPartly cloudly Thurday; nodecided change in temperature;moderate to fresh northwestwinds. Qnie Battp Annual Football Banquetat University QnbTonight at 6Vol. 35. No. 43. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 Price Three CentsCAMPUS UNITES Announce FinalBallet Tryoutsfor Mirror ShowIN ATTACK ONANTI-VnnSECTIONFaculty Members UrgeKeeping of ArveyOrdinanceThe question of the proposed re¬peal of the Arvey ordinance by thecity council of Chicago at a meetingtomorrow has resulted in a concert¬ed effort of all campus groups to de¬feat the proposed measure. Medical>ocietiea in 32 states have use 1 thisas an opportunity to strike a finalblow at the anti-vivsectionists Theordinance in question in Chicago, I Committee chairmen will explain tneFinal tryouts for positions in theMirror Revue ballet chorus will beheld tomorrow afternoon from 3:30to 5:30 in Mandei hall. Berta Ochs-ner, director of the chorus, has an¬nounced that it is absolutely neces¬sary for all women trying out tobring bathing .suits and low heeledshoes.The Mirror board has invited allwomen interested in working on oneof the business or productive com-mittee.s to attend the weekly Dra¬matic association tea this afternoonfrom 3:30 to 5 in the Tower room. GUISE CAP AND GOWNSUBSCRIPTION RACEIN nVE MORE DAYSAlpha Delts, Delta SigmaLead Fraternities andWomen’s Clubswhich provides that a portion of alldogs held in the city pound .shall boturned over to various medical unitsfor purposes of experimentation andresearch, has been under fire by va¬rious local societies and newspape’*sfor the paat year.Circulate Petition*Petitions have been circulated bythe leaders of the campus campaignto all groups connected with the Uni.,versity and also will include as many | has been published. Beatrice Lillie,various functions and aspirants for:positions will then be given an op- jportunity to sign up for one of thegroups.“Bessie, or Life on the Farm,” oneof the outstanding .skits presentedin last year’s Mirror Revue, has justbeen published by the Dramatic Pub¬lishing company, for legitimate use.The “Helen of Troy” lyrics are someof the other Mirror material tnatlay groups as possible, -4nton J.('arlson, most prominent of the localvivi.secUonists, and Arno B. Luck-hardt, professor of Physiology, arein charge of the movement. Ac¬knowledgements have been recelveilfrom many important medical so-cieties and individuals, who have uii-(|ualifiedly endorsed the use of ani¬mals in experimentation The mostimportant contribution was a r)0 (>agepamphlet issued by the Amer’can Col¬lege of Physicians and Surgeons en¬titled, “Animal Kxperlmentation—Its Importance and Value to Scien¬tific Medicine.”Points Out ProblemsThe booklet points out that luanyof the perplexities of major Ji.s-eases have been solved by thu use ofanimals in experimentation and thatthe solution of such ills as cancer famous stage actress, bought theselyrics after the show’ had been pre¬sented.FACULTY MEMBERSAPPROVE FEDERALHOUSING PROPOSAL.\mong the signers of the “Mous¬ing Program for the United States,”which wa.s recently submitted toPresident Roosevelt, were sevenmembers of the University faculty.They include: Charles S. Aseber, lec¬turer in Political Science and secre¬tary of the Public .\dmini.stration Five more days are left for clubsand fraternities to wind up the Capand Gown subscription race, whichends next Tuesday. The winningclub will receive $10, and the lead¬ing fraternity will be given a cup.At the head of the clubs in Capand Gown sales is Delta Sigrma with30. Alpha Delta Phi tops the otherfraternities with 23 sales. The he-xdsaleswoman and man of each of theclubs and fraternities will receive $5in addition to his regular commis¬sion.75% of Photos ReadyThe Cap and Gown reports thatover 75 per cent of the photographsto appear in the year book have Deentaken and will be shipped to the en¬graver this Saturday before the max¬imum engraving discount is reducedDecember 15. No more pictures willbe taken until January 15, when theSterling .studio will again be openedin Lexington hall. At that time allorganizations which have been noti¬fied to have their pictures taken andhave not done so will be photograph¬ed.* An additional charge will beYnade to cover the greater cost of en¬graving going into effect this month.The opening of a photographystudio was one of the unusual an¬nouncements of the staff of the Capand Gow’n. The studio was wellequipped especially for the conveni¬ence of the yearbook and the Uni¬versity students.Tentative plans released fromheadquarters reveal that the new Capand Gown will feature a very mod¬ern make-up.may, in all probability, depend upon j Clearing; Frank Bane, lecturresearch on animals. The bookleta.sks rhetorically, “For whic>r willyou vote:, for the lives of thousandsof babies, or of a few dogs, cat.s.and rabbits, painle.ssly sacrificed thatmen, women, and children maylive?"Distinguished contributors to thearguments for experimentation iJi-clude Sir Frederick G. Banting, co-discavarer of insulin; Dr. AlexisCarrel, Nobel prize winner in medi¬cine; and many other prominent in¬vestigators in medicine and physi¬ology.In conjunction with the can’ anti-vivisection. Dr. CarlsoiThas been giving a .series of radiotalks .supporting vivisection in the al¬leviation of human er in Public Welfare administrationand director of the American PublicWelfare a.s.sociation; Paul V. Betters,lecturer in Political Science andexecutive director of the UnitedStates Conference of Mayors; Loui.sBrownlow, lecturer in Political Sci¬ence and director of the PublicAdministration Clearing;Clarence Ridley, assistant profes.sorof Political Science; Donald Slesing-^Jamboreer’ Makes Bowat Dinner Monday forAll Women EmployeesWhen the women employees of theUniversity hold their third annualChri.stmas Jamboree in Ida Noyeshall at 6 Monday, .several new fea¬tures will be pre.sented. The “Jam-boreer,” a paper of items contribut¬ed by various campus officers willmake its bow, as well as a surprisevi.sit of Kris Kringle.Mrs. Eva Sutherland, secretaiy ofthe School of Business and chairmanof the affair, has announcefl thatEmery T. Filbey, dean of Facilities,will be the featured speaker. Mar¬garet Knox, of the Comptroller’s of¬fice, will be toastmistress. Last yearabout 300 women attended the af¬fair. Several scientific exhibits fromthe Hall of Science of the Centuryof Progrets exposition have beenreceived by the University in theprocess of dismantling the Fair. Thuser, assAociate dean of the Social Sci- i fg,. of the items have been ofence Division; and Joseph P. Tufts, g^iological or anthropological na-lecturer in Political Science. ture.The program, drawn up by the | Certain special exhibit cascj builtNational as.sociation of Housing Of- i hold the University’s specimensficials, gives two main provisions, i Fair in addition to the back-The first states that the I’osponsi j illustrative material forbility for the financing and supervi- j geological exhibits, have beension of housing facilities for those j turned over to the geology depart-citi/.ens not taken care of by ordin- | ment. These will be set up in con-any commercial enterprise be tak-1 nection with the regular exhibits inen over by the government. The sec- Walker museum. The anthropologi-ond provision suggests that public; items include various models ardcredit and powers be used to secure | remains showing the evolution