WEATHERCloudy to partly cloudy,probably occasional snow. Nodecided change in temperature. ^ Battp inaroon Rabelak’ "Search (orBeauty" Doses s>*Vol. 35. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER II, 1934 ofCoWOGBURN PETITIONSTO REACH CAMPUSGROUPS THIS WEEKLists of Names MustBe Turned in byThursday Price Three CentsI-F Rules ProhibitAll Rushing DuringChristmas Vacation ANDY WYAT, FIRST!All-America Board Names BerwangerGRID CAPTAIN, TD on First Team Backfield; Patterson,With the circulation of the peti¬tion against the banning of Profes- isor William F. Ogburn’s booklet to ;end Friday, effort will be made dur- ^ing the next few days to reach all jUniversity groups. The College sur¬vey classes will be canvassed dur¬ing the w’eek. 'The Daily Maroon, sponsoring thepetition, encourages other campusorganizations to join the protest ofthe suppression of the booklet, “Youand Machines,” iVritten especiallyfor use in the camps of the CivilianConservation Corps. Robert Fechner,director of the Corps, prevented thedistribution of the booklets, claimingthat they were to “unoptimistic” intheir outlook for the men of theCCC.Return Petitions ThursdayHearers of petitions are ixuiuested to return their lists of names tothe office of The Daily .Maroon, Lex¬ington 15, by 5 Thursday. .A prelim¬inary survey reveals that more than.■)00 students and 150 faculty menprobably will sign the protest.Copies of the petition wilt be sent tovarious government officials, includ¬ing Director Fechner.There is a movement on foot toopen a hearing on the subject of thehail unless Fechner rescinds his or¬der. The National Educational as-.'^oeiation, in its recent meeting, in-tt-rested itself in the case. .1. W.Crabtree, secretary of the NR A, bustaken up the issue directly with,Fechner. He wrote:“Why did you do that? Why not jrescind that order?. . . .As a friend letme advise you that the authorities ;above you will not be able to protect ^you in the .stand you have taken....”Fifteen NeededExpre.ssing sincere regret for theirdifference in views, Fechner wroteback:This was purely an administrative matter and 1 accept full respon¬sibility for my action in this caseas I have in all other matters affect¬ing emergency conservation work. Ido not expect to ask for and ilo notdesire the ‘protection’ of any one.” Interfiaternity regulations pro¬hibit any form of rushing during theChristmas vacation, it was pointedout yesterday by John Womer, presi¬dent of the council, in a statementto The Daily Maroon. No engage¬ments have been arranged for thefirst two weeks of the winter quar¬ter, and the schedule for the finalperiod of rushing will be announcedin January.The last meeting of the Interfra-teinity council for the quarter willbe held in the Reynolds club at 7:30tonight. The members of the exec¬utive committee are particularly anx¬ious that all delegates be presentsince final action will bo taken onthe cooperative buying plan prepar¬ed by Everett George.Fechner ReplyIt will be nece.ssary for fifteenfraternities to ratify the program ifit is to be put into effect. However,it will not be necessary for each in¬dividual chapter to adopt all ofthe plan, although it is especiallyurged that the dietitian provisionbe adopted. He has repeatedlystressed the fact that a trained ad¬visor is neces.sary to supervise thesteward departments and insure thesuccess of the plan.If the program is ratified it willgo into effect January 1 and will in¬clude a laundry .service and the buy¬ing of bakery goods, butter, andeggs. The committee hopes to addcanned goods to the purchases byFebruary 1. Each chapter must paya slight .service charge and three-fourths of its iiionth's bill in ad¬vance.AMES TO SPETfoiT‘PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE’AT CONVOCATION SPEAK AT DINNER Bartlett Receive Honorable MentionStudents PermittedAttend Affair atCut Prices toALL-AMERICANAnnual HospitalBazaar Will BeHeld Tomorrow Speakers for the football banquet^ to be held Thursday at the Univer¬sity club include the first captain ofa Maroon football team and repre¬sentatives of the coaching staff andthe alumni club, according to theprogram arranged yesterday byCharles Higgins, president of theAlumni club.A limited number of tickets isstill available to students at the costof $1. .A block of 125 tickets was setaside at a reduced price for under¬graduates. The price for alumni is$1.75. This is the first year that thecampus at large has been invited toattend the banquet.Played in 88 GamesAndy Wyat, Maroon captain 40years ago, played 88 games of foot¬ball during his 8 years of play, 4at Bucknell university and 4 at theUniversity. Since, in his career, henever had a time out, he is fullyqualified to tell the current crop ofgridders how it was done in the goodold days. Wilfred Smith, sports writ¬er of The Tribune, is also -scheduledto talk.Harry Swan.son, leading irate ofthe LaSalle street Coaching staff,will give the Indignation report ofhis group. The second guessers andMonday quarterbacks are satisfiedwith their work for the first fourgames of the year, but regret theshowing in the latter part of the sea¬son.Will Award TrophiesThe Alumni club will award itstrophies to the best tackier, bestblocker, player of greatest value, andplayer of greatest value with leastrecognition to the men selected for ithose honors by the team. An appro- !priate trophy will also be given to jthe fraternity with the largest rep¬resentation, alumni and undergradu¬ate. jJudge Walter Steffen will present !rcaT.tatXr ' Callanan, Watson .Lead in ‘Searchseason. Freshman numeral awardswill also be made at this time. CoachClark Shaughnessy and Director T.N. Metcalf are included on the listof speakers. Charles Higgins, the |chairman and toastmaster for the!evening, will speak for the Alumni. Jay BerwangerStudent Parleyon Politics toBe Held HereTomorrow is