WEATHERPartly cloudy, unsettled attimes; no decided change intemperature. ISatlp iHlanion So Yc '^on’tTalk, Eh, KVol. 35. No. 39. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934 Price Three CentsAlumni Association SponsorsAnnual Football Banquet atUniversity Club Next Week Banned Ogburn Booklet ShowsYouth in Need of AdjustmentElect Captain for NextYear at DinnerThursdayThe campus at large will be ad¬mitted to the annual football ban¬quet sponsored by the Chicago Alum¬ni association when it is held Thurs¬day, December 13, at the Universityclub, Monroe street and Michiganavenue. Captain for next season willbe selected and announced at thattime.The evening’s activity will startwith a dinner with talks and the jelections following. Tickets for theatfair will be sold to University stu-1dents for $1 and may be obtainedfrom William Wat.son, Ralph Nichol¬son, .lohn Auld or John Fl:nn. Re.s-ervations may be made at fraternityhouses. Omar F’areed is managingsales in the dormitories.Fraternities and Alumni MeetTables will be .set a.side for fra¬ternity groups. It is suggested byWilliam W’ataon, campus manager,that fraternity alumni be contactedand asked to .sit with the undergrad¬uate fraternity groups as a trophywill be awarded to the fraternitywith the largest repre.sentation. Thecost of the dinner to alumni is$1.75.More than 200 high .school seniorswill be the guests of the Alumni as- |sociatioii at the banquet. Presentplana, as announced by John Mc¬Donough, in charge of arrangementsfor the Alumni a.ssociation, have itthat the high .school men will be ar¬ranged at the tables with Universityundergraduates in order that theywill get, at first hand, impressionsof the Univer.sity.Last Year’s Banquetl4ist year’s banquet, although aclo.sed affair, attracted considerableattention. It was held at the timeof the heated di.scu.ssion cau.sed bythe proposed merger of the Univer¬sity and Northwestern university,and wa.s featured by talks by Presi¬dent Robert M. Hutchins and mem¬bers of the I.,aSalle street Coachingstaff bearing on the subject.Tickets will be kept on sale untilThursday at the price of $1 for un-:dergraduates. The tickets purchased |on campus will be turned in at the 'door at the University club for theregular admittance card. FRIAR AUTHORSAll authors of books to be sub¬mitted for the annual Blackfriarproduction are urged to attend ameeting at 2:30 this afternoon inthe Blackfriar office in the Rey¬nolds club. Since the deadline forentering books in the competitionhas been set at December 15, it isnece.ssary that the authors attendthis meeting to clear up any dif¬ficulties encountered in writingfor the .show.PRESENT WRTERirSYMPRONY CONCERTTOMORROW EVENINGThe Univer.sity Symphony Orches¬tra will present its first concert ofthe cuiTent year tomorrow eveningat 8:15 in Mandel hall. Carl Bricken,chairman of the department of Mus¬ic, will conduct.The concerts this year are beingmade possible by the donations ofdo patrons and patronesses, anil areespecially welcome since the ChicagoSymphony orchestra will not presentI its usual concerts on camiius. Tick¬ets have been lowered to the prices: of 25 cents and 50 cents, and maybe purchased at the box office in.Mandel hall or at the music building.Mr. Bricken has selected fournumbers for the concert. The fea¬ture presentation will be Brahms’Symphony No. 2 in D Major. Theother selections will be Petite Suiteby l)ebu.ssy; Espana Rhapsody byChabrier, and Variations Symiihon-iques by Caesai- Franck. Robeit Wal-lenborn, student pianist, will he thesoloist of the evening.The box-holders for the concertwill include as many of the jTutronsand patronesses as is possible toseat. Jay Bei wanger was appointedby Mr. Bricken as the head usher.He will be assisted by Ellmoi'e Pat¬terson, Sidney Hyman, WaldemarSolf, Thomas Flinn, Charles Tyroler,John Womer, William Watson, Ed¬ward Cullen, Huntington Hai-ris, Wil¬liam Haarlow, Knox Hill, CharlesCreenleaf, and Richard Zacharias. “How does the white man differfrom the Indian?’’i This is the opening sentence of theI booklet, “You and Machines,’’ writ¬ten by Distinguished service profes¬sor William F. Ogburn of the Univer-.sity for the special use in the Civ¬ilian Conservation Corps, but bannedby Robert Fechner, director of CCCacitvities. An edition of 20,000copies had been printed when Fech-ner’s order wa.s issued. The book is' copyrighted by the American Coun-i cil on Education.The pamphlet goes on after its, opening question:“I shot the question at a copper-j skinned Indian from Montana whoI had come to Tacoma to break wild; horses for the Army.“ 'You white men,' he replied,‘can't live in the forest. You’d behelpless there. I walked hundreds ofmiles to get here. I ate berries; Ishot rabbits and birds. I slept outin the open, on the ground, withouta tent.“ ‘Could a white man do that?Could he get along by himself? No.You know he couldn’t. The whiteman when he travels lives at hotels,eats in restaurants, rides on trains-He can’t live without machines.’“He was right. The difference be¬tween the white man and the Indianmay be written in one word—ma¬chine.”This work is part of that planned by six university professors to meetthe special needs of the 25,000 menused by the CCC in improving theforests of the country. “You andMachines” was intended to be oneof the simple text books for themen’s classe.s. A grant of $40,000from the General Education boardwas made for the purpose.