ot* thedecent dwellings at rents low enoughto be paid by as many as possible ofthose now living in sub-.standardhousing, without involving anycharge on the taxpayer, and that■ unable to pay even such lowrates, be taken care of by some ap¬propriate form of public subsi-'y.MEMORIALSERVICEMemorial services for RichardPeterson will be held in Joseph Bondchapel tomorrow at 3 by the Chicagochapter of Phi Delta Theta. Peter¬son died Wednesday after a prolong¬ed illness at Billings hospital andwas buried in Normal, Illinois onFriday.Peterson ;ame to the Universityas a scholarship student from Nor¬mal, and would have been a seniorin the Law school had he been ableto return last qurter. His father wasone of the founders of the local PhiDelta Theta chapter. B&G COMMENCESPLAN OF TACCINCTREES ON CAMPUSA planting program, involving themoving of over (500 shrubs from theUniversity’s three-acre arboretum atLisle, Illinois, has been initiated bythe Building and Grounds depart¬ment, which, when culminated, willinclude the tagging of all plantingsmade on the University grounds.At present, Hull court representsmost completely the finished pro¬gram. In this court, most of theshrubs and flowers are tagged withtheir botanical and common namesand when the program is finished,the court, as well as the entire cam¬pus, will be a complete botanical lab¬oratory in itself with all waterplants, trees and bulbs marked.During the autumn quarter, the de*partment has concerned itself mainlywith the rehabilitation of previousplantings. New shrubs have, beenplaced around Beecher hall, the tem¬porary Art building, Scammon gar¬dens, the Chapel, and the Universitybookstore. primates.The University has also obtainedthe loan of a number of World’sF’air items from the Rosenwald Mu¬seum of Science and Indu.stry, whichhas received title to most of the Fair’sscientific exhibits.Among these are a specially builtGeiger counter, u.sed in the study ofcosmic rays, and a pressure box toduplicate the development of moun¬tain ranges, which will be used asthe* basis for certain sequences cf thegeological talking pictures which theUniversity is filming.Other equipment and exhibits willbe secured from time to time for usein the division of the Biological andPhysical Sciences. gUMNI ClUB FETESj GRID TEAM TONIGHT’ AT ANNUAL BANQUETSteffen Presents Awartds toWinners of Letters,NumeralsThe annual football banquet, atwhich awards to players and theelection of a captain for next sea-J son hold the center of attraction, willI be held tonight at the Universityj club, Michigan avenue at Monroestreet. The affair, .sponsored by tneAlumni club, is scheduled to startat 6.The banquet and subsequent talksand awards will t ike place in thediring room on the 9th floor of theclub. Prior to the dinner, a recep¬tion will be held on the 8th floor ofthe building where guests from near¬by high schools will be introduced toCoach Clark Shaughnossy, the coach¬ing staff, and the I’oolball team.Grouping ArrangementsUndergraduates who are attendingthe dinner shouKt report to the deskcn the main floor of the club wherearrangements will be made to grouphigh school men with University rep¬resentatives.Speakers at the dinner w’ill be AndyWyant, first Maroon football captain,and Wilfred Smith, Chicago spoilswriter. The letters will be presentedby Judge Walter Steffen, presidentof the “C” club. Awards will alsobe made to the best blocker, tackier,most valuable man, and most valu¬able man with least recognition.Charles Higgins, pre.sldent of theAlumni club, will preside. The entii’efootball .squad and numeral winnersof the freshman team will be guestsof the club at the dinner. This isthe first year that the banquet hasbeen opened to the campus nf large.University GetsScience Exhibitsfrom Worlds’ Fair Y.W.C.A. PlansChristmas Partyfor 20 ChildrenTwenty children from the Settle¬ment will be the guests of the firstand .second cabinets of the Y. W. C.A. at a party to be given this aiier-noon at 3:30 in the Y. W. C. of Ida Noyes hall.The party is a part of the holidayactivities planned by campus groupsto supply the Christmas atmosphereto unfortunate children back-of-theyards.The committee, the members ofwhich ai’e Helen de Werthern, Dor¬othy Norton, Elizabeth Thonip.son,and Carolyn Zimmerly, has tried toplan a real Christmas party for thesechildren whose ages range from eightto ten years. There will be a Christ¬mas tree, Santa Claus, and a fishpond, and every child present willbe given a present. Games will beplayed and there will be group sing¬ing, after which cocoa and cookieswill be served.Federation council is taking agroup of older children to supperSunday and then to see the Christ¬mas pageant at the Chapel after¬ward as its contribution to the gen¬eral plans, and there will be a bigparty at the Settlement itself on De¬cember 21. Various campus organ¬izations are collecting gifts andmoney which should be brought to theY. W. C. A. office or the Reynoldsclub. Petition Against BEQim INTERVIEWSBan of Booklet i...Completed Today'^ uAMPAIuN FORLEAOERHOR '39Meet Freshmen NextWeek to ObtainContactsAll petitions for the removalof the ban on the Ogbum book¬let must be returned to the Ma¬roon office by 5 today.With the prospect of having thenumber of sig^iers reach more than800, The Daily Maroon today endsits campaign against the ban of thebooklet, “You and Machines,” writ¬ten for use in the camps of the Civi¬lian Conservation Corps Ellmore Patterson, president of. , , ,, senior class, announced yester-The suppression of the pamphlet i x. • x. , ,fV,. v.o. I interviews with freshmenwill be conducted on three days nextweek as a part of the swiftly moving“Leaders of ’39” movement. Patter¬son also appointed several studentcommittees to assist in the campaign.I The interviews will be held fromj two to five on Tuesday, Wednesday,I and Thursday of next week in CobbI 109, the office of Student Promo¬tions. The senior class has recent-; ly addressed letters to 750 freshmen,: inviting them to come to the officeI on any of these days. The object of; the interviews is to learn the namesj of friends of present undergradua-j ates who might be eligible and de-, sirable additions to the Universitystudent body.Solicit NamesPatterson, who is assisted byCharles Greenleaf, urges all studentswho know of high school seniors whowould be valuable additions to theUniversity to give these names to the“Leaders for ’39” committee duringthe regular office hours.