WEATHERPartly cloudy and continuedcold. Possible snow flurriesSaturday. Generally fair, andnot quite so cold. Batlp imaroon University ^^vinphonyOrchestr 1inVol. 35. No. 40. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 Price Three CentsI'F COUNCIL Eyssellf Bartlett Lead inTAKE FINAL VOTE Rabelais*Search for BeautyON BUYING PLANProgram Will Go IntoEffect January 1If AdoptedF'inal action on the cooperativebuying plan drawn up by the Inter- |fraternity committee will be taken iat a meeting of the Interfraternity ’council in the Reynolds club Tues- i Virginia Eyssell and Ned Bartlett,respectively, are in the lead at theend of the second day in Rabelais’contest to select “tH?- most beauti¬ful girl” and ‘‘the handsomest man”on the campus.Eyssell, with forty-six votes, is be¬ing closely pressed by Peg Callanan,with forty-three and by Judy Palm¬er with forty-one. Judy Fox, withthirty-four and Sue Richardson withtwenty-seven, are also strong con¬tenders. Bartlett, with ninety voteshas Bill Watson as his strongest con-day night. John Womer, president ofthe executive committee, yesterday tender, Watson has polled seventyurged the fraternities to make a de- i votes to date.cision on the program at their meet¬ings Monday.Everett George, the member of thecommittee who has prepared theplan, ha.s outlined the progiam,which, if adopted, will go into effectimmediately next quarter. Coopera¬tive purchases will be made withreference to baked goods, butter andeggs, and laundry. The greatest sav¬ing will be made possible in the lat¬ter department, where a reductionof appoximately 50 per cent ispromised. «Non-Profit InstitutionEconomies in baked goods andbutter will amount to about one toone and one-half cents on eachpound and on eggs to about twocents a dozen. Wholesalers, if theymay be so induced, can set prices be¬low those specified by the codes sincethe buying agency is a non-profit in¬stitution. It is hoped that cannedgoods will be added to the buyingprogram by February 1.The program provides that the in¬dividual fraternities advance ap¬proximately 75 per cent oi eachmonth’s bill to be used as workingcapital. The chapters will be billedtwice each month, and each mustalso meet a small service charge tocover the routine expenses of tnebuying agency. The maximum forthis has been set at $5, and thecharge will go lower if enough fra¬ternities adopt the plan.George is particularly anxious Both contests are still wide open |and the results are uncertain. Every jstudent, graduate and undergrad¬uate, every employee of the Univer¬sity, and every faculty member at |the University is entitled to one votein both contests. The deadline for ithe voting is Monday at noon. All;votes must be signed with the name ;and address of the voter and either \given or sent to Rabelais, in care of jThe Daily Maroon.LISTON OAK SPEAKSON THEATER, SOCIALORDER FOR SUAFW BEAUTY CONTESTSTANDINGSFor the Mo*t Beautiful Womanon the Campu*:Virginia Ey**ell .46Peg Callanan .43Judy Palmer .41Judy Fox .34Sue Richard*on .27Helen Wegg 18Alberta Schmidt .15Rote Teiber 9Peggy Tillingha*t .... 7Ellen Cro** . 6Helen Ann Littig .... 6Helen de Werthern . . . 5Frances Bezdek 5Mary Haskell 4Evelyn Carr 3Virginia New 1For the Hand*ome*t Manon the Campu*:Ned Bartlett .89William Wat*on .70Jay Berwanger .23Rainwater Well* .17Bertil Skoog .16Jimmy WiUon 14Bill Langley .14Ell Patter*on .11Bob MacInto*h 7Omar Fareed . 6Ben Mann . 5Cha* Greenleaf . 3 COUNTRY’S PRESS i^ncAten Leads SymphonyOrchestra in Presentationof First Concert TonightDEPLORES BAN OFOGBURN BOOKLETThe Student Union against Fascismand War is presenting Li.ston Oak, amember of the executive committeeof the Theater union of New York,this afternoon at 3:30 in Social Sci¬ence 122. The subject of his lectureis ‘‘The Theater and the Social Or¬der.”Mr. Oak is here to help with theformation of the Drama union ofChicago, an organization similar tothe New York Theater union. Bothunions are non-profit organizationswhich are interested in social prob¬lems. Last year the New York unionpresented two plays that were hits Science Exhibitat Fair Movedto RosenwaldNegotiations have been completedbetween the University and the Mu¬seum of Science and Industry for thesupplanting of a group of Univer¬sity exhibits, located on campus, withsimilar exhibits at the museum andThe Chicaito_ union in brineiw to i museum.I for the placing of the Universitv’sIS parucuiany anxious , presentea iwo piays mat were mis i Century of Progress'inthat the plan include some provi-1 and dealt with class problems. : museum, according to author-sion for a dietician to act in advis- - •“ " 'ory capacity in supervising the in¬dividual commissaries. He feels that,to work successfully, the programmust insure proper preparation offood and menus and some preventionof food spoilage. Chicago one of these plays, “Steve¬dore,” with the entire New Yorkcast. The play will open its run atthe Selwyn theater on December 24.The other play was entitled “Peaceon Earth.” Daily Maroon CirculatesPetition of Proteston CampusEditorial comment has beenaroused throughout the country fol¬lowing in the wake of the announce¬ment of the ban placed on the book¬let written by William F. Ogburn,distinguished service professor of So¬ciology.The Daily Maroon petition in pro¬test of the ban is now being circula-ed on campus among the facultymembers and the undergraduates.Copies of the petition may be foundin fraternity houses and in the Col¬lege library.