“I am forbidding the use of thebook,” Director Fechner is reportedto have .said, “because it is too pes¬simistic and does not offer a solu¬tion for the problems it presents.”Draws Dreary PictureThe book, however, is not pessi¬mistic in its fundamental conception.Dr. Ogburn does draw a drear pic¬ture of machine civilization. "... Weare always behind time; we cannotkeep up with machines,” writes Pro¬fessor Ogburn in his last chapter.He goes on to point out that ma¬chines threw people out of work andinjured them, but we do nothingabout it. He says that governments,set up in the days of the horse andbuggy, remain unchanged in the faceof completely changed environments.Family* life was disrupted by themachine. The center of populationhas shifted to the city because oftechnological changes. Everything ischanged—man is changed; religion,government, economics, all changed.But in our adaptations we are farbehind.(Continued on page 3)Plan SettlementChristmas Partyfor 500 ChildrenChild Discusses Dictatorship asTransitional Form of GovernmentBy HENRY“Dictators of Europe are constant¬ly trying to create a democratic ma¬chine which will succeed them,” saidRichard Washburn Child last nightin Mandel hall. The lecture was the.second in the series of six sponsor¬ed by the Student Lecture service.The .speaker dealt mainly wdth de¬mocracy in its changing forms inEurope and cited experiences whilein the diplomatic service. Mr. Child.served as American ambassador toItaly daring the Wilson administra¬tion. More recently he held the postof special economic adviser to thepre.sent administration.Dictatorship a TransitionThat dictatorship i.s merely a trans¬ition period between the break downof one form of government and theestablishment of another was anoth¬er of the points stressed by thespeaker. This condition comes afterdiseases have become firmly estab-li.shed in the democracies of the coun¬tries.Some of the diseases enumeratedREGISTRATIONAdvance registration for studentsin the professional schools will beheld today from 8:45 to 11:30 andfrom 1:80 to 4:30 in Cobb 210 and211. Any student who wishes to reg¬ister today, and who is in this class,should call at the office, bringingwith him his matriculation fee re¬ceipt, Those who do not take ad¬vantage of the advance registrationwill have to wait until the first dayof the'winter quarter. F. KELLEYby Mr. Child were the lethargy ofj the people in using powers granted' them in the government which! make.s more the growth of thepower of political parties. However,a much more deadly disease is thegrowth of organized minorities,which raid the treasury.Mucsolini « DictatorTo Mr. Child, Mussolini is a typi¬cal dictator who is striving towardthe accomplishment of one idea: thatgovernment work and must ex¬press the will of the people no mat¬ter what may be the form of expres¬sion of that will. The noted diplo¬mat has watched the rise of Musso¬lini, being in Italy at the time Mus¬solini took over his present office.As another of the dictators whoto him seemed representative of thetype looking for the good ofthe State, Mr. Child cited Dollfusswhom he met shortly before the lat¬ter’s assassination. Dollfuss, he said,was forever wondering what could bedone for the good of Austria.As for Hitler, the lecturer saidthat the German dictator has a pe¬culiar problem. In the “unfortunatelump in Europe created by the trea¬ty of Versailles” Hitler has the prob¬lem of working out a new order athome and of watching menaces fromwithout. As yet the world cannotjudge either the man or his work, headded. Defending Hitler’s action,he said that sterner rigor is neces¬sary in time of stress.These last remarks were made Inan.swer to questions asked the lectur¬er by the audience. The Settlement board, aided byall women’s organizations, will spon¬sor its annual Chri.stmas party for500 settlement children on Satur¬day, December 21, at 4 in the Set¬tlement House, 4(530 avenue.The announcement was made yester¬day by Helen Hartenfeld, a memberof the board.Vai ious campus organizations ,have volunteered to contribute can- jdy, toys or money which wdll go to jthe Christmas fund to buy food anddoting. All UniveY'sity members |are being asked to help with either imoney or gifts. jThe Freshman Women’s Councilhas offered to furnish candy; Y. W. |C. A. cabinets, W. A. A., F'ederation jCouncil, all women’s and men’s dor-1mitoi'ies, and the clubs will providetoys; Nu Pi Sigma is dressing dolls;,and the Chapel council and fraterni- jty are donating money. All!students are being asked to contrib- 5ute through a group or individually. 'Boxes in which to deposit the giftswill be placed in the Y. W. C. A. of¬fice for women, and in the Reynoldsclub and Burton court for men. Theboard has specified that the toysshould not include guns or anythingwith sharp edges, and that all giftsshould be wrapped and labeledwhether for a boy or girl. All dona¬tions must be in by Monday morning,December 17.Two other Settlement parties arebeing planned for next week, Y. W.C. A. cabinets are sponsoring onefor the children on next Thursday inthe Y. W. C. A. room at 3:30. Fed¬eration Council will give a party forolder settlement children on Sunday,December 16, at the Settlementhouse. Debaters DefeatNorthwestern inMeet at HinsdaleCOUNCIL SPONSORSSECOND COLLEGE TEAIN IDA NOYES HALLAn informal mixer and tea dancefor students in the College will beheld in Ida Noyes theater tomorrowafternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. This isthe second of a series of social af¬fairs for first-and second-year stu¬dents which the College council issponsoring.Dance music will be provided byphonograph records. The council in¬tends to continue its policy of hold¬ing periodic afternoon social func¬tions during the next quarter.Tentative plans have also beenmade for a large evening dance forCollege students in the Cloisterclub