the date of the an-lnual bazaar of the Orthopedic hos¬pital.The culmination of weeks of ef¬fort by the crippled children is ex¬pressed in this statement. Duringthat time they have prepareu a largeand varied assortment of oojects— itoys, woven pieces, small rugs, cig- iarette boxes, book-covers, trays—which will be on sale tomorrow.These products of the children’swork will be presented to the publicfrom 10 to (i on the fifth floor of theOrthopedic hospital, 59th street andEllis avenue. Tea will be served inthe afternoon.The returns from the sales go tobuy materials to be used by the pa¬tients. A visit to the bazaar will thushelp students not only to solve theirChristmas problems, the articles be¬ing offered at reasonable prices, butwill also assist in carrying on a veryesesntial part of the clinic’s medicalprogram. Edward Scribner Amei, chaii'inanof the del artment of Philosophy, willbe the speaker at Winter Convoca¬tion next Tuesday at 3 in the Uni¬versity chapel. His address will beon “.A Philosophy of Life.”President Robert Maynard Hutch¬ins will preside at the convocationexercises. Philip Cleaver White, stu¬dent head marshal, and Robert V.Merrill, assistant professor of Frenchand marshal of the University, willbe in charge of the candidates fordegrees. Only about 275 are now onthe convocation list.Charles W. Gilkey, dean of theChapel, will speak at the convocationservices in the Chapel Sunday morn¬ing. Prayer service will be held at10 and the religious .service at 11.All seniors have befen invited to at¬tend in academic costume.HOLD CHRISTMASJAMBOREE MONDAYMirror TryoutsBallet tryouts for the MirrorRevue will be held this afternoonand tomorrow afternoon in Man-del hall from 3:30 to 5:30. Dra¬matic tryouts for both men andwomen will be held today and to¬morrow from 3 to 5 in the Rey¬nolds club theater. With several new features beingadded, such as a visitation fromKris Kringle, the third annualChristmas jamboree for women em¬ployed in the University will be heldin Ida Noyes hall on Monday, De¬cember 17, at (). Some of the tradi¬tions, such as the wassail bowl andthe yule log, are also being pre¬served.Mrs. Eva Sutherland, secretary ofthe School of Business, is chairmanfor the party. She has announcedthat individual invitations will be.sent out. “The Student and the Crisis” willbe discu.s.sed at the second annualconference of students on politicsto be held at the University, Decem¬ber 28 to 30. The parley will be heldin Mandel hall under the auspices ofthe Intercollegiate council, the Inter¬national Student service, the Na¬tional Student league, the student di¬vision of the Y. M. C. A., the Stu¬dent League for Industrial Democ¬racy, the Threefold Commonwealthleague, the War Resister’s league,and Young America.The day will be spent discuss¬ing “What is the Crisis?”, and answers will be given from the point ofview of the teacher, farmer, employ¬er, churchman, worker, and econo¬mist. George Soule, editor of “TheNew Republic,” will be one of thespeakers.On the second day the various or¬ganizations will outline their pro¬grams for meeting the crisis andwill spend the afternoon in round¬table discussions. In the evening asymposium will center about the ma¬jor political parties’ ability to solvethe crisis. Rabelais’ great “search for beau¬ty” contest absolutely closes todayat noon!Eleven hundred and fifty voteshave been cast in the contest andhave placed Peg Callanan in the leadfor the most beautiful girl on cam¬pus, and Bill Watson as the hand¬somest man. But the contest is notcinched for these tw’o! Not by a long-shot! Right on the heels of Pegcome Judith Palmer with 161 votes(Callanan has 167 in her favor) andHelen de Werthern with 153.Ned Bartlett with a count of 167is not far behind Watson who boastsof 190 votes in his name. A petition ,.signed by 141 voters came in yester-,day for James (Vic) Jones, andplaced him as the third best looking jgentleman on the campus. |Because of the sudden influx ofvotes the contest was extended un¬til this noon; many hundreds of voteshave poured in over the week-endand completely undermined thestandings of the conte.stants as theywere recorded in Friday’s issue ofThe Daily Maroon. The petition thatcame in for Vic Jones also carried STANDINGSTHE MOST BEAUTIFULWOMENPeg Callanan 167Judy Palmer 161Helen de Werthern 153Virginia Eycsell 123Peg Tillinghast 117THE HANDSOMEST MENWilliam D. Watson 190Ned Bartlett 167Vic Jones 151Mel Salk 113Joe Coambs 83Final IssueFriday’s issue of The DailyMaroon will be the last one pub¬lished this quarter. It will be aChristmas edition and will fea¬ture a Literary page. The first is¬sue in winter quarter wuil appearon January 3. HUTCHINS ENTERTAINSBOARD OF TRUSTEESMembers of the Boanl of Trusteesof the University will be dinnerguests of President and Mrs. RobertMaynard Hutchins at the president’shouse Thursday evening, followinga meeting of the board which will beheld on campus in the afternoon.The trustees will meet in thepresident’s office at 3:30 Thursday.Several of the deans of the Univer¬sity will be present to discuss the ad¬ministration of their respective units.Between the meeting and the din¬ner, the board will visit the new Lin¬coln room of the University on the |second floor of Harper library, and :also several of the women’s residence ihalls,^ including Beecher, Foster, iKelly, and Green, which were ren*ovated this quarter. i) ' 141 votes on it for Helen de Werth¬ern, and pushed Virginia Eysselland Peg Tillinghast down to fourthand fifth places, respectively.The contest has been conducted inall fairness; votes have been talliedunder the supervision of Howard P.Hudson and William O’Donnell; un¬signed votes have been discarded,and voters have only been allowedto cast one vote.Rabelais will be at Maroon officeuntil noon today to accept any votesthat have not been cast. But whentwelve o’clock