“Leaders for ’39” represents amovement, headed by Keith Parsons,in charge of University Promotions,and assisted by the senior class, toapproach high school seniors leadingin activities and scholarship, in orderin the camps has occasioned widecomment in the nation’s press. Rob¬ert Fechner, director of the CCC andthe person who ordered the ban, ex¬plains his action by saying that thebooklet painted an unoptimistic pic¬ture of modern conditions, and,since it offered no solution for theproblems it described, w’as not theproper type of material to be placedin the hands of CCC workers.William Fielding Ogburn, distin¬guished service professor of Sociol¬ogy, the author of the booklet, hasrisen to a conspicuous position inhis field. Before coming to the Uni¬versity, he worked at Princeton andColumbia. Together with Dr. How¬ard Odum of North Carolina, he edit¬ed the monumental work publishedduring the Hoover administration as“Social Trends.”MILLER ANNOUNCESBROADCAST CHANGESFOR NEXT QUARTERThree changes have been made in | interest them in the University. Itthe University radio program for ihe ** hoped that by contacting the stuwinter quarter, Allen Miller, directorof I'adio, announced yesterday. Percy den on campus, the names and ad¬dresses of these desirable freshmenBoynton, professoir of English, will I obtained.offer a studio course in contempoirary jliterature which will replace Profes¬sor Stuart Meech’s present broadcast jon “Prosperity and Depressions” at i10 in the morning, Tuesdays through IThursdays, over WJJD. |A special feature of popular!slants on physical and biological sci- jence events will be announced earlynext quarter. The program will befifteen minutes in length and willconsist of a student commentator.The hour formerly occupied onWGN at 7 Saturday evening by T.V. Smith, professor of Philosophy,will be filled by another Universityspeaker. The nature of the changeis not definite as yet. Smith is leav¬ing the air in order to attend themeeting of the state legislature tow'hich he was recently elected as sen¬ator.Regular programs other than thesewill continue on the same schedule.They include the University radioroundtable over WMAQ and the rednetwork of NBC at 11:30 Sundaymorning; the Chapel service broad¬cast from WGN at 11 each Sunday;Chicago Theological seminary’s matinservice each morning at 7:45 overWIND, instead of WJJD as duringthe fall quarter.Percy Boynton’s book review’s Sun¬day at 6:45 over WGN, and BusinessAnalyst sponsored by the school ofbusiness Thursday at 7 from WGNcontinue as before.DECEMBER 15 SETAS DEADLINE FORBLACKFRIAR BOOKS To expedite the work, four divi¬sions have been created. CharlesMerrifield is in charge of the men’silivision, Betty Saylor heads the wom¬en’s division, Waldemar Solf headsthe fraternities division and VirginiaNew the club division.Form Committee.\ssisting Merrifield are Bill Sta¬pleton, John Auld, and RavonnoSmith. Betty Saylor heads a com¬mittee including Betty Barden, JaneSimon, Louise Hannah, Breihan Hil-degard, Helen Stroney, Shirly Irish,and Francis Protheroe.The fraternity division, with Solfat its head, includes Ray Lahr, LouisMarks, Ravonne Smith, Dick Coch¬ran, and Bob Bethke. Virginia Newwill be assisted by Cleta Olmsteao.V'erna Winters, and Jeanne O’Hagan.Other committee chairman appoint¬ed are: Ralph Nicholson, in chargeof alumni relations; Frank Todd,chairman of the special functionscommittee; Howard Hudson, chair¬man of the newspaper committee.University DebatersMeet Kent Collegein Radio BroadcastRenee Nizan PresentsOrgan Recital TonightRenee Nizan, noted young Frenchorganist, w’ill present a recital at theUniversity chapel tonight at 8:15.The 18 year old artist, making hersecond tour of the United States, issoloist of the “Pas de Loup” concertsat the Champs-Elysees, and also ofseveral symphonic orchestras In thiscountry.Critics have styled Miss Nezan’splaying as perfect in virtuosity andtechnique with a brilliance and fin¬esse characteristic of the modernFrench school of organ playing towhich her style of projection seemsespecially suited. Louis Untermeyer toTalk at Sinai MondayLouis Untermeyer, noted poet andcritic, will be the ninth guest speak¬er to participate in the Sinai lectureseries when he* discusses the topic“What Americans Read—and Why”on Monday, December 17. Mr. Un¬termeyer will attempt to show howbooks can be the key to living, andthat man can be analyzed by the lit¬erature he reads. “Food and Drink,”and “Heavens” are among his recent¬ly published works.This lecture is the last of theseries until January 7, at whichtime Dr. Abba Hillel Silver willspeak on “The Changing Status ofthe Jew in the Modern World.” All books written for the annualBlackfriar production must be turnedin to the Order of Blackfriars bySaturday noon, according to the announcement made yesterday by TomFlinn, abbot of the Order.The Blackfriar office in the Rey¬nolds club will be open from 10 to12 Saturday morning to receive thosebooks which have not yet been sub¬mitted. In the meantime, books maybe turned in to Flinn, Charles Greenleaf, prior, or William Wat-'on, ho.s-pitaler.At least a dozen hcKiks, some ofwhich have already been submitted,are being written for the productionwhich has been presented at the Uni¬versity every spring for the pa.stthirty years. A committee of judgeswhich will be appointed in the nearfuture will read the books duringthe Christmas recess, and the win¬ning book will be announced at thebeginning of the winter quarter. Carl Thomas and Wells Burnettewere designated late ye.sterday byJohn Stoner, director of debate, torepresent the University Debateunion in a radio meet with Kent Col¬lege of Law over WLS, Januarj' 27,The subject will be “Resolved, Thatthe ‘Back to the Farm Movement’Is a Desirable Policy.” The Mar lonswill uphold the affirmative with aneight minute constructive argumentand a five minute rebuttal.This is the radio debate ofthe season and the second encounterwith Kent that the University h9s hadover the air. Last year Kent was onthe Union’s radio schedule which in¬cluded, in addition, Oxford and Har¬vard. Thomas and Burnette are sec¬ond year men having participaced ininterscholastic encounters las* year.Thomas met DePaul and was on theteam appointed to meet Rollins col¬lege, Florida. Burnette debated Ox¬ford, DePaul, and was Thomas’ col¬league against Rollins.Sunday at 2 and at S theUniversity will meet St. John’s col¬lege of Toledo, Ohio, on th^ federalaid for education question. Both en¬gagements will be held in Reynoldstheater. Wednesday evening at 8DePaul university will attempt to re¬fute the Union’s affirmative argu¬ments on the same question in roomA, Reynolds club. The three debatesare open to the public.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934iatlg iJJarnnnFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER^sociatfcl golWgiate 'jircgs-^1534 1935 i-mausoh vascwsMThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winder, and springquarter by The Daily Maroon Company. 5831 University Avenue.Editorial office: Lexington hall. Room 16; business office:Room 15A. Telephones: Local 46 and Hyde Park 9221.Subscription rates: $2.60copies: three cents. a year; $4.00 by mail. SingleTlie University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. .All opinions in TheI^ily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 8. 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters should be addressed to the Elditor, The DailyMaroon, Lexington hall. University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will Iw withheld if requested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News Editor THE FIRST STEP IS TAKENCooperative buying as proposed by the Inter-able response. After years of striving to de¬termine on some sort of action, the fraternitieshave at last realized the necessity of banding to¬gether for the common good.The present set-up which provides for buyingthrough an agency representing the InterfraternityCommittee should be considered merely as a be¬ginning. If there is to be any real value to co¬operative buying the system must provide formore items than laundry, butter, eggs, and bread.That the Committee understands this is encour¬aging.The Daily Maroon still feels that the properapproach to the problem is through the Univer¬sity. The start toward a more economical opera¬tion of fraternities has begun. Well and good.But we urge that the fraternities constantly lookforward to something better, especially with re¬gard to interesting the University in taking overthe job eventually.