“Doctrine of Despair”The “Age Herald” of Birmingham,Alabama in writing of the incidentreports, “Robert Fechner, directorof the CCC has just banned as ‘un¬suitable’ and as urging a ‘doctrineof despair’ a little pamphlet called‘You and Machines,’ by William F.Ogburo. .Mr. Fechner has been madevery cautious by his experience withshaving kits. More than that he isan important officer in the machin¬ists’ union. It would not be becom¬ing for him to lend himself to a‘libel’ on machines.” In summing thematter up, the writer finds that “Mr.Fechner has been overzealous.”In editorial comment, the “Pitts¬burgh,” in writing of the book¬let intended for the CCC workers,states that “it shed light on whythese thousands of young men wereout cutting brush and building roadsinstead of doing what they were edu¬cated to do. It explained technolog¬ical unemployment. . .but directorFechner would have none of it.”A Scripps-Howard syndicated re¬lease averred that attempts weremade to keep the ban a secret, but,when efforts in that direction failed,it was announced that “it would costtoo much to print and distribute itto the camps.”‘Andrew Jackson’ Premiere HasCharm and Professional MannerBy^A^ID KUTNERThe world premiere of Edgar Lee | every mood, climaxed in final tri-.Mastej-s’ play, “Andrew Jackson,” umph even in death.. , • . .. A newcomer to I). A. audiences,was pre.ser.ted last night by the Dra-, Sorenson, as Peg, was plea.s-matic Association with unusualcharm and simplicity in what mightbe called the most professional pro¬duction which they have attempted The chemistry museum, principal'of the exhibits to be discontinued on icampus, has been inoperative for the ; two years. Whether or not the Ioriginal equipment will be moved ;has not been definitely decided. A ifew of the larger units in other mu- jseums, which cannot be convenient- Ily operated by the University, willbe set up in Rosenwald when ade¬quate space can be provided. Thus,these groups can be operated con¬tinuously at a minimum of expenseand can be made available to morestudents.Geology exhibits from the fair,such as the pressure box, which il¬lustrates diastrophic movements inrock strata, and the stream table,Robert Ebert, playinR the part of j fthe fiery Texan, Sam Houston, I “' '“t "' ‘•“'"“'""I' GIVE 3 PLAYS INANNUAL PAGEANTFOR CHRISTMASing in the female lead, though in¬clined at times to be a bit too coy.during the few seasons.The .story portrays the series ofevents during the administration of•Andrew Jack.son, the soldier and theman, and his handling of the turbul¬ence of Washington politics and so¬ciety. It reminds one of the histori¬cal background concerning thestrife between Jackson and Calhounand also the president’s defense ofhis wife’s favorite, the charmingPeggy O’Neil.James Acts WellHal James, playing the difficultrole of Jackson, handled the partwith a combination of force andhumor which blended with our con¬ception of the beloved Old Hickory.James carried the audience in his ing their replacement in the exhibithalls of the museum.BUSINESS DANCEbrought the house down with his ihumorous account of his fight withthe Mexicans. We were di.sappoint- ied in not seeing more of NormanPaulson, as John Calhoun, who, jthough appearing in but one scene, ; of fh® outstanding socialimpre.s.sed us with his bearing and j oyent.s of the week-end will^ takediction. jRose Dunn and Roger Bernhardt,BALLET TRYOUTSBerta Ochsner, director of theMirror Revue ballet chorus, willhold ballet tryouts next Tue.sdayand Wednesday afternoons from3:30 to 5:30 in Mandel hall, ac¬cording to an announcement made.yesterday by the Mirror board.Candidates are requested to bringbathing suits and low heeled shoes.The Mirror board also an¬nounces tryouts for all women in¬terested in acting in skits to beheld Tuesday and Wednesdayfrom 3 to 5 in the Reynolds clubtheater. though having smaller roles, stoodout in their characterizations.Direction GoodThe direction, costuming, andstaging of the nine scenes was deft¬ly handled by the production staff,the simpleness of the settings add¬ing to the effectiveness of the pro¬duction.One criticism which might be not¬ed is a marked lack of action in theopening scenes which will in allprobability be corrected in the twosucceeding performances.REGISTRATIONCollege students who have arrang¬ed a tentative program with thedean for the winter quarter may callfor their tickets today or Mon¬day in Cobb 210. In order to avoidcongestion, the Registrar asks thatthose whose names begin with A toL call for their cards on Friday, allothers on Monday.Second year students who possessa matriculation fee receipt shouldbring it with them when calling fortheir tickets. place this evening, when the Schoolof Business student council, headedby William Elliott, presents its falldance in the Ida Noyes theater from9 to 1.Gene Davis and his popular cam¬pus organization, remembered fortheir fine playing at the recent Pub¬lications’ dance, have been engagedfor the affair. The chaperones willbe Dean and Mrs. William Spencer,Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Sutherland, Three liturgical plays, or preludesto the Mass, from medieval Frenchcathedral usage will comprise the an¬nual Christmas pageant to be givenin the Chapel on Sunday evening,December 16, at 7:30.The first of them, which is called“The Prophets,” has on its list ofcharacters besides a choir of sixJews and six Gentiles such person¬ages as Moses, Daniel, Elizabeth,John the Baptist, and Virgil. Thetext and the music are taken from amanuscript of the eleventh centuryof the Cathedral of St. Martial ofLimonges.“The Shepherds.” the second play,is taken from the manuscript of thethirteenth century of the Cathedralof Rouen. .Angels, shepherds, andacolytes are the chief actors in thispla.v, the main feature of which is atableau depicting the manger. Awomen’s choir, singing the plain-song hymn, forms the closing sceneof the play.