strikes, Rabelais willvanish wdth nearly two thousandvotes. The final results wdll appearin tomorrow’s Travelling Bazaar. Rate Maroon Star withHowell, Lund, andGraysonAlthough he has been relegated tothe second or third all-Americanteams by many authorities becauseof the mediocre success of the Ma¬roon team, Jay Berwanger finallyachieved his place among football’simmortals when he was chosen by theall-America Football board as one ofthe halfbacks on its mythical elevenwhich is considered the official hon¬or team of the country.In a copyrighted article, ChristyWalsh, a member of the board,quotes Bob Zuppke as saying thatBerwanger was the best all-aroundbackfield man in the Big Ten circuit.And considering the class which thatembraces, the Chicago back shouldhold his own in any circuit. His pow¬erful physique and his capacity forrough going, make him a defensivebackfield all by himself—and he hasbeen just that to Chicago.”Pondelik HonoredBerwanger is the first Maroonsince 1924 to make the all-Americaboard’s team. In that year Pondelik,a guard, was named to the eleven bythe committee which was then head¬ed by the late Knute Rockne. A num¬ber of Maroons have been chosen on(Continued on page 3)PHOENIX POKES FONAT TEN MAGAZINESIN DECEMBER ISSUEfor Beauty’; .Contest Closes at Noon Phoenix will make its fourth ap¬pearance of the year tomorrow withits December i.ssue, in a parody onten well-known publications such asTime, Colliers, Life, New’ Yorker,Judge, Life, Vanity Fair and Up¬surge. According to Harry Morrison,editor, and Philip Abrams, businessmanager, this issue promises to bethe number of the year.Wax and Wave, and the two dirtcolumns, Gertie the Go-Getter, and! the Arm Chair Clinic, are the onlyregular features to be carried overi from previous i.ssues. The new' maga¬zine will feature such articles as atake-off on Time which was contrib¬uted by a Phoenix observer; a storyi by Huntington Harris in the style ofFortune on the True History of theUniversity of Chicago; Don Morris'presentation of his apprehension ofthe New Yorker; an interview’ in theI style of Collier’s with apologies toDamon Runyan by David Eisendrath;an article on the Opera in the pen¬craft of Physical “Cultwah” by Sid¬ney Hyman; and a take-off fromVanity Fair in an article on the Nom¬inations to the Hall of Fame.The magazine is well illustratedw’ith cartoons and drawings, most ofthe work being done by HenryReese, who adopts the style of theNew Yorker for his cartoons. Againin the style of the New Yorker isthe cartoon, “Regimentation Over¬takes the New Yorker,” which is theoutstanding drawing of the issue.HOLD MEETING FORDIVISIONAL STUDENTSRhodes ScholarsWhen the state committees incharge of Rhodes scholarshipsmeet between January 3 and 5,seven University students will ap¬pear before their respective statecommittees. Georg Mann, LouisDexter, Noel Gerson, PhillipDavies, and Charles Bane will ap¬pear before the Illinois commit¬tee. Sidney Hyman will appear be¬fore the Indiana committee andEwing Lusk before the New Mex¬ico Committee. The University committee on thepreparation of teachers will hold aconference for students in the Physi¬cal Science division this afternoon at3:30 in Rosenwald 2, according to anannouncement made by William S.Gray, executive secretary of the com¬mittee.One of the important items to beconsidered at the confeience relatesto the professional requirements ofthe North Central association ofColleges and Secondary Schools.These requirements include 15 se¬mester hours of professional courseswhich are equivalent of four andone-half courses in the University.This includes Education 201. 210, aspecial methods coui'se in the fieldof specialization, and apprenticeteaching.Students in the Social Science di¬vision w’ill meet Thursday at 3:30 inthe Social Science 122.iiikiiiiiiiiiiiPage Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, pECEMBER 11, 1934iatlg iMarnntiFOUNDED IN 1901M LM &iR^sotiattd feoilcgiatc i3rcss-51934 (tollftjiilif ^rsl '925 t-MADtSOM V>^SCOHSlNThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspapCT of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarter by The DailyAlaroon^_Company^^_5831^JUniver8jty^^ venue.Editorial office: Lexington hall. Room 15; business office;Room IjA^'^jephones: Local 46 and Hyde_Park 9221.Subscription rates: 12.50 a year: $4.00 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.TTie University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or tor any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters sh'^uld be addressed to the Editor, The DailyMaroon. Lexington hall, University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will be withheld if requested..Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER. News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Greenebaum Raymond Lahr Jeanne StolteHenry F. Kelley Janet Lewy William W. WatsonRalph W. NicholsonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESSalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohn BallengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutright Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey Lehman June RappaportGeorge SchustekJames SnyderEdward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterBUSINESS ASSISTANTSDonald Elliott Allen Rosenbaum Richard SmithPaul Lyncn Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskySeymour WeinsteinNight Editor: William WatsonTuesday, December 11, 1934WHO WILL TAKE THE FIRST STEP?Tonight the Interfraternity Council will decidewhether it will adopt a cooperative buying plan,devised by the Interfraternity Committee. Bypractically unanimous consent the Council votedearly this year that a plan was needed. But whenit comes time to agree on a specific plan, we pre¬dict a good deal of hesitation.Each house will wait for the next to rake thefirst step. After