—H. P. H. Letters tothe EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth GreenebaumHenry F. Kelley Raymond LahrJanet LewyRalph W. Nicholson JeanneWilliam StolteW. WataonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohu BallengerJack BrackenWella D. BurnetteRuasell CoxSidney Cutrisht Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey Lehman June RappaportGeorge ^hustekJames SnyderEldward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterBUSINESS ASSISTANTSDonald Elliott Allen Rosenbaum Richard SmithPaul Lyncn Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskySeymour WeinsteinN<ght Editor: Henry Kelley The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISThursday, December 13, 1934THE PEACE POLLThe Literary Digest and the Association of Col¬lege Exditors have devised a comprehensive set ofquestions on world peace that should be veryhelpful in stimulating thought and discussion ofthe problem on campus. The Daily Maroon iscooperating in the operation of the poll at theUniversity.Five questions are being asked, questions thatwill crystalize the ideas of the students on themany ramifications of world peace. Here arethe questions in full:1. Do you believe that the United States canstay out of another great war?(a)i If the borders of the United States wereinvaded, would you bear arms in defense of yourcoontry?(b) Would you bear arms for the UnitedStates in the invasion of the borders anothercovntry ?2. Do you believe that a national policy of ANAMERICAN NAVY AND AIR-FORCE SEC¬OND TO NONE will insure us against the possi¬bilities of another great war?3. Do you favor government control of arma¬ment and munition industries?4. Do you approve of the conscription of cap¬ital in time of war, just as has been our historicprocedure in drafting man-power in time of war?5. Do you think that, in the pursuit of thestabilization of Peace, it would be a wise policyfor the United States to enter the League ofNations?Study these questions thoroughly and talk themover with your friends. Thus when the officialballots are sent to you next quarter you will havecome to a definite decision. In order that youmay have more information. The Daily Maroonwill publish articles by recognized authortiiescovering each question. Symposiums and infor¬mal student discussion groups will be arranged,that you may be better qualified to draw yourconclusions.Obviously in a poll of this sort which attemptsto discover student opinion. The Daily Marooncannot take a stand on these questions. The dis¬cussions which we will conduct both in the paperand on campus will be designed to provide thecampus with facts and information and to pro¬voke thought about these all-important problemsfacing the world today. We will not attempt toprejudice you for either side; we are interested inyour reaction.—H. P. H. ' YULETIDE SALUTATIONS TO:President and Mrs. Robert Maynard Hutchins:two of the swellest people we wish we knewbetter.... Vice-President and Mrs. FredericWoodward: for the same reason PhilipSchuyler Allen: the greatest personality pro¬duced by the University in a generationJames Weber Linn: a lot of people think he is. . . .Anton J. Carlson: winning his and science’sfight against silly anti-vivisectionists SirWilliam Craigie: the only knighted faculty mem¬ber the Bouchers, the Brumbaughs, theWorks: in the interests of the Administration. . . .Dean and Mrs. William E. Scott: for theirfriendliness. ... Howard Penn Hudson: for hisOgburn petition William Senn O’Donnell:yoo-hoo, Will, you cooperated.... Philip CleaverWhite: head marshal.... William Dudley Wat¬son: beautiful Billy, the heart-throb of thewomen’s dorms. . . . Waldemar Alexander Soil:has more jobs and says less about it. .. .HarryMorrison Jr.: ingenuity is the spice of life. . . .Phil Abrams: one of the three best business man¬agers on the campus. . .Ellmore Patterson: mostvaluable in more ways than one. . . .Tom Flinn:when bigger jobs are created, he’ll tackle ’em. . . .John Womer: the days of vice are past. . , .Charles Woofingham Hoerr: when a newspaperman is fearless, that’s something. .. .David HaasKutner: and when a critic can find flaws andstill say nice things, that’s something. .. .How¬ard Melvin Rich: the hardest worker on the Uni¬versity campus, barring none. .. .William Her¬man Bergman: indefatigable John Ford:Bemidji has two great men—the other one isBronko Nagfurski. . .Evelyn Carr: the only wom¬an we know’ who can think rationallyElizabeth Sayler: lends charm and dignity tocompetence Virginia New: you can makegood under the new three year planCharles E. Smith: bashful, but oh, my. . . .JohnRice: an activity man’s head and an athlete’sheart. . . .Charles Greenleaf: a super-showmande-luxe. . . .Virginia Eyssell: who put the Uni¬versity of Chicago woman on the mapJohnny Davidson: who has done a lot to helpus in a constructive way. .. .Alfred Franken¬stein: genius departs Ned Bartlett: “Myname’s not King. . . .it’s Bartlett!’’. . . .BarbaraBeverly: a swell girl in International House....Sue Richardson: just because PeggyMoore: “If you’re a gentleman, you won’t saythat!’’.... Bob Nicholson; ’cause he sends theMaroon to our folks. . . .free!. . . .Maury Bame:The Red Cross forever and a day or two!Sara Gwin: such vitality in such a little pack¬age Rita Cusack: when we pass bouquetsaround, we can’t miss up on this one. . . .JoanGuiou: nor this. ... Betty Kreuscher: who rec¬ognized the significance of “The Forty”swell gal.... Everett Carlton Parker: for real¬izing and admitting that Rabelais’ contest wason the square. ...Evelyn Smith: who will soonpay rent in the Coffee Shop... .John Howe; forhis taste in female.... Betty Thomas: for herracquet-swinging and because she isn’t going toArizona Bob McQuilkin: with a sense ofhumor as is one. . . . Adele Sandman: for finallybreaking into the Bazaar and this is it. . , .anambition realized!. . . .Louis Miller: a swell guywith a real purpose.... Judy Palmer: for herbored elegance.... Betty Bliss: these things goon forever. . . .Dick Smith: a hard worker whodoesn’t talk about himself Sid Cutright:for helping us out no end on the great contest. . . .Sid Hyman: eloquent, yet simple. . . .JaynePaulman: After a whole quarter she still thinksRabelais is fresh.... Jack Dille: Him tooBetty Beale: for her big, blue-eyed, baby boy. . . .Dex Fairbank: for developing into a writer....a good one. .. .Johnny Auld: a swell lit¬tle worker and a smooth article for the females. . . .John Ballenger; for a short-cropped scalp.... Mary Mac Kenzie: un-suppressable energyGenevieve Halloran: She thinks Rabelais is cute. . . .V. P, Quinn: for going into retirement. . . .Bob Schmitz: for that slow drawl.MORE TOMORROW* * *FAMOUS LAST WORDSI’ll bet there is too a Santa Claus! AN OPEN LETTER TO THEDIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONALHOUSE1 applied for non-resident mem¬bership in International House onOctober 6, 1934. In your acknowl¬edging letter of October 18, 1934,you declared that you will considermy application only after my indebt¬edness of $73 to the House has beensatisfactorily adjusted. However, youdid not state what adjustment youw’ould be disposed to consider satis¬factory.On October 3, 1934, I addressedyou a second letter inquiring pre¬cisely what your stipulation propos¬ed and included a brief statementas to the reasons for my inability toclear my account, and gave evidenceof my sincerity in settling the billswith International House. 