“The Three Kings,” which depictsthe office of the Three Kings ac¬cording to the usage of Rouen, istaken from the same manusenpt asthe second play.This production, which was giventwo years ago and is repeated this SENIOR CLASSThe officers of the senior classand members of the senior classcouncil will meet today at 12 inCobb 110 according to an an¬nouncement made yesterday byEllmore Patterson, president ofthe senior class. Members of thesenior class committees need notappear. Robert Wallenborn WillBe FeaturedSoloist asDR. HOLMES SPEAKSAT CHAPEL SUNDAY;LECTURES AT SINAIIn addition to being guest speak- Jer at the Chapel Sunday at 11, the iReverend John Haynes Holmes willparticipate in theSinai lecture series i The first musical entertainment ofthe year to be given by a studentorganization will be the concert pre¬sented by theUniversity Sym¬phony orchestratonight in Man-del hall at 8:15.Carl Bricken,chairman of thedepartment o fMusic, will con¬duct, and RobertWallenborn, stu¬dent pianist, willbe the featuredsoloist. The orchestra will presentfour .selections. They are: Brahmws’Symphony No. 2 in D Major; Debu.s-sy’s Petite Suite; Chabrier’s EspanaRhapsody, and Cesar PYanck’s Va¬riations Symphoniques.Jay Berwanger, all-conferencehalf-back, and member of Iron MaskCarl BrickenMonday night, at, . .8:15, discussing the! Upsilon, has been appointedq u e st i o n , “Mer-1 usher. He will be assisted byDr. Holme*broadcast over chants of Death—What shall we do jwith them?” jA s y e t, Dr.!Holmes has not an¬nounced the subject jof his Sunday lec-!ture, which will beWMAQ. The chapel |councillors will assist with the ush-1ering, and Charles Tyroler will read jthe lesson. In the afternoon, the |Chapel council will meet with Dr. jHolmes at Dean Gilkey’s home from i4 to 6 for their last meeting of the 'quarter.On Monday, Dr. Holmes, in con- jnection with his subject, will dis-1cuss the problem of international itraffic in arms and armament. Hewill attempt to enlighten those who ■have been in total ignorance af the iinternational and so-called “patri-1otic” character of business opera- jtions of Krupp, Vickers, and other |great munition makers.Pastor of the Community Churchof New York since 1907, Dr. Holmeshas been a leading peace worker. He |has been chairman of the City Af-1fairs commission of New York since1929. thirteen other men, all outstandingin campus activities. The box-hold¬ers for the concei’t are: Mr. and Mrs.Harold White; Mr. and Mrs. JohnU. Nef; Mr. and Mrs. MartinSchutze; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Neil-son; Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell; Mr.and Mrs. Walter S. Brewster; Dr.and Mrs. C. Phillip Miller; AdmiralN. J. Blackwood; and Miss Gweth-aiyn Jones. The Psi Upsilon chapteris giving a dinner prior to the con¬cert and will then attend the per¬formance en masse with their dates.Ticket*Tickets for the concert are pricedat 25 cents and 50 cents. They maybe purchased at the box office inMandel hall or at the Music build¬ing. 5727 University avenue.■ Last spring, the music departmentI contacted numerous faculty members! and music lovers and asked them to-j pledge $25 each, so that the Univer-I sity orchestra could continue itswork this fall. Sixty pledge.s werereceived, thus making it possible foi*the orchestra to present its quarter-I ly concerts.I The winter quarter symphony con¬cert will be presented on March 8j and 10 in Mandel hall.“Mournful” Is Brahms Comment ofFamed D Major, Second SymphonyBy LAWRENCE GOODNOWBrahms said of his Second Sym¬phony, which is to open the Univer¬sity Symphony orchestra’s concert inMandel hall this evening, “The musi¬cians play my new work with crapearound their arms, because it soundsso mournful. It will be printed onblack-edged paper.” In spite of thecomposer’s judgment of his owmwork, the D Major Symphony raiiKsas one of the most gracious and de¬lightful symphonic works. It followshis great First Symphony by lessthan a year, the two forming another of the outstanding pairs ofwork which he contributed to music.The Second Symphony is ba.sed ona cyclic series of four notes, whichare first heard at the opening of thefirst moment. The theme, 1) C-sharpD A, asserts itself throughout thefirst, third, and last movements anato the attentive listener will contin-and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henrikson. ' year by popular request, is directed j uously be apparent. The first theme.Bids may still be secured at Haskell ' by Mack Evans, the Director of the j announced by the horns, is a varianthall for one dollar per couple. ' Chapel Music. l of the motive, the bridge theme isUniversity Symphony Orchestra^ 4r- {.’. / T <• built directly from it in diminutions.The third movement is a rythmicadaptation of the same motivic idea,thus enhancing the sparkle and ac¬tion of the movement in a tellingway. The symphony is an amazingexample of rythmic and melodic va¬riations built from a simple idea.Following the Brahms’ Symphonyon the program will be Debussy’s Pe¬tite Suites. It is one of the veryearly works of Debussy, and wasoriginally a four-hand piano compo¬sition. The extremely delicate or¬chestration is by Henry Busser, aF'rench composer, now living in.Paris.My*tical Organi*tThe Variations Symphonique arean illustration of the pianistic phaseof Franck’s composition. Franck,normally thought of as the mysticalorganist, originally entered the Con¬servatory with the intention of be¬coming a concert pianist. These ideaswent into the discard, however, andhe was soon interred among thepipes of a church organ. His earlytraining becomes apparent in thebrilliant display music he composedfor the piano. For examples of thisside of Franck, we have only to lookat his Prelude, Chorale, and Fugue,the Sonata for Violin and Piano, orthe F Minor Quintet. These works,and others, display a side of Franckwhich clinch his claim to being anextremely catholic composer.The closing selection on the pro¬gram is Chabrier’s Espana, one ofthe great popular monuments of theaspect of French life which insi.ststhat every French composer write atleast one piece of music in Spanishdance rythm before he dies.