Go to the Interfraternity Ball Toif^ n %>WEATHERWarmer today and pj-obablyshowers. Moderate to freshsoutheast to south winds. Wk Batlp iBaroon NEW MEMBERS OFDAILY MAROON STAFFAREANNOUNCED TODAYVol. 35. No. 36. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1934 Price Three CentsPETITION HEADS Stoner Announces \ DAILY MAROONANNOUNCES NEWSTAFF MEMBERSOF CCG TO DROPBAN ONJGBURNMaroon Begins CampusDrive to RestoreOgburn BookThe followinjf is a petition whichThe Daily Maroon is circulating nextweek on campus:“Resolved: WHEREAS, a bookletentitled “You and Machines,” writ¬ten by.William Fielding Ogburn, dis¬tinguished service professor of So¬ciology at the University, for educa¬tional use in the camps of the CivilianConservation Corps was barred fromthe said camps by order of RobertF’echner, director of the Corps, on No¬vember 15, 1934;“AND WHEREAS, we the under¬signed students and faculty at theUniversity regard this action of thedirector as an unjust interferencewith freedom of opinion and evidenceof a policy of the .\dministrationtending to pervert the American sys-teum of free public education intoan eninge of indoctrination and theregimentation of opinion, to the detri¬ment of freedom, progress, and de¬mocracy;NOW therefore: let RobertFechner, director of the CivilianConservation Corps, be urged to re¬scind his order barring the aforesaidbook from the camps of the Corps,and to abandon any policy of cen¬sorship in them,AND LET copies of this petitionbe .sent to the President of the UnitedStates, the Secretary of the Interior,the United States Commissioner ofP^ducation, the Director of the Civ¬ilian Conservation Corps, and to thePress, and let copies be available tointerested persons.”In Accord with PolicyThe circulation of the above pe¬tition is in accord with policy of TheDaily Maroon, which has always be¬lieved in a.ssuming an active positionin questions of this nature. The Ma¬roon urgres ether student organiza¬tions on campus to take part.Professor Ogburn’s booklet waswritten as part of an educationalprogram introduced into the CCCcamps as the result of a $40,000grant made by the Rockefeller Found¬ation. No reason was given fo.r thecensorship of the book except that itwas too pessimistic in its attitude. Debaters for Meetwith N. U. Dec. 5The picture of the Debateteam and the Debate Union of¬ficers wll be taken in the Capand Gown studio today at 2:30instead of 3:30 as previouslyscheduled. 47George Messmer, Everett Storey,Joseph Witherspoon, Irving Axelrad,and Barney Kleinschmidt were desig¬nated by John Stoner, director of de¬bate, late yealterday to opposeNorthwestern university in two de¬bates which are to be held on theevening of December 5.Messmer and Storey will compose'an affirmative team which will de¬bate on campus. The other team willgo to Hinsdale, Illinois, where theywill appear before the Hinsdalebrotherhood, an organization of Chi¬cago business men. At this meet, theUniversity .representatives will un¬dertake the negative.The question for the debate is, Re-.solved. That the Federal governmentadopt a policy of equalizing educationthroughout the several states bymeans of grants in aid for public ele¬mentary and secondary education.These forensic engagements willmark the close of the fall quarter de¬bate schedule for the University. LastSaturday the University opposedteams from Manchester college, Indi¬ana. Next quarter will open the reg¬ular intercollegiate season. At thistime the University will meet someof the nation’s foremost teams ac¬cording to present arrangements. Freshmen, TransferStudents PassExaminationANNUAL RED GROSSMEMBERSHIP DRIVECLOSES TOMORROWRehearsals Waitas Jackson Sitsin Coffee ShopThe president of the United Statesis in the Coffee shop! With that start¬ling announcement the assistant di¬rectors of Edgar Lee Masters’ playset out to find the wandering AndrewJackson, nee Hal James, and theother 25 members of the cast discussthe scandalous activities of the farm¬er-soldier-president, who is furnish¬ing the chief topic for Washingtonconversation.Chief Justice Roger Taney, aliasHoward Hudson, meanders aboutmuttering sentences in which thewards “expunge” and “censure” ap¬pear on the average of twice eachminute.Meanwhile the Secretary of Warstumbles over a chair in his attemptto show Sam Houston just how Il¬linois scored against Chicago, andPeggy O’Neil Eaton, the subject ofall (the scandal, tells him that hedoesn’t know what he is talkingabout.Rabelais Gersop waves his armabout frantically while he appfi.rent-ly explains how Mrs. Donaldsonshould act if she will properly be theleader of Washington society. Mrs.Joh.i C. Calhoun mutters that shewill absolutely not have that notori¬ous Eaton woman in her home, andthe issue is settled as .red-headed An¬drew Jack.son stalks in munching theremains of a toasted sandwich. Thanksgiving day, tomorrow,, marks the end of the 1934 annual na-j tional Red Cross roll call, a drive forI memberships in the Red Cro.ss whichwas actively supported by the Uni¬versity through its student and fac¬ulty organizations.Backed by the Interfraternitycouncil and supported by a proclam¬ation issued by President RobertMaynard Hutchins, the campus .rollcall was opened Armistice day. Sincethat time a total of $280.76 in sub¬scriptions and contributions! havebeen turned in to the campus com-■ mittee in charge of the roll call.Subscriptions tables about the' quadrangles managed by the W. A.A., the Y. W. C. A., and women’sclub have accounted for $42.22, andclub and fraternity subscriptions andcontributions have amounted to $102.-i 54.Acoth, Delta Sigma, Esoteric, Mor¬tar Board, and Quadrangler clubs;and Beta Theta Pi, Delta Upsilon, PiI..ambda Phi, and Sigma Chi fraterni¬ties subscribed 100%. Chi Rho Sig-j ma club. Alpha Delta Phi, AlphaSigma Phi, Phi Delta Theta, PhiGamma Delta, Psi Upsilon and PhiKappa Psi fraternities, and theFreshman Woman’s council contrib¬uted. Forty freshmen and seven transferstudents have been appointed to thestaff of The Daily Maroon, afterhaving successfully passed the exam¬ination given at the close of thetraining school lectures. Of those se¬lected 25 are men and 22 are wom¬en. They will begin their new dutiesnext week.Eulah Detweiler, Marjorie Kneen,Virginia Marquardsen, Jeannette Oli¬ver, Eleanor Wilson, and Dennis Gor¬don and Marvin Laser are the trans¬fer students who were enabled togain positions on The Daily Maroonby a new' provision, which allowedthem to do so by passing an examin-tion. Previously only freshmen couldjoin the staff.Freshman MembersThe freshman women who were ap¬pointed are Marjorie M. Allison, Ber¬nice Bartels, Patricia Beesley, LoisBernstein, Frances Bezdek, FrancesBrown, Jane Brunson, CatherineFeeney, Rhella Gordon, Muriel Levin,Betty Robbins, Ruth Sager, BelleSchwager, Ruth L. Sider, GertrudeStar, Aileen Wilson, and HenriettaYalowitz.J. Winslow Baer, Robert Brum¬baugh, Joseph Coamles, James Cole¬man, Raymond M. Danow, Ned Fritz,El Roy Golding II, John Hall, Wil¬liam Hardy, Uoyd James, KarlRee.se Janitzky, John Jenck, RobertL. Jones, Philip Lawrence, WilliamH. McNeill, James Michna, CodyPfanstiehl, Barton Phelps, Irwin J.Rich, Edward Stephen Schlain, lA*eS. Thoifias, Gordon Tiger, and Wil¬liam Zopf are the freshman men whoobtained positions.Meeting Monday at 12:15All those who have been chosen tothe staff are required to attend ameeting in The Daily Maroon office,Lexington hall, room 15, promptly at12:15 Monday.Anyone who was unable to take theexamination but w'ho still wishes todo so may petition by applying toHoward Hudson, editor, before theend of this quarter.Kallet to Speak atSinai Temple MondayArthur Kallet, one of the autharsof the famous work, “100,000,000Guinea Pigs,” will speak at SinaiTemple Monday evening at 8 on thetheme “Dangers in Everyday Foodsand Drugs.”American public opinion has beengreatly influenced by the revelationmade by Mr. Kallet in his book con¬cerning the hazards in drugs and cos¬metics that every family has in itsmedicine chest, and foods found oni the table. This book has actively dis-1 posed of the myths that have beenbuilt up by advertisers over a longperiod of years.I The discussion on Monday will in¬clude further research which Mr.Kallet has made since the appearanceof “100,000,000 Guinea Pigs.” Appoint StudentsI to Aid Productionof Opera ‘Xerxes’I Cecil Michener Smith, assistantj professor of Music, and director ofI the opera, “Xerxes,” has appointedj seven students to assist him in theI production.I Lawrence Goodnow has been chos-I en the assistant director of thechorus, and the stage manager. Hehas also one of the leading singingroles. Professor Smith has appointedFrances Bezdek the publicity direc¬tor; and Floyd Weinand her assist¬ant. John Moulton is the treasurerand Miriam Benson the secretary forthe opera. The costume manager isMargaret Lee Pollock, and DavidEisendrath is the ticket sales man¬ager.