1 furtherdrew your attention to the Circum¬stances that led to my forced evacua¬tion from International House inSeptember, 1933; to my several en¬deavors to secure sufficient fundsto obliterate this stigma of non-pay¬ment of my room rent; to my offerof a cashmere shawl valued at $100in lieu of my bills in arrears; to mywillingness to satisfy my obligationby working in any manner of jobin the House. It is over two monthssince I made my initial application,and this undue delay in consideringmy petition, and your unwillingnessto state the adjustment of my in¬debtedness, obviously leads one tobelieve that you have some motivesother than those you have expressedin your letter for refusing me themembership.In view of the eagemess of In-’.ernational House to increase therepresentation of foreign members,which has been less than one-thirdduring the past two years; to lowerthe economic barriers for self-sup¬porting members and students withlimited means to share the activitiesof the international fraternity forpromotion of friendship among stu¬dents of the world, it hardly seemscredible that the Director of Inter¬national House should refuse to ac¬cept the application for non-residentmembership in the House from aforeign graduate student because heis indebted for his room-rent, an in¬debtedness which he has madesincere and repeated efforts to sat¬isfy.Furthermore, the donor, in keep¬ing with the spirit of American de¬mocracy, had never intended tomake this unique organization a classinstitution to be frequented only bythe children of well-to-do, who canafford to pay relatively high fees. Iknow of no other educational insti¬tution, particularly of the humanetype of International House, whichis especially designed to benefit for¬eign students from the Orient andstudents with limited means thatdenies its privilege to those whotemporarily cannot pay bills in ar¬rears.To one with your background ofsocial service, it should not be neces¬sary to point out to the number ofstudents attending universities andcolleges—not excluding the Univer¬sity of Chicago—who are during thepre.sent economic crisis more in debtto their institutions than am I. Theyhave been permitted to continuetheir studies instead of having theuniversity shut its door in their laces.M. Ahmed.FASCIST RICHARD W. CHILDDecember 8, 1934.While the Daily Maroon is busyraising a great hue and cry aboutabrogation of the freedom of in Louisiana, it failed to takeup the challenge lof fascism rightunder its very nose. Last Wednesdaynight R. W. Child, foremost journal¬ists of the fascist Hearst Press, ad¬dressed a meeting in Mandel Hall.The reports in the Daily Maroonconsistently take his words at facevalue, without the least hint of acritical approach.If the Maroon intends to take upthe struggle against infractions ofcivil liberties, it must learn to recog¬nize a fascist when it sees one. Childwas very clever; unlike his articlesin the Herald Examiner, he did notscream for the blood of that largegroup of people he indiscriminatelyterms Reds, that is, liberals, militantworkers, and all people who protestagainst existing conditions of lowwages and low relief in the U. S.Instead he spoke intimately of hispersonal experiences with Dollfussand Mussolini, assuring his audiencethat these men did nothing but racktheir brains for idea.s to help theirpeople. Dollfuss, of course, destroyedthe workers’ homes in Viennapurely in the interests of the Aus¬trian people, while Mussolini, out ofthe greatness of his heart trains 8 year old children for war.Child spoke of government runwith the efficiency of a corporation.This sounds innocent enough until weexamine the way in which a corpor¬ation is actually run. On one handthere are high salaried executives, onthe other underpaid workmen,speeded-up, spied upon by companypolice, forced into company unions,blacklisted, etc. And so it is withItaly under the regime of Fascism.A group of favored industrialists andfinancers amass great wealth, whilethe overwheming majority of theItalian people groan under the bur¬dens of the most oppressive taxsystem in the w’orld. Unemploymenthas increased from 122,000 in 1925to 1,000,000 in 1934. The peasants,at the mercy of mortgage sharks, are j j-oon, g 'being driven off the land. Italy hasthe lowest standard of real wages inEurope. Not only has fascism failedto protect Italy from the generalcapitalist crisis, but it has broughtmore suffering to its people than anyother country in Europe.The Maroon must drop its “im¬partial and objective” method of re¬porting and look below the surface.Especially the unsavory rec ir-i of aman like Child should have evokeda more critical attitude.The National Student League.Thank you for your courteous ul¬timatum to The Daily Maroon ex¬plaining that we mu»t change ourmethod of reporting. We were al¬ways under the impression that an“impartial and objective” presenta¬tion which gave the readers theirright to interpret the facts for them¬selves was the duty of a .good news¬paper. Apparently we were in error.—ed. note. in Ida Noyes ball at 8.S. S. A. Sun parlor in Ida Noyeshall at 6.Cates hall. Sooth reception roomin Ida Noyes hall at 6:30.Eta Sigma Phi, Professor J. A. O.Larsen. Classics, common room at 4.Lectures“Present Prospects for Social In¬surance.” Professor Paul H. Douglas.Haskell hall 202 at 4:30.“War Tomorrow—W’hat Can WeDo about It?” Edward Strong.Youth section. American LeagueAgainst W’ar and Fascism. SocialScience 302 at 3:30.“Recent Changes in CommercialBanking Policies.” O. P. Decker, vice-president of American National Bankand Trust Company. Haskell com-MiscellaneousTour of the Carillon. Universitychapel at 1.Mirror board tea. Tower room at3:30.“Cece and l.,a Giara” by Gli Scap-igliati. Reynolds club theater at 8:3(i.DREXEL THEATRE858 E. 83rdThursday and FridayMiriam HopkinsinRICHEST GIRL INTHE WORLD*’Dzlljr Mat*. 15c tiUToday on theQuadrangles PUBLIX CAFETERIA1165 East 63rd StraatSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket borne forChristmas with the money yousave eating the Publix way.”MusicDivinity chapel. Christmas musicalservice. Joseph Bond chapel at 12.Phonograph concert. Social Science122 at 12:30.Organ recital. Renee Nizan. Uni¬versity chapel at 8:15.Meeting*Dames club. South reception roomof Ida Noyes hall at 2.Y. W. C. A., Y. W. C. A. room inIda Noyes hall at 4.Chi Rho Sigma. Alumni room inIda Noyes hall at 12.SAVE 25c ONFRESCA HAND LOTIONThe University Pharmacy wants to convinceevery xirl that Fnuca Ix'tion is the finesthand lotion made.Keep your hands smooth, white, and allur-inir this winter with FVesca Hand Lotion. Itprevents roughness and chapping, replacinxthe natural oil* lost throujrh exposure to air.and moisture.The first application will convince you. 50<'jiie now only 26c for n limited time.DNTENSIVUStenographic CourseFor ColIcKe Men and Womoa.MO Words a minute in 100 daya.Assured for or%e fee. Enroll now.Day Classes Begin Jan. 7.Tel. Ran. 1.S75Also Regular Courses. Day end Eve.BBYANLSTIIATTON18 SO. MICHIGAN AVE . CHICAGO DE LUXESTAOffers MOTORGESYouSPECIAL •HOLIDAY •RATES •• Buses• to Any• Point• in the• United• States6266 •STONY •ISLAND •AVENUE• FAIRFAX• 9392COME TOTHE GLADSTONE CAFETERIAwhere only the best food is served at moderate prices.Not how Cheap, but how Good.WHERE vou eat. you may LIVE in comfortable, quietrooms, either single, double, or en suite.We will be pleased to show you these desirable rooms.GLADSTONE HOTEL6200 Kenwood Ave. 4100PHILCO^ powerful Uttle Coapaet oper-■teo OB either Altematmg or Di-Correntl Approred by UBder-writers. Latest features gire ez-Mptional tone and amanfay nggwfonnsnee. Ideal for home, offloiLtroTeler or student.EASIEST TERMSCARR’S RADIO STORES.847 E. 63rd Street Hyde Park 3990MODEL59C 25 .00•k'kOfififiticitn In the manufactureof Granger Rough Cut PipeTobacco the Wellman Processis used.The Wellman Process is dif¬ferent from any other process ormethod and we believe it givesmore enjoyment to pipe gives the tobacco an ex¬tra flavor and makes the tobacco actright in a pipe—bumslower and smoke cooler... it makes the tobacco milder.. .it leaves a clean dry ash— no soggy residue or heelin the pipe bowlLIGGETT & Myers tobacco Co.C:ginmou > Aensepuchai^a —DAILY MAROON SPORTSTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 Page ThreeNAPERVILLE SQUADDEFEATS MARQONBASKETBALL TEAMEldred Makes Four Goalsas Chicago Yields39 to 22Displaying a complete reversal oiform from that they showed again.TtWheaton, the Maroon basketball teamwas overrun last night at Napervilleby a fighting North Central collegeLive 39 to 22. The Chicago men couldnot connect with the basket, a factwhich prove<l the cause of theirdownfall.Bob Eldred starred for the Ma¬roons by showing a brilliant floorframe and by being high point manwith 8 points. For the victors Yuknis,a forward, topped the scoring columnwith 13 tallies, while his teammateYoung sank 9 points, seven of them<in free throws.“M aroon Sparkplug”Proving that the title of ‘‘Maroonsparkplug” is singularly befitting,('aptain Tommy Flinn served as thekey man of the Maroon floor play.Shelby Passmore, although he has notn'ceived much recognition so far thisseason displayed prowess as a ballhandler, besides netting his team •’»points.Liscking was the brilliant play ofWally Duvall and Bill Lang. Corn¬ered at every step, neither of themi-ould make a score, while Stan Kap¬lan’s and Dick Dorsey’s efforts wereto no avail in keeping the Napervilleteam away from the Chicago goal. ALL-STAR TOUCHBALL TEAMAll-Star Team 2nd TeamA. Marver, Phi B. D. B. Wolf, Phi Sigj N. Howard, Deke W. Duvall, Phi Psi1 T. Weiss, Phi B. D. C. Peterson, ChiselersD. Howard, Deke R. Cochrane, Psi U.C. Smith, Phi Psi D. Kerr, Alpha DeltW. Haarlow, Psi U. E. Krause, Phi SigP. Archipley, Phi Delt R. Griffith, Judson “300“Honorable Mention: R. Zacharias, Phi Sig; G. Ratner,Barristers; D. Letts, Judson “300”; W. Granert, Phi Delt; H.Lewis, Deke; W. Kaye, Phi B. D.; H. Hickock, Chiselers; K.! Sheldon, Chi. Theol. Sem.; M. Pink, Phi Sig; C. Finson, ChiPsi; E. Lusk, Chiselers; N. Reynolds, Burton "700”; J. Harris,1 Deke.1SWIM COACH SEESGOOD YEAR DESPITELOSS OF 2 STARS WRESTLERS PREPAREFOR EXTENSIVE TOUROF EASTERN SCHOOLSAlthough they will be without twoof the key men of last year’s squad.Coach E. W. McGillivray’s swimmingmen expect a better season than lastyear. Dan Glomset, 1934 swimming icaptain, and Don Bellstrom, though iin school this year, are ineligible. |However, the past season’s year¬ling squad has furnished a wealth ofmaterial for replacements in JackHoms, Jay Brown, Chuck Wilson,Karl Adams, Koenig, and FloydStauffer.Back from last year are John Bar¬den, and Captain Chuck Dwyer, bothwinners of the Major “C” last year.The Maroons will compete in theirfirst scheduled contest December 22when they swim and play water poloagainst Central Y. M. C. A. collegein their pool downtown. With the vision of one of the mostextensive touring schedules ever facedby a University wrestling squad, 35Maroon grapplers are practicing withvim and vigor at their daily sessionsin Bartlett.The first part of the schedule,which was announced by Coach Vor-res after the Big Ten coaches’ meet¬ing of last Saturday, will includemeets with five Conference schools:Indiana, Michigan, Northwestern, andIllinois. These meets, which will beheld in January, will be followed byan extensive tour of the East.Franklin and Marshall college, atLancaster, Penn., will be first hoststo the Maroons. Subsequent encount¬ers will be with Navy, Army, Harv¬ard, and Yale. The wrestlers willstop in New York, and Washington. PHI PSI LEADS l-MTEAM STANDINGS ATEND OF 1ST QUARTER Hold Finals ofI-M Mat MeetThis Afternoon 32 TEAMS TO PLAYIN CHRISTMAS WEEKPREP GAGE TGURNEYWith a substantial margin over thesecond-place Psi Upsilon aggrega¬tion, Phi Kappa Psi will enter thewinter quarter as leaders of all or¬ganizations in their .struggle foir In¬tramural supremacy for the season1934-35.The six leaders, ones with over 100points, are all fraternities. Phi Kap¬pa Psi, with 182 heads the pack,Psi Upsilon has 160%; Alpha DeltaPhi, 152%; Delta Upsilon, 133; PhiBeta Delta, 126%; and Phi Sigma jDelta, 115.Despite its success in touchball, themain event of the autumn quarter,Phi Beta Delta, with a dearth of par¬ticipation points in other events, findsitself in 5th place.The success of Phi Kappa Psi maylie in its good performance in all In¬tramural events thus far staged. Itwon third place in touchball, a tiefor first in the fall relays, secondplace in the swim carnival, a firstand second in horseshoes in the fra¬ternity division, and a subsequentsecond place ranking in the Univer¬sity standing for that event.Phi Beta Delta and Phi Kappa Psimonopolize the first six positions ofthe individual participation pointstanding. H. Yedor, Phi B. D., leadswith 180 points; P. Werner, C,Smith, and R. Ely, all of Phi Psi, oc¬cupy the next three places; and W.Kaye and L. Kessell, of Phi B. D. arefifth and sixth, respectively. Twelve men will compete in the |finals of the intramural all-Univer- jsity wrestling meet this afleirnon in |Bartlett gym. Only six of the regular |8 weights will be represented since !there were no entries in the 126 pound tclass and only one entry at 135 Ipounds. jIn the 118 pound weight, Ware and jWinter qualified for the finals. Gor¬man looks good to take Barnhart inthe deciding bout of the 145 division.Meisenbach, to whom Allen forfeitedhis place, will meet Sidell at 155pounds.Butler and Brown will fight for the165 pound medal. Kaye and Blockmeet without prelims ah 175, andPecek will fight Lehnhart in theheavyweight finals.Medals will be awarded to firstplace winners. No points are beinggiven for this meet. Tourney Begins Day AfterChristmas; Ends onNew YearsOPEN ENTRIES FORI-M BASKETBALLIntramural basketball will beginthe first week in January, Wally He¬bert, directoir of intramural athlet¬ics, announced yesterday. The num¬ber of teams allowed to enter is notlimited, and entries may be made atthe l-M office next week or at the ]beginning of the winter quarter.The basketball floor in Bartlett !gym will be available this week t8teams wishing preliminary practices Ibefore the present term is over. Supervi.sed by T. N. Metcalf, di¬rector of Athletics at the University,and managed by N. G. Norgjren, bask¬etball coach, the 17th annual Inter-scholastic basketball tourney will berun off at the fieldhouse duringChristmas week. The tourney will in¬clude competition among 32 schoolsfrom the Chicago district.Play will begin December 