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1934iatlg iMarnnnFOUNDED IN 1901M E S t«^sociated Collegiate '$rrs»-’>33^ dollfi^f 1935 6-HaOOON WISCOM9MThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicajro. published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarterby_TTie_Daily_Maroon__Companyj__6831_Univwsity_^venue^Editorial office: Lexington hall. Room 16: business office:Room 15A. Telephones: Local 46 anji^Subscription rates: $2.50 a year: $4.00 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Tile University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not ^ responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.T^ibiic letters sh'^uld be addressed to the Editor, The DailyMaroon. Lexington hall. University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will he withheld if requested..Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLI.4M S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth GreenebaumH«nry F. Kelley Raymond LahrJanet LewyRalph W. Nicholson JeanneWilliam StolteW. WatsonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohn BallengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutright Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey Lehman June RappaportGeorge ^hustekJames SnyderEdward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterBUSINESS ASSISTANTSLHmald Elliott Alien Rosenbaum Richard SmithJ’aul Lyncn Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskySeymour WeinsteinNight Editor: Ralph NicholsonFriday. December 7, 1934SILENCE IS GOLDENUnited States Senator Huey P. Long hashidden himself beneath a thick blanket of silence.After his ranting telegram in which he said noth¬ing of importance, he has gone into seclusion, andhas refused to answer two wires sent him by TheDaily Maroon. Senator Long was asked a directquestion, “Why not explain forced resignation ofReveille staff and expulsion of four students fromschool?” Senator Long could not answer. There¬fore he did not.The Louisiana situation is no longer humorous. ;For a time Long-land was the laughing-stock of |the world, but the wound has festered, and the jopen sore is pitiful. That Huey the Great is noth¬ing more than a publicity seeking demagogue hasbeen demonstrated clearly to the student bodiesof the universities in the Western Conference. Hisanswer to the Association of Big Ten editors wasa breath of newspaper lineage. An answer to adirect question would be highly unprofitable tohim.Long’s situation at the present time is extremelyprecarious. No one took him seriously until he !announced his intention to run for the Presidency jin 1936. Even a clown cannot make a statement}of this kind without having the powers that be jclamp down on him. In a far more sober vein, |he greatly offended the national government iwhen he forced a batch of unconstitutional lawsthrough the Louisiana legislature. As a result the |Department of the Interior has stopped all federal jpatronage and is making no more appropriations !for public works in the home of the pecan praline, jAs soon as the people of the Bayou get tired of !paying out money and getting none in return, they |will turn and snap at theil petty dictator. JLong’s house of cards is ready to tumble, and iit will as soon as a breeze comes along. We jprophecy that the wind will come from the good iSenator himself—in another of his empty verbal !blasts.—N. B. G.MUSIC IN THE AIRTonight the Student Symphony opens its sea- ison in Mandel hall. In keeping with its policy of jproviding concerts for the students tickets are 'available at the extremely low price of twenty- ,five and fifty cents.At a University that prides itself on its cultural ;life this opportunity to hear first class music given !by a student organization should not be over¬looked. And it will not be, according to presentindications, for the “campus” is planning to turn jout in large numbers. Undoubtedly there is a 'trend to a better appreciation of good music.—H. P. H. CLASSIFIED ADSATTENTION STUDENTSThe Chicagoan Magazine can use afew part time workers in your ownneighborhoods, to take subscriptions.Very liberal commission basis. Sev¬eral special Christmas offers now.Write or call T. E. Kloch, The Chi¬cagoan, 407 S. Dearborn St. Suite1505.Private instruction in algebra,trig, geometry and calculus. Reason¬able. Box O, Faculty Exchange.FOR RENT—Nicely furnishedrooms for 2 young men. Board op¬tional. Bungalow home. Good trans¬portation. Jewish preferred. PhoneRadcliffe 4426.HYDE AWAY INN1342 E. 53rd St.Chicken Steak and ChopDinners $.40Private Dining RoomsMusic - DancingEntertainmentSat. NiteBar Open After 12:00 P.M.Lotels Windermereinvite you for any party, of any size.No matter what the occasion, hereyou will find everything you need forperfect enjoyment. For large gather¬ings— fraternity or sorority dances,entertainments, balls — the ballroomis complete. For smaller gatherings,private dining rooms are available.Or, if there are just a few dining to¬gether, there is a la carte and tabled'hote service. Important, too, is thefact that it costs surprisingly little toentertain here.IfindermereS6th Stzaet at Jackaon Park • Chicago THREE MONTHS' COURSErOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND OSADUAmA thorough, inttnsnu, stntogrmpkk mmrmttarttng January 1, 1, July J, OMaksr 1.Intamting BooMat aamt froa, witkamt«—writ* or phono. No toiicttan imoserBUSINESS COLLEOifAWi Mosis,MtgmlgrC*mrm$,*pamt*HigkSck*at9mh-matu omty, mgy b* $tart*dmny Monday, Dapand Evomng. Evtning Courws opon la mtam.II6 S.Michigan Ava., Chicogo, Randolph 434P DREXEL theatre858 E. C.TrdThurs. & Fri.