“Xerxes” by the composer, Handel,will be presented in Mandel hall onFebruary 16 and 17.SENIOR PICTURESToday is the last day for seniorsto have their photographs taken inthe Sterling studio, Lexingtonhall, according to Waldemar Solf,business manager of the Cap andGown.The Cap and Gown subscriptioncontest will end Friday. A prizewill be awarded the winning cluband fraternity. JayB^anger Annual Literfraternity BallHeads Symphony - . Klu \- ri LConcert Ushers at Lake ohorc Athletic tluDStarts Formal Social SeasonJay Berwanger was chosen headushe>r for the University SymphonyOrchestra concert, according to anannouncement made yesterday byCarl Bricken, director of the orches¬tra and chairman of the departmentof Music.The concert is to be given Fridayevening, December 7, in Mandel hallat 8:30. Berwanger is an all-confer¬ence half-back on the football team,and is a member of Iron Mask andPsi Upsilon.The thirteen other ushers were se¬lected by Mr. Bricken with the aidof Jay Berwanger. They are: EllmorePatterson, Sidney Hyman, WaldemarSolf, Thomas Flinn, Charles Tyrol-er, John Womer, William Watson,Edward Cullen, Huntington Harris,William Haarlow, Knox Hill, CharlesGreenleaf, and Richard Zacharias.At the tea yesterday afternoon bythe department of music, Mr. Brickenexplained to a group of 80 campusleaders and music students, that sincethe Chicago Symphony Orchestra willnot present any campus concerts thisyear, the University orchestra hastaken over the task of furnishingsymphony music for the students anduniversity community.Tickets for the concert are pricedat 25 cents and 50 cents, the lowestprices that have ever been offered,and may be purchased starting Mon¬day, from the boxoffice in Mandelhall, or at a desk in Cobb hall. Sentence of KelleyRevoked YesterdaySentence was lifted from AugustusKelley, University student judgedguilty last week for his activity inconnection with liberal organizations,when he appeared before JudgeHarold O’Connell in the county courtbuilding yesterday.Kelley originally was fined $10 andcosts. The defendant chose to servethe equivalent 8 days in jail. The newturn to events resulted from the ef-foirts of the Civil Liberties unionwhich moved to have the sen¬tence revoked. The International La¬bor Defense had already connecteditself with the case, and had provid¬ed counsel for the trials.ADVISES ADVANCEREGISTRATION FORWINTER QUARTER More Than 200 CouplesDance to Agnew’sOrchestraRABBI SILVER TDSPEAK AT CHAPELSERVICES SUNDAYRabbi Abba Hillel Silver of TheTemple, Cleveland, wdll speak at theregular Sunday chapel service at 11.He will also deliverthe address of theannual Chanukahservice at 4:30.Dean Gilkey stat¬ed yesterday thatRabbi Silver hasbeen accorded gen¬eral recognition asone of the outstand¬ing rabbis and oneof the most power¬ful speakers of thecountry. The morn¬ing service willmark the fourth visit of this relig¬ious leader to the Chapel.Rabbi Silver will speak in the Cha¬pel at 4:30 as a part of the secondannual Chanukah service held hereunder the auspices of the Jewish Stu¬dent Foundation.The Council of Hyde Park andKenwood churches announces the 20thannual Community Thanksgivingservice to be held at the Chapel onThanksgiving morning at 11. RabbiGerson B. Levi will be the preacher. In order to avoid congestion at thetime of registration on the first dayof the winter quarter, Ernest Miller,University registrar, urges studentsto take advantage of the opportunityto register in advance.Students in the professional schoolsand in the upper divisions may reg¬ister in advance on December 4 to 6;I those in the college may secure theirfirst class tickets in advance on De¬cember 7 or 10. The temporary of¬fice of registration at that time willbe in Cobb 210 and 211.Although it is not required thatthe student pay his tuition before thefifth day of the next quarter, stu¬dents who register at any time mustpresent their matriculation fee re¬ceipts to the fee clerk. These re¬ceipts have been issued to studentswho paid the former $20 matricula¬tion fee when they entered the Uni¬versity, and who, therefore, are notrequired to pay the $2 registrationfee at the beginning of each quarter.Mr. Henrikson, of the School ofBusiness, advises business studentswho have not as yet planned theirprogram for the current year to con¬sult with him before advance regis¬tration begins.Rabbi SilverRenaissance SocietyExhibits PhotographsExtreme skill and ability in pho¬tography techniques are manifest inthe exhibitions of photographs by Mr.Don Wallace opening today in thegalleries of the Renaissance society.The exhibition will continue daily, in¬cluding Sundays, from 2 to 5, untilDecember 20.Mr. Wallace is the founder of theschool of photography of the DaytonArt Institute, the first of suchschools started in an art institute. Heis working on a book of photographson Chicago which will be publishedsoon.The photographs on exhibition rep¬resent work done from the artist’s |point of view, and show a greatrange from an exquisite delicatequality to great richness in dark and ilight. Mr. Wallace has taken com¬mon objects, such as balls, smokestacks, or stairs, and made interest¬ing and striking compositions. By RALPH W. NICHOLSONTonight: Thanksgiving eve and theInterfraternity ball. Annually onthis traditional night, the ball hasmarked the grand opening of the Uni¬versity social season, and tonight at10 it will set in motion more than200 couples who drift on to the dancefloor at the Lake Shore athletic clubat the invitation of Charlie Agnew’sorchestra.Promptly at 11:30 Virginia Eysselland John Womer, leading the rightwing, and Helen de Weithern andWaldemar Solf, leading the left wing,will begin the Grand March. Follow-I ing the Grand March there will betwo hours more of dancing. The fa¬cilities of the Lake Shore athleticclub have been extended to the guestsat the ball.Charlie Agnew PlaysCharlie Agnew, whose band fur¬nishes the music on this occasion, isa popular Chicago leader. His orches¬tra was one of the first to achieverecognition as a singing group. Inaddition to the ensemble work, thegroup features the singing of threeof its members. Dusty Roades, Em-erie Ann Lincoln, and Kenny Strong.Agnew has played at several pop¬ular night spots, and is now appear¬ing at the new Red Lion inn. Danc¬ing will continue until 2.Ample parking space has been pro¬vided for at the Lake Share athleticclub. The club itself boasts a largeballroom, one that will comfortablyaccommodate the University crowd.I The ballroom is newly redecoratedand modernized with indirect illum¬ination.Bids will be kept on sale all daytoday at the price of $3.50 a coupleThey may be got from the bookstores.New York Jim, or fraternity houses.Tickets may also be purchased at thedoor this evening.Last year the ball was held in theCrystal ballroom of the Blackstonehotel.Miller Stresses Patients’ Careas First Consideration of DoctorStressing the point that a doctormust first consider his patients be¬fore his financial income. Dr. JosephL. Miller, clinical