26, andthere will be games every day up toand including New Year’s day, Sun¬day excepted. The whistle for theopening first round matcli will blowat 1 the day after Christmas, andgames are scheduled from that timeto 9 in the evening each day.Four schools will engage in quar¬terfinal battles Saturday, December29. The semifinals are scheduled forthe following Monday. And on Tues¬day evening will be staged the cham¬pionship match and the game deter¬mining third and fourth place.The thirty-two schools which havebeen invited to enter the tournamentfollow:Amundsen, Austin, Blue Island,Bowen, Calumet, Crane, Deerfield-Shields, Fenger, Hirsch, Harper,Harrison, Hyde Park, Kelley, Kel-ryn Park, LaGrange, Lane, Lind-blom, Marshall, McKinley, MorganPark, Parker, Riverside-Brookfield,Roosevelt, Senn, St. Charles, Sulli¬van, Tilden, Tully, University High,Von Steuben, Waller, and Yoric.Gift SuggestionsCHRISTMAS BOOKS!Stationery—good quality in prettywooden box. $1.00. Other station¬ery 50c to $3.00.Special—Anthology World Poetry—Edi. Van Doren . $1.49FICnON-Mary Peters—Chase $2.50Book Cover, in florentine design Lost Horizon—Hilton 2.50leather 95c. Others 50c to $1.50. Candy- -Alexander 2.50Forty Days of Musa Dagh byFranz Worfel 3.00Plowing on Sunday—SterlingNorth 2.50Good Bye Mr. Chips—Hilton 1.25Anthony Adverse 3.00When Yellow Leaves——Boileau 2.50Little Orvie—Booth Tarking-ton 2.50The Folks—Suckow 3.00Brass Candlestick, 8"—$2.00. So Red the Rose—Young- .. 2.50Others in chrome and copper BIOGRAPHY—^SIFT$1.00 to $4.50. BOOKSAn Experiment in Autobio-biography—H. C. Wells.... 4.00/''d\ 42 Years in White House—( Ike Hoover 3.50C Father Goose—Fowler 3.00^ \ >4 Best Plays—1934-35—Mantle 3.001 Amaranth—P.obinson 2.00Life of Our Lord—Charles■ **-* Dickens 1.75Worid Globe, 12" diam. $3.75. 2 00Others 55c to $15.00. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations 1.49While Rome Burns—Woolcott 2.75City Editor—Walker 3.00r \ B Creative Sceptics—T. V.Smith 2.00dollar editions—Hundreds of TitlesCHILDREN’S BOOKSDICTIONARIESDwwated Tea Po^ f^ull of ‘‘Ming- THESARUSCha tea $1.00. Other similar at- „tractive items 50c to $2.00. Books For Old and YoungWoodworth’sBook Store1311 E. 57th St. Open Evemng«Near Kimbark Ave. DORchester 4800'mMM?age Four THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934SPORT FLASHESBy TOM BARTONFLASH... a la Winchell. . . Nowthat Jay Berwanger has been .select¬ed by the all-America board, what¬ever controversy arising as to therelative merits of the selections bythis board and those by GrantlandRice in his Collier’s all-Americanmay be settled, so far as Jay is con¬cerned by his inclusion on both ofthem. Jay was second pick on theA. P. concensus all-star team, firstpick by the all-America board, anddo not be too surprised if the secondgreatest back ever to gallop on theMidway is placed at left-half onGrantland Rice’s team, soon to be re¬leased in Collier’s.Walter Camp who started the all-American idea in Collier’s is dead,but the tradition of the authentic all-American selection is claimed by Col¬lier’s which selection is made by Jtioefor that magazine.* * ♦The Maroon basket team surprised Ius surprising-ly... to say the slight- !est. Duvall lived up to expectationsand Pritikin came through. WithHaarlow in the lineup, maybe, Du¬vall, Bill Lang, and Pritikin scoring, |the Chicago five may cause some jconsternation in the Conference. Ifthe indications shown by the Whea- Iton game prove trustw’orthy, four iscorers, instead of two as the Ma- jroons depended upon last year, jshould mean fewer one point losses |and more victories.♦ ♦ *A recent Maroon graduate won i$75 for the placing of a dollar bet ;on the Notre Dame-Southern Cali- jfornia game last week-end. The afore-said grad forecast the score exactly '14 to 0 for N. D. at 75 to 1 odds, jThat isn’t the .remarkable thing... jhe won at the same odds and the * same dollar in predicting the Chi-cago-Illinois 6 to 0 game. On bothbets he claims he was paid... j« * *Fisher, Purple scoring ace, corral-ing sixteen baskets in two games,looks a possible scoring threat, bygosh. The Northwestern stardropped in eight baskets in each ofthe N. U. games to date, and evenagainst mediocre opposition that ispretty good.* ♦ ♦Were we surprised when we learn¬ed that Chicago is going to open upagainst Nebraska next season. TheCornhusker grid outfit has alwaysbeen a tough one, and indications arethat next season they will be no ex¬ception. At any rate Coach Shaugh-nessy’s opening game makes it appar¬ent that the Maroon coach expectsgreat things from the 1935 team. REVULINUBESTINGMCTS ABOUT NEWMEDICAL STUDENTSHutchins Is *at Home’to 1500 on January 1President and Mrs. Robert M.Hutchins will be hosts to one of thecity’s largest New^ Year “at homes.”Since the University opened in 1892,it has been the custom of the presi¬dent to have a New Year’s day re¬ception for all members of the facul¬ty and trustees. Yesterday invita¬tions were mailed to more than 1500persons.More than 650 persons have beenplaced in employment by the occupa¬tion bureau of Barnard College (NewYork City) during the past year.They earn an aggregate salary ofmore than $111,037. Wages rangedfrom $560 in teaching to $780 inoffice work.I Eat Well at Low Prices in a I^ North Wood’s Atmosphere ii BIRCH RESTAURANT |1 876 E. 63rd St. |Club Breakfasts—15c-25c ^4 I-f Plate Luncheon’s with Coffee—25c TY Special DeLuxe Dinners—35c-40c T^ Open Day and Night 4Live in Home-LikeQuartersWe specialize in attractiverooms for faculty members and studentsat the U. of C.Individual rooms or suiteswith or without bath.Ideally arranged for quietand study.Prices to suit your purse.Rates $2.50 to $1 2.00 per week.TheHarvard Hotel5714 Blackstone AvenuePhone Hyde Park 2780Miss Grayce Naismith,Mgr. B & G DEPARTMENTURGES DECREASE INUSE OF ELECTRICITYWith several hundred thousandlamps in service on the campus, theBuildings and Grounds departmenthas issued statements to all Univer¬sity departments asking that theymake special efforts to decrease theamount of electricity consumed.Electricity is purchased by the Uni¬versity according to an energy chargeand a demand charge. The rate forthe demand charge is determined bythe peak load used in any one month.If a new high be established duringthat month, the University’s contractstates that such an increase mustbe paid for the following elevenmonths.The department has issued a graphshowing that the peak demand occursbetween 10:30 to 11:30 and 4 to 5:30.During these hours, all departmentshave been requested to avoid usingtheir heavy circuit systems. Thegraph shows that during the above-mentioned hours approximately six¬teen hundred kilowatts are used.Lows are established at 8 and after6 in the evening, while the workingday low is set at 1.CLASSIFIED ADSFOR SALE.. Tuxedo dress suit.Size 37. Like new. Cost $60. Sell for$12. Midway 7599.Private instruction in algebra,trig, geometry and calculus. Reason¬able. Box O, Faculty Exchange.FOR RENT. Sing, and dbl. rms.Sing. $3.50 per wk. Dbl. $6. 