—’THE BOWBRY"Wallace Beery - Jackie Cooper.Sat.—“CRIME WITHOUT PASSION"Claude Rains and Margo.Sun. & Mon.—“MILLION DOLLARRANSOM." Edward Amold-MarrCarlise-Phillips Holmes.PATRONIZE THEMAROONADVERTISERS PUBLIX CAFETERIA1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket home forChristmas with the money yousave eating the Publix way.”'Voooooo<>oooooooo<>o<>o<>o<> KERENS GOODSTUDENT NEWS TO EVERYON CAMPUS!You have one of Chicago's finest men’s stores, anxiousto serve your every desire for fine clothes, right in yourown back yard.Hart, Schaffner A Marx, GGG and Freeman CustomClothes, Knox and Msdlory Hats, Manhattan, Arrow imdKingly Shirts and Nunn>Bash Ankle-Fashioned Oxfordsare the featured brands. In short, every item in the storecarries a nationally known label, insuring your absolutesatisfaction or your money will be refunded.Visit our fine store, look around, notice how resLson-able our prices are, then you will appreciate how conve¬nient your shopping can be, also, how much further yourclothing budget will carry.Erie Clothing Co.837-839 East 63rd Street(Maryland Theatre Building)OPLN LVERY EVENINGTHE UNIVERSITYSYMPHONYORCHESTRADirected by CARL BRICKENPresentsBrahm s Symphony in D MajorChabrier’s Lspana RhapsodyDebussy’s Petite SuiteCaesar Franck’s VariationswithROBERT WALLENBORN, SoloistTONIGHTat 8:15 P. M.MANDEL HALLTickets on Sale at the Music Building, 5727 Universityand Box Office in Mandel CloisterWhere to WorshipTHE FIRST UNITARIANCHURCHThe Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISTONIGHT IS THE CONCERTNow is the time for all good men (and women)to come to the aid of the party. No, we are notsimply practicing typing. We are doing our best,in our own humble little way, to tell you that thesymphony, the University Symphony Orchestrato you, will open its season in Leon Mandel hallat 8:30. Now you can begin to get some culture.You needn’t be ignoramuses any more. You cantalk Liszt, Bach, Beethoven and Wagner (if youmust talk Wagner) with the best of them. Youmight be inspired to become a famous musicianyourself. But wait—we are letting our enthusi¬asm run wild. We must remain rational. So allwe will say is, if you have any urge for ap¬preciation of the fine arts (you uncouth )you will go to the symphony. The Psi U houseis going en masse to honor brother head usherJohn Jay Berwanger. Pretty admirable! The owlstill soars high above the throng!41 4cOLD HICKORYAndrew Jackson opened last night with a greatfan-fare, and it too, is recommended to all ofyou diversion seekers. With author Edgar LeeMasters wandering around the place you havean added attraction. But even so, it is a helluvagood show. Even if for no other reason, it wouldbe worth going just to hear and see (in the flesh,in person, no<t a movie) Howard P. Hudson, HisMajesty, the Editor-in-Chief of this rag, whoplays a minor part. The audiences sit and waitand wait for him. Finally there he is. We tellyou, folks, it’s the thrill of a life-time.A 4cTHE WEEK-ENDAs is his custom, Rabelais will now devotesome space to telling you about the parties com¬ing off this week-end. Tonight is the Quad partyat the Chi, Athletic Club. All the males will haveto wear boiled shirts, and they will have to keepthem very, very clean, indeed, for they will haveto wear them again next night (unless they havemore shirts, which we doubt) at the Sigma partyat the Stevens and the Esoteric party, which isclosed and the Chi Rho Sigma party out North.The Zeta Betes are giving a hill-billy party to¬morrow night, and everybody will come with anArkansas accent. Hey, Panama, what the hell isan Arkansas accent?That’s all the parties we can think of or re¬member at the moment. If we left any out, weare most of a certainty sorry, and let us knowabout it, so we can tell the world about saidparty or parties next week. Whatthehell—wecan’t be social butterflies all the time.4c 4c 4cLEST WE FORGETWhich is improbable, but Lest you forget,which we certainly hope won’t happen, but which,who can tell, might. THE CONTEST! THECONTEST! THE CONTEST! Votes are pouringin, swamping Rabelais, all of which might be agood thing, but neverthless.... here is your lastchance. Monday at midnight the contest closesforever! Rabelais will burn the midnight oil allMonday night, and the flickering lights of hisbedroom lamp will extend on into the brighthours of Tuesday’s noon day sun. He will stayawake long enough to send Wednesday’s Bazaarover to the printer’s under armed guard. Thenhe will relax in a deep slumber and with themorn will come the two lucky individuals. Andwe can all look at them and say admiringly andrememberingly. .. .1 knew them when! THEMOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL ON THE CAMPUSAND THE HANDSOMEST MALE ON THECAMPUS!Rabelais warns you! This is your last chance.There will be no extension of the deadline of thecontest. All votes must be in by Monday at mid¬night. You had better grab Rabelais the firsttime you see him, because everybody knows thatit’s hell finding him on a week-end. Uncle Samwill be willing to help you out in your misery.Grab a stamp, an envelope, a sheet of raper anda fountain pen or pencil. Write out your ballotand address the envelope to Rabelais care ofThe Daily Maroon.... Don’t forget to put the bal¬lot in the envelope and don’t forget to mail theenvelope. Rabelais will be waiting at the officeof the Daily Maroon to per.sonally escort yourballot into the sanctum of his private office. Therehe will place it under lock and key until the finaland official counting.All ballots must be signed with the name andaddress of the voter, but Rabelais guaranteesthat, under no circumstances, will anybody’s votefor anything be made public. Rabelais will bethe only one who knows and Rabelais has neverbetrayed a confidence, despite the hundreds ofopinions to the contrary.THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL... .she beamsat you from behind shadowed cloisters. THEHANDSOMEST MAN.... he sparkles in thefull flight of his glories... .THEY’LL BOTHBE IN WEDNESDAY’S BAZAAR Jointhe Search for Beauty!FAMOUS LAST WORDSCarry me home in a wheelbarrow Mother Woodlawn Avenue and Elast 57th StreetOgden Vogt, D.D., MinisterSUNDAY. DECEMBER 9. 