years of delay in instituting acooperative system, fraternities want to be sureJthat they have the right scheme. No two housesibave the same set-up, which makes a decision dif¬ficult.After reading through the plan the obviousquestions are: Will this system save more thanthe money it will take to operate it? Can it behandled through a student agency? Are the fra¬ternities in a sound enough financial condition tomake the necessary advance payments requiredby the plan.f^raternity men are debating these questionsnow and will undoubtedly raise them tonight. TheDaily Maroon does not want to block any move¬ments that will benefit fraternities. We want a jplan of cooperative buying, the sooner the bet- 1•ter. But there are sc many problems to be con¬sidered in such an undertaking that it is only com¬mon sense to weigh carefully the implications ofany plan.Tonight fraternities will be asked to vote yesor no. This is wrong. The Council should meetprepared to make constructive criticisms of theplan and together perfect the scheme so that co¬operative buying will be assured of success. Now ithat a definite plan has been made, it will be com¬paratively easy to decide what sort of agency isneeded, a student organization, cooperation withthe University, or none at all. Fraternity menhave been forced to talk and think about coopera¬tive buying so that they are fairly well-informedon the subject now. They should be able to de-vcide upon a workable plan soon.—H. P. H. |MEET THE LEADERS OF ’39The annual football dinner Thursday promisesto be unique. For on that night the “Leaders for*39“ campaign will begin in earnest. Keith Par-json, heading up the University organization striv- |ing to interest exceptional high school students in ]the University, will have a number of high school ■athletes, men who are also good scholars, present. IFraternity men cooperating with Parsons and ithe Senior class committee interested in the proj- ject will be on hand to meet them and to acquaint■them with the University. Whether they come because of school loyalty or just to make con-: tacts for their houses, their presence will makej the banquet a success. The fraternity system asa whole can benefit from having men of the cali-i ber of these high school athletes enroll next year.We would imagine that any live fraternity on; campus would jump at this opportunity. The’ houses that have been weathering the hard timesI of recent years are the ones who have begun their' rushing in high school, who first convinced theirI high school acquaintances that the University was: the place to enter, and then interested them inI their chapters. This is the chance for all fratern-' ities to pool their efforts and achieve even better•esults.—H. P. H. Letters tothe EditorThe Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISAND HOW THE VOTES POUR INWe are swamped. We are groggy from count¬ing ballots. If you are friends of ours, please.stop voting. Already more votes are startingto pour in. It’s colossal. We have exams to passand we haven’t got time to study for them. Weare counting ballots. WE HAVE EXTENDEDTHE DEADLINE ANOTHER TWENTY FOURHOURS IN RESPONSE TO NUMEROUS RE¬QUESTS but. . . .THE POLLS POSITIVELYCLOSE FOREVER IN RABELAIS’ GREAT“SEARCH FOR BEAUTY” AT NOON TODAY... .AT NOON TODAY WHEN THE CHIMESSTRIKE THE HOUR THE VOTINGWILL BE OVER AND GONE FOREVER....THE WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCEDIN TOMORROW’S TRAVELLING BAZAAR. . .AND IN NO OTHER PLACE. . . .WATCH THEBAZAARS ROLL BY!....THE CONTEST OFCONTESTS. . . .THE CONTEST TO END ALLCONTESTS RABELAIS’ “SEARCH FORBEAUTY” WILL REACH FULFILLMENT INWEDNESDAY’S TRAVELUNG BAZAAR♦ ♦ *OVER ELEVEN HUNDRED VOTES TELL USFor The Mott Beautiful Woman on Campus:Peg Callanan 167Judy Palmer 161Helen de Werthern 153Virginia Eysell 123Peggy Tillinghast 117Judy Fox 54Sue Richardson 39Virginia New 39Elise Hettlesatter 36Alberta Schmidt 31Helen Wegg 24Rose Teiber 15Ellen Cross 11Helen Ann Littig 11For The Handsomest Man on Campus:William D. W’atson 190Ned Bartlett 167James Victor Jones 151Mel Salk 113Joe Coambs 83Bertil Skoog 64Rainwater Wells 47Jay Berwanger 42Mel Ury 32Ell Patterson 24Bill Langley 20Jim Wilson 20Frank Todd 19Randolph Bean 18Ben Mann 15« » >|:IF YOU HAVEN’T VOTEDIf you haven’t voted in this contest to endall contests, you still have a chance to do so... .before noon TODAY!!!.. . .Does your heart beatfaster for .some little woman? Does some manawaken the motherly instinct in your breast?. .do your pulses throb??? does your breath you lie awake nights dreaming?WELL THEN, VOTE FOR HIM OR HER ORBOTH!!! THE SEARCH FOR BEAUTYENDS FOREVER AT NOON TODAY. .ELEV¬EN HUNDRED AND FIFTY VOTES HAVEBEEN TALLIED TO DATE MAKE THISYOUR CHOICE. .. .THE MOST BEAUTIFULGIRL AND THE HANDSOMEST MAN ONTHE CAMPUS IN TOMORROW’S TRAV¬ELLING BAZAAR. . . .♦ 4 *HOW THE CONTEST HAS BEEN CONDUCTED1. The votes have been tallied under the sup¬ervision of Howard P. Hudson and William S.O’Donnell.2. All unsigned ballot.s have been discarded.3. The votes have been carefully checked forduplications and insofar a.s is humanly possibleall persons voting twice have had only theirfirst vote counted in the final tally.4. The number of votes shown next to eacficandidate in today’s Bazaar is accurate. Therehas been no “jacking up” of the number of votescast. Every vote shown on this page is the re¬sult of a genuine, authenticated, signed ballotreceived by Rabelais.y * tTHURSDAY AND FRIDAYRabelais bids his first quarter farewells andextends Christmas greetings in Thursday andP'riday’s Bazaar. Over two hundred names!!Watch for your name and those of your friendsin the last two Travelling Bazaars of the quarter.