of Ida Noyes hall Saturday,February 2, from 9 to 1. Arrange¬ments for an orchestra will be madelater. In its first decision debate of theyear, the University affirmative de¬bate team defeated Northwesternirniver.sity last night before the Hin.s-dale Brotherhood, an organization ofmore than 150 Chicago lead¬ers, in Hinsdale, Illinois.At the same time, a no decisioncampus engagement took place inthe Reynolds club with the Maroonsupholding the negative and theEvanston visitoi's, the affirmative.Both meets were the first held be¬tween the two .schools in eight years.The audience composed of 150, actedas judge for the decision tilt.Irving Axelrad, Joseph Wither¬spoon, and Barney Kleinschmidiwere the University affirmative rep¬resen tative.s. Everett Storey and(Jeorge Messmer met the visitors’ ar¬guments. The question for the de¬bates was concerned with the prob¬lem of equalizing education by meansof federal grants to the states.Pointing out that the wealth with¬in a .state w^as .sufficient, if properlyadministered, to enable it to takecare of its educational needs, andthat federal aid would destroy anytrends and incentives to use thiswealth. Kleinschmidt laid the con¬structive ground for the Universityteam at Hinsdale. Throughout theirspeeches, Douglas Ehninger, WalterOtt, and Paul Ziffen, attempted torefute the proof set up for this caseby Witherspoon and Axelrad, butwithout avail.A1 Davis and Robert Child ofNorthwestern participated in thecampus debate. The negative caseof the visitors was weakened con-.siderably by their failure to consid¬er any alternative for the acirmativepropo.sal.RANEY ANNOUNCESCIRCULATION RULESFOR LINCOLN ROOM Dramatic Association PresentsWorld Premiere of Masters’‘Andrew Jackson’ TonightNO REPLYThe Daily Maroon is awaitingan answer to the telegram sentSenator Huey P. Long Tuesdayquestioning him in regard to hisact of censoring The Reveille, thestudent newspaper of LouisianaState university. The telegramwas printed in yesterday’s Ma¬roon, and another telegram wasdispatched to Senator Long la.stnight urging an immediate replyto the former wire.The telegraph office was re¬quested to wait for an answer tothe wire for the Kingfish, andHoward P. Hudson, editor of TheDaily Maroon, expects a replyfrom him in the imi'llediate fu¬ture.PICTURES OF BEAUTYCONTEST WINNERS TOAPPEAR IN YEARBOOK Seventeen Members ofCast Appear forFirst TimeRabelais’ Search for Beauty goesinto its second day with the votespouring in, the Cap and Gown con¬tracting for a full page of the win¬ners, and the Reynolds club baibei'shop offering the handsomest man a$4 beauty treatment.Every one on campus—facultymember or student—is entitled to avote before the contest closes at mid¬night on Monday. Official ballots arenot necessary; but each vote mu.sthave on it the name and address ofthe voter. Votes may be mailed orgiven to Rabelais at The Daily Ma¬roon. Results of the contest will beannounced next Wednesday in theTi'avelling Bazaar, when Rabelaiswill print the winners' pictures alongwith a short life-story of each one.College Humor, The Collegiate Di¬gest, and University will featurephotographs in their coming issuesof the two victors.Rabelais wishes to lend special en¬couragement to all the bashfulswains who hesitate to vote for theiridol because of the fear of havingtheir secret passion exposed. Allvotes will be held in sti’ictest confid¬ence, he announces. “The era of the common man,”with all its intimate scandals andtheir political consequences will beportrayed tonight when the Univer¬sity Dramatic association presentsthe world premiere of Edgar LeeMasters’ first dramatic production,“Andrew Jackson,” in the Reynoldsclub theater at 8:30.Frank Hurburt O’Hara, directorof dramatic productions, supervisedthe rehearsals of the cast, 17 ofwhose members are appearing intheir first major production. PhilipWhite and Noel B. Gerson are stu¬dent directors.James Has LeadThe part of President Jackson wdllbe taken by Hal James, and the roleof Peggy O’Neil Eaton, whose en¬trance into Washington society wasforced by Jackson at the price ofpolitical scandal, will be portrayedby Aldana Sorenson. The parts ofMrs. Donaldson and Mrs. John C.Calhoun, the women who were soadamant in their opposition againstPeggy Eaton, will be taken by Lil¬lian Schoen and Ellen Cross, re¬spectively.Jackson’s “Kitchen Cabinet” in¬cludes Howard Chandler in the roleof Amos Kendall, Edward Day asWilliam Lewis, and William Granertas Isaac Hill. Phil White is cast asMartin Van Buren, Robert Ebert asGen. Sam Houston, Howard Hudsonas Chief Justice Roger Taney, andNorman Paulson as John C. Calhoun.Irving Richardson and RainwaterWells are also in the cast.Washington SocietyThe drama tells of the determinedattempts of the president to force.Mrs. Eaton into Washington societyin the face of almost universal op¬position. Social leaders of the cap¬ital are just as determined that thistavern keeper’s daughter shall notbe accepted even though her bril¬liant personality has captivated thepresident, the I'eal reasons for w'hichlemain uncertain. The final sceneshows him dying in the arms- ofPeggy Eaton at his home in Ten¬nessee.The author, Edgar Lee Masters, isfamous for his works in other fieldsof literature, although this is hisfirst dramatic production.D. A. Play Transports AudienceBack to Days of Jacksonian EraRegulations for the circulation ofbooks and use of the new Lincolnroom on the second floor of Harperlibrary have been announced by M.Llewellyn Raney, director of Univer¬sity libraries.Hours of opening of the room havebeen limited from 2 to 5 on Mondaythrough Friday and from 9 to 12 onSaturday. Admittance is open to