professor of Medi¬cine, spoke to a group of students inthe fifth of the Vocational Guidancelecture series, yesterday afternoon in117 Pathology Building.The speaker outlined his talk byenumerating a number of the moregeneral qualities necessary in a doc¬tor. Quoting from a lecture given bya member of the staff of Johns Hop¬kins university to a group of med¬ical students. Dr. Miller cited: “‘Ifyou are coming to study medicinewith the purpose of gaining wealth,we wish you would leave; but if youare here in order to learn to cure theill, we want you to stay’.”Wealth Not Success“Wealth is not a sign of a success¬ful physician,” he continued. “If youcan gain a comfortable, not extrava¬gant living, for your family byfaithful fulfillment of your profes¬sion, you are a qualified success.Success depends upon the student,his education in medical school, andhis subsequent pe>riod of internship,Dr. Miller explained. The speaker jwas of the opinion that it was de- icidedly better for the graduate to en- |ter a lengthy pei'iod of internship jrather than to open a private officeimmediately. !Proceeding, the clinical professor :stated that a doctor needs tact and ^ability to control his temper. Not only | this,but he must willingly yield manysocial pleasures in order to continuehis studies, retaining an interest inthe welfare of others.Dr. B. C. H. Harvey, Dean of Stu¬dents in the Biological Sciences, whenintroducing the lecturer stated thatDr. Miller was one of the best knownconsultants in medicine in the middlewest. Not only this, but he is a mem¬ber of the faculty in the clinic at Bill¬ings hospital.Settlement HonorsMary E. McDowellHonoring Mary E. McDowell, headresident of the University Settlement,a party will be held at that institu¬tion on Friday night. In addition topaying respect to the genial, silvery-haired woman who will be 80 yearsold on that date, celebration will beheld of the day 40 years ago last Junewhen she founded the settlement backof the yai Is.Miss McDowell has invited all theresidents, former residents and staffmembers who have been associatedwith the settlement during her resi¬dence there to be present far the pro¬gram. Starting at 7:30, this enter¬tainment will include singing, folkdancing by the different nationalitiesof the neighborhood, a recital by thenoted colored baritone, Mrs. JohnGreen, and a dance in which everyonewill bo invited to participate.(/ VPage Two THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1934iailg iiarnnnFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBERf^gsociated jg^lUaiate ‘jprxs•1934 ffiJlMMieITkiMof 1935*-The Daily Maroon is the official student newapapCT of theUniversity of Chicagro, published mornings except Mturday,Sunday, ai¥l Monday during the autumn, winter, and apiingi,'>arterbyThe^any_Maroon_Com£anyj_5831_Univwai^[_Avmj2<fcElditorial office: Lexington hall. Room 16: buaineaa office:Room 16A. Telephones: Local 46 and Hyde Park 9221.Subscription rates: $2.60 a year: $4.00 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.■nve University of Chicago assumes no responsibility tor anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroo^ or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not neoesaarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1908. at the poatoffice at Chicago, Illinois, nnder the act of March 8, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any materia] appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited mannacripta.Public letters should be addressed to the Editor. The DailyMaroon, Lexington hall. University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will Iw withheld if requested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H, BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth GreenebaumHenry F. Kelley Raymond LahrJanet LewyRalph W. Kieherfaon JeanneWUliam StolteW. WataonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsaiith Robert McQuilkin Everett CD Z 2 *4Shirley BakerJohn BallengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutrigfat Jr.EDITORIAL ASSISTANTSGeorge Felsenthal June RappaportZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey Lehman George SchustekJames SnyderEdward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterBUSINESS ASSISTANTSPaul Lynch Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskyAllen Rosenbaum Richard Smith Seymour WeinsteinNight Editor: Raymond Lahr The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISWednesday, November 28, 1934 This is Station R-A-B bringing all you mil¬lions of folks out there the Inter-Fraternity ball.It is a colorful and gala event this annual eventthe Inter-Fraternity ball. The ladies are regaledin gay splashes of color and the gentlemen areresplendent in the traditional black and white.The gowns of the maidens drift gently acrossthe floor lightly brushing orchid after orchid intheir path. They are lining up for the grandmarch now. There go the leaders stepping intoplace. They’re excited.. .you can see it in theireyes. . .I’d give a lot to know what an I-F lead¬er thinks aboutREADING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT:LEADER NUMBER THE FIRST. . .do yuh think that’ll hold it up.. .that littlepin...oh dear oh dear...if anything shouldhappen out there in front of all these people...oh.. .i think i’d just die.. .oh i don’t know whati’d do.. .my dear it’d be just too embarasing. ..oh dear...and it’s such a little pin, too....aremy orchids in place...oh dear. . .i wish thatmusic would hurry up...haven’t you tuned upenough. . .keep calm now. . .keep calm. . .it’ll beover in a few minutes.. .oh i wish i were deadno i don’t either.. .please mother stop wavingat me. . .i see you alright.. .father can’t youdo anything. . .make her stop.. .oh now you’redoing it too. . .oh dear.. .i’ll just ignore themand explain afterwards... i think that’s the bestway...oh stop it, . .thank goodness there goesthe music... oh is everything in place.. . here wego. . .oh. . .for gods sakes wally get in step... .or should i... now he changed too...oh dear. . .i wonder if anybody noticed.. .it must havelooked so awkward.. . hold up your head now...look haughty... look proud... it certainlypays to get a new formal. . .aren’t they staringthough, . .i wonder how ginny looks... .A UNITED FRONT WITH A PURPOSE jleader.number the second...In conjunction with liberal organizationsthroughout the country The Daily Maroon todayis taking the lead on campus in directing a petitionto the Administration in Washington urging thatthe ban be lifted from Professor William F. Og-burn’s pamplet “You and Machines, recentlybarred from use in the CCC camps.Elsewhere in this issue is a copy of the petitionwhich will be circulated next week in all classes.Campus organizations also will have the oppor¬tunity to back this movement. While Maroon staffmembers will take an active part in distributingthe petition, we will welcome aid from any in¬terested students.This is a project upon which a liberal Univer¬sity can unite, an opportunity to express our dis¬approval of the throttling of free expression bythe Administration. As we pointed out in aprevious editorial on the subject, it is ridiculous tobar the statements of a man whose opinion isnationally respected on problems of society andthe future of our machine age. To ban it as“too pessimistic” is a huge joke.The censorship of Professor Ogburn’s pamphlethas created an overwhelming demand for thearticle, the natural result of such publicity. Be¬cause of this there will be terrific pressure broughtto bear upon the authorities by the public at large.On campus opinion against the ban has beenstrong, but futile, because of lack of organization.The Daily Maroon hopes to assume the leader¬ship in the campaign, to organize the faculty andstudents so that the fight will be effective. Weexpect your cooperation.