^ m lieFAMOUS LAST WORDSMy mother won’t let me vote. I’ve got “B. O.” COOPERATIVE BUYINGTHROUGH THE UNIVERSITYDecember 10, 1934.A concrete plan of co-operativebuying for the fraternities on thecampus has at last been drawm up. ;This plan proposes the settling upof a student-operated bureau whichby buying in large quantitie.s wouldobtain lower prices, However, theexpenses of such a set-up would iprobably consume a substantial por- Ition of any .savings that might beeffected.^No one questions the desirability |of some type of co-operative buying 'and though the proposed plan maymean a saving to the fraternities, 1do not believe that it is the best ar¬rangement that could be made. Whywould it not be possible to work outa system whereby the fraternitiescould obtain their supplies throughthe L'niversity Commons’ purcha.singagent?Food supplies, laundry, coal, etc.,bought on University Contractswould reduce the cost to a fractionof the amount now spent or of that :which would be spent under the plan jnow before the Inter-Fraternity ^council, even after an ample fixedrate or percentage had been paid to jthe University to cover its expenses iin placing the orders and distribut¬ing them. IJohn H. Bodhsh II. iToday on theQuadranglesMusic and ReligionDr. Harold Bowman, D. D., FirstPresbyterian church. Joseph Bondchapel at 12.Phonograph concerJL Social Sci¬ence 122 at 12:30.Lectures“Race and Culture. The MarginalMan: Personality and Culture,” Pro¬fessor R. E. Park. Social Science 122at 3:30.“Personality Development in Chil¬dren.” Assistant professor E. J.Chave. “Christianity vs. Commun¬ism.” Assistant professor MatthewSpinka, Swift hall at 8:30.MeetingsW. A. A. board meeting. Northroom in Ida Noyes at 12.Y. W. C. A. settlement group. Y.W. C. A. room in Ida Noyes at12:30.Achoth.Noyes at 2.Wyvern.Noyes at 4.Chorus. Lounge in Ida Noyes at7:30.MiscellaneousMotion picture, “Bittersweet.” In¬ternational house theater at 4:30and 8.Conducted museum tours and lec¬ture. Oriental institute at 7:30.Wicker room in IdaAlumnae room in IdaCLASSIFIED ADSPrivate instruction in algebra,trig, geometry and calculus. Reason¬able. Box 0, Faculty Exchange.DREXEL THEATRE858 E. C3rdTuesday and Wednesday*'Ready for Love"'withRichard ArlenDaily Mats. 15c till 8:30PUBLIX CAFETERIA1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket home forChristmas with the money yousave eating the Publix way.”3 Months* ShorthandCoursefor College Graduatesand UndergraduatesIdeal for taking notes at college orfor spare-time or full time positions.Qasses .start the first of October,January, April and July.Call, tvritc, or telephone State i88ifor complete facts.The GREGG COLLEGE6 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago TO A FUTURE CHEMICALENGINEER • The intellijeni us«of optical instruments marks thechemist as a man who is progres¬sive, competent and efficient. Thatis why Bausch & Lomb offers op¬tical instruments designed especiallyfor the chemist. Bausch & LombOptical Co., 635 St. Paul Street,Rochester, New York.Bausch & LomhCOME TOTHE GLADSTONE CAFETERIAwluTc Diilv tlu- food is served at nHuierate prices.Not how Cheap, but how Good.WHERE vou eat. voii may LIVE in comfortable, quietrooms, either single, double, or en .suite.W’e will he pleased to show vou these <lcsirahle rooms.GLADSTONE HOTEL6200 Kenwood Ave. H. P. 4100kPlujlnANyWHERE!" with this new 1935PHILCO1MODEL59C ‘25 .00 Ufa pewerfal Bttk Coapect opar-ain oa aitkar AltaniAtfaf or DA*ract Carraatl Approved by Ufahr-writariL Lateat faetaraa girt aoi-eaptioaiel toaa mad aaeaa* paa*fermamm. Ideal for baaii, eCLtraiEASIEST TERMSCARRES RADIO STORES847 E. 63rd Street Hyde Park 3996For Students and Faculty%Rail FaresReducedVaThe railroads appreciate the enthusiastic responses of studentsand faculty to the “College Special” fares which combine econ¬omy with the great advantages of rail travel—safety, speed, com¬fort and convenience.If you bought one of the reduced fare round-trip tickets whenyou came to school this Fall, the coupon is good returning homebetween December 10 and 25. When coming back after theHoliday, be sure to take advantage of this one and one-third fareticket, the purchase date for which has been extended to January16. Diagram below shows going and return dates.GOING TO SCHOOL RETURNING FROM SCHOOLRound-trip ticket may bepurchased at Home Sta¬tion during any one ofthe periods named below:Dec. 25, 1934-Jan. 16, 1935Mar. 15-Apr. 23, 1935 Return portion of ticket may be used to Home Sta¬tion during any one of the periods named below:Christmas1934Dec. 10-25 Spring1935 Closa1935Mar. 9-Apr. 20 May IS-Juna 30Mar. 9-Apr. 20 May 15-Juna 30May 15-June 30Going trip must begin on date ticket is purchased—limited toreach school station within ten days. Return trip must begin ondate of validation of ticket by railroad agent at school station—limited to reach home station within ten days. Tickets good oversame route both ways. Stop-overs will be allowed in each direction.Tickets good in coaches, also in Pullman cars, upon payment ofregular Pullman charges. Baggage will be checked under the usualregulations. No certificate or other form of identification necessary.TRAVEL BY TRAINAssuring your comfort with speedYour convenience with safety.CENTRAL PASSENGER AND TRUNK LINE ASSOCIATION RAILROADSDAILY MAROON SPORTS'TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1934 ==—======_ ThreeNAME BERTANGER ON ALL-AMERICATT ELEVEN1 ihink I understandwhy folks like k—U mmt hethe Wellman PmcessIn the manufactureof Granger Rough Cut PipeTobacco the Wellman Processis used.The Wellman Process is dif¬ferent from any other process ormethod and we believe it givesmore enjoyment to pipe smokers.... /V gives the tobacco an ex-tra flavor and aroma,,, it makes the tobacco actright in a pipe—burnslower and smoke makes the tobacco milder. leaves a clean dry ash—no soggy residue or heelin the pipe bowlLIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO.;package* JkWftT & Mym CoFootball Board Selects Maroon Halfback on Its