allstudents and visitors on campus dur¬ing these hours. Books on the open.shelves, which are in a corded-oflFportion of the room with limitedseating capacity, are open to with¬drawal, on the usual terms, by anylegitimate library borrower.Valuable manuscripts and print¬ed material are kept in the vaultsor in locked cases and are issuedhnly to properly authorized persons. By DAVIDHad one been privileged to attend ;last night’s dress rehearsal of Edgar :Lee Masters’ “Andrew Jackson,” thegala opening of which is tonight, hewould have felt himself transposed :in time about one hundred yeans, Iback to the age of Calhoun and Van iBuren, Clay and Web.ster. Only the 'feverish activity of the director, Pro¬fessor Fi-ank Hurburt O’Hara, and Ihis student assistants, Noel Gersonand Philip White, reminded one that, 'after all, this was a play; a Dramatic ;Association production which prom-!ised to be one of the out.standinghits of the past few seasons.Seventeen of the 27 people in thecast are newcomers to D. A. produc¬tions, it was learned, but their act- ^ing and mien seemed to bely this |fact. There, before the actual re-'hearsal, were some of the men look- jing over their parts: Hal James, play- ;ing the part of the one and only An- idrew Jackson, has more lines than |almost any part in a modem play.Robert Ebert, as Sam Houston, is toJackson as Mark Antony was toCaesar. Norman Paulson, a transferstudent fi’om South Dakota, whoplays the part of John C. Calhoun,is one of the finds of the dramaticseason here. Roger Bernhardt, asthe villain Reverend Campbell, PhilipWhite, as the astute Martin VanBuren, and Harold Watkins, as themiddle-aged Major Eaton, carry onthe Jacksonian tradition with re¬markable finesse.Turning to the female imperson¬ators, one finds Aldana Sorenson, as KUTNERPeggy Eaton, practising the art of1840 curtseys; Lillian Schoen, put¬ting on makeup for the part of Mrs.Donelson; Ellen Cross, as Mrs. Cal¬houn, one of the few' people in thecast with a real southern accent, andBetty Seabury, as Lady Bankhead,who exemplifies the hauteur of Eng¬lish nobility.A convenient trick in the settingenables more scenes, and facilitateschanges in scenery to a remarkabledegree.POSTPONE TRIAL OFSTUDENTS ARRESTEDFOR MASS PICKETINGThe trial of two University stu¬dents aiTested November 19 hasbeen continued until January 3. Thestudents are charged with creatinga di.sturbance.The defendant.*!, Fred Fortess andHarold Goldstein, appeared beforeJudge Padden in the County Courtbuilding Tuesday for hearing, butthe case was continued.Arrested while picketing in pro¬test of the recent cut in relief re¬sources, the students aver their in¬nocence of the charge. The basis forthe arrest was given when the pick-eters, caught in a sudden rain,sought shelter beneath an awning.Found standing together, they werepicked up by a squad car. If foundguilty the students are liable forimprisonment for a term up to 90days.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1934all|f iatly iEarnnnFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBER^gsocinted gbUffliate-*1934 doQf^c1935 s-MAfitfOM veSCOMSWThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarter by The Daily Maroon Company,_5831__Univeraity_Avenue^Editorial office: Lexington hall. Room 15: business office:Room 15A. Telephones: Local 46 am3HydePark922LSubscription rates: ?2.50 a year; $4.00 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.T^e University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in TTie Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters should be addressed to the Editor. The DailyMaroon. Lexington hall. University of Chicago. Letters ahouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will withheld if retjuested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H, BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER. News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth GreenebaumHenry F. Kelley Raymond I.ahr JeanneJanet Lewy WilliamRalph W’. Nicholson StolteW. WaUonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohn BailengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutright Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey Lehman June RappaportGeorge SchustekJames SnyderEdward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterBUSINESS ASSISTANTSPaul Lyncn Harold Siegel Roy Warshawsky-Allen Rosenbaum Richard Smith Seymour WeinsteinNight Editor: Henry Kelley IIIThursday, December 6, 1934A BROKEN PRESS |In view of the nation-wide talk about freedom !of the press and its most recent violation, theHuey Long case, a report from Germany issuedby Dr. Goebbels, the German Minister of Prop¬aganda, demonstrates effectively control of the ipress by the government.In a story printed in the Manchester Guardian(England) November 16 a series of “directives”is explained telling German journalists “what tosay and how to say it, also what not to say.” Thecomplete squelching of opinion contrary to thegovernment’s policy is seen in the statement “OurState is founded on the principle of authority. . . ;It is quite useless for newspapers to take sides foror against projected laws. By doing so they re¬awaken the interest of certain groups and spreaduneasiness amongst the population."Continuing in this vein he delivers this ultima¬tum. “Tbe Fuhrer and the Government have re-fceived their mandate from the people. Nowherein the world has a Government elicited the suf¬frage of the people so often as in Germany. Dis-• cussions relating to the character of the State are.therefore inadmissible. ”But Dr. Goebbels creates a brilliant gem which ,definitely makes the German press a