19341 I :00 A. M.—“Emergence of Mind,” Dr.Vogt.4:00 P. M.—Channing Club. Eugene Rosen-court four-year world trip. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OFDISCIPLES OF CHRIST5655 University AvenueDr. Edward Scribner Ames, MinisterSUNDAY. DECEMBER 9. 193410:30 A. M.—Communion Service.I I :00 A. M. — Sermon subject: “TheWeather. ” Dr. Ames.6:00 P. M.—Wranglers. Tea and Program.Students cordially invited.St. Paul’s Church50th and DorchesterParish Office: 4945 DorchesterAvenueTel. Oakland 3185Rev. George H. ThomasRev. Donald W. Crawford, B. D.SUNDAY SERVICE:Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M.Church School Service, 9:30A. M.Morning Service, 11:00 A. M.Young People’s Society, 6:00P. M. Hyde Park Baptist YoungPeople’s Church Club56th and Woodlawn Ave.FRIDAY, DECEMBER 78:30 P. M.—Roller SkatingParty. White City.SUNDAY, DECEMBER 96:00 P. M.—Tea.7:00 P. M,—Discussion, “Ben¬jamin Franklin’’ by Prof. J. M.Stifler.8:00 P. M.—Evening Service.9:00 P. M.—Social Hour. ATTEND THECHURCHESTHEYAREINTERESTEDINYOUTHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 Page ThreenowopenTHE NEWCONTINENTALROOMKEITH BEECHEPand his OrchestraGYPSY NINAFLORA DUANEDINNER, $1.50Min. after 9 P.M., $1.00SAT., $1.50NO COVER CHARGEReservations Wabash 4400StevensMiCHlGAN BlVD. AT 7TH ST.THE BASKETEERS ENGAGEWHEATON SQUAD INCONTEST TOMORROW TODAY ON THE QUADRANGLES9 MAGAZINES FORTHE PRICE OF ONELIFEiUDCENEW YORKERTIMEFORTUNENEW REPUBLICCOLLIERSPHYSICALCULTUREUPSURGEALLin fhe December issueof thePHOENIXOUT NEXT WEEK Ineligibility Keeps Haarlow,Weiss from CompetingThis QuarterAlthough it unofficially opened theseason last Saturday with a victoryover the alumni, the Maroon basket¬ball team will play its first sched¬uled game against Wheaton collegein the fieldhouse tomorrow evening.Chicago will be without the serv¬ices of Bill Haarlow and Ray Weiss,who are only taking two courses thisquarter and therefore are ineligiblefor intercollegiate competition. It doubtful whether Gordon Peter¬son, Tommy Flinn, or Bill Lang willsee much action, as they haven’t hadtime enough to practice since the endof the football season.As a result. Coach Norgren willdepend on Bob Eldred at center,Stan Kaplan and Dick Dorsey atguards, and Wally Duvall and eitherGeorge Pritikin or Chuck Merrifieldat forwards. For relief, there willbe Bill Stapleton and Shelby Pass-more in the advance positions andEd Bell to protect the basket.Won Last YearLast year the Maroons defeatedWheaton in a game that was playedlater in the season. The team wasone equal to any of the teams fromthe small colleges of northern Illi¬nois, but the Chicagoans, at theheight of their stride, took them easi¬ly-Following the Wheaton contest,the Maroon team meets North Cen¬tral college December 12 at Naper¬ville, comes back to the Midway toplay Armour institute on Saturday,and then travels to Milwaukee toplay Marquette the following Mon¬day.Because they failed to matriculatein school this year, Leo Oppenheimand Bob Pyle, regular guard andforward respectively, will be lost tothe Maroon basket team during the1935 season. MusicPhonograph concert in Social Sci¬ence 122. 12:30 to 1:15.Concert. University Svmphony Or¬chestra. Mandel hall at 8:30.Lectures“The Theater as a Social Force.’’Liston Oak. Sponsored by the Stu¬dent Union Against War and Fasc¬isms. Social Science 122 at 3:30.“Current Economic Problems.” Dr.Melchior Palyi. Fullerton Hall of theArt Institute at 6:45.MeetingsFreshman Council. North room ofIda Noyes at 12.German club. Lounge of IdaNoyes at 4.Senior Class. Meeting of officers.Cobb 110 at 12.Walther League for Lutheran stu¬dents. Ida Noyes at 8.MiscellaneousW. A. A. Cozy. Y. W. C. A. roomof Ida Noyes from 3 to 5.College Mixer. Informal dance.Sponsored by the College Council.Ida Noyes at 3:30.Second performance of Edgar LeeMasters’ “Andrew Jackson.” Spon¬sored by the Dramatic Assuciation.Reynolds club theater at 8:3b.Phi Delta Upsilon. Card party.Library and lounge of Ida Noyesfrom 8 to 12.School of Business. Informaldance. Theater of Ida Noyes from9 to 1.Y. W. C. A. cabinet tea. At thehome of Mrs. Charles W. Gilkey,COLLEGE NIGHTReviving an old custom, the Col¬lege Inn at the Hotel Sherman isnow designating Friday night asCollege Night, with attendance byspecial invitation only. Invitations,which entitle the bearer to a fullcourse $1.50 dinner for only onedollar, are obtainable from fraternityand club representatives.CHRISTMASGIFTS GALOREHere you will find a great variety of useful andnovel gifts for Him or Her or anyone else. Selectfrom the largest variety of books, stationery orgiftware. Visit us today.WHY NOT ATYPEWRITER?All the latest Noiselesstypewriters and a completestock of standard keyboardreconditioned Portables at$22.30 and upward. Guar¬anteed and sold on budgetplan.SPEX^IAL “Factory Re¬built” Underwood — Royaland LC Smith Typewriters$44.95.Your old machine takenin trade.Come in and see theseNOW—BEFORE THE AD¬VANCE IN PRICE.Arrange for a trial—Noabligation. Pen.s .$1.00 to $10.00Stationery . . .50 to 3.008.00Brassware . . . .50 toChronieware .. .50 to 7.50 1Leather 1goods .... .50 to 9.00U. of C.Jewelry . . . T.OO to 15.00 19.00 •Book Ends . . 