—H. P. H. my god the skirt is wilting. . .now the tie’sgone crookedsomebody please fix my tie...hurry up.. .willyah. . .hurry up. . .which footdo we start on.. .the right or the left.. .how fardo we go and when do we stop... .now let me seeif i’ve got this straight. . .first we go twicearound and then we. . .and then we., .oh hell. . .then what do we do... wonder how this suitlooks. . . feels a little wrnkled in the back. . .ifthere’s anthing wrong with it i’ll sue marshallfield’s. . .wonder where pop is...uh oh...there’s somebody waving... .oh nuts it’s her folkswon’t they ever start. . . i wish i were back inthe cap and gown office. . .they never told mei’d have to lead a ball when i kept the books. . .this vest is crawling up a little too much i’vegot to exercise a bit more hey willie wantaplay some touchball tomorrow. . .ah there’s themusic here we go. . .hey helen get in step...women...or maybe i’m out of step...she went and changed... hold back ..back... now it’s alright again. . .we’rethesethereholdoff..AUGUSTUS KELLEY, NOT GUILTYSuddenly, apparently without warning,Augustus Kelley has been found not guilty. Thisaction, besides making the police and the courtslook silly, seems to prove without doubt that thegrounds for the arrest were trumped-up.What reversed the decision is ndt clear, butthe case is an excellent example of what can beaccomplished by publicity and an accurate pres¬entation of facts. Credit must be given too, tothe independent organizations, such as the CivilLiberties League, who participated in the de¬fense.The Daily Maroon is pleased that the case hasterminated in this way, not only for justice, butbecause of the revelation of police methods inthis city. Students in the Social Sciences mightfind it worthwhile to make the incident a basisfor further investigations of our political andsocial order.—H. P. H. I LEADER NUMBER THE THIRD...i shall i hold it like this or like this. . .or per¬haps like that... yes and . . . no. . . that doesn’tlook natural or right... . but then i’m leadingthe ball...i’d better look calm...i look betterthat way.. .i hope john shows up. . .oh there heis. . . stop waving frank.. . such pretty smellingflowers.. .sniff... .sniff.. .oh frank stop waving. . .you embarass me so. . .maybe i’d better lookbored with it all. . .i’m not really but i will any¬way . . . that’ll fool em . . . bored. . . bored. . .bored... oh dear that’s my heart poundingaway. . .gracious me i think there’s a run in mystocking... .ob but they can’t see it. . .i hopejohn doesn’t trip over my train...oh dear...they’re going to begin now... oh dear. . .johnwhere’s your arm... oh there it is. . .are youready. . .let’s go... what are you waiting for...i can’t act bored any more...the hell withit.. .here we go.. .LEADER NUMBER THE FOURTH. . .i wonder if we covered expenses.. .think sosure got a lot of people here. . .my god they’reall looking at me... .1 wonder if.. .my shirt tail’sout. . .hey wally is my shirt tail out. . .goddam¬mit stop looking at me. . .fools. . .fools. . .wherethe hell is my headgear. . .that damned trainerforgot the shoulder pads.. . o. k. so i’ll break acollarbone....then he’ll be sorry. . .what am ithinking about. . .1 must be punch drunk. . .buti never drink punch. . .this is a football gamenot a ball...i mean it’s a tuhellwithit. ..whydon’t they start. . .thirty-four. . .seventy-six. . .shift.. .there goes that damned band... .just aswe’re going to charge. .. four horseman stuffno offense, ginny...i’ve been reading the tribsassiety page. . .wonder where carr is. . .he diddid it one year too soon. . .they don’t stack ’emlike this in oak park. . .wait’ll ma see me in thepapers... oh boy.. .wait’ll the snappers see meand all the babes... oh boy. . .hey, this is funhere we go . . . wheeeeee... , Today on theQuadranglesWEDNESDAYLectures“Are Nationalism and Internation¬alism Especially Opposed?” Avukahsociety in Ida Noyes library at 3:30.Dr. Francis Wei. “Confucianismand the New China.” Oriental Insti¬tute at 8:15.MusicCarillon recital in the Universitychapel at 4:30.MiscellaneousSettlement lea^e book review. IdaNoyes lounge from 10 to 11.Spanish society, alumni room ofIda Noyes from 4 to 6.Y. W. C. A. meeting in the Y roomof Ida Noyes from 3 to 5:30.Social dancing in Ida Noyes the¬ater at 7:30.Interfraternity Ball at the LakeShore Athletic Club,FRIDAYLectures“Current Economic Problems. Cred¬it Policies and the Cycle.” Dr. Mel¬chior Palyi. Fullerton hall. Art Insti¬tute at G:45,MiscellaneousW. A. A. cozy in the Y room ofIda Noyes at 3.Freshman Women’s council. Northroom of Ida Noyes from 12 to 1.SATURDAYFriends of India dance at 9 in In¬ternational house.SUNDAYAddressRabbi Abba^Hillel Silver for theannual Chanukah service at the Uni¬versity chapel, at 4:30,MeetingsRenaissance society at Ida Noyes from 7 to 11.Socialist club at Ida Noyes from8 to 10.MONDAYMeetingsPhi Delta Upsilon in the northroom of Ida Noyes at 7.Freshman reporters at the Maroonat 12:15.Pi Delta Phi in Ida Noyes at 7:30.Phi Beta Delta in wicker room ofIda Noyes at 7.Social Service club at 8 in SocialScience 302. DREXEL theatre868 E. C3rdWed.—Ann Harding in “LIFE OFVERGIE WINTERS.”Thura. — Charles R n g g I e s in“FRIENDS OF MR. SWEENEY.”Fri. and Sat.—Spencer Tracr in“20,000 YEARS IN SING SING.”Sun. and Mon.—Richard Cromwell in••NAME THE WOMAN.”A move has been started at theUniversity of Georgia (Athens) toobtain a free transportation servicefor co-eds following an edict by au¬thorities which prohibits them fromhitch-hiking after 6.Prolonged student agitation anddisorder has caused the closing of theUniversity of Nueva Leon in Mexico.A socialistic state university will beopened to replace it.CLASSIFIED ADSWANTED: young men interestedin earning considerable e^tra moneyfor Christmas, Apply rm. 110, 629W. Washington St. Ph. Haymarket1240. Inquire at once.Announcing:the University Symphony Or¬chestra concert Friday, Decem¬ber 7th, conducted byCARL BRICKENMANDEL HALLTickets 25 to 50 cents8:30 CORSAGESORCHIDSorGARDENIAS$1.00BUDLONG'SFLOWERS2050 E. 71tt StPhone Dor. 44556324 Woodlawn Ave.WILL SERVE THE BESTTHANKSGIVING DINNERYOU EVER TASTED !Completefrom Soup $1.00to Nuts... IDiniitr 12 Noon to 10 P. H.Breakfast 7 A. M. to 12 NoonMake Your Reservations NowlCALL HYDE PARK 6324 kotelg Windermereinvite you for any party, of any size.No matter what the occasion, hereyou will find everything you need forperfect enjoyment. For large gather¬ings— fraternity or sorority dances,entertainments, balls — the ballroomis complete. For smaller gatherings,private dining rooms are available.Or, if there are just a few dining to¬gether, there is a la carte and tabled'hote service. Important, too, is thefact that it costs surprisingly little toentertain here.mffindermereS6th Street at Jackson Park • ChicagoWhere to WorshipTHE FIRST UNITARIANCHURCHWoodlawn Avenue and East 57th StreetOgden Vogt, D.D., MinisterSUNDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1934I 1:00 A. M.—“Form and Energy," Dr. Vogt.4:00 P. M.—Channing Club Tea. Discussionon poetry, members sharing favoritepoems. To be followed by candle lightservice in the chapel.Students cordially invited. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OFDISCIPLES OF CHRIST5655 University AvenueDr. Edward Scribner Ames, MinisterSUNDAY. DECEMBER 2. 193410:30 A. M.—Communion Service.11:00 A. M.—Sermon subject: “The NewReligious Age,” Dr. Ames.12*20 P. M.—Discussion Group for men andwomen of college age under the lead¬ership of Dr. Ames. .Subject: “The Ideo¬logy of the Modern Church.”6:00 P. M.—Wranglers. Tea and Program.St. Paul’s Church50th and DorchesterParish Office: 4945 I'orchesterAvenueTel. Oakland 3185Rev. George H. ThomasRev. Donald W. Crawford, B. D.SUNDAY SERVICE:Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M.Church School Service, 9:30A. M.Morning Service, 11:00 A. M.Young People’s Society, 6:00P. M. Hyde Park Baptist YoungPeople’s Church Club56tli and Woodlawn Ave.SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2Come to “Mexican Night.”6:00 P. M.