spinelessorgan, not worthy of existence when he says “The |German press should be a model to the press ofthe whole world” and should show the same re¬spect for foreign institutions which foreign news- ,papers are expected to show for German insti¬tutions; “the German press must never forget thatNational Socialism is not an article of export.”When a German journalist is writing about “anoverseas country or about people with a recentcivilization ” he must neither show “too much dis- 'dam nor excessive enthusiasm.”If such a policy continues we may expect arapid decline in German journalisms. All theself-reliant newspaper men, if they have not al- 'ready dane so, will resign their profession to savetheir names. The men who remain will be pup- tpets of the government.Little can be done about the situation. The im¬portant tiling for us is to prevent any such oc- ,currence in this country. College newspapers cando their share by taking a militant stand against junwarranted interference by political groups.—H P. HTHE KINGFISH HOLDS HIS FIRETwo telegrams in two days have been dispatch¬ed to Senator Huey P. Long and have been un¬answered. Huey was generous with his wordswhen it came to boosting himself, but obviously it is another matter to give a direct answer to the |questions asked. We can understand his re- Ilicence.How else can he explain the censorship of the :Louisiana State University paper and the ex- ;pulsion of four students from school without ad¬mitting that he abused his power and gagged thepress? Such an admission from a United StatesSenator is not particularly attractive when print- |ed, Huey’s silence confirms our belief that iLouisiana is suffering from as great a suppressionmovement as ever occurred in Fascist Germany.—H. P. H.The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISCONTRIBUTORS’ DAY: IN WHICH THECUSTOMERS DO THE WORKMORE DEFINITIONSThe ball is now rolling. Some more definitionshave come in. We like this sort of thing, so keepit up, please.Ping Pong: A hairy ape who At’as in a movieonce.Astronomy: The study of mules and theirhabits.Macadam: A French lady.Exits: The center of the globe. “The worldspins on its exits.”Procrastination: A burglar who used tosteal watches in the nineteenth century, so thatmany people called him The Thief of Time.—o. c. c.♦ ♦ *ONE OF THE BEST JOKES OF THE YEAR,*SAY WE—ANY YEAR“Can I have your daughter for my wife?”“Sir, I have never seen your wife.”—B. T. P.Then there was the oyster about to be eaten bythe preacher who remarked, “I never dreamed of en- jtering the clergy.” !—P. H.* 4> *RIGHT YOU AREWe are feeble-minded. We are misanthropic. Weare physically, mentally and morally obstinate.Something is wrong with us. We don’t fit intothe scheme of things. There is no hope for usfor:We don’t like Joe Penne.r.We think Eddie Cantor drivels.Women’s hats hurt our sense of the fitnessof things.We are naturally pained by eight o’clockclasses.We think Arthur Brisbane is a ease of ar¬rested development.Wayne King seems dipped in saccharine.Wayward Mae West is a pathological case.In other words 121,999,999 people are crazyor else we are. Mr. Death, the bichloride.—B. B.♦ * ♦POEM“I like your gown;It seems to talk* With whispered sighsWhen e’er you walk.None in this townNor no machine ,Could make that gown. ,Stole from some queen. 11 like your gown,I say again.As in a trance.I think it’s swell.But that train—How the hellWe gonna dance?—D. R. T, '* * *THE CONTEST: OUR CONTEST: YOUR CONTEST |The contest for the most beautiful female andthe handsomest male is well under way. The votesare beginning to come in, but we want many, Imany more. Remember that each and every oneof you is eligible to vote. Simply tell Rabelaisyour choices when you see him, or, if you do notknow Rabelais or are not on speaking terms withhim, w.rite your vote and put your name onthe bottom of the ballot. Then put the slip ofpaper on the bulletin board in the editorial officeof The Daily Maroon. Remember, the winners jwill get a whole column devoted to each of them,including picture and evei-ything. This is not one iof our playful little jokes. We mean it. Send iyour votes in, and let your be your !guide. There must be some gal on campus, you |guys, whom you think is the best-looking in these ihere now parts. And ladies, there must be some |guy for whom your hearts beat just a little bit |faster whenever you see him. Note: Under no con- |ditions can you vote for Rabelais. He is not eligi- Ible, for he is running the contest. Yes, we know Iit’s tough, but what’s fair is fair. Vote now.* ♦ I!Famous last words: The bicarbonate of soda, please. J Today on the !QuadranglesMusicPhonograph concert in Social Sci¬ence 122 from 12:30 to 1:15. jLectures |“Unemployment Insurance.”'Wayne McMillen. Sponsored by the ISociology club. Social Science 122 at j7:30. i“Business Cycles and the Current |Depression.” Garfield V. Cox. Spon- !sored by the Graduate club of Busi- |ness and Economics. Haskell 202 at I4:30.“Can We Control Business Depres¬sion if the Pump Does Not Prime?”Professor Paul H. Douglas. SocialScience 122 at 3:30.Karl Lockner of the Unemploy-.ment council. Sponsored by the Na¬tional Student League. Social Sci¬ence 302 at 3:30.MiscellaneousPremiere performance of EdgarLee Masters’ “Andrew Jackson.”Sponsored by the Dramatic associa¬tion. Reynolds club theater at 8:30.Meeting of the Racquette club.Wicker room of Ida Noyes at 12.Slavonic club play. At Interna¬tional house theater at 8:30.uB NIVERSITYNIGHTTOMORROWNORTHWESTERNEntranU WillBine at theLACKHAWKin theCampus RadioContestwith1AY KYSERAND HISTHRILLINGMUSICTED’SBeauty Shoppes• PERMANENT WAVINGOUR SPECIALTY •1220 E. C3rd Mid. «0CO1026 E. 63rd Mid. 1717JUST OPENEDCome in and look around.We have a complete line ofXmas and Greeting Cards.Gifts, Toys and Candies.