FirstTeam; Gives Patterson, Bartlett Honorable MentionHONORABLEMENTIONNed BartlettSAVE 25c ONFRESCA HAND LOTION'I'fcp Univentity I’hHrtnaoy want, to convince••v,>ry airl that Frwca Lotion i* the fineathmxt lotion made.Keep your handa amooth, white, and allur*inv thia winter with Kreara Hand laition. Itireveota rouvhneaa and chappinK, replacinirthe natural uila loat throuirh expuaure to air,and aaoiature.Tile flrat application will convince you. 50i--lae now only 26c for a limited time. Zuppke Considers Jay BestiAll-Around BackfieldMan in Big 10(Continued from page 1)other all-America elevens during- the jintervening years, but none have re- ^ceived recognition from the board. ;Among those gridders receiving [honorable mention from the boardwere two other Chicago players, Ell-more Patterson and Ned Bartlett.Although Patterson has been namedto every all-conference team that hasbeen picked, this is the first timethat Bartlett has received signalhonors for his brilliant play duringthe season.The ElevenEnd Moscrip, StanfordEnd Hutson, AlabamaTackle. . .Maddox, Kansas StateTackle . Barclay, North CarolinaGuard .... Monahan, OJiio StateGuard .... Hartwig, PittsburghCenter.. Robinson, Notre DameQuarterback.. Howell, AlabamaHalfback Lund, MinnesotaHalfback ..Berwanger, ChicagoFullback. . . .Grayson, StanfordThe board at present consists ofWalsh, “Pop” Warner, W. A. Alex¬ander, Elmer Layden, Edward L.Casey, and Howard Jones. HONORABLEMENTION MAROONS VANQUISHWHEATON GAGERS INBASKETBALL OPENERCHESS TEAM BEATSMETROPOUTAN SQUADIHTENSIVIfStenographic CoursePer Collcare Men and WonMB.IM Wards a aiinnte in 100 days.Assmtd for one ft*. Enroll now.•ay elassoo beain Oct 8th. Tol. Ran. ISIS.Also Rtgular Comnet. Day and Ev*BRYANT4TRAIT0N6 SO.Michigan avf . Chicago Winnin.g his match from Sam Fac¬tor, nationally known player, EliasSternfield led the University of Chi¬cago chess team to a 5-3 victory overthe Metropolitan chess club at theMetropolitan club downtown Fridayevening.Factor is the number 2 player inIllinois, and the chess club feels the jSternfield’s victory places him among jthe best players in this part of thecountry. Ell PattersonCANCEL POLO GAMEDue to the snow blanketing Chi¬cago and making transportation ofthe horses to Union Stockyards im¬possible, the polo game between theMaroons and the Elwood club wascalled off. Making the best of their manyscoring opportunities against a rath¬er weak team, the Maroon basketballplayers rolled up 46 points to Whea¬ton’s 29 in their opening game Sat¬urday evening in the fieldhouse. Wal¬ly Duvall and Bill Lang tied for highscoring honors among the Midway-ites with 10 tallies apiece while Cap¬tain Glover led the losers with 7j points.The game proved that the fore¬casts of reserve strength among theMaroons was well-founded. StanKaplan and Dick Dorsey showed re-markahle ability in guarding thebasket during the first part of thegame, but added ability was notice¬able when Bill Lang went into thegame. With his customary eagleeye, he dropped free shots easily andmade a number of baskets fromseemingly impossible angles.Remarkable ball-handling was dis¬played by Duvall at times when herecovered the ball from the opposingplayers as they swept down the floortoward the Chicago basket. Kaplan,too, used remarkable deft in man¬ipulating the ball which was verydeceptive to the Wheaton players.Both teams lacked the finessewhich comes later in the season af¬ter many hours of practice, but nev¬ertheless the game proved very in¬teresting to the spectators. Show World SeriesPictures TonightDr. Weaver, team physician forthe St. Louis Cardinals, will showmovies of the last World Seriestonight in the Trophy room ofBartlett gymnasium at 7:30.Coach Kyle Anderson asks thatall candidates for the varsity andfreshman baseball teams be pres¬ent. WRECK OLD BUILDING;PROVIDE SITE FORBADMINTON COURTSBeHANNESEY BEATSDASKAIS IN DRAWPOOL TOURNAMENTDefeating H. M. Daskais 6 out of11, Sidney BeHannesey won thefinal round of the Reynolds clubdraw i)ool tournament Friday eve¬ning. Daskais won matches from BenStevenson and Max Bernstein to goto the finals.Richard Adair defeated GeorgeNphava in the final match of theconsolation tournament, and in theconsolation semi-finals, Adair metHugh Lawrence and Nohava metWebber. To provide additional recreation¬al facilities on campus, a two-flatbuilding at the southeast corner of57th street and Drexel avenue hasbeen wrecked during the last twomonths. According to Leonard W.Erickson of the real estate depart¬ment, the ground is now at the dis¬posal of the athletic department.“It has not yet been definitely de¬termined as to how the clearedlot will be used,” Mr. Erickson said,“but a plan i.s being considered toinstall a badminton court. The fulldetails are expected to be workedout duiing the next two weeks.”At present the only badmintoncourts being used are at Ida Noyeshall. If the proposed plan is carriedout, the new field will be the Uni¬versity’s first outdoor badmintoncourts. It already has a great manyoutdoor tennis courts, however.GETVESS atDry GingeraleHi-Ball SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61 St and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage CroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th StreetHERE’S GOOD NEWS TO EVERYSTUDENT ON CAMPUS!You have one of Chicago 8 finest men s stores, anxiousto serve your every desire for fine clothes, right in yourown back yard.Hart, Schaffner & Marx, GGG and Freeman CustomClothes, Knox and Mallory Hats, Manhattan, Arrow andKingly Shirts and Nunn-Buth Ankle-Fashiooed Oxfordsare the featured brands. In short, every item in the storecarries a nationally known label, insuring your absolutesatisfaction or your money will be refunded.Visit our fine store, look around, notice how reason¬able our prices arc, then you will appreciate how conve-, nient your