—Mexican Supper.7.00 P. M.—“Mexico,” TravelTalk by Mary B. Gilson of theUniversity of Chicago.8:00 P. M.—Evening Service.9:00 P. M.—Mexican SocialHour.FRIDAY, DECEMBER 78:30 P. M.—Roller SkatingParty. ATTEND THECHURCHESTHEYAREINTERESTEDINYOU/THE DAILY MAROON, WiEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1934 Page ThreeThis ad good for 5cin tradeCHARTRAND’S807 Elasi 61st StreetPhone Mid. 7340Open All NightCOMPLETE MEALS 25cDelicious Toasted SandwichesI Oc 6c 15cYl Fried Chicken 25cHutcheson's Famous Chile I OcChili Mac 1 5 cChop Suey 25c Add New Exhibitsto Physics MuseumAn announcement of the opening ofthe second room of the Physics Muse¬um in Belheld Hall has been made byFitz-Hugh Marshall, attendant at themuseum. This room deals particular¬ly with experiments pertaining tothe structure of matter, electricityand magnetism.Hours for the above exhibits havebeen set from 3:30 to B, Tuesdaysto Fridays inclusive. Identificationcards, which are received in lecturesections, are necessary for admit¬tance.The opening football game defeatfor Notre Dame university this yearwas the first since the Chicago Col¬lege of Physicians and Surgeons won4 to 0, in 1896.FOR FLOWERSJOHNSON&JENSEN2374 E. 71»t St. Hyde P€u*k 1295LECTUREbyARTHUR KALLETco-author of 100,000,000 Guinea PigsonDangers in Everyday Foodsand DrugsFads Created by AdvertisingMONDAY, DECEMBER 3, AT 8:15 P. M.atSINAI TEMPLE4622 South Parkway Kenwood 5826ADMISSION 50 CENTS► ◄► After ^^ The Interfraternity Ball! ^THE ^PALM GROVE \INN56th St. and the Outer DriveThe smart rendezvous for connoisseurs ^^ of delightful food and perfect drink super- ^V vised by Pierre. A► ◄► c+J> ^► ◄► Enjoy a marvelous^► . . ii Thanksgiving dinner at►►►►►► the Palm Grove InnOPEN TO 4:30 A. M. EUSTACE HAYDON TOLEAD DISCUSSIONS ONMODERN PROBLEMSA. Eustace Haydon, professor ofComparative Religions, has been ap¬pointed chairman of a series of foU)rdiscussions on the subject “SomeStresses of our Modern Life” to bepresented by the Chicago Associationfor Child Study and Parent Educa¬tion.The interpretations are to be gfivenby women who have had experiencewith the education of children. VeraBrittain, author of “Testament ofYouth,” will inaugurate the seriesand will talk on “Youth Morals—To¬day and Yesterday” Wednesday atthe Sky room of the Palmer house.She is a former lecturer to the Head¬quarters staff of the League of Na¬tions Union. Abramawitz Talksat Avukah MeetingFor its (regular public lecture theAvukah organization will present Dr.A. E. Abramawitz today in Ida Noyeshall at 3:30. The subject of his dis¬cussion will be “Are Nationalism andInternationalism Essentially Oppos¬ed? The Zionist Viewpoint.”Dr. Abramawitz is the rabbi of theCongregation B’nai Israel of Austin. NEW LAW INSTRUCTORMax Rheinstein, instructor in theUniversity of Berlin, has been addedto the faculty of the Law school asa temporary member fo(r the nextthree quarters, Dean Harry A. Big¬elow announced last week.The new instructoir will givecourses in Comparative Law and Civ¬il Law.POSTPONE ART EXHIBITThe Renaissance society has an¬nounced the postponement of the prro-posed November showing of theworks of Seurat, French post-impres¬sionist, until next February. A lec¬ture by Daniel C. Rich, curatO(r ofpainting at the Art Institute, whichwas scheduled for the early part ofNovember has been postponed alsountil February. Field hockey, the newest of thepopular women’s sports, is now playedin 31 countries of the world. Orchids 50c—$2.00 ea.Gardenias 25c—75c ea.alsoCorsases of Swe«t peas, roses, riolets,lilies of the valley and combinations.The UniversityFlower ServiceWELLS D. BURNETTEKappa Sigma House5715 Woodlawn H. P. 737*Orders Taken Until 6 p. m. Wed.GETVESS atDry CingeraleHi-Ball SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61st and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage GroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th StreetFrom head to toe these exciting accessories clamorfor attention — and they’re justified in their in¬sistence, for they lend drama to formal costumes.More sparkle to your gown in thematching rhinestone dips. Their bright¬ness and gayety accentuate the newdecollete. Each $2Most truly significant of the prevailingromantic imxfe—this brilliant Juliet capto adorn a lovely head ... $5Glittering wide bands of rhinestones in abeautifully designed bracelet will accentevery graceful gesture of your arm. $4Evening gloves in softest white doeskin.They’re gauntlets in four-button lengthand are very, very smart . . $3.95It has everything—this silver and whitestriped evening bag. Fitted with cig¬arette case, compact, lipstick and combcase in gleaming onyx finish . $6.50Lelong's 'Opening ISight'—a fragrancethat whispers of soft lights ... of rust¬ling gowns ... of the glow of evening;a perfume new . . . and different. $10Gossamer sheer sandal hose to revealtinted toenails. Web-like in beauty,they are a complement to the new ex¬treme slippers $1.95They’re meant to go places—these sil¬ver sandals—to dance till the wee smallhours and still he as radiant as whenthey started $6.50FIELD’S“MATCHED ACCESSORIES”FIRST FLOORMARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY\i^age Four THE DAILY MARCX)N, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1934'Phi Beta Delta, Chiselers Win;Will Meet for I-M Championship MERRIAM ISSUESCALL FOR INDOORTRACK PRACTICEBy GEORGE SCHUSTEKAn efficient and well organized PhiB. D. touchball team continued its de¬fense of the all-University cham¬pionship yesterday afternoon bydowning D. K. E. 38 to 6. The Chis¬elers also advanced to the finals whenthey beat Judson 300 entry 25 to 7.Phi Psi beat Phi Sig 19-14 for thethird place in the fraternity division.The championship will be decidedsometime after Thanksgiving.A1 Marver of Phi B. D. was theindividual high point man of the day,making 18 points, all in the first half.Marver’s playing contributed much tothe success of the team. Abe Braudefurnished a bang-up game for thechamps. His glue-finger catches ofseveral fluke passes and fumbles sethim out as one of the best receiverson the field.Weiss Directs TeamTrevor Weiss ran the Phi B. D. of¬fense and did most of the passing.Bud Yedoir contributed some excel¬lent kicking, both on punts, which herolled outside within the ten-yard linemore than once, and on his kick-offs.'The Deke team seemed not to beplaying up to their usual high stand¬ard. Passes wobbled and were inac¬curate. Receiving was marred by fre¬quent fumbles, and the keen percep¬tion of plays which has served theteam well during the season seemedtotally lacking. Jack Harris made thq CHALLENGEThe following letter was receiv¬ed yesterday by The Daily Ma¬roon.“With an eye to thechances of our own success,the Iron Mask society confi¬dently challenges Owl andSerpent to a bit of touchballjousting. The loser of the tiltwill supply the beer. Anytime and place is convenient.Knights of the Iron Mask.” Ned Merriam, coach of track andcross countiy at the University, todayissues the official call for all varsityand freshmen track candidates to be¬gin practice next Monday for the I winter season. Football men oi i' athletes who have been out for some 1! other sport are excused from prac- |i tice for the first week or so. jBy beginning practice so early in |i the year. Coach Merriam hopes to jI have the team in very good condition |I for their first meet the last part of |I January. Practice will be held each iI day from 11 to 12 in the morning and j' from 3:30 on in the afternoon. , PUBLIX CAFETERIA1165 EAST 63rd ST.Thanksgiving Day SpecialTURKEY DINNERCOMPLETE--25Cwith all the trimminKs THE HOMESTEAIResidential HotelINSPECT our large, light comfortrooms. Kuning water, daily maid ser—a dignified situation for concentrstudy.5610 DORCHESTER Ph. H. P.I only Deke score of the day.Charley Hickcock was the star ofI the Chiselers as they defeated theI 300 entry for the independent cham-I pionship. He