5607 flni-versity.STUDIO ROOMSin Private 3 story houseDesirable for students—oppositecampus—reasonable rates.6042 ELLIS AVE.Hyde Park 2723FREE RAZOR BLADESThat’* rifrht. You get 6 blades free witha tube of Fresca Shavina Cream now. Getacquainted with this wonderful No-Lathercream that really does thinira for your face.It wilts the touaheat whiskers instantlyRivinK you the most pleasant shave you’veever had.Get FVesca Shaving Cream today at Uni¬versity Pharmacy with 6 blades FYee. Only26c. FRATERNITY FACTSBy DAVID KUTNERThe class entering the medicalschool this year is unusual in manyrespects. Several sons of facultj' men,both of the University and of othercolleges are enrolled this year.Some interesting fact? about l■■llsI entering class are that there are onlyI nine women and that in the group; only 55 students have their Bachelor’s' degree, the others having completedI only three years of college work.Alvin Carlson, son of ProfessorAnton J. Carlson, chairman of thedepartment of Phsyiology, is one ofthe many faculty sons in the class.Others are Edwin Irons, son of Deanj Irons of Rush medical school; GideonI Wells, son of Professor H. G. Wellsj of the Pathology department; andi Carl D. Strouse, son of Dr. Solomonj Strouse of the Rush faculty.' Ross Harrison, Jr., son of theprofessor of Comparative Anatomyi at Yale, and Charles Brown, son of; Charles H. Brown, librarian at Iowai State college, Ames, Iowa, are also! members of the class.1 Two sets of twins are also enteredj in the school. They are Robert B.I and Rodger B. Smith, from LakeI Forest college, and Israel and Josephj Walzer, graduates of Harvard.I Prominence in the college of theI University wa.^ also attained by twoi of the students. William ReynoldsI achieved the remarkable record of Ain each of the four General collegeI examinations, standing highest in twoof them and among the first 15 in theI other two, A in each of the two! sequence examinations, and A in thej English qualifying test. The otherstudent is Trevor Weiss who wascaptain of the tennis team for 1934-35 and with Captain Davidson waswinner of the conference doubleschampionship for 1934.Another student who has matric¬ulated is Clinton Compere, a brotherof Dr. E. L. Compere in Orthopedicsurgery. He had been a technician insurgery for several years.Among the others in the class areDr. Wendell Gingrich, formerlyNational Research fellow in Hygeineand Bacteriology, and Abul-HassanSassini, a protege of the Persiangovernment. The national fraternity ofTau Kappa Epsilon wasfounded at Illinois Wesleyanin 1899 and the local chap¬ter was started at the Uni¬versity in 1917. The house,located at 5548 Ellis avenue,has 12 actives and threepledges at the present time.FACULTY MEMBERSAmong the members of thefraternity who are on theUniversity faculty are Har¬old D. Lasswell, Dr. Paul K.Cannon, Mack Evans, Dr.N. Paul Hudson, Walter He¬bert, Harold A. Swenson,John M. Stalnaker, WilliamD. Harkins, and Paul Rud-nick.The initiation fee of theTeke is $37.50 which sum in¬cludes the pin, scroll, andmagazine. The pledge fee is $5. Duesamount to $15 each quarter and theman living in the house must pay $12a month for his room. There are nowsix men living in the house. Thereare no meals served at the house thisquarter though final arrangementshave not been completed far theperiod after the first of the year. So¬cial assessments are extra. The houseis rented by the chapter body.Donald Hughes, William Reynolds,George Schuyler, and Charles Hoerrare the present officers of the localchapter. Among the activity men areone man on the Maroon, the manag¬ing editor, one man in Iron Mask,and two out for wrestling. TAU KAPPA EPSILON COMPTON, ALLISONCOLLABORATE. ONNEW X-RAY TEXTThe Tekes have always rate<l highscholastically. According to the lateststatistics published in the Novemberissue of The Teke, their nationalmagazine, the local chapter ratedhighest scholastically of the 45 Tekechapters in 1932. Of the last 96 Tekeswho have graduated from the Uni¬versity, 12 have been Phi Beta Kap¬pas.Last June, the man with the high¬est scholastic rating in the sophomoreclass, and the one with the highestrating in the junior class were Tekes.One of the present Teke pledges isa candidate for the Rhodes scholar¬ships which will be awarded thisyear. Samuel K. Allison, associate pro¬fessor of Physics, is collaboratingwith Arthur H. Compton, Charles H.Swift distinguished service profes¬sor of Physics, in a new text andreference on X-rays, to be publishedaround the first of the year by VauNostrand and Company of New York.“X-Rays in Theory and Experi¬ment,” as the new book will be titled,is to differ from most works on X-rays in that it will emphasize the the¬oretical part of the treatment ratherthan the set up of experiments.The new book is designed as prac-ically an extensive revision of Comp¬ton’s “X-Rays and Electrons,” whichwas published in 1925. This bookwent through two printings by 1926.At about that time a number of im¬portant advances were made in thoX-ray field and Dr. Compton sug¬gested that no more be printed un¬til the work was revised. ProfessorAllison is collaborating in that irevi-HOMESTEAD HOTELIndividual rooms and suites withor without bath; Daily Maid Ser¬vice. Rates $2.50 to $10.00.5610 DORCHESTERUnder New Management• • ctmaON THE SUNLIT SLOPES OF BERKE¬LEY, FACING THE GOLDEN GATE,THE MEN OF CALIFORNIA MAIN¬TAIN STANDARDS OF APPAREL ON A PARWITH THE STANDARDS OF CALIFORNIA'SMARVELOUS CREWS.It is significant that California’s best-dressed men,like the University's foremost tailors, prefer theinvisible seamline Kover-Zip closure on trousersand slacks.• • • C^CCtijC J, QfcOli ... famous Berkeley tarhr to California mensays:— For clients who prefer zippers, we find the Kover-Zipto be far superior to the old type. It is smooth, and nometal shows.”Ielites . . . another famed Berke¬ley tailor, says:—Inour shop we recognize the demand for fine-tailored smooth¬ness in custom-built clothes. We know that Californians insistupon style in every detail. The exposed metal zipper provedutterly unsatisfactory—that is why we use Kover-Zip on ourtailor-made clothes.”C^tttitandini^ cclle(^e tuiloti, at I'llexi cj sttjle,endot^e — 7‘r as the slide ^asteitct^it lute CHstcHi clathesWALDES KOH-I-NOOR, INC., LONG ISLAND CITY,N.Y.PARIS PRAGUE DRESDEN WARSAW BARCELONA LONDON MARKED PREFERENCEAMONG COLLEGE MENFOR KOVER-ZIPThe one faBtening device for the fly whi<-hmeeta the requirementa of good taaic.Kover-Zip, is the choice of ooilege menfrom coast to coast. Though the ordinaryzipper gives a smooth flat effect when corn-par^ to the crumpled buttoned fly, it h.-uithe defect of showing an unsightly strip ofbare metal. Kover-Zip correcta this, inKover-Zip you cannot aee the metal. Ilaadvantages are widely recognised among“beat-dressed” college seniors, as is indi¬cated by expressions such aa these:.Artkar H. LandMinnesota, 1935"The ordinary zipperwith uncovered metaldoes not belong on asingle piece of clothingof a well-dressed man.Personally, I’ll take thecompletely covered flywith Kover-Zip.”Thomaa 8. lliakelPennsylvania, 193.5“This invisible Ho-aure, Kover-Zip, kee|>athe trou.aera flat ar tsmooth in front, yet nometal shows as in theI ordinary zipper. I pre¬fer Kover-Zip for triKi-sers of all typea."Willis SUrkNebraska, 1935“The neatat>iH andefficiency of the Kover-Zip fly will soon makethe buttoned fly fortrousers as anachron¬istic as buttoned shoeson a college man ofnineteen thirty-five.”Richard HabasWilliams. 1935“The ordiniiry slidefastener gives a betterfit than the buttonedfly. but everyone ob¬jects to the uncoveredmetal. With Kover-Zip,a smart closure, noi metal is viable. ”You Can Still Get a Copy of theDecember Issue ofPHOENIXat the Phoenix OfficeRoom 16y Lexington Hall15 cents