shopping can be, also, how much further yourclothing budget will carry.Erie Clothing Co.837-839 East 63rd Street(Maryland Theatre Building)OPEN EVERY EVENINGANOTHER BREATH TAKING CONTESTTAKES A BOWWhat little club gal? - What Handsome Fraternity Man?WILL WIN$5 $5Which club will win$10What frat—club will acquire a handsome loving cupbrimful of pledges?in theCAP & GOWNCLUB and FRATERNITY SALESCONTESTCLOSES DECEMBER 18THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1934i’agc FourFREE RAZOR BLADESThat’s riKht. You get 6 blades free witha tube of Fresca Shaving Cream now. Getacquainted with this wonderful No-Lathercream that really does things for your face.It wilts the toughest whiskers instantly jgiving you the most pleasant shave you’ve jever had.Get hVesca Shaving Cream today at Uni- Iversity Pharmacy with 5 blades free. Only ■25c. FRATERNITY FACTSBy DAVID KUTNERQFTSFOR ALLPickwick watch (above)for pocket, handbag oropens for table, IVl'high, beautiful black case$2.95Also in round shape,white or black case$2.95GIFTS IN LEATHERBook Covers . . . .$ .95Zipper ringbooks 2.95Writing Portfolios.. 5.50Bill Folds 1.005 Year Diary .... 1.00Zipper Envelopes. . 1.65Bridge sets 1.00Tobacco Pouch . . 1.50Cigarette cases . . . 1.00Photo Albums ... 1.90 Omicron Omicron chapterof Sigma Chi was foundedat the University in 1897and grew out of a local or¬ganization known as theWaif’s Club. The nationalfraternity was founded atMiami university, Oxford,Ohio, on June 28, 1855. Theoffice of the national organ¬ization is located in Chicago.Alumni of national im¬portance include BoothTarkington, George Ade,John T. McCutcheon, RayChapman Andrews, E. W.Marland, Marriner S. Ec-cles, Patrick J. Hurley, JohnCudahy, Harry S. New, Al¬fred I. DuPont, Eric De LaMarter, Hervey Allen, Fon¬taine Fox, “Jock” Suther¬land, Riggs Stephenson, “Tiny” .Thornhill, Fielding H. Yost, and Mar- ivin H. McIntyre. !FACULTY MEMBERSOn the faculty at the University jare Professors Horatio Hackett New- jman and William D. Harkins, Doc- itors Charles Shannon and Rollo L. iLyman, and Mr. Kenneth M. Grubb, jThe monthly bill for men living in j SIGMA CHI STUDENTS ON FOUUWEEK RECESS TAXIIBRART FACILITIESJUST OPENEDCome in and look around.We have a complete line ofXmas and Greeting Cards,Gifts, Toys and Candies.Fountain ServiceUNIVERSITYSTATIONERY STORE5501 University Ave.See our great variety ofhundreds of other giftitems.WOODWORTH’SBOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St.—Open Evenines— KENWOODTEA ROOM6220 Kenwood Ave.Mid. 2774Special Attention to PartiesHome CookingLunch $.26Dinner $.36 and $.51Sunday Dinner $.51hive in Home-LikeQuartersWe specialize in attractiverooms for faculty members and studentsat the U. of C.Individual rooms or suiteswith or without bath.Ideally arranged for quietand study.Prices to suit your purse.Rates $2.50 to $12.00 per week.TheHarvard Hotel5714 Blacks tone AvenuePhone Hyde Park 2780Miss Grayce Naismith,Mgr. the house amounts to $48 which in¬cludes dues, room, board, and socialfees. For men not living in thehouse, the monthly bill is $19 whichincludes dues, parlor tax, social fees,and seven meals a week. The billsfor pledges in both instances are$3.50 less as they have no dues orpledge fees to pay. The initiation feeis $60 and includes life membership,the pin, subscriptions to the mag¬azines, the national directory ofmembers, and a certificate. Thechapter house is owned directly bythe Alumni A.ssociation and oper¬ates on a cash basis.ACTIVITIESAt present there are 12 activesand two pledges in the house as wellas eight graduate students in school.Activities include a “C” man inbaseball, a junior manager of Black-friars as well as four other members,the art editor, advertising manager,and two juniors on the Cap andGown, a business associate on TheDaily Maroon, and the manager ofthe Debate Union.The officers of the house are JohnCranor, Jr., William Orcutt, ThomasEadie, David Humphrey, RobertBeaird, Jr., Dwight Williams, andEmmett Glynn.Author’s note: The name of theS. A. E. officer listed yesterday asFrancis Gallagher should be WilliamGallagher. If the degree of abnormal over¬crowding in the library and readingrooms is any criterion, which, indeed,it should be, then in the Division ofthe Social Sciences, students haveused their four-week recess to goodadvantage.Apparently completely imbued withthe spirit of the new plan, so manystudents have been spending theirtime in the Social Science readingroom. Harper Ell, that an overflowhas occurred almost every day duringthe past two weeks. In an effoivt tocooperate with the library in meetingthe situation, Donald Slesinger,associate dean of the Division ofSocial Sciences, has authorized theuse of all seminar rooms, numbe.rs105 to 108, on the first floor of theSocial Science building for readingpurposes from 9 to 5 during the week.Several new regulations have beenmade by Miss Cora M. Gettys, mem¬ber of the library staff in charge ofthe Social Science reading room, inorder to better cope with the newdevelopments. Students who are un¬able to find seating accomodations inHarper Ell should sign for theirbooks there and then take them outto one of the seminar rooms.Change Library HoursA change in the reading hours hasalso been made which eliminates theperiod from 6 to 7 during which theroom was formerly closed. Hours noware inclusive from 8 A. M. to 10 P. M.Two additional library assistantshave been added to the staff to havecharge during the dinner hour, andone extia person has been necessaryto handle the stsudents’ requests dur¬ing the evening hours.The use of the seminar I’ooms forreading purposes will last throughoutthe four-week period. The changeswhich have been made in the readingroom hours are to be permanent.From 15 to 20 new books have been.secured for the additional readingrequired in the Social Science courses,and