^Fountain ServiceUNIVERSITYSTATIONERY STORE5501 University Ave.mAND HIS MUSIC WITHETHEL SKUTTA_Singing Her Radio -—='Hit Songs Including"no!no! A THOUSANDTIMES NOrA STUPENDOUSFLOOR SHOWTHIS FRIDAYRexular$1.50SupperAfter 10:30 1— • or special minimum check. - of $1. only if you do notwiah supoer.-r—r- Get reduced price ticket'I from your Dormitory orKrat House.HOTEL SHERMAN PUBLIX CAFETERIA1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket home forChristmas with the money yousave eating the Publix way.” DREXEL J-™Thursday and Friday‘THE BOWERY”Wallace Beery - Jackie CooperDaily Mats. 15c till <:30STINEWAY DRUGSPRECISE PRESCRiPTIONISTS57th at KenwoodWhen you phone Stineway!Your order is on the wayWhether you want our soda fountain service, cosmetics,drugs, prescriptions, or a box of candy—Stineway willgive you prompt delivery service.PHONE DORCHESTER 2844kV. 'v;1 Pluj-ln ANYWHERE!- with this new ]935PHILCOllda powerfnl little Conpact oper-stee on eitlMr Alteraatiaf or Di¬rect Corrcatl Approved by Uadar-writera. Lateat featorea five as-aaiaatiig^^jNB^eaptianal tone andMODEL59C Ideal fortravalar or atndeait.‘25—lASIEST TEEMSCARR’S RADIO STORES847 E. 63rd Street Hyde Park 3990By Long Distance telephone, a sales executiverecently "covered” more than 153,000 miles inthree business days. He spent a total of eighthours in talking with his agents in 194 cities —using Sequence Calling Service.This service enables subscribers to place with ,the Long Distance operator any number of callson which they wish to talk consecutively. Con¬nections are completedrapidly with a minimumwait between calls.Se([uence Calling isjust one of the inanvservices developeil togear the telephone moreand more closely tobusiness needs.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1934 Page ThreeFRATERNITY FACTSBy DAVID KUTNERThe nationalorganization of,sy?ma Alpha Ep¬silon was found¬ed at the Univer-sfiy of Alabamain 1856 and thelocal chapter wasstarted in 1903.rhe fraternityclaims I'OH chap¬ters in 44 statesin this country aswell as fortythousand livingmembers. S. A.K. is the onlyi r a t e r n ity tohave a .MemorialTemple.Member sof the fratej-nitywho are on the University facultyare George O. Fairweather, NedMerriam, William Ogburn, Arthur H.Kent, and Clarence Parmenter.famous alumniother famous alumni include Wm.McKinley, former president of theSIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Members of Sigma Take ActiveInterest in Campus OrganizationsBy MARY MacKENZIESigma, founded in 1895, has fif- i Roeser is a member of the Dramaticteen active members and one pledge. ! Association. Peggy Thompson is aOfficers of the groups are Violet El- : member of the Dramatic Associa-liot, president; Lorraine Matthews, i tion, a group leader, and a membervice-president; Virginia Morris, sec-j of Mirror. Wilma Watrous is aretary; and Betty Dale Cooke, treas- ! member of the Phoenix staff, ofurer. I Comment circulation group, and ofOf the fifteen active members Mirror. Clarissa Paltzer is a memberthere are ten to be found participat- of Mirror, and of the Dramatic As-ing in campus organizations. SueRichardson, an outstanding woman sociation. Ellen Cross is a memberof the Phoenix staff, and of thein University activities, is secretary- ; Spanish club.treasurer of B. W. 0., senior worn- i Social functions consist of coziesen’s editor of the Cap and Gown, ; every two weeks, one party eacha member of the Comment staff, ; quarter, and social meetings on al-head usher of the student lecture i ternate Mondays. Assessments areservice, a gi’oup leader, a member . usually made for all parties. The to-of Mirror, of the Dramatic Associa- I tal approximate cost for first yeartion and the Senior Women’s Hon- j members is fifty dollars which in-or Society. Violet Elliot is a senior eludes an initiation and pledge feemonth. A social assessment of ap-])roximately $5 each quarter is alsolevied.S. A. E. HOUSEMOTHERContrary to a statement appear¬ing in this column some time agothe S. A. E.s have a house motherITiited States, Senators N. L. Bach- who takes care of the menu and gen-man of Tennessee, I. H. Bankhead eral house matters,of .Alabama, P. Harrison of .Mis.sis-vippi, K. Pittman of Nevada, and R. aide, a member of Inter-Club coun¬cil, a gi’oup leader, a member of of twenty-five dollars, quarterly duesof five dollars, and the cost of theDramatic Association and Mirror, j ))in which is four-fifty.Betty Dale Cooke is a member of i An alumna^e association awardsMirror ballet, of the Tap club, and 1 a two quarter scholarship annuallyof the Dramatic Association. Caro- to a member of the group,line Hiatt and Lorraine Matthewsare members of Mirror. Katinka CLASSIFIED ADSI',. Rus.sell, Jr. of Georgia, and 11members of the present House oflioprcsentatives. The following.ithletes of national note are S. A.K.s: Bobby Jones, Wally Colbath,.lim Bausch, Cotton Warburton, andTommy Bridges.The initiation fee for the memberof S. A. E. is $50. Expenses for menliving in the amount to $45 amonth which amount covers dues,hoard, and room. Dues for men liv¬ing out of the are $5 a monthwhile pledge dues are $2.50 per There are at present 16 activesand three pledges in the house. Chap¬ter officers are Everett Parker,P'rancis Hoyt, P’rancis Galla.gher, andWilliam p]lliot. One man works onthe Cap and Gown, two men workon Comment, two are in the Dra¬matic .4s.sociation, five in Black-friars, one man is out for swimming,one for tennis, and one for golf. AnS. A. E. is president of the Schoolof Business Council.OGBURN BOOK TELLSOF NEEDS OF YOUTHMiss LindquistCAFEIn Sroadview Hot«l5540 Hyde Perk Blvd.end et1464 E. 67th St.Rrrvkfeat. Lencheon and Dinnrr“Swediak Smorgeabord”Our SpecieltyJUST GOOD F9OD .At Moderate PricesSprrlal BulTH Huppar.Sunder rTtning5 t.