1.00 toLamps . 1.00 to 8.00Flower Pots . . .50 to 3.00 Hi1Chintz QDishes . . . . 1.00 to 4.00iGoodies . . . . . .25 to 2.00Woodworth^sBook Store1311 E. 57th St.Near Kimbark Ave.^^QE2C3EiS33BI^S 5802 Woodlawn avenue at 4.SATURDAYMeetingsDames Club. Library and lounge.Ida Noyes at 2:30.MiscellaneousSlavonic club play. Internationalhouse theater at 8:30.Y. W. C. A. transfer group. In¬formal dance. Theater of Ida Noyesfrom 9 to 12.SUNDAYMusic and ReligionReverend John Haynes Holmes, S.T. B. University chapel at 11.Carrilon recital. Frederick Mar¬riott. University chapel at 4.Musical vesper service. Universitychapel at 4:30.Lectures“Anti-Semetic Fascist Activity inAmerica.” John L. Spivak. Sponsor¬ed by the National Student Leagueat the Hotel Sherman at 8.MeetingsSocialist Club. North room of IdaNoyes from 8 to 10.MONDAY'MeetingsY. W\ C. A. hospital group meet¬ing. Y. W. C. A. room of Ida Noyesat 12.Phi Delta Upsilon. Studentlounge of Ida Noyes from 7 to 10.Chi Rho Sigma. Alumni room ofIda Noyes at 7:30. Dine Sunday in thePATRICIAN ROOMOF THEGLADSTONE HOTEL6200 Kenwood Ave.Where you may find the fullest enjoyment of your Sundaydinner. The delicious food, the deft service, the pleasantsetting, all contribute to give you the maximum in diningsatisfaction.COMPLETE SUNDAY DINNER, 50cOther Dinners to 85c(Served Daily and Sunday)SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTSunday Evening - - - - 7 o’ClockJOHN BURDETTEof “Old Man River” fameand his tenCOTTON PICKERSwill entertain our dinner guests and friends with theirunusual program of negro songs and spirituals.For those who prefer self service, the Gladstone main¬tains a beautiful cafeteria serving delicious food atmoderate prices.THE STORE FOR MEN TT¥W BVlilTWl ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■!Swank Cravat Chain —the new andsmarter tie holder. Many appealingpatterns including sport designs.$2.50 — otherM higher and lower.Swank Gift Sets in many modemdesigns and combinations.$6.00 — others higher and tower. FOR TROUBLED MIDWAY MAIDENSA SOLUTION TO YOUR ANNUALMALE GDT PROBLEMWe’ re well aware of the yearly Christmas quandary of wbat toget for that hard to please group of male individuals constituting theimmediate family relations and certain others of p>articularly impor¬tance, who MUST be given something but who seem to have every¬thing. So our Store for Men, always equal to the occasion, hasarranged the ANSWER SHOP on its 5th Floor. Here you’ll find theanswer to the most troublesome gift problems conceivable, chosenby experts who know the masculine tastes through years of illuminat¬ing experience catering to male wants.For instanceMan's Christmas StochingGenerously filled with shaving soa|),talcum, toothpaste, flashlight, and pra^-cal jokes to keep him busy until Juniorbreaks his own train. Complete, $3.50 Siamese Fightitig FishOtherwise known as Betta Splendens.Pugnacious little fish whose beautifulcolorings belie their war-like natures.One fish, wish lamp and small balancedaquarium, $6Swank evening jewelry is pre-ierred by men who desire uniail-ing correctness in jewelry accesso¬ries — and of course, quality.AT irWELERS AND SMART MEN’S SHOPSTii« t Wild* ConiMny, Attleboro, Mtit.SUJflnKJewelry Accessories for Men A set of “cocktail fixin’ ”—bitters, cherries, limes, sugars—in fact,everything but the liquor—(He’ll probably get some from a crony anyway).$2.00Ship lamps—a good masculine adornment for his room or study.$1.50Ship book ends—particularly artistic sets in nautical shapes. Greatfor the room at college. Silver.$10.00Another especially clever man’s gift is the lamp with a fullmastedschooner in full sail in its base. You can almost smell the salt spray.$6.00If he’s given to taking baths occasionally, he’ll like the men’s towelsets for rub down and bath.$2.50If it’s for the big moment, brother, father, or uncle, you can’tfail to find the appropriate gift here in the Answer Shop. BringMother with you—it’ll solve a great many of her Christmas gifttroubles.THE ANSWER SHOPFIFTH FLOORTHE STORE FOR MENMARSHALL FIELD & COMPANYuuhiPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934SANTA FE TRAILSYSTEM the cigarette that’s MILDER the cigarette that TASTES BETTER© 1934. I-IGOETT 8c Myers Tobacco Co.THEATERBy DAVID KUTNER Wyvem Boasts of 36 Years ofActivity as Campus Organization“ROMANCE”at the Blackttone TheaterEugenie Leontovich, who was suchan acting sensation in the productionof Grand Hotel several seasons ago,continues her brilliant work in thecurrent revival at the Blackstone,Edward Sheldon’s “Romance.” TheRussian actress, performing with thesparkling finesse which has made hersuch a favorite with Chicago audi¬ences, seems to grow or one increas¬ingly as the play progresses.The story, briefly: Thomas Arm¬strong, a young rector, in love w'ithSusan V'an Tuyl, is bewitched by thecharnis of an Italian prima donna,Mme. Margherita Cavallini, playedby Mme. Leontovich. Suspectingnothing, he is shocked by Cavallini’sdisclosure that she is a woman wntha past and that Cornelius Van Tuyl,Susan’s uncle, is the man. Marriageis out of the question because Cav¬allini w'ould spare the young rectorand herself.Besides Mme. Leontovich, PhilipHuston, as the be.guiled clergyman,impressed us with his dramatic abil¬ity. The performance of Pierre Wat¬kins, playing the part of the elderVan Tujd, was smooth and polished.Mme. Leontovich is introduced tous as we would expect to see her, asthe alluring temptress who w'ouldtrap the innocent and susceptibleArmstrong. But we are really sur¬prised to find her turning into a mor¬alist before the play reaches its con¬clusion. The effect of the prologueand epilogue to introduce is an oldtrick yet effective. By MARY