caught passes for twoI touchdowns and snared another tossI for the extra point which ended the! game.i Bob Griffith was easily the mostnotable of the dorm team. He didmost of the passing and also con¬tributed some very elusive running.He put across a very pretty dropkick from about 30 yards back for thepoint after the losers’ only touch¬down. Dale Letts passed to Eli Bern¬stein after a series of laterals for again of nearly 60 yards on the score.Ralph Horning made the secondChiseler score on an intercepted pass Phone us or come in. We will make you acorsage that your girl will be proud of.O B E R G ’ SFLOWER SHOP1461 E. 57th Fairfax 3670 STINEWAY DRUGSPRECISE PRESCRIPTIONISTS57th at KenwoodWhen you phone Stineway IYour order is on the wayWhether you want our soda fountain service, cosmetics,drugs, prescriptions, or a box of candy—Stineway willgive you prompt delivery service.PHONE DORCHESTER 2844Live in Home-LikeQuartersWe specialize in attractiverooms for faculty members and studentsat the U. of C.Individual rooms or suiteswith or without bath.Ideally arranged for quietand study.Prices to suit your purse.Rates $2.50 to $ 12.00 per week.TheHarvard Hotel5714 Blackstone AvenuePhone Hyde Park 2780Miss Grayce Naismith,Mgr. Shake Hands With aFootball Hero of ’32PA UL HOST. . . Formerly at Notre DameY OU may meet him any day in the Sporting Goods Department of TheFair where he is advising the athletes of today what sporting equip¬ment to buy and telling them on the side how best to use it.Paul Host has just the right entree, too, in the Men’s and Youth’s ClothingDepartment at The Fair, which, as you know, is a store in itself. He can takeany young fellow to the right man for expert advice on what is being worn.And when it comes to prices — neither he nor you have any worry on that score,for The Fair has a reputation for top quality and style at rock bottom prices.So, whether you want to buy handball gloves, ice skates, or ping pong outfits, orsmart swagger college clothes, come in to the Sporting Goods Department of TheFair and — shake hands with Paul HostA Great Store in a Great CityTHE FAIRSTATE, ADAMS and DEARBORN STREETSOak Park —Lake at Marion St. • Milwaukee Ave. at Wood St.TONIGHTISTHE NIGHT OF NIGHTSwhen the elite will meetatthe I 3 th annualINTERFRATERNITY BALLLAKE SHORE ATHLETIC CLUB 10:00-2:00BIDS $3.50■''tA SECTION**National Collegiate News in Picture and Paragraph”U. S. TKAOC.MANK SERIAL NUMBER 313412Wi>TlIibeV9;'15ijV« ynivcrlltv (D«EjlvflM*;4(H>'.V4lJ*'Th« sifb on this pag* may bapwdiastd tkfou^ ika '(iiidkpi(elbtee4Skopping Scfvicc11 West 42nd StreetNew York CityIn ordering please observe thefollowing regulations:1. Order must be accompaniedby remittance—preferably postalmoney order (stamps will not beaccepted)—including sufficient forpostage.2. Orders must state clearly thearticle desired and should includesise, color and all information neces¬sary to the proper filling of theorder.3. Exchangee for color and sisewill gladly be made upon reoeipt ofthe merchandise. Merchandisemust be returned by insured parcelpost to the Collegiate DigestShopping Service.4. Please print or write nameand address clearly.The Collegiate Digest ShoppingService will gladly help you solveall your gift problems.Send for Gift CatalogueMore gift auggeationa next weekmaaQlh itonfiimaarta1. Quilted robe of fined erepede chine, warmly padded, an ex¬ceptional value. In tearose, Frenchblue and royal blue. (Postage 20c.)$7.452. Lasy bones coffee set of silverplate—thuM pieces in one. Thesugar bowl and cream pitcher fitcompactly on the top of the coffeepot. (Postage 15c.)Two cup sise $5.95Four cup sise $8.953. Bedroom slippers of plain andribbed satin; in black, peach, orwhite dyed any color withoutcharge. (Postage 15c.) $3.954. All wool throw in waflBeweave. Useful for napping or as anextra blanket. In green and white;red and white; blue and white;brown alid white. (Postage 20c.)$8.955. Nightgown and bed jacketensemble of satin, lace trimm^. Intearose or blue; sixes 14 to 17.(Postage 15g.) Set $4.956. Hand bag of calf in black orbrown, made by one of the most de¬pendable bag makers. It has billfold, key ring and identificationpocket, besides the usual compart¬ments. (Postage 10c.) $7.5#7. Umbrella of pure dye silk thatwill not crack and wears and wears;16 rib; in blue, brown, black, green,maroon, with assorted handles all smart and new. (Postage 10c.)...$3.988. Gloves of finest quality im¬ported kid with hand sewing onback and cuff; in brown, black orwhite. (Postage 10c.) ..^.959. Flannel robe of all wool, welltailored. In brown, blue, maroon;sixes small, medium and large.(Postage 25c.) $7.5010. Leather slippers wit£ lamb’swool cuff and inner sole, in brown orblue. (Postage 20c.) $3.7511. Pajamas of cotton herring¬bone in a slip-over style with onlyone button to fasten; may also beworn open. In blue piped withwhite; tan piped with yellow;yellow piped with blue; sixes A,B, C. (Postage 15c.) $3.5#12. Zipper case for papers, ofbrown grained cowhide. (Postage15c $3.7513. Cig-A-Iate—a most usefulgift for the smoker who also drivesa car. Attaches to the dashboard ofany car and by simply pressu^ thelever it delivers a lighted cigarette.(Postage 20c.) $5.##14. Dressing case of grained cow¬hide in black or brown, with xipperfastening and all the appurtenancesa traveling man requires. (Postage20c.) $5.5015. Cigarette case of metal with smart simulated wood finish. Holdsabout 12 cigarettes without crush¬ing. (Postage 10c) $3.7514. Fountain pen and pencil setfinished in mottled effect. (Postage15c.) $5.M17. Desk set complete with penand iparble base in either white orblack. (Postage 15c.) $5.0#18. Bill fold of pigskin with com¬partments enough to hold assortedcards and licenses. (Postage 10c.)$2.5019. Evening bag of white witheither gold or silver thread; also indarker brocades. A new and veryattractive style with xipper fasten¬ing. (Postage 15e.) $5.0020. Evening handkerchief of chif¬fon with pattern in metal thread, inthe popular large sue, in royal blue,red, white, black, Chinese red,green. (Postage 10c.) $1.5031.Perfume — Guerlain’s ex¬quisite odor Vol de Nuit. Smallsixe $10.00; large sixe (Postage 20c.)- $20.0022. Perfume atomiser encrustedwith gold in crackled effect. (Postage15c.) $2.0023. Evening jewelry of smokedcrystal, clear crystal, emerald, car-nriian, onyx or chrysophrase com¬bined with rhinSstones. (Postage16c.)Bracelet $5.00Earrings $350Pin $3.0024. Velvet nightgown that mayalso be worn as an evening gown.The low cut back and slim linesgive this gown a double purpose. Ofwashable velvet in flaminette; strat¬osphere blue; willow green; black;white; sixes 14, 15 and 16. (Postage15c.) $10.9525. Zibeline sachet imparts alovely fragrance to one’s closet. Ingold, green, blue or pink. (Postage10c.). x.$3.7524. Scuffs—the warmest thingsyou ever put your toes in; of velvettrimmed with white buiuty: red,light blue, royal blue, green, peach,black. (Postage 15c.) ,.$1.9527. Suede bag which is also amuff. One of the newest and mostpopular styles. In black or brown.(Postage 15c.) $2.95Initials extra each 50c. periods 10c.38. Sports set of hand knit wool,so gay and attractive for wintersports wear. In red, yellow, blueor white with gay contrasting pat¬tern. (Postage 1m.)Socks pair $4.00Scarf $5.50Cap $3.50Mittens $3.5039. Printed linen sports handker¬chiefs in high colors in flower de¬sign , or smart stripes. Mentioncolor to predominate. (Postage 10c.)Each .. 30. All wool socks in the boldstripes college men love: grey andred; grey and yellow; grey andwhite; brown and yellow; Imwn andgreen. (Postage 10c.) a pair 55c31. Overboots for the outdoorman (or woman).' They are wornover the shoes; are warmly linedwith lamb’s wool; have xipperclosing and crepe rubber soles.Sixes 3 to 13. Give shoe sise whenordering. (Postage 25c.) $10.0032. House slippers of leather,leather lined; with flexible, band-turned soles. In blue, black,brown, green, maroon. (Postage 20c)$2.9533. Lounging robe of silk faille,all silk linc^ in jacquard pattern.In brown, black or blue; sixes small,medium, and large. (Postage 25c.)