> H:10.Special Alicntien to Luncheon ardDinner Groupa (Continued from pege 1)In ihe face of this. Dr. Ogburn ischeerful in his outlook. He doesnot feel that mankind is balked.“Some of the conservative oldmen try to pass laws to stop change.One might as well brush back thej tides with a broom....If they want! to stop change they will have toI break up the machines, or, betteri still, poison all inventors.I “It is the youth to whom we mustI look—not old men. They must learnI to adjust themselves to the machinej ...The problem of the modern age! is to adjust itself to a new monster,the Machine. Its habitat is not theforest, but the modern city. The fu¬ture is in the hands of Youth.” $3,000 Carnegie GiftA grant of $3,000 has been madeby the Carnegie foundation to sup¬port the studies of Dr. L. L. Thurs-tone, Professor of Psychology, inunitary mental abilities. This workis said by Dr. Thurstone to be “onthe trail of something fundementalnot only for psychology, but also foreducational and vocational guidance.”The purpose of the research is todevelop the theory and the method bywhich people might be described interms of each of a number of specialabilities, rather than in terms of asingle intellective index. For threeyears Dr. Thurstone has been work¬ing on the multiple factor theoryand its application to the problemof isolating mental abilities. German professor wants to dis¬pose of numismatic and other collec¬tions. Box O, Faculty Exchange.ATTENTION STUDENTSThe Chicagoan Magazine can use afew part time workers in your ownneighborhoods, to take subscriptions.Very liberal commission basis. Sev¬eral special Christmas offers now.Write or call T. E. Kloch. The Chi¬cagoan. 407 S. Dearboni St. Suite1505.Driving to Los Angeles December21. Return January 6. Take 2. Ref¬erences. Holly Court 6105.Private instruction in algebra,trig, geometry and calculus. Reason¬able. Box O, Faculty Exchange. GETVESS atDry GingeraleHi-Ball SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61st and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage GroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th StreetTHE HUB is Chicago's HeadquartersforARROW SHIRTSarI WOODWORTH’SBook Suggestions ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ State and lackson—CHICAGOEVANSTON OAK PARK 1J ^Yea, Jim, but an Arrow collar keepsits shapeYou'll cut a neat figure in Arrow’s new Mitoga;Its wedge-shaped proportions are really masculine;Broad shoulders and narrow waist no bulgingblouse effects—no wrinkling over bosom—it’s actu¬ally shaped and tailored to fit your body. Remember,only Arrow Shirts have Arrow collars. $2 and UpARROIV SHIRTSSANFORIZED SHRUNKCLUETT, PEABODY & CO., INC., TROY, N. Y.%%I•% FICTION—I’lowinK on Sun<liiy1‘itcairnit Uland .Forty IJays of Mutta DaKhThe KoIkH -SuditowCandy—AlexanderWhen Yellow I.e>tveM $11.502.603.003.002.502.50 (granger Rough CutSPECIAL take the wayGranyer is cut —I •fid tfiUr^dli BARTLSTTSFAMIUARQUOTATIONSI TLwanandird • ilgwi—\ ^ MO ^ —4a«»» and <«• Jar* Mtar^aR^ Book* General Interest—i fray (sSvnJ rtnw Mnl OinPrice $1.49BIOGRAPHY—Diamond Jim Hrady 3.00City Fklitor—W'alker 3.00America and Sti»-Klitz 3.50Hoe.ver off Record . 3.0042 Years in White House . , . 3.50New Frontiers- WallaceThrouRh Space & Time,JeansCreative Sceptics -Smith.Vmerica's Hour of DecisionGlenn FrankHalf Mile Down—Heebe .’SBOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St.—Open Evenings—★★★★★★★★★★★★IIieci INSTEAD of cutting Granger fine—they cut it like they used towhittle tobacco off a plug—in bigflakes. Sort of gets back to the oldprinciple — the slower tobacco burnsthe cooler and sweeter it smokes.•.. m acommon - sentsepackage—10cthe pipe tobacco that’s MILDthe pipe tobacco that’s COOL^Jolks seem io like itO 1934. Ligcbtt 6c Myiu Tobacco Co. IfrI'iiir r. JmsmueadiDAILY MAROON SPORTSi^age Four THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1934PHO- D. WINS 1-M TOUCHBALL CHAMPIONSHIPName Patterson Most Valuable PlayerGONSEGUTIYE TITLE Maroon Captain Enters Race for UNIVERSITY TENNIS Psi U. Wins in I-M Swim Meet;Tribune Silver Football Award SGHEDULE FOR 1935 Water Polo Team Beats AlumniPritikin Scores in FirstHalf on Pass FromTrevor, WeissPhi Beta Delta won the Intramuraltouchball championship of the Uni¬versity yesterday. The fraternitychampions defeated the in the independent division,at Stagp field, 6 to 0, in a jrame thatwas much more closely contestedthan was expected. This title is thethird in as many years for Phi B. D.The victors had difficulty in >?et-ting' started, and it was not till themiddle of the first half that theymanaged to push over the decidingtouchdown. With the ball on the 10-yard line, Trevor Weiss droppedback to heave a 2.')