MacKENZIETuesday this series of articleswill conclude with an explana¬tion of the rustling rules forfinal week and pledging.Aeronautic SchoolOffers ScholarshipsThe Boeing School of Aei’onautics,a division of the United Air Lines atOakland, California, is offering thesixth annual W. E. Boeing Scholar¬ships for university students againthis year. The awards are determin¬ed by thesis competition and thecontest is open to students in theUnited States and Canada.The scholarships comprise twoaeronautical training courses at theschool, with a tuition value of$6800,00. Rules of the scholarshipcontest are posted on the 'Fellow¬ships bulletin on the second floor ofCobb hall. The competition closesMarch 15. Fifteen members and three pledgesmake up the membership of Wyvern,which was founded in 1898. Thegroup also has a large alumnaechapter which awards a full scholar¬ship each year.Thirteen of the fifteen membersand one pledge participate in cam¬pus activities. Helen de Werthern ischairman of B. W. O., a senior aide,a member of Mirror Board, a mem¬ber of Federation council, of Y. W.C. A. cabinet, and a member of theChapel council.Mildred Eaton is a member of A.W. O., of W. A, A, Board, and ofthe Cap and Gown staff. She ischairman of W. A. A. conference,president of the Tap Club, a groupleader, and a member of the Dra¬matic Association and of Mirror.Margarte Goss is a counsellor and amember of Mirror. Marion Smith isa member of Mirror, of the Dra¬matic Association, and is an upperclass counsellor. Eleanor Shartz isa member of Mirror ballet, and acounsellor. Doris Pi-ost is a memberof the the School of Business coun¬cil. vice-president of Comad, and atransfer counsellor. Alice Johnson isa member of B. W. 0., of secondcabinet of Y. W. C. A., and of theDramatic Association and MiiTor.Marion Westphal is a group lead¬er and a member of Mirror, andpresident of Wyvern. Juliana Bondis a member of Dramatic Associa¬tion, and Mirror and is an upperclass counsellor. Hannah Fiske is a member of Dramatic Association andMirror, of Ida Noyes Auxiliary. Sheis also a member of the second cab¬inet of Y. W. C. A., and housingchairman of the W. A. A. springconference. Helen Ann Littig is acounsellor and Eleanor Graham ispresident of Ida Noyes Auxiliary, amember of Chapel council, and ofthe Student Settlement Board.Pledge Jaan Int-Hout is a mem¬ber of Tarpon, of the Student SocialCommittee, a member of the firstcabinet of Y. W. C. A., chairman ofwomen ti'ansfer students, a memberof Chapel council, and of Ida NoyesAdvisory Board.A five dollar pledge fee, a twen¬ty dollar initiation fee which in¬cludes the pin, and dues of five dol¬lars a quarter answer the financialquestions of the group.Social affairs are three parties ayear, a Mothers^ tea, a cozy eachmonth and Sing Dinner. GEORGE M. COHANCOMES TO CHICAGO ;IN ‘AH, WILDERNESS’!George M. Cohan in “Ah, Wilder¬ness!” will be this season’s first at¬traction of the American Theatersociety at the Erlanger theater,opening a four weeks’ engagementon Monday, December 10, and com¬ing direct from Philadelphia. Thisis a Theater Guild production, writ¬ten by Eugene O’Neill, and it ran foreight months at the Guild theater inNew York last season.In “Ah, Wilderness!”, which isO’Neill in a comedy mood, Cohanhas the role of Nat Miller, a news¬paper man in Connecticut, who is be¬wildered at the strange antics of hisson. It is said to be a task that hasdefinitely placed Mr. Cohan in apermanent niche as broadway’s firstcitizen and America’s first actor.The story is laid in the happy daysof 1906, when fathers and sonsdidn’t know how to explain sex mat¬ters to each other.GETVESS atDry GingeraleHi-Ball SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61st and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage CroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th StreetLAW GROUP ACTIVEKappa Beta Pi, the only legal lawsorority on campus, has resumed ac¬tivities after a period of layoff. Atelection last spring, Laura Cook waselected dean, Dorothy Wilson, vice¬dean and Pauline Cohen, secretary-treasurer. The sorority was origin¬ally organized as a protective unitfor women law students. LECTUREbyJOHN HAYNES HOLMES, New YorkNoted Liberal ThinkeronMERCHANTS OF DEATH—WHATSHALL WE DO WITH THEM?Monday, December 10th, at 8:15 P. M.SINAI TEMPLE4600 South Parkway Kenwood 5826ADMISSION 50 CENTS Live in Home-LikeQuartersWe specialize in attractiverooms for faculty members and studentsat the U. of C.Individual rooms or suiteswith or without bath.Ideally arranged for quietand study.Prices to suit your purse.Rates $2.50 to $12.00 per week.TheHarvard Hotel5714 Blackstone AvenuePhone Hyde Park 2780Miss Grayce Naismith,Mgr.GET YOUR THEATER TICKETS AT THE DAILYMAROON THEATER BUREAUHOME3^1=-—for the^ HOLIDAYSTHE SANTA FE TRAIL SYSTEMoffers Special Holiday Rates on saleDec 1st to January 1st. Returnlimit April 1st. Fast, convenientSanta Fe Trail System buses to thewest and south west.Peoria, III.Quincy, III.$♦, Joseph, MoKansas Cify, Mo.Wichita. Kan. .Denver, Colo.Tulsa, Okia.Oklahoma City, Okla.Dallas, Tex.Los Angeles $ 4.157.1510.4510.4516.0022.4515.4517.5020.2553.10Campus AgentJOHN STOCKS TRAVELSERVICEUniversity Information Office5758 Ellis Ave. MIDway 0800 MHarvesting to¬bacco a nd I tackingit in the bam forcuring—and (be¬low) a scene at aSouthern tobaccoauction. ANY men of the South havebeen “in tobacco” for years—growing tobaccoand curing it—buying it and selling it —untilthey know tobacco from A to Izzard.Now folks who have been in tobacco alltheir lives, folks who grow it, know there isno substitute for mild ripe tobacco.Aii^ down in the South where they grow tobaccoand where they ought to know something about it—inmost places Chesterfield is the largest-selling cigarette.