$12.9534. Silk damask pajanuui, veryspecially priced for the holidays.In white, green, maroon, lavender,golden tan, yellow, old gold, orange,light blue, and medium blue; sixesA, B, C, D. (Postage 15e.)..$7.8535. Evening scarf of pure dyesilk with fringed edge, mono-grammed in black and white (giveinitials plainly indicating last in¬itial)—one week’s delivery. (Postage10c.) $3.9534. Hurricane pipe. The bowl iscovered with a pierced cap to pre¬vent the ashes from blowing alwut and to slow up the combustion of thtobacco. The top move.s on s hinxto permit filling, lighting and clcaiiing. Of highest gradt- naturebruyere. (Postage lOc.)- $7.537. Wool knit scarf in regiineutistripes. (Postage 10c.) $3-538. Tie of hand-knit silk ismart stripes: two blues and recblue, grey and yellow; red. black anyellow; red, brown, and yellov(Postage 10c.) $3.539. .Cigarette lighter and case cblack enamel on metal franuholds a package of cigarettes, (i’osiage 15c.) $3.^40. Evening studs of jet in whitgold filled setting. (Postage lOc.41. “Shipmate” watch which ipractically indsstructable, impelvious to shock; with unbreakaWcrystal and rmlium hand.s annumerals. The specially treatecowhide strap will shed watei(Postage 10c.) $35.«‘The same watch in a smaller .siifor women $.t#.$43. Tie clip in either gold filleor Sterling; with three mnailetters. (Postage 10c.)... 55443. Pocket hand warmer thafits into any pocket. It keeps aeven tempature of 120 for fwenthours. Perfect for outdoor sporti(Postage 10c. )PHOTO* SV Ltt OOVNKEDWARD KENT, ’36—Geology Stlld^llt. Edward Kent knows thevalue of a full reserve of natural, vibrant energy. And that’s one of thereasons why he sticks to Camels. In his own words: "It takes a lot of hardwork to acquire any thorough knowledge of geology—and a lot of energy.It’s tiring at times, but like most of the fellows around here, I have found^at smoking a Camel cheers me up...chases away all fatigue...gives methat 'lift’ in mental alertness and physical well-being which 1 need to beable to go on working with renewed energy." ^JOIN THE NEWANNETTE „ .HANSHA^^ Annette HsinsndvWalter O’KeefeGlen Gray’s Casa Loma OrchestraTed Hustttg SURVEYOR. "When I’mworking hard, I hnd thata great way to keep up myenergy is to smoke a Camelevery now and again," saysPrescott Halsey. "Camelsseem to bring bark my nat¬ural energy and chase awayall feeling of tiredness.”MISS EVELYN WATTS,popular New York debu-unte: "The last Camel Ismoke at night tastes justas good as the first in themorning. Camels are verymild, too. Even when Ismoke a lot, they neverupset my nerves.”Over Coashto-Coast WUBC-Colt/mbia NetworkCiwriflu. 1934,BejntoUlt TotMooo CiHnp«ii.vTOBACCO EXPERTS< ALL SAY:Camels are made fromfiner/ More ExpensiveTobaccos—Turkish andDomestic'— than anyother _popular brand.CAMEL’S COffUER TOBACCOSNEVER GET ON YOUR NERVES!FROM STUDENT TO MAESTRO . Pete Underwood (right) hasrisen from a collesiate musician at Oglethorpe University (Atlanta,Ga.) to the leadership of one of the south’s most popular orchestras. HEADS DRAMA DEPARTMENT » Dr. Rudolf C. Bednardirects the activities of Christian College (Columbia, Mo.)student dramatists.AboveTHEVRE ALL LABELLED . So you just can’t helptelling this is Gwen Jackson and Ellen Fee, popular NewJersey College for Women (New Brunswick) co-eds.LeftA BOUQUET FOR THE FROSH * Freshmen at Brock-port State Normal School (N. Y.) are brought into theschool’s folds with a series of new and unusual stunts.FHere one of them gets a cabbage. EXAQLy 2,338 CHRYS/Delta Chi Omega float for thSHE OiTO^AyED THFN. y.) polo-coach-gathe team."HE’S ALL DRESSED UP . . . " » But hr has some place to go, for DonMadsen is the drum major of the San Jose Slate College (Calif.), and ail of themembers of the band have new uniforms just like his. FAIR KNIGHTS OF THE ROAD • But they’re just a quartet of SitmCollege (Boston, Mass.) co-eds all dolled up for n,<rtv.C ^nell University (Ithaca,'.ses a regular place onwer*' used to cover theof Tulsa (Olcla.) homecoming CAMPUS QUEEN » Bernice Cannon has been elected "MissSt. Mary’s" in a pdpularity poll at St. Mary’s College (NotreDame, Ind.).AbovePRIZE SCHOLARS >» Rae Schwartz and Ruth Petersonhave just received the two alumnae awards for having thehighest scholastic standings at Simmons College (Boston,Mass.). KEYSTONE PHOTORightSHE HAS AN AIM IN LIFE » Nancy Warden is thecaptain of the women’s rifle team at Southwestern (Mem¬phis, Tenn.). Here are just a few of the rifles she uses inwinning her championships. keystone photo AWARDED HONOR DEGREE Dr. Rufus B. von KleinSmid,(center), president of the University of Southern California (LosAngeles), poses with Dr. G. Bromley Oxman (left), president ofDePauw University (Greencastle, Ind.), who has just conferredupon him an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.'JSHING FOR dear OLD SAN DIEGO • snphs pushe.lough, anri - Sun Diego Stale College (Culif.) AS ROyALTY WATCHES^ General Smuts, rector of St. Andrews University(England) receives tfie "freedom of the city’ from thp I ord Prevost of Dundee.kevstcne photoCeceliaHendricksTheta Sigma PhiIndiana University“I hazard the remark, brothers,**chuckled Buck Howell, “that this;:me we have succeeded in put¬ting one over on Chet. It is nowan hour and a half since we lefthim out in the darkest comer ofHenley’s Woods holding the bagfor the snipe we were to beat up.”“Chet’s sewed up this time. Uptill now, whenever we tried to getA joke on him, his fool luck savedhim before he went under eventhe first time.”“My weak intelligence,” rumi¬nated Sam, “is still inadequate infiguring out how we could hookChet on that senile stunt, snipehunting.”“Merely a modem example ofthe old trath that when a thing istoo old it is new,’ and that thereis nothing new under the sun.”“What about you, Bob. Do youfinally admit that we have caughtChet without'his usual side-kick.Lady Luck?”“Nope, not yet. But I’m weak¬ening.”“You’re a die-hard for obsti¬nacy, Bob.”“I grew up with Chet, and I’venever seen him when luck'wasn’twith him. Once his jitney gaveout forty miles from nowhere,and who came along and towedhim in but Senator Black. TheSenator became so interested inChet that he gave him a job in hisoffice that summer and offered tohelp him through college.”“It got on my nerves to thinkof such an unbroken record. Wehad to do something to stop thecontinuity.”“Chet never has been uppityabout his good fortune.”“Well, it’s unhealthy for any¬body to be so dam luckyAnswer the doorbell, some one.”A man in uniform was usheredinto the room.“Good evening, gentlemen. Iam the Chief of Police. I want*to talk with the president.”“I’m the president.” falteredBuck. “What’s wrong?”“Do you have a member by thename of Chet Stevens?”“Yes, what’s Chet done?”“We’ll come to that. Did you,about an hour and a half ago,leave the said Chet Stevens hold¬ing a bag for snipe in the comerof Henley’s Woods nearest therifle range?”Bob turned pale. “No one couldbe using the rifle range this timeof night! Nothing’s happened toChet, has it, sir?”“No, Stevens is not hurt. I’mjust checking up on his story, tomake sure that’s how he gotthere.”“He surely didn’t lodge — Imean, what did he go to your sta¬tion for?”“To report what he found. Saidhe got tired of waiting for you tocome back, and sat down on a pileof leaves. That’s how he hap¬pened to discover there was some¬thing under the leaves. He'dug itout and brought it down to thestation.”“What did he find?”“The loot- KIVSTOfia PMOKC. C. N. y. STUDENT IN RUSMartin Gula, College of the City oYork undergraduate, has just refrom a tour of the U. S. S. R.MISS CENTRAL ARIZONA » And,Incidentally, Frances Howell is also the1934 Homecoming Queen at ArizonaState Teachers College (Tempe). COURT QUEEN . Kathryn Sam¬uels is the leading co-ed athleteand basketeer at the University ofAkron (Ohio). Phi Mu.