more will be placed in the read¬ing room as the orders are filler!.STINEWAY DRUGSPRECISE PRESCRIPTIONISTS57tli at KenwoodWhen you phone Stineway!Your order is on the wayWhether you want our soda fountain service, cosmetics,drugs, prescriptions, or a box of candy—Stineway willgive you prompt delivery service.PHONE DORCHESTER 2844PRESENTING—The best PHOENIXread—A TIMEly observation on the recent Universitypresidential race, by the Phoenix observer.A FORTUNElale article about the University ofChicago, by Huntington Harris.An All-American Football Team, presented byTHE NEW REPUBLIC.A DAMON RUNYONish interview with PrexyHutch, too good for COLLIERS, written by DaveEisendrath.A better TALK OF THE TOWN than NewYorker ever thought of printing. Don Morrisshows Editor Ross how to do it.How to BE AN OPERA STAR AND STAYiHEALTHY, in easy lessons by Sidney Hyman.PHYSICAL CULTWAH on the opera.Buy the December PhoenixOUT TOMORROW 15c 'Announce Rushing Procedure forFinal Week of Club Campaign, By MARY MacKENZIEFinal week of rushing for worn- one of the invitations for this weeken’s clubs will begin on Monday, as they wish, but each girl mustJanuary seventTl, and will cor\tinueI through Sunday, January thirteenth.During the week previous to thisthei’e will be no club functions of' any sort. All club’s invitations forI intensive rushing will be mailed dur.’ ing Christmas vacation by VirginiaNew, president of Inter-Club Coun-! cil. choose the final dinner of the clubwhich she desires to pledge. The in¬vitations to this dinner will not beis.sued until Wednesday, Januaryninth. These too, will be mailed bvthe council president.On Sunday comes the climax of allthe teas, luncheons, and partieswhich have been given throughoutThe functions given during the | the year, and freshman women willweek, Monday to Friday, include onetea, one informal party, and lun¬cheons on the days when one of theabove does not occur. Club girlswill not make dates with freshmenat times other than for regular rush¬ing affairs.Final DinnerThe famous mysterious “final din¬ner” about which so many freshmenhave wondered, is a dinner given onSaturday night by every club. Fresh¬man women may accept all or onlyDepict College LifeIn Collegiate DigestRotogravure Section'As an added attraction to the us-1ual issues of The Daily Maroon, there |have been appearing occasionally is¬sues of Jhe Collegiate Digest, a jsmall paper in rotogravure depict-1ing national college events in pic-1tures.This paper features the most beau- itiful women and the most handsomemen in the numerous universities,,outstanding personalities, fashions,athletic events of note, and short,college stories.SETTLEMENT LEAGUEPRESENTS VESPERS receive letters from the council them to appear at Ida Noyes hallto receive their bids. Kach fresh¬man will indicate her first and sec¬ond preferences. These preferenceswill be matched up with the bidswhich are sent in by the clubs, andaccordingly, she will receive her bid.Pledging on SundayAll club functions on the daysfrom Monday to Thursday will endat ten p. m.; parties on Friday andSaturday will end at twelve p. ni.Club women will not contact fresh¬men after midnight, Saturday, un¬til the freshman receives her bid onSunday. Pledging takes place lateSunday.Thus begins the life of a pledge.The University of London, Eng-and, has approximately 12,300 stu¬dents and 1,243 instructors. .\n annual program of Christmasvespers by the music section of theUniversity Settlement league will begiven in Joseph Bond chapel tomorrow and Thur.sday evenings at 8:30.The program will be for the benefitof the Settlement.Mrs. NeLs H. Norgren is chairmanof the music section of the settle¬ment league.Publish New BooksBy 2 Faculty MenTwo books, one by the late Pro¬fessor George H. Mead, the other byProfessor Charles R. Baskerville willcome off the University presses thismonth.Profe.ssor Mead’s work, entitled“Mind, Self, and Society,” is a col¬lection of lecture notes and otherpreviously unpublished material,edited and compiled by Charles W.j Morris, associate professor of Phil-I osophy at the University.“Pierre Gringore’s Pageants for1 the Entry of Mary Tudor into! Paris,” by Charles Baskerville, pro-I fessor of English at the University! is written entirely in French.WOODCARVINGThe .Art Department of the Uni¬versity announces its offering of acourse in woodcarving to be present¬ed during the winter quarter. Thecourse will be scheduled as Art 246,Advanced Modelling.nowopenTHE NEWCONTINENTALROOMKEITH BEECHEPand his OrchestraGYPSY NINAFLORA DUANEDINNER, $1.50Min. after 9 P. M., $1.00SAT., $1.50NO COVER CHARGEReservations Wabash 4400THE StevensMICHIGAN BlVD. AT 7TH ST. THREE MONTHS'COURSEro* COllCOi STUDfNTS AND OkAOUATMA thorough, iNteiuiM. ttottogrmphtg eomrm$tarttHg January I, April 1, July i, Oduhm I,Imtarrsting Booklat $ant fraa. wttkami akHmUmm—umta or phono. So toUntoro am»0itpo4.moserBUSINESS COLLEOEPAUL MOtia J.O PM.kKatmlmCigmng$,opon m High Sekoai Omaualao omtf, uuty ho tiurtrtl am Monday. Avanti Fvoning. Ermine ( opm to won.II^S.^Khi^anAvt ho.>i>oipM 4.KA7Miss LindquistCAFEIn Hro«dvipw Hotel5540 Hyde Park Blvd.and at1464 E. 67th St.KrrakfaHl. Luncheon and Dinner“Swediah Smorgasbord”Our SpecialtyJUST GOOD FOODAt Moderate PricesSpecial KutTet SupperSunday evenine .. TCr*5 to 8:30Special Attention to Luncheon andDinner (iroupaROUND TRIP FARES• LOWEST IN YEARSTHE SANTA FE TRAIL SYSTEMoffers Special Holiday Rates or saleDec. 1st to January 1st. Returnlimit April Isf. Fast, convenientSanta Fe Trail System buses to thewest and south west.Peoria, III $ 4.15Quincy, III 7.15St. loseph. Mo. 10.45Kansas City, Mo. 10.45Wichita, Kan 16.00Denver, Colo 22.45Tulsa. Okla. 15.45Oklahoma City, Okla. 17.50Dallas. Tex 20.25Los Angeles 53 10Campus AgentJOHN STOCKS TRAVELSERVICEUniversity Information Office5758 Ellis Ave. MIDway 0800SANTA FE TRAILSYSTEM