-yard pass toGeorge Pritikin, who stood just overthe goal line.Chiselers ThreatenThe first, foremost, and onlythreat of the Chiselers came nearthe end of the period. With but twominutes to play, Ewing Lusk start¬ed the fireworks with a long passfrom his 40-yard line. A fellow-Chiseler snatched the ball, and anexchange of laterals and short for¬wards ensued. Lusk, upon gettingthe ball once again in the same play,threw another long one to HowardHickock, who Avas stopped by LeslieKessel on the 10-yard line.Although they did not score inthe second half, the fraternity menoutplayed their rivals and showedtheir supremacy from the first. Fol¬lowing one easily obtained downthey made another, only to havethe ball recalled and a 15-yard pen¬alty inflicted upon them for unnec-es.sary roughness.The only .scoring threat of the halfcame after the Chiselers made theironly first down of the half, whenBussy Yedor caught a 25-yard passfrom Weiss and ran to the 25-yardline. But the Chiselers held at thatpoint. By EDWARD S. STERNPaying their. greatest tribute totheir captain and leader, the Maroongrid squad last evening elected Ell-more Patterson as the most valuableman to the team during the seasonthat has just closed at a banquettendered them by the 55th streetBusiness Men’s association.In so doing Chicago completedthe list of Big Ten schools whichhave selected their representativesin the contest for the silver foot¬ball, awarded each year by The Chi¬cago Tribune, to the man adjudgedthe most valuable to his team in thewe.stern conference.All-ConferencePatterson, who has been called“the best captain in the country’’ byCoach Clark Shaughnessy and nick¬named “Father Ellmore” by histeammates, has received all-confer¬ence recognition from many sources.His consistent passes from thepivot position have been an aid toJay Berwanger and the other Ma¬roon backs in starting the playswhile his uncanny fathoming of theopponents attacks has been a key tothe Chicago on defense.If by chance Patterson should re¬ceive the Tribune award, it will bethe second time since its inaugui’a-tion that the trophy has come intothe possession of a Maroon player.In 1928 following a grid seasonmarked by ups and downs similar tothose of this year, Ken Rouse, alsocaptain and center, was given thehonor.“Pat’’ w’ill meet very .stiff com¬petition in the race, for the otherschools have all put up outstandingmen. They are: Les Lindberg, Illi¬nois; Ed Whalen, Northw'estern;Milt Kummer, Wisconsin; DuanePurvis, Purdue; Dick Crayne, Iowa;Gerald P'ord, Michigan; Gomer Jones,Ohio State; Pug Lund, Minnesota;and Don Veller, Indiana.Live in Home-LikeQuartersWe specialize in attractiverooms for faculty members and studentsat the U. of C.Individual rooms or suiteswith or without bath.Ideally arranged for quietand study.Prices to suit your purse.Rates $2.50 to $1 2.00 per week.TheHarvard Hotel5714 Blacks tone AvenuePhone Hyde Park 2780Miss Grayce Naismith,Mgr. MOST VALUABLEPLAYER RELEASED BY STAG6Ellmore PattersonCaptain of the 1934 Team Lonnie Stagg, Jr., coach of tennisat the LTniversity, today released theMaroon tennis schedule for the sea¬son of 1935. It is as follows:April 29, Chicago at Michigan StateMay 3, Michigan at ChicagoMay fi. Minnesota at Chicago•May 10. Purdue at ChicagoMay 13, Chicago at IowaMay 10, 17. 18, Western Confer¬ence at MadisonMay 21, Notre Dame at ChicagoMay 27. Chicago at WisconsinNorthwestern and Illinois remain tobe scheduled.Coach Stagg announced that thei eaie four courts in the field houseready for use. These are open to allmen students of the University be¬tween the hours of 10 a. m. and fip. m. except from 11 to 12:45 inthe morning. The courts are reserv¬ed for members of the varsity squadat this time.Coach Stagg’s tennis classes whichliave not been running for the pastweek or so because of bad weatherwill be resumed in the field house,according to him. Psi Up.silon scored 23 points tonose out Phi Psi and Alpha DeltaPhi in the intramural fall swimmingcarnival last night. The varsity wa¬ter polo team wore out the alumnito defeat them 8 to 3.The Psi U. margin of victory wasabout as slim as possible. Phi Psitrailin,g by a single point and .AlphaDelt coming in a close third with 21.The winners got firsts in the 100yard back .stroke and in the 180yard medley lelay. Thirds in theIHO relay. 100 breast stroke, and the100 free .style.Alumni Tire QuicklyThe alumni water poloists wentstrong during the first minutes ofthe game, scoring their three goalsduring the first ten minutes of play.Then, however, their lack of prac¬tice became evident and they werefoi ced to slow down a bit. This gavethe varsity their chance and thegame from that time on was all infavor of the current crop of players.The Phi Psi’s led the field up tothe last event with 20 points. In themedley relay, however, Psi U coppedfirst for eight points to boost theircount to 23 while the Phi Psi teamgot a fourth foi two points. To Bill,8tapleton goes much of the credit forthe Psi U victory in this event. He took his team up from a close secondto a first place by eight yards on histhiee lapsBartoli, captain of water polo in1930, turned in a game which dem-t)nstrated his ability in handling him¬self and the ball, even without pra(tice. Don Bellstrom, stellar guardon last year’s team, produced an excellent game for the old timers.Chuck Dwyer and Joe Stolar eachscored twice for the varsity, playingwell in the advance positions.HORSE POLO SECONDTEAM LOSES MATCHAT LIVESTOCK SHOWContinuing in its pre-season practice schedule, the Maroon horse poh'se<‘ond team, coached by Lieutenant.Alfred L. Price, was defeated bythe Stalford polo team of Chicagyesterday afternoon at the Int**ma-tional Live Stock show.In the .Maroon lineup were Dever-eux, 1; Benjamin, 2; and Powers,.As a matinee attraction at thtclose of the show Saturday, the firststring polo team will play the strongElwood polo club. On the Maroonteam will be Bodfish, 1; (^hristen 2;and Powers, 3.THE UNIVERSITYSYMPHONYORCHESTRADirected by KARL BRICKENPresents .Brahm’s Symphony in C MajorChabrier’s Espana RhapsodyDebussy’s Petite SuiteCaesar Franck’s VariationswithROBERT WALLENBORN, SoloistFriday December 7at 8:30 P. M.MANDEL HALLTickets on Sale at the Music Building, 5727 Universityand Box Office in Mandel Cloister.