-the stuff that wasstolen last week when the bigGrant jewelry store was robbed.Watches and diamonds—nearly asackful. He’ll get $200 reward.”COLLEGIATE DIGEST Sec¬tion is looking for Short Shortstories. Manuscripts must beAccompanied by return postage.Payment at regular rates uponacceptance. Address: Story Edi¬tor, COLLEGIATE DIGESTSection, P. O. Box 472, Madison,Wis. 4iy tMkdrent as. Tbf^yesleniayIsSiIrlizabeth Br^dstreetHe Ddic out $"7 to each Louisiana vitate Uni'.ers'tv (EatonRooqe) stjoe^.t aHo Vva^tec to tD tnc L .S. ’• ance'--bi't Upi'.e''?:ty ^n Nasn-.’’ o Ho tne a-'o t-obancEWGLISH LITItrAGEDY in TME SHAKESPEAREAN!IsENSE 15 THE STORY OF A GREAT'‘ misfortune overcomingA PERSON OF NOBLERiPTW MANN / SHAKESPEARE HAD A TRUST INBEAUTY - HE WANTED TO BELIEVETHAT IF THE FACE WERE DEUGHTFUL. THE MIND MUST BE 30 — BUT - -L EXCEPT- HIS PLAYS,ON THE WHOLE,DEALI WITH EVIL AS BEING UNNATURAL.^HE GLORIFIES WAR , BOT-—ETC.,J \(^flef}orl (S«J■s8j. ^r^.QlTUro 6U 9{acliCQnrrl«hi, IHi, E. J. Keynoldt ToImoco Onapiny IAFTER EVERY CLASSIT RINGS THE BELL!PIPE smokers everywhere have labeled Prince Albert "TheNational Joy Smoke" because they have found it a superior mix¬ture of choice, top-quality tobaccos. Every hint of "bite” is re¬moved from mild, mellow ”P. A." by a q>ecial process. One pipe¬ful of Prince Albert will prove to you why smokers say, "Younever know how good your pipe can taste until you try’P.A.’"raiNCE Albert— THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE'WINS SCHOLAR’S CUP . Pres.Harlan L. Feeman, of Adrian Col-lese (Mich.), presents the annualscholarship award *to Donald E.MacQueen, CELEBRATE HIS 25TH YEARON CAMPUS » Willie Six hasbeen athletic trainer at the Uni¬versity of the South (Sewanee,Tenn.) for the past quarter cen¬tury. “Willie Six Day ’ was cele¬brated there recently. EMPHASIZE INTRAMURALSaTo replace football, abandoned in1930, Loyola University (Chicago)officials are pushing an extensiveintramural program. Here is oneof the prizes offered for competi¬tion.C R O S S W O R Pf U Z • Z L EBy A. C. Yow II, Alpha Psi ^Alabama Polytecteic laatitute ^ Horizontal 21.“TreaiurebyWar veteran violiniat.Feline.Pluck.Cubic centimeter.Viligant.End of vehicle axle.“I(norance it .'. 'Edward to hit beat pal.Character mentioned iilaland".Poseeeaive pronoun.Sheep do it habitually.Typa of current generatedbattery (abbr.).Sigmaoften found in a can of pork andbeans.Don’t be afraid.An articla of food.Chromium.A living fly trap.A Rusuap engineer and composer.Inhabitants of Denmark.Syllabic of verb indicating pasttense.Coagulated maae.Girl (alang).In Uttar confusion. Noted for its school of veterinarymedicine.Child peychologict.Useful in crossing a river.Poison.Used in billiards.A lowland in a mountainous region.American sculptor (initials).Psi.Personal pronoun.Kiloliter (abbr.).Answer To LastWeek's PuzzleBy Robert WregeIndiana UniversityVertical1'. Kr. (chem.).One who designs on metal.Silicon.And (L.).Top.Graces.A succession of teleidionc poles.Gleam.A great concern .of a ruminant.Pi.Otherwise.Amalgamate.Cakes with a filling of fruit or chaTwo horseshoes.Sweethaarts..Dough apollod pboaattcaUy. M jL1 0s. wH AEE] finHULiQMbm nBB B B Bm m BREs QmBiS mnaaBBB cafiBBiiBnBnafDan ddb am'SHE! m □□□B BOOKSDEATH RIDES THE AIRLINE, by William Suther¬land (Claude Kendall, $2).Land a plane at a New Jer¬sey airport with one mur¬dered man and five suspectedmurderers and you have aplot that will give you plentyto worry about for a coupleof hours. Add to the plotthe smooth-flowing dialogueand description of WilliamSutherland, and you makethe worrying a very inter¬esting past-time. InspectorGrady does most of the in¬vestigating—and gets intothe usual mirstery-story com¬plexities. As usual the oneleast suspected is the guiltyone—and we’ll 'give you nomore tips about it.THE STORY OF THEAMERICAN INDIAN, byPaul Radin (L i v e r i g h t,$2.50). If you’ve been doinga lot of wondering about thewhy's and where-fore’s of theAmerican Indian, you willgain some real dope fromthis matter-of-fact accountof their origin, development,and annihilation. From "TheGolden Day” to "The Heelof tlie Conqueror”, the chap¬ters lead the reader througha complete record of the or¬iginal Americans. It is filledwith historical fact, com¬pletely. annotated, biblio-graphed, and indexed. *MOVIESEVELYN PRENTICE—William Powell, Myma Loyand Una Merkel get togetheragain and turn out a reallysuper-sophisticated mysterystory. The story isn’t par¬ticularly new, but a coupleof original twists, a dash ofhumor, and a bit of smoothproduction work bring areally entertaining produc¬tionWE LIVE AGAIN—Despitethe fact that Tolstoy’sResurrection has been filmedtwice before in the U. S., ittook Producer Samuel Gold-wyn to set his hand to pro¬ducing a near-accurate inter¬pretation of the social mes¬sage contained in the book.He chose Anna Sten, FredricMarch and Director RoubenMamoulian to make this oneof the best pictures of theseason—and they fulfilled allexpectations.Printed by Alco RADIOSYMPHONY—The NewYork Philharmonic-Symph¬ony orchestra this year has avivid program of 30 two-hour broadcasts for Sundayafternoon symphony listen¬ers. Presenting distinguishedguest artists, the series isunder the direction of OttoKlemperer, with LawrenceGilman, noted critic, as pro¬gram commentator. (CBS,Sundays, 3 P.M. EST).CONTENTED H O U R —With a c<miplement ofsmooth singers and thesmooth announcing of JeanPaul King, the orchestra un¬der the direction of MorganL. Eastman provides a "con¬tenting” hour of music. Afew old-timers, a bit of theclassical, and a dash of th«.soi^isticated modernism,bring a universal music-appeal to this program.(NBC-WEAR network, Mon¬day^ 10 PM. EST}. {Gravure loc. Chicago, Ill. 4391.3-11BLOCATED '‘NEAR NEW HAVEN".The editors of the Harvard Lampoon,■Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.)humor magazine, put out a special issuefor the Harvard-Princcton grid clash. Afew days before publication date, theentire printing "disappeared.” Theyclaim they were found "near NewHaven,” which, incidentally is the homeof Handsome Dan, Yale mascot, whichdisappeared some time ago. keystone DEDICATE NEW DORMITORY .Above is a general view of the dedica¬tion ceremony for the new MaryHarkness house at Connecticut Collegefor Women (New London). The newdormitory will accomodate 75 students.At the right are shown Mrs. MaryHarkness (left), donor of the buildingand wife of the famed financier, andPresident Katharine Blunt, head of theColleQe. KEYSTONE PHOTOREPRESENTS STUDENTS . Leo N. Skemp(left), Pennsylvania State College student, is amember of the boro council State College. Heis shown with W. F. Leitzell, head of the localgovernment. BARBER SHOP QUARTET » This group of songsters isan off-shoot of the Pomona College (Clairemont, Calif.)championship men’s glee club. BEST STUDENT . Dean William H. WannanidLecongratulates W. H. Scofield for moring tnihighest scholastic average at Duke UniversiP(Durham, N. C.)./f s Four LAST Chance!The Collegiate Digest SectionAll-American Poll closes Midnight,December 1This is the last ballot that will appearin the Collegiate Digest Section. Fill itin and mail it now! Be sure that YOURchampions gain a place on this nation¬al honorary eleven.Remember, if you’ve voted once, andhave changed your mind, you can voteagain - - but do it NOW!Awards will be announcedfirst issue in JanuaryAll American Editor, Collegiate DigestP. O. Box 472, Madison, Wis.Dear Sir: My selections for the 1934 Collegiate DigestAll American Football team are:ENDS JTACKLESGUARDS1 FULLBACKI QUARTERBACK HALFBACKSCENTER .CAPT.(school) J Kttp • pcriMMnt piclorMl record ol lilt impoitMttvtnis that tekt pUct on tke nttion'i ctmpoMt ikbyear. An attractiva brown Italktr looat-ltaf bbidtrfor your ColltsUlt Distsl will kttp your record of1934-1935 up to date and ready for quick rtftrtnct.Send $1.00 toSBCTtONP. O. BOX 472MADISON WISCONSIN(school)